#invincible united junior
yanxioustrikas · 4 months
dmitri sokolov (he/they) — happy belated birthday to one of my og strikas ocs!
may 23
redraw on the left, old version on the right
it’s been a while since i have revisited one of my og ocs. this redraw was actually out of boredom, until I remembered that I still did nothing for dmitri’s birthday lmaoooo
dmitri is one of my future gen strikas ocs, played for a made-up junior / youth division of invincible united fc (literally called invincible united jr lmao)
half russian half cameroonian
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dmitri in the old piece is supposed to be 16 years old, and i intended for him to still be 16 in the redraw lol (but now he’s not anymore, like 18 to 24 in future posts about them unless stated otherwise)
i normally signed with ‘yanxious’ on every art i did, but for this one, i decided to use my other signature, simply ‘shirley,’ in homage to the original piece on the left.
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reinieseason · 11 months
we're all hung up over the ending so here's some limoreau au ideas super long post tho
royalty au - there's already one of these on ao3, where marie is a princess and jordan is a heir to a company. absolutely a banger, hope to see more of this au from other people but also from the creator themselves (the more we lie (the more we love) by secretshare is the au)
spiderman au - i'm gonna need someone to hear me out on this one. hear me out. jordan, born male, out of nowhere develops superpowers after being bitten by a radioactive spider. now, they have to figure out and balance their new powers - which aside from invincibility, waves, and like spider shit also includes gender shifting and they have to confront and navigate with their parents the identity that their parents didn't wanna face because it's become increasingly real. and this to me is like mcu ish. anyways, they also have to uh navigate their crush on marie moreau (gwen stacy of the world). hear me out.
rival TAs au - bringing this one back from my last post, jordan as brink's TA, they're a 3rd year ranked number two. but there's a professor that brink works closely with who just chose their new TA, it's the 1st year that jordan's been in hot water with marie moreau who is everything jordan hates. if jordan is a hard worker, who takes their time, marie is a genius who gets what she wants just because she's a genius. there's a rivalry but they're forced to work together when their professors start... look i don't have a justification as to why but they just do.
period piece au - i'm talking bridgerton, little women, pride and prejudice. rivalry, enemies, tension but forced to keep the tension under wraps and present a united and kind front but everyone knows they hate each other. the sexual tension of it all. lingering glances, fleeting touches. it is perfect for a couple like marie and jordan who love having a stupid big brown eyes off every episode every possible second
debate club au - look i was the HS debate captain i'm in college debate you have to hear me out . jordan as the captain of the team, marie as the new student who's a prodigy, rising star- she's a genius who's quickly put herself on par with the best team in the club. and now for nationals, the coaches put her and jordan together. the tension, the proximity, the trust, and the communication. whispers in hallways, cheering when they place first, the tension of finals. cuhrazy stuff.
figure skating au - OKAY ALL OF THIS IS LOWKEY STARTING TO SOUND THE SAME BUT IN DIFFERENT SITUATIONS BUT STILL. the tension. jordan just lost their partner after a life changing injury, their coach pulls up with new star marie moreau who was beginning to dominate the solo scene but out of nowhere dropped out and now she's going duo with jordan li how mysterious. the training, the hands, the stunts, THE PROXIMITY. (my favorite word today) the anger and the arguments when they mess it up, but the fear when it seems like something bad happened. imagine both of them on the jumbotron thingy bracing for their score and it like breaks a record i mean. think about it. this is growing to be a fave.
hockey/figure skater au - jordan is a hockey player, jordan needs to be more precise, more agile. their coach talks to the figure skating rink coach and gets a tutor for jordan, marie moreau figure skater. i will not elaborate, i do not need to- mostly because it's the same shit i mentioned before but slightly different but Still.
volleyball au - if you have amazon prime, you have access to cinemalaya's rookie which is a Filipino indie film about a junior basketball player who moves to a new catholic all girls school and starts playing volleyball (because there's no girls basketball team), she falls in love with the team captain, who hates her sm. it's so fucking good, now imagine it as limoreau. imagine jordan li as the team captain who has to take care of this new member, marie who yeah she's tall and she has like whatever basics but she sucks at volleyball and for some reason is so out of it. plus plus plus volleyball tension, the other couple that gives a constant big brown eyes off is ace and jana.
gossip girl au - another hear me out, marie who's always lives her life in lowerclass new york as an orphan is adopted by victoria newman and now has to navigate life in a new school with upperclass new yorkers. she's thrown into the midst of it all and has to deal with being a fish out of water plus jordan being like wary of her. andre brings her into the group after she saves him from a tough situation with a teacher or a quiz, cate and emma are so down to welcome another girl, luke has a nice heart to heart with her and welcomes her in, and if luke and emma let her in, sam is down, but jordan- jordan is the only one who doesn't want her there and she doesn't know why. look i just watched only 1 season of gossip girl i do not know shit but still
okay yeah those are all the aus off the top of my head <3 add some more if you'd like, brain dump with me over shit I'll never write
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swtorpadawan · 1 year
Author’s Notes: The following story takes place on Yavin during the Shadow of Revan storyline in my Halcyon Legacy. CW for violence, original character deaths, and brief blood and gore. Also – this is a rather long one, folks. My apologies.
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“Dammit! We’re being driven back.”
Theron Shan’s face glowered in consternation as icons representing various Yavin Coalition military units shifted across the holo-map, many of them retreating while a few flickered out entirely.
The Revanite counterattack against the Coalition forces here on Yavin IV had come suddenly, besieging Republic and Imperial troops alike across a wide front. Within minutes, many of their forward positions were isolated if not overwhelmed, while the remaining defensive hardpoints were pinned down, unable to support other troops when they needed it the most. All coordination and communication between the reluctant allies had seemingly gone out the window in the wake of the assault, and the cybernetic communications relay in his ear was being bombarded with requests – pleas, really – for reinforcements, for support, for orders, for any help whatsoever.
Standing around the makeshift conference table at Coalition headquarters, the other members of the ah-hoc ‘leadership council’ – Lana Beniko, Satele Shan and Darth Marr – were likewise intently reviewing holo-transmissions and reports as they came in. Beniko’s expression was one of focused and controlled anger. That was the kind of personal discipline that made her such an effective Sith. Satele (Theron was trying very hard not to think of her as his mother at this moment) watched over the proceedings with a frown of contemplation. Until she saw the necessity to interject herself, she would keep her peace. Marr… well, Theron obviously couldn’t see the expression of the Dark Councilor’s face behind his metal mask, but Marr radiated intensity under normal circumstances. Right at this moment, with all their plans at risk and the campaign itself in doubt, the closest thing the Sith Empire had to an actual leader was positively seething.
None of them had bothered to respond to Theron’s dire assessment of the situation.
The unprecedented Yavin Coalition composed of the Imperial troops commanded by Marr and the Galactic Republic forces led by Satele had successfully invaded the moon known as Yavin IV and – up until just a few minutes ago – had appeared to be on the verge of victory, pushing the remnants of the Order of Revan back until they were almost at the base of the ancient, pyramid-like temples for which Yavin was infamous. Some of the forward Republic recon troops had even reported they’d been facing greater resistance from the indigenous Massassi warriors than they had from the Revanites.
Now the Coalition forces had been caught overextended, with the Revanites driving a wedge between the Republic and Imperial forces. It seemed almost everyone was calling for reinforcements, air support, resupply, orders… the command headquarters couldn’t cope with it all.
“Isolate the problem.” Satele Shan’s voice was carefully measured as she broke her silence. She may have just as well been presenting a logic problem to a group of Jedi younglings in a classroom back on Tython for all the alarm she demonstrated. “Revan is attempting to distract and overwhelm us. Otherwise, his attack would have been much more precise. If we can look past his maneuverings and identify his true strategy, we’ll be able to understand his intentions.”
As if on mental reflex, Theron realized that she was right. He recalled Master Zho teaching him that same technique so long ago in his childhood, and he strongly suspected that Zho had been the one to demonstrate the same stratagem to Satele once upon a time in the Grand Master’s own youth. (Though he had a very hard time imagining Satele ever being a youngling.) Coalition command had been thrown off its game. Junior officers of both factions were scrambling around the conference table with the communications aides urgently relaying messages and reports. Just outside field commanders were yelling for their troops to form up and prepare for deployment as soon as the orders came down. The sound of artillery fire could be heard in the distance…
These factors were all just distractions.  
Theron had always preferred being a field agent over being an analyst. Indeed, he’d been more than a little rankled when Marcus Trant, the Director of the Republic’s Strategic Information Service, had temporarily placed him on desk duty as a punishment for one of his “unsanctioned operations”. (Alright, it had been several “unsanctioned operations”.) But that inclination didn’t make him any less effective at analyzing tactical information. Utilizing his cybernetic implants, he crunched the numbers, trying to make sense out of all the chaos. Finding his center. His sense of calm…
Time seemed to slow down for Theron. As he looked down at the map, he didn’t see soldiers fighting and dying or the Coalition at risk of collapsing. Instead, he saw a clearer picture start to take shape.
After a moment of contemplation, it became obvious to Theron that the Revanites’ numbers were not as impressive as the ferocity of their attack would seem to suggest. Nor was their counter-offensive as broad as it had initially seemed on the map. Yes, the Coalition flanks were being pressured, but only half-heartedly, as if to discourage reinforcement or encirclement of the main thrusts by the Order. The allies still enjoyed a significant overall advantage in force strength by better than a two-to-one margin; maybe even more. But that advantage had been neutralized by the Revanites’ rapid advancement…
“There.” The crisp, Imperial voice interrupted his thought process.
Much to Theron’s chagrin, Lana Beniko, the former chief aide to the Minister of Military Offense of the Sith Empire (and his erstwhile partner for the last few months in exposing the Revanite conspiracy), had found the solution first.
Beniko re-oriented the holo-map, zeroing in on one particularly deep thrust into the Coalition lines. The display flickered as live holo-streaming of the scene quickly followed the three-dimensional image, projected above the map.                      
“This is the tip of their spear.” She explained, as they watched the small group of Revanites effortlessly tear through a platoon of Republic soldiers. The assailants appeared to be cyborgs… led by a single armored Sith Lord. “Their vanguard. It’s the lynchpin to their attack. Their momentum is keeping us hamstrung.”  
Theron immediately recognized the design of the cyborgs from their mission to Rakata Prime months earlier. Infinite Elites. Revanite volunteers surgically enhanced with Rakatan technology in a process developed by Gorima – a sick, twisted Selkath scientist who’d been operating a secret laboratory on Manaan, the same creep who had briefly tormented their ally, Jakarro, the Wookie smuggler. These cyborgs were incredibly powerful, with their advanced, regenerative capabilities allowing them to shrug off most attacks. Revan had intended to build an entire army of the Infinites, using them as his shock troops. They’d proven to be so dangerous that Theron had even wanted Jedi Master Corellan Halcyon, their ally against the conspirators, to terminate the Infinites they’d found on Rakata in their stasis pods out of hand. (Corellan had refused. Typical Jedi nobility. With hindsight, Theron shouldn’t have been surprised.) Regardless, he’d been relieved when their efforts on Manaan and Rakata had resulted in the destruction of the completed Infinite prototypes, as well as the technology required to create more of them.
Apparently, that sense of relief had been premature.
There may have only been a squad of them, but these Infinites were nevertheless hammering through their formations like a juggernaut, the thin end of the Revanite wedge driving into the Coalition lines.  
“Revan must have gotten them off Rakata before we moved in on them.” Theron heard the frustration in his own voice even as he silently called in an air strike via his implant. “He planned this. Keeping them in reserve until now.”
Seconds later, the quartet around the table watched as a squadron of Republic dive-bombers unleashed their payloads upon the advancing squad of Revanites. As the holoprojection flickered to adjust to the smoke and fire, Theron witnessed a Jedi and a Sith leading Coalition commandos into the area. The intelligence agent briefly allowed himself to hope that this strike had finished off the Infinites and would blunt Revan’s entire counter-offensive.
That hope quickly evaporated as he saw the massive Sith Lord who had been leading the Infinites rise to his feet, activating his twin crimson lightsabers. Theron had not initially identified this foe beneath his strange, ornate armor, but now, on closer inspection, he realized that he recognized this mighty Sith Pureblood.
Indeed, nearly everyone in the entire galaxy should have recognized him by now.
“Kael.” Marr hissed behind his mask, the Dark Councilor’s voice was dripping with venom and contempt.
Lord Kael Nosrol Krannus was a towering Pureblooded Sith Warrior of great renown. Over the course of his relatively brief but infamous career, he had led countless operations against the Republic, from crushing the War Trust on Taris to freeing the Dread Masters on Belsavis. Dozens of Jedi and thousands of Republic soldiers and civilians had fallen beneath his blades, including wiping out at least one Strategic Information Service team at a safehouse on Nar Shaddaa. According to the intelligence reports Theron had read, he was wanted for a long series of war crimes and had gained a reputation for brutality even by the standards of the Sith. But it had been on Corellia where his ruthless butchery against his enemies had earned him a new epithet: The Emperor’s Wrath. He had become Vitiate’s chosen, hand-picked to eliminate the Emperor’s enemies both in the Republic and within the Empire. Although the Sith Lord had never formally been named a Darth, anyone would have been foolish to think him any less deadly for that lack of title. Indeed, he had already crushed several of the most powerful Darths in the Empire for apparent disloyalty to the throne, even slaying his old master, Darth Baras. He’d thus cemented his claim as the Emperor’s Wrath before going on to lead Imperial troops on Ilum and beyond.
There had been no reported sightings of Krannus in almost a year, not since he had supposedly broken with the Dark Council and the entire Imperial hierarchy. Locating him had been a priority of the SIS for some time.
Right at this moment, Theron sorely wished that the Emperor’s Wrath had remained missing.
He watched as the Sith Lord stormed through the Coalition commandoes, ignoring multiple blaster shots to his body mere moments after shrugging off the aerial bombardment.
The Coalition Jedi and Sith attempted to divide Krannus’ attention, attacking him from opposite flanks; the Twi’lek Jedi on his right with his lightsaber and the human Sith Lord on his left with Force lightning. For a moment, Theron thought they might have succeeded when the Jedi’s blade caught Lord Kael’s armor squarely on the shoulder while just missing his helmet – a blow that should have all but severed his arm – while the Sith’s lightning blasted at his armored torso.
Impossibly, the massive Pureblood shrugged off these lethal assaults and then, in a single move displaying more agility than should have been possible for a man of his size, simultaneously impaled both of his opponents, one lightsaber sinking into the chest of each.
Just like that, the effort to stop Lord Kael and the Infinites had been snuffed out, the few the surviving commandoes quickly overwhelmed by the Infinites.    
Theron grimaced. Not even Mandalorian beskar should have protected the Sith Lord so completely from the kind of punishment Krannus had taken, and he wasn’t even slowed down.
As a stunned silence settled around the table, Theron remembered that the Coalition had already definitively ruled out any orbital strikes from the fleets above. The main temple held by the Revanites was protected by a force field for one thing, and for another they’d decided that the risk of friendly fire falling on their own forces was too great. (Though Marr, of course, hadn’t been thrilled with that decision, given the stakes in play.) That danger was even greater now with the Infinites driving so far into the Coalition lines. There was nothing else he could think of in the Coalition’s arsenal that could have stopped Krannus.            
“Please magnify on his armor.” The firm, unexpected voice cut through the silence.
It was only then, as he looked up at the speaker, that Theron realized there was a fifth individual watching the display above the holo-table. Jedi Master Corellan Halcyon looked like he had just fought through Hell itself while simultaneously looking resolute enough to invade it for a second time at a moment’s notice. The Jedi’s robes were singed at the edges and his armor was lightly scorched though undamaged. His expression, normally healthy and open, was darker and grimmer than Theron had ever seen before with bags under his eyes and a pallid complexion.
He doesn’t look good. Theron thought to himself. But one could not have told that from his posture or from the clarity of his voice.
This was the champion who had taken down the Emperor’s Voice on Dromund Kaas. Who had spear-headed the raid on Korriban and then mere hours later had liberated the Jedi Temple on Tython. The one person who Theron and Lana had trusted when they’d gone on the run after they’d been framed for killing Darth Arkous and Colonel Rian Darok on Rakata Prime. On Rishi, he’d defeated Nova Blade pirates, Mandalorian bounty hunters and Revanite conspirators in quick succession without seeming to break a sweat, inflicting more damage in a few days than Lana and Theron might have managed in months.
Since the joint task force had arrived on Yavin three days ago, Halcyon had been even more impressive. His reputation alone demanded respect from friend and foe alike. Every time a trouble spot emerged, every time it appeared bad feelings over decades of war might drive a wedge between the reluctant allies, Corellan had personally intervened, acting decisively yet amicably, putting out fires before the leadership council even knew about them and showing a mutual respect that puzzled the Sith, impressed the Imperials and inspired the Jedi and Republic troops to put their differences with their allies aside and behave themselves. If the Hero of Tython – who’d probably fought and killed more Imperials in combat – Sith and otherwise – in his relatively young life than anyone else still breathing (aside, perhaps, from Satele Shan herself) had made no objection to fighting alongside the Empire, hardly anyone else could either, given the circumstances. He hadn’t started this campaign with a reputation as a diplomat, but he definitely seemed to be building one for himself, albeit unintentionally.
His entire demeanor seemed to have changed since coming to Yavin. At first, Theron wanted to think it was just the proximity of so many Sith. Then he wondered if it might have been that their target was Revan, a figure who was almost mythical in the tales of both the Jedi and the Sith. Heck, Corellan, like Theron, had probably grown-up hearing bedtime stories about the legendary fallen Jedi.
But now, Theron was starting to fear that it was the presence of the Sith Emperor here on Yavin. The same tyrant who’d captured Corellan and his crew at his Fortress years before, imprisoning them for months. The same cancer who was, if reports were to be believed, responsible for much of the suffering the galaxy had experienced dating back to the Mandalorian Wars.  
The same enemy who Corellan – and the entire Republic – had hoped had been permanently destroy during the attack on Dromund Kaas.
All this has to have taken its toll. The SIS agent privately suspected. It was rumored that Halcyon hadn’t been sleeping; simply meditating for an hour or two at a time before pressing on with whatever needed to be done. He’d rotated his crewmembers regularly to keep them fresh, then had headed off on another mission. Each time, he’d check in with the temporary command center at the base camp, reporting on details he had observed that might have been missed through the various chains of command.
He also hadn’t shied away from putting his own crew at risk when necessary. Yesterday, he’d designated his loyal astromech droid, Teeseven, to oversee the advance sensor array they’d set up, thus keeping the Coalition’s monitoring system impartial. Later he’d ordered Sergeant Rusk to take temporary command of a company of Republic troops who had lost their commanding officer during the fighting. The veteran Chagrian soldier had quickly whipped that demoralized unit into shape, and even now they were successfully holding one of the critical defensive positions along the Coalition’s lines despite the Revanite assault. And just minutes ago as the attacks had begun, Corellan had assigned his squad medic, Doctor Archiban Kimble – or ‘Doc’ to anyone who asked – to treat wounded Imperial soldiers who’d been cut-off from their recovery camps. The Imperial officer on site had sworn an oath that no harm would come to Doc, and that he would be returned safely to the Jedi Master afterward.      
Satele and Marr had provided the leadership and legitimacy. Theron and Lana had delivered the expertise and intelligence on the Revanites and how they operated. But it had been Halcyon, with the aid of his crew, who had brought a sense of unity to the Coalition.
Theron had worked with Corellan Halcyon off and on for more than two years now, ever since enlisting the Jedi Master in a couple of off-the-book operations to deal with problems the SIS would have preferred to remain under wraps rather than address through “official” channels. He was a bona fide hero. A paragon, even. The best Jedi warrior of his generation. A champion of the Republic and the protector of the free galaxy. Honestly, he was exactly what most Jedi younglings grew up wanting to be. The guy the Republic military put on their recruitment posters.
Since they’d arrived on Yavin, Theron had learned that beneath that surface, Corellan Halcyon also possessed a keen tactical mind. One that understood full well the strategies employed by Sith and Jedi, Empire and Republic.
By now, Halcyon had become extremely effective at combating the Revanites, regardless of which faction they’d previously worked for. Their enemies might all claim to serve Revan, but it had been proven on Rishi and now again on Yavin that they weren’t all ‘one big, happy family’. The Order of Revan desperately needed symbols to rally around; specifically, they needed the symbol of Revan himself.
That was the kind of unifying symbol that Halcyon was providing to the Coalition.
And it was now apparent to Theron that the Jedi Master was proving surprisingly adept at approaching people undetected. Even where it concerned dealing with allies.
Even when dealing with Force users as potent as Darth Marr and Satele Shan.
Theron usually prided himself on maintaining a good sabacc face. After all, he was an SIS agent. That sort  of went with the territory. But he had no doubt he looked startled right at this moment. Lana had also blinked in surprise at the unexpected arrival. Marr’s face was concealed by his mask, but even his head tilted up in surprise as Corellan’s voice cut through the room.
Only Satele seemed nonplussed at the Jedi Master’s sudden appearance, simply accepting it in stride. If the Grand Master was concerned with Corellan’s behavior or physical appearance of late, she had clearly decided not to reveal that in front of the Sith. She nodded in Theron’s direction, who was only now reminded that he was the one at the terminal controls.
The Republic operative swallowed, increasing the magnification on Krannus’ armor as requested. Some of the resolution was a bit hazy – that often happened when transmissions were broadcasting during a battle with portable surveillance equipment – but the distinct pattern across Krannus’ body eventually became clear. The bulbous pieces looked strange to Theron, who was familiar with a great many body armors commonly used throughout the galaxy by soldiers, mercenaries and Force-users.
“I don’t recognize that design.” He admitted.
“Nor do I.” Lana admitted, who looked over towards Marr and Satele, questioningly.
The Jedi Grand Master was once again in silent contemplation, as if the answer to the problem was hiding right in front of her but would only reveal itself in time.  
Officially, Darth Marr was the head of the Sith Empire’s Sphere of Military Strategy and was the second-longest tenured active member of the Dark Council. Unofficially, Marr was effectively running the Empire at this point, having bent the Council to his will. Analysts in the SIS had been taking bets on how long it would be before Marr formally declared himself the new Emperor.
Theron hadn’t taken that action on the bet. Marr knew what had happened to Darth Malgus on Ilum when he’d tried to claim Vitiate’s throne and establish a “New Empire”. Even when it came to Vitiate himself, who’d ruled the Empire for more than a millennium, the facade of invincibility that once came with that position had been shattered. As an institution, the Sith Empire only operated properly when everyone was too frightened of the Emperor to challenge him, or to risk compromising his goals with the internal squabbles. The title of Emperor must have looked much less attractive considering the present political climate, where any Sith who claimed supremacy risked being pulled down and destroyed by his fellows.
Theron suspected that Marr was playing a much different game.
Regardless, he also had to assume that Marr had more practical knowledge than just about anyone else living concerning the multitude of exotic weaponry of the Sith. And he was being silent.
That silence worried Theron intensely. With all the other surprises the Revanites had thrown at them over the last few months, the last thing they needed was mysterious Sith armor that seemingly made one of the most dangerous Sith Lords living invincible.
As he tried to analyze the armor for weaknesses, he could only consider it an effort in futility.
“Honestly, it doesn’t look like armor at all. It looks more like… shells.” He added, grasping for any observations.
With Krannus leading them, the Infinites couldn’t be stopped. With the Infinites leading the Revanite assault and driving a wedge into the Coalition lines, their entire offensive couldn’t be stopped.
Invincible, indeed.
“Orbalisks.” Corellan’s calm, matter-of-fact voice cut through the silence once again.
Theron turned to look over at him again. The Jedi Master was looking down at the projection in what he could only describe as ‘intense detachment’ as the magnification moved out again. In the projection, Lord Kael had Force-leapt onto an attacking Imperial Walker, knocking the towering machine over before eviscerating its driver with his lightsabers for good measure.
Theron was realizing no one else had responded to Corellan yet. He had no idea what an ‘orbalisk’ even was and no one else seemed to be stepping up either. In the absence of any elaboration, Lana took the lead this time, her brow furrowed intently as she addressed the Jedi champion.
“Do you know how we can stop him?”
Corellan Halcyon turned away from the display and towards Lana. The two of them had – along with Theron – developed a surprisingly strong working relationship these last few months. They had made a good team, regardless of their personal, political and ideological differences. (And Lana allowing the Revanites to abduct and torture Theron. That had been a bump in the road.) This question undercut a reversal of roles; usually, it was Corellan relying on Lana and Theron for information, direction or analysis.
But here in this instance on Yavin, the people standing around the table were relying on the young Jedi Master for his knowledgeable insight.
“We can’t.” Corellan answered firmly, gently stressing the first word. “But I will need some help.”
That wasn’t lost on Theron. The Hero of Tython clearly had something specific in mind. Something he intended to personally put into motion.
Corellan had followed Lana and Theron’s lead on Manaan, Rakata and Rishi, and he had likewise acknowledged the authority of Satele and Marr as leaders of the leadership council assembled here on Yavin.
But now, he was calling his own play.
We’ve underestimated him. Theron considered. All of us.
The Hero of Tython raised his arm to chest level, tapping the communicator on his wrist.
“Kira. We’re up. Maneuverer Alderaan-Delta-Three.” He paused, checking his chrono and apparently doing some quick calculations in his head. “Eleven minutes.”
“On it.” a familiar, feminine voice answered. Corellan closed the channel just as quickly.      
Since they’d started working together, Theron had long come to understand that Corellan usually only operated with one of his companions by his side at any given time. He had always assumed there was some method behind his choice; a specific companion for a specific kind of mission. That would make good strategic sense, though the particulars in Corellan’s thought process usually escaped him.
Theron had met Kira Carsen several times. First on that Corellian rescue job almost two years ago, then more recently at Carrick Station before the assault on Korriban. He liked her. Frankly, she was probably the most outgoing Jedi he’d ever met and she was genuinely funny. (Granted, her jokes directed at Theron about being ‘Satele’s kid’ had grated on him, but he could deal with that.) Her combat record was proof that she was fantastic with a lightsaber, too. He’d been rather surprised that he hadn’t seen her working beside Corellan lately. He knew that she’d been by his side earlier on Rishi but when Corellan had first arrived at the safehouse Theron shared with Lana and Jakarro, Rusk had been accompanying him. Later, he’d seen Teeseven and Doc at his side as well. He’d found it curious at the time, idly wondering if the two Jedi were ‘on the outs’ somehow.
Whatever Corellan had in mind – whatever ‘Maneuverer Alderaan-Delta-Three’ even meant – he’d clearly decided he needed Kira with him to execute his plan.
The Jedi turned towards Theron and Lana.
“Set a timer.” He requested. “I need every bomber we can get in the air to hit Kael and the Infinites in exactly ten minutes in successive waves. Then pull them off after 30 seconds.”  
Theron set the timer on reflex, then checked the data. The Infinites had advanced well past the range of the remaining Revanite anti-air flak cannons. At the speed they were moving at now, it would be a tricky target; even fighter-bombers usually weren’t designed to hit a target as small as a single squad. But he could predict their movement speed and relay those coordinates to the pilots.
“We can do that.” Theron offered. “But you just saw that it won’t keep them down for long.”
Corellan looked down at the SIS agent intently. For a second, Theron thought he might have seen a hint of a grim smile on the Jedi’s lips.  
“I don’t need it to keep them down for long.”
Without another word, he turned and headed towards the exit.
“I’m ending this battle.” He spoke as he walked away from the table intently, never breaking stride or even looking back over his shoulder. “Now.”  
Theron blinked as the Jedi Master departed, then turned back and looked at the others.
Lana seemed uncertain. Satele looked concerned but continued to keep her silence. Marr… Marr just continued to watch the passageway where Corellan had exited, as if trying to decide something. Theron now realized that Corellan hadn’t even asked Satele or Marr – the Coalition’s nominal leaders – for approval of his plan.
Without anyone needing to say anything, Theron relayed the orders.
 Kira Carsen was more than ready to go when she’d gotten the call.
Three days of barely seeing any action back on the ship while a massive battle waged around her had admittedly left her antsy.
Corellan would have known that, and she knew he wouldn’t have held her back this long without a good reason.
She’d also barely seen him since they’d arrived on Yavin. He would have known how that would make her feel, too. She knew he wouldn’t do that to her if it could have been helped.
(It also didn’t help that they could both feel the Emperor’s presence here on Yavin. Deep down, she’d always known he hadn’t been completely destroyed on Dromund Kaas. But feeling him this close still put her on edge.)
These were their lives: They meant everything to each other, but the needs of the rest of the galaxy would always come first.
Kira knew that. She understood it. She even accepted it.
That didn’t mean she had to like it.  
Still, she’d been monitoring the situation carefully. Kira had been in enough battles to know that this one was rapidly approaching its climax: the fight between the Revanites and the Coalition would be decided over the next few minutes.  
And in this crucial moment, Corellan Halcyon, the vaunted Hero of Tython, had called her. She’d never admit it to anyone, but that meant something.
(It meant everything.)
Kira didn’t know if she’d ever be a Jedi Master. That goal had once been a driving ambition for her; something to solidify her sense of acceptance within the Order. To give herself that reinforced sense of belonging that she’d been seeking for most of her life. Maybe she’d even have been able to stir things up with some much-needed policy reforms. But the last few years – spent with Corellan and their crew – had eventually led her to reconsider her career goals.
She was happy with who she was. And with where she was in her life.
For example, Kira couldn’t imagine there were many Jedi Knights who could outfight her in a one-on-one lightsaber duel at this point. After all, Kira had been the one who’d struck the killing blow against Darth Nox on Tython, one of the most feared Sith in the galaxy and a particularly infamous member of the Dark Council.
But Corellan was the most driven lightsaber duelist she’d ever met. He was up before dawn most mornings (long before Kira usually rose), sparring with Scourge for an hour before even showering and sitting down for breakfast. Then, if they didn’t have a mission that day to keep him occupied, he’d spar with Kira in the early evening, working them both almost to exhaustion.
He was dedicated.
(And if Kira had ever felt overshadowed by her partner, he’d more than made it up to her during their nights alone together. Lightsaber training wasn’t the only thing he was dedicated to.)
And he did his homework, too. There probably wasn’t a holocron or text on lightsaber combat in the Jedi Archives that he hadn’t borrowed for review at least once.
But as valuable as those had been, they couldn’t begin to compete with the knowledge provided by the individual who lived in their cargo bay.
For someone like Corellan Halcyon, training with someone like Scourge was more valuable than a dozen holocrons. The former Emperor’s Wrath had spent three hundred years hunting and slaying the Emperor’s enemies, effectively becoming a ‘boogey-man’ within the Sith Empire. Kira thought it was ironic that most of those ‘enemies’ had been Scourge’s fellow Sith. (After all, up until these last few years, the Emperor had had little to fear from the Jedi, himself.) He’d taught Corellan dozens of techniques that would aid him in facing and defeating his enemies.
In the years since Dromund Kaas, Corellan’s reputation among the Sith and Imperials had only reached new heights. Even most Mandalorians refused to accept contracts on him anymore; not since his meeting with Xadya on Makeb.  
Kira hadn’t listened to every lesson Scourge had taught Corellan about ancient Sith weapons and rituals, but she’d gotten the gist of what orbalisks were. (And frankly, the things sounded incredibly disgusting to her. As neat a trick as it sounded, invincibility would not be worth having those nasty bugs all over her body and digging into her skin.) According to Scourge, Vitiate had destroyed all known records of the blasted creatures decades ago. Not because he feared they could make a rival Sith powerful enough to face him; Kira’s ‘father’ was apparently far above such physical concerns. No, it was more to discourage any ‘fools with delusions of grandeur’ who managed to master the Dxunian creatures from even attempting such an act.
And Corellan being Corellan, he’d put in more than a little thought into how to counter an enemy employing the parasites should the need ever arise.
Kira supposed she owed the ‘Big Tomato’ a ‘Thank you’ for that kind of help.
The culture of their ship facilitated this kind of thinking. Hundreds of hours of training amongst their crew had led to the creation of dozens of combination maneuvers for various contingencies. Alderaan-Delta-Three was one such combination. With Scourge’s assistance; Kira and Corellan had trained for it in parts, but they’d never actually had the chance to use the whole thing in a real fight.
To Kira, that uncertainty made this job even more exciting.
Also, she’d get to bring her speeder-bike. Things were always more fun when they involved speeder-bikes, in Kira’s opinion. It would be a pity to lose this one; she’d spent months customizing it just the way she liked. Force, it was even purple.
But if this worked, then it would be worth it.
Both for the thrill of the thing, and to win this battle.
The sooner they got off this rock, the sooner she and Corellan could get some alone time together.
 Theron knew that lightsaber enthusiasts and gamblers alike had been debating for years who would win in direct confrontation between the Hero of Tython and the reigning Emperor’s Wrath, and for good reason. The two champions of their respective factions were contemporaries: Corellan Halcyon and Kael Nosrol Krannus were near enough the same age with vaguely similar ‘career tracks’. Both were practitioners of Jar’khai, wielding a single-bladed lightsaber in each hand at once to devastating effect. Both had incredible combat records and a plethora of accomplishments, any one of which would have granted any warrior legendary status in the wider galaxy. Both had seen action at many of the same flashpoints that had defined the current conflict for the last few years.
Taris. Balmorra. Belsavis. However many others.
Frankly, it was a wonder that the two adversaries, these titans of the age, hadn’t met in battle before now.
Between the two of them, four consecutive Sith Lords at the head of the Empire’s Sphere of Military Offense - Vengean, Baras, Arho and most recently Arkous – had met their ends; the first two by Krannus and the latter two at the blades of Halcyon.
(Theron had heard that the entire ministry had recently been placed under Marr’s “temporary” stewardship, since Arkous’ death on Rakata Prime. If Theron had been Marr, who’d spent decades as the head of the Empire’s Sphere of Military Defense, he wouldn’t have been in a hurry to formally claim that position any more than he apparently wanted to claim the title of Emperor.)  
Nor was that the end of the parallels of their journeys. Corellan had reportedly slain Lord Kael’s brother on Belsavis. The Imperial Executor – a fanatically-loyal servant of the Sith Emperor’s will – had attempted to destroy the prison world to further Vitiate’s plans for a ritual that could have destroyed the galaxy.
(Just thinking about that report had boggled Theron’s mind. He was, after all, just a spy. Situations like this still felt like they were way above his pay grade.)
From what Theron had heard, Kael had been – if anything – even more loyal to the Emperor than his brother had been.
But now, seemingly in a complete reversal, the surviving Krannus had taken up with the Order of Revan. Conspirators who fanatically opposed the Emperor’s return to the point where most had turned their backs on everything they’d ever known, to ally with a fallen Jedi who’d gone missing for centuries.
What could have prompted such an astronomical shift in allegiance for the Sith Lord?
And now, after all of that, he was finally facing Corellan Halcyon.
Theron had it on excellent authority that Nar Shaddaa bookmakers had a massive betting pool of several million credits going of what would happen when the two finally met, with odds swinging back and forth between one or the other.
The intelligence operative couldn’t deny that as the fighters began their bombardment of Krannus and his Infinites and the seconds ticked down to whatever Corellan was planning, he felt a surge of adrenaline within him despite the circumstances. As he looked around the table above the holo-map, he could feel that the others were intrigued as well.
Within seconds of the barrage beginning, an icon representing a speeder bike appeared, tearing across the map, skillfully dodging stray blaster fire along the battlefield. The Coalition had been employing a handful of the machines, mostly for transporting portable equipment and relaying messages and orders that couldn’t be safely transmitted. This, however… this wasn’t one of those efficient, practical, military vehicles. Based on the specs of the data-stream, Theron recognized this one as an Aratech Coral speeder, a high-end civilian bike designed for style and mobility as well as speed.
As the holoprojection focused on the speeder, Theron noted the two figures were mounted in the pilot’s seat, a smaller figure – with short red hair, he noted – driving the vehicle while their companion, larger, wearing Jedi robes and armor, had their arms wrapped around the driver’s waist.
Just before the bike crashed into the Infinites, the two Jedi leapt off.  
The resulting explosion made the holo-display flicker as it knocked Krannus and his squad down yet again. Everything within ten meters of the point of impact was suddenly immersed in flames, the wild grass on the ground briefly catching fire before just as quickly burning out. Theron only now realized the speeder must have been rigged with incendiary explosives. As Corellan and Kira landed unscathed, their lightsabers lashed out at their fallen enemies.
Theron was starting to understand the broad details of their tactical plan. The Infinites were normally all but indestructible; but as Corellan had proven on Manaan, exposing them to extreme flames could briefly leave them vulnerable to direct attacks.
Including attacks made with lightsabers.
As Kira continued to finish off the stunned Infinites, Corellan turned his attention to Lord Kael, who suddenly found himself alone and isolated. The Pureblooded Sith had risen to his feet and now plainly recognized his opponent.
The Jedi Sentinel squared off against the Sith Marauder, with the fate of Yavin, the Order of Revan, and perhaps the whole galaxy on the line.
The Hero of Tython versus the Emperor’s Wrath.
As their blades met, Theron was tempted to ask for popcorn.
 Kira’s lightsaber impaled the last Infinite before it could rise, finally snuffing the last of them out for good.
For a fraction of a second, she wondered who this person had been before their transformation. Did they have a life? Did they have a family? Did they fall for some bill of goods the Order of Revan had sold them to get them to volunteer for this insane procedure?
Would they regret that their lives had come to this?
She was reminded of Agent Galen, who’d worked with Kira and Corellan on Coruscant and later again on Nar Shaddaa during the Desolator Crisis. The SIS agent had been abducted by Lord Sadic, and then horrifically transformed against his will into an Imperial-aligned Power Guard cyborg. Thanks to the Jedi duo, the Republic operative had broken free of the Sith’s control and had found peace with his lot. Kira heard months later that Galen had eventually met his end while serving on an SIS mission, but he did so on his own terms, doing something that mattered to him.
Kira took some comfort from that memory as she steeled herself and turned to join the main event.
The duel before her was incredible.
Kael Nosrol Krannus was using Form VII to deliver ferocious blows from both his sabers without restraint. The powerful Sith Lord was considered by many to be the master of using Juyo with twin lightsabers. Corellan was, for his part, seamlessly alternating between stances: employing Form Three – Soresu – to deflect Krannus’ attacks before switching to the powerful strikes of Form Five – Shien – to press him back; precision and grace one moment, decisive strength in the next.
The Jedi’s approach was slowly starting to frustrate Lord Kael, who – to no one’s surprise – was responding with overwhelming rage. His only rival for the title of ‘mightiest warrior in the galaxy’ had finally engaged him in battle and that challenger had already taken the early advantage by eliminating his supporters. Even as she approached, the Sith roared, battering the Jedi’s defense with powerful blows.
Kira scowled. Even this varp-head was ignoring her.
His mistake. she vowed to herself.
Kira Force-leapt at Krannus, her green double-bladed saber flashing high above the battlefield.
“Eat lightsaber, jerk!” she called out.
Corellan timed it perfectly. As a startled Lord Kael raised his crossed sabers above his head to meet Kira’s attack, the Jedi Master’s own blue lightsabers found an opening, slicing low at the Sith Lord’s ankle.  
Had it not been for the orbalisks, the blow would have cleanly severed Krannus’ foot, and that would have been the end of it.
Instead, the attack (mostly) glanced off the impenetrable armor. Wounded or not, the impact had definitely further enraged the massive Sith Pureblood however, pushing him even further over the edge.
“Shavit!” Krannus screamed in pain, his blades recklessly slashing at Corellan again even as the Jedi effortlessly jumped backwards, a graceful toreador fighting a mighty bull.  
Kira and Corellan hadn’t had time to discuss this part of the plan, but through their Force-bond, she knew they didn’t need to. She felt what he was doing. Kael’s orbalisk armor may have protected his body and even fueled his rage, but even with the Force, his physical and mental stamina had limits. Especially if he were wasting energy with his frustration.
This wasn’t the ‘end game’, of course. That would come later. But Corellan was a savant at lightsaber combat. Where most skilled duelists could, at the most, think a few moves ahead against an opponent of equal skill, it felt to Kira that Corellan could see a dozen moves ahead, even against a Sith as dangerous as the Emperor’s Wrath.
Krannus had the advantage of strength and resiliency. With his orbalisks, he could shrug off nearly any attack.
But as his frustration grew, it would also turn into anger and rage. Those emotions would power a Sith, but it would also lead them to make mistakes. The longer this fight lasted, the more Lord Kael fell back on his instincts. And those instincts had been honed long before he had donned the orbalisk armor. Those instincts were plainly built on the premise of ‘The best defense is a good offense’. (After all, if your enemy was dead, they couldn’t attack you, could they?) Within minutes he was again fighting like someone who was supremely confident in his capability to overwhelm his opponent with his powerful attacks to the point of arrogance, not like someone who rationally knew he couldn’t be wounded and had adjusted his tactics accordingly.
Corellan Halcyon and Kael Nosrol Krannus were equals in nearly every way. But here, their differences shined through for all to see.
Lord Kael had the benefit of his impregnable armor.
Corellan had the benefit of having a plan.
And of having Kira.
 As the duel in the center of the battlefield raged on, so too did the greater battle of Yavin.
Theron knew that there was a perception amongst the general populace of the galaxy that the great clashes between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire were ultimately decided by lightsaber duels between Jedi and Sith.
Historically, Theron knew, that was rarely the case. While there were always exceptions, most major battles were instead decided by planning, logistics and – in Theron’s experience, what with being an SIS agent – superior intelligence.
He was starting to realize that – despite the Hero of Tython’s reputation as being exactly that, a Hero – Corellan Halcyon understood the same thing. Young though he was, at some point during his adventures, Corellan had learned to appreciate the difference between tactical planning and strategic planning:
Good tactics could win you a fight.
Good strategies could win you a war.  
Because regardless of whether he and Kira could beat Krannus, in eliminating the Infinites and halting Lord Kael’s advance, he had already stopped the Revanites’ momentum cold. Their offensive had stalled.
The Coalition lines, buckling mere minutes earlier, were now consolidating and holding firm. Formations had regrouped, communications re-established. The pressure on the flanks faded as the Revanites struggled to hold their gains against superior numbers. The ‘wedge’ into the Coalition lines was now under pressure. Now, it was the Order of Revan troops that were looking overextended.
In that moment, Theron Shan finally began to understand why Halcyon had been so successful throughout his career. Yes, he was brave, skilled and powerful, but now he understood that this was what the Jedi Master had actually done on all those other worlds in his travels.
He didn’t do other people’s jobs for them. Instead, he took on the central problem those people were facing – the one obstacle that was causing the crisis and preventing the people there from doing their jobs – and that freed everyone else up to refocus on what mattered.
He helped people to help themselves. That not only earned him peoples’ gratitude, it also minimized any potential resentment people might have for being ‘rescued’.  
And that’s what he was doing right now for the Coalition commanders.
Even if Corellan and Kira did fail to put down the ‘invincible’ Sith Lord, they had already defeated him. The Revanites were starting to be pushed back by Republic and Imperial forces all along the front. Looking down at a secondary display, Theron noted the icon representing the troops under Sergeant Rusk’s command. They had routed a group of the Order of Revan’s attack droids they’d been fighting and the Chagrian was even now driving his soldiers forward.  
The tide had been turned.
Win or lose the battle, Corellan Halcyon had already won the war.
 How long had they been fighting? Minutes? Hours? It could have been a day for all Kira knew. But the Force was surging within her, firing up her endorphins. She hadn’t felt this powerful since she’d purged Vitiate from her mind back on the Desolator above Tython years before.
Right now, with the adrenaline pumping in her veins, she felt like she could keep fighting like this forever.
And with Corellan at her side, she never questioned what the outcome of this fight would be.
It wasn’t courage, really. It wasn’t even faith, though Force knew she believed in Corellan Halcyon more than she believed in almost anything.
No. This was the confidence of certainty.
In the four years since Kira’s Knighting, Corellan had never taken on a new Padawan, despite numerous offers from the Jedi Council to do so. Nor had Kira accepted any assignments that would have allowed her to begin formally training a Padawan of her own; something she’d always intended to do herself.
Their physical relationship aside, this fight highlighted the reason why. They simply could not do the things they did with anyone else. Certainly not with a padawan.
They frankly would’ve gotten anyone else killed.
At some point, perhaps inevitably, Krannus had shifted his tactics, refocusing his attacks on taking down Kira while simultaneously attempting to hold off Corellan. No doubt he had decided that once he’d dealt with her, he could have turned his full attention on the Jedi Master in a one-on-one engagement with improved odds. Theoretically, it was a sound strategy, eliminating your weaker opponent so you could then focus on the main target. Kira and their crew often used similar tactics against particularly powerful enemies and their followers, allowing Corellan to isolate and defeat the primary threat.
But Lord Kael employing this plan in turn against this particular duo ignored three critical factors:
First, while she couldn’t match Corellan in sheer power or ability, Kira Carsen was still one of the most skilled duelists of her generation of Jedi. One who’d spent a childhood training to be a Sith on Korriban and who’d endured an adolescence just surviving the dangers of Nar Shaddaa and who’d spent nearly every day for the past four years training against the very best the Jedi Order had to offer. As far as she was concerned, she was no one’s “weaker target”.
Second, countless Sith – and far more Imperials – had already attempted this exact same tactic against the pair of Jedi. Thus far, it hadn’t worked out for any of them. Their ‘switches’ – where Corellan and Kira would suddenly change positions during a maneuver – had been the undoing of some of the deadliest Sith in the galaxy, most notably with Kira’s lightsaber spelling the end of Darth Angral on the Desolator and – much more recently – delivering the death blow to Darth Nox during the Empire’s assault on the Temple of Tython.
Third, the bond between Corellan and herself now far surpassed anything she imagined any two Sith – with their inherent distrust of each other – or any two Jedi – with their dogmatic dismissal of attachments – could ever experience. Kira and Corellan fought as one.
This Sith Lord didn’t have a chance.
As his frustration continued to build, Lord Kael let out another roar of rage.
“Schutta!” he cursed, calling upon the dark side as a massive radial Force blast knocked Kira and Corellan back.
Had she been on her own, Kira might – might – have been intimidated by the sheer power behind the blast. Krannus was proving to be even more powerful than Zu’fanda Pampya had been on Tython. More powerful than Darth Malgus had been at Ilum. Perhaps – in sheer power – he was second among the Sith only to Vitiate himself.
But fighting beside Corellan, with his innate combat senses and reassuring presence, she saw the blast it for what it was: a desperation move.
As she regained her balance, Kira found herself smirking in spite of the situation. The attack had been against both Jedi, but the expletive – with its feminine connotation – had unquestionably been directed against her. She’d gotten to him.
So when Lord Kael reached out his fingers and she felt the pressure of a Force choke squeezing her neck, Kira didn’t panic. Her own defensive barrier, having briefly flickered by the Force blast, reasserted itself, resisting the strength of the Sith’s attack. He was still restricting her breathing, but he couldn’t apply enough pressure to strangle her or to snap her neck. With time, perhaps, he could have rendered her unconscious.
But time was something Lord Kael Nosrol Krannus had just run out of.
Corellan Halcyon had risen to his feet.
As Kira glared into the Sith’s golden eyes, she could tell the moment they both sensed what was about to happen. Engaged this closely to Kael, she could feel him start to panic as he desperately used the Force to hurl her towards the oncoming Corellan, clinging to the hope that it would buy him a few more seconds to regroup.
And Kira… Kira simply placed herself in the hands of the Force. And in the hands of Corellan. Instinctively, she turned her body sideways in mid-air, watching in awe as a cerulean blue lightsaber passed above her by mere inches while sensing an identical blade passing below.
It took her mind a second to comprehend what had happened; as Kira’s body had been thrown towards him, Corellan had unleased both of his weapons in a twin-saber throw towards Krannus, one directed above her, the other beneath, no more than a meter apart.
It was an insane move.
Had Kira not turned her body at the precise instant she had, she’d have been sliced apart.
Before she could process that, however, she felt Corellan’s hand catching hers. Rather than pulling her into his arms, she instead felt his own body turning in place. Kira’s feet never touched the ground as her deep blue eyes caught his icy pale blues for a fraction of a second.
That fraction of a second was all Kira needed to understand exactly what Corellan was doing.
Had they been anyone else – any other two Jedi in the galaxy – this entire maneuver would have been insane. They’d have both been killed.
But they weren’t anyone else.
They were Kira Carsen and the Hero of Tython.
They were young. They were in love.
But above all else, they were heroes.
And today, with the eyes of the galaxy upon them, they would prove that claim beyond any doubt.
Spinning in place, Corellan effortlessly redirected Kira’s momentum, releasing her hand and hurling her back towards Krannus.
The Sith Lord had barely fended off the attack of Corellan’s sabers. Turning to see the Jedi Knight hurtling towards him through the air, her green, fluorescent double-bladed lightsaber ignited, even his Force-enhanced reflexes weren’t fast enough to block her attack.
In that instant, as the Emperor’s Wrath looked up at her in shock, Kira felt like a living weapon.
More, she felt like she was his weapon.
It was nothing like what she’d felt like when she been under the Emperor’s control. Back then, she’d felt like she was losing her own sense of identity. Like she was less than a slave.
Here, through her bond with her partner, she felt free.
Because someone like Kael Nosrol Krannus, who’d spent most of his life devotedly serving the worst tyrant the galaxy had ever seen in pursuit of his own personal power, would never understand that to someone like Kira Carsen, moments like this weren’t just worth dying for.
Moments like this were what she lived for.
Kira’s blow caught the inside of Lord Kael’s helmet as he screamed out in pain, dropping one of his lightsabers as he reached his hand up to grasp at the wound. She landed on the other side, turning to see that Corellan had regained his own lightsabers and was now standing alongside her.
Whatever Krannus’ helmet was made of must have been tough; he wouldn’t have survived this long if it wasn’t. But it didn’t protect his entire face.
As his blood spilled across the ground, Kira realized that she’d put out his right eye.
There had been a multitude parallels between Kael Nosrol Krannus and Corellan Halcyon over the years. But how they faced change and adversity were quite different.
Kael had once placed his total faith in Vitiate, the Sith Emperor, the being of ultimate power who had ruled the Empire for more than a millennium convinced that service to that monster was the truest path to power.
When he’d seen that faith shattered, he had thrown himself into the service of Revan, losing all sense of himself in his pursuit of revenge.
Corellan had once placed his total faith in the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic.
When he’d seen things that had challenged that faith, from the Jedi Order’s dogmatic apathy on Voss to the Republic prison on Belsavis to Chancellor Saresh’s “military reforms”, he’d learned from it. He’d grown up. Matured. Evolved. He’d accepted that he could look past the shortcomings of others and find the strength within himself to do the right thing. That our beliefs could evolve without sacrificing the principals that defined us.
Corellan had accepted that he could change without abandoning the things that made him Corellan.
Their choices had now led these two icons of their respective, warring factions to this point here on Yavin at this exact moment.
With his remaining good eye, Lord Kael now glared at Corellan with a burning hatred.
“They call you the Jedi assassin.” He spat blood on the ground between them.
Kira felt a flash of anger at the Sith’s verbal snipe. She wanted to shout back at him that Corellan was the blasted Hero of Tython, and that he had saved the whole blasted galaxy, and that Kael could take his insults and go kriff himself.
Instead, she felt nothing but a cool acceptance from Corellan, who maintained a defensive stance with his lightsabers drawn.
“I would imagine they do.” He acknowledged, a placid expression on his face. “I’ve killed many people in my time, Lord Kael. Sith. Imperials. Criminals. Even a few rogue Jedi here and back on Rakata who joined you in Revan’s service.”
Corellan exhaled.
“I admit, at one point, even I was afraid I was turning into something I wouldn’t recognize.”
Krannus stood stunned, breathing heavily, a trickle of blood trailing down his red cheek from his ruined eye socket. Lightsabers usually cauterized the wounds they caused; this was something else. His body wasn’t responding normally. And whatever response he’d expected from his barb at the Jedi, it hadn’t been a confession.
“But just recently, I met with… with an old friend.” Corellan continued.
Kira knew instinctively that he was speaking of their encounter with the Force-ghost of Orgus Din, his old master, on Rishi. Corellan may have called almost everyone he’d ever met a ‘friend’, but she knew the few who actually got to him.
After all, she knew his story.
She knew everything about him, inside and out.
“That friend helped remind me of who I am and why I do what I do.” The Hero of Tython continued. “That I do have a future, if I can just let go of my fear that it will never come.”
He smiled wistfully.
“The strangest thing happens when we let go of our fears, Lord Kael. We become… well, I believe we become more of ourselves.”
To Kira, that very sentiment said so much about Corellan. Some cynical thinkers – and maybe even Kira herself – would claim that people were defined by their fears. How much suffering had been caused by people fearing their fellow sentient beings? Or for a lack of resources? Or a hundred other fears that seemed to drive everyone’s motivation? Even Kira’s own story had only really begun when she’d fled Korriban in fear of what the Emperor was doing to her.
Right or wrong, Corellan was exactly the kind of person who would think that people could only become the best versions of themselves when they let go of their fears.    
That was one of the things she loved about him.
And he wasn’t finished.
“But that begs the question… with all the sacrifices you’ve made from just by donning that armor, what is it that you’re afraid of?”
Krannus’ good eye blinked once, and Kira found herself smirking as he snarled in anger at the barb. As Corellan raised his lightsabers, Kael’s hand lashed out with a massive blast of Force lightning towards the two Jedi…
 All along the front, the Coalition forces were emerging from their defensive positions, starting to advance. Slowly at first; the Revanites were fanatics and they made their enemies fight for every step. But the loss of their momentum and the carefully coordinated counterattacks ordered by Satele and Marr were having the desired effect: The allies were once again starting to gain ground.
In a few minutes, if Krannus were even still alive, he’d be encircled.
So when Lord Kael’s blast of Force lightning struck Corellan’s crossed sabers, Theron decided that this had to be the end.
As lightning met lightsabers, the seconds started to pass. Roaring again in frustration, Krannus’ added his left hand to the attack, discarding his lightsabers entirely as the holoprojection flickered at the sheer power being unleashed from both hands.
Any second now, Corellan would break the circuit. He would turn the lightning aside and take the fight back to the Sith, even if he couldn’t directly penetrate the armor. Or, perhaps, he’d have Kira lead off with a series of distracting blows, then move in himself for the kill.  
Once that happened, the leadership would order an all-out attack. The Revanites were already starting to buckle. Once Krannus was off the board, everything else would – Force-willing – fall into place.
He watched intently. Any second now…
Theron finally blinked, as the seconds kept ticking by and electrical charge against the sabers continued to build. Only now did he notice the awkward silence around the table.
 Kira remembered, some years ago, Corellan discovering that he had no real aptitude for the Tutaminis Force technique beyond the rudimentary level. This was not particularly remarkable; only a small percentage of Jedi – among them Grand Master Satele – were skilled enough in the art of energy absorption to harness the truly impressive effects, like absorbing Force lightning or deflecting a lightsaber blow with their bare hand.
(Kira had heard a rumor once back on Tython that some Jedi and Sith could even use the Force to freeze a discharged blaster bolt in mid-air for several minutes by using only their minds before releasing it with full effect on a target. She’d always assumed that story to have been a crock: no one could ever identify a single individual who’d performed the trick. If Kira herself had seen it, she wasn’t sure that even she would have believed it.)
Still, it was a bit of a surprise that Corellan hadn’t managed to at least become adequately skilled at it. Aside from his old friend Ulannium, he was probably familiar with more Force combat techniques than any other Jedi of their generation.
But learning this one particular feat had always alluded him.
Still, hours upon hours of training with Scourge and Kira were sure to pay dividends eventually. The grumpy old tomato had probably seen more combat between Force-users than anyone else living, aside from maybe the Emperor himself.
But when Corellan had discovered the capability of doing something even Scourge had never seen or heard of before, even the Sith Lord had been impressed. And on that fateful day more than a year ago when the three of them had attempted this move together in a secluded valley on Alderaan, the effects had been, well… shocking.
Despite nearly being electrocuted during the exercise, Scourge hadn’t even been mad. In fact, he was as close to pleased as Kira had ever seen him. Heck, the grumpy old tomato had almost smiled.
The very rage that was powering Kael’s lightning attack was also going to be his downfall. Even with that pool of anger to draw on, sustaining this continuous torrent of lightning would be physically and mentally exhausting. Further, it would blind him to the fact that the charge building against Corellan’s lightsabers was actually growing brighter.
Lightning was supposed to dissipate against lightsabers; Tutaminis or no, it wasn’t supposed to build up.
Through Kira’s Force bond with Corellan, she could feel the moment coming. The Hero of Tython was focusing all his attention on the power building within his crossed sabers. In a sense, it felt like a test of wills between the Jedi and the Sith.
Engaged as he was, there was no possible way that Corellan could redirect that power himself with any kind of precision.
Of course, if Corellan were properly attuned through a Force-bond to someone skillful enough… well.
When the instant arrived, Corellan didn’t need to say anything. He didn’t even need to project anything towards her.
Kira simply knew.
She thrust out her green lightsaber blade, crossing it with Corellan’s weapons at a precise angle that should have been impossible to calculate.
The resulting blast of Force power erupted from the built-up charge, and it launched itself towards Krannus, faster than any of them could process.
The Sith Lord screamed in pain, blasted by electricity of his own making.
It was part of what Scourge had taught them about orbalisks: They were vulnerable to concentrated electricity. They could resist an attacking Sith’s Force lightning adequately enough… but they could not resist the wielder’s own power.
Kira watched as Kael continued to scream, the orbalisks literally burning off his body as the Sith Lord struggled to break free, to no avail.
As the final surge struck him with all the power of a thunderbolt, the Emperor’s Wrath was knocked off his feet for the third and final time this day.
The lightning finally dissipated.
The Sith Lord lay there on the ground motionless.
It sounded to Kira as if nearly the entire battlefield had suddenly gone quiet. She could hear blaster fire somewhere in the distance, but it felt like the planet itself was holding its breath for whatever happened next.
Corellan lowered his lightsabers, deactivating them as he exhaled in exhaustion, barely able to stand.
And yet, the victorious Jedi Master was still standing.
Krannus wasn’t.
Tired though she was from her adrenaline high wearing off, Kira reached out to Corellan through the Force, offering him a gentle caress. His eyes closed for a moment in acceptance and soon, his breathing started to return to normal. She could feel him becoming rejuvenated and felt more than a little satisfaction that she could have this sort of impact on him without even touching him.
He didn’t even look back towards her. But then, he didn’t need to. She could feel his upswelling of appreciation and gratitude as if he had squeezed her hand.
Corellan finally stepped towards the fallen Kael Nosrol Krannus. Kira, acting on reflex, followed at his side, looking down at the beaten Sith.
The smell of cooked flesh was revolting as it reached her nostrils, and she could barely contain the nausea she felt. As they looked down at their fallen foe, Kira could almost imperceptibly observe the Sith’s chest rising and falling; his breaths were ragged and broken.
Krannus was dying. And he clearly knew it.
With his one good eye, the Emperor’s Wrath glared up at the Hero of Tython.
“Finish them, Jedi.” He snarled weakly. “Finish those who have deceived us.”
Kira understood immediately whom he meant, even as Corellan stood in place in stoic silence.
The Emperor.
And Revan.
The galaxy itself had been engulfed over an insane feud that dated back three centuries.
It had to end.
A final sigh escaped Kael’s lips as his head fell back, yellow eyes still open, looking skyward.
The Emperor’s Wrath was gone.
 Back at Coalition headquarters, Theron had been standing by to give the order the moment Lord Kael fell. Before Krannus had even taken his last breath, the Republic agent had already toggled the open channel on his communicator.
“All Coalition forces – this is command.” He announced. “The Revanites are broken. General attack. Again, all troops, general attack. It’s time to finish this.”
Theron fell back in his field chair as the icons started to advance in earnest across the holo-map. If there had been any fight left in the Order, any faith in their leader’s mad plans, it had been spent the moment Krannus had fallen: They were running.
No more strategic planning would be needed. Not for commanding the troops, anyway.
“Whew.” Theron exhaled in relief. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen that trick before.”
He beamed, looking up at the others.
All three pairs of Force-sensitive eyes around the table were still locked silently on the projection of Halcyon, Carsen and the body of Krannus.
Lana’s mouth had fallen open in shock for a long moment before she’d quickly composed herself, swallowing before letting out a breath. Satele’s eyes were clearly focused on the projection of Corellan, as if silently scrutinizing him for something only she could see. If she’d appeared concerned for her order’s young champion before, she was definitely rattled, now. Theron had long reasoned that part of the famed ‘Jedi mystique’ involved keeping one’s mouth shut when you didn’t actually have anything to say. Grand master Satele Shan certainly personified that approach. Meanwhile, hidden behind his mask, Marr’s throat made a sound that Theron couldn’t even begin to describe, nor did he think any human mouth should have been able to make.  
Once again, it was Satele who seemed to regain her senses first.
“Deploy the medical teams to recover our wounded.” She ordered, reasserting herself, the very picture of decisive calm. “Alert the fleet in orbit to be on guard for fleeing transport ships. We cannot allow Revan or any of his followers to escape us again.”
Theron, blinking surprise at the reactions of the others, nodded in assent and relayed the instructions.
As the battle of Yavin came to an end, the SIS agent reflected on what he’d seen this day. Lana was certainly highly intelligent and knowledgeable concerning the Force, but it was their mutual superiors who’d captured his attention.
Satele and Marr were two of the most active and accomplished leaders of Jedi and Sith in history. They’d seen countless battles over the decades, fighting endless enemies. Between the two of them, they’d probably opened Force-knew how many holocrons or other ancient texts to expand their respective knowledge of the Force.
Neither of them had even recognized the orbalisk armor that Krannus had been wearing. And certainly neither of them had seen anything like the feat that Corellan Halcyon, at just twenty-seven years of age, had just performed with his former padawan.
Reflecting on that, Theron finally turned his attention back to the live feed of the duel that had just ended.
Halcyon and Carsen had turned their backs to the fallen Sith Lord and were now walking back in the direction of the Coalition lines even as their troops advanced the other way. Their part in the wider campaign was done.
As she followed a step behind and to the right of Corellan, he saw Kira turn and glance over at him, an expression in her eyes that he couldn’t quite interpret through the projection.
Theron was usually a loner by choice. It suited his personality. But just for a moment, he truly envied Corellan Halcyon for having a partner like Kira Carsen.
 Minutes later, now standing just outside of Coalition headquarters, Kira stood across from Corellan.
Right this moment, she wanted so badly to grab him and kiss him. She would have shoved him back against the nearest tree and…
But it wasn’t the place or the time. Even in this moment of relative privacy, there were too many Republic and Imperial officers close by. Anyone could have been watching them.
Meanwhile, Satele, Theron and the Sith were waiting for him.
Revan was still out there, preparing to do Force-knows what. Regardless of whether or not it was really him behind the mask, he needed to be dealt with.
And beyond Revan was the Emperor.
As always, there was never enough time for them. And until they gave it up, there never would be.
Still, in this moment, Corellan had let the mask drop for a bit. The cold front he’d put up for the Sith. For Marr, Beniko and even Krannus. The ‘Hero’ personae he’d put up for Satele, Theron and the Republic. She alone could see the vulnerable man beneath the invincible hero.  
That was enough for her. For now.
The development of Corellan’s “mask” meant she owed Scourge another ‘thank you’. As much as she loved Corellan, she’d been worried the Sith would exploit his blasted heroic nature for their own ends. So along the way, he’d learned to present the face of someone else for when he needed it; someone who could consistently throw his enemies off based on their expectations of what a Jedi even was. Between his Force camouflage and the public demeanor, they didn’t see him.
Kira had heard that Darth Marr claimed that the mask he wore was his face.
Right now, it felt like Corellan’s face was a mask.
On the flip side, he’d probably worried both of the Shans with how he’d been acting the last couple of days in front of the Sith and the Imperials. That would need addressing at some point, Kira knew.
But here, alone with her for this moment, he could allow himself to be vulnerable with her. More than that, he could be himself.
That moment couldn’t last, of course.
“You’ll tell him that its time?” he finally asked her.
I love you. Was what Kira heard.
“Yeah.” she nodded in agreement. “I’ll send ‘Big Red’ in.”
I love you, too. Kira had answered.
Without another word, she turned and left, feeling his gaze following behind her before he, too, took his leave.
 “How did he do that?” Darth Marr nearly growled beneath his mask.
The Coalition forces had turned the victory over the Revanites into a route. But no one could have discerned that based on Marr’s mood in their headquarters.
“How did he even know about orbalisks? They haven’t been seen in the Empire in centuries! I barely recall even reading about them from some forbidden text in my youth!”
“My lord, please.” Lana beseeched her new boss. She’d had the presence of mind to dismiss the support staff so they wouldn’t be around to witness any ‘potentially difficult’ discussions. “I can begin making discreet inquiries once this current situation is concluded.”
Theron didn’t have any explanation that could have placated Marr and decided to himself that a snarky remark would be ill-timed right now. So he and Satele were quietly continuing to coordinate the mop-up effort while Lana attempted to defuse the situation with the frustrated Dark Councilor.
Marr paused, turning to glare down at the younger Sith.
“Talented as you are, Beniko, I doubt even your guile could determine how a young Jedi learned of long-forgotten Sith techniques.” Marr’s voice had leveled, but he couldn’t quite keep the slight hiss from his tone as he addressed his subordinate. Indeed, it was so intimidating, he probably hadn’t even tried. Regardless of how he felt about her right now, Theron didn’t envy Lana having Marr’s attention in the slightest.
Fortunately, they were interrupted before things escalated any further.
“’There is no ignorance, there is knowledge’, Lord Marr.” Halcyon’s voice echoed in the clearing as he approached the table, as he quoted the opening line of the Jedi Code, the same doctrine that Sith Lords so famously rejected with contempt. Clearly, the Jedi Master had overheard the conversation.
Theron found himself surprised that Corellan didn’t sound remotely smug; just coy. Aside from his singed robes, there was little sign he’d just fought the battle of his life. Indeed, if anything, he looked reenergized.  
“You’ve returned.” Satele noted assessing him with a conciliatory nod. “Well done, Master Corellan.”
If she was still concerned with Corellan’s state, and Theron had to believe that she was, she was keeping it well-hidden in her voice behind a shield of formal compassion. Her veneer of calm was as unflappable as always.
Corellan turned to the famed leader of his order and bowed, crossing his arm across his chest in the Jedi salute.
“Master Satele.” He returned the formal greeting, bowing his head. “Thank you for approving the bombardment.” Corellan paused. “I regret there wasn’t time for me to sufficiently explain the plan earlier.”
Theron bit his lip, remembering their previous conversation.
“So we gathered.” The Grand Master assented. Their exchange was entirely civil, but Theron noted that it had not been entirely warm.
“Yes, let me second those congratulations, Master Jedi.” Lana stepped towards Corellan, giving him a surprisingly genuine smile. “It was a remarkable victory.”
She paused as if about to speak further, looking past Corellan towards the entrance.
“Will we be meeting your talented companion?”
Corellan returned her expression. Somehow, though, the smile he gave her didn’t quite reach his tired eyes.
“I’m afraid not, Lana.” He answered. “Knight Carsen was needed elsewhere. But thank you.”
Again, civil words. But delivered more formally than Theron would have expected from a man who was usually so open.
Corellan paused and looked around at the faces around the table.
“What’s our status?”
Theron, undistracted from the drama with Marr, had been ready for that line of inquiry.
“All units report success.” The SIS agent reported. “The weapon has been shut down and all the Revanites have been neutralized.”
He let that sink in, knowing what was coming next.
“Only one more left to deal with.”
Theron didn’t have to announce who that was. Lord Kael Nosrol Krannus had been all but invincible, but in the end, he’d just been a follower. There was no doubt in his mind that Revan had been the one who’d donned Krannus in the orbalisk armor in the first place. They’d be foolish to think their quarry didn’t have more surprises in store for his enemies, even with his army thoroughly beaten.
“Iven told us where Revan might go.” Satele reasoned. “The Emperor’s final sanctuary.”
A moment of silence fell across the table. Defeating the Order of Revan had been one thing. Defeating Revan himself – and possibly the Emperor, as well – was something else altogether.
Marr regarded Halcyon with what Theron could only assume was an appraising look beneath his metal mask. It felt like the Sith Lord was finally regarding the young Jedi Master with new eyes.
“You must realize, Master Halcyon, that if you embraced the dark side of the Force yourself, then no one in the galaxy would be able to stand in your way. Not even Revan.”
His voice felt like a viper slithering up Theron’s arm as he dangled the other, temptingly.
“You would be invincible.”
Satele’s eyes narrowed at the suggestion that her order’s champion could be corrupted in such a manner and even Lana looked downwards and shifted her feet uncomfortably. Theron found himself torn between the practical advantages of a dark-sided Corellan Halcyon and the fear he felt in contemplating the Jedi as a Sith Lord.
But Corellan Halcyon himself merely turned and regarded the towering Dark Councilor in turn. Marr stood at least five inches taller than the Jedi, but they might as well have been at eye level for all that mattered. The thinnest of smiles came to the Jedi’s lips.
“But then who would you find to stop me, Lord Marr?” he asked. “When I became too powerful to be contained and ruled your Empire for my own benefit?”
Theron watched as Marr’s powerful shoulders clenched at the barb. The reminder of what Vitiate, a veritable demigod ruling the Sith Empire for thirteen hundred years, had done was still fresh in everyone’s mind.
Before Marr could respond, the intelligence agent decided to change the subject.
“We could call in help.” Theron offered, eager to break the tension. “Havoc Squad could be here within a day. And Barsen’thor Kaarz reached out to ask if we needed his assistance, as well.”
He considered their other options, glancing towards Lana.
“We could even call in Xadya, the reigning Champion of the Great Hunt, if the Empire wanted to contract some Mandalorian help.”
There was a quiet pause around the table, then Corellan shook his head.
“Not enough time. Whatever Revan is planning with the Emperor, we don’t have a moment to waste.”
Theron just nodded in agreement. He was unsurprised when again no one attempted to contradict Corellan’s assessment of the situation. Glancing sideways at Satele, he could see the reluctant approval in her eyes as well. Her concerns for the young Jedi Master could wait.
“We’ve got speeders prepped.” he promised, turning back to Corellan. “Jakarro is insisting on joining us as well. You won’t be facing him alone.”
Corellan just nodded back to Theron gratefully.
“Then let’s finish this.”
Without another word, he turned and headed back towards the exit, his ruined robes flowing behind him like a hero from some holovid drama.
Theron watched him silently as the others began their preparations.
He wondered if Marr had been wrong in his estimation.
Corellan Halcyon was, by all outward appearances, already invincible.
 Deep within the Temple of Sacrifice, a man behind a metal mask scowled as he witnessed his final roll of the dice come up short.
He’d known that Kael had been a blunt instrument given the state of mind the Sith Lord had been in, all but useless the moment a more refined response was called for. Nevertheless, had played the hand the Force had dealt him.
Now his followers were routed or fleeing. Even his personal guards, the Infinites, had been lost in that last assault.
The Order of Revan was finished.
That was unfortunate, but the cult had served its purpose getting him to this point. He was strong enough to complete his great work on his own no matter what these interlopers threw at him.
They might have been powerful. They might even believe that they were invincible.
But he was Revan.
 Author’s Notes: Full disclosure, a small chunk of the dialogue late in this story is pulled directly from the Shadow of Revan expansion, just before you go to face Revan near the end.
I’ve had this story in my Work-In-Progress writing journal for many years. At one point, I started to actually write a draft of it, then set it aside when the scope of the work started to become clear. It’s by far the longest thing I’ve written. That was two years ago. The final product involved going through many, many drafts, and has been a burden for these last three months.
It was the hardest writing project I’ve ever finished since I started writing fanfiction.
I remember one day thinking to myself ‘The Jedi Knight crew spends all this time together. What do they wind up talking about? What are their common interests?’ So I decided they talk a lot about combat. Rusk is a tactical specialist. Kira is an adrenaline junkie. Scourge is basically an ancient ninja. Doc is a field medic. Teeseven loves lightsabers. Corellan is Corellan. I imagined the group spent a lot of time designing maneuvers the way coaches draw up plays in American football and basketball. For the record, I do remember that when I fleshed out this idea, I had Skillet’s “Invincible” playing in the background. This piece was also partially inspired by the action scenes in the classic Deceived and The Return trailers.
This piece was originally planned as a chapter in a five-part series, with each piece featuring a point-of-view alternating between one of the Jedi Knight companions and one of the prominent NPCs involved in the S.O.R. story. (Lana and Teeseven would have been “paired” together, for example, like Theron and Kira were here.) That project wasn’t coming along, so this story is now a two-parter in that duology, with this chapter being the first. I’m fascinated by the idea of a story being told from the points of view of different characters who have different perspectives on the same scene based on their own understanding and preconceived notions. I touch on that concept for this chapter and I’m thinking I intend to make it even more pronounced in the next.
Writing action scenes is … still challenging for me. But I’m working on it.
We never see them in the actual SWTOR game story, but I head-canon that orbalisks are not commonly used in the “modern” Sith Empire, with even the knowledge of their existence a secret suppressed by the Emperor. By the time of the Shadow of Revan expansion, even knowledgeable Sith like Marr have barely heard of them. (Obviously, certain select individuals – such as a three-hundred year-old Sith Lord – are obviously more familiar.) I was tickled by the head-canon that Marr kept forbidden Sith texts under his pillow as a child. I know that many of you are not fans of Drew Karpyshyn, but I enjoyed his Darth Bane Trilogy. Those of you who have also read it will no doubt be familiar with some of my inspirations for this chapter. I wanted to introduce a special element into this fight and giving orbalisks to Lord Kael seemed to make sense to me.
Speaking of which, Kael Nosrol Krannus is one of my oldest OCs, dating back to when he was simply known as “Nosrol”. (Which sounded too much like one of the orcs from Warcraft for my tastes.) The literal intent of the character was to take (almost) every single dark-side choice available in the Sith Warrior Class and Imperial stories since I so often play light side. Simply put, he’s my token ‘edge-lord’, as terrible a trope as that is. But he was also a hardline Vitiate fanatic, and as such he fit the role here: when you shatter a fanatic’s faith in something, they don’t usually become a better-rounded person with a fresh perspective. They just find something else to be fanatical about. That development is about as interesting as the character gets. Other quick notes on Kael: First, ‘Lord Kael and the Infinites’ sounds like a good name for an 80’s death-metal band. (No, that wasn’t intentional.) Second, the game-play rule that Sith Warriors can’t make Force lightning is dumb. Third, his line of dialogue at the end is a reference to the Obi-Wan / Maul scene from Star Wars: Rebels, one of my favorite moments from that series.
Fun fact, the first reference to Theron in the actual game story comes from Kira Carsen herself, during a post-class story letter. I head-canon that Kira, in contrast to the discreet Corellan, frequently teases Theron about Satele being his mother. (She eventually quits teasing him after she joins the Eternal Alliance, but that comes much later.) Aside from his encounter with Orgus, Corellan didn’t team with Kira for much of the Forged Alliances / Shadow of Revan storyline, primarily because he was concerned about Lana or Satele or possibly even Revan himself putting two and two together concerning their relationship. Obviously, that weighs on my favorite one true pairing. Other notes on Kira: First, @taraum is the reason I have Kira calling Scourge ‘the Big Tomato’ and so on. Years later, I continue to be inspired by her work. Second, I’ve head-cannoned for a while that Kira loves the color purple and would change her lightsaber color to it if it didn’t make the other Jedi look at her suspiciously. (Lookup the story “Apex” on ff.net for my inspiration on that.) Third, SWTOR gameplay is weird. Regardless of the settings, companions often wind up acting like tanks in the fights, drawing the attention of mobs. So I have certainly seen enemies trying to gang up on Kira while I’m playing as Corellan, and they usually pay the price. Fourth, Kira’s Tutaminis rumor was a light dig at the opening scene from The Force Awakens with Kylo Ren. All jokes aside, it wasn’t a terrible film, but I can only look back on it now as a waste of potential knowing what was to come.
Theron’s obliviousness to Kira’s relationship with Corellan is just good, clean fun for me.
Unintentionally, I feel I’ve laid the groundwork for the Eternal Alliance storyline and the choices Lana, Theron and other characters wind up making concerning Corellan Halcyon as the future Outlander and Alliance Commander. On its surface, there aren’t a terrible number of reasons why Lana Beniko would ‘draft’ an Outlander like Corellan, who is probably a bit too idealistic for her tastes. The Corellan she sees here has a ruthless streak in addition to being an inspiring figure. That is the version of Corellan she wants to lead the revolt against Zakuul. (This naturally leads to some misunderstandings later on after she frees him. “Lana Beniko disapproves” indeed!)
I’ve alluded before that in my Legacy, Corellan and his crew met with Theron well before the events in the Forged Alliances story on a couple of “unofficial” missions. That story is even deeper in my WIP folder than this one was and probably will not see the light of day.
The Twi’lek Jedi and human Sith Lord who died fighting Kael are named Pol’fenn and Fen Huang. They are obviously minor supporting players here, but they are featured original characters in my Barith Legacy, where (obviously) they don’t meet their end fighting my favorite evil edge-lord. I might write about that “alternate timeline” legacy some other time.
My characterization of Satele Shan feels very passive in this story and that may draw some deserved criticism. I intend to address that in the next chapter.
I don’t know if any of you caught it, but there was an homage to the classic Dark Phoenix Saga story from the X-Men comics. It was just a bit of narrative text that always stuck with me, and it fit Kira and Corellan.
Stay tuned for “Part Two” of this story, titled Allies and coming… someday. I probably need a break from this series for awhile, but I’ll get to it. Kira won’t really be there, but Scourge and Satele definitely will be.
Thank you, and may the Force be with you.
-          SWTORpadawan
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mainstoryarchive · 11 days
Revolution - 62: Chaos
Translator: Creampuffs
Rei: The plan is a success. We leave the main part of the plan to our brethren – “2wink”!
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Auditorium
Rei: The plan is a success. We leave the main part of the plan to our brethren – “2wink”!
Hinata: Alrighty.
Yuta: That was a great performance, Sakuma-senpai.
Hinata: You called for us, so here we are ♪
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Yuta: Tadaaa ♪
Keito: (……!? Where did they come from?)
(Their outfits are different – they’re not “UNDEAD”. I’ve never seen them before, but… are they newcomers who have yet to take part in an "A1"?)
(They shouldn’t be performing today, but all the paperwork must have been done behind the scenes.)
(It’s one outlandish scheme after the other!)
(They’re twins… which means they must be the first-year Aoi brothers. If I remember correctly, they should be members of the Light Music Club – Sakuma’s juniors. Are they also part of his plan?)
Hinata: Hey, stop looking so tense like the protagonist of a battle manga and leave already ♪
Yuta: You’re going over your performing time, so you’ll be penalised, you know~? ♪
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Keito: Ugh… how imprudent can you two be? “UNDEAD” and “2wink” – just know you two won’t have a place at this school when this dreamfest is over!
Rei: Is now really the time to be talking about our fate? You never know – perhaps the school may undergo a change after this dreamfest.
If a revolution occurs, then the previous king will be taken to the guillotine ♪
But we’d only be a nuisance if we stayed here forever. My fellow unit members, we’re leaving!
We’ve done our job – I’ll be sure to shower my dear unit with praises afterwards ♪
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Kaoru: What~? Being praised by you doesn’t make me happy at all, you know.
Anyway, is it true that I’ll get a kiss from the Transfer Student if I did my best for the performance?
That’s the only reason why I gave my everything for the performance, you know~? ♪
Rei: Hm. When did I ever say that…?
Kaoru: Wha!? It’s not time for you to start becoming senile, Sakuma-san.
You’ve got to be kidding me~ I worked so hard!
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Koga: Stop yappin’ and get off the stage, you geezers! Outta my way!
Adonis, we’re leaving and taking the equipment we brought on stage with us!
We’ve also gotta set up the stage for “Trickstar”, so we’re hella busy!
Geez, why’re we even doin’ something like this…?
Well, I guess I do owe the Transfer Student. Now, we’re even, dammit!
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Adonis: I’m good at doing manual labour. Kanzaki, could you lend a hand?
Souma: Hm? I do not think I am obligated to help you, though? W-What should I do… Hasumi-dono!
Keito: Don’t mind them. It’s not our time to perform anymore. We need to leave the stage, otherwise we’ll receive a penalty.
I’m going to leave the stage and get a grasp on the situation. Afterwards, I’ll summon the members of the Student Council, and then we’ll think about how to deal with all this.
We lost our initiative, but we can turn the tables around. No… the stable order the Student Council built will not crumble due to something of this level!
Hinata: Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up and leave, okay?
Yuta: It’s not fun if the opening act takes forever to leave, right? Especially when the audience is so pumped up already~
Keito: You’re saying… we’re the opening act!?
Hinata: Sorry if we hurt your pride, but that’s just how things naturally came to be~♪
Yuta: At the very least, that’s how the audience sees the three of us – “UNDEAD”, “AKATSUKI” and “2wink”.
Hinata: Attain victory first and put an end to everything…
Looks like the system that allowed you to be invincible was useless~ Normally, the opening act are those who appear on stage first ☆
Yuta: The heroes arrive after.
Hinata: With all that said, it’s time for the main stars to arrive…
“Trickstar”, the up-and-coming idol unit Yumenosaki Academy has been waiting for, will begin their performance shortly~☆
Yuta: Please welcome them with a big round of applause! ♪
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upismediacenter · 6 months
UPIS GVT kicks off MSC in victory
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The University of the Philippines Integrated School Girls Volleyball Team (UPIS GVT) bagged a win against the Marikina Titans Volleyball Club in their debut game for the Manila Sports Conference (MSC) held at the World Citi Colleges (WCC) Gymnasium last March 3.
The team was off to a shaky start, falling short in the extended first set with 28 against 30. Eyeing for a comeback, they immediately recovered in the second set, showing off their solidified defense with Sofia Inandan’s blocking and Trisha Leguiab’s excellent digs, which paved the way for them to wrap up the set with 25-23.
Elisha Capus’s winning spike kicked off the third set, and the team went invincible for six more points. In a lengthy play in the third set, with the Junior Maroons armed with a seven-point lead, Khloe Long aided floor defense with a set before Janella Guarino’s spike swiftly secured the point. This set proved to be their strongest, ending at 25-13.
Motivated by their one-set advantage, the Junior Maroons sustained their momentum in the fourth set holding on to a slim two-point lead, which the girls turned up a notch, as they rallied behind Nina Abad and Janella Guarino to pull away. With a stable reception from Leguiab, a swift set from Long, and a powerful kill from Guarino, the team was able to close the match with the final score 28-30, 25-23, 25-13, and 25-23.
According to Coach Andy Fiel, Head Coach of the UPIS GVT, their goal for joining this tournament is for the girls to gain playing experience, improve on their weakest areas, become more familiar with one another, and evaluate the efficiency of their current training program.
As this is the team's first lengthy conference following the University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP) Season 86, they are working to develop their team dynamics aside from individual skill improvement.
“Mas familiar na sila sa isa’t isa. They’re playing more effectively together; they’ve had more experience because of the UAAP so they’re playing as a cohesive unit, compared to when they played in the UAAP,” Coach Fiel added.
Team Captain Janella Guarino also shared that throughout their journey in the conference, the team was able to perform well and overcome any initial jitters. “Feeling ko, mas maganda ‘yong performance nila ngayon, mas nalalabas nila ‘yong laro nila, compared noong nasa UAAP since parang pressured pa,” she said.
Additionally, Guarino expressed pride and shared that—to their advantage—some of her teammates were swiftly able to adjust throughout the game, with Khloe Long switching from setter to spiker mid-game and Keira Hernandez filling in for setting. Guarino mentioned that rotating players’ positions is not uncommon for them. Even though they do not practice this regularly in training, it is nevertheless executed well when needed.
UPIS GVT gained their second win in the conference after defeating Hiraya Volleyball Club in straight sets with a score of 25-11, 25-21, and 25-21, last March 10 at the WCC Gymnasium.
After a loss to the WCC Lady Vikings in their March 17 game, the UPIS GVT made a comeback and clinched their semi-finals spot for the MSC after nailing both rallies against the Assumption Antipolo Amazons last March 24. The Junior Maroons team stands at 4-1.
Aside from this conference, the girls are also competing in the Smart Spike Volleyball Tournament and preparing to join the Shakey’s Girls’ Volleyball League that will commence this May. //by Rachelle Torralba and Aila Orillaza
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matchanxious · 2 years
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i have another OC for my Super League Junior team (IU Jr FC lol), i barely talk about her, but just sharing cuz her design looks really nice lol
Gavina is South African and she also does kick-boxing :))
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years
We Can Be Heroes (2020)
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I don’t know why Robert Rodriguez keeps returning to these special effects-heavy kid adventures. Why would anyone of any age want We Can Be Heroes when they could be watching the real thing? If you can see this Netflix original, you have access to dozens of better, theatrically-released superhero films.
In a world where superheroes regularly save the day, powerless Missy Moreno (YaYa Gosselin) watches in horror when her father and his super teammates are easily defeated and then kidnapped by space invaders. As the world prepares to surrender to the extraterrestrials, Missy and the rest of the children of the Heroics decide it’s up to them to save the day.
Like so many of Rodriguez���s other pictures, this one assumes the audience is stupid. Accompanying Missy are a half-dozen pint-sized amateur heroes. There’s stretchy Noodles (Lyon Daniels); Wild Card (Nathan Blair), who has “every power out there” but can’t focus his abilities; A Capella (Lotus Blossom) whose voice can make objects levitate; Slo-Mo (Dylan Henry Lau) who moves in slow-motion; Guppy (Vivien Blair), the daughter of Sharkboy and Lavagirl (we’ll get to them in a moment); “so strong he can’t walk because his muscles would crush his bones” Wheels (Andy Walken); siblings Rewind and Fast Forward (Isaiah Russell-Baily and Akira Akbar) named for their abilities to speed up/rewind time; Ojo (Hala Finley), whose drawings foretell the future; and Facemaker (Andrew Diaz), who can change his appearance. Even with the utterly useless Slo-Mo, the ability to rewind time and predict the future should make them invincible. Unfortunately, no one knows how to use their powers properly. Slo-Mo, for example. He would be useful if Fast Forward just sped him up all the time. Even then he would still be a hindrance because you know what’s faster than a slow kid sped up? a regular kid sped up. Give it a few minutes. You’ll be screaming at the screen in frustration.
It’s clearly a superhero film written by someone who knows NOTHING about superhero movies or comic books. The kids suggest their parents were easily defeated because they wear “masks which obscured their vision” or costumes with “underwear on the outside”. First of all, only one member of the Heroics wears a mask: Sharkboy. It's not to look cool, it's so we can't tell he isn't played by Taylor Lautner. Want to guess how many of the costumed heroes wear the strongman shorts even the current cinematic version of Superman doesn’t wear? Zero! One of the kids is called “Wheels”, the name Wolverine jokingly gave to Professor X in X-Men!
Compared to The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl (whom this isn’t actually a sequel to, confusingly), the special effects are Jurassic Park. That’s good. Performance-wise? you’ll be reaching for earplugs. The worst offender is easily Vivien Blair, who can be given some slack because she’s what… 8? but is still horrible. The action is staggeringly poor. In many scenes, the alien villains stand around, obviously waiting for their cues so they can run up to someone they could easily lift over their head and toss away like trash but pretend to be unable to. Many times throughout, the kids stumble artificially constructed scenarios where they powers just happened to be exactly what’s needed to escape. Shoddy writing plagues nearly every scene. The alien invasion is happening in 3 hours. One of the first things the kids do is go to Missy’s grandmother’s home so they can train. Train?! For what? 30 minutes? That’s won't make any difference, particularly when the team leader has no plan.
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The plot holes in We Can Be Heroes are numerous but I can foresee protests should I bring them up. You see, there’s a twist at the end. Turns out the aliens are not invaders after all. This whole thing - the attack, the kidnapping of the parents, the sinister administrators at the junior Justice League school - was all an elaborate test. See, the parents were deemed inadequate saviors because they constantly bicker among themselves so the aliens decided the kids were the answer. Wow. I sure hope no one takes offense at spacemen hijacking the United States' government and that no one felt so upset at the thought of being enslaved by Marzoids that they made rash decisions… they’ll REALLY regret them come tomorrow. So the ships with the convenient control mechanisms, the villains who gave themselves away, the ones who purposely destroyed their own ship and supplied their “enemies” with ammunition? it was all a test. I guess that’s why the parents were so intent on escaping their prison.
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Once again, Robert Rodriguez - who directed, produced, wrote, shot, and edited the film - has emerged from his echo chamber to deliver a sloppy picture that feels like it was written decades ago and went through no revisions. At best, you can have fun at the film’s expense by pointing out the plot holes and thinking of ways it could be improved. Most people would rather shut it off. (January 8, 2021)
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inklingleesquidly · 5 years
The Wonderful Splatwoon: Eilogue
The final chapter of the series. I said to myself that I would make it when The Wonderful 101 received a representative in Super Smash Bros or got a modern remaster.
I’m so excited about this, I pledged to the Wonderful Art tier! Please do feel free to pledge as well, or buy the game when they release it; you won’t regret enjoying one of my favorite action games of all time! And thank you for enjoying the Squidlys time as super heroes! Hope to do more with them in the future 
Lee and Janine star as Wonder Inkling, the ink-tastic mom and son duo charged with defending Inkopolis from a mysterious alien invasion. Using ancient technology containing the heroic souls and power of over 100 wonderful heroes, this super powered duo saves the day! 
Word Count: 1,324 words
After a period of unrest and attacks on the bustling megalopolis of Inkopolis, its citizenry strived to return to normalcy. A picture of what the city hoped to be lied in the Finjuku district. There, at the Seaside Hill High private academy, students had their lessons as they always did.  
Breaking away from the mundanity of being in a stuffy Biology lab, a class was taking place in an outdoor pavilion on the schoolgrounds. The instructor energetically proceeded through his presentation. “--And if you’ll watch carefully, you’ll see the interesting reaction this alga has to this airborne chemical mixture.”
An ear-piercing whine sliced through the air, followed by an earth rattling explosion miles-off in the distance. Those who managed to recover from the scare of the blast could look up to see the sky being peppered by mysterious midair machinery. The aliens were attacking!
Panic and chaotic confusion immediately set in between students and teachers alike. The more rational educators rushed into action, herding everyone into the school’s main building. In the time since the alien’s arrival, many facilities in the city had received several structural reinforcements to make them safe sanctuaries. Seaside Hill High had been designated one of those safe zones.
The teacher heading the Biology class held one of the armored steel doors open as lines of teens haphazardly filed in. “Single file! Don’t shove! Remember the emergency drills!” He shouted over all the screeching, gently pushing on the shoulder of the occasional passer to keep the way uncongested. “If your classes aren’t on the ground floor then stick together and find a room to hunker down in.” While the educators did their best to keep order, there was no fighting the alarmed disarray.
Soon, the straggling students all managed to seek safety—all except for one who lagged behind even the last teachers rushing in.
“Mr. Squidtalto, you have to get inside!”
“What? Lee?” The Science instructor found one of his students hadn’t taken refuge. Lee Squidly. “What are you still doing out? We have to lockdown the school.” He hurriedly urged.
Lee mysteriously refused. “I know, so you have to get in now!” Confused, but still anxious, Mr. Squidtalto tried to urge him in. In the end, he seemed to concede, “Okay, okay, I’ll go—SIR, LOOK, IT’S AN ALIEN!” He yelped, pointing away.
“WHAT? WHERE?” The teacher followed his direction, only for the Inkling sophomore to shove him in and slam the heavy door closed. Over the sound of the science instructor’s pleading shouts, Lee heard the clangoring noise of the electronic locks safely sealing everyone inside.
With that, the campus was left completely and utterly deserted. The only sign of life left as the alien threat loomed ever closer was Lee. Nobody could see, and nobody would know about the always timid, soft spoken young man.  
Glasses clutched in his hand, head raised, shoulders cocked back, he boldly looked toward the oncoming assault. Everybody is safe, I can go stop this.
The brave Inkling didn’t get far out of the school courtyard before he was suddenly ambushed. Two hulking monstrous machines belonging to the alien army dropped directly in front of his path. His reflex was to raise his fists, ready for a fight, only to be swooped upon by a pair of aviary automatons. Surrounded on all sides; even the quickest of quick thinking wouldn’t be able to save him.  
The extraterrestrial weapons trained their sights on him. Then, without warning, they fired beams of raw energy directly at him; energy so blisteringly hot they would disintegrate him right on the spot.
Or did they?
If the machines could feel surprise, they would as there was no anticipating their target leaping high into the air, and out of the way of their attack. One of them couldn’t react in time to being pelted by a rapid blasting of ink. As it fell to the counterattack, the rest of them seemed to stare forward, finding the child they attacked had transformed.
Just before the beams struck him, Lee activated his secret weapon. Pinned to his ear was a most wonderful device; one psychically linked to his mind that triggered in one-one billionths of a micro-instant. At the call of “WONDER EYES INKLING!” he donned an all-too familiar burning red costume, only something was distinctly different.
His stance, and the way he gripped a pair of Inkopolis Defense Force issued .96 Gal ink shooters was so much more powerful than ever before. As the one machine began to succumb to the ink spreading through its system, Lee made a declaration.
“I’m a special combat agent of the Inkopolis Defense Force planetary secret service, secret weapon designated for combating extraterrestrial invasion.” As he spoke, the mech fell to its side. “Codename: Wonder Inkling... Junior!” Just as he finished, the robot punctuated his introduction by exploding in a mighty fireball.
Without sparing a moment for their fallen comrade, the three remaining automatons launched another assault.
The empowered boy dodged with great agility, retaliating with super charged shots from his dual weapons. As they failed to hit him and began to succumb to his ink shots, he proposed diplomatically. “Lay down your arms invaders, come peacefully and we won't have to use force!”
One of them remained standing. Camouflaged just long enough by the explosions of its fellow robotic brethren, it moved to attack Lee.
In a flash, it was halted by a pink streak of light delivering a powerful punch.  The first hit sent the machine reeling off its feet, followed by a speedy second jab. The strike smashed clean through its metallic carapace, annihilating it just like the rest.
The new arrival was clothed in the same super powered exoskeleton and identity concealing mask as Lee. Only they were colored in flashy, passionate pink. The sight of the suddenly appearing costumed entity made Lee clench his fists tight against his sides and laugh. “Heh-eh, Mom, you made it!” Watching her turn to face him with a skeptical glance made him suddenly remember their decorum. He cleared his throat, straightened his posture, and saluted. “uh-ah-he-hum, thank you for coming, Wonderful One leading the Inkopolis Defense Force Field Operations, codename: Wonder Inkling!”
Her expression softened, and she couldn’t help but giggle. His abrupt eagerness to adopt this superhero persona he created was so charming. “Ara ara, oh honey, it’s so cute when you act like such a little hero!” A mighty clank sounded as she clapped her shining golden colored gauntlets together.
“Tsk, Mom…” He muttered at her fawning.
Just then, a serious, commanding voice buzzed over their communicating radios. “Come in Wonder Inkling Senior and Junior; the aliens are attacking the city. They’re converging on Inkopolis Tower. Make your way to Shee-Booyah as soon as possible.”
It was such a feat that in an instant, the peaceful city could be transformed into a warzone. I.D.F. jets rumbled across the sky while fights with earthbound enemies could be seen on the way to the center of town.
“Looks like we’ve got our work cut out for us.”   Janine punched her open hand with her fist. “Ready to go? Partner?”
Standing at her side, Lee readied his pair of super shooters. “I’m right here, ready for anything!” Thinking back; recalling the hours upon days upon weeks of convincing it took to get her to reconsider her decision of ending their ties to the Inkopolis Defense Force and fighting the invaders. Now, they were back in action.
Further fueled by his vigor, the maternal woman said, “That’s my boy. Wonder Inkling, and Wonder Inkling Jr!”  
She held out her hand, to which Lee leapt up to smack his own against hers. With their energies combined, the two merged together into the towering form of Unite Kraken.
With their wonderful power surging through their invincible transformation, the Squidly family yelled together. “Team, unite up!” and they charged into battle.
THE END....?
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rwbyconversations · 5 years
RWBY Amity Arena: Mayday May Update Summary
Details can be found here. Icon is still Yang at this moment in time. 
1) New Units
The devs have promised that May will be a "villainous” month, alongside saying  that it will be a “Faun time” indicate that we’ll be seeing a lot of Faunus villains this month, which could mean Tyrian, Sienna, the Albains or any of the Menagerie White Fang chapter. As of now, they’ve opened with a bang, starting with the much requested Adam Taurus.
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Adam Taurus used to gaze up at the sky with bright blue eyes whenever he could, between shifts in the dust mines, dreaming of the day he would leave the tunnels behind to find his place in the world. But what he found instead was himself... on the ground, staring up at the three letters that damned him now and forever. Scarred. Despised. Cold. Adam's heart grows black, his hatred red hot. The final traces of love, the beauty he let go, never returns, and as the last petal falls, Adam is cursed to forever remain a beast. Because, in this tale as old as time, there is no happy ending. In this story… HE is the monster. Adam Taurus had finally found his place, and he would watch humanity… burn.
Adam is a Legendary Card (the first Legendary to be a solo unit, in fact) worth five Aura available from Arena 6. His unique ability is a mixture of a passive (Like Ren, he can automatically close the distance to attack a target in close range) and an active one (Adam can make a sword swipe with a wide reach before leaping back like Mercury). By all accounts he’s a powerful unit. 
2) Balance changes
This month saw several nerfs and buffs across the board:
Yatsuhashi got a buff to his attack and drop skill damage (both 20%).
The Borbatusk is how officially a Fast unit and takes half a second less to begin rolling.
Boundless Jaune now deploys faster, attacks faster and heals more, but he does less overall damage and lost some health.
Ice Flower finally got a nerf after breaking the game since launch in a way not seen since Cinder, but unfortunately the most broken aspect of the card (its ludicrous invincibility frames) has not been touched. And going off the dev notes, it likely never will. As is, Ice Flower’s health, attack and damage all took a -13% hit, while its freeze duration has been halved. Not quite as broken as before, but the potential is still there. 
The White Fang Lieutenant is now a little faster to attack. 
Nora’s special ability now takes five less seconds to cool down.
The King Taijitu is now stronger and does more damage when it binds a target.
Junior and his goons (commonly considered the worst card in the game) are now one aura cheaper. 
Nolan has taken a debuff to his attack speed, being marginally slower. 
Ice Weiss’s AOE range has been increased to improve her viability at higher level play. 
3) Misc
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New Yang emotes. 
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rohobi · 6 years
Pulse | Epilogue (m)
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Kim Taehyung | Medical AU |  Smut | Angst | Trauma | Medical Jargon | Medical Inaccuracies | Mature Content | Multi-fandom Medical Team | Blood | Violence | Love | Romance | Family | Beginnings | Fire | Mentions of BTS Staff 
It's the 18th of August, 2018. The 230th day of the year with 135 days until 2019. It's been two years since the collapse of Forest Lakes Hospital brought Taehyung back into your life. You look back at your reunion with Taehyung now in humor, it was truly meant to happen. Fate, she was a beautiful beast.
It's been 1 year since you've practiced medicine in an ER and it's been 8 months since Taehyung moved into your home to be closer with Sunny.
You were happy.
You were in love.
And Sunny loved her dad very much.
Additionally, it's been a month since Jimin became a nurse practitioner, opening a clinic in the valley, where you occasionally practice to maintain your practicing registration. Yoongi proposed to the brunette on the opening day of the clinic. In a loud romantic gesture, Yoongi had yelled at anyone on the streets who would listen that he could not see a life without Park Jimin in it.
That Jimin was his forever.
Jimin, being the hopeless romantic, had been swept off his feet by a giant diamond ring and a gesture he'd longed for since they started dating. They were happy, grossly happy.
Seokjin and Namjoon were happy, both now working at Seoul Hearts Hospital. You and Taehyung were actually invited on a double date to watch Crazy Rich Asians with them next week but Taehyung has an occupational habit of falling asleep on you in cinemas and he's cute, but not that cute (his head is heavy).
Jungkook moved out after Taehyung kept bullying him. He lives with a girl he's been seeing who, unfortunately, has no medical literacy so dining table conversations get awkward but she's lovely and she's learning. He's had ongoing problems with the arm he broke in Forest Lakes, requiring physiotherapy. Jungkook's been taking it hard because it means, his dreams of becoming a world-famous surgeon are over but he'll be okay. He's got us to help him get through hardship.
Irene had signed up for medical school and was now attending one of your classes. She and Hoseok were close. Being a student, Irene is often seen getting a saline drip in Hoseok's office after joining in the festivities of college life again, much to his chagrin when he picks her drunk self up off the ground.
Mina, Taehyung's ex-wife, is pregnant again! She still works in pediatrics and has actually gotten quite close with your family. She's been banned from coming over after you found her poking holes in Taehyung's condoms.
Apparently, pregnancy makes her crazy.
Sana and Taehyung continue to be close working colleagues, she's a huge drinker these days. Her and Jimin have become best friends and have established a knitting club at the hospital and clinic. Jimin thinks it's funny when people actually turn up to knit. You don't find it funny when they stumble back to your house drunk.
Sunny is in primary school. She's become one of the popular students being as loud as her father. Taehyung has encouraged her to learn saxophone much to EVERYONE's desire for a good night sleep. She's decided that she's going to be a veterinarian when she's older. She thinks medicine for animals will be easier because people are too silly. You can't help but agree.
To be specific with your life, it's been okay. You've taken the year off to continue your education and to lecture at the medical school connected to Seoul Hearts. You work 5 days a week, an 8-5pm job, something that allows you to drop your child off at school and pick her up from after-school care.
It was Saturday today, unfortunately, half of your students had an early morning Saturday exam and your juniors had an afternoon lecture. It was a rare occurrence in your schedule to be working 6 days a week but today, it had to be done.
More meaningfully, it was the end of the semester before half your students went on break before starting their second-year rotations at the hospital. It's your exam and practice hints, and self-care class today, something you had been planning with Taehyung.
"Well," you close the book full of your notes as the sound echoes throughout the silent lecture theatre. "It's come to that time again.
"I'm not going to be mean and make you all stay till 6 to listen to my boring anecdotes when I know happy hour starts in an hour at bad grannies and all of you had to come in on a Saturday. So, I have decided instead, that I will finish this class by telling you a story about my trauma," you announce, stepping away from the podium. "I know all of you have been to my trauma class and heard about the effect of the Forest Lakes bombing on the medical and nursing team."
"I know most of you know what happened between Dr. Jungkook and I that day. I know some of you have worked with Dr. Taehyung in the orthopedic unit next door or Dr. Hoseok in psychiatry or have felt the wrath of Dr. Yoongi in ED. I know some of you were there and I know a student in this room played a cardinal role in saving my life."
Irene sinks behind her computer in the back as all the students look around the room.
"Why am I saying this to you all? Because they were all there with me and they were apart of something so huge, that it still affects me to this very second."
You all watch over their expressions as some close their computer screens. "I know you've heard stories and accounts of what happened just as much as I know most of you wish that you had been there but my story, something I haven't told any other cohort will describe why I'm glad none of you were."
The room goes deafeningly silent.
"But more importantly and more relevantly, no matter what you see out there in the field when you start your rotations in the next couple of weeks, you are not invincible. You'll come to realize that doctors aren't safe from traumatic stress disorders and you will see and experience some very traumatic things."
"To begin," you click the remote to the screen behind you. "It was 7 pm at night, and we had a multi-trauma MVA (motor vehicle accident) come through ER. I was given trauma bay with an unresponsive John Kim. He was barely breathing and it became increasingly clear that I would not be able to provide adequate medical help given my own personal circumstances with this kind of case. You see, prior to the evacuation of Forest Lakes, I had been with a patient with a similar accident, sustaining similar injuries."
The students all begin talking loudly amongst themselves at this revelation.
"Now, this is my last medical story I have for you this semester," you say, clicking on the screen that lists the details of the patient. "So, listen well."
[Flashback: Seoul Hearts Hospital 2017, March 11]
"Can you hear me, John? Wiggle your fingers if you can hear me?"
No response.
You rub his sternum.
Still no response.
"He's not responding," Your hands drop to your side. Your fingers tremble. You step back; your sneakers squeak against the floor. Blood soaks into the fabric. He's lost too much of it. You should probably get the nursing team to run 2 units of blood but he isn't stable yet.
"Breathing looks shit, resps are low 2-5."
He needs to be intubated. Intubate him. Now. Do it.
"My nurse in crime had him on oxygen and while I had spent 5 minutes trying to decide whether I should intubate John. He was a category 1 case for immediate surgical intervention and the anesthetist I was initially working with was required to assess the patient and anticipate the possibility of a difficult airway."
"Unfortunately, he had left the trauma room to attend to an incoming triple-A case (abdominal aortic aneurysm) and this never ended up happening. So, I had little confidence and little help," looking around the room, you all watch their eager eyes follow you. "A surgeon in John Kim's situation, which was me at that point, should be familiar with performing tracheostomies, that is standard hospital protocol. You know, cutting open the throat and chucking in a tube down their airway. It's a classic in the ER and I've done it a million times. It was standard protocol."
You click the screen, showing a picture of an intubated man.
"The nurse I was working with urged me to do an emergency surgical airway but, working with PTSD, I was experiencing flashbacks and felt tunneled in. When that happens, you lose the ability to think about the wider picture, this was the first time it had happened to me during an emergency. In this scenario, it didn't hit me until he had been moved to ICU that it was real. That it actually happened. That John Kim was a real person."
"Y/N, you need to breathe," Jimin yells, tying a tourniquet around the patient's thigh. "This is the end of your 20-hour shift, should I grab another doctor?"
"No, it's fine." You watch the patient's chest rise and fall to shallow depths. You watch the crease beneath his eyebrows even out. You watch the veins in his neck begin to gorge. Then the numbers on the machine beside him begin to fall into a place that would usually make you run into immediate action, but all you hear is white noise.
Static white noise.
Jimin rushes around you. The edges of your vision grow hazy. The lights around you are too bright. The sound of your heartbeat rings loudly in your ears. The rancid smell of blood should be something you're used to by now, but strangely tonight, the sight and smell make you want to vomit.
Makes you want to cry.
You can feel the blood being violently pumped around your body; it whistles in your veins, it runs in your arteries. You feel like you're hovering out of your skin, you're the shell of a doctor, and a scared former self-remains. You don't feel present, as though you were standing somewhere else, in a place far away. The more you feel it, the more numb you grow to feel.
Your patients going to die.
You're going to die.
"It was clear at this point that what happened when Forest Lakes came down and everything else with it, significantly affected my mental health. I didn't know it too until then either," you pace the room, watching all their faces. "You don't know anything until someone tells you or something happens, and unfortunately for me, something did happen and someone did get hurt."
A student raises his hand from the back, you nod your head at him. "Did he die?"
The student sitting beside him shakes her head. "Why would you ask that so early into her story?"
He shrugs.
Jimin shouts desperately beside you, trying to pull you out of the panic attack you think you might be experiencing but you feel so helplessly lost all of a sudden, as though you were left in a dark room with no doors.
With no windows.
With no light.
That it's hopeless.
"He's not responding, Doctor we need to do something," he shouts. "He's not breathing!"
"Did I kill John Kim?" You stop talking, smiling up at the students as they sit on the edges of their seats. "Is that why I am no longer practicing medicine? Are you all wondering that?"
They shake their heads, talking amongst themselves.
You know they are.
"The short version is that no, I did not kill him thankfully but I was very damn close to killing him. You will never be alone when you practice. You have nurses who protect their patients from harm and as much as I hate to say it, from you too."
"John Kim died in ICU. He passed on comfortably with his family around him. I'm a good doctor. I don't need people to tell me I am. I know I am but when I think of that day, I know I wasn't. I wasn't looking after myself and I was ignoring my mental health. We are not made of a different kind of substance, we are just as sensitive to trauma as anyone else."
"You can do this," Jimin says, shaking you after making you do deep breaths with him. The static noise begins to disappear, removing the veil atop of your oblivion, revealing a completely lit room. A patient in front of you needing help. A nurse staring at you with a beautiful mix of concern and fear in his eyes.
"Y/N, we need you!" Jimin shouts again. "We need you, come back!" You take a deep breath then you take another one.
"I don't know..." you whisper, shaking your head. Jimin watches you and then he smiles, "He needs you, you're okay."
Your eyes sweep across the situation again as though it had become a completely different situation. "Jimin, we need more fluids and more blood. Get Sana to contact the family, we need an extensive family history and more information about what happened. "
"You aren't practicing after this patient Y/N.," he says, frowning at you. "I have to advocate for my patients and because I love you. You stop after this. I can't let you practice."
You smile back at Jimin because as much as you hate hearing that, you know in your heart that he's right. "You're right Jimin. Absolutely right."
Clicking the end of your pupil torch on, you turn back to the patient. You shine the light into his dark brown eyes, watching the reflex in one eye before the other. "Christ. Abnormal pupillary reflex, possible cerebral trauma," putting your hand into his, you shout at the patient. "If you can hear me, squeeze my hand."
No response again but you knew there wouldn't be.
"Trauma affects you in different ways. It doesn't have to be during or straight after something scary, it can be latent, affecting you later like it did to me. I want each and every person in this room to know and understand that people react differently to things, I know that's obvious, but to emphasize with those who you care for, those who you sit next to and those whom you company."
The room is silent as the echo of your voice fades into the lecture hall.
"I want to talk to you all about something that will help. It's in no way replacing the fabulous work of a counselor or a therapist, but it's something you should all take on board. Let's talk about self-care out in the field that may prevent things from escalating to what my story told off."
You like lecturing, it gives you the opportunity to inspire and influence the future doctors of the world through your experience. Talking as you gaze at each and every student, you smile -feeling grateful. Teaching has also given you the opportunity to think about your own future and where you want to go. Maybe you needed to do more study? Perhaps, become the dean of the medical school at the university? Or, open your own hospital? Who knows.
But you're hopeful and happy, and that's all that matters.
"Lastly folks, looking after yourself is how you'll look after others. Please take your own pulse before you take other peoples. Thank you for attending my class today and I hope to see you all before you start practice."
"Alright, I'm done," You sigh, chucking the clicker onto the adjacent table as you step out from behind the podium. "Have a good break, you guys!"
You grip your briefcase, waiting for the last few students to drag themselves out of the lecture theatre. Stretching your neck, you rub the pad of your fingers against the tight muscles, feeling some relief momentarily albeit the reminder of the horrendous amount of marking you had to complete before leaving.
It was a different kind of exhaustion working in education. It certainly wasn't like emergency medicine and the visceral fatigue you felt after a shift, although you missed the excitement of life and death, you had to admit that it was actually kind of nice working with students who would someday fall in love with it too.
"Y/N," Irene waved, reaching you in three quick strides. You smile at the girl; she's changed so much in the last year too. Her once lavender colored hair, now raven black, contrasting beautifully with her pale skin. Her lips trembled into a tender smile as she approached you.
"I hope you aren't still blaming yourself for that day, John was a complex case," she sighs, as the two of you start leaving the lecture hall together. "But I'm glad you're able to talk about it, I was beginning to think we lost you to it."
When Irene had left her nursing career, you had handed in your resignation. It just felt right to take a break from healing others to heal yourself. "There are some cases that stick with you forever but you know this already Irene."
She nods. "I do."
"Have you worked part-time since you started med school?" you asked, it would be an awful shame if she had completely stopped nursing. You were confident that it would've given her an advantage over the other students.
"Other than working casual when they're short staffed, I've been taking a break, I'm actually seeing Hoseok and it's going well," she stammers, her cheeks dusting with a soft pink as though she had not meant to tell you that. You walk towards the elevators, a smirk growing on your face. "Oh seeing as in ...not dating, ...I mean, he's helping me with the nightmares."
"Oh, I'm sure he is-" you pinch her bicep playfully "-you crazy kids!"
"We're talking and it's nice, I meant, he's helping me deal with the nightmares."
"I saw you guys laughing at that new Italian restaurant when Taehyung tried to propose to me for the third time. You were holding hands and staring at each other, no need to hide it." you chuckle, enjoying how she was becoming. "I'm glad he's in love. I was beginning to think it wouldn't be possible for Hoseok."
"Oh, you saw us? Well, I guess I can't keep it from you. He's good to me although at one point people are going to start accusing me of nepotism. He's so obvious with his special treatment."
You laughed at that. Hoseok would never go out of his way to encourage nepotism, especially in his own line of work. In fact, you were certain Hoseok would ensure any benefit and achievement Irene got was because of her own hard work. "I am not going to comment on that. Love is love."
Irene stays paused outside of the elevator when the doors open. "Happiness is happiness."
Your heels click against the floor as you head in. Turning to face her, you hold up your hand to wave. "It was nice talking to you Irene. Give Hoseok a cuddle for me, tell him it's been a couple days since I last saw his ugly face."
"You guys work together, calm down," she smiles. "Hey, I'm glad you're healing and do whatever the hell you want, you deserve it. Say "Hi" to Taehyung and Sunny and Jimin for me, I miss them."
"They miss you too Irene. Please come to our BBQ next Friday, Sunny keeps talking about wanting to be you and it's driving me nuts."
"But nepotism Y/N."
"What's more important to you?"
"Fine, see you then."
The elevator doors close.
Leaving your office early that Friday afternoon, Taehyung calls you as you throw your briefcase into the back of your car. Tapping the hands-free option, you start the engine as his voice fills the car.
"Babe, where are you?"
You grip the steering wheel, indicating off the road with a click of a button before pulling out. "Hi hunny, lovely to hear your voice too. Yes, my day was great, what about yours?"
His baritone voice fills the car. "My parents have Sunny for the night, where are you?"
"That sounds suggestive, the couch too uncomfortable for you?" Stuck at the traffic lights, you mirr in suspicion. "I'm 5 minutes away, why? You got something planned for dinner?"
"I do actually. Can you meet me at Nimas at 5?"
"You better not be proposing to me because I'm sorry babe, it's going to be a no again," You sigh. You aren't entirely sure why Taehyung is so determined to persuade you that marrying him would be the next best decision since he moved in. He's a hopeless romantic and you have to admit, the proposals get more exciting everytime you say no but you know someday, you're going to have to say yes. "Why are we having an early dinner?"
"I've proposed to you 9 times now, do you think I'd propose again beca-
"-yes, yes I do. I definitely think you'll propose again," you interrupt, pressing the gas pedal down when the light turns green. "In fact, I'm looking forward to seeing what ring you'll poison me within the garlic bread. Can I say as a suggestion that putting jewelry in food is a bad idea, and not to do it."
"Hey now, the yogurt incident was horribly organized by the staff at that restaurant. You're lucky I know CPR."
Taking a deep breath, you shiver at the memory. Taehyung had taken you to one of the best middle eastern restaurants in the city. It had started with an argument on the way and it had ended with an argument as you yelled at him for trying to kill you. "We do CPR every time we're in the community, can I not be a doctor when we're out? And I know you were embarrassed that day, you didn't need to kiss me so hard in front of everyone to cover-
Rolling your eyes, you snort. "So dinner tonight and you're only giving me an hour to get changed?"
"Jimin's at home, so you girls can talk. Be ready or not, up to you. The house is clean and Rosie is at Jungkook's new place for the night too. So, it's just us."
Frowning, you indicate onto the highway. Rosie. That damn loveable dog. "Still can't believe you bought Sunny a golden retriever, what's wrong with you? We're doctors, we don't have time to give her the attention she needs. And I can't believe you manipulated Jungkook into moving out, I miss him."
"Jungkook has an insanely large crush on you and it makes me uncomfortable watching him lust over a woman who lusts over me. Also, don't hate Rosie please, she is cute. Plus, you come home at 5 pm every day, you have time in the evening and I have time in the morning."
"He has a girlfriend and I'm a slob," he snickers at your comment. "But ...I lust over you? Since when? I don't, do I?
You can see the smile take over his face as though he were in front of you having this conversation. "Oh baby, you can't help it when I'm just this irresistible."
"I'm hanging up now-
"-I love you," he interrupts. "I'll see you at the restaurant! Don't be late."
"I'll be what I want."
You hang up on him.
He calls you back a second later.
You pick up. "What do you want now?"
"Y/N, I love you and do you?"
"Fine. I might love you too."
Taehyung hisses into the shell of his phone. "Might? Please, you love the heck out of me. I have the marks on my body to prove it!
"Then why do I need to say it if you know?"
"Anything could happen and I don't want it to happen without me telling you that I love you. I know you'll regret it too if something happens to me too."
"Nothing's going to happen. I'm hanging up now."
"Fine. I love you Kim Taehyung, you crazy dog loving fool. I'll see you soon. Don't put the ring in the food."
"I think I'll just put it on the table then. Bye, babe."
"Really? Oh lord, bye Taehyung."
Jimin adjusts his tie as Yoongi puts his pants back on. They'd just finished visiting a million wedding venues before settling into the first LGBT friendly wedding apparel store. Yoongi had paid the owners to close it so their session with the stylist could be more intimate.
When the stylist had left them alone upon a request that Jimin's suit be of a softer fabric because he had sensitive skin, Yoongi had swept him off his feet, kissing the hell out of the boy.
His mouth had tasted like the white chocolate cake they had tried earlier.
"Yoongi," he whispers, reaching out to grab the lapels of his suit jacket, pulling him closer. "Do you think Y/N is going to marry Taehyung?"
"Baby, why are we talking about this now?" Yoongi leans forward, placing soft kisses down Jimin's neck. He whispers into Jimin's ear. "Because fuck no, not now anyway. Maybe a month ago yes, but now? No way."
Jimin frowns suspiciously as he leans into him. "What do you know?"
Yoongi runs a hand down Jimin's chest, resting it over his stomach. He leaves his palm there before winking at the boy.
Jimin screams, pulling away from Yoongi. "She's pregnant again?"
Jimin screams again.
Then he jumps like a child in a bouncy castle.
"I'm going to be an uncle!"
He claps as he screams.
"Please stop," Yoongi laughs. "She's not pregnant. She's just fat. Oh my god, you screamed so loud."
Jimin falls back on his feet, crashing back to Earth. "You were kidding?"
Yoongi nods, reaching out to him again.
"You fucker," Slapping him away, Jimin shouts at the poor blonde. "YOU CAN'T CALL ANY WOMAN FAT YOU PIG, AND HOW DARE YOU."
"Just mind your own business then, worry about us and our wedding instead. Leave them to their dysfunctional happiness."
"Figures, why did I think you'd know more than me?" Jimin sinks. "By the way, I am not moving out of that goddamn house anytime soon. I'm attached and Sunny is like my daughter-
"-yes I know, we'll be living there," Yoongi sighs. "It will be so ...cozy..." he cringes at the thought.
"I just need to get my clinic back on its feet and we'll be saving money before we build our own house, okay?"
Yoongi nods. "Okay. Speaking of home, shall we head back to mine?"
Looking around the room, Jimin spots the stylist hanging up their suits. "Let's go, I trust you've already paid for the suits?"
Rolling his eyes, Yoongi flashes his credit card in front of Jimin's eyes.
"Aren't you lucky I'm rich."
"Get that thing out of my face," Jimin chuckles. "One of us has to be, do you think nurses get paid well? No, we don't. So, you'll be paying for lots of things, like ...our drive thru starbucks we're going to get on the way home?"
Yoongi shakes his head. "You're disgusting."
"Awh but babe."  
Taehyung has proposed marriage to you 9 times now and you've said no every single time.
Your relationship with him isn't like how it used to be. You're comfortable. He's comfortable. It feels right. But there's still that little piece of history that makes Taehyung feel like he has a lot to make up for and alot to promise, like marriage.
Marrying him in a hurry isn't something that you're interested in doing, especially when you're finally able to think about yourself for the first time in a long time now that Sunny has two parents.
"So, what do you think?" Taehyung smiles, pushing the little box across the table as you finish your mouth full of food. You were sitting across from each other in a small yellow Mexican restaurant. You were by the wall, table separated by a black divider for privacy and Taehyung was wearing a linen white shirt and suit pants. His hair was luscious, his soft brown locks falling just above his eyebrows, a small mullet forming at the back.
And he was smiling at you, brown eyes twinkling a million shades full of hope. It was his pre-proposal face, one you were becoming addicted to seeing.
He looked good.
But he always looked good.
You gape at the box next to the flickering candle. The ring is small, just how you like them. "What do I think of the ring? I think it's beautiful."
"Is it a yes?"
Staring around the divider, you see a hesitant group of musicians staring at you and Taehyung. "Yes to the ring, no to both the mariachi and marriage."
He blinks at you. "Why?"
"I don't wanna marry you."
"Why not?"
Shrugging, you pour yourself some water from the silver tequila bottle as Taehyung turns to signal to the mariachi band against coming over. "Obviously because I'm waiting for someone better to come around." you joke.
"I am someone better and I have come around. Is this because I bought Rosie? But she's our other baby? I know you love her!"
"This has nothing to do with the dog," you whisper, realizing just how loud you two were becoming.
Taehyung stands up, dragging his chair beside yours as he sits back down. He holds your hand tenderly, as he looks at everything but your face. "Is it me? You don't want to be with me like that?"
"No, don't be silly," you whisper, heart, softening at the expression of sadness on his face. "Taehyung, it's not like that."
He looks up at you, eyebrows furrowed. "Then tell me, so I can stop this."
"It's not you hunny," You rub your thumb over his knuckles. "But is there a reason why you want to marry me?"
Taehyung drops his head to avoid looking at you.
"Tell me." You whisper, trying to look at his face.
He turns his face away.
"Tae, tell me."
He turns away again.
"Taehyung," Holding a side of his face, you lean forward and kiss his lips, catching him off guard. He sighs, leaning into your affection before you pull away, "Tell me."
He shakes his head.
You kiss his cheek. "Tell me," You kiss his other cheek. "Tell me."
"Tell-" you kiss his lips. "Me."
"Fine," he smiles, admitting defeat. "I'm afraid you'll leave me and if I don't tie you down with marriage, you'll run after a younger looking hussy. You're mine. I just want it written down on paper."
"That's stupid."
"I know it's stupid. I'm stupid."
"You aren't stupid at all."
"I'm just stupid around you."
"Is that a crime?"
He smirks, winking at you. "A crime of passion?"
"You have my heart Kim Taehyung, always have and always will," A small smile stretches across your face as you lean in and softly kiss his lips. He melts into your affection, wrapping his arms around you. Its moments like these, where you're able to surrender the past you've had with him in order to feel the hope of a bright future that makes you feel peaceful with your life.
Kim Taehyung was yours.
As you were his.
Pulling back, he stares at you in thought. "Why don't you want to marry me though?"
"It's not that I don't, it's that I don't want to marry you right now. Can we get married in like 5 years instead of now?"
He smiles widely, grabbing the ring from the box and putting it on your finger. "It's fine! We don't have to get married right away. We can be engaged for years-
Interrupting Taehyung, a waiter sporting a worried expression with trembling hands opens the divider. The restaurants light invades your intimate area, casting light across Taehyung's calm face. "Hi sorry to interrupt, but when you made the reservation you told me you were a doctor," she stares at Taehyung. "And we need one right now, a man in our private eating area has just collapsed."
You both deflate. "I knew this was going to happen."
Taehyung stands up, pushing the chair out of the way. "We're never really off duty are we?"
Shaking your head, you smile at the man. "We're doctors, not soldiers. If we can help, we help."
The waiter runs you both towards the private area after you rip the green defib bag off the restaurants first aid wall. Pulling open the doors, a man is unconscious on the ground while a much younger woman smacks his chest.
"What's going on?" Taehyung says, immediately swooping into action.
Turning to the waiter, you urge her to call an ambulance when Taehyung shouts out that he isn't breathing. Taehyung immediately begins CPR. Grabbing the defibrillator, you rip open the man's shirt, placing the pads on his upper and lower chest. The machine picks up a rhythm compatible with the defib as you both stand back. The wailing woman beside you grabs onto Taehyung's arm, pushing her face into his chest.
Taehyung looks at you, discomfort written across his face.
You wink back.
When the shocks are administered, you fall to the ground. Taehyung pushes the girl away, shouting at the waiter to update the paramedic on the cardiac arrest at present.
Taehyung sits opposite you. You smile at him as you do chest compressions with a shiny new diamond on your finger. "She looks good on your finger? So, earlier, you said you wanted to marry me, was that a yes?"
"Really? Right now?" you pant.
"Why not?" he shrugs, watching you deliver two breaths. "She looks good on your finger while you do chest compressions."
Taehyung gets his hands ready on the man's chest as you both watch his chest expand with your breaths. You fall back as he takes over.
"Ambulance is on the way!" the waiter shouts as you hear the nearing sirens.
"Marry me Y/N," he pants, his bangs beginning to drip with sweat after 2 minutes of chest compressions. "I promise with everything that I won't stop you from growing into the person you want to become. I support everything you do, know that."
He stops compressions, delivering two breaths.
"Taehyung, I'll marry you if you save him," you snap, just wanting this to be over and to go home. Taehyung lifts his gaze to yours. His lips upturn as he excitingly gets back onto the man's chest, compressing with a newfound motivation.
"Where's the ambulance?" he shouts. "He got any allergies, on any medication?" he shouts louder at the poor sobbing girl. "YO' YOU GOT ANY ADRENALINE HERE? I NEED TO SAVE HIM SO I CAN MARRY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE"
You know it's an inappropriate time to laugh but you giggle. Taehyung is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. After some time, you both reassess the patient's condition. Taehyung shouts with more excitement. "He's breathing again. HE'S BREATHING."
You fall back onto your heels, fingers pressing against his jugular and you look at Taehyung over the patient on the floor.
"And we have a pulse too!"
"You know what that means?" He smiles up at you as the paramedics arrive just on time. "Don't take off that damn ring, I'm marrying your ass."
"Yes, I'll marry you Kim Taehyung. Goodness gracious, you crazy man!"
When the paramedics arrive and take over, Taehyung sweeps you off the ground and kisses the living daylights out of your blushing sweaty face. His hands rest around your waist, pulling you back and out of the room, past the ambulance, into your car and all the way home.
Time, something you could see yourself giving yourself too if he was with you. Of course, you wanted to marry him but marriage is and will never be your end-all.
He knows that.
And he loves you regardless.
Though the house is empty with the last hints of Jimin's earlier visit before retreating back to work, Taehyung slams you up against the front door, his lips not capable of leaving yours as he grabs your thighs, hoisting you up. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you rustle your keys from his pocket, shoving them into the door and pushing it open.
You pull the keys out before he kicks it closed behind you.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, he carries you to the lounge.
The house is silent and dark as the trickles of rain are illuminated by the bright moonlight baring down through the sheer curtains. Although in due time, muffled hums and broken moans will fill the silent space as his silhouette hovers above you gripping your waist, laying you flat against the living room carpet.
In the darkness, he kisses you, swallowing all of your throaty moans. All pretenses fall, Taehyung is a hungry dominating man and you were his next meal. He kisses, he licks, he touches you. It's like electricity, the way he makes you feel so inexplicably alive.
Every kiss he plants tastes like wine and you were getting drunk of the euphoria as he sheds your clothes, as your hearts race as your naked bodies move together like the finest of silk.
His musky scent surrounds you as he holds you tightly against him. His hands fall to your hips, moonlight splays against his back muscles as your toes curl when he gyrates against your hips, pushing his cock inside you. He bites his lips, squeezing his eyes closed as he holds himself back from fucking you hard when you moan at the pressure of feeling so damn full.
But Taehyung was going to take his time with you tonight.
He had all night to do so.  
And when the early rays of sunrise lick your bare skin as you lay curled up into the couch throw on the floor in front of the fireplace he had started up last night, Taehyung holds you close as you sleep.
Jimin would be getting home soon, they needed to move. He kisses your forehead as you pretend to be asleep, before picking you up and carrying you back to bed. They can deal with the lack of protection later because all Taehyung can think about is the overwhelming peace he feels within his softly beating heart.
Untucking the covers, he places you underneath the blankets. "I love you Y/N.," he says as you nuzzle into his chest when he joins you. "You silly billy."
"Hey." he pokes your cheek.
He pokes you again. "Y/N."
"Aren't you going to say it back?"
You open one of your eyes. "How the hell did you know I was awake?"
He stares at you unimpressed. "Pretending to be dead sleep so I can carry you to bed? Pulling a Sunny move? It was almost a good job until you smiled when I picked you up."
"You're so strong though, who wouldn't love being carried to bed by you," Kissing his chest, you curl yourself into him. "I love you too. Let's sleep, okay? I want to sleep. You sleep."
"Fine. Let's sleep. Gotta get our energy up anyway with all the sex I plan on having with you this weekend while Sunny is gone."
"Gross. It takes two to tango, you know."
"I know, but who can resist me?"
"Go to sleep you rat. Goodnight."  
He chuckles softly. "Goodnight Y/N. Thank you for everything."
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yanxioustrikas · 2 years
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oh so i forgot i had these but these were other next generation ocs, teenagers who are playing for the coed junior team affiliated with invincible united
veterans who know me and my ocs…, these are dmitri’s teammates lol
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nicholassabalos · 6 years
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Convoy duty….
STRAIT OF HORMUZ (October 22, 2018) -- (Top photo) As Iranian patrol boats position themselves menacingly next to a United States Navy convoy transiting the Strait of Hormuz -- one of the world’s most important choke-points -- Ensign Samuel Fuchs, USN stands Junior Officer of the Watch (JOOW) on the bridge of escorting guided-missile destroyer USS Jason Dunham (DDG 109). (The convoy and the lurking gunboats are right out in front of him [middle photo] -- as his warship takes position at the rear of the line!)
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The military maritime convoy includes fleet replenishment oiler USNS Henry J. Kaiser (T-AO-187) (middle photo, far right)....expeditionary mobile base platform ship USS Lewis B. Puller (ESB 3) (middle photo, center right)....ocean-surveillance ship USNS Invincible (T-AGM 24) (middle photo, center left)....and guided-missile destroyers USS Decatur (DDG 73) (far left) and USS Jason Dunham (DDG 109) (behind the camera!) providing protection for the three critical support vessels in these perilous waters.
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Fleet replenishment oiler USNS Henry J. Kaiser (T-AO-187) refuels (jet fuel) aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72).
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  Expeditionary mobile base platform ship USS Lewis B. Puller (ESB 3)
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               Ocean-surveillance ship USNS Invincible (T-AGM 24)
(Bottom photo) Quartermaster 3rd Class Aleksandr Sarvirov, USN prepares one of the many detailed logs that are particularly kept as American warships transit through tight navigation, heavy maritime traffic, and/or politically sensitive regions. (You have all three here in the Strait of Hormuz!) These logs will usually prove priceless should an incident occur, or even be suggested.
Just another day on the job for these Navy officers and sailors....
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                    Guided-missile destroyer USS Decatur (DDG 73)
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              Guided-missile destroyer USS Jason Dunham (DDG 109)
>>CLICK on the tops photos -- most especially the middle one -- for a much better view of the threatening environment....
>>Top three photos: Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jonathan Clay, USN
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chaolskingdom · 7 years
Throne of Glass Playlist/Songs thingy + SPOTIFY LINKS
So because I always search for these kinds of playlist posts when I am super deep in the fandom of something and I listen to a lot of songs that really remind me of the ToG series I thought I’d try to make one myself lol (Some songs may double if I feelk like they fit multiple Characters) If I wrote the Booktitles after the Songtitle it means that I thought of a specific scene when listening to the song so yeee…also feel free to message me with songs that I could add cause I really wish I could find some more for Rowan, Lysandra, Aedion, Elide etc.
(Click on the headers to get to the Spotify playlists!)
ACOTAR Playlist
ToG in General
Game of Survival - Ruelle (QoS, EoS)
Dead of Night - Ruelle (QoS)
Secrets and Lies - Ruelle
Hero - Ruelle
Monsters - Ruelle (QoS, EoS)
Madness - Ruelle
Home - AURORA (QoS)
Recover - Ruelle
Kings and Queens and Vagabonds - Ellem
Take it all - Ruelle (QoS, EoS)
Up in Flames - Ruelle (QoS, EoS)
Battlefield - SVARCINA (QoS, EoS)
Tomorrow We Fight - SVRCINA
Ready Aim Fire - Imagine Dragons (QoS, EoS, KoA I guess)
Heroes - Zayde Wolf
Warriors - Imagine Dragons
Heathens - Twenty One Pilots
Immortals - Fall Out Boy
Gold - Imagine Dragons
Mars - Sleeping at Last
Who We Are - Imagine Dragons
Atlas - Coldplay
Fleurie - Hurricane
This Ship Is Going Down - Xeah (QoS - KoA I guess)
Empires - Ruelle (QoS - KoA I guess)
Sound Off The Sirens - Sam Tinnesz (QoS - KoA I guess)
Heart of the Darkness - Sam Tinnesz
Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Lorde
Wolves - Sam Tinnesz ft. Silverberg
Breathe - Fleurie (EoS)
This is the Hunt - Ruelle (CoM, HoF, QoS, EoS)
Unstoppable - The Score
Live Like Legends - Ruelle
Kings - Tribe Society
Glory and Gore - Lorde (EoS)
Waves of Gray - Ruelle (EoS, KoA)
The Downfall - Ruelle (EoS - KoA)
Revolution- Unsecret ft. Ruelle (QoS - KoA)
United - Hidden Citizens (KoA I guess)
Devil in me - Halsey (literally fits almost every character)
North - Sleeping at last
Torches - x ambassadors
Fire Meets Fate - Ruelle (End of CoM - EoS)
When It’s All Over - RAIGN (EoS)
Silhouette - Aquilo (QoS-KoA)
Between The Wars - Allman Brown (QoS-KoA)
Wicked - Tommee Profitt (QoS - KoA)
Feel That Fire - Tommee Profitt (EoS - KoA)
Can’t Hold Us Down - Tommee Profitt 
One Eye Open - Tommee Profitt 
Do You Hear The People Sing - Les Misérables 
Rise - Leage of Legends (HoF - KoA)
Here We Stand - Hidden Citizens (EoS - KoA)
Onward & Upward - Tommee Profitt (EoS - KoA)
Noble Blood - Tommee Profitt
Undone - Tommee Profitt (QoS - KoA)
Sound of War - Tommee Profitt
We Have It All - Pim Stones
Runnin’ - Adam Lambert (HoF,QoS)
Warrior - AURORA
Runaway - AURORA
Rival - Ruelle
Revolution - Diplo
Revolution - The Score
Born Ready - Zayde Wolf
Champion - Barns Courtney
Street Fight - Adam Jensen
Beekeeper - Keaton Henson (Assassins Blade, ToG)
Little Pistol - Mother Mother (Assassins Blade)
Monster - Beth Crowley
Battle Cry - Imagine Dragons
Kill Everyone - Hollywood Undead (Assassins Blade)
Another Way Out - Hollywood Undead (Assassins Blade)
Glory and Gore - Lorde (Assassins Blade)
Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons
Look what you made me do - Taylor Swift
Yellow Flicker Beat - Lorde
A Little Wicked - Valerie Broussard
The Hate Inside - Sam Tinnesz
Play With Fire - Sam Tinnesz
Battle Cry - Beth Crowley
Will I Make It Out Alive - Jessie Early
Legends Are Made - Sam Tinnesz
My Domain - SVRCINA
These Roots - Grey
I'm Not Afraid - Wondra (espescially Assassins Blade)
Paint It, Black - Ciara (Assassins Blade)
When The Sun Goes Down - Laney Jones
Devil Devil - MILCK (to Arobynn)
The Devil Within - Digital Daggers (to Arobynn)
No More Heroes - Aviators
Castle - Halsey
Gasoline - Halsey
Invincible - Ruelle (EoS)
Hold Your Breath - Ruelle (EoS)
Until We Go Down - Ruelle (QoS - KoA)
Natural - Imagine Dragons
You Should See Me In A Crown - Billie Eilish
This Is My World - Esterly (QoS - KoA)
Ember - Katherine McNamara (toward Arobynn, The King)
New Blood - Zayde Wolf (QoS-KoA)
Glitter and Gold - Barns Courtney
I Apologize - Five Finger Death Punch (HoF)
Watch me - The Phantoms (QoS - EoS)
Silent Running - Hidden Citizens (HoF - KoA)
Survivor - 2WEI (HoF - KoA)
Far From Home - Sam Tinnesz
The Heart of the Raven - Mono Inc. (Celaenas farewell to Nehemia)
Risk It All - Mono Inc. (HoF - KoA)
Here I Am - Tommee Profitt
Gloria Regali - Tommee Profitt
Bad Dream - Ruelle (QoS)
Dead of Night - Ruelle (QoS)
Deep End - Ruelle (QoS)
Hollow - Cloudeater (QoS)
Control - Halsey (QoS)
Monster - Starset (QoS)
Man or Monster - Sam Tinnesz ft. Zayde Wolf (QoS)
Bad Man - Esterly ft. Austin Jenckes (Hof,QoS also kinda EoS)
Run Boy Run - Woodkid
King - Lauren Aquilina
Lonely - Yoe Mase
Crossfire - Stephen
The Driver - Bastille
This Is My World - Esterly (EoS-KoA)
Silent Running - Hidden Citizens (EoS-KoA)
I Apologize - Five Finger Death Punch (EoS)
Survivor - 2WEI (EoS)
Risk It All - Mono Inc.
Here I Am - Tommee Profitt (EoS - KoA)
Gloria Regali - Tommee Profitt
Bad Dream - Ruelle (HoF,QoS)
Crossfire - Stephen
We must be Killers - Mikky Ekko
Shattered - Trading Yesterday (ToD)
I’ll Be Good - James Young (ToD)
The Downfall - Ruelle (EoS, QoS)
The Draw - Bastille
Infinitesimal - Mother Mother
All The Kings Horses - Karmina
The Driver - Bastille
Lonely - Yoe Mase
Same Mistake-James Blunt
Nothing Left - Beth Crowley (End of CoM)
You're Somebody Else - Flora Cash (to Aelin End of CoM, QoS)
Brohter - Kodaline (AGAIN BCS DORIAN)
Breaking Inside - Shinedown
Who Are You, Really? - Mikky Ekko (end of CoM - QoS)
Wrong Side of Heaven - Five Finger Death Punch (HoF)
I Apologize - Five Finger Death Punch (HoF - QoS)
Risk It All - Mono Inc. (HoF, QoS)
No One’s Here To Sleep - Naughty Boy
Deep End - Ruelle (HoF, QoS)
Whose side are you on - Ruelle (EoS)
Battle Cry - Beth Crowley (EoS)
A Little Wicked - Valerie Broussard (HoF, QoS)
The Downfall - Ruelle (EoS)
Running With The Wolves - AURORA
Monster - Beth Crowley
Go To War - Nothing More
Battle Cry - Imagine Dragons
What I’ve Done - Linkin Park
Monster - Starset
Man or Monster - Sam Tinnesz ft. Zayde Wolf
I'm Not Afraid - Wondra
No More Heroes - Aviators
My Domain - SVRCINA
Two Evils - Bastille
Viva La Vida - Coldplay
Natural - Imagine Dragons
This Is My World - Esterly (EoS)
Ember - Katherine McNamara (EoS)
New Blood - Zayde Wolf (EoS)
Watch Me - The Phantoms
Glitter and Gold - Barns Courtney
Ready Set Let’s Go - Sam Tinnesz (EoS)
You Should See Me In A Crown - Billie Eilish
Wrong Side of Heaven - Five Finger Death Punch (EoS)
I Apologize - Five Finger Death Punch (EoS)
Risk It All - Mono Inc. (EoS)
No One’s Here To Sleep - Naughty Boy
Here I Am - Tommee Profitt
Witching Hour - Tommee Profitt (EoS)
Meet me on the Battlefield - SVRCINA
Warriors - Imagine Dragons
Believer - Imagine Dragons
Thunder - Imagine Dragons
Control - Halsey
Today We Rise - Galavant 
Soldier - Fleurie
Casualty - Hidden Citizens
Natural - Imagine Dragons
This Is My World - Esterly
I Apologize - Five Finger Death Punch
Wrong Side of Heaven - Five Finger Death Punch
Far From Home - Sam Tinnesz
Risk It All - Mono Inc. (HoF)
Winter’s Song - Tommee Profitt (Bcs of his loyality to Aelin)
Meet me on the Battlefield - SVRCINA (Elide)
Blame - Bastille (Arobynn)
Something Wild - Lindsey Stirling (Elide)
Unbreakable - Nick Howard (Elide)
These Roots - Grey (Elide)
I know your secrets - Tommee Profitt (Lysandra/Celaena toward Arobynn
The Devil Within - Digital Daggers (Lysandra/Celaena toward Arobynn)
Welcome To Hell - Mono Inc. (Lysandra/Celaena toward Arobynn)
My Domain - SVRCINA (Lysandra)
Team - Lorde (Aelins Court)
The ones that like me - Brantley Gilbert (Gavriel)
Two Evils - Bastille
Ships  (All Ships)
Bring me back to life - Extreme Music 
Lover.Fighter. - SVARCINA 
Wildfire - Seafret 
Beautiful Mess - Kristian Kostov
Find You - Ruelle (end of EoS, KoA I guess)
Warrior - Beth Crowley 
Carry You - Ruelle
Pieces - Red
Even if it Hurts - Sam Tinnesz
Wicked Game - Ursine Vulpine  
Remembering myself - Stephen (HoF)
Burning Heart - SVRCINA (HoF)
Brave - Riley Pearce
Hold on for your Life - Tommee Profitt (EoS/KoA)
Winter’s Song - Tommee Profitt
Remembrance - Tommee Profitt
Walk Through The Fire - Zayde Wolf ft. Ruelle (CoM)
Remembering myself - Stephen (CoM)
The Scientist - Coldplay
Let Her Go - Passenger 
Sorry - Halsey
Better now - Etham (after CoM)
The Other Side - Ruelle (after CoM)
Wicked Game - Ursine Vulpine   
Talk - Kodaline
Dynasty - MIIA
Tearing us Apart - Honora 
Already Gone - Sleeping at Last
Let it die - Starset
Young God - Halsey 
I can’t make you love me - Dave Thomas Junior (ToG, CoM)
Wicked Game - Ursine Vulpine    
Sam X Celaena
Dark on me - Starset
Die for you - Starset 
Hymn For The Missing - Red 
So I thought - Flyleaf
Still here - Digital Daggers
Hold My Girl - George Ezra
We Have It All - Pim Stones
Chaol X Yrene
Pieces - Red
Even if it Hurts - Sam Tinnesz 
Fix You - Coldplay 
My Demons Acoustic - Starset
Dusk Till Dawn - Zayn ft. Sia 
Next to me - Imagine Dragons 
Carry You - Ruelle
Wicked Game - Ursine Vulpine
Weight - Crywolf   
Remembering myself - Stephen   
I Found - Amber Run
Can You Hold Me - NF
Smokestacks - Layla
Brave - Riley Pearce
Hold My Girl - George Ezra 
Heal - Tom Odell
Winter’s Song - Tommee Profitt
Remembrance - Tommee Profitt
Dorian X Sorsha
Another Love - Tom Odell 
Saturn - Sleeping at last 
Weight - Crywolf
Hurts like Hell - Fleurie
Wicked Game - Ursine Vulpine    
Carry You - Ruelle
Can You Hold Me - NF
Hold My Girl - George Ezra
Heal - Tom Odell
Where’s My Love - SYML
In My Veins - Andrew Belle
Dixie Boy - April Smith
Play me like a violin - Stephen
Come Fly With Me - Ruelle
Wicked Game - Ursine Vulpine  
I Found - Amber Run
War of Hearts - Ruelle 
bury a friend - Billie Eilish
Midnight Oil - Tommee Profitt
Other Ships
Brother - Kodaline (Dorian and Chaols friendship lol, also Aedion and Aelins friendship)
Talk - Kodaline (Dorian and Chaols Friendship in CoM, HoF)
Unsteady - x ambassadors (Lysaedion)
Weight - Crywolf (Elide x Lorcan)
This gets updated regularly! ~ Last Updated: February 15th 2021
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fotballdraktbarn123 · 3 years
liverpool drakt junior  overraskende, var Arsen
liverpool drakt junior  overraskende, var Arsenal -sjef Arsene Wenger. Selvfølgelig var dette før den nåværende Gunners -manageren ble en klubblegende ved å lage 'The Invincibles' og deretter miste all støtte ved å ikke vinne en tittel siden. Men tilbake i 2001 var United hierarkiet veldig imponert over franskmannen.
"Vårt første valg var Arsene," skrev Edwards, ifølge Sky Sports. "Siden han begynte i Arsenal i 1996 hadde Wenger vært en stor suksess, spesielt i sin første hele sesong som ansvarlig da han vant Double." Og selv om det er sant å si at han har hatt det vanskelig siden, trodde vi på den tiden at han var den beste kandidaten til erstatte Alex. Sikkert han var mitt valg ett. "Så vi tok vår tilnærming og Wenger viste litt interesse, nok til å ønske å møte Peter Kenyon og meg hjemme hos ham i London for å lytte til det vi hadde å si.
"Jeg tror Wenger følte lojalitet til David Dein. Han var veldig nær David, og det var grunnen til at han ga oss til slutt for å si nei til United." Seksten år senere er det nesten umulig å forestille seg at Wenger noen gang sitter i hjemmekroken kl. Old Trafford: Til tross for at han kun signerte en ny toårskontrakt i sommer, er den franske manageren allerede Billige draktsett fotball  presset til å forlate stillingen etter to nederlag fra Arsenals tre første seriekamper i den nye kampanjen.
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matchanxious · 3 years
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Sheesh + practicing curls
Dmitri (he/they)
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ssportsnews · 3 years
Lisse: “Liverpool, should we bring Holland? 먹튀검증
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"If possible, I would like Liverpool to sign Haaland, but if Haaland goes to Manchester City, I think they will become an invincible team."
Liverpool and Norwegian national team legend Jon Arne Risse has said the club should pursue the signing of Elling Haaland if possible.
It's trending. He has a lot to show, but he has a lot more to show. once you are young However, the scoring record is impressive. Decorating various indicators, heralding the birth of a new star. He's tall and he's very fast. Decision-making is good, and he is bold. Perhaps he will become the greatest player in the history of Norwegian football.
Holland's story. He showed a monster-like goal-scoring ability from Salzburg, and even after joining Dortmund, he is on the verge of entering a top-class club with his steady performance as a weapon. It is no wonder that the eyes of big hands are focused on the new star player born in 2000.
Liverpool legend Lisse naturally wanted his national team junior Haaland to join Liverpool. Rise revealed her thoughts on Holland in an exclusive interview with 'Global Edition', a media (Gol.com) published on the 5th (Korean time). The first place was Liverpool, and the second place was to advance to the Premier League. The interview was conducted by Neil Jones, a reporter from Liverpool (Goal.com).
"I want to bring Haaland to Liverpool because he's a great player," said Risse. "He's in good shape. So I think it will fit the style of football that Klopp is pursuing. I think Haaland will like Liverpool too." hoped that
"But if City do sign Haaland, this team will be invincible. Then it will be close. Whoever takes Haaland, whether it's next season or whatever it is, that team is going to have a lot going on for years to come," he said. I think it will be incredibly powerful.”
"I don't know if Liverpool will get the chance to sign Haaland, but if they can, they should do it, because any club signing with Haaland can be a big help in terms of power," he said. He said he hoped this would happen.
Lisse is a Liverpool legend in the Premier League. When Risse was active, there were quite a few Norwegian players in the Premier League. Gamst Pedersen, who was once called Norwegian Beckham, as well as Manchester United commander Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Manchester United defender Berg, and Chelsea striker Flo were representative of Norway's Premier League.
Recently, the number has been a bit small. Instead, Odegaard joined Arsenal from Real Madrid, representing the Norwegian Premier League. Regarding this, Risse said, "There has been a shortage of players from Norway in the past few years in the Premier League. 10 to 15 years ago, there were a lot of players from Norway, but now there are very few. Maybe it's because there aren't many players who made a big impression. "He said.
Still, he added, "I am happy that Odegaard is doing well for Arsenal. I hope he has a good season. But for Norwegian football, we need the resources to make a name for ourselves by moving to the Premier League and taking on challenges." .
Again, the story of Holland was not left out. Risse said, "I want Haaland to come to the Premier League. Of course, I would like him to come to Liverpool, but for Norwegian football, it would be better to sign a player like Haaland from the Premier League." said to do
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