#inspirational tutors
mrs-nubenueve · 3 months
udai and akaashi facetiming over why akaashi thought it was absolutely necessary to strike out an overly-indulgent exposition scene but udai gets distracted bc why tf is akaashi. who drinks caffeinated beverages like water. who pays no heed to how well his meal of choice corresponds to the time of day/night. who he swore was deathly allergic to non-processed convenient store and non-fast food. is so obviously and so carefully meal prepping well-balanced and objectively healthy meals in cutesy matching tupper sets.
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kanansdume · 11 months
A Rogue One Everybody Lives AU where Chirrut and Baze end up seeing Sabine on a rebel base one day where she's trying to train with Ezra's lightsaber and just... not doing well. She knew how to use the Darksaber and she'd used Ezra's lightsaber to beat Gar Saxon, but something was just... different this time. Not quite as easy, and she's not sure why. Chirrut can tell she's struggling and, being Chirrut, immediately decides to go over and help. I like to think that both Chirrut and Baze would've probably trained other Guardians in combat sometimes, so this isn't exactly new to them.
Chirrut tells her to stop using the lightsaber for a while and has her go back to using a staff. When she keeps struggling and starts complaining, he forces her to wear a blindfold or a mask or something and she complains that she can't see. Chirrut responds with a totally shocked "Really? I hadn't realized." Sabine is rightly mollified by the gentle reminder.
Chirrut isn't gentle with her, but he's not harsh, either. He doesn't let her get away with being a brat, nor does Baze. He pushes her, refuses to let her wallow in her own feelings for too long. He asks her how old she is once after she gets snippy and when she tells him that she's in her twenties, he tells her he thought she was a teenager and when she responds with an indignant "I'm not a child!" he tells her to stop acting like one.
But he doesn't dismiss her, either. He refuses to just walk away from her or let her walk away from herself. He wasn't a Jedi, he's not Force sensitive, but he's learned to trust in the Force and believe in it. He knew the Jedi, he understood them, and he held similar beliefs and practices from his life as a Guardian. He can tell that Sabine is struggling with some emotion that she's refusing to face and, like Kanan before him, he knows she won't get anywhere until she acknowledges it and overcomes it. He knows she's better than this, knows she can rise above this struggle.
Eventually he gets her to admit that she's still grieving Ezra, still feeling guilty that she was the one who saw him leave to sacrifice himself and chose to distract the others so he could go, still scared that she won't be able to live up to the example he set and the responsibilities he left her with. Only once she's let it all out does he finally let her use the lightsaber again, and this time it doesn't feel quite as heavy. This time it feels more like she remembers it felt when she used it to defeat Gar Saxon so long ago.
And then Baze finds Luke Skywalker and brings him along because he's the only person around who also owns a lightsaber and can spar with Sabine. Sabine beats his ass because poor Luke has gotten next to zero training in how to use it and Sabine now has the chance to pass along some of what she's learned, both from Chirrut and Kanan before him. She doesn't just pass on lightsaber tricks either, she tries to pass on things she heard Kanan teach Ezra, sayings he would repeat every so often to bolster Ezra's confidence, the things he taught HER about facing her fears.
She also conveniently remembers an exercise Kanan had them do with Ezra where they threw fruit at him that Ezra had to block while standing on top of a moving ship and Chirrut and Baze think this is an EXCELLENT idea and are very happy to help set this exercise up for Luke. Luke is perhaps less enthused about it.
Sabine manages to remember Kanan saying "do or do not, there is no try" to Ezra but not knowing what it means and how she and Zeb thought that this was HILARIOUS and it became something of an inside joke between them (they never heard Kanan explain it better once he figured it out), so she passes it on to Luke who also doesn't get it. But then Luke goes to Dagobah and meets Yoda who tells him exactly this and Luke exclaims "Did every Jedi just go around saying this without knowing what it meant?" Yoda probably thwaps him with his cane for that. A few years later, he sees Sabine again after the Empire falls and he tells her that he finally figured out what it means. Sabine asks him to explain it and he tells her it's something everybody has to figure out for themselves. She nearly throttles him. Chirrut and Baze reveal that they knew what it meant the whole time but thought it was funny to watch the two of them struggle over it. Luke and Sabine form a truce immediately in response.
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wyrmhall · 2 months
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Usually I make it a point not to reuse lineart. Once it's done, it's done. However, I could not pass up using the Pidgey from yesterday to go ahead and revamp the Pidgey oc I mentioned, so here's Allen.
Allen is the closest thing the world has to an exorcist. They're Pokemon skilled in clearing out Ghost-types (and other things) from mystery dungeons to make passage safer. They're usually called in with dungeons that took over places like ruins, cemetaries or were sealed off for long periods of time and Pokemon got trapped within, though they can clear just about any dungeon with wayward Ghost-types. The group that specializes in this practice is called Ensoul.
Given Allen is just a Pidgey, he can only handle low level apparitions, but what he makes up for in raw power, he makes up for in bravery in spades.
Allen can pinpoint Ghost-types with a combination of his Keen Eye Ability and his Foresight attack, and then hunt them down with Pursuit and deal bigger damage with Ominous Wind. If he's lucky, Ominous Wind will trigger an omniboost and then there's Mirror Move to throw back what ghosts dish out.
Allen is a backstory character for Drake.
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mindfulstudyquest · 5 months
Hi. So, I really love your posts and you give really good advice. I need your help. I know it's just my nerves. I am going to tutor this girl tomorrow. She is around 8. I am going to teach her computer. I'm just really scared. I have never done this before. I have only taught a friend. I am really nervous and I start stuttering when I am about to talk. And this is my first tutoring thing so I don't want to mess it up.
hii! welcome to my blog 💕 so I never tutored such a young kid but my suggestions are:
do not stress too much, take the first day as an opportunity to get to know your student and start to get an idea of what strategies might work better in order to optimise learning. for examples I tutored some kids who would understand things so much better if I showed them how to do them first, but also kids that needed examples and metaphors in order to understand some concept and so on...
try not to be a "professor". kids get bored when you give them plain frontal lessons, try to interact as much as possible. the goal is to help them learning things, not putting directly the information into their brain, it's useless.
focus on comprehension, especially if this girl is just 8 years old. it doesn't matter if she isn't good at it at first, prioritize improvement and try to achieve a small goal every lesson.
I hope you find it helpful. I have only tutored teenagers and I have always had a good time. try to act like a friend rather than a teacher, they will learn much more.
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thelikesofus · 1 year
Inspiration Saturday + Seven Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @shortsighted-owl @buddiearemydads @heartbeatdiaz @alyxmastershipper @@thekristen999 @bekkachaos @spotsandsocks
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Under the cover of darkness, they wind their way through the back allies of town towards the docks, each with a rucksack hitched over their shoulders. As the port comes into view a cold shiver slides down Evan's spine. He knew he had a bad feeling about this. He has seen this ship before, docked at the end of the bay, moored further up the coast from the actual shipyard, its dark sails draping loose in the breeze. “Maddie,” He hisses as they scurry down the docks. “These men are pirates.”
Tagging @lilbuddie @rewritetheending @thosetwofirefighters @wh0re-behavi0r @rogerzsteven @elvensorceress @jobairdxx @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @rose-buddie @loveyourownsmiilee and anyone else that wishes to share xx
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homiehugs · 1 year
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what grade do you think they're getting on the assignment
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gamylost · 7 months
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46/100 days of productivity • 22/02/2024
A rainy day.
All morning I did tutoring for an 7th grader.
In the afternoon I went shopping for my almost finished house.
Then a study a lot bit.
• Mails
•Duolingo : Portuguese
• Geography in education
• Art : research
• philosophy
And then I went to sleep early
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transxfiles · 9 months
barista in the coffee shop is holding tutoring sessions while on the clock during a slow shift. double dipping to the best extent. role model.
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ameyauneedtostop · 3 months
If you're good at math:
1. Concept Integration:
Find sums which require in-depth knowledge of more than one mathematical concept to solve. A simple example would be using algebraic expressions as sides of a right angled triangle and finding hypotenuse using Pythagoras theorem and then finding the square root of the polynomial by factorization.
2. Proofs:
Practice writing and understanding mathematical proofs. This helps you develop logical reasoning skills and a deeper understanding of the foundational principles behind mathematical concepts. Very Very important even if it is excluded in the syllabus.
3. Explore Multiple Methods: A continuation of the previous tip; when you learn derivations, you can find short-cuts that work out for you. Or you can explore other methods of solving like graphing two simultaneous linear equations to solve, etc
4. Marry a whiteboard: Seriously, it's so much fun to solve questions on whiteboard. Also, Feynman technique (it's basic so not preaching)
5. Give Olympiads:
  Don’t shy away from tackling advanced topics or materials beyond your current coursework. Give Olympiads. They broaden your thinking capacity, and they're reallyyyyyy fun to prepapre for ✨
6. Develop Intuition:
 Work on developing mathematical intuition. This involves recognizing patterns, making educated guesses, and estimating solutions before rigorously solving problems. Cannot stress enough on this point. I got a guess correct. It was fill in the integer type questions and the probability of getting an answer right if picked at random was 1/100. Still, went with my gut instict and got it correct.
7. Use Online Resources:
Platforms like Khan Academy, MIT OpenCourseWare, and Coursera offer advanced math courses and lectures that can supplement your learning.
8. Follow me: most important tip 😉😁
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Song of Songs
- Wilfred Owen (1893-1918)
Sing me at dawn but only with your laugh:
Like sprightly Spring that laugheth into leaf;
Like Love, that cannot flute for smiling at Life.
Sing to me only with your speech all day,
As voluble leaflets do. Let viols die.
The least word of your lips is melody.
Sing me at dusk, but only with your sigh;
Like lifting seas it solaceth: breathe so,
All voicelessly, the sense that no songs say.
Sing me at midnight with your murmurous heart;
And let its moaning like a chord be heard
Surging through you and sobbing unsubdued.
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 2 months
This was probably a product of briefly talking about AC Unity's swordplay with @nemo-of-house-hamartia and watching the women's Olympic fencing earlier this evening, but dang it, I now have a burning desire to get back into properly incorporating Félicité's training in the sport back into my Unity AU (and maybe have a few scenes of Arno helping her brush up on her skills, like in this clip).
My brain is absolutely BUZZING now.
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bisonaari · 1 year
I love that yknow, weaboos have catgirls mascots that kind of stuff
Suomeaboos… yeah like our mascot would just be a middle aged finnish man named Antti or something like that, staring blankly at the camera with a lonkero in one hand. He has cat ears on and he hates it. By looking at the picture you can hear him mutter "mitä vittua"
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its not good that my form tutor is the reason i got an art idea
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Allow me to explain
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friendtutor · 6 months
- ⚡ Lightning occurs due to massive electric charges moving within clouds or between clouds and the ground.
- 💇‍♂️ Rubbing a comb against dry hair or a balloon against wool generates electrostatic force, capable of attraction and repulsion.
- ⚡ An object with an electric charge is termed as a charged object.
- ⚡ Charging an object involves giving it an electric charge.
- 🔋 Charging by friction occurs when objects rub against each other, transferring charge.
- 🔌 Three methods of charging include friction, conduction, and induction.
- ⚡ Two kinds of charges are positive and negative, discovered by Benjamin Franklin.
- ⚡ Repulsion serves as a test for electrification; attraction indicates a neutral object.
- ⚛️ Atoms are neutral when protons equal electrons; gaining electrons leads to negative charge, losing leads to positive.
- 🔄 Charging by conduction involves direct contact with a charged object.
- 🔄 Charging by induction occurs by proximity to a charged object without direct contact.
- 🔃 In charging by induction, no charge flows; the closer end of the uncharged object becomes positively charged, while the farther end becomes negatively charged.
Check out the link for the complete notes.
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scarefox · 7 months
I have a new stim toy keyboard. Might have more typos in the next time till I get used to it's new key shapes and placements lol...
BUT it has rainbow LED and SO MANY (22) cool options for them 🤩 like (my phone cam swallows some colors...)
You can also chose just 1 color or let it move to the music!! Amazing. Very stimmy.
Also the brand logo is not so obnoxious in your face.
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