cgclarkphoto · 2 years
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crackedshell · 1 year
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A piece I finished a few months ago, but still feel obligated to post even if I hate it lmao
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nationalharryleague · 2 years
I’m asking for the last time for y’all to learn how to spell choking
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mysticmindblog · 1 year
Benefits of Agarwood in Hindi | अगरवुड के चमत्कारिक लाभ - MysticMind
Benefits of Agarwood in Hindi | Health Benefits of Agarwood in Hindi | Uses of Agarwood in Hindi | Benefits of Agarwood Oil in Hindi अगरवुड अर्थात अगर का प्रयोग प्राचीन समय से औषधि के रुप मे भारत में किया जाता है। आजकल इसकी कीमत लाखों में आंकी जाती है। आखिर ऐसा क्या है अगर की लकड़ी में जो आजकल इसकी कीमत सोने से भी ज्यादा है। ना सिर्फ इसकी कीमत बल्कि इसकी बढ़ती हुई डिमांड भी आपको हैरान कर देगी। इस…
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feralcanine · 2 years
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rockfact · 2 years
oh theres a dratini event. again. got it
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ben-her · 2 years
Being interviewed at the head shop: so do i get to pick the incent?
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7h3m4n9l3 · 2 months
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mitzscene ♡
commission info | faq | drawing request info
!do not repost, reblog only!
rockafire Pizza II shirt
billybob, fatz, and dook kandi
showbiz pizza logo pin
looney's tail keychain
earl's skull!!!
her tamagotchis have all lived full lives and only died of old age
fatz isnt unsupportive but he definitely doesnt understand the fashion LOL
beachbear does her hair. she's too scared to do it herself and he knows way more about hair anyways..
she shops at hot topic but customizes her clothes in little ways. she did all that gold threading herself!
likes moral orel. found most of the seasons on DVD from the thrift
she has like 1000 monster high dolls. she wants to get into customizing
always smells like food-themed inscense. usually vanilla birthday cake. where does she even get that?
logs in to moshi monsters rewritten and neopets every day
loooooovvves hatsune miku. LOVES. LOVES!!!!!
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vampire6bux · 4 months
kusuriuri when he puts deadly oleander in the inscense
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golatcxr · 2 years
[100 followers special]
In your eyes [Genshin characters x reader headcanons] featuring Heizou, Cyno, Tighnari, Albedo
“What was it that captivated you? What lied deep beneath your mesmerizing orbs? I wonder and I want to know.”
Genre: Fluff
TW: I have no idea how Genius Invokation TCG is played so sorry in advane if I got the rules wrong TT, reader is a forest ranger in Tighnari’s part, short & unedited
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• You bumped into him when you were strolling around Inazuma city.
• Of course, it was no rare incident that you two met like this.
• You were waving to him, yet Heizou just leaned in and made eye contact with you.
• “There’s something in your eye, let me take it out for you.”
• His fingers got really close to your left eye, but he pinched on nothing as if he was really taking something out.
• “There you go.”
• You were puzzled, obviously, as much as Heizou was grinning at you and twirling his his hair in between his fingers.
• Questionable enough, you asked him what he had “taken” out from your eye.
• He giggled (hsssssss cute)
• “Here it is” he held up that very strand of hair he was holding, smiling nonchalantly. “I saw me in those lovesick eyes of yours.”
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• He dragged you into playing Genius Invokation TCG with him, unsurprisingly.
• Cyno seemed… a little too excited. Too excited from what you’d expected him to be.
• Was he really that confident in winning this time? Or did he learnt some tricks and ready to pull them on you? You had no idea.
• You both sat down on each side of the table as Cyno professionally shuffled the cards.
• He swiped out 5 cards and pushed them to you.
• However, you did not see any character on all of them, but instead a word on every cards in the following order:
• “me”-“with”-“out”-“go”-“Please”
• You unconsiously grinned “oh my god…” you mumbled.
• "Well then, what was in your eyes, (Y/N)?” Cyno threw a victorious smirk at you, the one that he hardly ever showed anyone else.
• You rested your head on your palm. “I saw an idiot in front of me.”
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• It was late night when you heard branches cracking outside.
• Your patrol shift was about to end, but you decided to check anyways.
• At first, you thought it might be some travelers getting lost again or in worse cases, there were fungi invaders - And you hate dealing with those shroomers.
• To your relief, it was just Tighnari inside his tent with an inscense next to him.
• Ah yes, it was also his patrol shift. You thought to yourself and somehow he spotted you.
• Tighnari waved a quick “hi” and patted the spot next to him, signaling you to join.
• “You were staring aimlessly there, anything new that you discovered today?” he asked.
• You shook your head and went about the withering zone you encountered earlier that day. You even showed him the location that you marked on the map.
• Tighnari hummed quietly, though this time, it was him that was staring directly at you.
• “Now it’s my turn to ask what you are staring at.” You giggled.
• “A beauty.” He answered, amused by your oblivion. "A beauty whose eyes are about to close shut to my figure, sleepy head."
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• As far as you were concerned, he was a mysterious man to begin with.
• Yet you couldn’t help it when the companionship between you both turned into something else.
• You had always loved how his eyes looked – similar to the alchemy symbol, tender and calm in the most beautiful way possible.
• Albedo noticed that too, and as much as you loved his eyes, he loved yours.
• He liked discussing matters in a deep, philosophic way. That’s why his compliments could turn into a whole love poem if you wished.
• There were multiple times when you told him what his eyes orbs looked like. Until…
• “You’re an alchemist and that would somehow makes sense when your eyes just resembled it.” You blurted out. “I wonder what my eyes tell?”
• A smile came across his face, he inched closer to your face and gently stroke your cheeks.
• “I saw curiosity, faith and a future with you. They are but the most wonderful things I could ever ask for.”
Author's note: I've been under the weather for a few days now 💀 barely been breathing through my nose when I posted this. But yes, thank you so much for your supports and I hope you enjoy this little gift of mine ❤️🤞✨ Peace.
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iamthecomet · 4 months
Comet. Comet oh my god. I am suddenly struck with images.
An outsider wandering through the Abbey during a mass.
There's no way they wouldn't feel something. And sure, most people would just turn back at the sensation of so much unholy energy gathered all in one place. But there's got to be at least one human who'd be stupid/brave/Satanic enough to go through those heavy, broken wooden doors hanging off their hinges and into the main cathedral, where the memories of dark worship trapped in those ancient stones are so strong they can feel it pressing on their skin. Maybe they're even sensitive enough to hear the faintest whisper of an unholy prayer or a breath of wind that could be an organ if they listen hard enough.
O u g h you've put such thoughts into my head......
Yes!!! YOU GET IT. The air is thick with something. Heavy. Oppressive. There's a cloying smell of inscense on the air. Distant enough to maybe be imagined. And they feel it as soon as they step onto the grounds through the overgrown gate--wedged open enough to squeeze through. But if they walk up the path, toward the ruined building, it will only get worse. Heavier. It's hard to know if it's bad or good, but it's something. Confusing. To some, it feels evil. To others, like a hand beckoning them closer. And yeah, the ones who feel the pull? They'll find themselves in the chapel. Standing in front of a cracked alter. Hearing voices on the wind. Murmured prayers uttered just behind them--in their ear. The phantom notes of an organ, distant, but they swear they can feel the vibration of it under their feet. There is something here. And maybe they never find out what. They go home with a weird story. Their chest tight, disbelief thruming through them. It's a story they'll laugh about later. But some of them absolutely figure it out. They delve deeper. They find the truth.
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wisdomofus · 5 months
Sage Alternatives
So you learned that you shouldn't use sage to cleanse... what now?
I've been practicing for many years now, and here are some of my favorite alternatives that work amazingly well for cleansing!
Lavendar: Great for cleansing and protecting your mind, body, spirit, and heart!
Rosemary: Smells very good and burns well. Aids in protecting you as well as cleansing.
Cinnamon Sticks: You might have to relight it a few times, but it smells amazing and is fantastic for cleansing away negative energy. You can also burn cinnamon sticks as an inscense.
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katzenklavierr · 22 days
They should make cigarette scented inscense so I can smell it without actually smoking
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i-fondued · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 | Day 2 | Ghost - The Ritual, Part 2
A Sister of Sin get a little too curious about the sounds of music one rainy October night and get a little more familiar with Papa Emeritus IV than she was before…
Pairing(s): Papa Emeritus IV/Reader (Sister of Sin), Nameless Ghouls/Nameless Ghouls
Rating: M for Mature (That means sex kiddos)
Warnings: Voyerisum, slight dubious con (no explicit yes), religious undertones, M/M and F/F Scenes
A/N: Okay so part two, idk if I’m going to go any farther with this idea mainly because I HATE writing in this sort of viewpoint. If I do keep going with this pwp I’ll need to swap to another viewpoint ahaha. That being said, I think my ghost obsession is getting to the point that I’m going to end up making all my kinktober posts be ghost cause the next one I started on is also Ghost. Cardinal Copia/Popia has my smutty mind in a chokehold okay imnotsorry
Papa tugs on your hand softly, pulling you to the only empty spot in the room. You situate yourself in between his legs on the floor sofa. Around you are the ghouls that had broken off into couples, seemingly ignoring the presence of the newcomers to the ritual. Faintly you can still hear the storm raging outside but the music is still being played by the ghouls who aren’t actively participating in the debacharary around you. 
There is the smell of the same incense you know that is burned in the main chapel during Sunday night mass, a familiar scent in this very unfamiliar territory. You feel as Papa Emeritus’s hands slide your robe off entirely, leaving you in just your nightgown. 
“Papa…” You moan softly as his hands start to push the straps off your shoulders, you can feel his bare fingers brush against your skin and you wonder when he had time to take his gloves off. 
“Yes, Sister?”
“C-can I touch you?”
He chuckles again, the sound shooting right to the pit of heat in your belly that is growing by the minute. “Yes of course, Sister.”
You look at him over your shoulder for a moment before you turn in his lap, hiking your nightgown to settle at your waist as your legs bracket his hips. You blush furiously at your boldness but you don’t want to lose your nerve now. You lean forward, head tilted slightly and press your lips against his softly. His hand slides up to tangle in the hair right at the base of your neck and you moan as you push forward against him. Your hands cup his face, fingers digging softly into his skin by his jaw. He groans faintly, his free hand settling on the small of your back as he pushes you against him and he grinds against you. 
A shudder runs through you and you gasp; your hips following his push and pull as his lips part slightly and you feel his tongue slip into your mouth, brushing against your own and coaxing you to follow his lead. Your hands slip from his jaw to around his neck, sliding into his hair and tugging slightly. You hear him hiss quietly, hips thrusting up against you again. You can feel the texture of his robes against your thighs and you can tell you’ve soaked your underwear too. You pull back slightly and Papa takes this opportunity to take control, the hand in your hair pulls harder than before and he begins to suck at your exposed neck. Your moan comes out more like a whine as you rock against him. You are getting desperate for any sort of friction, your hips grinding down against him more urgently. 
The smell of inscense and sex is in the air and it seems to heighten your awareness in the dimly lit room. Your eyes take a minute to focus on those around you as Papa’s arms wrap around your waist. The ghouls seem to be egged on by their Papa’s private ritual, a few of the male ghouls are watching you, their dark eyes behind their masks locked on yours and you can feel the flush return to your face as your Papa tugs at the top of your nightgown, exposing your bare breasts. 
“Perfecto.” He mutters to himself, it's the first time you’ve caught him speaking Italian since he transformed from Cardinal Copia to Papa Emeritus IV. You are brought back from your thoughts by his tongue teasing your nipple, the other one isn’t forgotten as he rolls it between the rough pads of his fingers. You moan quietly, arching your back into him. 
His hands wrap around your shoulder and suddenly your position has changed. You are laying on your back, looking up at him as he settles between your legs on his knees. 
“Sister,” He growls slowly, locking eyes with you again. “Do not let the ghouls distract you.”
“Y-yes Papa.”
“Good girl.” He takes the opportunity to remove his outer robes, leaving him in a black blouse with billowing sleeves, vest and skin tight pants. Your eyes can’t help but glance at his hard cock, his trousers leaving next to nothing to the imagination. Your face flushes as your hands slide up his chest, slipping to tangle in the soft locks of hair at the base of his neck. 
You tug him down to you, lips pressed firmly against his seeming allows you to take control of the kiss. His right hand is planted firmly next to your head to keep his full weight off of you while his left wanders from cupping the back of your head to run softly against your curves before sliding between your legs, brushing against your soaked underwear from the outside. Your hips buck against his hand, breaking the kiss slightly to gasp and he locks his eyes with yours. His fingers slip the thin cotton to the side, brushing softly against your wetness. Groaning, your legs open more and Papa pulled away from your lips. His papal paints smeared slightly from your kisses. HIs fingers tease you and you can feel the heat pooling in your belly, your mind feels hazy and you let the pleasure wash over you. 
“Papa please…” You moan, his fingers still against your opening just slightly pushing against you.
“Yes Sister?” He purrs, fingers barely entering you as he grinds himself against your hip.
“I-I…” Unsure of what exactly you want, all you know is you want more. “I need more, please Papa.”
Your face feels like it's on fire, from the arousal or your confession you aren’t quite sure. Papa looks highly amused and pleased with you however; the two fingers he was teasing you with finally slip into you and for a moment you feel relief as the friction seems to soothe the burning deep in your belly. He starts slow, long and languid strokes as he seems to want to memorize the feeling. His thumb brushes against your clit softly for a moment and your hips grind down, your breath coming in pants as your eyes drift close. 
“Look at me, Sister.” Papa growls as his free hand wraps around your jaw and he turns you to look at him, he’s laying next to you now on his side as his fingers slip in and out of you. His leg is tangled with yours and you can feel him grinding against you softly. “I want to see your face when you come.”
Your hand locks around his wrist as he picks up his pace and you can feel your orgasm coming faster every time his thumb presses against you, his fingers curling upwards inside you. Your eyes squeeze shut as he leans over and digs his teeth into your bare shoulder as you come undone, your cunt clenching against his fingers. Your hand flies up, gripping his shirt tight in your fist as he turns your face to look at him. In the low light his white eye looks like it's practically glowing, eyes hot as he locks your gaise and takes the fingers that were just inside of you and licks your juices off of them. 
“Bellissima, Sister.” He murmurs, rolling over you and between your legs again. You feel his cock brush against you again and a bolt of desire slips down your spine. 
“Papa…please.” Sitting up, your hands shake slightly as your fingers start to undo the buttons of his vest. “Please let me…”
He leans back on his thighs and you sit up, pressing your lips to his softly before beginning to trail soft kisses across his jawline, he practically purrs in your hands as you push the vest off his shoulders. He tosses it to the side, his hands caress up and down your arms softly and goosebumps break out on your skin. Your nipples harden slightly, the feeling of his silky blouse against your bare chest causing that now familiar heat to pool in between your legs. 
You press your lips against his neck, feeling his pulse just barely beneath the skin, and you can't help but bite him. He gasps, hands coming to grip your hips as he grinds his pelvis against yours. Emboldened by his reaction, you pull his shirt to the side to expose his shoulder and you bite the taught muscle where his neck meets his shoulder, sucking slightly and letting the tip of your tongue trace the outline of where there will surely be a bruise. His forehead lands on your shoulder and you can hear him let out a shuddering breath, his hands slipping to cup your ass as he pulls you as close as possible.
Your hands slide down his chest, his loosely tied blouse barely staying together as your fingers reach his trousers. Tentatively your fingers softly brush over the very obvious arousal of your Papa and the figurehead of the satanic church does the last thing you would have ever thought. He whimpers.
Your hand presses against him more firmly, stroking him slowly, and he bucks into your hand. One hand is gripping your hip harshly, pinning you against him, the other slides up your bare back and tangles in your hair pulling your lips away from his exposed skin so Papa himself is able to run his tongue against your pulse, groaning against your skin. Your scalp aches slightly but the pain is pleasurable when paired with the filling of this powerful man groping at you. 
He pushes you back and you lay back against the pillows again, his hand quickly unties the laces in his trousers. Your heartbeat ticks up its thunderous rhythm as you watch him tug at his trousers. He slips his cock from the tight confines of the fabric and a part of your brain isn’t quite sure if he’ll fit inside you. He spits in his hand, running up and down his thick length; a moment that would seem so obscene in your old life but surrounded by the sound of not quite human ghouls tangled in the same activity as you and Papa it doesn’t even register. 
“Sister, will you allow me to..?” He drifts off for a moment, suddenly seeming unsure of the movement and you almost have to bite your tongue to prevent an almost hysterical giggle from tumbling from your lips at this moment. 
“Please Papa.”
He doesn’t need much more encouragement than that, almost as quick as lightning he’s on top of you again. He pushes your panties to the side unceremoniously, pulling one of your legs to curl around his hip. He runs the tip up and down your soaked cunt, a shutter running through as he brushes against your clit faintly. Papa pushes just slightly into you and you let out a low hiss, a groan slipping from him as he tries to allow you to adjust to his size. His hand settles on either side of your waist and your right fingers curl around his bicep as he presses further into you, stretching you out more than you had been before. Your nails dig into his skin and he moans, bending down to rest his forehead against yours gently. He kisses you softly, such a 180 from the burning kisses you shared earlier. 
He moves again, this time slipping all the way into you, and you moan deeply as you reach out to pull him down against you. He stills slightly before adjusting for the angle and begins to pull back, slowly and sensually rolling his hips into you. You lift your own to meet him, the wet sound of flesh sinking into flesh practically ringing in your ears. At first his pace is slow, a sensual and slow sort of trance falls over you. 
Whether it's the low light, the incense, or the steady beat of the oddly haunting music you aren’t sure; but you are sure something is causing the slightly dulling of your senses. You can feel the building heat in your belly, the feeling of Papa’s hips grinding against yours as he fucks you slowly and almost lovingly. Your eyes lock with his and its all you can do to keep it together, his white eye drawing you in especially. His fingers tangle with yours and he pulls your hands above your head, his hand wrapping around your wrists with ease as his other hand drifts between your bodies to gently caress your clit. 
You moan, an obscenely loud sound in your ears as he starts to move the pace from a languid roll to a sharper snap of his hips. Your legs wrap around him, pulling him against you to drive into you harder as you can feel your orgasam lingering in the back of your mind. 
“Please what principessa?” He chuckles darkly, his paints running slightly with sweat of his exertion. His hair is sticking to his forehead and you swear you’ll never get the image of this man above you out of your mind. 
“I-I’m going to..!” You start to speak and before you can finish that thought, he pulls entirely out of you and grips your hips. He flips you onto your hands and knees, an indignant squeak spilling from your lips. He knocks your legs apart with his knee before thrusts back into you with a grunt. 
You fall forward, moaning loudly as you fall from your hands to your elbows. Papa’s hand comes to press down on the small of your back, arching your hips up as he pounds into you. His cock hitting a deeper angle than before, he moans deeply and his free hand smacks your ass. You jump slightly at the sting before you feel him caress the pink skin, soothing the pain slightly. His fingers slip between your legs and you grind back against him as he softly runs his finger against your clit. The heat in your belly rolls, threatening to spill over. 
“Ah, Sister.” Papa chuckled, leaning forward to curl on top of your body. He slammed his hips against yours and hit a spot inside you that made your toes curl. “We can’t have you finish just yet…”
His pace picks up again, a brutal fast pace as you writhe against him trying to get any friction you can. Lust clouds your vision and your brain as you feel his hand curl around your throat as he leans over you, his thrusts becoming more erratic. You moan his name as his grip on your neck tightens slightly, your breathing becoming more erratic. He groans as you start to push back against him, meeting each of his thrusts by tilting your hips to deepen his angle. Papa’s hand grips your hip bone tightly, you are positive you’ll have a bruise come morning, he leans over you his teeth digging into the soft flesh where your shoulder and neck meet and you see stars.
“Touch yourself, bellissima.” He groans, the snap of his hips faltering slightly. You can tell he’s close. You hand slides between your bodies and it takes two quick brushes of your fingers against your clit before you come undone.
Your vision falters for a moment, a deep moan coming from your lips incoherently as you rithe against him. A few more short thrusts from Papa and he too swears under his breath, his hands coming to brace himself on either side of your head. Your hand snakes up from under you and your fingers brush softly against his, and your heart skips a beat as your fingers intertwine. You can feel his weight move off of you and you lock eyes with him as he moves to lay next to you. Your heart rate is pounding in your ears, a blush creeping on your cheeks as you take in the disheveled look of your Papa. His paints smudged all over, his hair is ruffled, his clothes are slightly damp with sweat as he lays back against the pillow. Unsure of what to do now you start to sit up, hand slipping from his, and try to find your robe but you feel Papa’s hand catch yours again. An uncharacteristic look is in his mismatched eyes, he suddenly seems unsure of himself. 
“Lay with me?” He asks, his voice soft as he’s barely able to look you in the eyes. Your heart thumps painfully in your chest and a flush spreads across your chest. 
You nod silently and he pulls you down and against him, he pulls you close to his chest and practically curls around you. You can hear how fast his heartbeat is and you can’t help but intertwine your legs with him, his hand rubs soothing circles against your back. Your eyes drift closed, sleep finally coming back to you at the sound of his soft breathing and the rhythmic feeling of his fingers caressing your skin. 
“Sleep, Principessa.” Papa commands softly, he didn’t need to though. You had already drifted off by the time he spoke.
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silentmoths · 2 years
No because..this has been stuck in my head FOR MONTHS. Let me set the scene lol A Reader x Zhongli one-shot.
Reader lives in Liyue and has a job as a package/message/etc delivery person and just either runs around doing their job or maybe uses a vision (I personally think Anemo would work best in this case but whatever you think is best!) and is pretty well known and liked in Liyue. Maybe Reader/Zhongli/both has crush on the other. How did they fall for each other? Would they get into a relationship? Smut?
You honestly have free reign of all the intricate details, I trust you! Your writing is PHENOMENAL!! You’re literally so good!! Thank you!!! :))
forgive me for attempting a different style/layout for this one but I feel like it's a perfect candidate!
Zhongli x Afab (fem pronouns) Reader
Fluff, getting together, lil bit o smut at the end ;)
How you meet:
You're just a humble delivery girl, honestly. Between your Anemo vision allowing you to jump much higher than your average person, and your skills with a wind glider (some call you the gliding champion of Liyue!!) you could get around the harbour far quicker than most, which made time sensitive deliveries your main forte.
You run into Zhongli, almost quite literally, when you'd been tasked at delivering last minute inscense to the funeral parlour. Usually it was the ferrylady you spoke to, but she was away today, and in her place stood a very tall, handsome consultant.
You dust yourself off, straighten out, pray your face isn't too red, and hand him the box of inscense required, he gives you his signature and thanks you deeply for arriving as quickly as you had, apparently the director had made a very rare mistake and had mistaken another batch of inscense for the ones required for a ceremony today.
It was no big deal, you even hand him your business card, lest it happen again, you'd always be around the harbour helping people.
How you keep meeting/ the first date?:
It doesn't exactly escape your notice that the wangsheng director seems to be making a 'mistake' with the stock every few days...how strange.
You'd never met her personally, but from what you'd heard prior, Hu Tao, for as eccentric as she was, always seemed to on top of things.
not like you were complaining, you still got paid...and you still got to see Mr. Zhongli. He was always the one waiting for you these days, smiling that same, sincere, warm smile as you arrive, sometimes on foot, sometimes gliding down from the pavillion, it depended on where you'd had to pick up whatever was required.
One day however, as you arrive, he's also recieving another order, huh, looks like he'd ordered lunch in today. He thanks the other delivery person before turning to you with an even warmer smile than usual.
"Ah, (y/n), I am to assume you're here to deliver the white sage?" "That I am, Mr. Zhongli! perhaps you should have Hu Tao double check her stocks..she seems to be making more mistakes than usual." you giggle, handing the package off to him.
"Perhaps, she's currently out at the moment however...would you care to join me for lunch? wanmin resteraunt's finest."
you cant even begin to stop your mouth from watering.
"O-oh, I shouldn't impose..."
"It's no imposition. I had originally ordered extra for the director, until she ran out shouting something about meeting up with Yanfei, so there is entierly too much for just myself."
Little did you know, this would become the beginning of a weekly ritual, eventually, Zhongli did stop making an excuse about Hu Tao, Insisting that you stop and take a short break with him when you could swing it instead.
one you were all too happy to oblige, spending time with him was a nice reprieve from your usual sprinting about town.
Getting serious:
Surprisingly, it's you who works up the nerve to ask him out on a proper 'date' about three months into your usual weekly lunch breaks with him, a grateful shopkeep had gifted you a pair of tickets to see Ms. YunJin's opera, and you'd taken a guess that it might be right up his alley.
Your guess had been very correct.
Zhongli meets you outside the parlour as you finish up for the day, unfortunately you just didn't have the time to get home and change, not with how busy the day had been.
You're so full of jittery energy as you both make your way to the pavillion, it was an unfortunate side effect of your job, everything was always so time sensitive that it took a while for your adrenaline levels to settle for the day.
Thankfully, Zhongli is there, easily looping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close to his side, his own calm demeanour serving to bring you down a little faster...that and it was just kind of nice to be held.
your penchant for kind touch does not go unnoticed, and you find atleast one of your hands held gently with his own the entire night. He explains the nuances of opera that you'd never quite understood, and you find yourself smitten just listening to him talk, you could listen to him speak on the most mundane subjects and you'd still be enamoured.
He insists on walking you home after the show, it was dark out and he didn't want you running into any trouble. By now your own internal clock was screaming that it was time for bed, you were exhausted, and it was friday, which meant you finally got a couple of days off to rest properly.
Zhongli is, of course, a gentleman. Walks you to your door and waits with you until you can fish your key out and unlock it. You ask if he'd like to come in for some tea, but he declines, insisting you look exhausted, and that he did not wish to keep you awake much longer.
He doesnt pull away when you turn and, on your tip-toes, press a kiss to his lips and thank him for the night, that you hope you could both do this kind of thing again sometime.
Your kiss is returned with a soft, affectionate exhale and a promise.
Getting down n' dirty:
You weren't exactly sure what to expect when you first have sex with him. Honestly in your mind he could have gone either way, either a total gentleman, or an absolutely depraved, kinky creature.
Turns out? he's right down the middle.
He likes watching you squirm as he pleasures you, but despite the smirk and the mean glare, he's also murmuring praise and calling you beautiful, telling you how well you're doing for him.
he tells you to relax, easier said than done when his fingers are doing sinful things to your insides.
you can tell, by the way he snaps his hips as he thrusts into you, that he wants to go faster, to go harder, but he wont, not until you tell him to.
He was simultaniously all over you, engulfing and controlling in the best ways, but also attentive, aware of you and your desires and your pleasure.
It's just a good thing you were secretly a kinky depraved creature yourself, who has no problem begging him to go harder, faster, to leave his marks and to ruin you.
You wake the next morning to a home cooked breakfast, a cup of tea, some painkillers and Zhongli, still apparently basking in the afterglow of the night before, and more than happy to put you back together.
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