#iori supporting hikaru
koushirouizumi · 1 year
"...That's why I'm here," Iori reaffirms calmly, as Iori now stands up, BOOK in hands-- "...Because I should be able to support my upperclassman, in turn." Iori smiles, and closes THE BOOK -- -- it closes between Iori's hands.
Pre-Epilogue Iori in my fic, "The Past World" (originally written in 2k21, idea in mind since Young Me days, before XW finished airing)
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#The Beginning Spoilers #TheBeginningSpoilers
(Visually Iori likely looked EXACTLY LIKE THIS before breaking out the smile.)
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honorthysalad · 9 months
Going insane over the differences and similarities between ‘Hikaru’ and Kurebayashi’s husband and how Kurebayashi’s husband is a metaphor for being forced to stay in the closet and the problems that come with that. I mean, he’s literally stuck behind a door, unable to interact fully with his family. His kids feel like he’s distant, but we know he wants to be with them; he just can’t. He can’t connect with them on that emotional level and it hurts the family. 
I’d like to bring up that the scene with Iori and his dad. The dad pulls away once Kurebayashi enters the room. Kurebayashi is the one trying to cling to the family as it was, a model family with a husband & wife and two kids, but it just can’t exist like that anymore. She’s the reason he’s staying and also the reason he can’t come out. Which is why Kurebayashi thought that this had no hope of ever working, that Yoshiki should just move on from Hikaru completely, but the Kurebayashi we see in those flashbacks had never accepted that her husband died. She tried to keep everything the same, and that’s what will never work. Yoshiki knows Hikaru is dead, and now as we’ve seen, he’s not going to try and make ‘Hikaru’ into something he’s not. 
I think he’s an example of something that ‘Hikaru’ mentions in Ch15: this concept of being alive and dead and then ‘living’. ‘Hikaru’ is dead but he’s ‘living’. Hes living his queer identity, and even though he can’t be fully out, he does have a few people who he knows support him. Kurebayashi’s husband is dead and not living. He’s trapped in the walls of a family home, emotionally and physically distant from his family while desperately wanting to not be, but thinks he has to keep himself away for their safety and health. That’s the difference between them. 
And just to bring this metaphor more around- Yoshiki is alive but he’s not ‘living’. He’s closed off, unwilling to talk to even ‘Hikaru’ about his feelings nor is he willing to really admit them to the audience either. But Yoshiki’s also dying. The more he ‘dies’, the closer he gets to ‘Hikaru’, the more we see about his feelings for Hikaru. I think this manga will end with Yoshiki dead, yes, but ‘living’ freely in a way he hadn’t been able to before.
Edit: nvm on that ‘living’ thing. According to entertext, ‘Hikaru’ never said that </3
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entertext · 1 year
HGSN 20-1
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Rie: I'm so sorry...
Rie: Iori
Rie: Mommy was wrong... Are you hurt?
Iori: Uu...
Rie: It's all Mommy's fault
Rie: (I knew)
Rie: (I knew, and yet...)
(sfx: suddenly comes to)
(sfx: tick tock tick tock)
(sfx: tick tock tick tock)
Rie: Is that boy...the one you talked about?
Rie: Whew...Well.
Rie: Sure don't listen even when you warn them, do they? Boys...
Yoshiki: ...I'm sorry.
Rie: No...I also...wouldn't have thought it'd be such a normal boy.
(dish: wrappers read "Shiitake Manjuu")
Rie: ....
Yoshiki: Umm... Thank you for what happened earlier
Rie: You're welcome, it's lucky I just happened to be around.
Rie: But why would something like that...
Yoshiki: Um, uh, that thing...w-what was that?
Rie: The thing from earlier was, well, something like...a curse, made using a very old, very strong "impurity"
Rie: I guess someone made it by digging up an old grave or something
(sfx: pour)
Rie: Luckily, I was able to drive it away...although it might be closer to say it retreated
Yoshiki: (...he's talked about "impurity" before...)
Yoshiki: When you say "impurity"...
Rie: To put it simply...
Rie: It's something like a "ghost" or a "presence".
Rie: This world and that world sit very close together, separated by a thin membrane
Rie: The souls and emotions of the dead pass through that membrane...
Rie: But when there's a distortion, the membrane gets torn, and they come out
Rie: ...and the god of that world allows them to be reborn again in this world
Rie: All I can do is put the ones that come out back in and close some small holes
(sfx: BANG)
Rie: As for destroying them... I'm no god so it's impossible for me.
Yoshiki: Um...I don't really get it, but
Yoshiki: I guess I understand
Rie: As for him over there, ...
Rie: He seems to really attract those "impurities". Although it's true of you, too.
Rie: Like, what's it called, that...
Rie: That needle thing on the roof of a tall building?
Yoshiki: A lightning rod?
Rie: Yes, yes
Rie: It's exactly like that
Rie: When it was on the mountain, it must have drawn all the impurities to it like a lightning rod, so the villages and town were spared
Rie: Now it's accident this incident that... it's a mess.
Yoshiki: So it's not 'Hikaru' himself, ...but the impurities that're the reason for these accidents and all...is that right?
Rie: Yes...but it's honestly unusual for there to be this many impurities.
Rie: Impurities shouldn't all be evil things
Rie: But when there are this many, it's no good.
Rie: Was that huge presence I sensed from the mountain...
Rie: Really only coming from him...?
(sfx: whumph)
Hikaru: ....
Hikaru: Huh?...Where am I? Yoshiki?
Yoshiki: 'Hikaru'
Next chapter: 2023/08/15
Twitter Extra (link):
Yoshiki: (so heavy so heavy so heavy so heavy so heavy)
Rie: Are you alright!? My car's over here!
T/N: I've used the word "corruption" for translating ケガレ (kegare) in places before but I'm using "(spiritual) impurity" now to be more consistent, and better fit the meaning of the term and the way its used in this manga. I've revised the older chapters I've done to be consistent as well. Hope it's not too confusing.
Here is a English wiki page on what the term means for Shinto by the way.
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
"Family Bonds Unveiled"
Plot: Ema Hinata, the daughter of Rintaro and Shona Hinata, has grown up in a loving and supportive household. While working on a school project about her ancestry, she discovers a hidden secret: she has thirteen half-brothers from her mother's previous marriage, all with the last name Asahina.
Intrigued and excited, Ema sets out to meet her newfound brothers with her parents' blessings. The Hinata family sets up a gathering, inviting all thirteen Asahina brothers to their home for a weekend to get to know one another. As each brother arrives, Ema starts realizing their diverse personalities and backgrounds.
1. Masaomi Asahina: The reliable and responsible eldest brother who acts as the family's anchor. 2. Ukyo Asahina: The intelligent and introverted brother who has a deep passion for literature and classical music. 3. Kaname Asahina: The sporty and outgoing brother who excels in various athletic activities. 4. Hikaru Asahina: The free-spirited brother with a knack for arts and thrift shopping, always clad in eccentric attire. 5. Tsubaki Asahina: The charming and egoistic brother who dreams of becoming an idol. 6. Azusa Asahina: The brooding and mysterious brother who is rarely seen without his guitar. 7. Natsume Asahina: The mischievous and playful brother who loves pranks and often causes chaos in the household. 8. Louis Asahina: The elegant and refined brother who constantly travels the world, showcasing his talent in various fashion events. 9. Subaru Asahina: The calm and collected brother who finds solace in nature and dreams of becoming a forest conservationist. 10. Iori Asahina: The strict and disciplined brother, an aspiring law student with a passion for justice. 11. Yusuke Asahina: The kind-hearted and empathetic brother who spends most of his time volunteering at local charities. 12. Fuuto Asahina: The charismatic and popular brother, a rising star in the entertainment industry with a love for acting and music. 13. Wataru Asahina: The adorable and youngest brother who, due to his age, often seeks attention and affection from others.
As the weekend progresses, Ema finds herself forming unique bonds with each brother, each bringing something special into her life. However, not all is easy, as conflicts and rivalries among the brothers arise. Ema, determined to mend any misunderstandings, helps uncover the root causes of their discord, helping them reconcile and grow closer as a family.
Throughout the story, Ema learns the importance of family, love, and understanding, as she brings her newfound half-brothers together to form an unbreakable bond. This heartwarming tale explores the challenges and joys of blending families, reminding everyone that blood does not define family but rather the connections we forge.
As Ema continues to spend time with her newfound brothers, she realizes that each one of them carries their own burdens and struggles. She witnesses firsthand the power of siblinghood and the impact it can have on one's personal growth.
Masaomi, the eldest brother, feels a tremendous weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He has always felt obligated to take care of his younger siblings, sacrificing his own dreams and desires. Through Ema's gentle encouragement and unwavering support, Masaomi begins to reevaluate his priorities and allows himself to pursue his own aspirations, ultimately finding happiness in the process.
Ukyo, with his introverted nature, has always struggled to express his emotions and connect with others. Ema, being compassionate and patient, spends long hours talking to him, sharing stories, and slowly helping him build his self-confidence. Gradually, Ukyo begins to open up, confiding in Ema about his fears and dreams, and together they embark on a journey of self-discovery.
Kaname, the sporty brother, feels immense pressure to excel in every aspect of his life. Ema recognizes his hidden insecurities and encourages him to explore his passions beyond just sports. Together, they venture into different artistic endeavors, such as painting and photography, allowing Kaname to discover a new side of himself.
Hikaru, the free-spirited brother, and Ema find solace in their shared love for arts and music. They explore the city together, attending open mic nights and art galleries, giving Hikaru the creative outlet he craves. Ema's unwavering belief in Hikaru's talent helps him overcome his internal battles, allowing him to pursue his dreams fearlessly.
Azusa, the introspective and silent brother, connects with Ema through their mutual love for music. Ema discovers that Azusa channels his emotions into his guitar playing, using it as a form of therapy. Recognizing his need for emotional support, Ema dedicates her time to play and sing with Azusa, creating a harmonious bond that provides healing and encouragement.
Natsume, the mischievous brother, is initially wary of Ema's presence, fearing that she might disrupt their established dynamic. However, Ema's warmth and understanding break down his defenses. She joins forces with Natsume in planning pranks and mischievous adventures, encouraging him to share his playful side while simultaneously teaching him to consider the feelings of others.
Louis, the fashionable brother who travels the world, often feels lonely and disconnected from the family. As Ema delves into his life, she discovers his yearning for a deeper connection. Ema arranges surprise visits from her brothers during Louis' fashion shows, bridging the gap and showing him that he is truly cherished.
Subaru, the calm and nature-loving brother, feels pressured to conform to societal expectations. Ema introduces him to environmental conservation organizations, where his passion for nature finds purpose. Together, they embark on a mission to educate others about the importance of environmental sustainability, reinforcing Subaru's belief that he can make a significant impact.
Iori, the disciplined and ambitious brother, learns the value of compassion and empathy through Ema's patient guidance. Gradually, he realizes the importance of balancing his drive for success with kindness toward others. Inspired by Ema's selflessness, Iori seeks opportunities to help those in need, evolving into a well-rounded individual.
Yusuke, the kind-hearted and empathetic brother, appreciates Ema's genuine care and concern for others. They collaborate on various community service projects, making a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable individuals. Through their shared experiences, Yusuke learns the significance of selfless acts of kindness and finds deeper fulfillment in serving his community.
Fuuto, the charming and popular brother, initially teases Ema relentlessly. However, as they spend more time together, Fuuto begins to admire Ema's determination and resilience. He witnesses her commitment to her goals and realizes that her unwavering pursuit of happiness is something he should also strive for, inspiring him to take his own career aspirations more seriously.
And finally, Wataru, the youngest brother, looks up to Ema as his big sister figure. Ema showers him with love and attention, assuring him that his voice matters. They embark on adventures together, engaging in childlike playfulness while also nurturing Wataru's curiosity and imagination.
As the story progresses, Ema's infectious positivity and unwavering support help each brother confront their challenges, redefine their identities, and embrace the strength of their newfound familial bonds. "Family Bonds Unveiled" becomes a tale of personal growth, love, forgiveness, and the transformative power of accepting and embracing one another's individuality.
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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Hikaru at today’s LADY BEYOND event
The artists in order of appearance:  GARNiDELiA, Hikaru, 春奈るな, NightOwl, START TO BLING. Seems like Hikaru sang six songs in total. The full setlist was finally posted by Hikaru (it’s a good thing to see her sing H-el-ical// songs, none of her anisongs though)
Hikaru’s Setlist Ambient Border I am me 千日紅 drizzle Existence pulsation
Tweet by Hikaru | Tweet by START TO BLING
The event was over 4 hours long which is crazy considering it’s a week day!  And it looks like there’s another event coming up on December 3! Hikaru is set to be one of the main acts:
START TO BLING presents "The Pride"   supported by LADY BEYOND
『Ambient Border -DAWN-』Pre-Event
On December 17, 2022 (Sat) a special pre-event will be held at “Akihabara Talk Live BAR from scratch” to celebrate the upcoming run of the “Ambient Border” play.(Source)
Event title: "Ambient Border -DAWN-" Venue: Akihabara Talk Live BAR from scratch Date: December 17 【Day】OPEN 14:30 / START 15:00 (~2h) 【Night】OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00 (~2h) Tickets: Ticket with XMAS Present:¥4,000+1drink(¥500) Pre-order ticket: ¥3,000+1drink(¥500) Door ticket:¥4,000+1drink(¥500)
During a second round of announcements, it has been revealed that Hikaru will participate in the event! Takeshi Kato (Gekidan GAIA_crew) will be in charge of the script of the spin-off work that will be performed during the event! In addition, a food menu and drinks inspired by the “Ambient Border” characters will be on sale!
■Performers [Guests] Yuki Sasaki, Hikaru, Iori Nomizu, Kei Kawamoto, Yuka Yasukawa (Beacon Labo Co., Ltd.), Naru, Yoshiki Kohata, Yuya Kuroe (-ROMAND-), Masaru Kanba, Yurie Mitsumine, Keisuke Ando [CC] Takahiro Murakami, Hiroyuki Kosuge, Takuma Tanaka, Shinpachi, Yutaro Adachi, Mariko, Yumi Agawa, Marina Hamada, Risa Yamauchi, Kenichiro Bitani
■ Event details ・ Live performance of the performers' tie-in songs and their own songs ・Performance of spin-off work ・Special talk show ・Reveal of main costumes ・Original food and drinks related to the characters
■ Benefits of Christmas ticket A4 portrait designed for everyone's character Priority entrance
Note: I wonder if I should try to get a ticket for this..? Looks a bit intimidating and I have no idea how much of Hikaru I would actually get to see but I am tempted...
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obsessedforever · 4 years
Brothers Conflict Gimme The Love!!: Story 5 Summary - The Story of Wataru’s Birth
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The story starts in the year 2000, on 2nd January at the Asahina’s old house. Rather than an apartment building, it looks like a large 2 story home.
A pregnant Miwa and her sons are eating dinner, fancy bento boxes are stacked on a coffee table. Iori competes with Tsubaki in Rock-Paper-Scissors for the lobster in the bento box. A younger Yuusuke watches jealously and Natsume comments that Yuusuke is too weak at Rock-Paper-Scissors. Iori wins against Kaname too and Natsume thinks he lost on purpose. 
Iori claims his lobster prize and approaches Yuusuke. He breaks the lobster in two (but all the meat goes to the tail side) and gives Yuusuke the empty head (lol). Kaname praises him and Iori eats his lobster meat while Yuusuke pitifully stares at the empty head. 
Miwa has construction plans for the new house. She also says the baby will be born soon. Actually she’s started having pains today but she’s troubled because there will be higher charges during the new years holiday. When she had the triplets it was a huge amount of money spent. Masaomi and the brothers panic and want her to go to the hospital. She’s rather relaxed about it as the hospital wont admit her until her contractions are 15 minutes apart. Masaomi is a medical student at this time and he is very concerned that things will end up the way it did with Yuusuke. 
Miwa realises all the children are very worried because they remember that time. She realises that she forgot about it because birthing Fuuto was as easy as any other of her children. She starts to feel down about it but the Yuusuke offers her his birthing charm. She decides to go to the hospital, but asks Masaomi to call their father Yoichi first. 
The next day on January 3 2000, Wataru has been born and the brothers are gathered around Miwa’s hospital bed. She gave birth to Wataru safely in just 50 minutes after arriving to hospital, Ukyou scolds her for being reckless saying it’s unreasonable. Hikaru pipes in saying it’s more unreasonable that she keeps producing only boys. Yuusuke is also upset its another boy. Tsubaki reminds him that he’s a boy too. Miwa laughs saying she understands how they feel. She also wants a daughter, saying since around the 3rd child she’s wanted a daughter. Kaname (3rd) and Hikaru (4th) apologise for not being girls (lol). 
However although Miwa certainly wanted a girl, when she remembers giving birth to Yuusuke she doesn’t care. At the time it was a very difficult birth, so much so that her husband ran out of the delivery room to buy a safe birthing charm. During this time he the brothers stay behind to support their mom. Eventually the father returns and Miwa gives birth to a lively baby boy and everyone cried with relief. Because of this Miwa doesn’t care about boy or girl. They welcome the 13th son Wataru into the world. 
In February that year the family visit a shrine. Young Yuusuke has brought some money to pray. He loudly prays to God for a big sister. Everyone laughs at him. Miwa hopes that he really gets a female sibling one day. 
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digitalgate02 · 4 years
Epilogue Celebration Day THREE: Family
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Idk what to talk when I’m holding a bit of canon epilogue-related stuff for my particular multi-verse project ( @digimonadventuretimelines​ ) so well... I will try my best to not spoil (?) that much ;3;
Yagami Household: Taichi IS very much busy, and he always tries his best to be present in his child & family life. Sometimes he takes his son to eat Daisuke’s ramen when he finds free time for it. Takao gets along very well with Hikaru, almost like a (good & healthy) Taichi-Hikari relationship were.
Ishida-Takenouchi Household: Both parents are busy, but they don’t miss anything they can from Atori & Yoshiya. Sora’s mom friend skills are in best usage here, and Yamato being the Responsible Dad(tm) blooms in a way both Taichi and Daisuke joke of (”When we all were kids you used to babysit the young ones” “Right, senpai! It’s like Yamato had parent skills since then!” “You owe me a beer and Daisuke, you owe your ‘father’ here some free ramen”) -- Atori & Yoshiya gets along pretty much with Mitsuki. And with Mitsuki, Atori learns to be snarky and punny as her cousin. It’s in the family, deal with it.
Izumi Household: Yes, Koushiro is busy but he pleases Mirai with chatting to her via video calls when he’s at work. At home, he spends a good time listening to her discoveries AND gets impressed of her inventions. She’s so proud of her and knows she has a great future in hands.
Barton-Tachikawa Household: MIMI LOVES MIKE. Michael also loves him too. They’re the most supportive people in Mike’s life, being the very first ones to accept his identity & gender. Mimi loves to cook anything Mike loves to, as form of showing him love. She gets very excited teaching him how to cook and appreciates his efforts in the kitchen. Michael is introduced to Kamen Rider franchise by him, and sits every Sunday morning to watch with his son. If he can’t, he just gets the old DVD/BD from Mike’s collection and watches with his beloved son when we get free time.
Kido Household: Joe is busy, especially as a doctor, so Jin spends most of his time with his mother or with his friends. But that does not mean Joe can’t see or spend time with him. When they’re together, they talk about tons of things, like teaching first aid to Jin and giving some help at school. Jin does not want to be a doctor and Joe respects that, so he says whatever Jin wants to be in the future, he will support his son’s choices.
Motomiya Household: Daisuke is a wild man with his successful business, he takes his son to everywhere when he can because heck, he’s Motomiya Daisuke. His son Daiki loves to travel around the worlds, and somehow he knows a bit of languages from each place -- including digimon language. Daisuke speaks three languages fluently at this point, but keeps doing business mostly in English. He still likes to cook, and of course when he’s in town he cooks to teach his employees. And admires everyone’s job. He loves all of his employees and want them to be happy! He also loves his wonderful wife and is thankful for her support & love every single day of his life.
Hida Household: Iori is the 02 squad’s Responsible Dad(tm) who teaches morals and every single wise advice he had learned with his grandpa, the Chosen Children and the digimon. He appreciates Reika’s passion for art, and her desire to be a great artist. She also likes calligraphy, always being strict on her skills. Iori sometimes looks at her and see himself, so he tries to not let her be too much distressed with life. Anyway, they’re a good Dad-Daughter duo.
Ichijouji-Inoue Household: HECK, this family is WILD. They’re so full of creatives, and geniuses that you can’t fool any of them. Miyako is an expert in tech, Ken is an expert in forensics, Mai is an expert in music, and Toushin is the gamer expert. Sometimes Miyako wonders if it is a family thing. Sometimes she wonders if the third baby will be a little genius as well. But probably will, since it’s in the family’s genes~
Takaishi Household: Since Takeru is a novelist, he works mostly at home. And he takes time to watch Mitsuki’s live streams, videos and read Mituski retro game/stuff reviews. As expected, Mitsuki is a lil troll as his dad so you can catch both of them doing embarrassing things as dumb puns or teasing Yamato and Daisuke.
Satou-Yagami Household: Hikari is a teacher, yes. She teaches things and takes care of her family with a big heart. She gets worried when Hikaru wants to do risky things, but then she remembers she also had done risky things and realizes it’s him being a little more extrovert version of her. Tailmon had given him Hikari’s iconic whistle she was holding on a special place in the Digital World. That whistle is always with him, as his precious treasure. 
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asahinasnowflakes · 5 years
Can I request relationship headcanons for a female s/o with Masaomi, Hikaru, Tsubaki, Azusa, Iori, Subaru, Yusuke, Futo and Ema? I know this may be much but I really love the bro con guys and I agree that Ema needs more love! Good luck with your blog and future scenarios!
Jfc I sounded like an idiot, my apologies. I didn't get to see the full question because this is honestly my first time getting a request.
Save this kind boi
Assuming you're within the same age range, he'll be more open to you as both of you are adults
If not, he'll be more of hesitant to open up so you'll have to talk to him
Sweet doctor, will be there for you and always checks if you're okay, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Might treat you like a child from time to time
So you gotta prove you're really a woman to him ;)
All in all, will love you sweetly and tenderly and might spoil you too
Kisses forehead and lips (cuz he can taste that sweet candy on your mouth hohoho)
Gifts may contain stuff toys or your favorite sweets, probably even himself(suggested by Kaname)
Delicious gentle doctor boi
At first it was all a joke
But once you two are in a relationship
You're in for a ride
Will tease you a lot
And jokes with you
But believe me, you have the first pass to his novels
Can be sweet with you
This novelist may or may not use you for references, in a good way
Hand holding and love taking pictures with you
Lots of neck kisses tho
On tiring days, will request you to cuddle or just comfort him especially when he has ran out of ideas for his novels
Blackmails anyone whoever tries to hurt you
He be protective despite his joking nature
Sly boi
Will spoil you 100%
Lots of hugs and kisses
You may have trouble when he's angry or troubled, so you gotta talk to him properly
Make sure he doesn't force himself on you
Cuz he will regret it and once he has realized what he had done, will 101% blame it on himself
Will still have insecurities about his twin
Please support him and comfort him
Will also give you lots of cuddles
Is going to invite you to his recording sessions to watch him
First pass in his live events
Kisses on lips, neck and legs
Sweet boi
Another sweet "shy" boi
Wolf in disguise
Is actually as perverted as Tsubaki but more composed than him
You can rely on him as he's quite mature
His shoulder is for you to cry on and to lean on, probably also to bite on
Anyways, loves you a whole lot
You also have the first pass to his live shows
Mostly likes hand holding
But will have his arm around your waist when in public, don’t want unwanted predators eyeing his one and only prey.
Kisses on lips, neck and shoulder
Comforting boi
Precious boi
Will always have a flower in hand on dates
Quite scary when angry
But you always manage to calm him down
When you're both angry at each other, Kana-nii has to tell either of you to make up, the house is choking with the deadly aura you two are seeping
He a princely boi but he treats you like his queen
Will honestly do anything for you
Nothing is perfect, but you two will struggle together and face through the problems
Please don't leave him
He needs you
Loves holding your warm hands with his cold ones
Kisses on forehead and back of the hand
Hugging you is a healing medicine
Loves playing with your hair tho
Probably would even kill for you if someone gets in the way of your love
Secretly dangerous sweet boi
Shy boi at first
But once he opens up
Is quite a funny guy
Will always update you with his basketball games
Have you in the first row seat
Loves when you're there to support and see him
Will try to impress you
Also help you with heavy things
He can carry those bags of yours as if they were feathers
Loves carrying you around tho
At first he is hesitant to hold your hand in public
But now he a brave boi and has his arm around your waist
Kisses on lips and on the cheeks
Love this muscular boi
100% fucking loyal and protective
Your heart will melt at his efforts to try and impress you
Cute tsundere boi saying he didn't put chocolates on your desk(but his handwriting on the letter gave it away)
Will do his best to comfort and soothe you despite being bad at it
101% protective over you
Will fight who dares to hurt you
His hands are comfortably warm and you'll love holding them
Kisses on cheek
When you two are sleeping, he has you caged in his arms as if afraid you'll go :')
Pure protective boi
Quite difficult to be with this idol
Not only you have to hide your relationship, you gotta make sure no fangirl sees you two together
May be bratty af
May also be quite forceful
But believe him
He loves you very much
Will secretly spoil you with expensive gifts and clothing and jewelry
Loves hugging you from behind tho
Always the big spoon, don't even fight it
Surprise kisses
Expect lots of honest criticism
But is also accepting critiques for himself cuz he wants to improve to
Kisses on lips and collarbone and ear
Teasing sweet boi
Omg bring her some fan
She's heating up
Loves you so much
Gaming buddies!
Will 100% spoil you with pastry food she made
If you attend the same school, expect delicious bentos made by her
When you two are gaming, she likes having her arms around you
Is not afraid to hold your hand in public
Smooches on the face
Loves you so much (i know I said that already but hhhhh)
Kisses on cheek and nape
Sweet child
Please love her
She deserves it
You will lean into her soft touches
Comforts and soothes you in any way she can
Would love to go shopping with you
If you two have different taste in styles, she's cool with it too!
Affectionate sweet gal
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lesbiananimeism · 5 years
Bri I really value your music opinions so I’m curious if you’ve gotten to listen to the new RevStar album “La Revue Eternal” and wanted to know what you thought about it
Otte Owarete Sirius: REALLY REALLY GOOD! I Iove the traditional flair with more general anison elements and I love how Teru, Ayasa, Tomori, and Risa’s voices harmonise. I love the different dynamics used, and the back and forth between Futaba and Kaoruko IMMEDIATELY after Rui and Tamao just… work well with each other? Like Rui and Tamao are just like… a regular duet style, and when Kaoruko and Futaba come in correcting the other’s movements and scolding each other but in song. It’s really good.
Zeus no Chuusai: IT’S SO SHOWTUNEY AND CLAUDINE IS JUST KIND OF THERE??? I love Rena and Hikaru in it but Aiai just fucking DOMINATES the song in my opinion! Honestly kind of reminds me in structure to G Senjou which we ALL know is like my favourite song from the Love Live! franchise. I honestly can’t get over Claudine just kind of being there with the Yumeoji sisters, and it’s basically just like? Claudine helping the Yumeoji sisters talk to each other and teaching them how to write a duet together? It’s REALLY dumb and I love it so much.
Gyoshite Gyoshaza: I’m like in LOVE with “Arabian Nights” music aesthetic just in general. Hinata, Yume, Iori, and Miyu all sound great and the song is a REALLY fun listen. Yume and Hinata definitely have the strongest vocals in the song, I think, but Iori and Miyu add a lot of support and foundation. I honestly don’t have a lot to say about the song
Uragiri no Crete: I LOVE how theatrical it is—it’s a pretty commonly known fact that I’m in love with symphonic metal bands like Nightwish and Delain, and power metal bands like Sonata Arctica and Sabaton, so I absolutely ABSOLUTELY love powerful, theatrical songs (part of what drew me in to RevStar alongside KuroMaya’s very aesthetic). I loooove the way the pairs harmonise (Mikoi and Emiri, Yuka and Kudoharu, Mahonee and Moepii), though I think Moepii’s voice is a little weak to properly harmonise and boost Mahonee’s (and it was a missed opportunity to give us another Mahonee and Mimorin duo). All six of them together match REALLY really well, especially with the general tone of the backing track. I wish their call and responses changed pair ups and tried to experiment with potential matches.
Ittousei no Procyon: The song where three of the four members’ given names are in hiragana and Misora is just… there with her kanji. Probably my least favourite song on the EP but by no means a bad song, just the most… generic with four of probably the weakest voices in my opinion (sorry Haruki, Azumi, Megumi, and Ayana ;-;). It’s still a super fun listen but it’s just… nothing new and unoriginal? I love all four of them supporting each other on their way to Position Zero but musically it’s just kind of ‘eh’ for me. It picks up a little close to the end before the final refrain but… eh.
Gyakkyou no Orion: I LOVE how the song is established, it feels like you’re entering a final boss arena with Karen, Hikari, and Akira (seiyuu Momoyo-chan, Mimorin, and Hotaru respectively). I like how it’s essentially Karen and Hikari competing against just Akira, and all three different call and response possibilities are utilised and sound reeeeaaallly good—though Momoyo-chan and Hotaru take up a lot of the first act with Mimorin replacing Hotaru for a lot of the second act. All three sound wonderful, and Momoyo-chan is still able to compete with Mimorin and Hotaru for vocal strength. I wish Mimorin and Hotaru were actually given the chance to harmonise, but whatever I guess. It’s structured a lot like… pretty much other Hikari centric song in the RevStar score which is… fine and a good structure.
Overall my favourite tracks off the EP are definitely Uragiri no Crete, Zeus no Chuusai, and Otte Owarete probably in that order. And then it’s probably Zeus no Chuusai, Gyoshite Gyoshaza, and Ittousei no Procyon.
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alteredphoenix · 3 years
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A collage of some of the leading ladies in a few of my stories I’ve drawn throughout the years. From left to right, earliest to newest:
- Ladio, a husky/shepherd mix, who is apprenticing under her adopted mother to be a field medic and eventually accrues an internship at a neighboring country’s military base. She is friends with Shadow Fox. She is one of the few husky anthros that lives in her community, and a rarity as one who is also of mixed heritage. Although she is still a teenager and she is still figuring out what she wants out of life, she enjoys her studies and hopes that one day it will lead her to finding out who her birth parents were and if the fabled Deep Six City, a community comprised solely of huskies, actually exists.
(Notes: Notably the first anthro I’ve made. She’s kind of flip-flopped between being influenced from Star Fox Adventures, Sonic, and - even I’m shocked when I look back on it - Dragon Ball Z (to be fair, it was one of my first anime, back in the day. But since Ladio’s universe is a hot pot of anthros, reptilians, humans, robots and cyborgs, fairies, and aliens and all manner of creatures, I shouldn’t be so surprised.)
- Jinkei Haotome, a high school student who can wield phoenix fire in an urban fantasy world that leans hard into the concept of Guardians of the Four Directions from Asian mythology. Her favorite subject is mathematical topology. Is not Japanese; it’s just a cool name I came up with in middle school, so it’s stuck with her ever since. 
(Notes: She’s pretty much a more hot-blooded, foul-mouthed Kusanagi Kyo from King of Fighters but she takes her academic studies more seriously...somewhat. AFAIK I never made a K’ or Iori expy to compliment her; a shame, really. She did start out as a KoF/SNK OC mentoring under the Sakazaki Team, though.)
- Rita Lusaloff, a girl trained in the swordsmanship and born with a left-handed astrolabe, a rare birthright that is only found in left-handed people that are able to use all magical elements. When she was nine her parents gave her up to be fostered by an elf to be cared for and trained in astral arts due to prejudice to those that bear the mark of the astrolabe.
(Notes: She has some heavy Tales of series influence, mainly Abyss...but between her and Luke, she’s much more grounded and is her age (19). There is also some Code Geass inspiration, but I don’t see Rita as someone who would ever be as morally grey as Lelouch is. If I had to describe what Rita’s personality is most like among the Tales of protagonists, I would say Lloyd - but with more education, but both share the same level of idealism.)
- Maaya Lawson (biologically born Maaya Endomere), the leading military commander, or Lord-General, in the country she trained and served - but not of her own will; prior to this, she was a law enforcement officer. She is the youngest person to hold the title, with the misfortune - or, as some would say, good fortune - of being the first human lycan to sit in office; because of ongoing hostilities between humans and non-humans, she is regarded with hostility by most of the public and as a result has only very few friends. She loves wolfdogs and has a pack that is bred for psychic attunement, all of whom serve as emotional support and jogging partners. The white-blue portion of her hair and sharp blue eyes indicates her lycanthropic nature.
(Notes: She surprisingly has origins rooted in Shakespearean tragedy, of all things, but I wanted to try my own take on the tried-and-true anime harems but with an absolutely gay as fuck, romantic as fuck, and eventually down to fuck protagonist who’s buff as fuck and surrounded by hot as fuck women, so I ditched the Shakespeare concept because yuri is better.)
-  Airi Lacard (transliterated surname), a young woman who lives alongside wind elementals in her region who take on the form of bald eagles. She has an interest in demonology, cultural history, and theatrical arts. Her destiny is somehow tied to that of the Demon King, Lord Tel Ossei Al-Sharaad, even though he is regarded as a being that is not real and only exists in fiction. As a member born into the animistic culture of the Houses of the Wylde, everyone is given both a true name and a use-name. However, ‘Airi’ is usually reserved as a true-name, and only for those women in positions of power. Airi was born with this name and she would later accept it as her use-name, so technically it is both her true-name and use-name; however, it is said she has a true-name she gave herself, but no one knows what it is, much to the chagrin of her elders, clanmates, and even siblings. For all her love and fondness of birds, she has a wary distrust of great horned owls, the bald eagle’s greatest rival.
(Notes: Airi’s origins have an interesting development. She started out as an Eleanor Hume expy for a Tales of Berseria/Zestiria fanfic that never took off, described as someone who was a ‘hero who would eventually be forgotten by history and known only in folklore’. Then she became her own person but her story was going to be my attempt at a children’s tale...until I made the stunning realization that I needed Airi to suffer immensely, preferably with existential angst, in order to grow, so that idea got quickly nixed. Then the previous iteration ended up making her either die and have paradise eternal throughout all realities, become forgotten by time again or a much happier Highlander expy who would evoke the Ascended To A Higher Plane of Existence, and I hated all of those for depressing me even if the four of the six endings I wrote for her were mostly bittersweet. Thus began my journey to give Airi a much better, fulfilling outcome, which began with watching bald eagle cams back in 2019, which is where I got the idea of attributing them to her. At the same time, I was obsessively putting the entirety of Kikuchi Momoko’s discography on repeat as I dabbled with the worldbuilding in notebooks, so Airi has quite a distinct mid-1980′s to early 1990′s feel that emulates the women of that time period: elegant and mature and kind with a hint of mischievous mirth lurking underneath. Magic Knight Rayearth should also be thanked for inspiration regarding the development of Airi’s family, which is where the idea of her having three older brothers comes from. Hikaru herself also helped flesh Airi out, but whereas Hikaru is very energetic Airi is ten years older and is more composed - at least until there are bald eagles in the picture. Sadly the mecha portions of MKR didn’t carry over to Airi’s story, although I do wish to find a way to include them in some capacity even if the story itself is not mecha. Although the angst stays; you must understand that I can’t just make things a cakewalk for my girls. That’s too easy!)
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entertext · 1 year
HGSN 20-3
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
(sfx: slide)
Iori: Um, Um, Papa helped me!
Iori: He made my Pokemen stronger! And then-
Rie: Oh
Rie: That's wonderful
Rie: (I thought "forever" would be impossible, but)
Rie: (If we could stay like this for just a little longer...)
Iori: Uwaugh-!!
(sfx: gasp)
Rie: Iori!? What happened!?
Iori: Uu...
Rie: ...But it was completely different from 'Hikaru'-kun. There was no mistake it was my husband's soul, but no matter how you looked at it, that was nothing more than an ordinary "impurity"...
Hikaru: I'm...not the same as an "impurity". Probably. Fundamentally it's somehow...
Rie: You're...more like something that sits on the outside of the cycle of samsara... something more...incomprehensible...you know
Yoshiki: Um...do you know anything about "Nounuki-sama"?
Rie: Nounuki-sama?
Rie: I'm sorry, I don't know
Yoshiki: Oh, I see...
Rie: ...you know
Rie: If the impurities continue to increase like this... a lot of people are going to die.
Rie: What do you two want to do?
Hikaru: (I don't really understand the weight of a life)
Hikaru: (I could run away and leave it all behind if I wanted to)
Hikaru: (But Yoshiki definitely wouldn't do something like that)
Hikaru: (The things that are precious to Yoshiki...they're precious to me too)
Hikaru: I...
Hikaru: I finally have a precious place to belong. I want to protect it.
Yoshiki: ...I decided I would stick with him no matter what
Yoshiki: Because of that, if people are going to die then...pretending not to see it isn't something I'm going to do.
Rie: I see
Rie: Then I guess we'll have to do something about it together.
Rie: (They're good kids...)
Yoshiki: Thank you very much
(sfx: door handle turning)
Rie: Watch out for cars, ok? You go home now--
Hikaru: Ah, wait, my shoes, you go ahead
Yoshiki: Okay
(sfx: door closes)
(sfx: tap tap)
Hikaru: Here we go
Rie: 'Hikaru'-kun
Rie: You...if you get Tsujinaka-kun "mixed up" any more than he is now, it'll be bad
Rie: I'm sure you already know...
Rie: Tsujinaka-kun...
Rie: ...won't be able to return to the human world anymore
(sfx: twinge of pain)
Next chapter: 2023/08/29
Twitter Extra (link):
Hikaru: "Life"...
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entertext · 1 year
HGSN 20-2
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Hikaru: What a relief, you're okay?
Yoshiki: Yeah...
Hikaru: Hey ...Who? Is that?
Hikaru: Yoshiki...
Hikaru: That person...um, does she know? Did you tell her?
Yoshiki: ...Yeah...it's more like...she noticed
Hikaru: ....
Rie: It's not like I'm planning on doing anything about you two.
Rie: I couldn't possibly do anything even if I wanted to
Rie: For now, why don't you come over here?
Hikaru: Hmm...
Hikaru: You really didn't trust me at all, did ya?
Hikaru: ...Guess that's only natural.
Yoshiki: It's different now. Completely different now.
Hikaru: What exactly are you, Auntie?
Rie: Oh?
Rie: I'm just a housewife
Hikaru: (Back then... why couldn't I defeat that thing?)
Hikaru: (But this auntie could?)
Hikaru: (If I'm like this, then Yoshiki...)
Yoshiki: 'Hikaru'
Hikaru: *whisper* (I know)
Hikaru: *whisper* (I'm not gonna hurt her, I told you I can't)
Rie: Now, now. 'Hikaru'-kun, why don't you have some of these? They're delicious
Hikaru: Shiitake manjuu...
Yoshiki: (It's all sweet stuff...)
Hikaru: Whoa, what is this? So good...!
(sfx: pick up)
Yoshiki: Hey...!! Don't eat so many manjuu at someone else's house all on your own...
(sfx: thump)
Hikaru: Mm-whorf
Rie: Hey 'Hikaru'-kun
Rie: What on earth are you, I wonder?
Hikaru: Beats me...
Hikaru: I don't know either...
Rie: ...I also
Rie: had someone come back like you
Rie: A long time ago, my dead husband came back
Iori: Hey
Iori: Mama?
Iori: Why'd you make a plate for Papa even though he's gone?
Rie: Hm?
Rie: Papa's still around~
Rie: Papa's right inside there
Rie: I'm home...
(sfx: door shuts)
Rie: Iori, about the pudding...
Next chapter: 2023/08/22
Twitter Extras (link):
Kurebayashi-san when she was young.
Someone who has been through many troubles
As her own mother has already passed away, she is relying on her mother-in-law
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02's Daisuke+Co. & KouTai [and some O.C.s]
Koushiro: I could try cleaning up the picture a bit, but it might prove "difficult". It's pretty small, and... "low quality." (Showing others Again) Koushiro: We may not get as much "detail" as we hope. But based on this alone, we can "see" some obvious details already. Koushiro: They have dark (Black) hair, dark (Brown) eyes... The hair is a little "spiky" at the ends, but not overly so. (*Pointed Blinking*) It's just how it naturally falls. They're short... and small of build. Maybe somewhat wider shoulder width than {mine} the average person we'd know... Taichi: (I wonder if they played sports at all?) Daisuke, muttering to Taichi: (They said they weren't very "sporty". I think they might have ONCE though, but it's probably not "just because" of that... not like your training) Koushiro: ...And they wear all black. (*Showing*) Chosen not Koushiro: (Like a 'goth'.) Hikaru, Staring: Hikaru: It's true Shane wore black often back then, but sometimes wore blue jeans and the like too... Miyako: That's still very ("goth") like that, though!! Iori: They might stick out in a crowd in Odaiba... it'd look out of place at my residence and the dōjō too, if my family didn't "know" you all already. Daisuke: Yeah, but this was in the U.S. Hikaru: I did live there when I was younger, but we moved by the time I entered high school... that's when I met you. My old friends and some family are still there but... (*trails off*) Daisuke: (Hikaru doesn't understand why someone looking like Hikaru's long time childhood *online* 'mutual' Shane would still be tied "there" instead of "here". Hikaru might still not believe it's them...) SHANE: ... Shane: (/I'm close enough I can touch Hikaru./) Shane: (I saw Hikaru "in-between" but even now Hikaru looks a bit different...) Shane, carefully reaching a hand out, trying to gently touch at the ends of Hikaru's curly hair... suddenly half-Physical: SHANE: (!!!) (*FADES*) HIKARU: !! I Felt something?? (Just... now?) Hikari: What happened?? Hikaru: From the back, I felt "something"... TAICHI, Looking at Daisuke: DAISUKE, LOOKING BACK: (I don't think Hikaru would mind if Shane "revealed" themself now, but Hikaru might get emotional...) SHANE, Digitally floating back and higher, "out of sight": (I'm Not Going To) Wormmon, nudging Ken, noticing Tailmon staring INTENTLY at said spot: KEN: ... Ken, Looking at Daisuke: You said you actually "saw" or encountered someone like this person? Daisuke, Nervous Laughing: It's A Long Story But Hikaru: But Shane disappeared over 10 years ago... Koushiro: Do you remember any other specific details? Hikaru: Shane suddenly stopped coming to the local synagogue's services, which was suspicious even for Shane... once people there and Shane's family realized Shane was truly missing and not just "off on Shane's own", they put out a notice. But not even Shane's few family members left there could find Shane after, and the room was "spotless". I didn't find out until the news showed the report... Ken, Quiet: ...Like when I... left. Hikaru, still doesn't know Everything from when Ken was the Kaiser but had Ideas since they had some private Talks: Maybe... but there were no signs of struggle, and not even a message left... just that the computer chair was pushed back a little, and the screen was "on". But all it even showed was part of the desktop. And the Internet browser was open, but not on any page. Just the default. Like Shane was only just logging in and hadn't actually started using it yet. (We e-mailed back and forth a lot...) Koushiro: There's still a chance something to do with the Digital World happened, but... Daisuke, Didn't Tell them Shane Has A Partner: KEN, Looking at Daisuke: (We Need To Talk.) DAISUKE: (Later!!) SHANE: (...) (Oh, so that's Daisuke's other Queer-platonic Life partner.) (I recognize them now.) (They had a cool Partner 'Mon and helped Daisuke out a lot as support back then. But they're... kind of Stiff.) SHANE: (I'm {probably} going to have to keep this up for a while...)
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