#insert something about respawn here
zarla-s · 1 year
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it had to be something like this, right
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dark-mnjiro · 7 months
speaking in tongues ::: prologue
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Author’s Note: hello… as you can clearly see the voices have won. This fic is entirely self indulgent/self ship and catered to what I want and I don’t care. No vague reader insert here so if that’s what you were looking for - leave, before you’re disappointed. Welcome to my hellsona hell. I hope you do like the story despite how self indulgent it is.
Credits: dividers by @/cafekitsune
Content Warnings: See the masterlist for a full list of content warnings you may experience throughout the storyline. Individual parts with certain triggers will be warned (that are not continuous throughout the story). Prologue does not contain anything I deem triggering outside the content warnings on the masterlist.
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“For somebody I thought was my savior.”
“Hell’s growing population is becoming a problem…”
“They can’t kill each other,” another angel spoke up. “They just respawn in the Pride Ring again.”
The discussions with the top angels and Seraphim in Heaven had been droning on for hours. It was certainly posing a problem that their paradise could soon face an uprising with the sheer numbers spawning from Hell. Worry was evident on Sera’s face. Heaven knew they couldn’t just pray that humans would turn to righteousness and aim for a spot in Heaven.
The world had become infected.
Adam tilted his head to the side. This problem was clearly all thanks to his ex-wife, Lilith, and her piece of shit husband Lucifer. Who knew her voice alone would lead so many astray?
He sat up in his seat, stretching his arms over his head. “What if we gave them angelic weapons?”
Sera’s eyes narrowed at Adam. “Do what?”
Shrugging, he tilted his head. “We could just give them some angelic weapons. The problem takes care of itself.”
“And then what?” Another angel countered. “They turn and use those weapons against us?”
Adam scowled.
It was a valid concern. If those sinners could obtain angelic weapons could they turn on Heaven?
“What if we had them vote on some sinners to throw into an arena?” Adam suggested, tilting back his chair on its hind legs. “And whoever is last standing gets to live."
A sigh fell from Sera’s lips before sitting down in her seat. “We’re making a game out of their souls.”
“Sinners,” Adam corrected. “They’re in Hell as a punishment for being such awful human beings on Earth. It only makes sense to make them punish themselves for doubling their numbers. And tell you what.” Adam merely smirked. “If this idea doesn’t work… we just go down there and start exterminating pests.”
Confusion filled his golden eyes. “What? Sinners can’t be fixed. We might as well get rid of the problem. They won’t suspect anything if they’re killing themselves versus us. So perhaps we try this option first.”
“How many times do I have to tell you we aren’t using violence as a way to control Hell’s population,” Sera said before sighing again as Adam let out a loud, painful groan. Pinching her nose, she looked down at the reports she had been given by some of the other angels about the growing trend of sinners entering Hell. “I think we should study them before we make our final decision…”
“So we done here?”
The frustration returned to Sera’s face as she glanced back at Adam. “Pressing matters to attend to Adam?”
Pouting, he set the chair back onto all four legs. “Well, my band-”
“Perhaps we should give you something more constructive to do,” Sera continued as if she hadn’t heard him. “We’ll send you to Hell… to the embassy to help with these studies. Return with your findings after ninety days.”
Disgust filled his face. “I’m not going to that shit hole!” Three months in Hell?! Was Sera out of her mind?
“It’s already decided. Go.”
“...fucking fine.”
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millenniumfae · 10 months
Dragon Age Demons vs Real-Life 'Inner Demons'
Way back in the summer of 2015, my symptoms got so unbearable I was bedridden. 20 years old and experiencing psychosis, quasi-hallucinations, and actual, unending panic for the first time. It marked the start of a condition that has never stopped since.
My aunt (and other relatives) helped me develop proper mindfulness skills based off of our homeland's folk Buddhism - the 'second arrow'. The meaningless of forgiveness. Devaluing control. And something that struck me as a new Dragon Age fan … 'Possession'.
Well, when translated to english, you'll find texts using the word 'insight' rather than 'possession'. But that's the word my mom translated from off the top of her head, and it immediately resonated with me.
"Imagine your panic as an inner creature. Something that is also you, but is acting independently. Treat your panic with kindness and mentorship, not antagonism. The more you struggle in the spider's web, the worse things get. But if you nourish what's hurting in you, let them tantrum, then come back in to nurture."
Up until the 2010s, the most acclaimed mental health books you could buy written in the english language would most certainly be christianity-influenced. Maybe not overtly, (but you'd be surprised how many have a chapter about "insert-book-topic-here and Christ") but there's little hints like how the reader must have left home at 18 to avoid mooching off their parents, or how to 'turn guilt into something productive' (???), the use of the word 'gamble' as a bad word, etc. But these books tend to include a chapter that would be some weird bullshit like "The Dark Souls Of Respawning?? What Daoism Says About Immortality" and take a brief moment to talk about the radical, never-before-heard-of methods from across the pacific that Will Turn Your World Upside Down.
Behavior therapists (of the 1950s) were aware insights about the origins of the problem usually weren't helpful. Exposure to the thing the patient feared was often curative. -When Panic Attacks by David D. Burns MD, Chapter 18, "Taking a page from the Tibetan Book of the Dead"
Now, it's no secret that the Dragon Age serial is very. Um. Christian. Catholic, specifically. Faith is written to be an unequivocally redeeming trait. Attempts at inventing fake elf/qunari/Tevinter 'religions' still have them be belief-based, colonialist, and conversion-heavy, while also at the same time implying that the 'Maker' of Chantry faith is the single actual true god.
So it's no surprise that the demons and spirits of DA are very seven-deadly-sins. Party banter and side-quests do point out the euro/christian-centricity of this demon categorization (Merrill, Solas), but that doesn't mean shit if, in overall story and gameplay proper, Pride is the most powerful demon while Faith is virtue at all.
So here I am, lying in bed and only capable of just riding the waves of panic day after torturous day. You bet I'm gonna try to geek-erize my symptoms. If people do it with Jesus, then I can do it with Dragon Age.
Enter Vigilance the Spirit. I was an at-risk young Rivani mage, so their Magic Welfare Government helped me join their クサビ-依り代 program and matched me with a spirit to induce possession. Can't boil two skulls in one pot, so to speak. I could have chosen to do their hemispherectomy program (I am made Tranquil but carry around a piece of the Fade like a pacemaker that keeps me perfectly lucid, only turning off when I sleep), but that comes with its own risks.
But it doesn't take much for a spirit of Vigilance to do a 180 and become Panic. They're still Vigilance, and I am still me, but the taste in the mouth is different. Our life will need to adapt.
I will not kick myself for 'failing' my friend. Vigilance has turned to Panic, yes. But they have always been one. Now, so are me and Panic. Such is the nature of spirits.
If I am kind to my spirit, then I am kind to myself. It's what we both deserve.
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robin374 · 2 years
First kiss with Medic (One-Shot)
This one here is for an anon, I hope you like it! 
I always said that the bullet you heard was the one that missed you. Apparently, I didn't hear the bullet that went through my leg and now I was hiding behind some rocks with my leg bleeding profusely. My teammates didn't even realize I wasn't on the battlefield, they didn't even know I was hit by a bullet. We were winning the battle, well, they were winning the battle. I didn't manage to bring any help to the team since I was shot. I could feel the blood seeping through my fingers, all the effort I was making to stop the bleeding from the wound was of no use. The pain did not help at all, it spread throughout my leg like a deadly virus and did not let me think clearly. The loud and constant sounds of bombs and gunshots from my teammates didn't help either, my brain was projecting all kinds of scenarios where I always came out dead. I knew I couldn't die, both teams, RED and BLU, had a chip inserted so that these battles would go on forever. But that feeling of suffocation, of not being able to breathe for a few minutes was so overwhelming that I didn't want to feel it too many times. That’s why I tried not to die many times during the battle.
I heard Soldier's rocket launcher in the distance along with his amused laughter. I looked up and there he was, flying through the air preparing to slam his shovel into the head of any enemy that got in the way of his landing. I smiled as I heard an enemy scream in pain, sure enough it was Soldier who killed him. I heard some fast footsteps near me, there were two possible options; it was Scout looking for a medkit to steal or it was an enemy Spy. I grabbed my weapon in case it was an enemy, my heart accelerated and my whole body tensed, if I didn't get out of here alive I would have to feel that sensation of floating in an ocean without surface for several minutes until I appeared in the respawn. The footsteps were getting closer and closer, as was my possible death. I tightened my grip on the gun and my breath caught as I identified the BLU Scout right in front of me. He raised his bat to hit me at the same time I raised my gun to shoot him. Suddenly, I was seeing everything in slow motion; the drops of blood falling on my face, the sharp blade of Medic's ubersaw piercing Scout's chest and the corpse falling to the ground leaving me to see a furious Medic. "Are you okay?" he asked, I nodded still confused.
He approached me quickly, checked me for any serious wounds and snorted at the sight of my injured leg. I felt as if I was beginning to levitate as the MediGun's ray enveloped me, the burning pain of the wound disappeared as did my fear of dying at any instant. The cold breeze from the beam vanished and I noticed a pair of arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace. The warm feel of Medic's body against mine left me speechless, his face was hidden between my shoulder and my neck, I could feel the doctor's cold metallic glasses digging into my collarbone. "I was scared," he began while I still processed the hug. "I hadn't seen you since we started the fight. I even started to think the chip was broken and you were dead forever." His words confused me. "What do you mean?" I asked, bringing my hands behind his back. He mumbled something in German, which I clearly didn't understand. I repeated the question, this time patting him on the back. "I care about you, alright?" I didn't know what to answer, I was so caught off guard that the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. He broke away from the embrace and looked into my eyes, a faint light of an unidentifiable feeling illuminated his eyes, he was overthinking something. "Can I do something?" I nodded slowly not knowing if he was going to rip off my leg to experiment on it or if he was going to kill me to experiment on my corpse.
His lips landed on mine in a sweet kiss, his hands resting on my cheeks as I leaned in until I noticed the large rock on my back. A feeling of euphoria invaded my chest and caused me to wrap my arms around his neck as one of my hands played with his hair. He broke away from the kiss with a goofy grin on his face, hugged me again and let out a laugh of pure happiness. "Does this mean we're a couple?" he asked, his voice full of hope. I replied with a laugh, "I mean, if you really want it." I said, he pulled away in surprise and grabbed my cheeks pulling his face closer to mine and gave me a short kiss "how could I not want it?" He was about to kiss me again when we heard someone land next to us.
"Holy Mary, mother of Joseph" Soldier's voice caused Medic to roughly push me as far away from him as possible, he tried to disguise that he was looking for some wound on my body from afar. "You don't have anything a medkit won't fix, Y/N. Don't worry, I'll help you find one."
“Medic, we need you at the front lines of the battle! Don't be a coward!" Soldier exclaimed as he reloaded his rocket launcher. Medic grunted, then turned to me and patted me on the shoulder, "See you in my lab after the battle." He winked at me and followed Soldier. I stood stunned in my hiding place for a few minutes until Sniper appeared in my field of view, "Are you okay?" I jumped up in fright raising my arm to punch him but he dodged it. Without a word, he looked at me and ran off towards a particular location. Now I just had to survive until after the battle.
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smileymoth · 2 months
Anyone who wouldn’t try ethical cannibalism is a boring something something insert funny quip here
What I mean to say is that if it was not harmful to the person you were eating meat from like cultured organs or something then it should be served in cafeterias and in pounds so the children and dogs grow up with a taste for flesh
the real question is if vegetarians can eat ethically sourced cultured human meat or not
honestly, despite me being obsessed with cannibalism i feel like if given the chance i would be too scared to try actual human meat. i don't think it makes people boring, it's just called being aware of health risks. there's so much bacteria and weird substances in the human body i really don't think it would do me good. like a beef jerky size piece would be very tempting to try i'm gona be honest but i would still pass because it just feels Weird.
ethical human flesh sourcing is like such a weird topic because the only way is if you eat your own limb or let someone else consent to you eating their flesh. does biting people count as cannibalism if you draw blood. have people taken chunks out of other people if they bite them hard enough. like obviously but i mean like non-murderous people. like your average Doris from accounting who has a kink for being bitten, and someone goes a bit too hard during a bdsm scene, i mean that's a hazard and I hope the hypothetical Doris kills that person but. what the fuck was i talking about.
anywya. i don't suggest the cultured organs part because then there's the whole debacle of, where did you get the genes for it, how did you grow it, why does it have to exist (why would you want to eat human meat) would it encourage Actual Cannibalism even though cannibalism on it's own probably has no ethical issues if it wasn't for the sourcing. Like it's just meat at the end of the day and people get alcohol poisoning too often for some bacteria to be an issue. many edible creatures have very poisonous parts that you can just remove. it would probably be the same with human flesh... and if you do actually get it from like a "meat plant" then how do we know this is what "human flesh" tastes like, how did we source that information and then the part of Morality steps into the game.
i don't even know where cannibalism would lie morally because i only really care about it in a minecraft context because you can just die and respawn with no issue unless you're in like hardcore or something. consequence free cannibalism or whatever. and i don't think eating people is normal because it's just a bit odd innit. like just eat chicken or pork or like chickpeas you'll probably find more nutritional value in that than human meat. i feel like it would only ever become "popular" as like, a rich person delicacy that would be kept a secret amongst them, and they would probably source it illegally because we can't have the public know about it yk.
vegetarian as an adjective means this: not containing meat : consisting wholly of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and sometimes eggs or dairy products (www.merriam-webster.com)
human is meat, we are animals, so cannibalism is not vegetarian safe, however if you talk about "cultivated meat" which i'm guessing would mean, artificially grown? i'm guessing? i'm not native english speaker i don't know what this means per say. you would still have to get the meat cells from somewhere and they would probably have the source be from actual human cells, and i don't think they'd fuck with that. if you have a straight up plant that tastes like human meat then... see above for questions.
my real question now is that, because i've heard that human meat supposedly tastes a little sweet: would the dishes made with it be desserts or savory meals? would it be used as a main component or as a "side"? if it does taste sweet would it be like a "cake" situation or would it more-so be akin to lingonberry jam that you pair with meat? like how would it be used.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Hi :3 I was wondering if you had watch the new episode of helluva boss any thoughts or at least any thoughts/thots for Chaz or Crimson.
My procrastination is so bad I literally waited until like today to actually watch the new episode
I keep mentally tossing around what kind of special powers Reader could have that would make them like idk more interesting since all sinners are unkillable and I kind of keep circling back to "well if they're in limbo maybe they're not beholden to 'the rules' and can travel the rings' besides whatever other special powers they may have". Maybe Reader can be helpful in killing Hellborns since they have respawn mechanics and the other IMP members dont?
In terms of Crimson I actually think his behavior is going to be a lot like Val is going to be tbh, except with Val I think, unless you're a business associate or rival/enemy, that he wins you over emotionally or waits until he has something on you before he shows his darker side, since the Overlord is also a drug dealing mafioso of the Pride ring (also what's the deal with like shark people being criminals? Is Mammon a shark or something aquatic too? And when's gender daddy Asmodeus coming back, him n Val can pass me like a blunt 😩❤️). It's kind of stereotypical Mafia shit, everyone has ranking, loyalty is everything, obey orders unflinchingly, don't you dare talk back. Like I'm literally watching Crimson grab Moxxie's face and my stoned ass is sitting here like "sigh but Val grabbing Reader like that as he threatens them to 'fix their face before he fixes it for them' because theyre scowling and glaring at him while they serve him drinks and he forces them to smile 🥰" like big scary men got me acting unwise
I for one think it would be very funny if the Chaz introduction happened and in some alternate universe he's winking to Moxxie and Millie and just *finger guns at Reader* "and don't think I'm gonna forget about YOU either ;)" as Reader just visibly changes colors with embarrassment while IMP all turns to look at them, Reader flustered all "It was ONE TIME, I was really drunk, and--"
Like his stupid ass "sexually charged musical ballad" actually made me laugh like he could've maybe actually got me with that shit 💀like did you listen to the credits where they play the rest of the song. Laughing my ass off in my bedroom at 5am because the song suddenly ends with him saying all sing song "im finished" (cumming). and then Blitz says later in the episode that he's absolutely horrible in bed... lmao... can you imagine getting drunk and putting out for this man and then he wakes up and you're gone, note behind all "thanks for the fun time kthanksbye" meanwhile he's blowing up your phone, basically crushing on you, wanting something much more than just a really awkward one-off bang. I can only imagine what would happen to Reader if they were working for Val and someone very forward like Chaz or another ex shows up and the Overlord is getting jealous af because they're just being very openly flirtatious with you, maybe even brazenly mentioning some of the things you guys did together/in bed (also jesus the apples and oranges NIGHTMARE of having either Val OR Blitz know what you like in bed 💀 the teasing. The merciless fucking teasing. They would both clown on your ass so hard. You're just trying to have a glass of water in the IMP break room and in comes Blitz "wow you're really guzzling that, just like Chaz said you really liked giving h-" *insert not so playful strangling of your employer*)
Poor Reader constantly surrounded by demons hellbent (lol) on humiliating you and watching you get embarrassed because it's just so fun to watch you squirm until you're practically ready to cry 😩👌
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sherrifdoggo · 1 year
The Gramophone
or the more widely used term in the us, the Phonograph.
Or Record Player (though that's an anachronistic term from the 40's)
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you may have seen it in the last Jessie post in the background and asked yourself:
"Hey, is that music actually playing from that or is that just something you were listening to in the background?"
The answer is yes!, that is in fact being played from the gramophone itself thanks to some silly map logic that i'll dive into here while i make some more substantial additions to the map.
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Around the map you'll find some records like the ones pictured above. Each one is unique and is labeled after the song that it contains (Of course, which the names of brands changed because this isn't the actual 1930's it's the magic 1930's, also yeah forgot to mention that, might talk about it at a further point).
After finding one of these, bring them over to your nearest Speakeasy and you'll be treated to some music once you slap it in!
Let's quickly get how the logic works out of they way quickly for those interested.
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Above me is an identified hammer view of the logic, let's take it step by step real quick.
Step 1: Record is inserted into trigger space, multiple triggers are in that space but only one is looking for that specific record. Record space is intentionally small to avoid multiple records playing at once.
Step 2: All triggers are disabled before more records can be inserted and the song starter relay is triggered.
Step 3: Record prop is deleted and a fake record is put in the Gramophone with it's skin changed to that of the record inserted, it plays a little animation and begins to run further song logic
Step 4: Animation is done and song begins to play, 5 seconds later the stop button is spawned above the record. Logic is added to it through addoutput to stop the current song being played.
As for stopping the song, you press E on the record after the 5 second cooldown and viola! it respawns next to the gramophone.
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You may have also spotted this Beautiful J. D. Fenton Standing Piano on the stage as well. It may look like it's seen better days, but it still plays just as true.
I can't put another video on here due to having already blown the demonstration budget above, but rest assured that you can in fact actually play it (kind of)
When you interact with the piano it will play one note of a little song from a previous map I worked on, but never finished. Set in the same little weird universe btw. Just set in the present, not the 30's.
Yes that also means you can quickly spam the keys to ruin the song, because i thought that would be funny to let the player do.
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tobedecidedofficial · 2 years
From the Pinnacle to the Pit
(ooc: woe song I listened to while writing this be upon ye)
Robbie had been hoping just this once she'd be able to have a normal date night with Doreen. They were going to a Halloween party. They were dressed as Ez dressed as Jennifer Check during the pool scene, and Doreen was dressed as Needy. Nobody cosplaying Needy because neither of them were sure who would be, but Needy nonetheless.
They had been walking to the party when they felt the familiar tear of talons through the thin fabric of their morph suit into their shoulders as they got lifted off the ground for the second time this week and away from her girlfriend. They weren't sure how the bird guy recognized her through their costume but that was the least of her problems right now.
They couldn't reach up with their hands or kick without the talons digging deeper into their shoulders, they'd rather not get dropped again either, but that leaves them without a plan. They seemed to be approaching the stadium? A brief wave of deja vu washed over them but they couldn't tell why. Maybe it had something to do with something that happened before the server reset?
They didn't get much time to think about it before they felt the pain of the talons releasing, sending them plummeting to the ground in the center of the stadium. That hurt. A lot. But didn't cause enough of a health drop to trigger a respawn, unfortunately. They were usually glad to have more health than the average player, but this wasn't one of those times. A flurry of black feathers soon joined them, the red robe the man was wearing settling.
"I'm sure you're wondering why I brought you here," he started immediately, continuing without waiting for any kind of answer,"I require your assistance with something. 'well dr. Toomes, why didn't you just ask?' After what happened with ms. Lutin, you'll have to excuse me for not being willing to ask."
Lutin? That name sounded familiar, but Robbie wasn't sure where from. They couldn't even ask what he was talking about before he continued to continue,"You're going to help me get out of this goddamned computer. Your health is high enough that you won't be able to respawn to get away, but low enough you can't fight."
He picks up a sceptre from the ground and inserts it into a hole, perfectly shaped, that was in the ground. Robbie never noticed it before when they'd been to the stadium... As they thought that, Toomes looped his arms under their shoulders and dragged them up and to the sceptre.
He wraps their fingers around it and ties their hand to it tightly with a small length of rope. As soon as they make contact it begins to glow brightly, Toomes letting out a delighted cackle before grabbing on as well. "This will be glorious." he says, more to himself than to Robbie.
The light from the sceptre soon shoots out of the top of the stadium to the screen of the computer, beginning to creep down to their hands. Robbie couldn't let Toomes do this. He was a relatively new enemy, they didn't know what he was capable of, what he would do once he reached outside into the real world. They couldn't let that happen.
So they mustered up all their strength, and just as they began to get enveloped by the light they kicked toomes away, far enough that he wouldn't be able to go. But they were tied to it. They couldn't get away in time with how low their health was. Toomes let out a furious scream as, for the second time in their life, Robbie was consumed by a white light.
To be continued...
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 1 year
Content warning: cannibalism, body horror / graphic gore descriptions
Note: I do not want to eat people in real life. The ethics of ‘consensual cannibalism’ are interesting but I don’t really care. I have a special interest and a big part of it is thinking about cannibalism in fantasy-type scenarios such as being able to respawn/come back to life easily. [Current hyperfixation on minecraft so maybe imagine that type of thing]
This also isn’t a sexual thing [no hate to others tho] but I will be talking about intimacy and romantic situations. I just think gore as a love language is neat.
More on cannibalism, guts, and intimacy under the cut.
Thinking about cannibalism in a fantasy setting with the ability to respawn after death. Especially thinking about partners where one is a monster-type person who needs to eat people to survive. The human giving themselves up to their partner so they don’t have to hunt and kill innocent people. The monster-person feeling bad at first but being reassured by their human that it’s okay. And the monster-person losing control after the first taste of blood, just going full feral, until the human dies and respawns (probably exhausted but happy their partner isn’t starving).
The body has always been really interesting to me. I like when it gets all taken apart to the point that there is no chance of survival, but the human allows this to happen. It’s even more interesting if- idk- the human has some kind of potion or smthn that makes pain duller, therefore allowing them to just relax through the whole thing and think about how much they love their partner peacefully.
I'm going on a rant about organs (not the music kind). Something about the organs part of the body is so fun to talk about and also write about. Like dang! It's so fun to be just subtle about it. Like, I’m not naming any specific organs, make up your own mind, I'm just gonna say offal and viscera, but organs in general are so fun to talk about. The stomach area is the most vulnerable part of the body so it’s kind of a sign of pure trust from the human character to offer that.
The bit of flesh above the guts is also very soft and usually the muscles with the least use (unless you work out a lot) and therefore just makes the whole thing feel like a more vulnerable spot. Bonus points if the monster-person draws things out before going full feral and maybe compliments the human’s body. And of course it feels intimate because [insert sex joke here], but also because of the trust thing, the closeness, how its helping the monster-person stay alive.
Additionally, I really like the idea I mentioned about the painkiller potion because it would mean everything feels very chill and kind of like a really weird cross section between horror and calm. Like, the human feels themselves getting emptier and knows their organs are literally being eaten, but it’s kind of relaxing and trusting. A de-stressing thing where they give up control and just let it happen.
There's something unhinged about monster-person going all feral mode on their human and kinda just heading straight for the guts. Like, if they were thinking logically and wanted them to stay alive longer they'd go for limbs first- blood loss yeah but no vitals. Fixable? Or like survivable. Idk. But also going for the chest or throat is immediately lethal.
The stomach area just seems like this crazy intersection between slower, more drawn out experience and impossibility of recovery that adds this real neat sense of dread, in a fun way. Love it. Big fan.
This is the most fun if the cannibalism is happening in a world with respawn. It's so silly when they can just have fun with it.
And obviously it can be a sex thing for some people, all the power to them. I don't really associate it with that so much though? It's more like the secret third thing between sex and holding hands. But violent. It's intimate but also quite angry? Well, hungry at least. Anger and hunger are very closely connected.
It's also an ultimate sign of love, I think, to be like ‘you’re hungry? You eat people? Well guess what babe! You’re in luck!’ It's a sacrifice one makes for their weird fucked up partner. And it makes their relationship closer, maybe, whether platonic or not. It's like saying hey, you're not a monster, you don't have to starve, I'm here. But like. Literal. Physically there for them.
[Also if they're not a monster-person and they just do it for the funsies, good for them. It's the same thing. Closeness and vulnerability. They're under each others care. Yes. Go crazy.]
Another thing I like about cannibalism in fantasy is the idea of the monster-person feeling full and safe and content afterwards and just taking a big nap. Especially if they've got animal instincts cause it's like they feel safe enough to sleep. It's actually cute. And they're really close (literal sense) with their partner. Like they're protecting them, curled up around them so no one can get to them.
Thoughts over I am sorry for being actually unhinged on main.
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rolliwo · 2 years
Deathspank thongs of virtue map all out houses
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Hell, YOU might laugh at the non-existence of a real setback. The only negative of dying is losing a percentage of the gold you got on you at that time, and being the laughingstock of the shire. Now I know what you're thinking: "Deathspank" you'll say "doesn't simply respawning at the nearest outhouse make your game much, much easier"? To that I would say "damn skippy". Whenever you get me killed, I simply respawn to the closest outhouse near my previous demise. Yes, teleporting outhouses is the main advantage of wearing the Thong of Justice. The map shows you where you are, what lands you haven't explored, and the outhouses you can teleport to. Collecting mystical runes allows me to use Justice Weapons in combination with an specificed elemental weapon for a SUPER SPECIAL JUSTICE ATTACK that can easily take down any fools that I pity. When you have to make room for new possessions, you can grind old weapons, items, and armor for cold hard gold! When my (shout it with me) JUSTICE METER is full, I can utilize a special attack from any Justice Weapon that's in a quick slot. Eventually, your inventory will become too puny to hold all the crap I run across, and that's not including what I find in the outhouses. The inventory system contains all of the loot and notes that I pickup along the way. Reap the benefits of obedience and non-evilness! The weapons and items that you find can be inserted into any one of the 8 quick select slots, and used by command of pressing the corresponding button. You can set up your inventory to automatically adorn me in my finest, strongest garbs. Weapons and armor will be dropped by freshly killed enemies. Do you want me to have the ability to use armor 1 level higher than mine? Do you want me to be faster, stronger, even greedier? You can only pick one card at a time, so choose wisely, since me and "wise" don't have much of a history together. Gaining a new level will offer you progress cards that makes me even more awesome. The Joneses are never downtrodden, somehow. Weapons, armor, items, and the enemies you face will all have levels, so its really reeeeeeeeally important to keep up with the Joneses. Leveling up involves the process of completing quests and vanquishing villains to gain XP. As you slay and dismay the opposition, you'll get stronger by something us heroes like to call "leveling up". These NPCs provide humorous banter and rewards from quests for you to accomplish, since that guy that had something to do with creating Monkey Island wants it that way. After slaying down many foes, you will be introduced to a few of the many NPCs littered across this great nation. The left stick controls my movements, shoulder buttons are used for whipping out my shield or opening a map of the downtrodden land, and the Select button brings up my quest log. All this talk about insertion, slots, and prison makes me a wee bit nervous, though. Here, you'll learn that the D-pad and face buttons on your controller are slots containing whichever item you respectively insert into them. My addiction for real justice eventually takes over, and the player is introduced to the first battles of the game. Why? Should've bought the first game cheapwad, but a narrator sums it up nicely. The game starts off with me being locked away in prison, peeling away at potatoes, jamming with harmonicas, and doing other prisonly things. WTF: Why is my money so useless? At least let me purchase a harem of properly aged girls or something You'll feel like a puppy retrieving every fuzzy tennis ball ever thrown Pros: Astonishingly handsome main character, plenty of humorous dialogue, varied and vibrant backdropsĬons: Endless fetch questing. Even more fortunate, you sufferers of painful appendages could guide me throughout this sequel, for a nominal fee! The question that remains, however, is whether or not my new game is worth a gnome's earlobe. I'll will have to duel with the likes of an sadistic nun, a cook with an weird appetite, and even the fat, red, North Pole Nicholas himself, who is hardly a saint these days. Fortunately, Sandy immediately informed me that more adventure awaited me, as more foes of justice emerged, possessing the power of mystical underwear, just like yours truly. In my previous adventure, I slayed the nefarious Lord Von Prong as my taskmaster Sandy instructed, like a good little vanquisher. Greetings, cyberspace dwellers! I am Deathspank.Vanquisher of Evil, Hero to the Downtrodden, yada yada.
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vs-stardream · 2 years
up to a certain point the “kirby is a tyrant who kills everything in his path!!!” jokes are vaguely funny, but there’s something really annoying about seeing them parroted over and over, especially by people who think they’re providing a fresh, edgy read on kirby’s character. i get the fun in inserting comedic darkness into a lighthearted series/character (“mario is a war criminal” and similar bdg takes are always great, especially since their point is at least partially to make fun of people who are serious with their edgy takes) but kirby is sort of an easy target, and the jokes get old pretty fast because they’re so one-note.
the worst part is that it demonstrates a lack of willingness to read into the gameplay cycle of kirby at all. like... i know i’m stating the obvious here, but enemies don’t die. they respawn if you get far enough out of frame. and bosses often play a role in the story or gameplay, even once defeated! katfl is a great example of this. but if a character dies in a kirby game, you will know. sectonia’s gone forever, guys! kirby’s definitely capable of killing, but he’s not a murder machine lol
i think it’s more interesting to examine the implications of kirby’s behavior in a way that stays true to the games’ tone. what do all the other enemies think of kirby inhaling them all the time? in my personal headcanon, i imagine they think it’s a bit unpleasant, but just accept it as a fact of life. considering how willing some of them are to be friends with kirby in star allies, i can’t imagine there’s much actual animosity between kirby and the recurring enemies, just rivalry and perhaps some “instinct taking over” type situations.
anyway, i think it is infinitely funnier to imagine kirby as like, a baby who will put Anything in its mouth, even if its parents are like “spit it out!!!” he is for sure very impulsive, a bit mischievous, and perhaps has a slightly alien code of morals. but harping too much on “lol kirby is cute but also a killer” just shows a lack of respect for the character and the story imo
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evvlevie · 2 years
Hi again! :) thank you for replying to me I have a few other questions.When you’re in your DR can you stay forever? What happens to your life CR when you shift ? When In your DR can you change the past from decades age ? Will it reflect in the present? TY!
Hey girlie! Let's learn some shifting basics, should we? 🫂💖
"when you are in your DR can you stay forever?"
→ Yes you absolutely can. In shifting terms this is considered permanent-shifting or perma-shifting. It's when you are shifting to a reality that you plan on staying on for a permanent period of time, as the name already suggests. You can script that the "new" reality will become your new CR as soon as you arrive or you can just never shift back to this CR. A term you might want to look into is "Respawning". That's when you shift to a different reality, and intentionally script, that you do not have any memories about your old CR, or about the fact that you shifted into the other reality in the first place. A good middle-ground is permanent-shifting into your 50's reality and scripting that you forgot what exactly you scripted. Sometimes people like to script what they want in the future to happen, and if you want you can determine, that you are unaware of the future events that will happen, but you still remember this CR.
"what happens to your life in this CR when you shift"
→ What happens is basically what is already happening in all other realities that you exist in. A thing you need to understand, is that every single universe/reality with you in it, is happening parallel to this one. You do exist in other universes and realities too, but you just aren't aware of them. You aren't aware of what you are doing in XYZ-Reality, or in the ABC-Reality, but you are doing something, and something is happening, that's for sure. For this reason, shifters like to say that you aren't creating a different reality in which you insert yourself into. You are only specifying of which reality you want to be consciously aware of. In fact you are never creating a reality. All of those realities you are somewhat part of, already exist. you are only gaining consciousness of those other ones when you're shifting. So what your CR-You does, once to gain consciousness in another reality, is nothing different from what you would usually do. Shifters call that a clone. But you need to realize that your clone is you. you but you just aren't experiencing it. Your personality is the exact same, you do the exact same choices you'd do anyway and this clone is just you, but without your consciousness experiencing it.
"when in your DR can you change the past from decades age? And will it reflect in the present?"
→ Yes, you absolutely can. You can do absolutely anything and everything. You can script whatever you want. You can script that you will have something major happen to you, that will 100% reflect in the present in some way, but you aren't time traveling. You are just experiencing a different reality in which that happened/ didn't happen. Keep in mind that whatever happened in this reality, is already done. For example, Draco Malfoy could never shift to this reality in particular because in this one he is fictional. Just like if you were to kill Baby-H!tler and prevent the entire ho(ocaust, this could not reflect in this reality right here, because in this one nobody killed him, and the events played out the way they did. There is a reality in which the climate change never became an issue, and you can happily shift there, but it just won't be this exact one, because in this reality climate change is already a problem. See what I am trying to tell you here? If you were to shift to the 50's and invent a money tree, the consequences of that would never play out in our reality, because in our reality the past is already determined.
As per usual I hope, that I was able to help you ❣️ a lot of love and positive vibes,
Evie <3
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baby-n-boo · 4 years
Pink is not a girl’s color- regressor! Tommy, finally big brother tubbo, cg! Wilbur
Tommy was little. There was no two ways to put it. And, as if it wasn’t obvious enough from the fact he hadn't sworn in a whole ten minutes, His thumb was inserted firmly in his mouth as he gamed one-handedly, a small piece of paper over each of the webcams on his monitors, in case someone saw. He had finished his stream that day in rather a hurry, logging off of the dream SMP almost as soon as the confirmation came through that the stream had ended, already feeling the pull of the headspace on his mind, and knowing he wouldn’t have been able to hide it from his friends should he have fully slipped. But, for now, he was idly wandering around a solo server he had made for himself, trying to remember where he had built his home last time he had been on the server. His chair creaked in protest, as he tried to bring his knees up to his chest, resting his feet on the very edge of the seat, making him jump. It wasn’t that he was easily scared when little, but the fact he had become accustomed to the silence that seemed to surround him when he was small, since nobody ever wanted to talk to him without being mean.  
But it was ok. He could look after himself. He was a big boy, really! Mumbling to himself, around his thumb, he tried to direct his character over to the little hill he could see in the distance, not noticing the river running between himself and said mound, and promptly falling right in. At the sudden change of perspective, Tommy panicked, pulling his hand away from the keyboard like it had burnt him, in the hopes it would be fixed if he stopped. But it didn’t, leaving him arrested in fear, watching as the pretty bubbles went away, and his character started taking damage. He didn’t want the pretty red hearts to go away, they were nice!  
Whining slightly as the last one slipped away, and the death message popped up on screen, shading everything in a dim sort of red, Tommy shoved the mouse away too in frustration, refusing to respawn. He wore a stubborn pout as he spun on his chair to turn his back on the screens, just in time for a knock to sound on his door. Worrying for a moment, he yanked his thumb out, and minimised the tab, not wanting anyone to see, before calling out a “Yeah?” that sounded too loud and brash to be right, even for his normal self.  
Wilbur, poking his head through the door carefully, smiled to see Tommy not doing much, before starting to speak. “I, uh, I saw your stream ended? I was wondering if you wanted to come spend some time with real people now?” he joked, referencing how little time Tommy actually spent socialising. Despite how much he really really wanted to nod yes, and go with him, Tommy shook his head, carefully measuring his voice to reply. “Nah, you’re alright, I have masses of women to talk to.” he tried to joke back, his smile just a little too wide, the usual bravado missing from the tone, though Will shrugged it off, sure that if something was up, Tommy wouldn’t hesitate to complain about it.  
“Well, if you change your mind, don’t forget, Toby and I ’re right downstairs.” He reminded Tommy, with a slightly stern look, before ducking back out the door frame. He tried to nod an affirmation, turning as if to go back to his game, but, as soon as he heard the door click back into place, and the creak of the stairs, he pushed up off his chair, padding over to his bed instead. He wasn’t big enough for gaming, right now, and certainly not to go face his friends. Don’t get him wrong, he was glad they had offered to come over and keep him company while his parents were away for some business trip or other, but it was hard to hide his little space from them when he knew they would be watching his streams, and constantly reminding him to actually care for himself. Especially since it had saved him the embarrassment of his parents hiring some babysitter that never actually did anything, once they found out how old he was.  
Tummy rumbling as he sat down cross-legged amid the rumpled sheets, and pulled his favourite blanket out from under his pillow, Tommy whined, having run out of fruit snacks the previous night when he had been streaming till two in the morning. Normally, it wouldn’t be an issue, him just having to sneak down and grab something from the cupboards under the guise of still streaming, but he knew, as soon as he set foot on the stairs today, his friends would be dragging him into a switch game tournament, or a conversation, or, even worse, a trip to the store. Shuddering at the very thought of going outside, Tommy shook his head. No, going hungry was much better than whatever they had in store for him.  
His PC kept chiming with discord messages, probably from his other streamer friends to wonder why he had ended so fast, but he merely ignored them, balling up under the ratty sky-blue blanket, and trying to get his head to stop being quite so fuzzy. It didn’t help as his thumb crept back into his mouth, brushing against the cold metal of his braces, and he curled tighter, the scratchy material of his jeans starting to irritate him, as he slipped further and further. It was only a matter of time before something bad happened, so, desperately clinging to the last shreds of his adult mind, Tommy stumbled over to his closet, kicking off his jeans and baseball shirt in a frenzy of unstable movement.  
Once he was sure that it was all off, he glanced nervously toward the door, and quickly grabbed a bundle of material, throwing it onto the bed before someone could burst in and see it. Yanking a pair of shorts over his boxers, he quickly scurried back to the comfy area, hiding between the sheets as he fought his way into the other thing, a hoodie that was clearly multiple sizes too big, smelling of a foreign but comforting cologne. He’d picked it up from Wilbur’s bag the first night he had been here, thinking it had been his own, and had been reluctant to give it back upon discovering it, in fact, was not, something about how it made him feel small making it appealing.  
Flipping up the hood, so it fell over his eyes, Tommy giggled, flapping around the oversized sleeves in a childish manner, entertained by even the slightest of things in little space. By this point, his adult mind had entirely slipped away, replaced with the simple, cotton candy thoughts of the child Tommy now was. Confused as to why he was being so boring and lying round in bed all day, he pushed back his coverings with a smile, before gasping, looking around for Henry - his cow plush- in between the all-together too mature sheets. Black circles were just so grown up! Where were the dinosaurs? Or the racing cars!  
Temporarily distracted from his search by the thought of cars, Tommy gasped, running over to his cupboard, where he hid away all his colouring books, dragging out some nice-looking ones, and his big box of Crayola pens, giggling as they rattled noisily. Throwing them to the floor, Tommy lay down on his tummy across his rug, pushing up the too-long sleeves until he could see hs fingers. Wiggling them around, he couldn’t help but beam, it being such a silly movement, especially as they all bunched up to try picking up the slippery box of pens, only for it to bump back down. Kicking contentedly as he tried again, it wasn’t long before it was tipped upside down, the rainbow of colors spreading across the rug in a mess only a child could make, blues bouncing and reds rolling. In fact, every color other than pink.  
Not that Tommy noticed this lack, grabbing up his favourite colour, and flipping to a random page, cheering as it was a cool race car, with flames up the sides, all waiting to be coloured. Uncapping the pen with his teeth, he kept the lid in, chewing on the tip of it as he scribbled messily up and down the door of the car, smiling as it got bluer and bluer the more that he scribbled. Even if it didn’t particularly stay in the lines. Blue was nice, it was a boy’s color, like the sky, and the sea, and blue race cars that go nyoom! Will once said blue was a happy color, so that must mean it was good! Why else would he say it?  
It wasn’t like pink. Bleh, pink is a girl’s color, why would he want /that/? Pink was all flowers and dresses and bubblegum, blehhhh. Pulling a disgusted face, sticking his tongue out, which, in turn, made the lid fall out, Tommy shook his head. No, pink was most definitely not for a big boy like him. In his daydreaming, he hadn't heard the stairs creak, nor the tentative knock on the door, not realising as Tubbo crept into the room. “Hey, Tommy? Wilbur said we could ord- oh.” he started, before noticing his friend on the floor, surrounded by coloring pens. Tommy, spinning round at the familiar voice, smiled to see Tubbo, waving gently with his uncapped pen, but making no effort to get up, instead turning back to his coloring once he was done. “Well, I was gunna ask what pizza you wanted, but it’s ok, I'll just say pepperoni. Have fun with … what you’re doing.” Tubbo murmured, not wanting to disturb Tommy when he seemed so concentrated, instead shutting the door behind himself, and heading back down the stairs to where Wilbur was waiting on the sofa.
“Hey. What’d he say?” Will greeted, his laptop open to some takeout website, smiling gently as Tubbo relayed the information for pepperoni, before placing the order quickly. “Alright, that’s done, is he coming down?” he asked, shutting his laptop once he was done, just as Tubbo settled back in the armchair and picked up his switch. “Nah, he’s little.” he spoke simply, as if it was common knowledge, reopening his animal crossing island to keep fishing, like he had been. Confused, Wilbur tilted his head, brushing aside his hair as it flopped over his eyes, and let out a quiet “Huh?”, making Tubbo look up, and meet his eyes. “What do you mean little?” he asked, curiously, not understanding as the teen clammed up, looking mortified. “I shouldn’t have said that. I should /not/ have said that.” He muttered, hiding his red face behind the console. “It’s not my place to say.” he tried to wriggle out of the situation, but, with a stern look from Wilbur, he was pinned in place.  
“um...wow, how to put it...” he fidgeted in place, trying to find the words to explain to a rapidly more and more concerned WIlbur. “um...he’s thinking like a kid...not Tommy?” he tried, but, from the blank look he got back, he knew that wasn’t enough. “It’s...It’s like a response to stress? Or...or just cuz...?” he tried again, watching as Will nodded slowly. “Um...he’s coloring right now...i don’t think he wants to be bothered?” he interrupted, as Will stood, to go up the stairs. “I could...i could try to find a website to explain to you, if you wanted? I'm... I'm not too good at this.” Tubbo offered, reaching for his laptop, silently relieved as Wilbur sat back down.  
“That would be nice, actually, I'm lost.” He admitted, handing it over, and watching as Tubbo struggled to type out whatever he was trying to, eventually finding a page that seemed right. “Uh, it’s a Tumblr page but...i think it’s got the stuff on...” he mumbled, passing the brightly coloured page back over to him. Credit to him, as Tubbo watched on nervously, Will didn’t seem disgusted, reading with genuine intellectual curiosity, before sitting back. “Woah, okay. That’s intense.” He commented, letting out a deep exhale, and rubbing his eyes. “Why is he little, did you say?” he asked, but Tubbo froze. “I’m...i’m actually not sure. Tommy does it both ways, on purpose and not. Maybe the lore stream today? He did end quickly...” he commented mostly to himself, then rubbing his upper arm. “He normally comes and DMs me after if it’s been a hard stream though... maybe cuz you’re here, he didn’t want to talk about it?”  
Throwing out theories, Tubbo tried to hide his confusion and slight hurt that the little he liked to think of as his baby brother when he was in headspace, hadn't told him, chewing on his nails a little. “I do know he calls you his brother though...maybe he was shy in case you didn’t like him doing it?” he murmured, eyes flicking up to the bespectacled 24 year old watching with rapt attention. Luckily, he looked amused, adjusting his beanie. “Hey, it wouldn’t be the only time, I'm practically his older brother all the time.” He chuckled, casting an eye over the page still up on his screen. “It says here about something called...CGs?” he sounded tentative as he looked up to Tubbo again. “It does, and before you ask, No, he doesn’t have one. And yes, he really should, the chaotic doesn’t go down.” he replied, feeling a lot more comfortable now they could make fun of his friend again.  
“Should...should we head upstairs, go make sure he doesn’t like...set fire to something?” Will suggested, after a few moments of chuckling, right before a loud thump interrupted Tubbo’s beginning complaint. “Ok, Ok , maybe that’s a good idea.” he smiled, putting his switch to the side before standing. “I’ll go warn him.” He held out a hand to stop Will mounting the steps before him, smiling as he feigned offense. “Trust me, you wanna prepare for this, he might still be Tommy, but he’s... different.” Running up the stairs, best as he could, with the nerves he now had in every vein, he quickly pushed open the door, to see the little tugging at a stuffed animal wedge in a cardboard box. Carefully pulli ng it out, he easily identified it as Henry, pushing it into Tommy’s arms with a smile. “I have a surprise for you, Toms, you ready?” he asked, keeping his voice gentle as Tommy nodded enthusiastically. “Awe, good!”  
Awkward, shuffling footsteps were the only indicator Will was coming in, before he rounded the corner, with a small smile. “H-Hi Tommy.” his arms were held awkwardly in front of him, crossed across his chest like he didn’t know how to react. But it wasn’t too much of an issue, since, as soon as he saw Wilbur, Tommy jumped to his feet, running to him. “Wilby!” he cheered, hugging him tightly. “Missed chu!” he grinned, as Will hesitantly pet his hair. “Uh, hey kid, whatchu up to?” he asked, as Tubbo watched on with a soft smile, perching on the bed.  “I heard you were coloring?” he asked, looking to the teen for confirmation, as he nodded enthusiastically again, and dropped to his knees, grabbing his pens to keep going.  
“Yeah! Iz blu!” he smiled, thrusting a cyan pen to the elder one. Carefully sitting down between him and the wall, Wilbur smiled and nodded. “You’re right, it is blue. Do you like blue?” Clearly that was the right question, since Tommy started speaking, so fast they could barely get a word in edgewise, about the color, kicking his legs happily as he started to scribble again, starting to color in the fire on the side of the car now, under the watchful eye of his friends.  
Furrowing his brow slightly at the missing color, Will spoke up, after some small humming being the only thing to break the silence. “Hey, Toms, where’s your pink?” he wondered aloud, jumping slightly as Tommy shouted a “No!”, rather vehement. “No,no, no! Pink for /girls/.” he mumbled, when Will shushed him. Curious, he tilted his head, his hair falling agin, and ‘hmm’d  slightly. “Pink isnt a girl’s color, Tommy, what makes you think that?” he didn’t understand, not even as Tommy sent him a disbelieving face. “Pink...pink for princess” he struggled to explain, making Tubbo nod quietly from where he sat.  “But, I like pink, Toms, am I a princess?” he chimed in, taken aback as Tommy giggled, and nodded. “P’incess tubby!” he smiled, making Wilbur chuckle and nod. “That’s right, kid, Toby’s a princess now.” watching the teen stand and mockingly spin around, before carefully bopping Tommy’s head, like a fairy. “ding, ding, Tommy is now a kid!” he laughed, moving over to the cupboard that usually housed the colouring, pulling out a shameful looking pink tub, and placing it on the floor beside the kid. “Let’s try these ones too, huh?” Will prompted, picking up a pastel pink, and doodling a small flower in the corner.  
Tommy nodded, gently, slipping a little, pink pacifier into his mouth when nobody was looking, and hesitantly choosing a maroon pen, trying a clumsy smiley face, soon joined by tubbo doodling a bee, of course. Laughing, Will tried another flower, and a heart, wanting to keep what he did simple, making Tommy smile as a little of the ink went over his fingers. Catching the pen before he tried to draw on his own face, Will tutted gently at Tommy, his new little friend. His little...brother? Before they realised it, the scribbly car had been overshadowed by their doodles, Tommy having branched out into pink the more his friends didn’t seem to mind it being there, slowly smiling more and more, until he was giggling loud and free, fully convinced now, that Pink was, in fact, not a girl’s color.  
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tf2strategist · 4 years
Edit: Okay, so apparently it posted itself, that’s why. Here’s the ACTUAL post.
I’m glad I took a screenshot, I had a feeling this would happen.
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Thank you so much for the kind words! I’m so stoked to be able to do this, and it means the world to me that people are enjoying my writing!
I do hope that this rewrite isn’t too messy. This is the ask that I lost yesterday, I did my best to recover what I could and add some extra!
Yall, please give me tips on how to wrangle this site. But without further adieu...
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Medic had his eyes on Heavy from the beginning. Hell, who wouldn’t? An absolute bear of a man, stoic but kind hearted, caring for his sisters in Russia.
It was rare before he had met this man to have ever been respected for his work. Most of the time he would deflect comments with an alarming smile and a morbid joke (or by inserting extra organs inside of them next time he had the chance, though it could be argued that he does that to everybody), so when Heavy treated the doctor with respect from day one, he was smitten.
Smitten? Medic had no clue what his feelings meant. Perhaps it was a side effect of surgically adding those souls to his own body, but he couldn’t help being a bit less wound up around his comrade, even going so far as to tell stories of his own past in exchange for theirs.
Misha, on the other hand, never noticed this until the other mercenaries pointed out the clear favoritism. Even then, he assumed it was because they were good friends. Until they hit the battlefield, when they became gods.
Medic, quite like the Engineer, is practically nocturnal. He has no time to waste in his eyes, he has too many organs, experiments, surgeries to conduct. This man will manage to cram a surgery between two autopsies within the span of a few hours, but this means he will hardly eat or sleep until he’s satisfied with his latest abomination.
Why do I bring this up? It’s because Medic tends to crash outside of the med bay. A lot. 
Heavy is frequently the first to notice, and becomes something of a guard dog. He paces the halls, any and every noise swiftly shut down by a steely glare. 
Likewise, if Heavy is the one to crash, be it on a couch, the floor, or slumped over a table, the doctor will carry this man to bed. You’d be surprised what lugging around a heavy metal backpack and a medi-gun will do for your strength. Ludwig basically Disney-princess style wrangles his birds and helps lift him back to bed.
Once, Scout tried to pull a prank while Medic was passed out after one of his many week-long all-nighter streaks.
It’s safe to say Ludwig was not ecstatic to wake up to a medical emergency. This is something Scout will never overshare about.
If Heavy is being pocketed by Medic that day, expect to be stuck in respawn for the entire match. Not that it would matter, the team will still win! The two are an ubercharge machine.
Heavy is the only one who is allowed to pet Archimedes and the doves. Medic trusts that Misha won’t harm them or accidentally crush them.
It’s mesmerizing for the doctor to watch. It’s as if his large, calloused fingers become light as feathers, gently holding the little angels with such care, petting them in just the right places. The doves practically flock to Heavy whenever he enters the infirmary nowadays.
Likewise, Archimedes and Medic are the only ones allowed to touch Sasha. There’s nothing else to say here.
Heavy only ever shares his sandviches with Medic! Sometimes, Scout will badger him to convince Heavy to share with the others, too. Scout will also never overshare about the incident that followed. Starting to see a pattern here?
Matching pajamas. No, I will not elaborate.
Any chore list there is, Misha and Ludwig immediately pair up. If they change, they still insist on being together. During the change to the kitchen list (all mercs pair up save for spy, designated to a week in which they cook for the rest of the team), they immediately reach across the table towards each other, A gloved hand fit snug on top of that of the gentle giant.
“HEAVY IS WITH DOKTOR! NOT CHANGE THIS.” - Ten’s a crowd, chapter 8 I think. One that hasn’t been published at the time of writing this.
They’ll cuddle together on one of the couches if they know they have privacy from the rest of the mercs. Medic also uses Heavy’s lap as a pillow. Does this hurt his shoulders? Probably. Does he care? Nope. This man is stubborn and it shows.
Heavy is the little spoon. I rest my case.
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red-hood-redemption · 3 years
SO I know I’m like, super late to the party, but I finally got my hands on Robin 2021 and there is literally no one for me to talk to about it so now I’m just screaming my thoughts into the void ✌
First off, before i even bought the first two issues, I read through a lot of other people’s opinions on it to kinda get an idea of where it was going characterization-wise for Damian, and because of all the mixed reactions, I figured I should just read it myself and find out. Now I am the FURTHEST thing from a comic book authority, so like, this is truly just an opinion piece but if it convinces anyone to give the run a chance, then yay!!! Honestly, I’m really glad I gave it a shot because I’m genuinely hooked! I’m actually excited about this series (and it scares me lol)!!!
I'm gonna separate my thoughts into two sections: characters, and story, mainly for my own ease, but also if anyone cares more about one thing or the other it's easier to distinguish. But,  the line is a little blurry so if I end up getting a little too much into the characterization in the story section, just bear with me lmao. OH and I'm going to try and keep this as un-spoilery as possible but we'll just have to see. SOOOOOOOO
I think it goes without saying that Melnikov's art is absolutely gorgeous, and really does show how much Damian has grown up. It makes me want to sob its so beautiful, everyone is so pretty, even the guy that looks like a washed up, high as fuck Tony Stark lmao. But moving on to the actual characters,
Rose Wilson
I honestly don't know too much about Rose, I haven't read enough about her to say anything about her characterization and how it compares to her other appearances, or whether or not she is OOC, but so far, I'm enjoying her taking up the "big sis" role, like, immediately lmao.
I don't know how much I trust her yet, but I definitely get the vibe that even if she does betray Dami in any way, she's probably gonna stick her neck out for Dami again and he's probably gonna do the same.
I'm really intrigued about her motivations for being here. Obviously, Respawn has something to do with it, but I want to know what's up with that. I've seen a lot of theories and I'm so excited. Also side note, that Black Swan chick is hot, and I can't wait to see more of her in action!!!
I feel like Ravager knows a WHOLE lot more than Dami does about the interesting things going on on the island, mainly because she's been doing a lot more sitting and waiting than he has as of yet, but I'm hoping to see more of the two of them doing detective-y sleuthing together. We love a mysteryyyy
Okay but real talk, why does she look like a character straight out of Monster High
Honestly tho, I dig it. It's cute! She's cute! She isn't annoying (yet) but I don't know if I care too much about her other than she would make a cute friend for Dami.
I think the problem with DC is that they know people LOVE Harley Quinn and they try so hard to make characters just like her but it always falls short, so honestly I am a little wary of her character development in this run, but I'm willing to give her a shot since her little coffin purse on the cover of the second issue is so damn cute. I'm a slut for character design, okay?
Oh speaking of Flatline and Dami, I don't ship it and I don't want them to force a romantic relationship into Damian's "coming of age"/"soul-searching" moment okay? Because that's what this run is about, at least to me! More on that in the story section!
They're literally 13/14 years old. That's 8th-9th grade, babes lets think about that for a minute
Also let's stop the whole "lets introduce a female character just to make her a love interest!" bullshit okay?
Basically, Flatline is interesting, or at least has the potential to be, but I don't want to get my hopes up because DC is notorious for disservicing their female characters 😕
I think the mixed reaction to her is valid, I don't think she's had much time to make a solid impression yet, so I guess you'd have to read it for yourself. Personally, I don't understand why people immediately hate her, especially because she's like, 14, and what kid that age isn't annoying? like at least a little bit lmao! But, yeah. I don't trust her either but literally everyone on this island is sketchy at least and a murderer at best, so hey 🤷‍♀️
His new outfit lmaoooo at first I was like "WHaT is this child wearing? You'd think Dick would have rubbed off on him and taught him what good taste looks like" but then I saw the later outfit, with the gold patterning and those sleeeevessssss ugh and I take it all back. A Fashion Icon TM. Truly stunning. A sight to behold. So proud, look at him go 😪
I think there's a lot of different opinions on Damian's characterization in this run, and I can definitely see where its coming from, but I disagree with the notion that Damian has been done dirty and reverted to a blood-thirsty, feral child.  And I have a LOT of opinions on the whole "feral" thing regarding Damian period (but that's for another time).
I don't think of Dami's rampage as a regression for his character. He's letting of emotions right then and I think its very similar to him venting. Its just not verbal, its physical and he knows he's not going to have to grapple with the consequences of his actions on the first kill. He knows he's technically not doing anything wrong.
He is clearly upset at Bruce and his failure to protect Alfred, and while Dami and Bruce are really often described as being very similar personality-wise, they are still distinctly different individuals who came to their current moral codes in vastly different ways. Bruce came to his "no killing" rule on his own; he made that decision for himself. It wasn't taught to him, it was a moment-of-truth kind of situation. Damian, on the other hand is in a vastly different situation.
Dami is, I think, at the beginning of the climb to his own moment-of-truth. He is in his rebellious phase like Dick, where he's gone off to spread his wings. It's not his conscious intention (at least that's not the vibe I got from reading the first two issues), but its directly underlying his "mission".
Damian is growing out of the expectations of his parents and into his own person. We all know he's been thrown from one moral code to another, both drastically different from each other. I don't think its a regression for him to lose his way a little, because realistically, he's going to have to in order to find it, specifically a moral compass that he forged on his own. He's just what? 14? Like hell a kid his age wants to listen to any form of authority. He's as stubborn as it comes. Damian needs to come to his decision regarding the path he takes in life on his own. It can't be made for him. He's seen and lived both sides of the coin, and I don't think he should be forced just yet to choose a side or pave a middle ground, but I do think that he should get the opportunity to see and experience all the gray areas on his own.
I think I'll transition from characterization to story here, because let's face it, this story is about Damian dealing with his confused emotions right now, in the wake of losing Alfred, a man that kind of acted like a grounding presence, a voice of reason, or a moral compass for him (and honestly Bruce and the rest of the bat crew if we're honest).
So there's a lottttt going on in the story that is really enticing and exciting, and I'm really interested to see how it all plays out.
All the rules to the tournament are so, sketchy? Like they don't sound like they are meant to be sketchy, its basic safety and guidelines or whatever but with all the glowy green shit and the stakes of the tournament? Yeah, you can bet your ass its the "no fighting at night" and other shit is gonna be broken, and that's likely when the fun begins *insert evil laughter*😈
I was slightly put off by the whole "let me teach you to have fun" thing with Rose, because it's not like Dick, Steph, Jon, and like the Titans haven't done that with him too, but eh, not something I'm too concerned about. It's definitely just a segway to get us introduced to more characters that might become Damian's friends which will be interesting considering what Mother Soul said about fraternizing.
And that's another thing! I want Damian to make some friends! I know he already has some, but here's the thing: I think he's already been struggling with belonging, and he's definitely been feeling the disconnect between his life and other kids', whether they're supers/vigilantes or not. I think it'd be nice to see Dami have the experience of meeting people who he at first thinks are just like him!! and then realizing that maybe he doesn't really fit in here either, and that it's okay to feel like you don't belong, as isolating as it may feel at times. It just means you have a set of values. I want him to realize that its not always a bad thing, and you learn more about yourself and your own heart this way.
And from there,,, lets talk about the thing that stuck out to me the most in these two issues! GUILT!! It's mentioned SOO many times already, and I think its going to be a really fun, heartbreaking, and interesting aspect to explore about Damian. Is it guilt about his actions? Leaving behind family? Not being able to save Alfred? Not being a perfect example of Robin? He may call himself Robin but he doesn't sport the OG look or symbol like before. I love that his guilt takes on the form of Alfred though, or at least his conscious. I think it'd be really interesting to see this conscious disappear when Dami strays too far from his center, and when he finds it again, it reappears.
I really think that seeing Damian's actions in this run as a failure of character development is an unfair assessment, though. You can't do everything right in order to grow! You have to screw up, lose your way, experiment with life to find your fit, right?
Something tells me he doesn’t care for the tournament itself, but the end result, and the people behind it and more about WHY it was hidden from him. I mean he finds out the tournament TRULY begins once everyone has died once and tHEN he kill everyone? Felt to me less like a “killing spree” as everyone put it to a calculated decision to get the tournament going. He literally cuts Mother Soul off in the middle of her speaking to start fighting at the beginning
Anyway, just my thoughts lol. I do have some issues with the past two issues, and I might make a separate post about that, but honestly not enough for me to dislike Robin 2021 so far. I mean, besides the very obvious white-washing in the second issue, because DC can absolutely do better. And they should. It’s like they thought we wouldn’t notice???? But besides that, story and characterization-wise I’m looking forward to more. Here’s to hoping it stays that way, just with a better colorist!
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So, happy eggs benedict day to those who watch dsmp. I’m sure you’ll have fun today! I know I will when you all read this chapter and freak out at the end! also gonna apologize for the formatting. I wasn’t sure how to replicate what I did while writing it, so I’m doing that instead.
“Hey Tommy?” Phil took the teen over to the side, wanting to speak with him. “Since Grian is still talking with his admin-”
“He’s my admin too. You saw that the other me was in their world.”
“Right, fine. While he’s talking to your admin, I’ve got a question.”
“Alright, shoot.”
“When you were talking with that other you… D-Did Kristen show up?”
“Mumza? Uh, no. Why d’ya ask?”
“Well, I guess you wouldn’t know. She wasn’t really around when you were growing up. But she’s sort of… a goddess of death.”
Tommy’s eyes widened. “She’s what?”
“Yeah, no. Mumza didn’t show up. You did. Or the other version of you. I guess you’re the death god there instead of her.”
“Right. Well, anything else happen, mate?”
“After the other you showed up, the other me got taken away by him and told me the thing to say to Xannes.”
“Alright. Thanks for telling me Tommy.”
“Theseus. Theeeeeeeseus. Theseus! Wake up!”
“Ugh… where am I?”
“Prison. Specifically Base Iridium.”
Theseus shook his head to wake himself up more. “Wait where the fuck am I?!”
“I just said you’re-”
“No what the fuck is this?!” Theseus shouted and tried moving around, only making the sound of chains jingling.
“Ohhhh, enchanted bedrock casket to make sure you can’t move. But hey, At least we get face holes. Aaaand you’re hyperventilating.”
“How do I get out?! Let me out!”
“If I knew how to get out, I would have aaaaaages ago and gone to see Sense!”
“W-Wait, S-Sense like the e-evil r-redstone guy?”
“Yes! With a wonderful mustache and sexy suit of his~”
“Oh eww gross. You’re just as bad as him.” Theseus cringed.
“How’s he doing?”
“Half starved to death and had his vocal cords ripped out.”
“He. What.”
“The new emperor of Helscraft or whatever did it. Kicked him off the throne and trapped him in whatever was there instead of the nether.”
“No! Now I need to get out!” Chain rattling filled the air.
“Uh hey, what’s your name by the way?”
There was a pause from the rattling. “Oh you heard I changed it? It’s Grifter now.”
“Uh, didn’t know you started with anything else.”
“Hiii Puffy! I’m baaack! Did you an’ Grum talk about stuff?” Jrum walked into Puffy’s home holding a lot of quartz in his arms. He knew he could just put it in his inventory, but this was more fun.
“Yes we did, though… well it was a little rough for him, so he’s... out building a place for you to stay near your charger until you can get home, alright?”
Jrum nodded, accepting the answer without question before setting his haul down on a table and picking up a piece quartz to chew on. “I made a new friend! His name is Michael!”
“Oh, that sounds nice.”
“Yeah! And then I went exploring and I found a big cave!”
“In the nether?” Puffy asked, only half paying attention right now while hoping Jrum would get distracted talking. She knew the bot’s brother wasn’t really out building after his panic attack, but duckling Dream had been kind and offered to help the child.
“It looked kinda like it, but no. It kinda looked like something Uncle Scar would make. It was pretty. He once built a humongous drill to get to the nether. A-And then some of the nether started climbing out, but the hole was waaaaay too big so it didn’t have any chance!”
“That sounds creative.”
“Yeah! He also made a magic village with a big magic crystal, and apparently it helps connect to the hels dimension, so I made a friend there!”
“What’s that?” Puffy asked with a tilt of her head. 
“Oh, the hels dimension is a place parallel to this dimension, but it’s not like another dimension like the overworld and the nether are different dimensions to themselves, hels is like… us, but through a mirror! A funhouse mirror! Like my daddy is really good at redstone like me, and he can get frazzled at times, but he’s really nice. But then there’s the hels version of him who’s like a big mean evil scientist!”
“Oh really. And I suppose you made friends with your hels version?” Puffy asked with a small smile, but Jrum frowned and found his antenna to tug on, squeezing the little blue ball at the end.
“Uh, no. Grum and I were built by our dads, but in hels, they got separated and so they couldn’t build us. So… we don’t have our own hels versions.”
Puffy frowned sadly. “Do you want to talk about that?
“Yeah. I’ve tried telling my dads, but they just sort of reassure me without really listening.”
Puffy got a chair set up for Jrum, ready for an impromptu therapy session which she hoped wouldn’t end as bad as the last one. “Now, what’s bothering you most?”
“Well, the fact that we don’t have our other versions kinda hurts because it sort of makes me feel like we’re less real. I know my dads say that we’re of course real, but it doesn’t hurt less because they just sort of say it and not give reasons. In fact, they sort of give us less reasons because they were really protective about us respawning since they didn’t know how that would work. I mean, I guess they had a reason to worry since Grum and me are here now, but the fact they couldn’t trust us with that kinda hurts.
“And then we need to be charged up as well as eat, but we don’t need to worry about phantoms. I guess it’s a trade off, but no one else has to deal with that! It feels weird! From what Xisuma said, he needed to mess with some files to get us read properly by all his admin stuff, and he didn’t need to do that for others sort of like us, so why are we different?!”
Puffy hugged Jrum to comfort the now crying robot. The small whispers of reassurance helped a little, telling him he really was a person and that he would be safe. Jrum was glad for them he didn’t like the mess he was in, and the fact that it came from not really being a person made it sting even worse. So he was very happy to find someone who would listen and understand.
System hard drive crash. Attempting recovery. Recovering… Recovering… 92% of data recovered. Rebooting… Rebooting… Essential data missing. Please insert external drive for troubleshooting.
External drive connected. Reading external data. 16 files located. Do you wish to replace data with files? Backing up old files. Backing up… Backing up… Data has been backed up. Replacing data. Replacing… Replacing… Replacement complete. Restarting. One moment.
Restart complete. Checking systems. 100% data found. Implementing… Implementing… Files implemented.
Are you sure you want to rename this machine? Renaming… Renaming… Renaming complete. Restart needed to fully implement. Restarting. One moment.
Welcome. Please continue with s s s set u u up. Ch ch choose a l l lan. :) 
Grumbot sat up with a start. He was pretty sure if he wasn’t a robot, he’d be breathing heavily. He put a hand to his head before looking around. It looked like he had been put in a room with a bed, but he didn’t recognize it, and no one else was there.
Grum tried to remember what happened. Had he run out of battery? Or had he gotten damaged. No, he had been trying to [: )] and it didn’t work out. He had also been with Puffy, so perhaps this was another room in her house. It wasn’t one he had seen before, but he also hadn’t really gone exploring.
Getting up from the bed and stretching, Grum decided to do just a little bit of looking around the room to make sure this really was Puffy’s place. He didn’t want to end up in someone else’s place and get in trouble. Though perhaps it was a similar situation to [: )] when they showed up on [: )].
That was another thing he almost forgot. Jrum. Was he okay? He didn’t know how long they had been separated and if it were long enough, he could have gotten in trouble. He had always taken after their [: )] and if the people here weren’t the happiest about stuff like that, it might not end well.
Well, as he looked around, the place seemed safe, and after carefully breaking a piece of the wall before putting it back, he was still at Puffy’s home. He attempted to contact Jrum, but it seemed that function wasn’t working. Possibly because they were no longer in [: )] and it was something there that allowed a direct connection between the two of them.
Grum’s eyes landed on a piece of paper he hadn’t noticed before. It seemed to be a note of sorts, so he read it. It seemed to be from the admin. He wrote how Puffy said Grum passed out and she went to check on Jrum to make sure the same didn’t happen to him. That if he would like, the admin could check him over and make sure everything was fine and there were no programming issues.
The robot rolled his eyes. He wouldn’t have any issues. [: )] and [: )] had built him just fine, Plus Jrum had gotten the two of them updates from [: )] so they were even better. There was no reason to see the admin, especially because…
Because why? This person was the admin, so he would just be making sure the server ran as smoothly as possible. He likely was just worried. That was all. What admin wouldn’t? And they hadn’t done anything to make Grum think otherwise. If they did, then maybe he would need to be wary. But so far, nothing. 
Puffy suggested they get a treat for Jrumbot to help him cheer up and Jrum wiped away his virtual tears before following her. As they left, neither of them noticed the small red plant wrapping around the antenna and connecting to the now red ball on the end of it.
“Ah ha. Nice joke Theseu- wait a second.” There was silence. “You’re not my brother.”
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