planefood · 1 month
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More animation stuff + a thing I handed out to my cleanup teammates:
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lazyevaluationranch · 5 months
*pats askbox gently* there are more Thermoreceptors?
(I'm sorry ur dome was so hot; I hope its much cooler now!)
My bluff has been called! Hooray!!
I am not a neurologist, a biologist, or a scientist. If anyone with better credentials than "obsessed with emergent properties" contradicts me, listen to them instead.
Cell membranes include little portal proteins that open under certain circumstances based on the shape of the protein and let chemicals into and out of the cell. These portals are useful for all sorts of things: managing water and nutrients, sending messages to nearby cells, serving the whims of tiny intercellular cats. Science hasn't found the tiny intercellular cats yet, but we all know they're there; the existence of a door that can be opened necessarily implies an indecisive feline.
Some protein shapes open up if the temperature is within a certain range. This means that if a cell with that sort of protein in its membrane experiences a temperature in the right range, it will move some chemicals around. This is used to make nerve cells that send a message towards the brain whenever they experience a certain temperature.
Because evolution does all its best work the night before the deadline while on a Code Red Mountain Dew bender, the opened-by-temperature portal proteins are mostly copied from opened-by-a-specific-chemical portal proteins. All of them, in fact, still open for specific chemicals, which means there exist out in the world liquids you can put in a bottle that most animals will instead perceive as "a temperature between 8 and 26 degrees" So things can get a little weird.
Temperature-opening portal proteins:
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TRPA1 Opens for temperatures below 12C (not air temperature, skin or body temperature, so you might be kind of in trouble when this happens). Used by hunting snakes to detect where heat isn't so they can find prey. Feels painful in an itchy sort of way.
This one also opens for allyl isothiocyanate. Many plants have evolved to take advantage of the existence of a chemical most animals perceive as itchy pain, especially horseradish and wasabi. Allyl isothiocyanate is harmful to plants, so they keep two separate components in tiny compartments. When an animal bites the plant, the compartments break open their contents mix to create allyl isothiocyanate.
"This plant tastes like itching" is a good defense against almost all animals, but some humans have taught themselves to appreciate the taste of itching.
TRPM8 Opens for temperatures between 8 and 26 degrees. Opens for menthol (peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen) and linalool (roses, orange blossoms, basil). Feels cool or cold.
"This plant tastes like cold" is a somewhat less effective defense against being eaten than "this plant tastes like itching" but it's a more widespread defense because TRPM8-activating chemicals don't harm plants and don't need elaborate two-part storage.
TRPV4 Opens for temperatures from 27-37 C. I'm not sure what this one feels like, or if even feels like anything, since it covers normal human body temperatures. Whatever feeling we get from this one, we're feeling it nearly all the time.
Plants do make a chemical that tastes like this temperature, and it can repel nonhuman creatures with different body temperatures: allicin, the flavour of garlic. Like allyl isothiocyante, it is stored in two compartments inside the plant, and combined when the plant is bitten.
Maybe this is why vampires abhor garlic. There is a feeling that, as humans, we always have. Something we don't notice, something deeper than touch. That feel disappears forever when you become a vampire, except those unbearable moments when garlic returns to you for a fleeting moment the experience of lost humanity.
TRPV3 Opens for temperatures 33-39 degrees. Opens for eugenol, found in cinnamon, nutmeg, bay leaf, holy basil, ginger, allspice, and cloves. Feels like warmth.
Plants with high quantities of eugenol, like holy basil and Japanese star anise, are sometimes sacred to buddhists because they smell nice and bugs don't like to eat them, so you can burn them as incense without worrying about all the little crawly guys.
Humans apparently think food that tastes like "warm" is comforting.
TRPV1 Opens for temperatures over 43 degrees. (The one I was experiencing in the overheated dome, which I had never felt from air before) Opens for capsaicin, the active chemical in hot peppers. Opens for the combination of temperature and acidity of fevers and infected wounds. This one we feel as pain, as burning, as flame.
TRPV1 says: Your flesh is failing, and your doom is very near.
Humanity says: This is incredible. We are going to breed plants that cause this sensation as much as possible, and we will spend thousands of years getting it right. We are going to dry this and powder this and flake it and grill it and ferment it and eat it with everything.
And when we leave earth and go into space, we take hot peppers with us. Without gravity, fluid builds up in nasal passages, and astronauts sort of have colds the entire time they're in space and can't smell food very well. But the Nearness Of Your Doom is not a smell and is not perceived by the nose, so - with their doom always on the other side of ten centimeters of insulated aluminum - astronauts can taste hot peppers. In 2002, Peggy Whitson, commander of the ISS, jokingly refused to let a replacement crew on board until they handed over the hot sauce.
We are a strange and wonderful species.
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cbirt · 11 months
Cell-cell interactions (CCIs) are pivotal in various biological functions, including cellular differentiation, tissue maintenance, and immune reactions. As single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) techniques advance, the need to discern CCIs from the growing pool of data becomes crucial. A groundbreaking technique, “DeepCCI,” developed by researchers from the Harbin Institute of Technology, China, uses scRNA-seq data to explore intercellular communication in higher multicellular organisms, i.e., animals. DeepCCI showcases its remarkable versatility by successfully applying its capabilities to a diverse array of publicly available datasets across various technologies and platforms. This demonstrates its exceptional accuracy and effectiveness in predicting significant Cell-Cell Interactions (CCIs). With its user-friendly software, DeepCCI emerges as a comprehensive solution, streamlining the process of uncovering meaningful intercellular communications and constructing CCI networks from scRNA-seq data.
Single-cell RNA sequencing innovations have made significant commitments to figure out the cellular mechanisms. They permit the identification of distinct cell types and states, help in supporting personalized medication procedures biomarker revelation, upgrade insights into advancement, and extend our cognizance of illness systems. In spite of the difficulties in examining scRNA-seq information, the potential for extraordinary bits of knowledge into cell components and the treatment of different illnesses is significant.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years
The gaseous phase of CO2 diffusion into the leaf can be divided into three components – the boundary layer, the stomata, and the intercellular spaces of the leaf – each of which imposes a resistance to CO2 diffusion (Figure 9.19).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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exy-shmexy · 2 years
Some more wholesome Twinyards for you
Aaron is alone at the library in the (very) late evening studying for an upcoming biochemistry exam. It's a random Tuesday. Aaron is startled by Andrew quietly dropping down on the chair in front of him. He blinks, wondering what the hell his chronically-allergic-to-libraries twin is doing here.
Andrew silently reaches into his backpack—an old discolored black thing Nicky got him when they started high school—and gets his own books out of it as if it were the most normal thing. He pushes Aaron's laptop slightly to the side with a corner of his textbook.
Aaron is too stunned to say anything.
He just watches Andrew splay an array of annotated papers in front of him, settling into his own homework session.
"What are you doing?" Aaron finally manages to ask after a long stretch of silence.
Andrew lifts his head, usual boredom plastered on his face. "Studying."
"You never come here."
Andrew shrugs. Aaron knows it's the end of the conversation because Andrew lowers his head and begins scribbling more notes down as he goes through his set of mandatory readings. Aaron stares, frowning. He tries to get back to his own biochemistry notes, but his brain has decided to stop working.
Andrew should be with Kevin and Neil for their usual evening practice session.
But then it hits him.
"You were listening?" he asks. Andrew looks up again, one eyebrow raised. "The other night, when I was talking with Matt," Aaron continues. "I told him Katelyn would be away for the week with the other cheerleaders. You heard us?"
Andrew sighs in what Aaron is now certain is feigned annoyance. "You don't like studying on your own, you can't focus if there isn't someone else with you."
Aaron blinks. "So you came here to... keep me company?"
"Neil and Kevin are being intolerable Exy junkies together. Nicky is out with Matt and Dan. Renee is... busy with Allison. Unless you made some friends on the football team no one knows about, which is highly unlikely considering you punched one of them—"
"He deserved it."
"—then I don't think there was any other option. Don't overthink it. I just couldn't stand the stickball fanatics a minute longer." And with that Andrew dives back into his coursework.
Aaron is smiling so big it's actually embarrassing. He clears his throat, knowing perfectly well Andrew didn't mean the last part of his statement because he never does anything he doesn't want to do. Andrew is with him because he knows Aaron can't stay focused ifhe doesn't have someone to study with. Usually it's Katelyn, but Katelyn isn't there.
Andrew is.
Aaron goes back to his intercellular communication notes. He loses track of time, and quickly forgets how long they stay in the library together. Once Aaron declares he's done for the night (having noticed Andrew had been done for a whole half hour and was busy getting ahead of his notes), he asks him if he wants to go to the sandwich place close by. His gift. Andrew accepts. They go together, and spend another hour together. They don't talk a lot, but the shared companionship is enough.
When the next Tuesday arrives and Andrew shows up again instead of Katelyn, Aaron is more than happy to clear up some space for his brother at the desk.
When he learns about this, Neil secretly tells Katelyn to give them one evening together away from everyone every week and she graciously accepts
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theoddvet · 7 months
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Beautifully obvious metastatic emboli from an adenocarcinoma. It's not very often you get to see obvious metastases on histology section.
Metastasis is the process of a cell leaving it's primary site of origin or original mass, entering a blood or lymphatic vessel, and exiting the vessel at a distant site to colonise a new tissue. This process only occurs in malignant tumours (cancers).
Many factors are required for a tumour cell to be able to detach from the main mass, penetrate through basement membranes, migrate through extracellular matrix, invade vessels, evade the immune system, and establish and grow within a new tissue including integrins, growth factors, proteases (e.g. matrix metalloproteinases) and antiproteases, vimentin, adhesion molecules, and down regulation of cytokeratin expression and intercellular adhesion structures. If a tumour cell does not possess at least one of these capabilities to survive the process, then successful metastasis is not possible.
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gothhabiba · 2 years
No mental disorder meets the scientific definition of “disease” recognizable to pathologists: a departure from normal bodily structure and function (Szasz, 2001). This reality is clearly understood by the current and previous directors of the NIMH who acknowledge the speculative status of existing biological theories (Insel, 2011) and caution that DSM diagnoses are “heuristics” not to be misconstrued as “natural kinds” or “real entities” (Hyman, 2010). It is therefore confusing to observe these same individuals state elsewhere that mental disorders “are recognized to have a biological cause” (Insel, 2010; p. 5) and are “real illnesses of a real organ, the brain, just like coronary artery disease is a disease of a real organ, the heart” (Hyman at the 1999 White House Conference on Mental Health, quoted in Albee & Joffe, 2004). Use of the term “disease” in the context of mental disorder reflects an expanded definition in which cellular pathology is replaced with subjective report of distressing or impairing psychological symptoms, the presence of biological correlates, or the assumption of an underlying disease state as yet undiscovered by science (e.g., “…mental disorders will likely be proven to represent disorders of intercellular communication; or of disrupted neural circuitry”; APA, 2003b). From this perspective, any DSM diagnosis is eligible for disease status (Peele, 1989), and what constitutes a “brain disease” is subject to the vagaries of the individuals in charge of determining the disorders and symptom criteria sets that comprise the latest version of the APA's diagnostic manual. [...] Given the limitations of existing knowledge about the biological basis of mental disorder, declarations that mental disorders are “brain diseases” (Volkow, n.d.), “broken brains” (Andreasen, 1985), or “neurobiological disorders” (CHADD, 2012) are perhaps best understood as the product of ideological, economic, or other non scientific motives.
–Brett J. Deacon, “The biomedical model of mental disorder: A critical analysis of its validity, utility, and effects on psychotherapy research.” Clinical Psychology Review 33 (2013), 846–861. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2012.09.007
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planefood · 2 months
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Some animations from the past 2 days for the short film I’m directing :-) keys were done by me and inbetweens done by one of my lovely teammates
Also this one that is just keys atm
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er-cryptid · 1 year
Tight Junctions
-- belts of protein isolate parts of the plasma membrane
-- the intercellular space disappears when the two adjacent membranes lie adjacent
-- function:      -- form a barrier prohibiting movement of substances between cells
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A protein extracted from squid may help increase tissue growth for regenerative medicine
Collagen is the basic protein that makes up the intercellular matrix, or in other words, the environment for the connective tissue cells of our body, such as tendons, bone, and cartilage. It looks like long threads, woven into three-dimensional networks. This, in turn, creates a kind of a tissue scaffold.
Due to the fact that collagen fibers are durable, elastic, and also serve as signals that determine the cell's so-called destiny, in medicine they are used as an environment to accelerate growth and differentiation of tissues, for example in wound healing. Most often such materials are artificially synthesized from collagen dissolution. However, even the most advanced technologies are unable to create collagen "networks" that exactly repeat the structure of a natural cellular environment, most favorable for its regeneration, or in other words, tissue repair.
Scientists from Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad) with their colleagues from Voronezh State University (Voronezh) have proposed to use natural collagen extracted from Dosidicus gigas squid as tissue scaffold for growing cells instead of artificially synthesized collagen.
Read more.
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axispharm · 8 months
Caco-2 Permeability Assay
In the development of small molecule drugs, it is necessary to evaluate the bioavailability of the compound as early as possible, so as to lay the foundation for subsequent development. In addition to using experimental animals to evaluate bioavailability, various in vitro analysis methods have been developed to evaluate the ability of compounds to penetrate the intestinal wall. These in vitro experiments are not only lower in cost but also higher in throughput and shorter experimental time. Among them, Caco-2 monolayer cell permeability analysis assay has become one of the standards in vitro methods.
CaCO-2 cells are derived from human colon cancer and have the typical characteristics of intestinal epithelial cells, such as the formation of a polarized monolayer columnar epithelium, and densely differentiated microvilli on the top surface of the cells neatly arranged to form a striated border and intercellular connection.
The determination of Caco-2 cell permeability not only helps to determine intestinal permeability but also can identify specific transporters or efflux proteins and intestinal phase II drug-metabolizing enzymes. Therefore, this Caco-2 permeability assay provides valuable information for drug development in an effective and reproducible manner, which is not available in non-biological models, and even in many other biological models.
The Efflux Ratio can be calculated by measuring the transport from A-B and B-A in two different directions, so as to determine whether a molecule has active efflux.
Caco-2 Permeability Assay Protocol
Compound required
10 mM DMSO 100µL or 2 mg
Compound Test Concentration
Cell Culture
21 days
Incubation Conditions
Incubation in CO2 incubator at 37ºC for 90 min
Positive control compound
digoxin (or other compounds)
Integrity of the monolayer
TEER>200 Ω•cm2
Analysis method
Data delivery
Papp, Efflux Ratio, %Recovery
Data calculation
Papp = CRecx VRec/ (A x t x C0) Efflux Ratio = Papp (B→A) /Papp (A→B) Recovery = [(Vrec x Crec) + (Vd x Cd)] / (Vd x C0)
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cbirt · 2 years
Scientists Design Machine Learning Model to Decipher the Microenvironment Communication Networks of Individual Tumors
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Intercellular networks between key players in the tumor microenvironments make tumor cells invincible against the body’s natural defense mechanisms. Identifying and targeting these interactions can make tumors more susceptible to tumor invasions and their eventual retardation. This study demonstrates the use of Bayesian network models in designing a network that links together these interactions by incorporating data from both single-cell and bulk RNA-seq. 
For a heterogeneous ecosystem such as a tumor microenvironment, the constituents that make it up and the interactions that drive its pathogenesis and progression are highly diverse. This diversity imparts the uniqueness of each tumor in its characteristic progression patterns, immune evasion strategies, and treatment responses. This makes it crucial to identify the said interactions that capture the core processes that underlie each individual tumor to tailor treatment regimens that counter it effectively. 
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grysi · 1 year
Absent Healing
Accelerated Learning
Act of Random Kindness
Active Imagination Experience see Imaginal Experience
Aesthetic experience see Art Experience
After Death Communication
Agoral Gathering Experience
Aikido Experience
Alien Abduction
Alien Encounter
Altered Spatial Perception
Altered Time Perception
Alternate Reality Experience
Alternate Time/Timeline Experience
Alternative Healing see Healing Experiences/Approaches
Ancestral Experience
Anesthetic Experience
Angel Encounter; see also Guardian Angel
Anxiety Dream; see also Night Terrors
Anomalous Weather Control see Weather Control, Anomalous
Apparition; see also Collective Apparition
Archetypal Dream see Transcendent Dream
Archetypal Experience; see also Imaginal Experience; Mythic Experience; Numinous Experience
Architecture Experience; see also Holy or Power Place Encounter
Art Experience
Astral Projection see Out-of-Body Experience
Aura Vision
Automatic Drawing
Automatic Painting
Automatic Speaking
Automatic Writing
Automatism; see Automatic Drawing; Automatic Painting; Automatic Speaking;Automatic Writing; Dowsing
Autoscopy see Bilocation; Double; Out-of-Body Experience;
Bardo Experience see Life Between Life
Being in the Zone see Zone Experience
Blood Miracle, Witnessing
Bodily Functions, Exceptional Control of
Bodily Transformation
Border Crossing Experience
Breakpoint Experience
Breathing, Inner
Brownies Encounter
Burial Alive see Suspended Animation
Call case see Clairaudience; Voices, Hearing
Calling see Vocation, Sense of
Celestial Music see Transcendental Music
Cellular Consciousness
Chaos Experience see Desolation/Nadir Experience
Charismatic Personality Encounter; see also Exceptional Person Experience; Holy Individual Experience
Charismatic Prophecy see Prophecy
Child Prodigies see Prodigies
Childbirth Exceptional Experience
Christos Experience
Clairaudience; see also Locution; Voice, Hearing
Clairvoyance; see also Mindsight Experience
Clairvoyant Diagnosis see Paranormal Diagnosis
Coincidences, Striking; see also Serendipity; Synchronicity
Collective Apparition
Collective Consciousness see Human Species Consciousness/Connectedness
Collective Unconsciousness see Human Species Consciousness/Connectedness
Coma Experience
Conscious Dying
Contemplative Experience; see also Meditation Experience; Prayer Experience; Recollective Experience; Yoga Experience
Cosmic Consciousness/Connectedness
Cosmology, Personal see Cosmic Consciousness/Connectedness
Creative "Aha" or Eureka Experience; see also Embodied Insights
Crop Circle Encounter
Cross Correspondence
Crystal-Gazing see Scrying
Cutaneous Perception
Dance Experience
Darshan Experience
Death-Related Experiences (Class)
Death-Related Psychokinesis; see also Clock Stopping
Deathbed Observation/Encounter
Deceased Spirit Experience see After Death Communication
Déjà Vu; see also Jamais Vu
Dematerialization; see also Materialization
Demonic Encounter; see also Evil Entity
Dermo-Optic Perception see Cutaneous Perception
Dermography see Skin-Writing
Desolation/Nadir Experience (Class); see also Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Spiritual Emergency
Diagnosis, Paranormal see Paranormal Diagnosis
Direct Drawing Experience
Direct Painting Experience
Direct Physical Phenomena
Direct Voice Experience
Direct Writing
Dissociative Experiences (Class)
Dissociative Identity Disorder see Multiple Personality
Distant Intercellular Interaction
Divine Healing see Spiritual Healing
Döppelganger see Double
Double Vision
Double-Release Out-of-Body Experience
Dowsing; see also Map Dowsing
Drama Experience
Dream Helper
Dreambody Experience
Dream, Impactful; see also Anxiety Dream; Dream Helpher; Existential Dream; Lucid Dreaming; Psychic Dream; Transcendent Dream; Transformative Dream
Dream, Lucid see Lucid Dreaming
Drop-in Communicator
Drug Experience see Hallucinogenic Drug Experience
Dying, Conscious see Conscious Dying
Earth Experience see Planetary Consciousness
Ecstasy; see also Shamanic Ecstasy
Electrical/Electronic Sensitivity, Paranormal;
Lamp Interference
Electronic Visual Phenomena
Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)
Embodied Insight
Embodiment see Inscendence/Embodiment/Immanence
Emotions, Transcendental
Encounter Experience (Class)
Encounter or T-Group Experience
Energy Experience
Enlightenment; see also God/Goddess Experience
ESP see Extrasensory Perception
Esthetic Experience see Art Experience
Eureka Experience see Creative "Aha" Experience
Evil Entity; see also Demonic Encounter
EVP see Electronic Voice Phenomena
Exceptional Human Experience (General Heading); see also Transpersonal Experience
Exceptional Human Performance/Feat
Exceptional Person Encounter; see also Holy Person Encounter
Existential Dream
Experience of the New see New, Experience of the
Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
Extraterrestrial (ET) Encounter see Alien Encounter
Faces, Paranormal see Imprints, Paranormal
Fairies, Encountering
Faith Healing
Falling Experience
Family Psi
Fantasy see Daydreaming; Imaginal Experience
Feats see Exceptional Human Performance/Feat
Feeling of Being Stared at see Remote Staring
Fire-walking see Fire-Immunity
First Contact Experience see New, Experience of the
First-Time Experience; see also New, Experience of the
Flow Experience
Folk Entity Encounter
Foreknowledge see Precognition
Fortune-Telling see Divination
Gaia Experience see Planetary Consciousness
Galactic Consciousness
Geller Effect see Metalbending
Genius, Experience of
Ghosts see Apparition; Haunt; Poltergeist
Global Consciousness see Planetary Consciousness
God/Goddess Experience
"Going Native" Experience
Grim Reaper Apparition
Group Bonding
Group Experience/Entity
Group Past Life Recall
Group Psi
Guardian Angel Encounter; see also Inner Guidance Experience; Helper Experience; Inner Helper Experience; Locutions
Guru Encounter see Holy Person Encounter
Hallucination; see also Eidetic Imagery
Hallucinogenic Drug Experience
Healing Approaches/Experiences (Class); see also Faith Healing; Intercessory Prayer; Paranormal Diagnosis; Psychic Healing; Psychic Surgery; Shamanic Healing; Shamanistic Healing; Spirit Healing; Spiritual Healing;
Healing, Psychic see Psychic Healing
Healing, Shamanic see Shamanic Healing
Healing, Shamanistic see Shamanistic Healing
Healing, Spirit see Spirit Healing
Healing, Spiritual see Spiritual Healing
Health/Well-Being/Wholeness Experience
Hearing or Reading About EHEs of Others see Vicarious EE/EHE
Heart Knowledge
Helper Encounter
Helper Spirit
Highland Sight see Second Sight
Hitchhiker, Phantom see Phantom Hitchhiker
Holy or Power Place Encounter
Holy Person Encounter; see also Exceptional Person Experience; Marian Apparition
Human Magnets see Bioattraction
Human Species Consciousness/Connectedness
Human-Animal Interaction see Interspecies Communication/Encounter
Human-Machine Interaction
Hypnagogic Experience
Hypnopompic Experience
Hypnosis-at-a-Distance see Suggestion-at-a-Distance
I-Thou Experience
Idiot Savant see Savant Syndrome
Illumination; see also Creative "Aha" Experience; Enlightenment; Koan
Imaginal Experience
Imaginary Companion
Imaginary World see Paracosm, Creation of
Immanence see Inscendence/Embodiment/Immanence
Immersive Thrill Experience
Immortality Experience
Immunity/Invulnerability; see also Fire-Immunity
Imprints, Paranormal
Incendium Amoris
Incipient Manic Psychosis
Incorruptible Flesh
Incubus Experience; see also Old Hag Experience
Influenced Writing see Channeling; Automatic Writing
Inner Breathing see Breathing, Inner
Inner Guidance Experience; see also Guardian Angel; Inner Helper Experience;
Inner Helper Experience; see also Guardian Angel; Inner Guidance Experience; Locutions;
Inner Movement
Inscendence/Embodiment/Immanence; see also Recollective Experience
Inspiration; see also Channeling; Creative "Aha" Experience;
Inspired Writing or Drawing see Automatic Drawing; Automatic Writing; Channeling;
Intercessory Prayer
Interspecies Communication/Encounter
Invisibility see Dematerialization
Jamais Vu; see also Déjà Vu
Koan; see also Creative "Aha" Experience
Kundalini Awakening
Laughter, Inward
Laying on of Hands; see also Therapeutic Touch
Life Between Life
Life Interconnectedness Experience
Life Review
Life-Changing Experience see Conversion; Exceptional Human Experience
Lifehoods, Experience of
Light Experiences
Light Beyond the Light Experience
Liminal Experience see Border Crossing Experience
Limit Experience see Border Crossing Experience
Literary Experience
Lucid Dreaming
Luck; see also Serendipity
Luminous Phenomena
Long-Gom-Pa Running
Macrocosm/Microcosm Experience
Magnified Vision
Map Dowsing
Marian Apparition see Holy Person Encounter
Martial Arts Experience
Materialization; see also Dematerialization
Meaningful Coincidence see Synchronicity
Meditation Experience
Mediumistic Experience
Memory, Exceptional see Supermemory
Memory, Transpersonal see Recollective Experience
Metal Bending
Metanoia see Exceptional Human Experience
Microscopic Vision see Magnified Vision
Mind Over Matter see Psychokinesis
Mindsight Experience
Mineral-Human Experience
Miraculous Experience/Encounter
Mirror Vision
Missing Time see Altered Time Perception
Moebius Experience
Monition; see also Premonition
Multiple Personality
Music Experience
Music of the Spheres see Music Experience
Music, Transcendental see Music Experience
Mystic Heat see Tumo
Mystical Experiences (General Class)
Mythic Experience; see also Archetypal Experience; Imaginal Experience
NAD see Transcendental Music
Nadir Experience see Desolation/Nadir Experience
NDE see Near-Death Experience
Near-Death Experience (NDE) see also Life Review; Light Beyond the Light Experience; Non-Near-Death Experience; Tunnel Experience
New, Experience of the; see also First-Time Experience
Night Terrors; see also Anxiety Dream
Nightmare see Anxiety Dream
Noble Acts, Witnessing or Performing
Noetic Experience
Non-Near-Death Experience
Nonallopathic Healing see Healing Experiences
Numinous Experience
OBE see Out-of-Body Experience
Object-Reading see Psychometry
Odor of Sanctity see Scent, Transcendental
Odor, Paranormal; see also Scent, Transcendental
Odor, Transcendental see Scent, Transcendental
Old Hag Experience; see also Incubus Experience
Oracles see Oracular Experience
Oracular Experience
Orgasmic Experience
Other, Experience of the; see also Double Vision; "Going Native" Experience;
Otherworld Personal Future Experience
Ouija Board Experience
Out-of-Body Experience (OBE)
Outer Space Experience
Outsider Experience see Border Crossing Experience; Double Vision; Other, Experience of the
Panoramic Memory see Life Review
Paracosm, Creation of
Paranormal Diagnosis
Paranormal Electrical Effect see Electrical/Electronic Sensitivity, Paranormal
Paranormal Faces see Imprints, Paranormal
Paranormal Healing see Psychic Healing
Paranormal Imprints see Imprints, Paranormal
Paranormal Odor see Odor, Paranormal
Paranormal Sound see Sound, Paranormal
Paranormal Touch see Touch, Paranormal
Paranormal Voice see Voice, Paranormal
Past-Life Recall
Peace Beyond Understanding
Peak Experiences (Class)
Peak Performance see Exceptional Human Performance/Feats
Peak-in-Darien Experience
Performing/Witnessing Noble Acts see Noble Acts, Performing/Witnessing
Perinatal Experience
Personal Best Experience
Personal Cosmology see Cosmic Consciousness/Connectedness; Outer Space Experience
Phantom see Apparition; Haunt
Phantom Hitchhiker
Phantom Phone Call
Photography, Paranormal see Psychic Photography
Physiological Feats see Exceptional Human Performance/Feats (General Class)
PK see Psychokinesis
Placebo Effect
Planetary Consciousness; see also World-Wide Web Experience
Plant-Human Experience
Plateau Experience
Poltergeist Experience
Post Mortal Messages see After Death Communication
Post-Mortem Communication see After Death Communication
Post-Mortem Painting, Visions, Voices, Writing see After Death Communication
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder see Spiritual Emergency
Prayer Experience; see also Contemplative Experience; Intercessory Prayer; Meditation
Experience; Yoga Experience
Prebirth Experience; see also Life Between Life
Precognition; see also Premonition
Premonition; see also Monition
Prenatal Experience
Presence, Sense of see Sense of Presence
Presque Vu
Primal Life Experience; see also Life Interconnectedness Experience
Prodigies; see also Savant Syndrome
Prophecy Experience
Proxy Sitter Experience
Psi Experience see Psychical
Experiences (Class)
Psi Timing
Psychedelic Drug Experience see Hallucinogenic Drug Experience
Psychic Dream
Psychic Experiences see Psychical Experiences (Class)
Psychic Healing
Psychic Imprint Encounter
Psychic Photography
Psychic Surgery
Psychical Experiences (Class)
Psychography see Direct Writing
Psychomanteum Experience see Mirror Vision; OracularExperience
Psychotherapeutic Breakthrough Experience
Psychotherapeutic Resonance
Qiqong Experience
Rainmaking; see also Weather Control, Anomalous
Raps see Sounds, Paranormal
Rapture see Ecstasy
Reading While Asleep see Sleep Learning
Reciprocal Apparition
Recollective Experience
Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis see Haunts; Hauntings; Poltergeists
Reincarnation Experience see Past Life Recall
Remote Staring
Remote Viewing
Rescue Circle
Resurrection After Death
Retroactive Psychokinesis
Reunion Experience see After Death Communications
Rhabdomancy see Dowsing
Rhythmic Experience
Rock-Human Experience see Mineral-Human Experience
RSPK see Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis
Sacred Sites see Holy or Power Place Encounter
Sacred Silence
Sacred Stillness
Sacred Vision
Savant Syndrome; see also Prodigies
Scent, Transcendental; see also Odor, Paranormal
Séance Experience
Second Sight see also Clairvoyance; Extrasensory Perception (ESP); Precognition
Self-Realization see Enlightenment
Sense of Presence
Sense of Vocation see Vocation, Sense of
Serendipity; see also Coincidences, Striking; Luck
Shamanic Ecstasy
Shamanic Experience
Shamanic Healing
Shamanistic Experience
Shamanistic Healing
Shamanistic Initiatory Crisis
Shared Anomalous Experience (e.g., see also, Collective Apparition; Shared Dream)
Shout see Spirit Shout
Shouting see Spirit Shout
Sight, Second see Second Sight
Silence, Sacred see Sacred Silence
Sitter Group Experience; see also Séance Experience
Sitting see Séance Experience; Sitter Group Experience
Sixth Sense see Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
Slate Writing
Sleep Learning
Sleep Paralysis
Soothsaying see Divination
Sorcery see Magic/Sorcery
Soulmate Experience
Sound, Paranormal
Speaking in Tongues see Glossolalia; Xenoglossy
Species Consciousness see Human Species Consciousness/Connectedness
Spirit Guide
Spirit Healing
Spirit Photography
Spirit Shout Experience
Spiritual Emergency/Emergence Experience; see also Desolation/Nadir Experience; Shamanistic Initiatory Crisis
Spiritual Healing
Spontaneous Cures
Spontaneous Human Combustion
Spontaneous Remission see Spontaneous Cures
Stair Flying
Staring, Remote see Remote Staring
Stillness, Sacred see Sacred Stillness
Street Lamp Interference; see also Electrical/Electronic Sensitivity, Paranormal
Sublime, Experience of the see Numinous Experience
Suggestology see Accelerated Learning; Supermemory
Supermemory; see also Accelerated Learning
Supernatural Assault see Incubus Experience
Suspended Animation
Synergetic Experience
Synergistic Experience see Synergetic Experience
Table Turning see Sitter Group
Table-tipping see Sitter Group
Tears, Transcendental see Weeping, Transcendental
Telekinesis see Psychokinesis
Telesthesia see Clairvoyance
Temperature Changes, Anomalous
Therapeutic Touch
Thought Transference see Telepathy
Thoughtography see Psychic Photography
Token Object Reading see Psychometry
Touch, Paranormal
Trance Running see Lung-gom-pa Running
Transcendent Experience see Numinous Experience; Mystical Experience; Peak Experience
Transcendent Dream
Transcendental Emotion see Emotion, Transcendental
Transcendental Music see MusicExperience
Transcendental Odor see Odor, Paranormal; Scent, Transcendental
Transcendental Tears see Weeping, Transcendental
Transformative Dream
Transpersonal Experience
Transpersonal Memory Recollective Experience
Tumo Experience
Tunnel Experience
UFO Abduction Experience
Alien Abduction
UFO Encounter
Alien Encounter
Uncanny Feeling/Sense
Unitive Experience
Unorthodox Healing see Healing, Experiences/Approaches
Vanishing see Dematerilization
Vertigo Experience; see also Immersive Thrill Experience
Vicarious EEs/EHE
Virtual Transcendent Experience
Vision Quest Experience
Visionary Experience; see also Sacred Vision; Vision Quest Experience
Vocation, Sense of
Voices, Hearing
Void, Experience of the
Walk-In Experience
Water Witching see Dowsing
Weather Control, Anomalous
Weeping, Transcendental
Wholeness see Health/Wholeness Experience
Wilderness Experience
Wonder, Experience of
World-Wide Web Experience
Xenoglossy, Recitative
Xenoglossy, Responsive
Yoga Experience
Contemplative Experience
Prayer Experience
Zero Ground Experience
Zone Experience
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the-north-ship · 9 months
Certain biologists in the past concluded from these facts that even in species capable of asexual propagation occasional fertilisation is necessary to renew the vigour of the race – to accomplish ‘rejuvenation’ through the mixing of hereditary material from two individuals. On this hypothesis sexuality might well appear to be an indispensable function in the most complex forms of life; only the lower organisms could multiply without sexuality, and even here vitality would after a time become exhausted. But today this hypothesis is largely abandoned; research has proved that under suitable conditions asexual multiplication can go on indefinitely without noticeable degeneration, a fact that is especially striking in the bacteria and Protozoa. More and more numerous and daring experiments in parthenogenesis are being performed, and in many species the male appears to be fundamentally unnecessary. Besides, if the value of intercellular exchange were demonstrated, that value would seem to stand as a sheer, unexplained fact. Biology certainly demonstrates the existence of sexual differentiation, but from the point of view of any end to be attained the science could not infer such differentiation from the structure of the cell, nor from the laws of cellular multiplication, nor from any basic phenomenon.
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How does caffeine work? Good luck, you got this!!
Hi Jay!
Caffeine does a couple different things.
First, caffeine binds to cAMP phosphodiesterase, an ezyme that breaks down cAMP. This inhibits the breakdown of cAMP and increases in the intercellular calcium ion levels which boots cell excitability.
Caffeine is also a GABA(A) antagonist. GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter, so by shutting down GABA activity, you decrease cellular inhibition.
Another important thing caffeine does is block adenosine at A1 and A2A receptors. Adenosine is released by your brain through brain activity, building up throughout your day and it makes you sleepy. But caffeine stops that.
Additionally, A2A receptors form heteromeres with D2 receptors. Heteromeres are like evil bonded pairs where one receptor being activated makes the other one less likely to activate (negative allosteric modulation). So when caffeine blocks adenosine, it increases dopamine activity. Most people think dopamine = happy, but it's more helpful to think dopamine = motivation.
Generally, up to 400 mg is considered a safe dose. (200 mg during pregnancy). Those REFILLABLE Panera lemonades had 390 mg?? Also, there are three different chemicals under the caffeine umbrella: caffeine, theophylline (found in tea) and theobromine (found in chocolate)
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didanawisgi · 1 year
Melatonin: Both a Messenger of Darkness and a Participant in the Cellular Actions of Non-Visible Solar Radiation of Near Infrared Light
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