#is sssniperwolf
vic-tori-ous · 8 months
Their silence says a lot
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Edit: youtube definitely wrote that half-assed apology for her. She doesn't regret a thing they just didn't wanna punish her so they made her post the apology they obviously wrote
"i wanna thank youtube for holding me accountable" 💀💀💀
Edit 2: I just saw youtube's tweet "the behavior from BOTH creators isn't what we want on yt"...
Are you SERIOUS?! what did he do wrong?? Call out a content thief?!
Edit 3: just found out that Jack has been making videos on yt for 17 years! Since 2006 which is one year after youtube was launched...
He was one of the FIRST creators on yt and after all these years him and his safety meant absolutely nothing to them
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one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
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Team YouTube waiting five days to address this, 'both sideing' the situation where there's clearly only one person in the wrong, SSSniperwolf and teams YouTube both posting their statements 14 hours ago... yeah, this is gross, their statement is a joke
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tl;dr jacksfilms made a second channel to react to sssniperwolf's lazy reaction videos in which she oftentimes posts other people's content without credit, Jack called her out for stealing content among other things, no one is above criticism and she deserved to be called out a long, long time ago
she then doxxed him and went to his home (she has over 30 million followers on YouTube) and showed up at his front door, team YouTube waited 5 days to address the situation and now said both sides were in the wrong, which is an insane take
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tomyfitness666 · 7 months
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candieduranium · 7 days
1 note = sssniperwolf gets slapped 1 time
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signeficunt · 8 months
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bro holy shit
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horror-vampire · 9 months
dont care for youtube drama but i hope that jacksfilms kills sssniperwolf and that jacksepticeye kills mr beast. peace and love on the youtube platform
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siren-crown · 8 months
I've been thinking about the SSSniperwolf and Jacksfilms doxxing situation some more.
A lot of YouTubers who covered it said Jack went too far with how many videos he made parodying her content. Like?? That's the point. Sniperwolf does daily uploads of low effort reacts and Jack was copying that. Except he was showing how to make transformative reacts with things like Sniperwolf bingo. His channel JJJacksfilms is a direct parody of SSSniperwolf. Jack also never brought up Sniperwolf's past controversies or made things personal (Despite her being in an active lawsuit). He just focused critizing her reactions.
Also, SSSniperwolf was so dumb for escalating this to a crime. I don't even mean in the sense she was dumb for doing a crime, I mean in the sense she could have gotten out this react-gate pretty cleanly in the long run. These types of controversies have a life span for how long the public will support before they move on. If she just ignored Jack the momentum of his movement would eventually die out. She may take a few hits (apparently her views are going down) but she would not have been seriously effected in the long run. YouTube was probably never going to make big policy changes around react content. She could go back to doing her lazy reacts. Her doxxing Jack means this will follow her forever.
Now, I think the big reason why SSSniperwolf did escalate to doxxing is because Jacksfilms was effective. YouTube may not have been taking action, but small content creators were. In his recent videos more content creators were coming to him, asking him how to report their stolen content, and he walked them through it. Instead of letting her videos get claimed she edited the reported pieces out but this shortened her videos- making it so they don't qualify for ad revenue. I think this is what really got to her.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 8 months
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Welp, guess this is our answer from Youtube when it comes to actually punishing SSSniperwolf for doxxing Jacksfilms: changing the rules suddenly so that they can protect SSSniperwolf.
Keep in mind, they were saying this shit prior:
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But because its SSSniperwolf, a money maker for them, they now suddenly are trying to claim it was off platform behavior and therefore, they can't do anything...ignoring they have dealt with Youtubers in the past for off-platform behavior in the process.
Fucking typical of Youtube to care more about money then the safety of their creators.
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daemosghost · 8 months
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Youtube saying this is crazy cause the behavior on both sides in a nutshell is basically this:
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sniperwolf is still being defended by YouTube btw, all they really did was temporarily demonetize her recent videos
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transfaguette · 8 months
whenever an attractive youtube cis woman does something fucked up i just sigh because i know people are gonna be insanely misogynist about it instead of normal
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sergle · 8 months
Compromising someone's physical safety bc of an internet argument is so not funny, but what IS funny is that this is the type of content Sssniperwolf makes. btw. It's all like this. This is what is being criticized, and what she's doxxing people for talking about.
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syn4k · 9 months
i think my favorite internet drama currently going down is what jacksfilms is doing.
jacksfilms is a youtube veteran who, recently, has covered other popular youtuber Sssniperwolf, who makes reaction videos for tiktoks. however, jack has shown that not only does Sssniperwolf not credit the videos she uses, her commentary often does not transform or add value to the original work in any way, which is a violation of copyright law. he's made a bingo card of things that can normally be found in her videos, often watches them on Twitch, and even put up a second channel (jjjacksfilms) where he shares clips of his streams. he's trying to raise awareness for this lack of credit that youtube is blatantly ignoring and makes sure to credit all of the original creators in his videos and honestly i find it hilarious. get her ass, Jack.
september 1st 2023, he had a breakthrough: one of the creators (Evanysphotography) whose work was stolen and who is a frequent visitor of his Twitch chats showed up to say that he'd submitted a copyright appeal on one of Sssniperwolf's videos and it had actually gone through, forcing her to remove the clip from the video.
it's great and i highly reccomend checking it out
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ranmagender · 8 months
Sssniperwolf when criticized once
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celebscleavage · 2 months
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houseofpinkboombox · 8 months
"We need more female villains!!!" Bestie y'all can't even handle a rape victim fighting back. Y'all didn't even like it when a woman didn't want to go to the Cheesecake Factory, y'all got mad at a woman for getting 48 oysters on a date.
Y'all got mad at a female YouTuber showing up at her harassers house. And you want a fucking villain? Most of you can't take a woman on a period. Shut up.
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very-uncorrect · 8 months
Anyone who says Jack is being weird or creepy by making videos and streams on Sniperwolf has clearly never participated in a single bingo night or watched a single stream highlight
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