#insert more generic tags ye
Open letter to the Avatar (TWOW) fandom:
Hello! Media literacy is free, please utilize it.
Thank you!
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obituarybug · 4 months
Hate when I read an AU fanfiction and it's like. This is just your OC you just added a character's name to it
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itsjustpoopeh · 11 months
is there a limit on blocks like there is on tag filters? because these x reader writers who can't fucking tag their shit are going to put me over the top if there is
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damazcuz · 2 years
One more question(for now) why do people on tumblr use tags to talk #like this #about whatever they think of the post, instead of just commenting on the reblog😭 Is there an etiquette I'm missing?
short answer: yes.
long answer, there is an etiquette to it, and I think it's a longstanding thing that just ended up ingrained in a lot of users, which comes off as cold/shy/outlandish or maybe even standoffish to people from other sites and apps. there's no be-all end-all of how to act online or on here but i think in terms of most* people (*speaking broadly, making this up) who've used tumblr for a while it feels like this:
tumblr is a theater, the dashboard is a stage, each post is a performance. (a joke, a dramatic act, a story, a movie, a picture, etc.) you have a variety of ways to interact with the performance, but some of them are going to be more frowned upon--based purely on how the long standing visitors of the theater are used to acting, honestly.
likes are a polite applause, but they don't show anyone outside of the theater that you enjoyed yourself, or what you enjoyed. the performer appreciates the applause but does not garner any new viewers when you only like a post, btw.
silent reblogs mean you exit the theater with merch or a leaflet and go show it to other people. look what i saw on the stage, don't you want to see it too. this shows the performance to a new variety of viewers, who might then also show it to others.
replies and reblogs with content are often seen as """"rude"""" because they're like standing up at the end of the performance and loudly saying "that was okay but I think MY take on things makes it just a BIT better." people are more forgiving of this when it's something universally true or acceptable, or when it's very funny. if it's not (and even if it is, sometimes,) there'll potentially be a reblog down the line making fun of it (and this is another person in the theater standing up and making a fart noise, regardless of how tasteless or rude.) it's never actually "wrong" to add comments on a reblog unless you're being intentionally hurtful, and it's normal to add commentary to a friend's post, but even then, people seeing this from the outside may see that as obnoxious and impolite and try to call you on it anyway. (people are very weird about enforcing what they see as a universal rule of etiquette, when this is admittedly the only site where you'll be punished for adding to the discussion.)
and again, this is an absolutely arbitrary rule because what one person finds universally true and hilarious, another will find trite and stupid and too niche. the polite thing to do in the case of the latter is just reblog from further up the chain than the commenter, but people aren't always nice when they're annoyed.
getting to your actual question now, comments in the tags are a way to leave remarks that you DON'T want to shout to the whole theater. these are you whispering to yourself or your friend, or writing in a guestbook on the way out. people can see/hear it if they go looking for it, but you're not shouting over the performance to get your piece out. it's polite because it's unobstructive and doesn't take up space, and if your tags don't make sense to someone else or seem too niche, they don't have to share the post with your commentary attached.
adjacent to this, "peer review" or screenshotting someone's tags to insert them in the post is like if you did whisper to your friend, then your friend wrote your comments on a whiteboard and held it up for others to see. as this is a form of commentary within the reblog, it's again subject to an arbitrary universal/niche rule. just because a tag gets peer reviewed doesn't mean it's beyond reproach by strangers.
also in line with this general line of thought experiment, blazing a post means that between acts, you run up on the stage and start shouting your piece. it is, once again, going to be more acceptable to strangers to see you do this if it's something universally funny, true, or cute. this is why niche fandom posts, vent posts, and self promotions get ignored or booed down, while pet birthday photos and silly jokes get blazed and get a lot of notes regardless.
lastly, a kungpowpenis is when twelve+ individuals from the audience get up and beat the shit out of the person performing on stage and leave their corpse on display in the town square.
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muwapsturniolo · 5 months
✯Nick with a black girl bestie✯
-y’all the dynamic duo, terror twins if you wanna keep it real
-his sass with your attitude? Oh yeah people don’t fuck with yall😭
-“ion know why she was looking at me like that, like I won’t say sum to her.” -insert stank face-
-“don’t fight! but no like girl be so serious”
-hypes you up when you get a new hairstyle
-“ok blonde 360 lace bust down”
-“Nick this is black?”
-if its braids he gets confused.
“Omg I love your box braids!”
“Nick these are Fulani braids…”
“Ok there’s too fucking many take the compliment or leave it”
-if you get your nails done he’s right there
-matching bestie sets!
-Matt and Chris try to gang up on him and you right there defending him!
“Hes literally in the wrong y/n!”
-“ion care! Him and I will talk about that later, but for now imma defend him!”
-laughs at your breakdowns over your hair
-he definitely convinces you to put a wig on him
-you go to pride with him and you pop out with a rainbow wig.
-“not you being rainbow dash”
-“that’s a cool ass pony so fuck you!”
-bans you from flirting with his brothers
-“that’s literally so gross. No.”
-loves to eat your cooking
-“Can you make the breakfast mashed potatoes?”
-“breakfast mashed pota-NIGGA YOU MEAN GRITS!?”
-“ignoring that word but yes.”
-When he meets your family for the first time you have to warn him about their mouths.
-your cousin/sibling “so like….you be doing butt stuff for real?”
-“do you do the bending or you getting bent?”
-let’s just say he left your home with more ride or dies (let’s be real, the loud cousins who lowkey bully people would love him and fight if anybody messed with him)
i dont really like nicks but i feel like its accurate to a certain point.
@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @iloveurgf @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @that-general-simp
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
The fact that she puts on a show about being “moderate” just makes me hate and distrust her more. She’s never going to cross all the way over, so what’s the point? I know it’s important to cooperate with people at whatever middle ground you can find, but it feels degrading to have to reach this far.
The thing I think a lot of the bitching in my replies is missing is that the bad part here isn't opposing her bid for the Board. That's entirely justified.
The bad part is:
Thinking this must be a conspiracy that involves other Republicans
Thinking it's wrong for OTW to allow her to run
Thinking it's impossible that she's also being harassed in addition to being rightly grilled about how her political stances do or don't line up with OTW's
Thinking that she has no place in general OTW work that's not the Board
Thinking that Republicans or conservatives or [insert group here] don't also like fanfic and don't also care about archiving it
We don't have to cooperate by actually putting a Republican on the Board. Fuck that. Nobody thought she was a good candidate.
What we do need to do is stop being mega assholes in a way that will scare people away from even running. This reaction is not going to put off only conservative candidates. "You shouldn't vote for her because she's a Republican. [link to evidence]" is totally fine, but the reactions have gone far beyond that.
What we do need to do is welcome people who are willing to show up and do the low level grunt work. We don't need to like someone's politics to let them do all the boring tag wrangling or the grueling hours of translation.
There are large parts of OTW that are less like public office and more like organizing people to pick up trash around the neighborhood. If you're here to pick up trash with me, I don't care if you have stupid views as long as you do the work and treat the other volunteers well.
Yes, absolutely, vote to keep conservatives out of leadership positions! But the reactions this election cycle haven't only been that: they've been naive incredulity that any conservative could possibly share any common goals or be useful in any context to any fandom endeavor.
These are dangerous and stupid attitudes.
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newbie-whovian · 5 months
I feel like there’s just not enough on the app.
could be just like cute adventures, two time lords chatting, idk you decide <3
(so sorry for the wait! This was super fun to write, thanks so much for the ask 👌)
A Madman In A Box
Rating: G
Pairing(s): 10th Doctor & Time Lord!Reader
Tags/TW: Time Lord reader, reader is gender neutral
The Doctor was unlike any Time Lord you'd ever met.
For one, he seemed to have no idea what he was doing at any given moment. He leapt headfirst into danger, and almost seemed to relish in leaving an impact. The two of you had travelled to hundreds of different star systems, and it seemed to be his mission to leave each place a little better off than when you'd arrived.
It was baffling, but as you spent more time travelling space and time in his antiquated Type 40 TARDIS, you began to realize that this lifestyle fit you more than a life on Gallifrey ever would.
Today, the Doctor was taking a bit of a break. Instead of scouting for a new adventure to insert himself into, he was camped out in the console room, lying on his back and taking apart... Something.
"What are you doing?" you asked, sitting in one of the jump seats. You tended to hover whenever the Doctor began... Tinkering - once he'd tried to correct the chameleon circuit and nearly ejected the entire console room into space.
He sat up, promptly knocking his head against the bottom of the console. "General maintenance," he muttered as he rubbed the forming knot on his forehead, "Have to make sure the old girl is in tip top shape."
You smothered a snort. "I think the 'old girl' was out of commission before either of us were even born," you said, and he answered you with a huff.
"It's not like they had the newest model just sitting empty in a museum," he said. The TARDIS gave an indignant hum and he patted the central column, saying, "Besides, she's the best machine I've ever operated."
You raised your eyebrows and nodded, crossing one leg over the other and reclining in your chair.
After a moment, you asked, "Why did you do it? I mean, you hardly passed your exams, whatever made you think to go off on your own?"
He paused. "I just hated being there. My first face had never liked being cooped up on that dust ball-"
"Your first face?" you interrupted, "I never heard that bit. You left before you had even regenerated, even once?"
He nodded, saying, "I don't know what it was back then, maybe I was going stir-crazy, maybe I saw the writing on the wall and decided to try and avoid it on my own, I don't know. But I left, and I'm better off for it."
A question arose in your mind and you quickly shoved it back down. The Time War was a topic that - the two of you had agreed - was best left alone, and you respected that. It was an open wound in the universe, and you'd never seen it more plainly than in your best friend.
"What do you have in mind for the next trip?" you asked, and his face lit up.
He stood up from the floor and tugged one of the view screens over to where you could see, flipping a switch and displaying a star chart. "So, you know the forest of Pitinia?"
"The bird sanctuary?"
"Yes. Well, in the next system over, the same people have built the biggest aquarium in the universe."
You sat up in your chair, a smile dancing across your face. "Have you got ginger beer somewhere?"
He met your gaze with a wide smile. "You read my mind."
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awkward-tension-art · 29 days
Darkness on Umbara Chp.3 (Rex x Reader)
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Chapter 2. Chapter 4.
Marching on
cw: Rex x Reader, Reader is a medic, incorrect military procedure, graphic descriptions of injuries, blood, swearing, death and battle, Spoilers for the Umbara Arc, Pong Krell is an asshole, reader insert, Reader gets yelled at, reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), if i miss a tag LMK
Minors DNI, even if theres no smut
“Quicken that pace battalion, this isn't some training course on Kamino!” 
If you had to hear one more fucking command from Krell, you may just inject him with all the painkillers in your pack.
It’s been almost 4 hours of his self-importance. You were patient, but by all the gods in existence you weren’t sure how much more you could take.
Fives scoffed next to you, “The uh…new General has a way with words.” His tone was directed at Rex, who had wanted you at the front of the march with him. 
His reasoning for such a formation? ‘Keep an eye on the supplies’. In reality? ‘to protect you.’
The clone captain looked to the ARC trooper, “He's just trying to keep us on schedule.”
“By raising everyone’s ire?” You leaned forward slightly to look over at your lover. You didn’t mean to give him any grief, but it was a good question. Just what was Krell hoping to achieve by annoying everyone?
“Either way he's in charge, and we got a job to do.” Rex responded taking your question in stride, “Treat him with respect and we'll all get along fine.”
You sighed, “As long as that respect is mutual.”
“You know we don’t always get that luxury.” The captain looked at you. You could practically feel his disapproving gaze through his visor.
You backed down, not wanting to stress him out any more than he already was, “I know…I know…just…” With another sigh, you gave him a soft smile, “Just want to keep you and everyone else safe.”
“Especially me?” Fives chimed in, a smirk clear in his voice. 
You snorted, “Yes Fives, especially you.”
Rex let out a soft laugh, “That’s enough chatter. We need to focus.” 
“Speaking of.” The ARC trooper nudged the captain and pointed upward, “Do you see that?”
In the distance, two glowing…beasts were flying directly towards your battalion. They had impressive speed as they descended quickly. Their bodies were triangular, with bioluminescent under bellies and spiked tails.
“Yea, ready your weapons!” Rex commanded, pulling his pistols. The other troopers followed his lead. The barrage of blaster fire began as soon as one of them swooped, yanking an ARF trooper, Jock, from his AT-RT. It turned sharply and let go, slamming the clone downward into the ground.
You heard the crack through the blasters.
The second dove and grabbed a trooper behind you. He cried out in pain and fear as it flew upward again, taking him from the ground. The shots continued and you got up from the speeder to tend to the down ARF trooper. 
You didn’t make it far, as the first glowing beast made a second swoop aiming for you. Jesse, to his credit, did a wonderful job of protecting you by tackling you to the ground for the second time in a rotation, “Oh no you don’t!” He growled, aiming his gun upward and firing. 
The bioluminescent creature dodged every shot and made another turn, lifting upward to make another pass. 
“Thanks, second time you saved me.” You nodded to him, getting up and rushing to Jock. His leg was broken, fibula stabbing through broken plastoid. Immediately you administered painkillers. This poor man was probably in agony.
Krell had quickly disposed of the second. The Jedi had leapt upward and ripped the beast's claws open, dropping the other trooper. His size and weight worked to the advantage as the animal couldn’t lift. 
The two of them hit the ground where the besalisk stabbed both his lightsabers through its torso. It died with a high pitched screech before Krell sliced the last one as it tried to swoop, bringing it down as well. 
Rex and Fives kept their guns pointed at the beast, but the new General shouted, “anyone else want to stop and play with the animals!?” He punctuated his point by driving his foot down on the creature's body. It jerked before going still, “Didn’t think so. Now keep moving!”
You huffed, turning back to the soldier, “I got you.” Your voice was kind and soft, “I’m not going anywhere, OK?”
He nodded, gloved hands trembling and gripping his thigh. Even with the painkillers, you knew he must’ve been feeling like absolute hell. 
“Jesse,” You looked up at the senior trooper, “Can you get the speeder please?” The soldier needed surgery, but you couldn’t do it here. Not in the open. 
He saluted and quickly stepped away. 
“How bad?” Kix asked, pulling off his pack and kneeling next to you. He remained calm, despite the earlier excitement, “Damn, Jock. Don’t worry. We got you.”
“We are moving!” Krell shouted somewhere behind you. 
“Give us a few minutes!” you snapped, not looking up as you worked. “Help me stabilize the leg, I can't fix it here.”
“We have bacta and medication to deal with any infections later.” the medic beside you nodded, “Get a splint in place.”
“North, take his AT-RT,” You heard Fives’ command the ARF trooper you treated earlier. As soon as the ARC troopers words were spoken, North had gotten up from the stretcher as Jesse approached with the speeder. While you would have preferred him to rest, that currently wasn’t an option. Thankfully, he was at least conscious enough to operate a vehicle. 
Plus, leaving behind a perfectly functional and even devastating weapon in the hands of the enemy was a very bad idea.
Jock was trembling. Pain and shock from staring at his broken leg most likely. Even hardened soldiers would panic at the sight of one of their bones stabbing outside of their body, “Hey Jock, don’t worry. We got you, ok?” You shifted slightly, lowering your face so he’d pay attention to you and not his wound.
“Can you not fucking see-!” a heavy hand yanked you back and to your feet. You stumbled, but kept upright. 
Krell was glaring at you, a fire of wrath in his eyes,“I told you, we. are. Moving! Do not ignore a direct order!” 
Now it was your turn to be enraged, “Respectfully, General, my priority is to the wellbeing of this army. It is my duty as a field doctor to help them when they’re injured. Surely as a jedi you understand the importance of duty.” You kept your eyes on him, refusing to look away. 
Arguing with your General normally wasn’t an option. However, in your training it was emphasized that your rank as a medic held special privileges, such as ignoring orders that may inhibit you from caring for the wounded.
But something told you that the Jedi in front of you didn’t really care.
You didn’t see how Hardcase held Rexs’ arm, doing his best to keep the captain from making a grave mistake. He was normally able to think clearly and not let his emotions dictate his decisions. Unless it came to you. The one he loved so dearly.
The new General huffed and straightened his back, “You have 60 seconds to get him stabilized and loaded on to the stretcher,” He clasped his arms behind him again and began to walk to the front, he turned his head back at you, “Next time, I will not stand for such insubordination, because it is my duty to lead these troops so the Republic can take the capital of this planet.” 
You swallowed and saluted, turning back to Jock. With the help of Kix and Jesse, the injured trooper was situated on the stretcher. You gave him another dose of painkillers and let him drift off to sleep. 
“You can tell the General we had 20 seconds to spare.” You grumbled to Fives, getting back on your speeder. Within minutes a formation was established again. Your pace was with the men, staying behind Rex, Fives and Krell. 
“Are you ok?” Kix asked as he walked next to you. 
“Yes.” You rubbed your face in your hand, ignoring the small sting of the blaster burn to your cheek. You still hadn’t dealt with it yet. 
Your medic friend patted your back in sympathy. He shared your frustrations. 
Anakin would never have pulled you away from tending to the injured. He would have knelt down and helped you, or had his lightsabers ready to protect you. His padawan would have done the same, perhaps even go after whoever injured the trooper to begin with. 
But Anakin wasn’t here. Neither was Ahsoka. Instead, you were stuck with Pong fucking Krell. 
About an hour later Rex had slowed his pace to walk next to you, “Mesh’la.” He spoke softly, making sure no one else could hear, “You haven’t dealt with the cut on your cheek.” 
Oh. Right, you keep forgetting about it. 
“It’s alright.” You gave him a small smile, “the men are going to need all the bacta they can get. A tiny scratch like this doesn’t matter.” 
He remained silent for a moment before shaking his head, “Please be careful, the men need you.” His words hid the true meaning, from everyone except you. 
I need you. 
“I am, Captain.” You answered, “You just promise me you’ll stay alive to lead us.” 
Please don’t become one of the injured I have to treat. 
“I promise.” His hand twitched. He wanted so badly to cup your injured cheek and kiss it better. But not right now. Not around others. Not in such a hostile place.
“Captain Rex.” Your voice became quieter, “Ner kar’ta.” 
“Ner narser.” He whispered back before straightening up. Your lover became the captain again, needing to focus on the mission at hand. Still, to hide your relationship, he spoke slightly louder, letting others hear, “you can’t disobey orders again, understood?” 
You nodded, “yes, Captain. It won’t happen again,” Subtly, you gave him a smile. 
He returned to his position closer to Krell after that. However, occasionally he’d cast a quick glance back at you. 
After about an hour, you heard some whispered chatter behind you. Looking back, you noticed a trooper, Oz, leaning against Tup and limping. You gave him a look of confusion and slowed the speeder to get next to them.
“It's nothing to worry about, Doc.” Oz informed you, “Just…probably twisted my ankle when that beast dropped me.” It was a clear lie. From your perspective it looked more like something had fractured in his knee.
Your gaze drifted to Jock, soundly knocked out on the stretcher. Why are so many soldiers getting leg injuries? 
“Regardless, we can’t know the true extent unless I get a proper look.” your gaze drifted to Krell. The bastard would flip out if he knew you stopped again. Still, Oz needed to get off that leg, “Take the speeder.”
“You’ve used one right? It's easy.” You slipped off of the vehicle and pushed it along before Oz or anyone could argue, “Take it, at least to rest the ankle.” 
He paused but Tup pulled him slightly, “Come on, doctor's orders.” 
Without much more fuss, the injured trooper did as you directed. He sat down and let out a small sigh of relief, “Thank you.” clearly he hid his pain behind soldier bravado.
You nodded, deciding to walk next to Tup for now. Your eyes went to North, making sure he seemed alert and aware. For now, the ARF trooper was recovering from his wounds well, getting some weight off your shoulders. Still, everyone needed a breather. It's been about five hours since they started marching and while clones had stellar endurance, they would need a break at some point.
You kept your eyes ahead, focusing on the backs of those in front of you. It was a few hours later when your thoughts were interrupted.
“Are you ok, Doc?” Tup asked you quietly. 
You couldn’t hide the irritation in your voice, “You are the second person to ask me that within the last few hours. Do I not look ok?” He seemed startled at your response and you honestly felt bad. Poor Tup was barely a shiny, so you sighed and nodded, “Just thinking, Tup. I'm alright.” 
Before he could respond, Hardcase draped his arm over your shoulder, “Hey Doc, I got a cut on my lip. Can you kiss it to make it better?”
You snorted, repressing your laugh. Sometimes the soldiers would flirt and joke, all in good fun. Hardcase was especially friendly, knowing went to chime in to lift the mood. Honestly, you appreciated it. 
Tup looked downright offended on your behalf, “Hardcase!” 
Jesse looked back from his position. Even under the helmet you knew he was looking confused. 
“Whatever happens next, I am not a part of it.” you responded with a shrug, looking ahead. 
“See? The doc doesn’t care, ease up.” Now the hyperactive trooper moved on to leaning against Tup. the two bickered quietly as you continued to walk. However, over time their voices died down.
It was around the 12th hour when you realized the silence was from exhaustion. Everyone, including you, was barely hanging on by a thread. The clone endurance you praised earlier had finally hit its limit.
“Kix,” You stepped up next to him, “Tell Captain Rex that we need a break.” your voice was a hushed whisper. You feared if Krell heard you make the request, he’d push the men even harder out of spite. 
The medic agreed with you and sped up his pace to speak to Rex. You, however, fell back next to the medical speeder and checked on the injured. Oz had been doing a good job at controlling the thing, though you could tell his leg was still bothering him. Jock was still out cold, you and Kix periodically checked to make sure he didn’t wake up in agony. North remained coherent and aware as well, he piloted the AT-RT as if he had never been injured, indicating the bacta you’d given him was working well. 
Your observations came to a halt as Krell’s voice pierced the air, “CT-7567 are you reading me?”
“Excuse me, sir?” Your secret lover sounded as confused as everyone was feeling. 
The jedi continued, “I ask you a question, CT-7567 do you understand the need to adhere to my strategy?” Blessedly, he stopped to continue to yell at Rex. Despite how you felt at your lover being targeted so viciously, at least the men had something of a breather. And Rex was a man, he could take an angry General. 
The clone captain shook his head, trying to reason, “Sir, the terrain is extremely hostile, despite the difficulty of the conditions the battalion is making good time. These men just need a little break.” It was a desperate attempt to get some kind of humanity out of the besalisk. 
The General practically snarled and continued his verbal assault, “Captain, do I need to remind you of this battalion’s strategic mission in conquering this planet?” He motioned over all the soldiers behind him, “Look back, see those platoons? Their mission is to take this city and take it swiftly, time and rest are luxuries the Republic cannot afford!” Krell didn’t give up just yet, leaning forward an inch away from the captain's face, “The other battalions are counting on our support, if we fail everyone fails. Do you understand this? Does everyone understand this?!” His yelling was now directed at everyone around him. His critical gaze roamed over the battalion practically challenging anyone to speak up.
When there was only silence, he scoffed and turned, continuing his steps, “Now move on!”
Rex’s shoulders slumped slightly, but quickly, he returned to his stiff and professional posture. With a glance back and a nod, the 501st began to march again.
You shared a look with Hardcase and continued. It was going to be another long few hours of exhausted silence before you stopped again.
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Even more Hobie x reader hc’s!!
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A/N Just SFW for now bc I have NO ideas for smut currently 😭
I might post some later tho <3
As always I write these for anyone to insert, so non-gendered terms are used (:
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* I am SICK AND TIRED of you guys hcing him as a dirty troll. just bc he’s a punk does not mean he doesn’t have fucking hygiene skills. Yes ofc he’s Spider-Man so he doesn’t have a lot of free time but it’s not like he goes a month without showering
* I feel like most of the time he smells like old cologne (probably something with musk, oak, or vanilla) and weed
* I’m also tired of you guys hcing him as a toxic asshole (bro LITERALLY helped miles without even knowing him, and how already homies within like the first 10 minutes of meeting)
* With that said you already know he’d be the most caring and attentive partner
* He definitely has a note on his phone of things you like, are passionate about, and mentioned wanting. It just keeps growing bc he wants to keep track of everything you love 😭
* Anytime he gives you a gift he hand makes it (or alternatively gets it from a small business) he says it feels more meaningful and personal
* I think his love languages are acts of service and physical touch
* This man is obsessed with showing you off to EVERYONEEE. He would definitely pull you onstage during one of his concerts just to be like “hey everyone this is my S/O”
* He would love walking around with his hand in your back pocket, or yours In his
* He’s a crow, 100% picks up random stuff off of the sidewalk that caught his eye and gives it to you
* kind of a huge klepto He does not hesitate shoplifting from big corporations when he sees something he knows you’d like
* Although he would never EVER steal from a small business
* Just imagine he comes home and gives you a shirt for a band you like and you see the security tag is still on 😭 and he’s like “what 🤨”
* Definitely a “hmm?” “Oh yeah?” “Is that so?” “Make me” type of guy (SCREAMING)
* He’s such a tease, and just a brat in general. Just imagine your fed up and ask him to do something and he pulls the “yes ma’am/sir” move
* He’s the type of help bust you out of a holding cell/help you run from the police (he’s your partner in crime I’ll die on this hill)
* He love starting harmless beef with people online for no reason, specifically getting into fights with kids on ROBLOX just to see them get mad
* Man has like 1029292 emails to make new accounts bc he’s gotten banned from doing this so many times 😭
* He loves playing video games with you. especially if your playing something like cod or a racing game he would aggressively wiggle your controls to mess you up and act like nothing happened
* Ok ok hear me out, he doesn’t believe in games or things having an age limit, so he would play those 2 player ROBLOX obbys with you. He also LOVES playing horror games with you, you guys always yell at eachother over who has to go in front tho
* Y’all can communicate without even speaking ISTG
* He discreetly nudges your shoulder during a meeting and side eyes someone in the room, translates to “you see this shit??” Glancing towards the door then at you “let’s ditch this” peeking over someone’s shoulder and making eye contact with you while he’s talking to someone “HELP ME.” Or alternatively “is this bitch FR??”
* He has the mouth of a sailor, has taught mayday multiple cus words and acts like nothing happened
* He LOVES kids, absolutely loves them, he would be such an amazing parent
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* This might be an unpopular opinion but I don’t think he would give a shit what race/gender you are, he loves you for YOU and doesn’t care what color you are or what’s in-between your legs (in short he’s bisexual and doesn’t give a shit about whatever you are, he’s here for your personality)
* I think his favorite flavor of juice would be cranberry, but like the rlly tart cranberry juice
* Height thing’s but not because your short, just bc he’s freakishly tall
* As a fandom we’ve already established he does the thing where your cooking, or minding your own business, and he hugs you from behind and puts his chin on your head/shoulder
* I don’t think he has a “type” per say, but I feel like he’d prefer people who are also in any sort of alternative culture (punk, goth, emo, alt, and I dare say earthy/fairy TO AN EXTENT counts for that)
* I am biased because you can’t tell me this man wouldn’t fuck with a goth bitch, or just another punk (his WEAKNESS is punk girls)
* He loves doing makeup for you, especially eyeliner because that gives him and excuse to get you to sit in his lap
* If you don’t already play guitar, he would defiantly teach you by sitting behind you with his head on your shoulder to show you the right cords
* And he’s definitely gonna be praising tf outta you “good job” “yeah, you got it love” “mhm just like that”
* He also loves doing your hair/helping you do/cut your hair, no matter what texture it is
* I feel like before he settled in punk he went through an emo phase in middle school, and HATES his pictures from that era, like he would tackle someone to get it away if they found any trace of it
* He probably had some fuck ass fake piercings because his parents wouldn’t let him get real ones, and crusty eyeliner in his 7Th grade school photo
* I think his first face piercing was a nose piercing he got done in the school bathrooms in 10th grade by some girl with a safety pin
* It 100% got hella infected and he got so grounded for that
* He puts you first in almost every situation, like it he’s in the middle of a mission with another spider, and you text him, it will be like that scene with miles fighting the spot because he will text you back no matter WHAT
* I’m not sure about this one but I think his world is set in the early 70s (when punk fashion started getting more popular) so when he first came to HQ and saw all of this new text he was amazed and confused as hell
* It took him like a week to figure out most of that shit at HQ
* Most people don’t know he lives on a house houseboat, but I absolutely love that.
* Shit constantly falls off of his shelves from the waves but he couldn’t give 2 fucks about it
* he hates being called “Hobart” if you call him that he’ll either not respond, or know that your PISSED and shits about to go down
* he’s definitely pansexual or bisexual, like I said he loves pussy and dick equally, I feel like also hes either a transman, or AMAB and gender-fluid. Either way there’s no way he’s a cis man, he ATLEAST is he/they
* if he is a transman he would get top surgery but I don’t think he would get bottom surgery, he loves his man-pussy and he thinks if your too brainwashed by society’s gender norms then fuck you
* I think he would also get vines or mushrooms, or like barbed wire tattooed near his top scars
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Alright that’s everything I have for today! If you have any ideas please don’t hesitate to comment or to hit up my asks! I have a few asks I’m currently working on but I also have a bigger original story I’m writing so I’ve kinda been in writers block
If you want to be apart of my tag list don’t hesitate to ask (:
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lindwurmkai · 7 months
hey, have you heard that pillowfort has ✨ drafts ✨ now? (as in, the ability to save your posts as drafts.) they're still working on the queue feature (update: it's done!), but drafts are a big step forward!
in case you missed it so far, pillowfort is like a cross between tumblr and dreamwidth/livejournal, with a simplified dashboard reminiscent of old school tumblr and some classic livejournal features such as communities, threaded comments, and the ability to make individual posts followers-only or mutuals-only.
what are communities? basically, central hubs for posts about any subject you want that, unlike hashtags, can be moderated. they may have rules, such as "[subject matter] must be tagged" for example. you can post directly to a community or reblog existing posts to it!
since the site is currently experiencing some financial trouble, i thought i'd help out by spreading the word once again.
edit: the fundraiser was a success! crisis averted! i knew we could do it :D
why you should give pillowfort a chance:
no ads
no venture capitalist funding
no spying on the users
completely free to use except for optional premium features
nsfw is allowed except for sexual depictions of minors. if you're unsure what exactly that means, their tos may help
communities and the privacy controls mentioned above are excellent features
great community, low drama compared to other websites (so far)
the site's features themselves encourage genuine connection and good-faith conversation over endless "discourse"
every blog can automatically be filtered by original posts only or reblogs only
reasons not to join:
if you enjoy algorithmic social media. there is no algorithm at all
if you want to post or look at machine-generated art. they're still finalising the wording and personally i hope some exception will be made for models trained on ethically sourced images, but basically an anti-AI rule is in the works (update: finished!)
if you cannot live without reblog additions (reblogging with comment). all discussions on a pillowfort post take place in the comments section, and only your own followers see your tags. this has its pros and cons for sure! a similar feature to scratch that itch may be implemented in the future, but it will never be exactly like on tumblr.
if you need everything to be an app. the website works fine in a mobile browser and a progressive web app will hopefully be released soon (basically it's like an app in your browser and on mobile these can be added to the homescreen like real apps i think? they have push notifications!), but there's not going to be a native app available through official app stores due to the restrictions of those stores.
other factors to consider:
yes, the userbase is still small. depending on your interests, activity may be very slow. but we can change that! and on the plus side, reblogging your post to a community is a good way to easily get more eyes on it; way more effective than simply adding tags imo
the site culture is a bit different than on tumblr. many people read everything that's been posted since the last time they were online and don't follow more users/communities than they can keep up with. it's still somewhat lacking in shitposts and heavy on "essays" but don't be afraid to post whatever 😅
there are no blog themes like we have them on tumblr as yet, but you can customise your blog's colours and use html/insert links and images in your blog description
likes literally do nothing except to let OP know you enjoyed their post. you can't look at a list of all your likes. beware!
the staff is small and development is slow. some highly anticipated planned features other than the aforementioned queue include: - multi-account management - dashboard filters/reading lists - post bookmarking (since likes don't work that way) but we don't know how soon any of those will be implemented.
there is a user-developed browser extension (well, a userscript) called tassel available that adds additional features much like tumblr's beloved xkit :)
✨ okay, so how do i sign up? ✨
if you're interested but confused by the sign-up process or still under the impression that you need to pay to sign up (false), i'll put some clarifications and invite codes under the read more below. plus a note on donating, premium features, the paypal issue etc.
in a nutshell:
it's free
signing up without an invite code is possible, but you may have to wait a short while - supposedly less than an hour atm. just submit your email to the waitlist
if you don't feel like waiting, you can either use an invite code from an existing user or pay $5 to sign up instantly
every user gets plenty of invite codes and we're all willing to hand them out at the drop of a hat. they're really not hard to come by
some invites to get you started (just click the link):
invite 1 ▪ invite 2 ▪ invite 3 ▪ invite 4 ▪ invite 5
invite 6 ▪ invite 7 ▪ invite 8 ▪ invite 9 ▪ invite 10
invite 11 ▪ invite 12 ▪ invite 13 ▪ invite 14 ▪ invite 15
invite 16 ▪ invite 17 ▪ invite 18 ▪ invite 19 ▪ invite 20
i'll try to periodically check if any have been used and cross those out.
...paypal issue?
ok so paypal doesn't like working with sites that allow nsfw. as a result, you need a credit card in order to donate to pillowfort, buy one of those insta-registration keys, or subscribe to premium features*. i personally happen to have a credit card and would be willing to help out anyone who trusts me enough to send the money to me via paypal, but i realise chances are only my friends will do this.
some users are currently organising various activities for the purpose of letting people who only have paypal contribute to the site's survival. it's not super relevant for new users and won't get you access to premium features, but i thought i'd mention it anyway in case someone loves the concept of the site so much they want to support it immediately. a fundraising community has been created to collect posts of that nature!
*premium features are strictly limited to two categories of things:
fun little extras that no one truly needs
higher image upload limits, because obviously big images take up bandwidth and are therefore a reason for increased costs
you will never need to pay for vital accessibility features or anything of the sort. :)
244 notes · View notes
gabessquishytum · 2 months
Hi, everyone! Gabe/Leo here. Welcome to my new pinned post. You'll find lots of info here, including a new tag library curated by @seiya-starsniper which should help you filter (or follow) particular bits of content. This post will be updated from time to time and will also tell you whether my inbox is open or not <3
For reference, my inbox is currently OPEN.
Since you've found yourself on my blog, please note that a lot of my content is not safe for work! I am over 18, and if you're on my blog, you should be too! Content rated over 18 will also be tagged as #nsft
Here on my blog, people like to send me asks with scenarios, prompts or fic ideas that they have had, and I take a bit of time each day to respond with my own “yes, and” - collaborating with the original asker to make a small piece of fandom content. Sometimes other people are inspired by this and write their own fics based on the posts! It's a lovely collaborative space where all are welcome - including those who wish to stay anonymous.
I am primarily focused on dreamling! But I also love to write other ships in the fandom. The tags I use for ships are:
#immortal throuple
#hob x everyone
#hob x lucifer
The general tags that I use for sandman/writing content are as follows:
#dream of the endless
#ferdinand kingsley
#fic recs
#hob gadling
#horny q
#my writing
#the sandman
I also have some specific alternate universes which you can find or filter out with these tags:
#ace dream
#ace hob
#ballet au
#bdsm au
#bratty dream
#bratty hob
#disabled dreamling
#dreamling gender swap
#chef hob
#cow hob
#fantasy au
#fat hob
#fem dream
#fem hob
#mafia au
#mob au
#sugar daddy au
#the addams family
#trans dream
#trans hob
#vampire au
#werewolf au
#warprize au
#warprize hob
For more of your tag filtering or searching needs, the following is a list of content warning tags that I will strive to use consistently. This list will be updated depending on what comes up in the future:
#dead dove do not eat
#cw age gap
#cw age regression
#cw agrere
#cw alcohol or #cw intox
#cw attempted murder
#cw birth
#cw biting 
#cw blackmail
#cw blood
#cw body modification
#cw body mutilation
#cw breeding
#cw child abuse
#cw cheating
#cw choking
#cw christmas
#cw cnc
#cw cucking
#cw daddy kink
#cw dark content
#cw death
#cw dermatillomania
#cw diaper
#cw disordered eating 
#cw domestic control
#cw dubcon or #cw dubious consent
#cw drugging or #cw drugs
#cw exhibitionism
#cw feederism or #cw feeding kink
#cw findom or #cw financial domination
#cw food
#cw food issues
#cw free use
#cw genitalia
#cw grief
#cw guns
#cw homelessness
#cw humiliation
#cw hunger
#cw hybrids
#cw infertility
#cw infidelity
#cw internalized homophobia
#cw kidnapping
#cw lactation
#cw major character death
#cw malnourishment
#cw manipulation
#cw medical
#cw memory loss
#cw menstruation
#cw mental health
#cw monsterfucking
#cw mpreg
#cw murder
#cw noncon
#cw object insertion
#cw objectification
#cw omegaverse
#cw omo
#cw overstim
#cw oviposition
#cw parent death or #cw patricide
#cw pain
#cw physical abuse
#cw piss
#cw pregnancy
#cw prostitution
#cw rough kink
#cw rough sex
#cw s&m
#cw scars
#cw scat
#cw self harm
#cw sex addiction
#cw sex pollen
#cw sex work
#cw sexual harassment
#cw sleep paralysis
#cw somnophilia
#cw spiking
#cw stalking
#cw suicide
#cw sui mention 
#cw stockholm syndrome
#cw teacher x student or #cw teacher/student
#cw tentacles
#cw threats
#cw toxic relationship
#cw transphobia
#cw violence
#cw vomit
#cw voyeurism
#cw watersports
#cw weight
#cw wetting
#cw yandere
Finally, some of my anons like to identify themselves with emojis! This isn't mandatory at all. But here's a list of anons who have emoji-fied themselves (please note this may not be a complete list):
#yan anon
#����‍⬛ anon
#🍃 anon
#🦇 anon
#💳 anon
#🦊 anon
#🧀 anon
#🚒 anon
#🔪 anon
#💄 anon
#🌳 anon
#🎮 anon
#💍 anon
#🦒 anon
#🌘 anon
#🎸 anon
#🦎 anon
#🍓 anon
#🤜 anon
#🐙 anon
#🐉 anon
#💎 anon
#🎭 anon
#🌛 anon
#🌻 anon
#🎉 anon
#❄️ anon
#🍐 anon
#🍭 anon
#🦋 anon
#🖋 anon
#🏵 anon
#��� anon
#🦄 anon
#💥 anon
#🍰🐲 anon
#☂️ anon
#👠 anon
Thank you for reading, I hope you have a lovely day! ❤️
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vaporwavebeach-writes · 8 months
Kinktober Day 10 (Praise Kink)
Poison Ivy x Reader (NSFW)
(750 Words)
Summary: you go down on Ivy and she can’t help but tell you about how much of a good job you’re doing
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Warnings/Tags: 18+, gender neutral reader, praise kink (duh), slight goddess kink, oral sex (giving), fingering (giving)
Notes: POISON IVY IS SO MOTHER!!!! my buddy @acapelladitty recently wrote an Ivy fic which can be read here, (literally go read it, it’s so GOOD) and it inspired me to write Ivy for this prompt!! enjoy the fic!!!
Sweat drips down your forehead under the canopies of green that surround you. The room grows humid at the heated position you currently find yourself in. Before you, lays Poison Ivy, splayed out like a winding branch. Her vibrant red hair is splayed out, rich like the ripest of strawberries. She lets out a sultry whine as you lay between her legs, devouring her like the fresh peach she is.
“Oh sweetheart,” she gasps, “you treat me like a goddess.” She grips the sheets, fabric crumpled in her hands. You let out a low chuckle in reply as your tongue glides through her folds, glistening from the stimulation.
“Of course,” you pause your ministrations briefly to plant soft kisses on her inner thighs. “A goddess deserves only the best of what her worshippers can provide her.” Resuming your feast on her sex, she lets out another moan. Your tongue makes its way to her clit, making her shudder.
“You’re so devoted,” she mewls lowly, “such reverence should be worthy of a reward.”
You feel a spike of arousal at her words, spurring you on in your mission to please her, not that you needed much spurring to begin with. Ivy is right. She truly is a goddess. To call her powerful would be an understatement. The way you’ve seen her bend the forces of nature to her will was extraordinary- truly a sight to behold. To anyone, she would seem like a goddess. The power and beauty that Poison Ivy holds is enough to make anyone devoted to her crusade against the destruction on nature. You were certainly no exception.
You hum a noise of arousal into her dripping cunt. She lets out a gentle sigh, arching her back as you continue to eat her out.
“My sweet flower,” she moans, “you are so good to me.” You feel her hands tangle their way into your hair, much like the interlacing vines that surrounded you. With the combination of Ivy’s generous praise and her hands playing with your hair, you practically melt into a puddle or pure arousal.
Encouraged by her vocal ecstasy, you grip onto her hips firmly, keeping her down as your lips on her aching cunt. Feeling flirtatious, you move yourself up, hands wandering to her gorgeous breasts. A hushed whimper escapes her lips when your fingers find their way to her nipples, sensitive buds that would make her cry out amorously.
“K-keep going,” she groans tenderly. An abrupt moan erupts from your throat as Ivy tugs on your hair, whose grip becomes tighter with the added stimulation of your breath on her cunt.
“You like that?” You ask in between licks. The vibration from your tongue as you speak sends shockwaves of pleasure coursing through Ivy as she lets out a hum of approval when you feel her legs on top of your shoulders. You swing up your hand, taking her calf in your arm. Peppering kisses up her leg, back down to her heat. Slowly, gently dragging your nails up her inner thigh, you insert your fingers into her, pumping in and out steadily. You swipe your thumb over her clit, causing a high pitched gasp to exit Ivy’s lips. “My beautiful girl,” you drawl lovingly. “Getting close?”
“Y-yes,” she gasps. Not wanting to keep her on the edge for much longer, you continue to fuck her with your fingers. You apply more pressure to where you thumb her clit, also using your tongue to further her release. You curve your fingers inside of her, picking up the pace ever so slightly until you can feel her clenching around you.
The rest of the room grows thick and hazy, smelling sickly sweet and floral. You couldn’t tell if it was the aphrodisiacs floating around the air, or if it was your euphoric response to hearing her cry out in bliss as her orgasm bloomed like a flower bursting from its bud.
She takes you by the arms, pulling you up into a tender kiss. She moans into your mouth, tasting herself on your tongue.
“My dear,” she tucks your disheveled hair behind your ear, making you blush furiously. “You really are something special.” She presses a kiss to your cheek, making you a puddle in her hands. Ivy chuckles enticingly, gently pushing you down onto the bed of vines. “You treat me so well my little flower,” you can feel her breath on the nape of your neck. “Time for me to return the favor.”
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
wrestling fic writers!!
i have decided to be the change i wanna see, so lets do a nice little thing for each other, as a community full of incredible and talented writers. yes this is writer specific only, but thats cause thats where the main problem of people not interacting with creative works lies in this fandom as far as i can tell and have seen people talking about it especially in the last couple of months
if you read this, please add links to your written works. it can be just a single fic youre really proud of, your writing blog, your writing tag, your ao3 account, anything where your works can be found
and if you leave your link here, PLEASE check out someone else that has left their works, and interact with them. leave them a comment, even just a kudos, REBLOG their fic, etc. interacting is the keyword i want to emphasize here, along with building a sort of a masterpost of where to find people writing in this fandom
and if you are not a writer, youre still highly encouraged to interact with this post and share it and show love to the writers in this fandom, obviously!! i think that should go without saying, but adding it in anyways
a bit more about my vision and resources and such under the read more, but thats the gist of it. happy linking and please be kind and supportive to each other!! 💜
nobody is too big or too small to add their things on this list. if you write and post anything in this fandom whatsoever, be it fics or drabbles or headcanons, any companies or any kind of ships or reader inserts or any content whatsoever no matter how 'dead dove dont eat' or hell even if its just meta, we welcome all here and nobody can say that one thing is less valid than another. just please tag your content accordingly, especially if theres content warnings, and feel free to mention what you write, who you write, any info you wish to leave that would help people before they click on your links. but even so, that should not and hopefully will not deter people from interacting, no matter what it is. someones trash is another ones treasure, i promise you
and unless the amount gets really overwhelming, im personally going to be checking out everyone that leaves something here. unless it squeaks me out, but even then, i'll spread the word. and i just wish as many people as possible will do the same, and not just use this as a potential board to only get eyes on their stuff. ofc thats also the point, but you should give as much, if not more, than you get. we need to be kind and supportive of one another (besides, from personal experience, if you show love to someone else, they are more likely to do it back than without you taking the first step, so... pay it forward)
as for resources, heres a few links that should be helpful in leaving comments and feedback. of course everyone does their own thing and no comment is too big or too small to leave, but for those who need them. if you have anything you'd like added to this list, dont hesitate to get in touch or drop it in the post yourself!!
101 comment starters
ao3 floating comment box
kudos html
dont know how to comment? easy solutions
a quick hot guide to commenting (by yours truly)
an overall guide to appreciating fanfic writers
and just in general.. leave people comments. leave them asks about their projects. just go over and gush about their work. i know it sounds embarrassing but writers love nothing more than to hear that someone likes what they are doing. if you find a fic that hasnt been updated in forever, comment on it. it might just be the spark the author needs to continue. while kudos and likes are nice, and just as valuable to some, its definitely in the words the people leave for them that matter the most. im not saying this to put pressure on anyone, its just how it is, and i feel like unless people are writers themselves, and even then sometimes, thats just hard to grasp, especially if the writer is a smaller and less popular one who doesnt get a lot of traffic in the first place
i think thats all. just be nice and considered to everyone, reblog peoples works, this post with others add ons and so forth. and if i find anyone talking shit here or at other writers for something they share, you'll be blocked and im probably taking your kneecaps. be fucking nice. we are all struggling here and we need to stick together
happy sharing and commenting 💜💜
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tavyliasin · 5 months
Baldur's Date Open Creative Challenge!
Artists, Writers, Creators of All Kinds!
You are cordially invited to join a creative challenge!
You must be 18 years old or over to join, but there will be 2 categories, one for SFW works and one for NSFW works!
Accepted Submission Types
Please note all works must be your own and not made using any AI, including AI RP bots for writing.
Valentine's Card
Drabble collection (series of short fic, 1-5 paragraphs each)
Song lyrics
Full songs/music
Podfic (With agreement from the fic writer)
Cosplay (No Nudes/NSFW/Explicit please)
Other Crafts (Puppets, embroidery, paper figure cut outs - whatever you like!)
For the Rules and More Details, please see below! Credit to Morb for the new event banner!
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Welcome to the Baldur's Date Challenge!
Please be aware this event will include spoilers to characters, storylines, and endings, as well as NSFW content. Proceed with care!
The idea is to create something themed around a Date or Valentine Event. It doesn't even have to be romantic or positive, there are lots of ways to take this from Valentine's Cards from characters to slow burn romance to fully brutal heartbreak and violence. The choices are yours!
The Rules
By participating, even in the SFW version, you agree and confirm you are 18 years old or over.
All creators retain full rights to their works, subject only to the conditions of the platforms they share them on (ie, AO3)
Submissions must contain at least one named character from Baldur's Gate 3
Submissions must also be based around a date, valentine-type event, or similar
AUs, non-canon, alternate versions of characters are all WELCOME
You may choose your own prompt, or use the quiz to help you decide!
Poly Romance Welcome
Characters only, no actors or real people, other than using "Reader Insert" with 2nd person writing styles.
All works must be tagged appropriately for any CWs (please ask TavyliaSin for a list if required)
All characters must be 18 or over in the game as well as in the work you create
No characters in romantic relationships are to be related to each other.
Trans and gender-swapped characters are welcomed, unless it is only for the explicit purpose of making a canon homosexual couple into a heterosexual couple (eg, making Aylin a man so that the relationship with Isobel is straight) 
Deadline is 10th Feb to allow for time to check entries
Collections will go live just before midnight on 13th Feb so they are ready to be viewed on Valentine's Day
If you would like to help with the event running, please contact TavyliaSin on Twitter, Discord, or anywhere else you can hunt her down~
Dead Dove and controversial topics, kinks, and characters are allowed but must be properly tagged to give people a choice of what they engage with. This also means there is to be no shaming - Tavylia would like to support all creative works even ones she isn't personally fond of or would avoid.
How Do I Join?
You can either send your submissions directly to the AO3 Collections, or if you don't have AO3 you can wait until 14th Feb and reblog/retweet the posts I'll make for the collections on the day to add your contributions. It's open to EVERYONE who is 18+! Join in, give it a try! Submissions on AO3 close on 10th Feb 2024 (just before midnight GMT/UTC 0) so please try to get things in on time to be on AO3 so we have a few days to accept and check submissions. The collections will go live on 14th February for Valentine's just around midnight UTC0/GMT
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Select "Post to Collection" to add your work! All works will be hidden until the collection releases on 14th.
Are there any Prompts?
Yes! Aside from the general theme there are prompts for art and writing (and anything else) on the following google form. You can roll dice to decide for you as each question has numbered answers and instructions on the dice to use! But you don't have to stick to the result you get - choose what you like. You don't even have to roll dice at all if you don't want to, just take a look at the selection for some ideas and choose what's interesting in it.
You can enter as many pieces as you like, so please use this to have fun and enjoy yourselves~
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If you have any questions please drop them in comments, or contact me anywhere you can find me~
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riacte · 5 months
hope you don't mind me asking, but how do you write/characterise ren?
Hi, thanks for the ask!
For me, Ren has a very distinct character voice, so usually I put in a few words from the Rendog language post and it does like 70% of the work if it's nothing too serious. Hit the dialogue with the Rendogification beam! I know there's a post of people Rendogifying DSMP quotes and it's hilarious. Add a "my dude" before/ after his dialogue and it'll usually work. And maybe pepper in some "get in line"s. Or "outrageous!", "geez", "freakin'".
For HC Ren / Ren in general, I put him as like... a friendly, enthusiastic, charismatic guy who's very supportive of his friends and he's always eager to help. He is kind and sees the best in everyone. He's also very dramatic and unashamed of his dramatic tendencies (singing out loud, posing, twirling). And of course he flirts. He flirts with everything. He's probably flirted with someone's houseplant. He wants everyone to get in line for him. He makes a lot of inappropriate jokes (check my #the rd difference tag) which is greeted with complete silence.
But underneath that, I think he's a guy who tends to look down on himself / self deprecating and he is soooooo self sacrificial. He's gonna be good at something then go "I've never been good at anything 🥺". And he is genuinely so eager to sacrifice himself at all times; he'll probably throw himself in front of his friends to save them. And I think Ren is terrified of being lonely which is why he's clingy. If you leave him to his devices for too long he'll literally burn / blow up his base (Last Life, HC 7). Ren is fantastic with words, he's optimistic and naturally good at bringing people together, but he's also just a doggy who wants company.
Ren is quite talkative and he can ramble about random topics forever. But he also occasionally asks questions to his friends so they can contribute to the conversation. And I think he's fantastic as a storyteller because not only is he a master at "yes, and", he also likes including his friends and subtly inviting them to roleplay with him.
Ren is highly sentimental and remembers a lot of memories. He's not afraid to go sappy and sincere and vulnerable, but then again there's his fear of being a burden. Ren has a tendency to trail after competent, snarky, and mildly intimidating people (insert Ren's greens: Doc, Iskall, Martyn, False, etc) and enjoys being lovingly bullied and lovingly used as a punching bag. He lovesssss being a pathetic lil guy. He loves acting sad and soggy. And he kinda loves being beheaded and beheading his friends.
Ultimately, I think Ren greatly values company and loyalty, and always desires a tightknit group of people to belong to, maybe to even lead (Knights of the Square Table, Dogwarts, etc). And he wants to be useful and not be a burden, leading to his self sacrificial tendencies. He is so eager to serve and offer his services to the rest of the server— in HC, he likes selling / providing food in the early days (HC 4 he made a farm, HC 9 Gigapies) and then proceeds to build infrastructure for everyone to enjoy (HC 6 Hermit Railway Network), or come up with detailed "game" systems (HC 5 Hermitron (?) and HC 9 Hermit Quests). In that way, despite his theatrics, Ren is quite practical and down to earth. Give the man something to manage and he'll be happy.
I don't read a lot of HC fics nowadays but I don't think I've seen like, really severe mischaracterisation of Ren. Probably because Ren RPs a lot so he can RP as a lot of characters which decreases OOC-ness, maybe? Ren's a bit pathetic but he's not a coward, he will literally die for his friends. And while Ren might be a bit of a "derp", he has decent strategies (sometimes) which is mostly him accumulating resources + building a secure fortress (evident in Life series).
For Life series Ren, it's similar but more... guarded and cautious. Still desires a tight knit group of allies (usually his top priority). Still loves gathering his resources and building his defenses. Is kind and forgiving to the point he's taken advantage of (this behaviour decreases in latter series). And he loves his allies with all of his life and would die for them.
Oops, this got long lol. Hope this was helpful! :D
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iam93percentstardust · 6 months
On Plagiarism and Academia
Welp, I watched hbomberguy's new video (just like everyone else). And... I loved it! (Go figure) It's a great video, he's genuinely funny and presents the information in an engaging way (I barely even noticed it had been four hours), and we need the information he presented very badly to remind us to independently verify the things we're listening to. But something that he said really struck me because it's something that I'm dealing with in my offline life right now. Disclaimer: this is a hypothesis generated from my own personal observations and experiences and isn't meant to be a sweeping statement of every single academic institution across the entire world.
He seemed really surprised that no one (or very few people) noticed that the Youtubers he was calling out were plagiarizing other people. Like. Really surprised. And at one point, he made the argument that maybe that was because plagiarism was viewed only as a problem in academia, so people assumed it wasn't a problem online and weren't looking for it.
And that hit a chord because the thing is, at least in my small corner of the world, I don't think that plagiarism is a problem in academia. Or, rather, I don't think academia views plagiarism as a problem anymore.
So, if you've been following me for a while, you know I have a whole tag about my struggles in grad school. I've been a grad student for the last six years at [insert major university here], and because my lab doesn't have any funding to pay me, I've been employed as a TA all six years to pay my salary. At this school, in my department, TAs are expected to proctor exams--every single exam for the course and frequently one additional exam from another class.
If we see cheating, we're not supposed to call it out in the middle of the exam. Instead, at the end of the exam, we're supposed to take the student's scantron and hand it over to the professor and give them an estimate on how certain we are the student was cheating so they can pass it on to the university, which, in every syllabus of every class, states they take a hardline stance on cheating and plagiarism. (Yes, I know I'm talking about cheating on exams, which isn't the same thing as plagiarism, but I swear I'll loop back around to it in a minute.)
During the first exam I ever proctored during my first semester of my first year in 2018 (this was three weeks into the semester), I caught a student cheating. Like. Blatantly cheating. Cheating so badly that over a dozen separate people came up to me at the end of the exam to tell me that she was cheating, just in case I hadn't seen it myself. I did exactly what I was supposed to.
I took the student's scantron.
I turned it into the professor and told her that I was 100% certain and had witnesses to back me up.
She gave it to the university.
...And the university came back and said that they weren't going to do an investigation and were just going to let the student take the exam again, this time with a different proctor because they felt I was biased against this student because of the "very serious accusations [she] had leveled against [me] of singling her out for her race." (Newsflash: the student cheated again with that different proctor and got away with it again)
During that first year that I spent as a TA, I reported eight different instances of cheating across six separate exams. Every single one, I was 100% positive that the student had been cheating, and on five of the occasions, I had student witnesses to support my accusation. The university tossed every single accusation out without even a cursory investigation or even filing a report. Oh yeah, really hardline stance there, university.
For the most part (and partially because of distance learning), I stopped reporting cheating, but I tried one more time this past spring to report two cheaters and got back the same result that I did my first year: not even an investigation to see if there was any merit into my claim because they're "busy."
I don't report cheating to the university anymore. They've more than shown me that they don't actually take cheating seriously even when I have more than a dozen people supporting me. Even when I have students half out of their chairs to see what the person in front of them is writing. Even when I have students with their phones out on the desks, looking things up. The university doesn't care, so why should the students?
So how do I loop this back into the discussion on plagiarism? Well, yesterday, while grading my students' final papers, I ran one of them through a plagiarism checker, and it pinged the radar. Two sentences were a direct quote and hadn't been listed in quotations or been cited in the body of the text. If I scrolled through the (long) list of citations at the bottom of the paper, I could find the source, but if it hadn't pinged the checker, I would never have known that those two sentences weren't their own.
The lack of the quotations and the source after the quote is what kicks this over the line into plagiarism, regardless of the source in the later bibliography (the same thing that got Illuminaughtii in trouble on hbomberguy's video). But I was willing to assume it was an honest mistake, and so I emailed the student to ask them to please add the proper citation and resubmit the paper.
This should have taken the student maybe--at most--five minutes to fix. Literally, all it needed was a set of quotation marks and a parenthetical aside with the author's name and year.
Instead, I got a response from the student telling me that they were very busy, it was finals week, and they weren't sure when they could get to it. Oh, and by the way, what grade would they get on the assignment if they didn't fix the source?
It was a stunning lack of regard for the error they'd made on their original submission, and now, because I'd brought it to their attention, if it wasn't fixed, it was willful plagiarism--and we both knew that! They can't claim ignorance or an accidental mistake anymore. We both know that they're passing off someone else's words as their own!
I emailed them back and told them if it wasn't fixed, it would be a 0, and then I messaged the instructor and asked her what happens now? Her response was as disheartening as my previous experience with the university's response to cheating: they'll dismiss it, regardless of their supposed hardline stance, and nothing will happen. Don't even bother reporting it; the most we can do is give the student the 0 I'd already threatened.
So there you have it. This particular university doesn't care if you cheat or plagiarize. Academic dishonesty doesn't mean anything to them--and the students know it. Every year the topic of cheating comes up with my students during my office hours, and every time, the students complain about how their sorority sisters and football team members and fellow classmates get away with cheating over and over and over again because they know the university won't do anything about it, so why should they bother maintaining any kind of integrity? I even asked them if they reported it to their proctors and instructors, and while I got back a few yeses, I got even more why bothers. What's the point of reporting it if nothing is going to happen?
To loop this back into hbomberguy's video, I don't think as few people noticed the plagiarism as he thinks. I think quite a few people noticed (and looking through the comments on the various videos of the James Somerton scandal, not just hbomberguy's, I do see more than a couple comments along those lines). The thing is, I think they kept that to themselves. And though I do think that part of that has to do with the mob mentality of fandoms on the internet and the fear of getting attacked for pointing out something shitty that someone else is doing, I think a lot of it also comes down to this: plagiarism is thought to be an academia problem, therefore the way the academics respond to plagiarism should be what we look to to deal with the same problem elsewhere. But if the way the academics respond to plagiarism is to ignore it and sweep the reports under the rug, then why would we ever think that Youtube, of all places, would deal with it any better?
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