#is it that different from high school? don’t you eat your best friend whole there as the only way to have her?
krookodyke · 1 year
something about the end of yellowjackets 2x02 and the beginning of the Cannibalism connecting to the core theme of the show… that we were all just girls together, and we did all these horrible things together. and now we have to live with it, forever, with the inherent violence of girlhood and how we all participated because there was no other option. it was survival.
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ludwig-van-gaythoven · 2 months
Cabin Fever - (Regina George x F Reader) Part 3
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Mean Girls (2024)
Regina George x Reader
The students of Northshore go on a school trip for a week in the forest. You end up getting to know the apex predator in a way you’d never seen her before.
ED mentions.
Part 1// Part 2// Part 3// Part 4// Part 5// Part 6
When you wake in the morning, Regina is already gone. She’s probably gone to meet with Karen and Gretchen for breakfast, pushing food around her plate more like. You’ve noticed some of your leftovers have gone missing, you don’t mind though. At least it means she’s eating something.
You’re not sure why she seems to relax around you enough to eat, something she can’t seem to do around her supposed best friends.
You have to remind yourself you aren’t her friend but the sketch is still neatly folded under her pillow, whatever that means.
You have a quick shower, throw on some jeans and a band tee and go to the campfire pit to hear what activity you’ll have to do today. It might mean being paired with Regina again, although she acts like a completely different person with you in public. You can see straight through her act. The more you see of her, the more you realise she’s not cruel, bitchy or formidable. She’s scared and a little insecure.
“Today half of you will be boating and half of you will be climbing! Cabins 1-6 follow me and cabins 7-12 meet your leader at the high ropes in 5 minutes!” The instructor calls.
Fuck no.
You try and sneak away slowly, if there’s one thing you’re afraid of, it’s heights. Maybe you can sneak off with the boating group, that sounds less scary, and safer.
It doesn’t work, Mrs Norbury catches you and sends you off in the direction of the high ropes. It’s not like they can force you to climb, right?
They’re laughing about something, you can’t tell what. Maybe Regina’s already making fun of you, maybe she’s gone through your bags to find anything embarrassing to tell her best friends. Maybe she’s taken a photograph of your sketch to prove you’re a loser, freak or whatever. She did similar to Janis, what’s stopping her from doing the same to you?
Maybe not.
You think you saw a glimpse of the real Regina underneath all the pink and glitter, last night.
An instructor calls out that the session is starting. For once this week you stop thinking about Regina.
You can already feel your heartbeat in your ears as you approach the climbing frame. You’re instructed on how to correctly fit your harnesses and told to line up and go over one at a time across the high ropes.
It was like an assault course in the air. First some wooden stepping stones, then walking across a tightrope with just a rope above to balance yourself, and then finally a zip line. You felt your stomach flip, there had to be a way out. You couldn’t have Regina see you having a full-blown panic attack.
Regina is just in front of you in the queue, she doesn’t turn to look at you even once. You’re slightly hurt but not surprised. It’s not like one evening of civility means she could be seen with you in public.
The plastics climb up and start to walk across. Gretchen and Karen walk in front, screaming and giggling the whole way. Regina saunters across, nothing phases her. As she climbs across the rope you can see the muscles under her pink crop top tensing, it makes you momentarily forget about what you have to do until the instructor calls out that it’s your turn next.
Okay, just breathe and whatever you do, don’t look down.
You climb up to the top platform. It’s just a walk across some stable wooden platforms. You can do this. You stare straight ahead, ignoring the thumping of your heart, your hands clammy against the ropes. As long as you don’t look down you’ll be fine.
By some miracle you make it across. The next obstacle is a walk across a tightrope. This one makes you cold sweat.
You start to shake more. Regina is already across the other side standing and waiting to go across the next obstacle. She still looks like a goddess, and you probably look like a sweaty mess. For the first time today she turns and looks at you, her expression is hard to work out, maybe pity? Probably amusement.
You put one foot tentatively on the rope and hold for dear life onto the top rope. You shuffle across in an ungraceful manner. Hopefully Regina has turned her back by now. This would definitely be blackmail material.
Every time the rope moves you feel like you’ll fall, any second you could faint, or throw up, or maybe have a heart attack.
You edge closer to the finishing platform, you can see the edge of it and make the mistake of looking down.
The ground becomes blurry and feels like it’s 3,000 feet away.
Your stomach lurches and your foot slips.
Desperation fills you and without thinking you desperately reach your hand out, hoping Regina will grab It, pull you back up and you won’t feel that dreaded falling sensation.
Instead she shoves you.
You fall from the rope, your heart nearly stops and you can’t open your eyes. The harness catches you but you’ve swung sideways from the rope and the force of Regina’s push makes you come crashing back, your hip colliding with the wooden platform.
The pain is immediate, and searing.
An instructor lowers you down and a teacher demands that Regina comes down too to take you to first aid.
She does this begrudgingly, her little minions whining that it’s not fair that she has to pay the price when you ‘just slipped.’
You don’t look at her or speak to her on your way to first aid. With every step your hip explodes with pain. You try not to show how hard it is to walk. This wasn’t the same Regina you hung out with last night.
Never show your weakness to a predator. That was your first mistake.
“ I wouldn’t have had to do that if you didn’t try to touch me.” She spat, staring at the ground as you walked. Was she ashamed?
“Whatever Regina. I don’t care.” You sigh, wincing again as you step.
She huffs and rolls her eyes at you as you finally make it to first aid. She leaves you at the door.
The first aider confirms that she doesn’t think it’s fractured or broken. Just badly bruised. When she asks what happened you lie and say you slipped. She doesn’t buy it but she doesn’t push any further. She gives you some pain medicine and an ice pack and suggests you go and rest for a bit in your cabin.
You go back and lie in your bed on your back with the ice pack slowly melting away at your hip, making the sheets wet and cold.
Luckily Regina is out somewhere, she’s probably snuck off to one of the plastics cabins.
It’s not like you care anyway.
You decide not to get dinner today. The thought of limping all the way to the campfire sounds awful and you don’t want to give Regina the satisfaction of knowing she hurt you so you try and get some sleep.
Your phone buzzes and lights up on the nightstand. It’s Janis.
“Heeey Dude! How’s the school trip? Wait why are you in bed it’s not even late” the voice of your best friend rings out down the phone.
“Long story, I slipped climbing.” You don’t know why you lie to Janis. You don’t feel like talking about Regina.
You know that despite them being on civil terms now, Janis and Regina still held a grudge respectively. Secretly you knew Janis definitely still had a crush on her, not that she’d ever admit it. At first you didn’t understand why Janis would fall for someone so fake and shallow but now you’ve seen the other side to her. Or is it just a disguise for her to gain your trust? You trusted she’d catch you and instead she pushed you away.
“Are you even listening to me?” Janis breaks you out of your thoughts.
“I said, has Regina fallen in mud, or ruined her boots or had bugs in her hair yet?” You can hear the grin in her voice, and a slight hint of excitement from speaking about Regina.
“Uh, I don’t know… I haven’t really seen her.” You lie again. Why can’t you stop lying to your friend?
“Anyway Janis I have to go, I should probably go and get dinner now, the teachers will wonder where I am.” Another lie “Bye!” You add quickly and hang up.
You sigh and throw your phone back onto the nightstand. You close your eyes again and try and get some sleep.
The painkillers have kicked in and you finally drift off.
You’re in the middle of a forest in a clearing. For some reason you feel uneasy. The trees are all looming around you, as if they’re trying to warn you, leaning closer to whisper “Run” in their windy breath. From between the trees you see a bright pair of blue cat eyes. They’re fixed on you. Unblinking.
You try to get up to run but you can’t move, you’re fixed to the spot as a lion emerges from the trees, claws sharp and teeth bared just about to clamp down on your neck-
Something shakes you awake. Or rather, someone.
“Get up.” You hear Regina hiss.
“What, why?” You mumble back, rubbing your eyes. Her silhouette is blurry above you.
“Come with me.”
“Why the fuck should I.” Your response shocks both of you,she scowls and grabs your wrist to drag you up.
“Just come with me.”
“Fuck off, Regina.” You spit
She doesn’t say anything, just tightens her grip on your wrist and pulls you up.
There’s no use resisting. Stupidly you follow her. Why would you trust her after she pushed you, you’re walking yourself to your doom.
She leads you to a clearing in the trees. Just like your dream, everything in your body is telling you to run.
And then you see it.
A hot pink blanket is sprawled out on the floor and you recognise various containers of food you’d bought laid out on the blanket. There’s two fluffy white pillows either side of the blanket.
“Say something, dumbass!” She barks, she doesn’t meet your eyes and you notice a slight blush on her cheeks
“What’s happening.” You stutter. Surely not, why would Regina have gone to all this effort? Is she trying to apologise?
“I saw you weren’t at dinner and I didn’t want you to starve or something. I’m not sleeping in the same room as a corpse.” She quips, going to sit on one of the pillows. You follow and sit on the other, are you still dreaming?
You eat in silence for a while. Every now and then stealing glances at Regina. She’s actually eating some of the food, looking down at the blanket in thought. The sun is setting and the light manages to catch her in a way that makes her even more perfect. Her cheeks are slightly rosy and you notice she’s taken off most of her makeup. She looks softer, like her guard has dropped slightly.
“I’m sorry I pushed you.” She whispers and her eyes catch yours. She looks genuinely sorry.
Against better judgement you immediately forgive her. You can’t hold much resolve against her when she’s sitting at a picnic she made for you and the sun is reflecting off her skin like that.
“It’s okay, I’m fine anyway.” That’s half a lie, it still hurts quite badly. “Thanks for this. You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted you to know I’m sorry, really, and…. Your food is better than the shit they serve here.” She fidgets nervously “It’s nice to eat without Gretch and Karen commenting on the fat content of it.”
That makes your stomach sink. You wonder how anyone could ever think that Regina was anything but beautiful.
“We could have dinner together tomorrow too, if you wanted” that definitely didn’t come out as confident as you wanted it to.
She doesn’t say anything but she smiles at you. Your heart skips.
After you finish eating you pack up Regina’s cute picnic and make your way back to the cabin. You resist the fleeting urge to hold her hand. You don’t want to get shoved again.
She goes to the bathroom to shower and you pull out your sketchbook. You draw the same forest clearing before, sketching in all the leaves, except this time the lion is lying on a blanket, eyes closed, peaceful.
You put the sketchbook back in your bag and get changed into pyjama shorts and a top before laying on top of the covers on the bed.
You’re drifting in and out of consciousness when Regina comes out of the bathroom, you hear her pad quietly towards your bed.
As if not to scare her off you stay perfectly still, eyes shut, and pretend to be asleep.
You feel her hand pull the leg of your shorts up at the side to reveal the darkening bruise at your hip.
Your heart nearly implodes when you feel her gentle lips press a soft kiss to your hip.
It’s over in a second, she goes back to her bed and pulls the covers over her head.
You let out a shaky breath and decided you would probably never be able to figure Regina George out, but at this current moment, you didn’t really mind.
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7ndipity · 9 months
"I'd make a great boyfriend!"
Jungkook x Reader
Summary: A typically chaotic evening with your best friend leads to a slightly unexpected conversation.
Warnings: swearing, a few suggestive jokes, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! I don't quite know where this was going, it kinda feels like the setup for a F2L, but idk, I hope you like it anyway.
Requests are open
Friday nights with Jungkook were one of your favorite things, no more stress about work or school, just you and your best friend trying to beat each other’s high scores at video games or karaoke and marathoning whatever film or shows you were both obsessed with at the moment.
Tonight was no different, you and Jungkook were three rounds into a Smash bros tournament when he slumped back on the sofa next to you after losing to you yet again.
“Agh, screw this, I’m hungry.” Jungkook whined.
“How is that my problem?” You asked.
“You distracted me and I forgot to eat.” He said, pouting at you.
“Your adhd is not my fault.” You replied, getting up anyway with a groan. “What do you want to eat?”
“Hmm,” He thought for a moment before smirking up at you. “You wanna have ramen?”
You shot him an unamused look. “If this is like when you asked me about meeting your cat, I will kick your ass.”
“I’ll just stick with the ramen then.” He replied, also getting to his feet.
Which is how you ended up in your current predicament of cooking ramen at twelve thirty at night, which wouldn’t be that bad if you didn’t have Jungkook who insisted on trying to teach you one of his ‘famous’ ramen recipes.
“This is way too many steps! I thought the whole point of ramen was that it’s easy!” You complained, watching as he chopped veggies for the soup.
“That’s cause you don’t have the creative vision I have.” He insisted, nodding to the pantry. “Can you grab one of the spicy noodle packs for me?”
“Fine.” You responded, familiar enough with his kitchen at this point that you could find them almost without looking.
When you turned back around, he had removed his hoodie, leaving him in a t-shirt that showed off his impressive collection of tattoos.
“Stop staring.” He remarked, catching your eyes on him.
“You should get a tattoo of the Buldak bird.” You suggested, poking his arm as you rejoined him at the stove.
“First of all, his name is Hochi, and secondly, no.” He responded, taking the packet from you.
“Why not? Think of the brand deal, we could get so much free ramen!” You said.
“That’s not how brand deals work. Also who is ‘we’?!” He asked, struggling to open the sauce packet.
“Well, it was my idea, so I should get a percentage of the royalties.” You explained, leaning over to help at the exact moment he finally managed to tear it open with slightly too much force, resulting in a small splatter of the bright red mix to land on your shirt.
“Shit, I’m sorry!” He apologized, scrambling to clean you up. “Here, if I put it in the wash quickly, it shouldn’t stain, let me get you something else to wear.” He said, grabbing his previously discarded hoodie and offering it to you.
You thanked him and quickly ducked into the bathroom to change, tossing your sweater out the door to him before pulling the dark material of his hoodie over yourself, the fabric absolutely swamping you, the lingering scent of his cologne mildly comforting.
By the time he returned to the kitchen, you were already dividing the food out into bowls.
He paused, studying you for a moment before coming to slump against your back in what almost resembled a hug, looping his arms loosely around your middle.
“What are you doing?” You asked, bumping your elbow back against him.
“Giving you affection?” He replied, propping his chin on your shoulder.
“Eww, why?”
“I dunno, you just look cute in my clothes and I wanted to.” He shrugged.
“I didn’t look cute before?” You questioned, side eyeing him.
He groaned. “Will you let me have my moment, I’m trying to like you.”
“Excuse me?!” You asked incredulously.
“I was just testing it out.” He muttered, following you as you moved about the kitchen, tightening his grip to ensure no separation between the two of you.
“Why though?”
“I wanted to see what it felt like.”
“I think you ask too many questions. Ack!” He teased, earning a pinch that made him jump back, releasing his hold on you.
“Just eat your food and leave me out of your weird little fantasies.” You remarked, handing him a bowl before moving to sit at the counter.
“They’re not weird!”
“Sure.” You said sarcastically.
“They’re not! What, you never thought about what it would be like to date me?” He asked.
“Why would I lie about that?” You exclaimed.
“Because Jimin told me you used to think I was cute.”
“That motherf-'' You gritted your teeth.
“So?” He tilted his head at you.
“So what? Thinking you’re cute is different than considering dating you.” You pointed out.
“I’d make a great boyfriend though!” He insisted.
“I’m sure you would be, but not for me!” You said sharply.
“Okay, fine!” He said, copying your tone.
For a few minutes, that seemed to be the end of it as you both ate in silence.
“How’re the noodles?” He asked quietly.
“Really good, actually.” You admitted.
“Imagine having a boyfriend who’s a good cook.” He mumbled, making you drop your fork in the dish with a loud clang.
“Would you stop?!” You whined, making him snicker.
“Oh c’mon, that was a little funny.” He said between laughs.
“When are you gonna let this go?”
“Probably never.” He said with a smug grin.
You rolled your eyes. “Then I’ll just have to start using some of the dirt Jimin told me about you.”
His laughter stopped almost instantly, eyes going wide. “Why, what’d he tell you?”
“I think it’s more fun if I keep you in suspense.” You smirked.
In truth, you didn’t have anything on him, but he didn’t need to know that.
Not yet anyway.
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Hi! Can I plz request MM!Donnie with a fem reader? So basically, reader is the queen bee of the school, she's the popular girl, ect. So Donnie and reader have liked each other for a while, but he's too scared to make a move, so she has to flirt and make the move on him?
Tysm!! <333
Popular’s Crush (Fluff-ish)
MM!Donatello x reader
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A/N: Here you go! Donnie and a popular reader💜 It is worth noting that I’ve never been in an American High School, and therefore aren’t sure how the cafeteria truly works. Buuuut, I think this still works💜
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Warnings: Spelling lol💜
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“Don’t turn right now”, your best friend said, cutting you off mid sentence, as you were telling her about your weekend, her eyes flickering between you and whatever was behind you at the other end of the cafeteria. “He’s here”.
You bite your lip with a small smile, knowing exactly who your friend was talking about. It was one of the turtles.
“Is he alone?”, you asked, only loud enough for her to hear, keeping the rest of your busy table in the unknown, as they talked about their own weekends, seemingly not noticing you and your friends' little conversation. “Is he looking this way?”
“No, he’s with friends and his brothers”, your friend answered, leaning a little to the side to get a better look. She then hurried back in her former position, looking at you with a smile. “He’s looking!”
You turned around in your seat, looking towards the food line, where you saw Donatello with some of his friends, just behind his three brothers. He was standing as if he was watching something his friends showed him on their phones, but his eyes was nowhere looking at the screen. They were looking right over the top in your direction, meeting yours. You tried to smile at him, but before you could move a face muscle he looked down on the screen in front of him, a small panic in his eyes as he tried to act as if he had been watching it the whole time.
You sighed in annoyance as you turned back towards your friend. Your friend shooting you an apologetic look.
“It’s as if he doesn’t even notice!”, you groaned, poking lazily at your food with your fork, suddenly having no interest in eating.
“I don’t get it”, your friend said. “I could have sworn he was staring at you”.
“Maybe”, you mumbled, thinking of a way you could catch the attention of your crush. Nothing had worked in the past year. You have had a good eye to Donatello, ever since he and his brothers started attending your school. He was different from any other guy that you had had a crush on, well, other than the fact that he was a mutant turtle that had trained in the art of ninjutsu ever since he was a baby. He was by most classifications, a nerd, a far cry from the usual jocks you found yourself falling for. When he wasn’t with his brothers, Donnie hung out with the other nerds from his grade, talking about anime, video games, movies or comic books. But Donnie wasn’t the stereotypical nerd from the movies, who feared the big jocks or a sudden beating. Donnie was sarcastic and did well with words. He was for the most time calm, and took everything in a roll. And to be honest, you found him much more charming than any other guy you had found yourself interested in. Which only made it more frustrating for you, when Donnie did not return your looks, nor tried to start up a conversation with you, like all the other guys had done.
But unbeknownst to you, Donnie’s friends started pushing and poking him with teasing smiles, having noticed the way he had looked at you, and his panicked expression when you saw him.
“Look”, one of them said, poking Donnie’s cheek with a big teasing smile. “Don’s blushing”.
“Am not”, Donnie said, slapping his friend's hand away, turning to follow the line as it moved, his brothers grabbing a tray each as they moved forward.
“So you’re going to pretend that we didn’t just see you make eye contact with (Y/N)?”, his friend asked as Donnie grabbed a tray, getting a look at the school food with a grimace. He still remembered the days he used to dream about school, and so far it had been everything he had dreamed of… except the food… and the confusing thing that was crushes.
“I still think you should just talk to her”, one of his other friends said, letting the kitchen lady slap a lump of… something onto his tray. “You have looked at her for a year now. It might be time to be that brave mutant turtle hero and go talk to her”.
“But I can’t”, Donnie sighed, looking at the not so nice smelling food in disdain. Maybe he should ask Scumbug for a lunchbox instead of this slack. “She’s popular and I’m a-”.
“A mutant that saved the world a year ago?”, his friend butted in, following Donnie to the table his brother had taken a seat at. “Surely that will get her just a little interested”.
Donnie sighed in annoyance, poking at his food. Why did he tell his friends about his crush on you in the first place?
From your table, you sat and watched Donnie along with his friends and brothers, as he started to dig into the food in front of him, your eyes burning into the back of his purple hoodie, frustration building up inside of you.
“Right!”, you finally let out, slamming your fork down onto your tray, causing your whole table to stare as you stood up, your friend looking confused. “I guess that if you want something done, you have to do it yourself”. And then you walked off in the direction of Donatello’s table.
Donnie’s tablemates saw you coming before Donnie did, his brothers exchanging excited glances, waiting for the moment Donnie would notice. But he didn’t. At least not until you tapped his shell, making him turn to see who wanted his attention. Donnie almost choked on the food in his mouth when he saw you, his friends giggling among themselves as his nervous reaction.
“Hey, Donnie”, you smiled, ignoring the way his tablemates seemed to find great interest in your presence.
“H- hey, (Y- Y/N)”, Donnie stammered, causing the boys to snicker, his face growing hot. “W- what are y- you doing h- here?”
“She attends the school, dummy”, Raph said, very amused by the scene unfolding in front of him. “And you’re supposed to be the smart one”.
Donnie shot him a glare. This was not the time to be funny at his expense, especially not with his crush standing in front of him.
“Well, I actually wanted to talk to you”, you said, grabbing a gentle hold on the string of Donnie’s hoodie. This action caused him to freeze, his glasses sliding a little further down his beak.
“A- about w- what?”, he asked cautiously, way too aware of the hand that tugged lightly at his hoodie string.
“I wanted to hear if you would like to hang out someday”, you smiled sweetly.
Donatello stared at you, as if he did not fully believe the words that came out of your mouth. “R- really?”
“Yes”, you smiled, feeling confident by his stunned expression. “Got any plans tomorrow?”
“No!”, Donnie exclaimed, eager to finally get a chance to be alone with you.
“Actually”, Leo started. “We’ve promised our dad that we would-”.
“I haven’t”, Donnie said, shutting Leo down real fast. “I have no plans tomorrow”.
“In that case”, you smiled brightly. “Meet me outside the school after the last class. Then we can go to my place and hang out. Deal?”
“Deal!”, Donnie exclaimed, happiness written all over his face.
“Okay then”, you said, letting go of his hoodie string. Donnie almost seemed disappointed when you did so, having enjoyed your hand so close to his face. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Donnie”.
“See you…”, Donnie said like he was in a trance, watching as you walked away, feeling the bubble of joy growing in his chest, ignoring the giggles and teasing smiles from his friends and brothers. You and Donnie was finally going to spend some time together.
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maximoffgxrl · 2 months
hi i’m not sure if you still take requests but would if you ever have time a yelena belova x reader (platonic) with lots of cuddling and kisses? just a whole ton of fluff and it doesn’t need to be too long? if you can’t/don’t want to do it that’s totally fine but i have such a soft spot for sweet yelena <3
Home {Yelena Belova}
Pairing: Yelena x gn!reader (platonic)
Summary: Yelena arrives from a mission and all she really wants is you
Note: yelena is the best i swear <3 hope you like it! this request has been sitting on my drafts for months, but now it’s finally here!!! so, enjoy 💕
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You sighed as you flipped another page on your book, a pink highlighter on your hand and a bunch of loose pages resting in your lap. Were you studying on a friday night again? Yes. Sure, you had promised to yourself that this kind of nerdy behaviour would be left behind in high school, but who could blame you? It's not like you had anything else to do and you actually enjoyed studying.
- Oh, absolutely not. - a familiar voice with a thick accent sounded behing you and you smiled.
- Hey, Yelena. - you turned your head towards the voice, seeing the blonde girl climbing out the window. - Nice to see you're home again. And still unable to use the door.
- I already told you, sometimes I need to climb the window so I can make sure that no one else can climb the window. It is science. Just like your book. - she said, taking off her shoes and coat, her cheeks red from the cold weather. - Now, what are you doing reading a book? When I left, a whole week ago, you were doing that exact same thing.
- Well, I have to. It’s called studying. And if it helps, it was a different book last week. - you answered, watching as the blonde went straight for the kitchen. - But I wanna know about you. Your super secret mission went well? Where were you, after all? Now you can tell me, right?
- Bolivia. And yes, it went well. No one blew me up and it was not for lack of trying. - she said, frowning at the refrigerator. - Now, tell me, Y/N, this studying of yours does not require eating? There’s nothing in here.
- I was planning on ordering something later and I didn’t know you were coming home today. - you said, finally closing the book and resting your head against the armchair. - What do you mean they were trying to blow you up? Are you okay?
- Peachy. - Yelena said, sitting on the sofa. - I wasn’t even shot this time. It’s a big win.
- I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this. - you glanced at her with your eyes a little widened. You still remembered when, a year ago, Yelena showed up holding your announcement and asking if you were the one looking for a roommate. At the time, you didn’t knew you were getting a best friend and a giant headache all in one person. - You know, every time you leave I get worried sick.
- That is very sweet, Y/N Y/L/N, but you don’t have to worry. I am the best, so yeah, no danger here. - she smiled and you held back a laugh. Yelena could be so unintentionally conceited sometimes. - Now, will you please stop with the books, order some pizza and watch a movie with me? I missed you a lot.
- Own, Lena, I missed you too! - your heart melted at the russian’s words, smiling at her. - I’ll just bring this stuff to my room and then we can watch anything you’d like, okay?
She agreed with her head and you piled up all your books, papers and pens and carried them to your room, leaving it all on your desk. Fishing a blanket out of your closet, you picked up your phone and went back to the living room, sitting comfortably in the armchair again as you dialed the number of the pizza place you guys always ordered from.
- The pizza will be here in 40 minutes! - you yelled to make sure Yelena would hear you and went back to your phone, waiting for the girl to come back.
A few minutes later, she showed up in sweatpants and a My Little Pony white t-shirt, her hair wet and carrying a sweet lavender smell. She used your shampoo, but you didn’t really care, just watching as she practically fell onto the couch, resting her head against the pillows.
- So, what are we watching? - you asked, toying with the remote.
- Can we watch the one with the sirens again? You know, the one with the song that was stuck in my head for like a month? - she asked with big puppy eyes.
- Barbie A Mermaid Tale? - you asked with a laugh. Yelena was a big Barbie fan, but she specifically loved this one. - I think we’ve seen this at least five times.
- Please? It’s my favorite! - she pleaded, holding her hands together. - I love the evil fish.
- Okay, okay. But I’ll choose the next one.
- YES! - she exclaimed in pure delight, making you laugh again. If there was something you loved about Yelena, was her almost childlike joy about the little things in life. It was adorable.
You were about to press play when she cleared her throat, making you look in her direction only to find her already staring at you, brows furrowed.
- What? - you asked, a little confused.
- Aren’t you forgetting something? - she asked, rolling her eyes at your absolutely lack of perception. - Cuddling, Y/N Y/L/N, you’re forgetting the most important part of a movie marathon. Get your ass on this couch right now.
You couldn’t help but smile as you got up, laying beside the blonde on the couch and throwing your blanket over the two of you. It wasn’t long until Yelena’s arm was around your waist and the russian’s cheek was resting against your head. You hummed in contentment, feeling relaxed and warm and safe, like you always were with her.
- Now you can start. - she said simply as she placed a kiss against your forehead, making your heart melt all over again.
- It’s nice to have you home. - you said softly, grabbing the blonde’s hand and kissing her knuckles. - You know I love you, right?
- Yeah, you big softie, I love you too. - she said rolling her eyes as she kissed your cheek. - Now shush, my movie is starting.
You just smiled, too enthralled in the feeling of being in Yelena’s arms. She was home now, and it was all that mattered. After all, she was your home.
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enheene · 9 months
hii let me just start by telling you that your blog is just *chef's kiss*🤌
could you write something with this sunghoon in mind? :3
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(this episode really turned the whole fandom feral🫠)
thank u <3
Hiii, thank you so much!! Here you are^^
What about the pool party?
18+ MDNI
}^Summary: You and Sunghoon are just best friends. At least that’s what both of you keep saying (even though you’re both in love with each other). Well for the others, it looks quite different.
}^Warnings: bff!sunghoon x afab!reader (it’s not mentioned in the fic but it’s friends to lovers), riding, fingering, exhibitionist!hoon, unprotected sex (please practice safe sex), food, alcohol was only mentioned, not consumed, idk what else
}^Words: 1.4k
}^A/N: It’s pretty rushed so i’m not that satisfied with that story and I feel like this trope(?)/plot(?) is overused and I literally had no ideas of what to write.. I’m really sorry for the outcome!!
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Knowing the siblings for over 15 years now is quite long, isn’t it? Well, today is the 23rd birthday of your best friends brother, to which you’re of course invited to. Jay decided to make it a rooftop pool party at their apartment, since their parents will be heading off to their colleagues “hangout” party. And since he knows a lot of people from high school and college, Jay obviously had to invite them.
You were as usual invited for the close friends and family only celebration before the actual party took place, so you already took all of your clothes and things you need, thinking that you will probably end up sleeping there.
After everyone sang happy birthday and gave their presents, you and Sunghoon headed off to his room to start getting ready for the rooftop pool party. “Sunghoon, which one is better?” You asked him showing him a bikini and a swimsuit to choose. “Hm, I like the swimsuit one but it’s up to you.” Bullshit. With you wearing a swimsuit he was hoping he wouldn’t get as horny because of you. That’s bullshit too. He’s horny all the time even when you’re wearing your homeless type of outfits. Letting out an “okay” under your breath, you decided to ignore his ‘help’ and wear a bikini just to provoke him for fun. Already wearing the bikini, you have put on in the bathroom, you asked him how you look. He cursed multiple times in his head as he did NOT want to get hard right now and especially not in your presence. “You look okay, I guess.” You scoffed at his answer and put on one of your shirts and shorts, since the party is still some hours away. “Imma get something to eat. You want something?” He asked you as you answered with a simple “No, thanks”.
Walking to the kitchen, Sunghoon saw his parents getting ready to leave the apartment, exchanging a “Bye.” with them. He saw Jay and a friend of his packing all of the alcohol and some snacks that were officially for the pool party asking him “What are you doing?”. His older brother answered “Basically, more people than I’ve actually invited will come, so we decided to move my birthday to this one lake we always went to.” Sunghoon was a bit confused. What lake? “I don’t know what you’re talking about but won’t it be too dangerous there? Because of the water and you know.” “Yeah, but here is it as dangerous as it’s there.” Sunghoon wasn’t so convinced about this idea but whatever, it’s not his life. Though he already decided that the both of you won’t be going anywhere, just stay here and have fun at your own.
Going back to you with some snacks and soda, he shouted your name and for you to open the door. You did so as he went into his room, placing the snacks and drinks on his desk, telling you to change back into your normal clothes. “But what about the pool party?” You asked him. “They’re going somewhere else but we are staying here.”
You were disappointed but still did as he said and changed back into your strap dress that is on the shorter side, but this time not putting on the bra, as it’s going to be just the two of you.
After some time spent together in his room, you decided to go to the kitchen and eat some proper meal with him. Preparing all the needed ingredients, Sunghoon comes up with with the idea of eating outside and enjoy the view of the city, to which you agree. Sunghoon sets the table outside and puts the already cooked pasta in the middle of it. To your surprise it’s not that late but the sunset is already there, so after you finish eating you tell Sunghoon to stand up and follow you. As you stand in front of the pool you try to push Sunghoon in but with his sudden grip on your dress, he pushes you in with him, making the both of you wet. You start splashing water at each other which makes the both of you laugh and scream out loud. The harsh movements in the water made you slip, though with the fast reaction of Sunghoon grabbing your waist, you avoided the fall.
As you found the balance in your legs, you stand up staring deeply in his eyes. He does the same. Feeling shy, you look down noticing his soaked, white, long sleeved shirt which was now fully see through, making you get a glimpse of his toned abs and chest. He followed your eyes, spotting your hardened nipples, getting him hard as well. Sunghoon takes your chin into his hand and makes you look at him, as the other is still holding your waist, and asks “Can I kiss you, y/n?”. You slowly nod your head as a yes. Sunghoon leans in to kiss you. As your lips meet, you put your hands on his chest and he pulls you in even more. The kiss is passionate, sweet and tender. Grasping for a breath, you take your lips off of his and lean your forehead against his, your noses touching. The short pause made the both of you want even more, so he picks you up and you wrap your legs around him. You feeling his bulge poking your still clothed cunt made you even wetter, so you started to kiss him again as he placed you on the edge of the pool. Pulling up your dress and taking off your panties, he looks at your cunt and touches your clit moving his finger in circling motions and up and down as you whimper his name under your breath. „Love, you’re so wet.” He puts his finger into your hole making you moan and lean down on your elbows, throwing your head back. He chuckles seeing your reaction as he adds another finger in your clenching hole, massaging your thigh. With a mischievous grin, he led you to come to your high on his fingers, you moaning his name as he praised you for doing so well for him. He picked you up so he could sit down in the pool, you on top of him. You unbuttoned his shorts, pulling them down enough to free his cock and immediately after put your hands back on his shoulders. “Are you sure you want this, love? There is no going back. You know that, right?” He asked making sure that it’s not against your will. “Yeah.” You answered him smiling somewhat naughty. Sunghoon pushed his tip into your still slightly throbbing cunt as you opened your lips and scrunched your face from the mixture of pain and pleasure. Your best friend started breathing loud and hard, you letting out a loud moan, when his cock is stretching you out, being now fully, deep in you. You slowly start bouncing on him revealing all the sounds he had always wanted to hear. Water splashing around you. Him groaning and whimpering into your ear. His one hand on your waist and the other one on your hip. “F-fuck, love, faster please.” He pleaded you. You have never expected riding in water being so hard, so you ask for his help and he sped up the pace. “Hoonie, ughhh, I love you so much.” “I love you too, love.” With the feeling of your approaching orgasm, you let him know about the need to cum soon while he’s cursing and mumbling out a “me too, lov-fuck.”
What the both of you didn’t know is that Jay and some of his male- as well as female- friends came back into their apartment to get more alcohol and snacks and that the both of you were fully visible to them all through the big windows in the kitchen-living room.
As you both reached your high at around the same time, you exchanged an intimate and lingering kiss with each other. You smiled against his teeth deciding that it’s time to head back inside and shower. Turning your head to spot your panties, you saw multiple people inside looking right at you. “FUCK HOON, they’re all standing there! They saw us!”. “And what about it, love?” Sunghoon brushed it off quickly being proud of it. “Your brother, Jay, also saw us? That’s about it, Hoon.”
“Well, wanna show them some more?” Sunghoon suggested smirking.
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hlficlibrary · 9 months
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HL Fic Library 😎🤓 Popular Louis/Nerd Harry Fics
Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find the library's other recs here.
😎 This Offer Stands Forever  by Tomlinsontoes / @pianolouis {M, 78k}
Harry is who high school kids would define as a nerd, he loved going to class and studying, he was just good at school work and saw nothing wrong with liking it. He signs up to tutor students at the middle school down the road where he ends up helping Lottie Tomlinson, younger sister to the ever popular and gorgeous Louis Tomlinson who is also a senior and in a few classes of Harry's. Harry might have a crush on him and not so sure how to act around Louis but hopes he can get close to the other boy and learn everything about him.
🤓 Want You More Than A by TheCellarDoor / @donotdialnine {M, 77k}
Falling in love with your step-brother’s best friend is a disaster enough. When he happens to be the boy everyone loves and you’re a nerd who wears sweater vests and cries during rom-coms, it takes it to a whole new level.
😎 I hear you calling in the dead of night by Thelonelycoast {M, 72k}
No one really notices Marcel Styles. In fact, Marcel’s so invisible that if his teachers don’t call on him in lessons - and they rarely do - Marcel can go whole days without speaking to anyone other than his mum, his sister, Gemma, his cat, Dusty and the school librarian, Alma. And if he just so happens to have a tiny, miniscule crush on the footie captain, Louis Tomlinson, well, that’s no one’s business but his own. Until Louis notices him back...
🤓 Webs of lies by Hazzaslittle28 {E, 35k}
"Truth or Dare?" The question was delivered with a nasty smirk from Drake's side,
"Who do you think I am? Of course Dare." Louis scoffs before leaning back and adjusting his skirt,
"Very well than. Your dare is to play Styles for two months until the dance." Louis frowns at the odd dare,
"Why would you- you know what? Okay I accept it. Louis Tomlinson never looses a dare." He smirks sultrily before plucking the cigarette from Drake's mouth and taking a drag out of it.
"Let's see then."
Or The au in which The popular is given a dare to date the nerd, hearts will be broken, words will loose their meaning and tears would be shed.
😎 The Library Universe (series) by @allwaswell16 {E, 33k}
Harry Styles has a great life. He’s a children’s librarian at the New York Public Library, he’s got wonderful friends, and he loves cooking, green tea, yoga, and his collection of bow ties. He doesn’t mind that his life seems a little structured, maybe even a little boring. But when Louis Tomlinson joins the library staff as the new Installation Coordinator, things become a lot less predictable. Louis gets under his skin right from the start, bossing Harry around, making noise during story time, and eating the last cupcake in the staff lounge. Louis may be almost offensively attractive, but Harry will not be succumbing to Louis Tomlinson’s charms, even if the rest of the library staff have.
🤓 Supposed to Be by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo {M, 26k}
“I’m making a movie for a film competition, and I want you to be in it,” Harry told Louis. “I think you would be a great leading actor in it.” “Why?” “Because it’s you. I mean, who wouldn’t want to know all about the amazing Louis Tomlinson? It would be a great movie.” “You don’t have some weird crush or, like, secret obsession with me, do you?” Louis asked. Harry bit his tongue so he didn’t say “Ew, I have standards.” He didn’t think that would go over well. Of course, that was assuming Louis understood what that meant.
Or, the Geek Charming AU where Harry's a film geek, Louis' a popular jock, and they both need each other to get what they want.
😎 He Was a Different League (When I Was Nothing Much) by @afangirlfantasy {NR, 21k}
Sick of being alone, Marcel is forced (by Niall) to join an online dating app. The idea is well and all, except for the inconvenient fact that he hasn’t moved on from his childhood sweetheart - Louis. If only Marcel could learn to let go, he might actually be able to love again.
Or, an AU where finding that 'someone new' actually leads to finding that 'someone old,' and Marcel is painfully oblivious.
🤓 taken by lust’s strange inhumanity by CuckooTrooke / @larrydoinglaundry {E, 20k}
One of the reasons Harry said 'yes' in the first place was because he believed Louis Tomlinson, the campus’ most notorious “bad boy”, would be here.
And much to Harry's triumph and dismay, Louis is here but the last time Harry got a glimpse of him, he had a pretty omega wrapped around him, clinging onto the flaps of his leather jacket while nosing his scent glands.
Maybe that’s just the story of Harry's life; always infatuated with the wrong people.
OR The one with all the jealous snarling, awkward first kisses and one unforgettable night.
😎 Won't Keep You My (Dirty Little) Secret by @lovelykits {E, 16k}
“I got asked out today,” Louis comments. “Okay,” Harry shifts. “Did you hear me? I said I got asked out.” "You always get asked out.” “Yeah well this time they didn’t believe I had a boyfriend!”
Or Louis and Harry have been together since the end of last year and somehow no one knows about it.
🤓 Kings by dolce_piccante / @haydolce {T, 13k}
Marcel receives an invitation to his ten year high school reunion, which brings up some painful memories of his youth. His lifelong best friend and roommate, Louis, is as supportive and kind as ever, but Marcel still has hesitations. Louis was Prom King. Marcel...was not.
Will Marcel make the reunion a night to remember with his former classmate, Zayn, who is newly wealthy, handsome, and reveals his childhood crush on Marcel? Or will Louis finally realize what everyone else has known all along?
😎 blinded me with sweater vests by veterization {T, 13k}
Marcel really is the geekiest person Louis has ever seen with that gelled hair and that horrendous sweater vest, so it sucks that Louis really, really wants to get to know him.
🤓 A Real Work of Art by @lululawrence {NR, 11k}
“I don’t understand,” Liam said for probably the fiftieth time in ten minutes. “You have to explain again how this is a bad thing.”
“Leeeeyummm,” Harry whined into the phone as he leaned his head onto his desk. “I felt like this year was my year for getting his attention, you know? That senior year I would finally get Logan Thompson to realize I exist! But he’s in almost every single one of my classes, Li. How am I supposed to survive that?”
“Easily,” Liam answered, with the same matter of fact tone his voice always took when Harry was in one of his fits. “He doesn’t know you exist, so it shouldn’t be a problem. Right?”
Or the one where Harry calls on an old friend, the super popular Louis Tomlinson, to help him change his look to capture the heart of Logan. Things only mostly go as planned.
😎 your heart is glowing (and i'm crashing into you) by orphan_account {T, 11k}
If this were a fairytale, maybe even a Young Adult novel or a chick flick, this would be the moment where Louis would stare right into his soul and whisper, “You. It’s you, Harry,” before pulling him in for a kiss right there and then in the middle of the sidewalk. They’d confess their never-ending love for each other then hold hands for the rest of the walk home, and then they’d go to uni together and become the ultimate power couple of their campus. They’d start a family together a few years after they graduate, find a large house somewhere nice and preferably warm, get two pet dogs and five cats, and then adopt enough children to start a football team. If only men could get pregnant as well, Harry thinks wistfully. He’d love to carry Louis’ babies given the chance.
But. This isn’t a fairytale, nor is it a movie based off the latest YA bestseller. This is real life.
(harry is in love with love, volunteers to hand out valentine gifts for a week, and somehow becomes the football captain's secret admirer.)
🤓 I could give you what you deserve. by larryaresoulmates {E, 8k}
Louis is popular, Harry is his super nerdy tutor. Louis is the only one who's actually nice to Harry despite his nerdiness. Harry has a giant crush on Louis, but Louis has a boyfriend, who bullies Harry behind Louis' back.
😎 Convalescent Boy (with a Heart of Gold) by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup {T, 7k}
Just as the professor beginning to mess with his powerpoint, the door at the back of the balcony creaks open and Marcel looks back to notice Louis Tomlinson, The Louis Tomlinson, slip in and take a seat in the very back.
Marcel is starting to feel like his life is a comedy. Only yesterday was Louis Tomlinson on his floor at the library. Now he’s in his seminar. What is happening?
“Hey Mars,” Nick says, not particularly quietly as he leans over. “Isn’t that your crush?”
Marcel smacks him.
Or, the one where Marcel is a nerd who loves to learn but loves to go to theatre productions even more, and may or may not have a long time crush on the lead in most of the plays, Louis Tomlinson. The same Louis Tomlinson who seems to be appearing wherever Marcel is. Funny, that.
🤓 Seems You Cannot Be Replaced by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird {M, 5k}
Harry and the popular boy in school, Louis Tomlinson, share a tension-filled night together when they're young. Fifteen years later they see each other again.
😎 it's kinda hot in here by ballsdeepinjesus {E, 3k}
“Is that a moth on your stomach?”
or nerdy harry is hiding some stuff under his dorky clothes and louis fucks him in a locker room
🤓 Lucky by @friendofhayley {E, 4k}
When Harry had moved from London to New Jersey he had been prepared for bad spray tans and Regina George. He hadn't been prepared to meet the best thing to ever happen to him.
If only he hadn't worn an ugly brown vest covered in cat pee when he met him.
😎 No Matter What They Say by ivorydreams {M, 3k}
It's not that Harry and Louis are hiding the fact that they're in a relationship. It's not them being ashamed of each other.
People just never noticed.
Or the one where no one knows Harry Styles, the 'nerd', and Louis Tomlinson, 'mr. popular football captain', are in a romantic relationship.
🤓 ❤ For Effort by @fallinglikethis {G, 2k}
When Harry Styles lets his team down during gym class, resulting everyone having to run laps, he expects the worst. But the backlash never comes.
Harry's crush, Louis Tomlinson, may or may not have something to do with that.
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starillusion13 · 11 months
My Muse
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Pairing: Hongjoong x f!reader
Genre: Friends to lovers, fluff, College Au
Warnings: orphan (nothing else).
W.C: 3k
Note: Thanks to the people loving my works and supporting them. I love to read your reviews in my dms so feel free to dm me. Thanks for joining the event.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Request from @lunehong
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere
*under the cut*
The university classes are meant to be fun and boring consecutively.  Well, how you are experiencing them is depending on the memories you are building for you to remember. The morning classes are always being cursed by you and your friends because of your lazy asses not wanting to leave the bed. The afternoon classes are always tiring to you as you keep telling your friends every five seconds that how hungry you are and might die of this pathetic hunger. The over-dramatic self of yours.
Aside from all these usual aspects of life. There is something else tingling in your life or maybe a someone. University campus is really a vast area with different faces, some you remember and some you don’t. There is one face which always catch your eye is the campus heartthrob, KIM HONGJOONG.
He is the topper of your university and also well known for his charming and intelligence in many other fields like his designs are showcased in fashion department, he has his own composing team for the art and music department and so on. He is the icon for an all-rounder student of this national university. Apparently for being so talented, he is known as the perfect walking man who has come out of every girl’s dream. A perfect man with a pointy nose, flawless attractive features with black brown mullets walks around the campus just like every girl’s dream man has come to reality. Well, you also belong to these girls but maybe a bit more than them.
He is your best-friend.
“Hey! Y/N.” Your cause of suffering has finally arrived while you were just trying to pass through the crowds for next class and avoiding every chance to meet him.
You halted in your path to turn around and face him. You give your brightest smile to him just to get an excited and bright look from him. Those smiling eyes and that smile is the reason for your suffering. He is your best friend since high school and you both were inseparable since then even some people have claimed sometimes you to be a couple which you both waved off by laughing loudly at them or showing them your true friendship and annoying friends both of you can be when together.
This was all fine until the incident happened in the mall last year. You were supposed to go on a date with your boyfriend that day but later that evening you found out the ugliest truth about him cheating on you so you called your first go-to escape, your best-friend Hongjoong to cry your heart out. He without wasting any second time, arrived to your house when he stayed with you whole night just to comfort you and hear about your rantings on everything possible. Next day, he insulted your ex and exposed him in front of the whole campus and that’s when your perspective towards him changed. The friendship between you both started to have some tension of falling it apart. Well, this is only from your side because he still sees you as his best partner for every situation to go through and a perfect best friend.
“Hi, Joong. What are you doing here in this sector of the building now? You probably have the music production meeting with the professors.”
“Ah yes, I still have and will go after meeting you. I came here to ask you whether you are free today after classes or not.”
Hongjoong asking you whether you are free after classes? Oh! He is your best friend so you should not think so afar. It’s just regarding your upcoming exams. Right? He just wants to take all the due notes on the classes he had missed.
“I don’t think anything important is there rather than going home to eat and take a nap.” You both laughed at your reply.
Hongjoong seems to scan his surrounding as if to catch any intruder who is trying to interfere in your little moments. He turned his attention back to you.
“So do you want to hang out with me later in the nearby market or to any place you like. We don’t get much time for us and it’s been so long we have shared our life updates with each other. I miss you.” He tried to give you his puppy eyes and pouty look which you found so cringey that you hit his arm laughing. Other girls would have got heart attacks if he ever done this to them.
“Stop it joong. This does not suite you. You are the dreamy boy of every girl in this campus so you need to maintain your high profile and an attractive image.”
No Joong, please don’t change. I always want you the way you have ever treated me, the way you have only showed me your particular phases that no one has ever seen and will get to see. You can call me selfish but I want all these just for myself and to let you know that Joong I am different from every girl. I am your girl. Maybe just as a best friend at least.
Hongjoong stared at you with an amused glint in his eyes as if he is seeing a comedic scene unfolding in front of him. He always finds your ramblings cute and especially when you are a bit annoyed with something and complaining.
“So, are you not one of those girls as well?” His question caught you off guard for a second but then you played it cool. He is smirking in the wait of your reply.
“Of course not.”
“Why? Don’t you find me cool like they see me?”
“No. You are just my annoying friend who always teases me whenever a boy tries to approach me and then you scare the shit out of that boy.” You looked up a little because of the height proximity to show your glare at him.
He again laughed on your act. “They are not good for you.” His expression suddenly shifted from goofy to dark. His jaw look so tensed and bright eyes are now dark.
“Yeah sure as if you are good for me.” You whispered it so that he cant hear you. You just smiled tightly at him “Thanks for caring but I have to go now and I will then see you in the evening.” You waved at him and with quick steps you went to your class.
“You really can’t see it Y/N right?” Hongjoong chuckled sadly and looked up at the sky.
A blue bird was searching for a shelter moreover a home to protect herself from the upcoming storm.
“Everyone has a home to shelter themselves but I have a shelter but not a home.” He left the scene with a single tear rolling down his eyes.
“Hey Joong, so are we going now?” You are so excited to finally spend some time with your best friend after so long.
“Yes, we are going to your favourite park. Remember the one where we first met? I have got some snacks with me so that we won’t be feeling hungry.”
 “Omo how thoughtful you are.” You faked gasped and put your hands on your chest just above your heart. You can feel how fast your heartbeat is even when you are trying to act normal as best friends in front of him.
“So, lets sit by the side of fence, the view will be nice during the sunset and you can click pictures of it to save it for later.” Spring sunsets are always so beautiful and you both like it so much that no matter wherever you are, both of you take your time to cherish it.
Settling down by the side of the fence, both of you are sitting on a outdoor mat with your belongings kept aside and you facing towards the river to take in the beautiful view of the park as its your favorite meanwhile Hongjoong had a quick call with a professor.
“I miss spending time with you here. I still remember how we both met here when one evening your mother was late to pick you up and you were sitting on the bench with a scared face.” You averted your gaze towards the more beautiful view, towards Hongjoong. The boy is smiling at you with his sparky eyes and how bad you want to hug him right now. He is looking perfect under the warm essence of dusk and in the surrounding of spring season.
“Me too….” You replied still mesmerized by his presence beautifully so close to you.
“What happened? Are you thinking something? Are you hungry?” Hongjoong asked you in a very concerned way in which you simply smiled his way.
“It’s okay Joong, I’m okay.”
“Y/N?” his professional deep voice which he only uses when to confront with your exes or meeting anytime for the first time. He never uses that voice to you but maybe you were wrong.
“You are bothered by something and I can clearly see the effect on your face.” On his remark , you cupped your face with both of your hands and close your eyes tightly to face him with an excuse other than explaining how you feel different meeting him alone now when you see him more than just best friends.
“No Joong, you are just overthinking. It’s nothing like that.”
“Come here.” He is now sitting facing the river with legs resting straight and leaning his upper body on his two arms on both the sides. His face with no expression asking to move towards him. You are sitting with your legs crossed with a towel spread on your legs and eating your favorite snack.
You didn’t understand why is he calling you towards him so you waited for him to say anything further. He extended one of his arms towards you which you gladly accepted with your own. Suddenly he pulled you towards him and make you sit on his thighs. You attempted to complain for his actions because he always does something like this out of his childish acts with you but you find it difficult for you to control your feelings for him in this situation.
You mentally scolded yourself to feel his actions like differently but this was all normal for both of you since childhood. Your questioning look asking him to speak why is he pulling you like this and waiting for him to clarify your thoughts.
“Now tell me Y/N, what is bothering you?”
‘You Hongjoong! What do you think? You are thinking you are helping me in this situation? You are making it more difficult for me.’
You pushed him and run towards the fence and hold them tightly to calm your heart with your eyes closed. It was always so nice meeting him before and spending time with him and ranting about each other’s life but the conditions are no more similar.
You felt someone hugging you from behind and resting his chin on your right shoulder when suddenly he spoke breathily.
“Why are you so easy to read Y/N?” His smiling lips hovering near your neck, this feels make you feel so safe in his embrace.
“What are you saying?” you nearly whispered but still audible for him to hear clearly for so close proximity.
He made you face him by turning your body. Your body resting on the waist level fences and his leaning forward when he put his arms on top of your hands on both of your sides holding the fence.
You looked up into his eyes to understand what does he mean by reading you easily.
“Why don’t you say it directly to me? How long do I need to wait for it?”
“Why are you pretending not to understand?”
“I- “
“Do you like me?” His expression explains everything that he is not joking at all even he wants a valid reply from you that moment.
“I don’t know…….” You are avoiding his gaze when deep down you know how much you are lying in the moment when you want to hug him tightly and scream how you don’t want to lose him to someone else and make him yours.
“If you can’t say it then let me tell you Y/N, I like you. No wait I love you.” His right hand lifted up to your face to cup the side of your face.
He continues, “You are the reason for my life. I asked you out today not just because I haven’t met you for so long but to finally let out my feelings to you. I don’t know when I started having these feelings for you but I am happy that they are not atleast late.”
“Hongjoong, I have to-“
“Let me say mine first then I will let you to say all your parts.” Maybe he is your bestfriend but he always has this demanding aura whenever he is serious.
“I don’t like when you tell me that boys are trying to hit on you and whenever anyone approaches you with a proposal. I don’t want you to be someone else’s girl. You are my girl. You are my muse. All these designs and songs you see around and the recognition I got from them are inspired from you. It’s all because of you. I never had anyone to call mine as I have been raised in an orphanage till middle school and the family adopted was always too busy to spend time with me and that’s why I always play alone in that park when one day I met you.”
“Don’t you feel afraid of heartbreak if I reject your feelings for me?” You confidently ask him.
“I know your reply and I wanted you to feel the same for me and that’s why I waited so long just to realize that our feelings are mutual.” He is smiling at you happily which is hurting you more as you still haven’t said about your feelings for him.
“Your act of ignoring me when am around. You avoiding eye contact whenever you are telling something private convos. Your jealousy visible on your face and in your actions when girls literally drool over me. Its so simple to read you and trust me I loved it. I enjoyed your possessiveness over me and I want that to feel when we are together not as bestfriends but as lovers.”
“I know….. I have to say you that I like you more you know. You don’t know how much it hurt to see with your classmate roaming around the building and people gossiping you both as a perfect couple when here am left back with feelings for you which I cant even tell you.”
“We are just working on same project you know nothing more.”
“Yes I know but people make up so much stories at some point they hurt you know. I tried to convince myself that I should not feel like that for my bestfriend but I failed miserably each time and fell for you harder.”
Hongjoong hugged you and caressed your back of the head. “Thanks for not giving up on your feelings and that’s why I got the chance to express myself to you.”
“I like you Hongjoong.”
“Oh that’s it?”
“I love you because you are the poetry to my arts, you are the muse of my life to inspire me to proceed with life in a right way and always being my home but….”
“You just like me?.....” He mimicked a sad hurtful expression and you realized what he is referring to.
“Joong! You are playing with me again. Okay listen I love you. Happy?”
“Now what?”
“Kiss me.”
He gives you a small peck on the lips. “I have to seal the bond when I got the opportunity.”
You hit him on the chest and went towards your belongings on the ground to pack them for you and him. He watches you intently standing there.
“Wont you help me?” you asked him.
“With what?” An amused glint in his eyes and a mischievous smile dancing on his lips.
He laughed and proceeded to wrap up everything.
“Y/N? What are we now?” You both have your backpacks on and standing facing each other.
“But bestfriends don’t kiss.” You become shy when you realised few minutes back Hongjoong kissed you. He comes closer to you and pecks your lips again and then kissing your forehead, he holds you gaze when his hands cupped your face.
“um I am your muse so you are my artist then are we contracted partners?” You joked a bit to calm down your heartbeat. He laughed along with you because the way you were embarrassed with your own joke.
“You are my girl and I’m yours.”
“Mine.” You smiled at him heartily because finally you know you don’t have to lose him to someone else and now, he is completely yours.
Your bestfriend and also your man. Oh maybe your artist, come on you are his muse.
You hugged him tightly which he happily returned you with keeping you in his embrace. Under the thousands of blinking stars in the night sky, there is a beginning of a new love story.
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audrinawf · 9 months
The Identity Shift
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so I’m writing this 5 months later than I expected but here it goes. this spring I decided to change my identity. I did some small changes but also some big ones. some changes I felt like were kind of unnecessary in the beginning but they proved to be just as important.
I’ve always used manifestation as a hack. which means that when I wanted to manifest something I would call it in using various manifestation techniques but something’s changed this year.
I delved into my spiritual path more than ever this year, I read so many books, I meditated more than ever and most importantly, I completely isolated myself for almost a whole year. complete hermit mode. and also…I did 🍄.
one of the consistent teachings I kept seeing in all the books and schools of thought I encountered was the concept of changing one’s identity.
and here’s the thing. the more you ascend wether that’s mentally or spiritually , you can even think if it as levels.let’s say you’re at level 5. once you get to level 6 a lot of things change in your physical reality. some people just completely disappear from your life. they didn’t die but they might as well. the people you used to run into on the streets are nowhere to be found, suddenly you’re seeing completely new people when you go to your usual spots.
it’s cause you’re at a completely different level of reality and consciousness. it’s like a game. and what I noticed is that if you don’t make the necessary changes yourself, you get put in situations where you are forced to change, the decisions is out of your hands.
this quite literally happened to me. as soon as I ascended I could no longer tolerate the foods I’ve been eating all of my life. sounds crazy right? I can’t even explain how or why.
I went from eating a very high carb diet to being completely unable to digest any gluten and basically forced to go in a carnivore diet. cause even when I tried to resist meat and only eat beans and lentils and nuts my body developed a allergy to all 3 of those foods.
why did this happen? cause I decided that I was going to be a fit person. I decided that I was going to be lean and always have abs. so now thanks to the diet I’m basically forced to have I do have abs. and mind you I was someone who insisted that I could never be fit cause I was South Asian and us South Asians can’t be fit cause our genetics is ruined thanks to colonialism. It’s a limiting mindset I had for years.
I decided that I was someone who never got cavities, well guess what? I literally couldn’t drink energy drinks or eat sour candy without getting sick. why? cause the acidity in those foods was rotting my teeth. so the universe literally forced me to stop.
I decided that I was someone who was surrounded by good people that only wanted good things for me. what happened? my best friend literally started acting so crazy out of nowhere that I had to cut her out of my life. well it’s turns out that she had been doing black magic on me for a long time and the moment I decided that I wanted quality friends over quantity, she was gone. the way our friendship even ended was out of my hands. all it took was one identity shift.
I realized now that my life has changed so much. It’s absolutely insane. my friend who I’ve literally grown up with since we were babies just disappeared from my life. and here’s the thing, she lived 30 seconds away from me, and we work together at the same company and I haven’t run into her at work or the grocery store, NOT EVEN ONCE. it’s like she doesn’t even exist in my reality.
all of a sudden I got 6 new friends, and now I have the type of friend group I’ve always wanted. We go out and eat, we travel together, they’re helping me plan my wedding and we meet up regularly. It truly feels like the friendship that the girls from the sex and the city have and that’s exactly the type of friendship I have tried to manifest and I got it the moment I changed my identity.
So how do we consciously change our identity?
you need to change every little thing about yourself even the things you think don’t matter. but they do.
if you want to you can even create an alter ego. I know Beyoncé does it when she’s on stage. she becomes Sasha Fierce. cause sometimes we have to be someone completely different to be able to break the habits of ourselves.
this is why so many people prefer to start fresh in a new town once they want to change their identity. so create a new identity and allow yourself to turn that identity on every day.
think about what characteristics you identify with and why? did someone call you shy and you just internalized it. maybe you’re not shy maybe you’re just someone who has boundaries and takes a longer time to trust other people. maybe you don’t think some people are worthy of knowing you so you keep that part of you reserved for your closest. whatever traits you identify with flip them and see them as positive.
once you’ve worked on the internal you can start changing things physically.
Like me for example I always wear my best jewelry even if I’m going to the grocer. I even bought so many different styles of engagement rings before I even met my fiancé cause I loved the idea of wearing a wedding ring one day. And guess what? I manifested the fattest engagement ring.
I decided that I was someone that had a high income side hustle so on the days I didn’t work I wake up early, got dressed as if I had an important day filled with meeting and then I got in my laptop and started working on my side hustle. If you saw me you’d think I was the CEO of a million dollar company. but you know what. the moment I got into this role and started playing this character, a thousand doors opened. It’s absolutely crazy how many opportunities came out of nowhere.
I didn’t have to work on marketing my business, I didn’t have to work extensively on perfecting my site. the moment I changed my energy, money started flowing to me and my business.
there’s so many ways to change your identity and it can be so much fun. I decided that I wasn’t someone who ate junk foods and sugar ever. So I don’t. That’s not who I am. I decided I was someone who was stylish so I started wearing my best outfits even when I “didn’t have a good enough reason to” I wore the pretty dresses that had been in my closet collecting dust cause I have a reason to show up as my hottest best self and that’s cause I’m an important person with a job and a business and I look good every day. and the more I dressed up the more events and parties I manifested. I literally became the person I was trying to magically manifest for years in just 5 months.
and I did it cause I knew that whatever I wanted would come to me. I didnnt have to know how cause the way would be revealed to me in the future. I just had to start. And so I did.
follow for more identity shifting tips 🩷
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mp3-me · 10 days
Part One Of The Hunger Within
Trigger warning for disordered eating and body dysmorphia
Word count: 949 words
Nikolas Reed, or Nik as his friends call him, is a quiet person. With black hair and deep brown eyes with skin that looks like it hasn’t seen the sun in a few years, Nik tends to like the silence. His best friend Katrina has quite the opposite personality. She has a charming way of meeting new people and them falling in love with her extroverted personality. No one really knows how the two first became friends, not even themselves, but they don’t mind each other's company.
Unlike Nik’s dark hair and eyes, Katrina has the opposite. Hair, the colour of snow and eyes the colour of the bright blue sky. The two of them, yin and yang, polar opposites but yet, drawn together. Two peas in a pod as Katrina’s mom would say when they were younger.
Currently, they are working on a paper for their English class in Nik’s room.
“How much of your paper have you left?” Katrina asked through a yawn.
“About half way.” Nik mumbled out quietly as he typed on his laptop. His stomach growled but he ignored the hunger queue, like he’s been doing the whole day since he woke up. His head is filled with a mild fog from not eating but he tries his best to ignore the fog that crowds his head.
Something about Nik is that he’s been hardly eating the last week. He tells himself that it’s because of the anxiety of finals coming up but deep down he knows that’s a lie. Being slightly overweight most of his life, Nik has never really known how to lose the extra weight, so sometimes he resorts to the extreme, but ends up failing most of the time, only losing a few pounds before going right back to his normal eating habits. This time though, he tells himself that he’ll finally lose the weight and get in shape.
“You’re dragging your feet in this one cuz I’m almost done.” Katrina states, looking up at her laptop to look at Nik. “Also, you should eat something, I heard your stomach growl.”
Nik sighs. “I will when I’m done with the paper.”
“You promise?” Katrina asks.
Jamie promises before going back to his laptop to continue his paper.
Something to note is that both Katrina and Nik both do online schooling. Back in grade eight, Nik got bullied severely for his weight and sexuality to the point where Nik was having panic attacks over going to school almost every day. Katrina, being the person she is, convinced both Jamie’s parents and her to do online schooling for high school stating that it would be beneficial for Nik’s mental health and her going online with Nik was for support so he wouldn’t feel left out and alone as he did online school.
What Nik could never figure out is how people in his school found out that he was gay. The only people that Nik ever told was Katrina, another one of his close friend’s, Dakota, who lives next door to him but who went to a different school, and his school counsellor. Maybe his school counsellor was talking to a teacher about him and his sexuality and some kid overheard the counsellor but that theory seemed unlikely. Maybe they just knew he was gay and that was that. Either way, the bullying was over the top, getting pushed into lockers, getting called slurs, threats about being beat up, and the list goes on.
It’s not something that Nik would like to relive and it’s not something that Katrina would like to see repeat.
At around four, Nik made himself a sandwich before he had to be at work in an hour, the first thing he had to eat today and the only thing he will eat today. Nik has a few food rules, two to be exact. They are to always eat something before work and to not eat past 7 pm on weekdays. These are his first two food rules and there would be more to come, but not for a good while.
Nik’s fogginess went away after he gulped down the sandwich. He had to convince himself pretty hard to not eat anything else in the kitchen even though everything in him told him to find something else to eat. This little voice in his head told him that he’d never be where he wanted to be in life if he ate and for some reason, he believed the lie and left the kitchen to get ready for work.
Nik works as a line cook at some fancy restaurant a few blocks away from his house with his friend Dakota. Dakota and Nik have always worked the same shifts since they both decided to work there together, so they tend to do most of their hanging out at work, which neither of them mind. Since the both of them work together and the fact that they are neighbours, they tend to carpool together.
When getting ready for work, Nik looks himself in the mirror and wonders where he went wrong with his body weight. He thinks to himself that if he weren’t fat, then maybe him and Katrina would still be in public school and people wouldn’t have bullied him. He gets anxious, and looks away when he starts to feel like his body started to blow up like a balloon, making itself bigger. Nik rushes away from the mirror and quickly gets changed, not wanting to look at himself anymore.
The little voice inside his head comes back and says “This is what happens if you lose control over the food you eat. You’ll get bigger and bigger.”
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changingplumbob · 2 months
York Household: Chapter 9, Part 9
Reece comes for a quick stay over and Kelly's first day of high school does not go well.
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CW: Unicorn zombie with minor carton gore, mentions of dysphoria
The Yorks are Italian so if you see them using words that don't look like English it's Italian, or what google assures me is Italian. Caro/Cara: Dear Buongiorno: Good morning Piccolo: Little one Tesoro: Treasure Nonno: Grandfather Nonna: Grandmother Si: Yes Grazie: Thank you Per Favore: Please Buon Compleanno: Happy Birthday
The birthday party has ended but there’s someone arriving.
Deanna: Reece? What are you doing here
Reece: Isn’t it obvious? My best friend got dumped. I’m here to make sure you don’t slide into a depressive rut
Deanna: Thanks but what about Samir
Reece: Trust me, he’s capable of surviving a day without me. Now where’s the food? And we can talk about that no good Paris
The pair grab some leftover mac and cheese and head to the patio.
Reece: Have I been blind or did you get a tan
Deanna: It’s the new me, finally looking Italian like the rest of my family now
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Calista: So here’s your gift from me
Kelly: A locust?
Calista: There was a plague of them, figured that sounded like a bug you would like
Kelly: Grazie ma
Calista: The gift from your pa is on the porch
Kelly goes out and sees a new teen sized bike waiting for him. Excitedly he hops on and sets off to speed down his favourite hills
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After eating Reece and Deanna head out to the nature beside the house. They both love the outdoors so feel more comfortable surrounded by nature than indoors.
Deanna: Can I ask you a serious question
Reece: Of course
Deanna: What do you love about Samir? Something you love that’s not what he looks like or how you look after him?
Reece: Oh, we’re going deep then. Well there’s a bunch related to the stuff you said but separate from that… *smiles* easy, his dedication. He goes after things with his whole heart and doesn’t give up when he comes across hurdles. *laughs* Actually do you know back in high school he’d arrive two hours before the doors got unlocked to run football drills on the field?
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Deanna: Dang, when did he sleep
Reece: But of course am in love with his biceps to. And really… we look after each other more than just me looking after him, or the other way around
Deanna: *sighs* Paris said that I was in love with what she was, not who she was. She said I loved that she was an orphan that I could look out for and protect, because she asked me what I asked you and I didn’t have an answer
Reece: You didn’t?
Deanna: No. I’ve been thinking since and… maybe she was right. I loved that she was a cute blonde who was somehow shorter than me. Helping her made me feel good about myself. Did I love her? Did I even know what made her different from any other short blonde out there?
Reece: From the outside you seemed smitten but De… only you know the answer to that. Do you miss her
Deanna is silent for a while, but Reece knows she'll speak when she's figured out what she wants to say.
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Deanna: Honestly… not as much as I thought I would
(her sad moodlet lasted a single afternoon it was weird)
Deanna: Maybe it was for the best that she left. I shouldn’t blame her for being the first one to see my heart wasn’t in it
The two lie quietly for a while, watching the clouds change colour in the sunset and smelling the sea on the breeze.
Reece: Look on the bright side. Now you get to go out there and find new women to woohoo
Deanna: Hmm, I suppose I can take your share
Reece: Deal, you have the tacos and I’ll have the sausage
Both of them spend the next few minutes giggling to themselves. They’ve been friends for most of their lives, being together remains easy no matter how complex life gets. After a while Reece pulls Deanna to her feet and they head inside so Deanna can do her university homework.
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Kelly wakes up early the next morning, anxious to get ready for his first day of high school even if the watcher will not be accompanying him. He’s started feeling embarrassed about his new teenage body, like it doesn’t fit right. Trying to bush it off he decides to do a dance workout after breakfast. Workouts always seem to make his parents feel good about themselves.
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Unfortunately school was rocky. Kelly got in two separate fights and his principal said he would be stood down for a day. Kelly knew his pa would also get a call so rather than head home after the last bell he opted to swing by Atlas’ house.
Atlas: Stupid rain. We could have gone for a bike ride
Kelly: There’s been a lot of stupid today
They head in and while Atlas has some chores Kelly decides to pass the time talking to Atlas’ mum Celeste. She is pretty dubious of him and his evil antics, especially since Atlas got the good trait on age up.
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Celeste: Did you two enjoy your first day
Kelly: So many new sims to tor- get to know. And teachers
Celeste: How did you find it Atlas
Atlas: Fine but Kelly was the best entertainment all day
Celeste: Oh?
Kelly: Just a few scraps, no big deal. It's not like anyone had to go to hospital
Atlas: You’ll need to sell it better than that to your lawyer pa
Celeste: Hmm. Better catch that loading screen Kelly. You don’t want the rain to glitch anything
Atlas mouths an apology while Kelly shrugs and tries to look unbothered.
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Aaron: Care to explain?
Kelly: It wasn’t my fault! Well, not completely
Aaron: Kelly, we know you have an evil side. We accept it. Per favore, can you be honest with me caro
Kelly: Fine. I was having some trouble in English and this kid beside me, Roger, said I looked like I was dyslexic and laughed so I pulled his chair out from under him. He punched me after that so I hit him back
Aaron: And the second fight
Kelly: *sighs* they split the boys and girls for the health lesson. At lunch I asked Anya what she learned and some girl thought I was being a creep for asking so I stomped on her foot. She wailed and told the duty teacher I’d attacked her
Aaron: *sighs* I see. Grazie for telling me what happened
Kelly: Am I grounded pa
Aaron: Personally I think a day stood down from school is plenty enough punishment. Education is important, it’s stupid to take it away as a punishment
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Deanna: So you crashed and burned on your first day? Rough luck
Kelly: Shut up. At least…
Deanna: No comeback?
Kelly: I think I want to talk to Joey
Deanna: *laughs* careful or someone will accuse you of loving your family
Kelly sighs in indignation but calls Joey who is happy to come around and chill (he’s a bro, chilling is what he does best)
Joey: There’s Rocky!
Kelly: There’s who
Joey: Nevermind, clearly before your time. What did you want to chat about
Kelly: I got in some fights today
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Joey: Okay and? Because to be honest bro I figured you would
Kelly: I’ve been feeling off since becoming a teen
Joey: We all do, it takes time to adjust. It'll pass
Kelly: I don’t think so
Joey: What makes you think that
Kelly: In health class they were talking about everything puberty does to us and our pixel parts and it just... felt wrong. Like I don’t want any of it to happen to me!
Joey: So you don’t want to be a grown human? You want to be in a kid body forever?
Kelly: I do want to be grown! I just… don’t want to be a grown man
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Joey: Oh… I’m a dolt for not realising what you meant, sorry!
Kelly: I was talking to Anya about what the girls learned and honestly, I wish I’d been born a girl so I could go through that instead. Don't laugh but... I want to be a woman one day
Joey: Okay. You were clearly born a girl though if that's what you feel
Kelly: What? My parts aren't-
Joey: *sighs* Someone just got your code wrong on the physical side. Glitches happen all the time. Come here sis, it’ll be fine
Kelly always had a feeling her older brother was open minded but it was nice to have confirmation. As he wrapped her in his arms she felt herself relax a bit. Maybe things wouldn’t be so tough?
(They won’t be Kelly! I pinky promise you this is a transphobia free save!)
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Hi, me popping in! I'd just like you to know that Kelly rolled being trans all by herself when she aged up! It was zero percent planned but I am super excited for developing her story. It will be a big change, just like Onyx being non-binary, so please don't beat yourself up if you accidentally misgender my evil bean in a comment while your brain switches her pronouns. Hopefully it can be practice for all of us, and will help us make pronoun switches more easily in the real world. Obviously if you purposely misgender her you should stop following me because I'm not interested in nonsense like that.
Final comment, she will absolutely still be evil. Her next bit of story will be more focused on her gender rather than her terrorising the populace, but you can expect she's still going to be her. So if you go swimming in Tartosa, don't wear polka dots.
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inourtownofhawkins · 1 year
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𝐼 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊.
Summary: Long after you and Eddie break up, it's still affecting both of you.
Author’s note: I know I keep posting so much angst and I'm sorry lol. I asked some friends if they'd be interested in reading my Edancy fics reworked as Reader fics and they said yes! It felt like such a shame those fics didn't get the love I thought they deserved so I hope they can get a second chance as Reader.
CW: Mentions of drugs and smoking.
Word count: 1k
Any hate will not be tolerated, constructive criticism is welcomed.
The first few weeks after a breakup are the worst; the depression of missing them, the uncertainty of if you made the right choice in ending the relationship, the regret of not doing or saying something you wish you had. That’s how you had constantly been feeling. You’d felt so anxious you could barely eat, sleep, or concentrate on any of your schoolwork and frankly, you looked terrible.
Even though you had been the one to break it off, you regretted it almost instantly. You still loved him; you were still hopelessly in love with him, but you knew the relationship could never work. You both came from two completely different worlds, the likelihood of you working out and lasting longer than high school was slim. And you didn’t want to prolong the inevitable or put him through any unneeded pain.
Anytime you saw Eddie around school, your heart ached. While on the outside he was laughing and joking with his friends, you knew on the inside he was just as heartbroken as you were – probably even more. The breakup had destroyed him, he’d spent several days in his room, smoking all the drugs he had and drinking until he couldn’t even remember what day it was.
From across the lunchroom, your eyes met and in that moment, it was like you’d never broke up. He still looked at you like you were the centre of his universe and the whole would didn’t matter when he saw you, and it almost made you cry. He still looked at you with so much love and care, but you couldn’t accept it anymore.
You looked away, certain if you looked too long, you truly would begin to cry. Hastily, you packed up your things and rushed out of the room. You tried your best to keep your composure as you powerwalked down the hallways towards the bathrooms, but you broke down in controllable sobbing. Leaning against a wall, you slowly slid down it until you were sat on the floor with your head in your hands.
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop crying. And it wasn’t her normal “pretty” crying, this was full on ugly, gut-wrenching sobbing. It felt like all the weeks of keeping it inside her, seeing his eyes made it impossible to hold anything back.
You heard footsteps slowly approach and stop right in front of you, but you were so blinded by your tears you could barely make out whose shoes they were. It wasn’t until you felt arms around you, bringing you into a warm chest that you tried to see who it was.
Who else could it have been?
You shook your head, trying to get away from him as you wiped your tears as best as you could with your hands and the sleeve of your sweater. “I’m sorry, you should go.”
It was Eddie’s turn to shake his head, refusing to let you go. “No, I’m staying.”
You looked up at him, tears still falling down your cheeks, even after all your efforts to stop them. “But why? I broke up with you, I completely broke you. Why do you care that I’m suffering?”
Eddie let out almost a bitter chuckle, his own eyes watering a little as he held back his own tears. “Sweetheart, do you think I care for you so little that breaking up with me would make a difference?”
You blinked a few times, almost unable to speak without stuttering. “What? I don’t-”
Gently hushing you, he cupped your cheek, his thumb drying your eyes. “I’m not gonna lie, you fucked me up pretty badly by breaking up with me. But I know why you did it, and don’t lie to me by saying it was because you stopped loving me. I can see it – I know you still love me, I still love you, too. But you know I’m no good and you wanted to save me the pain for later.
“I fuckin’ miss you, sweetheart. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. When you were there, I didn’t need drugs or alcohol to feel something, you could just hold my hand, and it would give me the same rush. Whenever you’d come to The Hideout, you were the only person who mattered, even if a hundred people were there, as long as my girl was there, it would be a great show.
I’d give anything to have you back, but I know we can’t, and I,” he paused to catch his breath, “I’m sorry I couldn’t be what you needed me to be.”
You almost started crying again when you saw him upset, you pressed your forehead against his and closed her eyes, with him doing the same. “You might not have been my first love, Eddie. But I wanted you to be my last… I still do, I still want you to be my last. I still want a forever with you, but we can’t have it anymore and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I can’t give you that.”
The pair of you held each other in silence after that, the floodgates finally opening for both of you, and the tears freely came down. The bell rang to signal the end of lunchbreak, causing you both to laugh through your tears and clamber to your feet, your hand automatically sliding into Eddie’s.
Once you realised what you had done, you quickly let go of his hand. You both did your best to wipe your eyes and try to make it less obvious that you’d been crying but your spoiled makeup and Eddie’s puffy eyes gave it away pretty quickly.
You stared at each other, trying to figure out what to say and where you should go after the words you’d exchanged. You knew you couldn’t get back together, but you couldn’t go back to never speaking to each other, either. So, the obvious third option would be to become friends but even that would be a difficult idea.
“So, what happens now?” Eddie asked.
“I don’t know,” you answered, shrugging your shoulders. “I guess we take things a day at a time.”
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kawaii-angelanne · 1 year
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TW/CW: nudity of minors (not sexual!), all characters (except the teacher) are in high school
KEY TAGS: spoiler-free/pre-canon, female reader (afab and themes of womanhood), second pov (reader's pov), meet-cute, fluff, strangers to ???
OPENING NOTE: thanks for clicking on this! please do not repost, copy, modify, or overall plagiarize this work anywhere else please. plagiarism is never acceptable, both in mla 8 format and in fanfiction! for translations, message me, and we can talk about it! reblogs, comments, and likes are super appreciated :>
SUMMARY: "'So…' you trail off, shutting the door behind you, 'How should I do this? Do you have a certain pose in mind or…?'
The blue-haired painter (painter-in-training?) turns to you, 'Well, in order to start, it would be best if you began taking off your clothes.'
'E-excuse me!?'"
Or where Kitagawa Yusuke needs a nude model, and you unknowingly sign up.
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“Why don’t you just get a job?” your friend, Yanai Toshiko, points out the most obvious solution to your money problem while chewing in one side of her mouth, “It’s pretty easy these days. All you have to do is take a magazine from the job stand in Shibuya Station, look for a job that interests you, and call them up.” 
“Right, and,” your other friend, Akagawa Yokkako, takes a moment to swallow her food before continuing, “if you tell them you’re a Kosei High student, they will most definitely hire you.” 
“But that’s so much work!” you groan loudly, burying your head in your arms on the table and then lifting your head up high enough to be able to see your friends, “Besides, my brother’s birthday is in a week. I wouldn’t get the money in time even if I got the job.” 
“That’s your fault for leaving it to the last minute,” Yanai clicks open the next tier in her bento box, “I don’t understand how you’re still at Kosei with all your procrastination.” 
You perk up at this, “Uh, just because I don’t do my work weeks ahead of time like everyone else here doesn’t mean I don’t do well, thank you very much.”
“What’re you even getting your brother that costs so much anyways?” Yokkako finishes the last of the bun she bought from the school store, crumpling the transparent wrapper in between her hands. 
“Limited-edition action figure set of this anime he watches,” you drag your chopsticks absentmindedly across your school lunch, depressed from just remembering the price tag.
Yanai admires her octopus hotdogs, her chopsticks holding one in midair, before eating it whole, “Can’t you get him, like, crayons or something?” 
You stop swiveling your chopsticks across the pile of rice on your tray at her suggestion, “He’s not six. He’s turning twelve!” 
“What’s the difference?” Yokkako snickers behind her hand, earning one smack on the shoulder from you. 
“Seriously, guys,” you now resort to hopelessly picking up singular grains of rice with your chopstick, “Do any of you know how I can get cash quick and easy?” 
“And legally.” 
Yokkako wilters at the last part, her eagerness to tell you to be a cam girl or start selling drugs vanishing in a flash. While she isn’t involved in stuff like that, you knew she would suggest such a thing anyways, which would have annoyed you more. 
Yanai nimbles on her chopsticks in thought, “Y’know, on my way to the teacher’s office—I had to drop something off—, I overheard one of the art students asking around for a model. He said he was willing to pay in cash.”  
“Really!?” you straighten up from your slumped position, eyes sparkling at the prospect of possibly getting enough money for your brother, “Who? Do you know how much he’s paying? Did anyone say yes?” 
“Hmm,” Yanai places her chopsticks down, “I only heard his voice, so I don’t know who he is, sorry. I didn’t stick around long enough to hear everything, so...”
 “Ask one of the art teachers!” Yokkako chirps up, “They might know who it is. I think their office is on the…third floor?” 
You turn to Yanai for an answer, who nods silently as she focuses on packing up her lunch, and, with her confirmation, you immediately stand up from your chair, “I’m going to go now then! Can’t have anyone taking my precious money! I’ll see you guys later!” 
Dashing off, you try not to bump into unsuspecting students, spitting sorries when you do. You’re going to find this art student no matter what!  
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“Oh, right, I heard Kitagawa asking one of my other students to be his model yesterday,” the first art teacher you encountered answers, “She said she was too busy.”
Still catching your breath from sprinting up three flights of stairs, you stare blankly at her. Her answer as to who was asking for a model was hardly an answer. For all you know, there could be tens of Kitagawas in this school (it would be funny if they were all in the same art class too). Also, why did she talk more about the person he asked? She isn’t your main concern.    
She returns to her work, so you press the subject further, “Kitagawa…?”  
“You don’t know?” she makes the effort to turn her chair to face you completely, “Kitagawa Yusuke? He’s one of Madarame’s students.”
“Madarame, the artist?” 
When you shake your head, she gapes at you but immediately pulls herself together, “Never mind. What do you need Kitagawa for anyways?” 
“I was hoping to ask him if I could be his model,” you don’t bother to explain all the itty bitty details about how you desperately need the cash; she doesn’t need to know that. 
The teacher squints at the grid paper taped on the wall in front of her, “I have him next, so I can ask for you. I’ll email you what he says. What’s your name? Include your first name as well, so I know what email to use.” 
After telling her your name, she writes it down on a blank notepad, and you thank her for the help before leaving. At least you don’t have to track down this Kitagawa Yusuke. 
You slide the door open and then close. Checking your watch, you yelp at the time. Class on the fifth floor is starting in three minutes, and you don’t even have your bag! 
“Crap, crap, crap!” you repeat under your breath and push your legs to move faster, brisk walk accelerating to a full-out run. 
As you make an abrupt turn around the corner to the downstairs, you harshly crash into someone. You shut your eyes, groaning when you make contact with the ground. Still reeling from the fall, you see the obstacle you bumped into, who is somehow gracefully sitting upon the linoleum floor. 
“Pretty boy…” the words flow out of your mouth without a second thought, and your hand slaps itself over your mouth. 
But really, is there anyone who wouldn’t have the same reaction? Navy blue hair framing the boy’s cheeks so perfectly and shining like it belongs in a shampoo commercial. The lack of blazer all students have to wear with their uniform revealing his lissome frame. The longest eyelashes you’ve ever seen. The most luscious lips—.
“Are you okay?” 
At his words, you cease your shameless ogling, “Y-yes! S-sorry, are you okay? I should have been watching where I was going!” 
“I’m quite alright, thank you,” he gets up from the floor, brushing one stray hair away from his face, “Do be careful though. It would not be safe to bump into anyone else like that.” 
Before you can retort, you remember why you were in such a rush earlier and rise to your feet, “Oh god, I’m really going to be late now! Again, sorry, but gotta blast!” 
You abandon him and take off at the same speed as before. Screw getting your bag; you can just ask Yukkako for paper and a pencil. 
Your mind races back to the slender guy you bumped into as you scurry up the stairs. You’ve never met him before. However, you don’t think your paths will cross any time soon. It’s been a month since school started, but you haven’t seen him in any of your classes. Besides, he’s too…graceful. And pretty! Definitely not your crowd. 
The bell rings once you reach the fifth floor, and you frantically scramble to the classroom door. You practically fall through the back door. Somehow, no one but Yukkako notices your tumble in and waves her hand rapidly. The teacher strides in the front door the moment you sit down, and you breathe out a sigh of relief.  
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The moment you step foot in your dorm room, you toss your bag to a corner of the room and launch yourself into the comfort of your bed. Thank god your roommate isn’t here right now. As always, a day spent at the illustrious Kosei High deserves a nap.
Too exhausted to take off your uniform, you snuggle on the top of your bed (also too exhausted to get inside the blankets). Closing your eyes, you feel yourself hazing out of reality and into the wondrous land of slumber. 
Your eyes snap open, tranquility gone and irritation kicked in. When you reach down into one of your pockets, you pull out the rectangular device. The brightness burns, and you don’t hesitate to lower it.
When you read the subject, “Art Model Information”, you sit up from your bed like a vampire from their coffin. Unlocking your phone, you hastily scan the message. 
“‘I asked Kitagawa…need to go to Madarame’s studio tomorrow…might let you model!?’ I’m not even hired!?” 
You almost throw the phone down on the mattress out of frustration, sleep disturbed for this. You have to travel to his place and aren’t even guaranteed the job? What if you travel for nothing? That would be a waste of a good subway fee!
To calm yourself, you take a deep breath and release it with most of your annoyance. There aren’t any better options, so what choice do you have? 
Scrolling down the email, you find the address of this “Madarame’s studio”—you still don’t know who Madarame is—and copy it to paste into your navigation app. 
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Your finger repeatedly jams the doorbell as you cower underneath the veranda too small to properly cover anyone. Even though the forecast reported no rain, it began to downpour mere minutes ago with no relent in sight. Fortunately, you had a jacket to drape over your head, but it’s not going to hold for much longer at this rate. 
“Oh, come on, answer the door already!” you whine.
You pressed the button just once when you first arrived, but, the longer you went on without a response, the more fervent your pressing became. Maybe you should be more patient. However, how good would a drenched model be? You need to get in soon, or else. 
Before you resort to holding down the buzzer, a voice slices through the heavy rainfall, “Who is it? If it’s Sensei you want, he’s not here.” 
You pause briefly at the strange familiarity of the voice before answering, “Hi, I’m from Kosei High! I don’t know her name, but one of your teachers told you about me? It’s raining pretty heavy out here, so, if you could let me in, that’d be great!” 
“One moment.” 
The transceiver disconnects. Footsteps approach behind the door, and the voice’s speaker unlocks it. You can’t help but gasp when the door opens to reveal who was talking to you. 
The pretty boy you bumped into yesterday! 
“It’s you!” 
“It’s you…” 
You’re too stunned to move, despite the rain pouring (partially) on you. So, this is Kitagawa Yusuke? You even said yesterday that your paths wouldn’t cross any time soon! What’re the odds?! 
“...Will you be coming inside or…?” Pretty Boy, now identified as Kitagawa Yusuke, raises an elegant brow while stepping to the side to let you through. 
“Oh! Yeah, sorry!” you step inside and take off the jacket on your head, “I just didn’t think that you’re Kitagawa! Crazy coincidence, right?” 
“Indeed, this truly is a trick of fate…”
What did he mean by that? 
Kitagawa doesn’t answer you and immediately begins to circle around you. He mumbles to himself, too incoherent for you to understand. The longer this goes on, the antsier you get. It’s as if you’re being picked apart with his eyes punctuated by those sharp lashes. 
It’s not exactly the most comfortable experience. 
Before you can ask him if something is wrong, he returns in front of you, done observing you like an abstract work of art, “I suppose you will do for now. Normally, I would try to find a more inspiring subject, but I cannot afford to on such time constraints. Do not worry about taking your shoes off, and, please, follow me.”  
Your eye twitches at his slightly objectifying attitude, but you follow him anyway. Before leaving, though, you wring out your soaked jacket directly over the poor excuse of a doormat. Seeing the water permeate fills you with mischievous satisfaction. Seeing how far away he was, you run over to catch up.  
It doesn’t take long for you two to enter a small studio room. Towards the backend of the room there’s a window to let natural light in. However, there isn’t exactly a lot of “natural light” shining through due to the storm. The ceiling light seems to provide just enough lighting, some darkness accumulating in the corner. 
Various painting and sketching supplies are shelved in the back of the room as well. Three stools are pushed to the side. One stool sits in the middle, and an easel without its canvas in front of it.  
Kitagawa goes ahead of you to set up, and you stand awkwardly by the doorway with your jacket over your arms. 
“So…” you trail off, shutting the door behind you, “How should I do this? Do you have a certain pose in mind or…?” 
The blue-haired painter (painter-in-training?) turns to you, “Well, in order to start, it would be best if you began taking off your clothes.” 
“E-excuse me!?” you almost drop the jacket onto the wooden floor from pure shock. 
No…is this a nude modeling gig!? Even though themes of nudity happen to make up a majority of famous paintings, you never even considered this would be the case. You’re also a high school student, just like him! Is this even legal? 
“Were you unaware that you would be modeling nude?” he strokes his chin, clearly confused, “I made sure to specify that to the teacher though…” 
You gulp. Maybe you should have read the email entirely…
“You are more than welcome to leave if you do not wish to do this anymore,” Kitagawa already makes moves to clear up shop, disappointed and…annoyed(?) at this turn of events, “However, if it comforts you, I have absolutely no interest in your naked figure. I am purely doing this for art. I assure you I have no ulterior motives other than painting another piece of work for Sensei.” 
“Uh, w-well,” you fidget about, not completely unswayed by his words (even though you should be!), “h-how much will you be paying?” 
“Did the teacher not tell you that either?” his brows furrow even more (you really should have read the email entirely), “It might not be much, but, when we finish, I will pay you about one hundred and fifty thousand yen.” 
One hundred and fifty thousand!? That would cover your brother’s birthday gift and still leave you some cash to spend! All of that for modeling? Granted, you’ll be naked, but it would totally be worth it! 
Wait. Jeez, are you really that desperate for money that you’ll strip for some guy you just met? …No, no, that isn’t the case here! You’re contributing to the art world! So what if you’re in the nude? If this painting is a hit, you’ll be famous, have money, and make your brother happy for this birthday. Well, secretly famous. You don’t want this spreading around, especially to your parents.
“I’ll do it,” you declare despite your heart beating wildly at what you’re committing to, “B-but on one condition! I won’t be officially associated with this. I don’t want people to know that you painted me…naked. So, I don’t want to see my name anywhere near this, got it?!” 
“You have my word, thank you,” he softens his curt tone in gratitude, and his lips even curve into a small, pleasant smile. 
Your heart stutters for a moment at the unexpected nicety. While Kitagawa hasn’t been outright scornful, you couldn’t help but feel iced out at first. 
“Do not mind me as you undress,” his back faces you out of consideration, “I will prepare in the meanwhile. Let me know when you are ready.” 
“Okay, thanks.” 
Even though his back is already turned to you, you turn your back to him as well for added protection. Well, it would only be your rear side instead of your front side he would see if he turned around (if he does, you’re leaving without a second thought!). When getting ready for today, you opted for a comfortable but still nice outfit rather than your uniform. Had you known you would be modeling naked, you would have just come in sweatpants and a hoodie. 
Sitting on the stool, you first remove your shoes. You strip out of your clothes one by one, stacking them into a messy pile on the stool closest to you. Your hands pause at your undergarments. As the room’s chill travels across your skin, goosebumps prickle your skin.
You take a deep breath. 
You unclasp your bra. 
Another deep breath. 
You push down your underwear.
Adding the two articles to the unorganized mountain of clothes, which had somehow not collapsed yet, you turn around to face Kitagawa. Your hands wrap around your torso, insecurity trickling in like water from a sōzu. Now that you’re actually naked, you don’t feel as confident as you did before when you agreed. 
Still, you don’t want to back out now, not after you’ve gone through the process of taking off your clothes. Ugh, you better like that gift, Hanzu!  
“Is everything all right?” Kitagawa asks, back still to you.
“Y-yep!” you breathe deeply again to steel your nerves, “I-I’m all ready now!”
He turns around, seeing your naked body for the first time. Despite that, his insouciant expression doesn’t change. He merely clutches his chin between his fingers again; you could almost see the cogwheels turning inside his mind. His ever-observant gaze causes you to cover yourself up even more, your hands sliding up more and legs gradually crossing over each other. 
“Stop right there,” he commands with such purpose it freezes you into submission, “This heightened vulnerability and bareness… It perfectly encapsulates both innocence and womanhood at the same time! To think that you would be able to deliver such a concept… Yes, I can work with this. How foolish of me to doubt fate earlier.” 
“Th-thanks?” you’re not sure whether you should be pleased or creeped out or if that even sounded like you.  
“Please, remain still for now,” he sits at the easel, pencil in hand. 
“Sure thing…” you search for an interesting crack in the wall to distract yourself with. With the state of the place, there are plenty of cracks to choose from, which means plenty of story material. 
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You’re unsure how much time has passed. All has been quiet save for your breathing and Kitagawa’s sketching. Since the session started, you’ve gotten more comfortable. Not completely, but definitely better than before! 
However, you now face a new dilemma. 
As you learned in psychology class, your brain requires stimulation. When it’s not getting stimulated, like right now, the urge to do something eats away at you like an annoying parasite. And it’s definitely not helping that you’ve been standing the entire time! But Kitagawa told you to stay still. You may have just met him today, but you feel that disobeying an artist’s orders, especially one as passionate as Kitagawa—that’s the impression you get anyway—is just as bad as waking a sleepwalker. 
If you can’t move your body, you can at least move something else. 
“So, how’s the drawing going?” 
His hand falters in the line he was sketching out. With a sigh, he quickly erases it before redrawing. You quietly wince, not intending to irritate him. Maybe you should have realized that talking to him would have snapped him out of his artistic mojo. 
He continues to sketch your figure, eyes flickering to you and then the canvas. The silence is even louder, and you’re too ashamed to ask again. Is there perhaps another crack you already didn’t make a story for? 
“The sketch is almost finished,” he finally speaks, and you almost relax completely at an answer despite not wearing any clothes, “Sorry, I understand modeling for a painting can be difficult. Would you like to take a short break? I completed the part I was working on and can afford to pause now.” 
A break? You thought he would reprimand you for speaking, but that was oddly considerate of him. Well, not like he hasn’t been, but…
“How close are you to finishing? Because, if it’s not too long, then I can handle it.” 
He surveys his drawing, “Fifteen minutes should be sufficient enough.”
“Then we can continue, no worries,” you adjust your position to its original state.
“You have my thanks,” he nods and even flashes a gentle smile before resuming the sketch.
After a few more soft pencil scratchings and a few more riveting narratives of the Cracken terrorizing the town with no end in sight, Kitagawa picks up the small, deformed eraser and rubs it strongly against the canvas. His effaces become more and more frequent until he slumps over completely. Despair and hopelessness radiates from him. 
“Uh, Kitagawa? Everything all right?” you make it your best effort to not move while also straining to get a better look at him from behind the easel. 
“Something’s not right,” he lifts only his head to meet your eyes, “For some unknown reason, I cannot properly draw this last piece. Perhaps it’s the angle of your legs? Or maybe your arms?”  
“I swear I didn’t move at all! Not even an inch!” you prepare yourself for a scolding, even though you are one hundred percent certain you didn’t move your legs at all no matter how badly you wanted to. 
“I never said you did,” his expression shows no irritation, but his words still cut into you like the crack in the wall, “Allow me to think on this for a moment.” 
Mumbling unintelligibly to himself, he pinches his chin between his fingers as his eyes scrutinize you once more like they had in the beginning. You immediately avert your gaze to the other side of the wall. Is it like an artist thing, or does he have this innate ability to pick you apart with his eyes alone? 
“That’s it!” he sits up again with such a fervency it almost inspires you to do the same, “Please cross your left leg thirty degrees more inward.”
With hesitant estimation—what exactly is thirty degrees?—you slowly slide your left leg.
“No, apologies, I meant your right leg.”   
At his new orders, you, silent and compliant, move your right leg back to where it was originally and repeat what you did earlier to your left leg this time.
“A bit more, please, and point your right foot as well.” 
You struggle to maintain your balance at the new position. Praying he doesn't make you do this for much longer, you attempt to keep the shaking to a minimum.
He tuts his disapproval, and your obedience slowly transitions into annoyance. 
“Could you curve your foot a little more?”
“Please lower your right leg a little.” 
“...Try moving your left leg outward.” 
“No, move it back.” 
“Why don’t you just do it for me then!?” you practically yell out, frustrated from having to adjust your already-sore limbs every second. 
“Good idea, it would save us precious time,” he stands up straight from his seat with such poise and grace, it sends shivers down your spine.
“W-wait a minute, you’re coming over here?” your arms hug you tighter as an unsettling realization crawls on your back. 
Not only is Kitagawa going to be extremely up close and personal, but he’s also going to put his hands all over your arms and legs and bend them at impossible angles!  
He pauses in his steps with confusion scrawled all over his features, “Yes? Is that not what you asked?” 
“W-well, it is, but…but I’m naked!” you state as if it’s the obvious reason (because it is the obvious reason). 
“But you have been for the past hour or so,” he raises an eyebrow in even deeper confusion, “What makes now so different?” 
“I’m naked,” you strongly emphasize the word “naked” as if Kitagawa somehow did not see an issue in the concept, “I don’t know about you, Kitagawa, but I am not comfortable with you putting your grubby mitts on me as you spread my legs and whatnot. It’s already enough that I’m modeling naked for you!” 
“Spread your legs? Why would I ever—?” he stops mid-sentence, finally understanding what you were trying to get at, and his pale cheeks flush red, as if dragged from the center to the red side of the color wheel, “O-oh, I-I see…” 
With a clearing of his throat, he continues, “My apologies for being so oblivious to your concerns. However, you currently seem to be incapable of properly executing what I envision for this painting. What to do…?”
Ain’t no way is he touching you! There has to be another way!
“M-maybe!” you interject before he decides that A) you’re not a fit model for him anymore and thus denied the pay you were promised or B) there is no other choice but for him to treat you as if you are nothing more than a wooden lay figure, “Maybe you can…pose like how you want me to? And then I can…mirror it? Yeah? How’s that?” 
He stares blankly at you, and, as if a three-second timer went off, he livens back up, “What a splendid idea! Please do your best to imitate me.” 
After adjusting his stance to better match yours, he first, as asked of you before, moves his left leg slightly higher to the crux where his legs crossed over. Oh, so that’s what thirty degrees are. Then, with a shift of his torso, he freezes with his eyes intently on you, silently commanding you to imitate him. You immediately follow suit, dumbfounded at how easy it was to copy him when you had failed multiple times. 
“Perfect, now please stay like that for just a moment more,” he returns to his stool behind the canvas, pencil already in hand.
You sigh with relief, having successfully escaped any more torment, and focus back on doing what you were hired to do. 
This time, instead of continuing to mentally write fanfiction between the crack on the left side of the wall and the crack on the right side of the wall—a true Shakespearean tragedy split by the great schism in the middle—, you find yourself staring at Kitagawa. Since you’re barely a meter away from him, you can see him up close for much longer than yesterday. 
He’s so focused. His dark-blue eyes would unblinkingly scan across the canvas as his pencil dragged across the surface. Somehow, a mere glimpse to you can provide enough material to last him minutes of drawing. While his extremely hunched-over posture is left to be desired, his zeal clearly shows with how much he’s leaning in. Any further, and his nose would be touching the canvas! 
You also take the time to comment (mentally, of course) on the strange seventy-thirty hair split he has going on. When it comes to parting hair, most go for a twenty-eighty or thirty-seventy split. However, he went the other way and managed to make it look as charming as ever. Even now, side parts aren’t the latest in style, but anyone who saw him would strongly disagree. Somehow, the right side of his hair perfectly frames his cheek. Yes, he has to push a strand or two out of the way every now and then. But, for the majority, it stays perfectly still, coiffed with enough curvature to not appear so limp. 
Urgh, he’s a pretty boy in every sense of the word! 
After some back and forth from behind the easel to you, the saccades shorter and shorter each time, his eyes then shift to your own. At the sudden eye contact, you flinch, caught red-handed. 
“Is something the matter? You’ve been staring at me for quite some time,” he asks with a raised eyebrow. 
“O-oh, it’s nothing!” you laugh awkwardly, trying to act as if you weren’t staring at him for the past couple of minutes, “I-I was just zoning out, haha! Don’t mind me!” 
He accepts your excuse without a second thought (is he really that gullible?), “Well, I am just about done with the sketch. All that is left is to paint it. I greatly appreciate your service and—.”
“Ooo! Can I see?” you jump up from the wooden stool and bounce over to see what he was drawing for the past hour. 
Kitagawa immediately stiffens at your close proximity, but you’re too enraptured with what’s before you. 
When people meet you, there are some words that easily come to mind: rambunctious, tomboyish, immature, incorrigible. However, you don’t see any hint of that in Kitagawa's depiction of you. You see exactly what he raved about earlier: vulnerability, innocence, and womanhood. How was he able to illustrate you in such a way so different from how most characterize you despite only formally meeting you today?  
You also can’t imagine how striking the painting will be when finished. Will he use pop, bright colors to imply your teenage youth? Or will he use muted mature shades to highlight a sense of coming-of-age? 
A stammered yelp of your last name draws you back into reality. 
“Sorry, sorry! This is just so amazing!” you practically squeal while covering your mouth with your hands, “I can’t believe someone so talented is my age! Can I take a picture? Whoa, this is so cool!” 
“I-I thank you for your kind words,” he avoids your gaze, finding the floor most intriguing, “You can take a picture. Please be sure not to post it anywhere should someone come across it and choose to plagiarize my work.” 
“Got it!” you hum all happy, ego also inflated from being drawn so well and so beautifully.
Instead of answering, he fully turns his body away from you. You move to his side to find a faint dusting of pink across his nose and the top of his cheeks.  
“Hey, are you feeling okay? Your face is kind of red, and—.”
“I’m f-fine,” he clears his throat and shakes his head, all while still concentrating on the weathered floor, “I-I would greatly appreciate it if you can get dressed, though, so I can pay you for your services.”
You look down at yourself, suddenly remembering that you were indeed not wearing clothes, and feel your body heat up from embarrassment, the slightly-cold draft in the room be damned. Your face is as red as a tomato, and your ears are tipped in a similar shade. Squeaking out an apology, you hastily move to the pile of clothes on the chair and fumble through putting them on, too flustered to do so calmly.
Right as you slip on the last of your shoes, you snatch your phone out of your pocket to take a quick snapshot of Kitagawa’s drawing. Up from his stool but still with his back turned to you, he busies himself with something in the furthest corner. 
With the press of a button, his sketch is saved on your phone. You observe it on the digital screen, but, even then, it doesn’t even compare to the actual artwork. Well, digital copies never amount to the original anyways. 
Pinching in and out of the photo to pick out the finer details, Kitagawa approaches you with a thick, money envelope in his hand, “Here is one hundred and fifty thousand yen, as previously agreed upon. I once again thank you for being my model. You truly brought the perspective I needed for this painting. Don’t worry, I intend to bring this painting the beauty it wholly deserves.”  
“Oh, thanks…” your heart skips a beat at his words, moved at his dedication.
With two hands and a slight bow, you accept the money from Kitagawa, who then moves to clean up his supplies. As you stare at it in your hand, unease settles in your stomach. 
Was this really going to be the last time you saw him? You don’t share any classes with him. Hell, you never even knew the guy existed until yesterday! 
You can’t place your finger on why, but you want to get to know him more. Was it because of his formal speaking mannerisms? His talent? His creativity? His pretty boy appearance (you most certainly didn’t forget that)?
Clutching the envelope tightly, you stride up to Kitagawa with a surge of unknown need, “H-hey!” 
Great start.
He turns around from putting his pencils away with utmost confusion, “...Is something the matter?” 
“W-well,” you gulp and spit out your first coherent thought, “I-I wouldn’t mind modeling for you again!” 
“...Excuse me?” he looks even more confused, and you panic on how to explain yourself.
“Wh-what I mean is,” you clear your throat to stall for time, “I-I really want to see how you paint this and make sure it’s good! It is a painting of me after all, a-and I can be there as a real-life reference! I can even model again, i-if that’s what you need!”  
Stupid, of course it’s going to be good. He already drew you perfectly. Actually painting it shouldn’t prove a problem, especially since he’s taught by Madarame, who you found out last night is actually a super famous artist. 
Still, despite your floundering attempts, he appears to strongly consider this proposition, “It would be extremely beneficial if I had my subject with me as I painted… However, I wouldn’t be able to pay you again. Unfortunately, I’m a little low on funds this month.” 
“That’s fine!” 
“Then, it’s a deal,” he takes out his own phone from his pocket, “Let’s exchange contact information, so I can message you when I begin the painting process. It will most likely be in the next day or so, so please keep your schedule open.”  
You mentally do a fist pump, “All righty, do you have LINE or something? I have social media too, if that’s better.” 
“I must confess I am not all that interested in what the online world has to offer,” he pulls out his phone from his back pocket, “I also don’t have any messaging apps outside of the one already on your phone, so your phone number would be best.”
Nodding, you exchange phones and open his contacts. You’re astonished at the names that flood his screen. Arita Takemi, Mihara Kurumi, Natsuhiko Nakanohara—wow, both his names start with “N!” That’s kind of cool—, Yoshihisa Haru… The list goes on and on! How does he know this many people? Or keep up with them? You don’t even think you have this many classmates!  
Choosing not to ask him about it, you put in your number as a new contact. With the addition of your name, you raise his phone in the air to take a selfie of yourself (with a peace sign, obviously). Handing it back, you take your phone to find his contact only with his full name and phone number. 
Well, you didn’t really expect much more than that from him.
“Hmm, it appears the rain has yet to stop,” he checks the time on his phone, “and it’s quite late. My sincere apologies for keeping you here for so long. I would walk you to the station myself, but I need to prepare for Sensei’s return.”
Surely it can’t be that late; you got here around noontime. Checking your phone as well, you quirk a brow at his definition of late.
You jam your phone back into your back pocket, “Um, it’s only a little past 5:30, Kitagawa. I’ll be okay on my own, but I appreciate the thought.” 
He doesn’t look convinced and leaves the room, “At least let me get you an umbrella. I won’t be long.” 
True to his word, he comes back as quickly as he left with an umbrella too big for only one person. 
“Oh, thanks!” you blink at it in your hands, surprised at his offer, before back at him, “Well, I’ll be on my way now, but I’ll return it next time I see you!” 
“Farewell,” he waves you off, and you do the same.
Leaving the room and out the front door, you notice how the rain isn’t coming down as hard as before. In fact, it’s such a light drizzle, using an umbrella would be superfluous. Still, you open it up before walking out from underneath the extremely narrow veranda. 
Kitagawa Yusuke. 
He’s so strange and perhaps a little blunt. 
But he’s also far more polite than the rest of your male peers. 
You put a little more pep in your step and smile with anticipation for the next time you see him, hopefully sooner rather than later. 
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ENDING NOTE: i present to you a project months in the making with a huge hiatus in between completion! i thought this would be ready to release to the world a month ago but. i was wrong LOL!
so, for a little context, i have always wanted to play persona 5 ever since it came out six years ago. however, i never got a ps4. THEN! p5royal got announced for switch and other devices, and i pre-ordered it almost immediately. now, it hasn’t been long since it came out, but i just finished up makoto’s palace.
playing this game also reignited my love and worship for the man that is yusuke kitagawa. the amount of screenshots and videos i took during his arc is embarrassing. then, i read a yusuke x reader oneshot at like 2 am (it’s on ao3 titled “Emperor” by deareststars! so good, the friends to lovers in me enjoyed it so much!). i sat up from my bed with such urgency at the lightning strike of inspiration and starting writing this.
this wasn’t written all in one sitting; this took about...3 months, and, with college apps, my progress was quite stifled! i originally wanted to do this sunshine, tomboyish, easygoing reader with a begrudging, “i need you to do my painting (for madarame)” yusuke. so, yes, an enemies to lovers. however, i don’t think it was that enemies. i think it was quite normal LOL. there isn’t a lot of romance in this either. i was rlly struggling on what to tag this because there isn’t romance; this is just like. the start of it all! miniseries? no…probably not LOL. right before i was going to post this, i realized i forgot to include the posing scene. my original thought was for yusuke to actually move your legs to how he desired, but i was like reader wouldn’t like that, and yusuke wouldn’t do it if reader expressed discomfort (and she did so). so. you got that teehee.
tl;dr: this was self-indulgent 101%.
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munsonmuses · 4 months
Wedding Daze
Eddie Munson x Fem Reader (Oneshot)
Synopsis: based off of the movie baring the same title, an ever confident Eddie Munson is pushed by his friends to put himself back out there after the brutal rejection of Christina Cunningham the previous year in 1986. Eddie, being a smartass, proposes to the waitress…but what if she says yes?
Based off of this scene from said movie, though I’m not sticking loyal to the source material
Here’s the inspiration
Warnings: nothing but tooth rotting fluff, to tide you over while I work on spiritual reserves my darlings
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Eddie carefully poked at the chicken fried steak and eggs on his plate, yolks cracked by his prodding fork as he frowned to himself, resting his chin atop his fist as he sat beside Grant, Gareth and Jeff sitting across from him. Gareth entering his senior year that upcoming fall, the others waiting on college acceptance letters or some sort of real job opportunity.
Eddie on the other hand, had stayed in Hawkins. After the satanic panic died down, and he was given some semblance of an apology from the town, he’d stayed behind to work in a small auto body shop. Helping out Wayne, paying him back for years of kindness and safety. Even if Eddie had been a difficult kid.
His mindless slicing and stabbing of the now mutilated eggs was interrupted by Gareth’s laughter, head lulling back as he snorted.
“The cheerleaders have started this new game, like fluster the freak or something…they’re holding bets on who can get a date with one of us,” gareth started as Eddie tilted his head. Humming as if to ask him to continue, which Gareth caught on to. “And like…they’re acting ridiculous. They’re trying to be the next Hawkins high school power couple,” he muttered. “Now that Chrissy and Jason are gone…” he was down to a whisper now. Realizing his topic of choice may strike a few sour chords with Eddie, who just cleared his throat and went back to eating. “Mhm, they’re moved off to some private school in Indianapolis with their perfect parents and lives. Serves the bastards right,” Gareth tried to reverse the damage as best as he could, noticing the pang of pain in Eddie’s eyes. Being cut off finally by his girlfriend Daphne who’d kicked him in the shin.
Eddie had stuck by Chrissy after the incident in the trailer, through her recovery, and everything else. He’d fallen in love with the blonde ray of light in his sour life. But her confirmation of wanting to stay with Jason was a wound that felt like it would never heal. Sour and rotten and angering. Festering with a resentment for love that he thought he’d never have.
“Don’t talk badly about her man, she’s not a bad person okay? Just…y’know, had different aspirations that didn’t involve me. People like her have their whole lives planned out by their parents. She’s gonna have two point five kids with Jason. Blonde and light eyed with a stay at home mom and an attorney dad or something. And a dog that’s like…also blonde somehow, and some stupid fucking perfect suburban house with a picket goddamn fence and-“ he was cut off by the waitress that came by, replacing his maimed plate with a fresh one, a soft smile on her face as he just nodded quietly in thanks. It had to be pity…why else would she replace his food for free.
Gareth watched the woman leave as Jeff spoke up. Carefully looking at Eddie as he sipped on his black and white milkshake. Humming in thought before coming to the right words. “Maybe you should…try dating yeah? Try dating anyone honestly. Not because you pity them or like they’re desperate, but find someone. You’re twenty one, you’re decent looking, you’re nice to be around…hell you have goals and aspirations, you care about your family. You’ve stopped dealing.” He whispered the last part gently as Eddie carefully worked on eating his chicken fried steak and sighed.
“I dunno man I just, I’ve got the shittiest wrap sheet in this town besides Rick. I’m a mechanic matching little money, I still live in the trailer park just in a different spot. It took my two additional years to finish high school, I can’t go to college…I don’t want to go to college. I’m not really the perfect American boy. I’m white trash.” He muttered.
“Oh please you guys are all good looking,” Daphne insisted, leading Gareth to respond “well yeah but you’re a freak too, you’re goth and we’re…punk, I guess?” He insisted as Eddie snorted.
“Yeah you’re both freaks. That’s the thing. There’s not a lot of us in this god forsaken town, more than that the half that’s left blames me still, the other half packed up and moved a town or two over-“ he muttered as he wiped some gravy off his lip and sucked it off his thumb. Glaring lightly at the couple as the waitress came by to refill their coffee. Putting whipped cream on Eddie’s before walking away as he used a spoon to scoop it up and eat some.
Gareth scoffed back at him as he carefully ate his waffles and thought. “Honestly? You’re not giving anybody a chance. People like you Eddie. Lots of people like you, not the general public but like…there’s girls who come to the hideout, and there’s nerdy girls in town.” He insisted softly. Trying to contradict his friend.
“Nerdy in a great at school, really dorky, coke bottle glasses, I go to church and do math for some sort of sick pleasure kind of way…not a dnd, likes good music, kinda bold way…and the girls at the hideout have herpes…I know because they very loudly talk about it.” He insisted sharply as he carefully finished off his food and hummed to himself. Scraping the runny egg yolks up with his toast as he hummed to himself angrily. Trying to keep himself calm and not just storm out on his friends.
“Dude don’t be like that. Just try okay?” He pleaded as the waitress came over to take away Jeff and Grant’s plates as she hummed contentedly. Careful with the warm acrylic plates and balancing the sloshing egg yolks, sticky jam and skinning over gravy as she smiled at them all.
And Eddie, in his Munson-y way, decided to be a smartass.
“Hey miss…aww that’s a cute ladybug pin. Imma call you ladybug. Listen ladybug? Do you think I’m good looking? Am I a handsome, rugged guy…you think I’m scary?” He asked softly as he leaned back against the booth and the table. Legs spread and staring up at you as he hummed to himself. Carefully staring at the flustered woman.
You were a bit taken aback. Your sweet dusty yellow dress and white apron. Stuck full to the brim with pens and straws. Hair teased to the high heavens with adorably sparkly pins. Sweet makeup that accentuated the soft and gentle appearance of your face. Carefully setting down the tray on a nearby table as you hummed. “Honestly…? You’re very very handsome, and I think you’re scary in a like…big cat kind of way? Like a giant house cat? And I think you’re rugged in a Hans solo kind of way? Like you’d grab me in a heroic way and kiss me really really hard…and you whisk me away from it all…” you insisted softly.
The guys gently kicked Eddie under the table which only seemed to be frustrating him more. Eddie needed to be right. Pride was his fatal flaw and he knew it. Choosing to double down.
“Would you marry me?” He suddenly asked as a silence fell over the table. Eddie grinning as he licked his upper teeth with a tap of the foot. His smile falling and eyes blowing wide at your response.
“Yes…yes absolutely. Yes!” You laughed as you turned to face one of your coworkers. “Janice! Janice I need you to cover for me! Please!” You called as Janice looked up. “Why? Where are you going sugar?” She asked as you lit up.
“I’m getting married! I’m marrying Eddie Munson!” You insisted as Eddie felt his mouth grow dry. Nerves soaring as he let you take his arm and drag him to stand. “Cmon Eddie!” You laughed as he followed, his friends watching with wide eyes as his friends watched with open mouths and shaking hands.
Eddie followed you down the street to your little car as he laughed nervously to himself. Struggling to keep up as he looked at you. “You sure about this honey?” He whispered nervously.
“More sure than I’ve ever been oh my god!”
Eddie had been wrong? And now it would change the course of his life.
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friendlyspidercop · 1 year
that night, your mind chooses to relive high school…
“hate to break it to ya, grizz, but staring at the problem isn’t gonna make it go away.”
you groan and look up from your ap calculus textbook in time to see harry osborne set his lunch tray down on the cafeteria table and take the seat next to you. he gives you a sympathetic grin before picking up his fork and taking up a mouthful of mac and cheese.
that’s fine, you think. there’s no one else you’d rather have take it.
you still roll your eyes.
“harry,” you say, straightening your back and turning to him. he looks up at you, still chewing on those noodles. “why do you get lunch from here when you probably have a chef back home?”
he looks like he’s about to laugh at your question, but holds it in to swallow his food. “have you never had the mac and cheese here? delicious. also— a chef? really?”
you grin and shrug, turning back to your textbook and picking up your pencil again. “yeah, really,” you say, flipping the pencil in your fingers before you begin to solve the integral. “are you trying to tell me you don’t have a chef?”
he laughs and lightly pushes your shoulder. “i think you’re just jealous that i don’t leave my homework until the last possible minute so i can eat lunch everyday.”
ok, there might be some truth to that.
you pencil in a 22 to mark the next math problem before you turn to your brunette friend, eyebrows raised as you try to fight back laughter. “sometimes you can be so sassy!”
he grins proudly and takes another bite of his mac and cheese as you continue.
“does peter know about this?” you ask, shaking your head in faux disapproval, as if peter were the mom in the sentence: does your mom know about this?
but maybe peter isn’t the best person to bring up right now.
harry smiles at your jest, but it doesn’t have the same lightheartedness as it did just seconds ago. you wish you hadn’t mentioned the name.
“sorry,” you say quietly.
“it’s okay,” he says. and he means it, you know. but guilt has sunk its claws into your heart and has no interest in letting go.
as you turn back in your seat to let harry eat in peace and continue finishing up your homework, your eyes catch the two empty chairs on the other side of the table. that’s where they sat.
you glance at harry— he’s looking at peter and mj’s chairs too.
you bite your lip and look down at your paper, the numbers starting to blur together as your thoughts race. they’re mostly about peter and mj and what they might be doing right now. but another thought also pushes its way past all of these, triumphant at last: you are not alone. harry osborne and his silly mac and cheese are still here.
“so… which one’s better? the cafeteria mac and cheese or your chef’s mac and cheese?” you looked at him, an eyebrow raised.
surprise flickers in his eyes for a moment before disappearing under the weight of consideration as he chews his mac and cheese thoughtfully. you’re pretty sure the lunch ladies just use velveeta anyway, but you don’t want to ruin the magic for him.
seeming to reach a decision, he swallows his mouthful and smiles. “well, i know what i think, but you’re not gonna like the answer, grizz.”
you roll your eyes playfully— did he really like the school’s that much?
“but how about you come over after class? try the one at my place for yourself?” he asks. you don’t pay too much attention to the way he quickly drums his plastic fork on the rim of his bowl.
“huh…” you consider, nodding to yourself as you finish your last homework problem. you slam the hefty textbook shut. “i will take you up on that offer, harold osborne.”
he nudges you. you laugh, pushing his arm away.
“my name’s not harold.”
“yeah, okay, okay.”
in those days, it felt like it was you and harry osborne against the world. two halves of a whole. you had your differences, sure, but ultimately it all culminated into a friendship you were convinced would last you your lifetime.
is that what makes it so hard for you now?
you’re starting to hate europe for swallowing up your best friend.
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kthecutest · 10 months
hi!:) can i req basketball-player!jo x fem!reader high school au! ; i feel like in high school he had a tiny fan base and i’m sure he looked super cool (&cute) while playing so maybe something about that lol (don’t actually have an idea hehehe) or like what it’s like being his gf (ofc him as a b-ball player) lol just take it from here pls ??
also thanks for writing my other req jo as bf!! so cute!!<33 i rly enjoyed it >_<
Yes of course! Sorry if I'm too late to answer this request, I couldn't grasp on a solid idea (╥ᆺ╥;) Not so sure if this went along with the lines of your request but I still hope you'll like it! ₍ᵔ•ᴗ•ᵔ₎
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☄. *. ⋆The rose that glows ruby⍣ ೋ
Pairing ➳ Basketball-player!Jo x gn!reader Genre ➳ Pure Fluff ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ A/N ೃ⁀➷ A little detail on the title, ruby and the color red might seem the same but not exactly. Ruby is a jewel color which means it'll appear glossier and glow more than any other red shades. This makes it stand out among all red. Just a little explanation to some who might get confused haha!
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You nudged your way through the vast horde, trying your best to block out the ear-piercing screams and squeals of sweaty figures, just to get a glimpse or two of ‘him’. Your eyes glossed, full of excitement, hope and out of all, love.
Jo and you weren’t exactly friends, far from lovers. A normal passerby would describe you two as a fan and idol kind of relation and it was logically right but you guys were rather more or less than just that single statement. You two seldom talked with words but the looks in both of your eyes tell a whole different story. It was as if a whole telepathic conversation was occurring right in the sparks and glosses that elicit from you and his eyes.
In contradictory to being a pro basketball-player and a popular boy in high school, Jo’s got a pretty chill personality and the atmosphere surrounding him was always so quiet and far from chaotic. He didn’t consider too much contact or conversation with any sorts of fan girls. Unlike the other top students who would use their status or appearance, to pick up girls, for their own satisfaction, he just lived his own life not bothering with any of such matters even when he had both status and appearance.
It wasn’t a surprise why he was such a hot topic among fan girls and even boys. In this era, the type of perfect but chill kinds of people always stood a special place in people’s hearts, as well as in yours. Not that you were all over his status or face, you’d definitely admit, he looked pretty cute considering his expertise in the basketball field. But it was his eyes that pulled your entire soul towards his direction. It’s true that he was hard to read considering his all-time poker face, but despite all that, his eyes told a story of a thousands.
But you knew you had absolutely no chance with him considering there’s a whole fanbase going after him. He would only pick the one rose that glows ruby among all red roses; and percentage of you being the ruby rose? 0.0000001%
You sighed, gripping onto the clear water bottle in your hand with an almost dejected look from all the overwhelming thoughts. You can’t help but to be an overthinker. That’s when you felt the huge cozy hand of a familiar someone, set still on your head. You looked up with a look of surprise to find a tall figure, the school basketball club’s signature shirt wrapped around his body, as he towered above you; his eyes holding an entire galaxy.
“..You should eat more.. You’re always so short and exhausted-looking.”, his words were in a mixture of a tease and concern, as he tugged onto the plastic bottle in your hands. Walking away calmly as he breaks open the bottle cap before you could even let out a single response. Your reply was nowhere to be found, as you stood there shocked; you noticed his ears reddening, shading into the color of the spring sakuras. As your head is disconnecting and reconnecting in several pieces, you let out a slight mumble, only loud enough for a single you to hear;
“..Maybe I do have a chance to be the rose that glows ruby..”
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