#ah this is ridiculous i hate it here 😂
shanastoryteller · 7 months
Happy Valentines Day! May I have some bartender Ed content with him tortuing Roy for the lolz? 💗😂
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Being muscle for hire really hadn't been part of the plan, and Al would be mortified if he knew the specifics, but that's why Ed doesn't tell him. Besides, it's really only for one person in particular and whatever clients she deems suitable.
"Hey, Chris," he says, banging in past Vanessa and stretching his arms over his head. He's just gotten off shift from his actual job and had needed to sprint here to make it on time. "Who's the - oh, hey, Roy."
Roy is seated at the bar across from Chris, mouth hanging open for no reason that Ed can think of. He'd already told him that he knew his mother. "You can't be serious."
"As the grave," Chris says, pouring two fingers of whiskey that she spins down the bar.
Ed catches it before it can slide off the end and takes a sip. It's the good shit, but it's wasted on him. Liquor tastes like ass and nothing will convince him otherwise, but he knows better than to say that to Chris. He pauses before taking a second sip, finally figuring out why Roy's so upset. "Wait, he's the client? Come on, Chris, he's the Flame Alchemist. I'm pretty sure he can take care of himself."
"Not without his fire or his gun," she says. "Neither of which he's bringing to this particular meeting. So if you could make sure my son gets back in one piece, I'd greatly appreciate it."
"Yes ma'am," he says at the same time that Roy snaps, "Mother! This is ridiculous."
"Actually, my name's Ed," he says. "I'm pretty sure we'd covered that part weeks ago."
Roy sputters.
Chris looks between them and her grin widens. "I'm almost sorry I'll miss it."
Ah, hell. He hates when she looks like that. It never means anything good.
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doumadono · 11 months
I just wanna know why so many adult mha smut creators say they age up minors as if it justifies their attraction to them. Would you say it's okay to age up Eri too?
Ah, aging-up fictional characters, my favorite controversial topic! ♥ You know, I was low-key anticipating an anon to drop this kind of question, sooner nor later (what a pity you didn't have balls to come off-anon tho!). I've had my fair share of childish anons before, and trust me, those went straight into the digital dumpster. But hey, this time, I've decided to lay it all out on the table, crystal clear 🙅‍
You know, I've done it all – murder, rape, summoned demons, even glorified Satan and had several children killed in my stories. But guess what? Not a single pair of handcuffs in sight! 😎 And don't get me started on the horror section at any bookstore - it's like a buffet of dreadful deeds.
Let's be real, the purity police can take a hike. There's something oddly fishy about the fact that fanfic, mostly crafted by awesome writers, gets the brunt of the criticism or some ridiculous accusations, especially the smutty bits, while the gruesome stuff gets a free pass 🤷
Look, folks, it's all about context. Fiction is a realm where creativity knows no bounds, right? So, if I want to age-up a character for a mature storyline, I'll go for it 🤷 Look, it's all a part of the creative process. Fiction is like a playground where we can swing from the monkey bars of imagination, right? Aging-up fictional characters is a common practice in creative communities, and it's important to remember that these characters exist solely within the realm of fiction - they are not real, so it doesn't hurt them in any single way. It allows creators to explore different scenarios and relationships without crossing any ethical boundaries :) Also! Aging-up characters isn't some sneaky scheme to write "inappropriate" content about youngsters. It's about taking characters you adore or find fascinating and giving them a new lease on life. It's like those college AU fanfics for characters in their late 30s or kidfic for full-grown adults. It's all about exploring different phases of their lives. So, whether it's smutty or not, the essence remains the same 😎 You see, the whole "aging-up" thing in fanfic/fanart is just common sense. We're not into the whole "let's sexualize kids" scene, so we gracefully turn our characters into adults. It's all about creating content featuring responsible, grown-up folks. And let's get real, if reading about something meant you were all in on it, then every mystery novel reader out there would have to be either an undercover detective nor a murderer 😎 So let's dial down the judgment and just enjoy our creative freedom, shall we?
But you know, trying to equate aging-up with things like grooming/pedophilia is like saying eating a banana is the same as piloting a spaceship because they're both hands-on activities. Let's keep our perspective here, folks, and not get too carried away with the terminology 😂
If you don’t want to read those stories (containing aged-up characters/dark content/smut with aged-up characters) - then don’t read them - problem solved!
Oh, how times have changed, my friend! Back in the day, I used to let all those comments and anonymous hate bring me down. But guess what? I've evolved, and I've got news for the critics: I write what I want to write, and nobody's gonna tell me otherwise. I've got this little thing called free will, and I'm not about to hand it over to anyone who thinks they can dictate what I should or shouldn't put on paper. If that means ruffling a few feathers, so be it. I've shed my tear-soaked days and embraced the fact that I couldn't care less about those sensitive souls who can't handle a bit of fiction. So, to all you "snowflakes" out there, if you're trying to stifle my creativity, good luck, because I'm just going to crank up the heat and write even smuttier storylines with aged-up characters! Thanks for the encouragement, dear Nonnie – you've only fueled my fire! 🔥😎 I might even consider writing some very dark-themed fic with aged-up Eri, why not! 😈
Oh, hey Anon! Quick question for you. Have you ever picked up a Stephen King book? You know, the master of horror and suspense? Well, if you have, you might've noticed that he doesn't shy away from some pretty explicit content, and not just with adults. Sometimes he writes about kids too, and they're sometimes off legal age as well! Surprise, surprise. You can stroll into a bookstore, grab a book off the shelf, and guess what? There's a good chance that some of those books contain content that would make a sailor blush! Yet, the world isn't collapsing because of it. The point is, even in mainstream literature, you'll find situations that might make you raise an eyebrow. So, let's not throw stones at age-up fiction creators when the literary giants sometimes walk on the same edge, right? 😏
In the conclusion, if you've got a problem with aging-up fictional characters, dear Nonnie, you might want to take a chill pill and remember that it's all just a bit of fun in the end ♥ Well, you know what would truly make my day? If you took the liberty to hit that "block" button with glee and gracefully vanished from my interactions. And if, by some chance, you decide to stick around, don't hold your breath for a response. I'll be too busy conjuring up some fiery, smutty tales featuring Bakugo or Shoto or any other character I like to bother with your, shall we say, less-than-enlightening queries. But hey, chin up, pal – here's a little nugget of wisdom from your "older and wiser" friend: go get a life. It's an absolute game-changer 😜 I'm tagging some content creators who write dark fics or use aged-up characters and might face similar anons/anon hate: @mrskokushibo @ectologia @kyojurismo @bakubunny
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the-eeveekins · 5 months
Saw Gundam SEED Freedom in theaters last night! My spoiler free verdict?
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It's good, I loved it. It's definitely got problems here and there, but the finale was great. I was having so much fun during the final battle that it helps smooth out a lot of the rough edges. Once it stops taking itself too seriously and just has fun the movie turns into an absolute blast! It's pretty much pure SEED, from the melodrama to the ridiculous battles. Shinn & Lunamaria got some much needed justice after all these years, and the battles were great, especially the warship combat!
Really my only significant complaint coming out of the movie was all the weird fanservice and sexual harassment bits. The bedroom scene wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I could have done without the weird camera angles on Lacus and Shinn accidentally groping yet another girl. I know it's SEED and Fukuda, but that could have stayed in the early 2000s.
If you hated SEED before, I don't think this is going to change your mind on the series. But if you enjoyed either of SEED or Destiny, I think you'll enjoy the movie.
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Ah man, that moment where the Mighty Strike Freedom is formed and fucking Meteor drops was the hypest shit, brought a tear to my eye. What an awesome final battle, from Murrue's moment in the Millennium, Shinn absolutely stunting on the Black Knight Squad and the Mighty Strike Freedom vs. Cal-re.A.
Agnes was an...interesting character. I don't dislike her but I feel like the format didn't do her any favors either. So glad that Luna nailed that shot on the nuke and had her moments, especially after 2 decades of awful aim jokes. And YES, Shiho Hahnenfuss! I enjoyed every second of her very brief screentime. She even got an audible gasp this time! Maybe 20 years from now she'll actually get a line of dialogue 😂 Hopefully by then they'll finally run out of Destroy Gundams and someone will finally PROPERLY dismantle Requiem.
Anyway Shinn, my child, I love you, but you are a fucking dumbass for that stunt you pulled with Luna. You're lucky you only got slapped.
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starleska · 1 year
oh, for new followers who are unaware of this ridiculous character game!!!
i’m always open to asks suggesting obscure, silly, interesting fictional characters to fall in love with, especially if they’re anecdotally my type. that ranges from cartoonishly evil villains (especially doctors and scientists) with distinctive voices, to snarky fat guys who everyone hates;;;; there’s no way to quantify it, but people who’ve known me long enough will just look at a character and go. ah yes. they’ll occupy Star’s mind for a month or two 🙈💖 here’s a bingo card for a beloved character (King Candy) that gives a good overview - i think everyone should make one for themselves, based on their unique taste 😉
this started as a joke between pals, and then expanded because a few people accidentally triggered honest-to-God hyperfixations in me. i believe the catalyst was an anon known only as The Comfortable Doug Prophet, who jokingly suggested Comfortable Doug from Centaurworld as being ‘my kind of man’. i fought this assignment furiously...only to fall in love a few months later 😭😭
other successful assignments have recently included Gargamel, MODOK, and Larry Laffer...and shout-out to the twenty or so people who ran to me screaming, ‘oh you will be down SO BAD for ‘Big’ Jack Horner!’...who were horribly correct 😖 as a rule of thumb - the more humiliating the character is to enjoy (e.g., Augustus St. Cloud, Austin Powers, etc.), the worse the fixation will be 😂 i am nothing if not a connoisseur of embarrassing men!!
i highly recommend playing this game with your pals - it’s very fun, you get the chance to embarrass your friends, and potentially cause a whole wave of good feelings for them or yourself 🥰
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aeroplaneblues · 1 year
Want to keep a little um diary of sorts while playing botw for the first time and since I keep getting bots and trash on twitter I will keep these here. I'll tag it "anne botw diary" so you can avoid it if you want.
Today: 17 April 2023
-Had to hunt another boar for the doublet recipe, scared two bc i forgot how to crouch -Relearned how to crouch, killed a bird -Rushrooms look like star.. shro....oms... oh😒 -Got the boar meat forgot the fish -"can i boom boom bakudan these hylian fish" ✨yes✨I laughed so hard at this it was def pure joy -Went to the stasis trial and got killed by an indiana jones ball by being near it i guess?? -"Finish my trial, by taking this sledgehammer and hitting a giant ball out of your way isn't that fun- anyway here is another magic ball peace hero" A while back: 23 Mar 2023
-Getting lost -Thinking “this seems like a place a stone talus would be in” then got attacked by one -Deactivating gyro controls bc im too dumb for it after losing so many arrows missing a fire lantern -“how tf do you kill this thing” pt2 -“these flowers look like lily of the valley but blue…also did genshin copie-“ -finding a sus metal door in the middle of nowhere and underneath a rock..YAHAHA “ofc its zelda” -learning how to set a beacon thing for where im going next, after playing 2h
Around: 13 Mar 2023
-"oh a link that JUMPS" -"I wanna roll against that tree" -YAHAHA 🍃✨ "you can see us?" me: "oh like aranaras...oh no is this gonna be a pattern" -Critical hit a boar after chasing it for like what it felt an hour -I did play for an hour and felt like 10 min😪
💚 I have 4+ hours in this game, def not bc I don't like it on the contrary if I not regulate my time I might end up not doing any work😂 Anyway it might take way longer than I thought to finish this game, but thats all good I'd like to take my time with this game. Unlike totk that I'm gonna have to play before the internet spoils it haahah hah ah
also a disclaimer I love genshin a lot and I know people think you are incapable of loving both zelda and genshin but that seems dumb, clearly genshin was trying to hop on the botw hype train but we've had great games that copy others with a spin. I can talk for hours about the differences but I will tho point out the ridiculousness of the similarities for my own enjoyment. No hate for either, unless i loose my 50/50 to diluc....again.
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linawritestwst · 2 years
Ah! Congrats on 1k! I'm so happy for you! Here's to many more! 💙
I'd like a matchup, but if you get too overwhelmed, scrap mine and do a different one, I promise I'll be okay 😂
Pronouns are she/her, mbti INTJ and Zodiac is Libra.
Personality : I like to joke that the only personality I have left is "tired" 😂 But other things about me are, I'm a little wary of new people, but once you're in I'm ridiculously loyal (like a cat). I take care of everyone before myself. Think mom friend. I'm kind of a nerd....(don't look at my blog it'll out me as a huge nerd, just trust me) . My only hobbies right now are writing and video games, but I have a "secret" past as a reader, and a theatre kid. I have been described as "the darkest lightest person I've ever met" "if you were a puppy at a shelter, I'd adopt you" and "you got that fae vibe, like if I give you my name or say the wrong thing, you'll own my soul." I can't make decisions and have memory issues. I like dragons too much, and I hope to one day afford to dress like a well educated pirate, who still pillages the village, but waxes on about the state of humanity as she drinks chamomile tea. A pirate witchy dark princess vibe, you know?(idk if that helps 😂)
What I need in a partner/don't need:
I am heavily introverted and socially anxious...but I only make friends when an extrovert just adopts me. So I probably need an extrovert, or an assertive introvert.
Imy love language (receiving) is quality time and words of affirmation, and (giving) gift giving and words of affirmation.
I have lots of texture issues, so maybe someone who's not super touchy. They can be a little touchy, though, since this is fictional.
Someone not to loud too. I get panic attacks when startled, and cry around loud noises sometimes. (Oh my God, I'm literally a rabbit 😭)
Silly things about me for if you are having writers block: I'm 5'3 1/4", I have been told I have the worst handwriting in the world, I am known for tripping over nothing, I don't sit still for long, I get distracted by shiny things and cats, I hate to be warm, and love the cold, my friend and I write modern comedy adaptations of Shakespeare, and other literature.
Hope this is enough. Again, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
thank you so much!! 🥺💖💞 i hope you like your matchup <3
the character that i think would be a good partner for you is..
malleus draconia!
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now, this one might seem obvious or predictable because of your pfp but!! i really do think you and malleus would be a cute couple!!
i'll explain why i chose him:
okay, yeah, malleus would definitely appreciate having a loyal partner. your kindness is one of the many reasons why he loves you, but he'd want you to take care of yourself too though :( and don't worry about being a nerd!! he's a nerd too!! have you seen how his eyes light up whenever gargoyles are mentioned?? and he would love to know more about your interests, he doesn't think they're "boring" or "weird" at all!
oh, this man would want to protect you from everything so bad. he's surely intrigued by that mysterious energy you have, but he still focuses more on that soft and cute puppy vibe. because come on, he's malleus draconia, he's the one with the dark fae energy here HJSHJNDJDJD. and you liking dragons makes him so happy because it means you most likely won't find his dragon form scary! also i find it cute to imagine you two sharing a braincell because i think it's not that easy for malleus to make decisions sometimes, haha. though he would probably wait for you to decide, because he just really wants to agree with you and go "!! you're right!! we're gonna go with this option then :)" so take your time, don't worry, he's very patient when it comes to you at least
i don't think that malleus is that extroverted, but he would probably be a more assertive kind of introvert when you're around. and i think malleus is sort of.. "forced" to be an introvert? considering that he wants to socialize, make friends and attend parties and events, but he doesn't always have the opportunity.. also, he just gets that protective instinct when he sees you, so yeah, you're adopted now. about your texture issues, malleus would make sure to respect your boundaries and even though he would love to hug you/hold your hand/etc, he doesn't want to hurt you, so he will be careful! he can express his love for you in other ways too :) and he's not the loudest kind of person, so you don't have to worry about that either!
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bisexualnamjoonie · 1 year
This isn't an attack, but I'm just curious why you think that 3D is sexist? I can see how JH's verses could be interpreted that way, but I didn't really find the lyrics in JK's part sexist. I actually thought some of them were quite sweet. I like how he told his partner that they didn't have to have sex until she was ready and willing. There are many songs like this with lyrics that are just a bunch of macho posturing about how desirable the singer is where they treat their partner like a conquest and pressure her to have sex with them (Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke comes to mind). To me, 3D isn't one of them. Even Jack Harlow says that his partner doesn't owe him sex when they see each other in his second verse. The narrator of the song seems to be in an established long-distance relationship with his partner and have an emotional connection with them, not just a sexual one. I don't feel like he degrades his partner in any way or objectifies her, but that's just my interpretation.
ah no offense taken, you're free to ask! honestly it's just harlow's verse that's really shitty, the rest of the song is not particularly sexist (if you really wanna be prickly you could eventually say that feeding into the "guy has more sex drive than girl and is the one waiting for sex" stereotype is a sexist trope but yk, that's really not the worst of it when it comes to sexism, just a classic straight dynamic stereotype 😂), and i haven't watched the mv so i couldn't say and like, compare it to seven which is a perfect representation of the pervasiveness of rape culture tbh.
no i just fucking despise the energy jack harlow brings into featurings, it was the same with industry baby, the difference being that it was so in your face no homo it was ridiculous. here it's just plain sexist and racist.
the problem here isn't with pushing sex on their partner or not, it's about the words used to describe the girl. the acronym ABG refers to a sexist and racist stereotype and in no way can be taken as a compliment. it's harmful, degrading and fetishising of asian women.
and since jk didn't take part in the writing, in my opinion he (or at least hybe since it's supposed to be their job?) should have at least put a big no to the racist references once the song was offered to him? it's kinda sad to say at this point but i expected the sexism (although you can be a good raper (and a good musician for that matter lmao) without being a sexist prick but just as anywhere else men are just the fucking worse lmao). but idk, it baffles me that jk and hybe read the reference to a stereotype that's specifically armful to asian women and said "oh yeah checks out". like. i have no words. and then they dare tell us in their books that hybe's has their trainees undergo courses on gender equality and have bts partake in the no asian hate movement? the sheer hypocrisy
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akhaste · 3 years
Fight!: The excessive fear of accidental plagiarism and the resulting need to check every work I never read vs. the immense fear of accidentally plagiarizing the works i become aware of and resulting need to not read anything ever
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silvermistcosmos · 2 years
▬▬ enhypen headcanon - when their s/o calls them bro/dude
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PAIRING. enhypen x reader 
GENRE.  fluff, crack // headcanon
WARNINGS. mentions of kissing, not proofread
A/N. im not back to posting yet, but it was 11pm when i suddenly got the inspiration to write this so~~ here’s a little headcanon. 
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# Heeseung 
When I say this man whines. I mean he WHINES 
like full on 😯😒🥺😢 maybe some mood swings here and there.
You two would be playing video games on the couch and he was, well, winning as much as you hated to admit it. 
so you started to complain, “Dude, why are you so good at this game?” 
He goes blank, mouth hanging open. Did you really just call him, dude? 
He will seriously be a drama king about it! 
The controller fell out of his hands, you managing to cross the line before him making you raise your arm in victory while he just stares at you. 
“I won!” You laughed
“Yah...” He started, “You dare call me dude?” 
“I mean, aren’t you a dude?” You asked, raising a brow at him. c’mon, what’s the harm in calling your boyfriend dude? 
He questions all his life choices, just sitting there, blank. 
you had to shake his shoulders to get his attention again, “Heeseung?” 
He suddenly screamed making you jump back from shock, “Hee, what the actual heck!?” 
“Y/n, I think we should break up.” He takes in a dramatic breath. 
“Um, what?” you looked at him, “So suddenly?”
“I won’t have my girlfriend call me, dude.” He said the last word disgustedly, treating it as if it were a swear word. 
“Oh my God-” 
“Maybe...maybe we weren’t meant to be.” He fell to the couch. 
“you are so gosh darn dramatic.” You shook your head, “ok then, if you say so.” You stood up, grabbing your purse, before he grabbed your wrist. 
“No, don’t go!” 
“Dude, make up your mind!” 
He acted as if he was stabbed in the heart, “No more dude, okay? I ban that word from your mouth!” 
“And who says-” 
“Nope! Or no more hugs and kisses!” 
“Evil. You’re evil.” 
“I will if I have to be.” 😇 “Deal?” 
“Okay fine.” 🙄
# Jay
Will give you a whole butt lecture on why you shouldn’t call him bro. 😂
like i can totally see him letting it slide maybe once or twice, maybe give you a little brow raise, but when you did it a third time, boyfriend mode is unlocked. 
So you thought you could get away with it when he didn’t mention anything after the second time you did it so you were now a little confident and decided to be cheeky. 
and guess what you decided to do? You had a fake phone conversation with someone. bad idea. 
Hiii, yeah, me? I’m with my bro right now, sorry!” Man, did Jay’s eyes shoot up to look up at you in an instant, “Okay, bye!” 
“Who was that?” 
“Ah, it was Jake’s girlfriend” You told him putting your phone down. 
“Okay, but don’t call me your bro, y/n...” 
“Why not?” You asked ‘innocently.’ quote marks on innocently. 
“Because I‘m not your brother? It’s like if I called you my daughter or my cousin!” 
“No it’s not!” You defended, holding back your laughter
“How’s it different?! I’m your very amazing boyfriend, not your brother! Bro is just an abbreviation for brother. It’s like if I called you cous. That wouldn’t be right because you’re NOT my cousin, right??” He ranted in one breath, wide eyes on you. 
Your held back laughter exploded and you rolled on the floor, holding your stomach. “You’re ridiculous, Jay love.” 
“It’s not ridiculous. It’s a real thing. Why are you-” You interrupted him by ruffling his hair. 
“You’re reaction was perfect. Niki was right.” (poor niki is always the victim in my headcanons 😊)
“niki put you up to this!? Now THAT’S ridiculous. Why am I even surprised?”
“I don’t know, but you always seem to make these sort of situation hilarious” 
He shook his head, “Just please don’t call me bro anymore.”
# Jake
he won’t even confront you. He’ll just be very extra with his endearing names for you hoping that you would get the hint 😂
“Dude, this video is so funny!” You tilted your phone so that he could see.” You didn’t even mean anything by it. You’d just been talking with a lot of people who used the word ‘dude/bro’ a lot and you adapted to it. 
“You’re funnier, snickerdoodle.” 
Okay, that’s a cute nickname, but it kept going. and every time you would call him bro/dude, he would come up with some weird name. 
“Sugar snap tea, can you hand me the remote?” 
“Would you like to cuddle, honey butter biscuit?”
“Are you talking to me?” You asked, confused by the strange behavior of Jake. 
“Of course I am, baby bugga-boo. Who else would I be talking to?” 
Yeah, you were a bit clueless to say the least.
“Okay, what’s with these very um...cringe sweet nicknames?”
“I just love you so much, cuddly-wuddly.” He smiled and you raised a brow. 
“Okay what is it, love?” 
“Woah...I think it’s the first time I’ve heard you actually call me by a pet name all day!” 
“You’ve been calling bro and dude all day.” He complained, “It’s about time you called me, love.” 
“So that’s why?” You laughed, “I’m sorry, it wasn’t on purpose. I’ve just kinda adopted the word after hearing it so much. Didn’t know it bothered you.” 
“Well, now you know, butterbuns.” 
“Okay now you have to stop with these nicknames!” 
# Sunghoon
Sunghoon will 100% look at you like you just committed a crime. 
like, you weren’t even doing a prank or anything. You were just cooking in the kitchen and ‘bro’ slipped from your mouth, 
“Hey, bro! Can you grab the oil from the cabinet?” You asked, as you stirred the pot. 
Won’t even bat an eye before raising a brow at you like, 🤨🤨 “Yeah, Once you stop calling me your bro.” 
You only turn your head quickly to glance at him, crossing his arms and you stifle a laugh, “Seriously, Hoon?” 
“‘Seriously, Hoon?’” He mocked, rolling his eyes. 
“I don’t know, bro. Bro has a nice ring to it.” You teased, seasoning the food. 
He scoffed, “Do bros usually do this?” He turned the stove off, turning you away from the oven and placing a quick kiss to your lips. 
You scrunched your face, “Depe-” 
He interrupted you, “No. No they don’t.” 
You laughed, “Alright alright, I get it! Can I go back to cooking now?” 
“mmm, what’s my name?” 
“Baby, love, Sweetie, love of my life, my handsome boyfriend, please?” 
He nodded, “That’s more like it.” 
“petty.” you smiled
“Whatever floats your boat.” 
# Sunoo
He’ll just...ignore you. 
pftt you actually had the audacity to call him something that wasn’t a personal endearment by you? no way.
literally, you’ll just be like, “Dude, let’s go cuddle!” 
like, this man won’t even bat and eye. he’ll just pretend that he didn’t hear you 
“Bro?” You poked him...and poked him until you FINALLY got his attention. 
“That’s not my name.” He rolled his eyes, going back to scrolling through his phone. 
You shrugged, “I quite like it, bro.” 
and he ignored you...again. 
so you just left the couch to do something else for a little bit. 
after about two hours, you decided to try again. 
“Hey bro, can you give me the blanket behind you?” 
he didn’t say anything. 
“Oh sorry, were you talking to me or your bro?” 🤷🏻‍♀️😇
“Both?” You replied
“That can’t be. Cause I’m not your bro. I’m your boyfriend and since that’s the case, my name is, “Sweetie, love, or Sunoo to you.” 
“Okay, sorry, bro.” You ignored his small lecture with a teasing smile. 
“Yah,” He he widened his eyes, “I’m going to go cancel our reservations!” He shook his head, rolling his eyes once again before grabbing his phone. 
“Wait no no!” You giggled, pulling his phone from him, “Let’s go eat, love!” 
“Hmm” he put his finger to his chin in thought, “promise no more calling me bro?”
“I promise!” you held your pinky out and he hesitated before connecting his pinky with yours’ “You better not be lying or I WILL give you the silent treatment.” 
No really. He will.
# Jungwon 
Ok, he would be kinda confused and also shy about confronting you about it unlike Sunghoon. :))
like...this was so unlike you?? you always called him by a cute nickname of some sort and in his opinion, bro was NOT a cute nickname. 
So hear me out, you two would be on a date at some restaurant that the two of you picked out and that was where you decided to tease him by calling him bro. 
Bad timing, you know, but that’s what made it exciting. 
When the waiter came up to you and he asked him what you wanted, you replied with what you wanted and asked Jungwon, “Hey bro, what about you? What do you want to eat?” 
His face seriously went from 😊 to 🤐 
in front of the waiter??
but nonetheless, he ordered and the waiter gave you a small smile before leaving your table. 
Did he just smile at you? 
Rude. he rolled his eyes. well, in his head at least. he wouldn’t do that in front of you. not a chance. 
So the entire dinner, you just called him bro/dude/bruh, whatever floated your prankster boat. and you thought that it wasn’t working on him considering his coolness about it 
but hold up, he was cool on the outside, but the inside was boiling. like, not mad at you, but in public like this? in front of boys who were smiling at you. nooo
you didn’t notice him wince every time you called him something other than a nickname. 
It wasn’t until the waiter came back that you seemed to get some sort of reaction from him. 
“Hope the food was good. Can I get you anything for dessert?” 
before you could reply, Jungwon was already up and putting his hand in yours’, “Sorry, my girlfriend and I have other plans.” when I say he was passive aggressive. He was passive aggressive. 
poor waiter was left confused when Jungwon shot a glare at him before pulling you out of the restaurant. (of course paying for the meal first) like, he was just doing his job. but Jungwon was also doing his job as a boyfriend 😉 (his words when you asked him later. not mine) 
when you were both walking back to the dorms, you nudged him with your shoulder, “What was that back there?” You started, “Sorry, my girlfriend and I have other plans.” You teased, laughing. 
“Stoooop” He whined, “It’s your fault! Why were you calling me bro?” 
“Just wanted to get a reaction out of you. i thought it wasn’t working, but apparently...”
“Yeah, well we were in public. Of course I’d be upset if some guys were smiling at my girlfriend thinking you were my sister!” He mumbled. 
Yes, of course you told the boys about your lil’ prank. And yes, of course they teased him later, but it’s ok cause he would get back at you.
# Niki
Will do it right back at you. 
I mean, did you really think you could pull this little prank on him, savage Riki?
“Hey bro, can you get me a cup of water?” 
He’ll look at you for a millisecond before he catches on, “Yeah, sure, sis” 
Now that took YOU by surprise, like what? He just called you sis?
Now you are the one upset, but you were not going to be the one to stop first. oh no. 
So when he comes back with water you thank him, “Thanks bro.” 
“No problem, sis.” 
you cringed in your seat, hating to hear him call you sis. what? you know you started it, but you just wanted to be called ‘love’ :( 
What’s funny is the fact that in the middle of you boths’ petty game of ‘who would stop first’ the boys came back to the dorm to find you calling each other bro and sis. 
they’re just like 🤨🙄 ok? but by now, they were already used to your guys’ odd behavior. 
at the end of the day, it was you, the one who started the prank, who stopped first. 
“Babyyy, I’m sorry!!! Can you stop calling me sis now?”
“I don’t know, I think you need to learn your lesson further...sis” He raised a brow at you, but laughed at your 😲 face. 
“noooo” you dramatically fell to the ground 
he chuckled, “I’m joking, but I hope you won’t call me bro again.” 
“lesson learned” 
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onigiriico · 2 years
Haruka audio drama (t2) - English TL
[ audio drama on Spotify here ]
IT’S DONEEE- finally the audio drama is here, and boy is it a ride 😂 I tried to get this one out as fast as I could even if it took a bit longer than I would have liked thanks to time zones,, but here it is now lmao
As always, if you know Japanese & find any mistranslations, want to use this translation for something, or just have questions, feel free to send me an ask or reach out to me on Twitter!
⬇️ translation under the cut ⬇️
(door opens)
E: [Sorry] I’ve kept you waiting, Haruka.
H: Ah… hello. It kind of feels like it’s been a while, doesn’t it, Warden-san?
E: Yeah. It does. (steps closer)
H: Things have gotten kind of tough, haven’t they? Even the atmosphere within Milgram has completely changed in this… second trial, [I think] it’s called? 
E: I heard Kotoko has done some unbelievable things… (deep breath) How’s the situation with the others?
H: Futa and Mahiru-san seem to be having a hard time, since they’re injured.
E: …
H: Ah, um, since it’s a situation like this, we’re all staying close to Shidou-san. Kotoko-san is the only one who is acting on her own.
E: …Oh?
H: A-ah, um… Kotoko-san said she currently had no intention of attacking anyone, so Shidou-san and Kazui-san had cea– ceasefire negotiations, they called it? With her…
E: Ah…
H: U-um… is something the matter, warden-san?
E: You… Are you really Haruka Sakurai?
H: Eh? Wh-what are you saying? It is me! But everyone has been telling me that recently – that I’ve changed.
E: Yeah. When I think back to how you were trembling in fear back during the first trial… you sure have gotten bolder.
H: (giggles)
E: I don’t know whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing though…
H: (laughs) If I’ve changed, then I’m glad! Up until now, I’ve always really hated myself, that’s why…
E: Hm?
H: A-ah, I think the reason I’ve become like this is because I had two benefactors, and one of them is you, Warden-san, so–
E: Huh?
H: I wanted to thank you, Warden-san!
E: Thank me?
H: Because you forgave me, Warden-san!
E: …
H: Because you told me that what I did wasn’t wrong…! That’s what changed me! I was saved by you, Warden-san…
E: You’re saying that I… saved you? Is this what Kotoko was talking about? Me becoming the instance offering forgiveness…
H: U-uhm…?
E: Well. If you’ve become more courageous, that’s a good thing… or is it?
H: It is. I felt uneasy about it this whole time… Someone as worthless as me having killed someone to gain attention, and a person who surely had more worth and more of a future than me, at that… But it turns out that I did nothing wrong after all! It wasn’t wrong of me to kill her! There was never anything for me to worry about…!
E: Oh?
H: It felt so strange…! Warden-san, you forgave me so, so much, it felt like a whole lot of people had accepted me! Ahhh… it was the first time I ever felt something like that…
E: (sighs) …Haruka Sakurai.
H: Huh?
E: You have killed a person. Surely out of a deeply personal reason - a person who was young and weak. Is that right?
H: …
E: Did you kill animals too? Well, it’s not like I approve of that, but since Milgram deals specifically with you having killed people, let’s leave that aside. …No, or is that also just my personal opinion…?
H: U-um, what are you…?
E: Ah, sorry. I got distracted from the main problem. What I meant to say was: How can a murderer like you make a face like you were just saved?
H: Huh?
E: This is only about the results of the first trial. This doesn’t go beyond what information I have gathered so far and what I have deduced from it. And yet – what are you murderer even hearing?
H: …
E: And also. Me, having saved you? That thought alone is a stretch. (laughs) Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. …And even moreso, I hate the idea of it.
H: …!
E: Your murder still isn’t fully solved. In that sense, the way you’re acting right now is simply wrong.
H: …!
E: Don’t get ahead of yourself. It’s all good and well that you’ve changed, but your past self might just have been smarter.
H: Ugh…! Why? Why, why, why are you saying things like that?!
E: …!
H: It’s weird! You said you forgave me, Warden-san! It’s weird for you to tell me that I’m wrong now!
E: …
H: Argh— it’s weird! It’s weird!!
E: Pipe down! You’re hurting my ears.
H: …You’re mean. You’re mean… I– I-I can kill any being that’s smaller than me, you know!
E: (laughs) You sure have developed an attitude. Go ahead and try. Idiot.
H: Don’t… make fun of me…! (he moves to attack Es, but gets stopped by the barrier) Gh… my body… won’t move…!
E: Is your memory that bad? Violence from the prisoners towards the warden is prohibited. Well… with one exception.
H: Gh…!
E: Did you kill her by strangling her like that? Someone who was that much smaller and weaker than yourself, to make matters worse?
H: Shut up–!
(Es slaps him)
E: I hit you as punishment for being an idiot. Maybe this will help remind you of your original intent.
H: … I'm not an idiot…!
E: You are, idiot! I don't dislike idiots who know their place, but as you are, you're a cocky idiot [instead]. Just looking at you makes me sick. Idiot, idiot.
H: You’re mean…!
E: Sure I am. Anyways, calm down [for now], Haruka. Your past self would've been a lot more cooperative right now.
H: (sniffles)
E: Hmm, I see. I’m starting to understand why Milgram is separated into three trials. All of you are- no, humans in general are dependent on others validating their existence. Any statements and actions can greatly change things for them.
H: Huh…?
E:  So the judgment I give to you will cause ripples like a stone thrown into a body of water, and reveal things I wasn’t able to see previously… Haruka, because I affirmed your beliefs, I got a deeper insight on you[r case]. Even if I don’t have much of a grasp on your current self, it’s still undeniably part of your true nature – one of the things that I’m here to figure out.
H: Warden-san… I don't understand what you're talking about this whole time…!
E: I won't say that it was a wrong of me to forgive you. But this does mean that I'll have to keep a closer eye on you from now on.
H: Even though you said you forgive me…
E: It was said from the beginning that this is a three-trial system.
H: Why are you bullying me like this?
E: I'm not bullying you. I'm simply trying to find out whether I should forgive you or not – and by extension, whether your actions were wrong or not.
H: There's no way it was wrong! If I hadn't done it, nobody would have looked at me!
E: You killed to gain attention? The you who was never loved by anyone?
H: That’s right! Because if I just remained a good-for-nothing, nobody would ever care about me!
E: Just because of that, someone—
H: Aren't I the only unlucky person here?! Because I'm the only one who could never do anything [right] since I was born, because I could never do the same things as everyone around me, my mother gave up on me and I stopped existing in her world!
E: And you believe that killing someone because of that was the right thing to do?
H: I don't know! Then what should I have done, in your opinion? Even after taking away what was most important to her, my mother still wouldn't show any interest in me! Are you saying that I should have given up on myself as well? Are you saying I should've been the only one to do that…?
E: Rest assured, Haruka. Taking your circumstances and your feelings into consideration, I'll judge—
H: As I thought. Warden-san, you're not my mother at all.
E: Huh? Never have been.
H: Yeah…? Yeah, right, everyone only has one mother. The mother who never looked at me wasn't my mother either.
E: What are you saying?
H: (laughs)
E: You're pretty scary, you know.
H: Haa… I'm sorry, Warden-san. For causing you trouble.
E: …
H: My mother was Muu-san all along.
E: Huh?
H: Muu-san is my mother.
E: I don't think that’s right.
H: It is, though?
E: Is that really something you can deny…
H: Muu-san praises me. The useless me… She praises me, acknowledges me, looks at me, and she needs me. My current self only exists thanks to Muu-san.
E: You did say that you had two benefactors. So the other one was Muu, huh?
H: That’s right. As long as Muu-san is there, I feel like there's a meaning to me coming to Milgram.
E: …
H: I've met my real mother, so I'm happy. I'm sorry for causing problems earlier. I need to be a good boy – for Muu-san's sake as well.
E: This is… the needs and interests of the prisoners lining up with each other… Something like this can happen too…? Haruka desires a mother, but what could it be that Muu wants from him…?
(machinery whirrs, bell rings)
E: It’s time, huh? Tch. There's too much new information, I can't keep up!
H: U-um, I'm sorry, kind of…
E: Suddenly acting all well-mannered…! Is there anything left that you want to say?
H: U-uh, something I want to say… something I want to say…
E: If there's nothing, that's fine.
H: …No, there is something…
E: What is it?
H: Warden-san, Muu-san is afraid of Milgram. Please don’t scare Muu-san any more.
E: You’re worrying about a stranger in this kind of situation?
H: Yes. Please forgive Muu-san next time as well.
E: You sure are asking something of me here. Viewing Muu as your mother is great and all, but she might only be kind to you in order to use you, you know.
H: So what about it?
E: …
H: So what if she’s using me? Isn’t it a good thing to be used? For someone to think of me as worthy enough to use me… isn’t that something to be happy about?
E: Haruka… you…
H: If you don’t forgive Muu-san, I’m going to kill you.
E: You really have no learning ability whatsoever. You can’t kill me.
H: Ah, right… Then… I’ll die.
E: You…!
H: Was that forbidden [as well]?
E: Not as far as I remember!
H: (laughs) See! I’m not an idiot, right?
E: Ugh, I’ll correct myself. You’re a real, gigantic dumbass!
H: That’s right. Ever since I was born.
E: Prisoner no.1, Haruka - sing your sins!
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celestialholz · 2 years
Celestial Live-Reacts: STP 2.7, 'Monsters'
... If this isn't Tapestry 2, I'm fucking writing Tapestry 2.
Off we go!
"The true sovereign of nature..." quite the enigmatic speech from someone I have never seen and looks rather like Julian Bashir
... God, I miss Bashir 😔
Sorry, "you WERE a human?" Excuse me????
He's claustrophobic! Bless him ❤
"The man who hates enclosed spaces spends his life in the infinite cosmos" - yeah, sounds about right. Heaven forbid we get this man some therapy and he actually DEALS with shit, can you imagine 😂
"You're not very interesting." 😆 "I'm really quite dull", anyone?
"Even your closest friends call you 'captain'"... wow. English psychologist Q is a dick.
... You know when you're so repressed that even your own BRAIN gives you an innate therapist who sounds far too much like that one god you really like? 🙃
He's so uncomfortable 😭
... Thank you, CBS, for that image of Picard holding a sun. I have exactly the fanfic to put that in. 😍
"Once upon a time, there was a queen with fiery red hair... and she was female." 😂😂 Fucking hell. Reason #383048 why Jean-Luc shouldn't have kids
This is why he likes reading, bless 😍
"There is no better teacher than one's enemy" - true, if you're ridiculous enough to consider him your enemy 🙄
"... To lift them up with inspiring speeches." "I'll never be able to do that." Oh, you of little faith 😍
... The monsters are real? Spidey sense? 🤔
His mother is also a speechmaker! Of course she is ❤
... Oh fuck 🙃
Titles! More lady writers!
Ah, hello my dears ❤
"If that whole thing starts up again, I'm quitting the gang" 😂
"Everyone loves us", "we're the main event"... fourth wall whom ��
... This isn't Tapestry 2, is it 😒
Admiral = done
"There's a thousand ways to die out there", mmm... "It's not safe out here", anyone?
Estonia is playing 80s kids' show Knightmare, for anyone who likes a niche reference ✊
What IS this monster thing? Am I in a Doctor Who episode that stars Patrick Stewart? 🤔
"You may terminate your session now"? "Something else is happening here?" Whaaaaaat
"We're all here for you, Picard..." 🤔 I get it, they are, but they're self-aware. His brain's screaming at him. Never mind Q, this guy's Vic Fontaine 😂
"Perpetually untethered in ways of the heart"... oh fuck, this IS Tapestry 2 isn't it, just more allegorical... and without Q 😒
"A secret shame... something you're afraid others will see..." ... Oh, wow. They really went there, huh. 😂
"STOP!" And that is what gets him. Damn, that is telling...
"... And you don't know how it ends..." What's behind the white door, huh? Because shit, a girl could speculate for days...
Can't help but notice that of all the costumes they could have given Babycard, he's got a suspiciously familiar white, ribbed tunic on... 🙃
Oh shit, bye Estonia 😂
She shuts her son's helmet against the swearing 😂 Theresa's great ❤
... This is some serious Doctor Who shit. Doctor Who has a vibe, and this episode has it in spades
Poor Theresa 😂
Try something new, kid ❤
"I just WORK in outer space" 😆
... Just realised that Estonia's more a concerned mum/aunt here, and I quite like it? She suits this sort of thing much more. She's seemed cold and strictly business outside Renee, but this offers her a sweet little niche, and therefore already more personality than her counterpart.
Soft Lesbian Intermission 😍
Seven is a coffee fan - wonder who she got that from 🙃😂
... "My ready room"? Really?
IT'S HIS DAD. Dear lord... and I thought he was quite Q-like... 👀 Wrong sort of daddy 😂
"You ruined her, you broke her" - another mirror of Tapestry, where we found out his father makes him distinctly uncomfortable 👀
Tunnels... thousands of ways to die down there...
... There's no monster. "Couldn't save her either... not from her own mind." 😭 I'm a massive fan of this. This gives his father dimension he's never been credited with, and another reason for Picard to be traumatised - not only does he have to get over the fact that the mother he loved dearly wasn't quite sane, but the fact that he's had no way to turn to his father and try and work through that, because he didn't know how to process it either. And Babycard didn't get that, has placed the blame on him all his life. ❤ Maurice still seems harsh and strict, but clearly, he cared. ❤
Lovely piano version of the series one theme here 😍
"You'll do so much, one day. You'll save worlds." Aunt Estonia is a new take and I'm here for it 😍
They're back... BUT WHAT IS THAT DOOR? 🤔 That's so Picard. We see such great insights, but never the true him. The 'secret shame'. 👀 It can't be so simple as sexuality, surely, or that sense of rebellion that permeated through the original Tapestry... can it? That door's going to be key...
... Rios is staying here isn't he ❤
"Picard feels like a father to me... even though I'm not a son to him." Much like Maurice feels like Jean-Luc's father, yeah? *holds up mirror once again*
These two are lovely 😍
'Hey babe, son, check out Daddy's cool spaceship' 😂 Okay, maybe they're going with him
"Jurati, with a side of Borg Queen" - yes my good waiter, I'll take ten 😂
... Wow. More hot women who sing well. 👁👄👁
What did that bloody window ever do to you 😆
"You saved her" - did you, though?
She IS Romulan!
"All of that was part of Q's plan, that you experience those memories." ... Whoa whoa whoa, he meant for this? Meant him to get run over and everything? 👀 Q is a master of engineering, my god 😍
... Also, yeah - Tapestry without Q, but not really. He's behind that white door isn't he 😆
"I've been letting him control... what if the lesson I take is: know HIM?" Imagine that Jean-Luc, bothering to work out Q's motivations early. Could not be you 😂
... No, but really. Finally, he's making some form of connection; finally, he's starting to work out that Q's doing this for him. Thought we'd never fucking get here 😂
"I always take Q as unknowable... but here he is, so late in my life, STILL fixated on me!" Yes...
"He needs this trial to happen, but... he's saying it's about me, but it's deeply personal and urgent to him..." YES...
"And if we understand why that is, then we can go on offence!" ... NO 😒 Fuck's sake Picard... never have I been more frustrated with a character I love so dearly. You were so close! 😭
Also, shall we have a fucking quick think on why, Jean-Luc? Just for a moment? Because jesus christ, is it not PAINFULLY OBVIOUS 🙃
... This is so indolent it's almost out of character. Picard is not a man driven by emotion, but at this point, it's the just the logical conclusion. *soft Celestial scream*
"Sounds like you want to summon Q... flattered, but that's beyond my capabilities." "Yours, maybe, but..."
Guinan, ladies, gentlemen and lovelies: for all your omnipotence-summoning needs 😂
... He didn't even ask. Dear god. 😂
El-Aurians and the Continuum had a truce????
'Denizen'??? Do the Q live with others? Whaaaat? That's lore chaps 👁👄👁
"I'm not going to call them gods, that's for damn sure" 😂 And she'd know, apparently...
Food and drink unites El-Aurians, hence the bars! Beautiful 😍
... Wow. Q drinking Earl Grey when meeting Adam hits different now 😆❤
Also, my thanks to CBS again - every time I've had Q drinking ludicrous cocktails in my fics is now officially validated 😂
"Every action vibrates, every word has resonance... metal and liquid can capture the half-life of a moment, so when I say the truce was made over a bottle..." Okay, a. prose is delightful 😍 and b. this is why she hates Q isn't it, because he ignores that shit and does what he likes 😂
Does that make this... the Treaty of Alcoholeron? 😏 Yeah, don't mind me... I'll just be going over here... to laugh 😂
"El-Aurians hear the world like music" 😍
Hurricane in a bottle, oh god 😆
... And he's... not here. 👀
"It didn't... work." Ohhh. Ohhh no.
So he's either ignoring it... or he's cut off from the Continuum. Can't be good, can it? 😭
... Not to be that guy, but Picard is too slow, and Q's in too deep... and even this hasn't made him get it. This thing that has been engineered specifically for him to get it. This is going to be Picard's cartharsis; Q dying for him is going to be what it takes for him to WAKE UP. I swear to all that's fucking holy, I hope I'm wrong... and I hope they fucking fix that shit in series three when I'm not... 😡
"An El-Aurian summons a Q, a Q appears." ... Who the fuck's this guy, then? Wrong Q? 🤔
Go on...
... Ah, shit. Not a Q, then. 😂
He's dropped his badge...
... Okaaaaay, and breathe...
Celestial Rating: 6.5/10.
This episode is a fucking trip. Beautifully imagined and realised, but I do not enjoy where this is going... and I do not enjoy Picard being this ignorant. 🙄
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i find it baffling that people ship seb and lewis when this literally happened:
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it seems there are a shared demographic of people who do so and people who would start pulling their hair out of max did anything similar… strange… i Wonder Why That May Be…
(not respecting seb, his achievements, his talent or even respecting history)
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I don't understand what these people smoke. I am pretty sure 98% of these people weren't around before 2019. They didn't see how Lh used to talk about Seb and Ferrari, let alone they know about the RedBull Seb and how Lh used to say "boring, boring, boring, Seb's killing the sports, it is the car, his car is doing it in his stead". And also all the times he insuniated Ferrari is cheating/using team orders/Seb is winning only because Kimi lets him... All those times he'd try to undermine Seb's success and cry when things wouldn't go his way but Seb's way...
If it was really the car for Seb, then the same shit is true for his 2017/2018/2019/2020 titles because he had the absolutely dominant and reliable car and he just cruised around. If Seb's RedBull wins killed the sports, so did his wins since 2017. But when it comes to him, it is all due to his godly talent and his own hard work.
Sheesh.... Look thru British press after the races Seb won, especially during his Ferrari stint. See how Lh always had to add his two cents which were always undermining Seb's win somehow. Them playing the underdogs, them always being the hard workers who turn their fortunes around miraculously, them against everyone and everything... Whereas Seb? He has always been either condemned or ridiculed or downright cussed at by fans and by the media and somebody never defended his so called bro ever unlike what these delusional idiots make themselves believe.
They believe LH is always on Seb's mind, they believe Seb is doing/saying everything to support his precious Lh as if the guy had his social justice agenda to just impress LH. And when he doesn't? Oh, didn't you know, he didn't mean it like that, silly. A 34 years old guy needs them to convey on the social media what he actually meant by saying x y z, because he can't have his own thoughts and having a fav like everyone else, thinking that a guy didn't deserve death threats for trying to do his job are all very disappointing. DiSAppOIntEd BUt noT sURPrisEd ricH wHIte mEN yada yada yada... (Look at the inherent men hate here even tho they'd fuck him breathless if he'd offer 😂) So, let's try to cater to team lh even though they have been hating on Seb since forever and only tolerated him as a pretty accessory that their god earned by winning against him, and even though they have been calling Seb names with increasing malice : the devil incarnate, entitled brat, sinister asshole, talentless shoe, hypocrite, back stabber, German N*zi...
I am not even going to talk about how Seb is never seen with him in the paddock unless it is on the podium/press conference/photoshoot kinda stuff. I thought friends loved spending time together as much as they can? Oh, but they're doing it privately 😂😂 Both men never counted each other as friends no matter how much these idiots claim that Seb is secretive so he is hiding their bromance 🤢🤢 Seb outright denied Lh when Lh joked about having a good relationship with him just like with Kimi... LoL, you should see Seb's adamant refusal and the way Lh awkwardly laughs.
People see two people acting amicable and supportive of each other's causes in work place and mistake it as "friendship/romance/gay sex" 😂 Seb is a good guy who tries to show support for all his colleagues. This doesn't mean he is having an affair with them all, lol...
Ah, I am tired of this shit. The gist is, most Seb fans who ship this shit despite everything want to be "correct/right/valid/woke/on the good guy's side/accepted by the community. They feel themselves superior for stanning S*wis when Seb's car appears in the same pic with Lhs' car 😂 (they are stretching to the moon for lack of content) they look down upon the rest of the ppl when Seb wears pride shoes... When he wears a t-shirt ... Completely missing the point, as if the guy is doing all that so that these ppl can have an ego masturbation by reflecting Seb's good traits upon themselves.
Them clinging onto S*wis this hard is about that, too. And then there are also some people around who might be simply in it for the aesthetics of these guys together 😅
Can't stand it 😒
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novelconcepts · 2 years
Trying this as an ask this time, in the hopes that it'll make formatting a little easier for you. Work has given me a bit of a breather, so if you're enjoying this and I'm enjoying it, then chapter 3 let's goooooo:
-I like this little bit of unease, of not-quite-comfortable that lingers around Eddie at the beginning of this chapter. This is probably the first time in his life he hasn't been the most talented person in every room he walks into, and he's clearly struggling with it a little bit.
-This quick look at Eddie right after Jamie calls Dani "Poppins" for the 1st time is really good--on some level he realizes that this near-stranger has made Dani light up in a way he can't quite seem to manage--but he can't quite seem to put those words to it, so he's left to stew in an uneasy sense of vague jealousy.
-"Dani in pain is surprisingly quiet, she learns one evening; only a whimpering sigh falls from her lips." I can't believe you gave me all these feelings about a cut finger.
-This tug-of-war between Jami's growing affection for Dani (which she's not yet willing to allow) and the magic's attraction to the Lady is so, so well done. I think I've said elsewhere that much of this fic has the same sense of foreboding that hangs over much of Bly, and I think this is part of what does it.
-"Eddie’s so excited, but can you imagine me at a music label party?" Foreshadowing, table for 1 please. But also, Eddie's absolute cluelessness about how appealing that sort of thing might (not) be for Dani...🤦🏻‍♀️
-Really appreciate how clearly Jamie sees Peter for what he is. Really hate that her recognition is born of lousy life experience.
-On the other hand from rational, sees-things-as-they-are Jamie, we have, "There isn’t enough love in her. Isn’t enough good in her. A little healing does not a healer make." Gah. These poor beautiful doofuses who never learned to see their own worth are killing me.
Okay, this is getting ridiculously long (thanks for giving us so MUCH to chew on!), so I'm gonna split it here and hope it doesn't murder your ask box.
Chapter 3, Part 2, or, "kat continues to have too many feelings."
-I can see why the timeline on this gave you fits--I'm losing track of how long the band's been together just in the course of this chapter (SLOW burn, indeed, when you consider that they were on the road for a while in England before even arriving in America...)
-That bit about magic allowing people to take their fear and use it as an impulse to manufacture a fit-for-an-audience facade...I'm gonna be thinking about that for a while. Love art that makes me think.
-“I’m nobody. Always have been. But I can feel a lot of things, lately, that I never asked for.” This aches and is hella foreboding all at once. Nicely done, dude.
-"Eddie O’Mara, with timing like a goddamned phantom, appearing out of the dark without a word of warning." I see what you did there 👀
-"What do you think a bard is, Jamie, but someone with too much magic to hold back the story?" The interplay with canon there. So, so, good.
-"She’s never had a best friend before, not properly." Ah, yes, a proper best friend. Nothing more to see here...
-Okay, let's talk about this scene where Jamie asks Dani about her engagement/wedding. Dani's mix of mortification and misery is just...I feel it. But also, after 5 years of spinning her wheels, half a conversation with Jamie spurs Dani to break her engagement. 😂
-one eye, Jamie recognizes, is blue. and one is brown. so why on earth did O’Mara write a song called “Her Baby Blues”? This is such a great encapsulation of how stuck the Dani-and-Eddie relationship is--caught in the past (or an idealized version of it) with no willingness to grow together. And I mean, part of it is that Dani is categorically not into Eddie Like That, but he seems to be pursuing a plastic ideal instead of a real relationship with a dynamic person.
-Jamie singing Dani out of her panic attack is so intimate I can't freaking stand it.
-"I help you, Jamie. It sounds almost regretful of this fact. I help you, because I need you, and you need me, too. Don’t forget that, Jamie. Don’t forget who’s always been there." Almost certainly not what you intended, but this gave me major Litte Shop of Horrors vibes.
-I'm not gonna copy-paste the entire breakup scene in here, but really love the way that because Jamie observes so well, we get a really good look inside both Dani and Eddie here. We see Dani's misery coalescing into a curious brew of resignation and resolution: resigned to hurting Eddie, but positive she can't do this anymore, and Eddie's anger slicing its way out of his pain.
And that's probably more than enough. Hoping to hit chapter 4 this weekend...
This is legitimately my favorite thing. No bullshit, it makes me grin so hard when people do this in asks and comments, so thank you. I love seeing all the depth you find--stuff I intentionally put in and stuff I didn't even realize I was doing at the time. (And, yeah, the timeline was a horror to keep track of. Even after ages spent editing, I just had to take my hands off the wheel and go "hope that worked, cuz even I can't be sure by now".)
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tooruiwa · 3 years
hello, hope you're having an awesome weekend!!!
yep I read novels! more than I do webtoons/ mangas/ manhwas lkasldkflk it's not so much the format though, it's just... I'm bad at keeping up with things that are ongoing and are released chapter and I prefer just bingeing things at a go :p
omg you do art?!?!?!?!? and have a degree in graphic design?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! how's the ux design going along now? why did you decide to go from graphic / ux to visual arts? 00: askdkdl sorry for the 1001 questions I'm really curious and ALSO because I never did have the guts to get a degree in arts/ design and went for a... safe... more "generic"-ish thing instead 😣 I really miss school too and I'm kinda thankful I graduated before the plague hit, since I got to experience the full on-site dorm-living student-exchange uni experience and all that. ok but I definitely don't miss the exams and all the cramming before the exams 😂
oh trust me I haven't figured most of the adulting thing yet 😭 what is insurance? rent (yeah I still live with the parents...)? investing? it's like a lot of people around me are getting married and having kids left right and center and I'm like... *scrolls tumblr* *tinkers on photoshop* (': and I still feel severe imposter's syndrome while at work so.... 😢
ok I made a meme here and wanted to send it but stupid tumblr won't let me send it with a picture??? so image description: from the match with seijoh in season 1 where suga is called up and he starts bonking and hitting everyone and then when it comes to noya he gives him a high five and there are flowers in the background, above suga I typed "you, having introduced me to haikyuu" and above noya is "me" - STUPID TUMBLR I'll send this to you once christmas comes around and you find out who I am (':
(this scene was too cute askldlkklsdf suga literal ray of sunshine and then the change in art style in season 4 and his ahoge gets EVEN MORE PROMINENT 😂)
aslkdklklf I neither hate him nor love him (to the extent that you do that is) 😂 but I do find him quite likeable! if I were in his shoes I'd definitely feel jealous and spiteful tbh BUT he still pushes himself and is a brilliant player in his own right! ah yes haters always be loud (side note slight deviation I once got hate and a death threat for liking a particular anime lmaoooo some people really have no life)
haikyuu is keeping me going these last few weeks of 2021 (('': please next season when 😭
yeaaaa I did go through a few otome-ish shows just for the seiyuus... and as much as I liked hearing them speak most of the time I was just cringing away 🙂🙂🙂 SUZUKI TATSUHISA! I first heard him in owari no seraph so when I recently watched tokrev this year with him as draken I was like... yeah this is a change 😂 I haven't watched free akallksdl how is it? ALSO namikawa daisuke is also one of the ridiculously amazing ones the way he can change his voice sometimes I REALLY struggle to link the different characters he's voiced because he can vary it so much
yep I've watched karneval and servamp! ages ago though... so like anything else one year and before I've forgotten most of it already 😅
ah yeah... I don't particularly like that relationship dynamic either 🤨 most (if not all) of the favorite bls I've read are usually like... power couples? like both are equally capable of kicking ass. and there's some sort of mystery/ action besides the romance
gaaa okay I hope it makes your christmas slightly better!!! (but that you'll have a good day nevertheless 😣) another reason I can't wait for christmas is that I'll FINALLY be on a plane to FINALLY travel 🥳
omg your graphics are AMAZING 🤩 they're so creative!!!! (are your 2014 anime creations anything like these ehehehehe now I'm curious to see what you make for your secret santa giftee ehehehehe) I'm not creative enough to make graphics so I mostly stick to gifs... (':
I'm also watching kny s2 currently!!! I rarely watch shows as they air (see second paragraph aklsdlkkl same reason) but man some shows are really too important to leave them till they finish to binge 😂 - also entertainment district arc hello uzui tengen sir and your wives) I'm also currently watching another show (not anime) that has been long completed aklskldfkl I read the first few chapters of gokushufudou before! but not the complete one I think. I recently tried watching the live action (lmaooo) but dropped it after a few episodes 😂 I just... wasn't really hooked I guess? and I usually have a bad time keeping up with slice of life-ish stuff 😅 I'm currently reading another bl (klaklsdlk) at the moment! about a police officer in the anti-drug unit and his informant
question of the week: any upcoming anime you're particularly looking forward to?
~your animanga secret santa ☃️
hello! and omg i'm sorry for the late reply, i was out most of this week and i hate typing on my phone orz
oh yeah i get that lmfao i used to prioritize books and novels too exactly bc of that, but recently i've not been too able to concentrate on words only lmfao i feel like a kid needing drawings to read, but damn my brain sucks lol BUT BTW, i know u just said you don't like waiting for things. but i read a webtoon and i thought of you, i think you're gonna like it! it's called "homesick" and it's creepy and the art is so pretty (it's very different with the colors, kinda on the same vibe of lore olympus). it's for free on the webtoon app, there's only 28 chapters so far and it updates weekly, but it's been really interesting so far!!
not really, but i do love art skajdkaj i love making art but i'm definitely not a picasso or anywhere near lmfao which is why i wanted to have a study experience for it. oh i haven't done much of the course lately, i think i watched one hour of it in the past 3 months or something lmfao but i've been really stressed this year rip i studied design first thing when i finished hs back in 2014, it was actually fashion design but i hated it so i changed to graphic design and a technical course instead of college (here in brazil they count as the same thing, but 2 years instead of 4+ lol). i've been working as a freelancer since i've finished it but i never really ~loved~ working as a graphic designer. i have serious issues liking things i do etc. i started ux now bc i desperately need a job, it's something that it's REALLY hiring a lot of people and i honestly think the research part of it could be better for me because i wouldn't pressure myself as much?? but then i also always wanted to BE an artist, but i don't really have much talent or do any effort to become better, so i decided to study it so can actually force myself to do it for my own good. because my brain needs this switch you know, the change in environment to function. i hate working from home and doing things at home because i spend the whole day thinking about my bed. or i'm on youtube all the time. i need to be in another place to change my mentality, idk why i'm like this lmfao i'm easily distracted and can't focus. so i'm going back to college to do better things to myself!!! also i've always wanted to have these kinds of college experiences too, but here in brazil we don't really have dorms and exchange programs are really hard too lmfao
oh my don't even talk to me about it lmfao adulting sucks and i also don't know most of it lol thankfully most of my friends don't do either, so i'm not too pressured. only a couple of them (they're a couple, that's why) have their own house, the rest of us still all live with our parents (it's very common here in brazil bc pays are low and rents are high) but man hopefully we can get through this soon! imposter's syndrome isn't good for anyone, really hope this bitch goes away
YOU MADE A HAIKYUU MEME FOR ME???? that's so sweet, best thing anyone has ever done for me :') LMFAO i know the scene, it's so funny lmfao suga is the best honestly
yes yes that was a good answer, you pass!!! but lmfao i know, i used to say i didn't like insoo's law and people called me so many things. ppl are so toxic on the internet, especially weebs. fuck weebs
free is.... something LMFAO i love makoto, he's one of my all time fave characters. he has so much dept even for a fanservice anime lmfao but free is really... about fanservice lol though the story is cute, the whole plot is the same and there's a bit of tension for like 2 episodes between makoto and haru and then it's already over. the rest is just like a breeze. but it's good to watch when u wanna see 15 year olds with body of 30 year old bodybuilders, the sexualization hits hard, but no one talks about it bc they're men lol the voice actors are all great though!!! i couldn't watch the last season (or last 2, idk how many are out there now, i watched 2) bc makoto's shoulders were pissing me off (you know yaoi shoulders? those were it). but then you look at the seiyuu list and the cast is truly *chef's kiss*
i love karneval and servamp, knew you'd have watched it too lmfao
please rec me some bls, i need a change of pace and mind because i only ever read bad ones LMFAO
where are you traveling to?? and thank you <3 hope you have a good one as well!!
THANK YOU! my 2014 ones are nowhere near good lmfao i still haven't made my gift, but hopefully i can make a nice one! i used to only make gifs, but my ps has been a bitch and stopped letting me open videos and after using avisynth for so many years i'm too lazy to go back to my gomplayer frame capturing method of making gifs lmfao so making gfx is easier for me. i've also always hated looking for videos and matching the coloring for different scenes lmfao i'm too lazyyyy
this arc is my fave one!!!! i love daki she's a queen. and the only problem with uzui is that he has 3 wives and none of them are me. like can you believe that??? LMFAO
YES!!! spy x family is coming next year and I'M! SO! EXCITED!!!!! i love them <3 love the manga and the anime is looking pretty nice so far, i'm really looking forward to it!! have you read it? are you waiting for one to air as well?
have a good week!!!
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