#is cuz I imagined this taking place just a year before they turned 18
meepmeep19 · 8 months
Yk how Dazai contributed to half of the PM’s profits during his time in the mafia? Imagine if Chuuya had been responsible for the other half. So like everyone else in the ENTIRE PM only contributed like 0.0001% in total lmao💀
And so Mori would like on the reg call meetings calling (read: scold like a high school teacher) everyone except SKK (he does NOT need to increase their ego anymore than it already is lmao) while massaging his temples like
Mori: Can you please explain how two immature CHILDREN have managed to contribute more to this organization than every single TRAINED ADULT in this room???
Ace: (because he is 100% enough of a snivelling weasel to insult two children out of pure pettiness) It’s not our fault Sir. We’re all only human after all, but those things-they’re INHUMAN!!! Demons like them obviously don’t need to take any breaks; hence the cause of the work discrepancy. If it wasn’t for this minor detail, then I can assure you Sir, that we would all prove to be FAR more competent than those freaks.
Mori: (already feeling a headache coming on) Ace, how many times do we have to go through this? They’re not actually…
Meanwhile SKK are right outside the door eavesdropping and snickering to themselves (after having just come back from playing competing in the arcade for like 7+ hours lol) Yes their egos are in fact inflating to a horrifically unhealthy degree.
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arthenaa · 5 months
Could i ask for HCs of Mizu with a mommy kink? Like her liking to be called that? Thank you!
Mizu with a Mommy Kink (18+ mdni after the line) gender neutral! reader
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Honestly, the kink stemmed from the fact that she's a natural protector
She may have a contradicting personality with regards to socialization but overall, it's probably because it's influenced by the values and mindset that she learned from when she was young
Violence had never been the right answer and while the world continues to change influenced by the bloodbath in its history, why can't she make use of it as a way to save others?
yeahh getting philosophical in a fucking nsfw post YEAHHH
anyways, you and Mizu had been acquainted for a while now and she respects you enough to be somewhat vulnerable with you
It's the same with you as well, you regard Mizu as a close confidant of your life stories
It's safe to say that you know each other well enough despite how it looks
There have also been quite close calls that made your relationship with Mizu border something more than acquaintances slash friends with a question mark in bold (its for the emphasis)
So imagine to your surprise how worked up she gets over a joke you made after commenting on her natural need to protect
"Y'know," You lick your lips, eyes squinting as you assessed the woman before you quietly drinking her tea. "You have a natural sense of protecting. Kinda like a mommy."
The blue-eyed samurai freezes in her place
It was a look of horror at first and you were quite tipsy during that time (you two were lounging at your home)
So your thought process was, heyyy why not make fun of this mf while I have no shame
so you did
The look of horror, turned into being uncomfortable until her cheeks flushed to a deep shade of red
You've never seen someone change emotions in just a few seconds
You were enjoying this clearly
Mizu was having none of it and while the term did fluster and invoke horrors worthy enough of the judgment of Izanami no Mikoto
Fueled by her emotions, her secret-not-so-secret attraction towards you, and her need to shut you up, Mizu moved towards you
And now you're where you are now
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Soft dom with a hint of sadistic tendencies
She likes making you beg and plead for her to do something, then turn a 180 and praise you for your work
loves loves loves overstimulating you
I think its because she hasn't gotten any action over the past few years that all she's doing is take take take from you
You're writhing and shaking in the sheets with just her mouth and she hasn't even gone to her fingers yet
She loves looking down at you, reveling in the superiority that your submission to her brings
It makes her menacing tbh but its hot okay
This mf eats you up like a champ
Fast learner
Has a good stamina but her refractory period can take some time
so yeah it ultimately ends up with you overstimulating a dozen times before she finally gets to have her own release (also probs bc she prioritizes your pleasure over her own)
she loves it
She gives you reigns at first, just to let her know what to do and a few seconds later, your eyes are rolling in the back of your head
Quite manipulative in bed
Says a lot of things like, "you're mine right?", "say you want me", "tell mommy that she's all you need"
you indulge her manipulative tendencies tho
all of this is making you develop a praise kink omf
Sometimes gets overwhelmed by the pleasure and pushes you too far but thats okay cuz its mizu
Stops completely and stares you down when you stop saying mommy
That completely just puts you in your spot
Then her voice drops to a chill and calm tone and suddenly you're shivering and flushing at her stare
Know how people's eyes get duller when they're in the state of lust or smn
Hers get brighter for some reason
She likes positions that allow her to wrap her arms around you or where her body is either on top or covering you
yeahhh stems from the need to protect
After you and Mizu establish this kind of relationship, she begins to act more mischievous around you
MIZU IS MISCHIEVOUS damn, that mf will tease you like its nothing
she will eye you up with no shame, whisper in your ear like its not bothering you, and then act like she hasn't done anything at all
Esp when she gets joke gifts from the brothel like sex toys and what not
She will use them on you and you will limp for a week
More of a service-top rather than receiving
She likes the reactions she's pulling out of you and when you return the favor, she pampers you with so much love and affection and you just flush in shyness
yeaaaaa, its okay to be a red flag in bed as long as it's mizu
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angsty-twihardxx · 1 year
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Summary: Happily moved into Jackson with your love.
Warning: As always my fics are generally 18+ cuz swears and also mentions of bullet wounds and tommy being sad :( besides that its super fluffy enjoy <3
Tommy Miller x fem!reader
A/N: I loved writing this and I'm overwhelmed with the love I recieved for it. Lemme know plz if you would like another fic about our sexy texan man. ILY <3
Winter was at the end of its cycle, the snow on the ground slowly began to melt away. What was left of it crunched under your boots as you walked along the street. Small yellow beams from the  string lights guided your way up the hill where your home sat. The colours of Jackson still took you by surprise, being used to the military grey you had surrounded yourself with for nearly twenty years. 
You had finished in the garden for the day, taking home with you a few extra vegetables for your own dinner. Since moving to Jackson you had taken up a few little jobs, you loved how effortless it was. No soldiers breathing down your neck, no life or death stakes, just watering plants and turning soil. Of course you did work at the town’s clinic, you helped out a bit here and there. Being one of very few qualified doctors in the compound, so you didn’t mind. 
The sky was filled with pinks and oranges as the sun was getting ready to set for the day, it was your favourite time. Mainly because it was around the time that patrol finished, which meant that Tommy came home. It was like before, when your life was normal. The two of you would leave in the morning to go to work, then come home to each other at the end of the day. 
Reaching the home; the wooden boards of the porch creaked under each step. You kicked the snow off of your boots, shedding off the layers as the warmth of your home engulfed you. Never in years have you had a fireplace, it was something that you never realised that you took for granted. This was the first winter that you didn’t spend completely freezing. You even had a whole bed, not just a mattress on the floor, an actual bed. In fact it quite reminded you of your own home the two of you had before, warm yellow sheets reminded you of the ones you bought for your first home. The ones Tommy said looked like cheese. 
You were quite sore from working all day, so you opted to have your cup of coffee outside on the porch. Wrapping a blanket over yourself you bundled up on the old worn out sofa you placed on the porch. A content sigh left your mouth, the hot liquid warming you up from the inside. 
From your porch you could see the main street, you watched silently all the people that were going in and out of the Tipsy Bison, sure enough going for some food and drinks. You heard that Maria was on bar duty today, so you knew the food would be good. 
Outside the cinema were kids running and throwing snowballs at one another. You smiled as you heard their delighted screams all the way from here. It was part of the promise that Tommy made to you. 
You kept your eyes on the gate, on the wall furthest away from your home. It was like this every afternoon, waiting patiently for Tommy to come home. This was one thing that was the same as living in the quarantine zone, the anxiety as you waited, whether or not he would come through the gate. Because although unlikely, you couldn’t imagine what you would do if something happened to him. 
Birds screech as they soar into the sky, the gate they were perching on suddenly shuddered open. Everyone rode in on their horses and gathered at the stables, your eyes falling on the familiar dark mop of hair. Your heart settled knowing that he was home. 
You wondered how he managed, after the incident in the hospital. The two of you tried not to bring it up anymore, you knew it was very hard for Tommy to talk about. You knew that he would have nightmares about it, being awake as well you would him gasp himself awake, then his hands would search for you in the dark. Once he successfully latched himself into you he would go back to sleep. Or the mornings that you decided to get up before him to get an early start to the day, he would walk down the stairs in a panic. For a brief moment, you recognised the frightened look in his eyes that would disappear the second he found you. 
You didn’t remember much about what happened, Joel told you some parts.  When you were all still in Boston and Tommy would finally sleep. He would stay up and answer whatever questions you had.
All you remembered before you passed out was Tommy’s fear-struck face and his glassy eyes looking down at you. It definitely was a memory you wished you could forget. The sound of his cries as you started to feel your eyelids get heavy. It would be those visions and sounds that kept you up at night, waking you up from your dreams in a cold sweat. 
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You woke up a couple days later, in a smaller hospital on the other side of Boston. One that had not yet been attacked by Fireflies, removing the bullet that was plunged in your abdomen. The few days you were asleep felt like an eternity for Tommy, spending the entire time awake, wondering if you would wake up. For the first time in a long time he prayed, not to anyone specifically. Just promising that if you woke up, he would keep you safe, he would be a better person. Even if he felt that he didn’t deserve to be forgiven, he knew that you did. You spent the entire twenty years helping people, keeping them alive. Even if it was for fucken FEDRA, everything you did was so good. And he would do anything to have you stay with him. 
If his life depended on it, because it in fact did. 
He cried to himself thinking what he would have to do if he had to spend the rest of his future alone, it scared him more than anything. His whole life had been about you, living with you, marrying you, having a family with you and getting old with you. 
You opened your eyes for the first time after having surgery, he was sitting in a chair beside you. Not awake, but not entirely asleep, he held his heavy head in his hand. Heavy bags under his eyes and tear-stained cheeks indicated to you that he hadn’t slept, nor had he changed, wearing the same blood-stained jacket you saw him in.  You winced at the amount of blood on him. The bed creaked as you shuffled uncomfortably, the noise quickly startling the man next to you. 
Within seconds he was on his feet and by your side, his large calloused hands engulfing your cheeks. “Holy shit baby, I thought I lost you.” He breathed out, his eyes beginning to brim with tears again, his eyes scanned you quickly. You knew what he was doing, convincing himself that you were really here. 
He had been sitting alone in this room with no one to talk to but himself, his mind went to the worst possible scenarios. What if you didn’t make it? What if the surgery didn’t work? He blamed himself, he should’ve taken you away from this place sooner. He should’ve fucken known that the fireflies were going to ambush, he should’ve told you to stay home. 
“Tommy–” You breathed out in relief, unknowingly bringing him back. He had you in his arms in seconds. You hissed at the sharp pain piercing your side, Tommy dropped his arms just as quickly. His eyes moved up at yours, and there was that look again. You hadn't seen him look so scared. “Hey, I’m alright.” You declared softly, raising your hand to hold his cheeks, for a second the two of you sat on that bed. Tommy relished in your touch, your thumb grazing his stubble. Something that he thought he’d never feel again. 
“I thought you were gone.” His voice breaks as his eyes move up to connect with yours. 
The words you had ready, fell out of your mouth as he crashed his face in the crook of your neck. Which usually you would thread your fingers through his black curls, but this time his shoulders shook into your hands as you tried to soothe him. No matter how many hush whispers into his hair he continued to cry, and you let him for as long as it took. There was nothing that you could say to him that would make him feel better, he just needed to know that you were okay. 
“What if this is a sign? That we should stay in Boston.” 
“What?” Your brow furrowed in confusion, you pushed gently on his shoulders forcing him to look up at you. He looked like a broken man, you had never seen him so conflicted before. “Tommy this happened in Boston, because of the Fireflies-“
“Yeah and I couldn’t get to you, if those soldiers weren’t there then— then we probably wouldn’t be here right now.“ 
There it was, Tommy was never much the type of man to directly tell you how he was feeling. You knew how much he wanted to leave, there was absolutely no doubt about it. But now you understood why, not because he was scared of the risks. He was quite aware of them but was so willing anyway. He felt guilty, worried he won't be able to help you again. 
“Tommy.” You couldn’t stop your voice from quivering as you held him. “None of this is your fault, no one would have known this was going to happen. You know that right?” 
You sighed when you were given no response. “We’re going to Jackson Tommy.” 
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Your eyes finally caught Tommy's figure, walking up the hill to your shared home along with his brother Joel. His eyes look up to meet yours, which he returns with a wide grin. Even though he had spent all day out on patrol, he was a lot more cleaned up then when you were in Boston. The access to electricity and warm water was another luxury for you guys. Here in Jackson, it was the norm. 
“Hey baby.” Tommy greeted you happily, sauntering up the stairs towards you. “Hi there cowboy.” Leaning over your seat, his lips met yours for a chaste kiss. You smiled into it, a content sigh leaving your mouth. You tilted up your chin at an attempt to deepen the kiss but to your surprise he pulled away before you had the chance. Furrowing your brow you cocked your head up at him, looking at him in confusion. 
“Put your coat on, got a surprise for ya.” 
“But I’m so warm.” You sighed, Tommy shook his head as he stood you up by the blanket you wrapped yourself in. “Sure you don’t want a shower first?” 
“Okay fine, but then you are coming with me for the surprise.” He shouted to you as he walked into the house, which was great because you bought yourself a few more extra minutes in your blanket. You figured that he was taking you somewhere in the town, Tommy explored alot more of the town before you. When the two of you arrived you were still quite sore, you spent your first few weeks simply resting and giving your body time. But now Tommy was determined to get you out and about, showing you everything that this town had to offer. 
As the two of you walked closer you noticed the warm yellow lights inside the local bar. Not that you had been in there, still slightly traumatised by the dinghy bar in Boston that was usually full of drunken soldiers looking to start something.
But this was nothing like it. You stood in the entrance completely taken aback by the amount of people. Everyone was here to celebrate with the newly married couple that had been here much longer than you and Tommy. The groom worked with him on patrols, so he introduced you to the couple. You tried to remember the first time you had been to a wedding. 
There was music, laughter and even more lights that were strung along the rafters. It was something you’d never imagine that you’d see again in your lifetime, yet here you were. You must have been standing there for a while, a hand on your arm brought your attention back to Tommy. “Y’alright?”
“Y-yeah this place is beautiful.”  You sighed happily, letting Tommy guide you to the bar where Joel and Ellie sat. “You guys hungry? Got some extra sandwiches for ya.” Ellie chimed in patting the stool next to her, which you took. 
You liked Ellie from the second you met her. She was quick-witted, funny and most importantly she was smart. And you also liked how she kept Joel in line, it felt good seeing him happy for a change. She u an easy transition into your small little family, you’d imagine that she and Sarah would’ve gotten along well. You were glad Ellie offered you the food because it took you by surprise with how good it was, definitely better than what you could get with rations in Boston. 
“Holy shit! What the fuck is that?” Ellie shouted, her arm pointing furiously outside. After regaining your composure and eating the last of the sandwich you nearly choked on, you looked past her pointed index finger to where there children were playing with some sparklers. “Y’never seen sparklers before?” Joel asked her, mid chew. 
“Fuck no dude!” She looked back at you with excitement plastered over her face. You absolutely adored how easily excited she was over what you would consider normal. Although in this instance you didn’t blame her, you don’t think you’ve seen these in years. “How about you finish your food, and we’ll go get you some.” 
And you did, because you never break a promise. Tommy leaned against the wall outside as you watched Ellie proudly, holding her hand with the sparkler and writing her name out with the bright yellow ember. He loved how patient you were with her when she dropped the first sparkler you gave her, scared of the yellow sparks. So you waited a moment for her to get her composure back and you tried again. 
A part of him felt crushed with the fact that he never gave you any children. But to be fair neither of you felt it would be right to bring a child into this world. But maybe in Jackson, after all that was why you came here. For a better future. 
“What’re the big heart eyes for lover boy?” You leaned into him, bringing him out of his trance. “Just admiring’ ya is all.” You scoffed at him playfully, the fact that he could still make you blush after all this time. With a content sigh, you dropped your head onto his shoulder. His arm wrapped around you, your eyes watched over the now dark sky. The string lights doing nowhere as much damage as the bright lights that would be on everynight in the QZ, the stars shining as bright as you remembered it. 
Ellie had joined the rest of the children that were playing on the street, you didn’t think you would get used to hearing their cheerful screams. You were glad that you decided to bite the bullet and push down those insecurities and do this with him. Especially now, you don’t think that you could live without this. You were content and you were grateful. 
“This place is pretty perfect Tommy.”
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
(THIS GOT REALLY DIRTY CUZ I GOT CARRIED AWAY. 18+, Tsukki is mean at first, Oral f!receiving, fingering)
Lots of Tsukishima thoughts rn
Imagine being Hinatas younger sister, and coming to Karasuno as a first year when he’s a third year. The other guys haven’t really met you before aside from Kageyama, so when you become a manager (at your older brother’s request) it’s a new experience for everyone.
Especially our Kei Tsukishima
When he sees you for the first time he can’t help but think how absolutely adorable you are. Wide eyed and innocent, vaguely reminiscent of your older brother. But you’re different in a few key ways. For one, you’re not such a pest. You’re quieter, more reserved, always polite. He has to stop and wonder, how the hell do these two have the same genetics?
You start as a manager under Yachi and are amazing at your duties. Filling up bottles, returning loose balls to the carts, helping schedule games and attending meetings with coach Ukai, even staying late after practice to clean up. Perfectly and adorably obedient. At least that’s what Tsukki liked to think as he noticed how helpful you’d become.
But Kei was always one to tease.
He’s relentless in the way he needles you. Making fun of your height, your gullibility, your unwavering kindness, anything he could find to see that cute flustered look on your face. The way your cheeks burn red and you shyly look at your feet when he makes an offhand comment.
“You look like you might need some help reaching that, runt.”
He could be so mean, but you still found yourself drawn to him. He was somewhat protective of you, thoroughly disliking the rude or sleazy comments that upperclassmen made toward you in the hallways and always having a quick retort for those occasions.
He was tall, and strong, and didn’t take shit from anyone, and that’s what made him so attractive to you. Despite his chiding you felt safe around him.
You lost touch when he graduated, until you began to go with your older brother to MSBY games as a guest of his. They had a match against Sendai, and you knew that Tsukki would be playing.
Nervous but excited, you accompanied your brother to the court to sit on the sidelines.
After the game ended, (MSBY won, a disappointment for Kei as he, for once, wanted to show off) the whole Sendai team treated MSBY to dinner at the nearby ramen shop as a congratulations for winning.
Kei sits in the seat directly next to you.
Re-introducing himself for the first time in years, he realized that he still thinks of you the same way, but now you’ve grown.
Those same wide wondering eyes are now more mature, your sweetness still remaining yet instead of only striking him as adorable, you were absolutely beautiful in his eyes.
He almost chokes on his noodles just looking at you.
And you return the sentiment, the older boy you new as a tease, yet someone you were drawn to, now gave you a reason to be drawn to him besides his stature. He had grown into his looks, his face more angular, muscles of his arms and legs more defined, a distinct maturity about him you couldn’t place.
Damn, he got hotter.
Deciding that he’d waited too long, Kei turns up the heat, beginning to actually flirt with you and eventually asking for you to spend the night at his hotel room. You agree.
(Very much against Shoyo’s recommendation.)
The ride there is tense, a large hand placed on your thigh the whole way there as Kei uses his other hand to steer his car. You can’t help but notices as the hand travels higher, almost reaching the dip of your pelvis over the smooth fabric of the dress you’ve chosen for dinner.
As soon as the door to the room closes, the tension is completely erased. Lips crash against each other, you with your back pushed against the wall close to the doorway. You don’t care who hears, or how messed up your hair gets from his fingers pulling at it, or how much of your lipstick is taken off by the frantic make out, you’ve waited far too long.
And so has he.
There is a full length mirror hung on the wall of the suite, right across from the king sized bed in the middle of the room.
He lays you down on the bed, finally slowing down his pace to pay attention to what you need.
The hem of your dress is pushed up past your hips, revealing your completely soaked panties. Kei takes in the sight before lowering his head in between your soft thighs. He licks a thick stripe up the center of your clothed folds, stopping at the top to put pressure on your clit with his tongue.
“God. You’re so fuckin wet for me. Can taste you even through these. Have you wanted it just as long as me?”
You can’t deny him. Because you absolutely have. You think back to your high school days, the time he had pressed himself against your back just to whisper in your ear about how you shouldn’t be so needy all the time. The time he had cornered you in the locker room to scold you over not returning balls fast enough. His large frame looming over you each time he teased, his smirk along with it. Each event had spurred your thoughts and left you shaking and moaning each night, your fingers plunged deep into your soaked cunt imagining that it was him instead.
You nod at him, unable to form the words to tell him that yes, you had wanted him since high school.
Luckily he takes the hint.
Your underwear are quickly pulled from your legs, exposing your cunt before his tongue quickly begins to lap at your folds. He focuses on your sensitive bud, sucking and licking as his long, skillful fingers find your entrance.
They push into your tight cunt as you cry out wanton moans of his name. Him hitting the spongy spot inside of you just right spurs on a chain of helpless whines begging for him.
“Please! Don’t stop! Kei I need you, I need it, please!”
He thinks that he’s never heard a more angelic sound in his life. Never will again either. God he’d give anything to stay right here forever.
“Aww, needy as ever aren’t you? Always been such a good girl, now look at you begging for me, wanna cum don’t you?”
And fuck, you did wanna cum.
You did wanna be his good girl, his needy girl, you always have.
And so you continue to beg for him. Beg him to cum, beg him to let you release all over his fingers and mouth, and at last he grants you permission.
“Go ahead, cum for me, wanna feel how needy my good girl is.”
When you release you see stars, your whole body vibrating in in ecstasy, brain going blank from any thought except for him.
Only him.
You spent years longing and now you could never want anything more.
You lay there, spent, panting for him as he brings his fingers up to your mouth.
“Taste yourself angel, want you to clean off my fingers.”
You take the entire length of his two digits into your mouth, sucking off your own juices, and finally opening your eyes to stare into his.
“Fuck that was hot. Always been so good at taking orders, huh?”
You let out a weak giggle, and he chuckles along with you.
“Did so good for me tonight. Don’t worry, next time you’ll get to take all of me. But right now you need to rest.”
He shows you to the bathroom so you can get yourself cleaned up before offering you a shirt of his to sleep in and opening his covers to you. You slip in next to him and are swiftly pulled into his chest, long and muscular arms wrapping around your waist and head buried in your soft hair.
“Night, brat.”
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mirror-vicit-omnia · 3 years
Ya know what? F*ck it. DMC Heathers!AU where Dante is Jason Dean but never tries to blow up the school or murder anybody and the reader is Veronica.
Dante has an adoptive jackass dad, Big Blood Dean. Sparda is in hell and Eva is dead. Vergil is a missing person's case no one can solve. Big Blood Dean adopted him for the money and drags Dante all across the map with his shady deconstruction company.
The reader is in the same situation as veronica, it goes to canon. They get an in with the Heathers, there's probably a Martha involved.
Fight For Me. Just imagine Dante kicking ass. Those jocks wouldn't stand a chance in a million years.
I like the West End performance for all this.
Dante doesn't quote Baudelaire (if this was Vergil instead of Dante, yes he would have)
Reader: "Okay, don't just drop a snappy one-liner and then walk away! Excuse me? I didn't catch your name?"
Dante, all devil-may-care swagger: "Well, I didn't throw it."
If you think Jason Dean was a good fighter, you should see dante. He's always finding places to train with his sword and picking fights to keep sharp. Yep, he still has demonic powers and demonic heritage and a demonic sword.
He's been dragged to 10 different high schools. Now, Dante is the kind of guy who can just drop everything, pick up and go, if it weren't for the fact that he's adoptive dad sucks. Yeah, he's asking himself these days why he didn't just bail sooner.
He probably tried to run away when he was younger and the cops found him. Even young little Dante knew not to let anyone know about his demon heritage I guess. I don't know.
Anyway, enough logic!
The reader and Dante do not cause the death of Heather chandler. Maybe they think they did, cuz Dante still made the joke of poisoning Heather, and the mugs still got switched up, but later on after the entire world thinks Heather Chandler died a saint, the reader tells Dante that she doesn't think whatever Heather drank was what killed her.
Of course, the body is gone and so is any evidence that could have told them otherwise.
Meanwhile, Heather Duke rises in red and Kurt and Ram insist that they slept with the reader and did drugs.
Dante picks the reader up when they fall apart crying. He does set up the plan of baiting the jocks to the cemetery at dawn. But he's actually planning to knock them out and do some crazy embarrassing stuff with them, the kind of immature terror that only Young men can conceive of and inflict on one another.
Chloroform is involved. Dante packs his gun for safety. He's not a demon Hunter yet, but he knows what's out there, and there's no way he's walking into a cemetery without one weapon at least.
So, the jocks were probably going to wake up naked and tied up on a monument in the Town square or a landmark for everyone to see. It might even make the papers, since this town is so small. Dante would fleece them for their money, and encourage the reader to do the same.
"Hey, how about we divvy it up? One for you, one for me. One for you, and one, two for me- Ow! Fine, whatever, take what you want!"
But what was meant to be a life ruining prank goes horribly wrong. They got Ram, but Kurt's streaking through the graveyard in his skivvies.
Dante sprints after him. "Don't worry, I'll get him back!"
Funny. Kurt should be here. Dante knows how fast a human can run. He checks behind the tombstones, but the jock simply isn't here. Like he just disappeared.
There's a shift in the air. Dante stands still. Even for a cemetery, it's too quiet. Not peaceful. Tents. Restless. Dante's just trotting back when he knows. The reader feels something, too, that pricking in the hind brain that sets the hairs standing. Dante flicks back the red tails of his duster and pulls out his gun.
Reader: "Woah! Are those guns real?!"
Dante flexes his bicep: "'Course they are, babe!"
Reader: "No! I mean th-!"
Bang! A murder of crows take to the air. The only thing more unnerving than the mist and the gunshot is the cold hard gleam in Dante's eye.
And something in the tombstones growls.
Basically, there's probably some small hellgate in the area. Weak demons are leaking through.
The plot turns away from Heather's and fake suicides and mental illness into an '80s horror slasher flick in which Dante and the reader survive and work together to break the hell gate. Dante's dad might end up dead in the process, not by his hands but just because. Alternatively, Dante decides that he's turning 18 in a couple of months and soon the law won't be able to chase after him. He doesn't know what he's going to do with his life, but he sure as hell isn't letting big blood Dean drag him anywhere anymore.
Either way, it's implied that Dante finds his calling through this story.
And becomes a demon hunter.
Demons might have been possessing people or killing people and making it look like suicides so they can drain the humans of their blood when they're brought to the morgue. A bunch of lesser demons serving a relatively stronger demon.
It serves a similar effect as the sensationalization of fake suicides in the musical's plot. Only now the reader forged the suicide notes and set up the fake suicides in order to protect them both. There's no way the law was going to buy the truth.
The reader still has to deal with Heather duke, Heather mcnamara, the horrors of the hierarchy of the high school. They deal with Miss Fleming and the assembly. Is Heather McNamara from actually committing suicide, but then there's still a demon attack that they have to somehow protect both of them from. And this is taking place in the '80s, so there are no cell phones and the landline is cut.
The hellgate was dormant under the boiler room in the high school.
If Dante got possessed, we could still have some Dead Girl Walking (Reprise) and the reader shoots him but it's Dante so he survives!
Whatever was possessing him was nowhere near as good at fighting as a human.
Cherry flavored slushies. Dante drinks cherry flavored slushies, and when he sings I thought emotional part where he accidentally reveals thoughts of suicide, he tries to brush it off with humor, as always.
Still our favorite chaotic half demon.
Cherry flavored slurpees and pizza and teenage detective work that dpuble as dates. Dante doesn't give a s*** and just wants to be pointed in the direction of the fight. The reader is actually doing research and carefully trying to piece together what is going on. Dante provides whatever he knows on demons. And hell.
Dante: "Yeah, my dad is the legendary demon Sparda. My mom and brother died in a demon attack on our house and that's why I'm in foster care."
Reader: "Okay... Sounds fake, but okay..."
Dante gets shot right in the chest. Reader freaks out, but still manages to blow up the hell gate with a bomb and thermals. To collapse the whole gymnasium, which is empty.
They crawl out of the dust. Shaking, a lot to process all at once.
Then there's a whistle. And impressed whistle. The reader looks up. It's Dante, standing strong and straight and waving at dust like he's not squirting blood out of the hole in his chest. "Now, that was some fireworks! Remind me to invite you to my next birthday party."
And that was when the reader believed that he was actually half demon.
Plot twist a faculty member opened the hell gate and it's Miss Fleming the hippie.
I wanted to feel more 80s than it sounds here, and other than that that's all I've got.
Edit 8/20/21
The reader wears the blue Heathers uniform. Short grey skirt and all.
Or if you don't like skirts, then trousers. Tight, flattering trousers. Dante loves to watch how they pull in all the right places.
The two of you are hanging out upstairs in his room, talking about the deaths. The read is worried, fretting over the mystery, flipping through pages in their notebook; Dante sprawls next to them, half hanging off the bed, head in their lap, yawning. The front door opens and bangs shut. Dante springs out of his seat. Suddenly, he wants to get out if the house.
"Hey, do you want some ice cream? Dairy Queen, strawberry sundae, you and me. C'mon!"
Big Blood Dean stomps upstairs. "Dante! Get yer worthless ass in gear! We gotta a job, you gotta go on a supply run-"
Dean barges right on in. Looks at Dante. Looks at the reader. "You got company."
"S'there a problem?" Dante sounds cool. Too cool. He's on his feet and wandering about the room, like he's bored. The reader tenses. Dean is huge, but he somehow looms beyond his size.
Dante does his careless waltz. The reader can't take their eyes off Dean. Like a frightened animal. How can Dante expose his back like that?!
But by getting up, he's put himself between you and his adoptive parent.
"Get rid of them," orders Dean.
Shrugging, Dante pats your knee. "Alright, c'mon, babe." He leads you by the elbow to the window. You still keep an eye on Dean. He's glaring.
Dante throws open the window and bows. "After you!"
"Um, the front door is...?"
He's not serious.
"Go on!"
He's serious.
Hesitant, you stick a leg through and let him push you the rest of the way out. Then he slips out, too
"You come back here, boy-!"
"See ya, old man!" Dante slams the window shut.
"Is he going to lock you out?" You ask as you shimmy down the drain pipe.
"He can't. You broke my window lock."
Dante buys two Sundaes because he doesn't want to share; after he polishes off his, he's snatching bites of yours.
He used the "Nevada account."
(Update 9-20-21)
And this whole story would be even better with JD!Virgil instead.
Virgil didn't have time yet to harden from the demon attack before Big Blood Dean adopted him.
This is all much the same as with JD!Dante, except that Virgil gets darker (not that Veronica!Reader knows how bad it is; they didn't accidentally murder Heather together) carries a gun and everything.
In the big final fight, Virgil runs out of ammo. Demons have cornered him. It's the house, his Mom, Dante, all over again.
One blink later, the demons are all dead, slashed open. Virgil shakes as he yanks on the handle in his grip, and pulls out the blade from a soft belly.
Yamato. How did it get here? These demons are unrecognizable, like dead carrion at a butchers. Did I do this? He thinks, distant and fuzzy, as he watches his hands like watching a film as they flip his sword.
Humans are weak. Humans are wretched.
The reader's smile passes through his mind.
... Perhaps not all humans are... Deserving of death.
They're just weak. Virgil flicks gore off the sword, and heads to his house, looking for Big Blood Dean.
He didn't like the way Dean had scared you with the "Norwegian in the Boiler Room" talk, anyway.
(Spoilers: Dean doesn't live. And Virgil loves you, but this was mostly for him. It's the tipping point, and afterwards he chooses his demonic heritage over humanity. But less "kill them all" and more "purge those who dare cross our path- but don't tell Reader, they get upset easily." What they don't know can't hurt them- and you have Virgil to thank.)
You two definitely run away together at the end. Off to explore knowledge of demons and Hell and whatever else.
You want to seal off the Hellgates that are being all over the world.
Virgil wants to level-grind.
It's couples-time, really.
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emtornado · 3 years
Miraculous but make it Squid Games
Inspired by https://www.instagram.com/p/CUm02T7BCGr/?utm_medium=copy_link
Do I know why I keep making Miraculous posts? Nope. But here we go with another one~
(Also this takes place in Korea cuz I don't know any French children's games and didn't wanna complicate my own life so just roll with it)
Let’s introduce our characters first.
Marinette Dupain Cheng— A French student studying fashion in Korea who has lost all her money and is in severe debt.
Adrien Agreste— Marinette’s friend from France, and a former model who left his father and his company behind to travel the world ending up in Korea where he gets a very interesting offer.
So let’s start with the fact that there are obviously no miraculouses here. Both were two normal students who used to be friends but drifted apart, not even knowing that the other was in the same country, years later.
Marinette, who used to study in Sungkyunkwan University, is completely broke and the only reason she could afford school is because of her parents. Now, with a degree and no jobs (Korea is hard to foreigners, and even after years, that’s what she is to everyone), she's lost all motivation in life. Her sketchbooks, once full of life, now lie empty.
At her lowest moment, Marinette sits at a subway and contemplates what to do with life when a dude comes and offers her money, and all she has to do is play a Korean game. Ending with a stinging cheek and 40,000 won in her hands, the man offers her a card and tells her to think. She gets a lot of money, and all she has to do is play some games.
On the other side, we have Adrien. Adrien, who is more like Chat— confident, witty and VERY flirty. He left his father’s house when he was 18 and has been travelling ever since. He and Nino went to the states, travelled Europe by car, went to India (cuz yes) and currently makes a stop in Korea, where he is approached by a man. This man asks them if they’re up for a job, where they gets a decent amount of money and all he has to do is follow the rules and keep his mouth shut.
Adrien has experienced many things in his life so far, and his money supply is depleting. Thinking of this as some drug shit, he agrees and signs the contract (fucking idiot. After staying with his father and being a model for so long he should’ve known to at least read things properly smh). Seeing him, Nino does too.
Fast forward to the very first game. Adrien has been training for almost a month now and has a little idea of what he’s working for here.
He knows not to ask any questions, to only take the head mask off when he’s in his room and do whatever the man in the black mask tells him to.
He doesn’t ask a single question cuz he’s seen what happens to those who do. What happened to Nino, as his best friend’s brains splattered all across his mask. (sorry, but like. People had to die.)
When the participants play their first game, he doesn’t even flinch at the absolute massacre happening on his screen. He thinks about how nothing can faze him anymore when he catches sight of two pigtails on the screen. Two pigtails that look almost blue under the sun’s glare.
And that is when his stomach DROPS.
Let's yeet back to Marinette. Our sis is dying inside but she WILL NOT die outside. She came here for the money and now she has a greater motivation to survive— her life.
She is the last person in the game— number 467, and all that goes on in her head as three people beside her are shot due to the creepy doll’s eyes is the fact that she will remain the last one standing. It’s not about the money anymore, it’s about survival.
After the first game, when given the option, she presses her hand on the cross without a second’s hesitation.
As she makes her way home, she is relieved, that the torture is over.
And then she meets Adrien.
Back to Adrien. When all the participants head back, he uses two of his precious leave days from this fucked up organisation to track Marinette and meet her. When they do, they fucking collide cuz he saw her almost die and she almost died. They have reason to cling onto one another shush.
And then Adrien tells her. He tells her everything. He tells her what is happening, how many people have died, how Nino had died, and how he needs her help to shut all this down.
Marinette runs away. She doesn’t wanna be there. And then she starts looking at all the chats and pictures of her and Nino. How he was one of her very first friends. And so she goes back to the same cafe and meets Adrien again.
They make a plan. They will make sure she survives, for which she will need allies in the game (not outside the games, cuz she will always have him there).
And so armed with knowledge, Marinette goes back into the game and meets a naïve Korean man who teams up with everyone, a bitch who will survive somehow (and will kill anyone to do so— yes I mean Lila) and a young man who seems so fucking familiar.
And so the games go on and Marinette keeps surviving. And as that happens, she starts to spend her nights in a secluded area with Adrien, where they talk, they reminisce and they find a reason to live in each other.
And then the marble game happens. She partners with the boy, Luka, who turns out to be another face from back home. She partners with him because she trusts him and she is afraid nobody else will partner with him because of the growing bloody wound on his head courtesy of the thugs trying to kill him.
Adrien is the guard assigned to her and Luka, and he watches as Luka slowly and steadily grows more and more out of it and Marinette starts full-on sobbing. Right when the time is about to end, Luka gives his marbles to Marinette and begs her to survive this game and live, and go back to Paris and tell Juleka about all this, as his final goodbye. He looks her in the eyes with a smile until the very last second when Adrien shoots him.
That night, the VIPs arrive and both Mari and Adrien know that they need to move on with their plan, but they spend the whole night by diving tanks they know won’t be used anymore, cuz the Black Mask Man made an example out of everyone who tried to betray him. Marinette is curled into Adrien and in the silence, she vows to end them. That morning (night?) when they are sneaking back, they come into contact with one of the black-masked dudes who would serve the VIPs and Adrien knocks him out and switches outfits.
He kisses Marinette before making his way to the VIP chamber.
Imagine his surprise when after almost half a decade he hears his father’s voice behind the mask of a man wearing an elaborate gold butterfly headset.
He watches in rapt attention as Marinette thankfully chooses number 15, with Lila right in front of her. Now we don’t like Lila (here specifically) because after Tug of War she started to turn people against Marinette, because of whose strategy their team won the game. Marinette was almost killed by many of the thugs in the nighttime because of Lila, and when there’s 30 seconds left and one step left to be determined, Marinette pushes Lila off one and scores victory for her and number 16, Alya Cesaire. (Who is in Korea for journalism internships or some shit and got roped into this because of lack of money, and became Marinette’s greatest ally)
They both know that one of them will die at the end, and so Marinette tells Alya of hers and Adrien’s plan to end this thing once and for all, and so they go and play the final Squid Game, where at the end, Alya very convincingly stabs herself, making Marinette the winner.
On the other side of the glass, Adrien, who has gotten the interest of a disgusting old VIP, puts an idea into his head about how the VIPs should really go and really be in the scene and see what has happened, and that old man, fascinated by the idea of being in the zone, convinces his 'friends' that they should go.
And so they all go, surrounding a blood-soaked and sobbing Marinette and start laughing and congratulating her. (cue Gabriel recognising her and being condescending as fuck. Imagine dialogues like "you had so much potential and now are just reduced to this", which cements the fact that he really is Gabriel Agreste).
That is when Adrien, who was escorting them along with the Black Mask, pulls his gun on them, Alya pulls the knife “out” of her and takes the old fat man who liked Adrien hostage and Marinette pulls out her own knife to Gabriel.
They try to make a deal, and when Gabriel almost gets the better of them (cue seggsy fight scene which I don’t have the words to describe rn) Marinette stabs him in the neck.
After threatening the VIPs and getting all of their identities, as well as the black mask dude’s identity, they go to the nearest police station and give all of their gathered evidence.
Due to the physical and psychological trauma and torture faced by Alya and Marinette, as well as part of a settlement plea from the VIPs, they both get all the money.
The two girls plus Adrien fly out to France and reconcile with their families. Adrien and Marinette visit Nino’s family, Juleka and Rose and as many of the people as they can.
The two of them get a small apartment together, unlike the huge mansion that Adrien was left after Gabriel’s death (which he sells and uses the money to be given to all the victim's families)
He also becomes the owner of Gabriel, and with Marinette turns it over into a completely different company (cuz Gabriel was one corrupt bastard)
And so they live happily with weekly therapy sessions and a traumatic, but happy ending.
Gods I need help, I wrote almost 2000 words for this lol. Maybe I'll write this properly someday hahaha.
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I saw in your tags that there’s some old destiel fic you like on ffn. Do you have any recs ? :)
omg I haven’t been on there in years! like last time I read anything on there was like in 2014 lmao xD
32 fics total - I just checked and all of them are still up...there’s like 30+ more that I bookmarked that isn’t on the list cuz I’m not sure if they’re destiel fics or not so I gotta re-read them
all the ones below are fics that I’ve recced before in the past
1. All Angels Need Their Wings - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,784 (2012)
Dean never thought that Castiel would ever return. And when he did, he came in a very unexpected way, a very horrifying way. SLASH Castiel/Dean. Wing-Kink. Takes place in season 7. AU.
2. Heart Trouble - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 74,320 (2011)
Dean's having a harder and harder time of denying what he feels for a certain blue-eyed friend of his. And it's making him a little ornery, and a lot confused.
3. It Hurts - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,963 (2013)
Inspired by the S9 Trailer Cas had watched the angels fall and with them, his self worth. Now human facing the challenges of navigating mortality he also tries to find a place for himself in this new world. It is a hope he has to find without the Winchesters, without Dean. So now he runs, from both Heaven, Hell and from Dean. 
4. Small Problem - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 13,310 (2011)
A cursed artifact has made Castiel miniature, it's amusing for the Winchesters at first until they realize he might stay that way forever. Slash Dean/Castiel Please R&R
5 My Broken Angel - RATING: M | LENGTH: 24,999 (2010)
When Castiel disappears from his vessel, Dean is concerned. But when Castiel reappears and seems to avoid him, Dean is heartbroken. Set mid-season 5. 
6. A Hand - RATING: M | LENGTH: 23,474 (2010)
Dean/Cas, multichapter, slight AU. Dean's busy trying to re-soulify his brother, but Cas needs help. Maybe it's time Dean gave it to him. Ch. 15: Dean glared indignantly. "I find the term 'lovebirds' to be offensive. We prefer to be called 'sex-falcons.'" 
7. Saving Grace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 38,602 (2010)
With everything that was going wrong in Dean's life, it took him a while to realize that the person close to him that really needed the most help was Castiel. 
8. Candy - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 98,068 (2013)
The Fall from Heaven changed everything. The supernatural no longer hidden. Angels roaming the planet. Sam and Dean's immediate concerns were on a smaller scale. What do you do with the former King of Hell? Where is Castiel?... Destiel/Mute!Human!Cas/Angst!Dean
9. Dude, Dean Looks Like a Lady - RATING: M | LENGTH: 20,774 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
Sam's good, Cas has been found, and demons everywhere seem to be on hiatus. Seems like things are looking up for Team Free Will that is until Dean wakes up with his very own vagina anyway. Warnings: Fem!Dean, Destiel, female masturbation and S8 spoilers.
10. Evil Intent, Trials of Love, & Finding My Angel - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 36,729, 70,453, & 59,941 *rape, graphic torture, violence* (2009)
Anna rapes Castiel and uses a method that torments him more than anything imaginable. WARNING: Rape and Castiel/Dean makes sense when you read it . If you don't like then don't read!
11. Cascade - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 (2013)
"And if you fall as Lucifer fell, you fall in flames!" An 8x23 coda. 
12. Count The Cracks, Hear The Shatters, Feel The Insanities - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
They've walked miles on gravel roads that led to hell and back but the journey never quite ends. This is the story of Castiel and the Winchesters after the angels fell from heaven. Post Season 8. 
13. Damn Straight & Wait Wait Wait - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: about 21,000 (2010)
Humorous Cas/Dean, with multiple POVs. Slight AU. Fluffy. Ch. 5: Sam sat in the Impala in the motel parking lot, praying that three and a half hours at the library had been long enough.
14. Entertaining Angels - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 43,659 *gen/pre-slash* (2008)
A strange boy shows up at Dean and Sam’s motel room. Maybe he needs help, or maybe he’s there to help them—they can’t quite tell. Spoilers through 4.10. Not an OC. 
15. Happy Friggin’ Valentine’s Day - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 22,771 (2010)
SLASH. It all started with Dean's perfectly healthy hatred of frivilous holidays and a much-coveted sack of dust. Poor Castiel doesn't fully understand 'romance' to begin with, and this crash course is most unwelcome. 
16. I’m Just a Love Machine - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 29,200 (2011)
The Impala finally gets the chance to love Dean back. The problem is, Castiel seems to be in its way. 
17. It’s The Great Destiel Shipper, Sam Winchester - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 49,641 (2012)
What's Sam really doing all that time on the computer? Fangirling. Over Chuck's Supernatural books. Now Wincest might be a bit too much to deal with, but Destiel he might be able to get on board with... Especially after being around the two people involved for three days straight. 
18. Pain in the Head - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 78,771 *character death* (2011)
It started out slow. "Since when do angels have headaches?" "Since they become human." Established Dean/Cas. Sort of AU. PG-13. Complete. 
19. Sleep in Heavenly Peace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 45,517 *christmas fic* (2013)
Dean wants to have a nice, peaceful Christmas for once, but it seems like the universe won't let him. Dean/Castiel. Post-8.08 (Hunteri Heroici) AU. First in "Holidays With the Winchesters are Always Fun." 
20. The Shattered One - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 94,021 *grace mpreg* (2012)
When it struck Castiel, it dropped him out of the sky. He set down the first place he could find. He stood in a field in Switzerland, swaying on his feet and staring down at his body, dazed by what it had just done.
21. This Cupid Isn’t Stupid - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 41,572 (2012)
Dean receives a shock when he wakes up to discover Castiel has returned. Why is the angel suddenly back? Why have his powers dimmed? And.. Why are he and Dean joined together by an invisible rope!
22. Wild Horses, Cas - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 23,505 (2013)
(S8 Spoilers (story is set in S9), Sickfic! Destiel, Minor Sabriel). When Cas comes down with a bad case of Pneumonia it leaves Dean feeling more protective over his friend than ever, but will it also lead to Dean's admittance of his feelings towards his friend? 
23. Wrong - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 51,384 (2010)
Angels are not supposed to drop out of the sky into motel rooms, broken and beaten. They're not supposed to bleed like that. It was all wrong. 
24. The Reluctant Contestant - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 50,502 (2012)
AU When Gabriel is hired as a new host for a dating show, Cas has no choice but to follow his brother along as part of the camera crew. Forced at the last minute to be a contestant, he is shocked when Dean Winchester continually refuses to eliminate him. 
25. The Ugly Duckling - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 81,676 (2012)
Castiel: a nerdy, skinny thing with a crush on the the most popular guy in class. Being unpopular isn't easy and it's worse when the homophobic school figures him out. A small struggle to be noticed by his crush is turned into a huge struggle for himself and his dignity. But bullying can get the better of anyone. Slash. Destiel rated M for later chapters. 
26. Nameless - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 77,882 (2013)
AU. Everyone has the name of their soulmate written on their wrist at birth. Well, everyone except Dean Winchester. Complete. 
27. Cufflinks - RATING: M | LENGTH: 61,845 (2012)
The world is full of creatures that prey on humans. It is up to 'Hunters' to fight against the dark. Lucky Hunters rely on the help of angels they have bound to their service. Sam and Dean may be good Hunters, but they have yet to capture an angel. One day, Sam finds an angel and seizes the opportunity to bind the angel to himself. Little did they know what they were getting into. 
28. Angel Training - RATING: M | LENGTH: 95,700, Angel Training 2: Save Us - RATING: M | LENGTH: 76,888, & Angel Training 3: Uprising - RATING: M | LENGTH: 89,512 (2011)
In a world where angels are common and the most privileged or skilled people are able to own one; the world's angelic hierarchy is about to change when Dean Winchester receives a wild and recently caught angel.
29. Chasing Your Shadow - RATING: M | LENGTH: 92,077 (2012)
The prophecy says that when Castiel turns twenty-three winters old, a stranger will come into his life and bring a lot of suffering. But do prophecies always come true? Demon Dean/human Castiel AU 
30. The Holiday - RATING: M | LENGTH: 32,088 (2011)
Castiel and Sam are unlucky in both life and love, so they swap houses for the holidays. Both find the experience highly...interesting. Dean/Castiel Sam/Gabriel
31. And In Your Arms I Shall Find Shelter- RATING: M | LENGTH: 33,824 (2012)
Dean Winchester is a long forgotten painter who suddenly receives an order for a painting from a rich man - Crowley. He is about to start painting when Castiel - his personal reaper visits him. The main question is: Will Castiel give Dean enough time to finish the painting? 
32. Jar of Hearts - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 127,192 (2013)
February being the supposed 'month of love' people seem to forget that it's also one of the coldest times of the year. Valentine's Day themed events in a cafe turned bar is how Dean managed the courage to speak to the locally famous singer and somehow score a date, a relationship, and a man he didn't deserve out of the deal. Destiel college/uniAU some Sabriel 
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stanknotstark · 3 years
Astral Pt. 5 (Loki x Reader)
I actually wrote the first part today cuz this was extremely short before because i wasn’t sure if i should put fillers! In the end i decided to keep it plot heavy but also tried to not make it boring even if this is the first time the two argue and it goes incredibly side ways in ways Loki didn’t imagine lol
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You had come to your safe room to speak with Loki on a sensitive matter, a choice, that you had to make soon. In three days it would be your 18th birthday, not that that was the relevant matter. Shield had contacted you one day through your phone. You had spoken to a nice gentleman by the name of Coulson. He had given you an offer you couldn’t refuse. 
Call this number. That had been the text that you had received. Too curious for your own good, you did. 
Coulson had addressed himself as an operative under Shield, Strategic Homeland blah blah blah the name was a mouthful. He had offered to give you a job somewhat dangerous but the hazard pay was well enough to keep you comfortable. You were actually going to decline it but Coulson stopped you and said he could offer a higher education and a place to live if that was your concern. 
Hook, line, and sinker. Anyplace, away from this horrid house, was loads better. Your parents had calmed recently now that you actually stood up for yourself and knew how to fight but the memories in this forsaken house dragged your spirit down too much. Not to mention the haunting nightmares you had on the regular. 
However, you wanted to speak to Loki about this all. More or less you just wanted his blessing, you already knew what you were going to do. You already had the feeling in your gut that the conversation wasn’t going to end well. You prided yourself in knowing Loki through and through, him you too, and you know Loki is hard about trusting anyone. Not to mention his paranoia reached unsurmountable proportions. You were pretty sure Loki would make a plan A and stick to it but would try to think of every possible outcome and end up having the entire alphabet as a backup plan. He was good at adapting to what the situation called for.
When Loki entered the room he realized how you tensed the closer he got so he stayed away, the hurt look on his face almost caused you to run and hug him but if he touched you you knew you wouldn’t be able to leave him. 
The conversation started nice enough even if you both stood across the room from each other, you with your hands dangling at your sides not really knowing what to do with them. You had asked how his family was treating him and he had answered positively enough that you didn’t feel the need to intervene. Then, because you were too scared to bring up the sensitive topic, asked him how the weather was. That caused Loki to squint at you suspiciously. You have never once asked such a insignificant question. 
“What are you hiding?”
“They want me to work for them once I turn 18,” You told Loki who stood across the room from you confused, “Shield.” He frowned and shook his head, moved to stand across the table you had hid behind. 
“Don’t. We don’t know anything about this Shield corporation. It sounds like they want to use you as a weapon.” Loki said boldly, his hand resting on the chair now white knuckled. 
“I told them I would join them if they gave me a place to live.”
Loki’s wandering eyes snapped to yours. 
“Tell them you changed your mind.”
“No.” You said frowning at Loki. “You know what I have to live with every day, can you blame me for wanting to get out as soon as I possibly can?”
“Your living situation isn’t desirable but you don’t know anything about Shield. Your living situation may be more safe than what they’re offering.” Loki said, his voice starting to raise. 
“I’m going with them, they seem ok enough.” You said with a finality in your tone. Loki wasn’t going to change your mind. You kept up the staring contest he started. Both of you becoming more angry the longer you looked at each other. Loki was the first to break the eye contact. 
“I will not watch you hurt yourself, if you go, it is without my support, do not come back here to cry if they turn out to be something worse than you’re expecting.” Loki challenged, his eyes coming back to yours. He thought the ultimatum would make you change your mind, he must have thought you’d do anything to stay with him, but all it did was encourage you to leave out of stubbornness. 
You really like Loki, he’s been the best best friend you could ever ask for but that doesn’t mean you’re willing to endure the memories of your house longer with unknown hope as to whether Loki would come save you or not. He had said soon but he had also said soon about Thor’s coronation and that still hadn’t happened, to your knowledge. He was a God that had lived over 1000 years, it’s only natural that his view on the word soon was so vastly different from your definition of soon. It was time you started taking your life into your own hands, you shouldn’t need someone to save you, you needed to save yourself. You needed to prove, to whom you’ve no idea, that you could do this without help. 
You let out a angry chuckle, “Fine. you know I don’t like ultimatums but I will not hesitate to make a choice. Good bye, Loki.” 
The last thing you saw was Loki’s wide eyes and his hand trying to grab you from across the table but you had closed your eyes and willed yourself away. If he had been fast enough to grab you, you would have stayed, told him he was right. 
He wasn’t fast enough. 
Laying on your bed you took a few deep breaths but couldn’t force your tears to not fall. You curled up on your side into a fetal position and cried the hardest you had cried in years. You could never go back to Loki. 
Once you had calmed you called Coulson and gave him your answer. You started to pack what little you appreciated and shoved your feelings of Loki out of you mind for now. 
Pt. 4/Pt. 5/?
Tag list: @justfangirlthingies @emelieh99​
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prinxlyart · 4 years
I also imagine that despite some culture shock, Willow and Amity fit into the human world surprisingly well. Willow's more mellow demeanor and Amity's years of experience in high social culture mean they can fit in well in almost any social setting. Almost too well, after a while it starts to get to Luz since it seems like her witch girlfriends from another dimension do a better job fitting in than she ever did. Cue Luz needing extra love and cuddles
Bruh are you trying to get me to relive my high school existential depression??? Cuz I’m about to lol. (Damn it this is another long one, fuck, why can’t I just answer a question with little blurbs???????)
[tw: for descriptions of bullying, a panic attack and general depressive thought processes]
</3 :’)
Let’s say this excursion to the Human Realm is like a week-long vacation for our girls. They stay with Camila and Luz gets to spend time with her favorite girls and show off the stuff she grew up with. She’s so excited to share all the stuff she loves!!! Like how the trees don’t actually watch you and you typically don’t need to worry about critters attacking you when you walk by. And like. 99% of the things aren’t thinking about eating you. Oh, and just electricity and technology in general.
They come up with their cover story fairly easily (Luz’s girlfriends from another country that are visiting), figure out an easy illusion spell to hide Amity and Willow’s ears, and they’re off to the races. Luz takes them to her favorite after school snack spot, her favorite locally-owned book store (there’s a cat there named Miss Mittens that sunbathes in the display window), her favorite park, etc.
Willow and Amity are having so much fun too; they love learning about the Human Realm, but they love seeing where Luz grew up even more because her whole face lights up when she’s telling them about wherever they are. The first time a truck rolls by (one of those biiigg 18-wheeler delivery trucks) they both nearly scream and are so close to casting something to protect themselves, but Luz reassures them that it’s fine.
For the most part, they just have fun!! Luz couldn’t be happier. There’s something fun about being almost like an ambassador to the people you care about; you get to share so much information and see their wonder and amazement. That is, until Willow decides to walk up to a counter at a shop and ask the clerk about something. Luz doesn’t understand the weird twinge in her heart when Willow does this, but it’s quickly brushed away when Amity grabs her hand to get her attention and ask about something else.
Then the Mall Incident happens. And Luz is shaken. She never forgot about her old bullies but she did forget how much even being around them sent her into a mild state of panic. Sure, she had classes with them all the time, but they couldn’t always be bullying her. They never were as aggressive with their bullying as Boscha had been before that Grudgby match. But that doesn’t stop Luz from shaking slightly for the rest of their time at the mall. She brushes it off when Amity and Willow ask, yeah it was kind of a shock to run into them, but she’ll be fine.
When they get home Willow and Amity know she’s not fine. It was like if Luz was a candle, she’d been snuffed out and they were only seeing the remaining wisps of smoke. It was jarring to say the least, but after talking it out with Luz and smothering her in affection, Luz does feel better.
As their little Human Realm excursion goes on, Luz watches Willow and Amity interact with the Human world with relative ease and that same twinge in her heart is back. She doesn’t know why she feels so odd about seeing her girlfriends just talk with store clerks or restaurant waitstaff, but something about the whole situation is bothering her and she can’t put her finger on what.
That is until one night towards the end of their little vacation when Willow wakes up at like, 2 in the morning to the sound of sniffling (she and Amity are sharing a blow-up mattress in Luz’s room). The alarm bells go off in her head as she registers what the noise is and looks over at Amity only to see that she’s fast asleep. Which means Luz is crying. Willow gently shakes Amity awake before sitting up and checking to make sure she didn’t mishear anything, but her heart only breaks with what she’s able to see.
Luz is curled up in a tight ball, completely surrounded in her blankets, and shaking so hard Willow could’ve mistaken it for a seizure if she hadn’t heard her crying. Willow scrambles onto Luz’s bed and gently drapes herself over Luz’s shaking form, only to hesitate when Luz almost violently recoils at her touch. Amity is quick to join them on the bed once she’s woken up enough to see that something was wrong. Both girls quietly ask Luz what they can do to help her, but her crying only becomes harsher and she starts shaking her head and pounding her hands to her forehead. Willow has to forcibly hold her hands away to make her stop while Amity fetches Camila.
Camila comes rushing in and turns on the light and just starts muttering in Spanish under her breath and she takes Luz into her arms and holds her, just gently rocking her and running her fingers through her hair and still muttering quiet Spanish. Willow and Amity can only watch, grabbing each other’s hands for any amount of stability because their hearts are shattering at the sight of their girlfriend crying so hard.
After a while, Luz’s crying dies down, but her shaking doesn’t. Camila sighs and asks Amity and Willow if they’d like to sleep in her room for the night, to which they both immediately reject. They want to know what’s going on with Luz and how they can help. They’re terrified for their girlfriend and want to do anything they can to help her. Camila feels her own heart melt at that because wow, these girls really do love Luz.
So she asks them instead if they would like to bring their blankets downstairs to the living room and get set up on the couch while she takes care of Luz. Amity and Willow are reluctant to leave Luz, but this is her mom. If anyone knows how to help her, it’s Camila. So they quietly agree and gather up their pillows and blankets and head downstairs and talk quietly on the couch, holding each other’s hands, going over what could’ve possibly caused Luz to break down in the middle of the night.
Meanwhile, Camila manages to ease Luz into letting go of the death-grip hug she has on her and sit up enough for her to wipe the tears from Luz’s face and ask her what’s wrong. Luz almost starts crying again; it hurts her so much to think about. Not to mention, it’s a dumb fear that she knows shouldn’t bother her but it’s scaring her half to death anyway. Camila just waits for Luz to gather her thoughts, gently fussing over her hair and straightening out her rumpled pajamas until Luz is ready to speak.
Luz admits to her mom that she’s scared of losing Willow and Amity. She tells her about the run in with her old bullies at the mall and what they said about her finding people that “tolerate her existence” and how that hit harder and deeper than it should have. How she can still hear the taunts in her head; about how she probably lied to them in order for them to even bother looking her way or that maybe they were just actresses Luz had hired to make her feel like she was worthy of having a girl on each arm. She knows that shouldn’t bother her because she knows Willow and Amity care about her, she knows none of that is true even in the slightest.
But then she watched them ease seamlessly into navigating the Human Realm and she remembers how long it took for her to even begin to understand the nuances of the Demon Realm and it sort of dawned on her how easily she could be left behind. It would be so easy for them to be able to figure out how the Human world works and to go off on their own adventure together; they’re both ridiculously smart and they have each other, what’s Luz but a tour guide that talks too much? And now they’ve been seen with her in public and if they ever did want to explore more of the human world, they would need to go out of town so they wouldn’t be known as Little Luz-er Noceda’s Fake Girlfriends.
Not to mention that back in the Demon Realm, they’re both known to be smart and powerful witches. Luz still gets odd looks thrown her way as she walks into a new place in the Demon Realm because she’s a Human and Humans Can’t Do Magic. Why would these two beautiful, talented, powerful witches want to be seen with Luz the Human? No matter what world she’s in, Willow and Amity are out of her league and she fears that one day they’ll realize this and just leave her behind.
Camila is absolutely heartbroken at this (and makes a mental note to reach out to that girl’s parents; two years have gone by and their child is still as nasty as ever). She reassures Luz that Willow and Amity care about her so much. She’s seen the way those girls look at Luz when they think she’s not looking and they are so beyond smitten with her. And Camilla’s long since gotten to know these girls. She knows they’re absolute angels with hearts of gold (and would probably die and/or kill for Luz, but that’s a thought Camila keeps sealed away in the darkest corners of her mind). There’s no way either of them think that way and would never leave Luz thinking they were some how better than her or too good for her.
Camila also gently reprimands her for not making these fears known sooner; a whole panic attack could’ve been avoided if Luz had brought this up earlier. Luz finally smiles and admits she went down a sort of intense depressive spiral when they all went to bed earlier that night. She’d been feeling off all week but hadn’t figured out why until it was too late. Camila tells her to go downstairs and talk with her girls; she needs to explain what caused her to have such a fierce panic attack in the middle of the night because they are worried sick. Luz gives her mom a hug and mutters her thanks before she grabs a blanket off her bed and heads downstairs. Camila follows her downstairs but goes to the kitchen instead to start some tea (and maybe check her phone to see if Eda’s up 👀).
When Luz finally comes downstairs, Willow and Amity jump off the couch and approach her to hug her, but remember how badly she reacted earlier and keep their distance while they ask her if she was okay. Just seeing her girlfriends look so worried over her well-being is enough to make Luz’s heart squeeze and she just throws her arms around the both of them and hugs them tightly. They all just stand there quietly for a minute; Willow and Amity are relieved to see Luz is okay enough to be giving them a hug, but they’re still worried about what happened. Eventually Luz pulls away and they all sit down (Luz is sandwiched between her girls and playing with their hands; it’s their go-to comfort seating arrangement) and Luz explains everything she had just explained to her mom.
By the time Luz is done with her explanation, Camila’s bringing out the tea for the girls. She sets down the tray for them and plants a big kiss on Luz’s head and tells her that she’s going to go back to bed, they just need to come get her if they need her. She also gives Willow and Amity big kisses on their heads that makes them all giggle and blush before they all wish her goodnight.
They spend a while going over each of Luz’s fears one by one, reassuring Luz that those fears have no power to them because there’s no way in any realm they’d let something like that happen. They both reassure her of how much they adore her, how much they love her (and both make sure to leave plenty of kisses on her cheeks in between said reassurances), and how nothing would ever change that.
Not to mention her last fear. Amity and Willow out of Luz’s league?? Too out of league for the girl who broke into and out of the Conformitorium twice, who defeated a Puppeteer Demon on her second day on Boiling Isles, who not only get Willow an A+ in a magic track she wasn’t good in but also switched into her magic track specialty on her 5th day on the Boiling Isles; who rediscovered an ancient, long-lost method of performing magic within her first week, while ALSO dealing with an Owl Beast Eda-
And that’s just her first week of living in their Realm. Since then she’s disrupted and completely changed the rigid learning system of their school, defeated several monsters, including the Bat Queen, a Slitherbeast, and GROM, put Boscha of all people so in her place that she’s since sat back and re-examined her entire life, and went face-to-face with Emperor Belos and managed to land a hit on him. Yknow, all within the first month and a half of her living on the Boiling Isles. (With more to add as the show goes on I’m sure)
If anyone is out of anyone’s league, Luz is so far beyond everyone that there was a new level created just for her. It doesn’t matter what some air head bully from the Human Realm thinks of her; she’s literally revolutionized life on the Boiling Isles by simply being the bright, passionate, loving person she is.
Luz is definitely crying by the time they’re done listing everything she’s accomplished. Amity and Willow just snuggle up close to her, kissing her face and her head and maybe her shoulder every so often as they reassure her that they love and admire Luz for who she is and can’t even begin to imagine their lives without her. She never ever needs to worry about them somehow leaving her behind when she’s the one leading the way.
They all end up falling asleep on the couch snuggled up with one another and empty mugs of tea on the coffee table. Camila wakes back up a few hours later and shakes her head at the sight of them; they’re all going to have sore necks when they wake up. But she takes several pictures of them and sends the best ones to Eda. Eda replies almost immediately, informing her of the bet she has going with Lilith and King about how soon after they graduate they all propose to one another and asks her if she wants in on the betting pool. She also comments on how sickeningly sweet those girls are and how she’s about to go puke her guts up and definitely NOT make one of those pictures her scroll background.
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG bio/info: @/annajj9x_ | 20.1k followers| Athlete | hey peeps can you stop asking me to throw it back cuz the answer will always be no! K thx take it easy 🏳️‍🌈🌻🏒🐶
21 years old
From bath, England
Hockey player as her profession for the past three years
Her position is defense
Their team name is “rowdy alphas”...yeah some team names just didn’t make sense or they’re cringe for no reason at all
Was raised by her mom,(her mom was a teen mom & had her at 17) maternal grandmother, and her paternal aunt (dad’s younger sister, who’s more like a big sister to her at 28)
They’ve made her into the person she is, literally
Her grandmother has a bed and breakfast that they all live in
the house is Victorian style—almost as if they walked right out of charmed! Instead of a big pink house, think yellow AND purple. It was hideous but homey and charming on the inside
growing up in a house with multiple temporary strangers wasn’t odd to aj at all, in fact it felt like the norm. There was always someone around to socialize with so that was quite nice
Her father was a pro baseball player & passed away due to a automobile accident
she has his smile & freckles
aj was also involved in the accident at the age of 6 & miraculously survived with intense injuries
Has scars as a reminder
used to have night terrors because of the accident...it took awhile—years!!! for them to subside
they’re all vague memories now (but the pain is something she’ll always remember) but she preferred it that way
she’s named “Anna” after her mother’s old best friend/roommate and was supposed to be aj’s god mother but she went missing during their uni years
the name“Julia” came from her paternal grandmother who she gets her wide doe eyes from
her athleticism definitely came from her dad
Her mother luckily liked to document things so there’s a bunch of home videos of her dad in them & pictures/scrapbooks that her mom has for safe keeping
She’s more of a klutz, tiny, and wears huge prescription glasses
extremely close to the three most important ladies in her life, so she’s always been able to be open with them about anything!
when she first expressed her interest in liking both genders around 17-18 her paternal aunt was all smirks, “i knew Britney Spears was so your type, yeah?”
more like shakira but Brit was just as pretty
her mother was a “cry baby” so ofc she burst out into tears squeezing aj’s limbs and peppering her face with kisses. She didn’t view her child as anything different... as she shouldn’t & was glad that her daughter trusted them with this significant moment in her life and wanted to be as supportive as she could
got books, watched Ted talks and everything but knew she could come to the source even tho aj was still figuring it out herself
her grandma dipped her head at the new info sitting at the round kitchen table, “been there. had a few broads in my life after and during my marriage with your no good grandad. Thank goodness the bastard died before you even got to meet ‘em.” “Mum!”
what felt like the biggest weight on her chest was lifted. She knew they’d understand but a part of her had a little bit of doubt, she’s heard so many horror stories where those like her didn’t have the support she has and that made her extremely sad to think about
i see her as a person that has/had many friends in secondary. She’s always open to chat and her being on a few sports teams helped her out in her case
very competitive in anything that she does & will guarantee that she’ll beat you. (“ You wanna race to the car from here?”wins. “Who ever cleans the most dishes the fastest gets the last slice of pie.”) majority of the time she’s right but if she loses?? oh don’t let her lose to you, it’s a pity party for the rest of the time ur in her space. Such a sore loser omg
stays active, always working out + has a gym membership and makes sure she goes at least five times a week
she’s very strong, loves leg day & working on her core
she’s about 5’10
loves wearing “gf jeans” since they’re super comfy but doesn’t mind skinny Jeans with rips in the knees every now and then
trainers and chucks are her go-to sneakers
has no issue shopping in the men’s section ‘cause who’s gonna stop her? Nobody that’s who
owner of over a 100 graphic tees + vertical stripped shirts are also her favs, SWEATPANTS/joggers?! How many does she have? A lot. Snapbacks? Plenty. Will she wear them backwards? Obviously.
Physical touch is her love language. She’s comes from a family that has no issue showing their affection by touch. There is NO such thing as personal space and that still stands with aj when it comes to relationships, she sees no other way
It’s what she shows and what she wants in return, if you’re not touching her in some sort of way, then automatically she thinks there’s something wrong or that she did something
Is the jealous type. It has shown in relationships and ruined a relationship or two
Has cheated on a significant other out of pure jealousy & is not proud to admit that
Does have a wandering eye but feels now that she truly understands herself when it comes to relationships, she’ll never act on it again
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I get libra tendencies from her so that’s what I’m sticking with. She likes to keep the peace (unless she’s jealous) , idealistic — always looking on the bright side of things, outgoing, romantic, and professional— especially when it comes to her team; her true leadership comes out, yet she can be indecisive, hates confrontation, self pitying — if things don’t go perfectly how she imagined/planned it to, the world is ending and everyone is out to get her, and can be unreliable—never on time
September libra to be exact
if she’s really in love/taken a interest in you then she gets nervous: blushing, sweaty palms, cracking her knuckles, tongue tied—the whole 9
she’s already defined as a puppy by her coach but when she’s in love? She’s a lovesick puppy!
her fav holiday is Valentine’s Day
thought she was going to be a pro skateboarder growing up but it took one bad fall where she thought she was paralyzed for her to choose something else
she likes her weed on occasion
Obsessed with all types of cheese except cottage, “can I put cheese on this?”
more of a jumpsuit kinda girl or dressy top with jeans & hoops on a night out
has a solid group of mates outside of the hockey team, they’ve all met and hung out a couple of times, as they should since aj feels they’re going to be stuck with her for awhile so why not?
They’re a riot when they all go out, let’s just say that there’s never a dull moment
fav color is periwinkle
enjoys ASMR, mostly in the mornings when she’s waking up. You know how people love podcasts? (Sorry seb & Nicky, she still wants to be on the show soon!) ASMR is her thing
loves tangerines, you can count on it that she’ll have one on her, “where did you pull that from?” “I’ll never share my master plan.” “You’re such a tit.”
Definitely prefers “fresh squeezed” orange juice & will make her own, she has the tools & the strength 😏
Very rare for her to get sick ;) & if she does she’s a complete baby about it
Will fight that she’s sick before she admits it, trying all sorts of horrid remedies & vitamins
loves summer & all things that come with it, the number one thing is leaving bath for however long she can for a new place to enjoy
when she arrived to love island, she was thrilled for the weather. Yes she was looking for love but most importantly a nice get away & that it was (depending on your route that is lol)
closest with seb, vieve, elladine, and tai but don’t tell the others that! (She doesn’t care if you tell Yasmin, honestly)
just because her & seb “dated” and it didn’t work out doesn’t mean they can’t be friends right? It was almost automatic for them to be platonic after it was determined there would be no romance between them, almost like sibs! like those celebs like to say—except this time these two won’t turn around and actually find romance
vieve came with seb so...but no shade aj did like vieve. She gave great advice (while seb sometimes didn’t say the right things unintentionally or what aj needed to hear) when needed, especially from a medical view and is very sweet
elladine was the one who had all the tea & ideas to match, she’s quite organized and always down for DIY’s and could suggest almost anything. If you needed someone to help you get things tidy or match/find your Aesthetic, she’s the friend you call to help
tai was the one she could be a “bro” with, sure elladine has her competive side (or controlling, depends on how you view it) but tai was the one you can run to for much needed “bro hugs”, partying, going to the pubs, playing sports with or against, checking out/flirting with babes, etc...
it was not long after the villa that aj had a revelation with her sexuality & fully owned and labeled herself as a lesbian
She was happy being in relationship with someone else or with herself, life was short and she was young so there wasn’t time to dwell and stress over things so what the hell?! Live your truth the best way you know how ya know?
probably smells like sweet citrus, almond flower, and sea salt
on chest days, she’s a sweets snacker. Loves gummy bears (also with vodka) , swedish fish, sour patch kids, etc...basically shit that sticks to ur teeth
put all her chips into hockey, while it was advised by her Counselors & mum not to do so, aj went about it anyway. She thought about the pros and cons but knew there was nothing else for her. So there were more pros than cons. She was meant to play sports, its what felt right in her soul
Made her feel connected to her father, when she’s on the field she feels that he is with her
 scrunches up her nose when she’s frustrated or confused about something
Doesn’t always grasp concepts right away, she’s a soft dummy but most of us are and that’s okay! We’re all smart in our own ways
Feels like sunflowers are always around her especially if she sees them wherever she is. They must symbolize SOMETHING, therefore she loves them
spf queen. All about it, get with it or let the sunrays ruin ur skin that’s on u
loves a good filet mignon medium-well & is probably the only good thing she knows how to make alongside a salad, baked potatoes, & her oj
sucker for romantic-comedies...it’s basically her life duh!
If she has a dog, it’s a Dalmatian or Great Dane. She needs a companion that’ll keep up with her
loves kissing, it’s her favorite form of intimacy
Quarantine life included the push up challenge for her. Gaining a few pounds in muscle and fat, bothering seb via ft, viewing old letters she wrote to her dad, spending time with her fav ladies since they were now restricted from having guests in their home, and letting boredom consume her + she hated the whole lockdown that came with it, she hated being indoors for long periods of time but she knew that’s what partly needed to be done
Posts a lot of beach, park, outings with her friends & team, moments with her fav ladies, workout videos, and guests at the b&b with their permission and if only she befriends them along the way. She’s just as active on the socials as she is in rl but she’s not obsessed with it, she knows how to live in the now. She’s all about balance!
I also feel like she never keeps her phone charged and it’s always dying on her! She had a car charger but...that’s a jungle. She needs to invest in a portable charger stat
crushing on/finds attractive: Jared Padalecki, Keanu Reeves, Barrett Doss, Camilla Luddington, Sandra Bullock, Adrian Kempe, Harry Kirton, Anya Taylor-Joy, Haley Lu Richardson, Naomi Osaka, Ming & Aoki Lee Simmons
who does she listen to? Shakira lol!! Bea Miller, Dua Lipa, Daya, XYLØ, Elley Duhé, Stela Cole, Aloe Blacc, Maroon 5, Lewis capaldi, Charlie Puth, girl in red, Hayley kiyoko, king princess, dodie, & tessa violet
Anthem: Icona Pop — we got the world
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salvejoon · 4 years
No King Rules Forever | myg - M
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I am the fire I am burning brighter Roaring like a storm And I am the one I've been waiting for Screaming like a siren Alive and burning brighter I am the fire
⇒ Summary: Escaping the Imperial City 4 years ago, leaving behind painful, bloody memories, your body scarred and your soul bruised, you went into hiding, swearing to never fall into the Emperor’s hands again but when his twin brother and the rightful heir to the Imperial Throne finds you, asking you to return to that God-forsaken city you had left behind, to re-open old wounds and place yourself directly in the Emperor’s gaze, to help him take the city and overthrow his brother, you find yourself at odds: do you stay hidden or do you step into the light and sink your fangs into the man who ruined you?
⇒ Or: Emperor Min needs to die cuz he’s a psycho and while you and Yoongi agree on that part, you don’t really agree on anything else. 
⇒ Pairing: Dragon Aspect!Yoongi x Snake Aspect!Reader 
⇒ Genre: Angst, action, a dash of crack, a tiny bit of fluff and smut.
⇒ Rating: 18+
⇒ Word count: 17k
⇒ Warnings: whoo boy, here we go, unedited cuz im a lazy fuck, mentions of torture and sexual assault (nothing too descriptive),  gory fighting as in there will be blood, poison, people melting, arrows in kneecaps, character death, cursing, smutty goodness, soft smut uwu, Yoongi is a soft boi and reader needs to be held, cunnilingus, unprotected sex (Wrap it up, my dudes), creampie.
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Spying eyes watched carefully from the shadows of the tall trees around him, moving as the cloaked figure before him picked up herbs and put them in a basket. Careful not to stand in the direction of the wind, he moved silently, stealthily through the bushes, cautious not to make any noise and draw the attention from the clothed figure.
It could mean his end if noticed but he had his orders and had to make sure it was whom they believed it was. 
So far, he had nothing to go on. He could neither see shape or a face on the figure, a smart move for someone not wanting to be discovered. 
But a gust of wind blew harshly between the trees and the hooded figure was suddenly without a hood, revealing long hair that glinted in the sun and his eyes widened slightly as the figure turned to the side, showing him the feminine features of their face.
It was her. 
They’d finally found her.
But his ogling was soon interrupted as she whipped around and he felt her eyes on him, seeing him even under the cover of the shadows. Her eyes narrowed dangerously and he felt a shiver run down his spine.
He had to leave.
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Namjoon stared at the corpse at the ground, scratching his neck as he felt a sigh build up, “He was my best tracker…” He stated and let out a heavy sigh, “This is unexpected.”
“Y’know, as the smartest aspect, you really are dumb.” Jin commented and prodded the corpse’s knee with his shoe.
“How was I supposed to predict that poor Sijun would lose his life? Maybe he was ambushed-” 
“He wasn’t ambushed. Look at the wound. It’s too clean, too precise to have been made by a soldier or an assassin who suddenly jumped at him.”
“Yoongi…” Namjoon looked at his oldest friend as he bowed down and examined the many cuts across Sijun’s body, “Sijun was the best damn spy we had! There’s no way that she did this.”
Yoongi scoffed and rose, “She is capable. It’s most likely that Sijun wasn’t hiding well enough and she discovered him.” 
“She was the one who gave your brother the scar, right?” Jin asked as they walked out of the forest and into the clearing, the flow of the water strong in the creek as it had been raining.
“My brother didn’t see her coming either.” Yoongi stated as he looked around, spotting the basket near the water, tumbled over, no doubt having been left behind by the woman he was currently trying to find, “She’s around here. Let’s be a little bit more wiser than Sijun and not get killed.” 
Namjoon sighed heavily as his two friend began walking east, “I should have stayed home.” 
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“Mistress.” Your handmaiden, Shari, looked confused as you scurried around the cave, “What has gotten into you?” 
You shook your head, “We have to leave.” 
“I was seen today.” 
Shari’s eyes widened, “That’s not possible. We have covered every track and-” You grabbed her hand, clenching it and she took a few calming breaths. 
“It was only a matter of time before…” Shari looked desperately at you as you paled visibly, “Before he would find me, Shari.” 
“Are you sure it as one of his trackers?” Your handmaiden asked as you let go of her hand and resumed with packing a small leather bag with only the bare essentials.
“I smelled Dragon on him.” You stated, your hands beginning to shake as you were reminded of the taste and scent of it, “It’s him. Which is why we have to leave.” 
“But what if he finds us again, Mistress? What happens then?” 
“We will keep on moving. He will never find us.” 
“But what if he does?”
You looked down at your hands, her shaking voice affecting you and sighed heavily, “Then you will to save yourself. Now pack your things.” Your tone was final and Shari nodded solemnly as she headed over to her own bedding to pack her belongings. 
Shari was tired of running but she could not leave your side. Not when she owed her life to you. Ever since that fateful night in the palace, she’d sworn an oath to serve you and stay by your side until death. 
But she wanted to fight.
She wanted you to fight. 
She stole a glance at you over her shoulder, knowing that underneath your hard and cold exterior was a strong and fiery soul but that soul had endured so much pain and was now afraid. She knew that underneath your robes that hid your body so well, were scars that you thought so ugly and hideous that you still avoided your mirror image to this day. 
She wished that you had never set foot in that horrible palace. 
“If we set out by sunset, we can use the cover of the dark to-” You stopped abruptly when the air shifted and carried a scent with it that you knew all too well. 
You got to your feet quickly and handed Shari your belongings, “We’re out of time. Take this and run.” You said to her, ignoring how puzzled she looked, “Run as fast as you can and don’t stop.”
“W-What’s happening?”
You simply offered her a sad smile and cupped her cheek as it dawned on her what was about to happen, “N-No, I won’t leave your side!” 
“Shari, go. There’s no time.” She shook her head wildly and your heart lurched in your chest, “Go through the cave, take a left and follow the river once you exit the cave. Just like we’ve practiced.” 
“That’s an order, Shari.” 
Tears spilled over and rolled down her cheeks as she slowly nodded and you leaned over, kissing her cheek as you whispered, “Take care, child.” 
You watched as she bolted in the opposite direction, heading further into the cave. She would be safe, that was all that mattered. You took a deep breath, the scent of him nearing flooding your senses. You could almost taste him on the wind. 
You felt fear take a solid hold on you as you headed for the entrance to your hideout.
You had often imagined facing him again. 
You didn’t expect to walk away from this alive.
But you sure as hell would drag him down with you. 
Still, nothing could prepare you seeing the dark figure behind the waterfall, the water bending his body in a weird shape and acting as the only barrier between the two of you. It was terrifying and you fought hard to take another step. 
You were about to face the man that had ruined you.
It was now or never. 
Shari stood at the secret exit to the cave, a brief pause as she looked back into the darkness of what had been her home for a year. Her heart was breaking in her chest at the thought of you dying but you had given her an order. 
One that she intended to follow.
A gust of wind almost knocked her over and she felt the hairs on her arms raise in fear. 
Then she heard the sound that she had only heard once in her life, that horrifying night when you had fought the Emperor himself and given him the scar, the night the two of you had barely escaped the Imperial City alive. 
It was loud, the stone walls of the cave trembling, causing dust and debris to fall to the ground. She picked up her pace and ran as fast as she could towards the light at the end of the cave. 
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Yoongi didn’t know what to expect as he had followed the trail that had led him to the waterfall. The Aspect of the Snake. Enigmatic, elegant, intelligent, wise, fearless, cunning, scheming and striking. 
Some of the wisest Emperors and Empresses had been an Aspect of the Snake.
He had never met an Aspect of the Snake.
Nothing could have prepared him for the real thing that was in front of him. It was as if the air itself dreaded what was about to happen as it died down, the forest around him grew quiet and only the sound of the waterfall filled the hilltop valley. 
Then the wind picked up, in the opposite direction, almost sucking him toward the waterfall itself and then he saw them. 
Glowing green eyes, looking directly at him and the ground trembled, the waterfall dispersed as the giant snake shot out of the cave with a roar. Yoongi had little to no choice but to change himself.
Namjoon and Jin were sent backwards from the sheer force of you and Yoongi’s forms colliding. As they scrambled back on their feet, they were almost blinded by the sun hitting the tangle of scales that was before them. Silver blended with black in a fierce battle. The ground shook beneath their feet with the giant Aspects battling. Yoongi’s growls and your loud hissing thrummed in their ears. 
“We have to stop them!” Namjoon yelled out, fearful for his friend as he saw you twirl around Yoongi’s lithe body, most likely intending to squeeze the light out of him.
“How?!” Jin yelled back, “If you haven’t noticed, we’re kind of in human form right now and could easily die if we-”
“You idiot! Change!” Namjoon yelled before he changed into his own Aspect form and Jin followed suit. 
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Shari could only look on in horror as you battled the Emperor, his Dragon form even more terrifying than what she’s seen in paintings: the long slender body of his Dragonform, covered with blackened scales, his long claws digging into your pale imprenetable scales, trying to find purchase as you wrapped yourself around his body, his tail tangling with yours, his eyes glowing a bright golden color that some said was the representation of a setting sun.
His growls vibrated through his body and through hers which only gave away the magnitude of his size and power.
It seemed like you had the upper hand for a second but then she couldn’t but to cry out when he finally sank his claws into your body and you let out a wail of pain. Tears flowed freely when she saw blood stain the silver scales of your body. 
But her heart stopped when she saw the Aspect of the Ox and the Monkey join the fight. 
All of the Aspects towered above the trees and she had never felt more helpless in her life as she watched you not only battle one Aspect but three. 
As strong and mighty as you were, you were no match for three of them. She saw how you strained your long body, trying to maintain a strong hold on the Emperor and to sink your fangs into the Monkey, the acidic venom dripping from them and onto the earth beneath.
She could smell the burned soil and wood in the air.
The Monkey finally got it’s hands on you, getting ahold of your head and pulled you away from the Emperor and his mighty form fell to the ground. Your body twisted itself around the Monkey’s strong legs and you squeezed, causing it to let go of you as it toppled over and you quickly got out of it’s grasp and you slithered your way through the forest, mowing down trees on your way, trying to get some distance between you and your enemies.
But there was nowhere to go because you were trampled by the Monkey and you let out a loud hiss as you curled yourself around it’s body again, anger now flooding your veins as you squeezed the Aspect in your grasp.
The Monkey, battling your crippling tight grasp, tripped over it’s own feet and fell, rolling towards Shari. The handmaiden let out a panicked scream, getting the attention of the Ox who was busy trying to help the Emperor get back up. It’s eyes widened as it spotted the small human, two fighting Aspects getting closer and closer each second. 
It ran, leaving behind the Dragon and bypassed you and the Monkey, leaving dirt, dust and trees in it’s path.
Shari was cast in it’s large shadow. It huffed and she was knocked over by it. She covered her eyes to protect them from the dust, cowering in fear as the beast towered above her. It could easily crush her beneath it’s hoof. 
But it didn’t move. Not even when the two other Aspects crashed into it’s large body, did it move an inch. It simply huffed again and it sounded annoyed.
“Enough!” Came the booming and deep voice from the Ox, “We didn’t come here to fight you!” Then as to get the point across, the Ox changed back into it’s human form and from the dust, Jin appeared, “We’re here to talk.” 
Monkey, who was entangled in your body, stopped resisting, “It’s true.” He managed to wheeze out. Your eyes darted between Jin and the Monkey in your hold and you were at a loss of what to do. 
“I cannot trust you!” You finally spoke, your voice distorted to a deeper tone, “He has gotten into your minds and poisoned you.”
“He…” Came the voice of the Emperor, now hovering above you and the Monkey, “Is not me.” 
You lunged at him with snap of your jaws, “Liar!” 
The Dragon hummed deeply before landing onto the ground, a little away from where you currently held the Monkey pinned down and evaporated into a dust cloud. Your eyes narrowed when they saw the figure emerging. 
It was the same face that haunted you at night but yet, it was not. Instead of long, straight blonde hair like his brother had, his was jet-black and only went to his ears but the thing that caught your attention the most was his eyes. They were filled with emotion, nothing you could distinguish but there was emotion in the brown orbs.
Not the void you had so often stared into. 
And he lacked the parting gift you had given your once would-be husband: the scar across his right eye. 
The Monkey slowly felt you loosen your crushing hold on him and inhaled loudly when he felt like he could finally breathe. 
Seconds ticked by and Yoongi raised an eyebrow, “Are you going to change back so we can talk like civilized human beings?”
“Careful.” You hissed but removed yourself from the Monkey completely, allowing him to change back into human form and you decided to take a chance and change back as well, “That you do not anger me further.” 
You cautiously stepped backwards to your handmaiden and the young girl launched herself at you. 
“It’s okay, Shari.” 
“Y-You’re hurt…” 
“It’ll heal soon. Are you hurt?” 
She shook her head, “No. The Ox saved me.” 
Jin smiled and inclined his head, “Jin is my name.” He introduced himself and continued, “I had to. My friend over there is quite clumsy and would have crushed you had I not intervened.” 
“Hey! How about a hand here?!” Namjoon called out annoyingly, “Gods have mercy, I think she’s crushed my ribs.” 
You scoffed, “You would be dead if I had.” 
Yoongi watched as Jin moved over to help Namjoon, cursing at him for being a clutz but you seemed to only have your eyes on him. It was clear that you were distrustful of them, making sure to keep your guard raised, even with your servant clinging to you, he didn’t doubt you were still able to hurt him.
You were also scared.
Of him.
He could smell it on you. 
Yoongi took a step towards you and you hissed in warning, “Calm down, girl.” He grunted and folded his arms. 
“Girl?!” You exclaimed loudly, filled with ire, “I will let that slide this once but you will tell me why you trespassed-”
“We didn’t actually trespass seeing as this mountain borders onto the Emerald forest and last time I checked, you weren’t the owner of these lands.” Yoongi interjected, looking bored.
“You have 10 seconds to tell me why you’re here.” You growled.
“Or what?” He challenged and the hilltop grew quiet as you glared at him, hands clenching. 
“If your friends hadn’t intervened, I would have killed you, Yoongi.” You spat his name and his eyes widened slightly, “Your brother found out what happens when you corner a snake and it almost cost him an eye. Don’t make the same mistake.” 
Yoongi. The twin brother of Emperor Min. The rightful heir to the throne. The first born son of the great Dragon Emperor. 
You wanted to laugh.
A lost cause. Banished from the Imperial City forever by his own brother. You had never met him, only heard hushed whispers of him from your time in the palace. The Emperor had never uttered a word of his brother either. 
But the things you had heard were more than enough. A coward was what he was, not even taking up arms against his brother when he had cut down their father in cold blood, no protesting when he had taken the throne as his own. 
You weren’t impressed to be in his presence but you would listen to what he had to say.
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You stared at the three Aspects that sat on the opposite side of the campfire, the sun barely noticeable on the horizon, stars beginning to dot up the sky in all their formations. 
At this time, you and Shari would normally have been sitting alone, letting your full bellies settle after dinner and the young girl would entertain you with her hopes and dreams of a future where your lives were normal and you weren’t on the run.
Now you were joined by 3 other Aspects and the tension was palpable.
“After 10 years…” You dragged your eyes from the fire to Yoongi, “You decided to rebel against your brother?” 
You were met with silence.
Namjoon winced audibly and received a jab from Jin as Yoongi spoke, “I have my reasons. What is important is that it is happening.”
“And what, pray tell, are those reasons?” You asked coldly, standing up, dusting the dirt away from your dress and were again met with silence which didn’t surprise you, “Why should I help you, hm? Where were you when thousands of innocent people, children, were enslaved, killed, had their homes and livelihood destroyed?” Your tone changed as you continued, anger rising, “Where were you when he attacked the Northern Lands and slaughtered millions?” 
“Hey, there’s no need to be so-” Jin began but you cut him off quickly with hiss and your eyes flashing green. 
“Where were you when your people needed you? Hiding. Like a coward.” You finished. 
“Like you?” Yoongi asked and met your hardened gaze. 
You felt his words dig at your heart like a dagger, your lungs suddenly burning with how the air had been knocked out of them with two simple words, yet you refused to let it show, “You don’t know the hell I went through.” You spat, “I will not help you or your rebellion.” You announced, anger and hurt making your hands shake as you turned on your heel and headed for the cave. 
“W-Wait Y/N!” Namjoon called out and moved to get up but Yoongi stopped him with a hand. 
“Don’t bother. We shouldn’t have come.” He said, glaring at your retreating form. 
“Maybe I can talk to her and-” Namjoon looked at his friend with pleading eyes.
“We have wasted enough time on your ideas, Namjoon.” Yoongi snapped, finally letting the anger from your words show, “The woman doesn’t want to help. Fine. Leave her to rot here.” With that he rose and left the campsite, walking in the opposite direction, disappearing in the darkness.
Namjoon sighed loudly and Jin shook his head. 
What a mess.
“She wants to help you...” Came a shy, quiet voice and the two men looked at the young girl opposite of them, “But she’s scared.” 
“Yoongi is scared too. He just won’t admit or show it.” Jin explained with a nod, “I’m scared. Namjoon is scared.” 
“Me too.” Shari agreed and stood up, “You’re welcome to stay for the night. We have extra beddings in the cave, should you wish to sleep somewhere dry.” She bowed graciously, “Goodnight… And thank you for saving me, Jin.” 
He smiled at her as she turned and left them alone at the fire. 
“So… Jin, I think it’s your turn to talk to him.” 
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You were quick to wipe away the wetness on your cheeks as you heard Shari approach you and put a gentle hand on your shoulder. She didn’t say anything as she knelt down behind you and put her head against your back. 
You felt a comforting warmth spread in your chest at her silent support and you reached up with your left hand, putting it on top of hers. 
This girl had been your only source of companionship since you had escaped the palace. She had been there, next to you with her childish charms and naive hopes when you had been all gloom and doom. She had pulled you out of your night terrors, learned how to deal with them when all she should worry about was playing with other children and making friends.
She had to grow up too quickly but somehow she still had hope to keep her going forward. 
You wished you still had hope. 
“Shari…” Came your trembling voice and she simply squeezed your shoulder, understanding your unspoken words. 
She was the only thing that kept you going these past 4 years.
Yoongi’s words had cut you deep and while you hated to admit it, he was right. You were a coward. 
You were no different that he was. 
You had a choice: help him overthrow his brother or stay here, in hiding... Being a coward.
You could return to a normal life. You could give Shari the life she deserved. 
“You’re going to help them, aren’t you?” She asked, hopeful, and you nodded curtly. Even though you couldn’t see it, you knew she was smiling. 
Perhaps you could allow yourself to have some hope, after all.
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Namjoon stood awkwardly shifting on his feet outside the cave, nervously anticipating your exit. 
After the talk he had with Yoongi which mostly consisted of his friend telling him to fuck off, shut up and take his big words somewhere else. It wasn’t the first time Namjoon had to give a little speech about what was right to Yoongi, even though he was the oldest and should be the wisest. 
Yoongi had listened to him and had seen reason.
Now he just had to convince you to do it too.
You appeared just as he blinked, like a lightning strike from a clear sky and he yelped, causing you to raise an eyebrow as he tumbled backwards and fell onto the ground. 
“Y-You startled me.”
You looked down at him with a stoic impression, “Good. I haven’t lost my touch then.” You extended a hand to help him back on his feet and he took it. Dusting himself off, he took in your attire: a burgundy robe, tied around your waist multiple times with a black piece of cloth, black pants showing underneath it, stuffed into dark boots. You shifted and he caught glimpse of a black bodice. 
Then he saw the dual kopis’ at your hip and the bag on your back.
“Are you here to try and convince me to join your little rebellion once again?” 
Namjoon snapped out of it and focused his eyes on your face where he saw a tiny smirk, “You knew?” 
You hummed and stepped out of the cave, “I had an inkling.” You said as you walked out, “But you pacing back and forth anxiously gave it away.” You stated, glancing at the tall man and his now rosy cheeks. 
“Also you talk rather loudly.” 
Shari came running towards the two of you, adjusting the straps of her back onto her shoulder, “All done!” She exclaimed as she came up to you, smiling up at you. 
“You sure?” You asked, looking down at her. 
She nodded definitively, “Yes, Mistress.”
“Good. Because we won’t be coming back.” 
Namjoon stumbled after you as you continued walking, “Does that mean you’ll help us?” 
You kept walking, “No, I wish to see if my weapons can skin a Dragon.” You paused for effect, “Alive.” 
Shari chuckled beside you as Namjoon halted in his steps, looking pale and fearful. You rolled your eyes and stopped, “I am joking, Namjoon.” 
He released a breath, “Thank the Gods.” He mumbled. 
“For now.” You shrugged and continued walking down the hill.
You could already smell them as you reached the base of the hill where Jin and Yoongi awaited you. Jin smiled as he spotted you and Shari while Yoongi didn’t even spare you a glance. 
You were about to tell him how rude it was not to acknowledge a Lady when Jin opened his mouth, “Good morning, ladies. Looking battle ready and fierce as ever.” He complimented as you and Shari came up to him, “How are you this morning, little one?” He asked when she looked up at him, her big brown orbs twinkling with excitement.
“Excited!” Shari clapped her hands. 
“I expected to see you return alone.” Yoongi stated, glancing at Namjoon.
You could still give him an earful but refrained and simply resumed walking, heading into the dense forest, Shari grabbing Jin’s hand to drag him along.  
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While Jin and Shari had fun playing games on the road, obviously bonding, you and Yoongi had yet to utter one word to each other. That didn’t stop the Dragon from talking about you, as if you weren’t there. He took your lack of acknowledgement as a challenge. You annoyed him. He didn’t know why but he wanted your fieryeyes  on him as you lashed out at him hence his comments got more provocative as the hours went by.
You were twitching with each comment coming from him, wanting nothing more than to teach him a lesson or ten. 
Instead, you tried to make small talk with Jin, asking him about his family. He had a wife, three sons and a daughter and he talked with such warmth and love about his family, that it made the annoyance caused by Yoongi fade into the back of your mind.
It made you a little sad too. While his tone was warm and happy, there was an underlying yearning to return to them. 
“I miss them so much.” He admitted, the smile vanishing from his face and sadness washed over his features, “I’ve been gone for too long already.” 
“How long?” You asked.
“A year, give or take. My wife sends me letters though.” He smiled but it didn’t have the same happiness as his usual ones, “The boys are getting wilder and stronger and are wreaking havoc in the house.” 
“What about your daughter?” Shari asked, “How old is she?” 
Jin looked down at his side, “She’s a little younger than you and she is amazing. Strong, beautiful, funny, smart… Takes after her father, you know.” He winked at Shari and ruffled her hair, “You remind me of her actually.” 
You smiled at the interaction. The young girl sorely lacked a father figure in her life. You were all that she had but even you couldn’t give her everything a child needed, no matter how hard you tried. Certainly not a life where she feared for her life everyday was fit for a child. 
“We’re nearing the camp.” Yoongi caused the moment to fade with his statement. 
You didn’t have to wait long until the air filled with the scents of sweat, horses, leather and smog.
“How many men?” You asked Yoongi as he walked up beside you, finally looking at him. 
“2000.” He said curtly. 
“2000? That’s not nearly enough to attack the Imperial city. Your brother has tens-of-thousands of soldiers.” You stated, eyes widening as Yoongi merely shrugged and bypassed you, picking up his pace as the camp got closer. 
Truly, he couldn’t be serious? 
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Shari clung to you as you walked further and further into the large camp, soldiers all around you barely paying you any attention, the few that did curtly inclined their heads as a formal greeting. 
“I don’t like it here.” The young girl murmured and you hugged her tighter to you, knowing her fear of soldiers and wished you could whisk her away.
“I’ll protect you, Shari. Don’t worry.” 
“I know.” 
Yoongi led the way through the camp and when you came upon a larger tent, he entered it and you followed suit with Jin and Namjoon behind you. 
In the tent was two men, each dressed in their own battle attire. It was the sigils on their back that indicated their status and just how important they were.
“You’ve gathered other Aspects?” You asked, eyes slightly widening when their heads turned to look at you. 
“They’ve returned!” 
You couldn’t distinguish whose voice it was, mind still reeling from the fact that Yoongi had gotten so many Aspects to join the rebellion, especially considering that some of them present was allies with the Emperor.
“Is this who I think it is?” A voice snapped you out of it and you took a step back when the owner of the voice strolled over to you with strong steps, inhaling deeply, “It is!” 
You looked up, a very young but muscular man, with wide brown eyes stared at you with amazement and a grin that reached his ears
“Careful, Jungkook.” Yoongi warned him, “She has a bad habit of attacking first and asking questions later.” 
Your eyes narrowed as Jungkook shook his head, “She looks nice though!” 
Could they stop talking about you as if you weren’t there? 
Then Jungkook leaned in close, too close for comfort and you felt the beginnings of a hiss in your throat when he sniffed you. Loudly. 
“And she smells so good!” 
Aspect of the Dog, you guessed. 
“A true beauty.” Another voice drawled and you turned your head to see a slightly older man make his way to you, his eyes sharp and focused, his presence sending a shiver down your back. 
He was intimidating.
“Jackson…” Yoongi warned cooly, watching as his comrade drank in the sight of you. 
Jackson, as was his name, bowed graciously in front of you, “My name is Jackson and I am the Aspect of the Tiger, my fair lady.” He took your free hand and kissed it, making Shari giggle and he winked at her, “You honor us with your presence.” 
Yoongi snorted loudly and you glared at him briefly before smiling at Jackson, “Thank you. Finally someone with manners.” 
This caused Yoongi to glare at you. 
“Ah, you make me blush, my lady.”
“Please, call me Y/N.” 
“First name basis already. I like it.” 
“Are you done making the rest of us gag?” Yoongi huffed. 
“Jealousy is an ugly thing, Yoongi.” 
“I am not-” 
“Alright, everyone, settle down and let’s get back to what we’re actually here for.” Namjoon’s voiced boomed over the others, successfully silencing them. He walked over to the table and placed his hands on it, “Scout reports?” 
“None yet, Namjoon. They have yet to return and-” Jungkook was cut off as the curtain to the tent was whipped aside and in stepped another man but this one, you knew. 
Your eyes widened as you took in the huffing Jimin, his cheeks red from exertion but they were still those soft cheeks you remember cupping in your hands, the same plush lips that you remember kissing you on the cheek, the same brown eyes that had once pleadingly begged you to let him go and now they landed on you and he stopped speaking. You hadn’t even noticed that he had begun talking. 
“Y-Y/N?” His voice crumbled steadily as you let go of Shari and walked over to him, your heart leaping in your chest as he quickly crossed the distance and drew you into his arms, hugging you tightly.
“Gods, I’ve missed you.” He mumbled before burying his face in the junction of your neck and shoulder, nuzzling it with his nose. 
You felt teary-eyed as he drew you back and he beamed when he saw your face, “I missed you too.” You managed to get past the lump in your throat. 
The sweet reunion was interrupted as Namjoon cleared his throat and Jimin removed himself from your arms and walked over to the table. 
“I have a few questions for you, Jimin, but we’ll talk later. Now, what have our scouts found out?” The Aspect of the Monkey asked, his eyes flicking between you and Jimin. 
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The sun was setting over the Imperial City, bathing the building in a golden hue and coupled with it’s brightly colored tiles and buildings, it would make for a breathtaking painting. 
The golden towers of the Imperial Palace glinted in the sun as they stood high above the rest of the city, like a beacon of light guiding those who needed safety from the dark. 
But all this simply covered up the grim truth of the city and it’s inhabitants. The streets were littered with sick people, the poor sitting on the corners, begging for a coin just so they could buy a loaf of bread, starving orphans that didn’t even have the strength to stand, let alone play. The streets were no longer clean or traversable as they were covered with garbage. 
What had once been a bustling city, a hub for all traders alike, a place where teaching and schooling was important, a city that felt safe with the guards patrolling the streets, was now the opposite. It was a city full of hopelessness, death and decay. 
And the one who ruled over the city and it’s people cared not about it. 
Emperor Min sat on his golden throne, staring at his sword when his spymaster entered the throne room, his eyes locked onto the Emperor, “My Lord.” 
“Ah, spymaster Lee.” Min glanced at the man, “I hope you bring good news.” 
“I-I do, my Lord. The Southern borderlands raids have been successful… Um, the new recruits have proven to be quite effective.” 
“That is good news indeed, Lee.” 
“I do have… bad news, my Lord.” 
Min sighed and reclined back in his throne, waving his hand, “Yes, out with it.” 
“M-my scouts say that the Tiger Aspect...” Lee trailed off, fear interlaced with his voice, “That he has joined your brother’s rebellion.” 
The booming laughter that followed made the spymaster take a step back as the Emperor rose from the throne, “Good, finally I have an excuse to kill him.” 
“There’s more, my Lord.”
Min looked at the trembling man and raised a brow, “What?” 
“Reports h-has come in and s-some say that they’ve seen her.” 
“WHAT?!” Min roared and Lee fell to his knees with a whimper, “That bitch is still alive?!” He growled and swiped at a decorated vase, sending it flying across the room, “Not only did my brother, now her as well! Why doesn’t people know that when killed, you stay dead!” 
Lee cowered before his Emperor as his shadow fell over him, “It’s fine. It’ll be fine.” Min sighed and placed a hand on his spymaster’s head, “You will send assassins after her.” 
“Y-Yes, my Lord!” 
“But if they fail, my dear spymaster, then you,” Min paused, grabbing Lee’s chin roughly, forcing him to look up, “You will pay for their mistakes with your life.” 
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“This is your tent.” Jin drew back the curtain and you walked inside, Shari in tow, “I know it’s a little small but it will be a couple of days before we leave.” 
“To the Imperial City?” Shari asked, looking up at him.
“Will I be fighting too?” 
Jin gave her a small smile as he knelt down and ruffled her hair, “No. You will be staying where it’s safe.”
“But who will be protecting me?” 
“Some of the soldiers.” 
“Then I’d rather be out there fighting with you! I refuse to be near-”
“Shari.” You short call of her name made her mouth close quickly, “Why don’t you find Namjoon and ask for some water?” 
Hesitantly, your handmaiden nodded and left the tent, leaving you and Jin alone. When she was out of earshot, you looked at Jin, “Shari doesn’t feel safe around soldiers.” 
“I gathered as much… Why?” Jin asked and leaned against the pole that held the tent up. 
You sighed quietly and turned your back to him, “Before becoming my handmaiden, she had a family but they were poor and like so many other poor people, she had to steal food.” You began untying your belt holding your kopis’, “One day, she had snuck into the palace barracks after having followed a tradewagon of food. She was spotted and didn’t get away.” Jin nodded as you continued, “She was put in front of the Emperor as she had trespassed into the Royal Grounds and attempted to steal from the Emperor himself.” 
Jin shifted on his legs, beginning to feel unsettled, “What happened then?” 
“The Emperor told the guards to ‘punish her however they saw fit’.” You told him and he felt a shiver run down his back, “I begged him to call it off, to punish me instead and let her go. I knew what those guards intended to do, Jin, I could smell it on them. The desire.” You felt sick to the stomach as you recalled it, “She had her clothes torn off, in the middle of the throne room and all the Emperor was doing, was laughing as she cried for help.” 
“Please don’t tell me they-” He began, eyes tearing up.
“No. I stopped it before it got that far.” You cut him off and placed your belt on the table and you heard him murmur ‘how’, “I killed the one who was holding her down. Sliced his throat.” 
Jin closed his eyes and shook his head, “And the others?” 
“I killed them that same night.” 
“And you?” 
You stilled briefly, thinking it went unnoticed but Jin saw, “What did he do to you, Y/N?” 
You ignored the question and continued, “Two nights later, her family’s house was burned down. With her family inside it.” 
“Gods…” Jin exhaled, his heart breaking for the young girl, “So you took her in?” You nodded. 
“She has no else but me, Jin. Shari has been there for me when I had no one. I owe her much.” You turned to face him, “Which is why I am warning you, should any harm come to her while under your soldier’s protection-”
“I promise that she will stay safe.” He quickly cut you off, “Please. Shari will be safe when we head into battle.” You stared at him for a moment, as if trying to gauge if he was truthful but then you nodded and walked past him, just in time as Shari entered the tent. 
“Namjoon said he will have someone bring water to us, Mistress.” Shari told you and you smiled at her.
“Thank you, Shari.”
Jin pushed off from the pole and inclined his head, “I’ll be going then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
As he left your tent, he felt deeply troubled by the fact that you had avoided his question concerning you. Just how much had you endured at the hands of Min? 
He didn’t want to think about it. 
“Did she say anything?” Yoongi’s voice startled him out of his thoughts and Jin whirled around to see his friend approach him, “I saw her kid leave the tent.” 
“Are you stalking me?” Jin asked, crossing his arms as he raised a brow, “Or are you stalking her?” 
Yoongi snorted and brushed past him, settling against a rack of weapons, “As if.” 
“I’ve known you for over a decade, Yoongi.” Jin eyed his friend’s relaxed posture, “And I think you’re intrigued by her.” As his words settled, gone was the relaxed posture and his friend tumbled against the rack, almost causing it to fall over which resulted in Jin laughing out loud. 
“I-I am not! She’s annoying, has a stick up her ass-”
“I think you want to be said stick.” 
“Jin, I am warning you…” Yoongi trailed off, knowing by the grin Jin had, that his cheeks were tinted pink. Still, the older man held up his hands in surrender and Yoongi scoffed. 
“But to answer your question, she told me of how she and Shari ended up together.” And so, Jin proceeded to retell the story to Yoongi.
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Yoongi couldn’t sleep that night, thoughts running rampant in his mind, the story Jin had told him and the fact that you had avoided Jin’s question, troubled him. He knew his brother was a sick bastard. 
But his mind ran wild with imaginations of what his brother had done to you and he felt sickened by it. It bothered him that it was all he could worry about when he was about to start a war in less than two days. 
But he had also found a new kind of respect for you. To hear that you had willingly offered yourself for punishment to save a simple girl was not matching the image that he had created of you in his mind. 
It actually proved it wrong. 
And in a way, despite how horrifying that story was, he was glad that Jin had told him. 
He wondered if there was more to you than just glares, snark comments and aloofness. 
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Why are people yelling, screaming and cheering at the asscrack of dawn? Was Yoongi’s first thought as he exited his tent, grumpy and still wrecked with sleep, “What the fuck is all this commotion?!” He yelled and some soldiers jogging by, stopped.
“There’s a fight happening, my Lord.” 
“A fight? Who the fuck wants to fight each other before breakfast?” 
The two soldiers glanced at each other and one of them spoke, “Jimin and the Lady and… It’s midday, my Lord.” 
Yoongi rubbed one eye with hand, “Midday-” He looked up and squinted at the sun, “It’s midday… Shit.” 
“Was there anything else you needed, my Lord?” 
He waved his hand, “No and don’t call me that, I’m no Lord.” The soldiers saluted and ran off and Yoongi turned on his heel, heading back into his tent when he froze, “Jimin and Y/N? Fighting?” 
He ran, following the stream of soldiers and he saw the large group of people, forming an arena around the two fighters. Grunting, he pushed his way through the crowd and reached the centre. 
You grunted with effort as you pushed Jimin off you, “Gotta be faster than that, rabbit.” You goaded and took a defensive stan and Jimin attacked you again with a swift kick aimed at your stomach but you intercepted it with one hand and wrapped your other hand around his thigh and pulled. 
Yoongi watched as you hurdled Jimin down onto the ground with a cry, creating a wave of dust at impact and he shielded his eyes. 
“So far, it looks like she’s winning this round.” He heard Jin’s voice and looked around, trying to spot him and he saw him stand next to Namjoon and Jackson a few feet away. 
“Why the fuck are they fighting?” Yoongi asked when he approached them, causing all three men to whip around to face him. 
“Ah, overslept again, I see. Bad habit.” Namjoon stated with a shrug. 
“They’re sparring, my dear friend.” Jin clarified and drew Yoongi in with an arm around his shoulder, “Come! Join us!” 
“In what?” 
“Betting on who is going to win this last round. So far the score is 1-1 so this is the last round.” Jin said with a grin, “I’d bet on Y/N. She’s been throwing Jimin around this round like he’s wet paper.” 
“Jimin clearly has the upperhand and is simply dragging out the time!” Jungkook joined them, “Everyone knows that he’s the best damn close-combat fighter in these lands.” 
Namjoon looked at the youngest Aspect just as Jimin was crawling out of the hole you had put him in, “I wouldn’t quite say that, Jungkook. You see, Y/N and Jimin trained together back when they were younger.” 
Yoongi looked at him, “How do you know?” 
“He told me. I was curious as of how they knew each other.” He explained with a bored expression. 
“Yes, and apparently they were lovers at one point too.” Jackson grumbled angrily, “But I am going to make her my woman! No rabbit will stand in my way.” 
Yoongi didn’t know if he wanted to hit Jackson or not, “You can’t force her to be your anything if she doesn’t want to.” 
Jackson shifted his eyes from the fight to Yoongi, “I will not force her. I will make her fall for me with my charms. I’m sure you could learn a thing or two, young Dragon.” 
Yoongi opened his mouth but Jin was quick to place his hand over it, turning his head to you and Jimin, “Alright, that’s enough kids.” 
Jimin wiped the sweat off his brow and chuckled, “I see you haven’t gotten completely rusty on your old days, Y/N.” 
“Did you just call me old, Jimin?” You asked as you began to circle each other, “We both know I was always the better fighter.” 
“Not true. I’ve beaten you plenty of times.” 
“That was years ago.” 
You set off and Jimin jumped backwards, turning his body midair, avoiding your charge and you put one foot to the ground, whirling around, just in time to block a punch from him. 
“We can keep going like this all day, Y/N.” He noted as you huffed, straining against his fist in your hand, “Or I can at least.” 
“I am not tired, if that’s what you’re insinuating.”
You headbutted him, hard, causing him to groan and stumble back but you gave him no breathing room as you charged at him again, wrapping your arms around his midsection at you collided with his body. 
Jimin grabbed your shoulders as he placed his feet solidly on the ground, halting you and then he aimed a well-placed kneecap right into your stomach, sending you flying upwards into the air. You maneuvered yourself to land safely on both feet, a distance away from him. 
The crowd began cheering but it quickly died down when your eyes began to glow green and the crowd moved outwards, creating a greater distance between you and them. 
“Oh, so you want to fight dirty now?” Jimin yelled but stomped the ground with a foot, causing it to tremble slightly, his own eyes flashing pink, “Let’s go then.”
“Now it’s getting interesting.” Jin clapped his hands and smiled excitedly.
“You enjoy violence way to much, my friend.” Namjoon noted and shook his head.
At that very second, the sparring contest jumped up to a whole new level, ditching any slow movements, doubts or hesitations to leave room for two living blurs chaining blows and blocks at astonishing speed. 
After a long moment spent out of time, you could hardly tell if it'd been one minute or one hour, you decided that you had enjoyed yourselves enough and impulsively went on the offensive. Jimin, still focused on the playful yet deadly dancing, noticed too late that the game part was over... He received a powerful blow in the ribs and growled with anger.
"Good one!” He groaned, frowning at her at the second he counterattacked.
You dodged him and resumed into a regular exchange of blocked blows, only this time much more violent... and aiming at hurting. You had struck without restraint, which meant you'd put enough strength in your fist to break his bones. Good thing he was an Aspect, because had he been human, he would have had a broken rib or three. 
He kept playing cat and mouse with you until the right opportunity: he seized your right arm as he blocked it and pulled you toward him. Thrown off balance, you reacted by sending your knee right between Jimin’s legs.
Jimin froze on place as a wave of immense pain spread from his groin, "Really?" He managed to get out.
But he didn't have time to waste as you used his temporary loss of control to grab him and send him flying across the arena. People were quick to move out of the way and he crashed heavily against a couple of tents that fell or broke upon impact. Jimin clenched his teeth to keep his pain silent and shook his head to clear his thoughts just in time to see you rush toward him to try and finish the match before he was back in the game. Jimin dodged your leg that created a small hole in the ground and got up on his feet and leaped toward you, taking advantage of your precarious balance to grip your waist with both his arms and pin you on the ground. 
You fell, entangled, and struggled on the dirt to take the upper hand. You finally got it, straddled him and threw a powerful punch toward his jaw. But your friend deflected it with his free arm and countered with a strong head butt.
Unfortunately for him, you were… pretty hard-headed.
“You can do better, Jimin.”
Then Jimin lifted his right leg in your back, placed it between your chests and gripped your neck in the bend of his knee before pushing you backwards. You saw the danger come; if you let the man block your head between his strong legs, you could very well lose the match.
You resisted the movement, all the effort concentrated in your abdominal muscles, then used your hands and arms to free yourself while sending your foot to Jimin’s jaw for good measure. You heard him growl as you rolled on the side and stood up. Jimin jumped to his feet and rubbed his jaw soothingly before joking, “You’re really trying to damage my handsome face.”
“It’ll heal.”
And you attacked, even faster, even stronger, to the crowd’s general amazement, trying more and more daring and risky moves to find a way past the each other's defenses. You both sometimes took the upper hand, but the more time passed, the more you gained the advantage over him, hurting his weak spots with the precision of a striking cobra. Jimin scored some good hits too, like the full-powered kick he'd managed to land on your shoulder and which had sent you staggering, the loud crack indicating that he had dislocated it. 
You simply but it back in place with a small hiss.
Nevertheless, Jimin started to feel the match was escaping him. While he began to tire under your constant assaults, your energy seemed endless. You really were a formidable opponent.
You exchanged a new flurry of blows until he missed a block and took an uppercut fully charged in the throat, followed by another in his chest. The first cut his breathing for a short instant, the next caused a loud crack to echo through the camp and he immediately knew – through the sound and the intolerable pain that flooded his veins – that you actually managed break a pair of his ribs. He staggered and fell on his knees, coughing and grunting in pain.
He saw you hesitate; you’d heard the terrible noise but he could tell you really wanted to win this match. He knew why it was so important to you, that the soldiers and the other Aspects needed to believe in your strength, to assert yourself in a powerful position.
In the end, it seemed your fear to have badly wounded him superseded your determination and you moved closer to check he was okay. Your softness were really your biggest weakness.
Jimin sprung like a tiger on it’s prey. He had you.
But you had anticipated the deception this time – you knew him too well – and you leaped backwards, moving out of his reach. You both landed on your feet and observed each other. 
Even with a few broken ribs, your friend would have no trouble trading blows until he saw an opportunity to immobilize you, so you had to be careful.
You could feel the audience holding their breath around you, waiting like statues for something to happen.
It seemed like you had to use the element of surprise.
Jimin was taking his sweet time to approach, knowing that rushing would only give you the chance to dodge and escape. You observed him intently, seemingly trying to figure him out. He could almost hear the wheels of your brain turning faster.
Then suddenly, he stood within striking distance, he focused and attacked, fist first so he could follow up with a kick to block your escape. You evaded the blow at the last second, but not in the way he'd anticipated.
You jumped. High.
Then you fell. On him. Legs wide open.
Jimin was so surprised he missed the only half-a-second long window that could have gotten him out of there, and suddenly his nose and mouth collided with your lower stomach while your legs closed around his neck. Your entire body suddenly weighed on his shoulders, and you used your momentum to accentuate the movement and make him topple backwards.
Almost slowly, Jimin took three steps back and, unable to keep his balance, collapsed on the ground. His back slammed against the ground, the impact only dampened by the presence of your legs crossed against his nape. You then bent forward to evade your victim's leg swings and kicks, and a large smirk appeared on your face.
“You give up?” You asked, still smirking. 
“Yes, I tap out.” He rolled his eyes and felt you dislodge yourself from him. The crowd began cheering when you helped him back on your feet, your eyes having returned to their natural color. 
“I am going to marry that woman. Gods, I am so hard right now.” Jackson mumbled, staring at you as you talked to Jimin. 
“Gross, Jackson. Really? Ugh.” Jin scowled. 
Yoongi ignored all of them but he had to agree with Jackson. He too, had never been so hard as he was at that moment.
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After the fight, Jimin had invited you to a walk. You had your right hand placed on his forearm as he walked beside you, through the noisy camp, soldiers and horses running around you. The tension in the camp had heightened since you arrived, clearly anticipated for the battle. 
You didn’t want to think about that now. 
“How have you been all these years?” You asked him, looking up at him. He was just as handsome as you remembered him, even with dirt and sweat spattered across his face. 
“I’ve been good. Busy. But good.” He said with a smile and glanced down at you, “And you?” 
You slowly looked away from him and ahead, “I’ve been… Surviving.” Jimin’s smile faded, “Yeah. Surviving.” 
“Y/N… Why didn’t you come to me?” He placed his other hand upon the one that rested on his forearm, “I could have helped you.” 
“No, you couldn’t. I had just helped you escape from him and I would only have put you in danger had I sought you out. I didn’t want to endanger anyone else.” You shook your head, “I feared that he might have found you and killed you after you disappeared.” 
“I have a friend, Taehyung and he took me in, helped me heal and get back on my feet but since I had no lands left, I sort of remained with him until Yoongi arrived on his doorstep, asking us to be a part of his rebellion.” Jimin explained. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him, Jimin.” Your head hung low as he slowed down, “I tried but he wouldn’t listen.” You closed your eyes, “You lost everything.” Your voice trembled slightly as your heart constricted painfully in your chest.
“Hey.” He put a finger under your chin to make you look at him, “Not everything. I have you, don’t I?” You nodded, blinking, and Jimin was quick to wipe away the single tear that fell, “I have Tae, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, even Jackson. I got a wife and a kid on the way.” 
“You what?” Your eyes widened, “Why didn’t you tell me?” You hit his arm and he laughed, “You tell me this now?!” 
“Sorry, I didn’t tell you sooner.” He smiled and tugged you gently along as he began walking, “What about you, Y/N? Any bachelors?” 
You snorted, loudly, “I haven’t really been lucky in that aspect, Jimin, and after the last one, it has sort of been the last thing on my mind.” 
“Really? Hm, we should change that. What about Jackson?” 
“As handsome as he might be, he’s a little too aggressive for my tastes.” 
“Too young.” 
“My friend, Taehyung is still unmarried but I don’t think the two of you will get along very well.”
“He’s the Goat Aspect.” 
You chuckled softly, “You’re right about that one.” 
“Hm. What about Yoongi?” 
You almost tripped over your own feet at the mention of his name, “The brother of the man who ruined my life? What a good idea, Jimin.” 
Jimin frowned and stopped walking, “Yoongi is not like his brother, Y/N. He is a good man, albeit a little…”
“Cold? Rude? Pig-headed?” 
“Yeah, that but he’s kind, compassionate and strong-willed. He actually reminds me of you.” 
You threw your head back and laughed, “Please. He and I are not alike. He could have stopped his brother from killing their father but he didn’t. Instead, he let it happen and got banished from the palace. He could have stopped Min from doing all of the terrible things he’s done but no, he didn’t even try. It’s a miracle he’s mustered up the balls to finally do something.” 
Jimin looked thoughtful for a moment before he spoke, “Yoongi actually tried to kill his brother that day he killed their father.” Your eyes widened and all humour left your face, “But Min… Killed him.” 
“B-But how? He’s alive-”
“Magic.” He simply stated.
You reeled back, “Magic like that is forbidden and for good reason…” 
“A life for a life.” 
“His mother.” Jimin sighed and it felt like all the air had been punched out of your lungs, “After Min killed Yoongi, he threw him into the river. Jin found him a couple of days later, floating in the river. He pulled him from the river and brought him into his house. At first he contemplated of burning him but… He was contacted by the Empress.” 
“How? She remained in the palace-”
“She was a witch.” Your eyes widened at the revelation, “Yeah. There weren’t many magic users left back then but she was one of the few.” Jimin continued, “She made Jin take an oath to keep Yoongi safe until the time was right.” Jimin paused and looked at you, “So don’t say that Yoongi didn’t try.”
“But why now?”
“He was scared. Like you. He still is. So… Cut him slack.”
“We haven’t really… talked that much. Mostly fought, actually.” You snickered but it was hollow, “I may have treated him with contempt. Because he looks like him…” 
“And you know that’s wrong.”
“You know, maybe you should reach out to him, try to make him understand you a little better. Try to be friends. History tells us that the Snake and Dragon were always good friends.” 
“That’s putting the bar a little high, Jimin. I’ll just begin with being a little nicer to him.” 
“That’s my girl.”
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Yoongi was, mildly speaking, having an existential crisis. Okay, maybe not that extreme but he was certainly having a crisis. 
About you.
Okay, so maybe Jin was right. He was intrigued by you. He could even admit that he was attracted to you, as was proven by his earlier predicament. He had never seen such elegance and strength before, certainly not in a fight. Sure, you and Jimin were both excellent fighters but you… You had truly stolen his focus.
He still found you annoying and uptight but perhaps that would change with time as he got to know you.
He wanted to know more about you. 
“Fancy meeting you here.” Your voice startled him and he visibly flinched, “Did I startle you? Good.” You snickered.
He expected you to walk away but instead, you approached him and sat down next to him in the soft grass.
“You are really annoying.” Yoongi said, sparing you a glance. You had changed your outfit. You were no longer clad in a bodytight suit that accentuated your curves, breast or ass. 
Frankly spoken, he was glad that you had changed. He didn’t want a raging boner again. 
Now you were dressed in a simple, long dress and your hair cascaded down your shoulders. You looked relaxed. 
“So are you.” You retorted and shot him a glare, “Did you see the fight earlier?”
“I did.”
“I didn’t see you.” 
“Oh, so you were looking for me?” Yoongi smirked and turned his head to look at you, taking much pleasure in how you sputtered and shook your head wildly.
“Absolutely not.”
A moment of silence passed and you felt uneasy under his sharp eyes, shifting in the grass. 
“Are you scared of me, Y/N?” 
You froze at the question and opened your mouth to answer but decided to close it again. Yoongi took your silence as his answer and moved to get up when your hand grabbed his wrist. 
“I am not scared of you… As per say.” You began, looking at him with pleading eyes, asking him silently to stay, “But you look exactly like him and… sometimes my mind thinks you are him.” 
“I am not him.” Yoongi said but sat back down next to you.
“I know that! But that still doesn’t change the fact that you look exactly like the man that....” You trailed off, not wanting to venture out where you couldn’t go back. 
“The man that what?” He pushed and he saw you pale, “Y/N, what did my brother do to you?” 
You whispered something and at first he didn’t hear it but he heard it the second time.
“He ruined me.” You murmured weakly and gone was the strong, pig-headed woman he had only seen up till now. You were shaking, pale and afraid.
“He… ruined you?” 
You rubbed your arms, suddenly feeling cold to the bones, “Your brother was once my betrothed but you already know that, I’m sure. My family thought that it would be a good match and an honor to have their daughter marry the Emperor and thus I was sent to the palace 3 months before the wedding would take place, to prepare me for the grandiose honor of becoming Empress.” You let out a short, emotionless laugh, “Empress. I was supposed to be nothing more but a trophy. He treated me as such as well. A thing... A plaything that he could burn, flog, cut and beat until I was drowning in a sea of my own blood. To torture endlessly until he grew bored of it. But none of that broke me… It wasn’t until he forced himself upon me that my spirit broke.” 
Your eyes teared up but you continued, “It happened once and it was after I had betrayed him by helping Jimin escape from the palace. He thought giving me 12 lashes wasn’t enough. I had to be taught a lesson.” 
Yoongi closed his eyes, wishing and regretting he asked, “And that was when I began to fear him.” 
“Your brother not only scarred my body to the point where I can’t even stand to look at it, he also-”
“Y/N, stop!” Yoongi raised his voice, “That’s enough.” His voice trembled, wrought with emotion, “Stop. Please.” 
You turned your head to look at him as he took your hand in his, his thumb gliding over your palm in an effort to comfort you. It didn’t comfort you and when you saw the emotions swirling in his eyes; the sorrow, the sympathy, you broke down. 
Yoongi didn’t know what to do when you leaned into his side, crying softly, your hand clenching his strongly as if you needed him to keep you anchored, so your emotions didn’t get the better of you. 
He hushed you gently as you wept and he stayed with you until the last of your tears had dried up. 
You sat in comfortable silence, your head placed on his shoulder and you breathed in deeply, feeling slightly light-headed. 
“I was wrong about you and for that, I apologize.” He said softly, clenching your hand within his. 
You simply hummed in response and closed your eyes, silently wishing the moment to last a little bit longer.
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Jin noticed a change between you and Yoongi. It all began when he saw you smiling a tiny smile in Yoongi’s direction that morning and the Dragon’s own lips tugged upwards. Then his friend had walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder and Jin expected you to send Yoongi flying, but you didn’t. Instead you let it linger there as the two of you talked. 
Then Yoongi leaned in closer and whispered something in your ear that made you flustered and now you actually hit him. 
Just not with full force. Which Jin had expected. No, you simply swiped your arm leisurely at his shoulder while Yoongi was smiling at you. 
What was this? 
The Ox kept a close eye on you throughout the day as it passed by. The two of you would walk, side by side, through the camp while Yoongi talked to you about his journey that led him here. He told you of how he had gathered the other Aspects and of how the rest would meet them at the city. Jin also noticed how your hand lingered on Yoongi’s arm, as you listened intently to what he was saying. 
“Is it just me or are those two actually being… Friendly?” Jackson asked, eyes locked on you and Yoongi walking amongst the tents, “That’s quite a change over the span of a few days…” 
“Are you scared he might steal her from you?” Jungkook smiled at Jackson, “I think he might.” That earned him a hard hit on the shoulder, “Ow.” 
“Shut up, mutt. I refuse to believe that Y/N would fall for someone like him.” 
“And what if she does? What then?” Jin levelled a hard stare at Jackson, “I actually think they make quite the pair.” 
“His brother-”
“His brother is his own person, Jackson. You know this. Now Y/N does too. Let them be.”
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“You know, you actually surprise me, Yoongi.” 
“How so?” 
“I didn’t expect you to be this smart. I actually kind of expected you to be quite… Dumb.” 
“You surprise me as well.” 
“Do tell.” 
“You’re even more annoying once one get to know you.” 
You slapped his arm but there was a smile on your lips, “It’s a part of my charm, thank you very much.” 
“You are actually, quite charming.” His compliment made your cheeks heat up. He’s been doing that a lot lately. Complimenting you, that is. 
And it made butterflies erupt in your stomach. 
You didn’t know what to make of it. 
“I have a question, Y/N.” 
You looked at him with a tilt of your head, “Ask away.” 
“What will you do after?” Yoongi glanced at you, “If we win.” 
You hardly doubted that it would be a hard-earned victory. You had no doubt that people would die. 
But somewhere, something told you that you would win. 
“I… Don’t know. I mean, Shari and I have been on the run for so long, that I can’t imagine us doing anything else but…” You paused and looked off, into the distance, watching the setting sun, “I could see myself in a house, with Shari, tending to our garden.”
“No husband?” He asked.
You chewed your lip, “Maybe. If the right one comes along.” You felt him shift beside you, “What about you? What are your plans once you become Emperor?”
“I don’t plan to become Emperor.” 
Your head whipped towards him, eyes wide, “W-What? Surely you must be jesting, Yoongi. Who else is there but you?” 
“I can make a whole list of people who would be a better Emperor than I.” He declared and shrugged, “I don’t want to be Emperor. I never wanted that.” 
“There are many that would disagree with you. Myself, included.” You stated, placing a hand on top of his, “But that is up to you. No one can or will force you.” 
Yoongi smiled slowly, “Thank you.” 
“What do you want then?” 
He hummed and leaned back, resting against the tree that towered over you, “I want many things. To travel the world. Learn new languages. Meet new people. I want to settle down, own a farm or something like that.” 
“You really want it all?” 
“I want it all.” He parroted you, his brown eyes shifting from you to the sun, “Nothing less.” 
“Then you shall have it all, Yoongi.”
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Later that evening, a couple of hours after sunset, Shari pounced you the minute you entered your tent and you yelped, “Ah! Hello.” 
“Miffed u, istres.” She mumbled into your cloak and you chuckled when she drew her head back and looked up at you, “You’ve been gone for almost the whole day.” She pouted as you patted her head.
“Namjoon hasn’t been entertaining you enough?” You asked as she let go of you, shaking your head at her small ‘no’, “You know it’s not very polite to be ungrateful, Shari. Namjoon offered to teach you to read and write all by himself.”
“I know, Mistress but it’s more fun when it’s you.” 
You huffed out a laugh and took off your cloak, putting it on your bed, “I’ll teach you once this war is over with, I promise.” 
“Yay!” Shari clapped her hands and you smiled at her excitement but then it died down and she looked solemn, “We’re leaving tomorrow…” She murmured and you walked over to her and knelt down, “I-I’m nervous.” 
“I know. Me too.” 
“What if you die?” 
You cupped her cheek, “I won’t.”
You kissed her cheek, “Promise.” and Shari graced you with a small smile, “Now, how about a bath? You stink.” 
“That was rude, Mistress. You could use a bath yourself.” She scowled at you but her eyes lit up at the mention of a bath, “But I forgot my soap.” 
“You can borrow mine.” You winked at her as she cheered, “It’ll be just a minute.” 
“You can ahead and head towards the stream. Don’t leave the camp though. Stay within the light of the torches.” You told her and she was almost halfway out the entrance when you called to her, “And take my cloak. It’s a little cold outside.”
“What about you then?”
You snickered, “I’m going to be fine.”
Shari grabbed your cloak and ran outside as she struggled to put it on. She breathed in deeply, the scent of your vanilla soap and lotus perfume lingering on the cloak and hugged it tightly to her body. She pulled the hood over her head and headed towards the edge of the camp. 
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Sharp eyes landed on the hooded figure and grinned as he recognized the cloak. He dipped the arrow head in the bottle of acid and notched it, taking aim.
“This is almost too easy.”
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You exited your tent, a cloth bag in your hand containing your soaps as you headed towards the edge of camp, looking forward to a nice bath and some time alone with Shari. 
But then you heard someone yell and saw soldiers run by you. You picked up your pace but that was when you smelled it. 
You dropped the bag onto the ground and bolted, not giving a single care to the gathered people as you shoved them away, your heart beating wildly in your chest as you prayed to the Gods that what you feared was not-
You stopped. Stopped breathing. Stopped moving. Stopped thinking. 
There, on the ground, lay a small body, wearing your cloak, in a pool of her own blood. You saw the arrow in her back, smelled the acid that had burned a hole into her chest. 
You screamed. Loudly. You fell to your knees next to Shari’s body and turned her around, weeping loudly as you saw her lifeless eyes stare up at you, “No… No… Please… No.” 
You pulled her to your chest, hugging her tightly, “Shari, wake up.” You whispered brokenly, shaking her gently but the only thing that moved was a single trail of blood from her mouth.
You cupped the back of her head, pulling it to you and buried your face in her hair as the hood fell from her head and wept. 
Jin and Yoongi pushed their way through the crowd but halted the second they saw you cradling Shari’s body, weeping loudly, whimpering, begging her to wake up. 
Jin’s eyes teared up and he took a deep breath, his eyelids closing as a stray tear ran down his cheek. 
Yoongi slowly walked over to you and knelt down, his knees sinking into blood-soaked dirt and he slowly put a hand on your shoulder. You didn’t move as you kept looking at Shari’s face, “Please don’t leave me.” You sobbed. 
“Y/N.” He said but you shook your head. 
Yoongi looked down at the young girl, taking in her pained expression that was etched onto her face, her last moment. He took a deep breath before glancing at Jin over his shoulder, “Find the one who did this and bring them to me.” 
Jin nodded and left. 
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Dawn came and you stood atop a hill, holding a torch and looked up, seeing the funeral pyre for the first time. You slowly walked over to it and looked down at the body that lay atop of it. 
You heard Jin behind you, beginning his parting words. You tuned them out and took one last longing look at Shari’s face. She looked peaceful, with her eyes closed, her face clean, her hair done neatly in a braid. You could hear her bubbling laughter on the wind as it blew and you let your eyes close as you put the torch to the pyre and let it drop to the ground, stepping away. 
Yoongi walked up to you, standing beside you, his head bowed. He could hear your shuddering breaths and he let his hand brush yours gently, offering his support in silence. 
You took his hand interlaced your fingers as you silently let tears roll down your cheeks, watching the pyre carry the ashes of her to somewhere far away and you prayed, silently, that wherever it was, Shari had everything that she dreamed of.
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Jungkook held the curtain to the tent aside and you walked in, accompanied by Yoongi, Jin, Namjoon, Jimin and Jackson. 
“I chased him down after… what happened.” The young man said softly, You said nothing but simply walked over to the bound man and looked down at him. He looked up and his eyes widened when he saw you stand in front of him. 
“He’s yours to do with as you please.” Yoongi stated. 
You nodded and they took this as the cue to leave the tent. You sat down graciously in front of the man and removed the cloth from his mouth. 
“How is this possible? I killed you.” His voice was dry and trembling as you calmly stared at him. 
“You failed.” You explained, your voice cold as ice.
“And now you will die.” 
“You don’t scare me, snake,” He spat the word but there was still a sliver of fear in his tone, “The Emperor would have killed me anyway for failing him.” 
You nodded slowly and pulled out a small vial, filled with a green substance, “Yes. He would probably beheaded you or have you hanged.” You removed the lid from the bottle and raised it up between your faces, “What I intend to do is much worse.” Your eyes flashed green as they met his, “Do you know what my poison does to a human body? It’s much like the concoction you used but much more potent. It will melt your insides, organ by organ, muscles by muscle, bone by bone until there is nothing of you.” You scoffed, “To think that he believed it would be strong enough to kill me is pathetic.” 
The man opened his mouth, “Long live the Emper-” You grabbed his jaw roughly, forcing his mouth wide open with ease and he whimpered pathetically.  
“Your Emperor won’t live for long. Neither will you.” You said slowly and moved the tiny bottle to his mouth, “Now drink up.”
You emptied the vial into his mouth and made sure that he swallowed it all. 
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You heard the rustling of the curtain to your tent, feet stepping onto the carpet, making the dirt beneath it crunch. You didn’t move when he placed a small plate of gravy in front of you, on the table you sat by. 
“You need to eat.” Yoongi said softly, “You need the strength.” 
“I’m not hungry.” 
He sighed, “Y/N.” But you didn’t say another word, simply staring at the wall of the tent. Then he saw your hands move in your lap and he spotted one of Shari’s blouses in your hands. 
You flinched when you felt him put a hand on top of yours, his face entering your vision as he gently turned your head with a finger under your chin. You looked at him, taking in how the light from the torch in the middle of the tent casted his soft, feline like features in a golden light. You saw how his eyes portrayed emotions so easily and just how easy it was to read them: his own heart filled with sorrow and regret.
Yoongi saw your lower lip beginning to tremble as tears gathered in your eyes, “She’s gone.” You began, voice a mere whisper, “I promised her that she would stay safe and I failed. I promised to protect her and I failed.” The more you spoke, the more tears flowed freely, “And it’s my fault. It’s my fault, Yoongi. I let her go. I made her put on my cloak… It’s my fault.” 
“No, hey, no.” He cupped your face, kneeling down beside you, thumbs gently wiping away your tears, “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know.” 
“I should have known that he would-”
“No. None of that. It is not your fault.” 
“You don’t understand… Shari was the only thing that I had left.” You inhaled, soft noises escaping from you as you broke down, “I have nothing.” 
“You have me, Y/N.” Yoongi pulled you to him and you desperately swung your arms around his neck, burying your face in his shoulder, “You have me.” He repeated as you wailed loudly, “You have me.” He felt your hands grip onto his shirt tightly, your wails muffled by the cloth. 
To have him there, next to you, his presence and warm body, coupled with his words, it all washed over you like a warm blanket, shielding you from the hurt, the pain, the ache. It all seemed to lessen with each second.
You sniffled and drew back. Your arms shifted, moving your hands to his chest and you crossed the small space between you, placing a kiss to his lips. 
Yoongi’s eyes widened but he didn’t move, seemingly frozen in your hold. Your lips, wet and tasting like salt, glided from his lips to his jaw, to his temple, to his ear and you whispered, “Make me forget. Please.” 
He exhaled a shaky breath, “Are you sure?” 
You nodded. 
He pushed you back gently, his eyes searching yours for any uncertainty and when he found none, he pulled you to him, his lips collided with yours and a spark lit in his abdomen. 
You whimpered softly into the kiss, feeling his tongue grace your lower lip, begging, pleading for entrance and when you granted it, you tasted him and a whole slew of colors exploded behind your lids. He pulled you up with him, his hands finding purchase on your hips as he guided you backwards, mouths still connected, to the bed and he broke the kiss to lay you down gently on the the soft mattress and he crawled over you.
You reached out for him, hands desperately trying to remove the shirt from his body and he let pull it over his head. He hissed when your hands glided up his stomach, over his dusky nipples and dipped his head, capturing your lips once more but this time with more ferocity. 
Your skin tingled with excitement as Yoongi began to untie your robe but you froze when you felt his cool hands on your stomach. 
He pulled away from your lips, “What’s wrong?” 
You looked down and he followed your gaze, eyes widening slightly when he saw the many scars across your stomach and chest. 
His heart twisted painfully when you began to close your robe, “No. Don’t.” 
“I shouldn’t have asked you. I’m sorry.” You turned your head away as you couldn’t bare to meet his eyes, “It’s hideous.”
“No, it’s not.” He leaned forward and nuzzled the valley between your breasts, “You’re beautiful.” He kissed the skin there and ventured further down, planting soft butterfly kisses on each scar , pushing your hands away and let your robe fall open. He placed a kiss above your navel and gazed up at you. The intensity in his eyes and how they darkened with desire made your breath hitch.
You sat up and let the robe fall from your shoulders, laying back down you watched as he untied the ribbon that held your trousers up, slowly pulling them down, placing a kiss to each expanse of skin that was being revealed to him. 
“Beautiful.” He murmured against your thigh, moving back so he could remove your trousers and he threw them to the ground and returned to you, pushing your legs apart. 
Your hands shot down to hide yourself from his gaze, embarrassed at how he eyed your center with such hunger but he growled and slapped them away. 
He placed himself between your fleshy thighs, taking in how your folds already glistened in the torch light, “I want to taste you.” He said, his voice deep and rough and it sent a shiver through you, “Can I?” 
You nodded slowly and almost choked on a breath when you felt a finger run down your center, avoiding the aching bud, “Y-Yoongi…”
Yoongi didn’t waste more time as he dove in, his tongue circling around your clit and you let out a groan. He then slid one finger into your weeping cunt, moaning loudly when your hips bucked against his face and when he added another, you let out a mewl. 
“Please.” You begged. Yoongi continued to lick your clit and pushing his fingers in and out of you, feeling you grow more wet under his onslaught. 
Then he removed his mouth from your clit and his fingers from your cunt and you almost cried out when you felt his tongue push inside you, lapping up your juices, “Ah!” 
Yoongi gazed up at you and almost came in his pants then and there; to see your face, contorted in pleasure, pleasure that he was giving you, your hands fisting your robe in desperation and the sounds that erupted from your mouth as he continued to eat you out. 
You felt something building in your abdomen. It felt hot, tightening and you feared it would snap. He felt it too when your walls clenched around his tongue and he placed a thumb on your clit, rubbing in circles. 
“Hngh - I’m going to cum.” You warned him, voice raspy and throat dry.
“Then cum.” He commanded. 
He continued to lap at your center as your back arched off the bed, mouth open in a silent scream. He drinks every drop that gushed out of you and only removed himself when you whimpered pathetically. 
Yoongi crawled up your body, placing a kisses on his way and you put your hands around his neck when he kissed your jaw. You could feel his hard cock against your stomach, straining against the fabric of his pants and you sighed blissfully. 
He kissed you then, mouth open, tongue invading yours, letting out a grunt when he felt your hands touch his cock over his pants. 
“I - Hmp.” He silenced you quickly with his mouth but you pushed against his chest with your hand, “I want to-”
“Later. I need to be inside you.” He grumbled and removed himself from you and you had never seen a man shed his pants so fast in your life, eyes widening as you saw the size of him but you quickly found yourself caged under him again, his mouth on yours, arms resting beside your head. You felt the tip prod your entrance and whimpered. 
“Yoongi, hurry up.” You huffed when his lips dislodged from yours and he grinned cheekily as one of his hands went down to grab his cock and line it up with your entrance. Your mouth dropped open when you felt him breach you, slowly, your walls clamping down on him tightly. 
“Gods...” He hissed as he pushed deeper into you until his hips were flush against yours and he stilled, letting you get accustomed to him. 
You put your legs around his narrow hips, hands venturing up his arms to his shoulders, “Move.” 
He pulled out and thrust back in and all the air left your lungs. He set a slow and languid pace, head bending down to nibble at your collarbones while you gasped with each thrust, your cunt weeping onto the mattress. The blazing fire began to build in your lower stomach again but you needed more. 
“Faster.” You huffed out, licking your dry lips. Yoongi looked at you and you saw uncertainty flash in his eyes, “I can take it.” 
“As you wish.” He nodded and leaned back on his heels, removing your legs around him, moaning loudly as he looked down to where you were joined as he drew back, his cock glistening with your arousal, “Fuck.” He gritted out as he slammed back in. 
You keened as his pace increased, your back arching, legs trembling as he held them spread for him, his cock leaving no crevice untouched as he fucked you. 
You let out a cry when he shifted his angle and his cock hit a spot that made you see stars, “Don’t stop!” 
He chuckled but that quickly changed into a groan when your walls clamped down around him, “Are you close, my sweet snake?” 
You nodded wildly, your hands trying to find something to hold onto as you felt like floating. He put one of your legs on his shoulder and held onto it, nails digging deep into your thigh and fucked you harder. His balls tightened and he knew he didn’t have long but he needed you to give him one last orgasm. 
So he moved his other hand and started playing with your clit and you let out a wail as you came, the blazing fire finally erupting and setting all of your nerves on fire. Yoongi cursed as your walls clamped down on him like a vice and he thrust a couple of times before he let out a groan, spilling his cum inside you, filling you up. 
He fell forward, your chests rubbing against it each as you both breathed heavily, coming down from your highs. 
He kissed you and rolled to the side, his softening cock leaving your cunt and you let out a tiny whimper. 
“Thank you.” You whispered and turned over to face him, offering a tired but satisfied smile. He smiled back and let you scoot closer, resting your head on his chest. 
“Stay.” You murmured. 
Yoongi kissed your forehead, “Gladly.” 
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You stared at the closed gates of the Imperial City, seeing the soldiers running on the high walls, preparing for a siege as ballistas and archers lined up along the walls. 
You felt anticipation for the upcoming battle. It wasn’t going to be easy. 
“What about the people?” You asked as Jin appeared next to you, “Thousands of innocents will die.” 
Jin hummed, “I have men in the city that are taking the civilians underground, to the catacombs.” 
“You really have thought of everything.” You noted and Jin grinned. 
“Actually, that was Namjoon. Gotta use his big brain for something.” He turned and walked back to the tent where the rest of the Aspects stood along with some new additions: Taehyung, the Goat Aspect, Hoseok, the Horse Aspect, Anduin, the Pig Aspect, Wrynn, the Sheep Aspect and Dina, the Rooster Aspect. 
“The trebuchets are ready.” Dina said as it was her that had brought the majority of the weapons, “As is the ram.” 
“Good.” Jackson nodded, “Then I’d say let’s get started.” 
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It was chaos. The ram had been a failure and countless of soldiers had already lost their lives and the gate was still standing as was the walls. You were growing frustrated and knew that something had to be done.
Something drastic.
“Jin!” You called out across the battlefield, eyes quickly finding the man amidst the soldiers, “We need to open that gate!” 
“If you haven’t noticed, the ram was a failure!” He yelled back. 
“I know but how about you use your thick skull and big brain for once and bash it open?!” 
Jin’s eyes widened and he mulled over the idea, “Yeah… That could work but what about the soldiers?! I don’t want to tramble them.” 
You rolled your eyes, “Everyone! Draw back! Fall back from the walls!” Your command echoed with the other Aspects as they commanded their soldiers and Jin nodded and ran towards the gate whereas others ran away from it. 
You watched as he got closer and closer, dodging arrows with relative ease but when they began firing the ballistas at him, you grew fearful. He had to change. 
Then he vanished in a dust cloud and you heard a loud, booming bellow and saw his Aspect form charge right into the gates, bursting them open. 
“Everyone! Charge!” You heard the command and bolted towards the open gates, watching as Jin trampled down one of the walls, creating more entrance points for the soldiers. 
The General of the Emperor’s army was quickly remobilizing his soldiers and they charged towards you, storming out of the gate in waves. 
You drew your kopis’ and vaulted over debris, diving down with a cry, sinking your weapons into an enemy soldier, his blood spattering on your face. 
Then you heard a horn sound behind you and you looked back to see the cavalry beginning to charge with Hoseok at the front, his spear glinting in the sun. 
You smirked and yanked your kopis’ out of the body, letting it fall to the ground and proceeded to run further into the city. 
Gritting your teeth, you fought your way through the enemy soldiers, never losing sight of where you had to go. 
The Imperial Palace.
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“My Lord, they have breached the city.” 
“I can see that, you idiot!” 
Emperor Min was pacing back and forth, perching high above the city, in the throne room, where he could see the battle unfold below. 
He couldn’t lose the city. He wouldn’t lose to his brother. 
He had the advantage of a bigger army but Yoongi had the other Aspects at his side and Min roared in frustration, “Damn it!” 
But then he saw you run up the many stairs leading to the palace and he grinned, “It seems like she wants to greet me in person.” 
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Yoongi had lost sight of you on the battlefield and were growing anxious. He cut down another soldier with his sword and continued further into the city, Jin beside him. 
“Where is she?!” 
“I don’t know. She bolted right after entering the city!” Jin answered, grunting as he parried an incoming blow from a soldier. 
“Damn it, woman!”
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You reached the courtyard, breathing heavily and looked around. The place was vacant of soldiers. 
What was Min planning?
“Min!” You yelled at the top of your lungs, “Come out, you coward!” 
You heard laughter but couldn’t pinpoint where, so you whirled around yourself. 
“Did you miss me that much, Y/N? That you had to see me before my brother comes to kill me?” 
“I will be the one to kill you, you bastard!” You growled, your only answer was more laughter, “I intend to finish what I began those years ago!” 
“Ah, yes. The parting gift you so lovingly bestowed upon me.” The hairs on your back stood as you felt his presence behind you and you whirled around to see him step out from the shadows of the tall pillars, “As you can see,” He paused when your eyes met, “It’s healed quite nicely but has left such an ugly scar.” 
“That’s nothing compared to what you did to me.” You tensed up as he stepped towards you slowly, his sword still sheathed. 
“Aww, come on now. You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy some of it. For example that one night we made love.” 
You hissed, your eyes flashing green as you felt nothing but anger, “Am I digging up some bad memories, my love? I’m sorry. How is your little handmaiden? I heard that she sadly lost her life. You have my condolences.” Min bowed mockingly and you had to restrain yourself from charging at him.
“Fuck you!” 
“Is that all you can come up with? Where is that sharp tongue of yours?” Min began to pace around you, closing in on you slowly, “You know, I am a little disappointed in you, Y/N. To think that you joined my pathetic brother’s little rebellion… I had thought better of you.” 
You didn’t answer and he continued, “Cat got your tongue? I saw the mighty Tiger down there. Are you warming his bed at night? He is tall and handsome, after all.” 
You knew what he was trying to do: to goat you into attacking him. Too bad for him, you already knew his tricks. 
“Answer when spoken to, dove.” 
“No, actually…” You paused and relaxed your stance, “I’m fucking your brother.” 
This got a reaction out of the Emperor as he stopped, his eyes turned hard and he scowled, so you continued, “What? Didn’t want to share with your brother?” You mocked.
“Shut up.” 
“You know, I’ve always wondered what you lacked as a child to have grown into the sadistic asshole you are today but all I could come up with was that you are simply jealous of Yoongi.” You saw how he tensed up, his hand touching the hilt of his sword, “I can’t imagine how it must feel to always have been the second son…”
“I said shut up.” 
“I pity you, Min.” 
“SHUT UP!” He roared as he changed into Dragon form and lunged at you, a move that you had seen coming. It seemed like he had forgotten how cunning you were. You dodged his attack and ran into a nearby building.
Yoongi heard the roar his brother let out and he looked towards the palace where he saw his brother’s golden Dragon form and he could only think of one person who could have provoked his brother to change directly into that.
He left the battle and ran towards the stairs leading to the courtyard. 
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You ran through the collapsing building as Min tore it asunder. You leapt out a window and fell to the ground but a huff. 
You barely had time to get up on your legs when Min bashed his tail at you, creating a huge crater. 
“You whore!” He roared loudly as you ran across the courtyard, “I am going to kill you!” 
“You failed once and you will fail again, Min!” You yelled as you headed towards another building but Min had already seen where you were headed, so he moved his massive tail skywards and slammed it into the building, sending you flying backwards across the courtyard. 
You groaned, head reeling from the hard landing when you felt something heavy land on top of you, pinning you down and you knew it was his claw. Min opened his mouth wide and you saw how he took a deep breath. 
You had to change. Now. 
Min let out a roar as he blasted you with fire, burning everything to ash but when he felt something snake around his body, he knew he’d failed. 
Your silver scales glinted in the sun as you rose above him, the lower part of your body wrapping itself around his hind legs, your hood unfolding itself to cast a shadow over the Dragon in your hold and you hissed loudly, fangs out and ready.
Min didn’t waste a second to try and untangle you from him but you simply clenched around him and he tried to take move, his tail moving wildly behind him, destroying everything in it’s path. He roared when you lunged at his head, only to miss it as he moved and breathed fire on you again. 
You could easily withstand his flames for a short period of time but he continued and youfelt the burning flames begin to dance across your scales, bringing pain with it, you hissed loudly before bending your body and sink your fangs into his right leg. Min reeled from the bite but before you could release poison into his system, he took off into the air, dragging you with him upwards. 
He could fly. 
You could not.
You removed your fangs from him and began to untangle yourself from his body but he used his claws to grab ahold of you. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” He growled, “I just want to show you the view from up here.” He sped up and you looked down, the ground getting further and further away from you. 
You felt panic overcome you as he only soared higher and higher and then he let you go. 
You plummeted towards the earth, bracing yourself for impact as you could do little else when you saw a black Dragon fly towards you.
“Change back!” Yoongi yelled out and you did so, vanishing in a puff of smoke and you were back to human form. Yoongi opened up his claw and felt relief washing over him as you landed in his palm. 
“Thank you.” You said as he closed his claws around you to keep you from falling. 
“What the fuck were you thinking?!” He yelled as he made a u-turn, his long black body quickly heading back towards the ground, “You could have been killed!” 
“We don’t have time to argue, Yoongi, as your brother is coming back! You yelled, seeing Min flying fast towards Yoongi and you. 
Yoongi had barely time to turn his head when his brother collided with him, sending you flying out of his grasp and you could only look on as Min sank his claws into Yoongi’s body, forcing a pained whine from him as they hurtled towards the ground. 
You fell through the roof of the palace and landed in the throne room and you whirled your head around to see the two dragons crash into the courtyard, a tangle of black and gold. They rolled across the courtyard and down the stairs and you jumped down onto the next roof, following them. 
“I’ll kill you again and this time I’ll make sure you stay dead!” Min roared as he lunged at Yoongi’s neck, drawing blood. Yoongi twisted his body and sank both of his front claws into his brother’s body.
“Not if I kill you first!” Yoongi bellowed as he bit into Min’s leg. 
You ran as fast as you could, seeing as the dragons finally came to a stop halfway down the stairs. You watched as they each took a lunge at one another, pained roars and whines coming from both of them. 
At this point, they would kill each other. You changed into your Snake form again and slithered your way down the stairs. Min saw you out of the corner of his eye and turned his head to breath fire at you but Yoongi snapped his jaws shut around his snout, forcing his mouth shut. 
You sped up and opened your mouth wide, fangs emerging from your gums and you launched yourself at Min, sinking your fangs into his neck. Yoongi struggled to maintain his hold on his brother when he felt you wrap yourself around Min’s body as you continued to pump your venom into him but he didn’t dare letting go. 
It took minutes before your venom began to work but soon enough Min began to go slack and Yoongi removed himself from his brother watching as you wrapped your body tighter around his brother’s body, venom starting to dribble from the puncture wounds and onto the ground. 
He watched his brother struggle weakly in your grasp but you responded by tightening ever further and Yoongi were sure that if Min didn’t die by your poison, then he would die from your body crushing his. 
Then he looked into the panicked eyes of his brother and he felt a small pang of pain at seeing his brother suffer like this. Yoongi wished it could have been different, he truly did but his brother deserved everything he got and more. 
Finally, Min sagged in your hold, his Dragon form going completely slack and you slowly untangled yourself from him and let go of his neck. 
Yoongi stared at the lifeless form of his brother before he slowly began to disperse into ash. 
“I hope you find redemption, brother.” He said as the ashes carried his brother away, “I truly do.”
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You stood in the throne room, bruised, sweaty and dirty but you didn’t care. As you heard the people and soldiers cheering in the city below, you were filled with relief.
It was done. 
Yoongi appeared next to you with a sombre expression and you turned your head towards him, “Why the dark expression?” 
“I don’t know… I guess I feel a little sad about my brother.” 
You nodded in understanding. As vile as Min had been, he had still been Yoongi’s brother, “I know.” 
“Yeah.” Yoongi said nothing else but he felt a smile tug on his lips when he felt your hand graze his and he grabbed it, “So...Princess.” 
You snorted, loudly, the sound taken Yoongi aback and he stared at you with wide eyes, “Princess? Don’t call me that.” 
“What was that sound? Did you make that?” 
“What?” You raised a brow at his dumbfounded expression, “Oh fuck off. Aren’t a lady allowed to snort?” 
“That was a very manly sound, Y/N.” 
You shrugged and squeezed his hand, “So what are your plans now, Dragon Lord?” 
“Well, I was hoping that you would perhaps join me in celebrating the victory.” 
“Privately, of course.” 
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Jin groaned as he stretched his back, leaning against the pitchfork in his hand and he looked over the field of corn and sank his head, “Why is there so much left?” 
Then he heard horses and he looked to the road, a smile creeping up on him as he spotted two familiar figures. 
“Honey! They’re here!” He called out to his wife and let the pitchfork fall to the ground as he walked to the gate of his house, waiting to greet his friends. 
“Why are you mad?! I didn’t do anything!” He heard Yoongi yell and he didn’t have to wait long to hear your response, “And that is exactly my problem! I needed help to get up on the horse and you just stood there and did nothing!” 
“You usually don’t have a problem getting up on a horse, woman!” 
“I am pregnant, you bastard. With your child!” 
Jin simply smiled as your horses came to a halt outside of his gate. He was snickering when Yoongi came up to him, annoyed, asking him what was so funny and the Ox simply patted his friend on the back before offering you a hand to get down from your horse. 
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Erik walks in on his homeboys sister stepping out of the shower and she is embarrassed/ has a huge crush on him.
Warnings: Smut. Flash back.
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Micheal and Yara.
Two siblings from Oakland who decided to get an apartment near Telegraph Ave so that Yara could study at Berkeley. Yara is currently studying Art History there and she will be graduating in May at the age of 21. Micheal, her older brother, is into graphic design and web development so he works for a small company creating websites for Architectural businesses. He also does free lance work on the side to earn extra cash so he can afford living in their expensive apartment. Micheal and Yara’s parents are divorced. Their father lives in San Francisco city and their mother lives where Micheal and Yara are with her new husband in Alameda County. Yara used to live with her mother but she didn’t get along with her step father. Micheal brought up the idea of sharing an apartment to Yara since his on-again, off-again girlfriend, Evette decided that she didn’t want to move in with him. 
Currently, Micheal and Evette are arguing about Micheal's whereabouts last Friday evening. Yara was trying to take a nap in her room before her late shift at 9:00 PM as a bar tender. Tossing and turning in her bed covered in fluffy white sheets, Yara groaned loudly before throwing her sheets back, temples pounding with a tension headache that Yara tries to sooth by massaging them but it doesn’t work. Only in a Metallica T-shirt, Yara grabs a pair of Champions sweatpants from her dresser, sliding her feet in her canary yellow UGG slippers, and walking out of her bedroom. Yara’s eardrums damn near bust when she stepped into the hallway of the apartment. Rubbing the cold from her eyes, Yara walked out into the living room area coming face to face with the source of the commotion.
“STOP LYING!” Evette, Short, petite, reminded Yara of Keyshia Cole because of her bright red hair and nose piercing, tossed a decorative pillow at Micheal from across the room. Micheal caught it with his quick reflexes before placing it back on the couch. He didn’t appear bothered at all by Evette’s screaming and hollering.
“Evette, I ain’t got nothing to lie about. I told you, I was with my boy, Erik. He’s back in town for a little while before he goes back to the Military,” Micheal spoke with a flat tone, eyes bored.
“I don’t believe you. I think you were with some girl. I think you’re out here sticking your dick in some other bitch. When I find out, I’m beating both of yall ass, for real,” Evette threatens Micheal with one of her long acrylic hot pink nails almost jabbing him in the eye. 
“This ain’t the first time you accused me of cheating,” Micheal ran his hands down his face, “It’s really getting on my nerves, Evette. The constant trying to go through my phone, picking fights with me, the insecurities. What do I have to lie about? I could have dropped you years ago but no, I care about you too much to do that. Now, I’m just tired of you acting like a damn child.”
“Ahem,” Yara clears her throat.
Micheal and Evette turn towards her.
“Do y’all mind taking this shit somewhere else? I have to work tonight and I can’t sleep with all this yelling.”
“Hi to you too, Yara,” Evette spoke sarcastically.
“Bitch, don’t give me attitude. Do you pay the bills in here?” Yara has her fists balled up like she was ready to hit Evette. Evette simply laughs, staring at Yara like she’s a joke before turning her attention back to Micheal.
“My bad, little sis, Evette was just leaving-“
“WHAT?” Evette’s voice grew loud again.
“You heard me. Bounce. If you don’t trust me I can’t deal with you, Evette.”
Evette folds her arms across her perky chest, “Do you actually mean it this time around or will you be calling me tomorrow night asking to come over? you are famous for that shit, Mike.”
Micheal groans, “I don’t know right now. All I know is I need you to leave so I can clear my head, you know what I’m saying?”
“Okay, clear your head, GOTCHA,” Evette turns around, practically stomping to the door, “Lying ass piece of shit.”
“Don’t slam the door either!”Micheal yells.
“Yeah,” Micheal closes his eyes to calm himself.
“You’re better than me. I feel like following her and kicking that bitch down the steps. You need to drop her, Mike. Do you even see what’s going on?”
“Nah, baby sis, tell me what’s up? What am I NOT seeing?”
Yara tilted her head at Micheal with sad eyes. Micheal shrugged his shoulders as if he didn’t understand what Yara was trying to tell him without using words.
“You can be so damn thick-headed sometimes,” Yara threw her hands up matter-of-factually, “Evette is cheating on you, Mike. She’s just trying to give you a reason to end things so she can continue fucking whoever she is fucking without you knowing.”
“Wait...what?” Micheal says with disbelief.
“You’re Girl? The love of your life? She’s fucking someone else, Mike.”
Micheal blinked at Yara with bewildered eyes.
“Listen, fool, while you’re sitting there stuck on stupid, Evette is driving to a dick appointment trying to think of a plan B to get rid of yo’ ass. Just end it with her. The shit is toxic. I don’t even want a nigga to step into my personal space after witnessing the shit you and Evette go through.”
“If Evette is cheating on me...” Micheal didn’t finish his sentence but Yara knew her brother would bring hell to earth if he caught Evette fucking another man. As much as they bickered and broke up, Evette was her brothers first real love. He wouldn’t admit it, but Micheal would be heart broken.
“Then I’m going to whip her ass,” Yara said in her brothers defense, “Nobody fucks with my bro like that.”
“I’ll let you beat her ass too.”
Yara kisses her brothers forehead, “I’m going to go back in bed, I am so exhausted with school- hold up, did you say that you were with Erik?”
“Yeah,” Micheal said whole scrolling through his phone, “He’s back for a little while.”
“I haven’t seen Erik in, like, three years?”
“Yeah, it’s been a long ass time. I thought he forgot about us,” Micheal laughs, “He’ll be here later if you want to catch him before you go to work.”
“Mama was asking about him a few days ago,” Yara says recalling the conversation they both had when she went to visit her. Micheal and Yara’s mother always pulled the photo albums out whenever they came to see her. The photo album she brought out when Yara came over was Micheal’s prom photos. Micheal and Erik went to prom together their senior year.
“Look at Erik! Wasn’t he so skinny?!” Yara’s mama says.
“Yeah, mama, he was swimming in his suit.”
Yara’s eyes twinkled when she stared at Erik’s photo. Her first ever crush. The guy she kissed on a whim when she was 18 and he was 24. Yara felt so embarrassed. Erik simply gave her a kind smile, hugging her tightly. She felt like a silly child. Erik was a grown man. Ever since then, Yara hadn’t seen Erik.
“You Aight?” Micheal looked over at Yara with a smirk.
“I’m fine.”
Yara couldn’t stop thinking about her brothers friend who used to spend the night when they were kids. His friend who wore only a pair of basketball shorts when he slept. His friend who used to stand in Yara’s doorway to her bedroom teasing her.
“You’re not lying to me, are you?”
“No, I’m not,” Yara looked off to the side.
“When you look away like that it’s a sign that you’re lying. You ain’t gotta tell me, it’s probably some nasty shit that I really don’t want to know anyway.”
“Shut up, Mike,” Yara rolls her eyes, turning away to walk back to her room with her middle finger raised behind her, directed towards her brother.
A few hours later:
Erik Stevens stepped off of the elevator within Micheal and Yara’s apartment building on Telegraph Ave. kinky fro freshly shaped up and a new fit and shoes on his feet, Erik checked his text message from Micheal that informed him of what apartment it is.
“9C,” Erik places his phone back inside of his jacket pocket, eyes searching from left to right before spotting the crisp white door with a bronze letter C on it and a tiny peep hole. Erik knocks, the gold Piaget watch on his right wrist making a loud tapping sound against the surface of the door. In under two seconds, Micheal opens the door, a broad smile on his handsome chocolate face when he noticed who it was.
“What’s up, cuz?” Micheal gave Erik dabs, “I ain’t expect you to be over this early, bruh, you good?”
“I’m good, I just needed to get away from CeCe. You know she offered for me to stay at her new place instead of a hotel.”
“You know you have to tell me about all of that, right?” Micheal jokes, holding his door open further for Erik to enter. Erik steps inside, his eyes admiring the urban styled apartment. It was Boho vintage with different shades of browns, greens, and reds. The living room was decorated and furnished with cream colored walls, Urban photographs of Oakland, cactus plants, a standout leather sofa set in a dessert brown color accompanied with khaki colored patch work leather ottomans and an elegantly modern coffee table featuring a round metal tabletop in a brushed, antique brass finish. 60 inch flat screen TV, an acacia wood credenza that Erik was sure is filled with old 70s and 80s records.
“Shit, let me take my shoes off, I don’t want to mess up this nice carpet,” Erik kicks his shoes off near the front door.
“You can put them in that shoe rack right there if you want. Yara got that from the thrift store about a week ago.”
Erik looks up at Micheal with expectant eyes, “Little Yara? She lives with you? what happened with Evette?”
“Long story, bro, Yara and I decided to get a place together close to Berkeley and I work for that new company I was telling you about last weekend so we can commute easier. Plus, you know moms live near us too.”
“Yeah, yeah. So, what is little Yara studying at Berkeley?”
Micheal smiles like a proud older brother, “Art History. She wants to become a Curator.”
“I’ve always seen her working in a museum. She loves history so much,” Erik reminisced with a slight smirk, “Is she here?”
“Straight back there-Wait.”
Erik was ready to rush back to see her.
“Let me see if she’s decent. She gotta work in about a few hours.”
“No problem, bruh, I’ll chill out here.”
Erik watches Micheal walk to the back of the apartment where the rooms are. Taking a seat on the leather couch, Erik strokes his beard, thinking about Yara. He hadn’t seen her in three years. He wondered how different she looked. By different he meant mature and filled out like a women. Back when she was just 18 years of age, Yara was so petite and athletic since she played Lacrosse, braces on her teeth, and so sweet and innocent. From what Micheal told Erik last weekend when they went out to a Hookah bar for Boys night, Yara gained weight. Micheal joked about it, typical sibling teasing, but Erik wished he could have seen a picture. Now, his mind went back to when Yara kissed him the night of her graduation party before Erik left to start his JSOC training. He honestly didn’t know how to respond. Yara looked like her world came crashing down when he didn’t reciprocate the same feelings. She was much younger than him, Erik has her by six years. She was 18 and he was 24. Yeah, Yara was legal but it still felt weird. He always knew little Yara had a crush on him and he surely didn’t want Micheal to know about it.
“She’s still asleep,” Micheal walked back out with a generous bag filled with an eighth of top-shelf weed, “You want to smoke a blunt and tell me about this bitch named CeCe?”
Yara. Don’t forget. The history project is due tomorrow night. Since you’re group lead, you have to submit it.
Yara rolls her eyes at the group chat she was in with her fellow History classmates. That assignment was the last thing on her damn mind. Yara closes her Mac, stretching her curvy body out like a cat before getting up from her comfy bed. Like a strong wind, the smell of kush hit her nose. Yara noticed that her bedroom door is cracked. Micheal must have come to check on her. Yara slips on a pair of Champion Reverse Weave drawstring shorts that were folded on the end of her bed in a pink color, bed hair and all, walking out of her room and towards the living room. When she entered the hallway, two male voices could be heard. It finally dawned on Yara who the other male present could be.
Yara walks to the bathroom, deciding to wipe her face off and brush her teeth. She still needed to shower but that could wait until she ate something. Admiring her hair, Yara reaches up to pull her hair tie from her curly hair, fluffing it out and shaking her head so it wouldn’t look like she just rolled out of bed. Yara then brushes her teeth, using her water closer afterwards. Satisfied, Yara takes in a deep breath to try and calm the butterflies in her stomach before walking out of the bathroom and towards the living room area.
“So, you’re telling me that CeCe is trying to hook you up with someone? why are you there?”
“You know she likes playing match made in heaven. CeCe is cool, Mike, I know me and her used to fuck around before I left but it ain’t even like that now. Just a friend helping out a friend. No big thing.”
Micheal chuckles, “E, I know you, man. You had all that pussy around you to play with and you ain’t have a taste? Nigga-“
“Like I said, nah. I don’t want that anymore or her friend she’s trying to get me with. Her friend just wants to know how the dick CeCe used to get is really about. You can look at me like that all you want. Everything is temporary. I’m shopping for a house right now-“
“You can just sleep on our couch-“
“I’m too big for this fucking couch,” Erik laughs, “Once my house is built from the ground up, you’ll see that it was all worth it. And you know I can’t stay with our other friends they gon’ get me caught up and I don’t need to be in jail.”
Erik takes a puff of weed before handing it over to Mike.
Micheal accepts the weed, instantly smoking it before letting the smoke out from his nose, “You’re a changed man, E. Got a house in the works, left the hood to pursue your dreams of being this J.I Joe motherfucker,” Erik playfully jabs Micheal in his ribs, “Seeiously, man, I’m proud of you. Wait until Yara sees you, bruh.”
Erik licks his lips before raising a single brow, “What you mean by that?
“She ain’t gonna believe this the same Erik from three years ago. What you do? Get inside of the same machine as Captain America?”
“Funny, nigga.”
Yara didn’t reveal herself just yet. She just wanted to hear him talk. Erik’s voice definitely appeared deeper. Raspy, then husky, then deep and gruff. When he genuinely laughed it was still just as light as before. Yara peeked out into the living room. A tiny gasp escaped her mouth. Kinky fro, muscles, facial hair, and tiny scars on his arms is what she noticed first. Micheal was right, this was Erik 2.0. Then, whenever he talked; those lush lips moving, Yara saw gold canines in his mouth. He looked so rough and scruffy. The Military definitely made him harder.
“Yara, stop being nosy!” Micheal yells. Yara almost jumped where she stood. She was so in tune with her thoughts that she hadn’t realized how close she’d gotten into the living room.
“Shut up Mike!” Yara fired back. With nervous eyes, Yara looked over at Erik. He didn’t speak, all he did was look fixedly at her with his eyes wide open. It was as if time stood still and she was the only thing that mattered in that room. Even the weed in Erik’s hand could burn to ash.
“Hi, Erik,” Yara couldn’t stop herself from grinning when Erik smiled at her with his dimples.
“Little Yara, what’s going on girl!” Erik hands Micheal the blunt back before standing from the couch, walking over to Yara with his arms outstretched for her to give him a big hug. Yara walks up to Erik, giggling nervously before bringing her arms around his waist, squeezing him. Erik rocked Yara back and forth while his chin rested on top of her curly head. Erik then brings his lips down to kiss Yara’s forehead before pulling her away to get a good look at her.
Heart shaped face, dimple in her chin, glittering eyes fringed with long eyelashes that reminded him of maple syrup, silken skin like cinnamon, ebony ringlets that made her thick but arched brows pop, lips full and glossy with a prominent Cupid’s bow. Erik’s eyes burned with desire when he gazed at Yara’s voluptuous, curvy, ample, and generous body. She really filled out from the last time he saw her. Mike can joke all he wants but Yara looked...
Erik covered his eyes with his hands, a suppressed laugh escaping his mouth before he opened his arms wide for her to hug him again. Yara giggles, stepping back into his embrace again to accept his hug. He smelled like patchouli. Tall, brawny, chiseled, broad-shouldered, and hulking, Yara couldn’t get over how comfortable she felt within Erik’s embrace. The deep baritone of his voice made her shiver.
“Look at you girl, all grown up. Crazy how that happened in three years, right?”
“That’s what I’m saying,” Yara turned her face away timidly, “So, how is the Military treating you? I mean...” Yara looks Erik up and down with a shake of her head, “It seems like it’s treating you nice. Go hard or go home, right?
“Treating me like I’m a piece of shit but it’s worth it,” Erik laughs, “The Military transformed me.”
Yes it did
“You do look great, I almost didn’t recognize you sitting on that couch. The hair, the muscles, the scars...”
Yara looked at them, her hand extending out suddenly to touch a row of scars that looked freshly raised against his skin.
Yara jolted upright, her hand jerking away. His voice and the look he gave her had her shrank in front of him.
“Shit, my bad, girl. You don’t want to touch these. Bad memories. That’s all, little Yara, I’m sorry.”
“It’s...it’s okay,” Yara steps away, shifting from one foot to the other, “Good to see you though, Erik.”
“You too, girl,” Erik scratched his beard before reluctantly turning away from Yara to take his seat next to Micheal on the couch. Yara watched him walk away while tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. The way they greeted eachother felt so different. Erik wasn’t only physically changed, He’s mentally changed too.
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready for work?” Micheal stretched his slender tattoo covered arms above his head.
“Yeah, but I’m hungry so,” Yara rubbed her hands on her thighs to get rid of the sweat before walking away and into the kitchen. Yara finally exhaled when she entered the kitchen after holding her breath while walking past Erik. The kitchen was open and you could peek into the living room. Erik was sitting directly across from Micheal staring straight ahead at Yara while smoking his blunt. He tilted his head at her while half listening to Micheal talk about Evette. Yara turned her face away, grabbing a loaf of wheat bread from the counter to make herself a PB&J sandwich.
“Little sis, what you cooking up in there?”
“Nothing for you,” Yara spread strawberry jam on her bread, “Why don’t you order in?”
“I was thinking about it, E, I’ma make a liquor run real quick, you want anything?”
“I got some good stuff in the car I can grab, you aint gon’ drink it so don’t even ask.”
“Yeah, I like my own shit,” Micheal stood from the couch, walking towards the back of the apartment to his room. It was silent minus the low TV and Yara washing the butter knife she used to make her sandwich. Erik leaned back into the leather couch, crossing his arms over his solid chest. He watched Yara walk over to the trash can to toss a paper towel in the trash that she most likely used to clean up crumbs or spilled jam. Erik has a great view of Yara’s thick ass bending over, her drawstring shorts raising up her thighs and getting caught between her ass cheeks. Such a beautiful sight has Erik’s brows knitted as he gave her a once-over. At that particular moment, Yara looked back at him as if she could feel his eyes boring into her.
“Hi.” She spoke in a trembling tone.
“Hi, back,” Erik says suggestively.
“Did Mike leave yet?”
“Aight, I’ll be back, y’all good? Need anything?” Micheal was back with a hoodie on, a dad cap, and a pair of vans on his feet.
“Can you stop by that corner market that sells those organic fruits? I want some mangos.” Yara yelled from the kitchen.
Micheal grabbed the door knob, pausing, “I’m making a liquor run too.”
“Oh! I want some Hypnotiq.”
“Cool, you, E?”
“We can order in when you get back, I’m good.”
“Bet, I’ll be back.”
Micheal exits.
“Mike still just as skinny as he was since the last time I saw him” Erik laughs.
“Yeah, he can eat but it goes nowhere. Me, I gained all the weight in the world.”
Erik gave Yara a dismissive wave of his hand, “Girl, you look good. Ain’t nothing wrong with the weight you put on.”
Yara giggles, popping a green grape in her mouth, “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Erik craned his neck to try and see her, “Why don’t you come in here and eat. Over there hiding and shit from a nigga.”
“Okay,” Yara got up from the dining room table, walking through the kitchen and entering the living room. She decided to sit her plump bottom on the floor while using one of the leather ottomans as a surface for her grapes and half eaten sandwich.
“So, how have you been?” Erik asked while rolling a new blunt.
“I’ve been doing just fine. Ready to graduate honestly.” Yara nervously rubbed her shoulder before gazing at Erik, “You?”
“Busy, busy, busy,” Erik’s onyx eyes landed on hers before looking back at his blunt, “Just traveling, training, that’s about it.”
“Oh,” Yara massaged the back of her neck, “Does those scars have anything to do with it?”
“Partly, yeah.”
“I see,” Yara admires them, “They look...they don’t look like typical scars.”
“That’s because they’re not.” Erik spoke in a flat tone.
“Let me just, stop asking,” Yara laughs awkwardly.
Erik chuckles, “It’s not a subject I rather talk about with you, Little Yara.”
“I understand. I won’t pry.”
“Cool,” Erik takes a hit of his blunt, cheeks blowing out as they filled with smoke, “Seeing anybody?”
“Nope. I haven’t for the past three months. Been trying to stay focused. Men are a distraction.”
“Y’all women are too,” Erik laughs, smoke escaping his nose.
Yara cocked her head, “So, my guess is you aren’t seeing anyone either.”
Erik licks his lips, “I don’t have time for that.”
“Does that include sex too?”
Erik clapped his hands together while chuckling, “Ahhhh, shit, Yara, did you just ask me about my sex life? Are you having sexxxxxxx?!
“I did. And I’m grown, ERIK, so yes, I’m having sex,” Yara gave a half shrug while rolling her eyes.
“21, right? I remember when I was 21. Legally can drink now and everything. Too bad you still can’t hang with us,” Erik chuckles.
Yara gave Erik the finger, “fuck you, don’t play with me like that.”
“I’m just saying, I remember you graduating high school the last time I saw you. Now you’re in your 20s, barely.”
Yara lowered her head, “Will you always remember me like that? Like DAMN, I did grow up, nigga.”
Erik noticed the attitude in her voice, “You’re mad at me?”
“Just annoyed,” Yara stood up, grabbing her food, “I’m gonna eat in my room so I can look over this project I have to submit tomorrow. I’ll see you later, Erik.”
Confused, Erik watched Yara practically storm away. He didn’t understand why his words offended her so much. It’s just what Erik is used to. He’s used to seeing Yara so young not a 21 year old adult. It was all still so new to him. Deciding not to chase after her, Erik gets up from the couch to retrieve his shoes so he could grab his drink from his car.
Yara couldn’t even focus.
She was really bothered by Erik’s comments.
It was mainly because every time he cracked jokes she thought about her kissing him. He probably cracked jokes about that too. Clearly, Erik couldn’t look past the fact that Yara is Mike’s little sis. She really thought he was past that when he first laid eyes on her. She could tell what a look of lust was in a man’s eyes since Yara often receives that look. Erik’s eyes were gleaming with desire and attraction. He almost looked shocked that it was Yara. Then, the way he looked her up and down. His eyes damn near gaped when she noticed him staring while she was in the kitchen. Pupils flared and all. Now, it was as if he was trying to hide the attraction he has towards her after three years. Yara was disappointed honestly. She always thought the next time she ever saw Erik they would honestly re-do that kiss and possibly have sex. If Yara had the choice to go back and lose her virginity it would have been with Erik.
Glancing at her phone, Yara noticed it was around 7:45 PM. Luckily, the bar she worked at wasn’t too far from her. Yara didn’t drive so she usually walked or caught an Uber. Lifting from her soft and fluffy floor cushion, Yara grabs her white cotton towel and soap sponge to take a shower. Leaving her room, she could hear Erik watching a basketball game. Yara closes her bedroom door, walking across to the bathroom, closing the door behind her softly. She began to undress, stripping her clothes from her body into a wrinkled pile on the floor near the sink. Opening the medicine cabinet, Yara grabs her Dove sensitive skin body wash and exfoliating spin brush. She couldn’t stop herself from thinking about Erik being in the living room right now while she was naked in the bathroom. There was no way Yara could ignore the growing dampness between her legs. She hadn’t been wet to the thought of Erik in a very long time.
Luke warm water running, Yara pulled the tribal patterned shower curtain back, stepping inside carefully not to slip on the the shower mat, then closing the curtain behind her. Yara forgot to pin her hair up but she needed to wash her hair anyway so she allowed it to grow wet while she wet her body completely. Grabbing her exfoliating brush and the body wash, Yara applied the body wash to her curvy body, turning on her brush and in a circular motion, began to cleanse her skin from the neck down. She had a separate skin care routine and a spin brush for that as well. Yara lifts her leg on the side of the tub to wash behind her thighs, the warm water running down her ass and to her pussy. Yara felt extra tingly between her legs. She didn’t have time to rub off in the shower and she forgot her favorite vibrator in her bed room. Groaning, Yara tried to ignore it as best as she could while scrubbing the top of her feet.
Erik sat cross-faded with his eyes sitting low. The basketball game was just background noise for him. Bored out of his mind, Erik really wanted to go and talk to Yara. He didn’t want to approach her on some awkward shit but at the same time he missed talking to her. Erik remembers how he used to talk and goof off with Yara from her doorway when they were younger. Micheal is very long-winded and sitting on the couch will eventually lead to Erik falling asleep. Erik leans forward on his elbow to peek down the hall where Yara’s bedroom is located. The hall was brightly lit from the light and he couldn’t tell which room was hers exactly. All the damn doors looked the same.
“Fuck it,” Erik places his phone on the coffee table, rising from the couch and making his way down the hall. Hands in his pockets, Erik approaches the first door. He knocks, no sound, twisting the knob and opening the door. It was Mikes room. Erik closes the door, walking further down the hall and approaching a door to his right. The light was on, he could tell from the glow beneath the door. Erik knocks, no sound. He grabs the brass knob, twisting it, then opening. Standing there, Erik’s chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. His mouth hung open and his eyes went round as if they were about to fall out of their sockets. He gawked at the sight of Yara before him. A sight he never imagined in a million years he would see up until now.
Yara was arched over the bathtub with her ass pointed straight out at Erik. Erik could smell cleaning products; Fabuloso from what it smelled like. The water in the tub was on full blast as Yara cleaned the porcelain. Her body was still wet and she had a T-shirt wrapped around her hair. Yara’s ass jiggled each time she scrubbed the tub out. She wasn’t aware of his presence. Erik was so stunned by her naked body and the fact that he walked in on her that he couldn’t even speak.
Too late.
Yara lifts her body up, turning to place the scrub brush on the floor near the tub, her eyes catching Erik standing within the entrance to the bathroom. Yara felt as if her heart was leaving her body. Shell-shocked almost. Now, her breasts were revealed to him. Large, big brown areolas and nipples soaking wet and dripping, curvy waistline glistening with water down to her waxed mound and thighs. Pretty toes painted white with a tattoo of a rose on her left foot. Yara looked appetizing. Yara bit her lip bashfully, eyes glossy as if she wanted to cry from embarrassment, her hands reaching out to the toilet to grab her folded towel. Yara presses her lips together to try and stop her lower lip from trembling and eyes her looked heavenward.
Yara spoke with a shaky voice, “I-Why didn’t you knock? Erik?”
Erik didn’t respond. His eyes were ablaze staring straight at her face. He felt turned on but at the same time he felt guilty. Luckily, Yara couldn’t see how fat and long his dick had gotten within his jeans. She couldn’t hear him, maybe he should have knocked harder. Yara’s hands were shaking and she couldn’t meet his eyes. She was overly embarrassed and not at all prepared. Yara crosses her thighs, pressing the towel further into her chest.
“...I knocked. I should have knocked again. Shit, Yara, I’m sorry-“
“Just-it’s cool,” Yara sized Erik up before rolling her eyes, “Can’t go back now, yeah?”
“I’m so fucking sorry, Yara,” Erik felt like shit, “I’m so so so sorry, Yara.”
“Erik, stop with the apologizing,” Yara drew in a long breath.
“I’m just gonna go,” Erik turns away, walking out of the bathroom. Yara stayed rooted to the spot, her hand pressing further into her chest to calm her rapid heart beat. As always whenever Yara felt embarrassed, she sighed before laughing quietly to herself. Pinching the bridge of her nose, Yara shook her head at what just happened. She was afraid to even look Erik in his eyes now. He saw her in full on nudity. Not in her panties and bra, not in a swimsuit, not wrapped with a fluffy towel, no, fully naked.
Twirling a strand of hair that fell from under the T-shirt, and chewing on her cuticles, Yara gathered herself before leaving the bathroom. She places the cleaning products back in its designated basket under the sink before grabbing her sponge. Yara walked out of the bathroom, entering the hallway and her eyes disobeying her as she nervously glanced into the living room. There seated on the couch with his eyes focused on her, was Erik. Like a magnet, Yara couldn’t pull her eyes away. It was as if he waited to see her leave.
Yara raised a hand in greeting.
He waved.
Yara hung her head, a small smile on her face.
Erik did the same thing before looking at her again.
“I hope this doesn’t make it weird between me and you,” Yara says.
“Never,” Erik spoke with his deep voice, “it could never be weird with you.”
Yara licks her lips, eyes set with long lashes blinking slowly at Erik.
“What are you thinking?” Erik asks while leaning forward on his elbows.
“I’m...I...just-forget it-“
“Nah, tell me.” Erik pushes his eyes searching.
“Mike will be back soon, I have to get dressed.”
“He ain’t back yet,” Erik tilts his head at her, “Don’t be so shy. It’s me, Erik.”
“But it’s what I’m thinking that I shouldn’t be,” Yara crosses her ankles in front of her while staring at her toes.
“Well, I wanna know.”
Yara fidgeted with her fingers before looking up at Erik through her lashes, “I was thinking that I’m glad you saw me like that. I’ve always wanted you to see me like that. Sorry I stormed away like I did earlier.”
Erik swallows spit, his Adam’s apple bobbing. Erik has to look away himself, scratching his nose. He wasn’t prepared for that response at all. Little Yara always wanted him to see her naked. He knew she had a school girl crush on him. No wonder why she didn’t rush to cover herself even though she still looked embarrassed.
“No worries, ma. Uh,” Erik scratches his dreads, “So...you’ve always wanted me to see you naked?”
Yara toyed with a lock of hair, “Yeah...” she spoke with her voice barely above a whisper.
“You shouldn’t talk like that, little Yara, you’ll get yourself in trouble.”
They way he said that sounded so dangerous like fucking with him was the last thing any women would want to do. But Erik didn’t understand, that was ALL Yara wanted to do. He was back, if she didn’t make a move now he would be gone again.
“It’s been a while since you’ve seen me, Erik, I dabbled in trouble,” Yara spoke with a honeyed tone.
“Maybe you should get in that bedroom before Mike gets here then,” Erik says with a sly smirk.
“Yeah, maybe,” Yara giggles before letting out a sigh,
“Bye, Erik.”
“Bye, Yara.”
She didn’t want to move. She really wanted Erik to get up and follow her into her bedroom.
“What you waiting on?” Erik says inclining his head towards the bedroom, “Get in there, little Yara.”
“Come with me?” Yara says before she could even stop herself.
Erik’s eyes dropped and his lips parted. Eyes fully closed now, he clenched his jaw to try and calm his dick. Too bad it was already growing stiff in his jeans. The way she told him to come with her. Such a tempting little thing. Nothing he expected Yara to ever say to him. She’s right, she definitely is a grown women now. Erik wondered what that body could really do.
“I’m-im Sorry,” Yara’s brows creased, eyes cast down at her hands, “I’m being a little too bold right now.”
Erik looked towards the door, then back at Yara. He took in the sight of her barely able to keep that towel around her body.
“You mean what you said? You’re not playing games?” Erik asks with a serious tone, “Cuz if I get up off this couch and come with you, you’re getting all of me, girl.”
“I know,” Yara bites her bottom lip, “I know what I want.”
The way her lips pouted and her eyes looked up at him all innocent caused Erik to stand up slowly from the couch. Erik drew his lower lip between his teeth hands in his jeans pockets before stepping forward. Yara’s lower lip trembled and her breath came out in short gasps. Standing directly next to her now, towering over her with his large intimidating frame, was Erik looking down at Yara with awe transforming his face. Not wanting to waste anymore time, Yara began to walk forward towards her bedroom. Yara twisted the handle, turning to face Erik before opening the door. Erik followed her into darkness, Yara turning to face him with timid eyes. Erik raised a single brow at her, silently asking her if she was sure about this. Yara swallows spit before nodding her head slowly. Erik licks his lips before closing that door behind him, the light that illuminated the hallway disappearing.
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gguksgalaxy · 5 years
Bulls Eye | JJK | Bottoms Up
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A summer weekend isn’t complete without Jungkook coming to seek you out at your job at the beach club to bless you wish his smile. A smile that quickly fades to anger one night, when he catches your ex trying to get your attention.
›› Bottoms Up Masterlist ›› AU: Friends to Lovers ›› Genre: Smut / Fluff / Angst ›› Rating: 18+ (sexual content) ›› Pairing: JJK x Reader ›› Word Count: 9.4k Warning Include: Mild violence, swearing, minor injuries, alcohol, toxic past relationship, toxic ex, sex, fingering, cunnilingus, lots of smooching.
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Jungkook: Okay but when do I finally get to meet u irl? [19:23]
You: You're legit going to see me like, tonight [19:25]
Jungkook: Meeting u when ur at work doesn't count :((( [19:34]
You: Jungkook, you see me every weekend, the entire summer [19:36]
You: How much more of me do you want to see? [19:36]
You: Nvm dont answer that [19:38]
Jungkook: Ur just scared imma beat ur ass in mario kart [19:38]
Jungkook: Ill let you win though if that means we can hang out :((  [19:40]
Jungkook: Hello? [19:45]
Jungkook: ARE YOU IGNORING ME? [19:59]
Jungkook: I am: H U R T [20:10]
You chuckle at your phone as you’re doing your make-up sitting at your vanity. Jungkook’s been like this for the short time that you’ve known him. It was a little under a year ago when he’d left his phone number on a napkin at your work. Normally you know better than to pick up random number from semi-drunk strangers but his smile had been too good to deny. That, and he had been more friendly than the normal party-goer.
From working at a beach club in the summer, you’re not unaccustomed to receiving numbers that you truly do not want.
When you met Jungkook, he was arguably a little bit tipsy, but he made no attempt at flirting with you as he dropped down onto the barstool in front of you.
You’d been dating someone, something you’d made very clear and it hadn’t mattered to him. You’d be lying to say you hadn’t been a little curious about him. He’d smiled, wide-eyes and wholeheartedly, and you might’ve been whipped ever since. So you’d taken his number under the pretence of sending him the dumb picture you’d taken of him. At his own request.
Here you are, nearly a year later and one boyfriend less. Jungkook has kept texting you but you’ve never really been sure about taking your relationship past your work. According to him, he became a regular just to see you. But it’s easier to not fall too deep in your crush as long as work is the only place you see him.
For him, it seemed to be more of a struggle. When the club closed for winter you truly had expected him to grow bored of you and stop texting. Especially because last year, you were still dating your ex. Also known as the demon who made you last autumn a living hell. 
Jungkook, on the other hand, is an angel. Or well, he might be a bit of a brat from time to time but you’ll take it in stride if you get to enjoy his presence a little more. His daily texts at least. 
It’s because of his sheer kindness and unabashed behaviour that your ever-growing crush developed past a small infatuation. You catch yourself smiling in the mirror just thinking about him. His sweet smile and soft lips. His sharp jawline and broad shoulders. His hands that — you really need to get your head out of the gutter.
That’s how you knew your crush had taken a … ‘bad turn’. When he’d sent you a Snapchat of his Starbucks drink and your first thought was; ‘I wonder what that hand would feel like on my body’. Or when he’d sent you a video of him working out — obviously as a joke — and all you could see what the bulging of his arm muscles.
Truly, you’re whipped for him and you’re afraid to admit it. His flirting has never passed the line of playful, it’s just there to tease you. Guys like Jungkook — caring, sweet, good-looking — don’t go for you. You’d rather keep your friendship with him, than take a risk and lose everything.
Your phone chimes again, not aiding you in your thoughts. It only makes your smile widen.
Jungkook: I will come whoop ur ass tonight if u don't text me back! [20:31]
You: Oh stop crying will you? I was getting ready [20:31]
Jungkook: Did u think about me? [20:31]
You: Jungkook, why in the lord would I be thinking bout you? [20:33]
Jungkook: Oh I dunno, cuz Im cute? cuz u love me? :(( [20:35]
You: Do I tho? [20:36]
Jungkook: D: [20:36]
You: See you in a few hours kook [20:36]
Jungkook: yiss [20:36]
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The club is bustling, the air warm and humid as soon as people start to trickle in. The weather is calm, after a few rainstorms it’s good to feel the ocean breeze. It’ll be busy tonight, and you’re prepared for it.
It takes an hour or two for the club to be filled, music on blast and beer flowing like water. You’re behind the black wooden bar, dressed in a red off-shoulder blouse that hangs loosely around your frame. The dress code at work is jeans and anything red, so you invested in a pair of red sneakers just to match.
The dance floor is crowded, people moving, dancing as you mix drink after drink upon request. Cocktails are your specialisation, that is your corner of the bar. By the time your two hours in your hands are sticky with liquor.
As you’re washing your hands, you find yourself searching for that one familiar face. The fact that Jungkook is about as handsome as they come hasn’t helped you fall for him any less in the short time you let yourself. The second you stopped withholding yourself from thinking about him like that, you found yourself thinking about him like that — all of the time. To the point where you almost drunk dialled him, twice.
Truly, you hope to see him. A night at the club is not complete without Jungkook gracing you with his smile. You remember he said something about dying his hair recently, and you’re curious to see as to what he’s done.
A girl walks up to you with an order, and you’re amidst making her three cosmopolitans when Jungkook finally shows himself.
The glass almost drops out of your hand when you lay eyes on him. “Jungkook,” you stammer out.
He’s wearing a thin white t-shirt, neckline showing his collarbones that are covered in a faint sheen of sweat. The fabric clings to his chest a little, not leaving much to the imagination. He’s more muscular than you thought. You wonder if he —
“Hello, eyes up here,” he chuckles, smiling widely.
You blink at him, realising his hair is a few shades lighter than its usual black hue. It softens out his features, yet the side part reveals his forehead and makes him look more mature at the same time. The way in which he looks both sweet and sexy is odd — confusing is perhaps a better word.
“Hey,” you manage to blurt out, trying to focus on your work again. You pour the girl her drinks and garnish them with a piece of orange zest.
“Did you just get here?” you ask Jungkook.
He shakes his head. “No, I got here about an hour ago.”
“And you didn’t come say hi? I’m offended.”
He chuckles again, nose scrunching up. “Let me give you a hug as consolation?”
Your eyes widen at the request. It’s not that you haven’t hugged him before. He’s managed to ensnare you enough times when you were out collecting glasses. Though, this is the first time he’s so openly asked for it and your stomach jumps at the thought. For your own sanity, you want to protest but you find yourself unable to.
“Please? I haven’t seen you for eight months. Give a guy some love.” Jungkook cocks his head to the side, a gesture that makes his hair fall over his forehead. The light catches his eyes — you can’t say no to those eyes.
“Fine, fine,” you sigh with a roll of your eyes as you sling the towel over your shoulder.
Jungkook grins so widely you blush as he envelops you into a bone-crushing hug. He is warm, smelling like an odd mix of beer, sweat and a light perfume. Strangely, it works but you can’t help but wonder how nice he’d smell when he’s not in a club. The perfume you caught definitely matches him.
You can just withhold yourself from literally inhaling him as you rest your chin on his shoulder. His shirt is so thin that you can feel the dip of his spine as your hand grazes his back. Your stomach flutters again.
He lets go too soon, and you have to stop yourself from pouting. “The usual?” you ask.
“Yeah, Tae and Jimin are hanging out somewhere, so two beer too.” He looks over his shoulder to where he must assume his friends are. You don’t seem them, but you doubt they’d stray far. He usually comes with them, though he’s shown up alone too. Every Saturday in the summer like clockwork.
Jungkook always orders the same cocktail. You step back behind the bar as he watches you carefully. His eyes follow you as you move — you’re hyper-aware of it, but too afraid to look up and meet his gaze.
Bulls Eye is not a drink that’s order often, but you’ve started to associate it with Jungkook. As you pour the lemon juice into the shaker, you mix it with light beer, ginger ale, and some sugar. It’s stirred, not shaken. The drink is not your thing, but you’ve tried it on his recommendation. Sadly, anything with beer has a tendency to make your tastebuds cringe.
It’s poured over ice, cold in your hand at you pass it to him. “Here, not too heavy on the lemon juice.”
“You remember?”
“How could I not?”
Jungkook seems taken aback by your comment, silent for a few beats too long. He doesn’t shake out of his trance until you give him the two beers. “Thanks! The others must be wondering where I went. I’ll see you around!”
You smile at him, giving a short wave as he walks off with the drinks crammed in his hands. He turns back to look at you once before he disappears into the crowd. You hope he didn’t catch you staring.
Seeing him again — hugging him — has truly confirmed that you’re in over your head. Your heart is thrumming just from the sight of him. It’s been eight months and yet you swear he matured. The purposely odd-angled Snapchats truly didn’t do him justice.
You remember a few months ago when he’d started sharing his workouts with you. Apparently, he’d been held up by a shoulder injury, but now he was back on his regular regime. Also known as the regime where he spends most of his free time either working out of playing video games. Either of which you receive excessive clips of.
The thoughts make you chuckle. You’ve never been much of a gamer, but Jungkook's excitement about it has pushed you dangerously close to getting yourself a console. Who knows, maybe soon.
His offers to play Mario Kart with you are tempting. It’s the thought of what could happen that make you hesitate every time. The chance of this ending in shambles becomes more and more likely the deeper you fall for him. You’re not sure there even is a way out anymore.
“Hey, miss whipped!” your colleague calls out, waving a hand in front of your face.
“W-what?” You shake yourself.
She chuckles. “Legit, are you still not dating him?”
You frown. “Who? Jungkook? No, we’re not dating.”
“You’re willing to tell me that you two are out here looking at each other like you’re about to walk down the aisle and you’re not dating? Girl, get a grip, the boy’s all over you. Has been since the first time he saw you.” She’s washing out the dirty glasses, hands moving quickly.
You’re unsure of what to tell her. It’s the second year you’re working together but you wouldn’t really consider her a friend. “I’m not sure about that.”
“Wait.” She stops. “Don’t tell me you’re still dating that douche from last year? I know we’re not close but he was a dick and you need to get rid of him.”
“No, no. I broke up with him a few months ago.” You think back of your ex. Last summer when you’d taken this job he’d been displeased. But it’d worsened when he came to see you and decided that every guy who ordered from you was either flirting with you or out to take you from him. He’d always been a little possessive, but after summer he’d just crossed the line with you. Though, breaking up with him wasn’t as easy as you’d thought it’d be.
Despite him being possessive, you really thought you loved him. You didn’t want to lose him and it caused you to be stuck in an unhappy relationship for three months. Until you finally decided to cut him out — a messy breakup to be honest.
If it wasn’t for Jungkook showing you that you were so unhappy you’d still have been moping around.
“Well then,” your colleague says. “What are you waiting for? If I had a guy that hot smiling at me like I’m the sun his earth revolves around I would jump his bones any chance I got.”
“Nina!” you squeal.
“What?” she answers wide-eyed. “Oh please, you must’ve thought about it. Did you see his pecs?”
You blush furiously. “Okay! That’s enough lusting after my friend for tonight!” You push her towards the sink and get back to taking orders.
If she’d been wrong you doubt you’d be this flustered. But she’s not. You hate yourself for thinking about him like that. Jungkook’s a nice guy, he’s not out for more than a friendship. Surely he’d have said so if he was. Right?
You see Jungkook three more times that evening, each time a little more drunk and with a little bit of a wider smile. Though, when he comes to you for his fourth drink he asks for water. His t-shirt sticks to his skin and he giggles out something about needing some refreshment. You tell him to go for a swim in the sea. He replies with a wiggle of his eyebrows, asking you to join him. For skinny dipping.
You blush; your mistake. He sees right through you, eyes narrowing but no commentary following. Instead, he purposely brushes his hand against yours when you hand him his drinks — you now this because he lingers a tad too long. His gaze settles on you before he walks away and you want to blame it on the alcohol in his system but it feels like he knows.
Nina leans over to you. “Girl, your boy is giving you bedroom eyes. Are you really out here telling me he doesn’t want you?”
“Stop!” you shriek.
“Listen, it’s easy. You want him, he wants you. Nobody says you have to bed him, though I’d advise you to. He looks good.”
You roll your eyes at her again, walking into the back to get something to eat and take a breather. The night is warm, but the breeze that trickles in from the open back door is nice. You wish you could swim actually. It’s been a long time since you actually went to the ocean, even if you live so close. Life’s been busy.
When you walk into the club to collect empty glasses and bottles, you spot Jungkook. He’s with his friends, laughing and dancing without seemingly a care in the world. He doesn’t see you, but when he smiles particularly wide your own lips twitch.
You wonder whether being with Jungkook would be as bad of an idea as you thought. Being stuck in this crush for the rest of your friendship might be the end of you. He is too good to be true, yet he’s right here within reach and you’re letting him slip between your fingers.
Would kissing him be as good as you’ve imagined? Because you certainly have imagined it — his lips on yours, soft and maybe a little demanding, smiling into it even.
A hand wraps around your arm and you’re pulled around before you can truly register what happens. “Hey, babe.” You recognise the drawl of the pet name immediately. Your ex.
He smiles at you, fingers smoothing down your arm with a slight tilt of his head. His grin is glazed over with the effects of alcohol in his blood. He’s drunk, about to start something.
You take a tentative step back. “What do you want Hyunwoo?”
Instead of answering immediately, he moves closer with fingers trailing your waist. “I’m just wondering if you’ve had enough time to think? Did you realise you miss me yet?”
The scoff that slips past your lips is probably a mistake — the twist of his face shows his displeasure.
“Babe, don’t be like that. You said you needed space, didn’t I give you that?’
“No,” you spit. “That was months ago Hyunwoo. Before I broke up with you.”
He licks his lips and you hold your breath. Hyunwoo is mostly bark and, usually, no bite, but won’t hurt you but starting a scene is not past him. “People change their minds, don’t they?”
You push his hand off your hip. “Listen, you and I are done. I don’t want to be with you anymore, we don’t work. It’s better if you just leave me alone.” He’d better leave your sight soon. You’ve closed this chapter of your life and this just brings back bad memories you don’t need. Unwilling to grant him another second of your time you turn away to go back to the bar.
He grabs your hand again, pulling you against him. “Babe, come on.”
“Hyunwoo, let fucking go of me!”
Someone pushes him away from you, pulling you back.
“I think you need to back off,” Jungkook snarls suddenly from beside you. Hyunwoo reaches for you but Jungkook stops him with a shove. “I said back off man.” His voice is laced with anger and when you finally gather yourself enough to look up at him you’re surprised to see the furious look on his face.
Jungkook’s eyes are dark, brows set — it’s almost scary.
Your ex merely scoffs. “Who the fuck do you think you are, kid?”
“Someone who’ll treat her much better than you ever did. Now fuck off before I rearrange your teeth.”
The way Jungkook speaks is so out of character, you barely recognise him. Never have you heard him this angry over anything — it’s pure disgust coming out of his mouth. You suppose he’s never liked Hyunwoo, but you sure hope he can keep his hands to himself.
“Jungkook,” you try, touching his arm that’s coiled tight.
“I cared for her when no-one would and what?” Hyunwoo’s eyes run up and down Jungkook’s body. “She cheats on me with a highschooler.”
Jungkook scoffs. “You call isolating her from her friends, caring?” He steps towards Hyunwoo with a puffed-out chest. Your attempt to pull him back by his shirt only fails. “She didn’t cheat on you, have a little self-respect and leave her alone.”
“Self-respect? She’s the one going around fucking randoms.”
“That’s it,” Jungkook barks, shoving him back two steps. “You manipulative fuck, you have thre—“
He doesn’t get to finish his sentence before Hyunwoo’s fist connects with his cheek.
“Jungkook!” you exclaim, but he doesn’t hear you. Instead, he retaliates before you can do anything. Jungkook hits him back and you flinch upon the impact. You’re nailed to your spot as you watch Jungkook’s fist collide with his face again, not even stumbling. Everything around you slows down, you try to pull at Jungkook’s shirt, call his name, but he keeps pushing Hyunwoo further back.
“Stop!” you yell. People around you take notice, and someone tries to pull you back as Hyunwoo tackles Jungkook to the ground. He hits him in the face again and you cry out.
Suddenly, two security guards rush in. They just manage to stop Hyunwoo from hitting Jungkook again. Jungkook scrambles up from the floor and wipes the blood from his mouth as the guards force Hyunwoo out of the club. He yells something you can’t hear over the thumping of your heart.
Jungkook pushes at the third guard that comes for him, swaying on his feet.
“Hey!” you splutter out. The man from security recognises you, stopping with a firm grip on Jungkook’s upper arm. “It’s alright, he was protecting me. I’ll take him outside.”
“Are you certain miss?” He gives Jungkook a sceptical look. One of Jungkook’s eyes is watering, and there’s a bit of blood running from his nose.
You nod. “Yeah, I’ll get him some ice and send him on his way.” Jungkook is rubbing a hand over his eye, and you shakily grab his elbow to stop him. You look around, hoping to find Jimin or Taehyung so they can take him home, but they’re nowhere to be found. “Let's go.” Your voice falters, laced with nerves as you try to steady your own legs.
Jungkook sets his jaw. You shove him forward but he won’t budge. “Go Jungkook, to the bar.” Your legs feel like lead, body heavy with what just happened. He grumbles something when he finally starts walking to the front. The fear of what could’ve happened to him won’t stop running circles through your mind.
You guide him behind the bar and Nina perks up at the sight of him. “What happened?!”
“He punched my ex in the face,” you scoff.
She shoots Jungkook an approving look. “Good riddance.”
“Listen,” you say, grabbing a glass full of ice. “I can’t find his friends so I’m taking him to mine. Will you guys be okay without me?”  Jungkook’s slumped against the bar behind you, still not having said a word.
Nina nods. “Yeah, you look pretty shaken up yourself. We’ll be fine. Do you need me to call a cab?”
You shake your head. “It’s okay. I don’t live far.”
Jungkook huffs at you when you sit him down on a chair in the back. He really overstepped himself, and you want to be angry at him for making a scene at your work. But then again, he wasn’t the one who started throwing punches and the fact that he did it to protect you…you can’t just get mad. He could’ve gotten so much worse, you’re just glad he’s okay.
“Wait here.” You shuffle around the cabinets to find a washcloth and dump the ice in there, trying it up and giving it to him. “Here, for your cheek.”
He doesn’t take it, he just keeps rubbing his eye and blinking aggressively. “I think I’ve something in my eye.”
You sigh, slapping away at his hand from his face and tipping his head back into the light. “I think you just have a serious case of stupid.” Surprisingly, he lets you examine his eye, gently rubbing the skin under it. “It looks fine, just stop rubbing it.”
Jungkook blinks up at you. “Thanks.”
“Where are Jimin and Taehyung?”
He frowns, trying to think. “Uh…I think they were going out for food. I was going to join them after I said bye to you when I saw — what’s his name — talking to you.”
“Okay, well…I live one subway station away. I have a spare mattress, you can stay over for tonight. Come on.” You pull Jungkook up and he stumbles but manages to stop himself from completely falling over. He’s less drunk than you thought, probably just shaken up like you are. You’re not sure if he’s hurt past bruising, but at least his nose has stopped bleeding. At home, you’ll get to take a better look.
You exit through the back door, grabbing your coat and bag and pushing Jungkook towards the subway. He doesn’t say much, on his way there, just silently holds the ice against his face — it’s not going to last long in these temperatures.
You think back, the way that Hyunwoo went from nothing to full-on fist fighting within seconds. It flashes before your eye — Jungkook on the floor under him. Though he too had seemed pretty adamant on giving Hyunwoo a permanent facial.
Once you reach the station Jungkook grabs your hand, ice-cold and wet. You look up at him, his cheek red and a little swollen. “You okay?”
He looks at his feet. “I’m sorry.”
You sigh, squeezing his hand. “It’s okay, let’s just go to my place.” When the train arrives you realise his nose is bleeding again, and motion for him to hold the washcloth up.
Jungkook looks defeated as he sits down next to you. It takes him two entire seconds to lean into your side and nod off. His hair smells nice like he washed it just before he went out. It’s soft, floral maybe even.
As you sit here next to him you realise his hand is still loosely encasing yours, laying in your lap. You never expected Jungkook to just protect you like that. The way Hyunwoo just attacked him, you just hope that he really doesn’t have anything aside from a future bruise. The thought of Jungkook getting hurt because of you is not something you think you can stomach. Even if your ex totally deserved it — maybe you should’ve seen it coming. After all, it had been Jungkook who’d shown you that you deserved better.
When he nuzzles his cheek into your shoulder you realise that better might be him after all. Jungkook has always offered you warmth, a shoulder to cry and lean on.
You gently shake him awake at your stop, and he blushes when he opens his eyes to see you so close. It’s endearing, and you find yourself no longer caring to hide your feelings. You brush the hair out of his face. “We’re here,” you whisper.
Jungkook stumbles after you, sleepily dragging himself up the stairs where he bumps into you again. He’s finally stopped rubbing his eye but it remains a little red. You push him ahead when he wavers and spot scuff marks and a cut on his elbow. It’s worse than he’s letting on.
“Kook, you’re bleeding.” You stop him, twisting his arm to look at it. It doesn’t look to deep and you sigh in relief. The way you’d pulled him has him close to you, almost nose to nose when you look up. “A-are you okay?”
He nods slightly, eyes skimming over your face.
“Okay, we’re almost there.”
Your stomach keeps twisting with the realisation that he got hurt because of you. If it hadn’t been for the guards…Jungkook he’s more than just a friend to you. Even if you never hung out, the steady presence in his life is so important to you. You don’t want to imagine it without him. He texts you almost every day if he can, and maybe it was a good place to start. You feel that you know him as you watch him slump against the wall of the elevator. He knows you. There was nothing physical before you fell.
Jungkook hesitates on your doorstep, looks inside the hall as if something is going to jump out at him.
“Get inside Kook.” You look at him over your shoulder. “I’m going to get a warm towel and some stuff to clean the cuts on your elbows and we—“
You’re muffled by Jungkook pulling you into a hug. Your heart jumps as your cheek is pressed against his chest while he holds you. The washcloth is cold against your back where he still holds it. He rests his chin on top of your head, holding you tight. His chest is warm, and you find yourself pressing even closer — you want to feel this forever. He holds you as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.
Tears sting the corners of your eyes as you wrap your arms around his waist. All the tension releasing itself it seems. “Kook.”
“I’m sorry, okay. I just — I saw him grabbing you and I saw how uncomfortable you were. All I could think of was protecting you and I should’ve stayed out of it. I only made it worse and I — I can’t imagine what you must think of me now. I got so angry, I didn’t know what I was saying.”
What you think of him? If only he knew.
He presses his nose into your hair, his next words muffled. “Please forgive me.”
Forgive him? That was never a question on your mind, you were never mad at him. Maybe a little upset, but it was nothing he’d need your forgiveness for. Not in your eyes. You’re more upset about him getting hurt than anything else.
“It’s alright. Just sit down so I can make sure you’re okay.”
He hums and affirmative into your hair and plops himself down on the chair after. You quickly return from the bathroom with a clean towel and some antiseptic. Jungkook sits slouched forward a little, it makes him seem smaller than he really is — cuter. There’s still some blood running from his nose and by the small stains on his fingers you know he’s been rubbing it.
“You’ve got to stop touching your nose,” you mumble. “You’re going to get blood all over the place.” You fill a glass with water for him to drink, and knock your knee against his as a gesture. He parts his legs so you can get a closer look at his face.
“Squeeze the bridge of your nose and lean forward.”
“Everyone always says backwards.”
“Forward, Jungkook. And give me your hand.” You grab his free hand and twist it up. This way you get a good look at whatever caught his arm. The cut shallow, mostly dried by now. “You know,” you drawl as you gently clean the wound. “You really shouldn’t do stupid shit like that.”
You clean away the blood from his arm and fingers. He’s shockingly pliable in your grip. “You could’ve really gotten hurt Jungkook.”
“I wouldn’t have let him,” he answers nasally, still leaning forward.
“I’m serious, Hyunwoo would’ve ripped you to shreds.” Jungkook’s other arm is less wounded, but you clean it anyway.
He winces a little when you twist his wrist to check the cut again. “Do I look like I’m going to let an asshole like him just talk to you like that?”
You remove his hand from his nose, tipping his head back to clean his face too. His hand is warm and you find yourself wishing you could hold it for longer. “Still, you can’t just do stuff like that because you care about me. You don’t have to prove it.”
Jungkook grabs your hand again, pulling it away from his face so roughly you gasp and drop the towel to the floor. “Care about you?” he snorts. “You think I did that because I just care about you?” A soft chuckle leaves his lips as he shakes his head. “I don’t know if I haven’t made it obvious enough but…I wake up and go to sleep thinking about you.”
You stare at him, standing between his legs in the light from your kitchen. Jungkook looks at you with so much determination you’re unable to move or even speak. Was that a confession? You purse your lips together.
He sighs deeply. “All I think about is wanting to wake up next to you and make you breakfast and you think I care about you. You’re a fool.”
A fool for him. “Kiss me,” you whisper.
He falters — stops with parted lips and a change of gaze that is so gentle you’re not sure if he heard you properly.
You shake your hand from his grip and place both on his shoulders, leaning in close enough to touch noses. He hiccups, tiny breath puffing out against your lips. You smile. “I said, kiss me fool.”
He needs to hear no more. His lips come up for yours like he’s coming up for air after a long time starved. Jungkook kisses with fervour, gently but with purpose and you sigh into him. You’ve thought about this for so long and it surpasses all your expectations. Your legs dare buckle at the first graze of his teeth against your bottom lip.
Jungkook catches you, manoeuvring you into his lap and taking advantage of your gasp to deepen the kiss. You moan, surprising even yourself, but the sound he lets out in return is worth it. His hands paw at your hips, sliding under your top to touch your skin after yearning for so long. Everywhere he touches, every little sound you make — it’s like it sets him free. He grows bolder with every move.
Every swipe of his tongue into your mouth is devilish, a stark contrast with his previous words. This beats all imagination. Jungkook is too good to be true. His kiss is a little inexperienced, a little experimental, but you take it in stride because he is so eager.
You want him. “Jungkook,” you moan into his mouth that is parted against yours. He pants heavily, hands played out over your back to keep you against him. You feel steadied by him — you need it when he ruts his hips up into yours without warning.
He’s not hard yet but God you’re already feeling the pleasure pool in your own stomach and you don’t want him to stop. You kiss him even deeper, tongue wet and warm and so good. “Fuck.”
Jungkook pulls at your hips and when you settle over his lap properly, you feel him. The jeans-on-jeans contact doesn’t do much for you but the sheer thought of having him underneath you is your undoing. He breaks the kiss to lather kisses down your neck. Open-mouthed and with a little tongue, your fists tighten into his shirt when he grazes his teeth over your pulse point.
“You’ve no idea how long I’ve waited for this,” he speaks into your skin. His nose is pressed against your neck, paused to take you in. As if time is going too fast.
You can’t blame him, you would stay like this forever if you could. It’s the burning between your legs that won’t let you. “Don’t stop.”
He laughs, a puff of warm air that fans out over your chest. When he looks up at you his eyes are darker, the stars in them dimmed to dusk. “Are you sure?”
“Jungkook,” you whine, grinding your hips over his. He stutters and you grin at the feeling of his hardening dick. “I’m already on the verge of soaking through my jeans — yes, I’m sure.”
Strangely, his cheeks flush at your commentary but it doesn’t faze him in the slightest. He kisses back up to your mouth, claiming it as his and kissing you with a little more ease. It’s as if he already learned from two minutes ago. He slows down, hands ghosting all the way down your mode to squeeze at your thighs.
You gyrate your hips, circling him until you’re certain he must be uncomfortable in those tight jeans. Yet, he seems more than satisfied just occupied with your mouth. You could kiss him for days, but you’re so frazzled by him you have to come up for air. Everything he does makes it hard for you to function, and he sniggers as you nuzzle along his jaw to kiss softly at his neck.
“You good?” he muses, fingers combing through your hair.
“Hmm, perfect.”
“Can I eat you out?”
You frown, looking up at him through heavy-lidded eyes. Did you hear him right? Did he ask to eat you out — as if it is the most normal question in the world? As if he just asked you if you like pancakes. You do, and the thought of having his mouth on you…“If you want to.”
“If I want to,” he mocks. Without any warning, Jungkook hauls you up and you squeal when you tip over backwards. You cling to him, gripping at his back and making his shirt ride up. “If I want to, she asks me. I’ve been thinking about it for months — yes I want to.”
Jungkook deposits you on the kitchen table and you‘re not willing to let him go just yet. You seek out his mouth again, warm and comfortable and your kiss-swollen lips want nothing more than his for the rest of the night. Yet, you can already see the sun rising through the curtains behind him.
“I thought about it too.” Your words get muffled with the kiss but you know he hears you from the groan he lets out. A sound that vibrates in his chest — his chest which you feel rise and fall beneath your fingers. He is muscular, and your mouth waters at the thought of seeing him. “Take your shirt off first.”
He obeys, pulling the white material off with one hand. You marvel at him once he’s shirtless, fingers seeking out his skin and trailing down his abs. They’re defined in the best way, just enough for you to feel them move under your touch as his breath hitches. Jungkook really is gorgeous and you find yourself kissing down his chest.
“Hey, hey,” he chuckles again, stopping your fingers that had slipped down to the buttons of his jeans. “I’m eating you out first, so hands off and back on the table.”
You raise your eyebrows at his half-assed command, a snicker on the edge of your lips. “Oh?”
“I said,” he grins, coming nose-to-nose with you. “On your back.”
You stomach flutters but you listen as he parts your legs. The table is cold against your back and it’s not an unwelcome contrast against Jungkook’s hands sliding up your now spread thighs. He squeezes your flesh and you can’t help but thrust your hips up with a whine. “Kook.”
“Impatient are we? Lift your hips for me.” He pops the button of your jeans and slides them down as you lift. There’s a bit of a struggle shucking them off your legs but it brings some laughter when he finally manages. “Damn tight jeans.”
You huff, still on your back. “You’re one to speak, I can practically see your dick outlined from here.”
Jungkook brushes your shirt up a little to kiss right under your belly button — your stomach dips at the soft touch. “It’s fine right where it is. For now, I wanna know what you like.” He waits for your answer, ticking off the time with little kisses and nips around your hip-bones that make you whine in the back of your throat.
“I — I don’t know?”
He looks up with a frown. “He really sucked didn’t he?”
“Well technically, he didn’t… “ You bite your lips in shame.
Jungkook rolls his eyes at you. “You can guide me as I go then.” He resumes his kisses down your stomach, sucking the faintest bruises on top of your thigh. “I want to make you feel good.”
You nod, laying back and enjoying the feeling of just him. The brush of his fingers as he hooks his thumbs into your underwear, the press of his lips to your skin. It seems like he’s mapping you out, tracing your sweetest spots as he pulls off your panties. The cold skin hits you and you shiver.
The first brush of his lips is tantalising, you hold your breath. It’s not a feeling your unaccustomed too but that it’s him is enough to undo you at the first touch. He spreads your folds, a little hesitantly. The tremble in his fingers gives him away and you fight the urge to lean up and look at him. “Keep going.”
He hums, breath warm against your mound. You can feel him staring and it’s exposing, but you can’t close your legs with his shoulders spreading you apart. Jungkook kisses your clit and your muscles tense, again and again until he licks and you let out a soft cry. He has the nerve to smile against you. The pull of his lips is obvious against your core and you lick yours in anticipation.
For a bit, he keeps at it like that, gently licking your bud until you’re certain you're going to break your toes from curling. “I need more,” you whimper. He obliges, wrapping his lips around the bundle of nerves and suckling. It’s tender but so so good and the little breathy moan he lets out when you tangle your fingers in his hair echoes through your core. You sigh, it’s heavenly. He’s patient, taking his time to learn you — unfold you — as you urge him on bit by bit.
His hair is silky smooth between your fingers and you pull lightly. “A little more to the — ah — left — yes!” you cry, head thudding against the wooden surface. You’re moving so much Jungkook has to slide your back up the table a little. His mouth picks up, figuring out what makes you scream and using just that against you. Your stomach is tingling and you’re moaning without shame now.
“Fingers?” he mumbles, looking up at you through his lashes. The sight of his head between your legs, lips shining, eyes dark — it’s too much.
“Yes, gently.”
He chuckles against you again, a little chiming sound as he circles your entrance with the tip of his finger. “Relax,” he whispers, other hand coming down to press your hips to the table. “I’ve got you.” When he slides in you feel every knuckle and you practically suck him in. You’re so wet it takes him little effort to wriggle in another finger. He starts up a slow pace, kidding your thigh in random intervals as he observes your reaction. You can feel his unwavering gaze on you. “Good?”
“Yeah, just — don’t stop.”
“N - No. Ah.” You gasp when he curls his fingers up and deeper. He’s so attentive you’re certain he needs no more verbal affirmatives. Right now you’re putty in his hands, shaking and trembling for him. His fingers glide along your walls, rubbing until you clench him tightly. “Jungkook,” you moan.
He knows. He knows because he starts sucking on your clit again like no tomorrow and it’s enough to make you feel the edge of your orgasm. It builds with his movements, tight, languid, just right — you come hard and he edges you through it until you twitching in his grasp. He keeps his fingers inside of you until you finally open your eyes to look at him.
Then, he withdraws them and sucks them clean. His eyes are even darker if that was possible. You know he isn’t done with you yet.
Your chest heaves as you try to grasp reality again. Jungkook looks ravished, standing between your limp, parted legs with two fingers in his mouth. His hair is a mess, right side sticking up from where you’d gripped it so hard. You open your mouth to say something, but it dies on your tongue.
“Are you still with me?”
“Yeah,” you pant, running your fingers through your hair. “When you said you were gonna make me breakfast, this was not what I thought you meant."
Jungkook laughs, lips spreading into a gorgeous smile as he grabs your hands to pull you up. You come chest to chest, mouth to mouth. His tongue parts your lips and you keen at the taste of yourself in his mouth, arms winding around his neck. Your legs wrap around his waist, coarse material of his jeans rubbing against your sensitive centre. Jungkook’s chest is sticky with sweat already and the muscles in his back dance under your fingertips as you caress them.
He is so good, touching every inch of your body while he takes his time kissing you. There are groans dying in the back of his throat and you can feel the twitch in his hips when he brushes against you. Your hand snakes down his chest to his jeans, palming and drawing a curse from him. You trace the outlines of his cock and he caves, forehead falling to yours.
“God please tell me you have condoms because I’m not done with you yet.”
You don’t want him to be. You’re getting wet again just at the thought of having him inside of you. From what he’s shown — from what you can feel right now — he’s not going to disappoint. “In the bedroom.”
He lifts you up, legs around his waist and his hands on your bare ass. With a grunt, he squeezes, manoeuvring you to the bedroom with your guidance that is drowned out in a kiss. You yelp when he bumps you into the corner and he soothes it with a soft caress, laughter erupting from the both of you. He presses you against the wall and you notice the skin of his left cheek is warm. A hiss passes his lips when you grace it.
You pull away to look at him, brushing his hair away from his face. His cheek is swelling a little but the lustful look in his eyes is enough for you to continue. Kissing him, you lightly pull the hair at the nape of his neck. He likes it, you note.
Jungkook lowers you down to the best, carefully so as he lays himself over you. “Take off your top,” he whispers, sitting up on the bed to undo his own jeans. You slide the fabric off your body, discarding it haphazardly along with your bra. He sits and you sling your legs over his lap as you push him back into the covers.
“What — ah.” He sighs deeply as you start kissing down his chest, fingers grazing his nipples. Jungkook is so pliant, chest heaving underneath you as you crawl down his body. He’s straining against his boxers and you appraise his self-control. “Baby,” he drawls, fingers carding through your hair as your lips stop at the edge of his underwear.
You chuckle, teeth nipping at his skin before you draw his boxers down slowly. His cock slaps up against his stomach, the tip wet with precum that had stained his underwear. You curse at the sight of him, fingers coming up to wrap around the base.
He stops you before you can get your mouth on him, hand around your wrist. “Fuck I — I want to come inside of you. Another time.” His breathing is laboured and his flushed state somewhat cute as he looks at you between his legs.
Yet, you can’t argue with him, you do want him inside of you. Sooner rather than later. You crawl back over him to kiss him more, hips settling over his dick. So heavenly, that first skin on skin contact. Both of you moan, heads thrown back as you rub him up and down, wet with your juices now.
“Stop,” he whines. “I really, really want to fuck you.”
You let him flip you over, your back pressed into the mattress. Jungkook’s muscles stand outlined by the faint light in the room, twisting as he reaches for you. His skin is soft and warm and you want to feel it, everywhere.
“Condoms?” he asks again.
“Drawer.” You point and he reaches beside him to retrieve a packet and throw it onto the bed. It seems that neither he not you can get enough of kissing. The soft nudge of him against your thigh is a reminder of what’s about to come.
You’ve fantasised about this so often you should be ashamed. But what can you do when Jungkook looks like half a god, half an angel all the time. You want him to ravish you, to make you his, now.
He falters as you touch him between your legs, stroking him and fumbling to find the condom. “Here,” he grabs it and wastes no time ripping it open. You help him roll it on, eyes trained on the way he twitches at the feeling. He’s hot and heavy in your hand as you guide him down to your entrance. Jungkook has other ideas however, because he pulls your hand away from him to secure it above your head.
You whine when he nudges his tip against your folds but leaves it at that. “Jungkook!”
“I know, fuck, I know. I just — you know this is not just about sex right?” His eyes lighten, brow smoothing out as he searches your yes.
You trace the seam of his lips with a sigh. “I do, but you can tell me everything over breakfast. Actual breakfast. Right now, I really want your dick inside of me, please.”
He smiles, capturing your lips as he presses closer. You feel him collect your wetness, teasing your clit with the tip of his cock. The anticipation gets to you and you fingers slide over his back to pull him closer. His chest brushes yours when he gently kisses down your neck.
The first breach of him stings, and you tighten your legs around his waist. It’s been so long, but it’s so good and you moan at the stretch of him filling you up slowly. You hiss at the delicious burn — Jungkook hears it and withdraws so quickly you yelp. “Hey!” you splutter, pulling him back to you.
“Was I hurting you?” His eyes are wide with concern.
You snicker. “You’re not that big Jungkook, get a grip.”
He whines. “I’m serious!”
“Silly,” you grin, kissing his cheek. “It was good. It’s just been a while, go slow hmm?”
He nods, pushing back in hesitantly. His eyes won’t leave yours, making sure that you’re feeling good. And boy are you feeling good. The way he stretches you is so delicious you can barely keep your eyes open. When his hips are flush with yours he moans, fingers of one hand tightening around your waist. His bottom lip is drawn between his teeth, brow furrowed in concentration.
“You feel so good,” you whisper hotly.
His cheeks heat up and you can’t help but find it endearing. He’s balls deep inside of you and he still manages to be cute and you love it. It’s uncharacteristically him and —
“Oh,” you gasp when he withdraws a little and pushes back in.
He feels so good, the press of his hips against yours every time he bottoms out. Your nails press into his shoulders, keening at the smooth slide of him inside of you. Jungkook moans, a sweet little sound he tries to hold in.
You touch his face, making his eyes snap up at you again. “I want to hear you,” you say.
“Fuck.” He shifts his legs under you. With a new-found goal he lifts one of your legs over his shoulder and he all but folds you in half as he slides even deeper. “God, you’re so tight.” His voice strains as he starts up again, a steady in and out that has you building up fast.
Jungkook keeps thrusting, making sure you feel his hips on yours every time. A tiny little pause to feel himself fully inside of you and it makes him reach so deep your toes curl.
“Faster,” you moan.
He picks up his pace, groaning into your skin as he does. You try to meet his thrusts. His chest vibrates with his moans, they’re delicious and beautiful and you can’t get enough of it — enough of him. The way he draws out and pushes back in has you clenching him tightly, especially when he grazes that spot inside of you. He lurches forward at the feeling.
“There,” you moan, “right there.” He zeroes in, pulling out all the way and slamming back in with so much force you scream his name. Your mouth falls open as he leans up and starts a punishing pace. He’s relentless now what you like, fingers scrambling to get a touch of your chest. A tweak of your nipple, a squeeze of your breast — he gets it all the while you’re coming apart around him.
“Tell me,” he groans after a particularly hard thrust. “When was the last time you were fucked properly.”
You whine, shaking your head. “Haven’t  — ah — so long — you’re doing so good — don’t stop.” Your sentences are broken with every thrust of him inside of you. Your tipping closer to the edge, yet not close enough. It’s been months since you’ve had anything and this is almost too much, you’re paralysed with pleasure.
He laps up your neck, supporting himself on one hand. “Nobody? For that long? Fuck, that’s why you’re so tight.” His words are muffled against the hot skin of your throat as he bites down and soothes the sting with his tongue.
“All I wanted was you.”
He snickers, pace not faltering as he kisses you again. It’s hot and open-mouthed and sloppy as his tongue seeks out yours. You’re overwhelmed with him. He seems to get deeper with every thrust, every sound he makes sending a shiver down your spine.
“I’m close,” he groans. “You?”
You suck the pads of your pointer and middle finger into your mouth — his eyes darken upon the sight. All you need is the slick slide of your own fingers against your clit, quick circles to get you on that edge. “Wanna feel you come,” you whine. “Please.”
Jungkook doesn’t stop, he pushes your leg even closer to your chest and watches you rub yourself as his dick disappears inside of you over and over again. Your stomach is tightening, walls clenching him in tightly.
His hips stutter, falling back over you as he comes undone with a deep groan. The feeling of him twitching against your walls is enough to give you that last push. You shudder apart around him, clenching down hard with eyes rolling back into your head. It seems to last forever as he holds you, gently rolling his hips to ride out his peak with you.
You’re both panting, still entangled as you come down. His hair sticks to his forehead, sweat dripping down his neck and your fingers slip on his skin. You’re stuck to the sheets, looking up at his ravished form as you feel him soften inside of you.
A foreign feeling erupts in your chest as he kisses you softly, just once. A small peck that makes you want to giggle with the overflow of feelings.
Jungkook pulls out carefully, and you know that you’re going to be sore tomorrow. He soothes your skin, rubbing your thigh before letting it down from over his shoulder. It’s so sweet, the way he looks at you and asks you if you’re okay.
You laugh at him, startling him a little. “To be blunt with you. I’ve never came that hard from sex and I want to do it again.”
He scrunches up his nose but blushes regardless. “Again?”
“Again.” You confirm with a yawn.
Jungkook discards the condom, pulling the soiled sheet from under you as you point him towards a clean one in your dresser. He drapes it over the both of you as he settles down beside your still numb form. You can’t believe he made you come so hard that you’re still seeing stars now.
You snuggle into his side despite the warmth of the early morning. “Your cheek’s going to bruise.”
“Worth it,” he grins. “We should’ve done this much sooner. “
“I agree.” You kiss the cusp of his shoulders, drawing tiny little patterns on his chest where his heart beats quickly.
Jungkook shifts, looking at you with hopeful eyes. “So?”
“What now?” He bites his lip.
You giggle as you realise his shyness. “Is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?”
A small kiss is pressed to the tip of your nose. “Maybe,” he whispers. “If you want to.”
“Well…” You trail a finger down his stomach. “Maybe I do.”
You lean up, kissing him firmly, just once. “Definitely.”
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© GguksGalaxy 2018-2020
Special thanks to: @lapysllazuly @jeonkookd @bubypjm @sunshineangelhobi 
Let me know if you guys liked it! <3
@mooniva @flowerymoonlight @lunyua @chimycthulhu @lilacdreams-00 @biblionerd @nininek12 @mrcleanheichou @pakovahayhuha @burgeoninggirl @faithsummers11 @angeltothecore @burntrain @ylevolretsnom01 @lachicayolo @cvbachacbitch @kxkth @d-noona @thethiathang Sorry to those who I couldn't tag <3
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Ashido Mina
a/n: so, here’s to the start of my event! sfw is above the cut, nsfw is below it! I’m having a lot of fun with these and I hope you all enjoy :D
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they with a s/o?)
Super affectionate with you. You need a hug, a kiss??? Mina will provide everything needed
B = Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)
Come out of nowhere and hug her from behind, or plan something super romantic and spontaneous, she’s such a romantic that the more cliche the better
C = Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Mina loves being the big spoon because she loves to bury her nose into your hair. She will cuddle with you whenever you please honesty
D = Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
She wants nothing more than to win a dancing competition with you, or at the very least join one with you
E = Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
A lot of effort, she’s the type to date intending on marrying who she’s marrying so, you better treat her right
F = Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
She will get a big blanket and roll you up and just hold you, you’re a burrito baby now
G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
she is the type to give you over the top things. think of jim’s present to pam during christmas before they got together… yeah, pretty intimate and intense but something you’ll love.
mina loves a gift in return and she especially loves gifts where she gets to do thinking’s with you!
H = Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
hugging all the time!!! she loves touching you!!!
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
a total romantic, everything she does for you is done with hearts in her eyes, and she has no issues with prodcasting such love
J = Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
while not one too typical to get jealous because she trusts in you, when she gets jealous know she gets touchy. like stand behind you with her mouth to your neck touchy.
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
minas kisses are super gentle and sweet, she’s not the best kisser but she’s so passionate about it that you forget. if you go a day without getting at least ten kisses from mina, something’s wrong
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
mina doesn’t know what to do when she figures out she loves you. it’s something she’s always imagined feeling but now that it’s real she can only gape like a fish. she’ll accidentally blurt it out before her 10 step plan to confess happens. she prefers to show it then say it.
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
she wants a full out reception party. she wants the biggest dance floor and the two of you to perform 194930 dances together.
N = Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
mina actually treasures dates where the two of you stay in! the both of you lead busy outside lives that intimate ones indoors resonate deeper within her heart
O = Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?)
there’s not much she wouldn’t do for you, but on the rarest of occasions she’ll let you touch her horns.
P =Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
super playful relationship! playing nerd gun fights in pjs at two in the morning! laughter is always echoing in the hallways with you two
Q = Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
she’ll always ask for opinions on things she’s unsure of and will ALWAYS give her own thoughts about it
R = Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
she is a very big on the spot person! not that she doesn’t plan things out, just successwise she has better on the spot events
S = Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
the two of you nap together more, especially during high school because you both are too nervous at getting caught in the others room overnight!
T = Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
trusts you completely. if she didn’t trust you, she wouldn’t have ever asked you out
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a s/o?)
how deeply she loves. your hobbies will become her hobbies. it doesn’t matter because mina loves dancing and you do it with her, so you best believe she will do whatever hobby you love the most!
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
being vulnerable with you is super hard for mina because she’s always just so hyper and cheery, that the first time she’s vulnerable it makes you worry because it’s super super scary to see her sad and horns wilting as if in response. it takes about three months for her to show you this side.
W = Wild Card (Get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice)
mina loves comparing her hand size with you. whether they’re bigger or smaller than hers, she’s just fascinated by your hands she can’t help but stare and compare.
X = X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
suddenly number 18 in the class is outperforming number 1 in the class. she becomes instant health genius as she does anything to make you feel better
“mina is just a paper cut!”
“if we make it a slightly deeper cut you won’t feel the stinging pain anymore!”
Y = Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
constant negativity. like the yucky kind that drains the fun from everything. she hates that in a s/o so much. like there’s a difference between that and being a pessimist and she sees and understands that.
Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
she wants and LIKES THE PASSION OKAY?! give mina her ideal love 2k19
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Mina lays there breathing for a full 5 minutes
She is always overwhelmed post sex, just give her a minute
While not the best at cleaning up, she lowkey loves just laying in your guys mess, she will always cuddle and hold you.
Lots of pillow talk
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On herself, mina prides herself on her arms and legs, she’s extremely proud of her natural strength
Mina is a useless boobs gal. 
dangle them in her fucking face p U H L E A S E
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Mina fucking loves it when she can get herself to squirt
Like one you guys figure out how to make her squirt it’s going to happen every time y’all fuck cuz it sorta reminds her of her quirk
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Has definitely masturbated to an innocuous picture of you when the two of you went months without seeing each other
never masturbated until the two of you got together tbh
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Is not experienced at all prior to you! Mina is a romantic with a terrible streak prior to you, but she is a fluid person so she nails everything in the bed fast
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Favorite position is kneeling. She gets to hold you tight and full access to your boobs.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Definitely, the lover who goes from super romantic and intimate sex to can barely take this seriously love making
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Always groomed. The second she knew she was gonna fuck you she got that shit waxed. She has a heart strip though, and yes, her pubes are curly and pink
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Sex with mina is very very intimate, even if its in a joking matter. She truly cherishes everything about you and will always try making your sex life as amazing as possible
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Loves masturbating together. Like loves it so much. She loves watching you please yourself while she… ahem… assists you with some toys
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Hair-pulling: she loves having her hair pulled and the feeling of fingers knotting into her curls, degradation: she loves calling you impolite names because of the way you react, roleplaying: LOVES DRESSING UP AND CREATING A NEW PERSONALITY OKAY
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
By far her most favorite place to have sex is in the backseat of a car. It’s risky and hot. She’s addicted.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Physical reactions. Moan for her, move your body and praise what shes doing for you. Also when you wear that one big t-shirt with your hottest lingerie underneath and give her a lap dance
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Loves giving more. Only on special occasions does she like having the attention on her, but for the most part, she will spoil you
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
All depends on her mood! She genuinely loves going fast and rough, but on anniversary nights, she enjoys slow and sensual paces
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Is definitely down to have a quickie, she thinks it’s hot, but only once every 2 years. She just enjoys being able to hear you scream as loudly as she can make you scream.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Very experimental! The two of you have designated days for trying out new things just because you’re never too sure
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Mina actually comes really fast, it’s a big reason as to why she prefers focusing on you! But she has good stamina and can last to three full and kinky rounds.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Toys are a must.
Vibrators, dildos, strap on, anal beads.
You think of one, you two own it.
They are very used and will go interchangeably, but are more often used on you
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not that big of a tease actually. Like she may abuse vibrator rights, but it’s not in a teasing way! More like a “i’m trying to make you squirt” way
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
She’s very loud in bed!
Moaning, whining, mewling, and sometimes even begging
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
The first time the two of you had sex, mina came twice in under two minutes. Once because of how your breasts felt rubbing against hers and when you pressed your soaked cunt against her own
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those shirts and pants, picture or words)
Mina is a blessed girl with round perky breasts, probably a dd-cup. her right one is actually bigger surprisingly! And she has inverted nipples. She has larger than average labia
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Went from sorta there to we fuck at minimum five times a week.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Takes her forever to fall asleep, will be awake long after you pass out
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nick-1432 · 4 years
 REQUESTED BY : @be-patient-be-good  since your doing Twilight can I get a Jacob x reader where shes dating Jacob but gets jealous of Bella when she arrives to Forks pls
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You moved  to forks four years ago with your parents. It was the best thing that happened to you cuz this is where you met your boyfriend Jacob black. You and Jacob have  been dating for almost two years now before that you were best friends , he was your first friend in Forks, you had first met him at Carver’s cafe where he  accidentally dropped his coke on you. That was your first meeting with him . He felt bad about it and apologized and asked you to allow him to make it up to you by buying you a new t-shirt and showing you around. You agreed , i mean honestly can you resist the raven haired, brown eyed handsome.😜 He showed you around and after that you guys became good friends , even though you went to different schools you still kept in contact and you had developed feelings for Jacob  6 months after.
 But you were  afraid that he didn’t feel the same way so you said nothing . What you didn’t know was that Jacob had imprinted on you and he fell for you the moment he met you. You didn’t know that he was a werewolf but one night he came to your room and told you all about himself and that he had imprinted on you . You  didn’t say anything as you were shocked at first but eventually came to terms with the fact that your best friend and your crush was a werewolf and that you were  kinda his soulmate👀.But Jacob thought he had scared you and was about to go when you suddenly took his face in your hands and kissed him , he was stunned at first but after registering what is happening he kissed you back . And that’s how you became his girlfriend . 
You supported him through thick and thin and when the Cullens came to town ,you became best friends with Alice and Edward , even Rosalie liked you.One day you and Alice were hanging out at your place when suddenly Jacob came there and he told you stay away from the Cullens which was shocking as he never said anything about your friends. That’s how you came to know that Alice and Jacob are sworn enemies as Alice and her family are vampires. But for your sake Jake and The Cullens tried to co-exist as you were not ready to loose either of the two.  Billy adored you cuz you motivated Jacob to be a better person and he was happy that his little boy had found such an amazing girl. The pack loved you as you kept them in check and made delicious food. You were closest to Seth and Leah , though at first Leah didn’t like you as she thought you were not good enough for Jacob but as she got to know you ,she saw how much you loved Jacob , so she approved you , but you two got even more close after you helped her through the whole Sam and Emily thing , you took care of her and made her believe that she will find her soulmate soon. since Jacob was the alpha so the whole pack called you the mate , you didn’t understood what they meant and when you asked Jacob about it, you were left flustered when Jacob told you that  the alpha’s mate carries the next alpha, you and Jacob had never done anything beyond kisses and some intense make outs😜😍 . Everything was going great . You were a straight A student in school, you were loved by your family and they approved of yours and Jacob’s relationship. Not to forget you had an amazing and loving boyfriend who was an alpha werewolf 😉and your best friends were vampires.
 You were happy but your happiness was gone   when  ISABELLA SWAN came to town , she was the daughter of Police Chief Charlie Swan. she had moved here from phoenix, she had pale skin and long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes.Everyone was intrigued by this new girl who joined your high school mid session. Jacob told you that she was his childhood best friend and he was very excited to meet her after 12 years . So he dragged you with him to meet his childhood best friend , you were happy to meet her and had thought that you two can become great friends but you were wrong!  
Since you two were going to be in the same class so Jake thought that you’d be the best person to show  her around and you happily obliged. You picked Bella from her home on the first day of school and helped her get to class and introduced her to your friends . You noticed that Edward was attracted to Bella , so you even helped those two get together and everything was going fine until the day James attacked Bella and Edward and the Cullens left town thinking it’s the best way to keep Bella safe. You were sad as you had lost your best friends, though Alice kept contact with you but Edward left without even saying goodbye, you had decided that if ever Edward decided to come back you are gonna kill him 👀. This affected Bella the most as she was devastated and heartbroken and Jake had found her in the middle of the woods. Bella was depressed and Charlie was worried for his little girl so he asked you and Jake to help Bella , and being the good person  that you are, you happily obliged . You and Jake did everything to uplift Bella ‘s mood. You two started spending all your free time with her as a result you and Jacob got almost no time together but you were okay with it cuz Bella needed you . You understood her pain . With time Bella got better and she started going out , you couldn’t help but notice that she was trying to get close to Jake and first you thought you were overthinking as they are childhood friends and Bella knows that Jake’s with you .
 But one day when you , Jake , Bella and the whole pack were hanging out at La push , you were cuddled up against Jake , happy to find a moment alone with him when suddenly Bella came to Jacob and asked him to go for a walk with him,you offered all three of you can go but she insisted on going alone with Jake, before Jake could respond she pulled him up and took him with her, you found that very odd and decided to ignore it . But after that incident at la Push , Bella kept pulling up such stunts like when she was supposed to hang out with you , she’d bail and then her frequents visits to Sam’s house , she even started hanging out with the pack more. You tried your best not to give it much thought but Jacob was spending more time with Bella , you two almost never hung out anymore cuz whenever you made a plan , Bella needed Jacob . So you got no time with Jacob , you hadn’t kissed him , hadn’t felt his touch , you were frustrated and mad..
This went on for a few weeks but what really made you loose your temper was on your dad’s promotion when Jacob was supposed to come to your home for a dinner with your family, Bella also tagged along , you were beyond mad and  though you didn’t say anything at the dinner cuz you didn’t want to ruin your dad’s day . You were more jealous than being mad , you were jealous that your boyfriend who called you his soulmate was giving all his attention to the whore who was trying to steal him from you. While you were taking out the dessert from the fridge you felt a pair of arms holding you from behind, you knew it was jacob but you pushed him away and told him to let you do your work. Jacob found it very odd cuz he had missed you! as much as you had missed him probably even more , and he was not naive he knew something was bothering you and he also noticed the death glare you were giving  him and Bella when you thought he wasn’t looking. He decided to ask you about it later. Dinner ended and everybody left except Jacob and Bella cuz Jake was supposed to drop her home. 
Jake came to kiss you goodnight but you turned your head away saying you were too tired .  He left without saying a word..And you went into your room and went to get ready for bed , you were about to fall asleep when suddenly your phone rang , Jake was calling you but you were in no mood to pick up so you switched off your phone and tried to go back to sleep but your mind kept wandering off to him and Bella , you decided since Jake doesn’t have time for you so , you would ignore him .  The next day you had no school as winter break had started and you woke up and switched on your phone , you had 18 missed calls and 24 voice messages and 34 text messages from Jacob , you ignored all of them and went downstairs to have breakfast.You went to La Push beach afterwards and you were lying on the sand enjoying the sun when suddenly you sunlight was blocked and you looked up to see JACOB BLACK , the last person you wanted to see hovering over you. You huffed in annoyance and quickly grabbed your stuff and tried to leave but Jake blocked you , you stood there looking everywhere but in his direction. He asked you what’s wrong ? and you snapped , You said why do you care? Don’t you have to go save your damsel in distress? . He was shocked at first but then realized you were talking about Bella , he said she’s not my damsel in distress , she is my best friend and i am just trying to help her. You shouted at him and said that you are not dumb , you can clearly see that she’s not just his best friend . He was confused and asked what do you mean ? you told him that can’t he see what Bella is trying to do? , she stole him from you . At this point tears were streaming down your eyes and you told Jacob that you love him and it hurts to see that he doesn’t feel the same way , you even said that the whole him  imprinting on you thing was a lie . and that you’re pretty sure he loves Bella . You turned around to leave but before you could leave you felt Jake smashing his lips into yours. You kissed him back
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The kiss was full of passion and  it felt magical to feel his lips on yours. You pulled away panting and Jacob took your face in his hands and looked at you in the eye and said : I LOVE YOU AND ONLY YOU Y/N . YOU HAVE MY HEART AND I AM SORRY WE COULDN’T SPEND TIME TOGETHER BUT I PROMISE TO MAKE IT UP TO YOU! You pulled him in for another kiss and after pulling away you apologized for letting jealousy get the best of you , he said he has eyes only for you and that he was well aware of  Bella’s advances but he was only helping her because of charlie’s and billy’s friendship. 
You two decided to spend the rest of the day at your house cuddling and making up for lost time . you fell asleep on him knowing that you were the luckiest girl in the world.
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fandomn00blr · 3 years
6, 13 and 18 from OTP ask! For stroughain(off?) merribela and fenhanders
Ok, phew! Thank you for indulging me...I cherish these three ships so much!!!
I'll start with fenhanders (my most established OT3 🥰)
6. What things have tested their relationship over the years?
The biggest test for these three was that Anders died...and then he didn't...
Let me explain! This is an AU where Anders supposedly dies in the Chantry explosion and Hawke and Fenris get together afterwards in their shared grief over him, but then Anders comes back (it's magic!) and...that's really hard for Hawke to deal with (Fenris is surprisingly cool with it). Then there's also the fact that Anders comes back to find his love married to someone he thought hated him, raising twins that may or may not be his. And the world is like, completely different from how he remembers it (he comes back during Inquisition, in a very Mage Rights! world state). They figure it out...eventually.
13. How do they deal with a long stretch of time apart?
There's three of them, so two of them are usually still together, which makes the third especially resentful if they've gotta be somewhere alone. Unless it's Hawke. She values her alone time. Fenris does alright, though he worries. And Anders is a complete mess when left to his own devices. If they have the kids or the dog or cat with them, that helps. And Merrill and Isabela pop in from time to time, too. Hawke will mostly just lay around and do nothing and bask in the glory of a quiet house and a bed to herself. Anders will hoard elfroot or go through everyone's things and IDK smell them or lay in them or something and Fenris builds things/starts new projects around the house/farm.
18. What are the little things they do each day to show the other they care? – either consciously or subconsciously
Acts of service!!! Fenris cooks for his family (they're supposed to take turns, but he ends up having to rescue both Hawke and Anders more often than not in the kitchen), Anders often ends up entertaining the children when the other two need a break, and Hawke cleans up...begrudgingly. They are also very affectionate. Hawke and Anders have always been very touchy and grabby, and it takes Fenris some time to get used to this, of course, but he is very good at sneaking in hand-squeezes and cheek-kisses to show his appreciation of his partners.
And merribela *happy sigh*...
6. What things have tested their relationship over the years?
Really just boring things. Isabela being a pirate, Merrill getting seasick. Isabela being worried that if she said “I love you” out loud, Merrill would suddenly and for absolutely no reason, just decide she’s boring and no longer have any interest in her. Merrill worrying she could never be enough for someone as generous and beautiful and lively as Isabela. Y’know...just the normal things.
13. How do they deal with a long stretch of time apart?
Because of Merrill’s sea-sickness, she does not go with Isabela on most of her pirate adventures, but she keeps busy serving as the unofficial Keeper of the Kirkwall Alienage (people just started calling her Keeper and she gave up on correcting them). Isabela misses her dearly every time and can’t wait to get back to their little apartment and kick her boots off and nest with her.
18. What are the little things they do each day to show the other they care? – either consciously or subconsciously
Merrill leaves Isabela little gifts, almost subconsciously, all over the place (because she often forgets where she puts them before formally giving them to her). Little notes in the morning with snippets of poetry (Merrill just calls them ‘heart words’), snacks, flowers, things she sees that remind her of something significant (in a very Merrill way...like a rock with shiny flecks in it that she says remind her of Isabela’s freckles or something).
Isabela tries to spend as much time as she can with Merrill whenever she is in port. If she had her way, they’d just spend the entire time at home, snuggled up together, but alas, Merrill often has a long list of things she’s been meaning to get to, and Isabela is delighted to tag along and watch her busy little girlfriend in her element.
And lastly, stroghainoff...
(yes, it's a silly play on stroganoff...cuz there's a thing with deep mushrooms and bronto “beef” with these two...it's a long story...well, actually, it’s only five chapters and a couple of spin-off ficlets at this poiint, but...)
I answered 6 for these two here...
13. How do they deal with a long stretch of time apart?
It is very rare that they have to. Stroud ‘drags’ Loghain along on most of his Warden business (Loghain pretends he doesn’t want to go, but he would be sad if Stroud didn’t take him along on every mission), because he ‘values his opinion’ (he really does! Loghain was the friggin’ Commander of the Fereldan Army, after all) as his ‘Warden-Surveyor’ which is a title he made up after they first had sex during a cave-in and Loghain thought they were gonna die. So...to answer that question...ummmm...they don’t. And if they had to, I imagine they’d both be insufferable in their own ways. Loghain would be even grumpier and annoying, and Stroud would probably just worry incessantly that Loghain was cold or sad or something.
18. What are the little things they do each day to show the other they care? – either consciously or subconsciously
Loghain packs them both lunch and brings it to him in his office, or, if he can step away, somewhere nice and quiet outside of the Keep. Stroud is very affectionate, and gives lots of back rubs and shoulder squeezes and stuff. He also lets Loghain bitch to him about...well, everything, during their “quiet evening time”...lol.
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