#is he wearing sperrys
dtpreek · 9 months
Can people send me pics of guys in sperrys boat shoes my time line is no just flip flops 😩😭
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whatthefishh · 1 year
Oxford Comma
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Rydal Keener x f!Reader
Summary: You got into Harvard, based on your own merit. Rydal was a legacy kid and pissed you off every chance he could get. AKA the 90s University AU I spent two full days working on.
Words: 7k+
Warnings: NSFW, oral sex (m and f receiving), p in v, cream pie, Rydal is a cunt lmfao, a lot of run on sentences and overly describing situations because you just had to be there
Series Masterlist
It all starts during homecoming. 
Well, sort of. 
That’s when you met him.
“I didn’t even want to go to school here, you know. Fucking bullshit,” you heard someone say. 
You bristled at the thought that someone would want to turn down the posh ivy university that you somehow managed to get a scholarship to. You had busted your ass for your grades and extracurriculars, balancing being on the school paper and being top of your class just for the chance to apply to Harvard. And here this prep kid was, complaining that this wasn’t his top choice. The privilege was pouring out of him like a faucet.
“Didn’t your dad bribe you though? He bought you a new car. Like, the exact car you’ve been whining about,” the taller boy said.
“It wasn’t a bribe–”
“And! Didn’t you get a custom licence plate? Something that had to do with Greek mythology or some shit–”
“You’re a fucking idiot,” the snooty boy sniffed. “He chose the plate. Wanted everyone to know who it actually belonged to.”
“Well– yeah. Still, we’re legacies. May as well use it to our advantage.”
You were listening so closely that when someone behind you in the crowd of students bumped you too hard, your drink spilled on the taller boy’s shoes. Not a lot, but enough to embarrass you in front of the clearly well-off duo. They both turned around to look at you at the same time, the shared weight of their accusatory gaze shrinking you even further, if that was even possible.
Chester, the taller boy whose name you had come to learn after hearing the snooty boy refer to him as such, threw a fit about the now dried cranberry stain on his crisp white Sperry’s, which he had apparently just purchased. 
The other boy, the one who didn’t want to go to school here, was watching you amusedly the whole time, his lids low as he slowly took in your appearance while you were stuttering out an apology to Chester. You didn’t notice how he was watching you until he interrupted you and said that it was fine. That he’d buy his friend another pair, to which you did a double take, catching his winning smile. That ten kilowatt smile probably got him out of a lot of situations, and he was aiming it at you now. For what, you didn’t know. He was genuinely very handsome. In a classic, old money kind of way. Sweaters around his shoulders, Ray-Ban wearing, summer in the Hampton's kind of way. To be honest, it just made you dislike him more. The uncomfortable feeling spreading over your body in goosebumps under his stare, most likely manifesting into a cringe-worthy blush across your cheeks. 
You needed to get away. Hopefully, this was a one-off and you’d never have to see or speak to them ever again. After an uncomfortable ten or so seconds of silence, you turned on your heel and walked into the crowd, not bothering to catch the other boy’s name.
The distinct smell of his expensive cologne hit your nose before you saw him again. 
Looking up from the list detailing the books you needed for your semester, you stopped short as someone cut in front of you in the aisle of the campus bookstore. The back of his head rang familiar but you couldn’t place him, until he grabbed something off the shelf – the last copy of The Communist Manifesto in his hands – and turned to give you a smug smirk when your eyes connected. You couldn’t help but flick your eyes back and forth between his eyes and the title in his hand, the same book you needed for your Perspectives of Politics course. And he’d just taken the last copy available.
“I…I was going to buy that,” your voice came out weaker than intended.
“Were you?” he was still smiling at you, infuriatingly. 
“Yeah, right before you jumped in front of me. It’s the last one in stock.”
“Hmm. Didn’t see you reaching for it. Guess you’ll just have to order it online then.”
You grit your teeth together, trying to go for polite but by the way his eyes lit up at your jaw clicking, you were having a hard time keeping it together.
“Come on, they’re like double the price online, I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt daddy’s wallet. Let me have this one!”
You grimaced as soon as the words left your mouth. They were ugly and not the way you wanted to carry yourself at a prestigious school such as Harvard, especially not to someone whose parent was a faculty member. 
He arches a brow and takes a deep breath in before tilting his head back and staring down his nose at you. He wasn’t much taller than you, not really, but he held himself with such distinction that you couldn’t help but feel three feet shorter. 
“Listen, I don’t know what backwater town you came from, but we don’t use those words around here unless you’re moaning about it.”
God, you hated him. You wanted the floor to swallow you up so you could disappear from this awkward fucking moment. 
Narrowing your eyes at him, your tongue once again got you in trouble, “Motherfucker,” you whispered incredulously. 
“No, my name is Rydal. But you were close.” 
He shook his head, the smug look back on his face as he walked away from you, leaving you to gape at the empty aisle trying to rewind time. 
You only realize he’s in your class when midterms come around, seeing him show up to write an exam for a course he’s never attended in person.
You avoid him, casting your eyes downward until you pass by him, too ashamed of your last conversation all those weeks ago to even look him in the eye. 
He finishes the exam quicker than someone should be able to for someone who hasn’t attended a single lecture. It’s almost questionable. Until you see several other students get up around the same time as him, leaving a good two thirds of the lecture hall still full. You’re still around the halfway point of the exam, and trying your best to remember what it was you read about capitalism and Marx, and but the moment from the bookstore comes to mind, your thoughts unintentionally drifting to Rydal again. His deep set eyes watching you from atop his aristocratic nose, lips parting curiously, temptingly–
You’re writing an exam, for fuck’s sake. Shaking your head and blinking rapidly to get rid of the thoughts (read: thots) you were having, you shifted your attention back to the papers in front of you. 
You double checked everything before handing it in, well before the last third of students finished. A small part of you bitterly wondered how he had managed to finish so quickly, but you again didn’t let yourself brood for too long.
You didn’t see him but you saw Chester in the library once, kicking the printer in an attempt to make it work after jamming for the umpteenth time. 
You made eye contact after he had just done so, your body freezing at the exact moment your eyes met inadvertently and making your library trip last half as long as you initially intended. If you were being honest with yourself, which honestly you were, way too often and mostly to your detriment, you high-tailed it out of there out of fear of running into Rydal. If Chester was around, you could safely bet that he was probably nearby, the two frenemies often spending their free time together. 
Planning on finishing your paper in your dorm, you made your way back, secretly hoping your roommate wasn’t there. You had no problems with her, she was actually really nice to you and often wordlessly gave you snacks if she saw you skipping meals. The thing was…
Your roommate started smoking weed and thought she was being slick about it. She wasn’t.
The smell of it followed her in the dorm, leaving its teeth marks in the sweaters she left around, in the bathroom where she would spend an hour in the shower washing it out of her hair, and in her bed sheets when she’d come back from god knows where smoking up. 
There was one night when she came back with some gummies for you to share, since she noticed you being on edge and wanted to help, bless her. You kindly refused, since you were in the middle of crying about your grades, but appreciated the thought nonetheless. 
Your midterm came back with a lower grade than you expected. Your project partner didn’t finish their part of the assignment, forcing you to do most of it yourself. You were going to get a lower grade than you wanted, than you needed to keep your scholarship. You had to get at least a 90% on the final to keep your average where it needed to be. How the fuck were you supposed to accomplish that? What with the stress of managing your finances and trying to blend in to this stupid crowd, most of the kids around you not having to even think about any of the shit that was on your mind. 
You couldn’t fail, you weren’t allowed the same slip ups half of the students around you were allowed. Not only could you barely afford your meals on campus, but you were skipping dinner some days, desperate to make it to the end. It’s not like you could ask anyone at home for help, that was a write-off. You were here off your own merit and volition. You and you alone. You thought about all your peers who had help getting here, jealousy rising like bile in your throat. You needed this more than them. And yet you felt hopeless when you thought back to the pre-requisite course you were failing.
Okay, fine. Not failing, just falling below the mark you needed.
Which you tried explaining to your roommate. Her casual suggestion made you stop crying immediately, turning to her in confusion.
“Why don’t you just buy an answer key?”
What. The. Fuck.
“What the fuck?”
“Yeah, like the answer key to the final. I’m sure someone has it.”
“Like… you mean like someone’s selling the answers to the exams we’ve been writing? Like… a student? Isn’t that against school rules?”
She laughed and looked at you like you’d grown two heads.
“Of course it’s against school rules, that’s why you have to be careful who you ask. Honestly, how have you been getting by this whole time? Don’t tell me you’ve actually been doing every single reading?” she asked you as if the mere thought of it was ridiculous.
You just stared at her in stunned silence, a little bashfully when you had no reason to be. 
“Oh honey, go ask Rydal, I’m sure he has it.”
Now you were going to scream.
“W-what?” you were struggling to wrap your head around it. The same Rydal whose father was a professor at the school, the same Rydal who left the exam early for a class he never fucking showed up for – that scumbag was cheating and still had the audacity to steal the last copy of the book you needed right out of your stingy hands. 
The sound of your roommate talking faded into noise as you were thinking about all the times you felt less than, and all the times you stayed up late in the library studying, trying to prove yourself to your professors and peers when all this time half the student body was probably buying their way through school and doing the bare minimum.
You realize she’s been droning on about how cute he was today, and how kindly he offered to roll her weed for her when she bought the dime off him and it occurred to you that she was still talking about Rydal. Her weed dealer, Rydal. 
A thought occurred to you. 
“Where’s his dorm?” you adopted a fake tone of cheerful curiosity. 
She adapted to your change in diction better than you could’ve hoped for really, giving you the information you were looking for and feeling altruistic about herself in the process.
He opened his door with an air of boredom, masking his surprise at finding you there – your eyes probably red from crying, hands wringing in front of you – and leaning against it with his arms crossed, looking you up and down before asking, “can I help you?” with a twist of his lips.
Taking a deep breath and trying not to literally twiddle your thumbs, you start explaining how you need at least a 90 on the exam to keep your GPA, trying to skirt around the topic of maintaining your scholarship. For whatever reason, you felt the need to hide your financial status in front of him, and you were already here groveling for his help. You didn’t need to hand over your dignity on a silver platter for him. 
Halfway through your monologue, he opens the door more fully for you, signaling for you to enter with a slight tilt of his head. Looking around his dorm, you take in the frames and posters lining his walls; the stack of books next to his extremely comfortable looking bed; his mostly cleared desk; an acoustic guitar half hidden behind it; and a hefty looking filing cabinet with a lock. It was much loftier than yours looked, even with the lived in state. His worn but expensive denim jacket hung off the chair at his desk, and you briefly wondered what the hell his deal was. Why was this rich kid with daddy issues acting out in a clear violation of several campus rules and regulations, pulling out a spliff from behind his ear to rest between his lips and light it up lazily in front of you? 
“D’you wanna hit?” he asks, blowing the smoke out as he watches you gingerly look around for somewhere to sit. You shake your head ‘no’, tugging at the hem of your Harvard t-shirt. 
“Take a seat, I have to find the copy,” he says gesturing to his unmade bed. 
So you do, you sit in the same place his body had been prior to you knocking on his door and you can tell by the traces of cologne you pick up as soon as you sit down.
You try not to stare as he’s bent over the heavy duty cabinet, rifling through the folders - criminally organised, this one – until he finds the one he’s looking for and turns around to catch you staring at his bum, your eyes widening as they meet his a second too late. 
"Y'know, you look good like that,” he says, leaning his hip against the cabinet and looking at you down his nose again, his lids laying low over his brown eyes. 
"Like what?" you ask, despite you already having a feeling where he was going with this. 
Rydal smiles, like you played into his hand exactly like he wanted you to.
"Sitting on my bed."
"Just give me the photocopies, Rydal."
"Alright, alright,” you stood up to grab them from his outstretched hand, more than ready to leave his cave of horrors. 
Except he doesn't let go when you grab them. 
"How much?"
He still hasn’t let go; you’re at an impasse with how to proceed. Looking up at him with a slight panicked look, he concedes, finally releasing the paper from his grip.
"For you? Nothing, for now.”
“The fuck does that mean?”
“Means you owe me one,” he said with an unethical twist of his pink lips. 
"I don't know how I feel about that."
"I have a feeling you'll like the way it feels,” he was ushering you out now, his hand on the small of your back raising goosebumps in its wake. Once in the hallway again, you turned around poised to dish it back but he didn’t give you the chance. Rydal winked at you before swinging his door shut in your face, leaving you half confused and half flustered at his blatant flirting and somewhat generosity. 
The next time you see Rydal is at a frat party that your roommate somehow convinced you to go to. She had insisted you needed a night out, a normal university experience she had called it, ever since she found out about your long study hours. Apparently, she had thought you were seeing someone and that’s why you were out late, not because you’d been holed up in the library this whole time. So she took it upon herself to throw some of her clothes at you, more expensive than anything you owned, albeit shorter and tighter. 
“This isn’t my size,” you tried to tell her from inside the bathroom you shared. 
“Yes, it is, stop being dumb and let me see,” she was being nice, you reminded yourself.
Groaning, you opened the door to reveal the kitschy micro pleated skirt she had lent you with the thigh high socks, to go with it. You felt ridiculous, but by the way her eyes lit up at the sight of you, you were made to believe that it was a good look, despite the irony of the academia look gone wrong, all things considered. 
Before she could drag you out any further, you managed to swipe your oversized denim jacket to throw on top for the chill November air, letting her drone on about how she wants to find you a guy tonight. 
The party was being held in a dated building on campus, hosting one of the many fraternities that Harvard has to offer, and of course, one of the many yearly gatherings where students come together to make terrible, horrible decisions together. The structure itself is historically beautiful from the outside, if one were to ignore the trashed students huddled together in swaying groups as the speakers from within the house blared out Hypnotize. There were shouts coming from inside the house, a constant stream of students going to and fro, and someone was most definitely throwing up in the hedge. 
Linking her arm through yours so she wouldn’t lose you to the throngs of people, your roommate pulled you through, ending up at the drinks table.
“Pick your poison,” she urged you, before turning and saying hello to a bunch of people you didn’t know, leaving you alone for a minute before he descended upon you.
“Step on me, would ya?” his soft voice was closer to your ear than you expected anyone to be. 
Your head whipped around and even his eyes widened at seeing your face, not having known it was you from behind. 
“Are you lost or something?” you scoffed at him. 
“Oh my god, Rydal! So good to see you,” your roommate swooped in at just the right time, stepping between you two to hug him, a hug that he returned though he kept his eyes on you the whole time. “You two know each other, right?”
He cleared his throat before smiling and nodding at her, answering all her socialite questions before seeing someone he knew across the room and taking his leave. You knew this outfit was a bad idea. 
“Babe, I’m gonna go dance with Sebastian over there, is that okay? He keeps smiling at me and– don’t look at me like that, I’ll be back soon, I promise, okay?” 
You felt bad, not wanting to keep her from having fun so you assured her you’d be fine, busying yourself with your drink and finding something to snack on. Which led you to search for the food table, it was bound to be here somewhere. Near the drinks is where they usually set it up, right? It should be here – 
He was already staring when your gaze landed on him, looking at you through his lashes from across the room, his index finger resting on his tongue as he licked off whatever food was leftover on it. You felt your cheeks heat as he didn’t look away, the pink of his mouth wrapping around his finger now and making a show out of cleaning it while he looked you up and down. 
Oh, fuck him, you needed some space. The back door was nowhere to be seen so you pivoted and took the stairs two steps at a time in your rush to find the bathroom. After brushing past some older, more inebriated students draped over each other in the hallway, you found an unoccupied bedroom, rather nondescript and clean to belong to this house, at least. Stripping yourself of your jean jacket, you tossed it somewhere near the door. Taking a few breaths to steady your racing heart, you tried to shake the tantalizing image of him and his perfect mouth out of your head, the way his lips wrapped around his finger and leaving behind a trail of spit–
The door swung open and you were about to apologize, presumably to the resident of whoever’s room you were occupying but the words died on your lips when you noticed it was him, closing the door behind him. 
You don’t have the energy to deal with whatever brand of crazy has him acting up tonight, his eyes drinking you in now that he has you cornered like a predator. Taking the moment to study the boy before you, to really study him, you notice he’s not really that tall and not really that imposing. The watch on his wrist looks old and worn, not like his flashy counterparts you thought he was similar to. His polo shirt, though obviously expensive judging by the material and the way it draped over his shoulders, was minimalistic in design. No logo, if any, was immediately visible, and you realized you wouldn’t have known about his ridiculous opinion of the institution if you weren’t eavesdropping that first day, and honestly? He’s probably someone you could have befriended upon first glance (or fallen for, but that’s neither here nor there).
You’re eyeing him with blatant distrust. He’s an asshole at times but his lips part as if he were about to speak and then thought better of it, cocking his head while searching for the right words and you’re waiting with baited breath, crossing your arms across your abdomen and inadvertently pushing your breasts up just enough, because why the fuck did he follow you up here?
He has the audacity to look a bit ashamed actually before deciding to press his fingers to his lips and not speak.
“You’re not going to say anything?” you manage.
He shakes his head and you can see the smile he's trying to hide behind his hand, “well I was going to, but I didn’t want to come off like a dick.” 
You narrow your eyes and sigh, “what? Just say it.”
“I wanted to cash in that favour, what with you looking like… well, like that.” His hand finally leaves his mouth to vaguely wave in the directions of your legs. 
So, you meant to put up more of a fight. 
You didn’t mean to give in to his stupid advances so easily, so wantonly, and you don’t even remember who moved first but you remember it being a damn good kiss. Rydal basically devoured your mouth, tongues fighting for dominance soon after your lips met with one hand cupping the back of your neck and the other pulling your body closer by your hip. You pushed his jacket off him while his hands reached under the hem of your top, fingers pressing into your skin. You finally had the opportunity to rake your fingers through his dark locks, causing him to moan into your mouth and bite your bottom lip in retaliation and you swore you could feel the vibrations in your fucking tonsils, your hips rocking into his and you could feel him–
Time seemed to blur, and suddenly you found yourself on your knees, his hands hurriedly unbuckling his belt while you looked up at him from below, his cheeks dusted pink. Massaging the head of his cock through his stupid corduroy pants, he whined under his breath, pushing your hand away to pull himself out of his briefs.
He’s so fucking thick. After unceremoniously pulling out his cock, he didn’t want to force you to do anything, his arms hanging awkwardly by his sides while you just blinked stupidly at it, watching the tip as it leaked out a drop of precum.
Rydal was watching you watch his cock, before you finally gripped the base and leaned forward to kitten lick the tip, and his hesitation flew out the window. His hand buried itself in your hair, not pushing but holding so gently, it was almost tender and it occurred to you that you wanted to wreck him.
Opening your mouth to let more of him in, you breathe in deeply through your nose until you feel him graze the back of your throat, hearing him stutter a breath when you do. Moving your mouth over him until the hilt, you repeated your movement, fingers tightly gripping his base and ignoring the way his thumb rubbed your cheek on every pass. You chanced a look up at him and saw his wild eyes watching you, groaning when your eyes met. His hips unintentionally thrust forward, hitting the back of your throat and causing you to swallow around the tip, both of you moaning at the same time. 
An ache is building in your jaw but you were determined to make him lose his shit, he drove you crazy and despite you being on your knees for him, you felt in control of the moment, taking pleasure from it. There was a throbbing between your thighs that you tried your hardest to ignore for the time being. 
He was whining now, and you continued to bob your head over his cock, obsessed with driving him further to the edge. Rydal made the prettiest noises, even his exhales were music to your ears and you were glad that you were completely sober enough to remember this, to remember how his head dropped back when you swirled your tongue around his fat tip, the sensitive spot underneath the head and you think he might come. You can't help but wonder if he'll taste any different having fed from a silver spoon all his life
Hes whining a lot now, please– so good j-just like that, God yes – you’re sure hes about to blow his load and you’re preparing yourself to take it as he starts bucking into your mouth but before he can the door swings open and none other than fucking Chester walks in and the moment’s diffused, dissolved, deflated, you’re on your feet faster than you realize and you grab your jacket from the floor as Chester guffaws at the scene. Your feet take you down the stairs and out of the house in a daze, you don’t hear Rydal calling your name behind you in your haste to leave and you see your roommate still with Sebastian, leaving her in his good hands as you make your way back to your dorm. 
Halfway through the Quadrangle you realize you weren’t wearing your own jacket, Rydal’s cologne wafting from it in the humid pre-rain atmosphere. Great, now you had a corporeal reminder of what just transpired. Out of everybody at that party to walk in on the two of you, it had to be his best friend, the one who he was probably going to dish all the dirty details to anyway. 
“Ughhhh!” you groaned once you reached your empty dorm room. 
The entire walk back was filled with images of Rydal, the way his hair felt between your hands, the way his thumb was softly caressing your cheek, the way he felt heavy in your mouth, the way his eyes looked at you like he couldn’t believe his reality. What a waste of your time, you thought bitterly. Neither of you even got the chance to finish what you started. 
Neatly folding the borrowed clothes on your roommates bed, you forced yourself to sleep, only able to nod off after several failed attempts to relieve the buildup between your thighs. 
The next two weeks went by uneventfully. Never mind you leaving your dorm for literally anything other than necessities. Classes ended a week before exams, the library was full at all hours, so you resigned yourself to studying in your bed and at your desk. Your roommate spent half her time at her desk and the other half at her new boyfriend’s dorm, Sebastian. That fateful night turned out in her favour, ironically.
She had actually asked you what happened and if you were okay, not having found you after your pathetic runaway stunt. 
“Uhh, I had a really bad acid trip. Ended up here, no memory of how.” 
She nodded at you solemnly, her hand coming to rest on your shoulder comfortingly as if you’d just told her someone in your family had died. 
Rydal’s jacket rests on the back of your chair, the smell of it lingering, both comforting and disconcerting at the same time. You’re bad at lying to yourself so you’ve come to terms with the fact that you enjoyed what happened between you two at the party and felt real regret that you couldn’t finish what you started, going home empty handed. Like a kid at the carnival with no prize, it was stolen from you at the last second and you had to leave before letting them see how badly you wanted it. 
And you did, you wanted him so badly. You almost hate yourself for acknowledging it but when you closed your eyes he was all you could see, his face moments before coming down your throat. Studying in a perpetual state of horniness wasn’t doing you any favours either. You had taken to going for early morning runs to get rid of the itch under your skin, having given up on trying to relieve it yourself. 
The answer key worked, flawlessly of course. You still studied, you weren’t completely undignified in your cheating. It’s not like you were behind in the course, so you did your due diligence and it turned out in your favour. You hung around after finishing, double checking your work and then handing it in with the first half of the class and leaving the examination room with a pep in your step. Once again your thoughts strayed to Rydal, and how you should thank him for his help but then memories of your thanks came to mind and you decided he already got his dues.
Still, you had his jacket. You should probably take it back, all things considered. You turned in your seat to check the tag, curious as to how much it cost him. No doubt that it cost more than half your closet – Balmain. 
Okay, upon first glance it was just a basic denim jacket, but now that you knew it was designer, you noticed the detailing, the strong hardware and clean top stitching that held it together. A quick google search told you it cost him nearly $3,000 and you’re rendered speechless that he hasn’t come knocking down your door and calling you a thief. 
Your leg starts bouncing under your desk, his cologne somehow more fragrant while the words on your laptop screen stop making sense, jumbling together as your mind screams at you to return the jacket at once.
Twenty minutes later you’re knocking on his door.
You speed walked here, his jacket in hand. Yes, it was cold outside, but you braved the wind and refused to put the denim on, based entirely on principle and fear that you’d be billed in case anything happened to it while you wore it. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you tried to listen to the shuffling behind his door. What if he wasn’t home? What if he was and didn’t want to see you? What if Chester was here? What if he had a girl over?!
Before you could drop his jacket and leave, the door opened to a shirtless Rydal, sweatpants hung low on his hips and he held a towel to his hair, drying it while looking at you with a clear question in his eyes. 
“Um, hi. I just came here to return this, since, well since I mistook it for mine. They basically look the same except yours cost you like, a lot more than mine did so it's okay if you don’t have it, I kind of ran away. Anyway, I’m gonna go–”
“You still owe me a favour, y’know.”
You pause in your turn, looking at him exasperatedly. He doesn’t even have the shame this time, there’s no pause in his words, no hand to cover his smirk, no, his mouth is twisted up crookedly and making his dimple jut out at you infuriatingly. Insultingly. You’re not staring at the water droplet making its way down his chest but you’re also not not staring. He’s gorgeous. 
“That’s not true, I think I remember–”
“Doesn’t count. I didn’t finish.”
Your eyes flash at his brazen response. Rydal licks his lips in response, staring openly at your mouth now. 
“If you wring my jacket any further, you’ll owe me two times–”
He didn’t get to finish his stupid threat with your mouth covering his, your body colliding with his almost violently and pushing him into his room in the process. He was quick to push you against the door once he had half the mind to close it, his body smothering yours and his hands ripping the jacket from your grip to toss it haphazardly behind him. It was somehow better this time, maybe due to him already being half undressed but you were enjoying the way his tongue was lapping at your bottom lip while your hands roamed his torso, running down his shoulders and lightly scratching him at the same time. His body shuddered and slumped against you as his forehead came to rest against yours, lips parting for air and sharing the same breath pointlessly. 
“This doesn’t mean anything,” you pant, his hands pushing your shirt up inch by inch as he explores your skin. 
“And what exactly is this, baby? Because it feels like more than a favour right now,” he said the last part while grinding his hips into yours causing you both to groan at the well-needed friction.
You glare at him, despite his face being mere centimetres away from yours and an irritating grin playing with his mouth, “You’re ridiculous.”
Flattening your palms against his bare chest, you push him back until the back of his knees hit and buckle against his bed, falling on it before your legs come up on each side of his hips, straddling him as your hands tangle in his hair again.
He’s volatile and sharp and unpredictable in ways that make you nervous and excited and you want to keep him you realize. Rydal’s hands rest on your hips, massaging the skin he can reach without pushing you for more but the desire is clear on his face, looking up at you with no mask. He presses your lower back so your hot core rubs his hardening cock through his sweats and you gasp and arch your back and press in a little closer, and his eyes are tracing your facial expressions. His hand comes up to cup your cheek again and you’re reminded of the last time he held your face like that, his thumb rubbing the same way as before and angling your face better for him to kiss you, stopping just before your lips connect.
You feel a little vulnerable until he says, “Yeah, I know.”
And then he’s kissing you and he’s not stopping and you’re grinding your hips down again, addicted to coaxing small groans and whines from him.
He takes a frightening amount of pleasure from seeing you come around his fingers, his lips wrapped around your clit and leaving behind a trail of wetness, just like you imagined all those days ago. His three digits curled and pressed on your sweet spot, your fingers tightening in his hair as he hummed into your mound, not letting up. 
When he rests the fat tip of his cock against your entrance, looking at you one final time before pushing in, you can’t bring yourself to plead with him so you kiss him instead, hoping your lips conveyed what you didn’t want to voice. He gets it, and enters you in one rushed thrust. Your nails dig into his meaty shoulders, eyes closing against the intrusion. 
You thought sex with Rydal would be competitive, as every exchange between the two of you usually is. You wanted to turn him inside out and devour the crumbs. It should’ve been aggressive, he should’ve fueled your violent tendencies, it should’ve been all bite and not soft brushes of his hand against your face, not him kissing your face as you gasp around a particularly deep thrust, not him religiously watching your mouth as you whimper and your cunt fluttering around his cock. 
He wouldn’t speed up. You already came twice, once on his fingers and once on his thick length as he stayed still inside you, holding off his own release until he reached some-inflicted goal to make you go cross eyed and cockdumb for him. He didn’t let you put your mouth on him before, claiming that you could ‘repay him for last time’ at another date, cheekily insinuating there would be a next time, without a doubt. 
You bite your lip to hold back from begging him to fuck you faster, harder, anything but this slow torture he was inflicting on your slick folds. There was no catch, he was gliding through you easily and he wouldn’t shut the fuck up about how wet you were. Pulling your lip free from your teeth, his thumb dipped into your mouth and caught your spit on it only to drag it across your cheek messily. You let out a high pitch whine at that, his cock hitting you deeply.
You turn your face to the side, scrunching your eyes closed as you feel your core building up again despite his agonizing pace. Rydal grabs your chin and turns you to face him again, holding your jaw in place.
“No, you look at me, wanna watch you come again,” he huffs into your face, lifting your leg to fold you in half. 
“I–” you start to choke, needing him to understand.
“What, baby? You owe me, remember?” he thrusts a bit harder at that, hard enough to make you snap and pull a guttural moan from you.
It happens before you’re ready; your spine feels exposed as your back arches into him, eyes unfocused and brain short-circuiting, and you gush around him. He’s still thrusting, albeit sloppy and irregular now, but he’s also talking a lot and you can’t focus on his words because your ears are ringing from how hard you just came.
“...fuck, baby, so pretty, love watching you come, fuckkkk, I’m gonna– ahhhh!” his hips buck wildly until you feel hot spurts of his come inside you and dribble out of your puffy pussy. His whole body flexes over yours as he all but empties his balls and slumps over you, your hands mindlessly running through his hair and petting his sweaty back. He had just showered before you showed up. Oh well.
The urge to keep touching him stays even past the time it takes for you to regain feeling in your legs, and Rydal has been nuzzling your neck for the time being. You don’t know how long you two stay like that, just basking in each other’s calm presence for the first time since knowing him. You feel like all the stress from the whole semester, let alone the past two weeks, had left your body, seeping out of you and into his sheets. 
You feel him smile against your skin and without thinking, you tug his hair to pull his face up to yours, wanting to see it. It’s not his regular smug smirk that he gives you, it's something else entirely. 
This smile is a bit gummy, not as dazzling as the one he turned on you on the first day you met, but sweet and genuine. His nose wrinkled a bit with it and you had to physically refrain yourself from kissing him silly.
Your bodies are sticky and clammy, no space to be found between you two until he pulls out of you, hissing as he does so. Taking a moment to slyly appreciate the mess between your thighs, he swiped a finger through it before you moaned in resistance, swatting his hand away. Rydal sniffed out a laugh, murmuring an apology before getting you something to clean up with. You were worried he’d be cold as soon as it was over, the tenderness he showered you with minutes ago was still present though and he seemed to share the need to keep touching. Useless and unnecessary touches, lingering hands and longing gazes hung around as he gave you something clean to wear, holding you close once you were decent. 
“Um–” you began.
“Can we talk about it tomorrow or something, for fuck’s sake, shouldn’t you be like super zen now?”
You choked.
He was right though, he had made you come, like, really hard. Plus, you did feel more relaxed so you let yourself laugh at his sassy remark, adjusting to his humour now that you saw how soft he really was. You tried to fake glare at him but couldn’t hold it since he was giving you the nose crinkling smile again, your own lips twitching at the whole situation. 
Burrowing yourself further into his chest, you remembered what you originally came here for.
“By the way… Can I keep your jacket since you lost mine?”
He burst out laughing at that. You find yourself loving the sound of it. 
tagging people who I think want to read this and if you don't kindly ignore lmao: @melodygatesauthor @360iris @xbellaxcarolinax @annautumnsoul @ninebluehearts @bit-dodgy-innit @moonknightly @luc-k-y @eyelessfaces @kittyofalltrades @romanarose @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @campingwiththecharmings @fandxmslxt69 @missdictatorme @loonymagizoologist
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nikethestatue · 1 year
There Was Only One Bed
Happy birthday @tswaney17
My bestie, my mate, my girl. I love you oddles and I hope that your birthday is amazing! Enjoy this provocatively titled little story.
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“When will you ever man up, grow a pair of actual balls, swallow your pride and your insecurities and do what you fucking want to do? For once!”
Cassian’s rough words jolted Azriel out of his reverie and she gave his brother-best friend-bro-business partner a look of contempt and disdain. The best one he could come up with. Problem was that Cass could give it back just as well, and then some.
“Fine,” Cass shrugged, feigning indifference.
“Yeah, fine. Mind your own business,” Azriel suggested, his annoyance tripling, simply because he knew that Cass was correct.
“You know, Cass is correct,” Rhys called out–unhelpfully–from the sofa.
Azriel couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling. It was as if his brothers were in cahoots and agreed to drive him crazy.
Cass tipped his tumbler back, swallowing the last of his whiskey, and pointed his finger at him, “You know, literally everyone knows.”
Rhys was nodding, drinking his vodka and lime, brow cocked meaningfully. 
Azriel, usually the picture of self-control and unreadable emotions, growled at both of them,
“Nobody knows anything. Why? Because it’s not true. You and her sisters convinced yourselves that there is something going on,”
Cassian shook his head vigorously, his long black hair whipping about as if he was advertising for Pantene,
“No, no, we know that nothing is going on,” he kept pointing at Azriel with his finger, and Azriel wondered if it would be inappropriate to just break it. Cass was a tough guy, he could handle it. “Because if there was something going, you’d be with Elain freakin’ Archeron, in bumfuck Tennessee, drinking bourbon, eating barbecue, just before going home and getting your birthday dick sucked like a proper 30 year old, instead of hanging out with us–two dudes, who will definitely not suck your birthday dick,”
To that, Rhys nodded his head in acquiescence and piped in,
“Yeah, love you bro, but you can keep your anaconda in your jeans,”
“Jesus fuck,” Azriel gritted through his teeth.
“No, Jesus wept!” Cassian roared, like he was personally offended by Azriel and Jesus. 
“Jesus has taken his hands off the wheel,” Rhys agreed. “He is no longer helping,”
Defensively, Azriel snapped at them, “Vanderbilt is not ‘bumfuck Tennessee’ Cassian.”
Cassian got up and went to the bar, pouring himself another drink, while saying,
“You know, don’t come crying to me a year from now, when Elain is getting a proposal from some corn-fed good ol’ boy who’s got a lifetime membership at an exclusive golf club, wears Sperrys, played football in college and is now a VP in daddy’s successful company.”
“Yeah, I’ll make sure not to run to you,” Azriel assured him, his brother’s words stinging sharply and filling him with dread.
And that’s how he found himself on the plane from NYC to Tennessee. 
What was he even trying to accomplish? He had no idea.
All he knew was that last night, Elain texted him.
Elain: Hi Az! Happy birthday! It’s weird to not be there with you today.
Azriel: Thank you, El. 
(Thank you, El? What the hell?! That’s all he could manage? Maybe he was hopeless.) At that moment, for better or for worse, Cassian ripped the phone out of his hands and began tapping on it furiously. Azriel began wrestling with him, trying to get the phone back, before horrible damage was done, but Rhys and Nesta wrangled him back, while Cassian finished whatever he was typing, waited for the response, smirked widely once he read it, and then typed something more.
“Stop,” Azriel half-begged and half-ordered.
Cassian didn’t listen.
With a smug smile, he handed the phone back to Azriel. Azriel’s heart was beating in his chest like a bird in a cage, when he looked at the screen.
Azriel: I wish you were here as well. With me. For my 30th birthday.
Elain: I am sorry. I didn’t think you’d miss me.
Azriel: Don’t be ridiculous. I miss you all the time. More than you think. But guess what!
Elain: What?
Azriel: I’ll be there tomorrow. In Nash. Business trip.
Elain: You have business in Nashville? 
Azriel: Sure do. Can I stay with you?
Elain: You want to stay with me?
Azriel: If I may. If it’s alright with you. 
Elain: I suppose that’s fine. I will see you tomorrow? I am excited!
Azriel: Me too! See you.
“What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?” Azriel screamed at Cassian, slapping the back of his brother’s head, and hearing Nesta’s defensive, “hey, chill out, Az!”
“He asked her if I could stay with her!” Azriel raged. “I’d never ask something like that! I’d never write something like that!”
“She don’t know that,” Cassian puffed indifferently. “She is fine. She wants you to stay with her.”
“No she doesn’t!” Azriel pulled at the ends of his thick, black hair. “No! No she doesn’t,”
“She said ‘yes’,”
“It’s because you forced her!!!”
Cassian slapped his shoulder and announced,
“No, you forced her, Az.”
Scowling, Azriel groaned ‘fucker’, while Rhysand handed him his own phone.
“Ticket booked and bought,” he grinned the most annoying fake-innocent smile.
Collapsing on the bar stool, Azriel buried his face in his hands, muttering, “fuckers. You are both fuckers.”
Azriel Knight loved Elain Archeron since the first time he saw her.
Pathetic. Cliche. 
He’d fallen for her during a very uncomfortable dinner, when her youngest sister Feyre introduced her new boyfriend Rhys to her sisters Nesta and Elain. Rhys had both Azriel and Cassian accompany him, and the dinner was kind of a disaster. Neither Cassian nor Nesta could keep their mouths shut, and there was plenty of bickering and sniping between the two. Feyre player referee. Rhys tried to remain diplomatic, and kept the conversation going. But Azriel…well, Azriel was enchanted by the beautiful middle sister, Elain. He didn’t hear Nesta and Cassian going at it. He didn’t notice Rhys’s hands balling into fists. He didn’t notice Feyre’s squirming. All he saw was an ethereal 24 year old, who glowed like the sun at dawn. Polite, lovely, welcoming Elain. Elain, who was clutching a fork in her small soft hand, ready to attack Cassian, if he continued to fight with Nesta. 
How could Azriel not love her?
How was it possible not to love a sweet, lovely girl who was willing to throw it down with his 6”5 ex-Navy Seal brother?
Elain. The love of his life.
Elain. Who had no idea that he was attracted to her. Elain. Who wasn’t interested in him. Elain. Who only saw him as a ‘friend’. 
Fuck his life. He didn’t want to be a friend. 
Now, he was turning 30 and he felt like his life, his last chance with her, was slipping through his fingers. However, somehow, the longer he waited the more paralysed he became. Conversations between the two of them became stilted, uncomfortable, and he was frustrated with himself and his inability to approach her and just have it out with her. Explain. Confess his feelings. But the prospect of her rejecting him filled him with such unbearable dread that he couldn’t bring himself to take that fateful step. He couldn't grow the balls that Cassian was recommending for him to grow. 
Azriel’s heart was broken even further when Elain notified everyone that she received a full scholarship to go to Vanderbilt University for her graduate program. 
Two years.
She’d left three months ago and he was already climbing the walls.
He texted her frequently and awkwardly, needing the connection, yearning for the thread of affection and yes, fucking friendship, because it was better than nothing. There was a glimmer of hope however–the communication wasn't one-sided. Elain texted him frequently as well. She sent him jokes and memes, and his favourite days were those when she greeted him in the morning with a fun emoji. He wasn’t sure what that meant, but the morning ‘hello’ was what he lived for. And luckily, she’d been sending those to him consistently. Sometimes, she sent him links to ridiculous Reddit posts and they laughed together at questions such as ‘I Ate a Year Old Packet of Ketchup. When will I die?’ and they laughed and laughed, talking on the phone for hours, often when they were cooking dinner or watching a show together.
Her not being at his 30th birthday sort of broke his heart. That’s all he actually really wanted. The only person who mattered. And she wasn’t there.
Nashville was hot as balls. 
By the time he got into his Uber, he was already sweating. So that was great. He was going to show up at Elain’s doorstep dripping sweat like a freak. 
The drive from the airport took about 25 minutes and with every minute, Azriel was getting more and more nervous. He and Elain were never really…together before. They hung out, they went out together in group settings, they celebrated Christmas and Thanksgiving and birthdays together, and Rhys hosted his annual huge 4th of July celebration barbeque, where they had to be in charge of dessert last year. Elain went into a full general mode, telling Azriel what to do, how to do it, what to get, and he was happy to follow her directions. Especially when those directions led him to her little apartment, where they spent 6 hours together, baking pies, making fudge, Elain directing him at every turn, and him following dutifully. 
The car stopped at a modern four-story apartment building and he got out, standing at the door for a good five minutes, sweating again, unable to press the button.
“Az!” he heard the familiar voice and looked up. She was on the balcony, waving at him, and just like that, the nervousness abated. 
This was his Elain. 
And whatever was going to happen, at least, he would spend his 30th with her.
Elain’s apartment was small, modern and very her. Piles of flowers everywhere. Smelled of jasmine and vanilla, and a touch of honey. Cute furniture. A neat sofa nestled between two bookshelves. 
He noticed all of these details while holding Elain in his arms, in which she threw herself the moment he stepped over the threshold.
“I can’t believe you are here!” she exclaimed, her arms wrapped around his waist, while he gingerly held her to himself. And it felt so, so good. For a moment, he forgot about everything–his bogus story about his ‘business trip’, his insecurity, the past, and the future. His girl was in his arms and that was enough. That was his best birthday gift.
“Okay, I made you dinner!” she announced, taking his ugly scarred hand in hers, her thumb tracing the bumpy, rough skin.
“You didn't have to,” he began, but she interrupted him breezily. 
“Nonsense! It’s your birthday! I wanted to make something special and I am so excited that you are here,”
He looked down at her and asked,
She nodded and smiled at him. 
“Of course really! I was beside myself for not being able to go back to NYC for your big 3-0, but money is tight,”
“I understand,” he assured her quickly. “I wasn’t expecting,”
“You should expect,” she told him firmly. “You should expect your friends to be there for you.”
There it was. His most hated word.
“If you want to shower, it’s through there,” she showed him, “and I’ll finish up dinner.”
It was strange.
This domesticity between the two of them.
Azriel didn't know what to do with his bag, so he left it by the door. What worried him now was the little couch. He was 6”4. He could probably make it work, but he really wasn’t convinced. It was not made for someone of his bulk and his height. He hoped that Elain had an air mattress or something. Maybe he could sleep in the bathtub?
However, once he stepped into the bathroom, he only found a shower. 
As he stepped inside the glass enclosure, he became acutely aware of his own nakedness in Elain’s space. There was just a door between him and his nude body and Elain. Using her body wash was also nice. Intimate and he was happy that it didn’t smell too girly. Whatever ‘Snowflake Sparkle’ smelled like, it smelled good.
Elain went all out. 
The small round table was set up properly with nice dishes, wine glasses, even cloth napkins and a few candles.
When he emerged from the bathroom, he looked around, still hoping to see another sofa or something, but then Elain caught his attention. She had rebraided her hair, put on some softly-shimmering lip balm, which made her already soft, luscious lips look even plumper, more kissable.
He really needed to stop thinking like that.
They were friends.
But did friends wear cute flower dresses like these? And did friends nervously invited him to sit down at the table and handed him a bottle of Prosecco, murmuring shyly,
“I thought it would be appropriate to have some bubbly for your birthday.”
“Thank you, Elain. You didn’t…” he stopped himself, knowing that she’d just argue with him. “This is perfect.”
She blushed and when he poured a glass for each of them, she lifted and said,
“To you, Az! I hope you have a good birthday,”
“It’s proving to be pretty great already,” he said.
“And I hope that you get what you wish for,” she clinked the glass with his and then gulped down nervously.
He was pretty much already getting many of his wishes come true.
“I made risotto and scallops,” she announced, as she skipped to the stove and he gasped and chided her,
“Elain! Scallops are so expensive!”
“But it’s your birthday. And for your birthday, you deserve to get the best.”
Without thinking he said, “I already have the best.”
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and glanced at him in a way that maybe wasn’t exactly friendly. Like maybe it was something different…
Azriel was full. And happy. And pleased. And it was the best birthday of his life.
He ate so much lemon risotto and six very large, succulent scallops, and drank Prosecco and then they split another bottle of wine between the two of them, only to end the feast with a strawberry mascarpone cake, which was out of this world, and was homemade by Elain. She lit birthday candles and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him, while doing an adorable dance, which also looked unbelievably sexy.
“I can’t believe you did this for me,” he marvelled.
She bit her lower lip, and said, “It was my pleasure.”
No, it was definitely his pleasure. All of it. If only he could pull that fleshy lower lip of hers into his mouth and kiss her senseless, then his birthday would be complete.
“So?” he wondered what this was about.
Her hands on her small round hips, she looked both fierce and anxious somehow.
“I only have one bed,” she said at last.
His face dropped.
“Oh…Well, that’s okay. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
She frowned at the idea and shook her head,
“I don’t think that’s going to work. You won’t fit.”
“It’s okay. I’ll shimmy.”
She picked at her skirt and then said,
“If you promise to be honourable, you can sleep in my bed.”
He was so taken aback by the offer, that he just stood there and stared at her dumbly.
“Elain, that’s not necessary,” he protested weakly.
Fuck. He wanted to be in her bed. Very much so. Like he never wanted anything more than that.
“Well, I know it’s not, but…it’s okay with me,” she admitted.
“Of course I will be honourable,” he promised immediately.
It will be tough, but he wasn’t going to betray her trust no matter how much he wanted to touch her, and if his mind was currently in the gutter.
“Okay then,” she decided.
…He agonised over what to wear to bed–usually, he just wore his boxers, and sometimes, slept entirely naked, though he didn’t think that this was the time or the place. Should he wear a t-shirt? But that felt weird and dorky, with too much bare leg. Shorts only? Too forward?
He had no idea what the rules were, and finally, while Elain was in the bathroom, he just settled on shorts and that’s it. Most men slept like that? Right?
He was in bed, under the covers, when Elain emerged from the bathroom, and his breaths stalled in his chest when he saw her. Her long hair was loose, and she wore a pink cami and long pyjama pants. 
“Are you still okay with this?” he inquired, just to make sure.
She nodded once and then slid under the blanket next to him.
“Is this strange?” she asked softly.
“Not for me,” he said simply.
“Oh good. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” she exhaled a relieved sigh. “When you texted me yesterday,”
Cassian. Cassian texted you. 
“I was worried about where you’d sleep,”
“But you said yes?” he pondered.
When he snuck a look at her, he saw that her cheeks were pink and she whispered,
“Well, yes.”
“So then why would I be uncomfortable?”
…Sometime in the night, Azriel found himself cradling Elain in his arms.
He spooned her, without meaning to, but somehow, in his sleep, he naturally drifted towards her. She was curled in her side, arms tucked into her chest, and he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer. Her bare feet tangled with his legs, and once he settled in behind her, he didn’t move, burying his face atop of her head, and holding her tightly next to him. 
He lay there for a few peaceful, calm moments, inhaling her scent and enjoying her softness before whispering “I will be gentle with your soul, if you let me in. I promise.”
The next time Azriel woke up was when he sensed light behind his eyelids and a light, tentative scraping of a little finger over his chest, his shoulders. He noticed the silky skin of her leg, which was slotted between his own legs, the toes sort of scratching and playing with his calf. Her finger kept tracing erratic patterns on his skin, and it finally dawned on him that she was following the design of his tattoos. 
“Always wanted to do this,” he heard her whisper.
“What, exactly?” he asked. Feeling bold today, because clearly things have changed since last night, actually, ever since he came here, he added, “Wake up next to me in bed? Have me hold you in my arms through the night? Touch my tats?”
She didn't answer immediately and when he managed to open one eye and peer at her, he saw her gorgeous face and a vexed expression which wrinkled her forehead.
“What?” he pressed, reaching up and cupping her cheek in his palm.
“All of the above?” she said at last, looking up at him.
“Good. I’ve always wanted to do this,” he murmured then, and fuck all doubt and questions swirling in his head, because he was swooping down and pressing his mouth over hers. There was a tiny gasp of surprise and satisfaction when he licked over the puffy lips, learning their texture, before she parted them for him, without him even asking for permission. Offering him entry, she lightly licked on his tongue, as she wrapped her arm around his back and pressed him closer to her chest, the wonderfully ample tits smashing against him, the little nipples poking through her cami.
Azriel kissed her. And kissed her. Slow and sensual. Forceful and dominant. Gentle and exploring. Filthy and sexual. Every kiss in one kiss. And she happily, eagerly responded to every variation, often taking control and kissing him in her own manner. 
The need for oxygen finally forced them apart, but only barely. He still placed slow, sensual kisses over her lips, her face, her ears, her hair. 
“May I take you on a proper date?” he asked at last.
She giggled joyfully and tucked her face into his neck, vibrating with excitement next to him.
“I thought you’d never ask!”
“Better late than never,” he said sheepishly and kissed her again.
Azriel’s phone dinged with an incoming message.
The flight attendant announced on the intercom that they should be turning things off right about now, but he glanced at the message.
Elain: When you come visit in two weeks, I’ll have a place for you to sleep.
There was an image attached.
Her neat sofa in the living room, extended into a perfectly nice, large sofa bed.
He stared at the photo and then grinned.
Azriel: You are a bad, bad girl.
Elain: Some men need a little push in the right direction.
Azriel: Some men do. But too late
Elain: For what?
Azriel: From now on, I’ll be sleeping in your bed.
Elain: Please do.
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uriekukistan · 4 months
Am I allowed to ask beach AU fashion hcs or that counts as spoiler >_>?
(Doodle the answer if ur up for it?)
noo not a spoiler 🤞 im happy to yap abt this au forever i literally cant wait to release it o_o
okay originally i hadn’t pictured them outside of their lifeguard uniforms/surfing wetsuits, but now that i’m thinking about it, they spend a lot of time not in those outfits so thank you for this ask!!!
megumi runs cold, even in the summer, so he tends to wear sweatshirts, but layers them with a t shirt just in case he does get warm. lots of blue and black and white in his wardrobe. nike air force 1s for shoes. he picks clothes w really deep pockets bc he bikes everywhere and a) he thinks bags are a pain and b) he doesnt have anywhere else to put his stuff (i swear this is relevant to the rest of the hcs)
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yuuji will definitely pull out some tank tops in the summer. he tends to run warm as well so that’s why….not trying to show off his muscles to catch megumi’s attention or anything….also my consistent yuuji graphic tee hc 🤞 and jorts. converse wearer (low tops, probably some fun color, maybe green or pink?). ignore the backpacks in the pics. yuuji has a beat up jeep and throws everything in the back randomly.
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yuuta is a button up enthusiast. very yacht boy aesthetic (he does not have w yacht w his lifeguard salary but yk. it’s the vibes that matter). always layering the button up open over a t shirt, khaki shorts or mayyybe jeans. shoes are sperry top siders or The birkenstock sandals. i can see him being the type to carry a tote bag around too. he’s the type to carry around a ton of things - phone, wallet, keys, hand sanitizer, chapstick, lotion, breath mints or gum, and sunscreen
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toge is another funky shirt wearer. honestly he just likes to be comfy. probably very little difference between what he wears to sleep and what he wears out in the world. he does wear a mask frequently, since he’s a bit self conscious about his birthmarks around his mouth (he’s working on not wearing it. toge self acceptance journey anyone?). he also carries a bag, mostly with things he needs for surfing, like sunscreen, surfboard wax, bandaids in case he gets hurt or something.
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nobamaki also make a brief appearance but i havent actually given them an “on-screen” moment so i havent pictured their fits yet. soon 🤞
this is the closest i imagined for the wetsuits/lifeguard uniforms.
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i have some bathing suit ideas but i have discovered that mens bathing suits are…not very cute most of the time so perhaps i’ll sketch a few ideas and send them via dm if ur interested 👀 and potential surfboard ideas for yuuji and toge
thank you for the ask! hope youre having a good weekend <33
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enha as twenty first century american teenager stereotypes (up until 2024)
I LIV LAF LUV playing association with enhypen because they're my interesting little stinka-butts who, in my opinion, are so frozen in this whole kpop ordeal and i need them BROKEN FREEEE
Hybe, babes, let them explore the real world and interact with idols and people who don't gaf about their latest random single release and just wanna vibe w them I BEG
+ Yang Jungwon aka "Maicah"
Maicah Jungwon Yang is the middle man of your class. He's involved, he's energetic with the dude-bros, and he's on the JV basketball team. He only has okay grades but is somehow on Student Council. He's friends with a ton of the Varsity boys, and he's got lots of cool friends. Jungwon is super bubbly but he's really put together. His rl engagement in school and enha leadership compels me to think he's responsible enough to be in Student Council but bros also just an athlete. He'd also probs be on the track team as a 100m sprinter or smth. He'd definitely have a lot of friends but he might have a surprisingly unconventional bestie. Maicah wears the same two pairs of nike sweats along with Yeezy slides and a black hoodie. If it's cold, Maicah brings a Spiderman blanket to school.
+ Lee Heeseung aka "Ethan"
Ethan is the ultimate trend maxxer of whatever Bay Area high school you have imagined. He wears string earphones, never sporting shorts, and always has a damn beanie on. Absolutely not in sports-- is THE arts student. He's on the junior group of horn instruments in band, probably plays the trumpet, and isn't all that great but he's a fast learner. Hee would be top 30 in his class, but would most likely prioritize his rising Sound Cloud presence post-Grad. Doesn't date but he has a lot of younger friends, flirts with girls two years younger than him but also maintains a homoerotic friendship with his childhood friend in college who's like a year older than him.
+ Park Jay aka "Jay"-- DUH
Jay is the batman. He's farms or surfs (depending on what region you imagine we're in the context of) by day, and is in a garage band by night. He has a super duper close knit friend group of equally spunky guys. Has absolutely no female friends-- not out of misogyny or anything but bro is just such a dude idk. He's pretty smart, def a AP Chem warrior but stinks at stem. His focal point is the school guitar group. He probably gets his community service hours working with the lunch ladies. Jay is charismatic and super sweet-- but he probably deals with anger issues and was def that kid in behavior management during elementary. Despite his emo TM status-- Jay wears the fluck out of his chino + Sperrys combo.
+ Sim Jaeyun aka "Jake"-- DUH
He is the captain of the Varsity Soccer team. Jake is popular as a mf; has a big friend group, dates around, is loved by the teachers, and most of the school appreciates his mega vibes. Think Jeremiah from The Summer I Turned Pretty. Jake probably gets zesty allegations cause he wears lots of jewelry and paints his nails but he doesn't mind cause trust-- he's pulling every female bro-lover in the COUNTY. He's super duper competitive and is a strict captain, which is the only reason why someone'd have a problem with him...but he makes up for it by being a beast on the field. He's also on Honor Roll, cranking his Class with a 4.6 GPA and Salutatorian status. He's a chronic overstayer at school with him being in sports and academic clubs year round. Jake probably has some weird connections with Parker which throw people off like Junior year. Chronic Croc wearer. Bro's committing to Notre Dame for Soccer.
+ Park Sunghoon aka "Parker"
The hottest loser on campus fr fr. He's well known for being the numba one hallway crush but bro has no school friends so everyone kinda just assumes he's a little bit of a bitch (in the best way possible). He never stays longer than he has to but he's a hard worker and the history teacher loves his compassion for AP Gov.. He's a club Volleyball player outside of school but he's not in school athletics (he's got connections to the Athletics Dir. tho). He's always at school early to use the weight room and he's an avid lean pump master poster on IG. Hoon was super isolated as a kid so I imagine that Parker would probably have a hard time being social with just normal kids (Parker's homeschooled in elementary for the plot). He was probably chubby in middle school and then had a gigantourous glow up freshman-sophomore year: 6'0, lean muscle, "clean guy" aesthetic. Guys def wanna be him but they're jelly cause their girlfriends are obsessed. Closet gay but no one knows until a random IG story during college where he takes a pic w his boyfriend or something idk. Wears Jordan 4s.
+ Kim Sunoo aka "Sonny"
The typical friendly gay bestie minus the obnoxious Netflixed exaggerations (i.e. loud and super sassy). Just think about the token feminine gay guy at your school-- he probably has a group of girl friends, is kinda introverted lwk, wears either super outdated 2018 IG fashion or is the most fabulous Hollister warrior. He definitely has a weird situationship with one of the popular guys-- top athlete, unlikely to be friends with him but is anyways...you know the shabang. Sonny's pretty witty, pretty scholarly-- excels in stem but has a soft spot for English. He probably listens to Ariana Grande and is a Olivia Rodrigo die-hard. Sonny probably bakes, too. Overall, he's on the low but anyone knows that unprovoked, that mf is loud sometimes. Will not hesitate to beat a bitch up too.
+ Nishimura Ri ki aka "Nico"
The skater boi TM, bahaha. Just kidding, but fr, I think American Ri ki would skateboard. Like-- in an East Coast way not a West Coast way if you catch my drift. He's a New Yorker at heart-- going to a crowded arts school somewhere idk. He's constantly outdoing himself with the fits-- the girls love it. He's can be shy but has a knack for being a trouble maker-- probably went to special group as a kid, the guy with ADHD (not that that's a big deal but ik we all got that one guy in class that's hyper to no end, n to me, that's ri ki). Nico's got a couple friends, plays basketball in his free time, and his specialty is, of course, dance. He leads the department by a long shot so everyone either loves him or hates him. Nico isn't afraid to be flamboyant or outgoing (as Ri ki is competitive and a little bit of a diva) but can come off a little high strung sometimes.
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fawnandshadows · 1 year
How You Get The Girl
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Warning: Language
The hot summer sun tickled the back of Elain’s arms as she waited, squished between her sisters and cradling a homemade apple pie in her hands, on the porch of her parents house. 
Her denim bucket hat low on her head as if to ward off the anxiety she felt at the impending sight of her mother. Elain couldn’t remember the last time she answered her texts, and she could only imagine what ambush her mother was planning. 
She shifted her weight from foot to foot, her heels digging into the wooden plank beneath her, and she was absurdly aware of Azriel standing a few feet behind her, flanked by Mor and Cassian. Rhysand stood on the opposite side of Feyre, holding Nyx to his chest so that his son was facing outward. His son sitting on his strong forearm, and his hand splayed over Nyx’s rounded belly. 
Elain smiled as she looked at her nephew who was decked out in a pair of tiny khakis and polo shirt. The teeny tiny Sperry’s on his feet were a gift from Elain, and they bounded up and down as Nyx kicked his feet in the air. 
Nyx’s blue eyes caught Elain’s gaze, and she couldn’t stop herself from crossing her eyes and sticking her tongue out at him — his little giggle almost covered the sound of the front door opening. 
“I certainly hope you didn’t make that face at your Cartier shoot,” The icy voice of Helena Archeron scraped at Elain’s ear. “But you’ve been posting all kinds of crazy pictures lately, so I’m not sure I should be surprised at this point, Dear.” 
Elain tore her eyes away from Nyx to look at her mother, standing elegantly in the doorway. Her tall, slender frame was draped in a white silk dress and a string of pearls ran around the circumference of her thin neck, and her blonde curls were piled on top of her head in an elegant up-do. 
“Mother,” Nesta said sharply. “You’re awfully overdressed for brunch.” Which was saying something considering that nothing less than heels and a dress was acceptable for Helena’s brunches. Occasionally, one of the sisters could get away with wearing a skirt without a remark from their mother, but not often. 
Helena waved a French tipped hand at them. 
“I’ve invited a few extra guests,” Her blue eyes raked over her daughters. “You’ll all do. Just keep your tongues in your mouths please,” She took a step to the side, allowing them entry into the house, but not before her eyes latched onto the bodyguards standing behind them. “I see one of the bodyguards followed the dress code,” Her nose scrunched in ill-disguised judgment. “And the other two are showing off their tattoos.”
Elain felt heavy as she stepped into her former house. 
— —
The sprawling backyard was perfectly decorated with shrubbery and flowers Elain had planted throughout her lifetime. 
Elain sat tucked between her sisters — both Feyre and Nesta stayed protectively by her side as soon as they saw the other guests that were invited to the brunch. 
Graysen. And his father. 
Normally, she would have taken her hat off because it broke one of her mother’s unwritten rules of propriety, but Elain kept it on like a security blanket. Tilting it as far forward as possible so she wouldn’t accidentally lock eyes with Graysen, who sat on the opposite side of the table. For the two seconds she actually saw of him, he looked just as uncomfortable as she felt. His father, however, appeared just fine. 
“Nolan,” Helena said, her voice icy and smooth as it cut through the air. “Elain just did a shoot for Cartier, and we are dying to see how the pictures turned out. When will you see the proofs, dear?” 
Her stomach soured as her mother paraded off her accomplishments. 
Without taking her eyes off the limp lettuce on her plate Elain said, “About a week now.” 
“Impressive.” Graysen’s father drawled, and Elain could feel his oily gaze on her. 
“Well,” Helena prompted in a cool, forceful voice. “Tell us about the shoot, don’t be shy now. Thankfully the buzz around the shoot is helping with damage control,” Elain felt every bone in her skeleton stiffen. Her neck creaked as she turned her head to look at her mother who was raising a glass of white wine to her lips. “And I’ll need to talk to you,” Her frosty eyes landed on Elain. “About cleaning up your online presence.” 
“What's wrong with my online presence?” Elain asked sharply, and she could feel Nesta and Feyre stilling at her sides. 
Her posture was perfect as she faced her mother. Back straight and shoulders down and neck extended. 
Her mother sighed as she set down her wine glass. 
���People are talking,” Helena spoke to her as if Elain was twelve again and had to be told about the importance of calorie deficits. “But thankfully they’re talking more about the shoot than your…” She trailed off and motioned her hand in the air, letting everyone draw their own conclusions. 
“I don’t care if they talk.” 
“What a luxury.” Her mother said with a plastic smile. 
The screeching of her chair legs backing over the stone pavers tore through the air, causing the conversation at both tables to halt. 
“You should be a little nicer to the man who saved your daughter,” Elain said, standing and tossing her napkin onto her plate. “Being associated with him is something to be proud of,” She looked her mother dead in the eye. “Even though you wanted Feyre to marry Tamlin before everything happened and hushed the story so that the press wouldn’t find out,” She swallowed all the other words that threatened to spill from her throat. How Helena cared more about image and perception than putting her daughter’s abuser in jail. “Excuse me.”
She slowly walked across the patio, careful not to meet any of the questioning stares thrown her way, and careful not to listen to the hush in-fighting happening at the table she just left. 
The air-conditioning greeted her and cooled her overheated skin as she stepped into her former house. 
The back of her neck sticky with sweat as she made her way to the powder room, ignoring the posed family portraits her mother hung on the walls and the clinical atmosphere that came about in a house that always looked a little too perfect to feel like a home. 
She shut the door behind her and let herself fall against it as her body uncoiled the tension that was building within her. 
Elain didn’t look at her reflection in the mirror across from her. 
She dropped to the floor and wrapped her arms around her knees. 
—— ——
When she finally emerged outside again the brunch was over and two groups were forming. 
Her parents chatted in one with Graysen and his father (the only bodyguard that stood with them was Lucien) and across the yard her sisters stood with their bodyguards. 
And one lone figure stood at his table with a glass of water held in a scarred hand. 
His hazel eyes looked to her as she marched towards him. He brought his glass to his mouth as he watched her approach. 
“Can I give you a blowjob?” Elain asked, her hands at her head, pulling the brim of her hat down as she gazed up at him. The water lodged in Azriel’s throat at her words. “Sorry,” Her brow furrowed. “I should have waited until you swallowed.” 
“That’s what she said,” Cassian grumbled, picking up his phone from where he had forgotten it on the table. “Blossom,” Cass looked at her with a pained expression. “When you’re offering illicit blowjobs, please be aware of your surroundings. I can’t,” He heaved out a deep breath. “You know, both of you know,” His eyes cut to Azriel briefly. “That I’m not the best when it comes to secrets. But this,” He lifted a finger and motioned to the three of them, his phone slipping through his fingers again. “Is going to be forgotten along with all the flirting that definitely should not have happened on the bus the second I step away.” 
Cassian turned his back on them and made his way to the rest of their group preparing to leave. 
She lowered her hat further, obscuring her flushing face. 
“Well,” Elain cringed. “At least he doesn’t know that you went down on me.” 
As soon the words were out of her mouth, she heard a sharp curse. 
Elain let her hands fall to her sides and saw that Cassian was once again at their side. 
“If anyone asks I don’t fucking speak English,” He picked up his phone again and turned to walk away, but not before looking at Azriel with something akin to a glare. “Don’t fucking hurt her.” 
Cassian started to walk away again, but Azriel stepped into his path with a dark expression. He mumbled something too low for Elain to hear, but whatever it was Cassian merely nodded and continued on his way. 
“I’m so sorry,” Elain whispered, her face contorted with embarrassment. She brought her hands up to cover her face. “I didn’t mean to — I didn’t see him there.” 
Gentle fingers pried her hands off of her face. Elain stared at the grass by her feet, her head hung low. 
“Elain, look at me please,” Azriel said softly, so softly that Elain looked up at him with a heavy head. “It could have been worse.” 
“How?” Elain grumbled, nudging her toe to touch his sneakered ones. 
“Well,” Azriel tilted his head as he looked down at her. His eyes brighter than they should be. “It could have been your mother that overheard. Or Rhysand. Or your father,” He looked away briefly, over her shoulder where her father was conversing with Graysen and his dad. “I don’t think he would have taken it that well.” 
Elain groaned and leaned forward, letting her forehead fall into his strong chest. 
“I thought we were supposed to be a secret?” Azriel teased, but Elain noted the strain hidden in the depth of his voice. 
“We are,” Elain whispered. “Everyone is too busy with themselves to notice us.” 
Azriel tensed beneath her and said, “You’re not wrong.” 
Elain peeled herself off of him, and looked up at him with wide eyes. 
“So can I?” 
“Can you?” Azriel prompted with a raised eyebrow. 
“Give you a blowjob?” She mouthed the words which caused Azriel’s mouth to twitch. 
“A revenge blowjob?” He said lowly, his eyes dimming just a bit. “To get back at your mom?” 
Elain’s face screwed up at the words. 
“No,” Elain whispered. “That’s not what this is about,” She shook her head. “I just want to do something new with you. Something I haven’t done before.” 
Azriel nodded his head in understanding. 
“I think that’s fair,” Azriel said, little crow's feet appearing by his eyes as a smile transformed his face. “Considering you’re my first girlfriend.” 
Her heart stuttered. 
“Really?” Elain asked, and Azriel nodded in response. His teeth sinking into his bottom lip to temper his smile. “We’re still on for our date tonight? Right?” She whispered hopefully. 
“Yes,” Azriel replied, “And you’re sure you’re ok with what we have planned? Because we could do something…a little more datey.” 
“No,” Elain shook her head with determination. “I like our plan.” 
tagging: @123moiaussi @fuckmelifesucks @thefangirlofhp @sakurakittypeach @nikethestatue @tswaney17 @impossiblescissorspeachpaper @feyredarlinq @duskwhisperer @nyxreads @rinadragomir @secretpuppyflower @captainbrucebanner @ultadverb @irisesforelain @shedoessoshedoes  @magnolia-blossom87 @sheenabeene @nivem565  @casuallivi @rhysiedarling @elain99-blog @athena-85 @swankii-art-teacher @reverie-tales @jujugirlfrombookstore @shadowflorecita @shy-violet-soul @thisloveseternal
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hansolmates · 1 year
Jungkook definitely looks good in flannel but then again he looks good in anything 👌
that's true converse high!jungkook? ddddddanger!jungkook? he was amazing
in america a lot of the time flannels are associated with lumberjacks, taylor swift lol, fraternities (maybe a certain vibe of frat lol not the polo/sperry frat) people that still dress like they're in college and have no other nice clothes to wear basically
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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Today was a day for preparations! But it was also just a really fun day with James. Things felt good. They didn't feel like we were about to have to run to separate jobs or have to be on a call or someone was waiting for us. It was just us. And it was great.
I slept better. It's wild how cold it's gotten at night. But it was fine. I had put more blankets on our bed so we've been pretty cozy. I slept until around 9. And just scrolled on my phone for a little just to slowly wake up. James would come and join me soon. I didn't really want to get up yet. But I knew I should. There were things to do.
And so I went to get washed up. I got dressed and felt very cute. This was a good outfit but I would be pretty chilly for a lot of it. That's alright.
I told James I had energy so we should clean the apartment first. And we did. I put things away. We did some vacuuming and wiping down of counters. I moved the carpet back to its original place (it has shifted way to the right in the living room). And changed the kitty litter. Made the apartment very nice and comfortable. Especially since Callie will probably come and stay here while we are gone, but even if she doesn't stay she'll be here and I don't want to feel embarrassed! So we made things nice. And it was good.
I set an alarm for when we would need to check in for our airline. And we decided we would go out after we completed that.
We both hung out in our own spaces for a little. And very soon we were checked in. I get a window seat. We are really far back in the plane which I don't love but it's alright. I have my new headphones so it shouldn't be to terrible.
We would head out soon after that. The main goal for the day was to get James new boots. Something more waterproof. Something a little fashionable. And I think we did an excellent job with the Sperry's I found. And they were on sale.
When we were going into the store though we noticed that a car has a slash it it's tire?? Like it wasn't flat but if they drove on it it could pop. So we wrote them a note. James tried to write the note but they did a terrible job. They wrote "careful with the tire buddy!" That is not a helpful note??? "Your front passenger side tire had a slash in it, please get it checked!!" Much more helpful.
We went to five below next. And the nice person at the door complimented my new bear bag. Which made me all proud. I really like this bear. It's not going to be larger enough for me to use as an every day bag but it's really great!! I also love how I customized her. She now has a necklace and bows. She deserves it.
After our successful store stops we went to lunch at a double t diner. Where we spent our time looking through our itinerary and chosing things to do. We are only in Juneau and Ketchikan for a few hours so we found one thing for each. And for Skagway and Victoria we have multiple things. I even found a bizarre for us to check out that looks super promising. We are mostly excited for the different museums and to see nature. Even if we don't get super far into it. I'm just really excited to see what we can. It's a grand adventure!
We were planning on going to a new donut place but it turned out it closed at 1130. Ah well. Another time. Instead we decided, well we really don't have to be anywhere. We will go completely out of our way and go to Columbia. To go to a patisserie run by a lovely Greek family. And James got baklava cheese cake which was incredible. And honestly the whole interaction was hilarious. The way the man would yell orders to the other man that worked there but he was literally 10 feet away, but he is yelling like he's across the world. Then an old man comes in and he greats him like a celebrity and then tells us he would wear a suit but he's working on his career as a male stripper. The whole thing was hilarious.
We would go home after that. It was raining and I was tired all of a sudden. I was glad we cleaned first.
Once we got home James let their phone charge for a bit before they went to take our car to the museum to be safe in the parking lot there. I'm very appreciative to the musuem for letting us do that. And they would bike home.
While I was alone I went in our bags again and moved a few things. To account for James's new boots and wanting to wear slip ONS and so now my backpack is basically empty so I'll be able to take some stuff. And we have plenty of room in the totebag. I'm very pleased. But there was literally nothing else I could do. I had a few patches to fix on my bag. And I had to fix a keychain for James. And then I just got on the couch. There was nothing else to do.
When James got home we both had some of our pieces of cake. Which were great.
It was a lazy afternoon after that. I would take a bath and wash my hair. I didn't need to but I probably won't get a chance again until Saturday. I also shaved my legs and scrubbed and did all the things. Felt like a good reset.
We have been in bed for a while now. I dried my hair. And painted my toes. And downloaded some books on my tablet.
I'm nervous about tomorrow!! Lane is coming to get us at 9. So we should be at the airport by 930. And our flight is at 1120. I've never flown with another person and it's going to be different Im sure. But I hope it's fun. I hope it's great. I hope you all have a great night and wish us luck. We should be in Chicago tomorrow with friends. And then on Thursday we get on our train!! Ahh!! I'm so excited.
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lifethroughtime · 3 months
Our NZ elopement wedding experience -
How much does our NZ elopement wedding cost?
We just got married a couple of days ago and it was just fun to look back how the past week has gone. It feels that it went so fast and I just wanted to document everything about our wedding (from preparation to the day itself)
So a quick story regarding our engagement - it was just an ordinary Sunday afternoon last March when my husband just suddently knelt down and gave me the best engagement ring I could ever asked for.
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We then started with our planning come the holy week break and when we were talking about the things that need to be done and how much itll cost us -- we were just dumbfounded. We know how it is hard to do a wedding in PH, when we are here in NZ (but need to book everything online) and also I think we wont be ready with the cost -- we opted to just spend the money on more important things... And so from then on it was decided - we are going to have our wedding in NZ - elopement wedding style.
We then started browsing for packages, we even think of doing our wedding in Queenstown and also hire a helicopter but then It won't be saving us money :D so we decided to DIY everything.
Marriage License The first thing that we did was we applied for our marriage license. It was very easy with almost to no requirements needed (if we do just even a simple civil wedding in PH there are lots of requirements needed so we were very surprised when we applied our marriage license here)
We only paid $216 NZD for this (P7,560) as we also ordered copies of marriage certificate. We applied for this April 2024 and so it was really decided - we're going to have our wedding in NZ.
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2. Celebrant
Media Shepherd - Stephen Spargo Media Shepherd | Marketing | Giggle | Farming
We decided to have a standard registry ceremony (and not the personalised one - where you have to write your own vows) as we wanted a really simple one. The celebrant fee is $90 NZD (P3,150)
3. Photographer for Wedding
Since we are going to do the wedding in NZ, our parents only request was for us to have good wedding photos. I joined an FB group called Student/Beginner Wedding Photographers NZ and met Jacob @ J.B. Photography there.
J.B. Photography (jbphotography.nz)
At the moment I havent seen all the photos but so far the ones that he sent the day after the wedding was good.
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He was very good and fun to be with. We were lucky to book him and have paid only $450 (P15,750) for 3 hours because most of the photographers we saw charges like a grand or more. Hope the other photos that he's still about to send is also good.
4. Wedding Venue & Accommodation
The next thing that we decided to find was the venue. We wanted to have an all-in-one venue where we can have the wedding, stay for the night and enjoy lunch with our friends. We were so lucky to have found this place in airbnb. The owners were very kind to have the place re-decorated (and have new lawn being laid out so that the garden will look nice for our wedding)
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We stayed from Sunday afternoon and checked out Tuesday morning and we werent ready to leave the place as it was so nice and perfect!
We paid $514 NZD for this stay (P18,005.40)
5. Wedding Rings
We decided to splurge a little on our rings as we know that this ring will be forever with us and is a symbol of our marriage. We got our rings at Michael Hill Jewellers NZ (the same place he got my engagement ring) and bought the rings we liked. It was also on sale that time (Mother's Day Sale) so we had a discount for it a little bit.
We paid a total of $2,062 (P72,184) for both of our rings.
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6. Bride & Groom Wedding Attire
I certainly wouldn't want to spend a lot on a wedding dress and we knew what style we wanted to go for our wedding. We decided to wear something that really suits us and our personality and thankfully it wasnt so hard to find something around here in Taupo.
He already had his brown Sperry leather shoes & black longsleeves that he bought last 2020 and his black Levis pants that he bought just last year so we just need to find a coat.
Albert Pointon Menswear have some really nice ones and we bought his suit from there. His top suit costs $215 (P7,525)
Home - (albertpointonmenswear.com)
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Year 2020 vs 2024
I had a little hard time finding what to wear (as there werent lot of female that wear white suits) and we even went to Hamilton one weekend for this and werent lucky.
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We went to Chartwell Shopping Centre in Hamilton but we didnt find everything we were looking for. Luckily, there's a boutique in Taupo that sells white blazer coat. I bought the blazer thinking that it will match the pants that I bought at Farmers in Hamilton. After 1 day, I checked again and found the matching pants for that blazer and also bought it. Thank you so much to Gigi Belle, the pants and blazer is just perfect!!!
Home page – Gigi Belle Boutique
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I also bought my shoes at Number One Shoes + Hannahs
Home | Shoes & Footwear NZ | Number One Shoes & Hannahs (numberoneshoesandhannahs.co.nz)
Then my husband ordered a flower bouquet and ribbon veil at Temu. I think it's just $10 (P350)
7. Hair & Makeup
I booked my hair and makeup at Cremebrulee Hair & Beauty so that I can be beautiful on our wedding day. It was really great - I think I looked nice and the hair does suit me. The hair and makeup costs me $301 (P10,535)
Crèmebrûlée Hair & Beauty | Taupo's Finest Hair Salon (cremebrulee.co.nz)
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8. Food & Groceries; Other Beauty Care Purchases and Tripod
My husband cooked Filipino meals for our 2 guests + our photographer. He cooked pansit, lumpiang shanghai and chicken (Andoks style) + coffee jelly as dessert. There are also other things we bought at Chemist Warehouse (such as face masks etc) and also bought tripod stand for our wedding.
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9. Weekend - Final Touch & Personal Care
On the weekend before our wedding day - I had my haircut at Cremebrulee and browshaping at SMK Bespoke Facials & Grooming Room (gettimely.com)
Paid $73 (P2,555) for the haircut and $25 (P875) for the brows.
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10. Our minimoon at Tokaanu Guest Suite
We didnt have time to drive far - as my husband have to work Thursday so we just booked an airbnb for the night after our wedding for us to have a little relaxing time.
We especially enjoyed the geothermal pool and also played pool table all night (I know how he wanted to play billiards) :) This is my wedding gift to him and I paid $275 (P9,646) for this.
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All in all, below is the cost of our NZ wedding. I personally think we did pretty well with budgeting (it's just that some of these just costs a lot more than what it cost in PH)
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If we were to repeat and do it all over again, I think we wouldnt be changing anything. I think our wedding day is perfect and just how we wanted it to be. It would be just nicer if we can have our family here in NZ and be with us then it will be really perfect...
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fashioneditswebsite · 7 months
Six moments you might have missed from NYFW 2024
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Fashion month went off with a bang in New York City. With boundary-pushing designs and plenty of famous faces on the front row, New York Fashion Week (NYFW)2024 has wrapped up. And what a glittering season it has been! Filled with bold designs and celebrity-filled front rows. New York is often seen as the cooler younger sibling to Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks, and it didn't disappoint with the autumn/winter 2024 season. Here's what you might have missed from a week of fashion in the Big Apple… 1. Beyoncé sits in the front row. In a surprise appearance on Tuesday night, Beyoncé sat in the front row to watch her 19-year-old model nephew Daniel 'Julez' Smith Jr walk the runway at the Luar fashion show, a clothing brand "for the culture." The singer and her mother sat together, both wearing stylish outfits. She finished the look with oversized sunglasses, a holographic Luar bag, and a cowboy hat in the same color. 2. Molly Ringwald walked the runway. Sixteen Candles star Molly Ringwald opened the Batsheva show, wearing a dramatic hooded black gown, which the brand described on Instagram as "a velveteen funeral Jackie O dream." The 55-year-old is usually seen sitting in the front row, but this season, she joined an entire cast of models aged 40 or over. Designer Batsheva Hay had spent weeks recruiting random women for the show, telling The New York Times she did it because she was 42. "I find that aging is a big preoccupation for me and my friends. It's an area of discomfort in fashion," she said. 3. Tommy Hilfiger comes back home. Fashion veteran Tommy Hilfiger wanted to honor New York in his second show since the coronavirus outbreak. He staged the show at the Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station, with the likes of Damson Idris, newest brand ambassador Sofia Richie Grainge, and Kelly Rutherford all in attendance. "We thought it was time," Hilfiger told CNN ahead of the show. "Time to come back and celebrate New York. It's iconic, and it's where I started." From varsity bomber jackets and trench coats to striped jumpers and polo shirts, the mega-brand was bold and modern in its interpretation of preppy fashion. 4. Blake Lively makes an appearance. In support of her good friend Michael Kors, the actress and Gossip Girl alum attended the autumn-winter runway shown Tuesday. The mom of four wore a giraffe-print trench coat and mini skirt with brown boots. She attended the Super Bowl to see the Kansas City Chiefs win against the San Francisco 49ers. Taylor Swift, Ice Spice, Lana Del Rey, Miles Teller, and Keleigh Sperry spotted her watching the game. 5. All eyes on Area Interestingly, to celebrate its 10th anniversary, Area broke from tradition and debuted spring/summer clothes instead of the usual autumn/winter collections. The designers drew inspiration from Sixties pop art and 1920s cartoons and studied the outfits with statement googly eyes. The designers drew inspiration from Sixties pop art and 1920s cartoons and studied the outfits with statement googly eyes. Area's collection delves into the interplay between viewing and being viewed. It explores the dynamics of essentials and the extraordinary. The collection reconstructs the interconnection between fashion and its observers. Area shared this on Instagram. 6. Storybook drama at Thom Browne After a spell in Paris, Thom Browne returned to the New York Fashion Week schedule in a suitably dramatic style. A veteran of the industry – and the chairman of the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) – he's known for high-production-value shows, and this season was no different. Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's poem The Raven, models walked around a wintery wasteland of a catwalk. More than just a runway show, this was performance art – one of the 'trees' on the runway turned out to be a man on stilts wearing an oversized puffer jacket, and four children emerged from the coat to watch the show. The clothes were suitably Gothic – practically everything was monochromatic, with models wearing sculptural headpieces. Moreover, the fashion show emphasized tailoring and boxy silhouettes with a sporty edge. It was a dramatic and exciting experience for everyone, including celebrities like Janet Jackson and Queen Latifah, who enjoyed the show in the front row. Read the full article
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whatthefishh · 1 year
the Chester problem
Rydal Keener x f!Reader
Part of the Oxford Comma series
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: swearing, mature themes, no smut but mentions of sex, someone gets punched
Chester probably didn’t know he was the cause of your breakup. Or your attempted breakup.
Rydal said he’d go get you both some coffee from the cafe inside the building you were studying in front of, leaving you alone with the chaotic textbook pentagram you were surrounded by. Leaning against a tree, you were comfortable in the evening spring air, taking note of the turkeys staking claim over a certain patch of grass a few yards away. You started packing up your things, thinking to yourself that you may as well head back with the warm drinks in hand and spend the rest of your evening in his dorm. 
It wasn’t too dark out, the sky already darkening but not so much so that you were without light. If you headed back now you could still watch a movie together. You were perfectly fine in your train of thought until a tall figure stood directly in your line of vision. It took you a second to angle your head to see who was attached to the tall frame, heart dropping in your stomach seeing that it belonged to none other than Chester. His dirty blonde hair looked perfectly mussed, his clear skin making him look more boyish than you knew he was. The crisp white cotton piqué polo he had on only served to piss you off further. The guy really had no qualms wearing all white, the impracticality of maintenance not even on his mind.
“Ah, just the little minx I was looking for,” he smirked down at you. 
“Rydal will be back in just a few. You can… wait over there or something,” you looked back down to the text in your hand. 
“You know, I know you’re not as squeaky clean as he thinks you are.”
Your relationship with Rydal’s oldest friend wasn’t… the greatest. The mere sight of him made you uncomfortable, his piercing gaze making you feel as though you were constantly under a microscope and you swore you could feel when he walked into a room just based on your spine tingling from the heavy weight of it. At first, he studied you, studied your dynamic with Rydal, went quiet when he’d make you laugh just for you to sober up and catch him staring with his head tilted and a curious glint in his eye. He would watch how Rydal greeted you when you’d join their group, how he casually slung his arm over your shoulder on the couch in the common areas, eyes tracing over the comfort in which you touched each other. It unnerved you to say the least. This was all before the comments started. 
You thought he was still mad about his white Sperry’s from that fateful first day, so you tried to apologize and laugh about it with him. He had looked you up and down before blinking at you and walking away. Honestly, you don’t know what you expected. You didn’t tell Rydal about it out of fear of sounding like a whiny girlfriend, afraid of causing a rift between the two friends. You would just shoulder the discomfort for his sake, not because Chester deserved any ounce of your kindness. 
Chester then made a comment about how you didn’t smell so bad anymore shortly after Rydal had gotten you the Chanel perfume, loudly noting how you didn’t hold back from using it. As if you carried some sort of poor people stench with you before. As if you had to burn through the bottle just to coat you in something palatable. That was the day you spat back at him, startling Rydal with how much hate you actually held in your voice, but again he didn’t intervene. Your severe vacillating verbal abuse only served to create tension between the three of you, and you avoided him as frequently and as blatantly as you could. 
Shoving your notebooks in your bag with more force than was necessary, you looked up at him without bothering to hide how irritating his mere presence is for you. Standing up didn’t help in balancing out your height difference but it made you feel a lot less small next to him. He still had at least a foot over you, and he smiled patronizingly at you in your show of defiance. 
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Chester takes a step closer, your chests almost brushing if not for your step backwards, and he continues until your back is pressed up against the tree you were leaning against just moments before. Placing a hand next to your head, effectively boxing you in with his frame, he leans down until your faces are inches apart before speaking again. 
“It means, sweetheart, that I think we both know why you’re really with Rydal. You’ve been having a grand old time in our world. Why don’t you let me have a turn, hmm? I can buy you nice things, too, if that’s what it’ll take.”
You’re not surprised that he thinks you’re with Rydal for his money, it’s not the first time you’ve heard it nor is it the first time he’s made a snide pass at you for not belonging. That was something you were still struggling to get over, but seeing as it was only Chester you were hearing it from for the time being and not anyone of importance to you, you would brush off his comments, regardless of how much the thought pissed you off. Rydal never fed into his shit, easily telling him off in one way or another before you could even get a word in and you were grateful that he often didn’t even bring it up to you. It didn’t stop it from bothering you though. 
No, what shocks you is that this is his weird attempt at hitting on you… you think. If this was Chester’s way of showing interest, this was frankly the most insulting way to go about it. Did this work on other girls? He basically called himself a flavour you could try out, if you were so inclined. Which, honestly, repulsed you. It’s as if the personification of unseasoned baked potatoes was smirking at you, thinking he had you good, thinking he had fed you a great line. 
You were too stunned to answer for a moment too long it seemed, and unfortunately, Chester took this as permission to close the distance between you and plant a kiss right on your lips. You didn’t even have time to fully comprehend the slimy feeling of his mouth on yours, his tongue already trying to push its way through the seam of yours before he was abruptly pulled off of you. 
Rydal had torn Chester off of you, one hand on his shoulder whirling his body around to face him and, without hesitation, swinging a fist into his face. 
The crunching sound wasn’t pleasant.
Your mind was running to catch up to the scene unfolding before you, your heart pounding in fear of all the worst case scenarios, and you were frozen in your spot against the tree. Blood, and lots of it, ruined Chester’s pristine white shirt, dripping down his face from where his nose was bleeding. It was pretty satisfying. 
There was yelling, on both sides. Rydal was fuming, you’d never heard his voice so loud, never seen his eyes look so dark before and it startled you. He was yelling something about not touching you, not touching what was his. 
Another attempted swing from Rydal before Chester flung himself back to avoid it. Another bout of yelling, this time from Chester, a few well-selected nasty words about trailer trash and proving a point. He agilely threw his own arm and successfully landed it into Rydal’s jaw, finally causing your paralysis to break. 
Running forward to step in between them before either of them could charge at each other again, you looked to see Rydal touching his bleeding lip, turning to spit the excess blood out before glaring at his friend. Well. Former friend? 
“Come on, let’s go, stop it!” you found your voice, pushing against Rydal’s chest as he was gearing up to throw his arms at the taller boy again. “We’re leaving!”
You grabbed both your bags, essentially pulling on his arm to forcefully drag him with you, away from the cussing and bloody mess that was Chester. He probably had a broken nose. 
The walk back to Rydal’s dorm was uncomfortably silent, which was unusual for the two of you. Silence was usually comfortable, albeit not common. You didn’t say anything when he took your bags from you, you didn’t say anything as he mumbled awkward apologies to you under his breath about the long forgotten coffee, and you didn’t say anything when he put his hand on the small of your back ushering you in his room first.
There was a faint glow coming from his window, the last bit of sunlight left in the sky barely illuminating the room and you didn’t feel like switching on his harsh desk lamp. It wasn’t like you were going to get much studying done tonight anyway, and the thought of a movie was far from your mind.
When he sat on his neatly made bed in a huff, you wordlessly went to the bathroom to wet a towel for the dried blood on his hand and face. Although Chester was in much worse shape, you still wanted to tend to your lover’s wounds, no matter how small. He didn’t look at you until you pushed your way to stand between his legs, his knees outside your knees. You gently take hold of one hand, palm to palm, and examine the damage, swiping at the blood to make sure none of it is his. It wasn’t. His beautiful hands are unmarred, and you sigh a breath of relief at that. 
This is the most tender you’ve probably ever been with him, apart from the moments after he fucked you too dumb to be mean to him. The silence blanketed you both, only amplifying your actions. His shoulders sagged and what was only minutes felt like hours. Rydal had nowhere else to look other than you and your smaller hands, gently wiping his clean of the blood that was spilled, that he spilled, for you. 
Once his hands were sufficiently unblemished by your standards and the rag was stained pink, you chanced a look at his face, catching him already gazing at you a little warily. Like a little boy, like he was waiting for your disappointment and lecturing. Reaching a hand up to cup his cheek, you smiled a little achingly at him before your eyes caught the droplet of blood delicately sitting on his now busted bottom lip. His poor bottom lip had seen better days, no matter how many times you’d bitten it blue. You were tempted to lick his wound shut, swipe at the red liquid until his flesh was healed and the whole thing was forgotten.
He’d done it for you. 
And if that isn’t reason alone for you to give in to the raging hot desire coursing through you when you look at his split lip – for you, foryou – a physical reminder of his devotion to you, to defending you, to properly standing up for you to his childhood friend. Someone who was practically a family friend, their fathers going for weekly golf meets, their mothers organizing social mixers in the same circles.
Meeting his eyes again after staring at his mouth for too long, you finally broke the silence.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I messed up, didn’t I?” his response came out quietly.
“No! Well… yes, you made a mess of things but–” his irritated sigh cut you off, “–but, listen, he deserved it. And…”
“...and?” he’s waiting for your next words like they have the power to dictate whether he’ll be able to sleep tonight. 
“Sorry,” he laughed in disbelief, the stretch of his smile causing his lip to split further and the droplet of blood you were fixated on to spill over, “what was that? You found it what?”
The hand that was holding his face slipped further to entangle itself in his dark locks, and you tilted his face up towards yours none too gently, the angle making his Adam's apple more pronounced and inviting.
“I said, I found it kinda hot, you dumbass,” you whispered right before pressing your lips together hungrily. 
It was obscene, really, the way you moaned when the distinct taste of copper reached your tongue. If he felt any pain from the press of your mouth, it was only serving to intensify his feelings in that moment, his tongue fighting for dominance with your own in a surprising show of fervor at such a time.
Your mouths moved against each other in raw passion and you leaned into his greedy touch, his hands clutching, clenching, constricting your waist. Any residual anger that was left in Rydal’s body was currently being used to turn you inside out with just one kiss, working in tandem with his ability to render you breathless. He was quick to flip you over, pinning you under him with his body while still devouring your lips. If this was his way of reclaiming you, the fucked up carnal part of your brain was egging him on, thrilled at the prospect of his tangible protectiveness. 
When you inevitably broke apart for air, you dumbly noticed that he wasn’t bleeding anymore, the faintest memory of a voice – your mother’s, put pressure on the wound – telling you how to stop blood flow in an emergency popping up in your mind before you met his eyes again. Sharing the same ragged breath, you shuffled even further into his bed making sure to hold him close the whole time.
He didn’t leave your arms for the rest of the night.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Zeus and I was starting a clothing line I have to get permission and designing some things he showed me what they look like it's like some sort of priest of different orders and they look like casual dress and people can wear them and put them on easily and it's not a big hassle and it's nice and clean looking and interesting and we are going to go ahead and start doing it and there's also other things it's not t-shirts and they're not nits but their shirts like he likes to wear that look like mesh and things like that and their form fitted and some of them have buttons but they're not the cheap plastic look just have one was with metal and people loved it and I'm coming up with a whole bunch of designs different kinds of belts and even shoes and he noted looking in there at the men's Palace that some of the places that the the products they're not naming them right and it doesn't look good like Sperry should be s. perry for s- perry. And with a special look to it it would be nice. But it doesn't look good the way they're doing things these days is cheap and informal and crappy and the suits don't fit right and they're really too small and weird looking and it stick to people. And I guess we have an action where line not just kind of casual formal and that would also look a little different and a little strange and people used to do it they called it Metro but it really looks great and Cassandra is on the line and she wants to be a model and my husband says things have to be in proper proportion because it's so sleek modern look for the modern era and she says great and remodeling with electric motorcycles and some of the new cars even the minis other people's cars too and she thinks it's awesome like the Corvette and certain vehicles are associated with certain kaju and or robots like the Lamborghini centenario and that is an actual transformer and is a certain outfit that goes with it and I'm looking at the movies and things like that and I'm getting designs and I'm going to use them and they're different because their hours and reflecting he and I and I had certain clothing you thought it was nice like my tube dress with Jen and even my jeans as Melissa and the jacket he bought me I love that jacket and I want it back and Tom Cruise is wearing it little skinny guy why is so small... These are really great outfits and a great idea people are uncomfortable walking around wearing sloppy clothes just t-shirts and whatever and you look horrible this place the men's Palace had an idea and it's a good one and we can see if we can get some of our brands in there we're not going to make them very pricey they're not going to be cheap but everything is overpriced. And we can have like a street look there's certain looks but it looks more like the video I was limp Bizkit and the one where he's at the world trade center and also Will Ferrell when he's getting hard in the movie. I'll be relaxed casual exercise wears flashy and new and energetic not much different not real fluffy but it looks very much similar and will have jewelry you can twist it and put it in the amulet in it and a solid like coax cable it's like a metal encasing or the neck on your e-bike just not as wide you let go of it looks like chain links. There's more and we have a lot of designs already and he likes to cargo pants and the Bain best of his and the Bain jacket
An agents of shield type clothing the suit and the jacket and close and they look more like the older ones so you can actually see something that's cool and people will wear it it's intense all of the cities they will and we hear that it's going to be famous it has one of his names and mine and there when we were near each other
Katya Equiz
So again I just want like a person then a human and that was it this is going to be intense I like this idea it's a woman's name
He's a great ideas and she's very happy and he knows she'll be occupied and also immersed and he says it's double immersion and he says and she says back no it's triple and I'ma see you ding-a-ling he says I figured that out and yeah I'm straight so we're good she says. Yep just like the two bears. So we're going to design a lot of stuff they say and we're going to help them and add to it and we can put our designs in their company and they're of course very excited about that and want us to and encourage it and we have it insignia on our designs it'll show it's ours but I'll be there label they're really happy about that it's going to be intense that stuff is very classy this stuff is modern it's a little more simple but it does have symbolism that's very potent and it is intense okay you'll have drivers clothing for automobiles there's the shoes and and the pants and the jackets and the shirts and special stuff and for motorcycles and heart attack and soft act everything you can think of off-road too and it's going to be awesome this is going to really kick some butt but the whole point of it is when you're out and about or even knowing an afternoon stroll even in the mall if you want to look half decent and he's wearing new jeans and it looks nice everyone else looks kind of sloppy he's got shoes that are relatively new and their suede and it looks classy his shirt's new too I could use some help but that's the whole idea it's always wanted to dress that way and by the time you get some money the things can be roaring
Everybody wants to stuff now and we're going to start making it and we're going to make a basic package too and it will still be symbolic of classy and it'll look nice but it won't be expensive and somebody tried to steal a name of his for one of his ideas and you know it might be something as Grandpa would be bothered about jeans and they have them you look really cool they're kind of baggy like parachute pants but their jeans and it's going to start a company and it's going to be part of this one it's going to be the Maverick Gene collection and male and female versions and he's not mad about it very simple we need distribution we even need factories opening we need people to model it and like Jets and enough coming movie and that's making him smile so go ahead and we'll have sunglasses too it's going to be cool and some of them will be gear we're approving this right now
Where the hell did you get this idea it's in there going it made me wear these Wrangler jeans anything Maverick he's thinking they're not Maverick then he thought of making the company to mock one of the characters of time you have then he remember just now that it's me and my character in top gun so that's quite a way of remembering and knowing stuff boy is that crazy we're going to go ahead with this ideas I know he's saying I'm wearing the stuff it's money I'm advertising it's money and a portion of it help with the factories of Labor we're going to go ahead with it now
Tom Cruise
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ereardon · 1 year
Mazel Tov to your husband! (And you!)
Thank you!!!!! Won’t lie I selfishly feel partially to credit because it’s been hard being a one income household for 4 years! He started law school when we had only just gotten engaged so we picked up our lives in NY and moved to DC during covid for him to start it’s been a long time in the making!!
I just hope our future kids aren’t Sperry-wearing Draco-like “my daddy is a lawyer” brats haha
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regardingluxury · 2 years
Winter Clothes, Jackets, Coats For Men
The Crofton Puffer is created from the brand's Recycled Feather-Light Ripstop Fabric and options an impressive 750-fill power using duck down. All Canada Goose jackets get a Thermal Experience Index ranking starting from TEI1 by way of TEI5. The Crofton Puffer has a TEI4 ranking, which means it is capable of enduring temperatures as low as -13°F and is hotter than a few of the model's most basic kinds.
The PACLITE® shell feels easy to contact however is sort of clearly sturdy and waterproof. It is comfortable to put on through a variety of activities. In reality, I assume you'd be hard-pressed to search out an activity that this won’t carry winter clothes for men out properly in. I discovered it great for hiking, daily chores, in the rain, the snow, and even on brighter, hotter days. Paired with a good mid-layer (like the ones here!), I suppose you could comfortably use this jacket on the slopes.
This is what I think to be the right Lean Wardrobe outfit. While I’m more casual nowadays, I nonetheless contemplate this as my base uniform and would wear this 99% of the time if I labored in a “business casual” environment. If you've thick, loose, and/or cumbersome pieces beneath layers that are slimmer, thinner, or extra lightweight… that may be actually uncomfortable. I even put on my darkish denim less, and as an alternative, swap them with my lightweight, stretch, light-wash denim. The solely dark colors I truly have during spring and summer are my olive and navy linen shirts. It still has the padded baffles of a puffer but features a modern and glossy silhouette.
The padded collar paired with a memory foam insole means you can count on all-day comfort. They did run slightly narrow, so if you’re on the cusp of two sizes, I would measure up. The sliver of blouse collar peeking out from the neckline of the crew neck sweater is a small detail that adds a touch of refinement to the look. Furthermore, the brilliant blue interior of the down jacket gives the impression of a nice pop of color without screaming too loudly.
While some individuals find merino wool itchy, going for premium merino wool in a finer gauge will normally solve this. If you’ve picked up a correct winter-weight button-down and pants, you’re probably not going to need to pile far more on. My recommendation is to stay to mostly neutral colors, then focus on the basic layering recipes.
Always put on the thinnest clothes closest to your body. The mannequin right here is sporting the same long-sleeve and is layered on the Better Than Down Vest from Public Rec. He’s using winter mens fashions with the light-to-dark rule, and since the vest is lightweight, he has room to add a bomber jacket on high if issues get colder.
There are numerous methods to work these patterns into your everyday wardrobe, but one of the easiest is in the medium of an overskirt or flannel shirt. Sperry’s Cold Bay Chelsea boots are created from molded rubber, so they’re puddle-proof. They’re additionally lined with microfleece for heat mens winter fashion and feature enhanced traction. Pull these on when you’re walking to work via the slush. Torrential downpours, face-shearing winds, bone-chilling cold—let scientifically superior clothes protect you from the elements and maintain you snug.
It’s no use trying fairly in your new winter outfit when the lack of comfort may prevent you from enjoying your journey. If there’s one quintessential piece in winter outfits for men, it’s the wear-with-everything longline coat. Whether it’s single-breasted or double-breasted, the knee-length fashion is a simple layer for athleisure-rich and soft-tailored outfits alike. You can also put on a longline coat on formal put on as nicely. It is often considered one of the best suggestions for winter formal put on. Introduce a pair of black leather-based informal boots to the combo to tug the whole getup collectively.
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9rOVlv3
by valkymnous
Bucky strutted his way through the crowd demanding attention as he went. He glided up to table eight smiling sweetly at the drunk douche’s.
“Hi boys” Bucky purred
He knew whichever one was dumb enough to fall into Bucky’s trap would be disposed of by order of Steve.
Oh pick the one in Sperry’s! Who wears those to a club! A daddy’s moneys asshat.
You know it’ll be so hot to have Steve fuck us covered in his blood.
Can we just ignore this and go cuddle up to Daddy?
Bucky ignored the voices in his head.
“Hello gorgeous, come to play with the big boys?” Sperry’s asked. “Why don’t you come sit on my lap”
Bucky put on a show of blushing. “Thank you, though I was really hoping you’d dance with me”
“Can’t say no to a sweet thing like you, lead the way”
Bucky smiled to himself moron had no idea what he just agreed to
Words: 1516, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Him & I
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Brock Rumlow, Jack Rollins
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Bucky wears Steve’s dog tags, harley bucky, joker Steve, Spanking, Non-Consensual Spanking, Abusive Relationships, Violence, Blood, Murder, typical joker and Harley relationship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9rOVlv3
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yes-feratu · 3 years
god i LOVE it when alfreds a cocky frat bro daddys boy....hes so FUCKING QUEER like tell me there isnt homoeroticism in being a frat bro who hangs out w all his bros all the time and cant go anywhere or do anything w/o his boys w him. u know frat bros are always doing weird shit like cup checks and any excuse to touch each others asses and dicks and I just think Alfred very readily and happily participates in that type of behavior, even before he realizes hes gay
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