#is this biased yes. but also fuck you guys i’m right
perenians · 10 months
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green lantern volume 3 issues #0 and #48-181, annuals #4, 6-9
green lantern: secret files (1998)
green lantern: circle of fire (2000)
ion: guardian of the universe (2006)
convergence: green lantern/parallax (2015)
hard travelling heroes - the next generation (1996): green arrow volume 2 #110-111 (ties into green lantern volume 3 #77-78)
dc universe holiday bash (1996) #1
flash/green lantern: faster friends (1997)
dc universe holiday bash (1997) #1
three of a kind (1998): green lantern volume 3 #96, green arrow volume 2 #130, the flash volume 2 #135
aquaman volume 5 #10
JLA volume 1 #1-76
new titans #115-130, annual #11
JLA/titans (2002)
countdown presents: the search for ray palmer (2008)
rann-thanagar war (2005)
green lantern: the sinestro corps war (2008)
blackest night (2009)
brightest day (2010)
green lantern: war of the green lanterns (2011)
green lantern: rise of the third army (2013)
green lantern new gods: godhead (2014)
green lantern: lights out (2015)
green lantern: new guardians (2011) - it’s bad. also just kind of gross in its treatment of kyle & his dad
omega men (2015) - mischaracterization of both the original omega men AND kyle
hal jordan and the green lantern corps (2017) - sucks.
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Seven
Okay if anyone is super well-versed in the whole northern songs drama, I would LOVE your insights. I haven’t really looked into it, so all I know is they lost it right before the divorce meeting. What happened? What the hell is this? -- “Which includes Paul and John,” “Just about.” “What does that mean?” “No comment.”
The scouse getting thicker and thicker after “Carolina moOOn?” What can I say? I’m a sucker for it.
Paul’s absolute sugar-cookie heart-eyes when George walks in and then Ringo’s high-pitched “Hi Georgie!” Guys. Tone it down! I know you love him. But you just saw him yesterday, and you’ll see him again tomorrow. Oh wait . . . is today the day he quits?
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John. If you look at your boyfriend like that while he’s being an attention-whore, he’s going to keep being an attention whore. So just. You know. Keep in mind what you’re encouraging here.
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OMG they’re KISSING! (Live George reaction)
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Paul. If you give your boyfriend what he wants while he’s being an attention-whore, he’s going to keep being an attention whore. So just. You know. Keep in mind what you’re encouraging here. (but literally, John just becomes a maniac, dancing and shouting, the MOMENT Paul goes to talk to George, and Paul’s instantly like “George, what george?”)
This Paul/George fight is, boiled down, literally just Paul being paranoid and anal and George trying to reassure him. “It’s not passe, it’s just a chord . . . yeah, but some drainies suit different occasions.”
“You need Eric Clapton.” “You need George Harrison.” John wasn’t here to be cute when George walked in, so he’s making up for it now.
“If you vamp, then it takes away from his vamping.” He says to the lead guitarist. Rolling my eyes so hard right now. See, the problem is, Paul loves George. But he’s IN love with John.
Literally, a montage of them raw-dogging it on the ground would be less gay than this insanity.
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Poor baby. I would’ve quit a long time ago. Good for you.
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I love John’s angsty guitar and torn-up vocals post-george.
And the minute her number one hater is gone, my girl gets on a mic! Way to be, honestly. And here’s the thing. Paul and Ringo (and obviously John) love it! There should’ve been a Beatles-Ono colab on a helter-skelter type track. Would’ve killed.
Paul swinging around on that scaffolding and me doing cartwheels in the bathroom between LSAT sections. ADHD besties!
John when George quits: “If he doesn’t come back by Tuesday we get Clapton in” (which he obviously doesn’t fully mean) VS John’s reaction when Paul misses one session: sprinting down the road and climbing a wall and screaming at him
Yoko sure does know how to cater to a fearful-anxious attachment. “John, John, John, Joooooooohhhhhhhnnnn!”
Literally Mo, marry me immediately! My kingdom for a kiss! She’s literally soo beyond gorgeous, I’m dying. Okay sorry I’ll be done now.
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Men are the WORST! But who is making her laugh like that? Ringo? Is she looking off in the direction of the band? I can’t tell.
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Another rare Paul feminist moment! Woop! “A7, D7, G7. Get ‘em off over the weekend and you’re in.”
“So, cats and kittens. What we gonna do?” . . . “Catch up! Cats and kittens. Don’t get left behind.” ???? There have got to be so many secret jabs on RAM for John to hate it so much that we just don’t understand. Is this one of them? Was this a saying of theirs?
Okay, good job. Now that the band is here, Mo isn’t being fucking mean-girled out of the circle. Also, Ringo sits by his wife, John by his girlfriend, and Paul by his daddy. As they should.
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“The maresey beat awords for the best coople of the yeeuh.” Everyone studiously ignoring him. He’s so embarrassing.
I really really love Mo, though. Like I know I’m biased because she’s pretty, but her cute little “Yes!” when Paul jokingly suggests they do it at the cavern. She loved those days. The fact that she’s an og? God bless her, literally.
“Location isn’t really our main problem at the moment.” George Martin. “It’s breathing, actually.” said in the most casual voice possible but meant with the most wounded heart. Gosh, that one hurt. And then look how George Martin looks at him. His best boy is going through it.
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The huggle! Ringo initiates it with Paul, of course, turning to him and gently gripping both biceps as he forces deep, direct eye contact. But then as Ringo’s pulling away, Paul leans into him and holds him there, talking. And as Ringo’s nodding, he looks to John, who basically pounces on both of them, head bowed, arms aggressive, pulling them all in, tighter, tighter until it’s a three-way head-bonk. Ringo’s hand at John’s waist now, and Paul’s fucking iron talons clenching desperately around his bicep. But still, John manages to pull away from Paul’s grip as Yoko inserts herself between them where, really, she decidedly does Not belong. It’s got to be the most painful non-hug ever recorded on camera. Nobody knows what anyone wants, let alone how to give it to them.
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Why did the gayest one also have to be the saddest one though? I guess the Lord gives his hardest battles to his gayest soldiers, smh
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hyunsvngs · 3 months
Okay friend. Here's the deal with Woojin from an adult stay who is realistic and (actually) unbiased in the situation. Stays constantly give him shit and tell him to apologize and now that he did, it still isn't good enough.
Short version: Woojin leaving when he did absolutely was shitty and he needed to take accountability for the additional stress added to skz during that time. He's taken accountability a couple of times and it's not enough for aggressive stays who for some reason beg for apologies all the time.
Long version:
Lots of stays use the "he was the oldest in the group" line all because he said he was young and immature and wasn't homie like 20/21? That is young and it is immature. He chose to think of himself first in this situation. It may have been the best decision. If he continued on when his heart wasnt in the right place, his performance likely would have tanked skz success.
Stays are also saying it's too late for him to come out with an apology when he originally did so about a year after leaving. If you don't want him to apologize, stop bringing up his fucking name in association with skz.
Stays claim he's doing this just for his comeback... he's had several releases and did well considering he's practically blacklisted in 4th gen.
Finally, stays love to use the fact that was caught following news about skz. Duh. He was in the group and trained with these guys during formative years. Do we really think he wouldn't care about them? We also don't know what kind of relationship they have because literally no one says anything. And they don't have to because it's not our business.
I get the need to feel like you have to defend your favs- I really do. I'm a skz ult and the whole woojin situation fucking sucked... for them. We have no idea what has happened behind closed doors since then. They may have made up or they may not have. It's not our business. It is likely that he wasn't allowed to speak up for however long die to contractual issues.
Bottom line: 1. Stop asking idols for shit that won't appease you anyway. If you didn't want an apology, you should have stayed out his comment section. 2. Stop taking things personally because you are all just fans who have no idea what's going on.
It probably sounds like I am biased toward Woojin. Believe me when I say I'm not. I am taking the side of stray kids and Woo over the side of stays who literally bully the fuck out of someone who did what was best for him in that moment. Yes it was selfish and it sucks that the boys had to endure that but support the boys without mentioning or tearing down Woojin.
thanks to everyone who sent me asks abt this btw, i’m replying to this one bc i feel like it’s thorough lol
i get what ur saying completely. woojin was still young when he left skz, and i can understand putting yourself first.
however, i can’t have any sympathy for someone who is time and time again using the success of his ex-group to promote himself. i understand following skz news, that’s not the issue here - it’s the fact that woojin seems to be using almost clickbait titles in his videos about the boys to get attention. skz were hurt when woojin left, and this was not just career wise but personally too. i don’t have any sympathy for him and i can’t understand him using skz for clout lol
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pettytiredandjewish · 5 months
israel has purposefully bombed over half of gaza's hospitals, does that sit right with you? populated hospitals, too.
i havent seen you provide a single source to prove israel's innocence — everything you've said about palestinians is pure word-of-mouth and blatantly untrue. someone called you out on it and you basically responded with "nuh-uh."
you follow a bingo blog that says the prize is the entirety of palestine? do you understand how fucked up that is? you're not as morally correct as you think you are.
Its war- hospitals, homes, stores, etc sadly do get bombed during war. It’s happened throughout history- it’s messed up but it’s part of war. I’m not a heartless bitch- all the civilians who had lost their lives in this war along other wars that had broken out- I do pray that their memories are a blessing and that their families can find peace and comfort during their time of mourning. But on the flip side- Hamas is also doing the same thing too (bombing wise), but I’m guessing that you don’t care about that. By your logic- what about Russia and Ukraine? Hospitals, homes, stores, etc are also getting destroyed in that war. Along with the wars that’s happening throughout the Middle East. Do those people matter? Do you care about their dead? Or is it only about Palestinians? I only ask this because I’ve seen people only care about Palestinians being killed and ignoring the others who are affected by this war or ignoring other current horrible wars happening and their dead.
And let’s go back to Hamas- you do know that they also to blame for this? They also bombed their own hospital (and probably more). They also use hospitals as their bases- does that not disturb you? They are literally putting their civilians in danger. They are using their own civilians as human shields. Any resources- food,water, other essentials that is meant to go to the civilians- Hamas is taking them and using it for themselves. Let’s not forget that Hamas is a terrorist group with ties/connections to isis and other groups too.
Let’s talk about 10/7. Hamas full on invaded Israel bombed them. They kidnapped/k*lled/r**** Israeli citizens. They burned down homes to lure out civilians who were hiding in them. They also impersonated IDF soldiers. Hamas still are holding hostages and treating them horribly. Then they tried to play the good guys and “clean” up the freed hostages to make it look like they were treated well. They are still holding hostages and Hamas is now treating it like a sick saw game of executing them. Are you disturbed by this?
Of course Israel was gonna defend itself after what happened! They had the right to defend itself. Any country in their shoes would have done the same thing. By your logic- do you blame Ukraine for defending itself when Russia invaded them? Also does the Israeli government have issues? Yes- but so does all the other governments too. So blaming all of Israel and Jews (because asshats are blaming Jews) is pointless because they- the civilians are not at fault. It’s like blaming all of America for what happened in the Middle East- I can tell you right now that the majority of us Americans did not want that war. But our government did not give a damn and still don’t (they don’t even care about us civilians but that’s another story)
I can keep going- about the propaganda that Hamas is spreading, the antisemitism that is on the rise because people always blame the Jews, etc… but I’ve already talked about that.
As for sources? It’s not my job to find reliable information about what’s happening for you- you can do that. (I’m not gonna hold your hand and guide you.) Look at where you are getting your information from. Is it from the news? Or did you get it from social media/tic tok? Be very wary of information you get from social media and tic tok because it mostly will contain misinformation- not always but still be cautious. Even be careful about information you are getting from the news because it can be biased. I look and score through various sources from all over the board- it does take time and patience but I’m pretty confident with my findings.
As for the bingo- I’m positive that the person who created that bingo board already explained why it was created. You can look it up if you want.
Am yisrael chai! ✡️
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poppitron360 · 24 days
Wait. I wanna hear you Will Solace headcanons
Okay so be prepared for these to be wildly inaccurate because all I know about this guy is from fannon. Most of this is also me projecting.
1. Bass player. Yes that is 100% biased, as I am also a bass player (and I hc myself as a legacy of Apollo). No I have no basis on this claim other than Basses Are Just Cooler Than Guitars.
2. OR he’s the guitarist, Nico is the Bassist.
3. If there is a piano in the house, he WILL play it. For hours. Gods forbid you take him anywhere with a public piano.
4. Hates learning Music Theory, learns by ear and by feel. As an Apollo kid, he can instantly read both tab and sheet music, but uses neither.
5. Also has perfect pitch (can name any chord just by hearing it).
6. He’s a Star Wars fan, right? Can talk for hours about John William’s use of Lydian Mode in the score to convey a sense of majesty, and don’t get him started on the expert use of Vagnarian methods of leitmotif-
7. Okay, so maybe he knows a little music theory.
8. Writes terrible poetry that’s low-key kinda good.
9. Founder of the chb LGBTQ+ club.
10. Bisexual flags everywhere. He always at least one pink, purple, and blue pen on hand, doodles exclusively in those colours. His doctors notes are colour-coded pink, purple, blue.
11. BIG supporter of Trans rights- is qualified to help with Gender Affirming Healthcare for anyone at Camp.
12. Apollo is also god of prophecies. Will has the power of foresight ONLY for TV show/Film/Book endings. He is able to predict how a character would die with incredible accuracy after one episode. Morbid as fuck, so naturally Nico thinks it’s the hottest thing ever.
13. SWIFTIE!!!!!
14. Friendship bracelets. VERY swiftie-coded, he has a million of them on both arms, cutting off his circulation.
15. Paints Nico’s nails. Nico insists on all black, but gave in and let Will paint ONE nail fun colours, bedazzled with charms and shit. As long as it’s the middle finger.
Now, specifically my Will x Leo (Platonic) headcannons:
16. Will and Leo become very close at camp simply because Leo has absolutely zero sense of self-preservation. Like that kid does not value his life in any way at all, and so always ends up doing the most reckless shit ever, and, naturally, ends up spending a lot of time in the infirmary, usually only after being dragged there by Jason (“What’s the big deal? It’s just a broken arm. I’m ambidextrous! Besides, I’ve survived worse.”)
17. Will loves him because he’s never there longer than he has to be.
18. Except sometimes he does have to force Leo back into bed while Leo’s yelling loudly about how he needs to get back to his work, the Argo II won’t build itself, and to let go of him or he’ll burn you.
19. Will makes him wear enchanted plasters (band aids) that he can’t take off without doctor’s permission, to stop him absent-mindedly picking at old scabs and bits of skin. He also keeps fidget toys and stress balls to give to his patients. Leo has stolen ALL of them.
20. Like seriously, it is a problem. Leo has had to make them a whole bunch more fidgets because he’s taken and then overworked them until they all broke.
21. Both their southern accents come out more when they talk to each other. If a conversation goes on too long, they evolve into using so much fast-paced Texan slang that no-one else can understand them- it’s practically its own language.
23. Leo helps out in the infirmary a lot- he’s useful if you need to sterilise equipment or cauterise any wounds.
24. It works sort of like an exchange of favours, where Leo also calls on Will anytime he needs a human flashlight to work on a project.
25. Leo has a lot of scars from his rough childhood. Will is one of the few people (aside from Jason) who’s actually seen them all. They never talk about it, and, as his doctor, he’s sworn to secrecy, but some of them are really disturbing. It will never not shock him that demigods can get hurt by things in the mortal world.
26. Leo makes sure Will uses accurate engineering jargon when writing Star Wars fanfiction.
27. Aside from Leo, Nico is the only one who reads his fanfiction
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Oh For a Muse of Fire! Part 5
This is for @goodolefashionedloverboi and @zerokrox-blog who while I was writing this said the same thing Robin does in this in the comments of part 3. “Eddie this isn’t high school anymore, shut up!!” LOL! Thanks for the laughs, guys.
Also originally I had a darker meeting with Joyce (she tells him that if something else happens involving him {the fight with Michelle and the seizure being the first two strikes} he be out of the class) but then I realized Joyce would never. So she didn’t.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Robin’s feet ached as she makes her way to her apartment. Diamond worked the bar to help Opal out, but Steve was missed. Diamond could tend and often did, but it didn’t have the flare Steve did when he slung drinks. Not that Opal was bad either, but again...she was biased and she missed her Steve.
She was so focused on getting home that she nearly ran someone over in her rush.
“Oh shit!” she said, trying to untangle herself from the poor person.
“Buckley?” a voice above her asked.
She looked up to see Eddie holding her up to keep her from falling to the ground.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Robin asked as she finally got her feet under her. “If you followed Alice and Steve back here, I’ll call cops. Don’t think I won’t.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” he said holding his hands up in surrender. “For starters I live it that building over there.” He pointed at the building across from her and Steve’s apartment. “I moved in last month.”
Robin eyed him suspiciously. “You aren’t here to harass Steve?”
Eddie frowned. “When did you get so far up King Steve’s ass? I knew you in band, you hated him as much as I did.”
Robin put her hands on her hips. “Look, yes Steve was an ass in high school, but he changed. And you don’t get go throwing the past in his face. It’s been five years, man. Let. It. Go.”
Eddie shrugged. “You have that girl take Steve back to your apartment because Loch Nora is too far away?” At her blank expression. “You know when you insinuated that I followed him here?”
Robin frowned. “Steve and I live together...” she said slowly as if she was talking to an idiot.
“I didn’t think Harrington was your type, Buckley,” he said, raising an eyebrow knowingly.
“He’s not and he knows that, too,” she defended.
“We are talking about the guy who slung the slurs ‘queer’ and ‘fag’ around like his stupid baseball bat, right?” Eddie growled.
“It’s been years!” she bit back. “Let. It. Go.”
Eddie just threw his arms in the air. “Whatever, I need to get home.” And he stalked off toward the building he said was his.
Robin watched as he ran up the stairs, biting her lip. She was going to have to tell Steve about their new neighbor.
Robin opened the door to their apartment to see Steve on the couch reading, the only light on in the place is the lamp above him.
“Shit, the seizure cause a migraine?” she whispered as slipped out of her coat and shoes.
He nodded and set the book down. “So it’s a good thing I got you to call me in.”
She nodded and sat down next to him. “I missed you.”
Steve nodded and curled up against her side. “I called Dr Thompson and set up an appointment. I shouldn’t be seizing after just one missed dose.”
“Yeah,” Robin agreed, threading her fingers through his hair. “It really scared me.”
“I’m glad you were there,” he murmured. “Did Joyce call you?”
She sighed. As much as she would like to lie and tell him yes. He needed to know the truth. “It was Eddie.”
Steve huffed a bitter laugh. “I guess he’s not a complete ass. He just doesn’t like me.”
“Yeah, well,” she grumbled. “He also lives in the building across from us.”
Steve straightened up to look her in the eye. “Are you being serious right now?”
“Yup!” she said, popping the P. “Met him outside just now.”
He cuddled back up to her side. “I just have to last six months and then I’m gone.”
“I’ll beat him up if he says anything to you,” she growled. “I swear it. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the stress of him being an ass was what caused your seizure.”
Steve sighed heavily. She was probably right was the problem. Dr Thompson was going to ask about stressors and Eddie Munson was going to have to go on the list.
She stroked his hair until he fell asleep against her.
Eddie didn’t have band practice the next night, so he offered to pick Chrissy up from work. Which she gratefully accepted. When he pulled up to the bar, standing next to her was a large, burly man in a white pinstripe suit. He looked like the comic book character the Kingpin come to life. The only thing he was missing was a gigantic cigar to chew on.
When Eddie pulled up to the curb, Chrissy waved at the man before climbing in.
As he pulled out of the parking lot he asked, “Who was that, then?”
Chrissy smiled. “That’s my boss, Diamond. He’s really nice. Sometimes if it’s too dark, he’ll walk me to the bus stop and stay with me until it comes.”
Eddie nodded. “Seems like a nice guy.”
Chrissy nodded. “They’ve all been great. Although apparently I haven’t met the weekend bouncer, Onyx and he’s not so nice.”
He hummed. “Well, he wouldn’t be a very good bouncer if he was nice.”
She laughed. “That’s what Garnet said.”
“Garnet is the guy you’re training to take over for?” Eddie asked, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in time to the music in his head.
Chrissy grinned. “He’s really nice. And despite the silly rule of not knowing who we are outside of work, he still really close with most of the crew.”
Eddie grinned back. “So a real mother hen, huh?”
Chrissy shrugged. “I mean, I guess. I think the only reason he hasn’t offered to drive me home after work is that Diamond would frown on it.”
He licked his lips slowly. “I’m glad you got this job, sweetheart. It seems like you’re going to do great.”
They were silent in the van for awhile.
“Oh!” Chrissy said suddenly. “You have to come to open mic night!”
Eddie deflated. “A posh place like The Queen’s Crown isn’t going to want to listen to a bunch of washed up metalheads.”
Chrissy pushed at his shoulder. “Apparently lots of big name bands have gotten their start at The Queen’s Crown. What harm would it do to try? You get up there, play three songs, and leave. And maybe, just maybe Diamond will pick Corroded Coffin for one of his fancy gigs where actual fucking music producers show up.”
Eddie pulled over to the side of the road to look her in the eye. “Come again?”
Chrissy rolled her eyes. “Open mic night is one Saturday a month. And from that list of ten or so bands and solo artists, he picks three to show up and do a full set in front music producers. Not everyone gets a record deal, but they all get a chance.”
Eddie let out a shuddered breath. “Holy fuck, Chrissy.”
She kissed his cheek. “I thought you’d like that. Which is why I signed you guys up for the next one.”
Eddie blinked at her for a moment and then threw his arms around her tightly. “You’re the best!” He kissed her cheek. “Why didn’t we work out again?”
Chrissy laughed, pushing him off her. “Because I’m gay?”
Eddie laughed, too. “Oh, yeah. That’s right.” He grinned at her and then pulled back into traffic to take her home.
Steve showed up early to the next class as requested. He was so nervous. He was really worried that she was going to kick him out of her class. He was keeping his head down and his mouth shut. He didn’t want to take a summer class, because then he wouldn’t graduate in June and he’d lose his student teaching position.
Joyce waved him in. “Come in, come in.”
Steve shuffled in and closed the door behind him. He walked up to her desk.
“Pull up a chair,” she instructed.
He pulled out one of the stools and straddled it. “You wanted to speak to me?”
Joyce nodded. “How are you doing?”
Steve shrugged his shoulders. “I’m okay, I guess. I have an appointment with my neurologist next week to discuss what happened.”
She laced her fingers together and placed her hands on her desk. “How long has this been going on?”
Steve didn’t want to say, but she leveled her mom stare at him and he folded. “Since my second concussion about seven years ago.” And then silently begged her not to do the math.
But she did it anyway. “Ah. From your fist fight with Jonathan.”
Yup. Her oldest son had one hell of a right hook. “I’d rather you didn’t tell him that I have seizures because of that fight. He doesn’t need the guilt.”
She tilted her head and sighed gently. “You say it was your second concussion. When was your first?”
Steve cleared his throat and looked down at the floor. “When I was about one years old, my mom accidentally dropped me and I was rushed to the hospital. My neurologist tells me that when Jonathan hit me he knocked loose something from that first injury that caused the seizures and the migraines.”
“Oh, Steve...” she murmured. “That’s awful. I wish you boys would tell me what you were fighting over.”
Steve licked his lips. Yeah. He was going to take that little secret to his grave, thanks. The last thing he was going to tell Joyce, especially now that she was his teacher was that Steve had hit him when he caught Jonathan taking pictures of girls undressing. And Jonathan had hit back harder.
Him and Jonathan made up later. Steve got him to agree to never do that again, and he wouldn’t tell his mother that her sweet boy was a pervert.
Joyce shook her head. “Are you able to continue the class?” she asked after several long moments of awkward silence.
Steve nodded. “It was a fluke thing. I’ve had a lot of changes in my life recently and it activated my epilepsy. My doctor will probably adjust my dosage for awhile and then I’ll be back to normal.” He cocked his head to the side. “Or as normal as I get.”
Joyce nodded. “If you need anything let me know. I want to see you do well in this class.”
He sighed. “Yeah, I do too.”
She looked up at the clock. “All right, it’s about time for class to start, so go ahead and sit down. I’ll open the door.”
Steve got up and went to his seat. He watched as the other students filed in. That had gone better than he hoped it would. Robin would tell him that it was just his anxiety talking when he got like this. Didn’t stop his brain from filling in the worst doom’s day scenarios, though. 
Part 6  Part 7  Part 8 Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12 Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Epilogue
Tag List: @artiststarme @allbymyselfexceptformycactus @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @itsall-taken @m-owo-n @zerokrox-blog @runyousillydetective @grimmfitzz @wonderland-girl143-blog @sapphirecobalt-1@scheodingers-muppet @victor-thee-corvid @apricottree @bookbinderbitch @sleepyboosstuff @biatcgh @pixiefallingupthestairs @grtwdsmwhr @thepainisspicy @carlyv @eboyawstenn @bisexualdisastersworld @bidisastersworld @abstractnaturaldisaster @evix-syne666 @nerdsconquerall @lololol-1234 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @a-little-unsteddie @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @elluminis @tailsfromthecrypt @danili666 @plyerice27 @alittlegreyfish  @n0-1-important @no-upper-limit-to-stupidity 
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
Alright, I was a little late in watching Be My Favorite, episode 9, but I’m all caught up and here’s the late meta: @lurkingshan, I know you hipped to me that the episode was sad, and it was, definitely, but also -- I found to be uplifting, and not just because of that RIDICULOUSLY GORGEOUS dialogue between Kawi and Pisaeng at the end of the episode (could Gawin BE ANY BETTER in this show?! GODDAMN).
But first, a couple quick notes. I didn’t have time to pay my respects through the reblogs earlier yesterday, so: yes to the fat-coding discussion re: Kwan (agree with you, @lurkingshan and @jjsanguine) -- amazing dialogue at the link, and my theory on Not x Kwan is that Not is meant to represent TOTAL heteronormativity, which isn’t a stretch for him, obviously. (When characters are written to be so DESPICABLE, it gets me thinking that the character is actually written really fucking well.)
In this instance, if we are to compare Kawi to Not: Kawi, through his reflections on the future and the past, is slowly working on changing himself (more on this in a moment re: the uplifting bit). He’s learning through his mistakes that he’s either made and/or knows he COULD have made.
Not, I think, represents society’s disinclination to either change, and/or to change AND accept the change of others. I write about behavioral change a lot, because it’s really fucking hard to do, AND people who try to change in their micro- or macro-communities often have a tremendously hard time being accepted... kinda like coming out of a closet, as Kawi and Pisaeng’s relationship is revealed against their will, and Kawi immediately clocks that it’s Not who’s behind it. As well, referring back to the fat-coded discussion re: Kwan -- I get the sense that Not would “never see Kwan that way,” because the fat-coding around Kwan would signal that Not is “lowering his standards” about women, which could affect his reputation with his guy friends. His behavior, I think, is loathsome precisely because it’s rooted in such perfectly delineated heteronormativity -- from spotting Kawi and Pisaeng *not* kissing, to assuming they kissed, to narc-ing to Pear about it, to telling his dudes the next day in class with people around, to knowing that Kawi overheard it. He’s just -- playing the perfect biased het dude, to a tee. Not is playing his own role in society as he believes it should function.
Which is why I, along with hopefully everyone in the fandom (lol) loved that Pear rejected him. And I’d call that moment an uplifting one for Pear. We know, in a different scenario, that Pear leaving Kawi COULD HAVE MEANT that she ended up with Not.
Instead, in what’s being presented to us as the active and live world of Kawi’s current truth, Pisaeng had the opportunity to confirm to Pear the HONEST truth about his relationship with Kawi. In the Kawi-is-a-rock-star alt-reality -- Kawi was holding back from Pear, keeping his feelings away from her, and putting himself first. She wasn’t presented with truth from others, and thus led herself to believe that being with Not, in marriage, was going to be the right decision for her and the baby they had conceived of. 
In the current, we’re-still-in-university reality, her friends -- Pisaeng and Kawi -- are honest with her. They both cannot give her the heterosexual love that she desires from a man. Not appears. And she rejects him. 
This is such a complicated and, to me, lovely “reality” to contemplate, and links tremendously with what Pisaeng was saying to Kawi at the end of the show. Reflecting back on the earlier episodes: Kawi could not save his dad. Kwan might be heartbroken. And Pear is heartbroken, twice -- maybe even three times, from her mom, from Pisaeng, and from Kawi. 
Kawi demonstrates through his changing behavior that drinking ain’t gonna solve these problems. Even Pisaeng confirms that, too. 
The show, instead, is inching a bit closer, not to absolute truth, as I dissected when I first binged through episode 7, but instead to a kind of truth that is as best as you can make it, while working on making your life better. 
@sparklyeyedhimbo​ noted that Nietzsche came thru again in this episode (THANK YOU, friend @chickenstrangers, for hipping me to the link!). The quote behind Kawi and Pisaeng is from “Thus Spake Zarathustra”: “He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.”
As Pisaeng said, and I paraphrase: if you want to be happy, you gotta do the work. If you want OTHERS to be happy.... you gotta do the work of making YOURSELF HAPPY, *FIRST.*
And I find that message UTTERLY uplifting, and I think Pear took some of that with her when she walked away from Pisaeng and Kawi to stand up for herself with Not, and to not compromise on her values to potentially be him. I thought that was badass. Pear has a life of change ahead of her.
One final note. Pisaeng’s talk with Kawi at the end of the episode happened to touch me as a mom, even though the monologue was rooted in an uplifting and romantic perspective. It struck me that part of what Pisaeng was saying was -- if we’re happy, people will see that we’re happy, and that might HELP PEOPLE find THEIR OWN happiness.
It reminded me a lot of behavior modeling, which is a wonderful modality for parents/caretakers to practice when raising kids. It’s essentially, like -- we adults will behave exactly the way we WANT our kids to LEARN to behave, and we can show them honest ways of communicating if we communicate well ourselves. If you want your kids to be critical thinkers, for instance -- demonstrate conversations of critical thinking IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS, and maybe even involve them in those conversations. 
I really believe that being happy isn’t something that any one person, or a coupling, should be judged for. Look at fucking Not -- judgement all over the place. Again: I think he represents heteronormative society, a part of which pooh-poohs deep love happiness for the sake of negativity and criticism. 
Instead, I love that Be My Favorite takes the responsibility of having Pisaeng and Kawi model for us, IN THEIR OWN WORDS AND BEHAVIORS, the very hard work of CHANGING, for yourself, maybe even for the people you love, and showing the people you love, and your community around you, that that change is very much worth making, to find better and more HONEST happiness in your life. THAT’S how Kawi can impact others, in the end.
(Let us hope, oh LET US HOPE, this show continues to be as good as this episode!)
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cutfruitbitch · 2 years
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Eddie Munson x transmasc reader
Tags: smut (18+), trans male reader, lightly implied transphobia (only because it’s 1985 in Indiana, nothing outright or aggressive), (mostly) confident! Reader, desperate! Eddie, fairly neutral language regarding reader’s genitals, brief moment of insecurity due to reader’s identity, I wouldn’t say dom reader necessarily but he definitely directs most of the situations that happen here, marijuana
Note: the author (me) is a transgender man. If any one has any beef with the way reader is portrayed here, I’m sorry but as always, don’t like don’t read.
You know of Eddie Munson, but you don’t know him all that well. You know he’s a metal head, and that he plays Dungeons and Dragons. You know he sells drugs, and drives a van, and lives in the shitty end of town. You know he’s extroverted, and fun, and so fucking cute. You know that you want to get closer so badly, and you just don’t know how. You think that if you had the chance, if you could somehow make Eddie really see you, that maybe he’d like you just as much as you like him.
You see him around, and he just seems so cool. Not cool like popular people cool, cool like….like he just doesn’t care if he’s cool or not. Eddie Munson is cool in the same way that Steve Harrington is cool. Yes, you know, that thought seems like it contradicts the first one, but listen. At first, Steve Harrington was cool because he was popular. He was hot and rich and that was it. All filler, no substance. But then, Steve decided he didn’t care anymore. No, Steve Harrington didn’t give a fuck about being king of Hawkins. He started hanging out with middle schoolers, and that girl from band (who’s totally a lesbian, but that’s neither here nor there). The point is, Steve Harrington became actually cool because he stopped giving a shit about everything except for the shit that mattered to him. Eddie Munson is the same way. He’s cool because he doesn’t care about the shit that small town morons think people should care about. Eddie cares about the shit that he thinks is important, and doesn’t give a fuck about the rest. And that makes him cool.
Maybe it’s like, actually insane of you to piece all of that together. You’ve never had a conversation with Steve Harrington, ever. You’ve talked to Eddie like five times, probably. You’ve talked to the marching band lesbian more than both of them combined. Maybe that makes you super fucking weird. You prefer to think that you’re just incredibly observant. None of this is really the point right now, however.
The point is, currently, that you haven’t totally figured out yet is how Eddie Munson earned the title of town freak. Like, sure, being a D&D playing metal-head in Nowhere, America wasn’t exactly a ticket to popularity, but the way people talked about him seemed a little aggressive for it to be just about his interests. Or…maybe his ‘interests’ are exactly the issue? A guy can dream, anyways.
The point is, you have a plan, and that plan is to buy drugs. It’s totally fool-proof. You’ve smoked plenty of weed, but you’ve always mooched off other people at parties, which means you have no fucking clue how to roll a joint, or pack a bowl, or any of that shit. And Eddie sells weed. It’ll give you something to talk about. Good bonding method. Probably. So you���ll just go to Eddie’s trailer, buy drugs, tell him you don’t know how to do jack shit, then he’ll invite you in. Hopefully. Maybe.
Jesus Christ.
Here’s the thing:
You’re a boy. A man, even. And your running theory is that Eddie Munson is gay. Partially because you really want him to be gay, and also because your gaydar says so. Your gaydar might be biased. Who’s to say, really.
But you’re a man, and Eddie is a man, and you like men, and hopefully Eddie likes men. Two plus two plus two is six. But…Eddie might not, enjoy, per say, the kind of man you are. Eddie is a good guy, if he rejects you, he wouldn’t tell anyone. Freaks and weirdos have an unspoken code like that, just like how band kids and theater kids have an unspoken alliance. But, you’re going to be incredibly realistic about the entire situation: you are in the American Midwest in 1985. You’re doing something terribly risky because you’re, what, horny? You’re going to possibly out yourself because you have an unquenchable thirst for Eddie Munson’s cock?
You need to stop spiraling, because you’re already at his trailer. It’s a quick walk, because you also live in the shitty part of town. Alright, okay, cool, let’s do it. One, two, three, knock.
“Uh, hey man. Can I help you?”
Your mouth goes dry, unlike other parts of you. He’s wearing a cropped band tee-shirt and plaid pajama pants. He looks so warm and soft, it makes you want to shove your hands in his pants.
“Oh, hey, I was, uh, wondering if I could buy off you? I’m sorry if I woke you up,” You say, trying not to stare at the trail of hair on his stomach. You are not successful.
“Oh, yeah man, come on in,” Eddie wanders back into his trailer, and you follow to what you assume is his bedroom. It’s pretty much exactly what you thought his bedroom would look like, covered in band posters and random shit. Looks a lot like your room, actually.
“So I’ve got a few pre rolls, and like, two grams around here somewhere,” Eddie calls out, rooting around for something under his bed. You don’t stare at his ass. You don’t.
“Maybe like, four pre rolls? I don’t know how to roll a joint or pack a bowl, so those would probably be best,” You chuckle, mostly to yourself. You figure that neither of those things are that hard to learn how to do, probably, but you’re also kind of a moron, so. Better safe than sorry. Eddie shoves himself out from under his bed.
“You don’t know how to roll a joint? Or pack a bowl? You’ve smoked weed before, right?” He’s on his knees, staring up at you, wide-eyed. It’s….certainly an image. Down boy. You rub the back of your neck and glance off to the side. There’s a sticky note with a pen drawing of what appears to be Slash, thumbtacked to the wall. He’s so fucking cute.
“I’ve actually smoked a ton of weed, but I’m kind of a mooch. You know, I always get passed the blunt at parties, shit like that, but I’ve never really smoked on my own time,” You admit. Eddie laughs, low and hoarse.
“That’s so sleazy of you, pretty boy. Wanna smoke right now?” He says, plopping himself down on his bed.
Pretty boy.
Lord, strike me down.
“Sure, if it’s not like, inconvenient or anything? I’ll still pay,” You sit down next to him, not too close. You end up too close anyways, because you can smell him. God, you might actually die. He leans over to his bedside table and rummages around for something.
“Not inconvenient at all, sweet boy,”
You swallow hard. It’s not typical straight dude behavior to call a guy pet names, right?
He pulls out a joint, a lighter, and an ashtray.
“Just one joint?” You laugh. He smiles right back.
“What, you’re not cool with sharing?” He puts the joint between his lips. You quickly look away. Don’t fucking stare.
“I don’t know where your mouth has been, Munson,” You lean back on your palms and stare absentmindedly at the ceiling while Eddie lights the joint.
“Mhm, you never know with guys like me,” He hands you the joint. He’s closer than before. Maybe you’re hallucinating.
“Yeah? What’s a guy like you? Metalheads?” You’re not even sure if that sentence made sense. You feel like everything is spiraling out of control, and nothing is really even happening. You hit the joint. Being high could make everything better. Or like, a thousand times worse.
“Nah, freaks,”
“And what exactly makes you a freak? I never really understood that,” You admit, studying the joint between your fingertips. You’ve always done that when you smoke. You take a hit, then stare at the joint like you’re a scientist and it’s your specimen. Like, hmm, yes, this marijuana is the finest in Indiana, I shall add it to my collection. God, you’re so fucking weird.
“Oh, well, you know, just the typical shit. My hair is too long and my jeans are too ripped and I play children’s games and listen to Satan worshiping music,” Eddie laughs, but it sounds forced and nervous. You hand the joint back to him.
“Nah, I don’t buy it,” You say casually. So casual. So fucking normal and casual. Several expressions quickly flash over Eddie’s face. He settles on suspicion.
“Don’t buy what?”
“I don’t buy that that’s the shit that makes you a freak. Are you secretly a werewolf? Or like, into crazy BDSM stuff? I saw those handcuffs, Munson. Hanging them on the wall like a decoration? Brave,” Eddie honest to god giggles at that. You give him a lopsided grin.
“It’s alright Eddie, I’m a freak too, probably,” you’re doing it, you crazy, brave moron. You’re taking the leap.
“Hmm? And why’s that?” Eddie puts the half smoked joint on the ashtray. Oh, he’s definitely closer now. He turns, sitting cross-legged on the bed, facing you.
“A lot of reasons. Liking boys is one of the big ones, but no one knows that,” you are so fucking stupid. You glance at Eddie while your heart attempts to escape your body via your esophagus. He’s just staring, big brown eyes wide as hell. He leans in closer. God, why is he so close?
“You like boys? You…like like boys?” Eddie whispers. You nod. He smiles, eyes a little watery.
“Me too,” He says softly. You just sit there, smiling at each other like two idiots.
“Cool,” You say softly. Eddie’s staring at you like he’s never really seen you before. Maybe he hasn’t, not like this. Maybe he’s never met another queer person. His eyes are so big, and dark, you feel like you could fall in and drown. He leans impossibly closer, and his hand brushes yours. You let out a strangled sort of noise. Smooth, real smooth.
“I just-“ Eddie cuts himself off. You knock your shoulder against his. Time to finish your leap of faith.
“Eddie, I’m going to be really super honest with you right now. I’m into you, like a lot. I don’t want you to feel, like, obligated, because there’s probably not a lot of other gay guys in Hawkins, but…yeah. Now you know,” You finish lamely. God, why do you keep alternating between weirdly confident and stupidly nervous? Eddie tugs at a strand of his hair, and covers your hand with his.
“I’m not feeling…obligated. I’m also into you. Like, so much it’s probably weird. I’m probably being weird,” He seems like he’s about to start nervous word vomiting, like Robin from marching band. You turn so you’re fully facing him. His face is very, very red, and he seems like he desperately wants to look at you but also absolutely can not make eye contact.
“You like me? I honestly didn’t know if you knew who I was, other than someone who wanted to buy drugs from you,” Eddie shook his head vigorously at your words, his hair bouncing everywhere.
“No man, I noticed you. You just always seemed so cool, like, you knew you weren’t popular and you just didn’t care. Like, that kinda shit doesn’t even matter to you. I dunno, I kinda always wished I was more like that. More like you,” Eddie’s really close now. You adjust the way you’re sitting, moving so your legs are crossed. Your knees touch his.
“You want to be like me?” You ask. Eddie nods.
“Yeah, pretty boy. I just think you’re cool,” His nervous fingers twist his rings. You wish you had something to anxiously fiddle with, too. You decide to pick at a rip in your jeans.
It’s definitely not your imagination. There’s tension, something alive in the space between you and Eddie. All of a sudden, like a switch was flipped. You’ve taken all the leaps, and stuck every landing so far. Your chances are pretty good, it seems. Another leap. Leap leap leap.
You crawl forward, and sit yourself down right in his lap.
Eddie looks up at you, all big brown puppy dog eyes. His hands hover over your thighs, like he has no idea what to do with them.
“Is this alright?” You ask.
“So fucking alright,” Eddie mumbles, and he’s kissing you, Christ, he’s fucking kissing you.
It’s like a dam has broken between you. It’s teeth and tongue and saliva, and you just can’t get close enough to him. His tongue is in your mouth, and fuck, having any part of him inside of you is nearly enough to make you cum in your jeans. He’s gripping your thighs now, and god, those rings.
His hands slide further, gripping your ass. He hauls you closer, so you’re literally sitting on his cock. You can feel the hot press of it through his pajamas.
“Eddie…” You start. Christ, you want it. You want him, so badly it hurts. You ache.
“Mhm?” Eddie hums, and begins to kiss down your throat.
You’ve done a pretty great job at navigating this whole encounter so far, but now that you’re here, your insecurities are getting the best of you. Well, maybe not insecurities, per say, but weird internalized shit. Whatever, you’ll save it for therapy, but for now:
“You, er, maybe don’t- uh…..you probably don’t want to have sex with me. Not that I’m assuming that we were going to have sex,” You blurt out. So cool, so smooth. Moron.
“Huh?” Eddie already looks throughly fucked. His cheeks are red and his hair is wild, and he’s so beautiful.
“I..you like men. You’re attracted to men. And like, I’m…absolutely a man, but maybe….not quite the kind of man you’d sleep with,” You cringe internally. Way to be clear and concise. Eddie cocks his head to the side like a puppy.
“I’m not following,” He grips your waist. Focus, please.
“I have a vagina,” Brillant. Awesome. Foot, meet mouth. Eddie just stares.
“Okay?” He makes a face that you hope means I don’t understand why we stopped kissing, let’s keep doing that.
“So…I don’t have a dick,” You stare back at him. Being transgender in the Midwest in 1985 equips you with a certain sense of realism, which means you know that typically the best outcome of people finding out that you’re trans is that they don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Even the gays don’t always know shit about gender. You’re shooting in the dark, here. Eddie pets your hair.
“Man, I don’t care. You’re a dude, I see you as a dude. I like men, you like men, we’re all gay men here. Right?” Eddie says, like it’s the easiest shit in the world. You look at him, stunned.
“God, I’m going to fuck you,” You more-or-less throw yourself at him. It’s not your fault that basic human decency turns you on.
Eddie flips you both, so he’s on top of you. You’re trapped between his body and his bed, surrounded by him and his clothes and his scent and everything is Eddie Eddie Eddie.
You pull at each other’s clothing urgently. You don’t think you’ve ever felt like this, wild and desperate. You’re both down to your boxers, and Eddie’s grinding against you like he aches for it. He sneaks a hand under your ass, pulling you against him even more.
“I need to be inside you, please, please, let me,” Eddie is breathless, face against your neck. It’s kind of cute, how desperate he is. It’s not like you can judge, you’re just as hard-up.
“Please Eddie, c’mon,” Eddie shoves your boxers down around your ankles, then his. He holds himself over you, and his arms shake.
“How…how do you want this to go?” He asks you. You push him on his back and slide into his lap. You hover, on your knees, over his stiff cock. It’s flushed and dripping, and you fucking need it.
“Alright, sweet boy, lemme grab a condom,” Christ, with the nicknames again. He quickly snatches a bottle of lube and a condom from his bedside table and makes quick work of putting it on, and slicking himself up. You reach behind, and steady his cock as you slowly sink down.
“Oh fuck,” Eddie whimpers into your chest. You settle yourself into his lap, his cock fully seated inside you. This is what dreams are motherfucking made of.
“You okay, Eds?” You cup his cheek with your palm. You didn’t know that he’d be like this, that you haven’t even begun to move and he’s already this drunk on sex. He nods sheepishly, and thrusts shallowly.
“You’re just so fucking wet, and tight,” He runs his hands up and down your back, your thighs, your ass, like he has no clue what to do with them.
“C’mon big guy, fuck me like you mean it,” You chuckle. Eddie nods, like the good boy he is. He wraps his arms around you, and begins to fuck in to you, hard and wet. He lets out a plethora of noises, a goddamn symphony of moans and hums and gasps and choked-off little laughs. Fuck, he fills you up perfectly, like God carved out a space inside of you that was meant just for him. Pleasure rolls through you in waves. You were never particularly noisy during sex, but Eddie evidently knows exactly how to get you to gasp and moan.
“Please, fuck, I wanna- shit,” Eddie stumbles over his words, like his thoughts are all jumbled up. You have to admit, your brain is pretty scrambled too.
“Whaddya want Eddie?” You ask. He slows his thrusts and looks up at you.
“I just wanna- this,” He says, and he throws you both forward so he’s on top of you. He hikes your legs up around his waist and pumps into you with wild abandon.
“Jesus Christ,” He mumbles. You grin.
“No, just my name is fine,” You snark. He chuckles, and fists the sheets next to your head.
“God, fuck, I think I’m about to cum,” Eddie pants, rhythm faltering.
“Same,” you admit. You can feel it rising in you with each of Eddie’s thrusts, the slick drag of his cock hot like a brand inside you. You feel like a cup of warm tea filled to the brim, ready to spill. You feel like you’re under a warm blanket on a cold winter night. You feel sloppy and wet and like every second feels impossibly better than the last.
And then you cum around Eddie’s cock.
It’s like stars exploding. Supernova. It’s like a lot of things, and you can’t think of any of them because you are transcending time and space.
“God, fuck, you just creamed on my cock, holy shit, oh fuck-“ Eddie bits down on where your neck and shoulder meet, and cums inside you. You wish you could feel it, but hey, safety first.
Eddie slumps off to the side, out of breath. You stare at the ceiling, body twitching and slick with sweat. You kind of wish you had a cigarette. You look over at Eddie, who, quite frankly, looks braindead.
“Hey Eds?”
“Yeah, sweet boy?”
“Next time, fuck me from behind,”
“Jesus H Christ,”
“I told you, Eddie, just my name is fine,”
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lunicho · 2 months
600 YIPPEEE!!!! Bunny 600 party I’ll bring cookies !!! You deserve all the love 🥺❤️❤️
Thank you for lowkey keeping Lunétumblr alive🫡 I know you don’t write big stuff a lot but all of the drabbles and even agreeing with anon thoughts means a lot to me and I’m sure it means a lot to other Lunés too 🥺
Wishing the best for u as a person and for the blog too 🙏🙏 if things ever get slow don’t worry there’s no rush we’ll always be here 🫡❤️
Would you be ok sharing the story behind how/why u started stanning all the groups you do? Like how you got into BND,RIIZE, etc? Some Bunny lore would be cute 😋
600 PARTY LETS GO!!! tysm pookie, you've been here supporting the blog soso much and it means the world to me. i look forward to seeing u around on my blog all the time. i love u so so much!! also what kind of cookies are you bringing!! :o ALSO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I TALK SO FUCKING MUCH 😭
i'm so glad im able to contribute to lunéblr, i genuinely have had so so much fun with all of the teamies anons on here like u guys are hilarious 😭 u guys are also so so consistent here and it means soo much to me seriously <3
i'm wishing the best for you as well, i hope that whatever you decide to do in this world goes well and i hope life treats u well always!
BUNNY LORE!! i love talking so yes, i stan like 89 million groups so i'll do the ones i write for and then u can ask abt other groups i didn't mention if you're curious! also prewarning that literally every group i stan started with me trying not to stan them LMAODGSJ
bnd - i didn't stan them when they first debuted cuz for some reason i always try to stop stanning groups knowing im an addict smh. i also like to give groups a bit to Marinate before i stan so i held off! then in like august last year i started getting funnextdoor tik toks abt leehan and his fishtank and i decided i wanted to watch it for funsies cuz leehan was sooo pretty and so cute so i was curious and uh... yeah that was my first mistake 😭 i full on thought leehan was gonna be my bias but then taesan walked in and snatched me up and bnd is just so addictive i just had to stan. i stuck with bnd because they genuinely make me so happy, they're so fun and they remind me of all the best things about kpop, like i just love them so bad 😖😖 but i officially started stanning them the week after but sometimes came out cuz that song had me hooked 😭 omg i just remembered that their videos kept coming up on my youtube too like the universe was trying to get me to stan since like july 😭
riize - i didn't even attempt to not stan them actually 😭 sungtaro were my nct biases when they debuted so i really really wanted to support them on their new endeavors so i already had plans to at least become acquainted with riize but siren had me MOVINGGGGG 😭😭😭 like i haddd to get in on that like i was Hooked. i couldn't even give them the time to marinate cuz of sungtaro so i just hopped right in 😞 and then my sister started biasing wonbin QUICK and i started biasing anton for like a week and then seunghan collected me 😖 and riize gives me heavy nostalgia so like idk i just love them a lot
&team - i've been supporting them since debut bc enha are one of my ults and ive been familiar with kei since then (i didn't watch iland i just knew abt kei and was familiar with some of the other boys names) and i was so obsessed with under the skin but i didn't end up fully stanning them for a while. i started to learn their names just so i'd know who they were when i see them around and things like that. i didn't start to stan them more until like july last year when i watched more of their content and then i fell off again until like october i think and they quickly became one of my top groups cuz they're so fun idk
zb1 - um i fully wasn't supposed to stan cuz wanna one and jbj disbanding hurted bad enough but while bp was going on i kept seeing clips and THEY HAD ME ROLLINGGG 😭😭 but i was having self restraint ☝🏾🤨 but then sol (adoresol go follow her and send her asks) she told me to watch zb1 content on july 12th 2023 ☝🏾😌 im able to see it in our ig messages LMAODGSJ but i started watching them and learning their names that day, i even told her i liked jiwoong 😖 but yeah then they stuck after that day cuz they make me laugh and they're so fun idk
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dira333 · 10 months
Act my age - part 6
Scotty x reader - Masterlist
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“I fucked up,” you greet your brother when he steps into your room.
He freezes right at the door.
“Is there… is there blood on your uniform?”
You look down at yourself, curse and jump up from the couch. “Shit, yeah, that’s Mr. Scott’s.”
“You killed Mr. Scott?!”
There’s pure panic in your brother’s voice now.
“NO!” You yell back, “No! I just… I flinched.”
“What did you do? Is he going to lose his arm? Is he-”
“Stop!” You put up your hand, “Stop! You’re going to make me have a panic attack. Everything will be fine. He will hate me for the rest of his life, but… everything will be… fine.”
Your brother closes his mouth, takes a few deep breaths and opens it again.
“How about you shower, I make us something to eat and then we talk about it?”
“I love you,” you answer him and walk towards the bathroom, pulling your top off along the way.
“Yeah!” He calls after you, “I love me too.”
“So…” Your brother looks down at your hand, using the fork to move your food from one side of the plate to the other instead of eating it, “I’m taking a wild guess here, but I’d say almost killing Mr. Scott is not the only thing you’re worried about.”
“I don’t know if I should talk to you about it.” You take a bite, chew and swallow, unable to tell what it’s tasting like. Your brother is a good cook, but your mind is occupied.
“Why not? Too juicy?”
“No. Because you’re biased. You want me to date Gray.”
He sighs, puts down the fork and sighs again.
“Yes, I want you to date Gray. Because he’s closer to you in age, because I know him good enough to be sure he would never hurt you and… well, I like Mr. Scott, I really do, but I’m just afraid you might get hurt.”
“You shouldn’t worry that much about me. I’m still ten minutes older than you. And you didn’t worry about me when I was on New Vulcan or did my research papers anywhere else.”
He shakes his head. “That’s not true. I was worried. I was just not able to actually do something. Now I am and apparently I fucked it up as well. Do you like Gray?”
“Yeah,” you agree, “But…”
“But not as much as Mr. Scott.”
“It’s different,” you exclaim, dropping your fork as well, “Gray feels like someone who can be a friend. But Mr. Scott is… he makes me nervous and I kind of hate that, but it’s also kind of nice, you know? To experience this kind of strong feelings. I mean, I don’t think I have a chance with him anymore, now that I rammed a needle into his arm, but… I don’t want to start dating Gray just because I can’t have Mr. Scott.”
“In my first year here I burned Mr. Scott’s arms with a Laser. He’s unable to grow hair there ever since,” your brother confesses out of nowhere.
You stare at him in confusion. “What? What do you-”
“What I’m trying to tell you with this is the fact that he kept me in Engineering and taught me more than anyone else on this ship or the Academy. And there are a lot of people on this ship, a lot of Engineers who could teach you the stuff he thinks you should know. But he insists on doing it himself. A needle in his arm won’t keep him from that.”
“But… I don’t want him so see me as a student only.”
“Well, I can’t help with that,” your brother smiles suddenly, “But don’t you have some female friends that could help you with that?”
As usual the world looks different the next morning.
You aim to try a different hairstyle, but end up getting frustrated with it. You don’t own any makeup and even though you brought some of the fancier clothes you had worn on vulcan, wearing them here would make you look more weird than mature.
Your brother isn’t there when you step out of the little bedroom. It’s weird having breakfast without him, but you’ve spent too much time on your hair to be able to walk to mess before work starts.
P-tra winks at you when she walks in. You want to talk to her, desperately, even though she’s already told you her opinion about the two guys you feel you have to choose between.
“Lieutenant,” Spock addresses you instead and you turn away from P-tra.
“Yes, Commander?”
“I would like to have a word with you.”
He sounds serious. You work your brain, worried the Bacteria you’ve worked one was more precious than you’ve thought.
You follow him to his own office, a place you know he hardly uses. It must be really bad.
And then he turns and looks at you.
“Report have reached me that you’ve attacked Mr. Scott yesterday evening?”
“WHAT? No! No, I… It was an accident!”
“So you stabbed him in the arm with a needle?”
“I… yes,” you swallow dryly while he raises one eyebrow, waiting for you to go on.
And you decide, with the same heavy feeling you had in your gut this morning, that you have play with your cards open or not at all.
“Mr… Mr. Spock, may I ask you a personal question?”
“Why would you have to do that?”
“Because the answer might help with solving the problem I have with Mr. Scott.”
“Then ask.”
“I have been informed that you are in a relationship with a human… And I… well, I wanted to ask if you find…”, you swallow again, searching for the right words, “If you find the reactions of your body and mind when in close proximity to them, as well as themselves… frustrating sometimes?”
He raises his eyebrow again, simply looking at you for a long, quiet moment.
“Are you insituating that you are in love with Mr. Scott?”
You let out a low groan, shaking your head in frustration.
“I believe I might be, yes.”
“Fascinating,” he mumbles to himself before speaking to you again, “And this emotion is entirely new to you?”
“Yes,” you agree, “Was it new to you too?”
His lips form a tight line and you realize you’ve overstepped the invisible boundaries between you.
This conversation would have been so much easier with Prime Spock, you think and send him an apologetic smile.
“I feel conflicted,” you tell him instead, eager to get off your chest what no one else seems to be able to understand. Maybe you are half vulcan, at least your mind and personality are.
“Because he is making me nervous and unnaturally self aware, but at the same time I can’t focus and he seems to believe me as younger and less experienced in my field than I really are. And my brother has introduced me to someone closer to my own age, who would be the logical choice, but I don’t know if I should really take the logical choice when it won’t cease my nervousness the least bit anyway.”
You stop your rambling and bite your lip. “I’m sorry. You are my superior officer now. I keep forgetting that you and Prime Spock are not the same person.”
“You were comfortable discussing those matters with him?” Mr. Spock asks, eyebrow still raised. You nod.
“Well, as you know him so well, you should be able to deduce his answer, right?”
You open your mouth in surprise, before closing them again and nodding.
“Yes, I believe so. He would say something along the lines of ‘doing what the heart tells us to do’.”
Commander Spock nods. “I will make sure that the report is changed to the matter of an accident.”
“Thank you,” you whisper relieved, “If that… if that is everything, I will go back to work.”
“You may.”
“What were you talking about?” P-tra asks as soon as Commander Spock has left the Labs to get back to the Bridge.
“About the fact that I stabbed Mr. Scott yesterday evening when I tried to take his blood.”
“I heard about that. Apparently he almost bled out on the way to Med-Bay and they had to do CPR on him.”
You stare at her in shock. “He didn’t bleed much, he was just walking a bit wobbly.”
“Really? I did think it sounded a bit exaggerated. But why did you stab him anyway?”
“I flinched. He was breathing onto my neck which was distracting enough and then he suddenly commented that I have freckles there.”
“You do?” P-tra stands on her tiptoes to look at your neck. “You really do. I don’t really understand what they are good for, but I can understand that he must have been intrigued by them. You don’t see spotty necks all the time, right?”
You laugh at that. It seems only natural for an Arcadian woman like P-tra to be intrigued by what she calls ‘spotty’ skin. It’s new to her.
You open your mouth to ask her. About what she believes you should do and if she thinks you look younger than you are, but you close your mouth again, deciding against it.
You feel like you already know what she will answer. And you’re not sure if you even want to hear it.
“Everything allright?” P-tra asks and you nod.
“Yes. I just remembered that my new sample must have come in. Will you excuse me?”
She sends you a smile, getting back to work herself.
You can’t shake the thought though that your lie must have been obvious.
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twilightknight17 · 4 months
On this round of P3R, we’re heading to the red-light district!
But first, I just want to say, Fuuka’s link requires MAX COURAGE to start? Omg. Now I’m assuming Mitsuru needs max academics. Good god. NG+ is absolutely gonna be needed for this.
So it’s now the third (technically fourth) full moon! And now that I’m thinking about the Magician and that whole mess, I think it’s a little funny that no one in SEES, in any of our downtime, has ever questioned, “Hey, what the fuck was that thing that ripped itself out of Orpheus and bodied the Magician in one shot? It might help with some of these slogging battles.” But no. It’s fine. We don’t need to know what that vastly powerful persona was. Whatever. Let’s rock.
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Shirakawa Boulevard, despite Ikutsuki’s attempts to talk around it, is where the love hotels are!
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I’m pressing X to doubt, sir!
So we’re off to the Champs de Fleurs hotel, and actually other than the weird curtained waiting area and sexy price list next to the front desk, it does look pretty normal? Like, it’s a hotel. It’s got hotel hallways and elevators and stuff.
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And then we get to the third floor and the equivalent to the presidential suite.
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This is labeled as the Hierophant’s Chamber, and… Lovers is supposed to be here? Did the P3 movies just straight-up skip the Hierophant Shadow and I never noticed? XDDD The Hierophant is very round and kind of looks like a really big guy with a lady with a head made of coral behind him.
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Hierophant wasn’t bad, actually, and we get to explore the room afterwards before heading back downstairs. The kids clown on a lot of the décor, but like, the silly round bed would be cool for the novelty, and who DOESN’T want a tub that big???
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But when we try to leave, we all get knocked out, and Minato wakes up in a different room, where Yukari is taking a shower.
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This sounds very like Orpheus, but it’s definitely not Orpheus, because Orpheus would know that Yukari is not our soulmate!
Yes I will continue being biased. XDDDDD
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If you say anything other than the correct answer, you get a “wait, that doesn’t seem right” thought bubble, and the dialogue just loops back to the start. You cannot fuck up the mission and game over on a night of brainwashed debauchery. XD
Minato comes to his senses, gets up from the bed, and Yukari comes out wrapped in a towel. She abruptly realizes where she is, screams, and slaps Minato before running back in the bathroom. And… Yukari? I was literally just standing here. Holy shit. Is this the pre-Kyoto warmup scene? God.
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Fuuka gets through to us, and we go back up to the second floor to meet up with Junpei and Akihiko.
I can only assume Junpei and Akihiko were put in the same room.
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No one accused you of anything. Although now I’m giggling wondering what would have happened if I’d brought Mitsuru along instead.
We roam the hotel to find the mirrors we need to break to get back into the suite, and this is weirdly hilarious, all things considered.
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But eventually we find our way back into the boss arena, and the Lovers has the perfect design, honestly.
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GOD is it a bitch to fight, though. This fight took AGES because EVERY time it cast a spell with a charm effect, people got brainwashed. God forbid anyone other than Minato ever dodge an attack. Jesus fuck. I used every single one of my patra gems and dis-charms. Plus it cast diarama halfway through and of course when a boss does that it heals THOUSANDS of HP back to full health. Just give it salvation if you’re gonna do that.
As a brief side note, I love that when Minato casts the Jack Bros’ fusion spell, he just casually walks “offstage” afterwards and leaves them to it.
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But finally, we’re out of here.
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...Yukari volunteered so that I couldn’t take her out of the party and ruin my scripted undeserved slap. X’D
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Gee, Yukari, I wonder if it’s because no one ever has anything nice to say to him? He just gets treated like the comic relief.
Also, we’re being watched by these dudes.
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So when you say “we” do you mean you three, or like… humanity as a whole?
Back to the dorm to sleep this bullshit off, and then we move on with our week!
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...christ, dude, I just came to see how you were doing. Can I please have a dialogue option so we can talk about this??? No???? Okay… God, this is Mona all over again. My god damn Magicians are always having problems.
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...well, that’s nice. I wasn’t expecting that.
People at school are gossiping about how the school was rebuilt after an explosion ten years ago, and I’m getting texts from my attendant, who I apparently haven’t added to my phone? But at least she texts nicely.
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It’s pre-exam week, so all my social links are busy. Instead, my academics are lagging, so I’m studying with the members of SEES who aren’t cranky with me. That means Yukari and Fuuka, and Mitsuru and Akihiko. Akihiko recommends doing a quick workout after every few problems, because then, you’ll power through the next set in anticipation of getting to your next workout!
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Everyone I live with is insane. I love them. :’D
Ikutsuki calls a meeting to discuss something important, but before he can get to it, Yukari wants to speak. She’s had Fuuka looking into some stuff from the incident that happened ten years ago, and now she wants answers, because she thinks Mitsuru has been hiding things from us.
Other than the explosion, students were sent to the hospital, even though they were formally noted as just “absent”. It’s the same thing that happened to the girls bullying Fuuka; they fell unconscious and were unresponsive. Turns out, yeah, it was the same sort of thing. And it was Mitsuru’s grandfather, Koetsu Kirijo’s fault.
In greater Persona lore, knowing that he broke off from the Nanjo Group, he probably had access to tech that made his bullshit significantly easier to pull off. At the very least, we know he had the blueprints for a prototype anti-shadow suppression weapon, and the method to create artificial persona-users. But of course, he pushed too far.
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(Sorry that these subtitles are kind of blurry. Basically, they gathered up a shitload of shadows and then lost control of them, because of course they did.)
Tartarus and the Dark Hour exist because of all of this. The lab explosion happened because they lost control, and because the lab was around/under Gekkoukan, it ended with the school needing to be rebuilt as well.
Yukari is not pleased with this development. She feels like we’re just being used to clean up other people’s mess. But as Ikutsuki puts it, we’re the only ones who can fix things. Normal people can’t fight shadows.
He also says that no one knows why the Arcana Shadows suddenly reappeared after ten years, but… Well.
No one is okay after this.
Junpei is angry because he feels like nothing he does is good enough, and that all he’s really good at is fighting, which won’t be necessary anymore if the Dark Hour vanishes.
Akihiko goes to see Shinji, who he apparently grew up with in an orphanage with someone named Miki, to tell him that they know how to stop the shadows now. But Shinji still won’t come back to SEES.
Me and Minato aren’t okay because I’ve finally started this guy’s social link, and he’s a dick.
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Yukari’s dad was the lead researcher on the shadow stuff that led to the explosion, so I assume that he’s the one who got blamed for everything. Ikutsuki mentioned that the media picked one dude and demonized him.
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I think this date is wrong, though. If it was ten years ago, that’d be 1999. Right? :/ It’s also just funnier if the lab exploded like 3 weeks after the Sumaru crisis ended.
But I saved the cat! So everything is not a complete wreck.
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Pharos comes back to see me and implies some sketchy shit about my parents.
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My parents (and my sister, shush, I’m pretending it’s canon) did not explode, though. So this isn’t their fault.
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We’re absolutely friends.
After affirming that at least one person will stick by me to the end, even if that one person is a strange child who keeps waking me up at midnight, I come home from school the next day to find everyone sitting around experiencing the most awkward silence ever conceived.
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Akihiko, no!
Thankfully, we manage to talk through what’s bothering the group as a whole (Junpei is still mad at me, I think), and Ikutsuki shows up to suggest that after exams, we all go on vacation to Mitsuru’s family’s summer home on the island of Yakushima. Her dad is going to be there, apparently!
Mitsuru reluctantly agrees, Yukari apologizes to her for being too gung-ho and accusatory the other night, and I think we’re all chill again. Which is good.
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…….it’s my last night before exams and my option for study-buddy is Ikutsuki???
Nah. I’m out.
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celluloidbroomcloset · 4 months
Ok ok this one’s going on anon because I feel a bit ✨silly✨ about it- but its so cathartic to see someone who’s metas/thoughts/fics I really respect shut down some of the bad Stede takes so hard. After eps 6/7 there were SO many worst faith takes going around and it made me so sad :,). (It’s crazy to see some circulating still. October feels like it was YEARS ago, my god!! January has aged me.)
Now I know I’m biased- I’ve never seen myself in a character like I do with this Stede. I’ve definitely got a, “If Stede can make it, so can I.” thing going on. But also as a character I love that he’s allowed to be so complex- that this show lets him, (and everyone) genuinely fuck up!! I love that he’s weird, and he’s not loved despite that but because of it! I love that he’s kind and soft and also a bitch!! I love that he has such a hard time accepting himself and still carries so much love for the people around him!! I love that he’s silly and clever!!
There are so many ways this show is sort of a, “yes, and-“ exercise but for people, if that makes sense?? Like for Stede- yes this guy is ridiculous. He’s silly and sometimes selfish, AND he’s so earnest! He’s genuinely kind, and he’s someone who creates an environment where the crew can find a way to live in a world that barely lets them survive. He learns and grows- but nothing about him needs to be sanded down, just looked at differently by people who get it. Then he gets to kinda…fill his own shoes, I think. And the whole time he is so loved. Even when he doesn’t realize it! MAN. I just think he’s neat
Aaaaaaah and that ended up being a whole huge word salad. All that to say!! You’re someone I’m relieved to see pop up in the random waves of, “Stede is terrible, actually” posts that happen sometimes. Specifically thank for you the- “The sex was good and they were both so super into it” metas/analysis. It was a minefield out here for a minute. (The missing scene fic you wrote for Ed/Stede right before they have sex is STUNNING by the way. Bookmarked it not even halfway through reading it- thank you for writing that!!)
Akdhsk I’m so sorry this is long- got a little too excited lol. Thank you for being here!! You’re awesome and I hope good things come your way 🖤
Aw, man, thank you! I'm so glad that my metas and fics are hitting on something for folks.
And yes, I agree. One of the strengths of Stede is that he really isn't perfect. He's deeply flawed and he's also kind and loving and really just wants to be loved and appreciated for who he is.
Thanks! This made me very happy. :)
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cxhleel108 · 7 months
S7 Thots for this week: Sigh…
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• Die
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• For whatever reason but sure🫤
• Why do we need to help Uma and Alex fix their problems? DO NONE OF YOU KNOW HOW TO FUCKING COMMUNICATE???
• The way Daphne just let go so easily of the fact that Uma tried to make moves on Raf. She’s too nice omg girl we needa get you outta here before these people ruin you😭😭😭
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• Y’all I could not go through this post without acknowledging this swimsuit it’s sooooooo good.
• Yeah ummmm Daph, even if I wanted to revenge flirt to make Bryson jealous literally none of these other people tickle my fancy in the slightest bit so that was never even in consideration.
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• Get a load of this guy😂😂😂😂😂
• Oh wait never mind Travis is a part of the Willow Hate Club, he’s cool now🤩
• Yes, working out with Bryson instead of just speaking to him is gonna help the current issue…
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• Aw even Raf is a #Tyson stan…well he’s also literally in love with Tanya but that’s besides the point!
• I’m crying they all fucking hate Willow girlllll get yo ass outta here💀💀💀
• Ok Raf’s advice at least makes more sense for Bryson but once again what am I getting advice for when I literally just have to talk to him??? That’s that damn cash grab shit we be talking about chile.
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• No, I really don’t think you know how annoying this is babe🫤🫤🫤
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• Mmmm I hardly believe that but sure I guess I’ll go with it!
• Aw they made up, how sweet😍 (They’re literally gonna fight again next week)
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• Oh girl PLEASE
• The apology being her saying sorry like twice and then going on a whole tangent about why she still thinks her and Bryson are meant to be…someone give me the number to the nearest psych ward I’m not kidding.
• Finally after 2 centuries Bryson wants to talk.
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• Oh we are so back yassss!
• I'm glad Bryson knows how lucky he is🥰🥰🥰
• Why I forget that we were coupled up with Vicky LMAOOOOOO sorry girl.
• It's literally the middle of the day and we're finna do a challenge...why are we getting dressed up??? Anyways outfit time!
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• Fusebox I gotta hand it to y'all. 90% of the looks this season have been eating.
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• Yasss bae is starting to act like a real man!
• Vicky I'm so sorry to leave you with that demon but I gotta put me first sis.
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• What???????????
• Bryson don't be saying freaky shit like that to me like I won't pull them pants down right now!
• That convo on the terrace was too cuuuuuute.
• Fusebox why can your AI not spell "biased" right? This is the second time it's been spelled wrong. What the fuck is "biassed"??? Bitch nobody has two asses, how can someone be "biassed"?????
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• Outfit time again!
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• Can I just say I love all of the Y2K influences I'm seeing in a lot of the clothes this year ugggghhh they know me so well.
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• They be coming up with anything😭
• Everyone trying hard to look like the perfect couple and then there's just us doing a marriage proposal with a pretzel...literally goals.
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• These niggas are a literal cult I'm so dead😭😭😭
• This whole boytime bedtime sequence was so stupid and honestly I'm glad this season is bringing back just pure unserious moments like this.
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• If you know me then you already KNOW what option I chose😈
• Oh boo I thought clocking his tea would get more of a reaction than that. I guess they gotta save the drama for the "big reveal" at the last recoupling🙄🙄🙄
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• Oh brother...
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• Yes, please end my suffering!
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sanasanakun · 6 months
I was reading your post about how Gortash is so polarizing in how people respond to him and while I don’t have an answer, I can weigh in on the side of thinking he’s attractive and not understanding some of the complaints people have. I try to see what it is that makes some people go ewwww no way but I don’t see what they do. For example a lot of people will say he looks dirty and I feel like I’m missing something completely. He looks unkempt but his hair looks shiny and clean and there’s no stains on his clothes. There’s scars and age marks and stubble on his skin, but I don’t read that as dirt (maybe I’m wrong)? His teeth aren’t perfectly white but thats the case for anyone who drinks coffee or tea so that doesn’t mean anything about hygiene. It also feels like people mistake his skin for just being dirty instead of not pasty white. Also when I see comments about “this guy must smell bad” and I immediately think of that journalist who made a remark about zendaya smelling like patchouli and weed because it feels like it’s coming from the same mindset and is sometimes word for word literally just that. This isn’t even touching on the fact that he’s got wrinkles and dark under eyes and signs of age and trauma that aren’t cute or superficial. I’m saying that the haters are all racist or ageist but I think there’s some biases at play and no one feels like they need to think about it too deeply because he’s an antagonist.
Yeah, I definitely agree with your takes here. I’m also someone who thinks he’s attractive and never really had a problem with his design. I don’t really care for the hair and think it’s a little goofy, but overall he’s very handsome (and the outfit is drippy af).
I will say that his model actually DOES have dirt on his face. Like those spots are the in game dirt feature (idk if that’s the right word). I’m not sure if that’s to have age spots or show that he’s a little disheveled, but yeah he is actually dirty in game lol but I’m with you in never thinking that he was dirty or smelled bad. But he doesn’t look like an archduke and I think that’s the point of his design; he’s a fraud and a tyrant (aka a bad leader).
And I definitely think a lot of the criticism for his design comes from racism and ageism. And I’ll preface this by saying that I’ve always read Gortash as being inspired by Turkish and Bulgarian people looks-wise. The constant insults of calling him disgusting or dirty make me side eye cause I do think it comes from his darker complexion and “unconventional” features that are more common in Türkiye and the Balkans.
Like I can only speak as a Bulgarian, but people in Western Europe treat us like shit. They call us dirty, untrustworthy, mafioso, ugly, etc. like Western Europeans fucking hate us. In America, it’s not as bad but we still have a negative image (in my experience. I’ve been told I’m poor and from a country that shouldn’t exist before). And I’m very white, so I can’t even imagine what it’s like for those with darker skin tones. So, I think people carry this bias against people that look like Gort and don’t think deeper about it when they say these things (or redesign him). I find it very hurtful tbh because I really loved seeing a character that looked like him. He’s very unique amongst the other character models.
And obvs, ageism is a huge problem that people also won’t confront with themselves. And all this combined with bad media literacy (imo) like they cannot get over the “young and handsome” part for some reason and it’s so annoying.
Anyway, I’m rambling and prob not making a lot of sense cause I’m tired lol but yes! I agree with you. Luckily, it seems like Gort has a pretty sizable fanbase and a lot of people love him! So, it’s not all bad. But I wish people would maybe think a bit longer about some of their opinions on him. Cause he’s a horrible person! But we don’t need to constantly call him dirty or disgusting or whatever. But that’s just where I stand on this whole thing.
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lesbiansanemi · 5 months
the projection of your internalized transphobia is literally radiating off of you. leave trans men alone holy fuck we can't even speak about our oppression without someone who isn't even a transfem yelling about how we're taking the spotlight or something. while many transfems actually pitch in and are glad that we talk about things that never get talked about in the trans community bc yes it is mostly passing binary white trans women who get the spotlight 99% of the time lmao. like not only are u speaking over trans men ur also speaking over trans women who benefit from these conversations. idek why i'm writing this tbh im just holding onto some small hope that maybe you'll listen but i really hope you just grow out of this separation type mentality abt other trans ppl. no ONE type of trans person should get the 'spotlight' literally everyone's trauma and ways of talking about our oppression deserve attention equally bc erasure is not cool or sexy. im sorry that it seems like u have trauma or something from ppl who happened to be trans men (im guessing transmeds?? but those literally affect trans men too lol) but literally what makes you think that making an over generalization that all trans men are violent misogynists or something is not transphobic??? like ur not owning the evil trans men ur literally just vilely transphobic. like i genuinely hope you realize that someday or something. for the record this isn't supposed to be hate, i just wish you guys would see how terrible you treat trans men, like ur literally pointing out someone's marginalized identity on why u hate them. idk man just... we are supposed to be allies not enemies. please just find it in yourself to see that. if you wouldn't make that overarching statement about other trans people/marginalized groups, then genuinely why is it okay to do to trans men? just think about that. have a good day.
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1. You are putting words in my mouth I did not fucking say, and 2. You are ignoring the ones I did
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I never said binary trans men couldn’t talk about the issues they face. I never once said that anywhere. I never once said I hated trans men. I never once said being a trans man made someone a “violent” misogynist
What I DID say was that the community of trans men had issues with misogyny (internalized or other) but that any time someone pointed that out, they were accused of being transphobic (exactly what you are doing right fucking now)
Criticizing a community for an issue within it is not “hating” them and it’s certainly not hateful or transphobic. You are the one reacting in such an extreme way to someone criticizing an aspect of your community. If I see misogyny (internal or otherwise) from trans women or genderfluid or non-binary ppl or or or I’m also going to point it out. I’m not “hating you” for your identity. I never said “hate” anywhere. You are blowing a valid criticism of your community way out of proportion to paint me as nothing but transphobic so you don’t have to consider your own biases
A lot of trans men ARE misogynistic (some internalized, some not). A lot of trans men ARE transmisogynistic. A lot of trans men (ESPECIALLY gay trans men) are lesbophobic
I’m saying this as a trans masc person who has tried interacting with your community and people in it a lot, and has dealt with these issues on multiple occasions in multiple ways
You are also proving my point that you don’t see afab nonbinary ppl as “””””really”””” trans in comparison to binary trans men from the way you’re talking to me. MY experiences don’t count, obviously. MY opinions on the trans community don’t matter because I’m not REALLY trans cuz I’m not a binary trans man and therefore basically cis, right? That’s what you’re implying, after all! I’m “talking over” the REAL trans people
As a trans masc person, saying “wow, this community has a lot of unchecked transmisogyny” is not speaking over transfems. Transfems have SAID this and pointed it out and you don’t fucking listen to them either
You’re right. We are supposed to be allies. But if we are to be, you need to accept that other marginalized subgroups within your community are sometimes going to point out that you have your own biases to examine, and when they do, maybe you should actually think about that and consider it rather than scream “YOU SAID SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT ME THEREFORE YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY A RAGING BIGOT WHO FUCKING HATES ME BECAUSE OF MY IDENTITY” You can’t just accuse everyone of transphobia if they say something you don’t fucking like
And I’m not even gonna touch the “cis passing white trans women get 99% of the spotlight.” Like wow. Not even trying to hide the transmisogyny there bud huh. That is such a generalized blanket statement that is not true in ANY capacity. Also very funny of you to go on and on and on about how “spotlights” don’t and shouldn’t matter when it comes to oppression and then say that. You are just… proving my point. You want a reason to get bitchy about trans women so bad you will literally make them up
Don’t come into my inbox, do exactly what I was saying the community had a problem with, make assumptions about my so called “trauma with trans men”, accuse me of being “vilely transphobic”, and then tell me to have a good day
As I said in my original post, gay trans men be fucking normal about women for once, and don’t accuse everyone of being transphobic when they point out misogyny in your fucking community
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compacflt · 1 year
okay here to pick ur mind…i know you’ve alluded to it throughout WWGTTAI and debriefing but do u think bottoming is something that i’ve struggled with throughout his relationship with mav-especially if he enjoyed it-bc it may have been “more gay” in his mind and therefore harder to excuse due to the inherent misogyny wrapped up in men’s homophobia? it’s something we’ve talked abt in my gender studies classes so i just wanted to know how you think your ice may have approached that due to the repression of his sexuality so throughly and for so long!
as always with questions like this there’s a diegetic (in-universe) answer and a non-diegetic (writing theory) answer so I’ll start with the diegetic answer (not tagging this as nsfw but obv refer to the subject matter & discretion advised):
he isn’t thinking about it. I mean, he has to think about the mechanics of it, because sure there’s a lot of prep work involved, but he’s not really thinking about what it means, because no one’s telling him to. He knows it’s “wrong” —but the whole thing is “wrong,” anyway! The fact that he’s doing anything with Maverick is already wrong... I think he categorizes things as “not-fucked-up” and “yes-fucked-up” in his head, and any form of non-societally-approved contact with another man is “yes-fucked-up,” and there’s not really a sliding scale. Which is why Maverick’s weird extended hug thing right when Ice leaves TOPGUN (ch.4? I forget) is like literally the biggest deal in the world to him. I think Maverick could’ve actually groped him and he would’ve responded the same way. It’s all fucked-up, in his head. No difference between hugging/kissing/fucking/being fucked; it's all the same. There are the rules, and then there’s breaking the rules—no gray area in Ice’s mind (though note, in turn, Maverick’s analysis of Ice bending the rules—there is a gray area, just an unacknowledged one). 
So, yeah, he isn’t really thinking about the implications of the specific act. Maybe he knows that he enjoys it, and that thinking about what it means that he enjoys it would ruin it, so he doesn’t think about it. Also, he’s operating under the unspoken assumption that there’s something “wrong” with Maverick and not with him, because remember that Maverick already confessed to engaging in same-sex acts in ch. 4. There’s something fundamentally “wrong” with Maverick, so anything Ice does automatically looks better in comparison, because (he thinks) his transgressions are isolated incidents, whereas Maverick’s are a known pattern—even if Ice’s “transgressions” amount to literally being fucked by another guy. Hey, well, at least I’m not as bad as rule-breaker Maverick, who does this all the time, apparently! 
In Ch. 8 I was kind of trying to harp on that fact with the use of the word “resentment” during Ice’s discussion of choice/free will—there is kind of a sense that Maverick did this to him against his will, as in, he wasn’t “yes-fucked-up” until he met Maverick/this whole FWB-situation started, and maybe there is some deep-seated resentment about the fact that he might have been “normal” if it weren’t for Maverick (he wouldn’t have been, but he doesn’t realize that). I was close to having him just say this outright in Ch. 8, but as I’ll talk about below, their relationship is already pretty toxic, and there were some lines of toxicity I didn’t want to cross explicitly.
As for the non-diegetic answer, AKA the reason I wrote it this way: I’m kind of hesitant to politicize sociosexual (esp. “hierarchical”) roles in fiction, because I feel like it’s an easy way to betray your own political biases (as a writer) towards male sexual roles—it’s just too slippery of a slope IMO. Especially once you introduce ranks and professional/financial power dynamic differences, I feel like it’s all-too easy to portray the relationship as incredibly and toxically sociopolitically unequal. Yeah, I guess it would make more sense for very-closeted Ice to top 100% of the time, but he’s already “hierarchically” above Maverick 100% of the time anyway—politically, professionally, financially, in terms of social respect, etc. I didn’t want their dynamic to be skewed all the way towards one character having all the social/external/traditionally masculine power, so I didn’t write it like that. That in and of itself is a political decision that betrays my beliefs about male sexuality, and might not make sense in-universe, with characters this repressed, but…I personally felt uncomfortable with the alternative.
I think I’ve explained this a couple times elsewhere, but I wanted Ice & Mav to be true equals in this fic, because it reflects the equality they achieve in canon— “You can be my wingman anytime” vs. “Bullshit, you can be mine.” They are canonically equals. And, yes, of course in a sexual relationship you can be “giver” or “taker” and still be “equal” with the other person, but—like, you see how it would be different, right? If you’re only ever the “giver,” in our society’s traditional understanding of gender roles, you have an insane amount of power over the other person, and I wanted Ice & Mav to be equals when they’re with each other. It’s why I was hesitant having like an actual D/S dynamic with them as well—and the lack of that dynamic is itself a plot point. Ice in ch. 8 rebels against what he thinks their dynamic is—namely, that Maverick always leads/gives the orders, and Ice always follows. He portrays himself as submissive in that moment (“I’ve never had a choice”), but in reality he has just as much control over this relationship as Maverick does—i.e. he is just as “dominant,” and wants it just as bad, he just can’t articulate that. Which is the point of his whole character arc. Their equality is the point, not the transgressiveness of the act itself.
Also related to his character arc is the passivity of the act of bottoming as well, which is maybe why it's "overrepresented" in the story (sorry coming back to add this graf after doing the tags already &then Having A Thought). Like if Ice's whole thing is following orders/not having a choice, which makes him a great naval officer but a deeply flawed and confused person, then it makes sense that his narrative focuses most on the following/passive act of "taking," not necessarily the more leading/active role of "giving." These are simplistic terms obv but hopefully you can see what I'm getting at.
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