#it can also be interpreted as the shadow influencing or completely controlling them
bayleaf-2 · 11 months
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Assorted art from the last 3ish hours :) So happy my tablet is working again I have SOOO much creative juice
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artemisia-black · 4 months
Do you think Peter dies in the DH because he "owed" Harry one? Like Dumbledore explained in the end of PoA. Or it was simply his hand knew the he is betraying Voldemort... So it strangled him to death?
Ooh great question, I think it's a combination of both.
Life Debt Interpretation: According to Dumbledore's assertion. When Harry spared Peter's life in PoA, he inadvertently created a magical bond between them, a life debt that Peter was bound to repay. In DH, when Peter hesitates for a moment instead of killing Harry, it is because Harry evokes this life debt.
The life debt could have acted as a magical force, influencing Peter's actions and leading to his hesitation, which in turn activated the hand's curse.
Voldemort's curse:
Voldemort, who is acutely aware of Pettigrew's past actions and his propensity for betrayal, acknowledges in the opening chapter of GoF that Pettigrew's loyalty is not born out of allegiance or respect but rather out of fear. Voldemort understands that Pettigrew's allegiance can shift depending on who he perceives as the strongest protector at the moment, as demonstrated by Pettigrew's betrayal of his friends and his subsequent turn to Voldemort when he believed the Dark Lord to be the more powerful force.
This insight into Pettigrew's character is crucial when considering the enchanted silver hand that Voldemort gives to Pettigrew. The hand is not just a replacement for Pettigrew's lost limb; it's symbolic of the lengths Peter is willing to go to for self-preservation (cutting off your hand is no mean feat).
The hand, therefore, becomes a constant reminder to Pettigrew that he is made from something Voldemort has given him. Indeed in the graveyard scene we see him admiring it's power;
"He flexed the shining fingers, then, trembling, picked up a small twig on the ground and crushed it into powder.
“My Lord,” he whispered. “Master ... it is beautiful ... thank you ... thank you. ..."
But the power to crush a few leaves is a mere shadow of what Voldemort is capable of. He has given Peter a trinket and nothing more, and I think this is rooted in Voldemort's understanding of Peter's character.
Voldemort's choice to consistently refer to Pettigrew as "Wormtail," the nickname originally given to him by his friends, is a calculated and demeaning tactic that serves multiple purposes in their dynamic. This moniker, once a sign of camaraderie and belonging amongst the Marauders, is co-opted by Voldemort and twisted into a tool of psychological manipulation and control.
Firstly, by using the name "Wormtail," Voldemort is effectively stripping Pettigrew of any personal identity or dignity he might have outside of his service to Voldemort. It's a constant reminder of Pettigrew's betrayal of his friends, reinforcing his status as a traitor and someone who cannot be trusted. This serves to isolate Pettigrew, ensuring that he is acutely aware that his only place of 'safety' is under Voldemort's protection, further entrenching his sense of dependency and fear.
The silver hand, on the other hand (pun intended), is a physical manifestation of this control and dependency. While it is a powerful magical object, it's also a symbol of Pettigrew's servitude and indebtedness to Voldemort. The hand is a constant, tangible reminder that Pettigrew's life and agency are literally in Voldemort's hands. It represents the lengths to which Pettigrew has gone for self-preservation, even to the extent of mutilating his own body.
Moreover, the hand is enchanted to ensure Pettigrew's complete loyalty. It's not just a gift; it's a leash. This magical constraint ensures that any thoughts of betrayal or disobedience are immediately punished, as seen when the hand turns on Pettigrew the moment he shows a hint of mercy towards Harry, influenced by the life debt he owes. This fatal feature of the hand exemplifies the no-escape situation Pettigrew has put himself in. It's a symbol of the ultimate power Voldemort holds over him, both physically and magically
Hence, there is a profound, almost poetic symmetry to the manner of Pettigrew's demise. The very hand that was bestowed upon him by Voldemort — intended as a symbol of the amount he has sacrificed to be protected by Voldy- becomes the instrument of his undoing.This hand, a tangible reminder of his treachery and a tool meant to ensure his obedience, ultimately enforces the most severe punishment for his moment of hesitation, a hesitation influenced by the life debt he owed to Harry, the son and godson of the very friends he betrayed. In this final act, Pettigrew's life comes full circle, marked by betrayal, fear, and the inescapable consequences of his own choices, under the shadow of the dark forces he once sought refuge within.
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meat-wentz · 9 months
ok so my sexuality-based analysis of Jennifer's body effectively boils down to Jennifer controls all sex and sexuality that she is even tangentially around, which, prior to The Event, I believe can be interpreted as both genuine sexual desire but also a wish to grow up quickly, be taken seriously, and/or gain power. Post-Event, it's quite obviously a reclamation of autonomy and control, although it also does leave room for her own desire (see: kissing Needy)
Needy's sexuality, on the other hand, is almost entirely under Jennifer's control or influence. In the instances where she attempts/has sex with Chip, Jennifer's presence interferes and the encounter ends with Needy leaving for Jennifer. Same thing with most of the kisses. Hell, Jennifer dictates how much of Needy's body she can show.
(I am So sorry, i don't remember who holds whose hand first in the bar scene, but if I did I would put that in here)
And the kiss between them, Jennifer wants it so she takes it, and once Jennifer's given her the okay, Needy is in the clear to kiss her back? Cause otherwise, she would have just continued to keep it bottled up, as usual. Because maybe she can kiss Chip on her own, but not Jennifer. that has to be given, not taken.
I'm sure none of this is new analysis or anything but it just leapt out at me so obviously with the first watch. Teenage girlhood and overreaching and smothering and the cooler friend whose consent you need for everything and her manicured fingers reach into every corner of your life. Trying to learn who you are. Coming out the other end with some of her fucked-up self in you, because there's no getting out of that unscathed.
And, on Jennifer's end (which I'll admit I understand less but I want to give her her due as well), feeling so horribly out of control, eaten up from the inside that you have to stake down every loose thing around you cause you just do. cause you'll be damned if you let yourself get burned that bad a second time, plus it feels good to be the center of someone's world. Getting away from yourself. Not caring enough to stop. Needing to be Stopped, and even then there's a vengeful shadow that keeps going long after you're through.
(also I'm sorry if my analysis is bad I'm not very good at media, this is just my vibes. also I was tired when I watched it so I might not remember everything perfectly)
you're so right and you should say it!!! like this movie is so rich in nutrients, there's so much to take in. like there's something about your best friend when you're in high school, there's something there where, yeah you have a romantic relationship, but nothing is as strong or as meaningful as the obsession you have with your best friend. in the script, needy says "i've always been able to feel what she feels, just not like this," and i think that's such a perfect encapsulation of what it's like, you've been attached at the hip for so long that you're vulnerable to the sensations of being the same person, and the pain of severing that bond in order to become your own person because as long as you remain together, you're under threat of being swallowed whole, completely devoured, overtaken, and the rotten gore of having to rip yourself away from them.
there's a possessiveness in jennifer that's so relatable in its specific type of toxicity, the desperate grasping attempt to hold onto the one person in her life that makes her feel not only understood, but in control. to the point that she would literally slaughter those around her to keep her dependent on her, no more colin, no more chip, only jennifer. it's the way girls are put in competition with one another, it's that desirability is threatening, sexuality is threatening, a girl in control of her own body is threatening, how terrifying it is to be in competition with the person you love the most, how terrifying it is to be the singular object of her affection. you've always been dazzled by her, you've always loved her, and that terrifies you more than anything once you realize she hasn't "changed," she's always been like this, she's always kept you close because you make her feel in control, superior, powerful, she wants to be your everything because it means she'll never be left alone, she wants to be your everything because you make her feel like she's everything.
like this movie is literally so genius because it speaks to that type of relationship so strongly, the mortal obsession with your best friend, the way you two would tear each other apart, the way you two would blur the lines of that relationship because nothing feels more potent than this, than you two, in your room, stuck together with all the pain you've dealt upon one another, the way you two would blur the lines of each other, becoming one another, the taking the taking the taking, give me everything you have to give, be my everything and let me be yours. it's layers upon layers of teenage girldom and teenage girl politics and the way teenage girls love like they could tear the whole world apart. boys are just morsels, but you, you're everything to me.
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wonderfulxhappiness · 3 months
although the imagery would be so good with moon, w the meaning i dont think it fits ritsu that much.. maybe the tower could be a better fit thinking abt it but am not. sure <- half asleep rn
nodding nodding.
ok im actively Looking at tarot cards and i will do my best to assign them Sillies. btw im getting these meanings off of biddytarot but there are Many Many other interpretations so <3 u can also just do whatever u want forever im just goin off of what feels right to Me. also im biased towards my faves. peace nd love. im also just doing this in the order i read the descriptions so if characters fit multiple u may see them multiple times.
Fool - Subaru or Anzu (new beginnings, free spirit, spontaneity, w/ reversed meanings recklessness & risk-taking)
Magician - I could see Ibara? (Manifestation, resourcefulness, power. reversed = manipulation, untapped talents)
High Priestess - Natsume? Maybe Shu? Nagisa even? (Intuition, sacred knowledge, subconscious mind. reversed = secrets, withdrawal, silence)
Empress - Arashi <3 as you already said
Emperor - Eichi? Maybe Keito? (Authority, establishment, structure. reversed = domination, excessive control, inflexibility)
Hierophant - Tatsumi or Hiiro? Reversed would be Rinne tbh (Spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition. reversed = personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo)
Lovers - Aira, Reversed Izumi (esp war era izu) (Love, harmony, relationships, choices. Reversed = Self-love, disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values)
Chariot - Mao? Maybe Yuzuru? (Control, willpower, success, action, determination. Reversed = Self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction)
Strength - I could see Jun, Hiyori, or Mika maybe? (Strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion. Reversed = Inner strength, self-doubt, low energy, raw emotion)
Hermit - Mayoi? HiMERU maybe? Ritsu even? (Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance. Reversed = Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal)
Wheel of Fortune/Fortune - TSUMUGI. (Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point. Reversed = Bad luck, resistance to change, breaking cycles)
Justice - Leo as u said <3 atho i feel leo can also fit strength tbh. justice has his Vibes tho
Hanged Man - Shu. I think. (Pause, surrender, letting go, new perspectives. Reversed = Delays, resistance, stalling, indecision)
Death - Rei... (Endings, change, transformation, transition. Reversed = Resistance to change, personal transformation, inner purging)
Temperance - Izumi? Tsukasa? (Balance, moderation, patience, purpose. Reversed = Imbalance, excess, self-healing, re-alignment)
The Devil - HiMERU? Ritsu? Idk tbh. (Shadow self, attachment, addiction, restriction, sexuality. Reversed = Releasing limiting beliefs, exploring dark thoughts, detachment)
The Tower - Hokke? Rinne? (Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening. Reversed = Personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster)
Star - Sora or Kohaku maybe? (Hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality. Reversed = Lack of faith, despair, self-trust, disconnection)
Moon - ngl i still feel Ritsu esp ! era. also ! era Leo. HiMERU also tho. Maaaaybe Niki? (Illusion, fear, anxiety, subconscious, intuition. Reversed = Release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion)
Sun - Sora. Nazuna maybe? or Niki? (Positivity, fun, warmth, success vitality. Reversed = Inner child, feeling down, overly optimistic)
Judgement - Eichi? Shu? Madara even? (Judgement (who'd've guessed) rebirth, inner calling, absolution. Reversed = Self-doubt, inner critic, ignoring the call)
The World - Madara. maybe Natsume? (Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel. Reversed = Seeking personal closure, short-cuts, delays)
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drsohinisastri · 1 year
What Does Ketu in the Seventh House Mean?
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According to the best astrologer in India, the seventh house, or Kalatra Bhav in Vedic astrology, is referred to as the house of partnerships and is controlled by the planet Venus. The zodiac sign of Libra rules this house. A person's married life, sexual intimacy, emotional intelligence, and passion are all influenced by this house.
 Additionally, because it emphasises commitments, it symbolises your romantic partners and relationships. The seventh house, commonly known as the House of Marriage, is controlled by the planet Venus, which stands for love, passion, and wealth. Let's learn about the effects of Ketu in the seventh house.
 In the seventh house:
Vedic astrology interprets Ketu's location in the 7th house navamsa as a sign of unlucky happenings. As a shadow planet, Ketu can lead to unethical behaviour when it is positioned incorrectly. Typically, it intensifies issues with natives' relationships, wealth, and health. If you are in a good position, it will work wonders for you in your early years by raising your social status and notoriety, which will be enough to support you for many decades as it represents considerable growth and progress.
 Ketu's favourable aspect on the seventh house:
If Ketu is correctly placed, it will facilitate your exploration of the spiritual realm because you won't be involved in worldly affairs. You'll decide to follow the path of spiritual enlightenment, which could even help you make money. By probing deeply into your soul, it will also aid in your self-understanding and deepen your relationship with God.
 Due to sudden popularity and wealth, locals can live in luxury and luxury. Because of their unexpected affluence and extensive professional network, they could feel superior to others. They will have access to a variety of opportunities that will give them room to grow, but they need to move swiftly to avoid breaking future obligations.
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Natives in relationships experience a wealth of happiness and passion in their bond, which makes them feel satisfied and committed. You and your spouse have complete trust, joy, and love for one another. The likelihood of moving forward in the relationship as if it were a love marriage with Ketu in the seventh house may be in your favour, according to the best astrologer in World. Your partner and you will develop a strong relationship that is based on trust and desire.
 Ketu's negative effects in the seventh house:
On the one hand, Ketu in the seventh house symbolises passion in your relationship; yet, this shadow planet has a downside that may leave you feeling dissatisfied. You will run into problems if you constantly compare your relationship with others because you have unreasonable expectations. You can start arguing with your relationship about little things, which will cause trust problems and might irritate your partner.
 Your partner can feel exhausted as a result of you projecting your insecurities onto them. Although natives have a tendency to stroll on the island of spirituality and oneness, the difficulty will arise if you become detached from the outside world. Your mental health will be impacted, and you risk experiencing mental stress. You'll experience a distance from your family. You might even develop some interpersonal rigidity.
 Ketu represents past lives, too. Past-life karma will affect the entire circle if Ketu is in the seventh house. Without a sure, you will have financial success, but in the long run, you will experience issues that could stem from unhappiness in a previous life.
 7th House Ketu in Female Horoscope:
Ketu in the seventh house will give women brash personalities and a deceitful temperament. They frequently experience sleepiness and drowsiness and sleep for longer periods of time. These ladies favour following their own paths above the conventional and clichéd ones suggested by society. These ladies might even marry beyond their own religion or caste. They may also be secretive and engage in extramarital affairs.
 7th House Ketu in Male Horoscope:
Men who have Ketu in the seventh house are passionate partners but are also more likely to commit adultery. They might also endure humiliation as a result of their relationships with widows, young girls, and older women. They might even get married more than once, which will make them the target of slander.
 7th House Ketu Remedies:
1. Steer clear of committing to anything you might not be able to keep in the future.
 2. Make an effort to maintain a clean environment, particularly the bed.
 3. Provide a black and white blanket to the temple.
 4. Before leaving the house, put a golden saffron tilak on your forehead.
 5. Avoid using bad language around other people.
 6. Don't mislead anyone, including your co-workers, according to the best vedic astrologer in India.
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Women were/are feared by men because women seem to have knowledge and observe things that a man can not which scares a man a lot. Men fear knowledge they themselves can not comprehend, so they condemn women for their abilities for example in the witch trials in the middle ages. They think that they do not match to the level of depth that women have in some areas so they try to downforce/invalidate their abilities because a man can not trust what he is not able to do as well as feel worthy to be with a woman. Not understanding means that men never can have an absolute trust towards women because they mostly work with the sensation they receive with their senses but have a harder time to trust the invisible part of connection. Moreover, it is hard to explain something completely instinctive and intuitive like the communication between women and the outside world. Women developed those tools for protection because in a group setting of multiple people with different ages of awareness women needed certain features that helped them protect themselves and others,also when verbal communication was not possible. Men naturally are more single focussed minded and have a hyper awareness to their focus that everything outside of it gets blurred. Women have a special connection to the universe, especially  the mood and that they can change their period cycle to the woman around them or the moon influence in some kind of way seems very mysterious indeed, even for women itself. There must be a logical explanation surely but how much people's mindset and body are influenced not only the visible surroundings but also everything invisible in between conveys a certain kind of knowledge in the interdynamics of everything visible and invisible that is impossible to comprehend so humans try to hold on to something they can really work on and that is everything that is taken in with their five senses, at least the male species do. They are responsible to protect the tribe so if they feel they lose it in some kind of way the tribe is in danger. It seems power,control and protection get hand in hand. Of course, the invisible connection to the universe and unconscious knowledge as well as the shadow side of humans are always analyzed and interpreted for both genders, but only the male focus was accepted. That is why there is an imbalance of spiritual experience, perspectives and interpretations that lead to the physical and mental problems we have today. It seems fear is connected to respect and knowledge -. Women fear the physical side of men and men fear the psychological side of women. What is the solution of this - The exploration, acceptance and control of the self.
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Many early foundational theories in psychology, at least within the Tirion School, were developed by Alasse. Though they now hold less weight, her concept of the Nusanar, the undermind which shapes concious thought, as well as her Craft Theory of personality development were highly influential. The latter garnered criticism for its vulgarity, normativity, lack of cultural universality, and perceived insensitivity towards neri—Alasse, who was raised in post-Exilic Tirion, largely by nissi of a certain temperament, had at times skewed and antiquated gender beliefs.
Still, Craft Theory remains relevant, if not for its accuracy than at least for its influence on later iterations of developmental theories. In some ways, psychology has never fully escaped Alasse’s shadow. The Tirion School (which she still teaches at) remains at the forefront of institutional boards and her therapeutic techniques, such as Olorian Interpretation, are still widely used despite, hmm, conflicting evidence regarding their efficacy.
Now, to understand Craft Theory you must first understand certain Gnomish innuendos and allegories. “Craft” is used to refer to both works of the hands and procreative acts, depending on the context. “Halls” references both physical buildings, but also has a yonic implication, stemming from Gnomish beliefs that women made better architects. “Jewels” is, in parallel, an orchidaceous reference, calling back to the, ah, family jewels. As it were.
Knowing this, Craft Theory can be summarized as such. According to Alasse, all elves pass through five stages in their life. The first two, Hen and Nonda, are gender neutral. These stages are defined largely by physical fixations. In Hen, the infant learns and processes the world through its eyes, as a craftsman approaching a project may begin with sensory assessment. Around nine months, as they gain control of some motor functions, the child moves on to Nonda. In this stage Alasse believes a child is fixated on increasing their motor skills. Now they interact with their environment, they alter it and experiment with it, they are learning the basics of craft. At age three she believes elves move on to the Carma stage—this is where her work receives some criticism.
The thesis of the Carma stage is that it is defined by intense jealousy and unresolved feelings of inferiority towards the parents, an artistic complex rooted both in the child’s frustration at their own skill and their growing understanding of gender. A child covets the skill their parents of the opposite gender, and you’ll note again the normative models assumed by Alasse’s work, and resents the skill of their same gender parent. Thus a ner-child will “adore his mother’s Halls and resent his father’s Jewels”. The opposite is assumed to be true of a nìs-child, who will admire the work of her father and resent her mother, as her mother’s work, (which is again assumed to be gender normative) is considered to be too threatening to the child’s burgeoning artistic ego.
Alasse offers three main resolutions for this conflict. The first is complete confidence restoration, as the child grows they naturally find their own rhythm in their Craft. Their jealousy of their same sex parent, which was rooted in inferiority, fades, and so too does their attachment to their opposite sex parent as they settle into an adult life of same-gender social and working relationships. Again, antiquated even for our day, but we must remember the gender ratio in the Tirion of Alasse’s youth, which doubtless shaped her impressions.
The second option is complete transferral. Here, instead of growing confident in their own work, the child finds that they can never match up to the standard of their same gender parent. Instead of simmering forever in the stew of Carma, the child opts to turn their admiration into the same gender parent, making them an object of veneration. They take their parent’s accomplishments as their own. To quote Alasse, they are “boys living their life defending their father’s Jewels, girls who never leave their mother’s Halls.” If you heard some political undertones in that, you’re not alone. Alasse called out the Sons of Fëanáro as classic cases of complete transferral. On the the ladies side, she made a similar claim about Princess Findis, which earned her some scorn in Valmar’s pamphlets.
The third conclusion is complete reversal. Here, Alasse claimed the child, feeling threatened by the Craft of their same gender parent, would shift focus, learning instead the Craft of their opposite gender parent, becoming, as it were, male architects and female jewelsmiths. Again, there are some unfortunate aspects to that assumption, and especially to how Alasse applied it to variations in gender presentation, though she publicly walked back or outright apologized for very shortly after publication. And I should note that she saw nothing wrong with this resolution, in fact the example case study she most often uses for it is of herself—her father, an Exile, was the academic, while her mother was a drainage engineer, she credits her complex relationship with his reputation as the reason she chose to study at the university.
The last two stages of Craft Theory are more traditional, there is the Axo stage where, with this major conflict resolved, the child largely focuses on learning and self-development. Then there’s the Samnö stage, in which the young adult begins to build romantic relationships and consummate some of their earlier learning.
Alassian psychology has developed a reputation—and not an entirely undeserved one. For all its flaws it’s important to remember that it was groundbreaking at the time; it offered ways to cope with the horrors of the war and address the trauma of survivors, it accounted for the sometimes bizarre patterns of gendered behavior and explained the otherwise unthinkable in easy to understand ways. Being able to pin a Kinslaying on a fixation in the Carma period of emotional development answered questions about a horrific collective experience, it gave people a reason why their fellow elves were suddenly acting irrationally. Even if you don’t believe it or agree with it, Craft Theory is a vital part of history, a key element of the development of an entire field.
—Except from No Fear Fëa: Psychology for Students, Alqualondë University Press
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 318: On Your Left
Previously on BnHA: The Hawksquad+Lurkers were all “well this sucks” and sat around a bit talking about how maybe they should actually come up with a new plan that is actually good, but then in the end they were like “nah.” Deku was all, “THERE’S SOMETHING INSIDE ME THAT PULLS BENEATH THE SURFACE!! CONSUMING, CONFUSING!! THIS LACK OF SELF CONTROL I FEAR IS NEVERENDING. IT’S HAUNTING HOW I CANT SEEM TO FIND MYSELF AGAIN. MY WALLS ARE CLOSING IN.” Just, literally that whole entire song. All Might was all “Deku you should take care of yourself, try eating a thing,” and Deku was all “BYE, ALL MIGHT,” and just LEFT. He left!!! What the fuck!!!
Today on BnHA: Endeavor is all, “maybe if Deku didn’t listen to All Might he’ll listen to me instead.” Deku is all, “[doesn’t listen to Endeavor]” because, well, yeah. The Vestiges are all, “surprisingly, even we are a little concerned -- maybe you should get some rest, kid.” Deku is all, “((Ò ‸ Ó)).” The Vestiges are all, “holy shit.” Deku is all, “[wanders the ruined city streets terrifying the populace on account of him looking like Shelob had a baby with one of the Nazgul].” Some shriveled-up puppeteer villain asshole is all, “HORIKOSHI SAID IT’S MY TURN TO ATTACK DEKU TODAY SO I AM GOING TO SUMMON MY FRIGHTENED HELPLESS ATTACK MOB!!” Kacchan is all “WHADDYA MEAN THEY FOUND THE NERD!!! -- oh wait, that’s me, I found him. I found the nerd, you guys.” And just in time, too. I was about to owe a whole lot of people a whole lot of dollars.
so I have been super good about spoilers this week as always, but let me tell you guys, for the past 36 hours my dash filters have basically been nonstop “manga spoilers” this and “bnha 318” that, and so I’m coming in with a fair amount of hype here. your move, Horikoshi
oh, good! they got Endeavor to call Deku to try to talk him out of it. what a great and wonderful plan
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“listen up kid, you haven’t slept since March and you are basically a walking biohazard right now, I’m just telling it like it is. didn’t you get shot like three times?? and there was a whole thing about how you urgently needed medical attention?? and supposedly we gave it to you, but I mean you haven’t even changed your clothes and don’t seem to have any fresh bandages or anything, so did we?? did we, really?? and also we all got blown up yesterday, so yeah.” hmm he’s making some reasonable points here you guys, but you sure do go on and on, Endeavor
oh he says foreign aid is finally on its way! I’m sure they’ll be very helpful. I mean in fairness they can hardly be worse than the home-grown heroes at this point
hey Enji, could you maybe try appealing to Deku the sixteen-year-old human boy, as opposed to Deku The World’s Last Hope? he does have value beyond his quirk. I know that’s always been an incredibly difficult concept for you to grasp, but could you maybe TRY, jesus
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and also we’re worried about you as a person?? you’re just a kid and you’re pushing yourself way too hard?? you were going to say that part next, right. why the hell didn’t Hawks make this call instead
“don’t worry about me... I’m completely fine” Deku you do understand that saying it over and over again doesn’t actually make it true
and again with the rush!! all the rush rush rush!! we’re running out of time, we can’t let AFO and Tomura keep getting stronger, I have to end this now, there’s no time to rest, etc. etc. etc. just the constant pressure of this whole big countdown on top of everything else
holy shit, you KNOW it’s bad when even the Vestiges are telling him to chill
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these guys are basically the walking talking embodiments of self-sacrifice; if even they’re telling him he needs to take five, then he must seriously be like half a step away from death’s door
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(ETA: so I’m pretty sure this was just Danger Sense activating and so he cut them off to go do more hero stuff, but I’m gonna go ahead and stick to my original interpretation anyway lol.)
anyway so how’s everybody doing. we all good? En, you good? Banjou? Shino? I’m imagining you guys all curled up in a little ball on the floor right now lol. can’t say I blame you though, no shame
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“SHEESH.” sheesh indeed, lmao. “what in the FUCK was that”
see, this is why y’all need Kacchan. you need someone who’s not going to back down from him no matter what. if it’s a matter of out-stubborning Midoriya fucking Izuku, then there’s only one other person on the planet capable of that, and we all know it. don’t pretend like you don’t. I am not going to shut up about this! we’ve had our hurt so now what about SOME COMFORT, DAMMIT
“I’m afraid that he’s becoming influenced by my conscience” nah are you kidding Nana this is all 100% made-in-Japan pure original Deku right here
see, Banjou gets it. “that kid, he’s totally going on his own.” exactly. this was so inevitable it was basically scientific law
“well I for one don’t see the problem with Deku being so obsessed with saving everyone else that he pushes himself until his body and soul literally fall apart” okay, whose speech bubbles are these?? we’re about to have words
lol of course
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well you always did prefer the direct route didn’t you. but even you can’t possibly think this is okay lol
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dark AU!Kacchan please tell us more about your badass doomed timeline in which everything went to shit and you apparently had the same character arc that Deku is having right now except it somehow made you sexier instead of turning you into a rabid t-rex. I have so many questions
oh so now you want to help??? well -- good, actually. sorry if that sounded offended just now lol
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(ETA: so at first when I got to the end of this chapter I was wondering if Katsuki B. had somehow summoned his alternate-universe counterpart through trippy OFA space telepathy lol. but in the original Japanese there’s no reference to “we”, so this appears to be a mistranslation. this line should probably read more like “if there’s something/someone out there that would be able to complement/complete the current Midoriya Izuku [it would be]…” which, oh hello, is that Horikoshi once again reaffirming that Deku and Bakugou complete each other lol. “guess what guys, the Vestiges ship it too" heck yeah. they know what’s up!)
“meanwhile somewhere in the depths of the ruined city, Deku was having a dance-off with the villains”
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I like how the villains all have this “AHH WHAT THE FUCK” kind of body language to them lol. I mean if it were me, and an eldritch horror suddenly clawed its way from the shadows with its writhing glowy tentacles and pants-shitting nuclear death stare, I would probably just die on the spot. no need to stick around. only pain awaits
lol for a minute I thought this was Can’t Ya See-kun and I was like “WHAT A FASCINATING CROSSING OF PATHS” but it’s just some random girl
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he seems genuinely confused lol
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Deku it’s because you look like something that crawled out of a sewer drain, sweetheart
lol they just took his word for it?
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so trusting. even though they’re immediately hauling ass anyway just to be safe lmao
“my appearance is frightening to others” no shit Deku it’s because you look like a fucking alien exorcism. you look like a Lich that got caught up in an oil spill my dude
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“ENJOY THIS MONTAGE OF DEKU BATTLING A RANDOM KAIJU AND WANDERING THE WOODS LIKE A DERANGED GREEN BABA YAGA” okay yes but sir, exactly how much longer is this going to go on. if it’s a matter of you wanting to make sure we get it, let me assure you that aside from a few stray chuunis who think that Deku embracing the Darkness is the coolest thing he’s ever done, all of us here in fandom fully comprehend that this is Not Good
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really. with the flashbacks to his loved ones’ smiling faces and everything. not even gonna try to aim above the belt, huh
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(ETA: my man did Sero and Kaminari fucking dirty lmao. I miss their smiling faces too omg.)
the sheer, unparalleled irony of him saying this while he stands there looking like the gargoyle demon from Fantasia got crossed with an umbrella that got struck by lightning. Deku :(
oi who the fuck is this clown
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is he controlling this mob with his evil hair. “what if I made an exhausted, running-on-fumes Deku battle a brainwashed mob at Ground Zero.” Horikoshi do you just have like a checklist of horrible things you want to do to your protagonist
easy there Sasori
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well joke’s on you buddy because he’s apparently “completely fine”, so
“here’s to hoping that you know more about AFO’s location than the others” jesus christ Deku you really have hung your mercy out to dry huh
now he’s forcing his mob of terrified prisoners to attack Deku ahhhh. sucks to be them. at least they’re not being controlled by bees
so Deku is saying that Sasori’s control can be broken with “physical trauma.” similar to Shinsou’s quirk I guess. but so does that mean he’s gonna have to hurt them? ( •﹏•)
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fuck. he looks like he’s on the verge of passing out
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this is what happens when you nerf a character’s self-preservation stats in favor of spamming their bone-breaking stats instead. NOW ACCEPTING BRAIN CELL DONATIONS FOR A BOY IN NEED!! with your loving generosity we can hopefully help him live to the ripe old age of seventeen
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[grabs your hands] ლ(*꒪ヮ꒪*)ლ [swings you in a circle] へ(゚◇゚へ)
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(ETA: imagine what this must look like to Deku though. he’s been caught up in this dark cloud of despair and exhaustion that’s been building up over... I’m gonna go ahead and say “weeks”, because yeah. and now he finds himself here, in the place where All Might’s legacy ended and the torch was passed to him. and the world is in ruins, and he’s surrounded by frightened people who are all trying to hurt him -- because who isn’t trying to hurt him, these days -- and he’s scrambling to figure this all out, but meanwhile the weariness is finally starting to catch up to him, and so he’s basically just standing there in a fog of complete and utter misery.
and then all of a sudden through that haze, he hears the one voice that’s more familiar than any other that he knows. like, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he thought he was just imagining it at first. Kacchan showing up to save him right when he’s at his most desperate and feeling the most alone. Kacchan, showing up to save him.
this is the person he always looked up to as a child (to be fair he was quite a strange child lmao). the person who was even closer to him than All Might. the person he always thought was amazing. and bam, here he is now. appearing in the sky out of nowhere to one-shot the bad guy with a single blast (which, btw, that was his armor-piercing attack too lmao dslkjlk take it easy there kiddo). like, that must have felt absolutely surreal to him, especially coming at a time when he’s already half-delirious and barely hanging on to reality. he must have really thought that he was losing it there for a second.
but he’s really there. it really is him. and for this brief moment -- before the rest of the situation catches up to him, and he remembers about all of the fucked-up AFO stuff, and remembers why he was so afraid and why he was pushing everyone away -- for just this one brief moment, he’s too exhausted and stunned to do anything except to just react. just stands there, looking up at him in awe.
and you know, it almost reminds me of...
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just. you guys. the character development. the freaking character development. someone who brings reassurance. someone who shows up and makes you think, “oh, it’s all going to be okay now, because [person] is here.” the role reversals. the growth. the payoff!! because who is the one person who always had faith that Kacchan would one day grow up to become an amazing hero like that. WHO IS IT. YOU ALREADY KNOW.
omg. anyways, bless you Horikoshi, my feels which have been on backorder since fucking September have finally arrived lmao. yes, good, thank you. worth the wait. it is always, always worth the wait. fuck yeah.)
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vickyvicarious · 3 years
I def agree that Eliot likely ghosted Moreau rather than confronting him or anything, and iirc the implication is that Moreau never sent anyone after him to try and get him back - which in some ways could be worse, leaving Eliot glancing over his shoulder, wondering. and also expressing an awful certainty that Eliot won’t give away his secrets, won’t turn on him, is still *his* in some way that Eliot hates
Eliot successfully leaving is such an interesting detail, because based on their reunion scene I really do get the sense they really never were in any sort of contact since then, hostile or otherwise. In Eliot's POV, ghosting him like that speaks so clearly to fear of what would happen if he ever tried to outright deny/refuse Moreau. But when you look at it from the other side...
Well, I think it's multi-faceted on Moreau's part:
He's not burning bridges. Much like Eliot running off and never mentioning Damien to anyone.* That means Eliot didn't directly link himself with Moreau, sure, but also he never turned against him. Never told his secrets to anyone else or sought out revenge. By not hunting Eliot down, Moreau was making the choice to leave the door open for Eliot to willingly come back some day.
Moreau would know Eliot's skill best at the time. Pretty quickly after Eliot didn't show up, he could probably realize it was an intentional slipping of the leash. And he knew if he sent people after Eliot, especially right away, that a good number of them would die. It would cost a fair amount of money and men to take Eliot down, and given that he ran he probably would not react kindly to goons trying to bring him back by force. But going in person for some emotional manipulation wasn't a good first option either given how dangerous Eliot is; if Moreau misjudged the situation he'd be putting himself in potential danger. Eliot leaving seems to have been a surprise, so Moreau would be recalibrating how much influence he still has over Eliot... Better to let him leave, and if he wants to send hitmen after him later they will have a better chance of being effective when they aren't expected anymore.
Repercussions would be expected. And just like you say, by not actually sending anyone after Eliot, Moreau can play on his fear to punish him via unfulfilled paranoia. He doesn't have to do anything at all, but Eliot is still going to be a nervous wreck.
A lesser mindfuck: does he not care enough to chase me down? Maybe I never mattered to him at all. Not the way he mattered to me. These thoughts wouldn't be the most prominent but they would certainly occur from time to time, diminishing Eliot's importance in his own mind. Especially when they also come with no, he's letting me go precisely because he cares about me. Equally terrifying in a different way, even guilt-inducing though Eliot knows leaving is the morally right choice. But even if he's a bad person, Damien hasn't been bad to Eliot...
And another emotional power play, as you called out. Similar to the first thing on this list (and the 4th) but subtly distinct: Moreau still owns Eliot's silence. By not going after him when Eliot left him in the lurch, he's being gracious. By acting completely unconcerned about Eliot spilling any of his secrets, Moreau is being trusting. He just keeps acting like he has control over the situation (and thus, Eliot) by not showing that it bothers him at all, and Eliot's fear of Moreau is great enough to reinforce that bluff of power. Moreau's inaction demonstrates a kind of complete confidence that is terrifying to be on the other side of. Eliot is still controlled by it years later - too afraid to mention him at all. What this means is that if they ever encounter one another again, Moreau has to let Eliot make the first move. By acting like he wants Eliot back, he'd be admitting to losing him in the first place. This way, it's like he just allowed him a long vacation before welcoming him back home - a complete mindfuck.
*(This also has some really interesting implications for Eliot's position when he worked with Moreau. It seems there was no effort to put him in the spotlight or to emphasize his skills to other people, given that they don't already associate him with Moreau as the guy's "top enforcer" or whatever. (Unless you interpret this line as having an implicit "...even when they asked," but honestly it feels more to me like Eliot is saying he never broached the subject. Like he kept a secret others didn't even know to ask about.) This is further evidence for Moreau deliberately keeping Eliot and his skills all to himself, maybe a hidden ace kind of situation. Certainly implies a dynamic that is focused fairly strongly on only the two of them; one which increases his own influence over Eliot while limiting other meaningful connections.)
It all boils down to: Moreau knows he has lost Eliot in the short term. But he has always used Eliot best by invisible/unspoken threats, by acting out care and kindness and even love. Carrot and threat of stick: making Eliot want to obey and fear disobedience all the more for any punishment being unspecified. Reacting harshly would betray all that, in which case he would probably lose Eliot forever (whether to death or simply no longer manipulable). By letting Eliot go, he doesn't have him working for him either... but he also guarantees Eliot will avoid working against him, so it's no loss so much as a lack of gain. Instead of making an attempt that might fail, holding back provides him the illusion of omnipotence and generosity in one. And while it might not be likely, Eliot could still come back someday. And if that ever happened, Moreau's influence over him might even be stronger than before, since he's been both the benevolent god and the bogeyman in the shadows of Eliot's mind all this time.
And honestly? If not for the Leverage crew, this might have worked. Maybe Damien could eventually make the first move, or 'coincidence' could throw them together again, or maybe he'd just keep waiting for Eliot to get desperate enough to approach him first (the option he would obviously prefer). But whether or not he ever hired Eliot again, there is zero chance Eliot would have ever gone against him if not for Leverage.
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zippityzap · 3 years
Sonic Tarot Card Project: explanations for character picks
Recently I completed a summer-long project where I created Sonic themed versions of the tarot major acana. I put a lot of research and thought into what characters to assign to which cards, and I wanted to explain my rationale behind each one! (Everything’s under the read more cut because this is a very long post!)
To start off, let me explain why I did this project in the first place. This summer I watched Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure for the first time, and in Part 3, Stardust Crusaders, the majority of the stand abilities are named after the tarot major arcana. Thanks to cultural osmosis I vaguely knew the meanings of a few of the cards and I realised that one of the characters suited his assigned card pretty well. I was curious if this matched anyone else and so once I finished watching that part, I did research on tarot and found that yeah, a lot of them do match! That got me interested in tarot and since I like combining things I’m interested in, I decided to make Sonic versions of the cards.
I do want to note that while Jojo did inspire this project in a lot of ways, I tried not to let my character picks be influenced by Stardust Crusader characters, although there did end up being some picks that did coincidentally happen to match nicely anyway. Also, I’m not gonna lie, ever since picking these card choices I’ve been highly tempted to draw Sonic as Polnareff.
Anyway, on to my explanations for character choices!
0: The Fool (Charmy Bee)
The Fool represents innocence, spontaneity and recklessness. I believe Charmy’s happy and carefree nature, along with the simple fact that he’s essentially just a little kid who likes to have fun makes him a great fit for this card
1: The Magician (Infinite)
The Magician represents creation and strength, but also manipulation and narcissism, a good match for Infinite and the powers of the phantom ruby. (I was also very pleased to notice that the traditional art for the card has an infinity symbol- everything lined up very well!)
The Rider Waite version of the card also depicts a sword, a wand, a cup and a pentacle; the suits of the minor arcana. I have attempted to depict these with various objects from the Sonic series, namely Infinite’s sword from the IDW Forces prequel comic, the sceptre of darkness from '06, a chaos emerald, and a ring respectively.
2: The High Priestess (Princess Elise)
The High Priestess represents secrets, repression, and the unknown, which I believe fits with Elise’s initial desire to control her emotions and her sadness. (Admittedly this is one of the looser character/card connections for this project, but my two other picks for this card I felt were better suited to different cards)
3: The Empress (Vanilla the Rabbit)
The Empress represents nurturing, fertility and childbirth, all traits that I believe make this card a good pick for a kind, caring mother like Vanilla
4: The Emperor (Dr Eggman)
A card fitting for the leader of the Eggman Empire! The Emperor represents authority, power, and tyranny, all traits Dr Robotnik desires, if not possesses in many continuities.
5: The Hierophant (Espio the Chameleon)
The Hierophant represents wisdom and tradition, and in both upright and reversed forms it has large connections to the concept of social conformity. Perhaps I’m drawing more from the various comic versions of Espio, but he comes across to me as someone who is hyper-aware about how he presents himself.
Fun fact: a hierophant is essentially another word for a religious leader, although I’ve never seen it used outside the context of tarot. I assume the religious connection is the reason why in the OST of the Jojo part 3 anime, Kakyoin’s theme is called Noble Pope.
6: The Lovers (Amy Rose)
The Lovers represents love, communication, and passion; and Amy is certainly a character who wears her heart on her sleeve! She’s a good example of a character who I feel fits a number of different cards, however there are no other characters who suited The Lovers quite as much as her.
7: The Chariot (Sonic the Hedgehog)
The Chariot represents journeys, wanderlust as well as the ambition and willpower to achieve your goals, which I believe is the perfect match for Sonic’s adventurous and heroic spirit. This was one of the first cards I decided on and it’s probably the one I’d defend my interpretation of the most.
If you’re wondering why there’s dark and hero chao in the artwork too, it’s because the original card art depicts the titular chariot being pulled by black and white sphinxes, and this is my way of calling back to that.
8: Strength (Maria Robotnik)
This card pick might seem unusual at first if you take the word ‘strength’ at face value, however considering the original card art depicts a maiden peacefully taming a lion, perhaps the Strength card represents inner strength, courage and determination rather than physical strength. These are traits that I believe Maria possesses.
9: The Hermit (Knuckles the Echidna)
The Hermit signifies awareness and independence but when reversed can mean isolation and resignation, traits that parallel well with Knuckles and his duty to be the protector of the Master Emerald
10: The Wheel of Fortune (Big the Cat)
The Wheel of Fortune represents fate, karma and luck! This is admittedly a bit of a cheeky dig at myself since I’m awful at the Big fishing levels in SA1 and mostly got through them through luck. But that’s not to say the card doesn’t apply to Big himself! His frequent cameos do have a bit of a fate/destiny vibe to them and in IDW Big is lucky enough to manage to avoid the metal virus for quite a long time.
11: Justice (Vector the Crocodile)
The meaning of the Justice cards is… pretty much what it says on the tin: fairness and clarity. Of course the Team Chaotix detective agency represents this as a whole, but that trait especially shines through with Vector himself. He may be a little money oriented, but doing what is morally right always takes priority.
12: The Hanged Man (Shadow the Hedgehog)
The thing about Shadow is that he’s a fairly complex character which means there are a number of cards in the Major Arcana that match him well, but I knew early on when tackling this project that I wanted to assign Shadow to The Hanged Man. This card represents change, release and sacrifice, which all align well with the character arc that Shadow goes through during the course of SA2 and beyond.
13: Death (Tikal the Echidna and Chaos)
Despite the morbid name of the card, (and the admittedly macabre scene I’ve depicted) the Death card is not an inherently negative card to draw. Yes, it can mean endings and grief, but it can also mean letting go and new beginnings. The story that Tikal and Chaos go through in SA1, their anguish and how they later find peace, is something that I think pairs well with this particular card.
Fun fact: this is the only card in this project that has two significant characters on it rather than just one. I felt I needed both of them to be on the card in order to fully represent its meaning
14: Temperance (Blaze the Cat)
The Temperance card signifies balance, harmony and patience, which matches Blaze’s very poised and graceful demeanour. Admittedly I had a little bit of trouble deciding on a card for Blaze since the High Priestess and the Hierophant are also good matches for her.
15: The Devil (Rouge the Bat)
The Devil card represents temptation, seduction, and materialism and well… look, Rouge is one of my favourite Sonic characters, I’d be one of the first people to tell you that there’s a lot more to her than what initially appears, she is so much more complex than just sex appeal and a gemstone obsession. However, I felt there was no other character that matched the traits of this specific card better than Rouge, and so my choice was decided by that.
16: The Tower (E-123 Omega)
The Tower card represents a number of things; disruption, disasters, sudden changes etc, however the trait that made me believe that Omega would be the best selection for the card was violence.
17: The Star (Miles ‘Tails’ Prower)
Tails’ character arcs normally centre around him gaining independence and self-confidence and learning to believe in himself. He is also largely characterised by his unyielding faith and trust in Sonic. These traits are the reason why I believe The Star card represents him well, as it symbolises hope and faith.
18: The Moon (Shade the Echidna)
The Moon card symbolises mysteries and the unknown, and when Shade is first introduced in Chronicles, she and the rest of the Nocturnus Clan are certainly presented as mysterious. The Moon can also represent misconception, which fits well with how Shade was initially unaware of the true nature of Ix’s plans.
19: The Sun (Cream the Rabbit)
The Sun, when drawn in an upright position, has a lot of positive meanings! Freedom, fun, happiness, good luck etc. Cream’s cheerful and optimistic disposition makes her a good match for this card
20: Judgement (E-102 Gamma)
The Judgement card symbolises liberation, awakening, redemption and second chances, all of which I believe represent Gamma and his character arc in SA1 well
21: The World (Metal Sonic)
In the upright position, The World card symbolises triumph, completion, strength and happiness while in reversed position can mean failure, anxiety, lack of self-confidence etc. I had both positioning of the card in mind when connecting it to Metal Sonic; he is devoted to the tasks given to him and is self-assured in his belief that he is the true/superior ‘sonic’ yet he repeatedly finds himself at the hands of failure. But he doesn’t let previous failures hold him back, thus starting the cycle anew. (Another connection to the World card as it also symbolises cycles)
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hunterartemis · 3 years
Indian Magical School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Headcanon #1: The legends of it’s foundation
I love JKR and her magical world, but she completely ignored the South Asian region and a culture diverse as India, which could have been a great background for magical population. So I took the matters in my own hands and created some headcanons like I did previously with Mahoutokoro. Hope you will appreciate it.
The legend and the history of the school is so very overlapping that it is sometimes hard to distinguish between what is truth and what is myth. However the story goes something like this.
When the First Emperor of Aryavarta (Ancient India) Daksha was given the job to bring all earthly prosperity to the world, he was assisted by Seven Sages. These Seven Sages were the seven stars of the Great Dipper Constellations, who were called: Marichi, Atri, Angira, Pulascha, Pulaha, Kratu and Vashistha. To other Interpretation, these seven sages were called, Atri, Agasthya, Bharadvaja, Bhragu, Kashyapa, Jamdagni and Gautama. These Seven sages were wise and learned an knew many supernatural powers that governs the land of man without their common knowledge. Emperor Daksha wanted to control the seven sages and therefore made relations with them by marrying off his daughters with Bhragu, Kashyap and the sons of other sages: his demand was to have their power to his disposal only. The seven sages could do nothing, as in the Law of Dakshraj, harming or betraying the Kutumba (relatives and in-laws) were considered High Treason.
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But the sages being the wise and kind men they were wanted to spread the greater knowledge of supernatural powers to the common man in order to help them understand their infinite potential. So they started to sought resources from the sages who were considered “outcasts“ in Daksha’s rule for learning about the end of things (because Daksha wanted his kingdom to be eternal, these concepts were forbidden). One sage, named Dadhichi came to help the Saptarshi (the seven sages) and instructed them to journey southwards to the door of the Yama (the God of death). It was shocking enough for the sages, but one of the sage: Agasthya or in some other texts Marichi agreed to journey southwards. He bid his colleagues farewell and told them not to look for him and return to the capital; if their calling is true there would be a day they would meet again.
when the sages returned, they found themselves in a chaotic position. Daksha had insulted his youngest daughter and her husband in the front of the Royal Court and to protect her honour the youngest has self-immolated. The Husband of his youngest daughter was Shiva, the God of Destruction who was not worshipped or even mentioned in Daksha’s kingdom as something “unholy”. Although the sages did not mention Shiva in Daksha’s presence, but they knew that the Creation cannot last forever and to exist, it must always be destroyed and transformed. Thus when the sages could not convince Daksha to ask forgiveness from Shiva, they publicly renounced their special status and that of their being the Princes Consort and left the palace forever. Later Daksha was slain by the God of destruction Shiva in the crime of Pride and pushing his own flesh and blood to kill herself.
In the path away from the Capital, the Sage Agasthya appeared before the rest. The sages knew that it was not real Agasthya, but his astral projection. He did not speak but pointed towards the south, towards the deep forest surrounding a mountain that no human can cross. The sages understood that Agasthya had given his life to seek it. The sages, after thinking day and night, could think no other plan to reach the place, let alone establish a school there, because it was not ordinary mountain, but a Volcano. After great thinking, Bhragu, the master of Astrology came up with a plan and decided to summon Seven Celestial Planets and pray them to guide there. The Planets summoned were: Surya (sun), Soma (moon), Budha (Mercury), Shukra (venus), Mangal (Mars), Brihaspati (Jupiter) and Shani (Saturn).
The sages prayed for 14 lunar days and the Seven Celestial Planets were pleased with their dedication and each one promised one reward to the sages. The sages told them everything about their wish to build an establishment to teach sons of man about the infinite power of the universe, but they didn’t know how to go to the place Agasthya had instructed them to go.
After hearing everything the Sun said “I shall rise from the east, pure white on the blood smeared sky and my light shall point the way to the hallowed place.”
Then came Mars said “I shall follow the path of the sun and destroy every obstruction that stands on the way to put the standard of victory on the hallowed land I won in the name of the Sun”,
After Mars, the Moon said, “I shall call upon the sky, ask it to rain on the Volcano so that the lava solidified and creates ground for the building”,
after Moon Mercury said “I shall bring about such designs with my mind that no human has ever seen, A house that shall be marvelous and impenetrable to any ill-wisher”.
After Mercury, Venus says, “I shall give that design a habitable form, strengthen and beautify it with the igneous stones from this volcano”.
Then Jupiter said “Like my illusive body, I shall expand it to 1000 times greater, and bless it so that no occupant in this house ever experiences obstruction in learning and nourishment. And as the Eldest of the Planets, I name this house Vishakhtantra , a house where high magic spreads out like branches of holy banyan tree”
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when all of the planets were done doing their jobs, everyone looked at the dark figure that lurked at the background, with a smirk in his lips. The sages asked why the last one, Saturn did not come forward and requested him to contribute. Smiling he said “illusive planets and sages, you are all brilliant but you have done wrong.” It evoked fear amongst the sages because Saturn, the God of Justice and Time is elemental to any establishment and angering him could be catastrophic. Bhragu asked Saturn’s pardon and asked him to correct them. Saturn smiled and said, “The mistake, illusive sages, was committed when you called us. You have forgotten that we are Navagraha (Nine Celestial Planets), not Seven. You have chose to ignore two and I know why. You fear that the North and South Node might Eclipse the Sun and Moon and chose to ignore them. But you have forgotten, they too have purposes and are deserving of contribution.”
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This statement angered Sun and the Moon. The great luminaries decided to withdraw if Rahu (North node) and Ketu (South Node) joined, but Jupiter mediated amongst Saturn, Moon and Sun. Jupiter, the Eldest planet vowed to keep the mischievous side planets in check and implored Saturn to return. Saturn then called upon Rahu and Ketu, and a great bodiless head appeared through a storm.
Jupiter came forward and addressed Rahu and said “This hallowed house shall be the home of instruction, of sacred knowledge. We the planets and sages have summoned you to contribute and correct the unjust. Are you willing to help us?” Rahu being the cunning demon that he is, said “yes, upon one condition. I want the highest place amongst all. I am a headless body and my wishes are infinite. It is the only way I would help you all.”
Saturn knew this would happen, he smiled and said “it shall happen” to everyone’s great dismay. It hurt Sun’s pride greatly but knowing Saturn, no one could protest. Jupiter and Saturn then turned to the great headless snake that coiled the entire mountain. When Jupiter addressed it, it said “Greetings my elders, I am glad that my other body, Rahu had his position acquired. But I am most perplexed because I could feel all the pains of creatures, demonic and divine who have been displaced for the creation of this place. Their souls will not leave the place in peace.”
Saturn came forward and asked him, “oh headless body, the giver of results of past life, lord of the isolated, reside as the Vastu Naga and the Bhitti (Foundation) of the hallowed place. Upon your great coil shall the institution stand and the lives lost shall receive the result for their sacrifice.”
With the Ketu entering underground, the head of Rahu had to choice but to reside exactly at the opposite side of his other body. Saturn grabbed Rahu by the hair and said “Sun the the highest light, Jupiter is the Highest Wisdom and none in the universe, not even me can exceed their position in the universe. So reside at your highest place, on the topmost towering peak of this place. I forcibly command you so that you can eclipse every form of mal-spirit and power from above.”
With that done, Saturn returned to the final place and said “and I, Lord of limitation, time and justice, mark the boundary of this place and veil it with the Tamas, so it could be hidden from the common eye.”
The sages were eclectic after the creation. The eldest, Atri said, “heavenly presences, you are the influences that govern the actions, fates and deeds of the world, would you be so kind to reside in this place as guiding principles so that we the Acharya (teachers) and the shishya (pupils) shall prosper in their ways.” Saturn called upon the sages: “so it shall be Illusive sages but do not disregard the shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu, who represent the base and the peak of the house also have the right to represent: I deliver the choice to you.”
“Very well“, said Bhragu, master of Astrology: “Since the shadow planets are unstable on their own, I assign them to the Two Intellectuals: The Head Rahu with Mercury, and the Tail Ketu with Jupiter.“
Thus formed the Seven Sacred Houses of Sapta Kula of Vishakhtantra.
Uttarashada (Sun), Anantasoumya (Moon), Punarvasu (Jupiter and Ketu), Bhadrapada (Saturn), Yajurmitra (Venus), Ksharagam (Mars) Rahavyasa (Mercury and Rahu)
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I really had to see someone say catra didnt abuse adora bc she "didnt have a position of power" over her. And claimed that i "didnt know what abuse was". Well i guess the abuse that ive been through in relationships (platonic and romantic), that has often been like catra/adoras dynamic, wasnt abuse huh. Guess im not an abuse victim after all by that logic
Dear anon,
Firstly, I just wanted to say that I’m really sorry for everything you’ve been through. And I’m really sorry that someone tried to invalidate your experiences with abuse. I really hope you’re doing okay and taking care of yourself.
Secondly, I disagree with the person’s statement of “catra didnt abuse adora bc she "didnt have a position of power" over her.” That’s false. 
Catra admits to manipulating Adora during the show. And this article talks about manipulation in a relationship and how manipulation is all about power and control. I extracted some parts of the article and placed it right below (within the quotation marks): 
“People who manipulate use mental distortion and emotional exploitation to influence and control others. Their intent is to have power and control over others to get what they want.
A manipulators knows what your weaknesses are and will use them against you. This will keep happening unless you actively and assertively put a stop to it. That said, it is not always easy.”
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Next, this article is from the perspective of a victim of abuse after leaving an emotionally abusive relationship. The author of the article wanted to better understand their past abusive relationship and shared the insights that they gained from reading the book, ‘Power Games: Confronting Others’ Hurtful Behaviour and Transforming Our Own by Kay Douglas and Dr Kim McGregor’. I feel that the article illustrates in depth the enormous power imbalance between Catra and Adora and I extracted some parts of the article and put it below (within the double quotations): 
“After leaving an emotionally abusive relationship, I found myself needing to understand what had happened. Like most people who leave a volatile situation I was, quite simply, unable to process and articulate what was wrong. Apart from being incredibly vulnerable, I was also just too close to my own situation to see it objectively.
So I decided to read Power Games: Confronting Others’ Hurtful Behaviour and Transforming Our Own by Kay Douglas and Dr Kim McGregor. What I found was a wealth of information confirming what I couldn’t express or even see for myself. Here are some choice insights from the book, as well as some of my own thoughts*:
1. Control is always at the heart of a power game. The need to assert control will usually involve undermining and/or discrediting another to achieve our own ends. For example, we are using power games when we:
bully or intimidate someone into agreeing with our demands;
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bait and provoke others through disturbing statements or actions and then claim they’re being over-sensitive/emotional, crazy or irrational (known as gaslighting); 
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engage in name calling, put-downs, harsh criticism or threats.
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2. Manipulators are not concerned with taking responsibility for their decisions/behaviours/feelings. Instead, they create a smokescreen by shifting the focus or blame to others. And consequently, the other party must assume the responsibility for making the situation ‘better’. If the other party is a ‘good’ person, they will comply with whatever demands are issued (peace at any price). As soon as they resist, however, the manipulator is likely to go on the attack.
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3. For the receiver, cumulative exposure to such tumult may reduce self-esteem and increase anxiety, resentment and fear. Receivers will experience intense emotional reactions and may end up interpreting these as proof they are selfish, unbalanced, over-sensitive and unreasonable. They may lose their sense of self; either over-compensating to ‘get it right’ and ‘be better’ or even adopting manipulative tactics against others.
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4. For the receiver, regaining personal power starts with a shift in one’s thinking. More specifically, an acknowledgement that the manipulator must take responsibility for their feelings and behaviours and any future change. It is accepting that the dynamic needs to change and learning to distinguish between real and manufactured guilt. It is constructing and defending boundaries and a willingness to listen to what anger is trying to say. It is the ability to cut through the smokescreen tactics and see the situation clearly. It is the ability to speak one’s truth and articulate one’s feelings. It is honouring the self. And, sometimes, this will mean leaving.
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What I learned is that while not everyone who feels inadequate is a manipulator, every manipulator feels inadequate. So do we all, I know. But, what sets manipulators apart is the way they consistently and systematically re-distribute this inadequacy onto others.
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What I also learned is that by disengaging I was not giving up, but that I was actively saying ‘I am worth more than this’.”
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On a personal note, I just wanted to point out some additional reasons I see a huge power imbalance between Catra and Adora:
- The fact that Catra was completely okay with controlling Adora and Catra was not willing to give up her control of Adora.
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- The fact that Adora seems to be the one who is constantly scared of Catra. At the present moment, I can only remember two scenes when Catra is scared of Adora: when Adora gets corrupted and attacks Catra at the beginning of White Out (S2E5), and when Adora gives Catra “The Look” at the end of The Portal (S3E6) . In addition, take a look at this scene. Adora honestly believes that Catra is going to kill her:
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- The fact that Catra is completely okay with taking away Adora’s power. In the following scene, Catra doesn’t even see Adora as a person but as a tool. Catra literally states that they’ll use the corrupted sword in order to control Adora and use Adora as an advantage for the Horde. Catra even states that she’ll control Adora to kill Adora’s own friends. That is unbelievably sick. Moreover, Catra was completely okay with controlling Adora’s choices and actions. In fact, this scene supports the fact that Catra was completely okay with taking away Adora’s freedom. 
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And honestly, there are some stark similarities between the previous scene with Catra and the following scene with Shadow Weaver. Shadow Weaver was ready to take away Adora’s power and use Adora as a tool against the Rebellion. 
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I’d also like to point out that what Catra was willing to do to Adora, Horde Prime had actually done to Catra in S5. Catra’s power and freedom was taken away by Horde Prime and Horde Prime controlled Catra to attack Adora. The fact that Horde Prime took away Catra’s power and freedom was cruel and despicable. And the fact that Catra was willing to take away Adora’s power and freedom is cruel and despicable. 
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Moreover, Adora ended up with Catra, a person who was perfectly okay with taking away Adora’s freedom and power. 
That is absolutely vile.
Finally I just want to add that my pinned post titled “Catra abused Adora.” has hyperlinks to resources relating to abuse:
- The Emotional Abuse section is reviewed by professionals. 
- The Physical Abuse section is provided by an online mental health service in Australia.
And these resources confirm that Catra emotionally and physically abuses Adora. 
In conclusion, you are right to say that Catra abuses Adora. Again, I’m really sorry that someone tried to invalidate your experiences with abuse. And I really hope you know that your feelings about Catradora are completely valid. 
I genuinely hope you’re talking care of yourself. Seriously, please make sure you check in with yourself and prioritize some self-care. 
Thank you very much for sharing. ✨
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
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Celestial Forecast
Week June 1 - 7
On Tuesday the 2nd, Venus rx will square Mars creating a need to Fight for Justice!
On Wednesday the 3rd, Vesta will enter Cancer
On Friday the 5th, the Sagittarius Full Moon will be a Lunar Eclipse! Mercury will sextile Uranus also creative a shift for change
Welcome to June!! The first week this month will be INTENSE as the themes for most of the days will be about protecting our values, re-evaluating our truths and philosophies, inciting change and cutting away old beliefs that are no longer needed. This energy is the massive tidal wave build up of energy I foresaw last week with the first quarter moon. Collectively these transits have a lot to say with the protests going on and collective disdain for the government and authority. Anyway get ready for the huge shifts to come along with a lunar eclipse! This week is not playing games!
Note: I am london based and most times are set to UTC. Take note with the VOC times. 
Mercury in Cancer squares Juno in Libra Vesta in Gemini squares Sappho in Virgo ☾♎ Moon Opposite Chiron in Aries ☾♎ Moon Trines Sun and Venus rx in Gemini
Energy: Today's vibe will feel like when you need to match up your sock drawer but a lot of socks are not matching and it may feel a bit frustrating. Since the moon is in Libra the overall vibe will be focusing on balance, harmony and partnerships but some aspects may be bringing out kinks you need to work out and a re-evaluation of your values. The aspects flavoring the energy of the day are Mercury in Cancer squaring Juno in Libra, the moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries and the moon trining Venus rx in Gemini. Mercury squaring Juno will bring to the forefront any commitments or themes in your relationships or priorities that are not matching up to your values. This can be a triggering transit to those in relationships as it could bring up any dynamics that are not working out. With the tension of the square there will be a push to make these two aspects balance out with each other. If you can't find the matching pair to the sock, time to repurpose it and move to the next one. Moon opposite Chiron can bring up pain or aspects that need healing in a close partner or even unfamiliar emotions that you have repressed. The theme of this pain could be revolving around the self and how you relate to yourself especially in context with a relationship whether it be with friends, romantic or in a business. These painful feelings can help illuminate where you need to prioritize your self care and speak up on your needs. The Moon in Libra trining Venus rx in Gemini will bring up a positive flow that will look for harmony and balance especially when it comes to restoring friendships that you may have missed. This energy along with the Sun and Moon trining will make a positive balance that will help you to smooth out any misalignment of values that the previously mentioned transits may trigger. The moon in Libra and Venus rx really want to reflect and create harmony today so it's a good chance to observe and work on that.
With the Moon trining the Sun and Venus rx in Gemini our creative potential will feel a boost today. A notable transit to mention would be Vesta in Gemini squaring Sappho in Virgo. This energy could be interpreted that the areas of interests that we feel passionate about will feel a strong push to be expressed in our fields of work. With this creative push of energy we can make breakthroughs in areas where we feel blocked or venture into fields that have always interested us to explore.
Recommendations: Moon trining Venus in retrograde will make reconnecting with old friends great for today. It will also be a good day for self evaluation with the moon opposite Chiron and self healing. Meditation can be helpful today. With potentials for disagreements, Sweetening and harmonizing spells can help today. Being creative can yield incredibly positive results especially with the energy of Sappho in the mix. Focus on what deeply inspires you or even areas you were always too shy to explore and you will find new worlds you always wanted to venture to.
Venus rx in Gemini squares Mars in Pisces ☾♎ Moon Squares Pluto rx and Jupiter rx in Capricorn ☾ VOC 11:39AM - 5:05PM ☾♏ Moon enters Scorpio ☾♏ Moon Opposite Sedna in Taurus ☾♏ Moon Squares Saturn rx in Aquarius
Energy: Today will feel INTENSE as we enter the moon's transit through Scorpio. It will be about self reflection and transformation and especially our roles we play in society and how we can reshape the future. An overall theme of the day will be Venus rx squaring Mars which will bring up intense themes of passion and frustrations. If you are in a healthy relationship, love can be expressed through sex or other physically passionate means. Other than romance on a macrocosmic scale this square can bring up feelings of our values and justice not being respected and that being met with anger and frustration. Today we may notice more hostility across the globe whether it be due to the pandemic or police violence, it can be an explosive day. Before the Moon enters Scorpio it will square Pluto rx and Jupiter rx in Capricorn allowing us a window of time where we will feel the push to dive within ourselves and examine our deep seated fears, subconscious drives and inner philosophies. This time of personal Justice will allow us to reflect on how we need to evolve and expand within before we can move forward. When the moon is in Scorpio it will be opposite Sedna in Taurus highlighting themes for humanity on how we may feel victimized by our current circumstances yet also how we can transform the darkness into possibility and progress for our future. Attention towards helping and healing the collective will be brought to the collective mood with this powerful TransNeptunian Object being highlighted by this opposition. Additionally the moon will square Saturn rx in Aquarius bringing up an urge to take responsibility in our community (or on a personal level this energy will make us feel obliged to get tasks we may have neglected done or else face some consequences). There will be tasks that need to be completed and the energy today will make us feel compelled to take responsibility and complete them.  
Recommendations: If you are feeling the frustrations and the need to do work, take time to write down everything you need to do or things you wish that could work out in your favor and write what you can do to achieve that. If some feel out of reach, mark them and visualize a way the universe can bring it your way. The full moon is in a few days so it will be good to vocalize what you want to manifest in this time period. Other recommendations would be blessings for the collective to find justice and heal. Shadow work would be beneficial today with the moon squaring Jupiter rx and Pluto rx.
Vesta enters Cancer ☾♏ Moon Opposite Eros, Uranus and Psyche in Taurus ☾♏ Moon Trines Mercury in Cancer, Ceres and Mars in Pisces
Energy: Today will feel like a start of change (hopefully positive revolution?) with areas focusing on the community, our homes (like where we feel safe and secure) and within our emotions. The moon will create some oppositions today with Eros, Uranus and Psyche in Taurus inspiring change and surprises. With Moon opposite Uranus our personal lives can undergo sudden changes and surprises which may make us feel out of control. On the collective scale we may see changes that may influence how society feels. However the way we react can dictate whether or not the outcome of change is positive or not. It's important to take note on this day to not do anything too impulsive or else it may make a jenga collapse after effect that we might have not been expecting. With the moon opposite Eros we may discover something enticing that can incite our passions and drive. This ignition can also bring up the impulse to try something new which could also add to the Moon opposite Uranus energy. With Moon opposite Psyche external influences may make us either feel inspired to re-align with our soul purpose or feel like hiding from adversity. We may be faced with a dilemma today that may make us question our life path but this encounter can help us level up if we choose not to back away. There will be some harmonious energy with the Moon in Scorpio trining Mercury in Cancer and trining Ceres and Mars in Pisces. Our heads, hearts and fists will be harmoniously aligned as we will have the drive to create positive change that can benefit ourselves to feel safe, nurtured and secured on a personal level and create revolution that can bring security, stability, compassion and justice on a community level. Lastly Vesta will enter Cancer giving us a sense of compassion in our work and giving a tireless dedication and service in the areas of our home, family and securing safety and stability for others we care about. Often this source of energy can entice us to take on other people's pain to ease their sufferings and over exert ourselves to ensure other's safety. It's important to note for this cycle to not put everything on your shoulders and to learn to take time for yourself.
Recommendations: Today may feel like the start of a new shift that can go either way, so positive blessings for the collective could help ensure it goes a good way. Also taking time to care for your community and check up on loved ones would be great for today. Starting off the day with tarot to see if any sudden changes or towers are coming up for you could help you understand the nature of the energy that could be coming your way. Moon trine Mars can help us take charge in any area we'd like to progress in. The moon trining Mercury will boost this energy as we will feel mentally aligned. Moon trining Ceres will make this a great day for self care especially if everything feels overwhelming. ________________________
☾♏ Moon Sextiles Pluto rx, Jupiter rx in Capricorn and Sappho in Virgo ☾ VOC 12:36PM - 6:16PM ☾♐ Moon enters Sagittarius ☾♐ Moon Sextiles Saturn rx in Aquarius
Energy: Today's energy will feel like positive change in the form of inner transformation and owning up to personal responsibilities. The moon still in Scorpio will make positive sextiles with Pluto rx and Jupiter rx in Capricorn which can help us evaluate which inner beliefs, deeply buried emotions and personal philosophies are good for us or no longer serve us and allow for positive self transformation on a deep level. With the moon sextiling Sappho we can have the opportunity to channel our genuine interests and beliefs and embody them. That window of time will create a subtle urge or portal where we can pull that energy into our lives to allow us to be our most authentic selves and choose the path that is the most genuine to our being. After the moon's void of course (a good time for reflection and straightening out your personal space both physically and metaphorically), the moon will enter optimistic Sagittarius entering it's full moon phase. Though it's not quite yet the full moon, the energy will start to feel very heightened here, Especially in expansive Sagittarius. The moon will sextile Saturn rx in Aquarius helping us to tackle any tasks, especially those neglected or procrastinated on with responsibility and patience. Also tasks to help us in the long term or help the collective may come to your attention today and you may have the energy to work on them.
Recommendations: With a lot of positive sextiles with the outer planets, doing some shadow work would be beneficial today. Meditating with some binural beats to help you with inner self reflection and transformation could help you work with this energy. If you feel lost with the Sappho energy coming to the mix, you could do tarot to help illuminate what interests you have that you should look into. Often Sappho may be hard to tap into if we may see our genuine interests as irresponsible, embarrassing or impractical and we write it off, but those what moves us is important. With the moon entering it's full moon phase it's good to get in order what you'd like to do for the next day and get your spells in order. The full moon will be an eclipse so it's not the best time for manifestations. Tonight would be along with the morning on June 6th. With the moon sextiling Saturn rx you should look at things you need to get done and find that you will have the energy to complete them!
Full Moon in Sagittarius, lunar eclipse Mercury in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus ☾♐ Moon Opposite Sun and Venus rx in Gemini ☾♐ Moon Squares Ceres and Mars in Pisces ☾♐ Moon Trines Chiron in Aries ☾♐ Moon Sextiles Juno in Libra
Energy: WOW so today's theme screams CHANGE, REVOLUTION, TIME FOR ENDINGS and it's all under the Full Moon Power of Sagittarius that wants hard truths and authenticity. Today's full moon will be a Lunar Eclipse! This will bring sudden endings and changes that will suddenly shift us into a new timeline. With Mercury sextiling Uranus there is a potential for exciting news, new stimulating connections, important information to help expand our vision (or help others expand their visions), sudden epiphanies or flashes of insight and greater perception. Future-oriented thinking and open-mindedness will lead to original and ingenious discoveries. With this energy for the collective along with the full moon in expansive Sagittarius created an eclipse you can see there is a powerful tidal wave of energy for change, revolution, the spread of insightful ideas and new collective ways of thinking. Also remember what I said last week with the first quarter moon building up so much energy? We may see the result of that energy today especially with the situation of the protests in the USA (and globally) or in terms of Covid-19. There may be new insight to help bring a positive resolution today or force change and a new direction for the collective. The moon's transits will also be in theme with this. The Full Moon will also be opposite Venus rx in Gemini highlighting justice and values that the collective shares and what needs to be reflected on and re-evaluated in it's retrograde energy. This energy will be amplified with the Moon squaring Ceres creating energy that makes us feel a lack of nurture or that our needs aren't being met. Additionally the moon will square Mars that will create a fiery tension for us to feel motivated to go out and accomplish making our needs met in anyway necessary. This fiery square during the eclipse can really set the tone of the next timeline we get shifted into depending on how we channel the energy. The Moon will trine Chiron in Aries giving us the opportunity to look at past traumas and pain and find solutions or heal. With the moon sextiling Juno in Libra we will feel motivated to act out on our values and where we need to devote our energy towards. With this sextile this could highlight the collective struggle within and ask us on an individual level where we stand on the fight of injustice. These transits on a personal level want to bring change revolving around our personal values and where our needs are being met. With the full moon in Sagittarius we are going to be asking ourselves if we are being true to our personal philosophies and how are these beliefs lining up with our values and how we relate to others and the collective? Often if things are not matching up to where you need them to be, the eclipse will cut them out of your life, forever.
Recommendations: Full Moon is great for manifestations, however with this being an eclipse you may want to focus that energy into cutting chords and banishing instead. (It's good to look at terrible politicians or police chiefs in your area that are blocking justice and maybe get them removed or exposed? lol). Meditation with binural beats can really help bring in epiphanies and new perspectives. Today will be a good day for re-evaluing your values, truths, philosophies and seeing what steps you need to take to live your most authentic and genuine life. You could do tarot for this, shadow work, and road opening spells (breaking through obstacles). ________________________
Sun in Gemini squares Mars in Pisces Uranus conjunct Eros in Taurus Mercury in Cancer trines Ceres in Pisces ☾♐ Moon Squares Neptune in Pisces ☾ VOC 5:10AM - 6:44PM ☾♑ Moon enters Capricorn
Energy: I don't know if all of you have seen Castle in the Sky by Hayao Miyazaki, but looking over these transits the first scene that came to mind was when Sheeta does the spell of destruction and we are graced with that like full minute long montage of the entire kingdom in the clouds collapsing into the ocean. That feels like the mood of today with the Sun in Gemini squaring Mars in Pisces after the full moon eclipse. The transits today will lead to tests of characters especially from competitors or enemies. On a personal level we may find that living authentically or to our values may be brought with opposition and on a community level we may find people in power being DICKS to progress. However today it's best to take a defensive position to guard our values and stick to our truths instead of looking for a fight. This transit can lead to a build up of anger, resentment, frustration and destruction. If you are personally feeling the stress good ways to release it (especially not blow up on another) is to go out for long walks, exercise, masturbate or channel it into a personal mini project. With Uranus conjunct Eros, the two energies will be combined where we may find desire and motivation to create change or cause a new shift in things. Eros joined with Uranus can also bring out new surprising desires, sexual interests and passions we would have never considered before. This energy could set the tone on a personal level for the new shift we may find ourselves in after the eclipse. Mercury will trine Ceres making it a good day to take care of our mental health and nurture others mentally. This week is going to be intense so it's a good time to reach out to loved ones and make time for yourself and make sure everyone is keeping mentally sane. The moon in Sagittarius will square Neptune in Pisces making us feel that we are stuck in a strange new dream world where things don't seem to resonate. We may feel more emotionally sensitive and vulnerable to deception. It would be a good day (along with Mercury trining Ceres) to escape healthily through sleeping in, story writing, watching films, paying attention to happy optimistic stories and entertainment since reality may feel a bit harsh or strange. Additionally this square will heighten our empathy for others and it will be good to help those you care about in need. After the void of course the moon will enter Capricorn bringing out our responsible and practical nature. After the chaos of the full moon eclipse it's time to get to business and harness the energy.
Recommendations: Focus on your mental health, channel anger into writing, exercise, masturbation (sex magic and charging items could be helpful today); with Eros conjunct Uranus creating new passions and desires and the Moon squaring Neptune you could selfishly dive into that new world if the current reality may seem too harsh. Doing some protective spells and setting up wards could be beneficial today with the Sun squaring Mars which can incite arguments and aggression from others.
Ceres in Pisces squares Venus rx in Gemini ☾♑ Moon Opposite Mercury in Cancer ☾♑ Moon Squares Juno in Libra and Chiron in Aries ☾♑ Moon Trines Uranus, Eros and Psyche in Taurus ☾♑ Moon Sextiles Ceres in Pisces
Energy: Today we may feel like our needs are not being met and our perspectives are not being considered. It can feel pretty sobering today and we may feel like we need a hug. The overarching theme will be Ceres in Pisces squaring Venus rx in Gemini making us feel this neglect towards our values and also lack of love or respect in some way. With the moon opposite Mercury in Cancer we may be faced with opposing ideas and view points that can feel frustrating to understand and work around. A good way to work with this energy is try to see from the opposing point of view and either find resolution or if they are completely wrong, undo their thought process and stand by your values. (This opposition makes good energy for debates!) However if you are feeling overwhelmed by all the energy, it's a good day to take some time for yourself with the Moon sextiling Ceres in Pisces. You will feel more inclined to nurture yourself or others you care about. Today will make a good self care day especially with the moon squaring Chiron in Aries which could trigger painful emotions and memories that you may feel inclined to act out on. There can be positivity coming from this with the moon trining Uranus and Psyche in Taurus which can help provide circumstances for positive change and inner transformation and connection to be made. The moon will trine Eros opening a harmonious window of time where we may gain an opportunity to pursue our passions. This energy could be channeled into harmonizing the Ceres and Venus rx square and doing what you could to make your needs feel met. However if you are met with a lot of opposition you can use that energy towards self care and rest instead. With the moon squaring Juno it may highlight the themes of where we devote our energy towards and may compel us to pour our energy in a more fulfilling direction. If you are feeling disatisfied with your current state (especially with whatever this square may bring up) The moon and Juno square can help you get the aggressive push to figure out where you need to re-apply your energy that is worth your time.
Recommendations: Tarot for sense of direction could be beneficial today as a lot of energy is shifting after the eclipse. Also since the energies have been intense, today would be beneficial for a self care day, especially with the moon squaring Chiron in Aries. Having a moment of reflection to re-evaluate your values and where you are dispensing your energy can be beneficial for today. Your ideas may not be heard as well with the moon opposing Mercury. Instead you may face a lot of arguments, but it's good to stick to your values and defend yourself in this time.
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cadomoisspokenfor · 3 years
Legion Rewatch Notes,
Chapter 5:
Everything You Wanna Be
Pre-amble: Farouk’s showing David how to use (and how he thinks he should be using) his powers. There’s a lot of self-absorbed moments from David, and as we know from future episodes Farouk desire is for David to have the same God complex he does. It’s likely he’s attempting to push him down that path all throughout the ep. It even culminates with him attacking Amy just like he did in s2. Only he doesn’t actually end up killing Amy here, though if I had to guess... he would’ve if the others weren’t on their way. Farouk sees killing Amy as “setting David free.” He’s trying to make David hate her (hence forcing Amy to reveal her secrets) so that he’ll start to see the world the way Farouk does. Hypocrites, liars, cheats. “The world will never respect us, therefore we deserve to be as selfish as we want.” Sound familiar? I think David’s actions are explained by Farouk trying to gradually instill these thoughts throughout the episode.
(Post ep addition, pretty sure I was right)
His actions here could be interpreted as more attempts to be helpful, just poorly approached. He tells Melanie he met her husband. His face looks smug, but he could also be smiling cause he thinks she’ll be happy about it. He does look confused when she walks away, as if he’s not sure what he said wrong. Alternatively, Farouk encouraged him to be callous, but after he said it his empathy kicked in and he wondered if maybe it was too mean.
David seems more at piece here than at any other point in the show, and this despite just getting Kerry shot by targeting the wrong person.
Syd seems very concerned about Kerry. The first thing she tells David is that they stopped the bleeding. David then cuts her off from going into what they discovered on their mission.
Small addition: what was Syd gonna tell David about the mission? What was she gonna say they may know now?
“I’m The Magic Man.” Very Shadow King of David to give himself a prestigious nickname.
Another moment of David trying to overcome Syds condition for his own desires. It’s still possible he thinks Syd wants this too. And if the latter’s the case, then it’s also another incident of David trying to be helpful and coming off as creepy unintentionally. From his perspective, he can finally give everyone what they want. What he thinks they want (And they’re all gonna owe him for it).
“It’s all an illusion. I see that now. Why’d I fight so hard?” “They’re signals, that’s all. Impulses sent from nerve endings. Electricity in the brain. Real, fake, it’s all the same.” ~Is that what one has to believe to properly understand the astral plane? Is there no way around solipsism for powerful psychics? Or is it just Farouk’s influence?
Syd is the first one to go in for the mouth to mouth kiss.
Cary seems to mistrust David a little bit this episode. Or at least be apprehensive about him. When Melanie says he could bring Oliver back he stays quiet and looks to Kerry. Melanie also looks to Kerry and seemingly understands his apprehension. Kerry getting shot happened specifically because David intervened. At least, that’s my interpretation of the subtle acting there.
Cary also told Melanie the episode before not to get her hopes up. That could also be what his look meant.
David’s stated multiple times he cares more about Amy than anything. Now he’s confident in his powers and Melanie’s STILL trying to keep him from going. That might be why the David side of this mind-meld goes along with the coming cruelty.
I think David’s definitely a little mad at Melanie for still telling him he can’t save his sister. I guess the connection is they both have someone they want saved, and if Melanie won’t let him save Amy, then he’s not exactly motivated to save Oliver.
Syd makes fun of Melanie's sadness about Oliver. “How long has he been in there? The astral- whatever 🤔🙄😴?” She was more empathetic when she wasn’t around David.
When Melanie says Oliver’s been lost for “21 years” Syd’s disposition changes. It looks like she maybe reconsiders her mean girls approach, a pang of guilt probably.
David seems to also be making fun of her a bit. I guess thinking about it, Lenny does always tell David not to trust them. The whole of Summerland I mean. Maybe David’s taking her advice on them since she did help get him out the astral plane. Or maybe Lenny’s just exerting more control in those moments.
Everyone in the room picked up on Davids hostile stance. I think... perhaps David’s reviling in the sense of power he feels right now. He no longer feels the need to listen to anyone but himself. With his powers, he can do whatever he wants. This is all by design, Farouk wants him to experience this specific feeling. It all go towards his goal of turning David into someone like him. A power broker with a God complex.
Despite Kerry being the protector in their relationship, Cary always end up taking on her wounds anyways.
The first “Who teaches us to be normal when we’re one of a kind.” Followed by “Promise me if you get lost, we get lost together.”
She says the latter fresh off of hearing Melanie's story about Oliver, who got lost and left Melanie alone. She also says it off the heels of discovering Davids past and his previous violent incidents. All throughout her journey last episode Ptonomy was trying to convince her that David was mentally unwell. Therefore “lost” in this since could mean both literally lost as in lost in the astral plane, and metaphorically lost as in losing your mind. And in combination with “who teaches us to be normal”, Syd’s essentially saying, “I’m no stranger to regretful past incidents. Just take me with you if the cookies start to crumble.” David would not end up taking her with him. Not that she wanted to go by that point anyways.
Additional note: This is the first recounting of Syd’s big mistake. Though, based on her tone, it seems like she knows what she did? Later in the series she’ll justify it more and twist it to place herself in more of a victim role. But here... the story is framed like an admittance.
David doesn’t want to leave without the others, Lenny convinces him otherwise.
It’s unclear when Lenny full takes over David. David’s had maniacal moments before that point, but not that bad. And the personality he shows in the D3 raid seems closer to his personality when talking to Amy in their old house later. That is to say... not his personality. He’s fully taken over by Farouk in the house, and scared out of his mind. Though... it’s still possible he just doesn’t want Amy to be hurt. Even before he and Farouk started merging, David was no stranger to remorseless killing. In ep 1 a D3 guy grabs him by the neck, the camera pans, a loud SNAP is heard, and suddenly David’s further down the path. No D3 guy in sight. And as pointed out in my notes for previous episodes, he does compulsively keep secrets even before s2. All-in-all, it being ambiguous is definitely the point.
David intentionally left earlier than he said he would. Summerland was clearly preparing for the raid, but Lenny convinced him to leave them behind. Everyone’s trying to help David, but Lenny keeps isolating him, and encouraging him to be cruel. And because of the situation with Amy, he’s more inclined to listen to Lenny than anyone at Summerland.
BIG NOTICE: Ptonomy says, “You don’t think I have a sister. Or a girlfriend. Or a mom?” Because of the next episode, we know he lost his mom when he was little. If he’s stretching the truth about her, maybe he’s stretching the truth about the girlfriend and the sister. He might just be frustrated with all the trouble around David and is putting forth any and all arguments to try and get the others to see reason, whether or not it’s relevant to his actual life. Like Devils advocate.
Ptonomy gets real harsh this scene. “This war is bigger than some guy named David and his sister” is probably relevant for future episodes. But making fun of Melanie's Oliver grief? It’s starting to feel like everyone’s doing it at this point. And she’s very offended by it.
Syd very sweetly says, “He found a way for us to be together. A place.” It meant a lot to her. Remembering the white room puts Syd in a certain mood, as discussed below.
Syd’s been acting like this all episode, or post-white room at least. She’s “love drunk.” “All animals need physical contact to feel love.” While that’s not exactly accurate, Syd’s first experience with non-power-activating touch is very impactful. But even despite this she’s not completely impenetrable. After the couch scene earlier, the affects started to wear off. She seemed worried looking at David as he flanked Melanie like a predator. And she pulled back on her cruelty after hearing how long Oliver had been lost. But this scene is after she’s had another hit. And similarly to the couch scene, she pulls back after hearing Melanie’s concern. This pattern will continue in later seasons of the show.
ALSO ALSO, as noted in the previous episode, David’s life falling apart pre-clockworks was in part because of bad influence from his friend “Benny.” And now in the present he’s making tons of dangerous decisions again because of the bad influence of his friend “Lenny.” In both cases Davids actions will be considered his own, regardless of who influenced him. I’ll just leave it at that.
Syd can’t think of a retort to Melanie’s statement. David’s acting completely differently than the David she knew before. She doesn’t know what to think of him right now.
Everyone’s been doubting David’s capability all episode, but now for the first time they see the absolute power he wields. And it’s horrifying. It wasn’t just doable for David, it was easy. It was too easy. It’s starting to become clear why Ptonomy asked David, “What are you?”
Everyone they meet in D3 is a potential enemy, even prisoners like Kissinger. This mindset makes them seem very unheroic.
The first attack we see David do in the security footage is that bright light pulse attack. It doesn’t turn them to shadows, but it definitely instakills them.
If Farouk wasn’t fully in control... why would he show up on the infrared? He normally hides himself inside David’s head, no?
Cary hears scary Farouk generated noises even when David’s not physically around. It seems like Farouk’s hauntings naturally infect people, like a virus.
I think Cary may have left the room when Farouk started fully messing with David. That’s probably why he hadn’t seen this footage before.
David leveled their entire forces in ways never before seen, all to get Amy back. “This war is bigger than some guy named David and his sister.” Evidently not. David is the most powerful being on Earth. And because of that, he’s the most important too. Or at least... that’s what the show repeatedly implies.
David is once again implied to be inhuman (not the actual marvel classification, just... un-human). In this case we could attribute it to them seeing The Devil With Yellow Eyes come towards them on infrared. But it will still be reapplied to David later on.
Through the discovery of Farouk, David’s previous actions are all forgiven. This mutant parasite has been the one rewriting his memories and influencing his actions for as long as David’s been alive. Ptonomy has a look of understanding, as do Melanie, Syd, and Rudy. It all clicks now, every little action. So now all they have to do is get Farouk out of his head, and everything will be hunky dory. I’m trying to say, the goal is clear for the first time.
A very disturbing scene. David’s lost control completely, and all his nightmares are guarding the exits to his mind. The situation may be clear, but that doesn’t mean this will be easy, or harbor no long lasting affects.
Amy fully admits she knew and was too scared to say anything. Knowing that Farouk later kills her for Davids sake makes this all the more dreadful.
When “David” says “You know something about me,” Amy shakes her head at first.
Farouk scares Amy into spilling the truth. “My whole life is a lie. I just need to know... who am I?” After Amy says it, “You were adopted,” Farouk allows the real David to come forward again. He wants him to feel this for himself. The feeling of betrayal, never being told his real origins. An outsider in every way imaginable. His ideas about himself all have different context now. His fondest memories throughout the series were with his parents and sister as a little kid. And now he’s not biologically related to them. He understands what Farouk meant now. His “whole life is a lie.” Amy knew this and kept it from him for decades. His adoptive parents never told him. Everyone’s in on it except him.
Syd is thinking of the white room on her way to see David.
“I don’t have an illness!” Farouk is succeeding in his goal of making David rethink his relationship with Amy. Perhaps in the moment... he no longer feels much compassion for his sister. She didn’t just hide the adoption after all, she also contributed to the societal gaslighting around his powers. I’m starting to see why she’s portrayed the way she is in the next episode...
“He’s not crazy, this is much, much worse.” What once were thought of as delusions are now being validated as completely real. David is no doubt traumatized, but he doesn’t have paranoid schizophrenia (according to the show at the moment). What he does have is a mutant-ghost that needs busting.
With David’s relationship with Amy permanently changed, Farouk moves on to messing with his Summerland friends. The goal, again, is to isolate David and convince him of his philosophy. “We are Gods. Gods make rules, they don’t follow them.”
Syd sheds a tear out of fear after being jump-scared by The Angriest Boy. She’s scared as all get out, but keeps moving forward for David’s sake. Syd is once again willing to risk everything for David. Or... is she just risking it for the idea of him? What’s the difference?
Walters abilities are still unclear to me.
Cary almost played charades with Melanie to tell her about the crown (or halo in this iteration?)
Kerry can either summon or just store weapons inside of Cary.
David’s very upset that he can’t stop Lenny. And he still thinks Lenny is a part of himself. We know better. But it does seem clear hear that David didn’t want any of the things that happened that day to happen. I think I feel comfortable clearing him on all charges for the D3 raid. For now...
David’s the one that first puts him and Syd in the astral plane. Farouk just seizes the opportunity takes control of the simulation. No doubt to multiple ends.
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baddyzarc · 4 years
5/7 Ruins: Legend of the Cursed Royal Palace
1 2 3 4a 4b x 6 7  
we like Vector. we’re not going to try to convince anyone that hes, like, a good person. Because he isn’t. But we do think he is a good character. Also we got the blog deleted while prepping this section so vector is cursed and we hate him
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Vector is a spectacle. But he’s is a bit of an awkward character, at least for an Emperor. Unlike the rest of the Barian Emperors, who are morally gray at worst, Vector is pure evil for the sake of it. And generally, villains who are evil for no reason are considered weaker among the cast of villains. Yet he shines through in how yikes he is, and he does have one valid(ish) reason for his appalling behavior. 
Vector’s story is one of the most fun out of the Emperors due to how unhinged he is. He is the only Emperor with a near-complete tale. But his story also mixes deeply into Nasch and Merag’s Legend, which creates some problems in how to organize this thing.  
To begin, let’s go to his ruins. 
Vector’s ruins are located in a dilapidated castle on his island.
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Personally, I have nothing to say about this location since this post already did an in-depth analysis on it. 
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The advanced machinery and layout is interesting. It reminds of the Winchester Mystery House, but that's about it. 
Vector’s story is divided into two categories. First is the story of the Legend of the Cursed Palace. This consists of only the text provided within the palace. The second is all the additional information we obtain through Vector’s memories, Nasch’s memories, and Abyss’ intervention. Because of this, Vector’s past is the most vast out of all the Emperors. But is is also the most confusing due to conflicting information.
The Legend of the Cursed Royal Palace is told to us by Rio, and it is rather simple. 
Long ago, there lived a cruel prince in a palace. The prince was so cruel that everyone died. The end. Vector was a childish king who lacked faith in humanity. He executed anyone he doubted by beheading them as he watched. According to the legend, when he was “the last one standing” he took his own life by stabbing himself with his sword. 
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That’s all the information from the ruins. This legend gets complicated with the rest of the story, so I’m gonna recount it as briefly as possible without any additional analysis. 
Starting all the way at the beginning, Vector was born as this little uggo peanut right here, and he was the herald of peace.
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He came from two persons that are complete opposites of each other. One is a kindly mother who desires peace and the other is a ruthless warlord who wants war.
While sleeping in his crib, the Mythyrian Card “Number 65: Split-Decision Djinn - Judge Buster” fell onto him from the sky. Vector absorbed the Number into his body.
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Years later, Vector’s father fell ill. Vector took over the kingdom, and he promised his mother and his citizens that he will bring peace to their kingdom. He did this by signing a peace treaty with the nations his father was warring against. 
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Angered by this, his father pulled out his sword and attempted to kill Vector with it. His mother shielded Vector with her body to protect him, resulting in her death. His father then collapsed from his illness and died on the spot. 
Vector mourned for a brief moment before Don Thousand approached him. Don Thousand embedded the Over-Hundred Monster “Number 104: Masquerade Magician - Shining” in him to make him believe he killed his parents, thus saying the lovely line “You shall not be the prince of tragedy, but a prince of madness” and Vector followed suit, becoming cruel and sadistic. 
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An unspecified amount of time passed before Vector ran into Nasch, Merag, and Durbe. 
Vector attacked Nasch’s kingdom with his fleet of ships and “Gorgonic Guardians”, which are Medusa-like monsters. Nasch counterattacks by using mirrors on them. As he was close to losing the battle, Vector performed a blood sacrifice to summon a god, which also happened to be Nasch’s Mythyrian Number “Number 73: Abyss Splash, the Roaring Waterfall Deity”. In order to purify Abyss, Merag sacrificed herself to summon another god, which is her Mythyrian Number “Number 94: Crystal Zero, the Princess of Polar Ice”.
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Nasch gained control of both gods and used them to force Vector to retreat. Vector ran as Nasch and Durbe pursued him, destroying villages and kingdoms as he did so. 
Eventually, Vector was cornered in a Labyrinth, where he tricked Nasch into sending his army to their death via a Shadow Game. Regardless, Nasch defeated Vector again.
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Vector fled back to his kingdom this time. In a fit of rage, he murdered everyone in his kingdom. Nasch followed him to the palace and found Vector surrounded by the dead bodies of his people.
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They had a final showdown; Vector lost once more. Upon losing and in Nasch’s words, “... those you murdered... dragged you into Hell”. 
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And that’s Vector’s story. 
Now, the only thing that is up for debate is how Vector died. The Legend of the Cursed Royal Palace stated that he committed suicide while Nasch’s recount said that the souls of his victims killed him. This may be a plot hole, but in the prior episode, both sides of this story were mentioned. Vector had a nightmare where he was being chased by the restless souls and Astral mentioned that the mad prince took his own life. Vector originally denies Nasch’s recount of his death at first, but quickly the souls manifest (because they were dueling on the field where Vector held his executions) to prove that this scenario did happen. This means that the writers are semi-aware of the situation, but they don’t state which is the true fate. 
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Since it is unknown who scribed the legend onto the ruins, Nasch and Vector’s shared memories + the final scene in the Vector vs. Nasch Duel outweighs what is written in the palace. 
If anything, it’s possible that the tormented souls drove Vector to the tipping point of his madness, resulting in Vector taking his own life to escape them. Although, that is just my interpretation.  
But from here, we can finally discuss Vector because he is just full of it. 
Firstly, I want to talk about genetics. Specifically these lines right here. 
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I find this extremely fun because there are two things at play here. First is that Zexal specifically states that his cruelty derives from his father—on the other hand, his kindness should derive from his mother—and second is that Don Thousand is able to kick this into overdrive. I doubt that the writers were thinking about any of this when they made this story, but this is a fun observation that I noticed (but if they were, kudos to them).  
Forcing some real-life concepts onto yugioh again, let’s talk about heritability. Heritability measures the variation between a trait of a parent (such as hair length, body size, temperament, ect.) and the traits of an offspring within a population of individuals. High heritability means that the phenotypes (physical characteristics) of the parents correlates to the phenotypes of the offspring, and vice-versa with low heritability. In humans, personality is a heritable trait, and in our species, one of the most heritable personalities is neuroticism. High neuroticism attributes to emotional instability and plays into emotions such as jealousy, loneliness, anxiety, anger, ect. 
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There are four other major personalities, but for this, I’ll focus on neuroticism. Honestly, you could put any trait here since any of them loosely applies to this concept.
Okay. So does this mean that Vector was doomed to a life like his father. His genetics oughta leaned him that way. But NO, no because humans are far more complicated than that, and genetics is not the only thing that affects a person's behavior. But it does influence it some, and this is the basis of it’s influence.
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What this says is that within a population, (genetics + environmental influence) = variation of a trait. Some phenotypes are heavily controlled by genetics while others are not. A simple example is if you have tall parents produce an offspring who have the genes for being tall (assume that it is moderately controlled by the environment). If the offspring grew up in a poor environment (less food or something) it will be short relative to the rest of the “tall” population. But if the offspring grew up in a good environment (more food), then it will be tall relative to the rest of the population. 
For the five different personalities in humans, each of them varies in how much it is influenced by genetics and how much of it is influenced by the environment (this is stingy since studying the effects of environmental influences on humans is very difficult and hard to replicate). But neuroticism is one that may have significant interactions between genetics and the environment. 
But enough science, let’s go back to Vector. Vector is really fun because his situation allows him to exist on all of the spectrums. He went from incredibly kind-hearted and peaceful to just not. This is possibly due to his inherited neuroticism and the environment he was exposed to.
It is likely that the “current” Vector’s neuroticism is rather high. Scoring high in neuroticism means that an individual tends to have low emotional stability, which attributes to frequent mood swings, high irritability, insecurity, and emotional volatility. This trait is more complex than that, but that’s the general gist of it. Most of this could be seen when it comes to how he treats others and how others treat him. 
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With Vector, he hates it when other people mock him or control him. This is why he despises Nasch for being better than him and why he betrays Don Thousand for toying with him. He is someone who needs to be in full control of the situation; this could be because of his insecurity (like, he got really pissed when Merag gained the upper hand and began to insult him during their duel). Vector is also described as being incredibly untrusting of other individuals, hence why he kills anyone he doubts. These traits are similar to that of his volatile father, whom he also shares a similar vocabulary with when describing people they hate, or anyone against war.
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On the other hand, scoring low in neuroticism means that an individual can handle stress very well. Often, they are calm and composed. This could only be seen in Vector prior to Don Thousand’s interference; i.e. when he was handling the kingdom after his father got ill. He also maintained his calm composure while his father scolded him and pulled a sword to kill him. 
His mother was kind and his father was not; Vector likely inherited some mix of neuroticism from them. Kindness and evilness was always inside Vector. And this allows him to exist as the kind “Rei Shingetsu” and the cruel “Vector” depending on the environment he was exposed to. 
So what were the different environments? I think it was the Mythyrian and Over-Hundred Numbers. 
Genetics played a role in shaping the core of Vector (“the same cruel blood as the king is running through you” and all) but it was the environmental influences added onto his core. Here’s a simple graphic. 
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Vector is a baby who inherited his father and mother’s neuroticism (perhaps he has an intermediate; I do not know the mode of inheritance of this). The Mythyrian Number card pushed him hard into the low neuroticism section. The Over-Hundred Number pushed him into the high neuroticism section, and this was where he stayed until his death by Don Thousand. 
What I’m getting is that the “gentle prince” persona is not the actual Vector, but a Vector under the influence of a Number Monster (albeit a kind one). You could say the same with the “Prince of Madness” Vector, that he is also a false Vector influenced by an evil Number Monster, but there’s some glaring evidence that this evil Vector is closer to the actual Vector than the kind one. I’ll get to this later when I talk about his Guardian.
It’s highly possible that a “Vector” untouched by the Numbers would have existed somewhere in the middle since his mother and father would be the environmental influences in that case (or maybe they would’ve pushed him to one side too). The closest we get may be the one at the very end of the show, where Vector is “not evil” but still a trickster, mischievous type of guy. 
Overall, Vector is a character who had great potential for kindness, as stated by Don Thousand, but he also had the greatest potential for darkness as well. Don Thousand took advantage of this and gave Vector the environmental influence he needed to become the cruel, lovable character we know today. 
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I just think it’s neat that Vector has a plausible reason why he went from baby to killer. 
Alrighty. So about those dang Number cards. 
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Both of these cards and their respective Chaos upgrades represent the two sides of Vector. “Number 65: Split-Decision Djinn - Judge Buster” to “Chaos Number 65: Split-Decision Demon King - Judge Devil” and “Number 104: Masquerade Magician - Shining” to “Chaos Number 104: Masquerade Magician - Umbral”. There is one specific play with these two that makes me enjoy Vector so much.
But before I get to that, I need to talk about the influence of each monster on Vector and his Guardian.
As stated previously, these monsters altered Vector’s personality. “Masquerade Magician” is the more obvious of the monsters. It’s a masquerade; it hides under a mask and fools people. That’s just a normal Vector. A neat factoid is that the “Shining” to “Umbral” at the end of “Masquerade Magician” is related to the reveal of Shingetsu to Vector. Shining obviously means light (hence the light-attribute) while umbral means shadow (hence the dark-attribute). Number 104 and its Number c104 were first played when Vector revealed himself to Yuma during the Sargasso Arc. Light to Shadow, Shingetsu to Vector. 
“Judge Buster” is more difficult due to its relationship as a Mythyrian Number. It is a monster who altered Vector to be as good as he can be. It is supposed to be a fair and truthful judge, the polar opposite of “Masquerade Magician”.
But this is where things get very complicated. Despite being Vector’s “good” card, it is no different than the Over-Hundred that infected him. From the perspective of his father: 
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Vector is a “cursed” child because he lacked any of the ruthless characteristics of his father. The way the Numbers “65” flashed on the screen is also similar to when other characters use or get possessed by a Number Monster. Vector was cursed, or possessed, to be a kind and gentle prince. In this case, despite being a very positive force on Vector’s life, the curse of a Number is still a curse. Eventually Vector loses his initial curse to inherit Don Thousand’s curse.
But the story of “Judge Buster” doesn’t end there. It continues into the story of Vector’s Guardian and it’s ascent into a Chaos Monster.
The Guardian of the Cursed Royal Palace is a very interesting one. Vector is unique because his Guardian is completely unrelated to his Mythyrian Number, unlike Jinlon and Abyss for example. Vector’s Guardian does not speak and can only be described as a feral, bloodthirsty beast.
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This guy is based off of another card called “Minotaurus” or (“Battle Ox” in the TCG). Despite not being related to the Mythyrian Number like the other Guardians, Minotaurus is completely related to Vector’s story. It’s flavor states “A cattle monster with tremendous power. It mows down anything with a single axe swing.” 
Now, there are several things to note here. An obvious one is that the Guardian is a Minotaur. In real life, the Minotaur derives from Greek Mythology. It is a beast that commonly resides in Labyrinths waiting for sacrificial maidens. With this detail, there is a direct connection to Vector’s story in two ways. 
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First is that Vector describes his palace as a “Labyrinth of Screams” and second is that he lured Nasch into a Labyrinth to kill him. Two very prominent settings in the Vector’s story. 
Minotaurus is a deliberate choice made by the writers to tie this theme together, but this is just a neat easter egg. It is the actions of Minotaurus is what counts. 
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The other thing is that Minotaurus’ weapon of choice, its axe, is located on the execution slab where Vector beheads his enemies.
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Finally, and the one that I think is the most interesting and peculiar, is that the axe has Vector’s Mythyrian Number embedded in it. 
This is highly significant because if we look at all the other low-grade Emperors, their Mythyrian Numbers were abandoned when Don Thousand infected them (and they died shortly afterwards while Vector lived a part of his life with his Over-Hundred inside of him). In the end, most of the Mythyrian Numbers we see are held on a pedestal, or given some type of reverence in the afterlife. 
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Vector’s card has an axe going through it, like he was trying to get rid of it. 
There’s a lot of assumptions to be made here with the most basic argument being that this detail bears no significance to Vector. BUT my theory is that the spirit of the card manifested to him at some point after he became a ruthless warrior. “Judge Buster” may have been trying to help him, or it was trying to convince him that the Over-Hundred infected his mind. Since Vector is a character filled with doubt and trust-issues, he likely ordered his executioner (Minotaurus or someone else) to behead “Judge Buster”. 
(Also, Vector said he noticed that Don Thousand altered his memories “a long time ago”? It was never stated how Vector found out. I think that he may have gotten this critical information when “Judge Buster” manifested in his past life. Perhaps it told him everything that happened. This means that Vector known the truth about his fate since his past life, and given his slick shrewdness and foresight, perhaps)
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So you know when I said that “evil” Vector is probably closer to the “true” Vector than the kind one? It’s due to his relationship with his Mythyrian Number. From this possible encounter in their past life, the end result is that Vector actively rejected the Mythyrian Number’s blessing to accept his cruel heritage, which is thoroughly reinforced in this scene. 
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In his duel against Nasch, Vector used “XYZ Discharge” to give Nasch all of his monsters to feint surrender after he found out about his true past. Vector immediately turned around and used “Trick Buster” to blow them up and kill Nasch while his guard was down. This move tells us everything we need to know about Vector. Vector knows of his two lives as a “good” and “terrible” person, and he chose to actively ignore them. The card “Trick Buster” could be seen as a combination of his two curses and what Vector got out of it. “Trick” comes from the trickster nature of “Masquerade Magician” and “Buster” comes from “Judge Buster”. Like with his past encounter with “Judge Buster” (which should’ve been able to repel the curse of the Over-Hundred) Vector rejected and executed his Mythyrian Number as he did with this new, possible redemption. 
He made that choice. He made both of these choices on his own free will. This is a major reason why Vector is described as “evil for evil’s sake”. When given a chance at redemption after he “found out” about his true past, instead of rejecting the life that Don Thousand gave him, Vector staight up said he doesnt give a fuck if he was supposed to be a good person. It’s kind of incredible and I think that’s just,,, wow i love him. 
And to add onto this fact, we need to talk about the Mythyrian Chaos Numbers, which is an oxymoron in the Zexal universe. “Judge Buster” and “Abyss Splash” (Vector and Nasch’s Mythyrians respectively) are the only Mythyrians who become Chaos monsters as well as being the only Emperors who use their own Mythyrian Numbers (Gilag doesn’t count due to raccoon-related shenanigans). This holds some discussion between these two, but I can’t really talk about it until I talk about Nasch.
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However, what I want to say is that Vector chooses to use his Mythyrian Number. Although he randomly summoned it with a card effect, Vector plays his Mythyrian Number. Likewise in my discussion with Alito’s ruins, the Mythyrian Numbers have a purifying effect on the Emperors. It reveals their true, unaltered personalities. By choosing to use a Mythyrian and subsequently revealing his true nature, the cruel person we see is just how Vector is. His usage of “Trick Buster” backs this up. I don’t think it's a coincidence that Vector and Nasch, arguably the strongest of the Emperors, are also the ones who accept their Mythyrian Numbers yet still end up in Barian World. They are also the only ones that were able to Chaosify their Mythyrians, with Nasch performing a proper Chaos summon while Vector pulled into “Chaos Number 65: Split-Decision Demon King - Judge Devil” by luck.
Because of his denial of the Mythyrian Number despite being aware of its existence, Vector is the only Emperor that isn’t described as heroic in his legend. By being an active participant in his descent into Barian World, Vector cannot have a heroic legend like the others. He is simply a vile person who likely deserved his spot in Barian World. 
Now that we got that down, why did Vector end up in Barian World despite being his “true personality”? A simple answer is that Barian World represents Hell, and Vector deserved to go there. However, it’s repeatedly stated in the show that Chaotic persons end up in Barian World, not bad persons. 
And Chaos is complex due to the range of characters it goes through.
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Like, this is a massive list of personalities, and they are all canon Chaos creatures. 
And if you haven't noticed, I haven’t discussed the Cursed Royal Palace’s duel yet. This is because it occurred between Black Mist and Astral, and it has little relevance to Vector himself. However, that battle ties into the complexities of Chaos that I will continue with Nasch and Merag’s Legend, as well as the rest of Vector’s story.  
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My pitch for an alternate version of the Star Wars sequel arc (Episodes 7-12):
(NOTE: Aside from some characters being reused, this is completely separate from the actual sequel trilogy) 
1) All six movies comprise of one arc but episodes 7-9 and 10-12 can be seen as their own trilogies. Think of this like a TV show season; the first half of the season is different from the second half. 
2) The initial main protagonists are Ben Solo and Rey Nebula, Luke Skywalker’s proteges and the top two students of the reformed Jedi Academy. However, there’s a change in protagonists after episode 9, which I’ll explain when I get there. The main protagonists from episodes 10-12 are Nico Palpatine (Emperor Palpatine’s granddaughter), Finn (a former stormtrooper), Poe Dameron (a Mandalorian bounty hunter), and Rose Tico (an inventor from Coruscant).
3) Episodes 7-9 focus on defeating the last of the Imperial forces (renamed “The First Order”) and Luke ordering the capture of Nico Palpatine, the last of Emperor Palpatine’s line. The trilogy is set up like a traditional Star Wars story; Empire and Sith are the villains while the Republic and the Jedi are the heroes. However, in episode 8, we start to see the cracks in the story. Nico, despite being a Palpatine, is revealed to be a scared, severely depressed young woman who is trying to escape her legacy. She’s not interested in the Sith or even avenging her grandfather, she just wants to live her life. In addition, it’s revealed that there’s unrest in the Republic with Leia’s government becoming more unpopular each day. The main concern is that, in their quest to stamp out all traces of the Galactic Empire, people are fearing that the New Republic is on the road to becoming a fascist dictatorship as well.
4) While all that is going on, Luke learns about this “Force boogeyman” who has resurfaced. This boogeyman, known as “The Equalist”, is a legendary figure who is feared by both the Jedi and the Sith. Apparently, they have survived for thousands of years (using the Force to extend their lifespan) and they have an intense hatred towards both orders of the Force. The Equalist is the main antagonist of the sequel series. 
5) The big reveal in Episode 9: Rey Nebula, who was presented as the main heroine of the sequel series, is revealed to be “The Equalist”. She entered Luke’s academy with the intention of infiltrating the Jedi Order and destroying it from within, as well as getting close to Luke. In addition, she’s the one who has been influencing the political unrest in the New Republic. The reason for her hatred of the Jedi and the Sith is that she was part of an ancient order of Force users that predated the Jedi and the Sith (think: Dai Bendu). Her order, instead of emphasizing the differences in the Light and Dark sides of the Force, preached a “Grey” interpretation that believed the Light and Dark sides worked in tandem. Rey reveals that her order was destroyed by both the early Jedi and Sith as they felt threatened by the “Grey” interpretation of the Force. 
6) Some dialogue I came up with for Rey/The Equalist: “When the universe was first formed...do you think the Creators had a set of morals in mind for the Force? The answer is no...we were the ones who gave meaning to the Force. The problem is...we couldn’t agree which interpretation was correct and, as a result, millions of people died. Over a difference of faith. How pitiful.” / “The Jedi preaches that the Dark Side is evil. The Sith preaches that the Light Side is evil. But yet, despite the differences in your religions...you both agreed that my people were a threat. We were a threat...for believing that the Force was neither good or evil. For our beliefs, you sentenced my people to death.” --> author’s note: If this sounds like Pain from Naruto or Zaheer from Legend of Korra, I admit that they were inspirations for the Equalist. 
7) Ben Solo goes from the main male protagonist to the secondary antagonist of the series. Although he starts out as an honorable Jedi, he becomes swayed by Rey’s mission to destroy the Jedi and the Sith once he learns their “hidden history” (namely, the destruction of Rey’s old order of Force users). He also becomes disillusioned by the New Republic when he learns about the war crimes and atrocities that the Rebels committed during the war with the Galactic Empire (history that was also buried by the New Republic). Ben feels betrayed as he was taught that the Jedi and Rebels were pure heroes, leading to him joining forces with Rey. So in this version, Ben’s turn to darkness comes from his inability to see the world through a grey perspective; he’s stuck in a black-and-white moral mentality that makes him unable to comprehend the nuances of war and politics, which then leads to him helping Rey in her dangerous revolution. 
8) Nico Palpatine goes from a supporting protagonist to the main protagonist of the series. Although she’s treated with much hostility from Luke Skywalker in the beginning, Luke slowly warms up to her when he realizes she’s nothing like her grandfather. Also, when we get to know more about Nico, we learn that she has a strange connection to the Force. She’s as powerful as Emperor Palpatine but she doesn’t feel a strong connection to either the Light or Dark sides since she was never formally trained. As a result, she’s developed a sort of “Grey” relationship to the Force, just like Rey. However, Nico’s pure heart clashes with Rey’s thirst for vengeance, which leads to them becoming archenemies. 
---------------------------> side note: my fancast for Nico is Jessica Henwick (Colleen Wing from Iron Fist) 
9) Finn, Poe, and Rose are all elevated to co-protagonists in episodes 10-12. They start out as supporting allies in episodes 7-9 but are elevated in importance when they befriend Nico and form her inner circle. So if Nico is the Luke of the sequel series, Poe and Rose share the Han Solo role while Finn fills in the Leia Organa role. In this alternate version, Rose is an inventor who sells state-of-the-art weapons to the New Republic, Finn is a former stormtrooper who has enlisted in the New Republic’s army, and Poe is a Mandalorian bounty hunter who specializes in hunting down Sith lords. 
10) Just as a side note, I pictured Finn being more important than Poe and Rose since he also has a subplot where he learns that he’s Force-sensitive.
11) Episodes 10-12 focus on Nico, Finn, Poe, and Rose trying to stop Rey, Ben, and their faction from destroying the Jedi, the Sith and the New Republic. We learn that Rey’s grand plan is to cause as much unrest in the New Republic as possible, causing the Republic to fall into a civil war. Combined with the ongoing war against the First Order, this would eventually lead to the Republic collapsing into complete anarchy. So as a stark contrast to the original and prequel trilogies, our main villain isn’t a fascist dictator but a vengeance-fueled anarchist who wants to destroy all traces of the Jedi and the Sith. 
12) Fates of the OG trio: Han Solo is killed in episode 8 during a battle with the First Order. His death sends Ben Solo into full despair, which Rey takes advantage of. Leia Skywalker is killed in episode 10 by Ben. Leia tries to convince him that Rey is the real threat and, in response, Ben stabs her through the chest (so she gets Han’s death from TFA). Luke Skywalker heroically sacrifices himself in episode 12. He destroys a Death Star-type weapon that Rey had taken control of while still inside. 
13) There’s a major time jump between episodes 9 and 10 because Luke Skywalker has taken on Nico Palpatine as his protege  Episode 10 takes place six years after episode 9 in order to explain how Nico is suddenly a capable Jedi, as well as how Rey and Ben were able to raise an army while hiding in the shadows. 
14) The ending scene of episode 11 is Luke Skywalker naming Nico Palpatine as the next Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. When Nico protests, saying that she should be disqualified due to her lineage, Luke reminds her that his father was Darth Vader. He says something along the lines of, “You may be a Palpatine by blood...but you’ve proven more than once that you are your own person.” He also says that the Jedi could benefit from Nico’s “Grey” view of the Force since she could teach about the Dark Side without falling into it and becoming a Sith.
15) Showdown in episode 12 is split between Nico’s confrontation with Rey and Ben, as well as the New Republic engaging the Equalist Army. Both conflicts are resolved in a way to symbolize that the galaxy is willing to make an effort for peace. First, the New Republic is assisted by the factions that were threatening to break away, signifying that Rey’s plan for complete anarchy has failed and that the New Republic is whole again. Second, after Rey is fatally wounded by Nico, both women decide to sit together in peace and discuss their place in the universe. Before she dies, Rey says that Nico has a chance to be better than her predecessors and to not repeat the mistakes of the past Jedi. 
16) Ben survives but is imprisoned for life due to his actions in episodes 10-12. 
17) Ending of the series: Nico takes her place as the new Jedi Grandmaster, Finn joins the Jedi Academy, Poe is made a leading general in the New Republic (the first Mandalorian to take on the position), and Rose becomes a Senator. 
Some more thematic stuff I forgot to add:
* Aside from being “Grey Force” users, I wanted Rey and Nico to parallel each other in the sense that they both are the result of a hateful environment. Rey’s people were senselessly destroyed since their beliefs were feared while Nico’s very existence made her a target of the galaxy’s hatred. 
* In the original trilogy, the main sin was pride. In the prequel trilogy, the main sin was envy. For this sequel series, the main sin is wrath (Luke hating Nico’s existence before getting to know her, Rey’s hatred fueling her anarchist campaign and Ben’s anger after learning the hidden history of the Jedi and the Republic)
* The first half is set up as a traditional Star Wars story in order to set up the contrast of the second half. We go from having a Skywalker as the main protagonist to a Palpatine as the lead, the main villain isn’t a Sith but someone who challenges the beliefs of both the Jedi and the Sith, and the conflict isn’t about toppling an empire but making sure the current regime survives the unrest. 
* EDIT: Another thing I forgot to add. The conflict between Rey’s Grey Order, Jedi, and Sith was inspired by real-life religion. Rey’s order is a Pagan religion while the Jedi and Sith can be seen as parallels to Catholicism or Christianity (both orders believe in the Dark-Light belief of the Force, but differ on which side to follow). The destruction of Rey’s order is a parallel to the Inquisitions. 
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