#is the best multiverse!
i only just realized that your banner is the mcverse logo
thank you for making me cry (/happy) thats so sweeet🥺
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😁😁 I absolutely love it!
If you peep my pfp, you also made me that. Drop me another banner, and I'll use that one also.
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mobius-m-mobius · 8 months
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#my man was NOT subtle 🤣😉
+ bonus: message received 😅
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bloominglegumes · 2 months
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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yrsonpurpose · 16 days
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You and me probably end up going for all the same parts together.
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god i wished i lived in the timeline where companies respected animation
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swiftmitsu · 2 months
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small doodle. trying out a little something ehehueh
i neglect Horror so much. i need to draw mOre.
i love him loads more than i thought💥
(below: the bloodied version :3)
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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Elizabeth Olsen wins Best Villain at the MTV Movie & TV Awards 😈
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elizakai · 14 days
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scrawbles your calcium
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tervaneula · 1 year
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I liked the hoodie I gave to little Leo in the illustration I did for and just like that so I wanted to draw the whole boy!!!
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maxthedrawingperson · 2 years
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Multidimensional Dynamics.
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steamclouds · 21 days
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So one thing led to the other and suddenly I drew @laiostoudenn's tav Othello and Voradras, together with their respective Gales on vacation in Calimshan.
Backstory and details under cut!
So it all started when Othello's Gale opened a portal and Voradras and his Gale stumbled into their kitchen in Waterdeep. After a lot of initial confusion the group got to know each other, realising a portal between their different realities had been opened. A steadfast friendship developed between Voradras and Othello, and they promised to visit each other again soon. And that they did. Alternating between universes they met often, teaching each other parts of their cultures and visiting places together with their Gales. At one point Othello mentioned that he had never been to a proper beach before, so after some research, Voradras had the idea for the group to head down to Calimshan, to the Shining Sea for a couple's vacation. It's been great fun for everyone, though Voradras slightly underestimated the power of the sun so far down south.
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dreemurr-skelememer · 5 months
I'm gonna be anonymous when I say this because I have seen this done by many people... I strongly dislike the "Error and Nightmare gang are the good guys and trying to make the universe stable while The star sanses are the idiots who will not see reason" .. Like... I .. really? I'm not sure if the reason why I don't like it is because I have seen it so many times or what but it annoys me dearly. The members of the star sanses are reasonable and they are just often made as one sided ignorant people- I mean okay Lets go on the different pov, on the bad sanse side: You see them risk their lives every day getting themselves hurt over and over again all to defend different worlds for the sake of bringing what they believe to be peace and you label them as the fools who just want all the glory- really??? people who get hurt over and over again just do it for that stupid reasons??? I mean come on! Seeing as generally it is shown that the bad sanses want peace as well why not be trying to reach an agreement??? you fight over and over again and you couldn't even be bothered to try and reach their heads to finally listen to what you are saying like what "in a way" dream has done with nightmare countless times but they cant do the same? Just have them fight knowing that the other side are in the wrong and you choose to do nothing but break them?? Like is this your pride or something?? Why are they labelled as good guys yet they allow the other side to fight to their deaths with a good motive in mind but they only lack the full picture?? How am i suppose to "root for you" if this is what you do????? We get inside information of how peaceful they are and how they care for each other deeply, but if you care so much for each other why would you allow the other side to keep fighting your loved ones when they are missing the big picture, you know the big picture yet you say... NOTHING. NADA. ZILCH!! you cannot tell me that they don't listen to you when you barely speak up about the true issue or find a way to show them- you maybe say it once or twice in the whole story and then any other time you go straight to fighting or just avoid them.. COWARDS!! ALL OF THEM!! And in these stories the star sanses always state their reasons for their interference yet you cannot tell them why you are doing this?? All that comes out your mouth are insults and sneers, who would want to believe you when that is all the comes out of your MOUTHS... Excuse me... Just pissed sorry for the long rant.. Oh my gosh AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON DREAM AND NIGHTMARE, DUDE YOU GOT THE BALLS TO BLAME YOUR KID BROTHER FOR BEING A KID AND NOT RECOGNISING YOUR TRAUMA EVEN NOW AS YOU ARE MUCH MORE MATURE AND HAVE THE ABILITY TO REALIZE WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU BOTH AS CHILDREN????? Is he the one holding onto the past or is it you??? Night is always depicted as the dadmare, boss, the caring lover, the brother yet he doesn't even have the decency to face the fact he abandoned his brother in stone for 500 years or so, when he comes out you automatically hate him for something he had no idea or control of and choose to ignore his pleads, when your brother wants to reach you, you break him over and over again not wanting him in your life ever again when as i said before he was your "KID BROTHER" and you want to tell me your the good one for just wanting to cut him off with no answers or anything? You gotta be pulling my leg bro... and it would be a different story if the dreamtale background is different but no! it isnt! nothing is said to make it seem dream was an abuser of sorts, they were both hurt and yet you blame dream for all of it you have a whole ass support system yet that is your mindset??? I cant.... I really cant Uh sorry again for this long ass rant though =w=
anon our souls are holding hands resonating as one
my two cents on this (that isn't something i said. a million times before already) is that it's usually because people refuse to see the star sanses in the same light they do the bad sanses the people who actively dislike the star sanses and what they do usually do so because they can't relate to them, from what i've noticed
the bad sanses are easier to root for because of the fact that they are made of struggle and the dirty, gritty parts of morality and life so to say it's easier to think of good things in the middle of so much bad, because it's in our nature as people to look for hope or root for the good, no matter how little it is having the ability to look for goodness and love in so much evil is a form of love in of itself everybody struggles and life sucks and sometimes the world is evil and sometimes we do bad things, but that's the thing, the fact that we as people find something good in the middle of it all (like finding familial love bloom in the bad sanses, as an example) is very inspiring. at least to me!!! that's how i see it!!!! that's how i like to think people see it as well because that's how i see and enjoy them together so i can totally see why people find more relatability and love for the bad sanses. i really do get it and i agree!! like a lot!!!!! i love them too
but that exact reason is also why it really sucks that people just don't see the star sanses in the same light?
i wanna reemphasize my point in relatability: it's difficult for most people to relate to the star sanses because inherently they are the heroes, the protagonists, the main characters, because nobody are any of those things i feel like people often put them on a pedestal because of their central tropes and characteristics. they have it all already, they don't need more praise, right?
i think the biggest problem people have with the star sanses, like your whole ramble very clearly shows, is that they don't humanize them i feel like a lot of people assume that just because they are good and choose to be good and are praised for being good, they are unreachable people don't think they struggle. that it sucks being that.
it's often why i like writing the star sanses with so much struggle and so much mental illness lol, because being good is fucking HARD and they're as imperfect as everybody else. dream is anxious, ink is brash, blue is a workaholic, stuff like that
there's a lot to say but it's just....the bad sanses and the star sanses are two sides of the same coin. the bad sanses is finding good in the middle of, basically, evil and misdeed the star sanses is finding struggle in the middle of trying to do good
people often portray both of them black and white morals and it's why it gets frustrating and flat and badly written.
idk, just like how i find inspiration in the bad sanses of finding hope and love in the middle of darkness, i really admire the implications of the star sanses when you actually decide to humanize them. because if you make the star sanses struggle throughout their praise, glory, and righteousness, it's...really admirable that they still choose to do good.
like you said, the star sanses risk their lives often and fight, offering treaties and agreements, just to make things right that's so??? admirable????? like for the amount of times the bad sanses fucking fight them, i genuinely would've just given up completely, but they just....don't??? and that's so admirable and sweet? it makes them so deserving of their titles as guardians.
idk!!! this is a massive ramble too, i don't even know where i was going with it but like, yeah, i think i wanted to talk mostly about why people preferred the bad sanses over the star sanses and how it makes me sad i get you anon. with my whole body and my whole soul. i understand what you mean and i see you
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threestripeslider · 1 year
i started those MNMC + OMO crossover doodles as a joke with CJ bc our old men are So Silly and now suddenly there‘s a whole Peepaw Multiverse like i am literally so sorry to every F!Leo author who gets their old man featured on a doodle with this bozo
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So about that au i made- this is based off of this writing prompt. The Cube... 
A prision
No one is quite sure who came up with the idea, but it exists now...
It was created as a place to hold the most dangerous Villains of the multiverse. An ever changing and hostile place devoid of any magic that could be used to escape. but when the most dangerous threats had been contained the people began to fear the power of those that had once protected them. SO the Cube became A holding place for all the ones the monsters and humans of the multiverse deemed too powerful to be free.
The ones that were simply known as "Nightmare's Gang" were among the first to be trapped on the cube... and some of the few survivors that exist currently.  There were others, the multiverse is a large place after all. Soon it wasn't just humans and monsters but all manner of dark and dangerous creatures.
But one of the most surprising residents of the Cube are those once revered as hero’s. The Stars, At first it was Ink being sent as he was seen as too unpredictable... Dream and Swap both fought against it and both were sent as well. 
A less surprising but still noteworthy resident is the famed Destroyer of worlds, Error. The surprising part was when Error took command of a large Spider beast colony. He is often seen riding atop the largest of the beasts. 
any magic inside the Cube has been lost.. Creatures of magic are changed.. Magic is replaced by blood.. you no longer dust when you die. The transformation can be painful. Many die because they cannot protect themselves.
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bruhtasticbruhutau · 6 months
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I forgot to post thie yesterday but mah neighbro be trippin broskie
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linusbenjamin · 2 years
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Doctor Strange battling with musical notes ♫ Doctor Strange & Multiverse of Madness | 2022 dir. Sam Raimi
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