#is Dottore trans?
cluescorner · 2 years
Dottore is probably super pro-trans ppl. Like, not just ‘hey it’s cool if you’re trans’ he’s like ‘OH THANK THE TSARITSA WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP ME EXPERIMENT WITH CHANGING THE HUMAN FORM??’ Like, man probably sees trans-people and he’s like ‘Yet more people who choose to live in defiance of the Gods and traditional principles, this is an absolute win’! This dude could not be more excited that trans people exist, he is so fucking happy about it. He is in the midst of trying to invent all types of gender-affirming care, he probably gave Scara his top surgery and invented HRT by experimenting on people. He did all of this in the most unethical way possible because he’s still a piece of shit, but imagine being a random Fatui soldier and being trans and like ‘Oh no how will I know if my superiors will accept me’. But then you’ve got Dottore hanging signs in the barracks like ‘Trans? Good. Come to the lab and I’ll remove/implant your tits.’ 
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bladeobsession · 23 days
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pachimation · 1 year
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its pride month,,,,,but none of the harbingers know what that means
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probably-impossible · 2 years
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This is what happened in Tatarasuna, right...?
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alstromeria-bouquet · 8 months
Dottore date night where he just does your top surgery <3
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sunshinies · 1 year
maybe dottore (genshin) inspired names/titles? :0
Hi, sure!
💉 Dottore name suggestions:
dexter , draven , caine , ezekiel , luciano , lucius , luther , magnus , malachi , malice , narcissus , nihilus , nocturne , soren , stygian , victorio , vindictus , vittorino , zephyrus
🩻 Dottore title suggestions:
the harbinger of enmity , the malevolent medic , his twisted trials , the scholar in exile , his vicious valor , he who wields the scalpel , his ominous experimentation , his calculated cruelty , his banished brilliance , the sinister surgeon , he who hides behind the mask , clone [#number] , he who has split his being , he who is many
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jkschanel · 2 years
modern au where dottore gets kicked out of med school for illegally doing scaras top surgery
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rabbitunmasked · 1 year
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i had visions this week
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reku1 · 9 months
Does scaramouche have genitals
And if so do you think dottore took them away or gave him genitals
And then there's like did ei give him genitals
Or just skiped that part or she gave him woman parts but when he met doctored he asked if he can have man parts and if that's the case is scaramouche trans
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Trailblazer miku binder
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watatsumiis · 2 years
Dottore helping you get the body you deserve ong 👉👈 he... He would... STOP that's such a comfort... Sobs...
As much as I clown on Dottore and write him as the most bonkers silly unhinged man ever but honestly, I can see him being extremely responsible with things like this.
Like, you'd receive nothing but genuine support from him, he'd even offer to get ahold of (totally legal) hormone treatments if that's what you desire.
Though the prime segment can't empathise as deeply with dysphoria troubles as some of the other segments, he's done more than enough research on the subject to have a very professional knowledge on it all.
From the moment you first mention it to him, Dottore would be supportive - not in the 'jumping around cheering and hollering' sort of way, but more of a quiet understanding that comes from extensive amounts of research and observation. He'll ask questions at first, mostly about your plans (if any) going forward. If you're unsure, he'll present you with your options and then drop the subject entirely until you bring it up with him, in which case he dives right back in and it's like the conversation never took a break.
Like, it's easy to doubt yourself and worry about the little things, but despite his reputation for being somewhat incredulous and mocking towards others, he never makes you feel any less than accepted and supported, and would sooner die than disclose your personal information to anybody else.
And you know what? Of course he'd be happy to help you achieve your goals in a more hands-on way if that's what you want! Just give him some time to do some research and get the right equipment, then he'll be good to go.
He may also ask you if there are any extra 'customisations' of the physical variety you'd like while you're under - his enthusiasm won't wane in the slightest if you say no though. Sometimes Dottore can be a force for good instead of just one for chaos :)
Please don't copy, repost, plagiarise or otherwise steal my writing!
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durasposts · 9 months
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okay guys hear me out- *gunshots*
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zephhhhh · 2 years
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dottoscara go brrr
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moarar · 1 year
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Personal dottore ref sheet (I get jumpscared whenever I look at official art of him)
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shararan · 2 years
I feel like people who complain about Scaramouche "being redeemed" in 3.3 as in "not held accountable" are really like... missing the point?
So you have this creation with one foot in humanity and another in divinity, whose entire existence has been defined from the very beginning by not being enough to truly be either human or god. Who was led to believe that the sheer intensity of his emotions where the cause for being abandoned by his creator and mother. Every single time he finds a semblance of peace and belonging, it's violently taken from him.
Humans can't be trusted. Human emotion is the greatest flaw. Everyone will abandon and betray you sooner or later.
Only for it to be revealed that the entirety of this situation had been carefully plotted in advance by (from what we currently know) Pierro and Dottore, all to specifically set the gears in motion for the naive puppet to spend centuries believing that the loved ones they took from him betrayed him. Completely unaware of the fact that they were eliminated specifically to trap him in the Fatui, so that they could get access to the secrets regarding the Electro Archon's creation methods.
He only became who he was within the Fatui due to being at Dottore's mercy, and for being able to "withstand abuse better than most humans". And now it's also confirmed that this is what made it possible for Dottore to create his many segments in the fist place.
But despite all that, this is a person who sees the divinity that which is the puppet's birthright. The sole purpose of his existence. And this same person promises to unlock that power, and help him scrub away the human emotion that ails him in order to elevate him to true divinity. Infiltrating and conspiring with the leading figures of Sumeru's Akademiya for it. Even when recognizing that this is all for Dottore's goals and nothing else, Scara still accepts it.
... only for everything to collapse and burn on itself, after having a taste of the power that he was taught to covet so. And now he's in the hands of the people who tried to get in the way multiple times before, who finally emerged victorious for it. And for what purpose could he yet be kept alive if not for the potential ways they could use him?
He complies to the tasks they ask him to fulfill, including searching the Irminsul. Only to then learn that everything he thought he knew about his life, his circumstances, his pain... all of it was planned by the Jester and the Doctor before he even knew them. And the people they claimed betrayed Scara had actually defended him and his heart to their literal dying breaths. Even as Dottore revealed his identity and the truth of what went down at Tatarasuna, Niwa's concern for Scara's safety even as he bled to death.
Scara asking the Traveler if there is any chance of changing the past, this wasn't him selfishly trying to erase the errors of his past. This was an attempt at self destruction in the hopes that there was even the smallest chance of changing the outcome of what happened back then. To try and change the timeline, so that Niwa, Katsuragi and everyone who died by assocation of knowing him wouldn't have died that day. Even at the cost of deleting his own existence.
This obviously didn't work out, for there is no way to change fate, and the only thing you change by altering Irminsul is the memory around how things came to pass, not if. And so Niwa, Katsuragi and the others all still died horrible deaths... there's just no puppet to be remembered now.
And then, without his memories, Scara becomes more mellow, and lost. And when faced with the information that he's committed atrocities in the past he accepts this as truth. And this is before the strangers (as the Traveler and Paimon are to him at the time) have any sort of proof to back this claim up with.
Despite that, he asks to bear witness to his past sins. Even when it's hard for him, he never looks away from it, and by the end of it he asks for his memories to be restored even though it will bring back the centuries of pain that lead him to that point. And he's willing to bear the burden, begs for it even.
He asks Kusanali what it means to be human, and if a puppet can truly be human. This is pivotal, as Scara's entire life has been dictated by the shackles of his past, by the things he lack. For the first time ever, he senses a potential way forward, towards a more hopeful future.
And the fact that he gains his vision the exact precise moment he reconciles with his past self, and lets it take a backseat as a part of what's shaped him rather than what forever defines him, is the freedom that which Anemo symbolizes.
I don't think it's talked about enough that his mindset is so reliant on the concept of "eternity", even when acknowledging that he's Ei's creation. She made him and the Shogun as a result of her pursuing unperturbed eternity after the Cataclysm, seeing that even her vessel was not ideal for it (erosion, etc). Scara was ultimately created for that purpose, but even still he is so similar to Ei herself... Both feel everything so intensely they scarcely know how to bear it.
And seeing her own artificial creation shed tears upon receiving the gnosis, I think the "weakness" Ei could be argued to have seen was much more towards herself, rather than Scara (and who knows if his initial softness also bore a potential resemblance to Makoto.)
And so she thought she was doing the only right thing, by giving him her blessing and a chance to shape his own fate free from her influence, rather than destroying him as a "failed prototype". But inevitably, he saw this as abandonment and helped fuel the idea that his sole worth lied in being able to carry the gnosis.
Going back to Scara's vision, the moment he received it also meant that he had finally found the freedom that Ei had wished for him. Something he had only briefly known once in Tatarasuna, as the now forgotten Kabukimono.
Even though he is forgotten in the words of history, and in the memory of the world, he still asks us to tell the descendants of the Raiden Gokaden who had really brought them ruin. Even welcoming the prospect of them wanting to kill him in retribution, seeing it as only fair.
He has no plans as of now, and isn't that the first time in far too long too?
He is finally free from the prison of the past, where he saw no other way than to harm people, and is now free to atone and find himself again. He may forever be shaped by his past, but that does not mean he is incapable of making a difference for the better. Because as he learned the hard way, there is no changing the past.
I'm not sure what other way this part of the story could have been concluded, and I wouldn't have had it any other way because it's all so goddamn poetic and heart wrenching in the best of ways. Even as fate saw for all this hurt and harm to happen, there was still a chance for him to atone and improve, for himself and others.
And the trials of realizing that, and work towards doing better without expecting forgiveness or sympathy from those you hurt, is much more productive when trying to make things better. Why does one feel the need for further punishment after everything the story has told us so far? To me that's missing the point entirely about what makes Scara and characters like him so impactful.
Because nothing about this story has been inherently "redeeming", but if you work under the idea that "punishment and atonement" needs to be carried out and that even then it will never be enough to cleanse you from your past sins, what point is there to try and ever do better? This is why "redemption arcs" is such a useless topic to me and dare I say closemindedly christian
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kaixserzz · 1 year
I really wanna fucking read heliotropes (that one dottore series) and I'm experiencing immense levels of sadness it's fem reader 😭
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