#is it signed? does it have a poster? i dont know. i barely want this book. im getting two copies anyways
aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
not me fighting barnes & noble at midnight over my book preorder
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honakito · 3 months
hiiiii😁 idk of yours request is open but i wanted to ask for a mmj! reader x akito😞 hope youre okay with thisss, bye kisses and hugs 🫶😊
-⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀MORE , MORE ⠀⠀⠀. . . ⠀⠀⠀more more JUMP !
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authors babbles . . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀i freaking LOVE THIS ! !
MORE! MORE! - prod. honakito
posted as : request
chars : s. akito
type : x g/n ! reader
scenario : akito with an idol (specifically more more jump) reader ( headcanons )
taglist : @finanah ( ask to be added )
affiliated with : @virtualbookstore
notes : OH MH GOD i am SO SORRY for dipping this whole month and not doing this request sooner you probably forgot about it hhh,,,… no joke i was procrastinating this whole month since i am signed up for the math olympics ( i got a 20/28 at the local phase and now im in for the city phase) then i also have national phase if i qualify so requests are gonna take much longer… but still THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTHING THIS AAA!! AND AGAIN IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG
notes 2 : so im actually working on a canon character only series. the only thing ill reveal about it is that it is a crossover with one of my current hyperfixations (they go brrr brrr brbrbr) so mist of my attention will be focused on it (requests will take longer in this case) and other shit BUT!!! ill alao try to finish the masterlists befpre my blog gets bigger so it is easier for me to arrange shit YKNOW ,,, and also the last time i posted here i barely got any REACH. like it was embarrassing omfg i dont want that to happen again so this is probably why i was hesitant on posting again but were cool gang ,, and i aslo have to revamp most of my posts kms
date : 26 / 02 / 24 - 10 / 03 / 24
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well , he doesnt really care.
wait , what?
dont get him wrong , tho! when he first found out you were also interested in the music field , he was ecstatic in his own way. so , he asked some questions.
to realize youre the fifth member of ‘ MORE MORE JUMP! ‘ tho? that was a shocker! he never really put the puzzle pieces together.
not because he isnt capable of doing so , he just doesnt really.. care, about idol groups. it was never akitos type of music genre.
sure , he saw a few posters here and there , but never observed them as a whole. the only one he recognized on those was airi , because of enas childhood friendship with her.
and when you first came to kamiyama , he never really eavesdropped on any conversations about you. wasnt that normal? for everyone to talk about the new student! why was he the only one that didnt know you were a known idol?
isnt that a good thing , tho?
because akito didnt know of your passion , you saw right through him that this is actually how he feels. figured out that he saw you as an average human being , and not someone you only see on the outside , on a screen.
you were more glad for his oblivion , rather than mad.
but back on topic.
for a little while , he didnt know. but after? he seemed more cautious for you.
he knows the things you have to go through in the idol industry — he isnt stupid.
so for your sake , hes more supportive.
youll never notice it , but he will watch each and every livestream your group will hold after finding out. ofcourse , on a whole different account , while hes alone — he does not need teasing from neither you , mizuki , ena or an. 
and the same goes for your social media posts , he always tries to be the first one to like.
also pay close attention to his playlist — suddenly , a few of ‘ MORE MORE JUMP! ‘ s songs are there! but not the whole discography , hes still getting accommodated with the genre. 
so after a while — he gets comfortable.
hell always show up to the shows you will host. at first , he will seat in the back , so you dont notice him. but with a little bit of time , you will always spot him easily in the front rows , but he has too much pride to admit it. half of it , he will say ena dragged him with her. but what about the times he shows up alone? when theres no big sister , or no extra ticket from kohane?
if you figure it out tho , hed gladly accept any ticket you give him. doesnt matter if general or backstage access — your performances are moments that he holds close to him , outside of RAD WEEKEND.
and even if it seems like he doesnt care — he will always cheer on you from the sidelines.
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begging the x reader gods to show this under the tag this time
div. arent mine ; please do not use my work for own uses , includes : reposting and claiming as their own , heavily inspiring off a long term fanfiction , etc , etc .
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wheeier · 3 years
no taking back
summary: it was only fun and games. but steve had other plans.
warnings: modern au, tooth-rotting fluff i guess, little but of swearing
+ olivia rodrigo’s sour album (stream besties), the movie tangled at the end because it just radiates as a comfort movie
yes a modern au !!! i just saw this on tiktok (the sour part, but the rest was my idea!) and thought it was so cute so it gave me an idea to make it as a fic, enjoy !!!
steve harrington x fem!reader
olivia rodrigo’s new album just released and you were thrilled to listen to it and stream it the whole day.
when you finally got to listen to it, you asked your friends—robin, nancy, and the party, if they listened to it and which ones were their favorites.
robin told you that her top three were hope ur ok, jealousy, jealousy, and brutal.
nancy said she really loved favorite crime.
max said hers was also brutal.
el told you that she played good 4 u and traitor on repeat that hopper had to go into her room to turn it down.
when mike comes over to the cabin he can assure that el does indeed play them on repeat and get pissy about it (but he secretly loves the album, but he wouldn’t let her or anyone know that).
and lastly lucas and dustin are fans of deja vu and 1 step forward 3 steps back. max even told you that they would sing the bridge of deja vu on the top of their lungs.
you slightly laughed at the memory of them telling you about it.
however, there’s one more person that you haven’t talked to about it yet.
your smile faltered and faded when he came across in your mind.
your feelings for him had deepened over the time and listening to the sour album made it feel like you two had broken up, which in fact, is not true because you were never together in the first place.
suddenly, an idea popped in your head. instead of being sad about steve, you thought about texting him, although it’s almost 1AM, you knew he’d still be up.
Sailor Man
You: hey
You: u up?
Sailor Man: duh
Sailor Man: this has been our nightly routine u always bother me when i’m about to go to sleep
You: fuck off
You: don’t pretend that you’re not binge watching outer banks until 4am
Sailor Man: i’m not?!?
You: yeah right
You: anyways
You: can u do me a favor
Sailor Man: will i get free pizza afterwards
You: no
Sailor Man: k
You: what the fuck
You: fine
Sailor Man: hehe
Sailor Man: what’s the favor ;)
You: dont get me started with that winky face i swear ure so dead when i see you at the wheeler’s house tomorrow
You: have you listened to olivia rodrigo’s new album
Sailor Man: ohh the bitter album?
Sailor Man: I DONT KNOW?!?
Sailor Man: shut up
Sailor Man: i’ve heard some of the songs but i haven’t fully listened to them
Sailor Man: why
You: can you like
You: ask me to be ur girlfriend then break up with me right after so i can experience and actually feel the whole sour album
Sailor Man: what
You: just do it !!
Sailor Man: you’re so funny (y/n/n)
Sailor Man: okay
Sailor Man: will you be my girlfriend?
You: yes !!!
You: ...
You: hello
You: dont tell me u fell asleep
Sailor Man: i’m not doing the last part you might as well forget about it
You: wjat
Sailor Man: :D
You: wtf
You: okay steve cut it out i’m not doing this anymore u’re not funny
Sailor Man: nope
Sailor Man: go to sleep we’re dating now that’s how this works
Sailor Man: okay i dont know if you’re still reading this now and i am terrified to say this to you in person like TERRIFIED. might piss my pants if i did. so (y/n/n), my favorite dumbass, my favorite person to talk to at night even if it interrupts my binge watching marathon, you make me so happy to the point that even when i sleep you’re still in my dreams. i like you. i have like the biggest fattest crush on you. and thank you for doing that sour album thing or whatever, because of that i get to finally ask you out
you rolled on your back after you read the message, facing the ceiling as your mind processed what just happened. was he playing with you? was he actually serious about asking you out?
Incoming video call...
Sailor Man
you took a deep breath before tapping the green button and placing it back down on the bed.
“hey,” you can tell that he was tired based on his voice. “can you show your face, please? i miss you.”
ignoring the butterflies in your stomach, you hesitantly lifted the phone and shifted your position to lay on your side. “hey.”
“hey yourself.” steve grins. that stupid grin that makes your stomach turn, that grin you always want to see everyday.
“what’s..up?” you avoided looking at him and started to admire your surroundings and the posters placed on your wall. this was the only time you were glad you weren’t with him in person.
“i just wanted to see if you’re okay.” of course he will ask that. he's steve. he cares about other more than himself.
“i am, thanks.” you showed a smile that doesn't reach your ears and steve knew something was bothering you. “hey, look. i'm sorry about my confession- if it made you uncomfortable i'm sorry-”
“no,” you cut him off, looking back at his face on the screen. “i’m fine, really. you don't have to apologize. i was just, surprised.”
there was silence between the two of you for a few seconds, before you spoke again. “did you mean it?” you voice was only above whisper but steve managed to hear them. “of course,” he answered almost too quick, without any hesitation. “i've been trying to find the perfect opportunity and had been asking god for signs because i can't make a move myself-”
“asking god?” you chuckled and steve smiled hearing them, glad that he somehow lightened the mood. “well, more like begging.” he continues and you giggled.
once your laughter died you both fell into silence again. you still couldn’t believe that out of a fun joke, it would turn into a whole another situation. “so, um.. just so you know, i’m not mad, or upset, or anything. i really was just surprised. it felt like a dream because i didn’t know that you like me back and all i did was just supposed to be a fun joke but—”
“hold on, back?”
“like you back. you said i like you back.” steve sat up on his bed and fixed his hair as his eyes widened. “i did...” you said slowly, not catching up.
“does that mean you..”
then it hit you. “oh, right. yeah. i- i like you..too.” you waited for his reaction and once you saw him smile you couldn’t stop yourself from doing the same.
“i knew it. and well, i guess that confirms it. we’re dating now. no taking back.” he smirks then laughs when your rolled your eyes. “don’t flatter yourself, harrington. i did not say shit.” you pointed your index finger on the screen, barely containing your giggles.
“based on your beautiful smile i think you don’t need to say it. i like you, and you like me. we’re dating.” steve gives you a teasing smile. you tried keeping your serious face but it won’t last longer so you finally smiled again. “alright, fine. no taking backs. we’re dating.” you said then laughed as he whisper-yelled ‘yes!’ while fist pumping the air.
he soon joined your laughter and you stayed like that until your jaw was pretty much in pain because of your smiles. when it was all quiet again, you both just admired each other’s presence through the screens of your phones. “i wish i was there with you.” he mumbles. “yeah, me too.” you hugged your cold pillow beside you, closing your eyes for a moment and imagining it as steve.
“are your parents home?”
you snorted at his random question. “i’m actually alone right now, they’re out because dad got promoted at his work so he and mom and i think a few friends went out to celebrate. they should be home by an hour or two. why?”
“nothing.” was all he said before hanging up. you were left confused but then he’s your best friend after all, so you knew right then and there that he’ll do something stupid. after you turned your phone off you suddenly felt watching a movie so you went to the kitchen to make some popcorn.
when it was finished and had been put in a bowl, that’s when you heard your doorbell rang—in a pattern which you recognize, and only one person does that.
you let out a quiet laugh when you realized who it was and set the bowl on the counter before opening the door.
“hi!” steve greeted you with a smile. “uh, hi?” you laughed nervously and stepped aside for him to go in. “i smell popcorn, are we having a movie night?” he says as he steps inside and shrugged off his jacket. “actually yeah, i’m planning on watching—”
“tangled.” he finishes off, you subconsciously smiled upon hearing your favorite movie. “how’d you know?”
steve snatches a few popcorns from the bowl as you both arrived in the kitchen. “(y/n), you have watched that movie 7 times this week and always gush to me about it.”
“well, you’re the only one that is around my age that i can talk to with that movie. robin and nancy aren’t that into it.” you replied, grabbing the bowl and making your way back to your bedroom, steve following your heels. “and you think i’m the best option to talk to about that?” he asks, plopping down on your bed and resting his back on the headboard.
“you’re not complaining.” you shrugged as you grabbed your laptop and sat beside steve.
“yeah, probably because i like you.” it came out of his mouth casually. you froze in place and felt your cheeks heat up, finally nodding your head slowly, “..probably.” as you typed in the movie in your laptop you felt steve scoot closer, making your breath hitch.
you were both in a comfortable silence while watching the movie, except for a few jokes and comments that steve makes and him explaining how similar he was to flynn rider.
“you know, since i’m eugene, you could be rapunzel.” he suddenly says. you eyes were still on the screen but your eyebrows furrowed. “why? i’m nothing like her.”
finally looking at steve, you almost screamed how he was already looking at you. “oh, you are so rapunzel. you may not have the longest hair in the world, but you are pretty much similar.” he replies, smiling and not taking his eyes off of you.
you paused the movie and shifted your body towards him, intrigued by his explaination. “how so?”
“well, first off,” steve starts, resting his hands on the soft mattress. “you’re both sweet, you’re both a huge ray of sunshine, have gorgeous eyes and smile, and eugene is head over heels over you — and since he doesn’t exist in real life, i’d like to be the substitute.” he finished with a confident smile.
after about three seconds, you burst out of laughter. you laughed. as much as he loves the sound of your laugh, he can’t help but pout. “(y/n), i’m trying to be sweet here!”
“i’m sorry!- it’s just- i can’t help but laugh at your flirting.” you managed to say between your laughs. you know he’s kidding but he looked at you like he was offended.
your laughter died down and held steve’s face. “it’s cute, sorry.” you mumble with a little laugh. when he finally smiled you turned to your laptop and continued the movie.
steve gazes at you for a few more seconds before watching the movie with you again. “thank you.” you whisper, glancing at him.
“you’re very much welcome, my rapunzel.” he says smiling before he slides a bit down on the bed so his head could reach your shoulder and rests it there.
you giggled as you heard him whisper,
“thank you, olivia rodrigo.”
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alkhale · 4 years
change the channel (Ko-Fi Request) Kenma Kozume/Camgirl!Omega!Reader
hello! Id love a kenma x reader fic (maybe a/b/o) ?? Also, thank you so so much for writing so many amazing fanfics :) every time I read a new chapter from any of your stories, it makes my day <3 
OFC COURSE YOU CAN!!!! And thank you so much for your support and for your donation! AND THANK YOU!! I know this one is long overdue, but I hope you enjoy!
I’m also killing two birds with this one, it’s substituting for Typetober Day 16: back and forth (using change the channel instead)
title: change the channel
pairing: Kenma Kozume/Omega!Reader
rating: T/very slight M
Kenma taps his phone again, right back at your picture. He stares at you with wide, piercing eyes, leaning across the table and quickly saying, reverent and eager—
“I want to buy your game from you.”
Today, sitting here beside you in your bag, are fully equipped items to try and protect you from the creepy, deranged, rich stranger you’d been about to meet. Today, you were fully expecting to unleash a fury building up inside of you over an injustice you can’t tackle on your own in your society on some poor, unsuspecting alpha—
Here, sitting in front of you, is a self-claimed internet game streamer, who wants to buy your… special edition… game?
“You want…” you say, slowly, making sure you don’t have this wrong, “...my game?”
He nods.
You open your mouth. It closes. You open it again, raise a finger, and then press your lips together, staring at him.
“I’m sorry,” you say finally. “What?”
link to AO3 for easier reading: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27446191
Omegachion has signed on!
The monitor screen flickers to life. 
An empty room appears. A plush, pink cushioned desk chair is in view. Along the cream, soft colored walls are a series of posters that usual garner less attention. A bookshelf is tucked to the side, complete with a set of potted plants hanging in clean pots—clearly loved. Within the stack of books sits shelves stuffed full with what looks to be discs and an assortment of other items.
The website's main frame appears—SecondGlanceStreaming.com. The design is sleek and black—clean and unassuming. A password is prompted, followed by a series of typed keys and then a click.
On the side of the screen a chatroom appears, coupled with a monitored security system in place established by the website. A cherry icon pops to life. Once the chatroom opens, the entire website flickers with light.
Omegalovers has signed on.
Rockyroadncream has signed on.
Omegasarekings has signed on.
Cumqueen324 has signed on.
Mrknottt has signed on.
Msbyjackalboi23 has signed on.
Openwideandsmile has signed on.
Sunnydayandnight has signed on.
Marshmellowtime has signed on.
Thecoolestalpha has signed on.
Bettagetbeta has signed on.
KingKodzuken has signed on.
Kodzu00 has signed on.
The chatrooms explodes with messages. A series of greetings are quickly issued by long-time fans and watchers of the streams, asking how your day was and how you’re feeling. A few more perverse, slimy messages are mixed in-between, demanding for the crude and obscene. A few others snipe back, telling the users to get their hands out of their pants while a series of other users greet each other instead, talking about the excitement over tonight's stream.
You hang back a bit, one arm crossed under your chest, puffed up with the fleecy soft fabric of your jacket while the other hand holds a jelly drink, sipping it in silence. You watch the chatroom explode, quickly gaining more and more users as others signed on to your stream. You check the time on your phone, sighing before you finish off your drink and toss it into the trash can.
You place the fuzzy bunny mask over your eyes, checking how you look in the mirror. You swipe your mouth with your thumb, applying your lip gloss and then smiling cutely at your reflection.
“Alright,” you say. “The goal tonight is 7,000 cherries… you got this!”
You clap your hands over your face and beam. Showtime.
You slide into the monitor’s view, the webcam flickering to life. The chat comes back with more force, messages spamming into the box and a series of cherries already floating into the screen. You beam, laughing as you wave to your viewers and blow them all kisses. “Hello! Hello everyone! I love to see so many of you are so punctual… Needy omegas like me… we love reliable people, you know?”
You hold back a snicker as the chat increases with your words. People shooting messages back at you as you let out a cute giggle. Tonight’s outfit is nothing but a cotton candy pink fleece zip-up that falls to the top of your thighs, also exposing your bare, smooth collarbones. It’s a special occasion, so you’re going the extra mile.
“How are we all doing tonight?” you ask sweetly, holding your chin up with your hands as you watch the chatroom, skimming over the responses. “Aw, Bettagetbeta, I’m sorry to hear that! I hope things get better for you… do you need a hug?”
Cherry icons pop up over your screen. 50. 30. 10. You smile, opening your arms to the camera. “There! I’ll make all your problems go away, okay?”
You bat your eyes under the mask, showing them your bare wrists and giving them a little rub with your thumbs. “You can scent me if you’d like… would that make you feel better?”
Bettagetbeta has gifted you 30 cherries!
Bigboialpha has gifted you 350 cherries!
“Bigboialpha!” you squeak, covering your mouth with your hands. “That’s too sweet of you! Did you want to scent me that badly?”
Your chatroom shakes from the force of scrambled messages. You smile, shyly running a finger up and down the slightly swollen scent glands of your wrist. You’ve timed this just right—and just as you thought, your viewers notice too, instantly spamming the boxes with more fervent messages, begging to scent you, begging to be with you, wrap you up in their smells—
(God, you make me want to vomit.)
“If you’re extra good,” you say sweetly, “you could… maybe even…”
You tease show off more of your bare shoulder, showing a pink bra strap. You slightly expose the side of your neck, bringing your fingers up dangerously close to your most sensitive scent glands. Cherry icons flash across the screen and you hold back an excited grin, feet tapping anxiously underneath your desk.
There’s a new flurry of disgusting messages, of big, handsome alphas promising to do all kinds of things to you if you’d let them. You roll your eyes under your mask, holding back curling your lip in disgust as they prattle on about how they’d take care of you, make you feel so, so good and—
“All right, all right, that’s enough teasing, right?” you say. “Everyone, thank you so much for signing on again tonight! If you’re new to my streams, welcome! We’re so happy to have you. I’m lucky to have you. It’s a special night tonight, you know why?”
Gonna come for us on screen?
Face reveal! Face reveal!
Omegachion i would do anything for u
Pls let me touch u
Take off ur jacket
Stfu and let her talk u horn dogs
Fking disgusting dont ruin the stream
Open ur legs, baby girl
“Because!” you say, throwing your arms into the air. You spin once in your chair, showing off the room and stopping right in front of the screen again. “I just got it in the mail today…”
You bring up the sleek red box that’d been waiting to the side of your desk. You beam, showing it off to your viewers. “Tadah! Do you know what this is? It’s a gift from our generous website hosts—a gift for reaching the Gold Status on streaming! Everyone, thank you so much! I couldn’t have done this without you!”
The chatroom pops with congratulations. There’s some demanding comments, ordering for a consolation prize. You skim through them all, smiling a bit at the paragraphs of kind words and thanks. They’re the viewers you wish you could treat with a little more care, give them something a little more for all they do.
“Want to see what the gift was?” you ask. You pop open the lid and show off the gift—a dark red, leather collar coupled with a golden dog tag. It’s a stylish thing, slim fitted and clearly of great quality, there’s a thickened edge to the leather, coupled with a lock and key.
It’s an omega collar.
You smile through your teeth. The stench of the perfume from the box makes you want to wretch, but you hold it for the camera as your viewers beg you to put it on. “Oh, I don’t know… should I?”
You play with it, showing it off to them against the column of your neck. They’re feverish and desperate. 
“I don’t deserve something this nice,” you say, shaking your head.
Don’t cover up that beautiful neck
Dont blueball us
I only want to see u in my collar
“That’s right,” you say innocently. “I don’t want to cover up what belongs to you guys…” you show off your neck to them again, touching with your fingertips your own bonding gland, unmarked and bare. The chatroom is almost unrecognizable, going off into a feeding frenzy.
You turn back to the screen, smiling.
(You’re like babies.)
You drop the box out of view of the camera into your trashcan, kicking it under the table with more force than necessary. You ought to burn the fucking thing but leather probably doesn’t burn well. 
I can’t believe I’m already at 4,000 cherries. You feel excitement replace the disgust, toes curling against your hardwood floor. You got this, amp it up a little bit.
“Since I couldn’t have made it this far without all of you,” you say, touching a hand to your chest and playing with your zipper. “I wanted to do something special—not just this stream! But a nice little event, how does that sound?”
You click your mouse, opening up a new box and icon for your viewers. “Can everyone see the royalty program alright? Yeah? Perfect! If you look, you’ll see the cute little banner we had set up and everything.”
You hold up your phone, smiling beside it. “For these set prices, I’ll be doing a series of special events, just for all of you guys for all the support you’ve given me!”
You point.
“50 cherries and you get a sweet text with a picture from me,” you say. “Each picture will be different, and none of them alike! Keep it between us though, okay? Hehe, I mean it! For 100 cherries, I’ll do a one minute call and for 300 cherries, a three minute call, just with you! For 500, we’ll do a private web-chat session and finally, the big one…”
You smile, “For 1,500 cherries, I’ll be doing a special, in-person meet and greet! How does that sound?”
The reactions are instantaneous.
Cherries already start popping up all over your screen, users filling out the roles and eagerly thanking you for everything while others spit at the prices. You ignore those comments, secretly marking certain users to be blocked. You know the last one is outrageous, how could it not be? Did they think you’d want to meet with any of them? You’d discussed this with several other streamers and they’d all done similar things—this deterred creeps and kept you safe. Usually no one ended up doing the meet and greet. It was too expensive. 
It was foolproof.
I can’t wait to hear your voice
Will it be nudes
I want nudes
Thank you so much for doing this!
“I should be the one thanking you guys!” you squeal. Your eyes dart to the corner of your screen, watching the cherries roll in. Your heartbeat accelerates and you do the quick math in your head. “Oh my goodness! Sitwhereveryoulike, thank you so much for the Cherries! And you too, theprettiestalpha! Thank you!”
As it should be. You grin at the screen, prattling on with sweet words and thanks. You teasingly unzip a little more of your jacket, greedily watching the cherries pop-up all over the screen, trying to make conversation where you can and—
A single chat bubble pops up in the corner. You almost miss the question, but you’re almost certain your eyes don’t betray you. If you hadn’t seen the title so many times, you would’ve blown right past it.
(But you’re a true fan, down to your core, you could never miss a mention of—)
Is your username based on Water Emblem?
“Hello, Kodzu00!” you say quickly, trying to stifle your surprise. “Yes, it is! You must be new to the streams.”
You gesture behind you, smiling shyly at the poster of Varth on the back of your wall. “I’m actually a bit of a fan! I know the series is old and everyone’s excited for the new reboots, but I grew up with the old one.”
Ah, stop right there, don’t keep talking about it. You’re going to lose viewers! Your fingers fly back to your zipper, teasingly dragging it down another inch. You could talk about Water Emblem for hours, but you can’t—this is a stream after all. “Bigboialpha! I guess we’ll be having that private webchat after all… mhm! I’m looking forward to it—huh? What I’ll be wearing? Well…”
You cutely run your fingers up and down the column of your neck, bringing their attention back to your scent glands. “Would you… pick for me?”
You almost gag at the comment suggestions. You watch more cherries roll in—shit, another 500? I might make my goal after all! No, you would make your goal. You have to. The sooner you rake in the dough from these streams, the sooner you could—
For the meet and greet, would it be in person?
You blink, startled by the question. You quickly glance back to the username. Kudzu00 again? “Uh, yes! Yes, it would be~ I’d pick a nice location for us and we’d meet. Wouldn’t that be nice everyone?”
For how long?
Who even is this lol
Damn big bucks
Show us the tits already
Pls sit on my face
Your outfit is so cute today!
You swallow nervously. Calm down. What are you even freaking out for? No one in their right mind was ever going to drop that much money to meet with some stranger from the internet—no one.
“Fifteen minutes,” you say cheerfully, keeping one eye on the chat. Have I seen this user before? “There’s a lot we could do—ah, I mean talk about in fifteen minutes, right?”
Kodzu00 is typing…
The chat bubble disappears. You eye it for a few more seconds before shrugging your shoulders. Shake it off. You needed to keep this celebration stream going. You slyly bring your bare knees up and watch the chat go a little more wild, quick questions being shot about whether or not you’re wearing anything under that jacket. You keep the conversations going, sweetly asking the users about what they’d like to do, what kind of pictures and if—
A bright icon flashes on your screen. You glance over.
Kodzu00 has gifted you 3,000 cherries!
You freeze.
On your monitor the chat continues to fire off. A few people notice the notification. You blink, once, twice, before taking a second glance at the numbers.
3,000 cherries?
The calculation is quick in your head. You’re terribly good with money, sadly. The final statement minus the small deduction for processing appears in your mind’s eye and you balk.
Lol i think u broke her
God damn
Congratulations, Omegachion!
“K-K-Kodzu00!” you say, head spinning. “Thank you so much! Oh—oh my goodness! Thank you so much for your donation!” What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck— “I can’t believe you’d be so generous! Thank you so much! I’m so excited to meet you! Our first meet and greet!”
You quickly try to hold your composure, continuing with the stream. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Finish the show! You laugh, trying not to look at the history of the notification and focusing on your show instead. You thank every piece of good sense inside you for using a mask, hiding the sweat rolling down your face as you teasingly stand up for your audience, bending down a bit.
“Now, how about we end the night with a little… cuddle, hmm?” you say shakily, unzipping your jacket the rest of the way to show off the lacy, soft pink color of your bra. The chat bubbles pop up by the dozens, but you never see even a lick of Kodzu00 again. What the hell? “C’mon, you know how badly I wish you were here to scent me… wrap me up in that smell of yours…”
(Give them what they all want.)
What feels like hours finally passes in a span of minutes and you quickly say goodbye to your watchers, blowing them a kiss and zipping your jacket backup as you finally sign off. You sit there, staring at the screen of your loading page, dumbfounded.
Limply, your finger finds its way to your mouse. You give it a click.
The final total for your earnings tonight appears in a tacky, almost shady colored box. You stare at it in silence.
9,750 Cherries.
Nine…. Nine thousand…
Almost 1,000,000 yen? 
“Yes!” you screech, grabbing your head with your hands as you fly up from your chair. You kick the stupid, plush pink thing aside. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”
This is insane! You almost want to cry in disbelief. This is—this is it! This is what I needed! I’m so close! I’m so close! You know the other streams won’t rake in nearly as much, but this is the final push you needed—if you kept up this kind of participation for another few months, your fees would be nothing! You’d be able to even afford a little extra and get something nice, replace your bathtub and treat yourself to an expensive dinner and all thanks to this stupid job and—
The grand, generous donation of Kodzu00—
You freeze. Your pure, unrestrained elation plummets. Reality clocks you sideways in the face and you slap yourself for being so dumb—how could I even forget? Your eyes dart back to the screen and you pull up the donation history, staring in dark silence at the simple, blaring donation of cherries, already transferred to your account and not even pending and—
Your joy is quickly replaced with something much more dire. You gape at the amount. The award title beside it appears. You stare.
And stare.
A thirty minute meet and greet.
You’d be meeting in person with this person for at least half and hour and—
What the hell?
You power off your screens, flying to your room and kicking the streaming room door shut behind you. You lunge for your bed, scrambling for your laptop, covered in Water Emblem stickers. You pop it open, quickly pulling up your admin account for the streaming sight and accessing your private passwords. You pull up the user history for all your past streams, typing in the username Kodzu00—
You stare at the blank history. The only entry is tonight’s stream. The very first time this user has ever showed up.
Alarm bells start ringing in your head. You pull up your emergency tab, a self-made list of all your red-flag boxes to check in cases like this for your safety. You click on Kodzu00’s account, searching through their profile.
MADE THIS MORNING? You gape in disbelief, staring at the entirely blank profile. It’s even void of an icon for a profile pic. The account was literally made today, just for this stream, and this god damn stranger just gifted you basically 300,000 yen—
This is insane! All your alarm bells nearly fall off their stands. You search for any kind of information, scrambling and double-checking your banned users lists for any potential matches. Was it some creep trying to meet you from before? A stalker? Were they under a different name and made the separate account just to do this to you so they wouldn’t get caught? What’s their deal?
(What’s your selling point for this whole thing?)
You pause, fingers halting over your keyboard.
You’ve had rich donations before. Users with too much time and money on their hands—users you’re gladly willing to take from in the pursuit of a better life for yourself. Your crowd ranges anyway; from nervous, shy little dorks to kind, quiet people looking for company to disgusting, wretched lechers and stupid alphas who like nothing more than little, docile omegas to rub their garbage scent over—
You stare at Kodzu00’s user profile, feeling something bitter and dark and ugly bubble up in the pits of your stomach.
Any person, male or female, who’d be willing to drop that much money to meet with a streamer like you, notorious for what you do, for what you market—can’t be a good person by any means.
They only want one thing.
You grind your teeth, knowing you’ve got no choice but to reap what you sowed. This was the path to quick cash you chose, so you can’t back down now. You’ll just have to do everything in your power to make sure you remain successful.
You close your laptop screen, ripping your stupid mask off your face and tossing it to the side.
You weren’t backing down.
--- (change the channel) ----
You started streaming in high school.
The middle of your last year, to be exact.
It started off simple enough, to be honest. Nothing eventful, nothing worth writing biographies or harrowing documentaries off of. It was another story amidst the thousands in Tokyo’s Metropolitan streets.
By all legal health records and means, you are an omega.
(What does that mean?)
Within Tokyo’s urban and suburban streets, it means a collection of different ideals and social norms. It means nothing to plenty, it means everything to others—to your youthful eyes growing up, it’d just meant you were a little different from some of your other peers, but not isolated, no, never isolated—there were other omegas, after all, despite the smaller population.
You get along with people fine. You make friends fine, have a few crushes, get average enough grades and have a particular fondness for social media—you just live your life on top of having to deal with certain physiological functions others around you may not experience the same.
You think by all means until your last year of high school, that it really does mean nothing. Society is so modern now, people don’t even blink, right? There’s none of those second gender stereotypes or outrageous cult worships—you’re just another person trying to live their life to the fullest.
“A doctor? Are you sure that’s what you want to do?”
You smiled at your teacher in the faculty office. See? Normal—
You stopped.
“See, that’s a great dream,” the teacher said, pointing to your paper. He tapped it, scratching his rough stubble. “But it’s not very realistic with your current standing, you know?”
“You mean my grades? I can work extra hard. They’ve been more than above passing, and what really matters is the entrance exams and testing—”
“Not just that,” he said. He pulled up your student file. He gave you a second look, up and down, and he seemed to find pity in your hopefully confused expression. “Listen, (L/n), here’s the thing—a doctor… is a pretty important position, you know? Very important.”
You nodded like you didn’t already know that. Like you hadn’t been spending the last years of your educational life aspiring toward that goal, that dream.
“They need to be physically… available,” your teacher said. “They have to work outrageous shift hours, they have to work hard on top of that, and then they have to take special medication to regulate their pheromones if they need to, and then the schooling on top of all that is hard work.”
You waited for your teacher to explain why any of those things was supposed to get in the way of your one and only dream of saving lives.
“I’ll make this easy for you to understand, kid,” you teacher said. He taps his nametag, pointing to his little alpha symbol.
“Omegas just don’t become doctors.”
Your dainty, prettily crafted world of normalcy and mundane content shattered around you in one violent, screeching halt.
You smiled at your teacher, nails digging painfully into your thighs.
“I’m sorry?”
“It’s just not a typical job preference,” your teacher said. “Look, you’re not the only one, I promise. There are a few omega doctors, sure, we need them anyway to make things easier or make sense of stuff alpha based doctors or betas might not understand, but the demand isn’t high and the placement is extremely competitive. Trust me, kid. I know.”
You kind of wanted to spit at your teacher that no, this pot-bellied, alpha gym teacher couldn’t possibly know more than you do about trying to break into the medical industry as an omega. But the thing is—what are the statistics? You hardly see any. Every website you’d researched thus far has always been welcoming, nowhere on their platforms or pamphlets saying anything about omegas being doctors or not and—
You froze.
“Everyone is welcome!” the videos all said. “Everyone is encouraged to try!”
“This is the real truth,” your teacher said. “They’ll all tell you you can do it because they’re not allowed to discriminate or turn anyone away. They’ll let you do whatever you want, but when it really comes down to the acceptances or not? You’ll just get turned away and you’ll have wasted all that time for nothing.
“Omegas aren’t considered suitable candidates for doctors,” your teacher said. “That market tends to go to betas, believe it or not. A nice little mediator.”
Your teacher tossed your career planning forms onto a stack of dozens. You stared at it, smiling continuously with your fingers digging harder into your thighs. He sighed, waving a hand.
“You should shoot for a hospital receptionist,” your teacher said. “It’s the next best thing, right? Or you could teach biology at a school instead. You might even be able to get by as a school nurse—”
“I’m going to apply to medical school.”
Your teacher stopped, looking at you.
You smiled back at him.
(Being an omega was supposed to stop you?)
What a load of shit.
“I don’t really care about anything else,” you said. “I’ve wanted to become a doctor my whole life. If people say I can’t do it because of something they can’t even see, then I’m still going to do it. They can’t stop me.”
Your teacher stared at you for a few minutes. He leaned back in his chair, considering his next words before he finally said—
“You got the money?”
You stopped.
Your family is pitifully lower middle class. Your parents make enough to pay the bills, afford a vacation every now and then, and just get by fair enough without being too stressed—but small issues, like your own medical costs for heat suppressants or a flat tire can easily set your family back several paychecks.
No, you don’t have money for medical school. You’d already known that looking at all the pamphlets. But there were scholarships and stipends and loans—
“If you want to waste your time with this pipe dream, it’s not my job to stop you,” he said, pointing to your career form. “It’s not really ethical either, so don’t come back and file any lawsuits against me. But your medical schools don’t offer many scholarships, and the ones they do aren’t going to go to that one, average ranking omega they’d rather not even have to worry about.”
Your teacher shrugged.
“Go ahead and be a doctor, kid, but you’re going to need money to do it.”
(This is the reality. People are not equal. Being an omega means—)
Means what?
-- ---- (change the channel) ----
You remember laying in your bed that night, scrolling mindlessly through random social media outlets. You’d spent the last several hours searching extensively for any and all scholarships you might even remotely be able to apply for, but none of them seemed willing to help an omega into their waiting hospital wings—your best bet was going to be taking out a loan. Several. That’s on top of cram school costs, textbooks, entrance fees and whether or not I can pass the exam—
No, you would. You had too. You weren’t about to let some stupid, invisible consensus a group of people somewhere or another had decided on stop you.
“Thank you again for the generous donations! You guys are too good to me!”
You’d paused, staring at your bright screen. One of the streamers you followed from time to time—he was an omega, cute and docile and in all honesty, probably the picture perfect cookie cutter definition of one. He always posted great tips on fashion or about cute cafes he enjoyed, and always seemed to be proud of the fact that he was an omega despite how cringingly he played into the stereotypes—
You glanced at his caption, freezing in disbelief.
Designer bags littered his floor. He showed off his pretty watch, batting his lashes at the camera, talking about how the donations from last night’s stream helped him live a good, cushiony life, making him feel like he was being taken care of even without an alpha by his side.
You’d stalked his account almost religiously for the next few weeks, watching his streams, watching the way he… flaunted his nature as an omega. Your parents had always told you you were fine the way you were, but being an omega had never been something to be proud of—you’d just preferred to act like a beta more than anything else. What was the point? To some extent, your teacher was right, there were no benefits to being an omega except—
“Thank you again for all your donations!”
You pulled up your laptop, searching extensively for every little obscure article you could find on the nature of streaming services. You’d never taken social media outlets that seriously, always looked at influencers and vloggers with a grain of salt—you were aspiring to be a full-time heart surgeon after all, but if there was actually something...reasonable behind the way all these people would act, proudly showing off the fact that they were omegas in exchange for something monetary…
(Did people enjoy this?)
Yeah you can make money from it, lol.
You stared at the internet thread, blinking in disbelief.
One user amongst thousands in the thread had responded to your question.
Ppl always keep saying that omegas are this and that. Society likes to paint a pretty picture of what we call equality. Ads and those videos u watch in school and stuff, they all tell u you can be whatever u want to be if u try, but that’s not rlly the truth. The only thing they were honest about was that you’d have to work hard for what you want in life.
You scrolled down.
You have to do the research on ur own and find respectable sites. I can give u recommendations, but u have to kind of get yourself prepared for what you’re signing up for too. Everyone likes to go on television and talk about how all three genders are the same, but we’re not. It’s not even just whether ur female or male anymore, everyone always finds something to pick at, don’t they?
U might get hate for it but whatever, those people who sit on a nicer chair than you and don’t pay your bills don’t get to criticize you for what you want to do and how u do it.
They always tell us we can’t do things because we’re omegas. That we have to be a certain way because we’re omegas and we’re only good for one thing.
So just give them what they want.
And suck them dry.
You remember clearly, that night, pulling up the user’s account and shooting them the message that would change your life.
What sites do you recommend for beginners?
Youcanruletheworld is typing…
----- (change the channel) -----
You triple check all your items, rearranging them on your bed in front of you.
Your outfit is cute, matching your streamer personality but remaining modest enough to keep you protected from unwanted attention. You’ll be wearing a face mask on top of it, just for the extra mile too. You’d already reached out to this Kodzu00 and sent them the notification for where to meet and when, and what you’d look like so they’d be able to find you. Wisely, as always, you picked a neutral location—an extremely popular cafe two hours away from your house just to be safe.
Safety alarm—check. Pepper spray, check. Pheromone repellent, check. Emergency contact button, check. Location synced devices and emergency heat suppressant pills on top of—
You stare at the last item. It comes special with the standard emergency omega safety kit—you almost spit at the name—it’s a quick, easy attachable lock-on collar to protect your bonding glands in the case of an unruly and disgusting attack.
You want to call it ridiculous.
(Behind your eyes you see the comments scrolling over the glowing screen. You see the leering words and the lecherous promises and the disgusting sentences that rattle your brain and make you stand a minute longer in the shower, fingernails digging into your skin—)
You don’t say anything, zipping the bag closed and taking all your items with you.
---- (change the channel) -----
Thirty minutes, it’s just thirty minutes, you can do this. You aggressively slurp on your straw, furiously dogging the cafe patrons with your eyes, keeping them narrowed and peeled for anyone who ought to fit the bill over what you were expecting to meet today. Thirty minutes.
The black iced coffee with an added two shots isn’t doing anything to calm your nerves, but it’s doing everything you need to keep yourself pumped and ready to go at a moment’s notice. The cafe is busy, just as always, with people swarming left and right, in and out—this creep won’t be able to do any of their normal creep tendencies in a place like this.
You bite your straw, tapping your feet under the table.
Alright, Kodzu00, do your worst. I’m leaving here after the thirty and I’m taking the cash with me—
“Excuse me,” you stop, mouth hovering and open over your near chewed through straw, “are you… uh… Omegachion?”
Hearing your streamer username in real life makes you both want to gag and sigh in happiness. The username was arguably the only way for you to feel remotely sane logging into the streaming service every time for your scheduled program because Water Emblem got you through anything, including all the cram sessions to get into medical school.
Your eyes swing rapidly to your right, moving your head so fast you take your straw with you. 
Ice coffee drips onto the table.
The young man standing in front of you is… is, truthfully, not what you expected. Okay, sure, weirdos on the internet come in all shapes and sizes, but to your own bias, you’ve crafted a bit of a face for the specific types of users who flood your streams. He narrowly passes even an inch of those ideas, with the slightly messy hair, the baggy clothes that look like all he does is stay in front of his computer all day and the dark lines under his eyes, but other than that—
He’s a lean young man, from what you can barely tell, underneath the baggy black sweatshirts and the sleek black joggers, lined in white with a logo you don’t recognize. There’s a dark cap on top of his head as well, and he’s sporting a simple black face mask, just like you—the most color the damn guy has is the bleached blonde tips still growing out past his roots, spilling a bit past his shoulders while the rest is gathered back into a bun.
In an instant you quickly size him up—the guy’s probably only a few inches taller than you and he can’t be that much older or younger, somewhere probably around your age.
You pluck out your straw. He squints faintly at you, holding his phone, glancing back at his screen and then back to you and shifting, albeit uncertainly. He looks like he’d rather be anywhere else but here right now.
“You’re,” you start, “uh, you’re Kodzu00?”
“Yes,” he says. “That’s… me.”
You stare.
He stares right back.
(His golden eyes are almost like slits, you realize, a bit stunned, they drip gold and heather.)
He has pretty eyes.
“It’s,” he says, awkward, not sounding friendly at all, “...nice to meet you…”
And then reality comes back, this time with a spinning roundhouse right to your face.
This is the guy who just dropped money to come and meet you here today.
This guy.
You stare at him in disbelief.
Kodzu00 stands there in front of you, looking as though he wished he could melt right through the floor and disappear. He slowly starts to make his way into the chair opposite of you, pulling it out and taking a seat, setting his phone down beside him like it’s a lifeline and—
Your eyes bulge at the sight of his watch. You know how much that watch costs.
Your alarm bells start firing off again. For a brief moment, unease colors your scent, lightly flooding the area until you instantly reel it back in. Kodzu00 glances up at you for a second but you keep your face calm and friendly, quickly slipping back into your streamer personality, your best mask and first line of defense against whatever the hell this weirdo wants with you and time is ticking—
Before you can even utter a single word, Kodzu00 pulls down his mask.
(He’s… well, he’s not bad looking either, in a… weird kind of way.)
“Look, I need to clear the air first and get this on the table,” he says it a bit quickly, despite the low, almost uncaring inclination to his tone. You blink at him. The tips of his ears are staining pink beneath the fading streaks of blonde and he continues, “I’m not here for your streams.”
You blink.
You stare at him, dumbfounded and hopelessly confused.
“I’ve never even seen them before until last night,” he says just as quickly, looking embarrassed to even utter those words. “Let’s get that straight, okay? So I’m not… here for… that.”
“That?” you say like a robot.
He looks more and more uncomfortable, but he presses on, whispering quickly over the table, “Yeah. I’m not here for… that. So… you can… uh… just be normal, I guess.”
You stare at Kodzu00, the man who’s just payed off nearly the last of your student loans in debt, who’s only here in front of you today because he got in touch with you through one of those very streams which very much markets that, which is meant to appeal to all the what-nots who just want to see an omega bat her eyelashes and act like an omega, to feel comforted or have their egos stroked and—
“I don’t watch any streams like that,” he adds for good measure. “I don’t. One of my viewers reached out to me because… well… because they watched your streams and noticed something and mentioned it to me, so I wanted to check it out myself.”
Oh my god. You sit there in the middle of the bustling cafe. Am I about to die? This is it, isn’t it. Kodzu00 is actually some kind of crazy internet stalker or person and you’re about to get stabbed right across the cafe table and this will be the end, you’ll never even get to save anyone’s life or help anyone and their bad hearts or do anything beyond your stupid streams and that’s all you’ll be remembered for.
“Kodzu00 is just a name I made for that night,” he says quickly. “Online I run a gaming channel under the user Kodzuken—you can just call me Kenma though. Kenma Kozume.”
“Uh,” you say. “Kucina. You can call me Kucina.” You are not giving your real name out to this stranger who can potentially threaten your entire standing in your medical career and out you for the unethical nature of how you’ve been procuring money to pay your school fees—
Kenma briefly pauses, eyes flickering up to you. He looks a bit pleased with your choice of alias but quickly glances back to his phone. You feel, strangely, a little… a little happy too.
Wait, wait, wait. No, this guy is a weirdo and don’t forget that he’s a complete stranger online claiming to be a game streamer and—
“The only reason I’m here today is for this,” he says, pulling out his phone. You instantly grow wary, inching back a bit from the table. There’s a bit of excitement finally creeping into his otherwise mundane voice, and it’s giving you the spooks. Kenma taps, quickly navigating his screen before he pulls up one blurred, pixelated image and turns his screen to show it to you.
“Why is this a screenshot of my room?” you say roughly, narrowing your eyes at him. You point to the screen shot of your streaming room and your face caught mid-speech, making you look dumb. “What are you trying to—”
“It’s not that,” he says, sounding a bit stressed out by this whole ordeal. He looks visibly uncomfortable with the image of you, only in your bright pink bra and you raise an eyebrow at him, suspicious as he zooms in and quickly moves the screen to—
“This,” he says, fervent, almost reverent actually, “is what I wanted to talk to you about.”
Carefully, still suspicious, you lean over the table and look closer at his phone screen. You follow his finger, quickly recognizing your bookshelf, your posters, and then right beside Kenma’s fingertip is—
You blink.
You know exactly what he’s pointing to.
You also know exactly what it looks like in perfect detail despite the blurry picture. It’s a large box, big enough to hold against your chest, sleek white and blue, with silver lettering line in a kind of glowing, aqua teal—the cover art for the product had been top of the line, complete with an engraved metal clasp that opened up to reveal an entire, glossy artbook, coupled with a cd of the game’s soundtrack and also—
“Water Emblem’s Special Anniversary Edition?”
“Yes!” he almost shouts. You jump. Kenma quickly gestures to his screen, to your room and your game and points at it with fervor. His eyes are actually shiny, you stare at him, a little in awe. “Do you know what this is?”
“Of course I do!” you say, offended. “I own the game. It’s Water Emblem: Light Dragon! Personally my favorite game in the entire franchise and the game that really got the series into the world market—it’s part of what started its entire cult following. This is the special edition that came out years ago, wow, I can’t believe it’s been so long! I remember waiting in line for it and—”
“That’s exactly it!” Kenma says, throwing his hands up into hair, grabbing it beneath his cap. You blink at him, getting a little excited. “This game—this particular edition re-launched for one night of sales only in the creator’s hometown and here in Tokyo! It came with a companion edition and most people were only able to get one or the other because it was sold on opposite ends of Japan!”
“Yeah!” you say. “I know! I stayed with relatives in the summer and timed it out so I could grab it! They only sold so little copies… that was the best night of my life, I couldn’t believe it, even though the game didn’t seem to do that well at first until later…”
“Because no one respected the greatness of the game back then,” Kenma says bitterly. You nod. “Now everyone knows but the rest of the editions have all either been trashed or are kept by collectors somewhere else, I’ve been searching for years for a copy that was at least still playable, even without the extra goods—”
“But the goods are the best part!” you shout in disbelief. Kenma looks at you like your crazy. “The art book, the soundtrack, the interview with the creator—they all play their part in bringing the game to life!”
“This is what I wanted to discuss with you,” Kenma says seriously, lacing his fingers nervously together and staring you down across the table. You suddenly feel uneasy, unnerved by the piercing, golden gaze.
“You own what might very well be one of the last, in-tact, best kept qualities of this edition in Japan,” Kenma says. “When this edition and its counterpart launched, the second issue, the black one—it came with a playable DLC code that can only be activated when you have its partner code and it unlocks an entirely new, almost never played secret storyline that’s supposed to reveal another part of the story—”
“I heard about that,” you say in disbelief. “But I thought it was just an online rumour because no one ever proved it or could figure out the code…”
“Because no one could figure it out,” Kenma says, getting the loudest you’ve heard him since. You stare at him with wide, round eyes. “But recently because of the work I’ve been doing, I was able to meet with the creator—”
Kenma furiously motions for you to shush. You clasp your hands over your mouth, watching him with round, adoring eyes, sparkling in disbelief. This guy right here in front of you got to meet your hero—the envy and awe collide altogether, rumbling up and—
(Your heart starts to do something a little funny in your chest.)
Who even is this guy?
“He gave me a hint and I was able to find the code in the other edition,” Kenma says, quickly pushing his phone to you to show a picture and you blink, eyes shiny. “Which I currently own because I was able to secure one when it came out in Tokyo. But your edition is the last part I need to unlock the unplayable path.”
This guy… you lean back in your chair, unable to stop the excited tap of your feet. This guy—he loves Water Emblem. He’s crazy for it! I don’t know anyone except people online who like it this much and he’s…
“That’s why,” Kenma coughs suddenly, becoming smaller in his seat. You stare at him with a raised brow. “I needed… to get in touch… with you.”
You blink, remembering the whole reason the two of you were even meeting in the first place.
Your cheeks grow hot, bright red in a flash of rare embarrassment. Kenma’s ears are just as red, but he pretends it’s not even happening, continuing on.
“Why didn’t you just… message me,” you squeak out, feeling more and more mortified that this man has literally paid you thousands just to be here and… it’s not even… a scam. It’s about your favorite thing ever. Water Emblem! “Instead of… my streams…”
“That was the only way I knew how to contact you,” Kenma says, looking a bit defensive. “I told you, I’ve never seen your streams before. One of my viewers told me and you keep everything private, so this felt like my only chance.”
You open your mouth, feeling more and more uncomfortable but Kenma sweeps in, “Keep the money. It… works out better this way anyway.”
You stare at him in confusion.
Kenma taps his phone again, right back at your picture. He stares at you with wide, piercing eyes, leaning across the table and quickly saying, reverent and eager—
“I want to buy your game from you.”
Today, sitting here beside you in your bag, are fully equipped items to try and protect you from the creepy, deranged, rich stranger you’d been about to meet. Today, you were fully expecting to unleash a fury building up inside of you over an injustice you can’t tackle on your own in your society on some poor, unsuspecting alpha—
Here, sitting in front of you, is a self-claimed internet game streamer, who wants to buy your… special edition… game?
“You want…” you say, slowly, making sure you don’t have this wrong, “...my game?”
He nods.
You open your mouth. It closes. You open it again, raise a finger, and then press your lips together, staring at him.
“I’m sorry,” you say finally. “What?”
“This might be my only chance ever to play the game,” Kenma continues, pulling up another tab and clicking away at his phone. He tucks a strand of blonde behind his ear and the action is almost endearing to you until the reality of his words slowly starts to creep into the forefront. “I’ve never found another edition like yours, and it seems like it’s in perfect condition too. I’d be willing to buy it at complete full, current market price—”
“Market price?” you say in disbelief. “How much is my game going for?”
Kenma looks at you in blatant disbelief. You raise a critical brow at him.
Wordlessly he turns his phone back over to you and you glance down—
You almost fall out of your chair. Kenma doesn’t look impressed, hunkering back down and taking his phone as you spin, head swirling at the numbers and figures, math flying around in your head at the sudden realization that all that money could literally be yours, that the game you love so much is worth that much, that all that money, all that money you’ve been trying so desperately to scrape for could just—just fall into your lap—
You could pay off all your loans with that kind of money. You could… you could stop streaming with that kind of money, finally wash your hands of it and get back on track and hardly have to worry as you work toward the job of your dreams and… 
“I want to buy your game.”
Your heart quiets. The fancy dreams stop. You sit there in the chair, head buzzing with the reality of what he’s asking of you.
He wants to buy your game.
Your game.
And you think then, about a moment far away from this one. About a time when the books and papers crowding around you made you feel like drowning, about lonely summers and arguments bouncing off the rooms around you, and a time where there was nothing else but that loading screen and that game to take you away from all of it…
(The game that you’ve kept all these years, loved all these years, because it…)
“I’d be willing to pay whatever works best for you,” Kenma continues, the excitement is low in his quiet voice and his eyes sparkle as he shows you his phone. “I can even pay upfront in cash, have a fund drawn up or—”
“I’m really sorry.”
It’s the first time in a long time you’ve ever felt the need to apologize to anyone. Not when the whole world has been treating you like the sorry sack for so long.
Kenma glances up. His expression is calm, unreadable, but you get the feeling he can see right through you so you stare at the tabletop instead.
“I don’t know…” you start. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to sell that game to you.”
(He doesn’t seem like a bad guy.)
Anyone that talks about Water Emblem with as much love in his voice as he does can’t be, not at all by your books. His methods of getting to you here today might’ve been outrageous and roundabout, but you’re not really doing things the normal way either, so who are you to judge?
But that game…
You risk a glance up. You stop, staring in surprise when Kenma doesn’t look the slightest bit outraged or tense or anything. He looks just a bit disappointed, but the only thing you really see is understanding and something like a bit of grudging envy, a warmth in his gaze you don’t think is particularly meant for you but still comes through regardless.
“I was,” Kenma admits, a bit quiet. “Worried that would be the case.”
“Do you want,” you start quickly. Kenma looks at you. “Do you want to, uh, see it, at least? Take a look… see if it’s even in the condition you want?”
(You just… you can’t sell it, but you don’t want this conversation to end. It’s been so long since you’ve talked with anyone about this game, it’s felt so long since you talked to anyone in general and…)
Maybe, just maybe.
(You feel a little desperate.)
“Uh,” Kenma says, awkward. “Is that… fine?”
“Well, sure!” you say, hoping you don’t sound too eager. “Of course it isn’t a problem! I mean, I know we just met, but you seem pretty legit and I can just check you out later—plus, I’m perfectly capable of handling myself, even against an—”
You stop, sniffing the air. Kenma doesn’t look bothered, but he rubs the back of his neck.
And you realize, suddenly, you haven’t smelled a single damn thing because Kenma Kozume is—
A beta.
---- (change the channel) ----
The entire way back to your apartment, Kodzu00, or as you now know him, Kenma Kozume, complains.
He does it quietly, but he still complains.
“We could just take a taxi,” Kenma says, quiet and unhappy when you start making your way toward the train station. “I can pay for it…”
“It’s easy to remember an address but tough to remember a bunch of stations and stops,” you say, ignoring his offer. Kenma follows, unhappy but he still follows. It’s kind of cute.
He walks with a bit of a hunch, you notice. Like he’s doing everything he can to remain out of everyone’s vision, but he watches, careful and observant because he avoids people before they have the chance to bump into him, glancing this way and that and picking things out with particular ease.
Kenma doesn’t look very confident, but he’s comfortable. You stand there beside him on the train, calmly holding onto the railing while he taps away at his phone beside you, sighing every now and then. He’s different, you realize, very different, from what you’ve become accustomed to when it comes to the kinds of people you let surround you for the sake of money.
You almost want to say it’s because he’s a beta, but you feel that’s a disservice in all its entirety. Maybe Kenma will turn out to be a snob of some kind. The guy’s strangely loaded.
You sneak searches on your phone, paling at the articles about him that come up, about stocks and investments and companies and you realize in seconds, this guy is completely and utterly the real deal.
But despite everything, Kenma still does as you ask. He lets you lead as you navigate the string of trains to get back home, doesn’t ask any questions, only comments on the occasional thing, and the entire affair is two hours, but he doesn’t even blink.
Either he really, really wants this game, you think, or he’s just weird.
Quiet, weird, but fairly quaint, and you’re a little alarmed by how much you… like that.
(You’re a weird guy.)
A rude, burly man makes a pass at you on the last train home, breathing down your neck and letting his greasy fingers try to slide against yours on the same railing handle. Kenma makes a face, eyes narrowed into slits in disgust and he quickly looks at you, blinking at your unbothered, nonchalant expression.
His scent wafts over you, thick and uninviting. Alpha. You rub your nose, inhaling your own familiar scent. Kenma looks more and more uncomfortable, shifting from foot to foot, starting to lean your way and scanning for open seats when you calmly turn to the man directly behind you, meeting him dead in the eye.
“Get,” you say calmly, digging your fingernails into his skin, threatening to draw blood—the man stiffens, he pales, surprised, startled by your confrontation— “The fuck away from me before I scream.”
He scurries back, shouldering past people in seconds. A few people shoot him disgusted looks, glancing your way in pity—but you ignore all of them too. They didn’t care seconds ago when they knew what he was doing, if you hadn’t done anything, they wouldn’t have either.
That’s just how it goes.
“Sorry,” you say, even though you probably shouldn’t. You look at Kenma, lips curling a bit. “I was expecting to meet a guy like that today instead of you. I think all that pent up anger and anxiety needed to go somewhere.”
Kenma opens his mouth, closes it, stays quiet for what feels like minutes and then he starts up again.
“You don’t really act the same way you do on your streams, do you?”
“Of course not,” you say. “If I acted like that in real life—no offense to anyone who does though—I’d probably lose my shit.”
Kenma sniffs. He doesn’t say anything after that, and you quaintly let your shoulder brush against his ever other jostle of the train.
(It’s been awhile since you’ve been around anyone. It feels nice.)
---- (change the channel) -----
Kenma balks for a bit at the front door of your apartment, but you quickly usher him inside, kicking your shoes off into the entryway and flying inside. He toes off his own shoes, eyes scanning briefly around the entryway, around your home—it’s neat, he realizes, even if he wasn’t sure what to expect. You keep it clean enough, but there’s bits and pieces where your life slips through, making it feel lived in. You keep plants in the corner, healthy and well but you’ve got a few dishes still sitting in the sink.
He guesses he wasn’t really sure what he was expecting to begin with. 
Kenma pauses for a second, rubbing his nose. He looks uncomfortable, eyes flickering around your apartment and back to you, but you’re already steps ahead of him, too excited to pass a chance like this up.
“It’s in my streaming room,” you say, “come on.”
Kenma follows warily behind you.
You almost kick the door to your room open in your haste, unable to stop the ecstatic beating of your heart as you scramble toward the back. Kenma pauses a minute, sniffing the air again. He glances behind him, back toward where your bedroom is left ajar and then to your streaming room. He looks a bit thoughtful for a moment, but quietly keeps it to himself, slipping inside and lightly closing the door politely after him.
(He’s not one to snoop, but he’s here, it’s not like he can’t look.)
Kenma tries very, very carefully not to consider the fact that he had seen you on that screen only a few nights before, and tries even harder not to remember what you’d been doing and how you’d look. He hyper focuses instead on the stand-out merch that becomes very, very clear to him.
He’s almost amazed your users haven’t said anything more about this—maybe it’s because of your camera angle.
Poster after poster of Water Emblem decorates the entire side of your wall. Kenma finds himself instantly drifting up to it, spotting your shelf in record time. He scans the collection of game titles, eyes growing brighter and brighter as he ghosts a finger over the well-kept discs and the old games…
“You play a lot,” Kenma says, quiet, glancing your way.
“I used to be a bit of a shut-in because I had to study,” you say, squatting down beside your other shelf and moving a few books aside. He finds himself watching the way you tuck your hair behind your ear and smile. “They were great breaks for me and helped keep me company. I’m not as social as people think, so it’s nice.”
Kenma considers your words. He looks at you, trying to reconcile the image he’d had of you from your stream with what he’d been witnessing all day today—how different it all was.
(If he’s honest, he’d been expecting to deal with someone different.)
“Do you do PC games too?” he asks. What are you doing?
“I’m not as familiar with them compared to console games,” you admit. “After exams I might try though. Got any to recommend?”
Kenma does. Plenty. He could go on but he doesn’t even know where to start, turning from your games to try to look at you again and think about how strange this entire meeting is, how different from what he’d been expecting. It reminds him of his meeting with Hinata, sudden and vibrant and impossible to categorize, left—
Pleasantly surprised.
“What happened to your chair?”
“What, the pink one?” you glance over your shoulder, noticing where Kenma’s looking toward your streaming station. “I shove it into the closet when I’m not using it. Sometimes the color hurts my eyes.”
Kenma looks at you like you’re crazy.
“...You keep two chairs?”
“Well, the chair’s mostly for looks anyway,” you say. “Some people like that kind of simple stuff. It’s a nice contrast, you know? Sweet and spicy, I guess? My boss said something like that. My ratings are good so I don’t complain.”
Kenma considers your words. He looks at your station, almost engulfed with stacks and stacks of what he can easily recognize as textbooks. Biology, medical tech, chemistry—all of it nearly crushing the fuzzy bunny mask you’d been wearing on the stream.
Kenma takes it all into his head and he looks again at your small back.
“...Do you even like your job?”
“It’s not my job,” you say. “My job is studying and working at the athletics complex to try to help figure out ways to help people stay in shape, take care of themselves and be better. This is just… part-time.”
You pause, staring at your shelves. It feels weird to be saying this outloud, but it’s nice too. It’s refreshing. You think you can take advantage of it anyway, what if you never even meet this guy again? You hardly know him, he probably doesn’t care.
“And I guess,” you say, a bit quieter. “Sometimes it’s kind of rewarding… sometimes people are nice, you know?”
Kenma says nothing, watching your back. You rub your neck and then finally beam, pulling free the reason for all of this.
You cradle the box in your hands. It’s weighty. You run your fingers over it and stand up, turning proudly to Kenma, beaming from ear to ear and—
You almost jump back in surprise, near squeaking. Your ears almost flash red in embarrassment at how close Kenma is all of a sudden, sneaking up right behind you with shiny, adoring eyes as he stares at the box in your hands, looking at it in awe and disbelief.
“Can I see it?” he asks reverently.
Your heart swells in happiness and you eagerly nod, handing it over to him.
Kenma receives the gift with care. He runs his fingers over it, carefully, as though afraid to even leave a single print behind before he pops the metal engraved latch and opens it up.
You and Kenma sigh together in unison, swooning at the sight.
“It’s amazing,” Kenma says.
“I know.”
“I can’t believe I’m seeing it in person.”
“I know!”
“You took great care of it.”
“I—” you flush at the praise, wilting a bit. “I-uh, thanks…”
“Can I see you play it?” Kenma says suddenly, looking almost desperate. You freeze. He looks up at you, expression completely different from his near lifeless one. His face is vibrant and full of excitement, thrumming just under the surface of his nonchalance. “The loading screen even? I—I have to see what it looks like logged in and—”
“I...actually can’t,” you say quietly, embarrassed. Kenma looks confused.
“I… I sold the console for it,” you say, feeling more and more guilty to finally have to admit one of your biggest regrets. Kenma pauses, expression quieting as he looks at you. You stare at the floor, trying not to look at the computer and web camera sitting in the corner. “I needed to buy some stuff… so I had to sell it in. I still kept a lot of the games, thinking I’d buy another one when I got the chance…”
You ruffle the back of your head, trying to quell the stifling scent of embarrassment that tries to escape you. You rub your wrists. Kenma’s eyes are briefly drawn to the action before he looks at you, still holding your game. You bow your head a little. “Um, if you want though, you can take it to your place and see—it absolutely will still work. I can just, take something to make sure you don’t run off or I can just—”
“Do you want to come over and use mine?”
You pause, looking at Kenma, dumbfounded.
Kenma stares right back at you. You can’t read a single inch of his face.
“We can use my place,” Kenma says, calm, unbothered. Your eyes grow round. “I really… really want to see the game in action… it’ll probably be more fun to see you play it anyway first.”
“Is that,” you start, uncharacteristically shy. “...okay?”
Kenma wordlessly nods.
(Your heart does something a little funny. You just write it off as an exaggeration. You’re such a sad sack.)
“Um!” Kenma looks up. You flush, hating how embarrassed you feel, hating how much of your bravado is missing, but you almost stutter out, “I-It’s (L/n) by the way… (L/n) (Y/n)...”
“... okay,” Kenma says. “It’s nice to meet you, (L/n).”
--- (change the chanel) ---
“You know, Kenma,” Kuroo said once, leaning back on the train ride home as Kenma tapped away at the buttons on his console. “For all you say and stuff, you’re pretty good at putting all the pieces together, aren’t you?”
--- (change the chanel) ---
One month.
Non-stop, several days a week, for hours on end—that’s how long the two of you play the game together.
You nearly miss streams, spend hours at Kenma’s house, laughing when you come to find him half-asleep in his sheets, barely rolling out to come greet you and instead just buzzing you in. You think it’s insane—how quickly this… this thing builds. You think you ought to be dreaming, but you don’t really want it to end.
(You’ve gone too long without anyone to laugh like this with.)
 You pull late-nighters that are terrible for your complexion, eat take-out like you’re cramming for exams all over again, laughing while Kenma quietly watches and scrolling through Water Emblem merchandise and fan bases and—
You spend time with him. With Kenma. You spend hours and days and what feels like endless forever and fun. It’s so sickeningly amazing you almost don’t believe it’s real. Sometimes you two argue, getting into heated spats over calls on how to move your characters, critiquing each other’s moves and then laughing when the other fails, sometimes it’s outright cheers from you while Kenma nods in satisfaction when you clear another mission and proceed forward and—
You haven’t even been alive that long, but compared to everything else, it almost feels like the best moment of your life.
“I did an entire episode on why moving this character is better than the rest,” Kenma mutters one day beside you. “I’m telling you, we need to deploy them. They’re wasted as an adjutant.”
You pause beside Kenma, blinking at his massive screen. You stare at your hands, and then you look at Kenma, blinking again in realization.
And in all this sudden time you’ve spent with him, you realize you’ve never seen one of his streams.
--- (change the chanel) ---
“Uh, hey everyone, thanks for stopping by again.”
You snort. Kenma doesn’t look the slightest bit at ease, his small face-view camera appearing in the corner of your screen as the old stream starts. It’s only of his earliest ones, the one where he replayed Water Emblem for his channel.
“I like this game a lot… it’s the one I always wanted to do a stream for… so I hope you enjoy it too.”
Is that it, dude? You laugh, shaking your head and kicking your legs out as Kenma gets the loading screen started and adjusts his chair. His camera shakes a bit and everything about the video attests to its age and its novelty. It makes you smile. He must’ve come a long way from these videos to the freaking multi-millionaire he was now.
(He worked hard.)
At first the show starts off rather quiet, maybe a bit awkward. Kenma hardly talks, quietly playing through the beginning sequences of the game and only commenting once or twice on the music or graphics. It’s kind of nice, peaceful, just watching someone go through the familiar motions until the real first part of the game starts and then—
“I never get tired of this part.”
You pause at his voice, glancing to the corner of the screen. Kenma’s eyes glow. He smiles, low, small and quiet, and he leans so far forward, almost out of his seat as he starts to play, quietly talking, describing the things he’s doing, the parts of the game he’s in love with and—
You roll over onto your side, watching the stream. Everytime Kenma mutters something under his breath you laugh, when he flubs you grimace, when he succeeds—you cheer, kicking your heels into the air. It’s really like playing the game all over again—even if the comments say he hardly shows any emotion, you can see it.
Kenma Kozume loves this game.
He loves what he does.
The thought makes you pause, staring quietly at the screen.
The dark corner of your room looks a little bigger. The quietness is a little louder. You lay there in your bed, watching Kenma thank everyone for watching with a sigh, giving the game a second glance, like he’s thinking of playing more even though he said he’d stop and—
Your alarm nearly startles you out of bed. You quickly glance over, shooting up in realization.
“My stream,” you murmur, dropping your phone and hurrying to your video room. “Gotta do… my stream…”
Your eyes glance back to your phone. You stare at the dark screen.
“Do you even like what you do?”
You shake your head, closing the door behind you.
--- (change the chanel) ---
“Thanks again everyone for coming! Your favorite omega is going to be lonely without you~”
The screen clicks, turning off.
You sit there in your plush, bright pink chair. Your open jacket hangs on either side of you, revealing your bikini for the beach theme you were going with today. The video room is near silent, save for the soft, quiet hum of your computer running while your monitor blinks, turning to a save screen.
Your game sits in your lap, carefully cradled by your hands. Off to the side is a thorough stack of medical textbooks you still owe money on. You were planning on studying for your test tomorrow after the stream tonight.
You run your fingers over the amazing edges of the collector’s box. You thumb every part of it, retracing the familiar memories, even the small little dent in the corner when you dropped it the first night you got it and almost cried.
You hold it there in your hands. It feels so, so warm, even though you think that shouldn’t really be possible.
There, in the darkness of your video room you sit. Quiet in the near-silence, head lowered, gently running your fingers over it, again and again.
Kenma’s lulling voice is the only thing you hear, playing over his stream, and you shut your eyes, bringing your knees and the box up to your chest. It jabs your ribs, sits uncomfortable, but you don’t really care.
“Do you even like what you do?”
(What I’m doing now, at least… yeah, I do. I really do.)
--- (change the chanel) ---
(L/n) is typing...
Hey, can we talk? 
It’s nothing important, let’s just meet up for dinner if you’re free!
Is that fine?
Kenma is typing...
Location sent.
Let’s go here. I’ll make reservations.
Okay! :)
(Y/n) is typing…
(Y/n) stopped typing.
--- (change the chanel) ---
The place Kenma picks is some ridiculously nice looking Japanese Restaurant. It’s dimly lit and elegant and fancier than anything you’re used to, and you’re not really sure why he picks it until he orders for both of you and then the wagyu comes out and you know.
Seeing the steak, knowing you’ll get a good meal—it kind of makes this whole thing a lot easier.
Kenma sits comfortably on the floor right across from you. It’s a small, private room he’s rented out for the both of you. He’s dressed in the usual—baggy sweatshirts and athletic but comfortable joggers, and his hair is pulled back a little more neatly tonight as he pours tea for you and then for himself.
“This smells so good,” you say, mouth watering as you pick up the smooth, fancy wooden chopsticks. “Mind if I start?”
“Go ahead,” Kenma says. He leans back, picking up his spoon to dig into his own soup first. “What did you want to talk about?”
“The game,” you say around a mouthful of wagyu. It melts like butter on your tongue. “I’m going to give it to you.”
Kenma freezes, looking up at you in shock. His spoon clutters back into his bowl.
“What?” Kenma says.
“I’ve thought about it,” you say. “You were right. I don’t even have the console to play it anymore. It kinda just sits, collecting dust. It’s not fair when that game is literally everything.”
Your hands still a bit. You stare at the sizzling hot plate.
“I think you have a lot of fun with your streams,” you say, softer. “I think… I think Water Emblem would be well off in your hands. I think… I think it’s what it deserves, you know?”
Kenma is silent, frozen like a statue in front of you. You continue, lightly tracing a thumb over your other wrist, as though in comfort. Moments like this, you do wish for the chance to scent or be scented by someone again—just something familiar, something warm and nice. Your family is miles away and you just...
“I’ve had too much fun playing it again thanks to you,” you say, warm, full of happiness. Yeah, this is what feels right. “And you never once asked for the money from that night back, even though it should’ve just gone into paying for the game… that’s why I want to just give it to you. You’ve already done too much for me, and it’s more than paid for the game.”
“Hold on,” Kenma says. “I—hold on, one second.” He rushes for his phone, fumbling. You shake your head. “No, hold on—”
“I’ve still got my streams to do,” you say with an awkward laugh. “I can’t spend all my time playing video games again. Once exams come up and then—”
“No,” Kenma tries, looking a bit frustrated. He curses at his phone, “Give me a second to explain before you—”
“I’m doing this,” you say resolutely, standing up from your seat. Kenma balks. “There’s nothing you can do to stop me. Besides, I guess I got to meet you. That’s not so bad. Now stop making this weird and let me just do something cool for once in my life—”
“I want you to do a streaming series with me!”
You stop, staring at Kenma. He holds out his phone, showing the screen to you—but your eyes are on him, round and disbelieving and then—
Your entire face flushes bright red, cherry like a tomato.
“Y-Y-You w-w-w-want to d-d-do a s-stream with me—”
“Not one of yours!” Kenma blurts. You blink. He curses, ruffling his hair roughly before he gestures again with more vigor to his phone, “This—just look at this.”
You glance to Kenma’s phone.
“...you’re doing a new stream series,” you say, eyes widening in awe. “It’s going to be on the secret, never played route for Water Emblem—see! That’s perfect! If you’re going to do that, you need my half of the game and—”
“I want to do it with you.”
You freeze, mouth falling open.
“I’ve been thinking about it since you came over to play,” Kenma says, quietly setting his phone down on the table—he takes on the tone that means business, the calm, lulling one he your hear him use on the phone sometimes to make sure deals are delivered and he gets what he wants. “It’d be a great idea, and it’d be… fun. I’ve been letting you play because I wanted to see if the style would be compatible and I think it’ll be more than fine.”
Kenma taps his phone again.
“Of course, you’d be compensated,” he turns it to you, “we’d split the profits 50/50 from each streaming episode. Considering my normal projected view count and ad revenue, you can expect at least this much.”
You look at the numbers.
Your mouth stays open, knees sinking to the floor.
“If you’re willing,” Kenma says quietly, “to take a break from your streams to do this series with me… I think it would be mutually beneficial.”
Can things really, really work out, just like that?
“Besides,” Kenma says, even quieter. You close your mouth, looking at him in disbelief, in awe, in reverence, and he meets your gaze with his golden one.
“The secret route is meant for dual players,” Kenma says. “Water Emblem is known for being a single player, but what makes it special is it needs two for this route… it… it would be a disservice to the story to do it any other way.”
You can’t help it.
Your scent and pheromones you struggle and try so, so hard to always keep under lock and key explode forth, nearly flooding the entire room. Kenma stiffens, going ramrod straight and grabbing onto the top of his pants as your happiness engulfs the two of you. You’re sure it probably alarms everyone in the hall or anywhere near. Your happiness crashes and lulls and your entire face crumples in disbelief—
“Is it really…” you start, like a whisper, “really okay?”
Kenma shifts in his seat. He pulls at the hood of his sweater, opening his mouth before he quickly closes it. He mutely nods, resolute, and you stand up, lunging across the table to grab his hands. Kenma’s face flushes a bright red, his body stiffening in alarm.
“Kenma!” you say. “Kenma! Kenma, you’re a godsend! A guardian angel! My guardian angel! You don’t understand what this means for me—you don’t know what you’re doing for me—”
“(L/n),” Kenma says, he sounds strained. You pause, looking at him with round eyes. “I’m… excited… but I need you…”
Kenma lets out a slow, ragged breath. “Please… tone it down… just a little…”
You tilt your head in confusion. Your eyes drop down, noticing the sweat beading at the corner of Kenma’s temple, at the hard, rigid look in his hazy, warmly golden eyes and…
A soft scent teases your nose. You pause, blinking in disbelief. No way. You’re crazy, right?
“Um, Kenma,” you say, a little nervous. There’s no way, right? “You’re… you’re a… beta, right?”
Even betas could be sensitive to pheromones. You were being too careless right now, you must’ve just been too much and—
Kenma rigidly shakes his head.
You blink, feeling very, very, very small.
“Alpha,” Kenma exhales, holding his hand to his nose, scrunching in on himself while he peers up blearily at you, eyes swimming with something you’ve never seen once in his gaze before. He sticks his wrist out to you. 
“Uh,” you say, hating how nervous you sound. “C-Can… I?”
Kenma wordlessly holds his hand out to you, keeping it in the air. You tentatively step closer for a moment, sniffing lightly. His smell. 
Kenma’s scent is so quiet, it’s no wonder you… you never noticed. It’s become so familiar, always felt so calming and subtle and soothing, but if you look for it the way an omega would, pheromones in tune and acute—you do catch it, just the faint hint of something sharp, the familiar, light tang of alpha and—
You quickly pull back. You open your mouth, close it, open it again, and then close it.
“I’m so sorry—”
“You’re fine,” Kenma says, quick and quiet. You mutely nod, mortified. Kenma motions for you to relax as he stands, grabbing his wallet. “I’m going to take care of the bill. Get… fresh air. I’ll be back—”
“You should let me—”
“You can get the next one,” Kenma says. Something in his words makes you strangely complied to listen, ridiculously docile, and you blink in surprise when you sink back to your knees and Kenma’s eyes seem a little warm, a little—
“I’ll be right back.”
“Okay!” you say jovially. Kenma nods, leaving you. You can’t believe it. This is it—this is—
The start of something great.
You hold your head in your hands, unable to contain your happiness.
Oh my god.
You stop, blinking again in realization.
You fall back into the cushion, kicking your feet up in disbelief.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid—I better apologize over and over—”
--- (change the chanel) ---
Kenma quietly steps out of the private room, sliding the door shut behind him.
He stands there, silent, basking in the faint afterglow, of the leaking, intoxicating feel of your happiness wrapping thickly around him, clinging to his skin.
Kenma lifts his hand up to his nose. He sniffs, once.
Your scent floods him.
Kenma’s tongue lightly drags up the inside of his wrist. He closes his eyes, briefly catching it—the soft, sweet taste of you against his lips, on his tongue. Kenma waits there, inhaling softly before his eyes slide open, thin, golden slits.
This would be the start of a fairly interesting partnership.
Omegachion has signed off!
Thanks for watching!
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aj-the-cat · 3 years
~ Prologue ~ Masterlist
Word count: 2029
Scorpion's Roost
Solidarity, Texas
100 years ago
Horse hooves clopped softly on the hard desert earth. The rider pulled down his bandanna covering his mouth and nose and fluffed his ginger hair. Green eyes surveyed the land. "Woah girl." The rider tugged the reigns and the horse stopped.
The rider stepped off the horse and grabbed his gun. He checked the surrounding area for any hidden bandits or bounty hunters, but found none. Deciding that all was good, he grabbed his horses reigns and tied her to a nearby tree. The horse whinnied in protest but her rider shushed her.
"Hush, girl. We don't want any unwanted visitors here, not when we're so close to a town." Her rider petted her head. The horse gave a snort as he kneeled down. "This looks like a good place to camp out for t'night." He stood back up and started collecting branches and dead brush from the ground.
The horse watched as he set the pile on the ground, grabbed two rocks, and with a coin-flipping motion to the pile, fire shot from his hand and to the pile. The branches burned and fire crackled to life. The rider leaned back and smiled. "My brother taught me that one. He was good with fire."
A solemn expression took over the rider's features. He reached into his shirt and pulled out a locket. Inside was a small picture of a smiling toddler. He pressed his forehead to the locket and sighed. "I will find you brother, whereever you are."
His horse leaned down and nudged his head with her nose. Her rider looked up at her and kissed her nose. "It's alright girl. We're gonna continue findin' him in the mornin'." He gave her one last kiss then got up and picked up a nearby rock. Shrugging off his leather poncho, he placed the rock on the ground followed by the poncho. He laid down and put his head on the rock and looked up at the sky.
Millions of stars shined in the night, a few twinkling and some glowed brighter than others. The bandit sighed and closed his eyes. 'Brother, where are you?' He thought. The bandit fell into a dreamless sleep, his horse not far behind.
A little ways away, a bounty hunter was riding on his horse. In his hand was a 'Wanted' poster. "$150,000 for a bandit. Damn, what a criminal! All we know is that he has green eyes and wavy ginger hair. Be on the lookout, Nellie." The bounty hunter pat his horse and the horse snorted back.
After a couple minutes of riding, fire light came into view. The hunter squinted and gripped the reigns hard. "Lets go check this out." His hand moved to his gun on the horse's rump and the horse moved slowly to the light.
"Sh, stop." The hunter said and tugged on the reigns. The horse stopped and the rider got off. "Stay here, Nellie." He pat her head and tip toed to the figure on the ground.
As he got closer, he noted the ginger hair glowing in the firelight. 'This mught be him!' The hunter gripped his gun and stood right next to the man on the ground. He noticed a gun in a holster on the mans chest, and ever so carefully the hunter reached for it and slipped it out of its holster.
'Now you're mine.' The hunter kicked the man on the ground until he was awake. Green eyes opened and the hunter gasped. The bandit reached for his gun, only to find it in the hunters hand. "Your days if crime are over, Mark. Im here to deliver you for the  $150,000 reward." Both guns in his hands cocked.
"The ginger bandit, Mark, growled. "Over my dead body!" He got into a fighting position. "Then suit yourself, criminal." Two shot rang out in the night. A bullet found itself in the heart of Mark, the other barely missed his ear. His dead body flopped to the ground.
The hunter stood there for a moment, taking in his victory. Shock welled up in him. 'He was killed too easily. Is this some sort of trap?' He nervously went over the the body and shook it a bit. Nothing happened. Laughing, the hunter picked up the body of the bandit and went over to his horse, placing it on the back.
The bandits horse whinnied and stomped at the ground, having been woken up by the gunshots. The hunter walked over the horse and took off its reigns. "You're free now. Go on." He shooed off the horse and she reluctantly walked away. The hunter went to his horse and climbed up.
"Can you believe it, Nellie?! I shot the bandit that easily!" He grabbed the reigns and snapped them, and the horse galloped fowards.
The hunter rode until daylight, where they came across a town. The sign at the entrance read 'Scorpion's Roost'. The hunter passed the entrance and spotted a town's person working outside a shop. "You there! Where can i find the mayor of this town?" The town's person pointed to a good looking building a little ways off. "Mr. Roderick Jess McMahon lives in that building. You'll find him in there." The hunter waved him thanks and he rode to the good looking building.
The hunter hopped off his horse and tied it to a post, then walked up to the door. He knocked twice, and a little boy answered the door. "Hello son. Im looking for a Mr. Roderick McMahon. Does he live here?" Asked the hunter. The little boy scampered off, returning a few moments later with a frazzled looking young man.  
"I'm Mr. McMahon, may i help you sir?" The hunter pushed back thoughts of this man being way too young and smiled. "Yes! Hi, im Jesse Anderson, and i believe i have found and shot the ginger bandit named Mark Callous." Mr. McMahon's eyed widened. "Please, show me immediately!"
Jesse led Mr. McMahon to his horse where the body was slumped over the back of the horse. He grabbed the body and flung it to the ground. Glassy green eyes looked to the sky and ginger hair settled around the bandits head like a red halo. Mr. McMahon studied the body and clapped the hunter on the back.
"Well done Mr. Anderson! The body will be hung in the town square shortly, but if you would follow me i shall give you your deserved reward." The mayor turned on his heels to the mayoral building and Jesse followed suit.
Word soon got around that the body of the ginger bandit was in this town, and those words reached the scarred ears of a bandanna and bandage clad loner. His left eye was in thick bandages, and tiny scars littered his face. He frowned under his bandana and went inside the building he was standing outside of.
Inside a short and pudgy man was arranging a wreath of flowers for a funeral. The bandaged man was mute, but the short man could understand everything the taller wanted to say.
"I have heard the words of the townsfolk. You think this body would be your brother, do you not?" The unusually high voice of the short man called out. The bandaged man let out a short but heavy sigh. The short man laughed. "I can feel your troubles, son. Go, look and see if this is your brother." The taller man hesitated, but quickly went out the door of the funeral parlor and to the town square where the body was just being hung up.
A crowd was forming, but they spread apart so they wouldnt be near the tall and bandaged man. With one look at the body, the bandaged mans good eye widened at the sight of his ginger brother hung by his wrists, dead for all to see. With a hoarse cry that sounded like shattering glass, the tall man ran towards the hanging sight and grabbed ahold of his brothers body.
Tears that havent been wept in years escaped the good eye of the tall man. Hoarse wails of anguish rose from his mute throat. The crowd sensed that this was a moment they shouldnt witness, and so they dissipated, leaving the crying brother, the mayor and the bounty hunter at the hanging grounds.
The bounty hunter stepped towards the crying man. "Sir, i dont know who you are but can you please not ruin my kill-" A giant hand suddenly wrapped around the throat of the bounty hunter. Fire raged in the tall mans eyes and the hand squeezed tighter and tighter. "You de-serve to die for what you done." The hoarse voice sent shivers down the spine of the bounty hunter. The mayor slowly backed away from what was about to happen.
The bounty hunter tried to gasp for precious air, but the hand wrapped around his throat was too tight and he went limp, dead by the hands of the tall man.
The hand let go and the bounty hunters dead body slumped to the dry earth, and the bandaged man turned towards his brother. He untied the binds on his wrist and carefully picked him up and rested him on his shoulder. He also picked up the body of the bounty hunter and walked towards the funeral parlor.
Inside the parlor, the short man had set up a table for the body with little piles of random items, including a small necklace with a strange symbol on it. The doors flew open and the bandaged man stepped inside the parlor. The short man walked over to the taller and helped him with the body of the ginger bandit. 
The bandaged man carefully set his brothers body on the table, and the short man put the necklace on the chest of the dead man. "Put the hunter beside the table, we'll need him later." The shrill voice of the short man said. The taller plopped down the body of the hunter in a not so delicate manor. "Back away now, son. I dont want you getting caught in the cross fire." The short man shooed the bandaged man with a pudgy hand and the man complied, backing up a little bit.
The short man put a hand on the chest of the dead ginger and started speaking in tongues. Blackness flowed from his hand and settled around the ginger. The hair on his head was slowly becoming black, leaving no trace of ginger that was there before it. His skin got paler, almost pasty white. Little bits of the blackness started shooting everywhere, a couple drops unknowingly landed on the bandaged man and seeped into him. Then, everything stopped.
The short man lifted his hand up and the necklace was gone from the dead man's chest. The bandaged man took a step foward to study the body, when the dead man shot up into a sitting position. The tall man backed up in fright, and green eyes focused on the world around him.
"Brother? Kane? Is that you?" The dead man's hoarse voice called out to the bandaged man. The bandaged man, Kane, sucked in a breath and nodded. The once dead man slowly got up from the table and gingerly walked towards his brother, only to be engulfed in a big hug by Kane. "I... missed you too." He returned the hug.
The short man made quick work of cleaning up the table and kicking the body of the dead bounty hunter. "Paul?" The once deadman called out. Paul looked up at the two tall men standing side by side. "Thank you. For everything." Paul gave a short nod. "I did what had to be done."
The dead man looked at the bounty hunter. "What are you gonna do with him?" Paul looked down at the body and studied it for a moment. "If you want, I can show you how to prepare it for a crows-feeding." The dead man's eyes seemed to light up in wonder. "I would love it if you showed me."
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jungkookiebus · 5 years
Chemistry | knj
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This is part of the BSC 1st Anniversary Drabble Request Exchange!!
Scenario: hybrid au + Namjoon + hybrid him and hybrid reader go to a school for hybrids, they’re vice president and president and maybe they both have a crush on the other but dont know about the other’s crush (some jealousy would be cool 🥰 thanksss 💜) Word count: 3.6k Pairing: hybrid!Namjoon x hybrid!reader Warnings: unprotected sex (stay safe!), little bit of ol’ dirty talk
You pulled the poster down angrily as your tail twitched furiously behind you. Ears laid flat, you stood, fuming, in the middle of the hallway.
“____?” Haeun asked, nervously. “Everything okay?”
“Absolutely not.”
Haeun, being a bunny hybrid, was timid in comparison to your feline attitude. You were the only panther hybrid in your school, and everyone was afraid of you. You weren’t sure why, but that was just how the gavel fell. Haeun had been your friend since childhood, enduring the hardships of being hybrids together. Even now, hybrids were segregated to their own schools.
You were currently in the running for senior class president with your arch enemy, Namjoon, a wolf hybrid. You had been at odds for years, vying to be on top of your class and each time he seemed to get the best of you, even though you were equally matched.
“Why does he feel the need to try for everything I want?!” You crumpled the paper in your hands and threw it into the nearest trashcan.
“I think he knows it gets to you,” Haeun interjected.
“Of course, he knows it gets to me. Smug jerk.”
You spotted him across the cafeteria laughing amongst the rest of the baseball team and sneered at his stupid, boyish smile. For someone so cute, he was the most annoying.
“I’m getting this.”
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The next week called for a student council meeting of the current board and to establish rules and school functions promoting the election. You crossed the mostly vacant room and planted yourself in a desk closest to the windows, hoping to avoid talking to anyone. You were staring out of the window waiting for the others to arrive when you felt the downy swish of a tail brush against your arm. Before you even turned your head, you were painfully aware of who had just sat next to you.  
“_______,” his smooth voice swept across your mind like rain.
Twisting in your seat and narrowing your eyes, you flattened your ears and looked at him through pierced eyes.
“Namjoon,” you said with a snarl.
“You’re cute when you’re pissed.” You knew he was messing with you, egging you on and trying to get a rise from you.
Your ears perked back up and your tail wrapped around your midriff as you turned back towards the windows.
“Hey, come on, it was just a joke. How about we try getting along for once?”
He reached out to touch your arm and you immediately withdrew and snarled at him.
“Not likely, Namjoon.”
His eyebrows rose in curiosity, but he didn’t seem deterred by your behavior.
“You don’t scare me.”
“Everyone is afraid of you. You keep up this façade,” he said gesturing towards you, “but you’re not as scary as you look or Haeun wouldn’t be friends with you.”
“What do you know?”
“I’ve known Haeun for years and she’s not friends with just anyone.”
“You don’t know me.”
“I’d like to.”
“No thanks.”
“Suit yourself,” he said as he settled back into his seat, tail swishing lazily across the floor.
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The rest of the weeks were pure torture as the election went on. Polls were not in your favor and you were trying your hardest to at least win something over Namjoon for once. No matter how much you smiled, talked to people, or tried your best to win them over, your numbers were not going up. Wholesome, all-around Namjoon was stealing your votes and you couldn’t understand how.
One day, you decided to approach him as he walked to his car.
“Hey, Namjoon!”
He turned in surprise at the sound of your voice and smiled widely.
“Is the pretty panther talking to me for once?”
“Cut the shit. How are you doing it?”
“Doing what?”
“Getting all of the votes.”
“Uh, well, same as you, talking to people and working events.”
“But you’re winning.”
“Look, ______,” he said with a sigh, “I’m going to break it to you, you’re not the nicest person.”
You looked at him, affronted.
“Okay, fuck you.” You turned to walk away, but he quickly grabbed your wrist and you felt the goosebumps rise on your skin.
Turning back, he was looking at you seriously.
“I’m trying to help you.”
“Forget I asked,” you said walking away. Namjoon didn’t call out, nor did he follow you.
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Your forehead hit your desk with a thud as the results were announced over the intercom. Namjoon had gotten president and you had gotten vice. Yet again, Namjoon had beaten you. Haeun chewed on her bottom lip but didn’t say a word because she knew better than to try to comfort you. You were short-tempered and your feline instincts were to act in disdain and anger.
“This isn’t going to affect me,” you said as you rose from your desk.
“Wait, you’re not mad?” Haeun was quickly following behind as you made your way to first period.
“I’m fuming.”
Haeun stopped in her tracks and didn’t follow you further as you walked to chem. What sucked about all of this was that you had first period with him, and he was your lab partner. The universe was a cruel mistress when it came to your fate. You slid onto your stool next to him without a sideways glance as you dropped your bag on the floor.
“Congratulations.” His deep voice resounded in your ears.
“Same to you,” you said still looking ahead to the front of the class.
“Going to the dance this weekend?”
You shrugged, not really wanting to have casual conversation with him right now.
“Maybe I’ll see you there?”
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“Absolutely not,” you said as Haeun held the black dress out to you.
“It’s hot.”
“It’s egregious.”
“You’ll make Namjoon look twice.”
You did a double take as you stared at her with wide eyes.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, come on, _______,” she said flopping down on your bed, “I’ve seen the way you look at him.”
You sputtered as you tried to quickly defend yourself, not making it look better.
“I do not like him. We hate each other, why would you say that?” You were pacing around your room, flailing your arms and all Haeun could do was smirk and lie back on the bed, watching you flounder.
“Look at yourself, you’re so flustered you can barely talk.”
“Okay, he’s cute, but that’s it.”
“Suit yourself, but you should really wear that dress.”
Haeun gave you a smug look as you resigned and walked to the bathroom, dress slung over your shoulder.
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“I feel ridiculous,” you said as you walked into the crowded gym. You pulled at the hem of the dress, willing it to magically become longer as you slouched.
“Stand up straight, you look like a sick giraffe.” Haeun wore a cute pink dress that accented her equally cute personality. Her soft, furry ears glistened in the low lights of the gym and her nose twitched excitedly.
You stood to full height, a good foot over Haeun, and glanced around the gym. You spotted Namjoon right away with a pretty junior you recognized but couldn’t bother to remember her name. You felt a flush course through you that felt oddly like jealously, but you quickly dampened it.
“Let’s get a drink,” you said pulling Haeun along behind you.
The crowd parted as you made your way through, receiving ogling looks from both boys and girls alike.
“Told you that dress was a good idea,” you heard behind you.
“Shut up, Haeun.”
You heard her laugh as you reached the table, grabbing two cups and handing one to her.
“Prince charming is coming this way.”
Before you could turn around you heard his low voice behind you.
“Well, hello, Miss Vice President.”
His eyes raked from the tips of your toes to the tips of your ears.
“Can we help you?”
“I was just coming to say hi.” The small cat hybrid beside looked at you with disgust, but he wasn’t looking at her.
“Hello and goodbye. Looks like your date is pissed.”
Namjoon looked at the girl beside him like he had just remembered she was there. “Ah, well, enjoy your evening ladies.” Haeun nodded and raised her cup as he walked away.
“He just eye fucked you hard.”
Your drink almost came out of your nose. “God you’re crude.”
She shrugged before continuing to drink and scanned the dance floor.
“I’m gonna go see if Yoongi wants to dance,” she said setting her cup down.
“The fox hybrid? That’s, like, a natural enemy to you.”
“Oh my God, I can’t with you, bye.” And she was off before you could protest, basically hopping as he sidled up next to Yoongi.
This night couldn’t get any worse for you. You quickly dipped into the shadows of the perimeter of the gym and snuck out the doors leading to the empty corridors of your school. Why you had agreed to come to this stupid dance was beyond you, but it was expected of the class vice president after all. You ducked into the all too familiar chemistry classroom you had every first period. Sighing, you walked to your normal table, sitting down to breathe. That was when you heard the door click shut softly behind you. Hair raised, you turned in the direct of the sound only to find Namjoon looking at you curiously.
“Are you following my every move now?” you asked him, annoyance evident in your voice.
He held his hands out defensively as his ears laid back.
“Whoa, no, I was coming to check on you.”
“I don’t need saving.”
“I’m not saving you.”
You both stared each other down for a few seconds too long.
“Why are you here then?”
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Like I said, I was checking on you.”
“Thanks, now you can go,” you said turning back around in the stool.
A few seconds later and you felt the ghost of his breath against your neck, causing every hair on your body to stand on end.
“You look really good in that dress,” he whispered.
You gulped audibly as his fingers ghosted up your arm and came to rest on your shoulder. You couldn’t help the shiver that ran through your body and he noticed right away.
“Am I reading the signs wrong or are just as into me as I am into you?”
Your mouth felt parched, as if you hadn’t had water in years. Was this really happening right now? You were supposed to hate Namjoon. Your hands gripped the edge of the table nervously as you laughed; the sound coming from your mouth very unconvincing.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you stammered. Your tail flicked nervously behind you, brushing against his legs.
His hand came around to cup your jaw so that he could turn your face towards him.
“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about,” he said as he placed a small kiss to the corner of your mouth.
Involuntarily, your mouth fell open and he turned his head to fully envelop yours with his, tongue immediately moving against yours. He moaned as he got the first taste and he was not disappointed; the sweet, tangy flavor of the punch was still on your tongue as he flicked against it. You turned in the stool and grasped the lapels of his blazer as you pulled him closer to you, spreading your legs as much as you could in the dress and pressing him against you.
“Feisty, huh?” he laughed against your lips.
“Just shut up,” you said kissing him once more. His hand traveled the length of your thigh but stopped at the hem of your dress. Throwing all caution to the wind you spread your legs further, causing the dress to ride up as well. He squeezed your inner thigh as his lips moved to your neck, your head moved to the side to give him more area. Brushing his fingers lightly against the fabric of your panties, he sucked and bit into the skin below your ear.
“God, I want to fuck you,” he moaned.
“Then do it.”
He seemed surprised as he pulled back to look at you.
“Don’t act like there hasn’t been sexual tension between us.”
He looked at you as if to say you weren’t wrong. Maintaining eye contact and quicker than you were able to notice, he had two fingers shoved into the side of your panties and into your awaiting cunt. You had already started to get wet, but this sealed the deal as he pushed his fingers in further, watching your reaction as you gripped the table with one hand while the other was still buried in the fabric of his blazer.
“Fuck, Namjoon, warn a girl.”
“I wanted to see your face.”
“What…w-what about y-your date?” You were finding it hard to form words as he pumped his fingers in you as he lazily brushed his thumb over your clit.
“Oh, her? She’ll be okay.”
Only the after hour emergency lights lit the room and Namjoon loved the way he could see your face half-shrouded in darkness, almost as if he were watching a noir film play out in front of him. Your eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks and casted soft shadows.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he said as his lips brushed along your cheekbone.
Your ears twitched in embarrassment as your tail came up to wrap around your waist. His other hand grabbed it softly and pushed it away as you relaxed.
“Don’t be so tense.”
You sighed as his lips came to yours, fingers still working you open slowly. His lips were gentle, soft against yours and you wanted to fall into the feeling forever. In the back of your mind you wondered why you hadn’t given in to this type of pleasure sooner.
“How do you want me to fuck you?” he whispered.
Your eyes rolled back, and your cunt clenched down around his fingers as he asked you the question.
“I don’t care,” you said breathlessly.
“Oh, come on,” he tutted, “use your words.”
He curled his fingers upwards against your g-spot and you gasped loudly; the sound seemed to echo in the empty room. Your palms began to sweat as you grasped at the slick surface of the lab table, thighs quivering, and your feet slipped off the rung of the stool.
“I want you to bend me over this table so that every time we have class, I think about it.”
Namjoon groaned and you felt his cock, hard in his pants, brush past your knee.
“Fuck, if I knew you had such a dirty mouth on you, I would have tried to fuck you sooner.”
He pulled his fingers out of you, grabbed your wrist, and jerked you upwards into a standing position. His lips were on yours once more as he pulled your tight dress up past your hips as you shimmied your underwear off yourself. You fumbled with his belt for a few seconds before you were pushing his pants down.
“Wow, no underwear?” you asked as his cock sprung free immediately.
“Didn’t feel the need,” he purred.
You grabbed his cock in your hand and reveled in the growl burning at the back of his throat. Just as languid as he, you worked your hand over his cock until he pushed into you. His hand came up to your throat as kissed you in a rush, tongue exploring as he pushed you against the lab table.
“Turn around,” he demanded while grabbing your hips, helping you along.
He pushed, hard, into the middle of your back, forcing your upper half onto the table as he spread your legs for a wider stance. Holding the base of his cock, he rubbed it between your folds, gathering the wetness that was now threatening to drip down your thighs. You moaned at the feeling of him rubbing against you and you wiggled your ass to hurry him up.
“I can’t wait to be inside of this pretty pussy,” he said bending over you, hand on the table beside your head, and slowly thrusting against you. “You know how many times I’ve thought of taking you in various places around school?”
Every inch of your skin was aflame as if a fire had been lit from within. A mix of embarrassment and arousal rushed through you like a wave; he was being so open with you and you weren’t sure how to respond.
“Dogs aren’t supposed to like cats,” you said looking at him through your peripheral.
He laughed as he bent down some more, nose in your hair, sniffing lightly before rubbing his face against yours.
“Well, I like this particular kitten.”
You both groaned in unison as he entered you. The stretch was far from uncomfortable; this was the best you had felt in ages. His hand was still planted firmly on the table as he began to fuck you with purpose. You felt his tail twitch and brush against your calves at each thrust. His face was in your hair once more, inhaling deeply as he moaned.
“You smell so fucking good. I’ve always wanted to be this close to you. Did you know you give off the most intoxicating pheromones?” His thrusts slowed but hit deep. Your eyes rolled back as he brushed against your g-spot.
Your hands slid across the smooth tabletop as you tried to hold yourself; your palms leaving sweaty prints in their wake. Namjoon lifted your right leg up behind your knee to deepen his already dangerous thrusts; it was almost like he had known your body forever.
“I need you to fuck me harder,” you begged.
Namjoon looked around him and to one of the lower tables that was wheelchair accessible.
“Move,” he demanded as he slipped out of you and pushed you towards the table. He guided you to lay flat on your back, legs hanging from the table. He positioned himself between your legs, grabbed your ankles and pushed until the heels of your feet were on the edge. He wasted no time before he was sliding back inside of you once more, hands back on your ankles as he pulled your legs to his shoulders. You cried out as he thrust faster, balls slapping against you.
“Is this what you wanted?” he asked through gritted teeth.
You tried to grab onto something, anything, but all you were hitting was a discarded textbook and the knobs of the built-in sink.
“Fuck.” You felt as if you were gasping for air, your body trying desperately to keep up with what was happening.
“Touch yourself.”
You popped three fingers into your mouth before bringing them down to your clit and rubbed fast circles. Your back arched off the cool tabletop as he gripped tighter to your legs and buried his cock as far as it could go.
“I’m gonna come.” You were practically in tears. Namjoon was watching you in such sharp focus that everything else around him seemed to fall away. In that moment, neither of you were enemies nor being two different species of hybrid mattered. Your ears were flat against your dark hair and you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. You clenched down hard around him as you came, mouth falling open and then closed again as you ground your teeth together to stay quiet. He fucked you through your orgasm and slowly pulled out of you.
“Look at that, you creamed all over my cock, baby,” he said as he started to pump himself, using your cum as lube.
You sat up on your elbows to witness the mess you had made before looking at Namjoon who was completely fucked out and fucking himself into this own hand. You reached forward, grabbed him behind his head and brought his mouth down to yours in a hard kiss that was less methodical and more chaos. Your post orgasm high had you moaning into the kiss as Namjoon’s hand worked over himself faster and faster. Images of you coming around him spurred his orgasm to a quick peak as he came, hot, on your cunt and thighs. His moans came out almost as a deep growl as his cum leaked down your skin and he backed up; steps almost faltering.
“Fuck,” he laughed. “I never thought this would happen.”
You sat up, reaching into a drawer on the table that you knew held paper towels. “Yea, well, neither did I.”
Namjoon grabbed the roll from you, pulling several off before wiping you down.
“So where do we go from here?” he asked.
“Back to the gym?”
He laughed once more as he gathered your belongings. “You know what I mean.”
“Oh, back to being mortal enemies I guess.” You pulled your underwear back on as he did up his belt.
“_______,” he said, exasperated, “I’m being serious.”
“I like you, okay? As much as I hate to fucking admit it, I like you.” A triumphant grin spread across his face at your admission. “But I’m not jumping into this.”
“Uh…I don’t know what you call this,” he said gesturing between the both of you, “but I think we already did.”
“Relationship wise, you goose.”
“You know, I’ve never met a goose hybrid.”
You slapped his shoulder as you pushed your way past him and to the door. You pulled it open and turned to look at him, hand grasping the wood. You made direct eye contact with him and then looked over towards the table before looking at him once more.
“See you in chemistry on Monday?” you asked rhetorically as you walked out, leaving a smiling Namjoon behind.
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Are requests still open? If so, could you do. A fluff imagine with Joe leibgott when they came across a french girl in need of saving from German's trying to take her. And he basically does the "love-at-first-sight" and protected her all the way to the safe point, then convincing winters to be able to transfer her with them somehow, teaching her how to shoot. All the time she has trouble with english. (Sorry, if this seems very pushy, i dont mean it to be)
in my heart, i’ll carry you - part one
So you requested this seven years ago and my grubby lil fingers are just now typing it??? I, Bri -my kink is buturing the english language and using punctuation incorrectly - anna sincerely apologize! <3 This is also only the first part (it got kinda long and i figured it deserved my full attention and so i should probably split it up so i can do the whole request justice because like it’s such a fun idea, and i am just here for it.) 
(also i don’t know french, okay? I live in iowa, like, i barely know english.)
He was by himself when he found - stumbled - upon her. He’d just wanted a break from the bodies and the praying and the wreckage. And he didn’t even really see her at first, just heard that somber devastating sob echoing throughout the courtyard. The awful melody of war. And it’s not like he’d been looking for trouble, and he definitely wasn’t trying to save anything, he wasn’t - he wasn’t that kind of guy.
But when he saw her his heart stopped, like honest to god stopped. Like in a needs resuscitation kind of way, in a not coming back, in a never be the same kind of way, and it wasn’t like he was in love or anything, because truth be told he wasn’t - he wasn't that kind of guy. 
Her eyes were wide and soot covered her cheeks, staining the probably once porcelain skin a disturbing charcoal. If he hadn’t been clad in army green, rusty gun-metal knives, and angsty bullshit, he swore he would have reached over and wiped it away. But his hands had been dirty then, caked in mud and rubble. Dried blood permeated under his nail bed, and while Lieb didn’t know much about women, he knew, war or not, she wouldn’t have wanted them anywhere near her.
A collection of blonde strands stuck to her forehead courtesy of sweat and fatigue. He sees a hint of smudged red and well, he knows exactly what that is.
Lieb’s not smart,, not even a little bit, but, he would be willing to bet good american money that if her hair had been washed and styled it would’ve been the silkiest fucking thing in the world.
Hell, he’d bet if there wasn’t a goddamn war going on she’d be the poster perfect girl-next-door, the one who liked to be home by eight, who only placed chaste kisses on the cheek after the third date, and Lieb, well, he isn’t into that. He liked a girl that bit back. And he didn’t even really like blonde hair, he’d always preferred red hair. It reminded him of fire, and heat, and his first heartbreak, and his childhood and the summer he’d split his knee open so many times trying to learn to ride his bike. 
And, well, truth be told, Lieb liked to be burned.
But this girl, well she was soft and her bottom lip had been split right down the middle. Red dotted the splintered cracks of her dried skin. The blood didn’t drip down her chin or anything, it wasn’t that kind of wound. Instead it had settled on her skin and made itself seen, proclaimed its presence loudly. The burgeoning seam of a hundred jagged lines. Less neat, more complex, more deadly.
“S'il vous plaît… monsieur, pl… ease, monsieur,” Her voice had been a broken ebb and flow of muddled english and rapid french. Lieb didn’t really understand her but he didn’t need to, her arms had been roughly shackled behind her back and delicate tears streamed down her face and landed at his feet. He didn’t have to know french to understand that this girl needed his help. 
After all, there were somethings that were just fucking universal. 
“Shit, okay, I’ll help you.” Lieb murmured softly under his breath while he scanned the ruble around her, a hastily dropped key would have been the best case scenario, but even so, Lieb was good at working with what he had. It wouldn’t have been his first time picking a lock, anyways. Meanwhile the girl still slobbered and carried on as if he was holding a gun to her head. 
He wondered what she’d experienced at the hands of the German soldiers, but the cracked way she screamed, and screamed, and screamed told him all he needed to know. It bounced around in his stomach, filling him up to the brim, and well, Lieb just wasn’t strong enough to hold that kind of hurt. And, yeah, he felt bad for the girl but she wouldn’t shut up, and god he just needed one moment of quiet. 
“Stop crying,” He barked brusquely, and for her part she lowered her head in a half-hearted attempt to stifle the tears. He ran a calloused hand through his hair as he kicked at the debris surrounding her.  “C’mon, girl, work with me.” 
Either her english just wasn’t good enough, or she really wanted to get on his nerves, because the crying didn’t cease. “God damn it, shut up,” Her lips snapped shut abruptly but soft squeaks still trembled past her lips pitifully and he felt like a goddamn asshole. 
“Okay, I am sorry, I am sorry,” he soothed, “I am just trying to help, but I can’t - I can’t think, I just need a minute.” If Winters had found this girl he would’ve known exactly what to do, hell, he would have done it by now. But, Lieb wasn’t a hero, he just, he wasn’t - he wasn’t that kind of guy. 
Lieb could pick a lock in four seconds flat, it was one of those shameful things you could take pride in if you’d live where he’d lived. Lieb couldn’t lead flocks of men, and he still couldn’t claim to be brave, (sure he’d signed up for a war but that was the perfect mix of peer pressure and blind recklessness, and obligation. It just wasn’t the same as being brave.) But at least he could pick a lock. 
And he would have, he would have done it a thousand times over, and not because he was good or right or trying to be something he wasn’t, but because only a fucking German scumbag would leave a beautiful, desperate, little girl like her out here to die.
And so yeah, he would’ve picked that lock because at least he had that. But there wasn’t even a lock to pick.
Eventually he’d  snapped the chord tethering the metal cuffs together, but he knew it wasn’t enough. He knew it when she’d collapsed to the ground only halfway free. He knew it when he’d seen raw and bloody wrists still being held captive. And god, he knew he wasn’t a hero, but he wished he could do more. 
“C’mon girl, I gotcha,” He whispered softly into her ear, and it wasn’t like he was trying it on or anything, he just, he didn’t know what to do. The only thing he had was the faded memories of wiping his little sisters tears when they’d trip over their own feet. But eventually they stopped falling, or maybe they just stopped calling for him. He was working with what he’d had. “I’m gonna help yah, I can’t do much girl, but I promise yah that.” 
At the sound of his voice she’d carefully lifted her head to stare at him quizzically. He figured by the furrow of her brows the words coming out of his mouth meant nothing to her. He watched her closely for one distilled second. Just eyes meeting eyes. 
After a long, dust bunny inducing moment that was beginning to feel like years of deliberating she finally let out a soft little whimper, “He-elp?” 
“Help!” Lieb nodded furiously, “I am going to help you.” 
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nocturnal-jeon · 5 years
𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛 ➛ 𝚓𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚘𝚔
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non!idol hoseok
Really, all Hoseok wanted was some late night ramen. He told himself that he was going to try to go to bed a lot earlier, but as he laid wide awake at 9:22pm, his stomach began to let out incoherent, monster-like sounds. He had an early dinner, so he figured going to quickly get some ramen would aide his sleep. 
All he wanted was ramen. 
But there, in the middle of a large crowd of people, he found himself getting lost in the precise and powerful dance moves of an unknown woman. She had American rap music blaring through speakers as her limbs moved smoothly to hit each beat. He admired how your face was extremely expressive, the passion evident on your furrowed brows. There were people from all walks of life gathering to watch you. The kids were the most enthusiastic, though. 
And the teenagers were nodding their heads to the beat of the music. Because of the hard bass rattling your speakers, your body hit each beat hard, causing an unknowing smile to grow on Hoseok’s face. Your short hair, just ending at the bottom at your chin, was tied into a short ponytail to keep it out of your face. 
It wasn't often that you danced in the streets like this, but you were restless, as was Hoseok, so you figured that teasing a new choreography you were working on would help the creative process. As you danced a few more moves and stood in your ending pose, you giggled cutely, a red tint forming on your cheeks as the crowd burst into cheers. Hoseok found your duality adorable. He loved how powerful and confident you seemed as you danced, but when you were done and getting praised, he thought it the cutest thing how you practically melted and turned to mush. 
Some people came up to you to try and give you money, but Hoseok loved how humble you were as you politely bowed and denied the money. You really weren’t doing it for the money. You just wanted to do what you loved, nothing more. His eyebrows furrowed when he watched you hand out fliers. Curious, he looked over the shoulder of someone standing near him and saw that it was an invitation to a free trial class you were holding at a studio. 
He weaved his way through the crowd and approached you, smiling fondly when you looked at him and handed him a flier. He opened his mouth to say something to you, but you had already turned around to hand one to another person. Getting a better look at the well organized and decorated sheet of paper, he learned the time and location of the studio. 
Turning away and walking back to his apartment, no longer craving ramen, satisfied by your performance, he decided that he would go try the class out, honestly, just to see you again. 
Around noon the next day, you sat at the front desk of your studio, filling out forms and updating your books. You smiled and greeted the familiar faces who entered and signed in for your class, and to those who were new, you greeted and welcomed to your studio. 
You looked down at the watch on your wrist and saw that your class was due to start in a few minutes, so you slid your feet out of your slippers and into your sneakers before standing and jogging into a room, a smile on your face. 
“Hey, guys,” you shouted excitedly, waving your hands at the twenty or so people standing in your room. “So, today, I have a fun, new choreography to teach you all today. I know it’ll seem difficult at first, but if you stick with me and take it slow, it’ll be easy!” you exclaimed encouragingly. 
Hoseok was running a bit late, so after scribbling his name onto the sign up sheet, he slipped into the dance studio, standing at the back as he watched you. He stood in grey sweatpants and a designer shirt, a headband wrapped around his hairline. (hoseok with a headband DONT EVEN COME FOR ME)
“So, if you’re new to my class, I’ll kind of brief how I do things. So first, I’ll play the section of the song that I have choreography for, and then I’ll go through the first few steps without music, and once we learn enough, we’ll try it with the music. How does that sound?” you asked, smiling brightly when people began to cheer and clap. 
With your phone in your hand, connected to the large, bluetooth speakers, you played the section of the song you choreographed, smiling when you saw that most of the people in the room were already moving and getting hype to it. Hoseok smiled, happy to find out that your music taste was nearly identical to his. And as you wore a practically identical outfit to him, he fell hard for you. 
“Alright, guys, so I’ll demonstrate the first move and then you guys can follow along,” you shouted, turning your body so that you were facing the mirror. And as you looked at the faces of the people in your class, you smirked when you saw a familiar, extremely handsome face standing in the back of the class. 
Hoseok’s gaze met yours and you both smiled, but only momentarily because your eyes broke away and you began to teach the class. 
And, yes, while there were talented people in that class, and not to too his own horn or anything, Hoseok knew that his skills surpassed them, but as a way to stay in the background and let them do their thing, when you asked if people wanted to try the choreography alone or in pairs, he just gathered with the crowd and watched. 
You had skills. Not only dance skills but people skills. You were just easily likable and bright. 
You closed out the class with a few more solo and group performances before bowing and clapping your hands with the rest of the class. Hoseok exited the class before you got the chance to speak to him, since you went up to everyone individually and thanked them for coming. 
After everyone left, you cleaned up the studio before leaving and entering your office, taking the list of names and charging those who had always come and added those who had their first trial class to an email thread, asking them to come back and listing the class times and prices. 
As you looked through each name on the list, one name brought attention to you immediately. Though it was scribbled messily and you could barely make out the characters, it read “Jung Hoseok”. Smiling to yourself, you remembered his handsome face and his inborn dancing skills. It was the best you had ever seen. 
And so, over the next few days when you saw Jung Hoseok in your dance classes, each time with a bright smile on his face, you knew at some point, you wanted to talk to him. But he beat you to it. At the end of what was probably his tenth class with you, just as you turned to gather your stuff, he walked over to you, watching you as you sat down to take off your shoes and put on your slippers. 
“Hey, that was a really good class today,” he complimented, smiling at the grin plastered on your lips. “Aw, thank you!” you chirped happily, sliding your feet into your comfortable and cushioned slippers. “Ha,” he chuckled, pointing down at your slippers. “I do that, too, after I dance.”
“Are you a dancer?” you asked, but immediately knew the answer just as he opened his mouth to speak. “Of course you are. With skills like that, it would be insane for you not to be one,” you giggled cutely, causing Hoseok’s beating heart to warm.
“Dancing is your passion, huh?” Hoseok speculated, slipping his hands into his sweatpants. You nodded vigorously. “Tomorrow, I don’t have any classes, so technically, it’s my day off, so ideally I should relax,” you began, Hoseok nodding understandingly. “But for some reason, I feel sad about not having an excuse to dance.” He laughed, his defined cheekbones getting more defined on his glowing face. 
“Well, you never need an excuse to dance!” he exclaimed. You tiled your head to the side, seeing and understanding his point. Just as you got up and prepared to say goodbye, given the fact that you had some work to do, Hoseok decided that it was either now or later.
“I mean, there’s this great bar a few blocks from here a huge dance floor and great drinks, if you’re up for it,” he suggested, his hand awkwardly coming up to rub the back of his neck. Your eyes widened slightly, shocked at his sudden proposition. 
“Is this like...a date?” you asked, hopeful the answer was yes. You thought he was talented and adorable and you would be more than happy to go on a date with him, but you never had the guts to ask someone something like that. A rose tint creeped up onto his defined cheeks. 
“Well, yeah, sure. Like a date,” he said with a small smile. “Well,” you began, standing up. “I’m not really dressed for a date,” you lightheartedly pointed out, pointing at your outfit. He let out the brightest and happiest laugh you ever heard. “Well, neither am I, so it’ll be okay.” You smirked. “And you still look really good,” he complimented, causing you to blush almost instantly. 
“In that case, I’d be glad to get drinks with you, Jung Hoseok,” you announced excitedly. His eyes widened, surprised. “How’d you know my name?” 
“You sign in every class, dummy,” you joked, causing him to let out a deep chuckle. “Well, I guess we can just skip the formalities, then.” 
“But wait. You don’t know my name,” you said. 
He shook his head, a smirk on his face. “Your name is all over your posters, dummy,” he playfully mocked. You let out a laugh. The first real laugh Hoseok had heard from you and it made his heart flutter, having him longing to hear more. 
“Well, let’s go get some drinks, Hoseok,” you said, gathering your things and walking towards the doors of your studio. “Yes. Let’s, Y/n,” he replied, looking over at you and smiling. 
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It Takes Two to Tango - Ch. 3
Pairing: eventual Prinxiety & Logicality Word Count: 1394 Warnings: None
A/N: Hope you’re ready for Virgil to appear! :D So the boldened text is spoken in Spanish - thought it’d be less confusing that way ^^ Hope you all enjoy ^^
See you on Saturday for the next update! <3
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
The feeling of traveling back in time is both overwhelming and underwhelming. Roman expected some big dramatic sequence like what would be in a sci-fi film. But nothing like that happens. Instead, he simply appears in what looks to be an abandoned alleyway with the distinct feeling that he’s no longer in his own time.
Roman takes a deep breath and straightens his clothes before leaving the alley with a confident gait, looking entirely like he had simply been passing through for a shortcut. Internally, he’s freaking out as it just looks so cool! He’s never been to Argentina before much less when everything is as old fashioned as it is now.
The first order of business, Roman thinks, Find out when Virgil’s next performance is.
He quickly scans the area, hoping for some kind of poster or sign of when the performance is. While he’s looking, a gentle hand taps him on the shoulder.
“Sir, are you looking for something?” Roman turns to face a timid woman and he smiles charmingly at her.
“In fact, I am! Do you know of the performer Virgil Sombra?” Roman asks, hoping that this will be quick.
A quick expression of confusion crosses her face before her eyes widen, “Virgil? Do you mean El Cuervo? I know of him.”
Roman grins at her, not letting the nickname throw him off despite how surprised he is. “Great! Then would you happen to know when he’s performing next?”
The woman nods, “Si! His next official performance is tomorrow but there’s an informal one tonight. Usually, he picks audience members to dance with.” She smirks when this information causes a blush to spread across his face.
“Thank you, miss. Where’s tonight performance?” Roman asks and listens as she gives him the address, thanking her once again before leaving.
Since there is still far too much time before the performance, Roman heads to a nearby park and sits down, reflecting on all he’s learned so far.
So apparently, he goes by El Cuervo. From what I’ve heard, Virgil would resemble a raven - dressed in black and very intelligent. He’d need to be in order to help create a whole new dance style.
I have a chance… Roman thinks, his face coloring once again. There’s a chance, no matter how small, that he will choose me to dance with tonight. I am lucky that he doesn’t care if his dance partner is male or female...
“Now I wait,” Roman says. He spends the hours until the dance roaming the streets of Buenos Aires, perusing the different shops and observing the people. The time passes rather quickly with how much there is to look at and soon enough, he’s standing in front of the location the woman told him of.
“Here goes nothing.” Roman pushes open the doors and enters a party in full swing. His shoulders relax unconsciously at the familiar atmosphere. A party is a party even this far in the past and, as such, is something that Roman can handle with ease.
He mingles with everyone and generally has a good time, the constant bustle occasionally punctuated with a surprised and happy sound as someone is chosen to dance with Virgil.
About two hours into the party, Roman feels a gentle tap on his shoulder and murmurs, “If you’ll excuse me.” to the people he had been chatting with. He turns and gasps silently at seeing who wanted his attention.
Dressed in full black with some accents of a deep purple and accessorized with a few black feathers, there’s no question who this is. Virgil smirks at his reaction and holds out a hand, “Would you like to dance with me?”
Roman’s eyes widen and it takes all of his self-control not to start squealing and fanboying at the question. Instead, he takes Virgil’s hand and says, “Of course, I would.”
Virgil grins and pulls Roman out into the dancefloor, where the guests clear a small area for them to dance in. Roman nearly shivers with excitement when Virgil sets a hand at his waist and tugs him closer, whispering in his ear, “Follow my lead. If you dance well, you might get to lead me next.”
Roman nods and sets a hand on Virgil’s shoulders, waiting for him to begin. When the music changes, Virgil starts a slow walk, following the tempo. Roman follows his lead, knowing just when to pause and add a few embellished moves to grab the audience’s attention.
“Not bad.” Virgil murmurs.
The music picks up pace a bit and their eyes never leave the other’s, focusing on subtle cues that their partner is giving off. At a faster part of the music, Roman does a few of his flashiest moves, the music calming down immediately after. Virgil then follows with a few, more subtle, moves of his own.
The way that their dancing styles complement each other has the audience hooked, not a single conversation happening in the dance hall since their dance had started. Virgil’s slower, more mysterious style contrasts and works rather well with Roman’s faster, flashier style.
When the song’s almost to a close, both prepare for a big finish, neither quite knowing how the other is going to end it. On the final note, Roman throws an arm into the air, just barely managing to anticipate Virgil dipping him.
There is silence.
Then all of a sudden, the loud roar of applause.
Roman looks up into Virgil’s eyes, acutely aware of how close they are. Both are panting heavily, their breath mingling together.
“Good job. You did rather well.” Virgil murmurs softly to Roman, righting them both and smirking at him. “So, you get to lead this next dance.”
Roman’s heart feels like it’s about to burst at the pride blazing in Virgil’s eyes and he grins. They get into position once again.
It doesn’t stop at two dances.
Virgil and Roman dance for hours, eventually losing their audience. By the time they’re too tired to dance another dance, it’s pitch black outside.
“Thanks for tonight,” Virgil says when the two head outside. “It’s rare that I find such a responsive partner.”
“No, thank you. I’ve admired your work for a long time so it was an honor to get to dance with you.” Roman says and Virgil huffs out a laugh.
“An honor? Little ol’ me?” Virgil snickers before growing more serious, “Either way, it was no trouble.”
Roman smiles before groaning as it hits him that it might be too late to book a room in the inn nearby.
“What’s wrong?” Virgil asks, a panicked concern dancing in his eyes.
“I just realized it’s too late to find a room...And I have nowhere else to stay.” Roman admits sheepishly, knowing Logan would yell at him for forgetting to do something so important.
Virgil barks out a laugh and Roman groans again hiding his bright red face. “Oh my gosh, that is the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while!” Virgil says, still laughing.
“Thanks,” Roman responds dryly, watching as Virgil slowly calms down.
“Well, if you want, you could spend the night at my place?” Virgil offers, suddenly looking nervous.
Roman’s heart nearly stops. Virgil, his idol, just offered him, Roman Prince, to spend the night at his place?! Roman lets out a choked noise and Virgil’s just about to rescind his offer when Roman recovers.
“I’d love to! That sounds really nice. Thank you so much.” Roman says, cutting himself off before he could shower Virgil with thanks.
Virgil gives him a strange look like ‘what have I gotten myself into?’ but smirks, “No problem. One thing. You’re not going to, like, murder me in my sleep or something?”
“Oh, heavens no!” Roman responds, offended that Virgil would even think that, and it’s only when Virgil starts laughing that he realizes it was a joke.
“Good to know,” Virgil says, a few snickers leaving his mouth. “There’s just one thing I want in return.”
Roman’s eyes widen as his mind flashes through different possibilities of what Virgil could want. But before he has a chance to ask, Virgil is talking.
“What is your name?”
Ohhhh. Roman straightens as relief fills him, “Roman. Roman Prince.” He says and Virgil nods.
“Well, Princey, follow me,” Virgil says before turning and walking into the night, Roman at his heels.
Taglist (for this fic): @goondis-and-the-plupples, @ccecode, @dead4sevenyears, @the-crazed-band-kid, @zamoradraw, @lunatherumba, @life-dont-just-exist @sanders-sides-rebloger @thesynysterunknown @soul-of-a-vixen @smolvessel @grapeofsoda @ncity21 @hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjhhhhh @ash-marrie @4evermarvelfan @the-fandoms-are-takin-over @bookworm85blr @statsvitenskap @flutie40 @gatekeeper1010 @gaylotusthatexists @pankiddo @somethingoffandoms @flowersheep @littleladynightshade @virgil-vamp
General TS Taglist: @anuninspiredpoet, @echomist13, @theresneverenoughfandoms @fiive-second-cookies @sevencrashing, @virgil-is-verge @fandermom @evilmuffin @fairytailtwists
(let me know if you want to be added/removed in either of those ^^)
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gg-astrology · 5 years
Jungkook seems more like a virgo than namjoon... also, can you talk about the most virgo/pisces/aquarius...(their signs) things bts has done?
Hey there! 💕💕He does have Virgo in his Sun/Moon and while you don’t have to have a lot of placements in a certain sign to be the virgo-est virgo to ever virgo… maybe it’s more to do with how we define signs/what our impressions of them are based on our own experience/perception of them as well? (i.e. Namjoon is not less of a Virgo than Jungkook he’s still a Virgo 💕
Anyways since this is for fun! 💕💕💕 I’ll be using gifs and stuff as well!! 💕💕
[Below: BTS stuff]
Jin - Sagittarius Sun/Aries Moon
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remember that one time he screamed ‘no!!!!’ everytime the interviewer wants him to do something he doesn’t want to do
‘so I should do it because people tell me to!?’ 
Also karate chop to the neck and physically manhandling people into positions he wants them to be (backhugs, linking arms, whatever it is he wants)
Looking at someone and they’re laughing at a joke he said
His contemplative side as well, the way he talks about what happiness means and how he comes to conclusions on certain things. 
Oh and that one time he was talking in vlive and shook his knife-- said it was scary and changed it to a fork skdjfnsk
Yoongi - Pisces Sun/Virgo Moon 
(*or Libra Moon we don’t know!)
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That one time (on his birthday vlive) where tae tried to pull him away from the phone (‘come here’) and he starts making a fuss about it like ‘wait i gotta read the comments’  (his reaction is where its at)
Or in BV where it’s technically a ‘holiday/vacation’  but he’s still doing the cooking, organizing money, doing SOMETHING while making it look like  the bare minimum (taking on responsibilities even when he doesn’t have to) and the kinda, breezy way he handles stuff
Sleepy yoon yoon
A creative force to be reckoned with, when it comes to the creative field/expression he can just push his work into that/feel efficient and productive because of it.
Taking care of people honestly. 
(also lowkey wanting to be thanked/acknowledged but not asking for it – pls thank him/acknowledge the things he do!!) 
Hoseok - Aquarius Sun/Taurus Moon
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‘Family is important please treat them well’
Does his utmost BEST to propagandize healthy relationship with family members and keeping in touch with people (and staying humble despite the fame)
Also: big house, big cars, big rings. His watch?? Ultimate flex. 
Shopping as well. Like enjoying shopping with a friend/someone else. 
When he ‘yahyah’ maknae line (+ namjoon) and make sure they aren’t hurt that’s when it shines
Wanna be a poster boy for good relations? Maybe him. 
Y know what? Just him being 1) a dancer 2) himself 3) sunshine and 4) his fashion sense is very: Hoseokie. 
Namjoon - Virgo Sun/Sagittarius Moon
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Namjoon feeling awkward with hugs but still wanting one/tlc sometimes is?? hallmark behaviour??
Saying stuff but like your mind is going SUPER fast so you ended up speaking FASTER just to catch up to it skjdnksn
Shade master?? Reaction king (unknowingly)
But also just his?? love for nature and taking walks/going out and being alone?? Love those MV walk moments
OpinionATED ™️ but also sometimes thinks he’s open-minded to stuff (when hes not skjn) 
Idiot (but lovable) and uses his charms to his benefit
Jimin - Libra Sun/Gemini Moon
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Remember that one run episode where Jimin and Yoongi made exaggerated noise and faces to each other and then they burst out laughing??
Catty face, facial expression diss (lets be real they CAN be good at this)
Imitation/teasing as a form of bonding (relationship building) but also like– don’t. 
Jimin Whining. Is also a prime example. (’thats not fair’ ‘can’t you give us a hint?’) 
‘How do you do that?’ Jimin to Jungkook on a BTS episode back in 2017, about a singing technique?? JK was showing him. And him having to test it out.
Good at theories, technique. Linear things. Right side of the brain stuff. Also aes (even if they aren’t outwards about it)  
Reading books/comics and staying up late/early?? 
Taehyung - Capricorn Sun/Aries Moon
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I remember seeing this gif of him being completely thrown forward and then caught by one of the hwarang hyungs and babie was so giggly over it. 
Unless you can toss him and catch him (or punish/tease him) he’s not interested (*also conditional: from close friends/deep bond and understanding/trust first) 
If you can’t manhandle him then maybe praising/loving him is alright too. 
Listen just as long as you don’t expect them to reciprocate at the same pace as you do (he takes time) then word it’ll be alright. 
Basically getting thrown around/buried in hug is a thing with Capricorns but they won’t admit to it or they have to feel comfortable with you first.
Oh and also?? buying stuff for friends?? This bitch is It. 
Jungkook - Virgo Sun/Leo Moon
(*or Virgo Moon since we don’t know!)
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He Tries his Best and it Shows (to be sincere) 
Making people laugh is Very Good (but for the right reason/not at him for something he’s sensitive about) 
Remember that classroom skit (recently) where he suddenly yells at the other team to get them to quiet down for the teacher/yoongi??
Actually that whole skit… where his speech was just ‘I dont want to be president’ and then getting selected as president but PRIMARILY that ‘I don’t want to be president’ attitude (and then at the end where he has to select the person to come on and do the punishment/escape it skdjsk very libra venus of him as well) 
Also the recent armypedia thing where he was busy counting to answer the question … didn’t realize yoongi already raised his hand/was going to answer and just… ‘Wait!! I have the answer!!’ like juNGKOOK
Honestly the staring as well… like the observing/tracking stare he does sometimes when he’s Computing 
And gcf?? story-telling and narrative style?? Putting captions on things, doing the credit etc. 
You should watch the Entertainment Weekly 2019 interview where they asked him what he likes about directing– he mentions how you can ‘get’ things quicker with how you direct/the scene plays. And that communication style is something that some people might prefer (story telling). 
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rogersmeadows · 5 years
21 questions tag!
rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better
tagged by my love @fancytelephonepatter thank u for always tagging me in things
nicknames: tati or tat
zodiac sign: pisces
height: 5′4 and three quarters wow im so tall
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
last thing i googled: the 100 cast to see if one of the girls was also in the society, she was not but they look alike (also, watch the society)
fave musicians: plot twist i like queen i know we’re all shocked. but also i love elton, the arkells, the 1975, george ezra, and the lumineers
song stuck in your head: take me to the pilot because of that scene in rocketman ;)
following: 746 (it used to be over 1,000 before i cleared a bunch out for being inactive ive had the same tumblr since like 2012 it’s not my fault)
followers: 185 peeps puttin up with my bullshit i love u all
do you get asks: never just random ones sadly but sometimes when i reblog question things people will send some in or one time i posted about bein sad and i got some love which i really appreciated
amount of sleep: if left undisturbed i can literally sleep for like 12 hours straight but if i have something to do in the morning I’ll usually shoot for at least 7-8 hours because sleep!!is!!important!!
lucky number: never really had one but the number 16 is coming to mind so maybe that’s my subconscious lucky number 
What are you wearing: navy blue t-shirt and purple pj bottoms i dont have anything to do until 7pm tonight so im just livin the comfy life
dream job: AOC is my fucking role model i want to do what she does but if we’re going self-indulgent dream then actor
dream trip: i would love love love to go to Ireland and Scotland but also Greece (to live out that mamma mia lifestyle) and Italy
instruments: i know one and a half songs on guitar (blackbird and here comes the sun) and i can play mary had a little lamb on piano but that is as far as my musical talent extends
languages: english and very little spanish, just enough to stay in the loop when my family wants to talk shit in public
favorite songs: oh god there’s so many. top three queen would be long away, somebody to love, and killer queen. top three elton are the bitch is back, tiny dancer, and take me to the pilot. arkells is and then some. the lumineers is sleeping on the floor. george ezra is shotgun. the 1975 is sex. 
random fact: i saw rocketman six times this weekend
aesthetic: bloody knuckles, black fingernails, unbuttoned button up shirts, music playing with the volume all the way up, heels clicking on linoleum, posters covering the walls, a black guitar, lying on the ground to look up at the stars, jumping into freezing cold water, movie marathons, going to concerts for bands you barely know, platonic kissing, ridiculously over the top makeup for mundane occasions, going to sleep after the sun comes up, coffee that’s always too sweet, not giving a fuck what others think about you
i feel like 21 is so much to tag so im gonna tag @jetsandbennie @debdarkpetal @joemazzelo @rogershamsandwich @rogerinatrash @inthedayswhenlandswerefew @joemazzelloz @one-and-three-sevenths @whothefuckisrogertaylorr @rogerinascigarette and anyone else that wants to do it!!
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starryseo · 6 years
background: in this alternate universe, the members of nct will have various superpowers and abilities. this bulleted series will describe them in school situations - a school of superheroes/ villains - and also outside of school, in non-magical settings, for instance, describing a non-magical job they may have. it’s kind of like harry potter in the sense that only people with powers can access this magical world (where the school is) but magic users can easily travel in between both worlds. enjoy!
super speed & flexibility;
ok so sicheng here is like a mix of elastigirl and dash
dont ask me how that works out it just does ok
a bit weird maybe
but still super (hah puns) badass
he is really ! heckin' !! flexible !!!
like, he's out there doing flips and somersaults and it looks so cool damn
he can even do the acrobatics in super speed it's awesome
the guys took a video of him doing that once and when they hooked it up to a laptop to slo mo it, the laptop couldn’t handle processing it because they had to slow it reaaaaaaaaal down
so it just crashed lmao
he's really humble about his powers though
he never tries to show them off or gloat or anything
but if - when - people ask him to show them something
he just can't say no because he doesn't want to let them down or anything
he has this move that always makes him and the guys laugh
where he does the bridge, but then he elongates his arms and legs
((it’s the best thing ever))
donghyuck always jumps on top of sicheng when he does that
so hyuck is basically overlooking everyone
it makes him feel superior af #longlivekingdonghyuck
and whenever sicheng is in a minutely awkward or embarrassing situation
you bet your butt hes just gonna super speed away the heck outta there
people tend to think he’s always red because he’s always running really fast
but n o p e
he’s a shy bean that’s blushing because people are constantly complimenting him
ok so imagine there was a school vs school competition
but this time with magic !!!
you bet your butt (again) yuta signed him up for all the running races
yuta also has The Best™ signs and posters with sicheng’s face on it
and he coined the nickname Winwin bc sicheng’s always winning
even against the other super speed runners because this boy is always practicing so he doesn’t disappoint anyone during the race
his smile after winning each race is so precious-
ok so he’s great !!! at phys ed (esp. gymnastics and running for obvious reasons) but he’s also amazing at the no magic sports like swimming. he likes the rush he gets because he’s not as fast in water, so he’s trying to improve his personal best
ofc hyuck and yuta have made him try to run on water
after like 7 unsuccessful attempts (mainly bc hyuck kept pushing yuta into the water as sicheng was running) he finally managed to do it without them two interfering
it was legendary
kinda like dash’s run on water, minus the villains behind him trying to kill him
outside of school!!!!
he also has a job outside of being totally badass in school
of course he’s a cute lil’ barista boy at a cafe close-by
hes winwinning hearts there everyday too give him a break ppl
he tries making lots of different designs on the drink, he mainly bases them on different powers like drawing flames or a snowflake
they may not be super detailed but they’re really cute and he always serves them with a smile
so he gets a lot of tips :)))
he also really likes this job because he gets to see different kinds of people all the time
he usually has late shifts after school, so he gets to see how humans cope with their abundance of school work
and when he has really late shifts, how people are really quiet, mainly listening to music, barely awake
on the weekends, he’s there up and early, and he finds it funny how 50% of the customers are in a rush to get to places like shopping or work
but then the rest are coming in happy groups and they’re just chilling, having a good time
he just really likes watching humans do their thing,, makes him think that there really isn’t much of a difference between their kind and his
but there’s still this separation which he has never really liked, but has had to put up with
so he always try to be as happy as possible around them
because even if they don’t know that hes not 100% human he’s still going to be as nice as possible
bc he’s just a really nice guy like that
my beautiful sicheng, the speedy stretcher <3 
so, as cliches go, you guys met in the cafe he works at
and you quickly became a regular there because of a school project that you had
you would always have a hot chocolate with whipped cream but then ask the barista for what they’d recommend as a side dessert
and he sort of just found that cute and you super cute over the days
but he’s a shy lil’ thang so he would just hand you your stuff quickly & quietly when he was serving you
but then he was always cleaning around the table you were at when his role changed
the guys would catch on pretty quickly because he’d be rushing to leave after school and kept ditching their hang-out sessions for extra shifts
they thought he was doing something dodgy and not telling them 
so they followed him and were rlly confused when he did just get on with his actual job
UNTIIIIIL doyoung realised that sicheng kept staring at one particular customer in the far booth
and then the whole gang knew about this crush
yuta geared up and not so subtly used his powers [will be revealed in his one ;^)] to give sicheng a push in the right direction
a.k.a sicheng tripped over and fell right into you
a.k.a some teen nudged you just as you had picked up your now-lukewarm hot chocolate so it spilled onto you
panic ensued (with yuta and co. cackling in the background) and sicheng frantically trying to hand you tissues
he apologised profusely and you were kind enough to brush it off (but it was obvious you were kind of  annoyed)
and he felt so so so bad because there goes any chance he had with having a good first impression
you still came back the next day though and sicheng gave himself a quick pep talk and walked to you before he could change his mind
he started off the conversation saying sorry again and somehow he managed to string along “i’d really love to make it up to you this saturday...”
free food and time with a cute boy? you couldnt have said yes to his offer quicker
saturday came quickly and the date had gone amazingly - by now, sicheng knew the gang knew and they were all being the best WinWinWingMen [thats literally what they called themselves]
yuta & hyuck taught him Flirting 101
jaehyun picked out his outfit after johnny had had his fashion evaluation on it & then taeyong ironed the clothes out
doyoung tried starting a talk show to ease sicheng’s nerves until the dreamies shoved and locked him out
anyways, the date went amazingly and led to more until you guys started dating
it was cute and all but after being together for two years sicheng realised he hadn’t told you that he wasn’t... exactly... human
and he was really scared about how you would react
mainly because he’d seen people confess things in the cafe and usually it went well
but there were times that it didn’t and he remembers them better and so he’s scared
he doesn’t think you’d react in an over-the-top way but he’s still scared you’d leave him because he’s different
he’s never really spoken to you about Supers, fearing you’d realise he is one and leave him
but one day he decides that you should know because the relationship is serious now and he trusts you
when he sat you down to talk to you
first you thought he was going to break up with you because of how serious he was, and he kept saying “i’m so sorry about this, please don’t take this badly”
and you just held his face and stroked your thumb over his cheeks, telling him to breathe slowly
and after he had calmed down, he mumbled out so quietly, “i’m not... normal”
and at first you thought he was talking about his insecurities until he carried on
“i can do things other people can’t... like i can run and stretch myself”
and, to be completely honest, you were lost, and that obviously showed on your face because sicheng smiled a lil’ and decided to show you instead
so he stood up, and dashed to the door and you were like
and then it finally clicked: he was superhuman
sicheng decided it would be better to stay away from you in case you reacted explosively
but he wished he was closer because your eyes were sparkling in awe
and he wishes he could’ve seen that up close instead
you were so in awe, and that night you got him to explain more about his powers and magic in general
and he’s so happy you’re still with him, that day was filled with non-stop affection 
after that he mixes up the dates by also taking you around the magic world, but he’s always careful to watch out for authority figures
because they might react badly to a non-magic person
but so far so good
and sicheng’s never been happier
highkey felt bad that i hadn’t posted anything in a while so here we go :)) hope you enjoyed!!
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anthonyk44-blog · 5 years
Tutorial 1: 3 Fonts i like and Dislike.
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This font forces the general shape of the moon onto its characters. It does not sacrifice clarity in doing so either and a reader will likely not struggle to make out the otherwise strongly stylised type. There are no ascenders or descenders present in the font nor any serifs. This font is best used for decoration purposes as it does not posses lowercase designs for its letters.
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A very pixel like clear font that looks like something that would be used in a retro video game, but made for the 21st century. Its lowercase letters all slant very slightly to the right while the capitals do not. It is very bold and arguably fresh on the eyes. Similar to Luna Nueva it does not posses any ascenders/descenders or serifs at all. The overall blocky shape of the type makes it perfect for being coloured into something other than black for a change. 
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A clean, sleek, easy to read font that looks somewhat futuristic. It is very simple in its design. Utilizing no serifs or fancy ascenders or descenders. Quick and to the point, with a dash of style. This font works well for large blocks of text and for decorative purposes such as signs or posters.
Dislike: ====================================================
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The exact polar opposite of what i would want in a font. Every letter having some exaggerated serif or ascender and emphasized like mad. Lowercase even has these exaggerated serifs and decorations on the font. I find it very distracting from the main point of trying to convey me a message. Its almost as if the letters are trying to pretend to be art and sacrifice readability for it and this font seems to be intended for use in large blocks of text as well. Making my problem with it worse. I’d imagine this being suited for fancy venues however. 
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I dont really hate this font as much as Brandon Smith, but its pretty limited in what you can use this font for. You wouldnt use this font to advertise your cafe or clothes shop. In fact you can only really use this font for one industry; electronics. Anything else and this font looks so out of place. Oh and Good luck using this for any sentence bigger than 4 words. I know its a decoration font, but it seems extremly limited in what you can use it for. Though i guess the same can be said about Luna Neuva but i like that one and not this one. :/ each to their own i suppose. 
Maze Line: =============================================
I couldnt even put that title in the font, no seriously you wouldnt of been able to read it. Cool idea, but holy gawd you cant even use this for decoration let alone for big blocks of text. Good luck trying to read this: 
Tumblr media
Dont know what that says? 
Mean either!
Cool font, But i wouldnt use this for anything. I can barely even read this at all. Some of the letters dont even look like letters at all. 
0 notes
ronansparrishes · 7 years
I was tagged to answer all of these questions!!
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
more milk than cereal
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
yes i don’t like to be super warm ever 
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
usually sticky notes that i write things on about the book or like lists of stuff that i have due that week
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
i take tea with nothing in it and coffee with lots of sugar and cream 
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
yeah my teeth are a little weird
6: do you keep plants?
yep! i have two cacti, richie and nini
7: do you name your plants?
see above lmao 
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
i’m a writer
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
i literally never stop singing lmao but yeah i do
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
back or stomach
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends?
“I have to microwave this” anytime anything is awkward 
12: what's your favorite planet?
13: what's something that made you smile today?
i had a nice talk with a girl from my history class and this guy from my shakespeare class last semester, like we sat on the benches outside of this building for an hour and a half
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
plants and paper everywhere lmao 
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
space is... big
16: what's your favorite pasta dish?
alfredo which im eating right now
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
like a reddish color
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
calling the musical oklahoma ‘kansas’ 
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
i have one but i barely write in it lmao
20: what's your favorite eye color?
i don’t have one
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
my like briefcase bag thing that i used for like 3+ years and the strap was broken but i kept using it
22: are you a morning person?
yeah i guess, like i get up early every day for class and im usually pretty awake and functioning 
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
read fanfiction and watch musicals
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
b, corinne
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into?
i dont think i ever have 
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
my black knock off vans from target
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor?
anything fruity
28: sunrise or sunset?
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
b always leaves me sticky notes and they’re always so cute
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
yeah probably
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
i have so many socks and i never wear matching ones and my dad gets mad when i buy more socks
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
idk me and b used to stay up real late with JM and send each other dumb memes
33: what's your fave pastry?
anything with peanut butter
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
violet, she was like a tiny purple weasel thing...
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?
the front bottoms
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
i clean my room every sunday usually
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
everything my stupid roommate does
39: what color do you wear the most?
black or red
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?
i don’t wear jewelry
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving?
the raven cycle series!
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
we live right next door to a coffeehouse, it’s not my fave but i spend a lot of time there. it’s student run so it’s kinda shitty lol
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
probably b
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
right now, sitting in the kitchen with my friends
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
im too lazy, ask ali
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
clowns, probably
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
i buy kpop CDs lol u, i gotm lemonade for christmas from my friend
50: what's an odd thing you collect?
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
b - hey thanks by the wonder years
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
the one making fun of student athletes 
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
all of them but pulp fiction, i like rocky horror and heathers a lot
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
i don’t.... know...
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point?
spent 5 days not talking to any of my friends
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
when they’re funny 
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
i’m not going to but if i did i would dramatically reenact it
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
im both. bet
59: what's your favorite myth?
anything greek
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
yeah, i like bukowski
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received?
everything i give is dumb, also one time veronica got me a slinky for christmas and i was so mad
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
i organize by letter 
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
black, it’s night
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with?
corinne or my friend mason
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
like kind of at peace and calm
68: what's winter like where you live?
cold as fuck and lots of snow
69: what are your favorite board games?
clue!!!! idk a bunch 
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
fuck no i dont fuck with that
71: what's your favorite kind of tea?
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?
no i have a really good memory
73: what are some of your worst habits?
biting my nails, being generally awful 
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
75: tell us about your pets!
i have none :(
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?
sleeping lol i have to be up at 5:30
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
yellow lemonade
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
make me a mix CD
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
at school and at home they’re both white, but they’re covered in posters of things i like, like monsta x and the x files
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
82: are/were you good in school?
yeah i usually get all A’s, school/academics are super important to me and i’ve always been good at them
83: what's some of your favorite album art?
any front bottom’s cover
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
yes! the phrase “a miracle of moving parts” 
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
nah but i watch daredevil
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
yeah, lemonade. and so many others
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
ferris bueller’s day off, all the LOTR, les mis
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
dadaism lmao
89: are you close to your parents?
not my mom but i’ve live with my dad since i was 15, he’s like my best friend probably 
90: talk about your one of your favorite cities.
i really love Nuremberg when i was there. it was so nice and beautiful yet still modern?? but there were furries everywhere lmao
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
around PA and maybe jersey and new york, nowhere major tho
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
so much
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most?
hair down, pin straight bc that’s how it drys 
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
ummmmmmmmmm idk im bad at this lmao
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
newspaper layout
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
no i like never do
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
INFJ, cancer, gryffindor
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
with dallas last spring break probably lmao no i hate hiking 
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
we don’t eat by james vincent mcmorrow or something like that
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
future. forget the past lmao
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clumsytwinkie · 7 years
cute questions
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? - More cereal cause I don’t put milk in my cereal.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? - Yes unless it’s too cold
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? - scraps of paper, birthday cards, receipts
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? - idk however the person makes it
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? - yeah
6: do you keep plants? - I used to keep cacti
7: do you name your plants? - yeah my cacti were called stella and bella
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? - I write or reblog pics
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? - yes
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? - I sleep on my side or stomach
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? - yeast, kahea, kahiit, fapapus, simon biles, stacey, ariana, oreo, BC, too many
12: what's your favorite planet? - saturn
13: what's something that made you smile today? - youtube, cheetos
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? - it would be the coolest space ever and it would have huge windows with a nice view. my room would have lots of fairy lights and cute posters. music would always be playing.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! - all of space is completely silent
16: what's your favorite pasta dish? - too many I love pesto, ravioli, alfredo, mac and cheese, four cheese, truffle carbonara, and just plain pasta with garlic butter and cheese idk what its called
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? - maybe ombre with like lighter brown tips or just light brown
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. - when I claimed that mountains respire
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? - I keep a notebook that I write poems and prose in and another one where I just draw fashion stuff
20: what's your favorite eye color? - hazel
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. - My favorite bag is this mini backpack that can be worn as a handbag as well and it used to belong to my mom but she gave it to me. It can hold a lot of stuff and is pretty worn out but I love it.
22: are you a morning person? - kind of because I have to wake up early every day so I’m used to it but I don’t mind because I don’t think I can stay in bed for that long anyways.
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? - sit on my sofa and watch TV on my laptop and youtube videos.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? - maybe 
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? - can’t remember but I have definitely broken in somewhere I think a park or something
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? - black converse or adidas
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? - mint
28: sunrise or sunset? - sunset
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? - my friend always calls me nicknames and gives me big bear hugs
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? - hell yes i am probably the most anxious person you’ll ever meet
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. - I like wearing socks to sleep when i have gymnastics blisters on my hands. I like wearing any socks not just plain ones
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. - I think this was after a music festival not sure if it was 3am but my friend went to the fridge and took out a box of pesto pasta and just started eating it cold. also we played monopoly and cards against humanity.
33: what's your fave pastry? - lemon meringue tart, sausage puff, mushroom puff, chocolate puff
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? - I have these two care bears, one pink and one purple called Salad and Lolly and I still have them. I used to take them with me on every holiday. I have lost the purple one in an airport bathroom and a hotel.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? - stationary is literally one of my favorite things to shop for and one of the only reasons why I enjoy going back to school. I love pretty pens they make me feel better
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? - the 1975, arctic monkeys, the neighborhood
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? - clean 
38: tell us about your pet peeves! - when people are two faced, when they do well but they say they don’t, when people lie to not embarrass themselves, when people constantly complain, when people ditch their friends, try to act cool and so much more
39: what color do you wear the most? - black, white and navy
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? - I have a ring that my mom gave me when I was little and I think it used to belong to my grandma but I think I’ve lost it.
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? - this is going to sound lame but wattpad has some really great stories and also the humans of new york book 
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! - don’t really have one just basically any starbucks
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? - can’t remember don’t think I’ve ever done that but I’ve always wanted to lay in a field on top of a blanket with someone and just look at the stars and not talk
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? - when I slept or when I was eating cheetos and watching netflix
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? - kinda
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. - did it hurt when you fell down from heaven? (angel)
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? - peas.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? - too many fears to pick from e.g. sharks, vegetables, the dark, monsters, scary movies, etc 
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? - i would like to buy some but i dont have any yet because i don’t own a record player
50: what's an odd thing you collect? - stuff i wore/collected on gymnastics comps where i did well e.g. hairties, movie tickets, receipts, stickers, buttons
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? -  52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? 54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? 55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? 56: what are some things you find endearing in people? 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? 58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? 59: what's your favorite myth? 60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? 61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? 64: what color is the sky where you are right now? 65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? 66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? 68: what's winter like where you live? 69: what are your favorite board games? 70: have you ever used a ouija board? 71: what's your favorite kind of tea? 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? 73: what are some of your worst habits? 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. 75: tell us about your pets! 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? 77: pink or yellow lemonade? 78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? 79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? 81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. 82: are/were you good in school? 83: what's some of your favorite album art? 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? 85: do you read comics? what are your faves? 86: do you like concept albums? which ones? 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? 89: are you close to your parents? 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. 91: where do you plan on traveling this year? 92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? 93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? 95: what are your plans for this weekend? 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? 98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. 100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?​
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