#it goes from 60 fps to 1 fps
rachadoodz · 2 years
Anyone else having game breaking issues after switching to the new dumb EA play????
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askagamedev · 17 days
Do games deal ensure all gamepad or keyboard inputs are processed? Input devices are polled anywhere from 125 to potentially 1000 times a second, but games often update 30 to 60 times a second. Say a gamepad sends button data 120 times a second, and the game runs at 30 fps. A player could tap and release a button in between two game frames. Does the game ignore the button in that case? Does it queue it up? If so, what happens when the queued up buttons conflict (i.e. jump, then crouch)?
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The answer to your question is "The game generally swallows extra inputs", because that's what makes the most sense. Inputs are parsed by checking controller state from frame to frame. A "button pressed" event is going from "button up" state on frame N to "button down" on frame N+1. A "button held" state is going from "button down" on frame N to "button down" on frame N+1. And "button released" is "button down" on frame N to "button up" on frame N+1. This is how it goes and this is how it has to be because we're building games for humans with human reaction times and human cognitive processing, rather than machines. For competing inputs, we choose a hierarchy of what trumps what. Fighting games, for example, usually have the fierce punch trump the light punch when pressed simultaneously.
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Imagine that we did process all those button presses. What could we feasibly do to differentiate them to a human being who takes 200 milliseconds to process that they pressed a specific button and to prime themselves for a visual reaction to that button? There's no visual representation that humans could comprehend that could meaningfully differentiate 120 button presses in a second from 119. In game dev, we're typically not trying to reward or encourage a large number of button presses within a given time frame. We're trying to encourage player execution, which means pressing with intention and timing windows in order to get the results the player wants from the system. This is a much easier and accepted showcase of skill among humans than who can press buttons the fastest.
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chronic-zero · 9 months
Top Surgery Commissions
hello!! i'm a 21 year old transmasc trying to save up for top surgery within the next few months! any support would be greatly appreciated, even just reblogs. programs i use are Clip Studio Paint and ProCreate
Payment forms accepted:
Paypal - @chr0niczer0
Venmo - @Chr0nicZer0
Cashapp - @chr0nicZer0
* Prices are non negotiable.
* Backgrounds affect pricing, but price will never exceed the maximum amount.
* Please have a general idea of what you want me to draw, or describe the personality or feeling of the character! :)
* DM for further questions or to discuss commissions!
sketch - $15
colored - $20
shaded - $25
sketch - $30
colored - $35
shaded - $45
sketch - $55
colored - $65
shaded - $75
Doodle page
(includes at least 4 sketch-style drawings of your characters. poses created by me, at least one fullbody.)
sketch - $50
colored - $100
shaded - $150
Fully Rendered
(includes semi-complex backgrounds)
bust - $100
half - $150
full - $200
Comic Page [2000x2300]
sketch - $250
colored - $300
shaded - $350
simple - $15
(shapes, brush strokes, textures)
sketched - $50
(a room or landscape/cityscape)
add value +$25
add color +$25
semi-complex - $150
(not fully rendered sketch backgrounds. line-art, value & color included. overall more clean looking.)
complex - $200
(fully rendered backgrounds)
* For Animations, I will accept half of the final price up front and the second half upon completion of the storyboard.
* The project may take many months to finish. If there is no substancial progress within a year, you may request a refund.
* Substancial Progress may be qualified as:
* Finished Storyboard
* Finished Lineart
* Finished Coloring
* Finished Shading
* Math will be used to determine your final price, it will be gone over with you.
* I regularly change my frame rate depending on the type of animation im creating. My prices will be based around this, as well as length & complexity of the project. Animation is hard work & takes time, please do not argue with pricing.
* All time caps are defaulted to 1 min (unless it repeats) if it goes over this, the price of either FPS or Tweening will go up x2 for every 30 seconds.
* Example:
* Past 1 minute, an 8FPS animation would go from $5 per frame to $10 per frame.
* Another 30 seconds would make it go from $10 per frame to $20 per frame.
* If possible, provide your own audio. If not, please give time stamps for the audio/song you've requested.
* I do not edit audio to include extra lines such as voice lines or mixed audios.
* Follows the same general guideline for still drawings, but combined with regular frame prices.
* All GIFs are animated at 8FPS, can range from 1-5 seconds
* All GIFs are inherently lined & colored. Shading is extra.
Bust - $15 per frame
(Shaded - $20)
Half - $30 per frame
(Shaded - $40)
Fullbody - $60 per frame
(Shaded - $80)
* GIFs may have 1 background*
* (*See background prices)
* Sketch
* Characters will not be 100% sketched out in every frame. Please do not expect this.
* Animated at 8fps (frame by frame)
* Priced per 30 seconds - $50
* Light tweening may be requested
* Script Required
* add ons;
+ Backgrounds (see prices above.)
* You may decide how many backgrounds there are within the final piece.
+ Shading - $25
* Animated at either 12fps (Frame by Frame) or 60fps (Tweening)
* (FPS) Priced Per 30 seconds ($75)
* (Tweening) Priced Per 30 seconds ($50)
+ Shading - $10
* Memes must have repetitive action, if they do not then they qualify as an AMV
* Meme format may be changed, but you must give me a script, or a general idea of what you want me to create. If possible, give visual examples.
* Script Required
* A combination of regular & FPS prices
* Example:
* A full bodied & colored piece would be $75
* This would be divided by minute due to the high pricing
* So something 12FPS with 12 frames, would be $900 Per Minute
* Divided by half would be $450 Per 30 Seconds
* Something 8FPS would be $600 Per Minute, cut in half would be $300
* Frame Rate x 75 = Final Price
* Includes:
* Line work
* Coloring
* Shading
* Backgrounds
* It is meant to be expensive.
* Script Required
* A combination of regular & Tweening prices.
* Priced by Second instead of by Frame.
* Example:
* Tweening is $50 Per 30 seconds
* A fully colored & shaded drawing would be $75
* This would make every 30 seconds, $125
* (Tweening/Editing price included)
* Script Required
art instagram - https://www.instagram.com/chronic.zero?igsh=OG81dDh1Nm5iZjdt&utm_source=qr
youtube - https://youtube.com/@chr0niczer056?feature=shared
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
you aren't in canada by chance? because i do have some experience ordering online in canada. As far as strains go, it's probably going to be more of personal preferences, other than the classic indica v sativa divide. As far as dosing goes, what was the dosage on your 1:1 gummies, and how did you enjoy them?
no i’m not in canada i’m in florida
i dont have 1:1 gummies, i never tried 1:1 THC-CBD
my edible experience has exclusively been
1.) gummies from nicks nugs (10mg Δ9 THC & 75mg CBD per gummy) though i cut it into quarters and dose based on vibes, never really a full gummy at a time. that ratio is 1:7.5, not 1:1. im not sure if it’s indica, sativa, or hybrid but i assume it’s primarily indica? they were from my friend and she uses them to sleep so i assume it’s primarily indica. but dosing wise i usually go for half to three quarters of a gummy with these parameters. half a gummy is 5mg THC & 37.5mg CBD. three quarters is 7.5mg THC & 56.25mg CBD.
2.) my neighbor also let me try a indica-sativa hybrid 5mg Δ9 THC cookie with no CBD and i liked the feel i got from it a lot. it felt new, like when i got high for the first time and my endocannabinoid receptors were THC virgins. it was more uplifting, i suppose with the greater bit of sativa mix in there. CBD seems to dampen or mediate the effects of THC so it also felt stronger than half a gummy (5mg) of nick’s nugs but it was good.
but the thing is i dont wanna take weed to go to sleep, but the friend who gave me them is very energetic and they help sedate her, and those nick’s nugs make me sleepy. i suppose finding the right strain for me is about figuring out what i like or want out of the high?
i like:
the sensory component of THC
having 60 fps interpolation for my sensory neurons and proprioception. the way music sounds, the way things look like they’re in 4K on my phone when im under the blanket
associative mental activity with physical relaxation
the infectious “2am at a sleepover” type of giggles
mild tactile hallucinations / hug feeling at higher doses
enhanced pareidolia
probably more i cant think of
i could do without:
being couchlocked
having munchies since im trying to lose weight (but i often fall asleep before i can even eat anything with nick’s nugs lol)
the next day “hangover” (sleepiness) where i’m not as alert
idk what concoction of terpenes would be for me
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trshltna-blog · 2 years
you want to play? LET'S PLAY *chamber misses shot and then teleports like a coward he is*
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This is a post to explain how glad I am that Chamber got nerfed because his ultimate annoys me. Just kidding. Chamber mains please don't come for me.
I love playing games. And the huge irony is that I'm not even the person who played games her entire life. I only started during the pandemic because I had literally, nothing else to do. I started off right the bat with player vs player shooter game called PUBG on mobile. I'd spend my nights until 5am even playing with my friends who I barely talk to now. Gosh, sometimes I miss it. Those were the best times.
Then I moved on to games like Genshin Impact, which I still do play now. But Genshin's more of an open-world action role-playing game that digs deeper into storyline and lore.
Now, I wanna talk about Valorant. Valorant is something like PUBG, but can only be played through your desktop, preferably if you run by Windows. It's also first person shooter (FPS) and you get to choose a character you want to play for each game, with their own unique powers and ultimates.
I love hate this game.
I say this because while I've had fun 60% of the time I've played, the other 40% is due to how toxic the players can get, how much anger this game can fuel a player and also because of how much I've spent. RIP wallet- but I do believe money comes and goes, happiness is forever :D.
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Much like PUBG, I've spent sleepless nights during my semester break playing Valorant. Another huge irony is that even though this game stresses me out, I also come by to play 1 match to release stress. It's so weird. Maybe it's because I have friends to play with, which makes the whole thing even better. In terms of communicating with the team, it's also much preferable if it's your friends because we would want to work together instead of suddenly going the other way. As what they call it in game, 5 stacking for competitive.
Somehow, the validation through this game fuels me. Not in terms of rank, but knowing I was a team player throughout the game and my shots were not missed. I'm not that great at the game considering this old laggy laptop that constantly crashes when I do heavy work or play constantly without rest. Yet, I'd try to do my best like any other thing I'm trying to do too. I don't play duelist because I'm not the type to rush, I prefer to main someone like Fade who takes care of intel and defense. I'd say I'm more of a mid tier in most team scoring, but that's okay.
Oh, but I'm so tired of people bossing me around and telling me to heal or revive them when I clearly am in front of 2-3 enemies. So no more covering healer Sage from me.
What's not okay? Is having a superiority complex in the game and thinking you play better than anyone else. This has lead to many previous toxic matches I've played in mainly due to duelists or anyone who just thinks that everyone else is lower than them. It's so annoying, I want to play a game where I know everyone is on par with me, trying their best to win, not skanky 'know-it-alls'. What's worse is that their toxicity can effect others in the team too which causes them not to want to play and go AFK (away from keyboard). Honestly, how can they not? It's really discouraging to be matched with a teammate who only thinks of themselves and constantly bosses around their own teammates.
So far, Riot (the company Valorant is in) has strictly added features to report players which can ban them from playing Valorant for a span of time. I think this is good, however, they would easily just make another account and start doing the same thing again. Then, the cycle continues...report, get banned, make a new account. I would say these people are just trolls at this point because how can you be so low?
On my side however, it's still a relief that online perspective still keeps you on a safe distance so these people will never be able to attack me. Game after game, it's a sad reality that I've gotten used to the toxic community on Valorant, but I do believe this happens in every single game. Sometimes, I get matched with the sweetest people ever who cheer on you when you clutch, get a few kills and even support your almost to ace.
So yeah, even though there's the negative side of the gaming community, there are also people who play just as nice as I do, and that's okay. That's truly enough.
Also, look at this. It's canon! Raze and Killjoy of Valorant are officially together! <3
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#mda20009 #week10 #socialgaming
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candycoatedrox · 4 months
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had to make a poster for my school project this year and it took me like 5 days and i am very proud of it yippeeeeeeeee
(id below cut because it is VERY very long)
[ID: A poster with a light blue background and a lot of text on it. A large, handwritten header at the top says "Original Animated Short Part 1!" with sparkles around "original" and yellow lines around "Part 1!" for emphasis.
A simple cartoon person, Poster Molly, with curly hair and a sweatshirt waves hello. She says, "Hi there!!" The text under her reads:
"My name's Poster (blanked out for personal information)! Some of you might recognize me from last year… Well, I'm back and better than ever!! Last year, my focus was on comics. But this year… This year, I've set my sights on something bigger:"
"Animation!!" in large font with yellow lines around it for emphasis. Poster Molly is underneath, holding her arms up excitedly like she's presenting the word. Text underneath reads:
"I wanted to create an animated short with my original characters, synced to the song 'The Other Side' from 'The Greatest Showman' soundtrack."
Drawings of two characters are underneath. The one on the left has an arrow pointing to it that says, "this is V." It is rendered in slightly glowing cyan lines, with everything inside the lines showing through to the near-black background. It floats mid-air with a smug expression on its face, and has cat ears that seem relaxed. It has three tentacles in place of hair that swoop forward.
The character on the right has an arrow pointing to her that says "and this is Wade!" She is an Inkling from Splatoon, with purple tentacles that fade to turquoise, tied into a ponytail in the back and long in the front. She has a medium brown skin tone and golden eyes, and the top half of her right eye is a bright turquoise.
Text continues: "But that's a big project..."
At the top of a new column, the text continues: "Animation involves a lot of drawing. Don't believe me? Let's do some math... 24 FPS (frames per second) times 60 seconds equals 1440 drawings for one minute!!
To cut down on drawings, animation is usually done on "twos" — a new image is shown every other frame, effectively reducing the FPS to only 12. But that's still 720 images per minute...
The process of creating an animation, from start to finish, is usually broken up into three major stages: Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production.
First, Pre-production! This stage consists of concept art, character design and development, storyboarding, and pretty much everything else that comes before the actual frame-by-frame animation. This stage is when model sheets, turnarounds, thumbnails, storyboards, and a timed animatic are made. (It's also when scripts, music, and vocal lines are written and recorded — but luckily, I get to skip that entirely!)
Next, the bulk of the work (and time!) goes into Production. Production is the actual frame-by-frame animation, and is usually split into two parts: keyframing and "tweening," also known as "inbetweening."
Finally, Post-production is the shortest stage. It consists of clean-up, coloring, adding effects, and editing. My plan was simple: I'd spend the first half of the year on pre-production, and the second half on production, with about a month left at the end of the year for post-production.
At the top of a new column, Poster Molly scratches the back of her head apologetically. "Hoo, that was a lot of information! Back to the fun stuff..."
Text below her continues: "Around the end of December, I realized I wasn't very far along in the storyboarding process. I only had the bridge finished, which was about a minute and a half long — less than half of the full song! Considering my original plan was to have the storyboards done by the end of January, that wasn't good…
So, I decided to change up my timeline, turning it into a two-year project instead of a one-year project. I'd spend this year working on pre-production and storyboarding, and next year on the actual production and post-production of the short. That gave me much more time to get it all done. Now I wasn't tied to a schedule designed for college students with twice as much free time as me, and I didn't have to sacrifice quality to get it done on time!
Even if I'm only drawing a new, very simple image maybe a couple times a second instead of all 12, storyboarding is still a lot of work! I've had a lot of fun storyboarding and seeing my characters come to life, but it's definitely been tiring. I've had to leave my comfort zone as I try to push the poses and perspective to create something more expressive. Here you can see all (or almost all) of my storyboards for the second half of the song's bridge. It's a lot of work, making these stick figures as energetic as they are!"
A collage of 40 different storyboards is below. They are heavily simplified, with each character being little more than a stick figure with a simplified expression. Text below continues:
"Even with all that time, I'm still not quite done with the storyboards. I plan to finish them over the summer, and dive straight into production next year! Hopefully, this time next year, you'll all be watching my complete, fully animated short!"
End ID]
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sillovn · 1 year
Adventures of Zwan: Wizard Mimicry
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Many weapon arts might as well be 'spells cast with a weapon' - so why not make a build entirely out of them? The Adventures of Slinger Zwan, a full dex 'caster',
Ive wanted make a "wizard mimic" - a build that combines several 'spell-like' weapon-arts to create the feel and playstyle of a wizard. This is not Flame Strike spam; we need to be long ranged and lightly armoured.
You see, its not just about weapon art spam - its about making a wizard the most ass backward way.
1. Overview
Simple - weapon arts cover for ranged and area, weapon attacks for closeup fights.
Works from the start, no need to cheese later areas
Main damage is physical, no need to care for element resistant enemies
Easy respec for PvP
Requires alot of weapon swap and grip changing
Made for insane people
Heres the stats and gear, indepth discussion below.
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Yup, 6 weapons (not necessary or even ideal - but Ive never had a chance to use all weapon slots and this character justifies it *kinda*)
Dual-wield Straight Swords (main-hand Stormblade, off-hand Hoarfrost Stomp/Vacuum Slice)
The main setup; Stormblade is your basic damage 'spell' - good balance of speed, damage and stagger. Dual Sword gives sustained damage for enemies that get close.
Hoarfrost for groups/frostbite status - I have it on off-hand as these are situational uses; we don't need it on fast swap. Vacuum Slice gives better damage/range but appears late-game only and has no utility.
I used Lordsworn for fashion/easy to find 2 copies. The others are just rarer or suffer the "dex-tax" (more on that later). But really, any infusable straight sword works here.
Main Hand 2 - Cleanrot Sword/Urumi + Thunderbolt/Beast Roar
Beastroar has very strong stagger, able to push away small enemies. Thunderbolt is fast lightning damage.
Cleanrot Sword for fast poke or pursuit. Urumi for ranged damage without fp, also the strongest dex scaling for wep-art damage. Your choice.
Main Hand 3 - Gransax/Zamor Sword/Guardian Swordspear + Phantom Slash/Any Spear + Ice Spear (Optional)
The 'flashy' slot, the idea is to mimic big, impactful spells. This is optional and where the only 'heavy weapon' goes.
Gransax is a great opener from very long range (ie. Loretta bow-like). Zamor is the weapon version of its sorcery namesake, also the only major hyperarmour attack we have.
Swordspear+P.Slash if you need a long dash. Ice Spear is the earliest available option, also safely applies status effect from range.
Off-hand 2 - Any Dagger + Chilling Mist (Optional)
When you need to frostbite quickly.
Off-hand 3 - Any Dagger + Golden Vow (Optional)
Buff stick, use it and put away.
Tanith Mask for +1 dex, all else is fashion.
2. Optimizing for Sanity
Here, I am using 6 weapons and 29 mind; because I am deranged and like to PVE in style.
You can easily cut this down to 3 weapons (dual swords + flex option) saving endurance. Not using Gransax saves points in str. Mind can be easily cut to 16.
The build really only has 2 stat requirements: 60 vig + 60 dex, all else is to taste. So what to do with the extra points?
Endurance for heavier armour or lightroll
Push for 80 dex
This leaner, cleaner style is essentially a pvp respec. Becoming a rather standard 'dex shell' with extra mind investment.
3. Leveling
Start as a Vagabond, grab any straight sword and buy Storm Blade from Bernahl. Early levels are Vig and Mind; this build is fp intense from the start.
Kill the Limgrave Knight for Golden Vow (but its not worth using early). You can farm Godrick Soldiers for a second straight sword.
Liurnia unlocks Hoarfrost, Chlling Mist, Ice Spear, Urumi and Carian Filigree Creast. Gurranq gives Beast Roar at 4 deathroot. Grab any spear and throw Ice Spear on it. Hoarfrost/Mist goes on anything, you can use the unique frost axe. The build is mechanically complete at this point.
Lategame unlocks the 'flashy' options - Gransax, Zamor, Phantom Slash and Vacuum Slice. Alex shard gives the biggest damage boost and is our only 'mandatory' talisman.
4. Technical Discussion
Damage Stat (or why dex?)
Went with Dex due to good variety of ranged wep-arts and low-weight weapons. Int, Arc and Fth are also doable, but thats a different build entirely.
Besides keen+lightning, Dex also dips into quality and cold. It is the stat that bridges the most element affinities, hence best variety. Many of the quality wep-arts also do more damage on keen infusion at meta levels.
This also adds a wind/weather theme - something not well represented in the main spell roster.
Why that weapon selection?
Since 1 weapon = 1 weapon art, we are limited to 6 "spells" without swapping. Weapons also have weight, so each "spell" comes with an endurance tax.
Using an off-hand wep-art, requires 2-handing it (ie. takes more time). Therefore off-hand options should be situational, main-hand the "bread and butter".
Weapon arts that shoot a projectile (really, anything not a weapon swing) ignores your weapon's damage. Trying to optimize these 'bullet' arts is very complicated - so heres a detailed video explanation
All this means that we want many light-weight weapons, raw ar is not as important as good scaling. Which leads to...
The Secret 'Dex Tax'
There is a hidden mechanic where weapons with an innate str/dex bias get worse wep-art scaling than no-bias weapon - assuming both are infused to heavy/keen.
In short, within a weapon type - the version with better natural dex is worse for us. This is why we dont use Warhawk Talon as our main sword. Though as usual, exceptions exist (eg. Urumi, Swordspear)
An unexpected upside to this build is consumable item. Dex + ranged playstyle makes good use of Throwing Knives. Physical weapons mean buff items are an option - though our playstyle almost never uses them.
Other Weapons
Why not Highand Axe+Beast Roar? - forgot that combo existed, but is pretty solid.
More Wind Ashes?
The other wind/storm ashes mainly care about your weapon's damage? They're also much more melee centric.
5. Closing Thoughts
My main issue was how similar in function alot of ranged weapon arts are. Stormblade, Beast Roar and Thunderbolt all fill the niche of fast ranged projectile - and they were by far the strongest tools in our kit. This meant the ranged playstyle was quite 1-note; sure you can run in and attack - but thats not the focus of this build.
On a side note, I find that weapon arts are better ranged attacks than *many* spells - but thats another rant entirely.
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A Plague Tale: Requiem On Consoles Gets 60 FPS Performance Mode
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The patch goes live today and introduces different improvements depending on the platform. Requiem on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S gets a performance mode that lets players run the game at 60 FPS in exchange for a lower resolution. 
Meanwhile, the PC version is getting enhanced graphics options that allow players to further optimize presentational performance. Lastly, all versions of the game, including the Switch cloud port, will receive bug fixes via this patch.
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CD Projekt's stalled The Witcher spin-off now has a "new framework"
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Following suggestions in March that CD Projekt's The Witcher spin-off Project Sirius had been rebooted from scratch, the studio has confirmed its development is back on track, with "work on defining a new framework" now complete.
Project Sirius - a part-solo, part-multiplayer experience being developed by The Flame and the Flood studio Molasses Flood - was announced last October as part of CD Projekt's ambitious studio roadmap, which included a Cyberpunk 2077 sequel, a new IP, the next Witcher trilogy, and a remake of the first Witcher game.
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Steam Deck challenger Asus ROG Ally costs £699, out in June
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Asus has announced final details for the Asus ROG Ally, its Steam-Deck-style handheld gaming PC, confirming the device will launch on 13th June priced at £699/$699 USD.
The devices was first revealed on April 1. A few weeks later, Asus was ready to talk specs, confirming the ROG Ally would include an AMD Ryzen Z1 Extreme processor, a seven-inch 1080p 120Hz touch screen, a UHS-2 Micro SD card slot, plus Windows 11 support, and three months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. It also promised "up to" 16GB of LPDDR5 RAM in dual-channel mode and storage of "up to" 512GB PCIe 4.0 SSD, although it offered little word on other planned configurations.
And now, just a few weeks later, those questions around pricing have been answered. The Asus ROG Ally will initially ship with the configuration detailed above for £699 in the UK and $699 in the US. That makes it approximately £130/$50 more expensive than Steam Deck's top-end 512GB NVMe SSD model and £350/$300 more than its bottom-end 64GB eMMC unit.
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Devolver Direct showcase confirmed for June
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Devolver Digital has announced plans to hold another Devolver Direct showcase this summer.
“Yes we’re doing a Devolver Direct in June,” the company tweeted. “More information soon.”
Last year’s Devolver Direct was held on June 9 and was used to showcase five games.
Summer Game Fest Announced for June 8
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With the cancellation of E3 this year, Geoff Keighley's Summer Game Fest essentially takes over as the main gaming event for the season. With less than a month to go until The Game Awards host delivers the show, a pretty long list of partnered game companies have been announced.
There are some huge names in this list, including the likes of Xbox, Activision, Ubisoft, EA, PlayStation and tons more.
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Humble Games showcase to air next week
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Publisher Humble Games, which released last year's Signalis and our 2021 game of the year Unpacking, has announced a showcase set for next week.
Upcoming games Humble is set to publish include the highly-anticipated musical RPG Stray Gods and the adorable-looking adventure game Mineko's Night Market.
"Arm yourselves and fortify your defenses, for the horrors that reside within the mists have begun their approach… The remnants of humanity - of civilisation itself - are in your hands. Join us in lifting the fog of war on May 18!" reads the tweet, which is accompanied by an image with two shadows.
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PS Plus May Games Announced
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Sony has announced the 23 games coming to the various PlayStation Plus tiers on 16th May.
PlayStation Plus Extra gets 19 games, while PlayStation Premium gets those 19 games plus four more.
Let's get straight into the list for PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium:
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart | PS5
Humanity | PS4, PS5
Watch Dogs: Legion | PS4, PS5
Dishonored 2 | PS4
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider | PS4
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin | PS4
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition | PS4
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration | PS4
Shadow of the Tomb Raider | PS4
Bus Simulator 21: Next Stop | PS4, PS5
The Evil Within 2 | PS4
Wolfenstein: Youngblood | PS4
Thymesia | PS5
Rain World | PS4
Lake | PS4, PS5
Conan Exiles | PS4
Rune Factory 4 Special | PS4
Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town | PS4
Soundfall | PS4, PS5
And now, the four additional games for PlayStation Premium:
Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow | PS4, PS5
Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light | PS4, PS5
Pursuit Force | PS4, PS5
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered | PS4
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twinhood-2dot0 · 2 years
Random stuff
Good afternoon Alex, and today I’m feeling lazy and I have no topic soooo here goes :P
Potato gaming
As you know, I have a 6 year old potato of a computer with performance worse than integrated graphics nowadays (i5-8250U, 16GB RAM, 128GB SSD, 500GB HDD, NVIDIA 940MX). Also, for fun, I checked how it compares to the best GPU right now. The RTX 4090 has 16384 CUDA cores and the 940MX 384, so that’s like 42.667 times the cores. Enough numbers, into gaming. So, I use Linux, specifically Pop!_OS, you don’t want me to get into it, but it’s a better in every way to Windows (I will provide a few fields tho :P)
As Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux kernel once said, 
“A computer is like air conditioning – it becomes useless when you open Windows.”
Allow me to flex my desktop
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I haven’t even customized it fully yet. Windows is much more restricted when it comes to customization, and I'm a customisation freak.
Okay, right, gaming. As a Linux user I obviously prefer open-source software, so for most games I use the awesome Heroic Games Launcher for games I own on Epic Store (sidenote: I would never buy from Epic Games, they are a crappy company and do not support Linux, even for games like Shadow Of The Tomb Raider, which has a linux native port for god’s sake, but they do offer free games every week and I am broke so :P). I discovered however, that SOTTR would not run on Linux because of DRM (Digital Rights Management, a software thing that stops you from doing anything the service provider does not approve of, a la linux gaming without the use of the epic store :P). So, I decided to switch to Windows and try it there. So, first thing I did, download NVIDIA drivers for the GPU. Big mistake, you can’t install drivers without an NVIDIA account which is like so dumb, I JUST NEED MY GPU TO RUN YOU DRICKIGN AJFD. sorry, I hate nvidia. Okay, next, install Epic Games Store, and the game itself.  I ran the game. I got an average 15 FPS, with a lot of stuttering with crappy graphics. This is coming from me, who plays games at 960x540 with FSR Sharpening at 1, I am very generous to graphics, but look at this
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Bleugh. Then, I installed Epic Games on Linux using Wine, instead of using Heroic, and the results were shocking. The game ran at 33 AVERAGE FPS. Rich gamers will look at this and go “33 fps? Makes me puke, why is this girl so excited about that” and they’re right, 33 is low, but I am running on a potato. And also, I started playing the game with V-sync set to half refresh rate so it was locked to 30 fps, it barely ever dropped below that, and the visuals looked like this.
Sure, it didn’t look the best, but it is waaaaaay better than how it looked on Windows, and at a better framerate!
For reference this is how it looks with ray traced lighting.
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And here's how it looks on my laptop:
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I could even play at Medium settings at a higher resolution. I don’t know how a Windows version of a game ran better on Linux, but that is how it performed on my laptop.
I also played Control, another 2019 game at 60 fps at low settings, 540p render, upscaled to 4k, yes, 4k. Although, the game is set is a much smaller are and has much less to render, so it’s apples to oranges.
I know the post is getting extremely long but I just need to talk about Control. Control is a game made by Remedy Entertainment in 2019 as part of their Remedy Connected Universe. They're known for the critically acclaimed Max Payne series, Alan Wake, the first game in the Universe and Quantum Break. From this we see that Remedy is pretty much known for exceptional games with interesting topics. So, Control. Control follows the story of Jesse, a girl from a town called Ordinary searching for her brother. The game is set in the Oldest House, the headquarters for the Federal Bureau of Control. The atmosphere is awesome, really fun gameplay, the game hands you supernatural powers which are really fun to play around with, and the game has the best destruction physics ever seen in video games. The story and the characters are really captivating and even the characters you don't really directly interact with turn out to be a fan favorite. The game is inspired by the SCP Foundation, a fictional secret organization dealing with the paranatural. If you like SCP stuff, you'll love this. The soundtrack, while almost non-existent, has it's moments, especially in one of the best levels in video game history, the Ashtray Maze (i'm not the best person to comment on that, since I've not played many PC games, but I did play the Arkham series soooooo). And the graphics, god it looks phenomenal even on lowest setting and upscaled from 960x540
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My music listening habits
As you may know, I have this habit of switching favorite artists every so often, so I tried to find my favourite artists for each week since I got a spotify account. Here's a pastebin if you're interested:
You can see the exact point where I became obsessed with Avicii. Also I was not aware that I was into DC Comics in 2019???
American Pie
In 1971, Don McLean released a song called “American Pie”. 52 years later it inspired me to write this small segment of this post. This song lyrics are so complex, there’s a whole website dedicated to the meaning of the song. https://web.archive.org/web/20200118091340/http://understandingamericanpie.com/vs1.htm
McLean has also famously said "It means I don't ever have to work again if I don't want to." and "You will find many interpretations of my lyrics but none of them by me… Sorry to leave you all on your own like this but long ago I realized that songwriters should make their statements and move on, maintaining a dignified silence." which is like, you know that meme,
> Drops banger
> refuses to elaborate further
> leaves
Although he did auction of his notes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (also sidenote to brag about Linux, there’s this feature called the Compose Key, so I can press Alt and two corresponding characters and get any symbol or letters from other languages, like ß, å, č ø or ©, ™, ¯ or even type unicode so I can get ツ in 5 keystrokes okay sorry I go off on tangents sometimes, forgive me.)
There’s also an awesome Weird Al parody of it that you can’t watch because you haven’t watched Star Wars >:(
McLean himself praised the parody, even admitting to almost singing Yankovic's lyrics during his own live performances because his children played the song so often.
I love stuff like this, with a lot of hidden and complex stuff. The first ten minutes of the Pixar movie Up is so important it has its own Wikipedia page. Like, how wild is that. The iconic music in that scene, “Married Life”, is scored by Michael Giacchino, whom you may know I adore for The Batman, Spider-man’s MCU Trilogy, Jurassic World, Coco, okay I’ll stop right there, but he’s scored a lot of awesome movies. He is even in the Top 10 most listened artist for the past 6 months, so that’s an achievement, considering how many artists I listen to.
Okay that’s it, I thought I’d need more but hey. Okay, cya!
0 notes
technicjelle · 2 years
Fireworks Display in C++ with the PixelGameEngine
Over the last couple of days, I've made a simple, little fireworks display:
It was supposed to be a quick project, but the physics were a little different than I usually do, so it took a little longer.
In the past, I've always made my simulations like these in Processing, which is a very, very great tool for learning stuff like this.
Though now I feel like I'm ready for something more advanced, so I'm starting to use the PixelGameEngine for stuff like this, which is a something similar to Processing, but you use C++, instead.
C++ is a programming language just like Processing is, but it's a lot more difficult. The performance advantages of it, however, often outweigh the extra complexity.
So switching to C++ allows me much greater performance and also much more control about what exactly happens everywhere.
In Processing, the simulations typically run at a set frame rate, 60 fps by default.
In the PixelGameEngine, the frame rate is unlocked, meaning that it'll go as fast as possible.
Movement on computers usually goes by displacing a thing by a little bit every amount of time. When that amount of time is constant, like in Processing, this is easy: if we want to move a circle 60 pixels a second, we simply have to move it by 1 pixel per frame.
In the PixelGameEngine this would not work, as the frame rate is not constant: sometimes it's 1000 fps, and at other times it is 3000 fps! (Told you the performance was better ;D )
If we were to move the circle by one pixel every frame, the circle would sometimes move faster than at other times, which is not what we want.
As such, a different way of movement has to be used, and luckily for us, the PixelGameEngine provides the perfect solution for this: delta time!
Delta time is the amount of time that has passed since the last frame was displayed, and we can use this to multiply the speed of the circle with to make the speed constant!
To move something in a way like one would move something in real life, we need a physics system. This is used, so we can apply forces to objects to move them, instead of just saying "the circle moves at 100 pixels per second".
Writing a physics system that takes the delta time into account correctly was surprisingly more difficult than I had anticipated at the start of this project.
I started by implementing a physics system like I was always used to from Processing, learnt from the book The nature of Code, while now trying to always account for the delta time in my calculations: (fElapsedTime is the delta time)
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But in the end, I had to give up on that and go for a different way of calculating the delta time into my code...
I was helpfully given a link to this blog that explains a new (to me) way of handling cases like exactly these!
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This method, simply put, keeps track of the delta time over a longer amount of time, and if a certain amount of time has passed, let's say a tenth of a second, a new physics calculation is done.
This effectively decouples the rendering and the physics from each other, allowing the physics to run at its own pace, while letting the rendering go at its own breakneck speed.
What that also gives me, is a way to choose how often I want to calculate the next physics step, resulting in a simple way to set how accurate I want the simulation to be!
So I followed the tips from that blog post and implemented them into my simulation and after a bit of work, it all looks as great as it does now :)
So that's it!
You can find the source code for this project here:
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stickersbanana · 2 years
K enb skyrim gtx 970 fps
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#K enb skyrim gtx 970 fps manual
#K enb skyrim gtx 970 fps mods
#K enb skyrim gtx 970 fps Pc
#K enb skyrim gtx 970 fps windows
SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorNight=1. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0 SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierSunrise=1.0 GradientHorizonIntensityInteriorNight=1.0 During that gameplay my fps was almost unhindered but this was before I tried troubleshooting.ĮNB preset: Morning Star (0.264) wrapper with SweetFX injector The skyrim launcher reset my FXAA settings once and that obviously disabled a lot of ENB effects. My fps goes from the expected 60 (w/ vSync) down to 10-25 upon activating ENB within the intro cart ride as well after character creation. My attempt at a clean run with only the necesities applied in MO ( skse & Unofficial Patches) and ENB made almost no difference. Want something that adds a lighter tone and more vibrancy Try Aeon ENB. Do you want something dark and drab and a bit more realistic for a place like Skyrim Then try Serenity ENB. As for recommendations, it really depends on what you want. So where's my bottleneck?! I'm guessing it's my GPU core since I don't think WRM even bothers with those stats. I have a GTX 970 and my frame rate still dips below 30 with Pure Lights.
#K enb skyrim gtx 970 fps windows
Throughout all of this, Windows Resource Monitor (I'm still figuring out Skyrim Performance Monitor) has told me my CPU(%) and RAM usage has never gone over half. Now, of course I was expecting a good drop with all the rendering active but I never imagined I'd be under 25fps. I am able to run this setup in the densest of exteriors with at least 45 fps but when I flip the shift+f12 (enb) switch my frames plummet to a range of 5-20. Silly Level of Detail - Potions and Poisons
#K enb skyrim gtx 970 fps mods
(minus a few mods I much prefer to exclude)
#K enb skyrim gtx 970 fps manual
So you can do this through a manual process. But internally in the game the settings are missing. To the GPU you have at best you copy it prior from your file out.I am coming back to Skyrim since I found the (thousand) STEP program (worth it!) I finished STEP: Extended using MO, capitalizing on all Hi-Q versions except for the unnecessarily insane 8k res trees etc. Skyrim Special Edition 60 FPS Settings: The glitch of low fps can be resolve by turning of Vsync. Don’t forget to change the Bottom line of the text a.k.a.I completely Optimized it Myself by means of Youtube videos (Hardware Unboxed) And my own Config Over Multiple hours and endless changes. RDR2 Best Eye Candy FPS provides max Possible Eye Candy for Red Dead Redemption 2 while staying most times between 45-55 FPS on a 970 that is Slightly OC Paired with an r5 3600X on 1080p. This author has not credited anyone else in this file. This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions. Resource use consent in mods/records that procure gift focuses: You are not permitted to acquire Donation Points for your mods in the event that they utilize my resources.Resource use consent in mods/records that are being sold: You are not permitted to utilize resources from this document in any mods/records that are being sold, for cash, on Steam Workshop or different stages.Had to enable vsync so it wouldnt run at 300 fps and put an unnecessary. Resource use consent: You should get consent from me before you are permitted to utilize any of the resources in this RDR2 Best Eye Candy files. Skill 8GB DDR4 3200Mhz Gigabyte Aorus GTX 1070 Xtreme Gaming ASRock B450M.Transformation consent: You are not permitted to change this RDR2 Best Eye Candy files over to chip away at different games under any conditions.
#K enb skyrim gtx 970 fps Pc
Change authorization: You should get authorization from me before you are permitted to adjust my documents to further develop it. I paid 2 000 to change my old PC with GTX 970 for MSI 3070 trio AMD Ryzen 5 5600X Hexa-Core, 3.7GHz with Turbo up to 4.6GHz, 35MB Cache ATX Gigabyte B550 Aorus Elite V2 Gigabyte Aorus RGB 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4-3333MHz C18 Black SSD STORAGE M.
Transfer authorization: You can transfer this record to different destinations yet you should acknowledge me as the maker of the document.
Other client’s resources: Every one of the resources in this RDR2 Best Eye Candy files have a place with the creator, or are from allowed-to-utilize modder’s assets.
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0 notes
technuter · 2 years
Bring home Infinix's first premium Android TV ZERO 55" QLED UHD and the 50" X3 UHD as they go on sale at Flipkart starting today
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The wait for Infinix's first premium range of Android TVs is finally over as its first 55-inch QLED 4K TV debuting under the ZERO series goes on sale on Flipkart from Sept 22. The premium smartphone brand from TRANSSION group will also have its newly launched 50-inch UHD 4K TV under its existing X3 series on sale. While ZERO 55" QLED UHD will be available at the launch price of INR 34990, the 50" X3 UHD will be available at a promotional price of INR 25001. Customers can also avail of additional bank offers on purchasing both Android TVs. The newly-launched ZERO 55-inch QLED 4K TV sports a premium design with Infinix's flagship Quantum DOT technology with ultra-precise 4K details. It is complemented by Dolby Vision, HDR 10+ support, and 60 FPS MEMC to boost the frame rate of your favourite TV shows, sports matches, and movies, making them look smoother, colourful and vibrant. The 3 Side bezel-less Minimalistic display with 1.6mm frameless design comes along with an X-Blade metal stand. Additionally, the 50-inch 50X3 4K TV offers HDR10 compatibility and 1.07 billion colours backed by 85% NTSC, 122% sRGB colour gamut and up to 300 NITS Peak Brightness. The Android TV chassis is a frame-less Design with a 94% screen-to-body ratio and minimized Blue Rays. To deliver immersive sound quality, the ZERO 55-inch QLED 4K TV comes with two powerful in-built 36 Watt Box speakers with Dolby Digital Audio and 2 Tweeters, covering the range from 8K to 20K Hz. The 50-inch 50X3 4K TV, on the other hand, packs a powerful combination of 24W box speakers with Dolby Audio.
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Power packed by a MediaTek Quad-Core CA55 Processor with Android 11 OS, the ZERO 55-inch QLED ANDROID TV is paired with 2GB RAM and 16GB ROM storage. Moreover, the Infinix 50-inch 50X3 TV, is powered by a MediaTek Quad-Core Processor paired with 1.5 GB RAM and 16GB ROM. Both the latest variants by Infinix deliver enhanced connectivity with their multiple port options. While the ZERO 55-inch QLED ANDROID TV equipped with 3x HDMI (1 ARC Support), 2x USB ports, 5.0 Bluetooth, WiFi b/g/n, 1 AV input, 1 LAN, 1 Headphone port, and Dual Band WiFiports; the 50-inch 50X3 TV features 3 x HDMI ports, 2 x USB ports, and a Dual Band WiFi. The Android TVs come loaded with built-in Chromecast for seamless connectivity to your favourite video streaming apps such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube, and 5000+ of them from the app store. Meanwhile, the Bluetooth-enabled slim remote with one-touch Google Assistant offers a personalized and hands-free experience. Read the full article
0 notes
sneep29 · 2 years
Hello, Sneep. I've been a fan of your work for a long time and it's a huge inspiration for a beginner like me. If you don't mind, can I ask you 2 questions? 1-What books/videos/content do you recommend for someone who wants to start to animate sprites like you do? 2-How do you make anti-aliasing? I know a bit of color theory, but I struggle a lot to make my lines look smooth. Thank you!
Hey, Anon. Appreciate you feel that way about my work. Means a lot, man.
Your first question is a little difficult for me to answer. I've never looked at books, or videos for animating sprites. I just started doing it back in the day because video games and animation were pretty cool to me, and emulation was a big thing for me in the early 2000′s.
I used to (and still do from time to time) check out a lot of sprite art of classic games on Spriters Resource. I’d look at stuff from the SNES, Arcade, Sega Genesis, PS1, etc. Some of my influences were simplistic and fun stuff, like The Simpsons Arcade and Super Mario World, or other styles like games from Capcom, such as Magical Quest and Marvel Vs. Capcom, and some of Treasure's Sega Genesis game art is really appealing and prolific as well.
I didn't grow up with a GBA, and not well versed with it's library, but it seems like there's a lot of decent stuff on that system as well.
Here’s a link I do remember from back in the day by pixel legend, Cure. Definitely a good place to start. I wasn’t heavy into tutorials, because I’m stubborn and find it hard to buckle down and read, but started reading it seriously a few years ago, and it’s a pretty well written piece:
Been looking over this guy’s video, Mort Mort. Goes over stuff I don’t wanna clog in here, but he’s got some pretty good information in this, so I recommend to check it out:
Would also suggest to check this site out, Lospec. It has tutorials, communities you can find, software for pixel art. Seems like you can find some really good stuff hopefully.
Check out youtube videos if you wanna study the motion of sprite art in games. Youtube lets you use the < and > keys to go back and forward with frames. Use 60 fps quality if you can. NintendoComplete is an excellent source for game footage in 60fps and 720p or above from what I’ve seen. Principal’s of animation are important. This has been in my watch later list for what’s felt like 2 or 3 years, so checked to see if it’s a decent source, and it’s actually pretty helpful. Pixel artist use these rules as well, so study stuff like this. I’ve never been well versed in technical stuff. I just liked animating, and learned over trial and error, which is actually bad and wouldn’t recommend being that stubborn.
I’d say keep it simple if you’re a beginner, and I’d like to say the same for the subject matter you study. I’m pretty sure you’ll have an easier time starting with pixel art from stuff like NES, Gameboy, or other simple contemporary consoles.
I also feel that you should try looking at simpler stuff like Super Mario Bros. than say starting with something more complex like Shatter Hand. I think Japanese companies like Nintendo, Capcom, Konami, Sunsoft (Japanese only), and definitely some others out there, are the best influence in my opinion when it comes to just good overall design.
Second question, I really didn’t want to answer this question, because AA isn’t the easiest thing to explain, I’ve never really written a tutorial, or talk to people about art. I just do it because I’m just drawn to it I guess.
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Really didn’t wanna do this because it takes up some time to explain everything, I do not feel like a tutorial guy or have any experience writing them, and I really need to jump onto other things.
Spent some time putting this together, but I don’t know. I can’t really recommend taking this seriously. If you want to learn about anti-aliasing, I will say go check out the link from above on Cure’s Pixel Art Tutorial. It’s more helpful.
Hopefully, at the very least, the links I sent you can be of better help. Keep an open mind, not all old pixel art is perfect, question why you put down blocks the way you do, and don’t count down the days you been at it and focus on having fun doing and or learning it. Good luck with whatever you do.
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justmiha97 · 4 years
TS3, boderderless, new machines and FPS limit!!!
UPDATE 2.0 Except borderless gaming app and initial explanations, this guide is now OUTDATED!!! Read new guide HERE: https://justmiha97.tumblr.com/post/633811982604222464/another-way-to-limit-ts3-fps IMPOTANT!!! UPDATE FOR 1.69 GAME VERSION INSTALLATION!!!
Check down in step 4.a. for changes on how to do this properly. For people who renamed their files to:
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Rename them back to: TS3.exe  to  3booter.exe TS3W.exe  to  TS3.exe TS3W.exe.backup  to  TS3W.exe
Original post:
I never knew I would be making this post till few hours back, but until now it wasn’t really much known that sims 3 in windowed mode could be run with FPS limit, which forced a lot of people to run the game in full screen. Recently a friend (find him here) and I discovered how to limit FPS for both 1.67 and 1.69 game versions in windowed mode.
Why is this important?
Well, on newer PC’s, ones with a GPU processing power that can easily render recent games, Sims 3 is expected to run exceedingly well... but because Sims 3 is so poorly designed/optimized on a technical level, there is a problem with that. Sims 3 has no FPS limitation, so on newer cards, FPS can get up to even 1k FPS which is INSANE. Personally I had from 500-700 FPS on loading screens myself. This means that: 1. Your card is being overworked and overheated and will be damaged 2. The in-game micro stutter that happens frequently is because the game constantly has short but extreme peaks in frame rate (from 60 - 600 FPS) This is why it’s desired to FPS limit TS3.exe or TS3W.exe!!!
What does windowed mode have to do with all of this?
It’s possible to limit your game FPS in full screen mode trough your graphic control panel application. Though for me it did not work, a lot of people report it working for them. Until now it wasn’t known that the same could be done for windowed mode, meaning users with high end PC running the game windowed were doomed to experience GPU crashes or even worse component death. Now however, a fix has been discovered.
But why would I want to run windowed then?
In full screen mode, game is rendered way darker, which is why EA just lazily slapped on a brightness filter, which makes the whole game brighter than it actually should be. This also means that screenshots of the game taken in full screen (unless they are taken with in-game screenshot feature, which is lower quality) are practically unusable since they are too dark.
When in full screen, the game goes out of memory faster, especially if you are alt tabbing (switching windows) a lot.
Ok, ok but how do I get rid of borders now?
That’s why this guide is here. For that you will need a third party borderless games application. You can find it here, but this will be detailed later in this step by step guide.
Before we start, if you want to have your games set up to run well, read trough and apply fixes from these guides:
They are all similar in nature but have their own additions to making the game run better. They are extremely helpful and effective. They even include guides on how to FPS limit the game in full screen if you want to keep playing the game that way. Also, be sure to read the last ( 7.) point in this guide as it is important and will determine if you even want to do this or not.
Now that that’s out of the way...
1. First thing to do is run the game and make sure that full screen is off. This is luckily easy to do. If it’s not off, turn it off in options:
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2. Next, if you’ve applied FPS limit trough your graphic control application as advised by guides, make sure it’s disabled because it will interfere with this fix. 3. Once you are sure that it is disabled, get 3booter and FPSlimiter from this page: http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php?topic=15585.0 (files in first two posts) 4. Open both .zip archives and extract all their contents to: - C:/Program Files (x86)/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Game/Bin or -C:/Program Files x(86)/Origin Games/The Sims 3/Game/Bin or whatever your install location of the game is.
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4.a. If your game version is 1.69 there is one more step here. Once the files are extracted, you will need to rename launcher like this: Sims3Launcher.exe  to  Launcher.exe And then download and extract this new launcher exe in the bin:
Rename it to Sims3Launcher.exe 5. Now that you have the fixes set up properly, you can run the game: - Trough 3booter.exe if you are on version 1.67 (feel free to make a shortcut) or - Trough new launcher, Sims3Launcher.exe, if you are on 1.69. Note that your shortcuts to game launcher will now point to this new launcher due to filename. If you want to use the old launcher, make a shortcut for Launcher.exe
6. BUT WAIT!!! What about that borderless thingy m’ bob? Well here comes that part of setting up windowed mode to look like it’s full screen. First you want to go to the link of the program, I’ll post it again for convenience: https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming/releases Then scroll down a bit and download this:
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Once that’s downloaded, install it and run it, after you’ve ran the game in windowed mode. You will be greeted with this:
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To have your game in borderless mode, add it to the list on the left by selecting your game name from the list. It will be the name of the last expansion you are running, with [TS3W] next to it ([TS3] if you haven’t installed FPS limiter on 1.69). After the game is selected, click the arrow
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And your game will automatically turn into a full screen-like application. IMPORTANT!: DO NOT CLOSE borderless gaming app, only minimize it. It has to run at all times while your game is running or the game will stop being borderless. Make sure to set borderless gaming app to run on windows launch if you don’t want to bother reopening it every time you start your PC.
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7. Final notes. (Still IMPORTANT) If you’ve gotten this far, congratulations, you are one patient simmer willing to put in effort to perfect your sims 3 game experience. Not everything can be perfect however, and there are some additional notes to take care of. - First, the FPS limiter program only limits the game to 30FPS. People who have had the game run at 60FPS might be disappointed by this. However the game already runs it’s animations at only 30FPS so there is no need for additional frames. However it’s still you choice. If you do see a difference with 60FPS and don’t want to change it, you can still run the game full screen with 60FPS graphics control limiter. -Second, if you are NOT experiencing FPS higher than 60 in any part of the game (even load screens and main menu), there is no need to install this fix. However be vary that whenever you change hardware, especially GPU, you might need to take care of this. -Third and final, as a side note, there is a program that lets you unpark your CPU cores for that final addition of sims 3 smooth experience. This is completely OPTIONAL. Here is the program’s page (scroll all the way down for download): https://coderbag.com/product/quickcpu To set it up to unpark all cores you just have to do this
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And click Apply.
Yes, yes. Finally done. That’s it Folks. Have fun with your games and good luck simming! And thanks to crosims for helping me out get this working on 1.69.
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Episode 3 Transcript: Why Won't They Let Sam Do Anything???
[intro guitar music]
G: Hello! My name is Grey.
C: And my name is Crystal.
G: And this is Busty Asian Beauties, a Supernatural commentary podcast where I, someone who has seen the show several times…
C: And I, someone who only knows the show through social media, discuss every single episode of Supernatural from start to finish. Also, we are both Asian.
G: We are both Asian!
G: So for today's episode, we will be discussing Season 1 Episode 3, “Dead in the Water.” So, Crystal.
C: Yes.
G: Before you watched this episode, what were your expectations?
C: Okay, so the things that I knew from social media: There is a child involved who draws pictures who Dean is nice to, and Dean tells him about how after he witnessed his mom die, he didn't speak for a few months, I think, and was sort of just bonding with the kid. I also knew that there was an evil lake with dark water involved, and also that Dean at some point jumps into the lake and saves the child… I think that's about all I knew about the episode because that's the only part that the Deangirls were giffing.
G: Yeah, the jumping into the water part really is the kicker of this episode. Like, it's the iconic shot.
C: Yeah, yeah, where he resurfaces holding the child.
G: Okay, let's start with the episode. So episode three, we start in Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin, and there is a girl—her name is Sophie—and she's walking around the house preparing for her workout. She says goodbye to her dad and does a bit of a bantery goodbye with her brother where her brother says—
C: “Guys don't like buff girls”—
G: Yes, and she says, well, “Girls don't like guys who still live at home.” Which, it's just, it's, I guess it's a very American…
C: I mean like I guess I'm not the most American American, so maybe this is something that happens between sisters and brothers…
G: I was talking specifically about living at home being an insult.
C: Oh yeah.
G: That's a very American thing. Or like, I guess Western. Just Western world, I guess.
C: Yeah, yeah, no, like a lot of families in China have like three generations all living together—
G: Yeah, exactly, right? I mean here at home, you stay with your family until you get married, and even after that. So, I was like, ��Oh man, this is an American show.” But like the brother was also an asshole, so it's fine.
C: Yeah, no, the brother was such an asshole. And also, I don't have conversations with my sister about desirability. It just felt like a very- it just was a very weird line. I feel like if your sister is a varsity swimmer and has gone for workouts every single day for years and years, do you even need to bring that up anymore? And if you are bringing it up, why?
G: Anyway, so she goes to the lake to swim, and there are some interesting shots in this scene, very Jaws-like. So I noticed that, but I have never seen Jaws so I might be wrong.
C: I also haven't seen Jaws. Are you just talking about the high contrast between the water and the reflection?
G: No, I think I'm talking about the shots where it's from under the water and it's looking up at her, and I was like, “Oh, this looks like something from Jaws in my imaginary world where I have seen Jaws and know what it looks like.” So she spins around some more and then she gets grabbed by something down the lake, and we see bubbling in the water showing that she's breathing underwater, I guess, and the bubbling stops, and the lake is clear. And there's a terrible slow motion effect going on. It's so bad! What's going on?
C: It’s terrible.
G: They forgot to film at 60 fps for this scene.
C: Yeah, exactly their film camera acted up, and that's why the water looked so weird earlier too.
C: Right, so now we're at a restaurant where Sam and Dean are eating. Dean is looking through a newspaper for cases and finds the news about Sophie, who we just saw drown. Then, we see a waitress that Dean’s being all flirty with. Oh, we get the shot- that I didn't know was from this episode- of him grinning and chewing on a pen that the Deangirls are really into.
G: It's a very famous shot.
C: Right. And Sam comes and interrupts the flirting, and Dean says, “You know, Sam, we are allowed to have fun once in a while,” and then he points to Wendy, the waitress, and says, “That's fun,” which I think is Dean misogyny count number 8. Do you agree?
G: Because, okay, I was gonna bring up something here about like flirtatious waiters, right? Because the waiter was flirting with him, or at least we are supposed to think that the waiter is flirting with him.
C: Yeah.
G: I don't think—like, flirting with each other shouldn't count as a misogyny moment.
C: Oh, I don't have an issue with Dean flirting. I have an issue with him saying “that's fun” about a person. Like “that” is not something that you use to refer to a person. It's quite dehumanizing, in my opinion.
G: Uh, okay, I get what you mean. Yeah. I don't know if we should count it as a misogyny moment. Maybe like a 0.5?
C: Alright, alright. So Dean misogyny's at a 7.5.
C: Dean tells Sam about the Sophie case and mentions that they had a funeral where they buried an empty coffin because they couldn't find the body, but it was for closure. Sam says, “Closure? What closure. People don't just disappear, Dean; other people just stop looking for them.” And Dean's like, “Oh, I see. Something's up.” And Sam's like, “Yeah, no, I'm upset that we're not just actively trying to look for our dad right now and are working cases.” And then Dean gets quite up in his space with “You know what? I'm sick of this attitude. You don't think I want to find Dad as much as you do?” And then he has a moment where he's quite angry. Yeah, he says “I'm the one who has been with him every single day for the past two years while you've been off to college going to pep rallies. We will find Dad, but until then, we're gonna kill everything bad between here and there, okay?”
G: Okay.
C: Um, yeah. What are your thoughts?
G: Okay, in this podcast I'm starting to feel like it's becoming my job to defend Dean.
C: It seems to be! Yeah, okay, hit me with it.
G: Because I am a younger sibling, right, so, to be fair, I, as a younger sibling, would never speak like that to my elder siblings.
C: Okay, yeah.
G: Like the very rude way where Sam was like, passive-aggressive, right? So I was like well, yeah, I mean if that was my sibling, they would get mad as well. But I was beginning to think about it, and I was like, “But I won't do it out of respect. Like I’d do it because I think it's pointless, because, you know, this person has authority over me, and they'll think they're right, so I'll just shut up.” So maybe, like Sam- it was good for Sam to speak up for himself, but personally I wouldn't do it just because my sister's gonna think they're right anyway.
C: Right, okay. I mean, yeah, I think Sam probably should have communicated more openly rather than being passive-aggressive, but once Sam did communicate what his problem was, Dean got, I think, too upset? Like “I'm sick of this attitude” is such a parent authority figure thing to say, when I feel like, in the US, siblings are supposed to be sort of on an equal level regardless of their age relative to each other. I understand that Dean's bitter about Sam leaving, but I think saying like, “Oh, you've been off to college going to pep rallies” is not very kind, especially when Sam's college girlfriend just died.
G: Yeah, that is true.
C: And also, Dean ending his whole thing with “Okay?” like he's giving Sam an order… I didn't like that. That made me- got my hackles up.
G: Because I've been spoken to like that, so I'm like, “It's fine.”
C: Yeah, I mean, I feel like as an eldest sibling who's often ordered around by my younger sibling, Dean doesn't make much sense to me.
G: Ah, yeah, well I guess it's because of the age gap as well. Because their age gap is a bit weird because it's not too big but it's also not too small.
C: Right, yeah.
G: They like- at certain moments they feel like miles away from each other in terms of age. like the authority is so overwhelming. And then occasionally there's also the feeling of like, “they're just same age buddies!” you know?
C: Yeah, yeah. Well I think if Dean feels comfortable hitting on Jess, who is Sam's age, then he should feel comfortable seeing Sam as an equal, but also Dean doesn't see women as equals so… [both laugh] Anyway…
G: Anyway, so—
C: Anyway, so they agree to go to the case. That’s the end of that scene.
G: Yes, they agree to go to the case, and we have a drive sequence over rock music, and—
C: Of course.
G: So they arrive at the house and they introduce themselves as Agent Ford and Hamill which is so… like how did someone not notice that?
C: Sure, yeah no one’s ever watched Star Wars before, and they'll never see through your epic, epic aliases.
G: Yes. And they introduce themselves as US Wildlife Service. So they talk to the brother, and the brother reveals that Sophie was a varsity swimmer, so she shouldn't have drowned because she's very good at swimming. Sam and Dean start asking details like, “are there tracks in the mud? were there any shadows?” etc etc, and the brother says no, like it was just a normal day. And then Dean went on to start leaving, but Sam stays behind and asks the brother if they can talk to the dad, which the brother then turns down.
C: Yeah. Very suspicious. Next they go to the police station where they talk to a local sheriff about the drowning, and the sheriff's like, “well there are like no carnivores that live in the lake, there's nothing there,” and then makes a Loch Ness monster joke, and Dean—
G: Okay, the Loch Ness monster joke, right? Like he looks at Sam funny.
C: Right.
G: What was that look supposed to mean? Because it can either mean that the Loch Ness is real—
C: I think it's just like- I think it’s like, yeah, either they're pretty sure the Loch Ness is real, or, in general, it's sort of just like-
G: A myth, right?
C:- “ah, this silly little man doesn't think monsters are real, but we know they are.”
G: Yeah. I was like, I was like, so is Nessie real or not? And I wanted to know because they mentioned Loch Ness once again a little bit later, and there was no clarification, and I was like “Goddammit! I wanted to know if Loch Ness monster is real in this universe!”
C: And then we find out the sheriff did a sonar sweep over the lake and didn't find Sophie's body or any of the previous bodies. And then he mentions that there is a dam that is falling apart, that they're opening up, so that the lake is going to be drained away, I believe.
G: It's weird because later on, they say that the lake would be dry, right but here they say…
C: Yeah, at first it seemed like the lake was going to overflow and flood the town, like that’s what I got?
G: Yeah that's the implication here. But later on, they were like, “it’s gonna dry up.”
C: Later they're like, “the lake will be dry,” yeah, um.
G: So I was like, “okay, sure.”
C: Yeah. And then we meet Andrea Barr, who's there to be very pretty, and she's the sheriff's daughter. Dean sort of tries to flirt with her straight up, and then they also meet her son, Lucas, who seems very gloomy and doesn't speak to them. Sam asks if the kid's okay, and the sheriff says that he and the family have been through a lot. After that, Dean—continuing his attempt at flirtation with Andrea—asks her about a place to stay, and then asks if she will walk them there even though it's only two blocks away. Andrea is amused, but ends up agreeing, and then they head out after she says goodbye to Lucas.
G: Is this a misogyny moment?
C: I… I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Like I feel like it-
G: It made me uncomfortable, but I’m not sure.
C: It definitely made me uncomfortable, but I don't know… Yeah, like I feel like, like I feel like it is definitely a level of flirting that I would be greatly uncomfortable with, but I feel like it wasn't- I feel like he didn't put her in a position where she couldn't back out.
G: Say no.
C: Right, so, I think she- I feel like she was safe in the moment, and Dean wasn't a threatening figure, so I wouldn't necessarily count it as a misogyny moment. I just think it's more of a “the audacity! Her dad's right there!” kind of moment.
G: I know.
Anyway, so on the street, Dean is still keeping up with the flirting with Andrea.
C: Attempting to.
G: And he's saying shit like, “Cute kid! Oh, your kid is so cute! Kids are the best, huh!” Deaaan… [laughing] And then they show up at the motel, which is, as she said, two blocks away, and then she quips. She does a little quip where she says, “Oh, you must be- must be terrible for you with your sense of direction, never finding your way to a decent pickup line.” And then she leaves, and then Dean is just standing there like a bit, um, I don't know what the word is. A bit flustered, but like, negatively?
C: Right. yeah. I can't- flummoxed, maybe?
G: Flummoxed. Wow, big word! [both laugh] Sorry for being Deancoded. Okay, so he's just standing there, and Sam berates Dean for his attempts at flirting, and then asks Dean to name three children he even knows. Which is so weird, like that's not how it works, Sam! That's not how you know you like children! But also it was quite funny, so it's fine.
C: So, now they're in the motel, and Sam's doing some research on other drownings in the lake, and sees that there were three this year and then six spread out over the last 35 years, so there's been an increase in death rates. And Sam says that he finds the lake monster theory not very realistic because there haven't been many eyewitness accounts of a creature cuz it seems like everyone that's ever seen this creature has died. Then they find out that one of the previous victims was Christopher Barr, which is Andrea's husband and Lucas's dad, and that Lucas was there when Christopher was taken and saw the whole thing. So they decide to go out and ask him about it. And also Dean says, “No wonder that kid was so freaked out. Watching one of your parents die isn't something you just get over,” ‘cause I guess they need to bring up Dean's Mary trauma every episode, which is fair, so yeah.
G: Okay, I have a question. The article with Lucas’s face plastered on it, is that or is that not irresponsible journalism?
C: Right. It does- it feels like you usually wouldn't put a picture of a child on there without- maybe with parental permission? Yaybe with parental permission you would but yeah, it's-
G: It's just weird, like this kid, his father… I guess like when you're in a smaller town where it’s more tight knit-
C: Yeah, I was thinking, it's like a local newspaper, so yeah, there's probably- it's probably like everyone knows everyone, so it's okay. But I guess apparently-
G: It's still weird!
C: It's on the internet too…
G: So they go to the park, right, and they go to Andrea. And Andrea is sitting there like, “oh, I'm here with my son so, don't bother me,” and Dean's like, “Okay, I'll talk to your son!” And Dean goes to talk to Lucas. So they're sitting down in a park bench, and Lucas is drawing with crayons on the bench with a bunch of toy soldiers beside him, which Dean plays with for a bit and he's like, “Oh, I used to love these things!” and he does a little mime thing where he plays with it, and I was like “aww”—
C: And I was like “boo.”
G: And I was like, “Sweet man!”
C: Booo.
G: Do you know the lore with the toy soldier?
C: Um… oh. In “Swan Song,” doesn't Sam have a flashback of him playing with them with Dean in the Impala, and that's what gets him to break Lucifer’s control?
G: Yeah, so like in the Impala, there are some toy soldiers—
C: Oh, like wedged—
G: Stuck in the vents or something. So I was like. “oh, that’s a- is that a callback? What is that?” But you know I was like, “aww,” in retrospect, it's very sweet to him be like, “oh, I played with these!” and then you see it later in the show. I am enamored by Dean in this episode, mostly because he's wearing the leather jacket.
C: Okay. I'm very angry at Dean and Andrea's writing in this episode.
G: Andrea's writing… I think it was like a writer misogyny moment, like we discussed last time, so like, I’m not-
C: Yeah, it was a writer misogyny moment. We can discuss it later, I guess.
G: We can- we will discuss it later.
C: We absolutely shall.
G: We can, must, and should discuss it later. But he was wearing the leather jacket, and I was like-
C: Boooo.
G: Because earlier this week, I bought a leather jacket-
C: Yeah. Yes you did.
G: -that looked- the color looks very similar to his, and I was like, “Look! it's my cosplay!”
G: So… he goes to Lucas again because Lucas is ignoring him, and he goes, “So crayons, huh? That's okay, chicks dig artists” or something like that.
C: Can I add a point? Can I add a point? Can I add a point? Can I add a point?
G: I was like, “You weirdo!” Okay, you can add a point.
C: Okay, yeah!
G: Dean, you fucking weirdo.
C: This kid is like five! Like this is not one of this child’s—
G: The kid is not five.
C: Okay, the kid’s like, I don’t- 8? 10? How old are children?
G: Yeah, maybe, maybe 8.
C: The kid's like 8. This is not a priority right now, especially when he's very busy being traumatized.
G: [laughing] Yeah.
C: Also it's like- it's just weird, like Dean shows up and he's like. “I have to connect with this boy child. First, I will pretend to do war. Next, I will talk about seducing women. These are the ways in which I will connect to the boy child.” Like, what's wrong with you, Dean?
G: Yeah, well, Dean is, you know, as we know, a fucked-up little man.
C: Yeah.
G: So he looks at the drawings that Lucas are making, and they're mostly spirals and bikes, and Dean says like, “oh, these are pretty good drawings!” Which I was like, “They are not good drawings.” This kid is fully 8 years old.
C: We see Dean’s drawing later, and the kid’s better, though, so.
G: [laughing] Well, that's true, but still, I was like, “why would you say like, ‘oh, this is pretty good!’ to like, an eight-year-old kid? I have a five-year-old sister and she draws better than this kid.”
C: [laughing] He’s just trying to get into the good graces of Lucas.
G: Yeah. And also, okay, I'm gonna bring it up now, but like I was supposed to bring it up later. But… he keeps on saying “when I was your age” when he's talking about Mary, right?
C: Yeah.
G: And we know that Mary dies when Dean was four.
C: Yeah.
G: So is it implied that Lucas is supposed to be four years old?
C: God, I hope not!
G: I hope not, because that kid is fully 8. And also, I was wondering a while ago, like, are white kids just that much bigger than Asian kids? Like what is going on?
C: Yeah, I really cannot guess child ages at all. Like anyone who's like under 12, I'm like. “you could be 4 to 8.”
G: Dean starts talking about Lucas's dad and how he can relate because, and then he stops short because it's supposed to be a mystery for Lucas, I guess. And the most ham-fisted sad piano starts playing.
C: Yeah! I made a note of that. This whole episode is full of ham-fisted sad piano.
G: It's so… [laughs] Anyway, let's proceed. So Dean draws a family portrait, which aww, good for him! The drawing is so bad, though.
C: It’s awful.
G: It’s so bad. I mean-
C: Right, he's like, “Can I draw with you? I'm not bad myself.” You're bad, Dean.
G: Uh, we go back to Sam and Andrea, where it is revealed that Lucas has not talked since the accident. And this is the only thing that is exchanged between Lucas- uh, between Andrea and Sam. Which I was like, “Why?!” Andrea's husband just died, Sam's girlfriend just died…
C: Yeah, no, you’re right!
G: Like they could relate to each other, right?
C: Ugh, right, they could! I guess maybe Sam's not ready to talk about it yet, but I don't know.
G: Yeah but they could have- there could have been an opportunity. I guess they were like trying to dig the husband. Like the husband got fridged, bro! [C laughs] And they won't even acknowledge him.
C: Right, I guess they just didn't want to talk about the husband because it would just seem really weird that Dean was swooping in right on the heels of this tragedy.
G: Yeah, exactly, right? So I was like, maybe she could have talked to Sam because, like, to be honest, Sam doesn’t have much—
C: Yeah I feel like if she was like, “I loved my husband so much, he was so good,” we'd all feel a little weirder about the eye contact with Dean.
G: They could have given Sam something to do. And also most of the time… because in this show, they do this thing where the Sam mirror connects to Sam and the Dean mirror connects to Dean, and for once I wish they could have had a thing where the Dean mirror connects with Sam. You know, like opposite day.
C: Yeah!
G: Because Lucas is like- they really ham-fisted the idea that Lucas is a Dean mirror or something, like witnessed a parent dying, but like they could have made him connect to Sam, and Sam could have understood Dean better or something, you know?
C: Yeah.
G: They keep on doing these like one-to-one connections, and I'm like- like I know this is episode three, but like further down the road, you do get tired of it.
C: Also, I'm just like… I always thought that like season one was a season where Sam is the main character, and then later-
G: I know!
C: -Dean gets favored more and more, but like the three episodes I've watched, I'm like “The writers like Dean more from the beginning. Like Sam's getting nothing in episodes two and three.”
G: He's getting nothing at all in episode- especially this one—
C: Yeah, especially episode three!
G: Like what is he even doing? And it makes me angry because he's the main character!
C: He’s the main character! Who cares about Dean's blah blah blah whatever? Sam also saw his mom die, so, get over it! [G laughs]
G: Okay, so they continue talking. Dean shows up, and it's mentioned that the kid has post-traumatic stress; that's why he won't talk. And then Lucas comes up, and in a surprising turn of events, he actually connected with Dean! And he gives Dean a drawing of… a house?
C: Yes.
G: A house. Yes. Slay.
C: Slay.
G: Anyway.
C: Right, next we go to the Carlton's where the dad is sitting in a chair looking at TV being just- very still, and then his son comes over and tells him that he should eat, but there's no response. And then the son, who, as we remember, is Sophie's brother, is using the sink, cutting up a fish, and then we notice that the water coming out of the sink turns brown, and then—
G: Why did he just leave the sink open? Like—
C: I don't know. Maybe it's like- you know how some people leave the sink running when they brush their teeth because they find the sound soothing?
G: Yeah.
C: Maybe he just needs that ASMR while he's cutting the fish up.
G: And then like the sink is also filthy as fuck.
C: Yeah, yeah, the sink is filthy, and then the dark water is filling it up, and then the son—whose name is Will? Yes, whose name is Will—pulls the plug out of the drain in order to get the water to go down, but nothing happens, and then he sticks his arm back in, and then he gets grabbed. He's like thrashing, and he's grabbed into the sink where he drowns, and then the water goes away. Dun-dun-dun!
G: This triggered my disgusting instincts. Like instead of fear, it's really disgust, because the water's so filthy, and the sink is so filthy, and everything looks so like grainy and disgusting…
C: Yeah, like I feel like in the past episodes, I didn't really notice too much that they were shot on film. This episode I was like, “wow, this show was very shot on film.” Like the coloring—
G: Yeah, it's so gritty.
C: Yeah, the coloring's so gritty, it's just- it's not- it's not like pleasant to look at, sanitation-wise.
G: So we go to the motel room the next day of Sam and Dean. It's morning, and Sam walks in, and he mentions that he passed by the Carlton house and discovered that the brother died by drowning in the sink. And he relates this to Dean. So they start speculating some more, “why is the lake upping its body count,” blah blah blah, and they realize, “oh, it's going to be dry? in a few months?” This is the part where I was really confused.
C: Yeah.
G: But yeah, so they're like, “oh, we need to solve this right away, because this lake won't stop until it gets what it wants.”
C: Mm-hmm. Yeah, so they decide- oh they realize that there is a connection to- well they decide that there's a connection to Bill Carlton, who is Sophie and Will's dad, because it killed both of his kids, so they go to the lake to talk to him. They try to ask him some questions, but he refuses to answer. He's very down. He says, “my children are gone. It's worse than dying, go away please.” Sam and Dean leave still suspicious of Mr. Carlton. And then they notice that the Carlton house is the house that Lucas drew, which implies that Lucas maybe knew something was gonna go down there.
G: So they realize they need to talk to Lucas. So they go to Andrea's house and plead to her to let them talk to Lucas. So she eventually says yes, and Dean goes to talk to the kid. He asks how Lucas knew about the house and all that, but Lucas still isn't responding, so Dean tries to comfort Lucas by telling him about his mom. And he says that- aww. He says that “Mom wanted me to be brave, and I think about that every day, and I do my best to be brave.” And he says, “Your dad may want you to be brave, too.” Lucas eventually draws a picture of a house with a church beside it and a kid with a cap on a bike. He hands it to Dean, who says, “thank you, Lucas!” And then we proceed.
C: Yeah, so.
G: So what- how did you feel? Did you feel touched during that scene?
C: It's like- the thing is… I knew it was coming already, so I feel like I wasn't particularly touched. Like I've seen the gifsets. Um… I mean I do think I was- I do think I didn't know about the “I think about that every day.” I was like, “oh, I didn't know that this was such a guiding principle in Dean's life, like the Mary figure really lurks large!” So I guess it was it was interesting in like in a way where I'm interested in the mythology of Mary and how that plays out when she returns in season 12, but like—
G: Yeah, exactly, right?
C: Because I don't care about Dean that much, it didn't like- it didn't matter to me on a Dean level?
G: [laughing] I care about Dean enough for the both of us.
C: Yeah. [laughs]
G: Anyway, I was bringing it up because of the- again, this like really cements in the first season the Mary mythology of like- it was probably- it was probably John who told Dean that “Mary wants you to be brave,” right?
C: Ugh. Boo. Oh god, do you think he told him that on a hunt?
G: Just, knowing that Dean- Yeah.
C: Like- because that would be so bad!
G: If it was told to him during a hunt, like, man, that sucks. Like knowing what Dean went through and having to be- and him having to tell himself that like, “I'm not allowed to be miserable” or “I'm not allowed to be afraid because I need to be brave for my mom.”
C: Yeah.
G: Like that is so sad!
C: It is, it is. And I mean, okay, we'll get to this later, but I know near the end of the episode he asks Lucas to take care of Andrea which like, yeah, he's also very much like a- oh this- “you're really putting a lot of parenting responsibilities on the Dean mirror to parent his parent, huh.”
G: Yeah. We're really seeing a lot of Dean in this episode. Meanwhile, Sam is just a little bit of an asshole.
C: I mean… is Sam an asshole?
G: Why won’t they let Sam do anything???
C: Sam’s not—I don’t think Sam’s an asshole here, I just think he's just he's sort of there.
G: I will bring up the moments where I think he's an asshole a bit later.
C: Okay, okay,
C: But I was like, “I'm still annoyed that they won't let him do shit.”
C: Yeah. I'm also annoyed. Like, he's the main character! He's the main character. Just because Jensen Ackles has longer eyelashes does not mean that you do not owe Sam's some lines.
G: Give Sam lines… what- what year is this?
C: 2005.
G: 2k05. [laughing]
C: Right, so now they're in the Impala trying to find the house that Lucas drew, and Dean mentioned that Lucas only started drawing like that after his dad died, and Sam talks about how trauma can sometimes make someone psychic. Dun-dun-dun, foreshadowing? Foreshadowing?!
G: Whaaat?! Dun-dun-dun!
C: [laughing] And then… they're driving around. Dean’s like “there's like a thousand houses that look like this,” and Sam's like, “Well the church is a good clue!” I think it's very stupid that they had Dean not take into account the church at all. It’s like half the drawing!
G: Yeah I was like, it’s literally the first thing you see.
C: It's half the drawing! It's more noticeable than the house. Yeah. Dean says, “oh, college boy thinks he's so smart” in like, a silly little voice that I don't know how to imitate.
G: Yeah, in a smarmy voice. “College boy thinks he's so smart!”
C: Yeah, yeah.
G: That was such a terrible rendition, but let's proceed.
C: The vibes are still correct, even if the tone isn't. Right, and then Sam says, “what you said about Mom, you never told me that before,” you know, because he was watching from the doorway and was having his moment of “oh, right my sibling's a real person” that we all have sometimes. And Dean's like shrugging it off, and says “oh god, we're not gonna have to hug or anything, are we?” And then it just moves on because Mr. No Chick-Flick Moments simply does that.
G: To be fair… Again, I am defending Dean, right? Like, do you hug your siblings?
C: Yeah?
G: Yeah? Well, you live away from your siblings, so like when you come back, you hug them, I suppose.
C: Yeah, okay there's hugging upon reunion, and then I think- I think I'm fairly tactile in general. I mean, usually I think I just hook my chin on top of her head while she's sitting. I mean I don't think a hug would have been appropriate because Dean's driving, but I mean like, the point of Dean's comment—
G: No chick-flick moments.
C: —was just like, “oh my god, you're being like so emotional about this. Like get over it, whatever.” But like, I understand that it's a sensitive topic, and he doesn't want to further talk about it, so being snarky is the way to move on. So I'm not upset at him for it, but it is just the larger trend of Mr. No Chick-Flick Moments.
G: Yeah, well I guess I don't hug my siblings. Like, if my siblings and I hugged, I would crack a joke, like, “Are you dying?”
C: Aw, really?
G: Yeah, yeah, because we're not particularly- like we're tactile; we touch each other in different ways, but not hugs, because hugs are too emotional.
C: Oh.
G: [laughing] Hashtag Deancoded!
C: [laughing] No, no, no, I'm thinking about it now, it's like I think every time I see my sister standing somewhere and I'm bored, I just put my arms out to hug her. Like I think I'm just very huggy.
G: Yeah, maybe so.
C: Yeah, so I might be overly huggy and you may be- you may have the correct metric of amount of hug you should give one’s siblings.
G: Yeah. Also because in the Philippines, right, we're still not doing face-to-face classes, so we're just at home! So why would we hug, you know? Like if we saw each other after a long time, then we'll hug.
C: Yeah.
G: But if we're just hanging out every single day, like in the same house, literally 24/7…
C: Okay, but Sam and Dean have just seen each other for the first time in four years, so…
G: Yeah, and they wrestled! That’s equivalent to a hug!
C: Right, they wrestled. They- that's their man hug.
G: Okay. So they find the church and the house. So they go in, they ask around, and they find out that apparently there was a little boy who disappeared years and years and years ago. His name is Peter. And he disappeared after- he was supposed to ride home on his bike after school, but one day he just didn't. And then he just never showed back up again. Then we get the “it's worse than dying” thing line again, and then Dean finds a picture of Peter with the- with Bill Carlton, the guy whose kids just died. So he was like, “oh this is the dot that is being connected right now.”
C: Right.
G: The willingness of people to talk to Sam and Dean is like, unreal.
C: Yeah. Yeah. Like they just showed up at her house, and she was like, “ah, yes, my son who died, perhaps, 35 years ago, I'll tell you all about it!” And at no point was she like, "how do you-"
G: "Who are you guys?"
C: "Who are you and how do you know there was a boy with a baseball cap and a bicycle here at some point? You are like, less than 35 years old. What's wrong?"
Right, so then we cut to the lake where we see Bill Carlton there talking to the lake. And he says “you've taken everything, everyone. I've got nothing left. I didn't understand. I didn't believe. Now, I think I do. I think I finally know what you want.”
G: Spooky! And then back in the Impala, Sam and Dean are discussing the case, and they infer that, you know, Bill Carlton did something to Peter, and they race to the Carlton house. And so they arrive at the house, and towards the lake, we see Bill driving a boat, which like- it looks like it crashes on like an invisible iceberg [C laughs] is what it looks like. And then it flips over and then sinks in the water, and Sam and Dean are just standing there like “oh my god.”
C: Mm-hm. So now they're back at the police station where Andrea and Lucas are. The sheriff is quite suspicious of them and sends Andrea away, and then…
G: Lucas is very scared.
C: Yeah, Lucas is very scared. He grabs Dean's arm, he's like, shaking, Dean's trying to calm him down, and then Andrea and Lucas just walk away. The sheriff's like, “it makes no sense that this guy's boat tipped over and then he got grabbed,” and then he's like “also, I know you're not actually with Wildlife Service. If you don't leave now, I will arrest you.”
G: So they leave!
C: And so they leave.
G: So we go to the- to Andrea's house, so I guess the Barr’s house, right? Oh, where Lucas is frantically drawing spirals, and Andrea is like, “oh, why are you doing that? Let's get you to bed.”
C: Sam and Dean are driving, but Dean seems reluctant to leave, and then he ends up driving back to town. And then we see that Andrea is about to put some water in her bathtub and get in. Uh-oh! And then we're back to Sam and Dean, and Sam's like, “The case should be over because if Bill killed Peter and now Peter got Bill, then Peter should be fine now.” But then Dean says, “I just don't want to leave this town until I know the kid's okay,” which is kind of sweet, it's kind of sweet. Sam says, “Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”
G: Okay, this is the part where I'm like, “Sam, you asshole.”
C: Yeah…
G: Like, what an asshole thing to say. It's such a statement! Like obviously, Dean has a tough guy exterior, but like, one look at him and you know that it's just an exterior.
C: Yeah.
G: Like he is obviously caring and all that shit, right?
C: I guess. I guess I sort of just like- maybe I sort of just saw it as an extension of Sam's previous “Oh, yeah? You love kids? Name three kids you know.” I think maybe it was more of a “it's new that you like kids in particular” rather than a “it's new that you care about people.”
G: Ahh. I saw it as this. Because it's so- from my perspective it's so unnecessarily mean, but it makes sense if back in the day, Dean really was like the asshole that he exteriorly is.
C: Yeah.
G: So like if Dean only started softening after Sam left for college, and Sam is seeing this Dean for the first time, like it makes sense if Sam really doesn't know this Dean, you know. So I was like, “oh like, was 22 and below Dean really an asshole?”
C: Yeah, that's possible. I did note that that line seemed kind of unnatural, but also I think it's probably just a result of the Supernatural writers… like every time either of the main characters show some kind of softness, they require the other one to comment on it in a mean way so they can tell the audience like, “We know this isn't how a real man is supposed to act! We know it's cringe AF! However, it's cool and good.” So like, yeah, I feel like each time one of the brothers is soft, the other one like has to be a stand-in for the writers policing the definition of masculinity. So I think that's- I think poor Sam just got saddled with that task in this scene.
G: Okay, so we go back to Andrea, who is disrobing, and she steps into the bathtub that she's filling up. So she, you know, relaxes, closes her eyes…
C: And she doesn't turn off the faucet! Even though the bathtub is full when she gets in!
G: The bathtub is full, yeah.
C: It's going to overflow, girl!
G: And also, like, the way she's like, you know, looking kind of to the side with her eyes closed with a little bit of a smile, I was like, “I never look like this when I'm bathing, I'm positive I don't.”
C: Yeah, no, it's very much like a- an idea of what women look like when they're relaxing and naked-
G: When they’re bathing. So the water turns dirty, she starts drowning, like something is pulling her down the tub, and Lucas is pounding at the door. So Dean- Sam and Dean are at the entrance, and they're like bantering, like, “Oh, should we go in? You think we should? It's very late in the night,” and Dean busts the door, and immediately Lucas swings the door open and starts running up the stairs. Sam busts into the door while Luc- while Dean holds Lucas back. And he lifts Andrea up from the tub, and then gets her out of the tub… while they’re all looking at her naked body.
C: Did it really have to be a bathtub scene? Like there are so many other ways one can interact with water in one's life, but they chose the bathtub for the woman and the sink for the man.
G: She could literally be washing her face, and- but I guess that would be a repeat of the sink thing.
C: Yeah, no, I just feel awkward for the actress, because they were like, “Okay, you're gonna be naked, and then Jared Padalecki is gonna grab you out of the tub. And the whole time, position your arms so that they're covering your nipples, okay?” Like- [laughs]
G: Yeah. Well, I mean, yes. But, I don't know. Like, it's a scene!
C: Yeah, I mean I guess it's a more dramatic rescue when there's a bathtub involved because you sort of have to grab the whole person out, but yeah, no, it definitely—
G: Yeah, butt-naked.
C: — there was a tinge of writer misogyny there.
G: Yeah, I would say so too.
C: Yeah. Right. So, yay! Andrea's alive! And Sam tries to talk to her about what happened, and Andrea's crying and thinks that she's going crazy. And she tells Sam that she heard a voice that said “come play with me” in the water. And then Dean, who's looking through books in the house, sees that Peter was friends with Bill Carlton and also Andrea's dad, the sheriff, Jake, when he was young, so they put together that perhaps the sheriff and Bill were both involved in Peter's death, so Peter's going after the sheriff's family as well. And then they see that Lucas is looking out the window, and he runs to a spot. Dean and Sam start digging there, and they- within like three inches of the soil [laughing] find that there's a bicycle there.
G: Yeah, they were not digging deep.
C: And then they look up, and the sheriff is there pointing a gun at them, is like, “How did you know that that was there?” Um, because it was like two inches under the dirt, my dude. Dean accuses the sheriff of murdering Peter when they were kids, Andrea sees what's happening and goes outside and sorta tries to stop the sheriff from firing on Sam and Dean. Sam explains that Peter's spirit is gonna kill all of the sheriff's loved ones. Yeah, just general explanations about ghosts.
G: While all this exposition was happening, we go to Lucas, who gets up and out of the house. Andrea is still confronting her dad about what actually happened because she heard Sam and Dean saying that “You killed this kid! And then you just let his body sink to the bottom of the lake" or whatever, and the dad reveals what really happened. Which was that he and Bill Carlton accidentally drowned Peter while they were bullying him.
C: Yep! They held his head under the water. Yikes!
G: For too long, and then he drowned. And they let the body sink.
While all this is happening they discovered that Lucas was actually out of the house and now on the edge of the lake. And then gets grabbed into the lake by a hand.
C: Yeah. I wish they hadn't shown us the hand. Like it was a lot cooler when people were just getting dragged in and drowning, but that little baby hand? I was like, “who cares?”
G: No, I guess because Lucas is a small child, right? So he can't reach the water without really stretching, so they had to have the hand there, but like I wish he was able to reach the water and just get grabbed, you know, like with what's inside the water already. Like that would have been a cooler shot, but [in unison] alas. So Sam and Dean dive into the water. Aww, my heroes!
C: [laughing] Yeah, I mean, they were probably like “well, Peter has no issue with us, so we should go in and Andrea-”
G: Yeah, it was no hesitation at all. I was like, “aww, look at them! They're literally just diving!” And then the police off- uh, so they're going around looking for Lucas in the lake, and the police officer, Jake, starts pleading to the ghost. He goes into the water as well and he starts waddling in the water. Peter hears Jake and takes Jake and drowns him, and then Sam and Dean continue to look for Lucas. And when Sam has given up, there in the far distance, we see Dean holding Lucas. He surfaces from the water while holding Lucas and takes a deep breath. And this was all shot in slow motion, and this one actually looks good.
C: Yeah. Though I still think the high-contrast, low-saturation was especially apparent and kind of bad-looking this episode.
G: It looks exceptionally low-budget in this episode, I’m sorry.
C: Yes. That's what it is. It looks like a very low-budget horror movie, which it basically is, right?
So, now we get to the last scene. So Dean and Sam are ready to leave. Dean's a little down, and Sam says, “Look, we're not going to save everybody” because Dean’s upset about the cop. And Dean says, “I know.” Then, Andrea pulls up. Her father just died, and she found out he was a murderer like within five minutes, but she's dressed very well, has her hair done very well, has makeup on, looks completely cheery and fine. She shows up and says that she and Lucas made them sandwiches for their trip and that Lucas made them himself. And then Lucas speaks for the first time in the episode and says like in a little whispery voice, “Can I give it to them now?” and he does.
G: You know? Especially when you just almost got drowned, and your grandfather just died, that’s when your post-traumatic stress gets resolved.
C: Right, exactly! Like, what? That's when you're getting over PTSD. And to return to the very lake where you got your PTSD, be drowned by the thing that killed your dad, giving you PTSD, and then watch your grandfather be killed by the thing that gave you PTSD, like that's the best time to get over it! [both laughing]
G: Jesus. Anyway.
C: Right. Of course. I knew it was coming, but it still made me so mad.
G: Yeah, like it's kind of expected that the kid's gonna be happy-
C: Right, the kid's gonna talk at the end of the episode.
G: For some reason, Supernatural can't leave a story sad.
C: Yeah.
G: Like it always has to resolve everything.
C: Yeah, it’s like “And then Dean and Sam came around and they fixed everything!” Um, Sam asks Andrea how she's doing, and she's like, “well, it's gonna take a while to process.” Sam says, “I'm sorry,” and Andrea says, “You saved my son. I can't ask for more than that. Dad loved me, he loved Lucas. No matter what he did, I just have to hold onto that.” Which, you know, is totally something you could come up with within like 10 hours? Sure, whatever.
G: Yeah! They are treating this like it's been months since Bill died.
C: Yeah, exactly! It's been a day! She should not be fine! But okay, whatever, I guess she has to be fine for later happenings. [both laugh] Right, so then, yeah, and then we cut to Dean and Lucas, where apparently Dean's been teaching Lucas to say the sentence “Zeppelin rules,” and they high-five, and then Dean has his line where he says, “You take care of your mom. okay?” because, you know, that's the eight-year-old's job? It's the eight-year-old's job. And then we have the worst scene in all of Supernatural, where Andrea—
G: [laughing] Oh my god…
C: —shows up, and she kisses Dean right on the mouth, and says “Thank you.”
G: This was a jump scare for me.
C: Literally.
G: Because the last time I watched this episode was last year, so I knew pretty much the plot beat-for-beat, but for some reason I completely repressed this kissing scene.
C: As you should have. Your brain was protecting you.
G: I know! So like when it happened, I was like, “Oh my god!” I was so shocked. I did not expect it at all.
C: Yeah, I didn't think it was gonna happen. I was like, “surely they will not force this poor woman to go through this after she had to go through everything else!” but, no, like, she is- yeah. She almost drowned by the thing that killed her husband, her son almost drowned, her dad did drown, and now- [together] she found out that her dad was a murderer… and I guess her current priority is macking on Dean.
G: Also, okay, I forgot to bring it up last time because I was trying to defend Dean, but another thing that I was thinking about, because it's quite similar, right?
C: Yeah, Hayley…
G: Like the girl is saved, and then kisses Dean, and then this one too. It's quite the same.
C: Yeah, I was like, “Does Dean get one kiss per episode? Like, is this in his contract? Like what's happening?”
G: This is Jensen Ackles when he entered Supernatural—
C: Yeah, he was like—
G: “I need to get a kiss per episode.”
C: “I will only be on the show if women make out with me once per episode, or else I demand a second trailer.”
G: I was gonna say that like there is something sinister over the fact that it's- the perspective is like, “This is Dean's reward.”
C: Yeah!
G: Like, he saves these women, and then the women are like, “Oh! Uh, because we are saved by this guy, we ought to kiss him!”
C: Right.
G: And like, maybe that's not- like it's fine to be grateful, like I'm not saying that these women were forced to kiss Dean—
C: I mean, but they were. They were written that way.
G: There’s something… They were written to be forced to kiss Dean. But like, uh, like, “Oh, we're only kissing this guy because we're grateful.”
C: Yeah!
G: Because he saved our lives. Like there is a power imbalance there.
C: Absolutely, and also like, especially because both her and Hayley… Like earlier, Dean tries to flirt with them, and they're like, “That's not gonna work on me, buster!”
G: Yeah, no.
C: But then as soon as he saves their lives, they're like, “oh, you've convinced me! Come over here!”
G: Yeah! It's really-
C: It’s bad!
G: It’s not “weird”—I keep on saying weird, but it's bad, is what it is. It tastes foul in the mouth.
C: Yes. Just like Dean's tongue probably tastes foul in her mouth. Ugh, yeah. It’s not realistic!
G: [laughing] There wasn’t—okay to clarify, there wasn’t tongue in the kiss.
C: There wasn’t tongue. I know there wasn't tongue. I'm really glad.
G: Imagine if they started making out! Jesus.
C: It's not realistic. Like, I don’t know. Like, Lucas's emotional journey is prized over Andrea’s this whole episode. She's not a realistic character, she's just there to give information and look pretty. It's just- it's not good.
G: For some behind the scenes [C laughs], like immediately after Crystal watched this episode, they messaged me and were like, “Oh my god, dude, I hate Supernatural! I hate the way they treat their women!” Literally.
C: Yeah. Truly I spent like 10 minutes after watching this episode sitting in my chair, fuming. It's terrible.
C: Right, so she says thank you, and Dean doesn't even reply. He doesn't reply! He walks away and says “Sam, move your ass! Let’s leave!”
G: He was a bit flustered.
C: Like, how rude! How absolutely rude! Awful! Yeah, and then they get in the car, and they wave goodbye, and they drive off, and there's music that is, apparently, according to the transcript, “Moving On” by Bad Company, and then that’s that episode.
G: No, never heard of it.
C: Yeah, neither have I.
G: So they drive away, and the episode ends.
C: Yeah. Ugh! It's just- oh wait, something else that annoyed me about this episode… Okay, like, we have the scene where Dean's looking sad and Sam's like, “We can't save everyone!” But the thing is, in episode two, that guy's two camping buddies both got eaten to death, and there was never a moment like that, where it was like, “Oh, like it's sad that his friends got eaten. You can't save everyone!”
G: Yeah.
C: Like for some reason—
G: They're not relevant to the journey.
C: Yeah, like somehow we’re supposed to care about the murderer cop sacrificing his life or whatever, but we're not supposed to care about the two other campers who got eaten in the previous episode? I don't get it. I don't get it. But whatever.
G: Okay. It's time for our Best Line/Worst Line segment.
C: Yeah.
G: So what do you think is the best line of the episode?
C: Ugh, okay.
G: There’s not much.
C: Yeah, l… there's not much. Okay. I feel like… I don't like that I'm picking this for best line, but I think I'm gonna go with Andrea's, you know, quippy little “must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a good pickup line.” ‘Cause like, I know it was just the writers being like, “How do we make this woman likable? How do we make her hard-to-get, so she's not a terrible little slut just spreading her legs for Dean right away?” But also, it is funny, and it did work, so… [laughs] So I enjoyed that line.
G: That's actually my worst line.
C: Oh, really?
G: I didn't like it, because I was like, the quip was like so… like. It was like you said, the intention behind it, I didn't like that they were trying to make out this girl as like “oh, she's playing hard-to-get” or whatever they were trying to do. I didn’t like it.
C: Well, whenever people are mean to Dean, I just have to give them points. It's just just how it is.
G: I think the best line in this episode for me is the one that's like, actually related to the main characters, which was the Mary one. Yeah. I thought it was, you know, it was because—uh, to be clear, the line was… um, what was the line?
C: Uh, something, bravery…
G: “Mom told me to be brave. I think about that every day…”
C: “And I do my best to be brave.”
G: “I do my best to be brave.” I think it's, you know, a Dean thesis statement, and also, again it elaborates on Mary as a myth for the Winchester brothers. I think it does a lot of exposition for a very, you know, emotional and short line, so good for it!
C: Yeah, no, I think it was well-written and well-placed, I agree.
G: What's your worst line?
C: [laughing] “Chick dig artists.”
G: Ah, yeah. Yeah. Come on, Dean.
C: He's eight! He's eight!
G: Okay, what's your IMDB rating for this episode? What’s your guess?
C: I'm not sure… Okay, I know that this is a very popular episode amongst Deangirls so I would think that it's at least higher-rated than episode two, but I'm not sure how much higher rated. And I think it's probably below the pilot, so I'm going to guess like an 8.3?
G: An 8.3. I was gonna guess an 8.2 for exactly the same reasons that you said.
C: Yeah.
G: Like it's probably higher than last ep but like significantly lower than the pilot, and also like Deangirls like it—
C: Yup.
G: You know how it is. Okay, let's search… Uh, excuse me?
C: What?
G: Oh, no. I was like 4.2 over 10?! No, it's a Dead in the Water movie from 2021, [both laughing] oh my god. I was so shocked.
C: Yeah.
G: Okay, it's 8.1 over ten.
C: Okay, yeah, so you were pretty close.
G: We were near it.
C: Once more, I shot too high. Yeah, yeah.
G: Okay, that's it for this episode of Busty Asian Beauties. Next time we will be talking about Season 1 Episode 4: “Phantom Traveler.”
C: Follow us on social media! We are on Twitter at twitter.com/BeautiesPodcast and on Tumblr at bustyasianbeautiespod.tumblr.com.
G: You can email us any feedback, comments, or inquiries at [email protected]. See you guys next time! [both] Bye!
[guitar music]
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. im sorry i just noticed the "her butt looks like an upside down heart" panel (which is already gross lmao i hate him) literally just looks like a ball sack 💀 like what is this??? kids read this??
2. FHGSKDFDS i love the ppl who are like 'well the art sucks anyway that could explain why the pay is so bad' like?? 😭
3.  Smythe's treatment of the Minthe story is so bizarre. Minthe is a low-ranking nymph, Persephone is among the most important gods, a child of Zeus. The idea that Minthe is a genuine threat to someone like Persephone and cheering for her demise is so odd, it's like claiming that mortal Semele could ever have the upper hand in a rivalry with Hera, the queen of gods. The power imbalance is insane and it's weird that this is hailed as a yass queen moment for her, like Minthe ever stood a chance
From OP: To clarify, the assistant would have to do 20 panels for a week (from what was stated). However, it definitely has to be done before a week since it has to be ready by Sunday. With the pay of $450 USD total, that’s $22.50 per panel. I think the assistant would spend 30 - 45 min  per panel if RS is hiring someone who can do it fast.
I’m iffy on the payment but I still need to clarify because I feel some of these asks have some misleading information or misinterpreted the post in this next section.
4. im sorry but rachel going "i work 150 hours a week on LO!" is such bullshit lmao. girl if youre spending that much time on it why does it look that bad then? also if it takes that much work then the ppl should be paid MORE for it, not under min wage like she's trying 💀 also thats basically admitting shes fine with subpar and even bad work when its like ... girl just take a few months off, the terminally online persona aint working.
5. rachel doubling down saying each LO ep is 60 panels and how she spends 150+ hrs on it a week is so like ... ma'am you know that makes you look worse, right?? especially bc we know damn well shes not doing all this extra stuff she claims (lettering, backgrounds, shading, inking, panelling, etc) so like??? is she just admitting she's bad at time management??? bc if she actually (or rlly her team) spend that much time a week on an ep and it still looks like That after all of it... 🤡
6. you know what the nastiest part is about this pay discourse? rachel is purposely ONLY posting this on her social media instead of through actual artist scouting, because she knows theyd laugh at how much work shes demanding for such little pay, but her fans would do anything to "be friends" with her, so they wont question her or her actions. this is so shady of her to do.
7. rachel should prove the haters wrong and actually do the art instead of having five other people who get no character sheets and only sketches to work off of and paying damn near nothing for it, that'll show em.
8. tbh the most insidious part about rachel scamming her fans out of work is that we know not only will they not get a cent out of the FP money, but eventually she'll put them in a print book, meaning she'll be making even MORE money off their work, while they don't get a cent from it. more so, unlike other comics with actual backgrounds, VFX, lettering, etc, lineart and flats are the ONLY thing that goes into LO, so they are quite literally doing all her work. i'm disappointed by unsurprised.
From OP: You know, that’s actually a really good point. Especially if they aren’t going to be a long term artist.
9. the amount of LO stans defending how badly rachel is paying and then going "id work for free just to brag i worked with her!" is so??? bad??? just because you like LO does not mean you should let her pay so low or even get free work out of you, bc at the end of the day SHE is getting all the fp money, the merch sales, and eventually she'll put that underpriced work in a book and make even more money off of it while you get nothing out of it. shes banking off "for exposure" instead of actual pay.
10. rachel deleting her tweet showing shes shit at paying for labor only she benefits from and being roasted in the QRTS about it ... name a more iconic duo than her and her easily bruised ego, ill wait.
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