#iseult is a mess
vyncentevelyn · 8 months
Astarion: Is.
Iseult: *looking up from her book, mumbles to herself* Is?
Astarion: *sitting beside her* Darling, why don’t you put that book away. *smirks and lazily runs the back of his fingers up her arm*
Iseult: *still processing Is* Did you…did you just call me Is?
Astarion: Is short for Iseult. *he stares blankly at her like it is the most obvious thing in the world*
Iseult: You gave me a nickname?
Astarion: *flops onto his back* You are hopeless.
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thewritingpossum · 8 months
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Iseult and Brangaine, Salvador Dalí (1970)
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oneshoulderangel · 1 year
Dinadan: I slowly began to sink into despair…
Dinadan: But then I met you two!
Isolde and Tristan: Awww
Dinadan: the most broken, sociopathic, human beings I have ever met. Less people and more a loose grab bag of character defects.
Tristan: this isn’t quite where I thought this was going.
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noughticalcrossings · 26 days
Nine People I Want to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @saints-who-never-existed thank you!
LAST SONG? - Parsifal, Act 1: Weh! …Hoho! …Auf! Wer ist der Frevler? Du konntest Morden, hier, im heil’gen Walder
Recommended by a friend, and it’s very dramatic but the titles are sending me. The latter part is Who is the wicked? You could commit murder, here, in the holy forest. But the former? Yeah I had to stop I was laughing and waking the household
FAVOURITE COLOUR? - my answer is nebulous, but I am very fond of extremely rich teals, like think jungle green and then edge it into blue. I have part of my wall painted in a version called Palm Springs and eleven-year-old me was entirely correct to do so
CURRENTLY WATCHING? - rewatching Game of Thrones with my dad and watching him struggle to remember character names. We’re only on season one. He is doomed.
LAST MOVIE? - Crimson Peak. Last time I watched it I was holding my roommate’s hand and I should have repeated that. I was clutching my chest like a cat trying to claw its way out of a bathtub. Beautiful movie tho, I have since bought it so I can traumatise my parents
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY? - if I can have both sweet and spicy I am thriving. Sweet chilli is one of my favourite flavours of all time but anything from Bombay mix to paprika crisps is peak. Salted sweet things like bacon and maple syrup pancakes are a close second
RELATIONSHIP STATUS? - single and likely to remain so until the economy allows me to live an independent life
CURRENT OBSESSIONS? - I have been scouring the pdfs provided by @queer-ragnelle for their Palomides content. He is my absolute favourite and I’ve somehow found myself writing self-indulgent time-loop fic where Brangaine tries to unravel the mess that is the Tristan/Iseult romance
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? - the Morholt, brother to Queen Iseult of Ireland and uncle to Iseult the Fair. In the Italian La Tavola Ritonda the Morholt (here Amoroldo) leaves behind a young son called Amoroldo Novello which is very cute and very sad. Also when Queen Iseult finds out Tristan killed her brother she tries to murder him in the bathtub with his own sword which I think is very sexy of her
My nine tags: a selection of cool people @revolutionarygold @lieutdreadhands @odyhat @nikoisme @laninlurks @keldabekush @rochenn @jh-newman-opn and you, yes you who’s handle I can’t spell
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safifonhasstrel · 8 months
I was going to say it was bold of you to assume she’s still writing the final witchlands book, but I just checked IG and apparently she posted a snippet in her newsletter recently…
On a serious note, I feel the same as you do: I probably won’t read the final book. It’s been 3 years, and Witchshadow was a mess. When I started it I had to double check that I hadn’t somehow missed an installment because I was so confused. The weird retconning of Vivia’s feelings for Stacia (how she described her in earlier books is not how you feel about a sister, yikes). The big bad is now a ferret??? Where is Merik?? I could go on and on.
All this to say I love pre-Witchshadow Safi but I don’t blame you for wanting to change your URL.
When I started witchshadow I honestly thought I was reading Esme’s pov but no! It was just ooc Iseult! And omg don't even get me started on the retconning of Vivia and Stix's relationship. Aeduan and Merik being barely present despite being MAIN characters! Because gotta focus on side characters more because reasons!!! Iseult and the Nomatsi barely being the focus despite it being HER book!
I could go on forever. And yeah, I did read these snippets and idk how to feel about them.
I will forever keep the series pre- witchshadow and especially truthwitch close to my heart because it meant so much to me and I still love these characters so much but if the last book is as awful as I fear it will be, I gotta distance myself from the series a bit.
And yeah, it's been 3 years! It's actually insane how long it has been. I personally feel like the author herself has lost interest in the series because all we see are updates about her new series. Which I am not planning on reading BTW, because i associate it with the decline of quality in the Witchlands. Like come on, safi and leopold again backwards???? What the hell was that?
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cresvalkyrie · 5 months
Seeing a moot post about their oc x canon pairings, so... I'm gonna talk about mine!
Hauyne - she's mainly paired with Erin, although right now they're at the stage where they're both mutually aware of each other's reciprocoal attraction but not pursuing a relationship due to more Urgent™ stuff going on at the moment. Doesn't stop them from sneaking bits of affection under the table every now and then though.
She also has a weird thing going on with Crescent, since in the past they do have... well, Something which went nowhere. It's a sore point for Crescent either way, regretting her inability to make her true feelings known to her before the Storm happened. They still don't know what their relationship actually is, but for now they both agreed to start over on a clean slate as friends and see where it takes them.
Electra - before finding the truth and regaining her memories of her life in the Old World, she actually has a huge crush on Aelita. But then came the inevitable truth, and she... honestly feels disgusted at herself for feeling that way. Why? No one really knows, but it probably has something to do with her brand of survivor's guilt and her misplaced anger on the people of the new world for essentially replacing the world she once lived in messing up her mind. After that point, she basically gave everyone the cold shoulder, which unfortunately ended up isolating herself and that isolation made her already deteriorating mental health worsen further. It's a vicious cycle that ultimately led her down the path of oblivion.
Orion - their current partner is Victoria. I haven't really gave much thought on how their relationship developed to that point in the events of Reborn, but what I do know/have is that by the time the events of rejuv has begun they are engaged to her after dating for more than 8 years. The only reason they haven't tied the knot yet was because they still haven't found their missing sister, and they refused to do so until the search has reached its decisive conclusion (i.e. their sister is found alive and reunited, or proven to be dead).
Iseult - this is a weird one, but her secret partner is Lilith. How these two actually end up together, I'll never know, but I do know that the two met each other shortly after Baron's attack above Celeste City. Lilith was actually the one who offered her a place in the Black Foxes, which she accepted if only for the benefit of having the manpower to track down her wayward sibling and have them keep them safe from harm as much as possible. But with how skilled and talented she is at battling, Iseult climbed up the ranks rapidly of her own merit and eventually became a Black Fox Ace like Amelia, even becoming Lilith's right hand woman. One thing led to another, and the two got romantically involved with each other behind closed doors. In fact, one of the reasons she eventually deserted the Foxes is because of Lilith leaving the group during the events of e5, and Lilith was the only reason she stayed now that her sibling had been found. Following her disappearance at the end of e5, Iseult's been searching for her whereabouts.
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nextgensquad · 6 months
i know most people ask about the canons, so i'm here to shake things up a bit: i'd love to hear more about everyone's next gen ocs! or i know that's kind of a broad question so maybe just your favorites or the ones you think about the most!
anon, we never got a notification for this message! thank you so much for sending it, sorry tumblr refused to let us know <3 this is such a great question
pearl's fave ocs:
abigail longbottom, probably one of the first ocs i ever settled on. she's neville and hannah's daughter, lucy's best friend, a gryffindor who never thinks of herself as brave. she's surrounded by very high-drama high-intensity gryffindors and is very quiet in comparison, but has a heart of steel. she gets pregnant by james when they're too young for a baby, keeps it, and eventually falls in love with fred while james figures out his various fuck-ups with some help
ysella fawley, one of albus and scorpius' best friends in their little slytherin circle. from a kinda new money pureblood family that found themselves on the up and up after the war when all the old money fams fell hard, she was raised rich and spoiled, but really cares about nothing besides quidditch and her best friends. and hooking up with girls.
sebastian rosier, not in any of the next-gen kids' squads but loosely associated with lucy through her drag racing, on a rival team full of spoiled rich brats (very much old money - rosier, shafiq, etc), his daddy funds the illegal race track and is also a mafia boss, got lots of issues. may or may not ever overcome them.
katherine parkinson, molly's work rival in adulthood, daughter of pansy's older brother, a nepo baby and journalist who is very cutthroat and calculated about getting ahead. becomes a political correspondent to the ministry, where she meets louis weasley, who falls in love with her on the spot. this causes a lot of issues because she's already betrothed to a pureblood guy whom she hates.
edelweiss urquhart, known as edie, pansy's daughter with orville urquhart. her parents are divorced, hate each other, and use her as a toy to compete with each other. gets bullied by the other slytherin girls in her year and ends up adopted by lily and dominique's gaggle of gryffindor girls instead.
jake longbottom, son of neville and hannah, abby's older brother, the quintessential golden gryffindor boy that all the other kids inevitably have to be compared to because he's just so put-together. becomes an auror like his godfather harry; privately a lot more of a mess than he'll ever let on. very hard to read.
luke, elijah, and marnie goldstein, children of anthony goldstein and hannah's little sister bethany. close family friends with the potters because bethany worked on the aurors with harry. luke and james are best friends in a very bro-y way; marnie is part of lily's troublemaker group; elijah and albus hooked up a few times in sixth year and now hate each other. it's great.
and many more ofc! hopefully everyone else comes to edit this <3
becca here, coming to add mine, but help, i have so many ocs, it's almost impossible for me to choose faves. this is really just a small selection i've picked at random:
iseult (issie) malfoy, younger sister (by five years) of scorpius, probably my number one kiddo, she ranks along with the canons for me. nobody who knows her, except her family who somehow managed to miss it, is surprised when she's sorted into gryffindor. she's physically fearless, obstinate, and much tougher than she looks. adores her immediate family (and has some struggles reconciling what she knows about them with how other people see them), but rebels stubbornly against their attempts to make her into a proper pureblood girl, because she's a leggings-wearing, grubby-fingered, harpies-supporting cat girl. eventually grows into herself, gains confidence, and ends up captaining the gryffindor quidditch team. probably plays professionally after hogwarts for a while, but i haven't got that far with her.
sophie longbottom, daughter of neville and hannah, the same year as iseult and also sorted into gryffindor. issie and sophie become best friends almost immediately, a fact their respective fathers just have to deal with (with varying levels of equanimity), because you don't argue with 11-year-old girls' friendships. sophie is a lively, friendly chatterbox, very socially confident, and absolutely unhesitant in choosing her friends. she's a little naive, and tends to assume that the world is a good and just place, and gets shocked by the bad sides of life. she tends (especially as a child) to assume that authority figures can be trusted and the system works, and gets a bit worried about things like breaking rules.
titus hart, one of my complete ocs, in that both his parents are also ocs, but please don't hold that against him. titus is lucy weasley's year (two years below lily and hugo), and his grandmother runs the white wyvern pub in knockturn alley, a seedy underworld hub. he's a slytherin, but never quite fits in with his pureblood housemates, since he's a halfblood from a family without much money. he's foul-mouthed, grumpy, and protects himself by pretending to be a dick, which works because he's also very large and looks intimidating. underneath it all, titus is an absolute sweetheart, you just have to earn his trust to see it. he is reluctantly dragged into lucy's hogwarts theatre club.
hazel kitson, a muggle, but stick with me. when hazel's six, she makes friends with the weird little boy with the strange name in the playground and, being six, is mostly unfazed by the revelation that he's a wizard. skip forward ten years, and hazel kitson and scorpius malfoy are the most unlikely pair of best friends ever. hazel is independent, resourceful, and eternally curious about everything. if she encounters a puzzle or mystery, she can't rest until she solves it, which becomes an issue when one of the puzzles she can't solve is james potter. (shameless plug for the fic i'm currently writing about this on ao3.)
dannicus (danny) urquhart, one of scorpius's closest friends at hogwarts. younger son of a traditional pureblood family, danny suffers from being the disappointing second to his golden boy brother auster, who, as well as being his parents' favourite, is also an enormous dick. danny can't stand most of his large family and disagrees with their (traditionalist) politics, but deals with that by pretending not to take anything seriously. one of his love languages is making fun of people, he loves to stir shit, and will never let go of anything. on the flip side, he's also surprisingly emotionally intelligent and open with his affections, and he's absolutely ride-or-die for his friends.
i'm going to leave it at 6, which is very restrained of me, there are so many more.
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eeriesnow · 2 years
can u give me the basic rundown of cast long shadows? like premise and basic main cast ive missed a lot!!!
OOooo I'd love to (tbf I haven't talked publicly about its development QUITE as much since I'm going to adapt it before my other stuff)
~500 years ago, humans lost their ability to use magic (or as referred to in their universe, Gale). The reason for this is not commonly known besides the general idea that it was lost in a calamity of their own creation.
In the centuries since the human homeland of Ferann has seen perpetual war and conflict. Not only that, but strange, mindless beasts with shimmering void-black hides roam the countryside, turning the ones they wound into one of their own.
It is in this mess of a world that our main three characters seek to restore the power of gale to humankind:
Riagán, a chronicler's assistant and historian in training with the incredibly rare gift to still be able to use gale, a gift they shun.
Suibhne, a brash mercenary with a tendency to instigate fights with authoritarian-types and a carefree attitude to gloss over the things that hurt him.
Lorccán, a mysterious traveler of unknown age and origin, outwardly hostile to most but intensely protective of all but themself. They have the strange power to heal wounds not even mages can.
Some characters I've brought up, such as Iseult, have a greater importance in the more political/non-magical side of Cast Long Shadows, particularly all those wars these humans seem to keep starting.
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luxmaeastra · 7 months
//For Sarai!!//
Sebastian frowned looking at Violet and Xaden.
"How do you all know about Vennin?"
"Pa what are they? Ilken -"
Sebastian scoffed and shook his head.
"Ilken had morals, they could be bought and turn against their own with suitable pressure. The Vennin?"
Sebastian pulled at his Veritas orb, pricking his thumb to show his own images. The armies, the bodies in the streets.
The rocky homes carved deep into cliffsides.
He glanced at Sarai who rolled her eyes at his dramatics. He looked back to the children.
"The Vennin cannot be bought, they can't be reasoned with. They listen to their colony, to their parents. And good luck getting close enough to kill them. Their lands are swarming with soldiers."
Violet bit her tongue hard enough to taste blood.
"Why haven't they been seen?"
"Oh they're here. They're a necessary evil. Many kingdoms have a garrison or two of Vennin warriors. Their clan wars are excellent for us keeping their numbers down and their armies loyal to our cause enough to kill the other without turning on us."
He looked to Sarai, pulling his hand away from the orb.
"Did I miss anything?"
Sarai smirked and titled her head.
Sebastian rolled his eyes and looked to Xaden.
"I'm not repeating that story, the poor boy is already traumatized."
Iseult had been young and naive once. 16 and infatuated with all of it. With him and Viren, really any male she had seen outside of her colony.
Viren and he had had their fun, playing with her emotions till her mate and found her and taken her away.
The girl had been harmless but her magic hadn't. If Natalia and Sarai hadn't nearly killed her she would have had him and Viren tear each other apart.
Sarai laughed, pursing her lips a little after a moment in contemplation. Still so pouty over how it had all ended, how they had fallen for the trap. Maybe Iseult had been played with and mislead at the start, both her and Viren had messed with a female with power. With strength.
“What your father doesn’t want to admit is that he was reckless and foolish,” She looked towards Xaden. “He was young and thought himself untouchable, same with Viren….so they messed with a power Vennin female called Iseult. She was young, still finding her footing the world. They messed up, so your Mama and I had to come rushing to their rescue.”
The children deserved to know, they could handle the truth. That their fathers were stupid, that despite what they were saying there were some differences. “Anything else you’d like to add?”
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aelswiths · 2 years
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More of her ❤
for @catherinesvalois @aadmelioraa @wildwren @aethelreds @ivarthebadbitch @volvaaslaug @osferth
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aadmelioraa · 4 years
Every friend group should include: TLK Season 1 Edition
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vyncentevelyn · 10 months
Not my Tav (Iseult) becoming emotional every time Jaheira calls her cub.
Jaheira: What is it, cub?
Iseult: *with tears in her eyes* You called me cub.
Jaheira: Eh. Don’t fret over it if you do not -
Iseult: Can I call you crow?
Jaheira: The Cub and The Crow. Sounds like a cautionary tale. I like it.
Iseult: *bashfully toeing at the floor with her boot* Will you braid my hair?
Jaheira: *studying the strange girl* I suppose. Sit down now, cub.
Iseult: *beaming, hurriedly sits down on the stool next to Jaheira*
Jaheira: My gods, cub, have you ever brushed your hair? What a mess. Tsk, tsk. I have my work cut out for me.
Iseult: *dying with glee as Jaheira works on her hair*
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genshin-latte · 4 years
Hi hi! Iseult very pretty so I wanted to doodle her, I hope that’s ok 🥺 I’d love to scream over OCs but I don’t have any genshin related ones atm and I’m really shy 👉👈 but Iloveyourwritingandartilljustdropthisandrunbye 💕
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—This is so pretty 🥺🥺🥺 hhhh she looks amazing!!1! Thank you?? 😭❤️ thank you so much for giving her love 🥺 hhhh 💕💕
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poguesmaybank · 3 years
Smut Fic Fest Prompt: Bathing
Part Three of the Father’s Day Project
Word Count: 2134
Warning: Smut
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Arm wrapped around Edyt’s waist, Finan waved goodbye to his children and in-laws from the porch as Leofric pulled his car from the drive. Edyt relaxed back against his chest with a sigh the second the car disappeared from sight. Finan chuckled, wrapping his other arm around her and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Tired?” he asked, smiling down at her. Edyt hummed in response, turning in his arms to wrap her arms around his neck.
“I love them,” she told him, laying her head on his chest, “but they can be exhausting.”
“Why don’t we go inside and relax?” Finan suggested, guiding her into the house.
“Have you seen the house?” Edyt asked, “Our day isn’t over until it’s clean.”
Finan sighed, knowing she wouldn’t sit until their home was in order. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and went to grab a trash bag from under the sink. Returning to her side, he pulled her into a proper kiss, one to make her mind clear and her toes curl.
“I’ll take the outside, if you want the living room,” he offered, forehead pressed to hers. She nodded, tiptoeing to kiss him once more, before disappearing into the living room. The outside clean up went quicker than he expected and when he made his way back into their home, he found Edyt already vacuuming. 
Locking the doors, he made his way up the stairs to their bedroom. He paused a moment at their bedside to look once more at the cards his children had made, before making his way into the en suite. Edyt had insisted, when they’d been house hunting, for a place with a large tub. She would not settle for one that did not cover both her shoulders and her knees.
Finan turned the taps, allowing the water to warm before placing the plug. Opening the second drawer on her side of the sink, he produced a bath bar, filling the tub with bubbles, before drying his hands. Grabbing a handful of candles from the linen closet he placed them around the tub, near enough to shine light but not near enough to catch either of them aflame. As he turned the water off, he heard Edyt entering the bedroom.
“Finan?” her voice floated towards him from the other side of the door. 
“Aye, love,” he said making his way to open the door, “I was going to grab us a bottle of wine, but if you want to go ahead and slip in while the water is warm.”
Finan flicked off the bathroom light and moved out of the doorway, so she could see the room that he had set up. Edyt nodded, pulling him down to kiss her.
“Aren’t I supposed to be spoiling you today?” she asked, slipping by him and untying the sash of her wrap around dress. Finan didn’t move, watching as she let the fabric fall from her body. She looked over her shoulder and offered him a coy smile, “I really don’t think we need the wine, Finan.”
“No,” he muttered, making his way over to her. He pressed kisses along her shoulder as he unclasped her bra and pushed the material down her arms. Edyt let the material fall to the floor and tilted her head to allow him more access to her neck. Finan’s fingers danced slowly down her arms, before finding their way up over her stomach. He held her breast softly in each hand, lifting them enough that he could need them softly, tweaking the peaking nipples.
His name fell from her lips as her head fell back against his chest, and he used the new angle to press his lips to hers. She kissed him back lazily, tongue swiping across his bottom. Breaking out of his hands, she turned to him, hands wrapping around his neck, as she pushed up on her toes to kiss him again. Her hands pushed his Father’s Day shirt up until she had to break their kiss to pull it over his head. 
Edyt trailed her kisses along the newly exposed skin, fingers popping the button on his jeans. She moved back, slipping her underwear down her thighs as he pushed his pants down. His eyes never left her as he stepped out of them. He moved to her, hands cupping her face as he pulled her into another kiss. 
“I love you,” he told her, before stepping into the bath. A groan escaped him at the wonderful feeling and Edyt laughed at him.
“I love you too,” she said, taking the hand he offered and letting him help her into the tub. She gasped at the silky feeling, waiting impatiently for Finan to settle down into the water so she could join him. She sunk into the water, her back against his chest. Her eyes fluttered closed as the warm water rose over her chest, enveloping her whole body. She felt Finan chuckle behind her, running his hands up her arms and over her chest.
“I missed this,” he mumbled, trailing his lips along her neck. Edyt hummed happily, as his hands wandered her form. He let his palm press against her lower stomach, “We used to do this all the time when you were pregnant.”
“Finan,” she warned, not opening her eyes. One hand stayed on her stomach, the other wandering back north to fondle her breast. “No more babies.”
“One more,” he barter, still caressing her skin. “Think about it. Another girl, brilliant and blonde, just like her mother.”
“We already have a girl, who is nothing like her mother,” Edyt muttered, gasping as he tweaked her nipple between her fingers. “Iseult is just like you. Give it a few years and she’ll be married and there will be tons of little feet running around.”
“Edyt, you can’t tell me,” he said, pressing a separate kiss to her neck after each word, “you haven't thought about it.”
“I have,” she admitted, turning her head to capture his lips, “I’ve thought about it alot.”
“Oh?” he mumbled, as she leaned up needing to breathe out of his embrace, his presence clouding her better judgement.
“You’re an amazing father, you know that?” she asked, soaping up a washcloth. She moved away from him and turned to face him. Sitting on heels, she ran the cloth over his shoulders and chest. “I love that about you. And my god, do I love seeing you with the kids, not just ours.”
“Trying to get my hopes up?” he asked her. She shook her head, smiling softly at him.
“No, I’m just saying I have thought about it,” she answered, moving back into his arms, legs straddling his waist and kissing him gently. “We’d be old parents. Say we got pregnant next week, which is unlikely, but let's pretend. You’d be in your fifties before it’s ten. I wouldn’t be far behind.”
“Is that such a bad thing?” he asked. Edyt shrugged.
“I wanted to spend our sixties relaxing, not raising another teenager,” she told him.
“She’ll be twenty by then,” he said, pulling Edyt to kiss him. Edyt laughed and shook her head, but let him kiss her anyway.
“We’d have to go to the doctor,” she muttered against his lips, “make sure we’re even healthy enough to try it.”
“I can make the appointment first thing tomorrow,” he answered, kissing her again while his hands ran down her, gripping her ass firmly.
“It’ll be a lot of work,” she gasped, as his kisses trailed south, pulling her out of the water enough to allow him access to her breasts.
 “I love work,” he muttered, between the kisses he peppered along her chest. Edyt brought his lips back to hers, her hands wandering along his shoulders and down his chest.
“I’m not making any promises,” Edyt muttered against his lips, before trailing kisses back along his jaw, “but we can talk about it in the morning. Until then I think we could do with some practice.”
“Oh?” Finan said, grinning at her. “I think you’re right. We need to be ready when you agree.”
Edyt laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer, water sloshing around them. Finan captured her lips again, one hand tangling in her hair. Edyt moaned into the kiss as his free hand traveled south, gripping her ass. Edyt shifted, the tub suddenly feeling too small for their current endeavor. She could feel him pressing against her thigh. He moved his hand from her hair to tease at her entrance. 
“Finan, we will make a mess,” she told him, pressing her lips to the spot just below his ear. He groaned as she sucked at the flesh.
“Messes can be cleaned,” he countered, slipping two fingers inside of her. Edyt moaned his name, head falling back as he moved his fingers in and out, thumb pressing against the bundle of nerves between her legs. Finan attached her lips to her neck, nipping and sucking along the flesh as he moved back down to her breasts. He flicked his tongue along the nipple, before blowing on his feeling his nails tighten against shoulders.
“You, sir,” she muttered, hands trailing down his chest, “are a bad influence.”
She knocked his hand away so she could grab his cock, stroking it briefly before lining him up at her entrance. Slowly, she sunk down on him. She moaned at the familiar stretching feeling, his hands gripping her ass firmly, helping her bounce on him. Finan kissed her, briefly, before returning his attention to her breast, the sloshing water splashed against his chin. He seemed not to notice, focusing on burying his face in the mounds. Edyt’s knees ached as Finan suddenly stopped her.
“Shower,” he muttered, realizing that the tub might have been a mistake. She nodded, an unintentional sigh of relief leaving her. She climbed out of the tub, turning on the shower as Finan followed. He wrapped himself around her, lips against her neck, cock grinding against her ass, fingers playing with the bundle of nerves between her legs. She melted into him, legs feeling weak as he touched her. She could feel her orgasm building, hips shifting against his hand. 
“Fuck,” Edyt panted when he pulled his hand her. Chest heaving, she looked at him in disbelief.   
Finan opened the shower door once the water had warmed, guiding her inside. The warm water ran over them, washing from the bubbles and soap from the bath. Turning she wrapped her arms around his neck, tiptoeing in order to kiss him. He kissed her back roughly, hands coming below her ass to lift her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he pressed her against the shower wall. The spray hit his back running down over her legs. Finan wasted no time, lining himself back up at her entrance. Edyt gasped as he entered her swiftly, setting a furious pace immediately, contrasting with the slow easy pace of the tub. 
Edyt’s orgasm began its steady build once more as his thrusts pounded him into her. Her nails dug into his shoulders and she attached her lips to the flesh just below his ear, teasing the sensitive spot. Finan gasped, forcing her lips back to his in a passionate kiss. Edyt wiggled a hand between them, barely having to touch herself as she came. Her walls squeeze tight around him, causing his hips to stutter. His name came loudly from her lips with a string of unintelligible mutterings. His own orgasm approached rapidly. Edyt felt his heart racing underneath her palm, as he found his release. 
Finan collapsed against her, forehead pressed to the shower wall as he caught his breath. He let her to her feet before kissing her gently. She wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing a kiss to his chest. Finan laid his head on top of hers.
“I bet the bath is cold,” he mumbled, causing Edyt to laugh. Pulling away, she pecked his lips.
“I guess that means we’ll have to take a proper one tomorrow,” she said, grinning at him, “and we can start in the shower. Now though, I want to cuddle.”
“I can do that,” Finan grinned, letting her pull him from the shower. He wrapped a towel around her, using it to pull her to him and kiss her once more, before finding his own towel and drying off.
“I love you,” she giggled, as scooped into his arms. He twirled her around, before falling into their bed.
“I love you too,” he answered, pulling the blankets around them. He placed a kiss on her forehead, before rubbing his nose playfully against hers. Finan turned off the bedroom lamp, ready for their long day to end.
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serafinadonovan · 3 years
As of late, Serafina had been spending nearly all her time in the castle. She had a place to stay in the noble quarter, of course, but it was more convenient to sleep somewhere closer to King Arthur - assuming that she slept at all. Dreams had not been coming easy. This meeting, however, made more sense to do in the relative privacy of her own residence. So she unlocked the door to her place for the first time in weeks. The building was perfectly clean, untouched. Carefully, Serafina moved through the house, rearranging things - not enough to make a mess, but just enough to make the place look lived in. When it suited her, she slumped down into a chair and closed her eyes.
A knock on the door woke her up no more than a few minutes later. She stood, brushed off her dress, and pressed any stray hairs back into their place. Then, she made her way to the door. Hopefully, this meeting would bring good news, unlike the last few she'd had to endure. She unlatched the door and took a small step back. The smile she greeted him with was open and warm. "Iseult. Come in." Without another word, she headed into the main hall and took a seat. She motioned for Iseult to sit across from her, an eyebrow raised expectantly.
"It’s good to see you again. Have you made any progress since we last spoke?" Not so much the real question, so much as What do you have for me? Serafina had worked with Iseult for years; she knew he was good, as an informant or assassin, whatever he was paid to be. Beyond that, the knights of the round were paying him too much to learn nothing.
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safifonhasstrel · 5 months
Yeah on Susan’s stories and other places she mentioned that Iseult was supposed to have two books but the publisher wanted her to condense the story so she had to find a way to put two books into one. That’s why it might seem like a mess
I wish she had stood her ground and fought for it to stay two books though because it seems like she had way more that she needed to happen before the last book
Omg I am just seeing this! This is probably super old and I an very sorry for the delay! Yeah, I have heard that too. I think it is worrying how much power publishers have over the author. The author should ultimately know best how much time they need to tell the story they want to tell. But on the other hand I think it makes it even weirder that she decided to focus on the things she did. Like ultimately Iseult's book didn't feel like Iseults book. It felt like she was shoved to the sidelines in her own book. But I will try not to get too heated here because I've been over this a million times. Again, sorry for the (probably) very delayed answer!
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