#intermediate documentary filmmaking
dryersheetbear · 2 years
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cheese-in-space · 1 year
Fun fact I always skip s2e13 Celebrity Pharmacology (the one with the play about drugs) because it actually makes me so uncomfortable and angry how manipulative Pierce is in that episode. And s2e15 Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking (the one where Pierce is in the hospital and gives his bequeathments) also has a lot of manipulation by Pierce but it makes me less uncomfortable so it’s bearable for some reason. I hate him in those episodes so much. I hate him all the time. What a horrible piece of shit human being.
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sophsun1 · 5 months
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Community – 2.16: Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking
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usercommunity · 7 months
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BRITTA PERRY in COMMUNITY 2.16 | Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking
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morelikecommunitydick · 7 months
Redstreet is kind of the perfect metaphor for jeff and britta because on the surface they're polar opposites, e.g, Britta is passionate and openly opinionated while jeff presents himself as uncaring. He is calculating where she is impulsive. He is vain and materialistic and Britta rejects these values.
But underneath it all, they're the 'same bar' so to speak. Jeff cares deeply for the people around him despite his apathetic facade. He's ruled by emotion just as much as Britta is, perhaps more.
On the flip side, Britta is more selfish than she wants to be. She's so afraid that she's a bad person that she ignores her own needs. She values compassion over intelligence and wears her own suffering as a badge of honour (an example would be intermediate documentary filmmaking where Britta proudly proclaims that she's not a bad person, she's just really stupid with her money). But she has the same instincts for self preservation that Jeff does.
And both of them care soooo much about each other and what people think of them but they would rather die than be vulnerable.
A common sentiment about Redstreet is that they bring out the worst in eachother. This is really true, but it's because they break down eachothers fronts. It's because they're mirrors of eachother and this is what allows them be vulnerable, show those parts of themselves to one another.
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crackers4jenn · 1 month
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wingamy24 · 4 months
Love all the stuff you’re doing for the jeffbritta girlies!!
And I know I’m asking for a lot but could you do like a little guide for their best episodes? Cuz when I sit down to watch a random episode I always forget what episodes have good moments with them that are not mixology certification lol
If this is too much to ask that’s okay💕
Okay, SO. This is my personal list of my go-to Jeffbritta episodes. Obviously not all of these are romantic: they're just focused on them or have funny interactions with them.
I love them and they deserve everything + endgame
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Season 1
Season 1 has a BUNCH of Jeffbritta episodes, specially considering they were supposed to be the main couple of the show back then. My favorites are:
S1 E1 Pilot: Obviously.
S1 E3 Introduction To Film: Seize the day!
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S1 E14 Interpretative Dance: This is the cute episode where Jeff brings flowers for Britta.
S1 E16 Communication Studies: This is the episode where Jeff gets drunk with Abed and ends up calling Britta and blablabla...
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S1 E22 The Art Of Discourse: This one doesn't have any explicit Jeffbritta I think? It's just fun to see them make an evil plan to take revenge on some random highschoolers.
S1 E23 Modern Warfare: One of my (if it isn't my #1 favorite) favorite episodes of Community. The one where Jeff and Britta have sex in the study room table.
Season 2
On Season 2 we got a weirdly amount of Jeffannie episodes, but we still had our fair share of Jeffbritta episodes!
S2 E1 Anthropology 101: Not really Jeffbritta, but it's still fun watching them being gross in this episode, right?...right?
S2 E6 Epidemiology: Seeing Jeff walk around with Britta to give her drinks is funny.
S2 E10 Mixology Certification: This is an obvious one.
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S2 E13 Celebrity Pharmacology: Cool cats. AKA, The Bi Panic™
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S2 E16 Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking: That's Irak, stupid. WHAT DO I KNOW, I'M JEFF WINGER'S DUMB GAY DAD!
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S2 E19 Critical Film Studies: This isn't really a Jeffbritta episode, but they match costumes... that's... that's enough, right
S2 21 Paradigms of Human Memory: Unrelated, but I just looked at the Wikipedia page, and it was almost entirely filmed in Universal Studios. The "popping the back of a raft makes it go faster" scene was filmed in a Jaws set! Anyway, we have the funny Jeffannie sequence, but it's a fun episode if you focus on Jeff and Britta, too.
S2 E22 Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts: Not a lot of Jeffbritta, but still, fun and cute interactions.
Season 3
S3 E6 Advanced Gay: I love this episode so much, it's so ridiculous at so many levels. Also, Britta adressing Jeff's daddy issues is always fun.
S3 E11 Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts: One of the many times Jeff and Britta almost get married.
S3 E12 Contemporary Impressionists: This is one of my favorites of all the show. It's so funny seeing Jeff be... whatever this is
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S3 E21 The First Chang Dynasty: GothJeffandBrittaGothJeffandBritta
Season 4
It's amazing how many Jeffbritta moments the gas leak season gave us.
S4 E2 Paranormal Parentage: Again, Britta with Jeff's daddy issues.
S4 E5 Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations: Britta helping Jeff is heartwarming. SHE'S SO PROUD OF HIM YOU GUYS. Also, them in cars. You can never have enough Jeff and Britta in cars.
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S4 E8 Herstory of Dance: This is also an episode I really like. Jeff and Britta are adorable in this one.
S4 E10 Intro to Knots: Greendale parents.
Season 5
I love the Jeffbritta episodes here, but at the same time... it's so cruel that they made all this build-up just for a Jeffannie ending. It's like they WANTED to make us suffer. Fuck you, Dan Harmon.
S5 E7 Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality: HE WANTS HER BACK
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S5 E8 App Development and Condiments: mustard
S5 E12 Basic Story: I cried
S5 E13 Basic Sandwich: I also cried. RAGE TEARS
Season 6
I don't really like watching S6, buuuut I'm gonna say "S6 E6 Basic Email Security" for the short Jeffbritta banter.
...this is it. this took me two days. okay bye
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defectivegembrain · 5 months
It's actually fascinating to watch Abed's learning process through documentary making. Like in Introduction to Film, obviously Six Candles is very clunky and simple, but it gets the point across. It couldn't not, Abed very rigidly pushes to get that specific story, even if he has to cobble it together from clip art and manufactured conflict. The message is all that matters, because it's the first time he's had the tools to communicate it. It's not even really a documentary, since he can't get more than a little clip of his dad, and nothing of his mom.
And then he's making movies of actors playing his friends. They are shocked by how well he knows them, but I think the process of making the movies is actually his way of studying their behaviour. He is fixated on knowing them as well as he can, because he cares so deeply about them. But they don't get that.
Then Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking, his first real documentary. He assumes the format will be easy, but he learns to have a more balanced view of it. There are points where being a filmmaker clashes with being a friend, and he treats the narrative as more important than people's feelings. But overall, he's obviously not the villain here, and isn't the main target of anyone's anger. Pierce by virtue of having a big ego and no idea how to mess with Abed, accidentally gave him a very useful opportunity.
Documentary Filmmaking: Redux is really interesting, because what Abed is doing is transparently unkind to begin with. He is so caught up in the story that he is willing to watch his friends descend into chaos for it, even ignoring Troy being clearly upset with him. But he ultimately learns that he can't be completely detached, and he chooses to be kind and help the Dean out.
Advanced Documentary Filmmaking has him trying very seriously to investigate something from all angles, and he seems to have more of a grip on recording the truth without being clumsy or insensitive about it. You could argue that there's a moral dilemma in knowing Jeff's true intentions, but I'm pretty sure Abed always saw through Chang's bullshit.
Then Wedding Videography is kind of the polar opposite of Six Candles, in that he's just filming whatever happens, in a situation that holds little personal significance to him. The only thing he insists on is no Jimming the camera. It feels like he is basically using the camera as a barrier for a social situation he doesn't really want to be part of. And not to sound like a stuck record, but he wouldn't be like that if Troy was there. He's gone from using documentaries as a tool to understand and communicate with people, to using it to detach himself. Which I'm not saying is bad in itself. It's a reasonable coping mechanism, it's just sad that he needs it. It's sad that none of his other friends has developed a consistent way to be quite as grounding and make him feel like a participant, not just an observer.
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
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LINES I QUOTE DAILY | Community, "Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking"
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peach-pot · 2 years
y’all have no idea how insane this deleted scene from intermediate documentary filmmaking makes me….
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thetisming · 1 year
my favourite jeffbritta scenes in no particular order
-the floor scene (Geothermal Escapism)
-"jeff winger's dumb gay dad" scene (Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking)
-"YOU NEED TO BANG THAT KID'S MOM!" (The Art Of Discourse)
theres more but these are just off the top my my head
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livvyofthelake · 10 months
the thing is that jeff winger is a gay man. at the same time he is the straightest man in the world and would unironically use the term “metrosexual”. and at the same time you know who could do jeffbritta? i shan’t say. but you’re an angel i’m a dog or you’re a dog and i’m your man. if that clears anything up. haven’t posted that spotify link today wow. yet… anyway. jeffbritta intermediate documentary filmmaking you will always be famous
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sophsun1 · 6 months
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Community – 2.16: Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking
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Top 5 episodes of Community!
This is such a hard one, oh man. It's been a while since I rewatched - with that in mind:
1. "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas". I watch this one every year for the holidays and it's just masterful, somehow fulfilling the same emotional function as a stopmotion Christmas special while also taking the piss out of it. Also, extremely quotable!
2. "Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality". I'm going to be slightly against the grain here and say that a lot of the more "meta" humour from the later years of Community didn't age well imo. It always feels too knowing in some regards and started to completely subsume the show. (Will admitting this make people want to kill me?) So this half-depressing character piece about Britta's place in the world, coming in the middle of Season 5 with very little meta humour and a lot of rumination on the natire of relationships and friendships, really grabbed me. I particularly LOVE the way Jeff and Duncan's relationship ends up being the central focus of things by the end. Honestly so much of this episode is very lovely and bittersweet.
3. "Paradigms of Human Memory". Almost entirely because of that perfect recreation of a real Jeff/Annie fanvid. Not my ship but I definitely remember that video going around and my outright shock to see it referenced and recreated with such precision on national television.
4. "Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking". Hey y'all I loved Season 2 can you tell?? Lol. The SHEER SENSE OF BEING FELT at Troy having a legit meltdown over meeting his idol. Truly you can't disappoint a picture!!!! His thousand yard stare, just perfect. I like the episode's full plot and how Pierce both knowingly and unknowingly fucks with the whole group, and how each one is such a twisted version of their own desires.
5. "Remedial Chaos Theory". All the other timeline stuff (especially Darkest Timeline) got ridiculous and boring fast, but the origin of that in this episode is fantastic. There's a reason half of it has been and still is being memed to death. ROOOOOXAAAAANE
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chocolatethe100badger · 10 months
just finished a rewatch of intermediate documentary filmmaking - why didn't Abed get bequeathed??? it's outrageous it's unfair
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