#it doesn't really translate well to other languages either
dunium · 3 days
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With my recent discovery of this concept sketch of Ky from the 10th Memorial Book, as well as discussion about it, I actually wanted to talk about some of the misconceptions had with Ky's eye and its relation to his Gear Cells.
Long story short, we know very little about it.
The first time we hear about any issues regarding his eye is in Sol's Overture Material Collection short story. The eye patch is mentioned once, but never directly explained. It's also stated to be on the opposite eye in this image and that his Dragon Install is on. There's a claim that Ky's short story mentions a training accident that explains the eye patch, but it doesn't. The eye patch is only mentioned in Sol's, with no explanation. (Thank you @solradguy for these translations!) The other main theory is what I kindly dub the "Eye Swap Theory." Basically, people believe Ky has one of Sin's eyes. This one is a bit weird in all honestly. The main reason people believe it is because of a line added in the English GG World text for Dragon Install
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The Japanese text says pretty much the same as the first paragraph of the English text. A very very rough translation through DeepL:
"A technique in which Sol removes the Gear Cell Suppressor and activates the Gear's original power. It can produce extremely powerful power, but Sol hates using it in the dark because it makes his emotional suppression ineffective. Also, each time Sol uses this technique, the growth of the ‘seed’ that lies dormant inside him accelerates, and changes appear in his appearance and abilities."
Regardless, it does not have that second line about Sin or Ky that the English text has. I have no good explanation to why it was added only in the English localization. It is not present in the Korean text either. I haven't check other languages. In my personal opinion, it’s hard to say that this factually the cause due to it only appearing in some translations. The only actual reasoning we are given for Ky's Gear Cells is a vague answer from Daisuke in a Famitsu Q&A where he is specifically asked about Ky's Dragon Install, and specifically asked if Sin was involved. Daisuke responded: " この場でお話することはできないのですが……。ディズィーとカイの関係が影響しているのは間違いありません。これ以上はご勘弁を(笑)。"
Basically, he says he can't talk about it here, but "The relationship between Dizzy and Ky is definitely an influence." In conclusion...we really don't know much about Ky's Gear Cells or his Dragon install haha... We know he wore an eye patch prior to Overture. We know he exhibits a red eye, regenerative abilities, and inhuman strength by Xrd. We know by strive he has a partial Dragon Install and claims to have the "Blood of Juno." No exact reasoning for any of these is fully given and information is confusing. Honestly, it seems like many plans were changed, or rewritten, but its hard to say. The 10th Memorial book does not mention it to my knowledge. It's fun to speculate though!
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venomroses · 2 years
everyone give me your hcs for sign language in the city vs lobby vs zones
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pomefioredove · 1 month
Hey Dove~
I was reading through the different headcannons and the mute reader really caught my attention. Could you possibly do the Vice Wardens (including Ruggie cuz he's basically second in command anyway) with Yuu that has a speech impediment? Basically they stutter/stumble on words, get them mixed up, pronounces them wrong, and maybe forgets certain words. And obviously with new arcana and magical words (and the weird ahh names some of these characters have) they can get pretty frusterated or embarressed.
You always have such good headcannons!! Feel free to throw in any other characters that you like to the mix as well!!
OH this hits close to home too. I stutter and mispronounce things when I do speak, so I'm using that for reference
twst x mute reader
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ reader with a speech impediment
summary: as described type of post: headcanons characters: trey, ruggie, jade, jamil, rook, lilia additional info: romantic or platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu
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see, I don't think Trey would say anything about it
he's not one to criticize strangeness
that would be rude, first of all
second of all, there's no such thing as "normal" at NRC
(even so, some people may point it out, but he's not one of them)
he doesn't have any trouble understanding you, either
he grew up with younger siblings who pronounced owl as "awa" and kitty as "shishi" until they were six
he's certainly patient
and he knows how to use context
honestly? Ruggie didn't even... notice?
for a while, he just thought you talked fast
he knows how it goes; you get excited or nervous or whatever, and you end up stumbling all over yourself
no biggie
then one day you come up to him all sad and teary, apologizing for a speech impediment he didn't even know you had, and he's like...
...oh! no!
of course he's not annoyed!
Ruggie's an adaptive guy, after all. when he wants something, he'll bend backwards for it
you think a little stuttering is gonna stop him from being friends with you?
much like Trey, Jade doesn't say anything
he just watches you talk
and smiles
like this -> :)
it's not that he's particularly concerned about being rude, he's just...
humans are such fascinating creatures, he thinks
he learns all of your quirks just by listening to you
which words you have trouble with, which ones you mix up and forget, which consonants you stumble over...
he teaches himself your language
and he becomes a sort of translator for you
any time someone is rude to you, he'll come out of nowhere and tell them everything you said in the exact order you said it
weird, but nice
to put it plainly, Jamil has bigger problems
whether or not he can understand you doesn't really matter to him
it's not his job to worry over you
then, you come to him asking for help, and...
...well, he's flattered
he can't deny he likes that you come to him for guidance before anyone else
because of this, (and because he had to learn how to control his own tongue when he was little), he takes pity on you
whether your goal is to work on your speech, or to simply feel less anxiety about it, he's there
is it cliche to say that Rook already knows exactly what you're thinking?
perhaps, but it's true
he's mastered the art of observation
he can read your thoughts in your expression, your body language, even the slightest twitch in your lips gives you away
he just knows
you don't have to be a good speaker, or a speaker at all, to communicate with Rook
(and he can do all the talking for you if you'd like, he'd probably enjoy that)
and, of course, he is of the opinion that there is beauty in everything
you don't need to be perfectly clear and concise for him to like you
now, I can't guarantee that Lilia won't tease a little
only in good fun, of course
and only if you respond in kind
but he does find it rather cute when you mispronounce something, or mix up your words
he won't correct you or interrupt you, either
he'll step in to help if you're really struggling, of course, but he thinks of you as capable
he does remind you to take breathers when you're getting too anxious about it, though
he cares <3
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thatdeadaquarius · 8 months
What if....
Blunt reader became a harbinger
I have NO idea how that would go but im here for the crack lol
(and to use this gif more importantly they're all so hot here lol)
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Sun: Reader (you/they/them), Blunt Language AU :D
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, crack treated srsly (yes im using ao3 tags atp)
Stars: Harbingers!
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: none known & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
SO thought I’d update anyone missing out bc of the new year but-
I made this silly thing called Blunt Language AU, that was my 1st post for this blog/fandom actually! :D
I’ll link it here, but TLDR: it’s just our modern speech sounding “ancient” to the Teyvatians, who speak really flowery/fluffy/lots of context in comparison!
That’s all you rlly need to know to read this I think, so enjoy! :)
u fall into Genshin Impact, and Snezhnaya is where you land first type of energy lol
weird golden star falling from the sky? that sounds like a prophecy the Tsaritsa knows abt alright
so they sent Childe, one of the friendliest (if not The Friendliest) Harbinger, to see if it was a valid claim you’d finally descended,
and ofc as soon as the redhead heard you try and talk to him, he knew the claims by the small village nearby (who had taken u in from the cold weather/taken care of you) were legit
pantalone did manage to squeeze some examples of what you’d possibly sound like into his head before he left so while Childe personally has a tough time talking to you, it doesn't mean he’s not willing to try!! >:)
he mostly just kept asking questions forever until he understood what you meant, and as soon he got u were asking abt the Tsaritsa, the other Harbingers, himself, even how to get Sneznayan-made clothes lol
he was like: 👀👀👀???!!!!
it wasn't so much recruitment at first as it was “omg the exalted one wishes to learn abt us, the Tsaritsa and her Harbingers? abt me?? well would your highness like to come to our palace perchance???!!!!”
= have u ever been seduced and worshipped by a god and her country?? would you like to- ??? ← Childe actually
and with that convinces you to come straight to the Harbingers/Tsaritsa’s very home
No, you’re not just spoiled.
No, you’re not just pampered.
You are cosseted and coveted.
The Tsaritsa makes her first in person appearance to the people in decades to personally announce your return, and to get a festival going to literally parade you into the capital lol
And tbh it was kind of shocking how quickly the people of Snezhnaya are able to whip out the party supplies, within days of traveling via horses/sleds/carriage/trains all kinds of transportation, u arrived at the capital in full swing of a parade for you
The Tsaritsa herself in what looks like a genshin-ified kokoshnik, the elaborate headress draped with a veil so thin it looks like frost covering her face,
flocked on either side by her harbingers in full (kinda goth) ceremonial outfits waiting on your arrival too
needless to say you are properly smitten intimidated
and you stay nervous around them for the first few days or so,
that is before you run into the weekly, what you would call “family dinner nights”, but they call “dinner reports”…
in which Childe, the only one you’d been comfortable enough around to be a bit more genuine to, and surprisingly the only one to quickly adapt to your speech after traveling with you for days, would translate for you what tf you were saying to them vs. what everyone at the table was saying to you/around you
you would also like to propose other titles for these weekly dinner meetings you’re invited to, aka “family feud dinner night/family fight night/harbinger on harbinger hate night/fruit on fruit crimes, if you will” 💀
the Tsaritsa is just peacefully talking to you abt any and everything, bc ofc Pierro’s on her right, and ur on her left
(she and Pierro are surprisingly soft spoken, very polite, and able to say something interesting/take an interest in whatever subject you all end up on)
u don't think you've ever been more comfortable and on such equal footing around ppl sm older than you (what are older ppl to you, but to them ur literally fucking eldritch with how ancient u are, and u can tell with how they treat u like it lmao)
hard cut back to the rest of the table:
an argument that just gets louder and louder has broken out between Childe, Dottore, La Signora, and Pantalone abt who should get free time with you first/get to do smth with you first as you get over ur adjustment period here, Childe has taken his butter knife to throw and just barely missed Dottore’s eye, and it is now embedded in the back of his fancy chair (the servants placing down dinner courses just move abt w/the most bored expressions on their faces)
(u send half the table if this group gets out of hand and u just: “Please shut the fuck up, each of ur comebacks take 30 minutes and it’s killing me” 💀 bc they're the most likely to understand u too, even Pierro/Capitano/Pulcinella chuckle a little, and u think the Tsaritsa smirked under her veil)
ur honestly too scared to see what Scarmouche, Sandrone, and Arlecchino are arguing about, because they're arguing so silently further down the table. They have murder in their eyes.
Columbina and Capitano are having a peaceful collab over weapons, armor, and clothing to offer you, Pulcinella is close enough to both participate in that convo and in you, Pierro, and the Tsaritsa’s convos too
by the 2nd week you've decided to choose chaos, and get them to play board games together sometimes (they cant all make it all the time, tbh u don't know if u can handle that either) but groups of them will play at a time
u remembered early on what a dick Dottore was, and sentenced asked if he’d like to play this new board game called “Monopoly” from ur world with Childe, Pantalone, Pierro, Arlecchino, La Signora, and Scaramouche all together :)
(so what ur trying to bring khaenri’ah part 2 down on his head as punishment?? u owe scara and collei that at least)
Columbina is more than happy to help get you Harbinger-like clothes to wear since ur so interested in the style!! (yes yesss get converted, she already has a title picked out for you)
she also giggles anytime u talk abt whether u like an outfit or not, bc u just “no thank you I’d rather wear a trash bag than that shirt, but lets try another?”
meanwhile the tailors in the background u could literally edit them to one of those videos where it just zooms in on their faces with a vine boom of shock
like Pierro, ur unranked, just above the other Harbingers really, as it wouldn't do to make you the 12th Harbinger or smth
the names they gave you being, “The Playwright” or “The Renaissance” or even “Drammaturgo”
(pls anyone who speaks Italian correct if I'm wrong ToT )
ok but the first time, unsurprisingly, one of them got snappy with you, likely Scara I would think,
Scaramouche, pissy: “And what shall we do if it appears our almighty god is perhaps a descender who is entirely human? Why I dare say you’d be transgressing on privileges that were never yours to begin with!”
Every other Harbinger, the Tsaritsa herself, the servants, the frost on the walls: 😶😦😨😶‍🌫️
You, unbothered, still eating and fully expecting this moment: “I don't want to hear it from someone who has god-mommy issues. You shouldn’t have an opinion about me, ur biased.”
yeah, so obviously, they’re emotionally all attached now whether they know it or not, and this was of course the moment they realized they're god would fit in so perfectly here
(the other nations are going to have to pry you from Snezhnaya from their cold dead hands, esp since u now have legal deniability to visit bc ur technically a Harbinger, only commanded by her majesty lol)
(Scaramouche, Arlecchino, and Sandrone were fighting about who gets the room nearest to your quarters lol)
(Capitano won, somehow??)
sorry ive been slow lately guys, been just trying to work on alllll the fics these past weeks/days/however long its been??
anyway had the shift from hell last week so wish me luck with work this week if u see this 😭
hope u enjoyed this old ask/crack treated srsly post orah!! :D
Safe Travels,
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juniperskye · 9 months
I Never Do This.
Based on the following ask: Aaron wakes up naked in an equally naked stranger's bed after a drunken one-night stand (possibly leading to more?) but he's so embarrassed (and hungover) because he never does stuff like that. Reader makes him breakfast and coffee and tries to reassure him that it's okay, it's normal, etc. And that for a guy who was blackout drunk and doesn't even remember, he still performed very well in bed! @nyxwolph thank you for requesting this!
Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
Word count: 2909
Not edited - please be kind.
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, language, explicit description of sexual activity, mentions of alcohol, intoxication, mention of the BAU team and a case (no details), mention of divorce (celebrating a divorce), let me know if I missed anything!
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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Aaron’s head was pounding, he couldn’t help but wonder what the hell had happened last night. He rolled over in bed, stretching his arm out, to be met with the warmth of someone’s body. Aaron’s arm retreated back to his side and his eyes shot open, a new pain rushing to his head from the harsh morning sun. He found his gaze dragging down the expanse of this stranger’s body, she was laying face down, her hair sprawled across her pillow.
Aaron couldn’t help the heat that came to his face as he noticed your lack of clothing. He glanced down at himself and felt embarrassed at the fact that he too was stark naked. He tried his hardest to recall the details of last night, he didn’t do one-night stands. Hell, he didn’t do anything without careful deliberation.
He remembers going to the bar with the team after the case they’d just closed, they had all definitely deserved to let loose. He remembers the first glass of whiskey, and then Morgan bringing a round of tequila shots over, then the second round of shots from Garcia, then the next whiskey Dave brought to him and God, how many drinks had he consumed last night.
His thoughts were interrupted as you started to stir, rolling over to face him, your eyes still closed. The heat returned to his face as the sheet slipped, exposing your breasts as you turned.
“Mmm, good morning Aaron.” You mumbled.
Aaron couldn’t help but smile at your adorable morning voice, laced with sleep.
“Good morning...” He replied, mentally chastising himself for not knowing your name.
You could sense the awkward pause at the end of his greeting, like he wanted to say more, but didn’t or couldn’t. Your mind drifted to last night, he was drunk, truthfully you too had been pretty drunk…having gone out with your friends to celebrate the finalization of your friend’s divorce (her ex was a real piece of work, and it was truly a blessing). You had probably indulged in one too many green tea shots but this handsome gentleman in your bed had been a welcome souvenir of last night’s festivities. Ahh, that must be the reason for his pause… he probably didn’t remember your name.
You finally opened your eyes and scanned his face; he was absolutely gorgeous. You couldn’t help but admire his features as you reintroduced yourself to him. A small smile graced his lips as he heard your name.
“I’m sorry.” He let out a breath.
“No worries! You up for some breakfast? Oh, and there’s aspirin on the side table” You offered.
“Oh, um thanks, and yeah maybe. I just, I think it’s worth mentioning, I never do this sort of thing.” Aaron sat up and rubbed the back of his neck as a blush creeped its way onto his cheeks.
“That’s okay! I don’t really either. Pancakes?” You moved to get out of bed, grabbing a t-shirt and slipping it over your head.
“No, I mean it. I don’t think I have ever had a one-night stand.” Aaron reiterated, visibly cringing at how crass it sounded.
His comment probably should have offended you, implying that perhaps this was a common occurrence for you. But you couldn’t help but sympathize with the man in front of you. Not only was he clearly embarrassed about the fact that he’d engaged in casual sex, but also that he seemingly put his foot in his mouth.
“Aaron, it’s okay, seriously.” You moved to sit at the foot of the bed, reaching gently for his hand. “First of all, you have just as much right as anyone else to let loose and go home with a stranger. Secondly there is no need to worry, this is a judgement free zone we are both consenting adults. And third, despite being three sheets to the wind, the sex was amazing.” You smiled softly.
Aaron let out a breath he had no idea he was holding. “Thank you. Truly.” Aaron said, his gaze shifting to your hand clasped in his own.
“So, how about that breakfast?”
“That would be great.” Aaron moved to get up, looking for his boxers.
You reached to grab them off the floor, handing them to him before making your way to the kitchen, wanting to give him that bit of privacy.
“Alright I have everything to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon! Does that sound okay?” You looked back to the bedroom.
��That sounds amazing.” Aaron came to sit at one of the bar stools resting at the kitchen island.
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Aaron watched as you flitted around the kitchen, grabbing all the necessary ingredients to make the breakfast you’ve promised. Reaching for various pans and mixing bowls. He glanced around your apartment, taking in the space. It was pretty eclectic, you had books, trinkets, jewelry, and clothes strewn about, not in a messy way, but in a way that everything had a place. You had clearly worked hard to make this home and he had to admit, it was really cozy.
As his gaze shifted back to you, he noticed you struggling to reach the box of pancake mix on the top shelf. He stood and made his way to you, his front pressing against your back as he reached for it. A soft gasp escaped you as he brought the box down in front of you.
“Thank you.” You whispered.
“Yeah.” Aaron nodded in return. “How can I help?”
“Oh um, do you want to cook the eggs?” You turned to meet his gaze.
The two of you were in sync, working around one another while preparing breakfast. You had been making casual chit chat with one another and it had felt so natural to be here with him, no awkwardness in this moment. The two of you plated everything up and moved to your small dining table.
“You know, I didn’t mean anything by my comment earlier. About one-night stands. There’s nothing wrong with them, it’s just I don’t typically participate in them. I just, I don’t want you to think I was judging you because truly I wasn’t.” Aaron rambled.
“Aaron, it’s okay! Honest. I don’t typically go home with strangers either. Last night I was out with friends, I saw you and then they all suggested I take a chance and approach you. And well, here we are.” You let out a quiet laugh.
“I’m glad I’m here.” Aaron smiled. “I appreciate that you’ve been so understanding and patient with me this morning.”
Aaron and you ate while exchanging information about yourselves. He was an incredible listener and you felt so comfortable talking with him. You had to remind yourself that this might not go any further than today, so you needed to enjoy it while it lasted.
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You had decided that Aaron’s laugh was your new favorite sound, and it pains you to know that sound are the first memories to fade, because his laugh was sweet like honey, and you so wished to savor it. You’d have to settle for the wrinkles on the outer edges of his eyes as they squeezed shut, how his head would fall back just a bit, and how the corners of his lips would tilt up ever so slightly as his laugh rang out – that would be enough to remember how wonderful he is.
Aaron’s stomach dropped thinking that perhaps his time with you was nearing its end. Your face had grown quite serious, and he wondered if you were ready for him to leave you in peace. He had been having so much fun, more than he’d care to admit. He figured he could buy himself a little more time if he offered to help with the dishes…then he would leave. He’d have to hold on to the warmth and comfort your presence brought to him, savor it for as long as he could.
“Let me help you clean up!” Aaron said standing and taking your plates over to the sink.
“Oh, thank you! You don’t have to do that, but I appreciate it.” You smile at him.
“It’s the least I can do.” He returned your smile.
The two of you had silently agreed; Aaron would wash, and you would dry. This went on in silence for a few minutes, your fingers brushing every time Aaron passed you something…each one sending a shock throughout your nervous system.
Aaron moved to pass you a handful of silverware, his hand enveloping yours as he hands them over. You allow your gaze to meet his and felt all resolve slip away.
“Fuck it.” You said dropping the silverware in the sink, crashing your lips to his in a passionate kiss.
Aaron’s hands wrapped around your middle as he met your pace, you were relieved by his physical response to you. One of his hands was wrapped securely around your middle and the other found its way up to the back of your head, tangling itself in your hair. He gave a gentle tug, causing you to gasp, allowing his tongue access to your mouth.
The kiss continued on for a few moments before you pulled back for air. Aaron let his hands slide down your body stopping only to give your ass a gentle squeeze before landing on the backs of your thighs, he gives you a knowing look before lifting you. You wrap your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, allowing your hands to explore the hair at the nape of his neck and your lips to travel the expanse of his jaw.
He brings you back to your room, gently setting you on the bed before pulling your shirt over your head. You move to lay back, completely bare before him. He allows himself to admire your form.
“You’re perfect.” It comes out as a whisper, like a secret meant only for you.
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He slides his boxers down his legs and makes his way up the mattress to you, scattering sweet kisses across your skin along the way. You reach for his face, bringing him up to meet your lips once more, losing yourself in him. His hands are caressing your breasts, cheeks, hips, thighs…they’re everywhere all at once, his touch leaving your breathless. Aaron begins to trail his kisses downward your jaw, your neck, your collarbones, breasts, stomach, hips, moving in to where you wanted him most.
His lips ghosted over your clit pressing so lightly. It sent a shock through your system, your body arching into his. He slid his arms under and around your thighs, holding them in place as he dove in, licking a stripe over your glistening slit before finding purchase on your clit he switched between licking and sucking, causing you to whimper in pleasure.  Aaron releases one of your legs, bringing his fingers to your entrance, carefully slipping two in, curling them upwards at just the right moment.
You couldn’t help but cry out his name, if he was good last night, then he was a professional today – you were sure that you’d never experience anything this good ever again (not if it wasn’t with him). Aaron picked up his speed at your cry, which he’s decided is the most beautiful sound he has ever heard. You can feel your orgasm fast approaching, so much so that you don’t even have time to warn Aaron. Though he’s not exactly surprised when your release gushes over his fingers, having felt your walls tighten around his fingers, legs shaking, fingers tugging his hair and your back arching up off the bed.
He removes his fingers from your wet heat with care and licks one last stripe over your slit before coming face to face with you. You’re a mess, skin glistening with sweat, hair simultaneously stuck to your forehead and in tangles at your neck from you writhing. Aaron sweeps the hair off of your forehead and behind your ear, he captures your lips in a sweet kiss. You utilize this moment to guide him by his shoulders to lay on his back.
You wedge yourself between his legs as you let your tongue drag over his tip, catching the bead of precum that’s gathered there. Aaron hisses at the brief pleasure – sensitive and so ready for you. You wrap your lips around the head of his cock, the corners of your mouth stretching to accommodate his size. You lower your head down until your nose bushes the patch of hair at the base, holding still there momentarily. You let your hand softly grip his balls, sure to tend to them as you find a rhythm, moving your head up and down Aaron’s thick cock.
He was struggling to compose himself; grunts, groans, hisses, whispers of your name all escaping his lips as you took him down your throat. He needed you to pull away soon, or this would all end way before he wanted it to. With that being said, he tapped your shoulder gently to get your attention and motioned for you to come closer to him. He sat up to lean against your headboard and you found your way into his lap.
“As amazing as that was, I would really like to make up for last night.” Aaron said before leaning in to kiss you again.
“Aaron last night was amazing! But I’m not going to say no to you fucking me…” You said, blush creeping up your neck.
“Is that so?” He challenged.
“Yes.” You replied, lifting yourself to align his cock with your entrance before slowly sinking down.
The stretch was delicious as he was fully sated inside you. You started to move your hips as Aaron’s hands met your hips, helping to catch on to the rhythm. This position was so intimate, your chests pressed to one another, wrapped in each other’s arms, eyes holding contact, connected as one, moving in sync.
Last night had been sloppy. Getting tangled in clothing, drunken giggles, quick, messy, sex. This though, this couldn’t have been further from that. Slow, methodical movements, with a veil of vulnerability as you observed one another’s every expression, keen on making this last…making this a wonderful memory to be held onto for always.
It had started to become overwhelming to you, all of your senses were being consumed by Aaron and with such intense pleasure filling your soul, you couldn’t help the tears that slipped from your eyes. Seeing a flash of panic in Aaron’s face had you leaning in to steal a kiss, expressing to him that you were okay, hell, more than okay.
Your rhythm began to faulter as the two of you neared climax. Aaron could tell you needed a little push before you could meet him in extasy, so he slid his hand between you, letting his fingers brush over your sensitive bud. It was all you had needed before the wave crashed over you and of course the grip you’d had on Aaron allowed for his own release, filling you with his warmth.
You sat there for a moment before Aaron shifted the two of you further down the bed, so you were laid on top of him, still filled with Aaron’s cock. Neither of you moved, save for Aaron’s hand that was tracing patterns on your skin, for what felt like an eternity.
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“We should get cleaned up.” He whispered, his lips pressing to your hairline.
“Do we have to?” You asked, fully knowing the answer.
You were careful in removing yourself from Aaron’s embrace, not wanting to hurt him or make even more of a mess in your bed. You motioned for him to follow you into the bathroom, and you started up the shower.
“We can rinse off, get dressed, then I can walk you out…” You suggested trying to hide your disappointment.
“Okay.” Aaron agreed.
The shower hadn’t been sexual, just the two of you washing one another’s body and letting the hot water soothe your muscles. Once you were clean, Aaron exited the shower to grab your towel, quickly wrapping it around you as you stepped out. Aaron used the other hanging towel to dry himself off quickly, both of you heading back to the bedroom.
You each dressed yourselves, not daring to make eye contact, both afraid to say goodbye. Neither wanting this to end, this little bubble you’ve found yourselves in far too warm and cozy to pop…not yet. Not ever. You didn’t want this to be all the time you had with Aaron. You couldn’t let the opportunity to see him again pass you by…take the leap.
“Aaron, would you um, maybe want to do this again?” You asked, hopeful.
“Like I said before, I never do this kind of thing.” He shook his head.
You felt totally embarrassed, having must’ve misread the whole interaction. But there is no way, right? After all that, he’s going to pretend like there’s no spark at all. You could feel the heat taking over your face, anger and mortification alike taking hold of your body. But then he continued…
“One-night stands aren’t exactly my thing. I’m more of a formal date kind of guy so, could we exchange phone numbers, and then perhaps I can take you to dinner some time?”
Relief flooded your entire being so quickly, the tension falling from your shoulders. The heat slowly fading away from your face.
“I would really love that.”
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caineinthecorner · 6 months
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Language (The Demon Brothers)
★ Based on my language general hcs. Part 2 is here.
Hi. Today we have the demon brothers language hcs, brought to you by a single dumbass bilingual. :D
I include mentions of bilingual/multilingual MC, but I use the term MC and you interchangeably in the bullet points. It's the same thing who cares (you can also add whatever languages you think fit I am just going off vibes tbh)
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★ Lucifer.
Since he was the strongest and highest ranked out of the brothers, his innate abilities were muddled the least.
This is to say that he remembers a lot from his innate knowledge as an angel, and can actually fare incredibly well on his own if you leave him in the human realm.
(the language he preferred back in his angel days was Archaic Latin, which is also Simeon's preferred language)
When Diavolo brought up the idea of the human exchange program he was like "(: ok" and binged human language for like two months straight like a total psychopath
He's like one of those fancy 10+ languages fluent polyglots (how)
Despite his fluency, it is rare to ever see him speak them. He has better things to do and prefers demon tongue.
Or if he does, the Loquar Ad Vos that was applied to you once you arrived in Devildom doesn't allow you to hear it.
You try to swear in your native language around him and oh boy it backfires
That is how you learn he's fluent in everything under the sun (exaggeration)
Frustrated, you grumble that you will learn demon tongue just to one up him
He takes it like a challenge. Enjoy reading a million books on the demonic language and having double the homework for your little joke.
(he gives you hard material to learn on purpose to see you fail. Enjoy hell buckoo. Double hell? Hell²)
You kept misspelling good morning in demon tongue as a demonic death threat and that somehow turned into an inside joke between the two of you.
He has to keep himself from chuckling whenever MC screws up words
Your accent is lovely though. Keep it up
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★ Mammon.
Spanish and English.
Ok I actually can't justify myself further than "Mams would absolutely fucking go to Vegas" and the fact that USA has a large Latino population but hear me out
You cannot tell me that he would not watch telenovelas. Like. C'mon.
he has the vibes of a Spanish speaker is what I am saying
he was SO frustrated about having to learn human languages you have no idea
In fact he probably still struggles a bit and that makes him really mad
Why is it so complicated all of the sudden?! It wasn't complicated Before!
He unconsciously associates human languages with the trauma of the fall, and the stress and hurt and turbulent emotions it conveys
So learning new languages besides the two he knows is a touchy subject for him
(but like, he will learn MC's native language despite this. Whining to hell about it, but he will. Everything for MC)
You are actually very lucky that you have Loquar Ad Vos with you, bcs he actually switches from demon tongue to either English or Spanish mid sentence sometimes.
Not that you notice with your crusty translator (Loquar also works for human languages it supports), of course.
"Ayo can you [Spanish phrase], oh and give me a [English word], for a [spanglish nonsense]" <- Mammon's dumbass not functioning in trilingual
Also he has an accent but he's trying
The others are used to it so they don't question it anymore, but they deadass could not understand Mammon at some point because trilingual was not computing
It was frustrating to say the least
You two play charades with each other when the other forgets a word in your respective languages
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★ Leviathan.
Japanese (very decent) and English (bad) are musts.
You cannot tell me for a second this fuck watches anime subbed OR dubbed. He's too weeb for that. He will watch the original dub version for the full emotional impact
He wanted to know what happens in the weeb world of the west (and internet discourse), so he learned English through shitty 2000s anime forums and Duolingo
Probably plays Duolingo competitively and/or cries if he loses his streak
His hearing and speaking English is okay, his writing is literally so so shit
Tried to learn a romantic language to be corny but failed miserably.
(He steered clear of languages his brothers know so he isn't self conscious)
It was probably Portuguese or something since Mammon kept talking about being good at figuring it out as a Spanish speaker (due to it being a romantic language)
The diacritical marks killed him on the spot
Meu português não é bom... (crying)
Victim of the you're* corrections
Runs his several-paragraphs-long rants about weeb stuff through Satan so the grammar is legit
Actually thinking about it would be absolutely fucking hilarious if he knew russian just for funsies. Yeah add Russian to the list
He sends you crusty Russian memes at unholy hours in the morning. Calls that bonding
Would absolutely swear in loud ass Russian while playing Valorant or smt
Ah + he knows Morse code (obviously). He was really excited when he discovered it and proceeded to obsess over it for like three weeks straight.
Although by the time he learned about it humans had already moved on from its wide-spead use at sea (post-1999), the Devildom Navy adapted Morse code for their own use as per Levi's command.
He teaches MC how to use Morse code (bashfully) and they send lil' messages to each other for fun
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★ Satan.
He inherited a good chunk of Lucifer’s angel-knows-all-languages innate talents.
He doesn't have the angel knowledge of every language, of course, but he definitely has a really high count since birth; Unlike his brothers who had to relearn their languages of interest.
However, he can tell™ that the topic of languages is kinda taboo-y, as it signifies the traumatic fall he himself was not there to witness, and kept quiet about it.
The others (mostly) think he just learned languages in his free time.
He is the designated google translate person. When the other brothers need translations, they ask him.
He gets very frustrated when he has to translate something on the spot
Absolutely knows Chinese and Latin just to read fancy old human books and be a menace about it
He has a copy of the Art Of War in Chinese I will fight you on that
Actually he probably owns every important human book in its native language
Culprit of the you're* corrections
If he has to read another thesis-length essay abt weeb shit by leviathan he will actually lose his shit
You know the Voynich manuscript? He's probably trying to decode it for funsies.
If you and him (unfortunately) share a language, he will absolutely correct the living shit out of you when you speak it
Look me in the eyes and tell me he wouldn't "erm ACtuAllY" MC. You can't.
His ass does not understand slang. At all. You tell him See You Later Alligator and he'll be like "tf you smoking ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ?"
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★ Asmodeus.
French. And Korean. Maybe very mid English.
Ok so french is the language of lOVe and whatever + Korea is known for their heavy beauty-focused culture
I can see Asmo definitely picking up Korean just for makeup and self care brands purposes.
Like it is easier to browse for products he wants if he can actually browse the original places/websites himself
It's just more convenient and he's actually very good at language learning
+ Korean it is a "cutesy" language so it fits his vibe.
Like he absolutely would go "안녕 teehee (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)" to look disarming is what I am saying
He flirts to hell with Solomon in French. It is a language they both know and isn't supported by Loquar for translation so nobody can snoop their conversations
If you have the misfortune of knowing French I am so sorry for you bcs they are NASTY
Solomon is teaching him English. Asmo fakes being bad at it on purpose
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★ Beelzebub.
He knows a decent amount of English.
What does he use it for? Order food. Obviously.
In fact everyone kinda assumes he just knows a few food orders and that's it but no he's actually very decent at English (borderline fluent)
He learned through clunky conversation with small restaurant owners
Beel actually makes a great effort to enunciate every word clearly, so he doesn't like speaking long sentences
"Would you like Salsa with that, sweetheart?" "... Yes," <- Beel has no fucking clue wtf salsa is but it tastes good so who is he to defy food gods (a nice Mexican grandma with a killer Pozole) whom have blessed him
I also think he would probably know some kind of sign language
Fingerspelling maybe, solely because it allows him to talk while having his mouth full or bcs his games are loud and he can't hear words very well
That and, like, the Devildom equivalent of sign language. DSL or something.
Look at him. Absolute sweetheart. He would absolutely want to include deaf or hard of hearing ppl.
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★ Belphegor.
Ok so
I am going to be very fr with you
I believe Belphie would be the only monolingual (demon tongue "native") of the brothers
at most he would remember a few phrases of a few languages from back when he was an angel, but not any specifics
Like this dude has ZERO interest in human culture I cannot think he would sit down to (re)learn anything
he would fall asleep trying to learn human verbs actually
He only knows how to tell you to fuck off on 4 languages (/hj)
None which you speak. So that's kinda awkward
He doesn't know how to cast Loquar (nor has any interest in learning how)
Beel casts it for him if he needs it
He can and will deadass just remove the translator spell from you if you try to annoy/interact with him (except if Beel is who casts it on you).
(so Beel now also casts Loquar for you)
Begone >:(
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the-moon-files · 4 months
...now ur just sweet talking me 🥰 /lh
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Not years, well maybe 1 year-
but i have wanted to ramble desperately to smone, even the tumblr void if i had to, abt humans vs. hylians so much, esp with a guide reader or male reader bc whatdya know im into niche stuff that only u and like 2 other ppl like lmao ¯\(ツ)/¯
Anyway im so shocked, since ur like the third person to be interested in this and wanna hear abt it 🥺 🤲💌 here u go!! Hope u like it <333 👉👈
Sun: Masc!Reader (he/him)
Orbit: Humans are Not Hylians/Humans are Space Orcs AU, Headcanons-ish, long overall but each section is kinda short
Stars: Mostly worldbuilding! you've been warned, don't get mad me for not talking abt the boys too much✌️
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cursing, mentions of private area/joke in the clothing headcanons, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
just some quick headcanons bc tbh i haven't given it too much thought, and i feel like I've been able to somewhat get into it in other posts? or maybe im thinking of stuff i have in my drafts idk-
Imma make another list, so buckle up for the short ride lol
Courting periods/dating/marriage
individual/small groups society-based hylians v. large personal groups/large community society-based humans
simpler foods hylians v. complex food humans
clothing modesty/style/relationships with fashion
fighting styles/strategies
entertainment complexity/differences
and language
1st one, not much yet, im also making a separate post bc someone else asked me to talk abt that more 🥺
(tysm for all the enthusiastic asks guys <33)
anyway, basically hylian courting is a lot shorter, think “lesbians with the uhaul” type of energy, like sort of the classical medieval “does thee wish to pursue marriage with this one?” ← how hylians ask u out for the first time lmao
if it helps, they do tend to get to know one another well, talking about morals/kids/life goals/preferred lifestyle/house/etc. pretty clearly and quickly, then using the in between time to sort of stew on that information
id say the total time is sort of something like 6 months? maybe 3/4 if they're really compatible
(so bc i love interpreting video game logic for real world building, I actually blame this on how fast Zelda/link get together in games despite having sometimes never met before that moment lol)
like i said, ill be posting about this later
2nd one!!
pretty basic, just saying we don't really see hylians in big groups, despite the organizations they form, like kingdoms/knights or on a more personal level, towns/families/etc.
(once again, in-game appearances/video game logic translated to real life to draw these conclusions)
like not only are family units pretty small, like nuclear family setup, with like 2 parents and 2 kids, or single parent 1 kid type of situation, but the towns or collections of these families arent very big either
hylians kind of use their government the way it was intended lmao?
like the villages and towns matter more for everyday decisions than the kingdom/royalty, like Zelda would esstientally just be the mayor of Castle Town for those constant decisions,
while occasionally is called on to make decisions like for several towns or like is a natural disaster happens
meanwhile humans are, in comparison, in Way Bigger groups, both on an organization scale, and a personal scale
like u have all these specific branches of government, whereas im sure the population difference doesn't help,
and on a personal level, humans can easily have like multiple parents, lots of siblings, and once u combine that with each parent having family too, and those families like to meet up? All together??
yeah, itd look insane to any hylians (who’s smaller extended family may just make up their own village and that's it)
3. I've touched on this
like the use of spices, syrups, seasonings, etc
but also the complexity of dishes too, like chilling cream and mixing it for awhile to make ice cream, or even just getting ordering a pizza,
that's a lot of processing, like making the dough from flour and other ingredients, to letting it rise, to making the tomato paste, making cheese, then combining those things with any other toppings, all into one dish??
i like to think that hylians have only just started to touch on actual complicated cooking processes (as in BOTW, where they sell flour and salt, so people besides Link/Wild must know what to do with it)
this has the advantage of impressing any hylian with what a “creative genius” you are lol
4. look im just a fan of medieval time periods Links
so i think its funny if the hylians are used to like 4/3 layers and ur over here like, “wym, if i take off my shirt there's nothing underneath?”
one of them gets bold enough to ask, “d-do you not. do you not have undergarments??”
you “just my boxers? like just to cover my di-”
also this makes its easy to seduce people here? LMAO
clothes are def higher quality, after all there's not as many artificial processes or materials interfering,
plus u usually get some sick embroidery on it too!!
5. so like i get it, Link is the main fighter in games
but like, the few times there is a war/army in loz games, there's rlly not a lot of strategy, beyond just finding the enemy and fighting
tho im partial to that hylians/most inhabitants of Hyrule abide by the “lets meet up either literally by inviting each other or just between our territories to fight”
with occasional guerilla warfare (by any means necessary/stealth/ambush attacks/strategy) that's only rlly used either by Demise/Ganon, or by the wilder individuals/races in games
or maybe even the more civilized fighters in an emergency
and so that means by this logic that all of the Chain use kind of wild techniques compared to their race/kingdom lmao
id imagine its not too surprising to also see “every fight is a bar fight if its for my life” from individual travelers, so im sure they're not viewed too crazy (esp when ppl know their the hero that constantly has to deal with guerilla warfare from Ganon)
but its be hilarious to watch the reactions of both the Links realizing they’re in a bigger group that should be using “proper” fighting strategies and seeing the general publics reaction to this absolutely feral, armed to the teeth, trained hylians with their equally wild human lol
LMAO everyone thinks ur the reason they started using the more brutal fighting methods bc ur human, ur a bad influence lol
(humans would use it primarily, esp after we converted to use that method in warfare a couple hundred years ago i think?)
changing course a bit, hylians tend to use weapons (to compensate for difference in strength compared to humans, and since they don't experience/get a lesser version of adrenaline)
while humans tend to equally rely on weapons and our body as a weapon (marital arts/basic self-defense)
6. this is mostly bc the hylians only rlly seem to have the basics of music, books/stories, theater, and art
i have, surprise surprise, another post abt how i think this came to be,
mostly based on how human curiosity is indomitable and insatiable and the endless force that has not yet met its immovable object.
or at least an immovable object they haven't at least poked a little, out of curiosity lol
like we went to space for that reason, we reach the most dangerous corners of our planet (deep underwater/volcanoes) out of sheer curiousity/for the sake of simple knowledge of the thing
so needless to say, curiosity can absolutely drive any field to its limits, including the arts, which is why we can have stained glass, or movies/tv shows, hell, the marvel that is Hatsune Miku lmao
(fully for entertainment, a projection of light and sound, what is essentially magical illusions but u did it hte hard way, to the hylians)
on a different entertainment related note, i don't know if the hylians would be super into sports, or not really at all? mostly bc they have to use their fighting/training against real threats, not the sort of “fake” threats that sports are
but on the other hand i could see people like knights wanting to use their abilities for something other than violence and fighting bc their life or their villages lives depended on it
bet the Links would enjoy it for those reasons especially, what with at least sumo wrestling being a sport or activity for them at some point in history, and practically beg u for any new games to play, or to ref their games, bc whewwww
im sure they could get pretty competitive lol
7. obviously, their mostly influenced by the Japanese language
id almost like to imagine a sort of, if not outright Japanese (like with earlier heroes like Sky) then a sort of English-Japanese hybrid further along the line
sort of like how English has German/Greek/Latin roots and therefore u can see what words or structure comes from where, or even how u can understand a fair amount of basic words when other languages share the same roots (english, pants = spanish, pantalones)
would make for some funny miscommunications
or even better, most hylians liking ur unique accent or the Links love to hear u talk bc of it lol
well the fever has broken, i am now free of the sickness that made me hack this up geez
i hope u got some enjoyment out of these my beloved anon!! esp since u were so nice as to ask abt it <33
hope u guys have a great weekend, look out for some more posts, bc its been great to get some more asks in lately and very motivating,
not to mention i actually have time to write now that my siblings graduated/we’ve moved several states over 💀
so i have reliable internet now too! sheesh :’)
Peace out,
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leviismybby · 4 months
Reminder: next time you talk shit about someone online and what they write, remember that you can have the same mother language as other people.
This person went out of their way to be rude and insulting, so I'll be nice enough to translate for you all what they said since they want to be an asshole online.
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You know this is slowly getting sick to me HAHAHAHA 🤣🤣🤣 I mean now I will really write this in my mother language, if it interest you, you can translate it....because I honestly I have to write this
I have never seen these foolish things in my whole life hahaha Levi who would be a good fucker (good as in sex) in his universe and any other.
OH PLEASE....what even is in your heads? 🤣🤣🤣
He fucks you on his desk and even while pregnant.....HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA THUNDER SHOULD HIT YOU
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But Levi wouldn't be this way, it's not the truth and I don't know from where they get all these ridiculous things....but when you're horny it itches down there I understand....open up porn hub for yourself and go watch and fantasise there if you're already THAT horny for his cock...Because THIS is TOO much.
These types of women would give everything and a cent just for Levi to fuck them like whores, they act that way too.....HAHAHA I just can't. He would beat them up and then clean himself off them.
Poor Levi only serves as s fucker to them, not only would he run from them would also chase them with his swords and would complain even more because he is alive and would wonder what he did to deserve this.
But seriously why do hundreds of people get horny over stuff like this...those poeple are either spolied kids or thier brain is behind and it doesn't function properly and they don't have anything else to think about since their pussy is on fire....24/7...I am mean I know. 😚 (omg so quirky of you! :)))
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But seriously don't you think that Levi would answer to you this way? After he watched for 36 and more years all kinds of things and now he is only used as a tool for hard fucking....it would definitely be beautiful to him to see these kind of nice girls as his fans...😆
Oh no wait sorry, he would chase you off if you tried, chase you off with his cock from three meteres, that's right....because his only use is that...from humanity's strongest soldier to the strongest fucker in the universe HAHAHAHAHAH oh yeah...yeah....he would slap you with his dick across the forehead 💃 really I am not here from these carcinogenicas.....
I am driking my coffee and writing and writing this because my day started well, you don't know how well these things make me laugh 😂😂😂
I translated the best I could, it's even more hateful in my mother language and some things couldn't be literally translated. This shit is not cool and now I put your @ so people can block you. They took exprets from my work and some others poeple work, they could've simply blocked me and other smut wirters but they chose to be an asshole. Also please don't send hate, that's probably what they want, attention. Just block them. Have a nice day I odjebi.
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superums · 1 year
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monkey d. luffy's 5 love languages
gender neutral readers. fluff. improper grammar. no uses of (y/n) or (name). established relationship. strawhat-coded reader. i tried to lean into luffys childlike personality without infantilizing him... tell me how good i did that please. is meant for opla!luffy but it can go for anime!luffy as-well. spoiler free
color coded text: luffy
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physical touch: luffy is very touchy feely. he likes wrapping his entire body around you like a wet noodle just because he can and you're going to have to deal with that!! he loves giving you cheek kisses or small bites on your fingers, shoulders and chest but in a non-sexual way! he loves holding your hand and swinging it back and forth. he thinks is super fun and he'll do it really hard sometimes and make his arm loose shape and flail around in the wind.
acts of service: you could ask him to get a star out of the sky he'd do it!!! he'd do little things like get things off of shelves, grab something from your room or giving you a piggyback across an island but he'd literally do anything you ask him to without a second thought..well maybe be sides share his food, he'd have to think about it foe a second and then give you a piece. but fr he's big on helping you though, he likes doing things for you. and if you ever asked him why he dose he wanna help he'd be like 'because you need help' which translates to 'because i like being with you'.
quality time: you two spend alot of time together not only because you live on a boat together (with the crew ofc) but he also seeks you out when he's bored. downtime on the ship is v common because it can take weeks to get from point A to point B and thats where you come in. sometimes he takes you to the figure head and makes you tell him stories or talk about your thoughts. other times you just sit on the deck and sunbathe while he holds your hand it all depends really.
giving/receiving gifts: it doesn't take alot to impress him he's like a baby—easy to please! you could give him a fish & he'd wiggle it around before yelling at asking sanji to cook it for him. his gifts however are usually one of two things either— 1) it takes trials and tribulations to get or 2) it comes of as simple to someone from the outside looking in but it means alot to him no in between! like lets you say you want a apple he'd somehow fight a congregation of alligators to bring back 1 apple then he'd ask for a bite. ORRRRR he gifts you something like a drawing of you that looks rushed and childish with gears around it but it took him an hour—you watched him as he would go back and forth between looking at you foe a minute and scribbling and erasing on his paper. some might make fun of him for that but you of all people know that it means a lot to him that you have!
words of affirmation: he talks about you like you hung the moon and stars you could be a marine, a civilian, someone on his crew it doesn't matter. he'd tell everyone how he feels about you regardless if you're there or not. he never misses a moment to talk about you highly though his vocabulary is a little limited so he doesn't say things like "you're extravagant" or "i admire you." when he compliments you he says things like "you're so fun." and "i like you so much." again his words are surface level to those who don't know him but he really does think highly of you even if his words don't exactly reflect it but actions are louder than words anyway.
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tobytost · 1 year
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meet Aspera! my togruta OC
I've had him for some time now and he's pretty much a work in progress right now but here is some info about this little guy:
his name comes from latin saying "per aspera ad astram) which translates to "through great struggle to success" or something like that
i like how it translates to my native language better: "through the thorns to the stars"
so their name basically means "a great struggle"
lost one of his lekku in an incident involving his lightsaber
bites his other lek when nervous, that's why it's bandaged up
his saber is poorly constructed and barely works (sometimes it ignites on its own, or doesn't ignite at all, or its settings suddenly change from training to combat or something like that)
but they're stupidly attached to it (force brain worms) to go and change it
was 21 and at the temple when the order 66 happened
survived thanks to the defective clone that decided to risk his life to save Aspera
wasn't present for the many of the clone wars because he was deemed too unstable in the force to continue fighting
by unstable I mean he can't control the force really well
the force leaks out of him constantly and he can't control its stream
he often hurt his friends because of that
one wrong move and they were sent flying across the room, that's how Aspera developed an anxiety
poorly working saber doesn't help either
I have more thoughts but I can't form a coherent text for the life of me, I will be adding to this post later when I make my brain work properly haha
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blamgranules · 1 month
WWW: What's the "reflexive indicative"?
I've been meaning to write this for a while, but I wasn't sure what it really meant and now I have a theory. I am a professional linguist. I teach translation, so grammar/syntax is something I have spent a lot of time on.
Now, brace yourselves, because I'm going to be explaining modern English grammar and most schools in the English-speaking world are still teaching traditional grammar. I don't know how well versed BLeeM is in modern grammar, but we'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
Let's start with the basics. Indicative is a grammatical mood. Moods effect the reality or truth of a clause. The indicative mood is one of the realis moods, meaning that the clause is true in the tense. (Irrealis moods can make the clause possible, hypothetical, desired, etc.) The other realis mood in English is declarative. The difference is that a declarative clause uses a verb as its predicate and an indicative clause uses a noun or adjective as its predicate.
In modern grammar, the predicate is the word or phrase with the most important meaning. To put it another way, the predicate is the word or phrase that the rest of the sentence "depends" on (see: Parse Tree). So, "I am running" is declarative and "There is a shotgun in the drawer" is indicative.
Whatever magic's "reflexive indicative" is, it's roughly equivalent to "a thing exists" or "a thing is [adjective]".
Next, reflexive is term used in grammar to refer to anaphoric nouns. An anaphor is a word that refers back to another word or concept. In "we climbed a mountain and said mountain was tall", the participial adjective 'said' marks the following noun as an anaphor. Anaphoric nouns are usually analyzed as pronouns; e.g. "itself". Some English pronouns are only sometimes reflexive, like "that".
This means that the "reflexive indicative" has to be a couple things. First, we know it's somatic, so sign language basically. Second, it's a full clause. One gesture for a full clause isn't difficult. In many languages, there are verbs that do not need any nouns to be satisfied. Consider: "It is raining". 'It' is a dummy pronoun; it doesn't mean anything. In ASL, it is a single gesture. However, a reflexive indicative clause must have a noun. In short, the somatic gesture most likely means "a thing mentioned before exists".
My theory is that the reflexive indicative is used as a kind of anchor. It may be a conjunction between two magical actions: "Control the edges of the tear. Those edges are there. Bring them together." It might also be used as punctuation to end an action: "Bring the edges of the tear together. That tear does not exist." or "Connect the edges of the fabric. That fabric is whole."
If this is true, I would theorize that early in the development of wizardry, the reflexive indicative was used either 1) to assist the wizard in their focus (assuming that WWW's magic is the manifestation of will) or 2) doing magic this way was so new that it was "low context". Low context communication involves a lot of specifics and reflexive nouns are more frequent in low than high context communication. Insulated communication systems tend to become higher context over time.
Brennan mentioned that the more people who know a particular spell, the less potent it becomes; hence the Citadel tightly controlling who has access to spells. However, more people knowing a spell might also increase the level of context the spell has, thus making the reflexive indicative unnecessary.
This would make even more sense if magic was always an interaction with the spirit world. Whatever spirit is making Mending possible has become so familiar with it that the reflexive indicative is understood.
But at this point, we are into untethered speculation. That's the theory. We'll see what info Brennan drips out next and if my theory holds up.
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sludgewolf · 14 days
Studying Together - Obey Me! Characters
Due to immortality and their own interests they're knowledgeable in various human languages, when seeing you're trying to learn some by yourself they decide to help
Characters: the demon brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and Simeon
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
Lucifer / Satan / Barbatos / Solomon
enjoy to study it the old fashined way, knowledge for knowledge sake kind of thing
they'll sit down by your side and help you study, assisting you with grammar and helping you practice pronunciation by speaking with you only in that language while studying
will import textbooks from the human world to teach you properly and will take you to library dates to study
Lucifer is the most likely to quiz you on what you learned, making worksheets and grading you
Barbatos invites you to Diavolo's castle every friday to drink tea and study together, only speaks with you in said language, you'll either learn or suffer
Satan is the most gentle and patient with you, will sometimes recommend some fantasy or detective books in your target language and read it with you to have an excuse to spend even more time with you without his brothers getting in the way
is also the one that teaches you swear words and will badmouth the others to you in other languages in front of them
Mammon / Leviathan / Asmodeus
they ended up learning many languages due to their interests - games, movies, fashion
Despite being basically fluent in those languages they can't for the life of them explain to you why some things are the way they are since they learned those languages pretty informally, seeing it in practice and never even glancing at the theory
but they're the best on slangs and have the most fun way to learn said language
though Levi's korean sounds more like kpop mv than an actual person and his english suffers from sounding like Leon Kenedy and other old horror games
Mammon flipflops between sounding like he's always in a cassino or like a action movie, saying the shittiest and cheesiest lines you've ever had the displeasure of hearing
Asmo's italian and french mimmics the accent of only the top fashion designers, making him sound like a rich old lady
her english also suffers from the victorian era accent that she could never get rid of and somehow looped around to being trendy again because of him
Beel/ Belphie / Lilith / Diavolo
are/ were very curious about humans and human culture, learning human languages by observing them through the centuries
kind of the learning through osmosis squad
they end up being the most knowledgeable on how the languages developed into what they are now
are the ones that talk the most like fluent speakers and maybe the most helpfull out of all the others in helping you learn
Beel leans a bit more on knowing because of his interests but due to Lilith and Belphie infodumping on him constantly he ended up learning human languages pretty well, he's also unfairly a natural with other languages, picking them up quickly with very little effort
Diavolo doesn't have that much of a attention span to sit down with only one human culture, but he ends up having a lot of knowledge of various human groups in different eras
def a emu war girly will use any excuse to talk about it, if Barbatos allowed he'd have a pet emu because he likes them that much
Belphie ended up dropping his interest in humans after the Celestial War for obvious reasons but after making up with you and learning what really happened to Lilith he decyides to pick it back up not only for him but also to keep her memory alive
the best teacher of them all not because he knows everything but because he's studying with you, making you explain things to him which ends up helping you both
Angels are naturaly blessed with magic that instantly translates whatever is being said between them, though inspired be seeing the brothers effort Simeon developed an interest in learning the old fashioned way, finding it more gratifying than just magicking it away
after meeting you he's more than ecstatic for studying it by himself since now he can help you
has the thickest celestial accent, his vowels warping and consonants chittering almost like his real celestial form is trying to come out
his tutoring is clumsy and at some points very outdated but he's clearly trying
If you liked this pls reblog and comment so I know to write more like it
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
What if maybe stucky had a day off for the first time in awhile and they planned on spending it w/ reader. She was really looking forward to it. But maybe one of the caregivers asked them to watch their little for the day last minute bc they were called away on a mission. Stucky accidentally ignores reader all day and just really hurts her feelings. Maybe they spoil the other little let them pick the movie and lunch etc. How would they make it up to reader?
Hi M! First off, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH for being so patient. I'm so so sorry it has taken me so long to get to your amazing thoughts and questions. So let's dive in <3
What A Day
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f!reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, pet names, language, anxiety, very upset Peter (but not at reader), angst, misunderstanding, frustrations, scolding, threat of punishment, tears, fluffity fluff fluff fluff, everything gets worked out in the end because I always need a happy ending.
A/N- not my best writing style, I'm sorry, words are hard right now. But I love you all and want to try to get these requests out for you all, so I hope you like it anyways.
Today was the day! You were all set to spend the day together, just you and your daddies. You were so excited, you had been looking forward to it for the longest time. You all had tried to plan stuff before this, and something always came up. Every time. But not today! No way, not today!
Until it did.
Tony and Pepper received a very-last-minute summons to the White House to 'discuss some urgent matters' as Pepper put it or bail their asses out, as Tony put it. There was no way they could bring Peter, who was feeling extra little and clingy, so Steve, seeing their panic, volunteered to take him for the day, since you'd all planned on being at home anyways and the rest of the team were out on assignment.
You were a bit disappointed, but Petey was your best friend in the world, so this was going to be fun, right? Well......
When they dropped Peter off, he was definitely in a littler headspace than you had even seen him. He was crying hard in Steve's arms as Tony and Pepper left (both trying their hardest not to well up).
You tried to help, patting him on the leg and offering him Emma Bear or Pipsqueak to hold, but he didn't want either of them and tried to bat your hand away.
This shocked you a bit, but Bucky picked you up and whispered in your ear that Peter just needed a little extra attention right now. You nodded in understanding, and as soon as Bucky set you back down, you set off to your playroom, determined to find things to make him smile.
When you got back though- your arms full of toys and stuffies that you knew he'd like- you were a bit surprised to see both Steve and Bucky on the couch, side by side, comforting and holding Peter. You dropped your toys on the floor, wanting to come be a part of the cuddle party, but the noise scared Peter who started to cry again.
"Baby, you need to be more careful," Steve scolded very gently, knowing you hadn't done it on purpose. "I know you're trying to help, but Peter doesn't like loud noises right now. Please go put your toys back."
You started to protest that you had only picked out toys to be nice, but Bucky cut you off. "Go put 'em up, love, you heard Papa." It was a gentle tone, but you knew better than to try to argue.
Trying to be quiet, you carefully put them back slowly. But every time you came back to the room, you eyed your daddies meaningfully, hoping they'd ask you to be a part of the cuddle party, but they were so focused on keeping the little boy calm that they missed it entirely.
Once you were done, you quietly came over with Pipsqueak, holding him out to Peter, who took him, but turned his face back into Steve's chest. Feeling both frustrated and a little jealous, you said, "You s'posed to say 'tank you'." Peter just whined in reply.
This time, Steve looked at you sternly. "Baby, please don't upset Peter right now. He's feeling very little and needs quiet."
"But he didn't say tank you and you always say I gotta use my manners..."
Bucky picked you up before you caused Peter to start crying again, and started carrying you down the hallway to your playroom. "Listen up, angel, Peter is too young and upset to remember manners right now, and you're being loud when we've asked you to quiet down. Why don't you stay and play in here for a while until Peter is feeling better?" He set you down in the playroom and quickly shut the door before you had a chance to say anything.
You felt like you were being punished, even though you'd never get to stay in your playroom with all your toys when you were actually being punished. But you couldn't help but feel that way. Your daddies weren't spending any time with you now, and your bestie was treating you like you were mean, and it wasn't fair at all.
Bucky came to get you about an hour later for lunch. You were disappointed when you found that lunch was already made, because you loved it when you got to stir the mac and cheese. But when you were eating and Steve started telling Peter what a good job he'd done stirring, you got mad.
You shoved yourself off your chair and got exactly one step away before Bucky picked you up and plopped you back down. "You haven't been excused, little girl," he said a bit sharply, getting tired of your antics. You glowered as once again you were being asked to have manners when Peter didn't have to. Bucky made you sit there until all your lunch was eaten, which was well after Peter and Steve finished theirs and left to go watch a movie together.
You got even angrier when they picked a different movie than the one that you all were supposed to watch today, but you were still stuck in your dumb chair and couldn't do anything about it. Bucky had to threaten you with a time out and early bedtime before you finally finished eating. And once you did, he gave you a little talking-to about your attitude before taking your hand and bringing you over to the couch to watch the movie with them.
What you saw when you got there stopped you cold.
Steve had wrapped Peter up in your special yellow weighted blanket. Now, normally this wouldn't be a big deal, as you always wanted to share with your bestie, but this was YOUR special blanket for when you were feeling upset or overstimulated or needed comfort- and right now, you were definitely feeling all three.
"Dat's my special blanket," you said, pointing and mumbling. You didn't want to be loud or 'keep having an attitude', but this was just too much.
The look of disappointment in Steve's eyes hurt your heart. "Honey, we share in this house," he said, making you feel even worse. "You know that."
You couldn't stop the tears from overflowing at this point. "I alweady gave him my whole day!" you sobbed, before turning around and running to your room. You didn't slam your door- you'd only get in more trouble- but you pushed it mostly shut before diving into your stuffies, pulling Jellybean in close, and continuing to sob.
You heard a soft knock on your door a few moments later. "Baby, it's Daddy. May I come in please?" You only buried yourself deeper into your furry friends, afraid that Daddy was going to scold you again.
Bucky slowly opened the door, and his heart shattered at seeing you crying into all your stuffed animals. "I'm gonna come in, okay?" he added softly, stepping forward gently. If you really didn't want him in there, he would leave, but as you gave no indication one way or the other, he came in quietly and sat on the foot of your bed.
Once your tears and sobs slowed down, you risked a peek at Daddy in between Jellybean's soft fluffy ears. His face broke into a sad smile once he saw your red eyes. "Hey there, Trouble," he said gently. "Can Daddy hold you please?"
You didn't want another talking-to about your attitude, so you obediently pushed yourself up and crawled over to him. But when he pulled you onto his lap and cuddled you to his chest, like he did when he was comforting you, you suddenly realized that you weren't in trouble- that he really did want to just hold you. And the tears started all over again.
Bucky just held on, rocking you gently, rubbing your back, squeezing you tight when the tears turned into sobs, pressing soft kisses onto the top of your head. Once you cried yourself out, he plucked a tissue from the bedside table and held it to your face so you could blow. He mopped you up, still cuddling you all the while. "I'm really sorry you didn't get your day with us, Trouble," he said softly. "And I'm sorry that Papa and I were so focused on Peter and didn't see how upset you were. We weren't very nice to you today, were we?"
Sniffing mightily, you rubbed your nose with the back of your hand, resting your tired and aching head on Daddy's chest. "You was twying to help Petey. I sowwy I was bad and loud and mean," you mumbled.
"Baby, you were NOT bad or mean. You were loud, but that's just you- and we like you that way," Bucky said, finally grinning, which made you giggle. "I know that you were trying to help, and I'm sorry that I didn't have the patience to see that, and that we left you on your own today when we were trying to take care of Peter. So how about this? You and I can take some R&R together right now, just you and me, and then we can figure out everything else afterwards?"
Absolutely exhausted, you just nodded, falling asleep in Daddy's arms before he could even lay you down. And true to his word, he stayed with you for your whole nap, cuddling you and running his fingers through your hair.
After you all had naps, Peter was feeling much better, and the four of you played legos and dinosaurs in the living room until Tony and Pepper came home. It was a relief to Bucky and Steve, who had quietly worried that this was going to mess up Peter's and your friendship. But as always, after a good nap, things seemed brighter and you both were back to the giggling troublemakers you usually were, playing happily and noisily until Peter went home.
After you all had eaten supper, Papa cuddled you on his lap, apologizing too, and the three of you had a really good talk (with you still in younger space) about all of you feeling jealously, frustrations, and angry feelings, and being safe to calmly tell each other. They also helped work out some hand signals for you in case you went non-verbal or couldn't find the right words to tell them how you were feeling. You felt like a much happier baby after new ways to help you express yourself, and gleefully accepted Papa's cuddles all night (since Daddy had gotten them all to himself during nap time, he argued it was his turn).
The next day, Fury had blocked every single message to your daddies as well as access to your floor (barring emergency protocols, but ya know) making sure that you all truly had the whole day to yourselves. Daddy made your favorite cinnamon and sugar french toast for breakfast, which he fed to you bite by bite while you wiggled with energy.
The three of you went to your favorite quiet park out of the city, where you joyfully screamed down the slide, scrambled up the net ladder, giggled rocking back and forth on the bouncy animals, and had a contest with your daddies to see who could swing you the highest. THAT was the best.
You had a picnic lunch and had a blast bouncing back and forth between your daddies, insisting on feeding them blueberries one at a time. For some reason, that absolutely tickled you to no end, and you ended up laughing your head off the entire time. You fell asleep in your seat on the way home, and woke up in your bed. You found your daddies and the three of you drew pictures and colored together, then made a blanket fort in the living room for later.
Papa let you help him make dinner, and while it wasn't stirring- mac-and-cheese, it was still really fun. And then they both surprised you with being able to make a batch of your favorites- chocolate chip cookies! Right after the cookies cooled just enough, you FINALLY got to watch your movie, snuggled in between the two of them in your blanket fort, munching on the delicious treats.
Papa gave you a bath, letting you pick out both bubbles and a bath bomb, and Daddy put on your lotion and helped you pick out jammies and your nighttime books. You fell asleep in the crook of Bucky's arm, safe and warm, the three of you now more bonded than ever.
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rin-fukuroi · 9 months
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧! [𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: Blade x fem!reader
Warnings: nothing, just cute fluff~
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. 音阙诗听, 赵方婧, 昆玉 - 端午节
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
Sometimes it's nice to remember that Blade can be very caring and sweet, even if you don't think of him that way right away. I hope this warm and cozy evening with him will bring you joy and New Year's mood (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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Tiny splashes settle on the skin of your hand when you lazily tear the peel of a tangerine, filling the room with a characteristic sour smell. So calm and peaceful that you almost fall asleep, sprawled on the table with the soft sound of the TV on, just like your sullen lover with his arms crossed over his chest. Heavy eyelids cover the man's scarlet eyes every now and then, but he continues to sit steadfastly on the chair straight while you carefully peel the tangerine slices from excess white veins before handing one to Blade. He doesn't even bother to pick it up, instead just opening his lips and letting you put the citrus slice on his tongue. You rest your head on your palm, watching the man's eyes close as he pops a juicy piece of tangerine in his mouth, silently enjoying the sweet and sour taste before slowly chewing and swallowing.
You like such quiet and cozy evenings. Blade doesn't come home as often as you would like, so you especially appreciate even the time spent like this, in peace and quiet, satisfied only with his presence next to you. To tell you the truth, you wouldn't mind just taking one of the softest blankets you can find in your house, draping it over your shoulders and taking a little nap, basking in the warmth created by your and Blade's bodies pressed against each other. And it would have been the perfect end to the evening, if not for one "but".
— Blade, — you mumble softly, spreading out even more on your own palm, catching the mumble of a man barely distinguishable from the noise of the TV, it seems, gradually losing the battle with sleep. — Let's take a walk.
— Why?
— Well… the New Year is coming soon after all. Although I like our gatherings at home, but who knows when you'll have to leave again.
Blade mumbles something unintelligible again, reluctantly opening his eyes and fixing his gaze on your sleepy face.
— And where do you want to go?
— I don't even know, — you throw your head back thoughtfully, looking at the ceiling. — We can just go wherever we want!
— That still doesn't answer my question.
A heavy sigh.
— Don't be such a bore! It's just a walk, it doesn't have to have any purpose.
Blade lets out a short sigh, looking at your pouty face as you pop a slice of tangerine into your mouth. Even if he always looks sullen, often stubborn and boring you with his taciturnity or, on the contrary, excessive meticulousness, it's really hard for him to deny you what you want.
— Okay. Just for a little while, I'd still like to take a nap.
You instantly perk up, bursting out of your seat and moving closer to Blade, breaking into a satisfied smile.
— Seriously?!
The man can barely contain either another sigh, or a laugh caused by your funny reaction.
— Seriously.
✧ ✧ ✧
The spicy smell of baking and tea is in the slightly frosty night air, and the lively noise of festive bustle can be heard from the streets. Such a bright contrast compared to that quiet evening, which you both refused, but you are even more inspired by that, running your eyes over each elegant Christmas tree, sparkling lights in the windows and small shops, from where the mouth-watering smells of New Year's treats come.
— Tch, where were you in such a hurry? — Blade grumbles in displeasure, obscuring your delightful view with his tall figure.
You barely had time to open your mouth to scold the man, when suddenly your own soft scarf was pressed to your lips, which Blade carefully wrapped tighter around your neck. You wince and sneeze when the lint tickles your nose, giving your lover a pouty look.
— I wasn't cold.
— Your cheeks are red, — Blade raises an eyebrow, loosely tying the ends of the scarf on your chest before stepping aside again.
— A light frost hasn't harmed anyone yet, — you mumble dissatisfactionedly into your scarf, grabbing Blade's hand again and continuing your leisurely walk.
It didn't take you long to find a new reason to be excited when a shop with caramel apples caught your curious eyes, just as Blade didn't need words to fatally proceed to it, leaving you on a bench nearby. Then hot tea with spices, cute Christmas decorations, near which you hung around for several minutes, desperately fighting a verbal battle with Blade for the fact that you just need them.
Although it might seem that you were being followed by someone who looked more like a gloomy stalker dressed in a black cloak, a scarf covering half of your face, and a hat than your boyfriend, when you rushed forward, finding a new object of genuine interest for yourself, the concern of others receded when Blade over and over again, he caught you by the hand, then pulling you away from another food store, lamenting that later you would complain of abdominal pain, then humbly buying what you liked.
Time flew by so quickly. You haven't felt this childish carelessness for so long that you just gave yourself up to this fleeting feeling, ignoring how tired your legs were, and not paying attention to how there were almost no people around you two. Blade just listened to your endless chatter in silence, allowing himself, even if only for one evening, to relax, succumbing to your infectious carelessness.
— Y/N, it's time for us to get back.
You turn around when you feel Blade stop, still holding your petite hand tightly in his.
— Oh, already? — you sigh in disappointment, burying your nose deeper into your cozy scarf. There's not a soul around you. The noise of conversations and footsteps disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only the distant sounds of stalls closing and lights fading. — Yes, you're right.… Shall we go home then?
You smile softly with a slight note of sadness in your voice, already about to go in the opposite direction, but you feel Blade's hand still holding you in place, forcing you to turn around, puzzled.
— Is something wrong? — you return to your seat across from Blade, looking questioningly into his scarlet eyes peeking out from under a soft black scarf.
The man just continues to stare at you in silence for a while, which should have seemed scary and strange to you if you didn't know Blade, but you just keep looking back at him, slightly narrowing your eyes, until he finally bends over. The fingertips of his free hand lower the scarf from your face, gently cupping your jaw. You barely have time to figure out what's going on, just about to open your mouth to start talking, but the words just stick in your throat when Blade's slightly cool but soft lips are pressed against yours.
Just for a few seconds, but you manage to feel his warm breath on the skin of your face, the light spicy aroma that permeated his clothes and hair, and the sweet taste of caramel. Blade so rarely takes the initiative in physical intimacy that you just freeze, allowing him to leave this short but tremulous kiss on your lips before he silently pulls away, for a moment lingering on your flushed face, either from frost or embarrassment.
— Wh-what are you doing all of a sudden?.. — you blink in confusion, squeezing his big hand tighter.
— I thought I'd better do it myself before you make me.
You follow Blade's gaze as he looks up, noticing a sprig of mistletoe hanging over both of you. Slowly, but still, the realization of what happened comes to you, and you gasp loudly, returning your gaze to Blade, whose face is already buried in a voluminous scarf again.
— Have you been deliberately lulling my vigilance all this time so that I forget that I want to kiss you first?!
You pout, pretending to look offended. It's even good that his face is now covered with a scarf, and you don't see how the corners of Blade's lips lifted in a smile just looking at how your eyebrows are slightly frowning, but your eyes are still sparkling with genuine joy.
— Yes, that's right.
— This is terribly mean! — you keep grumbling even as you both turn around to walk back home as slowly as you came to this cozy place. — Next time I'll take you right under the mistletoe and do it first, you'll see!
Blade nods softly, interlacing his gloved fingers with yours.
— I'll be waiting.
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theriverpointace · 2 months
i have this h2g2 headcanon that i'm really rather fond of. im gonna talk about it.
okay so first of all, ford has to be able to speak english. which means that he learned how to speak english. and no, i refuse to believe that betelgeusian Just So Happens to work exactly like english, wow what a weird and useful coincidence! because (a) that's just lazy worldbuilding, and (b) we have at least one word in betelgeusian that translates into english: ford's name, ix. "ix" isn't a given name, it's a betelgeusian word given to ford as a nickname because he couldn't say his own name—and, presumably, neither could anybody around him.
i say that ford has to be able to speak english because he lived for fifteen years on a planet full of people without babel fish in their ears. if he came down and started babbling in betegeusian, he would have had a very different experience here. so he either learned english before hitching a ride to earth (highly unlikely, imo, considering how little a role earth plays in the galaxy—i doubt any earth language is too well-known in the wider galaxy), or he had to learn english when he first arrived. this latter is also backed up, to me, by the fact that ford was a bit careless in his original research. i just feel like he would have done the same thing as when he chose a name: get it almost right, but just a little bit off.
i do think ford picks up languages really quickly. in most parts of the galaxy, it doesn't matter if he can speak a language or not, since babel fish are pretty readily available, and everybody has one. however, because babel fish are so readily available, there's no need for a universal language that everybody speaks. the babel fish only work for your ears, not your eyes, so somebody as well-traveled as ford would, by necessity, pick up some basics in a lot of different languages. these basics probably include primarily what you'll find on menus and in travel ports, if i had to guess. (maybe there's some kind of companion to the guide, a hitchhiker's dictionary. maybe that's part of the guide? idk.)
but aside from the necessity of being able to read at least bits and pieces of many languages when one hitchhikes, i think ford does it to make up for not knowing his dad's praxibetel. so what, he never learned the dialect his father loved. so what, he couldn't ever learn to say his own name. so what, he killed his own father/uncle by doing so. so what?? he's gonna learn every other language in the galaxy, just to prove that he can. he's running around the galaxy, convinced that if he can write an article about a planet and know its dialects well enough to read and write them, then what happened to him won't ever happen to anybody else.
and that leads me to my next conclusion: that ford speaks accented english. obviously, everybody does, but i rather like the idea that the way he talks on earth—and possibly, everywhere else—always strikes everybody around him as different. everything else about him does—why shouldn't his voice? so yeah my ford doesn't have a british accent.
but of course, once they're off earth, up in space, once arthur has a babel fish, there's no need for ford to speak english anymore, so he returns to his native betelgeusian ... which leads to a rather surprised arthur going, "ford, what the hell happened to your accent?!"
because since ford isn't speaking a language arthur already knows, the babel fish has to translate his speech now! and i suppose i don't think the babel fish translates accents. like, i guess i don't totally understand how the babel fish works (am i meant to?) but ... i don't know. i think the fish eats up sound waves and what it excretes is something the user can understand based on what's already in their mind. that is to say, arthur, who grew up british and with british accents, hears anything the babel fish as to translate in a british accent. so when ford stops speaking accented but understandable english, and starts speaking a language arthur doesn't know, the babel fish translates with a british accent because that's just what's in arthur's mind.
tl;dr ford picks up languages really easily because he's got something to prove to his dead dad, he speaks english, and it confuses the hell out of arthur when he stops speaking english because the babel fish doesn't translate accents. this is one of my favorite headcanons about ford.
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yuurei20 · 10 months
Hello. Can I ask about Leona and Azul's contract? Leona doesn't talk about details of the contract and just destroys it along with other contracts. I was thinking, is the contract that Leona made with Azul the same one that Ruggie was able to get potions with in Chapter 2? Right? Or is it rather something different that history doesn't tell us about?
Hello hello!! Thank you so much for this question, it was a rabbit hole!
There might have been some translation confusion on EN in relation to Leona’s past with Azul, but maybe not(?) and it is very interesting.
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Early on in Chapter 3 Leona says that he has “made a few deals” with Azul and has “never” put his power up for collateral, insinuating that he has had multiple contracts with Azul (one of which was the potion for Ruggie in Chapter 2, as you say!).
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But at the end of Chapter 3 Ruggie (on EN) says that Leona has made “a contract” (singular) with Azul before, and helping Jack and the others is a way for him to get rid of “it” (singular), as if the potion contract from Chapter 2 is Leona’s only experience with Azul. So which is it?
This might be an EN-server continuity error, or it might be hinting at something else!
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The Japanese language does not really have plurals in the same way that English does. In the cafeteria scene, for example, the first part of Leona’s sentence just says that he has made a deal/deals with Azul before, not specifying whether he has only done so once or multiple times. The latter half of the sentence confirms that he has done so more than once, as he says he was forced to fulfill unpleasant conditions “every time”. (So I believe you are correct! There seems to be a history there that is being hinted at but not explained.)
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When the topic comes up again with Ruggie it is not technically specified within his sentence that Leona has contracted with Azul more than once, but we know he has from that earlier conversation.
The EN server translated this scene as Leona getting rid of just a single contract, despite confirming earlier in the same chapter that he has made more than one.
The EN server does not have a very good track record with continuity (examples provided below), so this might just be an example of the importance of proofreading.
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But if Azul doesn't keep contracts that have been successfully fulfilled, this might not be a mistake!
If Azul’s 500 to 600 contracts represent every deal that Azul has ever made, then EN-Ruggie was a victim of translation: Leona wasn’t taking the opportunity to get rid of just one contract, he was getting rid of all proof that he has ever contracted with Azul at all.
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But if Azul doesn’t keep fulfilled contracts (only those that enable him to hold onto collateral) and EN-Ruggie is right, that means that Leona’s contract from Book 2 was never complete: he either failed to fulfill the terms and Azul confiscated his collateral, or his contract was still ongoing. (Grammatically, JP Ruggie can technically go both ways.)
And that gets into another question, because Leona says that he has never put magic up for collateral for any of his contracts with Azul, much like the prefect surrendering Ramshackle Dorm.
If the disintegration of a contract that has sealed away someone’s talent returns that talent to its owner, does the disintegration of a contract that was arranged through another form of collateral return that collateral as well?
(I keep imagining a hypothetical situation where, if Azul took someone's favorite pen in middle school as collateral for a failed contract, did it magically return to its original owner when the contract was disintegrated in Chapter 3? Or will the owner never know that now they can go get their pen back from Azul? The introduction of his unique magic only specifies that he can take people's talents from them (translated as "power" on EN), but taking Ramshackle from the Prefect opens a lot of doors.)
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Would Azul have technically have been able to keep Ramshackle Dorm if the Prefect failed in their task, even though the original contract was gone? (The prefect fulfills their conditions by the deadline, so we do not see this tested.)
It all hinges on what those 500 to 600 contracts are: every deal that Azul has ever made in his life, or just those that failed. 
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Arguments in favor of them being his entire collection are: 
1) Up to 600 people failing to fulfill their contracts with him over the course of two to three years (Azul perfected his unique magic in middle school) seems like a lot. If those are all the contracts he has ever made, he has to have been making an average of 1.8 contracts a day, every single day since he was 15 years old, which is already intense. That number increases exponentially if those contracts are only the ones that failed.
2) The contracts could technically be future blackmail, if there is someone (like Leona) who really does not want the details of his dealings to be revealed, making them another form of power that it seems unlikely Azul would voluntarily throw away.
3) Since EN players are at the mercy of localization I asked a few JP server players their opinions, and amongst native speakers playing the original game the general consensus is that they are supposed to represent every contract that Azul has ever made.
4) Ruggie mentions Azul getting bent out of shape because something he's been "building up for years" was ruined.
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In favor of them being only failed contracts:
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1) 600 might seem like a lot, but 225 of those are just from the opening of Chapter 3. It's insinuated that this is the first time Azul has gone this big this quickly, but we don't actually know: it's possible he's been experimenting with increasingly large groups of people for months or years leading up to Chapter 3.
2) The risks of holding onto completed contracts seem like they should outweigh the benefits. We don’t know what happens to a contract once it is fulfilled, but it seems unlikely that Azul would keep them unless they held some form of power: the more contracts he is protecting, the larger his only weakness. It seems like he wouldn’t want to keep superfluous contracts around and draw more attention to his weak point unless he absolutely had to, in which case, what kind of power do they hold after their conditions have been met that justifies that risk?
3) Azul does not seem to suffer any consequences from tearing up his own contracts despite how they are powerful magical artifacts, making it unlikely that he would have been holding onto every contract he has ever made unless there is something going on that we don’t know about (which is always possible; even if they don’t hold any power, maybe he just enjoys the nostalgia?)
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So to return to the questions:
One of the contracts that Leona has made with Azul is the same that acquired that Chapter 2 potion for Ruggie. That is not the only contract Leona and Azul have made together, but it might be the only one that Leona disintegrated, if Azul does not keep old contracts and if Leona's contract was still ongoing or he failed to fulfill it--we don't actually know. It's possible that Azul was holding onto all of their past contracts together, and Leona seized the opportunity to erase all proof of what he'd hired Azul to do (which is a common interpretation on JP).
A lot has been going on that we don't know about! How long has Leona been contracting with Azul? What has he been putting up for collateral? Has he always met the conditions of these contracts, or has he failed? If he has ever failed, was that mysterious collateral returned to him when he disintegrated Azul's contracts, or was he only destroying evidence? Is Azul somehow forced to return collateral that is a physical object when a contract is annulled? Does Azul even keep successfully fulfilled contracts and, if so, why, when the contracts themselves are his only weakness?
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I wish had I more answers than questions! I do not, but it is very fun to think about! :> Thank you again!
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