#is like jacobi (threatening)
clonerightsagenda · 1 year
Realized the 'shoot the gas line' bit of the Alien Minkowski AU is just me revisiting my perennial theme of why are there guns in space. It always comes back to that.
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mooredanxieties · 5 months
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It takes one to know one
Article: The FBI isn't just hunting psychopaths, they're head-hunting them too, offering competitive pay and benefits in the hopes of using one demented mind to catch another. Sure, we're familiar with the stereotype of the FBI profiler, swaggering onto a crime scene, fitting the pieces together like a master puzzler with his 1000-piece jigsaw. In reality, these profilers should be likened to harridans reading a cup of spent tealeaves- passing off their active imagination as incisive fact.
Fact Check: Drunk Iowa Driver's Alcohol Level Was Nearly Eight Times Legal Limit Article: Florida Woman Busted For DUI Tells Cop, "This Is What I Get For being a bridesmaid" Press Pass: South Carolina Man Attacked Grandmother Over Bizarre Chick Salad Mix-Up Press Pass: Open Gown, A Universal Hospital Indignity, Leads To Indiana Man's [unreadable]
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Another Shrike In the Nest?
by Frederica Lounds
As reported before by Tattlecrime, the FBI maintains jurisdiction in the case of Garret Jacob Hobbs, the Minnesota Shrike. But as days turn to weeks, desperation has begun to take hold amongst the investigators. An embarrassing truth is beginning to emerge: There are no new leads on the whereabouts of the Shrike's seven missing victims. As families await any word at all about their lost daughters, the case looks as though it has stalled. Tip lines are open, but they have so far yielded little to nothing. Where lie these poor women who deserve a proper funeral? When approached for comment on the investigation, things with Graham took a surprising and dark turn. Upset at the probity of the questions at hand, Graham threatened, "It's not very smart to piss of a guy who thinks about killing people for a living." A statement like this calls into question the very mind and method of Will Graham and his FBI apologists. This is a man who skirted normal FBI... Read More
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It Takes One To Catch One?
Exclusive photos of house where the Jacobi family was slaughtered.
The Jacobi home nestled in a sleepy suburb of Chicago that was startled awake by the shocking murder that has changed the area forever. Residents that have lived in the area for almost twenty years have said that they will now consider moving. See the disturbing exclusive photos inside.
Insane Fiend Consulted in Mass Murders by Agent He Tried To Kill
by Freddie Lounds
FEDERAL MANHUNTERS, stymied in their search for the Tooth Fairy, have turned to the most savage killer in captivity for help. Hannibal the Cannibal has gotten a call from a very special visitor- none other than Will Graham himself. I saw it with my own eyes, Graham coming form the main entrance to the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane on a recent afternoon. This mysterious visit had this reporter curious to its nature. What could Graham, who was almost a victim of Lecter himself, have to discuss with the Mad Doctor? A bit more digging lead me to face to face discussion with Will Graham. Needless to say he was evasive. But I was able to suss out that Graham has begun working for the FBI again on the Tooth Fairy investigation. And he was in fact visiting Lecter to help him get information on the Tooth Fairy murders. Is this really where to FBI has sunk? Hiring a man with questionable stability to get information form a clinically insane psychotic? If this is where the FBI has been able to take this investigation, this reporter is worried. Worried for the family left behind by the Leeds and Jacobi murders. And worried for the next family on whatever deranged list the Tooth Fairy has made. For surely there will be a next family. There have been three so far the the Tooth Fairy shows no sign of stopping. And frankly- what's to stop him? Certainly no local police agencies. Certainly no the FBI who have done nothing to further the investigations since they took over several months ago.
Desperation Leads to Partnership with Cannibalistic Killer The recent apparent partnership between the FBI and Hannibal Lecter has this reporter wondering if there is anyone with whom the FBI won't partner. One wonders the validity of whatever information can be gleaned from someone who is so clinically insane as to devour those around him. How much can Lecter be trusted not to give misleading information to protect perhaps a fraternity of killers with whom he would most definitely be a member. And what does Lecter get from all this? Special privileges? Or maybe just the excitement of getting inside information on the violent nature of the Tooth Fairy crimes. This would no doubt a source of great pleasure for someone so diabolical in nature. I wonder how this makes the families of the victims feel. To know that Hannibal the Cannibal is drooling over the bloody remains of the lost loved ones. Is whatever little information can be provided by this this 'expert' killer worth making the victim's families continue to suffer?
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ao3cassandraic · 1 year
What does Aziraphale know, and when does he know it? Part 1
Prologue, for those who haven't seen it.
Zira's first encounter with the Metatron in the Final Fifteen Minutes is when the Metatron walks into the bookshop disguised as mild-mannered Derek Jacobi human and interrupts Michael, who is threatening Aziraphale with total obliteration. He insults the archangels, then calls on them to say who he is. Aziraphale at this point -- we get one reaction shot of him -- appears to be in wary wait-and-see (heh) mode.
(Not wholly relevant here, but -- the first to show recognition of the Metatron isn't Crowley or Aziraphale, it's Saraqael, and isn't that interesting. I definitely have a meta in pickle about Saraqael, Heaven's Only Competent Angel.)
The Metatron then asks whether Crowley knows him. Aziraphale finds this intriguing, turning to Crowley with interest. Crowley does the-thing-that's-all-over-the-show-where-he-and-Aziraphale-drop-one-another-clues; rather than say the Metatron's name, he mentions his appearance as "big floating giant head." That's enough for Aziraphale to clue in and spill the beans, with genuine shock that the other angels (except Saraqael, again) echo.
What Aziraphale now knows that he hadn't known:
The Metatron has a human corporation. (Yes, he may have been Enoch-human in the past, but that's not entirely show canon yet; before now, Watsonianly, we've only seen the Big Giant Disembodied Head.)
The Metatron insults archangels. Labor angle here, incidentally: this is a manager insulting his employees in front of their supervisees (Aziraphale, Muriel) and even outsiders (Crowley). Management 101: DO NOT DO THIS, IT IS BAD. Praise in public, critique in private and without insults.
The Metatron and Crowley know one another. (Zero details on when, how, or why.)
The Metatron then dismisses Michael, Uriel, and Saraqael back to Heaven, talking down to them like Mary Poppins to the von Trapp children (seriously, "spit spot"? also, nice s1 callback). He even covertly threatens them! Uriel asks whether they have done anything wrong -- getting caught doing something wrong is fatal to an angel's identity as angel, as Aziraphale's concerned face in a brief reaction shot shows he knows -- and the Metatron only says ominously that that "remains to be seen."
After ordering the archangels off again, he openly hurls an ableist slur at Muriel rather than use their name, while demanding that they stay because "I may need you." This is a hardcore, shocking Villain Moment, y'all. The Metatron is Having A Moment. Pulling back to a Doylist perspective -- Neil freakin' Gaiman isn't going to drop a slur lightly. He's just not. He did it with full intent, and that intent is "the fucking Metatron is ableist trash." Returning to the Watsonian viewpoint, however...
What Aziraphale now knows that he hadn't known:
The Metatron wears scorn like royal vestments. It's pretty basic to how he treats others. (Doylistly: this tracks with both s1 and what we see of him in the recorded meetings that Crowley, Muriel, and Saraqael view. "Oh, don't be so wet!" he snarls at Saraqael, just for starters.)
The Metatron can order archangels around like children, even threaten them with judgment and punishment, and get away with it.
The Metatron doesn't just punch sideways-ish at the archangels, which might be justifiable; the Metatron absolutely punches down with his scorn. And wow, does he ever not pull his punches.
The Metatron thinks he's entitled to use others to serve his own needs.
If Aziraphale hasn't figured out by now that the Metatron abuses his quite substantial and dangerous power, he's not the angel I think he is. (As for Crowley, he's been absolutely leveled -- look at him sprawled out all but flat on Aziraphale's desk chair! He's not really paying attention. Also, per e3 he kind of agrees with the Metatron about Muriel, though he never himself uses ableist language about them.)
The Metatron says "Right," and we see Aziraphale again. Is he happy? He is not. Body held tense and straight, arms at his sides (though he looks about to clasp his hands together in front, a worry sign), face even warier. Seems a reasonable reaction to what he's just seen!
"It's just you and me, Aziraphale, eh?" It's damned blessed bloody well not. Crowley's right there, Muriel's right there, and the Metatron just erased both from consideration. RUDE! "I think we need to have a bit of a chinwag, don't you?" Aziraphale in both words and body would very much rather not, and I can't blame him one bit.
The Metatron then forces a bribe on Aziraphale, in the form of The Coffee That Launched A Thousand Metas. Aziraphale isn't clear on what the Metatron wants of him at this point -- "shall I drink it?" There's a striking parallel here to Crowleian temptations via novel experiences that other meta-ists have pointed out; like those, Aziraphale's reaction is positive ("it's very nice") but unlike them, it's decidedly subdued, scaled way down -- Zira certainly doesn't guzzle the coffee the way he inhaled the ox-rib. The Metatron indicates that getting a positive reaction from Aziraphale is the point ("well, I should jolly well hope so!") and verbally forces Aziraphale out the door for a Crowley-less, Muriel-less discussion.
Aziraphale is... less than enthusiastic, turning toward Crowley -- possibly to accompany him, possibly for a lead on how to handle this. Crowley, still in a state of exhaustion and bogglement, misses the cue. Oh, Crowley. Gargantuan, awful mistake! Totally understandable, of course, but Aziraphale needs a rescue here badly and (for the first time ever?) Crowley doesn't provide one!
Aziraphale's walk toward the bookshop door is diffident, halting. He glances back at the Metatron and Crowley as he goes.
What Aziraphale knows at this point:
The Metatron wants something from him. Just him, not Crowley or Muriel.
Rather than straight-up asking, rather than ordering (as he could perfectly well do), the Metatron is loading the dice with a Crowleyesque bribe/temptation. This is a slight hint (which the Metatron will shortly confirm) that the Metatron knows some things about the Crowley-Aziraphale dynamic.
What Aziraphale likely wants to know at this point:
What the hell the heaven on earth does the Metatron want from him?
And why might he need Muriel?
And we are all Aziraphale -- we all want to know too!
This is more than long enough for a post, so let's post it. Next up: The Chinwag.
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
My thoughts on the SI-5
For as much as a lot of fandom romanticizes the SI-5 as a friend group, Kepler really did Jacobi and Maxwell so dirty. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he got it in the end, and the character himself is hilarious. But I need to talk about this. This man is insane and needs to be held accountable.
First of all, he meets them at the very lowest points of their life. Maxwell is isolated from her family and support systems, and it’s implied her career is heading for the toilet due to her fight with the ethics board. Jacobi’s career is totally over after he was blacklisted from his work, and it’s implied he doesn’t have strong support systems either. Kepler knows that and uses it to manipulate both of them into working for him. They both, especially Jacobi, have such a strong loyalty to him because they saw him as their only way out of their situations, and Kepler does not match that loyalty at all.
How do I know this? Because he was totally cool with Maxwell dying. Didn’t shed a tear. And when Jacobi called him out for that and threatened HIS life? Kepler was like “well okay. Guess we have to shoot Jacobi then.” I was reviewing my episode reactions, and I totally forgot he told Minkowski that. Like he didn’t hesitate or even try apologizing to Jacobi or admitting he was wrong first, he jumped right to “kill Jacobi instead.” He also had the audacity to say “how could he (Jacobi) do this? After all we’ve been through? 🥺” and then what they’ve “been through” is Kepler buying Jacobi fireworks (1) time, admitting to stalking Jacobi and Maxwell for years before he hired them (creepy), harassing and threatening them if they fail to comply with his orders, telling Jacobi and Maxwell they’re worth about as much as a glass of whisky and he wouldn’t miss them (which is verified by his reaction to Maxwell’s death and brief willingness to kill Jacobi to save his own skin when Jacobi tries to get revenge), lying to Jacobi and Maxwell and keeping secrets from both of them, and being an arrogant jerk of a boss who treats them more like his patronized pets than his friends. It’s actually funny how Kepler is shocked that wouldn’t be enough to keep Jacobi’s loyalty after gambling with the life of his best friend. He’s so blinded by his own ego it’s hilarious. Like buddy, it’s a miracle of desperate circumstance that either of them were loyal to you in the first place, you pompous whisky-worshipping buffoon.
You even see it in the little details. Kepler talking to Cutter about Jacobi and Maxwell behind their backs on that one call, the way Jacobi calls Maxwell “Alana” but Jacobi and Kepler use their formal names for each other until the very end when Kepler calls Jacobi “Daniel” and acts legitimately terrified to discover what Cutter and Pryce’s true plans are. Which again, love the way the redemption arc was done and those little details show you proof that Kepler rethought his views and isn’t doing this on a whim and that Jacobi and Maxwell’s friendship, as compared to their relationships with Kepler, was a stronger and more real and genuine friendship. I mean, headcanon what you want, write the SI-5 how you want. But a lot of people seem to either love or hate the whole SI-5 group (I admit this was me for a long while, though I do love post-redemption duck and whisky boys) so it’s easy to gloss over these internal dynamics within the SI-5, but if Kepler survived, I would personally need him to acknowledge just how much of a jerk he really was because yikes.
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commsroom · 1 year
im sure you've talked about this before but what are your opinions on hilbert
hilbert is... a fascinating character. he's an archetype disguised as another archetype, concealing a real person with understandable motivations and sincerely held ambitions. in a way, that's very reflective of how his work has been hollowed out and warped with each iteration of himself he becomes to continue it. hilbert is an insidious type of evil, because his goals are noble and he doesn't enjoy hurting people, but he will carry out orders and rationalize his actions "for the greater good." which makes him an excellent foil for eiffel; hilbert is nothing if not a Big Picture thinker. "you talk about helping people, but what about the real, live people around you?" / "increasingly, i find them to be of negligible importance." etc.
i think it says a lot about wolf 359's character writing philosophy that hilbert's betrayal and big reveal is really kind of his first character moment. he's there for two seasons after that, but he's never redeemed, and his goals never change. what makes hilbert more complex, more real, more understandable, is entirely perspective.
and the tragedy of hilbert, i suppose, is that he sacrificed everything for what he believed was right, sold his soul to the devil for it, and then... wasn't even particularly good at it. he's a big fish in a very small pond, as far as wolf 359 antagonists go. his death virus was never going to be anything but a death virus, and cutter figured that out (and found another use for it) ages ago. in change of mind, he was so certain he had the right answer - of course it was the scientist, his work was threatened - and they wouldn't have made it out if not for fourier, who realized it was really about human relationships. in am i alone now? hilbert's part is the only one where no one else speaks. before he dies, jacobi cuts his comms line, and his final words are a cut off "can anybody hear-?"
so, again... hilbert is a narratively and thematically significant character. this is barely even scratching the surface of that. but do i like him? hell no. absolutely not. he tried to murder hera and then said "tell me you're not mourning that appliance" so i think it's fine that he died, actually. that's how i judge all wolf 359 characters.
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hyperfixssession · 7 months
‘You treated me like one of them,’ ok Jacobi and what if you just rip my heart out? I find it incredibly interesting that yes, Kepler argued back, but there was no…. usual Kepler rage behind it?? It’s like in his mind he’s programmed to argue the way he does, to insist he had orders, but his heart just isn’t in it. Jacobi yells at him, insults him, lashes out, and Kepler just takes it, almost like he’s letting Jacobi vent. Kepler could get scary, threaten Jacobi into submission, we’ve heard him do it before, yet he doesn’t in this scenario. Almost like maybe, some part of him knows Jacobi is right.
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hrtnsolofytube · 2 months
Time for a ☎ Scam Likely Song Breakdown ☎
Today is Unsweetened Lemonade by Amélie Farren in regards to Daniel Jacobi from Wolf 359
Warning for brief mentions of sui//cide and death!
Let's get this started under the cut!
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Starting off strong with the first verse of the song. We all know Jacobi is a very volatile person. Consider the fact that onstead of dealing with his grief, betrayal, and other emotions, he went ahead and threatened to blow the entire ship up if the target of his emotions wasn't shot dead in front of him. Knowing that, it's not hard to believe he's always been this stubborn and volatile with his feelings. Even if he doesn't like confrontation, he'll start and finish what he has to in order to get through whatever he's feeling at the time.
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These two go hand in hand as pre and post Wolf 359. From what we know about his childhood, he faced a lot of scrutiny under his father. It wouldn't be hard to believe that he didnt think he'd make it past 12 — or maybe even didn't want to. That's a hard age to be dealing with the kind of emotional abuse he likely faced from a dad who had a specific ideal of how he wanted his kid to be — especially one who wanted him in the military. From my experience, that can end in a lot of pushing for physical elements that one might not be able to handle at a young age.
The second verse there is very post, him realizing he's stuck alive while everyone he cared for is gone. The way its said in the song is very flippant, especially with the usage of the words 'I guess' as if it wasn't what was planned, but it's what he has to deal with now.
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This... Does give me very Kepcobi vibes, sorry to anyone here who dislikes them. You can move to the next verse if you want! But it definitely makes me think of how Jacobi felt for Kepler. Especially towards the end — he had lost all trust for the man, how could ever want him to have his heart after that? The whole 'its pathetic how you think youre being smart' makes me think of how Kepler definitely thought he was. Thought he was playing it slick by being on the enemy side. He let his ego overpower him, control him, and for that he was already as good as dead to Jacobi. The worthless parents/stupid kids part can be in regards to himself. I personally doubt he knew that much of Kepler's past, and even then we don't know much expect for what's hinted at in his playlist. Jacobi probably faults his parents for his own stupidity in giving his whole life to one person, one thing. Just like his father gave himself — his body, his soul — to the military, Jacobi did the same with Kepler and the SI-5.
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Another two that go hand in hand! The first chorus I see as him after being given the offer to join the SI-5 and realizing it's his last chance. He doesn't really have anywhere else to turn for work — he'd do anything at this point. Everything he thought he was meant for had crumbled beneath him and left a gaping hole where it had previously stood. An air of grievance and lack of purpose.
The second gives me after the events of 61. He's never been so out of control in his life. He'd do anything to get that control back, even if for a bit. His entire life has been a lie up to this point, and now he's going home without the two people who made everything truly worth it. He doesnt know what he'll do with himself — lifewise, jobwise. He's lost, out of control, and grieving. The last line definitely makes me think of Maxwell, Kepler, and his job itself — everything he'll ever love. He feels like that's it now. It's all decayed, all gone. What else does he have to love?
That's all for now!! Join me next time for another ☎ Scam Likely Song Breakdown ☎
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samuelturn · 11 months
Ok so ok the advent of the 60th I had an absolute crazy idea on how to do a 60th Anniversary series of Doctor Who while Flux was still airing. And it involves Paul McGann.
In my mind, Flux ends with Tecteun winning. She didn’t die. The Flux, The Ravagers, Division, its all been a manipulation by Tecteun to usurp all of Time Lord society, to no longer be The Other. Rassilon is dead and Omega’s anti-matter universe collapsed during The Time War. She has a race bank of Gallifreyans and is going to the new universe, relatively young, to dominate and rule. 13 is trapped, beginning to regenrate. Yaz and Dan are far away in a seprate cell. The Flux and The Ravagers consume the last of the universe, and The Doctor has lost….END CREDITS
NEXT TIME: The trailer is 4:3. The picture is softer, the music isn’t surround sound and not as grandiose. Paul McGann and New Companion (NC) step out of the TARDIS onto a new world, and the effects look decidedly 90s. Season 27 would begin airing in 2022.
What follows would be a series of NuWho length episodes that would begin as a sort of “What if Paul McGann series on BBC in the late 90s.” As the episodes go on we see more and more…paradoxes. Dhwan!Master keeps showing up, not attacking but not helping, trying to get 8’s attention. Moments flash and the picture goes back to HD. Skull-like objects in the background of various episodes seems to follow the camera with their eye sockets. In the final episode of the “Season,” reality breaks down. 8 starts seeing the camera, the production staff, the sets, the lighting. Staff call him Paul. The TARDIS is just a prop. He runs for the stage door…waking up elsewhere on Tecteun’s massive universe ship (the ship would be a lot bigger in my version), and Dhwan!Master is standing over him, alongside the Fugitive Doctor…and Richard E. Grant as the Shalka Doctor.
NC was just the Master trying to bring 8 out of the end of the universe and space and time. He stowed away and realized that Tecteun’s success would mean his and the Doctor’s ultimate demise. Him, 8, Fugitive, and Shalka team up as paradox energy threatens to tear the ship apart. Shalka and 13 can’t exist together, but he’s here, because the universe is collapsing in on itself. Derek Jacobi is also here as Shalka Master. 13 is caught in a looping regeneration. Not allowed to die but not able to be reborn. Fugitive goes to free her. Shalla Doctor goes after Yaz and Dan, 8 and the Masters storm the bridge.
Tecteun wanted to rule and wanted to eliminate her biggest enemies and regrets, as well as an opponent who would be detrimental to Time Lord survival. The Master is the real Timless Child, the Doctor as the TC was a ruse by Tecteun to motivate him to kill the Time Lords for her. The Doctor was the first successful TL who she was able to grant regeneration to. She had hoped to use them but both grew beyond her. Dhwan!Master is enraged and broken. Shalka Doctor returns with Yaz and Dan. Fugitive rescues 13 but is hurt in the process. 13 is dying but still slowly. Big fight. Fugitive and 13 turn the ship around and navigate the paradox energy storm. Shalka Doc, realizing that he can’t exist, alongside Shalka Master, scarifice themselves and their TARDIS to do a “restore from backup” on the universe. Fugitive disables Tecteun and then goes off to regenerate into 3. 8 pilots the ship into the protection of Gallifreyan space with the Master’s hell…before waking up in his TARDIS with no memory of the events…same as usual.
13 wakes up in Gallifreyan hospital. Romana is standing over her. The actions of her and her other selves have averted destruction. Tecteun has been tried and will be executed. The universe is put back to roughly pre-Flux state, but the enemies of the Doctor are fewer in number, Romana is president again. 13 will have enough time to send Dan and Yaz off and say goodbye, and the TARDIS has been given an overdue tune up. 13 says goodbye to Dan, then Yaz. Then regenerates.
Back on Gallifrey, the people are celebrating a festival in the Doctor’s honor, the Master sits in a cell, voluntairly in TL custody to process the hurt Tecteun caused to him and the Doctor. Somewhere in the shadows of the festival, two figures in skull masks and black clothes watch, plotting. The other enemy Tecteun wanted to get rid of has inadvertnetly returned. Their Grandfather caused and averted a paradox of such proportion that it dragged a monstrous enemy back from the dead. Faction Paradox has been reborn, and lie in the shadows, plotting and waiting.
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crossguild · 2 years
speaking of morality in w359, minkowski desperate to be a good person because she has a black/white view of morality that prevents her from being aware of her own moral failings especially when it comes to the tbh very bad things she inflicts on other characters which she never perceives as bad because she's a good person doing it to bad person, therefore threatening and tormenting her prisoner is "good" because she has a good reason for it and therefore it's justified
and that's slowly broken down over the course of the series as she's forced to confront that eiffel, who began as an antagonistic subordinate (bad) but who became her friend and is therefore "good", has a criminal record that arose from when he traumatically injured his daughter and a teenager and is therefore "bad", but he remains her friend who cares for her and is willing to come through for her at great personal cost...
part of minkowski's narrative is coming to terms with moral ambiguity, specifically her own moral ambiguity and how being a good/bad person isn't something that's inherent or clear-cut. she killed maxwell in cold blood, her entire perception of her self as a leader & Good Person was shattered at that point, resulting in her handing off command of the station to lovelace while she came to terms with her worldview undergoing a reckoning
and it crystallizes in dirty work, where she not only convinces jacobi but also realizes herself that people can't always be sorted neatly into Good and Bad or Guilty and Victim, but that every person is still responsible for their decisions and these decisions have to be made with awareness of their consequences
and this is a worldview that most of the other characters have long come to terms with, like lovelace and hilbert and the si5 who are always aware of when they're harming others and also under no illusions about their culpability but choosing to act anyway because it's a choice they're accustomed to making (as hilbert points out, minkowski was a flight instructor in peacetime, whereas he, lovelace and the si5 have plenty of experience with violence and death)
early series minkowski ignoring how deeply unethical some of her decisions are vs later-seasons minkowski who finally understands the ramifications of them and then becoming someone who consistently tries to make the righteous and difficult choice while acknowledging and owning when she has to act unethically, + reconciling with her previous decisions is fantastic development that i think is just. so often completely ignored lest you be accused of being excessively negative about her. and it's no wonder she's so boring when i try to browse ao3 but when i talk with actual fans of her, we can chew on that narrative for hours and it makes me like her more every time
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scotianostra · 7 months
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Happy birthday Scottish actor Jimmy Yuill, born March 6th 1956 in Golspie, Sutherland.
Yuill is another of those Scottish actors that has been in an abundance of shows, and will be known, but not as a household name.Fans of the Crime drama series Wycliffe will know him best as DI Doug Kersey, in almost every episode, I will come back to that later.
Known mainly as an actor on the stage Jimmy began in 1976 in The Jesuit at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh. After, as he put it “some joyous years” working on new plays and classics countrywide he joined the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) in 1983, as Snug in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ and ended his time there, in 1987, as Young Wackford Squeers in Nicholas Nickleby on Broadway.
In 1988 he joined Kenneth Branagh’s Renaissance Theatre Company for Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It and Hamlet directed by Judi Dench, Geraldine McEwan and Derek Jacobi, respectively. Also for RTC, Sicinius (Coriolanus); Telygin (Uncle Vanya) and Kent in Richard Brier’s ‘King Lear’.
Other roles include Toby Belch in Twelfth Night and as Henry IV parts1&2 at the Bristol Old Vic; In 2013 Jimmy played Banquo in ‘Macbeth’ at the Manchester International Festival and the following year at the Park Avenue Armory, New York. Most recently Jimmy played the Old Shepherd in The Winters Tale at the Garrick Theatre in London’s West End – both productions directed by Rob Ashford and Kenneth Branagh.
Jimmy Yuill, while always being busy treading the boards, has also found plenty time to appear in many TV shows, they include, in the 70’s The Mackinnons, The Omega Factor and the TV film A Sense of Freedom. in the 1980’s Eurocops and Boon and the 90’s mainly in Hamish Macbeth as Lachlan McCrae and the aforementioned Wycliffe. Into the new millennium he is a s busy as ever in the mini-series Monsignor Renard, A Touch of Frost and a recurring role in 14 episodes of Eastenders as Victor Brown an old frien of Ian Beales. Jimmy also appeared in several episodes of The Bill as D.S. Cottrell.
Yuill has had a longstanding friendship with Kenneth Branagh and has appeared in some of the Irish actor/directors films, including, Much Ado About Nothing, Frankenstien and As You Like It.
I said I would return to Wycliffe, where Jimmy starred in all but two episodes. The series was cancelled after that because Jack Shepherd, who played Wycliffe, refused to continue in the title role when the producers had sacked Yuill “for insurance reasons” after he contracted life-threatening meningitis during filming, and then would not reinstate him even though he made a full recovery. He says he owes his life to Shepherd with whom he was sharing a house while on location, and who rushed him to hospital in the middle of the night. Shepherd and the rest of the cast and crew felt so betrayed that they decided not to make any more episodes once filming of the current series had finished.
Along with Richard Briers he is one of only two actors other than Branagh himself, to appear in all five Shakespearean films that Branagh has directed: Yuill has worked as a performance consultant on a number of productions, and also as a producer.
More recently Jimmy has been in the movies Artemis Fowl , Kindred and my pick The Road Dance, which is set in The Outer Hebrides just before World War One. He also popped up in the Scottish dark comedy series Guilt, There are no pdates on his work in the past three years
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mookybear12404 · 1 year
There’s something so insidious about the way Goddard goes about hiring employees. Choosing only those with no support system, those in need, those who are desperate. They’re masters of manipulation, using Minkowski’s insecurities against her, cornering her and pressuring her to sign without talking to her husband. Breaking into Dimitri’s home, asserting dominance over him, and reminding him that he has no family left/ convincing him the Russian government will likely turn on him. Using Jacobi’s guilt and depression and unemployment. Manipulating Lovelace, stalking and harassing Maxwell, literally threatening to dismantle Hera piece by piece until they found the part of her that was resisting them??
And Eiffel. Doug Eiffel, who’s reached the lowest point in his life. Rotting in jail and believing full well he deserved it. Having his daughter’s wellbeing used as a gambling token. Coerced into signing that contract so that she could have a better life.
Goddard is truly a master of manipulation and extorting weaknesses. Each mini episode, each time I hear the sound of paper sliding across the table, as Cutter hands them the contract warranting their damnation, It only makes me feel more and more sick
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clonerightsagenda · 9 months
It is Wolf 359 day (also known as Christmas for some) and since I saw a stoat photoset on my dash I feel compelled to post about daemon hcs.
Eiffel - Word of God is raccoon, and it fits. The poor thing probably looks like she has mange during the season 2/3 timeskip, since there's no way astronauts are stuffing their daemons in spacesuits - they must have to go through some kind of pre-mission training to lengthen their range. They are not trained to get blasted lightyears apart though, rip. That's gotta hurt. Once he's recovered from his ordeal though I'm sure he takes advantage of their massively extended range to cause problems. There's no way I stole those donuts from the Urania's stores, commander! I was here in the comms room the whole time.
Minkowski - white-tailed eagle. This bird is found in Poland, and some versions of the Polish flag have a white eagle. It's also similar to but not exactly like a bald eagle - showing how Minkowski aspires to assimilate into Americanness but can't completely abandon her Polish heritage. Plus pilot = bird, it tracks.
Hilbert - rosencrantz-draws-things did a series of daemon paintings for the characters and while I don't agree with all their choices, I did like chameleon for him. He changes roles and faces when he needs to, whatever helps him survive.
Lovelace - The painting series I referenced gives her lioness, which I don't hate, although the logistics are a bit messy for a space station environment. Given the backstory I've envisioned for her I kind of want to spend more time reading about Puerto Rican fauna and get back to you on this one. How does the daemon situation work with her being a surrogate? Unclear but it sure keeps her up at night!
Maxwell - Ferret! The wonder twins have mustelid vibes to me, and I am always charmed by the story of the ferret who cleaned out the tubing of a particle accelerator.
Jacobi - Stoat to match Maxwell. They are the mustelid twins now. It just feels right.
Kepler - idk I don't care about him.
Pryce - Coconut octopus. Something a little bit unusual and unexpected, requires specialized care and upkeep, and octopi are extremely intelligent, with this species actively modifying its situation via tool use. She can carry him around in his own special tank.
Cutter - I never settled (lol) on anything for him, but given I like the idea of him bodyhopping (this has been thoroughly debunked by Word of God but oh well) I imagine that he keeps around the old body's severed daemon as a smokescreen. This leads to a very animated, lively guy with a strangely inert, unfocused daemon which makes him even more unsettling to everyone. He's impossible to read.
Hera - I saved her for last because she's a special case. When AI reach sentience a block of code just pops up in their programming, and that's their daemon. They're not physical in the same way humans are - why would their soul be? However, product testing indicated humans preferred to see something daemonlike, so customer-facing AIs get holographic projections of cute, non-threatening animals like puppies or songbirds. Hera has a bird until Hilbert takes her offline. When she comes back, she has control over the projection and can make it look however she wants. It's not actually her daemon but she can use it to express herself in a similar way, including projecting her humansona, which scares the crap out of people the first few times they see a random stranger on board.
Daemons in microgravity would be their own headache. I imagine crewmembers get velcro pouches on their uniforms or toolbelts sized for their daemons to keep them from floating away. Smaller daemons are preferable in the same way that there's a height range for astronauts - this is why I'm conflicted about Lovelace. Also, you know I am a #hater of 'daemon touching = sex' in AU settings and believe there are multiple kinds of intimacy, and spaceflight involves everyone getting real cool about a lot of stuff real quickly, so I think by season 3 Minkowski and Eiffel at least are hanging on to each other's daemons when they're out on spacewalks both for convenience and emotional support. (Eiffel is still stressed out about it but more because he is really bad at holding a raptor and scared of getting slashed by talons.) Hera occasionally perches her projection on their shoulders which again doesn't mean the same thing to her but gets the message across. If Jacobi is working on something fiddly Maxwell will be wearing both their daemons around her neck, and vice versa.
Bob does not appear with a daemon while wearing his Eiffel suit. The alternative would probably be more upsetting.
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
Given the tensions and moral compromise associated with male medical care, the mid-nineteenth-century movement of women into medical training took on the aspects of a crusade—for female health, for morality, for decency.
It was this sense of being involved in a moral crusade which accounts for the determination of our early female doctors. For example, Elizabeth Blackwell applied to over sixteen schools before she found one which would accept her, but, as she said, "The idea of winning a doctor's degree gradually assumed the aspect of a great moral struggle, and the moral fight possessed attraction for me. " In the same year that Blackwell gained admission, Harriet Hunt was admitted to Harvard Medical College only to have the decision reversed because the students threatened to riot if she came. (Harvard had admitted three black male students the year before and that, according to the white male majority, was enough!) Undaunted, Hunt went to seek a medical education at an "irregular" school. Through the efforts of women like Blackwell, Hunt, Marie Zakrzewska, Lucy Sewall, Sarah Adamson, Ann Preston, Helen Morton, and Mary Putnam Jacobi—to mention only a few—there were, by 1900, approximately five thousand trained women doctors in the land, fifteen hundred female medical students and seven medical schools exclusively for women.
Male doctors recognized that women in the profession posed a threat which was far out of proportion to their numbers. The woman patient who considered herself socially superior to female lay healers, yet was repelled by male medicine, would naturally welcome a woman professional. Faced with this threat to their practice, the male doctors responded with every argument they could think of: How could a lady who was too refined for male medical care travel at night to a medical emergency? Operate when indisposed (e.g., menstruating)? If women were too modest for mixed-sex medical care, how could they expect to survive the realities of medical training—the vulgar revelations of anatomy class, the shocking truths about human reproduction, and so on?*
*Nor is this perception of the incompatibility of women and medicine dead among American gynecologists today. One who was recently interviewed in the January 1977 Ms. magazine explained, "You have to be kind of crazy to go into the field, because it's a difficult, physically demanding residency. I had to be extremely obsessive-compulsive to get through it. This kind of behavior doesn't look good on a woman. And I'm so attuned to ob/gyn as a male speciality that I find it hard to accept women in it. I just don't see them as very feminine. I only know a couple of them who are feminine and good doctors too."
-Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, For Her Own Good: 150 Years of the Experts’ Advice to Women
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fluffydavey · 1 year
This sounds so cute: "that moment where your character just… looks. just looks at their love interest for more than five seconds and doesn’t understand why or how this earth can exist and the sun and moon exist and the sky can be an eternal source of happiness and yet this person right here can bring so much more warmth and comfort to them with just a single glance"
falling in love || prompts
After a slow selling day, Jack decides to rally the rest of the newsies to Jacobi's, to make sure they stay out of the rain that's threatening to fall. As per usual when they manage to get everyone under one roof, it turns into a chaotic scene of who can talk the loudest, some of them getting into a friendly competition of who's made the most sales by this point. He's in the middle of trying to settle an argument between Albert and Crutchie, when he hears the distinct sound of the younger newsies laughing, and he looks up to see them all crowded around Davey.
After that, he can't seem to concentrate on anything anyone's trying to tell him, his eyes constantly glancing up to watch the other boy, who seems to have the undying attention of the younger boys in their group. He tries to listen in to what Davey's saying, but Albert's being a little too loud for him to take in anything except for an odd word here or there.
He watches Splasher raise a hand - something that Splasher has never once in his life done with Jack, which, wow okay, he'll cross that bridge another time - and curiosity gets the better of him. (Not without Crutchie and Albert catching on to what's got Jack's attention. He does his best to pretend he doesn't hear Crutchie's wolf whistle as he leaves the two.) He settles on a table near Race who's taking the opportunity to relax and have a smoke and some quiet time to himself, and doesn't say much as Jack sits on his table.
To his utter amusement, Davey's going through the paper with the younger newsies, explaining the headlines and the stories written inside, for the chance that they can sell the papers in a fairer way. While he's loosened up and has even lied once or twice to sell a boring headline (much to Jack's amusement), Davey scours through each story to see if he can use anything to his advantage to sell a truthful story.
He's even answering all of the questions they're firing at him, explaining political terms that are bound to go over most of their heads, and trying to make the more gruesome stories easier for a child to wrap their heads around, leaving out details they don't need to take in. He's always seen how patient Davey is with Les, even if he needs to switch into big brother mode and reel Les in, but watching the others instinctually gravitate towards Davey, who looks more than pleased to be helping them out, Jack's hit with a very sudden, probably life-altering realisation. It's at that moment, when Davey decides to look up and make direct eye contact with Jack. Davey offers him a quick smile, before Jo Jo asks another question, and Davey's sole attention is on Jo Jo.
"You've got it bad," Race quips, tapping ash from his cigar into an ashtray.
"What?" he asks, looking over at a smirking Race. He's not - it's not like that. Is it?
His eyes turn back to Davey who's laughing at something Mush has said. His head is thrown back and his shoulders are shaking and he looks so happy, like he's always been destined to be a mentor for these boys. It's then, when Davey again makes eye contact with Jack that Jack thinks to himself, oh shit.
"So bad," Race repeats, and Jack knocks his cap off his head. His friend's commentary isn't exactly needed at a time like this.
Jack thinks he should be worried - Davey is his friend, his selling partner, the person he runs the union with, someone who hasn't even been in his life for that long. But there's no point in denying it, is there? Why delay the inevitable? It feels like they were building up to this moment from the first time he watched Davey skip Albert in the queue to collect his papers that very first time Davey and Les sold with him.
It's a simple matter of fact - the sky is blue, the sun is yellow, and Jack Kelly is hopelessly in love with Davey Jacobs. And deep down, there's a voice in his head that's telling him it isn't one-sided, that he might actually have a chance with Davey, if any of the looks the other boy has sent his way mean anything. But that can wait, they have time. For now, he lets himself soak in the moment, watching the rain finally begin to fall outside. The world keeps moving on around them, and Jack is sure they're going to be okay, whatever the road ahead brings them.
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nobodysdaydreams · 4 months
How I think random characters in Wolf359 would react to getting a B+ on an exam. Why? I don't know. I can't explain this, it just came to me.
Minkowski: Gets upset with herself and vows to study harder even though her grade was the highest one in the class
Hilbert: Berates himself for not staying focused and gets grumpy whenever anyone asks him how he did on the exam
Lovelace: Says "it is what it is" and shrugs it off
Jacobi: He would have also said "it is what it is" and shrugged it off, if not for the fact that Kepler would need to make an annoying comment about it like "not quite your best work Mr. Jacobi" and this would annoy Jacobi and he'd study harder out of spite.
Eiffel: Goes out to celebrate because it's the highest grade he's gotten all year. He frames the exam and mounts it on his wall next to his star wars poster.
Hera: Would be fine with a B+ until someone (Pryce) told her it "wasn't good enough". Maxwell, Eiffel, and Minkowski talk Hera out of believing this because I decided they are all friends in this fictional school AU I've created.
Kepler: Boldly and rudely tries to argue with the instructor to get points back for a better grade in front of the whole class. The entire time it's just him mansplaining the material incorrectly and saying a bunch of nonsense to hear himself talk, during which he questions the professor's intelligence and competency. By the end of it, he ends up with a lower grade than what he started with.
Rachel: She would also try to argue with the instructor to get points back in a very annoying high pitched "sorry sweetie, do you know who you're talking to?" voice. She either succeeds in getting a higher grade or threatens to go to the school board about this (which works, because she's blackmailing the board).
Maxwell: I don't think this would happen to her. However, if it did, she'd be disappointed, but would accept the result and move on.
Pryce: Unfortunately, this likely wouldn't happen to her either. However, if it did, she would not be able to get over it. Especially if anyone else (especially Hera) got a higher grade than her. Pryce would become obsessed with getting a perfect score every exam, which would gradually lead to the loss of her humanity and an emotional breakdown.
Cutter: Pretends to be okay with the grade, then secretly and calmly begins an elaborate decades long revenge plan against the instructor, eventually leading to them losing their home, job, family, reputation, and finances.
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EVANESCENCE Joined By PAPA ROACH's JACOBY SHADDIX For 'Bring Me To Life' Performance At Germany's ROCK AM RING
PAPA ROACH frontman Jacoby Shaddix joined EVANESCENCE on stage on June 3 at the Rock Am Ring festival in Nürburgring, Germany to perform EVANESCENCE's breakthrough 2003 hit "Bring Me To Life". Video of his appearance can be seen below.
Last August, "Bring Me To Life" experienced a resurgence 19 years after its original release. The song, which initially reached No. 5 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and was EVANESCENCE's first U.K. No. 1 single, climbed to No. 1 on the U.S. iTunes chart.
In February 2022, EVANESCENCE's music video for "Bring Me To Life" surpassed one billion views on YouTube. The Philipp Stölzl-directed clip, which was uploaded to YouTube in December of 2009, was filmed in Romania in January 2003. It features singer Amy Lee in a night gown and barefoot, in her room, inside a tall building in the city at night. The rest of the band is playing on a higher floor of the building.
The album version of "Bring Me to Life" — which featured guest vocals from Paul McCoy of 12 STONES — was included on the soundtrack of superhero film "Daredevil".
In 2021, Amy spoke to Germany's Sonic Seducer about the lyrical inspiration for "Bring Me To Life".
"I remember what I wrote 'Bring Me To Life' about, because I wrote it about my current husband before we were married," she said. "There was this moment — I was in a tough place and in a bad relationship. And my husband now, Josh, at the time was just a friend and a person that I barely knew; it was maybe the third or fourth time we'd ever met. And we went in to go grab a seat at a restaurant while our friends parked the car. And we sat across from each other, and he looked at me and he just said, 'So, are you happy?' And it took me so off guard, and I just felt Like it pierced my heart, because I felt like I had been pretending really well, and it was, like, somebody could see through me. And then that whole first verse came out of it: 'How can you see into my eyes, like open doors.' It really made me feel and recognize the sense of yearning that I had to get to a better place. And it really kind of set me out on a journey. And it's amazing that that became the song, the first song that broke us on to the scene and made everyone hear of us, because it was about something — I don't know — something so personal that I was recognizing in my life."
In March 2021, Lee told Alternative Press that EVANESCENCE's original record label Wind Up threatened not to release the group's debut album, "Fallen", if she and her bandmates didn't add a male voice to lead single "Bring Me To Life" to make it more palatable for radio.
"Fallen" sold more than 10 million copies in the U.S. and won two Grammys, including "Best Rock Performance" for "Bring Me To Life".
EVANESCENCE's latest album, "The Bitter Truth", arrived in March 2021 via BMG. It was EVANESCENCE's first album of original music in ten years.
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