#is god tormenting me with his voice for not watching that movie???
jujutsusimp · 18 days
More than a weapon
🌸Gojo notices some change in his body due to his domesticated life with you and you love it.
Truly this is just a some self indulging fluff and cheesy romance but I needed it.
Content: Gojo x fem!reader, fluff, Gojo being insecure
“I really let myself go huh?”
You peek your head out of the book you are reading on the bed, watching Satoru look himself in the bedroom mirror, pinching a tiny bit of belly fat on his lower abdomen. This man is still carved like a Greek god, but finally, he has something more than muscles and skin.
“I will need to work on that,"  he muses absentmindedly, which makes you frown and answer instinctively: “Don’t you fucking dare.”
He raises an amused eyebrow at your intense declaration, looking at you with a teasing smile. “You like this, Babe?”, he demands with a chuckle while you let go of your book, getting up to embrace him. He doesn’t resist when you wrap your arms around him, burying your head in his chest.
"Yes, I do”, you state firmly with a pout, tightening your grip almost protectively.
“Yeah?”, he insists with a smile in his voice while he gently pets your hair.
“Yes…”, you assert, inhaling his scent, his odor is still discernible despite the flowery perfume of your soap. He always washes with your soap, and you love that. “I am working very hard for this, you know...”
He laughs, and you feel his chest vibrating against your face. “Are you trying to fatten me, my love?”, he says with a teasing voice.
“Not particularly”, you answer softly, feeling some kind of happy melancholia, “but this little belly, it’s proof of all the time you stayed hugging me on the bed instead of exercising...”, you start, peppering his rock hard abs with kisses. “… of all the time you stayed watching a movie with me instead of babysitting the whole sorcery world…” In your eyes, his body being slightly more relaxed is proof of your years of domesticated life together, and you cherish it.
You breathe deeply, digging a bit more your fingers in his back, noticing his hands had stopped petting you. In fact, he is really quiet, which is abnormal for him, and you raise your head to look at him. He appears so vulnerable right now that you feel your heart drop.
“I am allowed?”, his voice is barely a whisper, carrying so much emotions. So much fragility. You wished you had the strength to hug him harder. You wish you weren’t so small and you could shield him in your arms like he does with you. “Yes, yes you are, my love, of course you are. You are allowed to live for yourself… to let yourself go”, you affirm, echoing his first words.
“There are a lot of people counting on me, you know…”
You pout at his protestation, finally letting go of his torso to grab his cheeks. “I know, I am not telling you to stop saving the world, just that your whole life doesn’t have to revolve around your work.”
He seems deep in thought, hesitant, and you cut all further protestation by getting on your toes to plant a kiss on his face, until he is the one lifting you so he can kiss you back, loosing himself on your lips with a tranquil passion. There is no hurry in this kiss, just prolonged contact and devoted tenderness until he withdraws his head to contemplate you, his hands still grabbing you by the waist and upper thighs. There is so much love in those blue eyes, but also some doubts lingering.
“What are you worrying about, love?”, you ask softly, knowing he is still tormented. He looks confused, mumbling a bit as he thinks about it seriously for a moment. You don’t press him, caressing his hair gently in a soothing motion. Only an indecent amount of patience and love can make a man like him voice his insecurities.
“Useless… I don’t want to become useless.”, he finally admits lifting you a bit higher so he can bury his face on your chest and hide how troubled he looks right now.
He didn’t say powerless, or weak. He said “useless”. You contemplate his words for a second before kissing the top of his head affectionately. You still have a lot of work to do.
“You are not a weapon Satoru Gojo, you are a person, my lover, an incredible teacher, and a funny and passionate man. You don’t have to be useful, you have so much more to bring to the world than muscles and powers.”
You feel his grip tightening a bit on your body, almost painfully, but you don’t mind, closing your eyes while you dig your fingers into his hair.
“I don’t care if you don’t believe me yet, I will just repeat it until you know you are enough, you are wanted, you are loved strongest or not.” You hammered with an unwavering voice, holding all your stubborness for things that truly matter.
“Alright, alright”, he finally relents, his emotions vibrating in his voice but coated with sweetness. You look down at him, watching him lift his eyes out of your chest. “I believe you”
You smile proudly, borrowing his signature cocky smirk, which makes him smile fondly in return. Still holding you with one hand, he removes a strand of hair from your face, gazing at you with love. “I guess as long as I am strong enough to do that, it’s okay.”
You lift an eyebrow at his mischievous grin forming behind the tenderness. “Do what?”
Before you finish your sentence, he is making you twirl in the air into his arms, and you gasp, clinging at his hair to not fall with a delighted chuckle he soon echoes.
Yes, it was more than enough.
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space-mango-company · 3 months
Stranger | Chapter 2
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Chapter Links: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
TW: Descriptions of Violence, Mentions of Cannibalism
Tags: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Atreides!Reader, Arranged Marriage, Eventual Smut (still not in this chapter lmao), No use of y/n, Original Characters, Canon what canon
Word Count: 2k
A/N: So... this was posted prematurely a couple hours ago. This is the actual finished longer version. If you don't know what I'm talking about, thank god. Sorry this took so long, lmao
Just letting you guys know that my knowledge of the lore is purely based off of the movies and the Dune wiki rabbit hole I fell into right after watching part two. I also took a few liberties with the canon here.
I'm super open to constructive criticism, or any criticism at all (feel free to absolutely roast me). Like I mentioned, I've never written fanfic before so I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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The evening of your first day in Giedi Prime was celebrated with a banquet where you were introduced to the most important people on the planet. You've heard many stories of the ruthlessness and brutality of the Harkonnens, hence surprised by the courtly welcome during the dinner. Although you did your best to politely ignore the Baron who floated at the head of the table being fed by servants.
You were sat beside his nephew who, despite your mother's education, has evaded your insight. You couldn't quite get a read on him.
Feyd-Rautha whispers to you amid the buzzing conversations of the banquet hall, "are you enjoying the food, little hawk?"
You shoot him a questioning look.
"I like your hairpin," he sneers.
You resist from reaching to touch the Atreides symbol affixed in your hair.
"We don't see such ornaments often here." He quietly laughs in his devilish way, only too amused with himself.
Ah, you realize. He means to torment you.
"Seems early for pet names," you say, picking at your plate, "we've only just met."
"Oh, and yet we are to be wed in less than a week's time," his raspy voice rings in your ear, "I should like to be familiar with my future wife, Lady Atreides."
The marriage pact had been signed when you were only a little girl. Inheriting your father's inclinations, you swore you would uphold your duty, undeterred by the gruesome and abhorrent stories about the Harkonnens—because you knew that centuries of conflict could end within a generation with this union. You were a willing bride.
And yet.
You give him a smile that, to those not privy to your conversation, would seem genuine, "You know nothing of me, na-Baron."
"I should like to learn," you doubt his sincerity but care not enough to discern it. He takes a smug bite of a forkful of meat, "perhaps tomorrow, you shall learn something of me."
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The following morning Iassa helps you into another black gown, this time with a veil in anticipation of the black sun.
"Is it not dangerous for Feyd-Rautha to wager his life for a show?" you question.
"The na-Baron is a skilled fighter, my lady. He will emerge victorious," Iassa is straight-faced as she drapes the veil over you.
"Yes, I do not doubt it, but given he is the Baron's heir. Does it not seem a touch irresponsible to even risk it at all."
Not that you actually cared for his life, you just expected that the Harkonnens would be concerned with the preservation of their house regardless of their brutality. You recall your grandfather who got himself killed fighting bulls for sport.
"The na-Baron will be fighting war prisoners. They will be drugged beforehand. It is perfectly safe, my lady."
"Oh." You couldn't decide if you were disappointed or not, "I see."
Iassa seemed intent on dropping the subject, so you do.
You stand before a mirror and take a look at yourself. It is impossible not to be reminded of your mother. She was never one for vanity, but you like to think there was a part of her that always enjoyed the elegant dresses she and you 'had' to wear. You allow yourself a somber smile behind your veil.
"You look beautiful, my lady," Iassa curtsies.
"Thank you," you look at her bowed figure, gray robes made more dull by the stark black choker on her neck. You were sure she was at least 2 standard years younger than you are and it had only been a few months since you came of age. You wondered if she liked pretty dresses too.
Before you can ask her, there is a knock at your door.
The house steward, Jaromir, clears his throat when Iassa opens it for you, "The na-Baron requests your presence before he enters the arena."
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Heavy doors open for you in one of the chambers beneath the arena. You are greeted by the sight of a half-dressed Feyd-Rautha being helped into his armor by a servant.
"Lady Atreides," he looks you up and down, "I hope you slept well."
You bow your head in acknowledgment.
"Your knives, master," a large man whom you assume to be the bladesmith presents Feyd-Rautha with two daggers.
The young Harkonnen takes one and caresses the blade with his fingers.
"I've come to wish the brave na-Baron well before his fight in the arena," you say in false earnestness.
He smiles at your inflation of his ego.
"Though I must say, I am relieved it is all for show. I would not like to see my groom wounded before we are wed."
"For show?" Feyd-Rautha tilts his head and you see his arrogant facade show the slightest crack.
"Yes, I've heard your opponents will be drugged will they not?" your voice dripping with innocence, "to ensure your safety, of course."
His grip on the dagger tightens, "and where did you hear this exactly?"
You sense the awkwardness and tension in the servants. The one who had helped don Feyd-Rautha's armor has quietly retreated to the far side of the chamber. There is a subtle tremble in the hands of one holding a plate of towels. You finally notice the three women piled upon a raised platform glaring at you.
"Just voices around the fortress," you shrug.
A deep breath recovers Feyd-Rautha's smug expression. "Call for the warden," he orders one of the guards by the door, "tell him to prepare new prisoners. Sober ones."
"My lord, you need not endanger yourself," you feign worry.
"Nonsense." The na-Baron walks closer to tower over you, "My lady bride deserves to see my true prowess."
He sees through your challenge, but you don't care. Seeing his self-satisfied smirk wiped from his face for even just a second was worth it.
"Besides," he turns away from you to inspect the second knife, "my darlings enjoy meat that's fought for its life."
The three women sneer at this and you see their sharp teeth as they hiss amongst themselves.
You've heard of Feyd-Rautha's concubines long before you arrived on Giedi Prime. Tales of their taste for human flesh were one of the things that tested your resolve in fulfilling the marriage pact. You didn't mind that the na-Baron would keep other women. It would result in less of his attentions on yourself, you figured. It was their perverse appetite that nauseated you.
A look of revulsion hides behind your veil which you sense they would be all too happy to rip to shreds.
"I will see you in the stands, little hawk," Feyd-Rautha whispers to you as he waves for a guard to escort you out.
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You do your best to drown out the noise of what seemed to be a countless audience that came to see the na-Baron fight. You could understand now why they uphold such brutal traditions. The people are so excited for it.
On the other side of the arena, you sense Vladimir Harkonnen watching you from the Baron's Box that towered over the whole arena. The blazing sun only helps you avoid looking in his direction. You were sat at a viewing box, still for nobility and separated from the masses, but much lower and closer to the sands of the arena. Jaromir had told you that you were to 'give the na-Baron your favor'.
Before long, the master of ceremonies announces Feyd-Rautha's entrance in Giedi Prime Speech. They are celebrating his betrothal to you and the union of Harkonnen and Atreides, you translate in your head. You wonder if the people care for the politics of the Great Houses. They seemed no less excited to cheer at your name despite the centuries-old blood feud.
Massive doors open as the na-Baron walks into the arena. His arms outstretched holding his knives like an extension of his limbs. He riles up the crowd as he walks towards the Baron's Box and kneels to his uncle. He then rises and walks toward you, smirking under the stark light of the black sun.
You may not fear earning the Harkonnens' contempt, but you were the Duke of Caladan's daughter and you knew that the favor of the people was invaluable.
You stand and walk to the edge of the viewing box. The glowing smile you reveal as you lift your veil draws cheers from the crowd that rival what Feyd-Rautha received. You produce a pure white handkerchief from your dress pocket and make a show of kissing it and waving the cloth at the buzzing crowd. You throw it off the edge and it floats toward the na-Baron who had moved both daggers to one hand to catch it. He looks up at you with what you think could be the seeds of respect and tucks the cloth into the tight armband around his right bicep.
He turns back to the audience and raises his knives in a war cry. The crowd explodes in guttural cheers and applause. Feyd-Rautha takes his position in the middle of the arena as his first opponent is released into the white sands.
You've heard of the Harkonnen heir's aptitude in single combat. It's time to see if the stories were true or if it was just another part of their menacing facade.
You were handed a pair of spyglasses to observe with. The two fighters approach each other, the prisoner wielding a knife of his own. Feyd-Rautha holds a taunting stance. The prisoner was sober, you were sure, but even without the spyglasses, you could see he was weak. You surmised the Harkonnen cells weren't very hospitable. He attempts a swipe but the na-Baron parries with ease. Another and the na-Baron dodges. Zooming in, you could see Feyd-Rautha's twisted amusement. He was toying with the poor man—and the people loved it.
The crowds cheered at the clashing of metal, thundering when the na-Baron drew first blood by slashig his opponent's arm. It wasn't long before Feyd-Rautha's dagger had impaled the prisoner's heart. There was no pause before a second prisoner was brought out to meet a similar fate.
Feyd-Rautha stood unwounded, seething with exhilaration. He enjoyed this; the thrill of killing. He basked in the roar of the crowd. You had never ended a life before, but some deep part of you could almost understand how he felt in that moment.
A third prisoner enters the arena. He looked older than the first two, bearded and taller. He reminded you of Gurney Halleck, the Atreides Warmaster. This man certainly wasn't at his prime but you could tell he would not go down as easily as the first two.
The warrior holds his blade out in a firm fighting stance, refusing to make the first move. You notice picadors in black suits have entered the arena, circling the na-Baron and his opponent. Feyd-Rautha lunges at the prisoner and a quick series of parries from both sides occur. You see the finesse in the na-Baron's movement. He recognizes his opponent's skill and he is taking this one seriously. You were not sure what you expected of the Harkonnen's fighting style but Feyd-Rautha was vicious but precise. The crowd gasps when the prisoner disarms one of the na-Baron's knives. The warrior manages to get a grip on Feyd-Rautha's armed hand and aims to pierce the na-Baron's neck with his blade. The na-Baron struggled against his hold and the arid air was thick with anticipation.
You were unsure what outcome you desired as you stared through your spyglass. Perhaps this warrior kills your betrothed. What then? Would you really be able to go back to Caladan's windy cliffs again? Return to the arms of your mother as if it were all a bad dream? You wonder if when Feyd-Rautha becomes baron, and you his baroness, could you convince him to let you see your family.
The warrior's blade was dangerously close to your future husband's throat when one of the picadors lashes at the warrior. The na-Baron growls at the offending picador as the warrior is weakened. Feyd-Rautha pushes him off and allows him a moment to recover, taunting him to try again. Blades clash once more and after a sequence of quick ferocious movements, Feyd-Rautha's blade slashes the warrior's throat. Blood made black by the infrared of the sun splatters onto the na-Baron. He licks the darkness that landed on his lips. Heaving, he takes your bloodied handkerchief off his armband and raises it to you and the roaring crowd.
You did not even realize you were already standing, breathless at the sight.
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Chapter Links: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Taglist: @torchbearerkyle @austinswhitewolf @dreamlandcreations @emeraldsgirl @strawberryfieldsforevermore
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wroteclassicaly · 1 year
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Here’s some Steve for you Midwest bestie 🥰 oh no hopefully this doesn’t make you want to write anymore smutty blurbs :( hehehe
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You tryna turn me into an even bigger slut for this man and his Midwest Monster? I am here for it! Listen, a bitch got a little carried away, btw… this turned into a whole ass fic with a few surprises… ;) I listened to Kenny G’s Christmas album whilst writing parts of this, because we fuck with that dude in this house!
Sorry this took so long! It’s unedited and I hope it’s okay? It kind of developed a mind of its own… 😂
Warnings: Language, smut, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, slight masturbation, breeding kink, & tooth rotting fluff.
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Steve Harrington never paid much attention to you… It was always your bestfriend’s new frosted manicure, or if your other friend got her hair done. He noticed. He paid compliments.
But if you tried a new lipstick outside of your comfort zone he wouldn’t even give you anything but a company line and a mere glance, checking out your movies with a precise ease, saving that witty charm for your friend. If you ever went into the Family Video it had always been with friends, never really a reason to go solo. ‘Chicken shit. You don’t get his attention because you can’t handle it. One of the girls is always with you, babes.’ Your bestie’s voice rang in through your ears, tormenting you since she’d finally said it days ago.
Your visits with your friends had shortened in the amount of days, your trying to seek out Steve’s attention dwindling. Why bother if he doesn’t care, and he doesn’t… At least, that’s what you convinced yourself—all the way through your argument of going to get the videos at the store tonight instead of your parents. They were preparing for a party, you weren’t busy. It was a no brainer, according to your dad and logic. But you didn’t want to see him tonight.
You lost the battle, however, and forged your way into praying he was somewhere nursing a hot toddy instead of rewinding new releases tonight. As you pull up to candy colored, light draped strip Mall—you already know you’re screwed.
There is no such luck. You can see him behind the counter through the labeling on the glass door. God, he looks good. You sigh and push the door open, cringing as the bell dings. He spares a look as any employee would. You don’t give him the same courtesy, instead heading directly to the specially decorated rack of holiday films and picking out the tapes.
There is no such luck. You can see him behind the counter through the labeling on the glass door. God, he looks good. You sigh and push the door open, cringing as the bell dings. He spares a look as any employee would. You don’t give him the same courtesy, instead heading directly to the specially decorated rack of holiday films and picking out the tapes.
Your heartbeat is throbbing painfully beneath the silk of your evening dress, making you adjust your soft overcoat and inhale a few deep breaths to coax you to the front counter. You slide your tapes onto the green surface and flash him a friendly smile, wishing he didn’t speak to you and steal your attempts at making this quick and painless. You want to crawl in the deepest pits of hell for the sins you imagine committing on the spot. He’s wearing a pair of light wash Levi’s, his signature belt snapped close to hold the fabric nice and tight. He’s wearing a fuzzy cream colored sweater that’s rolled above his his elbows, showcasing his watch, his hair in a slight disarray from his daily shift, and… your jaw about drops when you notice something new.
Peeking out from the sweater’s collar is a thin gold chain around his neck. Your tongue clicks to the roof of your mouth and you inhale sharply—another mistake. His cologne enriches your senses and smacks you in the face. And you wonder if the fucker has some he sprays on during his breaks, keeping it in his car, because how the fuck is it so present at this time of night? You can’t stop yourself when you shift, the silk sliding between your legs, your hosiery adding extra friction.
“You and the girls doing some downtime tonight?”
You’ve forgotten his voice has an even harsher effect on your body when he looks like he needs to be fucked thoroughly. Preferably… by you.
“Huh?” He’s grinning at you, as if there’s something he’s aware of that you’re not and never have been.
He starts to scan the tapes with one hand, the other drumming on the remaining few. What you wouldn’t give to have those fingers—
“I mean, you don’t normally go for this kind of cheesy stuff, right?”
“Oh. I mean, no, it’s for the party tonight. Besides, what’s wrong with the classics?” You shock yourself with your bold little defense.
It’s no big deal. He’s almost done scanning, just go when he finishes.
“Take no offense, Y/N, I just meant that it sounds like a tame party for you and your friends. Am I wrong about that?”
You can’t help but to laugh. “It’s a family party. You know, families and pleasantries exchanged, old dudes making jokes, enough food to send everyone home with leftovers and make my mom bitch about all the clean up left to do, like she doesn’t keep hosting these every single year.”
“Ah, the festively annual wine and dine shindig of adulthood. My folks used to have many.”
You take note of the used to, remembering how Steve’s parents haven’t been around to even hang a set of lights or send out stamped holiday cards. He’s also working on a night when everyone else you know that is employed here — isn’t. A protectiveness bubbles inside of your chest, piling metaphorical ice and snow a top your former irritation with him. It’s not his fault if he isn’t into you like that, even if it really stings. You’re pursing your lips, pausing, taking the five dollar bill your mom had given you from your handbag and sliding it across the desk where his fingers meet too quickly and brush over yours.
Neither of you move, which has you feeling the goosebumps prickling your flesh, your coat suddenly too hot. Steve looks at you, and for the first time you feel like he’s caring enough to see. His fingers curl around yours, his milky white teeth bared in the cutest little grin. He licks his lips and the action is taken into your labored breathing, his hand flipping yours to draw small shapes into your palm, keeping you here in a comfortable silence…? You both hear it loudly over the intercom, a well known Christmas tune played with a smooth blend of saxophone.
You engage in simultaneous laughter, overwhelmed by the atmosphere provided for the situation. It breaks the hold he momentarily has, your hand slipping from his. That warmth settles in your belly, your voice quieter. You tuck your movies underneath your arm, meeting his puppy eyes gaze. Those fucking freckles and moles are going to undo you.
“The party starts in an hour… if you wanna swing by? Stay a while?”
Steve can’t resist, not wanting you to go, the ache in his chest too much for him to ignore. You’re so oblivious it’s cute, albeit, annoying. “You asking me to be your date? Maybe save you from a few old geezers?”
You ignore the way your heart accelerates at that tease. “No, that’s not it. You know what, you probably have plans anyways. Forget it.” You remember why you didn’t want to be here in the first place. It wasn’t him flirting, he was just talking to you, even if this is the most talking you’ve ever done. You’re backtracking towards the door and nearly on your way out when a firm hand grips you around the elbow and tugs.
You’re flush against Steve’s chest, the fabric of his sweater dragging across your exposed collarbones. A few tufts of chocolate hair fall around his forehead. “Why are you so nervous around me, huh?”
It angers you and leaves you speechless for a moment. You don’t deny it, shrugging a shoulder to try and maneuver out of the warmth his hold possesses. He shakes his beautiful head. “Uh-uh. Why?”
You let your temper lead for you. “You don’t notice me enough to know if I’m nervous around you or not, Steve.”
He scoffs, as if an incredulous impossibility, fingers rubbing along your elbow through the heavy coat. Damn, it’s really hot in here. Am I sweating?
“I noticed enough to see that new lipstick you got last time. Or when you came in with that deep red top. It’s from Leighanne’s, that new boutique downtown, right? I saw it when I was Christmas shopping for Robin.”
Your eyes widen slightly, struck by the embarrassment of your total oblivion. Steve, the idiot, is grinning. “So you hiding behind your friends every time you come in here isn’t a coincidence. Knew it.” He lips purse in an amused pop.
You swallow on a dry breath. “Yeah, well you never flirt with me, Harrington, so what am I supposed to do?”
“That’s because there’s always a crowd around you, Y/N.”
“You flirt with them,” you argue. “It’s not different, you just don’t want to.”
“Hmm…” He trails off, stepping back a little and letting you go. You resist the urge to bring his hand back, maybe… press it elsewhere. You can feel your heart racing in your lungs, this whole thing some kind of fever dream. Too fast paced for you.
“What’s.. what is that supposed to mean?” You shift the movies beneath your other arm.
“It means—“ Steve stops himself as you start to push on the door and the bell jingles, drawing his attention to something you’ve apparently missed overhead. He’s full on Cheshire grinning now. —“oh, fuck it, honey. M’ gonna show you what it means.”
You’re not prepared for those big paws to press into your cheeks, his thumb pad swiping down to smear your lipstick into a smudge, and he’s dipping in low enough that you can taste the chocolate candy he’s been eating and become overpowered by—not just his cologne—but his laundry detergent and aftershave. The music is a quickly evaporating soundtrack, an ache startling you from between your legs. Are you shaking? You’re sure that you are. Steve doesn’t give you his mouth (Which, my god, that five o’clock shadow has already started. His lips, fucking almighty they’re plush, pretty. And those map of little freckles on his cheek and… is that one on his top lip too?)
“You want me to? It’s okay?” His voice is already wrapped in a red bow, honey simmering beneath, drenching everything.
Including my underwear. Fuck me.
You nod, the action causing your noses to brush, making Steve press the barest, featherlight touch of his mouth to yours, one that has your knees filling with jelly and led weights. Are you even standing upright? He slots his lips in to fit over your own, nose’s tip pressing into your cheek, his fingers rubbing circles into your jaw, one finger sliding down to swipe across your chin. It’s a small gesture, one that helps bring the kiss to a quiet part, a light smack heard in your shared airspace. Is it the atmosphere, the upcoming holiday? You don’t know, you are only aware of how hard you’re panting, that sizzling lust dusting your bones to ash.
Steve’s pupils have blown, scattering flecks of cinnamon around the midnight black expanse. He’s looking up and pushing on your chin before you can speak to get you to look too. Hung above the door is a very familiar decoration. Mistletoe.
“Keith put it up and made sure to ‘help’ every female customer on their way out, y’know, as any good manager does.”
It makes you laugh and press your forehead into Steve’s, your spare hand finally remembering itself and coming up to pet over the softness of his sweater. “So I’ve been the most oblivious person alive? Because this all feels like a dream.”
“You’re telling me. I haven’t been so worked up to kiss a girl in years.” His thumb pokes your nose, his other hand sliding down and around your waist, holding steadily.
“I’m not like all those other girls though, Steve. Even my friends are different.” The doubt seeps in a little.
“Different is good. It’s great, actually. Kind of like you.” His lips capture yours once more, moving into slippery glide to the corner of your mouth. You’re hot lava personified, elated.
You try not moan, but it’s a deep set sound that comes out rather pitifully. He hears it immediately, a rasp squeezing around his tone. “Did you like that? I could do it again for you.”
For you.
He’s watching you with a heated stare, one that is pattering its way from your head to your toes and back again. You nod, before you use your one hand to fist that collar between your fingers. “I don’t want you to stop. And if we keep—“ You cut yourself off, because—fuck—he didn’t ask that.
The easiest smirk indents itself in the corner of his mouth. His voice sounds as if he’s been asleep and he’s awakened, ready to pounce, but all light and airy. “If we keep what? Let’s not get shy on me again, baby.”
“Baby?” You definitely said that out loud.
He reaches for the videos in the cove of your tucked arm, stepping his way into a backwards stride, pulling you along. He doesn’t even turn around and he’s tossing the tapes onto the counter, his hands working beneath your coat to hold onto you over the silk, fingers pressing into your waist, splayed down across your hips. He finds your nose to give it a nuzzle. “Do you wanna be baby, honey?”
With your own surging confidence, you wrap an arm around his neck and scratch at the nape, fingers pushing through those kept locks. “Why don’t I show you?”
Steve Harrington was ever the gentleman, persisting that you didn’t have to do anything beyond kissing, but you hadn’t been able to satiate your trembling and he’d ended up agreeing with you, or rather your lips when you’d pulled down his collar and nosed at the gold chain to kiss every freckle and mole within your immediate vision. It was an uncoordinated stumble into the closet of the break room, your back against the door, Steve pulling your coat off your body with a helpful shrug from you, his fingertips finding the straps in a filter, easing them down, the fabric pressing a shiver into your shoulder blades. You couldn’t stop the pleading babbles, trying to rip his employee vest off so he could tuck his arms back and escape the sweater. He’d been harboring a white tank top beneath, one that was tucked into his jeans, and that did in your manners. Underneath the glow of the decorative lights that someone hung in here with you, you can see his expression darken, surprised.
You’re already starting on his belt and his head is hung low, lips wet and stained with your enriching shading choice. He’s a damned goner when you get his belt worked open and the buckle clatters apart, your hands coaxing through his hair, lost in pent up lust, begging him aloud. Finally. “Tell me you want me? Tell me I can have you, Steve.”
His gaze sinks into yours, like melted caramel waiting to be devoured. His chest heaves beneath the white tank, chest hair on display, his chain glowing in closet lighting. He knees you into a sideways position, denim to silk, pushing until you help yourself slide with his assistance, ass resting on a piled stack of old seat cushions that are mounted a top a spare chair. It’s an odd display, a sloppy setup, but you’ll lay on the dirty floor to have Steve Harrington. His mouth nudges your chin in a pathing way of glittering kisses. “You’ve always had me.”
Your breath locks in your lungs, you hold it as he claims you in another bruising kiss, your own hand sliding in between your thighs, squeezing around your wrist for some friction. You can’t help it, you don’t mean to do it, but your modesty is gone when he’s got that dark look, a dry swallow on those pouty lips. “Jesus, how turned on are you right now that you’re gonna touch yourself when m’ just kissing you?”
“I can’t fucking help it.” You whimper, one hand sliding around his neck, the other attempting to leave its hold on your cunt. Steve’s wrist watch reflects the dull bulb above as it swipes through your sights and prevents you.
“Who said I wanted you to?” And the straps that are still on your shoulders, Steve slots his thumbs in between the silk and your skin, tugging them down enough that the dress folds and exposes the tops of your breasts in the strapless lace bra. He fits himself at a dedicated placing, at your side, his mouth finding your neck, underneath your chin, the lobe and shell, teeth nipping, where you know you’ll feel that later, your body already rocking into your hand right now.
Your head falls into a cabinet above, but Steve reaches up, fingers skimming along the side of your neck, to place his hand behind your head to ease the impact. It’s all hypersensitive to you. His chain sways forward as he kisses your jugular, even permitting his tongue to glide over the taste of your perfume, all the while his free hand dips onto the side of your evening gown and rubs, stimulates, letting you remember he’s here and that he wants something. You meet him in a heated stare, your hips rocking into your hand, Steve jutting out a knee to bump your wrist right back, assisting, encouraging. “Please, honey. Touch yourself for me, let me see what I’ve done to you, yeah?”
His hands meet your knees in the instance you nod, catching his thumb in your mouth on their way down. He kneels, splayed fingers pushing and shifting with you, and moments later you’re raising your hips at his gentle praises, boots going too, followed by your stockings and panties coming down, and all of it piles over your discarded coat. Both sharing uneven, chopping breathing, Steve reassures you, even as your dress hikes around your waist and your legs spread open for him to see, your fingers hovering, slick pooled in the creases of your thighs, cunt glistening. He resembles someone being sucker punched in the gut, grateful his jeans are undone to give his cock room to breathe, because fuck. You can’t believe he’s reacting this strongly to you, to your body.
You stifle a cry out, reaching for him as he comes, easily getting his tank top off. There isn’t a drop of airspace not shared, nor invaded when he’s close, informing you of a winded wish. “Spread yourself open, let’s how worked up you are, sweetheart.”
Hesitation finds no home here—instead—your fingers make a V and part your sticky folds wide enough that Steve immediately latches onto your swollen clit, and the squelch your body makes from the simple action alone, destroys his last bit of languid composure. “How about you sit back and let me take care of you?”
It’s a quest for permission he’s had since you first saw him. Your slick covered fingers leave to take your dress down on your waist, easing the bra cups to expose your breasts to him, taking his hands, your shine transferring over his knuckles as you let his palms touch you, tease your already hardened nipples. He plays with you for a mere few seconds, but it’s agonizing torture, and he frees you—momentarily—that newly mess on his head tickling your chin as he dips to lick and suck over your areola, lips perfectly pulling your nipple, only to release it again and give a soft blowing breath, then to focusing on the other, all the while his Midwest monster (because, wow. you knew it was big, but really?), is a prominent delicacy that you won’t ignore any longer. It takes a few tries to get him to hear your voice, those hazel irises obliterated. He seems to understand and realize something at the same instance, your brow pinching into a frown.
Is he regretting this? You start to close your legs, but Steve shakes his head, barely coherent. “It’s not that I don’t want to, I just remembered I’m literally at work.”
You’re not seeing the point? Didn’t he bring you in here? He sighs, lowering his head into your neck and back up again, hands leaving your breasts to rest on the meat of your spread thighs. “I don’t exactly bring rubbers with me on the job, honey. I wasn’t thinking with the right head when I brought you in here. Unless you’re on the pill?”
You snort outright, the sound a booming bam in the volume of the small room. “So you don’t do this all the time then?”
He’s incredulous, chuckling once, then this weird glow covers his freckly features, almost like the Milky Way map is lighting up right in front of your eyes, but it’s Steve and the vast variety of birth marks that decorate his flesh instead. A vulnerability frames him, one that makes you reach to rest your fingers along the tops of his hands, rolling over the knuckles. That half grin he does when he answers you, you’d fall in love with Steve Harrington if you weren’t already ass over elbows. “You’re the first one here with me. The only one I’ve ever even thought about, needing—“ He’s cute when he’s quick to fumble and backtrack. “—I’m not saying you’re not worth taking home and being treated right, instead of a closet, I’m just saying I couldn’t wait. Not that—fuck—I’m such a dick—“
You shut him up abruptly, tongue licking into his mouth for a prodding entry, not your most graceful kiss, but it gets him to chill out, read the Morse code loud and clear. And you’re positively swimming in the sunlight that is Steve. You answer plain as day, already finding the dip in his hips, fingernails scratching along the skin, those marks seared into him, ones you’ll have to photograph and taste another time. He presses his thumb behind your ear, causing a shiver to erupt in pops, your body arching, crying out for him uninhibited.
“Honey,” he warns, unsteady, on the precipice of already giving in. “it’s risky.”
“Hmm,” you fiddle with the chain on his very naked chest, now that it’s clearly within your eye-line, before continuing. “Wouldn’t be such a bad thing, would it?”
The feral rumble that wraps around him, diaphragm—deep, it sends you into a tailspin. It’s Steve who arches into your touch, needy and clinging inhumanely tighter. You raise an eagerly surprised brow. “What? You like that idea, huh, Steve? Creating a little baby with me? Like a Christmas surprise.”
He shakes his head, despite your temptress tease, but it’s the opposite meaning, his palms forcing your hips deeper into the cushions. Your cunt grows wetter, thighs damn near swaying back and forth for something, anything to satiate the ache. He kisses you gently, lips tickling, damp, his knuckles raising to brush around the apple of your cheek. You speak first. “I’m not—Steve, m’ not on the pill or anything, so if you don’t want to, it’s alright, I’ll understand.”
“As long as I get to have you, I don’t care what happens.” And it’s all moving slow motion, yet, so quick from there.
Steve’s jeans and boxers end up bunched around his knees, your legs held in their posing, his fingers sinking into you slowly with a shared, open mouthed whine at the first touch. You’ve never been this fucking wet before, and Steve is lapping it up, quite literally. He samples your arousal with a pop of those defined digits, alternating between working his thumb into a stretch to press circles into your cream soaked clit. That swoop takes hold of your insides, twisting your gut and you find Steve’s hand, thighs closing around his wrist, taking his kiss in stride, despite your jagged whimpers.
“Baby, you were about to cum, why’d you stop me?”
“Wanna try with you inside of me. Is that okay?” Steve stares at you as if you’re fine china and he’s discovering buried treasure all at the same instance.
“Of course it’s alright, honey. You think you can take me without anything?”
“Oh, I think you’ve seen that there’s plenty for you to work with, Huge Harrington.” Your body heats to an unhealthy temperature, motioning to his hand. He might not be the King Steve everyone knew, but he still knows what he does have.
He feeds you his fingers then, making you taste yourself, his cock slapping against his happy trail, smearing it. You watch in fascination, all but drooling, saliva filling the corners of your mouth. His lifts your hand in his, taking it to his shaft and pulls it away from his stomach, leaving beads of pre-come behind. His diction is clear. “Get me wet enough to fuck you.”
You don’t have to struggle to hear him, obviously, the harsh swallow that has you practically choking on spit is enough to do it, and the hot, heavy feel of his thick length in your grasp. Steve’s got another signature smirk sliding its way into his mouth’s crevices, his lips fitting over your own when you take initiative and heed his request. “Good girl.”
He licks at your mouth, tongue swiping across his own lips in the process, both your gazes working their way to watch you separate your swollen folds and drench your hand, bringing it to Steve’s awaiting erection. He sucks in sharply, abdomen tensing as you work to coat his cock in your sticky essence, getting too caught up in how pretty he is like this—literally in your hand, coming apart, throbbing, heavy. He’s nodding, face burying itself in your neck, his chain tickling you collar bones. You work his tank up and adjust to have him helping you take it off, his jeans all that remain, but you two don’t bother with those. When Steve inhales as his tip catches on your clit, he stops you, those hairy thighs tensing, bumping yours further apart.
There’s that moment, exchanged breaths hung off invisible hooks, slapping back like an elastic band, and the pause before Steve is inside of you. A shift in in what once was, your earth’s axis tilting, a new normal unrolled. Steve sees you, his thumb pushing a lock of hair back behind your ear as he kisses your cheek with a delicate fondness. He takes your hand in his and presses it beside your hip, both of you holding onto the cushioning for leverage, his other finding his now creamy cock. He’s barely able to get the question out, voice gone to the winds of desire.
“You ready, sweetheart? You’re sure, right?”
You lift your other hand to his neck’s nape, nose nudging his, breathing uneven as you scoot a little more to the edge of the arrangement for him. “Never been more sure of anything, Steve.”
You can’t win the battle to see how he enters you, too focused on his busted pupils, his flaring nostrils, that look of elated concentration. He gives himself another drag down the seam of you, before his dick parts your labia and the head catches just inside your entrance. Your jaw drops at the initial push, an overwhelming ache resting inside of your tummy, washing over every muscle nearby, your entire body on fire with the burn. Your hand squeezes his, nails biting into his palm, the hiss leaving through clenched teeth. “Oh, fuck.”
Steve stops himself right away, his guiding hand paused around himself. His voice is wet with want, and you can tell he’s holding back. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
He strums your chorded nerves, kissing your mouth and letting go of your hand to swipe his thumb across the tear that’s gathered at your waterline. “Wait, this isn’t your first time, is it?” He starts to panic some, feeling worse for bringing you in a storage locker. But you’re shaking your head.
“No, I’m not a virgin. You’re just… I’ve not had anyone so t-thick. S’ been a while too.” Steve doesn’t let you close your eyes, a soft sigh settles.
“I’ll go slow, okay? And you’ll tell me if anything hurts, so I can take care of it.” It was more a demand than a question, and you naturally agree.
Steve grits his teeth on this next push of his hips, the first few inches going in with ease. You’re cunt is so slick that this won’t take long for him, and he’s worried about you adjusting to his size, despite the way it paddles his ego a little. His cupped hand reaches your body and he lets go of his cock, wet fingers tilting your chin down to see, then he brings your mouth to his, caging you in completely, chest hair dragging across your breasts. He moves, you give, and he’s bottoming out in your tight heat, his head fucking spinning and his face contorting into a painful expression that commits an affair with bliss. You can’t think of anything else but Steve and the musk he’s surrounding you with, body a switchboard of emotions and sensations.
He’s speaking to you, voice muffled and under water. You break the surface when his cock twitches inside you, your tongue slicking across your bottom lip. His balls are nestled against the globes of your ass and your forgot that you’re holding your breath, releasing it in a tremble in time for Steve to get through. “Shit, honey? Tell me I didn’t hurt you?”
You never felt this before. Full, everything being hit inside your body, all your senses coddled and tapped into. You’ve heard your friends talk about sex so good that you could cry. Well, as Steve’s eyes cast an amber glow that resembles a firelight, you can’t contain yourself. Overloaded and breathless, you rock your hips into his and gasp against his mouth. “It’s good. Fucking perfect, please…”
And you don’t know what you’re asking, but begging for. Luckily for you, Steve does. “Ah, there’s my good girl. Took me so good, so wet and warm for me.”
You meet one another in the beginning stages of your shared rhythm, a pace that is deep and relentless, the burn that Steve’s size brings only adding to your heightening discombobulation. He’s boasting praises, showering you in their wake. Your body has never felt more alive, more connected. And Steve, he’s went from steady movements, to drawing your calves over his forearms and pressing you back as far as he can get, a disgustingly sensual squelch echoing around the expanse of the room. You’re both too far gone to say anything that isn’t pure and utter filth, so why even try?
He bends down several times to take a nipple in his mouth, alternating, his hair messy from your now consistent pulling. His cheeks are stained pink, body prominent beneath the racing of his heart. That chain slaps messily across his neck and you can’t take it, marking your place, licking it to life. That latches onto Steve and steals the breath from his lungs, the effects heard deep inside his chest cavity. He can’t breathe in anything that isn’t you.
“Steve…” That familiar pressure signals before you’re able to comprehend.
Steve inclines his head and dips his hips to catch on that spot inside your sticky cunt, his hand dropping between your legs and rubbing fast circles around your clit. “That’s a real good babygirl.”
You whine, pressure boiling over, muscles licked and locking down. Steve noses into your jawline and kisses your mouth’s corner. “S’ it, honey. I can feel it. You gonna cum for me?”
“Don’t stop and I will!” You nearly bellow, making him chuckle throatily, and your vision whites out.
Steve fucks you through it and let’s you rest for a brief spell on his shoulder, before he’s throbbing inside of you and he has to look at you, wanting you to watch his face as it scrunches, the softest whimpers falling off his angelic mouth, and he tenses. “Baby… gonna come inside you.”
“Then do it, Steve.” It’s a challenge, a tease to earlier words. You tighten purposely and he sniffles, a warmth flooding you, his body slumping over top yours.
Your heart is hammering beneath your breast, which is smashed into Steve Harrington’s chest hair. He’s softening inside of your pussy, his spend already pooling around where you’re connected, available to view as a webbed shine when he pulls back, easing out, kissing you on the break away. He’s nuzzling you, not able to stop the kisses from flourishing. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
“M’ glad you came in here, you know that?” He states, helping you dress first. After your legs regain feeling, that is.
“Me too.” Dorky smiles and shy grins transpire, until…
“So, you mentioned a party? I was thinking I could be your date and save you from the bore of the geezers, after all.”
One year later
“Mom! No, I told you it was burning five minutes ago, fuck!”
“Language, dear!”
Your mom’s laughter, following that statement can be heard from the next room, obviously charmed by something he said, ignoring your protests about the current dish of the night that’s about to be charcoal for the party guests. She’s never been more calm, making you roll your eyes as she finally does appear. “Don’t worry about it! Did you get the videos?”
You snort, a reminder ringing as clear as the bells playing from the Christmas vinyl on your dad’s record player. You smooth down your floor length black gown, enjoying how it flows in all the right places now. “Don’t I always?”
She shakes her head fondly, throwing a dish rag over her sequin overcoat and heading into the kitchen just as Steve appears in the doorway, his entire appearance ripped straight from vogue. “Wasn’t last year the first time you went to the video store on your own, babe?”
You roll your eyes and step towards him, adjusting his tie and the lapels on his suit jacket. His hair is a bit messy, albeit, still styled, and he’s freshly shaven. Your mouth waters like a woman dying of thirst. Twelve months ago tonight, you can’t believe it. Steve is also thinking the same way, his fingers reaching out to fondly stroke the apple of your cheekbone. “Twelve months ago. Hard to believe I get to be your date for the second year in a row.”
“Don’t act like you don’t love charming the granny panties off everyone here, Harrington.” He shifts his arm for you to cling onto, and you find yourselves locked in a kiss, only breaking apart when a cooing noise is heard from Steve’s hold.
You look down in his arms, an identical pair of eyes that match his own looking back at you, a red bow placed delicately atop her head, and the fullest tule dress your mom could apparently find at the JC Penny. But you can’t deny that it’s melting your heart, the memories, the present. Steve is soft, that reservation he’s got for the three month old baby girl in his arms is unmatchable. He bounces her a little, her stocking clad legs kicking, her shiny dress shoes way too tiny not to be cute.
“There’s daddy’s princess. You awake now, huh? Was it mommy’s bad language?” He’s smirking when he looks at you and you poke him in the mouth, making him chuckle.
Your mom’s footsteps are quick paced, making you and Steve both break apart as you hear her. Steve mutters a ‘grandma super-hearing’ and your mom immediately takes your daughter the moments he steps into the living room. It’s endearingly annoying how she stares your direction as Steve finds your hands (now that his are free). You don’t get the chance to ask her what she wants, before she’s voicing it herself, giggling at yours and Steve’s daughter. “So, I’m getting another one of these for Christmas next year, right?”
The implications cause you to heat up, making Steve get cocky and tease once she’s out of ear shot. “I’ll have to save you and our daughter from the geezers. But if your mom wants another one, wait—“ You frown, Steve leaning in, that raspy voice like melted caramel by your ear, tickling the lobe and electrifying your entire body. “How big is the closet in your old bedroom?”
Happy one year anniversary indeed.
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eashmo · 8 months
-Scream Queen - 18+
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Warnings: Smut, small knife play, Teratophilia i guess, friends to lovers.
A/N: pretend that scream came out in 1980 and not in the 90s. Also happy halloween ya filthy animals.
Tonight was Halloween,which happens to be one of my most favorite holidays. but instead of getting dressed up and going out to get shit faced drunk with Steve and Nancy at Tina's party, I was chilling at home, all by myself, my little brother was with Dustin and the rest of the boys and my best friend was doing business at the halloween parties that are happening around town. so, here I was. watching the horror classics and my most favorite movie, which was Scream. There was something about ghostface that made me tingle. i was in the kitchen getting some snacks together when there was a thump on the top floor. 
"the hell was that?" 
My house phone began to ring. 
"y/n!” Mrs. Wheeler.
"Oh hey, Mrs Wheeler, how are you?"
"I'm doing great darling, I was calling because Y/B/N just asked if he could stay over, I told him it was alright but I wanted to make sure it was alright with your parents."
"Well, they are out of town, but I don't mind that he stays over. He loves your house more than ours, especially if it involves D&D." we both chuckled at that and said our goodbyes. 
There was a loud crash which sounded like it came from my room.
“It better not be carver and his fucking goons” I walked up the stairs, i'm really not in the mood to deal with their shit. Last year they decided to toilet paper my entire front yard. They like to torment us misfits of this town. Thinking they are better than everyone because they have money and such. 
when I came into my room and the first thing I saw made my heart drop. My window was wide open, and my bedside lamp was knocked over. I don't know if I was getting goosebumps from the cold autumn chill flowing through my small room, or I was making myself paranoid to actually think Jason is going a little overboard. my  heart was pounding hard, leaning out of my window i saw no sign of jason and his friends only kids that were going door to door, my brother and his friends cleaned out our stash of candy before other kids in the neighborhood could get to it so i didn't bother leaving the front porch light on to indicate that the house had candy. 
I huffed and slammed the window shut. I was about to turn around until a leather gloved hand clasped over my mouth, I let out a muffled scream.
“Curiosity killed the cat, darlin." A dark, deep voice disguised with a voice changer whispered into my ear, sending chills up and down my spine. I felt a long piece of metal make contact with my throat. It was most definitely a knife. I started to struggle against the mysterious person's hold. His hand slipped off my mouth.
“Jason i swear to god you are crossing the line this year!”
"Shut up, or I'll slit your pretty little throat, and I'm not that asshole." he said, then began to chuckle deeply when he realized I relaxed against his hold when he told me he wasn't jason. But I soon went stiff again when the man began to pull me backward from the window. He quickly spins me around. his attire. was dirty, beat up white Reeboks, black ripped jeans, a leather jacket paired with the infamous white ghost face mask. The mysterious man smelled of weed and cigarettes  which was an all to familiar smell to me. so i played along.
"So what do you want?" I snapped. 
 “You've always been so feisty” he let out a low chuckle. He used the tip of the knife to trace my collar bone gently. “I just wanna play with you before I kill you."
“Is that so, Mr. Ghostface?” I smirked. He pressed the knife harder into my skin, causing a small cut to appear, and a single stream of blood began to flow. This caused me to moan softly. 
"Hm you're a little horror slut aren't you" he lifted my chin with the knife, i wished i could see his face that was hidden under the mask.
"My my, you are a pretty looking thing. Wearing nothing but panties and a thin tank top” he commented as his free hand found my throat. 
“Doesn't sound like you are complaining” I breathed. 
"You're right, princess. I might consider letting you live for you to be my personal plaything. How's that sound?" the man said with a playful tone. the pet name fully confirmed my suspicion on who it was. The only person I know that calls me princess was Eddie, who I've had a crush on since elementary school. And thanks to Steve babbling his mouth one day at school. I finally knew he returned that same affection.   
"Deal," I smirked. 
 “Hm, that's what i thought princess lets see how much of a horror slut you really are then, shall we? Shirt off and get on your knees." he demanded, slowly taking off my shirt letting my tits bounce free as I lowered myself onto my bedroom floor. 
"I can't wait to wreck this pretty face of yours,' he groans.
“take my cock out. Now". undoing the jean button and zipper quickly, I swiftly pulled him out. I licked my lips to the site of his cock. Eddie cock was standard. But it was deliciously thick and veiny, not waiting for his approval. I placed a long lick from the base of his cock all the way to the tip, giving it a good suck causing him to immediately buck his hips which pushed him further down my throat. "s-shit" he growled, this time his voice sounding a bit breathy. "just like that" his breath hitch when I went faster, swallowing him completely causing tears in my eyes. 
"you're sucking me so fucking good." he said as he placed a hand on the top of my head he started to face fucking me, wet noises and gagging began to echo in the room.
"shit, fuck y/n" he groaned and threw his head back. My thighs began to clench together when I finally heard my name which made me hum a moan causing him to almost cum down my throat. He grabbed a handful of my hair and abruptly pulled your mouth off of him with a wet pop. 
"I want to cum in that pussy," he said growling.
"Then do it, Munson."
“H-How did you know it was me?” His voice sounded like he was pouting behind the mask. 
“You called me princess, and I know your smell” I giggled. He sighed as he gently caressed my face with his leather hand, and the other removed the voice changer.
 “I don't wanna stop Eddie” I looked up at the black holes of the ghost face mask. “Strip for me, but leave the mask on and also put your rings back on” I said as I grabbed his leather clad hand, bringing it to my mouth and using my teeth to take the glove off him. He groaned deeply at the sight. He quickly put them back on and stripped. I stood up from the ground, and my knees were screaming at me from giving him a blow job on the wooden floor. 
“Mr.ghostface? Arent you going to fuck me” i batted my eyes.    
"Indeed princess, i'm going to have you dying over this cock" his now ringed hand went to my neck squeezing it lightly as he backed me into my bed. I fell back with a soft thud as he stood before me. 
"Let's get these off, shall we?" Eddie immediately cut off my panties with the knife. I was unbelievably wet. 
"So wet for me babygirl" his fingers gently ran down up and down my slick slit, making me jump slightly at contact.
"Such a sinful sight," he was prepared  to completely ruin me. Thank fucking god i thought, he suddenly pushed himself into me fully.  “E-Eddie” I whined. The feeling of him stretching my tight cunt made me gasp at finally feeling full. The feeling I didn't know I was missing from him, I was already addicted to him but now I'm also addicted to his cock.
"Fuck y/n, i should have done this sooner, you're so fucking tight." he groaned lowly as he tightly grasped my hips and his thrusts got faster.
“Yes you should have” my eyes immediately rolled to the back of my head as his cock pounded into me.
"f-fuck. Your cock feels so fucking good, Eds" i began to moan loudly, his head back falls and he lets moan out.
"You take my cock so well princess, it was made for you, y-yes…..take it just like that." he leaned over me, the mask was cool against my warm cheek as he pounded me deeper into the mattress. 
"E-Eddie Im abo….." I breathed heavily, gripping the sheets, my knuckles turning white.   
"Cum for me babygirl '' with that i saw stars and it felt like my body was on fire. I clamped down so hard on his cock he let out a loud moan in my ear. He contined to fuck me through my orgasim "damn princess, squeezing this cock so fucking hard." he breathed.
"Eddie!" I continued to moan as I felt another orgasim on its way.
"You're mine!" he growled.  I ripped off the mask from his face, I wanted to stare into those beautiful big brown eyes as he fucked me. His long hair is now curtaining our faces. 
“This pussy is yours, I'm yours, always have been.” with my words he began to moan as he filled every inch within my pussy with his seed.
My second orgasm hit me harder than the first. It felt like I was ejected out of this universe.he was right i died and gone to heaven. Eddie collapsed on top of me. Our sweaty bodies are melting into one.  
"holy fucking shit that was amazing" we both said at the same time which caused us to burst into laughter. 
“So y/n? I've been wanting to ask you this since I first met you in elementary…… wanna be my girlfriend”
Giggles “you are truly an oblivious idiot Munson, it's about time you asked me”
“Is that a yes?” 
“Yes it is Mr.Ghostface.... also, does that mean i get to live?" i gave him the puppy dog eyes.
"Maybe, if you are a good girl," he says as he slips out of me.
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BTAA Scarecrow x gn! Reader (NSFW)
(1,567 words)
Summary: You are punished by the Scarecrow and he’s a complete menace about it.
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Warnings/Tags: 18+, vibrator, handcuffs, dom/sub dynamics, punishments (duh), fear play, light nipple play, blood, penetration, rough sex, teasing/orgasm denial, crane being a sadistic asshole (but in a hot way)
Notes: I think I went a little crazy with this one, but I’m happy with it. also threw in some more reader-having-a-spine rep bc it’s fun to write and we all deserve it. enjoy the fic
“You asshole,” you moaned exhaustedly.
“That may be true,” he crooned, “but I’m not the one who decided to start the marathon early.”
Hearing the soft hum of the vibrator power back on, you braced yourself once again for the incoming onslaught of delicious agony.
How did we get here?
More importantly, how did you get here?
With a click, the cuffs that held your hands over your head against the headboard, were fastened.
You could only imagine how vulnerable you looked right now. In addition to the restraint of your hands, you were in nothing but your underwear and an old t-shirt. Behind you was a pillow, which kept you sitting upright to the bed. You kept your legs shut to maintain some level modesty, but with a partner like Jonathan Crane, your modesty was the last thing you needed to worry about.
Feeling his fingers tilt your head up, your eyes met his. A mischievous grin spreads across his face.
“I’m sorry it had to come to this, but you left me no choice,” Jonathan sighs with false disappointment.
“Jon, you were gone for like, 3 hours,” you retort. “The Midnight Movie Matinee was already starting, what was I gonna do? Not watch it? It’s a live recording.”
“Fair point, but you know I’ve been looking forward to this one all week.” You feel his cold and calloused hand trail up your leg, stopping dangerously close to your inner thigh, making you shiver. “…And also, I just needed to find an excuse to punish you, it’s been far too long.”
“But I was planning on filling you in anyway,” you shoot back.
“Aw,” he chuckles dryly, “that is such a sweet sentiment, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind the further we get along.”
“The further we get along?” You raise an eyebrow.
Crane says nothing as he rummages around through the drawers. Your brain runs wild with the endless possibilities of whatever it is he’ll use to torment you tonight. With a wolfish grin, he turns around. You quickly spot the small vibrator he was now equipped with.
“What the hell is that?” You ask tensely.
You know full well what it is; you’re not stupid. The question more so implied the notion of what exactly it was he would be doing with it.
“Oh don’t look so nervous, it’s just a bullet vibe.” He says matter-of-factly. “I figured to let the punishment fit the crime, you were, what? 3 hours in? That should be sufficient.”
Your eyes widen to the size of dinner plates followed by a nervous chuckle. “3 hours? Did I say that?” You begin frantically. “I mean, if you really wanna get specific, it was um, really more like, uh, 2 hours and 26 minutes?” You plead, attempting to realistically shorten the time of your impending torture and hoping to God that he wouldn’t detect the uncertainty laced in your voice.
With a sadistic snicker, he gently coaxes your legs open. “You’re cute, begging like anything could get you out of this.” He grins maliciously, softly tracing over your clothed sex.
Trying your best not to move, your breath hitches in your throat. By giving him a reaction- any reaction at all, you would only be making it worse for yourself by giving him what he wants. As turned on as you were getting, you weren’t one to submit so willingly.
“I don’t beg,” you sigh, “I negotiate.”
Jonathan lets out an amused hum while getting onto the bed. His eyes remain dark with lust as he leans forward to take in your scent, his mouth beginning to pepper your neck with hungry kisses. When he moves forward, you feel his knee dig into your arousal, where a quiet moan exits your lips. Quickly snapping your mouth shut, Crane looks disgustingly satisfied when he pulls away.
“Oh really?” he drawls, “because from where I’m sitting, you are in absolutely no position to even try to negotiate.” His irritatingly smug voice rings through your ears.
Dammit. He’s fucking right, but you don’t cave.
“2 hours and 26 minutes, doctor.” Your gaze locks with his. “I’ll admit, I was very bad for starting without you,” you allow your voice to drop an octave, continuing to maintain eye contact with the increasingly aroused Jonathan Crane sitting before you. “… But, I will not let myself be punished for a second longer than I need to be.”
Crane stares at you with an expression mixed with curiosity and respect. There’s a brief silence in the room, save for the shuffling of the sheets as he shifts his position. He towers over you, but you are not intimidated.
“Fine,” he grins. He lays a quick kiss on your cheek and begins to slowly make his way down to your neck. The pseudo-tenderness of him kissing into you is sharply contrasted by the venom in his voice when he leans back up to whisper in your ear. “But I won’t make this easy for you,” his hand reaches down, rubbing you through your underwear. “…And if I find out you’ve been lying to me, you are going to catch so much hell and it’s going to be fucking beautiful,” he all but moans the last word when he finally reaches the spot that makes you jolt.
You shudder at his threats; the fear and arousal rip through you like tidal waves. After several minutes, his movements become jerky, lightening up the friction on your sex, causing you to buck into his hand. Letting out a chuckle at your desperation, Crane powers on the vibrator and you can only shift in terrified excitement.
“Nervous?” He asks, pushing your leg to the side, “you should be.” You brace yourself for nothing as Jonathan unexpectedly runs the vibe along your inner thighs. Apprehension spikes within your chest the closer and closer he moves to your core, only for him to snap it away.
Fucking tease.
You begin to squirm as he traces up to your sternum, making his way across your chest. You let out a restrained mewl, arching your back when the toy reaches your nipples through your shirt.
“Don’t quiet yourself,” he growls, “I want to hear every single sound that leaves your impatient mouth.” He continues ghosting over your sensitive buds. You writhe in delectable anguish, remaining defiant as you attempt to stifle any moan he tries to force out of you.
Growing frustrated, Jonathan finally drives the vibrator down to your aching sex, causing a loud and pornographic moan to erupt from your throat. Your face burns with shame.
“See?” He smiles wickedly. Crane slips the vibrator past your underwear, and presses it off, much to your chagrin. He coats the toy in your fluids; your cheeks flush at how embarrassingly turned on you are. “Not feeling so brave now, are we?”
“Go to hell,” you chuckle hoarsely.
“Oh wow,” Crane laughs. “You really don’t know when to quit do you?”
“I figure if you’re going to punish me anyway, I might as well get my digs in too.”
Jonathan’s gaze pierces into you hungrily. He’s quiet for a moment, huffing out a laugh until he meets your eyes once again. “…Fascinating,” is all that he utters.
Giving you no time to process, you see the vibrator swiftly set to the side. Jonathan grabs your face as he slams his mouth into yours. The kiss is sloppy; the sounds you two make are filthy as they echo across the walls. Your tongues messily bump into each other’s. Nipping at one another’s lips, you begin to taste the flavor of metal in your mouth, not giving a shit if the blood you were tasting was his or yours.
You catch your breath heavily as the air around you grows thick with arousal. Frantic sounds of a belt buckle unfastening, pants dropping to the floor, and the tearing of a condom wrapper invigorate your senses. The newfound urgency for lust seems to have infected Jonathan as well, as he all but crumples your underwear off your legs, leaving you exposed.
His mouth continues to ravage yours when he finally enters you. Your lower half aches deliciously, feeling yourself be spread apart by Crane’s cock. He pounds into you ferociously, eliciting moans you never thought you were capable of making begin to tumble their way out of your throat. His pace is violent, yet his hands find their way to yours, which are still firmly locked above your head. His fingers interlace with yours for a surprisingly intimate moment in the midst of one another’s chaotic passion.
You feel yourself begin to unravel. As you wail pathetic obscenities into his mouth, Jonathan begins to slow down significantly. You whine when he stops completely, desperately longing for his touch.
“Oh come on now, did you really think I’d let you finish that easily?” Letting out another one of his signature sadistic chuckles, Crane pushes your retrained hands further into the headboard for emphasis.
As if you weren’t already sweating enough, you can certainly feel the perspiration forming at your temples. Feeling exhaustedly fucked out, but unsatisfied, you glare at Crane.
“Don’t give me that look,” he laughs huskily, “You’re being punished, we still have 2 hours to go, remember?”
“You asshole.”
“That may be true, but I’m not the one who decided to start the marathon early.”
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tarabyte3 · 8 months
I'm finally home from 10 days of traveling so I can post that
Dallas Fan Festival was last weekend!!
It was so much fun! 😭 I got to see Andy Serkis again and hangout with some of my dear friends (who are also some of my beloved mutuals 💕🥰). We all got autographs and to torment each other in line—some of us (me) more than others. 😇😈 We also got a group photo with him, which I absolutely adore! It's one of my favorite photos ever. He was SO excited when we all swarmed him! We all look so cute and he has a massive grin on his face.
(During the photo, I also rested my hand directly between his flexed shoulder blades and THE MUSCLES ON THAT MAN, DEAR FUCKING GOD, Y'ALL 🥵 trying to MURDER me)
Here are some photos I took of him in the autograph line
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I had him sign the covers to Pandaemonium and The Accused 😍🥺 He was thrilled about Pandaemonium and said he really liked that movie. I told him I have a degree in English Literature and Poetry (which he seemed very impressed by 😎 My degree finally came in handy lol), so I really liked it as well. That it meant a lot to me to have a movie actually about poets—even moreso because he was in it. AND I finally got his signature next to Liam Black 🫠 There isn't a lot of open space on the cover so he wasn't sure where to sign it. I said, "We might have to sacrifice Sean Bean's head." He chuckled and, in a fake serious voice, said, "Sorry, Sean." HE'S ALWAYS SO SWEET AND LOVELY AND WONDERFUL 😭🥹
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Sunday we went to the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas because they were playing Blue Whales: Return of the Giants. Which is a documentary on blue whales...narrated by Andy 😂 The lady checking our tickets said she liked our shirts because of course we rolled in there representing. (The documentary opened with him going, "Can you hear that? Can you feel that?" And we were all Very Normal 😌)
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The panel was really good. I know there are people that don't like that actors can't talk about their projects with the SAG-AFTRA strike going on, but I LOVE that we get to hear him talk about himself. He talked about his acting and performance capture, theater, mountain climbing, his love of jazz, and his photography, which he doesn't talk about a lot and was very exciting!! The interviewer was fantastic and asked a lot of fun "this or that" questions (he picked art museums over history museums, vampires over werewolves, but struggled with plays vs musicals lol). Here's a link to the panel if you want to watch it yourself!
I got a Caesar Funko, a Snoke figure, and an OG Cornelius figure. We also ""acquired"" some of the photos you could get signed if you didn't have anything special for him to sign, so I ended up with a David Robey and a Caesar print 🫠😌🥵. (Bless you and your taste for crime, H. I love you.)
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Overall, it was such a great convention and an amazing weekend. I loved Dallas. Huge thanks to @communism-bitches, @csboz, @the-eyes-of-andyserkis, and @tarrenterror25 for making the weekend extra fantastic and for being so lovely. 🥹 I love and appreciate you all so much. We're absolutely doing this again soon, hopefully with the rest of TNBF crew to make it EVEN better! 😍💖 Andy Con 2024!
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Oceans of time (part 2)
Laddie asks David how he turned into a vampire. (Dracula a/u).
Part 1 Part 3
September, 1897
"With sorrow, we are forced to let you return to the earth, dear Lucinda," the minister spoke with a solemn, heavy voice. David had stopped listening a long time ago. The words didn't matter. They couldn't bring her back. Mia stood next to him, trying her best to hold herself together. The others had moved to the back of the crowd, not wanting to be seen if they she'd a tear. Mia held his hand, and he gave her a soft squeeze. He looked down to the ground, ignroing the ramblings of the priest. It was only after the service ended that he looked up again when he saw a young gentleman standing in front of them. He was dressed in all black, a high tophay covering his face in shadows.
"You must be David. I'm Arthur Holmwood." He said, a faint accent audible in his voice. He reached out a gloved hand but pulled it back when he realised that the man in front of him had no intention of shaking it.
David looked at the man and noticed that if he hadn't been struck with grief, he'd have a hard time fighting off the attention of many a young girl. That was, of course, if the circumstances were different. The next couple of months, the man would be in mourning, and not a single proper lady would go after him during that time. Arthur bowed his head to Mia, having seen her once before in quick passing. Only Mia noticed that his look lingered on her, just for a moment.
"Sorry for your loss."
David straightened, ready to go, when he felt a hand - not his sister's - resting on his arm. "Please, no one told me anything. I would like to know how my Lucinda died."
"Sir, you really don't want to." It was Dwayne who spoke up, having joined the trio. Most people had left the churchgrounds already. "Keep her memory as she was. Don't torment yourself."
Arthur sighed, shaking his head. "You don't understand. Something haunted me, back in London. When I got here, I was certain I had left it behind - but now I'm afraid Lucy has fallen victim to the monster. And I am afraid that her young friend might be next."
Mia frowned, paling slightly. "What do you mean?" But before Arthur could answer, he was already grabbed by his collar.
"Are you threatening my sister?" David's voice was low and quite dangerous - and if Arthur hadn't dealt with these horrors back in Europe, he would have been taken aback. He understood - God how he understood the need to protect the ones someone cared about. But how do you tell someone that there is nothing you can do when it is the devil himself you're fighting?
"I'm warning you. Gather some crucifixes, garlic, and holy water. Don't ever leave your sister alone. If that monster laid his eyes on her, if he followed Lucinda and me here, and saw her-" he pointed at Mia, "Then she is in mortal danger."
With those words, he left, and David immediately turned to his sister. She seemed frozen in place, her hands trembling slightly.
"We- we can all agree that these were just the insane ramblings of a man struck mad with grief, right?" She asked, her eyes slightly widened. "He- he-" Tears welled up in her eyes. "Oh god, did he mean I would end up like her?"
David pulled Mia close to him, holding her as she cried. "You will have nothing to worry about. We'll make sure nothing happens to you." He shared a look with the boys. They couldn't lose someone else. And they definitely would not lose her.
Santa Carla, 1987
"That's scary," Laddie said quietly. He held his teddybear tightly, playing with the ears.
"So what did you do?"
"We went to Max."
"Wait, is that the same-" the kid frowned, looking at David. Surely it couldn't be, right?
"Yeah. Couldn't get rid of him after all he'd done. Besides, he has his uses."
"Like letting me watch movies!" Laddie grinned, causing David to chuckle. "Did he know what was wrong with her?"
"Yeah. Sometimes, I wish he hadn't, though. Would have made everything a lot easier. She would still be alive if he hadn't known."
October, 1897
"It's so good to meet you, dear," Max greeted the young girl standing between the streetgang he came to employ for everything he could. "I do apologise for not taking this more seriously sooner."
Mia didn't answer. She had been feeling rather weak lately, and she was quite certain that if Dwayne and Paul hadn't held on to her, she would have fallen to the ground. Ever since the funeral, she had been having nightmares - which Marko had noted was eerily similar to what Lucinda had been going through. Besides that, she kept on getting sicker with the day. She'd become paler than ever before, having little to no energy, and lately, even sunlight began to be a discomfort for her.
"Before we begin, I'd need a name and an age. Documentation, you see."
"Mia. I'm seventeen."
Max nodded, writing something down before starting an examination. He flashed a bright light over her eyes, asked her some basic questions about her health- and after fifteen minutes he sighed, and sat down.
"I like to try something unconventional." He looked at David and the others. "Somehow, she's dealing with a lack of blood, and I need to know why. I think hypnosis might help to discover what is causing this." David nodded, wondering whether it should be a what or a who that Max was looking for. After all, Arthur Holmwood had warned him against this strange monster that followed him back to here. But surely, that couldn't be real, right?
"Mia?" Marko looked at her. She shrugged. She just wanted to feel better.
"Oh no, I don't need her permission, not really anyway. It's her guardian who has to agree. So, David, what do you say? You are her guardian after all, no?"
David nodded. With him being five years older, he had made sure to get custody of her after their parents died. "The second she says she's uncomfortable, you stop. Got it?"
Max just grinned, telling Mia to lay down. He talked to her about opening her mind, about listening to the rhythm of the clock, and letting the ticking slowly guide her away and deeper and deeper into her subconscious. Worried, David looked at her, seeing how she fell deeper and deeper under the man's spell.
"You're asleep in your room, what do you hear?"
She was quiet for a moment before she spoke. It was barely louder than a whisper. "A tapping. Someone's rapping at the window."
"What do you do?"
"She - she calls me. She wants to be let in. She wants to come home."
"Who does?"
"She's hungry, starving," Mia's body shuddered. "She says I need to help her."
"Who is talking to you?"
"Lucy says I can help. She says he needs me. She gets in and -" Mia froze, as if in horendous pain, a silent scream escaping from her lips.
A book fell from the table in the room, and suddenly, Mia woke up from her hypnosis.
"What happened?" She asked quietly, looking at the shocked faces of her brothers. No one answered, but Dwayne moved to sit next to her. The room was quiet for a moment before Max spoke.
"I am afraid I do have to ask this. How long ago did you bury your friend?"
"Two weeks." David spoke, not sure where Max was going with this. The older man nodded, sighing softly.
"In order to prove my diagnosis, I want to meet the four of you at the cemetery this evening. There is something you will need to see."
"We won't leave Mia alone," Paul said. "Not when she's ill."
"As long as you leave her in a room guarded with garlic and crucifixes, she should be safe. If she were to come along, she'd be at immediate risk."
Santa Carla, 1987
"Mia was sick like Lucy?" Laddie had moved to lean against the cave wall, blankets wrapped around him.
"Yes. That evening we found out what it was."
"That a vampire attacked her?"
David nodded. "Yes."
"Lucy tricked her, didn't she?"
"Mia just wanted to help her. Little did we know that Lucy was also still being controlled. He was much worse."
"Did you go to the cemetery?"
David nodded, sighing. "Yeah. It was our biggest mistake."
"Because Mia had already invited the vampires in."
October, 1897
"We'll be back soon, alright?" David sat next to his sister, brushing some hair out of her face. She laid in bed, a plate with dinner standing on the sidetable next to her.
"Don't worry about me," she mumbled softly, already half asleep, "I'm fine."
David sighed, a soft smile playing on his lips. She wasn't fine. If he were to believe both Max and Arthur, she was in danger. Great danger. But he couldn't just tell her that, not if he didn't have the proof. Not if he didn't know why, or how, or what he and the boys could do to save her? He placed a crucifix in her hands, closing the window. On the windowsill, he placed some garlic plants, as advised, hoping it would work to protect her.
"Are you sure about this?" Paul asked as they left the house, pulling his coat close. It was chilly, especially now the sun had completely set.
"We have no choice. If we want to stop this shit from happening, we have to go." Dwayne said, taking a cigarette from his coat pocket.
The rest of the walk to the cemetery was quiet. No one spoke, each of them lost in their own thoughts. They were not ready to figure out what they were going to be seeing in the next couple of hours.
Max greeted them, handing each of them a stake and a cross. "You'll need this," was all he said, while he led them to the Westenra family tomb.
"Now you have seen your friend buried in this tomb, right?"
"What of it? We already talked about this." David shot him a look. Max just smirked, shaking his head slightly. "Just making sure we are all on the same page here. Now, gentlemen, when you enter the tomb, you should not be surprised to see an open, empty grave."
"And why is that?" Marko asked as he stepped in, taking a candle that was handed to him. As he shone it around the tomb he did, like Max warned, find an open casket. "What do you know about this?"
"Your friend Lucy is no longer a part of the living, nor is she truly dead."
"We saw her remains. She was completely ripped apart," Dwayne grimaced, "do you really mean to tell us that she is not dead?"
"Yes. She is not living, nor is she dead. She is what we call undead. A vampire."
"A what?" David glared at Max. "You think it is funny, don't you? Telling fucked up stories while our sister is dying?" He had pushed Max against the wall, stake in hand. Max didn't respond, only shushing him. "Listen!"
David quieted down. From outside the tomb, he heard the voice of a woman, soft and charming - and then the giggle of a child. The boys froze, Max springing into action. He waited, and it didn't take long before the woman stepped into the tomb. Even in the dim light from that one single candle, the woman was unmistakably Lucy. The same Lucy they had buried two weeks ago. A small child followed her as if he were in trance.
Lucy didn't notice them. She had only eyes for the child. "Come here," she said softly, and the kid obeyed. Lucy grinned, picking him up, bending his head to the side so she had access to his neck, and - she was about to bite down when she suddenly screamed. She dropped the child, growling as she turned around. Max had staked her. Mid turn Lucy fell tonthe ground, screaming and crying, twisting and turning, until all that was left of her was a sad pile of bones.
"What was that?" Paul and Marko spoke at the same time.
"That was how you kill a vampire. Believe me when I say that this is the kind of monster you're dealing with."
David nodded, sighing as he realised what needed to be done. "We need to find out who turned her."
"Yes," Max agreed, "but for now, you boys will have to go home and take care of your sister. I will make sure this young lad will be returned home safely."
They expected the house to be quiet when they got home. Instead, they heard voices coming from the bedroom.
"Please, please don't do this."
"My dear childe, you'll be healthy once again," a male spoke, his voice low. "I will protect you from the dangers of the world, I will worship you, obey you - as you will me."
"No, please, I dont-"
David pushed the door open. A tall, handsome man stood in front of his sister, his shirt ripped open and chest bleeding. The man forced Mia to lick up the blood, to consume it, while he bit down on her wrist.
David stood there frozen, not sure what to do, how to help his sister. It was Dwayne who sprung into action, pushing the man away from Mia. He tried to stake the man, still having the stake from the cemetery, but he was roughly thrown against the wall as the vampire laughed.
"You're no match for me," the stranger grinned, "soon your dear Mia will be mine. She will be perfect." He moved to stroke the girls hair, but she was quickly pulled away.
"Get away from my sister, " David growled, moving her behind him. "I'll fucking kill you."
The vampire just laughed, disappearing in a clowd of smoke. The moment he disappeared, Mia fell to the ground. She was unconscious, covered in both her own and the vampires blood.
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rinbowaman · 1 year
HHP - Chapter 7 (18+ MDNI)
Here we go! lol. Not proofread, sorry, I had to retype this in since i couldn't copy and paste (yes because tumblr hates me.)
“Come on.”
Ethan’s voice was deep, rough, and reserved as he breathes in deeply, recovering from the tension and high he had just succumbed to by the beauty that lays in his grasp beneath him. With his hand around your neck, he grips somewhat tightly, not enough to restrict your air way, but it was tight enough to keep you from merging away from him.
With a smirk, he displays an infatuated look of amusement as he becomes obsessed, as you allow your devious side, Eden to fully take over. Her playful and sinister smile as she narrows her eyes towards his gaze, teasing him with the lack of fear and distress that you would otherwise normally display, but that’s why you weren’t there, yet it was strange, it felt like watching a movie, but from where your perspective was, Ethan was the main feature of the screen. Feeling numb but aware of everything happening, you listen as you become familiar to the sound of your voice, which was now higher pitched than usual. The urge to do unspeakable things with the man before you were tempting and provided pleasant feelings in your chest, on a normal basis, you would shutter at the thought of performing some of the ideas that your Eden side would think of.
Everything that would normally bring a smile to your face, such as thoughts of being at your favorite café with Heeseung, walking with him, talking with him, and engaging in the intense yet passionate intimate moments, have lost the potent effect on you. Instead, thoughts of dominating, challenging, and sexually tormenting Ethan was all you could think of, it was an obsessed thought that lingered in the linings of your mind as you felt joy and excitement in the act of doing such.
‘What…is happening…to me?’
You mentally question at whether you were you or if you were Eden, or even…who was Eden? Was she you? Was she her own entity? Is she like Ethan, whereas you are like Heeseung?
‘Stay put and go to sleep. Let me have him.’
The sudden bell-like voice mentally disturbs your thought process as Eden reaches you, compelling you to ‘sleep’ and to let her remain in full control. Was this the reason why you would blackout and not remember anything pass a certain point during sex with Ethan? Was it because….of Eden?
‘Who are you?’
‘I’m everything you’re not.’
‘I am his equal, and your savior.’
‘What is this? How did you get here? Were you always here?’
‘I was born when he called for me.’
‘He craves me, yearns for me. He seeks me out, and I for him.’
‘Don’t think about it. Learn to embrace me, as I have embraced you.’
‘I don’t understand…’
‘You don’t need to. All you need to know, is that you have felt the gentle touch of a man but have also felt the sting of his anger. Whether it was with Heeseung, Ethan, or even Samuel, you lost touch with your emotions as you put up with the pain, and anguish they have given you. They were your downfall, even the good ones.’
‘It’s okay, I get it. But sometimes, it’s good to bite back, don’t you think?’
‘You and Heeseung, are both, God's eyes. You both see things in divine light.’
‘Then what does that make you and Ethan?’
“Tsk…Ethan and I are the two moths that were drawn to the light, we see you, we become you, yet we are different. We see the world differently, he and I, and that’s why we belong together. We belong to fly with our broken wings and walk the earth with our bare feet while you and your Heeseung soar through the heavenly skies. You are Heaven, and I am Hell.’
The mental conversation you shared with Eden felt like an eternity, yet it was merely two seconds as Eden’s smile crept wider, seducing Ethan into the abyss of lust and intrigue. Unbeknownst to you and Eden, Ethan was mentally in touch with his other side, allured by his equal.
‘Why is she smiling like that? And why does it…’
‘You’re not used to it, are you? Y/n’s timid and surrendering nature brings you joy, and Eden’s bold and daring desire for you adds the heat of passion within you. But it looks like you crossed a bridge that had never been crossed.’
‘Since when did you become a fucking philosopher?’
‘You know how observant I am.’
‘Tsk. Yeah.’
‘She’s challenging you.’
‘I know.’
‘But you’re not angry?’
‘No…I’m not.’
‘That’s surprising. I always thought you’d be offended if Y/n ever did this, let alone Eden. She really is like you.’
‘Yeah…and you’re a lot like Y/n.’
‘Why did you have to be so rough with her? I’ve told you so many times to be more gentle, with Eden, that’s one thing, she can take it. But Y/n is so delicate.’
‘If she’s so delicate then why didn't you do something when that bitch Tiff insulted her?’
‘You’re too reserved in your lane Heeseung, gotta stake your claim once in a while.’
‘Isn’t that why I have you?’
‘It’s exactly why you have me. You just don’t like to share.’
‘Yeah…maybe. So, what are you going to do?’
‘Everything. I’m going to do everything. But it’s going to take a lot, I need to remain here and need you to sit back.’
‘Relax and support me on this one, will you?’
‘Fine. You can have her all to yourself, but when y/n comes back, she's mine.’
‘Can’t stand to be without her, can you? Even without Eden you start to go crazy.’
‘Same with you.’
‘Yeah…we do love our girls. Now let me tame mine.’
*Chuckles* ‘Yeah…go fuck that smile off her face, Ethan.’
Ethan leans in, the moment he bids Eden with his calm words of ‘Come on.’ Eden initiates the first move, working against the grip around her neck, she raises her face up to meet with Ethan’s lips, kissing him as she wraps her arms around his neck.
His hands viciously massage and gropes her entire body as he rips apart the delicate, button up summer dress, exposing her nude form. With an arm around her waist, and another gripping her thigh, Ethan lifts her body as Eden wraps her legs around him. With ease, he uses just a small measure of his strength to suspend her in the air, supported by his broad frame. Feeling the cool surface of the wall against her back, Eden lets out a surprised moan from the sensation of being pinned against the hard surface in a rather harsh and arousing manner. Ethan smirks as he continues to inhale her moan in the kiss, flickering his tongue repeatedly into her mouth as she regains her composure, not willing to back down…not yet.
Feeling his groin digging into her soft spot in between her thighs, Eden initiates a turn of events as she grips on to the back of Ethan’s head, with a fist full of his shaggy hair, she pulls him back, causing the man to groan through gritted teeth as she begins to harshly suck on his Adam’s Apple. Stumbling back from the stinging pleasure of his hair being pulled and his sensitive spot being attended to, Eden takes advantage as she leverages her hand against the wall behind, gaining momentum to push their weights as Ethan stumbles back on to the bed with Eden gaining the upper hand and in the position of dominance.
Sitting on the mattress in an upright position, Ethan’s back is pressed up against the headboard, Eden kisses him in a rough manner, both her hands grip his neck with her thumbs stroking the hard lump on his neck as he parts his lips open from the pleasure. Moving her hands down, without breaking the kiss, she grabs the material of his shirt, and forcibly removes it as she re-engages and assumes her oral assault on his neck, his ears, and his mouth.
Just as she began to smile at her ability to shift the leadership role, Ethan commits to a similar act she had just issued to him, with a hand full of her long silky strands, he grabs hold from the side of her head, pulling her head to a tilt to expose her neck and clavicle. A yelp emerges from her mouth as he bites down on the soft skin on the nook of her delicate neck, followed by a series of sloppy licks as he scoffs and smiles against his mark.
Pulling her head back, slightly triggered by him leaving his mark on her amidst the numerous purple shadows he caused earlier from him sucking on Y/n, Eden pulls back a bit, gives a quick glance to the snarky smirk on the boy’s face, before admitting a single and harsh slap to his left cheek.
Quickly recovering after feeling the sting of her palm, Ethan glances up to Eden with a devious smile.
‘Heh...good.’ He mentally notes.
Grabbing her by the waist, digging his fingers into the suppleness of her skin, Ethan pushes her frame back, where her backside makes full contact with the bedding as he places the density of his weight atop, shoving her legs open wide as he nibbles her ear.
All the while, you and Heeseung both watch and feel the pleasure and pain of the assaulting pair. With Ethan and Eden being in full control, the environment turned chaotic as their bodies were pushing and shoving, banging up against walls and tables, knocking over anything that was hanged up or stationed on a flat surface.
The slapping, grabbing, biting, pinching, licking, and other acts of tough love is continued as you both witness and feel the intense passion the pair displays. As Ethan grabs Eden’s thigh, your thigh, you felt the burn as he shoves his two fingers inside the cavity you share with your alter ego. With absolutely no intent to afford you or her the opportunity to stimulate and prepare for it, you hear Eden’s high pitch scream as she bears the physical act of his ferocity, while you feel the pain and pleasure of it. As she screams and moans, you do the same internally.
Feeling his fingers become coated with the glaze of the sticky moisture her body was producing, your body, Ethan’s arousal nears its peak as Heeseung feels the weakness in his knees from the overwhelming sense of desire as they both witness the beauty of you and Eden succumbing to the penetrated act. After a series of slamming into you and Eden with the base of his palm hitting the skin underneath your folds, causing it to become tender and ultra-sensitive from the harsh slaps as he thrusted his fingers repeatedly, you and your alter ego watch as the man on top finally pauses his performance. Your eyes widen as you hear Eden breath out an unsteady moan, both of you witness as Ethan brings his fingers up, with his eyes widened in malicious gaze, his pupils visible as the light highlights his iris’. His tongue lays out as he opens his mouth wide, his teeth visible in a gasping feature as he drags his coated fingers against his tongue, and smearing your body’s product all over his lips as he sucks them clean, relishing in the taste of you.
“Mmm…you taste sweet.” He remarks in a snarky manner, but his voice caught both, you and Eden, off guard as the tone he carried was that of himself, and Heeseung. They both knew that you were watching while Eden was in control, of course they would. They've mastered this concept of two minds, two entities, both sharing one body.
Unsure of how Eden took it, you assumed that she was just as triggered as you were, as the gaze of the face in front of you was a mixture of Ethan's malice and Heeseung's cockiness. Between Ethan and Eden, you were willing to accept the two displaying a course of friction, allowing them to have their own interlude, as they both had taken each other's antics personally. Yet for you to receive a hint of Heeseung's demeanor in the mix, that was just...
'How dare he?...'
Suddenly Eden chimes in 'I told you, it's good to bite back sometimes.'
With a steady breath in your chest, you bid Eden.
'Then bite...hard.'
'I intend to.'
Swinging a leg to hit his side, Eden simultaneously pulls his neck to the side as she swings over to flip and be back on top of the boy. He barely puts up any resistance, as evident by his chuckle, knowing that he still had the upper hand as he brought you and Eden to near orgasm, yet stopped and enforced you both to witness his petty act of licking his fingers.
Yet his victory didn’t last long, for once she gained the position of being on top, Eden reaches down and grabs hold of his lengthy shaft, his jeans impressively remained attached to his body by the belt, as his cock remained out through the open zipper.
Massaging the wide girth in between her fingers, Eden quickly acts by latching her mouth to the only other sensitive spot that Ethan has, his Adam’s Apple. Though this time, she didn’t just commit to harsh sucking. Instead, she flickers her tongue, moans into her kisses, causing the vibrations of her tone to electrify through his skin, causing his leg to jerk. He reaches up and slaps his hands as he grips tightly to her arms, trying to pin them against her side to restrict her movement, yet it was pointless as she had everything in her grasp already, his dick and his neck.
Repeatedly licking the hard lump on his throat, Eden grazes her teeth against it, gently nibbing it as she twists and circulates the tip of her tongue all over it. Ethan groans out, his mouth stutters open as he uncontrollably swallows hard, and squints his eyes shut. His fingers dig into her skin, as he feels her guide the tip his cock into her wet and heated skin. Rubbing it up and down in between the folds, causing the head to become moist and slippery, she continues to tease as she motions it in circular movement with an occasional slap against her inner thigh, causing Ethan to buck up from the abrupt feeling of the sting.
Finally, Eden pushes him in, having him enter inside fully as she submerges herself down on his groin to enforce the commitment of full penetration. Taking a moment to relish the feeling of being filled by him, Eden closes her eyes and tilts her head back, her mouth shakes open as she lets out a nearly silent moan.
Ethan was also feeling the effects of immense pleasure as he calms down his rough demeanor and loosens his grip for a moment. Just as he started to stroke her arms in a tender manner, succumbing to initiating passionate love-making with his Eden as the overwhelming sense of lust and love hits him, Eden slaps his hands away and glares at him.
“Fuck you, Ethan.”
Placing a hand on his neck, putting down her weight to pin him down on the bed, she begins the act of riding him. Her hips roll up and down, the sensation of the cool air hitting the skin of his shaft as she rides up, only for him to feel the immense heat when she caves down. Irked at refusing his act of offering peace, Ethan was harshly given a taste of his own medicine from when you had tried to do the same earlier as he took you forcibly from behind.
Increasing her speed, Eden begins to bounce, while remaining the grip on Ethan’s neck. Her gasping moans become louder as she continues to glare at the man beneath her. The feeling was unlike anything Ethan has ever felt before, it was intense. Too intense. For each time she bounced, Ethan let out a moan, before he knew it, they were both moaning in sync, filling the room with echoes of sexual lust.
Reaching up with her free hand, she massages her breast as she continues to ride Ethan, the sight of her fondling her mounds nearly did Ethan in. Sensing it, Eden spoke out.  
“Cum for me like a good boy. Do it because I said so.”
Her words were like a challenge to a knife fight. Accepting it, Ethan irked a brow, sensing that Eden was striving for him to cum with her following suit as evident by the quaking of her inner walls, Eden became ridden with shock as she felt the harsh grasp on the sides of her waist as he pulls her in, her chest smacking against his, causing a rift of pain to ride throughout her sensitive breasts. Locking his arms around her back, with a forearm extending upwards to the back of her head, Ethan pins her head down to the nook of his own neck. His face leans into her ear, you and Eden feel the gasping vapor of his hot breath as he lingers out long and exaggerated exhales followed by a rough yet low, a very low and slow tone.
“Ahh…you first baby. Be a good girl and cum for daddy.”
Just as he finished his wording, locking your bodies together, Ethan relentlessly thrusts in a fast and heated pace. It was too fast, too rough, and too intense. You and Eden felt the jack-rabbit tempo hitting your skin as the base of his groin hits you both hard.
You were rendered hopeless as your moans were mixed with Eden’s high-pitched screams, unable to move as he forces your bodies to be plastered to one another. A battle of surrendering, Eden tried to regain composure but was knocked out of it by the repeated thrusts. He was too damn fast, she didn’t have any time to recover as the intensity was not deterred by the amount of energy he was utilizing as she felt him bucking upwards every split second, causing the moisture that built up in her cavity to morph it a thick, foamy and creamy like substance that dripped down and coated his shaft.
With the last bit of whatever strength she could surmise from the state he had you both in, Eden slowly reaches her fingers up, feeling around only for them to meet with his lips, to which Ethan took delight in opening his mouth, subtly tilting his face to gain a mouth full as he gently bites down on her fingers, all the while he lazily glares down at her thatch of silky strands while hearing her screaming into his neck. With the feeling of his tongue playing with her fingers, the nibble of his teeth, and the feeling of the suction as he feasts on her delicate fingers, Eden, amidst her pleasing screams, barely smirks for just a second.
‘Uh-uh….G-gotcha.’ She mentally notes in between her intense moaning.
With her fingers attached to his mouth, she forcibly guides his face away, once again latching on to his Adam’s Apple, causing him to pause his insane thrusting tempo. Pull him upright into a seated position where their bodies remaining plastered, Eden began to roll her hips once more, all the while still performing her oral assault on his neck. Releasing her fingers from his mouth at the process of groaning out, Ethan stutters out.
“Goddammit…f-fuck! Could you stop w-with my fucking neck?”
Pulling her by the hair on the back of her head, Ethan pulls her away as Eden was committed to a bite, pulling some of the skin on his throat and causing minor bleeding. Ethan, with his mouth pinned shut in what looked to be irritation and slight anger, or annoyance, glared at his girl as the collection of overflowing saliva builds up behind his lips from the intense pain. No pleasure.
Glaring at Eden, with you watching, Ethan’s eyes pierced right through the both of you. Without breaking the eye contact, his directs his face downward just a tad as he spits the excess saliva in his mouth onto your breasts.
“Hmm…ouch.” He simple remarks in a low and reserved manner, although he clearly was feeling the burn of the skin puncture on his Adam’s Apple. You couldn’t deny, for that to be his sensitive spot, it had to hurt quite a bit. The image of the blood slightly dripping down from the lump looked very uncomfortable and you knew, Eden’s boldness went too far, yet the latter didn’t think so much less care.
With his arm around her waist, Ethan takes his free hand and slaps his palm as he grips one of her breasts. Giving out a slight yelp, Eden winces in pain as he squeezes, hard, while pressing the mound in as if he was trying to shove it into her chest cavity.
“Hurts?” He merely asks as he raises a cocky brow.
“W-what do you think?” in between the wince of pain, Eden manages to speak out, though her tone was shaky.
“Hmm…” Ethan hums as he lets out a closed mouth smirk, narrowing his eyes.
“How long do you plan to keep this up?” He asks, while still shoving her breast inward, as his arm around her lower back pulls her in, causing a calisthenic force to take place.  
“D-depends…uh! Are you d-done being a scumbag?”
“Me? A scumbag?”
“Oh…come on baby, you don’t mean that. We love each other, don’t we?”
“ ‘Love’ is a delicate term Ethan, I can take it just as easy as I can give it. Don’t push me.”
“Push you?” Ethan remarks as his grip around her lower back pulls her in and downward, causing his length to submerge deeper inside. Eden slightly lets out a prolonged shaky moan.
“But…it seems like you like being pushed…huh baby?” Ethan scoffs as he watches Eden slightly struggle, trying to relieve herself from him pushing himself in deeper by using her own weight against her. It was no use, with his grip around her and his hand rendering her weak with pain from his harsh grasp on her breast, she sighs out.
“…What about you…Ethan?”
Upon hearing his name, Ethan was shocked as he felt a bit of force around his waist. Using her legs, which had been the only part of her body that was left free for her to use as her upper body was trapped in his embrace, Eden uses the momentum as she crosses her legs around him, pull Ethan in as she, much to her own physical torment and pleasure, begins to roll her hips. As much as it was working against her, it was doing her the favor of getting Ethan to become weakened with the lustful pleasure as his cock began to feel the rippling effect of her hips rolling, her walls tightening, her rear gently kissing the skin of his groin as she dips in and rises out, starting off slowly as the built up tension causes their bodies to shake, enhancing her speed slowly.
Face to face, with their nose tips barely touching, their gasping moans and breathing grazing their faces, both alter egos began to succumb to the immense pleasure that they were feeling, meanwhile you began to internally call out Ethan’s name. Heeseung, calling out Eden’s.
“Ah!...F-fuck!” Ethan grits out, biting down on his lip.
At that moment, you felt your Eden side succumbing to the pleasure, as you had done long before. With the pleasure of feeling his throbbing length going in and out, she steadily increases the pace, not caring about the act of ‘winning’ any longer, Eden felt the longing for peace and her Ethan to take her, just like she always had. With her gentle and high-pitched voice, she lets out a peace offering tone.
Sensing the white flag in her voice, Ethan, for once in his life, mutually surrenders as he leans Eden back, and with a loving, raging passion any man would have to offer, he kisses his Eden in an endearing manner, while taking his hand to stroke her cheeks.
“Come on baby, let’s do it together. F-fuck I love you.” Ethan gasps out. Eden nods as they both continue their passionate kiss, embracing each other hard yet lovingly as the act of thrusting and hip rolling simultaneously continues. Over, and over, again…and again….and again…and again…and finally….
“Uh! E-Ethan…uh! I’m cu-“ Eden’s voice cut off by a scream of pleasure as Ethan yells into her neck, both cumming at the same time. The battle, despite with both entities to surrender in peace, ultimately became a tie.
Laying side by side on their backs, panting rigorously from the intense and heated performance that took place. You felt a visual rush as a flash of light blinds you for a second before you suddenly come into clear vision. It wasn’t like watching a film anymore, there was no bezzle ring of darkness that obscured your sight, and that’s when you realized, Eden went back, allowing you to come in control. Just the same, Heeseung emerges with Ethan retracting into dormancy.
You both were too weak to move, feeling the effects as you alter ego’s had control was one apparent yet not as intense, being in full control was more potent as you realized just how sore and exhausted your body felt, yet the tingling sensation of the orgasm still electrified your pelvis and chest.
Sweaty, panting, and staring at the ceiling, you and Heeseung remained stagnant, as you both were suddenly introduced to the feeling of what had transpired between Ethan and Eden. Gently grabbing your hand, while trembling from the over intense sensation he was recovering from, Heeseung raises it, not breaking his sight from the ceiling, as he interlocks his fingers with yours, signifying his peace offering since clearly, Ethan and Eden finally established their own, in a manner that suited them.
Closing your fingers around his, you both turn your heads to the side to look at each other. Gently chuckling at watching the entire scene go down, while also experiencing the feeling of their passion and love, you and Heeseung allowed the two entities to feel your own way of establishing peace.
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Chapter 8
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quarterdollar · 11 months
HI I'm assuming this is the main for gabrielagresteofficial, I can't remember the exact wording of the question I asked you, but generally what were your thoughts on movie Gabriel and the movie in general :3
so going in i was certainly expecting a PRETTY movie but not expecting anything much from the story……pokemon did an “alternative take on the main characters’ origins” movie too that was fun to watch once but nothing super memorable. PLUS you gotta take everything in ML with massive grains of salt to begin with. BUT!!! I WAS BEYOND PLEASANTLY SURPRISED!!!! WOW !!!!!!! i was NOT expecting them to actually wrap up the love square or the hawk moth conflict in a single film, let alone in a way that actually felt satisfying for every character involved. it felt like a huge callback to season 1 in the best way……everyone’s early-show characterizations are back, the ladynoir dynamic is super tastefully written and fun to watch, and overall it’s just a super sweet unapologetically earnest cornball of a movie. did you know that they are in love? they’re in loveee 😭😭
AND GABRIEL. OH MY GOD. HOLY SHIT. FUUUCCCK!!!!!! HIS EVERYTHING. because like. i love him forever and ever to the end of time in all forms Always. season 5 is insanely funny to me. but this man did NOT start as a heartless megalomaniacal asshole who turns his son into a vtuber and attacks random passerby on the street and buys twitter. he was just an extremely emotionally neglectful weirdguy once. we used to be able to go to his house and beg him to let adrien go to a birthday party and he’d break just a little and say yes. he was SO sad. and blonde. the filmmakers understood this. they brought us back to what we used to have. and then they gave us more by making him SO unbelievably mentally ill. saying he’s busy because he needs to go stand in a corner and brood. having meltdowns on the daily. passing out on the floor. CANONICALLY suicidal. jesus christ. but he’s ALSO still Hawk Moth bitch!!! he’s goofy and campy and a ham without the weight of Being Gabriel on him. being evil is awesome and fun actually. torment and hatred forever <3 and then they do a good job of showing how he falls further into it over time until he’s doing actually outrageous evil shit and attempting murder and going crazy and he’s SCARYY and gets the upper hand super easily and you’re like Good lord he is going to KILL these children. but then the power of love saves him because we do remember that he still has a soul. he takes the L and goes to jail while keeping his Shady Tendencies. that’s what i thought was gonna happen in the show too, once,
also i didn’t know it was a musical going in!! that was a magical surprise!! and then i was like Oh thank god they’re not making Bryce Papenbrook sing. and i was hoping and praying and begging that gabriel would get a song for obvious reasons, and also because i KNEW that if any VA was going to get to stay for that it was going to be Keith Silverstein. and sure enough he completely bodies the villain number and they even gave him a high note to hit!!! ohhh my god. INSANE moments in victor quarterdollar history. it Was weird that they dubbed cristina vee though. she does have a nice voice, i listen to her music. but other than that very good decisions across the board. exploded. died. will be watching again
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hahafixon · 10 months
The Ultimate Climb ~ *Choi Jongho*
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Summary: You and Jongho wanted to do something fun together. You were hoping it would be a movie marathon or going window shopping. Not hiking up a hill. It better be worth it.
Pairing: Choi Jongho X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Oneshot
Word Count: 1153
Warning: Mention of death but in a humorous way
Taglist:​ @foxwinter @maeleelee @mxnsxngie @kpop-will-kill-me
You must have been crazy. You must have been absolutely insane to fall for Jongho’s scheme. All you said was you were bored and he responded that he had an idea. And you decided you’d do it, no questions asked.
Now, what you had prepared for was maybe a movie date. There were a couple movies you wanted to go see with him. Or you could have also handled going to a cafe for a snack. It would be super cozy and romantic to get a coffee or tea with him at a nearby cafe. Heck, you were even chill with just staying in, cuddling on the couch and binge watching a TV show or something with him.
Not hiking.
You definitely weren’t expecting hiking.
However, in the beginning, when you arrived at the base of the large hill that the two of you were going to trek, you were a little excited. It didn’t look like it would be that long or that difficult. You could easily manage a task of this proportion. And if you needed some encouragement, you had Jongho to help. You knew it was probably going to be more fun than you first thought.
Honestly, by now you should really just listen to what Past You said about not wanting to hike. You were heaving and trudging woefully behind Jongho. You knew you were out of shape but you didn’t expect it to be this bad. Not only that, but you were almost out of water and your throat was beginning for something to aid it’s dryness. What irked you even more was that Jongho hadn’t even broken a sweat. He was cheerfully walking at a brisk pace, barely even stopping to take a sip of water. Never have you loathed him more than in this moment right here.
“Not to be that guy,” You called out, “But is it okay if we take a break? I’m practically dying.”
Jongho turned to look at you before chuckling. “We’re almost at the halfway point. Think you can hold off a little longer till we arrive?”
You put your hands on your knees, trying to stop panting for a little bit. “You know, contrary to popular belief, I’m not some muscular God such as yourself.”
This made him laugh harder. “Okay, I never said I was a God.”
Glancing up at him, you frowned. “Well you certainly look like one.”
A faint blush decorated his cheeks before he cleared his throat. “Alright, c’mon, it’ll only take us two minutes until we’re halfway there. There’ll be a rest station where you can go to the bathroom and fill your water bottle, okay? I promise it’ll only take two minutes tops.”
You sighed before standing up straighter. “Fine, but if it takes longer, I get to whine about it.”
He sighed as well. “Fine. Lets go.”
Those two minutes it took to get to the rest station felt like two hours. Nevertheless, you both kept your words. It only took two minutes and you didn’t whine about it, though you certainly wanted to.
Upon reaching the rest station, you filled your water bottle, went to the bathroom, and flopped onto a nearby bench with a groan. Jongho laughed at you as you sneered up at him. “You’re laughing at me! I’m in all this pain and exhaustion, and my own boyfriend is laughing at me! What did I ever do to receive your torment?”
“Nothing, nothing.” He shook his head. “You’re just adorable that’s all.”
“Yeah? Well when I regain the ability to move properly I’ll show you just how adorable I can be.” You tried to threaten, though your heart wasn’t in it.
Again he chuckled before saying, “Are you ready to go then?”
“Now?” You whined.
“Yes now.” He mimicked your whining voice.
With a groan you got up. “Oh, I suppose.”
“It’s not going to take long.” He replied with a roll of his eyes. “At least, if you can keep up.”
“I suppose I’ll try.”
You couldn’t keep up.
Of course he had set a brisk pace that you matched for a good minute or two before your legs started to hurt. Soon it felt like you were walking through peanut butter to get to the top of this mountain, though Jongho claimed it was just a hill. It certainly didn’t feel like just a hill to you.
Jongho noticed you lagging behind and slowed the pace a bit so he was right next to you. “You’re slowing down?”
“Really?” You panted with a scoff. “I hadn’t noticed.”
He shook his head. “Do you just want to turn around and go home?”
“Well, how much longer do we have?” Frankly, you didn’t really want to go because it seemed like he was having fun. You didn’t want to be that guy and squash the fun he was having, even if you weren’t built for hiking.
“A couple minutes. Really the top should be around this next curve.” He explained.
You nodded. “Then let’s go.”
“Are you sure?” He asked, incredulously.
“I’m sure.” You weren’t sure. But it’s the thought that counts.
So you pushed through the last leg of the hike before all but collapsing on the summit. You were beyond tired. This was not fun for you. You were ready to accept the fact that this was the hill you were going to die on.
“This is my life now. I have climbed this hill and now I will die upon it.” You sighed dramatically.
“Oh would you shut up? We’ve been hiking for 20 minutes.” Jongho laughed. “Besides, you’re missing the view.”
“Jongho, if I wanted to look at you, I could have done that at home.” You whined.
There was a soft blush on his cheeks as he made his way over to you and offered out his hand. “Not me, you weirdo, the other view.”
Helping you to your feet, he showed you the view from the top of the hill. There you could see the city spread out and shining in the afternoon sun. It was actually very picturesque. You gazed in awe at the little cars rushing through the streets and how the different skyscrapers made up the skyline. You marveled at the bright blue sky with the soft, puffy clouds and sun shining high overhead. It almost made the trip up worth it.
“It is stunning.” You breathed as he threw an arm over your shoulder and pulled you close.
“Reminds me of you.” He murmured.
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, sure, whatever you say you cheeseball.”
“But you still love me right?” He teased.
“I suppose so.” You pecked his cheek.
The two of you stayed like that, admiring the view before you. It was the perfect moment. Nothing could spoil it. Absolutely nothing.
“You do realize we have to hike back down again, right?”
“Nope. I live here now.”
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
Hi love your writing, maybe something like "Are these flowers bothering you?" And "Somebody's certainly sneezy today." for Reader x Scarlett<3
Sunflowers And Sneezes
Hey :) This isnt too long but hopefully you still enjoy. Im hoping to get a longer fic done soon though so stay tuned for that :)
Summary: You and Scarlett are enjoying your day off although it seems somebodys allergies are acting up.
There were certain things that you and Scarlett always loved doing together, feeding the ducks, watching movies and cooking together were just afew of the things which you enjoyed. Another thing you both loved was taking long walks in the park together, you enjoyed taking in the nature around you and smiling at the wildlife.
The wind was blowing a light breeze that Spring morning. You found yourself gently strolling around your local park with your hand interlocked with Scarlett’s. You couldn’t help but admire her beauty as she walked, her blond hair flowed elegantly behind her, swaying in the breeze.
It wasn’t just Scarlett that was beautiful though, gorgeous wild flowers lined the edges of the path which you were strolling down and huge willow trees provided a much welcomed shade. You smiled when a particularly large sunflower caught your attention.
“Aren’t they pretty?” You marvelled, slowing down to admire the nature.
“Everything here is. The flowers are almost as beautiful as you.” Scarlett winked, bending down and taking a deep breath, smiling as the smell of roses met her senses. Only her smile began to smile a moment later when a tickle began tormenting her nose, “…Hh’iiitshiew! Hih’tshhiew!”
“Bless you Scar’.” You hummed, wrapping your hand around her waist as the pair of you continued your walk. Afew minutes later you heard a damp set of sniffles, curious, you looked over to see Scarlett swiping a finger against her nose.
“You doing okay over there?” You asked light heartedly, giving her a curious look as her nose began to twitch.
“Just a little i-itch.. Hh’tshoo! ..Hhiiitshiew! Hh’tssshh!” Scarlett quickly turned away from you to catch a set of sneezes in her elbow, “Ugh, sorry. My nose is itching like crazy.”
“Its okay, bless you.” You cooed, rubbing small circles on her hand as you continued to walk, “Goodness bless you, somebody’s certainly sneezy today.” You added with a laugh as Scarlett stifled another two sneezes.
Scarlett paused, stopping to wipe a tear from her watery eyes after a moment her breath began to hitch, she just about managed to stutter out the words “Not again.” Before turning to muffle yet another set of sneezes into her elbow.
“Aw honey.” You mumbled sympathetically, feeling a prick of worry spread across your mind, “Are these flowers bothering you?”
Scarlett sighed, there was no point in trying to hide it, “I think so.” She admitted with sniffle and she moved her hand to rub at her eye.
Only you gently caught her wrist before she was able too, “Sweetie rubbing at your eyes will only make it worst. Did you forget to take your allergy meds?” Your hand retook its original place around her waist as you gently began to guide her in the direction of the park exit.
“They make me drowsy, I wanted us to enjoy our day off.” Scarlett sniffled as she tried to fight off another tickle.
You frowned noticing a hint of congestion forming in her voice, “You’re beginning to sound stuffy sweetie. Lets get home and get you some antihistamines. We’ll still enjoy our day off.”
“Are you sure? We had plans to spend our day here.” Scarlett whined, feeling somewhat guilty about ruining your plans. She gestured to park around you, “It’s a gorgeous day Y/N. Are you really sure you want to go home, Its only afew sniffles. I swear- Hih’tshhiew! Hh’etshiew! Hh…Htsshiew!”
“God bless you Scarlett. Yes I’m sure, lets just get you home.” You looked down to cup her cheek, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, “Don’t worry, our day will be perfect. Im spending it with you afterall.”
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coff-beans · 2 years
I just started watching 2003 TMNT
I’ve been on a personal mission to watch everything TMNT related these past few months, but I’ve been going backward. I watched the ROTTMNT series, then the movie. Then I watched the Bayverse movies, followed soon after by the 2012 series. After watching all of that, I discovered the Batman vs. TMNT movie (2019), so I watched that. Then I watched the 2007 movie. Currently, I’m watching “S1: EP1″ of the 2003 series. I’ve noticed many things throughout my time watching these shows, and I will most likely do multiple analyses on them. But for now, I’d like to mention something that has been bugging me. Raph’s accent. Each Raph has a different accent (so far), here is a list of what I’ve noticed:
ROTTMNT- 2018(/2022): Nothing special, just a basic American accent. Not a thick one, but if you listen closely you can still hear it being somewhat of a New York accent at times. 
Batman vs. TMNT - 2019: More of a New York accent mixed with an American one, his gravelly voice gets in the way of being able to tell his exact accent. 
Bayverse - 2014/2016: Heavy(?) Brooklyn accent
2012: Similar to ROTTMNT he doesn’t have much of an accent, except he doesn’t have any signs of a New York accent. If anything, I think I’ve heard someone with a voice just like his multiple times during my time living in Washington state. It’s not something that has a prominent accent. 
2007: Definitely more of a Brooklyn accent, not as heavy as in the Bayverse. But still prominent enough to be easily recognized when he speaks. 
So far, Raph’s voices have been an American accent, a New York accent, or a Brooklyn accent. So you can imagine my surprise when I start watching the episode and I hear a FUCKING AUSTRALIAN ACCENT!? LIKE?? HELLO????
As soon as I heard it I immediately thought of Steve Irwin, and now I can’t stop hearing it. It torments my mind like a plague being released upon those who have sinned. The shadows of the past Raphels watch me, they cast their piercing gaze upon my very soul. Looking upon me in shame all I can hear is the fucking crocodile man talking in place of what once was my favorite ninja turtle. I believe this is my curse, I have watched too many ninja turtles and the gods will not allow it. The mortal soul is not meant to know this much, and this is my punishment. I will forever bask in the knowledge of the TMNT that constantly resides in the back of my mind, it will pull at my mind until it breaks, and I hope it does. So then, and finally then. I will be released from my curse and brought back down to the chains of man. But alas, I know this shall not be the end. As much as I try to believe this to be my wish, I know in my soul that it is not the case. Even if I am given my escape if I am finally freed from my chains and able to walk along my mortal breathen once again. I will not accept, for I am an Icarus, and I have flown too close to the sun. My wax wings shall melt, but I will not learn. Even as I spiral down to the ground below, I will not regret what I have done. For I know that I would not have changed a single thing, that this is what I wanted. This is my curse, but it is also my desire. 
o wait nvm, it’s a New Jersey accent. Srry.
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livvievbrundle-blog · 11 months
I'm hoping this makes sense :) ...I did go on a bit of a rant ;)
As most fans will no doubt know; #williampeterblatty once said "I don't want them to think that #thedevil won!" (them being us, the audience.)
... but; (please, keep in mind, I am in no sense of the word religious- I made up my mind a while ago I don't believe in any #God anyone has to work to convince me is up there- although there are things beyond this world I'm inclined to believe could be there:) when I think about it from a #spiritualrealm / #forcesofgoodandevil P.O.V; I don't think the #priests , even with their God's help, do win- and they most probably were never supposed to, because " #captainhowdy " doesn't allow them to.
Think about it like this;
-the demon in the film is #omnipresent , meaning it can be everywhere all at once.
-It's able to assert (if I'm using that word right) an astounding level of control over who and whatever it wants to, even before Regan is fully possessed.
-If the statue they excavate at the start of the movie is anything to go by; it's an ancient, merciless kind of evil with a grudge against a mortal man.
-It's extremely cunning and mischievous, and horrendously powerful.
-It's particularly pissed at #FatherMerrin , for somehow being able to drive it out of its chosen host the first time
which is why it asks for the exorcism, because it is obviously well aware that it "damn near killed" him years previously, so
-it's very ready for round 2
because it knows the ball's in its court, and it can finish the old man off- even going through the motions of reacting to #fatherkarras's bogus #holywater it obviously knows is from a tap, so it can drop the name of the priest it wants to perform the exorcism in that #englishinreverse recording it lets Karras make.
"What an excellent day for an exorcism."
"...You'd like that?"
"But wouldn't that drive you out of Regan?"
"...It would bring us together."
So; does it not then follow, that the demon could've easily killed the two priests on the spot, if it wanted to, before the battle even begins? I'd say yes. But instead, it chooses to go through with putting on a whole big show, for the exorcism- feigning being in pain from the actual holy water, and the supposed force behind the verses, and making the bed shake, and the vomiting, and spinning Regan's head around, and levitating her, and all its best schtick- as a way of reminding Merrin what he faced before, what it's capable of, and an ongoing way of tormenting Karras and testing his faith- hitting below the belt enough to use the guilt Karras experiences over his mother's death against him-
"He is a liar... the demon is a liar! He will lie to confuse us... but he will also... mix lies with the truth... to attack us!"
-while; at the same time, it's watching them start to weaken, and doubt themselves- laughing, as it senses what it's always known would happen; Merrin's heart is about to give out.
From what we see in Karras's last scene, it's delivered the deathblow on the old man itself, and then sat back to watch the younger one try to save him- giggling in the voice of the little girl it's inhabiting; mocking him, as he arrives at the awful realization he's too late.
The only reason Karras gets it out of Regan, and then through the window with him is because- after receiving a forceful, commanding 'invitation' from him, during a hate-filled pummelling- it removes the #stchristophermedal he's wearing and lets itself in.
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faithisthekey-23 · 1 year
Hi dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I came here to talk to you about idolatry. I will talk about:
1. A definition of idolatry
2. Earthly things
3. How can we overcome having idols and desiring earthly things?
4. Scriptures about having idols and desiring earthly things
5. An animation that shows the consequences of these sins.
A definition of idolatry
A lot of people think that they don't worship the devil or don't commit the sin of idolatry because they claim themselves as Christians and have faith in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. However, just because you don't worship idols made of woods, metal etc. doesn't mean that you don't have any idols. I wanted to remind you that everything can be an idol, even a person that you idolise. An idol can be the music that you listen to, movies that you binge-watch, people from your life, games that you play and more. For an idol is everything that is our priority, takes the place of our God Almighty Who should always be the most important for us.
Earthly things
As humans, we desire earthly things as we are influenced by the environment of ours, in which the devil plays a huge part. He wants to do everything to take us from our Lord, Savior, Friend. Why? Lucifer is mad for he knows that God is way stringer and powerful than him and he knows that he has already lost the battle. However, he seeks revenge on God by trying to take His children away from God so that they don't live in Heaven with their One and True Heavenly Father. He does it by taking our attention from the One that we need the most — God — and putting our attention on earthly things: music, movies, series, videos, games, gossip, idolising popular people, badmouthing others, encouraging people to speak against someone, normalising hatred and loving the revenge — things that the world is crazy about. He know that he will perish in hell and doesn't want to be alone in all of this. That's why he wants you to go there with him. The devil wants you to think that his presence is better than God's Holy Presence by putting a lot of different hardships in your life. The closer to God you are, the more hardships the devil wants you to face for he knows that your faith is strong. He knows that you are no longer slave for him but are obedient to God and he knows that he has lost you and wants you back to torment you in hell and on earth. But don't you worry for the Scriptures says ”Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4 KJV). Greater is the One Who arts in Heaven that he who rules on earth.
How can we overcome having idols and desiring earthly things?
Here are a few tips:
~ Find your identity in Christ. Remember that you were born again in Christ. Remember that God is here to help you and heal you. Remember that once you surrendered to Lord of Lords, you claimed to be His child. You are no longer slave to devil, but you are the beloved daughter/brother of Almighty. You no longer have to be obedient to satan and do what he tempts you to do, for you are safe in the Mighty Hands of God.
~ Prayer. Pray to Him to help you fight the desire to come back to sin, to come back to being the one you were before you were saved. Ask Holy Spirit, your Dear, Holy Friend for guidence and pray to God to help you recognize His voice. Pray that Holy Spirit will remind you of what Jesus says, what is written in the Bible.
~ Keep in mind that Holy Trinity is with you. If you struggle to remember that Holy Trinity always listens to your prayers and is with you, even in the moments in which God seems to be far from you. He promised you to never leave you: ”So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10). Try to imagine Jesus sitting beside you in the times of tempation. Trust me, He is always ready to help you. Just start talking to Him, turn to Him and ask for help. He will make it easier for you. You can also ask Him to speak to you and then open the Bible. It will keep your mind busy from the distracting earthly things.
Here are some Scriptures about idolatry and seeking earthly things:
“³ You shall have no other gods before me. ⁴ You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. ⁵ You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, ⁶ but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” (Exodus 20:4-6)
”Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry.” (1 Corinthians 10:14)
”Dear children, keep yourselves from idols." (1 John 5:21)
“Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them." (Jonah 2:8)
“Do not turn to idols or make metal gods for yourselves. I am the LORD your God.” (Leviticus 19:4)
”¹⁹ The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; ²⁰ idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions ²¹ and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God." (Galatians 5:19-21)
”All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind; they are ignorant, to their own shame.” (Isaiah 44:9)
”¹⁹ No one stops to think, no one has the knowledge or understanding to say, “Half of it I used for fuel; I even baked bread over its coals, I roasted meat and I ate. Shall I make a detestable thing from what is left? Shall I bow down to a block of wood?” ²⁰ Such a person feeds on ashes; a deluded heart misleads him; he cannot save himself, or say, “Is not this thing in my right hand a lie?” (Isaiah 44:19-20)
I recommend you to watch a video about this topic. It is a good animation that brings knowledge. Keep on spreading the Gospel and helping people to repent, let them be aware of the consequences of sin.
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fantasyideas1 · 2 years
Poetry So eloquently seducing the shape of your body, you are my insatiable lust, every second with you is the eternal beauty of love nostalgia, Eloquent eroticism in grandeur and splendor, prosaic refinement in the detailing of temptations, covered in sweat from passion, like a soul from passion, powerful passion like an electric shock , I am bewitched, programmed to love you forever, you are an eternal spring of passion in my heart, torture to be in the distance, you are part of my soul, my body is a continuation of you, Sadistically teasing beauty, torment and torture do not caress you, your beauty can torture people from being that you are unavailable jokes When he swears, he seems to orchestrate our emotions with his middle fingers. Erection benefits even wagging his tail When I die, my relatives will say yes, he died ... well, who needs pizza, me, me, me I can't take it anymore, this is too boring a love movie, weakling, what, there's nothing The knot on the neck is tightened, tied by fate with love Guys heavily stoned, voice from the toilet, I have a pixelated penis, nipples, anus, like in Japanese porn I'm a smart home program, and you ran out of food and you didn't pay for electricity, you're worse than any bitch wife, well, repeat, now I'll order five hundred T-shirts online with the inscription I'm a slacker, just try, a courier comes and a truck is nearby, that's what we did order that you ordered ten thousand dildos, that I did not order it, probably the smart home system ordered, we do not blame you sir Brownie, on the contrary, fast food stolen from a restaurant appears out of nowhere, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I like it From his wisdom I grew old, from sex with her I also grew old, my legs could not walk The girl says I will fuck mega aggressively, that even after death you will remember me Was she divorced? No, I don't want to meet smart You're over a hundred years old, you're crumbling, you don't even need cremation, stay away from the fan Mini hand fan, for my personal belongings. Did you see this beauty again? The secret of an alcoholic is a distended bladder and the most drunken genitals in the world You watched the candy in the closet for a week, waited for the time to come and the child would forget about it, and when you opened it, there is a big, fat worm with chocolate smeared in his mouth, asking to turn off the light What is the worst pain in your life? Dropped cell phone Your son reads a lot, he only reads porn captions Pillow in the shape of boobs, you strangled your second husband with them He talks to his penis: you are the most chaste pipito in the world, you are more holy than any monk on earth, do not cry pipito, so that you, pipito does not move, why did God make me this meaningless accessory, I will bury you in a small coffin, in the shape of a heart along with your amigos (eggs), and I will send it by mail in the form of a heart of my first love in my life, pipito moves, I saw boobs, he will live, oh pipito you are gray with a haircut like a mad scientist Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
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papasmistakeria · 3 years
Me: *bummed out cause I couldn't watch 'In The Heights' in theatres so I decided to watch 'Trolls World Tour' to cheer myself up*
Also me, 5 minutes into the movie:
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