bethanydelleman · 1 month
My weird little brain: if I ever find myself in the past the very first thing I'm doing is finding a milk maid with cow pox and kissing her right on the lips (I'll ask first). Not taking my chances with smallpox. Gotta get me some of that sweet, sweet innoculation.
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persimmonteas · 9 months
in 2024, don't reject yourself first!!! have a healthy ego! reach out to your friends or people you think are cool to hang out!!! apply for that job!! ask for that raise!!! see somebody cute?? ask them out!!! start that hobby, join that club, who fucking cares if you suck at first!!! the worst thing you can do is reject your wants. you're teaching yourself that you don't matter when it's your life and it deeply matters.
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argonaut--keene · 1 month
Okay fuck it, even if I don't finish it anytime soon or ever, I have 40 chapters of this fic that have been waiting to see the light of day for years and you know what, they're good, so I'm going to share them. Get ready, it's time to find Another Way
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widowshill · 10 days
you can’t really think about science too hard with dark shadows but my unpopular opinion is that turning human would kill that man instantly because his immune system is not equipped to deal with modern evolutions of viruses, especially after laying dormant in isolation for 170 years.
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gomzdrawfr · 4 months
Posting will be significantly slower these months as I juggle research and uni
Im prioritizing commissions and my kofi memberships content first, but I promise to post some silly Ghostie when I can 💚
Tumblr media
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
doc joining tumblr while I’m in the middle of writing a fic with him as the main pov is an odd feeling. however i have literally never changed my tagging habits for anything and i have to express this fic is 30k words in and still at the “very start of what looks like it’ll be a very slow burn” stage so he’ll probably either be fully integrated into my mental model of the world or have bounced off the website entirely WELL before it starts posting,
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angelosearch · 7 months
I've been writing fanfiction like a maniac (sorry!) Part of that is my love of writing as a crafr, part is my adoration for the subject material, and a third part is the dopamine spike that accompanies the comments, but another part still is getting the opportunity to talk about writing.
I forgot how much I loved talking about process and characrer motivations and future plans and such. It was a part of my college experience that I had no idea I was so attached to. Reading fanfiction and commenting is similarly wonderful. Collectively speculating is fun! It is just so invigorating to talk to other writers about writing!!
So much media depicts a writer as a lonely, inebriated, suffering artist, but writing can and should be about community! After all, you are giving your words to someone else!
Aghhh I am enjoying this all so much! I am so excited to keep writing and reading and discussing. I wish I had been doing this for the last 20 years... gotta make up for lost time!
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rabbithaver · 2 months
listen do whatever you want forever but personally i do not understand how people headcanon seeley booth as queer. i love him a lot but he is abrasively straight to me
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tam--lin · 2 months
Personal affirmations for today:
It is just EMT class.
You are almost 30, a highschooler/young college clique doesn't affect you.
The Desi girls, blue collar women, and 90% of the men in the class are welcoming to you and don't abruptly change the conversation when you walk over.
Just because you're anxious doesn't mean that you're in danger.
It is just EMT class.
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fourteenfifteen · 2 months
fuck it. two minutes of me playing guitar and singing in french
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"So clever&, why do you think people follow your blog?"
Obviously because I like to lull them into a false sense of security through 95% aesthetique reblogs before abruptly going for the jugular of their deeply rooted trauma because I myself am having Thoughts and Feelings
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ri5k · 7 months
i think the deeper you go into style theory, the more appreciation you have for strangers, mostly women, who dress beautifully. even a "basic" look requires a keen eye to do well. fashion is more than narcissistic materialism. crafting how we make ourselves look is one of the most interesting and complex art forms to pursue. you don't have to buy into beauty standards to recognize that looking good (whatever that means to you) = feeling good.
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chorus-communities · 4 months
house md lied to me running bacterial colonies is a PAIN.
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princehendir · 7 months
I think the actual biggest risk factor for falling for phone scams is not ever having had to call a government office to get a problem solved.
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Unicron is totally a Swiftie.
She be a siren, enticing and enticing hatred in equal measures.
It mostly would be into the latter. Yes, small one. Make them angry when you kiss the football man. Use planes more.
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plasma-packin-peep · 9 days
Did you guys know that content farm Instagram "meme" pages have started just. Captioning their posts with random garbage from chatgpt. Like theyll just ask it something fully unrelated to the stolen video theyre posting like "tell me the history of snowboarding" and then copy paste the results into the caption. It's fucking crazy.
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