#is a multitasking god
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one drawing of señor hueso (featuring leo annoying him) for the Rise August Art Challenge!
Day 11 - Señor Hueso
hueso has had enough of leo's shit. no turtles were hurt in the making of this drawing
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essektheylyss · 6 months
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was reminded that people get riled up about this the way they get riled up about pineapple on pizza and honestly, as a knowledge org nerd, it is weird and unnecessary 😌
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realbeefman · 13 days
deeply nervous guy came up to me in the student union to ask me to do a survey and it was such a badly formatted survey that even though it was only like 10 questions it took me like ten minutes to answer (the theme of the survey was just opinions about Education for context. like “is education good?” type questions) and the entire time he made small talk about house md and awkwardly sat on the floor in front of me and im only NOW, 24 hours later, realizing how badly i fumbled by not asking for his instagram. or number. something. what the hell. i got distracted by the terrible survey. he was rambling about THE TV SHOW I THINK ABOUT FOR HOURS AND HOURS EVERYDAY. WE HAVE THE SAME FAVORITE EPISODE. FUCK.
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mecchantheotaku · 5 months
Hey, if you're in the mood for some writing
I don't mind some Hero hurt/comfort
Maybe he had a nightmare and someone has to go comfort him?
I had an idea stemming from the word "nightmare" here...
Hero was on that path again. And again. And again. No matter what he did, he couldn't stop her. Everyone else was suffering just as much as he was, which made the pain even worse. And she kept mockingly calling out his name.
"Hero... hero..."
Hero felt a hand on his cheek, and her voice changed.
Hero woke up sweating, and the first thing he saw was Paranoid's anxious face staring at him.
"Hero, are..."
Before Paranoid could finish his sentence, Hero sat up and wiped the sweat from his face.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Just a bad dream."
Paranoid spoke up firmly.
"Hero, you've been having these bad dreams ever since we got here!"
That was true. Ever since they got out of her domain, his dreams always forced him to relive those moments he spent what felt like eternity experiencing.
"It'll go away with time, I'm sure..."
Paranoid then sounded angry.
"That doesn't mean you have to keep suffering alone like this!"
Hero then looked at Paranoid's face. There were tears in his eyes. Was he really that worried?
"But... you've been through the same thing..."
Hero's body began to shake and feel sore. He wanted it all to stop. He then suddenly felt something warm around him.
"Exactly! It's not fair that me and the others get to heal from this and be there for each other, and you're having nightmares with no one to help! Even Cold is getting comfort, and he didn't even ask for it!" Paranoid said hurriedly.
Truth be told, even Paranoid didn't realise this until Cheated pointed it out to him. Cheated was set to focus on Broken, but trusted Paranoid to help Hero out, since they've been hurting the longest.
"And... I'm sorry. I know my reactions to you back there didn't help." Paranoid said, close to Hero's ear. "It was stressful for you too, and I was only thinking about myself and the body I was trying to keep alive."
Hero couldn't take it anymore. He sobbed into Paranoid's chest.
"I'm sorry... I didn't want to... you were hurt just as much and..."
Paranoid gently shushed Hero as he held him close. "We're healing. You should let yourself heal too."
Paranoid was a lot nicer when he wasn't completely stressed to his limit. It felt nice, seeing just how much he cared underneath all that.
The two continued to hug, taking an important step towards healing.
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eddis-not-eeddis · 5 months
Sometimes the things in our lives aren't directed at us individually. It is so easy for me to look up and ask God, "Why did you do this to me?" But that is such a self-centered thing to do--especially when the thing in question is on a large scale or effects more people than just me. I think often we deal with the effects of what is happening to other people, and it may not be directed at us specifically. It can be hard to realize that when we are suffering (or "suffering") but it may not be our specific problem beyond how we handle it in the given moment and move on with our lives.
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brawlmetaknight · 11 months
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still thinking about this actually WE WERE SO ROBBED. this would have given some much needed exposition to dedede's role/motives in sse. i could be wrong but i've always imagined he was trying to defeat and put one of his badges on meta knight like he was doing with the other characters, but he sure picked the worst time to start beef lol. judging by the phrase "unwittingly", i assume he didn't mean for meta knight to lose the halberd, but ultimately meta knight couldn't concentrate on defending his ship when he also had dedede attacking him out of nowhere.
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heyriette · 1 month
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Repost of a repost cus I put on the nsft account ughhhhh okay this time it’s right pls 🤞🏼
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steelthroat · 1 month
I like videogames... I just- I have problems with multitasking
A friend made me play titanfall in easy mode and I already felt overwhelmed because uh-
Friend: Okay shoot
Me: I already did the enemies are still shooting
Friend: you have one behind you...
Me: okay got it got it
Friend: Okay now run
Me: ok
Friend: AND shoot
Friend: you don't have to headshot everything...
Me: I don't wanna waste shots
Friend: Okay you should get ot of the titan nkw
Friend: you should run over the wall
Me: I AM TRYING (⁠┛⁠✧⁠Д⁠✧⁠)⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
Friend: what are you doing?
Me: I am waiting the enemies come to me without having to move so I'll take them down one after the other
Friend: they won't move if you don't get closer ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Me: i Don't wanna get in there... (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
Friend: stop shooting it's dead
Me: That fucking bitch kidnapped BT(⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
Friend: where are you going????
Me: that way...
Friend: if you keep the npcs alive they'll thank you later, it feels nice :D
*everyone fucking dies and I feel like shit*
Me: I am so sorry I failed you all (⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)
Veeeeeeery calming experience gaming. Mhmh
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
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fuck it, self indulgent au where robo penny somehow lands in the ever after and goes on a little journey. also with a new cat friend
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onejellyfishplease · 1 year
My OC:
Girl is made out of flock of birds
Girl tries to figgier out why her parents didn’t just adopt a child, rather than do what ever the heck they did to make her
Girl also tries to figure out the science off her literally splitting into a flock of birds and being a literal hive mind of birds like what the fuck what kind of magic bullshittery is this
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
So. between
- Marisha explaining Laudna's feelings about her friends banding together to help her with the "no one wants to be anyone else's problem" "she was kind of everyone else's problem for a good minute",
- Sam talking about FCG's trepidation over realizing they're alive with "its more of a responsibility to be someone whose life matters" "it feels almost in a way, easier to take care of other people or think that that's your role in life",
there are some absolutely delightful themes and thoughts being explored this campaign that im very partial to and im so fucking thrilled but also like. hot damn. yowch. shit. too real
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17kay83 · 3 months
I’ve been okay Fantasy RPG game lately, I used to only play Genshin Impact, but once I saw the add for Wuthering Waves I knew I had to try it! I know the definitely got inspo from Genshin, but idc! It’s a good game, I’m not to far into it but I’m getting there.
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Unfortunately tho, once I started getting into this I also got into Honkai StarRail. So now I play more of that than of Wuthering, and way more than Genshin… I feel like a cheater
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summertimemusician · 1 year
Linktober Shadow Day 5
Master Kohga
Also I feel like we also need to talk about that the reason the Yiga are such doofuses usually is because they're riding the high of a full 100 years victory, and that after getting throughly kicked in the ribs they're probably gonna commit more crimes and probably return to their even more brutal roots actually, Kogah probably being the most likely one to shift to that first.
This goes out to you Warriors fans and simps, because ooh boy is he a delight to write, I think the duality of his name and status as a soldier is neat even if he's not my favorite Link.
Though the regular Linktober one will have to wait after I'm a bit more rested though so either later today or tomorrow, sorry folks.
Also uh warnings ahead?
Some descriptions of violence, specifically wrist targeted violence, kidnapping, and Reader going a little feral in defense of Warriors, nothing too big, but as this is coming from a horror fan I advise anyone who is squeamish to skip this one.
On a scale of one to ten of intimidation wrought by enemies of the Chain has faced, you’re pretty sure Kohga and the Yiga wouldn’t make even a negative ten on a normal day.
You’re not sure if it’s due to Wild’s most blase attitude about having a literal clan of traitorous, murderous Sheikah at him, a mix of bafflingly phlegmatic and elated with amused delight when talking about schemes you’d more associate to slapstick comedy than anything, the way you’ve seen any Yiga members dive for any throw bananas like a starving Wolfos pack on a lone Stalfos even if there was a cliff right in front of them with even more single minded determination than what was given to their mission, the way he’d refer to them as “Look they’re technically insane menaces to polite society out for mine and Flora’s blood, but they’re our technically insane menaces to polite society out for our blood” with a mix of bemusement and amusement or a mix of all three but according to the resident cook they truly weren’t a threat compared to, say, the cultists of Hyrule’s time whose sole goal wasn’t even to kill him but simply make him bleed, or Majora whom indirectly inflicted endless torture on Time, or Demise who literally started the cycle all of your heroes inevitably went through (because you could never blame Sky, none of you would even if it took shaking the notion into his thick skull). And they’ve apparently gone even more docile and to ground after Wild had defeated their master.
“And THEN he apparently has the nerve to go through our base and raid our banana supply! The nerve of that pesky, insistently annoying pest- Hey, are you even listening?” The sudden call made you jump, hissing as your wrist restraints dug into your skin, because apparently shackles with spikes on the inside of them are a thing and you very much would not have liked the approximate feeling of barbed wire wedged into your skin, biting into your flesh with all the viciousness and brutality that ensured you wouldn’t move your hands without feeling agony, the tone indignant as the presumably dead man stomped his foot nearby, “This is serious! First he peels me and my clan members like a banana, greatly exaggerates the rumor of my death and then THIS?!”
You school your features, trying really, really hard not to act out again as it comes down dangerously close onto Warrior’s unconscious head. Nodding along with the seriousness and solemnity worthy of a funeral, “Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Such disrespect, at least you guys didn’t exaggerate about his death. And you’re supposed to be the bad guys here?”
(Well, more like you couldn’t move, really, funny thing about spikes on one’s skin and having one of your legs broken to the point glancing at exposed bone makes you want to dry heave at the gory sight, it.is.agony. Funny, how pain is an effective restraint in keeping people pinned down better than any arrow.)
You quickly revised your opinion and reassess the threat given the situation you're in now, as after your patrol on Wild’s Hyrule with Warriors you’d gotten ambushed and kidnapped through a mix of a double Silver Lynel ambush and sheer element of the surprise as bait, Warriors going down protecting you with all of the ferocity of his namesake, and choosing to risk getting a little roughed up over being separated from him.
You’re quite proud of yourself really, what with the way that you almost fully tore a chunk out of a Blademaster’s throat with your teeth and before they gave up, leg broken and with the spikes on your wrist as you woke up first with the fury of Volvagia’s fire scorching your veins, overwhelming the icy chill of terror in your veins and only instinct driving you because who knows what they’d done to him. Worth it. You wouldn’t forgive yourself if you let something happen to your favorite soldier boy. At least now you’re both in the same place, even if it’s with the man running the doomsday show himself.
“I know right?! Once I get my hands on that little nuisance, I am going to kill him dead!”
It’s a bit of a pity, in a way. You’re sure that under better circumstances you’d be as amused as Wild by him and he’d be a lovely conversation partner, you doubt the Yiga would follow him if he wasn’t charismatic after all, like watching a wet cat get their head stuck in a jar you had to admit watching the man struggle and fail was just a bit hilarious.
Alas by the whims of the gods spinning the wheel of fate and making it be fully comprised of misfortune to the point you really would like to have a nice chat involving your fists and their faces and maybe one foot straight up Hylia's gash, twas not to be, but it works in your favor. You just needed to stall for as long as you could until Warriors woke up or had an opening stop feigning sleep, either works.
“I just had a thought, a truly magnificent idea worthy of someone as worthy of being the Calamity’s most trusted champion! You travel with that twerp and his companions don’t you?”, the man stilled, then swerved towards you, you contained a flinch in a sudden movement, just on the edge of cartoony, adamantly looking over his shoulder rather than the twisted, crimson eye of the cold mask of the leader of the people who joked about keeping one of Warriors’ eyes as a necklace for it worked just as well as gem, “You could work for us instead, we’d pay you quite well for the information.”
Adamantly trying not to look at Warrior’s behind him, you hummed, head tilted, pretending to think about it, then shrugging, “Eh, I’ll pass. You Yiga don’t take well to traitors no?”
The man crossed his arms, adamantly nodding, “Of course not! Any and all who forsake our god should be slowly watch as their body parts are fed to Moldugas while they’re still alive!”
Cool, cool, lovely imagery to have, you were going to have one serious talk with Wild about proper threat assement once you’re back in camp by the way. You smile a bit back, remembering Warrior’s and using it as a reason to force a grimace away. Of the way he could charm better than any prince, making people fall in love with him effortlessly for better or worse and how you or Legend would viciously defend him from the worse crowd even if it gave you both Time’s exasperation (and grief from the other Links, who are all menaces whom you wished were less perceptive at times). Of the way he amusedly shared with you he main advantage was that no one could ever tell wether he was being friendly or baring his teeth, and how he slowly let you notice wether the curve was sharp or soft as you got closer. Making a point of showing your bloody, bloody teeth from both the Blademaster and which dripped down your head from one heck of a Lynel kick, you did not have Warriors natural charisma but you’d make do with your mediocre charm. “Well, I’m not in the habit of liking traitors much either you see. Sorry to let you down on that, plus if I can turn on them I can turn on you right? Better we skip that, I can give you a banana cake and banana pretzel recipe from where I’m from as compensation though?”
(You did not, in fact, know a recipe for banana cakes and pretzels by the way, but at this point you'll say anything just to buy you more time. Nothing like the age old ancient technique of lying. Wars would be proud his lessons came in handy.)
To his credit, he didn’t flinch. You’d actually be a bit shocked if he did given his clans entire gimmick to be fair. Sliding away from Warrior’s prone form and towards the one actually open door, keeping his back to the soldier, although his attention immediately focused on you like a Guardians aim, completely missing the light twitch to Warriors’ fingers you could spot in the dim torch light, “Fair enough, though you’re missing out on a lot if you ask me. Now! Banana cake you say? Might you be a person of culture after all even with an horrendous choice of company?”
Would you look at that, looking like a horror show does have it’s advantages!
“I mean I’d write it down but you know,”, you make a vague motion with your wrists, wincing a bit at the spikes, those would be a pain to get out later, you’d much have preferred ropes or chains, “But if you get some paper or get me to a kitchen I can direct your folks how to make it? You’d be the first to get a taste of it if you’re there too.”
He hums, pacing back and forth, Warriors eyes lightly crack open, the sapphire clouding with shock at your state, you can’t look at him long enough to figure out the ensuing combination of emotions, flashing, but you do see when the gems are forged into cobalt blades, you quickly mouth to him ‘Get free’ as soon as Kohga isn’t looking at you, he closes his eyes as Kohga turns towards him and nods. Though the Poe flame azure of his gaze could have probably killed the leader of the Yiga ten times over as he addresses you, “You’re an awfully generous hostage aren’t you? Though I like the way you think.”
You shrug, “I mean I’m not being manhandled, plus I’m bored so why not make some good food to kill time?”
You can see him weight his options, unnervingly staring at you beneath the mask. You adamantly don’t look at Warriors’ as he slides his boot very lightly against the wall, a small blade springing from the small compartment, thanking the Three the Yiga didn’t check either of your shoes as he twists around as silently as he can manage to cut himself free as Kogah nods, “Anyone with an appreciation for bananas should be allowed to share their wisdom, can you walk?”
You give him a flat look, you think Warriors bites his tongue to keep from making an equally indignant sound as Kohga seems to have the dots, awkwardly coughing, “That was a retorical question of course you can’t! I shall however extend you my benevolence, and call on my subordinates to carry you-“
He doesn’t even get to finish his sentence when Warriors pounces with a snarl, you lurch back, hissing as the spikes make your wrists bleed and chocking down a shout at the pain that crawls through your leg like lightning, but it’s enough.
Warriors wraps the remains of his rope around the Yiga Clan Leader’s throat in a makeshift garrote, and make sure to use his momentum to slam his head against the cold, hard ground of the hideout, doing it again for good measure with all of the strength and ferocity you knew for a fact he kept as well sheathed as a hidden blade.
It all took but a second, he didn’t even scream. You doubt that killed him, but he isn’t getting back up any time soon.
You slump over, coughing blood from your mouth, it wouldn't help much but it was a start, “Welcome back to the land of the living, Wars.”
He rushes towards you as soon as he finishes tying Kohga up with the remnants of his own rope, gently wiping the blood from your sight, he was battered and bruised but the most beautiful thing you’ve seen in your life as he checked you over, and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch, relief ringing like a sword being sheathed, it would be alright. “Can’t say I’m happy to be fashionably late this time. What did they do to you?”
“Hey, none of that,” you gently touch your foreheads together, you smile, tasting rust on your lips though Warriors doesn’t mind as you lightly try to take his mind out of it, “You should see the other guy.”
He sighs, fondly exasperated as he shakes his head, you consider the quirk of his lips a win even as he pauses over your wrists, eyes flashing with rage before focusing on your leg, “I’m sure, that was a killer performance. Maybe after all this is over you should take up acting back home.”
You snort, “I mean I did learn from the best-“
it distracts you long enough for him to snap your leg back into place. And all you know is that you with pain, ripping through your throat as you finally, finally, feel safe enough to pass out.
(Warriors winces sympathetically, heart breaking a little at your pain but knowing it was the only way you wouldn’t focus on it, better than for . Holding you close and allowing you to muffle your scream into his shoulder as he wraps your leg in his scarf, guilty and fury carefully hidden behind the soldier mask, knowing that the only thing that would satisfy the flames of retribution in his chest would be to use the Yiga as kindling until they eventually burned the remnants of protective rage all away to ash.
But he could make do with taking you as gently as he could as you pass out in his arms, resolve himself to get the contraption on your wrists out as soon as you were both back at camp. And to kicking Kogah on the way out. It's not nearly enough but it's a start.
You protected him as best as you could, it’s his turn to return the favor as he can as well. Anything else can come later.)
#linked universe x reader#linked universe warriors x reader#out of all the links I wouldn't like to see angry I'd say Warriors is definitely right up there because he has such keen self control#that when he does get angry he's more vicious than almost all of them combined#he's seen some stuff in the war and likely is holding in just as much as Time Wild and Sky#so out of the Chain he's probably the best liar and the one who can hold his emotions in the most effectively#because when he does need to eviscerate someone he's unleashing all of his focused fury on them#plus it helps him multitask on the well being of his comrades better as well as on the mission#aka in this house we appreciate Warriors for managing to strike the duality of perfect prince#and protective soldier that does what needs to be done and will make it so not even his enemies dental records help identify their bodies#it's a fine line but the man can work it you can't share your soul with someone who was loved by a god killed a god#became a vessel for a good has a beast in their soul and was marked by many realms and live through a war your existence caused#and not be just a little feral methinks. helps that Reader also is a little feral and gets it when in survival mode lol#summer writes linktober shadow 2023#summer writes#Warriors can feign sleep really well and always has knives on his boots due to the traitor purge in the war of eras#I have many thoughts on the Yiga Clan but not enough energy to dwelve into them all today sadly
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sat down to think about the Light's Out au and actually. yk. plan it out since i have Affection for it and Interest in it. and then my brain went "what about the aftermath though. why don't we meticulously plan that out" I'VE BEEN TYPING IN THIS DOCUMENT FOR FIVE HOURS straight GAY
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pomidorfriend · 1 year
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i'm so glad for Blackbonnet Reunion because the last 3 eps had me FASCINATED with Stede and Izzy's relationship. Stede fucking hates Izzy, it's undeniable. The first scene in ep1 shows us how Stede sees Izzy - the monster at the end of the book. And Izzy knows it. He must be pretty shaken by Stede saving his fucking life. He REACHES out to Stede, the 'twat', wanting to thank him, and Stede wants absolutely NOTHING to do with him. Stede is the person that the man Izzy loved chose and the person that destroyed him. And I think Izzy is starting to see Stede as the light that Ed saw him as, and for that, I think Izzy wants to stay by his side and help him. It's such a beautifully fucked up uneven relationship I just ughhhhhh
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