#isn't that the studio c channel?
darthkvznblogs · 1 year
I just stumbled onto an animated show called “Saving Me”, where a bitter old inventor, who drove his loved ones away, creates a machine that lets him send his mind back in time to his 11-year old self, allowing him to try and help his past self avoid the mistakes that he did and make things turn out for the better. There’s more to the overall plot than that though, but I don’t want to spoil it.
Sounds cute! Probably not something I'd watch, to be honest, but I hope you enjoy it :)
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pink-amethyst-tarot · 8 months
♡ A L I C E I N W O N D E R L A N D ♡
Pick A Pile Reading ♡
General, Love, and What to look forward to readings for each pile.
Take What resonates and leave the rest and know that you're the one in control of your life at the end of the day. . . .
This PAP reading is inspired by my mutual and friend, @itsmealicehi
Thank you so much for the idea and for sharing your energy with me.
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♡ P I L E 1 ~ P I L E 2 ~ P I L E 3 ♡
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♡ p i l e 1 ♡ - Slow Down, you crazy child/ I can do bad all by myself
General: Four of Pentacles, Knight of Swords (Reversed), The Hanged Man, The Moon
Bottom of the Deck: Four of Wands
You might be feeling like there is no control in your life, so you are controlling the things that you can with an iron grip. Because of this, you have been punishing yourself, holding back your own progress. You may be presenting to the world that you have it all under control but on the inside, you feel like your life is falling apart. Right now, you are too in your own head. It's time to reach out to the person or people that you trust. Asl for advice or a helping hand. Right now, it's too hard to tell the forest from the trees. This is not the time to make decisions without care or thought. The life that you want is not that far out of reach. Slow Down. Don't forget to celebrate yourself.
Channeled Song: Vienna by Billy Joel
Love: Queen of Wands, Six of Pentacles (Reversed), Five of Cups, Eight of Pentacles
Bottom of the Deck: Ten of Pentacles
For those in a relationship: The relationship started out amazing and this person promised you everything you could have ever wanted. Now, it seems like you have to pull teeth just to get some attention. This person is giving you love kernels to keep you but never enough to satisfy you. You may feel like because you've put in all this time and effort, you should stick it out. When someone shows you who they are, it's in your best interest to believe them. This person may say they are going to change all the time. But have they put in any effort? Have they done a 180? Or are they doing enough to keep the peace and then going back to square one like a conversation was never had? If you stay, it will only lead to disappointment, dissatisfaction and resentment. I think this person is holding you back from being your best and happiest self. You don't need anyone's help when it comes to being miserable. You can do bad all by yourself.
For those who are single: This is a warning to watch out for people that want to use you and have an unbalanced union with you. It will only hold you back and leave you unhappy and unsatisfied.
Channeled song: I Can Do Bad All by Myself by Mary J. Blige (this song don't have a studio version and I'm still so upset about it! We need to call Tyler Perry and Mary J. Blige.)
What To Look Forward To: The Hermit, Seven of Swords, Two of Cups, Queen of Pentacles
Bottom of the Deck: Six of Pentacles
You have been moving in silence, making plans and moving strategically. You are crafting new opportunities, not just for yourself, but for people in your life. You will be giving gifts once you have reached your desired level of success. I think you are going to meet someone that adds to your success as well. Though this is romantic for some of you, that isn't the case for everyone so take it how it resonates with you. It will be like you can read each other's mind. I definitely this person is a part of your soul family.
♡ p i l e 2 ♡ - It'll be all over in the morning
General: Six of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, Two of Wands (Reversed), The Hierophant, Seven of Pentacles
Bottom of the Deck: Queen of Swords
The hardships that you have faced are over! Because you did not let them break you, it has made you better and stronger, despite all that you have been through. The tides are turning in your favor because you never gave up even when it seemed like things would never be any different. You kept your faith. You may feel hesitant to move forward because the unknown is scary and you've already faced so much adversity but, trust your intuition and reach out to your spirit guides. They love you and they are here for you. Know that you can move forward with protection, and you will be led to abundance and long-term successes.
Channeled Song: Ain't No Need To Worry by The Winans (I will say this is a gospel song, so if you think that will trigger you as someone with religous trauma, don't listen to it.)
ain't no need to worry bout // what the night is gonna bring // it'll be all over in the morning //
Love: Nine of Pentacles, Six of Cups, Judgement (Reversed), King of Pentacles, Six of Wands (Reversed)
It seems like you are happy being single but it looks like you are getting an offer from someone kind, maybe someone from your past. In my mind, I see someone that was a close childhood friend or maybe you went to school with and you knew or knew of each other. Don't be too harsh on this person. It's good to have high standard and knowing your worth, but no one is perfect. Even perfect fruit can have bruises. Even if this person is everything you ever wanted and dreamed of, they are still a person that is living life, just like you. Know that this person is great and great for you, flaws and all. You will feel cared for, loved, safe and so much more. There is a change you will let your ego get in the way. Don't let it. It will slow down the progress of your relationship or even ruin it all together. Know that letting your ego in the way means losing the love that you so deeply deserve. You are safe with this person. Let your guard down.
Channeled Song: Renegade by Big Time Machine ft Taylor Swift (This channeled song is a little different because it's from your person to you.)
are you really gonna talk about timing in times like these? // and let all your damage damage me? // and carry your baggage up my street? // and make me your future history? //
What to Look Forward To: Ace of Pentacles, Six of Wands (Reversed), Ten of Pentacles (Reversed), Queen of Wands, Temprance (Reversed), Justice
You have some exciting new opportunities coming up as well as some things from the past you have to finally acknowledge. This is going to shake up your world. I think you may want to do some self care at this time. Grounding yourself will be really important. Know that whatever this is, you can handle this. You have been through worse. You are strong and capable. You are going to feel unbalanced and like you need to rush to make a decision. Other people may be pushing you to make a decision. Don't worry about that or about them. Take your time and do what is best for you. You will get all that you deserve; all that you have worked for.
♡ p i l e 3 ♡ - You're built different
General: Temprance, Ten of Pentacles (Reversed), Queen of Wands, The Devil (Reversed), Justice
Bottom of the Deck: Two of Pentacles
You don't need to be what others want you to be. I see that, right now, you are at peace and balanced but you're being pressured, either by other people or by your own thoughts, to "get yourself together". The thing is though, YOU ALREADY HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER! You are doing things in an unconventional way and that freaks people out and makes them worried because they can't gage the likely outcome. That's not any of their business and you can't make how they feel about your life your problem. Stay on the path you are on if that is what will make you happy. Be confident in your choices. Act courageously even when you are terrified. The things that are meant for you will find you. The life you want may not be the status quo, but it's yours. Isn't the enough?
Love: King of Pentacles, Seven of Cups (Reversed), Five of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles, Queen of Cups
Someone is coming in to offer you a long-term commitment. In the past, you have been offered similar offers, only to end up in tense relationships where you ended up estranged and distant. This new person is different, and I think you are going to be able to tell. This will be something so new and so different. This relationship will be nurturing for the both of you. This will be one for the books. This person that is coming in is your soulmate and you will be shocked by how much a person's life can change just by meeting someone.
What to Look Forward To: Five of Swords (Reversed), Ten of Pentacles, King of Swords, King of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, Two of Wands
You've been doing shadow work and making changes, healing your inner wounds. That hard work is contributing to your long-term success and will help you clearly see the path that you are meant to take. Self-discipline is important but you are being asked to watch out for signs of perfectionism. It's not about the destination but about the journey. Speaking of journey, the stability that you have cultivated, you are ready to put your ideas into motion by making plans at this time. You can achieve the goals you have desired to achieve for a long time.
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You can get a person Alice in Wonderland reading from my Etsy shop, PinkAmethystTarot
Page divider credit to: @reveriesources 
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THESE READINGS ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. no guarantees are implied. These readings are not a substitute or replacement for any professional help or services. My readings are not a substitute for any form of professional legal, medical/psychiatric, relationship, religious/spiritual or financial/ business advice nor consultations. You should always see a professional legal/trained adviser for help in any matter. I am not responsible for any decisions/ actions you take.
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fanatical4creation · 22 days
🌈The world of✨️
Is time to answer one of my favorite questions when it comes to writing a show; WHERE?!?!?
Where does the characters live, where do they go to rest and sleep and yadda yadda yadda, y'know what, while doing this i've discovered i actually like drawing backgrounds, it's hard but seeing the result is so fun.
This is the Happy vile or Happy Condominium, i haven't come up with a good name yet, i'm not that good at names, so let's say the sign is just temporally until i actually come up with a good name, anyway...
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This is the map, i'm not an architect so it looks horrible lol, that big place with studios are the studio from dreamtale, they make programs to a TV channel i haven't thought of a name yet, it's made for brain washing people, that's Hope's whole thing;
Entertainment programs, films, series, short films, newspapers and all types of media to attract all types of people to Dreamtale to get their happily ever after.
I would add some more things, but i don't actually know what to add bc, as i said, i'm not an fucking architect.
About the main building, i loved how it turned out, the main idea was that each floor would be a color, and i didn't know how the colors would work and i'm happy that i figured it out. With the main color being yellow bc yellow means mainly Hopeful, while the others are the AUs he affected.
Yes, Murder Dust being the yellow color at the same time as Hopeful does means something (Do you like the name i came up with? Murder Dust? Like- like pinkie pi-).
Oh yeah the tiny red circles are suppose to represent how big people would look, y'know for proportions.
Map of Dreamtale:
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Every city comes from the tree that inhabits it. Well the rest is what you see, the only thing i would add is the outside of the circle, there would be farms and camps, people who just don't like the big medieval city, by the way, i have no idea if there were trains in the medieval era, but i don't care, trains are cool af.
Dreamtale isn't naturally yellow based, the colors would vary through the colors of The main Elements, y'know, Life, Death, Magic and Feelings, but since Hopeful overflowed everything's Yellow due to his aura, It got bigger and bigger as the positivity in people increased
Yes, i'm aware it looks like an fidget spinner.
Thank you if you read that, you must be very interested if you did... but i mean, VERY interested, i would not read all of that shit for nothing.
Unrelated note: I don't know if it is mother's day today bc i'm not from usa, in my country mother's day was yesterday, so, if it is actually mother's day in usa................ ignore it..
Dreamtale (c) JokuBlog
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chaos0pikachu · 1 month
Hi Pika, I don't know if you've been following gmmtv's take over of wabi sabi, I just want to ask you: given that so many companies are part of TBLC which is like a Thai BL content association, do you have any idea why gmmtv isn't a part of it? BOC, DMD, Star Hunter, Copy A Bangkok, Channel 3 are all part of it, I'm just wondering why gmmtv isn't even thought it's the biggest bl company? Wabi Sabi was/is a part of it. (idk exactly)
I can't emphasize enough that I am NOT an expert on this snaps lmao so anything I say that isn't like a direct link to an article or further reading source is speculation on my part. You're a sweetheart Anon but I just wanna let you know that like if you wanna know about the American publishing or entertainment industry but I don't wanna present myself as like ~an expert~ when my ass ain't ya know?
So my short answer is fuck if I know lol I hadn't even heard of the TBLC till this ask
For folks interested in it, here's the livestream they hosted for it (it's 45ish minutes) and it doesn't have subs though. But it seems to be connected to Thailand's soft power committee, here's an article on that:
Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, who chairs the committee, tasked deputy chairwoman Paetongtarn Shinawatra with leading two national initiatives: One Family One Soft Power (OFOS) and the Thailand Creative Content Agency (THACCA). The goal of the initiatives is skills training to create 20 million jobs that will generate annual income of 4 trillion baht. OFOS and THACCA will be implemented in three phases: First, to boost human resources, 20 million children, adults, and seniors in under village and community funds will get free training in fields such as food, Muay Thai, arts, performance, singing, design, fashion, e-sports, and more, free of charge.
For folks who may not know, soft power is a term coined by political scientist Joseph S. Nye Jr. in his article Soft Power published by Foreign Policy magazine.
"In the 1980s, political scientist Joseph Nye Jr. coined the term soft power, defining it as a country’s ability to influence others without resorting to coercive pressure. In practice, that process entails countries projecting their values, ideals, and culture across borders to foster goodwill and strengthen partnerships." (source)
Soft power is a form of governmental influence internationally, and works conjunction with "hard power".
Examples of "soft power" are the American space program, athletes performing at the Olympics, and on the media side, military propaganda films like Captain Marvel, (yes I consider Captain Marvel a military propaganda film the film opens with a freaking air force ad lmao).
You see other countries using similar tactics as well, for every Top Gun there's China's Wolf Warrior 2 or Hidden Blade. For South Korea, BTS and k-pop is most definitely used as a source of soft power. This is just something governments do.
Okay so like, gmmtv and BL we've been hearing for a minute now that BL and GL are part of the Thai governments plans for soft power.
Mile and Apo have spoken about this specifically when promoting Man Suang and here's a recent video of them working in conjunction with the government on Shine:
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Even Mew's talked about Thailand's soft power in interviews before (context, Mew was the first Thai musician to break into the American Billboard charts):
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It's not just BL either, Idol Factory's Freen and Becky of The Gap fame got in on this too:
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So like, it sounds like this meeting/committee in general is just an extension of the Thai governments plans for expanding their soft power which includes how to better support this now highly in demand industry (BL/GL shows) b/c the government sees its international value.
I can only assume that like, gmmtv feels it doesn't need~ government support as a production company? They're the biggest BL studio in the game and have an annoying stranglehold on territories like America and Latin America already. It doesn't really matter what the quality of the shows even are, gmmtv have that sweet parasocial grip on audiences.
[my forever frustrations with gmmtv and how they sell idols and parasocial relationships not BL/GL shows is a totally different post so lemme stop]
Other companies don't really have that same hold on international audiences. At least not consistently? And the biggest concern is funding.
I think anyone with eyeballs can see Kinnporsche is the best well produced BL that's come out of Thailand (argue with the wall) in terms of overall technical quality. But that level of quality is expensive, the CGI in The Sign is freaking expensive, The Next Prince's pilot is so obviously pricey as all fuck you can tell the studio is banking on it selling.
Which is why studios like Idol Factory, Domandi or BOC only come out with a one or two shows a year in comparison to gmmtv's like 16. They need funding, not just for filming the show but also marketing. Filmmaking is hella expensive.
[I'm not talking about whether y'all liked this show or that show, I'm talking about technical quality, shows like Kinnporsche, The Sign, Pit Babe are all better on a technical level than stuff like 1000 Stars, Only Friends or Cooking Crush.]
Why didn't gmmtv attend the event or participate, baby I legit do not know. I can't answer that with any sort of certainty only their execs could answer that, I can only guess.
And my best guess is b/c the company feels confident they're fine on their own. They don't need funding assistance, nor assistance reaching an international market (tho maybe some assistance in getting their contracts straight hope Ossan's Love doesn't face the same distribution issues as Cherry Magic lmao).
For more information on the event itself I really liked this post on reddit that I felt broke everything down very well.
Anyway sorry this got so long Anon but I hope it at least provided some interesting information!
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liz-trix · 1 year
Something I was really excited for when it came to BATDRs' release was something that was... entirely missing from the final product. That same 'something' that was heavily advertised early on. "It" being: Consequences. Choices. Having your actions matter.
The concept of your actions being important was something that was originally toyed with back in BATIM, the first game. There was going to be an Angel and a Demon Path.
This "path" system seems to have been abandoned, with only some small/minor remnants existing that hints to it existing in the first place, namely the Alice Angel/Bendy Room in chapter 3.
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The concept of choices seems like something they had planned to finally reintroduce in BATDR, as seen in their original showcase trailer. In fact... "Don't be afraid. Don't let the darkness take you. You may walk with Angels, or Cower before demons... but one thing always remains: The choices you make." Was the opening sentence! (This trailer seems to be deleted now but there are still some channels housing reposted ones.)
The concept of choices being entirely missing in BATDR bums me out. I thought the "Banish" ability was going to play a huge role in it, but alas, it changes nothing. I feel like literally vaporizing Ex-Employees out of thin air wouldn't be the nicest way to go about solving your issues.
...And I've been thinking about it a lot.
Obviously it's too late to wedge this into BATDR but maybe this could work for another game or project of mine sometime, who knows. Anyways here's the concept:
Bring back the concept of choice, but instead of tying it to set determined paths, tie it to how the player interacts with the world. Take the Honor/Karma system from Fallout/Red Dead Redemption, both are wonderful examples, but both are also seriously complex examples to reference from. So let's boil it down. Keep in mind this is all designed/concepted for a much more open game compared to current BATDR. A lot of what I get into can be applied to BATDR but it can't exist in its full capacity/potential.
I drew up these quick mock-up "Honor Badges" of Audrey. This bar would showcase to the player what sort of path they're going on. These paths would affect how the world views you, since it is how you view the world that is taking you along these paths in the first place, isn't it? You start here. In the middle.
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People love you! Or they have the potential to, at least! You're an outsider to this world, no one knows whether they should trust or fear you, it's up to you to make that decision.
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The path of the Angel: So the idea is pretty simple, the more good deeds you do in this world the more you lean towards an Angelic role. Here's some potential examples.
Sparing enemies in Combat.
Choosing not to use Banish.
Staying out of Inky Domains for too long.
Actively avoiding helping "Demon Followers".
Tarnishing Bendy Merchandise.[?]
Assisting characters in side quests. [Akin to Betty/Big Steve.]
You get the idea. Do good things, be seen as an Angel.
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The path of the Demon: Now of course... there's always the option to refuse to behave. Or maybe you really do just prefer the way the Demon runs the studio, that's where the Demon Path comes in.
Pretty much the opposite applies here:
Over abusing the Banish ability.
Needlessly/endlessly killing Lost Ones outside of self defense.
Striking down those who choose to walk with Angels.
Spending too much time wading in the Dark Puddles/Ink. (looking at you, Sammy.)
Tarnishing Alice Merchandise.
Sabotaging safe zones.
And now, for the consequences of your established actions! There's a LOT of potential here so I'm only going to quickly dive into a few examples but ultimately the world should react to how you're choosing to play the game. And of course, each path would have its own benefits...
For example, many NPCs in the game should be allied to a specific faction, and many should be neutral! Sammy is a perfect example of a Demon allied character. Boris is a fine example of a neutral character, etc.
Falling in low honor would prevent you from interreacting with those who oppose the Ink Demon, and vice versa. Gameplay wise this could lock you out of specific character quests, or even areas entirely. I highly doubt a safe heaven run by Lost Ones following the path of the Angel would appreciate a Demon Follower dragging their inky shoes into their pristine establishments...
A fairly important over arching idea would be having your honor affect the outcomes of the ending of the game. Something hinted at back in BATIM with these gorgeous, but sadly now unused portraits.
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Oh, some last dev notes!
-Some notable inspirations/examples to look at are Epic Mickey, Fallout, and Red Dead Redemption.
-A lot of these ideas/concepts are sorta just for fun, but I'd love to introduce them in a game at some point. I've studied too long to not put this to use. -Whether you choose to view the Angel route as the "good" route and the Demon route as the "bad" route should be up to the player. -Ideally this system wouldn't be linear, it'd be flexible. If a system like what I propose were to exist I'd rather give players the opportunity to have repeatable actions to dynamically change their alignment as they progress throughout the game. Locking players into a set path isn't something that's impossible to do without seeming unfair but its not something I'm personally interested in.
-Wow I really like those old choices also I love games that let me be an evil gremlin I would've loved to fuck up stuff and join Bendy to fuck up even more stuff teehee >:}
-This post is large. :{
-Did you notice the horns/halo I gave Audrey? ;}
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megacandy420 · 1 year
My Smg4 arc villains tier list
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D: Smg3, Bob and Smg4…
Smg3: Smg3 yes… did delete the gitch crew in 'Deleted' but SMG4 decides to destroy SMG3's entire studio in 'Mario's Spicy Day'. SMG3 even points out he wasn't doing anything evil so I always felt kinda bad for him.
Bob: Bob just abandoned his friends to become a rapper… while he was a jackass… he was still pretty meh in my honest opinion.
Smg4: The meme maestro himself… Due to the pressure of being a content creator he slowly loses his mind to create the 'perfect' video and unintentionally hurts his friends… the reason I added him is because despite how long it takes him and his team to make these videos, in addition to running a whole animation studio, he's constantly being bombarded with hate comments from ignorant people. One observer pointed out that this would only make SMG4 more obsessed to make his perfect video truly perfect.
C: Waluigi and Niles…
Waluigi: The first true arc villain… I put him here because while pretty dangerous… he was too easily redeemed… But I did enjoy Wario character development in the end.
Niles: The true evil behind Eldritch Zero… he's here because he basically the saying: the road to hell is paved with good intentions as people who believe they are doing good can end up doing bad and a well-intentioned extremist.
B: Eldritch Zero and Lawyer Kong…
Eldritch Zero: The big bad of the Genesis Arc… Almost destroyed the entire Smg4 world, almost killed Mario, destroyed Smg1 and Smg2 world after he killed their avatar Spudnick (Rip Spudnick) and killed my favorite character Axol (Rip Axol)… but the reason I put him here's because he is two people… the true Smg0 (Rip Smg0) and Niles (Rip Niles)…
Lawyer Kong: He's a corrupt, vindictive scumbag who takes advantage of the law to get what he wants and isn't above using dirty tricks to do it. Over the course of the Lawsuit Arc, he isolates all non-Nintendo characters from the Mushroom Kingdom and brainwashes any Nintendo character into their canon self, and later resorts to what is essentially genocide just to get rid of SMG4's channel… I hate him… still he's better You know who…
A: Francis…
Francis: This piece of shit! He's a dorky, nerdy and silly-looking chameleon who leads a group of otakus. He also instigated the plan to kidnap half of Inkopolis and manages to power up Ink Weaver to 70%, where Axol only manages 50% with the help of Meggy, and by himself only used 5%... His plan means genocide of the Inklings and octolings and he actually killed another character (Rip Desti). Oh, and he was the first Arc Villain who didn't pull a Heel–Face Turn and died instead… he definitely deserved to be disposed of in his own Ink-Zuccer by Saiko. The irony here is two-fold. Saiko was someone he listened to and went out of his way to protect before going mad with power, and the Ink-Zuccer was the terrible machine he used to extract ink from all the Inklings he captured.
S: The God Box…
The God Box: A mysterious artifact containing both power and destruction… To me… The God Box is the true villain of Smg4… as it's what bestows Niles with the power that ends up causing the series-spanning strife in the first place. It created Niles and then killed Smg0 and Niles avatar Fred (Rip Fred)... in the real world. Is a by-product of this; to a normal person, it’s just a box full of Luke's old broken PC parts. To the cast of SMG4, it’s a world full of fragments of destroyed universes thanks to being used by the creator of their world.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
As someone who has tinkered around with youtube video stuff on a very amateur level, I would absolutely love to hear some details on what you do to your audio to neutralize sibilants. I've tried many things to clean up my audio — and I'll flatter myself to say that I believe I've largely succeeded — but those S sounds stubbornly stay stable.
I would say it's nothing special, but it's also something I have dialed in slowly over the course of the last ten years. I go back and listen to some of my earlier videos and they sound absolutely dreadful, and 80% of the time that's down to the EQ work on my voice.
And not to throw shade or anything, but I even listen to guys like Super Eyepatch Wolf and think "jeeze, dude, turn down your EQ knobs a little." Dude seems to crank the bass and the treble as high as they'll go.
For that reason, I've tried to keep my process simple. So here's the current version of the plugin chain I use in FL Studio:
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First, I run it through something called the "Soundgoodizer", which is a general collection of EQ presents you can turn up and down. I leave it fairly low as to not overpower the audio (which would give me the Eyepatch Wolf effect). Mostly this fills out the bass and balances the audio a little.
In the EQ bar there in the middle, I also drop out the highest frequencies. Just completely zero them out. This is the biggest component of the sibilants. It greatly reduces the sharp sounds that come with the S and C words.
That's FX channel 1, which then feeds in to the main FX channel, where the rest of my plugins are. So everything I just said was step 1, and now these are step 2:
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First up is a Multiband Compressor. These are a lot of scary knobs but I just use the "Mastering 2.4db" preset. This also levels the audio to make sure nothing is too loud or too quiet. It also does some of its own EQ work, but mostly its to make sure everything stays in balance.
Next I run it through a Low Pass filter at 16000hz (again, another preset). Dropping out the high frequencies in FX Channel 1 does a lot of legwork in cutting down the sharp sounds and this finishes the job. However, if you look at the full size image, the mixing knob for this one isn't at 100%. That's because at 100% mix, I find it makes my audio feel a little muffled, since I'm basically doing a low pass (FX1) on top of a low pass. Turning the mix down to 75% helps retain some clarity while making sure you aren't being stabbed in the ears.
The Parametric EQ plugin is the only plugin where I'm not just using a preset. The EQ profile you see on the left is something I looked up on a guide somewhere once years ago for how to attain the so-called "radio voice" EQ ratio. I've modified it a bit here to be less aggressive than the guide showed, because I'm looking for a light touch, since over-EQing your audio is easy to do.
Down at the bottom is a Fruity Limiter plugin, which is always there every time you start a fresh project in FL Studio. It's kind of just another kind of compressor, and I never think about it or look at it or mess with it. I don't actually know what it even does to the audio. Like I said, it's just there on every fresh project by default. It might not be doing anything at all.
After all of that, this is the end result:
Not dramatically different, and some would even say the raw audio from the microphone is good enough, but again, it's all about having a light touch on the enhancements while catching and limiting the problems. You'll notice that on the sibilants (the S sounds), they still exist, but they're a lot less sharp.
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(Bottom is before EQ, top is after)
If worst comes to worst and there's something I just can't get rid of, Vegas also has an audio plugin called "Multiband Dynamics" that has a de-esser setting, but I find that can sometimes make my audio sound a little strange, so I use it as a last resort.
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I don't know if any of this means anything to anyone but me, but maybe it did! And I hope it helps.
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slimethought · 4 months
Is this a video about Breadtube? Is it a reaction video to Philosophy Tube / Abigail Thorn and her video about coming out as trans? Is it a reaction video to myself? Is there such a thing as objectivity? Is there hope for joy in the wake of postmodernism? Can YouTubers really fill the role of educators? If not, can I still join in the party of making fun of conservative nonsense from Ben Shapiro and PragerU? Please?
Watch to find out! Then tell us because we have no idea.
The Leftist Cooks are Neil Farrell and Sarah Oeffler
I’m on PATREON! Join the community ►►   / theleftistcooks   SUBSCRIBE why not! ►► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC358... One time payment in my tip jar? ►► https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/neilf...
↓↓↓Vegan Scones with Jam↓↓↓
500g (4 cups) of self raising flour 100g (1/2 cup) coconut oil 100g (1/2 cup) of sugar 200ml (7/8 cup) cashew milk Add 125gms (1 cup) dark chocolate
Bake for 15 - 20 minutes at 180°C (350°F)
Heat 250g (1 1/2 cups) frozen berries 100g sugar (1/2 cup) on a low setting on your hob
Rozenblit, L., & Keil, F. (2002). The misunderstood limits of folk science: An illusion of explanatory depth. Cognitive science, 26(5), 521-562.
Fernbach, P. M., Rogers, T., Fox, C. R., & Sloman, S. A. (2013). Political extremism is supported by an illusion of understanding. Psychological science, 24(6), 939-946.
Kruger, J., & Dunning, D. (1999). Unskilled and unaware of it: how difficulties in recognizing one's own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments. Journal of personality and social psychology, 77(6), 1121.
Drescher, J. (2015). Out of DSM: Depathologizing homosexuality. Behavioral sciences, 5(4), 565-575.
Lindholm, C. (1997). ‘The Swat Pukhtum family as a political training ground’, in R.J. Casstillo (ed.) The Meaning of Madness. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Heine, S. J., Kitayama, S., Lehman, D. R., Takata, T., Ide, E., Leung, C., & Matsumoto, H. (2001). Divergent consequences of success and failure in japan and north america: an investigation of self-improving motivations and malleable selves. Journal of personality and social psychology, 81(4), 599.
Park, S. W., Tignor, S. M., Joo, M. J., & Heo, Y. H. (2016). Accuracy and bias in self-perception of performance: Narcissism matters in Korea as well. Korean Social Science Journal, 43(2), 29-43.
ESO/spaceengine.org/L.Calçada RoyaltyFreeTube
Link to Philosophy Tube / Abigail Thorne's little public statement:    • Coming Out As Trans - A Little Public...   (I'm aware that this isn't actually the coming out video but it was the one she gave express permission to play with and use for making art and spreading positive messages)
↓↓↓ LYRICS↓↓↓ (and highly recommend all of these YouTubers)
Tom Scott, Adam Neely, Lonerbox and Michael Stephens T1J, Folding Ideas, Nerdwriter, Kevin Lieber Legal Eagle, Lindsay Ellis, Jay Foreman, Rowan Ellis David Bennet Piano, Innuendo Studios Every Frame a Painting, Lessons from the Screenplay, Matt Gray, Patrick Willems, We’re in Hell, Khadija Mbowe PBS Eons, Veritasium, Hank Green Animalogic, Numberphile and… John Green It’s Okay to Be Smart, & Today I Found Out Langfocus, Tom Nicholas, Jake Roper (opted out) Thought Slime, Jessica Kellgren Fozzard, Jessie Gender and Cogito, Ordinary Things and Hbomber...man Big Joel, Little Joel, Medium-sized Joel Plenty of others -- (YaadPikni, Verilybitchie, Flavorlab, Paul Morrin, Renegade Cut, Zoe Bee...) but how was I supposed to know? Some of these people might be absolutely full of sh*t And it’s an English-speaking young white guy list Edutaintment isn’t bad Nobody’s a perfect Dad Some of them are really smart And some of them just make Art Some of them created a whole new art form Like Natalie Wynn and Abigail Thorn.
And check out our special guest Matthew Tallon here:   / tallonmatthew   He's the funniest person on the Internet.
Thanks to All My Patrons: Lacey Eberl Unoriginal Junglist Lou Grath Misfit Unicorn Melinda Hristo Kolev Finola Mohan
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thetimelordbatgirl · 11 months
All those those anti-“woke” YouTube channels have some pretty interesting and conflicting thumbnails about this strike. Looks like they became Hollywood shills real quick because they a.) think the “woke” writers/actors don’t deserve more money for working on shows they hate (e.g. she-hulk), b.) genuinely think they can and should be replaced by ai, and c.) just want to defend billionaires. There are videos in support of the strike but only because it hurts the “woke” studios they hate and they’re trying to make it look like the strike is against “wokeness” in Hollywood. In the end, I hope these parasites starve and die off when there’s no new movies or shows for them to make culture war videos about. Seriously, what the hell are they gonna do for content?
Nothing. They'd have to get a job outside of Youtube if they ever lose their money through being bigots (because that's all being anti-woke is: being a bigot against everyone who isn't white, cis, straight and men) and we'd have to pray for any co-worker or customer stuck dealing with their views, because their views wouldn't change even if they do lose their Youtube money. Though them getting a job would be a miracle, given how they wouldn't survive a day outside of the internet. Seriously, with how they act towards seeing women/non-white people/non-straight people/non-cis people, I feel like if they see anyone like the characters they scream about online, they likely have tantrums in public too.
And given how they fine with writers losing money just because they happened to write shows they dislike, I cannot feel bad for these grifters when they do eventually lose their Youtube money.
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mandajiu · 2 years
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Photo Credit: An angel bird on BiliBili provided the original photo with the stem. I found it on a comment in Douyin. Permission requested to use it; otherwise I will delete it. 谢谢
DISCLAIMER: Until proven real, all CP's are fantasy. Avoid real names. Keep the enclosure and do everything possible to not bring the dream outside to official channels. This post will be made private in the future should the nest grow. Intl fans have responsibility to protect their artists. This is a purple free zone people unless it is about a Bazaar scarf. No sheep/goats (glory) worship either. All comments related to one-upmanship of other CPs that are not constructive will be deleted. Try not to share this. Our number one goal is keeping to ourselves and building our own happy little nest, OK?
I am very new to this CP thing in C-entertainment and I find it quite fascinating. Our CP is a pretty dated one, but there are quite a few Bird Eggs going strong. What I love about being a Bird Egg is that for the most part we stay to our one enclosure and try not to step on other people or groups.
Sometimes there is a perception - founded or otherwise you can research - that one person is stepping on the CP or artist in such a way as to hurt the other artist or perceived couple. I am of the mind that the machinery behind the individual is scarier than any one entertainer or even their family. In the end, our artists need to move on to other projects and even CPs and I personally support all work of 30 and 88. I also trust their choices and whoever they decide to be with, even if it is unexpected, I vow to support. I will ask for more collaborations though - such chemistry should not be wasted.
In the end CPfandom are chasing dreams. It is a fantasy born out of a perceived reality. That being said, these days we are getting a whole lot of imaginary candy from our perceived real couple.
I'm dyscalculic. I forget names, dates, times, and direction. It took me a while to catch up on all the number games. I will attempt to write a detailed post for those interested, but I honestly think trying to find order in the chaos is only good if you have a multiplicity of examples to correlate data with. Yesterday when I looked at the posts from our CP though I had to chuckle. Coincidences keep growing. Also, good on our perceived team. They seem very happy to "catch the tail" of the season have a "long vacation" in both a young and mature fashion Their copywriting is just becoming so very blatant 哈哈哈哈哈哈
The one reason, besides learning Mandarin, I am Leidi is because there is no financial reason to keep Bird Eggs happy, but it seems like we keep getting fed hints (Mandarin slang candy/sweets). The CP group is still strong and they are mostly very realistic people who have a strong romantic side. If this CP isn't real, I demand a drama or movie be made from the storyline of well-intentioned, well-fated love we have so far created by top Bird Eggs. I mean WOW! Go to Bilibili for more. If you don't speak Mandarin. I don't speak much, but Google translate has a camera option and I have devoted all my ADHD hyperfocus to studying the creations and meanderings of Mandarin-speaking Bird Eggs on multiple platforms. So many, many coincidences - for sure their studio has a CP if nothing else.
What is 30 out of 8 you may ask? Why 23 of course. Keep this in mind when you search 磊迪 on Bilibili (latest release).
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penny-nichols · 2 years
Uhh maybe 1 random headcanon you have on each Gavinners members and each Global characters
(Also sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well rn, hope everything become better soon for you :c)
- Feychols swap anon
Thank you Feychols swap anon you are so sweet :) Anyway hmmmmm... Gavinners: -Klavier has some burn scars on his hands from the. uh. fire guitar incident. (I don't know how burn scars work) -Daryan went to Themis to become a defense attorney (in a very "competitive with my bff in a fun way" way) but dropped out and just became a detective after finishing Normal School. He's not NOT smart he just didn't want to put in the effort for all of it and honestly. Same. -Luke can be "surprisingly" morbid sometimes. It's not that surprising to people who know him because like. He works with dead bodies all day but to some fans who forget that he's not just an uwu soft boy? seeing him say something like "Yeah if I was trying to kill me I'd slit my throat and then whack me over the head with my own drumsticks but that's just me." is jarring. -Brandon can sew but only a little bit. He knows enough to make. a tube. He needs his long flowy dramatic headbands but it CAN'T fray if it frays he will actually snap so he just makes really long tubes. He is a stronger man than I. -Ham didn't even go to Themis or anything and Klavier and Daryan didn't know him in Middle school because he was in 8th grade while they were in 6th, he was mainly introduced into the friend group via Brandon. (especially since Brandon actually got Into Law Enforcement before the Gavinners were really a thing) uhhhhh Global time: -Penny and Cody are basically siblings to each other now. I know they haven't met in canon but stfu Penny helped him sneak into the studio and they're besties -for a few of his embarrassing preteen years Cody had a minecraft stop motion youtube channel where he just played with his plastic figures. It never got THAT much attention, but if anyone had bothered to watch, they would've noticed the oddly high camera quality and the guy playing Minecraft Steve who kinda sounds like the steel samurai -Will isn't ugly he's just scary to kids looks wise because he has resting kinda mean face. He didn't reveal his face for a while BECAUSE of the kids but you absolutely KNOW that both members of the LGBT community and midwestern suburban moms go fucking wild for him -I think it would be funny if John was lactose intolerant. I was gonna say "probably not lmao" but Zheng Fa is a fictionalized representation of China so he's at least half Chinese and rates of lactose intolerance in Chinese kids his age are about 40% and up to 92% at Adulthood. Basically if John's stomach hasn't betrayed him now it'll DEFINITELY betray him later. -uhhhhh Jack Hammer really resented Will. Part of the reason why he intended to frame Will for Dee's murder is that if he had to be stuck on some crappy kids show he should at least be the star but this guy's first foray into Hollywood nets him a leading role? Unfair -Oldbag doesn't really have any family left so she keeps busy by taking too many jobs and telling people to call her Grandma (please call her Grandma she's so lonely) (yes this is my way of trying to reconcile whatever the fuck was up with her employment situation in AAI and the T&T credits) -Adrian really likes cats. Maybe she adopts Shoe or something IDK - Dee did care about like. Actual Movie Production Quality to SOME extent. She cared about it more pre-Manuel's death but she's still going to be overly critical of Sal's scripts -Sal has not read homestuck. he doesn't know what a Homestuck is. He gets multiple comments a day on his social media things from fans who want to know if he is meanwhile Penny is laughing nervously in the corner (only one person at Global has read Homestuck and I want you to guess who it was) -Matt also likes pet rats along with cats. IDK why I just think he'd vibe with them. They're just little guys. friends you can put on your shoulder. He can't HAVE any because of Shoe but he admires them from afar. Penny shows him Neil Bangin Out The Tunes and he fucking loves it. His phone lock screen is him and shoe. His home screen is Neil.
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akkivee · 3 years
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dh’s outfits from the hypnami’s staff report and some notes!!!!!!!:
sasara: he showed up to the studio with a black overcoat, a knit sweater and some plaid pants, all without a specific description so i just coordinated with rosho lol. the reporter said sasara didn’t look unlike a college student. he came in and introduced himself very calmly. chalk it up to his experience, but during the pre-recording meeting, where they went over what the radio program was about and its general feel, sasara didn’t ask for much clarification and was very quiet throughout the meeting and right up to the start of the radio. the reporter was actually very worried that sasara wouldn’t be able to deliver the radio with the energy they were looking for. but when sasara flipped the mic on, it was showtime baby; his energy was so high it heated up the recording room (and sasara had his own little handkerchief to wipe up sweat.) he came out of the room glowing and when he told the staff the show was fun, right then and there the staff became insta stans lol
rosho: his outfit is just a simple long blazer and a white collar shirt; stylish in its simplicity. it’s a style that’s apparently popular with old school popular comedians, but google didn’t provide with me specific images to go off of so i took liberties lol. the pocket kerchief is me adding something a little strange to his fit, since rosho, based on his guidebook clothes, likes accessorize with something bizarre (spikes on his shoes lol). he came well prepared to the studio with handwritten notes in a briefcase and actively participated in the pre-recording meeting. his nerves were getting the better of him tho, as he needed to take a moment outside before the recording and his stiff start. but the recording went well and the reporter commented he felt like he was back in school listening to him. after the recording, a young staff member had commented about how he hadn’t gotten into the college he wanted to and rosho took the time to listen and consult with him; it felt like an after school conversation with a chill teacher 🥺 
rei: yes, rei did come to this recording studio with a black glitter shirt, fur coat and a hat with rhinestones LMAO the description implies that his hat was completely covered with rhinestones but i wasn’t drawing that lol. due to his suspicious background, the staff were pretty tense waiting for him to show up. coupled with his height and dark yet flashy ensemble, everybody was pretty intimidated by him, like the staff member who handled his coat took it with trembling hands (to which he cheekily commented the coal was a fake lol) during the meeting, rei was very chatty and pointlessly chatty lmao he kept talking about his meals and how he was still able to eat ramen at midnight and how he never misses a workout etc. LOL the staff were worried about his necklace banging about on the table, but he took it off (commenting how the necklace was the real deal.) but they should have been worried about how loudly and unapologetically rei flips his papers 🤣 the recording took place late at night so the reporter was very confused when after the radio, instead of going drinking like he said he would during the radio, he actually had another job he needed to get done at that hour. suspicious 🤔
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august-and-clouds · 3 years
Highlights from Nancy's Instagram Live
A short compilation of the funny moments from Nancy's live (13 Nov 2021). Few notes from the wonderful 30 minutes live:
A character she messed around with (a misogynist dude) during A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong ended up being her character (Wycombe) in The Pilot (Not the Pilot)
Is the bread lusty today? Of course!
Henry Lewis is currently upstairs with a wasabi
First time with a understudy this run (Christian James in the role of The Blade)
Scott is creeping around on their phone
Her tip for improv: don't be afraid to physically throw your body around
Henry Lewis is indeed very funny
She loves getting the 'unglamorous' parts, and she's never recognised on the tube (subway/train)
She discussed a bit about the struggles women in comedy face, and often how playing the role of a man takes away the sexualisation of the body and the audience will hence laugh more
It was Greg who played Norman Lord in Annie's farce! Greg really got nude for that scene and she finds it hilarious that they still bleeped him out (including his face)
Charlie really said rude things during the farce to ensure that it will be bleeped out
Greg actually learnt how to juggle knifes and ride a unicycle! The studio sent him the stuff and he learnt in about 3 months
Her least favourite The Goes Wrong Show is 90 Degrees because she just had a C-section
During the Royal Variety in 2015, Henry Shields tried to write in a scene where he and Kylie Minogue but she didn't want to do it
There's many people lining up to kiss Henry Shields and Kylie Minogue just isn't one of them
Before she joined Mischief, she was directing music videos
Her favourite Mischief Movie Night In moment: she really doesn't remember anything
Many jokes in TGWS S2 about how Annie can't act and she thinks it's a dig from the writers
About Mischief breaking: Charlie corpses, Hen laughs until he wipes the smile off his whole face, Shields and Bryony are hard to break
She think Chris is the better director between Chris and Robert
Musical Goes Wrong? She thinks yes please
She'll happily reprise the role of Annie in The Play That Goes Wrong
No rivalry between Annie and Vanessa
Don't know about a Christmas special this year
Something to look out for: She and Dave always try for a sneaky fistbump/high five during filming TGWS
She enjoys the gag of Greg (Jonathan) being constantly cut off
Best memories from the Edinburgh fringe: living in a 3-bedroom house with 13 people, she slept in between Jonathan Sayer and Josh Elliot, and Jon used to sing a cute song before going to sleep
Why is she such a legend? Funny parents, and being small helps
She owns a fridge
(Small note: Mischief did not upload the full playback on their account, possibly due to audio issues. If it's still not uploaded yet by the next week or so I'll upload the full live to my Youtube channel.)
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chaos0pikachu · 11 months
Your post reminds me of the early 2000s when people were speculating on which Disney Channel and Nickelodeon actors were actually together IRL (which is weird enough to speculate on the romantic lives of children) and how crazy the tabloids were in general back then when it came to actors personal/romantic lives.
I think people in Western culture tend to downplay the prevalence of that behavior nowadays because it’s not as front and center as it used to be but it does still happen and a lot of the time it’s still used by studios to promote their shows. Definitely not a phenomenon unique to Asia.
Omg you just made me remember the Lindsey Lohan, Hilary Duff, Aaron Carter 'love' triangle that existed back then lmaoooo what a time
I do think western fans, particularly ones in BL/GL fandoms, are so hyper focused on those fandoms/sub-fandoms they either don't pay attention to what's happening outside of those fandoms or don't know general media history. I don't blame~~ ppl for this fandom is ultimately a hobbyist space first and foremost, but I do think it can lead to damaging assumptions about non-American/British cultures and a prevalent belief that these types of occurrences only happen in BL/GL fandoms which can - and has in my observations - lead to some xenophobic beliefs about East Asian cultures in general.
This is a bigger problem in general of xenophobia when it comes to consuming and/or engaging with non-white/non-american media like this belief that Korean media isn't horny in general isn't just something I see BL fans saying but also ppl who watch romance kdramas b/c that's their main focus, romance kdramas not Korean media in general. Which is vast and varied, and exists beyond Crash Landing Into You, Guardian, Squid Game and Parasite
(sidenote, everyone knows Bong Joon-ho for Parasite but his filmography is varied and amazing, The Host is such a clever subversive of a B monster movie and Snowpiercer is probably one of my fave films of all time and Chris Evans best on screen performance to date)
Like, I see folks saying "shipping" a lot when it comes to fans believing idk Mew and Gulf were irl dating when in my fandom experience that shit was called "tin hatting" b/c it was a conspiracy. There was a fine line difference between ppl who like just enjoyed and liked Dom and Elijah's friendship and wrote silly (even if it was sexy) fanfic about them and the ppl who literally stalked Elijah to a gay bar once b/c they legitimately believed Dom and Elijah were in a secret romance. Like way to much fandom shit, Jared and Jensen also popularized tin hatting or rather their fandom did. J2 crawled so Larries could fucking RUN. Back in the days of LiveJournal there were anon communities that had threads with 1000s of comments about how Jared and Jensen were secretly in a relationship b/c omg look at the way they act at cons! They're so touch-feely! They make innuendo jokes!
We'd call this "fan service" with a Thai acting pair and I would argue that's what Jared and Jensen were doing, fan service just in the early 00s. Idk if they still do this at cons I don't follow SPN anymore but you saw the same comments about like the 1D members. In my experience I would argue western tin hatters of western celebs are worse than what I see from BL fans even with the "fan service" or whatever b/c there's a sense of heightened conspiracy think involved. And again, it's not just for same-sex couples the actors for Outlander have been harassed by tinhats for almost as long as the show has been on (so like 8-ish years). At the height of the popularity for Scandal tin hats were saying Kerry Washington's baby was gonna come out light skinned "proving" it was her white costars (for those who don't know Kerry is a Black woman and her husband is a Black man, her former costar is a white man).
idk where I was going with all this but like, this isn't something specific to Thailand or Korea etc it's not even something specific to same sex pairings. I would argue Thailand's just learned how to monetize off people's already pre-existing lack of boundaries towards public figures.
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faranae · 4 years
About YouTube's closed captioning: isn't paid captioning going to make it less likely that smaller content creators will have captions? If it goes from their viewers providing free captions to "now I have to PAY for this? But I don't need it! PASS!" isn't it going to be likely that HOH and deaf site users will either have to resort to lip reading or just not having the content?
(Nonny, if I come across as snarky at all in this reply please don’t take it personally, I am very happy getting questions like these because it prompts me to do more research! I just have some trouble putting tone across in casual conversation over text.) 
[This post is narrated: Audio can be accessed at https://clyp.it/x0l5033n]
There is nothing stopping fans from captioning a video out of kindness and sending the file to smaller creators to add to the video. Full stop.
Anyone can still transcribe captions for a youtube video at any time completely free is the thing. There are many formats that Youtube will accept, and with one of these files all the creator needs to do is upload them to the proper page. 
I’m not saying it’s ideal. Youtube is removing a convenient (but heavily exploited) feature. It sucks, man. But the option for fans to caption videos is still there. Youtube also isn’t asking creators to pay for captioning; they’re offering a trial-period alternative free of charge as a buffer to give creators time to adjust to the change.
Any creator who cares about their content and viewership will have the tools available to them to either:
A: Find fans from their communities who already worked on or would like to work on captions and give them the ability to do so in an official capacity through the new upcoming studio permissions;
B: Find the time to learn how to transcribe captions themselves - This is obviously not ideal as creators often have very full schedules. Transcribing isn’t difficult to learn but it can be time-consuming;
C: Try out one of the third-party captioning services - This is paid after a trial and NOT ideal in any capacity, but some creators might find the investment worth it for the sake of their channel’s accessibility;
D: If they don’t do any of these things, there are always the automatic captions - I shouldn’t even have to explain how these are hilariously terrible.
It’s like moving from a digital coffee maker to an analogue one. The analogue coffee pot still works, but there are quite a few lost conveniences such as temperature control or dispensing specific water amounts. It still makes coffee just as well, but there’s an extra step and slightly different materials. 
To use that analogy as a springboard: In this case the Community Contributions (CC) were the single-use Keurig pods. They added a layer of convenience, but they also came with a lot of wasted resources and bloat. With CC you could have users pop onto a video and just - do their thing, but this came with a not-insignificant amount of spam. 
Without CC, what Youtube is doing is moving more towards dedicated manpower; With the new permissions coming to the creator studio (where we edit and manage our channels), creators have more control over who can manage or modify their videos. Instead of having to sift through however-many submissions to approve captions from the automated system, smaller channels will be able to safely add dedicated helpers to their channel for the purposes of captioning. 
At the same time, Youtube isn’t removing any of the back/creator-end tools. If anything, they’re adding to them.  
So for the purposes of my really shitty coffee maker analogy, it’s like this: 
Youtube is not moving from Keurig pods back to paper filters and coarse-grind. It’s more like they’re telling creators they can’t buy the disposable pods any more. There are plenty of other options such as reusable coffee pods with ground coffee, instant coffee, or even switching to tea! 
Youtube gifted creators who were actively using CC the disposable pods a really big gift card for Tim Hortons or Dunkin’ or Starbucks (or whatever) so that they could go out and buy their coffee until they figured out their new plan with regards to caffeine-delivery. 
(Personally I prefer an IV drip.)
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awesomeblockchain · 6 years
Blockchain is rapidly rising up the enterprise priority stack, though as we noted recently, it's still got a way to go before it's widely deployed in business.
Some longtime information technology industry observers predict that blockchain digital ledger will totally disrupt business as we know it within a few years. More blockchain pilots are making the transition to full production, especially for financial, supply chain and business-to-business applications.
Startups are also pouring into the blockchain market, which speaks to the pace of innovation in this arena but also to the degree of immaturity. Today's blockchain startups will need to show that they have staying power and can ride a -land-and-expand" strategy to greater success. Leading startups in blockchain software and tooling for broad enterprise deployments include BigchainDB GmbH, Blockstream Inc., Bluzelle Networks Pte Ltd., Context Labs, Digital Asset Holdings LLC, Guardtime and Symbiont.io Inc.
However, none of these startups has established itself as the pacesetter in this arena in the way that, say, Cloudera Inc. did for the Hadoop software for big data and Databricks Inc. did for the streaming data software Spark. Just as with the Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, TensorFlow and other growth segments, it will take a few years before enterprises know which of the hot startups will survive and how their incumbent platform providers will incorporate this new technology into their solution portfolios.
In part because of this immaturity and the lack of a blockchain killer app in the general business market, many C-level executives are keeping their distance from this technology for the time being.
Wikibon believes that to be considered mature enough for broad enterprise deployment, a commercial blockchain platform would need to meet the following criteria:
According to these criteria, it's doubtful whether we can regard industry blockchain consortia as providing enterprise-grade platforms. Though some industry observers describe them as such, many of them - most notably, Ethereum Project, Quorum, R3 Corda and Ripple - are focused on financial and cryptocurrency applications running in public or community clouds.
Of the principal blockchain projects, only the Linux Foundation's Hyperledger Fabric is likely to become the standardized foundation for truly enterprise-grade open-source blockchains. Contributed by IBM Corp. and Digital Asset, Hyperledger, now in version 1.0, boasts more than 185 collaborating enterprises across finance, banking, the -internet of things," supply chain, manufacturing and technology.
Let's sort through the recent blockchain-related platform and tooling announcements from established enterprise IT solution providers. Wikibon is seeing increasing activity from major vendors - especially Amazon Web Services Inc., IBM, Microsoft Corp. and Oracle Corp. - to bring blockchain platforms, tools and applications into their core solution portfolios for robust multicloud deployments.
AWS recently launched new preset templates for rapid creation, deployment and securing blockchains in the AWS cloud. Accessible through this get-started page, these templates make it easier for developers to create blockchains on either of two blockchain versions: Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric.
AWS's templates create peer-to-peer blockchains in which each participant has access to a shared ledger where the immutable, independently verifiable transactions are recorded. Users can leverage managed, certified AWS CloudFormation templates to automate the deployment of Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric frameworks as well as additional required components. The blockchains may be deployed on Amazon Elastic Container Service or ECS clusters, or directly on an EC2 instance running Docker. Blockchains are created in the user's own Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, allowing use of their PC subnets and network Access Control Lists.
Users of AWS-hosted blockchains can assign granular permissions using AWS Identity and Access Management to restrict which resources an ECS cluster or EC2 instance can access. The blockchain templates are free of additional charge to AWS customers, though they must still pay for the AWS resources needed to run their blockchains on AWS. They can create and deploy blockchain networks in any public AWS region, as discussed here.
IBM recently launched its Blockchain Platform, which offers the capability as a software-as-a-service on its public cloud service. As described in this IBM whitepaper, the service runs on the open-source Hyperledger blockchain version from the Linux Foundation. It includes intuitive tooling that helps IBM Cloud subscribers to accelerate development and operationalization of a distributed, scalable and high-performance blockchain.
Leveraging IBM's extensive experience helping customers deploy blockchain, the service enables developers to build and optimize cloud-based blockchains for pilot evaluations, preproduction proofs of concepts or secure production environments, as discussed here. Developers use Integrated Hyperledger Composer to turn business concepts into application code optimized for running on the deployed blockchain.
Policy-based governance tools simplify network activation and management tasks across distributed blockchains. IBM Cloud's always-on operations enable 24\cD77, no-downtime updates to blockchain applications. IBM provides tools for users to easily migrate from blockchain proofs-of-concept all the way through to production on a secure, high-performance and fully scalable networks in IBM Cloud. IBM provides a visual tool for users to manage blockchain administration and governance, iterative development and basic service levels. Under an Enterprise Plan, IBM Cloud offers a secure environment and advanced service levels for production-grade deployment, application development and testing.
This week, Microsoft announced the public preview of Azure Blockchain Workbench at its Build conference. Available in the Azure Marketplace, Workbench is a low-code development tool that enables developers to create, refine and deploy blockchain apps rapidly with minimal coding. The tool has the following core features:
Oracle unveiled its open-source blockchain platform-as-a-service offering last fall at its OpenWorld conference. Oracle Blockchain Cloud Service is a comprehensive cloud platform for building, deploying, integrating, updating, querying, transacting, securing, scaling, administering and monitoring blockchains.
The service includes client-side software development kits for enrolling blockchain members, adding peer nodes, creating channels, deploying smart contracts, registering for events, running transactions and querying ledger data using Java and Node.js. It provides REST APIs for integrating with other systems via Oracle Integration Cloud, Oracle Digital Innovation Platform and NetSuite SuiteCloud Platform. Developers can build new blockchain transactional applications in Oracle Java, Application Container, Mobile, Application Builder, Integration or SOA Cloud Services.
Provisioning an Oracle blockchain instance spins up a production-ready platform including all required infrastructure services and embedded resources, including compute, containers, storage, identity management and event streaming. Built on Hyperledger Fabric, Oracle's service takes the features of that open-source platform and adds security, confidential permissions and transactional processing capabilities for building enterprise-grade blockchain applications.
For a broad blockchain industry perspective, here's Joel Horwitz, vice president of digital partnerships & offerings at IBM, speaking recently at CDO Summit 2018 with theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media's livestreaming studio:
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