#influencer life
theabigailthorn · 2 years
what made you decide to get an instagram/tiktok?
Great question! After the NHS video a bunch of people signed up for my Patreon. As far as I'm concerned that money isn't mine, it's my patrons', so it wouldn't be right for me to spend it on myself. I need to spend it on making Philosophy Tube better. I thought about what the show might need, and my ideas were:
A) a video editor, or B) a social media manager
I decided against hiring an editor pretty quickly because I like doing the editing myself - it's often where the last mile of creative inspiration comes. Yes it's HARD WORK but I like giving it that personal touch.
I already knew that if I wanted to show to keep growing and keep reaching new audiences I'd need to get on Instagram and TikTok. Especially TikTok - that's just where the audiences are now. It's one of the most used search engines in the world and it's where the 13-18 demographic are. Whether I like it or not that's just a fact, and I can either accept it and work with it or ignore it and face the consequences.
And you might ask, "Well why does the show need to grow, why not keep it as it is?!" Good question! The natural tendency of YouTube channels and Patreon pages is they shrink: people gradually drop off, they move on to another creator, their life circumstances change and they don't watch as much YouTube anymore - all totally natural and understandable life reasons why entertainment products get affected by entropy. So if you want to keep going at all you need to be reaching new audiences.
I decided to take the money the new patrons had given me and invest it back into the show - put their money on the screen rather than in my pocket. They gave me that money cause they want more Philosophy Tube, and this was the best way I could think of to ensure that more gets made. It's very early days but I'm enjoying it so far and I've also been getting a fair bit of creative inspiration from trying out a new skill set!
It's a bit scary and anxiety-provoking, and I've already noticed an uptick in transphobic abuse since we launched, but I've got a good safety net and good working practices set up to keep me healthy and safe. My social media manager and I have wargamed various worst case scenarios and we're checking in regularly to see what's working and what's not.
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ross-hori · 5 months
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I had a crack at an Instagram influencer photo.
I'd rather drink it.
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marthashlyn3 · 7 months
🌺Hibiscus Times Daily🌺
A public service announcement (message) previously posted on LinkedIn & Facebook. 2/7/24
“To my following in this journey,
Soulmate things is the topic.
An evolution of Adam and Eve.
Alignment time for me and my reserved.
Please be advised, I am one half in a pair. In this closed circuit called a holy union in action with the lord toward peace and prosperity. In this pair, our psalms life is more active and our prayer lines have combined with one another, which makes my reserved and I the center of attention. The real God of Jacob is involved, therefore it has effected the entire world. I have prophesied peace. I have persistent efforts of action done for the different body chemistries on God’s green earth to understand this situation affecting you all I am at the center of with my reserved. Read my LinkedIn profile for more. 😌
Our church is at the center and has been affecting the world negatively with what was done inside over the years & a few problematic family & past acquaintances
The seven deadly sins, mental illness, & criminal behavior has become clear with the increase of our momentum combined, looking for attention, among many other reasons irrationally. Many are also triggered. I have a role as emotional support as a caring individual. Consent to the lord today, as I am h, helping everyone walk in this light with me, keeping everyone grounded. For this real life, and I didn’t mind volunteering to evangelize toward the goal of a new beginning in Jesus’ name.
Archaic cultural tradition has aligned again in history, and we, the pair, must move forward as these traditions are unspoken and this journey is prophecy in action and the lord always gets what he wants. Everyone involved is awaiting complete understanding of this situation that is a world wide issue. We, the people involved in this holy union need peace before the wedding. I don’t do senseless drama, I have class, and profession is involved. Please do not play with my name as it is clear many did not take their time to truly know me for who I am.
Please watch your local & national news. Thank you.”
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A Digital Odyssey: Navigating the Seas of Social Media Together
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🌟 Welcome, Fellow Adventurers! 🌟
Greetings, wanderers of the digital realm! 🌐✨ Whether you're a seasoned social media explorer or embarking on your maiden voyage, this corner of the internet is your safe haven for all things social media and social media marketing.
🚀 Embarking on a Shared Journey 🚀
Step aboard as we set sail on a grand adventure into the ever-evolving world of social media. 🛳️ Our ship is more than a blog; it's a community where we gather to exchange ideas, insights, and inspiration. Here, we believe that our collective experiences are the wind in our sails, propelling us forward toward new horizons.
🌐 Unveiling the Social Media Tapestry 🌐
Through this blog, we'll unravel the intricacies of social media platforms, decoding algorithms, and crafting content that captivates. 🧩 Let's dive into the art of engaging storytelling, the science of eye-catching visuals, and the magic of forging authentic connections in a digital landscape.
📣 Amplifying Voices, Together 📣
In the sea of social media noise, our mission is to uplift and amplify each other's voices. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a content creator, or simply someone passionate about sharing stories, this is your harbor. 🏞️ Let's learn from one another's triumphs and challenges, celebrating victories and offering support during stormy seas.
🌈 A Rainbow of Possibilities 🌈
Our blog isn't just about facts and figures; it's a kaleidoscope of creativity. We'll explore vibrant strategies, brainstorm imaginative campaigns, and discuss the latest trends. 🎨 Let your creativity flow freely as we collectively shape the digital landscape.
🌟 Join the Crew! 🌟
Are you ready to embark on this voyage with us? If you're eager to navigate the intricacies of social media marketing while embracing the spirit of togetherness, then consider yourself part of our crew! 🤝 Follow this blog, engage in discussions, and let's chart a course for success, learning, and memorable connections.
To infinity and beyond, dear adventurers! 🚀🌍 Let's harness the power of pixels and passion to create something truly extraordinary. Get ready to immerse yourself in all things social media and set sail on a journey that promises growth, camaraderie, and a sprinkle of digital magic.
Welcome aboard! 🌊🌟
Warmest wishes, Merah
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inkskinned · 17 days
even 2 years ago people still said autism with a whisper. it was also how people sometimes whisper lesbian, like they're afraid of uttering a slur. autistic was either an insult or it was something terrible, a horrible burden only select people endure. "select people" were usually 9 year old boys and skinny white men.
they are not hispanic young adults with a dog and a life and friends. i can make (sustained, calculated, painful) eye contact. with certain people, i don't even have to count how many seconds i am holding their vision - i can just look at them. i can wear clothes that bother me, i will just have a worse day than usual. i might cry about any changes to my schedule - but change is scary! this is normal!
when i was 16 it was OCD. i mean that was the thing everyone said. i totally have ocd. they would arrange 6 colors of gel pen in rainbow order (no worry for indigo feeling left out) and they'd be "so ocd" about it.
if you struggle with intrusive thoughts, be careful at this next paragraph, but. at 16 i developed a compulsion that involved self-harm. my ocd was convinced i was simply forgetting that i'd hurt someone terribly - a thought that persisted for no clear or delineated reason.
at some point i will probably write about how the idea of "morally pure thoughts" was hell for me and others with ocd, but this was the odd dichotomy for many of us: they liked our "aesthetic", but were genuinely repulsed by our lived experience. "intrusive thoughts" now means "cutting your hair in the sink" instead of talking yourself down from believing horrible things. "so ocd" is a label without any true understanding.
it's something i've talked about before - in multiplicity - but i firmly believe in the veracity and necessity of self-diagnosis. i think it saves lives and it saves tragedies from occurring. as someone raised in a house that wasn't safe, self-diagnosis was, for many years, the only viable option. 15 and honestly googling: am i depressed or there demons affecting my behavior.
but it is not genuine self-diagnosis anymore, most of the time. it is a strange, blanched version of that whispered word autism. now certain traits are constantly seen as "autistic" - any passing intense interest. any flubbed social interaction. people say it while laughing - a touch of the 'tism.
and i like the acceptance! i do. i like that people are talking about it. i like that if i self-identify, more people speak up and say me too, bitch. but there is something-else quietly happening, the way it happened to OCD. the quirky, "fun" parts have been washed and sanitized and removed of all suffering. now it is just something that makes you "a little bit silly."
it took me 27 years on this planet before i learned to make friends. something about me just seems incredibly odd, i guess, some kind of radiation monitoring. someone once (in a way that was almost friendly) told me i am doing the right things, but in a way that's off-putting. i have scoured myself raw attempting to be charming.
someone on tiktok does a deep dive into their particular passion. the top comment says "what kind of autism is this lol". like we are a breed of animal. like it has no influence on our experience. like our life is a fresh breeze, an open meadow.
more often for me, life was a drowning.
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hanmegumi · 1 year
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edit: turning off reblogs because some of the people that are reblogging are extremely fucking moronic. holy shit
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theereina · 11 months
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IG: karina.nicoldine
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amid-fandoms · 21 days
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im sorry this is all im gonna be talking about for weeks
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yuutaguro · 6 months
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baby emo megumi reawakening dormant emo nanami so true
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Sae Niijima is such a good character it drives me insane a little. She's not a mother nor a maternal or doting older sister but instead a twenty four year old who was thrown into a position of responsibility that she never asked for. She loves Makoto just as much as she resents her and its so apparent every time they talk up until November. "Are you studying?" (I want you to do well) (I need you to get a job and stop making my life harder) "I'll use any method necessary to get this promotion" (Life will be easier for us) (So stop distracting me with your problems) "Focus on your future" (I know that you're capable) (I can't afford to waste my time on you, so stop wasting time on others)
Makoto is not only the sole reason she pushes as hard as she does for a promotion, for success, and the reason that she loses herself in her animosity over her fathers death, but also someone she can't stand for so long. Makoto was 14-15 when their father died. Sae was 21. As soon as she got the career she wanted and things started to look up, her stability was robbed from her and she was disillusioned with the system that her father had taught her to rely on and completely adhere to. How do you manage, the daughter of a cop, following his footsteps towards law enforcement, when you're suddenly reminded of how unfair it is? You can't quit, your little sister relies on you and she's so young and struggling just as badly with this grief. So you pick yourself up and you get moving again. You push harder, press further. You abandon your morals and your ethics because punishing criminals (guilty or not) is almost like punishing the man who killed your father.
And the whole time she's fighting for promotions, going for drinks with the SIU Director to make herself more favourable for promotions, trying to navigate being a woman in a competitive, suffocating, male-dominated field, falling behind despite doing so much where others are promoted for doing so little - all the while your little sister comes back from school and her biggest issues are so small compared to yours.
Persona 5 revolves so heavily around grief and loss and change and Sae embodies all of that so well, all of the sharp and unpleasant and jagged parts of grief.
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nicholasthe2nd · 2 years
My fans love me <33
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I don’t think that Lenin guy likes me very much, tho.
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im-here-homie · 24 days
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a happy audience is the key to the academy's heart
shadow milk design by @catxolotlquoise
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expelliarmus · 3 months
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getting back into the untamed and i had a thought. / follow for more yllz babygirlism
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reunitedinterlude · 3 months
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so that was a lie
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inkskinned · 2 years
something bad happened to you, and you died, and you came back wrong.
not wrong all the way. the little ways. you forget important dates, stopped going out with friends. it's harder to make you smile. you're apathetic towards things you used to love, afraid of places you used to go to cheer up. quieter. flinching. different.
you came back for love. you're still here for love. what pulled you back was a brightness so loud that even death couldn't outshout it. death heard the call and smiled at you and said okay. go home. somebody is waiting for you.
but you came back different. like lot's wife; you've turned into salt. you used to chirp through life in hops and skips; but now you lose skin just standing up. you have to move slower, skimming across this world without-touching-it. most things feel dull - until they're suddenly all-too-much. life, and being alive just rushes up and over you and you get hopelessly crushed.
you try to explain it to them: it is ugly, but this is what you are, now. the huge golden hoop of your halo now a little bronze ring. you are still watering your plants and wearing the same clothes. after all, you worked hard to come home. this life; so odd and off-color, now that you are wrong.
but they waited for you - it's just that they wanted the "you" that happened before this. the "you" that could sing in the show and hug people tight and look at a blade without breaking down to cry. the you with a smile in pictures. god, holyshit, it's like looking at a completely different person, isn't it. that other-you; the one they actually wanted.
you are the consolation prize. you are the body that forgot the ghost. you are the memory of the bad thing, and the death after; like you are wearing that memory as a banner. you are a fragment, an assembly. simulacrum. you don't make eye contact in mirrors, afraid the light will glance off and your true nature will flash back at you.
you hear them talk about it in their hushed, desperate whispers. sometimes they even admit it to your face; harsh and violent, acid thrown at christmas dinner. god, can you just fucking be normal again. you do not remember what normal is. you had to climb so far to get back here; you are far too exhausted. you want to open the glass door of your heart and show all the gears. can you help resolve whatever got messed up?
you try so, so hard. you came back for them. because you believed they would love you, even when you were so horribly broken. because you believed they would be patient. because you believed unconditional meant "without exception." you cannot do things the same way. you just get tired too quickly these days.
you want to put them on a couch and pour them the tea with hands that shake more than they remember. you want to line them up and draw them a map of where you have had to wander. you want to show every bruise in a backsplash; the little helpless ant of your soul carrying all that weight, over and over. you want to say: yes! it is different! but i did it for love!
you want to say: "i'm not the same, but i'm yours and i'm here. can that be enough?"
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