#it has a legitimate typo
corvidcall · 1 year
gonna go back in time and kill koko the gorilla myself. gonna do harambe part 2. sorry maam its not your fault on account of you are a gorilla but the damage youve done to peoples understanding of asl cannot be forgiven
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i hope d&d burn in hell for making jon snow stans act as if that bastard is the legitimate heir to the iron throne
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clood · 1 year
you know it’s crunch time when i’ve had the same song on loop for the last two hours. tonight we vibe to the kimi ni todoke opening
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roadsidedeer · 2 years
id be so embarrassed if i had someone over my shoulder watching how difficult it is for me to text. i do not know how to stop myself from checking and checking and checking and rereading and rereading and googling if im using the right words over and over and over again. yes thats the right word. wait is it? yes it is!! is it? yes!!! is it? ye-
its already embarrassing enough when someone else is waiting like 10 minutes for me to respond when a normal person would type the same exact thing in idk. under a minute probably LOL.... banging and smashing my head against a wall x3
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
how about johnathan x a spiderperson?
General hcs for Jonathan with a spider person s/o
Apologies for any typos and such!! Also this may be
Because I'm realizing my knowledge of alchemax is v limited since my only exposure to spiderman is through spiderverse 😔☝️
Sobs I was so excited for this prompt, I was legitimately waiting for someone to send something like in but the second I started writing my brain imploded and
I'm so disappointed in myself <\\3
I tossed in all I could remember so :(! I hope it's alright!!
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Okay him working at Alchemax and likely being a villain and probably against spiderpeople in general (see the first movie, the entire alchemax staff immediately attempting to attack Miles n Peter on sight), you'd both have to keep your relationship a secret
For him to keep his job and for you to not have any leverage used against you; I mean can you imagine if one of your enemies found out you had a boyfriend? And use that against you? Horrid
For convenience let's say you guys are dating long before the idea of the collider is introduced; easier to fall in love with someone when the entire multiverse is at risk/j
Imagine meeting after trying to stop alchemax from doing.. something..
Yeah idk my brains mush, but it warrants you to come down and stop them
Cue you and Jonathan meeting literally just; "oh hes kinda cute :]"
This was funnier in my head
Overall very very interested in any unique abilities you have
Like you know how miles has his electricity and in invisibility? Or Miguel having his fangs? While I don't think every spiderperson has a special power, I do think at least some do
So if you happen to be one of those spiderpeople he's VERY interested
Took a while for you both to warm up to each other because one side was "oh you better not turn me in" and the other is "oh you better not be trying to make me let my guard down"
Yk usual distrust between hero and not-so-powerful-villain
You guys definitely recreate the kiss
You know the one
You're hanging upside down, and
Dates can, unfortunately, get messy :(
Between the having to sneak around and being the towns heroc it's hard to find a time and a place
Oh speaking of that sneaking around thing, it'd have to be a while until you eventually take the mask off around him
He thinks you're.. pretty
Insists you take off the mask more when the two of you are alone
Sneaks and runs off whenever you need to come to alchemax to do something while everyone else tries to take you down
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ceilidho · 5 months
Sorry to dump this here, but no one in my immediate and/or accessible circle reads as much as I do and this conversation came up at the right time.
I don't read a lot of romance and I started reading some popular ones last year to ease my way into it. I feel like such a snob to say this, but the plot and writing are never fully fleshed out nor are the characters. None of the romantic actions I see people swoon over are ever explained well enough for me to understand the hype. A scene in which there should be an emotional inner monologue is shorted to a paragraph and if the character is toxic (I understand a lot of people enjoy toxic/dark men, but romance books never write them well enough) and destroys the other character's life/says a relationship-ending lie/any other cliche, there is never enough explanation, justification, groveling, or any thought process behind the reconciliation.
It's always just one half-written and half-baked trope after the other.
Again, apologies for dumping it here, but I think there are such damning consequences for women (the main demographic of romance readers) who read things like this and don't give constructive criticism or thought when facing these problems.
no but you're 100% right. i mean, this is one annoying bitch's opinion (mine LMAO) but trad publishing is in the absolute pits right now. that's not to say that there aren't still some good books coming out because of course, every now and then you're going to get a gem. but i think the environment has become outwardly hostile to good writing.
i mean, i know this has been discussed a ton, but the "fast fashionization" of books has become a huge problem. every time there's a new microtrend or whatever, every author rushes to push out a book to meet the demand (see: the hockey romance trend). this, obviously, means that the editing time is severely compressed and you get books published by like harper collins and penguin with typos, grammar issues, and more.
i got some flack for this when i posted about it on twitter ahah but i honestly do not understand why the sequel to "fourth wing" came out so soon (not even getting into the messy qualities of the first book). sequels used to take a year or more to come out to allow for the book to go through several rounds of editing and fine tuning! what happened??!!
i think authors now feel compelled to get their books out as soon as possible out of fear that booktok/readers will simply move on after the initial hype and they'll lose their reader base. there's like an anxiety about being left behind in the current publishing world.
this is kind of in line with what i was talking about the other day with Bo actually - writing romance and smut is actually way harder than people think. you can't just use the same 5 recycled porn dialogue lines and call it a day. you have to care a little about the story you're trying to tell, not just churning it out to make a buck or to make people pay attention to you. i'm not saying belabour every single action and decision made by your main character or go crazy on description (i still think the sweet spot for a published book is between 250-300 pages, and maybe more if you're writing a genre specific book that involves a lot of worldbuilding), but as a writer you need to want to be writing that book in the first place.
no one who's legitimately excited about what they're writing is going to resort to cliches and overused tropes - they might lean on tropes they like, but there's inevitably going to be something original and exciting there.
also my lil controversial opinion about the state of trad publishing lately is that i think it's 100% influenced by this weird pervasive strain of purity culture that's on booktok where people feel like any enjoyment they get from reading a particular thing has a direct reflection on them as a person and their values. rather than it just being a book.
(by the way i actually completely agree with you that even dark romances are as bad as everything else we've been talking about - that's another conversation lol. i also kind of agree with the idea of more romance books coming with content warnings on the front page - this hasn't really caught on yet except with some dark romance authors but i think it's a really good idea)
i don't think there's anything wrong about people getting excited about books on tiktok and instagram and youtube btw. i think it's a fun way to share recommendations, commentary, and interests. what i think is the big problem is that the publishing industry has almost become beholden to trends and online perception because they've seen how much profit they can generate by catering to it, and i think that's why books now just feel bland and soulless. they're tapping into a FOMO on both the authors' and writers' side, of either being left behind and not being able to make a living, or missing out on what everyone else is reading and talking about.
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Hey! Loved your stories ten and one and the second part :)
Could I get an imagine or one shot when reader is married to Daemon but he’s not interested in her and thinks she’s boring until one night he sees her un flea bottom with friends in a tavern just having fun and gets to know her and maybe some smut?
It's The Ale
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Summary: Having no legitimate daughters, your father decided to claim you as his own for no other reason than to marry you off to the Prince. And so for the sake of your family that he threatened to destroy if you act up, you forced yourself to be a complacent wife. Your husband was sure shocked when he realized you were anything but.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Mentions of drunkards, mentions of violence, fem!reader, wife!reader, annoyed at daemon's bs!reader, forced marriage, old ye strip club vibes lol, typos, etc.
A/N: OLRIGHT I SAID I WOULD WRITE THIS AFTER FINISHING THE FINAL CHAPTER OF WANT YOU DEAD cos i have school stuff, but i'm feeling generous so yall better leave replies and reblogs or i will abandon you 👿🤡 AHHAHHAHAH jk i love you all So it has been brought to my attention that I used gypsy, not knowing it was racial slur and for that I would like to apologize. I did a quick google search on it, and honestly didn't get what it meant but used it anyway, clown shit for real, anyway, we are not about degrading cultures so I removed it from the fic.
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I saw him the moment he walked in, and I knew, by all the gods, he saw me just the same.
Prince Daemon looked more like one of the haughty lords that came here to be entertained but would eventually get their hand cut off after mistaking the establishment to be a brothel.
My repulse for him veered sharply into a begrudged possessiveness when I saw one of my younger sisters sway her hips at him to catch his attention. Daemon was too preoccupied by the bareness of my belly to even take notice.
I grab Sinti's arm before she could make her way to him, "he's mine."
She turns over, eyes narrowed, "I saw him first."
"You mistake me, he is-"
"Why do you always feel entitled to get the good looking ones?" she snaps, ripping her arm away from me, "aren't you married?"
"Exactly," I quip, "that man is my husband."
Sinti's face contorts. She crosses her arms, "you invited your prince husband here?"
I shake my head, beginning to walk off, "I did no such thing."
"But-" she stutters, then calling out, "you said he was repulsive!?"
Daemon watches as I sit on the vacated stool on his table. His eyes dart down to scarf wrapped around my breasts and leans in on the table.
"Husband," I mutter, leaning in close to him.
His lips part when he gets a better view of my supple flesh.
Falling for my bait, I chuckle dryly, "or should I say ogling gremlin?"
He laughs, eyes flicking from the table to my eyes, "if you wore that around the house, then I wouldn't-"
"How did you know I was here?"
Daemon stills. He watches my expression for a moment then responds, "I did not."
My brows quirk. He mirrors my expression. I narrow my eyes and knit my brows, "then you are here as a customer."
He breaks into another laugh. He shifts on his seat, maneuvering to face me as he stretches his arm out to the table, "should I pay my wife to fuck me when I did not even touch her on our wedding night?"
My eye twitches at his words. It takes everything in my not to slit his throat with the dagger in my skirt's pocket.
He seems to be aware of how I tick, considering he chuckles as I release a heavy sigh.
"My sisters and I are artists-"
"Funny, I thought you were all bastards," he purses his lips, "considering none of you look alike, I'm guessing it's a sisterhood of bastard-whores."
I grit my teeth and growl, slamming my fist on the table, "those women you fuck in brothels only become whores after you taint with your filthy seed."
"Careful," he tuts, "I might fill you with my filthy seed if you keep running your mouth."
My eyes darken, clenching my hands tightly, "then you would be dishonoring your promise not to touch me if I stayed out of-"
"Well, you're in my way now, aren't you, girl?"
I stand abruptly from the stool, Daemon eyes lift up as I do. I turn with anger laced in my movements and heave as I walk away to calm myself, lest I do something I regret. It seems I am just in time to be able to join the performance.
Daemon spreads his legs and leans on the table, watching intently from his seat.
When I am close to the stage, Sinti is upon me, grabbing my arm, looking back and forth behind me, "that went well."
"You think he's good looking?!" I snap at her.
Sinti recoils her hand, eyes wandering off. I scoff at her and go up to my spot on the platform. I didn't need one of my sisters to nudge me to know the man with the long silver-blonde hair was looking straight at me.
My sisters quit their bickering. Music begins to play.
I take in a breath and close my eyes, allowing the song in the air to take my mind off of the fucker across the room. The enchanting voice of one of my sisters begin to recount the tales of our family, its joys, its heartaches, its magic.
It doesn't take long for me to fall back into my groove as I wind my hands up around and move my hips to the rhythm. I relax into myself. I release a breath of relief. Following the normal choreography we had, I begin to lift one of my legs up in front of me.
My eyes rip open when I feel a hand grab my ankle.
I grunt in disgust and rip my foot away from him. The grimy man does not understand this and takes it as an invitation to hiccup from his chair, lean towards the stage, and grab my leg again.
This time, I waste no time in kicking him in the face, hard enough so he would finally get it.
It takes him a moment to register the pain. I look down at him pathetically as red trickles down from his nose.
"You fucking whore!" he cries in anger, making everyone but my sisters turn to him.
Having my day completely ruined at this point, I easily dodge the sluggish man's lunge attack and kick him again on the face. This time he crashes back onto his table, and by the time I jump up beside him, I see Daemon halt a few steps away.
I turn to Daemon with a repulsed look, as the man who touched me groans in pain. Before the vermin can even think to touch me again, I grab his arm and twist it behind his back, making him scream in pain, "don't make this any harder for yourself," I speak loud enough so both gremlins could hear, "just leave while I'm being generous."
"You call that generous?" the annoying prince chuckles beside me, making me rip at the the drunken man's arm even tighter, causing him to scream louder.
I shoot Daemon a glare. He revels in the attention.
When the vermin begins to beg, I rip my dark gaze away from the man I unfortunately had to go home to and usher the drunkard in my grips out of the establishment.
I shove him to the ground with one furious shove. I watch him writhe, feeling nothing for him, then turn to go back to my performance.
"And you do this every night?" Daemon asks, blocking my passage with his large body and stupid face.
My stoic expression sours at the likes of him, "just as you indulge yourself in brothels, my prince."
He chuckles, crosses his arms, and steps forward.
Having enough of his shit, I grit my teeth and finally rip my weapon out and point a blade to his neck, pressing it firmly against his skin.
Daemon lets out a breath, feeling the sharp prick just below his jaw. I look up at him, practically begging with my eyes to give me a reason to kill him. Yet he chuckles, and like a lunatic, pushes deeper into the sharp edge. I am so shocked by the red that gushes out, I rip the blade away from him with a gasp.
His laughter bubbles further, "clever fool."
Taking advantage of my shock, Daemon grabs the blade from my hand and brings it up to my throat. I gulp as he ghosts it all the way down to my rib. A breath escapes me when he cuts a piece of my scarf. He presses it to his bloody neck, handing me back my dagger.
I only stare at him, which is why he grabs my hand and pushes the object in my grip.
"I expect you to go straight home after you accomplish your duties here."
I blink at him.
"I'm going to need you to respond before I leave you, dear wife."
I open my mouth but then grind my teeth at the smirk he gives me.
"I'll stay out of your way if you stay out of mine."
He chuckles, nodding his head, "I..." he smiles, "intend to do no such thing."
With that, he leaves.
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saltiestgempearl · 10 months
Today is the day! At long last, I can talk about my absolute favorite headcanon about Dr. Seward with you all.
I'm writing a new post about it instead of just reblogging my post from last year because that post is not spoiler free. That is, I posted October 22 of 2022, so it does mention things from entries that have not happened yet in the 2023 Dracula Daily.
That said, most of it is still fine now that the September 3 entry has arrived, so I have put together a slightly edited version that does not touch on anything that happens after the September 3 Dracula entry:
It starts out with this passage from today's entry:
How can he'—and he pointed at me with the same look and gesture as that with which once he pointed me out to his class, on, or rather after, a particular occasion which he never fails to remind me of—'know anything of a young ladies? He has his madmen to play with, and to bring them back to happiness, and to those that love them.
The thing is, that's not exactly the wording in the original book. In the original book, it says “He has his madams to play with, and to bring them back to happiness, and to those that love them.” Many people write this off as a typo to the point of changing it to “madmans” or “madmen” in some versions.
But what if it wasn’t a typo?
The word “madam” implies an older woman, like anywhere from middle-aged to elderly. And at the time, it was not at all uncommon for women in this age group to be sent to asylums to recuperate. Sometimes it was just a way to get female relatives you didn’t like out of the way, but sometimes it wasn’t.
You see, many Victorians (men and women alike) unironically bought into the “delicate woman” narrative. People really, genuinely thought women were just psychologically more predisposed to mental instability.
Anyway, the headcanon is that Seward actually started out as a relatively low-level psychologist at an asylum, primarily working with middle-aged to elderly women. And being the inquisitive man he is, he interacted with the patients in a less-than-conventional way, letting them talk about things that would normally be considered signs of imbalance by the contemporary medical community (e.g., “sometimes I wish I’d never had my children,” “sometimes I just want as little to do with my husband as possible,” “honestly those suffragettes make some good points,” etc.). This isn’t to say he was some feminist icon mind you; he didn’t even necessarily agree or legitimize these ideas. But he didn’t shoot them down either—he just listened. And by engaging with the women in this way, he was essentially exploring some of what we now call talk therapy, which was very much not a thing at this time. He may have also tried to be supportive of their hobbies, which while not unheard of (institutions like Bedlam set a precedent for this), was not the most common thing either.
So he did this for a while, and surprise surprise, it actually helped these women quite a bit. He quickly got a reputation for being someone who was unusually gifted in turning around cases of “nervous disorders” that were so common with these delicate womenfolk.
But then some higher-ups decided “oh, well if he’s good with this, he must be good with insane people too.” So despite being a 29-year-old budding psychologist in a very young field, he suddenly found himself the head of an asylum with a very different sort of population to treat.
Given why he was put in this position, Jack naturally continues using the methods that helped his former patients recover so spectacularly. The issue is, of course, that people who are dealing with psychosis or other more serious conditions generally need a different approach than neglected women with anxiety. Basic talk therapy isn’t going to cut it with someone like Renfield.
But again, this field is very young, so Seward is actually relatively limited on how much he can research this. So he continues with his talk therapy, but then adds things like straightjackets into the mix when his patients have meltdowns because that was also a relatively accepted solution at the time (though not universally so; even in Bram Stoker’s time, there were some professionals in the field who had figured out that this type of manual restraint was not helpful and honestly not humane.)
It’s also possible that Jack might have had some criticism early on for not being firm enough with his more “difficult” patients, so he might have overcompensated for that by using the straightjacket solution more often when things got out of hand.
And finally, Jack also has his mad scientist tendencies that he openly grapples with in his diary—you know, the sort that caused him to make wildly irresponsible decisions like “let’s let Renfield escape, but supervised, and see what happens.” And since Jack was the head of the hospital, no one shot down this obviously ridiclous idea because they probably didn’t have the authority to.
TL;DR: The headcanon is “maybe Van Helsing did mean ‘madams’ because Jack started off wildly successful in treating older women with anxiety, and as a result was catapulted into a much more powerful position he was neither properly trained for nor mentally ready for.”
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yutafrita · 1 year
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Pairing: Jaemin x Reader Genre: College au, fluff Word Count: 915 A/N: Didn't proofread too much pls forgive any typos </3
Jaemin had tried to avoid professor Kwon’s spring semester sociology class for three years.
Each Fall semester he would end up taking other, more necessary courses, and every spring he would take every class that wasn’t sociology. He has heard about her Valentine’s Day assignment his first year at the university, and since then had worked to avoid that requirement as much as possible.
However, she was the only professor for the course those in his major could take, so he was stuck being one of the only two seniors in the class made for freshman.
You, like Jaemin, had also avoided Professor Kwon. Unlike Jaemin though, it wasn’t just because of her Valentine’s Day assignment- it was the annoying class project she would have her class do in the midst of it all.
"All right folks- my older students know exactly what time it is," Professor Kwon cheered as the rest of the class groaned. The first month of class had fairly simple assignments- stand backwards in an elevator, order dinner dessert first, and write out your thoughts. However, the Valentine's Day assignment was different.
"All right, so, who will you be romantically pursuing?" you asked, popping open your notebook.
Jaemin avoided your eyes. You were always the prettiest person sitting at the front of his class. You were always quick to help any of your fellow peers. You had a laugh that reminded him of a soft bell when you were being polite, and a booming laugh he couldn't help but smile at whenever you let it slip.
"So I guess you don't know yet," you let that polite laugh go. "I'm not interested in anyone, so I guess I'll do a proposal to my friends to have a game night."
"Game night?" Jaemin tilted his head curiously.
"Oh, yeah. My friends and I play board games every few weeks."
A lightbulb went off above his head then, "I'll do that too. I'll propose joining your board game group- I wouldn't have to actually join," he quickly added the last part, his eyes again avoiding yours.
"Hm, are you sure there's no one you want to ask on a date?" this surprised you. Jaemin was hot- like, stupid hot. You and all of your friends followed his instagram and would swoon over all of the artistic photos he would post mixed in with photos of himself. He usually sat in the back of the class, which you typically appreciated. You feared sitting next to him would legitimately distract you from your coursework.
"Oh, you must be dating someone," you figured out loud.
Jaemin's eyes went wide, and he shook his head. "No I just... I don't want to do something alone."
So, for two weeks every afternoon you two began to meet in a private study room in the library. Markers, pens, and lots of glitter.
"So, what board games do you guys play?" Jaemin asked, his sweater taken off and exposing the simple white t-shirt he wore underneath.
"Um... some like... geeky stuff I don't want to bore you with the details," you spoke quickly. This was true, when you weren't all going through a dungeons and dragons campaign, you were playing different highly intensive tabletop games.
"I like details," and when you looked up from the plasterboard you were working on, you saw his bright smile aimed towards you. He paused his half of the work to sit cross legged on the table, listening to you fully talk about your favorite board games.
"Y'know... if you wanted to actually join one of our game nights, you can," you offered the night before your planned proposal. He waved this off, saying he wouldn't be good and slow everyone down- you had sort of figured this excuse of his.
"How about... a practice round?" you brought out the competitive, card-drive engine-builder with the wrapping on top. You had changed your Valentine's Day proposal under Jaemin's nose- for a week you frankly were just doing other assignments in the room helping Jaemin with his own plans.
Although, it was becoming obvious to you that he too was just making up things to do as an excuse to around you.
You had wrapped the board game up in different pages of different books you and Jaemin had spoken over these past two weeks. To be honest, you two had spoken a lot, and thanks to Professor Kwon, you'd be speaking a whole lot more.
Permatag! @nini0620
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stardusthuntress · 1 year
What Does Beauty Look Like? 
Sergeant Hunter x female!reader (if you want a gender neutral version, just say something and I’ll make a second version of this or any of my pieces!) 
Word Count: ~3.5K
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TW: jealousy, body dysmorphia (reader’s feelings), so kinda angsty; no use of y/n; maybe a touch of exhibitionism, if ya squint; sorta getting smutty again, so 18+ only! I think that's it, but lemme know if I missed anything (not beta'd)!
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Summary: Hunter’s love is struggling to feel pretty, so he takes it upon himself to make sure she knows how attractive she is to him. His brothers make a point to do the same (Hunter and reader are clearly a thing, but if you wanna read this as though it's poly you can do that too, I tried to leave it a little open-ended so that that would be up to you as the reader! If you have a problem with that then, move along, move along)  
EDIT: I FORGOT TO INCLUDE THE DRIODS GUYS!!! They're a part of this family too! I fixed it! AZI and Gonky are now in the story! And I had forgotten to translate all the Mando'a terms, sorry! dictionary is at the top, but below the cut now! And fixed a few typos I spotted along the way too.
A/N: You guys! I just cranked out another fic! Idk why I can only really do them in one sitting lately, but hey, it's not a bad rhythm! And I tend to write the stuff I need to read, so I hope this resonates with others out there too! And I NEEDED to get started on Hunter-focused fics, so here's my first one for you guys!
EDIT: I FORGOT TO INCLUDE THE DRIODS GUYS!!! They're a part of this family too! I fixed it! AZI and Gonky are now in the story! And I had forgotten to translate all the Mando'a terms, sorry! dictionary is at the top, but below the cut now! And fixed a few typos I spotted along the way too.
Fun fact: the dumb question Tech gets asked is a legitimate question I was asked by an adult while in college. You know what they say, never piss off a writer or they will immortalize your idiocy for all eternity 🤪 everyone has bad moments and I still hope that question was just someone forgetting to think it through before opening their mouth, but every now and again it still haunts me that it was not a child that asked me that question. So now it can haunt you too! Hehe!
Mando'a: Ad'ika = little one (a name for one's children; literally ad = "son/daughter" mando'a is gender neutral, and "ika" = little) Mesh'la = Beautiful Sarad = flower
Hunter-specific dividers by @djarrex
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For several months now, the Bad Batch has been more than a band of nearly-identical brothers and their little sister. Ever since the day Hunter fell in love and found the courage to ask the woman he fell for if she would join them on their adventures, with his family’s blessing of course, it went from 6 to 7. 
One night, they find themselves eating dinner in a tavern while several very attractive people make every effort to catch the eyes of the men. 
Hunter has no interest in the new people, even though they are clearly interested in him. He only has eyes for one woman, his lover. He and Omega head back to the ship, having barely even met the new strangers the rest of his men are so interested in before noticing Omega was getting tired. He brought her back to the ship, alone, and now tracks their comms from the ship to make sure the others are all safe. As he watches, one of the dots on his screen departs the group and heads for a lake not far away. It’s hers, his lover’s. 
He checks on Omega one last time, nodding to AZI, before heading out and closing up the ship behind him. Tech will be along soon to keep an eye on her. Not that Tech isn’t interested in a partner, but Hunter knows Tech isn’t usually the type for one night stands. Which is rather handy for Hunter in situations like this, when he needs one more adult to keep an eye on the kid (AZI was helpful, but not trained for defense if need be) when he wants to spend a little alone time with his partner. 
He catches up with her and can tell by her body language that she needs him. She’s sitting on a rock, hugging her knees, chin tucked on top, eyes closed. As he watches, she shifts, sighing, clearly trying to hold it in, looking up at the sky above her. Pain sits in her eyes, but he knows this is not physical pain, but internal pain. 
He sits down behind her, one knee on either side of her, and wraps his body around her, pulling her into his chest. But where she would normally smile and lean back into him, she barely reacts at all. 
“My strong, brilliant, gorgeous woman” he whispers in her ear. She turns her head a fraction, acknowledging his presence and words. He knows how to get her attention when she’s down. He also knows of her body dysmorphia. The whole team does. She only told Hunter, but Crosshair and Echo figured it out pretty quick, confirmed the symptoms and her body language with Tech, and asked Hunter about it. She doesn’t know they know about it though. He made them promise never to say anything about it, he knows she didn’t even want him to figure it out, but he wasn’t about the let the woman he loves suffer through it alone. 
“Talk to me, Love,” he whispers in her ear “what’s up?” 
She sighs. She couldn’t hide anything from Hunter even if she tried. “They say it’s not about whether or not a woman is pretty. But as soon as someone who IS pretty shows up, it’s like they forget I even exist, and all the things they said to me about it just evaporate into thin air.” 
“I think they just want what we have,” Hunter counters. 
“Still doesn't change the fact that I’m NOT one of the lucky ones who gets to be pretty. You deserve someone who at least matches you, Hunter. Couldn’t you feel the glances at us, the way those women clearly could tell you deserve more than what I can give you?” 
“They are shallow and just looking for a quick lay, you know I’m not that kind of guy.” 
“Pretty sure any of them would have agreed to date you without hesitation, Hunter” 
“Doesn’t mean they have what I need in a partner” he nuzzles into her shoulder “You know what I like. I like a woman who’s good with kids, who can hold her own both in combat and in conversation with my brothers - I know my family is a lot. I like a woman who is independent and self sufficient even before she joins my squad. I like a woman with a brilliant mind who uses it to protect others. None of them had that.” 
“Must have been at least one with a mind in there to entertain Tech.” 
“Na, he usually just rambles to see if one of them will listen. But it’s not like any of them can keep up with him anyways, and he knows that. He’s not really interested in them, just is bored and has someone new to listen to him. Wouldn’t be surprised if he comes looking for us soon enough.” 
“What about the others?” She’s not convinced. 
“Well, Crosshair and Wrecker just like the attention and don’t mind a quick lay. Echo needs a quick lay to prove to him he’s still got it. The guys are only interested in them because they are just temporary. If they really wanted a woman to stick around they wouldn’t go for one that made you feel uncomfortable, they each know the pain of that feeling themselves and they adore you and would hate knowing their actions made you feel that way.” 
“I’m still not attractive, Hunter.” 
Hunter looks at her, astonished that she’s still not aware of the effect she has on him “I suppose, you think that because you can’t see the way your eyes sparkle when you’ve found a new challenge you want to take on. You can’t see the way your laughter lights up your whole body. You can’t see how beautiful you look when you’re concentrating on something, like when you’re reading a book and your mind is in a different universe. You can’t see how you glow when you get a chance to be a mother to Omega, especially when she falls asleep curled into you. You can’t see how beautiful it is when you’re so focused on doing something right that you bite those luscious lips of yours. Nor how good your ass looks when you bend over while working on the ship with us. And you have no idea what all of that does to me. I guess I usually steal glances at you when you’re doing little things. And I don’t know why I try to sneak glances when you aren’t looking. Maybe next time I should let my gaze wander long enough that you know when I’m checking you out.” 
He plants a long kiss on her ear, and his hands begin to wander. Rubbing every inch of her within his reach. Her chest, her arms, her legs, her shoulders. Anything that holds her close to him. His mouth begins to wander too. It moves from her ear, where it’s been during their conversation, to trail kisses down her neck, which become open-mouthed as they reach her shoulders, sucking passionately. 
She opens to him. Head falling back onto his shoulder, breathing heavy, whispering his name to the heavens like a prayer. Feeling his member harden behind her at the use of his name. 
“I know what you need, Love.” He whispers back. “Let me take care of you tonight. Let me lay all my love on you, be it sexual or not. Let me love you like no man ever has. I know it will take time for this to heal, and that I cannot fix it for you, but let my love help you see that you are attractive, not just in mind and soul, but also in body. Let me show you how gorgeous you are to me, every inch of you. And I swear I will never hide another glance at your body from you. I love all of you, and I need you to feel that.”
“Oh, Hunter!” She mueled as he continued caressing her body. 
He could hear the tears in her eyes with every noise she made as she gave in to his touch. 
“I’m here, Gorgeous” his gravelly voice sending shivers down her spine, knowing that it was her he was describing that way, and that he genuinely meant it. 
Without letting go, he maneuvers around her and scoops her up, bridal style. 
“Let’s find a spot that’s softer to lay you out on, my Love.” 
He carries her to a bed of moss and lays her down gently. Then with a smirk, he dives in for a passionate kiss, covering her body with his own, and letting his body weight act like her personal weighted blanket.
When her hands begin to try to reciprocate and make him feel good too, he takes her hands in his - not her wrists, he wants this to be gentle and sensual, not dominating - and holds them above her head. 
“Not tonight, my Love. Tonight I need to make you feel good. Just let me hear you, you know what your voice does to me.” 
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Tech has detached himself from the group and is looking for his Seargent and favorite conversationalist. Tracking Hunter’s comm signal, he follows it to a quiet spot by a lake, hidden by trees and covered in soft mosses. At first he finds it odd that they are so far from the ship when Omega is still on the ship, until a noise makes its way to him as he approaches. A noise like a whimper puts him on high alert, and he ducks out of view behind a tree, listening closely. But the second sound that reaches him puts him at ease. It’s her voice, moaning Hunter’s name. Still hidden behind the tree, he relaxes, and smiles to himself. 
“Good” he whispers, mostly to himself, “bed her well Brother. Give her a night she won’t soon forget, as rare a gem as she. She needs to know how much she means to us. Make sure she feels it, Brother.” 
He quietly departs, not wanting his presence to ruin the moment for them. 
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Hunter, still covering the woman he loves in kisses, surfaces for a moment, and glances through the trees. He looks back down at the woman beneath him and finds her eyes, enjoying getting lost in them for a moment. She’s getting her glow back, but Hunter is far from done. And now he doesn’t have to worry about how long they have been out here, now that someone is back at the ship with Omega. 
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The next morning, camped in the sunlight on a new planet, the team begins to wake up. Most still groggy, they reaching for extra caf. Hunter, still spooning his love, wakes to the sight of the love of his life curled around little Omega, both still sleeping soundly. But Tech took watch all night that night, as he usually prefers to do on nights like this (something about no one else being sober nor focused enough after a night of ‘wild abandon’ as he called it, to actually keep watch), and someone needs to relieve him. So he plants a long kiss on her temple, enjoying how she stirs a little beneath him, but doesn’t wake up. 
“Sleep, Mesh’la, I need to give Tech a break.” 
He tucks his girls in and heads to the cockpit. 
Tech looks up when he enters, and gives him a knowing smirk. 
“I think she’s starting to feel it” Hunter’s voice is a little extra gravelly with sleep. 
Tech’s eyebrows raise in question. 
Hunter smirks in return. “How rare a gem she is, and how much she means to us,” quoting Tech from the night before. 
“Ah, so you were aware of my presence. It was not my goal to disturb you.” 
Hunter lets a laugh surface for a moment “I kinda hoped you would hear it when you came looking for us. I knew you would look for us. She needs the encouragement of knowing when you lot seek her company.” He glances back over his shoulder to where she and Omega continued to sleep peacefully, “When she wakes up, don’t hide your appreciation for her, make sure she knows how much she means to all of us. Yeah?” 
Tech smiles, and nods. 
“But as far as she’s concerned, you didn’t hear it from me. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t hear us last night” he winks at his brother. 
Tech’s smile widens, and he nods. 
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When she does wake, she finds the men and Omega enjoying the fresh air and sights of the beautiful new planet Tech brought them to during the night. 
Hunter’s legs are stretched out along the side of the entire ramp as he leans back against the door frame, eyes closed. Tech sits on the other side of the ramp and a bit farther down, a project in hand, spilling onto Gonky, who sat at Tech's side next to the ramp.  
She snuggles up to Hunter, sitting between him and Tech. Hunter wraps an arm around her in return, checking her eyes to make sure her glow is returning, and smiling brightly back at her when he finds it. 
“Good morning, Love” he kisses her hair, and she leans into him with a relaxing sigh. 
Tech exchanges another knowing glance with him. 
“How was your night, Tech?” She asks, still holding on tightly to Hunter. He can tell she’s trying not to brace for a story about another woman, and an endless description of how pretty she was. 
“Fine,” Tech responds, matter-of-factly, “finally got a chance to finish a few projects I’ve been working on for far too long.” 
Something about the way he doesn’t even mention the women that were chatting them up the night before, almost as if he’s forgotten them already (he has), makes her feel a little better. 
Hunter can feel her relaxing against him. He smiles. 
“And you? It sounded like you two had a good night last night.” Tech’s attention is still on his project, and he acts as though he did not just say he caught them making love the night before. 
“Uh,” she glances at Hunter, and finds a mischievous look awaiting her there. So he had known Tech overheard. She blushed. “Yeah.” Her eyes trailed to the ground, she didn’t mind that he had heard, but she wasn’t exactly expecting him to bring it up so nonchalantly either. “And you?” She tossed the question back at him, not exactly sure what else to do. 
“They, were not my type,” he answered, simply. “One of them asked how water gets back up to the top of a river, because they thought they were essentially circular by nature. I left shortly thereafter. However, you should ask the other three that question, as each of them attempted to sneak into the ship very early this morning. None of them successfully snuck into the ship, but since they did not wake you, Hunter, nor Omega, I suppose they did not entirely fail, either. But I thought you would all appreciate waking up in a place like this instead of stuck amidst the stink of that city.” 
She and Hunter laughed at his story. 
“Much appreciated, it is beautiful here. All in all, not a bad night though, despite the shallowness of the company?” Hunter asked. 
“Affirmative. It was nice to finally finish up a few projects. Speaking of, I believe that completes one more.” Tech seems to be done fiddling with the project in his lap and holds it out to her, “the reading light you wanted.” 
She looks at it, surprise etched onto her face, and then her eyes move to Tech as though she’s missing something. 
“Crosshair saw you eyeing one at that book stall a few planets ago,” Tech explains. 
She looked over to where Crosshair sat, alone, but not far away, and caught him watching her out of the corner of his eye. He nodded at her, confirming Tech’s story. 
“It took me a while longer than I liked to acquire all the parts and complete it for you. Echo helped discreetly acquire the pieces and keep my designs for it out of sight so that it would be a surprise for you. I know you’ve probably already finished the books you bought that day, but for the next time we find you some new books.” 
She takes it and turns it on, examining it, a smile on her face. 
“I made sure to make it not too bright so it won’t wake Hunter if you want to read at night, but not dim enough to strain your eyes,” he supplies, always ready with more info. 
“Thank you, Tech. I didn’t realize anyone had noticed that, let alone cared enough to make one for me. You have so many projects you’re working on already, you didn’t have to do this for me.” 
“I wanted to do this for you. You mean a great deal to all of us, not just because Hunter loves you. As you know, we do not let just anyone stay with us. This is my way of saying thank you for all the little things you do for us. Do not think we do not notice them.” 
Her eyes are glossy as she leans over to hug him “thank you, Tech. You’ve no idea how much this means to me.” Tech reciprocates the hug, and Hunter smiles at him from behind her, nodding at his brother. 
She leans back into Hunter, resting her head on his shoulder, clutching her new reading light to her chest. 
Hunter pulls her close, and whispers in her ear “See? You mean the galaxy to all of us.” 
“How do I know you didn’t set that up just to make me feel better?” She giggles, but her voice is quiet, not wanting the others to hear. 
“Then trust me that he did not ‘set it up’, I have been working on it since we visited that bookshop and left early last night to finish it and a few other projects when I found myself quite bored,” Tech piped up. 
“Sorry, Tech. I didn’t mean—” 
“You have nothing to apologize for. It meant a lot to me to have someone with us who also appreciates books and knowledge as much as I do. Making something as simple and small as a reading light is the least I could do in return.” 
She reaches out and takes Tech’s hand, squeezing it for a moment as a way to say thank you. Tech squeezes back for a moment, then picks up the next project that had been sitting atop Gonky. 
Hunter is beaming with pride for his little family. 
Omega bounces up to them, her cheeks pink from frolicking in the great outdoors since she woke up. 
“Good morning!” She smiles brightly up at Hunter and his partner, throwing herself into their arms. 
“Good morning, Ad’ika [little one],”  Hunter laughs, hugging both his girls tightly, and making them laugh too. 
“Tech! Look what I found! What kind of flowers are they?” Omega holds out a bouquet of a wide variety of flowers, and Tech begins to tell her all about the different species and why they are different colors and shapes. 
Wrecker approaches, brushing off the grass acquired from following his little sister through the meadow and helping her pick one of every type of flower they could find. He pauses, picking two more flowers on his way over. 
“Mornin’!” He practically shouts as he arrives at the ramp to the ship. And then he leans forward and sticks one flower he just picked behind the ear of the girl, and one behind the ear of the woman at Hunter’s side. Beaming at the young girl and the woman, he wordlessly plops himself down in the grass at the foot of the ramp to listen to Tech rambling about the flowers in Omega’s hands. 
“A flower as beautiful as you, Sarad [flower]” Echo approaches from behind, holding a steaming mug of caf, and looking at the woman in Hunter’s arms. She smiles as Echo leans against the doorway behind Tech. 
“Aww, thanks, Echo.” 
He winks at her, and nods at Hunter. 
She cuddles her way into Hunter, who’s hand now rubs her back. He’s still smiling broadly, eyes full of love as he watches her. 
Crosshair nods his approval from his spot nearby, giving her one of his rare smiles, as he plucks a toothpick from one of the pockets on his belt. 
Maybe Hunter had been right. Not that she didn’t trust him, she just had trouble believing it when someone told her she was pretty. After a lifetime of what seemed like evidence to the contrary, it was nice to start a little collection of evidence beginning to prove that that notion may have been jaded by her own self-doubt. 
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Please don't steal my work though! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog to share instead of reposting it!
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bumblingest-bee · 7 months
so i just found out about the latest bizarre theatre drama and i need to share it. about a week ago on reddit someone posted a link to an incredibly unhinged casting call on playbill for a new musical called "undead valley." it's since been taken down but the op of the post managed to save screenshots and they're... truly something. i genuinely can't decide on a favorite part.
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the whole thing is incomprehensible. "about 40 measures of a sadistic nurse giving a shot." the constant typos. the absurd vocal requirements. the even more absurd amount of money they're trying to raise. the weirdly threatening language. "travel will be paid if we can find her on earth." also, im 90% sure NONE of those actors are actually involved with this project.
ANYWAYS it gets worse!! someone on instagram (broadwaybob) did some digging and found out that the producer of the show is a disgraced former amazon retailer who was indicted last year for a murder-for-hire plot!
broadwaybob posted about this and promptly got threatened in DMs by the aforementioned producer, who is either legitimately experiencing delusions or trying to pull a max bialystock.
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also, the show is described as "west side story meets the walking dead." the "most important musical project in human history." it is about zombies. it has a website (the password is TheQuickBrownFoxJumpsOverTheLazyDog but none of the music tracks seem to work anyway) and it's just making me more confused.
i have so many fucking questions. who is this guy. what is he doing. what is happening. what is this show. im losing it here folks
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doomedbythe-narrative · 9 months
did you delete your shinran future post? i liked it so i could read it later and now i can't find it anymore
hey!! yes I did -- for reasons that end up boiling down to not liking how I worded things and making it all seem much more uhhhh negative then I intended to. Sorry about that!
I've been thinking these past few days and if you still wanna know what I WANTED to say but hopefully better worded here you go. Also sorry for any spelling/typos I'm actually on my computer for once so I dont have autocorrect to save my ass. <- can never remember how to do the cut thing on mobile
I think in real life ShinRan would not work out. I want to emphasize in real life, because ShinRan is my favourite ship (despite my occasional dabbeling in Heijshin) and I love them and I want them to work out and this is, at the end of a day, a story about them and their life and how much Shinichi loves her. I do actually consider the manga a lovestory first and foremost, because Shinichis main motivation is to return to Ran and to live a happy normal life with her -- normal crossed out because I doubt they'd ever be able to live a normal life, but you get what I mean.
In univerese I imagine they'd work out similarly to Yusako and Yukiko, where yeah there's a case every other day, but they still get to spend enough time together to make up for Shinichi having to get up during dinner to safe the day or whatever. Shinichi actually returning to his life as Shinichi and a potential reveal where Ran realises that huh he never actually did leave her alone and had good, legitimate reasons for his "absence" -- that would probably really work in their favour. If he actually gets his shit together and works with her/lets her tag along (in case he ends up being a detective like her dad) that'd be a hugeee plus (bodyguard ran :sideeye:).
If he ends up going the police route with a semi regular (???) work schedule and a DUTY to leave, even during, perhaps, dates or whatever, I think Ran could cope with that as well, knowing how her dad used to have to leave her mum and her admiration (?) for the policemen/women in her life (<- so long he doesnt go down the Furuya route and/or joins one of the many, many organisations that would probably beg him for help once the BO is taken down. Like I think Ran would probably be over the whole spy/really dangerous people are after my life all the time thing and straight up beat him up if he tried to.)
In real life though I only see too real possibilties: either Ran gets tired of having to wait for him all the time, before the reveal even happens, (which has,,,sorta?? happened in canon already?? like its a joke at this point, and she does have the patience of a saint but lets be real) -- a girl can only take so much, and having to watch her sit around and wait for him all the time hurts even as a fan. Like at some point she'd be fed up with his shit or, if she somehow managed to hang on, Sonoko'd be fed up with his shit.
Like someone in her life would go: you know what? screw this and make her move on and they'd be right to do it too. Again, love Shinichi, like that's my special guy and whatever, but I don't think Ran, or anyone for that matter, could be happy in a relationship like that. Option two is...well...unlikely to say the least becuase, lets say the reveal does happen before she calls it quits and the BO gets taken down and Shinichi gets the therapy he needs -- unless he stops working as a detective, I honestly don't see them working out.
Finding out that your childhood best friend and boyfriend almost died, multiple times all while trying to protect you and lying to your face over and over again to do that is STILL putting himself in danger again and again??? I don't think Ran would like realistically be able to sleep every time he'd be out solving cases or whatever. And I dont think Shinichi would let her come along either because his main motivation is to protect her and she's already gotten in danger during "normal" cases before. AND SHE WOULDNT WANT TO KEEP WAITING.
So. Either he quits (which I don't see happening, not for lack of trying on his part but rather his ability to attract danger and also his sense of justice wouldn't let him I think) or they call it quits for their own sakes.
But this isn't real life so idc shinran on top lmao in my head they get married and live happily ever after
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digitalta · 2 years
How do you feel about people hand binding your work? Because I think I would actually die for a physical copy of 3 guys go to a bar, it’s one of my fav fanfics 🫶 but also I get that some authors don’t want there to be physical copies of their work so I’ll totally respect it if you’re uncomfortable with fanfic binding :))
Hard Binding a story is one of the biggest compliments I can think of. Like dude, you liked my work so much you turned it physical.
One of my biggest hesitations with people hard binding stories is well...I don't beta my works. Heck, I barely even read over them before posting the next chapter. There are frequent typos, grammatical errors and so on in the story itself. It makes me cringe reading over it because I spot them right away.
So! If you are going to print my story, I give you personally all rights to correct the typos or grammar issues. You get full ability to do that. Send me your email via another ask or a message and I'll even personally send you my copy of the story in case downloading it on AO3 has weird formatting errors. The only rule is you HAVE to update me and show me how it turns out, I want to see a picture!
I'll even virtually sign it if you'd like. It'll be like a legitimate book. :)
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hello!! i just came across your account and it looks like an amazing development so far! how are things going? hope you're alright
Oh my gosh, I hadn't realized how long it has been since I last updated this blog! Please, take this screenshot as a gift to make up for my lack of communication!
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I got some good feedback from my testers, and as a result, I've tried to clarify some things in the dialogue, and fixed some really embarrassing typos, (including one within the first three minutes of gameplay which had somehow slipped past the eyes of not only myself, but also four other playtesters.) Current word count: 49,508
It legitimately surprises me every time someone reaches out to me about this game or interacts with this blog, expressing interest in the project. No matter how much time I spend working on the project, it still feels like I'm tricking all of you into thinking my game is worthy of your time. :P While I've been adding scenes, the single most interesting segment I've added to the game is the somewhat-tricky-to-unlock ending in which the player character has her first kiss. (At least, I suspect that is what will be the most interesting part for most of the people following this blog. I actually prefer the scene with the fighter jet, but that's because I'm weird.)
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imustbenuts · 9 months
ff7r thoughts so far on the narrative between it and og (am also slightly drunk plus at wall market before the crossdressing scene so make of this what you will. also typos and all that lol this suntory STRONG ZERO is no joke)
im. super vibing with this so far
tifa's motivation in R makes sense and is less ambiguous than her PSX version. theres def restrictions in animation holding certain aspects of story telling back but she was always meant to be this supporting almost waifu like character to her. but in remake this is fucking chef kiss bc of how much they focused on how cloud is essentially a dumbass chuuni with a very uwu core that it makes every chemistry flow better
cloud is the mother fuckin otome protag and he doesnt even know it lmao
aerith too!! her cuckoo tendencies of being cute yet somewhat violent has always been there but here its just buffed and pushed forward. and i cannot stress enough that aerith is legitimately naturally cute AND airheaded enough shes so good ooogh people who like her have excellent taste. mad respect
and the turks get extra screen time that now suddenly makes sense why they were big in FF7AC. before that they've always looked like the random assassin class characters who pop up for no reason so im actually super happy for Reno and Rude.
too bad about what will happen in the temple bc HAHAHAHAAA lets see theres some fuckery going on with the ghostly owos that its hard to tell.
but most importantly
they're all funny and entertaining. they know despite the seriousness its important to laugh at shit and celebrate the flair of artistic fun and bursts and thats reflected in Wall Market. just amazed. so happy for the team for creating this. so much respect. wowe. i think in a way ff7 came from a very personal place to the og team who made this and thats just helping this remake team in fleshing things out. fuck capitalism, and yeah slums are still ultimately populated by people who also want to have fun. good.
anyway uh its kinda giving me gintama vibes. the whole underdog uprising and red light district disenfranchisement, plus the extra peppering of how capitalism and patriotism takes advantage of those passionate to serve the whims of the ultra rich to gain ever more profit
(the word patriot was surprisingly used and dropped in that one segment in sector 5 and heidegger. despite midgar being ultra capitalistic lol. and the upper plate going down to enjoy Wall Market reminded me of the real life place known as Piss Alley. the staples of alcohol and street food are in both too, except with waaay more yakitoris and less shumais + xiao long baos. good shit.)
i wish jp devs have more space to openly criticize their systems, their politicians and capitalism bc japan's politics and history are a goldmine of wild shit, and is far removed enough to many anglo speaking audiences that it can be introspective
11/10 so far choo choo
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torturecave · 6 months
HEYy anon from last questions here!! I got SO excited when you replied oh gosh it made my day!!! I love your takes on this franchise and these two so much, thank you for the insightful answer and for taking the time to reply, that was so kind of you and I appreciate it <3
I really wanted to know as like I said, literally your art is SO SO pleasing and good!!!!! your style is like nothing I have ever seen in an amazing way and I love how soft, touchy and dynamic it feels, it just gives me a sense of warmth that I cant get enough of ! <3 warning I started typing too much accidentally ops sorry in advance, excuse me any typos too its like 5am and i'm going wild hahah ;w;;
I was very curious with how you thought of Branch and Poppy now as I noticed how fond you were of their intimate pranch take, honestly maybe both takes can still coexist, I feel like Poppy was all down for being like that with Branch even before TWT, but he just wanted a confirmation to act on cuz he's a dork and needs it and fears the worst, and so Poppy found it hard to understand if there was consent in a sense maybe? The way in the start they basically hold hands (I think the hair intertwined is canonically supposed to be this, which is adorable af and shows just how comfortable Branch is with Poppy touching him ;;w;). And looking at it like that it is so sweet that he had so much fear and angst about his feelings being returned, I imagine everyone being like "wait you weren't dating already?". Pop trolls did see them ball dance in a pot while being cute as heck aughh i cant with them i love them and their slow burn. Really I still appreciate how the first movie ends with Branch asking for a hug, it shows how touch starved he was and how much he loves and trusts her now even if he's slow and clumsy at it, he doesn't ask for a group hug, he specifically waits when they're alone to get it, so adorable, he fell so hard, 10/10..
OH DON'T GEt me started on the hot air ballon scene, it is legitimately my favorite moment of the movie regarding both of them. It's filled with so much tension?... It being at midnight, the bickering, the way Poppy simply has to stare lovingly at Branch and he just can't take it, just looks!!!.... Wow. Thank you Dreamworks
Just like the first film, Poppy simply KNOWS Branch will jump in and come help her, she's really just hoping it doesn't take him a whole musical montage in which she's dying like last time, which is why I think she's so relieved, because I know she must realize Branch is following her no matter what, they just can't be separated !!! Much less now. :D
So that was a perfect little moment.. I think your wife was the one who made the little essay on how in the first film despite Poppy crashing his bunker, she's confident and not even surprised he came and how that's so telling, I just love the fact that Poppy from the start knows Branch deep down is soft and how despite being a happy bundle of sunshine Poppy also has her rather cruel ways of getting what she wants and is very very smart and smug. Makes their dynamic way more endearing X)
Incel Branch kills me, he has to be the a rare case for sure in this village help! A bit unrelated rambling coming but have you seen Holiday In Harmony special? In it he's ALL about his gf unashamed and unaware of how trolls think he's being strange and it is so funny. He also replaced all of his paranoid trauma carving in his bunker with Poppy related things and it kills me gosh, in one of the notes he calls her "My queen" too, god, hes down BAD!!! I love it T,,T
AAHH holy damn i'm chuckling hard at your observation about Girl's Just Want To Have Fun.... Wow Branch. What is up with that like you gotta wonder if it was intentional.. And he's also secretly lovingly caressing a picture of them (And on the spot /she's/ in!!!!). Doesn't help too that in the original storyboard he was naked.. Much thinking about this from now on from me, thank you very much for pointing it out X)
Those concepts/aus your wife and you had have been on my mind so often, thank to her too for her work, I absolutely also adore her artworks!! It's very nice to know that you two are happily together, I imagine it was fun for you two to grow and still keep watching the silly trolls franchise as more movies kept being done :DDD
Also she's absolutely right with her observation on TWT and TBT oh my gosHHHH. Poppy and Branch taking turns in being obsessed with each other is such a delightful way to describe it, they are so freaking cute. And the way she describes the first movie is spot on yes you get me!!!!! There's a beauty in just seeing them bond and how natural it feels. I still adore the mere fact that both of them actually have some sort of history and dare I say tension from the start that makes them so so good. The beggining in which Branch is obviously waiting for his invitation when warning Poppy and I can just imagine him sneaking into the scene to grab the smashed invitation while Poppy pretends she doesn't notice he did or deep down has to know he appreciates them because she keeps making them special for him and it is so sweetttt!!....
Stuff like that gets my imagination going wild X) and the scenery and exchanges as you say are so so nice :D I could go on and on about the first film but I enjoyed all of the movies for different reasons, definitely agree with you! I was very hesitant at first about TBT, but it surprised me for good!!! AND OH TRUE COLORS IS FOREVER BEST THEM SCENE ,,,, The intimacy and gentleness it has kills me everytime, the moment Poppy touches him and the color starts splashing back to him from the hand she touched instead of normally to emphasize SHE makes him happy is sublime and how they cant stop looking at each other gosh... Perfect perfect perfecttt !!! >www< ALSO later on their secret handshake and whole flirty dance it's just, a BIG catharsis to go after everything they went through !!!
Also I can tell you enjoyed Viva, she was so fun and well, having more than one Poppy is simply guaranteed to be a treat ;;w;; definitely a bit I loved even if I couldn't believe they were going with the lost sibling stuff first X) How do you think Branch is handling being constantly braided and hyped by basically an older version of her gf at least in a superficial level? There's gotta be some funny feelings there somehow or at least I like to think. On a related note, also notice how lowkey horny Poppy gets about Branch's brothers, she is too much, I know it's because she's a fangirl but the similarities they share with Branch have to play a part too imo 0v0
I wish the movie would have shown us more of their sister moments, really found it more endearing than the brozone plot even if that was fun too ;v; I cant stop looking at your doodle where Viva is holding baby Poppy AUugh SO ADORABLE I LOVE IT SO MUCH we needed a moment like that in the movie you are doing god's work!!!<333
Also last thing but thoughts on Branch being called a boy toy? That shocked me when I watched TWT like damn does he seem that submissive? Poor guy.. Also the whole rock zombies moment in general just had a kinky tone somehow lmao. I bet rock trolls must have different social norms, really I adore how pop trolls seem to stand out thanks to being captured for so long, so much that they're the only ones who hug each other to cope with this. I really find the worldbuilding interesting in that regard!!
Now i'm just rambling nonsense hahah i'll try to stop now before I end up crashing tumblr somehow X) I'm sorry for that, I have so much thoughts about these movies and pranch/broppy and you and your wife just get it so much!!! Thanks again for the reply and taking your time on it, really appreciated and i'll keep an eye open for more stuff you post!!! It makes me happy to see you around, as I said, lovely art and content in general (Goes to your wife as well, you 2 are very talented!!!!) and you are so so kind!!!! Thank you <3 btw no need to reply to all of this or any haha, I just needed to get out some stuff cuz I loved your replies so much! I'll try to not spam on your askbox, im just a huge fan of how insighful and how nice your blog is!!! Though if you mind me asking so much let me know and i'll stop right away ;w; !
Last thing, regarding the underwear/clothing, that explains a lot thanks for sharing your thoughts,,, it's amusing that we get to see Branch slapped on the butt casually (Which you know always wanted to see it but coming from Poppy, like that art you did years ago 0v0) yet Poppy must not be lewded because if she had the power to show us how lewd she is these movies could not go on, she would be TOO powerful!!! Just look at how she growls at Branch X)))
Once again, thank you for reading my cringy fanboying, your thoughts and content in general makes my heart happy !!! <33 Have a nice day anytime you catch this :D *runs away once more*
Hello again! ^^ / Nice to see you again, and I'm happy to see my reply could do so much for you... Your ask was very refreshing and delightful to see! The same goes for this one as well. :3 It's nice to hear from someone who not only has an appreciation for my work but also the movies themselves. So you don't have to worry about typing too much either heh. (Honestly I would've answered this question sooner — I was immediately drafting my reply — but I got nerfed by a recent power outage + getting sick bwahaha. The world trying to stop me from talking about trolls...)
I will take a moment to really appreciate how you think my art is so unique. I don't want to sound too full of myself, but I do find that what I want to make / isn't something I can easily find...! I can accept it is particular... and that it can be enjoyed for that reason. >w>
I was very curious with how you thought of Branch and Poppy now as I noticed how fond you were of their intimate pranch take, honestly maybe both takes can still coexist, I feel like Poppy was all down for being like that with Branch even before TWT
I agree! I think the reality is that whatever Branch feels for Poppy is already reciprocated by TWT... To the point where I imagine that after TWT, whenever Branch had a conversation with Poppy about dating (?) she was probably like 'haha, why didn't you say so Branch!?' If he wanted that 'status' she would've been happy to oblige I think, nothing's stopping them... And whatever intimacy that included, she'd be eager for it as well.
Trying to word something here, huhm... I wonder if Poppy, on her own, wouldn't necessarily expect to be 'more' than Branch's best friend? She definitely knows she's special to Branch, enough to tease him over it lol, so I don't think she doubts her importance to him so much. ... And perhaps it's hard to, as Branch is still less social than the avg. troll, persnickety about being touched and whatnot. There's plenty of exclusivity in their bond. (Indeed no one is intertwining their hair so cutely with Branch-!!) It might be that Poppy is just happy to be... whatever she is to Branch, in that moment.
Though for Branch, he benefits from something as definitive as being Poppy's boyfriend. Because no one else is Poppy's boyfriend. Lots of trolls in the village are Poppy's 'friends', and she's probably called many of them her 'best friends' as well — Bridget currently occupies that niche after all. It isn't exclusive to be those things... And I think for Branch, it isn't reassuring to feel as though he is 'on the same level' as... Biggie or Cooper etc.
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The REASON it is devastating to watch Fuzzbert high-five Poppy after he failed to is, because, it exemplifies the very things he doesn't want to be true. Like noooo HE CAN'T HAVE A WORSE CONNECTION TO POPPY THAN FUZZBERT...!!! He can't be a lower rung! In her life! Than Fuzzbert! He needs to DO more for her than that!! He needs to have some sort of... implicit value. I'm extrapolating a lot, but I wonder if being 'like Fuzzbert' would make Branch feel expendable, replaceable, basically not precious enough. Regardless of the fact that Poppy cares muchly for her village... but well, that's the thing, as a queen she is obligated to care for her subjects... It's not special, necessarily. And further doomer-incel thinking is to conclude, it's also not 'special' enough to love Poppy because EVERYONE loves queen Poppy... loving her a lot won't set you apart from all the other trolls...
TBT adds an interesting depth to Branch's misery, he... really believes it was his fault BroZone's performance went so badly, and that everyone left. As much as he believes he killed his grandma... It seems Branch has grown into someone who is very sensitive to the idea of abandonment. Unlike Poppy, Branch cannot reassure himself that he will stay in anyone's life, definitively... It didn't matter how much he loved his brothers, or grandma Rosie, they were equally taken from him. He's been isolated for many years without 'proof' that things will be different...
(I'm not sure if Abandonment Issues Branch is really Dreamworks' intention but I like what they've written here. As you can see my mind's been running wild with threading all the events together from all 3 movies. Tasty conclusions.)
While I'm here like a madman, I will share a tangent related to this all. :) Just something I've been thinking about lately... Even though I don't see Poppy jumping at the bit to date Branch quite like he is in TWT, it isn't out of a lack of enthusiasm or interest or anything like that... JUST that Poppy is more easily satisfied with not putting a term to their dynamic. Quite frankly I think she would be completely receptive to Branch romancing her... surprisingly early in the timeline!! Like as far back as movie 1? It's Branch who's been resisting her this whole time. I think she'd be like. Kind of, agog, if he was suddenly forward with her... if he recited poetry directly to her, even? Since he won't sing.
There's a point where Poppy is so so soo determined to even crack a smile out of Branch, to befriend him and sing with him. I think you could like. OVERWHELM HER, even, with the proposal of romance LMAO, I think it'd be like akdkjf..f jgdhfk what is this /// BRANCH LIKE ME MOMENT!? BRANCH... really... THE mysterious Branch kfkdfhs he doesn't like anyone.. ... 0.0 but he liek me? // omg //// but , waitactually yeah there's always been something here.. between us... hasn't there... 😏
So yeah this is just me saying not only do I think Poppy is receptive to Branch in TWT, I think she would be in the first movie, and, I think he could do, a lot, I think he could earnestly court and kiss that one tbh. If he put on the charm. Branch could be capable of a lot... it's just that he's held back by his traummies kfdhjgjsf
I think your wife was the one who made the little essay on how in the first film despite Poppy crashing his bunker, she's confident and not even surprised he came and how that's so telling
Yes that was my wife, she's fixated on the bunker scene and compiled caps / made gifs / and discussed it. It's an incredible scene really. Her brutal counter to Branch being all smug and difficult at her... can't handle her being smug in return, for real! Then we've always loved how she reacts when she sees Branch again, after having been beaten and battered by the world, blacked out in a spider web. Somehow she goes BRANCH my man. What a funny girl... Incredibly endearing lol. I always like the flow of that scene / them leaving the forest / then them walking on that fallen log. (The log is one of my fav panning shots in the movie~)
[laughing] I'm glad Incel Branch is amusing you, I want more people to see it this way, it's just too funny. What kind of troll... Oh but I have seen Holiday in Harmony! (I like the other special as well... Hope we get another with Viva this time as main focus. :3) Lol but yeah in this special I get the impression Branch just can't seem any less obsessed, it's funny the way Prince D and Cooper are there to get kinda like 😰😰... Put-off by Branch's idea of a present, the way he would go about making something for Poppy and the lengths he would be willing to go (like secretly measuring her etc.) They're just there to be like... the normal ones... for contrast ww
I hadn't observed his crazy lil pinboard so closely, I didn't know it said things like "my queen" but that's very sick (unwell). Looking it over, also some of the things in here are just like, a drawing of Poppy in a heart, cut-outs of hearts scribbled in with ink, help... The fact that he makes that little scrapbook in the end is very sweet, but I do love that because it's Branch, it has to be a scrapbook with a bit of a Deranged quality. Frantic and kind of oddly cobbled together.
HONESTLY it's sad now that we've seen his old bunker plans, because there was a time when Branch was able to make... NORMAL NOT SCARY ART...... Not anymore though.
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The visualization of Branch's brain degrading over time (lol)
Another thing I did not know: that Branch was naked in the storyboard for his part of the opening seq in TWT. I... guess... it was gonna be us seeing both of them naked as a parallel but, ultimately I have to say I do prefer his bathrobe lol, I think it conveys still 'intimate at home' but has more of a chill vibe. (Spoken as someone with a clothes fetish. :B) Whatever the case I'm just glad to have pointed those lyrics out to you heh.
Those concepts/aus your wife and you had have been on my mind so often, thank to her too for her work, I absolutely also adore her artworks!! It's very nice to know that you two are happily together, I imagine it was fun for you two to grow and still keep watching the silly trolls franchise as more movies kept being done :DDD
I'm a big fan of her work as well💞 She was my greatest inspiration back then, and remains to be, honestly she inspires me in every way now, she really helped me come into my own... I'm also glad we can be together and enjoy these movies still. I just have so many memories of talking to her about the first Trolls, and ah... IDK if I've ever posted the story here, but I actually tagged along with her to a furcon when we first met in person. She'd stay up talking to me as long as she could, then have to sleep because she was tabling at the con. I'd stay up a little later, writing fic based on our Trolls discussions... then I'd sleep in the hotel room until she came back, and between commissions she'd be drawing things based on our ideas. We'd exchange art/fic...
Recently when we were rewatching the 1st movie after watching Band Together, I couldn't stop myself from saying "these movies helped us fall in love 🥺"... pfwhsh. So yeah I have a lot of personal connection to it, though outside of that it's just a great movie. :3 The sense of history that the two have is the best...!
[simply nodding in agreement with all your appreciation for the diff scenes!] I also love how Branch's colors begin to return without him realizing, the way it starts at their point of contact... It is all perfect 💖 Oh I really love their dancing in the credits to September, seeing them bounce all along at the end of things is really so wonderful. Ugh lately I've been thirsty for every second of them flirtily dancing together. -_- I wish I could have some sort of saucy music video featuring them...
Ackk yeah I'm head-over-heels for Viva honestly... How could I not be, I adore Poppy so much. 'Two Poppies' was something meant to thrash me around by the ankles, there was no way I could be prepared for that!! Here I was concerned about being bogged down by brother stuff, I didn't stop and think... sister stuff. Goodness.
How do you think Branch is handling being constantly braided and hyped by basically an older version of her gf at least in a superficial level? There's gotta be some funny feelings there somehow or at least I like to think.
Perhaps you wrote this innocently, but, I feel like it's a targeted attack on me, what're you doing... (laughing) I accept it though. You're giving me an excuse to jump into my crazy thoughts.
I...! Do, think that Viva's attention, compounded with Poppy, will be overwhelming for Branch. As it is, I think meeting Viva is too much — kind of leaving Branch agog that Viva is so Poppy-like... Because, as we've discussed, Branch is so very obsessed with Poppy, and I think she is very unique to him, indescribably so. (It goes with the sentiment of 'of course everyone loves Poppy, she's a shining star amidst us all!!!') The idea of meeting another troll could feel like meeting Poppy... That's surreal! Why would that be the case...!? It's almost relieving, perhaps, to find out they're related.
... almost. Whatever relief and ah, placidity Branch feels about them reconnecting, I think it'll fade when dealing with them long term. Won't there be a moment where he's sitting between them, being fawned over, hugged and having his hair played with, hearing them hum together... and won't it make Branch feel dizzy, like argh where am I-? Like a bizarre dream. What's going on?
There's so little that can 'get to' Branch quite like Poppy does. He doesn't give anyone the same amount of attention or consideration he does her, and he's not as interested in others, he likes his space and privacy. Viva is going to challenge this... by being Poppy-like! On top of that, Viva has a past that will let her connect with Branch's? She'll benefit from his perspective and advice, too... This + the fact that she is Poppy's sister, of course Poppy's going to make sure Viva spends lots of time together with her and Branch — all that time lost, they need to make up for it! And because Viva is going to like what she likes then Viva must like and enjoy time with Branch! Er, and she will I think, since she point-blank goes "I like you!" after that little braid moment, after the kiss... h-hm, I wonder what it's like to have your hair missed with mid-kiss.... ueuahhg
If anything, it's like the movie is twisting my arm, forcing me to think about Branch having "funny feelings" about it all... In fact I have to think about everyone in this circumstance having "funny feelings"...! Viva and Poppy are screaming like fangirls together at the end of the movie, aren't they? And when Branch "proposes" to Poppy, the first thing she does is invite Viva to join her, ahaha.
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Just to make me more insane, there's this BroZone tape inside beside Viva's rollerskate bed... So even Viva has some sort of familiarity with BroZone? A fan in some capacity...?? So could her and Poppy really just lay there girlishly, ranking the members in terms of hotness!? Per-haps........
Me and my wife have been fervidly thinking about this all... Discussing chicanery like, well because Poppy has that odd comment about her hypothetical sister being mistaken as her twin earlier, I wonder if they would have fun doing switcheroos. Dressing up as the other and enjoying acting as the other. Branch would be shaken up to have mixed them up, even for a second...
A more innocuous scene we've discussed is one where Poppy invites Viva over to Branch's bunker for the first time, though unannounced. In this moment, a sleepy out-of-it Branch could approach Viva, purring from behind — and then quickly must. Become stiff when it's like LOL Branch it's meee! & Poppy is like, HAHA did you think she was me!? XD Branch hehehee!!!! The girls are so fond of one another, I think being seen as similar would only flatter and excite them. It's more sisterly bonding. It's Branch who will feel like [cries] nooo waiit that's not-!! I- you two are individuals to me-!! [voice cracking]
[sighs] and beyond THAT... I've thought of more intimate things between all three... I can't in good consciousness go into great detail (too weird) (and it'll take a million years) but well, you can just know that this is where I am at with them. In my mind I see Branch twirling the girls around, and them all singing together... I've also been mentally making mash-ups and creating playlists basically, of things for them to sing at/with one another...
On a related note, also notice how lowkey horny Poppy gets about Branch's brothers, she is too much, I know it's because she's a fangirl but the similarities they share with Branch have to play a part too imo 0v0
LOL thank you for being willing to say it, point blank, like yes... She, just is, horny, about Branch's brothers, fsr that is the thing, ongoing in the movie. I know the idea is that they're depicting that usual "boyband fever" but, most boybands aren't composed of. Brothers-!! So I think that's what creates this strangeness ultimately, like, *doubletakes* ??
I am sure part of Poppy's appreciation of meeting the members of Brozone is her current connection to Branch. It's like something she's loved in the past now informs her about her partner... Untold levels of excitement! It's not just meeting a celebrity, it's meeting someone who was close to Branch ! That Branch sang with!! All those years ago!!! And... I imagine any resemblance between them isn't a small thing lol.
Though it kind of amuses me, the difference here is that Branch's brothers are not... deeply into Poppy... in the same way. There is a barrier. I think JD is offended by their intro and, really in general more of a Lone Ranger type, while Bruce is extremely monogamous (seeing Brandy as his Soulmate out here), and Clay is like... too orderly, not leaning into the bit of being asked to do his old dances etc...
(An aside — IG fandom fsr sees Clay & Viva as a thing but I don't?? I suppose his willingness to leave her behind and slip out w/o her noticing and, describing her as "she's got some stuff going on" doesn't feel loving to me... They feel more like co-workers, genuinely able to collaborate on their job, but that's it. Amusingly enough, even how Viva talks about Clay, calling him "Mr. Clay" and saying he does the BORING STUFF makes me feel like, it's a Funny sort of rship like, Viva feeling 'lol couldn't be me' about Clay's nature... Not like besties out here? Hence, why Viva is so lonesome and desperate to have Poppy back in her life...)
Anyways it's all amusing, the way Poppy seems to be the only one down for it. Though to be fair, I do think it'd be like, a bit Much, if Branch's brothers abandoned him 20+ years ago, and then they come back in his life, condescend him as the baby and, flirt with his girlfriend. It's for the best they don't... go that, far. Branch doesn't seem keen on sharing so much with his bros in That Way, I don't think.
Him and Poppy have such different circumstances with their siblings... IG in the case of, if Viva were to fangirl and gush over Branch, it wouldn't bother POPPY remotely... if anything it's a way of bonding. And I- guess I don't think the 'siblings' element is off-putting for Poppy, she just seems so open-minded to many things in this movie LOL... That's my takeaway at least.
Yeah I'd have loved for there to be more sister focus in this movie, I'm happy with what I got but I could always use more! I needed to draw Viva with baby Poppy especially... Poppy's fixation on having a sister throughout TBT makes me think she somehow has deep, buried memories of Viva. Enough to give her this sense that she "should" have a sister... like something is missing. She was just so young though, she can't recall it distinctly.
On Viva's end, she's so emotional when she processes that Poppy survived, that she's finally meeting her again... You can just tell that Poppy meant so much to her, even from that brief time together. And I just love how Viva describes Poppy as having been so cute, eensy and weensy... I have to believe that when Poppy was born Viva was the sort of kid to be like, I'm going to be the best big sister ever! I'll love you forever and always Poppy! We're going to be the best-est of friends! Carrying her around in her hair and whatnot... Gah. I can see it so well.
Also last thing but thoughts on Branch being called a boy toy? That shocked me when I watched TWT like damn does he seem that submissive? Poor guy.. Also the whole rock zombies moment in general just had a kinky tone somehow lmao.
oh lmao that scene just makes me laugh... In general Barb's referral to Branch as Poppy's boyfriend seems to be in a heckling manner, as he comes to her rescue, meant to be rude perhaps about his loyalty to her? He does fling himself to protect her, maybe it's all just making fun of that behavior... like Branch is her dog lol.
The rock zombie scene does have ? A quality to it? I think when you watch Poppy shredding it and throwing her head back, tongue out, it does make you feel something. The glowing red eyes. Perhaps though it's just the 'aesthetic' of rock, things like messy hair and heavy eyeliner and fishnets just have an ~evocative~ vibe, compared to their typical outfits, which are more modest. I think that's mostly what we're picking up on. 'Trashy' is often slutty as well.
I agree overall there's a gap in culture... Though I also like how the more the movies progress, the more we have to conclude King Peppy's faction of trolls are distinctly sheltered, since Viva's group managed to be more resourceful and aware of themselves? I used to think it was a result of domestication, but I think actually it's just that Peppy has specific hang-ups and wants no one to dwell on any bad memories. It's an interesting thing to instill into your group... Poppy's generation of trolls post-Trollstice tree times are quite distinct.
And, I'm glad, my underwear insight was of value to you. Omg but wrt spanking... I feel so... *tugs collar up sheepishly.....* *closes eyes* .... like I said, I don't begrudge that old art I made, but it feels embarrassingly dated... I was quite young and figuring out my preferences out, at the time. Now ermm, I'm more into projecting into the one doing-the-spanking, so my modern inclinations have been thinking of Branch as the one who spanks Poppy...
It feels silly to talk about but I'm now. Into top/dom Branch..... This is like where my thoughts terminate with Poppy being all crazed fangirliing for Branch, that she'd become an overstimulated love-struck girlie under his touch. Also we don't think about Poppy being poly anymore either kfdsgsh we amusingly hit a point in conversation recently that was like. 'Sheltered virgin Poppy.... now that is thought provoking'..... It would be a gap moe situation though, like all her natural sauciness and overt thirst co-exists with a lack of experience, so there's anxiety when things actually get intense. When it's time for private dirty dancing if you will.
(... it's hard to believe anyone would still be reading this post rn...)
WELL anyways you're a very nice person, thanks for your fun questions. *waves as you scamper off...!*
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