#it felt nice to write for something that's not an english class essay
ilovewanda · 7 days
i really liked the drabble you made about Professor Maximoff. would you be willing to write a one-shot about her and us? -🦈
ms. maximoff
ps: i think college and uni are the same thing… incase anyone calls it something else!
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wanda has always known that she wanted to be a professor. she loved all of her professors in college, and she wanted to do the same thing that they did. so she did exactly that. she graduated college, best in her class with a major in english. she found a job at a very well known school with an excellent english program. everything went great for her. until y/n walked into her classroom for the first time.
y/n was a second year in college. also known as a sophomore. she was 19 years old with an intense passion for english. on the first day of class she made sure to be the first student to class so that she could find a good seat. y/n never had many friends in college. she loved to stay home and read or write instead of going out to parties.
wanda quickly noticed that y/n did not have many friends. the other students ignored her, and simply acted as if she wasn’t there. wanda thought this was insane. y/n is the most gorgeous person that wanda has ever seen. wanda believed that y/n’s beauty was truly out of this world.
y/n and wanda went through the first few weeks without ever speaking. they both stared at each other all class long, but nothing was ever said. until one day, right before christmas break, wanda said to y/n “hey y/n! i loved your essay about christmas. it was amazing just like all of your other writing. however, i saw that you said you are alone for christmas, is that true?”
y/n sighed as she looked down and nodded. this broke wanda’s heart. y/n softly says “my family and i aren’t on the best terms right now and they told me to just stay here so they don’t have to pay for my plane ticket… and i don’t really have friends.”
wanda frowns, and before she can even think about what she was saying, “come to my house on christmas! i don’t have any family either and we can have a nice dinner together, so that neither of us are alone!”. the two sit in silence for a moment before y/n nods her head with a smile on her face.
that was when it all changed. y/n went to wanda’s house on christmas, and they had a great evening, until wanda got out her expensive wine. both of them had too many drinks, and before they knew it, they were making out and y/n was on wanda’s lap. this was the first night that they had sex.
due to the alcohol, and how loved y/n felt, she called wanda “mommy” before she even processed it in her head. they both froze for a moment in shock, until wanda moans and proceeds what she was doing.
from this point on, wanda was y/n’s mommy, and y/n was wanda’s baby. the couple continued to fall deeper into these roles. y/n was always wanda’s baby, unless she was stressed. when y/n would get stressed over schoolwork, she would not want to be babied.
this upset wanda, so she knew what she had to do. stop y/n from receiving any homework from her class. at first y/n was surprised, but then she realized how much more free time she had without so much homework. y/n became much happier as the months went by, and when the end of the year came around, wanda sat y/n down to have a serious conversation.
“i think that you should stay with me this summer. i don’t want you to go home to your family with everything that is going on right now. i want you to stay with mommy, okay sweetheart?” y/n nods, and before she can stay anything, wanda continues.
“i also think that you shouldn’t go to college anymore. i make enough money to provide for the both of us, and you are so much happier when you don’t have any homework to do! you could even come to class with me and be my unofficial assistant if you want!”
y/n thinks for a moment. what if wanda breaks up with her? then she will have no degree and no career. “y/n i know what you’re thinking. i promise that i will take care of you forever, baby. i’m never leaving you.” y/n smiles and says “okay, mommy. i trust you.
y/n and wanda spent their summer spending every single moment together. they went to the beach, the pool, and even to a water park. once summer was over, wanda had to go back to work. y/n claimed that when wanda went back to work she would be fine and she wouldn’t get lonely when she was at home alone during the day.
a week after the first day of school, wanda comes home to see y/n crying. “my angel, what’s wrong?” wanda says as she picks y/n up and hugs her tightly. “i missed you so much mommy please don’t leave me again!” y/n said in between sobs. wanda frowns and pinky promises y/n that she can go to work with her from now on.
from this point on, wanda spent every class that she taught for the rest of her life, with y/n smiling in her lap with her favorite stuffed animal in her hands. the students were all very nice to y/n and the couple truly lived their happily ever after.
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smila-mac · 5 months
“pick me up here. at 6.”
- ponyboy x fem!reader
- fluff <3
-3rd person POV-
You made your way out of school, you were exhausted and your sister wasn’t picking you up today - you had to get the bus. There wasn’t anything wrong with it but none of your friends got the bus and you were too embarrassed to ask for a ride, your house wasn’t bad or anything, it just wasn’t as big as theirs. It was silly, but still you just got the bus.
You sat at the window seat, pretty far back and out of the way and waited for the bus to leave. People filed on slowly and you hoped no one sat next to you. Then someone did. You kept your head down and hoped they didn’t start conversation, you’d had a rough day. Just general stress, plus your mum was in a bad mood when you left that morning, and then you’d gotten a test back that you didn’t do well on. So overall - not a good day
You pretended to fix your skirt, then a voice caught your attention, “Y/N?” he said. It was Ponyboy. He was sitting next to you. You had english together and you were to work on an essay about something, you hoped he remembered, you weren’t paying attention.
“hi ponyboy,” you responded, he was really cute and sweet, honestly you had a hallway crush on him for years but you never had the courage to speak to him, you felt lucky when yous were paired up for english.
“i didn’t know you got the bus” he said while looking around.
“yeah my sister couldn’t pick me up today” you sighed
“well for the best, now we can talk about the project!” he said excitedly
“yes, do you know what it’s about? i wasn’t paying attention and dont want to make you do it all” you muttered, you felt really bad for not listening
“yeah well basically we need to analyse this passage,” he pulled out a peice of paper from his bag “then write an essay on it, about your opinions and what an opposing opinion could be and stuff” he said then showed you his notebook with all of his notes from class
“when and where do you want to meet to do it? i can do everyday but thursday” you smiled
“how about friday? we could meet at the DX and.. maybe, after, grab milkshakes at the dingo?” he looked down kinda embarrassed, he was blushing a little as well
“the DX? doesn’t your brother work there? oh he’s a doll, you look very alike” you giggled as you sat back on your seat, his face lit up as you said that
after a while of talking and laughing, it was your stop “oh pony, i need to get off now” you said rather frantically, you were about to miss your stop. You quickly shoved on your bag and Pony started walking down with you
“oh do you get off here?” you asked, you didn’t know he lived round here
“no, but i need to know where to pick you up” he smiled back at you
you giggled as you crossed the road and started walking towards your block.
“so, this is a real pretty neighbourhood” he gawked at the houses. you didn’t think the houses were that nice they were pretty standard, but he seemed really amazed by the houses
“oh, thank you! i’ve lived here all my life, my dad bought it when my second oldest sister was born” you told him
“it’s really beautiful,” he said to you, you smiled softly at him, he really was cute, you couldn’t deny it and he was kind. god your friends would never hear the end of this, never.
“take a photo, it’ll last longer” he laughed, you didn’t realise you had been staring, you looked down awkwardly and laughed a little
“what are we doing on friday then? just going to the DX then going straight to the dingo or are we going to a park or..?” you asked
“i don’t mind, whatever you want darlin’” he looked at you with a smirk, you shoved him lightly, he knew what he was doing. he grabbed your hand and interlocked your fingers with his.
you approached your house slowly and you let go of his hand.
“well i need to go now, do you know how to get home alright from here?” you asked
“yeah my brother is gonna pick me up from the bus stop, down worry about me gorgeous” he said to you and grinned
“well, pick me up here. at 6.” you said as you made your way up onto your porch, you turned around to look at him one more time before he went home
“bye darlin’” he said, before you made your way into the house you shouted for him to be safe on his way home.
Your day wasn’t that bad after all.
hey so my first thing i’ve published like this, i’ve got like two more in my drafts with johnny and dallas, request stuff if you want or if yous want to ALSO please give criticism!! i want to know what i can do better
~~ smila
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manias-wordcount · 2 years
BOTW Link x reader where he takes her on a motorcycle/bike ride? (Did I get it right?)
Giving Into the Breeze (BOTW! Link x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘁 𝗼𝗺𝗴 𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗸𝗲𝘆 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗵𝗶𝗺. 𝗮𝗻𝘆𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗶 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗵𝗲 :)
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
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It wasn’t supposed to turn into much. It was just the sort of thing that happened. 
  Behind you, there was a house party in full swing. Loud music and dancing, dulled only by the walls that separated you from the action. People socializing and people drinking. Having a good time. Maybe even having a great time. But it wasn’t your scene. Not tonight, at least. But you’re lucky- because tonight, you didn’t have to step inside those doors and let a little loose to have a good time. Nor did you have to sit outside allow and with your shoulders lax and your head to the stars. 
  You just needed to be here. Sitting on the porch. With a boy you know from English class.
  Link, despite being quiet, made for great company. You were the one who joined him on the ground with a matching can of soda in your hand. He flashed you that same smile and nod he would give you whenever you sat down next to him, and he went back to watching the trees sway in the middle-of-autumn breeze. Your eyes follow his, and for the longest time, you watch the tree too. You watch how they sway, and sway, and sway, and sway, and sway, and sway, and-
  “Hey, what grade did get on the last assignment?”
  And suddenly, your eyes are no longer on the trees. They’re looking into bright blue oceans as you debate if the third essay you both had to turn in was harder than the second essay. And he shakes his head, blonde hair framing his face as he promises to you that this past essay was way easier than you thought it was. But you can’t help but lightly push his shoulder as you explain how lower page counts don’t always make things easier to write- just easier to grade. He meets your action with a playful shove of his own and the barrier between the two of you is forever cracked because of some stupid argument you couldn’t care less about. Yet somehow, you manage to break it further with just a simple sentence: 
  “I like your jacket.” 
  It was all that you had said when your laughter had died down, and his chuckles have gone quiet. Because truthfully, you did. You did like his jacket. His plain white t-shirt and blue jeans didn’t do much to help him stand out. Not like his eyes and piercing did, anyways. But while you had always noticed it in class, it registered in your mind how nice his jacket was. It was only when you felt a fine quality, dark-colored leather beneath your fingertips as you were pushing his shoulder, did you realize that he carried this jacket absolutely everywhere you saw him. In class. On campus. Off-campus. And now, here.
  But just as you think you’ve killed the conversation by randomly throwing out a compliment that was not at all related to what the two of you were bonding over just mere seconds ago, the corners of his lip tug upwards.
  “Thanks,” It’s what he starts with, and the word just rolls off of his tongue with ease like absolutely everything he’s ever said to you. His eyes flicker down at his jacket as if he knows something that you don’t before meeting yours once more. “It’s for my bike.”
  “Your bike?” You couldn’t help but echo, your eyebrows knitting together before the realization comes rushing toward you like a truck on the freeway. “Wait, do you ride a motorcycle?!”
  The laughter he gives you is all the evidence you need as confirmation. It’s also all you needed to grow warm in the face and to turn away from him as your embarrassment grows. But he doesn’t allow you the time to regret every decision you’ve ever made in life that leads you to this moment- especially the decision to sit outside on the porch with him. No, because he’s too busy moving in your peripheral vision and demanding your attention in that silent way you always knew he could. You’re turning your eyes back towards him as he stands to his full height, and by the time he’s placing his empty can where he once stood as he dusts off his pants, your head is facing his figure once more. 
  “Yeah, I ride a motorcycle.” He tells you, a surprisingly gentle look in his eyes as he looks down at your still seated form. His smile has gone softer than the breeze that sweeps over your arms, giving you a chill. At least, that’s what you want to say caused the shiver that ran down your spine instead of the growing intensity of his gaze. But you have a feeling he knows otherwise. And it may have something to do with the way his eyes flicked up and down your body once more before licking his lips and asking the question you swear will be the reason why your life changed forever. “ You wanna see? ”
  And it’s not because taking his extended hand and letting him lead you to where his bike was had fueled some love for motorcycles that you never knew you had in you. And it’s not because on the walk to the bottom of the driveway where he was parked allowed you both the time to figure out who you both knew that somehow brought you to this party. But it was when “ You wanna see?”  transformed into “ You can sit on it if you want”  as the walls began to break. And finally…
  “How about I take you for a ride?”  As the barrier shatters into thousands of pieces. 
  But right now, you’re not thinking about barriers. You’re not thinking about walls. Your mind is on the upcoming essay for your English class and house parties that just aren’t your scene. It’s not on the almost-finished soda can sitting right next to Link’s on the porch. Just like it’s not on the trees either. But it is on the breeze. 
  The breeze that tangles its fingers in your hair as it flows freely through the wind, sending it in every direction. The breeze tries to tug at your lips, making your smiles grow wider as your eyes fight to stay open. The breeze pulls your clothes, your body, your  everything  backward, causing you to wrap your arms tighter around his torso. The breeze that feels so intense- more intense than anything you’ve ever felt in your life.  Better  than anything you’ve ever felt in your life. 
  Because it’s the same breeze that carries his laughter to you as you hold him as close as you can, just like he told you to do. Because where you’re going has no walls and no barriers. Because where you’re going has Link by your side, every second of the way. 
  And perhaps that's what makes it feel so damn free.
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popcornpoppypop · 2 years
Let's Play Hooky
Eddie Munson x female OC (fluff)
Summary: Beth Chapman is the quiet bookworm that all the teachers sit the class clowns next to in a futile attempt to keep them quiet. Eddie will never sit still in class. When Beth's day turns to shit, Eddie's determined to get her to loosen up just a little.
Author's Note: This is the first time I've written in a while, and I am a very sleepy person, so apologies for any mistakes grammatically. I would love some constructive criticism! Be gentle! This one ended being a little long, but it felt weird to break it up.
Rating: PG
Warnings: some swearing, one fight scene, bullying, mention of character death (not Eddie), discussion of satanism
Word Count: 9,264
Beth had a few pet peeves, but one that particularly bothered her was when people would lean back in their chairs and balance on the two back legs. She would start to sweat looking at them. It would drive her nuts. It just made her fidget in her seat and want to steam, just a tad. It was something she could mostly deal with as most people didn’t do it on a daily basis. Exempt one person. Eddie Munson. He happened to sit next to her in English class. Every day he would lean back and toddle on those two back legs. Every. Day. She could ignore the snarky comments to the teacher, the clicking his pen nonstop, the doodling on the desk top, but not him swaying on those two stupid back legs. 
“Mr.Roberts, I just think Hemingway is an overrated, alcoholic brute and we shouldn’t have to listen to what he had to say anymore.” Eddie shouted from next to her. 
“Good thing that it is not your decision what is on my syllabus then, Mr.Munson. Alright class, take the next thirty minutes to continue work on your essays for next week.” Mr. Roberts went to sit behind his desk. Eddie groaned and started doodling on his notebook. 
“Hey,” He whispered at an alarming decibel for someone attempting to be quiet. 
“Hey!” He said again and threw a piece of paper at Beth. 
“What?” Beth hissed, turning to him. Eddie flashed his wicked grin at her and it made her blood boil. 
“You finish your essay yet?”
“I finished three days ago.” She turned back to her paper. 
“What the hell are you working on then?”
“I am starting the essay for History.” 
“There’s an essay for History!?!” Eddie shouted, everyone turned in his direction. 
“Keep it quiet.” Mr. Roberts said without putting down the paper he was reading. 
“Yes, about the Greek myths.” Beth said. 
“Aw shit. I guess I can pull something out of my ass for that one. Which one did you choose?” 
“ Medusa, now shut up and do some work.”
“Damn, thats a good one. Ugly chick with snakes for hair, killing people with her stare. Nice.” Eddie laughed. Beth couldn’t stop the rage from rising. 
“She was not ugly. She was beautiful, she was considered one of the most beautiful mortals in fact. That was until a man came along and couldn’t take no for an answer in the temple of Athena and she was the one punished. Doomed to a life of suffering and loneliness. Will you please stop doing that with your chair!” Beth growled. Eddie looked at her shocked for a moment before letting his chair fall forward so all legs were on the ground. Beth was the quiet girl. Teachers often set the rowdy kids next to her in an attempt to get them to behave. She mostly ignored them and they, her. But Eddie would never leave her alone. He kept trying to get her to talk to him during class, trying to goad her into his little games. She tried to ignore him. He was one of the few people who would actually talk to her in school, there wasn’t anything particularly offensive about him. At least not to her. Some people said he was a satanist and trying to start a cult with his little DnD group. Beth knew better. He was just his own person and that made people uneasy. 
“You feeling alright today Liz?” Eddie asked. 
“I’m just fine. I…I hate when people do that with their chairs, it makes my skin crawl for some reason.” She mumbled and went back to writing. 
“Oh. I’ll stop then. You coulda just let me know, if it bothered you so much I wouldn’t kept doing it.” Eddie sighed and went back to his drawing. 
“You just seemed like the guy who would laugh and do it anyway.” She shrugged. 
“Naw. I’m not like these assholes. Well, I try not to be at least. How much to get you to write my history essay for me?” Eddie switched the subject.
“More than you can afford.” Beth snorted. 
“Aw come on! Help a guy out. I’m trying to graduate, finally.” 
“Then ‘try’ writing your own essay.” 
“Damn Liz, you are a tough cookie.” Eddie laughed. Beth shook her head, but couldn’t help the smile that snuck its way to the corners of her mouth. 
“What should I do my History essay on? Throw me a bone!” Eddie begged, his hands clapped together and his eyes pleading. 
“I don’t know. Think of it yourself! Mrs.West taught us at least ten myths this semester. Pick one.” Beth shook her head and went back to writing. She connected to Medusa, she was an outcast for reasons outside her control too. She felt comfort in knowing that others have been dealing with similar trials and tribulations for centuries. She wished she could find her way through the pages and paintings and just hold Medusa’s hand for a moment. Let her know she was not a monster. She wasn’t a monster at all. 
“Like I paid attention to anything West said this year.” Eddie snorted. 
“Try Orpheus and Eurydice. He plays a lyre, close enough to a guitar. Maybe you can pay attention to that.” Beth shrugged.
“Oh yeah, I think I remember that one. It’s like a love story, right? He’s all charming and wins her over with a song and shit but she dies and he has to go get her. Yeah, I can make that work.” Eddie nodded and started scribbling words onto his paper. Beth was grateful for the peace at last. Eddie always had a habit of talking to Beth for the entirety of the class even when she told him to shut the hell up. He seemed to find her getting flustered with him particularly funny. 
The bell rang and everyone shuffled to get their bags packed. The noise of papers being shoved to the bottom of bags never to be seen again filled the room. Beth still had her nose to her work, scribbling down her thoughts before they flew right out of her head. She always said she would forget her head if it weren’t attached, which is why you could always find her with a notebook and pen in hand. She wrote every good idea or important bit of information down the second she heard it. 
“Liz the bell rang.” Eddie said throwing his papers into his bag by just grabbing them in a fist and shoving them in like they were trash in a can, which they mostly were to him.  Beth kept scribbling, not outright ignoring him, just focused. 
“Lizzy, come on, it's lunch.” He hummed. She kept writing, her tongue stuck out just a bit from between her lips as she chewed down on it, a bad habit she always displayed when focused.  Eddie sighed and poked her side. 
“Hey!” Beth jumped. Eddie laughed a bit, but quickly stopped when he noticed how angry she actually was. 
“The bell rang, it's lunch.” Eddie said as he leaned on his desk. Beth looked around at the now empty room, Mr. Roberts had left too. She nodded to Eddie and packed her things. Eddie was always the one who stayed behind and reminded her class had ended when she would get into her zone. She just would get so excited about the world she was creating or the argument she was debating in her writings that she had no idea of the world around her and didn’t care to really. When the year started Eddie would sit with her and wait to see if she noticed everyone leave. He quickly realized she would stay like that until they shut the lights off at the end of the day if he didn’t shake her back to reality. 
“You like writing more than anyone I’ve ever met.” Eddie laughed as he walked past her towards the door. 
“I��m good at it, it keeps me occupied.” Beth shrugged as she hauled her bag onto her shoulder and followed behind. 
“I bet you’d be a great dungeon master.” Eddie smiled down at her. “Excuse me?” Beth looked up at him confused and horrified. 
“Oh shit! No, not like that.” Eddie said, waving his hands up in surrender and laughing so hard he started to tear up. 
“Munson, I would be very careful if I was you.” Beth scolded. 
“I meant like D&D. The roleplaying game?”
“Oh your little club thing. I don’t really think it’s my thing.” Beth looked to her feet. She had secretly wanted to play for a long time, she had once when she visited her cousin with her sister one summer. They all had a blast and said they would try and start a group when they got back. They never did. 
“Well, if you ever want to, you can come by and play with us. I bet you’d be great, kick ass and take names. You’d take over from me in no time.” Eddie laughed. 
“Unlike you, I have a lot of work to get done before graduation and would rather do that than pretend I’m some king ruling over a bunch of freshman.” Beth said. 
“Oh ouch! Lizzy, your words hurt sometimes, ya know? But I accept your apology.” Eddie smiled. 
“I didn’t apologize?” Beth looked at him confused. 
“But you were about to by getting me a coke from the vending machine and saying you’ll come join us this Friday for Hellfire.” Eddie winked at her. 
“In your dreams Munson.”
“Oh you don’t want to know what goes on in my dreams Lizzy.” Eddie said, leaning down closer to her. Beth felt her breath catch in her throat. Eddie could see her pupils dilate and he smirked. 
“You’ve got problems, Munson.” Beth cleared her throat and marched towards the lunch line. 
“Yeah, maybe. But you think that’s interesting, I can tell. You got problems too, we’re not so different Lizzy.” He whispered in her ear. She gave him a shove. 
“Stop calling me Lizzy.” She growled. Eddie gave her a wicked smile. He liked how he could get under her skin just enough that she wasn’t actually upset with him. 
“I’ll stop when you stop calling me by my last name.” He said. Beth looked up at him and rolled her eyes. She grabbed her tray and started grabbing her lunch. She accidentally tripped over the girl in front of her and quickly apologized. 
“It’s fin- Oh.” The girl looked at her and her expression fell flat and she quickly scampered away. Beth just sighed and kept going. 
“Hey, forget them. One day we’ll be outta here and none of these idiots will matter.” Eddie said. Beth knew he was right. She would leave this stupid town the seconds that diploma was in her hand. But it didn’t stop the sting every time someone gave her that look.
“I know.” She gave a strained smile as she grabbed a can of coke and put it on her tray and grabbed a second one and handed it to Eddie. 
“That’s $1.35.” The lunch lady informed her at the register. 
“His too.” Beth said as she handed the women a five dollar bill. 
“Hey, Liz, you don’t need to do that.” Eddie protested.
“Shut  up Munson.” Beth said as she pocketed the change and walked away. She went to her usual spot in the corner where no one bothered her and started to read her book as she ate. Eddie watched her from across the cafeteria, he never really understood why she elected to eat alone every day. He always invited her over, but she refused. He didn’t push it, figured she had her reasons and if she wanted him to know she would tell him. Part of him wanted to still barge over and crack a joke, to see her smile. He always wanted to make her smile, it felt like he was doing something right finally when he would get her to smile. 
“Earth to Eddie!” Dustin waved his hand in front of him. Eddie snapped back to the conversation. 
“Keep waving that hand in my face Henderson and it won’t be attached much longer.” Eddie said, smacking him away. 
“I was saying that my mom offered to make snacks for Hellfire if you wanted.” Dustin said with a big grin on his face. 
“Uh…sure. Whatever.” Eddie nodded. “Hey, Beth Chapman used to hang around with your sister, didn’t she Wheeler?” Eddie asked. Mike looked up, mouth full of mashed potatoes, surprised to be called out directly. 
“Um…yeah. They used to hang out. Why?” Mike asked as some potatoes spilled from his lips onto his shirt, cursing  he grabbed a napkin to clean it up. 
“Why don’t they anymore? Like she’s always alone, what’s up with that?” Eddie said, cracking his coke open and sipping.  Dustin and Mike gave each other a somber look. “What? What was that look for?” Eddie asked his mild curiosity now turning into anxiety to know this seemingly morbid information. 
“It’s just…I thought everyone knew.” Mike sighed, trying to get more comfortable in his chair, as if that would make telling his story easier. 
“Like two years ago her and her sister were out at the water tower one night and they were drinking, maybe some other stuff I don’t know for sure. But her sister…she thought she could maybe…fly. Story goes she tried to stop her, but couldn’t and…well it was a closed casket for her funeral. There was a rumor a while back that she maybe pushed her sister or that she had some super power and convinced her just by whispering in her ear. All bullshit. But she kinda cut herself off from everyone. People turned into real assholes about it, Nancy tried to help her but she just locked herself away.” Mike sighed as he played with the peas on his tray. 
“Shit…” Eddie sighed leaning back. He wasn’t surprised he hadn’t heard the rumor, he didn’t hang out with anyone who would have talked about it.  It pissed him off that people could even think that Beth would be capable of something like that. As far as he was concerned she was the best person he knew. 
“Yeah, she used to babysit me when I was in middle school. Really cool chick, she gave me my first copy of the Lord of the Rings! She would read it to me and do the voices. But she stopped coming over. I remember a couple months after her sister died I ran into her at the store and I tried to get her to come over for dinner, she always said she liked my mom’s cooking. She might’ve just been trying to be nice now that I think about it. But she snapped and started screaming at me about how annoying I was and how useless and shit. Right there in front of the poptarts. Haven’t really spoken since.” Dustin shrugged. 
“That doesn’t sound like her.” Eddie looked at him concerned. 
“It wasn’t. I know now that she didn’t actually mean it. Or not fully at the least. I don’t think she’ll ever be like how she used to be.” Dustin shook his head as he ate his food. 
Beth just wanted to get through every day without incident. It was the best she could hope for at this point. Most of the time she got her wish. She would go home and up to her room to finish her homework or read and be left to her own devices. That was the way she wanted it. She sat in her last class of the day thinking about the new book that lay on her desk at home when the bell rang. She quickly gathered her things and made her way toward the doors. 
“Liz! Lizzy!” She heard her name called over the chatter of kids filing out of school. She turned to see Eddie jumping over everyone’s head to get her attention. She sighed and stood to the side so he could catch up.  Kids passing by giving her side glances. 
“What do you want, Munson? I already told you I won’t do your homework for you.”She said. 
“Oh I know. You never want to do my homework. I gave up that dream months ago.” He smiled as he caught up to her slightly out of breath. “I wanted to ask if you wanted to go see a movie later.” He smiled
“What?” Beth looked confused. Eddie had asked her to hang out a handful of times outside of school, but it was mostly about his club or to do his homework. She never took him up on it and it was never more than that. 
“Yeah, I was going to sneak into see The Highlander and was wondering if you wanted to come with.” He said leaning in close to her. Beth’s mouth suddenly felt a bit dry, but her hands were sweaty. She wiped them on her jeans and tried to gather her thoughts. 
“I…um, I can’t. I have to finish my biology homework.” She mumbled looking to the ground. Eddie sighed and let his head fall
“Well, I’ll see you around I guess. Hellfire is on Friday, you should come. I know the boys would love you to come. They should meet a girl.” Eddie flashed a smile and walked off. Beth stood there for a moment, her books clutched tightly to her chest. He smelled like cigarettes, leather, sweat and fresh cut lumber. She felt a shiver run up her spine, she shook it off and headed home.
She walked in the door, kicking her shoes off and padding into the kitchen to grab a snack. She was startled by the sound of a glass being set on the counter. She turned to see her mother sitting at the counter. 
“Mom, you scared me.” Beth laughed. 
“Your father is having his supervisor over for dinner Friday. It would be for the best if you found something else to do rather than sit in the room.” Her mother sipped at her drink. Beth simply nodded. She made her way to her room and collapsed on the bed. Her parents had treated her differently since her sister died. They blamed her and she knew it. They never outright said it, but she didn’t need them to. She blamed herself most of the time. 
She spent most of the night reading until she fell asleep. She spent most nights that way. She would go downstairs suffer through a silent meal and retreat to safety. Her room was her oasis. A true escape from all the bad shit that went on in her world. She didn’t need anyone else to keep her company in her room. She was fine with being alone now. 
Friday morning rolled around and she rushed around the kitchen, grabbing a poptart and running out the door to grab the bus. She sat on the bus alone, finishing up some edits on her homework when she heard some whispers and felt eyes on her. Normally she would ignore it, but her gut told her not to. She looked up to see two of the cheerleaders in uniform looking at her and scowling. People weren’t so obvious with their disdain for her. She shook it off and kept writing until a shiver went up her spine. All the hair on her arms stood on end and all color left her face. She looked at her watch and noted the date that reflected back. The bus came to a stop and she was up before anyone else and pushing the door open before the driver could fully open them. 
Beth ran past all the students spilling from the buses and cars onto the front lawn. She ran past the teachers attempting to keep everyone in line. She felt so dumb for not keeping track. She felt a hideous guilt eating at her insides, she should have known what today was. She heard the whispers and saw the looks. She just needed to get to the bathroom, no one would bother her there. She wasn’t paying attention when she collided head first into Eddie. 
“Whoa! Where’s the fire Lizzy?” Eddie laughed. His smile faded as he took in the Beth that stood before him. She was pale and shaky and her eyes looked like she had seen a ghost. 
“Careful Munson or she might make you fly right off the roof!” One of the students cackled. Eddie grabbed them by the collar and threw them up against the locker. 
“You shut your stupid mouth before I do it for you.” He growled before pushing the kid away. He grabbed Beth’s hand. 
“Come with me Lizzy.” He started to lead her away before she yanked her hand from him. 
“Don’t call me that!!” She screamed. The hallway fell silent, everyone looking at her. She felt her heart racing, her hands sweaty. The tears threatened to spill. Eddie just nodded and reached for her hand again. 
“Okay, I won’t say it again. Just come with me Beth.” He said starting to walk away with her. He led her to the football field and past the bleachers into the backwoods. There was a picnic table and nothing else. He sat her down and took his jacket off and sat across from her. 
“No one comes back here. You’re safe, I promise.” He said. The mischief that usually laced his voice was gone, replaced with a sincerity Beth hadn’t ever really heard from him. 
“I’m sorry I yelled at you.” She sighed looking at her feet in the leaves. 
“It’s okay. Sometimes I need a good scream to get something through my thick skull.” He said. It made Beth smile. Eddie smiled back. 
“I didn’t realize what today was. I thought…I should have.” Beth shook her head. 
“What’s today?” Eddie leaned forward onto his forearms on the table. Beth tried to breathe for a moment. 
“Sally…my sister, she…died two years ago today.” Beth sighed. Eddie squeezed his eyes shut and sighed. He was suddenly realizing how dumb he had been all week. 
“I’m sorry.” He said. 
“She…she was the only person that called me Lizzy. Until you.” Beth wiped the tears from her cheeks. 
“Shit. I’m sorry Beth, I didn’t know. I won’t do it again.” Eddie racked a hand through his hair. 
“Honestly, it didn't bother me. Just today, but it was more the reminder that I had forgotten than anything. I can’t believe I forgot.” Beth shook her head. 
“Maybe you were just trying to save yourself from the pain of it all. It’s not your fault Beth. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Eddie put his hand toward her, not expecting anything of her. 
“The rumors are wrong, you know? I didn’t push her. I don’t have magic powers of persuasion, I don’t work for the devil.” Beth said feeling the anger for her town bubbling inside her. 
“I know.” Eddie said. 
“I tried to stop her. I tried. She took acid, fucking acid! Mom and Dad pushed her so hard all the time to be perfect. They wanted her to go to Harvard so badly and she was so desperate to be the little girl in their dreams when all she wanted was to be an artist. She wanted to be a painter. She started drinking when she was 16, was good at hiding it at first. But the harder they pushed the worse it got. I got home and saw her on the floor, she looked like she was in a coma. I was trying to get her to the hospital, I didn’t know what else to do! She ran off, I tried to get to her before she got to the ladder. I couldn’t climb fast enough. I screamed as loud as I could, trying to get her to snap out of it. But I got to the top just to watch her jump. I should have saved her, I shouldn’t have taken her out of the house.” Beth sobbed. Eddie got up and ran to sit next to her, pulling her to his chest. 
“You were trying to help. You didn’t do anything wrong. You shouldn’t have been in that situation.” Eddie did his best to soothe her. 
“She deserved a better sister.” Beth's throat was raw, she felt like she could throw up.
“You tried to help her, that’s better than most people. You don’t need to blame yourself.” Eddie sighed. Beth clung onto him like he was the only thing keeping her afloat. They sat like that for what felt like an hour before Beth could finally breathe like normal again. She lifted her head and looked up at Eddie who looked as though he had been crying too. His shirt covered in tear stains and crumbled from where she had clutched onto him. 
“You look like shit.”She said. Eddie laughed.
“We can start a club then.” He chuckled, Beth laughed. She straightened herself up a little and started to get up. 
“Whoa, where are you going?” Eddie stopped her. Beth looked at him confused. 
“What do you mean? I already missed most of first period, I have to get ready for the next class.”
“Not today. Today you are playing hooky. Those assholes don’t deserve your brilliance today or ever, but especially today.” Eddie said, getting up and adjusting his jacket. 
“Eddie, no. I can’t miss a whole day.”
“How many days have you missed this year?” He asked. Beth sighed and rolled her eyes. 
“So you can miss one today. I’m taking you out. Wherever you want. I’m your guide to fun today. We can go to the arcade, the movies, egg Principle Matthews house. Anything.” He smiled, putting out his hand for her. Beth sighed looking at her feet as she mulled over his offer. She looked up at him smiling and decided he was right. She could miss one day. She grabbed his hand and he helped her up with a giddy grin.
“Okay. But no egging anyone’s house.” Beth said. Eddie stood on the bench, one foot perched on the tabletop, one hand on his chest the other in the air as if he was in court. 
“I swear that there will be no egging until you give the word.” Eddie smiled. 
“Why do I feel like I’m going to regret this?” Beth shook her head. Eddie jumped down and grabbed her hand, helping her up and pulling her behind him as he started for the school parking lot. 
“Come on, it won't be that bad!” Eddie laughed. 
“Where are you taking me, Munson!?” Beth yelled as she did her best to catch up. 
“To the ends of the earth!” 
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“You know what, that sounded cooler in my head. It’s just the arcade.” Eddie said as he opened the passenger door to his van and helped Beth in. He jumped in and revved the engine. 
“Let’s have some fun!” He cackled as he sped out of the parking lot. 
The bell over the door rang as Beth and Eddie walked in. Eddie took in a deep breath, reveling in the smells of the arcade. Beth did not follow suit, there was a tinge of sweat in the air and she’d rather not experience it any further than she had to. 
“Oh yeah. This is great. No one is ever here this time of day, perfect.” Eddie smiled as he went up to the machine to exchange his dollars for coins. He fished the coins from the machine and gestured for Beth to hold out her hand, she lifted her hands up and he dumped a pile of the metallic tokens into them.
“Now what?” Beth looked up at him like deer in headlights. Eddie looked at her like she had grown a second head. 
“What the hell do you mean ‘now what’?” He asked, his voice getting high pitched. 
“I don’t know! I’ve never been to an arcade before.” Beth shrugged. Eddie’s mouth fell open and he stared at her for a moment. 
“Okay. Right. Come with me.” He grabbed her hand leading her across the arcade. Beth liked how the metal of his rings and chain bracelet felt on her warm skin. 
“This,” Eddie stopped in front of one of the many games and gestured to it’s blue exterior, “Is pacman. It is like the most basic game outside of pong. Everyone has played it, well everyone except you apparently.” Eddie sighed. 
“So what do I do?” 
“You eat the dots and avoid the ghosts unless you eat the fruit then you eat the ghosts.”
“That’s it?”
“Yeah. But it gets harder over time.” Eddie leaned down to put a coin in the machine, the back of his shirt rode up and a sliver of skin showed. Beth felt her cheeks flush and cursed herself for acting like an idiot teenager. She was in fact eighteen and qualified as an idiot teenager, but she rarely liked to acknowledge that fact. 
Eddie pulled her up to the machine and put her right hand on the joystick and her other on the buttons. 
“The stick moves the little guy around and this button uses powerups.” Eddie said. He stood with his chest pressed into Beth’s back, he was taller than her and it felt like he could envelop her entirely if he chose. Beth wouldn’t entirely mind if he did. He kept his hands on top of hers, they were rough and calloused but she didn’t mind. 
“Okay, it’s just like a maze, just don’t touch the ghosts.” He said, his lips next to her ear as he rested his chin on her shoulder. The screen lit up with the small yellow character at the ready for his meal of pixelated morsels. Eddie pressed the start button and he started moving the joystick and trying to avoid the ghosts chasing after them. Beth tried to pay attention, but as the ghosts got closer, Eddie’s breath quickened and she did her best to try and not have goosebumps. 
“Come on, you little yellow asshole!” Eddie growled as the ghosts got closer. 
“Go left!” Beth shouted, moving the stick left and getting them on the path towards a floating grape. 
“Yes!” Eddie yelled as they got to it just in time. The ghosts started blinking white and they chased after them, gobbling up three before the power up faded and the chase started over. 
“You little shits!” Eddie hissed as they got closer. 
“No, right! They’re gonna get us!” Beth yelled as the ghosts gained on them. Eddie was smashing all the buttons and trying to get away, but the ghosts were faster.
“No!” Beth yelled as pacman spiraled to his death. Eddie laughed as he grabbed Beth’s hand and led her to a different machine. 
“This one we can play against each other. Here, this controls your characters movement, this button punches and this one kicks. The big red one is for special moves.” He said as he put the coin in. Two boxers popped on the screen. 
“Move around for a second, I won't start yet.” Eddie smiled at her. Beth sighed and started trying all the buttons. This was not her thing at all, but he was trying so hard to make her happy that she was going to do it until he didn’t want to. 
“Okay, I think I can kick your ass now.” Beth giggled. 
“Oh! Oh shit! You sure about that?” Eddie laughed. 
“Bring it Munson!” Beth slammed the punch button landing a swift jab to Eddie’s character. 
“You asked for it!” He leaned over the controls, his tongue sticking out as he concentrated. They hit and kicked each other, pixelated blood flying everywhere, until one character hit the ground. 
“No way.” Eddie shook his head in disbelief. 
“Yes!” Beth jumped up and down, hands in the air.
“ I can’t believe you beat me! You cheated, you had to!” Eddie said, hands on his hips. 
“Just raw natural talent.” Beth smirked, feeling proud of herself. Eddie nodded and ran a hand through his hair. 
“Hey, aren’t you kids supposed to be in school?” The attendant came over. Beth looked up at Eddie with wide eyes. She had never skipped school and the idea of being caught by anyone suddenly made her terrified. 
“So what?” Eddie looked the man up and down. 
“Out.” the man pointed to the door. 
“Of course,  we were just heading out. So sorry to disturb.” Beth muttered nervously as she grabbed Eddie by the arm and started for the door. 
“What!? No! We can be here, what is this idiot gonna do?” Eddie threw his hands up giving the man two middle fingers. 
“Eddie! Come on!” Beth dragged him out to his van. 
“What’s the matter?” Eddie asked, Beth was sweaty and out of breath. 
“He’s gonna call the cops! Eddie!”
“Haha, yeah right.” He rolled his eyes crossing his arms. He looked at Beth and realized she was actually quite upset. 
“Oh shit. No, Beth, look no one is calling the cops. I do this all the time, they don’t actually care that much. I promise you aren’t getting in trouble.” Eddie said, putting his hands on her shoulders. 
“Okay…okay.I’ve never done this before.” Beth sighed. 
“I know. I won’t steer you wrong.” Eddie smiled. “How about food? You aren’t like a vegetarian or anything weird right?” He asked. Beth shook her head as she hopped in the car. Eddie hit gas and off they went. 
“You don’t need to do this Eddie. I’m okay, really.” Beth looked over at him, his long hair flying behind him as the wind from the open window rushed in. 
“I don’t have to do anything. I want to spend the day with you when you feel like shit and try to help. If you don’t want to hang out anymore I can drop you off at home.” He said, he looked over to her, a hint of sadness in his eye. 
“No, I don’t want to go home. My parents told me in no uncertain words not to be around today anyway. I don’t have anywhere else to go.” Beth looked at her feet. 
“Who wants to hang out with their parents anyway? Fuck them.” Eddie said as he pulled into the diner parking lot. 
The waitress didn’t blink an eye at the two high schoolers clearing skipping school, just seated them at a booth. 
“I don’t have to walk you through how to order at a diner do I?” Eddie looked up at Beth. 
“No, smartass. I have been to a diner before.” Beth shot him a killer look. 
“Well, you hadn’t been to an arcade before. I thought maybe you were like those Amish dudes or something.” Eddie smiled.
“What can I get you?” The waitress asked, popping her gum and looking less than amused to be working. 
“Burger and fries with a coke, please.” Eddie flashed her a thin-lipped smile and handed her his menu.
“BLT and water for me, thank you.” Beth smiled and the waitress left. 
“Can I ask you something?” Eddie set his elbow on the table to prop up his head. 
“Um…I suppose so.” Beth felt her hands get sweaty. 
“How come you never put up a fight about me calling you Lizzy?” Eddie leaned forward some. Beth took a deep breath and thought for a minute. 
“I guess because when you said it, it felt okay. I don’t know. When Sally called me Lizzy it felt correct that she did. When anyone else did it felt wrong, like nails on a chalkboard. But when you did, it felt…natural.” She shrugged. 
“You look more like a Lizzy than a Beth to me.” 
“Sally said that too. She said Beths were boring and I was too cool to be a Beth.” She smiled to herself. 
“It’s true! You are too cool for Beth.” 
“She would have liked you. I think you two would have gotten along. She was kind of a freak too.”
“I’m a freak!? How dare you!” Eddie mocked offense. 
“You know what I mean! She liked weird music and made weird paintings and read weird books. She’s the one that made me read IT one summer. I never read anything she suggested again. She wanted to move to New York and live with the avant garde artists and paint all day and party all night.” Beth sighed. 
“She sounds very cool.” Eddie smiled. 
“You never talk about your family.” Beth noted. Eddie shifted in his seat and exhaled through his nose. 
“I live with my uncle. He’s pretty cool. He took me in when I was like…nine I think? My mom left my dad when I was like an infant. Picked up and ran one night. Not that I blame her, he was a real piece of shit. Uncle Wayne came by one night saw the state of things and in no uncertain terms told my dear old dad to go fuck himself and took me. He raises his ugly head every once in a while, but I can handle him now.” Eddie said, fiddling with his rings. 
“I’m sorry Eddie.” 
“Eh, it’s fine. Everyone’s got something to deal with.” He shrugged. The waitress brought their plates and drinks over to them and rushed back over to her magazine. They were the only ones in the place, it was nice. 
“So what do you want to do after this?” Eddie said through a big bite of his burger. 
“Oh. I don’t know. Whatever you want is fine.” Beth smiled. Eddie rolled his eyes and flung his head back, his usual dramatics. 
“No! Not how today works, Lizzy! This is all about you! Okay, what would your perfect day be? You have the whole day off, everyone is at work or school so no people around, no lines or anything. What do you want to do?” He said munching on a french fry. 
“Well, I guess there is one thing,”
“Yes! Alright! Okay, what is it?” Eddie sat forward in his seat, practically jumping up and down. Beth thought he looked a bit like an over excited toddler. 
“Sally used to take me to this antique store across town. They sell furniture and stuff, but they have a collection of books too. She would take me on Thursdays once a month and buy me a new book. We always went the Thursday before her payday, she said if she used the money before her check it was like she never spent the money.” Beth laughed at the memory. 
“Alright, never been to an antique store before. That’s what you want, that’s what you get.” Eddie smiled. 
“Can I ask you something?” Beth wiped her hands with a napkin. Eddie nodded as he shoved food into his mouth. 
“Why…why are you doing all this for me? I guess, I just don’t get it. I mean we’re friendly but we don’t hang out or anything. I just thought you were nice to me because I was the only one who would throw you an answer every once in a while.” Beth said. Eddie could see her shrinking herself down before his very eyes. He watched as every word she said about herself made her sink lower. He hated it, he hated how this ridiculous town could make a person do that to themselves. He was guilty of it too, from time to time.
“Lizzy, I think you’re the coolest person in this decrepit town. You are the smartest person here, you always have the most interesting things to say in class. I couldn’t give a shit what Mr. Roberts thinks about The Great Gatsby, I want to know what you think about it. I actually started liking English class because of you. You made it cool, there was more to it with you.” Eddie smiled at her and Beth could have melted into a puddle right there in that poorly lit diner. 
“I-I don’t know about the smartest. I think Nancy Wheeler might have me beat.” Beth looked at her plate as she pushed around her fries. 
“Nancy Wheeler doesn’t have shit on you. You are one of the best people I’ve met here. You are always looking out for the new kids and the quiet kids and the freaks. No one else does, just you. I see you,” Eddie reached forward and grabbed her hand, “even when you try your damn hardest to be invisible. I like who you are, I don’t care what you have to say about that either.” He looked her in the eyes, noticing how her dark eyes seemed to glow when she teared up. Beth felt her throat tighten and her eyes sting as Eddie’s words settled into her mind. She had never been spoken of quiet like that before. His hand was warm and his eyes soft. 
“I like who you are too.” Beth’s voice strained and cracked as she tried to not spill anymore tears. Eddie laughed, nodding his head. He would be so lucky to have a girl like her, he thought. He didn’t want to push it, they were so happy in this moment and that was a rare thing for him and, he assumed, her. 
“Come on, let’s get out of here.” Eddie said, throwing money on the table and sliding from the booth.  Beth stood up for a moment, her face was tight from tears. 
“I’ll meet you in the van, I’m just going to go to the restroom.” Beth said. 
“Don’t fall in.” Eddie grinned as he walked out to his van. Beth shook her head as she walked into the dimly lit bathroom. She turned the faucet on and splashed her face with water. She caught her reflection in the mirror and stared just a bit too long as she started pointing out the flaws she saw. 
“Stop it. Not now, not today.” She muttered to herself. She started to feel guilty again, she was having such a great time. She was actually enjoying herself and happy for once. Should she be doing this on such a day? 
“Okay look, you know I don’t believe in ghosts and spirits and shit. But if you’re watching this, if you’re okay with this, just tell me Sally.” Beth looked toward the ceiling for a moment. The bathroom was still and quiet. Beth sighed, shaking her head. 
“You could give me something, anything, it’s the least you could do.” She growled as she kicked the trash can. Suddenly the lights flickered for a moment. 
“Okay. So what does that mean? You’re okay with this? With him?” the lights flickered again. 
“Yeah, this was probably your plan all along, you asshole.” Beth snorted. The lights turned off completely. 
“Oh fuck you.” Beth laughed as she left the bathroom. She ran out the door and jumped in Eddie’s van.
“You good?” Eddie asked as he started up the van. 
“Yeah, just…had to get straightened up.” Beth smiled. Eddie looked at her for a second before shrugging and driving off. 
They parked the van out front of the shop, a big old fashioned wooden sign hung out front simply saying Antiques. They jumped out of the van and stood looking at the display windows. 
“It’s been years since I’ve been here.” Beth sighed. 
“So they sell old shit?”
“It’s nice old shit.” Beth laughed as they headed in. There was a woman at the counter who barely lifted her head when they walked in. There were old tables and chairs cluttering every inch of the store. Antique toys and picture frames sat upon end tables that could use more than a little TLC. 
“Who the fuck is paying four hundred dollars for a damn rocking chair!?” Eddie snorted looking at the little price tag tied to the arm of the old wooden rocking chair. 
“Lots of people, it’s not old it’s antique.” Beth said maneuvering her way through the store. 
“Bunch of idiots.” Eddie whispered to himself. 
“My sister liked looking at the jewelry. She would make up stories about who wore them and the grand parties they would go to.” Beth said. She made her way to the back of the store and found the shelves full of worn and well loved books. She knelt down on the floor as she made her way through the bottom shelves first. Eddie looked at all the weird knick knacks that were staring down at him. He felt very uncomfortable in this dusty old store. 
“Oh they have a copy of Little Women from 1934!” Beth gasped. 
“Whoa, that’s…I’m going to be honest it’s hard for me to get excited about that one.” Eddie said as he stared down a ceramic mime. Beth giggled  up at him. She grabbed the book and went to the register, Eddie following behind. 
“Forty for the book.” The woman coughed. 
“What!? You are going to pay forty dollars for a freaking book!?” Eddie shouted, completely flabbergasted by the whole transaction. 
“Yes. It’s leatherbound.” Beth scolded as she handed the money to the woman. 
“Your boyfriend ain’t too bright, is he?” The woman grumbled. 
“Hey, I’m plenty smart. I just can’t believe people would pay that much for a book they can get at the library for free.” Eddie waggled his finger at the lady. Beth just looked at him with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. 
“What?” Eddie looked at her confused. Beth smiled and shook her head, grabbing the book from the lady with a quick thank you and dragged Eddie out of the store before he started arguing about tables. They got into the van, Beth’s cheeks were cherry red. 
“You do realize what she called you right?” Beth said, looking up at him. Eddie looked at her confused for a moment before understanding what had truly just happened. 
“Oh, well, yeah. I guess I didn’t think anything of it. But if that freaks you out..”
“No, it’s okay. Just caught me off guard, I was surprised it didn’t catch you too.” 
“Well, maybe I didn’t mind it.” He said squeezing the steering wheel tight. 
“Maybe I didn’t mind it either.” Beth smiled. Eddie’s head snapped to look at her, trying to find any ounce of her joking or making fun of him. He found none, just her beautiful eyes staring up at him. 
“You stay here, I’m just going to go grab something from the grocery next door.”Beth said as she jumped out of the van and made her way into the store. She walked down the candy aisle, staring at the brightly colored packaging. Her face felt warm still. She grabbed her sweets, a couple of glass bottles of soda and headed to the register. 
“Got a sweet tooth, huh?” The cashier commented. 
“Something like that.” Beth shrugged. 
“This stuff will rot the teeth out of your head. $5.27.” 
“Here, thank you.” Beth handed the money to the cashier and took the bag from them bounding out the door. She saw Eddie air drumming to some song in his van, his hair flying wildly around him. How a boy like that wanted to hang out with a girl like her would always be a mystery to her. 
“You’re Beth Chapman right?” A man came around the corner towards her. 
“Um…yes.” Beth said as she quickened the pace towards the van. 
“I thought so, I remember your face in the paper. Well, your face next to your sister’s.” He said, grabbing her arm and pulling her to face him.
“Please let me go.” Beth pleaded, the man’s grip tightened. 
“We were in the same class. She was a good girl. Sweet, she was my lab partner for three years.” “Please, don’t do this.”
“She should be here still, you know that!? How are you walking around here free, buying candy, while she’s in the ground!?” The man screamed in her face.
“Please!” Beth begged. He grabbed her face and forced her to look him in the eye, his nails digging into her cheeks. 
“You are going to Hell! You deserve to go to Hell!” He screamed, spit hitting Beth’s face. She felt droplets of blood roll down her face from his nails digging into her skin. He drew back his hand and slammed it across her face, Sending Beth to the ground. She whimpered, her hand coming up to cover her sore face, already starting to swell from the force. 
Eddie was drumming on his steering wheel to DIO as he waited for Beth to finish up. He wondered if he could somehow get her into his music. It was probably a long shot. He sighed looking around, his eyes landing on a man grabbing Beth by the hair and pulling her up from the ground where she lay. 
“Oh fuck!” He jumped out of the van and ran over. 
“You disgusting Satanist!” The man yelled as he started to bring his hand down, but was caught by another. 
“You lay another fucking hand on her and I’m keeping the hand.” Eddie growled. The man’s eyes grew wide, but he only became more enraged. He threw his whole body into Eddie's, sending them flying backwards. 
“Stop!” Beth yelled. The man threw punch after punch, Eddie’s face getting redder and redder. Eddie managed to knee the man in his crotch and throw him off him. Eddie clammered to his feet and the man wobbled up and towards him. 
“Fuck off dude!” Eddie yelled, pushing the man away from him and landing a punch to the jaw. 
“Oh my God! Are you okay?” A woman came rushing out of the store to where Beth laid on the ground still. Beth shook her head, pointing to the men fighting. 
“Oh! I’ll be right back.” The woman ran off into the store. Eddie kept trying to push the man from him, throwing punches that half landed. Beth was sure he had some kind of brain injury. 
“Please Stop!” Beth managed to get to her feet heading towards them, the woman grabbed her arm to stop her. 
“Don’t get in that, sweetie.” She told her. 
“Hey! Hey! What the Hell is all this!” The Chief of police came running over and pulled the men apart. 
“This FREAK! He attacked me!” The man growled. 
“Hey! I only stopped you from beating up on Lizzy! You started this shit!” Eddie yelled, starting towards the man again before Chief Hopper pushed the boy back against the hood of a car. 
“Settle down!” Hopper scolded. He turned to the man, looked over at Beth and back to the man, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Did you do that to that girl?” Hopper asked, a quiet rage emanating from him. 
“I don’t hit girls.”
“Fucking liar! I saw you!” Eddie yelled. Hopper pushed him back, shooting him an annoyed look. 
“How did that girl get covered in blood and bruises then?”
“How the hell should I know?”
“So if I go ask her, she won’t say it was you?”Hopper got close to the man, towering over him. 
“I don’t beat girls. She isn’t a girl though, she’s a criminal, a devil worshiper!” the man growled. Hopper sighed and grabbed the man’s arms and cuffed him. 
“You just got yourself a ticket to county.” Hopper said, dragging the man towards his car. 
“You should be arresting her! She’s a murderer! A devil worshiper!” They screamed as Hopper slammed the door in his face. 
Beth ran over to Eddie as he sat on the hood of some strangers car, spitting blood onto the sidewalk. 
“Oh my god, oh my god! Eddie!” She held his face in his hands examining the damage done. 
“It’s not as bad as it looks.” He smirked, blood covered his teeth and dripped from his mouth. 
“Well, it looks pretty bad.” Beth sighed. Eddie brought his hands up to her face and turned it to look at the marks the man left on her. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, wiping some blood from her eye. Beth laughed and shook her head. 
“I’ll live. You need to go to the hospital.” She sighed. 
“She's the right kid. You two need to go get looked at, make sure your heads are alright.” Hopper said, sauntering over. 
“Yeah, maybe.” Eddie shrugged. 
“If you two get to the hospital to get checked out, I won’t say anything about you skipping to anyone.” Hopper offered. 
“What a reasonable agreement, right Eddie?” Beth gave him a hard stare. Eddie rolled his eyes and sighed. 
“Yes. So reasonable.” Eddie winced as he stood, he started for the van.
“Whoa. You’re not driving, kid. Neither of you.” Hopper stopped him. 
“How exactly are we getting to the hospital then?”Eddie grumbled. 
“I’ll drive them, Hop. You just swing by and pick me up. Everybody wins.” The brown haired woman gave a warm smile. 
“You think you can handle my van?” Eddie cocked his eyebrow.
“Sweetie, I have done much harder things than drive a damn van. Get in.” She shook her head. Eddie thought for a second but tossed her the keys despite hating the idea. Beth helped Eddie into the car and slid in next to him. 
“I’m Joyce by the way.” 
“I know, Mrs.Byers. It’s nice to see you again and thank you.” Beth smiled. 
“Of course. Remind me your name again? Between all the customers and Will and Jonathan I can hardly keep track of anyone these days.” She smiled. 
“It’s fine. Beth Chapman. Jonathan and I are in photography together. He’s really good. Much better than I am, but I just needed the elective.” Beth shrugged. 
“He’s had a camera in his hand since I can remember.” Joyce laughed. “And what’s your name hun?” 
“Eddie. Munson.” Eddie croaked out leaning back against the seat. 
“You do this kind of stuff often. I can tell.” Joyce sighed. 
“People like to pick on the freaks.” Eddie sighed. 
“Well, despite the stupidity, what you did was very brave.” Joyce told him. 
“I usually run, don’t know what came over me.” Eddie looked over to Beth who looked down at the floorboards. The drive to the hospital was thankfully a short one. They thanked Joyce and hobbled into the ER. 
“I’m sorry this is how your day of fun turned out.” Eddie sighed, sitting in the waiting room’s uncomfortable chair.
“It’s not your fault. Anyway, before all the blood it was a pretty perfect day.” Beth smiled as she finished her paperwork. Eddie looked over at her, a smile spreading across his face. 
“Yeah? Maybe we can do it again.” He said signing his papers. 
“Yeah, maybe we can.” Beth grabbed his clipboard and brought both up to the nurses desk. 
“I’ll tell you what, if you don’t have some kind of terrible brain injury, we can go egg principal Mathews' house and then you can take me to the movies.”Beth sat next to him. 
“Are…are you serious?” He asked, looking up at her in shock.
“Absolutely. BUt only if you promise to let me put Reese's pieces in the popcorn.”
“Whatever you want. Anything.” He laughed. 
“Munson!” A nurse shouted. Eddie leaned over kissing Beth on the cheek, winking and limping away. Beth’s face grew red and warm. She liked it. 
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icynderbolt · 26 days
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Why my theme is what it is:
I chose "Re:vealed" to reflect the psychological stand point of art and how, though it is beautiful, has a reason for its creation. Art is a from of expression. Painting, writing, singing, dance, music composition, and its sub-categories are its different languages. Laid bare and naked, displayed for the public eye, inabitions, hopes, dreams and insecurities allow all kinds of noses to peer into the soul of a fellow human. The "vealed" play on words was meant as a tribute to my gorey interests in disection, biology and true crime documentary.
How my writing changed or improved:
My writing this year had undergone a crazed metamorphosis filled with uncertainty, self-critisicm and mental breakdowns. I enetered grade 12 confident, my 93 in grade 11 English a badge of honour. It shone bright with achievement and Grade 12 Philosophy and Classical Civ only futher fueled my love for the craft. Flowery langauge and sophisticated synonyms were my forte. Now, I don't even know what my writing style is anymore. Though I do have weaknesses in my writing, Grade 12 English bruised more than my ego. It affected my anxiety and will to write. What was the point? I had to follow the writing style of a teacher I never had and who never taught me what they wanted. I tried to take what I could. I used their class as practise for univerity's hardships. But, when you have to write for a scholarship on the due day, finish an assignment for a writing class placed back-to-back to your morning's torture and study for an in class essay for said morning's torture, it becomes overwhelming. I recieved many complemets from peers and teachers for my writing, but I remian weary, thinking they only say those empty praises to be kind. Yet, Creative Writing has given me time to reflect. Writing was a way for me to express my personality. Creative Writing has helped that trait survive.
So, to summerize, my writing has been beaten, bloodied and exfoliated, but it’s in its training arc.
My most proud work of writing:
"Gaia's sorrow." A small, insignificant poem, but it garnered a lot of respect from my peers. It was one of our very first prompt assignments in class where paint swatches were handed to each table group. Each group was given a colour scheme at random and, under a time limit of 10 - 15 minutes, they had to come up with a poem collectively pieced together by each member. Our group, who was unfortunatelty seated in the "cursed corner" (eastablished by our teacher to be the corner where so many of her previous students continuously failed her courses) suffered in a panick. Art block graced us with its presence and we were oh so very screwed. We did not want to follow in the footsteps of our predecessors. Yet, as the timer tick-tocked closer to its end, a bomb ready to explode, we were still stuck. We scrambled to our notebooks, hopeful that whatever mumbo jumbo barfed itself onto our pages would turn into something nice- In the blink of an eye, it was time to present. Our entire class was finished their prompt. We hadn't even started. So, in 2 superhuman seconds, I collaborated our last minute random sentence ideas into a coherent poem and had finished right when it was our turn to present. Our poem was one of the class favourites. Since then, my close school friend, Ronald, would not stop asking me "what I was" and that, by the end of the semester, he would figure me out. I laughed so hard. It was the best compliment because, as an artist who hates her art every single time she stares at it, I felt my work was actually... good.
Though not much had been written and though it wasn't a long or intricate piece of literature (like my slam poem and short story), "Gaia's Sorrow" was the most sentimental and impactful piece to me. My most proud work of writing.
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My personal mark out of 100:
I don’t know whether to be humble or proud. When asked to complement myself, I shy away, thinking it’s an act of sinful pride. If I beat myself down for a quality that is truly admirable, I may come to believe those negatives as reality.
The mark I’d give my writing is not high. I like it (my writing), but it (my writing) needs improvement. I compare myself a lot to others and grades are the most common comparisons of both status and intelligence. I find my writing has undergone too much change in such a short time (to the point where I notice nothing but the flaws) so I cannot help but rate my summative an 80/100.
My writing is:
Too chaotic (as seen with my blog)
too many run-on sentences and allusions and bubbly words overtake credability and actual information.
Dull/lackluster (seen with my imagism poems)
The lines could have been strung together with more movement and grace to convey the images more beautifully, but they stand vague and rigid. They do not explaning the settings on an emiotion level. They state the obvious like a formal essay.
Too cut up. Fluidity was a case thrown out the window (seen with my slam poem)
Obvious and abrupt cut-offs. I tried to relay the different sides to depression (body dismorphia, the unknowingness of having depression, food disorders, suicidal thoughts, joyful exteriors, numbness, etc.) but they do not transfer into eachother well (AKA the sections do not flow together as one poem. Instead, when both read and performed, the poem clearly sounds cut up).
They have good synonyms and vocabulary, as well as good variety in length of sentences. But, in terms of style, I would take marks off if I was my own teacher.
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awjeezleapinglemurs · 7 months
My 59 year old mom and her friend went to their first drag show the other night and idk man it’s just making me really happy to hear about her joy of seeing it. She wanted to know what to expect and what she should wear and she said they had such a great time. It just makes me happy.
The first time I ever went and saw a drag show was my freshmen year of college. We were assigned an essay to write in my freshmen English class and it had to be based on us doing something new that made us uncomfortable. Later that day I saw a flyer for a drag show hosted by the LGBT club on campus and at that point I didn’t know a thing about any of it. I knew one gay person. That was it.
So I decided that made me uncomfortable but I was curious and that was what I’d do my paper on. So I went and I sat in the very back with my little notepad to take notes and what started off as pretty uncomfy for me became *so much fun* when I felt everyone’s joy and was laughing and grinning. I think that was a bit turning point for me in everything.
When I went to write my paper over the next week I went to my teacher with the problem of: do I call them he or she in my paper??? I was completely baffled and she listened and nodded and said she didn’t know either but she bet if I emailed the LGBT club they would let me know. So I sent them an email explaining my assignment, how much fun I had had, and that I had no idea if they should be he or she in my paper.
And they sent me the nicest note back telling me if someone was in drag, the gender they dressed as is what they went by but if I was talking about them outside of drag, it was their preferred normal pronouns. All of it blew my mind, and I was very happy to have an answer for my paper.
I’m not really sure why I’m sharing this, but just. Thinking about that, and how I started (including stalking the LGBT club my sophomore year when I realized I may not be straight but being TERRIFED to be anywhere near the door so I hung out in the hallways around it and across trying to work up courage to go in for weeks lol) and then adding my mom just seeing her first drag show with her friend makes me really really happy. People grow and change and become shaped by kindness and laughter and curiosity among other things.
Never stop being nice y’all. Minds take a while to shape but it’s little steps along the way that get people to who they are today and tomorrow
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tabernaclehearts · 1 year
Heart Breeze 1
i can only hope that i get a fraction of what they have. blooming in the morning by spool, i listen to it in the car with my earbuds in. spotify stalking is so fun lol. good night station by yogee new waves.
this guy i met once is listening to film scores, and i think it was a nice day when we met. we got coffee at a "non-profit specialty coffee shop", and as much as i loved the atmosphere and the people there, they make a real shit coffee—no amount of milk or sweetener could save it. but we sat out on the patio after he offered to cover my coffee (i said no lol), and i remember looking at the shadows of the tree leaves on the table. sweetgum as always, and the sunspots washed over our heads in a wave-like fashion, still green from summer.
it's one of those things where i reach out over instagram dm's because i find a person interesting. he's a lover of film and a reader, so of course i had to see what he had in that mind palace of his. we talked for two hours on things like fragrances, good reads, the places we came from (he's an international student from china, and i had just recently come back to the states from korea), small things that brighten our days, and what makes a drink taste yummy. he swears by oat milk and i tell him that i can't stand it.
his accent is kinda thick so it's hard to understand him sometimes, but our facial expressions and hand movements make up for the gaps in communication. honestly, the accent hardly got in the way because we were already on the same wavelength regarding music genres (queue a long conversation on japanese shoegaze and jazz) and writing (i talk about my creative process and current project, and he writes notes in a small red notebook).
a cool little secret in the english department is that there's a "secret free library" that opens every semester, where professors toss out their old books onto shelves and english majors rummage through them like hungry mice. i had gone a day prior, pocketing seven books (the inferno, sputnik sweetheart, essays on camus) and the norton's double feature on shakespearean plays. i'm a greedy bitch, but a reader's a reader—of course i had to show it to him. and it felt kinda cool to be honest, running around campus with someone i had just met, gushing over ezra pound's cantos and the sfmoma's 2010 catalogue of "current exhibitions". familiar with the format, i picked up a book and sat on the sexy, glossy blue leather sofa as he stood in the same corner of the library for a half-hour, rooted to the floor as he observed the titles.
i love seeing people focused on the things they love. shit like that makes me feel fucking amazing and inspired. i end up meeting two people at the library who later become familiar faces in class, and i realize that i don't even know the name of the guy i brought to the library. i introduce him as the name on his instagram and he corrects me (nicely), by saying that he prefers going by (blank). lol oops. but yeah, that was really swag.
we leave the library after another two hours, and as we leave, he sighs with a smile and says, "that's so amazing, is it okay if i come back?" i almost feel like being mean and joking, "nooooo it's only for english majors," but the pure notion of asking for knowledge or asking for access to literature is something i can never decline, joke or no joke. i nod like a bobble-head. of fucking course, man. if anyone asks, just say you're in the department.
we hit another coffee shop (one that he recommends), and we take the long way there, trekking through the stream and commenting on the trees on campus. i point out a few plants: magnolia, lily of the valley, cherry blossom. i find us standing in front of blue bottle and i don't have the heart to say that i think their coffee sucks—he was too excited—and this time, i lose the battle and he pays for both drinks. i get a hojicha latte because the double-caffeine might kill me. he's beaming as he says it's payback for the books, gesturing at the literal stack of novels that sit on the countertop. lol, i let it slide even though i really didn't do anything special.
he says that he likes the recent music snippet i put on my story, meantime by fisherman ft. jiwoo, and recommends another band called fishmans, a japanese reggae dub group formed in the 1980's. whenever i listen to "daydream" and "long season", i thank him internally. we part ways, and that's the first (and last) time i officially hang out with him.
we see each other a few times on campus after that, we smile and wave. maybe have a thirty-second conversation just to catch up. i ask him how his girlfriend's doing. "good," he says. "how's angel dwellings?" to that, i say, "it's going slowly but smoothly." and we depart again. life is real cool like this, i think. to have a really satisfying, fun day with someone new, and to leave it as it is. whether it's a friendly hangout or a date, i think shit like this is so fun and i hope to do more stuff like this again.
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straycatboogie · 1 year
2023/02/17 English
BGM: Oasis - Married With Children
Today I worked late. It was a fine day so I thought what music suits the day like today. I tried to listen to Swing Out Sister's songs. It seemed that spring was certainly coming and my mind got excited in somewhere. I got nervous because something bad would happen... I thought that I wanted to read the rest part of Yoshikichi Furui's book but it didn't come into my mind, so I gave up and started Yoshio Kataoka's essay "Life of Words". This is how I spend the day of working late. Kataoka's writing was really interesting and I learned several funny things. Japanese language and society have unique facts or strange phenomenon... those are the things I sometimes can't find because I get used to the situation in Japan therefore forget to identify. I like thinking about languages so need to understand the real state of Japan with foreigner's eyes or senses like Kataoka.
If I got bored reading the book, I started the homework of the English conversation class. I did it with G. Love & Special Sauce's groovy music. I wrote about the memory that once I had been said "you're NICE MIDDLE (this means I'm a nice middle aged person)" on the internet. I forgot the time and enjoyed it. Although I wonder what I should write before I start writing, I just try to write with the movement of the "frixion pen" which I love to use. Then I certainly feel that various ideas flood from my mind more and more. Those ideas come up to the surface of my consciousness and start having their shape on a paper. I think that it must be the pleasure of "detox". I might have to do this kind of activity to "reset" my mind. I should do this as one of the activities of my daily life... or I should "find" the problem in my mind with writing like this.
I started working and entered the resting time. During work, I used my head very hardly so I couldn't think anything at the rest time. Listening to Mrs. Lauryn Hill, I just did "net surfing" with my smartphone. I read the interview with Kinichi Hagimoto, a Japanese legendary comedian, who is now enjoying his activity as a YouTuber. I learned that he had said "As my philosophy of the life, I never go against nature. Everything depends on luck". I felt that my eyes were opened exactly with that comment and thought following the nature can be a positive attitude of living life. Recently I felt the aging because my teeth chipped, so I should follow the fact of my aging I thought, I could never be younger than now anymore, so I have to accept the real and live toughly and neatly.
The comment that "everything depends on luck" has a really deep something. Me, the bad luck I had was the fact that I was born as an autistic person. But that autism becomes the reason why I could build the connection with the staff of my group home and also the members of the meeting. And also, the connection of the "danshu" meeting I met at the time I had wandered on the internet with drunken mind, and the connection with the members of the English conversation class through Shiso International Association work as the basis of my life. These facts tell me that I am basically a lucky person. I shouldn't seek for the things I can't touch (for example, a lot of money, status, meeting a beautiful woman, etc) but I commit the real things I can reach out. That products me a certain happiness... then, I am already happy since the time I can't see. Yes, it was like the story of Souseki Natsume's short story. I was already happy.
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hellfireclubmember · 2 years
Pretty Girl
a/n: Okay, I haven't written a legit fanfic in years so I'm so nervous publishing this. Any feedback would be appreciated. Also I was thinking of making a part 2, lmk if any one would like me to
warnings: none, just fluff, maybe annoying mutual pining. also probably a few mistakes. I didn't thoroughly proof read this
word count: 1.9k
summary: Dustin can't stop talking about the sub he got to fill in for Lucas, making Steve want to smash his head into a wall. That is, of course, until he sees you.
disclaimer: reader is 18 and a senior in high school
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Steve was losing his mind. He loved Dustin Henderson as if he were his little brother, but he might just strangle him at this very moment. First, he would not stop talking about Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson and now he won’t shut up about the substitute they had to bring into their little nerd club to play their little nerd game.
“… she’s just so cool! She had no idea how to play, Mike and I gave her a quick lesson before the session and then she goes and lands a crit hit on the most powerful dark wizard of all time!” Dustin was so impressed he couldn’t see that Steve wasn’t even really paying attention anymore, choosing to stack the new releases in alphabetical order instead. “She’s so pretty too” Dustin sighed “and nice.”
“Is Dustin still talking about that girl he forced to play Dungeons and Dragons?” In walked Robin from the back room. She sat down behind the counter. “Hasn’t stopped.” Were the first words Steve had said in the last twelve minutes.
“I did not force her!”
Dustin had found you sitting alone at the very back of the library whilst writing an essay for your English class. You were one of the maybe four students that were in there. Most of your peers excited for the basketball game that day after school. Dustin had realized he had seen you before and almost all the times he had seen you, you were alone. The boy figured asking you would be a win-win; this way you could maybe gain some more friends and he wouldn’t have to die. He rushed towards you, rambling about hellfire and getting his ass kicked by Eddie before he knew it you were agreeing to help. In all honesty, it wasn’t very easy for you to agree. Your stomach twisting at the thought of being in a room full of people you didn’t know but saying no to this boy somehow seemed worse; like killing a unicorn or something.
After agreeing, Mike and Dustin sat with you in the library and helped you create a character sheet, explaining the basics of DND in the short period of time before the session. You were never really expecting to have fun. In fact, you were fully expecting for your character to die immediately. When she didn’t you started to pay more attention. The excitement around you fueling your own. It was nice to be a part of something, surrounded by people that loved something so much made you feel warm and happy. You had never felt so at ease, comfortable doing something out of your comfort zone.
“Yeah? So, cornering (y/n) in the school library the way Steve does every female customer was the ethical thing to do?” Robin said.
“Dude! I don’t corner anyone.” Steve looked up indignantly from the VHS tapes at Robin.
Robin rolled her eyes and continued her scolding. “You know she was gonna say yes, she’s the nicest person I know. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say the word no.”
Steve was listening to them argue about whether Dustin dragged you to the nerd meeting or not when he heard the door to the video store open. His eyes landed on you walking through the door. The prettiest girl he’s ever seen walking into the fluorescent lit store. Lips parted as you tried catching your breath from the bike ride there. Steve felt like he forgot how to act like a human being, not even being able to execute his usual greeting or offer a charming smile. He watched you look around the store. Pretty eyes scanning until they landed on something behind Steve. You raised your hand to give a small wave. A wave he almost returned had Dustin not spoken up.
“(y/n). hey!” Dustin said as he walked over to the front of the register, right beside Steve. He had his eyes fixed on you, stare unwavering as you made your way toward Dustin and himself. Your eyes flicked over to Steve, acknowledging him with the cutest smile he had ever seen. Steve was never this awestruck by something as simple as a smile but he wished he could tattoo your smile to the inside of his eyelids so he could never forget it.
“Hi (y/n).” Robin was the next person to greet you.
“Hi Robin, I didn’t know you worked here.” He finally heard you speak and Steve never thought a voice could be so sweet.
“You know me, never one to brag.” A small giggle escaped your lips and if he thought your voice was sweet your laugh was like cotton candy; soft and pillowy. He couldn’t help but want to make you laugh for the rest of his life. Robin watched Steve look at you with the dumbest look she’s ever seen on his face, which is saying a lot. She genuinely had to bite back a laugh. “You know the hair, right?” Robin nodded her head towards Steve. That was his queue he had to get rid of the heart eyes and turn on the charm. You looked up at him which is when it finally clicked. He recognized you from his time at Hawkins High. Remembered you walking the halls alone with your head down most of the time. He never thought too much about you back then, which right now he regretted greatly, distracted with his douchebag friends and his relationship with Nancy to ever really notice most people.
“Yeah, I remember Steve.” You nodded your head. “Hello.” The hint of another smile on your lips. He so desperately had to hold himself back from hugging you. He wanted to be close to you, to hold you. Steve really didn’t understand what had gotten over him. Sure, he had liked girls before but being this whipped so immediately was definitely new to him.
“Hi, sweetheart.” He tried licking moisture back onto his lips, but his mouth was dry. He leaned back onto the counter and smiled. Trying his best to be as smooth as possible. He didn’t want to look at Robin or Dustin, mostly because that meant having to look away from you but also because he knew the look on their faces right now would be one of disgust.
The skin on your face started feeling incredibly warm. You had never spoken to Steve when he was in school, to be fair you hadn’t spoken to many people but speaking to King Steve seemed an impossible task. He was like art at the museums you liked to frequent, beautiful but untouchable.  
Dustin removed his gaze from Steve whilst shaking his head and placed it back on you. “What are you doing here?” He asked. Right, you came here for something. What was that something? The brief interaction with Steve was enough to make you slightly lightheaded. You started nipping at the inside of cheek, rummaging through your head.
“Oh, I accidentally took your DND notebook yesterday. It said return if found and then your address was inside, which by the way I think is an awful idea. There are weird people out there, Dustin. You have to be more careful.” Steve and Dustin making eye contact, both thinking about the irony of telling Dustin to be safe. You reached for his notebook inside your messenger bag. “When I got to your house your mom said you might be here.” You took a few steps, offering him his journal. Now close enough to be able to smell Steve’s cologne, your gaze drifted for a second up to his face and he was looking down at you. The second your eyes met, he smiled, making you look away abruptly. He was making you way more nervous than usual. Your hands were getting clammy, and your breath was a little shaky. Steve Harrington was so beautiful. You always knew this but you had never had the honor of being this close to him.
“Dude, this is like the second time you’ve saved my life!” Dustin grabbed the notebook with a wide smile. You let out a small laugh. This kid’s smile was infectious, no matter the situation, if Dustin smiled you smiled. Those are the rules.
“Trying my best.” You closed your bag whilst taking a few steps back. Trying to make some distance between you and Steve, hoping to any God he couldn’t see your shaky hands. “Right. I’ll just get going then.” As the words left your mouth Steve started to panic. He can’t just let you leave. He had only said two words to you. His brain going on over drive trying to think of ways to get you to stay even a little longer. He looked outside at your bike and then at the dark clouds in the sky. It was definitely going to start raining soon.
“Wait!” He said this a little louder than anticipated. He cleared his throat as you turned your head to look at him. He smiled softly as he looks at your eyes again. He thinks he could look at your eyes all day. “You just got here; you should hang around with us. It’s for sure going to start raining soon. I can’t let a pretty girl get caught riding her bike in the rain.” Dustin snickered and Steve elbowed his shoulder immediately to get him to shut up. The taller boy watched as your eyes widened slightly at the use of the word pretty. You were so cute it was driving him crazy.
“Yeah, dingus is right. You should stay, besides tonight’s movie night. You can join us at Steve’s house. We’re gonna pig out on junk and watch horror movies. Steve is going to drive us all home after, he’s our trusty chauffeur.” Steve looked at Robin as she spoke, and he swears he could’ve planted a kiss on her forehead right then and there. Robin looked at him for a second with a small smirk on her face.
You fiddled with the strap of your bag as you thought about it. It would really suck to be caught in the rain, besides this could be fun right? You said yes to DND and that was fun. Doing things you wouldn’t normally do seemed to be working for you so why stop now? Of course, this had nothing to do with the way your heart raced when Steve looked at you or the way you really wanted to be in his presence longer or how pink and shiny his lips looked or how you wondered what his hand would feel like holding your hand.
“I would really like that.” You smiled at Robin and then turned to look at Steve. “If that’s okay with all of you.” This was directed more at Steve than it was to Dustin. There was a moment of silence as Steve stared at your pretty face, a smile adorning his features making him look like a lovesick puppy. It was Dustin’s turn to elbow the idiot to his left. That was enough to break the trance.
“Of course it’s okay with us. Right Dustin?” He glared at the boy that just assaulted him.
Dustin nodded his head. “It’d be an honor to have you at our movie night, (y/n).” Steve reached over to pat his younger friend on the shoulder.
“It’s set then.” He said, more excited for it to reach closing time than he has ever been.
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bakubros-boo-thang · 3 years
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Summary: When you meet the little Megumi your maternal instincts kick in. He reminds you so much of the one you spend so many nights with. The fact that his adoptive father is a hot dork does make it more complicated though…
Gojo x F!reader, Toji x F!reader
Disclaimer: NSFW, Unprotected sex
Word-count: 8K
A/N: This fic was originally my plan for the 'Summer fix exchange event', but not only was it way too long, I had a lot off doubts about it. Now months later I still have all those doubts. I love the story, but even when I had someone help me with checking the grammar and pace I'm still not 100% sure about it. Also another reminder that I suck at writing smut. Still I have a obsession with kid Megumi and Gojo as a dad and I will always involve Toji, because it's... well it's Toji. I don't need a reason the involve him. I would love some feedback (I'm looking into English writing classes, since this isn't my first language), because I have so many ideas and I want to be able to execute them as I envisioned them. Thanks for reading this whole essay and I hope you can keep up with the 8K of word-vomit which is basically me living my dream ;)
‘’Megumi, be careful out there, please! I know that Gojo lets you climb on these things, but It would be unfortunate if something happened to you.’’ You were still confused about how you ended up in this situation. You were just a part-time teacher at his school, but when you first met the angry-looking first-grader, you could feel your maternal instincts kick in. You would join him at the playgrounds after school had finished, and when ‘Gojo sensei’ - the man that had adopted him - was late again, he would end up at your place for dinner. It was far from appropriate, but the little boy slowly took a seat in your heart, and all you wanted to do was be there for him. The only thing you knew was what Gojo had told you. He had lost his mother at an even younger age, and his father couldn’t handle raising him. It all sounded complicated, so you couldn’t imagine what it must have been like for the boy. You took one look at the message that had appeared on your phone: ‘I’m later than usual today Y/n.’ It was at least nice of Gojo to text you this time.
He knew how you felt about Megumi. That’s why he trusted you with him. Gojo might’ve seemed like a pretty selfish guy - attractive, but full of himself; still, he tried everything he could to make Megumi’s life a bit better. You could see it in the way he would bring Megumi to school (always late or in a rush), make sure he had something to eat (mostly food bought from an overly expensive coffee shop on the way), and even show up at parent-teacher conferences (which have recently turned into a speed dating scene). You didn’t know much about his job, but he was often away on business trips and such, and during those times Megumi would stay at your place. Again, you did not share this with colleagues because no one would understand how much you cared about the little boy. He reminded you of someone…
The buzzing of your phone got you out of your thoughts again. ‘ I am sorry, Y/n, it’s going to be an all-nighter. Can Megumi stay with you?’ As if you would ever say no. ‘That’s fine.’ you texted back. It was Friday, so the least you could do is watch a movie with him, so he had something to tell his classmates about when the weekend was over.
However, you doubted he would even say anything to his classmates about it. Megumi didn't talk about his life much and what he did outside of school since he seemed to not have any friends, but that was not because of his classmates; he just did not care about them. When you had just met him, you were surprised he took a liking to you. He wasn’t overly affectionate or anything, but he would always ask how you were. He would often show the tricks he practiced at the playground to you. ‘’Miss L/N, look at this. Divine dog run!’’ And he would just run around and pretend to pet his imaginary pet. It might have seemed weird to others, but to you, it was just another reason to love the quiet boy. He had a lot of imagination for someone so reserved. You played along sometimes, asking him how his dogs were doing and acting surprised when he added another toad to the bunch. And in return, you ended up drawing various animals together to visualize his imagination. You knew that Megumi was clever, especially when you drew more of his ‘Shikigami's.’ He turned to you and said: ‘’I know you can’t see them, Miss L/N, but thank you for believing me.’’ He continued drawing, not noticing the tears in your eyes; you believed him; it was, after all, his imagination, his way of working through past traumas.
You got up from the swingset as you called for Megumi. ‘’Megumi, you’re going to stay with me tonight, alright?’’ He quickly jumped off the playground slide, much to your displease, and nodded his head. ‘’Which movie will we watch tonight?’’ he says. ‘’Who says tonight is movie night, huh?’’ You could see a smile forming on his face. ‘’Y/n, it’s always movie night when I stay over! Even on school nights, just earlier because I have to go to bed early.’’ He exaggerated the word early, but that couldn’t even ruin the mood. The fact that he used your first name, the smile on his face, all of it made you so glad that you have met the little boy. ‘I am so thankful for that good for nothing father of yours, so happy that Gojo stepped up and made you end up with me. I promise I will do everything in my power to make that smile last, Megumi.’ You thought to yourself.
The evening was full of more laughter than usual. After playing charades (which Mr. Imagination, of course, won), too much pizza, and a documentary Megumi had picked out, he couldn’t even deny he was tired. So when you tucked him in and saw his eyes close, you whispered: ‘’Thank you for making me laugh so much today.’’ And even when he looked asleep, his mouth still opened to whisper a response: ‘’Thank you for being there...mom.’’ Hearing those words was too much; you had to get out of the bedroom before he could see your tears. You didn’t notice Megumi’s eyes opening as you made your way out of the room. He didn’t like to see you cry, especially if it was because of him, but he couldn’t help the warm feeling in his stomach that started to spread. He often acted grumpy around you and Gojo, but he knew this feeling was what it meant to be loved and that made him fall asleep happier than ever, despite your tears.
Closing the bedroom door you noticed someone knocking on the front door: ‘’Not now’’ was all you could think. You kept wiping your face hoping the tear stains would be gone by the time you reached the front door. As you finally opened the door, a hand grabbed your throat and pushed you against the wall. Before you knew it, someone’s lips touched yours in a hungry kiss. Forcing yourself out of the person’s grip and kiss was harder than it seemed, but after struggling for a bit, you were back to receiving oxygen and couldn’t help but be annoyed.
‘’Where the hell have you been, Toji?’’ His face showed an amused smile. ‘’Huh, you missed me, haven’t you, woman? Let me make it up to you then.’’ You were still filled with emotions from Megumi calling you “mom” moments earlier, so you couldn’t help the voice crack you let out when you spoke your next words. ‘’It’s not that, it’s just... I get worried when you leave without telling me when you’re coming back, you know.’’Toji didn’t even notice the words you were saying, his eyes were focused on your lips, probably thinking about kissing them again. Only when his eyes met yours did he notice them being red. You could see his relaxed expression change, as he grabbed your sides to force you to look at him.‘’Did you cry, Y/n? Did someone hurt you?’’ You could see the scar on his face wrinkle due to his angry expression. ‘’NO, don’t worry, it’s just… one of my students accidentally called me mom, and… my maternal instincts kicked in.’’ You said as you put your hands on his chest to hold him back. Looking at him reminded you of the little boy that is laying in your bed. The way they could be so cold towards outsiders… ‘’He kinda reminds me of you. Calm and calculated.” You finished. You could see that he didn’t really like where the conversation was heading. Understandable. This was the guy you had met outside of a club, bruised and bleeding. You ended up stitching him up, and he slept with you as a thank you. Ever since that night, you had been hooking up now and then. You didn’t know much about Toji, not his last name, not his past, not where he came from, but what you knew about him was that there were only two things on his mind: Sex and Money, in no particular order.
Speaking of, seeing the way he was looking at you, the way his hands were making their way down from your sides towards your thighs, you could already tell which one of the two was on his mind right then. ‘’So, you wanna be a mommy now? I can help you take care of that. Give you one that looks like me, calm and calculated, you said?’’ And with that, he pulled you in for yet another hungry kiss. You didn’t care; this was just a hookup, just pure lust, and attraction. You had no time for love; you had other things to think about, Megumi, school, your life plans. You deserved these moments just filled with lust. Even though you knew that you were just forcing yourself to believe that. ‘’Wait!’’ You whispered as you stopped Toji from entering your bedroom. ‘’My student is sleeping in there.’’ He gave you a disappointed look, but within seconds the hunger was back on his face. ‘’You’re lucky you teach first graders; I would hate to see someone older than that in your bed.’’ You let out a chuckle as you made your way to the living room. ‘’Shut up, you’re going to wake him up!’’ As he took a seat on the couch, he responded with: ‘’You’re gonna have problems shutting up once I’m inside you. Don’t wanna wake up your little student, right?’’
Before you had the chance to respond, he pulled you on top of him into yet another kiss. As you sat on top of him, only wearing undies and a sundress, you could feel his bulge. This wasn't new to you. You knew how he looked and what he has done with you; the thoughts alone make you melt.
You started grinding against his bulge. You could hear a soft hiss escape from his mouth as you started attacking his neck with bites and kisses. you knew what he liked as well. ‘’Stop teasing me, woman! I don’t have time for this today, I’m over teasing, let's go!’’ and before you knew it, he had pulled down his jeans and boxers to his knees, ripped your underwear, and pushed his cock into your core. The moan that escaped you is loud, and you are lucky that Toji has covered your mouth with his hand. You could see his smirk as he watched you lose control. ‘’Make yourself moan like that again.’’ And you did as he said. At that moment, you took a page out of Toji’s book. And he liked seeing you like that: selfish. Seeing you rub your clit while riding his cock. Switching the pace to a torturing-slow one and pinning his arm behind him; which gives you an amazing view. Seeing him pinned beneath you, with pleading eyes and curses leaving his mouth. ‘’You make me go feral, Y/n.’’ And that’s what did it. That’s what made you switch to a much faster pace; the need to make him go feral. The moment you let go of his hands, they’re already smacking your ass, and before you knew it, he had been holding your ass as he pounded into you with even more speed. The soft moans changed into fast panting of you both and your eyes locked while the pounding continued. ‘’I want you to be selfish and cum all over my cock, Y/n, right now!’’ And that is all you needed. The small selfish part of you has won, and you collapsed on top of him while he kept pounding into you. You could feel his nails leave scratches on your back and your ass. And as you took another look at this mysterious man, you noticed that he was not even speaking in full sentences anymore. ‘’You don’t know… what… you’re… doing… to me… aargh.’’ And with that, you felt his cum painting your walls white. The two of you were still panting when you looked into his eyes again, your face flustered due to what you had just finished doing. You gave him a small smile and couldn’t help the tiny ‘’wow.’’ that escaped you. He made you get off his lap and onto the couch as he stood up and faced you. “Let me clean you up real’ quick.” He got on his knees and before you know it his mouth was attacking your core... The after-waves were intense. You were still riding your high. Your body was exhausted, but the after waves of your climax kept hitting you, thanks to his hard work. As he finished, he got back to his seat on the couch and made you lay against his shoulder as he pulled his pants up.
You were still shivering against him, and you could see he enjoyed seeing you like this. Your dress had been ripped, you realized as you felt his fingers make figures on your shoulder. It felt pleasant. It made something tingle inside of you. It made you think about the small window; The small window of having actual feelings for the mystery beside you. You had this feeling before; Toji was always more vulnerable right after good sex. ‘’You know I didn’t mean the whole ‘ I will make you a mommy’ thing, right, Y/n?’’ You let out a chuckle. ‘’Don’t worry about it, Toji, I know, and I am on birth control.’’ He looked relieved, but you still saw some mischief in his eyes as he said: ‘’I can’t deny that hearing you talk about your maternal instincts does something to me; I would lie if I said that I didn’t fuck you with at least a bit of that intention in mind….’’ You could feel not only your core but also your heart flutter while hearing those words. ‘’Just go to sleep….’’. And you tried. You tried to fight the urge to fall asleep next to him. All for just an extra minute of small talk. Still, you could feel your eyes closing as his fingers caressed your shoulders. Touching you so gently might have given you the wrong impression. Toji knew this, but that didn’t stop him. He liked seeing you like this. He liked knowing that you would worry about him when he left all of the sudden because that was what happened every time. The moment he noticed your steady breath, he slid away from the couch, making sure you didn’t wake up. He didn’t look back. Toji only had two things on his mind: Sex and money. He got his share of the first, now it was time for the second.
You woke up to a hard knock on the door. Your ripped dress and messy hair were probably a dead giveaway, you realized as you opened it. There he was. Gojo, nice sunglasses, nice button-up, and tight pants. You were lucky you were still a mess thanks to Toji; otherwise, you would’ve felt intimidated by the way he looked.
“Did you hook up with someone last night?’’ You felt yourself getting flustered as you let him enter your Apartment. This was the first time he has entered your home... ‘’To be honest, it isn’t any of your business, but yes. Don’t worry, it’s not some stranger, and I made sure Megumi wasn’t aware of it at all.” You started explaining frantically. You could see Gojo smirk. ‘’Don’t worry, It’s none of my business as long as Megumi doesn't notice it... How was it? Wait! You look roughed up, so it must’ve been good?’’ He was already manspread on your couch, and you didn’t know what to make of it. You and Gojo didn’t talk much outside of all things Megumi related. You chose to just ignore his questions. ‘’We can wake up Megumi with some breakfast if you’re into that?’’ He was already in your fridge. ‘’Okay, I make the breakfast; you wake up, Mr. grumpy pants.’’ You couldn’t even be mad at him for being rude enough to use your house as his own. His giddy energy was contagious.
Breakfast was served 10 minutes later, and while the three of you were enjoying your scrambled eggs and toast (which were pretty good), Gojo asked Megumi about what he wanted to do today. ‘’I don’t care for anything, Gojo Sensei.’’ He responded. It might have seemed like he was pretty grumpy, but both of you knew that he was content with the time he got to spend with you two. ‘’Meg, you and Gojo could visit that old theater downtown; you wanted to see that documentary about the wolves, right?’’ You added to the conversation. “Yeah, I guess, but… I would like it if you could join us.” And with that, your day had turned into another Megumi-filled day, and you didn’t mind it at all. Another plus side was that you didn’t have to think about Toji; even though you acted like it was just sex, it was clear you cared about him a lot, and he cared about nothing. After a quick shower and a dress that made you look like the sun ( according to Megumi), you guys headed to the old theatre. You had never spent much time with Gojo, but you could feel he was trying to make the best of today, probably to make up for him not showing up the previous day. You were sitting between Gojo and Megumi as the assigned “Snack carrier,” according to Gojo. The snacks were the best part of the whole trip. The documentary was as tedious as you would’ve expected, especially after hearing Megumi talk about his Divine Dogs for months; this was nothing in comparison. Gojo was feeling the same way; as, before you knew it, he was leaning towards your ear. “Can you wake me up when this ends?” You could see his blue eyes beneath his glasses. Who the hell wears glasses in a theater, though… “HEY,” you whispered back, “That was my idea, don’t steal it, I’m more tired than you are you know.” He chuckled. “I doubt it, even with that little situation you had going on yesterday, your poor couch must’ve been the only exhausted thing.” You could feel the embarrassment pulling through your body as he said those words. “First of all how would you even know we used the couch, secondly it’s none of your business, and third you can see that I look like a zombie in a banana suit.” He was still smiling about your little rant, but his face looked more serious when he responded. “You look cute y/n, don’t act like that.” Then he pretended to yawn as he stretched his arm in an embrace over your shoulder and moved his face closer to your ear once more. “Just lean on me and get your rest. Don’t worry, I’m not trying to seduce you to leave Mr. Couch Destroyer.” And even with the doubts in your mind, you couldn’t help your body which was already leaning into his shoulder. As your eyes started to close, you could’ve sworn he whispered: “Couches and cursed energy… interesting.”
You woke up to Gojo pinching your cheek. “Was I comfy enough Y/n?” You could feel yourself getting shy. He was attractive, no denying that. But the fact that he had seen you asleep, probably with some drool dripping out of your mouth, made things awkward. “How’s Megumi?” You asked as you turned around, seeing that he was sound asleep as well. “When he saw that you were asleep, he took it upon himself to finish all the snacks so now he’s tired with a stomach ache; The little boy is going to bed the moment we get home. Speaking of, you should join us; I will fix up some dinner as a thank you.” You wanted to politely decline, but seeing Megumi, who was feeling uncomfortable, was what made you change your mind. “Alright, I will join you guys, but I won’t stay for too long; I have tests to grade.” You decided not to share that the first-grade tests would take you only 30 minutes to grade. ‘’You sure about not staying overnight? My couch is way more comfortable than yours.’’ You could hear him chuckle, but behind his glasses, the smile didn’t reach his eyes.
The walk to his home was already taking 30 minutes. ‘’Don’t you have a car, Gojo?’’ It was getting colder and darker with the minute. Gojo readjusted Megumi, who was on his back still sound asleep. You couldn’t deny that the three of you would probably come across as a little family, and that thought didn’t upset you either. ‘’I enjoy walking, flying, or just appearing out of thin air; I’m fast. You’re the reason this took us so long.’’ He responded as he opened the door to a small apartment. it looked small, but it clearly was an upper-class apartment in the middle of the city. ‘’I see where Megumi got his imagination from, don’t worry, I’ve heard all about your antics,’’ you said as you entered the apartment after him. You could tell he didn’t spend that much time here. The interior was pretty generic, and the only thing that stood out was the cozy couch. You could feel yourself getting flustered thinking about the comment he had made about his couch earlier. When you pulled your eyes from the couch, you noticed that Gojo was signing you to follow him. As you entered the room, you saw how dark it was. The walls were painted an Indigo color. Small led light hung on the ceilings, giving the room a warm orange glow, and the walls were filled with drawings. A lot of drawings. 99% were drawings the two of you had made together; A few unknown drawings stood out to you. There was one of two eyes that almost glowed in a weird ocean blue way, probably Gojo. Another one was of a stick figure that must’ve been Megumi sitting with two dogs surrounded by weird blobs of different colors. Still, the one that stood out the most was the one right above his bed. You could see he had drawn it with someone, someone who was obviously more talented than you were. There you and Megumi were, obviously drawing something together. and far to the left was Gojo; obviously, the stick figure Gojo was Megumi’s job. Gojo was wearing a dark blue dress and some blindfolds, which made the drawing 10 times more endearing. ‘’I love this….’’ You whispered to yourself. You could feel Gojo standing behind you. ‘’Yeah, the little guy forced me to put every drawing on his wall, said something about ‘’Art needs to be on walls, Y/n told me.” He even forced me to make some of that so-called art. As you can see, I am as talented as ever.’’ You rolled your eyes at him as you checked up on Megumi one last time. He was about to fall asleep. Something told you to give him a small kiss on his forehead. And as you did, you could feel Gojo staring at you. As you made your way to the living room, you couldn’t help but settle on the couch, knowing this would end up in another set of jokes.
It took another 15 minutes for Gojo to get out of Megumi’s room. Your mind started racing with numerous thoughts. You couldn’t help it; you were curious. Was there a little routine the two of them had at night? Would he tell Megumi stories about his trip, maybe make up crazy scenarios with the Divine dogs or him flying, something to feed Megumi’s imagination even more? Because you were so lost in thoughts, you hadn’t noticed Gojo sitting right next to you. ‘’So about that dinner, here you go….’’ He said as he handed you a bowl with instant ramen. ‘’Megumi told me you liked this flavor.’’ So they had been talking for 15 minutes. ‘’How does he feel?’’ You replied. ‘’Like shit. but he’s happy you’re here, you know’’ Of course, that warmed up your heart and made every bit of awkwardness you felt worth it. ‘’This ramen is delicious!’’ You couldn’t help the sounds of delight you made. ‘’Of course, it is; I made it.’’ You were slightly annoyed but more so intrigued by the figure standing right before you. ‘’You know Gojo, you’re pretty contradicting. You act all cocky and selfish, but you’re a twenty-something-year-old that took in a young child. Even when I wanna be annoyed, I can only respect you. Megumi is lucky to have you.’’ Gojo was staring at you and even with his sunglasses on, you could feel the intensity of his stare. ‘’ I am aware that I might not seem like a good parent, but I know how it is to have a shitty family; even when I’m gone a lot, I know that me being an annoying adult in his life is better than nothing. That’s why I am so thankful for you, Y/n; you didn’t have to care so much about him, you know. Why do you love him so much?’’ It was a loaded question. one you didn’t have an answer for. ‘’You know I tend to blame it on the way Megumi reminds me of someone I care about.’’ Gojo couldn’t help but arch his brow when he asked: ‘’The couch dude, huh?’’ You avoided his gaze. ‘’Yes, but that’s not even it. They might look a little similar, but that has nothing to do with my feelings for Megumi. I just remember that the first time I saw him, he took a liking to me. It just clicked, you know. I saw him, he introduced himself, and I asked what he liked to do, and he shared that he liked to draw, and I instantly liked him, and over time it just kept growing until it reached a point that I ached for it. It’s quite embarrassing, me acting as a parent.’’ You could see him moving closer as he spoke: ‘’I remember meeting Megumi for the first time. I was talking to his good-for-nothing father. I saw Megumi, and I just knew what great potential he had, and outside of that, he is a great kid, just a little grumpy.’’ At that, the both of you shared a good laugh. Gojo offered you a glass of much-needed water, and as you sipped from it, you could not help, but notice the way his smile was more sincere now. The two of you had never shared so much with each other before. ‘’I was 18 when I met him. I might be a selfish asshole, but I’ve always had a lot of responsibilities, so adding him was a pleasant surprise. And now I love the kid. couldn’t picture this without him. We’re more alike than you would think, huh, Y/n?’’ You didn’t want to respond; loving Megumi was something that connected the two of you and nothing more, but your mouth was about to respond either way. It was Gojo that had stopped your mouth from moving. Or more so the fact that he had removed his glasses and was staring at you with his eyes. Megumi had been right to draw his eyes like that. They were so beautiful it scared you. It felt like he could see everything you thought, everything you had done, and everything you would do. ‘’You lost your tongue, huh? It’s not the first time that happened.’’ He said as his hand grabbed your chin and lifted your face to make sure you locked eyes with him. The sincere smile was already replaced by his usual cocky smirk. ‘’Don’t be shy; you’re gorgeous, you know. It’s not even that; it’s just how you act with Meg. listening to his little stories, not even doubting them. Loving him, going out of your way for him. Liking the
fact that he’s more grumpy and cold than being cheerful 24/7, and yes, he can be cheerful in his way. Even with that, you keep up. He can’t stop talking about you; I learned everything there is to know about you through him, and I would lie if I said I wasn’t excited to hang out with the two of you today. Even with that so-called friend of yours crashing on your couch.’’ You knew you had to stop him. You were still conflicted about your feelings towards Toji. You knew if he was up for it, you would’ve confessed already, but Toji was selfish, and so was this man right in front of you. ‘’I know you’re conflicted about that guy. I can’t even promise I’m better than him. Okay, I am definitely better in certain aspects.’’ He let out with a chuckle. ‘’ But I have a busy life, outside of Megumi too. I can’t fully commit, probably never will, and I like to keep private matters private. Still, I like what we did today, just the three of us, I like you, and I like doing this. ‘’As he said it, he brushed his thumb over your lower lip. It felt nice, and you couldn’t help but make a fool out of yourself with the first words that slipped your mouth: ‘’ Your eyes are pretty. Pretty and scary, Gojo .’’ And even in the grip of his hand and with him looking at you with those gorgeous orbs, you couldn’t help smiling. And that was all it took. ‘’You can call me Satoru, you know.’’ and then he pulled your lips on his. The kiss was soft and sweet. No tongue, not even passion, just a sweet feeling that made your stomach flutter, and even you knew that it was far more dangerous than a passion-filled kiss. For a moment, there was no Toji, and even Megumi was somewhere far in the back of your mind. All there was, was Gojo, or rather Satoru, as you would call him from now on. The kiss had probably taken only a few seconds. But you could feel something click, and that was all it took.
You went in for another one, and this time around, it was a little more intense. You couldn’t help yourself. He was intoxicating, and everything just felt right. ‘’You want to take this to the bedroom, or you’d rather test out the couch here too?’’ He asked between kisses. ‘’Shut up, Satoru. Just show me your room.’’ Before you knew it, he was already carrying you to his room. ‘’This sounds cheesy, but it feels like I’m floating.’’ You giggled. ‘’Maybe you are…’’ was all he said when he laid you on his bed. You were surprised when he ended on top of you, his eyes full of affection. Something you did not expect from him. ‘’You know I still meant what I said about not being able to commit, but I am selfish, and I need to be honest as well; I’ve liked you ever since I first picked the kid up from the playgrounds at school.’’ Your thoughts were all over the place as he gave you another kiss on the cheek. ‘’I like your smile.’’ another kiss on the neck. ‘’I like the way you talk about the kid.’’ A kiss on the shoulder. ‘’I like the way you say my name.’’ a kiss on your lower arm. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at him. ‘’And I like the way you roll your eyes at me.’’ As he finished with a kiss in the palm of your hand. ‘’I’m not sorry that you will lack time grading your tests, Y/n. I will take all my time with you.’’ You could feel your legs turn to mush, and you knew it would be minutes before your brain would follow. ‘’ Fuck those tests….’’You whispered. Another intense gaze from Satoru and a ‘’Yes fuck them.’’ was all it took for him to attack your lips again. this time around, things were getting even more intense. You could feel his knee between your thighs, and when things got almost too much to bear, he suddenly stopped. ‘’Do you want to continue this?’.’ And he looked so innocent, so sweet, so considerate and not selfish while he said it that you just put your arms around him and hugged him. Only after you finished, you realized how weird that might’ve looked. ‘’Errr... I’m sorry, that was weir…’’’ ‘’Adorable you mean.’’ He gave you a soft smile. ‘’Does that mean you want to continue, though?’’ When he saw you nod, his smile turned mischievous. Before you knew it, he had moved away from your body to grab something next to his bed. ‘’What are you doing, Satoru?’’ But by the time you have finished your words, he was already on top of you. The only way you noticed was his eyes. In the dark, his eyes were the only light in the room, the blue - deep as ever - reminded you of the sea. Blue, but almost see-through. Looking into them felt just the same as diving into the sea, not knowing how deep the water is.. ‘’Don’t panic.’’ he whispered as he put something over your eyes. Tying the material behind your head, you asked: ‘’Is this the blindfold you use on all your bed partners?’’ You wanted to sound sarcastic, but you couldn’t help the small crack in your voice as you said the words. This is casual, don’t let this end up like with Toji. And there it was, you had thought about him. What was he doing? When would he show up again? ‘’It’s my blindfold, it’s pretty important to me, I only ever used it on myself, until now….’’ And with that, Satoru was once again the only thing on your mind. ‘’Where are you?’’ you whispered as you couldn’t feel nor see him. ‘’I am everywhere, Love.’’ Not only were your legs unable to move, but he was also indeed everywhere. You didn’t know where he would touch you; first, you stretched your hands to search for him; you were aching for his touch at this point. You could hear a small chuckle further away from you than you expected, and then, as if he was on top of you the whole time, you felt his soft lips on yours. His tongue made its way into your mouth, and you could feel that you were not the only person that was aching for this. As he moved his lips from yours, he made his way down towards your neck, slowly kissing every bit of skin that was showing. ‘’You hated this dress, right? No more looking like a banana for you.’’ He laughed as he ripped the dress. You were only in a bra and
underwear. Even when everything felt good, this was still someone new for you.This guy didn’t know your body, didn’t know you. This might not have been the time to feel so, but you could suddenly feel all your insecurities swarming around in your mind. especially since you couldn’t see anything in these blindfolds. ‘’You look so beautiful, Y/n. The best indeed get the best.’’ it was all it took to let your insecure thoughts go, even when he was still a cocky asshole. ‘’I guess they do’’ was all you said back. His mouth was once again kissing every part of your body while he made his way to your core. Once he reached your inner thighs, he started marking the places his lips found. ‘’Let’s take this off; we’ve waited long enough. I wanna taste you, Love.’’ You helped him remove your underwear by wiggling your legs. ‘’aching to get out of them, ain’t you?’’ and before you could respond, you felt his lips on your core. He started with soft kisses, and before you could get used to the nice feeling, he got into it. ‘’You taste so delicious; let me taste more.’’ he was feasting on you. if it wasn’t so good, you would be embarrassed, but even if the thought came up, it would be replaced by delight within a second. ‘’Satoru, I want more.’’ And when he saw the way your body trembled, the craving for more, he knew he needed to do more. His fingers moved between your folds, collecting the wetness that was the result of his hunger. ‘’Get on all fours, Love.’’ He said. It’s not that you couldn’t move per se, but your legs felt like jello, and your brain was turned into mush. Not only that, you were wearing blindfolds, for God’s sake, the only thing you could do was giggle, and even though you couldn't see his face, you could hear the smile through his next words: ‘’Unable to move, huh? fine, I’ll do it myself.’’ and with that, he turned you around on all four and pulled your head down. Your ass ended up in the air, your face in the pillow - carefully placed before you - and the only thing that told you Gojo was still here was the sound of his pants falling on the ground. Suddenly his hand was on your hips. The touch gave you goosebumps. ‘’Please, stop teasing Satoru.’’ You moaned out. You could hear him laugh, and suddenly his hand was on your blindfold. “Is he gonna take it off?’’ You think to yourself, but all he did was yank on the knot of the blindfold, pulling you towards his lap. ‘’I love the view of your head in the sheets and your ass in the air, but I want you close to me, Love.’’ As he said it, you felt his cock entering you the moment you reached his lap. It’s a perfect fit, you sitting on his lap while he was on his knees. The sounds you made are all he needed to hear. The two of you moved slowly but in sync. You felt his hand brush over the scars left on your back. ‘’My markings may not be that visible, but that doesn’t change a thing.’ he said as he placed soft kisses on all the scars on your back. And he was right because the kisses wouldn’t be visible to anyone else. Still, they would be a memory forever stuck in your mind. You feel one of his hands slowly move to your boobs. ‘’You pick the pace, Y/n,’’ He whispered in your ear. You started slowly moving up to a faster pace. You could feel his breath stagger in your ear as he held you close to him. You were still wearing the blindfold, but it was so hot not being able to see. Using every sense except for your vision. It’s as if you were living in a fantasy. His other hand found your clit, and as he made little figures on it, you could feel yourself getting closer to that point. ‘’Satoru, plea...ease...keep going, I’m gonna cum….’’ You let out. And you could hear him grunt. He was bucking his hips into you, making sure you would reach your high. And the moment you thought it would finally reach, he stopped, and it felt like he snatched a prize out of your hand. ‘’Not so fast, Love; I wanna look at you while I make you cum.’’ He tried to sound confident, but you could hear the need to continue in his voice. As he laid you on your back, you couldn’t help but pout, but
then he took the blindfolds off, and you saw his eyes. Those beautiful blue orbs were full of lust and love, and all you wanted from him was just to finally put his weight on you. And so he did, because for the first time that evening, you felt his weight on top of you, and it was heavier than you had thought, but oh so comforting. His cock slid in between your wet folds, and the two of you just kept staring at each other as he slowly moved in and out of you. The room was filled with long and slow moans, and even though there weren’t any words, even though the only sounds there were moans, you know that this was what it meant to make love. Of course, the hunger for more started soon, and as you clung your legs onto him, he started to pound into you harder and faster than before. It felt so good, almost too good, too much, you couldn’t help yourself. You needed to close your eyes. ‘’Don’t you dare close your eyes Y/n I wanna see you cum all over me. I want you to see me fill up that pretty cunt of yours. Show me your gorgeous eyes” Hearing someone who had the most beautiful eyes in the world call your eyes gorgeous was an amazing compliment. Seeing those beautiful eyes roll back because of how you felt is yet another compliment. Feeling his dick hit that one spot was too much, and with all those compliments, all those things that hit the right spot, you couldn’t help yourself, and you tightened your hold on him as you came ‘’Uuugh...Y/n you’re so tight. I want you to take all of me.’’ And seeing him lose all composure as he painted your walls white with thick spurts of cum, made your legs shake. He dropped all his weight onto you, and for a moment, that was all you wanted. Seeing this selfish, arrogant man lose himself to you feels amazing. And after you both finished riding your high, he ended up next to you. You couldn’t help close your eyes for a moment while Gojo drew figures on your shoulders as you held onto him. “You know, good luck with that so-called boyfriend of yours,” Satoru said with a smirk. “First of all, we’re not dating and same to you with all the women and men that enter your room at night…” you could see the shock on his face. “Megumi told you that?” You couldn’t help it; you let out a big chuckle. “Nope, you just exposed yourself….” You could see a sad smile on his face, but it was gone within a second ‘’You need to pee y/n’’ And you know he said it as a way to change the subject, but also because you had to do it. And you knew he was right, but you didn’t want to get out of the bed, which was very comfy at this point. So you did the most rational thing that comes to mind: pulling all the blankets to yourself and wrapping yourself up like a burrito. ‘’Try and get me out of here, Toru .’’ You whispered, and before you knew it, he was already carrying you and the blankets towards what you assumed was his bathroom.
As he set you down in his bathroom, he got in the shower and closed the screen after him. ‘’I like that nickname; keep calling me that. Now pee and come join me in the shower.’’ The shower turned on, and you could only see his silhouette. You were still wrapped inside of the blankets. The guy has seen you naked. Yes, he ate you out, and you had sex, but that was inside of the comfort of a dimly lit room. Your insecurities kept pouring inside of your head. After a few minutes, you noticed that you actually had to pee, and knowing that he couldn’t hear you through the Streaming water is what made you decide to lose the blankets and just pee. As you finish, the nerves return, but the memory of the look he was giving you once you took that blindfold off was all enough to rid them of your mind. As you entered the shower, you noticed it was smaller than you expected, and you were forced into Satoru’s arms right away. ‘’Took you long enough, I only gave you one glass of water y/n!’’ He laughed. You wanted to avoid his gaze, but you didn’t want to look at his body, so you just kinda focused on his hair which was longer than you had expected. ‘’I was just kinda nervous, I guess.’’ You whispered. His hand was on your chin before you knew it, and he once again forced you to look into his eyes. You were even more shocked by how blue they were even in normal light. ‘’There is nothing to be nervous about, Love. I’ve seen your body, I know your body, and I love your body.’’ And then his lips gave you a small peck on your forehead. ‘’Let’s get cleaned up now,’’ he said as he used a cloth to rub the soap in your skin.
After the shower, you were forced to borrow a sweater and sweatpants from Gojo. They probably weren't even his, because the clothes didn’t fit his usual attire. His eyes were on you the moment you walked into the living room. He was studying the way the clothes hugged your body. After what seemed a few minutes of thoroughly taking in the view his eyes reached yours. It took 2 seconds for you to be overwhelmed by his gaze once again and as you quickly took a look at the clock to avoid the so-said gaze, you came to realize that it’s almost 1 AM. At that moment, you made a decision. You walked towards to couch where Satoru was lying pretty comfortably and said: ‘’I think I’m going home.’’ He looked slightly disappointed by hearing that, but he quickly switched to his confident self: ‘’You sure? I still have a couch, and we all know you love using those.’’ He smirked. You couldn’t help but laugh. ‘’I’m sure; I just don’t want Megumi to be confused by all of this. ‘’ You gestured to him and yourself. ‘’What’s this?’’ He asked, his eyebrow raised. ‘’I don’t know, Satoru…’ you let out while rolling your eyes. ‘’I thought it was Turo now…’’ he pouted as he continued ‘’ But are you confused by all of this?’’ And you guys had been so honest all evening that you didn’t want to end it with a lie. ‘’Yes’’ was all you whispered and as he made his way off the couch to walk you to the door his only response was: ‘’Good.’’ You gave him a small kiss on the cheek and started to walk away. Seeing you walk away was nothing new for Gojo. He had seen countless hook-ups walking away after a night of fun with him. But you were different. Yes, the sex had been great, but what stood out most was the way you hugged him after he asked for your consent. Not only that, but you cared about Megumi. You cared about someone important to him. You made both of them laugh and you stayed, even after he told you about the reason why you would not work out together. He didn’t even know what ‘this’ meant, he just knew that he didn’t want ‘this’ to be with that guy that seemed surrounded by cursed energy. His mouth opened up before his pride could stop him. ‘’Y/N, WAIT!’’ he yelled, and you couldn’t help but stop. ‘’What?’’ You said. He was already trying to get back inside, but he turned around one more time, a small smile on his face as he said: ‘’I’m confused too.’’ and that’s when his door closed. You couldn’t help but hum while you walked home. That tiny smile on Satoru’s face looked hopeful. It made you feel happy and that was the emotion you would focus on for now. Happiness.
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iheartlexihoward · 2 years
psychology questions // lexi
*・゜゚・* summary: you and lexi are close friends. maybe even best friends. you’ve always done everything to keep your feelings for her under wraps, but when a certain topic hits a sore spot during a harmless homework session, all manner of things come pouring out.
*・゜゚・* pairing: lexi x reader
*・゜゚・* cws: drug mention
idk what the fuck this is just something sweet for the fuckin kids (i'm kids)
hahaha i woke up this morning fiending for lexi and i just had to write a lil something. i'm pretty happy with the way this turned out! i don't think i'll make it into a coherent series but i'll maybe return to these two sweethearts in the form of blurbs or timestamps etc :)
You poked your sock-clad foot into the side of Lexi’s thigh. She was hunched over her laptop cross-legged and with a slight frown, engrossed in her assignment. Meanwhile, you sprawled out on the floor in front of her with your arms above your head and a scatter of books surrounding you.
Whenever you came over to Lexi’s to ‘do homework’, it always ended up the same — she actually got her shit done, while you flapped around like a fish and complained dramatically, then left in the exact same place you already were. Hey, you always tried. For all of ten to fifteen minutes, before all the words started to mush together and every other damn thing in the room looked more interesting than the paper in front of you.
“Lexi,” you whined, poking at her once more.
“What?” Her voice was monotone and she didn’t look up.
“I’m bored.”
“I can see that,” she said with a slight chuckle, still typing. How on Earth did she do it? It felt like you couldn’t even write a single word with all your brain power put into it, never mind bust out a whole paper while still talking.
“What are you doing?” You sat up quickly, hair frizzed, and looked at her. God, she was so fucking pretty; especially when she was focusing on something. Her brow always got the most endearing furrow, and every now and then her tongue would slightly dart to wet her lips.
You’d known Lexi for around a year. In the previous grade, the two of you had been seated next to each other in Biology and become pretty fast friends. It went from quietly helping each other out with quizzes, to holding in laughter after your teacher scolded the two of you for giggling, to you lying in bed at night thinking about kissing her.
It wasn’t like you didn’t know from the beginning you had a crush on her. You’d already seen her around, and your gaze lingered whenever you passed her in the hall or saw her at lunch with friends. That day you walked into class and your teacher read your names out together, Lexi giving you a soft smile from across the room as you both went to sit down, your heart leapt.
As much as you tried not to, you couldn’t help but stumble your way through sentences and go awkwardly silent to begin with. But Lexi was so funny, and warm, and nice, you couldn’t help but loosen up. She made it so easy to get along with her, to become her friend.
And to start liking her a little too much.
“Um… essay for English Lit,” Lexi replied, snapping you out of your split-second daydream.
“What’s it on?”
She stopped typing and looked up at you, slapping her hands onto her legs. “Dude. Are you serious?”
You pouted and cocked your head. She wasn’t really mad at you — her face was playful, feigning annoyance but with a glint in her eye.
“Sorry…” you sing-songed, slowly laying back down and closing your eyes. Lexi drummed her fingernails on your leg, regaining your attention.
“Hey, look, I’ll help you if you want. I’m way ahead on mine.”
Jolting back up, you mimed cheering melodramatically.
“Not that you couldn’t easily do it by yourself,” she scolded, leaning over to pick up the empty quiz that had migrated behind you. Your breath hitched as her body brushed against yours, slight contact sending goosebumps down your arms. It was embarrassing, really. She skimmed the paper before tutting once. “You know this stuff! You just have the attention span of a fucking goldfish.”
“Not my fault…”
“Okay, so I’ll ask you the questions, you say your answers out loud and I’ll, like, scribe what you say on my laptop. Then you copy it out.”
You smiled at her. She was always like this, always having a plan for everything within a second. Her intelligence made your heart beat fondly. “Deal.”
“So…” The tapping of a few keys rang out, Lexi opening a new document on her computer. “What is one role of defense mechanisms according to the psychodynamic approach?”
“Um… to provide compromise solutions to deal with conflict that’s, like, unresolvable.”
As quickly as you spoke, your friend had already transcribed the answer. “Next one… explain the difference between infradian rhythms and ultradian rhythms.”
You paused. “Different durations? I think… infradian rhythms have a duration of over 24 hours, but ultradian rhythms have one less than 24 hours.”
“See?” The girl laughed quietly as she reread the words in front of her. “You fucking know it. You’re so smart, dude, it’s annoying.”
Your cheeks flushed at her praise and you met her eyes, smiling shyly. “Says you. You’re literally, like, the smartest person I’ve ever met. In every way.”
Lexi beamed and looked down. Was she blushing, too? Your chest squeezed at the idea you’d had some kind of effect on her.
“Alright, um… a survey of hospital patients has found that a new drug is as effective as other pain medication. What’s one limitation of asking hospital patients to self-report the effectiveness of the drug?”
“Uh… they could lie? Or they might feel like they have to say it’s effective. Oh, also, different people have different pain tolerances or ideas of how to judge pain. Just put any of those.”
“See…” Lexi drew the word out with a toothy grin.
“Are you just gonna say, ‘see’, after every single question?”
“Sorry, I just had to watch you writhe around for an hour over a quiz you literally know all the answers to.” She looked up at you through her lashes, and her voice had a mischievous lilt. Her eyes flitted back down to the paper. “In a debating society, Samina is the only student who does not believe that drugs should be legalized. What are two ways in which Samina could convince the other students to agree with her?”
A laugh couldn’t help but escape your throat. “Uh, fuckin’, introduce them to Rue.”
“Oh my God, that’s so mean!” She tried to hide the chortle rumbling through her, covering her mouth as she laughed. “Leave her alone, she’s trying, okay.”
Even though the two of you were poking fun, something nagged at you in your core. Your laugh dropped off, and Lexi’s eyes seemed to hold a little sadness. You weren’t close to Rue — you just knew her through Lexi and talked every now and then — but you knew the two of them used to be best friends. If you’d have asked Lexi, she’d have said they still were, but it wasn’t a secret they’d drifted. Especially after you came into the picture.
Lexi sometimes felt bad for it. She didn’t want Rue to feel as if she’d been replaced, but in a way it was already the other way around. Rue had traded Lex in for getting high, parties they used to go to together now spent with strangers who could give her what she needed. Sleepovers once the setting for staying up too late giggling just became Rue playing a game of, ‘How Many Drugs Can I Do Without Lexi Noticing’.
That’s why she tried not to beat herself up for it. Why should she have felt bad for finding a new friend who wasn’t constantly pushing at her boundaries, or making her physically sick with worry? Why should she have felt bad for spending her time with someone she loved being around? No… someone she loved.
“Seriously though, Lex,” you began softly. “Is she okay?”
Lexi paused, looking away. “Um… I don’t really know. We don’t talk that much anymore.”
You hummed and studied her face sympathetically, shifting closer so that your legs were bumping. “You wanna talk about it?”
“I don’t know,” she replied, closing her laptop and moving it to the side. You played with your hands as she spoke and watched her intently. “It’s just… I feel horrible about it… but I try not to? Like, whatever you say to her, she’s just gonna do whatever she wants anyway. You can’t make a difference to her. It’s just, like, watching someone rot away knowing there’s nothing you can do.”
Her eyes began to swim as she continued. “I tried so hard to help her, but she just… threw it back in my face. I know she probably didn’t even mean to, but it’s, like, why I try not to feel so bad about everything. We’d be here in my room, just the two of us after school or whatever, and she’d just fucking pull out pills and start doing lines. With Cassie and my mom downstairs. And I’d ask her to stop, and she’d just fucking shrug. Like, who does that? Who does that to someone who’s supposed to be their best friend?”
As tears finally spilled over and she quickly tried to wipe them away, you mustered the courage to reach out and take her hand. Your stomach jumped when she eagerly squeezed back, grabbing you with both hands. “It makes me so sad because we were close for so many years… but she just became an entirely different person. It was so unhealthy.” Lexi paused, breathing deeply, contemplating her next words. They came out heartbreakingly defeated. “She used me.”
“What do you mean?” You squeezed her hand again and stroked at her skin with your thumb. She was silent for a while, allowing herself to cry freely.
“Just… she used me. In some ways.” Her chocolate eyes appeared golden when they met yours in the dim orange light, full of emotion. “Because she knew I’d always be there. Whatever it was she needed, I’d be there. I’d always be the only person who’d, like, look at her with empathy and she exploited that. Whenever she needed emotional support because her mom had screamed at her, or Gia was crying because of her, she’d come running to me but give nothing in return. She literally wouldn’t even reply to my texts half the time. But then soon as she needs some idiot to piss in a bottle because her mom’s drug testing her again, I’m her favorite fucking person in the world.”
The air was viscous as Lexi’s words fell into it, silence hanging over the two of you. You didn’t know what to say; everything you knew about her and Rue’s relationship was based on a few comments here and there coupled with guesswork. You didn’t realize how bad it was.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t want to dump all this on you,” she said quickly, taking one hand away from yours to swipe at her damp face. “It just came out, I just never talk about it so when I started talking I couldn’t—”
“No, Lexi, I’m sorry,” you reassured, reaching out with your free hand and pulling her in for a tight hug. A gentle sob wracked through her body. It broke your heart knowing that she felt so unable to speak to anyone about it, even you. “I just don’t want to say the wrong thing.”
“You could never.”
A long moment passed before you pulled away from your embrace, neither of you wanting to move. When you did, you remained closer to each other than before, faces inches shy of touching.
“When we first became friends, I felt guilty,” Lexi spoke quietly. “I felt like I had to put all my energy into Rue, and if I didn’t it made me a bad person.”
You shook your head and scrunched your brow, unable to imagine how Lexi could ever think of herself as a bad person.
“I felt like by spending more time with you, I was shutting her out when she needed someone. But then I realized… she’d already been shutting me out. For a fucking long time. She was treating me like shit.”
“You need to think about yourself. I just want you to be happy. You’re the best fucking person I’ve ever met, and you deserve so much more than feeling like that. Than being made to feel like that.”
Lexi looked up at you with earnest, studying your face. Your heartbeat throbbed in your ears, yet you still couldn’t help yourself from reaching out and wiping her tears with your thumb, the rest of your fingers curling around her face.
“You make me feel so happy.” Her voice was soft, almost a whisper.
And then she leaned in and kissed you.
Your body went into shock at first, unable to compute the idea that Lexi fucking kissed you, but then your brain finally kicked in and you were kissing back. She’d removed herself from the tangle of your hands to rest hers either side of your face, and with one of yours already caressing her cheek you moved to stroke at her waist with the other.
The kiss deepened as Lexi pulled you in, tangling her hand in the hair at your nape. You both shifted your legs so that she could scramble into your lap, your arm wrapping fully around her back. She was so fucking soft, and you could smell the coconut in her shampoo, and her body felt so good flush against yours. It was damn near overwhelming.
She gently pressed you backwards, laying you down as you grasped at the back of her neck, not wanting to be an inch apart from her for a single second. In that moment, if you could have chosen between oxygen and Lexi, you’d have chosen Lexi. Zero hesitation.
You kind of did, in a way. You’d been desperately kissing for what seemed like forever (in reality, it had probably been about thirty seconds) when you realized you hadn’t really breathed properly throughout the whole thing. As much as you didn’t want to, you pulled away from her lips and sat up, panting into her mouth. A beat passed of you holding her hand against your face before you began to laugh quietly, Lexi taking a moment to look at you before joining in.
“Damn, Lex.” You turned your head to kiss her palm. “Do you usually do that whenever you start crying?”
She smiled sheepishly. “Not usually.”
“I mean…”
“I’m sorry. Was that a really stupid thing to do?”
“Oh my God, no. Lexi, I… like you. I’ve liked you ever since I met you. I was always too scared to say anything because I love you so much as a friend and I was so terrified to fuck it all up and make you think—“
Lexi cut you off with another kiss, albeit softer this time. “You’re so fucking stupid.”
“Thought I was annoyingly smart,” you smirked.
“Shut up. You know what I mean.” Each of your faces softened again, and you gnawed nervously on your lip.
“Lexi… I really, really like you. I want you to be happy. I want to make you happy. I want to be that person. I always have.”
She just barely breathed out a, ‘me too’, leaning her head to the side slightly. You were dizzy — you genuinely couldn’t believe what was happening. Her hand reached out to brush your hair behind your ear, a touch so gentle it was almost a whisper.
“We don’t have to do anything crazy right now… but I need you to know, Lex. I need you to know what it means to me.”
She nodded slowly, eyes so full of fondness it made you want to cry.
All the air in your lungs evacuated as you counted down in your head, forcing yourself to have the courage you needed to finish the sentence.
“I love you.”
Lexi just smiled and kissed you again.
“I love you, too.”
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blog-name-idk · 2 years
Everything Falls (Into Place) | 16
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*Banner by the incredible @bangtansmauyeondan
Pairing: OT7 x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your new roommates are unbearably nice and unbearably hot. Good thing you're an adult who is fully capable of platonic friendships with the opposite sex, right?
Word Count: 2618
Namjoon liked to think of himself as an academic. An intellectual even, if that didn't sound so douchey. Someone who looked past the superficial and valued what lay underneath. So he hadn't been overly worried that you were one of the prettiest girls he had ever met. Not for himself, at least.
After the first few weeks of your arrival, he was able to fully relax and enjoy your company and conversation. You were lively and good-natured and intelligent, and those were all qualities he looked for in a friend.
Sure, he felt giddy whenever you gushed over the few songs he could bring himself to show you, but he always felt that way when someone he respected gave him genuine praise. Maybe your positive feedback made him blush a little more than Yoongi's, but that was just a normal reaction to a cute girl's smile. It was a purely physical response, nothing to write home about. He was firmly confident that the two of you would become close friends.
That confidence had increased when he read your art history paper, which he had thoroughly enjoyed. It hadn't been mind-blowing or anything, but it was well-written, and well-argued. It was definitely A-worthy and much better than the average essay he'd proofread for his housemates.
He had idly entertained the idea of telling Jungkook to get your help with English too, not just math, before discarding the thought. He didn't really want to spend a weekend cleaning silly string or of his hair.
Of course he had then found out you weren't even in any art courses, which made the quality of your research all the more impressive. Why exactly had you written that paper? The level was high enough to the point where he knew you had to have spent a lot of time on it - especially to include such a level of detail when you didn't even have lecture notes to reference. You had so much on your plate already, what was the point of spending all that time on something that wasn't even worth a grade?
That conversation with Jackson had been the first time he felt an inkling of danger. And now he was reading the rough draft for your final linguistics essay, which was making it even more obvious that you hadn't written the art history paper seriously. He sighed in something close to despair as he read through the document you had sent him, dutifully adding comments here and there.
The despair wasn't due to any issues in the work itself - unlike some of his other housemates, your grammar was immaculate, there was a distinct lack of run-on sentences, and you had an actual writing style. You weren't overly prose-y for the sake of sounding intelligent, and you had a knack for incorporating subtle wit into what should have been a dry ass research paper.
To make matters worse, you somehow still managed to maintain a cohesive narrative, present sound evidence, and make faultless arguments for all of your conclusions. Despite this being an assignment for a class, not something intended for publication, it was definitely on par (if not better than) some actual academic theses he had read.
In short, he was well on his way to a boner reading a fucking linguistics essay. He didn't even major in linguistics! The art history paper you had sent him wasn't anywhere near the level of what he was currently reading. He hadn't been sufficiently prepared. He didn't even know he would have to be prepared. Why was this happening?
He could do this. He was an adult, he was fully capable of being platonic friends with a member of the opposite sex. It didn't matter that they somehow checked boxes he didn't even realize existed.
You're the leader, Namjoon, he scolded himself. Set an example for everyone else. And you also want kids in the future, so you need to keep your balls safe. He nodded. He had this.
With impeccable timing, you chose that moment to burst into his room.
"Namjoon! I won free tickets to the opening of the Murakami exhibit at the art museum!" you cried excitedly, waving your phone in the air.
Ah yes, the event that had sold out within a day despite astronomical prices. The one that had swag including signed and numbered prints of some of his most famous works. The one he had given up hope of ever being able to attend. The one you were apparently now inviting him to. At least it couldn't get any worse.
And then, like always, you proved him wrong. Apparently you existed to make him suffer, because you began waxing philosophical about how the artist's juxtaposition of high versus low arts had been a perfect match for Kanye's Graduation album, amongst other hip hop collaborations.
Okay, maybe he didn't have this.
You hummed in approval as you shimmied into the slinky, black cocktail dress you had borrowed from Mina. Your makeup was done, your hair was perfect, and thanks to your best friend's great taste in fashion (and the fact that you had nearly identical body-types), you truly looked like a million bucks. You took a quick selfie and sent it to Mina for approval, and snorted at her response.
Hell yeah you look hot
I'd say get yourself a sugar daddy but…
Hah hah.
Also if you ruin that dress you owe me $300
Don't know why you didn't just get Jin to buy you a new one
Okay, okay
I'm done
Have fun at your art nerd thing
Thanks <3
Try not to trip and fall on Namjoon's dick
If you do remember to do it artistically
I'm muting you
Tucking your phone into your dainty purse, you grabbed and flounced out of your room, taking the steps down to the living room two at a time. Only to stop short at the sight of Namjoon in a fitted gray suit over a crisp white button-up.
You were used to seeing the straight-from-undergrad-to-PhD-degree student in articles like sweatpants, jeans, sweaters, and cozy cardigans. Stereotypical nerdy TA attire. And while he definitely looked great in all of those things, you had managed to desensitize yourself enough to feel only passive appreciation instead of active thirst.
However, he currently looked like a wet dream straight out of an Armani ad, and you had not adequately fortified your heart (or your hormones) for this assault. You had barely been able to recover from the revelation of the bedroom voice he used in some of his music, and now you were supposed to gird your loins against this?
You internally groaned, resigned to the fact that Mina was right. The only thing keeping you from pining after Jungkook at this point was that you continuously reminded yourself he was your cute little underclassman. It was probably just a matter of time, but you were determined to hold out for as long as possible. If only for your own rapidly dwindling self-respect.
"[Y/n], you look amazing," said Jimin admiringly from the couch, bringing you back to earth and preventing an internal meltdown. You grinned gratefully and blew a kiss, which he pretended to catch and plant on his own lips.
"I can't believe you didn't even ask anyone else to go, this is favoritism," Jungkook complained from where he was lounging next to the dancer, and you raised your eyebrows at him.
"Sorry, do you know who Takashi Murakami is?" you asked, reaching down to properly slide into your heels.
"Er, he's that famous author guy, right?" he responded doubtfully, and you rolled your eyes fondly.
"Case in point," you said simply. "Joon, you ready?"
You looked expectantly at your escort for the evening, who had been notably silent. When you finally caught his eye, he muttered something that sounded weirdly like "it was nice having testicles."
"Sorry? I didn't quite catch that."
"I said the Uber is almost here."
Namjoon wasn't sure exactly what he had done to deserve this. He wasn't even sure what "this" he was referring to. The joy of going to an unattainable art exhibit with an incredible woman on his arm? The despair that this incredible woman was even more unattainable than the exhibit itself? The certain knowledge that he was doomed to a future of heartbreak and possible death by forcible castration at the hands of said unattainable girl's brother?
Your flowery perfume taunted him in the close confines of the Uber, and he closed his eyes, praying for strength. Then your delicate hand crept into his and his eyes shot open to meet yours.
"I'm a little anxious," you whispered with a nervous grin, as if letting him in on a secret. "What if I knock over a million-dollar piece of art?"
Despite his current misgivings, your admission was enough to ground him, and he felt his own troubled thoughts settle.
"If anyone should be worried about that, it's me," He whispered back, even though the only person who could possibly overhear was an Uber driver who definitely did not give a shit. He squeezed your hand reassuringly, trying not to dwell on how perfectly it fit into his own.
You giggled at the admission and the sound made his stomach turn over. Before he could stop himself, he found himself blurting, "why did you lie about taking an art history class?"
You froze, looking momentarily like a deer in the headlights. Then you withdrew your hand, leaving his feeling oddly cold and lonely.
"Er, what are you talking about?" you asked in an airy, entirely unconvincing tone of nonchalance. "Why would I do something silly like that?"
Red was creeping up your neck and Namjoon was torn between rolling his eyes and squishing your cute cheeks between his hands.
"I mentioned your paper to Jackson," he began, and that was enough to take the wind out of your sails. "He said you're not taking any art electives."
You deflated completely, your face took on a look of utter mortification.
"Oh," you mumbled, looking down at your hands. "Well, you were so sad about not being able to help with household things. And you already do so much for us. So I wanted to take your mind off it."
Namjoon blinked. He had actually completely forgotten about that pre-Festa group chat until. Now that he recalled, you had mentioned you needed help with suspiciously fortuitous timing.
"But then you were so excited about the topic… So I got kind of carried away…" your voice trailed away sheepishly.
He blinked again. In confusion this time. You couldn't be saying what he thought you were.
"You wrote an entire paper because I wanted to read it?" He finally asked incredulously. Your face got impossibly redder.
"Uh… yes?" you stammered, misreading his tone. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to lie to you!"
You literally wrote an entire research paper just to make him happy. Fuck. How were you so perfect? The only thing he could really be upset about was the fact that he would never be able to have children with you because he was definitely going to be lacking the necessary equipment once Jackson was through with him.
To take the miserable expression off your face - certainly not because he was craving the warmth of your skin - he took your hand.
"I'm not upset," he said gently. "That was really thoughtful of you. Thank you."
You looked up at him gratefully, a relieved smile dancing across your lips, then threw your arms around him in a hug. Your soft body felt perfect against his, and he swallowed hard. This was going to be a long, amazing, agonizing night.
The event itself was apparently posh enough to have complimentary wine and champagne. This was very exciting to a pair of broke college students like yourselves, and Namjoon immediately went to grab the two of you some drinks. Upon his return not even five minutes later, he found you fake laughing at some joke from a balding man wearing a suit that probably cost as much as his tuition.
Your eyes flashed in relief when he arrived. When he handed you the champagne flute, you immediately glued yourself to his side.
"Ah, this is my boyfriend, Namjoon," you said with saccharine tones, giving him a look so disgustingly adoring it should have made him want to vomit. Instead, his heart stuttered and he blushed.
The man gave him a once over, clearly unimpressed, before dismissing him and turning back to you. He felt his jaw clench at the barely veiled leer in the man's gaze and settled his hand in the curve of your waist. He wasn't feeling possessive. Okay, he could be honest with himself. He was definitely being possessive.
"Well, if you ever change your mind, please feel free to give me a call," the suit said with an oily smile, handing you a business card. Namjoon resisted the urge to tear it out of his grip and shove it up his smarmy ass.
"I sure will," you replied with a smile as false as the man's combover, accepting the card. You then dragged Namjoon towards the closest art piece as quickly as possible. He almost had to jog to keep up, which was impressive considering he had much longer legs and you were wearing heels.
"Is Jin still our third in this relationship?" he asked with a grin. He was still annoyed at the other man's actions, but also completely enamored by the way you were now clinging onto his arm.
"If it keeps weirdos like that away, then yes," you said in revolted tones, crumpling the cardstock in your hand. "He was telling me that he wished his wife had feet as sexy as mine."
He choked in surprise and found himself laughing. You tried to glare, but soon fell prey to his dimples and also began to giggle. An exhibit on the far wall caught your eye and your expression was replaced with delight.
"Ohhhh! It's the 500 Arhats!! Come on!"
Namjoon spent the rest of the evening drinking copious amounts of champagne and enjoying the event. He realized he was spending almost as much time admiring the excited sparkle in your eyes as he did appreciating the artwork, but he just didn't care anymore.
By the time the night was over, the two of you had thoroughly exhausted both the exhibit and the open bar. You were drunkenly discussing the pros and cons of Murakami's approach to commercialism when the Uber home finally appeared, and the both of you stumbled clumsily into the back seat with barely a care for the fancy gift bags you were carrying.
You had gotten clingier and clingier as the night wore on, and once in the car you cuddled up right against him. After an embarrassingly short internal struggle, he put his arm around you. You snuggled impossibly closer, and he couldn't decide whether it was a punishment or a reward.
"Thanks for coming with me, Joonie," you murmured sleepily, words only a little slurred. "This was so much fun."
His heart gave a traitorous spike at this new nickname, and he couldn't stop himself from tightening his grip when you fell asleep on his shoulder. God, he was a weak man.
He sighed, settling his nose in your soft hair. This had been the best date of his entire life and it wasn't even real. Well, he might as well enjoy this time with you now. He didn't know how much longer he'd have to live when your brother returned.
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Tags: @singukieee @persphonesorchid @xmochiloverx @taestefully-in-luv @meavie @silscintilla @forpunishers @jnghs
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unwantedtomost · 2 years
if you don’t like me, then i guess you’ll hate me — tasm!peter parker
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tasm!peter parker x fem!reader
word count: 4931
summary: your whole life people either liked you, loved you, or hated you. when you met peter parker and he was indifferent towards you, you didn’t know how to react, so you started a plan to get him to hate you.
warnings: alcohol, dirty talk, oral (male & fem receiving), unprotected sex
a/n: i am literally so freaking glad i finally finished this! also this is my longest one shot so far so, very proud. i am currently obsessed with andrew and his peter parker so expect a loooooot more tasm smut coming from me. enjoy!
You were loved by everyone. That isn’t some naive idea you had about the world, for as long as you could remember that was just the truth.
Being on a family sitcom from the time you were three weeks old to the age of fourteen, you were raised in the spotlight. Overwhelming love and praise was something that you had felt by a million strangers all of the time. Along with that, your parents and siblings also did a pretty bang-up job of not being huge pieces of shit. Everyone you had ever met loved you or at the very least, pretended to like you.
So it was a huge fucking smack in the face when you met Peter Parker and he didn’t like you.
“You don’t like me?” You asked, a muddled feeling of confusion falling over you.
Peter turned from whatever he was writing to face you with a more clear feeling of confusion. “What?”
“Gwen told me you didn’t like me.” You were aware of how middle-schooler that sentence had sounded which made you save a load of cringe for later because you also were aware that you were unable to stop it.
Peter sighed, his hand going to rub his temple like you were physically causing a headache to occur.
“Look, you’re a nice girl, but we just don’t click.”
Click? Click!? What the fuck was that even supposed to mean?
You were going to continue badgering the boy because frankly, you didn’t know what there was to not like about you, but you were stopped short by your newfound best friend, Gwen Stacy, taping your shoulder and signifying for you to sit down in your seat. You mindless followed her direction without another word, mouth slightly agape at what had just happened.
As your English 101 professor rambled on about your newest paper that you were only going to be given a week-in-a-half to write, all you could think about was Peter Parker.
You didn’t want to try to make him like you. Despite the disbelief you felt in the fact that he didn’t like you, you didn’t want to stoop down to the level that you had seen others delve in before. The concept of someone just feeling indifferent towards you made you terrified in a way you couldn’t even really mangle into tangible thoughts let alone words. When people didn’t love you or like you, you only saw hate. You never saw indifference. Within that hour you had devised a plan to make Peter Parker no longer feel indifferent towards you.
After class was over, you pulled Gwen close to you as you walked out.
“That guy I met over the weekend,” you started.
“What about him?”
“I want you to hook me up with him.”
Gwen looked at you with a facial expression that screamed a mixture of shock and confusion.
“Why would you want to hook up with Flash?”
“Because he’s hot and I need to get laid,” you partially lied. “Please help a girl out?”
Gwen thought about it for a moment. “Okay, I suppose.”
“And we’re going out this weekend,” you added on.
Gwen playfully rolled her eyes as you continued to venture towards your next class. You smiled to yourself as you were one step ahead in your quest to make Peter Parker hate you.
The week had gone by in a blur. A few assignments here and there, an essay you almost forgot to write, and a calculus project that you accidentally had Gwen do for you. Finally, it was Friday night and it was time for your plan to continue to unfold. 
You and Gwen got ready at your apartment. You had already had three shots before the boys even showed up. With the small buzz running through you, Gwen started to look more appealing than Flash. You started to wonder if hooking up with her would make Peter more upset than hooking up with Flash. Even though this option did seem appealing, you ultimately decided against it.
When Gwen opened the door to reveal Flash and Peter, you let out a squeal of excitement. You wrapped your arms around Flash’s neck, a devious smile coming to your lips as you felt his arms wrap around your waist in response.
“I’m happy to see you,” you whispered in his ear before planting a pleasant kiss on his cheek.
As you pulled away from him, you made sure to have your arms linger on his biceps as you kept eye contact with him. You did feel bad for playing with Flash’s emotions, but you had to make it look believable for Peter, and if there was one thing you were good at in life, it was acting.
“Hey, Parker,” you said quickly before turning on the ball of your foot and disappearing into your room.
When you emerged, all three of the people in your presence had their jaws on the floor. You looked amazing in your sparkly red dress and matching pumps. A smirk arose yet again on your lips because of Peter’s reaction. As soon as he caught your eyes his jaw locked. You saw something stirring in his brown eyes and that made butterflies explode in your stomach.
“C’mon guys, let’s get this show on the road.”
Peter decided to drive to the club and also opted to be the designated driver of the night. Gwen sat in the passenger’s seat and was the DJ, she always had the best music choices best suited for the mood. That left you and Flash in the back together.
You were never a fan of subtlety and that was very obvious in the way your hands ran up and down Flash’s body as you talked to him. You had caught Peter’s brown eyes in the rearview mirror a few more times than he would like to admit. You felt powerful every time you felt his gaze burn into you and you got just as much of a boost when Flash pulled you closer.
As you four went into the club, your plan started to unfold for you even further. It was simple, really. You would start dancing with Gwen, maybe even Peter for a minute, but after that, all focus was to be on Flash at all times. Your goal to make Peter despise you would be a job well done after the night was over.
Everything was going according to plan. Flash was like putty in your hands. For the last two hours, you had yourself pressed against Flash, his hands glued to your hips. You felt his excitement to be so close to you more than once. You had also felt Peter staring daggers at you periodically throughout the night and you had felt like you won. After this, you would get plowed by the attractive young blonde in front of you, and then you would carry on with your life. With this clarity in mind, you decided that you were ready to stop and go home.
“I’ll be right back,” you yelled over the music to Flash. Before you made your way to the bathroom you also informed Gwen of what you were doing,
As you made your way into the hallway where the bathrooms split off, you felt someone grab your hips harshly and push you into a broom closet. You went to yell out but whoever grabbed you put a hand over your mouth. Once you were in the closet, you were let go of and turned around to see Peter standing there.
“The hell, Parker?” You scolded, slapping his arm.
“What? I wanted to talk,” he shrugged.
“And we couldn’t have talked without you throwing me into a closet?” You sassed, crossing your arms. You tried your best to act annoyed and confused. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Are you trying to get back at me or something for that ‘not liking you’ comment?” He asked bluntly.
“No, I couldn’t care less if you liked me or not.” You stepped closer to him, arms under your chest pushing your breasts up knowingly. “Look, Parker, I know it might be weird for me to be around all the time, but you’re just going to have to get used to it. Not only do we have all the same classes, but your friends—our friends—like me.” You looked up at his big brown eyes slowly filling with frustration that that caused a smirk to grow on your lips. You were winning. “Flash in particular likes me a lot. I like him too”
“That’s such a fucking lie.”
“Yeah? And how the hell would you know that? You don’t even like me, let alone know me enough to know what I like.”
“You wanna know how I know that?”
“I do. Please, Peter, enlighten me. Tell me how I’m lying.”
His head dropped down, mouth closer to your ear, breath dancing across your neck.
“I know because someone who actually liked him would be out there dancing with him, not in here practically soaking their panties yelling at me.”
You looked up at him shocked, for multiple reasons. One being that you couldn’t believe that Peter Parker was being so blunt, and the other being that you were surprised that he figured out what you were doing so soon.
Your cold exterior started to crack as he assaulted your defenses. You tried to muster up an unbothered looked, but instead, you ended up looking pissed off. Damnit.
“F-fuck off, Parker,” you muttered with so much defense in your voice you wanted to slap yourself silly.
Finally, it was Peter’s turn to smirk at this. 
He slowly reached forward, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. His hand stayed pressed against your cheek, thumb lightly brushing against your cheekbone. You felt uneasy by how gentle he was, you were unsure how to react in this situation. His thumb slowly made its way down to where it was pulling your bottom lip down. He kept you like that for a moment as he started to speak.
“When he’s fucking you tonight, I want you to think about me, princess,” he said softly. “Think about just how much better it would feel to have my cock inside you.”
Before you even had time to process what he said, Peter had disappeared. The only proof you had that he was even there was the salty taste his thumb had left on your lip.
You quickly slipped out of the closet as well. You walked with conviction to the booth Flash and Gwen were occupying. You grabbed Flash by his shirt, pulling him in for a heated and sloppy kiss.
“I wanna get out of here,” you stated bluntly. You then leaned up closer to his ear, whispering to sound more seductive. “I want you to fuck me.”
You had never seen someone move so quickly after you said those words. In a flash (haha, pun very much intended), he had you in a cab and on your way back to the apartment. Gwen and Peter had decided to go get something to eat, and Gwen being your friend (and personally not wanting to hear your sex noises), wanted to give you two some privacy.
As soon as you entered your apartment before the door was even fully shut, you two were shedding your clothes all over the place. You barely made it to your room before he was grasping at your underwear. Flash attempted to go down on you, but you had pulled him back up, insisting that you couldn’t wait for him.
You were ashamed to admit that as soon as your eyes closed, it was Peter you were thinking about. You had to bite down on your lip as to not moan out his name. You hated it but he was right. You knew you wanted him. You already knew that he would be able to make you feel types of pleasure that you hadn’t before. As Flash pounded into you, all you could think about was fucking Peter Parker.
As you came, you pulled Flash closer and closed your eyes tighter, trying your best to hold onto your high and the thought of Peter being the guy inside of you.
When your high was over and Flash had slumped off next to you, you felt sick at what you had just done. You felt even sicker for the realization that came next.
Peter Parker was winning.
You had woken up the next morning alone. To be honest you were relieved that you had kicked Flash out (not so subtly) after you guys finished last night. He surprisingly took it like a champ and was still a gentleman as you pushed him out of your door at three in the morning. He kissed you on the cheek and thanked you for a wonderful night before he disappeared down the hallway.
You didn’t drink enough to have a hangover but you still felt off as you got out of bed. You were dressed in an oversized t-shirt you stole from Gwen and your underwear. Saying you had a bad case of bedhead would have been an understatement. As the smell of bacon and eggs wafted into your nose, you realized you were starving. You looked over at the clock and it was close to eleven.
You made your way out of bed and down the hall. As you entered the kitchen you saw Gwen dancing as she made breakfast. She started to sing Pocket Full of Sunshine and moved her hips to the beat. The only thing that snapped her out of her world was you laughing. She turned around, slightly startled before she realized your goofy demeanor.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” she teased. “If your hair is any indication I’d say last night was good, yeah?”
You shrugged. “I mean I finished, so that’s something.”
Gwen pouted. “Awe, sweetie. What happened?”
“Nothing, Flash is a good guy and all, I just guess I wished he was someone else.”
“Does this someone by any chance have goofy brown hair and brown eyes?”
You rolled your eyes at the notion even though it was one hundred percent the truth.
“Peter? Please. You wouldn’t see me going out with him even if he was the last man on earth.”
“Mhm, so is that why I saw you guys staring daggers at each other last night?”
“I do not know what you’re talking about,” you lied. 
“Okay,” she said with very blatant doubt in her voice. She handed you a full plate which you gratefully accepted. “Tonight we’re going out again tonight. My friend Allison is throwing a party. Peter and Flash are coming too.”
The rest of the day went by in a haze. You worked on rewriting some notes for English and a few assignments, but for the majority of the day, you sat around and did nothing.
Tonight you went for a different look. You wore a black two-piece with matching heels. It was an obvious contrast to the white dress Gwen wore. 
Since your apartment was just off-campus, you and Gwen decided to walk to the party. You were still trying to figure out if you would be accompanied by someone on your walk home and if so, by who.
The party was going absolutely batshit. The music was so loud you could feel the bass in every step you took. Your nose was filled with weed the sent of weed as soon as you walked into the door. You tightly held onto Gwen’s hand as she fought through the crowd of rowdy twenty-somethings. You brushed against at least fifty of your peers as you made your way to the kitchen. Gwen dropped your hand when you had finally gotten to the kitchen.
You fixed yourself and Gwen a drink with the array of alcohol displayed on the counter. You had only a few goals on your mind for the night, those being: 1.) get drunk, 2.) dance your ass off, and 3.) get laid. You were getting a headstart on the first one. 
You were still discombobulated from the debacle with Peter last night. You thought that it was just the indifference that made you feel uncomfortable, but it was the fact that you liked him and he just didn’t like you back. No hate, no love, just nothing. Being confronted about that the previous night shook you in a way you didn’t want to admit, and you were going to. You were going to drink, you were going to dance, and you were going to dance, but you’d be damned if you were going to admit anything
Flash and Peter arrived in the kitchen minutes later. You quickly found yourself hanging on to Flash for comfort. Gwen had begun to talk to the host of the party and her friend, Allison, and there was no way you were talking to Peter. After Flash had finished his first drink and you had finished your third, you were dragging him into the next room overfilled with dancing peers.
“Last night was fun,” Flash yelled over the music with a smile.
“Yeah,” you agreed, your smile more forced. “I’m not really looking for anything serious right now, though. I’m sorry.”
“No biggie, I kind of assumed as much.”
“But we should definitely do it again sometime.”
“Hell yeah.”
This time the smile on your face was one of relief. At least you hadn’t fucked up your friendship with a guy who genuinely liked you as a person in your failed ploys to try and get a different guy to hate you. As you thought about it, you felt embarrassed, but you tried your best to shove it down as you began to dance.
The substance in your system helped take you away from your thoughts. The music and the environment aided as well. Flash’s hands gripped your hips much as he had down the night before as you ground against him. You had sufficiently lost yourself in the music for a solid thirty minutes until fatigue started to hit you. Your movements slowed as you turned to face Flash as you danced. You scanned the room until your eyes landed on two girls who were staring at you and you realized they had been catching glances the whole time you two had been dancing.
“I think you got some fans,” you said directing him to the girls.
Flash turned back to see the girls. Once he looked over they both giggled and instantly looked anywhere but at him. When he turned back to you he had a goofy smirk plastered on his face.
“Nah, I don’t think so.”
“Don’t act coy, Flash. They’re hot. Go get some, big boy.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to leave you alone.”
“You’re sweet but seriously, go get ‘em stallion.”
You smiled when he turned to approach them. Before he walked away you smacked his ass playfully. You felt glad when the girls started blushing as he walked over to them. With a mission feeling complete, you decided to get away from all the noise.
You once again fought your way through the crowd of people until you found a staircase. You followed it upstairs to a long hallway. You walked down the hall. Most of the doors were shut but you found one that was cracked open. You slowly peered inside to make sure no one was in there before you made your way in. You closed the door behind you and sat down on the bed.
It wasn’t silent by any means but it was the most calm you had felt in an hour. You let out a sigh of relief at the loneliness. You planned to stay in the room until your social battery recharged enough to allow you to go back to the crowd of people. You were thinking about when it would be reasonable to tell Gwen that you were going to head home until you noticed the doorknob turning and your mind went blank.
You froze in fear and anticipation, sucking in a breath. Though you knew nothing terrible would come from whatever situation was about to ensure, even if it was the owner of the room themselves, the fear of the unknown made everything go a little slower. That or the alcohol.
You let out the breath you were holding and shrugged your shoulders forward as you saw Peter walk into the room. 
“Should I be concerned that you keep cornering me in confined spaces?” You asked with a cocked eyebrow.
“Maybe,” he said, leaning against the door to close it. You rolled your eyes as you heard the click of the door locking.
“For someone who doesn’t like me, you sure act like you want to spend some quality time with me.” He stalked towards you, gently caressing your cheek with one of his hands. His eyes were unreadable, you couldn’t detect anything specific on his face. The gentle touch plus the uncertainty felt eerie. “Seriously, what do you want, Peter?”
“I’m not sure,” he said, that much you could tell was honest. “I think I’m just trying to get some answers.”
You were going to question him further but as soon as your mouth opened, you felt his lips against yours. It took you a second to react, utterly confused by what was happening. But when your brain granted you enough cognition to move, you kissed him back hungrily. You not only wanted this but something inside of you felt like you needed it. You grabbed onto his jacket to pull him closer to you. You wanted more. You wanted him. Now.
Just as you prepared to lay back and brace yourself for him to topple onto you, he pulled away from you. Your lips tried to chase after his to no avail. You let out a whine as he left you feeling empty. His eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips. You copied him and did the same, some pride washing over you as you saw your lipstick smeared against his lips. After a while of him not doing anything, you decided it was your time to take action.
You dropped to your knees, swiftly undoing his belt and unzipping his jeans. You again felt your pride swell as you realized he was already hard. So some part of him did like you. The pit of pride in your stomach swelled yet again as you caught a glance of an astonished look in Peter’s brown eyes. 
You took him from his boxers before pumping his length. You kitten licked the tip, making sure to draw it out to teach him. His hands went to your hair as you finally took him into your mouth. You bopped your head slowly at first, Peter starting to guide you after a while. The beautiful noises that slipped out of his mouth gave you the motivation to continue going. You took it upon yourself to fit his whole length into your mouth, part of yourself wanting to prove that you could to him. 
“Fuck,” he grunted as he hit the back of your throat.
You would’ve smirked at that if his cock wasn’t down your throat.
You pulled away for a second to catch your breath. You wanted to make a snarky comment but you feared you would snap the amazement out of his eyes so you kept silent. You took him into your mouth again, bobbing more aggressively this time. You took the full length down your throat again, this time staying where you were. He gripped your hair as he felt your throat constrict around his length, a string of profanities falling from his lips. He basically had to pull you off of him. Peter looked down at you dumbfounded, you smirked as you wiped the salvia from your mouth with the back of your hand.
Peter picked you up from your spot on the floor, practically throwing you onto the bed. You were surprised how effortlessly he had manhandled you but it turned you on.
In an instant, he was on top of you. He kissed you once again. You moaned into his mouth as his hands started to travel down your body. He pulled away from your lips, quickly making work on your neck. He expertly found your sweet spot and stayed there for a moment. You knew that there was going to be a mark there in the morning and you knew that that was the point. You made a note to leave some marks of your own.
Peter started to travel down your body hastily, wanting to kiss every part of you. As he got down to your thighs, he pushed your skirt around your hips. He made quick work of your underwear as he pulled them off of your legs. His kisses teased you as his lips drifted closer and closer to where you wanted him the most. Your hands went to tangle themselves in his messy brown hair, but you knew better than to tug impatiently. He looked up at you asking if it was okay and you nodded aggressively.
His tongue licked a stripe up your slit and immediately you were putty. After he added his finger, it was only a matter of seconds until you came embarrassingly quick with his name falling from your lips. He helped you ride through your high but instead of letting up, he instead decided to double down. He added another finger and increased his speed. You pulled on his hair as he fucked you into another orgasm. Your leg started to shake from the pleasure but he still didn’t stop.
“Peter,” you begged. He only looked into your eyes, continuing his assault. You pulled at his hair in a desperate attempt and he lifted from your sex. “Thank you, Peter.” It was a hopeless plea.
He smiled up at you and for a moment you thought he would let up. Peter kept direct eye contact as he spits onto your heat before his lips attached to your clit yet again. You cried out from the overstimulation as you tried to close your thighs. He pushed your legs apart, making you take everything he had to give to you.
As your third high approached, your back arched off of the bed as you gripped Peter’s hair. You came with a cry, throwing your head back. Once you had climaxed, you fell limp against the bed. Peter detached himself from you, this time it was his turn to smirk as he wiped your juices from his mouth.
You tugged at the hem of his shirt, trying to pull him closer. He took a second to admire how beautiful you looked just then. Your hair was a mess, your lipstick smeared, and your skirt scrunched around your waist. 
“What do you want?” Peter asked.
“I want you to fuck me.”
His hands grabbed your calves, dragging you closer to the edge of the bed. He pumped himself a few times before looking at you. He lined himself up with your entrance but didn’t slide in quite yet.
“Who do you want?”
“I want you, Peter.”
He easily slid into you, both of you letting out explicit moans. He went slow at first, trying to get you acquainted with his size. As his speed started to increase, the grip he had on your hips did as well. As he thrust into you, it came to your attention that he might just be the best sex you’ve ever had.
Tears started to fall from your eyes as the pleasure overtook you. When you sat next to the brunette the first week of school, you never thought that he would be buried balls deep inside of you at some stranger’s party. You wrapped your legs around his waist, attempting to pull him impossibly closer.
You grabbed his wrists as he somehow increased his speed. You tapped into the part of your brain that was still actually working and made sure that your nails dug into his skin so he would have a psychical reminder of what took place in the morning. You knew there would be bruises where his fingers dug into your hips in the morning, and a part of you was very excited to see those. You were even more ecstatic at the thought of seeing crescent-sized marks into Peter’s wrists for the next few days.
You let go of the grip on his wrist and pulled off one of his hands from your hip. You entangled your fingers and squeezed.
“I’m close, Peter,” you warned.
“Me too, sweetheart.”
He squeezed your hand as an indication that he was almost there and then suddenly your climax crashed into you. You let out a yell of his name and death-gripped his hand as you came for the last time that night. He followed quickly after, his grip on your hand following in suit of what you had done previously. After he came, he fell forward, falling onto the bed next to you.
Your hands were still connected as you lay on the bed, trying to catch your breaths. You turned your head to admire Peter and all his weird beauty, pleasantly surprised to see him already looking at you. You smiled and he did the same.
“You know, I think I might like you after all,” Peter said.
“After the head I just gave you, you fucking better.”
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kirishoshego · 3 years
Confidental Composition//Bakugo
!!!MINORS DNI!!! 18+ONLY !!!
This is the first part of my little 'Teachers Pet Series' (I will add the link once I got all parts covered and the right ideas).
Summary: A simple task fucked up late at night as you send the wrong version of a piece of homework to your English literature teacher Mister Bakugo. Of course, he would want to see you after class the next day. But not for the reasons you might think. Pairing: Docent!Bakugo x afab!student!y/n // Words: 4.2k+ Side note: Insert a friend or random name you want for X :)
TW: nsfw: slow burn (sorry), spanking with a ruler, hair pulling, being bend over a desk, calling him sir, spitting, choking, dirty talk, degrading, slight praise
„Write an essay about the worst description of a woman or coitus. In the essay, explain why it is bad and then rewrite it. At least 30 pages, max. 60 pages (sources and any other extras you please to include, excluded). Due Date: 8 weeks from now on, 35% worth of your end grade. Questions can be asked per E-Mail, or, if you must, I’m free every Wednesday afternoon for meetings strictly for this essay and this essay only.“
A sigh left your lips as you starred at the piece of paper for the tenth time today ever since he handed it out to you and your classmates. The options you had were endless, you knew so many bad pieces about both topics and could write more than 100 pages about them as well. Everyone in class you talked to had decided on their topic already, some were even further. It was X who told you to just write the topics on a piece of paper and let fate do its work.
Black ink on a badly ripped blue note decided that you were going to write about a sex scene. Just now that you thought about it, rewriting something like that for your professor to read was an awfully stupid idea, yet you decided to listen to a small piece of paper.
At first, you were going to go with Fifty Shades of Grey but you felt like the choice was chewed up and spat out. It took you three days to finally decide on a book and once you settled there was no turning back. Considering your ignited interest in this topic you weren’t surprised when you were done within the first four weeks. Knowing the editing is going to take another week, maybe even a week and a half, you decided to take a small break, just one or two days off. On your second day, you decided to visit the new coffee shop that had just opened up around the corner.
Never had you expected to see your professor near your living spot. You were about to greet him when you noticed his pissed-off expression on his face and only now did you spot the woman behind him. She grabbed his arm and made him turn on the relatively small and empty street.
„Suki you can’t be serious,“ she was angry and hurt, while he seemed to be angry and annoyed. Not much of a difference than to how you see him on the daily, to be honest. „Are you fucking stupid? Of course, I’m fucking god damn serious. It was your choice to cheat on me and now I choose to throw you on the streets where you apparently belong, go ask one of your little boy toys to take you in for all I care,“ you were frozen in place, not entirely sure what to do. Right now your eyes were glued on his chest that was clad in a tight, black pullover, rising up and down heavily as his nostrils were flared caused by his anger. „Because you gave me no choice! If you like that sort of weird, rough shit then paddle your own canoe! I need something soft and tender-,“ before she could finish her sentence he laughed. Cold and slightly maniac in a way.
„Then get some fucking chicken! If you don’t like how I’m in bed then break up with me and piss off but don’t send my best friend a nude to ask him to come over. Even a ten-year-old would see how stupid that is,“at that moment your eyes met. His eyebrows were furled together, red eyes expression furry and disgust. Blond hair usually styled like he was going to be on the cover of Vogue, like he had been before, now slightly messy. Plump lips slightly apart to let his teeth shine through slightly before wetting them with his tongue. Your eyes widened and before you knew what you were doing you waved at him, making him cock his eyebrows in confusion for a second before noticing it was you who he was looking at. Turning on your heels you walked past busy crowds of people as you walked back home, trying to understand what you had just seen and why your angry professor had turned you on more than anyone had done before.
It was a stupid idea to ditch the next teaching unit of his but you had absolutely no clue how you were going to look at him. You knew teachers had a private life themselves, but never would you have guessed that you would run into one of them in your small area. As far as you knew he lived across town according to the very, very few private stories he had shared in magazines.
„Dear Professor,
down below is my finished project as an attachment in form of a PDF. I know you request it to be printed as well and I had planned to hand it in today, but sadly I came down with the flu. I’m looking forward to attending your next unit in the following week.
Have a nice week,
Y/N Y/L/N“
Maybe he had forgotten that you were there already and you were worrying too much about it. You were his student, nothing more, nothing less. Bakugo could care less about you, right? The flu did go around a lot right now, so it wouldn’t be completely unthinkable that you were sick. Itching eyes signaled you that it was time to go to bed now, so you closed your laptop and went to bed, not knowing what the next day will hold for you.
X had waited for you at the main entrance the next day to give you all the information you might need and ask why you weren’t there, considering it was obvious that you had the flu for one day only. At first, you were hesitant to explain what you had witnessed, it was messy already and you doubt Mister Bakugo would want the fight to go viral at his workplace. „Just one of those days you know? I had my mind completely full and felt like crap,“ that was the best excuse you could come up with, a white little lie that wouldn’t harm anyone. „Glad to see you’re doing- Oh, hello Professor,“ X smiled at someone behind you. There was no need to turn around to know who it was, the scent of his very expensive and extremely beguiling perfume clouding your mind. „Hello,“ his gruff voice greeted your friend shortly as you turned around, met with his muscular chest. You didn’t expect him to be so close to you, but here you were, tilting your head slightly as you looked up to him through your lashes, feeling not just your cheeks growing hot. „Good morning Sir,“ your voice sounded a lot more confident than you were feeling. Bakugo clenched his fist around the fake leather of his bag, his red eyes starring right into your soul as you had no chance of escaping whatever was going to happen next. „Miss Y/L/N, just the person I was looking for,“ fuck. „You were?“ X and you said at the same time, but your friend decided to excuse themself after a single glare from the older man. „How may I help you, Professor?“ You asked after swallowing down the anxious feeling that threatened to rise. „I received your Mail yesterday, with the PDF,“ okay, why did he search you just to tell you he got your assignment? Was it that bad? „But I’m relatively sure that it was the wrong one, considering I doubt that you want your teacher to know that 'this shit is so bad, but I wouldn’t mind being bent over a writing desk like that' with a smirking emoji at the end,“ only when his finger pushed your chin upwards gently you noticed that it was agape, shame filling every molecule in your body as you already planned your escape out of this country. Nobody was near you to see the weirdly intimidating scene happening between you and your teacher.
„Also I know you didn’t have the flu. I don’t appreciate being lied to. Tomorrow five p.m. in my office, don’t be late or you will get in more trouble. Send me the actual version tonight so I can grade it. I won’t let something as unprofessional as this slide again, understood?“ You nodded, taking in all of the information given to you, and somewhat in all of this mess felt thankful that he was giving you a second chance. The man in front of you rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue, ordering you to speak up. „Yes Sir, thank you,“ you sounded more confident than you felt inside. „Good,“ was all Bakugo said before he turned around, leaving you behind in the big hall dumbfounded and confused… And horny.
As if Chronos himself felt immense joy in your misery, minutes appeared to be hours and the panic inside of you only grew the closer you came to five in the afternoon. You tried everything, watching a show, listening to podcasts and audiobooks, reading a book you had put of for so long, went outside, cooked something, worked on another assignment, stopped yourself from destroying your hair, made the phone call you so desperately had put off and it’s still only ten p.m on the same day. How was that even possible? As you laid in bed you tossed and turned, the thought of your really hot teacher all angry, breathing heavily, his hands roaming your body. It was hard to pinpoint exactly when those thoughts turned into a very lucid dream, but when you woke up in the morning, already an hour too late to your first period, all you wanted to do was scream into your pillow.
Considering first class is canceled, you wanna go grab breakfast? X texted you.
Canceled? Checking your mails you saw your teacher had sent out a mail, excusing themselves and explaining they came down with the flu. A blessing in disguise. You let X know that you would meet up at the building and go grab something near it. Once agreed, you took a quick shower, a moment of peace given to you as water hit your body. There was no way you could do anything between your last class and the meeting with Professor Bakugo, so you tried to look your best possible for the next upcoming hours.
Suddenly time flew by and the closer you got the more you begged for a little bit more time, for him to postpone it, anything. But no, here you were, five minutes early and looking around to spot the blond man with no luck. „Miss Y/L/N. Step inside,“ you jumped slightly as his voice boomed up behind you, not expecting him to be in the office already.
Once you walked inside you were stunned about how clean everything was, no matter where you looked it was neat. His books were sorted alphabetically with marks between them to let him know when a new letter began. As far as you could tell he used cherry wood for his pieces of furniture, a big, black carpet in a corner underneath a small seating area, and some books placed on the table. Even his paperwork was stacked in order. Big glass windows allowed the evening sun to fall into the room, its warmness kissing your skin while you were seated in front of him, a big writing desk between the two of you, on it your work.
It was quiet for a short moment, before he leaned back in his chair, red eyes mustering you up and down which didn’t help at all. „What would you like to talk about first? Your assignment or the fact that you lied to me?“ Why was he so bothered by your lie? You knew plenty of students calling in sick every once in a while even though they aren’t. „I apologize for both of it. It shouldn’t have happened and I learned from my mistake,“ you were hoping that it would ease his anger a little bit but he seemed more worked up than usual. „Although I don’t understand why you are so angry at me for it? Plenty students lie-,“ „Yes, but they aren’t stupid enough to make it so obvious,“ he interrupted you. „I could care less about who’s missing my class, it’s their fault in the end if they decide learning is unnecessary. However you are one of my top students, I expected better from you. You could have excused yourself with no explanation. But you chose to add the feeble lie about being sick for what?“
You took in a deep breath, feeling as if another lie would be caught immediate, so you had no other choice but to tell him the real reason: „I heard the fight you had with the woman you were with, in the café, and I didn’t know how to react when I see you in your class,“ there was a small moment where he looked honestly confused before something clicked in his brain. „So it was you who I saw. What did you hear?“ „I can’t really rem-,“ „One more lie and I will lose my temper, don’t test me,“ shit, why was he turning you on so much right now. He’s your teacher for god’s sake and angry at you, this wasn’t the right time. „That she doesn’t agree with certain things in your private life,“ „Like?“ he knew you tried to talk around it, yet he wanted you to talk about, to see you embarrassed again, he liked that look on you. „The way you fuck,“ it was said before your brain could even comprehend the words, another apology laying at the tip of your tongue but his next question cut you off before you could say something else. „Why were you there in the first place? I’ve been there a few times and never saw you or any other student,“ he explained. „Because I live close by?“ It sounded more defiantly than you had wanted, causing your opponent to cock his eyebrow.
„I feel like you’re forgetting who’s the authority figure here,“ he walked up to his door, locking it before coming back. Now he was right in front of you, slightly sitting on his desk and the sleeves of his button-up shirt pushed up a little. „No sir, I’m sorry,“ „You see, the problem is, I don’t really believe you,“ with that he pulled you up, bodies pressed against each other, letting you feel his toned torso while the muscles in his arms flexed slightly.
„You lied to me once already, I think I have to teach you a lesson,“ everything happened so fast and you suddenly found yourself face down on his desk with his hand between your shoulder blades, the other one grabbing his wooden ruler. „If I recall correctly this is what you wanted right?“ His voice was low, slightly above a whisper as his upper body was pressed against your back while he pulled a few hair strands from your face. „Yes, but Professor I don’t think this is a good idea,“ your inner voice yelled at you, saying this was the best idea ever, angry that you possibly ruined your dreams coming true.
„Tell me to stop and I will do so immediately. Your choice. There will be no consequences if you worry about that,“ he reassured you, waiting for you to get up and run, but you didn’t and the current position allowed him to feel you clench your legs. „So?“ He asked again, the ruler in his hand basically burning with the anticipation of hitting your skin. „No, don't stop,“ you breathed, awaiting his next move.
„Good,“ with that he exposed your raised ass, your underwear the only thing between your bare skin and the wood that came down upon it, one foot raising in the air because of the sudden pain. „From now on if you say stop I won’t listen, you will tell me how you feel through colors. If it’s too much you tell me red and I will drop everything, understood?“ Another spank was delivered to the same spot.
„Yes,“ another one. You weren’t sure if he hit harder or if your skin turned more sensitive with every blow.
„It’s sir to you,“ you could feel him lunge out but shortly before the ruler came down he stoped, laughing slightly at your small jump.
„Yes sir,“ another one.
„You’re going to apologize every time my ruler paints your cute ass even redder, got it?“ You nodded your head, a moan escaping the back of your throat as he spanked you yet again.
„One more thing, be a good girl and stay quiet, wouldn’t wanna get caught now do we?“ He knew it was going to be torture for you to follow his order the more he continued and in a way he wanted you to fail. There was so much build-up inside of him and it appears that you were willing enough for him to use you as he pleased. That’s why you were his favorite. Bakugo knew what he was doing was wrong and he never expected to feel this way for one of his students but forbidden fruit tastes the best.
You stopped counting after the seventh blow, sorries, sirs and small whimpers fall from your lips as if they were your whole vocabulary. At one point you started crying, tears mixed with mascara running down your cheeks. He tried to remember something that turned him on more than the sight of your messed-up body with no luck. Everything build up inside of him, everything itching in his hands, the inner desires he had to soften for his ex, it all was going to come down on you. His thick girth twitched at the simple thought of finally being surrounded by your dripping wet cunt.
A warm soft hand rubbed over your bruised flesh while the other one found its way into your hair to pull you up to him, your back arched.
„What are you sorry for?“ Your mind was clouded with pleasure and pain, the only thought right now was the feeling of his dick print right between your sore cheeks. „I asked my little bitch a question, I expect you to fucking answer,“ this time he spanked you with his hand but it was just as intense as his ruler. „I don’t know,“ you breathed, a soft moan slipping out of you when his thumb barely circled your throbbing clit. „You’re just apologizing because you want me to use you?“ You could hear him chuckle lowly before he pushed your underwear to the side, his middle finger now playing with you. „Yes sir,“ Katsuki couldn’t hear a single ounce of shame in your voice and he wondered how long you had been thinking about him like this before.
„I never expected you to be such a dumb, cock hungry whore,“ The sound of his belt hitting the floor was dull like it was far away from you but at the same time, you felt him closer than before. Strong hands around your waist turned you around and once again he lifted your head with his finger underneath your chin, studying your ruined make-up as if he was memorizing every little detail he never wanted to forget. The blond, muscular man lifted you with ease, your behind getting a small moment of cooling as it hit his wooden desk.
Bakugo dried your tears slightly with his thumb, smearing it even more. „Only for you,“ you whispered and in that moment he couldn’t stop himself, he just had to kiss you. Not sweet and gentle, but passionately and hungry, like he was poisoned and your kiss was the antidote. The hand behind your head traveling to the front as you were laid down completely.
„If I had known before I would have fucked you so much sooner,“ with one hard thrust he was buried deep inside of you, one hand over your mouth because he knew you wouldn’t be able to keep quiet and the other one around your throat, squeezing shut and watching you struggle against it slightly. Your professor was thicker than what you were used to and you didn’t know how good it would feel until now. With the first few snaps of his hips, you knew you never wanted to feel something else anymore.
Your hands went to his arms and you tugged on them, causing him to let go as the blood found its way back to your brain. „Color?“ he asked, afraid you weren’t able to handle him. „Green,“ was all you could get out before another moan cut off your ability to talk.
„Good girl,“ he whispered into your ear, kissing down from your earlobe to your shoulder before sucking on a rather sensitive spot. Both of your wrists were held over your head with his left hand, with the explanation that he doesn’t appreciate being stopped while using you however he pleased. The right hand was going from between your chest after he admired your bouncing tits thoroughly, to your stomach to connect with your most sensitive bundle of nerves. Bakugo switched from circles to eights, from fast to slow, but the harshness of his hips never haltered.
„I know you wanna scream right now, but I can’t allow that. Can’t let others hear what a dirty slut you are for me right now. I promise I will fuck you in my house if you behave now. You can moan my name as much as you want. Or maybe I will gag you, watch you drool all over yourself. Maybe I will tie you up and edge you for an hour straight until you’re begging me to fuck you, you like the sound of that, huh? I can feel you squeezing around me,“ another chuckle left his plump lips as he watched you struggle to stay up on your feet.
„Maybe I will let you choke on my dick while I work on something for the next lesson. Gonna use you as my little cum dump. Let you think about it again when I talk about it in front of the whole class. Do-,“ you were so close when a sudden knock on the door startled you both, but he never once stopped what he was doing, if anything he went even harder, whispering into your ear to be quiet for him.
„Hey Kat, your ex is outside and says she wants to talk, want me to send her in?“ It was the psychologist professor Shinso, his voice as done and deep as usual. „No, I’m occupied,“ Bakugo saw your mouth open after you fought so hard against it, he couldn’t let you moan, not right now. He did the first thing he could think of, spitting into it and watching you swallow. Oh, he would definitely film you do this with his cum covering you everywhere and the thought brought him slightly closer to his release. „Still grading papers huh? I don’t get where you got all of that energy from,“ his voice was blurred out by Bakugo whispering into your ear. „Do you want me to tell you what we're doing right now? Let him know I’m fucking my little toy stupid right now?“ And while you were shaking your head no it was the last straw for you and you found yourself grabbing his hand to put over your mouth, biting your lips until you tasted blood to muffle the scream you couldn’t stop. Bakugo cursed under his breath when he could feel you throbbing around his dick and your nails digging into his arm. „Tell her to leave me the fuck alone, she’s already forgotten,“ his voice sounded strained and you knew he was close as well. „Ah, I see. Well then have fun,“ his laugh was fading away the further he went.
„Can’t believe that made you cum, you’re even more perfect than I thought, such a dirty girl, tsk,“ both his hands are on your hips and he pulled your body against him with every thrust. You were still coming down from your orgasm when you felt his thrusts turning sloppy before he stopped completely, his dick now pulsing while he was holding you tightly. Breath uneven and getting stable on his feet again he turned you around, careful so he wouldn’t hurt you.
„Next time I gonna make sure you can’t walk but right now I need you to be able to leave the building,“ he pulled his pants back up and added: „Sadly,“ before walking around his desk.
It was still hard for you to stand so you sat down, wincing as the usually soft cushion now felt like thousand of tiny spikes on your bruised ass. Before you pull your bottoms up again he grabbed your wrist and pulled you up, once again with a stern expression on his face you were so familiar with.
„I apparently really fucked you stupid if you think I let you leave like this,“ having him put cooling cream on your bare bum felt more intimate than having him be balls deep inside you. „Sorry I just thought-,“ „Well, you thought wrong. I don’t know what kind of boys you had in the past but now that you have me there are going to be changes, got that?“
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kingexpl0sionmurder · 3 years
Mutual Misunderstandings - Kirishima Eijirou - Smut
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Author: @kingexpl0sionmurder​​ Pairing: Kirishima Eijirou / F!Reader Rating: 18+ (Contains smut) Words: 5,866 Warnings: Quirkless AU, Aged up characters (they adulty adults!), unprotected vaginal sex, oral (male receiving), very very light choking, reader has a bit of a size kink. AN: Another entry for the BNHAREM collab! This time we’re writing roommates, and I somehow managed to snag Kirishima! I’m super excited for all of the fics coming this time around, so make sure you click on the link below and read some of the other submissions!
This is my first time writing Kirishima and I’m super nervous about it. I’ve always really loved him because he’s just the best boy and he’s so brave and strong and gentle and I just want to cuddle him into oblivion. I also firmly believe he’s going to be a huge tank of a man when he gets older and I’m going with that vision of him here.
Collab Masterlist is HERE My Masterlist is HERE Buy me a KoFi if you’re feeling froggy HERE
You stood in your living room, your jaw hanging open, staring at him in shock. Kirishima had a similar look on his face, the two of you pointing at each other like that Spider-Man meme. 
“You mean to tell me you’ve had a crush on me this whole time?” You finally choked out, blinking owlishly at your best friend and roommate. “I thought you liked Mina!”
Kirishima sputtered, shaking his head. “No way! She’s my friend, we’ve known each other since middle school, you know that.” He moved to cross his arms across his broad chest. “And anyway, there’s no way you like me, you have a crush on Bakugou!”
There was no way this was happening right now. “No! I don’t like Bakugou like that! He’s a pain in my fucking ass, and I think about murdering him on a daily basis.” Facepalming, you groaned. “Are we really this stupid?”
How did you end up here?
It started back in your first year of college. 
The parties and the seemingly endless studying had become a comfortable routine for you. So what if you were sleep-deprived and living on cup noodles? You were getting your higher education and ready to tackle the real world head-on in just a few short years.
A pipe dream, but still.
You had your best friend Shinsou by your side and a customer loyalty card at the campus coffee shop and everything was right with the world. You’d even managed to get paired up with Hitoshi’s (sort of) boyfriend for an English project, which was a better outcome than what you could have hoped for, not having to work with some rando on something that would be a large chunk of your grade.
Kaminari had suggested that you work on it at his place with the promise of Doritos, and you agreed. Who were you to turn down snacks? Poor college students needed those cheese dusted carbs to survive. 
The Upsilon Alpha fraternity was one of the best and most popular on campus, and at first, you found it almost laughable that Kaminari was a member. At first glance, he seemed like a total space cadet stoner who didn’t belong in college, much less as a member of such an esteemed frat. However, after getting to know him, you knew that he was most definitely all of those things, but he was also insanely smart when it counted and kept above average grades in his classes (except for math, but with him being a bisexual disaster human, it came with the territory).
You had made some decent progress on your project after about an hour. The outline was done, and you were discussing how you would be presenting it since you had a choice between a written essay or a PowerPoint presentation. 
Without warning, the kitchen door flew open, the doorknob slamming into the wall behind it.
“Well, the quiet was nice while it lasted, huh?” Kaminari blinked, completely unfazed by the commotion, leaning back in his chair and eating a chip.
Your gaze flitted over to the man who was glaring at the two of you from the doorway, his hands shoved in his pockets. Blonde hair that looked so much like an explosion was sticking up in every direction on his head, and you felt his red eyes trained on you as he took in the room. “What are you doing, Dunceface?”
Kaminari didn’t answer right away, raising his eyebrow and grinning at the new arrival. “Hey, Kacchan.”
If the bulging vein in the man’s forehead was any indication, Kaminari had said the wrong thing. He opened his mouth, and you assumed it was to threaten your project partner, but he was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder from behind.
“Bakubro, be nice. Kami has company.” 
The man that appeared beyond the angry pomeranian took your breath away. He was...big. Like, his shoulders were so wide you wondered how he was going to fit through the doorway. And he was tall, with spiked red hair making him look even taller, big red eyes and sharp teeth, and the most beautiful smile you’d ever laid eyes on.
Blonde and grumpy grumbled, moving aside to let giant and red into the room, who then turned that megawatt million-dollar smile on you, and you tried your best not to stare at his biceps or the way his shirt clung to his chest.
Was it hot in here all of a sudden?
“Hi! I’m Kirishima, and this ray of sunshine is Bakugou, we’re some of Kaminari’s frat brothers!” He held out his hand for you to shake, and you smiled up at him, taking his giant hand in yours. The size of his fingers sent your brain reeling, and you knew you needed to get yourself under control before you started moaning out loud in front of him. 
“I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you! Kami and I are just working on an English project.” You explained, grinning back up at him, trying to keep the lust off of your face. You didn’t want to look like some kind of freak.
He took his hand back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Oh, you must be Shinsou’s friend! Kami told us you’d be coming over, I forgot about that.” He turned, watching as Bakugou slunk over to the fridge and opened the door. “Don’t let us bother you, we’re just grabbing some water before we head to the gym.”
Kaminari snorted. “Dude, if you get any beefier we’re going to need to remodel the doors so you can fit through them.”
Kirishima turned as red as his hair, glancing at you, before he grinned at his friend. “If I stop, no one will be able to bench press you and Sero at the same time at the next party.”
“Bro, that is my favorite party trick of yours.” He sat up straighter, looking forlorn at the thought of it not happening anymore. “Okay, fine, go to the gym.”
Bakugou grumbled from behind him something that sounded like “I could bench press four of you if I wanted to.”
“Of course you could, buddy.” Kirishima slung his arm over Bakugou’s shoulder. “Okay, we’re out of here. It was nice to meet you, Y/N. Good luck with your project!”
Bakugou grunted and shoved a water bottle at Kirishima, shrugging out from under his arm and leaving the room. Kirishima smiled at you when you said goodbye, hurrying after his sour-faced friend and leaving you and Kaminari to your work.
“Your housemates are...interesting.” You managed, still trying to wrap your head around the red-haired man.
Kaminari snorted. “Kirishima is the walking definition of sunshine, and Bakugou is...well, he takes some getting used to. But he’s not a bad guy.”
You just hummed, chewing on your pen absently. “Can he actually bench press you?”
“Fuck yeah. He does it one-handed. You should come to our next party and see for yourself.”
Keeping your face as neutral as possible, you nodded. “Maybe I can convince Shinsou to come with me.” Wiggling your eyebrows at Kaminari when he blushed, you turned back to the notebook that lay open in front of you. “Come on, let’s figure this out so we can talk more about your intentions with my best friend.”
You did show up to the next UA frat party, Shinsou in tow. Your purple-haired bestie was grumbling the whole way, his hands shoved in his pockets. It didn’t stop him from making fun of how short your skirt was and teasing you about how you’d done nothing but talk about Kirishima since the day you’d met him.
“He’s like Clifford the Big Red Dog, Y/N. Clumsy and adorable.”
“He’s definitely big. I’d like to climb him like a tree.” You linked your arm with his, walking up to the giant house, the windows already rattling with the bass pumping through the speakers inside.
“You’re disgusting. I am appalled and also proud to call you my best friend.” Sarcastic as usual, he let you drag him along without a fuss.
“That sounds about right.”
The party was in full swing, half the campus milling around inside the house with red plastic cups in hand. You found Kaminari almost immediately, shoving Shinsou towards him and making your way to the kitchen to find yourself a drink. 
“Y/N!” Kirishima was in front of you almost immediately, giant cat eyes and his shark tooth smile lighting up the room. “Kami mentioned you might show up!”
Blushing, you nodded, suddenly losing the ability to form words. He was wearing a tank top, his arm muscles on display, and you took a moment to thank the Lord for the blessing before you. 
“You want a drink?” 
You realized you were staring, so you cleared your throat and smiled at him. “Yes, please.”
His large hand wrapped around your elbow gently as he tugged you through the crowd in the kitchen and out towards the back porch. You tried not to think about how your skin was burning under his touch. You needed to get a grip.
He got to work on the keg, pumping the handle on the top and grabbing you a cup, tilting it a bit as he filled it with beer. 
“Hey, shitty hair! Beer pong!” You turned to see Bakugou standing on the other side of the large wooden deck, his arm resting on the shoulder of a tall and lanky brown-haired boy. “Sero here wants to break up the dream team! Find a partner!”
Kirishima chuckled, shaking his head. “Yeah, hang on!” He turned to you, handing you your drink. “So, you play beer pong?”
Bringing the cup to your lips, you tilted your head back and chugged your beer, wiping your mouth off with the back of your hand when you’d finished. Kirishima was staring at you with wide eyes, looking surprised but pleased. “Yeah. I’m better when I’m drunk, though.”
He held out his hand for the empty cup, moving to fill it up again, his grin never faltering. “Let’s go kick their asses.”
That was the beginning of your friendship with Kirishima. What had started as a crush on the red-haired man had turned into a companionship that you couldn’t ever see yourself without. That was why you never said a word about how you really felt.
As cliché as it was, you didn’t know how you’d survived without the guy. He was nothing short of amazing. He was a great listener, and he gave good advice. He was always there when you needed him, bringing you soup when you were sick, going on late-night snack runs when you were up all night studying for exams, showing up with chocolate and tampons when it was your time of the month.
Shinsou had always done those things for you, but he was spending a lot of time with his boyfriend now. You weren’t upset about it though, you thought they were the cutest and you didn’t want to third wheel their time together, so you hung out with Kirishima and Bakugou a lot more often. 
As Kaminari had told you on that first day, Bakugou truly wasn’t a bad guy. His attitude got on your nerves though, and you envisioned punching him in the face at least four times a day, but you didn’t dislike him. He and Kirishima were best friends, so he was a part of the package, and you learned to deal with him.
So it was a no-brainer when Kirishima and Bakugou approached you and asked if you wanted to get an apartment with them once you’d graduated. With the three of you living together, you were able to afford a nicer apartment than you’d ever dreamed of having that was in a central location and only a few train stops away from where your respective jobs were located.
Things were going well, and you’d done a decent job of keeping your true feelings for Kirishima to yourself. It helped that he’d never dated anyone, and you were free to lust after him quietly, under the impression that no one had caught on to how you really felt, perfectly content to continue as you had been since the day you’d met him. 
The only wrench in your plans of quiet pining was Mina Ashido.
Mina was awesome, and you loved her to pieces. She was one of the only other females in your friend group and had been around since you’d gotten closer to the boys in the frat that first year of college. She was the perfect person to go to when you needed some self-care nights, always down to put on a face mask and paint your nails, and she was the best shopping partner.
However, you were thoroughly convinced that Kirishima liked her. 
You’d noticed, as far back as your freshman year, how they always gravitated towards each other in social settings. Mina was always one of the last ones to leave when you went out back then, always the one Kirishima threw his arm around when you walked back to campus from the bar.
It was part of the reason you’d become close with Bakugou in the first place. Whenever Kiri was with Mina, you always sidled up to the explosive blonde, teasing him to distract yourself from the way your heart was squeezing in your chest. 
Neither of them had ever mentioned having more than just a platonic, friendly relationship with each other, but you couldn’t shake the feeling you got whenever you saw them together.
It’s called jealousy, you idiot.
You had nothing to be jealous about though. Kirishima was your friend, and that’s all he would ever be.
Things had been going well, at least that’s what you’d thought. And then this morning had happened.
It was Saturday, which was your normal grocery shopping day. You and Bakugou had taken on the burden of shopping for groceries for the apartment. You’d allowed Kirishima to go once and he came home with more junk food than should be allowed in one cart, and half of the things on the list you’d given him missing, and more protein powder than should be legally allowed.
Bakugou had worked out a system and your grocery shopping trips were like a well-oiled machine that took no longer than an hour out of your day, and you were grateful for your grumpy friend and his penchant for being overly organized.
You finished getting dressed, ready to get this over with so you could use the rest of the day to play video games and be generally lazy. Walking into the living room, you stopped in your tracks to see your roommates glaring at each other, which was normal for one of them, and uncharacteristic for the other.
“Everything okay?” Your eyes darted between the two men, taking in Kirishima’s stiff posture and clenched jaw. 
“Fine. I’m going shopping alone today.” Bakugou grunted, turning away from his best friend.
Puzzled, you frowned. “What? Why?”
Bakugou stopped in the doorway, turning to face the both of you, looking thoroughly fed up. He lifted his hand and pointed. “The two of you are making me want to commit myself. I’ve been dealing with this shit for years, and it ends today. You’re in love with each other. Figure your shit out and fuck already. I’ll be out for the rest of the day.”
You gaped after him as he turned again, giving you both the middle finger over his shoulder as he left, the door slamming shut behind him.
And that brings us up to speed.
“Are we really this stupid?” You asked, shutting your eyes and leaning your head back.
Kirishima sighed. “This doesn’t make any sense. Since when?”
Snorting, you flopped down on the couch, rubbing at your face tiredly. “Truthfully? Since the moment we met.” You guessed the cat was out of the bag, so you might as well tell him everything. “In the kitchen at the frat house.”
“When you came over to work on that project with Denki?” His eyebrows furrowed, an adorably confused look on his face. “Are you telling me I’ve been pushing you at Bakugou for nearly 5 years for no reason?”
“Yeah, you could stop doing that at any time and I would appreciate it. Unless you want me to strangle him to death.”
Kirishima flopped down on the other end of the couch, his shoulders slumping in defeat. “I’ve liked you just as long, you know? I saw you sitting in our kitchen and I thought I was going to throw up.”
“If that was supposed to make me feel good about myself then you’ve failed miserably.”
“No! I just mean, the butterflies-” He groaned. “Shut up and let me get this out okay?” 
Smirking at him, you turned your body, leaning against the back of the couch. “Okay, sorry, keep going.”
Taking a deep breath, he continued, red eyes trained on your face. “Do you remember the frat party?”
“Which one?”
“That first one, when you chugged that beer in front of me and then helped me kick Bakugou’s ass at beer pong?” He waited for you to nod before he spoke again. “I’d never felt so enamored with anyone in my entire life.” Kirishima let his gaze fall to his hands. “You were so awesome and funny and beautiful and you kept up with my friends and their dumbass antics like a pro and I just...I couldn’t believe you were real. I just kept telling myself that you would never be into someone like me, so I decided that if we could be friends for life then that would be enough.”
“Ei…” You trailed off, frowning. You’d always known he tended to get down on himself. You and Bakugou had done your best to convince him he was worth much more than he let himself believe, but sometimes he needed a reminder.
“I know, I know. I don’t feel that way anymore, but at the time I did.” His hair was down, tied back in a loose bun, bits of his fringe falling in his eyes. He pushed a piece of it behind his ear and kept going. “So I tried to keep my distance, kept on hanging around with Mina, tried not to think about how much I wanted to be with you. She kept telling me I needed to tell you, kept rubbing it in that I wasn’t being manly about it. But you were hanging out with Bakugou so much I just figured you liked him and I didn’t want to get in the way.”
Closing your eyes, you let your head fall forward. “I was hanging out with Bakugou because I couldn’t stand seeing you with Mina so much. I was jealous.” Realization hit, and your eyes snapped open. “Mina knew?”
“Yeah, she’s the only one I told.”
“All those times we hung out and she never said a word.” Chuckling, you shook your head. “I told Shinsou. It’s like the only secret he’s ever kept from Kaminari. I threatened to mutilate him beyond all recognition if he mentioned a word to anyone.” You grinned sheepishly at him.
Kirishima huffed a laugh. “You’ve been spending way too much time with Bakugou. Your threats are just as creative as his.”
“Speaking of, I guess he figured it out on his own then.”
Humming, he shrugged. “He was always the smartest one out of all of us.” He looked over at you again. “So, now it’s your turn.”
Raising an eyebrow, you blinked at him. “For what? A heartfelt confession?” 
“It’s only fair. I told you how I felt. What did you think when you first met me?”
You felt your ears get hot. “Do you want the truth? Because it’s kind of embarrassing.”
Shifting himself on the couch, he leaned against the arm, tanned forearms resting on his knees. “Oh, this should be good.” He teased, grinning.
“Shut up.” You sighed, preparing yourself for his reaction. “When you walked into the kitchen that day, my first thoughts were...uh...pretty dirty. Like X rated.”
Eyes wide, he stared at you. “Really? How dirty are we talking here?”
You covered your face with your hands, mumbling your answer behind them.
“Sorry, what was that?” He was fucking with you again, you could hear the smirk in his voice, and you were tempted to smack him with a throw pillow.
Taking a deep breath, you moved your hands from your face, looking him right in the eye. “I said, I wanted you to step on me.”
Sputtering, he blinked a few times. “What?”
“I mean, you were this...tank, Eijirou. Like this giant man with gorgeous eyes and a killer smile, with the personality of fucking sunshine and you had these big hands and I wanted you to wrap them around my throat and-”
“Whoa whoa whoa, seriously?” His cheeks were as red as his hair, his hands flailing as he stopped your tirade. “You wanted me to…?
Nodding solemnly, you looked him dead in the eyes. “Yes, and I’ve thought about that like every day since then.” 
“I am learning things about you today that I never even imagined.” Blowing a breath out he slumped back, looking shook.
You hurried on, wanting him to know it was more than that. “I mean, after that I got to know you and I love everything about you, Ei. I just, you’re such a good person, better than I could ever be. You care about everyone and you’re always there for me, for all of us, whenever we need you. You’re strong and funny and brave. I always know that I can rely on you.” Sniffling, you couldn’t help the emotions bubbling to the surface. 
“But you also want me to step on you.” He was grinning, his eyes a little wet, too.
Wiping at your eyes with your fingers, you chuckled. “Yes, exactly.”
Sighing, he leaned forward, grabbing your arm and tugging. “Come here.”
Crawling across the couch, you laid down between his parted legs, your head resting on his chest. He wrapped his giant arms around you and kissed the top of your head. 
“Now what?” You asked, realizing you were afraid of the answer. What happened now?
He hummed, and you heard the sound vibrate through his chest. “I was going to suggest a nap, but now I keep thinking about what you said…”
You lifted up to ask what he meant, shifting your body and freezing when you felt something hard brush against your thigh. Eyes meeting his, you bit your lip at the look on his face, feeling a blush creep over your face and down your neck. “Yeah?”
“I figured we can do things out of order a little bit, right? I’m going to take you on a real date and court you properly, like a gentleman and all that, but right now all I can think about is, well…” He sat up, grabbing you around the waist and lifting you like it was nothing, until you were sitting properly on his lap, straddling his hips. When he was satisfied, his hand moved to your throat, putting the smallest amount of pressure on the sides of your neck with his calloused fingertips.
The moan that tore from your throat was low and quiet, but he heard it, muttering a curse under his breath as you became nearly boneless in his lap. “Eijriou.” You managed, licking your lips and gazing at him through half-closed eyes, your blood pounding in your ears.
It was ridiculous how turned on you were in that moment, and he’d barely done a thing. You felt his cock twitch beneath you, and you couldn’t help but grind down on him, the small amount of friction making you shiver.
Suddenly he was guiding you towards him, your noses bumping and breath mingling as he held you in place, his lips just out of your reach. “You don’t know how much I’ve always wanted you, Y/N.” 
Letting your eyes slide closed, you ran your hands up his muscled arms and rested them on his shoulders to keep yourself upright. You were tired of waiting, of keeping yourself from what you wanted. “Show me.”
If you were to die right here on this couch it would have all been worth it. The feeling of his lips on yours, the way he ran his thumb lightly over your throat as he kissed you, had your eyes rolling back in their sockets. You couldn’t get enough of the taste of him, of the feeling of his hard body beneath your fingertips. He was careful with his sharp teeth, tugging at your bottom lip lightly, your tongues sliding together as he rolled his hips against yours.
You pulled back for air finally, taking in his kiss bruised lips and dilated pupils. Reaching down, you tore your shirt over your head, tossing it across the room, never breaking eye contact. You watched his gaze fall to your heaving chest as he worried at his bottom lip for a moment, obviously lost in thought. 
Before you could ask him what he was thinking about, he’d shifted again so that his feet were on the floor. Kirishima lifted you off his lap and put you on your feet in front of him, hands moving to your waist, fingers slipping into the elastic of the leggings you were wearing. He pressed his face to your bare stomach, kissing your skin as he worked your pants down your thighs, slipping them past your knees. You played with his hair, moaning softly as he kissed along your hip.
When he sat back you stepped out of your leggings, feeling exposed. You forgot how to be awkward when he was looking at you like that, hungry and wanting. Stepping forward, you pouted. “Why am I the only one half-naked?”
Chuckling, he pulled his shirt off, and you sucked in a breath, trying to wrap your head around the fact that this man, with a chiseled and perfect body like a Greek god, wanted you.
You didn’t even have time to admire him, because he was moving again, pulling you closer by your thighs, sharp teeth hooking into the front of your panties and dragging them down. Tugging the tie out of his hair, you slid it on your wrist, letting your fingers card through his red locks. He let his hands do the rest of the work until the offending garment was tangled around your ankles. 
Pushing him away gently, you watched him settle back on the couch, red eyes gazing at you as you reached back to unclasp your bra, letting it fall to the floor, finally fully exposed to him. Kirishima sucked in a breath, blinking a few times in disbelief. “God, you’re so beautiful.”
You kicked your panties to the side, moving to kneel in front of him, reaching up to grasp the top of his grey sweats, mouth-watering when you started to tug them down. Kirishima was huge everywhere else, so the size of his cock was of no surprise to you. He was massive, long, and girthy, and you couldn’t wait to feel him inside you, stuffing you full.
Rubbing your thighs together for some relief, you left his sweats around his ankles, leaning forward and grasping his cock in your hand. It was almost comical how small your hands looked compared to it. Your eyes locked with his as you licked a long stripe up the shaft, tracing along the prominent vein on the underside, and lapping at the precum dripping from the head. 
Kirishima’s head fell back to rest on the cushion behind him, his fingers tangling in your hair as you took him into your mouth. Your jaw ached almost immediately as you did your best to swallow all of him down, willing your throat to relax. You’d spent so long thinking about how he would taste and sound as you sucked his soul out through his dick, you were going to make the most out of this moment. 
His breathy pants filled the room, along with the obscene slurping sounds of your mouth around his cock. Gripping your hair and tugging lightly, you could tell he was holding back, his thighs shaking with the effort to keep from fucking up into your face. You pulled off, opening your mouth to let him know he could wreck you however he wanted, but he had other plans.
“Come up here, baby.”
The pet name sent shivers through you as you stood up, straddling his lap, his cock pressed up against his stomach. His thumb brushed over your lips, wiping away the spit and pre that spilled down your chin. Cradling your face in his large palm, he pulled you forward and kissed you deeply, his free hand sliding between your bodies. Thick fingers parted your folds, and you lifted up on your knees to give him better access. You moaned into his mouth as he brushed over your clit, gathering the dripping wetness of your cunt along his digits and sliding one finger inside your hole.
You clenched around him, breaking the kiss and keening loudly, your hips involuntarily bucking against his hand. His finger pumped in and out, curling slightly and pressing against your inner walls, stretching you. Gripping your hip with his other hand, he kissed his way down your jaw to your neck and chest, tongue flicking out over your nipple, hot breath ghosting over your skin with a chuckle when you grabbed his head and pulled him towards you.  
One finger turned to two and then three as you rocked and mewled in pleasure, his thumb finding your clit again and pressing against the bundle of nerves, whispered praises reaching your ears as he sucked and bit at your breasts. You were on the edge, wanting to fall over and drown in him, needing to cum all over his fingers and then again on his cock, wanting nothing more than to feel this way forever. 
“Ei I’m gonna…” You panted, unable to form the words.
Grunting, he moved his fingers faster, pressing his thumb in a little harder, his words of praise streaming steadily, telling you how good you were, how pretty you looked. Eyes rolling back, your body tensed, a moan in the sound of his name leaving your lips as you shook, cumming harder than you ever had in your life. 
You were still clenching when he pulled his fingers out of you, his hand slick with release as he tugged on his cock and lined it up with your entrance, your body mourning the loss for mere seconds before he was filling you again. The slick glide of your arousal had you taking nearly all of him, the two of you groaning in tandem at the feeling. Gripping his shoulders, you lifted slightly, slamming your hips back down and taking him to the hilt. The stretch was just on the edge of painful, but his thick digits had stretched you just enough that the pleasure superseded any discomfort.
Still trying to gather yourself after your orgasm, you took a moment to breathe, studying his face, your gaze tracing over the scar on his eyelid, and his dark lashes fanning over his cheeks. An hour ago you never could have imagined you’d be here, panting shakily, drenched in sweat and skin to skin with your best friend and roommate. 
Clenching around him, you held his shoulders, rocking forward and lifting yourself slightly. Kirishima gripped your hips, fucking up into you in a steady rhythm, his lips finding yours once again to swallow the panting moans leaving you. You bounced on his cock, relishing the feeling as he kissed down your neck, his fingertips digging into your flesh, sure to leave bruises for you to admire the next day.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but it didn’t even matter. Just being this close to him, feeling him filling you so completely after wanting him for so long, it could have been minutes and you’d be happy. Knowing he felt for you as strongly as you felt for him was enough. 
His fingers trailed along your front and dipped in between your bodies to rub your clit again, and you felt the pleasure race down your spine, coil tightening again and ready to break. “Oh fuck, Eijirou!”
Growling, he grunted your name as his hips snapped up to meet yours, chasing his release. “I love you, Y/N.”
His words tipped you over again, your breath catching as you came, the wet sounds of his cock plunging into you increasing as you gushed around him. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, completely spent. You held onto him as he slammed into you a few more times, rhythm faltering and hips stuttering until he was filling you up with a loud groan.
Collapsing back onto the couch, he held you to his chest, the two of you gasping for air. It was quiet for a few minutes as he rubbed his palm along your back comfortingly. You felt relaxed and sated, a pleased smile making its way to your face when you thought about what he’d said.
“Hey, Ei?” You pulled back slightly to look at him, giggling when he peeked one eye open to gaze at you.
“You okay?”
“Mm. I just wanted to tell you that I love you, too.”
He looked sheepish, opening both eyes and biting his lip. “I didn’t mean to tell you like that. I wanted it to be romantic.”
“That was plenty romantic, Eijirou.” Rolling your eyes fondly, you shifted in his lap. “I’m just happy to hear you say it.”
“Man, we did this all wrong. I should have at least taken you to dinner first. This is so unmanly of me, I just couldn’t help it.” He frowned. “I’m sorry-”
“You’re too good sometimes, Ei. I’m not complaining, am I?” You raised an eyebrow. “We should go get cleaned up before Bakugou comes home and finds out we fucked on the couch.”
“Please don’t talk about Bakugou while you’re sitting on my dick.” He made a face that caused you to bust into gasping laughter. 
“Oh my god, I can’t.” You wheezed. “You’re ridiculous.” You moved to get up and he stopped you.
With a serious look on his face, he pushed your hair away from your face, his hand lingering near your ear. “I do love you though, Y/N. And I’m glad we finally got here. I didn’t think we ever would.”
Expression softening, you leaned into his palm, smiling at him. “Me too.”
Maybe if you had just told him how you felt all those years ago, you would have been able to have this sooner. But you promised yourself that you wouldn’t dwell on the past, deciding to focus on the future, because you knew it would be filled with more moments with him just like this.
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lokiskitten · 3 years
Tom Hiddleston | Mister Hiddleston
Teacher!Tom Hiddleston x fem!reader
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plot : your professor, mister Hiddleston, asks you to stay after class in order to talk to you about one of your recent works. However, it easily takes an unexpected turn.
Warnings : teacher x student relationship, kissing.
The bell finally rang, allowing the entire class to take off for the cafeteria as the sounds of hungry stomachs echoed silently throughout the place. It was noon, and you had just spent a painful hour sitting in English literature class- having to listen to your handsome teacher brag about Romeo and Juliette, which in your opinion was quite a boring play. However, Mr. Hiddleston seemed to be absolutely hypnotized by the love he carried for Shakespeare’s work, which held you back from speaking your thoughts.
Right as you were about to get up from your chair, the older man called after you from where he sat at his desk, requesting for you to stay a little bit longer without even giving you a valuable explanation as to why. Of course, you felt absolutely scattered about not being able to join your friends in order to fill up your empty belly which was seriously beginning to behave out of your control. However, as a student, you simply couldn’t go against any of the adults’ demands.
Though, Mr. Hiddleston was never the typical type of teacher. He was interesting, chatty when it came to sharing with his students, and above all good looking- which was rare for a professor. Yet, all of those fantasies regarding him had to stay secret due to the obvious age gap between the two of you, as well as the profession he practiced. As a teacher, he wasn’t allowed to have a personal link with any of his students, which you were both aware of. However, this unexpected extra class was soon going to take a tragic turn.
It didn’t take long for the classroom to fully empty itself, you and your teacher being the only remaining beings in the room which offered the two of you some privacy to speak about whatever subject your professor wished to refer to. Taking his glasses off his nose as you stepped closer to his desk, Tom then laid them down in front of his muscular forearms before rubbing his palms against one another. He seemed to be peculiarly frustrated, as if something was bothering his experienced soul. Yet you remained quiet, showing respect for this man as his lips parted calmly.
“I wanted to talk to you about your last essay. It’s brillant, really, but.. quite dark, I’m afraid.” The older man revealed, taking ahold of the piece of paper on which was written your perfectly creepy work. You often tended to get your inspiration out of the worst- which was something Tom simply couldn’t be aware of and which easily led him to worry. The teacher looked up at you as he handed you the paper, ocean blue eyes seeking for an explanation which didn’t want to show up. In the end, you felt forced to speak up in order to defend your case.
“It’s just a stupid piece of paper. It’s not like I’m telling you about my life or anything.” You responded on an upset tone, feeling defensive face to your professor’s intrusive questions. However, this wasn’t enough to reassure Tom’s worries. Standing up from his chair, he then allowed his bum to collide with the end of the desk as his arms crossed against his strong chest. He was now towering over you, still waiting for his mind to elaborate a proper diagnostic of its own regarding your mental state. “Y/n...” the older man started, earning a clueless stare coming from your shorter silhouette.
Now, this innocent gaze had cut your professor right through his sentence. He seemed absolutely destabilized face to this sight, lips parting without any words ever escaping his mouth. His eyes easily diverted to your lips, admiring the way they were composed and how they perfectly fitted your other facial features. Even if he would never willingly admit it, Tom had developed a crush on you throughout the classes you spent with him, listening to him, even if it all remained pretty much hidden away in his subconscious.
The grown man worried for your mental health, for your well being. He assumed that it was his role as a tutor to make sure that all of his students were doing well, which he had progressively began to doubt you were. Seeing how you weren’t moving, the professor decided to take the risk to move the back of his hand up to your cheek, ocean blue eyes still staring into yours as he caressed your skin. It was a risky move to make, which easily justified his light shakiness. Tom knew that he would only get one chance, and that if you ever turned out not to share the same feelings as he did, he could say goodbye to his job as a teacher.
Meanwhile, you couldn’t help but unexpectedly loose your capacity to move as you felt your teacher’s veiny hand brush against your cheekbone. However, you didn’t freeze out of fear, but out of pure enhancement and excitement. You were glad that he had proceeded to make the first move, as yourself wouldn’t ever had the required guts to attempt anything with a man who was twice your age, and most importantly your own teacher.
His hand now cupped your entire cheek, causing you to drop the irrelevant paper to the ground as Tom’s face began to dangerously near yours. He leant in, head slightly tilting to the side before his lips finally decided to collide against yours. It felt like an explosion of fireworks in your lower stomach, feeling as his second hand decided to take ahold of your face as he stood up from the desk. This kiss was soft yet genuine, as if Tom had decided to make sure the territory wasn’t hostile before he could fully explore it.
When he pulled away, his thumbs simply began to brush against your cheekbones as your eyes locked, the two of you sharing unspoken words through your respective orbs only. The two of you wanted one another, desperately, and you were now irrevocably in love with him. This kiss had been the tilt which made you fall on the other edge, the tilt which allowed you to be set free from all the held backs you had forced down onto yourself regarding your professor. On another hand, your lack of hostility had managed to ease Tom’s anxious heart.
Leaning in again, he this once pressed a more intense kiss to your lips, body moving closer to yours until the two gently collided against one another. It felt heavenly, his touch and scent easily intoxicating and taking over your organism. Meanwhile, lust was progressively taking over your professor’s mind and body, his breaths becoming rougher as he pressed sloppy kisses against your mouth. Your lips parted, allowing his tongue to slide inside of your wet cave as the two of you continued to share a passionate kiss. His hands were soon to move down from your cheeks to your waist, feeling your curves with those large hands of his.
Unexpectedly, Tom ended up pulling away in order to focus onto the flesh of your neck, sending chills down your spine as his warm breath heated up your once chilly skin. He was getting more and more eager as seconds passed, anxiety still managing to hold your own desires back as your teacher seemed to be in charge of the situation for now. Progressively sneaking down, he began to lay kisses against your clothed chest and stomach, visibly looking forward to lift your shirt once he would’ve arrived all the way down to your crotch, aka his final destination.
You allowed shaky breaths to escape your lips, head tilting back before your face decided to divert down towards the sight of your literature teacher’s gorgeous curly hair. Hesitantly, your hand moved from his shoulder to his mane, caressing the smooth strands and curls which Tom interpreted as the green flag to lift your upper piece of clothing. However, upon feeling him now press kisses against your lower abdomen, you couldn’t help but grow fearful regarding your environment and surroundings.
“Wait-..” you suddenly stopped him in his track, his face looking up at you as his ocean blue eyes were filled with confusion yet understanding. He was ready to listen to whatever complain or worry you felt like laying on the table. Gasping softly, you bit onto the skin of your inner cheek before finally finding the strength to speak up. “Not here.” You begged, not being comfortable with having your first sexual intercourse in a classroom in which anyone could unexpectedly walk in. It wasn’t Tom’s fault, but simply the surroundings’.
Standing back up on his feet, your professor nodded in agreement before attempting to press another kiss to your lips. However, this once you decided to back away, denying his lustful proposal which left the teacher in shock. But above all, he seemed confused. “You’re driving me crazy.” He affirmed lowly, referring to how infatuated he was with your being; and the fact that you now stepped away from him felt just like a dagger digging into his heart. You found yourself biting down onto the skin of your inner cheek again, suddenly feeling nervous face to the man and his many propositions.
“Please. I need to see you again. Tonight.” After speaking those desperate words, the literature teacher reached down for your worksheet before taking ahold of a pencil, writing his address down on the back of the paper before handing it to you. His lips were parted, silent pants coming out of his mouth as anxiety and nervousness sent his emotions over the roof. In fact, he was simply scared that you would deny his proposition. Yet you took ahold of the worksheet and looked down at the words he had written onto the back of the copy, admiring how nice his handwriting was.
“Promise me you’ll come.” He begged, visibly looking forward to receive an oral confirmation in order to ease his worries. No words exited your body but a simple nod accompanied by a fainted smile, leading your teacher to return the same discreet gesture your face currently adorned. And just like that, you walked out of his classroom with your heart beating faster than it ever had before at the thought of seeing him again later tonight.
I hope you guys enjoyed this😏 might do a part two soon enough. I’m open to suggestions and crunchy details y’all would be looking forward to read about💥💳 Requested tags : @fa-me @delightfulheartdream
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