#instead of FANS
donutcats · 2 years
incredibly short holmesbury au where I change just a few scenes so tewksbury can confess via the language of flowers
there’s knocking at the door and tewksbury is handing her a dance card and it all feels very rushed in enola’s opinion. one moment her hand is on his neck and his is at her waist and she can feel each breath he takes against her chin and then- knocking and rushing.
“but I don’t know enough!” a few stolen moments in a bathroom won’t hold up to people who have been doing this for their whole lives. she might also miss the feel of him already but that’s neither here nor there.
before she can even finish speaking, he’s moving away and snatching a single stem from a nearby vase overflowing with flowers of all differing colors, just as quickly stepping close and handing it to her.
“what does this mean?” she demands, because it’s tewksbury and because it’s a flower and of course it has a meaning. they always have meaning in his hands.
but he just smiles, already angling to slip out of the room. “you’ll figure it out.” and then he’s gone and enola has no choice but to stick the flower into her bodice and hurry out of the bathroom as well.
she takes the time to weave the stem into her hair as she hurries along, hoping it looks somewhat presentable as she’s loath to let go of it just yet. it feels rather important.
it’s just as she’s securing it amongst the twist of her updo that she watches cicely barrel out of a nearby room, leaving william in her wake.
perfect. now is her chance to have a word with sweet william. 
he’s laughing and signing dance cards, being his perfect amiable self, and enola feels something akin to a boiling pot on a stove. oddly hot and agitated. 
cicely mentions her, pointing, she can faintly make out the sound of her fake name, and then tewksbury is looking over. it’s all enola can do to look away. he catches her eye again, his gaze flicking up to her hair, and he almost positively lights up at the sight he finds. there’s a brief, wild moment where enola considers ripping the flower from her head and tossing it among the dessert table.
if only to make him stop gazing at her like that.
it’s almost midnight, and enola is twirling the flower between her fingers. pondering.
“oh, how I itch for the book my mother gifted me. perhaps then I could make sense of this ridiculous message, from an equally ridiculous boy.”
there’s a sound at the door, and the flower is abandoned on the table in favor of something a bit sharper. speak of her ridiculous boy and he shall arrive, it seems.
as she’s being led away in handcuffs, she has the fleeting thought that she’ll never learn the meaning of her flower now. 
the next time she sees her ridiculous boy, she’s standing in his doorway, asking for help. 
tewksbury’s home looks and feels like a greenhouse and it’s so incredibly him that if enola weren’t in such a state, she’d appreciate it more.
he’s weird and wonderful and so incredibly good, and he truly understands her in a way she fears few others do. he has a talent for saying just the right thing to kick start her brain into motion.
“did you understand what I said… or what I didn’t say- did you understand what I didn’t say?”
“yes!” she did, honest she did. even while her mind was working double time and connecting every clue she’s missed, she could hear him. some of the words might have been lost in the torrent of her discovery but the meaning was clear. doesn’t he understand? 
she could pick his voice out of a crowded room. 
“you were saying…” 
suddenly, it catches up to her. his ramblings in his parlor, the memory of him handing her a flower in the bathroom. overlapping with an older memory, when his hair was shorter and the day was brighter. handing her a flower with a smile. 
“that message you sent, with the flower at the ball… what did it mean?”
tewksbury swallows, she can see it from her place at the bottom of the stairs. “it was a heliotrope.” he says, putting a name to the purple blossoms. “it means I love you.” something in enola’s brain freezes at that. the soft look to his eyes, the way his face is limned by the lamp light. “more specifically, it means I am devoted to you.” 
oh. a warm wave crests in enola’s chest at the realization. suddenly, puzzle pieces are fitting together seamlessly. it's as if her mind has become one of sherlock’s maps, with strings tied around each important moment, tying them together. 
there is a spark and she can not help as the words tumble from her, working the mystery out even as she speaks. sarah and william, in love and creating a plan together. 
it isn’t until tewksbury tries to herd her back inside that she snaps back to their previous conversation. she knows that they have much to talk about, thank you very much! there has been quite a few revelations tonight.
she’s never said the words to anyone besides her mother. she loves him and it should feel big and scary and unknown, a foreign feeling settling in her bones, but she says it. she tells him and it's that same feeling as figuring out where a clue fits into the bigger picture. a case coming to fruition. 
it feels right. it feels good. he is her wonderful and ridiculous boy who confesses through horticultural means and she loves him.
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ohbother2 · 8 months
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Vox saw this man nearly dominating a powerful Angel and got a boner and had to pretend he was just happy Alastor was getting beat up
We know your secrets Vox, we know what you want
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sclappin · 2 months
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Man whose definition of "monster" is extremely flexible.
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gatoburr0 · 5 months
The divine, one of a kind bride and the ugly ass groom.
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asweetprologue · 1 year
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did you guys know that octoroks appear in every zelda title except Twilight Princess
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cappycodeart · 1 year
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"The dead one! Yeah I haven't thought about her in a long time!"
A little theory I've had about Winter King's original motives based on his heartless comment about Betty and Ice King's original motives for kidnapping princesses in the first place...... clearly she gave off Bad Ex Vibes…
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midostree-art · 5 months
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xray-vex · 10 months
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"Like stuff. Don't be someone that doesn't like stuff, and if you don't like stuff, don't be a dick about it."
- David Jenkins
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leafyeyes417 · 3 months
Danny is glad he actually made a plan for once. Jazz had been on his back about telling their parents he was Phantom, and he had managed to convince her he had a plan. The only thing that would extend how long it took was the frequency of ghost attacks.
He generally didn’t have much free time, so luckily Clockwork was willing to put him in a time bubble so he could get stuff done, like get enough sleep. But mostly he was training. Sometimes with Wulf to make portals, but other ghosts had come by too.
The power that was giving him the most trouble, and that he needed most for his plan was duplication. It took forever and he still couldn’t have more than 3 versions of himself at one time. How Vlad managed so many he had no idea.
Anyway back to his plan. He got all his stuff that he couldn’t afford to lose hidden away, got copies of all his parents blueprints and files, replaced items that he didn’t feel comfortable letting them keep if worse case scenario came, and a few more miscellaneous things.
He decided not to tell Sam and Tucker what he was doing. Though he did give them a mysterious file that they weren’t able to open yet. It would lead them to him later. But he needed their reactions to be legitimate, even if he hated having to potentially distress them for a bit.
He then sent his duplicate in his place back home while he went to the Ghost Zone to keep learning and keep an eye on things. Hopefully things went well, but he planned to spend a full living realm month here just in case his parents faked taking it well.
It did not go well. About two weeks after his duplicate told his parents they knocked him out and buried him in a ghost proof coffin. Was he glad he wouldn’t have to experience his worse fears as a lab experiment? Yes. Was he still going to have nightmares of being trapped underground unable to escape? Also yes.
He was glad it was his duplicate though. It was easy for him to undo from a distance and since they had been connected he still had all the memories. He typed in the code for the file he gave his friends before he left. Time to go to Gotham, the one place he was able to wheedle out of Clockwork would be best for him.
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synthsays · 1 month
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Monster Falls girlies how we feeling about this one.
Happy Fiddleford Friday Y'all
(Bonus art under cut)
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And one for the fiddauthor peeps
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zuzu-draws · 10 months
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Just a pair of friendly sorcerers out on a stroll~
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unhappy-sometimes · 3 months
First Date
I really want them to have an actual date where they do things that actually look fun
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Hope that makes sense
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screwpinecaprice · 3 months
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He communicated through mental text.
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dappermouth · 3 months
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Colorado! Next week I'll be selling/signing prints at Fan Expo Denver (July 4 - July 7)! I'm excited for this show, it’s a fun one. I hope you'll come say hi to me in the artist alley if you're there!
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sanshinexx · 8 months
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In a world where Fives survived
[More incorrect quotes and fanart here]
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idolomantises · 7 months
I just finished rewatching ATLA and I have to say…
Absolutely insane to me that people were insisting that Azula not getting a redemption was “misogynistic” and some kind of writing mistake. The girl told her dad to commit mass genocide.
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