#ineffable beuracracy
purple-iris · 1 year
Currently writing a Post-Season 2 Good Omens fic where Crowley ends up crashing on the couch of Hell's representative in New York and i have thoughts.
As I am writing this, the demon Oc ends up taking care of Crowley for a bit, but mostly, they start connecting with new, un-demon like feeling. Concern, care, empathy.
So what if, WHAT IF, Crowley and Aziraphale's nature as almost native of Earth has a tendency to rub-off on the ethereal and occult being they meet?
What if eventually, all of these being they encounter, say, Gabriel and Beelzebub, Muriel, and others, realized that Heaven and Hell wasn't what they wanted because of these two. That would make them partly a catalyst to Ineffable Beauracracy, but also, a catalyst to the end of Heaven and Hell.
A second rebellion, for Earth, for the joy of freedom, for the end of chosing sides.
And these two dumbass start it by entire accident, just by being, themselves.
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bcatboy · 1 year
Gabriel, an angel in love with a demon, went to the angel who very famously also did that, for protection. It's making me emo that Gabriel, literally with nothing to go on, felt safe with aziraphale BECAUSE of his love for crowley!!! Thats what managed to survive the mind wipe: oh, aziraphale loves crowley, and so he is safe. Even when that was the original point of contention between Aziraphale and Gabriel!! He went to the bookshop because he KNEW not only that was where love lived, but where it would be PROTECTED and he was right!! 😭😭😭😭
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spotforme · 2 years
Ineffable beraucracy is the ship name ever.
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ineffablegoblin · 1 year
I've heard/seen a few commentaries about GO Season 2 being not that great for it's unhappy ending, and particularly so for the abrupt and somewhat selfish/flat nature of Ineffable Beuracracy. I disagree with that, and I'm honestly not going to argue with the decision to make Gabriel and Beelzebub run off in a rushed sort of way without a redemption arc.
In the same way that Nina and Maggie are parallels to Crowley and Aziraphale, Gabriel and Beelzebub are mirrors of Crowley's vision. They had a secret relationship (like Azicrow) that was abruptly and unexpectedly unveiled (somewhat similar to Azircrow) and they run off together to Alpha Centuri to be themselves.
I mean, Nina and Maggie are sort of what Aziraphale sees. The perfect Jane Austen cliche warm romance, where two opposites realize they've been in love this whole time, and they fall in love irrespective of the world around them.
Gabriel and Beelzebub are what Crowley sees. Two leaders or figures from opposite sides, disregarding the world around them and going off to do their own thing together on their own side.
Gabriel and Beelzebub represent what it would have been like if Aziraphale and Crowley just ran off together to be "an us". I think it would have been sweet, but it would have also felt a little rushed, even with the pining, because it would have meant abandoning the entire world they have built together and lived in and fell in love with. Their first meeting and entire relationship is built on their connection to creating and indulging in the human world.
Them running off to be happy now would have left behind a crumbling system, still inflicting the damage that it always had been inflicting. 6000+ of pining is worth MORE than running away randomly from the oppressive force that made it 6000+ years of pining. The thousands of years of built up energy has to go somewhere, and it should go towards changing that system for the better by being together in the most meaningful way that they can. Azicrow running away now would make them, not flat per say, but more flat than they ought to be. They are the shades of grey.
The other characters do seem to exist around them, and that is simply because they either follow the system or oppose it. Very straightforward and very black and white (both in terms of two sides, and in terms of either following a side or running away from it). Crowley and Aziraphale manage to do both, it's part of what makes the stakes of Book 2/Season 3 so intense. Making change asks for complexity, which is what Season 2 gives us. I think it's perfect and very much on brand for showing an Angel and Demon who go along with their sides, only as much as they can, rather than an Angel and a Demon who go along with their sides until they no longer want to.
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doctordethlyk · 1 year
Hi I will be writing for Good Omens now because I feel like it so here are my rules for requests:
no smut (suggestive is fine)
no incest
no character x character (character x character x reader is allowed though)
I will write polyamorous relationship
all kinds of relationships are allowed
Those are all of my rules here is what I will be writing:
ineffable husbands
ineffable descendants
ineffable beuracracy
Adam (platonic only)
Warlock (platonic only)
Muriel (platonic only)
Thats it please and send in requests :)
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Am I allowed to say that it made me uncomfortable that the only couple that got together was the het-presenting one?
I know Beelzebub is nonbinary, but that fact would fly (haha) right over many people's heads, and they just see a man and a woman together.
It feels a bit like appeasement to casual/conservative audience who aren't in it for the Ineffable Husbands and the general queer vibe.
And it feels like Newt and Anathema’s sex scene and boyfriend confirmation, and like Shadwell and Tracy’s two can live as cheaply as one and popping the question. While Aziraphale and Crowley’s status at the end of season one was left more ambiguous, and they're confirmed by season two not to have gotten together.
And then neither do Nina and Maggie, the lesbians, so all we get is Gabriel and Beelzebub, plus a hint of Shax/Furfur. Two het-presenting couples to make the Right people more comfortable (it won't work, though, they still hate us and always will)
(this is not a criticism of Ineffable Beuracracy, which I shipped before it was canon, or Newt/Anathema or Tracy/Shadwell or even Shax/Furfur. And I recognize Beelzebub as nonbinary. But my hypothetical conservative grandma/uncle wouldn't.)
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Okay. I don’t think anyone has said it yet, so I guess it’s up to me.
look, I remember when I first heard of the Good Omens fandom, and naturally, Aziraphale’s name, I was struck frozen like, “Wait, I know that name. Israfil, that's a first. Which is what reluctantly pulled me in
(I’m a Muslim)
See, growing up, we have this nursery rhyme for the 10 most important angels that you have to know, and Israfil’s name was right up there (if you want to know, the other nine are Jibril, Mikail, Mungkar, Nakir, Raqib, Atid,Ridhwan, Malik andIzrail)Christians to mention some of them in movies, I mean, you guys have versions of them too, right? So I’ve naturally heard the mentions of Jibril (Gabriel), Mikail (Michael) and Izrail (Azrael), but I was kind of stuck at the mention of Israfil of all angels, so throughout all 6 episodes  I kept trying to remember what his main purpose was, in the nursery rhyme (you know that thing that you can’t think of something purely due to the reason because you’re looking for it?). As the story progressed I began to recall that he was a pretty big deal for starting Doomsday, but it wasn’t until this scene happened;
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that it occurred to me what Israfil’s purpose was, in Islamic terms-
He blows the Sangkakala
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Right, you guys don’t know what the Sangkakala is, of course. 
The Sangkakala is basically this musical instrument that Israfil was tasked with to blow to start Doomsday, nothing can begin without it. In fact, the blowing of the Sangkakala basically does half of the job.
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is basically what it looks like, and what could possibly be the approximation of its size. There are, even, entire theories circulating to whether or not the blowing of the Sangkakala was also behind the Scientific theory of the Big Bang. The closest I’ve ever heard of another mythology or religion that has someone that more or less has someone tasked with this is Heimdall, in the Norse mythology (thank Magnus Chase for that one). Basically, In Islamic terms, At the Beginning, and the End of All Things, the Big Star of the show is, and always has been, Aziraphale. 
That, my friends, is how big of a deal he is.
Which, by the way, makes this scene all the more hilarious and scandalous, to me at the same time;
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because to me, what it looked like is basically that these angels, irritated by Aziraphale’s behavior and fraternizing with a demon and whatnot, had decided to, against God’s rule, just give the job to someone else. And if that wasn’t crossing a line, I don’t know what is. I genuinely thought this, which makes his look of scandalized offense, after the sound of the trumpets, make much more sense. Doomsday, the End of All Things, had been tasked to Israfil (Aziraphale) since before the Beginning of Time. He was one of the earliest angels to have been created, due to this fact. Which meant, that God said, in the Beginning, Doomsday won’t start until Israfil says so. It wasn’t until Israfil says so, that things can proceed accordingly. I really think that this is why God made it so that he, Crowley and Adam
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had managed to avert Doomsday so successfully. And why Death, when the Them had managed to beat the other three Horsemen, went peacefully. He knew his place. Aziraphale/Israfil said ‘no, Not Today,’ so Izrail/Azrael/Death just went ‘Fine. Hit me up when it is.’ He remembered his place. The other Angels did not. Aziraphale/Israfil just did his job-God would probably contact him personally should the End Times were ever to come about-so he wasn’t punished. What is there to punish? I wager God probably thought that the resulting Chaos and Humiliation on Both Sides were enough of a punishment to just let things be, after that.
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Which, you know, ends my take on why God let Aziraphale and Crowley get away with living the rest of their lives on Earth like the hedonistic, naive Ethereal and Occult creatures they are. 
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End Scene
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askcrowley-g-o · 5 years
Ask prompt for Buzzy!
((Ooh yay!! Okay, Buzzy:
Favorite thing about them: ask Buzzy would be sheer resignation with the nonsense. The nonsense of Hell, their siblings, Crowley, Adam—all of it. Canon Buzzy—well really the same thing. If you watch them in every scene they look so over all of it. Resigned to their fate of dealing with idiots for eternity.
Least favorite thing about them: ask Buzzy: STOP PUTTING YOURSELF NEEDLESSLY IN DANGER!!! They are getting better about it, but honestly, my heart can’t take it. Canon Buzzy...I honestly don’t know. They are just great. I guess I’ll agree with @askbeelzebub that the fact we don’t get them dancing is a SHAM.
Favorite Line: “Not to sound like we don’t trust you, but you know, we don’t trust you.” When talking to Michael about the Holy Water. The line itself is not the most amazing, but the way it is delivered is so brilliant. I love it. (Again, so over all of it).
brOTP: DEMON BESTIES FOREVER!!! Buzzy and Crowley, obv.
OTP: Can’t go wrong with Ineffable Beuracracy. Except the name. Even now I don’t know if I spelled that right.
nOTP: I dunno how popular it is, but I saw one once that was Buzzy and Hastur, and I’m not having any part of that.
Random Headcanon: Buzzy talks in their sleep. It’s usually really hard to understand, and mostly buzzing. But occasionally you understand a few words, ie: “Raphie no!” “I don’t want the apricots.” “I don’t like purple.” “The tuna.”
Unpopular Opinion: Okay, @askbeelzebub don’t kill me. Canon Buzzy, I really honestly, hate the way their jacket looks on them. :/ it’s a look I generally like, just....not there.
Song I Associate With Them: Self-fulfilling Prophecy by Maria Men and King of the Clouds by Panic! at the Disco
Favorite Picture of Them: Spoiler alert, it goes along with the whole theme of things I love about Buzzy
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elliouslargo · 5 years
Tumblr is uh, being itself. And not letting me send you a proper DM. But I would love to do some ineffable husbands or beuracracy with you! I can take either of the husbands, and prefer Beelz so either pairing would work well :D I mostly rp on cherp or discord, lemme know where you'd prefer/just feel free to DM me ideas as I'm pretty sure I can still receive them just not initiate.
Ok. Try sending it to Crimson
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