#is this a coma dream
buck-up-buck · 4 months
If anyone needs me i’ll be laying in the middle of the road in the rain for next seven days until 7x10 airs because respectfully ABC, wtaf.
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sharpbutsoft · 4 months
*contemplating my own take on an extremely overdone fandom trope* everyone loves two cakes, everyone wants two cakes, everyone loves two cakes
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buckera · 3 months
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EVAN BUCKLEY + his style over the years ↳ part 17/?
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estbghost · 8 months
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shoutout to mothcpu for saying the real shit
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guardian-angle22 · 15 days
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911: Lone Star | TK & Jonah
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one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
I woke up from a coma and there was an inch long monster eating people. The mayor very helpfully made a music video explaining the situation.
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Even before the episode, while rewatching old seasons, I was just struck by how big an impact Buck’s had on Eddie’s life. 
Like, please, picture this: 
You are Eddie Diaz, ok? An army vet who quite literally just went through an extremely traumatic experience, immediately got left by your wife and in a desperate move to find happiness for you and your son you move across the country to start a new life. 
You are the new guy at work and this man about your age really has it out for you. That’s fine by you. You’ve put up with enough bullshit in the army, you are just here to do your work, it’s harder than that to get under your skin. Plus, this guy seems okay, aside from all the dick measuring, and you’re sure he’ll tire himself out if you just don’t play along. Then, oh surprise, after a single shift you give the guy one compliment and he folds completely, before you know it he’s decided you two are friends. Fine, good. You miss the army’s camaraderie. This will probably be just like that. 
Few weeks in, Christopher comes up. You hesitate because you don’t like talking about your kid with strangers, but you are worried about him being out there alone during the earthquake and there’s really no way to avoid the subject forever. You’re already dreading the pity looks from people who don’t understand this kid is the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Instead, you get a wide smile, “he’s super adorable, I love kids”. In retrospect, you should’ve expected it. What you don’t expect is the way Buck spends the entirety of the shift reassuring you that Chris is alright, even when you’re pretty sure you’ve done nothing to betray your worry (you know better than to panic, it does nothing to help), but Buck seems to notice anyway and keeps sprouting curiosities to reassure you. He even drives you across the torn up town at a reckless speed to make sure you can reach your son as soon as possible. 
Few weeks later, abuela has an accident. Buck drives you to the hospital, even though you could’ve taken a cab to the firehouse to pick up your truck, and goes all the way in with you. He’s a good friend like that. Turns out, he’s a very good friend, because he catches you by surprise calling ahead to let the Cap know you need help with Chris and arranges a whole day of him hanging out with the 118. You didn’t ask for it, and he doesn’t expect so much as a ‘thank you’. 
Next night, he makes a big deal of introducing you to a woman and you are already dreading, once again, the reveal moment when you have to explain that thank you very much but you are still married and really your only priority right now is your son and- wait, that woman is the perfect caretaker that might or might not be the solution you’ve been desperately searching for to get your and your son’s life together.
This guy you just met a few weeks ago has given you friendship, reassurance, company, thoughtful help without you ever asking (you’ve never been good at asking for it) and he’s just sitting there smiling proudly while he helps you possibly assure your kids future.
All of this... it happens in the first FOUR episodes of s2 after Eddie is introduced. No wonder he’s in love ride or die for Buck. Who wouldn’t be?
In a year, they are inseparable. In two years, Eddie makes him Christopher’s legal guardian in case he dies. In three, Buck saves his life. In four they are basically a family and the person Christopher goes to in a panic. Five years in, Buck is in a coma and Eddie Diaz cannot even look at him, cannot picture a world where he’s dead, cannot envision his life without him. 
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cavesalamander · 6 months
Scum Villain fic where Shen Yuan wakes up out of a coma and realizes that he just had a very, very vibrant dream about his boy and that web novel he hatereads.
When he gets back home after observation it's so... surreal. He feels so much older now. He's practically lived a lifetime in that dream, even if only a few months have passed.
His room is so... cringe is the word he wants to use, but he can't help but find his past self endearing about it all. Except that line of thought makes... no sense at all. His past self is just him from a couple months ago.
He decides to check up on the story he'd been dreaming about and finds out that, though there were a dozen more chapters, they had stopped updating completely without warning just a few weeks after his own coma.
(The comments after his coma, a few mention him, calling him out or cheering for him finally giving up on the story. Some people even speculate he might have died.)
His old comments were so embarrassing to read, but there's a part of him that... sees his love for Luo Binghe even in these.
Wait, why is he suddenly okay being gay for this protag??
He thinks he probably shouldn't be quite so chill about it.
He wonders what happened to Airplane. He stops himself from thinking too hard on the possibility it could all have been real. That was ridiculous!!
Meanwhile in the world of the system....
Luo Binghe is flipping OUT. His husband his shizun his beloved just up and went POOF. No trace of him, no clue left behind.
(Or is it worse if he dies? The original goods died that night he qi deviated and was replaced by Shen Yuan, so there's no soul there to replace him. Luo Binghe has had to deal with dead Shizun before but this time it's... different.)
Either way, after a whole lot of everyone flipping out, Shang Qinghua seems to know a little too much about... something.
The truth comes out. Luo Binghe admits he's suspected something like that for a while now, but thats not important. He needs his shizun back, so how..?
Cue dimension hopping shenanigans.
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delta-pavonis · 6 days
do I have to die to hear you miss me?
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Dreamling (canon divergence AU) || rated M (for now) || in progress
CW: Hob in a coma/vegetative state, hospitalization due to car accident, Dream re-living memories, reflective Dream, Dream can see daydreams
When Dream enters the New Inn he is not expecting to see Joanna Constantine, practitioner of magic and the spitting image of her forebear, with her head bowed over a short tumbler of amber liquid. He has not seen her since she assisted him in obtaining his sand. And it is not that he is unhappy to see her per se, but she is sitting in Hob’s usual seat. Even more unexpected, is the wet sheen over her eyes when she looks up at him. “Dream,” her voice actually cracks on his name and that is when he knows that something is extremely, extraordinarily wrong. “It’s Robbie.”
Read on AO3
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cosmicmolotov · 1 month
I love am I wanna give him a lil kiss ><!!
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he made a ladder so you could reach but he won’t admit he liked the affection
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angermango · 3 months
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i see your "Rachel Bronev". i also see all those true and wonderful "Rachel Bronev deserved better/should have lived/could have escaped/could have joined Targent/no fridging etc" takes. and i so bring to you:
Rachel Bronev survives, escapes Targent and becomes the Descole of the AU
TL;DR she heard her husband now runs the cult that kidnapped them and separated them from their children, and she's making that everyone else's problem (but especially Targent's).
i admit i haven't come up with a villain name or a proper set look on her costume yet lol. but she looks fabulous anyway.
(i also call it the "Putting the 'Domestic' in 'Domestic Terrorism' AU" for fun, and because i haven't come up with anything better/funnier to name yet :U)
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moonylouwho · 3 months
something i really do love about weekly releases for episodes is that once an episode has aired, there’s immediately different fanfics written on how people think the next episode will go.
it’s something i don’t think is quite allowed for shows that release all at once, because all of the material is just given to you.
with weekly releases we can speculate on the shooting, the tsunami, the cruise ship, buck coming out, any near-death experience… endless amounts of opportunities for the most unique (and sometimes better than canon) plot lines.
i will forever be thankful for weekly releases.
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911 + Text Posts pt121/?
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tommystummy · 3 months
Coma Dream fic where they met Tommy right before the lightning strike and Buck is still in his Jealousy Era. Buck gets home in Coma World and his parents are still doting over him with Maddie and Daniel also there the Tommy busts through the door and starts worrying over Buck too and Buck’s like ????? Because this is the first firefighter to be in the dream at this point and then Tommy so tenderly kisses his lips in front of his entire family and he just sighs “Tommy…” and Daniel’s like “see guys his memory’s fine he remembers his firefighter boyfriend!”
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chronicowboy · 2 years
Eddie doesn't even bother waiting for the ambulance to come to a complete halt before he's jumping out of the cab, leaving the keys in the ignition and the engine rumbling. He barely hears the click of the handbrake over the blood rushing in his ears, but he couldn't give less of a fuck about a runaway ambulance when the doors open.
As Chim rolls the gurney out, Hen, shaky and ragged, shouts,
Eddie doesn't think. He doesn't make a conscious decision. His body just knows what to do.
Its instinct to interlock his fingers and push all of his body weight into Buck's chest. Its instinct to climb onto the rail of the gurney, so Chim and Hen can push him along as he keeps up chest compressions. Its instinct to ignore the tears burning at the corners of his eyes and whisper broken pleas to Buck's broken heart.
Its an instinct as natural as Eddie's desire to protect Christopher from every miniscule bit of pain the world throws at him. Its an instinct as natural as Eddie's urge to throw himself up an electrified ladder for Buck. Its an instinct as natural as breathing.
So, Eddie pushes.
He pushes and pushes and pushes.
Thinks about a stupid pink and yellow heart with a smiley face and it imagines it under his hands as the first rib breaks.
"Come on, Buck," he hisses. "Don't you dare do this to me."
He pushes and pushes and pushes.
Buck kept the blood sealed in Eddie's body when a bullet tore through his shoulder, the least he can do to return the favour is keep Buck's heart beating.
He'd do it for the rest of his life if he had to.
If Buck trusted him with it, wanted him to have it, Eddie would hold Buck's heart close for eternity.
Given the choice, Eddie would carry that heart with him forever.
Its another instinct that hits him then. One he can't satisfy, but the urge is there all the same.
The urge to rip Buck's heart from his chest and tear open his own ribcage so he can nestle Buck's heart right next to his.
It'd be safe there.
Eddie would make sure of it.
And if it just so happened that Buck's heart refusing to beat stopped Eddie's too, well then, so be it.
He pushes and pushes and pushes.
Another rib breaks.
"I'm sorry," Eddie whispers. "I'm so sorry."
Bobby rattles his stats off to the doctor's swarming around them, but Eddie doesn't hear it anymore than the faint ringing that's been echoing around his head since the lightning threw him to the asphalt.
Its always asphalt, he thinks bitterly. When one of us is hurt and the other can't reach them, its always asphalt sticking to our goddamn skin.
A hand lands on his shoulder, but he shrugs them off.
He pushes and pushes and pushes.
"Sir," the clinical tone raises his hackles, but he doesn't stop pushing. "Sir, let us take over, please."
He pushes and pushes and pushes.
"Please, Buck."
He pushes and pushes and pushes.
Another rib breaks, and Eddie imagines the bone spearing Buck's still heart.
The bile that rises in his throat tastes a lot like bloody words left unsaid.
He pushes and pushes and pushes.
"Eddie." Its Chimney's voice.
"Eddie, let them take over." Hen.
"Eddie," Bobby calls out. Its the broken voice of his captain that makes his rhythm falter for the first time.
He pushes and pushes and pushes.
"Eddie, stop. That's an order."
A thousand ugly words spill onto his tongue, a thousand scathing comments about dead sons and giving up, but Eddie bites them back and instead:
He pushes and pushes and pushes.
"Buck, please."
He freezes, hands on Buck's chest. He thought...
A thump.
An unsteady, weak thump.
But a thump all the same.
Eddie lets his crew peel him from Buck's limp body, lets the doctors roll him away. He steps forward, goes to follow them, but...
The world begins to turn black as the doors swing shut.
The last thing Eddie hears is Buck's voice echoing in his head,
We don't go past the glass doors.
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fellas-is-it-gay · 2 years
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