newattitude · 9 months
Addams par ✰ ​​​​​​​​Pтιтɴoυrѕ Alтer ✰ Via Flickr : ✰ Credit ✰ 
  Addams - Mimi Outfit 
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byrdstrolls · 4 months
you literally said you did it for followers
the no longer active fantroll blogs from two years ago that welcomed me when I first joined the community are also my lovers and friends
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w1ngedv01d · 5 months
I will always, always, think about Double Life in a reincarnation sense, and I will always hold that dear
Because what if no one remembers the previous life seasons because after everyone dies the final time, they all literally get reincarnated into a new world, to do the game again but never knowing that they have
Sometimes they'll remember things that never happened, in some detail. They'll think it was a bad dream.
But most of the time? Those memories manifest as feelings, as gut instincts, as unconscious judgements of whether or not someone is safe. And those memories, like all understandings of the times before, some in out-of-context snippets, and not always in linear order- or from the most recent past life.
So, for example, someone could have just been assigned their soulmate, and their instinct is that this man betrayed them. They gave this man everything but he didn't care. He betrayed them. Traitor. Traitor, Scar. He can't be trusted because if he was trusted with the most important things, he would bail and abandon them. Leave them red, pained and bleeding.
What if, Grian cheated on Scar because his gut told him Scar wasn't trustworthy, and he was scared? So scared, it was easier to find comfort in someone else?
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Sereni, Rollyn's not lying to you. Her ex wiped her memory.
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"Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha" She laughs sarcastically. "Excuse me? That weird ass twink did what?"
The Jadeblood in front of you seems to go through a series of emotions. Processing this news like several stages of grief. She does remember something about him have voodoos, vaguely. Why would Sunset wipe Rollyn's memory of their relationship? He must have had something to hide. Secretive purpleblood mafia clown, mutant girlfriend. It does not take her long to extrapolate several less than pleasant guesses. Sereni gives a long, frustrated sigh. Extinguishing her cigerette on an ashtray on the coffee table.
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"Cool. Thanks for letting me know. He's dead." She promises, exiting the room. "I'm gonna fucking kill him."
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goatpaste · 1 year
Why does every poll you join in on always result in the exact opposite outcome you wanted
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madisonbeersource · 2 years
middle easterner here: no offense taken but just i’ll take any teachable moment i can we would call it arabic music (or music with arabic influences if not literally spoken in the dialect) not arabian :) different connotations (the latter is more geographical based and ab people who live by the peninsula not the language)
again, no offense taken in the slightest i just like to educate where i can :)))
no for real please do teach me especially if it's as respectful as your ask was!! I didn't know how to phrase it so it's arabic music i'll rectify it right away cause honestly you deserve so much respect so please never hesitate to teach me things don't be shy ever!! do you know Faouzia? cause to me she has arabic influences and idk i just am in love w this vibe!
thank you so much for your ask for real!
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melioraz · 2 years
(worried) what did they do to swiss..
either constantly whitewashing him or hypersexualizing him
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weirdrtvscomments · 11 months
I wasn't an hlvrai fandom participant but I feel like the growth of rtvs has kind of changed my perspective on the series, because instead of seeing the characters they play, i see it as "oh its wayne and his friends fucking around". That's not to dismiss the work that was put into the series, though. I just bring it up because feels weird to hear stories of the hlvrai fandom during its peak, especially when we still had no idea who most of the crew was. The way the characters and those who played them were treated back then makes it seem super odd in retrospect. I'm curious to know how others feel in that regard.
Oh man, totally forgot about this messege! very interesting topic indeed.
for myself, i will confess that i initially HATED benry's character - from how he was acted ignoring all the story beats i was convinced that whoever was playing him was bored, ingorant of the plot. and chewing the scenery to piss of his friends.
But after getting to the commentary, learning who scorpy was and that he was specificly instructed to be annoying and going againts the flow made me appriciate his role more.
Expanding that, learning about the rtvs crew made me understand more of it. I see the tumblr influence, the YTP inflence. It's pepole who grew up on same weird internet junk as me, and it scracthes that very specific itch that nothing come close to.
Feel free to share your thoughs below.
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newattitude · 2 years
Vanilla bae - Fashiowl par ✰ ​​​​​​​​Pтιтɴoυrѕ Alтer ✰ Via Flickr : ✰ Credit ✰ 
  *Vanilla Bae* - Vida Dress - Cupid Inc 
 Pose : Fashiowl - Bob - 2 
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virtu4l-di4ry · 17 days
guys fucking tag your terrible inflence spoilers some of us actually have some self control
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eerna · 6 months
Idk about HB getting tired of wren since she was asked wich caracter she relates the most and she respondet that writing wren was complicated because it felt very personal since she relates with her very much i think it was because of tsh criticism and how a lot of people were going to read the sequel just for jurdan influenced a lot in her writing,like in every instagram post everyone was askin more jurdan i do fell bad because tpt was a big dissapoimemt for tsh and oakwren fans and i think holly tried to please everyone but also to make sure the book sells well but if it true that she was inflenced because of the public im concerned for her future books in faerie.
Yeah, I too think that is closer to the truth, but since there is no way of confirming it I don't wanna be presumptuous... Side note. It is soooo funny how a lot of the TSH reviews said Wren wasn't relatable and I am like LIARS!!!! Wren is VERY relatable, it's just that you guys don't WANT to relate to her bc she represents the pathetic, uncomfortable aspects of insecurity and love. That's what I mean when I say Wren is one of the least self-inserty YA protags I've read, you really don't want to imagine yourself in her place, but you can't help but relate. Jude is fun and swings a sword and is the socially acceptable type of insecure so she can still be the female wish fulfilment ideal, but Wren has nothing but her creepy powers and a traumatized personality and that makes her SO interesting imo
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AITA for telling a bunch of pricks to quit the fandom?
Most of you here hate Kpop and its fans but I'm still sending it because many of you are friends with people like them for other reasons, I know this for a fact. So ignore I suppose.
I'm Asian, I was mutuals with some Americans and one European fan from other fandoms, they all became very casual Kpop fans relatively recently and they do all this:
• Pick fights with fans of western artists for small things nobody really cares about, using fandom and the Faves as shield, which gets them to send hate to our faves who we know have dealt with a lot of cyberbullying for years.
Kpop fans all get conscious about mental health and cyberbullying for about an hour when something bad happens, but don't stop doing it and say that specifically our faves are "too sensitive and selling their trauma" which is another thing, I digress.
• Laugh at jokes made my antis cuz it's not serious, often these jokes are racist and dehumanizing but normal to them.
• Laugh with their mutuals from other fandoms when they make jokes based on rumours, like one time they thought it was funny that one of the Faves got called p*dophile by antis just bcs he's a man who likes kids and is playful with kids he meets, only women can like kids unproblematically apparently.
• Play "devil's advocate" when bigger accounts or inflencers talk shit about the Faves, most of the time it's biased hateful nonsense but to them supporting it is a sign of being mature fans who can take criticism.
They do this all the time, genuine love for an artist is beneath them, kpop is beneath them it's not Ackshually Art no since Koreans also don't take it seriously?! It's just that the bragging opportunities and clout is good around here!
• Act like SJWs most of the time but constantly make microaggressive comments about Korean people in their private chats, joke about mandatory military service, call themselves misandrists yet judge the women in Kpop like they're dolls, get into discourse they have no clue about and give their shitty takes, tell everyone else they don't know Anything about kpop but still partake in these fanwars and discourses, bring the worst takes from twitter to tumblr out of context for laughs, judge Every Single Thing thru American/ western lens and expect us all to know their double entendre and culture etc.
I got fed up, nobody else says anything to their face because they can spin it to make it like us Mainly Kpop fans are rabid obsessive weirdos who care too much about strangers and they're rational mature women of varying refined taste who merely observe kpop from a healthy distance. And I told them to stop being in the fandom if they're gonna be everything but fans. You tell me how all that is fan behavior? They call themselves fans but oh they're too busy adulting to even listen to a 5 year old album, not busy when it is about trashtalking their own faves and fandom, okay!
But apparently I was too rude, the audacity of me to call leftist wocs racist! I cannot tell them what they can or cannot do! So here we are.
What are these acronyms?
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maesburycapital · 1 year
i think the whole "stewy loves money" thing is an oversimplification. i think what he actually loves is luxury. creature comforts, the physical results of money. yes he absolutely wants the power and inflence that comes with wealth, just like the roys and everyone else. but he also genuinely enjoys the sumptuous sensory experiences afforded him. he enjoys the hors d’œuvres, the parties, the lush, beautiful clothing. he’s often remarking on what he likes or how much he’s enjoying something! he’s just very physical. he’s touchy-feely. he savors foods, scents, sex, experiences. he doesn’t indulge just for the sake of it (at least i don’t think so)
being that rooted in sensory perception tracks for him, the show’s realist, the Only Honest Character. like, of course he is morally and ethically behind whoever wins. of course he doesn’t subscribe to the weird ideals the roys attach to their business dealings. that’s not to say he doesn’t have aspirations or moral tendencies or that he’s like, cartoonishly hedonistic. but he has a groundedness and comfort in his own physicality that allows him to enjoy wealth in a way that the roys can’t.
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crow-in-a-teapot · 1 year
unreal unearth first impressions
de selby (part 1) i turned on the album sitting in the absolute dark, ten minutes past twelve at night, this started playing, cue instant tears. i think i was just hit with 'this is the most beautiful thing ive ever heard' and i wasn't expecting that from de selby 1 for some reason. and when the irish kicked in that just. no words, just crying and im what two minutes in. i wasn't even thinking about what he'd been saying about connemara in the dark and mirrors of people you used to know (i'd seen him talk about it, but purposefully skipped the actual song when it came up online) it was just. de selby 1. and the part as gaeilge
de selby (part 2) sexy groovy silly fun, it's really growing on me, thinking about 'i'd still know you, not being shown you
i only need the workin' of my hands' also i cant wait to read third policeman and look at this completely differently
first time the beginning was jarring, and then at the lyric about his name i kind of :( i also liked the lethe/liffey parallel, it's so very hozier of him to do that. god the push and pull of there must have been something off from the beginning? if every time they called him baby he died? something like that was my first interpretation, now im wondering if it's because it's not his name and they're the one that made his name sound wonderful for once. intellectualising that part of the lyrics kind of ruins it for me ngl, i think it's more about how it feels, i think it feels like contrast like not knowing if it hurts or is wonderful. little detail of when he says come here to me and it sounds so casual and irish like come here to me tell me, i really love it. and the final lyric hurt. really impeccable timing for a breakup album like
francesca why can't i listen to i'd tell them put me back in it for the first time again WHY CAN'T I LISTEN TO I'D TELL THEM PUT ME BACK IN IT FOR THE FIRST TIME AGAIN AND REEXPERIENCE THAT. my favourite thing from this hozier era might just be that music video (over all the other ones help)
i, carrion (icarian) is just really devastating. sunlight but what if you wanted your heart to be torn to shreds. the imagery is so vivid
eat your young is growing on me too, the lyrics are just so good. they're just SO GOOD, their rhythm is so satisfying they fit together so smoothly, and at this point it's just as fun and danceable as something like de selby 2
damage gets done is kind of pop? it made me think of the bones ft marren morris
who we are [had to remove a section here] the vocals are otherwordly. the drums are gorgeously frantic. quietly it slips through your fingers love??? falling from you drop by drop??? HOLD ME LIKE A KNIFE???makes me physically ache
son of nyx i'm so glad this is here, an instrumental was something that really could put me back to where i was mentally with de selby (part 1). first thing i thought was i can't wait to learn the piano part. i've seen people say this, but it does seem like the obvious, it's an instrumental that just belongs in a movie
all things end all things do end so real. very cool how much of a direct inflence gospel music is
to someone from a warm climate (uiscefhuarithe) i can't wait to relisten to this one again and again, the parallels between being a child warming up a bed and jumping to later in time with a lover aaaa so tender NATURAL AS ANOTHER LEG AROUND YOU IN THE BEDFRAME AAAA
butchered tongue A FAVOURITE A FAVOURITE foreigner's god but softer, how can i listen to this and ever leave ireland how can i listen to this and feel like this and be packing suitcases what is wrong with meeeeee. the violin and the instrumence. jesus christ. instantly picturing my road signs when he started singing about the native ones
anything but THIS SONG STARTED AND I INSTANTLY STARTED SMILING COMPLETELY INVOLUNTARILY, THOUGHT OF ALMOST (SWEET MUSIC) i started thinking of bright lion king imagery before he even started talking about stampedes and hoofbeats. and the vocals here too, so overwhelmed by how cheerful and joyous it sounded that i really didnt pay attention to lyrics, so it'll be cool to look deeper later
abstract (psychopomp) the production here i was very unsure about, because there was something that made me think if it were more rustic/intrumental and less modern, it might have hit me even harder, like there might have been a way to elevate it further. it made me think of colours and purples and reds and oranges, another really visual song, like i, carrion. it's really gorgeous. SEE HOW IT SHINES will be in my head for a long long time... ugh it's all so bittersweet and sad and beautiful. all my love and terror there balanced between those eyes what a line
unknown / nth if you've scrolled through my accunt for longer than a second you know how i feel about unknown / nth
first light i was hit with such intense terror that this was the last song of the album. what am i supposed to do for the next decade without music to look forward to while andrew goes back into hibernation under bray train station jean jacket lost and found or whatever. so i didnt play and instead did this musing on how beautiful the vocals throughout the album are and how funny it was in the zach sang interview when he talked about singing instead of playing instruments when recording songs because he's 'better at singing than most intruments' and his producer just wouldnt replace those voice recordings and that's why there are so many choirs and zach is basically like 'you absolute weirdo no one else has the talent to do that but ok' (affectionate) (paraphrasing). i love the drums so much. i love the strings so much too. A VOICE YOUR BODY JUMPS TO CALLING OUT YOUR NAME :(((((((((((( imagining hearing this in the 3arena and having colours break out across the whole ceiling ill remember those lights during no plan in 2019 forever im an indoor concert girlie forever what they can do visually is so magical.. i saw a good omens edit of this today already i love you good omens fans
not to sound like a broken record i wish swan upon leda and through me the flood and love of were on this and maybe even but the wages and
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Stray thoughts about The eighth sense, in no particula order, now that I’ve finished watching:
- The parallel of the therapist and the diner boss? Like this last ep’s scene where Jaewon sat with her and she got answers out of him so casually, it made me think back to their very first appearances on screen, it struck me then how their faces, first the therapist and then the diner lady were cut so close after one another, that I had to rewind a moment to check if they were the same actress at first glance. The function of an experienced older lady friend who is willing to listen to your stories, interested in the youth and their problems, and all the ways therapy/emotional work for growth can look like with a support system? Especially for young men maybe?
- the shots of the therapy sessions mirrored in those glass orbs, that give the association of small bubbles? like small bubbles outside of reality, a mirror to it, focusing some aspects for Jaewon, but being a small enclosed world nonetheless? We see the therapist reflected in those, reachng out, handing over prescriptions? It does feel like a limited reach and inflence, when she is in there, in contrast to when she moves freely in the room like in that last scene of hers with Jaewon, behind him and provoking him from the side, much more an interaction.
- the ocean metaphor with all its facets, if the ocean is life, or emotionality, we have all the variants for Jaewon: the fish tank in therapy as a tamed confined ocean safe to look at, the wild and dangerous waved of the real ocean, that Jaewon surfes and that make him happy, that he seeks out. The Han river and how he dips his toes in in that last ep, reconnecting with waters, emotions, a body of water that is closer within reach...
- in that context also the song Yoon Won sings at the campfire at the beach? about life tossing you inside the waves but that’s okay you will get through it’s just what life is, you can fall, it’s a part of it, also foreshadowing
- Jaewon’s secret photography account as a sign to us that no, his hope and dreams are not dead, just well hidden, but there’s actually a person still under that depression-paralyzed rigidity and frozen exterior
- how Yoon Won’s display of emotionality, there in the club room, her close up tears and struggle is what shakes Jaewon out of his rigor? How the therapist said ‘you are so caught up in your own trauma that you forget others’, and then we see the pain on Yoon Won’s face as she voices her struggles that must be a close mirror to Jaewon’s own emotional inner struggles and monologues, and suddenly, from out of the frame Jaewon reaches in, emphatically responsive in a way he could not fully be with Jihyun a moment before, where he still sat robot like, just holding out to preserve his armor because, not being able to allow that connection just yet,  Jihyun is too close still to his own trauma and warped need to protect, but underneath his depression Jaewon is empathic af, and the sincere responsiveness in his reaction then, that maybe is as important for accessing his own healing as it is important for Yoon won?
I’ll surely think of others, but. Man.
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dir7eater · 2 months
imagine this: youre a regular old republican and you don’t like biden so you plan on voting for trump, you like him because hes doing the hard work for this country and is gonna fix biden's inflation which has been hitting you kinda hard. you dont like migrants or trans people because they scare you, and you dont really understand the foreign policy stuff but you trust his word that he will fix ukraine and israel because hes charismatic and can do that because he has a lot of inflence. your facebook feed gives you stuff about qanon and other conspiracy theories, but you kinda brush most of it to the side. they have some good points but you’re not a full blown believer.
you just watched trump get shot grazed by a bullet. as he’s getting dragged into a car by secret service you see him pump his fist and yell “fight fight fight”.
(this part is speculative) you hear that the shooter was a leftist who hated trump. you hear that the shooter is trans or a migrant or a woman or a black person or mentally ill or other identity that you don’t know or understand. you hear that the shooter was hired by biden. you hear all this from anywhere, trumps PR, facebook, it doesn’t matter.
you feel worried, but you don’t know how to express that. you hear a ton of stuff from everyone around you. you make some of your own assumptions, that trump is stronger because he’s survived, and the left is weak because they had to resort to violence. you hear assumptions from others, that trump got too close to power and the left had to put him down before he did, that it’s all a big conspiracy done by the jews. but whatever you hear, it’s solidified in your mind that he is the leader of this silent majority that you’re always hearing about, that he’s the only one who’s good for this country.
this is not the only sort of person who could be radicalized by this.
imagine you’re a self proclaimed centrist. you don’t like choosing sides and aren’t that concerned with politics. you like to say that you see merit to both sides of the aisle! and you want more cooperation! you don’t watch the news that much, but you get some stuff on your tik tok and instagram and twitter. you see a ton of stuff about this shooting and get really worried. you feel sad for trump and you agree with all those statements everyone is putting out. that it’s terrible tragedy and it really shows the true colors of some of the left and extremism. you hear all the speculation about the shooter and about how he’s a leftist and you think to yourself, "wow, you know I was considering biden and the left side canidates but if someone from their side could resort to violence over this, i cant vote for that lack or morals"
and what’s even scarier is the things i’m actually seeing right now.
“oh that looks so staged” “trump’s team planned this” these are conspiracy theory guys. please don’t start saying this without hard truth to back this up. please please please. this is coming from someone who is against trump and his ideals, we can do better than this guys.
what i’m trying to say is this shooting is coming at a terrible time of polarization. that conspiracy stuff like this is going to spread because of the echo chambers and social media and everything right now. there is so much potential that could make everything a lot worse in the US. just be aware.
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