#insane gum girl. pink girl. my type of girl
kushanna · 2 years
you know what yokohama kaidashi kikou kinda reminds me of adventure time and i know this sounds incorrect but HEAR ME OUT it's about the post apocalyptic settings and stories that you can only fully grasp what they're truly about if you watch/read it the whole way through. if you just read/watch a chapter/episode yeah sure it's very good! but you only grasp the bittersweet feeling of time passing and people changing and growing old (+ the people who DON'T grow old and are just there witnessing the time pass and the people around them growing old and drifting away) once you get to the end cause when you do get to the end you look back at everything that's happened and realize just how much has changed. it's a slow process, almost imperceptible while it's happening. something something it seems unforgiving when a good thing ends but you and i will always be back then!! plus lesbians. and friendship!! in other words there's only a volume left of ykk for me and i'm feeling emotional. in this essay i will-
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kpopsexstories · 10 hours
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A new story/member every Monday between September 16-October 21, 2024. Click here to view the posting schedule.
Story: Yeonjun's adopted cousin rides him in a barn.
Content: Standing, Riding, Sex in a barn
Word Count: 2,767
Members: Yeonjun
Story #2: YEONJUN
Yeonjun had an uncle who owned a dairy farm in the Korean countryside. Every summer for as long as he could remember he spent some time on the farm with his family.
When he became an adult – and an idol – long summer breaks were no longer an option. But since the uncle's wife had passed away, Yeonjun made it a point to visit and help out at least a few times a year.
On this hot August day, he was high up on a ladder outside the uncle's barn. He was wearing light blue suspenders over a white t-shirt, and had a bucket of red paint hanging on a hook beside him.
Yeonjun was deep in his own thoughts while he painted the exterior of the large structure, but was abruptly pulled back to reality when a car approached from behind. He turned to look, and saw a pickup truck racing down a gravel road leading through a fence and up to the main house. It stopped just a stone throw away from Yeonjun on the ladder.
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“How's it going?” his uncle asked and waved when he stepped out of the vehicle. He had a toolbox in one hand, and a plastic bag full of groceries in the other.
“I'm nearly done with this side,” Yeonjun replied and dipped the brush in the bucket. His clothes were stained with paint and a red streak ran across his cheek.
The uncle had a daughter – Ye-jun, Yeonjun's cousin – who stepped out of the passenger side of the truck. She was wearing dark blue overalls but had taken the top down and tied the arms around her waist. Her chest was covered by a tightly fitted white top.
She smiled at Yeonjun on the ladder but didn't say anything as she walked with her father into the house. Yeonjun couldn't help but stare at her perky breasts. There's no way she's wearing a bra under that, he thought.
He continued to work in silence while a song played in his head. He began to hum along to it, until Ye-jun came back out to greet him properly.
“Hey,” she said, looked up, and shaded her eyes with the back of her hand. “Looking good!”
“Hey,” Yeonjun replied. “Thanks. It's not my first paint job.”
Ye-jun smirked. “I didn't mean the wall,” she said and winked at her cousin. ”Dad asked me to come help you. Can I do something?”
Ye-jun was not like other girls. She was a country girl. Not by blood, but by a genuine interest. She was born to live and work on a farm. Now, Yeonjun enjoyed the feeling of being the one to tell her what to do, rather than the other way around the way it usually was when he came to visit.
“You could move the hay in the barn,” he said. “I started earlier but never got to finish.”
Ye-jun smiled, put her hand down and walked around the ladder. She stopped in the large opening leading into the darkness of the structure Yeonjun was working on.
“Aren't you hot?” Ye-jun asked and winked again.
“Insanely,” Yeonjun said and wiped his forehead with his arm.
“Come take a break with me.”
“Later, I promised I would finish this.”
Ye-jun looked around the farmland. “Hey, will you do something for me?” she asked in a lower voice. She had a naughty, playful expression on her face. ”Take off your shirt.”
Yeonjun laughed. He and Ye-jun had always been flirting and loved to tease one another, but nothing had ever happened between them. He knew that the request was meant to embarrass him, to make him uncomfortable. He decided to not let her get to him that way, and to give Ye-jun exactly what she asked for. It was his way of teasing back.
She stood patiently for a few long seconds, waiting for his reaction. She was chewing gum and blew a large, pink bubble. The moment it popped, Yeonjun put the paint brush on the edge of the bucket and pulled down his suspenders. He took the t-shirt off, and confidently maintained eye contact with her down below.
Then Yeonjun pulled the suspenders back up over his bare shoulders. The fabric felt weird when it touched his bare and sweaty skin.
Ye-jun smirked up at him while chewing her gum slowly. She admired his slim and toned figure. But the stare soon became too awkward for Yeonjun, who broke the connection between them by laughing nervously. He wiped his face with the shirt, then tossed it down at her.
“Ew!” she said when she caught it. She immediately dropped it to the ground. “It's soaked!”
Now it was Yeonjun's turn to wink and smirk. “I told you I was hot,” he teased.
Even though the two cousins had grown up together, and seen each other grow into young adults, they were both totally fine with the flirting and sexualizing that had been going on between them at least for the last few years, since Ye-jun's mother passed.
You see, Ye-jun wasn't Yeonjun's natural cousin. She was adopted. Though she'd always been a presence in Yeonjun's life, the fact that they were related only spiritually but not by blood, meant that they both dared to say and do things they otherwise wouldn't have said or done. They would never tell or show the uncle this, and it did indeed feel forbidden and even wrong, but that sort of secrecy and naughtiness only made it all the more exciting.
Ye-jun giggled when she walked away and disappeared into the belly of the barn. Shirtless and sweaty, Yeonjun resumed his duties.
The song in his head had stopped playing. Now, he imagined Ye-jun with her perky breasts in the tight top, forking away at the hay inside the barn. The mental image was an insane turn-on, and he would surely masturbate to the idea before going to sleep tonight.
His horny thoughts were interrupted when the uncle came back out and headed for the truck. “Hey,” he called out to get Yeonjun's attention. “I forgot something in town. I'll be back in twenty, okay?”
“Okay,” Yeonjun replied. He suddenly felt embarrassed after all, just as he knew Ye-jun had wanted him to feel. Sure, it was hot, but why would he suddenly have taken his shirt off when he was nearly done with the wall, and only when his cousin had come out? It wasn't something he usually did.
His uncle didn't question it though. He started the truck, made a hasty u-turn, and drove away through the opening in the fence and down the dirt road. As soon as the sound of the engine and the tires on the gravel disappeared, Ye-jun called from inside.
“Hey Yeonjun,” she shouted. “Get in here!”
Yeonjun was confused. Had something happened? Was she alright, or was this another one of her jokes or tricks? It didn't matter, because if it was either of those he was eager to get to her.
He quickly stopped his work, climbed down the ladder, and jogged to the dark opening of the barn. It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the difference in light, but he quickly spotted Ye-jun.
She was seated with her legs crossed on a tightly packed square hay bale, half-way into the belly of the barn. The fork she'd worked with stood beside her, in the pile of hay she'd been separating and moving.
“Come,” she said and smiled. She wasn't in any kind of trouble, which was a relief.
Yeonjun walked over to her and stood in front of her. He struggled to keep his eyes off her chest. “What?” he asked.
Ye-jun held out her hand. “Come closer,” she said.
Yeonjun took another step forward and grabbed the hand. When he did, she un-crossed her legs and yanked his arm until his whole body was standing between her thighs.
As flirty as they had been in the last few years, this was new territorry. Yeonjun had always wondered what Ye-jun felt about him, and what she made of the fact that they were cousins only by adoption. He was about to find out.
When he didn't immediately show any signs of wanting to get away, Ye-jun placed a hand behind his head and pushed his face towards hers. Yeonjun's heart almost stopped. He opened his mouth a little, closed his eyes, and they kissed.
The kiss felt amazing. It was one they'd both secretly longed for, something they had hoped and wished would one day happen, and now it finally did. So suddenly, so unexpectedly, and at Ye-jun's initiative.
Yeonjun responded well to it. It felt great. They made out for half a minute, until Ye-jun took the suspenders and pulled them over Yeonjun's shoulders. When he realized what was happening, he reached out to feel the breasts he'd been eyeing all day.
“Uncle,” he said in between kisses.
“We've got at least ten minutes,” Ye-jun replied.
That wasn't a long time, but it was all they needed.
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When Yeonjun's suspenders slid down his arms, Ye-jun suddenly let go of him and took off her top. Yeonjun froze and stared at her naked breasts in awe. He quickly snapped back to reality and reached out to touch them. He was in awe.
With Yeonjun's hands and lips all over her, Ye-jun stood up. She untied the overalls around her waist and pulled them down to her ankles. If she was wearing anything else underneath it all came off with them. She suddenly stood naked in front of Yeonjun, who could hardly believe that this was happening.
Ye-jun sat back down and spread her legs. Yeonjun was quickly and instinctively onboard. He pulled the one-piece down and his boxers off with them.
Ye-jun leaned back and admired his body, and the hard dick as it was presented to her. She smiled, then grabbed the shaft and yanked it, causing Yeonjun to take a leap forward.
“Ouch!” he said and laughed. But he quickly forgot about the pain her eager movements had caused.
He wanted to kiss and fuck her desperately. To play with the gum in her mouth and pass it between them with their lips and tongues. To feel the warmth of her vagina as it swallowed his meat, and rub its walls with the head and shaft.
Ye-jun spread her knees a little wider, and Yeonjun reached down between their legs. Things were happening fast, two horny young people who had been flirting for a long time, and who now released their desires and sexual tension all at once.
When he penetrated her, he quickly pulled his hand away and started to feel his cousin's breasts and soft skin again.
He stood with his feet firmly planted on the ground and clenched his ass cheeks. His hips immediately rocked back and forth. The shaft pushed inside, then came back out, as he began to fuck his adopted cousin with passion.
Their kissing was sloppy and hot, their bodies slippery with sweat. Yeonjun kept thrusting fast and hard, pushing in and out of the girl. She used her tongue to push the gum out, and he gladly took it in his mouth before returning it.
Ye-jun leaned further and further back on her elbows on top of the hay bale. Then she suddenly sat up straight again. She pushed Yeonjun away and leaned forward to remove her shoes, and pull the overall over her feet.
Yeonjun bent down and did the same to his own clothes. He nearly lost his balance as the shoes and suspenders came off, and he suddenly stood completely naked before his partner.
Nude, horny and filled with years of built-up sexual tension, Ye-jun stood up and swirled around. She took the fork and pulled it out of the stack of hay she had created, then threw it on the ground. With her free hand she pushed Yeonjun on the chest to show him what she wanted him to do.
He fell backwards onto the makeshift bed. The dry grass pricked his skin, but once he'd sunken into it, it felt soft and cozy.
Ye-jun sat down on top of him. She dug her knees into the hay on either side of him and grabbed his boner between her legs. Eager to get it back inside her, she lowered herself onto the stiff shaft.
Yeonjun had his eyes wide open and fixed on the beautiful figure on top of him. He rested his hands on her thighs while she got into position. When she began to rock her hips back and forth, he took a firm grip around her waist.
Ye-jun soon began to bounce up and down. She straightened her back and reached behind her neck with both hands, to collect her long hair and brush it to one side. Yeonjun held on tight around her waist, had his mouth half open, and took in her body with his eyes.
Ye-jun's perky breasts jumped up and down with the rest of her. As she rode him, Yeonjun reached up to feel them. He massaged and cupped them with his palms. They were round and firm and felt amazing to touch.
From the large opening leading into the barn, all that could be seen was Ye-jun's upper body peaking out among the hay bales around them while it bounced up and down, and Yeonjun's outstretched arms and hands on her breasts.
Yeonjun started panting as Ye-jun's vagina slid up and down his dick. “Uh, uh, uh,” he moaned repeatedly.
“Fuck me,” Ye-jun said. She leaned forward and placed her hands on Yeonjun's chest, pushing him deeper into the hay. She moved her hips faster up and down, and Yeonjun matched her speed with rapid thrusts.
“Ahh, I'm gonna come,” Yeonjun announced and suddenly closed his eyes. In that very moment, they heard the pickup truck approaching on the road outside.
Time was suddenly of the essence. Yeonjun's heart nearly stopped when he heard the engine, and imagined the dust behind the car as it raced toward them.
But Ye-jun was determined to finish things. She suddenly pushed herself up again, straightened her back and bounced even faster. Yeonjun let go of her breasts, squeezed her thighs, and moved his ass up and down at an insane pace. He grimaced and moaned as he pushed and pulled her body, determined to reach a climax before it was too late.
Yeonjun orgasmed just as the car stopped outside the main house and the engine was shut off. He groaned when he ejaculated inside his cousin. Ye-jun, in turn, quickly leaned far down to kiss him, effectively hiding herself from view. She moved her hips slowly back and forth on top of him, as he fully emptied himself inside her.
When they heard the car door close, Ye-jun quickly rolled off. Yeonjun stood up and put his feet inside the suspenders on the ground. He pulled them up while Ye-jun reached out from behind her hiding spot to grab her clothes. She giggled and pressed herself close against the nearest hay bale to stay out of sight.
Her father appeared as a dark silhouette against the bright sun outside, just as Yeonjun pulled the second strap over his shoulder.
“What are you doing?” the uncle asked when he spotted Yeonjun inside.
“Nothing,” Yeonjun said, flustered and still with a semi-boner between his legs. He hadn't had time to put his underwear on under the suspenders. “I needed a break.”
“Where's Ye-jun?”
“I don't know. She said she'd help me but I haven't seen her since you left.”
Ye-jun swallowed her gum and kicked his leg. Fuck you, she mouthed but smiled when Yeonjun briefly glanced down at her.
“Alright,” his uncle said and turned around to walk away. “Finish the wall, then get back to moving the hay. Dinner will be ready in an hour.”
“Okay,” Yeonjun said and watched as the man's silhouette disappeared.
When it was gone, he turned to look on the ground beside him. Ye-jun was huddled up, naked and giggling in the hay. They both burst out laughing, and covered their mouths to keep the sound from escaping the depths of the barn.
When she was dressed, Ye-jun gave Yeonjun a kiss on the lips before leaving him. Red-skinned and bare-chested he started walking toward the sunlight, while Ye-jun took a door at the other end of the barn to walk around the house and avert suspicion.
To this day Yeonjun had no idea if his uncle saw or suspected anything. They never said a word about it. But from this day on, visits to the farm became so much more interesting, until one day a few years later when Ye-jun moved out.
When she did, the uncle finally sold the farm. The place that had been a fixed and cherished location for the cousins their whole lives soon became a distant memory. The memories, however, of both the farm and of their hot sex, forever lived on in Yeonjun's mind.
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aalissy · 3 years
Day 1 of Adrienette April is here!! Yayay, I’m sooo excited for this month. I love my babies! Especially now that we’re going to get more episodes. I hope you guys like this lil chapter <3
“I’m just saying Marinette, he’s a really good guy once you actually give him a chance,” Alya rolled her eyes at her best friend after she had just finished her latest rant against Adrien.
“And I think you’re insane for actually giving him the time of day,” Marinette rolled her eyes right back. She crossed her arms in front of her chest as she and Alya strolled closer towards their school, “Adrien Agreste is a jerk and that’s all he’ll ever be.”
Her friend snickered at her, “I can’t believe you’re still hung up about the gum situation.”
“He never even apologized for that Alya!” Marinette shook her head furiously as she clenched her eyes shut tight, “Plus he’s friends with Chloé! He’s worthy of never being my friend just for that!”
Alya let out another quiet laugh, pausing on the first step of the school when she caught sight of blonde hair bounding out of his limo with a cheerful wave. She bit her lip to contain her smile and leaned over to hiss in Marinette’s ear, “Don’t look now but I think sunshine is coming towards us.”
“No!” she gasped in horror, her eyes popping open before looking at her best friend with absolute misery as she whimpered a quiet, “Hide me.”
“No can do,” Alya chuckled, waving back at Adrien as he approached them.
Marinette grimaced before shuffling backward slightly, intending to hide herself as best she could behind her best friend as the model approached them. She groaned to herself as she looked at those gleaming, emerald green eyes.
“Hey Alya!” he gave her a bright, beaming smile before turning to the girl hiding slightly behind her with a more neutral expression. Adrien gave a quick nod before murmuring, “Marinette.”
She gave a small, sarcastic smile back, “Adrien. Whatever did we do to deserve your presence?”
His lips twitched slightly, a faint look of amusement dancing in his eyes, “Nothing but being your usual, smart, charming selves.”
Marinette’s brow furrowed a bit at that. Unease ate away at her slightly as she was unused to receiving compliments from Adrien. Turning away from him, she looked out over the bustling, Parisian streets in an attempt to hide the small blush she was sure was blooming across her cheeks. 
There was a small lull in the conversation as the three of them stood in slightly awkward silence. Luckily, Alya cleared her throat and Adrien quickly snapped his gaze over to her and away from the girl standing next to her. With a knowing smirk, she asked, “So why did you come over here, then, Adrien? If not just to come over and say hi to our usual, charming, smart selves?”
“Oh,” he said with a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck, “I actually wanted to ask if you had the notes to yesterday morning’s lecture. I couldn’t make it because I was in a photo shoot.” 
A small scoff came from Marinette’s lips as both Adrien and Alya turned to look at her. Her gaze was still focused on the street below them and Alya pursed her lips as a mischievous look entered her gaze, “You know who else missed the lecture yesterday?” She nudged her best friend with a sly grin before looking back at Adrien, “You two weren’t together, were you?”
“What?!” Adrien and Marinette shouted at the same time, both of their gazes snapping to Alya. 
“I’m only saying,” she shrugged her shoulders casually, “You two seem to miss the exact same lessons at the exact same time.”
Marinette’s mouth dropped open in both shock and offense. Was Alya still trying to get her to like Adrien? Because that ship had sailed a long time ago. Besides, the only reason that she missed that class was because there was an akuma attack. A tiny, dreamy smile tugged at her lips as her mind drifted towards the boy she actually wanted to spend time with. Her partner, Chat Noir. 
There was no time to think about that now, though. Shaking her head furiously, she glanced at Adrien who was surprisingly staring at her with what seemed like a pink flush across his cheeks. Feeling her own face get hot, Marinette dragged her gaze away from the pair of dazzling, green eyes to her friend. She cleared her throat as she began to ramble, “No, no, no! You know why I was gone! I’m always late to class, b-because I wake up too late.”
“Uh-huh,” Alya dragged the word out, her hazel eyes glimmering mischievously, “I’m sure.”
“S-so, um, do you mind sharing the notes with me?” Adrien jumped back into the conversation, scratching the back of his neck as he avoided both of the girl’s curious gazes.
Alya nodded her head, before gesturing inside the school so that they made it to class before the final bell rang. She dug around her backpack for a moment before pulling out her notebook. As they began crossing the main hall of the school, she turned to Adrien with one raised eyebrow, “Why didn’t you just ask Nino for the notes? You two are still sitting together, right?”
Panic filled his eyes as his gaze quickly darted back towards Marinette who was walking slightly behind them with a small pout. This didn’t go unnoticed by Alya whose eyebrow rose slightly higher at the glance. Adrien’s gaze quickly returned to her, however, a sheepish smile on his lips as he spoke quietly, “Yeah, we are. I just saw you and Marinette first so I figured I’d ask you guys before Nino. Plus, I can never read his handwriting.”
Alya chuckled back at him before flipping through her notes to find the right page, “Yeah, neither can I,” she said amusedly before handing him the book cheerfully.
“Thanks!” Adrien chirped, shooting one last quick look back at Marinette before rushing off to their first class.
Alya watched him go fondly before slowing down slightly to match her pace with her best friend. Quickly, the pout left Marinette’s face as she beamed over at her, “I thought he’d never leave.”
“Girl you’re seriously crazy. That boy is obviously just trying to get you to like him,” she shook her head with a roll of her eyes.
Marinette scrunched her nose up, “And I think you’re seriously crazy. Adrien and I are never going to be friends. I don’t know why you keep trying to set us up.”
Alya sighed frustratedly. Sometimes her best friend could be a little too blind. Anyone with eyes would know that the only reason Adrien even came to them in the first place was so that he could have a chance to talk with Marinette. The boy had one of the highest grades in their class, there was no way he needed her notes.
“Anyway,” Marinette continued, ignoring Alya’s helpless sigh as she bounced slightly on her toes, “Can we talk about the recent photos you added onto the Ladyblog?”
Alya gave a fond chuckle as Marinette began ranting about how good Chat Noir looked in the latest pictures she uploaded. They had just slid into their seats as her best friend began to gush about how perfect his hair looked. Marinette’s tirade got cut short as Adrien spun around in his seat, his jaw dropping open in surprise, “You like Chat Noir?!”
“Were you eavesdropping?!” She shot him an offended look, her eyes narrowed with fiery hatred.
Adrien flushed quickly, his eyes widening. He ducked his head down and then murmured quietly, “Sorry, I-I couldn’t help but overhear.” Slowly though he lifted his head back up to stare at her with a look of determination, “But you do like Chat Noir then?”
Marinette bristled, “Of course I do! Who wouldn’t?”
A smile of wonder seemed to dance across Adrien’s lips as he gazed up at her, “Well, I just thought that he wouldn’t be your type.”
Her mouth flapped open and close quickly, her face slowly turning the shade of a tomato, “I-I d-don’t like him like that,” she murmured quietly, tapping her fingers together nervously.
“Yes you do,” Alya chortled, “You bring him up every chance you get.”
“Shut up! No I don’t! He’s just my favorite superhero, ok?” Marinette hissed, shoving the girl sitting next to her as her face turned an even darker shade of red. 
Curiously, Adrien’s face also turned a light shade of pink as his smile grew even wider. He then chirped rather cheerfully up at them, “Well, I’m glad he’s your favorite Marinette. Ladybug’s my favorite, like the most of Paris.”
At that, Marinette’s head quickly whipped back towards him from where she had previously been glaring at her best friend, her mouth falling open, “You like Ladybug?!”
His smile turned into a small smirk as he repeated her words back to her, “Of course I do. Who wouldn’t?”
A small giggle fell from Marinette’s lips before she quickly cut it off, looking almost as though she was shocked at herself. She recovered fast, however, turning back to him with mischief dancing in her eyes, “Well, I just thought she wouldn’t be your type.”
At that, both of them laughed together, their eyes sparkling with mischief and almost a look of knowing. As Alya watched them, she shook her head at herself. Those two were made for each other, even if they didn’t know it yet.
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CatCF Ruby Chocolate: Part 1, Kids and characters
This version is the last of the "four main versions". It is named after the new, fourth type of chocolate discovered in 2004 but only publically released in 2017. It is a modern version, supposed to take place in the 2010s. In this version, there are six Golden Tickets released in the world.
First Winner: Augustus Gloop
(Based on: Augustus Gloop)
This version of Augustus was inspired by the 2013 musical, more specifically by the idea of a cute little boy that eats "pigs limbs from limbs", and also swallows whole little dogs. So, something quite dark.
Augustus has a very cute face. A chubby, angelic face, like the puttis of the Renaissance paintings: blond curls, puppy eyes, a radiant smile. If he wants, he can make your heart melt like the video of a little kitten purring.
But Augustus is hungry. All of the time. He eats and snacks all day long. He dreams of food. He sleep-walks to eat. And while he adores candies and chocolate, there is one thing he loves more than anything else: meat. Meat and blood. He is a true carnivore, for him every meal rhymes with "meat". And if you leave him unattended, he will try to get meat by himself. For exemple, by attacking a living pig and devouring it on the spot. Or by biting off the fingers of a plump woman. But, of course, all of that with a cute smile and while saying sorry in the most adorable way.
Nowadays, if your cute you must be innocent, and thus forgien.
Augustus' body is not as cute as his face. It is said to be a "bloated mass of pink flesh", actually very similar to the body of a pig. His fatness is described as "ill-fitting", as if it was "forced" onto his body. His overweightness is not natural. It is puffy, flabby, bloated, but doesn't feel "natural".
Augustus also always wear ill-fitting clothes and suits.
Mrs. Gloop is a tiny woman, usually wearing a pale pink skirt suit, with her hair arranged in a crown of braids. She might be tiny, but she is bold, energetic, and speaks both clearly and loudly. She has so much presence, she often intimidates people. She keeps reminding others of how cute her son, and how eating makes him grow strong. She insists that she is a good mother who makes sure her son eats of everything (to have a balanced diet), eats well (by giving him only the finest and best-quality products (such as the Wonka bars and not their cheap rivals knock-offs), and of course, she only feeds her son because he "needs nourishment".
And don't dare criticize her, or she will scream so much, so hard and so high your ears will bleed. Just like the "original" Mrs. Gloop, this one keeps pointing out the "hooligans", saying it is better to stay at home eating food than being a violent thug on the street. My iteration sincerely believes that violence and criminality is due to poverty, hunger and lack of food, and if everyone was well-fed the world ould be at peace.
(For her, think of Mrs. Gloop the original, mixed with Bernadette from the Big Bang Theory )
Mr. Gloop (full name, Gordon Gloop, parody of Gordon Ramsey) is the son of a butcher, and the grandson of a slaughterhouse worker. He was always knee-deep in blood, and as a result grew accustomed to killing animals and cooking them (in fact the sight of blood makes him peckish). He is a tall and strong man, but suffers from a bad sleep due to his wife's horribly loud snoring.
He tried to teach his son the refinment of haute cuisine, for Mr. Gloop is a world-renowned cook, but to his disappointment Augustus only cares for raw meat and drinking blood-dipped candies. Mr. Gloop is so obsessed with having good dishes and best-quality ingredients, he keeps at the back of his house a little barnyard full of cattle (if he ever has to serve some steak or ribs to his guests). Trouble is, Augustus keeps sneaking into said barnyard to devour the poor animals.
Second Winner: Elvira Entwhistle
(Based on: Veruca Salt)
Veruca Salt being a pretty solid and complete archetype in herself (the girl who wants it all and has her parents buy her all), it is quite hard to reimagine her. So, I tried thinking about "why" she wants things - given the actions are settled and confirmed, it is the goals that are important, the motivation. And , in our time of modernity, what makes people want things? Trends, fashions, what is "in".
This reinterpretation of Veruca, named Elvira Entwhistle (after one of the old drafts names), is a mix between Chanel Oberlin from Scream Queens and Esmé Squalor from a Series of Unfortunate Events. She is a girl living for trends, for fashions, buying and acquiring all of the latest things "in", only to discard them as soon as they are "out" or not trendy anymore. Spending her time on social media, following models and influencers, she keeps going to luxury shops with her "personal assistant" (a nice name for what is a modern slave) to buy accessories, jewels, clothes, pets and whatever corresponds to the current trend.
Spoiled, impatient, self-centered and short-tempered, she needs to have the latest fashion NOW or she will get insanely angry. She also doesn't hesitate to change her personal appearance to fit all the new trends (for exemple her hair changes color and shape every week). Of course, she got her Golden Ticket because it was the current trend. Everyone was searching for it, so she had to get a Ticket to be the most "in" person around.
 Third Winner: Mike Teavee
(Based on: Mike Teavee)
For this version of Mike Teavee, I wanted to get away from the usual hyperactive and hyper-violent kid. I wanted to take back this common idea that television makes you stupid and sluggish, by making Mike the perfect embodiment of a couch potato (even though he was designed to look at the same time like a mushroom and a zombie).
Mr. and Mrs. Teavee are hard-working people, who spend their entire week working and only come back at home for very brief periods of times (usually in the week-end) before going right back at work. As a result, Mike barely knows his parents. He doesn't even know what kind of work they do. To "babysit" their son, the Teavees bought an enormous, high-definition television with a 666 channels pack, and kept telling him to not go outside due to the outside world being "dangerous" and filled with crushing bikes, killing cars, kidnappers and the like. This is how Mike began his life as a shut-in.
Spending his days looking at the television, never going outside, he ended up closing all shutters because light bothered him. Living in the dark, barely lifting his body from the couch, he only survives on candies, snacks, television-plates and microwaved/defrosted food (and the Teavee family can afford to buy a lot of it, because they are really, really rich - Mike has accounts in three different banks).
The result? A chalk-white boy. A bloated ans shapeless body. A full-moon face covered in craters and scars due to a bad case of acne. Two dead, sunken, small eyes. Speakin slowly, and often pronouncing only half of the words, Mike refuses to answer or talk to anyone while television is on : he only speaks during "uninteresting advertisements". The only thing muscular in his body are his fingers, that got a lot of muscle mass due to twitching frenetically all day long on the remote to channel-hop.
Mike is actually a very intelligent boy, but all his cleverness and intellectual gifts are buried and wasted by the brain-washing of his shut-in life and his television obsession. He got his Golden Ticket because his parents often buy him Wonka bars as "television snacks". Even though, in his own words, he prefers food that "tastes like plastic".
Fourth Winner: Violet Beauregarde
(Based on: Volet Beauregarde)
What is Violet, originally? She is a girl that seeks fame and attention, that is snarky, that is nasty towards people, and that does stupid records. What reflects that perfectly in our day and age? Reality television shows!
Violet Beauregarde was strongly inspired by the most brainless and "sassy/nasty" stars of reality television and the Internet. She is a teenage girl wearing clothes of such bright, flashy and clashing colors it often hurts people's eyes. Her face is covered in makeup, her hair is covered in extensions and her hands are covered with fake fingernails.
She thinks she can be as rude and horrible as she wants, as long as she calls it "sassy". But on the other side, she considers "rude" anyone or anything that doesn't please her, or that is too "ugly" or "dirty" for her. She is the kind of girl that keeps screaming loudly "YAAAAAAASSS, bitches!" and "DAAAMMMNNNN", that calls herself "the queen", that chews ferociously on her gum all day long, and that says "Why are you touching me? See, you're touching me again!" while she is the one hitting people. She hates everything "old" and "boring". She keeps publishing musical albums that nobody actually buys, because she sings badly mere words (her singles being titled "Lalalala" and "Heyheyheyhey" - she never understood a song needed to have lyrics). Finally, her biggest dream is to be part of a TV-reality show.
Her father, Mr. Beauregarde, feeds his daughter's "bitchy diva" attitude and her delusions of grandeur by acting as his agent (just like in the 2013 musical). He is also the "ringleader" of Violet's circus (because Violet, with her clothes of ridiculous colors, and her enormous amount of makeup, has a clown subtext). As a result, Mr. Beauregarde is like a ringleader in acircus, a showrunner in a freak show, and also an agent. He "sells" his daughter, he organizes her interviews, he has people pay money for "extra time" with Violet, he shows her around, and finally he uses his whip (yes, he has a whip) to attack all those that try to "touch the product".
He is a short, flabby and balding man, that smokes very long and thick cigars, wears enormous rings and clothes that are garrish and clownish - his over-the-top and ridiculous fashion sense is clearly a compensation for what he lacks in height, hair and health.
 Fifth Winner: Marvin Prune
(Based on: Marvin Prune)
In the original drafts of Roald Dahl, Marvin Prune was a Mr. Know-it-All, a too-perfect schoolboy obsessed with studies, an arrogant bookworm, a haughty teacher's pet, you named it. In this version, i decided to keep the idea of Marvin being a "know-it-all", but instead of using school, books and the like, he rather uses modern technology and the Internet.
Marvin is a tech-obsessed boy. He lives for, with and through technology, to the point of neglecting to live in the real world. He thinks his over-use of technology, and all the knowledge it can provide him, make him an "intelligent" and "superior" boy (when in fact it does not).
He thinks he can claim to have been everywhere in the world because he visited virtually all the most important landmarks of the world. He claims he can speak all the languages in the world, but in fact he uses translation websites. He keeps tracks of all his bodily functions thanks to health monitors (heartbeats, blood pressure, cholesterole...) but not because he is concerned for his health, merely for the sake of knowing more things. For him, Googling something is the best solution to all your troubles, and as a result he is a self-centered and pompous boy.  
Due to his technology dependance, Marvin is actually quite a weak boy. Since he doesn't do any sport or physical activity, and since he rarely leaves his house (due to always ordering things online, having classes online and visiting places virtually), he is a quite thin and frail boy, if not emaciated - at least, a good chunk of his muscle mass has melted away.
The original parents of Marvin Prune were, in Dahl's works, teachers and school principals. I decided here to go with the opposite of a teacher : Mrs. Prune never does anything herself, and always blame it on others. There are problems in the world? For her people should fix it, but they are too lazy to do it - while she herself does nothing about it. Her son acts rude? "Someone should teach him good manners" she says. She loses all of her money? "That's because the people in charge of the economy are all incompetent!"
Mrs. Prune thinks of everything and everyone as stupid because it allows her to blame all of her problems and flaws on other people. But ultimately she never takes any kind of action herself. If someone should teach her son good manners, it is "those lazy teachers at school", certainly not her! She also dislikes things that are "foreign".
Marvin found the Golden Ticket when he ordered by mistake a chocolate bar in France : in truth, he wanted to buy a "tablet" (in French a tablet is tablette, and a chocolate bar is also a tablette de chocolat).
Marvin will also be incredibly frustrated inside Wonka's factory, because in there numeric devices mess up, stop weirdly or disfunction totally (the same way UFOs tend to mess up phones, radios, computers and the like). As a result, he becomes powerless and helpless.
 Sixth Winner: Charlie Bucket
(Based on: Charkie Bucket)
Here, I decided to really twist things up. To have a Charlie Bucket that isn't thin or malnourished, but fat! Yes, here's Chubby Charlie! (No, not Fat Charlie, this one is copyrighted)
Charlie's story is deeply linked to the story of the Wonka factory. The town Charlie lives in was built around the Wonka Factory a bit before the 20th century - it was a "worker town", created to allow the workers of the factory to live with their family next to their place of work. For more than fifty years the Factory was the only occupation and work of the town. But somewhere in the 1950s or 1960s, all the workers had to take an early retirement. They were kicked out, and the Factory closed to the public. The Factory was still working, but not hiring anyone anymore. This was an enormous blow to both the town's economy and moral. There was an economic crisis and poverty (since people were trained only to work in a candy factory).
But there was one good thing: since it was the town Wonka's products were created in, they were sold at must cheaper prices than anywhere else in the world, and all the ex-workers of the Factory got in exchange for their work coupons and reductions for themselves and all of their families - reductions on the Wonka products, of course. This was seen as a chance, because the Wonka products were world-renowned candies, even luxury goods in foreign countries. It was like being able to buy haute-couture as daily clothes and eat gastronomic cuisine every week-end.
But this good wasn't so "good". Indeed, given the poverty and lack of job in town, the ex-workers and their family relied more and more on the coupons and reductions, their diets filled with candy and sugary products. As a result, from the 1970s to the 2010s, the number of people suffering from obesity, diabetes and teeth problems blew up.
[ This background is actually a mix of two different real-world fact. Real-world fact 1: the Menier Chocolate Factory in France, aka the real-life Wonka Factory, was revolutionary for creating a town for its workers, and taking care of their health, education and the like, but closed after World War II, to the deception of everyone. Real-world fact 2: Coca-Cola, Nestlé and other big food industries tend to pay their employees with extra-sugary and extra-addictive if their own products in poor areas, such as South America - resulting in sicknesses and diseases.]
As a result, in this version Charlie is fat. Because in modern days, and in developped countries, poverty and malnourishment actually leads to obesity and diabetes, due to the cheapest food being candies and junk-food.
This version of Charlie is a very nice kid, but a kid addicted to the Wonka products. He grew up on the coupons, due to his family all being ex-workers. Grandpa Joe and Grandpa George both worked at the factory, but were too old or sick after being fired to find a new job ; Mr. and Mrs. Bucket had been trained for the factory and could barely afford new studies after its closing. Mr. Bucket became a street cleaner, while Mrs. Bucket became a receptionist and secretary for a dental office (due to the rise of tooth diseases, dental offices boomed in town, but most are actually crooked or scams).
Charlie grew up in a very humble home, with two parents working really hard to have enough money to buy food for everyone. Of course, fresh or good food is too expensive. Charlie tries to help his family the best way he can with his part-time job (making people fill surveys) and by working really hard at school. But as the years go by, his weight and his health are beginning to cause problems. Due to not having any money he can't do sports, wich makes him gain weight, and the fattest he is the hardest it is to do sport, it's a vicious circle. Every year, the scale reveals he puts on more and more weight, and faster and faster - if he doesn't do something quick, he may end up obese.
And, as I mentionned before, Charlie is truly obsessed with the Wonka products, it is an addiction. He dreams of them at night. He sticks Wonka bars wrappers on the wall of his room like posters. He drools at the mere mention of a Wonka bar. He isn't spoiled, cruel or nasty, but he is too addicted for his own good. In fact, when he finds money in the stret and buy chocolate bars with it, it is a pure act of selfishness, because he doesn't have the willpower to turn away from the candy shop and go back home.
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seokoloqy · 5 years
Click, Click | jjk (m)
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➳ PAIRING: jungkook x y/n
➳ GENRE: smut, pwp, college!au, f2l
➳ WARNINGS: blowjob, virgin!jk, the sharing of unsolicited dick pics lmao
➳ SUMMARY: who knew someone else’s dick pic would get Jungkook his first blowjob?
➳ REQUEST: 7 (You’re n-not ,um, w-wearing anything under that, are you..?) + 38 (You want me to give you your book/phone/item back? Make me.) with kook please!!
➳ A/N: wrote this in one sitting listening to the same 4 daniel caesar songs on repeat... anyway jk is a shy dorky mess in this and I love him!
The incessant sound of your phone keyboard as you text makes it impossible for Jungkook to focus on his notes. It’s bad enough he doesn’t want to be studying in the first place. The way you snap your gum, tap your foot, and rapidly type is the worst kind of distraction, and his little crush on you only makes it harder to ignore.
“Can you… can you stop?”
You pause with your thumb over the send button, raising one eyebrow as he timidly taps his finger on his textbook. “Stop what?”
“You know, um, texting w-with the sound on. Maybe put your phone on silent,” he awkwardly chuckles, trying to soften his request, hoping you won’t be offended by something so small as silencing your phone. It wasn’t like you had to be there anyway. You were the one helping him study English. If you wanted to leave right now, you totally could. No one is going to stop you, especially not Jungkook, not when he’s so shy towards you.
“Oh, sure,” you say, flicking the mute switch down. “If something bothers you, don’t be afraid to do something about it next time, ‘kay?”
“Y-Yeah, okay,” he smiles, feeling the apples of his cheek turn pink and averting his eyes back down to the page. He tries to focus once again on the words in front of him, but your nails click on the screen once again and it’s nonstop.
Does he say something again? No, he shouldn’t. He just bothered you once about it, but then again, it’s really annoying.
“H-Hey,” he says again.
“Hmm,” you hum, not even looking up from the screen.
“Can-” He pauses. What is he going to ask? Can you cut your nails because the sound of them typing on your screen bugs him? No way he’s going to say that. You’re going to think he’s annoying. No, no, no he can’t say that. “Heh, never mind. It’s nothing.”
The next time Jungkook sees you, it’s at your house around ten o’clock at night. When he got the text asking if you wanted to study together for a test tomorrow he couldn’t say no even if it was pretty late. He just wanted to see you, although he’d rather not be studying.
You’re both sitting on the bed facing one another crisscrossed legs and notebooks resting on your laps.
“You’re pretty good at English already, Jungkook,” you say exasperatedly, throwing down your pencil. “I don’t know why you need me.”
He blushes, looking down bashfully at his paper, “I’m only good because you’re a good teacher.”
He can barely look you in the eyes, afraid he’d be lost in a trance by your beauty. He’s had a crush on you ever since he met you in the library one late night and you hit it off talking about the shitty tasting coffee you were both drinking to stay awake. He fondly remembers the way you had to muffle your laughter behind two hands when he accidentally tipped over his cup all over his biology notes and frantically scrambled to dab away the mess.
He loved your laughter, even more, when you weren’t trying to conceal it. It was loud, unattractive, you think a little annoying, but he thinks it’s music. A noise he’d like to replay over and over. Maybe if he got a chance to take you out on a date… he’d make you laugh as much as he could.
“Y/n, c-can I ask-”
Your phone begins to chime, it’s one text, then another.
“Oh, sorry,” you interrupt, grabbing your phone off the bed. He watches you unlock your phone and grimace, sticking your tongue out and gag, “this guy is sending my friend dick pics, ugh, gross.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen, feeling the tips of his ears turn redder. He’s never sent anyone a picture of his dick or even thought of it. Hell, he never even had sex before. He wonders how anyone can be brave enough to send pictures of their dick to girls.
“Wow,” you chuckle, pulling your phone back to look from afar. “He’s kinda big actually, damn. Maybe this Taehyung guy isn’t so full of shit after all.”
At this point, Jungkook can feel his eyes nearly pop out of his head. You’re looking at someone’s dick pic right now with him in the same room? Maybe it’s a good thing he doesn’t send girls pictures of his dick because they’d just send it to their friends and laugh about him.
You look impressed though and he wonders exactly what you consider big. Would you think he was average—tiny, even—if he had the chance to have sex with you? God, what if you laughed in his face? Now he’s curious, subtly wiping his sweaty palms on his basketball shorts.
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, wanna see?”
Jungkook nods, unsure if he’ll regret it. What if this Taehyung guy really is big? Bigger than him? Then he’d feel insecure for the rest of his life. Oh god, why’d he even think of this in the first place?
Before he can take it back you’re flipping your phone towards him and all Jungkook can do is gawk. The photo is faceless, just the lower half of someone’s sculpted torso. The lighting is low but bright enough that he can see a large hand wrapped around the base of their cock. The faceless stranger’s hand can hold the entirety of their thick, veiny cock.
This guy really is big, bigger than Jungkook, that’s for sure. All Jungkook can assume about himself is that he’s average… hopefully.
“Heh,” he laughs, trying to avert his eyes elsewhere, but he’s so mesmerized by the vein running down his shaft, “h-he really is.”
“I know,” you mumble in disbelief, taking your phone away to reply to your friend. “She’s wouldn’t be able to walk for weeks!”
Jungkook shifts himself, a feeling of dread and terror running through him. Undeniable arousal runs straight to his cock as he is unable to get the thought of you being fucked by this Taehyung guy out of his head. With a dick like that, you’d surely be a moaning and babbling mess. The way your pretty moans would sound, maybe even more heavenly than your beautiful laughter.
Fuck. Jungkook moves his notes over his crotch to his growing erection, trying to force away his lustful thoughts. Seeing that photo definitely was a mistake, a huge mistake.
You type your response, nails incessantly clicking on the screen once again.
Each time your nail taps it just brings his mind back to you, writhing and whimpering. This time his thoughts aren’t with Taehyung’s thick cock drilling into your tight cunt, it’s his. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he pushes into your perfect, velvet walls, screaming his name.
It’s driving Jungkook insane. If he keeps thinking of you beneath him he’ll lose it.
“If something’s bothering you don’t be afraid to do something about it.”
That’s what you said to him. Before he knows it, he’s reaching over and grabbing your phone out of your hands.
“Sorry,” he squeaks, hiding it behind his back. “I-I just don’t think we should be texting while we study.”
“Okay, okay, fine. One more message, please,” you cutely pout, batting your eyelashes.
Jungkook knows it won’t be your last message. You’re glued to the thing 24/7.
“You want me to give you your phone back? Make me,” he dares.
Jungkook has no idea where that confidence came from. Maybe it’s his hormones talking. That’s probably it.
He’s starting to regret being so bold and snatching your phone when he sees you roll your eyes, but before he can give it back you’re lunging towards him.
Oh, shit.
He falls back against your bed, pressing himself as close as he can to get away from your body. He makes sure that his notebook is still covering his crotch. You hover over him, unphased and impatient, straddling his thighs.
“Give me my phone, or I’ll lay on you till you suffocate,” you jokingly threaten, pressing your body on top of his.
He gasps softly, turning redder than before. You...you’re not…
“You’re n-not, um, w-wearing anything under that, are you..?” He stutters, feeling the thin fabric of your tee shirt doing nothing to prevent your nipples brushing against his chest.
“What? You mean my bra?” You cock your head, analyzing his pink cheeks and his shifting eyes. “That’s the first thing that comes off when I get home.”
“O-Oh,” he swallows, biting down on his lip to prevent anything else from slipping out.
You push yourself off him, sitting on top of his thigh and dragging your eyes down to the notebook carefully covering his crotch.
Oh, no, he thinks.
“I didn’t think a simple dick pic would turn you on so much,” you say, slowly sliding the notebook off to reveal the tent in his pants.
“S-Sorry, I-I’m sorry,” he apologizes, blushing profusely as he stutters. You’re going to think he’s weird now. Your friendship is ruined. “I didn’t… couldn’t…”
“It’s okay,” you laugh, playing with the hem of his shirt. “Seriously.” After a beat, you ask, “do you want help with that?”
He almost thinks he didn’t hear you correctly. Were you offering to help him with his boner? He lies there mouth agape and wondering how to respond.
“Ah, uh, y-yes,” he nods, nervously licking his dry lips. He’s never done this with anyone else before though. What if he does something stupid? Or what if you’re disappointed he’s not as big as Taehyung was?
As if sensing his dread, you ask, “have you…ever had sex, Jungkook?”
Should he lie and pretend? No, that’s not going to help anyone.
“No,” he admits, slightly embarrassed and ashamed. Most people his age have already lost their virginity, while him on the other hand, has never been in such a position such as this one ever. He’s never had a girl straddle him with any intention to do anything sexual.
“I’m surprised,” you hum, moving your hand beneath the elastic waistband of his shorts. “You’re cute, smart, and funny. A perfect guy.”
“Reall- ah,” he gasps as your hand firmly grips his cock. Your slow strokes along his length have his eyes fluttering shut as his breath becomes shallower. You just called him a perfect guy. He doesn’t know if that’s what is making his heart beat faster or the way your hand moves around his cock.
His lips part and a low whimper escapes him as you pull down his shorts to reveal his length. If you thought he was any smaller or bigger than Taehyung you don’t make any comments.
Jungkook would like to think he was average size, but- Oh.
Your tongue runs up the side of his length before taking him into your mouth. He’s never felt anything like this before. It’s addicting—your lips wrapped perfectly around his cock, sucking him off. His shallow breaths turn ragged, as you bob your head around him.
“Fuck,” he moans, unsure of what to do with his hands. Can he tangle them in your hair or does he just hold the sheets? He chooses the safest option and grabs onto your sheets as his hips buck into your mouth.
He can feel his orgasm approaching. Your mouth continues to suck his cock, flattening your tongue along the shaft. You’re so good at this, so good, everything he dreamed.
His hands move from the bed and tangle in your hair out of instinct. When he feels you moan, he realizes you probably like that. So he tightens his grip, pulling slightly and it gives him the right reaction. You moan again, the vibrations around his cock feel incredible and he groans, bucking his hips until you’re choking around his cock.
Jungkook comes without warning, moaning and spilling down your throat and riding out his orgasm in your mouth. He breathes in, completely amazed and stunned by what just happened.
You pull yourself off him, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “How was that?”
Jungkook lays there for a few seconds, catching his breath before saying, “wow.”
You laugh, climbing off his lap to settle yourself down beside him.
“C-Can I ask you something though?” You’ve just sucked him off, but somehow he’s back to being nervous around you. He can’t help it.
“Do you maybe wanna go on a date with me?”
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just-jordie-things · 5 years
The Five Cases of Proof - Peter Parker
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word count: 4789 warnings: swearing request(s): anonymous: “Can you do a Peter fic where him and Ned are talking & he gets a text from y/n. So Ned makes a comment about him being an idiot bc they obviously love each other & tells Peter things he's noticed over the years” and anonymous: “Can I get a Peter fic where everyone is sick of their googly eyes from far away and are like "please just go on a date we can't take it anymore" and Pete and the Reader and like "haha?? What eyes??? We don't???? I mean unless she/he wants to-"” summary: These are the five events that happened while (y/n) and Peter were growing up that proves they’re in love
Peter should know better than to be staring so blatantly at (y/n) from across the classroom.  But he couldn’t help it.  She looked exceptionally angelic today.  She was in a jean skirt and a big sweater, her hair a mess of (y/h/c), and the grin on her face as she gossiped with MJ at their lab table was heavenly.
(y/n) (y/ln) was one of his best friends.  And he knew that he shouldn’t be looking at her the way he was, but when she looked like that-
(y/n’s) eyes wandered as she turned away from MJ, stifling her giggles as not to get in trouble.  In doing so, she caught Peter, and her smile only widened as she waved at him.  He waved back politely, cheeks pink and lips tugging upwards.  He was certain that she had stars in her eyes.
“Your heart eyes are gonna make me throw up one day”
Peter jumped, turning in his seat as Ned sat down.
“Shut up” Peter mumbled, hastily pulling out his lab folder and busying himself with work.  Ned just rolled his eyes, before catching (y/n) still looking over at their table.
“You’re hopeless” He sighed, taking his seat next to Peter, and getting his own things for class out. ___
“You know,” MJ said, snapping her gum and getting (y/n’s) attention, “You make a lotta kissy faces to Parker over there”
(y/n) choked on air.
“What? No I don’t”
“Whatever,” MJ rolled her eyes going back to taking notes.  “I was just gonna say you should really act on it.  Before he starts making kissy faces to someone else”
(y/n) looked over at her, mouth open to argue, but she just ended up closing her mouth and going back to her work.
But she couldn’t help glancing over to Peter every once in a while.  He looked too adorable in the lab goggles that didn’t really fit his face. ___
Ned didn’t bring up the heart eyes thing again until lunch.
He was sitting with Peter at their usual spot, animatedly talking about tearing apart the Lego Death Star just to rebuild it again, when Peter got a text, and suddenly didn’t care about it at all.
“Aw, (y/n’s) not coming to lunch, she’s helping the prom committee put up posters and stuff” Peter said, already typing on his phone, not once having looked up to Ned, who was shaking his head.
“God, you’re such an idiot!” He declared, making Peter falter in his actions and stare at him in confusion.
“You two are… you’re driving me insane!”
Peter’s brows furrowed, eyes wandering around the cafeteria before back to Ned, waiting for some kind of explanation as to why he was blowing up right now.
“You’re so in love with each other-”
“What!? N-no we aren’t we-we’re just-”
“We’re just friends.  We aren’t in love.  We don’t bat our eyelashes at each other at every waking moment.  Cut the shit Peter,” Ned mocked.  “You’re in love with her.  It’s not just a crush, it’s not just you think she’s cute, you’re full on in love with her”
Peter gaped like a fish, and Ned just began to laugh.
“Come on, it’s always been there, the thing between you and (y/n)”
“It has?”
“Mhm” Ned nodded, and moved his lunch tray out of the way, folding his arms over the table.
“It’s between the both of us?”
“Yep, take the first time you met for instance…”
 Case 1.) Kindergarten
Peter, at the ripe age of five year olds, both parents still alive, was still a shy little boy at the train table.  Three months in and he hadn’t made any friends.  It wasn’t supposed to be hard making friends at age five, it was supposed to come easily.  You see someone playing with something, and you play with them.
But nobody had come to play with Peter.
Until one day, a little girl got transferred into his classroom, after running into some troubles her class.  Her name was (y/n), and everyone was talking about her and the rumors of the fights she’d gotten in, and the bad words that she’d said.
At playtime, Peter was sitting at the train table, rearranging the wooden tracks.  (y/n) scared him a little, but she’d always played by herself during recess.
Until today.
“Can I help?” A small, almost mew, came from next to him.  And (y/n) was the last person Peter expected to see standing there.
“Wh-what?” He stammered out, nervous, and confused.  He’d heard the rumors.
“Can I help you build the tracks?” She asked, rocking on her feet.  She was wearing worn out pink ballerina flats, little bows on her toes.  Definitely not the pair of shoes Peter pictured she’d wear.  He thought she’d be in black combat boots with spikes.  Like a biker gang guy.
“Y-you want to play trains with me?”
The girl nodded, looking over some of the tracks he’d already put together.
“O-okay” He stuttered again, and moved aside so that she could have better access to the unused pieces.
After a few minutes of them building, she spoke again.
“I’m (y/n),” She told him with a timid smile.  “I’m new, kinda”
Peter nodded his head, “I know.  I-I’m Peter”
“You mess up your words a lot Peter” She said casually, trying to put a bunch of hill pieces together for a big hill.
“I’m sorry-”
“It’s cute,” She told him with a big, gap tooth smile.  “Don’t say sorry”
He nodded, and was silent as he continued building.  Until he started helping her put blocks up so the hill pieces would be stable.
“If you have blocks underneath them, then the hill won’t collapse when you put the train on it,” Peter told her, and demonstrated by picking up a train, placing it at the top, and sending it down the hill.  It rolled to a stop at the end of the track, and (y/n) and Peter shared their grins at the success.  “It works!” Peter exclaimed, and (y/n) giggled as she went back to working on the other side of the tracks.
“I have some train tracks at home, they were my cousin’s, he’s a boy,” (y/n) told him.  “I have a lot of boy toys from my cousin”
“I don’t really have a lot of toys” Peter said.  (y/n) frowned.
“You can come and play with my toys” She told him.  Peter shook his head right away, and she frowned again.  “Why not? Because I’m a girl?”
“N-no,” He said.  “Cause you got in a fight, with Icky Richie in Miss Darlee’s classroom” He replied.
(y/n) stopped building, and turned to him with a frown.
“That’s a lie,” She said quietly, her chest began to rise and fall as tears burned her eyes.  “That’s not true”
“That’s what everybody keeps on saying though” Peter mumbled, not knowing any better.
“Well everybody’s lying,” (y/n) whimpered.  “Icky Richie was picking on me, and-and pushed me off the ladder on the playground,” She told him.  “All I did w-was throw a handful of wood chips at him, and he told on me” There were fat tears rolling down her cheeks now.
“You threw chips at Icky Richie?” Peter asked.  (y/n) sniffled, and nodded her head.  “Wow,” He breathed out.  “That’s so cool”
Her tears stopped, and she wiped at her face with her sleeves.
“C-cool?” She stammered out, and Peter nodded, smiling at her happily.
“Yeah, I think that makes you the coolest person here”
(y/n) smiled at him as he went back to building the tracks.
Case 2.) Third Grade
Peter was sitting on the reading carpet, doing just that, reading.  More importantly, he was minding his own business, when Flash Thompson walked over to him, and kicked his book out of his hand.
“Parker, where’s your lunch?” He demanded.
“In my locker, where it always is-”
“What snacks do you have packed?” Flash spoke again before Peter could finish.
“I-I don’t know my mom made it for me this morning-”
“Well why don’t you go look, and bring it back to me, before I beat you up?” Flash spoke condescendingly.
“Okay” Peter sighed, and marked his book before getting up and going to the hallway, Flash trailing behind him.
If (y/n) had been in the classroom, she would’ve beat Flash up herself.  But she’d been in the office, maybe for saying a couple bad words in front of the teacher.  For an eight ear old, she’d turned into quite the trashmouth.
Peter opened his locker, pulled out his Avengers lunch box, and handed over his chips and cookie to Flash.
“This it? Last time you had crackers and cheese spread-”
“Hey! What the hell are you doing, Flash?”
Oh no.
(y/n) was back from the office.
“(y/n/n) why don’t you go back to class before I tell on you for saying bad words again” Flash threatened.  Peter stayed silent, adjusting his glasses on his nose.
(y/n) giggled, cocking her head to the side at Flash tauntingly.
“Oh no” Peter muttered to himself.
Her eyes wandered to the chip bag and cookie in Flash’s hands.
“Those aren’t yours”
“Yes they are,” Flash replied.  “(y/n), threaten all you want, you don’t scare me.  You’re small, and you’re a girl”
“Oh no” Peter repeated.
In a blink, (y/n) snatched the snacks out of Flash’s hands and shoved her hands up against his shoulders until his back hit the lockers.
“Hey-! Ow!”
“Next time you wanna steal someone’s lunch, remind yourself of today, alright?”
“I’m still not scared of you sweetie-”
He was cut off by a gasp as (y/n’s) knee shot upwards right into his crotch.
“(y/n)!” Peter shouted, rushing over and pulling her off of the now doubled over boy.
“Go fuck yourself Flash!” She shouted, still in a state of rage.
“(y/n)!” Peter hissed in warning, but it was too late, their teacher had already walked out into the hallway.
“Miss (y/l/n)! Back to the office, and you stay there until you learn your lesson for real this time!”
(y/n) groaned and rolled her eyes, but turned around and began to trudge back down the hallway.
“N-no Mrs. Mills it’s not (y/n’s) fault-”
“I should be sending you to the office too Mr Parker, for being in the hall without a pass.  But you and Mr Thompson may be excused if you come back to class.  Now”
Peter sighed, and headed back to class.
“Bye (y/n)” he called.
The girl turned around and waved at him, almost proudly, and skipped off to the office.
Case 3.) Middle School
This was it, today was the day that (y/n) was going to go ask a boy to be her boyfriend.  And Peter was trying to figure out why it bothered him so much.  They were best friends, why was he upset? He should be supporting her.
“Maybe you have a crush on her” Ned suggested one morning in homeroom.  Peter scoffed out a laugh, thinking it was a joke.
“Yeah, right” Peter muttered.
“I mean, maybe you’re jealous of Jason what’s-his-face that she’s asking out,” Ned suggested.  “I feel like that’s not out of the question” He shrugged his shoulders.
Peter thought about it, but he couldn’t wrap his mind around it.  He’d known (y/n) forever, and he would’ve been able to tell if he’d had a crush on her, wouldn’t he?
The question stuck in his head all day, but even more so when he finally caught up to (y/n) at the bus stop.  They met up every day after school to ride the bus together.
“Hey,” He said as excitedly as he could.  “How’d it go with Ja-”
“Don’t… even say his name please” She mumbled, not looking up from her phone.  Peter frowned, shaking his head in confusion.
“What? What happened?” He asked.  The girl just shook her head again, until he reached out and took her hand.  “(y/n/n)... what’s going on? Come on… talk to me”
“He-he said that I-” She hiccuped, unable to finish her sentence without bursting into tears.  “It was so embarrassing Peter-”
“Oh, (y/n),” he sighed, and tugged her closer to him to hug her.  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know he was such a prick I… I thought he was nice”
“He said I wasn’t pretty enough, or popular enough and that-that I’m just not good enough,” She sniffled against his chest.  “Then told his friends and they all l-laughed at me”
Peter frowned, pulling her away from him to stare at her, brows furrowed.
“He did what?” He asked, his anger clearly showing in his expression.
“No- Peter-” She sighed.  “It’s not-”
“Whatever you’re about to say, you’re wrong, alright? And whatever Jason and his flunk out friends said, they’re wrong too,” He told her seriously.  “Screw that guy for making the biggest mistake, of his entire, sad, life”
At that (y/n) only began to cry more, and started wiping her face with the sleeves of her jacket.
“Thanks, Pete” She murmured weakly.  He smiled sadly at her, and pulled his own sleeve over the palm of his hand to wipe the tears off her face.
“Yeah honey, ‘course” She reached out to hug him again, and he found himself overthinking as he wrapped his arms around her.
God, he cared about her more than she’d know.
When he set his head on top of hers and began rubbing circles on her back, he thought maybe, just maybe this girl has tugged on his heartstrings a bit.
Case 4.) Sophomore Year: Homecoming
(y/n) stared at Peter, hands clenched into fists, unclenching, and then clenching again.  She couldn’t tell if she was angry, or just disappointed.
Peter stood in his Spider-Man suit, holding the mask in his hand, and staring at her defeatedly.
“(y/n) I’m-”
“I know.  You’re sorry.  And let me guess, you would have told me, and you wanted to, but you couldn’t, because then I could get hurt, don’t even feed me that shit, Peter, I’m not totally defenseless”
“You think it’s cliche, and it is, but it’s true, (y/n/n), I never meant for you to find out this way because I never wanted you to find out.  I wanted to protect you, and now- well now look at what’s happened, this is my fault”
While waiting for Peter at the homecoming dance, (y/n) got caught in the middle of a fight with some criminal that called himself Vulture, wound up getting thrown into the air, threatened a bit for answers, only for Spider-Man to swoop in and admit he was Peter Parker, and that (y/n) had no idea about his identity.
And now, that the Vulture was in custody, (y/n) had confronted Peter.  She’d waited for him in his bedroom until he’d come home from late night patrol.  And here they were now.
“Peter I…” She trailed off, and took a deep breath, trying her best not to cry.  “I just… I know that you’re doing a good thing I… I-I-”
She groaned and stopped talking again, running her hands through her hair, and tugging harshly to try and stop her tears from welling up again.
“(y/n)...” Peter murmured, and walked towards her, outstretching his arms.
(y/n) just took his hands and lowered them.
“I just wanted you to trust me! That’s it, that’s why I’m upset.  I care about you, and I’d support you in anything, Peter, so why couldn’t you just trust me with this?”
“Because…” He trailed off awkwardly.  “Because I care about you too, and I didn’t want to upset you and get you hurt and by the time I figured it’d be fine, it was too late, it’s been months and I just didn’t want to make things worse”
“How is this not the ‘worse’ that you were so afraid of?” She asked, a sad laugh escaping her lips.  He shrugged sheepishly, and shook his head.
“You’re right, I should’ve told you first,” He admitted.  “You’re always right.  But (y/n) I… I’m so sorry about all this, about tonight”
She was quiet, and just stared at him for a long time.
“I know… Peter,” He sighed, hanging her head, but then stepped forward.  “Hey, promise me something?”
He nodded rapidly.
“No more secrets?” She asked softly.  Peter nodded again, and reached his hand out to her face, pushing her hair back and frowning at the bruise starting to form around her eye.
“Let’s find you something frozen to put on that”
He left the room to go ransack the freezer, hopefully for a bag of peas, while (y/n) stayed and sat down on his mattress.  She hadn’t even felt the pain of the bruise until he’d mentioned it.
“Alright, all I’ve got is ice cubes, but I wrapped em up in this washcloth and tied it off with a rubber band, it should… here” He handed it to her, and she gingerly took it and placed it against her face.
“Thanks” She mumbled.
“I’m gonna get changed do… do you want to stay the night? We can talk about everything and we can just-”
“Yeah,” She agreed before he could start to ramble.  “Alright”
They spent the entire night, laying on his bed and talking through everything from his powers to random gossip from school.  By the time they got tired, it was nearing five in the morning.  They were both half asleep and just mumbling their words.  (y/n) was dangerously close to being curled up against him.
“I’m sorry for being so upset, Pete,” She murmured, tilting her head up to look at him.  “I didn’t- I don’t want to fight with you”
“Yeah, I know,” Peter said, and without thinking, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in against his chest.  “I don’t want to fight with you either.  I’m sorry too”
She smiled, and snuggled against his chest, listening to the slow rhythm of his heart.
“G’night, Pete” She hummed.
“Goodnight” He replied.
Even though he didn’t fall asleep for a while after that.  Enjoying her in his arms far too much.
Case 5.) A Few Days Ago
(y/n) was sitting at her usual desk in AP Literature, a few rows across from where Peter and Ned were.  She was smiling and laughing, but disappointingly, it was Brad, from the Decathlon team making her do all this.
“I don’t get it,” Peter said, eyes narrowing as he watched them flirting.  “He’s annoying, why’s she giggling so much?”
Ned rolled his eyes, not even bothering to answer, because he knew that Peter was just complaining to himself.
“He couldn’t have possibly said something that funny,” Peter grumbled, setting his head in his hand.  “She must be laughing at him, since he’s such a clown-”
“Okay, Peter? Shut up,” Ned finally snapped.  “She’s friends with Brad, and need I remind you, she met Brad through you, you’re the one who introduced her,”
It was safe to say Ned was fed up with this whole ‘hopeless pining’ act Peter had going for a couple months now.  It was pitiful, and it was obnoxious.
“You want her to stop talking to him? Then do something about it.  Otherwise, if you don’t, stop complaining about it!”
Peter frowned, knowing his friend was right.  It wasn’t fair of him to sit here and wine about (y/n) talking to other guys when he’d never even tried making a move.  Not that he could if he wanted to.
(y/n) looked over her shoulder towards him, smiling warmly and giving him a wave.  Peter waved back, awkwardly of course, and (y/n)  turned back to Brad.
Peter wondered if you could ask Tony to take care of Brad for him-
(y/n) got up from her seat and walked over to Ned and Peter.
“Hey guys,” She said, pulling a chair to sit across from the two, setting her arms on the table and then propping her head on top of them.  “God, he’s hard to get rid of,” She whispered so only they could hear.  “He’s nice and all, but once you give him an ounce of attention… yikes”
Ned looked over at Peter with a pointed stare, brows raised and eyes wide.
“What?” (y/n) asked, catching the look.  Peter opened his mouth to speak, to make up some bullshit answer, but Ned spoke before he got the chance.
“Peter was starting to think you liked Brad more than him”
(y/n) giggled, lifting her head to smile at Peter brightly.
“Don’t be silly,” She said, half teasingly, half sweetly.  “You’re still my number one” Peter smiled back at her, looking down at his notebook, too shy to look her in the eyes for too long.  However, because of this, he missed the loving way she smiled at him.  Ned didn’t.
“Hello?” Ned spoke up, expecting for (y/n) to give him some of that attention.  She grinned at him and crinkled her nose.
“And you are a very close second.  I’ve known Peter longer, it’s only fair,” She winked before standing up and putting her chair back.  Class was going to start soon, and she didn’t want to get yelled at for not being in her seat when the bell rang.  “Besides, he seems a bit clingier than you, Ned,” She added suggestively.  “Didn’t know you were such the jealous type Parker”
She walked back to her seat, and not once had Peter found his voice to say anything.  He gaped at Ned.
“Please tell me I didn’t look like a total idiot?” He mumbled hopefully.
From the way Ned laughed, he figured that he did.
Peter thumped his head down on his desk. ___
“You see?” Ned said after explaining all the scenarios that they’d obviously displayed their love for one another.  “You and (y/n) have always been like that, ever since you freaking met.  And I wasn’t even there”
Peter’s brows furrowed as he thought about it, remembering all those times that (y/n) had put him first, or looked at him in that way he could never quite decipher.
“Besides, she’d been crushing on you since middle school.  That’s pre-abs, Peter.  That’s how you know it’s true love” Ned chuckled to himself before taking a bite of his food.
“You think?” Peter mumbled.
“Oh, I know,” Ned said, and pulled out his phone.  “Here, don’t believe me, here’s the proof”
He scrolled through a long string of texts before handing the device to Peter.  It was his conversations with (y/n).
[ (y/n) ] : brad asked me to prom today [ (y/n) ] : well, he tried to, I shot him down before he could really do it [ (y/n) ] : omg that sounds so mean
[ ned ] : why didn’t you let him ask you? he’s kinda annoying but he’s not the worst guy in the world
[ (y/n) ] : i know it’s hopeless but i was kinda holding on to hope that peter would ask me
Peter audibly gasped, reading faster.  (y/n) wanted me to ask her to prom???
[ ned ] : if you want to go to prom with peter, you’re gonna have to ask himself
“Dude,” Peter muttered.  “I would’ve asked her if you showed me this sooner”
[ (y/n) ] : i can’t i’m a baby :(( [ (y/n) ] : i’m scared that he’ll say no and it’ll be awkward
[ ned ] : it’s already awkward, it’s you and peter
“I gotta go” Peter gave Ned’s phone back to him, shooting up from his seat and grabbing his backpack.
“What? Now? You’re gonna make me eat lunch alone?”
“You’re not alone, MJ’s down there, go sit with her,” Peter pointed to the other end of the table where MJ was sketching.  “It’s really important, I can’t wait”
He was already walking off, but Ned yelled at him anyways.
“Wait for what!?”
“I gotta go tell (y/n) I love her!”
The whole cafeteria probably heard it he’d yelled so loudly, but Peter didn’t care.  He was too pumped full with adrenaline as he ran down the halls, trying to find where (y/n) was.
Soon enough, he skidded to a halt, sneakers squeaking against the linoleum floors when he spotted her taping up posters for prom.  The loud and unsettling noise made her perk up, a cringe on her face until she saw Peter.
“Parker, hey,” She called sweetly, and he walked over to her while she was still taping.  “Sorry I couldn’t make it to lunch, the committee needed more-”
“Do you have a minute?” He cut her off, practically bouncing on his feet.
“I mean, I have to get these all done in the next ten minutes and there’s still-”
“Okay I can’t wait, it's too important,” Again, he cut her off, but (y/n) was still walking along the hall and taping up a poster every few feet.  She nodded, prompting him to continue, eyes focused on the bright poster.  “(y/n) I love you” He rushed the words out impatiently, hands twitching against his side and his foot tapping rapidly.
“Love you too Pete,” She replied nonchalantly.  “What is it? Did something happen?”
“No- uh no you misunderstood me I-I’m in love with you”
She dropped the poster, and turned to look at him, clearly stunned.  Her lips parted to say something, but no words came out, and she ended up just staring at him, hoping he’d say something else.  But a smile broke across her face, as she knew just the thing to say.
“You mess up your words a lot Peter,” She murmured, just like she had when they were five, and playing with toy trains.  He smiled back at her, knowing she was repeating herself from all those years ago.  “It’s cute” She added as an afterthought, it was almost spoken under her breath, but he heard it.
“I don’t have a big gesture or anything but… will you go to prom with me?” (y/n) giggled and nodded her head.
“Yes, yeah I’ll go to prom with you,” She said, nodding her head hurriedly.  “I’d really like that”
“Okay, great, cool,” Peter hung his head bashfully.  He hadn’t stopped grinning since he’d admitted his feelings for her, and his cheeks were starting to hurt, but he didn’t care all that much.  “I-I kinda ditched Ned at the lunch table so I should probably…” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder, and she nodded in understanding.
“Yeah, go ahead,” She gestured to the posters still in her hands. “I have to finish this, so…”
He nodded, and began to head off to the cafeteria, heart beating a million miles a minute, dopey smile still on his face.
But last second he turned around and jogged back over to her.
“Shit, sorry, I almost forgot,” He took her by the waist so she’d face him, cupped her face in his hands, and leaned down to press his lips to hers in an all to casual but life changing kiss.
(y/n) dropped the papers and tape in her hands, wrapping her arms around his neck and delicately moving her lips against his, hoping to memorize everything she could about this moment so she could replay it in her mind for the rest of her life.
When they finally parted, she brushed her nose against his, fingers curling into the soft strands of hair at the nape of his neck.  Her breaths came out in a soft pant that Peter could feel against his lips, and it made him want to kiss her again, so he did.  Softly, and quickly.
“Sorry, couldn’t have waited for prom” He told her, and her cheeks were rosy, and she bit her lip to keep from smiling too hard and embarrassing herself.
“That’s okay,” She told him eagerly.  “I was hoping you wouldn’t”
He chuckled, thumb stroking her cheekbone before he let go of her, stooping over to pick up the things she’d dropped, handing them back to her.
“You dropped these,” He said, and she laughed quietly, shyly as she took them, having to hold them in a firm grip so she wouldn’t drop them again.  “I’ll see you later?”
She nodded, a bit shakily, and watched him walk away to actually go back to lunch now.  There were only a few minutes left for her to hang up the rest of the signs, and she knew she wouldn’t finish in time, but prom be damned, she didn’t care.
Peter Parker was about to turn her entire world upside down, if he hadn’t already, and she couldn’t wait for prom night.
taglist:  @writings-and-stuff @rofromtheashes @tomshufflepuff @steve-avengers-rogers @vibhati123 @dark-night-sky-99  @hollandhours @drakonwild @imofficiallyobsessed​  @fussy-and-a-writer-sometimes
xoxo ~ jordie
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p-osie · 5 years
josh peck’s relationship test
author’s note: i wrote this for myself, with my own name inserted, so it’s not super universal, but i’m sure you can make it work. i just love me some david, hope you do too. 
summary: y/n and david film a relationship test with josh peck, then can’t keep their hands off each other in the tesla on the ride home :)
warnings: smut xoxo
“I already hate this,” I say, sitting next to Josh and tucking my feet under my legs.
Josh and David both look at me. “Why?” Josh asks, serious, looking expectant.
“Because now I can’t cuddle David,” I say, popping my voice up an octave and making puppy eyes at David.
Josh pouts his lip and David wracks with laughter, clapping his hands.
Jason’s on the other side of the room, behind the camera. “That’s an intro.”
As Josh scrolls through his notes, looking for the first question, I put my eyes on David.
“Hey,” I whisper seductively, loud enough for the camera. “You look so hot right now.”
“Whoa, Y/N,” Josh scolds, not looking up.
David ignores him, making his face go slack, copying my whisper. “I was just about to tell you the same thing, you steamy little slut.”
“David, ew–” Jason pipes, but I lean into it, sticking out my tongue and leaning towards him. We pull away, right before our mouths touch, both laughing, Josh still uncomfortable.
“We can go, if you guys want,” Jason jokes.
David pulls on Josh’s arm. “Yeah, that would be great, actually.”
At this point, I almost pee myself laughing, my hands covering my mouth.
“Can I please just ask you guys the questions?” Josh groans, still hamming up how uncomfortable he is.
“What’s David’s favorite food?”
“Oh, God. I have no idea,” I lean forward, staring into space, feeling both David and Josh watching me.  “He posts about food so much. He loves so many different types of food…”
I pause for a second. “Actually, yeah. He doesn’t have one.”
Josh gives me a sad face. David cracks his gum, irritated. “Babe. Come on. Buffalo Wild Wings.”
“Oh, as if. You haven’t had B Dubs in months.”
“So?” David argues defensively. “It’s still my favorite.”
“Ugh, fucking– whatever.” I pretend to be mad.
“David?” Josh looks down at my boyfriend.
“Josh?” David mimics, leaning his head briefly on Josh’s shoulder.
“Who’s Y/N’s celebrity crush? Slash hall pass?”
“Jeff,” David jokes, turning to me.
“Stop,” I groan, flopping against the couch. “I hate this joke. It was a year ago!” David laughs at me, then composes his face as he stares into space to think for a second.
“Um– what’s his name– Noah something? Noah Centineo?”
I blow him a kiss. “Good guess, but no cigar, baby boy.”
David groans, then looks to Josh. “Who was it?”
“Harry Styles,” Josh tells him, pretending to look sad for him. David starts banging his head against the soft back of the couch.
“Stupid! Fuck!” he yells. “I knew that!”
Josh starts to ask me the next question before David stands up and throws a burst of dabs all in a row before sticking a whip at the end, hyping himself up. “Can’t! Miss! Another! Question!” he yells.
“Y/N, where did you and David first kiss?”
I smile, beginning to blush, and I watch David and his expression becomes almost the same, his cheeks flushing pink as he waits for me to answer.
“James Charles’ Tesla,” I whisper, almost not in the room because I’m remembering.
“It’s him,” Corinna taps me on the arm. “It’s David.”
“What? Where?” I whip around, almost spilling my drink.
Corinna laughs, but there he is, David Dobrik. There’s almost a glow about him, his big smile and laugh as people perform for his outstretched camera, people orbiting around him. The iPhone flashlight helps, too.
I inhale. “This is stupid. I feel like a dumb fangirl.”
Corinna shakes her head at me, rolling her eyes. “Y/N, it’s not like he doesn’t know who you are. You’ve been talking, he’s not just gonna not realize you’re here or not recognize you. You have green hair.”
I chew on my lip, still watching him. “You have a point.”
After a few moments, David stops recording. The flashlight is turned off. The people that have been clinging to his side starts to dissipate, and then he’s not David Dobrik. He’s just David.
“Okay,” I tell Corinna, downing the rest of my drink. “Fuck it.”
“Whoa, whoa,” she says, a bit of panic in her voice, catching my arm. “You sure you don’t want to make him come to you? Play hard to get?”
I pause, glancing at him. He still hasn’t realized I’m here. “Should I? I don’t really have the patience for that.”
I turn at the loud voice, and there’s James, a big smile on him as he comes toward us.
“James, thank you so much for having us,” Corinna reaches out to him first, hugging him. She starts gushing about his makeup, and I glance again at David, who has his eyes on me now. He must have heard James shout my name, and is moving through people, his floppy brown hair standing out as he snakes between the bodies.
“Hey,” he says, smiling broadly. “I thought that was you, greenie.”
“Hey,” I say back, smiling up at him, feeling the alcohol rush into a redness on my cheeks. Before I even decide to say it, I’m saying– “You know, you’re cuter than your hilarious DMs would indicate.”
But he leans back in laughter, his smile booming loudly. “I can’t tell if I should be flattered,” he tells me, close now so that I can hear him in the din of the party.
I’d almost forgotten that Corinna was distracting James until a long-nailed hand taps David on the shoulder.
“David!” James interjects, grabbing both of our shoulders. “Do you want to see my Tesla? It’s the new one.”
David’s face drops in total shock. “Yes. Absolutely,” he looks down at me again. “Come on. The new model is super cool.”
We follow James out of the crowded living room, through a side door and down stairs until we’re in a low-ceilinged garage with white walls and fluorescent lighting.
It’s a sleek navy blue, almost black, Tesla model 3.
James makes squealing noises. “And I got a custom license plate, too.”
I look down and see JAMESCH on a plate near the base of the car.
“Holy fuck,” David says, still flabbergasted. I look up at him. One of his hands is in his hair. “James, please let me sit in it.”
“Sure, sister,” James tosses him the keys, and David catches them with one hand. My girl brain makes my knees shiver slightly.
“Get in with me,” David murmurs down to me, still marveling at the car.
I chuckle. “Sure, Dave.”
When we climb into the car, David turns on his camera immediately and points it toward us. “Hi sisters!” he says, doing James’ signature wave.
I laugh, then hold up a peace sign, pretending to pose.
“So we’re in James Charles’ new Tesla Model 3 right now. And it’s– Y/N, what would you say it’s like?”
I raise my eyebrows, acting impressed, looking around the interior of the car. “It’s insane.”
“Insane,” David repeats. “I mean, this awesome screen. Look, he even named it Sistermobile.” David points to the screen behind the wheel. It does, in little white letters, say Sistermobile.
I laugh, leaning on the console to see. “I guess he has to stay on brand.”
He tilts the camera so it’s just pointing at me. “Plus, it comes with a hot girl.”
I laugh again, even harder, though I melt on the inside. “That’s absolutely right. I was designed by Elon Musk to work as a functioning backseat driver to go with every Tesla vehicle.”
He laughs, makes one or two more jokes, and then switches off the camera. “Where did they go?”
I look up. He’s right– we’re alone in the garage. James and Corinna are gone.
I turn back to face him. “Just us, I guess.”
“Finally.” He breaks into a big smile.
I mock a guffaw, leaning on the console. “Have you been wanting to get me alone, David Dobrik?”
He’s leaning on the console now, too, his breath starting to fan across my face. I look up at him through my lashes. My blood feels like it’s beating inside my cheeks. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have ulterior motives.” It doesn’t come out as confident as I want it to.
He giggles slightly, and I can really feel it on my skin. I can feel the vibration of his words as he says, “Like what?”
He can’t stop looking at my lips, and I don’t think I can, either. “You tell me, you’re the one who obviously has them.”
“Let me think.”
I wait for his eyes to flicker down to my parted lips one more time, and then I close the distance between us. His mouth is warm and soft, and I quickly feel all my breath leaving me. Then his hand is in my hair, and his lip is between my teeth, and all too soon, the Tesla begins to honk.
We look up to see James holding the keys, standing with a hand on his hip, the sleeves of his SISTERS hoodie bunched up around his forearms.
David smiles. “That was a really nice moment.”
“Hey, David?” Josh turns to him, smiling. “What’s Y/N’s favorite movie?”
David claps his hands triumphantly. “Easy. Mr. & Mrs. Smith.”
I soften. “Aw, baby.”
He leans forward to look at me. “I know you, babygirl.”
“He knows you, babygirl,” Josh mimics, staring me down. “But it’s time for our lightning round.”
I lean forward, looking directly into the camera, totally focused. Out of the corner of my eye, I see David copy me, and I smirk a little.
“Y/N– David’s favorite salad dressing?”
“Ranch.” Next to Josh, David does a little yes, baby.
“Yes. David– Y/N’s favorite dessert?”
“Y/N– David would want Shawn Mendes or even more Shawn Mendes.”
I laugh. “More Shawn.”
David laughs, his voice thin and high. “I love him.”
“David– what bothers Y/N the most about your relationship?”
David throws up his hands, and at first, I panic. I almost hadn’t let Josh ask the question.
He surprises me. “This is so easy,” David looks at me, gesturing, completely forgetting that we were in a lightning round, clearly settling into a long answer. “So, Y/N is from California, and I’m from the Midwest, and for college she went to– you went to Iowa– Iowa?”
“Iowa City? The University of Iowa?” I fill in, unsure where he’s going.
“Yeah, the University of Iowa. Which is, like, the rival school of ISU, where I almost went. So, if I had gone to ISU, we would have been in the same state, and Iowa City, where Y/N went to school, is sort of, like, the place to be if you want to party,” David explains.
“A lot of frats,” I add, heartwarmed, realizing what he’s saying.
“So, if I’d decided to go to college at ISU, we totally could have met,” he makes eye contact with me. “And she hates thinking about that. She hates that we could have met earlier and we didn’t.”
I look at Josh, who looks almost as heartwarmed as I do. “So you guys were totally fated. One way or the other, you were gonna end up together.”
“No, actually, I made sure we ended up together,” I joke. “I moved to LA so I could find him and make him fall in love with me.”
Josh laughs, but David raises his eyebrows. “That’s not too far off, babe.” I slap his arm.
Josh guffaws a little, still thinking about the story. “You know, that’s not actually what she said, but that’s really–”
“Wait, what?” David looks at me, bewildered. “That’s not what you said?”
“No,” I laugh, covering my face. “I don’t want to say it now.”
David grabs my shoulder in mock anger. “Tell me!”
I giggle more and more, hardly able to talk. “It was– that– you don’t–”
David gives me a look, realizing what I mean. “That I always wear a condom?”
I nod, dying laughing. Josh looks incredibly uncomfortable again.
“I hate you.” David stands up, pretending to walk out of the room. I fall off the couch.
Josh turns to me, still laughing on the floor, then to David as he sits back down. “Why does he wear a condom? Why do you wear a condom?”
“To be fucking safe!”
I wheeze, sitting back up next to Josh. “For the record,” I look into the camera. “I am not trying to get pregnant so I can steal all of David’s money.”
“Sure, babe,” David interrupts, rolling his eyes and then flashing a big smile as we all laugh.
When we finished filming, Paige comes out with a sleeping Max and, smiling, says that we should probably go, so he can sleep. Whispering, we agree, and tiptoe over to Max to kiss him lightly on the forehead. David almost gets too distracted, his hands wandering to Max’s little socked feet, but I curl my hands around his waist and jostle him gently.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” he whispers. “Just can’t get over him.”
“I need some alone time with Uncle David,” I whisper into his neck, a bit lower, just for him. Paige stifles a laugh as David whips immediately to me, drawn.
That’s mostly it. We whisper goodbye to Josh, hug Jason in the street. He gets into his car, and we get into David’s. I turn to him as the Tesla turns on, his left hand on the wheel and the right on my thigh, as usual.
“It’s really sweet that you remember that.”
“What? The Iowa thing?”
“Yeah.” I wrap my hands around his, interlacing our fingers.
He squeezes my hand, but gives me a sort of of-course-I-remember look.
“Of course I remember,” he tells me, pushing some of his curls out of his face. “You’ve talked about it enough that it would be bad if I didn’t.”
“Do you wish that was how we’d met? In Iowa? I feel weird that I don’t know, even though we’ve already talked about it.”
David sucks his teeth, thinking about his answer as he looks down at the backup camera. “Is it bad if I say no?”
I guffaw playfully. “Yes!”
“No, no, wait,” he backpedals. “Think about it. I would’ve been back and forth all the time, since you can’t drive, and that would have gotten super annoying for both of us. And having classes. And we would have been totally different people. What if Old David and Old Y/N didn’t like each other?”
I shiver. “I think about that sometimes. How we might not have fallen in love if we’d met at any other time.”
He squeezes my hand again. “Don’t think about it, love.”
He starts to pull his hand away, beginning to back out of his parking space, but I catch it before he can bring it to the wheel. He looks up at me expectantly, so I lean over the console and kiss him. His hand comes off the wheel to hold my face to his, while I loop my fingers into his shirt collar to bring him closer.
When he pulls away, my head spins. I feel like a teenager. I blink hard, and he chuckles at me.
“You’re so amazing,” he says softly, his thumb on my cheek. “My perfect girl.”
I tighten my grip on his shirt and pull him into me again.
When he pulls into his driveway, the lights are already on inside, and we can plainly see Natalie moving around in the living room, even from inside the Tesla. My mind immediately deflates from the somewhat flirty car ride over, his hand having teased my thigh the whole way. David sighs, mirroring my thoughts.
“I don’t want to have to talk to Natalie,” he mumbles.
“Neither do I,” I admit, looking at him. “Sorry, Natalie.”
“Can I– can I just–” I wait for him to finish, but instead he unbuckles his seatbelt and leans over the console to kiss me again, his hand crunching a fistful of my hair as he holds my lips to his. He breathes heavily into it, and I smirk slightly. I love the effect I have on him.
So I toe off my shoes and gracefully climb into his lap. His breath is against my mouth, my hands holding myself up by his chest. His hands move down, and start to slip up into my shorts. My mouth is on his neck then, biting and sucking under his ear and jaw.
“Y/N, no. You know the rules,” he scolds me, pulling me back lightly by my hair. He doesn’t let me leave marks on him.
But instead, I ignore him, leaning forward to nip into his jugular again.
“Y/N–“ He wants to scold me again, I can tell, but he’s hardening and moaning beneath me, so I don’t stop.
After a moment, he brings his hand up to my throat and pushes me away until I’m against the steering wheel. I arch, reaching up to hold his hand in place.
“You’re not listening tonight.”
I whine in response, needy, grinding my hips against his. “Baby,” I beg.
“What is it?” his fingers tighten around my throat.
“Please,” I wheeze, my eyes fogging looking at his smirk.
“Please, what?”
I hum out a whine again, because I don’t know what I’m asking for. I let my tongue fall out of my open mouth, and then his fingers are off my throat and buried into my mouth.
“God, your fucking mouth, Y/N. Your mouth.” It’s his turn to moan now, as I run my tongue over his fingers.
“Do you want my mouth?” I whisper to him, leaning forward to press my lips against his ear.
“No,” he tells me bluntly. “Take off your fucking hoodie.”
I wiggle to sit facing away from him, and swivel my hips as I pull the hoodie over my head and leave my shorts in a pile next to the brake.
He grips my ass as I raise to straddle him again, but he’s pushing me forward, bending me over the wheel and pulling me apart with his thumbs.
“Fuck,” he praises, still holding my pussy open for him to admire, and then his fingers are deep inside me, curling and writhing.
“David!” I call back to him, feeling him screwing with my soft g-spot. I’m about to start fucking myself on his fingers when his mouth is wrapped around my clit.
I yelp in surprise. He sucks and licks as he fingers my g-spot and kneads my ass.
“David– David–” I moan out. He smiles against me, biting my clit lightly before he starts to suck and lick it in earnest, a pearl of flavor he’s been craving.
The pleasure shoots through me like daggers. It’s winding and twisting like roots, radiating from where David’s mouth moves hungrier and hungrier against me.
I’m about to cum when he stops. I whip around angrily, when I see him leaning his chair back as far as it will go.
He pulls on my thighs. “Bring it to me.”
I almost don’t know what he means, but then I realize that he can’t look at me, that his eyes are trained on my dripping pussy, his tongue out of his mouth.
I smirk and reach down to recline his seat the rest of the way.
My breath comes out in pants, in the passenger side now with my legs draped over him, completely naked. David’s cock is partially exposed, him panting too, his hoodie discarded in the backseat.
“That was incredible,” he wheezes.
I poke him with my toe. My skin in covered in a sheen of sweat. “One of our best.”
“We’re gonna end up telling our grandchildren about that.”
“Christ, that’s gross.”
David laughs, then turns his head to look at me. He has serious sex hair. “Hey. Come here.”
“I just ‘come here’-ed for about twenty-five minutes.”
He makes a kissy face, so I lean forward and let my lips touch his.
It’s incredibly chaste, even with my lack of clothes and David’s cock so close to me. They’re little pecks, loving and clean and innocent.
“David,” I say, leaning my forehead against his. “I love you.”
His hand comes up to my neck, holding me in place. “I love you more.”
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chesshawkins · 4 years
intro ! ☼
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⌠ KAWENNÁHERE DEVERY JACOBS, 22, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, FRANCESCA ‘CHESS’ HAWKINS! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in UNDECIDED; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of ( worn leather jackets, dusty roads leading into the distance, bruised knuckles and a split lip, busy streets at night ). when it’s the ( taurus )’s birthday on 05/06/1998, they always request FRIED GREEN TOMATOES from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ lily, 19, she/her, gmt ⍀ ( @gallagherintro​ ) 
      here she is! after a long wait, i finally bring to u chess, my spunky runaway bisexual disaster with a healthy serving of abandonment and anger issues! she’s kind of baby, but also not at all, and i adore her. 
      here is her google doc, which explains her past in much more depth (and i highly recommend giving it a read!!), but for a more abbreviated version, read below!
&. basics
full name: Francesca ‘Chess’ Hawkins
nicknames: Frankie (reserved for her mother and super close friends) 
age: 22
orientation: bisexual
relationship status: single
date of birth: may 6th, 1998
hometown: komatke/phoenix, arizona / richmond, va
gender: cisfemale
language(s) spoken: English, O’odham, Spanish
accent: general american
&. personality
mbti: INTJ
temperament: melancholic
star sign: taurus
element: earth
enneagram type: type 5, the investigator
five positive traits: resilient, self-sufficient, daring
five negative traits: reserved, untrusting, tactless
likes: vintage records, travel, spicy food, the smell of desert air, alcohol, the rush of adrenaline, getting high, chunky jewelry, cacti.
dislikes: hospitals, the police, mushrooms, authority, the color pink, the rain, people who chew gum, running, bugs.
bad habits: biting her nails, being too blunt, getting high/drunk too often, pushing herself too hard.
hobbies: making playlists, playing video games, film photography, boxing, riding her motorcycle.
fears: abandonment, hospitals, bugs.
chess grew up in her native community outside of arizona.
when she was eleven, her aunt, uncle, and cousin moved away after getting promoted, and chess’ parents followed suit and moved to phoenix to try and make it.
unfortunately, after only a year, they lost their jobs and were forced to trade their small apartment for a caravan in a trailer park outside the city.
chess was mocked and bullied at school for this, as well as the fact that she had an incredible memory and was able to outshine most of her classmates
when she turned fourteen, her parents simply gave up, and turned to drugs and alcohol, constantly ignoring and dismissing chess
one day in november, chess returned home to an entirely empty trailer, with a note on the fridge simply reading ‘there’s food in the freezer, back soon.’ 
they never came back.
in the three months of waiting for them and fending for herself, she began pickpocketing in central phoenix to make money
she discovered a talent for it, and in turn, a love for the adrenaline rush it brought her
this escalated to the point of snatching watches and jewelry
this unfortunately brought attention to her, and combined with the fact the trailer park manager hadn’t seen her parents in months, the police showed up at her doorstep
this forced her to go on the run and live on the streets of phoenix as a 16yr old girl
at some point, she got too cocky, and landed herself a two month stint in juvie when she broke the nose of the cop who tried to arrest her
when she was released, she ran again, this time to sedona
while there, she met aspen ( @aspenpalmer​ ) and it was seemingly love at first sight
the two of them travelled the country together, eventually ending up in new york
new york:
they ran into a gang of grifters and through them joined an underground fight club
she loved it, loved the thrill of it, and was happy with her life and her friends and her girlfriend
unfortunately, this is when things went south -
one night when chess was practicing alone, the police raided the place
chess was able to alert the others and they got away on time
when they brought chess in for questioning, she was offered a lighter sentence in exchange for the others’ names
chess, used to fending for herself and only having herself to rely on, gave them up to avoid a heavy sentence
once released from her month long sentence, she found another fight club from her old contacts and rejoined
this time, she pushed herself too hard, guilty for giving up her friends, and ending up seriously injuring herself
enter chess’ aunt, who managed to track her down when she was admitted to a hospital - her aunt turned out to be a successful ny lawyer, and also part time spy recruiter for agencies 
she brought chess back to her home in richmond and trained her alongside her cousin to get into gallagher
at 22, chess’ aunt pulls some strings and gets chess enrolled at gallagher.
she’s not incredibly happy about it - hates the idea of it all, the uniforms, the end goal of working for the government, the classes, but she does it for her aunt
and it’s also her only prospect for the future
she also, unfortunately, will come face to face with aspen for the first time since the betrayal, so that’ll mess stuff up for her a little.
she’s a very abrasive person - she’s blunt, standoffish, and generally rather aggressive
this is a result of her fending for herself since she was 14
if you’re nice to her, she’ll def try to figure out what you want from her
she has an insanely accurate memory, and excels in recollection-based classes, but in other things she’s not so great
she’s a skilled fighter from her days in the ring, so be warned if you piss her off
she has undiagnosed ADHD so she struggles with focusing in classes
she really likes vintage things, like film photography and records, but that’s a recent discovery since living with her aunt
her style could be described as an edgier stevie nicks? think dark florals, ripped jeans, lots of chunky jewelry ( most of which is stolen, lbr ) and heavy boots
loves her music and her playlists, and if ur super close to her she’ll make u one :)
wanted connections.
family friend ― this person would have ties with chess’ aunt, and would have been asked to help chess integrate with the school and figure out her classes. could be excited to help her or angry about being saddled with a babysitting job, we can figure it out!
ray of sunshine ― since chess is a very quiet/reserved person, i can imagine someone trying to befriend and get to know her - chess is probably uncomfortable, but doesn’t want to hurt their feelings, so she tolerates them. possibly make chess open up to them over time?
instant dislike ― something happens where they just instantly don’t like each other. maybe your character is a bit of a snob and not happy that a thief/runaway is being trained at gallagher, maybe they got into a fight with her in the first few weeks.
misery loves company ― chess doesn’t want to be here, and can often be found sulking somewhere about it. maybe your character doesn’t either, or simply has their own issues and likes having someone to be grumpy with.
tutor ― chess needs help in her classes. while she’s generally really smart and has a great memory, she’s pretty undisciplined and needs help training. this connection could also help her figure out what major she wants to be.
ex’s friend ― so chess majorly betrayed aspen by giving her up to the cops, and if your character is close with aspen, they probably know what chess did and hate her for it. give me angst!
new york connections ― in a world of thieves and spies, there are bound to be a few crossed wires, so if your character was in new york (and potentially a criminal) roughly three/four years ago and would have known chess, lemme know!
arizona connections ― less likely, but if your character grew up/spent time in phoenix/sedona growing up/as a teenager, let me know!!
anything and everything ― i just want a bunch of connections so if you have any ideas, please let me know!
please hit me up to plot ! i want all sorts of connections !
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Day 11: Kevin x Reader
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Ship: Kevin Tran x Reader
Trope: College Au
Type: Fluff
Words: 1.2K
"Alright, let's see......which particles in soil are the smallest and retain the most moisture?"
"Come on, Kevin, lets take a break." You begged and leaned forward so your head was resting against the table. You had been studying for so long that the questions were starting to blur together more and more, and no matter how much you thought about it you couldn't remember the answer. .
"It's clay." Kevin answered and flipped to another study card. You sighed and sat back up while he continued to start the next question. You cut him off with a groan.
"Kevin, we've been at this for hours. Can we take a break for a little bit? I'm starving, let's get some food or something."
He looked up at you and nodded slowly, almost a bit hesitant. You felt a wave of guilt wash over you and reached out to put your hand over his.
You had asked him to help you study. You weren't exactly at the top of your class, so when you had been having a hard time with your latest unit of Earth Science, he had gladly accepted to help tutor you. It was almost like he didn't realize how tired you had gotten, and now he was suddenly aware of all the work you had been doing.
"Kevin, my test isn't for a week. We've got lots of time, okay? I appreciate it and everything, I really do, but I just need to take a breather. Why don't we order a pizza and watch a show?"
"Yeah....sorry." He apologized and closed up your binder of notes. He slid it across the table and smiled back, giving your hand a quick squeeze.
"I'm pretty hungry too, actually. Pizza sounds great."
You grinned and reached for your phone, dialing the number of the closest pizza place while Kevin moved over to the couch to start looking for something you could watch. It wasn't a rare occurrence for your studying to end this way. He'd been your best friend since you started college, and since you had been taking a few of the same classes you got along pretty much right away. He was practically your only close friend that was at the same school, but you didn't mind at all.
Half an hour later you were both munching on delicious pizza and watching reruns of The Office. It was pretty late by now, but you curled up under the blankets with Kevin's side presses against yours on the small couch.
You hadn't even realized how late it had gotten until your head drooped down to rest on his shoulder. By now Kevin was already snoring softly, so you didn't fight the exhaustion that crept up.
"Crap! It's already 8:00!" Kevin hissed and jumped to his feet. Your head had still been on his shoulder, so when he got up you almost fell over.
"Kevin? What's wrong?" You yawned and rubbed your eyes. He hurried to change into a clean sweater, since he had dropped a slice of pizza on his shirt the night before.
"I forgot to set an alarm. Class starts in 20 minutes."
"What?!" You shrieked and jumped up a moment later. You both began your panicked frenzy to get ready as quickly as possible, deciding to skip breakfast and opt for a piece of gum instead of toothpaste. Approximately 4 minutes later you were both in the car and driving to school, dressed in clean clothes but in need of a shower.
Luckily your apartment was only a few minutes from the campus, so you pulled into the parking lot with a few minutes to spare. You and Kevin scrambled into the lecture hall and took your seats just as the professor was getting ready to start the lesson. You both let out audible sighs of relief, taking deep breaths to try and calm yourselves down.
Glancing around at your classmates, you felt eyes on you. A few people were looking over at you and whispering, but you had no idea why. Then the girl sitting next to you scribbled something on a scrap of paper and passed it over to you discreetly.
You took the paper and unfolded it, eyes widening when you read her small, scribbled font.
Did you and Kevin sleep together last night?
You whipped around to face the girl, face burning pink as you hissed "What the hell is this?" Under your breath.
The girl raised an eyebrow and leaned closer.
"Your clothes are all wrinkled and your hair is a mess. Plus you guys drove here together."
You couldn't form a response at that, glancing at Kevin out of the corner of your eye. Luckily he was too focused on the lesson to make out what the girl was saying.
"Hey, I'm not shaming you or anything. I went to high school with him, and I've never seen him date anyone. Just curious is all."
"No, we didn't......" you shook your head and folded up to note to stuff it in your pocket before Kevin noticed.
"He was helping me study and we fell asleep watching TV. Nothing happened."
"Oh. I thought you guys were kinda cute, too. He gets nervous around people sometimes, but he doesn't seem to get too nervous around you. It just seemed like there was something going on."
The girl shrugged and went back to listening to the lecture while you sat in stunned silence. You snuck a glance at Kevin out of the corner of your eye, fighting a smile upon seeing his messy hair that he didn't have time to comb.
Nothing had happened between you two. You had been friends for years now, ever since starting college. There were times that you wished it would progress to something more, but he hadn't exactly shown any romantic interest.
But then again, he had fallen asleep last night with his arm around you. He'd never done that before. You'd be lying if you said the idea of a relationship with him hadn't been appealing to you before. He was one of the kindest people you'd ever met, insanely smart, and although he was shy he had a good sense of humor. You practically went everywhere with him already, so you weren't surprised if people thought you were dating.
You felt a bit of heat coloring your face and looked down at the desk, watching the way his pencil moved on the paper.
Oh. Right. Notes.
You hurried to get out your binder and take notes. You started scrambling to catch up, and he slid his notebook over so you could copy things down.
"Thanks." You whispered and leaned closer so you could get a better look.
"Don't worry about it." He replied, smiling back at you. You looked up and saw the innocent grin on his face. You felt your cheeks start to burn again and focused on writing.
Your arms were practically touching again, and it only reminded you of the way you'd fallen asleep the night before.
You glanced over at the girl next to you, who winked playfully at you as if she knew exactly what you were thinking.
Maybe she had a point after all.
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madpanda75 · 6 years
Andie, can I just get some cute fluff with Sonny please? I will love you forever.
Of course you can, lovey! I’m so sorry this is late, I hope you like this! ❤️ I had so much fun writing it. Anything where I can fit in the word “douche nozzle,” is a win for me! 
Part Two (NSFW)
“The Dance” Part One
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Your glasses slid down the bridge of your nose while you furiously typed away on your laptop, trying to meet your deadline when suddenly a knock at the door caught your attention. Looking up, you saw Sonny Carisi, your childhood best friend.
“Sonny, what are you doing here?” You smiled brightly and motioned him inside.
He took a seat in front of your desk, “Oh ya’ know, just thought I’d stop by and say hi. I went to Antonio’s bakery and got a cinnamon coffee and those zeppole ya’ love so much.
“That’s so sweet of you. Thanks!” You took a sip of coffee and bit into the powdered sugar donut, the lighter than air pastry melting in your mouth. Then it hit you. This wasn’t just a random visit, Sonny wanted something. You narrowed your eyes at him, “Ok….what do you want.”
He gifted you a wide eyed look, feigning innocence, “What are ya’ talkin’ about? Can’t I just stop by and visit my best friend?”
“Sonny, I’ve known you since you were 5. You want something.”  You quirked an eyebrow at him. “Spill it.”
“Ok…ya’ caught me.” He sighed. “It’s my niece, not Mia, but Sofia, Gina’s girl. It’s her 8th grade middle school dance, ya’ know the big one they have at St. Agnes? She asked me to chaperone but Gina called me this morning and said the school needed more volunteers…so…I may have told her that ….you would chaperone too.”
“Dominick Carisi Jr! Are you insane?!” You exclaimed. “I’m not spending my Friday night babysitting middle schoolers. I hated middle school. I still get flashbacks of Jessica Balducci telling the entire 7th grade class that I was President of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee. No way! No sir! You’re on your own on this one, pal!”
Sonny leaned forward, his hands clasped together, staring at you as if you were his only lifeline. “Please, Y/N. Gina can’t make it, neither can my other sisters. If they don’t get more chaperones, they’ll cancel the dance. It’ll break Sofia’s heart. Please…I’m about to get on my knees and beg ya’ to come with me tonight.” He pouted, giving you his best puppy dog eyes.
You said nothing at first, letting your friend sweat it out for a brief moment before throwing your head back and groaning in defeat. “Fine…I’ll do it, BUT you owe me BIG time!”
“I’ll make it up to you, I swear!” He glanced down at his watch. “I gotta go. I’m going to be late for work. Tonight? Pick you up at 6:30?”
You waved bye to your friend, going back to the article you were writing but you couldn’t concentrate. All you could think about was what the hell do you wear to an 8th grade dance on Staten Island.
Sonny knocked on your door at 6:30 on the dot. He smiled brightly when you greeted him, dressed in a v neck sleeveless floral dress with a soft tulle skirt that hit right above your knees and dark blue platform sandals that matched the embroidered flowers adorning your dress. “Wow,” Sonny whistled. “You look amazing.”
“Thanks. You clean up pretty nice too.”
“Thanks. I…ummmm…I got ya’ a little something.” His cheeks flushed pink, motioning towards one of the corsages in his hand, the other being for his niece. Now it was your turn to blush as Sonny took your hand and placed the corsage around your wrist. “Perfect, now you’re ready.” He softly said, leading you towards his car.
Before you and Sonny went to the dance, you stopped to pick up Sofia. When she opened the door, it was obvious she had been crying, her mascara running down her tear streaked face, her nose red. “Sofia? Honey, what’s wrong?” Sonny asked.
“Nothing…I’m….I’m…..I’m not going to the dance.” She cried and run upstairs, slamming the door. You and Sonny stood in the foyer speechless. “Teenagers,” He mumbled.
“Let me go talk to her.” You walked upstairs, following the sound of Sofia crying.
Standing in front of the teenager’s bedroom, you thought back to when you when you were thirteen and how awful it was, the mean girls, the hormonal changes. The only silver lining was Sonny. He had been by your side through it all. You both leaned on each other. Truth be told, you had a massive crush on him back then and even now all these years later, there were still moments when Sonny made your heart flutter. You let out a deep breath and knocked on the door.
“I don’t want to talk right now, Uncle Sonny.” A small voice said from behind the door.
“Sofia? It’s Y/N. Can I come in?” After a long moment passed, the door slowly creaked open, you walked in to see Sofia sitting on her bed. She had changed into sweats, her bubble gum pink dress tossed aside. “You ok, sweetie?” You sat down next to her.
“No,” she sniffled.
You placed a hand on her shoulder, “Do you want to talk about it? I mean…it wasn’t too long ago that I was thirteen. Maybe I can help?”
She looked up at you with red rimmed eyes, “It’s….this….guy, Nick Bianchi. I like him…a lot and today at lunch this….bitch, Ava, told everyone that I had a crush on him.” The teenager began to cry. “Everyone was laughing and Nick ran out of the cafeteria. I was humiliated. I can’t go to the dance. What if he’s there? What if people start teasing me?”
“So what?” You said, wrapping your shoulder around her. “You are a sweet and beautiful girl and if Nick can’t see that then he’s a moron and doesn’t deserve you. I know middle school can be rough, but it gets better, I promise. Don’t let those douche nozzles dictate your life. They don’t deserve your tears.”
“You really think so?”
“I know so. You go to that dance tonight and blow them all away.”
Sofia went to her vanity mirror and tried to fix her mascara. “I’m a mess. I won’t be ready in time.”
“I think we can fix this.” You smiled and shouted for Sonny to get your emergency makeup kit from the car.
He came back in record time, bringing up a cosmetic bag filled with enough makeup that it would put Sephora to shame. “Good thing you brought this, although I don’t know too many women who have emergency makeup kits.”
“A girl’s gotta be prepared. You never know when you’re going to run into the captain of the football team.” You winked.
You, Sonny, and Sofia made it to the school in record time. You couldn’t believe that you were back at St. Agnes Middle School, but all horrific flashbacks were forgotten when you looked over at Sofia. She was beautiful, a smile planted on her face, dancing and laughing with her friends.
The rest of the evening went smoothly. Although you didn’t recognize any of the songs the DJ played and you were constantly catching prepubescent boys staring at your chest, the dance was actually fun. Sonny and you were flirting the entire night, making eyes at each other from across the gym. You were managing the punch bowl and he was making sure the teenage couples weren’t getting too handsy. You snorted a laugh when you overheard him say, “Make sure you leave room for the Holy Spirit.”
As the dance was winding down, Sofia came up to you with a piece of paper. “Uncle Sonny wanted me to give this to you.”
Opening the slip of paper you saw the question: “Do you want to dance with me?” Underneath the question were two checkboxes, one for yes and one for no. You giggled and grabbed a pen, checking your answer. “Give this back to your uncle. Tell him I’ll meet him on the dance floor.”
Five minutes passed and you were shifting from foot to foot waiting for Sonny. The light from the disco ball on the ceiling reflected against the gym floor as couples danced all around you. When you saw him approach, butterflies began to flutter in your stomach. “Hey….may I have this dance?”
You beamed and took his hand as he pulled you close. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Sonny looked incredibly handsome, you were nervous and excited all at once. It felt as if you were transported back in time about to dance with your middle school crush. He placed his hands on your waist while you wrapped your arms around his neck, swaying side to side when all of the sudden the music changed, the soft piano opening to K-Ci and JoJo’s “All My Life” began to play from the speakers.
I will never find another lover sweeter than youSweeter than youAnd I will never find another lover more precious than youMore precious than you
You gasped, it was your favorite song growing up. “Oh my God! Sonny!? You remembered!?”
He grinned, “Of course, I remember. You played this song all the time when we were kids. I had to bribe the DJ twenty bucks to play it, but then I took back five when he didn’t know who K-Ci and JoJo were.”
You made a face, “How could he not know who K-Ci and JoJo are. This is the quintessential middle school slow jam.”
“I know, right? We gotta educate these youngsters on the finer points of 90s R&B.” He turned his head and saw his niece dancing with her crush a few feet away. “Looks like Sofia is having a good time.”
You followed his gaze and softly smiled as you watched them. “That’s nice at that age. When you like a guy and they like you back. Everything is simple and new, you’re not tainted by the world yet.”
Sonny nodded his head, biting his bottom lip, looking back to you, “Ya’ know….” He huffed out a laugh and shook his head, “Forget it.”
“No what? Spit it out.” You said, absentmindedly running your fingers through the hair on the nape of his neck.
“When we were kids….I ummmmm….I had a major crush on you.” He blushed, the tips of his ears turning pink. “I still do,” he mumbled.
Your heart skipped a beat, listening to Sonny’s confession. “I do too. I love you, Sonny Carisi.” You reached on your tiptoes and placed a soft small kiss on the corner of his mouth.
A smile slowly crept onto his face when you pulled away, “I love ya’ too, doll.” He leaned his forehead against yours while you both continued to dance.
And all my life I’ve prayed for someone like youAnd I thank God that I, that I finally found youAll my life I’ve prayed for someone like youAnd I hope that you feel the same way tooYes, I pray that you do love me too
“Do ya’ want to get some air?” He softly asked.
“Sure,” you replied as he led you off the dance floor. You stopped in your tracks when you spied the broom closet and smirked, back in middle school, all the cool 8th grade girls would go in there with their boyfriends to make out. “Actually, let’s go in here.”
You glanced around to make sure no one was looking before pulling him into the closet. It was pitch black. Sonny took a step forward towards you, his foot ending up in an empty bucket. You both shushed each other, trying not to laugh too loud while stumbling around in the dark. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you finally found each other.
He placed his hands on your waist, pulling you close to him. You could make out a hint of a smile dancing in his lips, a few strands of his gelled hair flopping onto his forehead. “Is this ok?” He whispered, his eyes glancing down to your mouth before moving back up to meet your gaze.
“It’s more than ok.” You stood on your tiptoes and cupped his cheek. “Kiss me,” you whispered back, your lips brushing up against his. He leaned forward, gifting you a slow, sensual kiss. You sighed against his mouth, years of pent up sexual tension and emotion finally being released in that single moment.
He moved closer to you, tilting his head to deepen the kiss, his tongue seeking entrance into your mouth, mingling with yours. You tangled your fingers in his hair as the kiss quickly became more fervent. Sonny softly moaned and pressed you up against the wall, his hands roaming your form. You melted under his touch, your body craving more when a bright white light blinded you and a shrill voice pierced the air.
“Mr. Carisi! Ms. Y/L/N!”
“Sister Eileen!” You exclaimed upon seeing your 8th grade English teacher, the bane of your existence when you were in school. Sonny was speechless, his jaw dropped to the floor.
“This is behavior unbecoming of teenagers let alone two adults. Out of the closet now! Don’t think that just because you two are out of school that I won’t give you both detention.”
“Sorry Sister.” You and Sonny mumbled and walked out of the closet.
“I can’t believe she’s still alive and teaching.” You said, making your way back to the gym.
“They say evil never dies.” Sonny replied.
The dance ended pretty soon after you were caught. Sonny drove Sofia home with you in the passenger seat, discreetly running your hand over his, playing with his fingers.
“Oh my God! Guess what happened tonight.” Sofia piped up from the backseat causing you two to separate. “Madison told Becca who told me that Sister Eileen caught some kids making out in the broom closet.”
“Wow….that’s awful. Kids these days…I tell ya’…they have no respect,” Sonny said, his face turning redder by the minute.
Sofia shrugged, “I guess the guy had his hand up her dress and everything.”
“We didn’t get that far,” you muttered.
“What?” Sofia asked.
“Nothing sweetie,” you winked at Sonny as he pulled up to his sister’s house.
Once Sofia was dropped off, you leaned over the car console and kissed Sonny sweetly. He smiled into the kiss, playfully biting down on your bottom petal. “Want to come over to my place? My parents aren’t home,” you teased.
“Just as long as I make curfew,” he said before placing another gentle kiss on your lips. As you both drove back into the city, you laughed to yourself, after all these years, all it took was one dance to make you realize that the love of your life was right in front of you all this time.
@amirightcounsellor @obfuscateyummy @beltzboys2015-blog @letty-o @sweetsummertime99 @sonnysdoll @lyssa1385 @burningsorr0ws @katmstanton @gibbs274 @izzythefanfreak @southern-magnolia @riodallas @eclecticminded @delia26 @glimmerglittergirl @sweetcannolicarisi
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bananashemmo · 6 years
Even At Midnight
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Pairing: Y/N/Gang!Ashton
Rating: NC-All
Request: No
Words: 3.000+
Summary: After traumatic experiences with another shooting from Walker’s gang, Ashton and Luke’s little sister Y/N settle down late at night at an old motel. With old sayings; some people are meant to fall in love with each other but not meant to be together.
Wheels spinning against the slippy road caused the problem of confusing directions. It was only with the hard lights on and a tight grip of the steering wheel Ashton managed to control the red mustang.
Loud thunderclaps were echoed in the background. You knew the sounds were only heightened because of the close waterfall and the shadows of the mountains.
You couldn’t help but sigh with your head pressed against the cold window. At first, you had gushed over the rain running down the glass but you had grown used to it.
The weather couldn’t get at thick as the tension between you.
He had been sighing, making random noises and moving his hands from the steering wheel to the gear and back. Even when he wasn’t supposed to switch or change anything.
You had been staring at the road literally just waiting for it to end. It felt as if you could continue for days without getting any further into where you were going.
It was like there was no destination at all.
You looked down at your knee to see what was causing the pulsing pain. It was quite obvious from the large cut that had torn your jeans apart right by the knees but you hadn’t noticed it until looking down.
Blood was leaking from the cut wound, not something major but it could still sting like a true bitch.
The moments before it happening was rushed through. You heard the loud bangs, you heard the triggers of a gun and it was just about to run.
You never believed you were able to run that fast. P.E had never been your thing in high school and college it was totally not included in any of your schedules. You were mostly closed inside.
If it wasn’t for Ashton reacting fast, you would still have been staying on the ground.
It was with a short knockout your face connected with the wet and grey asphalt. It was cold and gross just like you had imagined but you just couldn’t believe you would need to touch it.
Things happened so fast you didn’t even get the chance to get up before Ashton had his arms under yours and quickly pulling you up from the ground. It wasn’t until you were sat in the car and Ashton pressed the speeder to get away from Walker you were able to breathe.
But things didn’t turn better. You were lost on the roads and couldn’t just pull to the side because you had no idea who was following you.
Even at midnight.
The fans were on from the car for two reasons. One, to make sure you weren’t cold because of the shaking weather outside and two because your clothes were completely drowned in water.
You had tried to collect your wet hair into a bun but it was no use. It was everywhere to the point where you didn’t even want to remove it from irritating your eyes.
You were cold, you were hungry and all you wanted was to get back safe where you didn’t need to worry.
But Luke always had to make the decisions and stating you were most safe with Ashton meant you had no arguments for getting home for tonight. And definitely not with Ashton’s lack of sense of locality.
You were doomed, to begin with.
“Is it still bleeding?”
The question from Ashton almost startled you. So many minutes had passed in silence you had almost forgotten his presence next to you in his car.
“W.- What?” You didn’t know if you were stammering because you were still cold or because you were feeling your pulse rise by the small shock.
“Your knee.” He nodded his head towards your bleeding leg, “You knocked it pretty hard when you fell to the ground. I know I didn’t get the chance to look at it before or comment on it but now I see.”
You watched he spoke and his eyes fell back onto the road.
You looked down at your knee and shrugged your shoulder, expecting for him to read body language from the corner of his eye.
“It’s okay... It doesn’t really hurt anymore only when I stretch it.” You decided to answer anyway, not wanting to sound as brave as you actually weren’t.
There was no need of playing brave because he knew well enough how scared you were inside.
“It was wrong of me to bring you there.”
You didn’t expect him to say the words and you looked up at him with locks of wet hair still in front of your eyes.
“My job is to avoid you the danger but I placed you right in a lion field. It wasn’t my intentions I just couldn’t leave you at home. It would be the most obvious thing for Walker to realize once all the four of us were together.”
You could tell by the way he was clenching his jaw that he was sincerely angry at himself. Forgiving someone else is almost harder than to forgive an unfaithful person.
“Ashton I-,”
“No Y/N. I don’t need the gentle words.” He didn’t want to sound mad but he still managed to startle you, “I can’t make up for my mistakes by saying it’s okay.”
You decided not to answer. When he was being like this it was no use. He so easily self-blamed and you didn’t want to come between him and his thoughts.
You wrapped your arms closer around your body and looked down at the floor where your feet were being swallowed by the black darkness.
“We're almost there.” It was minutes later Ashton changed the subject and with his pointing finger directed towards the small looking motel that was right ahead of you.
Old fashioned, pretty much looking like a diner with the neon pink lights and a largely pointed finger towards the small wooden building.
Your eyes widened half, not believing this was where you were going to stay for the night.
But better than staying in the car without much feel of true heat.
You almost couldn’t catch up with him once he was out of the car. It was still raining like crazy and even though you were completely drowned that and it couldn’t get any worse you still didn’t want to be colder than already.
Ashton didn’t seem to mind by the rain, he had an emotionless expression on his face but still decided to use his black denim jacket to cover the both of you from the stormy rain.
The door cracked loudly when Ashton opened it and a small bell from above ringed to announce your presence.
It was prettier inside than outside, you had to admit.
A woman was sitting behind the counter and chewing gum so loudly you could hear it on the other side of the waterfall. Her hair was in a loose ponytail that hid her commune colored hair and with her facial features, she was younger than you.
She was probably being forced by her parents to work on the spare side of her high school life.
You weren’t actually the only ones at the place, some were sitting in front of a fireplace even though it was late at night and others were walking around being checked into their rooms by others.
The place was mostly for people just needing a night of sleep and getting back in the car again to drive.
Ashton looked around trying to figure out what to do, he didn’t have much money in his hands but still decided to go with it.
“Stay here while I fix us a room.”
You stood next to a plant not really knowing what to do. At any other moment, you would have been embarrassed to look this awkward and you could tell people were staring at your nipples peeking through the lazy bra.
It was just too cold to keep yourself warm.
Ashton was hovering over the desk with almost an angry expression on his face.
He was clearly disagreeing about something the girl behind the desk was explaining to him. You weren’t sure if you were supposed to walk up to him or not. You didn’t want to interrupt something if he was about to snap at her.
He wasn’t speaking loudly but his jaw was clenched and he was folding his fingers while he leaned his arms on the desk. They were having a disagreement for sure.
You sat against the plant waiting for a while but when they didn’t get to a solution you decided to walk up and hear what in the world was going on.
“So what you’re saying is you don’t have any single rooms that are free for tonight?” Ashton couldn’t believe his ears, now you knew what they were discussing.
“Because this place looks like a hole.”
“I assure you we don’t have any double bedrooms for tonight. The only thing I can serve for you is a single bedroom with one bed and bath.”
Ashton looked down at you by your presence and without hesitation, you just nodded your head. There was no need to just stand there you just needed to get fully inside.
Even if it was only for one bed, you could sleep on the floor perhaps.
“We’ll take it,” Ashton said through gritted teeth and threw the money on the table.
The girl seemed satisfied with the conversation ending and typed things into her computer. Ashton waited quietly as she found the key to your room and explained which stairs you were supposed to take.
In silence, you walked down the creepy halls towards the stairs that lead upstairs.
You didn’t know what to say, both because you were so insanely tired but also because you just wanted a break. A break from everything that was going on around you.
“It’s here,” Ashton mentioned and stopped in front of the room 745.
You stopped mid-track and watched him open the door, the instant smell of dishwater hitting your nostrils but it was okay. It meant that at least the room was clean.
The room was not as small as you expected but it still only included one bed. The windows were covered by the curtains and if you moved them away you were lead to the motorway noising in the background.
“It’s okay,” Ashton mentioned, his attitude changing and removed his wet denim jacket.
“It’s better than nothing.” You sighed and tried again to collect your hair into a bun.
None of you knew what to say but you could feel that the emotions were ready to kick now that reality had hit.
You still stood by the door not knowing what to do but Ashton had taken a seat on the bed. Just by the lack of bounce you knew it was hard like a brick wall.
Ashton looked at you with a frown, scanning your face.
“Baby...” He commented softly, noticing your sadness.
“Nothing’s going to hurt you. I promise you that.”
You blinked twice to get the tears away and looked up at him as he approached you.
“I promise you.” Despite the cold weather, his hand was still burning warm when he comfortably placed it on your cheek to caress it.
“What about Luke?” You asked, not wanting to sound nervous but you were.
“I’ll give him a call right now. Go check if the bathroom’s alright.”
You nodded your head and watched him fish his phone out of his pocket before walking into the bathroom.
It was a nice actually, a lot fancier than the rest of the place. It was most probably newly renovated to make sure that there wasn’t mold or something.
“It looks fine.” You mentioned once you came out of the bathroom and watched Ashton with a finger in front of his mouth.
“At least you’re safe. We managed to get to your apartment when Calum decided to crash into Michael.” You recognized Luke’s voice on the other end of the phone where Ashton was speaking.
“I didn’t crash into him the idiot could have just looked over his shoulder when suddenly turning.” You heard Calum defend himself over the phone and you almost wanted to roll your eyes.
“Yeah... I’m stuck with that for the night.... Just promise me that’s she’s safe.” You heard Luke again and nodded your head just to yourself. You were okay.
“We’re both startled but perfectly fine. This place is a hole but it’s okay to sleep here. I think Walker and the gang decided to follow you so they don’t suspect us to be here.” Ashton explained and ran a hand through his hair.
“Yes, I assume as well. They don’t dare to walk inside,” Luke commented with a chuckle, “Oh and you also got a room with two single beds right?”
Both yours and Ashton’s eyes widened in surprise and Ashton stammered a few silent words before settling with;
“Gotta blast.”
Of course, it was suspicious to just hang up the phone like that but Ashton didn’t know what else to do.
You couldn’t help but laugh just a little bit and a smile was forming in the corner of Ashton’s lips.
“What a way to handle the situation.” You mumbled but regardless smiled at him.
He shrugged his shoulder and walked past you to walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. Just by the sound of it you almost wanted to close your eyes because you honestly couldn’t wait for the warmth.
“Enough place for two.” Ashton was careful when he mentioned it and you nodded your head in agreement.
Stripping down to your underwear you were the first one to walk in, instantly feeling goosebumps form on your cold body by the warm water connecting.
You silently closed your eyes and waited for Ashton to walk inside as well, his chest pressed against your back.
He was looking down at your underwear with a raised eyebrow and you carefully looked up at him.
“It was wet anyway...” You shrugged, not wanting to get into a further explanation.
He nodded his head by your excuse and leaned his arm up to move the head of the shower higher.
One of the disadvantages of being tall. You never knew where you would need to bend your knees.
The bathroom looked pretty dark because of the brown, Black and grey colours of both walls, floor, and furniture but the strong small lights graved into the ceiling helped a lot. Everything was marble so it also had its bit of shine.
Ashton leaned his head back and let the water go through his curls.
You could just imagine what kind of pleasure he was going through.
You stood for a full minute in silence. Just letting the water fill out the usual sounds while he ran his fingers through his hair.
You weren’t supposed to look at him for so long but you couldn’t help it.
No matter how many times you tried to look away your eyes drifted back to his toned chest right in front of you.
“You’re still freezing.”
You looked up at his statement and afterward down at your body.
You still had goosebumps all over your body. It wasn't something you had control of but the warm water still hadn’t adjusted to your body temperature it felt like it was stinging and burning.
“It will be better soon.” You pouted your upper lip and shrugged.
A rush ran through your veins when he wrapped his arms around your body. All his hair on his body had turned into a dark brown just like his hair had.
You were about to say that it was okay and he didn't need to do the gesture but once he had you in his arms you didn't want him to let go again.
You leaned your hair against his chest and ignored the water that was running right down your face.
You could see droplets of water hanging onto your eyelashes.
A sigh came from him and you looked up for his attention.
He was looking down at you already but with a thoughtful look on his face, his lips between his teeth.
You wanted to stand on your toes he could tell. The way you were standing so carefully looking up at him screamed for words.
With one arm still wrapped around your waist, he used the other through his hair again.
You didn't need to tell him what you wanted because he could already tell.
“You should know that if we start kissing… If I start to kiss you…” His voice lowered word by word, his thumb coming up to touch your wet bottom lip.
“I’m afraid that you won’t be able to stop me.”
You felt the shivers fall past your spine by his whispers, no matter how hot the water was it couldn’t compare to how you were feeling. Your chest was heaving up and down faster than ever.
He moved his thumb away from your lips to caress your cheekbone, removing a few droplets of water from the corner of your eye.
“I don’t think you understand exactly how much I want your lips.”
It was the last thing he said before you leaned on your toes to grasp into his wet curly locks and pressed him against the cold steamed bathroom tiles.
The kiss was in nowhere the category of a peck, it held all the feelings and emotions you had been keeping from each other for all this time until they were finally released.
His grip around your waist was secure, yet also passionate. His biceps were tensing by the position and with the water dripping down from his body you were left breathless by the lightest touch.
It was with a quick flip he had you in reversed positions, your back forced against the wall but the pain was a tease. He was out of breath you could tell by the way his chest was heaving up and down.
But fuck breathing. He could kiss you for three hours without the slightest seconds of a breath.
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beamdolans · 6 years
Only Have Eyes For You [G.D]
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SUMMARY: His dads insane, his mothers a disheartened wreck, his brother is a major junkie, and his bad boy facade is driving him mad. All the girls desire the secretive boy, but he only has eyes for her.
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: sorry a lot of depressing shit and smut I guess. possible triggers? also this is my first fanfic so get ready for some punctuation mistakes!
A/N: thanks recognizedolan on instagram for the manip. This is also part one of a many parted sieries!
[Y/n’s POV]
Tuesday, April 2nd, 4:11pm
"Can someone tell me again why the fuck we're here?" My long time, best friend Rachel exclaimed, quite loudly and very deliberately to Mr.White. I buried my head in my hand and shot her a look across two desks that screamed 'shut up'. Mr.White sauntered over to Rachel and placed his large hands on the gum covered desk that stood before her.
"Well, Miss.Smith." He paused, and locked his gaze on hers, making sure to draw out the uncomfortable silence. The only thing heard in the dimly lit room was the sound of the clock ticking and my uneasy, heavy breaths.
"You and Miss.y/l/n messed up pretty badly yesterday." He stopped and glared in my direction, eye balling me up and down, with the look of disgust plastered so blatantly on his face. He turned his balding head back over to Rachel and let out a sigh that started to sound like it was gonna go on forever. "You socked Mrs.Anderson in the head, she passed out, bless her soul. Then you snuck out of the school, came back with a giant jug of vodka, got hammered in 4th period with Miss.y/l/n, and basically started a riot throughout the 12th grade." Mr.White's voice was so calm and monotone, it was almost terrifying.
From the other side of the room by the window, you could hear deep chuckles coming from the boy that shot over a painfully perfect smile. It lit up the room. "If I were you, I'd keep my laughing to myself, Mr.Dolan." The old man said to Grayson, a boy who basically lives In this room 24/7.
Grayson licked his pink lips and looked down at the ground with a smirk still glued to his face. He picked up his right ear bud, popped it back in his ear and kept working on whatever he was working on.
"Please Rachel, humour me. Am I right?" Mr.White said, knowing damn well he was just being a huge smartass. Rachel crossed her arms and gave the gum in her mouth a loud smack. "That was a rhetorical question.” She sassed. "Well if you didn't want an answer, then you shouldn't have asked." Mr.White raised his hand and placed his pointer finger to her chest, and poked it hard. Rachel quickly grew a perplexed and outraged look on her face. She took her hand and grasped it around his wrist firmly, and stood up so the two were now eye to eye. "Don't fucking touch me, Gary." She said with gritted teeth and furrowed eyebrows.
Rachel wasn't really the type to keep to herself, or just leave a situation as is, a thing most people would do to not make matters worse, but I guess they come in all different types.
I hear Grayson let out a grunt, causing the two to jerk their attention to where he was sitting. "Is everything all right over there? It looks like you guys need some help." He was now standing to his full height and had his hand placed on the back of his neck, rubbing the tension out of it unbearably slow. He knew damn well things were not going over well, he's a bit to cocky for my liking. The room was filled with awkward silence and Mr.Whites eyes were now on Rachel's hand clasped around his wrist. He cleared his throat and pulled away, now leaning against his desk.
"No talking, no moving, and I would like all of your phones on my desk please and thank you."
We all didn't obey to his words right away and stayed in our seats. I saw Rachel look down and twiddle her thumbs, while Grayson rested his elbow on his desk and his head in his palm. I think we were all a little to scared to move. Well, I was at least. "C'mon I'm not getting any younger here." Mr.White said with his hand reached out in front of us, waiting for us to oblige. "Ya got that right." Rachel said under her breath. I got up out of my seat and placed my phone in his hand, and Grayson did the same. "Sorry, say that again Miss.Smith." He said obviously not amused. "How old are you again Mr.White?" Rachel tilted her head, looking actually intrigued by her question.
Damn that girl was a good actor. I get why she's the lead in almost every single school play.
Mr.White cleared his throat. "52." He said, hands in pockets. "Ahh, time has not been kind to you Gary." Rachel said while placing her legs atop her desk and her arms behind her head.
Me and Grayson both let out a laugh that would have been too troublesome to keep in. Gary, sorry, Mr.White cocked an eyebrow and stared hard at the three of us, making sure to let all of the uneasiness he had to offer seep into our heads. He grabbed his bags and headed for the classroom door. "I'll be back at 9:00." He exclaimed visibly hurt by the remake made earlier.
We watched the door lock behind him and the giggling started to subside.
"Damn back at 9:00? I got things to do!" Grayson said taking a look at his watch, and whining at it since it was only 5:00. "And by things to do I assume you mean go out and get in every single girl pants?" Rachel questioned, while popping the gum in her mouth a couple hundred times.
Grayson licked his teeth and bobbed his head a few times before strolling over to the side of the class we're both of us have been sitting. He pulled up a chair and rotated it so his hands were placed upon the back of it and his legs were hugged around the bottom. He shook his head and explained, "I'm not into that dumb shit."
I found that very hard to believe since the stories about Kelly Ransom, Lucy Adams and so many more girls I can't even remember the names of have been going around since 9th grade, and he's never opposed to them once.
"Mhmm." Rachel said clearly not convinced either. Grayson's smirk slowly faded. He looked to the ground and tapped his fingers on the top of his seat, looking uncomfortable.
"I'm not into some dumb shit." He raised both eyebrows, leaned back, and opened his arms wide, "What the fuck do you think? That I'm some pussy 18 year old virgin?" He scoffed, "If I'm in the mood, I could get some desperate preppy girl from the cheerleading team to drop to her knees instantly and suck me off, when ever I wanted. It's a blessing." He smiled, "I don't force girls on me, they just migrate to my dick."
Rachel choked on a laugh.
He's full of it. I could tell he was just trying to prove a point to the now two curious girls he found himself talking too. He was exaggerating. I hope. "Aren't all those girls you fucked with why your here?" I said needing some type of closure. Grayson looked in my eyes and smiled.
I've known him since grade 5 and ever since then I've thought that he was the most beautiful man to have walked the earth. When ever his gaze meets mine, my heart seems to skip a beat. I really don't have a thing for guys like him, so to me, he's just eye candy.
"Look who's talking. Y/n, never thought I'd see you in here." He shuffled closer to me. I rolled my eyes, "Well yea, I don't do stupid shit." Grayson smirked, then looked down, "Getting drunk at school and punching a teacher in the head isn't stupid enough?"
That boy thought he was so hilarious.
Rachel grabbed the gum out of her mouth and chucked it across the room.
'Boom!' She yelled after she shot it perfectly into the overfilled garbage can at the front of the class. "Yea she's not into the things that could even get her remotely in trouble." Rachel winked at me, then continued to try and shoot rolled up balls of whatever was in arms reach into the trash. "Shut up!" I said smiling, nudging her arm. "I was with you when all that shit went down!" Rachel scoffed, "Yea, but I did all the work." She stood her ground. "You're cute, you know that?" Grayson said beaming in my direction, playing with the cords of his ear buds.
Rachel raised her eyebrows and took her feet off the desk. She quickly turned in our direction and stood from the old chair she was sitting on, causing a agonizing squeaky noise. She crossed her arms and stared into Grayson's memorizing hazel eyes, for longer then what would keep a person sane. "Take a picture sweetheart, it last longer." He said smugly. She wound up her dainty, very surprisingly robust arm and whacked him right on the side of his cheek.
I jolted back and put my hands to my mouth, trying so hard to hold in a laugh. Rachel started to crack up from her actions while giving me a proud glance. "What the fuck was that for?!" Grayson said while rubbing the spot of contact. "She's too good for you." She said while signalling over to me. Grayson looked at her, then at me with shocked astonishment. "What!?" He said confused. "She's way out of your league. She's got a better personality than you'll ever have, she's basically a precious gem." Rachel said getting down to Grayson's level, giving him a pouty face.
Grayson peered up at me with a look that had embarrassment written all over it. "Ouch." He said, "I guess I'll have to step up my game then." He walked back over to his seat and placed his black ear buds back into his ear before closing his eyes, looking just a bit too comfortable. "There's no music playing dumb ass. You don't have your phone." Rachel said while taking a seat beside me. "Yea, I realized that after I put them in, I didn't want to ruin the moment." He said letting out a giggle. Rachel shrugged, sighed, then put her hand over top mine and rubbed circles onto it while humming to herself. I looked over at him, his face looking as content as ever.
Maybe Dolan wasn't such a bad guy, besides all his dick sucking bull shit.
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studiobeebo · 6 years
my villlain oc YEET
h u l l o. i recently made a villain oc. she’s a thot and also The Worst however i’m sharing her info with you guys anyways. (also thanks @technicallyflamey for letting me use her OC template bc i am Too Unorganized to figure this all out on my own)
Basics (This is gonna be a long post, so I’ll give a quick description of her here first and then if you want to learn more in depth stuff, you can just scroll down!)
Name: Beatrix
Age: 20
Affiliation: League of Villains
Quirk: Ink Animation
After growing up in an unloving home, finding out she’s adopted, and then finding out that her actual parents were even more uncaring than her adopted ones despite being heroes, Beatrix was left wanting nothing more than to dismantle the idea that heroes were somehow these perfect beings. She’s got a very flashy personality and is quite the thottie diva to a point where ‘Bitch’ or ‘Whore’ is practically her middle name. Her quirk allows her to bring any drawing or writing to life and she uses her quirk on her many tattoos to fight. She joined the league because, honestly, she’s an attention seeker and at the moment, the league was getting quite famous and she wanted to get under that spotlight. While her whiny and bratty personality makes her very disliked by her new “boss”, she likes to think she gets along pretty well with the rest of the team and if asked, will confidently say she already plans on marrying Dabi despite his apparent lack of interest.
vvv In Depth Assessment vvv
General Information
Name: Beatrix   
Nicknames: Trix, Bea
   Alias: Witcher
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Birth date: June 12
Astrological sign: Gemini
Nationality: American
Affiliation: League of Villains
Hair color: Naturally, her hair is a deepish brown, however she loves to change things up so it’s not strange to find her wearing different colored wigs that look surprisingly natural (her most recent favorite happens to be one with the same naturally wavy style of her actual hair, however it is a pastel blue and pink in color.)
Hair style: Generally, Beatrix puts her hair up into two buns, leaving her naturally wavy bangs framing her face. This is most practical for fighting, but if she isn’t particularly doing anything, she’ll have her hair down with two smaller buns on top or if she’s feeling extra lazy, she’ll just tie it up in a messy bun.
(If you’d want to see references for hairstyles/colors you can see em here)
Eye color: Steel grey
Eye shape: Sharp and upturned, a bit cat like.
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 137 LB
Build: Endomorph or pear. Basically, an hourglass like figure, however with thicker hips.
Complexion: Fairly pale with rose undertones
Cup size: B
Blood type: AB
Handedness: Right
Movement: It really depends on her mood. She’s a bit flamboyant so she speaks a lot with her body language.
Posture: Again, depends on how she’s feeling. IE, if she’s tired, she’ll be slouching more.
Voice: It can be pretty obnoxious, she complains a lot and has a catty, almost preppy tone to her voice, though judging by how dramatic she is, it wouldn’t be surprising if even her voice were fake..(think Juliette from Lollipop Chainsaw) 
Scars: Nothing significant, maybe a few scratches here or there. She may seem like a reckless fighter upon seeing her, but she tries very hard to make sure nothing flaws her “perfect” features.
Distinguishing features: She’s got quite a lot of tattoos, and while they may seem random, most of them serve a purpose. That being said, she has a mix between purely artistic things such as a small bundle of roses on the back of her left shoulder, but the others, such as the large snake on her right thigh or the wings on her back that spread over her arms, have a greater purpose.
(Tattoo references here)
Uniform: Beatrix doesn’t really believe in “uniforms”. She thinks they’re boring and tacky, she wouldn’t be caught dead wearing the exact same outfit twice during missions.
Civilian clothes: Her civilian clothes also count as her mission clothes, but they are anything but appropriate for fighting. Bea is very fashion savvy and always wants to have the best, cutest clothes and she has a very risque style, often wearing things like leotards, crop tops, or anything that shows a lot of skin. To be honest, she’s an attention whore and she knows she’s got the looks, so she uses them. Think, ‘thottie with a body’, or that bitch who always wears fishnet stockings and as catty as she is, you can’t help but look because damn does she look good. Her favorite outfit, however, is any variation of the classic playboy bunny get up.
(Same with hairstyles, you can see examples here)
Strengths: Beatrix is a very cunning girl and she’s good at talking herself out of bad situations. She also is very sly and quick with her movements, so she makes for a surprisingly scary opponent.
Weaknesses: She’s definitely an attention seeker and a whiner, so her brattiness can make her very hard to work with.
Likes: Attention, sweets (specifically suckers or gum), flirting, eye candy, shopping, being able to do what she wants.
Dislikes: Being ignored, being stuck indoors for too long, people insulting her looks or style, rain, bossy people
Fears: She’s afraid of being left in the dust, unrecognized and unwanted.
Hobbies: Shopping, complaining, dressing up for literally no reason, singing (though she’ll never do this if she thinks people can hear her)
Skills: Conning people, flirting, short term fights
Quirks:  (Not actual quirk, but strange parts of the OC’s personality) She has a bit of an oral fixation, so she is always chewing gum, sucking on a sucker, or chewing on a toothpick.
Myers-Briggs Personality Type: ENTP - ENTPs are versatile, open-minded, and restless. Easily bored, they are constantly toying with new ideas and scanning for possibilities. Because of their insatiable thirst for novelty, their interests can seem limitless. As is true of the ENFP, ENTPs’ minds move at a frenetic pace, contributing to restlessness, anxiousness, and erratic sleeping patterns. Not only are they constantly scanning for new possibilities, but also generating new ideas and associations. Moreover, ENTPs enjoy sharing and exchanging their ideas with others. Considering how their minds are drawn in so many different directions, it is no wonder that ENTPs can seem restless, scattered, distractible, and, rightly or not, are commonly diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.
Physical health: She’s very fit, she gets antsy easily so she’s solved that by going for walks or runs often.
Mental health: She’s a villain, so...slightly cracked, but she isn’t completely insane or anything.
Nutrition: Actually not that great, she eats a lot of garbage and the only reason she’s thin is because she only eats about once a day.
Sleep habits: Erratic. She’s always had trouble sleeping so it’s common to see her awake at ungodly hours of the morning browsing her phone or getting into trouble.
Quirk and Abilities
Quirk- Ink Animation
Explanation of Quirk: To put it simply, Beatrix is able to bring any type of ink to life, literally pulling it from whatever surface it’s from and controlling it to do whatever she needs. This, along with the fact that she had her rebellious stage quite early and never really left it, is the main reason she has many tattoos, as she can pull them from her skin and use them. Anything with a sharp edge or sharp line work can be used like a blade, her smokey tattoo could be used as a way to shield her presence, the snake could..well, attack people. Her wings, however, are her favorites as she can use them to fly, but she tries to only use them if she really has to. The reason behind this is, the bigger the tattoo, the less time she can use her quirk on it before it has to be returned to her skin.
   Power: ★★★☆☆ F
   Speed: ★★★★★ D
   Technique: ★★★★☆ C
   Intelligence: ★★★★☆ B
   Cooperativeness: ★★☆☆☆A
Power: Technically, her quirk itself isn’t that powerful, but her strength lies in how it’s used.
Speed: Being a quick mover is just something she’s learned along the way to get a leg up on those who are physically stronger than she is.
Technique: Beatrix always has a plan for every fight she gets into and she’s very good at analyzing her opponent and their quirk.
Intelligence: She’s gotten very clever with how she uses her quirk, and she has to be pretty smart if she can make a plan to take down an enemy twice her size.
Cooperativeness: Beatrix is very picky and she doesn’t work terribly well with people she doesn’t like.
Character Analysis
Enneagram: 7 THE ENTHUSIAST The Busy, Fun-Loving Type: Spontaneous, Versatile, Distractible, and Scattered
Ages 0-4: Beatrix was adopted from birth, however this was not something she found out about until she was older. Her toddler age was much like any other, though she was a bit more troublesome than your average young child.
Ages 5-11: At age 5, Beatrix discovered her quirk while drawing in her kindergarten class. After this, her bad temper and brattiness got much, much worse.
Ages 12-14: On top of her average brattiness, being a preteen only made her attitude worse. She had never gotten along with her parents and never really felt a connection with them. They, on the other hand, never made any connection with her either and just saw her as a project they had to keep and take care of until she was old enough to leave because they chose this life. There wasn’t much love or attention given from either side, they were only with one another because of family “love” being the social norm.
Ages 15-Present: At the age of 17, after a rather terrible argument with her parents, Beatrix discovered she was adopted due to her father screaming about how she wasn’t even really theirs, so they shouldn't have to deal with her ‘bullshit’. Despite not having much of a connection with her parents, this life long lie made her absolutely furious. She felt like the only reason she had grown up miserable and, well, a troublemaker was because she wasn’t with her real family.
Once Beatrix turned 18, she got all the information that she could from her parents about her birth family and seeked them out, but this turned out to be a mistake. She was hoping that, finally, she’d have that picture perfect family where she could fit in and be loved, but when she knocked on her parents door one morning and was met with a look of horror after explaining who she was, she knew something wasn’t right.
After being invited inside, both her ‘parents’ sat her down looking pale in the face before giving her an explanation: They gave her up because of their jobs as heroes. They never wanted a child and she was an accident, and since they were both pro heroes, they didn’t have the time for a child and since they didn’t even want one, she was given up. That was when Beatrix went cold, her dream of finally being a puzzle piece finding the puzzle it belonged to being crushed, but when she heard her father utter out the following words, she lost it.
“You..You should leave..We didn’t want you then, and I’m sorry, but we don’t want you now.”
Her actions felt like a blur, but before she knew it, her parents were on the ground littered with deep gashes all over their bodies as a few of her arrow tattoos returned to her arm. Her emotions were a wreck and she felt more lost than ever before, so instead, she told herself that not having a place in the world just meant she was free, so she began doing what any ‘free’ person would do: whatever she wanted. For a while, she didn’t kill anyone and stuck to petty crimes like theft, but this quickly bored her. The lack of love growing up had left her wanting all eyes on her all the time, so she began doing flashier crimes and dressing much more errotically, anything to get attention. She began to let loose even more, and when she saw how infamous this ‘League of Villains’ in Japan was getting, she knew she needed to get under that lovely spotlight, and when there was a call for new members, she was practically the first to pack her life up and move to Japan and start her new life as a member of the League.
Canon Character- Tomura Shigaraki
  Status: Her “Boss”
  How well they get along: Horribly. She hates anyone who tries to limit her, he hates brats. Luckily, her want to be in the spotlight is strong enough that she takes orders from him, though not without a lot of complaints.
  What OC thinks of them: She thinks he’s an overly entitled child who needs to grow up. She’s always the first to make cracks at his temper tantrums.
  What they thinks of OC: He hates her and has been very close to killing her many times. She doesn’t listen and she ‘dresses like a hooker’, and in his eyes, she should be lucky he even let her on the team.
  What OC calls them: Crusty, Tomura, Cry Baby
  What they call OC: Whore, Brat, Witch
Canon Character- Toga Himiko
  Status: Teammates, Friends
  How well they get along: These too actually get along quite well. They’re both accustomed to fashion or cute things and they both tend to complain a lot, so they’re a good match.
  What OC thinks of them: She thinks she can be a bit annoying, but she loves her excitable spirit and almost sees her as a sister.
  What they thinks of OC: Toga loves Bea, she thinks her style and attitude is impressive. Bea is probably the one who made her a bit obsessive over attractive or interesting people, too.
  What OC calls them: Toga-chan, Bunny
  What they call OC: Bea, Trixy
Canon Character- Dabi
  Status: They tolerate each other, or rather, Bea loves him and he tolerates her
  How well they get along: It depends on who you ask. Ask Bea, she’ll say they’re a match made in heaven and that everyone should be expecting wedding invites very soon. Ask Dabi, he’ll say she’s annoying and self centered, but he stopped trying to deny how often he looks at her ass a while ago.
  What OC thinks of them: She likes him mostly because she thinks he’s attractive, but she also likes that he’s a bit mysterious. In her eyes, he’s a blank slate, so that leaves her plenty of information to learn about him so she sees him as entertainment and eye candy, her favorite combination.
  What they thinks of OC: Again, he thinks she’s a bit of a brat and way too self centered. She whines and complains a lot, but she often complains about the same things he does just in a much more annoying way, so he has to give her that. That, and she’s got an amazing figure and hates their leader. All in all, he thinks she’s obnoxious, but could be worse.
  What OC calls them: Love, Babe, Dabi Dearest, etc.
  What they call OC: Beatrix or Trix
Canon Character- Twice
  Status: Teammates, Friends
  How well they get along: Surprisingly well
  What OC thinks of them: She actually thinks Twice is adorably sweet. She sees him as a brother and him and Toga are part of the reason she actually feels..at home in the league, but she’d never say that cause mushy shit is for losers and heroes.
  What they thinks of OC: He’s practically in love with her, but he feels that way about every female that’s nice to him. He likes her fun, outgoing style and that she’s a bit of a rule breaker.
  What OC calls them: Twicey
  What they call OC: Bea
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artificialqueens · 7 years
This could happen 2/3 (Trixya) - Toki
[Part 1]
AN: Thanks for the love! As requested, here’s a shorter part 2 of a now 3-part one shot real life Trixya. This was a lot of fun to write. Final part on its way.
Burger $9 Bun, patty, two slices of Monterey Jack, salad cream
Chicken Wrap $8 Tortilla wrap, chicken strips, lettuce, salad cream
Salad $7 Lettuce, tomatoes, salad cream
“Salad please. Hold the salad cream. Do you have any olive oil?” The waitress shook her head silently. She was probably 45, wearing a shirt that read a distorted ‘78’ dragged down tight over a pair of acid-washed jeans with rips in the knees. Trixie glanced down. Biscuit heel. The waitress snapped her gum. “We’ve got salt.” Salty salad. “Just the lettuce and tomatoes. And a coffee.” “Sure hon. Do you want it cold for 50 cents more?” Hot salty salad. “Uh.. yeah, is cold lettuce extra?” “The coffee hon. We do iced coffee.” Oh duh. “Oh yeah. No. Hot coffee, cold salad. Thanks.” Trixie slid down in her seat. It’d been a long morning. She’d spent the last five hours since that early and utterly confusing sunrise moment in her bed, deep in thought. As predicted, Katya hadn’t returned. She’d opted to sit up front with the driver and shoot the shit in her trademark goofball way, snatches of conversation floating back to Trixie from time to time. She’d heard the rest of the bus’s occupants gradually emerge one by one through the drive, bleary-eyed and groaning with heads clutched or sprightly and serene depending on their alcohol intake the night before. And Trixie had pulled out her guitar from her tightly packed locker by the tables, thumbed some quiet notes into the well-worn grooves along her fingers, had written a little melody that floated around her tongue as she hummed it softly, pulling it out from somewhere new in her mind. It felt like she was committing the memory of Katya’s skin from fingertips to strings, translating wordless meaning into the soft twangs of chords that filled up her warm chest. The driver had called out a lunch stop and they’d pulled into this tiny roadside dustbowl cafe with your typical creaking metal sign swinging from the rusty postbox and hot fucking salty salad on the menu.
The other queens were making their choice between nameless patty burger and salad cream chicken. No one was exactly thrilled. Apart from Katya, who was roaring out the punchline to a joke with a smile so wide her eyes were shut. Aja had both fists crammed under her chin and Violet was squeezed in between them, shaking one finger at Katya’s mirth. “No, bitch! No, bitch! You don’t even know!” How were they always so loud? Trixie glanced across at Max, who had ordered the salad and was now staring absentmindedly out of the window. There was zero cell reception and her book was probably still on the bus. “Hey Max.” “Mmm?” Trixie had always found it a little awkward making conversation with the typically silver-wigged queen. They’d known of each other in college, had run in fairly similar circles and had both dabbled in drag. A few Facebook comments, brief drunk hugs at gigs. That was where the friendship had rested, right until they ran into each other in the Drag Race dressing room. Trixie had better makeup, Max had a faux British accent, both were trying to forget they came from Wisconsin. “Do you remember that girl from college with the pink hair? The one who used to work at Applebees?” “Sure, Alexandra.” “I ran into her at Hamburger Mary’s the other day.” Max shifted in her seat. “Oh, how is she?” “She’s fine. She used to be your friend, right?” “Yeah, we did a few classes together. Never really spoke that much though.” “Funny how people reunite later in life.” “Yeah.” The conversation died, but it had never really begun. Trixie just wanted to drown out how Violet was screaming Katya’s name through breathless howls of laughter. Michelle slammed her phone down on the table and leaned into the conversation. “Jesus Christ, you’re worse than my kids. Shut up, settle down, breathe. I have a headache worse than every time I never wanted to fuck someone put together.” Katya turned to Michelle with a wide smile, undaunted. “Just like Trixie, mama!” Trixie snapped back into the conversation. “What?” Katya grinned at her. “I’ve been trying to bed this bitch for years. It’s always some excuse. She’s got a headache. She’s just done her face. She’s not attracted to me.” Don’t finish that thought. Don’t tell anyone. Michelle laughed, enjoying Trixie’s obvious discomfort. Violet leaned forward, linking arms with Katya for about the twentieth time that day. “I was easy though, girl. You just had to be in the same room as me.” “Yeah, but you’re a whore.” Trixie’s sudden snap was a little too real. Violet shrugged it off easily, not even glancing away from the side of Katya’s face. “Guilty. This bitch can wear a pigsuit. I mean not wear it.” She leaned closer to Katya’s ear. “I still have that by the way.” “Jesus, gross.” Trixie caught Katya’s gaze. “It’s not like you haven’t worn worse, either. That was probably just your day drag, right?” Katya grinned. “I’d wear a pigsuit for you anyday, mama. You just have to ask.” “I’ll remember that.” “When’s the fucking food getting here?” Alaska emerged from beyond Aja, eyes half-closed. “I’m starrrving.” As conversation turned away, Trixie relaxed against the cushions. Katya was playing along, and things still felt natural with her. Maybe everything was going to be fine. No harm. No change. Why is that kind of a disappointing thought? Like a 5% disappointing thought. A salad was placed in front of her, half a head of lettuce cut into palm-sized chunks and four sad-looking tomato slices disrupting her thoughts. She tried a bite. Salty.
Twenty minutes later she was outside and deep in a phonecall, trying to hide from the burning sun in the shadow of the rusty airconditioner unit. “When are the dates?” As her agent rattled off a few potential bookings, Trixie chewed a thumbnail. That’d take her out of town for most of the month of October, which would mean no shooting with Katya for the next series of UNHhhh. They’d been on another hiatus, but had planned a relaunch in November. Still, maybe September would provide enough time for filming. “Ok, wait a sec.” As she turned to head inside, the door creaked open and Katya emerged, shielding her eyes from the sunlight with one hand and lighting a cigarette with the other. Trixie waved her over. “Oh, perfect. Hey, I might have a tour coming up in October. Do you mind if we film in September?” Katya exhaled a cloud of smoke and glanced upwards, trying to figure out her availability. She was working hard on her Kickstarted one-woman comedy show, and Trixie knew timing was fairly tight. After a second she gave up and pulled out her phone. “Let me check, Deb.” Trixie glanced down and watched as Katya rubbed the back of one calf with the toes of the other foot. She was trying out this barefoot thing at the moment. Her springtime yoga break had left her with a couple of habits she hadn’t yet shaken off. It hadn’t stopped her smoking, either. “I could do the weekend of the 9th? Like the 9th morning, and morning of the 11th?” “Oh yeah, we could do enough for four a day. That’d be plenty for the relaunch in November I think.” Katya nodded. “More editing time, mama.” Trixie returned to her phonecall. “Ok, book the dates.” Her agent began to confirm the finer points of the travelling arrangements. Katya stubbed out her cigarette, pushed it through the little opening under the restaurant’s dumpster lid and flashed Trixie a grin before heading inside. The barbie queen found a slow smile spreading across her face. She’d been a little worried for the past few weeks about whether Katya had really wanted to keep going with UNHhhh. The little queen had begun to mention she might consider taking a break from the whole Katya thing, even. She still wanted to do drag, but in a typical Brian way she felt up to the task of perching Katya on a high shelf next to Trish and testing out a whole new character. She felt the world was ready for it. And Trixie thought she was fucking insane. Everyone was still lapping up the whorey Russian loopy evolution, eating up the whole thing, her gigs selling out in hours while fans crammed themselves back to front to catch a moment of her crazy grin or even a snatch of banter that might imply there was the slightest potential for Trixya to ever really happen. ‘Trixya’. The whole thing’s so weird. Trixie felt completely divorced from the concept of the two of them together. It was a marketing farce, an idea put together after she’d woken up on a Friday morning three years ago to a missed call from an unknown number. She’d called back, Katya had answered almost immediately. “I struck out. Kennedy kicked my fucking ass. Do you want to meet up?” And they’d texted back and forth while Katya had weathered the thunderstorm of depression and anxiety following her exit, eventually finding themselves in the same city one night and the same table at a restaurant an hour later. Trixie had felt so nervous. The whole real-world thing. Would their connection prove as funny and instant and fucking electric in person again? Of course it had. And more. Katya had been so real. So much more tangible without the cameras constantly on her. Bouncing knees, drumming fingers, enormous smile. Her ideas spilling out onto the table faster than Trixie could type them down on her phone. That had been the inception of Trixya - every duo was made more appealing via the romance angle. They could lay down a foundation of hints or even drop some flat-out comments about a mutual attraction, make sure a few kisses made their way onto Youtube and then take it from there in the ultimate will-they-won’t-they-why-don’t-they fuckfest of a fan-bait fiesta. It was brilliant, Trixie had assured Kyle on the phone later, and I’m definitely not even attracted to Katya so just ignore anything you hear because I love you, I’m just doing this for my career. She’d spent the next three years growing used to the back and forth of their supposed romantic journey. Trixya had been successful beyond their most optimistic forecasts. But then Katya had begun to push things a little, in private. And that had thrown the whole thing off balance. She’d instigated a few kisses. At first that was fine, drag queens fooled around on tour. Everyone knew that, no one had really talked about it, everything was cool. But then she’d started with some aggressive nighttime moves when Trixie had stayed over, even flat out asking for sex that one time. And she’d sunken a little under the weight of each hard rejection, failing to really recognise how much her friend needed to keep those boundaries rock solid. She’d taken it so personally. She’d stopped asking after a while. She’d backed off so far. Really far. Completely. Trixie had privately started to wonder if Trixya was over. Maybe it finally needed to be, they were both growing out of it, into good relationships and stronger career choices. But Katya’s touch from that morning had stirred really fucking deep inside her. It wasn’t a Trixya touch. It wasn’t on camera. It was an all-mutual full on Trixie and Katya are putting aside their careers and not even considering for a second where this might lead thing. For the first time she’d shelved her worries about the implications. She’d pulled the bunk curtain across all those career considerations and left the boundaries outside and Trixie needed to find Katya suddenly, like right now, she needed to get her mouth really close to her mouth to suck down the smokey air Katya breathed out and get back to that place where nothing was as important as how close their lips were to touching, and she quickly said goodbye to her agent and headed back to the bus with an urgency that caught in her throat the moment she saw that Katya wasn’t there.
“She’s dead, Jim.” “What?” “Totally dead. The battery never really held but I think it was everyone trying to charge their cellphones. Totally dead.” “And now what?” “You get flights.” Trixie turned to Frank, who was anxiously on his phone while running his hand through his hair. Even from here she could hear him talking animatedly to the replacement tour manager on the other end. The big tourbus had flat out refused to start up when everyone had boarded after lunch, and half of the cast along with their mountains of baggage were already in Ubers, screaming down the highway towards the nearest airport. Frank had gotten most of them on an earlier flight, but Trixie’s late appearance back at the bus had bumped her to a later bracket alongside Max, Michelle and Pandora, all of whom were leaning against the side of the bus looking bored (and in Michelle’s case, annoyed). Frank ended his call and marched up to Trixie. “I’ve got you on a 4:30, someone should be able to pick you up from the airport unless you can get yourself to the venue. Can you get an Uber now?” Trixie pulled out her phone. “Sure, do you need me to take care of my bags?” “No, Pete’s organised some help from the management company. They’re sending a truck later. Max, Pandora!” He waved the other queens over. “You’re on the flight with Trixie. Michelle, you’re not booked for the lineup tonight so you’ll get the later flight with me.” Trixie was already on the Uber app, waiting for confirmation. Her mind was running fast. She needed all her makeup, her guitar, her clothes and all the stuff out of her locker. What contacts did she have in her bags? Would she have enough gear for tonight if the truck didn’t get there in time? With everything on her mind she forgot about Katya, sitting almost silent amongst her friends until the car pulled into the airport departure lane an hour later. Frank had managed to book a few of them on business class. He’d had to, the flights were almost full. Trixie had traded a meet and greet with Pandora for a luxury seat, mostly because the airline was Delta and the business lounge probably had showers. She was hot. She felt stiff. She knew she wasn’t in a great shape for two hours on a plane, especially if there were any fans about that might recognise the famous queen and ask for photos. Trixie shouldered her bags from the end of the screening belt, walked through security and for the second time in two days bumped straight and unexpectedly right into Katya. At this point it was almost funny. The blonde was curled up in a private sofa booth, charging her phone and Periscoping to pass the time, no other queens in sight. Her boarding pass was on the table in front of her, bags either side, feet tucked into socks (thank God) and eyes totally locked on the screen, so much so that she didn’t notice Trixie until she’d slid onto the seat next to her and whispered, “Hey. Can we talk?” “Oh sure! Hey guys, look who it is. Your mother.” Katya turned the phone to Trixie’s tired face, who gave a little wave. “Hey Periscope. I’m taking your grandpa away.” “Sexy grandpa.” “Katya.” “Okay, let me.. Let me just..” As usual, Katya couldn’t figure out how to end the broadcast. Trixie sighed, leaned over her with a little smile and swiped up and off. The feed ended. Katya slid her phone onto the table and adjusted herself so she was facing her friend. “What’s up?” I guess now’s a good time. “I wanted to talk about this morning.” Do I? Trixie wasn’t really sure what she actually wanted to say. It felt right, though. Pretty sure this is what’s meant to happen now. We talk. Something’s said. Everything’s fine. We get to kiss more. “Yeah mama, what’s changed?” Katya broke into a huge grin. “What turned you on? What did I do right this time?” Trixie let out a laugh, surprised. “Katya, it wasn’t anything you did.” She paused for a sec, her dry wit winning out over her serious tone. “You couldn’t seduce me if you tried.” Katya let out a shriek, quickly hushing herself as a nearby businessman looked up with a grumpy expression. She scooted a little closer, her giggle subsiding into a light cough as she dropped her head onto Trixie’s shoulder. “I need a cigarette. But what did you want to know?” “Well, I guess I just wanted to make sure what happened didn’t change anything.” She glanced down, watching as Katya tore lines down the lid of the pack of Camels she was halfway through. “Trixie, you know what I feel about attraction. It’s just something that changes a lot. You’re having a dry spell, we were in bed together, I’m not suddenly convinced you’re in love with me or anything.” Katya pulled her head away and stared straight at her, blue eyes locked in and doing something funny to her heartbeat. What IS this? It’s just fucking Katya. Joker skeleton. Witch turd. Old dress wearing, stained blonde wig cramming crowd pleasing gross little drag queen. Blonde boy with an enormous heart and the most damaging skin. “Right,” Trixie managed. “I’m smarter than that, mama.” Katya pulled a cigarette from the pack and slid it into her mouth. “I’m glad you finally joined the loveless sex party though. Keys in the bowl.” The word had rolled so easily out of her mouth. They’d both slept with a lot of people since their stint on Drag Race, she talked about it literally every day, but the way she said sex sounded so dangerous now, hidden inside her casual commentary like a buried shard of glass in the sand. “We’re not going to start having sex, Katya.” A shrug. “Let’s see what happens, mama.” Trixie’s guards stood up and screamed. She checked Katya’s eyes for any hint of humour. “It’s not an open invitation, you asshole. We’re not doing that. Nothing’s changed.” Katya pulled the cigarette from her mouth, placing it on the table. She put one hand lightly on Trixie’s knee, one hand on the back of the seat, and she began to lean towards her in a slow, deliberate movement. Here was her mouth. Here were her lips, coming closer. Getting so close. Trixie couldn’t keep her eyes off them even though she felt Katya’s burning holes in her eyelids, watching and noticing and observing how she couldn’t stop staring, taking it as consent. Her heart was pounding. It had never felt like this before. Everything was quietly melting away and honestly all she wanted was to do, all she could do, was reach out and grab the back of Katya’s head and pull her in as hard as her muscles could manage to close those last few inches. Katya stopped her a second before their lips met, whispering in a soft growl that travelled straight down Trixie’s spine. “Something’s changed.” Fuck. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. “Katya, I’m going to kiss you. But it’s not going to mean anything.” Their lips were brushing now. Trixie was stronger than Katya, and she knew she had the power to pull her right in in an instant. She needed the pressure. Needed the kiss to happen. Needed to get deep and frantic and they were in the airport lounge, and she was pretty sure she’d just heard the final boarding call for Katya’s flight. No. Not again. She tightened her grip, but Katya was already pushing her away. “No. Trixie.” The blonde jammed the cigarette back into her mouth. “I need to get this flight, and I need this fucking cigarette.” She was already reaching for the straps of her bags. “Jesus. Fine,” Trixie breathed out, running a hand through her short hair. She sat back and tried to refocus, but her heart was threatening to explode. She broke into an enormous smile despite herself. “You’re a terrible kisser anyway, Barbara.” Katya shot her a dirty grin. “Are you flirting with me?” “Is it working?” Trixie countered. This felt a little weird, flirting with Katya. Platonic comedy partner. No go area. Huge crush territory, instant teenage regression, danger signs. “Like I said, mama. Let’s see what happens. See you in Houston.”
From: Katya how’s the flight going?
Sent: Pandora will literally (seen)
Sent: Not shut up (seen)
From: Katya my flight x 3
Sent: Lol (seen)
Sent: Business class + free whiskey is litttt (seen)
From: Katya again??
Sent: Don’t judge asshole (seen)
Trixie glanced at her half-finished plastic cup of whiskey. Next to her fully finished cup of whiskey. It still burned in her throat, golden courage. She decided to push a little. Katya always did, so why not play her at her own game?
Sent: I think I got rejected earlier (seen)
Sent: By my post apocalypse backup backup backup (seen)
Sent: Like after all the zombies are gone (seen)
From: Katya haha
From: Katya bitch
From: Katya i’ve never seen you so forward
From: Katya total shock mama
Sent: So you did reject me
Katya started to type, but then the dots disappeared. Trixie scrolled up and reread the conversation, checking with momentary anxiety for any sign of desperation. She hadn’t really given herself much time to think this through. It was happening fast as hell, actually. Three weeks ago Katya had sent her a mock love poem, stirring absolutely zero in Trixie’s chest beyond annoyance at how she never ever capitalised her sentences. They’d filmed the first episode of the new UNHhhh series shortly afterwards, changing in the same room together under the glaring World of Wonder lightbulbs. The sight of Katya’s bare body as she switched outfits interested Trixie only in how the thick veins on her skinny legs cast spidery shadows as they moved. The blonde had reached over her to grab a foundation, junk tucked into her tight black pants, her dick rubbing slightly against Trixie’s shoulder for just a second. And the barbie-looking queen had only just noticed in time to suppress her revulsion. So why did the thought of Katya now have the power to make her check her phone for the third time in a minute? Jealousy’s a powerful fucking thing. She closed her eyes and tried to picture how she’d looked in the soft morning light. The gold of her eyelashes. The smooth skin of her collarbones tucking under the collar of her black shirt. The dip of her hipbone as she slid her pants down, thumb tucked into the hem. Her sleepy eyes. The sexy way her lips curved. It wasn’t really about jealousy. Trixie reached up unconsciously to run a fingertip over her lips. Imagined it was Katya’s thumb. She kissed it for just a second, and immediately pulled it away with embarrassment. God, where’s this come from? Her phone lit up, and she glanced down almost too quickly.
From: Katya i’ll make it up to you.
Her heart began to pound again as another message flashed up onscreen.
From: Katya we have three hours between landing and the show
From: Katya i’ll wait in arrivals
Oh fuck.
Katya is typing
From: Katya photo shoot?
Sent: Photo shoot??? (seen)
From: Katya trust me
From: Katya i met this guy a few weeks ago
From: Katya he’s soo good. been wanting to work with him. can you bring drag?
Trixie downed the last of her whiskey.
Sent: Why not. See you in arrivals. (seen)
From: Katya 😘
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