#it has far less moments where you're stopped for dialogue and for the most part that dialogue is necessary
crossdressingdeath · 7 months
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Wyll: I see the hunger in your eyes, and I see how it worries you. It worries me too. But you are stronger than the hunger. You can resist, you will resist. I'm sure of it.
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Karlach: About what happened - about your affliction. I know you're sorry. And I know you're probably afraid it'll happen again. I'll look after myself. You look after you. If we each do our part, we'll both be all right.
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Shadowheart: I know you have your personal demons to contend with... but if I didn't make it clear before, I think you can beat this. Just don't give in, and seek help if you need it.
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Gale: Glad to see we all made it through the night intact. A promising sign that we may be able to curb those urges of yours. Now as the saying goes, 'What's left undone should be left unspoken.' Is there some lighter subject you wish to discuss?
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Lae'zel: You are worried about this killing urge. I can see it. I will try to help you resist. But spill a single drop of my blood, and yours will flow in a gusher.
This is all very sweet. Forgive me for ruining it with bitching.
Where is this sympathy when it turns out Durge used to be Bhaal's Chosen? Like... the party knows Durge's free will can be overridden with barely a moment's notice (and presumably put together that it's Bhaal's doing), they know Durge is scared of it and has no ability to stop it, they know that "resisting" as things stand just means holding it together long enough for someone to restrain them; why is the assumption that pre-amnesia Durge was pure evil and not every bit as scared and powerless as post-amnesia Durge with less of a support network? Where is my option to suggest that maybe, just maybe they didn't have as much of a choice in the matter as the party seems to assume they did? I mean, unless the dialogue post-reveal changes significantly if you get this scene—which as far as I'm aware it doesn't—they should have at least some questions about how bad Durge actually was! And to be clear I'm not trying to claim pre-amnesia Durge was innocent by any stretch, but... it feels a bit unfair to look at the shitty things the companions have done in the past and have the option to be incredibly understanding and sympathetic towards them, and to get all these nice moments of them offering some level of comfort to Durge in the aftermath of control of their body being ripped away from them as a punishment for disobedience, and then to reach the coronation and learn who Durge used to be and hear variations on "Clearly you were pure, irredeemable evil and if you don't resist Bhaal unwaveringly you're at best an awful person" from most of the group. I think my favourite is Lae'zel's just because she at least follows up her offer of support with an acknowledgement that if Durge slips too far she will put them down, since that at least makes it feel less like she can only deal with the Urge in a hypothetical situation where Durge hasn't slipped up too badly. She's quite open about the fact that her support has limits (which to be clear is fair enough under the circumstances), which makes it less painful when those limits are reached.
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GIVEN: My Thoughts on the Anime and the Movie [SPOILERS]
EDIT 2024: this blog was made back in 2021 and now 3 years later it’s still has me on a chokehold
It's currently 11:46pm and I should be going to bed but I just got up to date with everything in Given and I know that I cannot sleep unless I got my thoughts down about this anime because holy fuck it might be an all time favourite. Also I'm currently listening to the entire OST as I'm writing this blog, this is how you know I'm too deep in the fandom.
This anime gave me so many feels. You see, this is why it's dangerous for a musician to watch a good music anime, it's too relatable, that's why I haven't even began to touch Your Lie In April, and not sure if I ever will. But I will say that Given is probably my favourite music-romance anime out of all the music-romance anime I have watched thus far and I will be drawing lots of comparison between Given and other music-romance anime that I've watched.
This anime is for the most part, paced so perfectly. It leaves little clues for you to learn about a character's attributes and their past. There is just the perfect distribution of showing and telling, flashbacks feel natural rather than extended over elongated periods of time. This is where Kono Oto Tomare! paled in comparison. But I do want to talk about the two anime for a quick second. I did like how in Kono Oto Tomare!, music was the fore-theme and romance was secondary because we really got to dive deeper into the difficulties of rehearsals, practice, ensemble coordination etc. Given had romance as the fore-theme that utilised music as a metaphor for complexities of relationships and delved less into the specifics of music itself but relationships between the characters. The metaphors are so perfect though, especially the strings, especially now thinking back when Ue replaced the old snapped strings on the Gibson was symbolic of Mafuyu slowly being able to move on from Yuki.
Not gonna lie, I wished there were slightly more rehearsal scenes where we got to hear excerpts of the main songs leading up to their final epic performance but in the case of Given, I totally can see why the author/director held off on showing the audience any main parts of the musical performance until that final pivotal moment in Episode 9 and also 3/4 in the Given Movie. The musical performances in Given are PURE CATHARSIS, prioritising the emotional release of a everything that was pent-up for ages before it explodes. So in this case, I can respect them holding rehearsal music off until those epic moments. Of course, as a musician, I still wished maybe they still delved a little bit more into the technicalities of music itself, and maybe slightly less reliant on the theme of 'genius'. But for 11 episodes, for what it's worth, they packed so much that short space of time, I really don't have that many complaints.
What I am so absolutely in love with this anime is that it is just the perfect balance of funny, heartfelt, excitement and then amidst the youthfulness of band practise, there is this inherent darkness. I don't know how they do it. While anime like [b]Nana[/b] has funny moments, there is a very serious undertone kind of from the get go and you sort of know you're going to be in for an emotional rollercoaster, but with Given it almost creeps up on you and the next thing you know is you are on the verge of tears by Episode 9.
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Dialogue is just so brilliantly written in the show. One of my favourite lines is what they described about loneliness, I think it was "The name of the bus stop. The colour of the sweat shirt I was wearing that day. The phrases and words that was popular to our conversation at that time. They slowly fade away. Ahhh That's loneliness. For the first time that day, I felt it on the stage." Especially those bits in italics, oh my goodness, so true, you forget how you speak to a loved one overtime, this even applies to forgotten friendships. Fuck it hits me deep in the feels man.
I literally have so much I want to say about every single character in this show, please pray that I'll get to sleep in the next hour. But oh my goodness, the deep and complex characterisation in Given is what makes it completely stand out from any other romance anime. It literally makes my heart physically ache so much.
Let's start with Mafuyu, once again tying to my earlier point, he looks like such a harmless cinnamon roll that I was not emotionally prepared for the darkness that actually resided inside of him. He is such a well-written character, he is emotionally repressed due to his abusive father and every time he seemed to express his emotion, something bad happens, especially looking back at his outburst with Yuki. In a sense, I think he has anxious attachment style from experiencing abandonment and abuse from his father, hence he had that fight with Yuki. He started music because he couldn't let go of Yuki, because of grief, but then through music, he found himself and a safe space for him to express himself without negative consequences, he found joy under the stage lights. And he found Uenoyama, who supported him no matter what. The only thing I think I wished the anime included was just a short 10 second scene where he was by himself and maybe had a monologue with Yuki. For a childhood best friend turned ex that passed away, I felt like just one more scene between the two of them, just needed a bit more closure, not a flashback but something a bit more present, like Mafuyu instead of carrying the Gibson in front of his arms, he carries it on his back. It will not only show that he has overcome his loneliness, but it then becomes a much clearer sense of moving forward because I did feel like from Mafuyu wrapping up his grief with Yuki to him going out with Ue was a bit too quick. I'm just thinking back to Full Moon wo Sagashite where the main girl literally was in depression for so long when she found out that her loved one died (a little too long), but it's only natural though and then when she slowly realised her love for the main guy, it felt a lot more resolute and grounded. I also really love how although softspoken and introverted, Mafuyu is surprisingly bold, especially when asking Ue out and Ue to stay when he's sick. This boy has guts! Also this boy is surprisingly perceptive as well, especially in the movie!
Uenoyama, he's such a tsundere but in the most wholesome way possible. He's a very kind person which I think is what made Mafuyu like him. Also I love the subversion compared to most other BL anime where the more 'masculine guy' is more aloof and cold but Ue is just gay panicking throughout the entire anime and I honestly live for it. I love how he recognises his jealousy, helps Mafuyu finish the song that technically Mafuyu and Yuki started together to give him closure, kind of an idiot for kissing Mafuyu right after such an emotional song but thankfully and humorously realises that it was kind of wrong and is otherwise for the most part, really caring and really encouraging. We stan a healthy shounen-ai relationship. OMFG, that "It's mutual" scene was so freaking hilarious, it reminded me of all of the Kyoko demons making decisions from Skip Beat!
Ue's mental farewell party vs. Kyoko's demons
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Yuki, oh my freaking goodness, my heart aches for that boy. I know we only have 11 episodes, but I really wanted to know more about how he became the way he did and how he got into music. He's definitely Robin Williams sort of character, sunshine on the outside and darkness on the inside and hints of mental illness were scattered throughout the flashbacks. To be honest, I really really loved Yuki and Mafuyu's dynamic, the little moments they shared are so incredibly precious but mental illness was the ultimate killer and it's just so sad because we see this happen way too much even in real life. I like their dynamic so much because they seem to be in their own little world but I think Ue brings a new fire in Mafuyu that can be shared with the rest of the world. But to be honest, if Yuki came back by some miracle of the divine, I honestly wouldn't know who I would ship more. But in my little memory bubble, in my little time capsule, I'd just want Yuki and Mafuyu to exist for a little longer.
Hiiragi also deserves a special mention even though he is a side character. I really enjoyed the author's/director's inclusion of the paralysis of a friend dealing with a someone going through mental illness and someone dealing with anxious attachment style. Him asking for forgiveness and resuming a friendship with Mafuyu is just the wholesome friendship we need more of in today's society. The thing is, it's hard, it's hard to support people with mental illness! It's even harder when they are in their own little world, it feels like there is not much one can say. I really commend on the author and director for tackling such complex topics.
Given Movie
Haruki is just a cinnamon roll, he just deserves the entire world. I don't care what anyone says. His kindness is boundless. He is literally mum. The scene where Akihiko made a coerced non-consensual move on Haruki honestly made me so uncomfortable and is probably what made me rate the movie slightly lower than the anime. My heart absolutely ached for Haruki, when he ran away crying when Akihiko emotionally barred him away even when it was Haruki everytime that offer him a place to stay and formed the band with him when he was on the verge of quitting music. Haruki deserves a Nobel Peace Prize or something, there is no purer bean on the planet. Really great for him that things worked out but I swear in Aki hurts him in any way later on I SWEAR TO GOD....
Akihiko is interesting. At first, I really disliked his character. A clear womaniser, a character with a clear inferiority complex that literally was the main cause of the break-up between him and Ugetsu. And then I realised the reason I really disliked his character was because I saw a bit of myself in him. The moment the Given Movie started, I thought to myself "Oh No.... I'm really going to relate to the love Hate that comes from falling for someone that's in the music industry". This love-hate or I guess inferiority complex is so incredibly painful and so relatable. You admire someone so much but because you also love music so much and as a musician, the line between where you start and where music starts is very blurred, your identity and music is almost as one, your emotion is the emotion in your music so when someone's better than you in music, it's like someone repeatingly stabbing you in your heart but at the same time, music is something you love, so you feel so much awe and wonder when you hear someone play music so beautifully. This self-contradiction that Akihiko feels cannot be put into words. As annoyed as I am at him because he literally sort of caused Ugetsu to realised that Akihiko is losing his passion for music because of all these conflicting emotions, it's just such a relatable thing for me as a composer. Also the very fact that Ugetsu seems to travel alot for work probably also made Akihiko very lonely and things just got more and more toxic as they were unable to pull away from one another.
What I absolutely loved in the end was Akihiko's change, he hurt Haruki so much, he lashes out when he's hurt and acts selfish and I REALLY appreciated that he asked for consent before touching Haruki in the final confession scene. That was so brilliant. It's really great that he was able to find joy and love in music again. I'm currently also trying to find joy and love in music as well so I hope that I can also find someone who can be on this journey with me.
And finally we have Ugetsu. My heart aches for him so so so much. This success and brilliance of a great musician is a tier of loneliness that very few will understand. Ugetsu loves Akihiko and music but he saw that his very presence was causing so much pain for Akihiko's self-esteem so he tried to tear away. But he didn't have the guts to completely do so which is why they just keep hurting each other even post-break up. Even though he acts aloof, this boy just wants what was best for Akihiko but when he finally left, it hurt like hell, but Mafuyu's song made him realise that he'll be ok. Fuck man, this is unfortunately the life of many musicians, music is such a large part of our livelihood, we chase it and chase it until all of our loved ones can no longer keep up with us so we let them go and watch them from afar with a soft smile. Our memories of those times spent together become memorialised in the music that we create. And in turn, it inspires and brings joy to others while we watch from afar. That's how it feels like to me to be a musician sometimes. Sometimes I wonder if the sacrifice is really worth it.
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OP and ED grew on me. By the end of the anime I really liked them. But of course the stand out music is the entire OST of the anime. Once again I think Given is the perfect example of "simple is perfect", like if you carefully listen to some of the tracks, it's so simple but it allows your to really focus on the dialogue and the pacing and what the characters are trying to tell you rather than Kono Oto Tomare! where the music often felt too dramatic and emotionally prescriptive. But I hear a few violin harmonics and careful treatment of certain main themes so Given's music is definitely well carefully thought out crafted provides such a relaxing yet sometimes hauntingly nostalgic and painful atmosphere.
The voice acting of Uenoyama and Haruki are so adorable when they gay panic and I've got to give it to Mafuyu for wonderfully showing the progression of an amateur to a good singer.
Gorgeous gorgeous colours. Especially all of the scenes of the band practice rooms and the stage performances, the night scenes. I don't know the budget for this anime but I could definitely tell a lot of care went into any musical performances whether on the violin or on stage.
Sometimes I saw a bit of inconsistency with the linework in some close-up and far-away shots of characters but this is so minute I literally don't even care.
This anime is I seriously believe, revolutionary in its genre. I've never seen such healthy shounen-ai representation in an anime before and such wonderfully complex characters. This will be a top favourite, I know I'll be rewatching this alot and referring a lot of my friends to watch this. What an incredibly underrated anime.
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emma-what-son · 4 years
(Echee post) Emma Watson says J.K Rowling's quote about Hermione ending up with Harry was taken out of context and it was a joke
Posted March 6, 2014
From mtv.com/news may 2014, "Watson also seemed somewhat pessimistic about the longevity of the popular pairing, sharing at the time, "I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy." But Watson's tune may have changed just a bit, as the starlet took to the red carpet at tonight's Oscars (her first time attending the big show, if you can believe it) and told MTV's own Josh Horowitz, "It was a real shame, because the quote that she gave was completely taken out of context." Emma change her tune? Noooooo way she would never do that!! =)~ MTV left out the part where she said it was just a joke From ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com March 2014, "It was a real shame, because the quote that she gave was completely taken out of context, and if you read the whole interview it was completely not how it was framed but it was actually kind of a joke." You know the funny part is? This is the Wonderland Magazine that Emma herself guest edited and Emma herself conducted the interview with J.K. Rowling. How could it be possibly taken out of context or even be considered a joke? There is nothing in the writing that suggests it's a joke. Maybe if the interview was conducted by video you could see their facial expressions that would tip you off that they were joking. This is typical Emma changing her tune but only because the HP fandom lost their shit over fictional characters. JK and Emma are back tracking now. I don't really care because to me it's a book made into a movie but this is Emma deceiving others as usual.
Actually I read the entire interview and what is being taken out of context and where is the punch line? Here is the part of the interview with JK about Hermione ending up with harry instead of Ron. From ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com Feb 2014 Emma: I thought we should discuss Hermione... I'm sure you've heard this a million times but now that you have written the books, do you have a new perspective on how you relate to Hermione and the relationship you have with her or had with her? JK: I know that Hermione is incredibly recognizable to a lot of readers and yet you don't see a lot of Hermione's in film or on TV except to be laughed at. I mean that the intense, clever, in some ways not terribly self-aware, girl is rarely the heroine and I really wanted her to be the heroine. She is part of me, although she is not wholly me. I think that is how I might have appeared to people when I was younger, but that is not really how I was inside. What I will say is that I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment. That's how it was conceived, really. For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione with Ron. Emma: Ah. JK: I know, I'm sorry, I can hear the rage and fury it might cause some fans, but if I'm absolutely honest, distance has given me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people's hearts by saying this? I hope not. Emma: I don't know. I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy. JK: Yes exactly. Emma: And vice versa. JK: It was a young relationship. I think the attraction itself is plausible but the combative side of it... I'm not sure you could have got over that in an adult relationship, there was too much fundamental incompatibility. I can't believe we are saying all of this – this is Potter heresy! Emma: I know, it is heresy. JK: In some ways Hermione and Harry are a better fit and I'll tell you something very strange. When I wrote Hallows, I felt this quite strongly when I had Hermione and Harry together in the tent! I hadn't told [Steve] Kloves that and when he wrote the script he felt exactly the same thing at exactly the same point. Emma: That is just so interesting because when I was doing the scene I said to David [Heyman]: "This isn't in the book, she didn't write this". I'm not sure I am comfortable insinuating something however subtle it is! JK: Yes, but David and Steve – they felt what I felt when writing it. Emma: That is so strange. JK: And actually I liked that scene in the film, because it was articulating something I hadn't said but I had felt. I really liked it and I thought that it was right. I think you do feel the ghost of what could have been in that scene. Emma: It's a really haunting scene. It's funny because it really divided people. Some people loved that scene and some people really didn't. JK: Yes, some people utterly hated it. But that is true of so many really good scenes in books and films; they evoke that strong positive/negative feeling. I was fine with it, I liked it. Emma: I remember really loving shooting those scenes that don't have any dialogue, where you are just kind of trying to express a moment in time and a feeling without saying anything. It was just Dan and I spontaneously sort of trying to convey an idea and it was really fun. JK: And you got it perfectly, you got perfectly the sort of mixture of awkwardness and genuine emotion, because it teeters on the edge of "what are we doing? Oh come on let's do it anyway", which I thought was just right for that time. Emma: I think it was just the sense that in the moment they needed to be together and be kids and raise each other's morale. JK: That is just it, you are so right. All this says something very powerful about the character of Hermione as well. Hermione was the one that
stuck with Harry all the way through that last installment, that very last part of the adventure. It wasn't Ron, which also says something very powerful about Ron. He was injured in a way, in his self-esteem, from the start of the series. He always knew he came second to fourth best, and then had to make friends with the hero of it all and that's a hell of a position to be in, eternally overshadowed. So Ron had to act out in that way at some point. But Hermione's always there for Harry. I remember you sent me a note after you read Hallows and before you started shooting, and said something about that, because it was Hermione's journey as much as Harry's at the end. Emma: I completely agree and the fact that they were true equals and the fact that she really said goodbye to her family makes it her sacrifice too. JK: Yes, her sacrifice was massive, completely. A very calculated act of bravery. That is not an 'in the moment' act of bravery where emotion carries you through, that is a deliberate choice. Emma: Exactly. I love Hermione. JK: I love her too. Oh, maybe she and Ron will be alright with a bit of counseling, you know. I wonder what happens at wizard marriage counseling? They'll probably be fine. He needs to work on his self-esteem issues and she needs to work on being a little less critical. Emma: I think it makes sense to me that Ron would make friends with the most famous wizard in the school because I think life presents to you over and over again your biggest and most painful fear – until you conquer it. It just keeps coming up. JK: That is so true, it has happened in my own life. The issue keeps coming up because you are drawn to it and you are putting yourself in front of it all the time. At a certain point you have to choose what to do about it and sometimes conquering it is choosing to say: I don't want that anymore, I'm going to stop walking up to you because there is nothing there for me. But yes, you're so right, that's very insightful! Ron's used to playing second fiddle. I think that's a comfortable role for him, but at a certain point he has to be his own man, doesn't he? Emma: Yes and until he does it is unresolved. It is unfinished business. So maybe life presented this to him enough times until he had to make a choice and become the man that Hermione needs. JK: Just like her creator, she has a real weakness for a funny man. These uptight girls, they do like them funny. Emma: They do like them funny, they need them funny. JK: It's such a relief from being so intense yourself – you need someone who takes life, or appears to take life, a little more light heartedly.
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^This post made Ron cry, lol I really don't care who ended up with who because it's a movie. I lost no sleep over it or thought about it much until I read the quote of Emma changing her tune as MTV pointed out. I will say this. In the Half Blood Prince when Ron was in the Hospital after mistakenly consuming a love potion meant for Harry there was an exchange between Hermione and Lavender Brown where Hermione said, "I've always found him interesting" meaning Ron. There was also that scene in DH2 where Hermione said she couldn't destroy the horocrux and it took Ron to coach her up to do it. There was that scene after that where they were looking for Harry using the marauders map and Ron remembered what Hermione told him about the room of requirement not being on the map and she was surprised he remembered. Then there was the Order of the Phoenix when Ron tricked Malfoy and the rest of them (with a spell of which I forget) and they got away while Hermione and Harry lead Umbridge into the Forrest. When Hermione came back she was impressed by him. I think Ron and Hermione would be just fine if they were real. They actually compliment each other by being total opposites. I'm sure true Potter fans have better examples for Ron and Hermione. Btw Emma was about Ron and Hermione for years and years. I'd post the quotes but I think true Potter fans know this to be true so there would be no argument there. It's something me and Emma fans probably agree on. I think hell just froze over. As for what Emma said about Ron making Hermione happy and stuff. In my opinion she's purely speaking from her own taste in men since she goes for the Viktor Krum's (Matt Janney/Tom Ducker) and Cormac McLaggen's (Will Adamowicz/Jay Barrymore). Emma is more of  mix of Sam (Perks) and Nicki (TBR) than she was ever Hermione. Emma would never date a Ron Weasley in real life. It's beneath her and there would be a reality gap between them since Emma lives in her own head and is out of touch with normal people. So really that statement is a full on Emmione moment where she's doing her thinking for a fictional character that is totally different from "the real Emma Watson". I've said this numerous times. If Hermione were real she would not think too kindly of Emma. Shy and introverted post is coming one of these days. I keep on saying that but it is. I put this post together in 15 minutes. I've been working on the other one for two weeks on and off by procrastinating with it mostly. It's not that complicated I'm just being lazy getting all the photos and quotes together I need. And while were on this shipping business
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She supposedly interviewed JGL in Wonderland Magazine but it was not formatted like her other Interviews where she talked just as much as the person she was interviewing so this leads to believe she actually didn’t interview JGL. It was a straight Q&A without it reading like a conversation between two people in the same room like the others. And JGL has done Wonderland a few times in the past so I don’t think this was Emma’s request. Then they presented together at the Oscars. Coincidence or more Hollywood smoke and mirrors? Fans are shipping (weirdo movement) these two and it was all for show. Ok I’m going to join this weirdo movement of shipping! JGL and Dan forever!!
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rochey1010 · 4 years
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Clip 3 S3E3
Ok, so context of this clip is that Lucas is suffering in his bedroom and he has his laptop out and he decides to do a sexuality test. He answers the questions and the results he gets don't help him at all. He scores on the far end of the heterosexuality scale. So Lucas decides to google how to hide if you're gay. It brings him to a message board and he reads a tuturro post telling him to dude bro it up and use gay slurs on others, choose girls that are shy, and if they want to take it further, dump them and switch for another. The point is you need to hype up the masculinity so others won't suspect anything. Lucas is left staring off struggling with what he is about to do.
Ok so my thoughts are that S3 really captured these deeply introspective moments with Lucas so damn well. We are deep in his head with him here. And not just here, but all through his season. The script lets Axel convey this torment and confusion without words.😔 And Axel plays it so damn well. He doesn't need cliches to get across how hard this is for him. And how deep his internalised homophobia really goes. And yes shade very much intended for that remake that didn't trust the internalised homophobia and how their Isak could get it across without resorting to shock value drama which is then forgotten about 2 days later with a public makeout session. 😑
Here you can tell that there is a writer that is part of the gay community, as he really shows a youth struggling with the issues of sexuality. And again no dialogue here. But we hear it loud and clear. Lucas knows he's gay. And it's all about the label which is a typical teenage insecurity. The desire to conform and fit in to your peer group. The fear of being different and being seen as less. So you fake it, do stuff out of the ordinary. What gives away the true nature of a person is that they try to hard to hide and take it too far. And Lucas is about to. 🙄
But we know why. We are seeing this play out, and Lucas afraid. And his symbolism for POLARIS is that he lives in the light, he's out in the open but wears his mask. So instead of running to hide, Lucas is around all these people and constantly having to perform. And oh boy does he perform. And the sad thing is Lucas wants to lie to himself as we see him botch the sexuality test. He's not being truthful even alone. So he's willing to put himself in a place of denial.😣
Then he needs reassurance about how to fake it. And we see that the message board he ends up in. The advice is hyper toxic masculinity. 💪Like a frat boy who makes derrogatory comments, constantly sexualises girls and butches it up. And who in his friend group right now is the definition of that? Bas. and i feel that he's the direct contrast with Lucas here, as being in Lucas's head? And around the boy group compared to the girl group? That is because it's Lucas's season and he perceives his friends in this hormonal 'girls girls girls sex sex sex' way. It's ultimate peer pressure and it alienates him. Pushes him towards safer places like the girlsquad. So i really feel it's great how the show has set up the girlsquad/Lucas bond in a very reasonable way. 👌
And we see too that Lucas hates this. We see he doesn't want do this, that this is not really him and how hard he's fighting with this. Just that stare off at the end is heartbreaking. And i must bring Eliott into this for a minute, because i'm clearly rewatching Season 3 so i know what happens. But what you start to see is that a set back with Eliott has Lucas running to the safety of what came before Eliott. The fakery of weekend hooking up with girls and parties. Lucas resorts to what he knows when he's hurting. And this is so glaringly obvious when Eliott is around and giving Lucas attention. Lucas loves it. Eliott makes the fear less, and sometimes even non existent. Lucas chases these heady feelings all the way. And he's not shy about it. It is very much a pursuit of Eliott too. 😏
And we can bet that it's a first for Lucas too. To meet a guy who has him so head over heels that everything else is forgotten. We know he had a crush on Yann but this is so far beyond that. Lucas fell in love at first sight with Eliott in the most violent way. ❤ He wasn't prepared and his world imploded. He physically couldn't stop the pull. 🧲 It took him all the way to the vending machine and on from there. And That he'll be so drawn to him and go where he goes. That he'll make comments laden with innuendo, do bold and provoking gestures and let Eliott see a hidden Lucas part with the piano seduction. Lucas we see will go wherever these feelings take him. 🤸‍♂️ That he's a baby to his sexuality but he's not scared when Eliott is giving him all the right signals.
This is really an Isak unheard of. And i love that France showed this kind of Lucas. And i think it heightens everything more, especially the love story. I do feel we are kept on our toes with the dynamic wondering what Lucas will do next, what Eliott will do next. Who is gonna lose their composure between the 2. 🤯 Because they are both half and half. Yes the experienced and confident with his sexuality Eliott and inexperienced and unsure with his Lucas are both half and half. And i love every second of it. Because this Isak is a breath of fresh air. 🙌 🤗
But again with the heightened emotions in this version. The struggle and pain is i feel more viseral. So we see a much deeper pain with Lucas since he saw Eliott with his girlfriend. I really feel the devastation is more prevalent here. And this scene really shows it. Lucas's mask fell off with Eliott and he got caught up in those intoxicating feelings and he felt that it was more than friendly. That Lucas is not pretending to be friends with Eliott just like Eliott is not pretending. That these 2 were never friends at all. That it is strangers to lovers dynamic. And both know it. So seeing the girlfriend, just imagine the total collapse and humiliation in Lucas right there. 😭 Our Lucas is 100 with his emotions. So rightfully he went home and wasted himself on the beer. 🍻 That he hurt himself with the very thing Eliott gave him. That he tortured his ears with the dubstep music, 😋 that he's now desperate to fight what he can't. That he can't scrub Eliott from his mind. That he saw the girlfriend, felt taken for a fool and yet still wants Eliott as much. 😥
And that's why i feel the google of 'how to hide if you're gay' is as much for Eliott's benefit as Lucas's, because we know Lucas unabashed put himself out there. We know he can't hide what he wants when with Eliott. And we know that he knows that. So i feel the real question is 'how to put your mask back on when you don't know how to anymore' that if Lucas saw no girlfriend it is pretty obvious Lucas wouldn't be here at all. He'd be barelling down the road Eliott takes him completely smitten. So this is heartbroken Lucas in the worst way possible. 😞 And we know what happens next. And i remember watching it annoyed at Lucas's actions and how far he took it but you can't say that it's not 100% justified to why Lucas would go where he goes next. Because i can't praise enough Axel handling the pain, confusion, fear in his character. And special mention to an upcoming love confession Lucas is going to make because i am going to analyze the shit out of that. 🧐 😊
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You know you're getting more asks from me since I'm obsessed with the eloquence and insight of your answers ;) A Stelena one: what do you see as their commonalities and their main (and hopefully complementary) differences? What are your five or so favorite Stelena scenes of the series? And other than wishing they had stayed together and were endgame, what's one thing you'd have wanted to see more of or less of from their relationship?!
Well, I’m always up for answering asks, so thank you for sending them in! 
To answer your first question about Stefan and Elena’s similarities, they share a lot which bring them together. They’re both incredibly emotional people; they’re sensitive and feel things deeply. This is why they both struggled to adjust as vampires, because the heightened emotions they felt overwhelmed them. In fact, as vampires they were very similar in regards to their loss of control when feeding, the depression, the ruthlessness when they had no humanity and keeping trophies from their victims. They’re particularly attuned to the emotions of others and this is the foundation for their compassion. Whilst Damon’s instinct was to kill Caroline when she first turned because she was an “inconvinience”, Stefan and Elena never once considered that and devoted themselves to helping her. Similarly, despite Damon’s actions (particularly in the early seasons), neither of them ever gave up on him and were able to sympathise with him even when he did something unforgivable. 
Their sensitivity also leads them to have another commonality: writing in journals. This is all part of the way they express themselves and process their thoughts and emotions in a healthy way. But the journals are about more than this; they’re a manifestation of the loneliness they feel. In season 1, Elena feels incredibly isolated following the deaths of her parents. Likewise, Stefan feels lonely as a vampire who is unable to connect with humans but doesn’t fit in the supernatural world either due to him not feeding on humans. So in addition to them both being emotional people, the emotions they experienced were very similar. This is what brought them together in season 1, because they had a spiritual connection and understanding that stemmed from them both feeling alone and like they don’t belong. 
Stefan and Elena also have the same moral compass and operate on the same wave length. Their priority is always to care for those around them and to act on compassion and forgiveness. They repeatedly show forgiveness and mercy to those that wrong them and their calling to help people was why Stefan wanted to be a doctor and why Elena actually became a doctor. They also share the same philosphy in regards to how they live their lives. Despite there being constant drama in Mystic Falls and danger lurking right around the corner they both believe in the importance of living in the moment and appreciating what they have in the present. 
Intellectually, they were also on the same level which we saw hints of from their exchange of books, the way they expressed themselves in their journals and interest in medicine. They also wanted the same from their life - to be human, to have a family, to be doctors. Their visions for their ideal future perfectly aligned and so in this way they also understood each other. 
As for their differences, their main one is that Elena is much more extroverted than Stefan. She’s more sociable and likes to go out and party, dance and have fun. In comparison, Stefan is much more introverted and although he’s able to socialise without any problems, he’s far from being a social butterfly. Of course, in this respect they compliment each other because Elena is able to bring Stefan out of his shell and enable him to be himself in a safe environment.
I would also say that Stefan is a darker character than Elena. Elena is certainly not a saint and she struggles to adjust to being a vampire but Stefan struggles with his darker impulses a lot more than Elena does. Whilst Elena is able to get control over her urges and impulses by the end of season 4, for Stefan it’s an ongoing struggle. I really put that down to the fact that Stefan is so much older than Elena and has endured hurt and had experiences that are so deeply embedded in him and that impact everything he thinks and feels as well as how he behaves. Even in this way though, they compliment each other because Elena is Stefan’s anchor, the tether to his humanity and what keeps him grounded. Whenever he loses control or is struggling to keep a handle on things, she’s there to act as his voice of reason and to remind him of who he truly is. 
Choosing just 5 favourite scenes is impossibly difficult because I love so many but some of my favourites are: 
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I just love the angst in this scene. How Elena is going to let him leave but then catches the door just before it closes because she can’t watch him leave without saying what needs to be said. I love what she says to him and how she challenges the way in which he’s shut her and everybody out. This is Elena knowing Stefan better than anyone; seeing through the facade and knowing that no matter how indifferent he acts or how hard he pushes her away underneath it all he still cares and he still feels just as deeply as she does. I love how at first Stefan tells her to stop because he can’t handle facing up to these emotions but how he breaks down and admits how much he hates himself for the way in which he hurt her. I love the way physical touch is used; how she uses her hands to encourage him to meet her eyes but he resists because he’s too ashamed to look at her. And I love the final line “If I let myself care all I feel is pain”, because it needs to be said and now Elena can finally understand why he has been behaving the way he has. 
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I love everything about this scene. Not only do they both look gorgeous, but it’s so sweet, tender, romantic, sentimental, reminiscent and pure. It’s two people that have a complex history, that have been through hell and ripped apart, coming back together and falling in love all over again. You can sense how nervous and giddy they are and how taken they are by each other. There’s a clear spark and for tonight they can forget about all of the crap they’ve been through and enjoy being together. They compliment each other, Stefan gives her a token of his love and they have a little bit of banter with the whole “Some guy I dated said it once or twice” and don’t even get me started at the way they look at each other in this scene. Definition of heart eyes.
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This scene encompasses everything I love about Stefan and Elena. Elena is about to die, but she’s so selfless and loves Stefan so much that she wants to give him hope that they could find a way to save her without her having to complete the transition. They can’t even see each other, but the power of their words is what makes this scene. Elena loves Stefan so much that she died making her way back to him and right here she’s telling him that she doesn’t regret that because she loves him so much and it will always be the best choice she’s ever made. You really can’t get more true love than that.
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There are three words of dialogue in this scene “Elena, hey” and “Hi”, yet this scene is so bloody powerful. The sheer relief in Elena’s face and the way she throws herself into Stefan’s arms, how he holds her close and breathes her in, the way they cup each others faces and gaze at each other so adoringly. You can see in that one look that they are each others light, they actually glow. Their kiss is passionate and filled with emotion, the way they collapse onto the bed and the perspective shifts so that we’re looking in through the window at this private moment as Elena constantly pulls Stefan closer and they kiss more fiercely. I honestly love this entire scene and will never get tired of it.
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Once again, this scene is one of those that encompasses everything I love about Stefan and Elena. They’re a team and they’re united. Elena knows better than anyone the struggles Stefan has with his bloodlust and she also knows that he needs his strength now more than ever. And she trusts him and is devoted to him so much that she willingly offers him her blood. Blood sharing, as we all know, is intimate and personal and it binds them together in an extremely profound way. Her simple statement, “It’s you and me, Stefan. Always” is the perfect dialogue for this specific moment because it’s the two of them becoming one. After Stefan has feed from her, the way Elena looks at his vampire face and how she leans in to kiss him, completely accepting and showing him how much she loves him. It gives me all the feels. 
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This is one of the most underrated Stelena scenes and I love it so much. After everything they go through in season 3 this is a completely honest and unfiltered conversation where they finally say all of the things they’ve been wanting and needing to say. I just love that dialogue “I never stopped loving you”, “I know that. I know you didn’t, even though I did everything possible to push you away”. It’s so honest and it’s so simple but effective. And I think it’s so powerful that Stefan is so attuned to Elena and so sure of their love that he doesn’t even doubt that she loves him. He knows that she loves him and he never stopped, but he admits that he also knows he has done so much wrong and that he probably isn’t deserving of that love. I also love that he isn’t afraid to confront her about Damon and acknowledge her feelings for him. He could easily ignore it, but he doesn’t, he faces up to it but he reassures Elena that regardless of how he feels he loves her and he will always love her. It’s such a powerful and understated scene. It reaffirms how much they love each other despite everything they’ve been through and it’s not over the top or in your face, it’s real. 
I could choose so many more, but since that’s 6, I’ll leave it there. 
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What if we got the story of the rooftop trio animated in season 5 of BNHA?
*Disclaimer before starting: This thread comes from my intense desire of seeing the Vigilantes Spin-off made an anime, and my desire to see the story of Shirakumo animated because I like to suffer. It's written in a "theory" way but I don't want to imply it's true or it's going to happen, because even though I'd love something like this, I feel it is too far-fetched and surely not going to happen. But what if...? So please keep in mind that I'm just joking, and not being really serious about this (..or am I?)
First of all, I'm going to explain how a strange thought like the possibility of seeing the story of the rooftop trio animated in season 5 came to my mind.
I'm obsessed with both bnha and vigilantes. I started reading vigilantes because I wanted to know more about aizawa and I heard that his past was explained there, but I ended up falling in love with vigilantes and I consider it something you must read if you really want to understand the bnha world more. To me, it is not only a spin-off, it's a very important part of the bnha story specially because I can't see someone feeling the same impact while reading bnha story (specially after the Kurogiri reveal) if they haven't read vigilantes too.
My best friend also loves bnha, but she hasn't seen the 4th anime season yet, and hasn't started reading the manga. She is going to start reading the manga soon and I told her "Keep me updated about what chapters you're reading because I want you to stop reading bnha when you reach a certain chapter, switch to vigilantes, read the whole vigilantes (or at least until Aizawa's past arc) and then come back to read bnha"
I want her to do this because I feel the Shirakumo/Kurogiri reveal doesn't hit you that hard if you haven't read the rooftop trio chapters of vigilantes. I mean, I read them before and the reveal got me the most shocked I've ever been. I can't explain how I felt but I couldn't close my mouth and I kept saying "No way... No way... Oh god..."
When do I think she has to switch from bnha to vigilantes? In other way, when do I feel like it's the perfect time to read vigilantes while reading bnha?
Well, this is a personal preference but I think it should be after the joint training arc. Why? Because of this scene:
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It's (if I'm not mistaken) the first time Shirakumo is mentioned in the bnha manga. It's chapter 217, the last chapter of the joint training arc, before the meta liberation army arc starts. (Keep this in mind because it's important later in my analysis)
I think this dialogue is perfect, because it makes you wonder who that Shirakumo is? And it's when I think my friend should switch to read vigilantes. She will eventually read the Aizawa's past arc, meet Shirakumo, cry about him like I did, and then come back to read bnha, starting the meta liberation army arc. She will read that arc, which is very long and focused on the villains, so she will probably forget a bit about Shirakumo. This means when the reveal of Kurogiri happens at the start of the Paranormal liberation arc, she will be shocked.
I didn't like the idea of telling her to read Vigilantes right before the reveal because then, the moment she saw aizawa and mic going to Tartarus, she would be suspicious about that what is going to happen could be related to that. But making her read vigilantes after chapter 217, gives her like an amount of 40 chapters of the manga to read before the reveal. In those 40 chapters Shirakumo is not mentioned, so she will focus on other things, not Shirakumo, and when the reveal comes it will blow her mind.
You're probably wondering why I'm telling all of this when the title of the post is about season 5 of the anime. Well, here it comes:
Yesterday I was curious about what parts of the manga we will probably see animated in season 5, so I went to the My hero academia wiki and started wondering about it. Here's what I thought:
First, I thought about how the pro hero arc wasn't finished in season 4. In the anime, they cut the season when Endeavor wins against the nomu. But in the manga, Dabi appears right after that and then we see the first glimpse of double agent Hawks when both of them talk in private. This means the season is going to start with a few chapters left of the Pro hero arc. Watching the equivalent of manga and anime chapters in each arc, I came to the conclusion that usually in the anime, each arc is more or less half the chapters of that arc in the manga. The Pro hero arc has 10 manga chapters, and so far, we've had 2 anime episodes. So this means we could still get at least 2 or even 3 anime episodes about that arc...
Then, it comes the Joint training arc, which has 24 manga episodes. If we follow the previous estimations, it could be like 12 anime episodes (maybe less, since that arc has a lot of fights and fights are longer in manga than anime)
And then it's the Meta liberation army arc, or my villain academia, which is 23 manga chapters long. So maybe 11-12 chapters, but as I said before, battles tend to be longer in manga so maybe less anime chapters.
This seems correct. Adding those numbers we could get a 25 chapters season. But now let's imagine that my estimations are not really correct, and also the battles turn out to be much quick in the anime, so they end up with less chapters than the ones I've estimated.
Let's imagine they get only 23 chapters, for example. But they need 25...
Even if they could start the next arc and cut again the arc at the end of the season like they did in season 4, it would be weird. I mean, the Meta liberation arc is only about villains, and I imagine they're going to make that second half of season 5 only about villains. Opening and ending villain themed included. So it would be weird if the last one or two chapters of the season were from the following arc, because they would come back to the heroes for like two chapters after being only focused in the villains for 10 chapters... It would feel weird. It would be better if they end season 5 at the end of the meta liberation arc, when the LOV wins the fight.
But... What if they need more chapters to reach 25? What if the first half of the season needs those 2 chapters? (I see it more likely that this would happen to the first half and not the second, because the meta liberation arc would perfectly fit half a season in my opinion)
And this is where my brain said "What about... Animating the rooftop trio story?"
Okey, okey, I know. It sounds really far-fetched. I told you at the begining. But let me explain.
Remember what I said about my recommendation to my friend: that the perfect moment to switch to read vigilantes (and so the rooftop trio arc) would be at the end of the Joint training arc (which as I have analysed, would be in the 1st half of season 5) and before reading the meta liberation army arc (which will probably be the 2nd half of the season 5). That is the spot where I personally think it's the best moment to learn the story about Shirakumo to make the Kurogiri reveal most shocking (as I said, you would have at least like 20 anime chapters to "forget" about Shirakumo and then the reveal would be like "WHAT?! THAT SHIRAKUMO?! THE ONE FROM LIKE LAST SEASON?!")
Now, let's talk about length: if we cut out all the parts related to the vigilantes main story (because it wouldn't make sense to animate for example aizawa talking to Koichi), the arc about Aizawa's past (or Rooftop trio arc) is more or less, 6 manga chapters long. It has a battle, and some extra scenes that could be also cut, so let's say you could fit that story in maybe... 2 anime chapters. Only 2 anime chapters. Wow, that would come handy if you need to fill a 2 chapters gap in an anime season, don't you think?
Animating that arc right after Aizawa mentions Shirakumo at the end of the joint training arc would not only be the perfect spot in the bnha story to do it, but would also have the perfect chapter length to fit in the 25 chapters limit of season 5. It would give us the necessary info about Shirakumo to feel really really shocked about the Kurogiri reveal. I mean, it will surely hit harder if you know the whole story and how his relationship with aizawa was, than if you only know the few glimpses the bnha manga gives us about it.
Do you need another reason to get crazy about this? Well, remember this:
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They literally put Shirakumo in the last ending of season 4. They put there a character that we were not supposed to know nothing about until season 6. Why hint him so soon? Well, maybe to hint something that could happen in season 5...? Something like... An arc about who's him and his story with aizawa and mic?
I'll let this right here. I'm not saying they are going to do it. I'm saying I would love to see this happening and that in my head IT MAKES A LOT OF SENSE
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Review #69: Love in the Moonlight
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I was going to write about this drama after I finished the last episode, but I'm halfway through and I just can't contain myself anymore.
This drama is such a joke. I'm honestly laughing incredulously here. Well, I'm up to the part where Yoonsung goes to fetch Raon with a bunch of guards behind him to - in his own words to his dad - "test the depth of his feelings for her". What a joke. You know and I know and he knows and we all damn know that he's too soft hearted to hurt anyone. And the writer is expecting us to believe that he would hurt Raon? The girl he's in love with? The girl he would go against his long-term friend and family for? The only girl he's ever liked even after frequenting a hundred kisaengs? Yeah, right.
That is this writer's biggest downfall. They're just too much of a softie. I'm pretty sure this writer fell in love with their own characters, so much to the point where they're too mushy-hearted to do anything bad to them. This happens multiple times throughout the drama, I can't even count. Nothing bad EVER happens to the characters. Well, let me rephrase that. Nothing bad EVER lasts for long with these characters - because the writer just can't bear to see them suffer for long!
Think about it. EACH damn time Raon and Young have to go through a tearful and heart-wrenching separation, they just get back together in the next episode or even earlier. The writer can't pull through with their own storytelling. The separation of the two main characters is always presented in this intensely tear-jerking fashion as though it's the hardest thing they have to go through, but in less than an hour there the prince is AGAIN, and all I can do is sit here and cry out in frustration because there are no stakes! How are we as the audience supposed to be sad and emotionally invested and feel like their love is a life and death situation when it just really ISN'T?
The examples go on and on. Think about the time Byeongyeon sacrificed himself for Raon and the prince. (Don't worry, Raon's unbearable passivity is coming up in another huge post of its own.) I actually liked that scene. I mean, yeah I love Byeongyeon as a character (more than Raon for sure) but his death meant something. It was an incredibly meaningful moment. You could see how much love he had for the prince and the entire scene was done pretty well, including the dialogue. And then what happens? HE DOESN'T DIE. Like, really? Okay, so he got shot by several arrows (and one of them definitely hits very close to his vital organs) and gets slashed by a sword and he still LIVES? So a hundred other people who gets slashed just once in the drama all die but this dude LIVES? Oh please. I swear, the moment I saw him lying down getting taken care of I wanted to smash the wall. That's not how it works! When you do that, you totally destroy the meaningful scene that you initially set up. If he comes back to life so easily, what was his death for? What meaning does it hold now? Ultimately, it tells the audience that nothing really is at stake, and that all of the "important" characters will come out unscathed. Nothing bad will ever happen to them. And what does this do? It destroys every ounce of tension in the drama. Nobody in the audience is going to ever feel that the situation in the drama is a life and death situation. Because it isn't.
That's really bad writing. One of the first things I learned in my screenwriting class was that you gotta put your main character through hell and you gotta have zero sympathy. You have to keep making bad things happen to them. The moment you become a softie, the tension just goes splat. It's really got to feel like a life and death situation and the stakes have to feel REAL. At the moment, the drama does none of that.
That's why I had to stop watching and rant when Yoonsung (of course) takes out his sword and slays the guards. Of course. I wasn't expecting anything else anyways. Who in the world would even think Yoonsung would do something other than protect Raon? Well, for a second I guess I was kind of hopeful - but only for a second, because the drama of course ruined it as quickly as possible. The drama never lets things simmer and turn bad. The writer is too weak-hearted for that. They probably can't bear to see any of their characters suffer for long. So of course Yoonsung would take out his sword but of course it wouldn't be to harm Raon. Of course he would stop at the SLIGHTEST squeak from Raon and start slaying all of his guards lol. I was trying really hard from not typing lol but I really can't help it. It's just too incredulous.
If only the writer would pull through with their threats. If only they would actually let things go bad. Then the tension would rise and rise and the rubber band would be pulled and pulled tight until all that's left to do is for it to snap and all hell breaks loose, which is when you reach the story climax before the happy happy ending. Other dramas do this really well. Especially when they make the main couple break up for reasons outside their control. You really gotta milk that situation. But this drama just can't do that and has never done it. It's supposed to do that the most right now, when there are only so many episodes left until the end. However, the drama DOESN'T do that when it most needs to. I'm so frustrated.
Don't get me started on how much I hate Raon. Well, more like, how much I hate the way Raon is written by the writer. Raon used to be a great character in the beginning. But the moment she falls in love with the prince - well, let's say "falls in love" but where's the evidence that she even loves him? I could write ten pages on how much Raon doesn't love the prince and how passive and wide-eyed she is while the prince actually loves her and ACTS it out ALL the time. Okay, let's have a pause here, and I'll go watch the rest of the episode (well, try to) before going on another huge rant.
If you're going to do a sageuk, do it like 100 Days My Prince or don't do it at all. Or even like Scarlet Heart. At least the stakes there were huge. So many people actually died and the main girl was ACTUALLY tortured. The biggest advantage of sageuks (compared to modern dramas) are the fact that the situations can get really life-and-death. This drama didn't use any of that strong point. What a waste.
Okay. I just came back from watching the rest of Yoonsung's sudden attack on the guards and wow. I was not expecting HIM to die. After all that ranting I did up top about how the drama doesn't pull through and doesn't kill any of their important characters, this is kind of a huge blow. But I have to say, I don't understand why he had to die. When Byeongyeon sacrificed himself, it made all the sense in the world - with his sacrifice, he was able to save Raon, her dad, and even the prince. But didn't Yoonsung lead the guards to Raon himself? He then attacked the bunch of guards himself. Then you see Raon actually try to do something FINALLY but it might have been better if she hadn't done anything this time, cause he clearly got stabbed trying to save her. I guess I just wish his death was worth more than this. I really liked him as a character and I still feel like the drama did him dirty. He could have died a more meaningful death. Not like this.
Now everything is being wrapped up and I honestly feel like there was no real climax in this drama. Maybe it's coming up. Let's see. But from the look of things everything is being wrapped up like a pretty gift box with no imperfections. Have I also mentioned just how much I hate the fade out transitions in this drama? I honestly hate it. It feels like a cop out each time. It feels like a lazy cop out instead of following through with the action that is presented at the time.
As the drama wraps up, I gotta say that I've grown to really love the second female lead. I started off disliking her (just cause I liked the main couple too much back then) and thinking she was just a plot device but she's shown a lot of character throughout the time she was in the drama. SHE is the one who truly loved the prince and actually acted it out each time. And just as I say this, here we go again - the writer lets her off easy, making the king erase her princess-to-be history and ultimately making her sacrifice useless and bland. Sigh. Just LET people sacrifice and be selfless and just let the audience see and feel the deep worth in that! Why you gotta keep taking that away from us?!
I have finally finished the entire drama. I loved Young as a character and I love Park Bogum as the actor who acted him out. Young was BY FAR the best character in the drama, followed by Byeongyeon. Raon was annoying until the very end and even seeing her smile was annoying me. All I could think of was the fact that she was lifeless and had no personality and didn't even properly love the prince and even despite all that she was standing in front of him receiving his love. The prince deserves better.
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addershade · 4 years
A Semi-Stuctured Rant on Antishipping, Fujoshi Culture and the monetization of Homosexuality in Japanese and American Media
Antishippers are homophobic and it's bothering me. But also so are fujoshis and that bothers me too
Part One: Antishippers
Where there sails a ship ship so to the antishippers let fly their flags. A common argument I see painted on the bows of their warships is 'This character hasnt been stated as gay yet don't ship them with them.'
This is such a problematic sentence I don't even know where to begin. The fact that people view the default state of sexuality as 'straight until declared gay' creates the stigma that being homosexual is in some way deviant or taboo.
As an example: nobody has a problem with Todoroki being shipped with Momo despite them having minimal character interaction and very little shared dialogue in the show. Yet because they have been seen together in one (1) episode it has even been assumed canon on the same level as Izuku and Ochako which it quite simply is not.
Compare this to Bakugo and Kirishima who have several scenes together, most in even more intimate settings than Todoroki and Momo (study date, walking home at sunset together, the money scene, the rescue, I could go on) yet since the creator has not OUTRIGHT stated that either of these two are gay they have been assumed straight. Antishippers never go after TodoMomo in the same way they do KiriBaku.
I've seen people go as far as to say it would never happen, the creator would never do something so radical as to include one (1) gay couple. Despite the already pretty strong LGBTQ+ presence in the show with characters like Tiger, Big Sis Magne and Toga. These three have their own problems (an issue for another time) but they are there and that's a big step forward that people like to forget about.
Also, is the concept of 'we don't get good gay representation in the media so we write our own' really such a hard thing to grasp? Because it shouldn't be. Gay representation in media is scarce and even if its there it might not be handled sensitively (cough cough banana fish cough) and people naturally would want to go out of their way to provide it for themselves. Because representation is important. Straight, cis, white men really wouldn't understand because they are represented in literally everything all the time so I geuss they can't really fathom not being able look at the main character and go 'it me.' Which is why they put up such a fuss about every single time a woman is cast as the lead role. In anything. But I digress.
My point is basically this: Characters with undefined sexualities are obviously going to draw people in and be used as a comfortable, familiar and interesting starting point to create someone you can resonate with on a deeper level. Especially if there's nothing contradicting your head canon. And even if there is, who cares? There's plenty of straight characters already, representation is not pie and also they aren't real people so thats an extra helping of 'it shouldn't bother you.'
Oh I forgot to mention this rant only extends to fictional character antishippers because I think shipping real people is icky and shouldn't happen regardless of sexuality.
Part Two: Fujoshi Culture
Yes there are straight gals and guys that fetishise it (the male version is a fudanshi at least get it right people) and that's gross and unforgivable please stop doing it.
I would argue however this epidemic is caused by the fact that media, eastern and western alike, refuses to normalise gay relationships. Which means they see it as this sick fetish thing and call it 'sinning.' The literal terms fudanshi and fujoshi are derogatory and paint enjoying 'yaoi' as a guilty pleasure, something to be ashamed of and ridiculed.
And I'd bet my bottom dollar that Japan would want to keep it that way because it does work to sell their mangas.
Nagisa really sums up the whole issue in 50 percent off here's the clip:
Part Three: Western Focus
I just want to point out how half hearted and overly subtle these relationships have to be, like you're sneaking it past the republicans like the producers dirty little secret.
Good examples from both sides are Bubbeline, KoraSami, All of Voltron and Literally Any Gay Man In Anime Except Yuri on Ice. Although Yuri on Ice is still pretty coy about admitting that their characters are in a gay relationship.
KoraSami, Bubbeline and Shiro x Shiro's flashback buddy are all western depictions. Being gay in western media is much less commercialised and much less marketable, which is why the main issue with all of these were the writers pushing for something that was then only really confirmed either in: a very heavily fought for kiss last episode or the love story told entirely in (two bros chilling in a hot tub style) flashbacks where said love interest dies in the same episode. None of these are good representation and I don't think I have to spell out why.
Anyway this is another video that sums it up better than I can
Part 4: The Bad, The Worse and the Ugly
tw: s*xual a*sault mentioned (part 5 is safe)
I'll be quick
Anime like Banana Fish and Black Butler really like to perpetuate the stereotype that gay men are only gay because they have been r*ped by sick, twisted older men.
As a gay man who has been s*xually a*ssulted in the way that they like to pretend defined my sexuality I can say that this is insulting, triggering and Never. Ever. Handled. Properly. Anime has some issues with sexuality as a whole but it really takes the cake when characters like Ash are abused in real time in the anime and then it's used to 'justify' their promiscuity with men moving forward.
Banana Fish in no way handles the sexual assault tactfully, no matter what people have said to me.
This is an extract I agree with heavily from a pretty well written article (Banana Fish spoilers) :
I mentioned earlier the finale sent an awful message to new viewers. Ash’s story was about survival so for him to easily give up, in the end, sent a horrible message to survivors of sexual violence because it not only told them a moment of vulnerability would get them killed, but the only way survivors could find any peace was through death. The fact that Ash gave up, told survivors they could never escape from their traumas and despite all their efforts, they would never be able to heal from their abusive circumstances.
'Kill your gays' is a bad trope in any case but really was an especially poor choice here.
Part 5: Sex Sells and Gay Sex Advertises
I've mentioned above how manga and anime likes to package gay relationships into problematic little bundles and sell it to straight women as a curiosity or oddity. But I really think that it needs to be talked about more. Things shouldn't be more interesting to you just because they're gay, and fetishising minorities is never okay in any context.
I think it's important to note that really the attitudes in both Western and Japanese media are actually the exact same. That being, Gay people are 'others' and should at all costs be hidden away into corners. The only real difference is that Japan is known for selling that kind of content, lumping it in the same category as tentacle hentai and... I don't know any other categories but the point stands. Whereas western media tends to just sequester it into a corner and hope it gets past censorship boards and Karen's. Money is at the forefront of both of these descisions.
It's a real problem that both sides of the anime culture are so problematic. One side is way too into it and the other can't begin to process it.
Here's a video by the same person that covers basically the same ground that's concerning me so much.
Part 6: In conclusion
I feel like this is something that is worth being angry about. I'm just sick of how being gay is treated at the moment in anime, tv and film, and how it's being received by straight audiences. The LGBTQ+ community barely seems to get a real say half of the time because people are too busy being head over heels that the author confirmed in an interview that a character is bi or gay but never follows through with it in universe. Or when you try and create content for yourself and get criticised like you were supposed to be happy about what little representation you get in mainstream media. Like shows do the bare minimum and then we're supposed to be happy about it. But I ain't. And I don't think many other people are either.
Gay people being treated like a taboo little secret on both sides of the issue is insulting and gross and never leads to anything good.
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