#intj jokes
vannypies · 3 days
INTJ AWARDS! Who's your favorite INTJ?!
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irynvie · 1 year
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I have met an istp that mixes chili with mayonnaise and cheese to create weird sauce that looks disgusting. Also no offense and don't take this seriously ♡
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introvert-moments · 5 months
Introvert Moment #123
As an introvert I am scared of talking to people flirtatiously. As a bisexual, this fear is rated E for everyone. Maybe I should just live alone in a bungalow with like 4 elderly rescue dogs
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portfoliohas · 21 days
|| FANART ARTWORKS + JOKE FANARTS TOO kinda shitpost: throughout 2024 so far
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2024 artwork
Destiny 2: Lord Shaxx
2. MBTI: INTJ, ENFP, INFJ in nun clothing (shitpost + joke)
3. Team Fortress 2: Scout
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narastories · 7 months
the fucking experience when they ask you to take an MBTI test for a job application and you already know your type and despite trying to slightly pull back on your more anti-social answers, you still get your INTJ-A result...
I'm torn between being reassured in my personality and just really unmotivated to continue my application because there is a small chance they are going to be happy about the result but more likely they are going to outright throw my application out the window
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boredintjqueen · 2 years
Every time I see a meme that's in spanish it takes me four lines to realise that it's in spanish. I just sit there and wonder why the english is not englishing.
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curiouscat9lives · 2 years
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The only one of these that I hesitate over ticking is 'loves to debate'. I like a debate with someone who thinks the same way as I do. When I get together with my dad (a fellow INTJ) we put the world to rights, and no-one else can get a word in edgeways. But I hate arguing, and in most cases with other people debating turns into arguing and I end up just shutting up and keeping my opinions to myself - I don't care what the other person thinks, I know I'm right!
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mlichaelm · 2 years
In Response to Folly's Claim to Prudence
(first quarter writing assignment for my literature/theology/philosophy class) Argument excerpted from Erasmus' The Praise of Folly. Counter argument written by me, acting as Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom.
"And now, since I have made good my title to renown for courage and resourcefulness, suppose I should lay claim also to prudence? 'But,' someone will say, 'with no more effort you might mix fire and water.' Perhaps so. Still, I shall have good success in this. I am convinced, if only you will lend me, as you have done before, your ears and minds. And first, if prudence depends upon experience of affairs, to whom does the honor of this attribute belong? To the wise man, who, by reason partly of modesty and partly of faint-heartedness, will attempt no action? Or to the fool, who is not deterred from any enterprise by modesty, of which he is innocent, or by peril, which he never pauses to weigh? The wise man runs to books of the ancients and learns from them a merely verbal shrewdness. The fool arrives at true prudence, if I am not deceived, by addressing himself at once to the business and taking his chances. Homer seems to have seen this, for all that he was blind, when he said, 'Even a fool is wise after a thing is done.' There are two great obstacles to developing a knowledge of affairs—shame, which throws a smoke over the understanding, and fear, which, once danger has been sighted, dissuades from going through with an exploit. Folly, with a grand gesture, frees us from both. Never to feel shame, to dare anything—few mortals know to what further blessings these will carry us!" —Folly, The Praise of Folly, section 13, Desiderius Erasmus
If Homer is ‘indeed correct in all his blindness’, then a fool becomes a wise man after experiencing something. All men are fools until they enter into a circumstance, and they exit that circumstance having gained knowledge of that affair. With this definition, even the wise man you mock was once one of your followers you look so fondly on. Your attempt to 'mix fire and water', as it were, has turned your boiling water into steam.
Men who were once fools turn to myself, Wisdom, and record their new experience in order that they may gift fore-knowledge and wisdom on to those going after them. It may seem that those deemed 'wise men' now are cowardly and unwilling to experience things themselves—running only to the records of their ancestors—however, it is often said that you shouldn't judge a book by the cover, is it not? They flock to the old books in order to know whether an affair has been attempted successfully in days past. If there is a record of past actions, good and bad, successful and failed, foolish and wise, it is better and more prudent to check the record than to risk repeating history. Folly may win the initial battle with recklessness, but her quick death sows seeds so that Wisdom's empire thrives evermore.
 A fool is only a fool until his experiences outweigh his naivety. Then, he is a wise man whether he realizes it or not. True, the fool may arrive at prudence by simply throwing himself at a problem, but then, by definition he is no longer a fool, having gained knowledge and wisdom by personal experience. When encountering a similar enterprise, the former fool will no doubt throw himself at it again, this time with previous wisdom to guide him.
Furthermore, Folly claims that the two barriers to gaining prudence (knowledge or discretion) are shame and fear. Here I agree, and yet disagree, and this is my reason: shame will shadow the mind and hinder one's ability to touch the unknown; Fear will twist the stomach and keep one away from gaining experience when there is even a hint of danger. My disagreement in the matter is that there is a third hindrance. You cannot gain knowledge if you are plagued by ignorance, stupidity.
Ignorance is a barrier that cannot be breached purely by wisdom. Ignorance, pleasantly sufferable disease that it is, can only be truly cured by accidental discovery. In this case, Wisdom is helpless to Folly, whose gaiety and stupid bravery clear the path to truth, especially where ignorance is involved. To this point I concede and give the victory to Folly.
However, I believe I will be able to dissolve the other two barriers to gaining prudence and thus win the rights to claim it as my own.
Regarding shame, it is entirely possible to combat it with a wise heart. Shame spits out lies and guilt, coming up with the craftiest arguments known to the human mind. However, if a man is set in his self, he can easily give his compelling, truthful counter argument and win the war against shame. Thus, any wise man can bypass shame and come to prudence easily.
Wisdom confronts fear in a different manner. When a man is struck with fear, his instinct is to run. Wisdom alongside the fearful nature can be used to better utilize one’s instinct. Fear is used to sense danger, and wisdom guides one on how best to use energy and resources, in every case. Once, it was to guard against wild animals, now it is to guard against the attacks of man, both physical and political. Regardless of the circumstance, wisdom is key to survival. For what is the use of instinct if there is not wisdom?
Now, I believe I have given sufficient proof as to why Wisdom is the true heiress of prudence and master over the barriers to it. In summary, foolish men inevitably become wise men, and two of the barriers leading to prudence are inferior to wisdom. If one is prudent, one is a student of wisdom.
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tytclin · 10 months
I forgot what tinder was like..... some of the most baffling creatures god has ever created on that app
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irynvie · 1 year
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Sorry for disappearing again but anyways this is obviously a joke and some types are repeated more than once cus I am indecisive :)
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witchthewriter · 11 months
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𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐊𝐨̈𝐧𝐢𝐠
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: not a poly relationship - I just decided to have them both in one post. Let me know if you want more xx Also I went through the tags for these guys and there is nothing but SMUT. So I wanted some sweet sfw headcanons for the boys
Warnings: swearing, nsfw included (no one under 18 please).
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Neutral Good
Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon, Virgo Rising
𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲/𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭
・This man is fucking dangerous behind the wheel. And although he is a hot-head occasionally, it isn't when he's driving.
・Simon knows he's shit, so when people honk at him, give him the finger - he just stone-faces it. Let's them berate him because really, he doesn't fucking care.
・However he has lost his licence a few times ... and so you told him he could be your &lt;3 passenger princess <3
・Simon wasn't amused ...
・Very much the protective type, verging on possessive. Not in an abusive way, but he wants everyone to know that you're his. So when anyone flirts with you - or even when they're a little too nice, his jealousy consumes him.
・Scary dog privledges, with and without the mask. This man is intimidating as fuck.
・6'4, wide shoulders and big hands, so it doesn't matter how you look, how tall you are etc - Simon is bigger, taller and stronger.
・Yes he can be a hardass, but when he loves someone, that roughness is somewhat smoothened out. He'd hate to hurt your feelings.
・He only wears his mask to hide his identity; he takes it off when missions are done.
・And when he's home, he rarely wears it.
・Absolutely HATES being jump-scared. And his reflexes take over (you've learnt from the first and last time)
・This goes with random kisses as well, sometimes you just have to make yourself known before touching Simon
・He isn't huge into PDA, but when outside he will gladly hold your hand, bump his shoulder into yours when you make a crappy dad joke.
・The biggest misconception is that he's cold. Well, at work - obviously he is. But at home, with you, he has so much warmth. A lot of life.
・He has great banter. Absolutely has both of you laughing your asses off.
・Calls you "love," "sweetheart," (all in his gruff, chiselled brit accent). And when you're alone, he calls you names like "my love," "hun," "sweet cheeks."
・You're slowly learning about Simon's past, which he shares little by little.
・Too much information and he's scared you might feel overwhelmed and leave him
・There's some deep trauma there, but the army has therapists and everyone gets checked out before they're deemed mentally healthy enough.
・He does want kids, but only after he's done with the military. He would hate to be an absent father in any way. And he wouldn't want you to have that full responsibility.
・A lot of people characterise him as this traumatised man who can barely look after himself. But that is far, faaaaar from the truth. He's very competent. And he eats a LOT. But he also works out (to keep in shape, he actually hates the gym) (also he doesn't expect you to do anything of that stuff. He loves you for you.)
・I also have this headcanon that Ghost/Riley would love Metallica, Slipknot, Black Sabbath etc. It's one of the things that calm him down. However, if he's had an overwhelming day, he needs no noise whatsoever.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Teases Them (You) x About To End Them (Ghost)
The Moon and His Star
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Opposites Attract
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Say Yes To Heaven by Lana Del Rey
Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier
Enter Sandman by Metallica
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, I bloody mean it. 
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・There's almost like two sides of your s/o. The Ghost side, where the mask stays on, and he's rough, possessive, dominant. And then the Simon side, where he likes soft touches and when you gently stroke his face
・You've both discovered that Simon likes it when you wear his mask, gloves - nothing else - and touch yourself.
・Even with your cum juices on the mask, and gloves, he'll still wear them to work.
・It's the only kinky thing he brings with him while on deployment. You did want to take a naked polaroid for him but he didn't trust the other guys not to somehow see it.
・He likes keeping you as separate from army life as much as possible. Because you feel like home, and it gives him hope.
・Ghost loves taming your bratty side. He's short, demanding and can shut you up with one look.
"Keep on actin' like that, and see what happens."
・Of course you keep acting up, and when you get home, you pay for it tenfold.
・Ghost's hands are as big as a paddle, and when he has you over his knee, ass up in the air. He doesn't hesitate in leaving red marks (all consensual. He wouldn't do anything without having a conversation before hand).
Chaotic Good
Aries Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo Rising
・A 6'10 king, who suffers from social anxiety but has this soft, silly side that he loves showing you and only you (I will take no criticisms on his height. It is LAW. My law.)
・Because of his anxiety, social aspects of life are much harder than work. He's highly skilled in combat, and has a lot of confidence in his abilities to accomplish missions.
・However, when you tried to speak to him, all he could do was stutter.
・You allowed him to get the words out, but he was an absolute mess afterwards and went to go train.
・But this didn't deter you in the slightest. Hell, you had been trying to muster the courage to speak to him for weeks...
・It took a while for Konig to open up about his past, especially his adolescence.
・He's told you the jist of it, but there's details that you don't push him on.
・One of your favourite pastimes together is going to bakeries and eating the most delicious pastries.
・When you're feeling down, or there's something to celebrate, there's no cake but pastries instead
・Doesn't mind animals, but understands that when he's away you will get a bit lonely. So you surprised him by getting a pair of kittens!
・You showed him over video chat, one white kitten and one black.
"I haven't chosen names for them yet, but I thought maybe you could have some input?"
"Schatz! The kittens are cute but you have scratch marks all over your arms!"
"They're very playful!" And then you leant closer to the camera and whispered, "I leave scratches on your back ..." And with an innocent look on your face, you watched as Konig shivered.
・Likes to put you on his lap when he's cleaning weapons, or getting the marks out of his mask or shoes. Okay honestly, he just wants you on his lap all the time. Whatever excuse he can come up with - he'll goddamn use it
・Absolutely loves Kate Bush and Stevie Nicks. He thinks they have such a beautiful sound that you can find him with headphones on, swaying in the bedroom, silently in his feels
・All your pet names are in Austrian/German:
"Schatz", meaning 'treasure'.
"Maus," meaning 'mouse.'
"Liebling" meaning 'darling.'
"Hase" meaning 'bunny'.
"Liebe" meaning 'love.'
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Always Bringing Them Rocks They Think They Would Like (You) x Keeps The Rocks (Konig)
The Gomez & Morticia Adams
I Don’t Know What I’m Doing But At Least I’m Alive, Right? (You) x You’re Doing Great, Sweetie (Konig)
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Hidden Identity & Forced Proximity
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush
The Chain by Stevie Nicks
Dance of the Druids by Bear McCreary (he loves movie scores as well. It's one of his fascinations).
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, makes me feel weird if you read it.
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・Konig is a bit awkward at first with the sexual interactions you guys have. He does have anxiety, but also, the build up of sexual tension had been going on for months.
・All he had during that time was his hands and the memories of how you looked, the way your eyes met his then flicked downward - almost like you had x-ray vision.
・There was no denying the heat.
・So when you first hooked up it was a fumbling mess of grunting, clothes ripping and fast hands trying to touch and grab at any bare piece of flesh.
・You did have a shocking revelation that first time however. Because this man's cock is not only thick, veiny but nearly 9 inches when he's hard.
・That first time wasn't a true first time as the look on your face told Konig everything - you weren't ready for that part of him ... just yet.
・Loves when you ride his thigh; they're absolutely huge. Just muscled and bulky and the first time you saw them (without the uniform) you audibly gasped.
・His body is absolutely divine
・Like it had been sculpted by the gods. Large biceps, long legs, small waist, large shoulders. His hands wrap your neck perfectly.
・You feel so safe with him.
・And you have to remind him that, because sometimes he worries he could hurt you without meaning to.
"I'm a grown up, Konig. I can handle myself."
"So when are you going to let me fuck you?"
"mmm... I think I still have to get used to that. Maybe we can do fingers first..." (his fingers are ... fucking huge).
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welivetodream · 2 years
ESFJ: the favourite sibling who gets along with everyone
ISFJ: the quiet, generous one who let's you have their cupcakes
ESTJ: the one who tries to lead but everyone thinks of him as a joke
ISTJ: the sibling who you come to when you have a problem
ENFJ: Listens to all your problems and is there when you are having a hard time
INFJ: Knows everything about you, but you know nothing about what they do all day
ENTJ: The sibling who would kill you and also kill for you
INTJ: Is emotionally suppressed but is always stressed and looking out for you
ISFP: would watch movies with you and encourage your hobbies
ESFP: is fun to be around and speaks up for you when you can't
ISTP: just too cool
INTP: acts like they don't care but they care more than you would ever find out
ESTP: fights with you for fun
ENTP: is the sibling who would say "you are adopted you know?" just to mess up with your brain
ENFP: is a bundle of energy and joy, always trying to get you out of your shell
INFP: tries hard to have peace with you but becomes diabolical when messed with
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mistype360 · 1 month
toxic advice i'd give each mbti type
entp/enfp: search up "free german emoticons." thank me later xx
infp/infj: dont cry abt the past cry abt the future cause it aint getting better
istp/isfp: be the reason someone logs off today
esfp/estp: don't let good people make you feel guilty for being bad
intp/intj: grass won't save you
isfj/istj: use the 😏 emoji after every sentence if you want to make friends
enfj/esfj: if someone offers to pay for a meal don't offer back
entj/estj: you're single because god is saving everyone else from you
all jokes !!!!!!!!!! :)
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random-potat · 14 days
and they were roommates - kjs. - pt. 5
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part 5. matching items (wc. 1.4k)
Walking into your now temporary home was nerve-wracking to say the least.
Rolling your luggage into the hallway, some staff come toward you and mic you up. 
As they do, a woman with a clipboard comes over your way.
“Hello YN, I’m Producer Han. A little rundown of what you have to do. You walk into the living room and wait for the rest of the people to come in, and then introductions are made. You guys do a little tour together and just some fun icebreakers. Two episodes will be aired every week, making it six episodes in total. Don't worry every week there will be two missions. Got it?” 
You nod your head and put on a brave smile. “Yes, I understand.” 
“OK, great. Just go in and sit, you can leave your luggage with you or to the side. Keep it natural.” Han PD flashes you a smile as she leaves. 
As you walk to the living room, you take it all in. The room itself is an open concept, you can see the kitchen and an exit to what may seem to be the back patio. The house alone was modern, and you assume the decor was basic so everyone could decorate together.
Sitting down on the couch closest to the edge, you see that the camera crew is already set up and rolling. “OK, idol mode, on,” you think to yourself.
Sitting down on the couch, you think about what to say, coming up with the conclusion that you have no clue at all what to do when everyone arrives. It felt like the beginning of a new school year, where teachers would make students get up and introduce themselves. You breathe in and out. “Just act natural. You've seen these people at music shows. Heck! You're even close friends with one of them!”
Not much later, you hear the sound of wheels entering the hallway. Knowing that the cameras were rolling, you tried to make sure it didn't seem like you were too nervous.
“Please be another girl, I have no clue what to do if it's a male idol.” You beg the gods who were in charge of this.
To your relief, a familiar figure came into view. The face of one of, if not, your closest friend that you’ve trained with for three years. Under the same company as you, a nervous Choi Youngjae from TWS walks in.
As he spots you, he lets out a huge breath that he didn’t notice he was holding in. Both of you guys form a smile, running up to one another and going in for a loose and friendly hug, knowing that there won’t be any big reaction considering that both of your guys’ fans are very aware of your platonic bond.
As you guys walk back to the couch together, you guys begin to talk.
“You think it's going to alternate? Like a girl group first, then a boy group, then another girl group idol?” Youngjae asks.
“Hopefully, I don’t want to be stuck with you for much longer,” you joke as Youngjae teasingly rolls his eyes.
Back on the couch, your nerves have calmed a little knowing you have Youngjae with you.
“Even though we know the lineup, it’s still nerve-wracking having to come individually,” you continue.
“I know right, anyway, show me what you bought for the first mission,"  Youngjae agrees as he tries peeking into your bag.
“No! What the heck!” You respond as you try stopping him.
The two of you continue to bicker until you hear the sound of wheels rolling on the floor again, making the both of you straighten up. 
One by one, the rest of your now roommates walked in: Haneul of Kiss of Life, Ni-ki of Enhypen, Siyoon of Billlie, and Jongseob of P1Harmony.  
Everyone almost came in the exact same way: shy awkward smiles, accompanied with polite bows and quiet hellos, alongside small talk being made as everyone waited for the next person. 
“So what’s your MBTI?” 
“ISFJ, how about you?” 
“Ah, I… what’s yours?” 
“Uhm, INTJ.” 
“Huh, so we’re all I.”
Although you have seen some of them at music and two of them at the company building, you really didn’t know what to do. The whole show in itself was a disaster in the making, as many girl group and boy group interactions received mixed reactions. 
As you all sit there, you all sort of awkwardly make eye contact with one another, until the PD hands Siyoon a card. 
She reads, “Welcome to your new home!” Everyone claps and cheers. 
“For the next six weeks, the six of you guys will be roommates. Throughout the show, you guys will be given missions as well as just living your regular lives,” Siyoon continues as everyone nods. 
“As you can see, the place is a little bit bland, which is why the first mission was given a week in advance of filming. Today’s mission: bring one or two items to decorate the house with. These items can also represent you.” 
Siyoon finishes, “Ok, who wants to go first?” 
The room is filled with awkward silence and stares. 
With some hesitation, Haneul raises her hand and speaks, “I can go first!” 
“Thank goodness there’s an extrovert between the six of us,” you think, grateful for Haneul’s initiative. 
She goes and brings a big bag with her to the sofa.  
“It’s kind of more than two items, but I thought they would make nice gifts as well.” She first brings out a set of triple hooks. 
“This will make sense in a second.” She points out. 
She then individually brought out six faux leather bags, with all of them looking like they were decorated with some things. 
“Ok, so let me explain. One of my hobbies is doing crafts and DIY’s, so I brought bags for all of us and decorated them for all of us." She then gets up and hands the respective bag to each of you. 
"I don’t really know what all of you guys like, so I decorated them pretty vaguely. Maybe we can add to them in the next few weeks.”
You were left stunned. Almost all of you were. 
“Wow! Now I don’t know how any of us are going to top that.” Ni-ki says, with everyone agreeing. 
After everyone introduces their items, with Siyoon bringing cute ceramic mugs for everyone, Ni-ki with matching pyjama sets from Peach John, and Youngjae bringing badminton equipment alongside various sports equipment, as well as a gag item that his members sneaked in, some cleaning supplies. 
Let’s just say Youngjae was pleased with the supplies considering he didn’t know anyone’s cleaning habits. Besides you. And you are quite cluttered.
You and Jongseob were the last two people to introduce your items. 
Although nervous, you went next. “My items are not much, but I think they are things that we can all use.” 
You first grab out a Polaroid camera and some film. “I thought this would be really fun to have to capture all of our memories, as well as...”  
You grab a heavier object from your bag. “A cookie jar for us! I make a lot of cookies, and I thought it would be fun to bake them together and put them here for us to snack on.” 
“YES!” Youngjae exclaims. “Y/N makes the best cookies!” 
You shake your head and laugh at Youngjae’s exclamations. “I really don’t,” you reply. 
Last but not least, Jongseob was up.
He clears his throat. “Mine isn’t much either, but the first thing is a radio speaker.” He shows off a modern yet retro-looking speaker.  
“Because we’re all singers, I thought it would make sense for us to listen to music together. Uh, we can also connect our phones to it, but there’s something more nostalgic using actual CD’s, so I brought some of those too.” 
“And lastly, I didn’t really know what else to bring, but one of my members said I should bring this.” He brings out a cork board.  
“Ooh, we have matching items!” you exclaim impulsively. 
He laughs, "Yeah, it was kind of a coincidence, but we can hang this and put our polaroids from Y/N’s camera on here,” he points out. 
Wrapping up the small mission, all of you guys get up, and with the PD’s order, you guys have all the freedom. 
“Let’s go tour the place!” Haneul calls out. 
As the guys and girls separate to leave their things in their rooms before the tour, Jongseob can’t help but think to himself.
“No wonder I brought a cork board,” he thinks, looking at your figure that was a little ahead of him. Jongseob shakes his head. “Keeho for sure planned that out.”
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a/n: a fully written chapter was very much tiring (ᵕ—ᴗ—) honestly didn't think i was going to write this much but here we are, just little intro things, feeling like this will be sort of slow burn-ish but so far im enjoying writing it and coming up with ideas so hope you guys are enjoying it too even tho its very early stages!!! also im like on my second week of school and it's already kicking me in the butt but womp womp
synopsis: With long-time K-pop fans asking for another season of the infamous variety show We Got Married, MBC brings it back with a spin-off, We Became Roommates. As a way to bring K-pop fans together, the first season involves six idols born in 2005. With seeing each other every day, doing missions for every episode, making memories, and fans watching and shipping, blossoming friendships and a bubbling romance can't be helped. pairing: idol!jongseob x fem idol!reader genre: idol au, crack, fluff, humour, coworkers to friends to lovers
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i2valeri · 5 months
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ i <3 yang ! for todays shenanigans hani tries to bring valerie to her senses, because she doesn’t ACTUALLY believe a single soul could like her. 蝴蝶 so yang jungwon comes to the rescue.
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valerie was definitely anti-social. she really didn’t know how to express her feelings, so it made her feel a tad bit odd in a group of loud introverts or hyper extroverts.
she didn’t force herself into any group hangouts or conversations, but of course her closest co-member, hani, always invited her to stuff without her being able to say no.
“I think val wants to come.”
“val likes those kinds of things.”
“we should invite val.”
valerie always depended on hani as she was 2 years older than her, practically her older sister. she was glad to have someone that could always stay by her side you know? someone that can help her fit in—
“valerie song!” the older girl snapped valerie back to consciousness, they were both sitting on the edge of the bed face to face, “valerie! come on! I can’t always be the one who’s helping you with getting along with your other members!” hani nagged the younger girl, while valerie just sighed.
“easy for you to say. any word that comes out of your mouth, suddenly everyone bursts into laughter.” valerie crossed her arms, kinda disappointed that just this one time, hani wasn’t siding with her.
“it’s not my fault I’m enfp.” hani pouted, valeire was right. the typical extroverted energetic girl who could make anyone laugh with her jokes, someone who was friendly and out going.
in-fact, valerie was the opposite of whatever hani was. valerie was infj, typically described as “INTJs look rather intimidating. INTJs are famous for their death stares.”
exactly what valerie was to almost everyone else.
“most of our members are sociable, val ! trust me ! it’s not hard to get closer with them!” hani held valeries shoulders, shaking her softly. “easy for you to say.”
“what would you do if I’m not there and you guys are together? sit quietly and not even spare a glance…?”
…that was the plan. valerie thought to herself, just giving hani a glance of guilt. “don’t tell me you were thinking it.” she wasn’t ACTUALLY planning to do it.. right?
“…” valerie stayed silent; looking down at the ground like she was taking into consideration, focused on thinking. “fine.” valerie had finally agreed to something, she agreed upon trying to get close to each member one by one.
“oh my god! yes! it will be so worth it when you guys are finally close !!” hani squealed in excitement, “who did you get closest with first? who’s the easiest to get close with?” valerie asked curiously.
“actually. come to think of it, it was jungwon.”
valerie definitely did not expect jungwon to come out of hani’s mouth, jungwon seemed like a quiet introvert, but when she saw him during hangouts and conversations, his personality said otherwise.
but sometimes, jungwon seemed a bit neutral when it came to valerie since she was someone he didn’t know yet personally, “jungwon ?! how am I gonna get close with him ?!” valerie asked in confusion.
“val.. trust me it’s gonna be easy for you—”
“hani. I noticed whenever I passed by jungwon he wouldn’t even spare a glance, when I said hi he would wave slightly and walk away. I swear… that man does not like me!” valerie ranted as hani watched her, waiting for a chance to talk.
“jungwon… doesn’t like you?” hani said in denial, “yes! he obviously doesn’t want to be associated with me.” valerie face planted into her pillow.
“oh my god val! who do you think is the one who’s always asking to bring you into conversations and hangouts? it wasn’t me… it was jungwon who always asked me to bring you into convos!” hani corrected her bestfriend, valerie.
“val he wants to be close with you! he is always saying ‘i feel bad for val, i understand she can’t express her feelings. I wish I could talk to her’ yadaydada! that’s what he says val! he wants you to be included!” hani suddenly confessed,
“jungwon was the first person to bring you up in whatever we would do! he’s a caring leader… he loves all of the members! mostly you val… mostly you!” hani nagged the stunned girl.
so it turns out… every time she got invited… it was jungwon who initiated it ?! “wait… so if jungwon never initiated to invite me, would you have not invited me…?”
“of course not! but it was jungwon who always asked me to do it, val he’s shy to talk to you.”
“everyone is! they all like you, but it just seems like you don’t like them.”
“val this might seem straightforward. but they all do love you, they want to be closer with you. they hate the distance, they think your the one distancing from them.”
oh my fucking god! if this is what they think about valerie… what could they be talking about at dance practice right now …. ?!?
⠀ 🎐 𓂅 我爱你 . . !
“plan to talk to valerie has now officially started! who wants to start their idea first ?” heeseung stood up on the couch, like they were doing a whole project to finally stop being cowards and talk to valerie.
“what if we invite her to a restaurant and hang out? seems like we could get to know her more like that.” sunghoon smiled softly at the mere thought of overcoming the fear of talking to val.
“you guys are gonna make it awkward of how you don’t even notice her when were are all sitting together in the dining room.” jungwon said from across the room, arms crossed but not that far.
“so in simple terms… we go to her?” jay asked, his hand on his chin, head resting on his hand. “no shit sherlock, how could she go to us ?!” jake playfully hit jay on the shoulder.
“what if we go to her, we could watch a movie. her favorite movie! what’s her favorite movie?” sunoo said, while riki was finishing his sentences. “wait what’s her favorite movie?” riki asked.
“oh that’s hard…” jake thought hard, he thought ‘valerie’ but the sheer thought of val made him giggle and chuckle like a little kid. “I got nothing.” he sighed softly.
“heeseung, do you know?” the zoned out hamster who has still standing on the couch suddenly snapped out of it and turned to jake, “I don’t remember… if she probably ever told us, I was just looking at her most probably.” heeseung scratched his nape in guilt.
“jay? sunghoon? got anything?”
it was decided, the boys knew absolutely… nothing about what valerie liked or what she didn’t liked.. except for one. “guys. it’s dead poets society; she told us !! how can you not remember?”
“ohhhhh yeah” they said in unison, “i guess jungwon has one point score in val’s heart.” sunoo said sarcastic, but the boys obviously didn’t take it as a joke.
“so are we gonna talk to her?” ni-ki asked, the boy was clearly nervous. “what am i gonna do? dress up as a dead poets society character and suddenly we are two peas in a pod?” ni-ki joked around, but he was really in-fact scared to even make eye contact with the girl.
heeseung tapped on his hard notebook, making everyone turn to him. “plan initiated.. operation talk to valerie has now started.”
“if I talk to val I might shit my pants and pass out.. I can’t even look at her!” jake was going CRAZY. and so was everyone else, just by thinking that they were gonna finally talk to val.
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thinking of @valerieace ?!
okay I loved this chapter. nd I hope you did too 🫶 if you read this first chapter THIS FAR I love you sososooso much. okay that’s it 🙏
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reficu1 · 2 years
I mentioned that I will write about mbti without stereotypes, at least I tried.To do this, I used my experience of communication and observation with socionics.
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INTJ. This is a stubborn and self-sufficient researcher. I want to note that the image of a VERY smart nerd for INTJ is really a stereotype. Since INTJ have an alpha quadra (this is a value or a mission). And in this value, everyone is jolly guys. But the exception is the strict upbringing of the INTJ. Do an INTJ do something for the soul or out of curiosity, so is it useful or profitable? Or not? INTJ don't ask such questions. Yes, they are inquisitive and expand their horizons. Therefore, this type of personality can often change their hobbies and interests. Also, INTJs do not like competition, as it takes a lot of strength and energy, so they don’t need conflict for the sake of conflict and negative emotions. But they can say what they see to their face. straightness.
INTP. They avoid a lot of emotions, so they use their logic. Therefore, if they need to leave, they will simply say that they have business and INTP will leave. INTPs have a complex relationship with emotions, so they cannot sense or anticipate other people's emotions. Because of this, when INTP plans something, it may not take into account the opinions of other people, so INTP may begin to be considered "selfish". INTP is a critic and a negativist. Usually they will come up with something, even something that is not there, and will worry or hate it.
ENTJ. Straightforward and logical people. But is naive in relationships. Yes, they know their business well or how to get something quickly and easily, but do not understand the psychological impact. Over the course of a lifetime, an ENTJ can collect a large number of templates and use them for a lifetime. So if someone in the ENTJ's social circle behaves differently, it will take them by surprise. But he will try to solve the problem. ENTJ only look at the actions that are directed at them, so if you say one thing but do another, the conclusion will be from the actions.
ENTP. They love to joke immorally. Call someone an idiot. It's all ENTP style. Since people do not like to use pain blocks, and for ENTPs this is the ethics of relationships. They don't like the topic of relationships. Since this makes him plunge into the analysis of their own actions in relation to other people. ENTP see the world through a wide range of ideas and opportunities. Therefore, we live once and do everything that interests us, what if the sign "dangerous" is lying?
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ENFJ. Feel the emotions of others very well. Even rather shades of human behavior. They see well the bad that is customary to hide in society. This happens unconsciously when trying to bring a person into conflict and analyze how the other person will act. Therefore, the ENFJ is like a dog in an airport looking for a criminal. ENFJ do not want to judge anyone, but will only say what is necessary to the face. ENFJ believe if you are their friend, then act like a friend, but if you make a mistake, then it is fatal.
INFP. This type is immersed in his inner world and fixated on the present time inside their fantasies. It can be noted that INFPs do not want to take money for their work, especially if it is a hobby. They can easily obstragirovatsya and believe in the best. Freedom is very important to them, but order is needed, as they can quickly relax and lose energy while lying on the couch. Routine work is slavery, so if there is no freedom in life, then there is no INFP in life. Because of this, memes about suicide appeared.
INFJ. The most comfortable. Usually INFJ inspires confidence in other people, as this type of personality finds its own individual approach to everyone, to share revelations. Attuned to changes in interpersonal relationships. Usually INFJ is a mirror, INFJ seem to be trying on someone else's image. Due to global thinking and emphasis on the ethical component, INFJ divide people into groups. Often they try to resolve the conflict quickly or not even start. Therefore, it is easier for them to forget or forgive the person who told them rudeness.
ENFP. Easily maintains friendly relations, especially if it brings a lot of positive and interesting events. But ENFP will not communicate with someone else, as this is a very reasonable type of personality. But on an intuitive level, the ENFP know if this person is theirs or not. Only at close range can one recognize this positive person as a rational person. Thinks ENFP very spontaneously from one thought to another.
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ISTJ. They look at the world through his logic, so if you don't like their logic, you can leave. Therefore, the ISTJ is very picky about people so that other people are close to their opinion and logic. The longer the relationship with the ISTJ, then more rules may appear, but it depends on the upbringing. It can be noted that since childhood, ISTJ set its own rules. And in order to bring them back from heaven to earth, others need to throw a tantrum. An ISTJ can become bored in a relationship with a calm person.
ISFJ. They usually want to know more so that nothing bad happens. But at the same time, ESFJs are afraid of the new and the unknown. Therefore, this type is inherently suspicious. Unlike ENTJ, ISFJ draw conclusions from words, not from actions. Trying to change someone. This type of personality is not conflict, but if a quarrel have already occurred, then he will begin to lecture. It is also important for ISFJs to have a plan and understanding of their future. And ISFJs are very loyal friends, and it is difficult for them to part with a person if they have a lot of memories.
ESTJ. They are always ready to meet the problem face to face. A very tense personality type. Because of this, ESTJs can get busy and work hard, which is why they can be called a "robot" and it's normal for ESTJs to forget about their condition. If some kind of chaos is going on around them, then ESTJ is cut off and continues to work. Therefore, at work, the ESTJ do not pretend to work.
ESFJ. They spend a lot of his energy on communication. Who sees what alone and sees who, who is. Able to compare and draw conclusions from this. ESFJ switch between modes, so if they have moved home, it will be difficult to get them outside. Any changes or innovations stress the ESFJ. There is a distinctive feature of the ESFJ "If something helped me, then it will help you too" or "It's delicious, so it will be delicious for you too." And if someone wants to prove that it doesn't work that way, it will be very difficult.
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ISFP. Their stereotypical positive attitude has a place to be. An emotion-driven personality type, meaning if an ISFP is in a good mood, they will go out and buy something to please themselves. ISFP will not look at their financial condition, if they have enough money for some kind of purchase, they will take it. ISFPs are masters of emotions, so they can help other people and fix their emotional state for better or worse.
ESFP. The type of people who do first, think later. And if because of this they did something bad, they do not find a place for themselves and there is no forgiveness for themselves. They try to gather everyone and chat everyone. Also, ESFP believe that they should do everything perfectly, and then get praise. Often they believe that they are doing their job better than anyone else, and more often this is self-deception. If you point out that their work is nothing, then congratulations ESFP think you're an idiot. And if ESFPs like you, it shows in the way they listen to you, then talk about themselves, even admitting their shortcomings.
ISTP. Bring in the soul, but not in words. Therefore, ISTP will not say something beautiful and poetic, but this type of person tries to do and show his feelings by this. They put their soul and feelings into their actions. ISTP see problems and do not idealize others. If you don't like something, you say it straight to your face. It can also be noted that ISTPs have a "creative" clutter that they don't notice. But in chaos, they always find everything they need, but if they get tired of this dump, they can take it apart. A very picky personality type, as convenience is important to them.
ESTP. When they want something, they always try to achieve it through participation in all events and ESTP take responsibility for the "parties". ESTP can always make logical arguments in their favor. And if ESTP don't get what they want because of some other person, then that other person may look stupid, because ESTP's arguments are ironclad. Can often tell others what to do so that the result is faster and better. But this is not out of malice, and if his actions lead to hatred towards the ESTP, it can drive them into a corner and lower their social activity.
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