#injury sentence starters
darkerrpmemes · 1 year
"The more you freak out, the faster you’re going to bleed. Calm down."
"Shhh. Breathe. We both know I'm going to hurt you anyway, so there's really no point in freaking out about it."
"Still not talking, huh? We'll see how long that lasts."
"This might hurt a bit."
"Oh, I’m gonna take good care of you. Don’t you worry."
"You should get that looked at.”
"Still feeling rebellious? Or are you ready to start listening?"
"Hm. Might have overdone it, that time. You still with me?"
"Stay still, and don't make this worse for yourself."
"Try it, if you like - but you won't like what happens next."
"I'll like it more if you resist, of course, but you'll like it a lot less."
“Oh, good, you’re awake. Thought I lost you for a minute there.”
"Learned your lesson, yet?"
“’I did warn you not to do that. But you had to go and give it a try anyway, didn't you?”
"Does this hurt? No? How about this?"
"I wouldn’t do that, if I were you."
"Oh, by all means, go ahead. Give me an excuse to hurt you more."
"See how much nicer it is when we do things my way?"
"So you can follow instructions, after all. That's good to know."
"We can keep doing this all night."
"There we go. I knew you had it in you."
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curiositymemes · 2 years
a selection of some of my favorite underrepresented lines and phrases for one of my favorite tropes! feel free to change wording and pronouns and provide context as necessary. do not add to this list.    
“let them go.” / “let me go.”
“take me.” / “take me instead.”
“don’t hurt them.” / “i’ll do anything you say.”
“what do you want with me?”
“where are you taking them?”
“what did you do to them?”
“where is receiver?”
“give them back.”
“get away from them!”
“get off them!”
“can you hear me?”
“wake up… please, wake up.”
“are you with me?”
“stay awake.” / “you have to stay awake.” / “please, stay awake… please…” / “promise me you’ll stay awake.” 
“don’t close your eyes.” / “open your eyes for me, name.”
“there you are.”
“just a little longer, okay?”
“i know it hurts, i’m sorry, it’ll be over soon.”
“shhh, it’s alright.”
“i need you.” / “i still need you.” / “i need you to be okay.”
“do you remember what happened?”
“name?! name! what happened?!”
“what did they do to you?” 
“if they lay a finger on him/her/them/you…” 
“if they touch a hair on his/her/their/your head…” 
“those bastards.” / “if i ever get my hands on them…” 
“i’m gonna get you out of here.”
“let’s get you out of here.” / “let’s get you out of this.” 
“we gotta get out of here.” / “it’s alright, name. we’re taking you home.”
“can you stand?” / “can you walk?” 
“i won’t let anything happen to you.”
“you’re safe.”
“it’s gonna be okay.” / “you’re gonna be okay, just hold on.” 
“you’re hurt.” / “did they hurt you?”
“i’ve got you.” 
“lean on me.”
“stay with me.”
“i can’t lose you.” / “i’m not losing you.”
“oh, name…” / “oh, kid…”
“receiver? receiver, it’s me. it’s sender.”
“i’m here.” / “i’m here. i promise.”
"...where am i...?"
“what happened…?”
“i’m with you.”
“it hurts.” / “make it stop.”
“you came for me…” / “you came back…”
“you found me…”
“where were you…?”
“i’m sorry…”
“i was so scared.”
“i thought you’d never find me…”
“what are you doing here?”
“just go. you can still make it. don’t worry about me.”
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soulrph · 2 years
send in " take it easy. you're safe now, but you need to relax. " for the sender to greet a waking receiver after having found them badly wounded and on the brink of collapse at their doorstep.
alternatively, send in " how long was i out for? " for the sender, having woken up on the receiver's sofa/bed/spare bed, to greet the receiver after showing up on their doorstep earlier with serious injuries and in a weakened state.
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rp-meme-world · 2 years
hurt/comfort starters!! trigger warnings: blood, injury, vom*t, panic attack
❝ lay down. you need to lay down. put your head in my lap. ❞
❝ i think i’m about to pass out. ❞
❝ what happened to you? come inside. come inside. ❞
❝ i know it’s late, but... i need you here. ❞
❝ [name]. you’re bleeding. ❞
❝ the more you freak out, the faster you’re going to bleed. just take it easy. ❞
❝ just keep talking to me. ❞
❝ you’re safe. it’s just a panic attack. just squeeze my hands, okay? ❞
❝ can you talk? ❞
❝ stay with me— hey. [name]? oh my god, please don’t do this. ❞
❝ please don’t leave. ❞
❝ you’re not gonna die. i’m not gonna let you die. ❞
❝ i know you want to sleep, but you need to stay awake for me. ❞
❝ it’s okay. just go to sleep. i’ll be here when you wake up. ❞
❝ it hurts. oh my god, it hurts— ❞
❝ it’s not as bad as it looks, i swear. ❞
❝ i know it hurts. just hang in there, okay? ❞
❝ i’ve got you. you’re safe now. ❞
❝ i need you to tell me what’s wrong. what are you feeling? ❞
❝ it’s okay. it’s alright. let it out. ❞
❝ there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. you’re sick. ❞
❝ let me make you some soup. ❞
❝ let me make you some tea. ❞
❝ i didn’t want to worry you. ❞
❝ it’s okay to cry. i know it hurts. ❞
❝ wrap your arms around my neck. i’m gonna carry you. ❞
❝ i’m gonna take good care of you. don’t you worry. ❞
❝ please help me. please. ❞
❝ stop moving, just let me hold you. ❞
❝ breathe with me. in and out... good job. just keep doing that. ❞
❝ i can’t feel my hands— ❞
❝ i can’t move it. i think it’s broken. ❞
❝ i can’t see. ❞
❝ i’m not gonna let anything happen to you. ❞
❝ don’t look at it. just keep your eyes closed, and breathe. ❞
❝ thank you for being here with me. ❞
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soulscollection · 11 months
"𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥" 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘴.
i'm a sucker for that scene where one person is injured and alone and ends up knocking on another person's door in their hour of need, and i'm an even bigger sucker for the tending to the injuries and the quiet emotional content that follows, and i'm here to make it everyone else's problem! as always, to reverse the actions, just add "+ REVERSE" to the end! i made these prompts on @soulprompts , DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST OR REPOST OR CLAIM AS YOUR OWN.
from the injured.
" i didn't know where else to go... "
" whatever you've been told about me, whatever you've heard or seen or listened to... none of it's true. "
" at least i have you to look after me, eh? "
" would you believe me if i said i got all these injuries by slipping in the rain? "
" i'm sorry... i know this isn't what you signed up for. "
" you're the only one i can trust. "
" do you believe what they're saying about me? "
" aren't you going to say i told you so? "
" i am grateful, you know. for everything you've ever done for me... i notice. and i see you. and i've never thanked you properly before, so... thank you. "
" i know i must be the last person you expected to see tonight, but... i'm afraid i have nowhere else to turn to. "
" thank you for not asking questions. "
" i know you have no reason to believe me, much less to trust me, but... i promise you. i swear to you, i am being set up. "
" you know, you'd make a nice profit if you turned this place into a safehouse. "
" why are you helping me? "
" why the hell did you open your door for me if you're so angry at me?! "
to the injured.
" quickly, get in before anyone sees you... "
" you came to the right place. hurry, get in... "
" what the hell happened to you!? "
" are you going to tell me what happened to you tonight? "
" i assume that the rumors surrounding you are all false and unrelated to why you're bleeding out on my sofa? "
" do you honestly expect me to just forget about the past so i can bandage you up? "
" you don't need to thank me. you'd fix me up if i came to your door with this much trouble, too. "
" regardless of everything you've said and done in the past, there isn't a single part of me that wouldn't open the door when you're knocking on it. "
" we can talk in the morning. for now, you need to rest. "
" i found you unconscious on my doorstep. "
" oh, i get it. i can stitch you up and let you get blood all over my bed sheets until the cows come home, but heaven forbid i start to ask questions about why you're bleeding in the first place. "
" things must be really bad if you're trying to say i was your best chance at being helped. "
" don't be stupid. you're not going anywhere. come on, back into bed... "
" i called in sick. we have the whole day to figure out what your next moves are going to be. "
" good! you're awake. i was beginning to worry... "
" you're not allowed to die in my bedroom. the rumours would never stop... "
" perhaps we ought to let bygones be bygones. until i'm confident that you're not going to die on my sofa, that is. "
" it's a bit late to worry about dragging me into your mess, don't you think? "
" you know why i opened that door... "
[ BANDAGE ]: sender gently begins to bandage receiver's wounds.
[ BED ]: sender guides receiver into bed, tucking them in and taking a seat by their bedside.
[ FEVER ]: having noticed the receiver beginning to spike a fever, sender presses a cool cloth to their forehead to try and bring it down.
[ CLOTHES ]: after tending to the receiver's wounds, sender brings them fresh clean clothes to change into.
[ FOOD ]: after ensuring the receiver is safe and stable, sender brings them out a plate of food.
[ BATH ]: sender runs the recently-cared-for receiver a hot bath.
[ WAIT ]: aftering tending to the receiver's injuries, sender takes a seat across for them, and patiently waits for them to start explaining what happened.
[ CATCH ]: noticing the receiver beginning to collapse on their doorstep, sender hastily catches them and brings them inside.
[ KISS ]: sender, after being cared for by the receiver, breaks the tension that's been building since they walked through the door, and pulls them in for a kiss.
[ HOLD ]: having been bandaged and cared for by the receiver, sender unexpectedly reaches out to take their hand and hold it in a quiet, sincere gesture of gratitude.
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random-rpmusing · 11 months
Angelic Injury - RP Prompts
Let’s beat up and bloody our holy little friends! These prompts are for during and after injury caused to an angelic muse. (Mainly wing and halo injury/damage)
Will contain implied violence (possibly even torture) and wing amputation/limb loss
“Your wings!”
“I didn’t know you could be hurt like this—”
“Oh fuck. I don’t think your wings can work anymore.”
“I thought you were immortal!”
“God, your feathers are coming off like nobody’s business.”
“I- I don’t know how to set a cast for a wing!”
“Can’t you heal it yourself?”
“Is it hard to balance without them? Your wings, I mean.”
“You fell out of the sky! What happened?”
“Why is your halo cracked like this?”
“I’m sorry, but it’ll be a while until you can fly again.”
“There’s too many feathers here to bandage it—”
“My back!”
“I’m sorry, my wings are acting up again.”
“Just… just cut them off.”
“The fall was worse than I thought.”
“It’s shedding again.”
“Nothing is working. I can’t heal it.”
“Don’t help me, I can heal it myself.”
“I can’t get up… They hurt too much.”
“My head- no, halo—!”
“No… Not my wings!—”
“I only cut off part of your wing, you’re overreacting.”
“Praying now, are we? Already?”
“So you do bleed gold.”
“Even your screams sound heavenly.”
“Don’t make me tear off your wings next.”
“You’re immortal? Doesn’t seem that way to me now.”
[set] — for my muse to try and set your muse’s broken wing.
[stay still] — for your muse to try and set my muse’s broken wing.
[slice] — for my muse to cut off your muse’s wings.
[removed] — for your muse to cut off my muse’s wings.
[break] — for my muse to break your muse’s wings.
[crooked] — for your muse to break my muse’s wings.
[heal] — for my muse to try and fix your muse’s broken halo.
[light] — for your muse to try and fix my muse’s broken halo.
[fracture] — for my muse to break your muse’s halo.
[fragile] — for your muse to break my muse’s halo.
[touch] — for my muse to massage/ease the pain in your muse’s back or wings.
[gentle] — for your muse to massage/ease the pain in my muse’s back or wings.
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zoethehead · 1 year
nursed back to health sentence prompts
(warning this is kinda crappy)
The injured:
-"How long was I out for?"
-"Where am I?"
-"You saved my life..."
-"I could have died?"
-"It hurts....."
-"I don't wanna die"
-"Please, h-help me...."
-*some sorta random moan/groan/grunt of pain*
-*slurred words*
The healer:
-"It's alright...everything will be fine..."
-"Please, save your strength..."
-"You're finally awake."
-"You've been out for (insert amount of time)"
-"It's okay, i've got you"
-"You almost died"
-"Please lay down, you're still quite weak/hurt"
-"Save your strength, please"
-"Here, drink this...."
-"Shhh.... It's alright, you're safe here"
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rissynicole · 2 years
“ i can’t believe you kept this a secret for so long… how come nobody noticed? “ Said to an injured Dib
Sorry this is kind of late! I had an absolute blast with it. This is the first thing I've written for fun in a hot minute, and I really just got carried away.
So, without further ado, enjoy about 1,000 words of injured Dib in the hospital arguing with Gaz:
Prompt: “I can’t believe you kept this a secret for so long… how come nobody noticed?”
Characters: Dib and Gaz
“I can’t believe you kept this a secret for so long… how come nobody noticed?”
“When has anyone ever noticed anything I do?” Dib snapped in a hoarse, barely audible voice. He raised his head up, and his eyes immediately smarted with tears. He reached one shaky hand up and swiped his glasses off his face before they could fog up. “And besides, I didn’t keep it a secret. I just didn’t think it was serious.”
Gaz stood motionless beside his hospital bed, looking uncharacteristically spooked. “Oh, come on! You were walking around with two fractured ribs! You could have punctured a lung. Or—or some other organ. We still don’t know if you have!” Her voice cracked a little on the last word, and she pretended not to notice Dib’s eyes flick towards her face.
Up until now, the only thing she’d noticed about Dib was that he’d been unusually quiet over the last few days. Nothing had appeared worthy of any suspicion, though. He’d still slept in until noon the way he always did during summer break, he’d still disappeared for lengthy periods of the day doing God knew what, and he’d still been dutifully parked on the couch watching Mysterious Mysteries by 9:00 PM.
Everything had come to a head less than an hour ago. Gaz had turned the corner into the kitchen to grab a soda, only to see her brother bent over the counter coughing. Each one came out in a strange, shallow splutter. Each one caused his face to twist in agony. She could feel words rise to her lips, some sarcastic quip or insult. Before they could form, though, his knees buckled, and he dropped to the floor.
The next few minutes were only blurs of images that kept repeating themselves in her head. Dib clutching his chest. Her demanding he tell her what was wrong. Him opening his mouth to answer, only for a bloody string of drool to trail from his lip. Mashing 9-1-1 into the phone. Scrambling to dial her father’s extension at Membrane Labs—an extension she was ordered to use only if there was an emergency.
They were in the emergency room now, Dib’s room sectioned off with only a thin partition for privacy. Their father was outside, booming voice rising as he argued with the doctors over the best courses of action.
“Why didn’t you tell me? Or Dad?”
“Do you blame me!” he hissed. Speaking too loudly was just one of many things that was too excruciating for him to do. “You know how he gets when something’s wrong with one of us.”
Gaz pursed her lips, internally furious at this fatal flaw in her argument. Even she couldn’t deny he had a point. Whenever their father managed to learn something was wrong with one of them, whether it was the common cold or a bout of food poisoning, he went overboard in his attempts to cure their ailments. This nearly always resulted in several days in the laboratory, with Dib or Gaz unable to escape whatever bizarre treatment they’d found themselves forced to endure as his unwitting test subjects.
She took a deep breath and held it. When she released it, she tried again. “Fine. Well, why didn’t you tell me?”
Dib didn’t answer her. Just cast very tired, somewhat squinted eyes up at her while he clutched his glasses in one hand.
Gaz returned the look in kind. Then, the look hardened. “Ugh!” She clenched both her fists to her sides and turned to face the other direction. As soon as she had composed herself enough, she turned back to her injured brother. “Zim did this to you, didn’t he!?”
“No!” he countered in the same whisper-yell. It didn’t have the effect he wanted it to have. Quite the contrary, in fact.
“Then you got it chasing him around in one of your stupid games!”
Dib didn’t answer this time. His gaze still looked defiant, but it had taken on an uncanny petulance around the edges. He refused to meet Gaz’s eyes.
“What happened?” she demanded, her voice a low growl.
Dib took a moment before responding. He breathed in too heavily, released it in a cough, and grimaced. His hand reflexively curled around his ribcage, then pulled away from it in a flinch that wracked through his entire body. “I caught him trying to take off in his weird alien ship. I tried to stop him, but I ended up just hanging on to the side of the turbine—”
Gaz groaned and buried her face in her hands.
“—I didn’t realize how high up I was until I slipped. When I fell, I thought I was being safe by covering my head with my arms. A tree branch kind of broke my fall, but—” he stopped and breathed a few shallow, rattling breaths. “—I landed on my right side.” He gestured to the general area of his ribcage weakly with one finger. “I thought I was just bruised up. Or something.”
For a while, neither of them spoke. Gaz finally lifted her head and glowered down at the ground, fuming.
The doctors walked into the room along with Professor Membrane and began speaking to both him and Dib. Gaz continued to glare at Dib, but it withered away when he was wheeled out and into an exam room. Out of sight and alone in the room, her muscles slackened. Her head drooped over her lap so all that was visible were her spiky bangs.
The room, even with nothing more than a sheet dividing her from the rest of the hospital’s chaos, felt strangely empty. The sounds of wheeling hospital equipment, chattering medical staff, and patients in other rooms did a proficient job at blocking out any noise she made. With one hand, she clutched the edge of the drape and pulled it completely shut. No one could see her wilted in her chair, alone with her face turned downward. No one would hear her low sniffling.
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blackrosesandwhump · 1 year
Whump Prompt 88
Write something inspired by this sentence:
"Happy new year to me," hero whispered as the clock in the tower struck midnight and blood pooled underneath him.
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ohisms · 2 years
↪     𝑫𝑰𝑹𝑬 𝑺𝑰𝑻𝑼𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑺  .    (   a  collection  of  dire / urgent situation  sentence  &  action  starters .   adjust  phrasing  +  ʳᵉᵛᵉʳˢᵉ  as  necessary .   )
hide .   hide now .
shh !!  there’s somebody in the house .
i’m not gonna hurt you !  see ?  look ,  i’m putting down the  [ weapon ] .
[ name ] ,  what were you thinking ?!
you’re being followed ,  pretend you know me .
stop , stop !  just put the  [ weapon ]  down !
drive ,  just drive fast !
you seriously think i could’ve done this ?
can you walk ?  i need you to walk for me ,  okay ?
let me handle it ,  just go !
what was your plan ??  you could’ve gotten yourself killed !
you’re just going to leave me here ?!
[ name ] ,  can you hear me ?  get out of there !
you knew and you didn’t tell me ?!
don’t you know how dangerous this is ?
you’re not going to shoot me .
move and you die .
i’m gonna come back for you ,  do you hear me ?
we have to stop the bleeding .
can you see how many fingers i’m holding up ?
i just want to go home !
don’t move a fucking muscle .
if it weren’t for you ,  we wouldn’t be in this mess .
i almost DIED back there ,  and you’re laughing ?
you’re only making this worse for yourself .
you think this is a joke ?
if i go down ,  i want you to run .
we’re gonna die ,  so what’s the point ?
this was the ONE thing i told you not to do .
i can’t promise we’re going to make it out of here .
where’s your first - aid kit ?!
just calm down and find your phone ,  we need to call the police .
someone’s been stalking me .
just listen to me for once !
i didn’t think you had it in you .
put the gun down ,  and kick it over here .
we can’t stick around here ,  let’s go .
kiss me before we die .
do whatever you need to do ,  hurry .
i can’t breathe ,  i can’t -
please ,  please  -  let me in ,  there’s someone -
i’m gonna give you one last chance .
you have to believe me ,  i didn’t do this !
run ,  and don’t look back .
this is real ,  i’m real .  look at me .
take this .  it’ll keep you safe .
follow my instructions very closely .
put your hands where i can see them .
you can’t just let me die !
i think  …  i think i need a doctor .
we need to get out of here ,  come on .
no ,  this isn’t it .  we’re getting you out of this .
you panicking is not going to help us right now .
[ GETAWAY ]  sender acts as a getaway driver for receiver .
[ MEDIC ]  sender arrives on receiver’s doorstep ,  badly bleeding .
[ HIDE ]  sender and receiver hide from a threat together .
[ HUSH ]  sender clasps a hand over receiver’s mouth to silence them .
[ DRAG ]  sender physically hauls receiver to safety .
[ RIGHTS ]  sender calls receiver from a police precinct .
[ REALITY ]  sender helps receiver through an episode of derealization .
[ SHELTER ]  sender and receiver must find shelter from a storm  .
[ ARMED ]  sender brandishes a  [ gun / knife ]  at receiver .
[ CRASH ]  sender and receiver survive a  [ car / bike ]  crash together .
[ SEARCH ]  sender barges into the hospital demanding to see receiver .
[ BACKUP ]   sender calls receiver panicking after committing a crime .
[ CORNERED ]  sender menacingly backs receiver into a corner .
[ UNEXPECTED ]  receiver comes home to find sender already inside .
[ BREATHE ]  sender helps receiver get through a panic attack .
[ BADGE ]  sender and receiver flee from the cops together .
[ STRANDED ]  sender and receiver become stranded in the woods .
[ EMBRACE ]  sender kisses receiver thinking it’ll be the last time .
[ STRANGER ]  sender can’t remember who receiver is after an injury .
[ TOKEN ]  sender gives receiver a lucky charm before they go into battle .
[ CHOICE ]  receiver has to choose between sparing their own life or the sender’s .
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her-devils-advocate · 3 months
Everyone I've cared about has either died or left me. Except for you.
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pairings: Levi Ackerman x (GN!) reader
genre: Hurt/comfort, fluff
summary: Based on the prompt from the list found here. You and Levi have a moment amidst the final battle
Warning for the final chapter spoilers. This is just a small drabble I wrote after getting inspired by one of the sentence starters!
word count: 1,106
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54683590
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The hot air rushing past you causes your hair to uncomfortably stick to your forehead. You, Levi and Gabi soar across the sea of wall titans, somewhat safe atop Falco's back. How the kid had managed this, you would never know. Honestly, you are more than happy to try and not focus on anything now. Too much is happening. Too much has been happening in such a short amount of time and you can feel yourself hitting your limit. You want to praise yourself for having such a fairly sturdy limit, all things considered, but the overwhelming amount of nerves squash that thought before it can take root. Too much has happened, too much has been lost, too much can still be lost. 
Your head throbs as you attempt to ignore the onslaught of thoughts rushing through it. Your eyesight grows hazy as you try to focus on the view below you, it's all too much.
Your hands shake as they cling onto the harness attached to Falco's titan, tears pooling in your eyes as you try to blink them away. Levi is next to you, struggling to hold on tight with his newly missing fingers, which had yet to start their healing process properly. His solid presence helps to quell your rising anxiety as you reach over to hold onto his arm tightly, doing your best to help keep him secure. If he were to fall now, a piece of your heart would fall with him, never to be reclaimed.
You smile to yourself when you hear his thankful grunt, his eyes not once leaving the skeletal horror, as if his glare could lure Eren out. Once upon a time, it just might have been possible. The sight of his towering titan still causes your heart to break. The Eren you once knew has slipped between everyone’s fingers, the young cadet is now a beacon of destruction. Where had things gone wrong? How had you not seen him drifting?
For the first time in your life as a scout, a part of you is glad for the head injury you had sustained during the first assault on the founder. The events are a blur, you remember flying through the air while dodging all the rocks thrown by a beast titan. You remember a sharp pain shooting through your skull as the feeling of something sticky begins to slowly run down your temple. You remember the shout of your name from several voices before the world faded to black.
Now you are on the sidelines, simply watching rather than having to bear the pain of helping to end the kid you once helped train. 
You feel some guilt for inadvertently forcing the burden onto your scouts, his friends. But the nagging tug at your heart, paired with what is most likely a nasty concussion, would only get in your way. This way, you can also keep an eye on the captain, who is more than happy to keep throwing himself into the fray despite his injuries, something you will never get used to. Your heart plummets each time he doesn't hesitate to throw himself around with his ODM gear.
You look towards Levi with a small frown, his injuries are only a few days old and yet he still fights. How much of himself is he willing to give to save humanity? How much of him are you willing to lose? You knew becoming involved with anyone in the Survey Corps was a recipe for trouble and heartbreak, but at the time, you weren’t expecting a threat bigger than the titans you had been facing. You don’t regret a single moment and while you are both still alive and fighting, you don’t need to regret anything. 
You repeat his mantra of ‘no regrets’ until it slowly begins to sink in through the rising haze of panic, the two of you are still alive, yet your mind races faster than the scouts below fighting for their lives. 
“Pull it together, now isn’t the time to falter…” You risk bringing a hand to rub your eyes, smudging the dirt and blood further around your face, groaning as the dull pain worsens. 
Your stomach drops as Falco dips through the air, dodging stray attacks while circling the battleground below. Bile rises in your throat and you’re unsure if it's due to the head injury or the harsh movements.
“Those kids are fighting to save the world and here I am, worrying over losing him when we’ve already lost too many. How can I be so self-centered?” 
“Oi,” Levi says, his voice cutting through the near-deafening wind surrounding you. He’s looking directly at you now, seeing past the mask of professionalism you like to wear when on duty. He looks through and sees the swirling anxieties, the shaking of your hands, the tense shoulders and the way you bite at your lip in worry.
“Everyone I've cared about has either died or left me. Except for you.” Your heart breaks at his words, the tears you had fought back now happily run down your cheeks, parting through streaks of mud. You try to hide your face from him, refusing to show weakness in such a moment, but he continues, capturing your attention once more.
“So you better survive, understood? Get out of your head and back in the moment, we need you alert.” 
His eyes soften as he stares you down, letting you see a glimpse of the worries he keeps shackled deep down. He has managed to shuffle closer towards you while you were lost in your thoughts, now subtly pressing himself against you for support. He hooks his arm around yours, giving you a gentle squeeze as he averts his gaze to the horror below.
He can feel your eyes lock onto him, the smile on your face widening despite the tears. “Don’t get all smug, it’s hard to grab onto this rope with eight fingers.”
He always did have a way of dissolving your worries and bringing you out of your head, even when staring down hell. Wall’s know you both need to keep your eyes forward and your minds focused, no matter what.
“Whatever you say, captain. That goes for you as well, you know. If you die on me, I’m breaking into the paths and giving you such an earful.”
The small scoff you get in response is almost lost to the winds, but you don’t miss the way he places more of his weight against you. 
“Well, we can’t have that, can we? Guess we’re both making it out of this one alive then.”
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byhees · 8 months
hidden love ━━ ( 엔하이픈 희승 ) ♡ genre fluff high school au potential bestfriends2lovers warnings not proof-read petnames light injury mention
thinking about heeseung, who has been your best friend throughout the entirety of middle school, and now, three whole quarters of high school— and oh, did i mention that you have a big crush on him?
i mean, the real question here is, how could you not?? he’s such a sweetheart, and he’s always, without fail, been able to cheer your horrible day up with his little antics. well, for starters, he always gets you an extra portion of his usual sandwich, leaving the little meal on your desk, an apple-shaped sticky note beside it— breakfast’s the most important part of the day, so don’t skip it, okay princess? like okay okay, first why is this so cute, second what’s with the princess omg…
and, he loves, absolutely adores, walking you to all your classes, despite his being on the opposite end of campus; his little, kinda clumsily executed, jokes are horrible at best, but my god, why’re you giggling so hard??? it has to be that adorable smile he flashes whenever he realises how nonsensical his sentences sound, his head lightly shaking with light embarrassment. yeah… it’s definitely that.
also, don’t get me started on how unbelievably caring he is; he’ll stay up with you whenever you’re studying— doesn’t matter if he’s about to pass out asleep right on the plastic chair, he’ll do that just for you. he does so to bring small snacks and drinks to you, suggesting to take a quick break every so often. and don’t underestimate him when he says that he’ll pick you up and carry you over to the nearest couch for a brief nap; your dark eye circles, and the frequent massaging of your aching shoulders aren’t fooling him.
no because he cares about your health so, so much— even more than his own at times. that one time when you both unknowingly ended up in the nurse’s office? he completely disregarded his stomach pain, walking over to you with panic-laced steps. even recalling the incident makes you laugh— the way he examined and treated your sprained ankle made it seem as though you’d fractured a few bones. but thinking back to all his little actions, your heart does flutter; the countless number of times he looks out for you, the little vitamin drinks he leaves by your table…
and why does he have the strongest sixth sense known to mankind?? that doesn’t really help, considering your budding feelings. you’d snatch the opportunity to just admire him, and he’d suddenly, coincidentally, look up from his open textbook, unintentionally locking gazes with you. “were you just staring at me?” no silly, i was mowing my lawn— of course i was!! and don’t point it out!?
also, he’s just the absolute cutest, most endearing person ever when he walks over to you, a little teddy bear in hand, on that one particular day— national favourite person day, that’s what he calls it, and to be completely honest, you have zero clue on what that may be, but this gesture really warms your heart. like stop being so cute with your cute smile and your cute stuffed animal…
it’s no doubt at this point that lee heeseung, that boy right over there who’s focused on taking notes, is your crush; your crush who’s completely oblivious as to how his small actions tug heavily at your heartstrings.
taglist open! @halcyoni-ki @wondipity @yjjungwon @shysakuno @niktwazny303 @vnsux @minhosify @haechansbbg @yeomha @stepout-09-15 @chansburgah @sona-verse01 @lilly-bubblelops @smouches @mrchweeee @luvistqrzzz @nwjws networks! @kflixnet @enhanet @k-labels
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curiositymemes · 2 years
a selection of some of my favorite underrepresented situations and actions for one of my favorite tropes! feel free to add + REVERSE to any of the prompts to change the situation and provide context as necessary. do not add to this list.  
CRADLE : sender picks up the injured / unconscious receiver and holds them close to their chest, carrying them to safety. 
GUARDIAN : facing down a threat, sender pushes receiver back with an arm, moving to stand in front of them and protecting them with their own body.
TENDER : receiver wakes up to sender caressing them gently; a hand carding through their hair, brushing hair off their forehead, a hand on their cheek, a thumb swiping under their eye.
SHELTER : seeing a threat barreling toward them (such as a storm, the shockwave from an explosion, or a building they’re in collapsing), sender holds the injured / incapacitated receiver close, turning their back to the threat to bear the brunt of the impact instead of the receiver.
FLICKER : sender thinks they’re too late to save receiver and begins to mourn them / sinks in defeat and grief, holding them close, only to find through a simple action (a cough, a twitch of a hand, a murmured word) that they haven’t left them after all. 
DELIRIUM : receiver wakes up to sender’s relief, only for receiver to not believe it’s really sender (that they’re imagining sender or that they don’t think sender would come for them) or that they’re finally safe. 
CONCEAL : both muses have been injured or have fallen ill, though sender keeps their injury / illness secret in favor of taking care of receiver. however, as receiver gets better, sender’s injury / illness worsens from lack of care, and they wind up collapsing, their injury / illness fully revealed. 
GUIDE : sender has been injured, but their skills are needed to help with the muses’ current situation (an escape plan, tending a wound, or diffusing a weapon, for example). sender has to walk receiver through the procedure, all the while trying to stay conscious. 
SAVIOR : receiver is at the mercy of a threat, and all seems lost, only for sender to suddenly burst in and come to their rescue, bearing weapons and all the protective spirit they can muster, to the relief / confusion / anger of receiver. 
LAST RESORT : injured / sick and alone after an encounter with a threat or a run-in with a dangerous situation, sender finds themself at receiver’s door, coming to them because they have nowhere else to go.
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soulrph · 1 year
send in     “ the cost of victory. “     for the receiver to respond to seeing the sender collapse after being severely (or fatally) injured just after they win a momentous final battle against their enemy.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
not a dream
I feel really angry. Long rant ahead, mentions of death, child death specifically, unsafe driving, entitledness, a horrible legal system, and much more. This will be a highly frustrating read to you. Skip ahead if you don't want to be bummed out.
A clip of a guy committing a traffic violation (overtaking cars in a traffic jam using a lane that's only meant for stopping in case of emergencies) on a bridge here in Croatia went viral here recently. Somebody recorded him and uploaded it to a popular car group.
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After it went viral, it was uncovered that he was fined for doing the same thing at the same place two weeks before this, so he's clearly a repeat offender and hasn't learned anything even after being hit with a fine.
I wish that was the worst thing about this story, but it's not.
After people dug out more information about the driver, they discovered that in 2019, he killed a 15 year old girl while speeding on a motorcycle that he legally wasn't allowed to own nor drive.
He was only 16 at the time and could legally only drive motorcycles that fell into A1 category (power up to 15KS), and the motorcycle he was driving was a sports motorcycle KTM Duke 390 (43.5 KS). He only just got his license for the starter motorcycle to begin with.
He was speeding 117km/h in an area where the speed limit was 50km/h and hit the young girl while she was crossing the road on a pedestrian (zebra) crossing. She was walking home with two girlfriends after attending the first concert that she was allowed to go to only with friends in her whole life.
How great must that night have felt for them before tragedy struck.
His victim flew horrifying 50 meters and died on impact, while the 18 year old female passenger on his motorcycle was hospitalized with serious injuries and was fighting for her life and was in a serious condition but managed to pull through.
He was 16 and a half at the time of the accident he caused and a news site managed to find an ad he left months before that, when he was barely 16, trying to sell his motorcycle because it "didn't suit him" but it was "brand new, a month old".
This was all in 2019. In 2021, he was finally tried in court and received a sentence of 3 years and 10 months in a juvenile prison, but his sentence was reduced after his lawyers put in an appeal.
He made an impact statement and said that he too was affected by the accident and that it changed his life both physically and psychologically and that he's suffering due to it because he has become an outcast in his town as a consequence.
His lawyer allegedly fought the verdict on grounds of psychological instability and disability, and won. I don't know if the culprit ever served any time. He's 19 now and got a BMW for his birthday from his parents. The same parents that bought him a motorcycle he was too young to handle.
Their little monster is an adult now.
He hasn't learned anything. He's reckless and doesn't care about others. He hasn't showed that he is sorry. He wasn't punished nor held responsible. He's only been thinking about himself in all of this.
How it impacted HIM. What it did to HIM. HIS health, HIS social life. He's driving his birthday present BMW around and still repeatedly breaking the law, and he's alive and he's free.
And 15 year old Magdalena Šimić is still dead because of him.
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I've learned of this story because of a post that Magdalena's mother, Sandra wrote, that somebody I know shared. I was horrified, sad and angry for the family, but I can't even begin to imagine how they feel in all of this.
Powerless? Broken? Enraged? They're still waiting for some kind of justice for their daughter. A justice that won't come until things change. How is it that this guy is allowed to have a driver's license? That he's completely avoided jail time?
A crime like this should not go unpunished and the parents of the culprit who bought him the murder weapon and allowed him to use it should be punished as well.
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oh-nostalgiaa · 4 months
Writing Prompt Masterlist, Part Four
Masterlist of Writing Prompt Masterlists
The Prompts
35 Types of Hugs Prompts
100 Dialogue Prompts to Make a Reader Swoon
200 Random Dialogue Prompts
Affectionate and Affirming Prompts
Amnesia Dialogue Prompts
Angst Prompts
Angsty Question Prompts
Angsty Question Prompts, Part Two
Angsty Question Prompts, Part Three
(More) Angsty Question Prompts
Angsty Sentence Starter Prompts
Apology Starter Prompts
Attorney-at-Love Prompts
Autumn Prompts
Awkward Post-Argument Scenario Prompts
Blanket Fort Prompts
Budding Romance Prompts
Comfortember 2022 Prompts
Comforting Dying S/O Prompts
Cuddle Up a Little Closer Prompts
Dirty Kind of Teasing Prompts
Enemies to Lovers Confession Prompts
Enemies to Lovers Later in Their Lives Prompts
Establishing a Relationship Prompts
Exes to Lovers Dialogue Prompts
Exes to Lovers Sentence Starter Prompts
Extensive Scar Related Prompts
Fall Writing Prompts
First Impression Sentence Starter Prompts
First Meeting Sentence Starter Prompts
Five Senses Prompts
Fluff Bingo Prompts
Forbidden Love Sentence Starter Prompts
Friends with Benefits to Lovers Prompts
General Sentence Starter Prompts
Gentleness Action Prompts
Giving Flowers to Your Lover Prompts
Grumpy + Sunshine Dialogue Prompts
High Pain Tolerance Starter Prompts
Human x Ghost Prompts
Human x Werewolf Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts
"I'm Paying Attention" Love Language Prompts
Injury Prompts
Instigation Starter Prompts
Intimate Prompts for Slow Burn Relationships
Jealous Confession Prompts
Kiss & Tell Prompts
Long Distance OTP Prompts
Love Languages Prompts
Love Languages - Receiving Gifts Prompts
Love Realization Prompts
Mermaid AU Prompts
Morbid Curiosity Prompts
More Angst Prompts
More Talking About It Starter Prompts
New Year's Dialogue Prompts
Nice Things to Say to People Prompts
Non-verbal RP Starter Prompts
November Prompts
October Prompts
(More) October Prompts
Oddly Obscure Friends to Lovers Prompts
OTP in Denial of Their Feelings Prompts
Prompts to Shake Things Up
Protective Starter Prompts
Random Question Prompts
Roguetober 2022 Prompts
Romantic Confession Dialogue Prompts
Rookie Couple Scenario Prompts
Royal x Groundskeeper OTP Prompts
Royal x Royal OTP Prompts
Scar / Injury Related Symbol Prompts
September Prompts
Setting Prompts
Show, Don't Tell Prompts
Situational Prompts
Sleepy Dialogue Prompts
Smut Prompt List
Smutty One-Liner Prompts, Part IV
Soft Gestures for Lovers Prompts
Soft Touches Prompts
Some Poorly Timed Confession Prompts
Some Simple Comfy & Sleepy Dialogue Prompts
Spooktober 2020 Prompts
Spooktober 2021 Prompts
Things Done While Sparring/Fighting Prompts
Things Done with Hair Prompts
Things You Said Prompts
Unrequited Love That's Actually Requited Prompts
Vampiric Starter Prompts
Ways to Respond When Someone Says "I'm Okay" Prompts
Wedding Dialogue Prompts
Welcome to the Holiday Season Prompts
Werewolf Starter Prompts
When in Doubt, Fake a Marriage Prompts
Whumpcember 2022 Prompts
Workplace Romance Prompts
Worried and Relieved Dialogue Starter Prompts
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