casieyfran · 9 months
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She Died from a Broken Heart
One shot
Fandom: Star wars
Pairing: Padme Amidala/Darth vader
He's here
The second he had set his foot on this planet, she knew he is near.
He have come to her
And she was waiting for him.
The chase has come to an end.
Padme didn't cast a glance at the man closing the distance behind her. His step heavy, crushing small rocks in his way, his loud eerie breathing, announcing his presence and she still didn't look back. He was in no rush - he knew there's is no where to run - that she wouldn't run - not anymore. So he take his time, she can feel his gaze at her, burning at the back of her head, assessing every detail, like a predator observing his prey.
The red cloak draped on her entire body down to her feet, hood hiding her face and her long curls, which makes her easy to be spotted despite the angry orange light coming from the lava below and the black sand beneath her feet. Yet it didn't give anything else to see to satisfy the man approaching her.
She continue to stare at the sky, the stars winking at her. Her thoughts drifted to a certain man. It wasn't that long since they left her in this planet. But long enough to avoid any encounter from her husband. This is their moment, nothing will ruin it.
She wonder if they're looking at the small planet among billion of stars in the galaxy. She wonder if among the bright dots on the sky, their ship is one of it. If she was directly staring at it. Where her little angels at.
She closed her eyes, silently uttering a wish
Please, Keep your promise
Her heart clench for her old friend, for pushing responsibilities in his shoulder that will weighted him greatly. Ashamed that she couldn't carry it on her own. She have an important thing to do. And she will finished it today. It has been already been long overdue
Its time to end this
She can't keep running forever
A shudder run through her spine. She remember the day when her name will leave his mouth, each syllbles is like a sigh passing through his lips, soft and tender, her name will sound so sweet,  as if it is chanted in a prayer. She love hearing her name, especially when it comes from him, to his voice that she love so much. that seems like a distant memory. Now, his voice is lace with no emotion, booming in the distance, menacing and demanding
Look at me
And so she did
She open her eyes and turn to finally casted the man she has been running from for so long. She almost open her mouth to call him.
She remember telling obi wan that anakin is still alive
She's not so sure anymore
Because the man infront of her is far from what she imagined, far from what she sees in holonet. But she knew more than everyone else --- the man hiding behind the mask.
He stop not too far from her, as if sensing the line drawn between them.
Has it already been that long? When she used to run to his arms and he would open his as if it was already in his nature to enveloped her in his embrace.
If she run to him would he hug her? Hide her from any danger, from her worries that is clouding her thoughts? bury her in a comfort of his arms?
She almost smile at that thought
It was too tempting
Just to forget everything.
To pretend that everything will be fine. That the man in front of her hadn't kill countless of people mercilessly but a husband she haven't seen for one year. She misses him so much - her heart aches everyday. She wanted to run in his arms and pretend his hand is not tainted with blood of innocent lives.
A lives he had taken
Because of her
"Have you finally come to realize that running is futile?" She flinch at the harshness of his voice yet she didn't let it show how much his indifference affected her.
"I come to take what i want" her voice void of emotion, the tip of her lips lifted slightly, a small smile forming in her lips as she uttered this words an Acceptance
"Obi wan was here with you." His head tilted up looking at the stars she was staring at  "Is the child with him?" She sees how his fist clenches at the thought of it. To him obi wan is nothing but a liar and a thief, taking something that belongs to him.
"Do you wish to protect them?" She asked, watching as his focus switched back to her
"Everything i did, is to protect this family" he says with no hesitation. She wonder if he has been reciting this words, drilling it to his head to convince himself that he done it for them. That he have done nothing wrong
It made her sick
Im doing this for you! To protect you!
The same words he had told her before he had turned agains't her, to the very woman he had sworn to protect
It almost laughable
That she had still yearned to be near him, to hold his hand, the hand that had choked her nearly to death.
And yet, she accepted it. She wasn't blind. She knew who he is since from the very beginning - she only chooses to ignore it.
The day her vow leave her lips, she accepted him whole. When she promised to be with him, to love him, to seal her faith with him. She knew the decision she made. And she will do it again and again. He is the man she choose and she dont regret any of it.
She understand him, what he did for her.
Because of him. She had realized the length she will do to save someone she loves
"I love you, anakin" she utter this words as the smile on her lips never faded. A memory almost forgotten, reappear to stab her in the heart
I truly, deeply, love you
What hurts the most, the words still held true.
No matter what he become, what he had done
Padme still love the man infront of her
And she dont think she could ever stop
That is her greatest sin.
He didn't say anything but content himself to watch her. Somehow she sense that he knows why she's here
and he's not doing anything to stop her
Her heart clench
Padme hand crawl underneath her robe until she grasp something hard before pulling it out. She was watching him so closely that she it didn't escape her eyes the slightest move of his head as he looked down to stare at the thing in her hand
Her gaze move to her hand, as she hold it up to her face. The lightsaber heavy on her palm as she rotate it, scanning its surface
One look from it, he knew instantly who it belongs to
Anakin's Lightsaber
"Do you remember what you told me?" Her eyes never left the saber "You said, This weapon is your life"
finally she took a step to close the distance between them, slowly, every step she made, she felt every pieces of herself is falling, leaving it behind.
Then she stop midway only 5 step away from him as she looked down at the saber, her thumb brushes the switch, and then click!
A blue shine casting the light in the darkness, coming from the blade, she can feel the vibration and the heat as she move it carefully to test it. Then stop, she admire it for a second, her thoughts dwell on its true holder
How many life had it ended? Enemies and innocents?
This lightsaber, is anakin legacy. It had witness his rise, it had been with him since he was allowed to hold one. It had fought countless battles, it had save his life and protect many others. What once a symbol of justice granted to him. It is also what ended the life to those he had once consider a family. It had seen their end. And witness his fall.
It is his life
"And its mine"
You are in my very soul, tormenting me
"You said, you will do anything i ask" her tone cold, as she lifted the lightsaber pointing its tip inches away from his chest where his heart is hidden. She smiled, and a single tear fallen through her lightless eyes
"Will you die for me, my love?"
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crystalromana · 1 year
I'm reading Blue Angel and
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10/Iris comedy audio when big finish! He needs to be indignified by her. Just absolutely dragged around on some wacky adventure. He's trying to be all grim and serious and then ends up covered in glitter or something.
Lost the TARDIS on a party planet or something.
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agentlilicarter · 10 months
hihi!! maybe an navy blue moodboard? like inspirired on cybercore?? anyway, ty!
Thank you for sending the request! I'm so happy for it! 🤩 Sorry it took so long. Hope you like it.
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Taglist: @ashlakh, @sincerely-indi, @darkpersoncreator, @le-petite-ivy
Open for requests
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arrows-asks · 7 months
So fun fact I just learned, and you might enjoy. In Shadow the Hedgehog (2005), the route where Shadow does the neutral route on Westopolis, meets Knuckles in Glyphic Canyon and then just goes full hero for the rest of the game is called Justice's Awakening. It's like Shadow meets Knuckles then immediately declares that he's justice.
Awww! Look at my boy inspiriring Shadow to do better! That's so cute! <3
And funny too, since that implies Sonic left Shadow entirely unimpressed in Westopolis, but meeting Knux changed everything! My mind is already going wild with a possible theory on why that is xD
Also, I bet in this possible run, Shadow and Knuckles would become rather close friends by the end, since it was the boy setting the other boy on that path <3
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catgenius111 · 2 months
My fanart of Natassia as a Bolshoi ballerina
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When Natassia was alive,she used to be the potential Bolshoi pirma dancer,she is the inspiriration of Hyoga's dance movements.
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art-by-secret · 1 year
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Started this during pride month but I‘ll probably never finish it as there are some things I dislike that I don‘t know how to fix. Heavily HEAVILY inspirired by one page in „poison Ivy – metamorphosis 2“ where she has this absolutely perfect smirk ;)
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Wait. Let me do something.
Inspirired by Areven's drawing... Clive, you're now a Mienshao! Penny, you're now an Umbreon!
Yeah, yeah, congrats. And I am going to sit around and look pretty.
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years
at the mineral expo the stand i fancied the most belonged to an artist making silver and gold jewellery inspirired by nature. She had the cutest rings i've ever seen...
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They were so big it would be probably very impractical to wear them at all
Im slightly phobic of snails, both interested in them and disgusted at the same time. (And scared of slugs. I dont like slugs at all). But aren't they cute???
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In the end I decided to choose a much subtler small leaf ring (i think it looks very elvish) and a small garnet one also with tiny leaves on the band
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sagnaevi · 1 year
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GOD OF FIRE, LAUGHTER AND MADNESS. Shifter of Shapes, the Catalyst of Change. Untamable and volatile, troublesome, tester of minds. A wild flame that inspirires creativity and life.
NAME: Loke Laufeyjarson TITLES:  Bekki, Blind, Gammleid (leader of amusement), Haloge, Hveðrungr (roarer), Lokabrenna (loki’s torch/burning by loki), Lóðurr, Logaþore, Loge, Lôgna, Logi, Lokkji, Loptr (lofty), Lucky, Loki, Laugaz (blazing god), Laugatjanaz (blazing one), Rogur (slanderer), Slaegi (sly), slaegurtyr (sly god), Wildfire, Villieldr (blazing) ,Dogstar, Sataere (the thief in ambush), Lævatein, Hævatein, Trickster, Liesmith, Truth-speaker, Fire-Bringer, Scarlip, Fireball, Demon, Silvertongue, Vaelandi (debasing), Shifter Of Shapes.
God of Fire and Chaos, God of Mischief and Creativity, God of Laughter and Mirth. God of Madness and Change.
Son of Laufey, Farbauti’s Son, Begetter of Serpents, Father of Wolves, Sire of Half-Born Hel, Mother of Horses.
Brother of Byleist, Brother of Helblinde, Blood Brother of Oden, Confidant of Thor, Friend of Oden, Friend of Thor, Fromkveda Flaerdanna (seductive speaking), Gift bearer, Harmer of Sif’s hair, Prisoner of Geirrodr, Sea Thread’s Father (the sea thread is a kenning for the midgard serpent), Sky-Walker,  Staunch Friend of Hoenir, Thief of Brisingamen, Thief of Giants, Thief of Idunn’s Apples. The Sky Traveller, Architect and Destroyer of Worlds, Opener of Forbidden Doors,  Builder of Asgard, Lighter-than-Air. 
Bonus: One kenning used to identify Thor is Bragdmilldr Loka (compassionate to Loki).   
AGE: older than the creation of midgard, exact age unknown. SPECIES: Jötun and Aesir God. GENDER:  Born male, but is able to shapeshift to the opposite gender. ORIENTATION: Pansexual/Demi-romantic. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Old Norse, Runic, Allspeak. LOCATION: Verse dependent. Mainly Asgård or Midgård, can also be seen on Jötunheimr.
Laufey ( mother )
Farabute ( father )
Byleist ( brother )
Helblinde ( brother )
Oden ( brother through blood-pact)
Balder, Thor, Vidarr, Hodir, Tyr ( sort-of nephews; sons of Oden) 
Sigyn ( wife / verse dependent )
Angrboda ( lover ) 
Narfi and Vali ( twin sons )
Fenrir ( son ) 
Jörgumandr ( son ) 
Sleipner ( son )
Hel ( daughter ) 
Moder ( daughter )
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Loke often appears with the height of 7'5"ft ( 229cm ); he is taller than most humans, but he is shorter than most Jötnar. His mother still towers above him. But to his height is average to that of an Aesir male.
He mostly take the form of a 27-30 year old man or woman to others, but can change his physical age. His body is athletically built with defined muscles, however not as muscular and large as other male Aesir such as Thor or Tyr.
The Trickster has sharp but not unpleasant features, to most he is beautiful to look upon, no matter the gender. He wields an alluring aura. Like fire, Loke’s eyes are bright and intense. A flame-like red and yellow, wich gleams even in the faintest of shadows. Black dots under the lower lashes frame the eyes. He has many freckles sprinkled across his face, most notable over his cheekbones, the bridge of his nose and above his eyebrows. 
Curved horns with old-nordic patterns engraved into their surfaces decorate the top of his head. They are his most striking features alongside his fiery red hair; untamed and wild just like his nature. It is lenghty and reach past his hips, and curl around his horns and spread out as if the laws of gravity does not apply to his hair, he often let the hair be braided into one or three braids that drape over his shoulders. His skin is pale and on syren tinted lips are permanent, rough jacks and scars, a result after the punishment where he got them sewn together. His ears are pointed, and his nails are sharp like claws, often painted black.
HEIGHT: 7'5"ft / 229cm (can be altered, true heigh is giant) EYE COLOUR: Fire-red and yellow HAIR COLOUR: Fiery red with a gradient to bright yellow at the hair’s edges. SKIN COLOUR: Slightly tanned with freckles BUILD: Athletic
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Loke takes interest in things that pleases him. Mischief; pranks and a bit of chaos entertains him greatly, but so does also the entertainment of others. He often interacts with mortal beings; either to chat or to cause minor trouble, eitherway it amuses him most of the time. He also enjoys horseback riding, sex, food and alcohol.
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He’s a very light-hearted God, who often wear a sly smile on his face. It is uncommon to find him in a serious mood, even when the situation would call for it. He is compassionate and giving to those who are devoted to him, most of his actions aimed at his worshippers have good intention, but his methods are that of rough love; making others face the hard truth, face their insecurities as he guides them to their fated path. This doesn’t make him any less of a mischevious trickster,however, even to his followers. He will find amusement along the journey, be it on their behalf, others, or his own.
But despite his easy-going and wild nature, Loke is capable of great anger, of wrath, an emotion one does not wish to evoke from him- as the lenghts he will go to get that sweet revenge are great and have no limits. He is not beyond killing someone out of spite or sheer annoyance. To get on Loke’s bad side is to wish for a life filled with unrest. And with Hela, the Goddess and Ruler of the Unworthy dead, as his daughter, not even death may be peaceful.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
POSITIVE TRAITS: Charismatic, intelligent, humorous, playful, curious, creative, ambitious, patient, loyal, passionate, caring, generous.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Manipulative, crafty, mischevious, decietful, distrustful, violent, chaotic, impulsive, rude, hateful, jealous, vengeful, volatile, unpredictable, unscrupulous, dishonest, juvenile, proud, stubborn.
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INTELLIGENCE: Loke has a genius level intellect and possesses a great deal of knowledge and wisdom. He is often valued as many mortal’s pateron god not only for his mischevious and light-hearted nature, but for his advice and knowledgeable mind. He is also extremely cunning and skilled, an expert battle strategist, and a highly skilled; charming and charismatic manipulator, which is evident by the ease how Loke repeatedly succeeded to regain the trust of his fellow Gods, despite his numerous deciets.
SKILLED COMBATANT: Loke is a formidable combatant, as a hand-to-hand fighters, and particularly as a swordsman or in the use of seidr during combat situations. Against mortal beings (super-human or not) Loke will win with overwhelming easy victory, the strenght of a god is not to be underestimated or down-played. The sheer force of his screams are powerful enough to cause violent earthquakes on Midgård(earth) when he is not even present on that world.
SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH: Loke, without the aid of anything, through his own biology, possess strenght far FAR greater than that of an average human male, even mortal beings enchanced with superhuman abilities or strenght ( keep in mind that just the pure force of his screams is powerful enough to cause destructive earthquakes on Midgård when he is not even on that realm; hence the name Roarer ).  However his physical strenght is average in comparision to the most skilled warriors of his fellow Gods such as Tyr, Freyr and Thor.
FIRE-RESISTANT: He is resistent to fire, all kinds of fire. Fire will not harm him.
SUPERHUMAN LONGEVITY: Loke will not die unless killed by another God. Only Gods are able to truly harm him and mortally wound him, and even kill him. If killed he reincarnates.
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DREAM-VIEWING: Loke can enter; watch and interact with other beings’ dreams. There he can see their desires; ambitions and personality traits. He can gain knowledge of secrets kept away if the person is not strong-willed enough to keep it hidden in their dreams.
TELEPORTATION: He can teleport himself or others across dimensions and space and time.
PSIONICS: Loke has powerful psionic capabilities He has the ability to project his thoughts telepathically well as potent hypnotic capabilities.
SHAPE-SHIFTING: Loke possesses shape-shifting abilities through his own biology. He is able to adopt any form imaginable whether it be animals, other humanoid beings, or even inanimate objects— and gaining the abilities of whatever form he takes. The only limit is his own imagination.
PYROKINESIS: Loke is a God of Fire. He is able to control the elements of fire as he so see fit. He can summon flames to physically appear in his hands and around his body or use his sorroundings to control it at will. There is no limit to the amount of fire he can produce, nor how high he can turn up the temperature- if he wanted to, he could melt down buildings made out of rock, and metal. He could make a planet’s earth crumble under the heat. This also makes him invulnerable to fire, all types of fire.
RESSURECTION: Just as his fire may bring destruction and chaos and death, it can also bring warmth and life.  He is able to bring life to the recently deceased, and is thought to be one of the Gods who created the first humans (together with Höenir and Oden). 
INVISIBILITY: Loke, like his fellow Gods; is able to render himself unseen to the eye of other beings. A nice quirk benefitting Gods as they can shred themselves of physical flesh and roam as shapeless entities in any realm, or in mortal minds. He can remain unseen to mortal eyes for as long as he so desire, and only shows himself for those he wants to see him. However sharp-minded and attentive beings can possibly sense something is there, but not actually see him.
ILLUSIONS: Loke is able to fool his enemies who try to attack him with illusions of himself. He can also cast illusionary images inside mortal beings minds— fooling them by making them think what is not there, exists, as well as affect their senses while they're in that illusionary reality.
PROJECTION: Loke, like all other Gods, is able to be at multiple places at the same time, without loosing any attention or power. With many devoted to their Pantheon, there are many beings’ prayers to pay attention to.
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Loke is the son of the giants Farabute and Laufey, and brother to Byleist and Helblinde. By the Giantess Angrboða, Loke is the father of Hel (the Goddess of Death, and ruler of Helheimr), the Giant Wolf Fenrir, and the World Serpent Jörmungandr. By his wife Sigyn, Loke is the father of Narfi and Nari. By the stallion Svaðilfari, Loke is the mother—giving birth in the form of a mare—to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir.
Brought from the realm Jötunheimr by Oden, Loke was recruited to assist the Gods. Oden and Loke saw kinship in eachother as they both were equal in their cunning, wisdom. knowledge and trickery. They held great mutual respect for eachother, and enjoyed the other’s company enough to share their blood, therefore becoming blood-brothers.
“ Remember, Oden, in olden days... That we both our blood have mixed. Then you promised, no ale to pour, unless it were brought for us both. ”
Their relationship is a complicated story of trust and deciet and betrayal. They see eachother as friends, and brothers. Making a blood-pact oath to treat eachother as family. Oden and Loke are and were closer than any of the other Gods were in relation to the All-father, aside from Frigga, Oden’s wife, and his children. With time this trust was broken, both sides to blame — and their feud would come to bring upon the end of all the Realms. Ragnarök.
Loke’s relation with the Gods varies. Loke sometimes helps the Gods and sometimes causes problems for them. Loke is a powerful user of seidr, a shape shifter and a God of Fire and Madness and Chaos and Mischief. But he is also known as the God of Laughter and Mirth, Creativity and Change. Nothing with the Gods is black or white. They are all assholes and good people. Human and mortal logic and morals are not to be expected from them.
Loke’s positive relations with the Gods end with his role in, out of jealousy and resentment, engineering the death of the god Baldr, Oden’s son. He also appeared as a foe of the Gods, entering their banquet uninvited and demanding their drink. Loke is eventually bound by the Gods with the entrails of his sons, Narfi and Vali as punishment for killing the God of Light.
Depending on the timeline, Loke is loyal to Asgard and often ally with them— but, past complicated events that lead to Loke loosing trust in the Aesir, Loke flips the switch and grows hateful of the Aesir. He becomes so spiteful and vengeful he engineers Baldr’s death, and as punishment he is bound to to a rock where the venom of a snake is to drip onto Loke’s face forever, with his wife Sigyn keeping him company during his punishment. Eventually he escape from his bonds; more vengeful than ever. He wish to gain revenge upon those he feel have wronged him. With the Gods no longer countable, Loke takes the opposing side of the Aesir during Ragnarök; the End of All Worlds- he chose to oppose them alongside his children ( who also sought revenge for their mistreatment by the Aesir) and be responsible for their ruin.
After Ragnarök, Loke had ‘died’ during the war and was reincarnated, like the other deceased Gods. As the Worlds healed and became hospitable for life, Loke opted to lay low until things began moving in the Realms once more.  
Past Ragnarök he is no longer fueled with rage and a thirst for revenge. He is tired and avoids the Gods most of the time; having grown past their previous disputes, as it does not serve immortal dities well to hold an eternal grudge. He is still drawn to chaotic events and mischief; his charm and impish and playful attitude intact, but he is less likely to cause major trouble.
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hashbrowpn · 4 months
Happy birdle diddle toodle yoodle doodle
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miamimerchant · 10 months
"Big energy graphics of an elephant and text" Apron for Sale by Miami-Merchant | Redbubble
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zoranphoto · 1 year
EDO MAAJKA I ŠERBEDŽIJA NADMAŠILI OČEKIVANJA: ‘Da Rade uzme imenik od par sto stranica i čita redom ne bih prestao slušati dok ne dođe do kraja’
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Edo Maajka godinu je započeo osvajanjem Rock&Off kipića za Rap&Off izvođača, a odlično prihvaćen i kritički hvaljen album “Moćno” nominiran je i za nagradu Porin, u kategoriji Najbolji album hip-hop glazbe, a sada predstavlja spot za pjesmu “Moj put” na kojoj sudjeluju Đorđe Miljenović i  Rade Šerbedžija. Ekranizaciju potpisuju Marko Nemec i Hrvoje Baudoin iz Dostave zvuka. “O nastanku pjesme mogao bih napisati kratki roman.” započeo je Edo. ‘Moj put’ nastala je kao i ostatak albuma, u vrijeme korone na proljeće 2021., kad se Edo bavio pisanjem skica o odrastanju i izbjeglištvu u Hrvatskoj, prisjećao se mnogih životnih situacija, bio zahvalan i vježbao zahvalnost u vremenu nesigurnosti. Sve to podsjećalo ga je na još teža i nesigurnija vremena koja su sada, srećom bila daleko iza njega. “Kad mi je Koolade poslao taj beat za noć sam napisao i pjesmu. Beat je takav da izvlači sve iz tebe. Znao sam da je to pjesma koja će zatvoriti album i da mi na njoj treba Đorđe”, nastavlja te dodaje kako je Đorđe svoj dio poslao brzo, a uz to, promijenio cijeli aranžman i ubacio jedan glazbeni break koji je pjesmu odveo na sasvim novo mjesto, proširio ju i napravio puno više nego je očekivao. Nakon preslušavanja s Kooladeom zaključak je bio taj da je ovo jedan od vrhunaca albuma, pjesma koja će ga definitivno zatvoriti, samo je nedostajalo “ono nešto” za sâmi kraj. “Znao sam da to treba biti neki govor, recital, spoken word, istina koja će emotivno protresti i istresti iz gaća sve nas… Rade Šerbedžija… Pronašao sam njegov broj, nije bilo lako nazvat takvog giganta, znam i koliko je zauzet. Poslao sam mu mailom pjesmu i svidjela mu se. Tražili smo odgovarajući tekst, bacali jedan drugome neke prijedloge. Nešto moje, nešto njegovo, nešto tuđe, nikako da kliknemo obojica s to je TO. A onda je Rade samo javio da je poslao pjesmu Jergoviću i da je on rekao nema frke, napisat će tekst za njega, za nas. Pa jebote, ovo će biti plafon! To mi je bila prva pomisao. Volim Jergine knjige, on je majstor, jedan od najvećih. Poslao nam je tekst kojeg smo vrlo malo prilagodili za Radu. To je bio kraj kojeg smo trebali, novi vrhunac pjesme i albuma na njegovom samom kraju”, emotivan je Edo dok priča o jednom od svojih najvećih muzičkih ostvarenja te nastavlja: “Donio sam mikrofon i snimač u lobby jednog zagrebačkog hotela u kojem je Rade odsjeo, snimio ga i poslao Kooladeu. Nakon par dana poslušao sam gotovu pjesmu, konačno gotovu, izaš’o na balkon, zapalio cigaru i progut’o knedlu u grlu. Kakva pjesma… Motaj kablove. Emotivna, jako osobna pjesma, teško mi je za slušat, teško za repat. Čišćenje, to je TO, zbog ovog radim ovo što radim.” Na YouTube platformi spot je u jednom danu prešao 31 tisuću pregleda, prikupio više od 1500 lajkova te desetine pozitivnih komentara.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qImjJ1bVoXM “Kralj balkanskog repa”,” Kod ovog čovjeka nema glume! Jedan od rijetkih, iskren i pošten. Bravo”, “Veliko poštovanje, drago mi je da ima budnih umjetnika i da je broj sve veći. Hvala vam što svojim primjerom, visokofrekventnim riječima i istinom inspirirate sve generacije. Samo ljubav za sve”, “Ko na ovaj rap ne pusti suzu, on je kamen, zvijer.. ali ovdje i zvijeri plaču….. Od sada, najdraža motivacijska numera. Hvala ti Edo na ovome”,, “Svaka kuća, svaka osoba, pogotovo ova današnja omladina s izvrnutim vrijednostima, poslušat ovu pjesmu i to svaki dan, svako jutro čim ustaneš i kreneš na posao, u školu, faks…”, “Edo kapa dole, samo da znaš ima nas još koji smo koliko toliko još normalni i razumijemo ove riječi i poruku. Hvala ti i čuvaj se”, “Jao Rade, čovjek kaže dvije rijecči i to je poezija. Živjela urbana kultura, bravo Edo, bravo!”, “Kakva kombinacija glava”, “Bravo Edo, u jednostavnosti je savršenstvo”, “Da Rade uzme imenik od par sto stranica i čita redom ne bih prestao slušat dok ne dođe do kraja…”, samo su neki od brojnih komentara. Dnevno.hr   Read the full article
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grad604-julianalin · 2 years
Week 10
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Todays tutorial class we did some draft sketches of what our A2 poster will potentially look like. I really like the sketch I drew in the middle and used a inspiration I saw on pinterest which inspirired me to draw it.
This week I have finally narrowed down what I want to research in colour psychology wise and I finally glad I figured it out. I had a talk with Aakifa about it because I wasn’t sure what direction I was heading research wise. And after the convo, I’ve narrowed the it down to analysing 3 case studies on food brands Alba, Nice blocks and Hummingbird Coffee on how the colour of the food packaging attracts consumers. Analysing the 3 brand packaging will allow to explain how those colour of choice the brand made attracts the consumers and how it impacts consumers
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Nice Blocks
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Hummingbird Coffee
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puertoricanflagsup · 2 years
So inspirirational Sis keep going . Reposted from @artbysir Hi my heARTs. 🫶🏼 You asked for it, you got it. Here is my interview with 6ABC FYI Philly. ☺️ Once again thanks to @6abcactionnews for giving me the opportunity to talk about my experience as a Puerto Rican artist highlighting my culture and life experience as an artist. I hope to encourage more people to celebrate their culture. But more importantly through me sharing my story, it gives people hope that they too can overcome depression and anxiety. 🙏🏼😌 Let me know in the comments what you think about it. #philadelphia #philly #phillyart #visualartist #phillylife #phillylove #puertorico #puertorican #boricua #boricuastyle #boricuapride #boricuaartist #latina #latinaartist #art #artist #artoftheday #latinainfluencer #latinacreator #hispanicheritagemonth #latinogang #latinoartist #latinamade #prflagsup #puertoricanflagsup https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj5WspLDhqC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chronicallyapain · 4 years
Day 27: 7/13
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Breakfast: 365
1.5 Cup Chocolate Chex - 260
1.5 Cup Macadamia Milk - 105
Lunch: 540
3 Servings Siete DF GF Nacho Tortilla Chips - 390
3 Kinnitoos Sandwich cookies - 150
Dinner: 422
2 Eggs - 140
1 Beans & Beets Veggie Bubba Burger - 120
Potato Hash - 162
160 oz Water
2 Cups Black Coffee
Exercise: 8,150 Steps // 0 Floors Climbed // 3.39 Miles // 60 Active Min.
Today was a lazy day. I spent most of the morning on my phone on YouTube, watching old SortedFood videos, crushing hard on Ben. Mom didn’t feel like going to the pool and according to her, I’m not allowed to go without supervision, so we didn’t go. I did some research for my Technical Writing assignment instead and then went for my evening walk. No exciting food pics today, just leftovers repurposed. 
I do have a nice pic of the sky and a pic of some funky mushrooms today though: 
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^ Some Spunky Shrooms 
Tomorrow (and Wednesday) are going to be long days because as of tomorrow night I have to fast for upcoming blood tests. I also have a pulmonologist (lung doctor) appointment tommorow morning, so its another wasted appointment until the machines needed for my testing are allowed back in non-negative pressure/airflow spaces. (Bascially the recall of the machines is to discourage deep breathing-induced air droplets in an enclosed space). So yay, still not breathing well but thats okay. 
I have also resolved myself to wake up early to stretch before this appointment, to expand everything. I have a 10 minute stretching routine that I have been seriously neglecting in favor of sleeping in. 
Anyways, whats up with y’all? 
How did you better yourself by accomplishing something today? Or how will you better yourself by accomplishing something tomorrow? 
Let me know, I’m here to cheer for you!
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khutbahs · 5 years
Nouman Ali Khan - Fearing Allah SWT 
The fear of Allah means consciousness of Allah, the word, fear, is not good enough to explain what Qur'an is mentioning. Otherwise, we cannot get connection with our Creator if we always keep fearing of Him
Ma sha Allah.  Nauman Ali Khan has a wonderful way of explaining things.  May Allah guide and protect him and his family always.  He is a great source of inspiration
MashaAllah...may Allah always bless you brother n ur family and may Allah bring more Nouman Khan to our deen..ameen
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