valtsv · 10 months
oh my god that's terrible i'm so [remembers that apologizing for things that are out of my control will only damage my self esteem and leave me with less energy to care about the things that i actually can change] mad. who hurt you? i'll fight them
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what you’ve become can not be undone/and you’ll never be much of anyone
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mikansei · 23 days
i'm thinking about the guards outside aventurine's room in the reverie. stuck working a boring security job on THE planet of festivities, stationed outside a room in boring reality where someone's literally just sleeping all day. absolutely jackshit to do.
but there's no way aventurine would trust just any old grunt to guard him when he's that vulnerable; they had to have been hand-picked, personally vetted over years of working for him. it's no small feat to become someone aventurine trusts not to stab him in the back, even with the built-in insurance that if you shank your boss, he can't sign your paychecks anymore.
so they were familiar enough with him to know how he works, i.e., pulling off insane stunts and doing it solo. i have to think they're the kind of people who would've wanted to join him - not because they're sore about not getting to see the dream, but because they want to guard him IN the dream. you have a whole team of us, boss! put us to work!
and he keeps insisting no, he has to do it alone. it's too risky.
what could notorious gambler aventurine possibly find "too risky?" it's not that he thinks they'll slow him down or get in his way; it's not that he just prefers working alone or hates relying on others. that's what other people, in other departments, might think.
but these guys know: he does these missions solo because he doesn't want to risk their lives - that's the unacceptable risk to him.
(they also know not to ever say so aloud, because said notorious gambler has a reputation to maintain, and "worries about his employees' wellbeing" does not fit the image.)
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prototypesteve · 3 months
Romantically Accurate Angel
Matthew chapter 22, verses 29-30. Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.”
Photo: Biblically accurate angel (technically, a seraph, but probably under the same blanket policy) hovers awkwardly, and tries to think of how to let someone down easily, and finally just says, "Hey, I'm flattered, but I think of you more as a friend."
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sufficientlylargen · 7 months
Can someone explain to me why the idea of Automattic selling data to Midjourney is so awful?
I get that people don't want their posts and art being used to train generative models but... they already are being used to train generative models. If you make something public on the internet, then you can't stop anyone from scraping it and add it to a training set (there's no such thing as DRM that works against a well-funded opponent), and as I understand it all the big "AI" companies are already doing this.
So it seems like Tumblr is basically telling Midjourney etc. "Hey, wouldn't you like to get this data without having to process out the noise from webscraping? We'll give you cleaner data if you A) pay us and B) don't mind that we're going to let users opt out of it."
Shouldn't this be strictly better than the alternative, which is "Midjourney etc. just keep scraping all publicly available data regardless of what users want and also Tumblr doesn't have enough money to cover its operating expenses"? What am I missing here?
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filmnoirsbian · 1 year
I love that in battle of the super sons they reference Superboy but literally none of Bruce's other kids. I like to think that Jon believes his uncle/cousin (family trees are weird) Conner is just a cool punk rock college student or whatever and he's totally blown away by the reveal. "You didn't think that, as my brother, Kon must also be Kryptonian?" Clark asks, exasperated. "You're adopted!" Jon says, defensively.
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allgremlinart · 2 months
gotta love Sybok. he's a lot like the Joker and you can't understand his twisted mind. and God killed him. and I bet he dips his fries in ice cream
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girldraki · 1 month
(guy who took 😁✌️ selfie at eternal flame voice) ok with all due respect to arlington national cemetery and the understanding that our grandpa is literally buried there i do not feel donald trump taking photo ops there as a campaign thign is An Insult To America in the way this article we were just recommended implies
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slverblood · 2 months
I don't know how to explain that I absolutely agree with Aylin + Isobel as lovers out of a fairytale but that Aylin is the "damsel" and Isobel is the "knight"
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tswwwit · 1 year
One of the staff workers in raised spirits DEF thinks dippers at least fucking one of the ciphers ghosts
I'd go so far as to say more than one of the staff members has certain Suspicions, re: Dipper talking to thin air all the time.
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whatthefoucault · 2 years
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Flightless Birds of Parc national du Mont-Tremblant
An Antwan and Nigel Adventure by whatthefoucault
Sometimes, when all seems lost, and mistakes were made, and it feels as though life has descended into a pit of endless frowny face blue screens of death, what is needed is a hard restart.
That was how Antwan Hovachelik found himself in a distressingly rustic little chalet on a picturesque lake in northern Québec, plotting his redemption arc.
Here’s the first of 22 chapters of these two, featuring feelings, nature, shenanigans, some spicy times, you know the usual. Except, of course, there’s nothing usual about it at all. You don’t even have to be super familiar with the source media to read it because I planned for this and there’s enough exposition to get you up to speed.
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queenlua · 3 months
it's so funny when ppl are like "if you feel like an impostor, that's just impostor syndrome! don't worry, people who are actually bad at stuff NEVER have impostor syndrome"
like maybe i work around too many anxious coastal types but i have ABSOLUTELY worked with incompetent impostor-syndrome-havers lmao
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tunemyart · 9 months
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Rating: Mature Relationships: Olivia Benson/Alexandra Cabot Summary: The baristas are looking at them significantly. One of them is about to come over and inform them it’s time for them to leave. Alex hesitates on the verge of asking Olivia if she wants to – she doesn’t know, take a walk? Have a drink? Have dinner?
As if Olivia’s reading her mind, she beats Alex to it. “Hey, uh, here’s an idea,” she says, eyes on the table until they pop up to meet Alex’s. “You could come with me.”
After escorting one of her DV network's clients to Woodstock on the weekend before Christmas 2023, Alex runs into Olivia Benson on her way out of town.
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sezja · 7 months
Jeryk has correctly identified the fact that part of Thaffe's difficulty in pinpointing what their relationship is stems from the fact that their relationship doesn't fit what Thaffe thinks "romantic love" is supposed to look like
So he acknowledges the nonzero possibility that someday someone else could come along who does better fit what Thaffe thinks that ought to look like
But rather than being worried or wistful or whatever about that possibility, Jeryk's just like "Well, we're happy now, and we'll be friends no matter what, so 💖"
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tmae3114 · 9 months
Look, I am all for men in skirts, I think that's excellent, but it is not the same thing when the man in question is in fact wearing a kilt, a traditionally masculine piece of clothing
That's not a guy being gnc, that's just you not understanding a different culture.
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bookishfeylin · 1 year
Just saw your post about Feyre being a white girl boss feminist (totally agree!!) so I was wondering your opinion on how Feyre’s personality as a whole changed throughout the series?
For example, I once tried to say on my own blog that Sarah kind of murdered Feyre’s personality after ACOTAR and got a bunch of backlash about “you hate to see women healed�� “people only like female protagonists when they’re depressed/feral” which.. is not what I meant HAHA
So I was just curious how you felt about her personality shift? Like do you think she’s “healed” or do you think Sarah ripped out her backbone
Thank you so much! Yeah, this fandom is CRAZY and, depending on where you are in stan spaces (hanging out more with the Feyre stans or the Nesta stans or the Sarah critical peeps etc) you would’ve been DOGPILED on for this take so I feel for you 😭😭😭
But I recommend reading this post first if you haven’t already because it really sums up my thoughts on her character shift. As I mentioned there, it’s definitely white feminism, and it’s not healing in as much as it's Feyre becoming a member of the oppressor class too. Feyre's arc is going from victim to, not an empowered survivor, but to an oppressor as well. Her grievance with Prythian's system of power isn’t that humans and lesser fae and High Fae women I refuse to say females are permanently an underclass, but that SHE is part of that underclass. And once she perceives herself to be above that by becoming High Lady (in name only but anyway—) she no longer cares about, say, trying to make things better for women as a whole, such as by helping women escape the Court of Nightmares. Don’t get me wrong—Sarah tries to sell Feyre as a kind, good High Lady who cares about them, but there is a marked difference between that and Feyre in her debut. Book 1 Feyre definitely cares about the underclass, getting angry over Tamlin's DISHES being too opulent for Pete’s sake. She felt that the rulers living in opulence was playing in the face of the poor and disenfranchised. Compare that to Feyre later on accepting a fifth palace from Rhysand as a present while Velaris is STILL rebuilding, while ACOSF confirms Velaris has slums. The Feyre who felt that rulers living in luxury while people suffered under their rule—book 1 Feyre—would’ve despised the very thought. So again—Feyre's personality shift isn’t her healing, it’s her finding her place in and formally joining the oppressor class and upholding the status quote.
And again, as I said in that linked essay, this is not the fault of the character herself, but rather Rhysand's grooming her to become complacent with the unjust systems of power in Prythian and grooming her to join him in ruling his court. A court that 2/3 of which is so notoriously bad that Amarantha modeled her court UTM off of it. Again, I doubt book 1 Feyre would tolerate THAT. Even early ACOMAF Feyre chafed under Tamlin's “that’s just how things are” method of ruling his court as impoverished people suffered (see: the tithe). Feyre becomes this way because of Rhysand's grooming her throughout ACOMAF to join his court's oppressor class, and because, outside of the text, the author wants us to believe that joining said oppressor class is healing, actually, and that the resulting “romance” where Rhysand grooms Feyre into accepting and upholding his court's status quo—the personality change you and I both loathe—is worthy of celebration.
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