#is this anything dot wav
pliablehead · 5 months
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i wish the summer was over us in bursts // to become someone brand new in the spring
everything everything final form • another sky i never had control
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sohychocochips · 3 months
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favorite fan — a triple s sohyun fanfic part two
pic cr: pinterest
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synopsis: when you're with your sohy, you feel like it's better than heaven
warning: im still a baby wav! so i don't know much about triple s and etc, still learning. but i saw there is only one fic abt sohyun here so i had to step up ♡♡ also, english is not my first language !!!! pls correct me if i type anything wrong !!!! thank youu ♡♡♡
dinamics: triple s idol sohyun x cute fan f!reader
info: so so much fluff and cute interactions + very suggestive kisses and etc, but nothing explicit
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start reading here:
your date with sohyun was magical, she is truly the princess you deserve, and way better than a prince. you two went to have some ice cream in a cute and pink ice cream shop near your house, she knew you would love the place, it's just so you. she insistis in paying everything and you like that, you like being treated as a baby. you ended up choosing mango sorbet it was your all time favorite favorite, sohyun chooses coffee, cream and chocochip, chocochips remind you of her, because of the dots she has on the face. the ice cream was delicious and talking to her was like a warm hug in a snowy day, you're lost in your thoughts now, thinking you want to cuddle with her so bad.
"are you paying attention to me, huh? baby?" she says, finding you cute, in fact, she thinks everything you do is adorable.
"im sorry! i got distracted" you both just finished your scoops now.
"by what?" she looks at you like she's so in love, you make the same thing, are things going too fast? maybe, but you like it so much
"I was thinking of you" you let your head down, feeling a little awkward.
"baby..." she laughs. she thinks you look like a puppy that just made a mess in the living room feeling the shame, but you did nothing wrong. "what were you thinking about me?" she puts the tip of her fingers in your chin and lift your face, making you look at her.
"I was thinking that you're so confortable I wanna cuddle" you have a sad face on, she kisses your forehead
"great idea my love, i would love to. you live alone, right? maybe we can cuddle in your bed" she says it in a way, how would you explain? flirty and gentle at the same time, you love the way she treats you, but do were a little surprised. "is it okay for you?" she continues.
"yes, you can come whenever you want, sohy" you look at her with the biggest doe eyes.
"you're such a good girl, bun bun" she gives you a lot of kisses on the nose and continue "have you finished?" you say yes and you two walk to your house, the walk was calm and confortable, as always, you two talked about your interest, favorites and etc.
"here is my room" you lead her there as soon as you arrive
"how adorable, love" she hugs you tightely and kisses you on the nose, making you laugh. "it fits you perfectly" she says that looking into your eyes. suddently, she picks you and puts you on your bed, wow, she is strong. and sits next to you. "have you kissed before?" she has her hands on your tighs, underneath your skirt.
"no, i never ... kissed" you get nervous by the way she's looking at you, like a pray. she grabs your face with both hands.
"can i be the first and only one to kiss your pretty and plumped lips that look so yummy in that pink velvet finish lippie?" you don't know why she's talking like that, but you're loving it.
"y- yes" you never been that anxious with her, even when you met. you have a million thoughs on your head and everything stops when she kisses you. it's sweet and slow and your mouths fit perfectly. you feel like it's a dream and you never wanna wake up.
"my lil bunny..." she starts as soon as you separate your lips. "your lips are so yummy, my baby" you like to hear that, as you were afraid to didn't know how to kiss. "do you want more?" you do positive with your head. "i know you're shy, but try to make a full sentence" she smiles at you
"sohy unnie, i want you to kiss me more" you say, in pout and blushing.
"lil bun bun, i would do anything you ask me to with that sweet and soft voice... let's kiss and cuddle all night" she kisses you again. "my favorite fan" she says and continue kissing you till you're sleepy.
tysm for reading till here, this is my first fanfic I hope it's not bad 🥺🥺 I accept any suggestion as long if it's not disconfortable, problematic or smut !
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mini-kairyu · 1 year
My ocs! I finally got around to compiling general info about the main ones I have (there are a LOT of others but they're more like named side character/NPCs that get introduced as the story I have for these guys goes on)
Lemme list off the five I have most developed rn, which form the team .wav(E) (pronounced "dot wave"):
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Bold, brash, but quite cute (her words)
A bit of a firecracker
Her curiosity is as vast as her energy and wit
Has the cutest smile
Left the underground since the Inkantation and had spent a significant time adjusting to the surface culture (long before meeting her buddy Luke)
Has a secret passion for dancing, especially pop and hip-hop (very sharp sense of rhythm)
Lives and dies by Slosher. Until she has to pick up a secondary main in Squeezer too. And Tri-slosher. And Wiper.
Does gardening on the side. There are little succulents dotted around her apartment, about 8 in total
Cooks the most often out of the team, specializes in pan-fried dishes and stews
Likes hot tea (prefers herbal over fruit teas tho)
Had a fruit tea drink one time (it was a peach tea) and didn't like it at all. Had a sourness that detracted from the warmth that she normally likes from drinking hot tea, so she avoids them now
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Captain of the team
Full name 'Cassidy', people usually alternate calling her between the two
Most connections to everything
Level-headed, abundant charisma (puts the rizz in charisma haHA), rarely phased by anything
A big sister of sorts to Cora. Cora took to Cass really well when she recruited her and her friend Luke after random queuing in Salmon Run and the like
Flexes anything, but will mostly stick to Blasters. Has been interested in both Tri-Stringer and Reef-lux as of late tho
Works part time at a boba store (the one where the team gathers together fully for the first time)
The boba shop's name is called Roomba Boba, which has little Squee-G bots that roam around and sometimes deliver drinks or carry napkin holders. Naturally, they're also really good at mopping up spills
Has also had many odd jobs in the past, including being a camp counselor at Camp Triggerfish and [CLASSIFIED]
She's really good with kids, always gave me those peppy young adult/senior-in-high-school vibes that always know how to hype up a crowd
Cooks just as well as Cora, but feels more in tune with baking than cooking. She comes over to her apartment to help make meals sometimes.
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Neighbor and teammate of Cora, whom he develops a firm kinship with since their first encounter at the first team meetup
Also goes by 'Tobes' or 'Tobo'
Looks reserved, but is very easy and sociable to talk with
Did stakeout in the military, and thus has the worst sleep schedule of the team out of habit
Loves tea as well, especially herbal tea. Has a dislike for coffee though.
Favors backliners as per his role on the team, but is also killer with Octobrush and Stamper
Works part-time at Ammo Knights (weapons maintenance)
Gives the best hugs
Enjoys meticulous work such as mechanical tinkering and Gundam building
Likes to take off his glasses when he's eating or needs to decompress
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Cora's Turf and Salmon Run buddy prior to forming .wav(E) with Cass
Favors Brellas
The least composed of the team, screams a lot when jumped in battle
Overall, is one the that gets meme'd on the most lmao
Favorite candy is pop rocks. This information revolts Cora and Tobes.
Likes learning and making mixed drinks in his free time
Incidentally, is the heaviest drinker of the bunch
Microwave dinner degenerate lol
Loves Clam Blitz so much, he'll even play it on his own (pain and misery)
Rooms with a bunch of other rando inklings who aren't home often
Wears nail polish the most often out of all the members (the others like to as well, but not always since they get lazy sometimes)
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Joins very late to the group (about halfway through the gang's Splatoon 3 arc), but signifies a meaningful development for most of the peeps
A reflection of "sweaty try-hards" who complain and tilt over their teammates (Me that was me, for a while....a dark time....)
Sweaty dualies main, is proficient with most dualies
Has a swear and an insult for every time something goes wrong in a match, especially when random queuing
Incidentally, has the biggest potty mouth out of everyone
Has a soft spot for strawberry milk (it calms her down)
Will sit down with a book or even a manga from time to time
Is actually very down to earth outside of league battling and has an overall calm and kind personality, albeit a bit cynical at times
About her encounter with .wav(E): Cass finds her at Roomba Boba one day (the boba shop she works at) and notices her being super down
So she sits with her and listens to her problem. It was a rather personal rmoment for her.
Hira's time in .wav(E) will be crucial to her improvement as a player mentally, not just mechanically, especially considering what happened with her last team
Much of her personal growth is inspired by the time she spends bonding with Cora, who also ends up being positively influenced in various ways
Rumors among the Octarians tell of a battalion that had fallen tragically in a battle with outside factions prior to the Inkantation Inkcident; nearly all members wiped out due to poor negligence and ill preparation. The few that were skilled enough to survive the ordeal moved on to serve and be decorated with honors among their newer ilk. Their festering resentment towards incompetence and inefficiency remained even after liberation, however.
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akhaste · 3 years
Fight!: The excessive fear of accidental plagiarism and the resulting need to check every work I never read vs. the immense fear of accidentally plagiarizing the works i become aware of and resulting need to not read anything ever
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insanitysilver · 4 years
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Great for commutes/while doing chores/etc. Also great for proofreading your own stuff! I made version 1.0 in 2015, but the program I recommended has since switched over to a monthly subscription-base model (boooo). So, here’s my new, still free, 2020 method:
1. Choose and Download Your Fanfic: 
AO3 comes with download options, and of them HTML tends to play the nicest. Viewing then downloading the fic using AO3’s ‘Entire Work’ option will save you some time. Copy and pasting the entire body of the text will works too. For FFN, you’re going to either have to a.) use a third party site to download fics (sketchy) or b.) install a userscript that reenables copy-paste (more labor intensive).
2. Choose Your Text-to-Speech Software: 
First, you’ll need text-to-speech software. There are many options on the market, some free, some not. For this tutorial, we’ll be using Balabolka. A free program made Ilya Morozov in 2010 that he’s continued to update and work on since. It’s Windows-only for now. (Mac and Linux users might want to look into Natural Reader since that’s web-based, though the free version offers less functionality.)
Balabolka Pros:
Can export audio files
Can create multiple custom pronunciation dictionaries!!!
Change pitch and speed of read-aloud voice
Sleep timer!
Very customizable interface
It’s free
Balabolka Cons:
Doesn’t come with additional voices. Only uses default Windows voices + any extra additional ones you’ve installed.
It’s freeware maintained by one man for free, so patches and bug fixes will come slower.
3. Download and Install Balabolka
As of Nov. 17th, 2020, Balabolka’s official website is cross-plus-a (dot) com. Google it. If the site layout changes in the future just check that the bottom still says ‘Copyright © 2006-2020 Ilya Morozov’ so you know you’re in the right place.
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Upon downloading, if you’re using Windows 10 you might get this pop-up:
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Here Windows is checking the program for an EV Code Signing Certificate. Basically, checking its credentials. Getting and keeping an EV Certificate costs the developer(s) ~$100+ yearly, so bc a program doesn’t have one doesn’t inherently mean its not safe. That’s the trade-off for freeware. No money goes in, so no money can go out to get certified. As always, do your due diligence before downloading any program to your computer, and read up on the benefits and risks of freeware if you’re not familiar with them already.  *gets off soap box*
Pressing More Info will allow you to continue installation.
4. Get to Know the Program
Keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle! Upon opening the program you’ll be greeted with this interface. Feel free to open your HTML file or paste some sample text to start playing around with.
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Areas of Note:
These are essentially your voice engine options and will vary computer to computer. Click through the tabs to see where your default voices are stored. If you buy additional voices from a 3rd party they’ll show up here too.
Up under View you can change the font settings and the program’s skins. Nifty.
Meet your new favorite button: The Panel of Dictionaries.
5. Fix the Pronouciations (Optional)
Chances are your fic has internet slang like t/n, or non-english words, or fantasy terms, or maybe just an unusual surname that your voice bank refuses to pronouce correctly. Balabolka makes it quite easy to fix that. I have a more in-depth tutorial for this on my blog.
Balabolka can also switch voices within a single document. This could be useful for differentiating dialogue or forcing correct pronunciation of foreign names if you have voice banks in multiple languages and the original characters at your disposal. Tutorial for that here.
6. Convert Your Fic, And You’re Done!
The hardest part is long since past. Now that you’ve got your settings worked out and the pronunciation as good as it’s gonna get, time to press either ‘Save Audio File’ or ‘Split and Convert to Audio Files’:
Notes about File Types
Mp3 – compressed for smaller file size, pretty universally playable
Mp4 – refined compression, (potentially) even smaller file size, widely accepted, but not universal
WAV – no compression, high quality, large file sizes
For multi-chapter fics:
I highly recommend using ‘Split and Convert to Audio Files’, as trying to export a 100k fic as a sound file takes forever (esp WAVs), and is very unruly to navigate as a listener.
10k words roughly equates to an hour of audio
Pick through the options offered for what suits your needs best. For AO3 HTML files I have good luck picking ‘two empty lines in succession’ if you’re trying to divide by chapter.
Next Balabolka lets you preview the cuts you’re about to make. Truly a kind and forgiving piece of software. I recognize my own chapter titles, so it’s easy for me to uncheck anything that doesn’t belong.
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Fix the settings to your liking on that and BING! Finished! Oh, and whenever you finish a fic remember to go back and leave a review! Sweet reviews make authors write faster!
End Notes:
So the first time takes a bit, but after that you can convert fics in under ten minutes.
A text-to-speech program isn’t going to beat out a real living, breathing narrator. Not this decade anyway. If you find yourself using Balabolka a lot and crave a smoother voice than Microsoft David’s, it might be time to look into buying a 3rd party voice bank. CereProc makes my favorites, and the personal use licenses cost ~$35. Balabolka + a CereProc voice is still much cheaper than most of the other software on the market and honestly outperforms a lot of it. Also throw a donation Ilya Morozov’s way through his website since he’s maintained this program freely for a decade and helped a lot with accessibility through doing so.
Example text is from ‘The Secret Desires of Buddy Valastro’ by perfectcannolis, and thank you to @bearfoottruck​ who informed me about balabolka to begin with.
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themeparkitect · 4 years
Parkitect development in numbers
I always find statistics posts about projects interesting... We’ve been working on this for almost 7 years now, so here’s a bunch of numbers about Parkitect!
Engine: Unity Programming language: C#
Asset folder (the actual “content” of the game): Size: 3.93 GB Files: 35,944 Folders: 1,322
Total project folder (this includes Unity cache files etc): Size: 21.6 GB Files: 364,258 Folders: 2,837 Build duration (all supported platforms together): ~20 minutes (incremental build; a clean build would take 1-2 hours)
Type: Git Size: 3.5 GB Branches: 90 Commits: 13,778 (a “commit” is a change to the game, like for example the addition of a new feature or a bug fix. It can be anything from a single number being changed in the code to the addition of hundreds of new sound files in one go)
Here’s a visualization of all the file changes made during development. Every dot represents a file in the project. A file getting zapped represents a change to that file. Every branch represents a folder in the project (with the folder name being shown as text). The legend on the left side explains what the colors mean, and how many files of a certain type there are in the project. The most important file types are:
cs: C# source code file prefab/asset: Unity data files fbx: 3D model wav/ogg: Audio files
We moved the repository in 2017 which messes up the visualization a bit.
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File changes by release: Campaign: 46,732 Multiplayer: 7,230 Taste of Adventure: 6,404 Booms & Blooms: 5,117
This only includes our own code, not engine or other third-party code
Size: 7.44 MB Files: 2,112 Folders: 138 Lines: 241,156 Biggest files (Top 5): 1.: Park.cs (3,737 Lines, contains a bunch of data + methods related to stuff belonging to the park) 2.: MultiplayerController.cs (2,946 Lines, base class for multiplayer related code) 3.: TrackBuilder.cs (2,461 Lines, handles most of the track building UI) 4.: TrackSegment.cs (2,335 Lines, contains methods for positioning trains and connecting multiple segments to a full track) 5.: Attraction.cs (2,192 Lines, base class for handling user interactions when building things in the game)
Lines of code by topic (Top 4): 1.: Attractions (40,828 Lines) 2.: UI (35,915 Lines) 3.: People AI (13,607 Lines) 4.: Multiplayer (11,123 Lines)
3D models: Size: 221.49 MB Files: 2,276 Textures: Size: 227.07 MB Files: 961
Sound files: Size: 2.52 GB Files: 4,789
Updates released on Steam: 533 (in addition to the regular monthly updates we like to patch immediately if there’s anything that might be inconvenient for players. There’s also many non-public updates though for testers)
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sneezebingo · 4 years
Welcome to the Sneeze Bingo Tumblr page! Here, you can request a bingo card filled with prompts centered around sneezing. You can find the list of prompts HERE. You can request a bingo card HERE.
If you have a question about a prompt, the process, what you can do with the Bingo cards, or anything else, ask. With the prompts, they are largely left up to whatever interpretation you desire, but if you’re confused you can ask about how I interpret them.
If you have any ideas for more prompts, PLEASE send them!
Once you have your bingo card, you can start filling right away! Writing, art, scenarios, wavs - whatever you want to create from these prompts, we welcome! If you tag your post with #sneezebingo, we’ll reblog them here. You can post your prompt creations anywhere (they’re your creations after all!). I do ask that if you repost the bingo card itself, you credit this blog.
EDIT: If you post something, please also tag the blog @sneezebingo! Tumblr tags are finicky and don’t always show up, and I don’t want to miss anything!
*This blog is inspired by bad/things/happen/bingo dot tumblr dot com. You’ll find their influences in things like the form, layout, and concept. I’m not tagging them since this is a kink space, but please know this blog would not exist without them!*
Despite sometimes using the pronoun “we,” this blog is run by a single mod: @perennialsoft (I will most likely be the one to submit your card to your blog). I use they/them pronouns and go by the name Yellow on here.
Since I, the only mod, am 18+, I’m restricting this blog to people who are over the age of 18. Even indirectly, I feel uncomfortable sharing a kink space with minors. If you’re a minor and want a bingo card, you can make your own if you like; I just ask you don’t tag this blog/interact with us.
**There are regular periods where I’m not online, so it may take a bit for your bingo card to come in once requested.
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qanishque · 4 years
fake it till you make it.
i was always into music. there's something mystical about it. the sound of bright white keys, a brown wooden guitar with nylon strings, humanized white noise, and you got yourself a jazz record. i started making music around 2012 when the world saw an uprising of electronic music but specifically dubstep. you know who i'm talking about. skrillex changed everything. for me, he is the greatest musician of 21st century. i'm gonna touch his feet when i meet him, lol. although my taste has developed (& changed) a lot since, yet scary monsters was the most polarising work of art i've come to appericiate. he reinvented rock n roll the way jim morrison predicted in 1969. so i actively started producing and by mid 2013, i was convinced that i was a musical prodigy (extreme lol). i prepared 4 tracks (covers) with all the arrangements and me & my brother booked a pretty cheap 2-hour studio session. we were going to sing these songs, make a video and become a youtube star the next day (gotta love my childlike optimism). oh i forgot, the songs were very badly produced & over-compressed since i didn't know what compression did (nor did i know anything about other technical aspects of music production). for a second, it felt kinda nice listening to something i produced on big speakers with all the surround sound. the guy in the studio seems to be impressed (well, why shouldn't he be. didn't i mention i was a child prodigy). cool, we're ready. i ask my brother to get into the recording booth and i hit record (imagine the sound of metronome followed by cute metaphorical farts). oh my fucking god! i think i was trying to hide my tears, it was that bad. not because my brother wasn't singing well (which he obviously wasn't), but because he was (& still is) better singer than me. we had to complete each song within half-hour and here we were recoding the same verse over and over. how can my brother not remember the words and timing, maybe he is not a genius like me. i ask him to come back and i went in. i started singing and then i understood. it was intimidating and a very eye-opening moment for me. i was not ready (as a singer or a producer). i sucked. well not that much, we were still better than an average person. but i stopped singing entirely. i never really enjoyed the timbre of my own voice untill recently. so we completed the two hours with two fully recorded songs. we had chai with the engineer in the studio while listening to our mix and i asked him whether he thought the songs were any good. believe me, my ego was not ready for an honest answer. yet when he spoke, he said "it's cool! it can be better if it's professionally mixed and mastered". i swear, that was the first time i had heard the word "mastering". what does that even mean? i thought he was trying to make more money from us. i told him (with all my pretentious confidence) that i'll take care of it and then i googled it the same night. man, now i'm so glad that i did not ask him to help me that day. i think the phrase "fake it till you make it" perfectly describes this story. assuming that i knew everything i needed to know at that time made me learn even more since when you actually get to work, you fail quickly. i still have those two songs in my old hard drive & nothing can make me cringe more than those two wav files. but the dots always connect when you're looking backwards. enjoy!
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Online Voice Recorder
There are Thousands of Android applications which are providing the facility to record your voice note or use for voice artists. There are many problems with them regarding ads and storage space for app also uses ram for running. No Doubt, also websites are providing online voice recording facility but there browsing speed or may any other error can occur.
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We are providing online voice recorder service. Now, you can record your voice with your microphone by following simple steps. It would be better experience to record your voice online with our voice recorder. As it also offers you to cut, edit and crop your voice after recording. You can save these files after editing or recording into your computer in mp3 or other format. It will help you in a way to reduce your efforts for downloading an app and wait for it’s completion then recording. No need to waste your ram with overloaded apps and slowdown your pc or Android with ads.
Our website is providing you attractive and easy interface to meet your requirements with the best online voice recorder. Procedure of recording voice is also mentioned there but you can follow this article also for guidelines.
·       Just open website and connect your microphone.
·       Click on the red dot to start recording.
·       Then save it into your desired format and download it to share or use.
Recording your voice with our website would give you a better user experience without any interruption of sounds and quality. Don’t worry about your privacy of data.  We will provide you the end to end encryption for your data. Your voice recordings won’t be shared to anyone or save on servers. It is also a best voice recorder for voice artists. As if you use a better microphone with strong internet connection, this recorder would enhance your recorded sound quality with its amazing features.
Another benefit of this website is that no need to purchase a monthly subscription or anything to use its tools. It’s total free of cost and easier to use. Its amazing features doesn’t require any further plugin or software to use it. You can save your recordings in a variety of file formats. Includes: MP3, WAV, OGG, WMA, M4R.It also provide the complete functionality like data size wave form etc.
Our online voice recorder does not require any special browser or system. It can work on any browser and any system. Now recording your voice online is a way of comfort for your PC or Android RAM. Its all about your ease to make your choice our online recorder. There is only two page in our website one for recording and another for editing with complete tools. So it’s an easier way for all of us to record voice and make ringtone type sounds.
So, if you need to record sound, do not want to download software, nor do you want to upload your sound data to others. I don't want to spend money on software. You can use this free website https://voice-recorder-online.com
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How To Convert M4a To WAV? (Or Anything That FL Can Open)
Wav to MP3,MP2,WMA , WAV, OGG, APE, AAC(utilized by iTunes),FLAC(lossless compression),MP4,M4A, MPC(MusePack),AC3,TTA,ofr(OptimFROG),SPX(Speex),Ra(Real audio), and WavePack. Beneath Mac OSXaiff information are displayed at compact disk. These files could also be copied as common sound files. However these information accommodates AIFF-C lossless format. It have inverse order of audio bytes, than typical AIFF. AIFF-C may be converted to AIFF without losses. Beneath is an in depth guide on the way to reduce WAV file size with the above talked about three methods. This guide additionally applies to compress AIFF, AU, APE, MP3, PCM, DTS, Apple Lossless, RA, WMA, AAC, AC3, FLAC, OGG, CAF, and and so on.
WAV audio file format is a straightforward uncompressed format. Because of its nature of the uncompressed, WAV file usually takes up lots of useless storage space, and is not financial for transferring over the internet. At the same time, uncompressed means it has lossless quality, for those who care high quality over file size, it's extra preferable for professionals or businessmen for increased high quality. As a consequence of its simplicity nature, it has better compatibility and can be extra simply manipulated and edited, so it's way more universal and broadly used than other codecs. The right way to decode WAV to MP3 and vise versa? The next are detailed steps on the right way to neatly decode WAV to MP3. And the steps also apply to the conversion of MP3 to WAV. When every little thing is prepared, click "Convert" to start converting WMA recordsdata to MP3. When the process is end, you may play WMA information on Mac with out error. In case your LAPTOP has already put in iTunes, it is also served as a M4A file to WAV converter. Then comply with the steps that you just need for the conversion. With Free M4a to MP3 Converter you'll be able to convert any MPEG-4 based mostly audio files into the extra normal formats MP3 and WAV to play them anywhere. Word: iTunes doesn't delete the M4A while you convert it to MP3. Both will remain in your iTunes library. Compared with WMA format, MP3 is considered to have poor sound high quality in low bitrates, especially less than sixty four kbps. As well as, MP3 makes use of a bit more cupboard space. To WAV Converter can encode 1000's of information at a time. You'll be able to drop an limitless variety of recordsdata and folders for conversion. The appliance will replicate folders construction, provide you with detailed conversion progress info, and recommendation when conversion of all files is finished. Knowledgeable free online audio converter software that can convert WAV to MP3, WMA to MP3, OGG to MP3, MP3 to WMA, WAV to WMA and extra. Using this software you too can break up and merge audio which is an added advantage. Pretty good mp3 converter which you could undoubtedly strive. Complete Audio Converter is accessible for obtain. You may obtain the trial version and use it for 30 days, after which you'll be able to both take away it from your computer or buy the registered model and get all the upgrades for free. REAPER can import more kinds of file formats than it could actually render. This means it can not create files in as many file formats as it may open. For instance, if in case you have aWMV file, it is possible for you to to open it with REAPER, however you will have to render the audio as a file format other thanWMV. WAV to MP3 audio conversion will begin automatically after add. When putting in the utility a feature that comes in very useful is including it into the context menu to simply convert single audio recordsdata. It's the instrument that turns out to be useful to handle the encoding capabilities of this instrument. Moreover, you can entry the options menu to an extent that you'll be able to cope with the output file in just a few clicks. In the conversion process, you may access the frequency fee, channel bit as well as the bits per second. It's a device that may additionally help a number of modifying functions ultimate for audio file formats. You also have an opportunity to put the audio tracks in each folders and subfolders for simple dealing with and management. Generally, this is a easy device that helps the conversion process for the WAV file format. If some compression is needed to maximize use of cupboard space, but audio high quality is still important,FLAC is often a very good voice. AlthoughFLAC isn't appropriate with some common media gamers,FLAC information can later be transformed to another lossless file format that extra programs can open, without dropping audio can be used by each REAPER and Audacity, the two audio modifying applications out there at VPL's Inspiration Lab. If you select lossy codecs (MP3 or AAC) the minimum bitrate setting you need to use for music is 160 kbps, although 256 kbps is probably to be most well-liked - and in use on an iPod is unlikely to be distinguishable from WAV or http://www.audio-transcoder.com/How-to-convert-m4A-files-to-wav AIFF (or Apple Lossless). For speech 128 kbps and even 64 kbps can be utilized because the bitrate if most popular. Tell Zamzar where you want to receive your converted MP3 file. A Waveform Audio File Format (WAV, m4a to wav online pronounced Wave") is a raw audio format created by Microsoft and IBM. WAV recordsdata are uncompressed lossless audio , which might take up fairly a bit of house, coming in around 10 MB per minute. For transcription purposes, MP3 is the most optimal selection, especially for lengthy recordings. It will each scale back the size of the file and in flip cut back the uploading time, in case you choose to add it to our web site for transcription.Equally I don't want to convert utilizing a constant bitrate, equivalent to 320k, as a result of some of the recordsdata I'm changing are 320k m4a's and some are as low quality as 96k m4a's. Convert an audio phase or extract an audio section from a video file to 1 or a number of formats. There are many audio codecs on the market. The commonest of them are such formats as MP3 (MPEG-2 Audio Layer III) and WAV. The format sort normally corresponds to the file extension (the letters within the file name after the dot, for examplemp3,wav,ogg,wma).
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darbysteffey-blog · 5 years
Exporting To ITunes
Convert AIFF to MP3. Step 2 - Open Output Format drop-down list on the appropriate, choose "MP3" profile beneath Audio Tab. Step four. When completed, you can proper click theaiff file once more and choose Get Information to know the property of the file or select Show in Finder to open the folder that saves the transformed AIFF information. Step 2: Click on on the "Import Utilizing" drop down menu to choose "MP3 Encoder". You possibly can verify the choice in the primary preferences panel. Choose the bitrate and other setting for the output MP3 files. The higher charges imply higher quality, but bigger file sizes. Methodology 2: Click on the "Add files" button to add AIFF information to iDealshare VideoGo. Step 1: Click on "File" or "URL" button to change native file or online file. Click on "Select file" button to select an AIFF file on your computer or enter a web based file URL. There can be a lack of high quality, however the difference can be negligible to most listeners using normal speakers or headphones. If you happen to're an audiophile, then along with having costly audio tools, you're probably never going to use the MP3 format anyway. You should utilize the App to transform your tracks in your laptop. It is native to most of our computer systems (even COMPUTER users today) nevertheless it converts by default to AAC, so make sure to both learn up on AAC or change your preferences to create a MP3. We'll do a whole other submit on MFiT (Mastered for iTunes) and distributing on iTunes very soon.
Step 2: Set MP3 as output audio format. Your transformed file would look just like this. This compares to the tip results of your one word one intrument MP3 file transformed to MIDI. The blue traces and dots signifies factors from where the drawing can be modified with out lack of resolution or high quality. One other default AIFF to MP3 Converter is Windows Media Participant, which you can use this system to change the video formats with out putting in another program. MediaHuman Audio Converter is brilliant. It's so good to seek out really well developed software - so intuitive and due to this fact a pleasure to make use of. I've been looking at audio converters for some time now and not found anything that comes even close to your nice product. I have been involved in software program development all my life and rarely see software program that gets the user's experience 'excellent' Audio Converter does precisely that. Congratulations. Fre:ac is a free graphical audio converter. It is available for Home windows, MacOS X, Linux, and different operating systems. While not listed on the website or throughout the product, it does assist converting from AIFF (I've done it). It might probably convert to several codecs together with MP3 (it makes use of LAME MP3). Step 2: Choose goal audio format as MP3. In fact, it additionally helps WAV, WMA, OGG, AAC, AU, FLAC, M4A, and many others. The default foobar aiff to mp3 audio is just not one uncompressed file format, and MP3 is uncompressed file format, so for a similar audio or music, one AIFF audio file will bigger than the identical audio MP3 file. The file extension for the standard AIFF format isaiff oraif. For the compressed variants it is presupposed to beaifc, butaiff oraif are accepted as effectively by audio applications supporting the format, so the default program output file is standard AIFF format.You can too convert present information to a unique format. Now that you've changed the import format, let's convert your current playlist songs from AIFF to MP3. When you convert files, iTunes creates duplicates of the chosen songs and changes the format of the duplicates. I am getting sick of playing mp3. I know this is a never ending discussion but I decided to vary my entire library into AIFF recordsdata.The brief answer is sure, if it's done by a good service supplier. There are two main safety concerns to remember earlier than you employ file conversion software program. The primary is the protection of your computer. Most online file converters require you to upload the file to a server. Then the service, typically, sends you an e mail with an executable file connected. Once you download and run an executable file, there's a chance it might carry a virus or malware. The identical pitfalls exist for a desktop conversion software program that requires you to download the appliance. If the software developer doesn't have contact types or a good About Us web page, be wary.Discover that you've two versions of each song. The songs withaif extensions are the AIFF format recordsdata that were exported from GarageBand. The songs withmp3 extensions are the recordsdata that were transformed in iTunes. MediaHuman Audio Converter là ứng dụng chạy trên các thiết bị sử dụng hệ điều hành Mac OS X và Windows, hỗ trợ người dùng chuyển đổi các tập tin âm nhạc hoàn toàn miễn phí sang các định dạng MP3, AAC, WMA, FLAC, WAV, OGG hay AIFF hay Apple Lossless, cùng nhiều định dạng khác.
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prettiwaves · 6 years
trident task 5: the basics
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Basic Character Questions
First name? Waverly 
Surname? Keating
Middle names? Amelia 
Nicknames? Waves, Wav
Date of birth? August 3rd, 1994
Age? 24 
Physical / Appearance
Height? 5′2″
Weight? 110 lbs 
Build? thin
Hair color? blonde 
Hair style? straight with bangs 
Eye color? hazel 
Eye Shape? big 
Glasses or contact lenses? none 
Distinguishing facial features? lips & jaw 
Which facial feature is most prominent? eyes 
Which bodily feature is most prominent? ass 
Other distinguishing features? big fan of makeup
Skin? pale as hell 
Hands? thin fingers with lots of small marks from poking herself with a needle
Make up? always, generally a natural look with darker eyes 
Scars? looks like a crescent moon behind her left ear 
Birthmarks? an array of dots on her right hip bone 
Tattoos? none 
Physical handicaps? none 
Type of clothes? handmade and very fit to her style, she enjoys lace on the highkey
How do they wear their clothes? confidently
What are their feet like? everything has to look perfect, clean shoes and clean feet 
Race / Ethnicity? American 
Mannerisms? blunt in her words and actions 
Are they in good health? yes 
Do they have any disabilities? no
What words or phrases do they overuse? 
Do they have a catchphrase? no, way too corny 
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? depends on the day 
Are they introverted or extroverted? extroverted 
Do they ever put on airs? absolutely, all throughout her life 
What bad habits do they have? not the cleanest when it comes to her villa 
What makes them laugh out loud? terrible jokes, bad movies, people she likes 
How do they display affection? physically first of all and then she’ll be very attentive 
Mental handicaps? she was never diagnosed, but definitely has ADHD
How do they want to be seen by others? perfect 
How do they see themselves? very flawed 
How are they seen by others? closed-off 
Strongest character trait? confidence and loyalty to her family
Weakest character trait? moments of doubt in herself 
How competitive are they? not generally unless they feel threatened 
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? snap judgments but they can be convinced 
How do they react to praise? very well
How do they react to criticism? they’ll act like it’s fine and they don’t care and then think a lot about it later 
What is their greatest fear? losing someone she loves 
What are their biggest secrets? the way her parents treated her and the things she did to get by growing up 
What is their philosophy of life? survive and enjoy it while you do 
When was the last time they cried? like 3 days ago 
What haunts them? the possibility of seeing her parents again 
What are their political views? anti-royals 
What will they stand up for? girl power 
Who do they quote? no one, come up with your own sayings 
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? depends on the day 
What is their sinful little habit? love that sex 
What sense do they most rely on? touch 
How do they treat people better than them? she doesn’t consider anyone better than her 
How do they treat people worse than them? she also doesn’t consider anyone worse than her 
What quality do they most value in a friend? openness 
What do they consider an overrated virtue? patience 
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? her neediness 
What is their obsession? definitely sex 
What are their pet peeves? people that chew with their mouth open 
What are their idiosyncrasies? always fixing her outfit or hair 
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? her twin brother and older brother 
What is their perception of family? her brothers 
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? yes ^^^ 
Describe their best friend. her twin, literally know everything about each other and are definitely connected on another level 
Ideal best friend? she already has that 
Describe their other friends. her crew and people that she can stand to be around 
Describe their acquaintances. people that don’t seem to be too awful 
Do they have any pets? no 
Who are their natural allies? people with good taste that aren’t annoying 
Who are their surprising allies? people from completely different backgrounds 
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child? very sickly as a baby, always smaller than most her age growing up but always energetic 
Did they grow up rich or poor? very very poor 
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? very very neglected 
What is the most offensive thing they ever said? that’s the ugliest dick i’ve ever seen in my life 
What is their greatest achievement? becoming a pirate 
What was their first kiss like? gross and wet 
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? left them 
What are their ambitions? she would love to have her own clothing line 
What advice would they give their younger self? you’re stronger than anyone will ever think you are
What smells remind them of their childhood? fried food 
What was their childhood ambition? to be an actress 
What is their best childhood memory? the day her brothers and her skipped school and went to the fair 
What is their worst childhood memory? any time their parents were especially abusive 
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? no 
When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? when she didn’t get to see her brothers for christmas 
What past act are they most ashamed of? sleeping with people for money 
What past act are they most proud of? joining neptune’s rage 
Has anyone ever saved their life? yes 
Strongest childhood memory? throwing a fit when her brother and her weren’t in the same class in second grade until they put them together 
Do they believe in love at first sight? no 
Are they in a relationship? yes 
How do they behave in a relationship? very sexually 
When did you character last have sex? yesterday 
What sort of sex do they have? all the kinds 
Has your character ever been in love? yes 
Have they ever had their heart broken? yes 
How do they respond to a threat? with threats of her own 
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? tongue 
What is your character’s kryptonite? the people she love s
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? ipad with all her sketches 
How do they perceive strangers? threats 
What do they love to hate? annoying people 
What are their phobias? snakes 
What is their choice of weapon? knife 
What living person do they most despise? her parents and her elementary school principal 
Have they ever been bullied or teased? yes 
Where do they go when they’re angry? anywhere near water 
Who are their enemies and why? anyone that’s trying to bring harm to anyone she loves 
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job? boatswain 
What do they think about their current job? love it 
What are some of their past jobs? escort, ice cream shop, cheer coach 
What are their hobbies? design 
Educational background? some highschool 
Intelligence level? smart when she applies herself 
Do they have any specialist training? nope 
Do they have a natural talent for something? design and sewing 
Do they play a sport? Are they any good? cheerleading and gymnastics and yes 
What is their socioeconomic status? middle class 
What is their favorite animal? lion 
Which animal to they dislike the most? snakes 
What place would they most like to visit? greece 
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? the sun rise 
What is their favorite song? sweet creature - harry styles 
Music, art, reading preferred? yes, art then music then reading, it’s hard for her to sit down for an extended period of time 
What is their favorite color? pink 
What is their password? bubbles17
Favorite food: anything chinese 
What is their favorite work of art? the scream 
Who is their favorite artist? Coco Chanel 
What is their favorite day of the week? friday 
What is in their fridge: all fresh food 
What is on their bedside table? glass of water and her ipad 
What is in their car? don’t have one 
What is in their bin? condoms 
What is in their purse or wallet? makeup 
What is in their pockets? phone
What is their most treasured possession? necklace her brothers gave her for her sixteenth birthday 
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? older brother 
Do they believe in the afterlife? unsure 
What are their religious views? god is a dick 
What do they think heaven is? a lot of sex 
What do they think hell is? a lot of fire 
Are they superstitious? no
What would they like to be reincarnated as? a bird 
How would they like to die? peacefully and not alone 
What is your character’s spirit animal? lion 
What is their zodiac sign? Leo 
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? taking everything of love 
What is their view of ‘freedom’? safety 
When did they last lie? can’t remember 
What’s their view of lying? too much effort 
When did they last make a promise? two weeks ago 
Did they keep or break their last promise? so far so good 
Daily life
What are their eating habits? natural and healthy as can be but with a strong sweet tooth 
Do they have any allergies? none 
Describe their home. modern and generally neat except for a few articles of clothing here and there or magazines piled up or notebooks
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? generally a minimalist 
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? shower 
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? sex 
What do they do on a Friday night? drinking and sex 
What is the soft drink of choice? anything with alcohol 
What is their alcoholic drink of choice? tequila or vodka 
What is their character archetype? Popular Bitch 
Who is their hero? Coco Chanel 
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? audrey hepburn 
Are they comfortable with technology? yes 
If they could save one person, who would it be? their twin 
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? their twin 
What is their favorite proverb? Never half ass two things. Whole ass one thing. 
What is their greatest extravagance? her designs 
What is their greatest regret? not leaving sooner 
What is their perception of redemption? obtainable 
What would they do if they won the lottery? buy her siblings three huge houses right next to each other and start her clothing line 
What is their favorite fairytale? cinderella 
What fairytale do they hate? ariel 
Do they believe in happy endings? unsure 
What is their idea of perfect happiness? being with the few people she loves 
What would they ask a fortune teller? if she’s doing the right thing
If your character could travel through time, where would they go? to the future to see what it looks like 
What sport do they excel at? cheer/gymnastics 
What sport do they suck at? running 
If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? flying 
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dipulb3 · 3 years
Vizio M21D-H8 offers huge sound from a single bar
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/vizio-m21d-h8-offers-huge-sound-from-a-single-bar/
Vizio M21D-H8 offers huge sound from a single bar
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In my reviews, soundbars that include subwoofers often sound better than standalone soundbars with no subs, for one obvious reason: more bass. The subwoofer adds lots of low-end impact and creates a fuller sound, but those big bass boxes take up lots of room. What if you want a speaker that generates a big soundfield and good bass, but only uses the space in front of your TV? The Vizio M21D-H8 makes a great case for the single speaker system — it sounds huge yet remains relatively compact. 
Impressive sound from a single unit
Great for TV shows and music, too
Two HDMI inputs
Supports Dolby Digital, DTS and DTS Virtual:X
Don’t Like
Costs almost as much as the better sounding Vizio V21
No deep bass to speak of
The Vizio’s sound quality is a huge step above a television’s, which you’d expect, and set my toes tapping. It sounds good with most movies and music and is relatively easy to set up. Unlike almost any other single bar near this price the Vizio M21 includes two HDMI ports, which really boosts its flexibility. And there’s Bluetooth streaming your music as well.
At $150 the M21 is relatively affordable, although it doesn’t deliver the visceral bass of as subwoofer-equipped units around this price, such as the Creative Stage V2 or Vizio’s own V21. If you’re looking to ditch the subwoofer, however, there’s nothing in this price range that can challenge the Vizio M21 for compact size, excellent features and full sound. 
Going to a single bar
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Ty Pendlebury/CNET
Soundbars aren’t typically known for their sleekness but I found the Vizio M21D-H8’s trapezoidal design quite striking. Call it a Toblerone if you like, I certainly do, but Vizio clearly doesn’t care. While it looks similar to the SB362An-F6 it replaces, the design has been simplified — the little triangles on one side are now replaced by a single Vizio logo, for example. On the other end are buttons for volume, source selection and Bluetooth.
This sound bar is 36 inches long and is designed to sit in front of your TV — provided you have enough clearance for its 2-inch height — or it can be mounted on the wall (with two keyhole ports) to point outward into your room. It includes six drivers comprising of two woofers, twin tweeters and a pair of 3-inch onboard “subwoofers.” There is no subwoofer output, however, so you can’t add a separate sub later.
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The M21 features a series of white LEDs denoting volume and EQ
Ty Pendlebury/CNET
The front of the cloth-covered cabinet includes a colored LED to denote the input as well as a series of white LEDs for volume. It’s a lot better than the old system, which was virtually incomprehensible, but still not as clear as an actual alphanumeric display, for example.
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Ty Pendlebury/CNET
The rear has a scooped-out section for the inputs alongside two keyholes for wall-mounting. The biggest upgrade on the original, and perhaps the reason behind the $30 price bump, is the addition of two HDMI ports: HDMI in and HDMI ARC. While some people use their TVs as a switch, the additional HDMI is useful if, say, you use your smart TV for streaming and want to add a second device, like a gaming console. The soundbar also includes optical audio for hooking up your TV, two 3.5mm analog ports with one for a voice assistant like the Amazon Echo Dot, and a USB port for playing MP3s and WAVs from a thumb drive. 
The Vizio has both Dolby and DTS decoding, which is impressive for a sound bar at any price, plus it has DTS Virtual:X, which is designed to simulate sound coming from around and above you, and that works especially well.
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Ty Pendlebury/CNET
The remote offers powerful levels of control for a cheap soundbar, with volume plus two bands of EQ and an input selector. The back of the remote helpfully includes a color code chart of the inputs.
How does it sound?
The M21’s audio quality was very good overall, although is lack of bass compared to subwoofer-equipped units came through in my comparisons. 
As I’ve found with previous soundbars featuring DTS Virtual:X, this technology really helps fill a room with lifelike sound. Head to head against a soundbar that doesn’t have it, like the Creative Stage V2, the differences are obvious. The Vizio was easy to lose physically while watching blockbuster movies, while the Creative’s sound always seemed like it was coming from the cabinet.
The Vizio’s expansive soundstage was immediately obvious during the lobby scene in The Matrix. After Neo (Keanu Reeves) trips the metal detector and decorates the marble-walled room with garlands of lead, a single soldier shouts “Freeze” (1.42:09)  The shout and its slow decay filled the room in a way the Creative couldn’t. Yet the Creative was able to articulate the explosions and bass-led soundtrack that the subwoofer-less Vizio missed.
Compared against the Vizio V21, another unit with a subwoofer, the M21’s openness and relative lack of bass were once again apparent. The M21 sounded more vibrant during the lobby scene, even if it couldn’t match the V21 for impact. That deep bassline popped up now and again on the single bar when there wasn’t anything else happening, but I heard it full throttle with the V21. 
One thing you don’t often get from a budget soundbar, even one with Bluetooth, is affinity with music, yet the Vizio held its own with a number of different genres. It was able to present vocals with convincing articulation, and make the instrumentation coalesce as one unit. 
With the chill anthem Lebanese Blonde by Thievery Corporation, for example, the Vizio sounded smooth through the bass and midrange even if it lacked the oomph other soundbars get with a separate sub. On the Creative Stage V2 music was tight and a bit more thrilling, although it demonstrated one of the potential weaknesses of these kind of systems — the lower mids seemed to be missing. As a result the song came across as a little thin sounding.
Should you buy it?
The Vizio M21 is an excellent single-bar system with plenty of connectivity and a sophisticated, subtle design. I know of no other single bar that costs less than $200 that offers as much. 
That said, it’s cannibalized by the existence of the company’s own M21: at $150 the V21 is comparatively too much. While it’s regularly on sale for $120, and is $116.22 at Amazon right now, a lot of places sell it for full price. For the same $150 you can buy the V21, and it comes with a wireless subwoofer, so if it’s a choice between the two get the V21 instead. Similarly the $109 Creative Stage V2 offers a separate sub which also lifts its performance, and bargain hunters looking to extract the maximize performance for the littlest amount of money should get (the) Creative.
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Samsung Spotify Free
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In addition, U.S. Consumers buying the new Galaxy S10 will qualify for six months of free Spotify Premium access if they’re new customers, Spotify said. Now you can easily install Spotify Premium in your android device whether it is Samsung, Google Pixel, Nexus, LG, OPO, Xiaomi, Huawei etc. Works on Galaxy S2.
Samsung Spotify Free Trial
Spotify Premium Samsung
On the watch, go to the Samsung music icon. Click on the 3 dots on the right side, click on the Music player Icon, scroll down to Spotify and click on the Spotify dot. Come out and go to Galaxy App Store on your watch and then search Spotify. It appears and I have just downloaded it to my watch.
Open the Spotify app preloaded on your Samsung Galaxy Note20 5G or Note20 5G Ultra, Galaxy S20 5G, S20+ 5G, S20 Ultra 5G, Galaxy Z Flip, Galaxy A51, or Galaxy A71 5G. Log in or create an account, and tap the ‘Premium’ tab on the bottom of your screen to learn how you could get your first six months of Spotify Premium for free.
Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs. Spotify is all the music you’ll ever need. Listening is everything - Spotify.
The company also announced a new promotion that offers a free six-month Spotify Premium subscription to new Galaxy S10 owners, although there are a few caveats. The free Premium offer only works.
Most importantly, Spotify is now free on your Android phone and tablet and play any song, artist, album, or playlist in shuffle mode. Even if you have used Spotify on your laptop to save songs and playlists, you can access all your saved songs and playlists right on Android app.
Some things, while great on their own, are even better together. Think cookies and milk, Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus, and Spotify and Samsung. Spotify was named Samsung’s go-to music service provider in 2018. Since then, the partnership has expanded to create an even better experience for users, culminating in made-for-Spotify integrations on Samsung’s newest devices. Now that’s a match made in music heaven.*
Spotify comes preinstalled on millions of new Samsung devices globally. That means users can start playing their favorite music and podcasts as soon as they start up their new devices. And the latest integrations on the Galaxy S20, Galaxy Z Flip, and Galaxy Buds+—just revealed at Samsung Unpacked—provide more ways than ever to play, share, and listen to Spotify.
Here’s what users can look forward to.
Samsung Galaxy Buds+ x Spotify
Whether you’re on the train, in the car, or still rushing out the door, you can start Spotify with a single touch on the new Samsung Galaxy Buds+. That’s thanks to the latest update rolling out soon to Android devices. Just put on your Buds+ and get the tunes playing with a simple long press. We’ll start playing wherever you left off—or, if you weren’t listening to anything, you’ll hear something new that we think you’ll like. Not feeling it? Press again and we’ll dig up something just for you.
Samsung keyboard integration
Ever heard a new song that you just had to share with friends? Soon it will be easier than ever to quickly search and share music from Spotify. That’s because Spotify will be integrated directly into the Samsung keyboard. Songs, albums, and playlists are sent through a generated link that, once tapped, brings you directly to Spotify or to a page to sign up for an account.
Samsung Clock
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The Spotify integration into the Clock app from Google™ has been a hit, and soon, the latest Samsung devices will also allow users to wake up to their favorite music and podcasts. Simply go into your phone’s built-in clock app, set an alarm, tap the Spotify logo, and choose what you want to wake up to. Spotify Premium users will be able to choose any song, playlist, or podcast. Free users can also use this integration and choose their wakeup jams in shuffle mode.
Bixby Routines
The latest Spotify integration with Bixby Routines can soon help you play the perfect playlist for every part of your day. Bixby Routines lets you pick what you like to listen to when you make dinner, hit the gym, commute to work, or otherwise go about your day, making sure you have the right soundtrack for every moment.
Get ready to listen to Spotify on your new Samsung devices like never before. The Samsung Galaxy S20, Galaxy Z Flip, and Samsung Galaxy Buds+ come out in March 2020.
*Update March 6, 2020: Now, you may be eligible to get six months of Spotify Premium for free on select Samsung Galaxy mobile devices. The offer is available to users who have not already tried Premium. Offer available in the U.S. beginning on March 6 2020; and in Germany and Italy beginning on March 13 2020, France and UK to come. May vary by region and carrier. For eligibility requirements and additional details, see Terms and Conditions.
2019 is the first year that Samsung released three Notes at the same time including Galaxy Note 10, Note 10+, and Note 10+ 5G. Even Samsung has made some controversial decisions, the three smartphones can also be known as the best smartphones Samsung has to offer right now.
The new Samsung Galaxy Note10 / 10+ / 10+ 5G has some changes from the Note 9 and so on. All of them have been removed the headphone jack, and are starting to phase out the microSD card. However, with gorgeous AMOLED displays, faster performance, and an S Pen that does more than ever before, these new Notes are certainly worth a look.
Since the 3.5mm headphone jack is no more with the Note 10, how to listen to Spotify music or watch videos on the phone? Please don't worry, you can still use wired headphones with the Note 10's USB-C port — either with the USB-C headphones Samsung includes in the box or with a 3.5mm to USB-C adapter.
If you are a music fan, the streaming Spotify music you won't want to miss. Do you know that Spotify and Samsung have joint promotion plan. Galaxy S10, S10+, S10e and Note 10/10+ owners who haven't had Premium before can get 6 months free. Any US/DC resident who is at least 18 years of age who purchased a new Samsung Galaxy S10+, S10 or S10e and Note 10/10+ between 2/21/19 and 12/31/19. No other Samsung devices are eligible for this promotion.
For Spotify comes preinstalled on all Samsung Galaxy S10/S10+,/S10e and Note 10/10+ devices, there is no need to install Spotify on your Samsung phone again.
Open the Spotify app preloaded on your Galaxy S10+, S10, or S10e.
Log in or create an account. If you're new to Spotify, you get the option to sign up for free.
Tap Premium . You’ll be redirected to claim your free 6 months.
Tap GET PREMIUM and enter your payment details.
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There's no initial charge, but your payment details are needed to confirm your location, eligibility, and to process payments after the offer period ends.
Note: When the 6 months are up, your Premium automatically continues at the standard rate. You can cancel Spotify anytime. If you want to stop Spotify Premium after the 6 months free, you have better cancel the auto pay for the next by yourself.
Samsung Spotify Free Trial
Still play downloaded Spotify songs on your Samsung Note 10/10+/10+ 5G
When you stop your Spotify Premium service, you may find that you can’t play the downloaded Spotify music files, because Spotify Free account doesn’t supports downloading for offline playing.
Want to still play the downloaded songs? You can use Spotify Audio Downloader to download the Spotify music songs or playlists on your computer and save them to MP3, AAC, FLAC and WAV format, then transfer the downloaded files to your phone. You can also use it to download the latest Podcasts on Spotify.
Spotify Premium Samsung
Until October, 2020, Samsung has released Glalaxy Note 20 5G, Note20 Ultra 5G, new Galaxy Z Phones and also Galaxy A42 5G. Now you will find the Spotify app preloaded on your Samsung Galaxy Note20 5G or Note20 5G Ultra, Galaxy S20 5G, S20+ 5G, S20 Ultra 5G, Galaxy Z Flip, Galaxy A51, or Galaxy A71 5G. Log in or create an account, and tap the ‘Premium’ tab on the bottom of your screen to get your first six months of Spotify Premium for free.
And then you can try Macsome Spotify Downloader, which can help you download music from Spotify and transfer Spotify songs to your Samsung phone. Once the Spotify Premium subscription expired, you can also keep the downloaded Spotify music and enjoy them on your Samsung phone.
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kaiba-fangirl · 7 years
Oh god help he’s giving me Violet fodder–
Me: “I wish I could reprogram that voice.” Hunny: “What voice?” Me: “In my headphones. That says like ‘Power Off.’ I want a sexy sassy one snarking back at me– What am I saying? Of course I can reprogram it. It’s a machine. Anything can be reprogrammed.” Hunny: “Hunny… Hunny, it’s just a voice in there, you can’t.“ Me: "It’s a little 12-kilobyte dot-wav or midi audio file.” Hunny: “Ya know, I could make up words, too.”
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smallswingshoes · 8 years
How I Do My Audios
@queerenbian​ asked me a while back how I recorded the audio for my audio posts and, since then, I’ve learned how to use Audacity a little bit better, so I thought I’d repost!
Again, first, you need a microphone. I don’t know anything about microphones. Mine was a gift.
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Originally, I used the Recorder application on my computer, but I discovered that Audacity let me record it better.
So next, you need an audio editing software of some kind! I use Audacity, which you can get for free legally here!
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When you open Audacity, it’ll look something like this!
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Now, see this bank of buttons at the top?
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Hit the red record button to record sound!
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As it records, it’ll look something like this on your timeline.
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Now, this is the important part for recording audio that isn’t super loud or super quiet.
Do you see the decibel meter at the top right?
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That measures how loud you are. Don’t ask me why it’s in negative numbers, I don’t remember.
You want your audio, typically, to hover around -12 and peak at -6. (This is based on my background in film editing, so I dunno if it’s different for other art forms like music? But that’s what I’m working with.) If your audio keeps hitting the farthest right side of the decibel meter, it means you’re TOO LOUD.
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But how to keep your audio at the right levels without lowering or raising your voice?
Tadah! Check out the little slider below the decibel meter with the microphone next to it. This is basically how loudly your microphone is recording you. I recommend rambling some tests into the mic while it’s recording so you can move that slider around until you get it to approximately the right levels. Then you can stop recording and delete the test audio if you want.
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Before I move on, here are some of the basic tools you can use! They’ll be next to the record button. The first one highlighted below is the Selection Tool. Use this to place your playhead on the timeline where you want it or to click-and-drag along the timeline to select parts of it.
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Next is the Envelope Tool. I dunno why it’s called that tbh. This lets you edit the audio levels ON the timeline more manually.
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When you select the Envelope Tool, the timeline’s appearance changes a bit.
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Click somewhere on a clip. These dots will appear.
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The outer dots of both tracks are connected.
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Same goes for the inner dots.
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The difference is that when you move the Outer dots, they’ll only go as far as their default levels, like shown below.
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The Inner dots let you extend that to make it louder than its default.
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You can use these to make certain parts quieter or louder, which can look something like this!
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Another useful tool is the Time Shift Tool, which basically lets you slide the clips around on the timeline by click-and-dragging them.
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And don’t forget the Zoom In and Out buttons just below the decibel meter!
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Pro-tip: when using the selection tool, double-click on a clip to automatically select just that clip!
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Super useful effect: Amplify. Found in the drop-down menus at the top under Effect. (Make sure you have a selection of audio selected first, tho!)
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This box will show up. What I really like about it is that it lets you set the New Peak Amplitude, which lets you make sure the audio never goes above that decibel count.
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I lowered the New Peak Amplitude to something around -15 and it looked like this after.
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Short list of the Effects I’ve found useful. Amplify, ofc. Bass and Treble lets you change the bass and treble, obv. Change Pitch makes things sound deeper or more high-pitched, basically. Change Speed is self-explanatory. And Echo lets you add the echoing sound to audio.
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When you’re done, you go to File>Export Audio (or Export Selected Audio) and pick a name and location to export the file to. (I recommend also utilizing File>Save Project As to save the project timeline.)
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For me, this exports the file as a .wav file. Tumblr wants MP3 files. Because of course it does. So we use this handy dandy free converter website!
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(Note that on the upper left-hand side is a bunch of links to their various converters.)
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Anyways, so you click “Choose File” and find the audio you recorded and select that.
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There are some optional things you can change below that but I haven’t needed to mess with any of that yet so I don’t really know much about it. Click “Convert file”.
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When it’s done, it’ll let you save this file. I recommend saving it something like “TitleOfOtherFile-MP3” so you can tell the difference easily, but do whatever you prefer.
Then you click to upload Audio to Tumblr and wait for it to catch up, write whatever you wanted to write, the hit Post and you’re done!
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