#inspired by a tiktok edit
rivalediunavita · 10 months
“that’s a nice one charles, you did well”
thanks max for proving, once again, that I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
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neil and todd being hc-ed liking girls is such an ick to me they are GAY they like men only it's like when ppl say leona likes panth like no she does not shes a lesbian she has a girlfriend GET AWAY FROM HER..
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leafatlaw · 2 years
Thinking about arcane. This show was one so unbelievably hard to convince myself to watch because from all I’d heard about it, it was a show seeped in despair and sadness. And it was. But it was also one of the most beautiful (both visually and story wise) shows that I never want to rewatch.  Every single character in that show deserved more than they got. Or at least the main ones. And violets and jinx’s story in particular hurt me so much. It’s about loss and burned bridges family and the loss of it. Innocence loss and cruelty and mental illness, it’s about twisted love and forbidden love, and lost love. It was none of theirs fault but it ruined their lives. And at the end it just promised more pain in the next season
I don’t know if I’ll watch the next season.
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perilegs · 25 days
since there's been a lot of talk about finnish toudens recently...
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sincerelyhannibal · 1 month
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hisbucky · 3 months
Bobby: You took care of yourself growing up? Your parents didn't look out for you? Buck: Yeah, I guess so? Bobby: I can tell. Buck, blushing: Oh, thanks- Bobby: That's not a compliment. Buck: Oh...Can we pretend the last five seconds didn't happen? Bobby: Nope. You're coming home with me. We need to get you fed. I'm gonna give you so much food.
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malkwin · 13 days
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sidgeno + favourite quotes + bi lighting
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jessepinkmvn · 1 year
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— “Almost (Sweet Music)”, Hozier
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haharuspex · 2 months
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red means i love you idk
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knific · 3 months
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doodles :)
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bbygirl-aemond · 7 months
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i've just been thinking about how the men who should have loved rhaenyra and alicent the most were the ones who caused them the most pain in their girlhoods
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libertyeveningsun · 7 months
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Willow textposts part 15
Part 14
Part 16
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angel-ghoul444 · 2 months
⛥ the boy with the demon blood ౨♱ৎ
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letterstomichelangelo · 2 months
just imagine its the end of season 5 episode 3, byler have had another veiled heart to heart about friendship and whatnot. we see mike walk into his room, a song starts up in the background, he kneels beside his bed and pulls out a dusty box. tentatively he takes it, sitting on his bed and after a few beats he opens it up and takes out its contents: a stack of paper. slowly the camera pans to the letters, all starting with "dear will," and ending with "love mike" but the contents are made up of scribbled words, sentences rewritten time and time over. as he shuffles through them, he starts crying faintly and through choked sobs, he whispers, "im sorry will, im so sorry"
you'll have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
it fades to black and the credits roll
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hisbucky · 2 months
Buck: I've got the perfect song for us. Don't be mad, I just think it's funny. Tommy: Why would I be — Buck: *plays 'right where you left me' by Taylor Swift* Tommy: ...I feel like I should apologize. Buck: I think it's hilarious.
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sapph1cyearning · 4 months
Wilhelm's Mental Health; Autism or Borderline Personality Disorder?
Wilhelm’s mental health status is a complex issue that has been heavily commentated on by the fandom, from what I've observed within the YR fandom, a large number of fans headcanon Wilhelm as having autism but I hope to explore autism and it's symptomology outside of the white male perspective that is defaulted upon in autistic representation by overviewing symptoms that contribute to the interpretations of Wilhelm having either Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). These two disorders can show up in similar forms, and often get misdiagnosed (especially women and non-white people are immediately pointed toward the BPD diagnosis rather than ASD due to assessor’s prejudice and society's higher expectations for minority groups to mask autistic traits while in public but that’s another story). A key difference between the two is that ASD is a genetic disorder while BPD is a disorder that develops due to childhood trauma. Both disorders have a high likelihood for comorbidity with other mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
Content Warning: Frank commentary of symptoms associated with Borderline Personality Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder, including: self-harm, substance abuse, and emotional dysregulation.
Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional but I am autistic, and I’ve known quite a number of people with either BPD or autism [Years ago, I stayed at a long-term DBT-based treatment center, a therapeutic specialty for created to address BPD that has been expanded to treat other mental health struggles and disorders that go hand-in-hand with BPD symptoms (Substance abuse, self-harm, OCD, etc.)]. This is also solely based on what is seen in the show, not actors' interpretations that are expressed through interviews.
Throughout the series Wilhelm (W) is seen engaging in a multitude of behaviors and experiences feelings that he expresses verbally that could be interpreted as fitting as symptoms of both.
Notably the scene where W is seen smacking his temple with his palm (1x05) can be interpreted as either: purposeful self-harm (a common self-destructive coping mechanism for overwhelming emotions in BPD; his alcohol and drug use could be described similarly) or a self-stimulatory behavior (stimming), a characteristic of ASD to aid in regulating or expressing intense emotions (while W is only seen engaging in this with a “negative” emotion, stimming can be used with all emotions), other example include his chest-rubbing, and frequent caressing of different textures.
Intense mood-swings, anger, and difficulties with emotion processing, this is quite evident in W's actions, emotional responses, and feelings he expresses verbally. Both disorders have been observed to have intense changes of emotions at a “drop of a hat.” ASD mood-swings are typically related to exposure to sensory input that is quite uncomfortable, overstimulation, and/or meltdowns (breakdowns due to a culmination of intense feelings, sensory input and/or overwhelming experiences). BPD mood-swings and impulsive actions are more related to triggers of trauma responses, and a lack of regulatory measures
Symptoms Specific to Each Disorder:
Attachment to Favorite Person (FP), a symptom of BPD where one idolizes one person in their life to an extreme degree, wanting to spend all their time with their FP, and intense anger and despair with perceived betrayals/slights against them/mistakes. W goes through 2 FPs (Erik and Simon). He adores Erik, and feels betrayal when Erik leaves him at Hillerska. Simon quickly becomes a FP, seeing him as perfect and feeling betrayal when Simon messes up (drug dealing) and the utter despair and hopelessness when Simon needs space and starts dating Marcus; “It feels like I’m going to die” (2x04) (Could be a consequence of being utterly isolated due to being Royal and latching onto anyone who shows care to him)
Unstable / Ineffective Relationships (Simon, Kristina, Minou, and other hierarchy figures): BPD is often associated with people with the disorder lashing out against "completely innocent" people for "no reason", while this can be accurate, it does not account for the triggering of such episodes (See above)
Substance Abuse: People with BPD may utilize alcohol and/or other substances to "numb themselves" from BPD symptoms or distance themselves from harmful memories (autistic people also experience substance abuse and addiction at higher rates than the general allistic population but it is often seen as a crutch to cope with the constant stress of existing in an allistic world which is not implied in what draws W to substance use throughout the show)
Expansion on Sensory Issues: W seemingly wears the same sweater-button up combo often, just with different sweater colors — Grey, teal, and that god-awful bright orange — ensures safe textures when buying new items but he might just have a clothing stylist with horrid taste. W's struggles with the suffocating feel of the suit (2x05). He rarely utilized the overhead lights in his room, instead relied on his string lights, lamps or natural lighting (Florescent and LED lights can trigger light sensitivity and contribute to sensory processing difficulties in autistic people)
Preoccupation with the concept of normalcy (1x01), as a kid being autistic often ostracizes you from your peers, being deemed the “weird kid” is very damaging thus W may have been enticed by the prospect attending a regular high school to like "normal people" (this concept is intrinsically tied to social class throughout the show, W wants normalcy of a lower class while Sara wants conform to a higher class but that's a different spiel). This can lead to masking; the act of forcing oneself to hide their autistic traits in order to fit into Allistic norms. (My one dispute to this interpretation is he's seemingly more disgruntled by the pomp and circumstance of being Royal that "others" him rather than peers judging him)
Lack of social cues (Not even going to waste my time explaining this one, the man had no game, absolutely none, it’s a wonder that he pulled Simon)
This far from a full list of symptoms seen in W's characterization but it's a broad overview of the signs I saw from an autistic lens. I lean towards Wille having Borderline Personality Disorder based on the fact that significant aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorder can be correlated to his unfortunate circumstance of being royalty.
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