#indigo park speculation
Indigo Park: Oswald and Mickey, Rambley and Lloyd
I've not that long ago gotten into Indigo Park and I think it has a lot of potential to be something good. This just hit me, and I read somewhere along the lines but. Here's my theory or speculation, if you will.
Lloyd was the first ever mascot character for the Indigo brand, and was the original face for the Indigo brand. For the first chapter, let's look back at the old timey advert for Indigo Park.
Isn't it weird that Rambley, the face of Indigo Park, isn't up at the entrance of the gate? Especially on opening day, but Lloyd is?
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Not to mention, the ONLY character to have a vintage style plushie is of Lloyd not the rest of the gang. It's more custom for the character who started everything to get merch of him in the good ol' days.
Let's look at their color schemes.
Oswald, in modern depictions wears blue shorts.
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And Mickey has red shorts.
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Lloyd's main color scheme is blue.
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While Rambley's main color is indeed, indigo, but guess what he is wearing? A red bandana.
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Geese has stated he is a fan of Disney theme parks and their history. I wouldn't be surprised if he put Oswald and Mickey's dynamic into his game. Oswald, at first when he's coming around to Mickey, as bitter, resentful, angry, and jealous that he was replace and that Mickey has the spotlight. Rambley really acts like Oswald when Lloyd is even mentioned, but Lloyd doesn't seem to notice Rambley's distaste for him.
Look at how he reacts to the Retro Lloyd plush.
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I think it's obvious Rambley is jealous of Lloyd. It's been mentioned that Lloyd is more popular than Rambley. I think if we add onto the fact that Lloyd is the most popular, with him being the first rubs salt into the wound for Rambley. Because now HE'S the face of the Indigo brand. Why do they still treat Lloyd like he's the face of everything, when he's here? Dude is so jealous of him downright insults him.
Kind of like a role reversal, in a way. Lloyd still gets special treatment, when Rambley is the literal face of the brand. On top of Lloyd being egocentric. Yeesh, that has to hurt. In the song, Rambley says HE'S the most devoted devotee of the park, but gets none special treatment besides... one of his plushies being painted gold.
Not to mention, Geese said in his VOD reacting to YouTubers play Indigo Park, Lloyd is going to be important to the plot and we're gonna see more of him. Do of that what you will.
But I guess we'll have to see. Chapter 2 is coming out 2025.
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gentleman-velvet · 4 months
Here’s some theories and speculation for indigo park :)
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sabrinbrin · 4 months
To no one's surprise the theme park nerd whose favourite character is the little purple mascot has fallen in love with the video game about a theme park with a little purple mascot. In addition to watching playthroughs and secrets videos about Indigo Park I also rewatched the character introduction video and noticed a few things: (spoilers for chapter 1 below!)
In Mollie's intro, UniqueGeese says that she's "a loyal bird who would do anything to protect her friends." This may be why she's the first one to face us, but also why she waits to take us down until after we fend off Lloyd. (While we technically don't see her head on until after then, she does show up multiple times on the train ride, including very close behind us in Lloyd's section, and probably could have killed us sooner if she wanted.) We weren't seen as a threat until our critter cuff causes Lloyd to flee in the theatre, and from there she may have decided to target us to try and protect everyone.
In the cast intro video UniqueGeese also speaks about how Mollie's his favourite, which makes it surprising that she's the first to die and makes me think that we're not done with her quite yet (though he did say on a recent livestream that we wouldn't be seeing her for the next few chapters, so this is just my speculation).
In Lloyd's intro, it states that he "struts across the stage with an air of arrogance that could rival any monarch. He's friends with the main cast, but he's really starting to push it." I think this may be why Rambley doesn't like him, and I wouldn't be surprised if we learn that other members of the cast dislike him too.
For some reason, Finley's intro censors that he collects sea shells. While it's understandable that some info aside from his name and image would be censored to preserve some mystery prior to the game's release, it strikes me as odd because it seems like a small and innocuous detail when stated in chapter 1. As well, Salem, a character who we are shown a lot less of and is still shrouded in mystery, has no extra details censored from their intro.
Not lore related but Salem uses they/them pronouns! Just wanted to add it because I've seen people online asking about their gender.
Speaking of Salem, their intro says that they're "quick, cunning, but try to hide it with their 'punk' exterior." Being quick and cunning don't strike me as things to be hidden with a punk exterior, and while I may just be looking deeper where I shouldn't, this leads me to think that Salem may have a softer side we haven't seen yet. This combined with the later note that they "can use countless inventions to get out of a sticky situation" makes me think that they may actually help us later on, despite their actions in the arcade game showcasing them as a villain.
My only note for Rambley is that his intro states he can get "a bit too excited, [but he's] always there for his friends" which fits what we've seen so far. I think he's trustworthy and just happy to see someone back in the park, and that if he does turn on us it will be against his will (though this is my own speculation and not from the intro).
Not from the character intros, but in another video (specifically the one about the knockoff merch), UniqueGeese says that we receive an item from Rambley in chapter 1 that will be used a lot more later on in the game. I think it's safe to say that's the critter cuff (as it's the only item we get from Rambley directly), and I'm curious to see what more it can do – so far, we know it can get us into various areas, fend off attacking mascots with a specific frequency (from Lloyd's encounter), and will eventually be able to resuscitate us (possibly being a checkoff's gun to be used later).
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readypanda · 4 months
Indigo Park Spoilers (and very long post) ahead
Since Indigo Park is the newest fandom I've been dipping into, I figured I might as well make my own analysis for the game. The question I'll be discussing today is,
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(sry for bad picture quality lol)
The thing I find interesting about these mascots (Molly, Lloyd, and what we've seen of Finley) that kind of sets them apart from other monsters in the mascot horror genre is...they almost seem like they're just animals. (I'll go over evidence for this in this post)
Think about it. In other mascot horror games, we've gotten:
animatronics possessed by dead children
employees/kids surgically(?) turned into toys
people mutated by a giant ink machine
animals/people who have had their DNA spliced with a mutagenic chemical
A little girl somehow turned into a monster (I think??)(really sorry Amanda I don't know what you are)
(I'm not up to date on all these properties and I know there's many more, so forgive me if my lore understanding is less than adequate. you know how it is with indie horror)
The important note about all these is that for the most part, these mascots are intelligent, or at least have the capability of intelligence. Almost everything on this list was at one point human, in fact.
So why do I think Indigo Park is any different? What leads me to believe they aren't intelligent? (at least, the animal versions of the characters that we run from in the game. Whether they are separate from the versions of the characters Rambley interacts with is something I'll touch on later)
I think the most obvious piece of evidence in regards to Molly and Lloyd (again, not much info on Finley yet) is how Lloyd acts. He doesn't talk at all, he just stalks the main character and attacks like an animal might (with the exception of a couple times he stands on two legs or props himself up here and there).
As for Molly, I hear you saying, "But she talks! We hear her speak!" And yes, dear reader, you are right. Molly does speak. This would disprove my argument of the mascots being purely animalistic, if it weren't for this kill screen.
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Now, do we ever actually hear Molly say something that isn't a repetition or couldn't reasonably be a repetition? Has she said anything to prove her intelligence at all? (genuine question here because I haven't examined every one of her voice lines lol. If I'm wrong about this then whoopsie!)
Despite the past 250 words of speculation, though, whether they act just like animals isn't actually that important. We'll see more of them in later chapters anyway (or Lloyd and Finley at least) so that will likely prove or disprove this point with time.
The more interesting question is, what are they? Like, physically?
When Molly dies, we clearly see blood around her decapitated head. At the very least that rules out animatronics or something mechanical. In addition, in the audio of the hidden tape you get when you show Rambley one of the collectables, you can hear two staff members complaining about being replaced by "new mascots" right after they "got a new raccoon costume." This could mean a few different things, but it seems to imply that the mascots we see in this chapter are meant to be replacements for actors in suits (for meet and greets, promotion, shows, etc) and/or replacements for limited, expensive, and cumbersome animatronics. If this is true, we can also probably rule out them being human. Unless Indigo Park also had a secret human experimentation lab, which I wouldn't put past them.
I think it's too early to definitively state what these mascots are, but based on the evidence of above, I have a theory.
My personal theory is that these mascots are just animals who have been changed or mutated in some way to allow the park to have more "realistic" representations of the characters (also probably to cut down on the costs of paying a human employee). That would explain why they act the way they do and why they are so violent. They literally are just wild animals who have been warped to represent these cartoon characters.
Another important caveat to this theory is that, if this is true, then the mascots who attack us in the game are most likely NOT Rambley's "friends" as he knows them. That would explain why he doesn't call attention to Molly chasing us or Molly's dead body (with the exception of one very small reaction when he talks about the mascots). You would expect him to seem a little more upset if he thought that was his friend, but maybe on some level he knows it's not really her, just a representation of her.
That brings up another question, which is a can of worms I won't fully open here: Do Molly, Lloyd, and Finley have sentient "AI" equivalents like Rambley? If not, does Rambley know his friends aren't real? I'll let you decide.
Anyway, that just about closes my thoughts on this silly raccoon game. Thanks for letting me ramble on about it, and thanks for making it to the end of the post!
Lemme know about your own theories in regards to what these things are, or if there's any key evidence I missed. Kinda threw this together lol. Most of it will likely get disproven by future chapters but hey, thus is the price of theorizing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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skidtheperson · 3 months
Will Finley be evil??
Some things I noticed about Indigo Park...
With the character designs, something I had noticed about them was that while Finley is one of the main people in the group with Rambley, Lloyd, and Mollie, strangely enough, he's the only one without white pupils.
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In fact, the only other person who has them is Salem, who is speculated to be bad, or at least IS bad in the cartoon/games. Why would Finley share this small detail with the villain?
At first, I thought it was because eye color was too close to white, but that isn't the case with Salem. Her eyes are a vibrant pink, so white would be fine against it. Maybe Finley has a better chance at this explanation, but there's still OTHER similarities the two share.
They're the only two not really looking at the camera, looking instead to the right. They both have yellow tinted sclera, and are also the only two with rounded highlights in their eyes.
Along with this, there are things in the intro I at least haven't seen people point out.
Firstly, on a sticky note, although it's difficult to read, the words "Power in Park?" are written out.
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This does align with the game, as somehow the park still has access to electricity and power, even after being shut down for 8 years. Why they'd keep supplying an empty and abandoned theme park with power is beyond me, but it could show that maybe someone is keeping the place running, or at least on.
Another thing I noticed is that when we're shown the Oceanic Oddesy poster, next to it is a sticky note with "Replaced?" on it.
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This could mean multiple different things. Finley got replaced, Finley replaced someone, or there was a replacement of some sort with the mascots. Sone of these could be possible (with Finley being replaced the least possible since he's still here), and fans have already speculated a replacement did happen with Lloyd and Rambley.
This is a Finley post, so I'm not gonna go into detail about that, but you can find the multiple posts about that theory by yourself.
But anyways, Finley replacing someone could make sense on why he shares similarities to Salem. He could have been the right hand man to Salem, helping her out, but being more of a shy and quiet follower/minion before the creators decided to put him in the main gang, replacing someone else in the process.
Anything could have happened, but overall, I think all of this evidence could point to Finley being evil in this. Almost everyone else who has white eyes has been confirmed to be good (Example : Rambley being confirmed by UniqueGeese to not be an plot twist evil character, and UQ also confirmed Lloyd will be an important/good character), thus filled in/black eyes could be a sign the character shown will be a bad character in the future.
Anyways, that's my two cents about things no one else has pointed out yet. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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vulpinmusings · 4 months
My speculations on Indigo Park
I'm putting this post under a read-more in case it finds someone who hasn't played Indigo Park yet and wants to experience it blind.
(BTW, it's free and takes about an hour to finish so just go play it. The horror value's kinda tame overall, but trigger warning for blood splatter at the end.)
Why Rambley doesn't recognize Ed/the Player: The collectables notes make it obvious that our Character, Ed, used to be a regular guest at Indigo Park as a kid. Yet, when Rambley goes to register them at the beginning he says he doesn't recognize Ed's face. I've seen speculation that this might be due either to Ed's age or the facial data database being wiped or corrupted after the park's closure. However, I think there's another possibility.
The Rambley AI Guide was a relatively new addition to the Park. Indigo Park is essentially Disneyland; it's been around for a long time and I rather doubt that the technology for a sentient AI park guide was available on opening day. Rambley mostly appears on modern-looking flat-screens, but in the queue for the railroad he pops up on small CRTS, so technology has advanced over the park's life time. I suspect that Rambley as an AI was implemented a short time before whatever caused the park to be shut down, and the reason that Ed's face isn't already in the system is because Ed just never went to the Park during the time between Rambley's implementation and the closure.
Rambley needs Ed just to move around. Rambley claims he'd been stuck in the entrance area since the closure. That might imply that as an AI guide he's not permitted to move around inside the Park unless he's attached to a guest, and he has to stick close to them. He's probably linked to the Critter Cuff we wear, which would explain why he insists we get it and doesn't just override the turnstile or something. He still needs cameras to see us and TVs to communicate, but it's the Critter Cuff that determines which devices he's able to use at a given moment.
There are other AI Guides. Rambley's limitations in where in the park he can be seems inconvenient for an AI that's meant to assist all the park's guests. Perhaps during normal operations he was less limited because every guest had a Critter Cuff on, but that might have put too much strain on his processing if he was the only AI avatar. Ergo, some or all of the other Indigo characters could have been used as AI guides as well; either a guest would be assigned to one character through the whole park or the others would take over for Rambley in their themed areas while the raccoon managed the main street. Due to the sudden closure, the other AIs may be stuck in certain sections of the Park like Rambley was stuck at the entrance, and we'll interact with them and/or free them as part of the efforts to fix the place up.
The "mascots" are unrelated to the AI. But Rambley believes they are linked. The official music video for Rambely Review has garnered a lot of speculation for how different Rambley's perception of how the Mollie Macaw chase ended is to what we saw in the game. I'm not 100% sold on the idea that Rambley flat out doesn't know that the Mollie mascot got killed. His decision to drop his act and acknowledge the park's decayed state is because he sees how freaked out Ed is by the Mollie chase, and he seems to glance down toward Mollie's severed head when he trails off without describing the mascots. HOWEVER, I don't think he sees Mollie as being truly dead. He's possibly come to the conclusion (or rationalization) that the AI guides, based on the actual characters, are stuck inside the feral fleshy mascots and the mascot's death has led to Mollie's AI being liberated. This idea will stick with him until such time as we encounter an AI character before dealing with the associated mascot (likely Lloyd).
Salem is central to the park's closure. All we really know about Salem the Skunk is what we see in the Rambley's Rush arcade game, where Salem uses a potion to turn Mollie into a boss for us to fight. This reflects real world events, although whether Salem instigated the disaster due to over-committing to their characterization or was merely a catalyst that unwittingly turned the already dubious new mascots into outright dangers remains to be seen.
Rambley's disdain for Lloyd is unwarranted. Collectables commentary indicates that Lloyd's popularity may have been eclipsing Rambley's, and that ticks Rambley off. That's not the fault of the Lloyd(s) we're going to interact with, however. That's on Indigo's marketing for emphasizing Lloyd so much. And who knows, maybe there were plans for other retro-style plushies, but the Park got shut down before those could come out. Either way, while Lloydford L. Lion may be a bit of an arrogant overdramatic actor, the AI Guide version of him isn't going to come across as deserving Rambley's vitriol, and that's going to be the cause of one chapter's main conflict.
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(11) 191 days: burgundy
Myoui Mina x reader
Part of the series: Palette
Previous chapter: (10) 409 days: indigo purple
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191 days.
It seemed unbelievable to Mina that she couldn't find the right words to express her feelings. She tirelessly searched her mind, attempting to form coherent sentences using the vocabularies of the three different languages she knew. The closest she could come to describing it was pandemonium when she saw you. Her love for you was a tumultuous storm, a chaotic whirlwind of emotions that could either lift her to heavenly heights or leave her in ruins.
Every waking second, she would think about you, and every sleepless night in hotel rooms, she would yearn for the feeling of your arms around her. She knew she couldn't match your artistic abilities, but when she closed her eyes, she could effortlessly trace the outline of your face in the canvas of her mind. From every freckle to the varying shades of brown in your eyes, she could vividly capture the details that made you so captivating.
However, alongside this pandemonium of love, there existed a tinge of resentment. She knew deep down that you were not to blame, yet she couldn't help feeling a sense of bitterness whenever your name flashed on her phone screen. The realization that you held the power to shatter the career she had dedicated years to building, that your mere kiss could tarnish her image, and that you could turn her once adoring fans against her in an instant, haunted her thoughts. She understood that you would never intentionally harm her, but sometimes circumstances were beyond both of your control.
Mina was aware that her actions were slowly eroding your relationship, and yet each time her heart soared at the sight of you, it came crashing down again. The images captured by the paparazzi intruded upon her mind whenever she yearned to be with you. The memory of her mother's disapproving gaze upon seeing those photos of her kissing another girl on the beach made her hesitate when your calls came through. The warning from Park Jin-young himself lingered in her subconscious, causing her to unknowingly ignore you for weeks on end. Her fans had already begun to suspect that she was dating someone, and she dreaded the thought of them discovering her relationship with you. Her manager had devised a plan to prevent a wave of negative comments and speculation, a plan that she knew would break your heart. But her career hung in the balance, and she felt powerless to do anything else.
She knew that Chaeyoung was right – she should talk to you before things escalated further. Yet every time she mustered the courage to call, her throat would tighten, and anxiety would consume her. She believed you would be understanding, but like a coward, she hid behind the veil of silence, hoping you would choose to leave her while simultaneously fearing the pain of losing you. Her feelings were not just pandemonium; she herself felt like a mystery, an enigma.
And so, she went along with the plan, opting to decline your calls rather than face the truth. She pushed her love for you aside, redirecting her emotions toward someone else to create a façade that the media would never question. She kept the truth hidden from you, even though it was selfish, because she still longed for your presence despite the way she was treating you. The thought of losing you was unbearable, even if it meant she was the catalyst for your eventual downfall.
. . . . .
It was the final concert of the world tour, marking the end of a long and eventful year. The encore stage was set in Seoul, drawing in celebrities from all over South Korea to show their support. Securing tickets had been a challenge, but fortunately, you found yourself on the VIP list. Despite being involved in nearly a hundred shows during the tour, you had never had the opportunity to attend one yourself. This would be your first time witnessing Mina's performance on stage, and you couldn't help but wonder if it would also be your last. The state of your relationship had been deteriorating ever since Haerin's birthday, and that unforgettable text message Mina had received on that day lingered in your mind.
As expected, the concert was a remarkable spectacle. Each group brought their unique style and talent to the stage, showcasing the diversity that JYP was renowned for. The grand finale, complete with dazzling fireworks, left the crowd buzzing with excitement. You were certain that the concert would be the talk of the town for the entire week, and a surge of pride swelled within you. However, amidst the awe-inspiring performances, a sense of nervousness crept over you as you anticipated seeing Mina for the first time in months. Uncertainty loomed.
Were you still together?
You could feel the connection slipping through your fingers with each passing day, yet you couldn't deny the deep affection your heart held for her. . . . . .
Dressed in an elegant low-cut dress, your arm linked with Dahyun's, you made your way to the rooftop terrace of the JYP building. Dahyun had kindly invited you as her plus one to the concert afterparty, sensing that something was amiss in your relationship with Mina. She hoped that bringing you along would help mend the cracks in your connection. Dahyun cared about you deeply; she had overcome her previous crush on you and had become one of your closest and most loyal friends. Like Chaeyoung, she struggled to keep her thoughts about Mina to herself, recognizing that it would be better for you to hear the truth from someone other than her.
As the elevator ascended, carrying you both towards the bustling gathering, your thoughts involuntarily drifted back to Mina. She remained an enigma, too complex for you to fully comprehend. Time was slipping away, and you couldn't ignore the symptoms manifesting within you. Your mind had become a jumbled mess, and signs of forgetfulness and the gradual loss of color in your vision were becoming more evident.
Sensing your nervousness, Dahyun gently squeezed your hand, offering a comforting gesture. With a recurring toothy smile, she became a reassuring presence, and you leaned your head on her shoulder, finding solace as the elevator continued its ascent, leading you toward your soulmate.
You wondered what it would be like if things were different. What if you were tied to someone more open and uncomplicated, someone who wore their heart on their sleeve, just like you?  You envied Dahyun’s soulmate, she was so easy to love. Most importantly of all, you envied the past you without any mark on your wrist that wrote down your fate. 
Stepping out onto the terrace, you found yourself immediately enveloped in a tight hug from Ryujin.
"Looking good, hot stuff," she teased, wrapping her arm around your shoulder and planting a gentle kiss on your temple.
Meanwhile, Dahyun flashed you a warm smile as she chimed in, "I'll go get the drinks. Champagne?"
With a nod of agreement, the two of you watched as Dahyun left to track down a waiter.
"You guys were great on stage," you commented.
"As always," the idol responded, flipping her short hair with feigned confidence. But then she looked at you with concern. "Are you okay, though?"
Confusion washed over you. You hadn't shared much about your situation with Mina with Ryujin.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be okay?" you replied, trying to make sense of her question.
"I mean... with..." Ryujin's voice trailed off, her uncertainty evident. "With Mina."
"What do you mean?" you asked, mirroring her confusion.
Ryujin appeared just as bewildered. "I thought you guys broke up."
You slightly shook your head, feeling the pain of Mina potentially leaving you tearing open the gaping wound in your heart that you tried so hard to keep together.
"We were fine a few days ago," you revealed, struggling to keep your emotions in check. "But we aren't really together to begin with."
"I'm going to kill her," Ryujin hissed under her breath, her hands balling into fists.
Before you could inquire further about what she meant, Dahyun came bouncing back, attempting to juggle three glasses of champagne in her small hands.
"Slow down there, Dubu," you laughed, reaching out to steady her.
Ryujin, on the other hand, directed her anger at Dahyun. "Did you know?" she challenged, dropping all honorifics.
Dahyun looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Know what?"
"That Mina never broke it off with Y/N," Ryujin revealed.
The older idol's face paled even whiter than before. "Wh-what?" she stammered, her large eyes darting between you and Ryujin's face in disbelief.
As Ryujin dragged you through the crowded terrace, your heart sank. Confrontation was something you always dreaded, and facing the truth felt daunting. Passing by Yeji and Yuna, you gave them a grimace, and Yeji immediately put down her glass and joined you, recognizing Ryujin's anger and impulsive tendencies as a member of the group.
"Where the fuck is she," Ryujin hissed, actively scanning the crowd until she spotted Chaeyoung.
"Son Chaeyoung!" With a shout, Ryujin pulled you over to the blonde leaning against the wall at the near end of the rooftop. Chaeyoung stood there casually, cigarette in hand, exhaling smoke as if her life depended on the swirling gray tendrils to guide her.
"Hey," Chaeyoung greeted calmly, in stark contrast to the raging girl before her. Her eyes flicked to yours, and the same sad look she had given you a few months ago resurfaced. "Hey, Y/N."
Ryujin stepped forward, her face inches away from Chaeyoung's. "Don't you feel ashamed?" she challenged.
"Of what?" Chaeyoung replied, her shoulder slumping in defeat.
"You know that your best friend is a cheater. And you're fine with watching her cheat on Y/N?"
"Mina didn't... tell you?" Chaeyoung's voice trailed off, her defeat apparent. "I told her to talk to you," she muttered.
"Well, she obviously didn't," Ryujin snarled, her voice escalating. A crowd started to gather, curious eyes fixed on the unfolding confrontation.
"Where is she anyway? That bi-" Ryujin began, but Yeji swiftly intervened, stepping firmly between Chaeyoung and Ryujin.
"That's enough," she declared, her tone authoritative. "That is enough."
With the order from their leader, Ryujin had no choice but to back down, taking deep breaths as Yeji's mind raced, searching for a solution to resolve the situation and prevent further gossip from spreading.
"She's in the studio, 9th floor," Chaeyoung informed you, offering a sad, crooked smile. "Hear her out."
. . . . .
The world around you felt hazy as your legs automatically guided you back to the golden doors of the elevator. Watching the numbers slowly descend, 39, 38, 37..., your heart sank with each floor. This conversation with Mina would either resolve all your relationship problems or bring it to an end. Deep down, you held onto a glimmer of hope, even though you knew it was likely to fall into the latter category. After all, you loved her, and you understood that the poison coursing through your veins would fight to keep it that way.
The automatic lights of the hallway illuminated your path as you walked towards the studio like a beacon of hope and love trying to navigate through the darkness to find Mina. She could see the hesitation in your steps from afar, knowing that it was because of her. She hadn't found the right way to explain things to you yet, but when she received the text from Chaeyoung saying you had arrived at the party, she knew that today was the day she would have to face you.
Her fingers lightly traced the keys of the piano, playing a melancholic tune that had been resonating in her mind lately. Despite being a performer and not a songwriter, music had become her way of expressing herself lately.
"Hey," you whispered softly, standing near the doorway of the recording studio, watching Mina play the piano in the dimly lit room.
"Hey," she raised her head to look at you, her eyes dark and shining in the subdued lighting. They seemed unreadable and devoid of emotion.
You stood there in silence, at a loss for words for the girl you once shared endless conversations with. You used to have so much to say to each other, but now your relationship was suffocated by unspoken words and heartbreak.
"Play a song with me?" Mina finally asked, breaking the silence. "Like old times?"
You took a deep breath, finding it hard to believe that after months of brief texts and calls, this was the first thing she said upon seeing you. Shaking your head in frustration, you walked over to the idol and sat down beside her, facing the piano.
"What song?" you asked, your hands resting on the keys, refusing to turn around and look at your soulmate.
Mina didn't say anything as you continued to stare straight ahead, your hands poised on the keyboard, waiting for her response.
"I'm sorry," she finally said, placing her hand over yours, causing a few off-key notes to sound from the piano.
You quickly pulled your hands away from hers as if her touch burned your skin. "Sorry doesn't solve anything."
"I know it doesn't," Mina gently turned you to face her. "I know sorry will never be enough to make up for how I've treated you, but I want to explain why I acted this way."
Mina took your silence as a cue to continue, and she quickly cleared her throat. She knew this was her last chance to selfishly keep you by her side, and she would do anything to make that happen. The thought of losing you was unbearable.
"Dispatch found out about us. They have pictures of us kissing on the beach," she revealed.
You raised your eyes in annoyance. "So? What does that have to do with anything?"
"My company won't allow me to go public with our relationship," she explained, ignoring your irritated tone. "They arranged a cover-up story, and I was afraid you would break up with me if you saw the fabricated article."
"Why didn't you just tell me?" you questioned.
"They made me sign an NDA," Mina replied without hesitation. Deep down, panic surged within her as she fabricated the lie. The company never made her sign anything, and she was the one who had asked her manager to come up with a plan to conceal the pictures from Dispatch. But she was desperate to hold onto you, even if it meant lying and digging a deeper hole for herself. "I really wanted to tell you."
You let out a sigh of relief and confusion. You were relieved that, for now, your relationship was still intact, but you couldn't shake the feeling that Mina was intentionally hiding something.
"What is the cover-up story?" you asked.
Mina hesitated before answering, "Just a few pictures of a dinner gathering with another idol. Our PR team thought it would be best to address the dating rumors by leaking a few photos to make people think I'm dating a guy. They're releasing the article next Monday."
Nodding, you chose to believe Mina. There were still many things she needed to explain, such as the text message on her phone and the guilty look in her eyes, but once again, you relented, choosing to believe her words for the sake of maintaining your relationship. You knew deep down that you were likely making the wrong decision, but you were hopelessly in love and there was little you could do to change that.
"It's just a fake relationship as a cover-up?" you asked.
"It's fake, I swear," Mina quickly nodded, taking your hand in hers again, praying that you wouldn't pull away this time. You didn't.
"I love you," she said softly, her brown eyes locked with yours. It was the first time she had ever uttered those words. You didn't expect her to say them today; you expected her to break up with you instead. You were shocked, but a part of you still held onto hope.
"Don't you love me back?" Her voice sounded sad, trembling slightly.
"I do," you said, reaching up to cup her face in your hand. "Just please don't treat me like this again."
"I promise," Mina said, slowly leaning forward to press her warm lips against yours. You closed your eyes, savoring the feeling of having her close once more. You knew you were likely making the wrong decision, but you were already trapped from the beginning. Why not live in happiness for a little while longer, even if you knew it was all a lie?
Mina held your hand tightly as you made your way back to your apartment. Walking hand in hand under the starlit sky no longer felt warm and filled with love; now it was riddled with uncertainty and loneliness. She no longer felt like home, no longer like the person you once loved and adored. Despite her beauty, with her hair now dyed a light shade of pink and wearing a party dress and heels, you couldn't recognize her anymore.
You studied her profile as she drove towards your apartment, speeding down the empty streets of late-night Seoul. Leaning over, you gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, choosing to ignore the pain in your heart, the way her touch felt wrong on your leg, and the partially concealed burgundy marks on her neck.
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Sorry for the long-awaited update! What are your thoughts on Mina? (I find her quite toxic tbh)
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ariconditioner · 3 months
Indigo Park: Ed is based off of Real People
so i was watching mason’s reaction to the indigo park game theory video and he mentioned that Ed’s name was based off something super niche that the character is doing. And, as a disney parks nerd, i KNEW what ed was doing was urban exploring and i knew that disney parks urban exploring used to be super huge i just couldn’t remember any names.
SO! i did some research and quickly found out that ed in indigo park is probably based off of two people actually! Cecil “Ed” Edward Barlow Jr (Thunder Chief), and Gabe Ensign (Hoot Gibson). Both of them became famous in the Disney parks sphere for beginning the disney urban exploration trend by hopping out of the Horizons ride and taking pictures and videos with the animatronics and the inner workings of the ride after they found out it was going to be closed. The duo was known as “Hoot and Chief” and were practically the pioneers of the niche sub culture that would become Disney urban exploring.
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It might be a stretch but i believe Ed’s real name is Edward Ensign which is sort of a frankenstein of Ed Barlow Jr and Gabe Ensign, as well as a general homage to what they meant!! i just think that’s so cool. though, i don’t know how likely it is that Ed would make his last name his screen name LOL
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This is all speculation based off of Mason’s comment and what we see at the intro but i feel pretty confident about this
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rabbitenn · 1 year
Hello! GakuXReader where reader is his friend who is sooooo tired of people assuming that they're in a relationship with Gaku and it's preventing them from actually getting into a relationship and think Gaku is just as bothered but Gaku actually likes them?
Your blog is so much fun!
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Maybe everyone’s rumors were just a prediction for the future.
ft. Yaotome Gaku x gn! reader.
cw/genre: romance, fluff, friends to lovers.
hello, nonnie ! thank you for your request <3 I’m glad you think my blog is fun :) I apologize for the long wait in completing this, I hope you still like it, dear. 🤍
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— It started as something that happened occasionally, at cafes or restaurants; it didn’t surprise you anymore hearing “and what will the lovely couple order?”
— At first, you stumbled over your words to deny such statements, cheeks burning at the implications, especially worried they would bring baseless drama into your good friend’s life.
— Yaotome Gaku. The man you know like the back of your hand, on and off stage. How long ago did you two meet again? You think you were probably toddlers, bruises on your knees and chocolate stains on your shirts.
— Yes, he was kind of… your best friend, you suppose.
— Except whatever it is you feel for him is more than friendship at this point, thus, meaning the rumors are indeed not entirely a hoax the media made up.
— The problem is you can never, never, make these feelings known to him or to anyone else.
— Especially not right now of all times, with the media’s eye set on you two
— Because you know how annoying it must be for him to be mistaken as your boyfriend so often.
— At first, he politely denied it with a soft voice, so unlike his deep tone… Surely he’s so bothered about people making these kinds of remarks, seeing how he’s stopped deflecting the speculations anymore, instead just offering a cordial smile.
— But why do his steel hued eyes shine when the word ‘couple’ is used to refer to you and him?
— It must be your foolish heart and treacherous feelings playing tricks on you, yes.
— And yet, considering how close you two were, you certainly hadn’t payed much attention to his facial expressions in moments when it was just you and him.
— Whether working on your respective tasks or existing peacefully together, enjoying tranquil hobbies, it was not uncommon for the leader of TRIGGER to steal the occasional (every time more frequent) glance in your direction, constellations of you and him shining in his gaze every time he beheld you.
— But can he tell you? The way he feels… What if you think he’s playing with you, given all the rumors circulating already?
Perhaps jumping head first was the answer…
The mid-autumn chill kisses your skin, faded street lights allowing for some of the stars to peer into the tranquil night below.
The sign perched over the entrance of the soba shop is illuminated in cold light, its glow akin to a trail of moonstone pebbles leading you to the place where your heart felt warmest.
Your lips curl into a smile, as you see the one you came looking for just parking the store’s motorcycle by the door, his uniform still on.
You knew how he sometimes pretended to be just a regular guy, shipping soba orders here and there, claiming “I’m not that handsome” when inquiries regarding his stage persona were inevitably uttered.
“Hey there, delivery boy.” You greet him, arms crossed, pulling your jacket closer to your form.
The ‘delivery boy’ in question turns around, sharp moonlight eyes crinkling up in a mirror image to the crescent rising over a backdrop of deep indigo.
And you could never deny that the smile he gifts you causes for heat to rise up your neck.
A feverish dream, lasting only for a few instants, scattered like rose petals, when you realize the magnitude of the earthquake you two being in a relationship could ensue.
Besides, you’re sure it’s one sided.
Oh, how wrong you were.
“Hey, [Y/n]…” Gaku calls you. He’s grateful for the poor illumination partially concealing the blush already forming across the bridge of his nose and his cheeks.
You tilt your head to the side, looking up at him.
“What is it, Gaku?”
He clears his throat, brows a little furrowed as he looks to the side.
“I… Uh… Ehem… Can I ask you to… wait for me for a bit? While I get changed. There’s something I’d like to… discuss with you.”
You stare at him, a little baffled. Gaku could be a tad awkward at times, but it was unusual for him to stumble over his words this much. And what’s this he has to discuss with you? Has he finally snapped because of all the people mistaking you two for a couple?
“Okay.” You nod, meekly.
And, are you seeing things, or did his smile just widen at your agreement?
“Come inside, we can’t have you catching a cold now.” The idol suggests, a hand on the small of your back. “I mean, in the lobby. Not like, inside the changing room.” Your friend lets out, his reddened cheeks now on full display thanks to the shop’s lighting.
You chuckle, the sound alone enough for Gaku to pause for an instant, admiring the way your eyes close and your lips tilt upwards.
Oh, how he’s dreamt of taking those lips in his.
And perhaps he planned for this to go differently, with him wearing his best clothes, the poetry of ‘may I have the honor to love you?’ adrift beneath a starry sky.
But, right now, Yaotome Gaku is afraid he might lose heart.
So he halts his steps, turning around, his solemn gaze of argent stardust fixated on you.
“Or you know what… Let me tell you now.”
“Is there anything wrong, Gaku? Did something happen?” Your brows knit together in concern, as you unconsciously reach forward and take one of his hands in both of yours.
“You’re so warm… are you feeling alright?” You ask.
Your cluelessness was truly endearing sometimes, he thinks.
“I’m okay.” The idol smiles, his hand leaning against the touch of yours. “Just… I want to ask you something.”
Your stare fixates on his, the almost midnight sky at a standstill outside the old establishment’s windows.
“What would you say if I asked you… What if… No.” He brings his free hand to his forehead. “Okay, don’t hate me for this, please.” Are the last words you hear before he tugs on your entwined hands and his lips crash against yours. His other hand cups the back of your head, pulling you closer to him, until the constellation of your longing fuses into a supernova of eternal waiting that finally paid off.
Your eyes go wide at first, air stolen from your very lungs.
You don’t need it now, though. Not as long as Yaotome Gaku’s lips are breathing life into your own with his searing kiss.
Your lids flutter closed, a balmy daze clinging to you as your hands grab the front of his shirt for support.
Well, his message definitely came across.
And by the way you react, it seems like your answer is a rotund affirmation.
Gaku’s grandparents agree, as they silently peek through the ajar kitchen door, the dancing embers of young love, so heartwarmingly sweet.
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General Stuff
Things to consider when making Self-inserted/Reincarnated OCs
You made a deal with Death to avoid processing being dead (snip)
You move into an apartment and fix up issues, the neighbors are supernatural creatures (snip)
You had been chosen and trained to save the princess in your first life. This is the sixth. (snip)
The Emotion-Reading Pen (attempt at poem)
Kingdom Hearts - What if a Nobody was separated from its Heart for several years? (What if?/Theory.)
Sonic Forces: The Phantom Ruby Affect (HC)
Ideas for Dimension-Hopping/Traveling OCs
Jocelyn “Joy” Brewer DH!Elytra Wearing (OC)
The Owl House—Post-Series Finale HCs.
Pokémon Goodbye Ash and Pikachu
SV SI-OC Carmen, plus my playthrough so far.
Legends SI!Caitlin: Befriending Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark, Gyarados and Magikarp, Notices on Galaxy Hall Bulletin Board (snip), Space-Time Distortions items plus curious Uxie (snip)
Legends SI!Mackenzie: Progress Report, Prep Training Session for Kleavor (snip)
Rockruff and Lycanroc Thoughts
Pokemon Aren’t Pets (Ft Askjourneysgang)
Charicific Valley Flop (Ft Alolanrain)
Egg Moves, Inherit vs Taught
PMD: Why don’t Humans freak out more?
PMD: Team Meanies, The “Rival” Team
Pokemon Journeys, Represents Us + Future
Anime-Tapu Fini’s Mist (Ft Alolanrain)
Frostbitten + Drowsy = Frozen and Asleep
Battle Etiquette, Aka Don’t Crush the Rookies
Surveyshipping Hypocrite Prof Laventon
Past Lives Theory—SV Spoilers
“Can I borrow all three?” Sky-faller Rei (snip)
Random General Poké-World Headcanons
Ash going to Paldea’s academy (ft alolarain)
Questioning Pokemon Worldbuilding.
SV Post-Hisui’d Protag and Rivals Headcanons (ft bitchapalooza)
PMD RT Hero HCs: Stumble, Not Strut
Kyurem’s Reluctant Acceptance
Digidestined vs Hackers/Sleuths Digimon limit
Danny Phantom
Ghost King!Danny Meets Giratina
Danny vs Booster Gold, Twitter Feud
Valeria thinks Sam is a Witch
Guaranteed Delivery Pizza Boy in DC (rblg)
Infi-Map to Anywhere, Anywhen, and... Anywho (Original Drabble.)
Damien and Danny are stuck in Pokemon (Ft im-totally-not-an-alien-2)
Connor/Kon El/Superboy names (Ft batposts)
Spider-Man screws w/Nick Fury via time-travel
A café waitress lifts up Mjølnir in front of Thor
Determined until the end, and from the start?
Hello Puppets!
The Puppets’ Initials
Where’d Riley get a Bone Saw?
The Owen Connection
Murder Drones
Oddly-themed Dream
Uzi mistaken for Murder Drone by J, V & N (ft healthy-orch1ds) + Anon Ask
The Pine Tree Lab (rblg projectanomaly)
One Day Till Ep 4 + Theory
Post-Episode Four Theories/Discussion
Theory: Is Copper 9, Saturn’s moon Titan?
Cyn-ful — Ep 5 Promo Thoughts
MD Post-Ep 5 Thoughts and Speculation
Nurse Stain (OC) Pt. 01
Murder Drones Finale Thoughts.
9 (2009)
Were humans paranoid enough to survive?
Nimona (2023)
Random Headcanons
Poppy Playtime
Red Smoke tests brain activity and nerves?
Indigo Park
Salem the Skunk (Theory and Headcanons)
Casual Casualty AU (Idea) Pt2
Cult of the Lamb
A conversation between a new and old player.
The Amazing World of Gumball
The Joy Infection AU idea.
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Indigo Park: Salem is Important
I've already done a post on why I think Lloyd is important. I go over how I think he's the first mascot and the OG face for the Indigo brand. Not to mention, drawing a parallel to Mickey and Oswald. You can read it here.
There is also this picture at the beginning of Rambley's Railroad can suggest that Lloyd is giving the deed to the park to Rambley. I.e. transferring ownership to him, as seen here.
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We also see Lloyd as a statue that's very similar to the style of the Rambley and Isaac statue we see when entering the park. I haven't seen this mention with people, but I think the biggest case for the other important mascot is Salem.
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(Lloyd's statue in his maze)
Anything regarding to Salem is a mystery. Salem's part in Rambley's Railroad is completely destroyed. There's splats of blood, Rambley glitches out, Salem's cutout is ripped in half, and hints that Rambley's Railroad used to be Lloyd's Limos, in the backrooms.
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(Salem's section destroyed in Rambley's Railroad)
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(Lloyd's Limos in the backrooms)
Any important lore drop for Indigo Park, Salem is somehow connected. In the video game portion, where it's revealed Salem was the one who was corrupting the squirrels, then goes ahead and corrupts Mollie.
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This is hinting to something big, something that possibly happened to the mascots at the park. Rambley did say, in a way, the mascots are like their cartoony selves. Via when he tells Ed the truth and in the credits song. Something either corrupted them or it could be symbolic to how trauma changes you. Within the same game, if you drop near the first half off of it, we see Mollie's sprite in a cage.
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I mention trauma is because I think it's obvious that Mollie and the other living mascots were physically and emotionally abused by the staff and the on-goers at the park. Mollie can repeat things that were said back to her.
"I wanna play with the birdie!" "Don't touch that thing, son." "It barely hurts at all..." "Get up, you stupid freak." "Get back in your cage, bird." "The customer is always right." Mollie and Lloyd are conscious beings who were tossed around and mistreated from the employees to the people visiting the park. They treated them like they were just props, things. The parent calls Mollie a THING. The employees called Mollie a "stupid freak" and for her to get back in her cage. As shown in the video game. They were treated like rag dolls and if they didn't do want the employees wanted, they would get beat or screamed at, or left to rot in cages. It just makes the line "It barely hurts at all!" more dark.
It barely hurts at all.
She's convincing herself that the abuse she is going through is fine or that she's used to it. Or an employee saying the abuse she is going through isn't hurting her. It barely hurts at all. I wouldn't be surprised if Indigo Park's underlying horror is mistreating people as just tensions of the park to sell a fantasy towards parent for a quick buck, instead of, y'know, treating them like people.
Not to mention, Salem uses potions. Magic. A possible hint to how the mascots were brought to life. They aren't robots or anything, but they're conscious, living beings. Now, let's take a look at Salem's intro card. It was censored before chapter 1 was released, but I believe it is important.
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Note of some important things here. They are a major trouble maker, super quick, and cunning. Interesting. Personally, in a speculation of mine is that Salem was the first one to act out and think what the employees and on-goers at the park treating them and the other mascots were wrong. Anytime something of lore is dropped or something of importance, Salem is involved. Salem is important.
Either or not they're an ally or enemy to Rambley and Ed, we'll see. Heck, Salem doesn't have any merch minus a keychain. So, whenever Salem is on the screen pay attention. Isn't it odd that Rambley NEVER mentions Salem? Like, the dude mentions Lloyd and he hates his guts. Interesting.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
'This is going to be a prolonged operation': Halifax-area wildfire grows to 837 hectares
Officials say the wildfire burning in the Upper Tantallon, N.S., area has grown to 837 hectares.
Dave Steeves, with Nova Scotia’s Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, provided an update on the fire Wednesday morning along with Halifax Fire deputy chief David Meldrum.
Steeves attributes the fire growth -- of about 49 hectares -- to Tuesday’s fire behaviour and more accurate mapping.
“It’s not something that we didn’t foresee happening yesterday, with the weather that we had. And we were fortunate with the hard work of the firefighters on the ground that we were able to hold it to where we did.”
He says Wednesday could be another difficult, dangerous day, with winds gusting up to 25 kilometers out of the southwest and low humidity at around 20 per cent.
“When our relative humidity levels get close to the forecasted temperature of today, that’s a phenomenon of what we call crossover and the phenomenon of crossover is an indicator of extreme fire behaviour.”
Meldrum says approximately 100 firefighters will work on hotspots and flare ups Wednesday, including two units from Charlottetown.
He also said he can’t speculate as to when the fire will be under control or when evacuation zones will change to allow people to return to their homes.
“I would encourage all of us to be ready for a long fire fight. We’ve got a lot of dry weather days ahead, we’ve got low humidity forecasted. This is going to be a prolonged operation.”
He describes the site of the fire as a “tragedy” with wide-spread destruction.
“And, at the same time, there is a level of randomness that comes with wildfires when they hit the urban interface, where people live. So there are properties that are unharmed in close proximity to properties that are destroyed. It’s terrible to see – these are people’s homes, this is a community.”
Steeves stressed that fire officials are not keeping residents out of their homes because they want to.
“This is to keep people alive. This is a very dangerous situation. It’s changing every moment, with wind, with fuels, with the lay of the land, how the sun is heating the fuels – everything is constantly evolving,” he said.
“We have to take the safest route for the citizens that we are here serve and if that is keeping them at bay a little bit longer until we can ensure the environment is safe for them to return, that’s what we have to do. It’s not what we want to do, it’s what we have to do.”
Evacuation orders remain in place for residents in the following communities:
Westwood subdivision, Upper Tantallon
Whitehills subdivision, Hammonds Plains
Highland Park subdivision, Yankeetown
Haliburton Hills
Pockwock Road
Glen Arbour
Lucasville Road to Sackville Drive
Voyageur Way
St George Boulevard, including all side streets
McCabe Lake area
Indigo Shores
Pre-evacuation notices are also in place for a separate fire in the Bedford, N.S., area.
The Canada Games Centre evacuation centre at 26 Thomas Raddall Drive in Halifax is open until further notice.
Nova Scotia Health’s mobility primary care clinic is hosting another drop-in clinic at the centre until 5 p.m.
The Insurance Bureau of Canada and seven major insurance companies will be available to speak with affected residents at the centre until 5 p.m.
They will also be at the Black Point and Area Community Centre until noon.
Black Point and Area Community Centre at 8579 St Margarets Bay Rd. reopened at 8 a.m. and will close at 9 p.m.
Beaver Bank Kinsac Community Centre at 1583 Beaver Bank Rd. reopened at 9 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.
The Halifax Regional Centre for Education says the following schools are closed Wednesday due to wildfires and evacuations:
Bay View High School
Tantallon Junior Elementary
Tantallon Senior Elementary
Five Bridges Junior High
St. Margaret’s Bay Elementary
Kingswood Elementary
Hammonds Plains Consolidated
Madeline Symonds Middle School
Charles P. Allen High School
Basinview Drive Community School
Bedford South School
Harry R. Hamilton Elementary
Millwood Elementary
Millwood High School
Sackville Heights Elementary
Sackville Heights Junior High
As of 9 a.m. Wednesday, more than 3,000 Nova Scotia Power customers in the Upper Tantallon and Hammonds Plains areas are without electricity.
The Nova Scotia government continues to update a new webpage with the latest emergency alerts and resource information about fires in the province.
For more Nova Scotia news, visit our dedicated provincial page.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/pIBQlrG
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Afro-Futurist Reading List Vol 2.
Afro Futurism Reading List Vol 1:
Afro Futurism Reading List Vol 2:
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Black Speculative Fiction Breakdown by Genre
African Fantasy (early myths and fables from the continent): Forest Of A Thousand Deamons: A Hunter's Saga by Daniel O. Fagunwa The Palm Wine Drinkard by Amos Tutuola My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts by Amos Tutuola Simbi and the Satyr of the Dark Jungle by Amos Tutuola The Brave African Huntress by Amos Tutuola Feather Woman of the Jungle by Amos Tutuola Ajaiyi and his Inherited Poverty by Amos Tutuola The Witch-Herbalist of the Remote Town by Amos Tutuola
Utopia (alternate histories written during the jim crow & antebellum eras): Blake Or The Huts Of Africa by Martin Delany Imperium In Imperio by Sutton E Griggs Light Ahead For The Negro Edward A Johnson One One Blood by Pauline Hopkins Black No More by George Shuyler Lord Of The Sea by MP Sheil
Space Opera (far future sci fi worlds of interplanetary travel): Nova by Samuel R Delany Stars In My Pocket Like Grains Of Sand by Samuel R. Delany Binti Trilogy by Nnedi Okorafor An Unkindness Of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson Rayla 2122 Series by Ytasha Womack Trouble On Triton by Samuel R. Delany Babel 17 by Samuel R Delany Empire Star by Samuel R Delany The Galaxy Game by Karen Lord The Best Of All Possible Worlds by Karen Lord Ancient Ancient by Klini Iburu Salaam Escaping Exodus by Nicky Drayden Ascension: Tangled Axon by Jacqueline Koyanagi Teleportality by T Cisco Nadine's Bible Seris by T Lindsey-Billingsley Nigerians In Space Series by Deji Bryce Olukotun
Aliens (alien encounters): Lilith's Brood Trilogy by Octavia Butler Lagoon by Nnedi Okorafor Rosewater Trilogy by Tade Thompson The Lesson by Cadwell Turnbell The Wave by Walter Mosley
Dystopia (oppressive futures and realities): Friday Black by Nana Kwame Adjie Brenyah Riot Baby by Tochi Onyebuchi War Girls Series by Tochi Onyebuchi Sunshine Patriots by Bill Campbell Gunmen's Peace by Milton J Davis Dragon Variation by T Cisco
Experimental (literary tricksters): The Ravicka Series by Renee Gladman The Freedom Artist by Ben Okri The Structure Of Dante's Hells by LeRoi Jones The House Of Hunger by Dumbudzo Marachera Black Sunlight By Dumbudzo Marachera Yellow Back Radio Broke Down by Ishmaeel Reed The Last Days Of Louisiana Red by Ishmaeel Reed The Sellout by Paul Beatty Koontown Killing Kaper by Bill Campbell The African Origin Of UFOs by Anthony Joseph Quantum Black Futurism(Theory & Practice Volume 1) by Rasheeda Philips by Rasheeda Philips Spacetime Collapse: From The Congo to Carolinas Spacetime Collapse II: Community Futurisms by Rasheeda Philips consent not to be a single being trilogy by Fred Mot
Post-Apocalyptic (worlds falling apart): The Purple Cloud by MP Shiel Dhalgren by Samuel R Delany The Parable Series by Octavia Butler Brown Girl In The Ring by Nalo Hopkinson
Dying Earth (far future post-apocalyptic worlds + magic):
The Broken Earth Trilogy by NK Jemisin The Einstien Intersection by Samuel R. Delany The Jewels Of Aptor by Samuel R. Delany The Fall Of The Towers Trilogy by Samuel R. Delany Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorofor The Book Of Phoenix by Nnededi Okorofor The Prey Of Gods by Nicky Drayden
Alternate History (alternate timelines and what-ifs): Mumbo Jumbo by Ishmael Reed Everfair by Nisi Shawl The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates The Insh'Allah Series by Steven Barnes Ring Shout by P Djelia Clark A Dead Djinn In Cairo by P Djelia Clark The Black God's Drum by P Djelia Clark Washington Black by Esi Edugyan Pimp My Airship: A Naptown By Airship Story by Maurice Beaudice The Dream Of Perpetual Motion by Dexter Palmer Pym by Matt Johnson, Dread Nation Series by Justina Ireland From Here to Timbuktu by Milton J Davis
High Fantasy (magical kindoms and high adventures): The Neveryorn Series by Samuel R. Delany Black Leapard Red Wolf by Marlon James The Deep by Rivers Solomon & Clipping Imaro Series by Charles R. Saunders The Children Of Blood & Bone by Tomi Adeyemi The Children Of Virtue & Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi The Sorcerer Of The Wildeeps by Kai Ashai Washington A Taste Of Honey by Kai Ashai Washington Beasts Made Of Night Series by Tochi Onyebuchi A Place Of Nights: War & Ressurection by Oloye Karade, Woman Of The Woods: A Sword & Soul Epic by Milton J Davis Temper by Nicky Drayden They Fly At Ciron by Samuel R. Delany Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman The House Of Discarded Dreams by Etakterina Sedia
Magic Realism (literary naturalism with surreal, dreamlike, and mythic imagery): The Echo Tree & Other Stories by Henry Dumas The Kingdom Of This World by Alejo Carpentier General Sun My Brother by Jacques Stephen Alexis The Famished Road Series by Ben Okri The New Moon's Arms by Nalo Hopkinson The Salt Roads by Nalo Hopkinson Montaro Caine by Sydney Portier Mama Day by Gloria Naylor Redemption In Indigo by Karen Lord Mem by Bethany C Morrow
Urban Fantasy (modern citybound fantasy): The City We Became by NK Jemisin  Sister Mine by Nalo Hopkinson The Chaos by Nalo Hopkinson The Intuitionist by Colson Whitehead Blue Light By Walter Mosley Fire Baptized by Kenya Wright
Time Travel (stories unstuck in time): Kindred by Octavia Butler Version Control by Dexter Palmer Recurrence Plot by Rasheedah Phillips
Horror (nightmare, terrors, and hauntings): Beloved by Toni Morisson African Immortals by Tananarivue Due Fledgling by Octavia Butler The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez Lakewood by Meggan Giddings The Ballad Of Black Tom by Victor Lavalle Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff The Changeling by Victor Lavealle Zone One by Colson Whitehead The Between by Tananarive Due The Good House by Tananarive Due Ghost Summers: Stories by Tananarive Due Unhollowed Graves by Nunzo Onho Catfish Lullaby by AC Wise
Young Adult (books for young adults): Akata Witch Series by Nnedi Okorofor Zarah The Windseeker & The Shadow Speaker by Nnedi Okorofor Long Juju Man by Nnedi Okorofor Ikenga by Nnedi Okorofor Tristan Strong Series by Kwame Mbalia A Song Below Water by Bethany C Morrow Daughters Of Nri by Reni K. Amayo A River Of Royal Blood by Amanda Joy 47 by Walter Mosley
Comics (graphic storytelling) George Herriman Library: Krazy & Ignatz (1919-1921) by George Herriman The Boondocks Complete Collection by Aaron Mcgruder Birth Of A Nation by Aaron Mcgrudger, Reginald Hudlin, & Kyle Baker Prince Of Cats by Ronald Wimberly Concrete Park by Erika Alexander & Tony Puryear Incognegro Series by Matt Johnson Your Black Friend & Other Stories by Ben Passmore Bttm Fdrs Ezra Clayton Daniels & Ben Passmore Sports Is Hell is Ben Passmore LaGuardia by Nnedi Okorofor & Tana Ford Bread & Wine: An Erotic Tale Of New York by Samuel R Delany & Mia Wolff Empire by Samuel R Delany & Howard Chaykin Excellence by Brandon Thomas Bitteroot by David F Walker, Chuck Brown & Sanford Greene Black by Kwanza Osajyefo Niobe: She Is Life by Amandla Stenberg & Sebastian A Jones Black Panther by Christopher Priest Black Panther by Reginald Hudlin Black Panther by Ta-Nehisi Coates Shuri by Nnedi Okorofor World Of Wakanda by Roxane Gay Truth: Red, White, & Black by Kyle Baker House Of Whispers by Nalo Hopkinson & Neil Gaiman Naomi by David F Walker, Brian Micheal Bendis, & Jamal Campbell Far Sector by NK Jemison & Jamal Campbell
Short Stories (collections by single authors): Driftglass by Samuel R Delany, Distant Stars by Samuel R Delany Bloodchild & Other Stories by Octavia Butler Unexpected Stories by Octavia Butler Falling In Love With Hominids by Nalo Hopkinson Skin Folk by Nalo Hopkinson, Kabu Kabu by Nnedi Okorofor, How Long Til Black Future Month? by NK Jemisin Nine Bar Blues by Sheree Reneee Thomas
Anthologies (collections from multiple authors) Dark Matter edited by Sheree Renee Thomas So Long Been Dreaming edited by Nalo Hopkinson Conjure Stories edited by Nalo Hopkinso Whispers From The Cotton Tree Root: Caribbean Fabulist Fiction edited by Nalo Hopkinson Afro SF: Science Fiction by African Writers edited by Wor. W. Hartmaan Stories For Chip: A Tribute To Samuel R Delany edited by Nisi Shawl Octavia's Brood: Science Fiction Stories From Social Justice Movement edited by Adrienne Marie Brown & Walidah Imarisha Mothership: Tales of Afrofuturism and Beyond edited by Bill Campbell The City: Cyberfunk Antholoy edited by Milton J Davis Steamfunk edited by Milton J Davis Dieselfunk edited by Milton J Davis Griots: A Sword & Soul Anthology by Milton J Davis & Charles R Saunders Griots: Sisters Of The Spear by Milton J Davis & Charles R Saunders
Non-Fiction (histories, essays, and arguments) Afrofuturism And The World Of Black Sci-Fi & Fantasy Culture by Ytasha Womack Afrofuturism 2.0: The Rise Of Astral Blackness edited by Reynaldo Anderson & Charles E Jones The Black Imagination: Science Fiction, The Future, and The Speculative by Sandra Jackson & Julie E Woody-Freeman Afro-Futures & Astral Black Travel by Juice Aleem The Sound Of Culture: Diaspora & Black Technopoetics by Louis Cude Soke Black Utopia: The History Of An Idea From Black Nationalism To Afrofuturism by Alex Zamalin Afrouturism Rising: The Literary Pre-History Of A Movement by Isiah Lavendar III A Pure Solar World: Sun Ra & The Birth Of Afrofuturism by Paul Youngquist Where No Black Woman Has Gone Before: Subversive Poryrals In Speculative Film & TV by Diana Adesola Mafe Black Kirby: In Search Of The Motherbox Connection by John Jennings & Stacey Robinson Super Black: American Pop Culture & Black Super-Heroes by Adilifu Nama Black Space: Imagining Race In Science Fiction Film by Adilifu Nama Black Super-Heroes, Milestone Comics, And Their Fans by Jeffery A Brown Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changin Worlds by Adrienne Marie Brown
*cover image from Ytasha Womack’s “Afrofuturism: The World Of Black Sci-Fi & Fantasy Culture”
(please post anything I might have left out in the comments) 
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reapers-carino · 4 years
Ife Mi
Five months had passed since that fateful night and each day had felt like blissful paradise and anxious agony. Akande Ogundimu’s face had been plastered on every news station, domestic and international, for a month after his escape. The news speculated over who broke him out, how or if he was involved in the death of the sketchy Venitian businessman Augustin Venturo, and what plans the man had since he had escaped. You, of course, had been interviewed by several different authorities;  the Numbani Police Department, the Nigerian Armed Forces, and even Interpol. Each interview had ended in failure, however. There was no footage that showed the man at your compound of a home, nor was there any evidence, scenting or otherwise, that indicated that the man had even made contact with you in recent months. So after each individual interview, you ended up back at home, patiently waiting for the signal that you would soon be reunited with your mate.
Sighing softly, your eyes darted away from the news reel that scrolled lazily along the bottom of your vanity’s mirror and up to the picture from your mating/marriage ceremony and celebration. That had been one of the happiest days of both of your lives, the smiles stretched across both of your faces so genuine and gleeful. Akande and you were both dressed in rich, bright reds; your crimson gele and iro embroidered with hand-stitched golden flowers and hundreds of shimmering pearlescent beads. Your buba was a golden cream in color, the beading a softer pink in color with a neckline that showed off your collarbones and shoulders. Akande’s sokoto and buba were the same gold-cream color as your own, his agbada and fila a more masculine version of your gele and iro. You were tucked neatly against his side, his arm wrapped tight around your waist as the both of you stared into one another’s eyes as if you were the only two people that existed in the world. It had been a beautiful day, a mere few months after his accident and subsequent prosthesis installation. Your fingers trailed over the picture in the mirror, smiling melancholy before you remembered why you had initially sat down.
The shea and argan creme that you had been untwisting your hair with laid forgotten, half of your hair had been untwisted, the other half still stuck in those two strand twists that you had patiently plaited your hair into the night before. Dipping your fingers in the creme, you began the dance again; zoning out as you made your way through the rest of your hair. Carefully you pushed the twisted curls up using your fingertips, gelling down your edges and smiling contently as you wrapped a scarf around them.
“Wow...que bonito. But god that took forever”
Your eyes went round, grabbing the blaster pistol that was affixed to the underside of your vanity. There was no one in the mirror and no discernible scent in the air that your nose could catch onto. Jumping up, your vanity seat flew back, almost clattering to the ground as you turned, only to have the seat stop inches from the ground.
“What the--”
The chair slowly lifted up from its impossible hovering position before being stood upright once more.  Pointing your gun in the general direction of the chair, your eyes darted left then right and left again, still unable to see who, or what, was in the room with you.
“You should be careful with where you point that thing.”
You barely bit back a snarl as you twisted to see just where in the hell the voice was coming from, confusion wrinkling your brow. It felt like she was mocking you, playing
“Hey calm down, I’m a friend.”
The voice practically purred from right next to her, a scarf appearing from thin air and dropping onto your chair. The scent slammed into you like a wall, knees wobbling briefly as your grip on the pistol weakened before tightening. Sunflower and nutmeg and amber with the delicious tinge of citrus, the scent of an impending rut wrapping so tightly around your senses you thought you might choke. Tears stung traitorously in your eyes as you slowly lowered your pistol, knowing there was no way anyone would have gotten such a strongly scented item from Akande without his permission.
“There you go…”
A woman glimmered to life in front of you; long, dark hair dyed and side shaven, warm brown skin accented by varying shades of purple, blue and indigo. The mischievous smirk that creased her lips gave you pause before she extended her hand to you, long nails--no gloves, perhaps both--gently scratching the back of your hand as you shook her’s.
“Akande sent me to pick you up”, she said nonchalantly, letting your hand go with a flourish of her hand, turning her back on you. “He said he’d come himself buuut, you know. The whole being wanted thing. Nice place you have here…”
“Who are you”, you asked incredulously as she walked around your bedroom as if it was her own, picking up pictures and objects curiously before placing them down and glancing over her shoulder at you once more.
“You can call me Sombra. So...you going to go pack? We don’t have all day.”
You had stood frozen as she galavanted around the room, before shaking your head as she directly spoke to you once more. This was not the time to freeze, it was finally time for you to unite with your mate and to never be separated from him again. You had packed a bag the night of his initial visit, a small one with a few outfits, your necessary toiletries and an encrypted photo album that held images from the decades you had spent together. You slid a few pieces of sentimental jewelry on before grabbing the bag from the closet and quickly snatching up the scarf. A low purr started in your chest, giving the scarf a gentle nuzzle and a quick sniff. Shiver rolling down your spine, you resisted the urge to close your eyes and lose yourself within his aura before your eyes found Sombra’s again. She looked like the cat that had caught the canary as she sauntered over, patting you on the shoulder sympathetically, you thought, before moving past you.
“Aw don’t look so shy”, she teased, the lilt of a barely contained chuckle in her voice. “It has been a while. Maybe you can help the big guy unwind.”
You could feel the flush climb up your cheeks and down into your chest but you refused to cow to this joker of a girl.
“That was the plan”, you hummed softly, following behind the younger woman as she began to walk out of the door, willing the burn of your cheeks to dissipate. “How do you intend to get us out of here unseen? If you hadn’t noticed, his escape has painted a very persistent target on my back.”
“Oh don’t worry about that”,Sombra dismissed, sliding down the banister and jumping off with a flourish of her fingers. This time they glowed, purple lines running from the tips of her nails up her arms and all the way to the weird contraption on her back. “I have a few tricks up my sleeve.”
Brow furrowing, you weren’t exactly sure you followed, but if Akande had entrusted your trip to this woman...then you would trust him.
“Alright”, you answered confidently, quickly making your way down the stairs and stopping behind her. Sombra held up her hand briefly making you stop short before pulling up a purple-tinted holoscreen. Her fingers danced across the screen, your eyes briefly catching sight of what had to be surveillance of your home from several different feeds before everything froze.
“There we go...okay, keep your head low and let’s go.”
Parked outside of your home was a hover vehicle with one of the gaudiest, obnoxiously loud logo for a supposed ‘DF Pizza Service’. The cartoon lion on the front was holding a ‘thumbs up’ with one paw and in the other it held a very gooey and cheesy looking pizza. You couldn’t help but balk, eyes slowly trailing over to Sombra who was climbing in the back of the van. She actually snorted when she saw your disgusted expression before sweeping an arm out and motioning for you to hurry up.
“Oh god you guys have the same expressions”, she snorted, her nose wrinkling up as genuine laughter bubbled from her lips. “Pobrecito...I promise it’s a short ride and then you’ll get to be in your big, strong Alpha’s arms.”
Her tone dripped with sarcasm before she completely moved back into the vehicle. Huffing softly, you reluctantly climbed into the back of the vehicle, praying that this trip was just as quick as Sombra had implied.
Your stomach rolled as Sombra helped you off of the holo-ship, whether from anxiousness or the turbulence the two of you had dealt with the entire ride, you did not know. After the delivery truck, the two of you moved between two different holo-ships before you were finally delivered to what you could only guess was their current home base. There was an unassuming small building directly in front of you, with a large piece of land attached but much too small to hold more than one or two people snugly. There obviously must be more but first you’d get your solid ground footing back.
“Welcome to Talon HQ”, Sombra said as both your feet finally touched solid ground, you actually squeezing both of her hands in appreciation.
She had loosened up during the ride, sharing a few pictures that had been taken over the last few months. Most of them were candid and goofy, meals being eaten together, awkward exercise angles and even a few face masks. She was a peculiar person but you did not know if you would deem her as a bad person.
“Thank you so much”, you said, taking one unsteady step then another, holding on tight to your bag. Your eyes searched the horizon for some kind of sign of Akande before looking at Sombra confused. You knew he wouldn’t miss a chance to greet you, absolutely knew it.
Tipping her head forward, she silently indicated that you should walk towards the building in front of you. Biting back a soft whimper of disappointment, you took several steps forward before it felt like you had walked through a bubble. Stumbling forward you keened as a scent that smelled of home suddenly slammed into you, strong arms wrapping about you to keep you from falling. Tears sprang to your eyes, your heart jumping into your throat as you tilted your head up and locked eyes with Akande, the soft smile on his lips making your heart soar.
“De”, you whined out, dropping the bag in your hand and throwing your arms around his neck. He lifted you up effortlessly, your arms squeezing even tighter around him, a hiccup of an overjoyed sob leaving your mouth. “Oko mi...I have missed you.”
He delicately crushed you to his body, tempering his strength but holding you as closely as humanly allowed. His scent poured over you as he nuzzled into your neck, ears barely hearing the soft words he murmured as he kissed the top of your head and temples and cheeks. Wrapping your legs around his waist you leaned back slightly in his arms, your hands coming up to cup his face to study it and recommit everything to memory. Those gorgeous high cheekbones and rugged jaw, those brown eyes that shone with absolute adoration for you, the lips that kept interrupting your focus by kissing you once then twice then thrice. You pressed your forehead to his, breathing in deeply to quell your tears.
“Ife mi”, he breathed as he placed both hands snuggly under your ass, pushing you up ever so slightly higher. Your eyes looked into his almost shyly, your heart fluttering like it had the first time you had kissed, the first time you had mated, like every time he looked at you. “I have missed you.”
The tears returned, calmer but just as meaningful, pressing one small kiss against his lips then another and another before you absolutely melted into him. Warmth burst in your chest, melting down your body and to your toes, pooling lazily in your core. You had missed the softness of his lips, missed the way he kissed you so tenderly as if he worshiped you with each one. Your thumbs rubbed slow circles against his jawline as you tried to pull him even closer, a harsh shiver rolling down your spine at the quiet growl that began to rumble in his throat. Oh gods how you had missed your Alpha. The hand under your ass began to gently massage at the flesh through your shorts, a muted whine caught in your chest as your legs tightened around him. His scent was intoxicating you, his hands and lips and torso making your body feel like it was slowly being pushed towards the sun.
Your lungs began to burn as they demanded air from you, pulling you reluctantly from the kiss, your eyes peering open as you breathed against his lips.
“Gods I have missed you”, you breathed out, pressing a quick brief kiss to his lips before you heard exaggerated gagging from behind you.
“Dios mio”, Sombra ‘gagged’ from behind, your head twisting to more or less pout at the other woman. Her hand was over her middle, making another exaggerated ‘puking’ potion, purple x’d out skeletons ‘falling from her mouth’. “Get a room!”
Rolling your eyes you couldn’t help the small chuckle that spilled from your lips at the ridiculous show, the soft scoff from Akande not going unnoticed by you. Turning back to him, his lips had tugged down in a slight scowl, inching up as you kissed his cheek.
“The suggestion is not a bad one De”, you murmured near his ear, pulling back with a shrug of your shoulder and a suggestive smile on your lips.
The scent of his incoming rut was near overpowering and while you wanted to talk with the man and learn of what he had been up to when you were apart, the need to lay with your mate was even stronger. He smiled at you, the expression smaller but just as meaningful as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before gently letting you down. You purred softly as you reached down and picked up your bag, Akande quickly taking the bag out of your hand and giving a soft admonishing sniff.
“What a gentleman”, Sombra teased with a half snort before beginning to take the lead, walking towards the set of buildings that you had completely missed.
The small, decrepit building had turned into a fairly large, stylish pre-fab of sorts; it looked more like a small apartment building versus any kind of ‘villainous compound’. The outside was a simple white, material you did not know; it stood three stories high, was fairly wide and windowless although you couldn’t tell how far back it stretched. You vaguely wondered if it was Vishkar-made, the sharp corners, clean coloring and material screamed their design. Squeaking softly, you chuckled as Akande tucked you into his side, his left arm wrapping around your waist to pull you close.
“Let’s go.”
You nodded happily, nuzzling into the side of his chest, practically chirping with excitement as he maneuvered you forward. He teasingly swayed with you as you walked, the man’s thumb rubbing small circles into your side, a quiet chuckle leaving your lips at the normalcy of it all the. Sombra led the way, walking backwards for a brief moment before scoffing about the ‘lovebirds’ and turning back around. As soon as the three of you made it to the compound, she held up a hand.
“Hold it”, she said, Akande stopping you from pushing forwards, eyes looking at the both of them in confusion.
Sombra pressed her hand to the wall next to the door frame, hand briefly glowing purple before a holo-screen appearing against the surface before an electronic voice requested biometrics.
“Welcome, please look or press hand  onto the holo-pad.”
“There we go”, she said with a small smile before motioning at you, eyes sparkling with mirth. “Gotta add you into the system so the lasers don’t melt you.”
“Lasers”, you questioned as you took a half step foward, Akande’s hand still on your back, and pressing your left hand into the pad.
You flinched as you felt a small prick against your finger, brow furrowing as you looked back at Akande incredulously, receiving a headshake that said he would explain it to you later. Sombra gave a soft snort as the holo-pad gave a soft affirmative beep before the door slid opened, the small hacker walking through the door and not waiting to see if the two of you would follow behind. Akande’s arm tightened around your hips once more, pushing you through the door and leading you into the compound as the door closed with a soft hiss. For ‘international terrorists’, it looks like they lived very cozily.
The entryway had an open design, the sleek white of the outside giving way to black and white swirled marble flooring, two sets of black floating staircases leading to a second floor and a completely open kitchen. Overall it was very ‘modern’ but it wasn’t without its creature comforts. As Akande led you further in you were able to see the recessed living room area filled to the brim with various pillows and handheld gaming systems and a small table in the center had a basket filled with snacks from all over the world. The kitchen’s stainless steel fridge was covered in various magnets and notes with one ‘reminder-chore’ holo-board affixed to the top. You also noticed three different coffee machines, a tea kettle and a tea press along the counter as well as more instant coffees packets/pouches than you think you had ever seen. It appeared that those were Sombra, the petite hacker making her way to them and riffling through until she found one that fit her taste, smiling contently before she went to grab the tea kettle.
Curiosity tickled at your brain, but your need for privacy with your Alpha was stronger, Akande smiling as your fingers lasted with his as he began to climb the staircase to the right and you followed close behind him. The second floor looked extremely unassuming; a plush black rug running along the entirety of the floor, the only hint that there were rooms being the recessed rectangular biometric locks or handles that stood out against the bright white wall. Turning right, Akande went to the room at the very end of the hall, placing his hand against the door and ushering you in before locking the door behind him. You shivered, immediately blanketed in the scent home, the scent of your mate, your knees shaking as you took several steps further into the room.
The room was deceptively much larger inside than you would have guessed from the outside, rivaling the size of your master bedroom back at home. You smiled at the color scheme of the entire room, the rich golds and cremes and tans accented with pops of crimson and jade and deep mahogany. A bookshelf filled with physical books stood in one corner of the room, a large mahogany wardrobe standing on the opposite side, no doubt full of outfits tailored specifically for the well dressed man. Walking further in, you smiled at the limestone flooring under your feet, no doubt from the same stonemason in Ogun that had laid the floors in your home outside of Numbani.
He even had pictures sprinkled around the room; pictures of his parents and his family, pictures of just you, pictures of your mating-wedding day, pictures of his championship win. His gauntlet sat in a clear case, important but obviously not as much as all of the other imagery he had portrayed in the room. Spinning around, you grinned widely at your husband and mate, the man returning the look as he opened his arms wide. You carefully toed off your sandals before running across the room and launching yourself into his arms, Akande effortlessly lifting you up as you buried your face into his shoulder and breathed his scent in.
Your head spun as you were assaulted by his scent once more, sweet spices and citrus and that beautiful floral amber scent twisting around you, making you moan low in your throat. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, your hands gently traced up his spine as your lips dotted kisses against his deep umber skin, relishing in the subtle taste that was him. You had missed this, desperately so. Omegas weren’t meant to be separated from their Alphas so long, or at least that is what the romantic tragedies would have you think. They wrote of a gnawing emptiness that would ruin you spiritually, leaving you a husk of what you once were before destroying you physically. That or it could drive an omega literally insane and make an Alpha go feral. Of course those were nothing but old wives tales, old superstitions from a bygone time used to discourage breakups or separations. But with the way you clung to Akande, you had to wonder if there was a sliver of truth in the lie.
Your lips continued their journey, skipping over the tank her wore and kissing from where his neck and shoulder met, licking hungrily over his mating mark and smiling lustfully at the full body shudder that rushed through Akande. His hands tightened on your hips, fingers digging into your ass as he began to massage you gently through your clothes, a low rumble of desire starting in his chest. You chuckled breathily as you pulled away from his neck, littering kisses up his neck to his jaw until you could press your forehead against his. His ochre eyes bore into your own, hunger, desire and unbridled need burning a hole into you and sending fire straight into your core.
Akande growled possessively as he pressed a searing kiss against you lips, a low moan catching in your throat before you responded, your hands cupping the back of his head and pushing him closer. Your back arched as he nibbled lightly at your bottom lip, lightning passing from where you lips touched through your nipples and straight into your slick drenched cunt. His tongue gently lapped at your bottom lip asking for entrance, your lips parting instantly to grant him passage. You whined as your tongues mingled, the taste of his morning coffee still lingering on his tongue, clinging to him as he began to walk you towards the bed. Clawing at the back of his neck your toes curled as he explored every inch of your mouth with his own, stopping only when he dropped you unceremoniously onto the bed. Squeaking softly, you bounced off of the bed, Akande still standing and locking you in place with a smoldering stare. You felt so vulnerable and needy at the same time, your hands teasingly tracing up your body and squeezing gently at your breasts to further tempt the man into taking you.
“Please Alpha…I need you…”
Akande sharply inhaled as he pulled the shirt he was wearing up and over his head quickly, tossing it to the side and climbing onto the bed. The bed dipped as Akande trapped you between his knees, the man straddling you as his hands dove under the high cut tunic top you wore, pushing the fabric up and over your head. He wanted, no, needed to see you. His hands returned to your waist, his eyes locked on the rising and falling of your chest behind the thin material of your cup-less bra, your eyes turning up to gaze up at him docilely. His breathing hitched for a brief second before you turned your head to the left and tilted your head upwards exposing your neck to him once more, a silent plea for your Alpha to take you as his once more.  Akande would not wait for another invitation.
His hands smoothed up your sides and over your breasts, crying out as he rolled both your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. Your hips rolled, arching off of the bed and towards him, whimpering needily as your hands shakily tried to reach back to unhook your bra. The fighter chuckled huskily his hands dragging away from your breasts briefly and yanking the material apart like it was tissue paper. Akande’s hands removed the torn fabric, cupping both breasts tenderly and dipping his head down, his tongue circling around your nipple and suckling hungrily. Stars danced in your eyes, a whimpering cry escaping from your throat as you grabbed the back of his head and pressed him closer. He dragged himself away from your nipple and to the swell of your breast, pressing hard kisses and nips to your heated skin, nipping at your collarbone and kissing his way up to your mark. Your nails dug deep into his shoulders as his lips crashed against your mark, a broken sob tumbling from your lips as his teeth grazed the spot that tied you to one another.
You cried out as Akande pulled away, tears springing to your eyes as you looked to him in confusion, the ferocity his rut making his eyes practically glow, only tempered by the man’s need for control.
“Not yet beloved”, he sighed softly against your lips, shaking his head and pulling back once more.
Akande, even when your heats or his ruts came to pass, was never one to succumb completely to his baser instincts. Whether the man’s decades of training or his own dedication and patience you did not know but he would do thing his way while satisfying the need that ached inside of both of you. Pulling away from you, Akande sat back on his knees and began to completely disrobe you, easily lifting your body up to pull the bra off and sliding your shorts and underwear off in one smooth movement. Quickly he pulled his own loose shorts and and boxer briefs off, tossing them to the side as he loomed over you. Your mouth watered hungrily as you stared as his twitching cock, the head ruddy and dark, glistening with pre-cum that you just wanted to taste. There would be plenty of time for that later.
You whined as he pulled away from you, your heart thundering in your chest as you suddenly felt abandoned again without your Alpha’s touch. A desperate whine began in your throat, hushed quickly when his nails gently scratched at your outer thighs. Your toes curled slightly, back arching as you pressed into his touch and spread your legs slightly, hoping to lull him in with the pure scent of you. His husky chuckle sent waves of pleasure through your body, your heavy lidded eyes staring hungrily, biting your bottom lip hard as your husband, your Alpha moved closer. Yes, this is all you had wanted, had dream--
The gasp that tumbled from your throat was barely audible as Akande didn’t move his body between your legs but instead laid his full body down, his face hovering directly over your dripping mound. Akande gave you a smirk that you knew only a jackal could match before diving in, your back arching off of the bed. Your mate was relentless, his arms wrapping tight around your thighs; both to keep you from moving and to stop you from snapping your legs closed. A sob was wrested from your throat as his tongue licked the soaked lips of your sex, honey-sweet slick quickly dripping to replace it. He drank from you like a man who had found an oasis in the desert, your body quivering as each lap of his tongue and suck from his lips would tear you apart. He was so warm, the silken heat of his tongue making your stomach twist up tighter and tighter, frenzied and needy whines leaving your throat as your hands came to rest on Akande’s head.
You could practically feel him grin against your sex, relinquishing your thighs, one arm wrapping around your hips to lock you in place while the other hand pressed right below your belly button to stop you from grinding against his face. He was merciful, his hand massaging your mons as he suckled at your clit, sending you over the edge as you pushed him even closer to you. He released your clit quickly before he began to drink hungrily from you, making a show of it as finally pulled back. His lips were covered in your essence as were his chin, Akande licking his lips slowly before wiping your juices from his chin and sucking it from his fingers. He was still not done with you however, sitting fully up and on his knees.
Akande’s hands were searing hot as they grabbed your hips and lifted them off of the bed until they were lined with his shaft, your hands balling into the sheets as anticipation churned in your belly. Bending over your body, he held you with his forearm, his hand dipping between both of your bodies so he could line himself up with your entrance, your toes curling and calves tensing as the head of his cock rubbed up and down before slipping in. Sharply sucking air in, gracious tears burning in your eyes and blurring your vision as he slipped inside of you bit by bit, bottoming out with low grunt. Euphoric nirvana made your vision bleary, legs wrapping needily around Akande’s waist to pull him close as he began to thrust into you, arms lifting to beg him to lean down. You were so full of him, his scent potent and desirous, your mind driven to frenzied longing by how he had set all of your senses aflame.  You needed him closer, needed to feel more of him, taste more of him, love more of him.
Akande obliged you, carefully leaning over so he didn’t slip out, your arms wrapping around his shoulders and moaning as he locked lips with you. Akande caught your cries against his lips as his hips pulled back and slammed back into you, his pace tempered but each thrust as ferocious as the last. Your nails dug into his back, lungs burning and stars dancing in your eyes as you finally broke the kiss, the slight taste of you mixed with him lingering on your tongue, turning your head away and gulping air into your lungs. Akande’s breath tickled the shell of your ear, the man’s head dropping next to your shoulder as his pace picked up, all of your nerves throbbing in tune with your quickening pulse.
“Ìfẹ́ mi…how I have missed you.”
His voice growled deep into your ears, a broken sob tumbling from your lips, your slick drenched walls tightening around him. He kissed your temple, the huskiness of his voice making your entire body tense and fall over the precipice of a small orgasm, twitching and crying out for him as your walls squeezed around him. A low rumble of desire started in his chest as he slowed for a brief second, pulling his hips back for a pregnant moment before slamming in, pulling a lustful scream of his name from your lips. You could feel him smile against your temple as his hips continued to pound into yours, kissing several times before his husky voice began to speak again.
“I have dreamed of hearing your voice everyday”,he purred low into your ears, your entire body shivering at the full body manipulation he was assaulting you with. “I’ve thought of nothing but your body beneath mine since we reunited. I have missed you my omega.”
“Akande”, you sobbed, your voice thick with emotion as tears rolled down your cheeks, a low and needy keen for the man humming in your chest.
The man nuzzled against your cheek until you turned your head and captured your lips again, his thrusts growing slower but grinding even deeper inside of you. Adoration and passion and re-attachment and bonding made your body tingle, the two of you breaking away briefly to pull in a breath before hungrily diving back in. Neither of you dared to close your eyes, immeasurable emotions being communicated through look alone, the pains of years long separations mending bit by bit. Despite popular belief and slander, Akande had always been a man that had been open and free with his emotions, tender-hearted, loving and caring.
His ochre eyes communicated a desperation and happiness that he could never put into words, fear and peace fighting in equal measure. Even without his words, you knew what he was feeling and how even in this most joyous occasion he was hurting because your heart ached identically. The two of you had been torn from one another unceremoniously; his attack on the museum had been planned but it going so awry  without backup was not, a betrayal that hadn’t been forgotten.
Even after his trial and his incarceration, they were not allowed the basic right to visitations that mated pairs were supposed to had, the man treated more harshly due to his acts against Overwatch agents. The world’s sweethearts’ had pulled the cruelest of cards, keeping two living mated partners apart, denying all conjugal visitation or face to face communications. The physiological and psychological needs of mates was something that had been studied time and time again and the mental havoc it wrought on those that  were denied one another ranged from mildly inconveniencing to completely debilitating. The both of you had prevailed fortunately and this is where the healing could get started.
Your hands dragged up from his back, cupping his face tenderly and rubbing at apples of his cheeks slowly, peppering dozens of smaller kisses against his lips. Akande’s eyes implored your own, gently bumping your forehead with his and pulling away to take a pant but never looking away.
“No one will take you from me again”, your breathed out, breath nary above a whisper before placing another peck against his lips. “Never again, Ọlọ́kàn mi. I swear it, Alpha. I will burn the world down to get to you…”
Akande’s eyes widened before they softened and calmed, the pure adoration making your body shiver harder as your heart raced. His hips picked up pace but he did not lift himself from you, him needing to feel you as much as you needed to feel him, his forearms bracing himself  right above your curls. His lips crashed into yours, the desperation replaced by loving gratitude, your hands returning to around his neck as his hips began to crash into yours. He quickly devoured every desirous sound that left your lips, his own low, breathy moans mixing with yours. Pointing your toes, you locked your legs around his waist even tighter, whining as you pulled him deeper inside of you. You were drowning in him, so close to plunging  into all that he had to give you, your body shuddering as you tightened around him. The man responded with a low grunt against your ear, your fingers splayed, feeling the muscles in his back begin to tense, his brow furrowing against your own as he drew in shaky breaths. Dragging your nails up his back you rested your fingers gently on the back of his neck as you turned your head and presented your mark to him your tongue darting out to barely reach his.
“Mo nifẹ ẹ”,you breathed out as your fingers curled gently on the back of his neck, inhaling sharply as you felt his lips graze your mark. His thrusts grew even more disjointed but stronger as he lost himself in you, you both absolutely intoxicated with the scent of the other, your love drunk words tumbling from your lips like a prayer. “Mo nifẹ ẹ, mo nifẹ ẹ, mo nifẹ ẹ. I love you Akande…ngh!”
The two of you fell apart in each others arms all at once, Akande biting into your mark as tenderly as he could when your walls contracted around him. Your arms wrapped tight around his shoulders, grounding yourself in his touch as the molten heat of his seed coated your walls, the man’s shoulders and traps tight as he tried not to drop all his weight on you, his hips still grinding against your oversensitive mound. Your entangled scents had completely filled the room; sunflowers and irises like the garden back home, sweet allspice and coconut and citrus wrapped with heady scents of amber and myrrh. Your head was swimming as he finally relinquished your shoulder, tongue gently lapping at the lazily bleeding wound as his knot began to swell inside of you, the man’s full lips kissing the side of your neck and your cheek briefly.
“Hold on”, he breathed against cheek, your body shivering as you gave a brief nod, legs and arms wrapping tighter around him as Akande grunted and flipped over. His knot didn’t budge as you cuddled into his chest, one of Akande’s hands resting on your lower back while the other gently moved to your hair, lightly pulling at the curls that had been flattened during all of the fun. “I love you, awẹ́lẹ́wà mi.”
You nuzzled closer into his chest, your energy absolutely spent but your soul feeling whole for the first time in years. The gods had brought you back to the love of your life, to your one in a billion connection and for that you would be eternally grateful, your mind absolutely positive Akande felt the same. His hands massaged slow circles up and down your spine as he continued to gently and carefully detangle your hair, your face nuzzling closer as sincere peace and love blanketed the both of you. You knew you would never let him go again, knowing he was meant to be in your arms and he in yours.
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imthepunchlord · 5 years
LfM Ch 10
Things technically took an optimistic turn, technically. Adrien was going out of his way to come hang out with them, but Marinette began to notice that his attention wasn’t on Aurore as often as it should be. Like he was more focused on her.
This was not part of Marinette's plan, how dare Adrien not get this hinted memo. Aurore was who he was supposed to give attention to, not Marinette who wasn’t interested at all. Sure, he was cute, but cute don’t cut it. Not when her best friend was crushing hard on him.
Why was he always making this so hard?
Marinette pouted down at her sketchbook, her cheek smeared up as she stared down at the sheet over paper before her. There were some half hearted sketches on it, but nothing that really grabbed her. It was with an angry hum that she started to tap her pencil against the page, like that could get her creative juices flowing.
Not that her creativity was compliant. It never was when she needed it to be.
“Oooh, those are cute!”
Marinette looked over her shoulder, having an instinctive start when she saw Chloe hanging over her, only, with a second look, she realized this wasn’t Chloe. Chloe kept her bangs down, not sprung up like that, nor was she wearing the signature yellow that Chloe took pride in, instead there was a indigo vest, light blue jeans, and a white shirt under the vest.
Blue eyes turned to her, eye her expectantly.
Marinette shuffled away, turning to the girl awkwardly, asking, “You’re… Amber, right?”
“That’s right! Amber Bourgeois! I don’t think truly introduced ourselves.” She offered a hand. “Congratulations on winning the hat competition.”
“Thank you.”
"It was a very cute hat that you made. For the petals, did you make extra strips to be the feathers on the hat?”
“Yeah, I took the thinnest velvet and did little cuts for each one. Are tough into fashion?”
Amber chuckled. “Audrey Bourgeois’ daughter,  it's a given that I'd get into fashion. I actually made a lot of my wardrobe.”
“So have I!” Marinette exclaimed. “Could never find anything I liked so it just—”
“Easier to make them,” she and Amber said at the same time, both of them grinning in amusement, till Amber’s smile fell away. She cleared her throat and straightened.
“Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you on your win, I'll need looking forward to facing you in future fashion competitions.” Amber held put her hand. “May the best designer win.”
Marinette blinked at her, surprised. With a slight smile, she shook on it. An actual rival designer from the Bourgeois family, how wild,  Marinette thought, looking over Amber’s outfit, noting the design and detail. And unlike Chloe, this girl can actually design. Marinette grinned, a competitive spark shooting through her. She was looking forward to this.
“So,” Adrien called out as he came to sit with the girls. “You guys going to be joining the gaming competition?”
“Game?” Marinette echoed, interest piqued. Behind the smiling Adrien, she could see Chloe angrily chewing on a magazine, Sabrina looking unsure behind her.
Adrien nodded. “I learned from my bud Nino that it's going to be held in our library this Saturday to decide who's going you compete.”
“What an odd place to have it,” Aurore said aloud.
“Yeah, a little… but you guys going to come and cheer me on?”
“Actually I think I'll enter,” Marinette said.
“Really?” Adrien asked, surprised. “That means we may end up facing each other.”
“Then get ready to have your butt handed to you.”
Adrien grinned, a playful glint in his green eyes. Adrien rose up, declaring, “I'll be looking forward to it then.” He abruptly cut himself off, clearing his throat. “I'll see you Saturday.”
He departed with a wave, Aurore waving after him. “Well, that'd be a little awkward if you wound up facing him,” Aurore started off. Marinette pursed her lips, but Aurore continued before Marinette could speak. “But we have our pride as girls. If you come to face him, don't hold back. I expect full on savagery.”
Marinette laughed, “I wouldn’t do it any other way, Aurore.”
“Good. Be vicious, sea breeze.”
It was a quiet Friday afternoon as Marinette slipped into the library, wanting to see them setting up the system, and what game it could be. Adrien has been playfully vague, trying to keep a leg over her, but Marinette was not so easily put down. She left a little earlier, letting Aurore have a chance to meet up with Adrien alone, and Marinette got to learn what she could.
Racing games weren't quite her forte. Horror games were a no show, especially if they were graphic with a lot of suffering… nope, Marinette rather skip out on that. And puzzle games, of it was puzzle games she was so going to ace it.
Marinette narrowed her eyes, leaning forward when she saw a game in the headmaster’s hands. Is that…
“You’re going to fall.”
Surprised, she almost did fall over the railing till a hand grabbed her blazer and pulled her back. She looked up, surprised to see Felix Agreste standing behind her, giving her a dry look. She flashed him a sheepish smile. “Thanks. That was close.”
He gave her a curt nod before slipping past her. “Going to play tomorrow?” she called after him.
“Ok.” She glanced down, narrowing her eyes. Once she was sure that Felix was a good distance away, she whispered, “Hey, Tikki, think you can sneak down there and see what game it is?”
“Marinette, I'm not going to risk revealing myself over a game. How could you think so?”
“Hey, you're the one who's always popping out into the open.”
Tikki gasped, giving Marinette a pout. “I do not!”
“Do to.”
“Do not.”
“Do to! You’re going to get caught one day and I'll give you the biggest I told you so ever.”
“If it happens, cause it won't, I'll even eat a slice of cheese. And if it doesn't for a week, you feed me cookies.”
“But you eat so slowly. How about I make you something?”
“Oh! A little chef hat?”
“You’re on,” Marinette said, holding out a finger, Tikki took it her paws, giving it a shake.
The game was on, and Marinette came in prepared. She barely noticed how Adrien’s eyes followed her around the room, her own set on the screen, watching people play, eye their scores on UMS, grinning all the while. When it was her turn, she was up against the potential champion of these matches, Max Kante, a student in Bustier’s class, who so far, bested everyone, except for Adrien, his first loss.
And Marinette was ready to grab the highest score.
Accepting the controller for Adrien, she dropped down in his seat, teasingly declaring, “I didn’t think I was going to get my chance to play.”
Max in turn just raised a brow at the bubbly girl that sat next to him, looking skeptical and surprised. “I see… well, in case you don’t know,” he started off, leaning the controller her way, ready to explain how everything worked.
Marinette immediately shut him down. “I know how to play.”
The game started and Marinette dived in like a true savage. Where Max started off easy, wanting to be a little considerate before he wrecked her, he was quick to find he needed to act as Marinette took out almost half his health with her first attack. He leaned forward, gritting his teeth as Marinette leaned back, grinning with confidence as she watched the fight, going the most logical route to win.
In a minute, the battle was over, and she jumped up to celebrate her victory. In the background, the students exploded, awed by the easy win, Marinette’s score shooting up, easily surpassing Adrien’s highest. She looked back just in time to see him gape, jaw slack. She stuck her tongue out at him, laughing.
Turning to Max, she held out her hand, offering, “Good game!”
Max stood and took it slowly, his eyes to the floor, a dark flicker in them that had Marinette faltering. Then he forced a smile, offering, “Congratulations.” He quickly let go of her hand and moved on, leaving the room. Marinette let him go, Adrien coming up to her side, green eyes locked on her, oblivious to Max. As Damocles announced them as winners, Adrien noted aloud, “I guess we’re going to be working together, partner.”
“I suppose so.”
“Should we practice? At your home? My father really wouldn’t allow it…”
“Yeah, we can.”
And they really could, it was just the annoyance Marinette had to put up with, her parents being way too nosy as they poked around, trying to learn what they could about this boy, an eager speculation of who he could be to Marinette. She has tried to do what she could to dismiss these eager suspicions, but unsurprisingly, they were selective listeners.
And this is why it's often only Tikki that she turns to for advice. Tikki is more likely to listen.
With slight exaggeration, she returned to her room, stopping with a raised brow to see Adrien nosing around her room, like he was looking for something. She watched him jump as she loudly announced, “So my parents are going to be bringing up some croissants soon for us to snack on.”
He beamed. “Sound tasty!”
“Yeah! So, uh, let’s get the game going.” She dropped into her chair, starting up the game. It was awkward at first, both of them very aware of the other, before the game called their attention, Adrien jumping into focus as Marinette started to go all out on him. But much like Max, he barely stood a chance.
“How’d you get this good?” he asked, baffled.
“I played with my Papa a lot,” Marinette confirmed.
Like a summon, Tom popped in, a plate of steaming quiche in his hands. “Lunch is served!” he sung out, beaming at the two. Marinette chuckled when she saw Adrien practically drooling. “How about you two go eat in the park? Get some sun!”
“That’s a wonderful idea!” Adrien agreed, jumping up and eagerly heading for the presented plate. Marinette followed, already thinking of ways to build up Aurore and help her girl out. With a plate in each of their hand, they headed for a bench, Adrien quickly digging into his quiche, humming in delgith. Marinette ate hers a little slower, and when Adrien wasn’t looking, tore off a little piece to give to Tikki, resisting the urge to giggle when Tikki nibbled on it like a little mouse.
“Your parents are amazing cooks,” Adrien praised, popping the rest of it in his mouth. “I live with a five star chief and I think your food is better.”
“You should tell them, they’d be giddy.”
He smiled playfully, but before he could speak, there was a muffled boom. They both paused, staring at each other in confusion. They turned, looking up and up to see a big black robot come into view, turning to stare down at them. They gaped at it, watching as the green circle on its head started to glow, a loud hum filling the air.
“Look out!” Adrien cried, grabbing Marinette and leaping forward, just as the robot fired off a shot. The bench disappeared behind them, and Adrien rose up a little with an awkward yet playful grin. Marinette though had her eyes on the akuma, and rolled them out of the way of another shot. It was Adrien who got them to their feet and tore, holding her hand tightly, not letting her escape. Marinette went it, glancing back as the robot followed, zapping at them wildly.
Adrien dragged her to safety, ducking into thin alleys, and successfully losing the robot tailing them. They slowed, looking back and around, searching for the akuma. “Seems we lost it,” Adrien proposed.
“It seems so,” Marinette agreed, moving to walk to the edge to lean out and search, only to stop when she was tugged back. She looked down, seeing Adrien holding her hand. She raised a brow his way and he sheepishly released her hand, offering a hush apology. “We should go hide,” Marinette proposed.
“We should,” he agreed. “Any ideas on where we could hide?”
He watched as she made a face, looking torn and unsure. “Um, maybe we can hide in one of these buildings,” she proposed, starting to think and plan to escape Adrien so she can slip away to be Ladybug. “This one,” she pointed, an antique shop, full of a variety of items that she could easily sneak around and escape. They headed for it, only to get cut off when the akuma shot the building, cutting off their escape.
Adrien grabbed her again, dragging her off to escape.
When they found another safe hiding spot, with Marinette looking away, Plagg darted out, whispering, “What are you doing?”
“Making sure she’s safe,” Adrien shot back.
“Chat Noir would make sure she’s safe,” Plagg pointed out.
“I know, but—” He spared a fast glance at Marinette. “She might be Ladybug.”
Plagg raised a brow. “If she was, don’t you think she’d be putting more effort in to get away from you so she can transform?”
Adrien paused, really thinking that over. That would be true…
“Incoming!” Marinette cried out, jumping out of the way. Adrien turned, just in time for the beam to come at him, making him disappear. Plagg barely had time to hide as Marinette turned to peer where Adrien stood. “Oops…”
No time to react, she got up, racing for another hiding spot to transform. Plagg followed after, ready to help however he can.
After Miraculous Ladybug swept through Paris, bringing everyone back, Plagg returned to the dazed Adrien, paws on his hips. “I hope your happy with yourself,” Plagg lightly scolded.
Adrien pursed his lips, giving the kwami a pout. Plagg darted down, snatching some cheese from Adrien’s pocket. “Met with Ladybug today while you were out.”
“Well?” Adrien prompted.
“Well what?”
“Is Marinette Ladybug?”
“I dunno. We didn’t really have time to talk about secret identities.”
Adrien sighed as Plagg popped his cheese into his mouth, humming happily. Frowning thoughtfully, Adrien said, “I don't think she is.”
“You were right. Ladybug would've made more effort to get away. Duty always comes first with her, after all.”
“And so the search continues,” Plagg said.
“Yeah, another day. I'm going to head home.”
“What about the tournament?” Plagg wondered.
“Um…” Adrien winced, unwilling to admit that learning Marinette wasn’t Ladybug, he wasn't as interested in playing with her. He said, “Max really had his heart in playing, a lot more than I did. He can play in my place.”
“Very considerate of you,” Plagg praised, slipping into Adrien’s pocket. “While you're on this kick, get me some more cheese.” Adrien rolled his eyes as he headed off, pulling out his phone to call Nino, let him know what's going on. At least it works out for Max in the end. Now all he can do is hope for the same for himself, that one day, he'd know the hire beneath the mask, and they'd be together. He just had to be patient.
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arnoldlogan · 4 years
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 Marie Barnacle should have had the perfect life. Born into wealth and prestige, she grew up in posh Lawrence Park, with its winding roads, stone mansions, and old money. But Marie’s charmed life is haunted by a dark family secret.
The youngest child of Raul and Tabitha Barnacle, Marie Dorée is burdened by her parents’ attempts to burnish the faded glory of their dynasty. This dark satire follows Marie through her troubled childhood, rebellious adolescence, and her efforts to establish a life beyond the reach of her domineering parents and possessive brothers. She traipses from one unfulfilling career to the next and drifts through a series of dalliant affairs. When she finds a love that offers a real escape, Marie’s family tightens its noose. The Barnacles would do anything to protect their darling—even destroy her. Springtime in Lawrence Park peers past the veneer of our most dignified neighbourhoods to explore the hidden—and often hysterical—lives of the decadent elite.
“… at once intellectual, literate, weirdly funny, and unsettling. … Logan sketches the raw underbelly of Toronto’s quasi-aristocrats in merciless, jarring fashion.”
– Kirkus Reviews
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