#inappropriate language for cosplay
the-jesus-pill · 6 months
Is there a word for missing being in a shitty religion because it made you feel like you had a purpose? I dunno, it's just. I know it's a cult now, I never want to go back, but fuck if I don't miss actually Knowing who I am and what I'm supposed to do and feeling like I belong somewhere. Is that a thing that usually happens? Do you have any resources for dealing with it? I hope this isn't an inappropriate question.
This is normal! I haven't been a part of the church for probably more than a decade and sometimes I still wonder if I'd be happier being part of something where if you say the right things and make the right decisions you will be accepted, praised and loved.
It's both the positive and partially the negative of leaving - now you can decide who you want to be, what you want to do, who your friends are.
I think everyone who leaves a community, whether that community was religious or otherwise, whether it was healthy or not, experience this feeling of 'well, what do I do now?'
But the good news is that there will always be another group for you, whether you find them right away or not. Humans are social animals, and there are people who want you in their lives as much as you want to be in theirs. Finding them is the difficult part but it's so rewarding when you do.
My advice is find out what you like or what you want to learn and see if there is a community for it nearby!
This can be paid lessons like dancing, yoga, hiking groups, learning music or other languages, or it can be hobbies like cosplay, table top roleplaying, crafting, theater, etc. Learning a sport or doing local activism can also be a good way to get to know others (although be careful with activism, while it's a very good cause, it should not be a hobby and it can have its own complications)
If there's nothing in your immediate local area, try online communities! Online book clubs, writing groups, fandoms and roleplaying, music appreciation are good examples to start, lots of people there and many of them looking for newcomers to share their passions with.
Check out your local library or fandom stores (like comic book or cosplay shops) for smaller events - and Reddit has a lot of communities for basically anything you can come up with.
Feeling like you don't have a place is a very common feeling, even amongst those who aren't apostates. Everyone feels self conscious about not having enough friends - or not having ANY friends. We're told we need to belong somewhere to matter.
But in truth you have all the time in the world to find your people. You might find a group of friends and then it doesn't work out - friends leave or there are falling outs and it can feel like you're not cut out to have relationships. It's normal to not immediately find your soulmates, your BFFs, your found family on the first try. Keep trying! They are out there.
Edit: I recommend reading this article! Ask Polly: How Am I Supposed To Make Friends In My Late 20s?
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ethereal-engene · 2 years
TXT & Anime Cons
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pairing: bf!txt x fem!reader
genre: fluff & slice-of-life // warnings: brief mentions of hate and creepy men
summary: how I think the members of TXT would be if you took them to an anime convention // word count: 1957
note: I got to attend an anime con this year (2022) and it was so crazy good! I struggled not to splurge so much 😭 (so many cool small business and creators) Enjoy and please reblog/leave feedback if you liked it!
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oh mannnn, THIS GUY OH BOY
Y’all already know he loves anime so much
When you invited him to attend a con with you, he was beyond excited
He’s always wanted to go to one ever since he got into anime
Plus something tells me he also has been wanting a reason to buy a cosplay outfit but didn’t have an excuse to buy one
Bonus, he wants to do a couple cosplay with you 🥰
Best boy soobin yall
Obviously you agree and now he’s x10 more excited to go with you
On the day of, he’s up before you and wearing the cosplay
along with packing things you guys might need while y’all there
when you finally wake up and are ready, he drags you to the car
you guys get there safely and check-in
walking in, y’all walk around admiring all of the artists & cosplayers
he’s kind of shy but you know which cosplayers he’d like to take pictures with
so you end up asking for him
if they say yes then you’re the one snapping pictures of him
it’s really cute and cool seeing all of these cosplayers come out
especially with cosplayers from jjk
they never fail to amaze you with how they made them or how long it took to make them
anyhow continuing to seeing all of the booths
Soobin looks at the things with stars in his eyes
you both struggle not to overspend
emphasis on struggle
all I will say is you two walk out with either a bunch of art work or wearable merch
the overall experience 10/10
───°˖✧✿✧˖° ───
takes a deep breath in
y’all know yeonjun isn’t into anime but after begging & messing with him, he says yes
you cannot tell me that yeonjun isn’t one to get jealous or slightly possessive over you
like imagine telling him about the weird creeps at the cons and such
that’s all he needs to hear before agreeing to go with you
unfortunately your tactics can only get you so far
apparently not enough to get him to wear a couple cosplay with you
so he’ll opt for dressing stylishly (as he does)
on the morning of the con, he sees you all dolled up in your cosplay
manz might not know too much but he loves seeing you all dressed up
he knows how long you’ve been wanting for cons to start up since the pandemic
yeonjun stares at your confident smile and body language that screams excitement
it’s like you were made to shine for this moment
now he’s just staring at you the way you stare at him when he’s performing
this is his little aha moment as to why you love going to anime cons and doing cosplay now
before you two head out, he can’t help but make you do an impromptu photoshoot
he just wants to show off to everyone how cool you are
after that, you guys head there and he’s not going to lie
it is quite chaotic and overstimulating but he gets used to it
learning to stay close to you or else he’ll get lost
every few minutes, someone will ask to take a picture with you
you’ll say yes and have yeonjun take the picture
he’ll be on edge as he knows some people like to get a too comfortable and start to pull inappropriate moves
if or when he catches someone, he’ll tell them off and that’s the end of the story
moving on, because he doesn’t fully understand the appeal of anime yet he’s just following you around like a puppy
you find it cute and squeeze his hand as a thanks for coming with you
he does appreciate all of the artists out here having their own spot and what they make
while of course he’s a performer, he knows how to appreciate all forms of art
every so often, he has to drag you away from a stand because he knows you’d give all of your money to them
he does end up bumping into a couple of MOAs and they’re surprised to see him here
given that yk he’s not into anime but then he points to you
to which you shyly wave hi and greet them
at the end of the con, with the things that you bought
Yeonjun is holding them and slightly complaining but we all know he doesn’t really mean it
if he could, he’d be the one spoiling you all day and every day
Yeonjun’s rating: a 7/10
───°˖✧✿✧˖° ───
I have no idea if beomgyu likes anime but he gives me vibes that he’s a subtle lover of it
he’d definitely couple cosplay with you
okay okay b/c I am biased to wolf cut and highlight beomgyu
I’m going to give him the cosplay of Miyamura from horimiya
LIKE COME ON?? he’d rock that cosplay
anyhow, he likes it a lot because the costume is subtle but still cosplay yk?
you and beomgyu have an entire photoshoot before and during the con
oh, I forgot to mention it probably doesn’t take a lot out of you to convince him to go with you
he loves seeing you all excited and happy, so if going with you makes you happy then what else more does he need to hear?
when you guys get to the convention, you have to make sure you’re the one not losing beomgyu
for some reason, he gives off the type of person to befriend anyone
knowing that, you turn around a couple of times when you’re walking to ensure he is there
unfortunately you still manage to lose sight of him
one second you’re holding hands together and he’s behind you
the next, he’s talking to someone about their cosplay and getting to know about their character
luckily, gyu is never too far from you
it’s actually kind of cute watching him interact with them
omg naurrr it’s even cuter when he interacts with little kids all decked out
the way he gives his undivided attention to them and seeing their eyes shine as they talk about their cosplay
you can’t help but giggle and snap videos of it to tease him about it later
eventually you approach them and join them in their conversations
and watching them connect the dots that you two are a couple and doing a cosplay together
it blows their minds and running up to their parents to share their findings
truly impossible not to curl up into a ball right then and there
just as you find him interacting with kids cute, he thinks that you’re even cuter around them
moving onnnn, he doesn’t have to make sure you don’t overspend or at least he doesn’t think so
and besides it is your money and life so who is he to stop you from spending your own money
I feel like Gyu would be interested in seeing people’s performances on stage whether they be musical performances or showing off one’s skills
I can also imagine him walking up to the band performers after their performance to see if they could show a couple chords
and get their info because he thinks that they’re cool
beomgyu’s rating of the experience: 8/10
───°˖✧✿✧˖° ───
He’s another member I’m not too sure if he likes anime or not
but I can tell that he would not do a couples cosplay with you <3
he loves you but not that much 🤧
Very much interested/intrigued in the mechanics behind
goes to people who put their everything into the cosplay to hear how they do it
no because I cans see him getting excited over super well done cosplays and looking at you for like permission to go talk to them
he’s so cute what to do and you’re like of course and accompany too
his eyes shine hearing all about the behind the scenes of the cosplay
also gets dope pictures with them because it’s truly amazing
anyways, he likes to explore all of the artists and asking you if you’d like anything from them
bonus points whenever he points out your favorite anime or the characters from a booth
might spoil you a bit lowkey
as cheesy as it sounds but seeing you happy makes him happy
gets the tiniest bit of jealous whenever good looking people start asking to take pictures with you
but then get over it b/c you wouldn’t leave him for them
and yk wears his signature confident smile
sometimes he’ll wear a smirk whenever it’s a really attractive person… because you’re his and not theirs
he treats you some food there and you’re like he must be a godsend because food do be expensive
after eating, he’ll offer to take some photos for you since you guys didn’t really take any before leaving
you can’t tell me he didnt sneak in a couple of selfies for fun
at the end of the con, you ask him how it was for him
his rating: 7/10 (a point taken off because the food was too expensive 💀)
but would definitely go again to see more cool cosplays
maybe even inspire him to pick up a new hobby
as if he needs to even more talented at something
───°˖✧✿✧˖° ───
goodbye he beat you to asking about going the con first
totally didn’t get upset about it for a few minutes because you had planned out this cute way to ask him 😭
of course you said yes and then proceeded to scream over it because omg you guys are finally going to an anime con
you both talked about going to one when it was safer to go out due to the pandemic
sharing similar music tastes helped get you two together but honestly speaking watching and bonding over anime was the real relationship helper
his soft spot for you doesn’t allow him to say no to re-watching the same (comfort) animes and after re-watching them x number of times, he couldn’t help but fall in love with them too
he and you didn’t even need to ask each other about going as a couple cosplay or not
simply because the answer of course was yes, a million times yes
now the question was who to go as…
something tells me that you two had to make a little presentation about who to go as and why
yk to just spice things a little bit
in the end, he ended up winning </3 (sorry he says while pumping his fist in the air & a smile plastered on his face)
it didn’t take long to get the cosplay, but you two wanted to go the extra mile & add personal touches to it
something also tells me that you guys had a photoshoot before the event to tease people that you guys were going to be there and because y’all felt so cool in cosplay
on the day of the event, as expected y’all run into many fans and have so much talking to them
you’re appreciative of them for being supportive, however there were a few people giving you dirty glances but you brushed it off
there was nothing you could do and besides it wasn’t really a you problem to be dealing with other peoples’ opinion that they had on you
anyhow, you guys definitely splurged
in your defense, they were really cute (I rest my case)
you both had a lot of fun going together and interacting with people
super crazy to see how the shared love for anime brings people together 🥺
hueningkai’s rating: 10/10 (a no brainer rating)
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AHHH THANK YOU FOR READING & txt debut fic ✨
I had a lot of fun writing these lil thoughts out and hopefully you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. as always, please reblog (with tags) if you liked it, or send an ask or leave a note :)
take care until next time
signing off
- ash
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HELLO!! how are you? I’m here to request for (PLATONICALLY) sk8 the infinity, mystic messenger and obey me please! now let me introduce my fabulous self
My name is Joey, im 14 years old, i use He/Him pronouns, im transgender, aromatic and unlabeled, im a Extrovert, my MBTI is ENTP
Appearance: I have shoulder-length brown hair (will be cut into more boyish hair soon), brown eyes, im 5’6, I wear glasses! but I also use contacts, i dress in a lot of different styles such as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth and nu goth) gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, kogal and tsuyome), scenemo/emo and vkei, ouji and lolita but I also drsss pretty normal when I’m not in those styles such as hoodies, T-Shirts, anime stuff, jeans, sweats and other comfy stuff also this is what I look like atm
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Personality: We’ll I am Extroverted and my MBTI is ENTP but firstly I am pretty awkward at first so it may take me time to adjust to a new person or more, i love to ramble about my interests(forgot to add I have adhdism), i love to talk online the most through iPhone, computer, anything electronic, i like to use “hai” as a joke and I say “I’m homophobic” as a joke as well (DONT TAKW TAHT SERIOUSLY), i also make sexual jokes as well.
Hobbies: Anime/manga, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), music, fashion, gaming, writing, editing, learning new languages (Japanese and Spanish), cooking, cosplaying, social media, volleyball and more ^^
Likes: cats, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), lemon demon, felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), hotels, and my friends!
Dislikes: negative mentions of my voice, people comparing me to people like “you remind me of ____”, spiders I hate them with all my life, hate talk about my interests and that’s rlly it
Hi Joey! Ooh, a platonic matchup! That's a nice change of pace!
In Sk8 the Infinity, I match you with...
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Miya is your platonic soulmate. You share so many interests!
You both loves cats, video games, social media, and (at least I think) cosplay.
And, let's be real, if Miya was allowed to in the show, he would be making the most inappropriate jokes imaginable. He's a 13 year old. What did you expect?
He enjoys listening to your rambling but he will act like it annoys him. Just say you can stop though and he'll make up some excuse like "it's better to blabber to me, rather than annoy someone else". Don't listen to him. He loves listening to you.
I also see Miya as an arachnophobe (me too Joey and Miya, me too). He's calling up Joe anytime there's a spider near either of you. He's not dealing with it and he's not making you deal with it either.
In Mystic Messenger, I match you with...
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LOLOL buddies! Yoosung gets pretty competitive though so keep that in mind when you're playing with him. Nothing that will break your friendship though.
LOLOL lobbies can be pretty rough places. If someone starts trash talking you about your voice or your rambling, Yoosung's jumping to your defense. No one talks to his best friend like that!
Another one who hates spiders! He probably just panics and forgets he can use his phone to call someone for help though, so that duty will have to fall to you. In the meantime, he's closing the door to the room where the spider is and locking the door. You don't need to go in there right?
Yoosung definitely watches anime. His favourites are comedy action shows like One Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100. He's willing to watch pretty much anything, though he's not a huge fan of anything too scary or sad.
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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I'm not sure why Beel stood out to me as the right choice but he did, so this will be a journey of discovery for both of us.
Beel is so used to Levi rambling about his hobbies that listening to you is basically second nature to him.
He also enjoys playing video games (though not to the same extent as Levi) so I can see the three of you setting weekly gaming nights.
He loves trying your cooking! Beel will eat pretty much anything but he assures you that your cooking is up there with some of the better tasting things he's put in his mouth.
Takes care of spiders with no issues! He won't kill them though. He's associated with bugs after all. He's finding a bowl and a piece of firm paper and taking the spider outside.
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It’s baaaaccck!!! Whether you’re an old fan, new fan or everyone in-between, this one is for you:
Hetalia Day Miami 2022
Where? Amelia Earhart Park (401 East 65th Street, Hialeah, FL 33013)*
When? Saturday, October 22nd, 2022 at 11 AM!
Cosplay is strongly encouraged but not required!
*COVID-19 regulations will be enforced!
Please review Code of Conduct and Proper Flag Etiquette prior to joining us.
There will be fun games and activities (with prizes included!) along with a potluck/picnic! (Participation is optional but strongly encouraged.)
🇩🇪 No inappropriate lewd poses or “sieg heil” poses are allowed! You will be asked to leave if caught doing so.
🇵🇱 No alcohol allowed! No weapons or harmful prop weapons allowed!
🇯🇵 Feel free to bring any board games, any portable consoles (Nintendo Switch, 3DS, Laptop, Tablet, portable speakers, etc.) to listen to music and watch Hetalia! Tip: Bring blankets, chairs, umbrellas to be by the grass area.
🇭🇺 No inappropriate discussions (no yaoi or excessive sexual material), no hate speech or ableist language! Be respectful of everyone regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation and religious beliefs. KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF! Do NOT touch anyone without their consent.
🇸🇪 If you are bringing home-baked goodies for the potluck, make sure it is allergen-free (label what ingredients it contains). If you follow a specific lifestyle food accommodation such as vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, etc. Do let me know ahead of time!
🇺🇸 Participants must be 16 or older (accompanied by a trusted adult)!
🇨🇦 Have a fun positive attitude!
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unladielike · 2 years
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the pros.
She’s a very cute, glasses wearing girl. Need I say more?
You will likely end up being her special interest... aka she will have a page in her notebook dedicated to you, with all your likes and dislikes written in it. Stuff like blood type, birthday, hobbies, kinks, and turn offs would also be included as well, but regardless, you can expect to be gushed about.
There will never be a dull moment with her, so you don’t have to ever worry about being bored.
She will bring you flowers, regardless of your gender.
Vivian will take care of you if you get sick. Seriously, this girl won’t take no for an answer and will see to it that your health improves!
It’s very likely you will be the only person she truly loves. Like, she may be sexually attracted to other people, but she’s not the type to really fall for others, so romantically speaking, she will only ever have eyes for you.
Vivian actually likes physical contact and being touched, so unlike most touch-averse autistic individuals, she adores PDA, to the point where she won’t be uncomfortable if you shower her with affection.
She’s a very good girl. For example, Vivian isn’t very motivated to cook for only herself, but if she’s cooking for two, you can expect consistent home-cooked meals. She will also actually listen to you and heed what you have to say, so if you tell her you’re lactose intolerant? Expect anything she bakes/cooks to have no milk in it.
Vivian is an extrovert, so if you’re not much a talker, she can do most of the talking for you.
She’s very open minded and fun-loving, meaning she will likely agree to tag along in whatever adventure you’re dragging her into.
Vivian will actually stop hating couples/media with romance and fictional couples in it, so if you guys are dating, her bitterness towards normies would fade.
You will be up to speed when it comes to Gen-Z language and internet lingo in no time, because this girl is very much a nerd who grew up with memes.
With her, cringe culture is basically dead; in other words, she will absolutely join you, decked out in full frontal cosplay, and even go as far as to Naruto run with you.
the cons.
Vivian may be eccentric, but she isn’t a manic pixie dream girl, so you may end up disappointed if she doesn’t give you important life lessons or improve your life in any meaningful way. I mean, this girl is dumb, to the point where she doesn’t exactly have the best head on her shoulders.
She will still love 2D characters, to the point where she will continue hyperfixating over them and writing fanfiction of them. She will, however, cease to have the desire to date them in real life.
She has very bad table manners... meaning she might shamelessly belch around you.
Regardless of your gender, she will ask if you would want to take a leak together at some point.
With actual boundaries being set, Vivian can eventually mellow out over time, but if you don’t play your cards right, she can become obsessed with you. Honestly, due to the fact she has compulsive sexual behaviour, chances are high she will instigate very inappropriate actions around you.. Basically, though, if you give her an inch, she will take a mile, and by having sex with her, you’re potentially putting your dick in crazy.
Does prefer men and masc-aligned individuals, so while she is capable of being attracted to women/gender queer folks, Vivian might end up becoming miserable in a monogamous relationship with someone who isn’t a man. Like... if she is strictly forbidden to explore her sexuality with men/masc-aligned individuals, there’s a high chance she will feel trapped in that relationship, but she will never express it to you, because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.
She’s a slob, so she won’t often brush her hair and will probably be found with her pant pockets hanging out. Coupled with the fact she struggles when it comes to executive functioning, there might even be times where she forgets to brush her own teeth.
Despite being a true girl at heart, Vivian isn’t stereotypically feminine and will act very boyish, to the point where she’ll be the one to hold out doors and pull out chairs for you.
Vivian’s stubborn... and can get very mean-spirited, if you end up making her angry.
Because she’s an autistic woman who refuses to mask, she might prove to be a bit too much for the average neurotypical person. Honestly, her autism isn’t a cute quirk you can simply love away; in fact, it’s very much a permanent part of her, so there may be days where you’re frankly frustrated with her.
Her sense of humour can be considered off-putting at times.
She will risk her own life in order to protect you, meaning Vivian would basically shove you away from a moving car and let herself be hit instead.
The older she gets, the more she would become disillusioned by romance, so there may come a point where she would regret being in a relationship, especially with how much hard work it is and how much compromise it requires. Of course, this doesn’t mean she would necessarily stop loving her partner, but she might have lingering doubts and uncertainties over a future with them.
If you’re a man, her parents will likely bug you about having kids and will ask when you’re planning on give them grandchildren.
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ao3feed-izch · 1 year
No Nut Academia
by FutaFanatic224
Mineta creates a game, revolving around No Nut November, where he and six of his classmates (all with girlfriends) have to stop themselves from masturbating AND having sex for a whole month, the loser having to cough up a whole £120 for their inability to hold back their loads. All six of heroes trying to beat Mineta at his own game, but finding trouble along the way as a wave of horny seemed to randomly take over them a week in...
How strange.
Words: 11321, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M
Characters: Mineta Minoru, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kaminari Denki, Ojiro Mashirao, Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Jirou Kyouka, Hagakure Tooru, Ashido Mina, Yaoyorozu Momo, Sero Hanta
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu/Bakugou Katsuki, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Desperation, Twerking, Dubious Consent, heat - Freeform, Kissing, Rough Kissing, Neck Kissing, Inappropriate Erections, Erections, Masturbation, wardrobe malfunction, Play Fighting, Stalking, Touch-Starved, Dildos, Dripping Pussy, Precum, Aphrodisiacs, Cosplay, Bunny Girl, Cheerleaders, Competition
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50437210
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shimmersing · 6 years
So I’m working on my KotFE/ET Lana cosplay and finally making some progress. Like writing, cosplay has been missing from my life for the past few years. Aside from the usual last-minute-procrastination cosplay mood, it’s just kinda getting back into the game after an absence.
I am a Serious Cosplayer cosplay grandma with a 20-year history and a recent move into the organization side running contests now, but I’m still learning new things with every costume. It’s wild.
Anyway, I thought I’d share some of the progress while I’m procrastinating putting off leaving the house to get thread.
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Picture-heavy under the cut.
Sewing is my strength and always has been, so on ‘soft’ costume pieces I always feel like I have a lot more control. I use that as an opportunity to nitpick details when I’m not being a lazy asshole and taking shortcuts.
Today, that means the stupid hexagon on the sides of Lana’s tunic.
I decided to go with single-fold bias tape as applique because as I obsessively scrutinized looked at caps and in-game references, I noticed that there was a slight shadow that indicated a ‘raised’ area against the base garment. Speaking of texture, that damn hexagon is rarely an actual hexagon because game textures don’t behave like real fabric AUGH. Other thoughts were paint, fabric applique & satin stitching.
Bias tape
Hot af iron (I really need to invest in one of those baby irons for quilting but whatev)
Pattern (made in MS Word)
Assorted stuff like scissors, ruler, ironing board/table, probably a pencil
So the great thing about bias tape is that it holds a fold VERY well when ironed. And a nice crispy fold makes for a great miter. What’s a miter you say? It’s that corner bit on a picture frame or window where an angle is formed. You want it to look tidy & consistent.
Clip a piece of bias tape to your pattern (make sure it’s long enough to go around and then a little extra. You can always cut off more, but you can’t put it back. Okay, technically you CAN put it back but it’s a pain in the ass and looks like shit. Measure-twice-cut-once and all that). Use what clips/pins you need to keep everything aligned.
Take another pin and use it to help you get a nice fold that lines up with that angle (at an angle that if you extended the line, it would bisect the hexagon). Folding this way ensures that the miter will be consistent at each ‘corner’.
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(sorry, kinda fuzzy.) Get your fingers outta the way and iron that motherfucker. Watch out for the pins and clips and stuff.
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Now fold it BACK over so the original fold is as minimal as possible and line everything up with your pattern. MOAR IRONING. When you turn it over, you shouldn’t see anything aside from that one neat fold.
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SO PRETTY. (Pin is just there to hold it for the photo.)
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Put some more clips on to keep it out of your way and keep going.
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Apparently even Word can’t make a damn equilateral hexagon, so I had to mark on the pattern which way I wanted up and down to be. That up and down will line up with the side seam later. OKAY keep going, all the way around.
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I leave the final angle open for later, ‘cause it’s finicky and easier to work with once everything else is glued and sewn.
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Right side up ooooo pretty.
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So here’s the trick with getting it on the side of the tunic without destroying your patience. Normally we sew a top/shirt/whatever 1) front/back seams 2) shoulder seams 3) side seams 4) sleeves/facings (with slight variations). This pattern actually didn’t have any back seam, but I needed one in the back so I added it.
I needed the side seams to be REALLY flat, so going sides before back was necessary. All that to say THIS IS THE SIDE. Also pictured is the bustline dart on the front.
PS: IRON YOUR DAMN SEAMS or I will find you and iron them for you.
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You need to measure down from the arm seam (where the sleeve will attach to the rest of the tunic) for placement. 1) this helps you be consistent with both sides. 2) Like... measure shit. It’s more professional. Don’t eyeball stuff, it never ends well.
You can scale pretty close measurements from your reference images (here’s a link to a website called MATH IS FUN to explain it. I know it sounds insane, but try it, it’s not that bad). tl;dr Based on my reference images vs. my actual measurements (all 5′2″ of them), the top of the hex needs to be about 2.5 inches from the armhole (also how I got the dimensions of the hex itself despite Bioware’s best efforts at thwarting me with inconsistent reference material.)
So line up the hex with your sleeve seam marking AND the side seam (which should line up with the middle/center line of the hex - use your pattern or your ruler, whatever works).
And then do this three more times.
Now, I know you’re going, “Beverly, this is a lot of time-intensive bullshit,” and I’m gonna tell you IT IS NOT. Having to futz around with eyeballing things and making mistakes and fixing said mistakes takes far longer than careful preparation and execution.
NEXT TIME ON BEVERLY’S COSPLAY BULLSHIT: How to get that shit to stay there so you can sew it down without pins and massive frustration (hint: we’ll be making a visit to the quilting section I KNOW RIGHT?).
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wildwestalia · 2 years
Wild Westalia Week 2022: Rules & Prompt List!
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Rules & Tagging
Use the tag #WildWestaliaWeek2022, mention @wildwestaliaweek and write the day/prompt in your post for your content to be reblogged. You may use one prompt or both for your works (if applicable).
If you want to include ships any and all ships are welcome with exception to incest ships!
All character variations and OCs are accepted. (Canon, Nyo, 2P, ect.)
All forms of content are accepted. (Art, fanfiction, cosplay, ect.)
You may include mature themes with CW tags included. Any inappropriately tagged content will not be reblogged! Try to keep this kind of content up to an M rating.
All languages are accepted provided there's an English translation as well.
For character/ship and CW tagging refer to this post!
Prompt List
Day 1 (2nd)- Ghost Riders / Saloon
Day 2 (3rd)- Campfire / Ranch
Day 3 (4th)- Cowgirls / Rhinestone Cowboy
Day 4 (5th)- Free Day
Day 5 (6th)- Historical / Transcontinental Railroad
Day 6 (7th)- Stickup / Wanted Dead or Alive
Day 7 (8th)- Hanging Tree / Final Showdown
@nsfhetalia @hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books
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taechaos · 3 years
Can we have some jealous/sweet smut with textbook love couple?🥲 like I guess OC was wearing an outfit that was a little short and some guy was checking her out and trying to get at her but she didn’t even realize it and Jungkook gets mad and you know😏
this really went off the fucking rails 😷
"I don't see the point in you coming, we just go there to get high."
"Maybe she wants to try it," Taehyung shrugs before looking up from his phone with a mischievous grin. "What if she's secretly a freak–"
"I'm not, I just–" you sigh, reluctant to reveal your intentions behind wanting to tag along with Jungkook to a frat party. His reason is clear: his body is craving another drug trip. Yours is unknown to them, and you purse your lips where you stand uncomfortably in the student lounge. Why would such a motivated student go out on a school night to get influenced? Oh, no reason, just want to damage my organs because YOLO, right? "I want to spend time with you," you simply reason to your unwilling boyfriend.
Jungkook clicks his tongue, an indication of an incoming refusal, "It's a crackhouse with live softcore porn, and I know for a fact you'd hate it there. Remember last time?"
The issue is that you do remember last time, and also the time that you weren't there. Much like a fairytale, it ended happily both times, but the beginnings were rocky—and you didn't want to miss out on that chapter before jumping to the end. It ruins the tale.
"It's okay sugar tits, I give you permission," Taehyung says while playing a mobile game with his tongue sticking out, unaware of the stares he's getting in response.
"The fuck did you just call her?"
"I'm not asking for permission," you roll your eyes and put your hands on your hips to assert the tiniest bit of dominance on Jungkook who you hover over. The two men are relaxed in their seats while you're tense from knowing you're going to have to rebel against Jungkook. He isn't going to give in. "I will come."
"No, no you won't," is his plain and casual command. You send him a subtle glare but he merely raises a brow, as if challenging you to retaliate.
"You're not her dad, dude. If she wants to come, she will," his friend chimes in defensively.
"Thank you," you point at him with wide eyes.
"First of all, you're not even a part of this conversation," he tells Taehyung. "Secondly, I'm looking out for you as your boyfriend," he gives you a pointed look. "Thirdly, not her dad? Wouldn't you beg to differ." The suggestive hint makes your face flush in embarrassment, and his wink worsens it.
"You told me not to tell him!" The discussion ends when you march out of the lounge to cool off your heated skin along with your high nerves. This relationship did begin when you didn't take no for an answer, so what's the harm in doing it again?
The night you lost your virginity, it was autumn and easy to figure out what to wear for a party: warm and cozy with some charming color. It's spring now, and a little more difficult to decide on what to wear without looking like a "high school girl" as Jungkook often describes your outfits.
Your roommate is more cultured in that field, and was kind enough to lend you her help.
Soyeon racks her eyes over your closet with a hand over her chin, elbow crossing her stomach as leverage for her other arm. Nothing is exactly screaming out sexy to her, and unless it's a cosplay gathering, your wardrobe needs more diversity; dressing shirts, skater skirts and knee highs are out of the question.
You wait to hear her thoughts while shifting in your seat on your bed until she quietly giggles. "And I thought I was conservative." She cranes her neck to you, not moving from her position depending on your answer, "Do you want to borrow my clothes instead? They're more... suitable?"
You nod. "Sure. I mean— if you don't mind."
You trust your friend to take care of the clothing portion, and it's with a few cringing "ehhh"s and "mmm"s that you are satisfied with the outcome of this minor quest.
A thin black turtleneck with unnecessarily long sleeves cover your knuckles like sweater paws, and the fabric hugs your torso tightly but ends just below your belly button. Soyeon found a solution to your discomfort with the slight exposure of your stomach by matching it with high waisted denim shorts and nude pantyhose. It's chilly at night, so it's the perfect outfit: doesn't stand out and fits in just right. You don't look like a high school girl nor a nun.
You kept your only concern to yourself because it's not much of a big deal, but it bothers you that the denim shorts don't reach your knees. By your standards, it's a little... inappropriate, but your roommate assures you that it's a common choice in this occasion. You let it slide.
Your worries of being too early faded the moment you stood before the frat house that boomed with music and flashed with violet. You don't know the time code for parties, but you must be late considering the crowd inside. People are chattering loudly when you squirm past them, but there's enough space in the living room for you to breathe. No softcore porn or crack yet. Not many are dancing either. It seems all good here.
However, the search must go on because Jungkook is nowhere to be found in the living room. You hear deep howls from the kitchen and it piques your attention, prompting you to look there next. You can only hope Jungkook's not high yet, or has a girl on his lap.
When you walk in, the kitchen that is remarkably smaller than the living room is filled with men taking shots from the center counter, and Jungkook leaning against the other counter surrounding the walls with a joint in his hand. You stand still in the doorway, suddenly nervous of his reaction, but relieved that he's alone nonetheless.
He inhales a deep breath and the small smile on his face falters when his redshot eyes drag themselves onto you. He stands straight once you lock gazes, and you grin at him before he shuts his eyes and clenches his jaw. You unconfidently strut over to him, reaching his side in only a few seconds as he glares at you.
Only a syllable comes out of his mouth before his attention diverts from you to another guy nearby in a flash. "Hey, eyes off," he calmly demands the man behind you. You glance at him when he raises his hands before looking elsewhere. You presume that's sign language for backing off, and your shoulder blades move awkwardly at the guess of what he might've been looking at. "What the hell are you doing here?" he brings your focus back onto him.
"I wanted to check up on you," you lean into him to not yell out your words.
"Check up on me?" He's incredulous. "Do you realize where you are? You shouldn't be here."
The moment is interrupted when Namjoon and Taehyung enter the scene, and you stop gnawing on your inner cheek. You don't have any answers you want to tell him, and your muscles relax when Jungkook's friends notice you.
"Oh shit," Taehyung smiles widely, "you're actually here." He appears to be sober and you smile back at him. Namjoon on the other hand, is as high as a kite as he brings you into a light hug. Your eyes widen and you awkwardly pat his back, fixated on his dazed expression.
"I haven't seen you in so long," he says as he ruffles your hair. Jungkook slaps a hand over his face at the interaction and drags the skin with his fingers. "How have you been? Do you want a molly?"
"Dude," your boyfriend intervenes, annoyed. "Why are you back here?"
"Alcohol." Namjoon disappears behind you to search the fridge and cabinets and you look at Taehyung again. He's drinking in your awkward stance as he licks his lips while Jungkook takes another drag from his joint.
"Girl, you are fucked," he says when his eyes trail back to yours with a snort. "You came here in those clothes, when you have a boyfriend? Jungkookie, I have some bad news for you. Your cock isn't even satisfactor–"
"Seriously though," Jungkook tells you with furrowed brows, "why are you here? I told you not to come." His reaction is influenced by the weed, not so mad as he is confused by your rebellion without reason—you must have a cause for waltzing in here, especially after his warning.
You hum in discomfort and shift your weight onto your other foot. "I already told you..."
"Don't give me that bullshit–"
A yelp cuts off his words when you jolt forward from a slap to your bottom. It wasn't a hard hit, but the surprise factor has you throwing yourself on Jungkook. Taehyung's jaw drops while your boyfriend barely reacts.
"If that isn't the cutest ass I've ever seen," the culprit chuckles without taking his eyes off your butt. He's almost slurring his words, and his lopsided grin doesn't seem intentional; he must feel too numb to form a full smile. You watch him in disbelief much like Taehyung. "You got any coke?"
"She's taken, man–" he takes on the peacemaker role, but it's futile when Jungkook gently removes your arm from his chest and walks forward to the stumbling man.
"Oh, my ba–" his face scrunches in confusion when his cheeks are grabbed and squished, leaving his mouth gaping. You peek from above Jungkook's shoulder to see him raising his joint before stubbing the burning tip onto the man's tongue. A scream resounds in the overcrowded room when it makes contact, and you fall back into Taehyung's arms while the deafeningly loud music tries to drown out the pained sounds. It's barbaric.
"Ah, shit," he pushes you to the side and pulls back Jungkook, who's still abnormally calm. The whole situation feels surreal, and it seems as if no one realizes this isn't a dream.
The man stops struggling against Jungkook's hold when he's released and falls to the ground, crawling back while sucking his teeth. He's whimpering and afraid. "I didn't know," he speaks with a lisp, pathetically begging, "I apologized! I-I'm sorry!"
You cautiously take a few steps back, almost like you're trying to flee the scene, but it just seems like a good idea to avoid Jungkook's temper right now. Just as you're about to turn around and sprint, you're held back by a hand on your shoulder. No words are exchanged when you're dragged away, a bruising grip on your forearm as you stumble out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
"Some fucking deja vu, huh?" your boyfriend fumes, basically shouting out his words without glancing at you to notice your struggles to keep up with his pace.
Lunatic Jungkook: Unlocked.
You trust sober Jungkook to not hurt you when he's angry, but after seeing him commit such a painful act, it's more than reasonable why you're currently terrified of him while he's high. To think you were so comfortable with him earlier because he's high. His calmness makes him all the more unpredictable, and you're unnerved when he shoves you inside a random bedroom. Some reversed deja vu.
"I'm going to ask you again: why the fuck did you come here?" The only attack is with his eyes that send daggers at you, but you keep your guard up in fear of what he'll do. You have to tread lightly.
"I was worried what would happen if I wasn't here with you." Honesty is your only approach in this instance because when he's glaring at you like that, it conveys that he doesn't want to hear any more of your ludicrous excuses.
He rolls his hand, gesturing you to continue. You're nervously forcing out your words, "I didn't, um... know how you would act around other women while you're on drugs when I'm not around." When his face falls into monotone, you defend yourself, still tense, "Last time, you kissed Soyeon and before that, another girl! I-I had my reasons..." Your voice grows smaller, just like how you feel under his gaze. Your eyes flicker to your shoes.
"And those shorts?"
At your silence, he takes a few steps towards you and leans into your face, slightly bending to level with your height. He tugs on the hem of your shorts harshly, emitting a flinch from you. You don't return his stare. "What the fuck are these? You're stupid enough to come here, but coming here in these shorts? Are you okay?" He taps your cheek, encouraging you to look up at him, but it's both humiliating and intimidating. "I know you're not a slut, baby, but why are you so adamant on acting like one?"
"I wanted to fit in," is your weak defence in a mumble, gaze still downcast. You shouldn't feel so ashamed.
"No, you told me you wanted to make sure I wasn't cheating," he counters. "Don't fucking twist things now. You didn't need to dress up to see if I was fucking someone else."
Your round eyes shoot up in panic at whatever he's insinuating, "I didn't want you to realize how paranoid I was."
"So this was your grand idea?"
"Ah," you groan, just wanting this argument to end already. You know what he's thinking: "I was stupid. I didn't learn my lesson, and I ended up hurting someone because I'm stupid."
You release a relieved breath when he gives you distance to sit on the twin sized bed. He's facing you as he says, "When I tell you not to do something, you don't do it. I'm not trying to dictate you, you understand that, right?" You meekly nod and clamp your mouth shut when he continues, "You pull this shit again, I'm going to hurt someone else again. Simple as that. I don't care if they did anything, I'll hurt them as long as it gets you to listen to me."
"Okay," you exhale, shyly walking between his legs at his beckon. You tower him, but it's not helping your confidence as he places his hands on your hips.
"Okay," he whispers back as he plays with the waistline of your shorts. A moment of silence passes, and you allow yourself to calm down enough to sit on his lap and lay your head on his shoulder. "I like the high school girl look better on you."
You sheepishly grin but decide not to respond for the safety of your friend. He pulls on your pantyhose and it slaps against your thigh when he releases it.
"Do you forgive me?"
"Can't stay mad at you," he murmurs before pecking your lips. It's you who leans back in to extend the kiss, and he responds gently. It ends when he chuckles, "Passive smoking, hm? You feeling okay?"
You nod and lock lips again, his hand soothingly rubbing the side of your thigh when you clasp your hands behind his neck. Maybe he's right, maybe you did get a buzz from the secondhand exposure, but it doesn't influence your actions as you lower one hand to his chest. It just happens to fall on his crotch.
"Mm," he pulls away with a suppressed laugh, "you're actually high? Your hands just got a mind of their own."
"Then tie them," you offer in a breath. His brows shoot up, but his surprise doesn't prevent him from unbuckling his belt singlehandedly.
"A bondage kink? Who are you and what did you do to my nerdy girlfriend?" His joke emits a small laugh from you but his smile falters once his belt is in his hand. "Take your shirt off first."
It's no longer a guess when you slip out of the turtleneck in a flash; you are under some spell when you stand and hold your wrists together. The leather grazes your skin and sends delighted tingles down your spine.
"I hope I'm not going fucking crazy and hallucinating this," you hear him whisper behind you. A laugh escapes you and interrupts his internal monologue, and the buckle is clasped. "Now for the shorts..."
He stands up, pressing himself against you and peeking from your shoulder to undo the button of your denim shorts. You can feel his erection grinding against you when he tugs them down to falll at your ankles. You step out of the garment and turn around. When he gets out of your way, he gestures you to lie down and your hands are pressing against your back when you do so.
You watch him take his short off before straddling you and leaning down for another kiss. It's merely foreplay; he cups your clothed pussy and runs his hand down up and down, prompting you to sigh into him. He bites your bottom lip just as he slips his fingers past your underwear, murmuring against your lips, "Can you take me right now?"
"I think so," you shy. "I want to."
"Good," he sighs and removes his hand to massage his erection while undressing you completely. "I think... this is a better lesson."
"For what?"
"You don't know?" he pushes the cup of your bra to pinch your nipple mercilessly, and he hears your pain through your small scream. "A guy got burnt for no reason then?"
"No, no, I know," you gasp when he twists your sensitive nub, "because I'm stupid and I shouldn't have ignored you." Your back lifts off the mattress when you clench your teeth to suppress another scream. Despite your bounds hands, it's him talking down on you that renders you submissive.
"Mhm," he's condescending in his speech, "he did something wrong, but so did you, right? This is just the consequences of your actions, isn't it?"
It's his stinging touch that makes you agree to whatever he says, and you whine, "Yes!"
That's the only confirmation he needs to push his jeans down to his thighs along with his briefs, and your now bare pussy shies away from his cock by bending your knees. He pushes your legs even closer to you, and your efforts went against your intention by exposing yourself to him completely now. "You're so pretty," he admires with slight awe, "but I can't be shallow... You don't deserve to treated well."
His words make you shutter; you didn't do anything that wrong, but you aren't courageous enough to voice your thoughts. Everything he's told you today have turned out right, so he knows better to make that call. You stay unresponsive, head turned to the side to avoid his fierce gaze.
"No, you should hurt as much as he did," he mutters to himself as he trails a finger down your folds. You shiver and his gaze travels to your shy one. "What? Are you scared?"
You are unconfident with your denial, "No."
"Look at me then."
It's with a deep inhale that you glance at him, and your breath is caught in your throat when he shoves himself inside. Your whimpers resound brokenly in the bedroom where the bass of the music drowns it out. You feel the vibrations, but it doesn't serve as a distraction and you're aware that Jungkook can pick up your pained noises. He's simply ignoring you, but you can't dwell on the thought when he lets you adjust for a few seconds only before ramming into you. Your whines aren't enough for him, after all, what's a better indication of pain than a scream of agony?
His thrusts are out of rhythm, but quick and rough nonetheless as his hands push you deeper into the mattress as if to hold you down before taking your nipple in his mouth—more specifically between his teeth to bite.
"Jungkook!" It's not a gentle bite, and you know it wasn't meant to be, but you try to squirm away nonetheless. Your flight instinct is futile because his strength overpowers yours, keeping you in place with his palms while you struggle and cry.
"No more, please!" You wail when he finally sits up, and he watches you bounce back and forth due to the force of his thrusts. It's so pleasing, especially your moans, but mixed with your bitching... it's irritating.
He grunts, the sound bordering on a growl before he says, "You deserve worse."
"I don't! I didn't do anything." Your protests fall on deaf ears, or rather ears that need you to shut up. He wraps his hand around your neck in a chokehold, daring you to speak with his grip as he moans through a bit lip.
"Your ass was hanging out in a room filled with men," he speaks in between moans while you gasp to catch your breath, sounds of pleasure getting suck in your throat when he slams deep enough to hit your sensitive spot. "You didn't listen to me! Ah..."
Your windpipe is getting crushed the tighter his grip gets, and your cheeks start to flush until he drops his hand to lift your hips, spanking you while you wheeze. "You want attention that bad?" His words are mere gasps when he starts to lose himself, now gripping your waist to match his thrusts for you.
"Only yours," you muster out as your eyes roll to the back of your skull, letting him do all the work while you get closer to your climax.
"Lying whore." He slaps your tit before completely concentrating on his release, inching closer and closer by the second teasingly. It builds up in his stomach, and his abs contract and tense while he pistons his cock inside you faster, not drained enough to get sloppy just yet. It's when a loud moan resounds in the room, reducing to pants with slow drags of his length. "God, yes..."
You feel it when he cums, painting your walls white and warming up your insides, and he rubs your clit so fast that it has you seeing stars in mere seconds. It's so quick, the high, and your moan is music to his ears; he's too spent to enjoy it any longer before he collapses next to you.
"Fuck, please let me tie you up again," he breathes while you recover from the euphoric sensation he brought you by twitching and seeing white. You're panting when his hand falls on your stomach.
"Please... I'll be nicer if you let me. Hm?"
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obeyme-life · 3 years
I curse almost daily. It’s really a bad habit but that’s how I express myself. But a lot of people say it’s weird since I’m a really friendly and kind person. Can you do a headcanon for mc who curses a lot despite having a upbeat and friendly personality and how Simeon, Solomon, and the demon brother think about it. I also love your account! :-)
Since you're on anon I have to fight the urge to make this NSFW, but I really like this prompt!
HC: Cussin' MC x The Brothers/Simeon/Solomon
Lucifer finds himself reminding you daily that the language is both inappropriate and unwelcome—at least around the others. Especially the more impressionable of his brothers... *cough cough* Mammon *cough*.
He would never admit it, but he finds it oddly endearing when you're alone together. He loves that you're comfortable enough with him to not concern yourself with changing.
Sometimes when you're alone together in his room, he'll slip in a swear word or two himself while flirting with you. "What should we do today?" "We can do whatever the fuck we want to, MC.~"
You're so cool. Seriously. His human is edgy and carefree and it makes him smile in that lop-sided, lovey way when he's daydreaming about you.
He'll try to slip swear words into his own conversation to impress you, but usually gets reprimanded by Lucifer. He's also kind of unnatural and awkward about it, which comes across pretty charming and cute actually.
He usually isn't bothered by it, but he gets annoyed sometimes when you let the F word slip while he's streaming. Don't you know he could get a warning or, worse yet, banned!?
It kind of makes you sound tsundere sometimes, and that definitely makes his kokoro go doki doki. Especially if you're in cosplay.
He's appalled at first. That's certainly one way to make the most of the human language... In an abusive sort of way. It grows on him though, and soon he finds it cute and, often, funny—but only when it's you.
He's always careful to remind you of your language when you visit places like the library or museum though. He doesn't do it maliciously, but rather in a caring way to make sure you don't accidentally get in trouble. He wouldn't want your date outing to end prematurely.
He likes to comment on your dirty mouth, wearing a coy grin as he does. He simply laughs when you roll your eyes at him.
The swearing really doesn't bother him at all, he rarely notices. However, he does wonder if there are scenarios where you'd swear even more... Or louder.
He's surprised that someone so cute can talk like that so casually! He'd never comment on it though, and he soon gets used to it. It's just another part of you, and he likes all of the things that make you, well, you!
He'd pick up on your habit unintentionally, much to Belphie's amusement. It wouldn't slip out quite as easily as it does for you, but now and then, while snacking, you'd get a "this is really fucking good!" or "somehow Solomon's cooking can even make my favorite food taste like shit." out of him! And he'd always blush about it.
Belphie is the only one who swears more than you do. He doesn't even bat an eye at the words you choose.
He likes to get you excitedly talking in places you shouldn't swear, partly for his own amusement and partly for Lucifer's dismay.
He also likes to use your own swear words back at you, but in a really cute way of pointing it out. "Wanna nap, Belphie? I'm really fucking tired." "You're really fucking cute, is what you are."
You will not speak like that in God's house. And all houses are God's house.
He blushes when you use strong language, often putting a finger to his lips in a silent reminder to you to be mindful—especially around Luke.
Most of the time he just takes it as what it is—the way you choose to express yourself. He finds it pretty cute when you're really excited about something though. You're entirely unaware of yourself and it's refreshing for someone to be so carefree around him.
Sometimes he'll tease you about it. If you're practicing spells with him he'll joke about the repercussions of replacing Latin F-words with that F-word. His eyes are affectionate though—he's just picking on you. Or maybe... Flirting? Now that's an interesting F-word to consider.
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imaginewithtearose · 3 years
Hello! May I ask for a matchup?
I go by the name Prince and my pronouns are : He/They. I'm an INFP and a 4'10" Pisces.
I'm a total introvert who would not leave the house unless necessary, and I tend to avoid large crowds and people since I have social anxiety. I'm quite distant, cold and awkward when I first meet people but I get really weird ( ahem, shameless.) and outgoing once I warm up to someone. I'm a worrywart and prone to have pessimistic/intrusive thoughts. My humor is dark and inappropriate, and very sexual. Although, I'm panromantic asexual. My love language are physical affection ( back hugs, cuddles, face peppering, playing with your hands, hand holding, & arm over the shoulder. ), and cheesy/corny flirts. I'm also a psychology student, an artist, a cosplayer, and a creative makeup artist. I enjoy horror films and historical novels. I like playing pranks on others, listening to all kinds of music, and dancing. I dream to be a full-time cosplayer or a psychologist. I like to travel the world as well, take photos, and, of course, watch anime and read manga! I like hanging out in a dimly lit bedroom, watching movies, or at an abandoned area ( parking lot, building, etc. ) I enjoy solitude and the dark. Oh! I'm scared of butterflies and allergic to dust.
Of course, your majesty! Matchups are open and here is your cup of tea! Lets ask the mirror who your perfect match will be for such a refined heir.
Matchup loading. . .
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Oh! The results are here, lets see...
The mirror matches you with...
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Malleus Draconia!
What a surprise. But you two have a lot in common, actually. Malleus hoped to meet someone like you.
Fear not, he treats you like royalty. There is nothing wrong with being afraid of crowds of people, tough he doesnt get it.
When you open up to him, he feels happy and surprised. The prince he treated like glass resulted to be... So excentric and individual. This makes him fall in love with you again.
He was interesed in you in the first moment he saw you into this world, and when he heard your name... He felt a connection.
This psychology magic you talk about, what is it? He doesnt really know about this concept, so expect him to ask many questions as he has in his mind. If you happily answer them, he will just look at you and take mental notes.
Doesnt get the cosplay thing, like, a lot, But still admires your ability to make clothes of your own and look like other people.
" Are you sure you are just a human, dear Prince? Maybe you are a shapeshifter... but i do not feel any magic in you..."
Please just explain to him this Cosplay thing.
Doesnt get your pranks, but still acts like he is surprised by them. Fakes the fear just to hear you laugh, and when he does fall for the pranks, is always for the most normal ones, like, Updog.
Your sexual jokes... well, he doesnt get the joke. He just thinks that you wanna do that or something. Is this what humans talk about themselves????
Probably chokes on his tea while you do your jokes on their tea parties.
Your dates consists on long walks, tea parties, and just hang around in your room, he cuddling you like a enormous and happy dragon.
Obviously you meet his GaoGao Dragon, your reaction to him is the most important thing here.
So you like abandoned places? Malleus do so. He grabs you by your hand and takes you to the most sofisticated palaces, abandoned in the night, and dances with you in the ballroom. The palace slowly coming to life in your minds with your sweet dance.
He is not worried about your form of expressing love at all, he adore that side of you. Grab his arm, pepper his face with kisses, hold his hand. He will reciprocrate everything with a smirk in his face. Such a gentleman.
Dont tell him i told you this, but he loves kissing your hand and your forehead. Its just feels so soft.
Loves to call you cute nicknames of royalty, mostly because of your name. You are his prince after all :)
He is your perfect match and wants to make sure that you think that as well. Not even a powerful spell can break your eternal love.
My apologies for taking so long, im fulled with the matchup asks!!! Ahhh and my classes are so loooong!! I hope this pleases you, here are your other options that i thinked while i mathed you with: Leona Kingscholar, Sebek Zigvolt, and Rook Hunt
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thatesqcrush · 4 years
The Nanny, Part 2
Bryan Kneef x Reader. Follow-up to part one here. Warnings: NSFW - smut, oral (male/female receiving), squirting, daddy kink), language. WC 5.3K.
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It was early in the morning when you woke up. You stretched, arching your back and elongating your limbs, enjoying the way the expensive sheets felt against your naked body. You winced as you did so, realizing you were sore in the best way. You looked over and realized Bryan was not next to you. You knew he was up early most days as he had to deal with legal business overseas. 
You quickly redressed and made way back to the joined apartment, where after your shower, you admired the bruises and marks that decorated your body. As your fingers traced over the love bite on your breast, your mind went back to the events of the night prior. A feeling of nervousness developed in the pit of your belly - you wondered how you would get through the day - would Bryan have regretted it? Would you still have a job? Looking at the time, you realized you didn’t have much time to ponder the what-ifs. Sandrine and Jasper would be up soon and you had to get them ready for the day.
The hustle and bustle of the morning did keep your mind otherwise preoccupied. “Turn around, let me see.” You told Sandrine as you finished doing her hair. Sandrine did so and looked up at you a toothy smile. You gave her a smile in return as you brushed her bangs from out of her eyes. 
“Ms. Y/N, did you have a fun Valentine’s Day?” Sandrine asked.
“Ummm, something like that.” You murmured as you leaned to grab a hair bow to clip to her hair. You slid the purple bow and then gave her a once-over. “All set - let's go have some breakfast.”
“Did you kiss any boys?” Sandrine continued to inquire as she followed you into the kitchen. You opened your mouth to reply when you halted in your steps seeing Bryan ahead, pouring coffee.
“Morning sweetheart.” Bryan greeted, his gaze turning toward Sandrine. You tried to move discreetly past the six-year old when Bryan turned to you. 
“Morning Y/N.” Bryan winked as he sipped his coffee. He was shirtless once more, and your mind flashed to how you gripped his strong, defined arms as he came inside of you not even 24 hours before.
“Hi Bryan.” You murmured, barely meeting his gaze as you walked over to where he was. Bryan watched you as he leaned against the sink, his arms crossed. You stood on your tip-toes to reach into the cabinet to get a coffee mug. 
“Let me get that for you.” Bryan offered, stepping behind you as he placed his own mug down beside you. The feel of Bryan being pressed against you and the scent of his soap caused a shot of arousal to course through you. As a result, your pussy clenched involuntarily around nothing. Bryan’s breath was hot on your neck and you felt your skin prickle. Bryan reached around for his mug once more and leaned against the counter.
“Y/N, after you get back from drop-off, you and I need to talk.” Bryan announced quietly. 
You felt your heart drop into your stomach and your cheeks burned. “Um… sure.” You replied, hoping Bryan would not hear the shake in your voice. “No work today?” You asked. “I thought you had to go into the office?”
“Took my calls earlier and two of my cases have continuances. I have the entire day ahead of me.”
Jasper happened to catch the tail-end of the conversation as he placed his empty cereal bowl into the sink. 
“Dad, you have the day off? Can we have a movie day?” Jasper asked. Sandrine let out a squeal, hearing her brother. 
“Please, daddy, please!” Sandrine begged. “With popcorn and everything!”
Bryan smiled as he leaned over to ruffle Jasper’s hair. “Of course we can - that’s if Y/N would care to join us?”
Your brows furrowed. ‘Maybe I am not getting canned after all.’ you thought to yourself.
“Please Ms. Y/N, please!” Both children pleaded in unison. 
You shook yourself out of your thoughts and smiled brightly. “Of course I can! Now, if you’re done, brush teeth and put on shoes - we have to leave in ten minutes.” 
As the children ran off, you turned your attention back to Bryan, who was looking at you once more. His face was unreadable and you awkwardly gave him a small wave before following the children to help them finish getting ready.
You rapped on the door quietly, with your knuckles. “Bryan? You wanted to talk with me?” You called out.
You heard Bryan beckon you in and when you opened the door, you found him sitting at his desk. He looked up at you from his laptop and gave you a smile. “Please sit.” He extended his arm to the chair in front of his desk. 
Your pulse quickened and your mouth suddenly went dry. You swallowed hard and wiped your now sweaty palms on the tops of your thighs. “So you wanted to talk?”
Bryan nodded. “About last night. It - you - I…” The normally loquacious litigator found himself at a loss for words. He cleared his throat and let out a deep exhalation. “Last night was a lot of fun, but--”
“Oh that’s never a good sign.” You interjected, nervously laughing. Bryan responded with holding a sole finger up and you instantly quieted.
“We cannot let last night happen again.” Bryan continued. “I would be remiss to say I didn’t find you attractive - and really, I should be trying to find someone to replace you as we crossed an inappropriate line. That said, you are really integral to Jasper and Sandrine’s happiness, so I will keep you on unless you want to tender your resignation - which of course, would be understandable.”
You felt your cheeks burn once more and your eyes well up. What were you expecting? A proclamation of love? That he would fall for the nanny? 'This isn’t a Harlequin romance novel.’ you chastised yourself. 
You put on a brave smile. “I totally understand. I would be happy to stay on. There is no reason why we cannot go back to a strictly professional relationship.”
Bryan tapped his desk with the top of his hand. “Great. I am so relieved that we are on the same page.”
You nodded and you waited for him to continue. After a beat, Bryan gave you a pointed look and you took the hint to leave. You shut the door behind you as you left and allowed the tears to freely fall. Unbeknownst to you, Bryan had just dropped his head into his hands, defeated.
Time moved forward and the seasons changed. The freezing temperatures of winter in Chicago gave way to the blistering heat of summer. The twins birthday had arrived and turning seven was apparently a much bigger deal than when you turned seven. No expense was spared. Bryan’s home was bustling with children, caterers and party professionals. 
The spectacular event (held inside a makeshift circus tent, of course) included a “trapeze” photo op, circus-themed treats like popcorn and candy, an outdoor swing, tons of colorful balloons, a “TICKETS” booth and more. Circus performers were preparing to liven up the party. Topping everything off was a truly lavish multi-tiered birthday cake with miniature versions of the children as acrobats in front of a circus tent.
Bryan had gone to pour himself a glass of water when he caught sight of you through the kitchen window. He swallowed hard as he watched you busy yourself with the children. You had dressed up for the occasion, cosplaying as Anne Wheeler. You wore a lilac sleeveless leotard with a matching short length lilac cape. White shorts were molded to your ass and thighs. Your hair was sprayed bubblegum pink. 
Bryan swallowed his drink, desperately hoping the iced cold water would help cool him from the sudden warmth he was feeling. He decided to go outside and distract himself with some of the guests. The sun was beaming bright and hot, nary a cloud in the sky. The sounds of children giggling and shrieking filled the yard space. Bryan couldn’t help but keep you in his line of sight. You had taken off your cape and was now in just the leotard and shorts. As you danced with one of the kids, Bryan couldn’t help but watch your tits bounce. His mind was suddenly brought back to Valentine’s Day and how he got an up close shot of those tits bouncing as he fucked you. 
A hand clasped Bryan on the shoulder and he turned, seeing it was the dad of one of Sandrine’s and Jasper’s friends. Another joined, a colleague, with beers in hand. “This is one hell of a party Kneef.” The blond in a teal polo replied - Bryan vaguely recalled his name was Bryce and was opposing counsel on an old case.
“Agreed.” The other man, Derek, replied. His gaze steered to you and he let out a low whistle as you bent over to talk to one of the kids. 
“Damn Kneef, your nanny sure is something.” Derek continued. “Tell me, are you fucking her?”
“No!” Bryan denied, a bit more loudly than he intended. Derek looked at him with brows arched. Bryan shook his head. “I - I - I wouldn’t jeopardize her relationship with the twins. They really love her.” Bryan replied. “Good help is hard to come by.”
Bryce snorted before taking a swig of his beer. “If I wasn’t married, I’d be taking her home right now.”
“Hell I’m married, and I am considering taking her home.” Derek chuckled. “Lily’s away on business.”
Bryan stiffened, doing his best to swallow the urge to clock both men. He was filled with a surge of jealousy at the idea of you going off with one of them, who in his mind were just a bunch of douchebags. “Really?” he sneered, turning his attention to Derek. “You’d do that?”
“Oh fuck off Bryan. You’re one to talk. If you didn’t have the kids, this would be something you’d absolutely be doing - hell, you have done it!” Derek replied, rolling his eyes. “How many times have you been caught with your pants down and some bimbo paralegal over your desk?”
Bryan chose to not respond, as the answer was too many times to count. He was the office playboy for a number of years. The only reason he was even kept around as long as he was, was because he brought in a lot of business for the firm. 
“Neither one of you are going home with my nanny.” Bryan gritted, taking another swig of his beer. “She’s…a person, not just a piece of ass.”
Both men didn’t reply, instead just looking away. Bryan let out an audible sigh before walking over to another group of friends and colleagues. “Come on, the game should be on and I have some Cubans that need to be smoked.”
At one point the adults and kids changed and it became a pool party. You sipped on a lemonade and watched as Bryan climbed out of the pool. His body was soaking and was more toned than from even the last time you saw him naked. ‘What is he doing? Pull-ups on the scaffolding?’ You wondered as he wrapped a large towel around Sandrine and Jasper. 
Your pussy clenched, remembering how you clawed his back desperately as you came all over him repeatedly, with his cock, mouth, and hands. Arousal coursed through you and you let out an irritated sigh, knowing you’d need to rely on your battery operated boyfriend some more if you were going to survive this job.
Hours later, the festivities were over. You and Bryan each carried an exhausted twin and set them in their room, each likely down for the night. You followed Bryan out and shut the door behind you with a gentle click before making way to the kitchen. You found an empty tiered cupcake carrier and began to pack away some of the leftover cupcakes. 
“You don’t need to clean up.” Bryan commented as he opened another beer. “I hired a clean up crew for that reason.”
“I don’t mind.” You shrugged, turning to him. Bryan’s gaze fell to your breasts again, and it was apparent you weren’t wearing any bra as he could see the outline of your hardened nipples.
“Idle hands are the devil's workshop.” you continued. Some frosting got on your fingers and you sucked your finger clean, while meeting Bryan’s eyes, which were blown with lust.
“I can find something to do with your hands.” Bryan retorted, stepping towards you and closing the gap. One arm wrapped around your waist while the other brushed some hair out of your face. You gazed at Bryan’s lips, pink, soft and plush and you licked your own lips in anticipation. His mouth began to drop to yours when the sound of a voice clearing caused the two of you to jump back in response. 
It was mommy dearest herself, lips pursed in a thin line, arms crossed. “Am I interrupting?” 
“Constance.” Bryan greeted coolly, turning away from you. “What are you doing here? Party finished two hours ago.”
“I was hoping that I could be with the kids on their birthdays and give them a present.” Constance replied, her eyes still locked on you. You dropped your head and choked out an ‘excuse me’ before dashing off to your apartment. Bryan watched as your form disappeared before turning back to his ex-wife.
“Connie - we have a custody arrangement in place for a reason. You cannot just show up unannounced.” Bryan gritted as he took the gift bags from her and placed them on the breakfast bar. 
“I know, I know.” Constance stated. As she walked towards Bryan, the echoing sound of her heels against the marbled tile filled the room. She clasped her hands together, her bracelets jangling together. “I was just hoping we could make an exception for today, after all I am their mother.”
“You left us. You were never part of their lives. You may be Sandrine’s and Jasper’s mother on paper, but that’s all you are. You are lucky I was considerate enough to entertain the amount of visitation you have in place right now.” Bryan spat.
“Bryan, don’t be like that. I was young, I had a burgeoning model career that got derailed when two pink lines showed up on the test. I have more than made up for it.” Constance argued. 
Bryan pinched the bridge of his nose and blew out a deep breath in exasperation, wanting nothing more than for his ex-wife to leave. “Connie, the kids are asleep. Please just go - you have the kids next weekend. I’ll make sure they get your gifts.”
“Fine.” Constance looked at Bryan, her brow arched perfectly in judgment. “Before I go, just tell me since when did you start fucking the help?”
Bryan spat out his beer. “What you saw--”
“Please, I am not an idiot. Just wait til I let my lawyer know.” Connie threatened. 
Bryan’s blood pressure shot through the roof. A fresh swell of rage rose inside. He clenched his fists, his guts churning in turmoil. 
 “Don’t you fucking threaten me. Get the fuck out.” Bryan growled. And when Constance didn’t move, he burst in anger. “Now! Go home Connie!”
You watched from your window as Constance climbed into her Mercedes and drove off. You climbed into your bed and stared at the ceiling as you contemplated everything from the last few months. ‘What were you doing? Sleeping with your boss - then the near kiss! You are such an idiot! How did you think that was going to end?’ 
‘But there is something more’ the voice in your head said. 'Isn’t there?’ that same voice continued. ‘Or were you both just so good at pretending it was real?’ 
There was a knock on your door and you shuffled your way to the door. The knocking continued followed by the sound of Bryan’s voice. 
When you opened the door, the sight of Bryan standing there, kicked your libido up fifteen or so notches. His form was stiff, with set shoulders. 
“Hey.” You greeted, stepping aside. “Come in.” There was already an awkward tension and the two of you hadn’t even spoken yet. You took a deep breath as you shut the door and followed him into the living room. 
“Can I get you anything?” You asked nervously. “I can make some co--”
“Why’d you run out?” Bryan asked, interrupting you. His expression had hardened.
Looking away, you sighed before sitting down. Your shoulders sagged and you rubbed your face, smearing some of the glitter on your face. “It was awkward! We said we weren’t going to do anything… and then it felt like we were. And then of all people to show up, it was your ex-wife! What else was I supposed to do?”
“Not run out.” Bryan gritted. “We could have talked about this.”
“Well isn’t that what we’re doing now?” You asked, crossing your arms. You hadn’t changed and you were still in cosplay. Your breasts were pushed up under your arms and Bryan felt his cock twitch in his pants. Bryan looked around your apartment for something to distract him and his eyes settled on a picture of you and the twins at the park. He let out his own deep breath.
“You don’t need to worry about Constance. She’s just bitter - she is the type of person who shouldn’t have become a parent.” Bryan replied, taking a seat next to you. He cocked his head. “Admittedly, I was that type too.” 
You turned to Bryan. “What do you mean?”
“I won’t sugarcoat it; I had more than my fair share of partners. I met Constance at a rough time in my life and she helped settle me down. We did the whole wedding thing and she got pregnant. After the kids were born, she just had a hard time giving up her old life - it was probably some kind of post-partum thing but I was too busy prioritizing my work otherwise to notice the signs. One day she was just gone. Left me a ‘dear John’ letter and that was that.” Bryan explained. 
“But the kids see her. How did that happen?” You inquired. 
“She showed up around when they were older. Showed interest. Wanted to make amends. For the sake of the kids, we negotiated visitation. I have primary custody and there’s a schedule. She wasn’t supposed to come today.” 
Bryan continued, now pacing the length of the room. “I was cut off guard when I saw her. With her, I always feel like another shoe is about to drop.”
You walked in front of him, pausing him in mid-stride. “Oh Bryan.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and looked up at him. Bryan watched as you licked your lips and as he saw the pink of your tongue dart out, he had made his decision. He leaned down to kiss you and you met him the rest of the way. You sighed into the kiss, molding into the heat of his embrace. You felt him harden against your belly and you dropped your hand to rub him gently through his pants. 
“I thought we wouldn’t do this again. The rules.” You panted in between kisses.
Bryan broke the kiss. “Fuck the rules. Let me make sure the cleaning crew is done and then we’ll pick up where we left off.” His voice was gravelly, the tone lustful.
“Sounds like a plan.” You agreed; a shiver went up your spine and your heart quickened in anticipation of what was to come. “I’ll freshen up and meet you there.”
You let out a moan as Bryan’s lips found purchase on your neck. His hands cupped your tits from behind, squeezing your flesh. You pushed your hair to the side to allow him greater access. A hand slipped down in front of the leotard you wearing. “No bra? Naughty girl.” He murmured as his thumb and forefinger tugged and rolled your nipple, until it was at attention. You turned around and cupped his face, tugging on his beard as you drew him in for another kiss. His tongue pressed at the seam of your lips, requesting access and you opened your mouth in response. His tongue slid into your mouth, exploring and rolling against yours. Bryan’s hands cupped your ass, squeezing them through your shorts.
Bryan broke the kiss. “You in those tiny shorts - all I wanted to do was haul you off and fuck you.” 
“You should have.” You purred as you took his arms and led him to the bed. “And then you could have told the guys that you had filled me up and that my panties were dripping with your load.” You nipped his ear, causing Bryan to growl.
“You knew we were talking about you?” His green eyes were blown with lust and searched yours. 
“Of course, I did. I have eyes you know.” You rolled your eyes. “I saw how you were all staring.” 
“But now we can make up for lost time.” Bryan remarked, kissing you once more. You smiled against his kiss as you dropped his hands and walked a few steps ahead. You made a big show of removing your clothes. “See, no panties either.” You shimmied the leotard down your hips and thighs letting the material pool around your feet.
Bryan’s eyes darkened with lust as he watched you and made his own removal of his clothes. His cock sprang to attention as he pulled down his boxers and without a word exchanged, you dropped to your knees. You took the hair elastic that was around your wrist and you scooped your still-very pink hair into a ponytail. 
Bryan’s cock was painfully hard and aching, with a bead of pre-cum weeping from the head. Bryan chuckled darkly and gripped his cock, pumping it a few times before dragging it back and forth along your lips. “You want this?” He asked, as he now tapped it on your face.
You looked up at Bryan and opened your mouth wide, extending your tongue over your bottom lip. Bryan let out another chuckle as he fed you his cock. “That’s it, take daddy’s cock.” 
You relaxed your throat as Bryan continued to press his cock into your mouth. Once he had hit the back of your throat, he holds you in place, causing you to gag, and spit to start dripping from your mouth. He released himself and before you could get another deep inhalation of air, he slammed his cock into your mouth all the way again. He again held you in place and your eyes began to water as you gagged; more saliva dripped over your chin and onto the floor. Bryan withdrew again and this time you used your hand to pump him. You gathered some saliva and spit on his cock for lubrication. You gave him a few more pumps and then you took his length into your mouth once more. 
Bryan threw his head back as you closed your mouth around him, using your tongue to go over every ridge and vein. The weight of his thick cock against your tongue caused your pussy to ache with need. Bryan focused his gaze back on you, watching as his length disappeared in and out of your mouth. 
Bryan grunted and groaned, moaning your name in encouragement as you worshipped his cock. You flattened your tongue and ran it along his length before sucking on the sensitive crown, flicking your tongue against the tip. Bryan reached for your ponytail and wrapped your hair in his grip, guiding you along again. You let him set the pace and soon he was fucking your throat, the only sounds in the room being wet, slurping sounds and the obscene moans you were making from around his cock. 
“Fucking love your mouth but I love coming in that pussy more.” Bryan grunted. You let out a whine and Bryan removed himself from your mouth. With your hair still gripped in his hand, he tilted your head up. “Is that what my girl wants?”
You nodded, desperately. “Yes daddy, come in my pussy! Please.” 
Bryan helped you rise to your feet. He gripped your chin, and took in the sight of you. Chin messy with saliva, streaks of mascara down your cheeks. His cock twitched once more - you never looked more beautiful. “Bed - now. I want to feast on that pussy.”
You turned to climb onto the bed and Bryan gave you a smack on your ass, causing you to squeal. You flopped onto your back and spread your legs wide. Reaching down with your hand, you spread your folds apart, giving Bryan an ample look at your arousal.
“Have I told you that you have such a pretty pussy?” Bryan murmured against your skin. He used his fingers to spread your lips more, revealing your flesh. He stroked your pussy teasingly, gathering your arousal on his fingertips but never sinking them into where you wanted it most. As he continued to stroke your lips, he pressed kisses along your inner thighs. You reveled in the feel of his wiry beard along your skin. You recalled how Bryan liked a bare pussy and you were happy to endure repeated Brazilians in hopes of anything would come about in the future... and now it had. 
His breath was hot on your aching cunt. You cried out as he wrecked your pussy with his tongue, burying his face inside of you, sucking and licking and devouring your slick folds.. To Bryan you were like a juicy peach, with your arousal dripping into his mouth. You were delicious and he couldn’t get enough of you. He licked you with big, broad strokes, before targeting your swollen, sensitive clit, taking it between his lips, trapping it so he could torment it with his tongue, scraping just slightly with his teeth. He reached up to grab at your tits, his large hand gripping one tightly. You cried out from the sensation of how his tongue massaged your clit furiously before dipping inside you, mimicking what was to come.
You ground against his mouth, riding against his face, as pleasure coursed through you. Bryan lifted his mouth from you and you whined at the loss. It was short lived, as he sucked two of his fingers and then slid them into your tight cunt, knuckles deep. As he massaged your walls with his fingers, he used his free hand to rub your clit. 
“Gonna come for me Y/N? Gonna make a mess for daddy?” Bryan rasped as he curled his fingers, pumping them into you faster.
“Yes, fuck, yes!” You cried out, throwing your head back. Your thighs began to shake and Bryan began to rub your clitoris roughly and haphazardly. You shouted Bryan’s name as you clenched around his fingers, squirting and soaking him in the process. You began to push away from him, overstimulated but Bryan threw his large arm over you, keeping you in place.
“Oh no, no.” Bryan darkly commanded. “Daddy wants more.” He slipped his fingers back into, this time, adding one more into your fluttering cunt and began jackhammering them. He rubbed your clitoris roughly again, the squelching wet sounds filled up the room. You cried out again, feeling the pressure inside you burst, as you squirted again. Bryan lapped you, cleaning you with his tongue, enjoying your flavor. 
You barely had a chance to recover, as Bryan slid his body over yours and slid his cock easily into you. You groaned as he filled you, the slight burn sensation mixing with pleasure as you accommodated his girth. He gripped your wrists and placed your arms overhead. 
“Hold onto the rails sweetheart.” You looked back and gripped the wrought iron rails, which elongated the length of your body.  Bryan covered your mouth with his as he  began to drive into you with long, deep strokes. He pounded into you, and you could feel his balls slap against your pussy. 
“Yes, oh fuck, yes, yes, fuck me!” You cried out. Bryan leaned up, so he was sitting on his haunches and took both your legs and hooked them over his shoulder. Bryan continued to thrust into you and you let out a wrecked moan as the angle changed, causing his cock to hit your sensitive spot. A sheen of sweat coated both of your bodies as you fucked each other. You released your grips on the rails and began to play to play with your tits, pushing them together and tugging on your nipples. 
“Yes…” Bryan grunted. “Play with those titties.” 
You moaned, and continued to do so, encouraged by his words. Bryan slowed his thrusting, rotating his hips, teasing you. You let out a choked sob as he did so, and he reached down to rub your clit. “Come for me.” Your legs trembled as you felt yet another orgasm begin to build. 
“Oh fuck daddy, oh yes!” You cried out, squeezing your eyes shut as you began to tighten around his cock. Bryan paused his movements and withdrew, tapping his cock against your clit furiously. A gush of your come squirted out, covering him and soaking the bed below. You had barely caught your breath when Bryan pulled you up and flopped you onto your stomach. You looked up at him, meeting his eyes as you took his length into your mouth again, bobbing on him enthusiastically. You could taste yourself on his cock.
“My dirty slut.” Bryan cooed, as he stroked your now sweaty hair. He wrapped some of it in his fist, guiding you along. You squealed as he reached over and began to lay spanks on your ass. 
You released him from your mouth, gasping more. “Yes, daddy, spank me. I have been such a bad girl.”
“Bad girls get punished.” Bryan growled. You looked up at him and nodded eagerly. 
“Mmmm, punish me daddy!” 
He pulled you up roughly and crushed his mouth against yours - the kiss was all teeth and tongue. He broke the kiss and lightly smacked you on the face and then gripped your chin.
“Is that what daddy's girl wants? To be punished for being such a dirty fucking slut?”
You nodded again. “Yes. Please.” You begged desperately. Bryan repeated the slap and then reached down to grab your tits before also slapping them.  You let out a whimper, as the pain mixed with pleasure. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him back down onto the bed. He rolled so you were on top. You leaned forward, rising slightly and reached down for his cock, lining it up along with your entrance.
You both groaned at the sensation. Bryan’s grip on your hips were tight and you were certain there would be marks on your hips in the morning. The room smelled of sex and sweat and the only sound were moans and groans as well as the sound of skin slapping on skin. 
You wanted one more - just one more to lessen the ache that only Bryan seemed to create. You reached down and rubbed your clit, closing your eyes as you let this final orgasm crash over you. You slumped forward, dropping your head by his ear as Bryan planted his feet up onto the bed and hammered into you, now chasing his own release. You mewled and whimpered in his ear, begging sweetly for his cum. Bryan stifferned, gripping your hips tightly as he let out an animalistic groan as he spilled his release into you. His release dripped out of you, pooling where you were connected.
You both stayed there for awhile, catching your breaths. Bryan stroked your back as you nuzzled against him. Finally, you rolled off of Bryan and curled into him, stroking his chest hair.
“You certainly know how to keep me young.” Bryan murmured, causing you to laugh. Bryan rolled onto his side, turning to face you. He pushed back the hair from your face. He observed a pink strand. “I like it - you should keep it.”
You smiled. “We’ll see.” Bryan hummed and pulled you to him, where you both fell asleep from the little party you had with one another.
Tags: @mgarner1227   @madpanda75  @tropes-and-tales @dreamlover31 @beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @neely1177 @witches-unruly-heart @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03  @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @annabelleb49 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea @zoeykaytesmom @differentshadesofgray @misssirenlove @esparza-army @bananas-pajamas @mishaissocoolike @thefanficfaerie @theenchantedgalleryofstories @catnip987 @isvvc-pvscvl @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty @ktiz90 @evee87 @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @rampantmuses @jazzyjoi @i-justreally-like-cats-okay @rachelxwayne @prurientpuddlejumper @lv7867 @permanentlydizzy​ @bisexual-dreamer02​ @madamsnape921​ @averyhotchner​ @teamsladsandgents​ @qvid-pro-qvo​ @alwaysachorusgirl​ @amelia-song-pond​ @wanniiieeee​  @tintinxtintin @law-nerd105​
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fairy-writes · 3 years
Hello! Asking for a Tokyo Revengers & Demon Slayer matchup! Thank you so much in advance!
Male matchup, please.
I'm a Slytherin and my pronouns are : He/They.
I'm a total introvert who would not leave the house unless necessary, and I tend to avoid large crowds and people since I have social anxiety. I'm quite distant, cold and awkward when I first meet people but I get really weird ( ahem, shameless.) and outgoing once I warm up to someone. I'm a worrywart and prone to have pessimistic/intrusive thoughts. My humor is dark and inappropriate. Although, I'm panromantic asexual. My love language are physical affection ( back hugs, cuddles, face peppering, playing with your hands, hand holding, & arm over the shoulder. ), and cheesy/corny flirts. I'm also a psychology student, an artist, a cosplayer, and a creative makeup artist. I enjoy horror films and historical novels. I like playing pranks on others, listening to all kinds of music, and dancing. I dream to be a full-time cosplayer or a psychologist. I like to travel the world as well, take photos, and, of course, watch anime and read manga! I like hanging out in a dimly lit bedroom, watching movies, or at an abandoned area ( parking lot, building, etc. ) I enjoy solitude and the dark. Oh! I'm scared of butterflies and allergic to dust.
I tend to be impulsive at times ( mainly concerning money ), and I exhibit extreme mood swings. I'm very affectionate though, and always willing to lend a shoulder or an ear. I also care too much. Apart from that, I'm very sarcastic and a swearing sailor ( I cuss a lot with people I'm comfortable with. ) Playful, bad memory ( sometimes ), bad at picking up jokes most of the times, and has a tendency to suddenly disappear for a few weeks before returning like nothing happened. I need to recharge to be able to socialize again.
I'm a total sap and an affectionate person to the person I love. I'm the type to wake up every morning and message them, "Good morning, hun!" and I also check up on them if they're feeling well.
Hello lovely! I hope you like your matchups! This is just a reminder that if this is a romantic matchup, it’s in the current Tokyo Revengers timeline!
Tokyo Revengers Matchup: I pair you with… Ryuguji Ken!
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Draken is definitely a Gryffindor who is very much not an extrovert and helps bring you out of your shell! He understands you don’t like huge crowds; he isn’t a huge fan either. But his large stature makes it easy to keep track of you if you HAVE to go through a large crowd and makes it easy to part the waves of people to get through them easier.
I see his love language as being physical affection as well! Either that or gift giving! He is always carrying Mikey around, and he likes to hold your hand! Another thing he likes is to give you motorcycle rides around town so you can wrap your arms around his waist :) His humor is pretty dark itself, but he tones it down when around others unless it’s you! He knows you won’t judge him for it! He also loves your creative side as well! From your art to your cosplay to your makeup, he loves it all!
He tries to help you save money by trying out different budgets and finding something that works for you. He’s actually very responsible with money, so he helps balance you out! He appreciates that you’re always willing to lend a shoulder or ear to his problems and always tries to talk out his issues with you :)
Demon Slayer Matchup: I pair you with… Giyu Tomioka!
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Another Gryffindor boy! He’s a bit of an introvert himself with social anxiety, and he comes off very cold and blunt when you first meet him (even when you get to know him, lol). However, he helps calm your worrywart tendencies with his calm nature. His love language is more acts of service, but he also loves it when you hold his hand or play with his fingers.
He appreciates your creative talent and likes to watch you as you do your thing. So whether that’s makeup or art, he’ll watch it all. Horror films don’t really scare him; he’s a demon slayer, after all, so feel free to watch even the scariest of movies with him, and he’ll sit there and hold your hand the entire time! He travels all over for the demon slayer corps, so sometimes he’ll let you tag along as long as you are in a safe place while he’s actually working and exterminating demons. But he’ll happily explore wherever the two of you are with you during the day!
He’s much more conservative with his money and helps you be that way too! He doesn’t mind your mood swings and knows how to navigate them rather well, in fact. He appreciates your affectionate side as that’s something he’s always struggled with, but you help him learn how to initiate and show affection!
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shsl-fluff · 4 years
Would you be willing to write some hc's for chihiro, chiaki, mikan, miu, kaito, angie, rantaro, and tsumugi with a chubby male s/o? (Sorry if this is a bit much btw)
Angie Younaga
She thinks you're absolutely amazing 
You're a present from Atua!
She's enamoured with you and everything you do 
You're her muse, after all. 
She has drawn you so many times that she can draw a detailed image of you simply by memory. 
If you're ever anxious about your body, she'll encourage you
"But (S/O), you were made by Atua! And Atua made you perfectly the way you are, to be my muse. You wouldn't want to upset Atua, would you?"
Chiaki Nanami
She doesn't really care about looks in a relationship. 
She just thinks you're really kind and funny and a great guy to be around. 
You're her best friend and lover. 
She takes you to all the best cyber-cafes in the area
If you're uncomfortable about your body, she'll try to help you feel better!
If you just want to be happy with the body you already have, she'll absolutely shower you with compliments. 
She's very good at helping people stay positive, after all
If you want to change your body to feel happier with yourself, she'll also help!
She has tons of exercise games you can play, and she'll play them too, so you guys can work together!
It's a bit of a struggle for her because she's always so exhausted, but she wants to help you and have fun doing it!
Never pushes you past your limit, of course
Just wants whatever makes you happy. 
Chihiro Fujisaki
Chihiro never really cared for outward appearances when it came to his type 
He understood what it was like to be judged for how he looked. 
This man loves cuddles
He's been touch starved his entire life so it's just very nice to have someone to hold him or be held by him. 
He spends a lot of his time programming and loses track of time often, so you're often the one who has to remind him to take a break. 
He's not used to someone taking care of him even though they aren't obligated too (like his father)
He's a super nervous kisser but loves kisses
Play. With. His. Hair. 
If you're insecure with your body and want to change it, he'll gladly help
He's working out to feel more comfortable as well, after all
You two become work out buddies 
If you're insecure about your body but just want to grow more confident with how you look currently, he'll also help!
He helps you find clothes that fit you well and look nice on you
Compliments you all the time
Encourages you all the time
He wants you to become more confident, so you don't feel upset about yourself like he did for most of his life. 
He so soft
10/10 great boyfriend
Kaito Momota
Kaito actually prefers chubbier guys when it comes to men 
It wouldn't really change much
He's still a dork who loves working out
If you don't really like exercise, it's all good! He'll either work on lower intensity stuff with you if you want to join in, or he'll gladly take more breaks to spend time with you. 
He is very willing to change up his schedule to spend more time with you doing the things you both like. 
When you go on dates, he takes you to a big mix of places.
Anything from pride parades (if you're comfortable going out to a pride parade), national parks, cafes, museums, etc etc
His big favorite is going to a museum a few hours away
It has a giant observatory on the top floor
He spends hours naming every single constellation you could see.
One night at the observatory, you both noticed something. 
"Did you see that, a shooting star!"
You did see it
"Did you make a wish, (S/O)?"
You told him yours and asked him what his was
"Me?" He went a little red. "I wished we could stay together forever, (S/O). You're the best boyfriend, after all…"
Mikan Tsumiki
The cuddles
She cuddles you so much oh my gosh
You're just very soft and comforting to be around.
If you're ever afraid of your weight causing health issues down the road, she'll gladly make sure you're healthy. 
She's a very dependant person, so most of her free time is spent with you.
You two have binged ghibli movies together 
(I don't know why I just know you have)
Due to her working a lot, she is often stuck inside for hours on end
So park dates? Park dates. 
Maybe a just walk, maybe a picnic. 
It's quaint and oftentimes the parks don't have too many other people, so it doesn't overwhelm her. 
She loves praising you. 
"Y-You're so nice to me, (S-S/O)... You're the best boyfriend"
Miu Iruma (TW: slight nsfw mentions and vulgar language)
Hope you aren't flustered easily
She makes a lot of inappropriate comments about your body
"Have I told you that you have a hot fucking dad bod?"
"If we weren't in public right now I'd be making out with you…actually, why wait?"
She thinks you are the nicest, hottest guy out there. 
Honestly? She may be very scattered and eccentric but things can be surprisingly normal domestically
There's always her flirting, trying to make you as embarrassed as possible, but she also just likes being around you. 
You two watch sci-fi movies together and that is final
Even if you think you don't like sci-fi, she will find a movie you'll like.
If you're self conscious about your body, then she definitely will make her flirtatious compliments more around your body, to show you just how hot she knows you are.
Rantaro Amami
Cute coffee dates? Absolutely.
This man adores you. 
He normally brings you with him on his adventures
He is glued to your side whenever you're out together 
He never really saw anything different about you being on the larger side. 
One of his sister's had a lot of confidence issues so he knows how to comfort you if you ever feel insecure about your body
Tsumugi Shirogane
She adores you
Cosplays with you
If you're anxious about buying cosplays because you're afraid they won't fit, she will absolutely make you cosplays. 
Couple cosplays
So many couple cosplays
She invites you to tons of her photo shoots 
You've seen a few hate comments about your body whenever she posts images of you two, but they're outweighed by the support for both of you
You might even start your own account for the cosplay photos Tsumugi takes of just you. 
If you're insecure about your body, it definitely raises your confidence a bit. 
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fanfictionwarehouse · 4 years
Foreigner, a witcher fanfiction
Chapter one
Summary: when you were just born to a family who has the gifts passed down form through their family, from the only Witcher who could procreate. In fear of the constant threats of war, they threw 2 year old you through a portal to another world. Our world. But now your old home is calling to you, and it’s taking you back.
Pairing; Geralt x reader, some jaskier x reader, possibly a Yennifer x reader??
Warnings: terrible writing.
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The tv screen clicks off as the ending scene of “Call of the wild” ends. You blink away any moisture from you eyes and stand up, the familiar feeling of home sickness touching your heart.
“Relax, you just miss Europe, isn’t that where they found you?” Your friend would say. A small chuckle escapes your lips as you climb out from under your unusually sized 120 pound German Shepard. A dog your imported from Germany.
“Ugh, Mars you are way to heavy to be a lap dog” you say as you finally pry yourself from under him. He gives you some puppy eyes and looks to the leash. Walking over to the hooks on the wall, near the door you grab the black leather leash and he runs over to you, sliding all over the wooden floors.
“Okay okay okay settle down” you clip the leash on the black leather harness. He sits down in front of the door, wagging his tail as he waits for you to open.
“Oh of course now you listen” you say as he waits for the command to go outside. You wave your hand ahead and step outside into the forest in front. The only place you sorta felt like you belonged.
Mars stays by your heel as you walk around the forest. While he would be loose at your old home, you don’t trust any of the critters in the woods.
Trees pass by as time seems to change quicker and quicker until you feel like it’s a whole new season. The sharp wind gets stronger and colder, till the short sleeves and shorts were wildly inappropriate.
Then it starts snowing. The soft fluffy ice crunches under your sneakers. Fear slipping through you. “It’s suppose to be spring” you shudder.
Mars’ fur stands up on his hackles. You bring your arms to your shoulders as goosebumps sprinkle your forearms and legs. Shivers causing you to shake. Your heart rate picks up as your mind comes to terms with this and you quickly turn on your heals, running backwards hoping that some who you’ll be back where you are, out of this cursed forest.
You run for what feels like hours, adrenaline coursing through you. Mars too, running desperately with fear in his eyes. Especially with the growling noises surrounding the forest. Something you choose to ignore.
That is until you hear large and heavy footsteps, 8 of them to be exact behind you. You whip you head around to see a large spider like creature. A scream echoes around you. You turn around and push yourself further. Mars runs ahead, much faster then you. His leash still in hand, he pulls you to the ground and drags you along the forest floor at high speeds.
“Mars! Oh my god! Mars!” You scream, never feeling so much fear in your life. A large branch comes in view laying on the leaf covered floor. Mars leaps over it and your head hits it hard. Your consciousness dwindles, bringing you into darkness.
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Aggressive barking wakes you up. Arguing and bickering of unfamiliar voices in the background. Blinking, you find yourself under what looks like a wolf pelt.
“What is that creature?”
“Relax jaskier, it’s just some unusual dog, he’s protecting his master”
You pull yourself up, your dog still tied to the leash but your no longer holding it. He stands in front of you, barking at the two strangers dressed in cosplay uniformed.
“Is- is their a Renaissance festival in town?” Your voice croaks. A headache booming in the back of your head. “Ugh I definitely have a concussion- Mars heal!” You speak, your voice somewhat clearer.
The two men stare at you like your speaking another language. Mars stops barking and starts licking your face and arms till your fully awake and conscious. “I’m going to need some ibuprofen— don’t let me fall asleep bud okay? Even if it could be an old wise tale” you say to your dog.
“It seems hitting her head has caused her to become mad- not that she wasn’t already, wearing clothes like that in this weather, especially men’s clothing!” The man who you presume is jaskier.
“What? I got these in the woman’s department of belks— and it’s supposed to be spring but here I go walking out of my cabin and it’s snowing!” You tell the man who just called you crazy.
“Jaskier quiet, what town are you from? I can take you home” the white haired man says, a wolf mandalion dangling from his neck.
“I didn’t walk that far, did I? What state am I in?”
“Clearly a deranged state!” Jaskier says, a lute on his back.
“Is that a ukulele? Or a travel guitar?” You ask him. Again, he stares at you like your speaking another language.
“I’ll just Uber home, where’s my phone- and I left it at home” a groan echoes from your mouth. You go to stand but your sides burn, looking down you see large scrapes along your arms, legs, and ribs. Your clothes are all ripped up as well.
“An Arachas must of caused your dog to pull you” the white haired man says, packing his bags and loading them up on a horse. “Where do you live”
“Just take me downtown, I can get myself home from there” using your dog, you pull yourself up and grab onto his leash.
“You might want to train your dog better” jaskier says.
“He is trained, in protection and in therapy so I can take him to hospitals” you reply. Jaskier once again gives you a look like you’ve grown three heads.
“Yeah sure” jaskier replies.
“Mars, attack” Mars leaps onto jaskier, knocking him into a pile of mun. “Heal” he stops and comes back over to you.
“Fine, you’ve proven your point” he grunts out. The man with the white hair ignores you two as you get to the town. You follow behind, feeling like you’ve finally found home.
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