#shoot alana for me <3
clonerightsagenda · 1 year
Realized the 'shoot the gas line' bit of the Alien Minkowski AU is just me revisiting my perennial theme of why are there guns in space. It always comes back to that.
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mcchipisfried · 5 months
I'm watching Hannibal for the first time and I'm not gonna lie I had my doubts. (Currently on Seaon 2 Episode 11)
(ALSO SPOLIERS BELOW though I think I'm the last person on tumblr who HASN'T seen Hannibal)
My forefathers forgive me, I had doubts. So so many doubts. I wanted to go into this show decimating everyone's reasoning that Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham would work as a couple (romantic or otherwise). I wanted to be fed a story about murder, deception, manipulation, betrayal, and maybe even a little but of cannibalism. And don't get me wrong I have gotten this, but I've also been fed a romantic comedy.
I went into this show not wanting to find reasons to want these two together, I wanted to think "Oh the people of tumblr probably pieced a bunch of subtext together and I probably will as well but it'll hardly be anything that I could write about to my friends who haven't seen the show"
I was so fucking wrong.
Really it should have been the moment where Alana and Hannibal were having a ✨️moment✨️ while Will and Margot were also having a ✨️moment✨️ so the way the whole scene played was very. Well. Not what you would expect from a guy that should have every reason to shoot Hannibal on sight. The fucking framing and cinematography got me to send a 3 minute long vm at 2 am to my friend who really doesn't care about Hannibal.
Or maybe it should have been every single time tweddle dee and tweddle dum are even remotely alone together and decide to start eye fucking each other while also making death threats.
But no what got me was when Alana described what was done to Freddie Lounds' body the second time around as a demonstration of a courtship (best way I can phrase it without just explaining the plot that led us here)
Really, its such a small moment.
But the way the two idiots are standing there looking at each other and Alana shouldn't have been as funny as it was nor should it have instantly reminded me of an early 2000's movie where the couple is secretly dating because they just can't help it and some third party, maybe even one the main couples friends discovers them while trying to NOT make it a Big Deal™ because they are in public except y'know, this is happening over the body that Person A burned to a crisp and sent rolling in a wheelchair while Person B got said body after the funeral and made it into an effigy.
Anyways TLDR: I thought the Hannibal x Will stuff was all very insignificant subtext but actually it was just text and it was screaming. I would also like to thank my film, cinematography, scriptwriting, lighting, and storytelling college classes because as it turns out you did do something for me. You made me realize that whatever is happening between Hannibal and Will is not platonic and I will be consulting AO3 to further expand my understanding of these characters as soon as I finish watching the show.
Also yes I know at some point someone says Hannibal is in love with Will. But now I'm starting to believe that.
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fatalism-and-villainy · 10 months
I think a lot about Chiyoh’s arc, and how it aligns with the broader topics season 3 is touching on wrt justice, prisons, and moral responsibility.
Because what’s so striking to me is how unapologetically ruthless she is in her handling of the prisoner, in a way that even Will calls her on:
Chiyoh: He wants you to look at him, speak to him. But you’re not going to. Will: You’ve cast aside the social graces normally afforded to human beings. Chiyoh: He’s cast them aside. All he’s allowed is the sound of water. It’s what the unborn hear. It’s their last memory of peace. Will: You’re keeping him like an animal. Chiyoh: I wouldn’t do this to an animal.
The kind of solitary confinement she subjects him to is, effectively, torture. And yet she feels so strongly about murder! Her self-defense murder of the prisoner and its immediate aftermath marks the only time when she’s truly emotionally rattled, and everything about the situation suggests that not killing is a very stringent moral standard she’s held herself to. And no matter how wearying the prolonged imprisonment is to her, it’s not one that she has a moral objection to - she believes it’s justified by the severity of the prisoner’s crimes. (It’s questionable whether she considers her treatment of the prisoner to be violence, but if she did, she’d certainly term it “necessary violence”.)
(There is something similar to consider about the random mooks she shoots to ensure Hannibal and Will’s escape in Digestivo - is this “necessary” violence to her? Apparently, but if so, she considers protecting the man she considers to be family something for which it is worth taking lives. And the fact that those murders are far-off sniper shots suggests that perhaps she is averse to violence when it’s up-close, personal, and bloody, but is still willing to enact it when she can distance herself somewhat from its effects.)
All of that is to say - I am convinced that Chiyoh’s insistence that she only commits violence when it’s necessary, and her repeated disavowal that she is anything like Will, despite having actively undertaken vigilante justice, is pretty hypocritical on her part! I don’t say that to demonize her - the jumble of contradictory ethical principles is one of the aspects of her that I find fascinating to crack open despite her limited screen time, and Will himself by season 3 (and almost certainly post-canon) is also pretty capable of hypocrisy. And of course she’s not entirely like Will. She doesn’t seem to take much righteous satisfaction or sadistic pleasure in her handling of the prisoner - her line that “we have been each others’ prisoner” suggests that the situation wears on her just as much as him. But it is pretty clear to me that there are truths about herself, and her capacity for violence, that she is pointedly refusing to acknowledge, and that she’s clinging to some pretty narrowly defined moral principles so as to preserve her self-concept.
And I think the question that that arc involving Chiyoh invites us to ask - whether the bare life conditions she subjected her prisoner to really were all that morally superior to murder - constitutes one potential thread between 3A and 3B. Because what it brings to mind for me is Hannibal’s line to Alana in WOTL: “Any rational society would either kill me, or give me my books.”
And like many of Hannibal’s statements… it makes a twisted kind of sense.
To be clear, I absolutely do not think NBC Hannibal is trying to articulate a thematic statement against carceral justice - it’s too apolitical a show to bear that kind of weight. (And it’s certainly not interested in rehabilitation, either). But it is a show that is very interested in how our moral beliefs as well as our darker urges and fascinations define our selfhood, and the kind of moral doublethink we all engage in. And that kind of thematic backdrop does appropriately pair with the show’s general slant towards murder as not even necessarily more ethical than imprisonment, but more honest. As something that constitutes truly owning our moral judgments, feeling for ourselves the full weight and impact of delivering them.
Alana being the recipient of that line from Hannibal - and her overall role as his jailor - also has a certain kind of irony, given that she herself has to learn this lesson in 3A. She and Margot, as per their dialogue in Dolce, intend to have Mason arrested. But when that plan goes awry and they can’t rely on FBI intervention, Alana ends up having to pay the price of getting involved with Mason by getting her hands dirty. Notably, in the cases of both Alana and Chiyoh, Will has a hand in pushing them both towards murder (and in the case of Alana, Hannibal also plays a role in that - an interesting example of the aligned-but-divergent ways Will and Hannibal might exert influence on others post-canon). The situations are somewhat different in that Chiyoh has shouldered more personal responsibility in taking on the role as jailor, rather than ceding that authority to institutional higher powers. But her situation does still overlap significantly with Alana helping Margot murder Mason, in that the result Will engineers from her feels geared to force her to face what she’s taken on, to get up close and personal and really see.
(And of course, both murders bring some sort of freedom or moral catharsis, along with an intense self-recognition that can’t be found through the complacency of more socially acceptable forms of justice.)
Furthermore, in 3B, Will himself is engaged in a similar kind of thought process. In his conversation with Walter, he’s pretty firm on not killing Dolarhyde, and sending him to a mental hospital instead. And given Will’s arc at this point in the show, it’s pretty intuitive that this intention is a product of Will not wanting to be the kind of person who kills - an intention that is arguably also present for both Alana and Chiyoh. All three do have genuine ethical objections to murder as well, of course - I can pretty easily formulate all of them feeling that fewer people dying is an optimal outcome. But their personal conceptions of themselves are certainly also a factor in their disavowal of murder.
But the culmination of the Red Dragon arc, in which Will and Hannibal jointly kill Dolarhyde, is clearly much more preferable end for Dolarhyde. The way it’s cinematically rendered, with the blood fanning out in the shape of wings, suggests that murder constituted his ultimate transformation, in which his true sense of himself was fully realized. Although defeated, undergoing change to fuel our main characters’ radiance is a much more poetically resonant and satisfying ending, and it’s hard to imagine any other way he’d rather lose. Aesthetics > ethics.
Of course, in real life, I don’t believe that killing people - even genuinely bad people who’ve caused serious harm - is a remotely acceptable ethical solution. But within the world of Hannibal, a world in which the killers conceive of themselves in terms of artistic vision, for whom psychiatric language and its corrective purpose is nowhere near sufficient - by the internal moral logic of that universe, murder is often more merciful, and displays much more genuine understanding and empathy.
All of this is to say, I think Chiyoh’s arc can be figured within these broader themes in season 3. And the lesson she learned from Hannibal - and by extension, Will - from her intervention with justice is much the same as the lesson that Bedelia learned from Hannibal: that observing and participating are the same. Taking on the responsibility of enacting justice, in the world of Hannibal, requires becoming the executioner.
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arkashas · 2 years
will naming his bait as abigail + how it ties into his “blurring” with hannibal and eventual transformation
“name the bait on your hook after somebody you cherish. if the person you name it after cherished you, you will catch the fish".
i’ve seen this look abigail gives will here
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when he says he named the bait after her interpreted as her not cherishing him, but i don’t think that’s it. i think the reason that abigail’s face falls here is because people using her as bait has negative connotations for her. who else used her as bait a lure? that’s right, garret jacob hobbs.
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we see in season 1 that will takes pains not to cross boundaries with abigail; he thinks better of his gift of fly tying gear to her because it might remind her of her father.
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but now in his daydreams he’s fishing with her and even using her as a lure. what changed?
will’s isolation, alienation from others and slow deterioration of his morals causing him to become like hannibal, that’s what changed. hannibal has no problem being another GJH or leveraging abigail’s relationship with GJH to further his bond with her; in Œuf he feeds her eggs and sausages, the breakfast she shared with her parents, and even gives her priscobilyn tea so that she hallucinates him and alana as her parents (the script tells us that it was actually will that was supposed to be at the breakfast-for-dinner, which makes more sense).
EDIT: i think there’s also instances where hannibal uses abigail as bait. in potage when set up the scene for nicholas boyle to go after her, and when he lets her distract beverly in takiawase when she goes down to the basement (bryan fuller confirmed that beverly saw abigail in the basement). there’s also mizumono where he sends abigail to disarm alana knowing alana won’t shoot at her, which echoes GJH making abigail befriend the girls to get them into a false sense of security.
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in season 3, we see that will uses hannibal as bait to catch dolarhyde, and of course he catches the fish, because he and hannibal cherish each other. and in season 2, will names abigail as his bait, but he doesn’t actually use her as bait to catch hannibal in a way that was literal with hannibal and dolarhyde in season 3. so this might be a bit convoluted, but bear with me here - i think the way this is supposed to work is that will using abigail as bait = will acting like garret jacob hobbs which in turn = will acting like hannibal. in order to catch hannibal, will has to beat him at his own game, which means acting like him, which means manipulating, killing and cannibalizing.
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this idea makes sense with what will tells jack in su-zakana. he heavily implies he will act as bait to catch hannibal. this means will is also the bait. so how can abigail and will both simultaneously being the bait be reconciled?
the way this can work is if we take it that abigail is not the bait in a literal sense; what is important here is what naming abigail as his bait means for will. it means that will is willing to turn into hannibal to catch hannibal. and will acting hannibalesque is the “live bait” that “moves and excites” hannibal to action, the one thing that he wants, despite everything he knows. (also emphasis on live bait - that can’t be abigail because will thinks she’s dead).
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EDIT: more relevant scenes from trou normand. if feeling like garret jacob hobbs makes will feel like a killer, then the fishing scenes in his mind palace with abigail take on even more meaning.
we see other signs of the blurring between will and hannibal, the courtroom scene in hassun where they both dress up at the same time,
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and as this post points out, the dream sequence just before this where we see will in a suit (reminiscent of hannibal’s attire) electrocuting the old will.
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but for will the transformation is a painful one - his old self goes through the process of electrocution, he tears himself free and screams when he's reborn in ko no mono, and it also doesn't fully take place – the suit is ill fitting, and the ravenstag gives birth to someone who's recognisable as will, just with antlers, not the stagman’s twin. you can’t force a transformation, will has to grow into it in his own time. which he eventually does.
[on a sidenote - this is why i disagree that hannibal never wanted will to be like him. he did, the character development hannibal has to go through is accepting will is not like him and loving and wanting him anyway. we see glimpses of that when he is willing to run away with will even while having his “imago” or ideal of him shattered when he learnt he didn’t kill freddie lounds.]
EDIT: something i forgot to mention is how will gets found out by hannibal because he went to visit freddie, which he was only able to do because he didn’t kill her...and not killing her means that he didn’t turn into hannibal. will failing to catch hannibal is directly connected to him being unable to do what he set out to do with his luring expedition. and i’ve changed my mind to say that abigail not cherishing him back might have played a part in hannibal wriggling away. will and abigail were never especially close, except in will’s mind.
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mishibashimori · 2 years
Two Of Us || Cecil Stedman x Reader || Chapter 3 (Revised Version)
Synopsis: You are an alien who crash landed onto Earth. You have no name, and no more home to go back to. The Guardians of the Globe have rescued you and brought you to get intensive care under the great Cecil Stedman. In helping out your new home, Earth, will you develop a relationship with the coldest man you know?
General Info: AFAB Gender Neutral Reader, Cecil is Younger in the Beginning and it Will Lead to Current Events, Reader is a Bubbly Optimist, Reader Description is Intentionally Vague so You can Imagine the Alien Species They Are However You’d Like
TW: Verbal and Physical Past Abuse, Failed Pregnancy Mentions, Depression, Self Depreciation, Cannon Typical Violence, Eventual Sexual Content
Specific Chapter TW: Failed Pregnancy Mention, Physical Abuse Mentions
Fervent knocking at your door startled you awake. It took a few moments for you to gather your surroundings, your mind still swimming from the nightmare you were in just moments ago. No matter how many times it plagued your sleep, it never failed to terrify you. Shakily, you stood, grabbed your cane, and made your way over to the noise.
Upon opening the door you found Immortal, a tense look on his face. His neck and arms were smeared with blood, but it didn’t look like he was injured.
Panic sparked in your chest. “Are you okay?” You ask, reaching out a hand towards him, “what’s wrong?”
“I’m fine,” he responded, “it’s Alana.”
“What?” You let out a shaky breath, a sob threatening to come out, “is she…?”
“No, but it’s not good.” Before he could even get all of his words out you brushed past him, hurrying the best you could towards the hospital wing. With every step you took, you could feel the strength in your legs fading, and eventually they buckled under you. Tumbling to the floor you let out a groan, struggling to pull yourself up as your cane clattered on the marble tile beside you. Tears of frustration welled in your eyes as your knees kept slipping on the shiny floor. An intense feeling of grief overwhelmed you, nearly too much to handle.
You almost gave up completely, but strong arms scooped you up, and you felt yourself flying down the hallway. You turned to look up at Immortal, too emotional to properly thank him. He nodded in acknowledgment, but his face was still grim. Within a few minutes you both arrived at the hospital wing where Cecil and Holly were waiting. They both walked up to meet you as Immortal set you down gently.
“I told you not to tell them.” Cecil narrowed his eyes at Immortal. The large man stared back at Cecil, anger clear in his glare.
“Why wouldn’t he tell me?” You demanded, trembling with anxiety. “Why wouldn’t you tell me?” You swung around to look at Cecil with wide, desperate eyes. Cecil just gazed silently back at you. There was something he wanted to say but kept his mouth shut, his frigid eyes betraying nothing. Drawing yourself up, you moved to walk into Alana’s hospital room, but Cecil grabbed your arm.
“Don’t go in there.” He said sternly. When he saw your shocked expression, his demeanor softened, and he let you go almost immediately. “Please. Don’t.”
Hurt welling in your chest, you pushed past him and entered Alana’s room, immediately going to her side. She wasn’t conscious, hooked up to all kinds of machines. A large, deep gash ran over her sternum, along with a few other smaller but equally deep wounds throughout her body.
Shooting a look at the doorway, you tried to hear what Cecil, Immortal, and Holly were doing. They were talking quietly outside, not paying attention. You squared your shoulders, knowing what you had to do.
Placing your hand over Alana’s, you focused all your attention on her. Her breathing, her weakening heart beat, the fluttering of her eyes as she dreamed. A soft glow outlined her body, accompanied with a low hum. The lights in the room flickered briefly, almost unnoticeable if you weren’t looking for it. Warm, tingling energy pulsed through you, almost like an electric shock. These were a lot of wounds to heal, and you were still very weak, but you were determined to help your friend. Without you she very well might die, or so it seemed. Who knew how well humans could handle their injuries? Especially ones so severe. This is what you had to do.
Gradually, her wounds began to seal, the staples popping out as the skin closed fully. At the same moment, fire burned into your chest, and you could feel bubbling, hot blood leaking down your stomach. More minor gashes covered your body as well, still painful as they throbbed hotly, but you held strong until every ailment was transferred to you. Eventually, the glow around Alana dissipated, your power fizzling out as you slumped over briefly, gasping in pain.
Blood pooled at your clothes, threatening to give you away. Before anyone could enter the room, you snatched an extra blanket on one of the hospital chairs and wrapped it around yourself, wincing. You steadied your breathing, trying to focus on that instead of the itchy, throbbing affliction on your chest. As the others walked into the room, their discussion finished, you stared at the machines hooked up to Alana. Steadily, her heart rate grew stronger.
“What in the world?” Holly looked extremely puzzled as she sat in a chair by Alana’s bed. “She’s… okay.” She looked over to you, hope alight in her eyes.
You returned Holly’s happiness, forcing a smile in spite of the raging pain. “She must’ve gotten better before I came in here.” You responded. Inwardly, you cursed yourself at how lame of an excuse it was. Holly didn’t seem to notice, though, as she gazed down at her teammate, overwhelming affection in her eyes.
“That’s incredible,” Immortal stood on Alana’s other side, “I didn’t know she could heal like that.”
“I guess she’s never been hurt this bad,” Holly responded. “Maybe she didn’t even know.”
“I’m just glad she’s okay.” You said tiredly. Closing your eyes, you let your head hang a bit. Relief washed over you like a warm embrace. Alana was safe.
Just then, you heard the tap of expensive shoes on the hospital floor—Cecil had walked up next to you. You glanced up at him, too exhausted to be nervous. His eyes bored into yours, an unreadable expression on his face. Looking away, you ducked out of the room quickly, moving as fast as you possibly could down the hallway. It felt as if shards of glass pierced you deeper and deeper every time you took a step, and eventually you conceded to yourself that you had to sit down. Finding a chair in the waiting room, you slumped into it, gritting your teeth at the strain on your gashes.
“Hey.” You jumped as Cecil stopped in front of your chair. You hadn’t even heard him following you. “Come and get those looked at.” For a moment all you could do was gape at him.
“You know about this?” Your voice trembled and you pulled the blanket tighter around yourself, almost willing you newfound wounds to disappear. “But, how?”
Cecil rolled his eyes. “You’re not the best liar. And trust me, I know a good liar. I work for the government.” He kneeled down, extending a hand, and used his other hand to pull out a roll of gauze from his pocket. “May I?” When all he got in response was a blank stare from you, he sighed. “I grabbed the gauze on my way out to follow you. I figured you might not be so compliant to have yourself looked at, considering you’re trying so hard to hide it.”
“Um, yes, of course.” You warily held out your arm. Cecil took it gently and set it on his knee, beginning to wrap the gauze around it. “I should tell you the truth. The whole truth.” You said quietly, glancing from side to side to see if anyone was around.
Cecil seemed to notice your hesitation. “No one’s going to bother us,” he remarked, not looking up from his work. “People know not to bother me when I’m busy.”
“Okay,” you responded, relaxing a bit, “good to know.” Taking a deep breath, you continued. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. As you’ve figured out, I can’t really heal people in a traditional sense. I just take on their injuries.” You paused to wince as Cecil placed pressure on a particularly painful area. “It’s not as bad as it sounds, or looks. The wounds are sort of dulled when they come to me. They’re still painful, and if I take on too much it could be bad, but usually I can handle it.”
“How is it now?” Cecil asked, switching out your arm to wrap the other.
“No one’s ever asked me before. I don’t know exactly how to describe it.” You paused for a moment, thinking. “It’s, well, painful for certain. But I’ll make it. I always do.”
“Why did you lie?” Cecil’s voice was strangely calm, and he still didn’t look up from wrapping the gauze. It felt strange for him to be so gentle; you had lied to him. Why wouldn’t he be mad?
“I don’t know.” You stated simply. “I think I was scared. I still am.”
“Scared of what?”
“Being treated like I was on my planet.” You turned to look at the clock on the waiting room’s wall, the hands ticking away. “I never had a name, or status, despite being one the king’s courtesans. I know why he kept me around. I’m one of the only ones with these healing powers on my planet, but I couldn’t give him a child like he wanted.” You gave a rueful smile. “Listen to me, talking about my life story when you just asked a simple question. I apologize.”
“Don’t,” Cecil responded, “you’re explaining yourself. That’s nothing to apologize for.”
Encouraged, you continue. “Whenever I miscarried, or didn’t conceive, he would beat my brother.” Cecil had finished wrapping the gauze and was gazing at you, silently reassuring you that he was listening. “The king knew I would heal him— how could I not? He also knew that seeing my brother get hurt was worse than anything he could ever do to me.”
“The king used it against you.” Cecil affirmed.
“Yes.” You replied, looking him in the eye. “I’m sorry I lied to you. I wouldn’t blame you if you threw me out.” Feeling miserable, you hung your head. “I don’t deserve to be here, getting care, friendship, a home. Not when I’ve caused nothing but trouble.”
A warm but rough hand was placed over yours. “You are a living person. A good person who has done more for the people you care about than I ever have.” Cecil said, a softness in his voice. He squeezed your hand slightly. “You are not an object. Never let anyone treat you less than you deserve.”
Startled, all you could do was stare. This was such a sharp contrast to everything you’ve been taught, or felt. It didn’t feel real. You didn’t feel like you deserved it, even though there was no plausible reason why you shouldn’t be given kindness. This jumble of emotions grew in your chest until it welled up in your eyes, spilling over uncontrollably. Hot tears poured down your cheeks as you sobbed, falling forward into Cecil’s arms. At first he froze, growing rigid as he just sat there with you crying into his chest. Then, slowly, he encircled his arms over your shoulders, holding you as gently as possible.
“I’m so sorry.” You choked out, too weak with emotion to pull away. He was warm and solid, like a life preserver in a dark, freezing torrent of sorrow. The formalities of the past months were far from your mind as you clutched onto his shirt, burying your face deeper. “I know you don’t like when people cry.”
Cecil let out an awkward chuckle, squeezing you tighter. “Is this about what I said yesterday? In your room?” One of his hands came to rest at the base of your neck, holding you closer. “I was joking. But if we could wrap this up soon, that would be great.” He smiled as you gave a sniffly laugh, pulling back to give him a playful slap on the shoulder.
After wiping your face off on the blanket still around your shoulders, you gave Cecil a smile. “Thank you.”
“You have nothing to thank me for,” he leaned closer to you, a serious but kind look in his eye, “you’ve made it through all of this yourself. I was just a shirt to snot on.” You couldn’t help but laugh louder, feeling much better than you did just moments ago.
Cecil stood and held his hand out. “Let’s go get the rest of your injuries checked out.” You took his offer, letting him help you stand as you both made your way to one of the empty hospital rooms. “And after, I could go for some ice cream.” He gave a wink.
Chuckling, you leaned on Cecil, your hands not separating. “That sounds great.”
I try to be as accurate as possible to the source material for this fan fiction, but at times I’ll get it wrong. The timelines for the Guardians of the Globe as well as Cecil are not as accurate as they should be but for the sake of wanting to have all the characters in here I fudged it. Just know that I understand not everything is accurate but let’s just try to have a good time regardless!
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cjp-film · 8 months
Film Project Creative Excersise 1
As a way to get us practicing techniques and inspired, our first creative exercise is a two minute short film featuring two uses of silhouettes - one with natural light and one with artificial light. I teamed up with Alana, India and Paula to create a romantic short with a structured story and significant character arc.
Some visual ideas that inspired me:
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Unfortunately we didn’t have much time to complete this task, so we came up with something which may be more achievable. Paula was inspired by Maya Deren’s ‘Meshes of the Afternoon’ and showed us her moodboard:
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Subsequently an idea was formed….
1 - A woman is running up a hill, dancing and jumping. She lays down and looks at the rings on her fingers. She hears a bell, sees the time on the clock and runs home.
2 - At home, she picks out her earrings and necklace and puts on lipstick. The doorbell rings.
3 - She opens the door to a man who gives her flowers. She takes them and he walks in. He proposes to her. She takes the ring and can’t stop looking at it.
4 - She is now lying in bed, alone. She takes a jewelry box out and adds the ring to the collection.
5 - A different day. She gets back home and ditches her bag. She lies in bed again and takes her jewelry box out. Then she energetically puts on all her jewelry. The phone rings. She ignores it. It rings again. She continues to look at her rings. She goes to sleep. It starts getting dark, suddenly the doorbell rings and she jumps up.
6 - She opens the door to see the man, who lets himself in. He is angry. She argues, but notices the ring on his pinky finger. He keeps shouting, but she reaches out, grabs a knife, and we see her shadow bringing the knife down to him.
7 - She is once again in bed, the man’s ring on her own pinky.
Shot list:
1.1 - wide shot, she runs up the hill - NATURAL LIGHT SILHOUETTE
1.2 - MCU she sits down, looking at rings and getting up when she hears bell
1.3 - CU rings on fingers
1.4 - INSERT clock
2.1 - MCU putting on earrings - DOORBELL SOUND
2.2 - CU applying lipstick
3.1 - MS of her opening the door and taking flowers
3.2 - 2 shot of both of them, then walking out of frame SHADOWS
3.3 - She walks into the room with him behind, he stays in the shadow, kneels down and proposes, ring comes out of shadow - ARTIFICIAL LIGHT SILHOUETTE
3.4 - CU she puts the ring on and admires it
4.1 - MS of her lying in bed
4.2 - CU jewelry box
5.1 - MS she gets home and lays in bed, grabs jewelry box
5.2 - MCU putting on all jewelry PHONE STARTS RINGING
5.3 - CU phone
5.4 - CU she admires jewelry
5.5 - MS with all jewelry on, she falls asleep, then gets up to doorbell
6.1 - same as 3.1 but he walks in
6.2 - MASTER 2 shot of them arguing until knife SHADOWS
6.3 - CU of his pinky ring as he argues
6.4 - ECU of her eye
7.1 - MS she peacefully goes to bed again
7.2 - OVERHEAD MCU of her closing her eyes
7.3 - ECU of ring on pinky shining
Our shoot day was Wednesday 31st January - a stormy, windy and rainy day. This meant that our first scene which was planned to be shot on Blackford Hill was to be postponed. We did however plan to shoot the rest of the film in Paula’s flat and managed to complete the rest of the scenes (bar one insert shot) that day. We didn’t rent out any kit so it was a very experimental shoot. Shot on Paula’s camera and lit with a light borrowed from Kushal, we did actually come up with some really creative shots and dramatic lighting. We considered each shot to be as extreme as possible, casting shadows up the walls and matching the setup to the mood of the scene. For example, the scene in which the protagonist lies down on the bed after being proposed to is lovely and bright, suggesting her happy mood. The argument scene however is sharp and contrasting with good use of chiaroscuro. My favourite use of light is the double shadow when the protagonist pulls out the knife. We did this to represent the distortion and impulsiveness of the moment - signifying it’s importance and maximising the climax of the film. The close up of her eyes in this scene is perfect as it shows her greed and desire for materialistic objects - jewellery. The film has themes of love, greed, obsession with hints of madness. It was also great to have the opportunity to shoot something so pretty such as the jewellery - the production design of the box and focus on the rings was fun to play around with especially with the lighting making them stand out and glitter.
Our silhouette shots took a while to get right. The shadows on the wall in the argument scene were particularly hard because we had to get the camera at an angle where the camera itself wouldn’t be seen, but at the same time get a sharp silhouette. This meant the positioning of the light and camera had to be very specific because the closer the light to the actors the sharper the silhouette - the closer the actors the wall etc, all factor in to get the perfect shot. Unfortunately we didn’t get the chance to do the exterior shot in the end but we had done extra silhouettes inside so we used those instead. I loved how the film ended up looking in the end - like a dramatic noir/ romance/ thriller. I will definitely be using silhouettes again in my future work.
Behind the scenes:
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The final film - ‘A Box of Bliss’
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godddd i feel so bad for reba :( she just had a crush on this weird ass guy and now he's kidnapped her and told her he's a murderer. I LOVE HER SHE DESERVES BETTER
DID HE JUST SHOOT HIMSELF???? OHHHHH REBA I'M SO SORRY :(( oh she's escaping.... oh i hope she lives i hope she gets out i am so worried for my girl she has been a highlight of this season fr
SHE'S ALIVE!!!!! oh she's going to have trauma for life. babygirl is not getting through this without copious amounts of issues
will trying to reassure her oughfgh :((( there r parallels between her and will and alana..... i need 2 make that into its own post tho it would b way too long for liveblogging in ur inbox
he's talking 2 hannibal now....... gay ass..... ohhhh will graham girlie u so wanted to kill that guy. u can't even deny it u wanted to murder him soooo bad <3 aren't u tired of being nice? don't u just want to go apeshit?
btw i am like. so invested in whatever the fuck will and bedelia have going on. two victims of hannibal who fell in love with him and were so close to being eaten by him. what is happening here is NOT therapy, and it's definitely not a friendship, but a secret third thing
can i just say i love alana bloom in this season as well???? she used to be kind and loving but she was broken down and is now cold and unforgiving. she's put her shields up and can't let anything happen to her again waaaaaghhfh :((( also she's pretty <3 i love women
"i need you hannibal." GAY ASS!!!!!!
"going my way?" HOMOSEXUAL!!!!!!
they're having fucking wine together this is a date this is a gay ass pre-murder date come on dude
what's gayer than this..... drinking wine while watching some guy film your dying boyfriend..... the homoeroticism of this.........
YEAHHHHH KILL EM BABYGIRL!!! STAB THAT MAN!!!!! ohh the camera cutting between shots of will stabbing him and hannibal hitting him with the axe.... will gutting him like a fish and hannibal ripping into his neck with his teeth..... this is gay sex this is homosexual intercourse right on my screen here
THE BLOOD SPREADING TO LOOK LIKE WINGS ARE YOU SERIOUS. dude this wing imagery with this guy is insane i'm going to eat cardboard
"it's beautiful." YEAGHHHHAH!!!! GET WORSE!!!! GET WORSE!!!!!!
DUDE THEY FELL. HOLY SHIT. i mean what's more romantic than falling off a cliff in your lover's arms covered in some other man's blood??? like fr. oh my god dude
BEDELIA!!! THERE SHE IS!!!!! is she back in italy????
wh. what's that on the table. wh.
holy shit dude. oh my god. realistically they probably could not have survived that fall but either way, like. how fucked up is that??? and also romantic in a horrible toxic way??? if they died they died in each other's arms. if they lived.... they made it. they fucking made it through everything they did. where would they go now? to italy? are they going to meet bedelia? do we have the most fucked up cannibalistic throuple in the universe?? my god dude. i gotta lay down and think about this for a while. 10/10 amazing show i'm going to explode thank you for recommending i watch it <3 i'm going to evaporate into a million little pieces now i need to scream
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hannibutts · 1 year
Serial Killer Will is born I suppose.
I find the scenes of animals being slaughtered or eaten like that Ortalan scene to be super nauseating. I’m not vegetarian but it’s… a lot. I don’t know if I was projecting but Will looked slightly ill half way… Hannibal looked like he was sporting a giant murder donger underneath the table.
Wait. So Will glued Freddie to a wheel chair and set her on fire?? That’s what happens to Freddie Lounds in the book but (spoiler alert for red dragon the book) It’s the tooth fairy/Dolarhyde that kills Freddie… I think Will sets Freddie up or something so Will is slightly to blame, but Dolarhyde ends up ripping Freddie’s lips off, gluing him to a wheelchair and setting him on fire.
I realise the Hannibal series isn’t completely canon to the books but it’s cool to see Bryan Fuller bringing in aspects of the books even if they’re not exactly the same. Though if Will did that, that’s quite the escalation… though maybe not considering his first proper kill, he tore the body apart and made a man bear wolf hybrid 🤷🏻‍♀️
The intro didn’t burn as much this time because the Freddie fire was already bright 😅
Hannibal and Will finishing each others sentences and eye fucking and Jack is like yeah this perfectly normal.
Oh Shit, Margot actually did get pregnant from Will. Well this is a whole other thing being introduced.
Hannibal playing Maury and Will being rightfully upset. Dick move from Margot but at least she gets to kill her brother now. Oh wait, probs not until she find out if it’s going to be a boy or not.
Man they really said gave the ol’ Gyro Gearloose for Michael Pitt’s hair huh?
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He plays creepy psycho so well, I remember an old episode of SVU where he scared the ass out of me… and of course funny games.
Alana (booo) has made it clear she doesn’t want anything to do with Will and she doesn’t want Hannibal to have anything to do with Will but now she’s all on her high horse demanding to know if Will killed Freddie (the fact that he did is irrelevant 😂).
A - I don’t think Hannibal is good for you and I think your relationship is destructive.
W - Hannibal’s good enough for you.
Ohohohoho - like if she thinks Hannibal is so damaging to Will then why is SHE still with him?
Aw poor Will still trying to keep her safe even if it’s very likely she ends up shooting him.
Michael Pitt is playing Mason Verger like Batman villain… oh yeah, I forgot Mason is a PDO blurgh
Hannibal is so done with mason already. Wait, did Hannibal just indirectly tell Mason that Margot is pregnant?
More bitchy Alana (boo)
Oh shit Hannibal and Will finally talking about Abigail, and Hannibal actually apologised… kinda. Will is apparently all in on the baby with Margot.
Ahhhhahaha Alana is starting to figure WHAT kind of relationship Hannibal and Will have.
How far along could Margot be at this point? Aren’t we still within that 12 week cut off date of when jack and Hannibal brawl??? YOU’RE TELLING ME EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED THIS SEASON HAS HAPPENED WITHIN 3 MONTHS???
Another mental ping pong between Will and Hannibal, maybe Alana is just pissed that Hannibal is obviously spending a shit ton more time with Will than with her at this point.
Oooh the fact that Hannibal made a joke about Will seeing “a part of“ Abigail … is he really talking about her ear that Will threw up?? 😂
I can’t tell if Hannibal is trying to help Margot or just fuck with both her and mason and steering the carnage more towards mason.
See again with Alana being dickmatised because in all scenarios with Will she’s accused him of doing awful shit due to Hannibal’s therapy but when she’s with Hannibal she’s all doe eyed and ready for the murder dick. Oopa Hannibal does not like that’s she’s been practicing with a Gun… ooof I could see a situation where Hannibal hurts Alana because of it and it will be Will’s fault. Just like even though Will didn’t mean to - Chilton getting shot was indirectly his fault too.
Ha is Alana cheesing it?? Nope Margot - yeah babes, I would too if she wants to keep the Will baby. Pretty sure mason was insinuating THEY should make a baby, that would have me running too. OH FUCK, that truck hit her dead on! There is no way that was a coincidence. TWAS THE PIG GUY!
Oh christ what is mason going to do. Oh fuck he’s going to make it so she can’t have kids, isn’t he. Yikes.
The actress who plays Margot looks heaps like Jenna Malone.
Alana is unraveling and with good reason, she’s being lied to by everyone but I still remain in The Boo Alana camp because NONE of this would be happening if she had believed Will and not turned her back on him.
Did Alana say if Jack believes Chilton IS the ripper or WAS… because I realise I may be grasping at straws here but they’ve never confirmed if Chilton died.
Bah! I knew it! Fucking Freddie Lounds is alive and ready to annoy for another day! Boooooo
But also Alana finally realising she’s been played. Hopefully her decisions won’t be based on Murder dong anymore.
Oh shiiit Will and Hannibal wordlessly deciding Mason needs to pay for what he did to Margot and the baby.
Bahahaha Will just tackling Pig guy to the snow was hilarious.
Oh good punch from Will and flat out telling mason that everything has been Hannibal’s idea.
Ok… so Will is for sure not well but at least he’s not as deep as originally thought? Did he actually kill Man Bear Pig too or was that a ruse? They made a big song and dance about the remains for sure being Freddie’s too.
Hopeful that Babygirl is alive.
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jessicasfilmblog · 1 year
Carpe Diem - Shoot (Saturday&Sunday)
On Saturday we got through to Alana's bright and early ready to get the start of our film sorted! Most of my production design was still in place from the day before but i made sure to take pictures of everything so ensure i could look back over the weekend to make sure everything was in place.
I had a quick meeting with the actors who both brought their costume to match my description i sent out. Xander brought many options of suits which was super helpfull and we decided to go with the dark blue shirt with brown blazer as it went the best with our colour scheme. Lorna matched my description to wear all black and i was really happy with her leggings and baggy black t-shirt and cardigan as it matched with her character just wanting to chill around the house and not putting effort into herself. We decided to have her hair up and out the way as it was important to see the expressions on her character's face aswell as it added a messy apperance. I also decided not to add any additional makeup as her no makeup look was perfect for her character. I made sure to take pictures of her hair (as pictured below) so it would look the same the following day.
Once everything was set up there was one last job i had to complete which was to take photos of the actors in different costumes to place in picture frames around the family home. They each changed 3 times to a 'casual' description of tops i asked them to bring and we took them in different areas of Alana's garden, changing the lighting in each to look like different days. I think these worked well and really helped with the family home apperance of the house.
I was really happy with the fake blinds i created for Alana's kitchen. Me and Kusual worked together as he wanted to distort some light from outside but i also think it helps create more depth in the frame. I additionally took pictures of the drying rack as we were going to be filming in the kitchen over a couple of days so wanted it to look the same. I was happy with how the kitchen turned out as the clean feeling went along with the sons actions and character in the scene, as he cleans the glass right after his mother uses it.
I had a really fun time over the weekend and working with the actors. Everyone was so thourough with their jobs to ensure everything ran smoothly and in the times we had set. We also had feedback from our actor Lorna saying its the most professional student film she's ever worked on which felt great!
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jen290302 · 1 year
the shoots day 2&3 - adultolescence
The morning of our first shoot at the skatepark we had to hold off going, we had planned for the call time to be 6am so we could be set up by 7.30am and have 8 hours of shooting before the schools came out. but we hadn’t heard anything from Lothian council about permission despite Alana pestering them for weeks. In the morning there was a big panic and we were trying to find other locations, calling the council non stop and planning to reshoot. Eventually a man at the council gave us his verbal permission, probably to get us to stop pestering him but he gave us his name and contact number incase anyone asked us. We set off at around 10ish and managed to get going!! Day 1 was the only day we had Lachlan (one of our only extras and PA) so we used this to our advantage and filmed the scenes which we need him for the group. This was scene 4 when Robbie comes in and scene 6 when the water is splashed. Despite the late start I was feeling really positive!!! The way we worked through scenes would be I would work with Cal and decide the best place for the Scene to take place geographically in the skatepark and then figure out how the blocking would work, we then would get John in with the camera and direct the camera movements to check that it would all work out. I then brought the actors on with just myself and them and talked them through the blocking and performances. Prior to this the actors were running lines together to get into the rhythm of it. We then rehearsed with camera and actors and let sound know what the scene blocking would be. Once everyone knew what they were doing we went for takes. We did this for every scene and periodically me and Cal would look at the schedule/shot list to ensure we were getting the right coverage.
We didnt really run into any issues on set, we used the van as a kind of base where we had lunches and kept the kit while we were using it, someone was always in the van ensuring this was safe.
Our biggest issue was the sun and the clouds, caused the shots to look a little uneven as some shots the sun was out and some were overcast, we were lucky to not have any rain on the days we were filming outside.
School kids would pass and we had some wee bams come after school asking us when we were done but after we explained we would only be another 15 mins we tied their shoelaces for them and they were in their way.
Another issues on set was the gain force winds which we encountered, which made me slightly worried for sound, Tom just made sure the lav mics were well places for minimal rustle as he knew that would be a lot of what he was goino to have to use due to the windy boom.
Here are some pics from set and BTS by lovely @rplayford02
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harrysfolklore · 3 years
can you do a part 2 to the gracie abrams insta fic, where Taylor notices her like a cute interaction 🥺🥺
and here it is, our swiftie!yn met taylor 🥺🥺, i hope you like this, i loved writing it
part 1 | check the swiftie!yn tag for more <3
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by harrystyles, taylorswift and 85,438 others
yourinstagram december 13th is in fact my favorite day of the year. happy birthday mother @taylorswift i wouldn’t be the person i am today without you, and happy birthday to fine line, i love you so much @harrystyles. and why am i posting a picture of me? because i’m a swiftie and harry’s girlfriend
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harryfan1 YN IS SO ICONIC
harrystyles Thank you, I’m really flattered x
↳ yourinstagram when he comments like you’re coworkers 🤤
↳ harryfan3 YN😭😭😭
taylorswift MY CHILD ❤️❤️❤️❤️
↳ yourinstagram i love you so much i’m losing my mind i think i lost my ability to move
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liked by yourinstagram, lizzobeeating and 5,648,926 others
harrystyles Fine line is two today. I’m forever thankful for the way this album has changed my life, and I owe it all to you. I love you. Love, love, love. H x‬
view all 98,638 comments
harryfan1 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 🥺
jefezoff ❤️
yourinstagram happy birthday to my second favorite album in the world
↳ harryfan1 the #1 is red, isn’t it?
↳ yourinstagram you don’t even have to ask
annetwist ❤️❤️
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 1,568 others
harryupdates Harry arriving to Taylor Swift’s birthday party tonight !
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harryfan1 WTFFFF
harryfan2 OMFG !! YN !!
harryfan4 if we don’t get pics inside of that party i’m going to riot
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liked by harrystyles, taylorswift and 102,478 others
yourinstagram every birthday candle and shooting star led to this moment. i love you taylor, happy birthday again 🥺
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pillowpersonpp Finally!! ❤️
harryfan2 this is such a full circle moment omg
taylorswift I can’t believe it took us so long to meet but I’m so happy it finally happened ❤️ LOVE YOU so much, thanks for coming @harrystyles @yourinstagram
harrystyles liked this comment
↳ taylorfan1 CRYINGGG
↳ harryfan2 somebody check on yn
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 6,342,988 others
taylorswift *don’t say it, don’t say it OKAY I’m saying it* I’M FEELING 32. And Alana is feeling 30. Don’t worry we tested everyone! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, I love you all so much 🥰🥲🎂
comments on this post have been limited
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liked by taylorswift, harrystyles and 96,548 others
yourinstagram WAKE TF UP IM ON TAYLOR SWIFT’S INSTAGRAM @harrystyles
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harryfan1 BYEEEE
jefezoff 😂😂😂
harryfan2 we witnessed yn become besties with taylor i can’t believe it
annetwist 😂❤️ Love you dears !
taylorfan1 the leader of the swifties
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @jelliebeanss @maria-r @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @evanjh @pilgrim-harry @handsomerry @sunflowervolume66 @lollypopsx @multiplums @89evrs @pinkishbabygirl @trulymadlykiki @quinnjackluke @piscesrecord @vanteguccir @ivegotparticulartaste @qclden @springholland @harryhoney-bee @harrysgloves @ayeshathestyles @thebigbutterflytattoo @comfort-reads @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @styleisart @rosaliedepp
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onchyart · 2 years
Top 5 scenes which showed exactly how crooked Will Graham is too.
*shaking your hand* you are in a right place, hop in, and I will tell you a story
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
To summarize if you are dont want to read the whole thing: Will Graham's awfulness is not Hannibal's fault. Will was not seduced by evil, he got liberated by it. Do you ever had a friend that pretty alright on their own, but getting instantly 10 times worse when they are in a company, they want to impress? That's Will, and in a s3, he doesn't even need Hannibal around
I will start with 5, to show escalation
5. 01/07 Sorbet
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-Seems to me he was humiliating someone. -Yeah, he was humiliating Jack. -Did it work? -I'd say it worked really well.
We can recall that their first eye-to-eye interaction (first episode) got warm and personal because Hannibal covertly mocked Jack's perception of Will as something delicate and special. Here, Will, smiling and having a great time while they are discussing one of Jack's great losses, how effectively Ripper got to him. No sympathy spared for their mutual friend. Petty cruelty on display 4. 02/09 Shiizakana
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-Your psychiatrist came to visit me at the hospital before my trial. -Dr. Du Maurier. -She told me she believed me. -She knew there were others like me. Did you kill her?
Okay, what do you do with the person who bravely boosted your confidence in your own mind while everyone else is just given up on your side of the story? Sell them out to the most dangerous man you know ofc. And all of this because you don't feel like a special boy anymore. Unchecked jealousy +petty cruelty+ harming innocent (as far as he knows) person
3. 03/02 Secondo
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-Are you here to take someone from him? -If I were like Hannibal… I would've killed you already. Cooked you… ate you… and fed what was left of you to him.That's what he would do. -You've given that some thought.
Will is indirectly threatening a woman, he doesn't know, who's help he wants and who is living alone, without any support. Chiyoh knows how to handle herself, but what he is doing is unnecessary cruel and has no meaning beyond making her uncomfortable and on edge. Plus, to show how well he knows Hannibal (and she doesn't). Once again, unchecked jealousy + petty cruelty+ harassing innocent (as far as he knows) person.
Intermission + honorable mentions (it's important for later):
Will is trying to shoot the guy that crawls from inside a horse, not for Peter or Hannibal, but for his own sick pleasure.
Will is listening to Bedelia talk about "whimsy and having Hannibal confused in a dream", just to try to wake him up and tell the truth about how he feels (codependency and all that). Taking Hannibal's side above anyone who is trying to catch him
Will, while cornered,w/o even looking at Jack, confessing, how he wanted to run away with Hannibal. He could phone Jack and ask him to wait, so they could be together against our guy. But no, Jack goes without a warning and nearly dies, because Will is more comfortable betraying him than a serial killer, they were trying to catch this whole time.
Will is telling Alana to fuck off from the house she is grieving in, because he is busy with his imaginary friends.
Will saying "Good for Jack" with disdain when Alana tells him about the state of his friend, who was trying to save him from getting his head open.
2. 03/11 ...And the Beast from the Sea
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-Jack Crawford, fisher of men, watching my cork move against the current. You got me again. Hannibal told me where to find him.He knows. He knows who the Dragon is. He probably treated him.
Okay, we established that Will did everything to make Jack suspicious of him. And now he is getting caught red-handed, conspiring with his boy best friend, keeping important stuff to himself. And Will is enjoying it too, covertly mocking Jack to his face. While writing fanfiction in real time about Hannibal and the Dragon's relationship. People are dying, Will. Unchecked jealousy + petty cruelty.
1.03/12 The Number of the Beast is 666
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-Unless you have a professional voice to legitimize what you're saying.
-Someone to hide the wire on the snare. Are you volunteering?
WIll is very entertained by the motion of Alana getting mutilated by the Dragon (he had frightening hallucination a sec before about this very thing but now, it's okay, apparently). He will fuck over anyone if it is suitable enough for his purposes. He needs a pet to lure Dragon out. Big time cruelty+ harming (very much) innocent person.
Conclusion: it was hard to compress the whole thing in a top 5, because as much as Will is trying to help save people, he willingly became a person, who will harm the ones he is closest to, if he can get away with it. In Hannibal's presence he felt liberated enough to say some wild stuff, but s3 showed us, that he doesn't really need his favorite psychiatrist, he just wants him and everyone else can kick rocks. So, he and Hannibal, at their cores, are the same, selfish, cruel, petty, insecure creatures, whom I love.
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marley-manson · 3 years
Hannibal and will?
Thanks! It's been a little while since I've talked about Hannibal lol this was fun.
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
He went to jail for three years just on the off-chance Will might come visit someday, in an act explicitly paralleled to supplication before a god. So like, how completely ridiculouly gone he is for Will.
He falls in love with Hannibal not despite his (v sexualized) desire to murder him in season 2, but because of it. He knows himself best when he's with Hannibal because wanting to kill someone as evil as Hannibal allows him to accept his desire for violence and power. And then when it comes down to it he can't go through with killing him, because that feeling is why he fell for Hannibal.
least favorite thing about them
He's perfect. I guess I'll say the moment he said the line, "what a cunning boy you are," because it ruined like every 3rd fanfic for me. Fuller why.
While the show came down on the free will side of things, I don't like the way it teased the implication that he could have been brainwashed by Hannibal, because like, it's hard to understand all the nuances of the show, it's oblique as hell, and a lot of people still take it as read that he was brainwashed to some extent, which sucks.
favorite line
"No greater love hath man than to lay down his life for a friend." He's literally letting Dolarhyde shoot him in that moment for no other reason than because Will arranged it. He's saying, if this is the end you want for us, fine, you can have it.
"Is your social worker in that horse?" This show is amazing.
Bedelia. I love that he's the Franklyn to Bedelia's Hannibal, I love that Bedelia manipulates him into attempting to kill Will because, as she (uh sort of) explains in season 3, she saw him as an injured bird and wanted to finish the job, I love that Bedelia walks away consequence free til the very end, I love how scathing she is to Will lmao and how judgemental she is towards Hannibal for being obsessed with Will... their dynamic is just great.
Bev, I guess, though I wasn't as into their friendship as a lot of fans were. She was a great grounded counterpoint to the pretentiousness lol and they had a good vibe together.
Hannigram ofc.
Clarice. Incidentally I absolutely adore Fuller for adapting the Mason plot with Will in Clarice's place, except when Hannibal rescues him instead of escaping with him so he can brainwash him like he did Clarice, he takes him home, tucks him into bed, and then walks into jail. THAT'S how you adapt a book, people. Make it gay, and make the scary manipulative serial killer love interest throw everything away for the protag.
Alana. Thank you for the double gay ending, show.
random headcanon
He didn't want to kill Franklyn but kind of had to when he wouldn't leave. Also the fact that he tossed a coin before foiling Bella's suicide attempt says volumes about how he wanted to respect her wishes - it would've absolutely fucked him over with Jack if he just let her die in his office, or at the very least he would've missed a huge opportunity to keep Jack on his side.
Has a perfectly good, if distant, relationship with his father.
unpopular opinion
He did not successfully manipulate Will in season 1. He tried, and he failed. The closest he got was Will non-fatally shooting Abel. What actually unleashed Will's inner killer was painting a target on his own back by killing Will's friends and inspiring him to want revenge.
He's not shy, he doesn’t connect with many people, but if he's socially awkward it's bc he doesn't give a fuck, not because he's nervous, and he's kind of an asshole. He's also the only person who ever snaps at Jack and he stuns his coworkers with his ballsineses when he does it, as soon as he wanted a marriage he went out and got one, and most of his ott weirdness in season 1 is due to the brain damage-y disease he has. He's a loner by choice.
song i associate with them
Bryan Fuller mentioned this one as a Hannibal song once iirc and I love it so: Being Alive from Company.
Dismantle Me - The Distillers
favorite picture of them
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This incarceration montage is one of my favourite things in the show tbh. Though also shout out to Hannibal tearing up at the opera performance in Sorbet. Shit and also
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Sorbet is so ridiculously good, man.
every single shot of Will being absolutely Done in Digestivo:
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kdfilmblog · 3 years
We began our shooting for Film Narrative 2 “An Unwilling Friendship” on the 10th of March 2022. We had booked room 1/120 at Craiglockhart from 3:30 pm to 9 pm. The story required 2 actors and a few extras which our coursemates played. The shoot day was filled with emotions, minor and major obstacles, and, a great time. Before this, we already did a test shoot, however, that did not go as planned due to the equipment. As a DOP I wanted to get the technical setup and the tone of the film on the test shoot so I would spend less time on the real shoot day, but the due to unavailability of the cameras, we had booked another camera which was completely unknown to me. Therefore I could not get the basic camera notes on the test shoot. The test shoot was helpful to think about set design, plan the lighting setup and block the scene.
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On the original shoot day, we started with setting up the location and I went on to set up the shoulder rig. The first half of the film was heavily based on handheld camera movement. My main difficulty for these scenes was the continuous focus change, but with the help of our director Cayla and a few takes, I managed to get those shots. This was a huge learning curve for me, the process was tiring but I genuinely enjoyed and learned a lot. In the latter, we ended with a few tripod shots which were quite straightforward and we managed to shoot those quite faster than the handheld scenes. Overall I think we managed to get the shots. However, the handheld shots took much more time than we anticipated and we were behind schedule and could not complete the shots we wanted.
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We faced a few difficulties through the shoot, one of which was the sound equipment. We were provided with faulty sound equipment which we did get exchanged but the other one did not have enough battery. Alana and Sophie made a trip down to Tesco to bring the AA battery and we managed to get the audio working back.
The shoot went really well and we were quite happy with the shots we got. We ended the day by ordering McDonald’s and had a feast with the whole crew.
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k-s-morgan · 3 years
Hi :)) don’t know if you’ve talked about this before but when you first watched Hannibal, what was the episode that made you realize that it was a love story between Will and Hannibal? when did you know Hannibal was in love with Will and vice-versa? Was there a scene or episode in particular? I love hearing people’s versions of the moments when they realized that
Hi! I’m afraid my story is boring in this regard because when I started watching the show, I already knew it was going to be a love story. I always research everything I intend to watch or read very thoroughly, and since I joined the fandom at the start of 2016, the show was already over and spoilers were everywhere. 
However, I still thought this was going to be queerbaiting. I imagined something like John and Sherlock, so every intimate moment between Will and Hannibal gave me a thrill. I felt that electricity from the scene of their breakfast because Hannibal was looking at Will in such an infatuated way, I was amazed. Every textual confirmation and the fact that the entire show is a love story became shocking and pleasing realization. I recognized that romance was actually the major plot in the middle of S2 - their mutual feelings became obvious by then, in my opinion. Will failing to shoot Hannibal in the kitchen and Hannibal planning everything around Will spoke volumes of what they are experiencing. 
You can a Reddit thread with some discussions about your question here. I also once made a post about people’s reactions when S1 was just airing. I’ll copy bits from it here if you’re interested because I agree that seeing others’ thoughts is fun!
The shipping was very varied at that time - you could easily find Hannibal/Alana and Will/Alana fans. Some were making bets on Hannibal/Bedelia since Bryan mentioned Hannibal getting a love interest in S2. Hannigram was there from the beginning, too - in fact, as it’s evident from Bryan’s pre-S1 teasing tweet, some people were hoping for some Hannigram content even before seeing a single episode. One of the promos for the show presented after the pilot entailed Hannibal sniffing Will: some people caught on onto what was happening at that point already. But no one really took it very seriously, and people’s opinions differed.
Some were swooning over Will with Alana, calling it an amazing exploration of a relationship between two mature people. Others expressed hopes that Hannibal would try to get closer to Alana to mess with Will. Some were excited to see Hannibal touching Will’s shoulder in E9 and expressing the desire to be a family with him and Abigail. A bit of discussion from those times I saved out of amusement:
Commenter 1: I thought that whole scene had a homoerotic feel to it.
Commenter 2: Gay dads. Gay dads.
Commenter 3: I thought that whole show had a homoerotic feel to it.
Commenter 4: I feel like Hannibal is sexually attracted to Will, but I might be making too many leaps here…
Commenter 5: I don’t think he is sexually attracted to Will. I get the sense that he is only sexually attracted to himself. As a pure narcissist, I don’t think he is capable of feeling attracted to another person, regardless of gender.I think his attachment to Will is based on the fact that somebody can finally understand him. I think he legitimately see’s Will as a friend.
Commenter 6: It’s great to see more of Hannibal with his own psychiatrist. The fact that he seems to genuinely want a friendship with Will seems so touching. His reaction when Will came over to his house to tell him he’d kissed Alana was priceless and almost showed a hint of jealousy (but maybe I’m reading too much into that).
Some stuff about Will and Alana:
Commenter 1:  I am so loving everything happening between Will and Alana. To have characters talk out their issues despite sexual tension, and hold off on a relationship because of them… it feels almost revolutionary in today’s television landscape.
Commenter 2: A romantic relationship would weigh down the show. They really don’t have time to get invested in that. It’s pretty obvious from an outsider’s POV that there’s a Will/Alana attraction going on, and to not acknowledge it would in some ways actually draw more attention TO it. My guess is they’re setting something up for season 2 or 3 (if we get them).
Commenter 3: At the rate he’s going, by season three Will’s going to be drooling in a mental hospital somewhere.
Commenter 4: I’m pretty glad the whole Will/Alana thing was a bust. She’s right about them being bad for each other, and I feel that if they did get into a relationship, that drama would just distract from the story. Plus Will is such a tragic character, a relationship would normalise him too much.
Mads already said he plays Hannibal as in love with Will at that point, so some took it into consideration while others ignored it. 
And here you can read discussions of all episodes as they were airing. I think the quotes I provided above are from there as well.
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theprincesshenry · 3 years
Okay guys, I'm late for the fucking party but I've been rewatching Hannibal and I've got some stuff to say.
1. Everyone is a piece of shit with Will. They treat him like dirty and he literally helped the fucking FBI while he was in fucking jail BECAUSE OF THEM AND THE SHITTY JOB THEY DO WITHOUT HIM
2. I Don't have excuses for ANYONE there. Alana was a moron, she said "I can't be with you Will, I overthink too much" but spends like 5 second with Hannibal before going to bed with him. When Will is in jail she doesn't believe his innocence she just think he was out of his mind even tho he literally saved her life shooting Gideon. I can't.
3. Jack Crawford is bad at his job, bad being a husband, bad at being a friend and bad at being a freaking behaviour analyst. Hannibal wasn't even at the top of his game, he killed people close to him, he has killed like 4 people "in self defense", he behaves like an psychopath even when he's using his "person suit". Doesn't take a genius to take a second look and think "maybe JUST MAYBE WILL IS FUCKING RIGHT AND I'M STUPID". Jack is a jackass. I hate him.
4. And when Will sends someone to kill Hannibal and Jack goes to the prison, inquiries Will, be "oh I'm so superior to you!" Then goes to Hannibal's house have a glass of wine, starts talking about one of Hannibal's kill and Hannibal plays the "I almost died, I can't talk abou death anymore" and JACK FUCKING RESPECTS IT???? WHY COULDN'T YOU DO THE SAME COURTESY WHEN WILL TRIED SO MANY TIMES TO SAY TO YOU hey I think I'm losing my mind can you help me????? BUT NO, JACK NEEDED SOMEONE TO DO HIS WORK FOR HIM, SINCE HE WAS A BAD FBI AGENT.
Thank you so much for the attention, I'm Will #1 defense and even when he goes deep into dark I will defende him because everyone had a part on his path to being Hannibal sidekick.
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