#is there 'ly or kisses there' pls say there is haha
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Ehm.. the hilarity is that two episodes later the “pro on Zhang family” dude says that the marks Xiaoge left can be only read by Zhang family members, and we saw that even Pangzi doesn’t know the meanings of those. Wu Xie said that Xiaoge left those only for him. And like I know that everyone joked already about them being married and Wu Xie being a Zhang, not a Wu since Sand Sea. But like can we have an extra of the fucking wedding. But like there was a moment when Qiling taught him that. And there’s shitton of dots before the 3 1 5 dots, look at this stupid face.
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sanaexus · 10 days
social's as nagi's girlfriend
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-liked by reo.miikage, isaichii and 132.6k others
yourusername: he loves me (i'm lying to myself also all he does is play games but he won't let me go anywhere 😔)
tagged: nagi.seishiro
reo.miikage: he doesn't he loves me (we're both js making fools of ourselves) ↳yourusername: the difference is i can sit on his lap whenever and you can't ↳reo.miikage: girl stfu i legit carry your boyfie around ↳yourusername: boy don't be seen talking when i'm the one who he fucks every night ↳chigi.who: b y e . ↳hiyori: WHAT THE FUCK?? ↳isaichii: is that why he's always tired at soccer practice? ↳yourusername: idk don't ask me ↳mikka.kaiser: FOR THE LAST DAMN TIME IT'S FOOTBALL. YOU WANNA BE AMERICAN SO BAD GO GUN DOWN A BUILDING OR SOMETHING ↳alexis.ness: that was rude ↳mikka.kaiser: oh i don't care ↳nagi.seishiro: stop spamming the fuck?
user1: came here to see y/n content not some 6'3 prodigy man child who considers breathing a hassle ↳nagi.seishiro: it is ↳user2: girl??? ↳yourusername: mb 😔😔
julian.loki: minecraft's mid roblox better ↳user3: never in a million year would i have imagined julian loki saying that ↳yourusername: YOU LEGIT SCAM AND E-DATE KIDS IN BROOKHAVEN TFYM (come play dress to impress w me pls) ↳julian.loki: IT'S THEIR FUCKING FAULT THEY KEEP THE HOUSE UNLOCKED OFC I'LL STEAR THEIR MONEY (omw)
megubachi: SHOES IN THE HOUSE???? ↳shoei.barou: disgusting ↳yourusername: I'M SORRY ↳yourusername: barou is like the levi of bluelock except taller and he didn't lose an eye and two fingers ↳karasu_tabito: DO YOU HAVE TO REMIND ME? LIKE SOME PEOPLE ARE TRY MOVE ON OVER HERE ↳nagi.seishiro: she cried about it for like 4 months ↳yourusername: SHUT UP I DIDNR ↳eita.otoya: HAHA NO BALLS ↳yourusername: SUCK MY DICK BITCH ↳eita.otoya: YOU DON'T HAVE ONE?? ↳yourusername: SAYS WHO? ↳shiidoryu: ILL VOUCH FOR YOU IF YOU SHOW ME YOUR COCK ↳yourusername: BET ↳shiidoryu: Y/N HAS A 9 INCH DICK nagi.seishiro: you weren't complaining 5 minutes ago :x ↳yourusername: STFU SROp ↳nagi.seishiro: anw come back you're warm and human and better than a hoodie ↳yourusername: tfym human?? ↳nagi.seishiro: idk js come
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-liked by reo.miikage, itoshi_sae and 121.5k others
yourusername: no bc the one time we go outside for a date it has to be an arcade
tagged: nagi.seishiro
reo.miikage: sigh i guess we'll always be second to games ↳yourusername: TFYM "WE" BRO IT'S ME NOT U ↳reo.miikage: HE'S MY BESTFRIEND?? ↳yourusername: HE'S MY BOYFRIEND??
nagi.seishiro: yeah but i got you all the prizes you wanted ↳yourusername: yeah and i'm gonna go hug mr.masha instead of you bc he actually pays attention to me ↳nagi.seishiro: sigh i'm coming over
karasu_tabito: wtf was bro doing ↳yourusername: idk he prolly js felt silly and bachira's monster came over him ↳megubachi: my monster didn't like that ↳yourusername: tell him i'll give him kisses ↳nagi.seishiro: no you won't ↳yourusername: rudeee
kuniisuke: bigger question is how did y/n manage to drag him out ↳yourusername: don't ask me how i did i js did it was hard ↳eita.otoya: isn't that some tiktok audio ↳yourusername: yes and? ↳megubachi: SAY THAT SHIT W YOUR CHEST AND ↳megubachi: oh wait we aren't doing that this time?
shiidoryu: biggest question is did y/n win anything by herself? ↳nagi.seishiro: no ↳reo.miikage: nope ↳isaichii: no way ↳rin.itoshi: no ↳itoshi_sae: no ↳shoei.barou: no ↳nikkoki: nah ↳karasu_tabito: not happening ↳eita.otoya: nuh uh ↳mikka.kaiser: not in this lifetime ↳yourusername: Y'ALL ARE SO RUDE WOW BYE I'M GONNA GO CRY TO ANRI AB THIS 🤬🤬🤬
user4: my roman empire is that rin, sae and barou the people who barely use social media still frequently interact with y/n posts (mostly to insult her) ↳yourusernames: haters gon hate 💔💔
nagi.seishiro: her being very pretty makes up for the fact she didn't win anything (i wasn't held at gunpoint) ↳reo.miikage: blink twice if you need head ↳yourusername: ?? ↳hiyori: ????? BEO ↳reo.miikage: oops i meant help
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-liked by nikkoki, kuniisuke and 198.6k others
yourusername: woahh my boyfriend can kick a ball (he's so cool) anw i forced them to make that heart
tagged: nagi.seishiro
isaichii: i don't know what the fuck you did to motivate that man but pls do it again ↳yourusername: I DIDNT DO ANYTHING?? ↳nagi.seishiro: promised me kisses ↳yourusername: that wasn't me that was either reo or your side chick ↳chigi.who: nah he's too lazy to have a side chick it'll prolly be a "hassle" to keep her a secret ↳user4: LMFAO ↳reo.miikage: I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING I THINK I'D REMEMBER PROMISING MY BESTFRIEND KISSES?? ↳nikkoki: you're saying bestfriend as if you don't drool over him
shoei.barou: never let y/n come to a match again making that heart was harder than the fucking match ↳rin.itoshi: the next time i see her she better run. ↳eita.otoya: that shit fucking hurt. ↳nagi.seishiro: it was such a hassle ↳isaichii: loved the winning hated the "celebration" ↳megubachi: IT WASN'T THAT BADD ↳chigi.who: GIRL THAT SHIT NEARLY BROKE MY KNEE ↳yourusername: can you even break a knee though? ↳yourusername: EXACTLY BACHIRA GETS ME IT WASN'T THAT BAD IT WAS MAKING A HEART YALL CAN PLAY A 90 MINUTE MATCH BUT NOT MAKE A HEARt????
nagi.seishiro: you look pretty cheering me on ↳yourusername: bye ily ↳nagi.seishiro: i love you more
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i forgot oliver existed so im gonna add him from now
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sukunasweetheart · 7 months
oddly specific relationship headcanons with sukuna pt. 2
part 1 here
modern AU, fem!reader, sukuna being an ass as usual (affectionately)
sukuna is a food stealer. he'd rummage through ur home for snacks or food like some raccoon going through the trash. not necessarily bc hes hungry, sometimes it's bc he wants something to chew on, other times its bc he wants to judge your tastes and/or shame you. if ur fridge and cupboards are empty, with barely anything other than a bottle of ketchup in it, he will quite literally give you a silent stare bc hes simply speechless... he will say youre boring, then hes gna get concerned on whether ur eating well or not...
other than going through the things u have at home, he will also take large bites and mouthfuls of whatever you're holding onto outside. be it ice cream, bubble tea, a burger, corndog- he just wants a bite of whatever youre having! he'd then have the audacity to rate it, telling you "hmm, not bad" or "this shit tastes horrible". sometimes he just does it to piss u off, he's just like that.
if you tried the same against him, you'd have to either catch him off guard (nigh impossible) or just beg and plead until hes satisfied enough to share his snack as a treat. otherwise, he's holding the item above ur head and laughing at you. maybe if you pout he'll then finally bend down and give a little smooch on your lips before offering you some.
another thing he loves doing is draping himself all over you... full body weight if youre lying down, leaning against you fully if youre sitting, or resting his chin or arm over your head/shoulder if youre standing. just. using u as a support bc this man is so comfortable with using u as a resting tool HAHA and i know this man heavy as fuck bro *sobs* if u complain abt it, it only fuels him more... (me personally, i'd love if he put his whole body weight on me... pls crush me)
he likes feeling u squirm against him and yelling for help bc ur getting squished LMAO and also, most of the time you can't support his weight for long and you slowly sink down... he always enjoys watching u lose against him one way or another...
i already mentioned previously that he likes playfully smacking your ass around the house but i'll also add on that he likes to just grope and massage different parts of your body randomly when the two of you are lounging about together, not even sexually, he'll just squeeze at your flesh bc he feels like it and he likes the bouncy sensation. cue one hand groping ur ur tiddies/thighs/tummy while he idly scrolls through his phone
hes very independent when he wants to be independent. but hes also clingy as fuck when he's in the mood to be. one second he could be fine with doing his own thing, but all of a sudden he's craving your attention the next. he's content with being by himself one moment but then the itching desire to be next to you comes around and he does just that. watch out bc the second u get comfortable, he'll probably change his mind again and head back to continue whatever he was doing again
if you do the same against him, coming and going as you please, he's a lot more resistant as opposed to you... while you just let him do whatever he wants (most of the time, anyway) he will be his teasing self as always. he's in the middle of something and you wanna cuddle him all of a sudden? he expects to be rewarded afterwards (something lust related, probably). you wanna get up and leave after getting your fill of the cuddles? too bad, he's too comfortable now, youre not leaving til he's satisfied. he's just a selfish bastard, what can i say
one last thing, i think i mentioned this in some post before but anyway.. sukuna's 100% the type of mf to show a lot of his softer love while youre SLEEPING. be it forehead kisses, caressing your cheek, just admiring your facial features or thumbing your lips. maybe even leaving a little kiss on them. brushing aside any strands of hair. but he'd also pinch your nose and chuckle when you eventually open ur mouth to breathe LMFAOAOA <3 just languidly admiring ur sleeping face <3
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yurinaa-world · 6 months
hello! can u do reader who likes to rest on characters lap? like whenever reader couldn't sleep but feel tired, they goes to character's lap while they're doing smth and reader sleeps :3 any characters but i prefer jing yuan n blade pls :D (its okay if u don't want to write this, i don't wanna pressure u haha and sorry for my bad english :'d i love ur works btw!!)
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Characters: Blade and Jing Yuan x Gender-neutral Reader
Synopsis: laying in their lap while they're doing things
Warnings: Fluff and spelling mistakes,
Notes: IM SO SORRY I messed this up so hard, I wrote then I looked at the request, and I mentally slapped myself, If you didn't like this I would be fine rewriting it!
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This guy literally doesn’t do anything all day, just has his eyes closed and just rests (Warning: I love making reader a very little dramatic when it comes to Blade)
Dead silence; he did not say anything to you once you lay on his lap with a smile on your lips. You couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward. He’s always been quiet, but right now, you're starting to feel the silence stabbing you from every angle.
"What aren't you going to say?" you asked, opening one of your eyes to stare at him from below. "Want attention that badly?" He gave you an amused look, looking down on you as if you were some kind of little child. "Well, there's no fun if I just lay here," you pouted, looking at the ceiling as well as at him, his fingers going through your hair. He's figured out what you want from him—attention, of course—yet he just does what you want him to do, or you'll complain about it all day.
So instead, he stays silent and plays with your hair, but his hand moves to your face, creasing your lips with his calloused fingers. "You're such a pain," he whispers, leaning down to kiss you and then moving away before saying, "Yes, yes, you kiss someone you find annoying." You rolled your eyes, closed your eyes again, and sighed loudly.
"I know, bladie, you can't keep yours off; no man can!" You laugh, obviously joking.
What a personality you have.
𝒥𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝓊𝒶𝓃
“How needy, hmm? What a pleasure it was to spend time with you. a pity I have work to do." Jing Yuan teased while you lay in his lap, watching him from above: reading his boring yet important paper, “You offered and I took it; you know it’s unkind to decline someone." You responded by tracing shapes on the thigh you’re lying on.
"If you don’t want me, then I'll" you cut off before you could even finish your sentence. “No need; you’ve already come, so you're going to stay like this." He said before turning the page of his paper, "I was just joking." He said while ruffling through your hair, making you frown a little, that he messed with your hair.
You both lay in silence. You broke first, asking, “When do you think your paperwork is going to be finished?" He chuckled at your comment.
"A couple of hours, it seems."
“Hurry it up, and I’ll give you a gift."
You stated matter of factly crossing your arms in front of your chest, “What kind of gift?” He asked curiously, looking down at you, and you shrugged your shoulders. “It’s a surprise. Do it and find out,” he chuckled at your words.
"Alright, I'll take your word, but this better be a good gift since I'm working so hard for you, hmm, don’t you think?"
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 4 months
hii hope your having a great day, hopefully this is comfortable for you if not that’s alright. so ethan and reader are best friends then reader gets invited to a wedding and shes allowed to bring a plus one so obviously shes gonna bring ethan and throughout the wedding ethan and reader keep making eye contact and smiling etc etc (obviously they are friends with benefits ifykyk) then suddenly reader and ethan disappear then it leads to smut yk and pls details 🙏🏻 tyy have an amazing day.
HELLO! :) I kind of kept the idea you had, but added the friends to lovers trope as well. I hope that's okay! I've been trying to right this for the last couple days and that was the only way I was getting the full inspiration to write a long fic haha.
Falling - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: You need a date for your cousins wedding, so Ethan agrees to go with you. You're in a complicated friends with benefits situation, and him seeing you in your dress is too much for him to handle as he tries to sneak you away from everyone else.
Contains: 4.1k words, Fluff, FWB relationship, Oral-both m and f recieving, fem!masturbation, p in v sex. If i missed anything, please let me know:)
A/N: I'll update my master list tomorrow. Honestly a little nervous because I've written so much since the last time I updated it😅
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Ethan is one of your best friends, but he’s also your friend with benefits, your sneaky link. No one else in the friend group was aware of what happened behind closed doors when the two of you were alone, or seemed to pay attention when Ethan would leave a party, that you’d slip out five minutes later. He asked about the friends with benefits thing after what you assumed would be a one-night stand, but that’s easier said than done when you see the person almost every single day.
He'd be lying if he said he wasn’t starting to get caught up in you, wanting nothing more than to have you to himself. You weren’t hooking up with anyone else, but he was always worried about you finding someone. The agreement was his idea, but you said it was fine as long as no one caught feelings. Your words played in the back of his mind every time he’d want to show you affection outside of hooking up. It took everything in him to not grab your hand or pull you into a kiss whenever he wanted to.
He still felt like he had the best of both worlds. He loved that you two could be playing video games one minute, and you’d be bent over the side of his bed the next. He thought you were beautiful, but your personality is what really sucked him in. He loved to listen to you talk about the things you’re passionate about and loved the way you treated people.
As you put your clothes back on after a quickie before your afternoon class, you started to think about your cousin’s wedding you had to go to, and how you still needed a date. You knew that if you asked Ethan, he’d say yes. You still felt nervous about the date concept, though, because your family would be there. They’d take the ‘He’s just a friend’ thing and twist it until they’d ask if he was coming home with you for the holidays.
Ethan noticed that you were lost in thought, and started to think he might’ve done something wrong.
“Was I too rough?” he asked, sitting down on the side of the bed. It snapped you out of your thoughts as you started to smile.
“No, that was perfect,” you said, sitting beside him.
“What’s on your mind, then? I could tell you were thinking about something.”
You sighed, turning your head towards him, “Okay, you might think this is a stupid idea, but my cousin is getting married in two weeks, and I kind of need a date. Would you maybe want to go with me? It’s okay if you don’t.”
He started to laugh at your rambling as you said everything so quickly that it was hard for him to keep up. “I’ll go with you.”
“But my whole family will be there, and it might get a little awkward,” you said, as his hand rested against your thigh.
“I’ll go with you,” he repeated. You were about to say something else, before he continued, “What, are you nervous they’re going to call me your boyfriend or something when they introduce me to people?”   
“Yeah,” you said, as he leaned in to kiss you.
“So what if they do?” he smiled, “We’re about to be late for class if we don’t leave right now.”
Later in the week, you started to talk to Ethan about the wedding, and the dress code requirements. It was a black-tie event, meaning Ethan needed a suit.
“Does this look okay?” he asked, walking out of the dressing room. You glanced up from your phone, your mouth falling open as you gawked at him. “My eyes are up here, sweetheart.”
You started to laugh, your cheeks turning pink as you composed yourself. “Yeah, you look really good.”
“I wasn’t sure, that kind of reaction usually means really good, or really bad,” he said as he headed back in the dressing room to change back into his clothes. You almost didn’t want him to take it off. He was always attractive, but there was something about seeing him in a suit that made you a little hot and bothered.
When he walked back out with the suit bag in his hand, you couldn’t help but think how torturous the wedding was going to be if you had to look at him dressed like that all day, silently cursing your cousin’s dress code as he went up to the counter to pay for it.
Your reaction made him feel a lot more confident about being your wedding date. He was excited to go with you, but he was scared that he would look awkward when he knew you’d look amazing. He wanted to impress your family, too.
The day of the wedding, you took so long to get ready. Ethan had been in the parking lot waiting for you thirty minutes after you said you’d be out.
“We’re definitely going to be late,” he said to himself, as he pulled out his phone to text you again.
Then he glanced up and saw you walking down the stairs of your apartment complex, holding up your long dress a little so it wouldn’t drag the ground. His eyes widened as his heart pounded in his chest. He was realizing how difficult the night was going to be for him to keep his hands off you.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” you said, opening the passenger door. As you sat down, you looked at him in the suit again as you closed the door. You racked your brain for the right way to compliment him, because if you spoke your mind, you’d never make it to the wedding and just take him inside to fuck him. You finally settled on a simple “You look good.”
“You are so beautiful,” he blurted out before he had a chance to think about what he was saying. You curiously looked over at him as you giggled, before he continued, “That might’ve been a little much, but it’s true.”
“Well thanks, Eth,” you smiled, as he passed you his phone to control the music as he drove.
He stayed silent the rest of the way there. He was still a little embarrassed about being so forward with you, even though it was truly how he felt. But that’s what this little agreement has turned into. He can’t ever say exactly what’s on his mind or how he feels, because you told him he couldn’t catch feelings. The last thing he wanted was to ruin the friendship with how he felt.
Once you arrived at the venue, you rushed inside with Ethan. You knew you were cutting it close, showing up five minutes before the ceremony was scheduled to start. As you and Ethan sat down in the chairs beside your parents, you were happy that they wouldn’t have much time to grill him right off the bat.
“So, is this Ethan?” your mom asked, as he reached across you to shake her hand. “You look so handsome. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too,” he smiled, sitting back in his seat. She glanced over at you like she was about to say something.
“What?” you asked, and she motioned with her finger for you to move a little closer.
“He’s cute. How long have you been seeing him?” she asked, as you rolled your eyes.
“We’re just friends, mom,” you whispered, “Please don’t make this awkward.”
“There’s something else going on, I can tell by the way he looks at you,” she said, before the music started.
You scoffed as you sat back in your seat, knowing exactly how the night was going to go. Yeah, he looks at you differently than a normal friend would, because he regularly sees you naked. You started to feel bad for what Ethan was going to be subjected to at the reception.
Once the ceremony was over, you searched the seating chart to find out what table you’d be sitting at. You felt anxious once you found your table, and noticed that Ethan was sitting across from you, your dad beside him.
“Fuck,” you muttered, as your mom walked up beside you and Ethan.
“Watch your mouth,” she said, sitting down in her seat.
You sat down beside her as Ethan sat down across from you. Your dad soon joined the table, officially introducing himself to Ethan. As they talked, you were trying to listen to their conversation to make sure they weren’t talking about anything that might make him uncomfortable, until your mom started to talk to you.
“That ceremony was beautiful, wasn’t it?” she asked, as you nodded.
“Yeah, I was trying so hard not to cry. Their vows were so sweet.”
“They were,” your dad said, joining the conversation, before leaving it to talk to Ethan again. “So, what are your intentions with my daughter?”
“Dad!” you said loudly, “We’re just friends.”
“She’s quite the catch, though,” he said to Ethan as he gestured to you. Ethan started to blush, the conversation making him nervous.
“Seriously? Is this how the whole night is going to be?” you huffed, as Ethan smirked at you.
Your dad started to respond as your eyes stayed on Ethan, your heart starting to thump in your chest. After months of secretly hooking up, you had these signals you used. The smirk meant he wanted to get you alone as soon as possible.
“Are you listening?” your dad asked, trying to get your attention.
“Sorry.” Ethan was smiling at the flustered look on your face as your dad started to speak again.
“I was just saying that you need to put yourself out there. You never date,” he said, as you rolled your eyes.
“I’m focused on school. You know, the education that you’re paying for,” you sighed, exchanging another quick glance with Ethan.
“Just be sure to take time for yourself, too,” your mom said, as the bride and groom were about to share their first dance.
Your parents were distracted as they watched the newlyweds dance, while Ethan’s eyes bored into yours. He’d been trying to fight off the urge to touch you since you first got in the car. It was getting more and more difficult as he watched you get frustrated with your parents. He wanted to fuck that frustration out of you.
Once they were finished, the DJ invited everyone else out to the dance floor. You took the opportunity to snatch Ethan away before your parents could make things more awkward than they already had.
His hands went to your hips as yours went around his neck. The tension was so strong between the two of you as he looked into your eyes.
“I need you,” he said, the grip on your hips getting a little tighter. You softly gasped at the feeling.
“We can’t right now,” you said, glancing around you to make sure no one else was hearing the conversation.
“What if we could find somewhere to be alone? Or we could go to my car,” he said, his hands subtly rubbing your hips.
“My parents are watching. As much as I want to, we can’t.” You looked over, smiling at them.
Before Ethan could say anything else, they asked everyone to clear the floor for the wedding games. Ethan stood behind you in the crowd of people, his hands going to your hips as he pulled your ass against him, his hard cock straining against the material of his pants.
He leaned down to whisper in your ear as everyone else was distracted, “There’s a hallway over there. Want to see where it goes?”
 You looked over to your parents who were so focused on the funny interaction happening in the middle of the room between your cousin and her new husband. You knew if you were going to sneak away, this was your chance. You noticed the hallway Ethan was talking about a few feet away from you.
He was still leaning down waiting for your answer. “I’ll go first, I need you to wait a few minutes. I don’t want this to be obvious.”
You looked at him as he nodded, his bottom lip in between his teeth as you pulled away to explore the dimly lit hallway.
You didn’t have to go very far as you eased open the first door you saw, noticing that it must be one of the rooms the wedding party got ready in. There were several empty beer cans scattered around the room, so you assumed it must’ve been the groom’s area. You slipped inside and cracked the door, waiting for Ethan to walk down the hallway. You soon saw the tall, curly-haired boy, and opened the door far enough to pull him in.
His lips immediately connected with yours as he pushed the door shut with the hand that wasn’t on your hip and clicking the lock so no one else could come into the room.
“You have no idea how hard I’ve been,” he said as he pulled away, his eyes hooded and dark in lust. “You look so fucking hot in that dress.”
“And you look hot in this suit,” you said, grabbing his tie and pulling him to you so you could kiss him again.
He backed you over to the loveseat in the room, not breaking the kiss. When his lips trailed over your jaw and down your neck, he started to hike your dress up your legs. His hands roamed your smooth, newly exposed flesh before kneading at your thighs.
“Mmh, I need you, Ethan,” you whimpered, as his teeth grazed your neck. As bad as he wanted to mark you up, he knew there was no way to hide it.
“You want me to fuck your pretty little pussy?” he asked as you nodded, his hand brushing over your panties. He realized the effect he was having on you as his fingers ran over your clothed clit. “Fuck, you’re soaked.”
“I told you that you looked hot in that suit,” you whimpered out, his fingers moving faster as he rubbed them against you.
He pushed your panties to the side, his fingers not wasting any time to dip inside you. He watched your face as his fingers worked inside you, intentionally missing the spot he’s so familiar with. He noticed you were getting a little frustrated with the lack of attention where you needed it, the smirk on his face giving away that he was trying to tease you.
“Please, baby,” you whined, his smirk turning to a smile. He moved his fingers the way you needed him to, as he continued to watch you. During sex, you had a ‘no pet names’ agreement. You only called him Ethan or Eth, and he only called you by your name. His heart was swelling as you kept whimpering “Yes babe, right there.”
He leaned his head down as your dress was bunched at your hips, his tongue brushing against your clit. Your hips started to move against his hand as his licks got faster, chasing the release you needed. When he sucked your clit into his mouth, that was all it took as your pussy spasmed around his fingers, your moans flooding out of your mouth. Your chest was heaving as he kept fucking his fingers into you.
“Oh my god,” you finally let out as you came down from your high, and Ethan slid his fingers out. “What was with that teasing?”
“What was with you calling me baby?” he asked, your cheeks turning red as you stammered. “I didn’t mind it, though.”
“Oh, I uh, I guess I just couldn’t help it. It felt like the right thing to say,” you laughed a little, as Ethan eyed you curiously. “Let’s talk about this later. We don’t have much time.”
You leaned forward to the edge of the couch and unbuckled his belt as he stood in front of you. His cock was throbbing as your hand brushed over it, your lustful eyes connecting with his.
When you unbuttoned his pants and slid them down his thighs along with his boxers, he groaned at the free feeling. Your mouth went to his tip, placing gentle licks to get all the precum that was starting to drip out. You took him in your mouth, gagging a little to get to the good spit, your saliva starting to drip down his cock. His hand was about to go to your head when you pulled away and started to stroke him.
“Do you really think I’m beautiful?” you asked, your hand moving at a steady pace as he watched you. You couldn’t get his comment from earlier in the day out of your mind.
“Yeah,” he said, his answer making your hand move faster. “Oh fuck.”
“Do you think we could ever be more than friends who fuck?” you questioned, taking him in your mouth again before he could answer.
“Oh shit,” he groaned as you looked at him through your lashes, “I want that more than anything.”
You took him as far back in your mouth as you could, the gagging feeling around the tip of his cock making his orgasm build quickly. His hand went to your hair, his hips thrusting a little into your mouth.
“I’m gonna cum, baby,” he groaned out, the new nickname making you throb between your legs as his cum started to shoot down your throat. You sucked for a few more seconds, getting ever drop of his release out of him as he started to pull your head away.
You wiped your drool from your mouth and chin with the back of your hand, intently watching him.
“Give me a few minutes, I promise I’ll fuck you,” he laughed, looking down at his half-hard erection.
You took the free time to stand up and slide your panties down before stepping out of them. He watched you sit back down in the loveseat and spread your legs, his attention going to your dripping pussy. You didn’t want to overstimulate him to get him hard again, so you decided to put on a little show for him.
Two of your fingers started to rub against you, the feeling of the attention on your aching, needy clit making you gasp. You started to circle it as your whimpers got louder.
“This is the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” he groaned, his cock getting harder as he watched you. When you slid your fingers inside of you and started to move them, he turned his attention from your pussy to your eyes. “You wish those fingers were mine?”
“Fuck,” you moaned out, “Yes baby, your fingers feel so amazing.”
“What about my cock? Do you wish I was pounding into you right now?” he asked, his words bringing you closer to your orgasm.
“Yes,” you mewled, as he grabbed the condom he kept from his wallet.
You started to pull your fingers out, desperate to feel him inside of you, before he stopped you, “You’re so close, baby. I want to see you get yourself off.”
Your fingers started to move faster as your legs started to shake, “That’s it, baby. Cum for me.”
He rolled the condom on as he watched you hit your peak, your mouth falling open as the beautiful sounds slipped past your lips. Your hand was shaking as you tried to finger yourself through the wave of euphoria, your arousal glistening on your fingers as they slid in and out.
 When you started to relax into the sofa and pull your fingers out, Ethan took your hand and sucked your release off your fingers.
“So fucking good,” he groaned out, looking at you. “Do you think you can cum one more time for me?”
“I think so,” you said, the exhaustion evident in your voice after the strong orgasm.
“It’s okay, I’ll do all the work,” he said, pulling you up by your hand and taking you to the side of the couch. He slid your dress back up around your hips as he bent you over the arm, your face pressing into the cushion as he lined up with your entrance. “We’ve been in here a long time, so I’ll need to be quick. If it’s too much, stop me. Okay?”
“Okay,” you replied, a whimper slipping out as he slid inside you.
His pace picked up quickly, your ass jiggling as the sounds of slapping skin and your moans filled the room. He had your hips angled just right so the tip of his cock hit that spongy spot inside you with every thrust.
“You’re taking me so well, baby,” he said, his grip on your hips tightening. “Is this pussy mine?”
The previous conversation was giving him confidence that you felt the same way he did, and he wanted to hear you say that you were his so badly.
“Yes babe, it’s all yours,” you whimpered, his speed increasing. “It’s always been yours.”
He groaned at your words, close to cumming for the second time of the night. He knew you were close, too, as the pitch of your moans got higher. He was so thankful for the loud music hiding what was going on in the room, because the sounds of your moans and wetness were absolutely filthy as he brought you closer to your high.
He was trying to focus on other things as he kept his pace up, not wanting to cum before you. He started to feel your walls squeezing him, drawing him right back into the moment as you started to shake underneath him.
“I’m gonna,” was all you got out, your voice cracking from all the moaning as the feeling completely washed over you. You soon heard Ethan’s groaning get shaky and the grip on your hips get even tighter as his thrusts started to slow.
“Fuck, that was amazing,” he said, looking over your tired, fucked-out body as it stayed bent over.
The handle on the door started to jiggle, the sound making you quickly stand up and search for your panties as Ethan slid his pants back up his hips and hook his belt.
“Where the fuck are my panties?” you asked, glancing around the floor. You were so dazed from the multiple orgasms that you couldn’t find them. Ethan tried to help you look, but it was too late as you heard a key slide into the keyhole. You straightened your dress back out and ran your hand through your hair to tame whatever might be going on with it.
When the door opened, you saw one of the groomsmen standing there.
“Sorry, one of his contacts is bothering him. I was trying to help him out,” you lied, as the man smiled and shook his head.
“I’m sure that’s what was going on. Are those yours?” he asked, pointing out your panties that were sticking out from under the couch. Your face was full of embarrassment and panic as you reached down to pick them up. “Hey, I’m not going to say anything. It’s none of my business.”
He grabbed a beer out of the mini fridge before walking back out to join the rest of the wedding guests, locking the door before he closed it behind him.
“Since when do I wear contacts?” he asked, laughing at the awkwardness of the interaction.
You slid your dress back up and put your panties on before looking at him. “It seemed like a good lie in the moment.”
“You think he’ll say anything?”
“He said he wouldn’t,” you sighed, “I really hope he doesn’t.”
He started to smile, “Your parents already think there’s something going on between us. That’s just something else you’d have to deny.”
“What if I feel like there is something going on between us? More than just a friendship, and more than just sex?” you asked, your eyes meeting his as he leaned in to kiss you.
“I feel the same. If you ever want to give me a chance, let me know,” he said, walking towards the door.
“Ethan, come back here,” you said, as he turned around. “You heard me, come here.” You laughed as scoffed at your demand, but ultimately did what you asked as he stood inches in front of you. “Let’s try this and see if it can work.”
He kissed you in response, lifting you off the floor a little as his hands wrapped around your waist.
“So, does this mean you’re my girlfriend?” he asked, a goofy grin on his face as he sat you back down.
“Yes, nerd,” you joked, taking his hand in yours. “Let’s get back out there. We’ve been gone for at least an hour.”
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pix3lplays · 6 months
PSPSPSPSPS, hear me out on this trope pls!😘
Dr Ratio and a reader that is a bit of a dummy and sunshine that enjoy listening to him babbling and rumbling about things that intelligent people would say although she doesn't get a single word that he speak, sometime reader who watch him solving math problems and goes like "Wow, I don't get a single thing :D"
Reader admire him, he's annoyed but he didn't mind having a golden retriver to accompany him because at least reader can deal with those annoying karen who is too dumb to understand his words
Literally the Iq and Eq duo🫶
-🦭 Anon
Calling me out like a cat😂😂😭😭😭
Cute, cute let’s do it!!
Cw! Mildly suggestive?? Sitting on lap and stuff
-Dr. Ratio with a bubbly sunshine reader-
Yeahhh, Dr. Ratio is Fluent in YAP, you know? He talks a LOT. I’m just imagining you sitting on his lap while he holds a huge math textbook, scribbling in the margins while he Talks your ear off, and you just lean the back of your head against his chest as you…Try to listen. But you have no idea what he’s saying. Every once in a while he goes: “do you get what I mean?” as he taps a note he wrote and you just lie and nod. He might know you’re lying. Might not. Either way he likes it when you tell him what he wants to hear- Pepper his face with kisses while he talks. He likes that. Dr. Ratio is really really REALLY smart. So he tends to think other people are dumb. Even you. So he invests in a sticky note pad and writes little notes to help you throughout the day. It’s cute. Until you start living together. You have SO many notes everywhere. Little things like: Brush your hair Eat breakfast Put shoes on before you go out Like?? You’re not THAT dumb- But at least he’s trying to take care of you. You deal with people who annoy him. You’re kinda like his…translator, even though you also don’t really understand him. You’re over here like: “I’m so sorry sir! But the Doctor is not interested in speaking to you! Why? Oh. He says he doesn’t like you very much :3” Dr. Ratio likes to have you in his seminars. It puts him in a good mood. And his students are happy when you’re there too because he tends to forget to assign work since he’s too busy staring at you… You’re kindaaa his personal assistant in the seminar rooms, though it’s not really fair because you’re not getting paid or anything, haha.
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batterygarden · 1 year
Haha would you ever do.. Denji with a Gyaru Gf… haha wouldn’t that be crazy… 👀👀 (turning notifications on)
YES! Denji x gyaru girlfriend.... a lil fluffy drabble
note: I honestly hadn’t heard of a gyaru aesthetic before this ask but it seems very feminine y2k w lots of pink when u look it up! I <3 it, Pls enjoy cutie! ! lil get ready w Denji fic… Also thanks @p00pdev1l for inspiring some of it heehee sending infinite hearts to u!
m.list this is sfw but still no minors on my page pls...
Your perfume. That’s the first thing Denji notices when he walks into your room. It’s sweet and fruity—reminds him of walking by a bakery. Or even one of those fancy beauty stores he’s let you drag him into, was it kush? That can’t be right. LUSH. The smell kinda reminds Denji of that lush store. Or maybe the store reminded him of you since he’s known you longer…
Regardless, it’s nice. Then he always notices the walls, covered in art and cute little decorations, a perfect reflection of your interests. Girly. It’s girly. It feels refreshing compared to his room—not that he doesn’t appreciate his room for what it is. His room is practical, his bed is big enough to comfortably sleep two, there’s a calendar on the wall, he even has a nightstand with a picture of you and him on top. 
His mattress certainly doesn’t have a skirt though. Nor will you find a pretty little vanity next to his closet, or printed curtains over his windows. Your room feels like the type of place where he should be barred entry—a no boys allowed sign would fit perfectly on your door, sealing all pink tidiness inside a safe haven.
So he’s flattered everytime you take him in. Butterflies and everything when you tug his arm through the doorway, guiding him to sit on the bed while you go to grab your speaker. He has to shove stuffed animals out of the way to make room—noting the familiar button-eyed faces, his heart skipping a beat when he sees the giant Kuromi plush he won for you at a fair next to your pillow.  
You turn music on then, playing something lo-fi for the morning, and Denji expects you to continue getting ready—you’re still in your pajamas and fuzzy slippers—but then you’re crawling onto the bed next to him. 
“Good morning, Denji,” you say all sweet, smushing your cheek into his shoulder and wrapping an arm around him. He melts against you while his heart skyrockets.
“G’morning.” He feels your pretty long nails drag up his back the way he likes—the way you know he likes. Suddenly his plans for the day seem unimportant—if he could just lay in your bed while you scratch his back forever he’d be content to never leave. 
He heaves a deep sigh, grabbing one of your squishmellows to lean his head on in his lap. “love when you do that.” 
You giggle and widen the circle you’re drawing over his spine. 
“You love when I claw you?” 
You smile to yourself, running your acrylics over his shirt with a little more pressure for a minute before leaning over to kiss his shoulder blade. 
“Need to finish getting ready.” 
Denji’s eyes open—they’d drifted closed to the feeling of your hands on him—and he sits up with a subtle blush. “‘Course! Finish your makeup or whatever.” 
“Actually my makeup’s already done,” you say, standing in front of him and grabbing his cheeks with your face right in front of his. You close your eyes and turn to show Denji different angles of your masterwork. 
Denji would honestly be lying if he said he noticed the carefully applied lines around your eyes before you pointed it out—he’d just thought you looked pretty as always. But now that he’s really looking, he can appreciate how tough it must’ve been to make the lines so straight. He’s thoroughly impressed. 
“I like this part.” He points to his eyes, gesturing to his outer corner to refer to your wings.
“Hehe thank you!” His smile grows at your maintained proximity, his cheeks warming when you plant a little kiss on one of them. 
You frown then, looking at his clean skin where you kissed. 
“Wait, I’m forgetting something.” You turn to rummage through your vanity while floating hearts twinkle around Denji’s head. You pull your pink, bubblegum-flavor lip gloss out of a drawer.
Denji nods knowingly—this is the one makeup item Denji can always recognize, thanks to its ability to grant extra messy kisses. 
“You want some?” You ask with a mischievous grin. 
“You’ll get some on me either way, I hope,” he grumbles. He doesn’t like wearing lip gloss on principle, but for you he’ll tough through it. 
Soon you’re scooting up next to him on the bed, applying a generous amount of product before pressing your lips to Denji’s, careful so you don’t smudge it everywhere. 
When you pull back, he’s wearing a cute expression, trying to pout through a smile. 
“Aww you look so cute!” 
“I better! This stuff’s more pain than it’s worth in my opinion. Leaves ya all sticky.” 
“Whatever, meanie! I like it,” then you’re tugging his hand up towards your closet. “Now help me pick my outfit for the day!” 
HEHE .. i think i can guess who requested this and sending u LOVE baby, i hope ur into it
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cellias · 2 years
aww may i get sleepy cuddles with jason grace pls ?
yes! Let me know if you meant an imagine haha <3
warnings: none
Jason gets 10x more clingy when he’s sleepy
of course it used to not rlly be like this
It actually made him a little less likely to go to sleep
Being raised by lupa he didn’t really get that affection, so touch was not something he was familiar or too comfortable with
so when you two started dating he was not the one initiating anything
but he soon discovered how much comfort it brought
and the rest is history
you’d be lying down next to him, talking and sharing snacks, and once he starts dozing off his arm snakes around your waist
You keep talking despite that, and when you say something funny, he snorts and you feel a little puff of air on your shoulder
you know he’s really about to pass out when:
he’s spooning you & his head is buried in your neck where you can feel his breath start to even out
or his thumb is slowing down its caress on your hip until it stops completely
he’s also the big spoon like 90% of the time
He just likes to know you’re safe next to him
nothing can get you if he’s got his arms wrapped around you
but there are times he’s the little spoon
he just needs to be embraced in those moments; something has happened and he feels defeated
you hug him and help him fall asleep finally
Sometimes when you’re really tired and he can stay up a little longer, he just kind of scratches gently on your head while you rest on his chest
all this ft. Forehead Kisses
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satocidal · 7 months
spamming ur ask box rn but i'll start off withhhh thoughts on the first time with you and suguru?? HMMM??? GIMME I NEED THE VISUAL ROME !! was he desperate? was he gentle? pls i need feral sugu :(((
😭I love this question *in that one TikTok audio of you’ve seen it-*
But but lemme begin with: I’m totally inexperienced in physical intimacy so haha lol and with that, it was also to say, our first time together was my first time entirely
Right so, lemme begin with saying SO SO GENTLE? (Only for the first time 💀-) no but, Suguru sort of knew that I wasn’t that experienced? But when he realised that I hadn’t done anything, poor baby respectfully stepped back to let me think about it for a second and so so so many reassurances and praises :( believe me when I say every touch was so so light, because he just wanted to be so careful and not hurt me. Also like, Suguru was ready to stop at every step, for the sake of my comfort- and it was just. Purely soft. I like to think Suguru and I both were desperate to want each other, (considering that our whole story goes along the rivals to lovers arc) so it was just kind of like a pay off to finally see and get each other this way.
Let me make it clearer, Suguru and I always used to bicker before this because I loved teasing him and vice versa and although similar outlook on life it was just better to annoy each other lmao—until, yk, those heated and desperate confessions to each other? In the rain- and then- to his dorm to clean up- and then- to his bed- in his shirt because why would I have extra clothes- falling asleep on him- waking up and giggling and what not and the kiss should’ve happened- but ah, he knows he’ll be my first so we pause and we talk and we both wanna kiss and so so so- slowly, eventually, he leads to it.
After that, we took it a little slow, getting used to each other’s company, kissing a little more and adoring each other until I finally brought it up again.
Even during the undressing part he’s just cooing at how gorgeous he finds me and silly little praises about everything. And it’s also like, our first time wasn’t fully our first time? Suguru chose to take it slow and get me accustomed to the idea of pleasure from someone else first? So our first time together was both of us, together, exploring mostly my body—for most of it he had me sitting in midst of the pillows or lying on my back and - yeah. Now I won’t go in details of it because 💀 but but, Suguru, not matter it being my first time with any of it, had no issues teasing me about it, or over stimming. When I say exploring my body, we spent a good few hours, edging and over stimming, he wanted to try everything to see how I do respond to most of it. So yes if you have to think, he’s just a menace because he’s there between my thighs smirking while I’m just spent and writhing because yes.
Also like, the next time, he helped me learn about his body, his preferences and everything. So if I had to say yes very, patient about it—and very controlled too, so it makes up to be a perfect teacher lmao.
And now then, the first time together, like the whole penetrative part? We waited that out a little too since I was nervous about it and he’s so sweet and even during it, it was similar to the first instance because so so so many praises. Took pictures because yes, and Suguru has always been right down the bat sort of domineering? In a good way so yes. Since we waited so long it was very very desperate, and just so? I feel so stupid mentioning it lmao but the first time was def in missionary simply because he wanted to see everything. All the reactions, he wanted to kiss me mid thrusts, see if I was actually enjoying it or not, and yes
All in all he takes good care of me 🫣
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m1ckeyb3rry · 15 days
no because girl exactly like the way they yearned for each other and like the two times they finally kissed ohhhh😫 i still have a few ss of my fav parts of icoamd and whenever i read back on them i’m like oh that is PEAK yearning and i live for it..
and LMAO yes like the way i first started reading sith in its early days literally just for colt, then midway through i was team friedrich 😭 then hadrian came along and literally everyone fell in love but i cannot lie i believe friedrich is for y/n more than anyone else 🤚🏼
pls and i have been here forever, i haven’t seen anyone use emojis in your asks anymore but i was 🌫️ back in the day 😭😭 i dipped for so long when i fell in love lmao but reading fics was such a comfort to me back in 2020-2022 and i would be lying if i said some of them have not literally changed my idea of love and what i want my love to look like because it’s like,, even for a story so far removed and so different from my own life there’s the little things and little feelings that i can relate to!!?!?£ and that’s why even though i haven’t been into any specific anime characters for a while, i still love to pop in and read a good fic bc it’s just so so comforting, and it can be different from reading a real book sometimes when occasionally i feel too unserious to be reading a whole book🤚🏼
i am truly the og though like i went from being a silent reader to the loudest mf in the sith era then i dipped and now i am back from time to time😝
AHAHA ICOAMD WAS PEAK YEARNING sometimes i reread parts of it and i’m actually taken aback because some things in that were so romantic and for what??? like why am i insane over her thanking megumi for convincing gojo to buy her a horse?? but omg which parts are your favs i’m curious…i miss that story sm i wish i had the motivation to write for the royal au again 😫
i remember your asks HAHA they were always so fun!! and i get that lmaooo i think that’s kind of why i tend not to read fics as much as i write them just because i like to read and write about very specific scenarios and types of love and more often than not if you want smth specific you have to write it yourself 😔 luckily at least writing is a productive hobby (or so i tell myself LMAO) so i don’t feel too bad about it.
i’m glad to still have you around 💖 it’s always fun when the ogs pop back in HAHA
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praecurokat · 1 year
Ted Lasso Finale Thoughts- So Long, Farewell... (I do not know what to think!)
this episode being an hour and 15 minutes..after being released at midnight... that's just cruel.. my brain cannot operate properly under such conditions..
congrats Tedbecca shippers! oop watched more.. sorry Tedbecca shippers...
most normal Beard and Jane appearance in the series at Rebecca’s house in the beginning
writers were bringing the dramatic flair in this episode! first that thing with Isaac dressed as a judge in the beginning, and then a musical number! idk how i feel about that..
speaking of the musical number, i must regretfully inform the masses that idk what the song is from.. pls lmk in the comments.. i see that it relates to the episode title
ah yes Jane acting totally normal by shredding Beard's passport.. total ✨ marriage material ✨
Trent's shirt says sat 17 may.. could this be significant?? everything in this show is..
"You know, that might be a tasty little treat for the diamond dogs.” “No. No. No. No!”-Roy, soon to become a Diamond Dog in a moment of desperation
wait did Trent name his manuscript the lasso way awww
“I only got into this to ruin Rupert's life, and he seems to be doing a pretty good job of that himself.”- Rebecca
So. Many. Throwbacks. Keeley saying “Is everybody decent?”, Jamie using lots of axe body spray like S1, the cleaner walking in on everyone, and way more i can’t think of
the complicated web that is royjamiekeeley is still being spun.. in the last episode..
“Must be awful for them, lying awake at night, haunted by how fucking easy they’ve had it!”- Mae, to Rebecca’s mom
Trent watching Ted read his book.. heart eyes emoji
the way Ted looks at him.. i meannn is this even subtext anymore?
“So you do laugh, but you don't do it until page.. 43?! And it wasn't even a big laugh!”- Trent, while Ted is reading his manuscript
"Whatever happens on Sunday, I want you to know I’m proud of you. All the work you’ve put in this year."- Roy to Jamie, before proceeding to fistfight with him later
Both Roy and Jamie seem very contemplative this ep. What are they thinking??
i am so concerned about the current royjamie feud over Keeley... what is gonna happen here???
“Would you please stay?” and “I know, I just had to try.”- Rebecca, about Ted
lmao Keeley kicking both Roy and Jamie out after they asked her to choose
“You stay put, Trenthouse magazine. You’re part of the squad now.”- Ted, to Trent
“Yeah. Someone better. Can people change?”- Roy, also this is a central tenet of this damn show
“I don’t think we change per se, as much as we just learn to accept who we’ve always been, you know?” -Trent’s most beautiful quote thus far
aww Nate finally got his diamond dogs reaction to Jade
George being Rupert’s coach sent me.. like you Really couldn’t find anyone else?
I hate Rupert but I love his dramatic slay coat swish moments.. again reminds me of Uther’s drama queen antics
“I prefer rugby, there’s just more grown men throwing other grown men into the air like children. And blood. Which is nice." - Barbara
Bloodthirsty and mysterious? Barbara is a serial killer or vampire confirmed.
“Never forget, I am always inside you.” -Zava’s note, which also came with a giant avocado
Zorro has truly entered his superhero arc and Dani Rojas is his genius creator
the fourth thing has to be 'Believe'.. aand it was? Right?
AFC Richmond Women’s club.. i sense a spinoff show opportunity…. or they could just do a show about Trent
George has begun a redemption arc!! (Telling Rupert to fuck off)
Rupert's desperation and misery at the end is not entirely unreminiscent of Rebecca at the start of S1
yesss Colin got his kiss on the pitch!!
haha the same? person from S1E1 taking pics w Ted in the airport
damn so Beard’s going home too, thought Jane would've locked him away in a safe or smth… nvm
omg Amsterdam man has a child.. hmmm Rebecca’s prophecy may still be fulfilled
Roy becoming manager feels natural
Ofc Trent renamed his book ‘The Richmond Way’… never let them know your next move
that montage at the end…so much to process....
beardjane wedding marking the end of the series.. good or bad omen for the future? i think bad
seems very fitting the series ending the opposite of how it began.. Rupert's life ruined, Rebecca in love and not owner of the club, Roy and Jamie healing and bonding w others around them, and Ted back in America with family.
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nerd-at-sea5 · 1 year
the last s2 chaos dump post. spoilers ahead
also i think i just lost my shit while watching this ep
oh all of his joy is abt to go away SO FAST
shauna. shauna. SHAUNA.
van tai nat the judge-y lesbians of all time <333
yeah lisa's dying.
hate to say it but misty's right lottie pls get some therapy
nat defending her wife (kinda?)
'we got over it' *taissa's head tilt* oh nat honey none of you got over it
oh my god the look of terror when misty tells lottie nat drew the queen
ok technically shauna started the cannibalism
ok no give him time to greive.
....at least their taking off his clothes first?
thank you natalie
do not. do this. while fucking. blindfolded.
and after all of it, van is still squimish about blood....gonna sob
van is making some painfully good points rn
she's dulling down the knifes...SCRATCHED OUT EYES.
jeff YOU are on tv...callie's facial expressions alone i love her-LMFAO SHE KNOWS EXACTLY WHERE THE GUN IS-
nat's trying to protect lisa....she's so dead!!! oh my god nat and lisa im gonna s o b
he wants to go with her because he think she's not like them but she wont let herself go with because she thinks SHES WORSE.
van's minor case of insanity should not be as hot as it is.
ok she's phrasing it weirdly but she has a point
walter's gonna kill kevyn.
'are you one of the cult people' 'no i'm from the shire'
his heart is so small....OH SWEET FUCKING LORD.
yeah ok ive gotta fast forward that. DUDE IT WAS RAW.
misty i'm rlly not liking you rn
van just kicking the fire ily
vannnnnnnnn OH she wants to die-nvm.
it's gonna be nat i stfg and im gonna die
this gives me to much anxiety oh good god. lottie??
fucking hell.
'it was vans idea' *the face of bitch pls*
oh lottie-wait i wanna hear van's story....
it's van or nat. nvm it's nat. CALLED IT.
lottienat pls makeout NOW challange. BOTH timelines.
ben watching like: i do not understand lesbians, also. i want to die.
nat you want to kiss her so bad, ur also having a midlife crisis at 17
omfg akilah's little curtsy and the way she and nat smile at each other
misty it was cute but the way ur looking at her makes me think you want to kill her
fuck. damnit lisa.
misty if you do this i will forever hate you.
yep. misty i hate you. idgaf if it was an accident.
just when she wanted to live. SHES NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE.
pls tell me shes got like a tolerance to this stuff?? pls.
'this is exactly where we belong' no, no you deserve to live you just haven't realized it yet.
jesus the way she's smiling at her. she just wants to help!!
fuck she's actually dead.
i am so fucking furious right now.
god van's entire face is just 'it's supposed to be me.'
van palmer i should not find this hot.
hey at least their warm now right
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🌹🌹🌹 pls 🥹🩷
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Haha! I loved your ask!! 🥰 Thank you so much!!!
Here is another look at my Rooster x OC series I am working on based on this idea:
With a sigh, he gently eased the door open and peered into the room. Though it was mostly shrouded in darkness, the light from the hall cast a beam of light over the bed. Rosie was lying on her side facing the door, the blanket draped across her as she slept. Her brow was furrowed, her shoulders tense, her fingers twitched, and her lips moved softly as if she were trying to say something but couldn’t. It was all her usual tell-tale signs of a nightmare. Years ago when Rooster would have been laying next to her in her bed, he would have tried to chase away her demons. Brushing his nose against the back of her head, placing soft kisses across her neck between whispers everything was alright, rubbing her shoulder to release some of the tension. It always worked. Within minutes, her face would relax and she would roll over to snuggle deep into his chest. But that was before she had left. And it seemed as if she found her own way to protect herself from her nightmares. Her hand moved slightly and Rooster caught a glimpse of the gun resting just beside her pillow, just inches away from her fingertips. Rosie hated guns, had despised the fact Rooster owned a few even if they were just for their protection. She flat out refused to let him teach her how to shoot but now it seems as if all that had changed. Just another reminder that the woman sleeping in front of him was not the same woman he had given his heart to years earlier. Rooster started to retreat but as he closed the door, the hinge squeaked. That was all it took for Rosie to bolt up, the gun pointed squarely between Rooster’s eyes in an instant. He froze, trying not to startle her any more than he already had.
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
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zhongrin · 1 year
Random thought I had after seeing people submit abt them talking abt cuddle piles (and also you are free to adopt me but I pray Rex Lapis doesn't mind me taking home more twinks than he can tolerate pls I simp for them more than dilfs haudhsisbs):
It all just starts with literally either Kazu or Heizou, and the reason def varies. I know too well for Heizou it's to "gauge my reaction" when he decides giving me a heart attack (/exag) is a good idea, but I digress. I'm not sure about Kazuha, but if he ends up doing it to tease me I'll just melt.
Ngl I do think it'll just end with me holding Albedo's waist and lying down on his lap (ofc with his consent beforehand as 2 anemo men cling onto me like pls can I lie down somewhere without these two dragging me off to the hard ground I beg), and Heizou just snuggling on my back. God knows what he does there but he tells me he's very content snuggling me, even coming down to tracing words to converse if he's feeling less talkative... Which is rare.
As for Kazuha, it's either I'm spooning him or he's also settled onto leaning against Albedo's shoulder while speaking to all of us as a group. Sometimes, he'd even move over so that I'd actually be cradled in his arms, much to Heizou's chagrin and Albedo's amusement, I guess.
... I don't wanna think about the other men and what they'll do once they find out I am content being held by an alchemist and/or a ronin though, especially Xiao. I really love him but sometimes he scares me with how he acts like a possessive cat over everyone else. God forbid I get Wanderer on my team (which I named Kunimitsu) and they'd start throwing hands ;v;
But for now, I think I'm content just having 2 anemo inazuman boys and 1 synthetic human as my cuddle buddies. I'd rather not confess to either of the trio of how I want to kiss them both gently on the lips before sleeping haha absolutely not that's embarassing— ahem. That aside, I also do want to spoon Albedo once we both got comfortable to vibe in silence.
... maybe in the future. Hopefully.
— 🌸🍒
*glances at psy and lycoris and esther with a whole ass harem* aight listen here. under this roof we support polyamory and that includes twinks so i say - go wild my child.
heizou and kazuha lives for your reactions i'm pretty sure hslfdkjsld albedo is definitely the 'tamest' in this relationship but you better watch out because he will observe and he will naturally learn from the more chaotic anemo boys if you just let it be... he's a researcher through and through yk? *winkwink*
ohhhhh just a cozy lil cuddle pile... yes yes definitely a good choice given how cold it is in dragonspine. that's all there to it, yes? yes of course. *channels inner heizou* CONFESS darn it-
i can definitely xiao being a lil more territorial like the kitty that he secretly is hehe oh boy he would clash so badly with wanderer... when that time comes... uhhh.... good luck? 👀
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
So Long, See You Tomorrow Live Blogging
I have many things on the to-watch list but just added this last night and am just in the mood to watch it, I think.
I watched that baseball -> lashing out -> "hey" *kiss* scene on twitter again (I originally saw it a month ago) and decided to just watch it today instead of what I was supposed to watch. From the summary know that it's a 40-something-year-old man going to parallel universes.
1995 Autumn, Daegu
wait did they only know each other for 1 year before the younger dude moved away? I should go back to check if that's what's being said but ah I'll figure it out later maybe
oh Canada
oh dang the hyung's mother and hyung going out of control
oh, so the reason they only knew each other for a year is cuz of that
2020 Autumn, Daegu
oh, gay bar
oof, mans got stood up on his date at the gay bar
oh, an old student of his had seen him at the bar and he's trying to cover his reason for being there but at least the student Juho seems fine and says he won't tell anybody
haha a rascal-ish teenage niece who leaves her own home and comes to his house and wants to stay there
damn wait, Juho calls him the next morning and is saying he knows where he lives? um
oof Dongjoon's noona has stomach cancer
ah, Dongjoon running away from his own parents yelling up to the hyung's house, encountering hyung's father who gives him some money and the mother who seems... subdued, not knowing that soon she'll be dead and the hyung will lose it
oh the little hand-twirling thing Dongjoob did before giving his niece a book was first done by the hyung to him
oh damn the Little Hippo date that stood him up was actually the student Juho but Juho hadn't realized until he went to the bar
oof Dongjoon talking about the students making fun of him and lashing out at Juho
the hyung (I can't remember his name rip) had such an effect on Dongjoon like it's been 25 years and yet in his mannerisms and actions, we see it intertwined with the past when he learned from the hyung
bro the niece's mom won't die during this operation right
oh whelp the sister said she knows everything and supports Dongjoob, so I feel like she wn't make it lol
ah Juho left for America but left Dongjoon a kind voicemail before doing so
2020 Autumn, Seoul
this English literature class seems so fucking dull my goodness Dongjoon-ssi
idgi was the groom of the wedding someone that Dongjoon liked or had a relationship with or something?
wait, I'm confused? I thought we already knew about the cancer thing? Or I guess actually this Seoul thing is before Daegu and Dongjoon had actually known about the noona cancer before she told him and that stuff happened after this stuff
aw, he's cute with the David Copperfield mans and his kid, if this was a BL and not so angsty so far, I might've hoped that he ends up with their little family
oh he's bringing the girl to the dinner with his father's family?
?! his father just mentioning that he caught Donghoong and that hyung kissing?!?!?!?! during this meal with his whole family?
omg now Dongjoong lying saying that the girl is his daughter pls idek what's going on I'm so stressed
oh he'd told his father that next week his sister's having her cancer surgery - this was a week before the surgery, so before he was told not to tell the father by his sister
wait Dongjoon's telling David Copperfield that he went to the states in the exchange program as a student but will tell Juho that he regrets not going?
also David Copperfield so similar to Dongjoon himself
oh Maybe Is The Greatest pain is the novel by the Korean-American author who briefly lived in Daegu. I kept wondering if this author would be Dongjoon's hyung but the author name is different I think from MDL hyung's name Edit: actually, MDL doesn't even have the character names lol
oh wait... I'm confused and just realized? is this a different timeline lol? bro I'm so dumb I kept being like I thought this was sci-fi with parallel universes? but this 2020 Autumn is the parallel universes. first one he was at daegu, didn't attend the meal with his father's family, had the conversation with Little Hippo. second time he met this David Copperfield guy and the kid and they'll go on a date and he's not in touch with his niece much but he does go and visit the hospital where his sister's having the operation
in the first one he hadn't gone to the exchange trip in America and had stayed in daegu. in the second one he'd gone to America, come back and stayed in seoul
2020 Autumn, Busan
damn, a son?! who lives with Dongjoon's father in Daegu
this novel will really make its appearance in every timeline - is the author the hyung? wish i remembered his name lol
oh here's the clip I saw on twitter of the baseball scene and sad Dongjoon and the kiss
oof I really just T.T can't deal with parents abandoning kids and it's so T.T
ah this poor kid T.T
ah Dongjoon and mother conversation T.T
I do wonder why Dongjon lost contact with his noona Donghee in this universe
in all these universes, Dongjoon has some sort of foil who reflects himself back to him; first Juho, then David Copperman guy, now his son Minho
ah Dongjoon said Kang Hyun, so that is indeed the hyung's name and that he left for America a year later
ohh I was thinking that these ending 10-15 minutes seem like they don't belong to a specific universe, they're the same in all 3 and Dongjoon narrates that "But all those stories would end the same way. He exists in all parallel universes. He was my universe"
Overall Thoughts
No matter what I think about the story/character/acting in these types of movies like this, along with His (2020), Life: Love On The Line, Your Name Engraved Herein, they make me feel a certain way. Even if I don't cry, some parts make have slightly glassy eyes and my chest constricts with the emotions. These feel human in a specific way and I can't take it always, but these drawn-out, slice-of-life movies where young men are separated and then reunite to be friends/lovers decades later is so good. Also I thought it was funny that I kept waiting for the parallel universes to come into it without realizing when we'd slipped into a different universe lol Also, this whole movie we got to see how Kang Hyun affected Dongjoon but Dongjoon affected Kang Hyun enough for him to write about parallel universes in his novel
Rating: 6.5/10
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michu-writes · 2 years
maybe some hc about Camilo x genreader who is much taller than him :3
A/N: Hello, hello! Sure, thank you for requesting! I'm WAY shorter than Camilo (5'2) so I hope I did this right LMAO
Sorry if this is short!
Warnings/genre: Headcanons, fluff, reader is taller than Camilo
Camilo x gn!taller!reader headcanons
Tumblr media
• Camilo would be kinda chill about it
• A bit jealous, of course. He feels super embarrassed about it
• Felix would reassure him though, and would probably say something in the lines of "It's okay, Camilo. Look at me and your mami, there's nothing wrong!"
• He'd probably make himself taller, it's so cute omg
• If someone said anything about it, he will say "No, it's my real height though!"
• Sometimes he would stand on his tippy toes just to kiss you as well (he gets teased by everyone, pls bare with him-)
• You will have to just bend over to him and give him a kiss instead if he doesn't make himself taller-
• He gets so suprised everytime HAHA
• Acts like he was aware of it though, but you can tell he's lying
• Would literally start stuttering a shit ton
• Also piggy back rides
• He absolutely loves it
• It makes both of you feel so goddam powerful like no joke
• Both you would become a chaotic duo
• He'd scream when he's sitting on your back while you're running
• The other people in town would try to keep you guys calm, but nope.
• Would never happen.
• But anyhow, he thinks it's cool, and it doesn't matter if you're taller than him! He still loves you :>
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