#it feels like they are just shoving as much dog and werewolf stuff they can on Clawdeen
ashdoeswhump · 1 day
Tws: dehumanisation, conditioning, abuse, intimate whumper, pet whump, basically just all the whumpy stuff that comes with pet whump and nonhuman whumpees
Animalistic and nonhuman whumpees hit just right.
Nonhuman whumpee with claws and fangs and wings and horns and fur. Does whumper tear these off? Use them to pin whumpee down? Slide a knife along them, not hard enough to pierce, but enough to draw blood, enough to hurt? Put them on display for their friends? Does caretaker know how to look after their nonhuman traits? Are they gentle, so gentle, with them? Do these things get in caretaker's way so they keep accidentally knocking it? Does caretaker preen whumpee's wings, polish their horns, trim their claws when they're too weak to do it themselves?
Werewolf whumpee who looks perfectly human most of the time, but who are constantly punished for the one night they don't. Does whumper keep them on a chain? Treat them like a dog? Make them sleep outside and eat out of a bowl without their hands? Keep them surrounded by silver at all times? How does caretaker deal with it? Do they find a way to keep whumpee calm during full moons? Are they forced to keep whumpee locked up every month for everyone's safety, whumpee's included? Do they give whumpee a blanket and a hug and some hot chocolate afterwards?
Avian whumpee who struggles with speech but can make other noises just fine. Do they squawk when whumper hurts them? Does whumper force them to sing? Feed them nothing but seeds and nuts? Keep them locked in a hanging cage? Keep them outside but chained down so they can't fly away? Does caretaker build them a nest out of blankets and pillows? Let them out whenever they want? Encourage them to fly, only for them to fall back to the ground and hurt themself because they haven't flown in so long? Bandage and heal their battered and broken wings?
What about whumpees who aren't nonhuman, but have had their humanity stripped away?
Guard dog whumpee forced to stay outside. Does whumper make them pace around the perimeter of their property all day and night without breaks? Punish them when they pause for even a second? Only let them sleep once or twice a week because when they're asleep, the place is undefended? Does caretaker have to train this out of them because the only way to remove this conditioning is more conditioning? Do they help whumpee rest? Are they so, so relieved when whumpee goes to sleep by themself for the first time?
Lapdog whumpee who's made to cuddle with whumper. Does whumper make them sleep in their bed? Have them curl up on their lap while watching TV or reading a book? Comfort them after or during punishment? Does caretaker have to learn what sorts of touch whumpee can and can't endure? Do they have to sedate whumpee anytime they need to carry them somewhere because they're too weak to walk by themself but starts shoving any time they're touched? Is it an upwards battle, getting whumpee to associate touch with genuine care? Or is whumpee so relieved to be out, or so conditioned, that they'd do anything caretaker asks without question or complaint? How long does it take caretaker to realise this isn't them healing, but the conditioning going on?
Living weapon whumpee who isn't allowed thoughts or morals, only obedience? Does whumper force them to kill people they know during training? Keep them muzzled and hooded to hide their identity? Punish them when their face shows what they're thinking or feeling? Is caretaker afraid or horrified or disgusted of them at first? Do they have to teach whumpee that they're a person and that they're their own person? Do they have to keep weapons away from them because whumpee will think caretaker wants them to kill someone?
What noises do they make? Do they hiss or snarl when they're scared? Let out a barking yelp or a squawk when they're hurt? Whimper or whine when they're nervous? Purr when they're happy? How much of this is taught and conditioned into them, and how much is natural? Are they afraid of making human noises, or do they wish more than anything that they could speak?
There's just so many possibilities with this trope, I love it.
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garussy · 2 years
Me, talking about the g3 dolls: they changed Clawdeen’s cat into a dog.
Friend: dude…that’s her cousin.
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how do you feel about the concept of werewolves being animalistic? what i mean is do you like the idea of them being predatory over their pack, or the idea that werewolves might become aggressive when someone messes with their pack or family? and here’s a another one- how werewolves tend to be commonly in polyamorous relationships due to their pack lifestyles? i think it’s kind of cool. then again i love the idea of just close families and their desire to protect one another
I love animalistic werewolves so much. Generally I just love the idea of human(oid) characters being animalistic and kind of closer to their natural instincts and habits than more ‘acceptable ones’.
That said, werewolves in my rewrite will vary on this. Ones that live closer to humans and have a variety of human/werewolf heritage between the pack members will be more ‘socialised’ and have more ‘acceptable’ behaviour, and those that live further with very minimal human heritage will have a lot more of the wolf-like characteristics.
However werewolves are less aggressive to humans in general than they are weary, and avoidant (like normal wolves are). Those that don’t have frequent human contact will remain as far from humans as they can get. But they are still quite terriorial, if a human hunts on their hunting grounds, it’s kind of a ‘you fucked around and now you’re finding out’ situation.
Werewolves aren’t impacted much on a biological level when it comes to polyamory, since wolves are typically (though not exclusively) monogamous creatures. However, socially, it’s a lot more common to see because werewolves tend to be more accepting of that stuff. It’s not that it’s actually more common in werewolves, just more Polyam folk are open about it, and those that aren’t Polyam will probably still be dating someone who is.
However. On the topic of packs and their family-like dynamic. I feel the need to state- alphas don’t exist in packs in the way people like to think they do. In domesticated dogs, an alpha-beta like system does exist, but in wild wolves it does not. The ‘Alpha’ is simply the one that looks after everyone.
So in my rewrite, The alpha is the parent, older sibling, responsible aunt/uncle that babysits their nieces and nephews all the time. They do tend to be the strongest, as they’re often the oldest and the most capable to take care of and protect everyone, but they’re not the most ‘dominant’ one. They’re just the one that confiscates the sticks off of the three year olds before they can shove them up their noses and smacks you upside the head when you almost get yourself killed so you won’t do it again.
— also something else
Presenting werewolves as animalistic is not inherently problematic, but I do feel the need to say this due to how werewolves are presented canonically and the existence of racist tropes in media. Werewolves are displayed as a racial minority, and it’s not uncommon in fantasy media for racial minorities and their culture to be displayed through animalistic races, to try and dehumanise them. This is just to say, if you are presenting animalistic werewolves, do try and be mindful of the tropes that exist, and try not to do what Jesson did and go ‘oh but here’s an equivalent of their experiences to the experiences of actual irl racial minorities!’… because that’s weird. Even ignoring the implications of making werewolves a minority when Jess has a self-admitted werewolf fetish, and an observed saviour complex.
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Moving Day
it's the day that comes at the end of every season. and yet, somehow, the hermits still get caught off guard by it.
featuring: hermit ensemble, slice of life fluff, imagine moving houses but like every year and a half, werewolf!ren, something!joe, artic fox!etho, he is vaguely developed, there's pretty much no plot, just fluff, an ode to the end of this season
"Zed, you're gonna be late!" Tango calls as he drops in through the ceiling. With a bang, a mop of blond hair pokes out of the central storage. Zed rubs his head, pulling himself up.
"You're the one who distracted me with the Create world!" He replies, hauling a bag up the ladder with him. Tango laughs, throwing it over his shoulder as Zed flops onto the stone ground.
"Sure I was, it's not like you brought it up." Zed huffs, rolling his eyes. He holds his hands up towards Tango, who laughs. "Oh, you want to go over my shoulder too?" He teases.
"You are insufferable," Zed mutters, pushing off the stone himself instead. The cold is starting to seep through his cardigan.
"Have you packed everything?" Tango asks. Zed holds his fingers up to count off.
"Yes, I've checked everything four times! Maybe five, actually. I don't think there's anything left." Zed looks back at the ladders, closing his fist. Tango examines the pile of bags, humming.
"So you're sure you don't want me or Impulse to check for you?" Zed's mouth opens.
"Actually, can you check anyway?" He asks, "You know, just in case!" Tango laughs, giving Zed's shoulder a bump.
"Of course we will. But let's move these before Xisuma forgets them." Zed nods, quick to grab some of the bags. He heaves them up, almost buried under them.
"Season eight here we come!"
"You two!" Doc calls, scooping up the white fox before he manages to rush past him. Ren very nearly runs straight into his legs. The wolf sits down, ears twitching as he stares at Etho. Etho sticks his tongue out, Doc struggling to keep a hold on the silky fur. "You two aren't helping, you know that?" Ren barks, tail wagging. "Yeah, yeah."
With a wiggle, Etho manages to slip out of Doc's arms. He jumps up, curling around his shoulders instead and getting comfortable. Doc sighs. He bats Etho's shawl out of his face, ignoring the amused chitter. Counting, he finds most of his bags already in his ender chest. Luckily, because the two animals playing around him are making it difficult. Unlike-
"Doc," Bdubs cries, "Have you seen my razor?" Bdubs doesn't even bother with the door. Doc looks down at him on the lawn.
"Have you checked your half?" He asks.
Bdubs throws a hand up, "Of course I've checked my half, but Keralis tried to drag me into packing all his junk so I had to make a speedy escape!" Doc chuckles, watching as Ren jumps down to nose at Bdubs' hand. "Oh, hello, Ren!" Bdubs jumps into baby-talk immediately, crouching down. "Fancy you being here!"
"Please, take him-" Doc waves, "-The two of them keep running through my feet." Bdubs strokes through the fluff of Ren's neck, glancing up and spotting Etho.
"Oh, Etho as well!" Bdubs waves. Etho yips in reply, ear twitching. Then Bdubs pauses, looking at Ren properly. "Ah-ha, Snips! Of course, right-" Bdubs jumps up, "Thanks guys, I'll see you at the town hall!" Doc looks at Ren as Bdubs runs off.
"You going with him?" He asks. Ren's tail wags, staring at Doc. He sighs. "Right, of course not." Doc picks Etho off his shoulder, dropping him on the floor to a surprised squeak. "If only there was a way to attach some bags to the two of you." Both animalmits freeze, sharing a look with each other. Doc can't help but feel satisfied as they scarper towards the nearest nether portal together. "Perfect." He can finish packing in peace.
"Do you think you've got everything?" Wels asks, perched on a chest. Beef hauls his bag out the door with a huff.
"Well, I've got you. That's half the challenge." He looks up in time to see Wels rolling his eyes, pushing his helmet up.
"I take it back, I'm not helping you anymore."
Beef laughs, clapping Wels' arm, "We've still got Three Fox Hole to look through, you're not going anywhere yet." Wels' lips twist into a pout, crossing his arms.
"You know, when I packed early, it wasn't with the intention of doing your packing for you," he replies. But, when Beef holds out a bag, he still takes it.
"And I appreciate it!" Beef grins at him. "Maybe I'll reward you with some of my finest wallpaper-"
"Oh, please no." Wels' eyes are wide, staring in mock horror. "I might never recover."
"Oh, blackmail works too, then." Beef stands, walking past him. Wels slips off the chest, frozen in place.
"Beef- Beef, are you joking?" Beef keeps walking. Wels runs after him. "Beef!"
"Thanks for heading out this far, man," xB says, smiling at Keralis. "I know you've got a big space to cover too."
"Ah, it's nice taking a break," Keralis replies, holding one of xB's bags in his arms. "And I know there's no way this would all fit in your ender chest, princess." xB chuckles, looking at the half-folded clothes, trinkets, and daily essentials all sorted into piles.
"Yeah-" he scrubs the back of his neck. "-I kinda forget I've got so much. Too used to my travel bag." Keralis bounces the one in his arms.
"Well, it's a good job you've got me!" He bumps into xB's side, barely knocking the other hermit off balance. "I can always lend you some extra bags if you need them."
"The luggage dimension is just going to be my stuff at this rate," xB jokes.
"Oh, you haven't seen how much I have yet." They both laugh, Keralis putting the bag down with the rest that have been packed. "Now, what are we doing next?" xB turns to observe his piles.
"I think that one," he decides. Keralis nods, skipping across.
"Then let's go, we don't want to be late!"
"Cub!" Scar's voice calls down the pyramid. "I cannot believe this." Cub turns to see Scar walking along the corridor, wings fluttering in annoyance behind him. "Xisuma says my crystals aren't essential items so I can't take them. That's so unfair." Cub laughs before he can stop himself, getting an affronted noise from Scar. "Cub! I come here, I confide in you-"
"Scar," Cub interrupts, squeezing Scar's arm. Vex magic sparks around them, electrifying the air. "You could make some once we're in the next world."
"It's not the same!" Scar protests. Cub leans closer.
"Or," he whispers, "We could sneak some across ourselves."
"Oh." Scar claps his hands together. "Now you're speaking my language."
"The language of crime?" Cub asks, calling one of his bags over to him. He catches it mid-air.
"The only language I know!"
"This is why you should've made a proper storage system!" Mumbo cries, as Grian pulls out the contents of another chest. "This could've been so much easier!"
"I didn't know it was this bad!" Grian replies, finally managing to find his towels buried in an unmarked chest. He throws them towards his 'to pack' pile, Mumbo jumping out of the way.
"Didn't you have weeks to prepare for this?" He asks, looking at the scattered items in dismay.
"I mean- I did host an entire world in-between," Grian reminds him. Mumbo hums in agreement, deciding to organise some of the piles before they end up vanishing into a pure mess. He looks for similarities amongst the items, beginning to sort them into manageable groups.
Mumbo's lucky he thought to get all his essentials together ahead of time. He gave his luggage to Xisumavoid to store, and he knows it's all taken care of. It didn't stop him from checking his base another ten times, but he's pretty sure he's got everything now. Pretty sure.
He's going to end up checking his base again later, isn't he?
"Grian?" Mumbo asks, pausing as he notices something. The rummaging through chests stops, with only a quiet thud & 'ow' before Grian is looking at him.
"Yeah?" He replies.
"Do you… actually have any bags?"
"Ahhhh," Grian's face turns a similar scarlet to his jumper. "You see, Mumbo, last season, I kinda… borrowed some."
"Borrowed, right." Mumbo sighs, running his fingers through his hair. "Were you ever going to buy your own?"
"Yes!" Grian replies, words fast. "I just. Never had time." Mumbo's had most of his bags since he joined, so he guesses he can't relate. Pretty much all the hermits gifted him one. Otherwise, he would've never remembered at that age, but that's its own problem. It's a good job he remembers the essentials even now.
"So, how do you intend on packing all this?"
Grian hums, "Do you think I could just shove it in there loose?"
"I'll go find some bags," Mumbo decides. And something to help his headache...
"How many cats do you think I could smuggle to the next server?" Cleo asks, holding up another of her kittens to Joe. Joe hums thoughtfully, bright green hair moving on its own accord.
"Well, I've certainly smuggled a few of my dogs inside myself." Cleo takes a deep breath, transferring her kitten to one hand so she can pinch her nose.
"Right, of course you have." She's long learnt to stop questioning how Joe works. She's a living zombie, he's Joe. At least it makes packing easier. "I think I might take some of them to my own world, this time," she muses. "Xisuma can do that, right?"
"I'm sure he can," Joe agrees. "If not, I will have a mass exodus of animals from the server." Cleo sighs, rolling her eyes. She sets the kitten down gently amongst the other cats.
"Right, are you actually going to help me carry my bags?"
"Of course! What kind of friend would I be if I didn't try to stop you losing an arm?"
"Ugh, don't remind me." She still can't believe that happened. First, her arm falling off, then nearly losing it amongst everybody's luggage? So embarrassing. She enters the main room of her base, where she's already got her bags set out. It's surprising how many skincare products you need when you're dead. Joe follows, looking around as if he doesn't know the place like the back of his hands. To be fair, Cleo would be surprised if anybody knew the back of Joe's hands.
"Right, I've shoved as much as I can in my ender chest. If you put what you can in yours, we can divide the remainder up," she lays out the action plan.
"Sounds perfect!" Joe picks up two bags. "Are you sure you don't just want me to transport them over?"
"Keep your true self off my stuff, Joe, you know what happened last time."
Joe sighs, "Fine, fine. We'll do this the human way."
"You'll do this the human way," she amends. "I'll do it the zombie way."
"Stress, it's only a spider," Iskall says, pointing his sword towards it. Said spider is standing triumphantly on top of her bags, red eyes glinting. Stress pokes around the doorway, brown hair falling across her face.
"Yeah, but it's a spider on me stuff!"
"You've fought worse than spiders!"
"Just get rid of it, Iskall!" He sighs. Readying himself for a fight, he crosses across the room, stamping his foot in front of the pile. The spider hisses, sharp fangs a warning. But when the creature jumps, Iskall's sword is there to meet it, throwing the spider to the ground where it disappears into twinkling orbs.
"Look, was that so hard?" Iskall asks, his hand on his hip as he looks back at her. Stress bounces in, grinning.
"It wasn't, was it? Guess I don't need to thank you, then!" Iskall rolls his eyes, slipping his sword back into his inventory.
"Like you don't need to thank me for helping carry your stuff?"
"Oh, I'll thank you for that." Iskall laughs, grabbing the strap of two bags and throwing them over his shoulder.
"How many trips do you think we'll need?" He asks, seeing her haul two up herself. Stress hums, observing the pile.
"Prob'ly only two or three. If we get started soon then we'll get done faster, too." Iskall can hear the teasing tone in her voice.
"Aren't you the one that was scared of a spider?"
"Don't know what you're talkin' about!" She calls, walking past him. Iskall shakes his head, smiling fondly before rushing after her.
"Hey TFC!" False calls, touching down at his base. She smiles at the sight of his usual suitcases, already neatly packed and organized. Everything's labelled in TFC's signature handwriting to boot. Far more planned out than her, she's gotta say. But that's a problem for the next world.
"False, what can I help you with?" TFC's smile is always nice to see. She flicks her elytra closed, waving.
"I came to ask you that, actually," she replies. "Wanted to know if you'd like help carrying things over. I did all my packing a few weeks back, so I'm kinda bored." And if she stays still for too long, X will probably try to rope her into admin duties. Sure, she knows the basics, but she doesn't want to be responsible for anybody's stuff going missing. Not her department.
"Well, I'm never going to turn down some extra hands," TFC replies. He walks over and pats the suitcases on the left. "These are all ready to go, I'm still finishing up with the others. Has Xisuma already started?"
"I think he was just finishing the pocket dimension, so you've still got a little while." The hermits always rush to be the first in, as if everybody's stuff won't fit. In False's opinion, being last is best. It's easier to get your things out when they're closer to the entrance.
"Good, good. Let him know I'm nearly finished, would you?"
False nods, saluting with one hand and picking up a suitcase with the other, "Will do!"
Hypno walks into Jevin's base to find him and Impulse slotting the last few items into boxes. He knows Jevin was mostly packed already, so it's nice Impulse has come to help out. But… Jevin might just be taking advantage of Impulse. Hypno won't think too much into it.
"X has finished setting up," he calls, not needing an introduction. Jevin twists to look at him, Impulse busy trying to fit a label on straight.
"So you're saying I'm late?" Jevin asks. Hypno chuckles, deciding to join them on the floor.
"You know what the rush is like to get stuff in. You'll be fine for a little while." Hypno shrugs, "After Wels, X'll probably be careful." Impulse nods, sitting back now the label of 'hoodies' is attached.
"I've already handed my stuff in," Impulse says, "I think False might have too? We both finished up pretty early."
"Yeah, there was a lot in the town hall ready to be moved." Hypno wonders if the hermits are getting more prepared for this. Somehow, he doubts it.
"So, you've come to help me carry these over?" Jevin asks, Hypno looks at the boxes, shrugging.
"With all three of us, it should only be two trips, right?" There are only five boxes, and two are pretty small anyway.
"That's the spirit!" Impulse calls, grinning. "Do you think you're all ready to go?"
"Yep, I think that's everything," Jevin decides. He pats a box, making more of a squelching sound. Hypno does his best not to laugh.
"Then let's get moving!"
Xisuma sighs as his visor adjusts to filter out the sunlight. Coding that in was a stroke of genius. It used to be such a nightmare to continuously adjust between the pocket dimension and hermitcraft. He looks at the stacked luggage to be moved, trying to figure out if there's more there than before. He swears there is. And they didn't even say hi when they dropped it off! Rude.
He jumps when something nudges the back of his knees, sending him stumbling forward. Turning, he finds Ren, his tail wagging proudly behind him.
"Oh! Hello there." He reaches down, giving Ren a scratch behind the ears. "Are you planning to change back before we move?" Ren barks in reply. "I'll pretend that's yes."
Turning, he sees a white tail flicking over blue diamonds. Of course, those two are together. Etho's curled up in the sun, black eyes watching the pair. One ear is stuck up, the other flopped lazily.
"You two aren't going to help me carry things in, are you?" X asks, sighing as he looks back at Ren.
"I think Ren forgot to leave a spare pair of clothes out, actually," Etho says, legs dangling off the throne. He's tugging his shawl over his nose now he's in human form. Or, as human as Etho gets. "And his outfit may have experienced some... unfortunate circumstances." Xisuma looks at Ren's sad eyes, shaking his head at the pair of them.
"And those didn't involve you in any way?" X asks Etho with what he thinks is an appropriate amount of suspicion in his voice. Etho holds his hands up, leaning back in a way that would have most people falling over.
"Are you accusing me, Xisuma?"
"I don't know, am I, Ren?" Ren gives a concise nod. Etho gasps, clutching over his heart.
"Betrayed by my own brethren!" Etho cries. Ren's tail is wagging, betraying his otherwise neutral expression.
"Come and help me carry things, you," X says, calling Etho over. "We'll be here for another month if you don't." Etho laughs, but jumps off the side of the throne, landing with barely a thud.
"What are we moving, bossman?" Etho asks. Xisuma surveys the piles.
"Mumbo's stuff next, I think," X decides, "He usually takes a while to unpack." Etho nods, following X's lead as they grab a bag and box respectively.
"So this is what you guys do at the end of the season?" Etho asks, Ren trotting along with them. Xisuma hums as he enters the pocket dimension, finding an open space at the back of the room.
"Yep, this is moving day," he explains. "I always try my best to make it easy for the hermits, but it doesn't often end up working." Etho chuckles, placing the bag on top of X's box.
"Seems like most people aren't done yet," Etho agrees.
"They'll get there," Xisuma replies. The hermits always do eventually.
They're just stepping out of the portal when a voice calls, "I'm not late am I?!" X scruffs Ren's neck, smiling at Zed, who's running over with far too many bags thrown over his back.
"Not at all, friend," he reassures him. Zed drops his bags, bent over and panting. Tango strolls up behind him far more leisurely.
"See, Zed, I said you wouldn't be!" Zed whips in his direction.
"Oh, you, mister 'oh Zed you're going to be late, we're all going to leave you behind', you-" Tango laughs, fluffing Zed's hair as he sets his bags down. They take the rest of his luggage out of the ender chest Xisuma left specifically for this purpose. Beef and Wels walk up together as they do, Xisuma waving to them.
"Beefers!" Etho says, grinning.
"Hey Etho, Tango, Zed, Xisuma." Beef pauses, "Oh, and a Ren!"
"Hey guys!" Wels simplifies, dropping his bags at the doors. "This should be everything from us."
"Perfect!" Xisuma nods, "You guys okay to help me carry things through?"
"Yeah, we can help out!" "That's cool with me."
Moving things goes a lot faster with five of them helping to carry things through. Xisuma just catches Impulse, Jevin and Hypno dropping one lot off, getting a frantic wave before the trio is rushing off again. The pocket dimension is quickly filling up with bags and boxes, the hermits a constant line as they drop in and out. Xisuma frequently checks, but it seems like the dimension is handling the pressure okay.
"Xisuma!" Joe calls, him and Cleo wandering up the town hall's stairs. By this point, Cub and Scar have joined them with TFC, False, Stress and Iskall all dropping things off too.
"Good to see you both," X greets, one of Wels' bags hugged in his arms. He turns away, before hesitating, something nagging the back of his mind. After a second of focus- "Joe, why do you have so many hitboxes inside you?"
"Ah, that's nothing you have to worry about, dear admin." Xisuma gives him a long look and decides this isn't a battle he's going to pick.
"As long as you're willing to help out," he says, instead. "We're only waiting for a few people. He takes a look at the gathered hermits. Cleo's now lying on the floor, Ren beside her. His tail is already wagging again. Cub is picking a box up, whilst Scar skips through the portal holding three bags with magic. Etho's chatting to Tango and Zed as they work.
"Of course! We'll be finished in no time." It's already taken most of the day, but X doesn't need to mention that. He sets his vision back to normal, does another check of the pocket dimension, and returns to carrying boxes.
The remaining hermits trickle in as the sun sets. Stress and Beef sort out dinner for everyone, Xisuma making sure the last of the luggage is safe.
"Wait!" A few heads turn at Grian's cry, heavy footsteps rushing up to town hall. "I- I've got my stuff." Xisuma blinks at the sight of the hermit carrying about four bags at once. One is bright pink.
"You're not too late," X reassures him. "You can just drop it in, there should be room." He's settled into a shaded corner, preparing for the process of safely moving over twenty players. And Joe. If he's being honest, the data is starting to give him a headache. But it'll be worth it once they're all in their new world. Their temporary 'in-between' world is already set up. Somewhere for them all to stay whilst he handles the switch over. Most of the hermits take the time to visit friends or do other projects during that, anyway.
"Thanks, X," Grian says, between gasps. He runs into the portal, X laughing softly to himself. Mumbo walks up a few minutes later, glancing at the group.
"Is Grian in there?" He asks. Before X can even reply, about four hermits are giving an affirmative. "Thanks, guys!" Mumbo heads in after, only two bags in tow. X watches, well-aware of the fondness in his chest. It's a good reminder of just what he does this for.
It's another hour until everything's ready. The sun is hanging over the horizon (Xisuma may have frozen the day cycle a while back.) X has watched warily as they've shared food, chatted, played games (including one very dramatic wink murder. He's not sure what happened in Grian's server, and he's not sure he wants to ask.) But now, they've all gathered around, watching as Xisuma enters the final commands.
"Okay, everybody here knows the drill. Stay with somebody else, I want to do a headcount on the other side, then you're all free to wander." He projects his voice, the hermits hushing to listen. "Is everybody ready?"
"Yeah!" "Born ready!" "We've been ready for hours!" "Is there food on the other side?"
X shakes his head. With a final press of the enter key, the portal opens in front of the diamond throne. There's a collective murmur of anticipation.
"Alright, you lot can head through. I'll join you in half an hour, max." He can't even make out words following that. TFC and False are first, walking through with a wave to the others. Stress and Iskall run after them. The rest of the hermits take their time. Some share hugs, some take a last look at the horizon. And Xisuma watches over it all, determined every single one of his hermits will make it safely through.
"X?" Impulse calls. He and Hypno are standing together. The town hall feels so much emptier now the hermits are gone. "You sure you'll be okay?"
"I'll be fine," Xisuma promises. "All standard procedure. I'll see you soon." They nod, sharing a last smile.
"Okay then. Stay safe, X."
"You two as well. Try and keep the others from misbehaving until I get there."
Hypno laughs, "No promises."
And like that, Xisuma's alone. He sighs, sinking back against the diamond throne. The sun casts golden beams over the land. This has been… a good season. They all are, but. Xisuma smiles as he sets the tick speed of the world to zero, freezing it in time. He thinks next season will be something special. It only takes fifteen minutes to finish his commands, the rest he needs to do on the other side.
"Goodbye, old friend." He pats the diamond throne. With a look over the eerily still shopping district, he sighs. It really is the hermits that fill a world with life, isn't it? "To more admin work," he murmurs, before laughing at himself.
"Shishwam?" Xisuma jumps, clutching his chestplate.
"Oh my goodness, you scared me." Keralis giggles. He's waiting in front of the portal, hands in his pockets. "I thought you went through."
"Well..." Keralis starts, "Somebody said we needed to go through the portal with someone else. And then I thought of a certain admin going through alone..." Xisuma laughs, shaking his head. He joins Keralis, swirling colours reflecting off his armour.
"Of course you did." He takes a deep breath. "Well, I'm ready to go." Keralis wraps his arm around Xisuma's shoulders, squeezing him tight.
"You've done a good job this season, Shishwammy. I hope you know that." Xisuma sneaks one last look out the doorway before they leave this world behind.
"Yeah." He smiles. "I think I do."
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milf-harrington · 3 years
okay bc i love tay @babydotcom and also bc i love talking about my original work im gonna talk about my books!!
so at the moment, im writing 2 of them! one of them is Nobodies Hero, a fantasy tale that is mostly narrated by a grouchy side-character and i have a sideblog that's basically a collection of my world building from the past 5 years and any posts i see that fit the characters or the world (@nobodieshero-lore)
the other is much newer (started maybe a month and a half ago) and is more of an urban fantasy called Arson: and other crimes which is basically going to follow the main cast through all the supernatural shenanigans and self growth they go through.
at the moment Arson is more of a concept? i have yet to figure out an actual plot, i've actually been trying a new approach to writing where i build all the characters first! most of my notes for Arson are just short scene snippets and dialogue, such as:
Time seemed to slow as the siren exploded from the flaming water, droplets of fire raining down around her as she reached out her webbed claws and exposed those horrifying needle-like teeth in a shrill scream of rage. It was awesome and terrifying, and Jai was forced to admit that maybe this time they wouldn’t be so lucky, maybe this time he was going down in a blaze of fish-scented glory. And then the scream was cut off as, with a sudden hollow sounding thwack, the siren’s head snapped to the side, the rest of her body thrown off course as she veered to the left and landed with a wet smack against the cement, a trail of slimy fire left in her wake. Kauri was standing in front of him with a thick metal pipe held tightly in their hands, hair a mess of thorns and ash as their shoulders heaved with each angry breath. Flickering orange light danced across their skin, the flames reflected in the dryads furious eyes as a new vine of thorns curled past their cheek. If someone had put a gun to his head, Jai may have been able to admit that he'd fallen in love right then, but there was no gun and no questioning so Jai shoved that shit deep down where he'd never find it.
There are currently 8 characters official characters, but i intend to make more bc 2 out of the 8 are mostly side characters/helpers.
uh we've got:
Jai, who is the quiet but stern researcher teaching himself magic; he mostly communicates through facial expressions and single sentences but if you get him started on whatever he's researching he can go on for ages (trans + gay)
Kauri, who is a dryad with a short temper. they're loud and passionate and also end up naked a lot because the concept of clothing makes no sense to them. my favourite thing about kauri is honestly their hair bc they've got vines that also grow from their scalp, and they grow/bloom/wild/grow thorns depending on their mood (as shown in the above snippet) (nonbinary)
Orli, who's a member of a werewolf pack. not everyone gets the lycanthrope gene, but she's just as snarly and protective as the rest of them. she works as a barista in her families cafe and she's got killer first aid skills. (asexual + lesbian)
Vince, who is Orli's older brother and did get the lycanthrope gene. he's just neat, i love him. he's usually the get away driver, or he'll bring them snacks and shit when they're on big research binges because he cares about them. he's basically a big ol' puppy (trans + bi)
[UNNAMED], who is a telepath with a weird name. her parents gave her up when she was young due to her being a "difficult and creepy child" and she kinda floated through different foster homes before she was tracked down and adopted by her uncle. She's funny and calculating, and in most situations will watch other people to figure out the best outcome for herself. she's almost always wearing a pair of headphones her uncle gave her that are warded against outside sound, so she can listen to music and block out everyone's thoughts. (lesbian)
Seftan, who's unnamed's weird but cool uncle. he's slept his way through half a bestiary and so is generally unphased by most things. he has 2 dogs and lives in a cute little 2-storey apartment/flat thing. he's either magic or knows a magic user bc he's got a lot of interesting books and wards set up and he also squints at Jai a lot. he calls unnamed a series of nicknames which are: nosy-nancy, no-name nancy, miss no-name, or just 'nancy' (inspired by nancy drew) (an opportunist)
Beau, who is a ghost from a circus! he died in the 1890's after getting stabbed to death in an argument with a sword-swallower, and is now stuck on the mortal plane bc he never got to finish his contortionist act. he's tied to a music box and gets handed around to different antique and thrift shops which is how he ends up w the rest of them.
Milo, who is possessed by an Ancient Creature and is therefore unable to stay dead. he has pretty yellow eyes, a hankering for roadkill and a whole other form that he can shift into. he's loyal as hell and genuinely doesn't see what's wrong with dying for someone he cares about, he's also mentally ill bc i think anyone would be if they were possessed and also kept dying. (demi + bi)
i think my favourite thing about Arson is that it's gonna be kind-of-not-really written like a survival guide or a diary? i don't know how to explain it properly but, like, there's gonna be random pages with tips for 'those in danger of kidnapping' or first aid or an info page on the monster/threat they're facing etc
but there's also gonna be other stuff like unnamed's playlists or what Kauri's moods are depending on their vines, or a steadily updated list of weird places Jai has been found sleeping.
uhh that's all i've really got so far without just slapping all my notes into a post so yeah! if you have any questions (or ideas?) please feel free to ask/share bc it can help with my creative process.
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bedbellyandbeyond · 3 years
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He’s Back
(Story Post)
Kent didn't seem to know what to do with the crying werewolf on his front, but he patted his back until he settled down. Nathan eventually pulled away and wiped his eyes. “I'm sorry… I don't know what came over me…” Dax decided to come out and make his entrance. “I thought you said you were going to punch him.” Kent’s entire demeanor changed and he was immediately on guard again, dipping to scoop up his rifle. “Who the fuck's that?” Nathan stepped back and held a hand out to his partner. “This is Dax.” “And who the fuck is Dax?” Kent said gruffly. “I'm his boyfriend,” Dax said, walking over and taking Nathan's hand. Kent huffed. “You really are one of those type, huh, Nate?”
“Nate?” Dax inquired. “He calls me that to antagonise me,” Nathan sighed. “I've told him a hundred times it's just Nathan. And put your damn rifle down, Kent.” Kent backed up to the porch to put his rifle down on the balcony. Then he just stood there and crossed his arms. “…So, did you have the kids?” Nathan crossed his arms too. “What if I did?” “Don't play games, dog breath. If I have children, I oughta know about it.” Nathan placed his hands on his hips. “I had my kids, yes.” “Where are they?” Kent demanded. “They're back home being babysat,” Nathan answered. Kent growled. “You came all the way out here and didn't even bring my fuckin’ kids?” “Well, I had Dawson’s kids, but he's dead,” Nathan said shrugging. “You damn mutt… You really want to go that way? You really want to say you had Dawson Grace's kids, the name that went down as the man executed for murdering four people?” Kent asked. “They're my fucking kids. I have a right to see them.” “Why the fuck should I bring them to you?” Nathan asked. “You literally don't exist to them. They're fine without you.” “So what, you've got this limp dick raisin’ my kids?” Kent growled, shoving a finger towards Dax. Dax pushed out a hip. “Nathan was right. You really are an asshole.” “Dax is there for me,” Nathan said. “He actually gives a shit. You've done nothing for me or my kids.” “Yeah, as if I had a fuckin' choice!” Kent scrunched his nose. “Don't you think I would've wanted to be there?” “You didn't even want me to have them!” Nathan said. “Yeah, when I was convinced I was gonna fry!” Kent said. “I didn't want to leave kids on this Earth with a fucked up legacy like mine!” “If you want to see my kids, you'll have to earn it!” Nathan stated. “You'll have to help me.” “Like shit. I don't have to do shit for you,” Kent stated. “Look at what you did to my fucking face.” He jabbed a finger at his own long scar. Nathan shook his head. “You'd be dead if it weren't for me.” “How the fuck do you reckon that?” Kent growled. “I told you APID could help you,” Nathan stated. “I told you my case workers would do something about your case, so long as you were really innocent. And they got this for you.” He motioned to the cottage. “Much better than that hell hole of a cave you had in the ravine.” “I liked my cabin,” Kent said stubbornly. “And if you hadn't come along, I would've still been there, alone, without the black suits bothering me all the time.” “But you'd still be a wanted man,” Nathan stated. “You'd get caught eventually and then the cover up wouldn't be a cover up. You'd be dead. But you're a free man now. They gave you a whole new life.” Kent grit his teeth. “I never asked for it. I was survivin’ on my own.” “Surviving's not necessarily living though,” Dax commented. “No one asked you, Dix,” Kent snapped. “It's Dax...” “Don't fuckin' care.” Nathan crossed his arms. “If you're going to keep being an asshole, we'll just leave and you'll never see your kids.” “I don't even know they really exist,” Kent said. “You could just be lyin’ to me.” “...Are you fucking kidding me?” Nathan grabbed Kent's shirt. “I wouldn't lie about the pain and labour I had to go through to bring those kids into this world. Is this a fucking lie?” He lifted his shirt, exposing his stretch marks and C-section scar. “Is this a fucking lie to you, Kent?” Kent paused and placed his hand on Nathan's stomach, feeling the scars that webbed across his skin. “You really were fuckin’ pregnant, huh? Man like you...” “Don't touch me!” Nathan pushed Kent's hand away and lowered his shirt. “I came here hoping you would help me. Do you think you could do that?” “Remains to be seen,” Kent said. “Do you at least have pictures of my kids?” “Yes, of course,” Nathan said. Kent sighed. “What do you need help with?” Nathan took a deep breath. “My transformation's started triggering during the day time, regardless of my wolf cycle,” he explained. “I become more of a half wolf, half man than the usual full wolf.” Kent nodded. “Ah.” “Does that ever happen to you?” Nathan asked. “What, this?” Kent immediately transformed, his height growing another foot, fur exploding out of his skin to cover him, bear ears and a big bear snout sprouting right out. The sheer added girth of him shredded his T-shirt and pushed Nathan back a step into Dax. They watched in shock and awe. Kent raised his head and let out a big bellowing bear call, making birds scatter from the trees. Then as fast as he'd turned bear, he was back to human, still a big bastard, but all trace of bear gone. “...You can control it?” Nathan asked once he found his thoughts. “Damn straight. If you're turning midday, it means you've got some control too,” Kent said. “Reckon you haven't figured it out yet.” “No, I haven't,” Nathan said. “Can you teach me to control it?” “Can you bring my damn kids?” Kent asked. Nathan nodded. “Next weekend.” Kent sighed. He eyed the APID agent still standing at the van, now lighting a cigarette. “Tell the black suit to fuck off and then come inside the house.” He waited at the door with Nathan, and Dax told their escort they’d be good on their own for now. Hanover got their overnight stuff out of the back before driving off. Kent held the front door of his cottage open for Nathan but promptly closed it in Dax's face. Nathan opened the door up again to let Dax in. On the inside, the cottage was surprisingly clean and spacious, open to a kitchen and living room, two rooms off the living room and a ladder up to a loft above. “Part of the deal is you stop acting like an asshole to Dax,” Nathan stated. “It's alright, Nathan,” Dax said. “He's just being the possessive ex.” “Ex?” Kent growled. “Are you fucked in the head? I'm not gay.” “The closet is deep with this one,” Dax remarked. “Let me guess, your parents told you God would send you to hell for liking boys.” “I don't believe in no fuckin' God,” Kent stated. “Where in the Bible did the bastard say ‘Thou shalt turn into a fuckin' bear and be hunted like a damn animal’? What fuckin' passage?” “The book of Daniel has some stuff...” Nathan muttered as he started looking around and picking stuff up. Dax blinked, turning to his boyfriend. “I didn't strike you as religious, Nathan.” “I'm not,” Nathan said as he fiddled with a little whittled wood fox. “Well, not really... I was the one whose parents told me I'd go to hell for being gay. They shoved religion in my face all the time.” “You never talked about this,” Dax said. “I don't like to talk about it,” Nathan said placing the fox down and picking up an owl figure. “It really changed my relationship with religion.” “Bunch of nonsense,” Kent stated. “Bible people really rub me the wrong way...” “So if it's not religious, why are you so scared to acknowledge your latent homosexuality?” Dax asked, taking a look at the wood fox as well. “There ain't nothin’ to acknowledge,” Kent said, taking the carving out of Dax's hands and putting it back on a shelf. “You can keep on as you are, I ain't gonna stop you. It just ain't natural, that's all. And it ain't me.” “We're not here to get hate-crimed, Dax. Show him your pictures,” Nathan sighed, placing the owl down again. “You take more than I do.” “Right, yes. One moment.” Dax pulled out his phone. “I made an album.” “Album?” Kent frowned and narrowed his eyes. “On your phone?” “Yeah, I don't think most people bother making them, but I like organising my memories,” Dax said before turning his phone towards Kent. The bear man took up the phone and squinted at it. He looked at the image that showed Nathan in the hospital with the twins bundled up in his arms. Their faces however were obscured in the photo by angle and all the swaddling. “Do you have a better one? I can't see them in this...” Kent huffed. “Yeah, just swipe through. There's a bunch,” Dax said. “Swipe?” Kent asked. Nathan nudged Dax's arm. “He lived under a literal rock for the last twenty years. He doesn't understand smartphones.” “Ohhh...” “Shut up, I have one of your damn smartphones the black suits gave me,” Kent said. “But do you know how to use it?” Nathan asked. Kent wrinkled his nose. “Just show me how to see the damn photos.” “You're going to have to learn to use it if you want contact,” Nathan said as Dax went to stand beside Kent and showed him how to swipe through the album. Once he got the hang of it, Kent started swiping on his own. Dax had taken what seemed to be hundreds of photos and they went up in chronological order from the day of the twins' birth all the way to a photo of Korsgaard holding them at his house just before the couple left. Kent didn't get that far, however. He was silent as he continued to look at each photo one by one. He would often pause at any photo that had both kids in it clearly and he would quickly skip over any picture with Dax in them. He was eventually transfixed on a photo of both kids holding hands while asleep on Nathan's chest. “Oh, that's a good one,” Dax commented. “They both fell into a food coma. Nathan, as a cis man, doesn't produce a lot of milk, so it's very rare that they’re fully satisfied once he's dry.” “Wait, what photo is that?” Nathan snatched up the phone. “Ugh, you had to pick one with my fucking tits out, what the fuck...” “What are their names?” Kent asked. Nathan sighed and picked a different picture before pointing to each child respectively. “Grace and Gabriel.” Kent blinked. “Grace Grace?” “Grace Cassidy, you selfish bastard,” Nathan said. “You really think I'd give them your surname?” “Kids get the father's surname. It's how it works,” Kent said. “Yeah, guess what? I'm their father,” Nathan stated. “What do you mean? You're the mother. You gave birth to them,” Kent said. “I... I literally don't have the patience right now to explain how wrong and insulting that is,” Nathan stated. “Not to mention, ‘Dawson Grace’ is dead, remember?” “So, Grace and Gabriel Rivera,” Kent stated. “I'm not changing my kids' names to their deadbeat dad's,” Nathan asserted. “Especially not a made up one.” “It was my mother's maiden name,” Kent growled. “Oh. Still.” Nathan shrugged and handed Dax back his phone. “Her name is Grace after my grandmother who raised me, not you.” “And Gabriel?” Kent asked. “I just like it,” Nathan said. “I might have trouble with religion, but I like biblical names.” Kent rolled his eyes. “Whatever, Nate.” “Stop.” Nathan balled his fist. “You saw the pictures. You better help me.” Kent turned away and went to the kitchen. “Tomorrow. It's gettin’ late.” “What? But wouldn't night time be better for the wolf and all that moon stuff?” Dax asked. “Yeah, if you want to go berserk and rip an arm off,” Kent said. “Best time to practice is when the wolf is the weakest. High noon, middle of your off weeks. Do you know where you are in the moon phases?” “Yeah, I keep track on my phone,” Nathan said. “You can do that?” Kent asked. “Yeah, there's an app for everything,” Nathan said. “App?” Kent asked. “Application,” Dax said. “Did you have a computer before going on the lam?” “No, not really.” “We're really at square one then, huh?” Dax sighed. “Well, I suppose we should call the agent to take us to our hotel.” “You're staying here,” Kent said. “There's a bed in the loft.” “No thanks, I like running water,” Nathan said. “I'm not asking,” Kent said. “If those damn black suits take another step on my property, I'll start shootin’.” “Incredibly illegal,” Nathan said. “Quick way to get your hunting license revoked. Not to mention, why do you need a hunting rifle? You're a literal bear.” “Hunting as the bear's real messy,” Kent said. “Not to mention, I don't want to be hunted. I got a few scars from that...” “Fair enough. Still not sleeping here,” Nathan said. “I have plumbing and power,” Kent stated. “I'm not used to using it much but it's there.” “But running water, though?” Dax asked. Kent turned on the kitchen tap and it ran clear. “Spring water.” “...Why do you want us to stay here so bad?” Nathan asked. “It's not like that. I just don't need you wasting my time getting back here tomorrow,” Kent stated. Nathan nudged Dax. “What do you think?” “I think he's lonely,” Dax muttered. Kent growled. “What?” “Can we see the loft?” Nathan asked. “Be my fuckin' guest.” Kent motioned to the ladder. “There's a mattress. Place was furnished when I got here.” “You're actually thinking about this?” Dax asked as Nathan started to climb the ladder. “Let's just see if it'll work for tonight,” Nathan said as he got up to the top. The mattress up in the loft looked to be of good quality, with fitted sheets, pillows and even a duvet folded up in the corner. “This is actually kind of nice...” Dax frowned and climbed up after him. “...We already booked the hotel.” “Call and see if we can cancel,” Nathan said. “Maybe it's just a fee.” Dax sighed and leaned over the railing of the loft. “Is there a good foot path around here?” “‘Round the lake,” Kent said. “Why?” “If I can get a good run in tomorrow morning, maybe it'll be worth it...” Dax sat on the bed and crossed his legs. The loft roof was so low there that his head brushed the ceiling. “What's for dinner?” Kent shrugged. “Venison.” “Oh dear...” “Correct.” Nathan sighed. “Dax's vegetarian.” “Then he can eat a tree,” Kent growled. “Come on, you had a garden back in the valley. You must have some greens,” Nathan said. Kent huffed and put his hands on his hips. “It's as cold as a witch's tit for too long up here. I'm working on it, but my garden's not even close to harvesting time.” Dax collapsed onto the futon. “And I suppose Uber Eats is out of the question?” “Uber what?” “I'm going to starve.” Kent checked his fridge. “Relax, you limp dick tree muncher. I went into town a couple days ago... I think I have some bread and butter... Oh, there's a jar of pickles and some mustard.” “...Can you do something with that, Dax?” Nathan asked. “There's plenty of berries I picked too,” Kent said. “I blend my own jams.” Dax sighed. “I can probably work something out... Maybe I can make a smoothie tomorrow for breakfast...” Nathan rubbed his shoulder. “When we have some time tomorrow, we'll get some food in town. For now, we can work with what's here.” “Easy for you to say. You can eat venison.” Kent, tall as he was, smacked the wood at the end of the loft floor. “Absolutely no fuckin' up there, got it?” “With your ugly mug around?” Nathan huffed. “Wouldn't dream of it.” “Hey, you're the one who busted it up in the first place,” Kent said. “I added character, but I’m not the one who added that nasty mullet,” Nathan said. “Fuck off... I’m going out for firewood.” Kent huffed and just walked off muttering ‘stupid dog’ under his breath as he put his hand through his hair. Dax sat up and watched until Kent went outside and the door closed behind him. Dax then put his hand on Nathan's shoulder. “He's really into you, huh?” “What?” Nathan shook his head. “He fucking hates me.” “No, he really doesn't. This whole interaction he's been trying to separate us. You didn't even see how he looked at photos of you with the kids. I bet you if I taught him how to delete photos, he would've removed any of them with me in it.” Nathan frowned. “You have nothing to worry about. He's not going to come out if that's true and I'm with you. I chose you.” “I know that. I'm not threatened, I'm just, well you know, I'm nosier than I am tall,” Dax chuckled. “He’s kept his eyes on you from the very second he spotted you until the moment he went out that door. If he ever made eye contact with me, it was only a passing glare. He's almost like another Wano, to be quite honest. I'm half waiting for him to declare a dual for your hand...” Nathan chuckled. “I don't think you have to worry about that. You're good.” “I mean, if you think about it,” Dax said lying back in the bed. “I almost feel sorry for him. The last time you met, you were single. He's been alone out here for months probably thinking about you and the kids. Must've been a slap to the face when I showed up.” Nathan patted Dax's leg. “If you're so obsessed with him, you can date him.” Dax smiled. “I won't lie. He's a lot more handsome than I expected from your descriptions. Not to mention, when he transformed right in front of you, tearing his shirt off, and then when shrunk down he was just shirtless and ripped... Come on.” “I’ll give you that. It was kinda hot...” Nathan admitted. “And pretty gay.” “Right? How old is he, anyway?” “Not sure.” Nathan thought about it.  “He must've been in his twenties back when he was accused and it's been twenty years.” “So, his forties. You like your men older, don't you Nate?” Dax teased. Nathan frowned and lightly punched Dax's leg. “Shut up. Reid said the same damn thing... It's not true.” “How old was Hugh?” Dax asked. “You said he had grey hair.” “Shut up!”
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
Full Moon Sacrifice
It’s here! The breeding fic for Bloodhound I promised! Please enjoy- I also made them a lil more domestic in this fic and a lil more open with Reader as if y’all have been together for awhile to get ya Romance Juices flowin today! Enjoyyyy!
Reblogs > Likes. It cost zero dollars to reblog the fics you like :D
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Bloodhound/Reader
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Reader has a vulva and is explicitly stated, gender neutral reader, breeding kink, Bloodhound has a vulva but is not explicitly stated, strap on usage, werewolf dick makes a return, knotting, uhhh fluff?, God kink, sexual sacrifice
Words: 3k
It started out as a simple, harmless joke. A little poke at Bloodhound and their feral habits and saying that if they had a heat cycle, they’d probably be desperate to fuck you until you were full of pups. A joke, a simple little joke, that had their cheeks on fire and an interesting look in their eye as they peered at you from across the room. They had huffed a laugh through their nose at you, taking a sip of their drink as they murmured, “Perhaps.”
You figured it had been to humor you, but then something seemed to almost switch in the bedroom.
It started off small, probably something you wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t so interested in your partner. Just a little bit different of things. Such as their new favorite toys to use on you all had cum lube tubes attached to them. Or they felt the need to stuff you to your limits- or maybe use one of their ovipositor toys.
Even when you would take the lead, they seemed to fancy you getting penetrated in some fashion, even if it was them in a strap on with a vibrator tucked neatly inside of them as you rode them. It’s as if they needed to see the visual appeal to get off.
You started to piece it all together when Bloodhound asked you how you would feel about being their sacrifice this evening. Almost shyly they had said it as they held your hands. Curious, you dumbly asked, “You mean like- stabbing me?” To which they had let out a choked out noise and shook their head, dark cheeks flushing a lovely shade of red.
~Rest under the cut~
“No, beloved- ah...there is...other ways to sacrifice your body to the gods. An act of devotion- of bearing children?” They had started slow, eyes flickering between yours as you slowly got it. They waited for you to ask what they meant, but when your eyes lit up and you laughed in a flustered tone and averted your gaze from their strong one- they knew you got it.
“I knew it!” You had cheered playfully, bringing up your past joke. Only to get tackled onto the couch behind you with a flustered Bloodhound covering your face with a pillow. Your partner was far too cute, sometimes. Amazing to see what domestic love would do to them when they weren’t wearing a mask in the ring or pretending to be big and bad.
The day had come rather slowly with your eagerness and them refusing to touch you until the day. They kept teasing you periodically with too hard of kisses and a well timed hip squeeze to keep you interested, only to part and sigh against your mouth, “You must be ready when the time comes. You may touch yourself, but do not allow release. I shall know, my love.” Practically a threat.
You had poked, begged, and cried, but it would be all worth it, you just knew it.
The coming of summer meant the air was warmed, but not overly sticky or something to whine about. The forest was humming with the insects coming from their hiding holes and the winds brushing the tree tops and making them sway. Furs were lain out on the forest’s floor in the clearing, paving the way clearly for the full moon to shine down and cast its natural light where you rest on said furs. Your clothing had been taken from you with gentle, partially gloved hands, with only peppered kisses on your lips and cheeks keeping you on your toes.
When Bloodhound finally joins you, they’re completely dressed while you are bare before the gods above and the god in front of you. You whine softly in your throat, but remain lying down against the soft furs, knees pulled up and legs parted to show how desperate you were.
They come in full combat boots, leather pants, a tight and torn up dark red tanktop with a leather jacket thrown overtop with a fur lined collar. A black mask with sharp white teeth rests on their lower face and their red curls pulled into a ponytail. The partially gloved hands you had felt were from their fingerless leather gloves. It was a casual outfit they’d wear on outings, and you assume they had been out all day while you napped and tried to ignore the ache between your thighs.
Bloodhound’s eyes practically glow in the darkness of the forest, a singular blood red and a singular fire built in their blinded eye. They stalk around you without another word, looking ever so much like a predator as you quiver and hold still. Almost as if both of you were getting into characters and roles that you had yet to discuss. Them, the big, bad predator. And you, the helpless deer caught in their trap.
A soft sigh leaves you when they circle back around you and begin to remove articles of clothing. The mask and jacket go first, set to the side and followed by their gloves. They fit their body between your spread thighs, pressing their clothed body to yours and leaning over top of you with their tone spoken lowly, “You are going to be bred like the sweet little pet you are, am I understood?”
And the way it’s said- Gods does it send shivers down your spine. You’re already focused on the way their full lips move, how their sharp teeth glint that you can only nod vigorously, hips coming up to desperately try to catch their attention. Yet, Bloodhound is always smart, staying just out of reach to leave you wanting.
“Use your words.” They warn in the same low tone, eyes narrowing as if trying to hold back a grin at your desperation. It had been WEEKS since you’d gotten off- let alone touched yourself. You gave up on that way out quickly.
“Yes- yes, please, Houndie- baby, please, breed me. I’ve been good, so good-” You start to bargain, pleading and arching your back to try and look more appealing by letting your head fall to the side to bare your throat. It seems to work, since they swear under their breath- undoubtedly cursing that you know them so well- as their mouth comes to rest soon over your neck. Sharp canines nipping at your exposed flesh as their body begins to press weight down into you.
Their teeth soon become their lips pressing to yours, a hand resting in your hair and gently pulling to manipulate you where they’d like you. You moan softly into their mouth, reaching up to caress the curves of their sides and feel over the powerful muscle. Their hips shift, allowing your naked pelvis to press up against them and smear your slick over the front of their pants. You note that there’s a shape there, unlike the usual flatness, meaning they wore a toy here. You wonder if they intend on fucking you naked at all.
Knowing their speed and preferences, they’d rather you bare and helpless, and themselves quite the opposite.
The wind hums, picking up its pace briefly and the world seems to hum with the energy of the bright full moon overhead. Bloodhound seems affected as well, their soft pants turning to huffed, quiet growls as they bite at any inch of you they can. Working their way down your body until they reach your heat. Slick and wet with need as you peek down at them just in time to see them looking back up at you.
Their eyes are half lidded, lips parted to breathe hot air onto you. A small tilt down of their head implies that they’re inhaling your scent, an action that makes your cheeks burn and making your head fall back. Just in time when they nose at you, one hand resting over your mound and using two fingers to part your lower lips while another hand rests on your hip to keep you down.
The first hot, wet slide of their tongue makes you arch up with a hiss. Oversensitive from lack of touch in weeks and managing to curl your fingers into the furs beneath you rather than reach out and shove them down. “Hound-” You warn, your voice quivering with need. All you get in return is a low huff of amusement, spreading air across your heat and making your hips twitch as best as they could to get more.
Of course the world’s beloved Apex Champion was not only good at pulling a trigger, they were good at giving head, and enjoyed doing it just as much. Bloodhound indulges in you as if you’re a treat, or perhaps a last meal. Delving their tongue down into your hole only for their own little taste and parting your lower lips further to fully lick and suck at your clit. At some point their hand moves from your hip to rest underneath at your ass, helping arch you upwards against their mouth so they can suck a little harder, get a little messier.
Their moans of enjoyment are low, but noticeable past your own sharp sounds and low coos. They moan into you when your hand rests at their ponytail. Curling your fingers at the base and shoving them down further with a tone of desperation aching through your lungs and echoing throughout the night sky.
When you cum, both their hands cradle your ass and lift you up higher with their body. Practically on their knees and you practically bent in half so they can lick up your mess like sweet nectar on their tongue.
Oversensitive from cumming, you try to squirm and arch- but the new position does you no favors.
“Hound,” You try to cry out, toes curling and thighs flexing as their nails dig into the soft flesh of your ass. A growl echoing from their lips as their tongue slides sloppily over your clit until their lips can seal back over it greedily. “H-Hound!” You cry out again, hands flying back to their hair as you quiver and shake with a dry orgasm racking your frame far too soon.
You hardly can focus when they finally stop lapping at you like a starved dog. Gently, they rest you back down on the furs, letting you throw an arm over your face and shake with low whimpers in your throat. You vaguely can hear the zipper from their pants and how they pant lowly. You catch it in time to peek at them just as they wipe their mouth off, lips having been glossy from your slick. Once they catch you peeking, they flash you an almost feral grin, fitting when you glance down at their crotch and note their weapon of choice for the night.
“What is it that you told me the other day, dearest?” Their voice is almost a tease verging into a growl as their hands yank your hips, pulling your lower half up and practically into their lap. “That if I was perhaps a feral animal with a rut, that I would ‘fuck you until you were full of pups’?” They mimic you from the other day, two fingers pressing cruelly inside of your pliant cunt as your hips jerk from the motion. Curling upwards against your walls as if feeling you out, but you know they’re checking how wet you are.
Toys did NOT have natural lubrication and made it a bit hard for penetration without proper lubrication.
A few hard finger thrusts make you sob out a, “Fuck!” And throwing your head back. Feeling their fingers retreat and hearing them rooting through their jacket until seeming to find what they want. The familiar sound of a cap being flipped makes you shudder, hearing the slick noises of them fisting their own toy cock and stroking over it.
Their weapon of choice for the night was a favorite of theirs. A thick red cock with a tapered head and a fat knot, matching that of a dog’s- a fairly large dog for that matter. A werewolf even. Eight inches long in total including the fat knot that was as thick as your wrist. You can’t see the syringe connecting a tube to the base, but you know it’s on their person somewhere with the way this was going.
“For the gods, you shall be the sacrifice of the night,” Bloodhound murmurs, sliding the head of the cock through your lower lips. Gliding past your hole and over your clit then back down. Their eyes are trained fully on the action, hungrily watching the redness of the toy disappear briefly only to reappear slipping across your swollen clit. “You shall be my good breeding pet, will you not?”
Their voice is a coo, one you can’t refuse as you nod your head vigorously, far too gone for words. Especially when they press down on the base of their cock and begin to press into you. Each inch is a stretch on its own, but with your own slick, the lubrication, and their work on you earlier, it’s not painful so much as it is you can tell it’s a stretch. You hiss out a swear, tossing your head to the side and resting a hand in your own hair to steady yourself as you bare your throat.
Bloodhound must appreciate the gesture because they’re full of purrs and coos, leaning down to kiss over the length of your throat and murmuring about how good you’re doing as they slip their cock in deeper and deeper. Until the knot is pressing to the rim of your sex but not yet pushing inside.
There’s a moment of break in the scene when they nuzzle over your jawline, “Tell me if I become too much, beloved. I feel I shall get carried away with you like this.”
It’s so honest, so gentle, that you manage a break in your haze to laugh softly. Gently, you nudge their cheek with your nose and press a soft kiss there as well as you murmur, “You’ve done worse than fuck me in the forest. You won’t break me, I promise. I know my safe word.”
Just a small amount of communication to ease their nerves. Going so far as to when they don’t reply to reach down and pinch their ass. That makes them yelp softly, huffing against your cheek before pressing one back to yours with a gentle rest of their forehead to yours as they settle back into the scene.
A single thrust and a snarl from their lips lets you know the game has begun once again. At first you try to be quiet as they pick up a nice pace, stubbornly biting your lip- but you should know by now that that won’t work. Slowly, moans begin seeping past your lips, until you’ve thrown your head to the side, lips parted and brows knitted with pleasure.
They must be feeling something too, judging by how they’re doing that cute little noise they do when they’re being touched. This huffy, soft little growl in their throat with every breath. And when you peek at them, you can see their own eyebrows knitted, eyes half lidded to watch your facial expression.
When you catch their eyes, Bloodhound holds the stare only momentarily before leaning in and capturing your lips. Nipping and biting at your lower lip that was already reddened from your own teeth. Threatening to break the soft flesh with their sharper teeth as they begin fucking into you harder.
Your moans flow into their mouth as their hands greedily grab at you. It’s only suddenly they break apart briefly, carefully pulling out and rolling you over with a reminder of their strength as they manipulate you like a doll onto all fours. Immediately, a hand rests in your hair, shoving your cheek down into the fur on the ground as they fit their cock back inside of you.
The new angle allows them to go deeper, making you practically squeal when their other hand reaches under to cup your mound and rub your clit in circles with their fingers. All the while Bloodhound growls in your ear praises and filth of, “You are going to be my breeding pet for as long as it needs to take.” “Such a good little thing.” “Thank your god for this blessing.”
To which you begin wailing, “Thank you, thank you, thank- th-thankYOU-!” As you begin to cum hard on their cock. Just two more thrusts before the knot slips into you, stretching you wider and making you feel yourself flexing and squeezing with the aftershocks of your orgasm.
Vaguely you can hear them moan behind you, struggling briefly before you feel the sizeable amount of ‘cum’ entering inside of you. You whine at the full feeling, rocking your hips back to feel it only to have their hands greedily hook over your hips and yank you flush to them.
“Do not spill anything.” They murmur, lazily rolling their own hips against your ass as if to make sure you’re holding still. You hum coyly in return, allowing your weight to rest in their hands as they help ease you down into lying on your abdomen with their thighs framing yours in an almost straddle.
“Aw, but if I spill some, doesn’t that mean we have to go again?” You tease back, tilting your head to the side to eye them from the side. Resting your cheek against your folded arms and smiling lazily at them as you catch them narrowing their eyes at you.
A gentle pinch to your cheek makes you smile as they huff at you, “Do not tempt me, my love.” Just a small threat as you flash a grin in return, lazy and tired as you rest your eyes.
“Mmh- did you cum, Hound?” Yawning at your own words, you peek open an eye to catch them nod briefly, watching them look away from you as if even admitting that was embarrassing.
Yawning once more, you nuzzle into your arms. “We should do this again. Maybe you can chase me a bit and tie me to a tree. Seems like something up your alley.”
And judging by the playful swat to your ass and a huff from your now flustered partner who just fucked you in the woods- you're going to take that as a solid Yes.
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falseroar · 4 years
Dog Days Part 26: Just a Few Questions
((In exchange for helping cover up what happened at the studio, Dr. Iplier has a request of Dr. Schneeplestein and you. Abe has some regrets about offering to go with Chase to the Institute, but with Jackie’s “help” decides not to back out now.
This is a long one! (Edit: Never mind. I just checked, and the next two parts are both 7k+ words each. I’m beginning to suspect this is just going to be a theme from here on out.) I also sort of introduced another OC for this one, so hopefully that’s not too distracting. I’ll explain more about that in the end notes.
Here’s links to Part 25 and to the series masterlist.))
The doctor allowed Abe to stay the night in the clinic, on the condition that he didn’t leave the room as much as possible. Abe wasn’t sure if that was so Marvin could keep an eye on him while Schneeplestein was busy, or if he didn’t want the hunter scaring off his other patients. Either way, he had no intention of leaving, and neither did Jameson. With two beds in one room, it was already crowded enough without all of them there, so it only took a little bit of urging from the doctor to convince Chase to go home for the night, with Jackie riding along to keep an eye on him and to get some fresh air.
Jameson was more than willing to answer Abe’s questions and ask a few of his own, the two of them passing his phone back and forth with his notes app open, at least when he wasn’t arguing with Marvin about what the doctor’s definition of “rest” meant. Between the magician and the way Jackie fidgeted restlessly until Chase offered him an excuse to leave, Abe suspected these guys weren’t used to sitting still for long. Not that he could judge them there.
The doctor looked in occasionally, but otherwise the only sounds they heard from the rest of the clinic was the slow but steady stream of patients going in and out throughout the night, about the same number as Abe usually counted when he had been watching from the outside. All those nights watching the doctor, and he didn’t expected to end up here in one of these rooms, keeping an eye on the partner he thought he lost for good.
Or trying to keep an eye on you. It was a long, quiet night, and when you woke up the room was dark. Marvin was lying on the other bed, still wearing his mask, Jameson sitting back in the chair next to him with his head propped up against the wall behind him, while Abe had fallen asleep with his head resting on your bed. A soft snore escaped from the hunter as you looked at the three of them and wondered what time it was, a question that was answered a few minutes later when the door cracked open and Henrik peeped in.
Spotting your open eyes, he whispered knowing that you would be able to hear him even from across the room, “How are you feeling? Need anyzhing?”
“Just thirsty,” you admitted, and he nodded before disappearing from the doorway. A moment later he returned with a cup of water, and you sat up carefully so as not to wake up Abe. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Henrik answered softly, watching you as you drank with a thoughtful expression. “Dawn is less than two hours away now.”
“Are you going to stay here or go home?” you asked, after nearly draining half the cup in one sip.
“Zhat depends on what you wish to do, I think. I believe you and Marvin would both do well at home, but there are other considerations.” The doctor glanced at Abe, but he said, “I have told Dr. Iplier I will go to zhe hospital today and spend zhe daylight hours there, if you are up to joining me.”
“The hospital? Are you working there today or something?” you asked, and Henrik shook his head.
“No, it is time for my regular check-in, but there is also zhe problem of zhe Institute. Dr. Iplier has agreed to cover for us, should zhey ask about yesterday’s…incident at zhe studio, but only if he has a chance to meet you, again.”
You started to ask, but Abe stirred and asked, his voice slurring a little with sleep, “Wait, what’s happening?”
Clearly you and Henrik hadn’t been as quiet as you had hoped, because Marvin and Jameson were waking up now too.
Henrik sighed and explained, “Dr. Iplier is, rightfully, not big on covering for people he does not know. He is villing to do much based on my word as to Y/N’s character and safety, but he would still like to meet zhem in person and ask a few questions. Since I have to go in anyways today, and Abe and Chase have already made plans…”
“Wait, you have?” you asked, and this time it was Abe’s turn to explain about the call and Chase’s agreement to go in and give a report on what happened at the studio yesterday—or at least his version that covered up the whole werewolf thing. Which brought them around to Abe’s client, or at least the Google that worked for him.
“This little field trip might give us a chance to look into who created those Google units, and who has them now,” Abe said. “The one I met answers to someone who knows way too much about us.”
“Even more now, thanks to you,” Marvin muttered, but while Abe didn’t hear it you could give the magician a look that made him repentant enough to say, “You said one of them’s at the hospital, right? I can go with Y/N and Henrik and…”
He winced as he sat up, a hand going to his head, and the doctor clucked his tongue. “Your body is telling you no on zhat. You vill go home with Jackie when zhey get here and rest, no excuses. We need you back up to stuff, magician, and zhat vill not happen if you are running around willy und nilly.”
“I can go,” Jameson signed. “That is, if you want to go, Y/N.”
You hesitated. Going to a hospital felt risky, even without everything else going on, but Henrik would be there and he had trusted the other doctor enough to bring him in while you were still recovering and stuck as a wolf. And Marvin did have a point about talking to the Google there—maybe he knew something about the others, or you could get a better feel for how these magiteks worked. Using Google’s own rules against him had worked yesterday, after all.
“Yeah, I’ll go,” you said, only to look down at your shirt. While you had healed from the shot without an issue, the same couldn’t be said for your torn and bloody shirt. “I, uh, might need to change first, though.”
“I vill tell Chase to add that to zhe list things to bring,” Henrik said, sounding much more cheerful. “Zhe bathroom is open, if any of you wish to freshen up in zhe meantime.”
Abe frowned, and not just because the doctor seemed to give him a side eye when he said it. He had been okay with going to the Institute with Chase when it seemed like you would be staying here or going home, or at least aware that he would have to keep his distance anyways once that happened, but now that he knew you were going somewhere else he wasn’t so thrilled on his promise to go. Sure, split up and cover more ground, that was great and all, but he hadn’t realized going with you could have been an option. It wasn’t like Chase needed him to be there.
Even knowing there was a chance to find out more about the red-shirted Google, Abe still played with the idea of giving an excuse to go with your group to the hospital. For safety, of course—after all, look how that little field trip to the studio turned out for you.
But it was Marvin who spoke up, while Jameson was out of the room and no doubt waxing his mustache or whatever his morning routine involved and the doctor had taken you to another room for some privacy for another checkup, and muttered, “Wish I was going with you.”
“You mean with them,” Abe said, head tilting in the general direction of the others, but the magician shook his head.
“No, I mean, yes, them too. Just doing something.” Marvin rubbed his face, his fingers disappearing up under his mask before it resettled into place. “What am I supposed to do, sit at home and twiddle my thumbs?”
“…Your magic really is gone?” Abe asked.
“Not gone, just—” Marvin paused, searching for the right words. “Like there’s a—wall, in between me and it, or like…Like breaking your arm, it’s still there, but you can’t use it for anything, you know? No, that’s not really right, but you get the general idea. God, I might as well be totally human.”
“Yeah, I can see how that would be a real shame,” Abe said sarcastically, but the magician just shrugged. Abe found his eyes drawn to that ridiculous cat mask again, and he had to ask, “Your friends know you’re half-fae, right? Not exactly something you can hide for that long, so why are you still wearing the mask?”
“Heh.” The side of Marvin’s mouth twitched upwards and he brushed his hair out of his face before fixing Abe in his gaze. “The eyes of the fae can be…distracting, even if you know what to expect.”
“That, and he’s vain as hell,” Jackie said at the door, looking in with Chase just visible behind him. “Where’s Y/N?”
“Next room over with the doc,” Abe answered, and Chase gave a thumbs-up before disappearing out of sight. “You know, I bet the doctor would be okay with you and Jackie going with Chase instead of me. Not like I have much of a reputation to help whatever tale he’s going to spin them.”
“Yeah, that’s…a bad idea, for many reasons,” Marvin answered, while Jackie shoved his hands into his pockets and leaned up against the doorframe. “I’d rather not attract the Institute’s attention, and Jackie…”
“I’m not going back there unless it’s to burn the place to the ground,” Jackie finished. He drew up his sleeve, revealing a network of scars tracing their way up and out of sight under the rest of his hoodie. “Last time I went into one of their buildings with a couple of hunters, they threw me in with the other guinea pigs to be played with.”
“But you’re human,” Abe said, and then, “Aren’t you?”
Jackie tilted his head and stepped back, out of the room and out of sight, until the prickle of hairs on the back of Abe’s neck made him look over his shoulder just in time to see Jackie step out of his shadow and rest his elbow on the hunter’s shoulder.
“For a certain value of ‘human,’ yes.” It was the movement of Jackie’s eyes returning to their normal grey that alerted Abe to the fact they had just been solid black, like two holes looking into something or somewhere else. “A little less, after they were done with me. Chase is the only reason I ever saw daylight again.”
Jackie’s weight shifted, the elbow on Abe’s shoulder becoming an arm across his chest, pressing him up against the wall as Jackie whispered, “Which is why you’re going to go with him. And you’re going to make sure nothing happens to him. Do you understand?”
Abe grunted, and Jackie relieved the pressure enough for him to mutter, “Didn’t really need the threat. What do you think I am?”
Jackie looked the hunter up and down before meeting his steady gaze with one of his own, his mouth twitching as though fighting back the urge to answer that.
“…I’ll keep an eye on the kid,” Abe said.
Said “kid” had gone to the next exam room and entered to find you lying on the bed while the doctor gently felt around the area where you had been shot yesterday.
“Oh, sorry,” Chase said, immediately starting to back up, but the doctor shook his head.
“Ve are done here, I think. You are sure zhere is no pain, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I…” you sat up slowly, your eyes drifting toward Chase as an all too familiar copper scent hit you. “I’m fine. Chase, are you bleeding?”
“Uh—” Chase sighed and stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. “Yeah, just a scratch from—from yesterday. I was hoping Schneep could take a look?”
“From yesterday?” You immediately thought back to that moment in the elevator, but you didn’t remember any point where Chase could have gotten hurt. That is, until you saw Henrik’s guilty expression and something clicked in the back of your mind. “You drank his blood?”
“I didn’t give him a choice,” Chase answered for him. “It was still the middle of the day, and we couldn’t take you and Marvin home with that hunter and who knows what else hanging around, and I didn’t know how serious your injuries were, so I…”
Henrik heaved a sigh and continued, “So he gives me no time to prepare a better idea. Your cut has started to bleed again?”
Chase nodded and, at the doctor’s gesture, hopped up on the bed to sit next to you and draw up his sleeve. There was a bandage there, already falling off even before the doctor carefully peeled it back to reveal the small cut on his upper arm.
The doctor clicked his tongue and said, “Vampire saliva encourages the bleeding, you see. It is why we try to avoid drinking directly from…donors, or one of zhe many, many reasons. At least you had enough sense not to create zhe cut near an artery or vein, but still.”
“Like I said, I didn’t know how much time we had to work with,” Chase said defensively.
“There is always time to do these things correctly!” Henrik paused and admitted, “Most of zhe time. Zhe effect should wear off on its own, but I have something that may help. Wait just a moment, both of you.”
The doctor walked out of the room, careful to shut the door behind him, and you waited until he was out of earshot before remarking, “You…you really trust him, don’t you?”
“Yeah, of course,” Chase said with a shrug that made you wonder if he really understood what he had done, not just asking but encouraging a vampire to feed on him, with no one else around to step in if the doctor’s worst impulses kicked in and he couldn’t stop himself. “Oh yeah, I picked up some fresh clothes for you while I was at the house. They’re not much to look at, but at least they match a little better than what you have on. Plus, you know, no hole in the middle.”
“…My clothes don’t match?”
“Eh?” Chase shrugged and said, “Maybe we can take you clothes shopping one day, help you pick out some things that are a little more ‘you’ than Jackie’s old hoodies.”
There was a hoodie on top of the pile of clothes, and you could smell Jackie’s scent in the fabric, same as you could tell who the other shirt and pants belonged to. As nice as it would be to have some clothes of your own, you didn’t want to admit to Chase that you kind of liked having that reminder of them with you. Talking about people’s scents felt very much like one of those werewolf things that might make other people feel awkward or uncomfortable.
“What do you normally like to wear?” Chase asked. “Any favorite colors?”
You shrugged, turning over the hoodie in your hands as you said, “I usually had to dress to look the part of an attorney, even on days when I was just in the office.”
And most of your days were spent in the office, when you weren’t in court or doing your own investigations. The few casual outfits you did have back then, you never really had much of a chance to actually wear. As for colors, you weren’t sure how much it mattered when you couldn’t actually see any of them.
Well, most of them. Wilford’s absurd pink mustache being the only exception so far.
“I like these pants though. They’re sturdy,” you said, and Chase immediately glanced at the hole in one of your knees that might have suggested otherwise.
“You mean blue jeans?” Chase asked. “Yeah, I think we can find you some more of those.”
“Wait, these are blue?”
Before Chase could answer that, the doctor walked back into the room, a small bottle and some fresh bandages in hand.
“Found it,” he said, shaking the bottle before applying a small amount of the liquid to a spongy white square. You winced and pulled the collar of your shirt up to your nose to try and block out the sharp, acid-like smell, causing the doctor to pause. “I had hoped you could help me vith this, Y/N, but if zhat would be an issue—”
You shook your head, trying to breathe through your mouth even as you answered, “No, it’s fine, the smell’s just a little strong. What do you want me to do?”
Under the doctor’s directions, you took a wipe and cleared off a large square around the cut on Chase’s arm, causing him to wince even before you applied the foul-smelling medicine to the cut. Henrik caught Chase’s opposite hand as it started to move out of reflex until he relaxed, and then applied a couple strips of tape over the fresh bandages you put on to hold them in place. Once that was done, the doctor immediately took a step back and tucked his hands into the pockets of his white coat, but not before you saw the way they trembled. He probably wasn’t just asking you to handle it because you were already sitting next to Chase.
“Thank you, Y/N,” he said, after clearing his throat. “Zhat should help until zhe cut heals over on its own. Just keep it dry, and no more silly stunts.”
“Now when you say ‘silly,’” Chase started, causing the doctor to snort and walk out of the room. Chase jumped down from the bed and said to you, “You should probably go ahead and change, if you’re really wanting to go to the hospital today.”
You nodded, wondering if you should say something, but instead you asked, “Are you and Abe really going to the Institute today? The one you told me about?”
“Just one of the downtown offices, and maybe that lab if we can swing it,” Chase said, but he avoided looking at you until he added, “I’ll keep an eye on your hunter while we’re out, promise.”
He winked and walked out before you could correct him, leaving you to change and try to turn over what about that wording bothered you the most until it was time to go. The hospital was apparently close enough that Henrik felt confident you, him, and Jameson could walk there before dawn, but Marvin and Jackie insisted on at least driving the three of you there before they returned home, leaving Chase and Abe to take the hunter’s car.
Outside, in the predawn darkness, you wondered what to say to Abe. Any reminder to be careful or that you would see him again felt off, when you had so many other things you wanted to talk to him about. Too much to say or ask about in the little time you had, much less in front of the others.
Instead, it was Abe who pulled you to the side and said, “We’re going to talk about…everything later, yeah? So try to stay out of trouble until then.”
You felt a prickle at the back of your neck at his rough tone and answered, “I’m not the one who’s likely to end up in trouble. You think you can avoid shooting anyone today, hunter?”
“Only if they don’t shoot at me first,” Abe said, relaxing a little when he saw you almost smile at that. That is, until your eyes looked past the hunter and caught what Jameson was signing at you, and embarrassment knocked out every other expression as the others tried not to laugh. “What?”
“Nothing,” you answered a little too quickly. “See you soon, hunter.”
Abe turned and watched you squeeze into the backseat with the others before the car drove off, leaving him behind with Chase. “Are you going to tell me what that was about?”
“Not a chance, hunter,” Chase answered, suppressing a grin as he leaned against Abe’s car. “You ready to go or not?”
“Is anyone even going to be there this early?” Abe asked, causing Chase to raise an eyebrow. Of course, most hunters didn’t exactly work a regular 9 to 5 schedule, and the Institute was hardly any different. But then again, “I know a place we can stop on the way. How do you feel about coffee?”
“I’m listening.”
“You still got your collar on you?”
“What?” You had been looking out the back window at the streets passing by, and it took you a second to realize Marvin had turned around in the front seat to look at you. Reluctantly, you pulled the dog collar out of the front pocket of your hoodie and asked, “You mean this?”
Marvin relaxed and said, “Good. Make sure you keep it on you, okay? Schneep, Jameson, you still got your wards?”
Jameson nodded, tapping the brim of his hat and the doctor gave an affirming sound before directing Jackie to the right driveway to the hospital.
“I don’t have to actually wear this thing when I’m human, do I?” you asked.
“Nah, that’s only to get the wolf to pass as a dog,” Marvin answered. “As long as you keep it on or near you, no one should be able to trace you. There’s also some protections against other types of magic in it, but…”
“But they don’t do much against bullets,” you finished for him and Marvin shrugged.
“Can’t plan for everything. Sorry, I had planned on having something else for when you were human again, but that idea’s going to have to wait.” As the car pulled to a stop at the front entrance to the hospital, Marvin added, “Call us, if you don’t want to hang around here all day until nightfall. Just because Schneep has to stay here until then doesn’t mean you and JJ have to.”
“We’ll keep it in mind,” Jameson signed before reaching over and showing you how to unlock the back door. Together, you and Jameson climbed out while the doctor walked around from the other side of the car, and he leaned down so that Jackie could see him add, “Be careful going home!”
“Yes, please do,” Henrik said. “Last zhing we need now is Jackie getting caught driving vithout a license.”
“I’m always careful,” Jackie answered, and Marvin couldn’t hold back a laugh at that. “Look, you all can start criticizing as soon as you learn how to drive yourselves around. Until then, keep it to yourselves.”
The car idled there in the driveway after you all said goodbye, Jackie waiting until your group was through the glass doors before he put the car into drive.
“I thought you said you finished the new ward for Y/N,” Jackie said, breaking the silence of the drive back to the house, and Marvin made a noise but didn’t answer. “Just a few cosmetic tweaks—you don’t need your magic to do that, right?”
“Just considering our options,” Marvin answered, his tone doing more to tell Jackie that he wasn’t in the mood to talk right now.
Not that it kept him from saying, “Well, after this we can keep them home for a while, where it’s safer. At least until you’re back to yourself, and the attention’s off of them.”
Marvin didn’t answer, and when Jackie glanced at him out of the corner of his eye it was difficult to tell, between the darkness in the car and the magician’s mask, if he had even heard him. Jackie’s grip tightened on the steering wheel before he forced himself to relax and let it go. Marvin would share whatever was clearly on his mind when he was ready.
Not that waiting until that happened did anything to ease Jackie’s own suspicions about what was on his mind.
Back at the hospital, you stopped short at the sight of the familiar face behind the front desk and Jameson’s hand quickly found your own.
“Do not worry,” Henrik said under his breath. “Zhis is not zhe same Google you met. I know zhis one, and he is…Vell, he is not friendly, but he hasn’t—hm.”
The doctor paused, considering what he was about to say, before deciding to just go with, “Zhe hospital keeps a very close eye on him.”
“Kind of worrying that they need to keep that close an eye on him,” Jameson suggested, but it wasn’t like there was another option except to go up to the desk where Google looked up from the computer and straightened to face you all in a very mechanical set of movements.
“Welcome to Mercy Green,” Google said, his tone so similar to the other Google that you would have had a hard time telling them apart. Even their scents were very close, although this one had a lingering odor of cleaning fluid hanging around him that you hoped was from keeping the magitek unit clean and not related to any incident in particular. “If this is an emergency, I can direct you to our Emergency Room where trained staff are standing by. Otherwise, do you have an appointment?”
“Dr. Iplier is expecting us,” Henrik answered, but before Google could turn to the computer a voice called from down the hall as the doctor himself approached.
“Henrik, right on time,” Dr. Iplier said, glancing at you and Jameson only to pause, his eyes meeting yours for several seconds before he snapped himself out of it and said to Google, “Just following up on yesterday’s appointment. You know, the one I forgot to tell you about?”
“Yes.” Google’s expression darkened and he said, “You would not have to remember appointments if you told me about them before they happened, doctor.”
“Well, it was a bit of an emergency—”
“Emergencies can be handled by trained staff in our—”
“Yeah, yeah, but I owed a favor and the issue was something I could handle on my own. Right, Henrik?”
“Yes,” Henrik said, slowly as he worked out what the other doctor was doing. “Just a simple bad reaction to a potion. Of zhe transforming kind.”
“…Right.” Dr. Iplier shrugged and said, “I’ve got a room set aside for us already. I think I remembered to put that in the calendar, at least.”
“So you are not completely hopeless,” Google muttered under his breath, and Dr. Iplier started to respond before thinking better of it and motioning for you all to follow him back down the hall.
Once the front desk was out of sight, Jameson asked, “What was that all about?”
“If someone is asking for Dr. Iplier, zhey will most likely check with Google,” Henrik answered. “Such as someone from zhe Institute.”
“And he can tell them I took care of a patient who—an adverse reaction to a potion? Really?” Dr. Iplier asked as he took one turn after another. This place was quickly starting to feel like a maze, with one addition after another having been added on over the years, according to the frequent number of plaques on the walls.
“It vas not my idea,” Henrik answered. “But if they do ask, zhe patient came from zhe TV studio, Dark Entertainment.”
“Easy enough to remember,” Dr. Iplier muttered, and you suddenly remembered what Schneeplestein had said about the studio and the number of injuries there before you went. Now, the only surprising thing about that was the fact the doctor had managed to suppress the urge to say “I told you so.”
The doctor stopped and opened one of the doors to reveal a room a lot like the ones at Henrik’s clinic except more spacious and with more equipment that you weren’t familiar with.
He waited until the door was closed behind you before he said, “You must be Jameson Jackson. Henrik’s told me a lot about you.”
Jameson waved and nodded, although his expression suggested he wasn’t quite sure how to feel about that before Dr. Iplier looked back at you.
“And you must be…doing a lot better than the last time I saw you,” he said.
“Thank you, for the medicine,” you said. “It really helped.”
“Not even a trace of silver burns,” Dr. Iplier said, looking you up and down with a fascination that was almost concerning. “Absolutely incredible.”
Schneeplestein cleared his throat and Dr. Iplier added, “I mean, I’m glad. And curious. Which is why I would like to ask you a few questions, if that’s okay.”
You weren’t sure if he was asking you or Henrik, but you supposed you knew this was coming. Still, you said, “Depends on the question, I guess. And why you want to know.”
“Professional interest?” Dr. Iplier suggested before leaning against the desk along one wall, his fingers tapping on its surface. “We don’t get many werewolves here in the city, or at least not any that I know about, but even outside of our walls there aren’t a whole lot of doctors or healers of any kind who have any experience with them. Which means a lot of our medical literature has just enough to identify the signs of a werewolf bite and infection, and the methods to…ease the patient.”
“A nice drink of medicine and wolfsbane to ease the pain before the mob finds them,” you said sarcastically, but neither doctor tried to correct you. “One problem already: I wasn’t bitten by another werewolf.”
“A curse, from the same entity that stole my voice,” Jameson explained, with Henrik translating for the other doctor’s benefit.
“Really?” Dr. Iplier gestured for you all to take seats, but he remained standing even as you reluctantly sat on the edge of yet another exam table. As if to make you feel less alone about that, Jameson decided to hop up next to you and place a comforting hand over yours with a smile. Dr. Iplier glanced at Henrik as he said, “Oh, is that why you were so sure they were safe during the full moon? It’s just a cosmetic transformation?”
Cosmetic. Because yes, transforming into another creature against your will every month was just the same as applying some eyeliner, said a bitter thought inside you that you tried to ignore even as you answered, “No. I’m only safe to be around thanks to a spell that helps me stay in control every full moon. Otherwise, I don’t know what I would do.”
Even with the spell, you could feel how thin the line was sometimes. Like yesterday, when you saw Dark and dropping every attempt at control or calm felt so very worth it.
“Could this spell be used for your traditional werewolf?” Dr. Iplier asked, his hopeful ideas quickly crushed by the shake of Jameson’s head.
“Marvin said the spell takes a very long time to prepare, and it was tailored toward the victim of that particular entity,” Jameson explained, with Henrik again translating. He decided against mentioning that Marvin only had that particular spell ready because he hoped to save someone else that night, or how Marvin had admitted, years later, that he hadn’t even been sure it would work that night, or what he would have done if it had failed. “He’s looked for a way to turn back both of our curses, with no luck.”
“Well, even if they are curses, they have physical effects,” Dr. Iplier said, again drumming his fingers against the desk while he thought out loud. “There’s always the chance that a physical solution can be found to counteract them. Henrik, what kind of tests have you done?”
“I have performed physicals, measuring zheir progress as zhey recover,” Henrik said slowly, as though he already knew where the other doctor was going with this.
“Some blood samples might give us an idea of what we’re dealing with—” Dr. Iplier started, but Henrik quickly cut him off.
“Nein, absolutely not, if zheir blood shows up in zhe system it vill—vhat is it—”
“I know how to keep things under the table,” Dr. Iplier said, looking at you as he added, “It would be perfectly safe, and no one else would have access to the samples—”
“Red flags!” Henrik said, snapping his fingers as he found the phrase. “You would need a lab, and someone to do tests, too many people would ask questions of a doctor doing it himself. Und zhat means more eyes, more hands, more chances of someone else finding out. Out of zhe question.”
“But nobody would look twice at Google doing it, and if I give him the right orders even he won’t know what the results are,” Dr. Iplier answered. “Even if we don’t find anything, wouldn’t it be better to have at least tried? Just trying to keep your head above water is admirable enough, I suppose, but if you just keep paddling in place, you’re never going to reach the shore.”
“Or you might just end up swimming out into the ocean if you go about it wrong,” Jameson signed. He sighed and added, “But we haven’t been able to do much to help you, have we? Maybe letting the docs have a shot at it wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”
The way Dr. Iplier talked, you weren’t sure if he was trying to get an idea for how the whole werewolf thing worked, or if he was actually hoping to find a cure. You hoped for his sake that it was the first, because you had laid aside all hope for a cure a long time ago.
“Just knowing how to cope with…some of this, would be nice,” you said slowly, thinking of yesterday, of all the times you had become overwhelmed by the wolf’s senses of smell and hearing, of how ever since the mirror it just felt easier, being the wolf. But you doubted any kind of tests the doctor could do would help with all of that, which is why you looked at Dr. Schneeplestein and started to ask, “Do you—”
You were interrupted by a knock at the door, which was abruptly opened despite Google’s protest on the other side of, “You are not allowed to access this room without permission.”
“A little late for that,” muttered a man beside him, who pushed up his glasses with a sniff, but both of them were overshadowed by the woman who had opened the door and looked around at all of you before her gaze settled on the two men in white coats.
“Dr. Iplier?” she asked.
“Who the hell are you?” Dr. Iplier answered, stepping forward only to be brought up short by the badges the woman and man showed him. From your vantage point, you couldn’t make out any details, but the general shape of the emblem on them did not match what you remembered of any official police or other government badge. As if to answer your curiosity, Dr. Iplier said, “Great. Bronson Institute investigators. Are they in the schedule, Google?”
“No, they are not,” Google answered, moving his hand towards his glasses in a gesture that just so happened to elbow the man next to him in the ribs. “I would have informed you of a scheduling conflict when you set up this follow-up examination if that were the case. These…people, asked where you were, and proceeded to barge their way here.”
“I’ve never barged anywhere in my life!” protested the man, after rubbing his ribs with a wince and not quite as casually elbowing Google back only to realize why that was a bad idea when the other person had a metal interior.
At his words, a device on his wrist pinged with an irritating noise timed to a flashing light that lasted for three seconds but felt like an eternity to your ears. The woman barely suppressed a smile as she said, “Perhaps some barging was involved, but I assure you that this is an important matter. You received our call about the patient from yesterday, correct?”
“Yes, I did,” Dr. Iplier answered, dragging his eyes away from the device to look back at her. “And I thought I answered all of your questions then. What is this about?”
“We like to be thorough in our investigations, especially when such…delicate matters have become so very public. There’s quite the stir going around, after what supposedly happened outside Dark Entertainment Studios yesterday, and the Institute simply must be sure that we have the heart of the matter before we issue a statement.” She smiled and added, “And your Google was so kind as to inform us that the patient from yesterday is still here.”
“Which one of you is it?” asked the other investigator as he walked into the room and sneered at you and Jameson on the exam table. “And don’t even think about lying! We brought this just so we could be sure we got the truth.”
You glanced down at the device on his wrist, which honestly looked like a wristwatch except one with a blank square screen instead of a clock face. This thing made that irritating noise when it heard lies?
Before you could ask, to stall for time while you thought of a way around it, Jameson immediately waved and pointed at himself.
“You?” the investigator asked, and when Jameson nodded, he scowled and said, “I need you to say it!”
“Jameson can’t speak,” you said. “It’s the effect of a curse, we think. But he does know sign language, if either of you…”
The investigator scowled and looked at his partner, who was sizing up the two of you now with the same intensity that she entered the room with, and she said, “That could work, assuming you know how to ask the right questions.”
“Fine, you translate,” he said, pointing at you before asking, “Were you involved in the incident at Dark Entertainment Studios yesterday, involving a suspected werewolf?”
“I was at the studio yesterday,” Jameson answered, and you translated word for word. “There was an unfortunate incident, yes, but luckily Chase Brody was there to assist, and I and my companions were taken to a doctor he is familiar with.”
“You mean Charles Bronson,” the investigator said as he took meticulous notes in a notepad. “What exactly was he doing there?”
“An interview,” Jameson answered. “About ‘nontraditional’ forms of entertainment, although as I told Jim yesterday, you could make the argument that Chase’s series of stunts for views, as well as his performing feats of gaming and even ‘hanging out’ with his fans could all be—”
Dr. Schneeplestein cleared his throat and Jameson flushed before finishing, “But perhaps this isn’t the place for that conversation.”
“And I’m supposed to believe that you’re an actor?” the investigator asked, and beside you Jameson froze before responding.
“And what, my good sir, is that supposed to mean?”
“Well, Charles said it was some actor who got changed thanks to a stupid stunt, but if you can’t even talk, then how are you supposed to be an actor? Subtitles?”
It was only your fast reflexes that kept Jameson from making his own very nonverbal answer to that, mostly with his fists, and behind the investigator his partner sighed and brushed her forehead with her fingers.
“Harold, what could I possibly have done to have to endure having you here for this?”
“Did you see that?! He tried to attack me!”
“Well, if he had, at least you’re already in a hospital,” she answered. “Dr. Iplier, can you confirm this man’s story?”
“I haven’t seen his work for myself, but I do believe he is an actor.”
Good thing you all were in a hospital, because the investigator looked ready to kill a man before she took a breath and asked, “Was the incident at the studio caused by a failed transformation potion?”
“That is what I was told, yes,” Dr. Iplier said. Of course, he didn’t add who told him that version of events, or whether he believed it. “In such a case, the best course of action is to wait for the effects to run their course, but the patient was under good supervision during that time.”
“Zhe best,” Dr. Schneeplestein muttered under his breath.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Dr. Iplier muttered back, before clearing his throat and saying, “As far as I know, Mr. Jackson’s testimony is entirely honest. And you could put me on the record as saying so.”
Jameson’s testimony, which was so carefully worded to avoid actually saying he was the one who transformed on the street yesterday. You were starting to suspect that device on his wrist wasn’t quite the infallible lie detector Harold seemed to believe it was, although even he looked disappointed when it failed to react at the doctor’s words.
“Tch.” Harold reached into his pocket and pulled out something before tossing it to Jameson with a, “Here, catch.”
Jameson easily caught the coin that flashed in the air between his hands, and opened them to reveal the large, silver coin resting in his palm. He looked from it to the investigator and back again before signing, “Do I get to keep this? Is it my pay for dealing with this nonsense?”
You tried hard not to think about what would have happened if Harold had tossed the coin to you, the burns on your hands worth far more than whatever that lie detector could supposedly tell them.
“I suppose that should settle that, at least,” the other investigator said, while Harold tried to convince Jameson to give him his coin back. Her eyes flickered toward the doctors again as she said, “Very convenient, that Mr. Jackson was still here for this little questioning. Why exactly are you still here, if the potion ran its course?”
The doctors hesitated, but you thought it was your turn to deflect the question by answering, “Dr. Iplier asked if we could come back in, because he wanted to follow up on a few things. Mainly, we’ve just been talking about curses.”
“Right, the curse that took Mr. Jackson’s voice,” she answered, and moved closer to the table. Her hand rested on the padded surface next to you as she leaned in, staring into your eyes with an intensity that was difficult to look away from. “You’re suffering from a curse as well, aren’t you?”
“I—” You swallowed, hard, and caught a brief glimpse of Dr. Schneeplestein on the other side of the room reaching up to tap on the side of his glasses. “Y-yes, I am. My eyes, they were affected by it—I couldn’t even see for a while there, and it’s mostly back but I…I, uh, can’t see most colors still and…”
You trailed off, relieved that the device hadn’t sounded off at that. Your eyes had been affected by the curse, or at least that bit of it that left you so weak to silver.
“Hm. That is interesting. His voice and your eyes…It wasn’t the same curse that caused both, was it?” She said it with a certainty that almost made you think she knew more than she was saying. By this point she was filling most of your vision, to the point that you couldn’t even look away to be sure what Jameson was signing next to you.
“No, I don’t think so. But it was the same…thing that cursed me that took Jameson’s voice.”
You had said it in the hopes it would explain why you were both here, but almost as soon as the words left your mouth you worried that she would ask more questions that you couldn’t answer, because even talking about the entity from the woods felt like it would be straying too close to the real truth. You felt like she had to know more, that she had to know none of you were telling the whole truth.
Part of the reason you were so sure was because there was something eerily familiar about this woman, from the way she commanded attention from the second she entered the room to the look in her eyes whenever she asked a question, like she was looking for more than just what you said next. If you didn’t already know Celine was still there somewhere inside Dark you might have thought…
“You’re not a seer, are you?” you asked, trying to sound like you were joking, and she smiled in a way that somehow made you feel even less certain about what you thought you knew.
“I prefer the title ‘assets manager,’ if I had to choose one,” she said, completely failing to answer your question or give you any other clue what, exactly, that was supposed to mean. The corner of her eyes tightened with a thought and she reached into a pouch on her belt.
You couldn’t help but flinch as she pulled something out and held it toward you, before you realized it was a small business card, very much like the one Bim gave you yesterday.
“Bronson Institute has a department dedicated to researching and treating those dealing with the effects of curses,” she said as you took the card, and presented Jameson with one of his own. “Something to consider, if the good doctors here aren’t able to provide the support you need.”
“Oh, uh, thank you,” you said, Jameson echoing your answer with a sign of his own. “We’ll think about it.”
The device on Harold’s wrist began to beep shrilly at that, causing him to mutter under his breath while he tried to reset it, but the so-called assets manager seemed to suppress a laugh before she responded, “Hang on to the cards, at least. You never know what might make you change your mind.”
You decided to play it safe and not answer this time, and she nodded to you and Jameson before turning to include the doctors as she added, “Thank you for your time, all of you. I think we can safely note for the record that Mr. Jackson here is hardly a werewolf.”
“As of today,” Harold corrected. “We retain any and all right to change our verdict, should future events change that.”
“Of course,” she answered in a flat monotone, showing great restraint not to roll her eyes. “Harold, you can handle the paperwork while I call this in.”
It wasn’t a question, and she walked out of the room without waiting for an answer, leaving Harold to dig around in his bag before presenting the doctor and Jameson with some papers to sign and keep for their records—papers that you insisted on reviewing before either one put down their name, although at least these turned out to be harmless confirmations that they had answered the investigators’ questions in the presence of a “deception detecting device.” That name was about the only thing you would have changed, if only because the thing seemed to have difficulty with anything that wasn’t an outright lie.
All the same, it was a relief when Google finally escorted Harold out of the room, the four of you all exhaling when Dr. Iplier made sure the door was closed and locked behind them this time.
“Vell, at least zhat seems to be behind us now,” Dr. Schneeplestein said, but even from across the room you could see his hands were shaking before he clasped them together. Neither of the investigators seemed to have given him a second thought, but even knowing he has fully registered, being this close to them had shaken him badly.
Badly enough that Dr. Iplier noticed and asked if he had taken his “quota” for the week yet, but Henrik just suggested under his breath that they could talk about it privately, later. At least from that, it sounded like he would tell the other doctor about what happened with Chase, so that was one weight off of your mind.
Only for another to press down again when Dr. Iplier reminded you of the conversation you had been having before the investigators interrupted.
“It’s entirely up to you, of course,” Dr. Iplier added, and you tried hard not to look down at the card in your hand.
Tried not to get your hopes up for anything even as you sighed and said, “I’m willing to try a few tests, if you think it will help. Henrik?”
“…As long as I can keep an eye on zhe process,” Schneeplestein answered, and despite his tone you thought he looked pleased with your answer. “Zhere is nothing to be lost by learning more about your condition, as long as ve keep zhe tests between us.”
Beside you, Jameson tucked his card into a chest pocket and gave you an encouraging thumb’s up, although his smile faded slightly when Dr. Iplier started talking about a few ways to examine his throat as well. It was starting to sound like you both had a long day ahead of you, but if either of the doctors could find something that might help…
After she left the room, the “assets manager” quickly found a quiet alcove in the hospital where she could see anyone coming from either direction at a distance and pulled out her phone. The number she put in wasn’t in her contacts, but one she had long since memorized.
When the other side picked up, she said without any kind of introduction, “The doctor stuck with his story, and they were able to pass the lie detector. Darrensworth is signing off that they’re in the clear now.”
“Really? That must have been an interesting conversation to listen in on. And the silver coin?”
“Doesn’t exactly tell you much if you hand it to the wrong person,” she answered, frowning at the chuckle on the other end of the line. “Say the word, and I’ll bring them in right now. I can think of three ways to walk them out the door without any backup, seven if you don’t mind a couple of casualties.”
“As tempting as that is, I don’t think it’s necessary.”
“What?” She paused long enough to bring her voice back under control before she said, “With all due respect, sir, we are dealing with a highly dangerous creature here.”
“The next full moon is still some time away,” he answered, and before she could point out that an unstable werewolf hardly needed a full moon to cause more than enough damage, he added, “I’m already making arrangements for someone else to collar them and bring them in, when the time’s right. Don’t you worry about a thing. I know this wolf and exactly what it’s capable of.”
She might have had something to say about his patronizing tone, if his words hadn’t summoned a vivid image in her mind that drowned out the voice on the other end telling her to come back, followed by the abrupt silence of the call ending. The phone slipped in the palm of her hand, but it and the hospital around her faded away into the vision.
An alley, and a shadow low and near the ground, nearly invisible in the darkness except for the silver eyes catching and reflecting the distant streetlights and the moonlight overhead, followed by a flash of white as jaws full of gleaming teeth revealed themselves.
A figure, silhouetted against the light of the street.
The beast, springing forward before she hissed, phone clattering against the ground as her fingers pressed against her temples, the vision fading into nothingness.
But not before she heard the gunshot, and the long, desperate cry.
By the time Harold, firmly escorted by Google, found her, she had recovered from her vision and come to the determination that, by the next full moon, you would be safely tucked away in the Institute. If his plan didn’t play out, then she would happily see to it herself. Whether it was by convincing you to come in search of treatment or by more forceful measure remained to be seen, but she would make sure that vision would be one of the many that never came to be.
For your own good, if nothing else.
((End of Part 26. Thank you for reading! No bonus points for guessing who that was on the phone...
And yeah, the “assets manager” is kind of a play on Celine’s character. Mostly because I got to this scene and realized I wanted that kind of character there, and partially because I’m running low on canon characters to shove into this AU. XD I haven’t decided on a name yet, but maybe Emma? Definitely open for suggestions there, and feel free to let me know what you think.
Link to Part 27: A Visit to the Institute.
Tagging: @silver-owl413 @skyewardlight @withjust-a-bite @blackaquokat @catgirlwarrior @neverisadork @luna1350 @oh-so-creepy @weirdfoxalley @95fangirl @lilalovesinternet-l @thepoolofthedead @a-bit-dapper @randomartdudette @geekymushroom @cactipresident @hotcocoachia @purple-anxiety-blog @shyinspiredartist @avispate @missksketch @autumnrambles @authorracheljoy @liafoxyfox @hidinginmybochard ))
13 notes · View notes
excitedlysuffering · 4 years
Can you do that headcanon collection thing for Kiba please? Thank you very much
I’m so sorry for the wait I’m really struggling with inspiration rn like I have all the words but I just can’t write?? Anyways I hope you like nonnie❤️✨
Kiba Headcanons Collection
What He Looks For In An S/O~
Someone who appreciates animals. Of course, dogs are his favorites, but he doesn’t hate animals at all, not even cats.
Someone wild who knows how to have a good time, just like Kiba. He won’t enjoy dating a square, just being honest.
He wants a woman who’s not afraid to stand on her own two; the Inuzuka clan is primarily a matriarchy, meaning he’s used to strong-willed women.
He’s going to need an emotionally open person, he pretty much wears his heart out on his sleeve, so Kiba needs someone who can articulate their feelings.
He’s a possessive person, it’s in his nature, so a patient s/o would suit him best.
The saying ‘she’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll kick you in the face’ is literally everything he’d ever want.
I can see him with someone smaller than him just because he has a thing for size differences.
He loves confidence and would swoon if his s/o took charge sometimes, in daily life, and in the bedroom.
Kiba is big on physical affection, so someone with the same love for touch is preferable.
Kiba leaves constant hickeys and you can’t convince me otherwise, so they’d best be used to it.
Akamaru has to like you. Period.
Relationship With Kiba Stuff~
This boy loves HARD, like with his whole heart, and he’s not afraid to show it either.
He’ll love taking you out on adventurous outdoorsy dates, usually, Akamaru will come with but every once in a while it might be the two of you.
He likes games and challenges. I could definitely see him turning a treasure hunt into a date.
He actually loves going on missions with you (there’s nothing sexier than watching his girl kick ass) and will let you do your thing without unnecessary worrying.
He’s not huge on giving gifts all the time, but he does enjoy treating you to nice places and dates.
He has the nose of a dog. So he can smell your… week before you even know it’s there.
“Hey, (Y/N)... I, uh, thought you could use this!” *shoves snacks, a heating pad, ice cream, and a teddy bear in your arms*
He’s not the greatest at picking up on moods, but once he figures it out he’ll be all over it.
You’re probably good friends with Hana and Tsume, which Kiba appreciates, even though he hates sharing you.
He definitely takes you to see the dogs and the puppies, especially when one is just born.
He’s unashamedly sensitive like just love him, please.
How To Annoy/Lose Him~
First of all, if Akamaru and you don’t get along. Akamaru was there from birth so, you know, if he doesn’t like you, sorry hun.
It’s one thing to be appropriately possessive, like not letting girls walk all over you to your man, but he does have female friends and he does not want to be caged.
If you’re not family-oriented. The Inuzuka clan is very much a pack family and everyone is very close.
Don’t ignore him or neglect him, he will be hurt.
Kiba enjoys playful banter, but he also knows where the line is and he expects you to as well
Being a genuinely rude person. Okay, yes, Kiba has anger management issues, but he’s not a mean person.
Not having compassion/empathy for others. It’ll disturb him, I promise.
Arrogance and vanity. Kiba knows he’s the shit alright, but he’s not a total jerk about it, and he expects the same from you.
Soft Kiba Things~
He’s actually pretty good at remembering things like important dates (thanks to his trusty calendar) so you’ll be hard-pressed to find him forgetting things like birthdays or anniversaries.
He has a dog plush toy that he will give to you when he’s off on missions. But when you’re off on missions, he’ll use your pillow since it smells like you.
He’s a huge cuddler and the position doesn’t matter as long as he’s close to you. (makes an adorable little spoon btw)
He definitely has a secret photo album/box full of candids, drawings from Sai, and little things that reminded him of you (i.e. a pretty flower, a quote, or a trinket) but he’d rather die than let it be found, it would ruin his bad-boy persona.
I feel like Kiba would like to feed you every once in a while. Like not in a weird, fetish way (iykyk) but a romantic thing that was rare?
He would love to train with you, like wow that’s my s/o and they’re so strong?
Kiba genuinely melts inside when he sees you and Akamaru interact. Like that’s his life long companion and the love of his life being friends? Woah.
He’s touch starved but for no reason at all except for the fact that he loves physical affection so please give him all the cuddles.
Random Kiba Facts~
His love languages are physical touch/quality time.
He’s not scared of thunderstorms in a traditional way, but just like dogs, the sounds and lightning are overstimulating and he’ll usually spend it with ear canceling headphones and in the basement.
Since everyone has a unique natural smell (he really liked yours) he’ll most likely complain if you wear heavily scented perfumes/body wash.
He knows he’s not naturally responsible so he creates detailed lists and schedules for himself.
Kiba has a perfectly working bed, but he always ended up on the floor so that’s where he sleeps now.
Contrary to popular belief, he likes to go as vampires for Halloween (he says he’s a werewolf 364 days of the year let him have one day) because of his fangs and ‘drop-dead beauty’ (his words).
He radiates heat like a furnace but somehow still finds a way to be cold at night?
Kiba has a good singing voice. It’s deep and melodious and no one can tell me differently.
He’s alright at regular cooking but amazing at gathering spices because he can smell the combinations and stuff so he’ll help you season things, but that’s about it.
He’s a huge overthinker please help him
Little Things~
Place to kiss: The space where your neck meets your shoulder, something about it just really riles him up.
Way to hug: He loves lifting you up so your legs wrap around his waist. He loves holding you and being able to kiss your neck.
Thing to do with you: He loves hiking or going on long walks, especially at sunset or sunrise.
Cuddle position: He actually loves to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat with your arms wrapped around him.
Type of date: Basically anything that includes physical activity or adventure.
This or That:
More of a spring person, a lot of new puppies are born then and the weather is finally nice again.
Morning kind of guy, he loves to go go go and his activities usually require daylight.
He likes to cook, even if he’s not that good at it. He’ll enjoy helping you in the kitchen.
Rarely reads for any reason. Don’t read to him either, he’ll be super bored.
Conflict Happenings~
The two of you will probably have more stupid ‘I’m right, you’re wrong’ type arguments, more than real fights tbh.
That is not to say that Kiba won’t participate in a fight. Cause he will.
The both of you are probably screaming so loudly no one knows what anyone is saying it’s just loud.
You getting mad will turn him on tbh (and vice versa too tbh)
Depending on how bad the fight is, he might just start making out with you or yell at you more for distracting him with your hotness.
You’ll be hard-pressed to make him back down during a fight if he’s truly heated, so pick your battles wisely hun.
He really can be sensitive, especially since he will value your opinion so much, so be careful with your words.
In general, he’s not really focused on hurting your feelings, more on winning the argument.
Will probably storm off for a while to calm down, but he is always back before the day is over.
The two of you are used to having fights like that, so a big cuddle session is in order when it’s all said and done.
Modern Kiba~
He’s definitely the sexy bad boy you couldn’t bring home to mother and he both owns and rocks his persona.
He secretly (not so secretly) likes dogs more than his peers, even if he is usually very social.
He’s the one who always manages to bring alcohol to the parties.
I could see him on a football or soccer team, and being really good too.
He’s charismatic, funny, good looking, street smart, and has all the It Man™ qualities and I know he’s the captain/president of some club or team.
He’s not naturally super smart but his mother ingrained good habits into him so he’s generally pretty good at studying, probably still has a tutor though.
He’s a very subtle F-boy, has a few girls he does regularly that don’t know about each other and that’s that.
He probably has a part-time job at a shelter, since he’s not big on working.
Always at parties and is always the center of attention. Everyone loves him.
The red fangs were a result of him being absolutely hammered yet everyone seemed to find them incredibly hot.
He’s a loyal friend, but he also won’t hesitate to cut you off if you wrong him (he liked his dog better anyway)
He’s so messy it’s up to his roommate to keep him in shape, and thankfully it’s Shino, who somehow manages to keep it a decently tidy living space.
Has the worst hangovers ever but still never learns??
He’s the wild friend that spices up everyone’s life and knows that you need his craziness.
Bite me, Kiba, plz
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If you could change ten things about Teen Wolf what would you change??
OMG BUCKLE DOWN BECAUSE IT’S GONNA BE A LONG ONE! Do asks have a word limit? Guess we gonna find out! (Sometimes I wish I could speak these replies, they sound much funnier when I am speaking out loud to myself and then they are just weird and flat typed up but I DIGRESS! I do that a lot, have you noticed? Doesn’t matter.)
(Also, I did put a “Keep Reading” but for some reason it’s not working. Or it’s not showing as working on my end. But it’s right under this paragraph I swear so if it’s not working, that isn’t on me....)
1) SO! Trauma. People be dealing with their traumas. That’d be a thing I’d like, thank you. Like, I’m sorry, but there is a fuckton of trauma in this show and everyone like, goes to bed at night and wakes up cured. Like MAGIC! I mean, yes, I get that magic is a thing in the show (is it? I mean kind of? Idk, I never saw past season 4, they alluded to magic and then SNATCHED THAT AWAY so, side-note, that’s coming up later!) But yes, I would’ve very much liked for people to, you know, deal with their traumas in a realistic fashion. Let’s get some therapy going, or like, idk, some actual negative reactions to thing! They kind of had that with Stiles every now and then, but he seemed to be up and down episode to episode so like, it’d be like they wrote an episode where he reacts to what happened to him and then four episodes have gone by where he’s fine and the writers were like “OH YEAH SHIT HE JUST MURDERED LIKE A WHOLE HOSPITAL, make him have a panic attack randomly over dropping milk, that balances out, excellent, we’re so smart.” So yes. DEAL. WITH. THE. TRAUMA! Thanks.
2) LESS CHARACTERS, MORE DEVELOPMENT! I mentioned this in another recent ask about relationships but like, they just kept shoving characters in there. Like one of those clown cars. So we got like, 30% character development on the core group and then the rest was like “wait, who are you again?” Like, legit, I have a bad memory, you put too many people in front of me, I ain’t gonna remember them unless they have a good personality or a reason to be there. And like, develop their relationships! Not even romantically, but like, Scott’s mom loves Scott, that is sweet and lovely, but like, we never really… see… that… developed? Idk man, like again, I have a bad memory, but when you really develop relationships WELL (ex: Brooklyn-nine-nine), that shit sticks with you and you CARE about people. The friendships are important, and the familial relationships are important and just developing all the dynamics is important! They spent more time showcasing how much everyone hated each other and lied to each other and stuff and that just got really tiring. Yes, you’re allowed to get mad at your friends, but if you’re a Werewolf, and your human friend is calling you when there is a fucking monster running around killing people, can you maybe stop making out with your girlfriend and answer your phone so your friend isn’t treading water with a 200+ pound Werewolf for 2 hours? Like, JUST SAYING! (Spoiler alert: Me and Scott would not be close friends. Like, I think we’d be friends, but not so much that I’d trust him with my life. If I wanted to grab pizza and a movie, maybe play some video games, he sounds like a treat, but if my life was in danger, thanks I be callin’ someone who answers their phone).
3) Actual consequences for their actions! Okay like, I am also guilty of this in fanfic, but at the same time, my writing is free, I don’t get paid for it, and I write what I want because that’s how it works, so I can do whatever I please (If I wanna make the Hales royalty for the millionth time, ain’t nobody gonna stop me!). But like, when you are a legit paid screenwriter who is writing a show? Consequences! Just because it’s a show about Werewolves doesn’t mean there can’t be any consequences! Like, the best scene, and I feel like we can agree, because fuck it like, hurt my soul and my heart and I was just so like ;~; was when the sheriff got fired (fired? suspended? TEMPORARILY UNEMPLOYED!) because Stiles stole a police van when they locked Jackson up in it. Like, that shit was REAL LIFE CONSEQUENCES for actions, and that shit was intense and it HURT and omg I loved it! Give me more of that! Like, I’m sorry, but you gonna tell me Nogistune!Stiles walked through the hospital murdering a bazillion people and not one camera was working the whole time? Not one? Nobody saw that? Nobody went “hey, isn’t that the sheriff’s kid?” Like, CAN. YOU. IMAGINE?! That would’ve been so amazing, a bunch of episodes of the pack scrambling to keep the Supernatural a secret while also trying to stop Stiles from GETTING ARRESTED because saying “Sorry ma’am, I was possessed by a demon fox who likes chaos and thought murdering a bunch of people would be fun” ain’t gonna fly in court and the FBI sure isn’t gonna believe that but like, UGH! Again, bad memory, but was the fact that Dark!Stiles wandered through the hospital killing people EVER brought up again???? CONSEQUENCES. Woulda really liked that.
4) STOP with unnecessary romances. Like, yeah, I get it, the allos like their romances, but shockingly, you can still have a good show without focussing on the romance. Like, it can be there, I’m not saying don’t put it in, I’m saying DON’T MAKE IT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! Like, the entirety of season one was Scott chasing Allison and Stiles chasing Lydia. This… this does not make an interesting show? Like, is that just me? And then as the season progressed, EVERYONE had to be in a relationship? WHY? Again, haven’t seen past season four, but I mean, I know Scott and Kira were a thing, and then Stiles and Malia, and Liam and some… person? Idk. And Ethan and Danny (congrats Jeff, you get to tick your “I had representation in my show!” box, well done, gold star, or whatever). And Isaac and Allison, and Melissa and Chris (apparently?). And then Stydia was alluded as being canon, and Scott ended up with Malia somehow?? And Derek slept with half the town and all of Mexico, idek. Like, stop it. Stop. Shows work without everything being about everyone banging each other. (See again: Brooklyn-nine-nine, or Avatar the Last Airbender, or The Good Place, or even fucking Supernatural!) You can have a good, interesting story without everyone banging each other. It ain’t necessary.
5) More actual storytelling (again, this woulda worked better without the unnecessary romances taking up 49 of the 50 minutes of air-time). Like, yes, I get it, pilot’s gotta have some pizzaz! Gotta be spicy and sparkly to make people interested (and like, fucking hell, all I can remember of the pilot is sobbing Allison soaking wet–LIKE, WAS THAT NECESSARY???–about the dog she hit and oh noes is it dead well thank God the lead character works for a vet! And somehow has keys and access to the whole clinic like nbd at all hours? Whatever. I wasn’t even allowed inside my blockbuster as a shift lead if it was off-hours but apparently a high school student doing paperwork at a vet clinic is different, I’m not a vet so what do I know? I HAD A BAD DAY OKAY, I GOT FEELINGS ABOUT THIS RN!) I went off-topic, what was I saying? Oh yes, storytelling. You know what woulda been nice? Werewolves! It happens, we find out about Laura, we find out about Werewolves, Scott gets bitten, all that jazz. And then like… ease in the Hunters? Like, why was there Laura/Derek, Peter, AND the Hunters all crammed into the pilot? Yes, I get it, you need the SUSPENSE and the DRAMA, but you can do that without the Hunters right off the bat. Just, how CONVENIENT~ that the same day Derek and Laura come back, Hunters move to town? That’s just lazy, and again, I can be guilty of laziness, I admit to it, but I literally get paid in—like, do hearts count? I get paid in hearts and pats on the back for my fics, I can write whatever I want. If you’re getting paid to write something, try a bit harder, yes? Yes???
What number am I on? Oh good Lord, I got things to say, okay.
6) MAGIC! Can you like—I feel like this one is self-explanatory. Stiles did the whole mountain ash thing in season one, and it was SO PROMISING, and then that just died. It died like Maes Hughes getting shot in a phonebooth (spoiler, but really, you haven’t seen that yet, that’s a you problem). Why even bother introducing magic if you weren’t gonna use it? Like, was it because people like Stiles more than Scott and the showrunner was like “nonono. If we make him magic, he’s TOO cool, and then Scott is unimportant.” I mean, you coulda worked that in your favour, but no. You just murdered the fuck out of it, like straight up took it out back and shot it. Like, yeah, Derek went kiddo again and Jennifer was apparently all magic beauty spell or whatever, but like?? That’s it??? You had a show about Werewolves and you didn’t even try to make it more interesting by making some of the characters magic? Lydia’s basically the closest and they didn’t even explain her powers that well. Magic would’ve been dope and they totally shoved that to the side. That was dumb. Shoulda done something with that.
7) Explain things more? Don’t mention them once and then do nothing? Like, we got some brief stuff about anchors, and emissaries (which are super duper secret according to Deaton but then like, EVERYONE KNOWS HE IS EMISSARY SO WHICH IS IT DEATON? YOU TELL ME!) Like, they had so much opportunity to talk about so many things and again, maybe that comes out more in the later seasons, idk, but they likely coulda done with more explanations and they didn’t and this angers me GREATLY. They mention something once and then it never comes up again. That’s some Lost bullshit right there. Don’t start something if you’re not gonna commit. You tell me the beginning of the story, I wanna fucking know the end, don’t forget halfway through and wander away, that ain’t right, I NEED ANSWERS JEFF! And like, as above, never really got Lydia’s powers. I know what a Banshee is, but her powers did NOT make sense to me. Idk, could just be that I’m dumb, but similarly, don’t write something so convoluted that it confuses people, that is also dumb. As dumb as I am so like, well done there. And also do we get more on Parrish? I know he’s a Hellhound, but how does one get born a Hellhound and not know until you are conveniently lit on fire by someone trying to kill you for money? (Also, you bean, you absolute treasure, “I’m worth five dollars?” You’re so cute. Silly child.) I feel like being a Hellhound is something that woulda come up before getting barbecued in his cruiser. Like, he works a stressful job, you gonna tell me not ONCE while getting shot at he didn’t have a massive heart attack over a close call and like, burst into flames? No? Is that just a me thing? I feel like the slightest annoyance and I’d be fully on fire, not gonna lie. (I’d be on fire a LOT… CLEARLY I AM AN ANGRY PERSON! No, that’s not true. No yes it is, I am angry, but more angry lately because I’m sleep-deprived and work is dumb ANYWAY back to this)
8) EMBRACE THE SIDE CHARACTERS! Okay, so MAYBE Scott is meant to be the golden child. The Dick Grayson of the show, if you will. The original Robin, the creme de la creme. That’s all fine and dandy if he is, no judgement (little judgement), but you know what you don’t do when your side characters are getting a lot of attention and love? What you DO NOT do is give them less screen time. Because then you’re being petty and, shockingly, you get more positive results when you give the fans what they want. I’m not talking about pairings, because everyone is different, and you can’t cater to everyone, but like, the more people moved away from liking Scott, the harder the showrunners pushed him into our faces. And like, that isn’t how this works. If I like side character 87 a lot, and the lead’s getting annoying, you know what’s gonna make me NOT watch the show? Cutting out side character 87 (hey, for shits and gigs, let’s call him DANNY, just, not coincidentally at all) and then just shoving the lead into my face. That is what makes someone go “Well, four seasons is enough, I can happily live knowing I didn’t waste my life watching two more of them.” Like??? I’m not saying cut out Scott, because the show is ABOUT Scott, but the more everyone tried to showcase how amazing and wonderful and pure and perfect he was, the more annoying it got? Like, Scott has flaws. THEY ALL HAVE FLAWS! If you don’t admit that they all have flaws, it gets boring, and you hate the characters. I know that Scott turned into a douche later (apparently, again, haven’t seen it), but even in the early seasons by trying to make him this pure True Alpha golden angel child who spreads love and hope and trusts everyone, it just got boring. He was vanilla, and also a bad friend, because he was too “perfect” to be around someone “imperfect” like Stiles, and even like, the rest of the pack overall. He was always put on a pedestal and it made the show really… irksome? Idk, I just feel like yes, SCOTT is the Teen Wolf, but you added all these damn side characters, maybe use them a bit more? At least Stiles was interesting, and Lydia was fucking badass, and fucking hell, if you’d done right by Boyd and Erica, the actors wouldn’t have left for better shows so like, come on man, you coulda done better. We coulda had such a dope show, why you gotta crush my dreams like that Jeff? What did I ever do to you?
I know this is only eight, but this is long enough, if I go two more, this is gonna be IN.SANE. And also it’s late and I haven’t finished my fic for the day (I mean, I’m almost done, but I’m not done yet!) So like, I’ma stop here. But yes, hopefully this answered your question. Sorry I got REALLY PASSIONATE about it but it’s been a day.
Also, I feel this needs to be said, but obviously these are my own personal opinions, and as opinions, you are not obligated to agree with them. But you are also not allowed to tell me my opinion is wrong. You can disagree with it, but this is an opinion, not a law, so there is no right and wrong. Don’t @ me, my day’s been bad enough kthx!
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sluttyten · 5 years
you will be my always
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Part I: you can call me monster || Part 2: you can be my angel 
summary: forever doesn’t really seem like too much to ask for when you know you’re in love with the supernatural world (and it loves you back just as much)
words: 22,000
pairings: jungwoo x reader, lucas x reader, jungwoo x lucas, jungwoo x reader x lucas
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In the last month and a half, many things had changed. The rival pack was run out of town, leaving behind a sizeable amount of wealth as well as a witch and two vampires that they’d been keeping as something similar to pets, so Kun claimed the other pack’s cash and brought the new kids to the vampires for safekeeping. 
YangYang, the young witch, quickly found himself welcomed by Ten. The vampires Xiaojun and Hendery seemed to come as a package deal, and for the first few days they were in the house they didn’t leave each other’s side much until Ten finally pried them apart and got them to hang out with everyone. Hendery apparently fell in love with Ten and Johnny and let them adopt him. Xiaojun fell in with WinWin, and could often be found hanging out with the wolf the second he stepped into the house, much to Yuta’s annoyance. 
And when the last month of winter chill sets in, even several of the vampires decide that the city is too cold to stay in. Yuta, Taeil, and Xiaojun pair up with WinWin for a trip to Paris to explore the catacombs like true Parisian vampires. 
And then there’s the matter of Lucas. 
Specifically, Lucas’s crush on your boyfriend, his slightly smaller (but growing) crush on you, and the fact that the three of you slept together to bring in the new year. 
Nothing else has happened like that between the three of you. Sometimes you think about it, sometimes you and Jungwoo talk about it when you’re in bed together, and he never seems to be strongly leaning one way or the other on actually inviting Lucas back into bed, rather he seems content with just fantasizing about it with you, so you don’t push it. But there are times when you catch Lucas watching Jungwoo and times when you catch him looking at you and you’ll feel that flare of lust in your belly, remembering his hands and his kiss. 
But you don’t push it, and things go back to normal, just the three of you hanging out as friends. 
And you go to school and bury yourself in classwork to distract yourself from the inner conflict of the desire you feel. 
“What are you thinking about?” A foot kicks yours under the table, and you jolt, snapping to attention in the middle of the coffee shop on the edge of your university’s campus. 
Jaehyun sits across from you sipping at his coffee, raising his eyebrows at you. Ten sits beside him, his iced coffee long forgotten as he scribbles sigils and enchantments down in a notebook. 
The three of you are waiting for YangYang who has class for another half hour before you all head back to the coven’s place together. Outside, snow whirls past the windows, and you don’t look forward to going back out there. 
Jaehyun’s foot taps against yours again and you frown at him. 
“Nothing, Jaehyun. Personal stuff.” You glance down at your phone, the background of which is Jungwoo and Lucas making silly faces at you behind the camera. 
Ten doesn’t even look up from his notebook. “She’s thinking about fucking Jungwoo and Lucas. Again.” 
You fight the urge to swear at him, and Ten grins at you. 
“I’m right, aren’t I?” He finally puts the pen down and closes the notebook. “I don’t have to be a mind reader, everyone can feel the tension between the three of you, and once the pack told the rest of us about that menage a trois, it all made sense.” 
You fold your arms across your chest and ignore the pair across the table and the way that they’re smiling at each other, so amused. After they continue trying to talk and you continue ignoring them, Jaehyun finally sits forward. 
“We’re not judging you, if that’s what you think.” He says. “Plenty of people do that polygamy thing, and while it’s a bit odd for a human to be involved with a vampire and a werewolf, especially when human life spans are so short, that’s just…”
Ten harshly elbows Jaehyun and shakes his head. 
“What?” Jaehyun looks between Ten and you. “This is kinda like something Taeyong and I talked about when we first got together. I told him how I didn’t want to be in a relationship where the only outcome could be one of us dying.”
“Seriously, Jaehyun?” Ten asks, then hisses, “You’re a werewolf. You live as long as you want or until something kills you. And you’re telling us, a human and a mortal witch, about that?”
“I didn’t know that werewolves live like that at the time.” Jaehyun mumbles and sips at his coffee. 
You stare down at your fingers wrapped around your cup. This isn’t the first time you’ve heard parts of this. You and Ten already had a discussion about the issues of dating an immortal vampire when you have a human life span. And you hadn’t really thought about it again since then because you didn’t want to think about someday dying and just being another name in Jungwoo’s past. Now you learn that Lucas is essentially immortal too. 
By the time YangYang shows up, bundled in a scarf and hat and coat and complaining about all the snow and cold, you’re still in a deep funk. 
Ten jumps to his feet and shoves the notebook he was scrawling in earlier into YangYang’s arms and begins telling him about heating spells. 
You follow and Jaehyun walks beside you, his head bowed against the cold wind, and when you reach the bus, he falls into the seat beside you. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to make you. . . Existential, I guess.” He gestures around with his hands. “It’s just that when I started dating Taeyong, I thought werewolves were just as mortal as humans. So I kinda know what you’re feeling and I know that you probably don’t want to talk about it, so tell me about something else. Anything to get your mind off of it.”
“Why don’t you talk to me? Tell me more about you and Taeyong.” You tell him, and you lean your head back against the bus seat. “How do a vampire and a werewolf meet and fall in love?”
You watch as a lazy smile drifts across Jaehyun’s lips. He fiddles a little with the strap of his backpack. 
“I haven’t always been a part of Kun’s pack. I was a lone wolf for a while after I was turned, my first several full moons were hell. Like the first time, I thought I was dying. The next few times weren’t much better, and every time it happened when I was out, off campus for the night. I would start feeling strange so I would go somewhere to be alone, feeling like I was going to be sick or that I was dying because my heart was pounding and my skin felt like it was crawling, and within the hour the transformation would start and I would black out and not remember anything until I woke up naked somewhere hopefully within the city. 
“Most of us really just look like stray dogs when we transform, only some of us actually look like wolves. But that’s not my point.” He shakes his hand and starts messing with a bracelet on his wrist, one that you notice has thin silver lines on it, similar to Jungwoo’s daylight ring. But before you can ask, Jaehyun starts talking again. “It was probably my seventh full moon and I was at this bar, this was actually around the time when you and I had class together. You know that bar that our professor was always talking about? It’s on 52nd Street?”
You vaguely recall the place. Your professor would tell the class stories about how he went to that particular bar to observe and talk with people, trying to understand the connections between their psyche and social interactions. 
“I went there that night because he was offering me extra credit,” Jaehyun says. “It was the full moon, but I figured I could gather some info and be out of there before the moon had completely risen. Anyway, I was at the bar taking notes on people and I lost track of time, and before I knew it, I could feel the change beginning to set in. It’s like an ache in your bones, your skin burns a bit and itches. So I ran out of there and I didn’t make it far before I couldn’t go any further so I moved into this alley and I was hunched there trying not to make too much noise, and then suddenly there was a guy in front of me and he was handsome like out of this world handsome, you know? 
“You’ve met Yongie. Of course you know how handsome he is. And he took one look at me, put his hand on my forehead, looked at the moon, and told me to get up. When I tried to argue since I knew I would be transforming within the hour, he just snapped at me that he was taking me to a friend, an alpha. I’m pretty sure my bones started snapping before we got to the den and I passed out from the pain, so Taeyong had to carry me the rest of the way. I was in and out of it after that. Of course, by the time we got to the den, most of the pack had already completed the transformations, so Taeyong did what vampires are good at, and he held me down while I transformed so I wouldn’t hurt myself and his strength and the chill of his skin grounded me and he sat with me after I transformed and I can still remember it. That was the first time I was a wolf and could remember everything. 
“He pet me like I was just a dog and kept talking to me. We were in the main area of the den alone since everyone else was locked in their bedrooms. Like, you’ve seen Lucas’s cuffs chained to the wall? That’s not just some kinky bondage thing,” Jaehyun grins and you cover your face. “Some wolves experience different sorts of transformation, some are more violent than others, so they actually have to be chained down to keep from causing serious damage in the change. But that night I was fine and Taeyong stayed with me all night and in the morning he was still there until I’d turned back. He had to stay the rest of the day, and he introduced me to the pack and Kun took me in, and I’ve not left ever since. And Taeyong took a special interest in me, and honestly I had a very special interest in him too.”
“And you started dating shortly after that?” You ask. 
Jaehyun shakes his head. “No, not right away. Like I said, I had… reservations about going into a relationship with a vampire. But then I had a break from school and there was something Kun wanted me to go fetch for the pack, since I was the newest member he wanted me to do it, but since I’m new I would need some sort of protection since I didn’t understand the ins and outs of supernatural life, and Taeyong volunteered to go with me and claimed he’d always wanted to go to the city Kun said I had to go to. So we made a Spring Break trip of it, although it was definitely not like the breaks you see in the movies. 
“No sunshine, no beaches, no getting drunk.” Jaehyun shakes his head. “We took a flight that left late at night and arrived at night. I didn’t mind being on a nocturnal schedule, like most of the nighttime where we were was daytime here, so it didn’t mess terribly with my brain. And it was while we were on this trip that Tae even indicated that he was actually interested in me.” You notice Jaehyun blushing a little. 
“He was thirsty one night, and you can’t really just let a thirsty vampire roam the streets of a strange, foreign city. He might run into a bad pack of wolves or crazy vampire hunters or any number of bad things. So I offered to let him drink from me, and I know you know how vampires can get when they’re drinking. Some of them get really, really horny. And I’m not saying that Taeyong is one of them, because if I did say that, he would kill me, but after he was done drinking that night he was so embarrassed.” And now Jaehyun’s ears burn bright red. “When I suggested it was alright that he was feeling that way, Taeyong got more embarrassed and he tried acting tough and not embarrassed, but he was and I loved it.
“So it wasn’t like a Spring Break with the sunshine and the beaches and getting drunk, but it did involve nudity and drinking of a different sort.” He grins and runs his hands over his hair then reaches down to fiddle with his bracelet again. “I kinda consider that whole trip to be our first date because it was when I realized that I really loved him, you know. Like I thought he was great before that and I really liked him and we were close, like good friends, but that trip was the big step, and while we were there, away from all of this, it really cemented these feelings and I knew that the way I felt about him was real.”
“And what’s this bracelet?” You tap his wrist where he’s still messing around with the jewelry.  
Jaehyun looks down and twists it around a few times before he nods at Ten who’s sitting a few rows ahead of you two with his head bowed toward YangYang’s over the notebook. “This is a gift from Ten. Shortly after I found a home with the pack and learned about the vampires and ghosts and everything being real, I walked in on Ten doing a spell in the bathroom at school. I think he nearly shit himself when I walked in and he was standing there with his lightning running over his fingertips. I think he would’ve wiped my memory, which he has threatened to do since then for a different reason, but when I told him I was a werewolf he relaxed a bit. Then I brought him around the pack and when we were talking about the full moon coming up, Ten listened and then made us these. They ease the transformation and make it less painful and quicker.”
“Clever.” You touch the bracelet again, and you swear you can feel a static tingle under your fingers. “Do you think it’s kinda similar to the ring he gave Jungwoo?”
He shrugs. “He made almost a dozen of these bracelets, but he’s only made the one ring. If I had to say, I think this is a less complex magic than the ring. But you’d really have to ask the magician and his apprentice.” Again he casts a look at the two witches. “I do wish the ring were an easier spell for him to do. I would love to give Taeyong a ring like that.” Jaehyun pauses and then sighs in a sweet, lovesick kind of way. “Or any ring honestly, but don’t tell him I said that.”
You pretend to lock your lips shut, his secret safe within. “I’m sure if you asked Ten, he could work on it, especially with YangYang and Jisung’s help. They could pool enough power to get Taeyong a magical daylight wedding ring.”
Jaehyun smiles and you see the tips of his ears are turning red. “Can you imagine me married?” He laughs and his eyes are far-off, a smile etched on his face. “Me married to a daylight vampire? He could come to see me play a whole basketball game. He could see me graduate at the end of the semester. And, like I said don’t tell him this, but literally the day after our first date I was already picturing marrying him, which is so stupid but shit Taeyong looks handsome in a tux, and I think a spring wedding would be so nice with cherry blossoms and sunlight.”
You can picture it. Jaehyun and Taeyong holding hands at an outdoor ceremony, smiling and crying because they’re both emotional guys. You can picture them living a happy life, living an actual eternity together as they swear to do in their vows. 
You feel a knot settling in your stomach at all of this talk. You want that too. You want to be happy and have an eternity with Jungwoo. 
When at last the bus comes to the stop near the vampires’ mansion, you nearly leap over Jaehyun and hurry out of the bus, running toward the house. Snowflakes bite against your cheeks, and in the distance you see the sunset burning through a break in the snowstorm. 
You burst through the front door of the house, and you’re halfway up the stairs when Jungwoo appears at the top, looking worried. 
“What’s wrong? Why are you running?” His voice sounds panicked, and you’re certain that he’s heard the loud pounding of your heart and it’s made him worry. You climb the rest of the stairs and don’t waste a second before you loop your arms around his waist and press your cheek to his chest. 
“I love you, Jungwoo.” 
Swiftly, Jungwoo lifts you into his arms and carries you the rest of the way to his bedroom. You’ve barely crossed the threshold of his room when you notice that you’re not alone in there. 
You pull your face from your boyfriend’s chest and look across the room to where Lucas is sitting in the chair in the corner. He looks up when you drop to the floor. 
“Lucas.” You say his name in a tone similar to the one you’d just used with Jungwoo at the top of the stairs. Somewhat tired, somewhat sad, somewhat needy. As you cross the room toward him, Lucas glances behind you at Jungwoo, and you don’t care what that means, you reach the chair and you climb in and sit on his lap. 
Lucas’s hands go immediately to your hips, securing your place in his lap. 
“What are you doing?” He asks, and once again he’s glancing between you and Jungwoo, confusion and alarm bleeding into his tone. 
It’s then that you realize, while you and Jungwoo have discussed the threesome and have discussed Lucas since that morning on the first of the year, Lucas has mostly been in the dark on the subject. For all he knows that was a completely one-off occasion that neither you nor Jungwoo wants to revisit even a mention of. 
But now you’re sitting in his lap, and he doesn’t know what’s happening or what to do. And when you look back at Jungwoo, he sort of seems to be in the same position as Lucas: confused, unsure what to do. So you just say the first thing on your mind. 
“Let’s get away. All three of us. Let’s go on a trip together and just relax and have fun and escape the cold.” Jaehyun’s words echo in your mind, the part of his story where getting away with Taeyong has helped them cement their feelings in the relationship. “I know the cold doesn’t bother either of you, but I’m tired of it.” You lean back a little and feel Lucas’s fingers twist in the back of your shirt. 
His eyebrows meet in the middle as he frowns a little. “Where would we go? And why? Don’t you have school right now?”
“Forget about that. I want to get away for a while.” You turn to look at Jungwoo. “Please, Woo. You mentioned Taeil has an island once, right? We could go there for the ultimate relaxation.”
“You want to take a vampire to a tropical destination? Even a sunburn-proof vampire’s going to be a bit hesitant about that.” Lucas laughs a little, but you don’t hear a no coming from either one of the men in the room with you. 
You reach out a hand to Jungwoo, and he messes a hand through his hair and glances out the nearby window. The curtains are thrown open to show off the grayness of the snowstorm outside. 
“Jungwoo, come on. Think about it. You, me, a beach.” You slide back in Lucas’s lap until your back rests against his chest. “And Lucas.” 
Lucas’s hands tighten on you, and Jungwoo turns his gaze to your corner of the room again. His eyes are a hungry shade hovering just between his calm black and the angry red, like a warm, molten treacle. 
The room is silent for a moment, so quiet that you think you can hear snowflakes brushing against the window, the world holding its breath while Jungwoo stares at you seated in the lap of his secret desire. 
“Alright,” Jungwoo sighs finally. “But I’ll have to ask if we can borrow his island. And how to get there. No guarantees, sunshine.” 
You bound out of Lucas’s lap and jump into Jungwoo’s arms again, wrapping yourself around him as he holds you up and spins around a few times before he settles you down on the bed. And as you look around at the two of them, you notice that they’re both smiling too. 
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The plane touches down, and all you can see is the glimmer of turquoise water, the gleam of white sand beaches. 
Beside you, Jungwoo shields his eyes against the light and pulls his hat lower over his face as Lucas leans across him, trying to get a glimpse out the window. He whistles appreciatively. 
You’re not quite to your destination yet.
The instructions Jungwoo got from Taeil said that this flight was only the first part. 
When Taeil claimed the island as his several hundred years before, he’d made certain it was private, far away from nearby civilization. It was where he’d napped while Doyoung and Jungwoo were off exploring the world, and Taeil hadn’t wanted to be disturbed by human explorers, and therefore chose an island safely out at sea, the most moderately sized one that he could find. Not so big that it would draw unwanted attention, but not so small that it would get swept away in a storm. 
After he’d woken from his nap, he’d had a house built on the island and it was a fertile little place with a decently sized forest on it that flourished with life. All sorts of little creatures and vegetation that he was pretty sure was edible for humans. 
So it sounded as close to paradise as you could find, but even as the plane touched down on the tarmac, you still had a long way to go. 
“Where do we go after this?” You asked Jungwoo again, slipping your hand into his. 
“Take a smaller plane to an island. Then an even smaller plane from there to another island. Then we rent a boat and follow the coordinates he gave me to Tai Ilisam as the locals call it.” He starts playing with your fingers as the other passengers on the plane begin climbing to their feet, crowding the center aisle even though no one will be getting off the plane for at least a few more minutes. 
On Jungwoo’s other side Lucas says, “What locals? I thought you said it was private.”
“It is.” Jungwoo smiles. “The last island we’re flying into, those people have names for all the smaller islands around, but Taeil says that they avoid Tai Ilisam because it’s haunted by a violent spirit that wrecks ships and feeds off the survivors.”
“That doesn’t sound like the Taeil we know.” You lean into Jungwoo’s shoulder. 
Jungwoo shakes his head. “That’s the Taeil that I first knew. He’s tried befriending the island people since that time, but the legend lives on and they think that Taeil’s the descendant of the only person to ever survive a shipwreck on Tai Ilisam. He also said they probably think he’s possessed, and when we come back they’ll treat us like we’re possessed too.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Lucas smirks. “Do we think gold eyes will make them feel like I’m possessed?” When he leans forward, hiding his face from the aisle, you and Jungwoo have a clear view of Lucas’s wolfishly golden eyes. 
A few minutes later, the plane begins to empty, and the three of you follow the rest of the passengers out. The layover isn’t long, just barely enough time to navigate through the airport to where your next plane awaits. That flight isn’t long, and you nap with your head on Jungwoo’s shoulder while Lucas peers out the window at the ocean passing by below. 
You’re still hazy with sleep as you leave that flight and make it to the next plane which is tiny and barely more than a mail plane heading to the small island before Tai Ilisam. It’s a rickety plane that jolts and shudders and creaks and beeps too much for your liking, so you spend the entire flight clinging to both Jungwoo and Lucas, figuring that if the plane goes down, the two supernatural men are your best bet at survival. 
But the plane touches down safely, the pilot thanks you for flying, and reminds you that he’ll be back at the same time the following week unless it’s storming, and if you want a flight back to do it then. 
And then the last leg of the journey finally begins. 
As Jungwoo treks ahead of you, using the notes he’s got from Taeil to find his way to the docks to find a boat to rent for the week, Lucas slings his arm over your shoulders and walks with you. 
You straggle a bit behind Jungwoo, distracted as you pass through this town’s island. It’s a decent size, and you can tell that they do get the occasional tourist and they probably are the supply hub for the surrounding smaller private islands like Taeil’s island. 
Lucas convinces you to stop in the marketplace because there’s all kinds of delicious food, and as he’s feeling more human than wolf at the moment, his appetite is more human, so the pair of you buy fruit and vegetables and meat and pack it all in a cooler before hurrying along to find Jungwoo at the docks, which the locals kindly direct you toward. 
Tai Ilisam, it turns out, is a two hour boat ride away, so you climb in the boat Jungwoo rented and set out across the sea. 
And when you see the island come into view, you gasp. The sand is a beautiful pink, contrasting with the vibrant blue of the water and the green of the island’s vegetation, and through the trees at the edge of the beach, you see shining glass. 
Jungwoo pulls the boat nicely up to a dock, and Lucas helps him tie it up. 
“Why did Taeil build a place here if he can’t live in the sun?” You ask, jumping from the boat onto the dock and you run to the sand, kicking off your shoes because you want to feel the sand between your toes. 
A moment later Jungwoo is right behind you, grabbing your hand and swinging you around, spinning you across the sand like it’s a dance floor. 
“He knew that if he ever needed to get away, such as escape from the rare vampire hunters, this would be the perfect place.” He says as you spin to face him. Jungwoo squints from under the bill of his cap. “He figured no one would think to look for a vampire on this tiny island where the sun shines so brightly, without humans around to feed on.”
Jungwoo grins wickedly and tightens his arms around your waist and bends you backwards until his mouth presses to your throat. 
You close your eyes and dig your fingers into Jungwoo’s arms, sigh at the feeling of his lips, the hint of his teeth. You so badly want him to bite you right then, have his venom coursing sweetly through your veins. 
“But now I’ve lured a human here and I have no plans of letting you leave.” He attacks your throat with little kisses, peppering them up your jaw and your cheeks. 
You laugh and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling yourself up as Jungwoo stands upright, and you stretch up on your toes and kiss him. 
“Is this how it’s going to be all week?” Lucas stands a few feet off. Holding his suitcase in one hand, the cooler of food in the other, and your bag and Jungwoo’s are thrown over his shoulders. “Don’t tell me you invited me along to be a third wheel.”
Jungwoo turns to look at Lucas with a soft smile. “Jealousy is a good look, Lucas. I guess, there’s some stuff we all need to talk about.”
You detach yourself from Jungwoo and cross the sand between you and Lucas. You take your bag from him and Jungwoo takes his, and the three of you set off for the house just behind the cover of the trees. 
Taeil’s island home isn’t elegant, it’s just a basic home built to withstand the strain of tropical existence. You’re not surprised to find that there’s only a single bedroom and a bare office, both windowless, and the windows of the house that look out onto the pink sand beach and the gorgeous ocean beyond are heavily curtained to not allow in any sunlight. 
Lucas hesitates in the doorway of the bedroom, looking over his shoulder at the sofa in the large open main room. You can see the wheels turning in his head, and the moment he begins to turn to walk back to the sofa, you grab his hand and pull. 
“You’re not sleeping out there. Don’t be ridiculous.”
The bed is massive, definitely big enough to comfortably fit Jungwoo, Lucas, and yourself. “You’re not third-wheeling with us.”
Jungwoo takes Lucas’s suitcase and sits it inside the bedroom, and then he steps closer and rakes his fingers through Lucas’s already wind-blown hair, messing it up even further. “I know we haven’t talked about that night. New Year’s Eve, I mean. We just kinda glossed it over, but she and I have talked about it a bit. And I’ve been thinking,” Jungwoo slips his fingers through Lucas’s belt loops. “I think it could be fun to see what else we can do.” 
And right then you see it. A snap of a connection, a jolt of lust that glows within Lucas’s eyes, and you know that if you don’t separate them now, you won’t get to just relax totally peacefully on the island for this first night. 
As great as sex is, especially when one or both of them is involved, you just want a quiet, enjoyable night. Cooking the food you’ve brought, watching the sunset, maybe going for a swim before dark or building a fire or stargazing. 
And maybe it’s a bit selfish, but you don’t want them to mess around together without you. Because Jungwoo is your boyfriend. 
“Let’s go check out the beach.” You insist. “I want to take pictures to send home. My mom will be so jealous when she sees this place.” 
Distracted, not only by your plans of exploration, but also by the talk about your mother, Jungwoo let’s go of Lucas. “When do I get to meet her anyway? Does she even know we’re together?”
You hadn’t told Jungwoo much about your history before university. He knew bits and pieces from things you slipped into casual conversation, but he had yet to meet your parents or anyone that knew you before you came to the university. You rarely ever spoke about parents or siblings or grandparents, and Jungwoo didn’t push.
“She knows all about you. You’re all I talk about when I call her, you and Lucas, and some of the stuff we get into.” You smile and reach for both of the boys. “Now let’s go before it gets dark.”
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Maybe in the interim time you’d forgotten the shape of Lucas’s body or the feel of his skin under your fingers, the broadness of his shoulders, the shift of muscle under skin. But now you’re all too aware of every bit of that. 
You gasp and clutch at his arm. 
“You’re so clumsy!” Lucas teases, wrapping his arm around you so that the next wave doesn’t knock you over entirely. “No wonder Jungwoo’s so protective about you, baby.” 
Lucas holds tightly to you as another wave rolls past, and the pair of you struggle a few feet further into the sea. 
The taste of salt tingles on your tongue and you look around, searching for the shape of Jungwoo, sunbathing on a rock a short distance from the shore. He’s got his eyes closed, his arms folded behind his head, and he’s totally naked except for the ring on his finger. 
He’s your destination at the moment. And as Lucas swings you around in front of him, blocking you from another wave while his fingers simultaneously tickle down your sides causing you to shriek with laughter, you begin to wonder if he’s helping you on your journey or hindering you, but also, you don’t really mind. 
You climb up his body, wrapping your legs around his waist, pressing your chest to his back, and your arms go firmly around his shoulders. Another wave crashes against you, washing over your lower half, and even Lucas stumbles a step forward. 
Jungwoo doesn’t even look your way, too busy soaking in the precious sunlight he was denied for so long. 
The rock he’s on isn’t nearly big enough for the three of you, but you climb on and sit beside him, carefully wringing out your hair onto his skin. You watch in amusement as Jungwoo opens an eye to look at you. His nipples perk up from the chill and you’re tempted to lean down and lick at his chest, taste the salt and sun on his skin. 
Then a shadow stretches across the rock. 
“Has anyone ever told you that you look like a god?” Jungwoo asks, shielding his eyes a little as he looks up at Lucas. The sun sits behind his head, gilding his hair, and water drips from his body and you feel your heart drop into your belly, pulsing and fluttering, so you squeeze your legs together. 
“All the time.” Lucas grins. He doesn’t sit down, there’s not enough room, instead he continues standing there, looking godly and too hot for you. After another minute you have to look away from him, casting your gaze toward the shore and the house. 
This is your first full day on Tai Ilisam. Last night was short and none of you lasted too long after arriving. You walked some length down the beach, Jungwoo gave you a piggyback ride back to the house, and then you made a quick dinner and fell asleep, exhausted from the day of travel. 
You’re convinced that after you fell asleep your vampire and your werewolf companions masterminded a wicked plan to make you as frustrated as possible all day long. 
From the moment you woke until this moment sitting here on the rock, it seems that they’ve been doing as much as possible to make you horny. 
You woke in bed between the two of them. You were halfway on top of Jungwoo with your leg thrown over one of his, his thigh pressed against your center. Lucas was beside you and at some point in the night your hand had fallen into his lap, and at the moment when you woke, your hand was lightly holding his slightly hard cock. 
You were certain they planned it. 
And then when you got out of the bathroom you found them in the kitchen, both shirtless, Jungwoo standing closely behind Lucas to watch as the wolf prepared a breakfast. And then you’d watched as Jungwoo ate his breakfast fresh from Lucas’s throat, his lips sealed against Lucas’s skin. 
Then the morning passed in a blur of boys’ bare skin and too much hands as they rubbed lotion on you to make sure you were protected from the sun, and each touch on your skin drove you a little more crazy. 
But you didn’t come on this vacation just for sex in an exotic location, you wanted to have other fun and explore the island. Feel the sun on your skin and the sea all around you. So that’s what you were doing right now. But you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t want to fuck both of them right now and every moment since dawn. 
You shiver when you feel the coolness of Jungwoo’s ring against your skin, and for once his fingers hold warmth without taking it from you first. 
“What are you thinking about?” He asks. “We can hear your heartbeat.” 
You press your hand to your chest and realize that your heart is pounding. 
Jungwoo sits up, his posture perfect even in this relaxed paradise, even on this less than comfortable rock. His fingers move high on your thighs, stroking in what could be an absentminded manner except that you know it’s not. 
“Race you to shore!” You call, avoiding answering his question as you climb quickly to your feet, and you dive off the rock, swimming as quickly as you can toward the pink beach. But even then, when you stand and wipe the sea water from your eyes, Jungwoo stands there in all his naked glory, and Lucas laughs beside him, shaking his hair like a wet dog might. 
The longer you watch the way that they’re both acting with you, the more you realize that Jungwoo is the one pushing you, teasing you, trying to get you to the point where you’ll be so turned on you can’t deny it anymore. 
So you wait. 
You relax for a while on the beach, reading a book and sitting in one of the three comfy chairs Jungwoo helped you drag down from the house’s enclosed back porch. 
Lucas and Jungwoo wrestle and fight out in the water, howling with laughter so loudly you’re certain they’ve scared off any of the island’s wildlife. Once you look up when you notice they’ve grown quiet and they’re both watching you while Jungwoo talks to Lucas and you feel heat flooding your belly, and you want to part your legs and give them a tease or puff out your chest or something that will tease them back the way you’ve felt all day, but they turn away and go back to what seems to be trying to catch fish with their bare hands. But you swear that the next time you catch them looking you’ll do something for a show. 
You don’t have to wait long. 
You hear one of them coming out of the water, slopping toward you, and it’s Lucas. 
Jungwoo stands out in the water, watching the horizon, and Lucas sighs and collapses down into the chair beside you, props his feet up and closes his eyes. 
“Jungwoo was telling me something interesting.” He rolls his head to the side to look at you.
“Like what?” 
“Well we didn’t get to talk really last night, you know. You and I fell asleep pretty quick after dinner, so there wasn’t much to say, but Jungwoo was just saying that you seem to like revisiting our time together.” His crooked smile snags at your attention and you can’t look away. “He said that you guys have talked about it sometimes like when you’re in bed, about to have sex, even in the middle of sex. Is it true that you —“
You don’t let him finish whatever he was going to say. The book you were reading falls into the sand as you move from your chair into Lucas’s, swinging your leg over his and you settle down into his lap, put one hand to the joint of his neck and his shoulder, and you lean in until you’re just inches from his lips and you brush some of his damp hair back from his forehead. 
Lucas looks up at you with wide, soft eyes and his lips part around a sigh. You shift your hips ever-so-slightly against him and do that several times until you can feel him responding. 
“Do you think he can hear us from here?” You whisper, circling your hips and you brush your lips along Lucas’s cheekbone then touch them to his ear as you continue, “Or is he too focused on the sea?”
Lucas’s hands slide up to your hips. “He can’t hear.”
Still moving, grinding along Lucas’s length, you whisper, “Did he tell you the things he told me when we were in bed? About how after that night he’s thought about you? He told me he had a dream, and vampire dreams are rare, where he had his fingers inside you and your cock was dripping wet for him. You were whimpering and whining his name. He said he fingered you until you were begging for him to fuck you, but instead he let me ride him and cum as many times as I wanted while you watched.”
You feel his cock twitch under you. His breath comes out shakily. You climb off his lap, satisfied with what you’ve done, the tent in his shorts is obvious.
And you leave him there, just like that. 
“Jungwoo!” You jog across the beach, into the water, and you wade out to Jungwoo, who turns around to greet you. 
You stand out there in the ocean with him for a while longer. He points to shapes on the horizon that you can barely even see, he catches tiny fish and cups them in his hands, and when he dives down into the water, searching for a shell to give you, he comes back up by swimming right up to you and kissing your stomach as he surfaces, then lifting you up before he presents you with a beautifully intact sea shell. 
You’re so wrapped up in each other, that you don’t notice when Lucas leaves the beach and returns to the house until you’re walking out of the water and your eyes fall on the empty chairs. 
“Where did he go?” Jungwoo looks around, holding tightly to your hand. He scans the water and the surrounding trees, he tilts his head in a way that tells you that he’s listening, and then he nods at the house. “He’s in there. I can hear the shower running. I still wanted to go walk further around the island.” He pouts a little and you squeeze his hand. 
“Do you think I could have upset him?” You tug on his fingers. “He was trying to tease me, I think, about you telling him that we’ve talked about him in bed, and I told him about that dream you had.” 
Jungwoo’s eyes darken a bit. “Do you think Lucas would be upset by that? He’s made of sturdier stuff than that.”
“I may have been grinding on him and telling him about that, then I left him hard and went to you.” You duck your head and drag your toes through the sand. “But in my defence, the two of you have been trying to make me horny all day, and I was tired of it. I wanted to have some fun.”
“So we’ll have fun. Come on, sunshine.” He starts toward the house, and you follow, falling into step beside him. Jungwoo swings your hands comfortably, and when you reach the house he plucks the shell from your finger and sits it on a nearby table, then he turns to you and very seriously says, “If you want this, like if you really, really want to have the three of us together again, are you going to be happy and comfortable if I have sex with Lucas?”
 “That’s… Is that happening now?” You glance toward the door of the bedroom where you can hear the water running. 
Jungwoo touches your waist. “He knows how we both feel, why not do it now? And don’t think that I don’t want you involved, I definitely do. Us and Lucas though?” Jungwoo shakes his head and whistles, “We’d be hot.” 
His smile is innocent enough, but the look in your boyfriend’s eyes is anything but. You’d be crazy to tell him no right now, not when you can see how much he wants this, and then there’s how much you want Lucas too, and you know that whatever makes both of them happy is going to make you happy as well. 
Jungwoo’s hand sneaks down from your waist to your ass, and you swat at his hand, and he pulls it away, smiling wider. “Remember that day in the library at home when you wanted to baby me?” He leans in and bends down so he can press his lips to your throat. “When you were biting me and wanted to call me a slut. I bet we can get Lucas like that for us, angel.” 
You shiver as his cool fingers run up your spine, and when they reach the tie of your swimsuit top, he tugs on it lightly and everything comes undone. Your top comes apart, sliding off your shoulders. The last vestiges of your reluctance to have your boyfriend fuck his best friend with you disappear. You’re entirely completely totally ready.
“Lucas is waiting,” you whisper as Jungwoo’s lips move over your throat again. His fangs scrape lightly over your jugular, and his hands wander down to your ass again, though this time you allow him to touch, to push your swimsuit bottoms down your legs, leaving you naked and slightly self-conscious. 
Last time, it seemed like everything just happened quickly. It fell into place and worked and you didn’t have a minute to doubt what was happening, it was purely based on desires and lust. But now you have time to think. 
With each step through the house, through the bedroom, into the bathroom, you think about the sand on your body, the way your fingers and toes are pruned from being in the water for so long. You think about the shape of your breasts, the slight prickle of your unshaven legs and your overall hair situation. Jungwoo’s never complained about it, but now you find yourself doubting everything. A tight knot grows tighter in your stomach and you cling to Jungwoo’s hand as you step through the bathroom door together. 
Steam fills the bathroom, creating condensation on the mirror over the double vanity and the window that looks out into the dense forest occupying the interior of the island. Lucas stands in the shower under the hot water, his back to the pair of you. His shoulders are turning pink from the heat of the water, but it doesn’t seem to bother him at all, and he just lets it soak over his body.
You’re not sure if he even really knows that you and Jungwoo are there until the moment Jungwoo steps into the shower and presses his cool hands on Lucas’s shoulders.
The werewolf spins around quickly. He looks first at Jungwoo, his eyes, his lips, and he doesn’t shy away when Jungwoo takes another step closer. Then he looks at you, noticing all of your beautiful bare skin, the shape of you hazy through the steam, the way that you’re holding yourself. 
Jungwoo presses his fingers to Lucas’s chin, drawing his eyes (which grow more golden by the second) back to Jungwoo’s mouth. 
“Why did you leave us out there?” Jungwoo asks. “We weren’t quite finished playing and exploring. I wanted to see the rest of the island, but then you were gone.” 
You step closer, into the shower itself, and you let the warm water wash over you, rinsing away the sand that clings stubbornly to your skin. Lucas looks at you for just a moment, and then Jungwoo’s lips are on his throat. You see a flash of white teeth, a glimpse of red swiped away by a pink tongue, and then Lucas’s big hands are on Jungwoo’s hips to pull him closer. 
“Now we’re going to have to play and explore something else.” Jungwoo says, fixing his mouth onto Lucas’s throat again, but this time he doesn’t bite, he just kisses across Lucas’s pulse. “She told me that she told you about the dream and how hard you were hearing about it. Is that why you came in here, Xuxi?” 
Lucas groans, and you watch as Jungwoo’s hand disappears between their bodies. Lucas’s head falls back against the wall of the shower, and Jungwoo reaches up to cup the back of his head, his lips still busy on Lucas’s throat. You watch Jungwoo’s arm moving, and you can only assume that he’s jerking Lucas off. 
“Jungwoo.” Lucas’s moan reverberates off the walls of the shower, and his eyes close in pleasure. “God, please.”
“Shh.” Jungwoo bites down on his throat again and Lucas’s legs buckle a little bit. Jungwoo’s hands move so both of them hold Lucas’s hips, and you lean back against the cold tile, the contrast between it and the steamy heat of the shower is electric on your skin, made better by the visual in front of you as Jungwoo grinds their cocks together between their bodies.
Lucas whines and bucks. 
Jungwoo’s pretty lips curve against Lucas’s throat, and he manhandles him, twisting them around with their feet making quiet splashing sounds on the shower floor. And suddenly it’s Lucas whose back is to you, and you make your move to join in. 
You slide your hands over Lucas‘s waist, fingers splaying over his skin, and you press up against his back, your lips brushing his skin. 
He moans again, leaning into your touch and Jungwoo’s, unsure of which one of you he should fall into more. 
Jungwoo’s lips unlatch from his throat, and your hands range higher until your thumbs flick over his nipples. It’s so easy to make Lucas fall apart you’re learning. The last time there wasn’t really too much time to focus on him, so you don’t think he was so pliable for you two, but right now he’s like putty in your hands. 
“Are you gonna cum for us, Xuxi?” Jungwoo asks. You look up just in time to see him licking his lips while staring Lucas straight in the eye. “When you cum then we’re going to bed and she and I are going to take you apart bit by bit. That’s what you want right?”
Lucas bites his lip and just rocks his hips to meet Jungwoo’s. 
“Lucas.” You speak for the first time, your hand dropping down until you can wrap your fingers around both Lucas and Jungwoo’s erections. You drag your lips over his skin, a quick hint of teeth. “Cum for us.” 
You drag your hand up and down their combined lengths, and Lucas moans loudly, a choked off and stuttering sound that is soon swallowed by Jungwoo. And Lucas cums over your hand, his load hot and huge, you keep touching them both until Jungwoo pushes your hand away and he steps back under the shower’s spray. He rakes his fingers through his hair, moving the damp locks away from his forehead. 
You’ve all three got Lucas‘s cum on you, so you take a few minutes to shower off, and as the water begins to run cold, you bolt out to wrap in a towel and dry off. The boys linger for a few more moments as neither of them are much affected by the water temperature, and also because Jungwoo’s very distracted by Lucas’s ass, which Lucas has been slowly touching throughout this shower time. 
By the time they step out of the shower, looking flushed and damp, you’re reclining on the bed, your towel wrapped around your body.
“She looks lovely,” Lucas says, draping his arms over Jungwoo’s shoulders from behind. “And she smells so good. Can you smell her?” He lifts his face and closes his eyes, breathing deeply. Your body tingles and you squeeze your legs together a little bit, trying to ignore the pulse of need that goes through you right then. 
Jungwoo reaches up to untangle Lucas’s arms from his shoulders, and with his hold on the wolf’s wrists, he pulls him around in front of him. They stare at each other for a moment, and then Jungwoo presses forward and you watch in delight as your boyfriend pecks Lucas on the lips and tells him, “Do you want to taste her, pup?”
Lucas moans. 
“Go have a taste then.” Jungwoo gives him a light push. “She loves to be eaten out, Xuxi. She especially loves when I bite her thighs and eat her out. Though your venom will make her feel a little different.”
Jungwoo strokes Lucas’s hair again, and then the younger drops down onto the edge of the bed and turns to look at you. His eyes gleam faintly golden, and when he opens his mouth you see his canines look a little sharper. Different than whenever Jungwoo’s fangs start to really show, but still the appearance of sharp teeth sends a vague thrill through you.
“You’ve never been bitten by me, have you?” Lucas asks. The mattress shifts as he crawls into the spot between your legs. 
His fingertips drag gently up from your ankle to your knee and then higher still. You shiver and bite your lip, try not to whine as you shake your head in response to his question.
“I’ve heard that it feels different than a vampire bite, but still very good. I’m not taking anything from you, just giving you something good.” Lucas’s fingertips meet the edge of your towel, and he lifts that golden gaze to your eyes, checking to see if you’re good, and when he sees no sign of hesitance in your eyes, he continues. 
With a flick of his wrist, the towel falls apart, exposing your body to him and to Jungwoo. Jungwoo takes a step forward, his eyes flashing, his fangs peek out. A low growl sounds from deep in Lucas’s throat and he dips his head to kiss your abdomen, just below your navel. You gasp and reach down, running your hand over the back of his head. 
“Once Taeyong, Ten, and I were having a discussion about our sex lives,” Lucas says, sitting up once more. “And Taeyong told us that when Jaehyun bites him during sex it feels like he’s high. Ten was curious, so I bit him, and he said it was just euphoric and we weren’t even doing anything sexual. Just sitting there while it raced through his veins.”
“Wouldn’t a bite turn me?” You gasp as his fingers skate up your inner thigh, ranging dangerously close to your pussy. “That sounds amazing, but I don’t want to be a werewolf, thanks.”
Jungwoo slides up the bed, suddenly there beside you, cradling your head in his lap. “No, sunshine. The bite is only effective at the full moon.”
Lucas nods, and again he lowers his mouth to your skin, gently nipping at your thigh. “I wouldn’t risk turning you. I would never intentionally put you in harm’s way like that.” He nuzzles against your thigh, dragging his nose closer to your center, and he makes that possessive growling noise again. “Now, enough talking, right? You smell like heaven, and I just want a taste.”
“Please.” You touch his hair and shift your hips on the bed. “Bite me if you want to, I don’t mind.”
Lucas dives right in, thumbs pressing to the sensitive joint to part your thighs more for him, and he licks right over your entrance, lapping there for a moment before moving higher to pay attention to your desperate clit. 
“Fuck, Lucas!” You moan reaching out for anything, and your hand lands on Jungwoo’s thigh, holding tight. He licks and sucks and slurps and Jungwoo just holds you while Lucas’s tongue takes you to ecstasy. When you feel a sharp prick on your thigh, you glance down and see his lips pressed to your skin, a faint gleam of teeth, and when he looks up at you his fangs are tipped with blood. You whimper and he drops his head back down, returning to your pussy.
Soon you feel his venom starting to take effect. You feel light and warm and not in the way that means your orgasm is approaching, but just better than that almost. You grow more vocal, moaning and swearing, even laughing a little too.
Jungwoo smiles down at you, stroking your cheek and your hair, touching your lips with his fingertips. You roll your hips against Lucas’s face, riding his tongue deep inside you. Jungwoo touches your chest, stroking lightly to stimulate the sensitive skin of your breasts, tracing circles around your nipples and tweaking the pert buds. 
You feel your orgasm shredding through you, tearing you apart like beams of light, sparking and shooting across your closed eyelids. Lucas keeps licking at you, moaning and grinding his erection against the bed, savoring every drop you’re offering up to his eager tongue. 
“Lucas.” Jungwoo calls his name in a voice so soft but commanding. 
Lucas breaks away from his last few lingering licks, looking up at Jungwoo with his eyes glowing. “Yeah?”
“Come here.” Jungwoo crooks a finger at the wolf, and then Lucas is shooting up, leaning over you to meet Jungwoo in a messy kiss, sharing the taste of you from his tongue to Jungwoo’s. Their mouths collide with a slight crash and moans, but the flash of tongues and teeth and your cum on Lucas’s lips takes over. 
You lay there beneath them, Lucas’s body halfway over yours, your head still in Jungwoo’s lap. As Lucas shifts up onto his knees, moving higher to better be able to kiss Jungwoo, his cock swings forward between his legs, just almost within reach of your mouth. Even though you’ve just cum, a powerful fire blazes in your gut, hungry and horny, you want more. It’s probably thanks to his venom you feel this way, but you don’t care. You just need.
Lucas moans when your forehead touches his abdomen, and when he feels your lips around his tip, he actually startles a bit. “Still a bit sensitive, angel. Careful.” He hisses, but he rocks forward slightly. 
You keep your eyes open, looking up as the two of them resume making out. Jungwoo’s mouth skates to the side and Lucas groans, dropping his hands to your hair, pressing you to take more of his length until you’re just consumed by his scent, the spice and warmth that you’ve come to associate with Lucas. 
Jungwoo tuts, a noise of displeasure as he pulls Lucas’s hand away from your hair. You back off, breathing in deeply, rub your cheek against Jungwoo’s thigh. 
“Don’t touch, pup.” He holds Lucas’s wrists in his hand. Though you see Lucas struggling against his grip he doesn’t seem to be able to break his hold. “Lay back, Lucas.”
He does as Jungwoo commands, sinking back across the bed, never letting his gaze waver from you in Jungwoo’s lap or the beautiful man himself, the whole reason that you’ve both found yourselves here in this situation. 
Jungwoo’s hands move to your tits, pushing them together, massaging them. You sigh and lift your chest into the delicate heat of his hands, spreading your legs just a little as the tingling between them reaches a new level. 
“Please,” You whine. “I’ve been thinking about you both all day. Just wanna have you both.”
“And you’ve been so good.” Jungwoo leans over you, presses a kiss to your forehead. “You’re so wet, and you haven’t even touched yourself. Just had the one orgasm. Good girl. You just wanted to make our Xuxi feel good, didn’t you?”
Lucas moans, and when you tear your gaze away from Jungwoo to look at him, you see Lucas stroking his cock. 
“I still just want to make him feel good. Look at him, Jungwoo. How could I not want to make him feel good?” You bite your lip and sit up. Jungwoo lets you move, holding you still against his chest. 
“And what about you, sweetness?” 
Jungwoo’s lips move over your bare shoulder, his tongue swiping lightly, and then you feel the prick of his fangs. 
“This isn’t about me.” You sigh, rolling your head back against his shoulder. Lucas’s venom still trickles through you, and now as Jungwoo latches onto your shoulder, you feel his venom flushing through your veins as well. Your eyes flutter, body warming; you can feel your wetness dripping out of you onto the bedsheets. 
Jungwoo sucks at your shoulder and Lucas’s fingers drift to your ankle, your calf, when he reaches your knee, Jungwoo pulls away from your skin and hisses, his fangs on full display and his eyes burning red. 
Lucas withdraws, but that doesn’t matter because Jungwoo moves out from behind you, lithely pushing over Lucas, his hand on the wolf’s throat. 
“Listen,” Jungwoo hisses. “You’re going to listen to us. She’s mine to touch now. I let you have your turn, but this right now isn’t about her. Not for you anyway.” He reaches down and cups Lucas’s balls in his hand. You shift forward to better see as Lucas whimpers, and that sound shoots straight to your belly. You remember Jungwoo’s words from earlier about getting Lucas to let you call him slut and bite him as you’d once tried to do to Jungwoo. 
Seeing him now, like this beneath Jungwoo, all wide eyed and submissive, you fight the urge to coo at him and baby him. Still all you want is to make him feel good, but if you were to bite him and make him wait to cum….
Jungwoo dips forward and kisses Lucas again. And then you see Jungwoo’s hand on Lucas moving lower, and he presses a single finger inside Lucas’s tight opening. 
“Ah, Jungwoo,” Lucas moans. 
“You like that, pup?” Jungwoo asks, kissing Lucas’s jaw, and then he kisses right against the pulse point under his jaw. “You want to be stuffed full by my cock? God, in my dreams you’re always begging for it.”
“Fuck, yeah.” Lucas rolls his hips up. “Please, Jungwoo. I never thought— I always imagined—“
You slide down the bed, touch your hand to Lucas’s cheek, and turn his face toward you. “Be a good little slut for Jungwoo, Xuxi. Sweet boy, you look so desperate for him already, and he’s only got one finger inside you. Do you want more?”
Lucas nods and whines a little. You look at Jungwoo, and his eyes are aglow with lust, aroused even more as he watches you with Lucas like this. 
Lucas brings your attention back to him when he whispers your name. “Kiss me,” he pleads. 
You can’t deny him a thing. The warm manly smell of him fills your nose, and he tastes so sweet, kissing you with just as much passion and hunger as you pour into it. 
Jungwoo’s hand moves up the back of your thigh, and when you feel him swat lazily against your ass, you moan into the kiss. Lucas groans and growls, breaking the kiss for just a second to swear at Jungwoo. You pull him back in, muffling your own pleased sound as Jungwoo’s fingers dip between your legs. 
“You’re both so wet for me. Lu, dripping against your belly, and taking my fingers so well. And, sunshine, you’re soaked.” He slicks three fingers up between your legs, running them back and forth through your folds, against your clit. “Wish I could fuck you both at the same time.”
You wish he could too. You crave feeling your pussy filled. Lucas’s tongue brought you to a great orgasm, but it’s not as good as coming apart on a big cock. On Jungwoo’s cock. 
“Listen.” Jungwoo says. 
When neither you or Lucas moves to break the kiss, you receive a sharp smack on the bottom. 
“Listen to me and look at me.” Jungwoo commands. As soon as he’s got both of your attentions, he continues, “I’m gonna work Lucas open so I can finally be inside you.” Lucas closes his eyes and hums, rolls his hips down against Jungwoo’s two fingers curled inside him, and then he opens his eyes again. Jungwoo smirks and then looks at you. “And just so you don’t feel left out, I want you to ride him. Give him the best orgasm we can.”
Jungwoo’s hand massages your ass again, and you moan, nod at him. “Yeah, Jungwoo.”
And then his fingers slide right inside your pussy, fingering you exactly the same as he fingers Lucas’s ass. Lucas makes the most beautiful helpless moans, and you watch as his cock jumps and leaks precum onto his abs, working himself down on Jungwoo’s fingers and moans your boyfriend’s name. 
You caress Lucas’s cheek, lean close to kiss him, but then Jungwoo hooks his fingers inside you pressing right against your G-spot and swirling his thumb on your clit. “No, sunshine.”
Your thighs feel absolutely wet, and you clench around his fingers wishing you were fuller. You drop your head to Lucas’s chest, moaning and mouthing at his skin, and when Jungwoo’s shifts the way he’s touching you, you shift with him, throw a leg over Lucas’s waist and settle over him. 
Jungwoo’s fingers leave you, and you press yourself down against Lucas, slide your wetness over his hard length. Your eyes flutter shut, lips brushing his throat as your breath sighs out, and then you feel the familiar cool touch of your boyfriend’s hand on your hip, on your ass. 
“Sweet girl, you’re going to look so pretty with our Lucas inside you.” Jungwoo coos, and Lucas moans, bucking up against you. “And you’re going to cum so much inside her, won’t you. Gonna cum so hard with me inside you, right, Xuxi?”
The sweet sound of his whimpers turns you on even more. 
And then you feel Jungwoo’s hand, slipping down over your wetness, and then Lucas’s tip glides up and down, guided by Jungwoo, before filling you in one smooth stroke. 
“Oh, fuck, Lucas!” You moan, bouncing back to get him as deep as he can go, and even then you’re not surprised to find that there’s still more, which you feel Jungwoo taking care of, his fingers circled around Lucas’s cock, jerking up from his balls to your pussy. This is greater than the first time, hitting in different spots, and you’re so much more turned on this time. 
A growl rumbles in his chest, a possessive sound as he rocks his hips up. “Feels so good. She’s so fucking wet, Jungwoo. So warm and soft, and she smells so good. Can you smell her?”
He touches your hair, lifting a section of it to his nose, inhaling deeply. 
“Yes,” Jungwoo’s voice is soft but so dominant. He leans low, pressing his chest against your back, his nose touches your shoulder and a second later you feel his lips. “She always smells so sweet.” 
You moan, and push yourself up, your hands planted on Lucas’s chest so you can look down at him. He attempts to follow you up, but you put a hand on his throat. 
His eyes flash golden and he grins, tilting his chin up to give you better access to his throat. Your fingers look small against his throat, and though your know your human fingers are frail and powerless against his werewolf strength, you still feel powerful in this position. 
“Sexy,” Jungwoo whispers, smacking a kiss to your shoulder. 
And you feel that. Sexy. Powerful. Desired and loved and adored. In control. 
When you start riding Lucas, slowly movements on his cock, rolling your hips and grinding down on him in teasing circles, his hands fly to your hips and hold on tight enough to bruise. His hands are so large, spanning enough distance that when he spreads out his fingers his thumb easily reaches your clit, rubbing it in time with your rolling hips, and you feel Jungwoo moving behind you, hear Lucas’s breaths—the sighs, moans, quiet whines and all those beautiful sounds—as Jungwoo continues touching him, getting him nice and ready for Jungwoo to finally fuck him. 
You can’t wait for that bit. Ever since Jungwoo admitted to you the contents of his dream, you’d fantasized about it. The way he had described everything to you was in such vivid detail, and although now isn’t an exact replica of his dream, you’re beginning to notice similarities that Jungwoo has orchestrated. 
When you reach a hand back, your hand finds Jungwoo erect and he hisses, and his mouth lays over your shoulder and his teeth scratch against your skin. He rolls his hips into your touch. 
You wrap your fingers around him, jerk him slowly. His fangs dig in deeper until you feel the sharp searing heat, the burst of pleasure as he breaks skin and his venom floods into your veins. 
You gasp, going still on Lucas’s cock, your fingers around his throat flexing subconsciously. Jungwoo wraps one arm around your waist and then a moment later, the other, holding you tightly as he presses up and drinks. 
And then Lucas breaks your hold on his throat, twists your wrist and his canines dog into your wrist, his tongue lapping sweetly over the wounds, tasting you, feeding you more intoxicatingly euphoric venom. 
Your orgasm is uncontrollable. You feel it as if it is forcibly ripped through you, one second just a relatively near possibility and then suddenly it’s crashing over you, a tidal wave of pleasure rendering you incapable of anything else. 
Moans and cries of their names, of “oh god” and “sweet hell”. You feel as if your vagina is trying to suck Lucas in deeper, clenching and pulsing. 
He sits up and looses his grip on your wrist in favor of nosing in beside Jungwoo. You feel their hair brushing your cheek, jaw, throat. Jungwoo lets out a sound like a growl and then a moan, and then there’s a wet sound and your body is just overwhelmed, vibrating from the pleasure. You’re grateful for Jungwoo’s arms around you, for the two of them squeezing your body between theirs otherwise you would likely collapse. 
You whine, shrug your shoulder, and they both instantly fall away. 
Lucas slumps back down to the bed, his eyes a golden glow and he licks his lips clean. Jungwoo’s arms loosen, fingers trailing down your body as he moves his attention again to Lucas. 
Still fully seated on Lucas’s hard cock, you lay forward, your head on his shoulder. You turn your head, body buzzing and weak and still so enormously turned on. You nip at his throat, place a kiss there and lift your head to kiss his lips again. 
He moans softly, cock twitching inside you, and you think nothing of it really. But when he groans and pulls back with a quiet yelp and a swear paired with Jungwoo’s name, you get an idea of what’s happening. 
“Shh, baby,” You touch his cheek, kiss him softly. “Relax. You’re gonna feel so good.” 
Lucas drops his head back, his eyes already going a little dazed. But when you circle your hips, clench a bit around his cock, he moans for you. 
“Keep doing that, angel.” Jungwoo tells you, his hand laying flat on your tailbone. “He’s relaxing. Still so tight though, Lucas. Relax, pup. Haven’t you done this before?”
“Only a few times. It’s been a while.” Lucas grunts. You kiss him gently, just a peck. “Had to distract myself from you somehow. None of them were like you, though. None as big.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” Jungwoo moans and he pushes the rest of the way in. Lucas’s hips jump, fitting deep inside you again. “Feel so good, Xuxi. Just a bit more…”
Lucas throws his head back and a nervous yet delighted laugh breaks through him. He holds perfectly still other than the laughter, and you know he’s adjusting, and it only takes him a moment or two before he’s breathing normally again, biting his bottom lip and letting a soft moan slip out as he cautiously makes the first move, thrusting up into you, then dropping his hips back onto Jungwoo. 
“Good?” You ask him, stroking his hair. 
Lucas nods. “Good. I’ve done it before but none of them prepped me so good. This is like— oh shit!” He laughs out a moan again, reaching up to cover his mouth. “This is like something entirely new. That right there!” He moans and you feel him leaking precum inside you, a warm presence in your belly. “Oh, fuck, that’s it, Jungwoo!” 
Jungwoo moans too, and it’s then that the rhythm of their thrusts pick up. You don’t move, don’t do anything more than press your lips down against Lucas’s and kiss him while your boyfriend fucks him up into you. 
You swallow all of his moans, suck his tongue into your mouth, and Lucas hungrily chases your lips as you try to pull back for air. 
These two make your breathless—your vampire, your werewolf—and yet you don’t think you can ever have enough of them. If they were to steal the very breath from your lungs, you wouldn’t mind as long as they were there with you. 
Lucas’s cock twitches, blurting precum inside you, making your pussy an absolute mess of your cum and wetness and all. 
And then he starts bucking his hips up recklessly, pushing back to meet Jungwoo’s thrusts. He whines and kisses you so hungrily and deeply, his breath hiccuping when your mouth isn’t on his. 
When you look down at his face, his cheeks are flushed, his pupils are large dark circles lined thinly with gold. He looks so debauched and you love the sight, it brings back that urge from earlier, to tease him and make him crumble, you want him to feel submissive to you. 
“Fuck, baby,” Jungwoo groans, slapping a hand against Lucas’s thigh as he drives his cock in deep, forcing Lucas deep inside you as well. “God, I can feel you getting close. You like this, pup?”
Lucas whines, and you can’t take anymore of it. You want to be the one to make him whine like that, to get him so undone. 
“Are you gonna cum for us, Lucas? God, please I want to feel you cum for me. Cum inside me, baby.” You murmur the words right against his lips, raking a hand through his hair, the other with your fingertips pressing against his throat. You feel him swallow hard, his eyes almost look like they’re rolling with pleasure. And you have an idea of exactly what will take him over the edge. 
You pull forward, keeping only the tip of him inside you, and you feel Jungwoo’s hand moving accordingly, jerking every inch of Lucas that isn’t inside you.
The smacking sound of Jungwoo’s hips against Lucas’s ass, the soft squelching sound of Lucas’s cock moving inside your wetness and Jungwoo moving inside of him, they all fade away as you lean in, your lips beside Lucas’s ear as you moan softly and beg quietly, “Fill me up, Lucas. Breed me.”
The guttural mix of a growl and moan that tears from his lips is unlike anything you’ve heard before. 
Jungwoo’s hand flies over Lucas’s cock, you clench your pussy around his tip, and just like that he lets loose. 
He lets loose a flood of cum, rocking up into your pussy, jets of his warm cum shoot deep inside you. Jungwoo keeps thrusting, keeps touching him, and pours out praises and sounds of his own. And it just keeps coming, hot and thick, and it’s that—Lucas orgasming inside you—that carries you into your own. Lucas growls and keeps fucking into you while throwing himself back onto Jungwoo, pushing more and more of his cum into you until you can’t take it anymore and it’s leaking out of you. 
You hear Jungwoo’s moan as he cums at last, pulling out of Lucas quickly and his cums lays in stripes over your ass and Lucas’s abdomen, joining the mess already there. 
You pull away and flop over onto your back with a whine as both of them turn their eyes on you, ready for more, but you wave your hand at them, at both of their still-erect dicks. 
“Keep going. Have fun. I’m too sensitive and exhausted. I’ll just watch.” You close your eyes, suddenly so heavy you almost open them again. “Enjoy each other like you know you want to.”
They don’t wait for more. 
You hear the crash of their bodies together, mouths and hips colliding, the air in the room feels electric, and they almost sound as if they’re growling at each other as they kiss. Teeth tear at each other, hands scratch over skin, and Jungwoo pushes into Lucas again, wild and powerful now that neither of them are worried about you between them. 
Jungwoo’s hand goes to Lucas’s cock, flying fast and fucking into him just as quick. 
The bed creaks, the headboard cracking against the wall. Lucas grabs Jungwoo by the back of the neck, and pulls him into a deep kiss as he cums apart again, shooting his load all over himself, and Jungwoo keeps going until Lucas is whimpering and twitching, muscles going loose and just truly letting go all over himself. 
Jungwoo collapses forward, his forehead pressed to Lucas’s shoulder with a pleased sigh and a gentle kiss. He whispers something too quiet for you to make out, but Lucas’s fingers twitch at the small of Jungwoo’s back and he makes a happy hum. 
Then Jungwoo’s looking at you, and your boyfriend looks so satisfied, so fucked out. He smiles and then all at once he’s beside you, gathering you into his arms and you feel so small and protected. He traces your cheeks and your nose and then pushes some of your hair back behind your ear.
“Hi, angel. How was that? Good?” He checks with you. 
You nod. “So good. Loved it. I love you.” 
When you feel Lucas shifting around, moving as if to leave the bed, you throw your arm over, slapping him in the chest. He stops moving. 
“Stay.” You tell him. “Where do you think you’re going? Like, just to be clear this wasn’t just another one time thing. I don’t want it to be anyway. You both clearly enjoyed yourselves with each other. I enjoyed myself with both of you. Stay here, Lucas.”
“Was just gonna go clean up.” Lucas grins, gesturing down at his torso covered in all of your combined fluids. “But if you want to come cuddle me while I’m all a mess like this, then by all means…” He opens his arms. 
Jungwoo snorts, tucks his face against your neck and reaches over to push at Lucas. “Go shower, Xuxi. We’ll be here when you get back.” He makes a happy noise when Lucas gets out of bed, his back facing the two of you. “God, I love his ass. I think you should give it a try sometime, sunshine.” He kisses your throat. “It’s so good.”
Your mind sparks at the thought of you taking Lucas apart with just your fingers in his ass, or maybe a strap on to fuck him with. You blush and stroke Jungwoo’s head, trying to push down your already rising arousal. 
For now, you need just a short break. 
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The next few days are lost in a blur of sexual haze. You feel like you barely leave the bedroom, constantly tangled with Jungwoo and Lucas. Sometimes you’ll wake with Jungwoo’s head between your thighs, sometimes Lucas will tease you awake with his fingers or his mouth on your breasts. You’ve watched them roll around in bed, fucking and kissing with the sheer brutal strength of their supernatural abilities. You’ve had them both inside you, fucking you full until you’re sore and exhausted. Dozens of different positions, sometimes the three of you or only two or even just one of you touching yourselves while the other two just watch in satiated bliss. 
By the time that you finally break free of the cloud of lust, you stumble into the bathroom while Lucas and Jungwoo stay cuddled together in bed. It’s not the first time you’ve come in here over the past few days, but it is the first time you’re unaccompanied, not distracted by wandering hands that pull you into the shower or onto the edge of the tub. 
So now, without the distraction of the two men, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. 
You look absolutely fucked. Your hair is a tangled mess, sticking out in odd directions, laying sort of flat in some places. Your eyes shine oddly and a faint headache throbs in the back of your head, beating in time with your heart, worsening when you glance at the bright sunlight coming through the bathroom window. And there are bruises and bite marks littered across your shoulders, throat, chest, and thighs. There’s even dried blood where your neck meets your shoulder. You touch it and find that the skin beneath is tender. Your throat burns and you sit down on the cool tile, close your eyes and try to rid yourself of the sudden nausea. 
Lucas is the one who finds you like that. 
“Are you okay?” He asks quietly, touching a warm hand to your forehead. “Baby?”
“I’m fine. I just got a good look at myself and I think it scared me.” You open your eyes and look up at him crouched beside you. “Is Jungwoo still asleep?” 
He shakes his head. “He says he’s going out to catch us some fresh fish. Maybe some shark.”
You wrinkle your nose. “I’m not so sure about that.” 
Lucas grins and laughs, reaches out to tuck some of your hair back into place. “Well we need to eat. You more than most. I’m sure we’ve taken it all out of you, that’s probably why you’re sitting here feeling unwell. You’ve barely eaten over the last few days.”
As if in reply, your stomach gargles hungrily. 
“Come on. Upsy daisy.” Lucas helps you to your feet, and he goes to shower while you use the toilet and brush your teeth. By the time the pair of you emerge out onto the beach, Jungwoo’s walking back up the sand toward the house, dragging a small shark behind him. 
“Good morning.” He calls out to you both. “I caught breakfast.” 
You wished he was joking. 
The boys start a fire, Lucas preps the shark and cooks it over the fire, and Jungwoo then watches while the pair of you eat. You’re not out there for long before you drag yourself back inside, tired and hot and still feeling a bit unwell. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Jungwoo asks a few hours later, crawling into the nest you’ve made on the sofa. His cool hands feel glorious on your skin. “If you’re sick, we should leave, get you home. Neither Xuxi or I has any medical expertise.” 
You’re reluctant to agree with him. You don’t want to leave. This island is paradise, it is heaven. The perfect place for you to be at liberty to enjoy your two monsters, to be ravished and ravaged by them day or night without fear of being walked in on or judged by the rest of the coven and the pack. 
In the end, it’s not your decision. 
“Come on, angel.” Jungwoo speaks softly, and by the time you’re actually awake, he’s already got you lifted in his arms, his cheek against your forehead. You’re halfway down the beach, halfway to the boat where Lucas is already waiting, all of your luggage safely stowed inside. 
“No,” you complain half-heartedly. “I’m fine. We don’t have to leave yet.” 
But neither of them listen to you, and you understand because a moment after Lucas drives the boat away from the shore, you slip back asleep again. 
You wake periodically. When the boat arrives at the dock of the small island where you had all set out from. You wake when Jungwoo passes you over to Lucas to hold in the back of the tiny shaky plane. They wake you to eat and drink something, keep you awake until you’re on the next plane and then for the next flight. 
Each time you wake you’re cradled by one of them, and once when you open your eyes it’s night time and you’re on a larger plane, probably flying back home at last. All of the other passengers appear to be asleep, and you can hear Lucas’s heartbeat under your ear, feel Jungwoo’s fingers twisted with yours, and they’re having a quiet conversation over you. 
“I’m worried.” Jungwoo’s saying, stroking the back of your hand. “Why is she still sleeping? Did we do something wrong?”
“No, nothing. It’s probably just a cold or something. We’ll figure it out. Don’t worry, Jungwoo.” 
You drift off again only to be shaken awake to get off the plane, and as soon as you’re walking through the airport you start to feel yourself coming back, being more aware of everything than you’ve been since you woke up the previous morning now. Everything is so loud, and you start noticing all the people, some of them looking at you quite strangely. 
Your head still aches and your mouth is dry. You pray you’ve not somehow contracted some strange disease from that island.  
“We’ll get you home to Doyoung.” Jungwoo tells you. “He’ll know what to do.”
“Can we get something to eat? I’m starving.” You yawn, eyeing the food options as you pass through the airport. 
Jungwoo runs a worried hand over your cheek. “Of course, sunshine. What are you hungry for?” 
You squint at the places, reading menus and choices, but nothing seems appealing. “I’m not sure.” But there’s something that smells delicious and you look around for it, lifting your nose to inhale deeper. It smells sugary and nutty and your mouth waters. “This way.”
Lucas and Jungwoo follow as you start leading the way, following the delicious smell. Even when you notice that there are less of the shops over here, you follow the smell until you come to stand near an area where a woman stands alone in the doorway of a bathroom, digging through her purse with one hand. 
“Baby, there’s nothing over here—“ Lucas says. 
“Oh, shit.” Jungwoo swears. 
At the same moment all three of you make the same realizations. 
First, there are no more of the food stands in this area. And second, that woman is bleeding from a gash on her arm. 
Jungwoo grabs at you, his hands not quite quick enough as you lunge, unable to hold yourself back at the sight and smell before you: sweet and nutty and warm, fresh blood. 
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You remember a time shortly after Jungwoo finally told you his story. A lazy afternoon at the coven’s house when you’d laid out in the sunlight on Jungwoo’s bedroom floor while he hid in the bed and watched you sun yourself like a cat. 
He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, all of your bare skin exposed to the sunlight, dressed only in a bra and panties. And slowly, as the sun creeps across his bedroom, the shadows slinking closer and closer to your spot on the floor, Jungwoo moves as well. Soon he’s on the edge of the bed, then on the floor, inching forward as the light moves. 
Soon he’s laying on the floor too, separated from you by only a few inches of sunlight, and he’s facing you, his deep eyes gazing right into yours. After a few minutes of this, Jungwoo breaks the silence to ask, “What are you thinking about?”
You don’t answer at first, holding that silence there as a safety cushion between your whirlwind of emotions and reality. But Jungwoo looks so curious, and his gaze draws the words right out of you. 
“I don’t want to be just another name for you.” You turn your gaze up to the ceiling. 
You feel Jungwoo’s fingers skating close to you, not touching you just yet, still held back by the sunlight. “What do you mean by that, angel?”
“You have a long past, Jungwoo.” You close your eyes, feel the gentle heat of the sun’s fading light. “Many, many names of people you’ve been with, people you’ve loved. I don’t want to someday just be another one of those.” You want to be his forever, but somehow you can’t make yourself say that. 
His fingers close coolly around your wrist, and he tugs. Your body slides easily across the floor, brought in against Jungwoo’s chest and he wraps his arms around you in a hug. 
“I love you. I genuinely love you the most of anyone that I have ever loved.” Jungwoo tells you. “The first moment I saw you, it was like I knew that I loved you, that I will love you entirely forever. Always.”
And though you always try to forget about it, to not think about Jungwoo’s life continuing for long after your own, right now the thought plagues you. “We don’t have always, though.”
Jungwoo holds you closer, absorbing the sun-heat of your skin into his own, and he stays quiet. What words could he possibly say then? Did you expect him to offer you eternal life, a bite that would make you like him? Is that even something that you would want—trading eternal life for blood-drinking and never again feeling the sun on your skin, never again being free as you are now? Or did you expect him to placate you with sweet words about you being his forever, never loving another after you? 
“You smell so warm.” Jungwoo’s voice is scarcely more than a whisper. “Feel so soft. If I could have you like this forever, my angel, I would be the happiest monster to exist.”
But forever cannot be like this: a human and a vampire. Only a human and a vampire, then a ghost or a memory and the vampire who once held you. 
From that moment on, in the back of your mind, you hold that wonder, that possibility or dream or hope that maybe someday Jungwoo would give you that bite to make a promise of forever come true. 
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When you wake hours or days later, your entire body aches. You feel as if your bones are bruised, your skin feels sensitive even though you’ve not even moved, and even when you just hear a quiet noise nearby you want to roll over and muffle your head under a pillow except the thought of actually moving to do so has your muscles throbbing. Even through your eyelids, you can tell the world is bright, glowing reddish but you are so reluctant to lift your heavy eyelids. 
When you actually open your eyes, you’re surprised to see Ten sitting there in front of you. His eyes are closed and he’s holding your hand. 
At first you think he’s asleep, but then you realize that his mouth is moving almost imperceptibly, chanting words under his breath. Your vision shimmers, barely-there golden lines zig zag and cross in beautiful whorls and patterns over your skin. He’s casting some kind of spell. 
You soon notice Jisung and YangYang, the other two witches are sitting behind Ten, their brows drawn together in equal concentration. 
“What’s going on?” You ask, and your voice comes out in a horrible rasp. “What happened?”
The door bangs open, and you turn to look, expecting Jungwoo. Your whole body flares with pain, and all you have time to see is a mass of dark brown hair, and then Lucas is over top of you, his face buried against your neck, his hands cradling your head. 
He’s so warm, wrapping you in his body heat and that comfortable smell of ginger and cinnamon and now something citrusy as well. Despite the aches of your body, the protests of your muscles, you press into Lucas’s welcoming touch, your cheek against his hair. 
“Xuxi,” you sigh, “What’s happened? Where’s Jungwoo?”
Distantly, you notice Ten letting go of your hand. Lucas goes still and sits up a bit so he can meet your eyes. 
“Do you really not remember?” 
“What?” You frown. Last thing you clearly remember was being on the airplane, getting off the plane was a bit fuzzy and most after that was just gone. “Tell me. Someone tell me?” You look over at the trio of witches. Jisung and YangYang avoid eye contact, looking everywhere and anywhere else. 
Lucas’s fingers tenderly brush your throat. “We were a bit careless on the island, you know? Sometimes we let our instincts get the better of us.” 
You feel his touch lightly trace down over your shoulder where he bit you deepest. You can still feel the slight scar tissue indentations from his teeth, but they’re healing. 
“We perhaps bit you too much.” Lucas says. “And when you weren’t feeling well that last day, I think Jungwoo was just really worried about you, he wasn’t cautious or thinking much at all about how much of his venom was in your veins, nor the effect that it would have on you. Do you really not remember what happened in the airport when we landed back here?”
You reach up, grabbing at his wrist until Lucas pulls his hand away. “Where is Jungwoo? Stop avoiding the answers I’m asking for, and just tell me. What happened?”
“Jungwoo’s okay, don’t worry about that.” Lucas soothes you, stroking your hair placatingly. “He’s just hiding in the library because he’s worried and blaming himself.”
“Blaming himself for what?”
“You need to relax. Take it easy.” Ten waves his hands at you. Behind him YangYang and Jisung leave the room. “Lucas, stop being an ass. I’ll tell her.”
You level your gaze on Ten. 
“You had so much vampire venom in your veins it’s a wonder you didn’t just spontaneously turn into a vampire.” He says. “You had a fair amount of werewolf venom too, and you’re lucky you’ve still got another three days until the full moon otherwise you’d be feeling a bit more, uh, canine-ish right about now. But judging by what they told us when they dragged you into the house, you only attacked once there was fresh blood in the open air around you.”
Suddenly you’re all too aware of how sensitive you are right now, how thirsty, how good Lucas smells to you, almost better than normal. 
Your voice seems to abandon you as you rasp out, “Am I a vampire now?”
Both Ten and Lucas look at each other and then back at you. A knot of tension grows in your belly. In these few moments of silence your mind divides itself, exploring two different paths. One, you as a vampire, living your eternal life with Jungwoo and even with Lucas, bound to the night. Or two, a life where you’re still human, where you can live in the day time and see all the sunrises and sunsets, where you can enjoy simple pleasures like seeing yourself in the mirror or eating and drinking, feeling a cool breeze, or the heat of a blush spreading through you as your lover touches you. 
In that moment, you’re not sure what you would like the answer to be. 
“Well?” You prompt them both. 
The bedroom door opens before they answer, and there stands Jungwoo. His expressions reads like a kicked puppy. Doyoung stands behind them, his face serious and revealing nothing, and he gently pushes Jungwoo through the door. Before the door closes behind him, Ten slips out as quick as he can, leaving with Doyoung so you can be alone with Jungwoo and Lucas again. 
“Jungwoo!” You sigh, reaching for him, your heart aching to hold him close. 
He falls into your arms, pushing you flat into the bed, his face tucked into the crook of your neck. He breathes in deeply. 
“You’re not a vampire, angel. Fuck, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if you were, if it was my fault that you became a monster like me.” His words are muffled, cool against your skin. “Unforgivable.”
You bury your face against his shoulder as well, wrapping your limbs all around him. “I would forgive you, Jungwoo. I would even thank you.”
“Don’t say that.” He whines, and he pulls his face away, rolling over onto his back to stare up at the ceiling. “Shit, it’s all my fault. All of this. Every part of this was foolish, reckless, entirely careless with your humanity.”
Lucas sits there watching the pair of you, his attention more set on Jungwoo now. 
You sit up, and the world wavers just a little bit, but you steady yourself with a hand on Jungwoo’s unmoving chest. 
He stares up at you, eyes perfectly black. “What?”
“Jungwoo, you fool.” You tap your fingers over his unbeating heart. “How many times have I got to tell you, you’re not a monster. Lucas would agree with me I’m sure. You’re sweet and tender, radiant and kind. You are not a monster, and if I could be anything like you I would be grateful. If I could be a vampire as well, spend eternal life with you even if it means drinking Lucas’s blood every day and sitting inside from sun up until sun down, only having the stars and moon without the sun. Jungwoo, you would be my Sun in this dark, dark world.” You put your hands to his cheeks, and tell him, “I want forever with you, no matter the cost. Turn me, let me be like you.”
He whines, twisting his face away. You feel Lucas’s broad warm hands on your hips, pulling you back a bit, lifting you from Jungwoo’s lap and back into his own. Jungwoo covers his face with his arms, mumbling denials and something about curses and Twilight.
Lucas presses his lips against the side of your head. “You should have seen how panicked he was at the airport. We caught you before you could reach that woman. If you’d even so much as taken a drop of her blood, there would have been no turning back. We’re actually really lucky that drinking werewolf blood won’t turn you into a vampire, now that I think about it. And then you were clawing, scratching, trying to bite at us. Jungwoo calmed you down by using some vampire charming thingy he does. But then he panicked while I helped you out to the car, and as soon as we were back here he shouted at everyone, made them all come help. The witches have been here at your bedside ever since, casting spells to purge your system of all the venoms. Sorry about that.” 
His lips are hot against your shoulder, and your skin is so sensitive that it almost tickles. 
“You don’t need to apologize. Neither of you do. I’ve been around all of you for long enough that the idea of being a vampire or a werewolf or any of that stuff doesn’t bother me or freak me out. All of you manage just fine, you’ve shown me that not all of the monsters are monstrous. Even being a witch seems amazing, like from what I’ve seen, the intricacies of the spells is fascinating, and the little visible traces of spellwork really show how talented Ten is.”
Jungwoo sits up, cocks his head slightly to the side, and just stares at you. 
You sigh. “Jungwoo, I’m sorry, but I think you need to accept by now that I have kind of completely surrounded myself in this supernatural community, and wanting to be a part of it myself is not abnormal. It’s probably super normal especially considering the relationship I’ve found myself in with two members of the community.”
Lucas, oddly at that moment, sniffs your shoulder. You flinch. 
“What are you doing?” You try to twist around.
“Sunshine,” Jungwoo holds up his hand, his ring on his finger right before your eyes. “What does my ring look like to you, in detail.”
You frown at him. “That’s a stupid question and completely off topic, too. We’re talking about you turning me into a vampire.”
“Answer him.” Lucas’s voice drops low, rumbling through his chest against your back. 
“It’s black.” You shrug. “A black ring. Why?”
Jungwoo ever so slightly relaxes, and Lucas releases his hold on your hips that you hadn’t realized was so tight before. Both of their reactions are suspicious, and neither of them answer you, so you continue. 
“And, like, it’s got all those fine little silver lines on it.” You reach out quickly to grab Jungwoo’s hand, holding his ring up so it catches the light. “I guess those are like the physical manifestation of Ten’s spell, right? Because it looks really complicated, not as easy to look at as the bracelet’s you wolves wear.” You tap at Lucas’s wrist with your other hand, the finely wrought bracelet that matches the one Jaehyun and the others wear. “Or those sigils he’s drawn on the windows and doorways. And all of those are definitely neater than YangYang’s messy scrawl.”
Lucas’s hands on you suddenly move you off, flipping you over so you’re on your back again, both of the boys looking down at you. 
“What was that for?” You groan, trying to quell the nausea suddenly blooming in your belly at that sudden motion. You squeeze your eyes shut until you feel Jungwoo’s hand on your cheek, his fingertips ranging up into your hair, fine points of coolness against your temple. 
It’s Lucas who answers, his voice low and gentle, drawing your attention to his face as he says, “Are you a witch?”
“What?” You sit up so quickly that your vision flickers and you almost crack your forehead against Lucas’s. “No, I’m not a witch. Don’t you think I would know? That I would’ve said something before now?” 
Jungwoo takes your hand then and lifts it to his lips, the tip of his nose against the back of your hand, and he breathes in deeply. 
“I’m not a witch. Don’t be silly.” You pull your hand away.
“No,” Lucas laughs humorlessly. “You just see the marks left behind by magic spells. Not witchy at all.”
Jungwoo shakes his head, and then he lifts a hand to cradle your cheek, tuck a few strands of hair back from your face. “I knew there was something that drew us together that night.”
You shake your head in denial. “I’m not a witch. I would know. Ten’s told me before that witches would have manifested their powers by now. Maybe I’m just, like, I don’t know, sensitive to magic or something like that. And stop sniffing me!” You shrug away from Jungwoo and Licas, trying to slide off the bed, but as soon as you stand up the world wavers with big black spots across your vision. 
“Woah, careful, babe.” Lucas’s arms wrap around you, drawing you back into bed. “Just lay here, okay?” 
Jungwoo shifts around and you make yourself comfortable against him. 
Lucas doesn’t join you, he just looks down at the pair of you, and when he turns to leave you whine loudly. “Don’t go! You’re not leaving me—not leaving us, Lucas. You’re part of this now, if that trip taught me anything it’s that I definitely want you both. So come cuddle.”
A happy, dopey grin tilts his lips. “Okay.”
“Ah, Wait.” Jungwoo holds up a finger. “Can you close the curtains first? And let’s watch a movie.” He touches your hair, petting it back from your face, and he asks, “What do you want to watch?”
You think for a moment, then you smile and look between the two of your boys. “Have either of you seen all of the Twilight movies?”
Jungwoo groans, cursing the series under his breath, but Lucas barks out a laugh and hops into motion.
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After missing out on two weeks of classes, your return to campus is odd and full of excuses. You lie to all of your professors that you were actually in the hospital with an illness (featuring a manufactured Doctor’s note signed by Taeil who apparently at some point in his long life got his doctorate and is technically a certified physician), and you lie to all of your classmates and acquaintances in the same way.
It’s actually your roommates that are truly the issue.
When you walk in the door of your apartment, shivering and just craving a nice warm shower, you find both of the girls curled together under a blanket on the sofa eating ramen as they watch some reality show. 
“Oh, look. She does still live here.” One of them says.
“Of course I do.” You kick your shoes off beside the door. “I told you I was going on a trip. We were gone for a bit longer than I expected.”
Both of them exchange a look. You spot a set of eyes rolling, and then the petulant, “Sure because you were around so much before you left on this trip? You’ve barely been around since November. It’s like you’re paying for a storage facility, not a place to stay. Why do you even still live here?”
Her words, although true, are like a punch to the gut. Both of your roommates stare at you with barely concealed dislike, and you’re not sure when their moods suddenly turned. You used to be such good friends with both of them, but now it seems that they’ve created a closer bond than you realized and now you’re shut out.
You turn to your room without another word, shutting the door perhaps a bit harder than necessary.
They have a point. You don’t really live here anymore. All your time is spent with Jungwoo and Lucas, you’ve spent most nights at the coven’s house, only coming home to change clothes or get a few hours away to concentrate on schoolwork. 
You dump your books onto your bed, emptying out the bag you carry at school, and instead you stuff a few outfits, phone charger, your laptop, the necessary things, and then you leave without another word to your roommates.
By the time the bus drops you off in front of the house, the cold wind whips through the street, strengthening as a late winter storm blows in, already spitting tiny flecks of ice.  The house is quiet as you step inside. The rooms are all dark, and you spot Doyoung’s coffin in the middle of the living room, the lid closed to show that he is actually napping right now. You climb the stairs, pass the quiet doorways of the other vampires, nearly jump out of your skin when you realize that Xiaojun is quietly hanging from a curtain rod over the window at the end of the hallway, nearly blending in with the curtains. He lifts a finger to his lips, but other than that remains completely still.
You keep walking, and at Jungwoo’s door, you pause. Inside you hear a rustle of movement, and there’s something else that makes you hesitate. 
Maybe it’s the echo of your roommate’s voice asking you why you even live there, the tone of her voice making you feel so unwelcome in a place that up until a few months ago you had really and truly considered a home. But then you’d met Jungwoo, and it’s only now as you stand outside his doorway that the thought plagues you: what if he doesn’t want you there either.
An odd sound and sense of movement behind you startles you out of your thoughts. The floor creaking as if there are quick footsteps rushing down the hallway, an eerie giggling. You push through Jungwoo’s door without a second thought, just wanting to put something between you and whoever is playing in the halls.
“Oh, sorry.” You freeze at the sight before you.
Lucas is there.
Jungwoo is halfway on top of him, a leg slotted between Lucas’s thighs, their busy lips pressed together, and Lucas’s hand twisted in Jungwoo’s shirt. They break apart when you speak, though Lucas looks dazed and immediately moves forward again, trying to entice Jungwoo’s mouth back onto his.
“Don’t be sorry.” Jungwoo says, struggling to sit up a bit, and struggling even more to hide his fangs with his lips. “Xuxi, stop for a second.”
He presses Lucas flat with a palm against his chest, and Lucas whines and lifts his hips up against Jungwoo’s leg. 
“Angel, everything okay?” Jungwoo reaches his other hand out to you. “You look sad.” 
You don’t take his hand, instead you walk around to the other side of his bed and just crawl in, curl up on your side, and drag the blankets up to your chin. Both of the boys look at you, but you just shake your head. “It’s nothing. You can continue, I just wanna take a nap.”
Lucas snorts. “You want me to unleash my horniness with you taking a nap beside us? Come on, just tell us what’s wrong. Jungwoo’s right. You’re clearly upset.”
You sigh heavily into the blanket and close your eyes. You feel the heat of Lucas’s skin just a moment before he actually touches you, his hand covering yours on the blanket. And then you feel Jungwoo moving lightly, his body slinking over yours until he fits himself behind you, wrapping you safely in his arms. He whispers, “What’s the matter, sunshine?”
So you tell him. You tell him about the things your roommates said. You tell him about your feelings that you experienced standing right outside this door. You spill a lot of pent up things that you hadn’t known that you were really feeling until they all come pouring out.
And as soon as you’re done speaking, Jungwoo’s arms squeeze you slightly around the waist and he says, “Move in with me.”
“Yeah,” Jungwoo touches his lips to your cheek. “Move in here with me. It’s honestly kind of silly that I haven’t suggested it before, but I thought you were still happy with your living situation, but if you’re not, then you should move in here. I mean, you’re here anyways, and when you’re not I wish you were.” 
Lucas knots his fingers with yours. “If it weren’t so dangerous, I would say you could move in at the den.”
“Oh, right, because moving into a house full of vampires is such a safer idea.” You laugh. “Jungwoo, do you mean it? Do you want me to really move in here?”
“I always want you here. I have plenty of room, and I am in love with you, silly. Why wouldn’t I really want you to move in? I’d invite Lucas to move in too if I thought that he would say yes.” 
Lucas’s hand slides from yours, moving behind you to touch Jungwoo. “Yeah, I love you lots, but I still want some sense of independence from both of you.” When you look over into his eyes, Lucas’s gaze is deep and penetrating, and he tells you, “I love you. I don’t actually know if I have said those words to you like this, but I want you to know that I am in love with you. With both of you.”
“Aww,” Jungwoo coos. “I love you two too.” 
He rolls over, reaching to drag Lucas closer, crushing you between them. You whine and laugh and try and squirm your way free, and when you do both of your boys smile at you, all three of you doped up on love.
When you try to actually break away from them, Lucas wraps his arm around your waist, trying to rope you back in between them. You squirm some more and whine, and it’s only when you tell them that you just want to go take a bath that he finally lets you go.
“Go back to doing what you were doing.” You slip over Lucas’s body, head for the bathroom door. “I’ll be in here if you need anything.”
“Mm, I think we’ll be fine,” Lucas tells you, already drawing Jungwoo back over top of him.
Before you’ve closed the bathroom door behind you, you see their mouths collide again. Some part of you wishes you would’ve stayed to watch, but you know they need their privacy too sometimes. So you draw a nice steamy bath, and sink into the water knowing that someday very soon, you’ll be here with Jungwoo forever.
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Moving out from your apartment took probably ten minutes. Your roommates were mildly startled when you opened the door to allow in an entourage of good-looking strong guys. Jungwoo, Lucas, Jaehyun, Taeyong, and Johnny were all there to help you move out.
You’d been packing for a few days, fitting all of your belongings into boxes, finding people to take the furniture you no longer needed since your boyfriend’s place came full furnished already. There wasn’t too much you really needed moved, but Jungwoo insisted that the quicker it was done, the better. Thus, the whole team of them assembled to make carrying your boxes and your bookshelf and things much faster.
It was fortunate your lease was up at the end of the month anyway. And as you found out when you told them that you would be leaving, it was even more fortunate considering they weren’t planning to stay either because they were hoping to move into a smaller place. Because they were dating (and you really weren’t sure when that development had occurred. Had you really been so blind to their lives?). So they wanted a one bedroom.
It all worked out.
Moving in took a little bit longer because your bookshelf didn’t want to fit up the staircase and the young vampires tried to help carry in boxes, but one of them busted open across the front lawn and you had to chase down the scattered clothes in the dark. 
By the time it was all said and done, all the boxes and furniture you were keeping was stacked in Jungwoo’s room to be dealt with at a later time, you were hungry and the wolves were hungry, and the vampires all agreed that it was a good night to go out.
The Leaky Cauldron looked nearly the same as the last time you’d seen it. The only difference was the lack of a werewolf presence other than those wolves that had come with you. It seemed a more peaceable atmosphere, but nevertheless you clutched Jungwoo’s hand tightly as you walked inside, flashes of what had happened the last time you were here refused to leave your mind. 
“Relax,” Jungwoo murmurs to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you slide into your seat. “We’re safe here. There’s no one left that wishes us any harm.”
Lucas is on Jungwoo’s other side, and he nods as he hears what Jungwoo says. “And if anyone tries to pick a fight with either of you, I’d like to see them get through me.”
Jungwoo snorts a laugh and shoves at Lucas’s shoulder. “You’re ridiculous.”
They push back and forth a few times until Doyoung glares at them. Everyone places their orders: the vampires order pints of blood to taste, the wolves order their meat cooked rare, and you choose something to drink and something to eat that doesn’t seem so supernaturally-based.
Taeyong and Jaehyun sit across from you, and Jaehyun has his head resting on Taeyong’s shoulder, a wistful look in his eyes. That look reminds you of his story, the one he’d told you on the bus that day you’d decided to go away with Jungwoo and Lucas. It’s the look of a man absolutely smitten. A man who is so in love that he can think of nowhere better than being right there.
You watch them for a while, lost in the cuteness of the way they are with each other, the absolute comfort of the way they fit together. You wonder if you look like that with Jungwoo, with Lucas, all three of you together. You look at them, completely distracted from everything else in wonder of how their future is unlimited. Neither of them will age or wither. They’re both immortal as long as Jaehyun chooses to continue this way. They have absolutely forever.
And you want that.
You want so badly to be someone’s always.
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Spring comes and goes. You get used to the pack and the coven changing around you. Sometimes they’re all there, sometimes a few of them will leave for weeks at a time to adventures around the planet. There are an odd few weeks toward the end of the spring semester when the whole coven clears out for a bit, leaving only Ten, Jaehyun, and Lucas behind to keep you any company.
Even Jungwoo leaves.
“They’ll be back.” Lucas tells you, wrapping you up in his arms, stroking his fingers down the length of your spine. You shiver closer to him. “They’ve done this before. It’s a vampire thing.”
You’re glad for his company, keeping you less than lonely in the sheets. You end up sleeping over at the pack’s den several nights. The coven’s mansion is too cold and dark and scary without the vampires occupying all of its silent rooms. The den is completely different: loud, bright, filled with laughter and the warm smells of food and alcohol.
Kun and Jaehyun cook while Lucas and the pups entertain you with games and stories. Mark and Jaemin are always eager to show off their songs they produce in their bedroom studio. Kun even tries to impress you with magic tricks.
And while it is great fun to be entertained by the werewolves who you definitely don’t spend as much time with as the vampires, your favorite entertainment comes in the form of Lucas. Late at night, his bedroom door shut soundly and the night view from his windows lays the city bare as he takes you apart on his fingers, his tongue, fucking you into a moaning mess.
Lucas is insatiable. You’re sure that if he actually fucked you to the point that you passed out from the pleasure, he would keep going. And this night is no different. He’s given you three orgasms already, with short breaks in between for you to suck his cock, but now he’s got you on your hands and knees, looking out at the city lights while he kneels behind you. 
“So pretty.” Lucas trails his fingers between your legs, his fingertips gathering up your wetness. You shiver, needing him to just fill you up, give you that fourth orgasm, fill you up with his cum as well. “And you smell so good, baby.”
“Shut up.” You push back, but Lucas pulls his hand away. “Lucas, fuck, please. I know Jungwoo likes this teasing shit, but not me. Not now. I just wanna feel--”
He pushes forward, impaling you with his cock. Your words cut off with a loud moan, and Lucas curls his hand over your mouth, his fingers muffling your sounds as he pushes two of them into your mouth, hooking them against your cheek as he fills your pussy from behind. “Are you going to be loud for me? I love when you moan like this, so rarely do you do it when it’s just one of us.”
Lucas draws back and then snaps his hips forward, pulling his fingers from your mouth to smear the spit over your lips and cheek. 
“Fuck,” You moan. “I like it when you’re rougher. Usually you and Jungwoo are only really rough when you’re together for me.”
“Thought you liked me sorta submissive?” He strokes your hair back and leans forward to kiss at your neck. “Thought you liked me best when I’m doing what you and Woo tell me?” 
“I like you any way I can have you.” You grunt, sinking back into one of Lucas’s thrusts. “I want you any way for forever. We’ve got it good like this. You, me, Jungwoo.”
Lucas wraps his arms around your upper arms, tugs you up so you’re kneeling with your back against his chest. One hand slides around to grasp at one of your tits and he thrusts rapidly into you, snapping his hips forward, pulling you down onto him until you feel so incredibly full, like his cock is pushing into your guts, pulsing inside you.
“Sweet-smelling angel,” Lucas touches his lips to your ear, and you shiver in his arms, squealing in delight when his fingers drift lower to touch your clit. “Love the way you feel around me. I just wish Jungwoo could be here too, to see how good I’m making you feel. He’d reward me so good, wouldn’t he?”
You grind down on his cock, moaning for him. “He’d fuck you like you’re fucking me, bite you until you’re blissed out, and jerk you off until you’re cumming for him. God, Xuxi, I want you to cum. Love it when you cum in me.”
His hands go tight on you, touching you intensely, pulling that last orgasm from you like he’s taking it right from your soul. 
Lucas swears, buries his face against your shoulder as he pulses inside you, spilling his load, and as his teeth prick against your shoulder, you swear it feels like his cock is swelling and filling you even more.
You collapse forward with a moan and Lucas follows, laying his hot, damp chest against your back, his cock still firm inside you. His lips and teeth still catch on your skin. Your eyes flutter shut, feeling his venom inside you now.
“Are you trying to turn me, Lucas?” You ask, reaching up to clasp his hand over your chest. “The full moon draws near, I can see it i all of you, the wolf overtaking the man you are.”
“I think Jungwoo would properly murder me if I turned you.” Lucas whispers, his nose drawing a line up your throat. “And I wouldn’t ever dare. I would love eternity with you. Me, you, and Jungwoo for forever sounds ideal. But making you a werewolf for that? Never. This is such a curse, and if I could give it up I would. That reminds me, you should go stay back at the mansion for a few nights, maybe Ten’ll stay with you?”
You squirm to get more comfortable in his arms. “Maybe. Maybe I’d like to see what you’re like as a dog. Bet you’re playful and cuddly. You seem like you’d want to play fetch and hump pillows.”
Lucas nips at your shoulder again. “Hush. Go to sleep. I can feel how sleepy you are.”
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You graduate by some miracle at the end of the Spring. The coven returns just in time, and your boyfriends and the wolves and witches stand in the audience and cheer and howl and hoot when your name is called and you walk across the stage for your diploma. 
The summer passes in a haze of work: you receive a promotion at your job, working new long hours that leave you exhausted by the time you leave. The summer also brings a brief break between Ten and Johnny; a misunderstanding led to a horrible argument that woke the whole house in the middle of the day, and Ten refused to speak to Johnny for nearly three weeks (but he complained to you about it nearly every day). They mended things once they spoke, and Ten swore he was never leaving Johnny again. 
Autumn brought with it warm sweaters, hot drinks, and Jungwoo cradling you against his chest while Lucas napped across Jungwoo’s lap, tucked under his arm. Your one year anniversary comes, and the coven and wolves hold a wild party that lasts from dawn on the 31st until dawn on the first of November. You get ragingly drunk and sugar high, and your ridiculous boyfriends roleplay as doctors and you as the patient.
Winter arrives just the same, cold nights wrapped up warmly with your boys. Days bundled up in coats and scarves, grabbing lunch and coffee with Jungwoo, going ice skating with Lucas, Christmas shopping with the both of them.
A year passes quickly, and Christmas is slightly less wonderously momentous. Ten doesn’t perform any fantastic spells to make a vampire capable of walking in daylight. But, halfway through the evening when everyone’s sitting around opening gifts and playing games, a drunken Jaehyun pulls Taeyong down into his lap, takes his face between his hands and asks him, “Won’t you marry me?” And Taeyong surges forward to kiss him enthusiastically as a yes. 
And then, everything is good for a little while until the peacefulness and fun of the year finally winds to a close on New Year’s Eve.
It happens on a night when the rest of the coven is gone. Johnny and Ten keep disappearing off to Ten’s place now that they’re back together, Taeyong and Jaehyun left for a vacation deep into the north where the nights are deep and hunting is fun. The others are out roaming, at the Leaky Cauldron, or over at the pack’s den. And tonight it’s just the three of you on the anniversary of when the three of you started, now cuddled up like this, binge-watching a show while you and Lucas try to explain a few things to Jungwoo who hasn’t ever seen any of the series before.
Jungwoo runs his fingers through your hair while you stroke your thumb along the back of Lucas’s neck. It’s all very comfortable and warm and you lay your head back on Jungwoo’s shoulder, nearly ready to fall asleep.
Lucas hums and reaches up, tapping the back of your hand. “This part. Have you seen this bit? I love it. Woo, watch closely and listen.”
“How am I supposed to listen when you keep talking, pup?” Jungwoo teases. 
“Shh!” Lucas sits up, covering Jungwoo’s mouth with his hand and laughing. You miss whatever’s happening on the screen, too distracted by the way that Jungwoo gazes at Lucas, the way that Lucas slips his hand away to kiss Jungwoo. They kiss hungrily. The relaxed atmosphere of just a moment or two before is consumed by their passion.
You whine and lean up to kiss at Jungwoo’s throat, touch Lucas’s neck with your fingertips. He draws away, his lips on your cheek and throat until you turn your head and your lips meet his. Lucas’s lips are soft and warm, and he melts at your touch. You turn your head, and then you feel Jungwoo’s lips on the other side of your throat, a hint of teeth, the hot swipe of his tongue. 
You could so easily fall into this, just let the lust fill you up, but you want more. You’ve been wanting more for so long, but every time you ask, Jungwoo tells you no. But you want it.
“Can I ask you for something?” You murmur, licking your lips when Lucas pulls back for a moment. 
“Whatever you want, angel.”
“Turn me, please.” You sigh, twisting your fingers in Jungwoo’s hair, tugging in an attempt to get his mouth to your throat. “Please. I love you. I want to be yours, both of yours, always. Make me like you.”
Jungwoo pulls back, trying to untangle your fingers, but you hold tight.
Lucas touches Jungwoo too, his fingers on your boyfriend’s cheek. “Just do it, Woo. She wants it. She wants us. She knows what she’s asking for.”
A long moment of hesitation as Jungwoo looks down at you, searching your eyes, but you just tilt your head back, exposing your throat to him. “Just a bite, Woo. And any human will do to fill me up on.” He touches your neck, looks back over at Lucas, then back down at you.
“This isn’t a joke. It’s irreversible.”
“I know.” You take hold of his hand. “And I don’t care. I’ll do whatever it takes to be with you forever. If it’s not this, then I’ll ask Lucas to turn me, I’ll go to Ten for a spell, I’ll search to the ends of the Earth for something. Anything.”
“You really think you’re living in that Twilight, don’t you?” Jungwoo asks. “A love triangle with a vampire and a werewolf, the need to become a vampire.” He tuts and shakes his head. “I really hope you don’t grow to hate me for this.”
Lucas sits back, watching as Jungwoo cradles the back of your neck, tilting your head to give him clear access to your throat. You shiver, a natural fear response as you feel his breath, feel the brush of his lips and his teeth, then the fangs. An ever so slight pinch and then sharper and a burn. 
You gasp, your hands flying up to his shoulders.
Lucas takes hold of your hand. 
The pressure at your throat increases, the hands on you are warm and tight. You close your eyes and let yourself sink into the feeling as everything gets fuzzy and hazy, close and muted, until it all just fades away....
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It’s all very different when you wake. You feel it instantly.
You can feel the dry burn of your throat. You can hear the wind in the trees outside, cars on the road. Hearts beat nearby and someone moves across sheets. You can hear the young vampires giggling up in the attic, and the creaking of someone shifting down on the first floor. You can tell it’s still night time outside, the sun not yet above the horizon, and the new year has likely only just begun; you can hear hear celebrations, the crackle of fireworks somewhere in the city, and cheers in the houses nearest to the coven’s. 
It worked. You know it did. 
You can still taste the metallic burn of blood on the back of your tongue, tingling with something that you instantly recognize as magic, as Ten. It was his blood that completed your transformation, and you can hear him several rooms away, his heartbeat different from the heavy sounds of the few werewolves in the house. 
And then something shifts, much closer, dragging your attention away from halfway across the house to right here in this bed that is so comfortable and familiar. 
Heat radiates from just beside you, smelling of cinnamon, and without opening your eyes, you know it’s Lucas, looking down on you.
And then there are fingers nearing you, you can sense the shifting in the air. A familiar touch, still cool, though significantly less cold than they once were. So tender, loving. You hear the sound of Jungwoo’s shoulder brushing against Lucas’s, both of them leaning close to see you. His fingers trace the curve of your cheek. 
You open your eyes to the world and see forever looking back down at you. 
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a/n: it’s been one year exactly since I posted part 2 of this so lol I’m sorry, but here it is! The third and final part of this series. It went several different ways than I was originally intending for it to be, but I think I’m pretty happy with this ending. As usual, if you liked it, please let me know, reblog it, like it, message me. 
And happy New Year!
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ramble-writes · 4 years
Shitty Holidays
The idea for this is based from art @ywwywwy did of Frank at a table sitting on one end as his foster family is at the other. As for how Frank is, it’s this idea of Frank as a wolf because hey, why not? lol. So here it be!
There was light flakes of snow drifting within the wind outside. There was the squeals of two kids filled the house along with the gentle voices of a mother and a father trying to get their children to calm down. But... There’s a third, sitting quietly at the other end of the table as yellow eyes glance from the food on his plate to the chatty family on the other side of the table.
Frank Morrison, age 16, was sitting there as the family chatted away. Keen ears picked up a chuff of a dog under the table. Honestly, the dog being a German Shepard, was the only good thing out of this new foster family. Though at first he and the dog didn’t get along, it was a day alone he got to have the house to himself and, like usual, the dog would growl and bark at him every time he took one step outside. That ended quick when he had shifted and he established dominance.
That aside, the family themselves didn’t really pay attention to him. For sure when they agreed to have him that they were twitchy on the idea of his skull jester tattoo with flames and baseball bats. He found it cool. The previous couple was ok with him having one since they had tattoos like sleeves, on the legs, small ones, and various others. The only problem in the end with that family was the constant arguing and they fact that the two were having a divorce. That was two months ago and here he is with this family that were just iffy with him in general.
“Frank, are you going to eat?”
The voice made him jump a bit. He focused his gaze to the father looking at him as the mother does her best to calm down the two maggots. The brother kept trying to steal his sister’s food and she would throw her balled up napkin at him. Yellow eyes blinked as he got his mind back to the present.
“If you don’t eat up, you can go to your room.”
His “room” being what is the little girl’s room with a bed that at least he is left with sleeping propped up or with his feet hanging off the edge. Frank glances down to the food sitting there that he can smell is loosing its heat and how the strong scent is fading. He stifled the whimper that wanted to rise up. There’s no denying that he’s hungry, that the wolf deep down was starving. He just.. There’s too much moving around homes that he lost appetite. It doesn’t help that the mother took her time to make this dinner for Thanksgiving (second Monday of October), and he’s sitting here having not even touched it.
“Louis, leave him be. We only have him for a month or so till they can find better housing for him. Or if his parents-”
“They don’t want shit to do with me..” He couldn’t contain the slight growl to his voice. He hates it how every family he’s been with when they talk about the time they have with him that they mention “if his parents want him back.” Bullshit, he would say all the time. They left him for a reason. Over a stupid fuckin’ reason. So what if he’s a late shifter? They didn’t even bother with him further! Not his fault that also their marriage fell apart.
“Oi! Watch your language *garçon,” Louis said firmly. Frank didn’t know French, nor did he care. If it was an insult, fuck this guy. Fuck this. Fuck all of this. He’s sick and tired of the constant moving, families one moment saying they’ll take him in and then the next moment doing shit that hurts that either he calls up the foster home or the family does, blaming him for shit he didn’t do.
Frank stands up, slamming down the fork and knife in his hands down onto the table with a clatter. His breathing picked up, his jaw felt strained with feeling his teeth get bigger along with his body. It wants to expand, to let the wolf raging inside out to maul the stupid Frenchy.
“Yeah? Well you try being only 5 years old when your parents not only want you, but procced to go through a divorce as well that they throw you into foster care because of you! You try bouncing around home after fucking home from abusive families, from groomers, from cultists. You try going through a family who honestly wanted you and were denied of adopting you that it fucks you up.”
This made Louis stand up enraged with his face going red. “Go to your room!”
“That ain’t even my fuckin room!”
“Boys! Please calm down! It’s Thanksgiving and we should be happy and-”
The dog barked. A loud sharp one. Cheder, as the dog is named, stands and comes out from under the table with a growl. He sensed Frank’s anger and was ready to act on it. To protect him. This pissed off the man further.
“Cheder, come here.”
“I don’t think he wants to listen.”
“*Tais-toi. Cheder. Come. Here.”
The German Shepard still didn’t move. He just walked backwards to stand next to Frank. Pack mentality. In all honesty, he and the dog did grow to have a bond with the time he’s been here ever since shifting. Boy, Frank couldn’t help the shit-eaten grin that spread across his face.
“That’s it. I’ve had it with your attitude! We’ve tried being nice to you and-”
“Nice?! Ha! You did nothing but ignore me! You didn’t do shit to stop Cheder from snapping at me the first few times he was inside the house! When it came to shopping for clothes for school you picked out shit for me! You let Maggie and Wayne pick out their outfits, but didn’t let me do shit. We won’t get on the topic of the tattoo, but oh how I fuckin hate it when you won’t even look at me when you talk to me like a fucking man.”
This made everyone go quiet. Even Cheder. Maggie looks to her father with tears pricking at the corner of her eyes.
“Papa.. I’m scared...”
Louis hushed her gently, but by this point Frank had enough. With a scoff, he turned on his heel and headed for the back door to the backyard. He needed to run, get it out of his system. He could hear Louis mutter about calling the Alberta Foster Care to get him in the morning, but again, he didn’t care. He heard the mother coming after him, calling his name as he headed out into the cold night. He knew Cheder followed, but over the fence the dog couldn’t.
Frank didn’t care that he heard the mother become frantic quick at seeing him hop the fence. Once up and over, he broke out into a run, wanting to get far from them. Wanting to get as deep as he could before shifting mid run. Dark brown fur took over what was once fair skin was along with a lighter tone underside. Two legs and arms popped and changed to being four legs and paws as big as his hands. Everything from his chest, shoulders, thighs, and head enlarged. Face extended out to a muzzle and a wet nose. Every human tooth grew and sharpened to that of a wolf as the final touches of ears and tail sprouted.
There standing in the place of where a boy was, was a Brown Timber wolf, but bigger due to him being a werewolf than a shapeshifter. Fully formed, Frank wasted no time sprinting deep into the forest till it was just him and the surrounding trees with what little snow flakes got through the thicket of the pine branches. Out here, he’s free. Far from the grasp of any human, far from the grasp of the foster system. It’s out there where the wind blew through his fur that he felt better with the cold nipping at the pads of his paws and his nose, the breeze making him blink a few times over. It’s out there where he spent the rest of the night, curled under some upturned roots of a tree.
By morning, he woke to the sound of his name being called. Multiple voices ranging from male to female. Some he even recognized as the trees made their voices echo down to where he is. He didn’t want to move, didn’t want to go back. But fate isn’t his to decide. With a sigh, Frank stood up and shook himself out and stretched before shifting back to himself. A sigh left him as he made his way towards the voices.
The person assigned to helping him find a foster family was there, the parents Louis (reluctantly) and Hanna were there along with an officer or two. Upon seeing him, Hanna just rushed at him and pulled him in for a tight hug. He didn’t reciprocate it. The adults talked as they headed back to the house. He wasn’t surprised to see all his stuff packed up.
Not a word was spoken as Frank grabbed it and headed out to the waiting running car. In an instant, Cheder came rushing out after him with loud whines and practically shoved his head into Frank’s stomach. This made him sigh as he bent down to pet the dog, lowering his head to place on Cheder’s with a hand going through thick fur. If he could, he would’ve taken Cheder with him. But he can’t. It was like the German Shepard knew his thoughts because the dog backed away despite still whining, then turned to head back into the house with head and tail low.
There was no goodbyes as he got into that car to head back to the foster home, no glances back. Nothing. The person that drove tried to ask him questions on what happened, but he didn’t answer, didn’t want to as his eyes watched houses change as they made their way back to the major town of Alberta. Frank was just tired of all of this, tired of the changes and faces he doesn’t bother to remember. Sleep sounded like the better option for now. Getting himself as comfortable as possible, he let his eyes drift shut with the cold window to his forehead, letting himself let go and doze off with not wanting to think what the next family would be like.
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Bloodshed AU
Chapter 2
Warnings: Nudity, Gore, Language, Violence Summary: Steve Rogers works in a research and tech company in New York. He’s been digging into myths and footage on a creature known as the werewolf. Vicious as they are, he hunts them. With a lot of failures, his team thinks he’s crazy. He may prove them wrong.
Author’s Note: I freaking love this series! Do you?
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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The trucks drive through the deserts and dry lands towards the village in Gore. Natasha and Steve sat in the back of the truck with Tony and his friend James. “What’s the plan?” Tony asks.
Natasha glanced at Steve who was looking at her, directly. “The plan is to sneak into the village. Steve, Sam and I will be taking the refugees. Clint and James are the lookouts so if anything comes our way, you’ll tell us, right?”
Tony nods, “Sure.”
The curtain towards the front swings open to the dark haired man, “All right, guys. We’re getting close to the abandoned place. It’s not much but something to stay if this mission takes a few days.”
Natasha smiles, “Relax, Scott. I’m sure we’ll finish it less than two days.” Steve looks over to Natasha, “Do we have enough trucks?” Natasha nods. 
“Plenty that the boss got,” She said.
“I’m not the boss,” Tony says, “I just build stuff, buy stuff... make everyone look cooler-” The billionaire jerks forward and everyone holds onto the sides of the truck as they run over bumps on the road.
“Woah!” James says, toppling on Tony’s lap, the man shoves him off. “Hey, personal space! Do you mind?” James grabs onto the wall and glares at Tony. Everyone stumbled in their seats and the trucks began to slow down till they all come to a halt. 
“We’re hear!” Scott calls. Sam and Scott jump out and they watched the other trucks park. Steve grabs Natasha’s waist and plops her onto the ground. She dusted off the sand and looked over to the building. 
“Not much, but it’ll do,” She said.
Tony turns to them, “You kidding? This costed millions. I made so many calls with Ross. You know how much I hate talking to him,” Tony mutters. Steve walks up to the small building. Looked like it was made out of clay and not cement. No tile floors, no glass windows.
Nat follows him behind and looks around as well. “It’s enough to fit the team here.”
“Why get this if you say we’re gonna finish this less than a day?” He asks. Natasha looks at him and smiles, “Just being optimistic. This team needs a little bit of positivity.” He watches her continue throughout the structure as the team moves in.
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The chatter throughout the diner never ended. The music and the sounds of the sizzling food of the breakfast hour. The bacon raw and thick could be tasted on the tip of her tongue as she leaned on the counter.
The smell of ham and eggs. People ordering burgers during this hour. It was around 10 at the time. She watched the chef move in the back. Her gut feeling getting to her head and she bit her lip.
“Ma’am?” The waiter says, Y/N shoots her head to the left and saw the woman hand her two cups of coffee. “Oh, thank you,” She said, the waiter nods. “Enjoy.” Y/N takes the cups, headed over to the side to grab sugar packs and cream before heading outside.
She sees him leaning on the wall, that strong cologne with the mixture of pine and toasted almonds was his aroma which was a strange smell to her at times. “Took you long enough,” Bucky says. Y/N scoffs and puts the coffee on the back of her bike. “It was busy in there,” She remarks.
“I know. I can smell the bacon from here,” He said, reaching over to pull the top off his coffee. She hands him the cream and sugar, adding it to his cup. “Thanks,” He says.
She hums and pulls the coffee up to her lips. “Have you seen the police these days?” She asked. Bucky furrows his brows and takes a sip from his coffee, “No, why?”
“They’ve been more cautious about the forest. Shutting down the parks and trails now.”
“Where?” He asked.
“California. Washington,” She shrugs, “They think there’s some mass murderer roaming in the forests.” Bucky chuckles at that and takes another sip. Y/N’s known Bucky for a while now. Yes, they hooked up once. Never denied there were good nights. 
They preferred just friends. And Bucky appreciated that just like she did. 
His eyes stare out into the road of the Oregon County. He looked like he was thinking. She looked over and just stared at his leather jacket. That thing was old, but it was still in good condition. She liked it on him.
Out of nowhere, he spoke, “When’s the last time you’ve hunted a human?”
Y/N huffs out a laugh, “Bucky-”
“No, seriously. Like how did it feel?” He asked. Y/N held the cup in her hands and looked up, the wind blowing the strands against her cheek. “Didn’t feel right,” She replies.
“At first?” He asks, his brows lifting.
Y/N looks over to him, skipping the question, “What about you?” She asked. He pushes himself off the wall and walks over to her. “Well, if I’m honest, they’re better than bacon cooking in a pan. But, we must just stay on the diet.”
Y/N grins as she looks down. “Don’t you ever think this was just some curse?”
“Curse?” He asks, leaning beside her. She turns her head up to him. “Well, if you think about it,” She asks. He chuckles. He remembered with a grin.
“Some say the Natives summoned us,” Bucky laughs at that. “Maybe they did. Roman admitted he killed half a tribe back in the 1500s. He said he didn’t remember much but ripping their throats out.”
“We can’t say things like that here. People can hear,” Y/N says, Bucky looks around and nods. “Right. But you know what I mean. This isn’t a curse. It’s just who we are. It’s family.” 
Y/N’s eye squint towards the morning light as Bucky grins down at her. After a couple more sips, he tossed the cup into the bin. “You up for a ride?” He hops onto the bike and revs the engine after turning it on. 
Y/N hops on hers. “Let’s just get back before dark. It’s our usual night, you know?” 
Bucky kicks the stand up and turns to her. “Of course.” He slowly pushes the bike over to the curb and Y/N tosses her cup into the bin and followed Bucky down the road.
The smoke flows passed his lips once he pulled the cigarette away. The ocean moving in the distance as he stared at the golden sand and deep blue waters. He turns his head a bit when Natasha walks in. “Thought you’d be out here,” She said.
He hears her sit next to him and follows his gaze out. His eyes squinting out. “Now about that plan-” He began, looking down at his hands.
“Steve,” Natasha said causing him to look at her. She turns, “No ones gonna agree on that.”
“I didn’t want the others to go. I want you. Only you,” He said. The night when he came over with maps and papers. Natasha didn’t fully agree on it, all she did was listen to his rambling. Rambling about those werewolves.
That mission could possibly take longer than the one they’re on now. Natasha shakes her head, “I’m sorry but...” She lowers her head and he looks away from her. Getting the hint.
“You don’t believe me.”
“I’m not saying that-”
“It kind of sounds like that, Nat. The whole damn team doesn’t believe me, they think I’m some wacko like my dad,” He remarks, lifting the cigarette to his lips again. Natasha inhales deeply, her red and blonde hair hung up in a bun blew against the wind.
“Steve...” She starts, “Not many people in this world believe what your father or anyone has said about these folktale werewolves. Can you just give it a rest for a moment? Once this mission is over?” She asks, he felt her eyes on him. Natasha had that power to force words out of people. Her stare was more intimidating than anyone else.
Steve lowers his head and stares at his fingers that played with the cigarette in between them. He nods, “Okay.” Natasha nods in approval and hears Tony walk in. “Oh, there you guys are,” He says, “We were just about to head out. Getting dark soon, get this done quicker we can all leave soon.”
Natasha stands up, “Okay. Is everyone ready?”
Tony looks around and nods, “I guess we are. Just waiting on you two.” Steve puts the cigarette out and stands up. “Well, let’s not waste time.”
The trucks were just miles away from the village in Gore. The team had the trucks on the trail. Steve held onto the bar as he looks over to Natasha. Je watched Natasha cock the gun, “What the hell are you doing?” He asked. She looks up, “What? In case something goes wrong.”
“Nothing is gonna go wrong. Optimistic, remember?” He asks, Natasha grins and doesn’t stop when she slipped the gun into her jeans. Tony held his hand up to his ear, “Clint, what’s your status?”
“James and I are jumping out the trucks... Now.” Tony looks out the back and sees the two run up the hill to be their hawk eyes. “Okay, Barton and Rhodes are going for position. We should stop the trucks here.” Each truck stopped just behind the hill where the village was at.
Men guarded the front entrance of it. They needed to get inside from the sides. “All right, turn off headlights,” Tony said. The trucks headlights all go off and the team step out.
“I will stay here, you and Rogers go in with Wilson. Lang, keep the trucks running till they arrive with the refugees.” Lang nods at Tony. Natasha looks up to Steve who stared at the village over the hill.
“You ready?” She asked. Steve sighs, “Sure.”
Steve heard Sam jump out the truck, “All right, tic-tac, you behave yourself.”
Lang pops his head out, “All right, I will.” Sam scoffs and nods at Steve. The two grab each others hands and they patted each others shoulders. 
“Let’s get this mission done. It’s late, I want a drink,” Sam said, Steve grins. “Don’t think they have drinks over here, bud.” Natasha smiles at them and they all rushed over to the village.
It was quiet. A few dog barks and small chatter. Steve and the other two had their heads hung low. 
They slipped through the gate and hid behind the buildings. “They keep them in that building over there. If we take them through that screen door, we can save all of them,” Natasha says, pointing to the building with the screen door.
Steve squints around the corner and nods, “Let’s go.” The three walk through without getting spotted. They reached the gate. “It’s them,” Someone spoke. Steve opens the screen door and saw a woman walk up to them. “You’re the Stark team?”
Steve nods, “You are?”
“Okoye. Do you think you can take all of us?” She asked, Steve looks around the room and nods. A good amount. “We have about 5 trucks. It’s enough. Follow her out through the gate. Don’t make any sudden sounds and just follow her, you’ll be safe.” Okoye nods and speaks towards the group. 
Steve watched as they all walk out and Natasha guided them out, Sam gently swaying his hands down for the refugees to follow in a straight line. Steve hears Okoye speak towards the others as he turns to her.
“You know T’Challa?” He asked, Okoye turns, “I’m the General of the Dora Milaje. When they were captured I was here to help them.” Steve nods. After a few more minutes, the last bit of them had been guided back with Sam. 
Okoye looks at Steve, “Go, I’ll be behind you guys.” She nods and walks down to her people. Steve looks in the room again and heard whimpers. The whines were close as he walks in to check the last bit of it. 
He saw the blood on the cloth and the evident body shape. It didn’t look human. He kneels down and prepared himself for this horrifying look of a dead body. He rips the cloth over and saw a dog.
A brown and white fur of a dog. His hand instantly strokes its fur, “Hey, buddy.” Steve sees the wound in his leg. Looked like it was just injured at the slightest. Could heal up, but he couldn’t walk. 
Steve pets his head. “You’ll be okay, bud.” Steve slides his arms under the dog and lifts him up. Holding him in his arms, he rushes out and follows the group.
“Where’s Steve?” Natasha asked, Sam looks over, “He was left behind. Checking to see who was left.” Natasha looks over and spots him with something in his arms. “Oh, my God.” Natasha slams her hand on the truck. “Ready them up! We’re leaving!” Natasha rushes to the back while Sam goes for the other truck with Lang.
Tony sticks his head out of the truck, “Come on, Cap! We got no time to lose!”
Steve rushes towards Natasha and she jumps in, “Here, I’ll take him,” Steve puts the dog into Natasha’s arms as she lifts him in. Steve jumps in after and lets out a loud sigh. The trucks move out and Steve instantly grabs the edge to hold himself.
His eyes open to see Natasha petting the dog. “Where did you find him?” She asked.
Steve pants, “He was under the cloth. I had to get him.” Natasha lifts up the dog’s leg to look at the wound. But the dog swiftly slips his foot out of her grasp. She nods at him, “Hold him. I can wrap his leg up.” 
The trucks had to be abandoned. The refugees all gathered together as Okoye reassures them in their language. Steve and Tony threw sticks at the flames they put under the trucks. They needed to go on foot so the men won’t track them.
Natasha held a map in her hands. “If we follow this, we can reached Wakanda in half a day. If we move fast and quick, maybe less.” Steve looks up to the group and sighed. “Well, Okoye suggests we take it slow. Some are injured.” Natasha nods.
“Steve,” Sam says, the man turns around to see Sam holding the dog. Steve instantly walks over and takes the dog into his arms. The pup instantly licks his face. “He likes you,” Sam said.
Steve turns his face away from him, “Only because I saved him.” Tony smiles at the sight. “You got yourself a dog now, Cap.”
“He looks like a mix-breed boxer,” Natasha says, never looking up to them. “I had a friend who had a similar dog like that but it was a she. Darker fur.” Steve looks up to the sun, feeling the burn on his skin.
“Well, let���s keep moving. They’ll know they’re gone.” Steve turns and the journey began.
Carrying the dog in his arms. Steve needed to get this dog some water. The dog’s mouth foamed out of thirst, the drool dripping down his tongue. Steve glanced behind him to see the whole team helping the refugees.
Clint Barton was their hawk. He had a sharp eye in the team. James was a Colonel in the army and he was one of their gunman. Almost part of the team were from the army. James, Sam and Steve were part of it. 
That’s how Steve and Sam met. 
After that the two somehow ended up in this company. Clint never really told them how he was skilled with bows and arrows. They never asked where he worked before. Sometimes they’d have agents come to the company. One of them was named Phil Coulson, Steve remembered.
But after that, they never returned in a while. 
After hours of walking, they met the river. “We’re not far, now,” Okoye says, Steve looks over. “We cross the river, a few more miles we’ll be there by dark,” She said. Steve looks over and saw the water run down.
His arms lift the dog a bit more. “We keep moving forward,” He says. Steve and Natasha take a step onto the water. The cold water soaking up his pants and shirt as he held onto the dog. They all began to hold onto each other so they don’t lose anyone in the water. He watched them come up one by one.
“Everyone okay?” Steve called. Tony holds up his thumb. After everyone got back on land, they moved forward. The night a growing cold and they looked exhausted. 
Okoye walks on ahead, “We’re here,” He heard her say. He walks up and sees the city. They thought it was some village, but there were buildings. Steve stared in awe. 
They continued forward and reached to the tallest building in the city. “Welcome to Wakanda,” Okoye says. Tony walks next to Steve and pats his back. “Good job, Cap.”
They walked in and a man comes up to them with a grin. “You must be the Stark team,” He says, his accent thick. Tony grins, “You’re T’Challa?”
“King T’Challa,” Okoye corrects, the man looks at her and nods, “Get the others to the medical.” She nods and guides the people to the health bay.
The king looks back, “Thank you for this.” Tony nods. “Yeah. You sure you have anything else?” T’Challa nods, “I’m sure those were the last ones we couldn’t save.”
Natasha smiles, “Thank you for calling us.” T’Challa grins at her but his head tilt. “How will you guys get back to New York?” T’Challa asked. Tony was the one everyone looked at. He looks at them confusingly, “I called Fury, he’s sending a plane over to us in Tanga.”
T’Challa turns his shoulders, “In our gratitude, I can have my men drive you back. Maybe leave in the morning. We can give you food, water?” Steve turns to the group who were all exhausted, covered in dirt and sweat. Steve nods. 
The next morning, the group left the city and drove to Tanga. Steve held the dog in his arms as they went over the bumpy roads and Natasha gazed at him and the dog happily.
“He’s a good dog,” She said. Steve looks down to see the dog in his arms asleep. “He is.” 
Natasha grins. “Are you gonna keep him?”
Steve had his shades on as he glanced up at her, “There’s a lot of homes for him. Not mine.”
Natasha pierced her lips, “Well, you have the next hours to decide. I think he likes you more than anyone.” Steve looks down at the dog and watched the dog’s ears bounce to the trucks movements. Not knowing what the plan is with him.
After the next hours of driving. They reached the runway for planes. Spotting one in the distance. “There’s our ride,” Tony taps the truck, “Tell T’Challa we give him our thanks.” Steve and Natasha walk over to the plane, seeing a woman standing outside.
“Rogers,” She greets, Steve nods. Maria Hill. Natasha smiles, “How’s Fury?” She asked. Maria shrugs, “Doing fine. He’s in Berlin for now. He’s sad he couldn’t be here.”
Natasha grins.
“But you know him, he’s sarcastic about it so he doesn’t really give a shit,” Maria gestures to them, “Hop in.” The team hopped onto the plane and they flew back to New York. After they got there, everyone had a drink.
A celebration for success. Steve had to leave, taking the dog with him. Steve puts him in the truck. 
He goes in the driver’s seat and looks down at the dog who looked at him happily with his injured leg. Steve smiled softly at him, “You dodged a bullet there, bud... I might as well just call you Dodger.” The dog looks up and licks his muzzle.
The man smiled as he drives back home. 
It was around 12 at night and he opened his apartment door. Carrying Dodger in the small room. “All right, buddy.” Steve puts him on his bed.
“Wait here.” Steve walks into the bathroom and stripped out of his dirtied shirt. He stared at himself in the mirror. His chest had grown a few hairs, his face was dirty and the sweat already dirtied on his face.
His hair was oily and it parted a bit. He sighed and turns to the shower. He steps inside after stripping the rest of his clothes. The cold water hitting the top of his head. Running down the curves of his back and chest. 
He felt the relief in it and sighed. 
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The howls echoed through the forest and the wolves rush through the brush. Y/N jumps over Bucky with a harsh snort as they reached a trail in the forest. On usual nights Bucky and Y/N would go out and do patrol for a bit. 
Randall wasn’t feeling it today, so they did it this time. Bucky comes to a stop and ruffles his fur, “I smell gasoline,” He sniffs. “Yeah, there’s a freeway not too long from here. Be careful,” Y/N replied.
The two continued on and Y/N jumped onto the hard ground. Her nose caught the ground when she lowers her head. “Y/N!” Bucky barks. The bright lights made her look to her right. A large truck comes into view and she jumps out of the way.
She stumbled on the other side of the road and rolled down in the dirt. Bucky ran across the road and rushed down to her side. “You almost died,” Bucky lowers his head to support hers as she stands back on her paws. “I know. We should head back. The trucker, of course, saw me.”
Y/N ran on ahead and she kept running. It was dark, dangerous. Roman told them to be careful at this time of night. She was panting heavily. Bucky followed a few feet behind. 
He watched her in the distance till she disappears in his sight. And a loud yelp erupts from his friend. He low growls, stopping. The whine erupts from him and there was chatter.
“We got something!” A man shouts. The men walk up to the scrambling and saw the large white hound. “Damn! Look at this big fella!” The two men stood a few feet away from the large dog as it growls at them. 
“I don’t think that’s a normal wolf, Jerry.”
“It’s gotta be a male, usually them dogs are bigger than the females,” The man cackles lightly at the hound. “Hunting season is almost over, Alex and you want to lose this one? I’m sure it’ll make a good use of a rug. Look at the colors. Like snow white.”
The hound growls loudly, it could’ve rumbled the ground. The man shook, “We should just leave it.” The other guy scoffs, “Alex! This a big one, you want to lose it?” The man pulls out his gun and aims it at the hound.
“Sleep tight.” The gun fires and seconds later the man screams in terror. The other man watched as the grey hound pounces on his friend, ripping him in shreds. 
The man scatters off and screams. Bucky looks over to Y/N who was caught in the bear trap as he gave her the soft eyes before leaving her, chasing after the man who ran.
After biting and chewing on the trap, she growls under it. The smell of blood and flesh landed on her taste buds. Her guts getting that familiar feeling. No. She continued to chew on the trap.
The blood oozing out of the man’s throat, she shakes her head to tear the trap off. No! Bucky comes back with blood dripping down his chin. Y/N looks up at him. “You killed them!”
“I did what I had to do.”
“Why did you-!” She growled.
“Because I didn’t want you to die!” His growl was mixed with a whine. She stared at him as he rips the trap open and she limps out. She held her arm up to her chest as she glances at him. 
He snuffles through his muzzle, “I didn’t want to lose you.” She was struck by that. Bucky had to deal with this stuff, too. He almost lost his arm when they caught him in a trap and he fell down a cliff. He was lucky enough to be alive. 
Y/N limps up to him and she nuzzles her head against his. Bucky brought his head over hers and gently licked the back of her white fur before they pulled away. 
“We should go.”
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Dodger had been added to the story! Wooh! We needed some more dogs up in here!
Also that Defending Jacob episode has me squealing for no reason. It’s 11 over here and I’m squealing like a high school girl.
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theskyeandsea · 4 years
Do You Wanna Be My Roommate? || Rio & Skye
Timing: December 10th
Location: Nic & Skylar’s Home
Tagging: @3starsquinn & @theskyeandsea
Description: In the wake of Winson’s departure from town, Skylar and Rio reclaim weeb night!
Warnings: Drug use mentions, chronic illness symptoms mentions, addiction 
Tugging at the sleeves of her shirt, Skylar looked around the house-- it looked normal, right? The last time someone had been here, she’d been caught off guard and hadn’t had time to try and make the place look presentable. But, she had invited Rio here, wanted to be here to support him. Because that was what a good friend did, and they, they were still friends. She wanted to be there for him because break ups were hard. She might not know much about them, but she remembered how much it had hurt when Shiloh had left town, in much the same way to Winston. Just a quick word and then Skylar was left with the other woman’s absence.
Swallowing, Skylar hooked her hearing aids in and turned them on. Dundee was sitting on the edge of the couch, watching her from his nest of blankets. He used to like spending time in her room, but lately he spent most of his time out in the living room. Maybe he was waiting for Nic to come home? Before she could fall too far down that rabbit hole, the doorbell rang and she hurried to the door. “Rio! Hey--” Her eyes flicked over his appearance and she blinked. “Are… What happened to you?”
Orion and Skylar had made plans, he didn’t want to cancel those just because he had almost been murdered and spent a few days in the hospital. He hadn’t seen her in awhile, his own life being too caught up in the trauma and the drama. As if the Lydia situation hadn’t been horrifying enough, Winston’s departure and the werewolf attack had to add a little extra disaster to Rio’s life. Just in time for the holidays. But despite the solemn mood Rio had been stuck in, he had no plans in continuing that tonight. He was hoping to enjoy his time with Skylar tonight, where the both of them could take their minds off of everything keeping them down.
When Skylar answered the door he could see that she had her hearing aids in, but he signed anyways as he greeted her. It was mostly out of habit, but he enjoyed the practice regardless. “Oh. These” Rio grinned nervously, he supposed he couldn’t ignore the fact that it happened, no matter how much he wished he could pretend he had never seen any of those dead bodies. Or heard their screams. “There was an… incident a few nights ago. A werewolf attacked a cafe that I was at.” Though his hoodie and jeans worked to block the main injuries that he had suffered, bruises and cuts all over his face and hands were still far too visible. Realizing that he was a hunter who just told Skylar about a werewolf attack, Rio thought that he should specify, “I didn’t kill it. Just uh- so we’re clear. I just tried to stop it from hurting others.” He did stab it. But he remembered how scared Skylar had been about hunters. He didn’t want to freak her out, “It’s alive. And hopefully back to human and not hurting anyone.”
Stepping out of the way to let him in, Skylar did her best not to stare at the cuts as he explained. An attack? A werewolf? What had happened to them? Not that Skylar knew many werewolves-- just Ulfric, the man from the coffee shop with all the tattoos, and Ariana, who she’d only known as a student until recently-- but they’d both seemed… in control. The thoughts slid through her mind like water, though, slipping from her mind as she led the way to the living room. Dundee was still curled up in the pile of blankets, little tail wagging as he caught sight of Rio and stared at the young man with his beedy, unblinking eyes. “It? You mean… them, right?” Skylar said, the words coming out before she could stop herself. But, werewolves, they were people. Maybe not human people, just like she wasn’t human people. But they were people, right? “I-- sorry though. That something like that happened to you. I’m glad you didn’t need to hurt anyone badly, though.” She nodded. 
Sliding through the front door, Orion was surprised by how long ago it seemed that he had last been here to hang out with Skylar. Despite that, it came with a surprising familiarity to follow her down the hall and into the living room. As per usual, Dundee stared at Rio as if staring directly into his soul. The dog was cute and incredibly uncomforting at the same time. “Hey buddy!” Rio went over to the pet little guy regardless. At Skylar’s words, Rio froze. His hand hovered to his bottom lip, barely pressing against it almost in shock of what had just come out of his mouth. “I-uh” It. When had Rio ever talked like that? He had spent his entire life trying and failing to convince his family that there was humanity to supernatural creatures. Especially werewolves, who weren’t destined to be murderous monsters their entire lives. How had that same person become the one that casually referred to a living person as it? “Sorry. Yeah. Them.” He pulled his hand away, shoving both of them into his pockets and refusing to make eye contact with Skylar for a moment. The word kept repeating itself in his head over and over again. “It’s okay. The werewolf, I don’t know who they were. But they didn’t have control. I don’t know if they woke up remembering everything or completely ignorant. That’s scary stuff.” A chill shot down Rio’s spine and he readjusted his stance a bit too quickly, catching his breath at the sudden pains. He slowly stretched out before forcing a smile back onto his face. “Sorry, I want this to be a fun night. All this’ll be gone in a few days anyways. Let’s just try to have fun.”
Skylar barely noticed the way that Rio went stock still-- it was the way his hand moved that caught her attention. He hadn’t even realized he’d said it, had he? Tilting her head slightly, she did her best to peer at him. But, the trace amounts of Bliss kept her floating, just floating on by, and it was always a little hard to grab the finer details. But, she could tell that he was upset. And she didn’t want him to be upset, she really didn’t. Rio was a good guy, a good person. “I hope they’re okay. And the other people who were hurt too-- and you too! Obviously. But. I hope they’re okay.” She said, knowing all too well how much it hurt to have gaps in your memory, to have entire parts of yourself locked away. Noticing the way his chest caught, Skylar blinked. “You’re not still hurt are you? You didn’t need to-- we could have cancelled if you’re still hurt. Sit down, sit down.” She said, urging him to take a seat. She could still take care of people, she could still do this. She could be the Skylar everyone wanted her to be. 
Orion nodded his head, maybe a bit too enthusiastically. He didn’t need Skylar too worried about his wounds. She had already helped him before when that evil watermelon thing had bitten him. Just like that time, these would heal. “I’m okay. I’m still sore, but it’s not too bad. I’ll heal quickly anyways.” He still hated his hunter abilities. Not because they weren’t useful, he had been attacked way too many times for him to try to claim that. It just didn’t seem fair that he got this advantage while others around him were put at risk. “Seriously, I wanted to come over here. I’m happy to be here, sore or not.” Rio grinned, slowly easing himself back and onto the couch. “If I had cancelled I would have just ended up lying in my bed at the house all night anyways. I definitely didn’t want to do that. So you’re doing me a favor.”
“If you say so.” Skylar said as Rio took a seat on the couch. Walking to the fridge, she pulled out a bottle of water and a can of Mountain Dew. She’d remembered that he liked them when she had been wandering down the aisles at the store, running her fingers against the shelves. “Want a drink? There might be some beer left over from when Nic was here, if you’d like. I don’t really keep beer here.” She said as she scanned the shelves. “I’ve never really been able to do the whole… post-break up ice cream and cookie dough thing that you see in movies, but I have both if you’d like.” She offered. “But, ah-- sorry. That might be too soon to say.” At Rio’s words, Skylar nodded, a smile spreading on her face. She was helping him. “Of course. I’m glad I can do something to make you feel better. And hey, Yuri on Ice is a great show, it always cheers me up.”
Skylar disappeared in the kitchen for a moment and came back with a mountain dew. Orion sat forward enthusiastically to reach for it, trying to be careful not to stretch too many injured muscles. It was only partially effective. “Oh you’re the best thank you so much.” He had been so tired recently, he needed some caffeine. The mention of Nic was a sudden reminder that he had been her only roommate. He knew about him no longer being in town but he hadn’t exactly connected the dots. “Oh right. You don’t have any other roommates do you? You have this whole place to yourself?” It was a big house, something that could either be a lot of fun or really lonely depending on the person. “It’s been weird at my house too. Ricky’s always so busy at the workshop that it was usually just Winston and I. Now that he’s not there it’s just a whole house to myself with all the things Winston and I used to do.” Rio shrugged. Admittedly, it had bothered him how much time he spent noticing small things that Winston left behind. But there wasn’t much he could do about it for now. “I have no experience with post break up junk food, but am assuming that it tastes similar to regular junk ice cream and cookie dough. Both of which I’m a huge fan of.” But more than sugary distractions, Rio was mostly excited for another reboot of their anime night. Hopefully this time it would be without the snooping or weird tension that was present the previous times. “I cannot wait, I am so pumped for this it’s been on my list forever.”
“Of course.” Skylar beamed as she handed him the soda before settling down on the couch with some space between them. Dundee glanced over at her, as though waiting for her to do something, but when she flipped on the tv, he plopped his head back down on the nest of blankets. “Nope, it’s just me.” This place had been Erin’s home for a bit too, but the memory of their last encounter came back to her mind-- No. Smiling wider, she pushed the thought away. Now wasn’t the time to think about that. Erin wasn’t coming back here. “Mhm, that’s… That sounds hard.” Skylar had never lived with Shiloh, hadn’t even really reached the stage where she spent much time at the other woman’s home. But, she felt for Rio. Being in a place where there was just the constant presence of someone who he’d cared about, who was so very much not here? She dealt with that some since Nic had left, the little knick knacks and knives tucked around the house hammering home the fact that he was gone. “Sounds good. Let me just get Netflix up.” She said, scrolling through the lists with a slightly clumsy hand. She skipped around until the familiar ice-skating anime popped up. “I’m so excited for you to watch this, I think you’ll really enjoy it.”
Orion stretched across the couch as much as he could to scratch on Dundee’s head before returning to his original position. Skylar was navigating the tv to find the show and Rio studied her as she did so. Outwardly, she seemed fine with living alone. Nothing in her initial statement indicated that she hated the idea of living alone. The place did seem pretty sweet, especially considering it had the pool for private sessions when she needed to change. On paper, he probably seemed perfect. But speaking from his own experiences, Rio knew that a place like this would be incredibly lonely. He wondered what Skylar thought of it. Right now, he wasn’t sure if it would be rude to ask. “I’m so excited” Rio clapped his hands together and leaned back on the couch to settle in when Skylar pressed play.
The rest of the night passed without anything weird or out of the ordinary happening-- a rarity that Skylar honestly hadn’t expected. It was nice, to watch anime and pretend like there was nothing wrong. They could pretend like this town wasn’t awful, like this place wasn’t terrible. As Yuri took a victory lap around the ice rink, Skylar let out a sigh, stretching. The motion sent a slight twinge of pain down her back, but she ignored it. She could handle a little pain, just for now. She had wanted to be present for this, to spend time with Rio. And, once he was gone, she would be able to slip back down into the haze of Bliss. “Such a good show. Did you like it?” She asked as Dundee padded across the couch and leaned against her, his head resting against her leg. “I’m glad you were able to come over for this, I missed having anime nights.” Skylar said, a little surprised that it was true. 
They had truly binged out with this one. In what was probably their first fully successful attempt at an anime night the two both watched the show in relative quiet. Every now and again one would speak up or they would both laugh at something. But other than that, the two had seemed perfectly content with simply being in each other’s company. The show was exactly the sort of feel good emotion that Orion so desperately needed. Watching their relationship slowly grow into what it became by the end of the show was enough to bring a tear to Rio’s eyes. By the time the last episode finished, there was a stream of tears running down his face. “No. It was awful.” Rio lied, a single laugh bursting through his tears. Even then, Rio crossed his arms and grumbled grumpily, “The show had no right ending like that. I hated it.” A small smile split across his face though, and he eventually conceded, “Nah. I’m kidding. That was amazing and I’m so glad we started it back up. I miss them too.” Even for the drama they had once been. “We should definitely get back into the habit of doing them.”
Looking over at Rio, Skylar blinked in surprise-- she hadn’t realized he’d cried. She must have missed that, must… not have noticed. She swallowed, pushing the thought side and smiled back at him. “Good! I’m glad that you did, it’s such a great show. The characters are all so good and you really kinda root for all of them by the end of it.” She said with a nod. Running a hand through her choppy hair, Skylar looked over at the television, the screen darkened. She could see the two of them reflected, sitting back on the couch. Two lonely people, just a little less alone for the time being. Biting the inside of her cheek, Skylar thought to the spare key that was tucked away in her room. She trusted Rio. It had taken time, but she knew that he was sorry for what he’d done, he’d promised to never pry into her things after their disastrous first anime night. And… it was lonely. “Hey, Rio.” She said tentatively, not really sure how to broach the subject, “I know that things at… Ricky’s must be weird. Things here are weird too, with all of Nic’s stuff being here, but him being gone. And, like I said, I can’t really imagine what it’s like to have to deal with, everything else on top of it.” She said, skirting around the words “break up” as best as she could manage. “But, if you wanted, you could stay here?” Skylar asked, looking hopefully over at him. Maybe having someone around would help. Someone who understood, at least a little, what it was like to not fit into the role that the world wanted her to be.
The question had taken Orion by surprise. He paused for a long moment as he tried to understand exactly what Skylar had meant by ‘stay here’. At first he had just meant for the night, which Rio was ready to thank her for the offer but also assure that he didn’t live too far away. It wasn’t like he had been drinking or anything. But she had mentioned Nic’s things, just as Rio had talked about Winston’s items that were left behind. But he had never said any of those things in an attempt to guilt Skylar into asking him to move in. Even with the awkwardness, Rio hadn’t considered moving out of the house. “Are you… serious?” Rio finally asked, his voice soft and curious. “I don’t want to like… put you in a weird place. Where you feel like you have to offer.”
Was she serious? Skylar wasn’t entirely sure, but, the idea of not being totally alone, of having someone around-- at least part of the day-- was tempting. And she liked Rio. She trusted Rio. He was good and he knew about that side of her, which meant she wouldn’t need to hide it from him. Not that she’d ever needed to with Nic, but, having one less secret from her roommate would be nice. And just, having a roommate, maybe that would make things better. Maybe it would lessen the ache inside her. Nodding, Skylar gestured to the space around them. “I know I don’t need to offer. But, I never really wanted to live on my own. And, I trust you.” She said with a small smile. “In a town like this, that’s… hard to find. You don’t need to say yes, and you can definitely think about it. But, the offer’s here.” 
The offer was tempting. The more Orion thought about it, the more he realized how lonely his house felt now. With Ricky constantly working and Winston gone it felt like he lived in an abandoned home. Too big for him. He missed Winston, but he had no chance of taking his mind off of them when he walked past their bedroom door every day and was constantly reminded of all the memories they had there. But Rio wasn’t truly convinced until Skylar told him that she trusted him. It had been a rocky road up to this point. Rio had lied and invaded her privacy. He hadn’t deserved her friendship at all, let alone her trust. But somehow, here they were. “Yes.” Rio nodded quickly. “I mean, I don’t need to think about it. If you’re one hundred percent sure then the answer is yes” Rio laughed in relief, a pressure that had been in his chest all week finally beginning to lift. He hadn’t even realized that it had been there in the first place. “I- Thank you so much. I seriously can’t describe what that means to me.”
The way that Rio laughed, the genuine sound of relief-- before tonight, when was the last time Skylar had heard that sound? Since before Nic had left? The memory came back to her, fuzzy around the edges in the way that most of her memories were now. It was one of the nights when they’d both shared a meal, idly talking about their day and then, out of nowhere, Dundee had hopped up onto the table and stolen a steak right off her plate. The two had sat in startled silence for a minute as the little dog scarfed down the piece of meat, T-bone and all, before bursting into laughter. And tonight, she and Rio had been able to laugh and talk and make this house feel a little less lonesome. It felt a little more like the home that she had hoped for. But, Skylar shifted on the couch, the sharp rush of pain pushing just a little bit harder. “One ground rule, though?” She said, a small smile on her face as she stuck out her hand, “No more poking around in my room.” 
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.37
Shiro arrived mid-afternoon, as Keith drank his forth cup of coffee to settle his nerves. His brother wasn’t great at keeping time, yet Keith wished he could have managed it for a nice change. Lance had been nervy all morning. He’d cleaned through the house, Keith still in bed when Lance came to attack the spare bedroom. His boyfriend casually lifting the bed, balancing it on his shoulder, vacuuming under it and placing the bed down again in a manner of minutes like it was perfectly normally, and he hadn’t been in the bed trying to sleep after tossing and turning all damn night as he wished he had the courage to go crawl into bed with Lance.
Matt and Lance were off to a rough start. Both males had looked each other up and down. Lance calling Matt a “mutt” and Matt calling Lance a “corpse”. Vampires and werewolves occasionally coexisted, but these two seemed natural born enemies. Lance had explained the house rules, Matt had looked bored, even scoffing when Lance asked that he and his girlfriend not have sex all over his house, and if they could wait until everyone was asleep before they did. Keith wasn’t sure this work. He could tell Lance was seething, the wine glass in his hand barely holding together in his kind of boyfriend’s tight grip. Sitting around the kitchen table, Shiro was trying his hardest to defuse the situation before it became one.
Smiling tightly, Shiro hand his hands wrapped around his coffee cup. His brother looked exhausted, as if he hadn’t slept the whole time he was away. It’d been months since Shiro had looked this bad. Keith wanted to send him to bed, but Shiro was kind of the lynchpin that brought everyone in the group together. If Shiro spoke, then both Lance and Matt would listen. Under the table Keith’s leg was against Lance’s trying to offer silent support as they couldn’t hold hands. Lance would freak if Keith even thought of trying
“Now. I know this is hard for all of us, but I think we should try by reintroducing ourselves. Lance?”
Keith felt it unfair Lance had to go first. Shiro hadn’t even talked to him alone about what had happened while he’d been away. Keith didn’t have anything he could use to make Lance feel better about the current situation. Whatever Shiro said, they’d be finding out together.
“I’m Lance. This is my house. I’ve been dead for the last 36 years. I have a cat called Blue. Pidge and Hunk are my two best human friends”
Lance sounded as if he was standing in front of some anonymous meeting. Detached and nervous. More nervous than detached
“Thanks for that, Lance. Keith?”
Shiro really was insistent they go through the whole charade
“Keith. Shiro’s brother. Apparently recently transferred to Platt. I like coffee”
Shiro raised an eyebrow at him. His brother was lucky to get that much from him as it was. Yeah. He hasn’t forgotten being transferred with no say. Curtis didn’t need prompting as he explained
“Curtis. I’ve been cursed for about 4 months now. Ex-hunter who now works for VOLTRON out of Platt. Lance’s personal assistant, and medical advisor”
Again, Shiro raised his eyebrow in silent judgment. If his brother liked to be too busy, he was going to miss everything happening
“We’ll talk about that later. Matt?”
Matt sighed, his expressions were so much like Pidge’s that it was easy to tell the two of them were siblings. Other than the height difference and the long scar on Matt’s cheek, Pidge could have easily passed as him
“Matt. Werewolf”
Shiro closed his eyes, Keith nearly able to hear his brother counting to ten before he opened his eyes again
“Look. Neither of you might be happy initially, but we all need to be on the same team here”
Matt huffed, even his attitude was like Pidge’s
“Fine. Matt. Werewolf. I was accidentally by my girlfriend Rieva. Pidge’s older brother. I’ve got all the attributes including the sense of smell. Lance smells like a virgin in heat”
“It’s better than stinking off wet dog that rolled in something dead”
Shiro pushed his seat back, rising to his feet as he slammed his hands on the table. Whelp. They’d gone and done it now
“Enough. You’re acting like children. This is Lance’s house, so as long as you’re living here, you’ll show him some respect. Lance, Matt and Rieva are you’re guests. I know you’ve been ill, but you need to keep your ego in check. You both need to keep your egos under control. Keith and I will be moving back to Platt Monday week. The both of your are under our care until you’re proven to be a direct threat to human lives. Especially you, Matt. Lance has a long track record of not harming humans. You, on the other hand, injured two of the Blade’s werewolves. I can’t keep you safe if you slip again”
Matt sighed again. Keith wanted to punch him in the face. Sure, there were a huge array of sounds that the word “sigh” covered, but Matt kept using the same one
“I’m sorry. You’re right. We’re both having issues with our egos”
Keith looked to Lance who gave a tiny nod, Lance didn’t want to be standoffish, especially not to the brother of his best friend
“I’m sorry to. My senses have been pretty whack lately. That’s why Curtis is here, he was sent by Coran to make sure I don’t up and die... again”
“Alright. Good. Now, I was thinking maybe we’d all get along better if we all knew how each other turned”
Lance immediately paled, Keith had seen how hard it was for the vampire to explain the incident
“Lance got attacked by two vampires when he was 8”
Matt let out a whistle
“Damn, man. They got you young. Rieva tried to hide she was a werewolf. We met on the same tour in Greece, then again a few days later in Paris. I took it as a sign, she kept trying to push me away, that was 10 months ago. She accidentally bit me 9 months ago... got this scar at the same time”
Rieva nodded. The woman was pretty in her own way. Tanned enough to for her skin to be a deeper shade of brown than Lance’s with long black hair and green eyes
“I never meant to hurt him. I turned at the full moon and escaped for the night. Matt came after me...”
“And I’m glad I did”
Ugh. So they were one of those disgustingly loved up couples.
Across the table Curtis cleared his throat
“I was cursed. I’ve got half a horn, and half a tail. I was supposed to infiltrate a werewolf pack in Prague, but they seemed to already know I was hunter. They were trying to summon the spirit of a berserker using magic, only I’m not a werewolf and the spell went wrong. I wasn’t permitted to stay in Rome, they didn’t take too kindly to me being cursed. Coran offered to take me, so I’ve been working in Platt looking into the curses effects in his laboratory. So far it seems to affect the things I say. Coran feels they summoned part of a lesser demon instead of a beast spirit, and part of its soul has bonded with my quintessence. Lance has been through a lot, and Coran thought we may be able to help each other. His fae magic had no effect on the curse. Of course, without the original spell working backwards has been hard. And it hasn’t been that great, but I’m happy to be alive. Especially now Shiro’s returned”
It was Keith’s turn to raise an eyebrow at his brother. Curtis had no filter and that sounded suspiciously like his brother had been keeping secrets about his love life. Either that, or Curtis simply meant he was happy to see his friend and hadn’t meant it the way he sounded. Just because he’d snagged himself a boyfriend, didn’t mean everyone was suddenly in love and dating. Shiro was still mourning Adam. They’d intended to marry and everything that came with it. It wasn’t fair... what had happened. Since meeting Lance, Keith had kind of felt like maybe he was better place himself, forced to work through feelings because there wasn’t a whole lot things to do in Garrison. Not that he was going to tell Shiro this. His brother had abandoned him and he figured he could milk that for a little longer.
“That’s rough. Most werewolves I’ve met have been all about the muscles and not the sharpest tools in the shed. They really shouldn’t be messing with that stuff. Not that vampires are any better. Who the fuck takes a human as a pet?”
Curtis nodded at Lance’s words, Matt didn’t look terribly pleased but by now he’d probably had his fair of share of scrapes with werewolves. Shiro simply smiled like he’d solved everything with one conversation. He definitely hadn’t.
“How’s Pidge doing?”
The glass in Lance’s hand finally broke. Lance shoving Keith when Keith automatically went to start picking up the pieces
“Idiot. You can’t touch the blood. I am not having you think I’ve turned you again”
Reprimanded by his boyfriend, Keith crossed his arms. Lance was super protective of Pidge, he’d have had months of Pidge upset because Matt wasn’t messaging her back
“I wasn’t thinking”
“That’s obvious. Don’t touch it while I get a cloth”
Matt watched as Lance cleaned up the mess, placing the glass in the sink to rinse the blood off of it
“I asked you how my sister is”
Keith almost felt sorry for Matt. A cranky Lance was a scary thing
“How do you think she is? I know you were staying away to do the right thing by your family, but you really fucking hurt her by not replying. She pretty much worships you, and you weren’t replying. She’s fine physically. Still hunting ghosts and making videos. Still wanting to do dumb things like she’s isn’t a human. Her and Hunk are still as tight as always. Hunk’s got a girlfriend now, Shay. She’s just like him, they’re so sweet together. They’ve got no idea about this world. I’ve never told her and I’ve done my best to make sure she never finds out”
Matt looked upset, hopefully with his actions
“You wouldn’t understand... I wasn’t going to come back...”
Keith groaned mentally, why would Matt go there? Lance understood too well what a bite did to a family
“I wouldn’t understand? Please tell me how I don’t know how being turned can ruin your family? How you’re scared of what you are and you don’t understand? I have no idea at all. We both know if Pidge knew, she’d want the bite. She’d want to be part of this world. Heck, I think she’s so interested in the paranormal because she wants to feel close to you again. Rieva, please don’t think I’m having a go at you. I know accidental turns happen, and how scared you must have been to turn Matt. I’ve put you and Matt in the room Keith and Shiro were using, the guest bathroom is near your room. It’s the downstairs spare room. Shiro, I’ll bunk you Curtis and Keith. I’ll have to find a spare bed, or one of you can sleep in the living room. Normally I don’t have a full house to worry about. My office is off limits. I work as a lawyer so I’d rather keep my clients information confidential. If I have to talk to a client, I’ll try warn you ahead of time. If you want to train, do it out on the back lawn, and don’t kill my garden. Also, Curtis and Keith aren’t allowed near the toaster without supervision... And maybe don’t touch Keith’s coffee, he’d likely to stab you for trying. He revivals Pidge with his need for caffeine. I’m going to double check the bedroom upstairs”
Lance had barely left the kitchen before Keith was pushing his chair back. Shiro cocking his head as he watched
“Where are you going?”
“To check on Lance. He’s obviously upset”
“When did become so perceptive?”
“When you went disappeared for weeks. Pidge is like a sister to Lance. Everything dangerous she wants to do he always checks it out first to make sure doesn’t get hurt. He’s been looking out for her, even when it puts him in danger. He collapsed a mine shaft so Pidge wouldn’t be hurt... Don’t listen to our conversation”
Yeah, Keith wasn’t be fair. He’d basically tattooed “I’m not okay with this situation across his forehead”. Shiro would make him apologise later, but for now he wanted to check on Lance. He’d gone from having Hunk and Pidge staying over to 6 people kind of living with him. Keith was already at his people limit before everyone came back. He’d missed Shiro, but he wasn’t sure he was keen on Matt. He wasn’t about to shoot him, but family was a complicated thing that Lance had had such a hard time with. Heading upstairs he headed straight for Lance’s bedroom, knowing he’d find him there.
Knocking gently on Lance’s door, he found Lance sitting on the side of his bed like he liked to do when he was thinking
“I didn’t handle that very well”
Keith sighed as he walked over to the bed, before sitting down next to Lance and taking his hand
“I think I handled that even worse”
“I heard. It’s just... my body is being weird again. I’m not used to the scent of werewolves and it’s making everything all yuck. I’ll get over it, but I shouldn’t have been so short with Matt”
“You were worried about Pidge. You’re allowed to worry about your friends”
Lance dropped his head to rest of Keith’s shoulder
“Still. I made a horrible first impression”
“If Matt is anything like Pidge, you’ll be fine once it settles down a bit”
“I feel like I’m lying to her by not letting her know he’s here and that he’s okay”
“Nah. Think of it like a surprise. Besides, you’re not intentionally hurting her by not telling her right away”
“Still feels like I am. How are you? You must be happy Shiro’s back”
“I’m relieved. I’m still mad at him though. I get why he had to keep quiet until things were organised”
“You two will work things out. You should be downstairs with everyone else...”
“I’m fine here. I wanted to make sure you’re okay. How’s the hand?”
“Healed up. I must have looked so lame breaking the glass”
“You didn’t meant to”
“It still happened. I know Pidge is human and close ties are dangerous but I don’t want to see her hurt”
“I know you don’t. It’s one of the things I like about you”
“It’s not my great arse and award winning personality?”
Lance tried to joke but it sounded flat. Keith didn’t like it. Lance was being too hard on himself for caring
“Those too. So, what are we going to do about bedding? I don’t mind sleeping on the couch”
“If anyone should be sleeping on the couch, it should be me. I knew I didn’t have enough beds, but I don’t know what to do about that”
“I can sleep on the couch. I’ve slept on way worse”
“Mami would have a fit if I made a guest sleep on the couch”
“Then how about we share a bed?”
Keith didn’t mean it to sound as forward as it did. But Lance’s bed would easily fit both of them, and there was only one bed left. Not that he actually minded the couch. There would be plenty of space for him
“I don’t know... wouldn’t that make things awkward with Shiro?”
“Like you said, I need to talk to him anyway”
“I get nightmares...”
“So do I”
“But you’re not a vampire. I could seriously hurt you”
“Or, it could be fine. Why don’t we just try it for the night and think about things tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Maybe. I turned the forth room into my office... maybe I could sleep there?”
“Lance, it’s your house. You shouldn’t be kicked out your own bed for doing a nice thing and giving Rieva and Matt a place to call home”
“I can’t imagine what the two of them went through. I really hope they don’t hate me”
“Like you said, it’s an ego thing. You can’t control that, but if anyone can bring their ego under control, it’s you”
Lance let out a small snort. Keith taking the win
“See, you know I’m right. You’re overthinking things”
“Only because I’m rubbish at hosting people”
“Nah, I’m still here, aren’t I?
“Only because you’re stubborn”
“I’m as stubborn as you are. Seriously though, you’re fine. Things’ll settle down”
“I’m worried about going into heat. I have I idea how to explain that”
“You don’t have to, unless you want to”
“I’m not going to have much choice if I turn into a bat”
“We can talk to Shiro together. Or I can tell him. I don’t want you feeling uncomfortable”
“You’re the one I’m worried about. I don’t want you and Shiro to end up fighting because of me”
That was so Lance
“Even if we fight, we’re brothers at the end of the day”
“That must be nice. Mami is the glue that keeps my family together. I miss her”
For someone older than him, Lance was sweet for still caring for his mum the way he did. If it wasn’t for the fact they had three new arrivals, Keith would suggest a trip up to Platt
“Why don’t you call her?”
“She’d known something’s up. She’s got enough to worry about”
“She loves you. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. But I get if you don’t want to call her. Can I do anything?”
“You already are. You should go talk to Shiro. I might take a nap and calm down”
Lance took too much on his shoulders. Keith didn’t want to leave him alone when he was feeling down
“I can stay...”
“Nah. I’ll Be okay. You go make up with Shiro. It’ll make me feel better”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Thanks for coming to check on me”
“I’ve got your back”
“I know... if I’m not away in hour or so, come poke me with a stick”
Keith found himself kissing the top of Lance’s head, before replying
“Will do. I’ll find the biggest stick I can”
“Why do I feel like you’re actually going to find a stick now?”
“Because I am. Now let’s get you tucked in. Can’t have you sleeping on top of the covers”
“I’m not a little kid”
“You could be”
“Fight me”
Keith laughed. He deserved that one
“After the old man gets his sleep. I’ll sort things out with Shiro, so stop worrying about it so much”
“I can’t help it. I care about you”
Keith kissed the top of Lance’s head again. Shiro was going to be confused as fuck when he finally explained what was going on between him and Lance. Hopefully his brother would be more distracted by what was happening with his heart that his newly discovered love life
“I care about you too. It’s going to be okay”
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gaygent37 · 5 years
Calling the Wolf Within - JayDick
I had a lot of hope going into this. I got 4k words in, and just lost interest, so here you go. As per usual, no porn :/ because it would’ve taken another few thousand words to get to that actual porn, and a few thousand to wrap it up afterwards, and that was too long for me. So I scrapped it and wrote the other werewolf fic instead. Also it just started getting strange.
5,021 words, JayDick, werewolf Jason, human Dick, human Tim, almost kidnapping, almost Stockholm Syndrome, almost mating calls, almost explained why ‘almost’ towards end, fluff, borderline crack at time, h/c, no idea why Tim is there, OOC Tim, it’s a mess
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For the past week and a half, Dick would hear shuffling in the woods behind his cottage. The first couple of times, he took it as a family of rabbits or raccoons looking for a place to live, but when the heard a tree crack and fall, Dick knew it was something much bigger.
His neighbors said it could be a bear or perhaps a mountain lion that had come down from the mountains. So Dick called the local ranger to take a gander.
“I dunno what to tell ya, kid,” the ranger said, shaking his head at the tree and the large muddy footprints that appeared last night. “Ya see these tracks?” he asked, pointing to the paws in the mud. “I grew up in Wyoming, so I’ seen my share o’ wolf tracks. And if I were to guess, I’d say it’s one hellava wolf ya’ve got there.”
“W-Wolf?” Dick asked faintly. “But Mr. and Mrs. Hanks said there are no wolves in this area.”
The ranger nodded and tipped his hat. “There ain’t.”
Dick nodded slowly, like the ranger was making complete sense. “Okay, so there’s a huge wolf coming around the woods and making a mess near my house every night. What do you propose I do?”
“Wolf of this size?” he chuckled humorlessly, nodding at the tracks. “Ain’t no shotgun in the world that could make a dent in this thing, so I’d move the hell out. Well, that or call in the military. This is way outta my jurisdiction.”
“But you’re supposed to deal with these kinds of things in this area!” Dick said in frustration. “You can’t expect everyone to just move out when there’s a problem to can’t handle! Think of something!”
The ranger stood and scratched his head. “Well, I gotta friend a state over who specializes in catching these kinda beasts. He might have an extra-large bear trap or two?”
“Yes!” Dick said in relief. “Please call him.”
“You got it, kid.” The ranger stepped away for a few minutes to call his friend.
Dick shoved his hands into his pocket with a sigh, looking around the forest. He could see his cottage no more than thirty paces from the fallen tree and the tracks. There were also snapped branches and a dried bloody trail leading to a chicken carcass, more signs of the large animal that had popped up throughout the past week.
Dick shivered slightly and glanced over at the ranger, who was laughing into his phone. Suddenly, he shivered, a chill running over him. Dick glanced around again, but nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary in the sunny forest.
“Good news!” the ranger said, jogging back over. “My friend said he could come with a couple of his huntin’ buddies! Bad news, they can’t come until the weekend.”
“The weekend?” Dick asked. “That’s- That’s not for another four days.”
The ranger gave him a shrug.
Dick took a deep breath. “Okay. I- I guess I’ll just pack some stuff and go stay at the town inn until then. I don’t want to be up here alone when there’s that giant… whatever it is, running around.”
The ranger smiled. “That’s the spirit, kid! Want me to give you a ride into town?”
“Nah,” Dick said. “I need to do some packing first. I’ll head over first thing tomorrow morning.”
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Dick awoke to the sound of his downstairs window breaking. Immediately, his hand went to his phone, which was charging on the bedside table. There were several more crashes and the banging of pots clashing, the sound of something very large moving through Dick’s tiny kitchen.
Dick slid off his bed and rolled under it in one smooth moment. He dialed 911 immediately and pressed the phone to his ear, his breathing erratic and loud. His eyes were pinned to his bedroom door, which was cracked open slightly.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“Someone broke into my house,” Dick whispered.
“Okay, and where are they now?”
“In my house,” Dick repeated, barely daring to speak.
“And where are you, sir?”
“I’m- I’m hiding, under my bed. Can you- Can you please send a squad? With guns.” Dick tensed even more when he heard the bottom stair creak, louder than it has ever creaked before. “Please.”
“Is there only one person?” There was another creak. The second step. Then a third.
“I don’t know!” Dick hissed. “They’re- They’re making a lot of noise, and they’re coming up the stairs!”
“Okay, stay calm, sir. I’m going to-” Suddenly, there was loud thump, right outside his bedroom door. Whatever it was, had jumped eight entire steps up to the second floor. Dick shoved his phone underneath him and pressed his hand tightly to his mouth, not even daring to breathe.
His bedroom door was nosed open. Literally nosed open. The first thing that appeared was a huge snout. The nose twitched a couple of times before the rest of the beast entered the room as well.
Dick’s eyes grew wider, and he felt like his heart was going to pound out of his chest in fear. He could only see the huge paws of the creature, but it took up all the space in Dick’s room. Its tail knocked over Dick’s lamp, and the glass of watch he always set by his bed.
A soft growl filled the air and the creature shifted, stretching down so that its head was pressed against the ground. Golden eyes met his, and Dick let out the tiniest of squeaks.
The last thing Dick heard when he fainted was the emotionless calls of “Sir? Sir? Are you still there? Please stay on the line. We’re sending someone over right now.”
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“…look! You scratched up his face!” There was a growl and a snapping of teeth. “Damn, that’s gotta hurt… Oh, wait, I think he’s waking up!”
Dick blinked his eyes open slowly, feeling dizzy and disoriented. The first thing he saw was the smiling face of a young teenager.
“Hullo,” the boy said. “You alright?”
“Where the hell… am I?” Dick asked, looking around. Everywhere he looked, he just saw jagged stone.
The boy gave a light laugh. “I couldn’t tell you,” he said. “Some cave in the middle of nowhere, probably.”
There was a snuffle and a growl from somewhere behind the boy.
Dick craned his neck and peered behind him. His eyes widened, and he tensed. The largest wolf Dick had ever seen was curled up lazily against the opposite wall, its head resting in its paws, and it was staring at Dick.
“Oh my god,” Dick said hoarsely. “I’m having a nightmare.”
“That’s what I thought too, at first,” the boy said, strangely cheerfully. “But you’ll get used to it.”
“What?” Dick asked, staring at the teen like he was crazy.
“Oh, I should introduce myself,” the boy said. He held out his hand. “I’m Tim.”
Dick stared at Tim’s hand for the longest time. He looked over at the wolf again. Then, he took Tim’s hand. “Dick… my name’s Dick,” he said very slowly, unsure of what was going on.
“So, where are you from, Dick?” Tim asked.
“Um… Brighton Springs… in Pennsylvania,” Dick said.
“Never heard of it,” Tim said.
“It’s a small town,” Dick said absently. “Wha- What about you? What are you doing here?” He kept a cautious eye on the wolf.
“Los Angeles,” Tim said.
“Yup,” Tim said. “My parents were in Pittsburg for business, and I tagged along. Didn’t know I’d be kidnapped by a giant wolf though.” Tim laughed.
“Wait, you were- you were taken by- by that too?”
Tim nodded.
“And- And you’re not freaked out by it?!” Dick exclaimed.
“I was,” Tim said. “I’ve been here two weeks though, so I’ve had time to get used to it. Besides, Wolfie isn’t bad at all.”
Tim grinned. “Yeah. I couldn’t keep calling him ‘it’ or ‘the wolf’. And I don’t think he really minds anyway. Isn’t that right, Wolfie?”
Wolfie yawned and flicked his tail.
“Oh my god, I’m stuck in a cave with a giant wolf and a crazy kid,” Dick muttered. “What the ever-loving fuck.”
“Hey, I’m not a kid,” Tim said. “I’m seventeen.”
“Seven- You look no older than thirteen!”
Tim gave him an annoyed look. “Right, and I guess you’d assume I also attend high school and nerd out over video games with my friends at lunch.”
Dick blinked at him. “…Do you not?”
Tim threw his hands in the air. “Oh my god, the people of this world! I’ll have you know that I’m in my sophomore year of college! At Cal Tech!”
Dick squinted at him. “And you still named the wolf… Wolfie?”
Tim huffed. “I- Okay, fine, it’s a stupid name! My parents never let me have a dog because my mom’s allergic, and I’ve always wanted one, and I wanted to name it Doggie, so sue me if I’m living my childhood dream a bit!”
“That’s not a dog, Tim. That thing can eat you up in one bite!” Dick said.
“But he hasn’t!” Tim shouted.
“Doesn’t mean he won’t!”
“Holy shit, Wolfie, you’ve picked up the most annoying person ever!” Tim yelled. “You get him out of here, or I’m leaving!”
“You know what? I don’t want to be here anyway!” Dick fumed back. He stood up and shoved Tim out of the way and started storming towards the exit.
In a flash, Wolfie was on his feet and in front of Dick in a threatening stance, lips pulled back in a growl. He snapped his teeth at Dick.
“Wha- What’s he doing?” Dick said, taking a step back. Wolfie took step forward.
Dick stepped back again. Wolfie continued to follow, growling and snapping his teeth. “Tim, call him off!”
“He doesn’t listen to me,” Tim grumbled. “Besides, you yelled at me, so I don’t think I’m going to help you.”
Tim sat down, crossed his legs, and produced a bag of chips from somewhere. He popped it open and started eating, watching as Dick was slowly being cornered against the cave wall.
“S-Seriously, I- I think he’s going to eat me!” Dick whimpered, his back pressed tightly against the cold stone.
Wolfie opened his mouth wide, and Dick screamed, his knees giving out as he curled up in a ball, waiting for the inevitable.
Suddenly, there was a heavy floomph of air and fur tickled Dick’s nose. He waited a few more seconds before opening his eyes.
He was still curled up against the wall, but now, Wolfie was sprawled in front of him, on his back, giant legs up in the air.
“What’s- What’s he doing?” Dick asked, pulling himself in tighter.
“Making sure you don’t try running away again,” Tim said, licking his fingers. “And asking for belly rubs. He likes the spot under his chin the best.”
“Rub his belly,” Tim said.
Dick stared at Tim like the boy was crazy. But Tim did not seem like he was kidding, and the way Wolfie was lying, it really did seem like a dog waiting for belly rubs.
Wolfie turned his head towards Dick, his golden eyes wide. And holy shit, he looked sad.
“Stop- Stop that,” Dick said weakly. “I thought you were going to eat me.”
Wolfie let out a whine and wiggled even closer.
Dick stared at him for a couple more seconds before giving in to the puppy-dog eyes. He placed his trembling hand on Wolfie’s stomach, pushing down several inches of fur, which were surprising soft.
Very tentatively, Dick moved his hand back and forth. Wolfie gave a rumble of pleasure.
“Oh my god, he likes it,” Dick said in a near-hysterical voice.
“Told you,” Tim said smugly, opening his second bag of chips. “Get the spot under his chin.”
Dick looked over at Wolfie’s head, which was arched back in response. “Er, how? I’m stuck here.”
“Climb on top of him,” Tim said. “And use both hands.”
Dick was not keen on the idea of climbing onto Wolfie’s stomach, but after another brief stare down with the sad golden eyes, Dick uncurled himself and slowly put one leg over Wolfie’s stomach, straddling him.
Then, Dick slowly pulled himself up until his legs were behind Wolfie’s front legs, and he could comfortably reach over and scratch under Wolfie’s chin.
Dick took a deep breath and reached forward. Suddenly, he was slammed down flat against Wolfie’s chest, his face pressed into the soft fur. He could feel Wolfie’s giant legs wrapped around him.
“Aww, he wants a hug,” Tim laughed. “Lucky you, Dick. I’ve never gotten a hug before.”
Dick struggled, trying to put himself up, but Wolfie’s hold was strong. Eventually, Dick gave up when Wolfie did not seem to move. So Dick just lay there, half-scared, half-confused, with his ear pressed to Wolfie’s heartbeat.
The steady ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump, eventually lulled him off to sleep.
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It took a bit of getting used to, but like Tim said, he got used to it. Mostly.
Four days into his capture, Dick awoke to his face being gently licked by a soft tongue. “No…” he groaned, pushing away Wolfie’s snout.
Wolfie snuffled and licked Dick again, this time, getting under his neck.
“That tickles,” Dick grimaced, his eyes still stubbornly screwed shut. “Go wake Tim first.”
“I’m already awake, dummy. You need to get up and make us food. I can’t cook for shit.”
Dick groaned and rolled over, pulling the blankets over his head, burrowing deeper into his bed. His “bed” consisted of large scraps of very soft material and larger, thicker scraps for blankets.
Wolfie hooked a paw around Dick’s waist and turned him over like it was nothing. Dick whined, but he eventually sat up and got breakfast going.
Dick had no idea where all the household items or any of the food was coming from. They just appeared out of nowhere, when neither Dick nor Tim was paying attention. The perishables were still cold.
“Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!” Tim chanted.
“Okay, okay,” Dick said with a laugh as Wolfie nudged him all the way to the fire pit.
Breakfast did not take long to cook up – as much bacon as either of them could take, and a large helping of eggs. Wolfie had the habit of nipping at the their fingers for bacon scraps, which would have terrified Dick before, but now, he found it endearing.
It was strange how quickly his mindset changed in four days.
“Hey,” Dick said after swallowing the last of his eggs. “You’ve been here for nearly three weeks now, right? Did you ever take a shower?”
Tim gasped, his eyes lighting up. “Can we go to the swimming hole?” he practically squealed.
“Swimming hole?” Dick asked, glancing at Wolfie, who usually curled around the two of them during breakfast.
“Yeah! There’s this huge swimming hole by here. A waterfall and everything!” Tim said excitedly. “I’ve been there a few times so far, to wash and then swim.”
“That… That sounds perfect,” Dick said. It also sounded like a way to scout his surroundings and gauge where the hell he was.
Not long after breakfast, Dick found himself standing in front of a large pool of water that very gradually became deeper, deepest at the waterfall.
“Wow,” Dick said.
“I know,” Tim said, already splashing into the water. “It’s fucking cold though!” He ran out of the water again, laughing.
“Get in here!” Dick said, splashing water at Tim.
“Hey!” Tim ran back in, sending a wave of water crashing into Dick.
Dick dunked himself under the water before coming up. “Hah! You missed.”
Wolfie lay down at the edge, content in just watching. At some point, he fell asleep. That was when Dick grabbed Tim and pulled him in.
“I’m gonna go climb the waterfall,” he whispered.
“Wh-What?” Tim asked, confused. “Why?”
“Duh, to see what’s up there. To see how far away we are from anything. Maybe I can signal help or something,” Dick said.
Tim looked completely baffled. “Are you crazy?” he asked.
Dick’s expression darkened. “What, you think we can actually stay here with that wolf forever?”
“Well, I-”
“Grow up, Tim, this isn’t some fantasy world. He kidnapped us. I’m going to climb that waterfall. And you’re going to distract him if he wakes up.”
With that, Dick dunked himself under the water and started swimming towards the base of the waterfall. Up close, the roar of the water was louder, but it was not a particularly large waterfall, only about twelve feet up. The rocks that made the wall were at a convenient slant. The only issue was that they were mossy and slick.
Dick pulled himself up onto the first rock, shivering as the air hit his wet body. Still, he continued climbing. A couple of times, his foot slipped, but he was nearly to the top.
Suddenly, he heard Tim yell, “Wolfie, no!”
Dick turned around and saw Wolfie leap from the shore into the water, completely clearing Tim’s head. Dick gritted his teeth and climbed a little faster.
Just as he was about to reach the top, Dick looked back down and saw Wolfie at the base of the waterfall. His front legs were on the bottom rock, but he made no attempt to climb. He just watched Dick with those sad golden eyes.
Dick had to turn away. Finally, with quite some effort, Dick made it to the top of the waterfall. He was very disappointed to find just more forest all around him. For a second, he considered running away, but he thought about Tim – the city boy who could not cook, ate nothing but chips, and was an all-around mess of a human being – and he could not bear to.
With a sigh, Dick turned around again, standing at the top of the waterfall, looking down at Tim. He gave the boy a little wave. Wolfie gave a whimper and a howl, patting the rock he was hanging onto. Dick understood that Wolfie wanted him to climb back down.
Dick gave a tiny smile and shook his head. “Watch this!” he called. He back up a few steps, took a running start, and leapt off the edge.
He did a total of two flips before hitting the water perfectly. It was quite exhilarating. Dick did not get a chance to enjoy the moment because he was suddenly being propelled toward the surface, his body being pushed by the nose of an extra-large canine.
Dick laughed as he broke the surface, allowing Wolfie to swim him back to the shore.
“Dick!” Tim said, splashing over. “Are you okay? I thought you were going to break your neck doing that!”
“I was on the dive team in high school, Timbo,” Dick said, sitting up. “I’m fine.”
“Well, I didn’t know that! It was scary, but also kind of cool.”
Wolfie obviously did not agree. He nudged Dick further onto the shore with rough flicks of his nose. When Dick was a good distance from the water, Wolfie started sniffing and licking him all over.
“W-Wolfie! That’s- That’s completely unnecessary,” Dick said. “I’m fine!”
Wolfie ignored him and continued with his sniffing and licking, occasionally letting whines from his throat. Finally, Dick succumbed to the mother hen treatment, just lying there and allowing Wolfie to turn him this way and that, checking for the tiniest of scratches.
When Wolfie was at last satisfied, he let his head drop down by Dick’s body, his eyes boring into Dick’s, sad and vulnerable.
“Look, you made upset him,” Tim chided. “He thought you were going to get hurt.”
Dick sighed and gave Wolfie a wry smile. “Sorry about that,” he said, patting Wolfie’s head. “I’ll tell you next time.”
Wolfie moved his head from side to side.
Dick raised his eyebrows. It was the first actual response he had gotten from Wolfie.
“I won’t do it at all next time?” he said slowly.
Wolfie huffed and moved his snout onto Dick’s legs, demanding more pets.
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It was the full moon, the first one since Tim or Dick had been taken.
In the middle of the night, Dick was nudged awake.
“Stop it, Timmy,” Dick grumbled, pulling the covers closer.
“No, Dick, get up. I want to show you something.”
“’m sleeping.”
“Please, Dickie. You’ll like it.”
Finally, after some more grumbling and insistence, Dick opened his eyes. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the scant bits of moonlight that filtered into the cave and to register the face hovering above his.
It was not Tim.
Dick blinked several times to make sure he was not dreaming. He turned his head to the side and realized that Tim was still asleep in the bed next to him, cocooned tightly in his blankets.
“Who are you?” Dick asked. He slowly sat up, looking around the cave. Wolfie was nowhere to be seen.
The strange man grinned took Dick’s hand. “I want to show you something,” he repeated.
“Huh?” Dick, still not fully awake, stumbled to his feet, tugged along by the man. “Wait, who are you? Where’s- Where’s Wolfie?”
It was bizarre for Dick to be exiting the cave without Wolfie trotting behind him or Tim chattering loudly by his side. The moon was large and bright above them, lighting the way.
It was then that Dick noticed that the man was also completely naked, running barefoot through the forest.
“Hurry up, Dickie!” the man would occasionally turn and say.
“How do you know my name?” Dick asked, though none of his questions were ever answered.
Dick felt like they had been running for miles by the time they stopped. Dick had no idea where they were, nor did he have any idea who was leading him. Perhaps it was just a very realistic dream.
“Look,” the man said, pointing in front of them. Dick gasped softly when he saw the cabin. It looked like a rich person’s vacation cabin, three stories tall and very large. “Do you… like it?” the man asked.
Dick looked at him. “I don’t- I don’t understand,” he said. “Who are you? What is this place?”
“Home,” the man said with a smile. He stepped closer. “Home, Dickie.”
Dick got a good look at the man. He was a bit taller than Dick, with black hair and blue eyes and a deliciously sharp jawline. The rest of his body, which Dick may or may not have been admiring to distract himself from the burning of his lungs, was just as attractive.
“Is this your house?” Dick asked.
“Mine, yours, Timmy’s, ours,” the man said. “I want to show you the inside.”
“I don’t- what?” Dick asked, having no choice but to follow the man.
The inside of the cabin was gorgeous as well. The rich, dark wood gave the cabin a warm feel to it, and it was comfortably furnished as well. But the man ignored all of that in favor of pulling Dick up the stairs.
He pulled Dick into the first room on the second floor.
“What’s this?” Dick asked, looking around. It looked like a typical master bedroom.
“It’s our bedroom,” the man said proudly.
“…I’m sorry, did you say our?”
The man nodded.
“I don’t get it,” Dick said helplessly. “Can you please just tell me who you are?”
The man’s smile faded a little. “I’m your mate.”
“I’ll take care of you and make sure you’re safe and happy,” the man said. He stepped forward, pulling Dick closer by slipping an arm around Dick’s waist. If Dick were not beyond confused by his situation, he would not have minded so much.
“I don’t even know you!” Dick said.
The man leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of Dick’s jaw. “You know me,” he whispered in Dick’s ear. “I’ve taken care of you and Timmy.”
Just like that, it clicked, though it made no sense either. “You’re- You’re Wolfie?”
“Jason,” the man said. “My name’s Jason.” The kisses trailed to Dick’s cheek, edging closer to his lips. “I’m a werewolf.”
“Werewolf… like- like vampires and werewolves,” Dick said, unable to wrap his head around it.
Jason pulled back, his expression puzzled. “N…o? Just werewolf. I don’t know any vampires. They usually congregate in the South.”
“Oh! How convenient,” Dick said as a hysterical giggle bubbled up his throat. “I was kidnapped by a werewolf who now thinks I’m his mate.”
Jason stepped back this time, his face contorted in a frown. “I didn’t kidnap you,” he said, his voice low. “You called me.”
“What?! That’s ridiculous!” Dick said. “Why- Why would I call you?”
“I don’t know,” Jason snapped. “You sat at your window every time for two weeks, calling to me! You told me to take you away.”
“I would never do that!” Dick said, a chill running through him.
Jason looked hurt. His arms crossed in front of him, defensive. “You did, though.”
“No, I didn’t,” Dick insisted. “I had a good life, and I didn’t need someone to ‘take me away’ from it. All you did was ruin my life by kidnapping me!”
Jason recoiled, stepping backwards again. “You don’t want to be my mate?” he asked.
“Fine.” Jason turned and started walking away.
“Where the hell are you going?” Dick demanded. “You’re just going to leave me here?”
“You can have this place,” Jason growled. “I don’t need it anymore now that I don’t have a mate.” He stormed down the stairs, heading for the front door. “I’m going back to Tim.”
“He’s just a kid!” Dick shouted. “Even if you didn’t kidnap me, you certainly took him!”
Jason jerked the door open and turned for a second. “I did not! He found me! He followed me! He threatened to tell authorities where I was hiding if I didn’t take him in!”
“What?” Dick asked. “But- But why did he lie then?”
Jason just gave him one more withering glare before slamming the door behind him. Dick ran to the window, and all he saw was the flash of a large wolf’s tail before the dark forest was all that surrounded him.
That night, Dick tried to sleep, but he could not, tossing and turning on the couch. The next night, it got worse. Dick could not even find a comfortable position to lie still in. The third night, Dick spent pacing, exhausted but unable to rest.
Something just felt wrong. He just felt distinctly uncomfortable everywhere, despite it not being physical. Dick felt like he was going crazy.
On the fourth day, Dick crawled into the bed on the second floor master bedroom and sobbed for an hour straight before falling asleep. He slept through the night for the first time. But the next night, he kept waking up. By the end of the week, Dick could not sleep at all again.
He had taken to sitting by the window, staring forlornly out into the forest. Dick had no idea what was bothering him so much, nor did he know what he was searching for.
At the start of the second week, Dick propped the window open, his head resting on the windowsill as he stared into the forest.
“I miss you,” he whispered to the silent trees. “I’m lonely. Please come back.”
Not even the breeze answered.
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Dick felt warmer than he had all week. The warmth was surrounding him completely, and Dick reached out for more, his hands grabbing fistfuls of the warmth and pulled himself closer.
Then the warmth moved, curling tighter around Dick. It made him inexplicably happy.
Dick’s eyes snapped open to find that he was pressed against a very furry mass. There was a large paw curled around his waist as well, keeping him close.
Dick pushed himself up as much as he could. “Wolfie?” he whispered, recognizing the dozing wolf. He also recognized the cave he had spent much of the past month in. On his other side, Tim was sprawled on his chest, starfish style.
Dick smiled, unable to help the flood of relief that ran through him. He was back, like the past week was just some terrible nightmare.
He lay back down, snuggling even closer and fell asleep again.
The second that morning broke, Dick was shoved awake by Tim.
“Where the hell were you?!” he demanded.
“You disappeared in the middle of the night, and Wolfie was worried sick! And he was depressed without you here. And I missed you too, you idiot!”
Dick sat up only to be hugged tightly by Tim. He patted Tim’s back and looked around the cave, his eyes lingering on Wolfie, who was sitting by the entrance, his tail flopped over his eyes.
“How… How did I get back here?” Dick asked.
“Wolfie brought you back,” Tim said. “He’s just been moping around the cave all day and night, and then last night, he just perked up and took off into the forest. When he came back, you were asleep on his back.”
“Oh,” Dick said, looking back at Wolfie. He extracted himself from Tim and hesitantly walked over there. “Hey,” he said, sitting down next to the wolf’s head. Dick took Wolfie’s tail away. “I’m sorry I worried you. I don’t… I don’t know if you can understand all of what I’m saying when you’re… um, in this form, but thank you. For coming back for me.
“I don’t really know what going on, but I just know I missed you a lot. Timmy too, but…” Dick trailed off, looking into Wolfie’s golden eyes. “Do you know what I’m saying?”
Wolfie stared at him. Then, he raised his head and licked Dick’s cheek.
“Okay,” Dick said. “I guess I’ll talk to you more when you… I don’t know, change back or something?”
He got another lick.
“Alright then,” Dick said with a small smile. He sat down and leaned against Wolfie’s side, finally feeling at peace.
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