#it already has the angel motif going for it
bindeds · 12 hours
hello pookie i heard you have lucifer head canons😏, can i plz see them 🥺
YES OF COURSE POOKIE!! <3<3<3 LMK IF YOU WANT ANY OTHER CHARACTERS’ HEADCANONS! tryna expand my fandoms as much as possible too so just try your luck if you’d like <33
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starting off lightly with his obsession with ducks; i personally like to believe that god had his favorite angels (or high ranking ones, aka seraphims, which lucifer is theorized to have been) had each of them make one animal from scratch to place in the garden of eden, and lucifer’s contribution was the ducks. he thought they were adorable!!
i’ve made a post about this before and i’m not sure if this counts as a luci headcanon but i strongly believe lilith was modeled after lucifer. if hazbin decided to go with the popular belief that lucifer was god’s favorite and that lucifer was god’s prettiest angel then it would make sense for god to have one of the first two people to be modeled after him. lilith is associated heavily with the color purple because of the morningstar’s formal family portrait, and lucifer has purple eyelids. lilith also has blonde hair like lucifer and is slicked back in the same exact way, even going as far to have hair curled around her cheeks/jaw like him. the only real difference is that luci has short hair.
lucifer makes himself small on purpose, and for trauma related reasons. before hazbin was created we all would imagine the devil as something big and scary with a demonic voice or as a hot human guy in some other games (ahem obey me) but lucifer in hazbin is the exact opposite. he’s literally smaller than most sinners. it’s worth remembering that lucifer can not only shape shift, but it’s also an essential part to who he is considering that’s how he approached eve, plus the apple motifs. if he can shape shift, he can definitely adjust his own height too. he was also short during his time in heaven and we know this from the first few minutes of the first episode when charlie was introducing the overall premise. the other angels who were talking down to him were visibly bigger than he is. it made me think that maybe because of how belittled he felt when he was in heaven, he had purposely made himself smaller. not to mention, being god’s favorite or the prettiest gets you targets on your back. and it doesn’t help that he has ideas or a mentality that heaven doesn’t like. and his decision to stay small only grew more intense when he found out how people saw him on earth—he didn’t want to be that guy. he absolutely hates the characterization humans have of him because it’s nothing like him. so when people see him and go ‘you’re much shorter in real life’ (alastor) it doesn’t faze him in the slightest. he wants you to react that way. or, he wants you to realize that, ‘huh, the devil is nothing like i thought he was.’ because that’s the truth. he’s not. and the best and most immediate way for people to see that is if he dresses in all white, a color known to signify innocence and purity which is the exact opposite of hell, and if he’s not physically intimidating at all, like if he was small. upon your first glance at him, you’ll already know the devil is not the man you think he is. and he wants everyone to know that.
i have a fic based off of this, but because humans started calling gambling and the games related to gambling ‘the devil’s game’ (though the original game is roulette, people have come to generalize gambling as a whole to be the devil’s game) he never loses when gambling or playing a game related to gambling, even for fun or when there are no stakes involved. never loses in blackjack, poker, roulette, tables games—any game related to gambling, he’ll always win.
i can’t entirely say if lucifer has had sinner friends, but i do believe that he acquired the hyperfixation of the carnival/circus aesthetic from sinners or humans. this is because his outfit was intended to look like AND inspired by a ringmaster’s, and carnivals and circuses was an elaborate concept made by humans. it could also be possible that lucifer was the one that planted that influence in humans, however it was stated that lucifer’s punishment was that he was never to see the good of humanity, only the bad. so i’d like to think a ringmaster or an acrobat or a circus performer in general died, ended up in hell, met lucifer and told lucifer about the circus, and then he got the idea of building luluworld in hell.
alternatively, if it was the other way around, i think that he occasionally gets to experience the world through being summoned. i mean, we’ve all heard of rituals to summon the devil and whatnot, right? i think those do summon him into earth and then instead of showing up he actually just leaves to go explore what’s been happening until he has to go/he feels he’s getting weaker/the people that summoned him ‘close the portal’ etc. and then that’s where he very sneakily, in his own way, introduces the circus concept to humans.
because of his personality, i don’t believe his ring is an indicator of his current marital status. i think lucifer is a sentimental person, and he doesn’t let go of things easily. it’s entirely possible that him and lilith are through, but he just doesn’t want to remove the ring. something we fail to consider is that lucifer isn’t like any other person; if he marries someone, divorce isn’t the same for him and lilith as it is for humans. hell, when they first got together, they were literally the first beings to be genuinely in love with each other. back when the garden of eden was still being inhabited with lilith and adam, the only beings in heaven would have been god and the angels. if lilith didn’t love adam but married and had a kid with luci, that means they were the first ever beings to have ever been in love and the first ones to have had sex (unless for some reason, lilith and adam did it which i highly doubt.) now, all this to say that we may live in a world where people break up or get divorced all the time, but this is reasonably a foreign concept to lucifer because he’s only ever been in heaven, then hell, and even if he observed it in hell it would have been very briefly and from a far, 3rd person perspective. if lilith and him were basically the first people to have felt such intense feelings and closeness to one another, it would make sense that divorce or not, he would keep the ring because it serves as a reminder of a time when he felt the happiest/alive/most himself/free.
lucifer has autism + adhd! now i know this one’s loaded (and ofc i have audhd too) but hear me out; these aren’t listed in any particular order but they’re what comes to me first to last. # ONE : when charlie was talking to him about the hotel for the whole walk till the roof, and then she asked what his thoughts were, he focused on the first thing that came to mind which was something that was right in front of him—the railing. then charlie had to remind him of her initial question. # TWO : he wasn’t paying attention even when he himself was speaking, thus the infamous ‘and now, i am going to fuck you!’ and when charlie corrects him, he goes ‘wait what did i say?’ # THREE : This may just be for ‘comedy’s sake’ but when mimzy first approached him he suddenly switched up from being completely uninterested to suddenly trying to seem interested, his eye even twitching when he turns to her while his smile is visibly awkward. this particular thing reminded me of autistic masking. like. there was something about it that made me relate to it deeply. and then after she’d greeted him he went ‘charmed i’m sure.’ and he looked more relaxed despite looking uncomfortable seconds ago. like he’d gotten ‘comfortable’ with the mask. # FOUR : i feel like i don’t have to mention this but obviously, the hyperfixations with ducks and the circus theme. i don’t think i need to say more because his room literally has tubs and heaps and piles of ducks. that is a full on hyperfixation, no doubt about it. # FIVE : when charlie had asked him to help her get another meeting with heaven, he said no and was very insistent on that. but the moment she’d blended in the invitation of having him over for the purpose of getting him to agree with her, everything else was forgotten. the only thing on his mind was, ‘my daughter wants to see me!’ and it shows with his, ‘WAIT. YOU’RE. INVITING ME OVER?!’ his brain latched onto that immediately, completely forgetting the fact that charlie had only invited him to have him do something he doesn’t want to do. now i have a few more things to support this theory but i feel like this is getting long so lmk if you want an independent post on lucifer’s audhd tendencies in the show!
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cuppajj · 4 months
I REALLY like the avatar of destiny = pure vanilla cookie hc, I might add that to beast ancients in some way
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starlooove · 1 year
Day 5 was also mainly a drawing and it was Duke as a dnd mage
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velvet-games · 4 months
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in the middle of working on a lucifer redesign :)
thoughts/explanations + minor character analysis under the cut (this was supposed to be short but it ended up being very thorough lmao):
honestly love his canon design so I'm kind of working from that more than I'm trying to rethink stuff from scratch
I'm gonna admit right now that a lot of the design choices were very self indulgent lol; I just want him to be pretty :<
circus stuff~
I've seen a lot of people raise their eyebrows at the circus motif, so I was going to try something different, but I actually think it makes a lot of sense!
I think freakshows/circus acts have been tied to this idea that certain identities/abilities are strange and shameful, only valuable as dehumanizing entertainment -- they're mistakes, freaks of nature
but at the same time many circus performances require a lot of skill and work and love that can go unappreciated, each and every performer at the very least a person worth respecting
I think lucifer sees hell as a freakshow/circus he's been forced to lead and try to control
a bunch of wayward toys meant to be bright and beautiful that have been twisted into something terrifying
and he needs to discover a more empathetic, appreciative, and loving way to think about sinners
and also to realize that it's not about him or his mistakes; it's about a group of people with their own emotions and autonomy that he needs to respect
all that to say: we're keeping the circus ringleader thing!
I think a whip would make more sense for a ringleader, esp since alastor has a staff already (but they're enemies/foils so maybe their designs should reflect each other?)
there's room to turn the whip into a snake maybe
in the pic I made it look like his tail bc I considered making his actual tail a goat tail (cute! but the longer one suits him better I think)
maybe an apple on the top/handle still
the tux honestly looks a little too formal/cool for him most of the time lmao
so I think he should take off the jacket/have the toymaker apron on instead unless he's fighting
vaudeville doll~
lucifer has a lot going on tbh: circus ringleader, angel, devil/demon, snake, goat, vaudeville porcelain doll, toymaker, etc.
I think I'm gonna take out snake just to simplify a little, but I'll talk about that more later
I was also going to take out porcelain doll but
1) the rosy cheeks are super cute
2) fits with the circus theme
3) fits with the idea that he's both a toy and toymaker (an angel that tried to play god)
uhhh there's a couple self indulgent doodles of him in a vaudeville doll dress lol. not relevant to the design at all; I just like drawing stripes and ruffles
I ended up making him sort of androgynous in a lot of ways? (not that he wasn't already lol) which works for him I think
part of it was the vaudeville doll thing; I wanted to give him (keep?) the eyeshadow and add those little vertical marks you see on them sometimes
also because I really liked the puff sleeves in one of the references I used; it kind of emphasizes an extended hourglass shape with the puffy pants
plus I love drawing the more classic tuxedo shape <3 very yummy lines and details
I fucking LOVE when people draw him with messy hair, so I made that permanent
I also think (esp since he's blond) having the hair stick out in tufts kind of makes it look like a star (morningstar, lightbringer, etc. etc.)
even more so with the pointy horns (those are also fun to draw cause they're right in the corners of his widow's peak)
I drew a random triangle on one of these as a reminder to keep the pointy/triangular shape language throughout lol
squares would def be wrong with the implications of sturdiness and stability
I think circles would be wrong too? he's vulnerable and ultimately very soft inside so I kept a lot of round lines, but I don't think he's the traditionally bubbly/friendly/peaceful archetype circles are usually used for
triangles are apparently dynamic, dangerous, and unpredictable, which is a little closer to what I'm going for
(shape language is a very flexible rule btw; I'm not saying they determine everything about a character or that one shape has to mean exactly one thing)
he's also a depressed, tortured soul, so I feel like he should look just a little unhinged and exhausted <3 (hence the eyebags on top of the messy hair)
angel stuff~
(sidenote: cherub and seraph are singular, cherubim and seraphim are plural. even the show gets this wrong tho, so feel free to say whatever ig)
I'm pretty sure most people agree lucifer was probably a cherub? cherubim only have 4 wings so I might go with that
I do think it makes more sense if he's higher ranking like a seraph tho ... it's hard to decide whether to go with the show's ideas about angels or actual religious texts cause both are interesting in their own ways
ARHHGHJF idk how I feel about his nose
again I thought about taking out the snake motif, but he honestly looks good w/o a nose (I mean it's there obviously but you can't see it if it's just snake slits lol), and I definitely like the idea of him having a forked tongue or his eyes turning into slits when he's angry
also also
mini rant on animal motifs in hazbin:
I get the impression that a lot of people think it's a bad thing that you can't tell what animal a character should be? and/or that a motif has to be clearly present in the entire design to be good
and I kind of just accepted that until I started thinking about ozzie's design from helluva boss
like the original demon he's based on is really just that fucked up and mixed with animals you can't always identify
and chinese dragons are like a billion different animals even though they sort of just look like lizards at the end of the day
like obviously if you want the audience to associate a character with a specific animal (like if you want people to think a character's spooky because they're a spider or something), then you do want the animal motifs to be clear/consistent
but sometimes you just want certain elements there and it doesn't matter if the audience picks up on it (at least consciously)
and I think with someone like lucifer, having a lot of animals/concepts mixed together in an ungodly combination makes sense lol
so idk
maybe we'll just give him the nose/tongue
I did try just giving him a button nose in some of these for the doll thing tho
urgh I hate realizing I should've designed certain characters together lol
I took out the rosy cheeks in my original charlie design since I wasn't thinking about lucifer, so I put them back in this time lol (and generally thought about how they should be visually related)
I like that it enforces the idea that charlie's lucifer's creation (toymaker makes a doll in his own image yk)
also they both have puff sleeves now :) (charlie's design is basically princess dress silhouette but make it a suit)
I also gave her goat ears, so I figured lucifer should have them too? idk because I like the way his hair looks a lot better without them, and I kind of like the idea of giving them diff combinations of goat features (maybe she should have a goat tail?)
also drawing this made me realize I have no idea why charlie has a puppy nose??? I thought it was the goat thing for some reason but that doesn't make any sense
maybe I'll just give her no nose
anyway! fucking incredible if you read all of that; idk what possessed me to write so much about a half-finished design lol. feel free to leave suggestions/answers to the questions I had!
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hanafubukki · 5 months
I always talk about wanting Lilia or Malleus with wings, claws, and a tail.
Then I couldn’t help but think, what about the Knight of Dawn?
The Knight of Dawn with wings would be beautiful! 🥹💚💞
His amour already has various angelic motif, so him with beautiful wings (especially blessed by the fae) would be beautiful.
I’m imagining white with gold wings on him.
Wings that get scarred and marred in battle. Where you would then help treat him after battle. Treating the wounds and soothing the aches as you handle the wings as gently as you can.
The trust he has in you to allow you to do this when he’s this vulnerable.
And then…his wings turning black due to blot. As the way fallen angels do when their wings go from pure white to the darkest black.
Why else but for those that he loves? He would fall just to protect those he cherishes. In order to protect you.
The Fallen Angel.
Will you be able to bring him back?
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teddie-bear420 · 6 months
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Swap Au!! I call it “cold hazbin hotel”
Emily moonstone wants to redeem sinners and get to heaven with the help of her butler lute!
Lots of doodles and ramblings under the cut,
if you have any input or jokes or questions send them to me!!
So this swap starts at the very beginning! Lucifer is a big goodie two shoes who doesn’t express his real feelings and is kinda just heavens doormat. Sera on the other hand is driven by fairness and when she sees Adam mistreating Lilith she intervenes. This gets her sent down to hell with Lilith and they start ruling hell with all the sinners. At some point both Lilith and sera stop caring about the state of hell and the sinners establish the overlords that rule territory’s and all that. Around the time that Emily is born sinners like alastor and husk are well established overlords.
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Back in heaven, corruption spreads to leadership and Lucifer (as head archangel) kinda just lets it happen. He still runs the show but he doesn’t stand up for what he believes in anymore. Very weak man, thin wrists… dainty even. Adam is still the general of the Exorcist army and nobody holds any one accountable in heaven and the requirements to get into heaven are raised to in unachievable amount!
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Sera and Emily are very close, they talk almost everyday, when Emily starts to grow into an adult sera kinda panics and strains the relationship (Emily’s got mommy issues). Emily’s time spent in sin city leads her to starting the hotel with the Dino chick to hinder the overpopulation in hell (jk she just really wants to see heaven)
So Emily is the heir to a stolen kingdom
Lucifer still has Charlie in heaven and she fills Emily’s role of keeping everyone happy. In this swap he shelters Charlie for any hardships or even having her work for anything, so Charlie is a nepotism baby (in the normal show Charlie went no contact with her dad and built the hotel ground up) her job is to keep everyone joyful!
Charlie is ignorant to the horrors
Vaggie and lute are a little harder to explain cuz I still have no real idea how to approach making lute a sinner cuz uhh.. she already is one. I do know I wanna keep her antennae bangs…Pink to blue….Bug motif…Transition allegory?? You decide
Lute will probably have butler butch vibes, she’s very servant like
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But! I see vaggie getting to second in command and becoming a beast. The most ruthless demon slayer ever man, she fights the biggest demons she can find just for the fun of it. She still bulks up (you can take buff vaggie from my cold dead hands)!! She is assigned to protect the arch angel Charlie from quote…
“naughty individuals” -Lucifer (he means Adam)
Their dynamic is very silly, vaggie has to keep Charlie safe from things like assassins, perverts, technology and a goose. We all know that lute struck vaggie down cuz she was gay right? Well that still happens, but vaggie wins the fight (also being egged on by Adam) and ever since she’s looked for a fight so bad she ends up joining lute (warriors bond and all that)
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Basically she wants to change the heaven standard the lawful way (sera was a court judge after all) think musicals like legally blond, that one Hamilton song, and the death note musical.
She and Charlie get along well enough, it does gag Emily when she finds out that Charlie doesn’t know what a minimum wage job is.
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Ok so the main cast gets swapped with the over lords as you can see, the overlords I chose now look much younger, tho carmilla and Rosie are my milfs forever. Velvet is now an intern trying to get out of hell (she hates the heat) vox is now kinda just an obsessive fan boy, carmilla wants to go to heaven to see her daughters again. That Dino chick is the first guest, Emily wants to tame her inner fire (girl style)
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Emily has always wanted to see the garden of Eden, so when she comes up with a way to redeem sinners she hopes to visit heaven with them! I’m gonna doodle around with her demon bits,
Will maybe post more
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indigovigilance · 1 year
Why Crowley Rescues Aziraphale
Okay, yes: it's flirtatious, it's cute, it's Anthony J. "Acts of Service" Crowley showing love in the only way he knows how because God forbid he use his words.
But what if there's more to it than that? What if there is a much darker explanation that portends major events in S3?
Allow me to convince you below the cut:
Evidence of Repetition Compulsion
But before we talk about the rescue motif, let's examine a more transparent aspect of Crowley's behavior that will provide a scaffold for the discussion of his Princess Peach obsession.
The Plants
Sure, Crowley is a hobby horticulturalist, but he doesn't do it because he loves plants. He does it because the plants are a representation of himself, and how he treats the plants tells us how he feels about himself. Importantly, how he treats the plants changes over time.
Season 1
He puts the fear of Crowley into them, destroying any specimen with a blemish and making an example out of it to threaten those that remain.
You know, just like God did to him.
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This scene is jam-packed with symbolism, and we can simmer on whether his punishment of the plants is simply externalized self-flagellation, or reflects internalized standards of perfectionism, or if he feels so powerless that he creates a new relationship in which he is the one that has the power... We could simmer, but that's not the point of this meta, so let's keep going.
Season 2
In 2023, Crowley is no longer a domineering monarch, ruling over his houseplants with an iron fist; of all the memorabilia he has in his flat (the statue from the church, the original Mona Lisa), the only things he brings with him are his plants.
And for someone living in his car, he's taking pretty good care of them:
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Someone else even noted that one of the plants appears to have spots, and clearly he hasn't thrown it in the garbage disposal for its transgressions. I wasn't able to see it myself, but I headcanon it because it fits with the observation that:
Crowley's attitude towards himself is changing.
He is evolving from internalized guilt and sense of inferiority to believing that he deserves care, even if he is a little blemished. It is this shift that brings it within the realm of possibility that he can admit his feelings to Aziraphale.
In both seasons, the unifying theme is that Crowley is reliving his trauma over and over, and then reliving his healing over and over. This cyclical behavior is, to my knowledge, incredibly characteristic of PTSD and CPTSD. In a phenomenon clinically referred to as Repetition Compulsion, the subject recreates and relives events of a traumatic past over and over in their present life, seeking resolution for something that has already happened, where the opportunity for true, satisfying closure is forever lost to the past. A huge part of therapeutic treatment is breaking these maladaptive cycles [citations]. But to our knowledge, Crowley doesn't have a therapist.
If this is how Crowley's CPTSD manifests in his relationship with inanimate objects semi-sentient dependents, how might it manifest in his relationship with his angel?
The Rescue Motif
The cycle of Aziraphale's self-endangerment and Crowley's nick-of-time rescues might look like just a cute part of their flirtationship, a necessary cover for their continued association, but I argue that it something much darker.
Crowley rescues Aziraphale over and over throughout history to try to absolve himself for the one time he couldn't.
But clearly, Aziraphale doesn't know that.
It only took one rescue for Aziraphale to realize that this kind of behavior brings them closer together - and he desperately wants to get close to Crowley. Please forgive the crudeness of the metaphor, but: when you need to drive a screw into a board and all you have is a hammer, you're gonna smack that thing on the head over and over with the only tool you've got. The problem is, this is really bad for the screw.
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Aziraphale, by leveraging the damsel-in-distress motif, over and over again, is inadvertently triggering a trauma response from Crowley because he likes what he gets out of it, which is spending time with the demon he loves and growing intimacy. If he knew that this is what he was doing, it would be sick and twisted and go against everything he believes about himself as an angel, let alone being mortified that he was hurting Crowley.
So the only possible conclusion (given we take the above conjectures as fact (see @queerfables, I listen to you <3)) is that:
Aziraphale Doesn't Know About His Own Jimmification
What is it that Crowley could have failed to rescue Aziraphale from that Aziraphale himself is unaware of? Well, at the least, it would have to involve a mind-wipe.
We know, canonically, that the Metatron can and will mind-wipe angels without actually casting them out of Heaven. Just because Aziraphale is an angel does not mean we can assume that this ability was never leveraged against him.
If Crowley knew that they were going to do this to his friend, he would have tried to stop it. The repeating damsel-rescue motif (in context of the existing, plant-based evidence of Repetition Compulsion) is a strong indicator that his mission to protect Aziraphale from the memory-wipe failed, and he is living in an endless loop of rescue behavior to try to resolve his guilt about that.
So why wouldn't Crowley tell Aziraphale that his mind was erased?
To properly address that I will need time to write a part 2. But others are welcome to use this as a jumping-off point, please just cite the inspo; it's a little thing that brings me joy ^_^
In the meantime, if you enjoyed this, you may also like:
Why Crowley is Blind to his Yellow Eyes
A Nightingale Sang in 1941
Baraqiel and Azazel
The Erasure of Human!Metatron
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aspoonofsugar · 7 months
What do you think about You Don't Know and other Hazbin Hotel songs?
I love the songs in Hazbin Hotel and You Didn't Know is an absolute banger!
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It is also one of my favourite songs when it comes to symbolism and themes. So here it comes a short analysis.
You Didn't Know explores the themes of ignorance, knowledge and questioning, as it is introduced by this exchange:
Charlie: Wait… none of you know what gets someone into Heaven? Sera: This questioning stops now. We know when a soul arrives, we know when they pass divine judgment, it is our job to ensure these souls are safe.
The angels have no idea why a soul is considered worthy of Heaven, which angers Charlie. Still, Sera insists it is not their place to know and that they simply must accept divine judgement. However, this idea is questioned by both Emily and Charlie:
Emily: But she was right, Sera She showed us a soul can improve He saw the light, Sera Checked all the boxes that you said would Prove a person deserves a second chance Now we turn our backs, no second glance?
Charlie: It's not fair, Sera Vaggie: Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head Charlie: No! Don't you care, Sera? That just because someone is dead It doesn't mean they can't resolve to change their ways Turn the page Escape infernal blaze
The two princesses point out how unfair the current system is and put some pressure on the angels. However, they too are still naive, which is why they get called out themselves.
By Sera:
Sera: It's not as simple as you think Not everything is spelled in ink
Sera: I 'm sure you wish it could be so But there's a lot that you don't know
And by Adam:
Adam: Gotta say, I can't wait to Come down and exterminate you! Emily:What are you saying? Let me get this straight You go down there and kill those poor souls? Charlie: You didn't know?
Adam: Don't you act all high and mighty Did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar? Vaggie: Don't, Adam, please! Adam: What's the fuss? Why hide the fact that you're an angel Just like us?
Emily and Charlie are ignorant when it comes to their loved ones. Specifically, they ignore the role of both Sera and Vaggie in the exterminations. They don't know Sera and Vaggie's shadows:
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Still, this song has the characters' secrets come out, so that they can be dealt with. In future episodes we see Hell and Charlie do so, whereas Heaven and Sera refuse to. This is why season 1 ends with Hell's victory.
Still, why does Sera refuse to accept the truth? What is it that scares her so much?
Sera: They were uprising, Emily. It is my position as the head Seraphim to protect our people at all costs.
Sera fears the order might break, which could result in her loved ones suffering. In this sense, she is similar to Carmilla:
But if anyone knew, then all of Hell would rise to war And who's to say who'd survive the fray? I might lose the ones that I was killing for
That said, even if it is only temporary, Heaven's order is indeed lost throughout the song. This is shown by two visual motifs:
The metaphorical use of heights
The use of colors, especially blue and red
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The seating in the courtroom is organized, so that it mirrors the characters' perceived morality:
Sera and Emily, as Seraphims and judges are at the very top
The other high ranking angels are the jury, so they are just below the two seraphims
Adam, Lute, Charlie and Vaggie are the two parts debating, so they are below the judges and the jury. Still, they are not on the same level. Adam and Lute are above Charlie and Vaggie.
This arrangement shows that Sera has no intention to be a fair judge, as she has already decided the Exorcist Adam has the moral high ground on the Princess of Hell. He is an angel and she is a demon. He is the first virtuous soul and she is Lucifer's daughter. He embodies the status quo, while she is trying to change it. So, Sera has already decided to favor Adam over Charlie. In other words, the moral high ground highlights not morality, but the influence Heaven has over Hell. It is nothing more, but the embodyment of their power dynamic.
Despite this, as the song starts things change in multiple ways:
1- Emily steps down
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Emily empathizes with Charlie and gets down off the pedestal Sera has built for her. She is still above Charlie and Adam, but she invites the other angels to show mercy, to be just. This is because Emily strongly believes Heaven is a place where virtue and morality reign.
2- Adam and Lute look down on Charlie
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Adam and Lute make their case and claim Hell is forever:
Adam and Lute: Did you forget that "Hell is forever"?
As they sing this part, they stand on the magical orb and look down on Charlie. They have the upper hand and judge her and the other demons as creatures inferior to angels. At this point, though, Adam flies down to threathen Charlie:
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By doing so, he reveals the existence of the exterminations and shows that he himself is no different from a demon. So, Adam and Charlie are on equal footing.
3 - Emily reaches Charlie
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The reveal of the Exterminations shocks Emily, who reaches the floor to better look at the destruction Heaven is causing. Her idealistic vision of Heaven gets shattered, so she is forced to re-evaluate the system and the current order. She stops positioning herself as higher than Charlie and goes down to better see things from her perspective.
4 - Sera flies down
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Sera panics and hurries to Emily to convince her that what she has done is for the greater good. She is forced to step down and to confront the younger Seraphim on the floor:
Sera: You have to listen It was such a hard decision I wanted to save you, the anguish it takes to Do what was required
Still, Emily refuses Sera's explanation and calls her out:
Emily: To think that I admired you Well, I don't need your condescension I'm not a child to protect Was talk of virtue just pretension? Was I too naïve to expect you To heed the morals you're purveying?
As she does, she flies higher than Sera because she is showing more morality than her mentor:
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5- Charlie and Emily gain the moral high ground
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As Charlie and Emily sing together in anger and frustration, they jump on the magical orb. Their pose mirrors Adam and Lute's one, but their point is the thematical opposite:
Charlie and Emily: If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie!
Adam and Lute claim "hell is forever", whereas Charlie and Emily answer that "if hell is forever, then heaven must be a lie". Not only that, but they say it looking down on Sera, who is supposedly the higher ranking angel and the judge.
Charlie starts the questioning at the very bottom, but in the climax she gains the upper hand. Sera should be at the very top, but in the end she is reduced to look up to the two girls from the floor.
The questioning starts as a farce and a demonstration of political power. However, Charlie's determination and Emily's sense of justice make it the real deal. Hypocrisy disappears and the truth becomes visible to everybody. Even if just for a moment.
6- Sera takes back control
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Sera uses Adam's reveal about Vaggie to re-assert order over the courtroom. She and Emily fly back to their seats and Sera is free to be the judge again. Her final decision is the one she was determined to make in the beginning:
Sera: I'm sorry… but this court finds that there is no evidence souls in Hell can be redeemed.
Sera refuses Charlie and Emily's pleas and goes back to the pre-established order.
Charlie and Emily unmasking the truth about Heaven and Hell is highlighted also by the way red and blue are used throughout the song. In general, Hell and Heaven are color-coded. Hell is red and Heaven is blue. For example, Charlie and Vaggie wear red, whereas St Peter, Sera and Emily wear blue:
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Not only that, but Sera and Emily's wings have blue details and shades. Lucifer is a Seraphim too, but his wings are red inside, as he is the titular devil:
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That said, You Didn't Know breaks this color scheme to show how angels like Adam, Lute and Sera are behaving like devils. This clip of Sera makes it clear:
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Hell's flames are mirrored in her eyes and make her look scary, when she is trying to be reassuring. A stark contrast with the blue and gold idealized imagery Emily has of her:
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By the moment Charlie and Emily state their powerful come-back the colors are basically mixed. Just like the Princess of Hell (red) and the Youngest Seraphim (blue) stand together and share the same moral vision:
Charlie and Emily: If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again
Hell and Heaven are not red (black) and white (blue), but have shades (of gray). Just as Charlie and Emily sing this, the world around them changes to prove them right.
The two girls break the system and show clearly that:
Charlie is the one pursuing morality, as she is trying to protect people
Good and Evil are not so easily defined, as the angels behave like demons and demons show positive traits and virtues
Unluckily, this isn't enough to change things, as Heaven is stuck in their own rules:
Lucifer: Hohooo boy, Heaven, is not exactly as carefree as you might think. Yeah, they have rules, lots of rules, and they aren't very open minded as you'd hope.
The debate between Charlie and Adam is about the possibility or not to redeem souls in Hell. Deep down, though, it is really about something much more basic. Is it alright to question things? Every character has their own viewpoint on the matter:
Charlie: Well, if you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?
Adam: Uhhh… well, uh… then why isn't he here then? Hm? Emily: Yeah, why isn't he here?
Lute and Adam: There's no question to be posed He's unholy, case closed
Charlie and Emily are genuinelly asking questions. They wanna know why some spirits end up in Heaven and why others do not. Adam and Lute, instead refuse to investigate things. Adam's question isn't real and it is just rhetoric used to prove a point. Lute directly states there is nothing to question. Charlie and Emily embody the theme, whereas Adam and Lute represent the anti-theme.
What about Sera? She is the negation of the negation, which is a thematic stance worse than the anti-theme. Charlie and Emily are ignorant, but want to know. Adam and Lute are in the dark, but they don't care to know.
Sera's sin isn't ignorance, though. It is knowledge:
Emily: Sera, tell me that you didn't know Sera: I thought, since I'm older It's my load to shoulder Emily: No!
She knows about the exterminations and she knows the system isn't fair. Still, she refuses to question it. Not only that, but she prohibits others to ask questions:
Sera: Please…. if you start to question… you could end up like Lucifer. FALLEN.
She is the judge of a questioning, but doesn't allow questions. This shows how hypocritical the whole situation is. How can there be a questioning, when one can't ask questions? And if asking questions is prohibited, then the final answer will never change:
Lucifer: Heaven never listens! They didn't listen to me, they won't listen to you!
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youremyheaven · 1 year
Vedic Astrology Symbolism & Recurring Motifs
other have already made posts about punarvasu's connection to butterflies but i thought id add to it
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Miranda Kerr (Punarvasu Moon)
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Drew Barrymore (Punarvasu Moon) with her famous butterfly tattoo
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Drew with butterfly wings, from the movie "Ever After" (a unique Punarvasu interpretation of Cinderella)
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Dita Von Teese (Punarvasu Ketu), walking for Jean Paul Gauthier
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Margot Robbie (Punarvasu rising) in a Chanel butterfly print dress.
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Dua Lipa (Punarvasu moon) wearing a dress with butterfly detailing. Dua has a well documented obsession with butterflies and her current ig pfp also features a butterfly. Her recent collection La Vacanza with Versace heavily features butterflies!!
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Shakira (Punarvasu Moon) wearing Dua's butterfly shirt from her La Vacanza collection
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Previously mentioned Pisces' connection to butterflies and here's Revati Moon, Angelina Jolie wearing a butterfly top!!
2. Here are a few more examples of Pisces rashi folks playing mermaids/aquatic roles
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Gemma Ward, played Tamara in the Pirates of the Caribbean. She has Revati Moon & Jupiter (her atmakaraka) and Rahu in UBP
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dont ask me what this look has to do with mermaids, to me its just a very mermaidcore look 🤣🤣🤣 and Emrata is UBP moon
3.Gana in Vedic astrology represents one’s nature. There are 3 types of ganas: Deva Gana (Divine), Rakshasa Gana (Demonic) and Manushya Gana (Human). now obviously not everyone with deva gana naks are going to be the nicest people ever, your gana is about what you project, people with deva ganas are perceived to be good people whereas those with rakshasa gana are either known for being shrewd and cunning or in some cases, have a really terrible reputation/other generally dislike them or may see them as "fake".
Rakshasa Gana: Ashlesha, Krittika, Mula, Dhanistha, Chitra, Magha, Vishakha, Jyestha and Shatabhisha
Deva Gana: Mrigashirsha, Ashwini, Revati, Punarvasu, Pushya, Swati, Hasta, and Anuradha.
Manushya Gana: Rohini, Bharani, Ardra, Shravana and Purvaphalguni, Purva bhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada and Uttaraphalguni 
Actors who have played Angels in movies often have deva gana nakshatras.
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Tilda Swinton plays Gabriel in Constantine and she has Swati Sun & Punarvasu Mars (amatyakaraka)
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Buck Henry, who plays an angel in Heaven Can Wait has Pushya Moon, Punarvasu Jupiter & Revati Rahu
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Christopher Walken plays Gabriel in The Prophecy. He has Revati Sun & Punarvasu Jupiter
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Henry Travers, who plays an angel in Its A Wonderful Life. He has Hasta Moon, Revati Mars atmakaraka and Ketu in Swati
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Alan Rickman plays an angel in Dogma. He has Swati Moon, Punarvasu Mars & Saturn (his atmakaraka) and Rahu in Mrigashira
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Emma Thompson, plays an angel in Angels in America. She has Ashwini Sun, Punarvasu Moon, Hasta Rahu and Revati Ketu.
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Emmanuelle Beart plays an angel in Date with an Angel. She has Revati Jupiter amatyakaraka and Rahu in Punarvasu
4. Actors who play the Devil often have rakshasa gana nakshatras
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Peter Stormare plays the Devil in Constantine and he has Magha sun and Ashlesha mercury & mars (his atmakaraka & amatyakaraka respectively)
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Shatabhisha sun Peter Fonda plays the Devil in Ghost Rider
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Magha sun Robert De Niro plays the Devil in Angel Heart
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Vishaka Sun Tom Ellis plays Lucifer in Lucifer
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Chitra stellium, Viggo Mortensen, plays the Devil in The Prophecy
5. Mrigashira & Rohini both have serpent yoni. the lore of UBP and Ashlesha also features serpents heavily. needless to say, these natives are often depicted with serpents in the media.
In vedic astrology, your yoni animal is said to represent the way you express your sexuality and sexual desire. Serpent yoni natives are known for their intense, hypnotic sensuality and they crave for very passionate, fervent and often, extreme sexual experiences.
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Elizabeth Hurley has Mrigashira sun & mercury with Rohini jupiter and rahu.
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Jennifer Lawrence has Ashlesha sun & Mrigashira moon
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Devon Aoki has Ashlesha sun. She has also spoken about growing up with pet snakes.
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Salma Hayek has UBP moon and Ashlesha venus atmakaraka. speaking of filming this scene, Salma has often said that due to her phobia of snakes, she went into a trance to perform her sensuous dance. if you've watched this scene, you'll see how her performance has an almost serpentine quality to it, she moves in a very hypnotic and captivating way.
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Rohini sun, Mrigashira mercury atmakaraka, UBP mars, Angelina Jolie with a snake.
Jolie has openly spoken about experimenting with BDSM and how much she likes knife play and what-not. Serpent yoni, sexual freakishness at its best (add to it, her Revati moon, another nak known for being sexually strange lol). She also had pet snakes growing up.
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weeohh · 3 months
I know I'm quite late to the discussion, but here are my thoughts on The Coffee™.
For starters, I don't believe that the oat milk latte with a hefty jigger of almond syrup was poisoned. However, I do believe that it is important.
It is clear that food/drink and especially the sharing of food/drink is a motif in this show. Food = communion.
This can be over-analyzed in any scene in which two or more characters have a meal together but I would like to focus on 2 individual scenes and how they reflect one another.
Scene 1. Aziraphale offering Muriel tea
During this comedic interaction, Aziraphale gives Muriel a cup of tea. In her discomfort, she refuses to drink it, even after Aziraphale gives her the okay by taking a sip himself. This demonstrates her inability to accept her human-ness. It also gives the audience a deeper understanding of the separation between angels and Aziraphale. This mirrors Scene 2 as I will soon explain!
Scene 2. Metatron offering Aziraphale coffee
In this particular exchange, I think that the Metatron is challenging Aziraphale. We know (from scene 1) that angels are unaccustomed to material goods, so when Aziraphale hesitates to accept the drink, he is considering if this is a "trap." However, the Metatron approves of the consumption, telling Aziraphale he has ingested many things in his time. When Aziraphale did the same for Muriel, (taking a sip to show her it's okay) Muriel still refused the drink. Accepting the coffee was a test. Aziraphale openly accepts his human-ness.
What this means for the Metatron's plans? I do not know.
Bonus Analysis!
Scene 3. Crowley offering Gabriel hot cocoa
Again, this scene is an act of "testing human-ness." In this case, Crowley is checking to see if Gabriel is really truly unaware of his past. Gabriel's naïvety and absolute innocence when accepting the drink is a clear sign to both Crowley and the audience of truthfulness.
Anyways, these are simply my thoughts! I am a huge fan of Chekov's Gun and so whenever an object is given a bit too much focus my brain starts going. Apologies if someone has already pointed this out, of course. Feel free to add on + share your thoughts!
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lilybug-02 · 10 months
What gets to me the most about all of the satanic imagery deltarune has is this one fact:
Father Alvin states that honetowns religion has no concept of sin. This is stated when he recalls asriel making confessions about dropping yoshi in mario and asking for forgiveness, which Alvin felt wasn't necessary since the religion doesn't have a concept of sin.
Do you get how important this is? If there is no concept of sin that means, that unlike Christianity there was no First Sin, there was no tempting serpent- LUCIFER MIGHT NOT EXIST IN HOMETOWN'S RELIGION
So what does this mean about kris, being framed by the narrative as a lucifer like figure? Are they going to become a satanic figure in an environment that previously lacked one?
Despite all of their strange behaviour added with their lack of intrest in the faith, kris has not been treated any differently by the town- which stands in contrast to small Christian towns in real life, but that is slowly because honetowns religion is not christianity. But what if we change that?
We already seen how much imposing our will upon kris in the weird route has affected their relationship with noelle, a single person, what if we could alter their relationship with the entire town?
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That is so weird, I could have sworn Alvin only said they only didn't practice confessions. I guess they don't believe in sin... Which by definition is the "deliberate and purposeful violation of the will of God".
idk. "Absence of sin" is an interesting motto. Many religions have some type of retributions of "sin" (going against the the religious beliefs). Hell, bad reincarnation, etc. So Kris presenting as the "original sin" motif fits in a weird way as this Angel religion is seen as more "pure"/devoid of sin...?
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victorianpining · 1 year
The Game is Now
(Well The Game is over a year ago, if you want to be technical about it)
I finally took the time to write up my notes and reactions to the original BBC Sherlock Escape Room Experience! Sorry in advance if things are a little vague at points, we only played through the room once and am mostly running off of iphone notes I wrote 13 months ago. I hope to be able to go back to try out the new Mind of Moriarty room during its run, if this one was anything to go by, it should be a fun time!
My usual disclaimer that while this is a TJLC slanted writeup, I'm just playing The Game for fun at this point, I really am not expecting any of this to lead anywhere. Enjoy your television responsibly, don't idolize television writers, eat your veggies, etc. etc. etc. And spoilers for the room, obviously.
Oh, and huge thank you to @watermotif @betweendoctorsanddetectives and @647763 (and her girlfriend) for playing the room with me! I had a blast suffering with you all <3
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The way I'm getting myself to finally actually write this up is by telling myself it's okay if my thoughts are a little informal, especially after this long, so this is going to be written the way I usually structure my outlines in the format of chaotic bullet points. Hopefully it's still readable!
I'm starting my recap of the experience outside of the escape room itself, which was located in what was, for all intents and purposes, a random, abandoned seeming mall in London (it wasn't actually abandoned malls are just like that now)
So imagine you are just walking through what looks exactly like your local, very dead, mall, when there's just this massive wall with dark damask wall paper and the most DFP Sherlock quotes you can conceive of plastered on it. Think "I may be on the side of the angels but don't think for a second I am one of them" "heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them" "I'm a high functioning sociopath" etc. It's already hilarious
You come around the corner from that and there's the gated off "Doyle's Optometrist" office, where you have to page in (I think we had to state our group name, I can't remember exactly how we got in)
Once you're inside the staff helping you are named Stamford. Yes like Mike Stamford. Yes all of them. If you didn't know you were in for psychological torment, you do now
[brief intermission here because some of us arrived early, so they actually let us through to the Mind Palace bar while we waited. It was pretty cool, apart from the guy working there being really pushy about ordering drinks. The bar is Victorian themed with framed pictures from TAB and the biggest one in the room, like by far, was a framed picture of Sherlock and Moriarty's little gun standoff, so you know, that was fun.]
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[here we are trying to be normal about it]
[also I went to the bathroom at this point and there was a little sign in the stall which said that the Sherlock theme song was exactly the right length to wash you hands to which was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life]
Anyway back to the intended order of the experience, Stamford led us back to the optometrist waiting room where we sat calmly while John Watson's voice read out random advertisements. (The only one of these I wrote down was "the eyes are the legs of the face" because it was so random, but there was a set of them)
Also as you will see in the following picture, the posters in here were Bananas
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(In case you can't see it since it's small in dash, the purple one behind Mia says "Doyle's Audiographs: for those who hear but don't listen" very evocative of the "I did tell you but did you listen" motif, 0/10 very infuriating)
Stamford came over at this point and brought us back and gave us the rules, which included no photography so photos end here unfortunately
So we were taken to a projector room where John Watson addressed the players, saying that while it says the office belongs to Doyle, this is actually a front for one of Mycroft's plans (ha ha ha (deadpan)) and that he's coopted John into helping. (hah. do you get it? the author and the narrator? hillarious)
It was so clear that Martin did not want to be there. Like yes John in character also doesn't want to be there but Martin literally looked like he was being held at gunpoint. His eyes were dead. Poor guy.
Stamford led us through another room into the 221B living room! Being in here was surreal. Because there are a few groups lumped together at this point, we had a bit of time to look around the room. Rachel found a book about fetishes on the mantle, which was something.
We took our group picture, they let you pick from a few props. I went for the white queen chess piece for Dracula reasons and got bullied into wearing the deerstalker, which was homophobic.
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Also the skull was the Yorick version, and I took a moment to stare into ACD's eyes, out of respect, as one does.
At this point the game proper begins! Sherlock's voice comes on (Ben is not on camera other than one brief exception which we will be coming back to later) and starts prepping us for our mission.
I don't remember the context but I think while telling us to be careful in the flat he told us "don't scrape your knees, or do." which was funny considering "the state of her knees"
Mycroft then addresses the audience (hah) only to be interrupted by Moriarty (hah) hacking the TV (hah hah hah)
The mirror above the fireplace? Also turns into a TV that Moriarty hacks. Ha. Ha ha ha ha.
Moriarty informs us that he has kidnapped Mycroft so the point of the game is to save Mycroft from Moriarty (I was fighting the urge to bash my head against the walls of 221b at this point, like I was expecting M Theory but like Come On you're killing me here)
You may be wondering how exactly Moriarty has kidnapped Mycroft considering he is dead. Great question! You don't get an answer apart from Moriarty saying "remember I am definitely dead" in the most sarcastic voice I have ever heard come out of Andrew Scott's mouth. Full psychological warfare at this point. Having a great time. The usual.
Also at this point, while talking about Mycroft, Moriarty compares him to Sherlock, and he definitely listed off a bunch of things but the part that most stood out was he said verbatim "Mycroft is like Sherlock without the fangirls or sex appeal" so uh. Um. Yeah. M Theory Time!!! All Aboard!!! Choo Choo!!!!
We were taken to the first of our three puzzle rooms: the morgue at St. Bart's. Moriarty is introducing the room and jokingly refers to the brief time he spent dating Molly, lets us know that our goal is to break into the computer system (a development which had me thrilled, you know I love the Moriarty as a Virus angle)
Not one full minute after Moriarty joked about Molly being his cover, Molly voice over talks to John (who by the way has a beard at this point, that I had not mentioned) and goes "nice beard!" Hah. Hah.
To get into the computer we needed to put in a date, I don't remember the context for this puzzle but the answer was 2012, the year of Season 2.
The case in the middle of the room then lights up and you're able to see the corpse. On the computer, a database comes in, and in order to get into the server, we need to fill out a series of questions about the identity of the corpse.
One of the filters is the relationship status of the corpse with three options, single, married m/f, and married m/m. I let out the most exhausted sigh of my entire life and hit married m/m without even looking at the corpse. (we briefly removed it because the room was giving us clues out of order that made us think for a moment that this was wrong, it was not, the corpse is gay, you have to not assume he's straight. Do you get it?) (war and strife on the planet earth)
So the clue for that is that the corpse has the name Stephen tattooed on him (really? of all the names? Stephen????) and you're meant to figure out that he wouldn't get a tattoo of his own name. Or just be so mentally exhausted that you intrinsically know the corpse is going to be gay because of course he is.
If that wasn't enough, the corpse was also a member of the Royal Navy who was left handed. Hi John.
At this point my friends in the room with me pointed me up to the TV in the corner, which was showing random news feed but the ticker tap at the bottom was advertising BBC Dracula, which was fun.
When we were finally getting into the cage the server was in, Moriarty kept ominously chanting "let me in"
Again, don't remember the context, but one of the clues in this room was identifying the heart
We discovered the corpse died of a horrific virus (hah) just as Moriarty hacked into the server thanks to us (once again was genuinely enjoying the code stuff, this is a 10/10 from me, makes fadow better for everyone who has done this silly escape room sdhgakjdsg)
The second room was Mycroft's underground office and our task from Moriarty was to locate where his agents were stationed throughout the world and once again send off his virus. I was giggling.
Flipping around with switches on Mycroft's desk, we found that the mirrors on either side of the room were actually windows! Because of course they were!
Sherlock comes in with a clue at this point and lets us know something to the effect of "Mycroft likes to hide clues in photographs" which was uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... normal.
Those are my only notes for this room and I don't remember literally anything else about it so sorry about that on to....
The final room: The Victorian Operating Theater! Oh boy!!!
Moriarty has been using us to access the genetic code (hah) for a virus (hah) last scene in the Victorian Era (hahahahahahahaa). He literally phrases it as "an old treasure brought into the modern day." Hillarious.
Then the absolute highlight of the experience: there's this giant console thing in the middle of the room that comes to life with all these screens, and on them including Moriarty taunting us and, the absolute 12/10 winner, footage of Sherlock wandering around 221B. This is the only Ben footage you get and not only does it confirm the "Moriarty is always spying on Sherlock" part of M Theory, it's very similar to the wall of monitors I came up with for fadow. Fellow Moriarty fan Mia and I were dying at this as much as we were able to while still trying to solve the room.
Moriarty freed Mycroft but had infected us with the virus (this is why I joke that Moriarty gave me COVID, because I caught it this day and it might as well have been from him)
His plan was to unleash the virus on the world unless we could stop him
This room was more physical puzzles than mental, and we had to cure the brain, the heart, and the lungs respectively. The brain and the heart are obviously big Sherlock meta staples so since then I've been like "why the lungs tho?" My best guess is it has something to do with breathing new life into an old story, but that's just a guess
While we were solving it and making progress Moriarty came on to rant something like "the game was over! You should have known when to give up!" Flames, flames on the side of my face.
When we won, Sherlock insulted us, but Mycroft then came on to compliment our efforts and talents, which was a great way to leave off.
Apparently only 20% of people actually solve the room, and we were in the top 20% of that, all while trying to take in the meta of it all, go League of Furies!!!
Final thoughts: this really was like if watching the show was a thing you could live through in real time. If you've ever wanted to be tormented by Mofftiss in a more visceral way, this room is exactly what you're looking for. Also shoutout to Andrew, who acted his absolute heart out, 15/10 thanks for all the M Theory, it was delicious
Also once again to reiterate, I can't believe James Moriarty gave me COVID, after all I have done for him, rest in pieces except he isn't even dead all the way.
I guess 4 months of not being able to breathe fully was the real lungs meta all along.
Can't wait for the Mind of Moriarty game next though for real, that's gonna be Bonkers, if one of the scenes is a virtual version of the waterfall scene from TAB I think I would combust on the spot
Thanks for reading!!! Sorry this took me forever only to be such a casual writeup in the end, but hopefully this recreation of my mental breakdown in a mall was entertaining.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 5 months
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Charlie Morningstar Redesign! (4/7)
It’s the girl herself!!!
I could NOT stand the red in her suit so i made it a much nicer soft cream colour! I think red is a lovely colour but in the case of someone like Charlie who wants to brand herself as approachable and welcoming, a strong harsh red all over is not the way to go. The red of her horns and lower hooves and vest is already more than enough red and it pairs very nicely with the yellows and gold accents in the rest of her design in my opinion!
I always tend to draw her with this big hopeful eyes to contrast the kind of scary look that rectangle pupils give and I think it reflects her character pretty well. Charlie is absolutely a sweetheart but when angry her eyes become flatter and more threatening. She’s literally offered to kill a guy for Angel once so she has to have some kick in her, plus horns are good for stabbing! And accessories!! Like cute chains!!!!! My original Charlie redesign had her with a little apple cuff on her horn and I do miss it a little, but I think she looks alright without it too :3 she keeps it in a dresser somewhere
I’ve never drawn or designed a character with cloven hoof hands but I think I might do it more often after this. Thinking about her writing or typing with the little clicky sounds makes my brain happy and honestly walking with hooves has that special flair that heels just cannot achieve. Since she’s the hotel owner/staff she also gets her own custom little nametag like Niffty (the rest if the staff have them as well but not all of them wear them all the time like Husk, Van/Vaggie, or Alastor) I personally think Charlie made them all herself and let everyone write their own names, but she enjoyed picking colours and all that :)
Her red cheek things were a bit strange to me and I gotta be honest I didn’t like them very much so I replaced them with a softer peach gradient on her cheeks and hips to give an extra warmness to her. I want her to seem like the kind of person that can give a REALLY firm handshake and also a very good hug and talk about anything. Oh her little wave is supposed to look kind of like that weird royal wave I see those royal people do sometimes. I thought it’d be a cute little thing to add slightly-off regal mannerisms where I could.
I hope the goat motifs came through well enough, I really like abnormal legs (you will begin to notice this soon) and they really just add so much personality to me I love working with them. I wanted Charlie to be kind of chubby and soft looking hence the colour choice leaning more towards warm rather than hot and trying to use less pointed shapes with her like the little gold ball tassels on her bolo-tie. About the bolo-tie! The little gem on the inside is purple to symbolise the pride ring, but it also allows direct transport to other layers of hell. Sinners cannot use this even if they get their hands on it, but it’s still incredibly rare and valuable because of materials and such. It’s like an eco friendly private jet. Maybe Taylor Swift should get her hands on one of these! :)
And if anyone was wondering yes I did want the purple to also look a bit like a nether portal.. it was a good opportunity.
The last little details I want to note are the faint heart motifs on her ear and hooves. For the hooves it’s really cheesy but I think the metaphorical idea of leaving a tiny bit of love wherever she goes is cute and I like being sappy. The ear heart being a tear has always meant some kind of “hurt to get what you love” thing to me. I don’t fully know how to describe it but it’s not in a toxic mentality, she just does a lot of stressful stuff to get her dreams and passions going and I think shes great for that.
I plan on drawing her true form eventually and maybe showing a little animation of transformation (I just want an excuse to draw her tail again)
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Overall Charlie is one of my favourites to draw and write for, shes just such a sweetie and I love her to death 🩷 she is quite literally the heart of the hotel and she is doing her best! Excited to post again later today :3 📻
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lumidles · 7 months
“Husk would work better as a mentor figure to Angel”
I understand where this take comes from, but I think it has more to do with how the characters are subconsciously perceived as rather than the actual contents of their characters and dynamics together. People who say this are mistaking Husk as a narrative role model for Angel when their purpose (at this point) is to be narrative parallels. I think Husk and Angel work infinitely better as equals.
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"Age Coding"
If you ask the average casual Hazbin viewer how old they assumed Angel was when watching the series, they would likely say somewhere in his mid-20s. Husk might have more variation, but everyone would agree he’s meant to come across as an older, more jaded character. A “grumpy old man” archetype.
Assuming that the information on the characters’ ages and years of death are not drastically different from the Pilot’s canon, we know that Angel died in 1947 in his mid-30s, while Husk died in the 1970s in his 60s-70s. This would mean they, at most, have an age gap of around 10 years which is negligible when they are both adults that have existed for over 100 years. I take information that was canonized in the Pilot era with a grain of salt, but I think it’s at the very least safe to assume they are both around 100 years old when combining their time on Earth and in Hell based on the motifs of their designs.
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We know that they both have a similar amount of life experience, but the “age coding” (for lack of a better term) of these characters already gives people a subconscious feeling that Husk is much older and wiser, and is therefore a fitting mentor for someone like Angel, despite the fact that Angel has been in Hell longer than Husk. This is amplified by the bartender trope that Husk fulfills; a blunt and perceptive “older” character like him would make sense to be the role model in most series. The problem is that it doesn't fully apply here.
Husk’s Assumptions
Husk shows a lot of self awareness, a common trait for a mentor that has done a lot of self-reflection to have. When Angel asks for a strong drink after a long day, Husk warns him that it won’t solve his problems.
“If you’ve got a problem you’re not going to find the solution at the bottom of a bottle. I should know, I’ve been looking there a long time.” (0:17-0:41)
Important things to note here:
Husk isn’t on the “other side” of dealing with these issues, it's an ongoing struggle for him still. He cannot give advice beyond deterring Angel from going down that path
He’s assuming Angel doesn’t already know this or that he doesn’t fully understand how using alcohol to cope can hurt him
Angel, not wanting to actually get into the conversation, deflects by flirting with Husk. Husk calls him out for being fake and this is what gets Angel to snap. Not because he doesn’t agree with Husk, but because he feels Husk doesn’t understand why that persona is so important to him.
Angel’s persona is not only what he’s loved and famous for, it’s what keeps him safe. It’s a big part of his work. Husk challenging and insulting that is a hit to Angel’s already fragile ego. (But that’s a ramble for another day).
After Angel storms out and Vaggie tells Husk to go after him, Husk says “it’s just Angel, he’ll be fine.” He’s assuming Angel is just being sensitive after feeling called out. This isn’t completely wrong, but he fails to consider how his outburst might run deeper than that.
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You can see Husk’s guilt and surprise in this scene. He knew Angel was putting on a front and correctly clocked that Angel uses his persona to cover his insecurity and to gain some feeling of control, but he made the assumption that Angel’s fake and self-sabotaging behaviors were not things that Angel was actively self-aware about.
Angel is extremely self-aware about his own situation. He knows exactly what he’s doing; it’s a calculated recklessness. This is one of the biggest reasons why Husk wasn’t made to be a mentor figure for Angel. Both of them can identify the issues in their lives, and both of them don’t know how to go about fixing it.
Husk and Angel as Parallels
Husk and Angel both know they're engaging in self-destructive behavior, and they both know why they do so. Husk and Angel are both under the control of someone who owns their soul. Husk and Angel are parallels and this is the purpose of “Loser, Baby” and the scene leading up to it. The point of the song isn’t for Angel to realize that he’s in a rough situation, the point is for him to realize that he’s not alone.
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Their friendship is based on them seeing each other as equals, which is part of why I enjoy them so much. Charlie is Angel’s mentor, Husk is his confidant.
I think it’s pretty clear that Husk and Angel will be going in a romantic direction in season 2 which I'm excited for. I do think they’re endgame, but I’m not against a platonic outcome for them. There are a lot of ways it could work.
My main point is that they help each other, rather than Husk only helping Angel. They both gained a friendship and a shoulder to lean on from someone who understands.
"I just got used to you guys... I ain't finding no new drinking buddies" (7:04-7:09)
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
One Hell of a Love (Book 1.5) Chapter Ten
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Ten: One Hell of a Camera
Summary: A strange woman with a camera is convinced by a man with golden eyes to go on a rampage, and (Y/N) and Sebastian have to clean up the mess and handle a troublesome reaper in red.
            “An aspect of the Phantomhives’ past that I don’t know about?” said Ciel as the carriage pulled away from the mansion to take him, Sebastian, and (Y/N) to his latest assignment.
            “It is no wonder,” said Sebastian, treading carefully. “You had to assume responsibility for the Phantomhive household before the late head could tell you everything.”
            “Well, I couldn’t ask for a better chance,” said Ciel. “If I, the new family head, solve a case my father was involved in, news will spread in the underworld, and they will undoubtedly make a move.”
            (Y/N) watched him speak, knowing he had no idea he had already solved cases for Her Majesty, such as Jack the Ripper. So far, there had been few issues after the…incident with his soul. His confusion remained clear at times, but there had been no major problems. If Sebastian was lucky, there would be no more issues. (Alas, (Y/N) was a black cat. They knew fortune changed easily).
            “Do you intend to use yourself as bait?” Of course, Sebastian already knew Ciel’s plan since they had gone through it and succeeded in baiting the angel behind the Phantomhives’ demise.
            “I’ll drag the ones who hurt my pride and ruined my name out into the open and punish them as they deserve,” said Ciel. His eyes hardened. “I’ll go to any lengths.”
            How unfortunate. There is no one for him to get revenge on left, thought (Y/N).
            “What if you discover they are already dead?” said Sebastian.
            “In that case, I’ll tear apart their rotten flesh and scoop out the truth,” said Ciel. “That is all.”
            Sebastian smirked. “That is my master.”
            “It looks like you’re having a hard time, Lord Randall,” said Ciel as he walked up to the crime scene. A large burn mark from the strange fiery death suffered there recently blackened the ground and wall.
            “Ciel Phantomhive,” said Randall.
            Ciel held up the letter with the Queen’s seal. “Would you mind updating me on the status of the investigation?”
            Randall was annoyed but complied. “We haven’t made any progress worth mentioning.”
            “Have you found any differences between this and the previous incident?” asked Ciel. He smirked. “This has happened before, right? There were cases similar to this?”
            “So, you know about that,” muttered Randall.
            “You have just confirmed it. Thank you,” said Ciel. “Would you mind showing me the records?”
            “There is nothing left,” said Randall.
            “What?” said Ciel.
            “Not that I would show you even if there was, of course,” said Randall, crossing his arms. “Scotland Yard will shed light on this case. We will find the cause, the culprit, and any connections to past incident. There is no place for you here.”
            “I wish that were so,” said Ciel. “Let’s go, Sebast—” He deadpanned.
            (Y/N) turned and blinked. Sebastian was fawning over a group of street cats. (Y/N) watched with an amused smile as he blushed and petted them, their cold heart twisting happily at seeing him like the creature of their motif so much.
            “Round, innocent eyes, unaware of this world’s impurities…A tail that lends its cuteness an air of refinement…some, rosy paws!” Sebastian cuddled two of the kittens close to him.
            “I always knew you picked me to mentor for a reason,” said (Y/N), their voice light and teasing.
            Sebastian froze as he looked up at them. Ah. Yes. (Y/N) was a cat demon. And he was fawning over cats… He cleared his throat and stood up. He really couldn’t quite remember if he liked (Y/N) because he liked cats or he liked cats because he liked (Y/N). With his feelings now, it all became a bit…hazy.
            “Well, I admit I have an inclination towards cats,” said Sebastian. He had recovered his wits quickly. “They are quite adorable.”
            (Y/N)’s heart clenched, and they rolled their eyes. “Don’t tease me.”
            “I wouldn’t dream of it,” said Sebastian.
            “Hurry up, you cat freaks,” muttered Ciel, walking past them.
            Sebastian and (Y/N) followed him as he got back into the carriage. “What do you plan to do now?” asked (Y/N).
            “If the Yard is useless, then there is only one place to go,” said Ciel.
            Undertaker’s raucous laughter knocked the sign from his shop. Ciel had, of course, an irk mark as the cackles continued. (Y/N) watched the boy and man’s reactions in amusement. Sebastian continued his “comedy set.”
            “Ah, Great Britain indeed!” said Sebastian in an exaggeratedly lower-class accent. “Wait. What the hell? I can’t stand ya no more!” He bowed and switched to his regular voice. “Thank you for watching.”
            “Excellent,” giggled Undertaker as he pulled himself to flop on a coffin. “I never expected to see such stand-up in this country. I couldn’t have imagined this for a second.”
            “He was just talking to himself,” said Ciel.
            “You gave me a fine performance!” said Undertaker. “I shall keep my word.” He put down a vial of shimmering dust.
            “I want to see the ashes of the victims,” said Ciel.
            “Indeed.” Undertaker waved the vial around again. “Here they are, Earl. I scraped this up at the crime scene. They burned at such a high temperature, only ashes remained.” He tossed the vial to Ciel.
            The Earl examined it. “Hm.”
            “Perhaps we should go to the funeral to see if there’s any links between suspects. Friends, relatives, something of that sort,” suggested (Y/N).
            Ciel nodded. “We shall.”
            (Y/N), Sebastian, and Ciel stood behind the rest of the funeral procession as the coffin, containing only a shoe, was lowered into the ground. The poor widowed husband was crying as people apologized for his loss. Even a photographer and his wife delivered a free photograph of him and his wife from before her death. As the photographer and his wife passed them as they departed, (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed. A slight shimmer of particles in the air trailed the couple.
            Ciel glanced up at the demons, and they met his gaze.
            “The material found in the ashes is identical to that which we gathered from the photographer and his wife,” reported Sebastian to Ciel.
            “Magnesium oxide,” said (Y/N). “It is what remains after flash photography burns magnesium.”
            “Photography, you say?” said Ciel.
            “I also managed to gain information regarding its import from Mr. Lau,” said Sebastian. He and (Y/N) glanced at one another. Lau had been civil and his usually “innocent” façade, their battle notwithstanding since Ciel couldn’t remember it.
            “A photo studio recently imported an unusually large supply,” said (Y/N). “Too much for simple flash photography in such a small studio.”
            “Yes. Moreover, the victims have one thing in common: they all had their wedding photos taken a few days before the incident,” said Sebastian.
            “All at Turner Photography,” said (Y/N).
            Ciel stood. “Let’s go. That couple knows the truth.”
            “Very well,” said Sebastian.
            “Well, it looks like we’re a bit late,” remarked (Y/N) as they looked at the burning Turner Photography studio.
            “It does confirm our suspicions, however,” said Sebastian.
            “That’s the wife,” said Ciel, pointing to a woman running out of the building.
            The wife laughed and threw magnesium handfuls around her. “Happiness! Where is happiness?” she cackled.
            Ciel, Sebastian, and (Y/N) ran after her. The wife pressed the flash of the camera, and the magnesium erupted in a fiery blast.
            “Young Master!” Sebastian covered Ciel from the explosion.
            “She’s using that camera to start fires. Seize her!” ordered Ciel.
            “Yes, my Lord,” said Sebastian, bowing.
            “With pleasure,” said (Y/N).
            They all took off after the pyromaniac once more. As they turned into an alleyway, however, a figure in red dropped down at them. (Y/N) braced themself and caught the flat edges of a chainsaw before it cut them.
            Sebastian drew up beside them, and Ciel paused, eyes widened as something registered as he gazed at the shade of red. An explosion of magnesium brought him back to his senses as quickly as his mind had drifted.
            “You, really?” (Y/N) narrowed their eyes in irritation, and their nose twitched.
            “It’s been so long, darling (Nickname)!” said Grell, grinning wildly.
            “So, you were pulling the strings, Grell,” said Sebastian.
            “The only string I’m pulling is the red string of fate that bind me to you, Seb—Ack!” Sebastian kicked Grell in the face to get her away from (Y/N).
            “How mean! Don’t be rough with me!” cried Grell.
            “You challenged us first,” said (Y/N).
            “I just go excited and slashed at you! No need to get serious,” pouted Grell. “I was chasing that woman, too.”
            “You were? You should stick to that next time,” said (Y/N), unimpressed.
            “Is this weirdo an acquaintance of yours?” said Ciel, stepping forward.
            Ah, yes, he doesn’t remember her, thought (Y/N).
            “She collects the souls of the dead. She is a Grim Reaper,” said Sebastian.
            “A Grim Reaper? I didn’t know there were others like you,” said Ciel.
            Grell looked at him in confusion but shrugged off the strange forgetfulness of the Earl (which was good since (Y/N) couldn’t be bothered to deal with Grell messing up anything).
            “I suppose you came to collect the souls of this incidents’ victims?” said Sebastian.
            Grell skipped closer to the demons. “But now that I’ve found you two, my work is at an end!” she cooed. “Now it’s for the three of us to have some fun~.”
            (Y/N) looked at Sebastian, ignoring Grell. “Let’s go. It could be troublesome for the Lord’s reputation if that woman kills more people with magnesium.”
            “I agree. We don’t have time for nonsense,” said Sebastian.
            “Hey! Pay attention to me!” pouted Grell. But she was annoyed as Sebastian, (Y/N), and Ciel avoided her and continued on. “Oh, wait for me!”
            People screamed and burned as the arsonist ran through the streets of London, throwing magnesium and igniting it every few moments. (Y/N) and Sebastian turned after her into an alley, but she disappeared from sight.
            “Oh, did she give you the slip?” cooed Grell.
            “Grell, should you not attend to your own job?” said Sebastian.
            “I am a huntress of love; my job is to catch you,” said Grell, grinning ear-to-ear. Her gaze grew more somber. “Plus, I only have one soul to collect.”
            “Only one?” (Y/N) furrowed their brow.
            Grell opened her book. “Margaret Turner. After committing indiscriminate mass murder, she will burn herself to death at 12:05 am. According to the record book, hers is the only soul I need to collect.”
            “What about those burning?” said (Y/N). A scream of someone burning to death punctuated their words.
            “You see? That woman’s victims are completely consumed, their souls included,” said Grell.
            Sebastian narrowed his eyes. Now that was more of a threat to his Young Master (and his own meal). An explosion from atop Big Ben took his attention.
            “Sebastian, the Earl is up there, isn’t he?” sighed (Y/N). He certainly knows how to make Sebastian worry for his soul.
            Sebastian tsked. “He is.” The clocktower rang midnight.
            “You said she dies at 12:05, correct?” remarked (Y/N) with a glance at Grell.
            “Ooh, so you did pay attention to me. How lovely~!” said Grell excitedly.
            “We should hurry, Sebastian,” said (Y/N).
            “Indeed,” he replied.
            “Wait, what are you going to do?” asked Grell.
            “Seize that woman as the Young Master ordered,” said Sebastian.
            “But there’s no time left,” said Grell.
            “How could we be Phantomhive servants if we could not do this?” remarked Sebastian with a smirk.
            (Y/N) smiled coyly at Grell. “Shall we go then, Grell?”
            “Oh, yes, please, darling! But why me?” asked Grell, turning red.
            “Well, the Young Master is hardly appropriate for Mrs. Turner to take photos of. I think it should be you,” said (Y/N), smirking. Maybe you’ll be burned and I won’t have to deal with you again.
            Hearts were in Grell’s eyes, and Sebastian wanted to poke them out for looking so adoringly at (Y/N). “Then, I will show you my sexy shots!”
            Grell’s Death Scythe revved to life, and she began to ride it up the clocktower. Sebastian and (Y/N) shook their head at her eagerness and ran up the side of Big Ben after her.
            “What’s that?!” cried Mrs. Turner angrily when she spotted them.
            “My butler, maid, and a nutcase,” said Ciel.
            “Actually, I’m a deadly efficient Reaper!” declared Grell.
            “Don’t get in my way!” yelled Mrs. Turner, dumping magnesium down at them. She pressed the flashbulb of the camera, and the magnesium exploded, but Grell continued upwards.
            Hell, Reapers are immune to it. How unfortunate, sighed (Y/N).
            “Wh-Why? Why aren’t you burning?” stammered Mrs. Turner. She pressed the flashbulb over and over, but nothing happened to Grell, who was serving as a lovely distraction.
            “How like demons to use a reaper as a decoy,” said Ciel, smirking as he watched his servants approach.
            Grell vaulted over Mrs. Turner, and the pyromaniac turned to face her angrily. Grell posed as Mrs. Turner took photo after deadly photo. “The more a woman is photographed, the more she matures, growing redder and sweeter! In other words, she becomes a riper, scarlet fruit. Ah! It’s oozing out of my every pore! Yes, I am the Queen of Fruits!”
            “And of fools,” remarked (Y/N), leaning against the edge of Big Ben. “Although that may go to Mrs. Turner for attempting to escape us.” They smirked when Mrs. Turner started in surprise at their voice.
            “You’re late,” scowled Ciel.
            “I am sorry,” said Sebastian, bowing.
            “I told you to burn!” shouted Mrs. Turner. Sebastian kicked up, and the camera went flying from her hands. “Why?!”
            “If this is what the Young Master orders, then doing it becomes natural,” said Sebastian, fixing his tie.
            “Wh-What are you people?” questioned Mrs. Turner.
            “We are a hell of a pair of servants,” said Sebastian, smirking.
            “I’m a deadly efficient Reaper!” declared Grell.
            “You will tell us the truth,” said Ciel, stepping towards Mrs. Turner.
            She began crying. “I was told that if I did this, many gorgeous men would fall in love with me.”
            “Who told you that?” asked (Y/N). Humans were prone to foolish desires, so they moved onto discovering more about the crime itself.
            “Someone with golden eyes,” said Mrs. Turner. Shimmering particles began to collect around Mrs. Turner. She burst into flame before she could say more.
            “No way! Her soul is burning too!” cried Grell.
            “A burning love! Happiness!” cried Mrs. Turner as she stumbled around aflame. She cackled as she felt into her stock of magnesium.
            “Wait, I still need to ask you—!”
            “Young Master!” Sebastian interrupted Ciel to pull him away from the explosion, grabbing (Y/N)’s wrist in the same moment. The eruption of magnesium shook Big Ben as Sebastian and (Y/N) landed on the streets below without a trace of ash or soot on their uniforms. “Young Master, are you hurt?” asked Sebastian calmly.
            “I’m fine,” said Ciel, getting to his own feet.
            “No way!” grumbled Grell as she gazed back up at the smoking top of the clocktower. “The soul I was supposed to collect was burned away. I can’t believe it. This makes no sense!” She sighed. “I need to submit a report to Will.” She bounded over to Sebastian and (Y/N) and held up the camera in front of them. “I’ll be satisfied with this!” Sebastian looked away, and (Y/N) rolled their eyes while Grell took the picture, beaming all the while. “Next time, let me take some night-time pictures of the three of us having more fun! Bye-bye!” Grell ran off before (Y/N) or Sebastian could try to destroy the picture.
            “Young Master, you ordered me to seize that woman, but…” Sebastian held out ashes; the only remains of Mrs. Turner left.
            “She was burned to ashes,” said Ciel. “A woman, driven by greed, committed these horrible acts. That is what I shall report to the Queen. She wanted to be loved. That single-minded desire can drive humans to such lengths, apparently. Honestly! How pointless. To do all of that for such a shapeless, meaningless concept such as love…”
            Neither demon replied. Their thoughts on love tended in a different direction as they stood side-by-side.
            Ciel tsked. “Whatever the cause, we have more to investigate.” He looked at Sebastian and (Y/N). “Investigate who this ‘someone with golden eyes’ is. That is the culprit behind the madwoman. And furthermore, look into the Spider. I want to know why the Queen considered putting him on this case.”
            “Yes, my Lord,” said (Y/N).
            “Yes, Young Master,” said Sebastian.
            (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed. The Trancy butler had gold eyes.
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i-got-the-feels · 9 months
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@chaeyoojung 1
The transition from yellow to blue to show how his one quality he adored also became something that hurt him
My Demon
@dingyuxi 1
My salvation!!!! And his determination and selflessness to save her
@chaeyoojung 1
I already told you and will tell you again and again that I adore this set. His entire character arc. How he chooses to be vigilante is seen sooo well here.
Castaway Diva
@khaoray 1
This is beautiful!!! Their dreams are fulfilled. This is such a happy edit AAAH my heart
See You In My 19th Life
@dingyuxi 1
Something about her selflessness to die for him. Something about how he fiercely remembers and protects her memory. I love how that is shown so well in this set.
@liveasbutterflies 1
I cried in the scene. I cried after seeing this set. She was loved so loved by her mom.
Daily Dose Of Sunshine
@moonlightsdream 1
I adore how your chose their beach and bustop for this dialogue set.
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
@kdramaladies 1
Everytime I hear this dialogue and see this set I cry. The color combination of b/w and golden is so beautiful.
@sjoongki 1
This is one of those edits that will forever affect me. Their shilloutes! Amazing job love ittt.
Alchemy of Souls
@kdramaladies 1
This was the set that made me watch the show. It's beauty, yes. Also it manged to make me feel curious about her.
@kalena-henden 1
The journey! The symbolism! Beautiful set.
@seawherethesunsets 1
The gif of him gently kissing her eyes! Beautiful!!
@liveasbutterflies 1
I love how this set has shown naksus journey.
Little Women
@deokmis 1
A show edit. A show based on a book. And the said books quotes are combined with tv show adaption characters. My nerdy heart is swinging. And beautiful quotes are choose with characters.
Flower of Evil
@deokmis 1
Will I reach a drama where this quote doesn't wreck me? No. The gif with "makes my demons go away" Insaneeeeeee
The Eighth Sense
@dramaism 1
The journey!!! I am a Sucker for these edits. And seeing them get together at the beach casually without any grand declarations was soooo them. And of course the consequences later. That's when the grand declarations come in. Something about how things are simple when it's just the without the involvement of the world.
The Glory
@deokmis 1 2 3
1) Take me to church + them?? The way he knew she intended to use him and he let her!!! Perfect choice for them and perfect selection of scenes!
2) The fact that Jae joon died not knowing who his killer is because he is color blind. But we know!! We know how he killed him so that ye seol will be safe. Uff. Isolating the red to bring out the detail? Amazing
3) Death is my hand + the tattoo gif!! No thoughts. Head empty.
@smittenskitten 1
Isolating the green color!! The talent. They way it celebrates an important arc of the show
Beyond Evil
@khaotunqs 1
The yellow with blank and white!! Beautiful. I didn't like to be touched because I craved it too much!!
@magicaldreamfox1 1
The scene he arrests him, always makes me cry. And the words being "how often will you repent" uffff
@l-tyrell 1
He did everything because of his love, his guilt, his regret. It's gorgeous set. Also gotta listen every hozier song now because I believe it goes perfectly with the tone of this show
@ladyverdance 1
Lee dongsik was a ghost after all the deaths he survived. He was only kept alive by his grief, guilt and love for people he lost. His purpose to avenge them. Beautiful set
Summer Strike
@chinzillas 1
The words+ scene you have chosen so well about how she felt trapped in the daily drudgery of life. And how he chooses to break free. Beautiful!!
The Devil Judge
@gusucloud 1
The motif of fallen angel. Something something devil was an angel before he fell. Love the coloring with golden hues
@natahjikio 1
Was she evil? Yes. Was she a surviour and a badass? Yes. Adore how you did justice to all sides of her in this set
@yilinglaozu 1 2 3
1) he knows gaon is righteous and idealistic. Having him in his life will only hurt them both. He knows Yohan is too hurt and disillusioned to believe in a fair world. He knows they will only hurt each other. Yet they simultaneously hurt and heal each other
2) shut up. Yohan was all alone until he had gaon. Good lord no words.
3) gaon getting to see the real Yohan. Beneath the confident indifferent Yohan. Him willing to change himself and his world views because what is world without Yohan? Beautifully bought out in this set
@spicyvampire 1
The he loves you too words with them saying goodbye!! Tan give me a break
Things to note
These include edits that I found in 2023.
These include edits that gave me the feels.
Thank you for your art. They make the experience of watching the show all the more fun. It helps in appreciating the characters. It helps me see them in new light.
Looking forward to see more of art from amazing artists on here.
To, people I didn't tag - tumblr tagging limit sucks. Your art is beautiful simply because it's made. You made it with a feeling and that in itself is beautiful.
Also, the tag is #becauseigtf in case yall wanna tag me in future :)
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