#interaction: hestia jones.
ofxsorcery · 3 months
Starter for: Cressida Malfoy x Hestia Jones ( @fcrox ) Location: Hestia's place
When she had said to Tib that she was going to ask her friend to cover for her for the weekend, she only had one woman in mind; Hestia Jones. Her best friends since Hogwarts. One that she could agree with openly - as openly as possible since she still had to be careful on who was listening - regarding her own personal views. Views that differed from her family.
"Hestia? Before we start about that upcoming marriage of yours... I need to ask you something. Are you able to cover for me some weekend soon so I can spend it with Tib?" Her best friend was the only one who knew the name of the mystery man that she loved so much. No other friend of hers knew but Hestia. Her voice had been close to begging to make clear how much she wanted it.
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moonytoasted · 2 months
sirius black's relationships with the girls:
lily: kinda felt bad for her when james was trying to date her, slowly got closer to her over time and bonded over their sibling issues. sort of replacement siblings for each other? and when she started dating james, he made fun of her SO MUCH.
marlene: friends since that first night in the common room. used to date, broke up cause marlene realized she was gay af and he was HEARTBROKEN at first but then realized they're better off as friends. have definitely had a life changing roadtrip before. they're each others' ride or die.
mary: doesn't really know her that well, but they bond over music and fashion (although their styles are different)
alice (fortescue): he's intrigued after he sees her hanging out with narcissa. narcissa tells him to mind his own business, so he backs off.
narcissa: his cousin, cissy. he always thought she was a bit uptight, but he loved when her and andy would babysit him and reg. she knew the best bedtime stories. at hogwarts, she was a little distant due to his being in gryffindor, but never cold at first.
emmeline (vance): since he's close with marlene, he's seen them punch each other, but then laugh about it a week later. kind of scared of her.
hestia jones: he's always invited to her hufflepuff parties, and she and her friends have a permanent invite to gryffindor tower.
sybill trelawney: the marauders used to bully her, until regulus' friend dorcad chewed them out after james made sybill cry. sybill and peter became good friends, and sirius got a couple readings from her that totally freaked him out,
pandora: mostly knows her as "regulus's weird friend", from a distance, but during the war, she sent him a couple letters confirming that reg was safe(ish) and alive (for now)
dorcas: tbh i think they were very close during their time in the order, but at hogwarts he didn't know her besides "regulus's smart friend" and then "marlene's cool girlfriend" yk? since they were in different houses they probably didn't interact much
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squibstress · 10 months
HP Rec Fest -- Day 9
Prompt 8: A rarepair fic @hprecfest
The Art of Preservation
Pairing: Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank/Minerva McGonagall
Creator: yletylyf
Rating: K/G
Word Count: 2,000
Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank agrees to help rebuild after the war. She's happy to do so, actually. She just wishes she could do it in a place other than that occupied by her old flame, Minerva McGonagall.
Why You Should Read It:
I have @kellychambliss to thank for turning me on to the joys of Minerva/Wilhelmina, which are on abundant display here.
This fic is such a great portrait of the aftermath of a relationship gone wrong–painful, beautiful, and just plain awkward at moments. And then the denouement... so lovely.
This Wilhelmina is wonderful–all the ambivalence is delicious. So brave with the dangerous creatures, and so not when it comes to facing Minerva.
Love Is a Battlefield
Pairing: Dudley/Firenze
Creator: @lash_larue
Rating: M/R
Word Count: 11,575
Dudley Dursley is not a common man, he has his preferences and his principles, and he lives by the rules, always. The rules, however, are his own.
Why You Should Check It Out:
Boxing as foreplay! Dudley redeemed! Believable human/centaur relations that stay true to the canon depictions of centaurs! Yes, the author managed it all and more in this wonderful story.
Safe as Houses
Characters: Dedalus Diggle, Dudley Dursley, Hestia Jones, Mundungus Fletcher, Petunia Dursley (née Evans), Vernon Dursley
Pairing: Hestia/Mundungus
Creator: wwmrsweasleydo
Rating: T/PG-13
Word Count: 7,000
Summary: As if it wasn't bad enough babysitting ill-tempered Muggles, now Diggle's turned up with someone Hestia finds most unpleasant.
Why You Should Check It Out:
"Safe As Houses" has some of my favorite elements: missing moments from canon (what happens to the Dursleys after they leave Privet Drive), nicely filled out portraits of intriguing characters we only meet briefly in canon (Hestia, Dedalus, Mundungus), and surprising but believable developments in the relationshps between some of the characters.
Sunlight in the Garden
Pairing: Alice Longbottom/Pomona Sprout
Creator: lyras
Rating: M/R
Warning: References to the emotional fallout of the attack on the Longbottoms; references to memory loss
Word Count: 4,300
Pomona hasn't seen Neville since he was a baby, but the moment he steps into her greenhouse, the past begins chasing her down.
Why You Should Check It Out:
"Sunlight in the Garden" is a deeply shaded fic featuring Pomona/Alice Longbottom, with lots of bittersweetness and a finish that made me sigh in delight. I espeically love the Pomona here—she's loyal (of course) and fierce in her own quiet way. I defy you not to love her.
The Vultures of Love
Pairings: Argus/Irma, Minerva/Severus
Creator: dueltastic
Rating: T/PG-13
Word Count: 13,000
No author summary given, but fic pairs Minerva/Severus and Argus/Irma, and shows some of Severus' interactions with his mother.
Why You Should Check It Out:
What can I say? It's perfect Minerva/Severus, as far as I'm concerned: tenderness wrapped in the unsentimental, competetive, often snide package these two make. It features a Severus who grows from uncertain young man to confident lover and a Minerva who is recognizably older, more mature, but with a touch of human insecurity. It also features a Filch who is gloriously realized as a character with all his warts intact (like Severus) but also a few surprises. We also get to meet Eileen Prince and get a hint about where Severus got some of his good and bad qualities. A nifty little twist wraps this fic up in a pretty wonderful package.
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enbysiriusblack · 9 months
Sirius Black dating life:
mary macdonald- first girlfriend. probably around second year. dated for a couple of weeks before mary broke up with him. they just acted as friends/how they previously interacted but kissed once and told everyone they were boyfriend/girlfriend.
florence- went on a few dates. never properly put a label on it. sirius broke up with her because she was annoyed he wanted to spend valentine's day doing pranks with his friends instead of going on a date.
doris purkiss- she asked him out and he accepted. went on a few dates. sirius broke up with her when he found out she was telling people she was only dating him because he was good looking.
hestia jones- started dating because sirius wanted a date to the yule ball. broke up during the holidays over a letter because sirius didn't actually want to date her.
marlene mckinnon- dated for a while. lavender relationship/both knew they were queer but not ready to come out. hooked up with other people whilst fake-together.
caradoc dearborne- never dated. just made out during parties a lot. caradoc was very closest and in love with his best friend and so was sirius.
benjy fenwick- dated for a few weeks. both in love with their best friend. broke up because peter didn't like that they were dating (being benjy's ex) and sirius felt bad that he hadn't asked peter beforehand.
remus lupin- very in love. broke up during the war. (kinda got back together after azkaban but it's very complicated). endgame. soulmates.
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marleneismydopamine · 10 months
my favourite eras of this fandom are whenever we randomly ship two people who do NOT have any right to be that perfect together and then we all collectively get on board (like when we all got obsessed with nobleflower yk). bonus points if it's sapphic.
so i'm starting a new series where i randomly get two girls names from this wheel thing:
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and i'll make headcanons about them. and hopefully at least one of the ships becomes popular or at least i see more people talking about them
I'm only gonna include the girls and femme presenting people. i tried to include a variety of characters we know pretty well and characters we don't. in case you don't know, emmeline is emmeline vance, emma is emma vanity, amelia is amelia bones, and hestia is hestia jones. if you wanna see another character added to this or you wanna see headcanons for a specific random pairing then feel free to ask me and i'll see what i can do.
these will NOT necessarily be romantic ships. i'll probably have a mix of headcanons that are platonic and romantic but if you don't like the ship in a romantic way then just focus on the ones that are platonic. also some are automatically going to be platonic: for example anything with alice or narcissa paired up with the other girls will be platonic because they are kinda older than them.
also if i get marlene + dorcas or mary + lily i won’t do headcanons about them because they’re all pretty popular already.
i didnt add bellatrix or andromeda because they are significantly older and i honestly cant see why they would interact with many people on this list. but again, if you wanna see headcanons of them with another character just message me.
i have adhd and im currently hyperfocusing on this series so there will definately be follow through on this but then again... i have adhd. so lets see how it goes!
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Explanation of the Newsies AU for someone who knows nothing about Newsies?
so there are two main versions of newsies: the Broadway one, and the 1992 movie. The 1992 movie is my personal favorite version of newsies (we get to see more of the individual bg newsies, Christian Bale's Jack is the love of my entire life, and I just really prefer all their interactions!), so I actually mix a bit of the Broadway and a bit of the 1992 movie to create my AU!
1992sies my beloved <3
a general overview that doesn't include spoilers:
Tugger is the leader of the London newsies. Munkustrap and Jemima, a sibling duo looking for work, join Tugger's group, and are taken under his wing. Macavity, owner of the Moon, the biggest paper in London, decides to jack up the prices of the paper, causing the newsies to strike against the unfair decision.
Meanwhile, Mistoffelees Jones, a reporter for the Sun, is looking to break out of the social pages and find a real story. He and his sisters, Hestia and Jubilee, find themselves thrown into the midst of the Newsie Strike, finding friendship amongst the London newsies.
Mistoffelees and his sisters have a secret, however, one that would change how the newsies perceive them. As the strike grows larger and larger, Tugger and Mistoffelees begin to fall for one another, but with ghosts from their pasts threatening to tear their family apart, it's only a matter of time before things come to a head...
each of the cats has a corresponding newsie or adult that they're associated with, which i'd be absolutely happy to share if people are curious!!!
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drcsmdws-blog · 6 years
“Don’t touch my fries."
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She hadn’t even noticed it was Hestia’s plate ( at least, not completely the Ravenclaw table was so crazy that morning that she figured she could try her luck ). Dorcas gives a pout before her hand goes back to her own plate, “PARDON me, sometimes the frenzy of it all gets to me and I’ve been really really craving fries.”
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mfletcher · 2 years
Location: The Prewett Estate Date: June 21st, 1984 Status: @helloxhestia​
Mundungus had spoken to Alastor after the meeting last night, and had not ended up satisfied with the answers he got from him. Who the hell thought sending him into the field was in any way a good idea? He’d gone out drinking afterwards, taking time to drink and maybe even get a little high to drown out the thoughts and have some fun for the night. Tomorrow, he told himself, tomorrow he’d worry about going to Hestia and figuring out what was so messed up in her head with all of this.
It was afternoon by the time Fletch finally rolled out of bed, groaning in annoyance and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Sniffing his shirt to make sure that it was still clean enough to wear again, he moved to brush his teeth and try to make his hair presentable, before grabbing his wand and heading out. He needed to go talk to Hestia, and needed to figure out why they were doing this to him. Therefore, he headed to the Prewett Estate, figuring she’d be there.
Fletch made a beeline for her office, figuring that of course she’d be there. Did Hestia do anything besides work, he wondered, or was there a spell that literally kept her cooped up in the Estate so she couldn’t leave? Not that he’d put it past The Order, of course, but that was another point. Knocking on the door, he opened it and stuck his head in, offering her a lopsided grin.
“Got a minute to talk to me, Ma’am?” He asked, almost as sweetly as possible. Start off nice with her, in hopes to get a change, right?
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pspettigrew · 2 years
Location: The Prewett Estate Date: June 24th when they arrive back/June 25th early hours Status: Self Para, with Mentions of @perniciouspotter, @helloxhestia, @asphodelroot
Peter had begun to have hope, that perhaps what Sirius had said to him, what he'd come to feel like he'd realized the night before, wasn't the truth at all. Peter had begun to feel like James was still his friend, after the other had come to his rescue and made sure he was alright. Peter had thought that maybe their little row would blow over, and that James would talk to him... but then they arrived back at Headquarters and James had turned at him and snapped that it didn't change anything between them, and Peter stood for a moment, feeling like a balloon deflating as the hope for getting back in the good graces of a friend quickly slipped away from him.
He felt overwhelmed, truly, and he tried to focus on everyone rushing around as they got back; keeping an eye out to try and find Remus, Lily, and even Sirius, despite how upset he was with him. James went to confront Hestia, and so Peter stayed back far enough to be out of the way if that interaction went south, but close enough that he could hear what was being said. There was a bit of annoyance rising in his chest, but he was sure that was just because of the whole situation, not anything they were saying. It was only when Hestia finally spoke about Lily, and James looked back at him like that, that he felt fear again, that cold like from the Dementors, but now with the worry from how his friends were.
Obviously, Peter didn't head right away to see Lily, as James did. He wanted to be nowhere near the fight that would happen as James tried to get to her, even though a tiny part of him thought it would be interesting to see how many people James hexed out of his way to get to her. No, Peter was tired, and he knew his place was to be helping in whatever other ways he could, and to debrief and do what needed to be done as a team leader. He set his shoulders, and moved to do just that.
It felt like days later that finally everything was over; the debrief, the meeting, everything. Peter stepped aside into another empty room, feeling exhausted. He wanted nothing more than to go see Lily, but knew that he would never get a chance to; Peter wouldn't put up a fight, and he knew that there were too many others who would go in for time with her, that he would be last and not get the chance. The infirmary couldn't handle that many people, and the last thing Peter wanted was to make things worse by trying to crowd in.
Still, Peter did want to check in on Lily; she was his friend, after all. So he did the only other thing he could think of to do, in order to try and at least get in the room without being a nuisance; he transformed into Wormtail. Making his way through a few of the hidey holes that he'd found, Wormtail made his way carefully into the infirmary, back beside a cabinet where he wouldn't be in the way, or seen.
He wasn't spying or anything, and he didn't want it to seem weird; he just wanted to be able to see Lily for himself, and see what was going on. Quietly, he watched as everyone moved around, and tiredly rested on the floor. It felt like forever, and he may have drifted off, but then he realized that there was a lull in people who had come to see Lily; there was no one there for the moment, and so Wormtail decided he was going to take a chance to actually check on her himself.
Carefully, he made his way across the Infirmary and to where Lily's cot was. Climbing up the side, he crawled onto the bed and sat up a little, looking at her and feeling his heart sink. Merlin, what he wouldn't do to just make everything better for her, to make sure she was okay. Gently, he crawled closer, licking her cheek in a careful, gentle motion like placing a kiss there, as she always did for him. He looked her over, before Wormtail gingerly curled up by her shoulder in an attempt to cuddle close and comfort her, but not wake her or cause any disturbance.
For awhile it was quiet, and Wormtail just laid there, resting his head on her shoulder lightly and watching everything else that was going on. Too quickly though, someone else was coming towards her, and Wormtail didn't want to be caught laying there, or being in the way. He darted away, down off the cot and back towards the hidey hole that he knew of, and out of the room.
There were others there who would watch over her, and as he transformed back, Peter was going to head home and get some sleep of his own.
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prioriincantatem · 3 years
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@magicveins​ said : (Hestia) "I would never pretend not to know you, Remus.”
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“Plenty of people do,” Remus says. “I’m not…. it’s easy for people to distance themselves from me, is all I’m saying. And I’d understand if you did the same, or felt like you needed to.”
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ofxsorcery · 4 months
Starter for: Hestia Jones x Ela Wood ( @fcrox )
The sight of Hestia was both a pleasant one but also one that made her take a deep breath. Hestia was her best friend but she was also someone who embodied everything that Patrick had been as well. An Auror. The Order. The dangerous side of life in her opinion. But never the less, she was going over to her friend. She wrapped her arms around the other woman to quickly embrace her as a welcome. "How can we have missed each other at this party for so long? I didn't want to leave without having seen you first."
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jamspctter · 4 years
Closed Starter: @hextias​ Where: A Baking Class
The bakery in Diagon Alley has allowed costumers to join a gingerbread cookie baking class. Muse A and Muse B are paired together and so the disaster begins.
James stared at the ingredients in front of him, he had absolutely no idea why he was here of all places with Hestia. The Ministry thought that maybe team bonding would strengthen bonds but a cooking class for gingerbread men was throwing him off. He glanced at his mention as the rathe bright and cheery witch chimed on about the magic of cooking during the holidays. 
“Do we truly have to do this Hestia?” He whispered under his breath knowing full well he should probably be listening to her instructions. It seemed simple enough to him, he’s made cookies with his mom before. How hard could it be?
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foolgraves · 3 years
LOCATION: The Ministry of Magic. FEATURING: Hestia Jones. @hextias​
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With Rosalie Flint walking through The Ministry of Magic, most witches and wizards turned their head in order to catch a glimpse as she passed them by. It wasn’t her beauty, nor was it the way she held herself that garnered such attention. But the mysterious air that loomed around her. Rosalie would have thought she would have been the last thing on their minds, but it seemed her disappearance hadn’t been as forgotten as she would have liked.
She disregarded those staring without a moment’s hesitance, somewhat of a retaliation against being scrutinized by those unworthy of uttering so much as her name. It was not her purpose to dwell on it. Her priority led her to exactly where she was. The Department of Magical Law Enforement. A place she often frequented before her disappearance to meet with Andromeda. It was now a place she could not stand the sight of. “Miss Jones,” said Rosalie, announcing herself as she reached her office. “I do hope I’m not intruding.”
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harrisonbagnold · 4 years
closed with @hextias​
where: the crystal pavilion 
Harrison couldn’t believe that his friends had managed to drag him to this shit show. He was not in the mood but Hestia had demanded he showed up whilst Camille threatened to never see him again if she did not have a date to the ball. He showed up fashionably late and kept his head down, trying to ignore the glances and looks from literally every Tom, Dick and Larry. Staying away from the bar he found his way to Hestia’s side. “I’m here, can I leave now?” 
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
&&. @hcstia-joncs
Madame Puddifoot’s Tea Shop August 17th, 1979
Narcissa was surprised that the girl had even read her owl, much less agreed to meet her here. But she was glad she was meeting face to face with the person who despite witnessing the amazing things the current administration was doing for the citizens, still went out of her way to write such foul things. Where had they gone wrong? Narcissa wondered. They had just buried Antonin, or what was left of him after the atrocious acts of Aversio. In what moment had they become so overly confident that they forgot that Aversio had killed a former Minister of Magic, that even if the Order was made up of righteous knights in shiny armor, Aversio was violence and destruction. 
The rich velvet fabric of her pitch black dress -she was still in mourning- felt soft and delicate against her fingers as she smoothed down her dress while waiting at a table in the painteresque shoppe. If it had been up to her she would’ve chosen a better place for the meeting, but she wanted Hestia Jones to felt at ease, and this was one of the few neutral places left in the mist of this war.
“Miss Jones” Narcissa called out with a small wave when once again the bell on the door chimed, this time it finally was the person she had been waiting for. 
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constantvigilancex · 7 years
Hestia && Alastor | We must keep going
June, 1979 Order of the Phoenix Headquarters, Scotland.
They had seen it coming, the war, it did not take them by surprise or unprepared. But it still took it’s toll on all of them. Aversio had claimed they only wanted to put an end to the Death Eaters, but they had only jeopardized the chance of bringing them to justice by taking such extreme measures. 
Hate could not fight hate. Violence only drew more violence.
And now the Wizarding World had been sucked into a endless pit of chaos and violence, the ruler was not Rodolphus Lestrange, it was fear. Alastor felt helpless, like a bloody child who could do nothing but stand by and watch as everything around him crumbles. It was true that the last few weeks had turned Alastor into an even bitter and grumpier person -if that was even possible- but everyone around the castle was getting used to it. Even his paranoia didn’t seemed as crazy as people had once referred to it. If only they would stop being so difficult about the proper use of security questions and following protocol. Then maybe he wouldn’t have to grill them so much about it.
He was on his way to pen a new set of comprehensive rules, related to the proper way of traveling to and from the new headquarters and safe houses, when he spotted a peculiar sight. Alastor walked back and turned a corner, at the end of the hallway was Hestia, he was curious about what she had with her. “Jones” Alastor greeted her as he approached her, “you movin’ in?” he said raising an eyebrow. The castle was immense, and almost every member got a room of their own, but only a handful, mostly those in more danger, or those with families, or those whose homes had been destroyed, actually stayed permanently, most just came and went. 
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                                                                                       &&. @hcstia-joncs
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