#is it appealing that you're with a woman because men suck? and then they go off to a bare minimum man bc he sucks less than most shit men
sapphicdessi · 11 months
Are the bisexual women in that video calling gay/lesbian people queer?
i'm more concerned they're saying "bi lesbians" are real and telling every lesbian who says to stop that "sexuality is fluid" and that lesbians can like men. they have larped and support larpers. acting like lesbian is someone who hates men but is attracted to them is fucking absurd. shit take after another. it's basically a homophobic lesbian shit talking sesh where they speak over an for lesbians and act like incels too
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soup-mother · 3 months
i have very complex thoughts on this but one funny realisation about being a trans woman and a lesbian and wanting games and stories about women like me being loved, is that like struggle to find good gay media makes you realise how like.... straight women want better too? like the vast majority of stuff aimed at girls and women is sorta just insulting? like i modded Harvest moon so i can be gay but trying to play the default "girls" version just sort of felt like it didn't respect the player at all. like "here's some men, be happy with it".
and related is just how like....if I'd grown up as a girl it's not like i would have been happier. because everything girls are expected to like fucking sucks basically, it's patronising and has the most insulting "morals" and it's just like wow patriarchy sucks.
like it's hard to find "gender affirming" games etc because like.... a lot of stuff aimed at girls doesn't respect girls, and it's hard getting into the mindset that I'm not some alien outside invader for like... having an issue with sexism and not wanting to settle for insultingly patronising ideas of what "girls" are and want.
and while it's not on the same level, like being a trans woman and being exposed to so much media for "boys" and "men" felt almost disgusting? like it was going wink wink "this is what guys like us are into, aren't you a guy?". like you were expected to not have an issue with it and not want anything more...kind i guess? more genuine or focused on emotions? just "here's what men want, here's what women want, they're two seperate categories"
see also: how awful h scenes in eroge are, where like that appeal to the idea of what "men" should want and masculine fantasies genuinely just makes it unpleasant and shit. like wow we really believe in this gender bullshit? it ruins fucking everything lol.
anyway gender thoughts about media and capitalism and whatnot. gender ruins everything once again, you're not a "fake" woman or whatever for not falling for patriarchal brainwashing and being perfectly happy and content living up to perfect standards of aesthetics and beauty standards and acceptable hobbies. it's all just culturally enforced bullshit, turns out people just want games and stuff that are good and respect them and are fun.
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atwoodsfemalefantasy · 2 months
so sorry to take a break from politics for a second, but i need to rant about this new Joker movie.
please no. please please please no. for so many reasons.
the simplest of which is that the Joker is just such a tired story. it's been told so fucking many times. we get it! toxic masculine asshole falls into chemicals, turns into supervillain, manipulates and abuses his girlfriend, "sOcIeTy" yadda yadda fucking yadda. it was interesting for a while, but it's not anymore. there's no new way to tell this story!! it's been told!!
if you know me personally, you know that Harley Quinn is an icon of mine, and the movie Birds of Prey is extremely important to me. now before anybody comes at me about how "bad" a movie BoP was, i don't wanna hear it. you won't change my mind in thinking it's incredible. the only legit criticism i've seen has been badly veiled misogyny, or upset about the pacing (it was told by Harley Quinn! what did you expect?). but Birds of Prey was AMAZING because Margot Robbie fought HARD to FREE HARLEY QUINN. as the comics have made clear, Joker/Harley is one of the most toxic relationships to exist. Joker is manipulative, abusive, take all the credit for Harley's work, and overall, it's just a shitty relationship. but somehow the Joker movies have convinced the media that Joker/Harley is soooo romantic because Harley is so ride or die. Joker/Harley feeds into the "dark romance" genre. it appeals to men because Joker forces Harley into sexuality and Harley does whatever he says. women somehow got tricked into thinking it was romantic, too. and this pisses me off especially because in the comics!!! Joker/Harley is established to be abusive!!! and Harley gets out!!! and has a healthy relationship with Poison Ivy!!! and in BoP, Margot Robbie had to FIGHT the writers every step of the way to make Harley a) leave the Joker b) not go crawling back to him and c) be her own, fabulous person like she is in the comics. the point is, BoP and Suicide Squad 2 Harley is perfect, lines up with comic Harley, and is a huge role model for women, especially women leaving toxic relationships. and NOW this new Joker wants to throw all that away and make Harley that girl who bends over backwards to support Joker's abuse again! they want to undo all of that progress just to give us the same old "love story" that's really just a sick man preying on a girl (who was put in an uncomfortable position to turn him down because she was his therapist!!). why must we tell this same, tired story, WHILE throwing away all our progress with Harley that Margot Robbie pushed so damn hard for!
and finally, i'm just sick of how the audience receives the Joker. no matter how obviously Joker is shown as not a good guy or role model, teenage (and older) boys will ALWAYS view him as this hero who enforces toxic masculinity in a way that's cool enough that it sucks them in! the more we tell this fuckers story and glorify his shitty behavior (EVEN IF THE MOVIE IS TRYING TO BE SATIRE THAT CRITICIZES HIS BEHAVIOR), the more boys and men will insist that he's a role model and let their own toxic masculinity and woman hating grow and feed off him. THE JOKER IS NOT A FEEL GOOD STORY!! you're not supposed to hear the Joker talk and actually agree with him!! but just like American Psycho, these men will take a piece of media telling a CAUTIONARY TALE/SATIRICAL PIECE about toxic masculinity and make it their whole personality and use it to justify their own shitty behavior.
Gaga, please. I adore you, but i expected more from you. we do not need another Joker. i'm not prepared to see the halloween costumes of girls who are genuinely tricked into thinking this story is romantic. i'm not ready for the boys and men imitating the Joker again. i don't want to hear the same damn story again and again and again when the original point has been lost and misconceived dozens of remakes ago. why.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Hello! I’ve always had this weird situation where women think I want their husband even though I stay far away from them and their husband is speaking with me. For example: I saw it highschool teacher and was speaking with him with family and his wife came out of no where (mind you they’re so much older than me) and began to ask my age and told him never to speak to me again so when I saw him again, with my family he blantantly ignored me. Things like that always happen and I’m just being myself with no intentions. Even with my girl best friend, she didn’t want her boyfriend to meet me? Which was weird but she would always brag about him and their sex life to me and I’m like ok, that’s nice. Then she stopped being my friend, because she was going to move in with her bf and she just dropped me. Why does this keep happening? It makes me insecure when epie mention their significant other because it’s the same weirdness over and over again with these women and I never do anything questionable. I stay in my lane. I’m so confused and i makes me feel so uncomfortable when these women act like that. I have so many other stories where women would act like I’m going to steal their men when I’m just speaking with the woman and I see the guy once and say hello and keep it going- I never do anything questionable. It really sucks to be treated this way.
Hi love! I'm so sorry for the ways in which you've encountered this pattern of unsettling situations. It's so creepy that a high school teacher's wife is sexualizing one of his students. Shame on her – he was your educator! In both of these cases, it seems like the women were threatened by your looks, how you carry yourself, and maybe your personality (some women are considered flirty if they have an engaging personality – even when they're not actually flirting).
While I don't know you personally, these situations seem to show that other women perceive you as a threat and desirable to the male gaze/sexual appealing. That's the only reason I would think your friend would brag about her sex life to you – she's overcompensating and trying to prove to you that you're at least equally attractive to men.
In all these situations, it seems that your beauty and aura feel threatening to other women and it highlights their insecurity. Having conventionally attractive looks matched with a likable personality can be a double-edged sword. Some women can hate you without even knowing you. Remember, they feel bad about themselves and are projecting their own poor self-image. Keep this reminder top of mind when these situations happen – even if at the time, the occurrence is frustrating.
Keep your head up high. Any secure person will understand that others don't need to dim their light for you to shine.
Hope this helps xx
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what-if-nct · 10 months
hiiii today's reminder is let's indeed talk about Ted Mosby because yes i do know. what a slimy self centred cheating manipulating little worm. how is he the romantic lead we're supposed to root for when he spends the entire series proving that he sees love as lip service and grand gestures rather than actual commitment or consistent effort, all while complaining about how he's a hopeless romantic. like no you're just a dick who uses women as long as they make you feel good about yourself and then moves on with zero lessons learned. even Barney after decades of seeing women as objects steps up when he's in love, but Ted and his supposed respect for women only last as long as it's convenient to him. also he's just so fucking condescending and annoying ugh. the show is so well written and so fun and has great moments throughout but i just can never get into it again because of how much i hate Ted
Hii! Yessss!! And the thing is he could never see when he was wrong ever. Everything he did was complete justified in his eyes. Like how is the womanizer of the group a better partner than you . The technical main character. And the finale. What was the point of all of that? His wife passes, he shares how he met her but it was just him telling his kids about all of his failed relationships (all on his part) that led to it and how much he actually loves Robin so he can be with Robin. Who I wish actually stayed with Barney even with his faults. Marshall though by far one of the best men in general. Like I loved him and Lily so much. Random but I've had a crush on Lily's actress Alyson Hannigan ever since I watched Buffy when I was little. When I discovered Taylor Swift at 12 it opened my eyes to all of the crushes I had on women prior no wonder my first real life boy crush wasn't till I was ten. Before that all I knew was I loved Shawn Hunter . Speaking of male leads who suck. Cory Matthews was absolutely insufferable. Also he looks like an ear of corn. But Shawn and Eric are my babies. Also is it me or Does Jonghyun look like Matthew Lawrence I've thought that for the past ten years but never said it cause I didn't know anyone who would know what I was talking about.
Oh Random but there's a YouTuber named Jake Webber I've been obsessed with I found him like five or six years ago but I just started watching him again and I am in love with him as well as his ex girlfriend Tara. But Jake is somehow emo but has this feral redneck quality that appeals to me for some reason. One he's ridiculous two he understands the joys of Reese's, mint and chocolate. And when he said he likes when energy drinks taste like energy drinks. I said like battery acid and then he said like battery acid I fell in love that's my soulmate. Also I had my monthly monster today and I feel fine I might not sleep tonight though. Tara is hilarious and just as feral but in a way that I personally connect to. Also she's vegetarian. Which I'm officially done with chicken. I'm ready to go full vegetarian. I've been slowly weaning myself and have had months at a time I didn't touch meat but I'm fully ready now.
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lettucedloophole · 1 year
i never considered sex also being a social construct, and when you pointed that out, (ESP W THE USE OF DWORKINS QUOTE OMFG) it literally blew my mind, including the fact we don’t know what a society looks like outside of patriarchy. i’m having some trouble tho w homosexuality as a social construct. did you mean that in a way where the term and idea of homosexuality is a social construct bc all love is the same, and shouldn’t be classified as such bc of the fact we think its “different”?
also totally unrelated to the specific topic but still on the basis of radical feminism, how do you keep pushing? lately i’ve been feeling like its so hopeless bc i hardly see any significant change happening in the western world, one of the biggest examples is like how u said everyone wants to defend the status quo, and that contributes to my feelings of “im only one person i cant change it all by myself in my community and inspire others to do the same so i should just give up”. i know i won’t really be able to go back to how blissfully ignorant i once was :’) and that’s probably what keeps me from leaving rad feminism bc there’s just so much truth in it and i know i’d rather me and every other human in the world be liberated than give in and live a life with even more misery but there’s still times where i have those thoughts of complying and it just sucks. i gave up my skincare routine (now its just cleanser and moisturizer & the occasional sunscreen if might be out in the sun), makeup, fashion marketed towards women, porn, FANFICTION 😭, crushing on men, dating men, and even being friends w men. i didn’t give up my libido but it disappeared on its own bc of everything i continue to learn. i realize how deep misogyny is in our society and culture and just want to isolate myself from everyone. I CANT RUN FROM IT NO MATGER WHAT THO……💔
for homosexuality as a social construct; kind of. if sex is a social construct (i.e., the categories of male & female don't exist outside of society), it follows that sexuality is as well-- especially because the social construct of women & man are packaged with expectations of submission (to man), pregnancy, confinement to the home, and domination (of women), all but the last trait for women. in patriarchal mythos the class of people defined as "women" are supposed to be heterosexual, and the same goes for men.
the only context which heterosexuality exists in is under patriarchy, so it's impossible to untangle from bioessentialistic complementarianism. similarly, homosexuality is also a construct of patriarchy, albeit a positive subversion / defiance of the heterosexual structure of relationships. but when sex is eventually abolished, and men + women no longer exist, current classifications of sexuality will disintegrate with them. instead of 'man attracted to woman' or 'women attracted to other women', we will just have people liking people, & relationships formerly regarded as homosexual will no longer suffer a stigma compared to heterosexual ones.
if we argue that people are just "born" as heterosexual or gay without investigating what in society makes hetero or homosexuality so appealing or alien & disturbing (the patriarchy), we concede that homosexuals are naturally unnatural (in that, so little of the world is bisexual or gay or asexual under patriarchy, and this is not because of patriarchy, but "nature". therefore, the order of patriarchy is made acceptable through naturalization.)
ANYWAYS, onto your more important question... resisting mental domination, as bell hooks put it. unfortunately this is the hardest thing to answer as i myself haven't even gotten it down yet :') i relate to what you're saying so much, and a lot of other radfems do, so know that you're not alone even if it feels that way.
if i could talk to myself when i first Rad(fem)icalized, i would say... don't be too hard on yourself. we're all suffering from a lifetime of gendered socialization which basically amounts to self harm for women 💀 i went Ham with the radfem stuffs, giving up makeup & sexualized fashion & shaving, and it was relatively easy for me since i was already quite gnc & angry lol, but.
while i think it's good to give up much of that stuff, the world's not gonna explode if you struggle or give yourself some exceptions. don't let up on anything that gets in the way of your personal/political liberation, at least not for a long time, but. don't let people online jerk you around or make you feel like you're a bimbo for wearing makeup or whatever. some internet terfs can be reallyyy misogynistic if you adhere to gender roles or. don't hate trans people.
when you feel angry, don't turn it inward. it's something women & gender minorities do way too much. if you're not comfortable expressing it, though i think expressing it "unhealthily' (screaming at someone, breaking a plate) is better than pointing it at yourself, find a healthy and / or productive way to release it. we are trying to avoid this aspect of female socialization ↓
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it's also mega important to remember that... it's easy to think men don't understand the patriarchy, but they do. the thing is, though, they don't give women grace for struggling with sexist socialization and use it as "proof" that women are actually inferior. women who are aware of the patriarchy but have no faith in other women do this as well. have faith in other women. have faith in trans people. have faith in gay & bi people. their liberation is tantamount to your own. and i don't mean individual gender minorities who are assholes... just don't let those assholes make you lose faith in these groups as a whole.
honestly i feel like there's a lot more i could say but idk, don't want to bury you in words lol. feel free to send more asks or message me if there's anything i can elaborate on or help you with! or even if you just need someone to talk to. much love, anon :') 🫶
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theeccentricmrwinter · 8 months
honestly, the dislike for men around here just kinda sucks. I didn't want to reblog any specific post to say this because I'm not gonna derail a post making an attempt to be positive, and I'm also not going to just assume everyone doing this doesn't have a good reseaon not to really care about men's feelings, but wow.
Seeing posts that say looking a certain way isn't appealing unless you're a woman is. well. not good for me at least.
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earthtoharlow · 2 years
Nights Like This
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(NSFW 18+)
"Can I buy you a drink?" Jack asked the lone dark haired beauty at the end of the bar.
From what he saw, she had been sitting there on that stool fending off advances from men that were way less worthy than him for quite some time now. He was certain that with his charm and his good looks that he stood a way better chance than the riffraff that had tried and failed with her as he sat and watched from a small table not far away.
This girl was incredible, he thought. He had watched her saunter into the bar with her oh so tight little black dress and matching stilettos. Her lips were a flawless shade of red and the smoky makeup that she wore around her eyes gave her the perfect air of mystery, igniting an ache inside of him that he knew wouldn't leave him until he had this woman writhing below him, screaming out in pleasure.
"Hmm.." She breathed out, looking through her long eyelashes over at him.
Her eyes washed over him as she sized him up. For a white guy, he wasn't bad, that was for sure. The confident smirk that he held on his face, as he looked at her, intrigued her to no end. It made her silently wonder if his confidence would last if she played a little hard to get.
"What makes you think that I would choose you over any one of the other guys in here?" She cocked an eyebrow at him.
Jack’s smirk got a little bit wider as he pulled up a stool right next to her, his confidence never waning. She heightened her eyebrows slightly and pursed her lips looking at the bold man.
"Because I've sat over there watching you toss each and every one of them away." He breathed out lowly, moving in just a little bit closer.
"And what makes you think that I won't do the same to you?" She narrowed her eyes slightly, watching as his smirk pulled up his lips once again.
"Because despite the fact that you want everyone to think that you're a man-eater, you secretly just want someone to end the night with. And well, if you play your cards right, that someone could be me." Jack cocked his eyebrow at her, pulling back slightly to let his little mind-trick settle in her head.
“Well", don't you just seem to have me all figured out—“ She said, giving him a bored look before she turned to the bartender.
"Vodka cranberry. On him." She ordered, nodding to the ballsy man next to her.
"And for you?" The bartender turned to Jack.
"Vodka tonic." He ordered.
The bartender nodded his head and went to preparing the drink.
"I'Il take it as positive omen that I was allowed, out of all of these perfectly capable men, to buy you a drink.' Jack smirked at the woman.
"We'll see." She cocked her eyebrow slightly as the bartender set down their beverages in front of them.
"Perhaps foreshadowing?" He pushed with a small chuckle as he took his first sip.
Her eyes worked over him as she pictured just how she wanted the night to end. And to be perfectly honest, she couldn't think of one good reason as to why it couldn't end with him. Everything she saw, she liked - from his messy brown hair to his pouty lips to his solid frame. He looked like he knew how to show a girl a good time and she was all for having a good time.
"What's your name, gorgeous? Jack smirked slightly as he caught her gaze on him.
"Y/N ." She breathed out just before she took a sip of her drink.
"Hm. Y/N." He repeated and she liked the way it rolled off of his tongue.
"And yours?" She asked curiously.
"Jack." He smiled at her.
"Jack" She breathed out in the same manner.
"It's nice to meet you, Y/N." He smiled at her, watching the way her mouth wrapped around the straw, sucking up the sweet beverage.
"And you. She eyed him right back.
"What would you think about going somewhere a little bit more intimate?" He offered boldly.
"I'm not much of a one-night-stand kind of girl, Jack." She challenged
"Who said anything about a one-night-stand?" He smirked, cocking his eyebrow at her.
Everything about him appealed to her. It was hard to deny that just his presence was silently wrecking her. The attraction was natural and instantaneous and she knew that if she were to pass it up, she wouldn't be able to get this handsome stranger out of her mind.
After she sucked down the last bit of her drink, she stood up carefully on her black stilettos as he watched her. She moved past him, stopping only to look over her shoulder at him.
"You coming or what? She asked, sending him a playful smirk.
He let out a small laugh then bounced his eyebrows once at her before he pulled his wallet out of his back pocket, throwing down a twenty onto the bar before following her out.
It didn't take long for an Uber to pull up in front of the two of them.
"Ladies first." Jack smirked at her, opening the door for her. She gave him a small, but devious smirk as she slid in and he slid right in after her.
"So, is this the part where we get formally acquainted?" She breathed in his ear, placing her hand on his inner thigh.
Without so much as another heartbeat passing them by, Jack’s hand snaked around the back of her neck, pressing his lips hard against hers. It was undeniable how attracted he was to her. Everything in him was screaming for her. As his hand came up grasping her breast in his palm, he could feel the ache for her deep within him. Y/N whimpered against his mouth as his teeth tugged at her bottom lip. Just the sound of her tiny little moans turned him on.
“I’m going to make you feel so good" He breathed in her ear and she was sure that he meant it. And she wanted him to, so badly.
When the car stopped at the curb in front of her building, Y/N pressed her hands against Jack’s chest. She didn't necessarily want him to stop nipping and kissing the sensitive skin of her neck, but the prospect of getting this man in her bed was enough of an incentive to stop the pleasing attention that he was giving to her.
"Home sweet home." She smiled at him and he gave her an errant smile in return.
Jack thanked the driver before he pushed open the car door, immediately helping Y/N out onto the sidewalk, straight into his arms. Neither of them stopped touching one another because neither of them wanted to stop. As the uber pulled away, the pair walked up the front steps of the building to the door. Jack licked his lips as he watched Y/N pull a single key out of the front of her bra, unlocking the apartment's security door.
"Come on." She breathed, grabbing his hand, pulling him inside toward the staircase.
Jack watched Y/N taut ass as she walked up the stairs, his hands resting on her hips, her hands atop his. He could already feel his excitement, his pants fitting just a bit tighter as he watched her. Once they reached her door, she spun in his arms, pulling him flush against her body
"Here we are." She breathed against his lips before kissing them.
"Here we are." Jack smirked as Y/N reached up above the apartment door and pulled a key from the top of the molding on the door.
She pressed the key into the lock, turning it seconds before she pushed it open and pulled him in with her. He kicked the door shut with his foot and she reached back, locking it behind them.
Neither of them were drunk, yet as they kissed their way into the apartment, both of their bodies swayed together like they were
Y/N grabbed onto the front of Jack’s black jacket pulling him backwards into her bedroom with a mischievous smile on her face. All Jack wanted to do was get this girl naked and when she started pulling off her dress, letting it drop to her ankles, a little piece inside of him was satisfied.
She was incredible standing before him in the sexiest set of black lace panties and bra that he had ever seen. The cup of the bra perfectly pushing up her breasts so they were practically right in his face.
“You are impeccable.” He told her, reaching out to touch her once again.
“And you talk too much.” She stopped him, ripping his jacket down his arms.
“Mmm.” He breathed out, liking this girl’s style.
He helped her by pulling his jacket off the rest of the way as she was already pushing up his white sweater with the butts of her palms, her lips coming down to kiss his toned stomach and chest. His fingers gripped the hem of his sweater and discarded that as well.
Her mouth moved smoothly up the middle crevice of his chest, licking and kissing, before coming up to press her lips against his. Their tongues tangled together as Jack’s fingers tangled into her long dark hair, pulling her to him, his free hand gripping onto her hip, pressing their lower bodies together.
When she pulled back from him, her bra was falling down her arm, having slyly unhooked it while they were kissing. Jack’s eyes took her in, her perfect little nipples on her perfectly perky breasts. His hands immediately cupping them, his mouth coming down to tease each nipple as the moans almost instantly rolled out of her. Pleasure invaded Y/N system with Jack’s mouth on her. Every nerve in her body had been heightened and she could feel the heat building in her lower regions for this man. She almost didn’t have it in her to tolerate any more foreplay. She wanted – no, she needed him that badly.
Her fingers found his belt buckle and began undoing it quickly as he continued loving up her chest, getting slightly disrupted by her need to get him naked.
He stood up straight, abandoning his efforts when she began pushing his pants and boxers down. Her eyes took in his already hardened appendage that she had broken free from his pants and immediately stopped her actions of disrobing him. She almost couldn’t help herself as she dropped to her knees, wrapping her hand around his penis, her lips wrapping around the head. Jack groaned out, tipping his head back as her tongue came out, wetting his shaft. As her mouth bobbed lazily on his sensitive penis, Jack's body shook with pleasure, his mouth going dry from the moans and groans escaping his throat.
When Y/N pulled his penis out of her mouth, she looked down at it and without thinking lapped up the pre-cum that had seeped out, before getting back on her feet.
“Fuck, Y/N.” Jack breathed out, running his fingers through his curly hair.
Y/N hands found the sinewy muscles of Jack’s chest and pushed him backwards onto the bed, watching him bounce slightly on the mattress before he relaxed himself against it with a pleased smile on his face. Jack kicked off his shoes as Y/N gripped onto the hem of his pants and boxers that were already half-mast down his legs and pulled them completely off.
As Y/N stood before him half-naked and positively purring for him, Jack could do nothing but stare at her, watching as she kicked off those black stilettos that made her legs look a million miles long. He was so hard for her, he thought he just might spontaneously combust the second she touched his penis again.
Y/N eyes stared straight into Jack’s as she gripped onto the sides of her black lace thong and slowly pulled it down her legs, Jack licked his lips as he watched her tip-toe toward him, her eyes never leaving his. When Jack felt the mattress move as she kneeled onto it, straddling over him, he held his breath, trying to reign himself in. He was a sexually matured adult, he didn’t need any premature outpourings before they even truly got started, even if the feel of her lower body pressed against his penis was almost too much to handle. Y/N moved in, connecting their lips as she thrust her hips slightly against him, both of them moaning and groaning at the pleasing contact.
“Fuck, Y/N.” Jack breathed out again, looking into her eyes.
She gave him a devious smirk as she sat up, once again wrapping her hand around his shaft. Jack breathed out a low moan as Y/N got up on her knees and slowly lowered herself down onto his penis. The feel of her enveloping him was almost too good, he thought, as his fingertips dug into the flesh of her hips.
Y/N palms pressed firmly against Jack’s chest as she began a satisfying rhythm on top of him, his hands helping guide her hips as she rocked back and forth.
“So glad I let you buy me that drink.” She hummed out and he couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Me too, gorgeous.” He smirked, reaching up to grasp her breasts between his fingers.
As her hips rolled against his, the pleasure consumed them both. The sexual ache inside of him for her was slowly beginning to lessen the longer both of them lasted. Although it brought on an entirely new ache that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
Every time Y/N opened her eyes to look down at the beautiful man below her, it sparked feelings inside her that she knew she shouldn’t be feeling. Not now anyway, not tonight while they were doing this. But she didn’t really have a way to shut them out. And frankly, she didn’t have the will-power to stifle them anyway.
Jack felt the pleasure like an electrical current all throughout his body. Every movement Y/N made above him shot gratifying waves through him. And though he usually wasn’t one to mess with a good thing and he thoroughly enjoyed the vantage point of her riding him, Jack wanted nothing more than to be able to give it to her, to have the upper hand. Nights like this were pretty rare and he wanted to experience it to the fullest. He gripped tightly to her hips, as he pushed himself up, throwing Y/N onto her back, all the while managing to not slip out of her once.
“Impressive.” She smirked playfully at him.
“If you want to see something impressive, just wait.” He smirked confidently at her as he pulled her thighs up against his hips.
It didn’t take Jack long to situate the two of them just the way that he wanted. With his fingertips dug into her thighs, he used them as hand grips as he began his own rhythm in and out of her.
Y/N gasped out, tipping her head back against the pillow as the pleasure engulfed her. It wouldn’t be long now. Not with the way that he was going at it.
“Oh god, Jack. Oh god.” She groaned out, her fingertips gripping the sheets in fistfuls.
As he rocketed in and out of her, she could feel the fire building up inside of her and knew that she was about ready to explode. She wanted to. She wanted Jack to take her over the edge. She wanted to lose herself so thoroughly with him. That’s what this had been about all along, after all. She wanted to feel the adventure, to feel the rush. And fuck, this was an incredible rush. She had never felt more alive.
“I’m-I’m… ohh. God.” She moaned, gripping her fingers into her hair, before she moved them down her body to place them on Jack’s hands
His knuckles were almost white because he was gripping her hips so tightly, moving so fast against her. She was about to lose herself and he wanted nothing more than to watch her do it.
“Let it go.” He cooed, looking into her eyes as her body began to shake for him
“Mmmngg.” She managed as her orgasm rocked her, her eyes closing involuntarily as the pleasure engulfed her completely
With a few more thrusts, he was sure that he would be right there with her, so he sped up enough to push himself along.
And with a low guttural moan, Jack was spilling himself inside of her, every ounce of strength in him spent. His body hunched forward and she pulled him down on top of her as they both tried to catch their breath.
She kissed the side of his head and patted down his sweat covered hair.
“You were amazing.” She cooed in his ear and earned a tired grunt from him as he rolled off of her onto the mattress
The sight of him so worn out from their love-making was better than almost anything she could think of. And the smile on her face as she pulled herself out of the bed and tip-toed across the wood floor to the dresser was wider than it had been in a long time.
She opened the old wooden jewelry box on the dresser and pulled out the abandoned diamond ring, slipping it on her finger, her smile never leaving her face.
“What are you doing?” Jack breathed out, coming up from behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist
She turned in his arms, showing him her smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Becoming your wife again.” She smiled, kissing his lips.
“Mmm. Not the naughty bar girl that brought me home?” He smiled at her
“I’ll be whoever you want me to be, but right now I just want to be Mrs. Harlow.” She smiled at him, kissing his lips
“I’m in love with you, Y/N.” Jack breathed against her lips.
“I love you too, Jack .” She told him sincerely, appreciating the love that they shared.
Their little night of fiction was fun while it lasted, but all Y/N wanted was for her husband to wrap his big strong arms around her and hold her until she fell asleep.
“Let’s go to bed, baby.” He breathed out, grabbing her hand in his, leading her back to the bed.
“Gladly.” She told him, as the two of them got under the covers.
Jack left one last perfect kiss on her lips before he turned out the light, spooning her body to him
“Maybe next time you can pick me up in the bar.” Jack suggested. Y/N giggled at the suggestion.
“I’d like that.” She told him, squeezing his arm a little tighter against her, fully appreciating his playful side.
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dakotadawn · 2 years
Ok thank you for explaining. It makes sense appealing to self interest, it’s awful that not even that works. I really worry that the trans community will suffer a major backlash at some point because of their behaviour. It probably won’t affect hetero dudes who have agp fetishes and can just go on “boy mode” again but it might hurt homosexual transsexuals, especially poor/marginalised ones.
Yeah. Some people like Debbie Hayton are AGP but have actual sex dysphoria, but it seems like a lot don't (think Yaniv types). Its always going to be the actual transsexuals with actual dysphoria hurt by any pushback the gender activists cause, because they can just drop their transness and we can't. I've also noticed insane trans activism causing blacklash against non-transsexual gender nonconforming people, and even against gay people. Trans activists being insane just pulls everyone else down with them TBH.
Whenever I see blatantly misogynistic behaviors from trans activists, MtFs specifically, I feel compelled to (and often do) pull out this quote:
"I understand. I truly do. Being trans is difficult. But you have to realize these women have done nothing to you. What you are feeling is your male socialization and entitlement. Being raised male, we are taught how to view women. It is very difficult to recognize these influences let alone eliminate them, but it can be done. It has to be. It is the most important part of transition. The rage you may feel toward women for questioning your identity or actions is your male socialization. Men are taught we are entitled to certain things, and frankly women are not. The next time you feel angry towards a woman, the next time you want to tell a woman to “die in a fire” or “suck your girldick” I want you to think about why you feel that way. I want you to think about how masculine that feeling is, and I want you to walk away. Just close the window and let it go. You’ll find that the first step towards transitioning away from masculinity is to stop acting “like a man.” "
-Diana of Gender Apostates, "Transwomen and Narcissistic Rage"
Echoing Diana's words, I'll tell them: Please, stop that. That feeling you feel, think of how masculine it is. It should make you dysphoric. If you have any real dysphoria, if we are at all the same, you'll try to transition away from your male socialization. Its the most important step in our quest to leave manhood behind.
But most of them don't listen. They're nothing like me. They claim on the surface level to identify *as* women, but they don't at all identify *with* women. They live the lives of privileged men and I'm sure they drop their trans identity when its convenient for them, probably not even really transitioning hardly at all.
As for poor and marginalized homosexual transwomen, I have to say you're absolutely right, and I'll refer to a quote from Miranda Yardley:
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cherryblossomtease · 3 years
Chapter 14
18 + only
warnings and summary - Masterlist
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Warnings: 18+only for explicit sexual content: depictions of sub/dom lifestyle and m/m sexual relationship. If it’s not your thing please keep scrolling. Thank you!
Authors notes: Have I mentioned how confused I was when I first discovered WinterBaron, not because of some boring silly ideas that these men aren't in love, because of course they are. But because everyone apparently thought felt Bucky would be the dominant one? I mean of course to each their own, if that's what gets you there, no shame! But have you ever looked into Helmut Zemo's eyes? Half way through episode three of FATWS (strut to the helicopter anyone?) and I was all "yes daddy" That man is not to be taken lightly. Bucky however is soft and sweet and wants to be held; after you teach him a lesson of course... All that aside I promise I'm working on the conclusion to this story with --shocker-- yet another chapter already brewing. I swear I thought this was over but it looks like I've gotten a taste of their love and I'm not letting go any time soon. I've grown very attached to this trio and I won't be saying goodbye quite yet, segue into saying hi to my new followers! Love you and thanks for taking the time to read! I really do appreciate it. Now, like I said, don't read this trash in public, it ain't proper *wink*
Sorry that I had to edit so much for tumblr reasons lol
At first you hadn’t been sure it was going to be this way again. Zemo seemed so gentle and different which you didn’t mind, but the second he looked at you from the water, you knew and you were so glad for it. You would be his no matter what, but you did so love it when he made you beg.
After drying off and tossing on his cream button down, not bothering with said buttons thank the stars, Zemo started to lead the way through the lounge towards the dinner table but stopped and turned to look at you both with a little smile hinting at his dark intentions.
“What is it?” Bucky asked. He’d taken his wet things off and was in nothing but a towel waiting on Oeznik to bring up dry clothes. Both you and Zemo kept looking him over.
“I was gone for a year James. I’m well aware of how it was between you two.” Zemo says with a dismissive snicker.
Bucky steps back squaring his shoulders ready to defend himself. No one is hiding anything, but of course there is always the worry that feelings have changed now that Zemo is out.
The Baron holds up a hand laughing a little as he shakes his head. “No, I’m not mad, I’m happy you had one another, it is— exactly what I wanted.” Zemo assures you both and Bucky exhales. Zemo looks at you. “I would assume it was different from what we had?”
“Yes, sometimes similar but never the exact same” You answer honestly.
He nods glancing at Bucky sizing him up.
He knows this man could never stand dominating you the way he does, he’s not the sort. Bucky is a physical force of nature, but that’s just it. He's the sort who takes commands not gives them. Still it seems Zemo wants to be sure so he looks at you again. “If this is more to your liking, or if your wants have changed, please. You know I will never force you to do anything. People’s taste change and maybe yours have as well. This life can lose its appeal over time.”
You stop him by stepping forward and take his hand while looking into his eyes and smile sweetly. Slowly, so that he may see just how much you want this, you go down onto your knees, lift his hand, part your lips and suck his thumb into your mouth. The familiar way his fingers cradle your chin make you moan a little as you think about having another part of him. You look up knowing how you must look from this position and Zemo’s jaw muscles flex as he comes closer gazing down on you. His fingers press into your face and when you swirl your tongue around his thumb he shuts his eyes for just a few seconds with a deep sigh at the feel of being reunited with you in this way.
The weight of his other hand on your head tells you to stop and he pulls his thumb free, the wet finger stroking your cheek as he stares down at you, so pleased and relieved to know that you’re still committed to be being his so completely.
“You will need new rules” He says faintly. His voice is tight and you know he wants you here and now, though you can’t see his face anymore because your head is bowed to the man you belong to. The man you obey.
“Yes Baron.” You say, your wide smile hidden from both of them.
“James?” He says stepping away from you, his fingers lingering just a second longer. “I know you enjoyed our times together with her, but…”
“I have to say yes or else it can’t happen.” Bucky finishes for him.
“Do I have to get on my knees right now?”
Zemo laughs. “No, not right now. But you will have to learn to listen if this is what you want.”
You want to look so badly. Bucky is going to struggle with it at first. “Yeah well, it’s not like you have’t told me what to do before.” His snark is playful but you know Zemo won’t like it.
“I’m kidding.”
“And I’m serious.”
“I know,” He says letting the jokes fade. “And I actually appreciate it. I’m just. Well, it’s new. Maybe I’m a little nervous.” He admits quietly and its so cute you smile wanting to hug him, but Zemo has it covered.
You hear his smile as he speaks and imagine the way he must be standing close, brown eyes gazing into blue. “That's perfectly natural. But you don’t need to fear me, just obey me and everything will be fine.”
“And if I don’t?”
“You’ll find out.”
“What if it’s too much.”
“You already know, I will never go beyond what you can handle. That’s why I need to know now James. Yes— or no.”
Their voices are so low, they are just above a whisper. When you glance up you feel your heart flutter at the sight of Bucky in his arms just as you’d imagined, Zemo waiting patiently, Bucky already looking so soft under his gaze.
“Yes” He says with confidence. You look back down and hear the muffled sound of their colliding kiss.
Now what is it they always say? Rules are meant to be broken? You certainly had fun testing the limits at the start of your relationship with Zemo. Well, the Baron must really love a challenge because it seems you and Bucky are cut from the same cloth. Two little shit starters who like to push the limits.
No sooner had Zemo laid out the rules and quite clearly over a lovely plate of hors d’oeuvres and a newly opened bottle of vintage red at the dinner table did Bucky get himself in trouble.
Maybe it's because you only have two rules aboard the ship, but you thought they were fairly simple to follow to be honest.
Never say no to the Baron —safe word, colors and song being the only exception and, don’t fuck James without Helmut’s permission. Simple, somewhat annoying, but that was part of the fun.
And for Bucky;
Rule one; Never question what I do to her.
Rule two; Never say no to me— safe words, colors and song being the only exception
Rule three; Do not fuck her unless I say that you may.
Rule four: Do not come without my permission
He’d said them while pacing calmly behind Bucky who was sitting at the table acting a little too nonchalant about it all.
Zemo could sense his nervous bravado and leaned over Bucky sliding his hand into that thick head of hair, slowly pulling the soldier’s head back. “Shall we see how good you are at following the rules?” He’d hissed in his ear.
You’d watched feeling your own body tense. Please dear god Bucky break at least one you thought hiding your grin.
Of course he broken a rule. How could he not, it was all too tempting. The sad thing is you’re not sure if he really meant to.
It was over dinner— desert actually.
Chocolate mousse, your favorite which the Baron knew. He loves to toy with you, and always has, making you do little things before you’re allowed to indulge. Not out of any need to deny you food, it wasn’t the food, it was the control and your lack of it. He’ll probably do the same with the tv or books whatever it is you want you’ll have to earn it playing his little games.
Tonight to ease back into the life you’d both been forced to set aside, he’d made you sit on your hands like a shamed school girl until he and Bucky had finished their desert first.
Bucky however thought this was a little unnecessarily sexist and cruel and said as much which broke rule number one. Never question what I do to her.
“Oh come on, don’t be an ass” He’d grumbled spooning another bite into his mouth while you sat peeking up though your head stayed down. He will pay for that, you thought feeling the warm breeze stir as the yacht pressed on towards the setting sun.
Helmut said nothing. In fact, he sat in silence just waiting, letting Bucky finish. When he was all done, Zemo smiled. “Good?” He asks.
Finally you think. Let it start.
“The mousse?”
He nods.
“Yeah, great actually.”
“Good. Why don’t you go and feed it to her.” He says “Since you're so concerned.”
Bucky glances at you sitting there waiting patiently, trying to ignore the throbbing between your legs. “All right?”
He gets up, rounds the table and grabs a chair.
“No. On your knees.” Comes the voice of authority.
Bucky pauses, but he does in fact let go of the chair, turns yours around with you in it and gets down in front of you. You glance up at him and he gives you a quick smile.
Opening your mouth you let him spoon the first bite in and it tastes even better than you’d expected.
“Open your legs.” Helmut tells you. Of course you do. “Pull the suit away and look at her.” He says to Bucky.
You see Bucky hesitate, but he does and the air brushes your exposed skin. You take a deep breath in knowing they both see the way you pulse under their lustful gaze. “Do you see how wet this makes her?” Helmut asks, his voice is low.
Bucky’s pupils dilate, his fingers grip your thigh. “Yes.”
“Look at her and remember that this is what she likes, what she wants, what she has been waiting to have. Stop trying to save a woman who doesn’t want to be saved James.”
You watch his eyes and see him wrestling with the truth of that lovely slick and sticky sweetness that you know he wants to touch. This had been exclusively his for a year. He knows exactly what it feels like to dip his fingers in; what it tastes like, what it smells like and how it feels when he bottoms out inside of you and you say his name, not his silly nickname. His real name. Now he knows that he will have to wait until another man tells him when he can have that again-- and that you like it.
When he exhales slowly, daring to run his thumb across your now throbbing clit, you know that he likes it too.
Bucky glances up at you one last time and sees how you’re trying not to make a sound. He lets go and the bathing suit covers you again. You relax and slowly open your mouth, hoping he does truly understand. You still love him. You’re still his as much as you are Zemo’s but you were Zemo’s first. You will always be Zemo's and you will always play by his rules.
Bucky tips the cool spoon into your mouth and you pull the chocolate from the silver.
“Did you like it?” Helmut asks.
You open your eyes and nod.
“Answer me.”
“Yes Barron.” You say around the bite.
He comes up behind Bucky and smooths his hand over the mans head, and down along the back of his neck gripping. He holds him as leans down to speak in his ear. “I know it’s your first time, so I will make allowances tonight, and tonight only. But I can not have you pushing back, thinking you can break rules when we’ve not even started, yes?”
You’re practically on the edge of your seat wondering what he’ll say. He’s still looking at you and for a second you think it might be too much for him.
“Yes.” He says quietly.
“Yes, what?” Helmut asks moving around to his side.
Bucky looks up, and you see it, the moment he looks into Helmut’s soft brown eyes which are no more than a lure to draw his willing victims in and says, “Yes Baron.”
“Good.” He knows now and so do you. Bucky is truly his. Helmut savors this as much as you did that spoon fed chocolate. You can see the hairs on his arms rise with a chill and his eyelids lower as he stares at this man you’re sure he’s spent as much time thinking of as he has you, possibly more. “Go downstairs to our bedroom.” He tells Bucky who seems surprisingly meek when Helmut hold his face this way; clutched tight in his grasp like an angry headmaster “Strip down to your underwear, place your hands behind your back, and wait in the center of the room.”
Zemo’s eyes scan the striking face of the soldier he once controlled against his will, so happy to know that this time he’s given himself to the Baron of his own volition.
You don’t look at him when you are led into the room, you keep your head down and let Zemo guide you straight to the bed where he sits you down and turns his attention to the man waiting.
Only then do you dare to peek over at Bucky still standing like a silent guard. He’s got his hands behind his back and has undressed, just as he was told to do. You can see that his cock is as hard as stone beneath his black boxer briefs; and with him unable to do anything about it.
All you can do is smile. After Zemo is done with him you’re sure he’ll learn his lesson, or exactly how to break the rules again and again.
Looking from one pet to the other, Zemo gives a little sigh. It’s the sound of man spoiled by too many toys. “Come here.” He says.
Obediently, Bucky walks over, the look on his face somewhat serious but it’s clear his defenses are all but forgotten.
“Have you decided how this will play out yet?” Zemo asks once he’s standing in front of you both. Bucky looks Zemo over and for a split second you remember that he could easily overpower the Baron and you worry, but when he lowers his head and drops his shoulders, nodding just a little you smile remembering that he did not come here for that. You saw the way his heart broke when they took Zemo off to prison. You saw the way he smiled when he didn’t know you where looking as he held his phone and stared down at that text, it was the same way he looked at Zemo when he first showed his face this morning and you saw that beautiful kiss between them. He’s all in. He wants to belong to the Baron just as you do.
“I’m sorry.” He says quietly and Zemo smiles.
“Thank you for the apology. But you broke a rule James. That can not go unpunished.”
Bucky glances up looking slightly worried.
“There is a way to go about this so that you will learn.” Zemo says smiling down at the high peak of Bucky’s underwear. “Your impatient cock will have to wait. Blame your eager mouth,” He shrugs causally “You see, if you insist on opening it, you will learn to do so for a good reason instead of breaking my rules,” He says and quickly grabs Bucky's throat surpassing him as he leans in just an inch. “Tonight James, you will learn your lesson on your knees, beneath me where you belong. Kneel.”
“What is your safe word?” Zemo asks looking down into Bucky’s wide blue eyes.
Zemo nods and takes Bucky’s face in hand holding his chin, their eyes fixed on one another. “And what are the colors?”
“Green is go, yellow is slow down and red is stop.”
“And if you can’t speak?”
“I— hum Penny’s from heaven.” He says it feeling silly but knows he might need it tonight.
Stroking his face with the side of his index finger while loosening his shorts with the other, the Baron sighs. “You know that I care for you very much?” He asks slipping his hand beneath the waistband.
“I do.” Bucky says and the way he looks at the Baron shows that he feels the same.
“You know that I care for you both. That is why this works. That is the only way that any of this works. Without it and without the trust this ends.”
“I understand.” Bucky answers softly and turns his face just a little to let his lips brush Zemo’s palm with a kiss.
Helmut’s eyes flit shut with the delicate display of intimacy. His fingers massage Bucky’s temple inching up into his hair and for a moment he just lets the affection between them be enough.
“Good.” He finally answers, his voice low and bends to kiss Bucky’s forehead. When he stands again, the warmth has drained from his touch and his eyes. “Now, open your mouth."
Bucky’s shoulder is hot beneath your ear as you lean against him. You can’t reach wide enough to hold him in your arms but you try. The sound of him choking makes you shut you eyes focusing on the shared experience of knowing what it’s like to try and swallow the relentless thrusting of that damned cock and you moan softly in harmony with him. You lift your gaze, thrilled by the sight of his shining black hand veined in gold, braced against Zemo’s flexed thigh.
The pumping into his mouth slows letting him breathe some and you watch wanting to see the way his cheeks hollow when he slides his mouth back and forth.
His closed eyes open, looking up, wanting approval. Helmut gives it by closing his own hands to fists in Bucky’s hair. He shoves in slowly, going as deep as Bucky will take him in, fucking his throat until you hear the faint sound of gagging and a strangled attempt to hum his song. The notes are ragged and you worry Zemo won’t hear. You lay your hand on the Baron’s stomach tapping.
Ever the trustful dominant, Zemo stops and pulls his shining, solid member free, breathing hard, a little sad that he has to, but never one to cross that line.
Bucky drops his head gasping for air, his hands on his thighs as he shakes his head like he thought he knew what he was in for and is realizing how mistaken he was. You look up rubbing the small of his back.
Zemo is assessing as he always does with you. Checking to make sure he hasn’t gone too far because he longs to go farther. But he knows this is the first time his soldier has ever been used so relentlessly. And then you see a smile twitch at the corner of Zemo’s lips and the look of concern melts away.
Bucky has recovered and seems more than willing to take the rest of his “punishment.” He drags the back of his hand across his mouth tilts his head and opens up letting his tongue hang out to make way for the large occupant; the sight is so pretty you think if you had a cock you’d probably shove it in there too which makes you giggle quietly.
Zemo sighs and grabs him, guiding himself into the waiting mouth of the man so eager and ready to satisfy that you think it will not be long now. You know the Baron well and while he’s a master of restraint, this is too much for anyone.
You go up onto your knees kissing Bucky’s face as he sucks, stroking his hair, moaning softly into his ear, biting, licking, teasing him to give him some pleasure too. But you don’t dare touch his stone hard erection though for fear he’ll come and you will be in a world of trouble for breaking Zemo’s rules; so instead you rub your hand up the solid muscle of his thigh smiling when he makes the sweet sounds of someone overwhelmed and loving every second of it.
Zemo’s pace quickens and you back away a little watching, awed and damn near dripping wet. You wince for Bucky and wonder how you’ve ever managed to do this. It looks so intense when you’re on the outside looking in. Still, your hand slips down between your legs. Watching Helmut have his way with a man as strong as this one has you unable to resist, and you aren't the one unable to come when you want.
Zemo notices how you've got your hand under your suit and his moan is loud enough to get your attention. He suddenly grabs Bucky’s head holding him steady, making him give a muffled shout and you go back up onto your knees forgetting about your own pleasure, laying your hand on his chest, feeling his heart pound under your palm, your lips grazing the warmth of his skin as he tries to pull way from the Baron just once in some reflexive attempt to escape this inevitable moment, but it’s too late and he digs the fingers of his natural hand into Helmut’s thigh with a sound, something like a shout of surprise but he can not move.
The absent stroking of Bucky’s hair is some half hearted attempt to quiet him but it actually helps and he relaxes, moaning long and low as Zemo draws in a ragged breath between his teeth and holds it in as every muscle in his body flexes.
Bucky starts to swallow and you watch the way he accepts every warm shot so willingly now, all fight in him gone, even the way he holds onto the Baron has changed. He seems to be urging him to —go on —give me more.
You feel the fluttering in your stomach in this quiet moment even though your heart is pounding and your hand quickly slips back down. You won’t be able to finish but it still feels incredible.
They both tense with the last of it, Bucky grabbing Zemo’s ass holding him close now that it’s over and the Baron relaxes with a light laugh as he slowly pulls himself free.“Well done James,” He exhales closing his eyes. “That was— perfect.” He smiles opening them and steps back catching his breath “On your feet” He finally says.
Bucky pushes up to standing.
“You too,” He tells you.
Bucky holds out his hand which you take and he pulls you up easily. You stand in silence together.
“Continue like this, and perhaps I’ll let you come tomorrow.” Zemo says to Bucky.
He kisses your cheek, smiles at you both, knowing that he’s left his new sub confused and sexually frustrated, turns and finds his drink on the table and his robe hanging on the master bath door before going off to take a shower.
“Did you think I’d forgotten about you?” He asks, his breath warm in your ear.
You shake your head no even though it’s hard with his hand so tight around your neck.
“No, never, I will always satisfy you.” He says and kisses you deeply.
“Are you going to come?” Helmut asks looking down to see his hand at work rubbing your pussy. Your knees part and your hips raise in response to the light smacks he gives your hot divide.
Bucky sighs, lost in his own agony of only being allowed to watch.
You’re a moaning, whimpering mess gasping and crying out the second Helmut thumbs your clit again. He smacks and your legs close reflexively “Open” He says and you do. He gives two more and your thighs are shaking as the pressure mounts.
“That’s it, come, come for me, and for him. Come for him because he can’t” Helmut says smiling cruelly at Bucky.
You’re too close to feel sympathy, you feel only your Baron’s skilled hand and the way he circles your hard clit with his middle finger with the perfect amount of pressure until the dam gives way and you come with a scream and deep pulsing burst wetting his fingers and the sheet, your entire body flexing in rhythm with the orgasm until you shiver and sink down still gasping.
Helmut kisses you lightly smiling. “I have missed doing that to you.”
You give a breathy smile with your eyes closed feeling your breast shake as you do with the residual quakes of pleasure. You can not remember the last time you've come that hard.
“A reminder of what satisfaction tastes like” Helmut says and you open your eyes to find him reaching towards Bucky.
You don’t think he’ll do it, but he is learning submission from you. He opens his mouth and sucks Zemo’s middle finger, his moan soft but slightly pained.
“Soon James.” Helmut says, his expression alternating between arousal and empathy. “Soon.”
Late in the night well after the three of you have cleaned up and gone to bed, you wake up between them feeling so thirsty you have to go up for a bottle of water from the small fridge and come back to find the bed you share empty.
Confused at first, you hear their voices out on the balcony and quietly make your way over.
“I won’t ever hurt you more than you want me to.” You hear Zemo say with the sleepy smile in his voice.
“I know.” Bucky says sounding relaxed. It’s the same way he sounds with you, and you are relieved that there seem to be no true hard feelings after his first taste of submission tonight.
“I am happy you decided to come, you know that, right? There were times I didn’t think you would.” Zemo says.
“There were times that I didn’t know what I would do if you got out. I think it came down to those last few seconds.”
“Are you sure about that?” Zemo asks, clearly not believing him.
There is a long pause and you smile at the door. He knew he was going to come the second he turned you over, You think standing in the shadows.
Helmut is laying back on the low, wide sofa, one arm resting on the back, the other across Bucky’s chest, one leg bent at the knee, the other over the edge. You like the way he sort of absently strokes the vibranium shoulder. You do the same thing, You both know Bucky can’t feel it but you both like the way the cool metal calms you, and Bucky… he’s so relaxed. His back to Zemo’s chest, that powerful limb wrapped around the Barons leg, the other resting across his own stomach. They look so peaceful that you hate they’ve spotted you before you can sneak back into bed.
Bucky calls for you to join them which you do now that they both insist so you come out. You hop onto the sofa with all the enthusiasm of a joining a sleepover.
Bucky’s chest offers a solid, familiar warmth and you sigh happily as he strokes your hair while you watch the stars slowly floating by.
They shift the conversation now and start talking about the mechanics of ships of all things and you think how lovely it is that they have one another to be boring with, and how lucky you are to have two men with such beautifully relaxing voices.
Sleep takes you easily, and when you wake again you’re being carried into the room by one metal arm and one flesh and laid down in the bed— the comfort of their bodies surrounding you with safety and love.
To be continued...
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sweetchup · 4 years
Monarch Butterfly
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Anonymous asks: Chrollo and his so that both think they’re playing each other... maybe she’s sweet and cute looking so she plays into it and he thinks she dumb and naive and she thinks he’s just a rich kid that took one philosophy class
Type: Chrollo Lucilfer x theif! Reader
Au?: None (same universe as Cute Little Princess (pt.2) and N.E.R.D.S (pt.1))
Word count: 4,000+
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected sex, Chrollo being a Sapiosexual, Dom/Submissive, Angst, angst and angst. Yay, I’m so sad.
Author Note: welp. In a simple sense I went overboard, hehehe, since I instantly got an amazing idea. I might actually make a part 2 to this one if it gets popular enough. I honestly fell in love with the concept once I started writing. I hope you like it anon.
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“(Y/n), are you thinking of trying something stupid again? Don’t think I can’t see that look on your face.” Clementine says, blowing a puff out of her cigarette as she looks over to you. You only laugh at Clem, reaching over to pull one of her short blonde corkscrew curls. You watch it bounce back and forth for a moment before answering. “I don’t think it’s stupid. I’m just thinking of having a little fun, that’s all.”
“A little fun my ass. Do you know where we are right now?”
“A party?”
Clementine sighs and shakes her head, “You idiot. We are in a fancy hotel at a party, being hosted by Emperor Fushi who is crowning his eldest daughter, Himiko, and her future husband, Tai.”
“Well, I don’t think it’s that serious.”
Clementine squints her eyes at you as she exhales one last puff of her cigarette before putting it out. “How so. Enlighten me Miss (Y/n).”
“Well,...” you pause for a minute to gather your thoughts, “this is the second time Himiko has been engaged in less than a month. Her first husband was Phinks Magcub who randomly went missing around a week and half ago, along with Emperor Fushi’s youngest daughter.”
“Yeah, they apparently fell in love and ran off into the sunrise. Like so cheesy comedy”
“I don’t think that’s the case,” you murmur. Finally spotting your target again. Clementine lets out an ‘Hah?’. You ignore her noise and just signal her to move down the stairs with you, “I do believe they fell in love and disappeared but I don’t think Mr. Magcub was actually in love with Himiko. Mr Magcub and Himiko got engaged about three ½ weeks ago and Mr Magcub disappeared 1 ½ weeks ago. What do we know that happened in between that timeline?”
You hear her gasp and you smirk a little bit. “T-the theft of The Dragon Eyes Collection!”
“And who do we know that’s crazy enough to do that?”
“The phantom troupe! Wait, (Y/n) is one of them—“
“Yep, one of them is here,” You squint as you go to search for him again. Oh. There he is, “And it’s their leader.”
“(Y/n) wait don’t. We don—“
You act as if you're checking something in her hair and whisper into her ear. “Clem. He already has the two Crown Jewels. That’s our mission and I need to go retrieve them. We may also get the info on the Dragon Eye Collection. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, please hold down the fort while I’m gone.”
You pull away and Clementine sighs before smirking. “Don’t be a stupid ass though.”
“I won’t.” You whine as you sashay away. Your heals click down across the tile floor as you get closer and closer to the bar. You hear a whistle and look to your left to see some young prestigious men eyeing you. Practically undressing you with their eyes. Bingo.
As you finally come to the bar area, you locate him. You can’t see his face right now, due to his back facing you, but it’s obvious it’s him. His bulb-like earrings give him away from like a mile away. You smirk before giving your best sweetest smile. You poke the black haired leader on the shoulder causing him to turn around.
“I-um. Oh god. I’m sorry but can I sit next to you?”
Chrollo gives you a smile. “Yes, of course. Is something the matter, Miss?”
“Oh, no. I’m just not a fan of parties and I was trying to go back to my room but, I got a little scared when a couple of men were staring creepily at me.”
“But, wouldn’t I make you nervous as well? Afterall you don’t know me.”
“Ah I guess-s you do. I’m sorry you are just the first one I saw. I guess I’ll leave, I’m sorry to disturb—“ you say, attempting to get up.
The black haired man grabs your wrist. “Oh. I don’t want you to leave. I was just curious.”
You sit back down. That worked perfectly, he reacted just as you thought he would. You once remembered a person telling you that the leader of the Phantom Troupe has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and his curiosity. And you could tell just by watching him from the balcony, that stealing the Crown Jewels was just like child play for him, so he was bored sitting here at the bar. And even if he didn’t look like it, He was practically looking for anything to possibly entertain him.
So, you walk in, a rich looking damsel in distress waiting for someone to come save her. Chrollo will, of course, take that. You check off all the marks needed to satisfy himself and he had many possible ways to do it. He could steal your Nen, break down your mind, use you, steal from you, or simply just do all of them.
This was where he messed up though. He never would have imagined he would run into someone just as intelligent as him, you.
“I’m Chrollo, Chrollo Lucilfer, by the way.” Chrollo says, leaning against the bar counter.
“Oh! Nice to meet you Chrollo. I’m (y/n). (Y/n) Okage.” You murmur the last part under your breath as if you don’t want him to know. But, he definitely caught it. Perfect, he took your bait. Now he thinks you're an Okage.
“An Okage huh? Wow, call me impressed.”
“Ahh it’s not anything that impressive. It’s just a last name after all.”
Chrollo raises an eyebrow as if he’s saying really. So you’re an Okage, huh? Now he is really interested. The Okage family is a prestigious military family that is known for their very rare Nen. Chrollo is definitely not letting you out his clutches now, he’s going to quietly lure you into his web and pounce. But the question is how…
Ah, that’s how. Chrollo eyes the group of men on the left side of the room, whistling and eyeing every woman that passed by. This worked even better because they were also blocking the exit.
“Would the group of men that happen to be eyeing you, them?”
He points to the group before looking quickly back at you. He watches your doe like eyes blink a couple of times before looking off in that direction. You seem to shudder and clearly show your fear as you see them.
“Y-yes that’s them.” You say, clutching tighter onto your purse. You hear Chrollo let out a small ‘ahh’ as you finish talking.
“Well I was just wondering how you're going to get back to your room without them noticing. After all, they are blocking the door.”
“Oh no. Your right. Do you know if there’s any other doors that lead to the hotel part of this building?”
“Sadly there isn’t. But...,” Chrollo suddenly stands up and extends a hand out to you, “I’d be happy to escort you back to your room.”
“Really?!? Thank you so much!” You say, taking his hand as he leads you away. As you're about to leave you spot Clementine and, secretly, use your hand to signal her.
Clementine smirks into her drink as she notices it. So, the spider has been beaten at his own game eh? Man she might call you stupid but honestly you are the smartest partner she could ever as for. It also doesn’t help you make this job ten times more interesting when you're around.
She just hopes you didn’t get him too caught up in your fun. He’s definitely not like the others you’ve faced.
“C-chrollo, W- Wait. I haven’t even taken out the keycard.” You murmur, let out soft moans into his ear as he bites and sucks on your neck. Maybe you made yourself a little too appealing to this guy. Though, at the same time, you can obviously tell him lusting over you is all fake. He just wants you to let his guard down so he can steal from you. Also, you can feel he doesn’t even have a bulge right now.
“Give it. I’ll take care of it.” Chrollo groans, grabbing the card. Once the door to the hotel room is unlocked, Chrollo picks you up and throws you onto the bed. You squeal as he pulls your dress off you and then takes off his shirt and bandanna. Huh. Honestly he’s not half bad, he’s got some nice chiseled muscles going on and an interesting forehead tattoo. Though his patience could use a little work.
You moan out his name as he gives small open mouth kisses all the way from your stomach to your lips. Once he reaches your lips he stops and gives you a passionate kiss.
Honestly, even though this is nice and all, you have a job to finish. Sorry Chrollo. Hope you’ll forgive me on this one.
One moment, Chrollo is pushing you down onto the bed and in charge but in the next, his body feels a hundreds of pounds and it’s even hard to move an muscle.
“W-what?” Chrollo murmurs confused as to what’s going on. You huff as you roll him off of you and he lands next you on his back.
“Fuuuw, Damn Chrollo you weigh a lot. You should lay off the muscle training for a while,” You say, stretching your back. Now, let’s see where those Crown Jewels are. Scurrying through his clothes you find two tiny marbles stuffed into his pant pocket. You bring both up to your eye and examine them as you sit down on his lap. As you look into them you spot the two crowns in one and the Dragon Eye Collection in the other. Score!, “Ooooo! What an interesting ability. Conjures never cease to amaze me with what they come up with.”
You see Chrollo tense, attempting to move, as you throw them on top of your dress on the floor. “Don’t try Chrollo. My Nen won’t be making you move for quite some time.”
“How so?” Chrollo asks, his face blank, unreadable. But, it won’t work, you can see right passed that little trick of his.
“Now I wouldn’t want to tell you that silly goose. I’ll meet one of your conditions if I do so.”
You see Chrollo eyes gleam for a second. He was surprised. He’s had people figure out what his Nen is before but no one has been able to find out his conditions. Not his enemies, not the people of Meteor City, not the Zoldyck’s, not even the troupe. Only he knows what they are. Chrollo licks his dry lips, he’s knows he’s walking on shaky ground right now. “A condition? Are you talking about my Nen? (y/n)? If that is really your name. Though I highly doubt that’s your name. Afterall—
Aww how cute, little Chrollo is trying to change the subject last minute. You decide to cut him off in the middle of his rant, “Yes it’s really my name and yes, I’m talking about your Nen and conditions. Honestly, I already knew you could steal abilities around 3 people had already told me. So it just left me to how. How did the infamous Chrollo Lucilfer, Leader of the Phantom Troupe, steal people’s Nen without their knowledge? Well, it can’t be something that catches them off guard. Afterall, that will grab too much attention and you would have found out already. Yet it also can’t be something too far from the topic of “Nen” either since you need to steal it. So I just observed you as you walked around the party today, after all their is an—“
You pause for a second as you feel something. Is this really happening right now? You test the waters and spread your legs a little bit more wider. Chrollo has definitely gotten a boner while you were talking, it’s a fully hard one too. You decide to roll your hips a little and watch as Chrollo let’s out a moan. You laugh a little at his reaction, “Wow. I’m not sure if I should be happy or offended that me talking turned you on more than the flirting and grinding we did all the way in the elevator.”
Chrollo chuckles, his hair sprayed around on the pillow below him. He’s still trying to keep his tough act up, even now. “Well, there’s a word to describe that actually. It’s called Sapiosexual. By definition it means that someone is attracted to their mind over-r… shit.”
Chrollo clutches onto the sheet below him as you start to slowly grind on top of him. “You know, I’m starting to believe you just really like to hear yourself talk. Either that or you just like to avoid confronting things you don’t know how to figure out in that moment.”
Chrollo doesn’t respond. He just chooses to close his eyes while you smile down at him. “Not talking? Aww sorry I didn’t mean to hit a nerve, Chrollo. Here let me make it up to you.”
You lightly lift yourself off his lap and slowly begin to unbuckle his belt. Looking away quickly, you tried to see Chrollo for a reaction but there was none. Oh well, you can’t rush the good things after all. You’ll have him a mess eventually.
Finally, you pull down his pants and boxers off. Leaving his hard length out in the open; you reach out and hold it lightly in your hand. Wow, he really was a Sapiosexual. The tip of his cock was a pretty red shade with light drips of precum spilling out, showing he was practically craving for release. Hmm...You know what you’ll do. “Wow Chrollo, you're really straining for release. I should help you out. Hmmm... I’m not sure if you're a germaphobe or not so I’m just going to start with my hand….”
Chrollo still had his eyes closed so it gave you the perfect opportunity. As you continue talking, you pulled your panties to the side and lined him up with your entrance. Careful not to get too close so he figures out your plan. Honestly, you were soaked, his cock was honestly really thick and big so you knew it was going to feel absolutely amazing. Also, Chrollo is an entertaining man. You wouldn’t mind have sex with him multiple times if you have to.
“....so Just let me know if it’s not enough ok? I’ll switch to my mouth if so.”
You wait for a second for him to respond but he only lets out a chuckle. Still trying to play it cool. Oh well, you brought this on yourself Chrollo. You take a deep breath and sink down onto his length.
You hear chrollo let out a loud groan as you sink every inch Chrollo has to offer inside you. Even while you are just staying still it makes you feel as if you are about to burst. But, that’s not the important thing right now. You bring your hips up and start off with a slow rhythm, watching as Chrollo is attempting to bring back his composure.
“So,... where was it I left off again? Oh yeah. So I was observing you at the party. Be extra careful to catch changes in people’s aura and listen to what you were saying to them.” You say, rambling off your thoughts. You feel Chrollo twitch suddenly inside you as you speak. You decide to reward the poor man by moving your hips at a faster pace. Maybe you got a bit too excited coming across someone like Chrollo. Clementine will definitely scold you later but, oh well. “I noticed you had stolen the Nen ability of 6 out of the 21 Nen users you talked to at today’s party. Observing you is how I determined the conditions. The first condition I found out was when Mr. Noz and Mr. Casey wouldn’t show you their Nen, and theirs weren’t any of the ones that ended up being taken. The 6 you did take however did show you, meaning one of your conditions is the user has to show you.”
You flinch as you feel Chrollo’s hands grab onto your waist, a bruising clutch against your soft skin. Crap, your Nen was warding off faster than you thought. You have to quicken this up, as much as you didn’t want to. You lean forward onto chrollo’s chest, allowing him to be squeezed more and sucked deeper into you. It definitely made you more vulnerable since it meant his cock was bashing against your g-spot with every flick of your hips but it was also working well on him. You could tell since he was panting and groaning into your ear like crazy. You just needed to hold on for a bit longer.
“T-the second condition I confirmed also with two people. One being a woman whose husband explained to you her Nen ability. You didn’t end up stealing hers so that meant one of the conditions had to do with the person telling you about their Nen. T-Then—then when you went to…”
Oh god, you hide your head into Chrollo’s neck. It was too good, you were honestly begging for mercy. You would slow down the pace but Chrollo has gotten feeling back in the muscles of his hips so he was just thrusting up erratically into you. Chasing after his release.
“What’s wrong (y/n)?” Chrollo murmurs into your ear, causing you to whine and shiver at his mesmerizing voice, “W-what did I do next that 100% confirmed the second condition?”
You don’t respond as your brain was practically melted at this point. Though, Chrollo won’t take that as an excuse. Chrollo, with most of the feeling back in his body, flips you over so he was on top. He stops his thrusts and holds your legs down so you can’t move. You whined as you looked at the silvered eye man above you. “I asked you a question, my little butterfly. And I expect you to answer it.”
You pause and don’t say anything, not wanting him to boss you around. He smirks and pulls all the way out before bashing right back into you, hitting your cervix. You grunt, pain flickering through your body.
You glare at Chrollo above you and he only does it again. And again. Waiting for his lovely little butterfly to answer him. On the 6th thrust is when it gets interesting, this time when he bashed in, your cervix had eased up. Allowing him into the depths of your womb. Your eyes widen and Chrollo chuckles, both of you knowing what this means.
You try to fight against it but Chrollo successfully cross your legs. Making it so you squeezed around him even more. He lets out a sigh, losing his composure as he begins to make small little thrusts, trying to stay in your womb. “Answer me my little butterfly. You and I both know what’s highly likely to happen if I cum this deep in you. There’s no way around it if I do. So answer me.”
He was right, there was no way around it if he does. You’ll just have to follow his orders, waiting for him to drop his guard again.
“T-then I confirmed it when Mr hansu wouldn’t explain to you how to function his ability after you saw it, only about how flashy it is. Meaning your second condition is the person has to tell you the general function or uses of the ability. The third—“ you let out a small sigh as you feel the knot in your stomach about to explode. It also didn’t help you could feel Chrollo begin to twitch inside you, if you came while still explaining there was no question he would cum, hard. “The third, I confirmed through your expressions. Sometimes you would do the first two conditions but not follow up with the third condition since you hadn’t found the ability interesting to you. But when you did, you always had them touch the handprint on your conjured book. The ones that didn’t touch it, didn’t have their abilities stolen.”
You let out a sigh, you were done. You listed all of his conditions. Now he just needs to stop thrusting into your womb.
“And the fourth? The fourth condition?” you blink as he says this. T-there was a fourth condition? Oh god you had forgot strong Nen ability usually had 4-5 conditions not 2-3. Your heart races up as you flicker fastly through your memories.
Nothing else was similar between all the people he talked to. Which means that it’s either a time limit or a magic word that you hadn’t caught. It’s more likely the time limit so you’ll go with that.
“Y-your fourth is a time limit. I confirmed this because strong Nen types need 4-5 conditions and nothing else was similar between the people you talked to. T-This—this means the only likely answer is a tough time limit. From what I observed it took you about 45 minutes to steal from one of the businessmen-men so it’s something higher than that but it has to be shorter—oh~ than 3 hours since that gives too much time and isn’t as strict. Hah-ha-Happy now?”
Chrollo humms for a minute thinking, before he lets out a groan. Come on Chrollo, pull out. You can tell he’s about to burst.
“Chrollo pull out-t, you're about to cum.”
Chrollo groans as you say that, leaning his forehead against yours. Damn, you felt your walls twitching and tightening. You were going to cum.
“You can tell little butterfly? You're so smart my butterfly. All mine.” Chrollo murmurs, pressing kisses against your collar bone. “ I enjoy you, you are so entertaining, so smart, so special. Like a rare specimen. My special butterfly. Trapped in my web forever. Fuck—”
As he says that you finally feel him cum, also allowing the knot in your stomach to finally burst. You bite down, hard on his shoulder, as your whole body shakes underneath him in ecstasy. You thought your brain was mush before, but now it had completely melted into a liquid. It also didn’t help that you loved the feeling of him pumping hot cum into you. The feeling of something so dangerous that also felt so messy and primary sent a flame through your nerves.
You let a couple of pants out as you finally come to. Turning to your right you see chrollo his eyes close since he was out cold. You had hoped when you bit his shoulder and broke the skin that, with your nen, you could put him to sleep before he had cum in you but it seems that hadn’t worked out. As you're trapped underneath the handsome man, you decide it wouldn’t hurt to observe him for a little. Ever so carefully you lightly run your fingers through his hair and then to tracing his features before finally running them across the tattoo on his forehead.
“(Y/n)…” your heart clenches and your fingers tremble as you hear him whisper in his sleep. This is bad. You finally decide it was time to get him off you and it was time for you to make your leave. With a huff, you roll him over before covering with the sheets. You give him one last look before you begin to get dressed, deciding not to even bother cleaning up the cum he pumped into you. You would deal with it when you got back home and we’re able to take a shower, right now you just needed to get the hell out of here. Though before you leave, you decide to neatly fold Chrollo’s clothes and place them on the nightstand beside him, a parting gift if you will. As you place the clothes down and go to leave, a hand grabs your wrist.
You turned, shocked, as you looked at Chrollo. He was hardly able to keep his eyes open and was struggling to even hold onto you. “My Little butterfly… you aren’t going anywhere… you're mine”
You look at him blankly for a couple of seconds before letting out a sad laugh. Damn it. This was supposed to be a fun time but nothing can ever have a happy fairy tale like ending can it?
You lean down placing your forehead down on his. Looking deeply into his silver eyes. “Chrollo. I am your little butterfly. I bet I forever will be but…but…”
You turn your head to the side and savor the last kiss you'll ever share with this man. This extraordinary man that gave you a night you’ll never forget. You slowly pull away watching as his eyes begin to droop again.
“But, Chrollo, you have to be careful. Afterall, A monarch is deadly to a spider.”
And, with that, Chrollo was out. And so were you, not a single trace of you remained in that room. It was like the monarch had never been trapped in Chrollo’s web in the first place.
But, the scars left on those beautiful butterfly wings of yours, Is enough proof that you were there. And that you left, damaged.
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movienotesbyzawmer · 3 years
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April 6: Rocky
I have learned that the six Rocky movies (so all of the Rocky ones but not the Creed movies) are available on HBO Max. I was looking for a new watch-and-take-notes-and-post-the-notes project, so yo. Check it.
I've seen all six of these movies. I saw most of this one in the theater, like, back then! I was terribly terribly young! Maybe 7. I remember my friend Greg really wanted to see it, but our parents wouldn't let us. So we had them drop us off to see Capricorn One, but Greg made us sneak in to watch Rocky instead. He was so excited about it he wanted to play-punch afterward, but it hurt and I didn't like play-punch. I also didn't care about the movie. You know what movie is decent, though? Capricorn One. Although the supporting performance from O.J. Simpson might throw ya.
Anyway, since its release the reputation of this movie has remained very strong. It won Best Picture in an extremely competitive year. It is very much the Rocky Balboa of that year's awards contenders! But I'm pretty sure I'm going to be watching this first movie and admiring its scrappiness, then watching the subsequent ones and rolling my eyes at their formulaic-ness.
The opening fanfare sets the atmosphere really awesomely actually.
Oh also I don't care at all for boxing. And yet it seems like the idea of it is good drama fodder, I mean the idea of a sport of just two people punching each other until one of them is the winner at that.
So the first scene is a boxing match in a little church somewhere. Some people are in attendance who apparently like to pass the time watching punching. Rocky is bloody and hangdog. After the fight, which Rocky won, both fighters convalesce next to each other in a back room, kind of indifferently. But we have learned that punch-sport is a part of Christian life.
Rocky walks home through the gritty streets, past his friends who sing rudimentary a capella music on a street corner. They should work on the complexity of their harmonies.
Rocky is home and his home is gritty also. Atmosphere. He has a tank with animals in it. I cannot tell what the animals are. He talks to them. Personality.
He has a mirror he looks at and the mirror is decorated with pictures of Young Sylvester Stallone. They are totally pictures of him as a boy and young man. But Sylvester Stallone was not in character as Rocky Balboa when he took those pictures. It is a little jarring.
At the pet store the next day we are introduced to Adrian. That is the spelling, I checked. She is very very very shy-acting. The director told her to act shy, and she was like OH I'M GOING TO MEET AND EXCEED THOSE EXPECTATIONS.
Rocky's next stop is The Docks. I am surprised that Philadelphia has a dock area with such large ships, but I guess that's real. But I'm also surprised that he's there on the business of being the muscle for a loan shark. I didn't remember about that side of Rocky's complex, complex personality.
That scene just ended with a very 80s-teen-movie moment; a fellow thug rolled down his window and bullyingly yelled, "so long, meatbag!" We feel so bad that Rocky doesn't have the respect of his coworkers in the loan shark gang.
After getting dressed down by his gangster colleagues, he then goes to his gym and there's this whole thing about how the coach guy is so sick of Rocky's boxing mediocrity that they gave someone else his locker. It seems like that wouldn't happen. On his way out, the other boxer taunts him by saying he's pumped to be in receipt of Rocky's locker which is a very fine locker. We saw it, though. It was just a locker.
Adrian again. Broad caricature of an introverted person. I don't buy it maybe. Then a scene in a bar and the conversation with the bartender is also dumb fakey acting.
He later came upon a bunch of jerks on a corner, but among them was an awkward teenage girl that he knows. He makes her leave with him and tries to give him avuncular advice, but that scene ends with her telling him, "screw you creepo!" The exposition of this movie has a very opaque strategy.
0:30:00 - A scene with Apollo Creed does some more very unnatural exposition, setting up the premise that some local underdog is going to get a chance to fight him. This doesn't seem like an acclaimed movie. This seems like a scene in a cheap romance movie where the Handsome Man confesses to his best friend that what he's really looking for in a woman is someone not so pretty.
AC is flipping through a straight-up book, looking for a good boxer to fight on January 1, 1976, to celebrate the bicentennial. I'm a little "wha?" about some of this. He chooses Rocky Balboa because of his catchy "Italian Stallion" nickname and remember because Columbus was Italian so
Rocky and Adrian go on a date. It's Thanksgiving but that happens anyway. It does not bristle with romantic energy. It reeks of social obligations. It seems like the beginning of the kind of loveless relationship your grandparents began in the 1940s in their dustbowl-decimated agrarian community.
They are back at his little shithole apartment and he is a persistent man and I do not root for this relationship.
Things escalated kind of quickly. Rocky got invited to an agent guy's fancy office and offered a chance to fight for the World Heavyweight Championship. The next scene, everyone knows about it and he's on TV. He seems like a dumb lug. How can he possibly succeed. Good job contrasting his character with the big celebrity, though.
Burges Meredith is oddly appealing as this surly, pirate-talking boxer-coach-manager guy. He comes to Rocky's apartment sucking up, and Rocky isn't receptive, I'm pretty much buying BM's different emotions, and Rocky's.
1:11:24 - Pretty sure my friend and I talked a lot about this scene when we saw it back then, he fills a glass with raw eggs and drinks it up. All one shot, baby.
This scene with Paulie, Adrian's brother who is Rocky's friend, I don't like. Paulie is a bad friend. That scene ends with Rocky beating up pig carcasses. They should have just had that part.
His hands are bloody when he punches the meat things. That's his blood, right? That's not like animal flesh?
We just had a very melodramatic scene with Rocky and Adrian and Pauly, and Pauly just went nuts. This time, at least, Rocky and Adrian react to him the way you'd think people normally would.
1:30:55 - Famous training montage. I think as this movie series progresses these montages get more stylish. As it is, it's going for just a rousing moment of "he seems confident as he trains", as the music pumps you up with the profound lyrics, "trying hard now" and "getting strong now".
They have actually explained almost nothing about the specifics of boxing. I realize that now as Rocky says "no one has ever gone the distance with Creed". Which I think means something about going all 15 rounds, right? But the point is that I haven't had to hear much about stuff like that, and I honestly don't mind that.
1:44:30 - Ew, some actually kind of bad stock footage of the crowd at the fight. Oh, but then a cameo by actual Joe Frazier, probably.
As the fight begins I gotta say I have been effectively made to root for this underdog hero. I've been indifferent to most of the movie so far, and I'm indifferent to boxing, but ferrealz I'm excited to watch this fight.
It's cinematic with lots of angles that you don't see when you're watching actual fights (I assume), but also the actual fight-acting by Stallone and Carl Weathers seems like they're getting it right. That can't be easy, right? I mean, it's punching! Faces!
1:54:11 - Oh shit I remember this ahhhhhh his eye his eye, his EYE is swollen shut and he tells them to cut it open! That, like, what? He's going to go back out and fight with his eyelid literally slashed open WHAT
They weren't even that careful doing that slice
I thought they would be relying more on the commentators as narrators to tell us what to feel, but it's really all the cinematic storytelling that is getting it done.
But the aftermath of the fight is like opera, everyone is passionate and yelling and it doesn't work on me as well as it must for most people. I don't even exactly get what the outcome of the fight is (partly because I don't understand boxing). But that's the point, at least a little bit; in the heat of passion he just wants to tell Adrian that he loves her. That works well for this movie. And the way it just ends in that swirl of excitement, no denouement, it's really effective.
So overall there are lots of things about this movie that I don't care for, but there are some things to appreciate. It's not a fancy movie, but it seems like they did a particularly good job with the final boxing match feeling like exciting movie drama while also seeming like authentic boxing. As if I know anything about authentic boxing.
I don't agree that it should have won Best Picture over Network, All the President's Men, and Taxi Driver.
One last observation: looking back, I'm pretty sure that scene with the teenage girl is a result of the observation that the movie greatly lacks females.
(next: Rocky II)
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what-if-nct · 2 years
Hiii so I have to stay home for 6 weeks. From school they forced me to. After those I have to move schools for 12 weeks and then I can go back to my actual school. Nothing to complain I'd say I fucking hate that homophobic place made of shit. They dont do a fucking thing right so its good I stay home. At the same time I cant go anywhere and I'm restricted of chatting with people and using my phone longer than an hour. I hate my life.
Anywaysssss. YOUR VOICE IS SO CUTE!!!! Seriously I'm younger than you and my voice sounds older. You sound so fricking cute and Iove the way you spoke about your dolls. (I love you)
Also Mark Lee somehow I cant stop thinking about him. Also I dreamt of listening to the SHINee world by SHINee and Kibum walked up to me and asked if I was a shawol because I had it playing too loud and it could be heard through my earbuds. I said yes and he asked my fav member. I said Minho and asked him if he had a Minho kink too help 😭 He said something approving not directly yes but I dont remember more
Oh and Marks insta where his hat is flying in the air and the caption "hats off to my manager". He's been around Jaehyun too much now he has dad humor. I love them. Also Hendery is stuck in my head. I dont know why at all. (Also Kun) (And DJ Xiao) (My name is similar to Xiaojun I love my life again)
Oh and I've seen the full episode of the a team of Murdock being a bride. He actually canonically wrote a letter to the guy he almost married. An apology for leaving him at the alter. B.A. (Mr. T) called him a nut. Also because Murdock ate shaving foam. He started coughing bubbles. The story of the episode was that a girl named Jackie was forced into a marriage with Calvin Cutter after he killed her father, so that Calvin would get money. The team sabotaged the wedding by bringing a cake with B.A. in it and Murdock dressing up as the bride. At the same time, Hannibal (George peppard) the leader sabotaged their cars and Face got Jackie out of the house. Face had to marry then Jackie and he was so sad about that. It was hilarious. Also they crashed with a helicopter. B.A. was so happy about that because everyone got hurt except him. He's scared of flying (bro he came from nam) and every time they fly they drug or hit him lol
(That was long--)
At least time away from school is nice but it sucks you're kind of confined to your house. I really hope that you're feeling a little better and you'll get through this and everything will be better before you know it. Thank you, you're so sweet. But I seriously cringed so harder when I heard it back why do I a 29 year old woman sound like that. And I love you too💕
Mark has be everywhere for me for some reason usually my fyp,timeline and reelz feed is all Hyunjin. But it's been very Markie. Im starting to understand your love for him, I know why you can't get that little Canadian out of your mind. Like I don't go here but I see the appeal. Oh that's an interesting dream, sometimes if you imagine the dream as it happen your subconscious can feel in the blanks and you can figure out what he said but who wouldn't have a Minho kink. He's beautiful. Hendery kind just shows up in your house and eats your cereal and sleeps in your bed. Thats how he gets in your mind. Just from your description of Murdock and the little I've seen of him I just adore that silly little men, he gives me strong Winston from New Girl and Morgan from The Mindy Project vibes. My favorite character s in sitcoms are the silly little men who are the most ridiculous people that I laugh so hard I cant breathe. Those are the best characters. And that's what Murdock sounds like. I'm watching Will & Grace, the 2017 ver right now but once I finish it I have to watch A-Team.
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verai-marcel · 5 years
Okay, so i have a request if you don't mind. It's modern AU, and it's fem!reader. She gets dared to go into the boys' locker room (college au or something) and take pictures of the boys. You already have good relations with most of the men. So you hide in the locker, and something happens which leads you to get caught, Arthur (who probably has feelings for you), and the other men, turned on by this they decide to punish you. (ps Sorry if this sounds creepy. if you're uncomfortable just ignore)
Locker Room Lesson (RDR2 Fanfic, AM/JM/CS/JE x Fem!Reader, 18+)
Summary: You are in the photography club at your local community college, and have made fast friends with a group of ladies who share your thirst for a particular group of men who play on the rugby team. When they dare you to take photos of them in the locker room after a practice, you foolishly agree. But what happens if you get caught? 
Author’s Notes: Oh my. I may or may not have seen a few porns for this, and tbh, this kind of stuff turns me the fuck on. Let’s do this. Also, I picked community college because there’s generally a wider variety of ages there. So this will hopefully appeal to you, dear reader! The guys, well, I guess they’re roughly the same ages that they are in the game, so Arthur’s 35, and the rest are in their mid to early twenties.
Tags: gangbang, multiple partners, tropey porn plot, filthy smut, rough sex, doggy style, anal sex, blowjob, double penetration, facial, creampie, dirty talk, modern AU
AO3 Link is here, darlin’.
Hiding in the men’s locker room on campus was quite possibly the worst idea you’d ever had, but at least you could say you did the dare. When your friends in the photography club had dared you take some suggestive photos of some of the guys playing rugby, you unwisely boasted that it’d be easy peasy.
So now here you were, tucked into one of the bigger lockers, quietly waiting for the men to leave so you could sneak out. Thumbing through the photos on your camera, you had a few good shots of each of them, so at least it was worth your time.
Javier was lean, tanned, a beautiful specimen of a man. His fingers were long and graceful that could play a guitar like an extension of his body. When you saw him in front of the music building, he always smiled and nodded his head at you, and in class, he’d ask if he could copy your notes, claiming they were the best organized. Listening to him play on the campus plaza was a relaxing treat.
Charles was brawny, a beefcake with the strength to block almost anyone who came at him. When he was working out and you saw his back muscles flex, your breath was always taken away. He was quiet, but always helpful; on multiple occasions, he had taken a heavy box or bag from you and walked with you to your destination, no matter how far. It wasn’t like you couldn’t carry it on your own, but he seemed to have a need to help others.
John was wiry, a bit lanky, but had a smile that melted your heart. He was an honest man, even if he was kind of a goofball, and helping him out in math class was a joy, seeing him light up when he understood something you explained. He was always grateful for your help, and he returned the favor by running errands for you for the photography club when he had time.
And Arthur. Good lord, that man was perfect; the broad shoulders, perfect ass, powerful legs. Not exactly the brightest academically, but coming in as an older student, he had a lot of life experience that you could respect. He was in three of your classes, and you only started talking to him because you noticed his drawings during the studio art class.
“Never painted a day in my life,” he had told you, but anything he drew, for whatever reason, was filled with emotion. Even as he got criticized for his technique, the professor always gave him points for “good feeling,” whatever that meant.
Your ears perked up at the sound of male laughter, and you mentally sighed. You got the feeling that you were stuck in here for a while. You started to sort through some of your photos, picking and choosing which ones to keep.
Then the door to your locker suddenly opened. You nearly dropped your phone and stared, blinking at the bright light before your eyes readjusted.
“Well, what do we have here?”
Arthur smirked, looking like a cat that caught the mouse.
You panicked. “Um, just… hiding?”
John, Javier, and Charles appeared behind him. 
“What’re you doin’? John asked innocently.
Javier laughed. “She’s taking pictures of us, idiot.”
Lightning quick, your phone was snatched from your hands as Arthur took your wrist and pulled you out of the locker.
“Hey wait!” you yelped.
“Hmmm… these are pretty good photos,” Arthur mumbled as he flipped through your images. 
Charles peered over his shoulder. After a few moments, he looked up towards you. “You shouldn’t have snuck in here.”
Walking closer to you, Javier put an arm up on the lockers and leaned against it, effectively cornering you. “Who put you up to this?”
You looked away. You weren’t telling.
Arthur chuckled as he handed your phone back to you. “None of us are naked, but pretty damn close to.” He moved closer to you, the other men following suit. You felt like you were being caged in by a wall of meat.
Leaning in, he took your chin between his thumb and fingers. “Now darlin’, I think you need to pay us back for bein’ such good models, don’tcha think?”
“Only if you’re willing,” Charles added.
You swallowed.
John finally seemed to understand the implications and smiled at you. “We won’t hurt you.”
Javier was just quietly watching you, but from the way you were licking your lips, he had an inkling you weren’t against the idea.
It was a little hard to think, having so many hunks right next to you. Were they really offering what you thought? Did they all want to… have their way with you? Together?
Your heart pounded and your libido shot through the roof. You mentally drooled at the thought.
Arthur stepped back, concern on his face. “You can say no, we won’t be troubled.”
“I do, I do want to pay you back,” you quickly said. Biting your lip, you quietly asked, “Are you asking… what I think you’re asking?”
The men all smirked and chuckled.
Charles held his hand out to you. “If you think we’re asking you to give us your body to pleasure, then yes.”
You stepped towards them and took his hand.
Guiding you to the nearest bench, Charles sat you down as the other men circled around you. Arthur stood back, watching as John and Javier stood on either side of Charles.
You watched, gleefully, as the three of them took out their cocks. Each one different, each one so mouth-watering in their size and girth. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were.
Charles stepped forward. “Open up, honey.”
You took him into your mouth, and he stayed still as you bobbed your head around his thick member, twirling your tongue around the head. He sighed, his hand resting on your head and petting you. You shivered with pleasure at the feeling of his fingertips running along your scalp.
Your hands were taken by John and Javier, and they each wrapped one of your hands around their cocks. Getting the idea, you started to jerk them off as you sucked on Charles.
“Give us some of that pretty little mouth too, querida,” Javier said softly.
You alternated, giving them each some oral attention, looking up at them as you pleasured them. When it was his turn, Javier looked at you with a dark lust in his eyes. He reached down and caressed your cheek, before grabbing the back of your neck and holding you in place as he shallowly fucked your mouth, a bit dominating as he hummed his approval.
When you switched to John, he just closed his eyes and moaned quietly, his hips jerking forward, his cock nearly hitting the back of your throat. You pulled away, and he immediately apologized. You smiled and continued to suck on the tip of him.
Charles tapped John on the shoulder, and he pulled away from your mouth. You whimpered, and then looked past them at Arthur, who was leaning against the lockers, watching you with a lurid stare.
“Arthur?” you asked.
“I’ll take my time with you later,” he uttered quietly, a dark promise that sent shivers down your spine.
Your attention turned back to the others as they helped you remove your clothes, surrounding you with caresses and kisses as your skin was revealed. Soon you were naked, watching the three of them take off their own clothes so they could surround you once more.
Charles laid out a towel onto the ground and brought you down, laying you on your back. He let your head rest on his lap, his cock hovering near your mouth. You licked the tip, earning a pleased rumble. Javier came around and kneeled before you, touching your knees and spreading your legs apart.
“You look beautiful, querida,” he said as he stroked your center, spreading your love juices around your folds. “Can’t wait to make you sing.”
Then he leaned over you and curled two long, slender fingers inside of you, pressing against a spot inside that made you quiver and pant.
“M-more!” you cried out.
John kneeled beside you and started playing with your breasts. “You heard the woman. Give her what she wants.”
Javier grinned as he took his fingers out and pushed the head of his cock against your opening. You took a deep breath as he entered you, your muscles squeezing him.
“Feels so good,” he groaned as he made it all the way inside. He waited a few moments before lifting his hips and started moving, taking his time, rolling his hips and making sure he was hitting that wonderful spot inside.
Charles tilted your head towards him. “Don’t forget about me, honey.”
You gladly opened your mouth and pleasured Charles while Javier fucked you. John’s hands were on you, squeezing and pinching your nipples, and you reached out to stroke his cock in return.
“Your turn, brother,” Javier said after a while, pulling away from you and swapping places with John.
John had less finesse but more energy as he kneeled between your legs and lifted you up by your hips. He aimed his shaft at your pussy and just thrust forward, slamming inside of you. He was rough, lost in his desire as he just pounded into you, his heavy breathing and his occasional moan the only sounds he made.
You had been licking Charles for so long, that when he moved, you whimpered.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll give you something to occupy your mouth,” John said as he switched places with Charles.
John was as rough with your mouth as he was with your pussy, thrusting shallowly so you wouldn’t choke, but still moving fast, like he couldn’t control himself, desperately driving towards the pleasure your mouth brought him.
Charles played with you a little more than the other two, stroking your clit with his thumb while he teased your pussy with his cock, dipping the head inside and then coming back out, not giving you everything you wanted.
“Please Charles,” you begged. “Please fuck me!”
Charles gripped your hips and slowly entered you, a look of focus on his face. “You’re so tight.”
You writhed; he was not as long as the others, but his girth was almost too much for your body to take. You were glad you were stretched out first.
Javier caressed your clit, and when you gasped, he stroked in earnest, watching you moan around the cock in your mouth. 
“Look at you, such a sexy woman,” Javier praised. “Taking so much cock, you must love this.”
You just hummed in agreement as you felt Charles hilt inside of you. He rolled his hips slowly a few times, and your hips lifted in return, wanting that fullness of his cock to stay inside of you.
“You wanted this?” Charles asked.
You nodded. 
“Never would’ve guessed. Such a bad girl.” His voice was so low that the rumbling vibrated against your body, making you mewl with need. 
“Bad girls get punished, don’t they?” John asked.
You nodded around his cock.
“Get the lube,” Arthur said from his spot against the lockers.
Javier suddenly left, and Charles lifted you up into his arms. Laying down on his back, he grabbed your ass and spread your cheeks.
“You gonna take all of us?” John asked, gripping your neck.
“Yes!” you pleaded.
“That’s right. Take your punishment and be a good girl,” John crooned as he let go of you and pet your head.
Javier returned, a tube of some viscous liquid in his hand.
“What’s that?” you asked, suddenly worried about some unsafe chemicals going into your rear.
“It’s J-Lube. Don’t worry darlin’, it’s safe,” Arthur said, a tone of experience in his voice.
Trusting him with your safety, you relaxed and let Javier squirt some into his hand and spread it along his fingers.
You clenched when you felt him slip one finger into your rear entrance.
All three men began to soothe you. Charles reached down to play with your clit, keeping you distracted, John came around to give you his cock to suck on, giving your head a much needed scalp massage as you did so, and Javier rubbed your back, his finger going deeper inside.
As you relaxed, he squeezed in a second finger, then a third, stretching you out slowly and methodically. You had finally relaxed and gotten used to the intrusion, and started to rock your hips while moaning softly. Javier pulled his fingers out and replaced them with his member. He pushed in slowly, making sure you could take him.
“Just tell us if it hurts,” he told you as he slid all the way into you.
All you could do was whimper and move your hips. You were so full of cock, and it was amazing; feeling the three of them begin to move in rhythm, taking your body, using you as their fuck toy as they ‘punished’ you for spying on them.
You loved it. There was no thinking, just feeling, just being.
And in the midst of that, your climax built up, higher and higher, until Javier slapped your ass, and Charles grabbed your neck while he reached down and thumbed your clit.
“Come for us, sweetheart,” John growled.
“We want to feel you, querida.”
John’s shaft muffled your scream as you came, spasming around them, pleasure bursting through your body like fireworks. The aftershocks kept coming as they continued to pound into you, not letting up for a moment, no mercy on your almost relaxed body.
“Fuck,” John mumbled and pulled back after you were done screaming. “Almost came.”
You let out a soft cry, already missing the fullness of him in your mouth, but then Charles reached up and pulled you against him, one arm around you, one hand gripping your neck.
“You ready, honey?”
“For what?” you asked.
Charles smiled, and looked back at Javier and nodded. You felt Javier leave your body. Effortlessly, Charles wrapped his arms around you and stood up, still inside of you. You squealed with both a bit of fear and excitement. 
Then you felt Javier enter you from behind again, and the two men pistoned in and out of you, holding you up between the two of them.
“You want our forgiveness, honey?”
“Yes, yes!”
Charles and Javier both pulled out of you and eased you onto your knees. Charles stood in front of you, his massive hand on top of your head, his other hand stroking himself quickly.
“Beg for me,” he breathed.
“Please,” you said, big eyes looking up at him. “Please, I’ll be good.”
Charles could only bellow as he came onto you, ropes of his cum dripping from your chin and nipples. Taking a few staggered breaths, he stood back, and Javier took his place, his hand rapidly beating off.
“Say you’re our special girl.”
“I’m your special girl.”
He moaned as he came all over you, sighing your name before leaning down to kiss your forehead. 
“Gracias, querida.”
John came back into your view, and he grinned before grasping your neck.
“Sweetheart, that mouth of yours… give it to me.”
You gladly opened up and let John fuck your mouth until he groaned and came, spilling down your throat. You swallowed as much as you could, and when he stepped away, grinning at you, you grinned back.
Then all of a sudden, Arthur cleared his throat. Everyone looked over at him, and you noticed his eyes were completely focused on you.
“Get yerselves clean again,” he told the others without looking at them. You heard them all chuckle and exit the room, leaving you alone with Arthur.
He pushed away from the lockers and walked up to you. He pulled his cock from his pants and stroked it slowly.
“Lookit’chu, all dirty with cum,” he sneered. “You like bein’ used?”
You bit your lip, and you tasted a bit of everyone’s cum on your lips.
“Look at me.”
You looked up at him. 
“You want to be used by me?”
You swallowed and nodded quickly. Your body burned for him, lusted after him in a way you didn’t realize you could. Sure, you thought he was a hunk before, but he had been friendly, gentle, safe. Right now, he was giving off the vibes of a predator, of an alpha male who would dominate you, own you… 
…and protect you.
You suddenly wanted him so badly that you could hardly contain yourself. You started to crawl towards him, unconscious of how you looked.
A knowing smile slowly spread across his face as he watched you kneel in front of him. You tentatively licked the tip of his cock before kissing it, slowly opening your mouth more and more to take in more of him, until you had filled your mouth full. Pulling back while sucking on him, you released him with a loud pop sound. You looked up and gave him a teasing smile.
“You gonna play with me that way, huh?” Arthur grabbed you by the base of your neck and pulled you up until you were standing, then flipped you around, your back to his chest. His arms wrapped around you, holding you tight, his lips biting your neck. 
“Bend over,” he growled, forcing you to bend at the waist, one hand on your shoulder. Your hands shot out to balance yourself against the lockers, and you turned your head to see him looking down, aiming his cock at your wet entrance. He glanced up and kept eye contact with you as he pushed his way in.
“Keep lookin’ at me, darlin’,” he crooned as he entered you. “Wanna see yer eyes when I take you.”
When your head started to droop, he grabbed a handful of your hair at the base of your head and pulled, forcing you to look at him until his hips were flush with your ass.
“So good,” he said softly as he started to build up a rhythm, letting go of your hair to grip your hips. You were lost to the feel of him demolishing your coherent thoughts; all you could focus on was the pounding of your flesh, his soft grunts and moans as he enjoyed what you gave him.
When he reached down to stroke your core, it was too much, and you cried out his name.
Quickly, a hand reached around your mouth, quieting you down as you came around him, your legs beginning to shake.
“Shhh, can’t let anyone else know yer in here,” he warned. Pulling out of you, he kept you upright as he turned you around to face him. Picking you up around the waist, he carried you to the back wall of the locker room, farthest from the door.
“Wrap your legs around me,” he commanded as he pushed you against the wall, angling his hips so he could enter you again.
You wrapped your legs around him, and he grabbed your butt so that he was holding you up as he started to fuck you against the wall.
“Like that, darlin’? Like it when I fuck you hard?”
“Oh god, yes,” you keened, clinging onto him and burying your head into his shoulder.
The sounds of him rutting into you, flesh against flesh, and his harsh breathing combined with your soft moans filled the room. He shifted you slightly higher on the wall and pressed his body against yours. The warmth of his body was a sharp contrast to the cold wall behind you. He angled his thrusts and suddenly slammed into you harder, deeper, and you curled your toes, feeling the ripples of pleasure from your core.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you cried out as your climax bowled you over, and you held onto Arthur for dear life as you spasmed, shaking from the strength of your orgasm.
“Wanna come inside of ya,” Arthur grunted.
“Yes, please!” you begged. 
With a low groan, he smashed you against the wall, holding you tight as he came inside of you, his hips jerking forward occasionally as he filled you full. He whispered your name lovingly, nuzzling your cheek as he came down from his high.
“Darlin’, my sweet darlin’,” he murmured as he slowly let you down from the wall and helped you to the bench. He sat down, with you in his lap, and held you close.
“Been wantin’ to do that fer a long time,” he confessed. “Probably since the second week of last semester.”
You remembered that week. That was the week you had first met him and had a long talk with him at the local cafe, where your friendship started. You remembered finding him attractive, and also, regretfully, decided for yourself that he was out of your league.
“Really?” You couldn’t believe that he wanted you.
“Yeah, really.” He kissed your cheek. “I know this started off… a bit strange, but… would you be interested… in… um… goin’ on a date?”
You blinked.
Then you burst out laughing.
“Yes, yes, of course!” you said after a few moments. “I never thought you’d ask. I thought… I thought I wasn’t good enough for you.”
Arthur laughed. “Here I was thinkin’ the same thing.”
You couldn’t believe that. Arthur? He was so talented, so friendly, so handsome… he was such a good man, and he thought he wasn’t good enough? You knew you’d have to rectify that in the future.
He pressed his forehead against yours. “I ain’t sharin’ you again,” he said.
You kissed his cheek. “That’s fine. You’re plenty enough for me”
Arthur’s smile was worth the dare.
End Notes: Oh yes, J-Lube exists. Recommended by a porn star. Remember fam, don’t do anal unless you’ve cleaned yourself up properly and acquired the right lube! Also, I split the sexy time into two scenes because it’s very hard for me to write that many men in one scene, so I had to take Arthur out; I tried at first, but it just wasn’t working, logistically-speaking. Anon, I hope this fulfilled your sex fantasy; it sure as hell fulfilled mine, hehehehehe!
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honestly i fully agree with you, i'm also annoyed with some of my fellow dany stans cause they hold every other character accountable for their actions in s8 except dany, like if you're gonna disregard the fact that dany murdered half a million people then you can't hate jon for killing a person that was at that point a mass murder, or act like sansa was the most evil character ever for being snippy towards dany and spilling jon's secret, cause guess what? they were all written like trash
Hi anon. Let me be clear here, I’m disheartened (not annoyed) when I see that some of my mutuals are so desperate to hold onto their anger that they forgo logic in order to cherry pick season eight.
Some Daenerys stans will tell you that this argument is justified:
‘At least Daario didn’t kill Daenerys!’
But that this one is wrong:
'At least Sansa didn’t burn down King’s Landing!’
Or that this one is wrong:
'Jon Snow was right to kill the mad queen!’
Acknowledging only select information is known as confirmation bias.
Now, I get that I probably shouldn’t have used a specific post to try to call out logical fallacies and double standards, but hey, I am only human. Of course, as I have had kindly explained to me by Tumblr over the last couple of days, one’s emotions are only valid if you are exclusively a Daenerys fan. Information that would’ve been handy to have prior to making my appeal!
So why did I do it at all?
Because I saw a fellow Jonerys shipper who admitted to harboring at least some resentment towards Jon (and thus, cannot fully enjoy their own ship). As someone who was there not long ago, I can attest that it sucks.
Some of my mutuals would unfortunately rather use S8 Jon Snow to help retcon Daario Naharis into a good partner for S1-7 Daenerys.
Spoiler: He’s still not.
I wasn’t going to touch the Daario subject, but you know what? If my reputation is already obliterated at this point, I might as well.
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Sure, Daario brought Daenerys some flowers. But he also invaded Dany’s privacy not once but twice, once while she was naked and vulnerable, putting a knife against her best friend’s throat. He betrayed his allies just because he thought Dany was hot. He told her 'A dragon queen with no dragons, that’s not a queen’. Daario really said ‘fuck the people’ to the Mhysa. 👍
“Her captain slept beside her, yet she was alone.”
Daenerys Targaryen, who felt lonely all her life, felt nothing upon leaving Daario for a reason. Some of her fans really want to ship her with a man that reinforces her loneliness. It just makes me sad.
What’s funny to me too, is that in the last few days, I’ve seen people who support Dany x Daario also making the argument that 'as women’, we shouldn’t care about Jon Snow or that his character was butchered because Dany got it worse, or simply because he’s a man.
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For people out here dismissing men in general, it’s sure convenient that they can’t recognize that a woman blows Daario Naharis right out of the water…
There are even ex-Jonerys fans who would rather ship Daenerys with Jaime Lannister, her father’s murderer, before Yara Greyjoy.
And speaking of Jaime Lannister…
As a big fan of Brienne of Tarth, he’s never been my favorite character. I always argued that he was never good enough for Brienne - that his feelings for Cersei would always overshadow his feelings for her…
Yet, aside from maybe the middle of my post-S8 mental breakdown, I’d never use season eight to help support or bolster that argument because the man who said…
“To be honest I never really cared for them (the people), innocent or otherwise.”
… is no more Jaime Lannister than Daenerys is a genocidal dictator.
I’ll have to wait to see what ‘the court of Tumblr’ rules, but I’m pretty sure it’ll be something along the lines of “Jon Snow is the only character we should hold accountable for his actions in season eight!”
It’s a riot around here!
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sexstories-101 · 2 years
7 Reasons Why You Should Have a Threesome This Weekend
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I adore both men and women. I also enjoy having group sex, and threesomes allow me to have the best of both worlds.
If you've never had a threesome, I highly encourage thinking about it because having another girl in the bedroom has its advantages.
1. Two ways to delight and tease your man.
Men are highly visual creatures, and the sight of you kissing and caressing another woman might be really appealing. The look on a guy's face when he watches you suck on a hot chick's nipples or go down on her is unlike anything else.
Turning him on turns you and her on, creating an extraordinarily sensual environment.
2. A female simply understands it.
She might be down in your pussy giving it the best licking of your life while you're busy carefully sliding your tongue up and down his member. Don't get me wrong, men may be wonderful eaters, but another woman's body is just so in sync with another woman's body that it's absolutely some next-level enjoyment.
Just remember to repay the favor.
3. It's fucking, making love, and a giggle session all at the same time.
With want and need, run your tongue down her neck and across her clavicle. Your man is laying on her and finger-banging the heck out of you. A burst of laughter when one of you bursts out laughing from all the pleasure you're having.
Threesomes offer a variety of delights rolled into one incredible experience.
4. No one is disappointed.
Threesomes virtually always ensure that everyone is fulfilled, no matter how the "duties" are divided. Guy blows his load before any of you has reached that O? No need to worry; there's another person in that bed who can assist you while the other party heals.
And who knows, maybe the excitement of watching will have everyone ready for round two!
5. It can introduce you to new things you enjoy.
Everyone has their own opinions about what is enjoyable, as well as their unique skills and styles. Bringing a third person into the bedroom allows you to view another else's perspective on everything.
Finding new and seductive ways to play is never a bad thing, whether it's a fresh manner she performs a hand job, a special thing she does with her tongue, or even presenting her favorite item (can you say 'Strap-on'?!).
6. It has the potential to draw you closer to your mate.
While threesomes can be done informally, I've always found that the finest experiences were when I was in a loving, committed relationship with my partner.
Having this kind of experience together might really bring you closer together if you are both safe and open in your relationship. And it allows your spouse to see a side of you that he was previously unaware of.
7. Someone is available to go fetch refreshments!
Have you ever been in the thick of something and desperately wanted a sip of water? Or how about just after that, and that bowl of ice cream looks delicious but the notion of getting up to get it feels intimidating? You may have to use the rock, paper, scissor method (although scissoring may be the favored method, wink wink), but there are now three of you to figure out who gets what instead of you simply laying there thirsty.
When considering a threesome, there are undoubtedly many finer factors to consider. The who, the what, the when, and the why must all be expressed properly to your spouse.
When it's between three consenting, mature adults, though, it may be a crazy journey.
Life is too short not to have some fun every now and then.
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