#it has something to do with a mom and a bag of peas
tender-rosiey · 11 months
there is this ask that I can’t find, but I already finished up the request for it 🥲
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bpmiranda · 23 days
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Uncle Logan |l.howlett| nsfw
A/N: a little suggestive content, uncle!logan x faux!niece reader, age gap, mean!logan, underage drinking, punishment, 18+ f!reader, implied consent, cheating(?)
Your father has come to terms with the fact that letting you come and go as you please is less of a hassle for him than trying to control you. Your mother worries about the boys you ride around with and the girls who help you sneak out when she’s tried to lay down the law. At their wit’s end, they find themselves left with one option; send you into the city to live with your Uncle Logan.
“You want me to live with Uncle Logan for the summer?” You ask in disbelief, arms folded and legs crossed as you sit in your bedroom listening to your parents tell you that they’ve basically had too much of you and are sending you away. You knew you weren’t the perfect daughter, but to just send you off like this seemed a bit excessive to you.
While you love Uncle Logan, you’re devastated that you won’t be able to see your friends or your boyfriend on a daily basis. There were plans you had made together to celebrate finally being out of high school. They were being total drags. “Your father and I just feel you don’t have very good influences and a change of scenery might do you some good.” Your mom explains, wringing her hands nervously. “It’ll just be until Uncle Logan thinks your behavior is adjusted.”
“Mom, this is bullshit, I have already graduated. I did my time, right? I finished high school and now I get to have some fun. It’s not fair!” You argue and your dad shakes his head. “Dad!” You groan.
“No, young lady, you need to be looking into college. You’ve gotta start taking your future seriously. Uncle Logan is a good man and a trusted friend of mine, he’s going to whip you into shape.”
That was the end of that discussion and the next week you were sent to the city. “You’re leaving today?” Your boyfriend asked incredulously over the phone as you angrily toss personal items into your bags. “That’s a bummer.”
“Tell me about it.” You mutter, picking up the small framed picture of you and him and carefully setting it in your bag. “Will you come visit me?” You ask, knowing the answer already, but you love how wrapped around your finger you’ve got him.
“Of course I will, baby.” He says and you smile to yourself. “I’ll come sneak you out like usual. No biggie.”
“It might be a little fun with being in the city and all.” You muse as you sit on your bed and wait for the cab your parents arranged for you to arrive. They didnt even think this was something worth taking off work for so they could drive you themselves. “They’ve got the best bars in the city.”
“Hell yeah, we’ll make the best of it, sweet pea.” He reassures you and you sigh contently.
When your taxi cab arrived to take you into the city, you hung up with your boyfriend and begrudgingly got into the yellow vehicle. Overall, it wasn’t a completely terrible situation because it was clear you and your parents could use some distance. Uncle Logan lived in a shitty apartment building that you remembered pretty well and you recall enjoying the visits to the city in the past. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad staying with him. He wasn’t actually your uncle anyway, so maybe he wouldn’t be so strict with you.
“Hey, Y/N,” Logan greets you in his building’s lobby and you give him a big hug. You’re always taken by how very tall and muscular he is each time you see him. Those strong arms wrapping around you protectively, his kind green eyes, that handsome smile - he gives you butterflies. “You sprouted like a weed, huh?” He comments as he set you back down on your feet. “It’s only been a year.” You grin as he takes your bags and leads you upstairs to his apartment.
“Did my parents tell you why I’m here?” You ask as he lets you in and you turn to look at him curiously. Logan gives you a sympathetic look and you chuckle in disbelief. “Of course they did,” You mutter. “So I bet you’ll be keeping a close eye on me.”
Uncle Logan chuckled as he shook his head, walking down the narrow hallway to the bedroom. “No, kiddo, I won’t be.” He turns to look at you, his stare was suddenly hard and domineering, it made you nervous. “Because you’re not going to want to cause me any problems, right?” You find yourself nodding, crossing your arms over your middle. “That’s a peach, c’mon, let’s get your room set up.”
Kind and handsome as he could be, you knew Uncle Logan was different. Hardened by a vastly long past, but you weren’t going to be deterred by his attempts at keeping you locked up. You were good at getting your way.
You’d soon find out, however, that Logan was better at dealing out punishments than preventing the need for them.
After a small dinner, Logan set you up with a small television in your bedroom that only took CDs and a few stacks of your childhood favorites which you had grown out of by now, but you didn’t have the heart to tell him. You thanked him and waited for him to leave your bedroom to bring your phone out and call your friends about tonight.
“We’ll come break you out around midnight.” Your friend says over the phone as you sit on your new bed and look out the window at the street below. With nightfall now covering most of the view of the street, the lights make the city look so pretty and everything down there is too dark to make out from the apartment windows, the perfect amount of cover for sneaking out.
“There’s an alleyway across the street from the apartment building,” You tell her. “I’ll be waiting there.”
“Sounds good, see you soon!”
Excitedly, you look through your suitcase for an outfit and settle on a black dress with a deep V neckline that stops right above your navel. The skirt falls at the middle of your thigh where it hugs the shape of you ass and the sleeves are long and a mesh material that cuff at your wrists. As you’re killing time, you fix your hair and make sure it falls exactly where you want it to before you decide to add a little makeup.
- brr brr brr - your phone vibrates and you check the message to see that it says your friends are on the way and your boyfriend is with them. A smile tugs at your lips and you do another mirror check before quietly leaving your bedroom.
You are sure Uncle Logan has gone to sleep by now and you’re quick to hurry out of the apartment, only putting your heels on once you are in the lobby. You smile to yourself as you cross the street and look behind you at the apartment building smugly. “Easy breezy.” You murmur as you step into the alley and wait for your friends to call. It was quite cold and you wished you had brought a coat when you suddenly hear the flick of a lighter. Chills run through your body as you turn around and spot the flame of the zippo lighter illuminating your uncle’s face as he’s lighting his cigar. Fuck, you think to yourself as he takes the few steps that close the space between the two of you.
“Going somewhere?” He asks with a smirk.
“No,” You say straightforward. “I-I’m just-”
“Save it.” Logan says before he drags you back the apartment as you’re protesting and pleading, your heels clicking loudly on the concrete staircase.
“Uncle Logan, this is totally unfair!” You whine as he pulls you back into the apartment and slams the door shut angrily behind him. “Come on, I won’t even be gone two hours!”
Logan wordlessly forces you to sit on the couch in the living room and then he saunters to the kitchen where he grabs a half-full whiskey bottle from the cabinet. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion because you swore he was mad, but he’s going to let you have a drink now? Logan shoves the bottle into your lap and then sits on the couch recliner where he points a finger at you.
“Listen to me, very clearly,” He begins and you feel the blood drain from your body from the fear of his aggressive tone. “I’m only going to say this one time, kid. I don’t give a shit what you think is fair. Do you know why?” You say nothing and he continues. “Because you’re a fucking kid. You don’t get to decide what’s fair as long as you’re living off your father’s money. Got it?” Tears prickle at your eyes, but you blink them away. “Now finish that bottle.”
Your eyes widen and you look down at the liquor bottle, completely taken by surprise. This is far too much for you to drink. “I-I’m-I can’t.” You stammer looking over at him as he’s relighting his cigar.
His eyes were serious and cold as the ember at the end of his cigar pulsed with his toking. “Isn’t that what you were going to do tonight?” Logan asks after blowing a cloud of smoke towards you. “You were going out drinking, right?” Your mouth falls open, but no words come out. “Answer the damn question.” He orders and you sigh.
“Yes, I was going out to drink.” You say in a soft voice, your hands trembling.
“So, drink.” He shrugs. “Go on.”
Slowly, you uncap the bottle and take a deep breath before you take a swig. Your face screws up with disgust as you force yourself to swallow the alcohol, some of it dripping down your chin. It burns down your throat and you gasp, coughing and holding onto your chest. “Uncle Logan,” You say, looking at him with the pout that usually works on your dad. “Please, I can’t drink this.”
“What do you drink when you go out with your friends?” He asks curiously and you feel your face grow hot which makes him laugh. “You’re one of those fruity girls, huh? Vodka cranberries and peach schnapps? You’ve got no business being at bars, you belong at a fucking brunch.” You grow annoyed, a little insulted at the way that he’s taking to you, and he notices. “Did I hit a nerve? Go on, keep drinking, kid. Consider it your punishment and I won’t tell your parents you tried breaking the rules on your first night.”
You angrily take another swig and you groan, shaking your head. More of it spills down your chin, onto your chest. “Fuck!” You spit, wishing he’d just ground you or take your phone. Logan keeps watching you, making sure you drink and drink until you’re feeling the buzz and your eyes are stinging from the burn and your own tears.
“You oughta count yourself lucky, kid,” Uncle Logan says as he puts out the stub of his cigar. “Those boys at the bar would’ve seen a pretty thing like you walk in and roofied your drink, then what? The hell am I s’posed to tell your parents then?”
You pout, crying softly because you are drunker now than you’ve ever been before and it feels awful. “Uncle Logan,” You whine, your grip loose on the bottle as you’re growing dizzy and hot in your dress. “Please, I wanna stop.” You slur, sniffling as you try to tug your dress off by your sleeve. Logan’s eyes fall on the V cut of your dress, your breasts almost exposed as you’re sloppy with your movements, small drops of whiskey running down your middle. Your brows furrow in distress and you cry more, blubbering about wanting to take the dress off, wanting to stop. You’ve drank almost two thirds of what was left in the bottle and he chuckles at what it’s done to you.
“Let me see it, sweetheart.” You reach over to hand him the bottle. “Walk it over here.” He says, watching you with amusement as you wobble to your feet and take three unsteady steps towards him. Logan guides you onto his lap and he takes the bottle from you, turning it up and drinking what’s left at the bottom. You sniff as you watch him, wiping your teary eyes as his free hand settles on your ass. “See that? You’re no drinker.” He says, setting the bottle down and placing a hand on your thigh as he looks at you sniffling on his lap, your red lips pouty and your mascara running. “Is this what you wanted? To go drinking just to get this sloppy? You can’t even handle your alcohol. How were you gonna handle some asshole groping on you all night?” He says, shaking his head as he gently wipes your chin off with his thumb.
“I’m sorry, Logan,” You murmur, your sight blurry from tears and the alcohol drowning your inhibitions. “I won’t sneak out again.”
“I don’t believe that.” He smirks, his hand coming up to caress your cheek, wiping your tears, and you let your head fall into his palm. “You would’ve been picked up immediately.” He says softly, admiring how pretty you are and he recalls the conversation he had overheard you having on the phone before you snuck out. “Were you meeting a boyfriend?” You nod.
“What do you and Adam do when you go drinking?” He asks, amused with how tame you are right now.
A smile curls your lips as you think about the things you and Adam do in his car after hitting the bars. You haven’t had sex yet, despite what your parents may think. Not because you’re nervous, but because Adam does whatever you say in the hope of someday getting into your panties. You want to keep it that way for a little while longer. “Stuff.” You blush, grinning at him, fiddling with the buttons of his flannel, and Logan chuckles.
“Does he finger you?”
“Uncle Logan!” You giggle, covering your face shyly.
Logan laughs lightly while caressing your back lovingly. “I won’t tell, sweet girl.” His hand is sliding off your cheek and down your neck, past your collarbones, ghosting over your breast while his thumb lightly traces the now dried line of whiskey drops that ran down your chest, exposed by the cut of your dress. “You sure dressed up real pretty for him.” You let out a soft moan as he tentatively kisses the valley between your breasts and he smells your arousal as it grows in your panties. It smells so sweet and fresh, it makes his mouth water and his cock hard underneath your thigh. His tongue peeks out to lick the whiskey off your skin and you mewl softly, the sound causing many inappropriate thoughts to cross his mind.
“Mm, that feels good.” You whisper, your fist tugging on his flannel and the other hand hooked around his neck. Logan’s got one large hand holding the back of your head as it leans backwards so you give him more access to your body. The other hand is groping your breast while he’s slowly kissing and licking your skin up to your neck and back down just above your belly button, tasting the alcohol you had spilled on yourself. You’re breathing heavily, gasping softly as his tongue and teeth start nipping at your skin, making you grow damp between your legs.
“So fucking pretty.” He murmurs against your sternum making you shudder.
“Uncle Logan,” You breathe out shakily, your thighs clamping together as he slips his hand underneath the skirt of your dress. “You shouldn’t be touching me like this.” You say although you’re not exactly putting up a fight.
Logan kisses your jaw softly, grabbing firmly onto the bottom of your thigh to stop himself from going up any further. “You’re right, sweet girl.” He says and he suddenly lifts you up bridal style, making you giggle as he carries you to your bedroom.
You feel so small in his arms and you find yourself kissing his cheek, humming against his jaw as your fingers lace through his hair. A small groan vibrates in his chest and you smile to yourself. “You like that?” You ask teasingly, kissing his neck as he opens your bedroom door. “Stay with me?” You ask, biting your lip as he lays you in your bed and he only chuckles. You watch as he undoes the straps of your heels and tosses them before he pulls the blanket over you.
“Go to sleep, kid.” He says as he leaves your room.
And you do, the drunken buzz in your head lulling you into a deep sleep.
Let me know what you think:)
Uncle Logan II
Uncle Logan III
Uncle Logan Epilogue
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stevieschrodinger · 1 month
Part One Fifteen
Steve’s left bloody smears on the tiles, but the bleeding does seem to have turned a little more sluggish; he’s too frightened now to pull his sock away, he’s pretty sure it’s stuck to the wounds where the blood has started to crust over.
From the floor, Steve manages to reach up for the phone, it rings nearly a dozen times, but Steve persists. He knows Hopper will assume it’s an emergency.
Steve hates doing this, but he definitely can’t drive. Just the thought of making it to the car on his own makes him cringe, and the dull, thudding pain is radiating out to the rest of his foot.
“Hop. Sorry. I think I need some help.”
“On my way.”
The doctor frowns at Steve spectacularly, “a raccoon?”
“I know, wild right?”
“So that means he definitely needs a tetanus,” Hopper says unhelpfully from where he’s perched on the other side of the treatment room. He’s got a coffee in a Styrofoam cup and an unlit cigarette hanging from his mouth.
Steve hisses as the doctor uses some saline to loosen the sock, peeling it away from the wound, “I’ll give you something to numb the area, and then it will need some stitches. An x-ray might-”
“Nah,” Steve interjects, “stitch me up, I need to get home.”
The doctor has that look on her face again. From the other side of the room, Hopper sighs, “I’ll be back in a bit.”
Steve can hear El and Eddie from where he’s standing in the kitchen. El’s been teaching him stuff again; today she’s taught him the ABC song. They rush through when they get to the ‘LMNOP’ part, making Steve smile.
“Okay Steve, we’re ready!” El shouts for him from the next room, and Steve goes in.
The furniture's been moved out of the way, Eddie lying on his back in the middle of the room. He’s laying on a white sheet, the long point of his tale stark black against the material. Next to his hip, there’s a pair of legs. They stand perfectly fine on their own, disembodied, rounds of flat pale skin on top, where they end at the thighs.
Eddie looks over smiling, “oh good, you’ve brought it.”
Steve looks down. In his hand he’s holding a saw.
Steve wakes, flailing. He’s gasping for air, trying to orientate himself. Panicking.
He’s sitting. It takes him a few confused seconds, but it all comes flooding back. Fuck, his neck hurts, and his back.
Just a dream he thinks on repeat to himself. Just a dream just a dream just a dream.
His foot. His foot is still up on the coffee table, “Steve, come on, it’s okay. You’re okay.”
“What,” he manages to croak out.
“Here, drink this,” Robin hands him a half glass of tepid water, Steve downs it, “you had a nightmare.”
There’s a towel and a bag of peas draped over Steve’s ankle; trying to cool the area. Keep the swelling down, or whatever. The peas are melted now, the bag sagging in either direction with the weight of the mush inside.
The sight of it makes a sob catch in Steve’s chest, it comes out in a huge shudder, and Steve’s only vaguely worried he’ll never be able to walk the frozen isle in the store again. That he will cry spontaneously every time someone offers him a pear.
“When did you get here?”
“Mom dropped me off, Hopper wanted someone to watch you. He’s going to go check on El.”
Steve’s head feels muzzy. Too much has happened. They didn’t get home until the early hours, and Steve’s blinking in the full light of day that’s streaming into the lounge. “Where is he now?”
“Back yard.”
That takes a second to process, “no.”
Steve pulls his foot down, wobbling as he stands, leaving the towel and peas abandoned, “Steve, hang on.”
The dressing and stitches feel like they’re pulling as Steve takes a few tentative steps, the whole end of his foot feels like it’s burning, Steve moves until he can see Hopper; he can see him from the back, he’s smoking and looking down into the pool.
“Robs, get him away from there, please. Please.”
“Okay, okay,” she says, holding her hands out like she’s dealing with a skittish animal, she goes to the door, opening it and calling, “Hopper, he’s up!”
Hopper comes back in, dropping the end of his cigarette and stamping it out with his boot on his way in, “kid, are you sure he went into the pool?”
The implication of Hopper's question has Steve’s moving before he can really think about it, Robin calling after him that he’s got nothing on his feet, that it’s cold out. Steve ignores her. He has to walk funny, keeping all his weight on his heel on the left foot, but he makes it work. He sees why Hoppers asking; the water of the pool is opaque white.
It looks like the whole thing is filled with milk.
Hopper leaves to go and check on El. Steve’s glad, he did cause Hopper to have to leave her in the middle of the night, and that’s not fair on El, she might be worried.
Steve’s had maybe a couple of hours sleep on the couch, passing out when they got back from hospital. “You don’t have to do that,” he tells Robin; she’s scrubbing at the bloody smears Steve’s left on the kitchen tile.
“It’s fine, and it’s not like you’re in any condition to do it. What the fuck Steve, Hopper said he bit off two toes??”
Steve looks down at where the dressing’s covering his foot, “yeah.” Robin sits back on her haunches, bloody rag in hand, glaring. “He said that...if he eats Demogorgon, then that’s what he becomes. And if he eats Demodog, he becomes one of those so…”
“So you let him eat some of you instead? Because that’s the sane response-”
“I love him, Robs.”
She sighs, “I figured.”
Robin spends most of the day. She talks him into eating some toast; he balks at the thought of soup. Steve takes his pain killers and his antibiotics under Robins close supervision. They have the TV on, and Steve sleeps more.
She tells him to come away when he spends too much time staring out of the window.
Robin has to go that evening; she only does because Steve swears on everything she can think of that he will be fine. He will eat some eggs. He will take his pills. He’s not a complete invalid.
Robin leaves him after what is probably a ten minute hug, and a promise that she will sell Keith on Steve’s 'family emergency.'
The eggs are sitting heavy in Steve’s stomach when he hobbles outside. He managed to get a sock on over his dressing, but couldn’t bare the thought of anything else pressing on his wound, so he goes out like that. Just in socks.
He has a coat on at least, and takes the blanket, knocking snow off a pool lounger and moving it to the edge of the pool so he can sit with his feet up, wrapped in the blanket. The water still hasn’t frozen; but it is darker than it was. It’s turned a sort of pale mucky brown, like someone's mixed some dirt in.
Or chocolate milk.
Steve sits, and he waits, and he cries quietly.
Eventually the cold gets too much, and he heads back inside to try and sleep on the couch.
Steve stares blankly at the unlit Christmas tree, and considers dragging the thing outside and setting fucking fire to it.
He hasn’t cried since he woke up, which is a new current record, and he doesn’t understand where the anger has come from...but he thinks he might prefer it. It’s not fair. Nothing about this is fair, and it fills Steve with a rage he doesn’t think he’s ever experienced before.
Hopper sits opposite Steve, leaning forward, his hands dangling loose between his knees, and Steve knows that this is Hoppers ‘I’m trying to be kind, or sympathetic, or understanding face,’ Steve also knows he’s not going to like whatever is about to come out of Hopper's mouth and he’s already angry about it.
“Kid, I really think we should drain the pool.”
Hopper takes a deep breath, “son,” and that one word fills Steve with a rage so complete he feels utterly still. Utterly calm. He’s completely empty, in that moment, except for the rage, “if we don’t, his body will rot into the water, and if you want to be able to bury him? Then-”
“Out,” Steve stands, and he speaks calmly and levelly, “get out of my house. Right now.”
Hopper doesn’t stand, he spreads his hands in a non threatening gesture, “El says she’s can’t feel him, kid, he’s gone-”
“Get the fuck out of my house!” Steve screams at him, suddenly full to brimming, his hears his pounding, breaths sharp, “I said get out!”
Hopper sighs. He looks at Steve with...pity on his face, but he gets up, and he leaves.
The water is so dark now it looks nearly black. Murky and shitty. There are black, choking vines growing up the inside of the tiles; clinging to the sides of the pool. Some of them are long enough to creep up over the edge, like The Upside Down is bleeding into Hawkins again. Steve is reminded viscerally of Barb Holland, and he hates it.
The phone is ringing. Steve ignores it until it stops.
It makes him itchy, ignoring the phone. It’s too ingrained in him that something could be wrong. It’s an emergency. The kids might need him.
It starts ringing again; Steve answers it this time, but only as a preventative measure. If he doesn’t answer it, whoever it is might show up, and Steve would really rather not right now.
“Hey, Steve.” Robs is uncharacteristically quiet. Reserved. “So...it’s Christmas tomorrow and, I know you said you didn’t want to come for the day but...what about in the evening? Just for a little bit?” She asks, hopefully. “Mom says we can save you some leftovers, you know.”
“Yeah...yeah, that’s really kind and everything Rob...” Steve trails off scrubbing at his face. He’s got a fair bit of stubble going on, and he only showered this morning because even he could pick up on the fact that he stank.
She sighs quietly, “have you been eating? Taking your meds?”
“I...yeah. Some. And finished the antibiotics.”
“Good. That’s good. You want me to come over then?”
“Uhm. No. No that’s fine you, you should have a nice Christmas with your family, okay? We can talk after.”
“I know, Robs, I know, but I’ll be fine,” Steve tells her with a confidence he doesn’t feel.
“Okay, well, I’ll call tomorrow. Love you, Dingus.”
“Love you too Birdie.”
There are thick black vines growing up the legs of Steve’s pool chair; he ignores them. He climbs into position, wrapping himself in his blanket. He has a beer, his pills are finished now, so he can’t see the harm.
“I had a shower Eds, sure you’re pleased to hear that. Took the dressing off my foot, and it looks fine, you didn’t hurt me, not really.” Steve tacks on, “not ow,” out of habit.
Steve sips his beer, pulling the blanket tighter around his legs, and not thinking about Eddie's tail doing the same, “I’m supposed to have an appointment to get the stitches out, but it’s not until like the twenty seventh, or something, you know, everything being shut for Christmas. Which is tomorrow, by the way.”
Steve sighs, “anyway, I probably won’t go, it really doesn’t look so bad now, I think I could get them out with nail scissors and some tweezers, so I might just do that.”
Steve sips his beer, watching the laden pale clouds scud along overhead, “I think it might snow again, that’d be nice, right? White Christmas and all that stuff.”
Steve sighs again, and quietly admits, “I think you would have really liked Christmas. You get like, gifts and stuff-”
There’s a frantic splash in the pool, Steve’s up as quick as he can, fighting with his blanket, his beer bottle falling, forgotten, and rolling away on the tiles, getting caught on a vine.
Steve’s flooded with adrenaline, heart beating so fast, he doesn't register the chill as he scrambles up, stepping to the edge of the pool.
Eddie’s on the steps, he’s covered in so much slime and shit from the pool it's hard to see him, but Steve doesn’t care how dirty it is, he’s knee deep and helping to haul Eddie out the rest of the way.
He has no hair; but he does have legs, and he takes a stumbled step with Steve before collapsing to the ground. He can’t breathe, he’s bent over, on his hands and knees, choking. Steve’s lifeguard first aid training kicks in before he can really think about it; fueled by adrenaline, he braces Eddie with an arm about his middle, then using the palm of his hand he delivers one hard upward blow between Eddie’s shoulder blades.
Eddie splutters, but there’s nothing, so Steve does it again. Suddenly, like a seal has been broken, Eddie coughs up what might be nearly a pint of fluid, yellow and green and streaked with pink blood, it splatters loudly on the ground.
Eddie drags in a huge breath; it might be the most beautiful sound Steve’s ever heard.
They collapse down again, Eddie shivering like crazy, his teeth chattering; Steve grabs his blanket, covering Eddie. He’s naked and covered in gross shit, completely hairless, and has long gangly legs. Steve doesn’t pay attention to any of it really. Just Eddie. Eddie’s here.
He smells fucking awful, but Steve doesn’t care, Steve bundles him up and pulls him close, “Eddie, are you okay?”
Eddie blinks, his eyes crusted with gack from the pool, pink and puffy and sore looking around the lids, the whites bloodshot to fuck, his voice a raspy mess, the words broken by how violently his teeth are chattering, “Eddidie good bad.”
Steve bursts into tears.
Part Seventeen
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tatoda · 1 year
Mine || conrad fisher x fem!reader
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summary: attending the same college as your best friend has its highs and lows, but conrad sees you flirting with another dude he finally does something about his feelings
pairing: conrad fisher x fem!reader
warning: slight angst, male receive, jealous conrad CHARACTERS ARE 18
wc: 1.1k
im a little rusty on my smut writing I apologize I'm trying to get back into it still. edited but I may have missed stuff
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You and conrad grew up together as the oldest siblings, you to your brother and sister, steven and belly, and conrad to his brother jeremiah. Your birthdays was just a day apart from conrad’s. To say that your mothers were so excited to have babies around the same time was an understatement. They were best friends and it was their dream to have kids at the same time. Also as mothers, they knew you were both meant for each other. To be the first two little kids to run around the beach house, to attending your dream college together.
At the end of the summer before college started in the fall is when conrad broke your heart. It was the 4th of july and Jeremiah dragged everyone out of the house to go to nicole’s party. You hung out with Belly most of the night not trusting the drunk guys around her. With your mind occupied with her most of the night, you never got to talk to conrad. You wanted to watch the fireworks with him and not come to this lame party, you wanted to kiss him and tell him how you felt about him after all these years. Belly took off with nicole letting you have your fun. Who knew that fun could be ruined in 2.5 seconds? You walked into the living room looking for the brown-haired boy only spotting him with a girl on his lap and her eating his face out with him doing the same thing.
You ended up leaving the party and cousins that night. Telling your mom that you needed to finish a ton of college stuff before moving in at the end of the month. She didn’t push to ask you what happened and let you leave knowing you would call if it was anything serious. When everyone arrived back home that night conrad looked for you. He wanted to talk to you about your midnight plans to go watch the fireworks, but everywhere he looked you were gone. He looked in your bedroom seeing the nicely made bed and your bags gone. He sat on the edge of the mattress looking around softly.
“she left.” laurel walked into the room slowly
“where did she go? everything was fine before the party.” he stood up walking around your room and to the picture of you and him as babies. laurel walked behind him placing her hands on each side of his arms
“two peas in a pod, you two are inseparable.” laurel paused “she went home to finish college stuff.”
“and she didn’t ask me to go with her?” he brought a hand to rub over his face and sighed in defeat.
You didn’t talk to conrad the rest of the summer. He texted you, but you decided you better not get your heart broken again.
It was a few weeks into the school year. Your roommate dragged you out to another party that you didn’t want to attend, only because conrad would be there and almost every time he didn’t see you but you saw him. And you saw the girls he would leave with. And it just broke your heart more. So here you were trying to distract yourself with Josh— a boy from your math class— as he talked to you about his frat. You acted as if you cared only trying to hook up with him in the end.
“yeah my dad wanted me to follow him in his footsteps so he decided to pay for my school year.” he bragged taking a sip of his drink
“wow.” you acted interested
“if you want, one day i can take you for a ride on my boat back home?” he leaned towards you as if it was a secret
“i’d love that, yeah.” you put a hand on his arm rubbing it a little before a shadow crept over the both of you, it was conrad.
“sorry to bother, i need to talk to her,” he grumbled in josh’s face
“can it wait? i’m talking to her?” he tried to protest and you didn’t look at conrad, it would only make you fall and say you’re sorry for everything
“no it can’t.” he grabbed your hand off the dudes arm and walked you to an empty room before shutting the door “what the hell are you thinking!” he moved around you and away from the door
“i don’t know.” you shrugged slowly lifting your gaze to him, he was wearing a white shirt, plaid pullover, and jeans, you had never seen the boys other than in the summer and it was nice to see conrad dressed in jeans
“he was practically fucking you with his eyes!” he stood in front of you now
“grow up conrad, we’re in college now.” you scoffed. putting your drink down on a nearby dresser
“yeah, and it’s my job you don’t get an std from a frat boy like him.”
“oh and you’re any different?” it slipped out of your mouth
“what’s that supposed to mean?” he was taken back by your comment
“i’ve seen the girls you take back to your dorm. how do you know they aren’t carrying anything harmful when you stick your dick inside of them!”
“y/n what the fuck are you talking about?” his eyebrows furrowed
“the girls.”
“what girls! not one has stepped into my dorm other than our damn family when we moved in!”
“b-but you take girls home.” you tried to make yourself believe it
“i walk them back to their dorm. they are a drunk mess and my mom raised me that way, you should know.” his voice softly said
“i’ve only had my eyes set on you since we were kids.” he blurted
“yeah but i wanted to give you space to figure out your college life, but not get dicked down by a frat boy at one party.” he smiled to himself
“i’m sorry, okay? i’m sorry i didn’t see it earlier.”
“i tried for years, for you to see how i feel.”
“i felt the same way, i was going to tell you at cousin’s, but then i saw you with this girl at nicole’s party and she was all over you so i just left.”
“the party? is that why you left cousins early?” you nodded looking back down at the floor
“i was heartbroken con. you were making out with her what was i supposed to feel?”
“i don’t know you should have talked to me.”
“i talked to jere and he said that it wasn’t worth it, so i just left to get a head start to move in.”
“that’s why you were so distant when college started? we were so excited to be going to the same place, my mom was excited!”
“i felt heartbroken and i didn’t know what to do you’re the only boy i’ve ever loved, i didn’t know how to work around it!”
“i kissed the girl at nicole’s party because jeremiah told me you went on a date,” he whispered
“i-i hung out with a dude at the arcade for 10 minutes trying to help in figuring out a game. jeremiah was there!” you tan your fingers through your hair
“well, how was i supposed to know!”
“it seems like jere is just against us.” conrad laughed softly
“he’s always had something for you, you know.” you nodded knowing how the other fisher boy liked you, but you only had eyes for conrad
“he doesn’t matter. i’ve only seen him as a friend.” conrad let out a soft breath
“come here.” he gestured at you and you walked towards him as he opened his arms for you. the comfort of his arms secured you leaned against his chest hearing the raging of his heartbeat
“your heart is going crazy.” you twisted your head to look up at him with your chin on his chest and conrad looking down at you
“because of you.” he brought a hand to the side of your face and leaned in to kiss you, for the first time. conrad fisher was kissing you, it felt like a dream
He held your face so softy. He didn’t wanna break you, not again. His arms tightened around you pulling him closer to you. The kiss became deeper and stronger than you have ever had before with anyone. That’s when you felt the effect you had on him, he was hard, from you. You didn’t know you could do that to anyone ever but it felt amazing and an accomplishment.
“sorry.” he smiled against your lips as you both slowly separated lips turning red
“don’t be.” bringing one of your hands to his hair moving a few pieces away from his eyes the other hand you had slowly descended towards his pants
“y/n” a warning tone came out of his mouth
“hm?” you looked at him innocence in your eyes as if your hand wasn’t messing with the button of his jeans before moving to the zipper
“no one’s ever-“ his breath hitched as your hand cupped his erection “no one ever touched me down there.” you looked at him confused
“you’ve had sex though?” he nodded
“that doesn’t mean foreplay was involved, they just skip to the sex.” you kissed his lips
“don’t worry, just sit down and relax.” you pushed him to sit on the bed
Dragging down his jeans he lifted your hips to help get the fabrics down to his calf’s. He looked scared and nervous. You were touching him, the girl he’s been in love with forever, finally seeing the effect she has on him. You slowly swiped to get some pre cum off of the head and conrad shuttered under your touch.
“like that?”
“fuck, you have no idea.”
You coated the sides of his dick before slowly moving up and down at the right movement. He looked down at you breathing hard and deadly to your touch. A loud clatter came from outside the room and his eyes turned to worry.
“y/n, i don’t think this is such a good place to do thi-“ you cut him off licking the side of his shaft shutting him up immediately and the sounds from outside passed “fuck” he brought a hand to your head holding it as you bobbed up and down on him “keep going.” you didn’t plan on stopping, you hollowed your cheeks taking him in deeper and his groans filled the room
The way you moved made him jealous of the guys who have seen this image before. You on your knees sucking him off like no tomorrow. But the thought disappeared as soon as it came because he realized that this will be his view for the rest of his life. You looked up at him making eye contact and he felt the warm build but he didn’t wanna release just yet.
“just a few more, yeah.” he started to take control by moving your head with his hips as they came up off of the bed making you gag “just-“ he moved faster feeling the edge start. he pumped all the way into your mouth and let his release into your mouth as he groaned into the air
“fuck.” you pulled off of him and swallows the salty taste “did you just-“ he couldn’t believe you were real
“is that bad?”
“no, no, god no.” he moved your hair from your face. “all i know is no man is ever touching you again, you’re mine.”
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my girl 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your brother's friend from work starts hanging out a lot more often. (short!reader)
Characters: Captain Syverson
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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The curtains stir in the summer breeze, the smell of pollen wafting in and tickling your nose. You scrunch your face, resisting as sneeze and flip the page of the book, your eyes racing across the letters, devouring them. After another year of academia, you’re all too eager to spend your summer devouring your ‘to read’ list. 
The flick of pages marks the passage of time. You don’t sense how the sky sifts from a beaming yellow to a gentle blue. Not until the knock comes at the door and draws you from the world built of prose. You blink and lift your head, mark your page and leave it on your pillow. You push yourself across the low bed and yawn. Only as you don’t have words to read do you feel the fatigue in your eyes. 
“Peanut,” your mother calls you by the childhood nickname you can’t seem to shake, “gonna help with dinner?” 
You open the door to her and step out, “yeah, should do something.” 
“You should,” she chides playfully. “I already got the roast beef in, just need you to do sides.” 
“Great,” you shuffle down the hall behind her and rub your eyes. You don’t know if it’s allergies or reading that has you so dried out. 
Downstairs, you go into the kitchen and the aroma of the roast has your mouth watering already. In your delve into the land of fantasy, you may have forgotten to feed yourself. It’s not an uncommon occurrence; during the school year, you often studied until your head pounded and your stomach roared. The human body tends only to get in the way of the mind. 
You work at peeling potatoes as your mom takes out a medley of vegetables to put in a roasting pan. She seasons as you chop, the low murmur of her outdated music filling the hazy summer air. You can hear the children next door running around and the bristle of trees swaying in the wind. 
“Oh, make sure to throw in a few extra, pea,” she says as you go to curl over the top of the bag, “your brother’s bringing his friend.” 
“Friend? Johnny?” You wonder. 
“That man from his work, Syverson,” she corrects, “with the beard.” 
“Uh yeah, I remember.” 
You’ve met Syverson, or Sy as he prefers. Your brother, Isaac, started his apprenticeship last summer with the man down at the metal shop. There are vague instances in your mind when you recall the large bearded man sitting at the table across from you. He’s older than your brother, you too. Probably closer to your parent’s age. He doesn’t say much either but he’s polite. You think. 
You shrug and pull out some more potatoes to add to peel and cut. You do so quietly, your mind wandering back to your book even as the real world threatens to wipe it away. You’re so swept up in the fraught quest to reclaim a forgotten world that you can hardly focus on the blade. 
You blink as the knife hits the board, too close to your thumb. Pay attention. Often your mom comments that you look far away and just as often you are. Existing in this world can be so boring. Potatoes and roast beef. 
You rinse off the spuds and put them on to boil. You’ll mash them like you always do and add your mother’s ‘secret’ ingredient; herb and cheese sour cream. You’re pretty sure every mother on the block claims that as their little revolution. 
As the water starts to steam, you hear a car pull up and a louder engine behind it. Your mom checks the beef, letting out a gust of savoury air. You are starving. 
As you toss the peels in the bin, the front door opens. Isaac’s voice carries through the house as he chatters on about sparks and some work thing. Your mom’s head pops up as she waits eager for his appearance. 
He peeks into the kitchen as a pair of footsteps follow behind him. You mom greets him with a kiss, “hello, bubby, how was your day?” 
“Mom,” he scowls and wipes his cheek, “it was fine. Burnt myself pretty good.” 
He shows a bandage on his forearm and shrugs. Your mother gasp, “oh, honey!” 
“Told him to put his gauntlets on,” Syverson stands just beyond the doorway, his shadow looming like an evil orc in a cavern, waiting to pounce. You shake off the comparison as he comes into the light of the kitchen, a case of beer in hand. “Brought something for dinner,” he puts down the six-pack and shifts as you notice the red cap and label poking out from under his arm. He catches the bottle before it can slip and presents it to your mother, “and for the ladies.” 
“Oh, Syverson, you’re always so sweet.” 
“Mm, least I can do, y’all having me, feeding me,” he reaches to rub his neck. “Mind if I use the bathroom? Gotta wash my hands.” 
“Course, dear, you know where it is,” she preens. 
He leans on his back foot and his eyes glint in your direction. Despite his gruff exterior, his shaved head and thick beard, and his work-stained tee shirt, his eyes seem to sparkle, “evening,” he nods in your direction, as if he’s only just noticed you. 
“Hi,” you murmur and turn back to wash the starch from the cutting board. 
Having company is always awkward. You’re the only member of your family who isn’t very social. You have your classmates and a few friends you’ll hang out with on occasion but your parents and your brother always seem to have someone with them. If it isn’t one of your mom’s HOA accomplices, it’s one of your dad’s neighbourhood buddies arguing over the barbecue. 
You continue to tidy up as you wait for the food to be ready. You take out some plates and cutlery, wanting to distract yourself by setting the table. You stack the plates and the utensil slides around on top as you carry them into the hallway. You have to stop short as you nearly collide with Sy.  
“Sorry,” he apologises and backs up, “need help?” 
He points to your armful and you smile and shake your head, “all good.” 
“Don’t mind,” he says as he puts his large hands around the stack of plates. They’re pretty thick and heavy on their own but he takes them from you easily. 
“Um, right, then I’ll get... cups.” 
You turn back and flit into the kitchen. Your mom hums as she strains the potatoes. She doesn’t notice you counting glasses from the cupboard and balancing them all in your arms. You go down the hall, this time without obstacle, and into the dining room. You angle awkwardly to put down all the glasses at once.  
Sy lays out the plates and cutlery one at a time, certain to have each perfectly centered and straight. He focuses on the task intently. The sight of his earnest effort contrasted by his burly figure is almost silly. You plunk down the glasses at the corner of each plate, staying on the other side of the table from him. 
“Your back from school,” he says as he finishes, stepping back to cross his arms, making himself even larger. Most people are big compared to you. 
“Mhmm,” you nod with a rigid tight-lipped grin. 
“You graduate?” He asks. 
You try not to show your surprise. You’re not sure you’ve ever had a conversation with him. It’s just nods and grunts sent in your direction. Just acknowledgement. Just courtesy. 
“One more year,” you say, “erm, I’ll go help mom.” 
“Right,” he drops his arms and grips the back of the chair in front of him, “don’t let me keep ya.” 
You inch backwards and spin around, trying not to run away. It isn’t him. It’s you. It’s easier to read dialogue on a page and pretend it’s coming from your lips than it is to hold a conversation in real life. You would rather go back and finish your chapter then sit at the table and eat with your family, especially now that you’ve made it awkward. 
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bvckleyydiaz · 1 year
hold my hand - spencer reid
title: hold my hand
summary: when your baby girl is missing you, spencer knows just how to cheer her up.
pairing: mentioned/potential spencer x reader
word count: 637
warning(s): none
a/n: three rewrites down, two to go! also, spencer as a girl!dad? yes please
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“That is not what happened, and you know it!” The sounds of suppressed laughter surround you as Penelope and Derek—much to your chagrin—retell the story of how you unceremoniously streaked through the streets of downtown Las Vegas topless after several shots of Jose Cuervo with the two of them, Spencer and Hotch chasing after you.
“Yeah, sweet pea?” Derek throws you a broad, teasing grin. “Then, how did it happen?”
“Not like that,” you tell him with a defeated grumble.
“Hey,” Penelope interjects with a grin to match Derek’s. “On the bright side, your tits looked great that night.”
Her out-of-the-blue comment causes another uproar of laughter. As the ruckus calms, your phone starts to buzz incessantly. Digging through your bag to find it, you press the green button on the screen and hold it up to your ear. “Y/L/N.”
“Mama?” The tiny voice on the other end asked, and your heart twisted in your chest. “Are you on the p’ane?”
“Yeah, honeybun, I’m on the plane,” you tell her. “I’ll try to be home as soon as I can, okay?”
“Okay.” You could tell that Y/D/N doesn’t like that answer, but she understands why you have to be away a lot. “Will you catch the bad guy for me?”
Your heart twists a little harder in your chest and the smallest of smiles pulls at your lips when you answer her. “I always do, baby. Hey, tell you what. When I get home, I’ll ask Uncle Hotch for a day off, and we’ll spend the whole day together, doing whatever my precious girl wants to do. Does that sound okay?”
Hearing her giggle makes your chest feel lighter. She pauses for a moment then asks another question. “Is Spencer there?” Your little girl has the habit of asking if Spencer is with you when the team goes on a case. She adores him, and it’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen.
“He sure is, baby. Do you want to talk to him?”
You hear her little “yes, p’ease” before you hold out your phone to the Baby Genius. “A certain someone wants to talk to you.” He grins brightly and eagerly takes the device from your hand and holds it up to his own ear.
“Hey there. How’s my favorite little girl in the entire world?" He affectionately coos to Y/D/N, and you can faintly hear her shriek out a giggle.
“Oh, yeah? Did you have fun?”
That wistful look that your mom always teases you about falls over your face as Spencer talks animatedly with your daughter. He is a happy addition to her life after her father decided not be in it, much like Spencer’s own father.
He is so good to her, and you cannot thank him enough for that.
“Well, here’s what I’ll do,” he tells her. “I’ll go with you as long as you promise to let me hold your hand.” He waits for her response before his grin reaches his ears. “Alright! That’s my girl.”
He pauses and his eyebrows raise as you assume she tells him something. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”
His eyes widened, practically falling out of his head at her question. An adorable flush takes over his cheeks and the tips of his ears. “Well, Y/D/N, you’ll, uh, have to ask your mom about that. Okay?”
He says his goodbyes to her before returning your phone to you.
There’s amusement present in Derek’s eyes when he asks, “So, did she ask you what I hope she asked you?”
He utters a “shut up” to the other man under a sip of coffee, causing Derek to simply laugh at Spencer’s expense and shake his head.
Your gaze bounces between Spencer and Derek. “What did she ask you, Spence?”
He shakes his head. “I’ll tell you later.”
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subwaysurf45 · 1 year
This is based off reality lol but my partner has adhd so sometimes they forget to text me/contact me and it sends me into a shame spiral because my mom used to ignore me for days when I was a kid whenever she felt upset about anything (I mean she still cries it but I am an adult now so I’ve learned to live with it) but anyway it really traumatized me because now when people g hours without responding I immediately assume it was my fault and I dive into fix it mode (even if I did nothing wrong). So idk maybe you could do something where Bucky forgets to text reader about something and reader immediately panics and freaks out because ✨trauma✨
babe, I got you. thank you for the ask, I totally know what you mean. I have many friends who forget to answer my texts and you can't help but think they are mad at you, I fully understand. I hope this does what you are feeling justice.
A/N: there are a few time jumps, I hope it's not too confusing!
So many years ago… 
“Mom!” you screamed from outside her door, sitting on your knees while tears streaked down your face. 
She had hit the new record for how many days gone without speaking to you; three was the new record. You had forgotten what you had done but your mother definitely did not, she was an elephant with her memory. 
You were invisible to her, she walked right past you with nothing to say. There was seemingly nothing you could do except wait it out, but you needed your mother, you wanted her comfort. As hard as you banged against her door, as loud as you screamed, as hard as you cried; she did nothing. 
It was always the worst when you accepted defeat and headed off to your room, contemplating how you would punish yourself because obviously you had done something very wrong. There were times when you’d punch your own thigh, maybe scratch along your collar where the skin was thin, anything to continue the punishment. 
There had been times when she’d catch the bruises on your legs, immediately giving up the act to get you the bag of frozen peas. Everytime you thought it was over, you really thought she’d continuously love you. But then you’d forget to unpack the dishwasher or say something under your breath after an argument; and the cycle would repeat. 
Present Day...
“Bye, love,” you whispered and leaned up to kiss Bucky, wrapping your arms around his neck as he placed his gentle hands on your hips. His roommates were in the next room so you needed to be quick and quiet, no one needed to know about your kissing. 
“Text me when you get back to your place, yes?” Bucky muttered before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your collarbone, softly pulling the collar of your shirt with it, pressing a loving kiss to the mark that was blooming. 
You grew coy, “of course,” you whispered as you fiddled with the hem of his shirt, “bye,” you said at the last moment with your head still poking in the door. Bucky stood there and waved, when the door closed you headed down to your car and headed home. 
There was something about Bucky that was unlike any of the other guys you got close with, there was something so pure about him; even though he wasn’t all the time. On your first date he got you flowers and the next date you got him a bouquet. All the boys in the house laughed but after putting them in a vase and getting into his car you saw a tear roll down his cheek, just one before he swiped it away. 
He has one of the flowers pressed and in a frame sitting on his bedside table. 
There was an immediate uplift in your life after meeting Bucky, something to look forward to every morning with his texts and always feeling secure. You knew he was your guy, you no longer needed to suss out your mother before calling her to rant. Sometimes she was in a bad mood and would hang up on you, or even worse, sigh loudly until you got the hint. But if Bucky didn’t have time for a phone call he’d stop by on his way home from work or class, just checking in and then either picking you up or stealing a quick kiss before heading home. 
You looked after one another because both of you wanted to see each other happy, there was never a moment of malice between you two, just uplifting spirits. 
That wasn’t to say you were always perfect, there had been big fights and big emotions. But with Bucky, he sat down and talked about them, maybe after taking a walk so he wouldn’t scream in anger, but there would always be a drive to fix things and not let them linger. 
It took many relationships and friendships to realize your mother did a number on you, what you thought was normal raised a few brows; especially Bucky. 
“Babe,” Bucky said in his bed, sitting up against the headboard, “that’s fine,” he patted your butt. You were laying on your stomach and trying not to look at him. 
“But you…” you sighed, “we were-...” you sighed again. 
Bucky leaned over so you had to look at him, “I was in the mood last night- both of us were -and we had fun, even though I’m fine with something doesn’t mean you have to be as well.” it didn’t look like you believed him, Bucky chuckled and laid right behind you, “I don’t know what it’s like to be a woman and have period sex, babe, I don’t,” you cracked a smile, “just because I offer to lay down a towel doesn’t mean you have to agree, alright?” 
“But I feel bad,” you whispered, “but I also don’t like how messy it gets and I was tired because my iron level drops so bad and-”
“And there’s our answer,” Bucky giggled, “remember: we both have to agree, don’t just follow along, alright?” 
“Sure,” you whispered. Bucky obviously didn’t think that was good enough, so he tickled you until you were screaming in agreement, the most enthusiastic alright. 
When you got home you trudged up the stairs and laid on your bed, sending Bucky a text that you got home. 
You: got home perfectly fine, I did in fact almost hit a bunny but it ran out of the way
Bucky: seriously, you gotta be more alert
You: I know I was paying attention but it just came out of nowhere
Fixing your pillow, you sat up and stared at your phone. The typing bubble hadn’t even popped up yet, you needed him to know you were driving safe. With the extra time now you re-read his text, you immediately read it like he was chastising you. Giving you pointers because he felt you were a bad driver. 
You wanted him to answer, so he knew you knew you needed to be safe. As you sat there the gears in your brain began to spin, you shouldn’t be this tied to your phone, it’s unhealthy. Don’t be a clingy girlfriend, he’s not actually mad at you. 
You began to type again: babe? But you quickly deleted it. 
You sat for a moment: did I do something? That was too pathetic. 
Maybe a different angle: I bet that bunny is off with its family right now, having the time of its life. But even that was a little much, you could easily come across as rude. 
Instead you placed your phone to the side and tried to think back, was there something you did that pissed him off? Maybe he was just annoyed with something else and took it out on you. You could barely sit with yourself, this needed to get fixed. You couldn’t leave him mad at you for too long, he’d leave you. 
The thing about your mother was, she would never abandon her kid. But with Bucky, you’re just some girlfriend, easily disposable. 
Bucky smiled down at his phone, looking at the text you sent him. “Gotta love her,” he whispered to himself as he sat on the couch, before he could begin to type Sam poked his head in the backyard. 
“Hey, need you to help with the barbeque,” Sam waved him outside. 
Bucky threw his phone beside him on the couch, “who’s grilling tonight?” 
“You,” Sam smirked, “you always do them so well."  
Steve was already out there, there was something wrong with the propane tank. All three of them used google and youtube to figure out why the tank wasn’t fitting in the BBQ, they had the same tank as last time but something wasn’t connecting. 
“There isn’t even a hiss when you start it up,” Bucky said as he fiddled with the switch, “that’s so weird, man,” Bucky scratched the side of his head. 
“I’m so fucking hungry,” Sam muttered to himself, “if we don’t get this figured out soon, I’m fucking ordering in again and I don’t care how much it costs.” 
“We’ll figure it out,” Steve nodded as he crouched down to try and come up with a solution. 
Though it took a while, they managed to hook up the new tank all by themselves. Bucky now stood by the grill, one hand on the bar on the lid, and watched the timer hit zero. The smell was amazing when he opened the top, feeling the hot steam escape after building up. Steve and Sam were inside, cutting up tomatoes and other toppings to put on their burgers. 
“Hey, bud,” Sam called from the screen door, “your girl is blowing up your phone.” 
Bucky turned around, “pass it over,” he flipped the last patty and walked over. Immediately, his heart sank as he saw the spammed texts and calls that were coming from you. The most recent text covered the others on his lock screen: I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry I made you upset. 
“What?” he whispered to himself, clicking on the notification to see the others in their text chain. 
You: Babe? 
You: the bunny is okay and so am I 
You: are you mad? 
You: I know you think this is so pathetic but the text you sent sounded like you were mad and I want things to be okay if your mad but also I’m freaking out over nothing because you probably aren’t
You: right? 
You: please pick up the phone 
You: Bucky I’m losing my fucking mind, please don’t shut me out if you’re upset, please 
You: please
You: okay
You: I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry I made you upset. 
Before Bucky could do anything, he was frozen as he stared at the typing bubble that popped up. When the text came through his heart cracked to pieces, it felt like he was dying. 
You: I’ve been bad and I deserve it
“Boys!” Bucky called from outside, Sam and Steve both ran out. “Something wrong with y/n, I need to go to her house, I’m sorry, someone’s gotta watch this right now.” 
“What’s wrong?” Steve had never seen Bucky more stressed out in his life, watching as he basically tugged his hair out. 
“She’s-” Bucky held out his phone, “look at this.” 
Sam was the one to take the phone, “dude,” he looked up at Bucky, “you sounded mad at the last text you sent, the ‘seriously’ doesn’t help and then-” 
“Holy shit,” Bucky snatched the phone from Sam’s hands and ran to the door to get into the backyard from the side of the house, fishing for keys as he got to his truck. 
You sat on the edge of your bed, Bucky beside you. “you-I don’t want you to meet my mom.” 
“Why?” Bucky rubbed your back, you looked so sad as you sat beside him, rubbing your wrist raw with anxiety. “I’m sure she’s not as bad as you think.” 
“No,” you shook your head, “she just messed me up,” you looked up at Bucky who was shaking his head, silently saying you aren’t messed up. “She would ignore me for days on end, I wouldn’t know if I was getting fed or dropped off at school somedays, and I was like seven. I-” you choked on your words, leaning into Bucky’s side as he kissed the top of your head, “I just always assume people are always mad at me- especially if I get ignored because I’m so used to it.” 
“That’s why you don’t want me to meet her?” Bucky whispered. 
“She doesn’t deserve to meet you,” you mumbled while you looked at the floor, “she’s in the past and I don’t want my present and past to mix.” 
Bucky nodded and planted a few more kisses on the top of your head, “I’ll always be here, I’ll always be in the present.” 
No speed limit mattered in this moment, the university kids crossing the street were perfectly timed. It was like the universe knew Bucky needed to get somewhere, all the lights were green and no one got in his way. When he parked in the driveway to your off campus apartment complex he almost forgot to turn off the car, he was sprinting out of there. 
He had a key to your place, you had a key to his. 
“y/n?” he bursted through the door, not hearing a single sound. He found you in your room, sobbing under the covers, you didn’t even hear him come in. “baby,” he whispered and quickly hugged you from outside the covers, making you jolt away from him. “It’s just me, I’m not mad, I promise, come here.” 
“You’re not?” you coughed out, looking over your shoulder at him. 
“I was about to text you back and then Sam needed my help with the barbeque and I forgot about it so quickly, you know how I get with that.” 
“I do,” you nodded. 
“And I was in charge of the burgers so I was outside, away from my phone- jesus, I’m so sorry,” Bucky whispered and got under the covers, “it just slipped my mind, I didn’t mean to give you the silent treatment, I really didn’t.” 
“Deep down I knew you were busy but then I just…” you sighed and looked away, “I fed into my thoughts, what I knew since I was a kid: getting ignored is-” 
“I know,” Bucky kissed your temple, “don’t feel bad you went back to what you knew, anyone would do that, I’m just so sorry,” he held you tightly, kissing all around your head, “that text meant to be funny but it so wasn’t and I’m so sorry, but I’m not mad- all you need to know is that I’m not mad at all,” he felt you nod, “all one misunderstanding that really hurt you.” 
“I forgive you,” you flipped around to face him, “I’m just so mad I let her win again, I thought I was over this.” 
“I forgot to text you back for a long time,” Bucky brushed the hair out of your face, “you can only go so long and that’s normal, babe, totally normal.” You used his shirt to wipe the tears off of your face, “you don’t need to feel any shame or any embarrassment, alright?” 
“But I do,” the tears came back again but Bucky was quick to soothe them. He held you close and continuously whispered in your ear sweet nothing, making you feel loved. After a while you believed him, he wasn’t mad at you, and you leaned into his touch. 
“The only thing you deserve,” Bucky cupped your face to make you look at him, “is to be loved and listened to, alright?” 
You nodded, a smile gracing your lips for the first time in what felt like days, “alright.”
Taglist: @jackiehollanderr @tylard-blog1 @readingbooksanddrinkingtea-blog @linzc-reader @hotleaf-juice @honeybunchesofbucky @seybox @happyt0exist @yaszx @striving4averagegirl @searchf0rtheskyline @aya-fay @wbyss @luvrsbian @albertdabuttler
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reblogs and feedback are greatly apreciated!!!
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coff-in · 19 days
Okie so I was thinking about requesting for a while but never stuck with an idea. Maybe something with a reader who has been neighbors with the graves since they lived in the apartments. Like they’re a tad younger than Ashley (about two years) and looks up to the both of them like they’re older siblings and follows them around like a lost puppy. Like reader’s parents would want them to make friends with other kids but they refuse because “I want Leyley and Andy:(“ . They’re a little too touchy during childhood to both siblings, and it might bother Andrew and Ashley (Ashley a little more than Andrew lol) but eventually the neighbor mellows out. They’re still sweet and kind to those around them but they’re not as physically touchy and trying to talk to other people. Like, reader explains they can’t make it to a hangout cause they made plans with other people and the Graves siblings are like “Wait, this isn’t how it’s supposed to go-“ And now they unconsciously try to do anything to get reader to stay with them and isolate them from others. Like taking any opportunity to get what they want. Andrew’s sick? How about you skip your date to help him out? Their parents are gone for a while? Sleepover time! Just like we used to do when we were little! Oh you can’t find you’re sleeping bag and it’s conveniently colder than Antarctica? Cuddle time! You’re now stuck between two attractive goth siblings. And you’re not gonna ever leave. Ever.
notes from coff-in: i feel it in my heart (and in my delusional head) that ashley would constantly sneak over to [reader]'s place to hang out with them. and if ashley's going then andrew has to follow her to make sure she doesn't cause any trouble.
[gender neutral] reader-insert
[reader] following around leyley and andy put put her very on edge. why the fuck are you following them around?! are you trying to steal andy's gaze, you fucking floozy? go away! back off! andy's is hers!! it would take befriending leyley first before you can actually hang out with them both, and befriending leyley can take a lot. she's whiny, and clingy, and pushes and pulls [reader] away and close all the time. like an ocean of insecurity... but they're finally able to safely traverse her waves.
andy appreciates [reader]'s patience. he's also happy that ashley was able to make a genuine friend. they both found [reader]'s fixation on them weird, like go hang out with someone else already! but eventually [reader]'s unstoppable force clashed with them, the unmovable objects, and they were able to be friends. best friends, even! with friendship bracelets, sleepovers, going out to parks or streets together; honestly three peas in a pod.
other people think you're weird for hanging out with the graves siblings as much as you do. some girls talk [reader] being so brave to touch andrew so brazenly with ashley around. it's not too much of a big deal- i mean, you can't touch him for too long without giving ashley some attention too :3
and then [reader] gets older, they notice how distant they get. sure, school can be pretty hectic and busy but surely you would still have time for them, right? why aren't you coming over as much? sure, their mom isn't the most welcoming... but they can still come over to your place! oh... you're busy studying... and tomorrow you'll be out with other friends... well, they can join you! problem solved :)
ashley throws a fucking tantrum over [reader] having other friends. what do you mean you have other friends?! are you leaving them?! you can't do that! you chose them! they chose you! ashley's spreading rumors and fighting harlots in the parking lot in order for you to stay close to them. andrew is less... obvious about it? he offers to do your work (he's done it before for ashley) in exchange for you to hang out with them. simple, right? he's not asking much and you get guaranteed passing grades in return. just snuggle up next to them while you watch a movie together... simple.
they really don't know why you'd throw this away for other people.
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janicho88 · 1 year
I Got You- Chapter 3
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Pairing- Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Female!Reader
Word count- 2,817
Warnings- Language, mentions of domestic violence, injuries, and abuse, abusive boyfriend, hurt reader, protective Jake. Hospital, and police. If I missed something, please let me know.
A/N- Before we get any further into this, there will be a few differences from the movie. Ice was sick, but beat it, the aviators are there for a six-week training, not three. This one has been sitting in my WIP since last fall. First Jake story, I hope I can do him justice. The first few chapters will be a little heavy, but we will move past that. Thank you to @slightly-psycho-multifan for beta'ing!
Summary- When you have finally reached a breaking point, you call the one person you trust for help. He’s never seen you as more than a friend, but he is the person you know you’re safest with.  It’s been months since he has had so much as a text from you, but Jake Seresin would do anything for the Navy princess he met years ago.  The pilot knows she means more to him than he ever will to her, but he will do anything for her.
Series Masterlist
Somewhere along the ride you fell asleep, Jakes’s soft voice stirs you.  It takes you a minute to remember where you’re at, and the soreness you feel is quick to remind you of what has happened.  Finally, it dawns on you that the truck is no longer moving.  Looking out the window you see you’re in a parking lot.  
“We’re just south of Santa Ana, I thought this would be far enough away to stop.  I can’t find a parking place up close, and I don’t want to make you walk any further than you have to.  So I’m going to drop you off by the door, find the first available park in the parking garage I can and be right back.  You can wait by the door or go in and register, alright?”
“Okay,” you croak out.  Is that really your voice?  You must still be a little tired.
Jake pulls up to the door and hurries around to your side to carefully help you out. He sets the peas back down in the bag, as you slowly move away.  Watching you walk up to the door he cringes, your bruises have darkened up since leaving the apartment.  He hadn’t noticed the ones around your neck before, but they definitely stand out now. Once you are safely inside he pulls away to find a parking spot.  Your phone in the passenger seat catches his attention, he wouldn’t put it past the bastard to have some kind of tracker program on there, so he shuts it off until he can deal with that. It takes until the third floor of the small parking garage to find an empty place, but he grabs your IDs he had stuck in the truck console and takes off running as soon as he is out. 
Meanwhile, you have every intention of just waiting inside the door for Jake to come back, but a security guard has caught sight of you and immediately calls someone over.  You keep trying to tell them about your friend, but they aren’t listening, just talking to each other over you.
“He’s coming,” you finally manage to get out loud enough for them to notice.
“Don’t worry honey, you're safe now,” a nurse tells you.
That’s great, you think, but you would feel even safer if Jake was here with you.  It’s a flurry of activity as two nurses take you back to a room and start taking your blood pressure while the other is asking questions, the first one being your name.  When one of them touches near your left wrist you scream.  She carefully pulls back your sleeve and gasps “wow” at the dark swollen wrist. 
“Kelly,” the other nurse quietly reprimands her.
The one asking you questions, Nancy, you read on her name tag finally turns to you, as Nurse Kelly stops prodding.  She seems nice, she looks a little bit older, maybe around your moms age.  “I can see the cuts on your arm, the bruising on your wrist, face and throat.  Is there anything else that hurts you?”
It throws you off when she says your throat has bruises, is that why it hurts to talk?  That’s never bruised before, but then you remember.  Josh had never choked you before tonight.  That is why you were finally scared enough to call Jake.  Before today, there had been some bruises from his hits, and a sprained wrist. Maybe he’d throw a few things at you, or there was that one time two weeks ago you were doing your damnedest to forget. 
“Y/n?  Honey, is there anything else?” Nancy asks again.  “You can even just point to it if that’s easier for you instead of talking.”
Taking inventory of your body, you notice the only other place you hurt is the left side of your chest and you point there.
“Can you tell me how you got these injuries?”
The response you usually go with is falling, or an accident of some kind, but you know you aren’t going back this time.  “My boyfriend got mad at me.”
She talks to you for a few more minutes before leaving.  “I’m going to go over all this with the doctor, and one of us will be right back okay?”
You want to ask about Jake coming back, but they are gone too quickly.  Sitting back against the bed you wait for someone to come back.
Out in the lobby Jake is looking all over for you, it’s a little after 11 pm, but there are still a few people waiting to be seen by an ER doctor.  When he can’t find you, he goes up to the registration desk where a security guard is talking to a young nurse.  She notices the attractive aviator walking up and gives him a smile.
“Hi, can I help you?”
“Hi, my name is Jake, I’m trying to find someone. Her name is Y/N, I just…”
“You’re him, she said you would be here.” She quickly interrupts, her eyes narrowing.   “You have a lot of nerve showing up here.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand,’ Jake responds, more than a little confused.  “Can you help me find my…”
“No.  You will not be getting near her.”  Turning to the guard, she speaks to him now.  “Paul, did you say you already called the police for that poor girl?”
“Yeah, they were sending an officer down to take her statement.”
“This is the guy she was trying to tell us was coming.”
“What is going on here?” Jake asks.
The guard turns to look at Jake with disgust, “you and I are going to take a little walk buddy.”
“If that walk is to go find my friend, that would be great.”
“No, you aren’t going to see her again.”
“What is happening?” Jake pushes for an answer.
But that answer never comes for Jake, the guard grabs his arm and pulls him down a hallway and pushes him inside a small empty waiting area.  “You’re going to need to wait in here.”
“Can you please tell me what’s going on, and how my friend I brought in is doing?  I really need to find her.”
The door just shuts in response.  He’s too wired up to sit, just paces the small area hoping someone will give him some answers soon. 
Back in your room, a doctor is just leaving after explaining what lab work she is sending you for.  You are left waiting for someone to come take you for your x-rays, and constantly checking the door for Jake.  Where is he?  He wouldn’t have just left you here, right?
Forty five minutes later, you are finally back in the exam room, still without any word from Jake.  The orderly who took you out of the room, didn’t have any answers for you about someone looking for you.  You aren’t used to carrying a phone anymore, so you had left yours in Jake’s truck.  
A knock at the door has you hoping for your friend, but it’s just nurse Kelly.  Scratch that, nurse Kelly, and a police officer.  The officer gives you a small smile as the nurse begins to speak.
“You don’t have to worry, the police have the guy who you said was coming for you.”
Panic starts to set in, and your heart rate monitor is screaming.  How in the world has Josh found you already?  He should still be at the bar, or passed out with whatever chic took him home tonight.  Where is Jake in all this?  Did he see Josh and go after him?  That would not be good for his career.  Why did you drag him into this in the first place?
The thoughts running through your head would have kept going, if the nurse hadn’t come over to draw you out of it.  When you are paying attention to the two of them again, the officer starts talking.
“We’re holding your boyfriend down the hall, my partner is talking to him right now.  Is there anything you want to tell me?”
“How did he find me here?”
The officer throws a questioning look to Kelly.  “Didn’t you tell them he was coming when you arrived here?  Was he following you?”
Did you tell them that?  You didn’t think so. You weren’t expecting him to find you so soon. All you wanted was Jake here now.  “Do you know where my friend that brought me is?  His name is Jake.  Said he would be right here.”
“Your boyfriend?” Kelly asks, as she remembers the guy's name that came looking for you with disgust.
Shaking your head, you take a small sip of water to coat your throat before speaking again.  “He’s not my boyfriend.  He took me away.”
The two women in the room are slightly confused, the officer speaks first.  “Your boyfriend took you away, or the man that’s here took you away from somewhere?”
“Jake got me out.  Where is he?”  You aren’t even aware of the tears falling down your face from the frustration you are feeling along with the pain from the injuries and the tightness in your throat.  “He said he would be right here, should have been in here by now.”
The officer looks at the nurse, then back to you.  “I’m going to go look into something, I’ll be right back.  
Nurse Kelly is left to try and find something to calm you down.
Jake is dealing with another officer, down in the waiting room.
“Can you tell me your relationship to the patient?”
“We’ve been friends for about eleven years, but I haven’t heard from her for a while before tonight.”
“Did that make you angry?”
“Not as angry as this is.”
The officer does not look impressed. 
“Maybe a little frustrated, hurt I guess.  What does this have to do with me going to see her now?”
“We can’t let you do that.”
“That's what everyone keeps saying, but why the hell not?”
“You know why Mr. Seresin.”
“It’s Lieutenant, actually officer James.”
“Did the military teach you how to do that?  Fight the enemies overseas, and come home and throw a few more punches?”
“What are you talking about?”
It’s then that the door opens and a female officer comes in and asks to speak to her partner in the hall.  Both return a few minutes later.  She starts the questioning this time.  “Can you tell us how your night went?”
“Where do you want me to start?” Jake shoots back trying to avoid rolling his eyes.
“Your first interaction with Miss Kazansky.”
“I was at the Hard Deck, it’s a bar near base in Miramar. Been there maybe 15 minutes when my phone rang.  It was Y/N, she said she needed help, I left and drove up to LA.  I met her at her shared apartment.  When I saw her, I told her she needed to get out of there.  So I packed up her stuff, she wouldn’t let me stop at a hospital there because her boyfriend would find her.  So I drove until we got here.  Now can someone tell me what I’m doing here and why I haven’t been allowed to see her yet?” He finished his recount, struggling to stay calm and not snap at the officers in front of him anymore. 
The two officers look at each other.  “There may have been a small misunderstanding,” James tells him.  “We’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Ten minutes later one very ticked off Jake Seresin is finally being shown to your room.  After speaking with you one more time, the officers told him they were under the impression he was the boyfriend responsible.  He had to bite his tongue not to say anything that would get him in trouble and keep him from you any longer.  He gave them your address back in LA and what he knew of Josh before leaving them behind.  Jake wasn’t sure how much they could really do about your ex, but that’s a problem for later.
You are extremely relieved to finally see Jake enter your room.  He pauses in the doorway, the sleeves of the hospital gown don’t hide your bruised arms from him.  The doctor knocks on the door right behind him so he doesn’t say anything, just takes a seat right next to you.  Your x-rays are back, your wrist, as everyone figured, is broken.  Luckily the pain around your ribs is just bruising, nothing broken there.  You do have signs of a concussion, and they tell Jake what to watch for should it get worse.  He is also given some prescriptions to get filled for you in the morning.  Once ortho has a cast on your wrist, you are going to be free to go.  
 That takes another hour and finally around 2:30 am, you exit the hospital, with instructions to find an orthopedic doctor in your area and see them in two weeks.  Nurse Nancy waits with you by the door while Jake runs to get the truck. Once he’s back, he hops out to come over and help you inside the cab.  With a ‘thank you’ to Nancy, the two of you are headed back to the highway.  The pain medications they gave you for tonight are starting to kick in.  For once you aren’t leaving the hospital with a giant pit in your stomach.  
It’s quiet between the two of you, but from the corner of your eye you have caught Jake’s hand slide over toward you, before he pulls it back to rest on the center console.  In your tired state it doesn’t dawn on you until you start to see some of the road signs, you aren’t on your way back to Lemoore with Jake.  He wasn’t there when you called him, he said he was at…Oh crap.
“Where are we going?” You ask, suddenly more awake than you were two minutes ago.
Your raspy voice surprises the aviator, and he glances over at you in shock, not having expected to hear anything more from you.
“It’ll be almost 4am by the time we make it back.  I was going to take you back to the house I rented, but I can take you to your parents house if you’d rather?”
“No. No, they can’t know.  Dad would be so disappointed in me.”
“Darling, I don’t think he would.  He might be more inclined to fire a missile at your ex.  Maybe if I ask nicely, he’ll give me the honor.”
“Not funny.  Please don’t tell anyone I’m here, Jake.  Please,” you beg of your friend.  The worry you thought you left behind quickly comes back.
He can hear the panic in your voice, and see you shaking from the corner of his eye. “Okay, okay, if that is what you want, I won’t say a word.”
“Thank you.”
When you arrive at the house not too far from base, Jake rushes around to help you out of the truck, and grabs some of your things before assisting you up the walk.  Once inside, he leads you to the couch, while he does a quick check of the house.  Not that he really thinks Josh is here, but just for a peace of mind.  When Jake’s sure you’re alone, he comes back to check on you before getting the rest of your things from the car and locking the house up tight. 
“I don’t have extra bedding for the guest room, but you can stay in my room tonight and I’ll take the couch.  Alright Princess?” he quietly asks.
Slowly shaking your head, you can’t even look at him when you whisper, “I don’t want to be alone.”
It takes Jake's tired brain a minute to process that. “Does that mean you want to hang out on the couch with me or..”
“We both need some sleep, will you lay with me please?”
“I’ll do whatever I can to help you darlin. I got you, always.”
Jake grabs the bags with your clothes and you follow him up to the bedroom.  He allows you to use the bathroom first.  While you are in there he pulls a tshirt and some gym shorts out of his drawer for you to sleep in.  He figures you can sort through your things tomorrow, or later today.  While you change in the bedroom, Jake slips into the bathroom, coming out in a shirt and boxers.
 He guides you to the side of the bed away from the door and lifts the covers up for you to crawl in.  Moving to the other side of the bed, he situates himself making sure to give you plenty of space.  The last thing Jake wants to do is make you uncomfortable.  After the rough night, it doesn’t take long for either of you to pass out.
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 4
IGY Masterlist
@dempy @fox-bee926 @acarboni21 @novagreen04 @kmc1989 @els-marvelvsp @bethbunnyy @senjoritanana @abaker74 @mygyn @lynnevansss @m-rae23 @djs8891 @supraveng @loving-and-dreaming
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cheesysoup-arlo · 4 months
(Capri sees how you are with your siblings when she comes to hang out while you’re babysitting making her think about how awesome it’s gonna be when you’re both moms together raising a baby of your own)
Your mom asked you to babysit your two little siblings last minute (baby brother(2) Max and little sister(4) Avery) of course you said yes, it was really hard to say no to your mom. “I’ll be back in the morning, I promise I’ll make it up to you” your mom said as she left, you knew she would not be home in the morning like she said but she most definitely wouldn’t make it up to you but it’s ok. Luckily it was Friday afternoon, the school day had already ended Capri was supposed to come over after she finished her- CAPRI IS SUPPOSED TO BE COMING OVER-SHIT you completely forgot. You decide to clean up a little, rushing a little especially since now you had to pick your siblings up from daycare. You decide to text Capri to let her know what’s going on.
(Y/N): hey Cap um my mom really last minute told me I have to babysit today :(
baby💕: can I still come over? I miss you and I wanna spend time with you
baby💕: plus I bet you’ll want some help with the kids
(Y/N): wait you wanna help with the kids?
baby💕: yeah your siblings are literally so adorable your mom has the cutest pics of them on insta
(Y/N): omg I forgot you follow my mom
baby💕: too late I already have your very ADORABLE “weird/cringe” pics
baby💕: aww come on you look adorable and I promise they’re for my eyes only
(Y/N): fine keep them i guess 🙄
baby💕: aw someone’s grumpy I guess I won’t come over…
baby💕: I’ll be over in an hour ok? I’m gonna stop by my house and shower really quick
(Y/N): ok I gotta go pick up the kids in half an hour so if I’m not home just let yourself in
(Y/N): key is under the mat still
baby💕: ok bubs see you soon 💕
(Y/N): see you soon 💞
You smile and set down your phone. You have to leave in about 15 minutes to make it to the daycare before the rush of parents get there so you decide to fix your hair and change into something a little more comfortable knowing you’ll have to chase the little ones around once you get back home. You go with some sweatpants and a t-shirt then throw on a jacket and your shoes and head to your car. The drive was peaceful. You got there a little early and parked in the front, you only had your wait a few minutes before you were allowed to sign them out “SISSY” your little sister yelled running over to you excitedly “hi sweet pea how was your day?” You say pulling her in for a hug “SUPER COOL we got do paint and we had goldfish” she said beaming with energy “that’s so cool, are you ready to go get bug and head home?” You ask grabbing her bag and waving goodbye to the worker “mhm but tan we go get snack fwom da store and den we go home?” she asks “of course we can get snacks, let’s go get Max and then we’ll get you all the snacks you want” you say holding her hand and heading over to the baby room “oh hey y/n, you’re here to pick up Max right?” Darby asks “um yeah, I didn’t know you worked here?” You say a little surprised “oh um yeah it’s my first day” Darby says while another worker brings Max over “sissy” he says reaching for you “hi baby boy” you say grabbing him and his bag from the worker “bye Darby see you on Monday” you say with Max on your hip and holding Avery’s hand. The three of you head to your car, you help Avery in first so she’s not running around the parking lot, then you put Max in. “Ok guys we’re gonna go get snacks then we’re going home” you say as you buckle up and start the car “YAY SNACKS” Avery says bouncing in her seat a little “NACKS” Max say copying Avery. You put on some Disney music for the kids because you know they like it and then drive over to the store by your house to get snacks. You get to the store and text Capri to see if she wants anything
(Y/N): hey baby I’m at the store getting the kids some snacks do you want anything?
baby💕: um yeah sure
baby💕: just get me anything
(Y/N): ok babe see you in a little bit
baby💕: I love you honey see you in a few 💕
(Y/N): I love you baby💞
“Who dat?” Avery asks “oh it’s Capri, you remember Capri right sweet pea?” You say helping the small girl out of the car “the girl in da picture on you phone?” She asks a little confused “yes sweet pea the girl in the pictures on my phone” you say with a smile “her pretty” Avery says happily “you think she’s pretty?” You ask, she responds with a nod “do you want to meet her?” “YES PWEASE” “ok let’s get your snacks super fast then go see her, she’s coming to the house” “me house” “mhm our house, so we gotta hurry”
You and the kids get your snacks then head back home surprisingly arriving before Capri. As you’re getting the kids out of the car Capri arrives “hey bubs” Capri says as her hands wrap around your waist “Capri baby, I love you soo very much but if I don’t get this lovely little girl in the house she is going to pee in my car” you say as you help Avery unbuckle “oh sorry honey” Capri say backing away to give you some space “is there anything I can help with?” She asks “um yeah can you get Max out?” You say unlocking the front door and letting Avery run inside. Capri brings Max inside the house plus the bags you left in the car “oh baby you didn’t have to do that” you say helping her out by grabbing Max and setting him on the couch then helping her take the snacks to the kitchen and you put two frozen pizzas in the oven. Avery runs out of the bathroom excited to meet Capri “Sweet pea no running, you know the rules” you say in a slightly authoritative tone “sowwy” Avery says looking at the ground “aw so this is the sweet pea I’ve heard about, what’s your name?” Capri says squatting down to be eye contact with Avery, Avery immediately runs behind you “sweet pea I thought you wanted to say hi?” You say trying to look at her “I scared” she says in a loud whisper “she’s nice I promise” you whisper back, Avery still holding on to you stands by your side and waves at Capri “hi, I Avery” “hi Avery I’m Capri, it’s nice to meet you” Avery goes over and hugs Capri “aww” Capri says as she hugs Avery “you my fwiend now” Avery says looking Capri in the eyes “absolutely I’d love to be your friend” Capri says as you walk over to the two of them “hey Aves you wanna go get some toys to play with while we watch a movie?” You say as you wrap your arm around Capri’s waist “otay I go but don’t eat me snacks” Avery says going to her room, you pull Capri in for a kiss “I missed you” you say “I missed you too” Capri says “sissy” Max says yanking at your pants “yes bug?” You say squatting to his level “eat?” He say “oh you’re hungry we’ll remember we got some snacks?” “CHEESE” “yes bug I got you cheese, go get some toys while I set up the movie, ok?” You say as he excitedly goes to his room to get some toys “they are absolutely adorable” Capri says “EAT” max says running to the living room with some toys “BUG NO RUNNING IN THE HOUSE” you yell slightly frustrated “Sweet pea, movie time” you say down the hallway “MOVIE” Avery says walking down the hallway with a blanket and some toys plopping down on the cushions you put on the floor for them. Capri takes the pizzas out and helps set up their snack trays “hey babe does Max have a sippy cup or does he use a normal cup?” She asks putting cheese on his tray “he has a sippy cup, it should be in the fridge next to Avery’s juice boxes” you say looking through movies with the kiddos and them both shaking their heads no at every movie you show them “are you guys being silly?” You say looking at them “noooooo” Avery says then giggles, max starts giggling too “ok that’s it you little tricksters” you say starting to tickle them causing them to giggle more and louder. Capri comes over with both of the snack trays for the little ones “oh what’s going on in here? You guys look silly” Capri says with a laugh, both kids are laying on you and the three of you are giggling “sorry the tickle monster had to get these silly kids under control” you say as both kids get off of you to go in their spots for snacks “tank you capi” Avery says starting to eat her snacks “aw you’re welcome” Capri says “hey goofballs should we let Capri pick the movie since she’s our guest?” You ask them, Max nods with a mouth full of cheese “yeah her pick” Avery says giving you a thumbs up “alright Capri, what shall it be?” You say handing her the remote “tangled?” She suggests “ESS” Max says putting his hands up “he wikes dat one a lot” Avery says with a giggle “that’s a great choice Capri” you say from the kitchen while she starts the movie. You make a snack tray for you and Capri to share grabbing drinks for the both of you.
The kids sit quietly eating their snacks and watching the movie. You sit next to Capri wrapping an arm around her and passing her drink “thank you babe” she says giving to a quick peck on the lips. The kids finish their snacks and play for a little but about 3/4ths of the way into the movie they both start to doze off “aw they’re so sleepy” Capri whispered “I’m gonna take Max first, I’ll be back for Aves” you whisper kissing Capri’s forehead, you gently pick up Max, he shifts a little wrapping his little arms around you then you take him to his room tucking him into bed “good night bug, sweet dreams” you say giving him a kiss on the forehead then heading back to the living room you see that Avery has moved to sit next to Capri, you decide to lean on the wall and just watch them for a minute “capi?” Avery says looking up at Capri “yes?” Capri says looking down at the small girl “you stay so me see you in morning? Pwease” Avery asks “Of course I’ll stay” Capri says with a smile her heart absolutely melting at how adorable this is, you decide to make your presence known “psst, sweet pea” you say motioning her to come to you, she comes over to you and you squat down to her level “are we doing story time tonight?” You ask “yes pwease” she says with a nod followed by a small yawn “do you want to do it on the couch or your room?” You ask “couch, me want capi too” she says excitedly “ok go pick a book and bring it to the couch” you say with a smile, standing up and moving out of her way so she can go in her room “so…are you spending the night?” You ask sitting next to Capri “is that ok?” Capri says looking up at you “of course it’s ok” you say leaning in for a kiss “oh thank goodness because Avery already asked and I said yes” Capri said with a small giggle then connected your lips to hers, it’s a short but sweet kiss. You both pull away a few short seconds after Avery enters the living room with a small book “stowy time” the little girl says as she sits in your lap while also leaning her head on Capri. You read the book and about 5 pages in Avery had fallen asleep “psst, y/n” capri said interrupting you reading “yeah?” “She’s asleep” Capri says and you look down to see an adorable sleeping girl “alright sweet pea, let’s get you in your bed” you said scooping up the small girl and taking her to her room, you come back to see Capri in the kitchen cleaning up, you come up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist “hi baby” you whisper “oh shit y/n you scared me” Capri says a little startled “oh I’m sorry” you say pressing a gentle kiss on her neck “mmm” Capri hums in content, “we can clean in the morning baby, let’s just go in my room and cuddle please” you say then kiss her shoulder “hmm ok babe let’s go” she says turning to face you then giving you a quick kiss, you hold her hand and pull her into your room, you both plop on your bed “do you want to change or are your clothes ok? You ask sitting up but leaning in your forearms “can I borrow some of your clothes?” She asks “of course you can baby “ you say getting up and heading to your closet, you grab the hoodie of your she always likes and some Pyjama shorts “thank you babe” she says when you hand her the clothes, you pull your shirt off and Capri’s eyes linger on you, she comes over and wraps her arms around your bare waist “mmm baby what are you doing” you say with your hand on her arm rubbing it gently with your thumb “nothing you just looked really pretty so I wanted to hug you” she said kissing the back of your neck causing you breath to hitch “nothing more than kisses tonight, ok?” You say Capri turns you around and pulls you in for a kiss “I love you“ Capri says pulling you in for another kiss then hugging you “ok not that I don’t like it but why are you being so clingy? Is everything ok?” You ask “mhm I’m good” the two decide to lay down “babe” “yes baby” “do you think we’ll ever have kids…like together?” Capri asks
“yeah baby I think I’d like that, wait why are you bringing that up?” you say gently massaging Capri’s scalp “seeing you today with Avery and Max, I don’t know I guess it just made me wonder about us” she says getting a little shy “aw baby, really?” You ask kissing her forehead “yeah, I think you’d make an amazing mom” Capri says rubbing her thumb along your knuckles “you’d be an amazing mom too baby, seeing you especially with Avery who typically doesn’t like new people made my heart just full of joy, I can’t wait to see where life takes us” you say giving her a gentle kiss, she then lets out a small yawn “mmm babe I’m tired” she mumbles into your neck “me too baby” you say as you pull her in close to cuddle “good night my love” capri says with her head on your chest “good night baby” you say, you both doze off and dream about your future together
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solarmorrigan · 2 years
Dustin barely remembers his dad.
This isn’t his dad’s fault, of course; he’d died when Dustin was pretty young. His mom had been too broken up about it to even think about dating for a long time, and after a while she’d just started telling Dustin that he’s the only man she needs in her life (this declaration is met with either a smile or an eye-roll, depending on the day). And that’s perfectly fine, Dustin isn’t trying to push his mom into anything she doesn’t want, it’s just that it left him without any kind of older male figure in his life for pretty much his entire childhood.
And it’s not like his mom didn’t do a perfectly good job raising and providing for him. He loves her and wouldn’t trade her for anything. It’s not that she isn’t enough – it’s just that there are certain things that dads are better applied to, that’s all.
Things like bullies.
Sure, if Dustin’s mom learned that he was getting bullied, she’d probably march right down to the school and badger the administration until they agreed to “do something about it,” but that would amount to almost nothing, because teachers (and Dustin says this with all the fondness in the world for Mr. Clarke) are kind of useless. Being able to yell something like If you don’t leave me alone, I’ll get my dad to beat you up! would have been way more satisfying.
(Dustin gets that this isn’t a bulletproof plan. Mike had tried this once, hoping to bluff his way through, since his dad is unlikely to do much more than tell him to go ask his mom for a bag of frozen peas if he comes home with bruises, but it had resulted in pretty much the normal amount of being beaten up. Dustin’s not saying it’s effective, just that it would be satisfying.)
But then, the second time the Upside Down rears its faceless-yet-ugly head, Dustin is granted an unexpected boon: Steve Harrington.
The Dustin of the pre-Mindflayer days would be disgusted with himself, but that Dustin can suck it, because present-day Dustin now has a friend who’ll help him hunt monsters, and who has a car, and who gives him tips on how to do his hair and how to pick up girls (and maybe they’re not really useful tips, but it’s still part of what Dustin has always wanted), and who’s pretty cool, actually.
A big brother is almost as good as a dad, right? Big brothers are definitely supposed to fight off bullies for you.
Except, Dustin realizes with disappointment as he thinks back, Steve isn’t exactly a fighter. Like, not a good one. In fact, he’s pretty sure Steve has never actually won a fight in his life.
So, no, he’s probably not Dustin’s best bet for fighting bullies off.
But that’s okay, Dustin likes him anyway (even if this does leave him back at square one). Steve’s good for other things.
Other things that apparently involve rolling up in front of the school with almost unrealistically good timing just as Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Will are getting out of AV club (Max has refused to join because it’s “too nerdy” for her, which Dustin figures is her loss) and are being followed by a couple of hecklers – Donny and Ken, this time. El might’ve scared off James and Troy, but middle school bullydom is a power vacuum that will always draw some new asshole to the top.
It's nothing they haven’t heard before. Comments about their being nerds and freaks, stuff about Will’s “resurrection,” stuff about Dustin’s condition. Maybe they’re getting a little meaner, because there’s a little more homophobic shit in there than there used to be, a little more racist shit, but it’s not like they’re going to let themselves be rattled by a couple of bullies, not after everything they’ve faced together.
But it is… annoying.
(Fine, it’s hurtful. Words still hurt, apparently, even if you’ve fought literal extradimensional monsters and won, which Dustin feels is a flaw in the design of the human brain.)
Donny and Ken do slow up a little when they spot Steve’s car, but so do Dustin and the rest of the party, because they have no idea what Steve is doing there.
Steve, entirely oblivious to everyone’s confusion, gets out of the car and smiles and waves at them. It’s only because Dustin is watching in bewilderment that he sees the way Steve’s attention flashes just for a second to the boys standing behind them, but he’s not sure if he’s imagining the way his eyes narrow a little, or the way his smile suddenly seems a little sharper.
“Hey, Steve,” Dustin waves back, because this is kinda weird, but it’s not like he’s unhappy to see his friend. “What’re you doing here?”
Steve shrugs. “Wasn’t busy this afternoon, and I remembered you mentioned having your club thing tonight. Thought I’d give you a ride.” He strides forward, holding out his hands. “I’ll put your stuff in the back and we can get going.”
“Is this a kidnapping?” Mike stares at Steve suspiciously, even though Dustin, Lucas, and Will are already shouldering off their bags.
“No, it is not a kidnapping,” Steve snaps. “See if I ever do a favor for your rude ass again, Wheeler. You want a ride, or not?”
Mike sighs and rolls his eyes, but hands his backpack to Steve anyway, and with all four bags in hand, Steve rounds the back of the car and pops the trunk.
“Just gotta make some room,” Steve says, leaning in and pushing some things around. One of those things comes tumbling out of the trunk and hits the pavement with a clatter of wood and metal.
The nail bat.
And despite Steve’s reasonably convincing mutter of “Whoops, that wasn’t supposed to happen,” there’s no way it could have been anything but intentional, because Steve usually keeps the bat safely stowed at the back of the trunk, since he wants to avoid being arrested or otherwise under suspicion for carrying something that is very obviously a weapon.
He pushes their backpacks into the trunk and then picks the bat up, gives it that twirl that Dustin still can’t quite figure out the purpose of (does it actually help, or does it just look cool?) and props it up on his shoulder. When he looks up, he looks past their little group and pretends to spot Donny and Ken for the first time, where they’re still skulking curiously at the edge of the parking lot.
“Oh, hey.” Steve takes a few steps forward, grinning amiably, reaching out with his free hand, as if he’s completely forgotten he’s holding a baseball bat full of nails in his other, and offering it to the two of them to shake. “Sorry, didn’t see you there. I’m Steve. You two friends with my guys?”
(Dustin likes the way Steve says that: my guys. Like he’s adopted the whole lot of them and is going to stand between them and hell, because they’re his – but they’re not just kids, they’re guys; like they’re equals. Dustin likes it a lot.)
Pale and wide-eyed, neither Donny nor Ken manages more than a sort of uhh noise before Lucas pipes up.
“Not exactly.”
It’s then that Steve lets his posture change, shifting from the comfortable and approachable one Dustin’s gotten used to, and into something squared and solid.
“Not exactly, huh?” Steve says, looking between Donny and Ken, his voice gone a little sharper. “You wanna clear that one up for me, boys? I mean, you don’t give my guys here trouble, do you?”
“No!” Donny chokes out. Ken shakes his head quickly.
“No?” Steve asks.
“Nah. No, in fact, we were just heading home,” Donny says. Ken has become a bobblehead.
And then they do just that, practically running home with their tails between their legs.
“Huh,” Steve says, turning back towards the car with a smirk, giving the bat another lazy twirl before stuffing it safely into the back of the trunk. “Wonder what got into them?”
Dustin, Lucas, Will, and even Mike barely stop laughing the whole way home.
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The Terrifying Ordeal of Falling in Love with Leon Kennedy
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader (female reader)
Series Warnings: Minor injuries, Leon teases reader a lot, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Drinking, Drinking followed by driving, DO NOT DO THAT THIS IS FICTION, Anxiety, Leon S. Kennedy has PTSD, Leon has an anxiety attack, Anxiety Attacks, Swearing, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Nightmares, Leon S. Kennedy has Nightmares, Cuddling & Snuggling, Probably incorrect medical talk, Strangulation in one tiny little scene, Reader's brother was a cop who was KIA, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Grief/Mourning, Christmas Fluff, Mistletoe, Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Arguing, Love Confessions, Looking for Alaska is mentioned, Inconvenient Love Confessions, Penis In Vagina Sex, Dirty Talk, Dirty Thoughts, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Leon loves eating Pussy change my mind, Shower Makeout, romantic smut, Desperate Leon S. Kennedy, They are both desperate for each other tbh, They say I love you as they come, Scar Kissing, Enthusiastic Consent, Always pee after sex, UTI PREVENTION, POV First Person, No use of Y/N
Words: 5.1K
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December 2004
I want you to know that I’m never leaving
Cause I’m Mrs. Snow, til death we’ll be freezing
Yeah you are my home, my home for all seasons
So come on, let’s go
-Snowman, Sia
“I thought you were going home for Christmas?” Leon asks as I step back in through the door to our apartment. Snow clings to my eyelashes from the light flurry outside, flakes landing on my cheeks when I blink, only to melt instantly. My skin is darkened in a blush, most likely due to the cold air and the sight of Leon lounging on our floor in nothing but a pair of red plaid pajama bottoms.
“I am. Pack your shit,” I order, and Leon actually seems surprised.
“I am going home. But I’m not leaving you here alone. Come on.”
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Stepping inside the family home, the relief washing over Leon is almost tangible, the smell of vanilla and peppermint meddling together in a beautiful Christmas scented concoction. My mom giggles inside the kitchen straight ahead - cheeks pink with her braid’s strands falling loose - my dad’s strong arms wrapped around her, his stubble tickling her jaw, along with his red scratchy sweater rubbing against her bare arms as well. She continues to smile and laugh until her bright blue eyes land on us coming in the door.
“Oh, it’s my baby!” Tugging herself out of my father’s grip, she rushes to us, wrapping my shoulders in a tight hug and her flyaway strands brush against my nose.
“Mom, I’m not a baby anymore,” I giggle, her excitement contagious. She pulls back, hands cupping my cheeks to look at me with a stern smile.
“You will always be my baby.” Her gaze drifts behind me, and she releases me easily, walking toward Leon and pulling him into a hug by the shoulders, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so surprised since I met him. His right arm is holding his duffel bag, his grip tight enough that I’m sure he has white knuckles beneath his black cotton gloves. His left arm comes up, hesitantly resting on her shoulder blade, like he doesn’t quite know how exactly to hug someone. She pulls back, cupping his face the same way she did with mine. “Welcome to the family, Leon.” I watch the exchange hesitantly, unsure of how he’ll react to my mother’s unwavering need to share as much love as possible, but my attention is pulled to my dad as he walks toward me.
“How you doing Squish?” My dad comes up, arms coming around me as I roll my eyes.
“I’m good, Dad. Been really busy lately,” I explain, trying to justify my lack of phone calls. He removes his arms, never having been one for physical affection, but very talented in showing his love in other ways, like remembering something as silly as my dislike of tomatoes or that I hate the color ‘pea green’.
“That’s alright, Squish.” His attention goes to his wife and Leon, who are still chatting quietly, although Mom has decided to give Leon his own space by now. “Leon, right?” He offers Leon his hand, voice calm and relaxed unlike the first time Leon met James. Leon takes his hand confidently. This he knows how to do.
“Yes, sir.” Dad gives it a firm shake before releasing him.
“Please, Matthew is fine. If Squish was willing to bring you, then you’re definitely family by this point,” he pointed out, clapping a hand against Leon’s shoulder quickly, a friendly gesture for him.
“Do you two wanna go get settled?” My mom asks, gesturing to the duffel in Leon’s hand and mine on the floor.
“Yeah, thanks Mom.” I reach down to grab my bag, but am beaten to it when Leon’s hand grips it instead, picking it up before gesturing forward with it with a little swing.
“Your old room, okay, baby?” I nod, leading the way up the stairs, Leon following leisurely following behind me. I don’t realize how embarrassing that will be until I open the door and flick on the lights. The walls are still painted a light shade of pink, and while the walls are barren now, my desk is covered in pictures that mom clearly didn’t quite know what to do with, and I reach over, shoving them into the drawer hastily before closing it with a scrape.
“Hiding something, sweetheart?” He smirks, setting the bags down with a smirk, ocean eyes locked on me.
“Just old pictures that you definitely don’t need to see,” I mumble before eyeing the bed. “I hope it’s okay that I didn’t ask my mom for the air mattress? I still can if it bothers you-” I stutter, fingers twisting together anxiously.
“Sweetheart, I sleep in your bed at least once a week. I think I can handle it.” There’s that cocky attitude again. I roll my eyes before raising my hands in defense.
“I was just offering,” I defend, a giggle breaking at the end as I lift my duffel bag onto the bed. It’s not much smaller than mine at the apartment, but the sheets are a dark pink with a blue flannel comforter resting on top of it and I feel my cheeks tinge the same color as the sheets.
“Seems like you really liked pink, sweetheart.” Leon follows my actions, setting his duffel next to mine before removing his gloves and jacket. He sets them on the desk behind me, and I focus my vision on the snow falling out the window. Thank god she didn’t take out my light blocking curtains. I jump as Leon’s hands land on my shoulders. “Sorry, didn’t realize you were zoned. I was gonna take your coat.” I unzip it and shrug it off with Leon’s help, his fingers grazing against my sweatered arm, but it feels like he’s raking his nails down my bare skin leaving fire scorching the tender flesh.
“Thanks, Leon.” He hums behind me, and I turn to him as he sets my coat down. His expression is unreadable and I immediately feel the need to apologize. “Leon, I’m really sorry about my mom, she can be a bit-”
“No, it’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all,” he admits, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. “I should have though, given how much you love hugging me,” he teases, burying the rest of the conversation beneath his joking smile. I slap my arm across his arm playfully. I open my mouth to reply when I hear the door open downstairs, followed by Natalie’s joyful cries.
“Looks like Nat and James are here,” I mumble, the teasing energy in the room disappearing beneath the cries of my little sister downstairs.
“Sounds like. We should head down.”
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3 glasses of wine in and I am giggling like there’s no tomorrow. My mom is at my side, just as much liquor in her system. My dad looks on in amusement, and my eyes flit over to Leon and find him locked in a conversation with James, his own glass resting on the table with his fingers wrapped around it. I’d like to have his fingers wrapped around me. He has calluses all over his hands. Would they feel rough against my skin, like sand between your fingers at the beach? Or would they feel softer than they look, pressing against my stomach as he buries his face between my-
My mom gasping pulls me out my dirty thoughts, and I look at her quickly, uncaring of the blush on my cheeks. They’ll think it’s the wine.
“I’m going to grab the scrapbook!” She yelps as she gets up from the table in a flurry, not unlike the snow outside, followed by a chorus of ‘Mom no!’ She comes back in, a dorky family photo covering the front. One with Keegan still on the cover. “Okay, so the only one in this room who hasn’t seen this is Leon, so he needs to come sit over here.”
“Um, he absolutely does not!” I shout, covering the chair my mom vacated so he could sit between us. I look up and see his shit eating grin, crystal glass in his hand as he walks over.
“You gonna move, sweetheart?” I shake my head, and by this point, I know my entire face is the color of a tomato. “I can just pick you up?” A glare tossed in his direction. A silent ‘you wouldn’t dare’. Apparently, he would dare. He lifts my upper body like it’s nothing, and I don’t know why I’m surprised. What if he lifted me for something else? His hands gripping my thighs, my back pressed against the wall, his bare and sweaty chest pressed to me as his lips explore mine. He plants himself next to my chair, and I sink into the chair, arousal pooling in my panties and making my whole body thrum on the wooden chair. God, he smells amazing. His arm rests on the back of my chair, heat radiating from him and sending shockwaves down my spine.
The book crackles as it opens, and much to my dismay, there is a tiny version of myself looking back out, face pulled back into an almost too large grin. Talk about pouring an ice cold bucket over my arousal. I couldn’t have been any older than 4. I grimace at the face, suddenly acutely aware of Leon chuckling beside me. He doesn’t need to look like that while laughing at me.
“Oh, this one right here?” My mom points at a picture of Keegan and myself at the community pool. I was barely walking, maybe 2, while Keegan was 8. He had me in his arms, and the wide smile on my lips actually makes me smile this time. My brother was my favorite person in the whole world. “This is the first day we took the kids to the community pool. We took our eyes off of her for 2 minutes. Mistake.” Oh, fuck. No.
“Mom, we really don’t need to tell this story,” I try and reason before Leon reaches forward, grabbing my wine glass and handing it to me. “What is this-”
“You need to drink a bit more cause I definitely need to hear this one.” You fucker. He looks back at my mom expectantly. My mom giggles before continuing.
“Well, Squish had never swam in a pool that wasn’t at home. We took our eyes off of her, and by the time we looked back, she was completely naked!” Maybe if I melt into the floor, this will be easier. Leon can have the apartment and just keep my melted corpse in a jar so that he can claim I still live there. I’m sure he can access my bank account. Leon is laughing like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard, and my mom and Natalie giggle like they always do. I am going to be the star of the embarrassing stories tonight. I should never have brought him. He’ll never let me live this shit down.
“Oh, Mom!” Natalie yelps, reaching forward to the book, flipping pages until she finds the one she is searching for. “You gotta tell him the caterpillar story!”
“I actually already spilled that one,” James admits, taking a small sip from his can of sparkling water. “But the picture of them looking at it before disaster struck makes it funnier.” My mom points to the picture taken from the side of Natalie looking on in wonder at the little white, black, and yellow speckled caterpillar that rested in my small palms. I was 6. Natalie was 4. Her wide eyes stare at the small bug in amazement, as if she had never seen anything more precious. My own gaze is fascinated, if not a little smiley, the tickling of the insect on my fingers.  I have a vivid memory of the tears that spilled from my eyes at realizing it had been squished, and mom threw those purple shorts away, given the hysterics it sent me into every time I saw them for the next month.
“I’ve never seen you look at anything like that,” Leon jokes, and I don’t have the heart to tell him that that’s because everything that I have ever looked at like that has died.
“She cried for weeks, she was so upset about this little bug,” Mom utters, almost confused.
“Sounds like she was never cut out to take lives, just to heal them.” He says the words so matter of factly, as if there’s no doubt in his mind. Only heal them.
“That’s a perfect way to think about her, honestly.” She flips the pages absentmindedly, searching for more memories to embarrass me with, presumably. She flips past teenage angsty years, and stops at the picture of the whole family on my graduation date. Purple robes, holding my diploma like it was my whole life on a plate. Oh, how naive. “This was the day she graduated from nursing school.” I feel tears spring into my eyes. He was supposed to be on the day shift that day, but he had to switch with someone, taking the night shift. So he could be at my graduation. I lean back, arms folded across my chest. “We were so proud of her. Keegan was so proud of her.”
“It is quite the accomplishment.” Leon has the decency to seem impressed, and maybe he actually is, and I feel my heart swell. Keegan was proud of me, and I remember reveling in that. My big brother, who meant everything to me, was proud of me.
“Keegan was always my biggest supporter throughout school, even let me practice nursing techniques on him whenever I had an exam or something,” I say without thinking, eyes glancing at the photo again.
“Squish, that pressure is a bit too tight,” he says, pulling the wrapping a little more loose around his fake injury.
“Sorry, I didn’t-”
“Stop panicking. You got it out now. So you’ll ace it tomorrow, yeah?”
“He seems like he was a great guy,” Leon comments, placing a hand on my shoulder as he notices the tears brimming in my eyes. One slips out as I blink, and as I move to wipe it away, I can’t help but release a sad laugh as I speak.
“He would have loved you.” Then my head is in the crook of Leon’s neck, warmth encasing the sides of my face in an embrace. More tears slip out as I wrap an arm across his stomach, holding his side gently.
“Okay, maybe it’s time for bed, yeah? Amelia, will you put that away hon?” Dad mutters, hands slapping down on his thighs as he stands, taking the final sip of his drink. My mom rolls her eyes, but agrees by closing the book. 
“I’ll bring it out again tomorrow and show you the time she decided to fingerpaint herself and the whole hallway,” she promises with a wink and I gasp.
“Mom, n-”
“I can’t wait,” Leon adds, smile turning the corners of his lips upward.
The family retires fairly quick given it’s going on 11:30pm. I wobble slightly on the first step up the stairs, and, deciding it’s not worth risking, Leon’s arms scoop up under my knees and behind my back, carrying me up the carpeted steps bridal style, and it seems like I weigh nothing to him. Maybe I don’t? Setting me down gently on the bed, he reaches into my duffel and pulls out a comfortable shirt and some sleep shorts before turning away, giving me the privacy to change while he rifles through his own clothing.
“Leon, why were you encouraging my tipsy mother to tell you all of my dirty secrets?” The tease is evident, or at least I thought it was.
“Cause I don’t remember hardly anything like that from my childhood. I guess it’s kinda nice to hear that you did.” I turn toward him at his reveal of this information, and am met with his muscular back. He’s already clad in sweatpants, the same flannel ones he was wearing before we left the apartment, and he holds the tee shirt in his hands, glaring at it as if he was deciding whether it had personally wounded him or not.
“You don’t remember your childhood?” He circles around, seeing my sight already locked on his figure. He chuckles, tossing the shirt in his duffel before climbing into the bed, sliding under the pink sheets, and I giggle at the sight of his wrapped in dark pink jersey fabric. Hesitating, I wrap my arms around myself, thinking I may have asked him something that wasn’t a sharing topic, and he whistles to catch my gaze.
“Turn the lights off and get in here.” Then his arms open up. Flicking the light off quickly before darting across the old room in the mostly darkened area, save for the faint moonlight peeking in, Leon’s warm embrace is always welcome. An arm goes around my shoulder as my nose presses to his sternum with a content sigh. It’s hard to miss the way he chuckles at my quick wiggle to adjust myself into a comfortable position. The arm around my shoulder tightens, moving until his fingers are able to card through my hair softly. When he speaks, it’s into the crown of my head, whispers dancing across the strands and skin there.
“No. I don’t. My parents died when I was really little, and there was a cop that took me in, given the amount of trouble I was getting into, but he couldn’t actually adopt me, so I spent most of my childhood bouncing around foster homes in that area before I hit 18. As soon as I graduated, I went to school to get my associate’s degree in law enforcement, and then thankfully, got accepted into the academy the first time I applied.” I give him a soft squeeze, silently thanking him for sharing more about himself with me. My tipsy brain is in awe of him, and I know without a doubt, that my sober brain is too. God, he’s incredible. He chuckles, the sound rumbling in his chest and my heart flutters at the sensation. “I think you got that backwards, sweetheart.” I look up at him confused and he places a sweet kiss against my forehead, the skin lighting up like the lights on the christmas tree. “You’re the incredible one.” Oh god, I said that out loud.
“Leon?” The words are whispered now.
“Yeah?” Leon easily matches the tone of the room.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For always coming back. When you leave, you always come back. I know you can’t always control it, but… I’m glad.” The admittance turns my cheeks a dark shade, and I am thankful for the darkness of the bedroom.
“I’ll always come back to you.” A reassuring squeeze. A kiss placed against soft hair. In the silence of the room, it almost comes out.
I love you. I am terrified, but I am in love with you, Leon Kennedy.
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“Wait, wait. Are those matching PJs?” Leon’s face is confused, staring at the red and white plaid pj pants in my hands.
“They are, but you absolutely do not need to wear them. I just thought it would be fun because my family always wears PJs all day on Christmas Day. You don’t-” I’m rambling at this point, words stuttering together like my tongue has decided to suddenly stop working.
“Give ‘em here.” Did he just reach for them with grabby hands? I hand them over regardless and I stare at them in his hands for a moment before him clearing his throat catches my attention. “Did you wanna watch me change, or did you wanna turn around?” He asks the question with a smirk, teasing while twirling his pointer finger in a circle. I suck in a breath before turning quickly, trying so hard to hold the blush away from my cheeks by pressing my cool hands against them. It’s hard not to let my imagination run wild at the sounds of him shifting around behind me, mind conjuring up plenty of dirty images of turning around to find him wearing, well… nothing. Imagine the smirk he’d fucking wear. The way he’d tease me over the obviously surprised face I’d make. That confident stride as-
Stop. Stop sexualizing your best friend.
“You done back there, Superman?”
“Yeah, you’re good.” I turn on my heel, and for a second, my heart stutters in my chest. He changed his shirt too, so we actually match.
“Ready to celebrate Christmas the right way, Kennedy?” I offer my hand, and he hesitates, looking at it like it could reach forward and bite him. “Hey.” His eyes find mine, nerves still swimming in those baby blues.
“Do you trust me?” He nods.
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“So when her father and I walked in, there she was covered in red paint! When I asked her what she was doing, she just giggled and yelled ‘I’m a strawberry, mommy!’” The table erupts into laughter, and I can feel the heat on my cheeks, from the embarrassment or the spiked eggnog, I can’t tell. 
“You wanted to be a strawberry?” Leon is practically wheezing by this point, and I can’t remember a time when I’ve ever seen him laugh this hard. I can feel the slightest giggle break through my smile as I explain.
“Listen, I really liked strawberries!” This only serves to make the man beside me laugh even more, his hand resting against his abs as if he was holding them to prevent them from splitting.
“Oh my god, that’s adorable!”
“I’m adorable, I know.” The sarcasm drips from my words like melting snow.
“You are.” His arm is there then, slung over my shoulders, not even the back of the chair this time. Straight warmth of his bare arms seeping through my thin white tee shirt. Ugh, he can’t just say shit like that.
“Um, do you want another drink, Superman?” I ask, stuttering a bit without the intention of doing so. His smile still glows, and I can practically feel myself slipping deeper and deeper in love with him.
“Sure. Thanks, sweetheart,” he thanks, handing me his mug when I gesture to it.
“Yeah.” Once I’m in the kitchen, out of sight, my lungs suck in a gasping breath. Chill out. You are being terrifyingly obvious. A deep chuckle sounds from the entry and I turn to the sounds quickly.
“You doing okay in here, Squish?” My dad asks, a teasing lithe in his voice as he pours warm eggnog into his mug before reaching toward me, gesturing for mine and Leon’s, which I hand over easily, noting the shaking of my hands.
“Yeah, I’m fine, Dad,” I remark, palms rubbing over my arm in some unsuccessful attempt at self-soothing.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.” There’s more he wants to say.
“What Dad? You obviously have something else to say.” The sound comes out much more exasperated than I originally intended. He hands the mugs back to me, the sudden warmth oozing through my veins like some sweet kind of drug. A Christmas drug. Gingerbread flavored ecstasy? The thought makes me laugh at myself.
“I know what you told Mom. I know what you told Nat. Hell, I can tell what you tell Leon. What I wanna know is what you tell yourself.”
“About what?”
“How you feel about him.” Even Dad has noticed.
“Dad, he’s my best-”
“Your best friend. I know.”
“Then what else is there to it?” He wants me to say it. He wants me to acknowledge the feelings he knows are there.
“Listen, sweetheart. I can’t make you admit things. I just want you to know that any man who has the honor of having you love him? Well they’re one lucky s-o-b.” The tears well up in my eyes and the look my dad wears, it says more than any words I could muster up. I set the mugs down on the counter and wrap my arms around his middle, his palms running through the strands of my hair as my tears fall freely, catching on the scratchy red fabric of his customary Christmas sweater. “I know you’re scared, but it’s okay. It’s okay to love someone, sweetheart.”
The sounds of quick feet and fast thumping up the stairs draws our attention, and I wipe my cheeks before grabbing the still-warm mugs. Stepping back out into the main dining room and I’m met with something I thought I’d never see.
Molly’s tiny body is tucked into Leon’s forearm, the muscle tensing in anxiety as he cradles this small human. Her head is tilted toward his chest and her eyes are wide open. She inherited her mother’s bright green eyes. Holy shit he’s holding a baby. I think my ovaries are exploding. His face is passive, and if you didn’t know better, you wouldn’t think he was phased. Too bad I know better.
“You okay there, Superman?” I tease, setting the mugs down before plopping myself down into the chair next to him.
“Please take her,” he whispers, as if raising his voice any louder will break Molly’s carefully maintained peace. She tilts her head slightly before her lip drops into a small frown. “She’s gonna scream please, I don’t know what to do.”
“You’ve never held a baby before?” I ask, setting my hand on his arm. He’s as warm as normal, and I feel the hair on his skin stand on edge as my fingers graze against it. He shakes his head with fervor, fear lighting up the blues of his iris’.
“Sweetheart, seriously. She’s about to cry.” I shake my head with a giggle as I stand to help the big strong government agent. Instead of taking her though, I shift her in his arms so she is settled comfortably in the crook of his elbow, her head cradled while her body is supported by his arm as the frown fades from her tiny features. His other arm sits on his thigh, twitching in anxiety.
“You weren’t holding her right, that’s why she was so upset. Here, take your other arm like this,” I say, tenderly grabbing his hand and placing it against her belly, where she reaches for his hand. Molly’s little fingers wrap around his, one hand gripping his pointer finger while the other holds his pinky, and he releases an almost inaudible gasp as he notices this. “You okay?” I ask before I glance up at his face. Leon’s got tears in his eyes, and for a second, I worry that I overstepped. He asked me to take her. Why didn’t I just listen when-
“She’s so… tiny…” There is wonder in his tone, voice whispy and awe-struck. “How does something so precious and small turn into…”
“A person?” He nods in response. “Through a lot of love and TLC,” I say with a chuckle.
“Well that explains a lot about me,” he mumbles. His parents. I give his arm a quick squeeze before resting my cheek on his shoulder; I can feel the muscles tense before relaxing beneath my jaw.
“I think you turned out to be a great person, Superman.”
“Thanks.” It’s whispered, and I wouldn’t have heard him if I wasn’t sitting so close. The silence is comfortable as Molly’s eyes begin to drift closed, grip still tight on Leon’s much larger fingers.
“So, ever want any?” I question, a teasing smile on my lips even though Leon definitely can’t see it.
“What, kids?” I nod against his shoulder muscle. “I don’t know. I don’t think it’ll ever be in the cards.”
“Why?” Pulling back to look at him, confused.
“Have you seen what I do?” He lightly shakes with laughter. “I’m not exactly father material.”
“I think you’d be a great dad.” The words come out unconsciously. For a beat, not a sound passes between us besides our breaths and Molly’s hushed cooing as she slips into a presumably warm slumber. Leon shifts slowly so as to not stir Molly, and when I turn to look to see what has captured his attention, our noses brush. Completely sober. Wide awake. He just looks at me. If I blink, I’ll miss the look in his eyes. The fleeting longing. The quick glance at my lips. Without thinking, my tongue darts out to wet them.
“Just…” he whispers as the distance between us shrinks, and it takes a pause for me to realize we’re both leaning in. His breath brushes against my lips, a slight chill skimming them from the moisture left from when I wet them. Lids sliding shut, heavy from the weight of anticipation. For a fleeting moment, they brush.
“Leon, thank you so much for taking Molly-” Natalie rushes into the room and we fly apart as if lightning has struck both of us, straight through our spines. “Oh, am I interrupting something?” Quickly mumbled ‘no’s follow before Leon passes Molly back over to her mother before she falls into too deep of a sleep. Bright red cheeks, huffed out breaths. When I finally manage to meet his eyes, the contact doesn’t last. We almost… Was he going to…
Hours pass, a Christmas movie playing in the background as I catch the agent’s attention, gesturing to the dining room with a jerk of my head, and without a word, he follows.
“What’s up, sweetheart?” He plants himself in a chair, and I follow suit, perching in the chair next to him.
“I know we said no gifts, but…” The small rectangle is wrapped in red paper that is decorated with pictures of Frosty the Snowman, and I press it into his hands without further question.
“Just… Just open it.” He sighs before digging his fingers into the flimsy paper, revealing the gift inside. “It’s not much, but you made a comment about not having anything personal on your desk at work, so…” The frame is made of simple black wood, but the picture inside is what matters. It was over the summer. He was home for a few weeks, and Claire insisted on us all going to the beach. We were all at least 3 shots of tequila deep when this picture was taken. A silly piggy back ride that I attempted to squirm free from after I realized his intent was absolutely to drop me in the chilly ocean water. My hair is in a swirl around my head, strands of it even sticking to Leon’s sweaty skin. Bright grins from both of us, and for a moment, it’s easy to forget that he has seen hell and back. My eyes are squeezed shut as I wheeze from laughter, and his are locked on my face beside him. My swimsuit is barely visible, mostly covered by my hair and Leon’s bare chest. We look happy. He looks happy.
“This is…”
“I know, it’s not great but I just-”
“It’s perfect.” He looks up at me as he leans forward, arm winding around my shoulders to tug me into an overheated hug that causes me to start sweating immediately. “Thank you.” The air feels brisk once he lets go, the sudden warmth vanishing as quickly as it appeared. Rising from my chair, I offer him a hand.
“Wanna go finish that movie, Superman?”
“Not so fast!” Natalie yelps as she rushes in from the living room, and Leon and I both freeze in place, both of us standing by this point, looking at her with confused glances. She points up with her finger and my eyes follow the gesture.
They put mistletoe in the fucking dining room? I can practically feel the blush crawling across my cheeks painfully slow, and I drop my eyes to the floor as my arms wrap around each other. Light footsteps rush out of the room, and I realize Natalie has bolted out of the room. BITCH.
“We don’t have to actually-” his hand slides under my chin, tilting my head up and before I can even process it, his lips press to mine. It’s short-lived, but it’s impossible to miss the subtle taste of eggnog and rum. The warmth. Spearmint. His lips are chapped, although that hardly matters at the moment, heart fluttering against my chest as he pulls back, just enough for our noses to brush again. I am never going to be able to forget this.
“Thank you.” Neither of us have opened our eyes, almost afraid to break these precious seconds.
“For what?” I whisper back.
“For everything.”
Leon: @house-of-kolchek @bonnibuckets @athanasia-day @muffimtv Everything: @chaosandbubbles @kassiekolchek22 @akiramoon8088
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mimisempai · 3 months
You're the only light in my blurry world 10/10
Chapter summary
It's time for Sarah to be reunited with her parents and for our two lovebirds to begin their life together.
Thank you so much to everyone who followed this story, for your comments and for your kudos. I hope you enjoyed this little story.
On Ao3
Rating G -  2735 words
Masterpost for this fic : here
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Aziraphale had barely passed through the school gates when he found himself with his arms full of Sarah.
The little girl held the angel pendant up to his eyes and said, "It's me, Sarah!"
Aziraphale laughed and said, "Thank you, sweetie. Did you get all your stuff? Did you say goodbye to the teacher?"
She showed him her school bag and then, pointing to a woman standing outside the entrance, said, "Yes, that's the teacher from the other morning, she recognized you."
Aziraphale set Sarah down, then took her hand and replied, "All right, let's go."
"Are we going home?"
"No? Where are we going?"
Aziraphale smiled and replied, "We're going to the park, your brother's meeting us there, he said something about feeding the ducks and we'll have ice cream and there's even a surprise."
Sarah jumped up and exclaimed, "A surprise? What?"
Aziraphale chuckled and replied, "If I tell you, it won't be a surprise anymore, will it?"
About twenty minutes later, they arrived at the park, and it was Sarah who immediately spotted Crowley.
"Big brother!"
She let go of Aziraphale's hand and ran to her brother.
Crowley hugged her before putting her down again, and she grabbed his hand, then when Aziraphale reached her, she held out her other hand to him.
As they entered the park, Aziraphale could hear some people talking.
"Oh, what a lovely family."
"A lovely couple with a cute little girl."
Aziraphale noticed that people were talking about them and wondered if this was really the image they were projecting.
That of a loving family.
In any case, he couldn't deny the pleasant warm feeling the thought gave him, and when his gaze shifted to Crowley, he saw a feeling in his lover's eyes that echoed his own. 
They arrived near the ice cream stand and stopped to buy some.
Moments later, they were on their way, ice cream in hand. Crowley had a vanilla flake, Aziraphale a strawberry lolly and Sarah a chocolate cone.
They soon found a bench near the pond and sat down to enjoy their ice cream.
After a few minutes, Sarah couldn't stand still, and as soon as she finished her ice cream, she jumped off the bench and started running in the grass.
But Aziraphale held her back before pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiping her chocolate smeared lips.
Crowley chuckled softly and said, "A real doting father."
Aziraphale blushed slightly and Crowley added softly, "It suits you."
They exchanged glances again when suddenly Sarah interjected, "Big brother, can I go feed the ducks?"
Aziraphale asked in amazement, "What are you going to feed them with, sweetie?"
"Oh, I'm sure Crowley has just the right thing in his pocket."
Aziraphale's eyes turned to Crowley, who was rummaging in his pocket. He soon pulled out a small bag that Aziraphale couldn't make out what it was and handed it to Sarah.
He asked, "What is it?" 
Sarah stood in front of him and waved the bag in front of him and said, like someone who had learned her lesson, "These are frozen peas. That's what you feed the ducks. They love it, and it's good for them. This is what big brother told me. He even called someone an idiot once for throwing bread at them."
But Sarah had already walked away, laughing.
Aziraphale moved a little closer to Crowley and asked with a raised eyebrow, "Tell me, how do you know so much about ducks?"
"When it was just me and Mom and we weren't rolling in dough, she'd take me out here to play and we'd come and feed the ducks. She grew up on a farm and knew a lot about it. Later, I took Sarah there, too."
Aziraphale put his hand on Crowley's, which was between them on the bench, and intertwined their fingers as he said, "I'm glad you have such a lovely relationship with Sarah, even though there's a big age difference between you.
Crowley replied quietly, "Alex is a good man, he's been good to Mom and me. He's never made a distinction between me and Sarah. I've never felt like an outcast in the family. My mother is finally happy, and that's the most important thing."
Releasing Crowley's hand to put his arm around his lover's shoulders, Aziraphal asked gently, "Are you happy, too? Because that's important, too."
Crowley turned his face fully toward him and, eyes locked with Aziraphale's, replied softly, "Now I am," then closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to his in a tender kiss.
"Is that how you keep an eye on our daughter?"
They both gasped and quickly broke off before turning their heads in the direction of the voice.
Crowley called out, "Mom, Alex, you're here a little earlier than expected!"
Alex chuckled softly and replied, "I admit we're early for once."
Aziraphale was a little apprehensive because he couldn't quite make out the expressions on Crowley's mother and stepfather's faces, and he didn't know them well enough to be able to make anything out of their voices. But he was soon reassured when Crowley's mother walked over to her son and hugged him tightly as she said, "Hello, my boy."
Then she stepped back and walked over to Aziraphale, who held out his hand in greeting.
Alice shook her head and replied, "None of that," then hugged him in turn and whispered mischievously, "Big brother Azi.
Hearing this, Aziraphale wondered what Crowley could have shared with his mother.
Then Alex shook their hands in turn, and Aziraphale appreciated his straightforward, strong grip.
"I'm Alex, Alice's husband and Sarah's father."
"Aziraphale, Crowley's..." he hesitated before continuing, "...boyfriend."
He could tell by the look on Crowley's face that he'd said the right thing as Alex replied with a smile, "Welcome to the family."
Aziraphale had no time to react as a loud cry interrupted them.
"Daddy! Mommy!"
Sarah ran toward them and threw herself into the arms of her mother, who picked her up and kissed her on the cheek, followed by Alex.
Then the little girl turned to Aziraphale and asked, "Is this the surprise?"
Aziraphale nodded and smiled.
Aziraphale saw Sarah's mother cast a puzzled glance at the angel-shaped pendant before she said, "I see your big brother has spoiled you."
"Oh, Mom! It's a special gift. You see, Azi has a disease, he can't see faces. When he came to pick me up from school, he didn't recognize me right away, so a mean teacher wouldn't let him take me. I was sad, and so was Azi. So big brother Crowley gave me this pendant to wear so that Azi can always recognize me. It's cool, isn't it?"
Alice nodded.
"It really is."
Then she put her hand on Aziraphale's arm and said in a gentle, sympathetic tone, "It really must not be easy every day, right? I am even more grateful for what you have done for us."
Then she turned to her husband and said, "Alex, we're going to look into pins or something to wear whenever Aziraphale is here so he knows who we are."
Aziraphale, touched beyond words, saw at that moment where Crowley got his exceptional character.
He said quietly, "Thank you, that's very thoughtful of you."
"It's nothing, we're going to see a lot of each other, aren't we? So if there's any way we can make it easier, we'll find it."
Aziraphale felt the gentle pressure of Crowley's hand on the small of his back and leaned lightly against him, nodding.
Then Alice said to Sarah, "How about we go home, I'm sure you have a lot to tell us."
"Can Crowley and Azi come with us?"
Alex winked at the two men and replied, "I think the boys would prefer to spend some time together."
"But all they're going to do is kiss!"
Aziraphale and Crowley didn't know what to do with themselves as Alice said with a playful twinkle in her eye, "Oh, Sarah, I think you really have a lot to tell us. Now say goodbye and thank you to Crowley and Aziraphale."
The goodbyes took a few moments longer as Sarah found it hard to say goodbye to her two big brothers. She shed a few tears, but soon smiled again as they promised to see each other again soon.
Aziraphale and Crowley watched them go, then Crowley turned to his lover and asked, "Do you want to go home right now?"
Aziraphale shook his head, grabbed his hand, and said, "We have time, let's walk."
They began walking along a tree-shaded path, then Aziraphale asked, "Are you sure you don't want to spend some time with your family?"
Crowley pulled Aziraphale aside and paused before leaning toward his lover, their foreheads almost touching. He murmured, "No, now I want to spend a lot of time with you."
Aziraphale gasped a little as Crowley placed a hand on his cheek and leaned in further until their lips were almost touching. 
Crowley added, "Lots and lots of time. Doing this, for instance."
He let his tongue run lightly and gently over Aziraphale's lips, never slipping into his mouth. Aziraphale sighed impatiently when he realized that Crowley was teasing him, and then, unable to stand it any longer, he closed the distance between them and captured Crowley's lips, his tongue immediately seeking entry, which Crowley quickly granted. 
Aziraphale wrapped his arms around Crowley's neck, and as the kiss deepened, Crowley rubbed his thumb across his lover's cheek in a gentle caress, enjoying the soft moan Aziraphale gave in response. 
The kiss stayed just soft and slow enough not to draw any more attention to them. It tasted of strawberry and vanilla, it was perfect.
Much later, when they parted to catch their breath, Aziraphale breathed, "I want more of that too..." 
Crowley smiled, planted a light kiss on his lover's lips, then said softly, "I think we'll be better off at your place for more of this."
Aziraphale laughed softly, then took Crowley's hand, lifting it to his lips for a kiss before returning to the path they'd been on before this tender interlude.
He said softly, "I think it's your special power."
"What do you mean, my angel?"
Aziraphale said softly, "I want more with you. No, that's not quite right. It's more than that. With you, I know I am allowed to want more."
Crowley replied tenderly, "Oh, yes, you are. And you'll get what you want. Always more."
More kisses.
More tenderness.
More love.
Five years later, as Aziraphale walked through the white flowered archways, he thought that words had never been truer than that day.
He had allowed himself to want and had received so much.
So much love.
So much happiness.
He had grown so much under Crowley's love, just like the plants his lover had carefully tended. His lover's precious plants that were now an integral part of the bookshop's decor.
An integral part of their home.
The bookshop, their home, where the spare room had now become Sarah's bedroom and where she regularly came to spend a few days with her two big brothers, as she called them. Although, as she'd been adding for some time, she was ten, she was all grown up now.
Sarah, who was walking in front of him, dressed in an adorable floral dress, her two braids topped with a floral crown, her angel pendant around her neck, barefoot in the grass where she threw petals, created a path that Aziraphale followed all the way to the altar where Crowley was standing.
Crowley, the only face he could see in this crowd of blurred faces.
Blurred, but some more recognizable than others.
As his eyes swept over the crowd as he moved forward, he recognized Maggie's bracelet, which fluttered as he passed her before her hand fell back to intertwine with Nina's. 
He recognized Muriel's brown curls and Eric's arm around their shoulders.
He recognized Alex and Alice when his eyes met the pins on their clothes.
Then his eyes slipped back to Crowley.
No need for signs, pins, pendants, he could make out the handsome face of the man who would soon be his husband.
As beautiful as the first day.
His miracle.
The miracle that still hadn't faded.
The doctors still hadn't found an answer.
But that didn't matter anymore.
They sat on what had become their bench in the park, and Crowley, after feeding the ducks, asked him, "Why do you think I'm the only one whose face you recognize?"
Aziraphale had turned to him, then traced his lover's features delicately with his fingertips and looked at him for a long time in silence before answering softly, "I don't know. I like to think it's ineffable."
Aziraphale nodded.
"Yes. Ineffable. Inexplicable. I don't need to know anymore. Because it's you and because it's me. Sometimes things are too great or too beautiful to explain. And that's enough for me."
Crowley had said in an emotional voice, "I think that's enough for me, too."
As he took his place across from Crowley at the altar, placing his hand in his, he looked up at the one he loved. 
He could see the same emotion, the same love that was his.
Yes, sometimes things were too great or too beautiful to explain.
They just were.
And that was enough.
Aziraphale stepped outside for some fresh air, leaving the party in full swing.
The sky was clear, a light breeze was blowing, it was a warm summer night.
Perfect for the occasion.
He leaned against the balcony railing and sighed with a sense of contentment. 
The sounds of the party reached him, muffled by the closed doors.
The sounds of those who loved them and were with them on this special day.
Suddenly, he heard the door open and the sounds amplified for a brief moment before the door muffled them again.
Then he felt two familiar arms wrap around him, and Crowley's voice whispered in his ear, "So this is where you've been hiding? Not even 24 hours and you've already had enough of me, Mr. Aziraphale Crowley-Fell?"
Aziraphale chuckled and, leaning against Crowley's chest, replied softly, "As if that's something to worry about. I could never get enough of you, Mr. Anthony Fell-Crowley."
Crowley turned him in his arms and asked earnestly, "Are you sure everything's all right? "
Aziraphale nodded and replied in a firm voice, "Perfectly. Just like this day. I just needed some fresh air and maybe a moment to realize that it's all real. How far we've come since our first meeting. Since my clumsiness, since the time when I thought I'd never be happy again, and how everything has changed in just a week, until this moment."
He raised his hand and looked, overcome with emotion, at the new ring that adorned it.
Crowley raised his hand, adorned with the same ring, and took Aziraphale's, intertwining their fingers before saying softly, clearly overwhelmed as well, "It's huge, isn't it? "
Aziraphale nodded and Crowley leaned in to kiss him tenderly, their hands still intertwined.
The kiss was gentle, almost chaste.
Almost like a first kiss.
Their first real kiss as a married couple, if you didn't count the one at the ceremony.
A light breeze opened the door and the music reached them. 
Slow and languorous. 
They parted to catch their breath, forehead to forehead, and began to sway gently to the music.
Aziraphale rested his chin on Crowley's shoulder and looked out the window behind them, he could make out Alex and Alice dancing together, while Sarah was asleep on Maggie's lap, Maggie having her head resting on Nina's shoulder. Another dancing couple who were unmistakably Muriel and Eric. The young couple seemed to have seen them as they waved their hands in their direction. Aziraphale responded with a smile.
He didn't need to see the expressions on these people's faces because he could feel happiness better than he could see it.
He sighed with contentment and rested his head in the hollow of his husband's neck. Crowley tightened his arms around him as he hummed softly.
Then Aziraphale closed his eyes.
Finally, he no longer needed to see.
For love was all around him.
As visible as the face of the one he loved.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here 
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plaguedoctormemes · 3 months
drop the chicken paprikash resippy 👀
caveat: I don’t use a lot a measurements and just use my eye/intuition/taste buds a lot, so if you need specific measurements you’ll probably be better off following a dedicated recipe online or comparing them to mine. Also, my recipe is by no means traditional as I am just a latino dude living in the southwest and i’m Not Hungarian in any way, and this is a riff off of my mom’s dish rather than the traditional dish itself. I also like to be really descriptive so there’s a lot of steps but this recipe is, in reality, mega easy lol. Okay-
This dish contains dairy. You can try dairy-free sour cream but I’ve never tried it. Lactose-free sour cream is a perfectly fine substitute though!
(Serves 4)
- a large pot big enough to line thighs on the bottom
- A wooden spoon or spatula to stir with, and tongs or something to take out the chicken with.
- Chicken thighs with skins on (i really do not recommend skinless or substituting for breasts at all) enough for 1 or 2 per person
- 1 white or sweet yellow onion
- 3-4 cloves of garlic
- 5 large carrots, or two handfuls of baby carrots.
- 3 Russet Potatoes
- Sour cream (you can use 8 oz, i like to use 16oz because i always use a little more than half)
- Chicken broth (at least 4 cups, I used almost a whole 32 oz carton.)
- Any neutral oil (for frying), olive oil is ok though
- Salt and pepper
- Paprika (If you can get hungarian paprika that’s preferred, but otherwise dont sweat it. The dish is called Paprikash so make sure you have plenty)
- Cayenne pepper
- Dried red pepper strips (I happened to have a bag of them from Trader Joes. This is kinda optional but i liked it so much that i recommend it.)
Optional Ingredients:
- Any other vegetable you want (corn, peas, green beans or diced fresh bell pepper would be good!)
- Tony Chachere’s cajun seasoning (for seasoning the chicken, i put this shit in everything tbh)
- Parsley (for color)
1. Season thighs liberally with salt, pepper (and tony chachere’s seasoning if available), allow to sit for 30 minutes or while you chop veggies.
2. Pre-cook the potatoes partway by using a microwave, oven, or cubing and boiling in water until almost done. I used a microwave since it’s much faster.
3. While potatoes are cooking, slice onion horizontally (into rings) or vertically (into strips), whichever you’d prefer. Slice large carrots into 1/2 cm coins or baby carrots in half. Smash and mince your garlic.
5. Blend entire bag of dried red pepper. It seems like a lot, but it’s not since peppers are mostly air now. If you don’t have a blender, use a mortar and pestle or put into a bag and smash the fuck out of those guys until theyre a powder. It’s okay if it’s not super duper fine. If you dont have dried red pepper, skip this step.
6. Whenever your potatoes are half done, take them out of whatever vessel you chose and carefully cut into large cubes (theyre probably really hot!)
7. At med-high heat, add a couple tablespoons of oil to your pot, enough to coat the bottom. Add your thighs skin side DOWN so that theyre in direct contact with the bottom. Allow the thighs’ fat to render out and the skin to brown a bit. It should take about 6 minutes. If the skin hasnt taken on a lot of color yet, that’s ok- allow a few more minutes and then flip the thighs. Allow the bottoms to cook for another 5 minutes in the rendered fat then remove.
8. Now put in your carrots, garlic, and onion in the pan to cook in the rendered chicken fat. Scrape whatever yummy brown fond has built on the bottom. Don’t sweat about scraping it all up, as youll get most of it later. Cook until carrots are softened but still a little firm and onions are starting to turn translucent.
9. Add your cubed potatoes in with the other vegetables, give them a toss, and take off of the heat so you can add the seasonings- papricka scorches easily. Most recipes use ~3tbs, I swear I always use more like 4. Also add in your powdered red pepper here, as well as 1 tbs of cayenne some more salt and pepper. Mix everything and bring back to the heat, which you will reduce to Medium.
10. Pour in your chicken broth, enough to submerge all of the vegetables. Add about 3 generous spoonfuls of sour cream, mixing it in so that the soup is now a creamy, luscious gravy. It’s important to not have the pot much hotter than Medium so that the sour cream doesnt curdle. This is a good time to do some extra fond-scraping if you couldnt get a lot earlier! The potatoes may soften and deteriorate, and that’s fine.
11. Re-place the thighs back into the pot as well, making sure theyre covered in the gravy. If the liquid doesnt cover the thighs, add some more chicken broth and sour cream until it does.
12. Chop up or tear up a handful of parsley and add.
13. Cover pot with a lid and allow everything to come back to a boil. Let everything mingle together for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. This will re-heat the thighs and finish cooking them. You can also taste the gravy for salt and adjust accordingly. This is also a good time to add some frozen corn, peas and stuff if desired.
And that’s it! You can serve this on top of egg noodles as well since thats pretty traditional, but the thighs and veggies alone with the gravy makes for a very savory and hearty dinner. Make sure you add another ladle-full of gravy on top.
This dish will result in something that sort of resembles a stew with a bright vibrant reddish zesty and creamy gravy, tender vegetables and juicy, tender chicken. The gravy should be chickeny, savory, and delightfully creamy. Paprika is already powdered red pepper, but I feel like adding just normal powdered paprika and then the freshly blended dried red pepper adds an additional fresh, sweet richness to the sauce. Thighs still have the bone in it, so i usually eat this dish with a fork and use my fingers to carefully tear the meat off the bone, and then just pick up the bone once it’s cooled off a little and gnaw on the rest of the meat and the softened cartilage.
My partner and friends really liked it. Next time we’re going to add some chipotle or southwestern red chile to it for some more spice and smokiness to try out.
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jhsgf82 · 2 years
Without Success: The Failed Attempts of Peeta Mellark to Speak to Katniss Everdeen
For @dandelionlovesyou​
Failed Attempt #1 
Age 11 
The first time I try, without success, to talk to Katniss Everdeen, the girl I have this crazy crush on, is the day after I tossed her that bread… 
We’re at school, on the playground at recess. She’s off on her own as usual, and I’m near some of the other boys but ignoring them right now. My friends have been trying to get me to play ball with them, but I’m not in the mood. I can’t help watching Katniss...  
I’ve been feeling ashamed about it, the thing with the bread; I’ve had this sick feeling in my stomach ever since. I just keep thinking I should go over and apologize to her, for tossing her those loaves of bread like she was one of the pigs, instead of handing them to her directly. 
She probably thinks I’m a jerk for doing that, even if she did take them. They must’ve been muddy and gross, I think, frowning. And I feel bad they were burnt, but I knew that was the only way I could give them to her. 
Well, I must’ve been staring the entire time I was having these thoughts because suddenly, she looks up, and our eyes meet. I really like her eyes; they’re so pretty, and different from any other girl’s that I know. I freeze for a moment, because of her eyes; I guess that’s why I don’t look away like I normally do. 
She looks back at me from across the yard, then looks down, and for some reason, she picks a dandelion. She stares at it for a long time, and though it’s hard to tell from the distance, I think she smiles a little. 
I’ve heard that the dandelion is a weed. The yellow color is nice, though, and I like how you can rub it under your chin to tell if you like butter (if it turns yellow). Mine did. Of course, I like butter; I’m a baker’s son. Anyway, I have a thought. To bring her flowers. I’d like to bring her nicer flowers than dandelions, but there are so many around the schoolyard, and she seems to like them, at least, from the look on her face. 
I think to pick a whole bunch of them for her before recess is over, and I set to work. After I’ve gathered quite a few, I begin to head over to her… 
But then I stop. Reaching up, I touch my eye and wince, remembering my punishment for burning that bread. My brother, Rye, tried to cover up the deep bluish-purple color for me this morning with some of Mom’s makeup. He told me it didn’t make me a pansy. I was more concerned Mom would notice some of it missing. The stuff isn’t cheap. He said it was necessary, though, and he only used a little bit, promising she wouldn’t notice. Anyway, it sort of hid my black eye, and I’ve been doing my best all morning not to touch it and rub it off.
I wonder if Katniss will notice if I go up to her. Maybe not the makeup (the shade is pretty close to my skin), but surely, she’ll notice the swelling. Even though I had a bag of frozen peas on it for like an hour last night, it must look all puffy and horrible today. I can’t go up to Katniss looking like this. 
I turn away but look back at her over my shoulder. She still has the dandelion. She’s sitting on the swings alone, staring at it and pumping her legs a little. She looks cute, and lonely. I start to change my mind‒I could go over and sit by her, maybe a few swings down where she can’t see my face too good‒but then the bell rings. 
I shoot her one last look; she doesn’t look at me, and then I sigh. I drop the bunch of dandelions; they fall into a pile at my feet, and I head in with the rest of the class.  
All the way inside I’m beating myself up over my failed attempt at talking to Katniss. Actually, it’s not the first time, come to think of it. The first one was after she sang in the music assembly...  
From the moment she sang, I knew I was a goner. 
I was so impressed. I mean, it was beautiful, and she wasn’t even scared. I would have been scared, to get up in front of everyone like that…  
I wanted to say something to her then, something like… “You sing pretty.” Or, “You sing like the birds, but prettier.” 
I shake my head at my stupid five-year-old self. 
I’m braver now. Better with words, though apparently, not much. I have friends, and I’m even able to talk to girls. 
Just not the one I really want to… 
Maybe tomorrow. 
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fandomwe1rd0 · 4 months
Wrote some angst about what happened after the after-credits scene in "Rattlestar Ricklatica"! Rick feels guilt!
The drive home was silent. Normally they would both be talking or one of them would be sleeping while the other drove. But both of them were awake, neither of them knew what to say. Morty rubbed at his black eye. It hurt. His head was spinning. He saw Rick occasionally glance at him and then pretend like he wasn't. When they got home, they both sat in silence for a moment. Rick opened his mouth and said "M-" then Morty immediately scurried out of the car.
He stayed in his room then Beth called them for dinner. Morty tried to get some sunglasses to cover up the eye. Beth looked at Morty "Morty, we don't wear sunglasses indoors, or at the dinner table." Morty said "W-w-well uh mo-" Beth took them off, dropped the sunglasses and gasped when she saw his black eye. She put her hand on Morty's cheek "Sweetie, are you ok? How did you get that black eye?" Morty gulped and opened his mouth to speak, but then he saw Rick glare at him. "N-nothing Mom….just got it on one of my adventures with Rick…s-someone attacked me and Rick stopped them" Morty forced a chuckle "I-I'm glad that me getting a black eye is all that happened. I-it doesn't hurt that much." Morty lied through his teeth. It hurt like hell. His head was spinning, but Rick was right. There. Morty didn't know what Rick would do to him if he told the truth, he didn't want to know. Beth gaze softened "Ok sweetie…I'm pretty sure Dad has a device that can fix it, why don't you go with him to his garage and get it?" Morty shook his head. The last thing he wanted was to be alone with Rick. Beth asked "Is something wrong sweetie?" Morty shook his head "N-no Mom! I-it just doesn't hurt that much so…" Beth held Morty's hand "Ok…but you should still get something cold to put over your eye, ok?" She kissed Morty's forehead and smiled at Rick "Thanks for protecting him, Dad." Rick looked down "Mhm."
Morty went over to the freezer, he grabbed a bag of frozen pea, he jolted when he heard Rick's voice "Morty can we ta-" He rushed out, forgetting to close the freezer door, and told Beth "I'm not hungry, I'll be in my room if you need me bye Mom!" Although he said it so fast, he's sure Beth only half understood him. He saw out of the corner of his eye that Beth gave Rick a look that basically said "What's wrong with him?" and Rick shurgged. He knew exactly what was fucking wrong. Morty ran to his room and started to catch his breath. He knew going to his room wouldn't do much, Rick would just burst it whenever he wanted. "Privacy" was a forgin concept to him. He eventually fell asleep crying.
Rick sighed in his garage, running his hands through his hair. The thoughts of what happened today ran through his mind. Maybe he was a little too harsh on him. But it wasn't like he wanted to give him that fucking black eye! He had to! He sighed, he tried talking to the kid, but he always just ran away, not like he can blame him, but damn, as if he needed a reason to hate himself more, his favorite fucking person was terrified of him. Hell, he could barely be in the same room with him without freaking out. He went to Morty's room and knocked on the door, probably the first time he did that rather than just busting in. Nobody answered so he just came in anyway.
He saw Morty curled up under the covers, he always looked so peaceful. Eyes relaxed, mouth drooping slightly open, jaw slack, he winced when Morty turned. Showcasing his black eye. A physical reminder of how big of a piece of shit he was. That purple-blueish bruise was haunting him, basically screaming "You're a fucking monster, a stupid fucking piece of shit, you deserve to fucking die." Despite not having a voice. He hated that it was right. He took a device out of his labcoat and healed it, that was the least he could do. He took out his memory gun and toyed with the idea of erasing his memory. But a darker part of himself whispered "Keep it, at least he'll know not to fuck up again." SHUT UP! He sighed, he hated that voice, he hated even more that he agreed with it. He's a piece of shit, a fucing stupid piece of shit. He sighed and sat at the foot of the bed. He put his face in his hand, and only put it up to look at Morty. fuck, that kid was always fucking up, after so many adventures, he was still so naive, he did the quote-unquote "right thing" to a fault, it would be admirable if it didn't put them in danger. But seeing Morty right now, it really showed just how much of a kid he still was, he was definitely harsher than he should be at times. He was a shitty grandpa, but fuck. This was PRIME'S grandson! Why the fuck should he care!? Prime killed his baby! HE stopped himself and took a deep breath Fucking piece of shit. Judging Morty because of his grandpa, what the fuck is wrong with yo- He slapped himself. SHUT UP! He looked over to Morty again and gave a little smile as he patted Morty's head, probably the closest thing to affection that he could show Morty while being sober. He whispered something to Morty that he could never tell him, hell, tell anyone while they were awake "I'm sorry." He left the room, closing the door behind him.
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